2010-06-01 outlook columbus

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outlook june 2010 • vol 15 issue 1

inside: corn politics political endorsements Sugardaddy’s Rita Soronen moms for marriage 2010 Pride holiday guide candi panties pin-up agenda bookmark inheritance sia interview & Local celebrity patricia

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june 2010

Songs Gays Like really means anything from Glee.


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Woof, woof, woof! Oh, and we like the money dog, too.

july 2009


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june 2010

Spicy beefy big meat and the City’s hottest dancing. We won’t lie, this page makes us more than a little excited.


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The Outlook Family & Pride Happy Pride Everyone! We are so excited to bring you The Pride & Family Issue - the biggest edition that outlook has ever produced. This issue is all about family and pride (hence the clever name). Inside you’ll not only find all the Pride Holiday info you need, but also tons on commentary on the state of queer families. We have a lot of work yet to do in our fight for equality. Hopefully this issue will inspire you to take action this month and show our legislature what gay pride is really all about - our unwavering demand for equality. Please lend your voice to the cause. As is this issue is all about family, I want to update you on my second most import family, the outlook family. This year has been exceptional for us. Between making international news with Michael’s groundbreaking Jim Tressel interview to winning an American Marketing Association Award for Best Research Driven Marketing Campaign, outlook continues to be the vanguard in the industry, which is why we are still here today. Whereas a year ago we debated closing our doors, Outlook Media has weathered the storm and is now one of the largest gay media companies in the country. We’re proud of that, and we’re proud of the family of products we provide to the community. But what we are most proud of is you are readers and advertisers who make it possible for us to do this great work. Without your continued support, “America’s Greatest Publication” wouldn’t exist and we’d have crappy

desk jobs somewhere not nearly as exciting. Though we might be much better at Tetris, we’d be a lot less happy. So, from all of us at outlook, THANK YOU!

and a bunch of cool shit you can’t find anywhere else in town and you’ve got the next great place for our community to hang out, connect and shop. Yippee!

As I mentioned last month, we have expansion plans for this year, which are well underway. As of May 14, Outlook Media, Inc is the proud owner of another Columbus-based publication, High Street Neighborhoods Magazine. If you’re not familiar with it, HSN highlights the unique neighborhoods of Columbus while providing discounts to businesses within those ‘hoods. It is our goal to honor the work that former owner Aaron Leventhal put into the ten-year-old publication, while continuing to evolve and improve things for the readership and advertisers. We know, we know, don’t lose the Caskey coupons.

I will be point on most for of the expansion this fall, thanks in part to new hires that are getting me out of the dirty work that is managing the editorial of a magazine. Don’t worry, I’m not giving up the good stuff like creative control or telling people what to do, but crossing Is and dotting Ts won’t be my day-to-day. With that, it’s my pleasure to introduce you to the new managing editor, Jon Dunn and editorial assistant Phillecia Cochran. Jon is our resident NOMO who has two queer siblings and a hell of a lot of writing experience. Philly is an intern we love like a scar who loves grunt work like updating the new website.

With expansion comes more people, which also requires more space. By September, OM will have moved its corporate headquarters from the Short North to downtown. We currently are looking to buy a building in the Red Brick District, and (not to jinx it) with any luck, if we acquire the building we want, getting a hot dog will never be a problem. Keep your fingers crossed.

Oh yeah, we also have a new interactive website with like 10 times the content. (You’re welcome!) No wonder I have no time.

While buying High Street and moving our offices at the same time is huge for us, we figured why not add one more thing? So we are - a retail space. Call us crazy – our mothers do – we are set to open what we think will be a revolution in retail. Blend together one part coffee shop, one part gay bookstore,

Happy and safe PRIDE everyone!

With that I’m off to make our floats, organize our booths (we’re having cornhole this year) and get ready for the best Pride Holiday in the country. Please stop by and say hi!

Chris Hayes Co Publisher

• 5

you are here


open kimono



complete the circuit

meet the family









f: pride costs



f: welcome letters



f: center programs


examined life

f: pride month events



f: meet the grote neal family


f: festival map


deep inside hollywood


ain’t nobody dead



f: friday entertainment


23 frames per second

monthly agenda



mom logic


pin-up candi pantis


f: parade map & sponsors


music is the answer


q-munity: local





f: sat entertainment



events calendar


q-munity: national




about town


f: brunch & BNR

100 interview: sia


poli-sigh: outlook endorsements


not that kind of girl

61 f: volunteer highlights


f: pride around ohio

102 fashion forward


oh dem gays


feature: pride guide


f: how to volunteer

84 trippin’ out: prides

104 food drama!


paper, rox, scissors


f: city proclamation


f: pride safety





small pond

mayor 46 f:proclamation


fine fettle

local celebrity 108 & scopes

outlook columbus is published and distributed by Outlook Media, Inc. the first day of each month throughout Ohio. outlook columbus is a free publication provided solely for the use of our readers. Any person who willfully or knowingly obtains or exerts unauthorized control over more than 5 copies of any issue outlook columbus with the intent to prevent other individuals from reading it shall be considered


67 f: meet swc board guilty of the crime of theft. Violators will be prosecuted.

The views expressed in outlook columbus are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily reflect the views, policies, or personal, business, or professional practices of Outlook Media, Inc. or its staff, ownership, or management. outlook columbus does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness or reliability of any interpretation, advice, opinion, or view presented.

savage love

Outlook Media, Inc. does not investigate or accept responsibility for claims made in any advertisement. Outlook Media, Inc. assumes no responsibility for claims arising in connection with products and services advertised herein, nor for the content of, or reply to, any advertisement. All material is copyrighted ©2010 by Outlook Media, Inc. All rights reserved.

This is the beginning of the next 35 minutes of your life. Happy pride and happy reading.

Jack Fertig, a professional astrologer since 1977 teaches at the International Academy of Astrology www.astrocollege.com. He can be reached for personal or business consultations at www.starjack.com,

june 2009


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From Left to Right: Robert Trautman, Chad Frye, Dominic Presutto, Mary Malone, Chris Hayes, Phillecia Cochran, Michael Daniels, Jon Dunn

Michael Daniels Michael is a pinko-socialist tree-hugging neo-pagan gay who believes in marriage equality, universal healthcare, and the magic of unicorns. Along with his trusty sidekick and husbwife, Noka Davers, he spends his time fighting injustice, educating the masses on the power of niche markets, and burning Karl Rove books on tape. To supplement his income and Noka’s shopping habits, he moonlights as a Marian Harris impersonator. He is the secret lovechild of Dixie Carter and Bea Arthur - inseminated with the seed of Harvey Milk - and enjoys Thai food, America’s Next Top Model marathons, and the color plaid. Christopher Hayes Master of the Universe Christopher Hayes thinks the world would be a much better place if Reagonomics actually worked, Iron Man was real and there was a restaurant that just served corn. As Columbus’s most eligible bachelor that no one knows, he constantly wrestles with the paradox of being universally wanted while still having very few dates. As a Catholic, red(ish) head and dyslectic professional queer publisher, he lives a life of irony prolifically demonstrated by his allergy to ginger. Not nearly as poetic, Hayes is also allergic to nutmeg and onions, which make him a narcoleptic poopaholic, and his Thanksgiving dinner a bitch. When not drunk on Appletinis or Manhattans (yes you can like both) he enjoys waving at other Jeep owners, watching Cougar Town and dreaming of the day when Garbage will go back on tour. Ok, the last two happen whether he’s drunk or not. Hungover or not, he’s always grateful for his family and friends who love him despite his incessant mumbling and his unnatural hostility when doped up on caffeine.

Robert Trautman Traut is a highly caffeinated graphic designer whose job it is to understand the big picture and distill any complexities into engaging, attractive designs fit for public consumption. He’s pretty good at it too. His evenings are often spent listening to an array of noise from his diverse music collection while either painting, shooting photos or working on freelance projects. When not working in the outlook design sweatshop, he spends as much time as he possibly can with his wonderful, loving and patient partner, Jeff who can sometimes be seen performing at area discotheques under the name of Candi Panties. Traut lives an interesting life of art, design, photography, travel and gay. Ideally, he hopes one day to become an anthropomorphized homosexual speak and spell with a penchant for painting.

Chad Frye Chad would do anything for love, but he won’t do that. Wait, what was the question? This reformed young Republican turned left-of-Gandhi liberal inexplicably knows all of the words to “The Thong Song”, and every line of the US Constitution. These both come in handy at political fundraisers, and strangely, Mormon weddings (he loves temple clothes). But don’t be put off by his fancy pants –or lack thereof; when Chad isn’t crossdressing, cutting his own hair, pooping in the girls room or fighting with his lover Jim, he’s hocking outlook’s wares. Think of him as a man in a smoking jacket, with a brow like Shakespeare and a face like Satan. When you least expect it, he’ll discreetly beckon you into an alley and opens his jacket. In place of contraband watches, there will be pieces of advertising designed to hit every aspect of the gay market and make your business successful. Or he’ll be fully nude. Regardless, just follow him into the alley, ok?

Phillecia Cochran Phillecia is outlook’s resident constantly-harrassed-intern-turned-constantly-harrassed-editorial-assistant. She would love to respond to the names Phillecia, Phil, or Philly but has been forced to respond to Fellatio - a name so lovingly given to her by Chad Frye. When not at the butt of jokes about having female genitalia, she is a sometimes barista and lives with her barista girlfriend Ashley. Together, they are the foster parents of two wonderful cats (hold the jokes), can rock your world with delicious espresso-based beverages, and are Pixar animated film enthusiasts. Phillecia will hold a degree in journalism and art from Otterbein and as a result, is expecting an eternally empty checking account. She is a left-swinging atheist who not-so-secretly wishes she could be a drag queen and that Shane McCutcheon was a real person.

Jon Dunn Transplanted from the East coast to the Ohio Valley. University in the hills of Athens. Years of writing as a ghost nestled in the shoulder of the Big Machine, now finally out of the cubicle. A guitar player, traveler, friend and one who finds the art in everyday life, Dunn is now outlook’s official resident NOMO.

Dominic Presutto Dominic, A.K.A. the sexually harassed outlook intern, is a recent graduate of Ohio Dominican University, and for a time was the only straight arrow in the very gay quiver that is outlook. He began volunteering his graphic design services in November 2009, and has enjoyed the experience, and appreciated the opportunity immensely. His spare time that isn’t spent with friends is spent working on personal design/art projects, taking photographs, drawing comics, and trying to find one of those “jobs” he was promised when he was given the Bachelor’s degree that put him in debt.

OWNERS AND PUBLISHERS Michael Daniels & Christopher Hayes


NATIONAL ADVERTISING Rivendell Media - 212.242.6863

HEADQUARTERS Outlook Media, Inc. 815 N High St, Bsmt Ste ii Columbus, OH 43215 614.268.8525 phone 614.261.8200 fax www.outlookmedia.com

BUSINESS DIRECTOR Michael Daniels: mdaniels@outlookmedia.com

ADVERTISING DEADLINES Reservations by the 15th of each month. Art in by the 20th.


Mary Malone Mary is the righteous mama of a 4-year-old daughter. Both enjoy playing dress-up, making up recipes from whatever’s left over in the fridge, and singing off key. (Mary is still trying to live down her late night impression of Nancy Sinatra’s, These Boots Are Made for Walking from two decades ago). With lots of experience in sales and advertising, she is now in charge of managing outlook’s newest endeavor, High St. Neighborhoods, all well as supporting the growth and success of outlook by promoting businesses to the most lucrative niche market in the city. As a queer deadhead and aspiring lesbian, she is a niche within a niche, and understands what it’s like to live outside the standard categories. Plus she knows just enough hippies (like her girlfriend Lisa) to help you disappear from the grid….seriously. A moderate, and self-proclaimed Clinton Democrat, she can successfully dodge all incriminating accusations and has mastered the art of answering a question with a question.

june 2010

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF & ART DIRECTOR Mary Malone:mmalone@outlookmedia.com Christopher Hayes Chad Frye: cfrye@outlookmedia.com hayes@outlookmedia.com ADVERTISING ACCOUNT REPS

MANAGING EDITOR Jon Dunn jdunn@outlookmedia.com CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Jennifer Vanasco, Collin Burton, Wayne Besen, Tom Moon, Regina Sewell, Gregg Shapiro, Romeo San Vicente, Jack Fertig, Simon Sheppard, Dan Savage, Ryan Harris, Mette Bach, Elliot Fishman, Mickey Weems,

Adam Lippe, Mikey Rox, Tim Miller, Michael Daniels, Chris Hayes, Jon Dunn, Tara McKenzie Allison, Chris Azzopardi, Mario Pinardi, Diana Landen

CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS Robert Trautman, Dominic Presutto

INTERNS Dominic Presutto, Phillecia Cochran

We’re a pretty handsome group when we all clean up and smile pretty for the camera. All EIGHT of us. Bwahahahahaahhahahhaha.

CYBERSPACE http://www.outlookcolumbus.com http://www.outlookweekly.net http://www.outlookmedia.com http://www.networkcolumbus.com http://www.flickr.com/outlookweekly http://twitter.com/outlookcolumbus http://www.myspace.com/outlookweekly http://www.facebook.com/outlookcolumbus


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Staggering distance from the festival.

june 2010


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june 2010

Think green. Then think greener.


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DADT RALLY May 10, 2010

Oh, we luv bof Dem Gays.

Scott’s title is Youth Caucus Director, hehe you said caucus

Advocating for equality on the Hill.

DADT RALLY May 10, 2010



Signs of the times.

Congressional partners and advocates.

No comment. (It’s not an outlook staffer)

Peg & Pete enjoy making a Spinelli sandwich.





Diesha’s double dipping

Courage Unmasked

Suzanne recruits another COWIC advocate

Net working noshes

HIGH ST. SIGNING May 14, 2010

HIGH ST. SIGNING May 14, 2010

HIGH ST. SIGNING May 14, 2010

KOMEN WALK May 15, 2010

and penning the deal to buy High Street Neighborhoods.

Walking for our sisters, our brothers and ourselves.

Young Dems, red wine, and old cheese.

DADT RALLY May 10, 2010

Shaking hands ...


... exchanging documents ...

Come to our events, get your mug on one of these pages!

june 2010


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june 2010

{om} - even prouder of our family of staff, partners, and readers. Happy Pride!


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KOMEN WALK May 15, 2010

KOMEN WALK May 15, 2010

KOMEN WALK May 15, 2010

Balloons for Bazooms.

Pretty in Pink.

You’re all smiling aren’t you?

PANDORAS BOXX May 15, 2010

PANDORAS BOXX May 15, 2010

PANDORAS BOXX May 15, 2010

Freesia, gargling something someone put in her mouth.

Pandora’s obviously seen the Union kitchen.

Don’t eat the shellfish, girl. I’m just sayin’ ...

... oh, crap. I just ate the shellfish!

PINK PARTY @ WALL ST May 16, 2010

PINK PARTY @ WALL ST May 16, 2010

PINK PARTY @ WALL ST May 16, 2010

PINK PARTY @ WALL ST May 16, 2010

Coin. Operated. Boy. er, girl, er dragqueen ...

Yes, Ma’am!

Naked girls singing.

Raising money to save second base.

PINK PARTY @ WALL ST May 16, 2010

STONEWALL May 23, 2010

STONEWALL May 23, 2010

STONEWALL May 23, 2010

Tassels t wirling to raise money for titties.

Digging in, smiling wide.

You don’t have to drink while talking to JS, but it helps.

Which is better, teeth or no teeth? You judge the smiles.

The towel is for sweat, we swear.

PANDORAS BOXX May 15, 2010


Surefire way to make it into outlook. Men, dress like women. Women, undress.

june 2010


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We Are Not One Issue Voters

African-American LBGTs are here and drowning in our silence. I understand that Columbus is very Caucasian-heavy, but still I exist.

To the Editor,

Amber Owens Columbus, OH

A big misconception of the GLBT community is that we are “one issue voters,” but this year’s Democratic primary proved otherwise. The Central Ohio GLBT community played a major role in three races essential to Ohio’s future. The 25th House District featured first-time GLBT candidate John Sowers who had the guts to run until the end against a smart, capable, and well funded candidate. In spite of a gay opponent, Mike Stinziano did not surrender GLBT votes and worked hard to secure our support. In the big surprise of the race, outlook endorsed the non-GLBT candidate. The 15th Ohio Senate race was hard fought between Charleta Tavares who has served the GLBT community long before it was popular, Dan Stewart – who never gave up on HB 176, and Oyango Snell, who has spent time reaching out to our community.

Similarly, the chaplains argue that this would impact their “ability to counsel” because “service members seeking guidance regarding homosexual relationships will place chaplains in an untenable position.” By this logic, we also should ban all service members whose gambling habits, treatment of spouses, and views on abortion, politics, or the economy are not in As a longtime advocate for equal rights for all citizens, regardless of race, religion, gender, or line with those of the chaplains. As a Baptist sexual orientation, I am deeply troubled by the minister, I frequently counsel people whose beliefs on a number of subjects are not exactly in views expressed in a letter from a group of retired military chaplains to President Obama and line with the religious or moral values that I emDefense Secretary Gates. It is so fraught with il- brace. Such a challenge in counseling comes with the territory of being a clergy member. logical reasoning, one almost does not know If forced to interact with gays in the military, where to begin in discussing its content. this group of chaplains says they will be presented with a moral conundrum. Yet, Jesus said The chaplains claim that their religious freedoms would be threatened if gays serve openly we are to love other people as he loved us - the in the military. Yet, repealing “Don’t Ask, Don’t love of Jesus was inclusive beyond measure and graceful beyond imagination. In fact, this Sun-

Perhaps the most contentious, the US Senate race, where, after spirited debate, Stonewall Democrats of Central Ohio joined the Cleveland, Akron and Mahoning Valley Chapters to endorse Jennifer Brunner over Lee Fisher. Both candidates equally support the rights of GLBT Ohioans. Tavares, Stinziano, and Fisher prevailed, but the real winners - the GLBT community. Why? We had choices - we could select a candidate on issues that matter to us individually and not just select the most “gay friendly” candidate. We think its great Stonewall Dems and outlook shook things up a bit and supported those who appealed most to them. We also respect those who chose to remain neutral hoping not to offend friends. All and all, our community exhibited political maturity and diversity as we supported and selected those we individually felt would best represent all of our interest in the Ohio Legislature and US Senate.

Tell” in no way would hinder chaplains from voicing their personal moral convictions and theological doctrines. The chaplaincy should represent the diversity of faiths in the military, not simply one point of view.

Chaplains’ DADT Letter to Obama and Gates is Wrong

day, Christians around the world will be studying Jesus’ admonition for his followers to love others as he has loved them - often called “the new commandment.” The views expressed by the chaplains are the antithesis of the themes of love and inclusion commended and demonstrated by the Christ from whom they form their religious identity. If Christian chaplains followed the teachings of Jesus they would have no problem joining any military member in prayer or spiritual thought. Our servicemen and women deserve chaplains who support and comfort them as they carry out their military duties regardless of their individual lifestyles. Sexual orientation is no more a hindrance to that mission now than was racial identity years ago. Repealing “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” is a step forward in equality and justice for all citizens. When chaplains find the government’s pursuit of these goals to be a threat to their values, we must ask whether something is askew with their values. Rev. Dr. C. Welton Gaddy Interfaith Alliance President

Mel Fuhrmann, President Michael Sheline, Vice President Stonewall Democrats of Central Ohio

Where’s the AA? Hello Mr Hayes, My name is Amber. I have read the outlook publication on numerous occasions. I have not been satisfied with the views of the publication since it lacks a direct voice from the African-American let alone lesbian community. The recent article on Double Discrimination really did no justice to AA-Lesbians. I am not a professional writer however I see myself as a voice for what I encompass. How would I be able to be a featured journalist within your publication? I wouldn’t mind focused pieces where you give me my theme. We,


june 2010

Want to get your voice into outlook? Send us your comments at editor@outlookmedia.com.


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Visit GOHI at their Pride Booth right next to outlook’s! We’re nothing if not convenient.

june 2010


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Veterans Fight for DADT Repeal by Brian Endicott By the time the ink dries on this article, the fate of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell – the law prohibiting gays and lesbians from openly serving in the armed services – will be clearer. Advocates of repeal are taking slightly different approaches in the House of Representatives and the Senate, with a strategy that focuses on mustering 15 votes in the Senate Armed Services Committee and a majority in the House when the Defense Authorization Bill reaches the floor. We’re so close to a repeal that the Human Rights Campaign alongside Servicemembers United and 73 partner organizations hosted a Veterans Lobby Day in Washington, DC May 10-11. I was able to attend along with fellow Army veteran David Goetz and civilian supporter Paul Todd. We had more than 350 participants on Capitol Hill, representing 40 states, and they attended more than 250 different meetings with Congressional Representatives. The two-day event began with participants attending White House and Pentagon meetings; where the tone echoed recent statements from the administration, with discussions centering on how change should be implemented, not whether or not change would occur. The second day was full of congressional visits – with our Ohio delegation (which included the three of us from Columbus along with attendees from Cincinnati, Dayton, and Toledo) attending a total of seven meetings. We met with Representative Dennis Kucinich (DLakewood), as well as the staff members from Representatives Mary Jo Kilroy (D-Columbus), Steve Driehaus (D-Cincinnati), Bob Latta (R-Bowling Green), Steven LaTourette (R-Painesville), and Senators Sherrod Brown and George Voinovich. Representatives Kucinich, Kilroy, and Driehaus along with Senator Brown are all co-sponsors of the Military Readiness Enhancement Act, the legislation to repeal Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. David and I, both being veterans, were truly humbled that even civilians (including Paul) from around the country came forward to speak out on this issue. Paul carried a voice on Capitol Hill for soldiers currently serving who are prohibited from speaking for themselves. The majority of participants, though, were veterans representing all branches of our armed services. Together, we took an unequivocal message to Congress that the military is already comprised of gay soldiers who perform a range of tasks from driving an M1A1 tank (which was my job), to Military Police officers such as David, to the first American soldier injured in Iraq, Eric Alva, and Jarrod Chlapowski, who is a Korean linguist who left the Army because of DADT. We carried our message not as gay men searching for equality, but as soldiers and citizens seeking the strongest military possible – a military only conceivable without DADT. DADT goes against every ideal that makes our military the best in the world. It diminishes unit cohesion and destroys the integrity that is the backbone of honorable service by requiring soldiers to lie. To this day, more than 14,000 soldiers


june 2010

have been discharged under the policy, costing the United States military more than $350 million. An estimated 65,000 more gay men and women are serving today, most of who serve in secret. Now is the time to end this discriminatory policy and strengthen our military by ending Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. Eric Kohring PFLAG Scholarship Winner Announced by Peg Allemang PFLAG Columbus is happy to announce that Edgardo Medina, a senior majoring in Psychology with a minor in Sexuality Studies, is the Eric Kohring PFLAG Scholarship winner for the 20102011 academic year. Not only has Edgardo successfully maintained a rigorous academic schedule but he has also been a valuable advocate to the OSU GLBT community. PFLAG Columbus members will indeed welcome him to attend any PFLAG meeting. We look forward to meeting him in person and hearing more about his plans for the coming academic year. His OSU GLBT activities include GLBT Cohort, HRC campus group and Fusion Fridays. Edgardo is also a member of a newly founded campus organization for students of color called Shades, formed to address homophobia and racism within their own campus community. This organization also provides a safe place for these students to address their concerns regarding this issue. In addition to his class work where he has accumulated a stellar academic record, Edgardo managed to complete 40 hours of training for crisis management intervention and now serves BRAVO as a supportive voice and inspiration to callers who have experienced violence. In addition, he is Latino Group Facilitator to support Latinos living with HIV. Edgardo has even more philanthropic plans for the future. He plans to spend even more time as a leader not only in the GLBT community, but also in the GLBT communities of color. In his words, he aptly describes himself as “A sign of diversity within diversity.” Edgardo Medina is definitely the student that Eric Kohring had in mind years ago when he dreamed of making a difference in the lives of GLBT students by providing a stipend to enable one student to devote more time to serving the GLBT community at OSU.

all in Central Ohio. PRIDE Gives is a group for LGBT supporters of United Way that has no minimum-giving requirement. Join us for the launch of PRIDE Gives on Saturday, June 19, from 2p-4p at the residence of Rajesh Lahoti and Travis Sampson. The address is 110 Buttles Ave., Apt A1, Columbus, OH 43215. Both the PRIDE Council and PRIDE Gives are very proud to support the work of Stonewall Columbus, Kaleidoscope Youth Center, LifeCare Alliance and other agencies contributing to the success of Central Ohio. Can’t make it to the launch? Then visit www.liveunitedcentralohio/pridegives, or become a fan on Facebook at Pride Council Columbus. Join us and Live United! Anticipation is building around the 21st Annual Ohio Lesbian Festival! The 21st Annual Ohio Lesbian Festival will take place September 10-12, 2010 at Frontier Ranch, just east of Columbus. Internationally renowned musical artists Laura Love, Alix Dobkin and Martine Locke will be performing at the weekend festival. There will be 3 different stages this year Saturday Day and Night Stages and a Sunday Day Stage so be prepared for more exciting performer announcements to come. OLF is offering, for the first time, the opportunity for women to camp on the festival grounds on Friday night! Avoid the wait in line on Saturday morning and get a jump on the Saturday activities by buying the weekend ticket. There will be an outdoor film festival and bonfires on Friday night and then early morning workshops such as yoga for the weekend campers. The festival auction items on eBay currently include lesbian fiction and erotica books, leather pants, books on cd, etc. Check out our auctions at http://shop.ebay.com/ohiolbafest/m.html?_nkw= &_armrs=1&_from=&_ipg=25 and keep the festival healthy by bidding on some great items. Check back daily for new merchandise. Through July 5th you can order festival tickets at a special “Early Bird” price. Order right now and you’ll get $15 off the ticket price at the gate. The Early Bird price for a weekend pass is $60, a Saturday/Sunday ticket is $50. Go to www.ohiolba.org to order online or for instructions on how to order your tickets by mail.

Peg Allemang is the Scholarship Chair of PFLAG Columbus.

The Next Big Thing: PRIDE Gives by Stephanie Campolo The United Way of Central Ohio’s PRIDE Council, newly launched this January, has already received national acclaim for its leadership in serving our LGBT and greater central Ohio communities. This summer PRIDE Council unveils PRIDE Gives, the next big thing in advocacy, volunteerism and philanthropy for central Ohio’s LGBT community. The mission of PRIDE Gives is to reach out to the LGBT community and work to improve the lives of

Outlook Media purchases bi-annual publication High Street Neighborhoods Outlook Media, owner of brands such as outlook: columbus magazine and Network Columbus, has purchased High Street Neighborhoods magazine from publisher Aaron Leventhal. Leventhal published the magazine for 10 years and was the publication’s exclusive travel writer, and will continue to write for High Street Neighborhoods. Leventhal will also continue as editor for the fall 2010 issue, and as a sales associate of the publication through 2011.

High Street Neighborhoods magazine showcases Columbus’s unique neighborhoods while offering its readers coupons and discounts to various businesses in the Short North, Arena District, Clintonville, German Village, and other neighborhoods on and near the High Street corridor. Outlook Media co-owner Michael Daniels commented on the purchase by saying, “We are extremely proud and excited to continue the tradition Aaron Leventhal started with High Street Neighborhoods. We are looking forward to adding this popular publication to our portfolio of products. Our purchase of High Street Neighborhoods increases our ability to offer businesses niche markets through our targeted product platforms, as well as editorial that helps strengthen the essence of the community and create conversation in the urban core.” Co-owners Michael Daniels and Chris Hayes also publish outlook:columbus magazine, central Ohio’s politically-slanted alternative monthly. outlook:columbus is rated as Columbus’ #1 media choice of the LGBT and allied community, as well as newcomers to Columbus who have lived in the City five years or less. It is also a publication of choice for African Americans, Latinos, young progressive professionals, urban residents, and working women 18-45. “I’m pleased that Chris and Michael will continue the goals and traditions of High Street Neighborhoods,” Leventhal said. “For ten years, we’ve focused on branding and marketing businesses on and near High Street, promoting owner/operated stores and corporations that believe in our neighborhoods, and being a good community citizen – giving back to non-profits and community service projects. I’m confident that the new publishers will continue and enhance those traditions.” Outlook Media and its brands can be visited online at http://www.outlookmedia.com. Short North Fitness’ Vasilios Birlidis and Outlook Media Win 2010 Achievement In Marketing Awards Our community won big at the Achievement In Marketing Award this year. Short North Fitness Director of Marketing, Vasilios Birlidis, won Best Corporate Brand at the 2010 Columbus American Marketing Association Achievement in Marketing Awards. Mr. Birlidis was honored for his work creating the brand for the 4,600sq ft. cutting-edge fitness facility at the The Jackson on High. The AMA award he has won is a welcome addition to the Mixed Media, National Consumer Addy award he won for his work on The Jackson on High website, marketing materials and print ad campaigns. Outlook Media won its AMA for Best Research Marketing Campaign with its Niche Marketing 270 seminar and sales strategy. Niche Marketing 270 demonstrates the need and power of advertising to niche markets, like the LGBT, women, and people of color communities. For more info on Niche Marketing 270 or to have it presented at your business, contact Michael Daniels at 614.268.8525 or mdaniels@outlookmedia.com.

mogul (noun) - magnate, tycoon, VIP, notable, baron, captain, king, lord, grandee, nabob; bigwig, big shot, big cheese, top dog, top banana, big kahuna


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We love A&F for their commitment to our community - and their never-ending eye candy!

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Roughstock School for Rodeo Curious, June 5-6, 2010 The Illinois Gay Rodeo Assoc is set to train cowboys & cowgirls at their Rodeo School “Roughstock Boot Camp” June 5 & 6 at Six Guns Ranch & Arena. Six Guns is about 30 miles south of Chicago and is the site of the Windy City Rodeo, which will take place August 21-22, 2010. For $30 per event, attendees can learn steer riding and wrestling, calf roping as well as goat dressing and how to work those and other events and also enjoy a BBQ dinner, bonfire and breakfast. For more info or to register, e-mail president@ilgra.com with your contact info and whether you’re a beginner or have done rodeo before. Learn more about gay rodeo at the International Gay Rodeo Association website, www.igra.com where there is information on rodeo events and important safety information. Campus Pride Summer Leadership Camp July 20-25, 2010 Campus Pride organizes the only Summer Leadership Camp for LGBT and Ally college students. The five-day camp experience works to develop stronger undergraduate student leaders and safer, more LGBT-friendly colleges and universities. Participants have the opportunity to learn valuable campus organizing skills, coalition building and strategies for creating change at colleges and universities. This year’s camp is hosted by Vanderbilt University in Nashville, TN. Cost for the camp is $895. Limited scholarships available. To register or more info: http://www.campuspride.org/camp.asp, 704.277.6710 or info@campuspride.org. Franken Introduces Student Non-Discrimination Act in Senate to End Anti-LGBT Discrimination in Schools GLSEN applauds the introduction of the Student Non-Discrimination Act in the Senate by

Senator Al Franken and 22 cosponsors as an important step toward ensuring that all students are valued and respected and can learn in an environment free from harassment and discrimination. The Senate version is a companion bill to H.R. 4530, introduced by Rep. Jared Polis in the House early this year, which would prohibit discrimination in schools on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity/expression. Rep. Polis’s bill currently has the support of over 100 representatives. “GLSEN thanks Senator Franken and SNDA’s 22 Senate cosponsors for making a commitment to ensuring that LGBT students can learn without the fear of being discriminated against simply for who they are,” GLSEN Executive Director Eliza Byard said. “SNDA will send a clear message to schools that they must address the hostile environment many LGBT students face in schools.” Nearly 9 out of 10 LGBT students (86.2%) experience harassment at school because of their sexual orientation, and 60.8% feel unsafe at school because of their sexual orientation, according to GLSEN’s 2007 National School Climate Survey. The harassment clearly affects students’ ability to learn. A third of LGBT students (32.7%) missed a day of school in the past month because of feeling unsafe, five times higher than a national sample of all students. “It’s time that we extend the protections of our nations’ civil right laws to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender students across the country,” Franken said. “No student should be subjected to the ridicule and physical violence that LGBT students so often experience in school. It’s time we demanded equal treatment for all of our children under the law.”

cation, civil rights, medical and social justice organizations including: GLSEN, American Civil Liberties Union, American Counseling Association, American Psychological Association, Interface Alliance, NAACP, National Association of School Psychologists, National Association of Secondary School Principals, National Council of La Raza, and School Social Work Association of America. 630 New DADT Discharges Discovered, Website Launched Servicemembers United, the nation’s largest organization of gay and lesbian troops and veterans, today released a newly obtained document from the National Guard Bureau showing 630 additional discharges pursuant to the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell law that have never before been counted in the Department of Defense’s official “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” discharge numbers. The document, obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request by Servicemembers United, only reports Army National Guard discharges from fiscal year 2004 through fiscal year 2009. Annual discharge numbers from other National Guard and Reserve components have yet to be released. “These newly released data confirm what Servicemembers United has long suspected – that the official annual ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ discharge numbers are underreported and incomplete,” said Alexander Nicholson, Executive Director of Servicemembers United and a former U.S. Army interrogator who was discharged under Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. “The Department of Defense has adopted its own Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy regarding the full and complete disclosure of these numbers over the years, and unfortunately the methodology by which this information has been requested, collected, and assembled by outside organizations has been flawed. What’s more is that there are even more discharges that have yet to be disclosed, and we’re still working on obtaining those

SNDA is endorsed by more than 25 LGBT, edu-


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We love a good gay rodeo. Bring on the steers and queers!

data.” The commonly accepted annual Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell discharge statistic combines the total number of discharges reported by the Department of Defense for each of its active component branches with the total number of discharges reported by the Department of Homeland Security for the Coast Guard. However, the Office of the Secretary of Defense’s Freedom of Information Office has confirmed to Servicemembers United on three separate occasions in late 2009 and early 2010 that the internal source of their annual Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell discharge numbers is the Defense Manpower Data Center, and that Defense Manpower Data Center statistics do not include discharges from the National Guard or the Reserves. Last month, Servicemembers United released the total fiscal year 2009 “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” discharge numbers reported by the Department of Defense and the Department of Homeland Security. Those numbers were 428 and 15 respectively, bringing the “official” 17-year discharge numbers up to 13,425. These newly released numbers now bring the 17-year total number of discharges to at least 14,055. For more information about Servicemembers United, please visit www.servicemembersunited.org. For the latest information on discharge numbers, polling, statistics, studies, and other archival and reference information related to the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell issue, please visit www.dadtarchive.org. SU also just launched a new online resource to serve the military partner community - www.MilitaryPartners.org. The website is designed to serve as the new home for Servicemembers United’s “Campaign for Military Partners” initiative and will provide links to LGBT-inclusive military resources, a robust blog about the experiences of military partners, a support forum for military partners, media coverage about the plight of partners, and more. outlookcolumbus.com

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Michael and Chris will buy a cocktail for every person wearing glasses more fabulous than Gregg Dodd’s that day. Are you up for the challenge?

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Elections 2010: outlook’s General Election Endorsements by Chris Hayes and Michael Daniels In our May issue, we gave you our primary thoughts, and now it’s time to share with you how we see the November 2010 elections and our choice of candidates. It’s not too early to start thinking about these critical races.

Pepper has shown moxie as a Commissioner in blood red Hamilton County, supporting repeal of their punitive anti-GLBT legislation and championing progressive causes. Eric Brown is among our strongest, most vocal allies on the bench, and remains so at the Supreme Court.

Let’s start with a recap of the top of the ticket state races. We spelled these out for you in May and will reproduce them here for completeness. Governor Ted Strickland and Lt. Governor candidate Yvette McGee Brown, Secretary of State candidate Mary Ellen O’Shaughnessy, State Treasurer Kevin Boyce, State Auditor candidate David Pepper, State Attorney General Richard Cordray, and Chief Justice Eric Brown all have our endorsement. Here’s why.

In the other race for Ohio Supreme Court, we like Judge Mary Jane Trapp. A progressive who knows how to win in deep-red country, Trapp has a long history with women’s and minority issues, and was instrumental in bringing a course titled “Access to Justice and Fairness in the Courts: Sexual Orientation” to the Ohio Supreme Court’s Judicial College. She has a proven track record of fairness, service, and distinguished legal knowledge and experience, and she deserves our vote in November.

Strickland is a longtime ally of our community, and his running mate, YMB, knows us and our issues. From signing an executive order prohibiting GLBT discrimination to supporting HB176 to implementing policies at the YWCA that were pro-GLBT, this dynamic duo has our backs, and we have theirs. Their opposition, former Congressman John Kasich and current State Auditor Mary Taylor are anti-progressive teabaggers with nothing to show in terms of support of diversity or valuing anyone who is not a donor to their campaigns. Granted that Ted hasn’t championed any new legislation and just reinstated an old executive order, he has made some progress. He’s also been busy dealing with a budget deficit China would love to get financed and we all know the second ‘nothing left to lose’ term is where he can let it all gay out. We strongly suggest he does. O’Shaughnessy has been a strong supporter of our community during her time on Columbus City Council and will continue the openness and diversity that the SOS office has enjoyed for the past four years. Her opponent, State Senator John Husted, has voted with our community on the issue of GLBT adoption, but his current run to the right, touting himself as the only ‘true’ conservative in his own primary, gives us pause as to how far he will bow to the right-wing powers that control his purse strings. Cordray’s credentials are beyond question, having received HRC awards long before it was fashionable to do so, and Boyce was a strong progressive voice on Columbus City Council. Both have continued their commitments to our issues in their current offices and should be retained. Cordray’s opponent is former US Senator Mike DeWine, who has shown his true colors in voting against us time and time again at the federal level. Boyce’s opponent is, perhaps, the most insidious candidate running. Josh Mandel supported full GLBT equality when he was student body president at OSU, yet voted against HB176 as ‘not good for business.’ Hypocrisy is the worst form of politics. Shame on you, Mandel.


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For US Senate, we endorse Lt Governor Lee Fisher over former Congressman Rob Portman. Fisher is a longtime friend of the community, who has, for decades, supported HRC and stood up for HIV/AIDS when no one else would, and has recently stated his support for full marriage equality. We’re 100% Fisher. Go Lee! The US Congressional races are also easy for us – we endorse incumbent Congresswoman Mary Jo Kilroy in the OH-15 over former State Senator Steve Stivers, and Franklin County Commissioner Paula Brooks in the OH-12 over incumbent Congressman Pat Tiberi. Both of these ladies have fought for us, and we now are committed to fight for them. For Franklin County Commissioner, we endorse longtime ally of our community Marilyn Brown in her re-election bid. Marilyn has been instrumental in bringing domestic partner benefits to County workers and is among the most progressive politicians anywhere in Ohio. For Franklin County Auditor, our choice is our very own Terry J. Brown. TJ is highly qualified with a deep and thorough understanding of property valuation and tax implementation – the #1 role of the County Auditor. He brings a perspective to this office that is much needed, and would be the first openly-GLBT candidate elected to County office. For Court of Appeals, 10th District, we’re behind Edward Parks and Julia Dorrian. Parks is the underdog in his race against sitting Judge Judi French who ran against Tom Tootle years ago and wasn’t above gay-baiting to win her robes – intolerable in any candidate, particularly unseemly in a jurist. Dorrian continues the family tradition of excellence, service, and commitment to the entire community and will make an excellent Appeals Court judge. For the Franklin County Court of Common Pleas, we support Ron Plymale, Judge Julie

Lynch, Mark Serrott, Judge Pat Sheeran, Judge Laurel Beatty, Judge John Bender, Judge Richard Frye, and Judge Kimberly Cocroft in the general division, newly-appointed Judge Alan Acker for the probate bench, and Jamie Campbell for the domestic division. We are confident that all of these candidates are aware of how their immensely powerful roles as judges impact our community and are sensitive and fair to us and to our concerns. For the Ohio House of Representatives, we endorse incumbents Marian Harris (H19), Nancy Garland (H20), John Patrick Carney (H22), Ted Celeste (H24), Tracy Heard (H26), and W Carlton Weddington (H27). They all backed HB176 and are friends of the progressive community. We endorse David Robinson in his bid for H21, Steven Harp in H23, and Michael Stinziano in H25. Robinson showed our community his commitment and aptitude in his run for US House two years ago and will make an excellent State Representative. Harp is an admitted long-shot in his race, but we’re behind him and would like nothing more than to see Cheryl Grossman sent packing after her insulting and unnecessary vote against HB176. Stinziano is youthful, bright, connected, savvy, and we feel that he is one of the rising stars of the Democratic Party who will be a strong progressive voice in the House. For the Ohio Senate, we strongly endorse Charleta Tavares in her race for S15. Tavares is a veteran of the House and the voice of social consciousness on the Columbus City Council. She will be our strongest ally in the Ohio Senate. In the race for S3, we give the nod to Libertarian candidate William Yarbrough. He is a young, energetic candidate with a commitment to fairness and equality. His Republican opponent, Kevin Bacon, voted against HB176, and the rogue Democrat, Mark Pfeifer, has been sued by the Democratic Party for his underhanded primary tactics and has repeatedly expressed his support for anti-equality Constitutional amendments and DOMA legislation. The people of this district deserve a Senator who will represent all of them as equals and that candidate is Bill Yarbrough. And last but not least, history in the making; we wholeheartedly support Nickie Antonio, the out lesbian Democratic candidate for state representative in Ohio House District 13. Antonio is currently a member of the Lakewood City Council and has lived in Lakewood with her partner and two daughters for over 25 years. There is no GOP candidate for this seat and since the Independent dropped out, Nickie will be the only candidate for H13 on the November ballot, which means she’ll win her election and will be sworn-in in January as Ohio’s first openly gay state legislator! Rock on!

If you’re not registered to vote, put down this magazine right now and GO REGISTER ONLINE at your county board of elections.


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The real smart money advertises in outlook. Call Chad or Mary today. 614.268.8525

june 2010



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We’re Here! We’re Queer!

Where’s the party? by Collin Burton June is the month when the nation’s LGBT and allied community hit the streets to march and say, “We’re here, we’re queer, where’s the party?” And why should this year be any different? Many readers have asked me why 2010 is such an important year for LGBT voters. In my conversations with the community around the state, it’s apparent that everyone misses the energy that surrounded the ’08 election and want to be involved in another movement that is larger than any of us as individuals. This year, Ohioans have the opportunity revive that momentum by rallying to elect two strong, openly gay candidates – Nickie Antonio and Terry Brown – and by raising our collective voices in support of Ohio House Bill 176, the Equal Housing and Employment Act. Throw in the incredible Democratic candidates running at the state and legislative levels, as well as, the many Pride and LGBT-friendly festivals occurring around Ohio in June and early July, and you got one big, gay, political month to enjoy! First, let’s discuss the gay candidates. Nickie Antonio is currently serving as a member of the Lakewood City Council (Cleveland area) and is running – UNOPPOSED – for the Ohio House of Representatives in the 13th District. The openly lesbian mother of two 25-year-old daughters and partner to Jean Kosmac, Nickie has been an active public servant for many years and on many levels. Nickie’s campaign is focusing on jobs, smart growth, and health and human services. Oh and let’s not forget her legacy: in November, Nickie will become the first openly gay state legislator in Ohio history! At the local level, Terry Brown is running for Franklin County Auditor – an office that manages everything from dog licenses to real estate appraisal. In the May primary, Terry came away with the second highest number of votes of any candidate running at the county level (and he’s not an incumbent!). Terry’s tenure in the Franklin County Treasurer’s Office, where he utilized technology to help homeowners avoid foreclosure, has afforded him the experience necessary to successfully pilot the County Auditor’s office. These incredible candidates will be joining a large group of progressive state legislators who have supported House

Bill 176, Ohio’s Equal Housing and Employment Act. H.B. 176, if passed, would make it illegal for employers to discriminate based upon actual or perceived sexual orientation and gender identity. It would also make it illegal for a business to deny a person public accommodation for the same reasons. Until the day this bill passes the Senate and is signed into law by Governor Strickland (he has said he would immediately sign the bill if passed), you run the risk of being kicked out of any business simply for being yourself – a gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender or even straight human being! Recently, many Democratic officials have raised their voices and called for Senate President Bill Harris to move HB 176 into committee. On May 12, Senate Democratic Leader Capri Cafaro wrote a passionate letter urging Harris to take action on the bill. All 12 members of the Senate Democratic Caucus signed the Leader’s letter in support of the bill’s passage (www.twitpic.com/1ng1eb). Then, on May 19, Ohio Treasurer Kevin L. Boyce wrote Harris a letter touting 176’s merits by underlining its necessity as “a matter of basic civil rights” and describing the bill as “a pro-business piece of legislation.” While all of this is happening at the Statehouse, you’re probably wondering how you can get involved in your community! That’s where the ODP LGBT Caucus and our allies in LGBT organizations come into play. Join the LGBT Caucus this month to help elect LGBT and equality-minded Democratic candidates at all levels of government. We have many volunteer opportunities: organizing, canvassing, phone banking, helping with Election Protection efforts, interning – you name it. Email me at lgbt@ohiodems.org and I’ll connect you with your Regional Field Director. A large portion of the Caucus’ outreach effort in June and through the summer is focused on Pride and LGBT-friendly events. On June 12, after the HRC Columbus Gala Dinner, the Caucus will be hosting a celebration of Democratic equality at Union, Havana and Axis; complete with a drink special that supports the LGBT Caucus! Also, we will be at every Pride and every LGBT-friendly festival in the state (a total of 17 different events!); and I will personally be at 14 of these events around the state! The ODP LGBT Caucus will also be joined by candidates and elected officials in the Columbus (June 19), Cleveland (June 26) and Cincinnati (July 4) Pride parades. We need high energy volunteers to walk in parades and circulate at festivals to excite the community about November’s election and to help us recruit volunteers! Search “ODP LGBT Caucus Pride” on Facebook for invitations to each pride event and check our wall for daily updates. It was great hearing from everyone in May! Please continue to add your thoughts to the Caucus Facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/ohioLGBTdems) and Tweet me http://www.twitter.com/ohioLGBTdems. Happy Pride, Ohio!


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Michael calls them braces. Chris calls them suspenders. Regardless, they’re overkill when wearing a belt.


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Ted and David share a barber. So do Michael and Marian.

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Gotta Give ’em Hope by Mikey Rox Before I knew what gay meant, my idea of pride consisted of a family of lions. Of course, as I began to understand my sexuality and subsequently accept it, pride took on another meaning. But I’m still not someone who celebrates the entire month of June surrounding myself with all things gay. In fact, I’m rather repulsed by pride celebrations – especially the parades – because, admit it or not, they’re less about demonstrating dignity and self-respect than they are about waving dildos and glorifying sex. That’s not to say that I’m not proud to be gay. I am. Very much so. I just choose to mark my diversity differently – by fighting for equality, for instance. On Valentine’s Day, my fiancé and I became engaged. If you’re an Internet junky, you may have read about it. I proposed to him via an article titled “5 Financially Savvy Steps to Popping ‘The Question’,” which was published on the budget-living site LifeStyler.com. He responded in an appropriately techie fashion by accepting on Facebook. As I expected, we received criticism for our non-traditional engagement from anonymous haters, but by and large the media loved it. We were featured on LGBT gossip site Queerty, as well as mainstream outlets such as MediaElites, Nerve and Gothamist. Later that day, while the euphoria of deciding to commit our lives to one another was still fresh, we entered Crate & Barrel’s $100,000 Ultimate Wedding Contest. The contest had recently launched and at the time there was only one other same-sex couple vying for the prize – they were friends of ours and they didn’t want us to enter. But that didn’t stop us. I’m not afraid of a little friendly competition, and we figured we had just as fair a shot at winning as any other couple – gay or straight. Upon entering, we received an overwhelming amount of support – from family, friends and, again, the media. In the weeks after throwing our proverbial hat into the ring, we were featured on the blogs Joe. My. God., Wicked Gay Blog, What Would Tyler Durden Do?, and After Elton, among a host of other sites.

With so much exposure, we knew we had a chance to do some good. While we were fully vested in competing in the contest, it also provided us a platform to talk about some the issues that we face as gay people, including marriage equality. I was invited to write an op-ed making a case for marriage equality in my hometown newspaper, and we seized every opportunity to promote fairness toward same-sex couples within the context of the contest and America in general. The concept that we’re accidental advocates is rather interesting to me, however. I’ve always been annoyed by people who don’t care about an issue until they’re directly affected. It happens all the time. Someone’s family member succumbs to cancer and they become the next Nancy Goodman Brinker, participating in every 5K that comes to town and begging for money via e-mail. Except I get it now. Before I became engaged, marriage equality wasn’t on my radar. I felt like it wasn’t my battle, so someone else should fight it. Perhaps I would still feel that way if I weren’t poised to marry the man of my dreams. I’d still be sitting back, letting others do the dirty work. But things have changed. I can’t remain idle when discrimination affects my immediate future. We want – no, we deserve – the same rights as everyone else. It was then that my fiancé and I started thinking – what else can we talk about with intelligence that will progress, however minutely, equality initiatives? Thus, as a Navy lieutenant (hands off, boys; he’s taken), he bravely decided that it was time to come out publicly and discuss in open forums “don’t ask, don’t tell.” In the months since he took a stand against the outdated, offensive DADT policy, he’s given interviews to the Seattle Gay News and Oklahoma’s Metro Star News; we published a unique piece together, wherein I interviewed him about his time in the Navy, that appeared in many LGBT publications across the country (including this one); we were the subject of a documentary project by two Columbia University students; he filmed a PSA for Cyndi Lauper’s Give a Damn campaign; and we marched (and he delivered a speech) at Harvey Milk Day of Action near our home in New York City. These opportunities have brought us closer. We’re not just two


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gay guys cohabitating anymore. We’re partners who are invested in equality – for us and for others – and we’re committed to doing whatever we can to further advance these initiatives. It makes our relationship more fulfilling, more rewarding and – brace yourselves – more passionate. That’s because we’re passionate – about each other and about the world in which we live. In addition to DADT and marriage equality, we’ve identified other opportunities to discuss why equal rights are imperative and imminent. On the issue of teen suicide, I provided a story to the Give A Damn campaign about my best friend who killed himself when we were 18 years old because he was gay. And in a few weeks, a video story I recently filmed for Nathan Manske’s I’m From Driftwood project, about an act of violence that I experienced in high school because I’m gay, will be featured on his site. As Pride Month kicks off across the world, I’ve reflected on the work in which my fiancé and I have engaged in the past few months. And once again, pride has new meaning. For us, being proud isn’t about parades or parties. It’s not about letting the world know we’re gay simply for the sake of shouting it out. Instead, pride is about believing in something, standing up for what’s right, being vocal and visible, and working toward a common goal – in this case, equality. You may think that individual activism doesn’t make a difference. What can one person do, right? But that’s precisely the kind of thinking that keeps our community’s issues in the closet. This month, I urge you to take strides toward making an impact. Go out and enjoy the camaraderie, but in doing that think of ways you can advance the LGBT mission. March. Write. Blog. Beg. Do whatever is in your power to show that you have pride – and perseverance. We need all the help we can get. In the name of Harvey Milk, it’s true: I’m here to recruit you. Mikey Rox is an award-winning writer/journalist and the principal of Paper Rox Scissor, a marketing and advertising company in New York City. He can be reached at mikey@paperroxscissors.com.

Michael has a Gay Pride shirt. It’s pink, with a group of obviously homo male lions. Best shirt ever.


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Mark your calendars - it’s all about Dem Gays in June.

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Not Your Daddy’s Brownie Sugardaddy’s Sumptuous Sweeties Savors Success by Jon Dunn “Respect the brownie!” intones Mark Ballard, cofounder and owner of Sugardaddy’s Sumptuous Sweeties, while co-founder and partner, Tom Finney, begins to laugh. Mark and Tom have good reason to respect the brownie: it’s letting them enjoy their own brand of sweet success on their own terms. Sugardaddy’s specialty is brownies, but these amazing brownie confections are quite a way from the normal but popular treat. “We wanted to make Sugardaddy’s a name, something that would be memorable and reflective of what we were trying to achieve,” says Mark. An upscale, unique product and presentation was the key for taking the brownie to a different level of respect. Tom took his passion for baking and began developing the unique brownie treats in 2003, after years of preparing confections for friends and family. As Sugardaddy’s vision began to take focus, Mark pushed him to develop a companion “blondie,” which uses a brown sugar rather than chocolate batter, to complement the brownie offerings. Already an established presence on the Internet and at the Powell location, the duo has just opened their second retail location at the corner of Gay and High streets downtown. “We found that many of the Powell location customers either lived or worked downtown, so we researched it and found that this was a prolific zip code among our customer base,” Mark explained. They also discovered that downtown more people just stop in and check us out, and the regular customers who visit the store will often return with new faces in tow. These new faces quickly light up as they saunter through the elegant, but inviting showroom. Tables are thoughtfully steeped with cleverly packaged treats, coolers offer a selection of complementing


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beverages and the counter display case reveals the day’s repertoire. Samples are readily offered to introduce the confections to customers. Even within this impressive and upscale setting, Sugardaddy’s products remain the star attraction.

tory to replenish those in the case. The freshness of the product is a top priority; there are no day-old items or anything prepared days in advance. “Often, there are days where we will sell out the inventory and once it’s gone, it’s really gone,” Tom says with a smile.

treat. “We’ll represent the ultimate evolution of the brownie,” Mark adds with a smile.

With such a successful business model, the duo has been approached to create franchising opportunities and they admit to entertaining the idea. Creative collaboration is the heart of the SugarHowever, their dedication to superior quality and daddy’s brand. “Everything is pretty much all A sign that hangs above the TLC counter reads the nature of the product leaves a difficult artistic, offers Tom. “We try to bounce things off of “Oven to Door in 24,” referring to the speed of the dilemma. Each batch of brownies are made from one another and develop these ideas together.” in-store or Internet ordering process. “A customer’s scratch with fresh ingredients and created with a The business partners, who have been a couple for order is baked, packaged and shipped overnight time-consuming baking and preparation process. nearly 20 years, find that two different personali- express the day they order, so it can arrive the very There are no bags of mixes or pre-prepared ingreties can create a unified sense of vision and pur- next day. This lets the customer to pick when they dients that could simply be shipped and assempose. “Building a home, a life and a business want the order delivered,” Mark explains. “If some- bled at another site. “It would require master together is a collaboration,” Tom continues. “We one‘s birthday is on the 24th, you can place the baker and an equivalent support staff to maintain never said ‘You’re responsible for this or I’m reorder on the 23rd and they’ll have it on their birth- the level of quality we represent,” Tom insists. “We sponsible for that;’ we just worked these responsi- day! Packaging is also completed as the customer would not be comfortable at all until we could be bilities out as we went along.” This balance is also requests, offering a wide array of display choices sure the product and service standards we’ve esthe key to their lives together outside of the work- to craft a very personalized, thoughtful gift. tablished could be met.” place. “We complement and complete each other,” Tom says. Though the new location is introducing Sugar“Since every part of the process is done by hand daddy’s to a wider local audience, the brand had and the recipes are so specific, we need to have Both men have backgrounds in marketing and already made a splash in Hollywood. “The Food people that would follow our directions to the letter brought those skills to bear on the crafting of the Network helped make our business,” Mark says, and have the same ingredients and dedication to Sugardaddy’s brand. Before the website was referring to their winning appearance on the net- the product quality,” Tom explains. Offers to purlaunched on Sweetest Day in 2005, they had a fully work’s popular Throwdown With Bobby Flay televi- chase the Sugardaddy’s brand are also rebuffed realized product ready to sell. “We had a complete sion series. “After the initial airing of that episode, as Mark and Tom remain dedicated to their initial vision and we wanted the packaging, the branding our website was swamped with orders. Each time shared vision. As partners, they’ve worked to and the presentation to reflect the superior quality it repeats, we have a noticeable spike in orders, achieve a balance between success and personal of the product,” explains Mark. Everything in the too.” That appearance and having the brownies pride in what they are doing for themselves and product line and stores is carefully but thoughtfully featured on the Ellen DeGeneres Show helped to the community. “We wanted to own and operate a designed to present the product in an elegant, up- cement the Sugardaddy’s sensation. “We spent all business that we were 110% proud of, something scale light. of 2006 beating the doors down, trying to get the that would be memorable and reflective of what products on her show,” Tom explains, “and we fi- we are trying to achieve,” Mark says thoughtfully. Their selection of products can vary from day to nally got to a producer who would accept the prod- “We didn’t want to follow anyone, we wanted to day. This includes 20 different brownies and uct. Two weeks later, he called back and we have stand out. We are the excellence of it.” blondies, brownie bark, brownie ice cream, truffles, been on her show for over three years now!” The Sugardaddy’s Sumptuous Sweeties is located at 11 East Gay biscotti, brownie cheesecakes and their popular brownies are featured in the gift bag the show “Pocket Change,” which is the edges trimmed gives to each guest and they are frequently men- Street in Downtown and at 329 Cameron Avenue in Lewis The stores are open from 11a - 6p, Monday through from the “edgeless” brownies and packaged for tioned on the show. Later this year, Sugardaddy’s Center. Friday. They can be reached at 614.888.4491 and www.sugretail in one-pound bags. Each set of treats is will be in the spotlight again as they are part of a ardaddys.com. made for sale that day, with no additional inven- History Channel special about the once humble

These guys make our mouths water ... blondies and brownies and daddies, oh my!


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You can’t miss Out With Our Elected Officials - Network Columbus, June 9 at the Statehouse!

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If you perfect Defying Gravity, you’ll be pretty Popular as you go Dancing Through Life.


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Our Children. Our Families. We’re all in this together. A conversation with the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption’s Rita Soronen by Michael Daniels A long-time ally of our community, The Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption’s Executive Director, Rita Soronen, has advocated tirelessly on behalf of GLBT families and GLBT foster youth. For this PRIDE issue, focusing on “Our Families,” Rita gives us her insights, perspectives, and support. MD: The theme of this year’s Pride celebration is “Our Families.” You at the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption spend your time trying to find forever families for adoptable children in foster care. Tell us about these kids - how many there are, where they come from, and why finding forever families for them is so important. RS: Last year, 460,000 children entered the foster care system as victims of physical, sexual or emotional abuse, neglect and/or abandonment. For more than 123,000 of these children, their abuse was so egregious that the courts legally and forever separated them from their families and now they are waiting to be adopted. When children are permanently removed from their families, we make what should be an unbreakable promise – we will quickly find an adoptive family for them. Yet, due to challenges of the child welfare system, a lack of potential adoptive families, and minimal awareness of foster care adoption, each year more children enter the foster care system freed for adoption than leave it to adoptive families. From birth to 18 years of age, these children can wait five years or more to be adopted, move three or more times in foster care and are too often separated from siblings. And, each year 26,000 children, 1 in 5 who are available for adoption, turn 18 and leave the foster care system without a family. By finding adoptive families for every child, we not only assure them a permanent home and a supportive community in which to grow, but cherish the notion that a safe and loving family is a fundamental right for all children.

of-home systems of care and have specific needs that are not being met. Many states’ child welfare systems routinely subject GLBT youth to discriminatory treatment, deny them appropriate services and fail to protect them from violence and harassment. All too many GLBT youth, in care, routinely experience verbal, physical, and sexual abuse. Providing a safe, supportive and bias-free home environment, where these young people can be themselves, can help assure they have the same opportunity as any other child to grow and thrive to their full potential. MD: DTFFA has been a leader in advocating on behalf of all families including those with single or coupled GLBT parents. How did you arrive at that stand? Have you taken any flak for it among other groups? What would you say to people who oppose adoption (or foster care) by GLBT parents? RS: The Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption is indefatigably committed to three core beliefs: 1. Every child deserves to live with a safe, loving and permanent family; 2. No child should linger in foster care or leave the system at age 18 without a permanent family of their own; and 3. Every child is adoptable. The Foundation insists that anyone associated with the organization, from grantees to staff and board members, agrees to a non-discrimination policy of conduct, including sexual orientation or marital status. Though we know there is still progress to be made in adoption rights, last year in the United States, more than 17,500 children were adopted from foster care by single parents (31%) or unmarried couples (2%). These families, like the children we serve, are rich in their diversity. Providing a safe environment supportive of each child’s unique background, talents, identity, experiences and needs is paramount. Understanding, accepting and supporting the diversity of families who step forward to adopt from foster care is critical in assuring a successful adoption and a thriving family.

MD: Do you have any data on how many GLBT youth are in foster care awaiting adoption? How do the needs of these youth differ from youth in general - or do they differ? RS: Though the numbers are hard to count because they have learned to hide who they are and fear for their safety, there are thousands of GLBT youth in child welfare, juvenile justice, and homeless programs throughout the country. Between 11% and 40% of homeless youth are GLBT. Over half of homeless youth have spent some time in foster care.

MD: DTFFA is a leader in encouraging companies to become more adoption friendly in their policies. Can you talk a bit about what types of things companies can do to help encourage and support adoptive parents? RS: Dave Thomas, who was an adopted child and founder of Wendy’s Restaurants and the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption, started an adoption benefits in the workplace initiative more than 15 years ago. He simply began calling other CEOs and suggesting they add adoption benefits to their human resource packages because, “It’s the right thing to do.”

GLBT youth are a significant population in out-

In an effort to continue in Dave’s tradition and


encourage companies to support adoption, the Foundation educates and encourages employers to offer adoption benefits and annually recognizes the nation’s 100 Best Adoption-Friendly Workplaces. The Foundation’s 100 Best list is based on the amount of financial assistance and paid leave provided by the employer’s adoption benefits policy – without regard to company size. Companies are increasingly offering adoption benefits to their employees, including financial reimbursement for adoption expenses, paid leave ranging from 1- 16 weeks and unpaid leave in addition to the Family Leave and Medical Act. The Foundation has seen yearly increases in the number of employers offering adoption benefits, from only 12% in 1990 to 51% in 2008. Businesses recognize their value to both the employee and the company. For the adoptive parent, the monetary support is tremendous, and having time off to bond with their child is equally critical. For the employer, adoption benefits are an affordable way to enhance employee recruitment, retention and goodwill. MD: What opportunities exist for our readers who want to become involved in the lives of

Buy a Frosty. Help a foster child. See page 53.

foster children who are available for adoption, and how can they learn more? RS: There are many ways to help a child in need. Learning more about children waiting to be adopted and understanding the dynamics of child abuse and neglect and its impact on child development and family and community evolution is an important first step. Considering foster care and/or adopting from foster care, of course, will help the hundreds of thousands of children waiting for families in this country. Our staff can connect interested individuals with the appropriate agency in their community and a free comprehensive guide to adoption. And, of course, support. We are proud to share that for every $1.00 donated to the Foundation, 90¢ goes back to direct service and awareness programs aggressively moving children from temporary care into permanent adoptive homes. Donations to the Foundation help us realize Dave Thomas’ core belief that “these children are not someone else’s responsibility. They are our responsibility.” For more information about the children waiting to be adopted, to receive our free materials, or to make a donation, call the Foundation at 1.800.ASK.DTFA or log onto www.DaveThomasFoundation.org

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Pride Awards 2010 by Mickey Weems Shame-WOW! Pride Now! Awards I’m starting a new tradition. Henceforth, I will be giving Pride Awards every June for a variety of categories, determined by whatever strikes my fancy. In addition, there will be Shame-WOW! (as in “WOW! You are such an ASS!”) Awards given to those whose atrocious behavior towards our community crosses from insult to comedy. Since our community so relishes a good read, let’s start with Shame. Shame-WOW! Awards The Non-Gay Award goes out to Reverend George Rekers, who spent 10 blissful days in Europe with Lucien, a hot number he picked up on rentboy.com. Keep in mind that Rekers is not now, never has been, and never will be Gay. Rekers has made serious green as an advocate against LGBTQ people on issues such as marriage and adoption. And it’s a good thing old George is not Gay, despite receiving nekked massages from Lucien and Lord knows what else (Rekers claims he was preaching Lucien the Gospel, no doubt with a special emphasis on Peter), George adopted a 16year-old boy who is now Lucien’s age! George “Rentboy” Rekers joins the ranks of other famous Non-Gay men such as Larry “Wide Stance” Craig, Tom “I Like To” Cruise, Aaron “Confirmed Bachelor” Schock, Al “Call Me” Green, and Eric “Snorkling” Massa, as well as, Non-Lesbians like Elena “Switch-Hitter” Kagan, Virginia “Bigger Dick Than You” Foxx, and Lindsey “Grandma” Graham. The Bitter Queen Award goes to Josef Ratzinger, whose drag name is Benedict (which means “Good Penis” in Italian) XVI. We have yet to confirm if the “16” refers to length, girth, or preferred number of rentboys coming over to the Papal quarters in Swiss Guard drag so he can preach the Gospel to them. The Clusterfuck Award goes to the Teabaggers, a


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name given to the group by Fox News until they discovered that teabagging is a popular pastime for sacksuckers. Besides being racist, paranoid, and corporate puppets, they are also homophobic, as attested in a presentation by Teabaggus Ron Kirkland who, when asked about Gays in the military, said, “I can tell you if there were any homosexuals in that group, they were taken care of in ways I can’t describe to you.”

Ancestral Gay Homeland Award goes to Canada. No matter where we are, we can go to Canada and be treated with respect. You want to see the LGBTQ family in force? Go to Church Street in Toronto or Rue Ste.-Catherine in Montreal.

All the bullcrap in the USA about hiding hate speech behind freedom of speech does not apply in Canada. Hate speech of any kind is against the law, period. And Canadian lack of sympathy for It is obvious that Kirkland is just another Non-Gay such vileness led to a rude awakening for occafaggot like Rekers. No sane person would admit to sionally-witty-but-always-nasty Ann Coulter when committing violence against somebody due to she brought her sideshow to our Northern Neighsexual orientation, especially since it is now a fed- bor (oops! Neighbour). erally recognized hate crime. The only logical conclusion is that “they were taken care of in ways I Tranny Fierce Award goes to the Chennai and can’t describe to you” means Kirkland forced ho- Mumbai Trans communities. They have held the mosexuals to shove their cocks up his ass. first (December 2009) and second (April 2010) national Miss India pageant for transwomen, and And speaking of Teabaggers, The Shame-WOW! these girls were sizzling. Too often, transwomen Unbelievable Clown Award goes to Rand Paul, are thrown out of their families in the billion-pernemesis of racism who stands up for the rights of son South Asian powerhouse, so they form famiracists. But what does Rand’s cognitive dissolies of their own simply to survive. Now the nance have to do with homophobia? communities are able to take the next step: unadulterated glamour. Way to go, girls! Simple! Paul said he believes private businesses should be able to discriminate against whomever Make It Work Award, of course, goes to Tim Gunn, they choose because of free speech. When called the patron saint of pure class. We’ve seen him out for his rather remarkable nod to free-market carry himself with solid integrity, a guardian angel Jim Crow, he retorted, What if a business did not to all who go through the grueling competition of want people bringing guns into its establishProject Runway. Coupled with the Angel of Death, ment? Heidi “Auf Wiedersehen” Klum, the two of them make the show the delight that it is. But what My answer is this: the gun-toters can leave their makes it especially poignant for me is the way guns at home. It’s not so easy for those of us who Gunn sometimes gets misty-eyed when he listens are African American to leave our Black at home, to Gay contestants in their homes talk about what or for those of us who are Gay to leave our Fabuthey have to overcome as they grew up. Love you, lousness at home. Rand Paul, you were not named doll. Call me. after Ayn Rand, but rather the better part of you that Rand-down your father’s leg when your par- At the risk of being a brown-noser, the Sports ents were busy conceiving you, baby. Even Rachel Award goes to Michael Daniels for his interview Maddow couldn’t save you from firmly teabagging with Jim Tressel in the March issue of Outlook. Apyour foot in your mouth. parently, others agree with me, such as The Advocate, that this article is a game-changer. Credit for Pride Now Awards: We Are Family opening up dialogue concerning LGBTQ people and big-time college team sports has to go to Time to quit being catty and give awards to the big Tressel as well as Daniels. At personal risk for his dogs of our community. career and possibly his own safety, Coach Tressel

consented to speak with Daniels about the possibility of Gay athletes in The Ohio State University’s football program. A total class act, Tressel said the following: “One, we are a family. If you haven’t learned from your family at home that people have differences and those strengthen the whole, then you are hopefully going to learn it as part of the Ohio State football family.” I asked Daniels if receiving the award in the publication he runs would be nepotism, he said, “It’s not nepotistic if I’m receiving it.” So there. The Best Item of the Year goes to Glee. It is Gayfriendly and much more, pretty much standing up for all the downtrodden, while simultaneously being totally un-PC as the character Sue Sylvester channels Anne Coulter (if Coulter were consistently funny). If you’ve not seen it, you should. Despite the Auto-Tuned voices and schmaltzy plots, it is the best thing to happen to LGBTQ rights, especially for our Queer youth. The Pride Award for Best Person of the Year goes to Jane Lynch, the actress who plays Sue Sylvester. Overkill with the Glee praise, you might ask? Well, yeah. Katie Couric recently interviewed out-and-proud Lynch. Jane is smart, funny, and humble. At one point, she turned the tables on Katie, getting Ms. Couric to talk about her own career. Jane also had praises for Ellen DeGeneres. “I think Ellen coming out was huge and groundbreaking, and [things] kind of shifted,” she said. “There are some people who will never shift, and that’s OK.” Then a little bit of Sue Sylvester peaked out: “They’ll probably be dead soon.” Jane Lynch is a goddess.

You don't deserve the power of Madonna... simply put, you have all the sexuality of all those pandas down at the zoo, who refuse to mate. - Sue Sylvester


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This not Lot’s wife. Those are not pillars of salt.

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Bill McCollum’s Political Prostitution Is The Real Story In Rent Boy Saga by Wayne Besen Sure, it’s scandalous when an anti-gay charlatan employs a male escort to lift his sack and rub his back. But the larger story is that Florida’s Attorney General, Bill McCollum, hired now disgraced professor George Rekers for $120,000 to testify as an “expert” witness in favor of the state’s ban on allowing gay people to adopt. He did so knowing that Rekers testimony had already been debunked and lacked credibility. While the handsome Jo-Vanni Roman was a bargain for Rekers at $75 per night, “Big Spending Bill” bilked taxpayers for a handsome sum of money to defend his bible-based bigotry. As the rent boy hoopla begins to subside, people should begin to focus on the far more dangerous rent-a-quack industry, where puritanical politicians funnel public money to fellow fundamentalists who twists facts in the name of faith. “Rekers is part of a small cadre of homophobes-for-hire that charge top dollar for their bogus ‘expert’ witness testimony despite the fact that they’ve been discredited over and over again,” Nadine Smith, Executive Director of Equality Florida, told me during an interview. “McCollum knew this guy was a fraud but he paid him anyway to burnish his conservative credentials. While thousands of children languish in


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the foster care system and hundreds age out of the system never having been adopted, Rekers is an ideological hired gun who will distort the truth for pay in defense of this law that dehumanizes gay people and denies children in need of stability and permanency that only adoption can bring.” Rekers was paid a $60,900 retainer in Florida. He also received a $59,793 payment for hourly billing, according to the Department of Children and Families, for 402 hours at about $150 per hour. The office of the Florida attorney general, Bill McCollum, which was defending the DCF’s policy in court, made the payments. Rekers, an officer of the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality, testified in 2008 that LGBT people have a higher likelihood of depression, drug addiction and failed relationships. He claimed these ailments made them unfit parents who could not provide stable homes for children. Of course now we all know that Rekers thinks its okay to rent boys, not raise them. What McCollum got for the loot was pure lies at the expense of taxpayers. MiamiDade Circuit Judge Cindy Lederman found that Rekers testimony was “motivated by his strong ideological and theological con-

victions that are not consistent with the science. Based on his testimony and demeanor at trial, the court can not consider his testimony to be credible nor worthy of forming the basis of public policy.”

science. That is what a man of good character and strong morality would have done. Clearly, McCollum has no problem abandoning the facts in the service of justifying his faith.

Of course, McCollum, a Republican who is now running for Florida governor as a “fiscal conservative” had to have known that he was wasting public money. Rekers had already testified in Arizona against gay foster parents. But the judge called his testimony “extremely suspect and of little, if any, assistance to the court.”

McCollum’s actions were a clear violation of the public trust and he has a duty to return the money to the state he was elected to represent. It would be nothing less than disgraceful if he did not pay restitution for the political prostitution that happened on his watch.

Rekers also testified on behalf of the state of Arkansas. A two-year legal battle followed after Rekers billed the state for $165,000, more than the state wanted to pay. The case concluded with Rekers receiving a $60,000 settlement, according to the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette.

As for George Rekers, he should return the dough he has not yet squandered on rent boys to Florida, Arizona and Arkansas. He bamboozled taxpayers and should not get away with it. Of course, now we all know why he needed a strapping young man to lift his baggage. They could possibly have been filled with dirty money from his antigay money-grab in Florida.

In an Orlando Sentinel article, “Big Spending Bill” admitted that he hired Rekers because he could not find a credible mental health expert to testify in favor of the ban. “There wasn’t a whole lot of choice,” said McCollum. Well, there was a choice. McCollum could have decided to save the peoples’ money and not place a disreputable witness on the stand that he knew was pushing junk

The money ain’t for nothin’ and the boy’s for free.

It seems that Jo-Vanni Roman’s biggest mistake was that he was in the wrong business. The quickest way to make a buck is to buck reality and provide propaganda for ambitious politicians such as Bill McCollum. Wayne Besen is the Founding Executive Director of Truth Wins Out and author of Anything But Straight: Unmasking the Scandals and Lies Behind the Ex-Gay Myth. Read more at www.truthwinsout.org.


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If you don’t stop by to see her, she’ll cut a bitch. She ain’t playin’

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Those are elephants. Not heffalumps. Or woozles.


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Destroying Gay Families – Doing It To Ourselves by Michael Daniels In the fight for equality, marriage, and parenting rights, we as a community have made great strides, and have great strides yet to go. When we achieve the right to marry, or to have children together, we must face the inevitable – what happens when we break up? How do we divorce? What happens to our kids? It seems that, at least in some recent cases, we’re willing to hide behind the anti-GLBT legislation that we first fought to overturn. Many same-sex parenting cases are working their way through the courts and becoming high-profile in both the way they are being adjudicated and the way in which the parties are behaving toward one another, toward our community, and most importantly toward their children. Let’s examine some of these cases. All are in Ohio. All involve two women and a child at the heart of the battle. In the case of Kelly Mullen (bio-mom) and Michele Hobbs (non-bio mom), the story is rather as you might imagine. Mullen and Hobbs were in love, partnered, and decided to have a child together. Mullen was inseminated, and the light of their lives, baby Lucy, was born. Fast-forward four years; Mullen and Hobbs have split up. Hobbs wants to remain part of Lucy’s life – she’s her other mom, after all. Mullen refuses. Hobbs sues. In Hamilton County. In December of 2007, Hamilton County Juvenile Court magistrate D. Kelley rules that, under Ohio law, Hobbs cannot be considered one of Lucy’s legal parents, but adds “Mullen did relinquish partial custody to Hobbs and cannot completely cut her out of Lucy’s life. It is in the best interest to maintain ties with Hobbs.” The magistrate’s ruling of partial relinquishment of custody was based on the fact that Mullen had listed Hobbs as “parent” on Lucy’s ceremonial birth certificate, in Mullen’s will, power of attorney, and durable power of attorney. Seems like the right decision, yes? No, said Hamilton County Juvenile Judge Thomas Lipps. Lipps reversed the ruling, denying Hobbs shared custody and terminating all visitation rights. Lipps said that every legal document signed by Mullen was revocable at any time, and the ceremonial birth certificate, letters, notes, etc held no legal standing. Lipps went on to make an argument that may be at the crux of these cases when they reach the Ohio Supreme Court. He found that had Mullen and Hobbs wanted to formalize their commitment and child care agreements, they should have executed a written co-custody agreeoutlookcolumbus.com

ment, and the fact that Mullen consistenly refused to enter such an agreement was an important factor in the case. Hobbs appealed to the Cincinnati-based First District Court of Appeals, which upheld Lipps’ decision. In an opinion that reads almost sympathetic to Hobbs’ position, Judge Sylvia Hendon wrote, “We do not doubt that Hobbs bonded with Lucy. The record is replete with evidence that Hobbs loves this little girl. But the trial court did not err. Hobbs has no legal rights to share in Lucy’s custody.” In a case closer to home, the story is the same. Julie Smith (bio-mom) and Julie Rowell (non-bio mom) met in 2001. “We decided to have a child together,” Rowell says, and in 2003 Smith was inseminated. They had a little girl named Madison. “For the first five years of Maddy’s life,” Rowell says, “I was her parent in every way. Then in August of 2008, Julie Smith wanted to end our relationship and take Madison away from me.” Rowell filed for custody in October 2008. Once again, no co-custody agreement was in place. “Life got in the way” of executing the document, Rowell says. “And I never dreamed that I needed one.” The case is in front of Franklin County Domestic Relations Judge Elizabeth Gill, who has ruled that while Smith has full custody of Madison, Rowell should have visitation rights and set a visitation schedule. “Smith never followed that schedule,” Rowell says, “and she has been found in contempt” for violating the order. “In 2009, a guardian ad litem was appointed to our case,” Rowell says. “The GAL filed her recommendations in April of this year, and her recommendation – this stranger who only has Maddy’s best interests in mind – recommended co-custody.” Rowell has not been permitted to see Madison since January of this year. Smith has retained attorney David Langdon, counsel of record to Citizens for Community Values and author of Ohio’s Issue 1 anti-GLBT Constitutional Amendment, to represent her in this case. Rowell is represented by local attorneys Carol Fey, a Certified Specialist in Ohio Family Law, and LeeAnn Massucci. Fey and Massucci have been leading the way in evolving custody practice in Ohio to address the various issues that affect our community and are tried and true leaders in this field. A third case, also here in Franklin County, pits Elizabeth Warren vs Nancy Scotney in a case with a

twist. Warren is the bio-mom, Scotney has a legal and valid second-parent adoption certificate issued by the State of California. They moved to Ohio, and their relationship split up. Warren has filed to exclude Scotney from seeing the child, and has filed with the court to invalidate Scotney’s adoption certificate, claiming that the California co-adoption should not be recognized because Ohio doesn’t grant co-adoptions. [Ed Note: This case is particularly troubling to us, considering that Warren is employed by the Ohio State University in the Multicultural Center as a Student Affairs Project Coordinator. She formerly was known as the GLBT Alliance Coordinator and is listed on OSU’s profile pages as the staff coordinator and liaison for the OSU/Kaleidoscope Youth Center partnership of The Other Prom.] The case landed before Domestic Relations Judge Kim Browne, who has said that she doesn’t even need to rule on whether Ohio should recognize the co-adoption from California because Ohio case law permits her to exercise jurisdiction either way and make a determination whether by acts and deeds Warren contractually relinquished her right to sole custody. The case is still pending. These cases will no doubt go forward to Courts of Appeals and eventually the Ohio Supreme Court. The maddening part of these cases is twofold. At an individual level, the damage is most certainly to the children. These kids have been raised by two parents since their birth – they know them both as Mom. They don’t understand why suddenly they’re not allowed to have any contact with one of their parents, and they often feel confused, hurt and abandoned. At a community level, it is particularly heinous that it’s turning into a lesbian vs lesbian battle, and that the bio-moms, once on the forefront of fighting for GLBT equality and rights, now turning their backs on those values and hiring virulent anti-gay attorneys and hiding behind Issue 1 to strip their former partners of any parental rights. “At its core, this isn’t a gay issue,” says Rowell. “It’s a woman issue. Women have been doing this to their children’s fathers for centuries, and now their doing it to their children’s other mothers. It’s about power and revenge. They’re falling back, saying ‘I’m this child’s mother and I never meant for anyone else to be her parent.’” It’s tragic. Dear bio-moms – please stop being crazy bitches and think of your children instead of yourselves. Where are the courts to find a basis for ruling on these cases? “The laws defining families have not kept up with societal and social definitions of fam-

ilies,” says Columbus attorney and certified family law specialist Kerry McCormick. “The law is still evolving in these cases.” Judges are left to apply hetero-based case law and interpret and apply it to same-sex parents, often with a healthy dose of their own predispositions and prejudices regarding gay and lesbian parents. If you’ve ever wondered why paying attention to judicial races for Domestic Relations, Courts of Appeals, or the Ohio Supreme Court are important, here’s a top reason. It’s precisely why we at outlook were so adamant in our support of Gill when she ran for judge, and why we support Brown and Trapp for Ohio Supreme Court and Dorrian for Court of Appeals (see endorsements elsewhere in this issue). McCormick has some words of wisdom for samesex couples considering raising a family together. “Make sure you sign a co-custody agreement and have it approved by the Court.” A co-parenting agreement just between the two of you, or naming your partner to take care of your child in a will or power of attorney document may not be enough. “And be prepared to fight to maintain the child’s relationship with the people the child has always known as parents,” McCormick continues. “Your child deserves that.” In our final analysis, it comes down to a few steps to take while you’re together, in love, and being civil – not cunty – toward one another. - Cover your ass with a co-custody agreement. Work with an attorney who has experience protecting gay and lesbian parents – establish co-custody in a way that the courts approve and recognize right from the start. While you’re at it, remember you need other legal protections too, such as wills, powers of attorney, etc. Do the legal work that best protects the family you create – and keep a copy in a safe place where you can get to it if something bad happens; - Recognize the red flags. If you’re head over heels in love and plan to have a child together, but your partner refuses or is reluctant to sign a co-custody agreement, ask yourself if you seriously want to be in a relationship and have a child with someone who won’t sign a document giving you parental rights; and most importantly - Stop bludgeoning your ex-partner, your community, and most importantly your child, with the vicious and hateful anti-GLBT laws we’re all fighting so hard every day to prevent and overturn. Nothing less than our future, and our families, is at stake.

Repeat after me - ‘Children are not weapons. We will not use them to bludgeon one another.’ Repeat again, and again, until it sinks in.

june 2010


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Check out Members First’s monthly breakfast networking group. Call and ask for Amanda.


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Why Gay Marriage Is Good for Straight People by Diana Landen If America would just allow gay people to get married, it would be better for all of us. Let me explain. “Each one of us, whether we ever marry or not, benefits from the ways a healthy marriage culture protects children and the common good,” reads a National Organization for Marriage (NOM) pamphlet. I don’t know whether to scream or cry. Our society desperately needs more strong, healthy marriages that last a lifetime. The members of NOM could be fighting to create them. Instead, NOM just wants to keep gay people from marrying each other. Have they thought this one through? Who, exactly, are the gay men and lesbians supposed to marry? Some of my best friends are gay men, but I wouldn’t want my daughter to marry one. My friend Debra dated a gay man in college. He told her she kissed wrong. Debra was beautiful, but Tim managed to make her feel unattractive. Debra was lucky, though: It was the 1980s, and Tim eventually came out, moved to Amsterdam and married a man. Not everyone is so lucky. My friend Alec married a lesbian. She would push him away when he tried to hug her. A generation earlier, Alec might have spent his life in a doomed marriage. Instead, Alec’s wife was able to accept herself and come out to him before they had any children. Alec went on to find happiness with a straight wife who enjoyed his lust.

feelings of guilt and self-hatred. Frequently, they are unable to be faithful. So we have former pastor Ted Haggard accused of visiting a prostitute and paying hush money over an affair with a church member. We have former Congressman Eric Massa accused of sexually harassing his male employees. Former Senator Larry Craig had apparently been ready to have sex with a stranger in a bathroom. Not surprisingly, gay-straight marriages rarely last. The Straight Spouse Network estimates that only 17 percent of mixedorientation marriages will still be together three years after the gay or lesbian spouse comes out. That’s an 83 percent divorce rate - twice as high as the already-high national rate of 40 percent. And what about the children in all of this? Before he was caught hiring a male prostitute to carry his luggage, minister and anti-gay activist George Rekers testified against adoption by gay parents in several court cases. Children, he argued, need parents who present positive role models of relationships between men and women. Apparently Rekers thinks it is better for kids to have a father who visits prostitutes than two fathers who love each other. Or maybe Rekers thinks divorce is good for children. Ironically, the former president of NOM, Maggie Gallagher, has written about the benefits of marriage for children. She argues that children with married parents are richer, healthier, better behaved, more educated, more successful and more likely to have lasting marriages themselves. The truth is simple: Gay-straight marriages lead to adultery and divorce. They are dishonest, unhappy, unhealthy and bad for children. Gay marriages are the solution, not the problem.

Marriages between gay and straight people are not healthy marriages. They are based on a lie. Gay-straight marriages lack the passionate love that marriage thrives on, and they have no way to create it. The truth leaves the straight partner feeling betrayed, hurt, embarrassed and angry. The straight person’s sense of self can be shattered — especially their feelings about their sexuality.

It’s long past time to accept and celebrate gay people and support them marrying each other. And maybe if people stopped fighting gay marriage, we could get to work figuring out how to strengthen the American marriage.

Meanwhile, the gay spouse struggles with

For more: http://www.momlogic.com


MOM trumps NOM every time.

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Who Should I Marry? by Tara McKenzie Allison, Esq. With same-sex marriage bans in the news of late, I have been reflecting upon what such bans mean for me; I am transgendered. On May 12, 2009, the New York Times ran an Op-Ed article written by Jennifer Finney Boylant titled, “Is my Marriage Gay?” In her article, she reflected upon her marriage and posed the title question, Is my marriage gay? Married for over twenty years to a genetic female, Ms. Boylan underwent sex reassignment surgery (SRS) and has been legally female for nearly a decade. Within the United States, there are plenty of such unions, all begging an answer to that same question. As Ms. Boylan points out, the answer really depends upon the laws of the individual States where the “married” couple lives. My question comes a little earlier in the marriage process. I was born – genetically, at least – male. I’ve been married to a genetic female, since 1994; however, my current wife and I are in the process of divorcing. I made the decision to transition from male to female in 2001. I have been taking hormones and physically transitioning from male to female, for approximately the past year and a half. In June 2008, I legally changed my name to Tara and began living full time as a woman. In my transition, I’ve been very fortunate. I “pass” – completely – in public, as a woman. I “blend.” Hormones have had a profound effect upon me, physically, giving me ample cleavage and much softer – albeit much drier – skin. At only five-foot-eight, my height does not give me away, and I’ve been able to train my voice, so that I only ever get “ma’ams,” when speaking on the phone or ordering at the fast food “drive thru.” In all, I am fully accepted in society as female. After reading and reflecting upon Ms. Boylen’s article, a question developed in my mind: If I choose to re-marry, who should I marry? On one hand I look like and live as a woman 24/7. Marrying a man would on the surface look like a traditional male-female marriage, but there’s the sticky little fact that I still have “male parts” and a birth certificate that reflects a male gender marker. In most states, my marriage would be considered a prohibited, same-sex, male-male marriage. If you’d say, “That won’t do. You were born male and still have male parts; therefore you should marry a woman,” all fifty states would agree with you – legally speaking. But, deciding in that manner requires you to tolerate the appearance of me being in a same-sex, lesbian marriage. Can I keep pictures of my family – my wife and I – on my desk at work? How comfortable are you with my wife and I showing up at your kids’ high school basketball game together, holding hands, or kissing in public? What about attending your church together? It’s gonna “look” like a lesbian relationship, but since I am legally and physically male, you’re okay with that, right? Quite the quandary, huh? Especially, if you have strongly held religious or moral beliefs, which dictate against same-sex marriage…so, whom should I marry? A man, a woman? Wait! It gets even more confusing!


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Ok, so let’s say I marry a woman. Let’s also say that I marry her before I have sex reassignment surgery. At that time, I will still be – legally and physically – male, even though I don’t look it. My Pennsylvania birth certificate has an “M” gender marker. So, it would be a male-female marriage – completely legal in all fifty states; however, on the outside, our marriage will, in all respects, look like a same-sex, female-to-female, lesbian marriage. Let’s also say that, after I marry, I undergo SRS. Because I was born in Pennsylvania, I am again fortunate; Pennsylvania recognizes SRS as changing gender and will issue a new birth certificate to me (not a revised birth certificate or an amendment to my original birth certificate). My new birth certificate will have an updated “F” gender marker on it. If I decide to request the revision to my birth certificate, the validity of my marriage to a female spouse, which was initially considered legal in all fifty states, may be in question.

that gender is an immutable characteristic, but obviously that is no longer the case. So, legally speaking, if I decide to remarry, whom should I marry? Perhaps, we should stop worrying about whether a person has the “proper” anatomy, and instead, allow individuals to decide the question. After all, “who” you marry is an individual question – not one that should be decided by the rest of society. Let’s leave the question to individual choice and allow people to follow their heart. Tara McKenzie Allison, Esq., is a transgendered attorney, who resides and practices law in Columbus, Ohio. She also serves as a Board Member and the Chief Legal Counsel to TransOhio, a nonprofit organization serving the transgender community of Ohio and providing educational and informational services to the general public. She is an active speaker on transgender and legal issues.

My current state of residence, Ohio, has a relatively new constitutional amendment, which prohibits the legal recognition of same-sex marriages. So, if I keep my Pennsylvania-issued birth certificate unchanged (despite my physical gender change, following surgery), legally, I am male and my marriage remains valid. If I change a letter on a piece of paper, which is entirely and solely within my discretion, then arguably, I’m legally female, and legal recognition of my marriage may be prohibited. Does that make ANY sense? Does it make any sense that the legality of my already-existing marriage hinges upon whether or not I send a letter to Pennsylvania requesting a new birth certificate? Is that really what those supporting same-sex marriage bans have in mind? But wait, we’re not done with the complexity, yet. Ohio is one of the few states in the nation that does not allow you to change the gender marker on Ohio issued birth certificates after SRS. Even if I change my Pennsylvania birth certificate, how could Ohio completely switch gears, and recognize my SRS in order to invalidate my marriage, when they won’t recognize it to change the gender marker on Ohio birth certificates? What if I married a man before my SRS? In many states, my marriage would be an illegal, same-sex marriage. Would my marriage then be legal after I had SRS and then changed my birth certificate gender marker? What if I had the surgery, was physically female, but didn’t change my birth certificate? What if I had SRS, changed my gender marker, and then married a man? Would THAT be a legal marriage? It’s easy to see just how confusing the entire marriage subject is for someone in my circumstances. The same-sex marriage ban proceeds from the assumption

When Michael & Robbie married in Iowa, the forms had it exactly right. Spouse #1 and Spouse #2. Occam’s razor, applied.


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It’s nice to see Malcolm walking his puppies in ShoNo. Welcome to the neighborhood officially, Dad!

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A New Kind of Family by Mario Pinardi ABC Family likes to use the slogan “A New Kind of Family,” and this pretty much sums up the direction that I see family life going, including my own. Diversity in the family roadmap is even more prevalent now. I see that I have many friends who decided to become parents in the non-nuclear way – they are same-sex couples with kids. I commend them for their bravery and their compassion, and their rock-hard constitution, because baby poop is toxic, like a nuclear spill. And, sometimes, I have pondered what it would be like to have a child – a little Mario – and then I shudder. Growing up, I was bad, as in reform school bad, and I have a fear that my child would be as bad as I was, or even worse. My Mom is an amazingly brave woman. She always had a way to handle school administrators and get me out of trouble. I was always bored in school and I seriously found girls “icky” at that age. Ask me about the “matchbook incident” and about my talent of winging lit matches at kids who picked on me. I decided a long time ago that I would be a horrible father to humans, and thus my family is made up of a diverse posse of non-humans. We have two canines, one has origins from China and the other from Mexico, we have two felines, who I think are from the “Dark Side” because they are so evil, and we have four sugar gliders, which are marsupials from Australia. The reason I do better with non-humans is because they don’t stay out late and have me worried, they don’t wear socially inappropriate clothing that exposes their “candy,” they don’t


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require me to go to a school to get them out of trouble, and they don’t require an expensive clothing budget (like I am going to buy Prada for a dog). Does my family fit into the family mold? Many say it does not, but I disagree. I think our pet expenses get bigger as the pets get older. Our Chihuahua, Gretchen, is 16 and has no teeth, so her food needs to be a soft as possible, almost a liquid, our Crested Hairless, Lucky, is nine and he requires organic dog food, and has to wear a pad during the day to prevent piddling. And the felines, Gigi and Guinness, require expensive cat litter because they both have allergies. But, the sugar gliders are probably the easiest to take care of out the entire brood. Now, doesn’t this sound like I am speaking about a typical family? How many families have to buy special food for their kids due to allergies or appetite? How many kids have skin allergies to commonplace household products? And, don’t we have to potty train children, too? Paper training a dog is about the same thing, isn’t it? So, before I get doused with the “politically correct” Kool-Aid of being too simplistic or too sarcastic when comes to the concept of family, I want you step back and take your judgmental designer sunglasses off and realize that the definition of family can be broad and can be what you make it. The only commonality I find in all families is the concept of unconditional love. Most of us love our families no matter how batty they act, and we will continue to take care of our families until we can no longer. So, Happy Pride to you all and your families, and if you see me out with one of my family members, it is OK to pet them – they like that.

We love Chihuahua cheese in our TexMex favorites, but for the life of us, we don’t know how you milk those little buggers.


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Go green. Go holistic. And don’t buy children.

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Choosing Family by Mette Bach

were rumours.”


I was out for dinner with one of my dear friends who I hadn’t seen for a while. He asked about my love life and I said it was just fine, got him caught up on the latest highlights. Then I turned the question on him. Who was he dating, how was it going and all that.

“So you didn’t actually date?”

“I never know with you.”

“Nah. We were in drama and hung out but it was pretty much the most action I got in high school. That’s hilarious that you’re dating. What’s he like?”

“I am seeing someone,” he said, immediately giddy.

“He’s really cool.”

“Great. How’s it going?”

“Yeah. He’s super sweet. Always was. His family is really lovely, too.”

I always get this. It’s really absurd. Friends – even girlfriends – tell me I’m like a straight woman and I never know what to say to this. I’ve never known what it is they’re getting at. I’ve been dating women for eight years. Sure, many of them have been rather on the manly side but I’ve considered myself bone fide queer for a while now.

“Really bizarre. He’s kind of… Well… He’s kind of famous.”

“You know the family? This is weird.”

“Dude, I’m as gay as you are,” I told him.

“Oh my God. Is it Ricky Martin? Because, you know, I could kind of see that working out for you.” “No, no. Famous by Canadian standards.”

“I saw him not too long ago. He hasn’t changed all that much from what I can see, not that I know him very well.” “It does kind of seem like his career suits him. You should have snatched him up when you had the chance,” my friend laughed.

Then he looked around the restaurant conspiratorially and whispered the name of the guy. “Well, I couldn’t have,” I explained. “I was in Grade 10 and he was in Grade 9 so we knew it “Oh my God,” I said clapping my hands together, would never have worked.” “He was my first boyfriend.” “And besides that, he’s gay,” my friend added. “Really?” “Me too,” I reminded him. I nodded, “Well, not boyfriend-boyfriend but friend who was a boy. And because we took the “Are you?” bus together and went to plays together, there


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“Yeah,” he said, “I know. But if the right man were to come along?” “Fine, I’m not a Kinsey extreme,” I said, “But there’s a letter in our LGBTQ2IA alphabet for me, isn’t there?” “Point taken,” he said. “Well, I take it back anyway,” I said facetiously, “I’m not as gay as you are.” It’s funny to me how much it matters. There’s definitely something to this Kinsey scale. But what we really need to glean from it is that there are the polar ends – 100% gay and 100% straight. And the bulk of humanity fits somewhere in between. Even my friend who was sitting across the table from me used to have a

Funny, if Mette hadn’t written about them, we’d never have know they were Canadian.

girlfriend. She’s a dyke now, but does that make them any less the high school sweethearts that they were? A lot of people try to erase the experiences they had before their coming out moment. I respect their decisions because it’s hard to get by on shades of grey in a culture that still wants our identities to fit neatly into boxes that can be checked off on census forms. I guess I don’t see sexuality as operating in that way. I was never all that married to my heterosexuality so wouldn’t it be totally pretentious of me to be overly zealous about homosexuality? A few weeks after our dinner, I ran into my friend again at our local coffee shop. I asked about our Canadian celebrity boyfriend and found out that they were no longer an item. He sat down with me and told me that he had been doing some thinking about life and family and how he wants one but doesn’t necessarily want to give up his freewheeling bachelor lifestyle ways. (Join the club, right? I mean, who isn’t on that fence?) His solution is a perfect blend of gay and not-gay antics. He’s talking about moving in with his high school sweetheart and her sweetheart, having a house and a yard and a family. He told me that for a decade now he has been dating and wishing he had something that looked like a family only to realize that it was there all along. Mette Bach is glad to be writing NTKOG again. Comments, fan mail, and date requests to missmettebach@yahoo.ca.


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It’s like a naked version of Shiva.

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Do you love Amoret’s hair on the cover? You can thank Janet Jackson at United Way. Another reason to Give and Live United.


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Welcome to Columbus Pride Holiday Prepare yourself for one the largest Gay Pride celebration in the Midwest, and one of the top 10 in the country, as Stonewall Columbus presents Pride Holiday 2010, Friday & Saturday, June 18 &19 at Goodale Park. In 2007, Columbus, Ohio received national acclaim in The Advocate as an unexpected yet fabulous destination for Pride. This year marks our 29th anniversary of Stonewall Columbus Pride Holiday as we rally toward a bigger and better event than the Greater Columbus GLBT and allied community has ever seen. Attendance at this celebration of diversity and community spirit was outstanding last year with an estimated 180,000 participants. Pride Holiday is a crucial fundraising venture for Stonewall Columbus. Funds raised at the Pride events support Stonewall Columbus and its pursuit of equality, fairness and safety for the entire gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (GLBT) community. SWC serves the Central Ohio LGBT community by providing a community center and offering programming and services that enhance the well-being and visibility of our diverse community through discovery, affirmation and celebration.


The theme of Pride this year is “Celebrate Our Families.� Coming out to family and friends can be a big challenge for an LGBT person and often they are met with rejection and disdain from those they love the most. As a result many people create new families and find networks of others for love and support. This year at Stonewall Columbus Pride we recognize our strong LGBT families and we encourage everyone to come out with their families and celebrate with us. Celebrate your pride all month in the following Pride events for the community: Film Series at the Gateway Film Center (June 3), Dance for Pride (June 4), An Exhibit of Pride Art Show and the TransOhio Unity Picnic (June 5), Out with Our Elected Officials (June 9), Run for Pride 5K and the Pride Poker Run (June 12), the Pride Festival and Parade on June 18th - 19th and the Pride Brunch at The Westin Columbus on Sunday, June 20, 2010. The following pages are your official Pride Guide to all the festivities and insight into the people that make it happen.

Happy Pride!

Pride comes in many shapes, sizes, and colors. Mostly it comes from within. Release your inner rainbow this year.

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july 2009

This is not Eileen Paley in drag.


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BROWN BROWN BROWN BROWN - Eric, Marilyn, TJ, and Sherrod. We love Brown.

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ViVi Velure is Mayor Coleman’s official ambassador to Obetz, Appalacia, and Arizona.


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Vacations, staycations, and gaycations, oh my!

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A Letter from the Executive Director to the Community It is with great excitement that I write to you about a subject that is very dear to me, Stonewall Columbus Pride. I began volunteering for Stonewall Columbus when I moved here in 1994. In 1998 my life partner, Linda Schuler and I were asked to join the Pride Committee as the Chairs of the Parade. That year, the March and Festival combined had approximately 15,000 people in attendance. It is hard to believe that it was only twelve years ago that we began working on the team that produces Pride. Now in 2010, Stonewall will probably host 200,000 people and touch the lives of countless others who believe in and hope for fairness and equality for all. Linda and I always work together as a family and volunteering for this event was always part of our yearly plans. We also begged many of our other friends and family members to help us and share in the fun and excitement of the day. It is a wonderful feeling to know that you work very hard for a cause and it gives so many people happiness and hope. I can’t think of a better way to spend the weekend with my family, and in turn, with all of you who will be joining us. Our Pride committee, board and staff are thirty-three of the most highly professional and skilled individuals that I have ever met. Each of them brings a unique skill set to their area of responsibility and they have worked hundreds of hours to produce Pride 2010. They have made this event a success and done so with a mix of grace, precision and humor. I want to encourage all of you to come out, bring your families, volunteer, have fun and raise money for a good cause. Stonewall Columbus serves the Central Ohio LGBT community by providing a community center. The Center on High offers programming and services that enhance the well-being and visibility of our diverse community through discovery, affirmation and celebration. Have a safe and happy Pride!

HAPPY PRIDE, Columbus! I can’t believe that Stonewall Columbus is preparing for its 29th Pride Celebration. It’s amazing to see how far we’ve come over the years. Pride has evolved into an wonderful celebration of family and friends within our LGBTQ and Ally community. What began as an activist march of a few hundred-community members, has grown into one of the largest festivals in the Midwest. When I started with Stonewall in 2004, we were preparing for a Pride festival for 60,000 of our closest friends. Here we are a few short years later and we’re expecting upwards of 200,000 people! In addition to playing the role of Pride Event Planner Extraordinaire, Stonewall Columbus has a much bigger responsibility in the community. We are an integral player in facilitating forward movement for our community. Stonewall has consistently been a key player in community awareness. We are a home and meeting place for stellar programs, services and social groups that nurture our families and our community. Stonewall is a place where we can meet safely and openly with our friends and family. Stonewall Columbus can only continue to move our community forward and continue to throw an incredible Pride event with the support of each and every one of you! On behalf of the Board of Trustees, thank you…Thank you to the amazing staff of Stonewall Columbus, the committee members and countless volunteers that make the Center run smoothly and make Pride happen – perfectly every time! Without the friendship and camaraderie that we share at Stonewall, our annual Pride celebration wouldn’t be the amazing event that it is today. I look forward to seeing all of you at Pride! Celebrate family…celebrate friends…celebrate YOU! Yours in Pride, Kelly Jaeger Board President, Stonewall Columbus

Karla Rothan Executive Director, Stonewall Columbus


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Smile and say “Patsy’s Facebook page.” (See page 108 and you’ll understand.)


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Paige Passion hiding behind petunia blooms.

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The sum of the squares of two sides of a right triangle equals the square of the hypotenuse. Love, Pythagoras.


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Columbus Pride 2010 Events June 3 Stonewall Film series premier at the Gateway Film Center. Featuring a Cocktail reception from 6:30 p m – 8p. Film at 8p. (film TBA). Admission is $5. Free admission with your Pride dog tag or wristband! Proceeds benefit Stonewall Columbus. June 4 The Dance for Pride is from 8p. – 10p at Wallstreet Nightclub. The $5 Cover Charge is donated to Pride 2010. First 25 people will receive a goodie bag that includes their Pride Entrance dog tags! Visit http://www.columbuspride.org/events/d anceforpride for more information. June 5 The Exhibit of Pride Art Show Opening Reception from 6p – 10p at the Center on High. Juried Visual Arts Exhibition. Works will be on display for the entire month of June at the Center. Visit http://www.columbuspride.org/artshow for more information. The TransOhio 4th Annual Unity Picnic 11a – 6p at Goodale Park June 9 Network Columbus: Out with Our Elected Officials 6p – 8p at Vet’s Plaza at the Ohio State House (3rd St between Broad & State). Mix and mingle with elected officials, candidates, entrepreneurs, and friends at this annual event. Featuring free appetizers and cash bar. Visit http://www.columbuspride.org/events/o utwithourofficials June 12 Run for Pride 5K 9:30 am at Goodale Park. This is the Seventh Annual Run for Pride 5K Run/Walk and you could be a part of it! Invite friends, family, and allies to join us for this great event that supports Pride 2010. Requires a $30 registration fee. Visit http://www.columbuspride.org/runforpride for more information.


8th Annual Pride Poker Run 11a at Club Diversity 863 S. High St. Visit http://www.columbuspride.org/events/p okerrun June 17 Sweatin’ Pride Edition. Scotty Niemet is at it again. Come bust your move to DJ Samson of Men &LeTigre fame and DJ Carol. A sweaty-fun kick off to Pride weekend at Axis. Doors 11p. $6 b4 12a, $10 after. Mabsy vs Moxy. First Mary Ann Brandt presents Songs Gays Like where she gives it to you vocally with some songs you apparently like! Moxy then throwsdown some Pride beats for all you prideful gays. Level hosts Mabs shows at 8p & 10p w/cover; Moxy 10p; free. June 18-19 - Parade & Festival – Entertainment on Two Stages for Two Days! June 18 Festival Opens 3p – 11p at Goodale Park June 19 Festival Opens 10a – 8p at Goodale Park Pride Parade & March – Step-off at 12p (Noon) from Downtown Columbus at Broad and Front Streets Dozens of after-Pride parties. Check our About Town listings, our centerfold calendar, and the advertisers’ ads in this issue to get your dance/drink/drag/trade on after the festival closes at all the GLBTA venues in the City. Times and costs vary; hellraising and hullabaloo guaranteed. June 20 Pride Brunch at the Westin Columbus 11a – 1p Bat-N-Rouge. The perfect ending to PRIDE weekend. Dragqueens melting in the summer sun, hot men and women drinking and watching them do it. Dodge Park, 667 Sullivant Ave. Gates at noon, first pitch at 3p. It just wouldn’t be Pride without a picture of Dennis.

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Meet the Grote-Neal Family by Elliot Fishman It’s been a busy year for Amoret Grote. She’s been the star attraction at events for Equality Ohio, the United Way Pride Council, and LGBT political fundraisers. This month, she’ll be leading the Pride Parade as a Grand Marshal. Not bad for someone who’s only 13 months old. Amoret and her fathers, Rick Neal and Tom Grote, will all serve as Pride Grand Marshals for the June 19 parade, along with the rest of the extended Grote and Neal families. “Rick’s mom is coming up from Florida, my mom and brothers and sisters will be with us in the parade, and my dad will be at the festival,” said Tom Grote, the well-respected community leader and co-founder of Equality Ohio. “We’re really excited.” With the Pride theme of “Celebrate our Families,” Neal and Grote are acutely aware of their own family’s personal and political impact. “The great thing is that we get to choose our families,” said Neal, 43, “It’s about the people who are important to us. Our extended family has been nurturing and supportive.” At the same time, Neal explained, they recognize that even today, not all families are supportive of their LGBT members. “Kids still get kicked out of their homes for being gay, and even some of the best-intentioned people struggle with children, parents, and siblings who come out to them,” he said. That’s why it’s important for their family to lead the parade, Grote said. The Grote-Neal family will be immediately followed by a contingent of LGBT families of all sizes and stripes. “We have to show everyone that we are a community of strong family values,” he said. Both are graduates of Miami University, making them a same-sex “Miami Merger,” in the parlance of the school’s alumni association – a fact that will become especially significant when Grote’s gubernatorial nomination to Miami’s board of trustees is confirmed.

Grote and Neal were quick to point out that their immediate family is part of a larger Grote tradition of family values and social justice leadership.

of as conservative, and he’s helping someone else with their son’s sexual orientation. That says something about what family values mean,” said Tom.

“I grew up in a close-knit, Catholic family on the South Side of town,” said Grote, 45. “That seems pretty conservative,” but the priority placed on being a close-knit family made Tom’s coming out a lot easier, he said, and personal support quickly gave way to support for his leadership in the LGBT community.

Those values clearly attracted Neal, who had never been in a long-term relationship when he met Grote four years ago.

“Everyone has supported me and the gay community,” he said. “Those banners that appear on the downtown streets during Pride month? My mom made those possible.” Grote family financial support also helped Equality Ohio with its highly successful start. Brother Kyle Grote, a videographer, produced videos for Equality Ohio and even made a video on LGBT families, which won special recognition from the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD).

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The two were married three years ago, and their entire families attended the wedding – including a reception at the traditional Scioto Country Club. “The wedding made a big difference to our families,” Neal said. “It made them take a look at us in a different light.”

Since then, Amoret has become the center of the couple’s lives. “It made us grow up a little bit,” said Grote. “It’s forced me to live in the moment AND think about the future at the same time.” Having Amoret has strengthened his relationship with Neal, he said – so much so that they plan to soon adopt a second child. And what about critics who say that gay parenting has taken away some of the “edginess” of the gay community? “The two are not mutually exclusive,” said Neal. I certainly had that experience in an earlier part of my life. The important thing is that it was my choice to raise a family now.”

The couple had earlier decided they wanted to raise a family together, and Neal realized that he wanted to be the stay-at-home parent.

Both said they were glad they waited until later in life to raise a family.

“That made it easy to decide where we were going to live,” he said. “Here in Columbus, we have tremendous support from friends and family.

“We’re going to be old when the kids grow up,” said Neal, but he said they are in a much better place to take care of children then they would have been when they were younger.

A year later, Amoret joined the couple, and they had to face the realities of Ohio’s legalized discrimination against gay couples.

Grote agreed. “It’s totally worth it” to have children, he said, but is also the right time in his life to do so.

In the 1990s, Grote co-founded Out on Main, a highly popular gay-themed restaurant. His family members were among the restaurants best customers, he said, holding many family celebrations at the venue. “My dad even brought business colleagues there for dinner,” he said, “which at the time was a pretty risky thing to do.”

“We couldn’t get married, and we weren’t allowed to co-adopt Amoret,” said Grote. They worked with Columbus lawyer Carol Fey to negotiate their way through the legal system. Grote became the adoptive parent, and then he and Neal entered into a court-approved co-custody agreement.

Both Neal and Grote also agreed on the importance of a yearly Pride celebration.

In fact, Tom’s father, Donatos founder Jim Grote, is a special source of pride for his son.

During the adoption proceeding, Probate Judge Eric Brown (now Chief Justice of the Ohio Supreme Court) took note of the fact that although he could only legally grant a single-parent adoption, Neal would also play a parental role in Amoret’s life.

That tradition of support for the LGBT community extends to the family business, Donatos Pizza. “My sister (Jane Abell, now president of Donatos) was the head of HR, and we were one of the first businesses in Columbus to have a policy prohibiting discrimination against gays and lesbians,” Grote said. “We were one of the first to have domestic partner benefits for gay partners, too.”

“My dad was the first person I came out to, and he was great,” the younger Grote said. Later on, he found out that Jim Grote had made a special effort to reach out to an old South Side neighbor who was struggling with his own son’s coming out. “Here’s this businessman who some people think


“I lived all over the world for work and never had the chance for this kind of relationship,” said Neal, who most recently worked an advocate for Refugees International. “But it all changed when I met Tom.”

Neal. “We both got choked up when he said that.”

The most emotional moment, however, came when the family appeared before Domestic Relations Judge Chris Geer, for approval of the co-custody agreement. “The judge said he found it was in the best interest of the child to have two parents,” said

Just imagine the pizza parties that girl is gonna have for her birthdays!

“Even now,” said Grote, “there’s still a lot of internalized homophobia in our community. Pride is a time when we can let go of some of that and celebrate who we are.” Neal added, “in all of our diversity, too – from families to drag queens to lesbians on motorcycles – and even to gay Republicans. It’s a time to let our hair down.” And there will be a lot of Grotes and Neals doing just that on June 19.


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Creamy. Chocolate. Goodness.

june 2010


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june 2010

Noka can have a scooter. She cannot have a motorcycle. Daddy says.


cial Pride cap-off. Knock back a couple of mimosas and then head over to The Westin for brunch. And don’t forget about Bat-N-Rouge later. 11a - 1p. MONDAY, JUNE 21 RELAX After-Pride Hangover @ Your Darkened Bedroom. You allowed yourself a fun-filled weekend. At least properly suffer the consequences by spending the day recovering. Tip: My mango rum-induced drunken stupor is often cured after having breakfast at Bob Evans. TUESDAY, JUNE 22 DON’T DRINK THE WATER Dave Matthews Band @ Huntington Park, 330 Huntington Park Lane, 614.462.5250, www.ticketmaster.com: I don’t particularly care for bands named after its lead singer…but hey some people do. Now that Idol’s over, spend your Tuesday night at Huntington Park to check out DMB. Show @ 7p; $75.60 - Reserved and General Admission. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23 LEAVE THE FLASK AT HOME, KIDS. Whiskey Night @ Level Dining Lounge, 700 N. High St, 614.754.7111, levelcolumbus.com: It’s Wednesday, which means $4.50 Scotches, Bourbon and Whiskeys, $5.50 Top shelf Scotches, Bourbon and Whiskeys, $1 Bud Light Draft and $1 PBR… like you needed an excuse to drink. THURSDAY, JUNE 24 311? I WONDER IF THAT’S CODE… 311 @ Lifestyle Communities Pavilion, 405 Neil Ave, 614.461.5483, www.promowestlive.com: Columbus has a pretty good music scene, but if you’re looking for something a little less local, hit up The LC for the evening and check out 311. The show is outdoors and all seating is general admission. Show @ 6:30p; $35 SATURDAY, JUNE 26 THIS IS HOW WE DO IT House Party Reunion Tour @ Lifestyle Communities Pavilion, 405 Neil Ave, 614.461.5483, www.promowestlive.com: Montell Jordan, yes THE Montell Jordan will be there. Sold? Show is outdoors; Show @ 7p; $25 (lawn), $35 (lawn), $45 (reserved seating). SUNDAY, JUNE 27 LESBIANS REJOICE! Softball Sunday @ Cavan Irish Pub, 1409 S High St, 614.725.5502, www.cavanirishpub.com: Softball season is upon us! That means a beer bucket on the patio and a free cookout at Cavan. FREE. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30 I GO TO BLAZERS FOR A BOOB LAY Michael Buble @ Nationwide Arena, 200 W Nationwide Blvd, 614.246.2000,ticketmaster.com: See Michael Buble in all his ratpack-swagger glory. 8p; $52-$82.

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IT’S SOOO HOT! Sweatin’ Pride Edition @ Axis, 775

• • • • • • • • about town • • • • • • • •

THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! Miss Gay Columbus America 2010 Pageant @ Axis Nightclub, www.myspace.com/missgaycolumbusamerica: Enjoy one of the last official preliminary pageants to Miss Gay Ohio America 2010. Don’t forget to wear your tiaras. Doors 6p; Show 7p; $6 cover.

TUESDAY, JUNE 1 614.384.5640, www.capa.com: WHERE’S MY TUXEDO? N High St, 614.291.4008, columWE’RE HERE AND WE’RE QUEER! What kind of gay could possibly HRC Dinner @ Hyatt Regency Ball busnightlife.com: Scotty Niemet is Pride Month @ Anywhere you damn pass up this concept? Watch your Room, 350 N High St, www.hrcat it again. Come bust your move to well please. Be out and be proud favorite wookies in a whole new columbusdinner.com: Come Join the DJ Samson of Men &LeTigre fame just like any month of the year. Only way. All tickets are general admisstar of Top Gun, Kelly McGillis at and DJ Carol. A sweaty-fun kick off do it with a smile on your face and a sion. 6p; $17. this 27th annual dinner for equality. to Pride weekend. 11p; $6 b4 12a, rainbow on your shirt. Theme is ‘No Excuses.’ 6p; $175. $10 after. TUESDAY, JUNE 8 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2 THROW UP YOUR JAZZ HANDS POKER? EEWW. LET’S GET READY TO RUMBLE EXPRESS YOURSELF, DON’T REPRESS YOUR- Chicago The Musical @ Palace 8th Annual Pride Poker Run @ Mabsy vs Moxy @ Level Dining SELF Theatre, 34 West Broad St, Club Diversity, 863 S High St, Lounge, 700 N. High St, Transgender, Crossdresser, Gen614.469.1331, www.capa.com: It’s 614.224.4050, www.columbus614.754.7111, levelcolumbus.com: der Variant Peer Support Group @ made its way to our great city so pride.org/pokerrun: Meet up at Club First Mary Ann Brandt presents Center on High, 1160 N High St, now you can flip your shit for the Diversity for the annual Poker Run! Songs Gays Like where she gives it 614.299.7764, www.stonewallrazzle dazzle of Roxie Hart! June 8th There will be prizes and giveaways to you vocally with some songs you columbus.org: Head over to this – 13th; 8p; $22.50, $42.50, $62.50. and a cookout at Club Diversity! apparently like! Moxy then throwspeer led support group facilitated by Fees benefit Stonewall Columbus. down some Pride beats for all you TransOhio staff. Not sure if you want WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9 11a; Bikes leave at 12p; Driver prideful gays. $3 long islands and 3 to talk? Come anyway. 7p – 9p; COME CLOTHED, PLEASE $15; Passenger - $10. Olives all night. Mabs shows at 8p FREE. Out With Our Elected Officials@ & 10p w/cover; Moxy 10p; free. Ohio Statehouse on the lawn, 77 S SUNDAY, JUNE 13 THURSDAY, JUNE 3 High St, 614.752.9777, DON’T BRING YOUR OWN VEGETATION FRIDAY, JUNE 18 DIGITAL DIGITAL GET DOWN www.columbuspride.org/outwithFriends of Goodale Park Garden IT’S HERE! The “Ladies” Of Ohio - Digital ourofficials: Celebrate the official Tour@ Goodale Park, www.friendPride @ Goodale Park, www.columDivas - A photo documentary of political kickoff to Pride! Join Netsofgoodalepark.org: Tour the garbuspride.org: Get your dog tags toOhio Female Illusion Culture @ work Columbus, Equality Ohio, and dens of Goodale in the Short North’s gether, because the bitch is back Ohio Arts Initiative, 1568 N High St, Stonewall Columbus at the Ohio historic neighborhoods. 12p – 5p; (the bitch being Pride). Festival 614.247.7050, Statehouse and mingle with elected free. runs 3p – 11p; $10. www.artsinitiative.osu.edu: Start off officials, candidates, and entrepreGay Pride month right at an exhibi- neurs. Free appetizers and cash bar. WHAT’S WICKED UP FOR? I SAID NO, NO, NO tion of works by John Sherman Lath- Does it get any better? 6p – 8p; Tony Awards Extravaganza @ Pride Kickoff Event @ Inn Rehab, ram III. On exhibit is a photo essay FREE. Score Bar, 145 N 5th St, 627 Greenlawn Ave, 614.883.9933, of Ohio’s female illusionists to coin614.849.0099, www.innrehab.com: Make her go to cide with the release of the artist’s THURSDAY, JUNE 10 scorebarcolumbus.com: The Great rehab! Indulge in the event prebook of the same name. At 7p and JUNE: MONTH OF FESTIVALS White Way has nothing on this ben- sented by Frisky Friday Strippers 8p, there will be special performPark Street Festival@ Park St, efit party for BRAVO. Come see what and hosted by Samantha Rollins. ances by Hellin Bedd, Paige PasNear the Arena District, www.park- Broadway show will close next year. Cocktails 6p; Showtime 7p. sion, Samantha Rollins, Danyel streetfest.com: Run on over to Park 7p; free Vasquez, Turgaussiay Jackson, Dia- Street for this 3-day long festival WHAT’S MY LONGITUDE? mond Hunter, Vivi Velour, and benefitting The Second & Seven MONDAY, JUNE 14 G2H2 @ Latitude 41 Bar and Akasha O’hara Lords. Exhibition Foundation. Enjoy local food, live ALL THE CROTCH-THRUSTING ONE CAN Restaurant, 50 N 3rd St, runs through July 31. 6p-9p. bands, DJs, and local artists. And HANDLE 614.233.7541: The Gay Guys Happy don’t forget to bring the kiddies Sat- Adam Lambert@ The LC Pavilion, Hour returns for a Pride Month FRIDAY, JUNE 4 urday from 11a – 3p for the kids 405 Neil Avenue, 614.461.5483, happy hour edition. Come hang DANCIN’, BUMPIN’, & GRINDIN’, OH MY! festival! June 10th – 5p; June 11th www.promowestlive.com: Idol’s downtown before heading to the Dance For Pride @ Wall Street – 3p; June 12th – 11a. most successful loser. Expect park. 5:30p-8p; free. Night Club, 144 N Wall St, leather, crotches, and a very tight614.464.2800, www.columbusFRIDAY, JUNE 11 fitting wardrobe. Whaddya want SATURDAY, JUNE 19 pride.org/danceforpride: Dance your 29 AGAIN? from him? Show is indoors; 6:30p; PARADE YOUR PRIDE ass off for a small price and a good Hellin Bed’s Monthly Birthday $35. Pride Parade @ Broad & Front cause. Cover is donated to Pride Show @ Score Bar, 145 N 5th St, Streets. www.columbuspride.org: 2010. Not only that, but the first 25 614.849.0099, TUESDAY, JUNE 15 Kick back, relax, and enjoy the get a goodie bag that includes your scorebarcolumbus.com: The pretti- I LOVE MANAGEMENT! floats and free condoms, lube, and Pride entrance dog tags! 8p – 10p; est drag queen in the land celeMGMT@ The LC Pavilion, 405 Neil anal beads. …Okay, probably not $5. brates her youth and beauty every Avenue, 614.461.5483, www.prothe last one. Festival - 10a - 8p; Pamonth with you her loyal subjects. mowestlive.com: Check out your fa- rade - 12p ; FREE! SATURDAY, JUNE 5 vorite management team down at FINALLY, A REASON TO SUBMIT THAT MEN- SATURDAY, JUNE 12 the LC. Kick back on the lawn and SATURDAY JUNE 19 | AXIS STRUAL BLOOD PAINTING! GET YO’ RUNNIN’ SHOES enjoy the weather! Show is outWILL NIRVANA BE THERE? An Exhibit of Pride @ Center on Run for Pride 5k @ Goodale Park, doors; 7p; $30. Dragapalooza with Nina West @ High, 1160 N High St, www.columbuspride.org/runforAxis, 775 N High St, 614.291.4008, 614.299.7764, www.columbuspride: Join recreational and serious WEDNESDAY, JUNE 16 columbusnightlife.com: The name pride.org/artshow: This month-long athletes at the Seventh Annual Run FUN FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY says it all. Tuck it out with National juried exhibition will feature queer- for Pride 5k Run/Walk! Invite Mark Bradford Exhibit@ Wexner EOY 2008 Nina West, Virginia West, related works as well as works by friends, family, and allies to support Center for the Arts, 1871 N High St, Derrick Berry, Miss Ohio Gay Pride queer artists. Works are on display Pride 2010. Registration deadline is 614.292.3535, www.wexarts.org: 2008 Penny Tration, Shari Turner, during the month of June, but min- June 4th and can be done online or Check out Mark Bradford’s ResiAkasha, Miss Ohio USofA At Large gle at the reception! 6p – 10p. by mail. $30 registration fee gets dency Award project on display until 2008 Alexis Stevens, Anisa Love, you a race packet and your 2010 August 15th. It’s fun. It’s cheap. Maria Garrison, Samantha Rollins, JUST ANOTHER REASON TO PICNIC IN THE Pride Dog Tag, which gives you ad- Just like your partner. $5. Hellin Bedd, Freesia Balls, Carrie PARK mittance into the festival on June Kerning, Barbie Roberts, Victoria TransOhio 4th Annual Unity Picnic 18th and 19th. 9:30a; $30. THURSDAY, JUNE 17 Malone, Brionna Brooks, Riley Mor@ Goodale Park, PUDDING: THE BAKER’S LUBRICANT gan, Chutney Sinclair, Phonda Cox, www.transohio.org: Bring your Pride Pudding Wrestling Kickoff @ Sonja Ross, Casandra Terrace, friends, family, loved ones…anyCavan Irish Pub, 1409 S High St, Paige Passion, Vivi Velure, Akasha one! Join TransOhio for the Unity 614.725.5502, www.cavanirishO’Hare Lords, Leah Halston and Picnic held at Ohio’s oldest park. pub.com: What’s not to love? ParPretty Punasti. 8p; $12. 11a – 6p; FREE. take in or witness the 1st annual chocolate pudding wrestling tourna- SUNDAY, JUNE 20 ment for the ladies and the gents. BRUNCH WITH YOUR BUNCH Pride Brunch @ The Westin Columbus, 310 S High St, 614.228.3800, www.columbuspride.org: The offiSUNDAY, JUNE 6 STAR WARS…JUST AS IT SHOULD BE Star Wars: The Ballet @ Lincoln Theatre, 769 E Long St,

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • outlook’s sponsored events • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •




8:00 AM New Event 12:00 PM Dollar Days @ Flex 1:00 PM Happy Hour @ Tremont 4:00 PM $2 Bitchy Mondays @ Club D 5:00 PM Happy Hour @ Blazers 8:00 PM Martini Monday @ Havana 8:00 PM Karaoke Monday @ U 9:00 PM Service Industy Night @ Level 10:00 PM Karaoke @ AWOL 10:00 PM Trivia & Comedy @ Trafix


12:00 PM Dollar Days @ Flex 1:00 PM Happy Hour @ Tremont 4:00 PM $2 Bitchy Mondays @ Club D 5:00 PM Happy Hour @ Blazers 8:00 PM Martini Monday @ Havana 8:00 PM Karaoke Monday @ U 9:00 PM Service Industy Night @ Level 10:00 PM Trivia & Comedy @ Trafix 10:00 PM Karaoke @ AWOL


12:00 PM Dollar Days @ Flex 1:00 PM Happy Hour @ Tremont 4:00 PM $2 Bitchy Mondays @ Club D 5:00 PM Happy Hour @ Blazers 6:30 PM Adam Lambert @ The LC 8:00 PM Martini Monday @ Havana 8:00 PM Karaoke Monday @ U 9:00 PM Service Industy Night @ Level 10:00 PM Karaoke @ AWOL 10:00 PM Trivia & Comedy @ Trafix

Flag Day

12:00 PM Dollar Days @ Flex 1:00 PM Happy Hour @ Tremont 4:00 PM $2 Bitchy Mondays @ Club D 5:00 PM Happy Hour @ Blazers 6:00 PM Star Wars Ballet @ Lincoln Theater 8:00 PM Martini Monday @ Havana 8:00 PM Karaoke Monday @ U 9:00 PM Service Industy Night @ Level 10:00 PM Karaoke @ AWOL 10:00 PM Trivia & Comedy @ Trafix


12:00 PM Dollar Days @ Flex 1:00 PM Happy Hour @ Tremont 4:00 PM $2 Bitchy Mondays @ Club D 5:00 PM Happy Hour @ Blazers 8:00 PM Martini Monday @ Havana 8:00 PM Karaoke Monday @ U 9:00 PM Service Industy Night @ Level 10:00 PM Karaoke @ AWOL 10:00 PM Trivia & Comedy @ Trafix

Memorial Day



9:00 AM SRJNG Tuesday Tune Up @ Espresso Yourself Cafe … Service Industy Night @ Level 8:00 PM Cheap Date Night @ Slam! mers 8:00 PM Team Trivia Tuesdays @ Level 10:00 PM Drag Queen Karaoke @ Score


9:00 AM SRJNG Tuesday Tune Up @ Espresso Yourself Cafe … Service Industy Night @ Level 7:00 PM Dave Mathews Band @ Hunt! ington Park 8:00 PM Cheap Date Night @ Slam! mers 8:00 PM Team Trivia Tuesdays @ Level 10:00 PM Drag Queen Karaoke @ Score


9:00 AM SRJNG Tuesday Tune Up @ Espresso Yourself Cafe … Service Industy Night @ Level 8:00 PM Cheap Date Night @ Slam! mers 8:00 PM Team Trivia Tuesdays @ Level 10:00 PM Drag Queen Karaoke @ Score


9:00 AM BNI Group One-to-Ones @ Panera Bread (Bethel) 9:00 AM SRJNG Tuesday Tune Up @ Espresso Yourself Cafe … Service Industy Night @ Level 8:00 PM Cheap Date Night @ Slam! mers 8:00 PM Team Trivia Tuesdays @ Level 10:00 PM Drag Queen Karaoke @ Score


9:00 AM SRJNG Tuesday Tune Up @ Espresso Yourself Cafe … Service Industy Night @ Level 8:00 PM Team Trivia Tuesdays @ Level 8:00 PM Cheap Date Night @ Slam! mers 10:00 PM Drag Queen Karaoke @ Score



… Drag Queen Karaoke @ Score 12:00 PM CMC Lunch Forums @ Ath! letic Club of Columbus 4:00 PM Whiskey Wednesdays @ Level 4:00 PM Biker Bear HH @ Tradewinds II 7:00 PM Trivia & Family Feud @ Score Bar 7:00 PM Fiesta Night @ U 8:00 PM 3D Weds @ Trafix 8:00 PM Michael Buble 8:00 PM Futuristic Karaoke @ Exile 10:00 PM 80s Video Dance @ Wall St


… Drag Queen Karaoke @ Score 12:00 PM CMC Lunch Forums @ Ath! letic Club of Columbus 4:00 PM Whiskey Wednesdays @ Level 4:00 PM Biker Bear HH @ Tradewinds II 7:00 PM Trivia & Family Feud @ Score Bar 7:00 PM Fiesta Night @ U 8:00 PM Futuristic Karaoke @ Exile 8:00 PM 3D Weds @ Trafix 10:00 PM 80s Video Dance @ Wall St


… Drag Queen Karaoke @ Score 12:00 PM CMC Lunch Forums @ Ath! letic Club of Columbus 4:00 PM Biker Bear HH @ Tradewinds II 4:00 PM Whiskey Wednesdays @ Level 7:00 PM Trivia & Family Feud @ Score Bar 7:00 PM Fiesta Night @ U 8:00 PM Futuristic Karaoke @ Exile 8:00 PM 3D Weds @ Trafix 10:00 PM 80s Video Dance @ Wall St


… Drag Queen Karaoke @ Score 12:00 PM CMC Lunch Forums @ Ath! letic Club of Columbus 4:00 PM Biker Bear HH @ Tradewinds II 4:00 PM Whiskey Wednesdays @ Level 6:00 PM Network Columbus @ Ohio 6:00 PM Out w/Our Elected O#cials @ 7:00 PM Trivia & Family Feud @ Score 7:00 PM Fiesta Night @ U 8:00 PM Futuristic Karaoke @ Exile 8:00 PM 3D Weds @ Trafix 10:00 PM 80s Video Dance @ Wall St


… Drag Queen Karaoke @ Score 12:00 PM CMC Lunch Forums @ Ath! letic Club of Columbus 4:00 PM Whiskey Wednesdays @ Level 4:00 PM Biker Bear HH @ Tradewinds II 7:00 PM Trivia & Family Feud @ Score Bar 7:00 PM Fiesta Night @ U 8:00 PM Futuristic Karaoke @ Exile 8:00 PM 3D Weds @ Trafix 10:00 PM 80s Video Dance @ Wall St


30 31




4:00 PM $3 3 Olives Night @ Level 4:00 PM Leather & Fetish @ Flex 8:00 PM Disco Night @ Martini Park 8:00 PM CW & HipHop @ Wall St 8:00 PM Long Island @ U 8:00 PM Thursday Thrust @ Tradewinds II 10:00 PM Karaoke @ Score Bar

4:00 PM $3 3 Olives Night @ Level 4:00 PM Leather & Fetish @ Flex 6:30 PM 311 @ The LC 8:00 PM Disco Night @ Martini Park 8:00 PM CW & HipHop @ Wall St 8:00 PM Long Island @ U 8:00 PM Thursday Thrust @ Tradewinds II 10:00 PM Karaoke @ Score Bar



4:00 PM $3 3 Olives Night @ Level 4:00 PM Leather & Fetish @ Flex 8:00 PM Pride Pudding Wrestling @ Ca! van's 8:00 PM Drag Pride Kicko" @ Axis 8:00 PM Mary Ann Brandt @ Level 8:00 PM Disco Night @ Martini Park 8:00 PM CW & HipHop @ Wall St 8:00 PM Long Island @ U 8:00 PM Thursday Thrust @ 10:00 PM Karaoke @ Score Bar 11:00 PM Sweatin' @ Axis

4:00 PM $3 3 Olives Night @ Level 4:00 PM Leather & Fetish @ Flex 8:00 PM Disco Night @ Martini Park 8:00 PM CW & HipHop @ Wall St 8:00 PM Long Island @ U 8:00 PM Thursday Thrust @ Tradewinds II 10:00 PM Karaoke @ Score Bar

Park Street Fest @ Park Street

4:00 PM $3 3 Olives Night @ Level 4:00 PM Leather & Fetish @ Flex 7:00 PM Digital DIvas @ Ohio Arts Ini! tiative 8:00 PM Disco Night @ Martini Park 8:00 PM CW & HipHop @ Wall St 8:00 PM Long Island @ U 8:00 PM Thursday Thrust @ Tradewinds II 10:00 PM Karaoke @ Score Bar









July 2010 F

S 3 9 10


4:00 PM Equality Happy Hour @ U 9:00 PM Live Bands @ Havana 10:00 PM DJ Pat Finn @ Trafix 10:00 PM College Nite @ Wall St 11:00 PM The Best in Female Illusion @ Inn Rehab

12:00 PM CommFest Opens 4:00 PM Equality Happy Hour @ U 9:00 PM Live Bands @ Havana 10:00 PM College Nite @ Wall St 10:00 PM DJ Pat Finn @ Trafix 11:00 PM The Best in Female Illusion @ Inn Rehab



… Sweatin' @ Axis 3:00 PM Pride Columbus Festival Opens @ Goodale Park 4:00 PM Equality Happy Hour @ U 5:30 PM G2H2 @ Latitude 41 9:00 PM Live Bands @ Havana 10:00 PM DJ Pat Finn @ Trafix 10:00 PM College Nite @ Wall St 11:00 PM The Best in Female Illusion @ Inn Rehab


4:00 PM Equality Happy Hour @ U 9:00 PM Live Bands @ Havana 10:00 PM Hellin Bedd's Birthday Show @ Score Bar 10:00 PM DJ Pat Finn @ Trafix 10:00 PM College Nite @ Wall St 11:00 PM The Best in Female Illusion @ Inn Rehab

Columbus Pride Holiday



4:00 PM Equality Happy Hour @ U 8:00 PM Dance for Pride @ Wall Street 9:00 PM Live Bands @ Havana 10:00 PM DJ Pat Finn @ Trafix 10:00 PM College Nite @ Wall St 11:00 PM The Best in Female Illusion @ Inn Rehab



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… The Best in Female Illusion @ Inn Rehab 10:00 PM Lesbian Dance Night @ Wall St 10:00 PM Dance Your Ass O" @ Axis 11:00 PM The Best in Female Illusion 2 @ Inn Rehab 11:00 PM DJ T Cruz @ Trafix


… The Best in Female Illusion @ Inn Rehab 10:00 PM Dance Your Ass O" @ Axis 10:00 PM Lesbian Dance Night @ Wall St 11:00 PM DJ T Cruz @ Trafix 11:00 PM The Best in Female Illusion 2 @ Inn Rehab

CommFest @ Goodale Park

Cleveland Pride: P…wn/Voinovich Park


10:00 AM Pride Columbus Festival @ Goodale Park … The Best in Female Illusion @ Inn Rehab 12:00 PM Pride Columbus Parade Downtown 10:00 PM Lesbian Dance Night @ Wall 10:00 PM Dance Your Ass O" @ Axis 11:00 PM DJ T Cruz @ Trafix 11:00 PM The Best in Female Illusion 2


9:30 AM Pride Columbus 5k @ 11:00 AM Pride Poker Run @ Club Di! … The Best in Female Illusion @ Inn 5:00 PM Columbus HRC Dinner @ Hy! 7:00 PM Miss Gay Columbus America 10:00 PM Lesbian Dance Night @ Wall 10:00 PM Dance Your Ass O" @ Axis 10:00 PM After Dinner Celebration @ 11:00 PM The Best in Female Illusion 2 11:00 PM DJ T Cruz @ Trafix


… The Best in Female Illusion @ Inn 12:00 PM Trans Unity Picnic @ Goodale 6:00 PM An Exhibit of Pride @ 10:00 PM Regina Sayles @ Score Bar 10:00 PM Lesbian Dance Night @ Wall 10:00 PM Dance Your Ass O" @ Axis 11:00 PM The Best in Female Illusion 2 11:00 PM DJ T Cruz @ Trafix

Dayton Pride @ Courthouse Square

Toledo "Old West …val" @ Old West End

Pride Youngstown Parade & Festival


25 26 27 28 29 30 31



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9 10 11 12



27 28 29 30




20 21 22 23 24 25 26







June 2010

23 24 25 26 27 28 29



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9 10 11 12 13 14 15







May 2010

photography by robert trautman

www.outlookcolumbus.com all pride, all the time

10:00 AM CommFest @ Goodale Park 11:00 AM Brunch & Showtunes @ U … The Best in Female Illusion 2 @ Inn 6:00 PM Stippers @ Trafix 8:00 PM Sunday Night Players @ Wall 9:30 PM Strippers @ Exile 9:30 PM Strippers @ Score 10:00 PM Karaoke @ Level 10:30 PM Strippers @ Havana 11:00 PM Strippers @ Tradewinds II

Akron Pride "A Day in the Sun" - Lock 3


and 2 more…

11:00 AM Pride Columbus Brunch 11:00 AM Brunch & Showtunes @ U … The Best in Female Illusion 2 @ Inn 12:00 PM Bat-N-Rouge @ Dodge Park 6:00 PM Stippers @ Trafix 9:30 PM Strippers @ Exile 9:30 PM Strippers @ Score 10:00 PM Karaoke @ Level

Father's Day


11:00 AM Brunch & Showtunes @ U … The Best in Female Illusion 2 @ Inn Rehab 6:00 PM Stippers @ Trafix 7:00 PM Tony Awards Benefit @ Score Bar 9:30 PM Strippers @ Exile 9:30 PM Strippers @ Score 10:00 PM Karaoke @ Level 10:30 PM Strippers @ Havana 11:00 PM Strippers @ Tradewinds II

Columbus Pride Holiday



11:00 AM Brunch & Showtunes @ U … The Best in Female Illusion 2 @ Inn Rehab 6:00 PM Stippers @ Trafix 9:30 PM Strippers @ Exile 9:30 PM Strippers @ Score 10:00 PM Karaoke @ Level 10:30 PM Strippers @ Havana 11:00 PM Strippers @ Tradewinds II

Toledo "Old West …val" @ Old West End

Pride Youngstown Parade & Festival

11:00 AM Brunch & Showtunes @ U 6:00 PM Stippers @ Trafix 6:30 PM Bret Michaels @ The Lifestyles 8:00 PM Sunday Night Players @ Wall 9:30 PM Strippers @ Score 9:30 PM Strippers @ Exile 10:00 PM Rolf (Moxy's Farewell) @ Wall 10:00 PM Karaoke @ Level 10:30 PM Strippers @ Havana 11:00 PM Strippers @ Tradewinds II

IGBO Tournament


Special Events


Bars/Clubs Weekly Events

US Holidays

Pride Holiday Events

June 2010

Candi Panties knows no one likes a skinny girl.

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8:00 AM New Event 12:00 PM Dollar Days @ Flex 1:00 PM Happy Hour @ Tremont 4:00 PM $2 Bitchy Mondays @ Club D 5:00 PM Happy Hour @ Blazers 8:00 PM Martini Monday @ Havana 8:00 PM Karaoke Monday @ U 9:00 PM Service Industy Night @ Level 10:00 PM Karaoke @ AWOL 10:00 PM Trivia & Comedy @ Trafix


12:00 PM Dollar Days @ Flex 1:00 PM Happy Hour @ Tremont 4:00 PM $2 Bitchy Mondays @ Club D 5:00 PM Happy Hour @ Blazers 8:00 PM Martini Monday @ Havana 8:00 PM Karaoke Monday @ U 9:00 PM Service Industy Night @ Level 10:00 PM Trivia & Comedy @ Trafix 10:00 PM Karaoke @ AWOL


12:00 PM Dollar Days @ Flex 1:00 PM Happy Hour @ Tremont 4:00 PM $2 Bitchy Mondays @ Club D 5:00 PM Happy Hour @ Blazers 6:30 PM Adam Lambert @ The LC 8:00 PM Martini Monday @ Havana 8:00 PM Karaoke Monday @ U 9:00 PM Service Industy Night @ Level 10:00 PM Karaoke @ AWOL 10:00 PM Trivia & Comedy @ Trafix

Flag Day

12:00 PM Dollar Days @ Flex 1:00 PM Happy Hour @ Tremont 4:00 PM $2 Bitchy Mondays @ Club D 5:00 PM Happy Hour @ Blazers 6:00 PM Star Wars Ballet @ Lincoln Theater 8:00 PM Martini Monday @ Havana 8:00 PM Karaoke Monday @ U 9:00 PM Service Industy Night @ Level 10:00 PM Karaoke @ AWOL 10:00 PM Trivia & Comedy @ Trafix


12:00 PM Dollar Days @ Flex 1:00 PM Happy Hour @ Tremont 4:00 PM $2 Bitchy Mondays @ Club D 5:00 PM Happy Hour @ Blazers 8:00 PM Martini Monday @ Havana 8:00 PM Karaoke Monday @ U 9:00 PM Service Industy Night @ Level 10:00 PM Karaoke @ AWOL 10:00 PM Trivia & Comedy @ Trafix

Memorial Day



9:00 AM SRJNG Tuesday Tune Up @ Espresso Yourself Cafe … Service Industy Night @ Level 8:00 PM Cheap Date Night @ Slam! mers 8:00 PM Team Trivia Tuesdays @ Level 10:00 PM Drag Queen Karaoke @ Score


9:00 AM SRJNG Tuesday Tune Up @ Espresso Yourself Cafe … Service Industy Night @ Level 7:00 PM Dave Mathews Band @ Hunt! ington Park 8:00 PM Cheap Date Night @ Slam! mers 8:00 PM Team Trivia Tuesdays @ Level 10:00 PM Drag Queen Karaoke @ Score


9:00 AM SRJNG Tuesday Tune Up @ Espresso Yourself Cafe … Service Industy Night @ Level 8:00 PM Cheap Date Night @ Slam! mers 8:00 PM Team Trivia Tuesdays @ Level 10:00 PM Drag Queen Karaoke @ Score


9:00 AM BNI Group One-to-Ones @ Panera Bread (Bethel) 9:00 AM SRJNG Tuesday Tune Up @ Espresso Yourself Cafe … Service Industy Night @ Level 8:00 PM Cheap Date Night @ Slam! mers 8:00 PM Team Trivia Tuesdays @ Level 10:00 PM Drag Queen Karaoke @ Score


9:00 AM SRJNG Tuesday Tune Up @ Espresso Yourself Cafe … Service Industy Night @ Level 8:00 PM Team Trivia Tuesdays @ Level 8:00 PM Cheap Date Night @ Slam! mers 10:00 PM Drag Queen Karaoke @ Score



… Drag Queen Karaoke @ Score 12:00 PM CMC Lunch Forums @ Ath! letic Club of Columbus 4:00 PM Whiskey Wednesdays @ Level 4:00 PM Biker Bear HH @ Tradewinds II 7:00 PM Trivia & Family Feud @ Score Bar 7:00 PM Fiesta Night @ U 8:00 PM 3D Weds @ Trafix 8:00 PM Michael Buble 8:00 PM Futuristic Karaoke @ Exile 10:00 PM 80s Video Dance @ Wall St


… Drag Queen Karaoke @ Score 12:00 PM CMC Lunch Forums @ Ath! letic Club of Columbus 4:00 PM Whiskey Wednesdays @ Level 4:00 PM Biker Bear HH @ Tradewinds II 7:00 PM Trivia & Family Feud @ Score Bar 7:00 PM Fiesta Night @ U 8:00 PM Futuristic Karaoke @ Exile 8:00 PM 3D Weds @ Trafix 10:00 PM 80s Video Dance @ Wall St


… Drag Queen Karaoke @ Score 12:00 PM CMC Lunch Forums @ Ath! letic Club of Columbus 4:00 PM Biker Bear HH @ Tradewinds II 4:00 PM Whiskey Wednesdays @ Level 7:00 PM Trivia & Family Feud @ Score Bar 7:00 PM Fiesta Night @ U 8:00 PM Futuristic Karaoke @ Exile 8:00 PM 3D Weds @ Trafix 10:00 PM 80s Video Dance @ Wall St


… Drag Queen Karaoke @ Score 12:00 PM CMC Lunch Forums @ Ath! letic Club of Columbus 4:00 PM Biker Bear HH @ Tradewinds II 4:00 PM Whiskey Wednesdays @ Level 6:00 PM Network Columbus @ Ohio 6:00 PM Out w/Our Elected O#cials @ 7:00 PM Trivia & Family Feud @ Score 7:00 PM Fiesta Night @ U 8:00 PM Futuristic Karaoke @ Exile 8:00 PM 3D Weds @ Trafix 10:00 PM 80s Video Dance @ Wall St


… Drag Queen Karaoke @ Score 12:00 PM CMC Lunch Forums @ Ath! letic Club of Columbus 4:00 PM Whiskey Wednesdays @ Level 4:00 PM Biker Bear HH @ Tradewinds II 7:00 PM Trivia & Family Feud @ Score Bar 7:00 PM Fiesta Night @ U 8:00 PM Futuristic Karaoke @ Exile 8:00 PM 3D Weds @ Trafix 10:00 PM 80s Video Dance @ Wall St


30 31




4:00 PM $3 3 Olives Night @ Level 4:00 PM Leather & Fetish @ Flex 8:00 PM Disco Night @ Martini Park 8:00 PM CW & HipHop @ Wall St 8:00 PM Long Island @ U 8:00 PM Thursday Thrust @ Tradewinds II 10:00 PM Karaoke @ Score Bar

4:00 PM $3 3 Olives Night @ Level 4:00 PM Leather & Fetish @ Flex 6:30 PM 311 @ The LC 8:00 PM Disco Night @ Martini Park 8:00 PM CW & HipHop @ Wall St 8:00 PM Long Island @ U 8:00 PM Thursday Thrust @ Tradewinds II 10:00 PM Karaoke @ Score Bar



4:00 PM $3 3 Olives Night @ Level 4:00 PM Leather & Fetish @ Flex 8:00 PM Pride Pudding Wrestling @ Ca! van's 8:00 PM Drag Pride Kicko" @ Axis 8:00 PM Mary Ann Brandt @ Level 8:00 PM Disco Night @ Martini Park 8:00 PM CW & HipHop @ Wall St 8:00 PM Long Island @ U 8:00 PM Thursday Thrust @ 10:00 PM Karaoke @ Score Bar 11:00 PM Sweatin' @ Axis

4:00 PM $3 3 Olives Night @ Level 4:00 PM Leather & Fetish @ Flex 8:00 PM Disco Night @ Martini Park 8:00 PM CW & HipHop @ Wall St 8:00 PM Long Island @ U 8:00 PM Thursday Thrust @ Tradewinds II 10:00 PM Karaoke @ Score Bar

Park Street Fest @ Park Street

4:00 PM $3 3 Olives Night @ Level 4:00 PM Leather & Fetish @ Flex 7:00 PM Digital DIvas @ Ohio Arts Ini! tiative 8:00 PM Disco Night @ Martini Park 8:00 PM CW & HipHop @ Wall St 8:00 PM Long Island @ U 8:00 PM Thursday Thrust @ Tradewinds II 10:00 PM Karaoke @ Score Bar









July 2010 F

S 3 9 10


4:00 PM Equality Happy Hour @ U 9:00 PM Live Bands @ Havana 10:00 PM DJ Pat Finn @ Trafix 10:00 PM College Nite @ Wall St 11:00 PM The Best in Female Illusion @ Inn Rehab

12:00 PM CommFest Opens 4:00 PM Equality Happy Hour @ U 9:00 PM Live Bands @ Havana 10:00 PM College Nite @ Wall St 10:00 PM DJ Pat Finn @ Trafix 11:00 PM The Best in Female Illusion @ Inn Rehab



… Sweatin' @ Axis 3:00 PM Pride Columbus Festival Opens @ Goodale Park 4:00 PM Equality Happy Hour @ U 5:30 PM G2H2 @ Latitude 41 9:00 PM Live Bands @ Havana 10:00 PM DJ Pat Finn @ Trafix 10:00 PM College Nite @ Wall St 11:00 PM The Best in Female Illusion @ Inn Rehab


4:00 PM Equality Happy Hour @ U 9:00 PM Live Bands @ Havana 10:00 PM Hellin Bedd's Birthday Show @ Score Bar 10:00 PM DJ Pat Finn @ Trafix 10:00 PM College Nite @ Wall St 11:00 PM The Best in Female Illusion @ Inn Rehab

Columbus Pride Holiday



4:00 PM Equality Happy Hour @ U 8:00 PM Dance for Pride @ Wall Street 9:00 PM Live Bands @ Havana 10:00 PM DJ Pat Finn @ Trafix 10:00 PM College Nite @ Wall St 11:00 PM The Best in Female Illusion @ Inn Rehab



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… The Best in Female Illusion @ Inn Rehab 10:00 PM Lesbian Dance Night @ Wall St 10:00 PM Dance Your Ass O" @ Axis 11:00 PM The Best in Female Illusion 2 @ Inn Rehab 11:00 PM DJ T Cruz @ Trafix


… The Best in Female Illusion @ Inn Rehab 10:00 PM Dance Your Ass O" @ Axis 10:00 PM Lesbian Dance Night @ Wall St 11:00 PM DJ T Cruz @ Trafix 11:00 PM The Best in Female Illusion 2 @ Inn Rehab

CommFest @ Goodale Park

Cleveland Pride: P…wn/Voinovich Park


10:00 AM Pride Columbus Festival @ Goodale Park … The Best in Female Illusion @ Inn Rehab 12:00 PM Pride Columbus Parade Downtown 10:00 PM Lesbian Dance Night @ Wall 10:00 PM Dance Your Ass O" @ Axis 11:00 PM DJ T Cruz @ Trafix 11:00 PM The Best in Female Illusion 2


9:30 AM Pride Columbus 5k @ 11:00 AM Pride Poker Run @ Club Di! … The Best in Female Illusion @ Inn 5:00 PM Columbus HRC Dinner @ Hy! 7:00 PM Miss Gay Columbus America 10:00 PM Lesbian Dance Night @ Wall 10:00 PM Dance Your Ass O" @ Axis 10:00 PM After Dinner Celebration @ 11:00 PM The Best in Female Illusion 2 11:00 PM DJ T Cruz @ Trafix


… The Best in Female Illusion @ Inn 12:00 PM Trans Unity Picnic @ Goodale 6:00 PM An Exhibit of Pride @ 10:00 PM Regina Sayles @ Score Bar 10:00 PM Lesbian Dance Night @ Wall 10:00 PM Dance Your Ass O" @ Axis 11:00 PM The Best in Female Illusion 2 11:00 PM DJ T Cruz @ Trafix

Dayton Pride @ Courthouse Square

Toledo "Old West …val" @ Old West End

Pride Youngstown Parade & Festival


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June 2010

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May 2010

photography by robert trautman

www.outlookcolumbus.com all pride, all the time

10:00 AM CommFest @ Goodale Park 11:00 AM Brunch & Showtunes @ U … The Best in Female Illusion 2 @ Inn 6:00 PM Stippers @ Trafix 8:00 PM Sunday Night Players @ Wall 9:30 PM Strippers @ Exile 9:30 PM Strippers @ Score 10:00 PM Karaoke @ Level 10:30 PM Strippers @ Havana 11:00 PM Strippers @ Tradewinds II

Akron Pride "A Day in the Sun" - Lock 3


and 2 more…

11:00 AM Pride Columbus Brunch 11:00 AM Brunch & Showtunes @ U … The Best in Female Illusion 2 @ Inn 12:00 PM Bat-N-Rouge @ Dodge Park 6:00 PM Stippers @ Trafix 9:30 PM Strippers @ Exile 9:30 PM Strippers @ Score 10:00 PM Karaoke @ Level

Father's Day


11:00 AM Brunch & Showtunes @ U … The Best in Female Illusion 2 @ Inn Rehab 6:00 PM Stippers @ Trafix 7:00 PM Tony Awards Benefit @ Score Bar 9:30 PM Strippers @ Exile 9:30 PM Strippers @ Score 10:00 PM Karaoke @ Level 10:30 PM Strippers @ Havana 11:00 PM Strippers @ Tradewinds II

Columbus Pride Holiday



11:00 AM Brunch & Showtunes @ U … The Best in Female Illusion 2 @ Inn Rehab 6:00 PM Stippers @ Trafix 9:30 PM Strippers @ Exile 9:30 PM Strippers @ Score 10:00 PM Karaoke @ Level 10:30 PM Strippers @ Havana 11:00 PM Strippers @ Tradewinds II

Toledo "Old West …val" @ Old West End

Pride Youngstown Parade & Festival

11:00 AM Brunch & Showtunes @ U 6:00 PM Stippers @ Trafix 6:30 PM Bret Michaels @ The Lifestyles 8:00 PM Sunday Night Players @ Wall 9:30 PM Strippers @ Score 9:30 PM Strippers @ Exile 10:00 PM Rolf (Moxy's Farewell) @ Wall 10:00 PM Karaoke @ Level 10:30 PM Strippers @ Havana 11:00 PM Strippers @ Tradewinds II

IGBO Tournament


Special Events


Bars/Clubs Weekly Events

US Holidays

Pride Holiday Events

June 2010

Candi Panties knows no one likes a skinny girl.

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cial Pride cap-off. Knock back a couple of mimosas and then head over to The Westin for brunch. And don’t forget about Bat-N-Rouge later. 11a - 1p. MONDAY, JUNE 21 RELAX After-Pride Hangover @ Your Darkened Bedroom. You allowed yourself a fun-filled weekend. At least properly suffer the consequences by spending the day recovering. Tip: My mango rum-induced drunken stupor is often cured after having breakfast at Bob Evans. TUESDAY, JUNE 22 DON’T DRINK THE WATER Dave Matthews Band @ Huntington Park, 330 Huntington Park Lane, 614.462.5250, www.ticketmaster.com: I don’t particularly care for bands named after its lead singer…but hey some people do. Now that Idol’s over, spend your Tuesday night at Huntington Park to check out DMB. Show @ 7p; $75.60 - Reserved and General Admission. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23 LEAVE THE FLASK AT HOME, KIDS. Whiskey Night @ Level Dining Lounge, 700 N. High St, 614.754.7111, levelcolumbus.com: It’s Wednesday, which means $4.50 Scotches, Bourbon and Whiskeys, $5.50 Top shelf Scotches, Bourbon and Whiskeys, $1 Bud Light Draft and $1 PBR… like you needed an excuse to drink. THURSDAY, JUNE 24 311? I WONDER IF THAT’S CODE… 311 @ Lifestyle Communities Pavilion, 405 Neil Ave, 614.461.5483, www.promowestlive.com: Columbus has a pretty good music scene, but if you’re looking for something a little less local, hit up The LC for the evening and check out 311. The show is outdoors and all seating is general admission. Show @ 6:30p; $35 SATURDAY, JUNE 26 THIS IS HOW WE DO IT House Party Reunion Tour @ Lifestyle Communities Pavilion, 405 Neil Ave, 614.461.5483, www.promowestlive.com: Montell Jordan, yes THE Montell Jordan will be there. Sold? Show is outdoors; Show @ 7p; $25 (lawn), $35 (lawn), $45 (reserved seating). SUNDAY, JUNE 27 LESBIANS REJOICE! Softball Sunday @ Cavan Irish Pub, 1409 S High St, 614.725.5502, www.cavanirishpub.com: Softball season is upon us! That means a beer bucket on the patio and a free cookout at Cavan. FREE. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30 I GO TO BLAZERS FOR A BOOB LAY Michael Buble @ Nationwide Arena, 200 W Nationwide Blvd, 614.246.2000,ticketmaster.com: See Michael Buble in all his ratpack-swagger glory. 8p; $52-$82.

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IT’S SOOO HOT! Sweatin’ Pride Edition @ Axis, 775

• • • • • • • • about town • • • • • • • •

THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! Miss Gay Columbus America 2010 Pageant @ Axis Nightclub, www.myspace.com/missgaycolumbusamerica: Enjoy one of the last official preliminary pageants to Miss Gay Ohio America 2010. Don’t forget to wear your tiaras. Doors 6p; Show 7p; $6 cover.

TUESDAY, JUNE 1 614.384.5640, www.capa.com: WHERE’S MY TUXEDO? N High St, 614.291.4008, columWE’RE HERE AND WE’RE QUEER! What kind of gay could possibly HRC Dinner @ Hyatt Regency Ball busnightlife.com: Scotty Niemet is Pride Month @ Anywhere you damn pass up this concept? Watch your Room, 350 N High St, www.hrcat it again. Come bust your move to well please. Be out and be proud favorite wookies in a whole new columbusdinner.com: Come Join the DJ Samson of Men &LeTigre fame just like any month of the year. Only way. All tickets are general admisstar of Top Gun, Kelly McGillis at and DJ Carol. A sweaty-fun kick off do it with a smile on your face and a sion. 6p; $17. this 27th annual dinner for equality. to Pride weekend. 11p; $6 b4 12a, rainbow on your shirt. Theme is ‘No Excuses.’ 6p; $175. $10 after. TUESDAY, JUNE 8 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2 THROW UP YOUR JAZZ HANDS POKER? EEWW. LET’S GET READY TO RUMBLE EXPRESS YOURSELF, DON’T REPRESS YOUR- Chicago The Musical @ Palace 8th Annual Pride Poker Run @ Mabsy vs Moxy @ Level Dining SELF Theatre, 34 West Broad St, Club Diversity, 863 S High St, Lounge, 700 N. High St, Transgender, Crossdresser, Gen614.469.1331, www.capa.com: It’s 614.224.4050, www.columbus614.754.7111, levelcolumbus.com: der Variant Peer Support Group @ made its way to our great city so pride.org/pokerrun: Meet up at Club First Mary Ann Brandt presents Center on High, 1160 N High St, now you can flip your shit for the Diversity for the annual Poker Run! Songs Gays Like where she gives it 614.299.7764, www.stonewallrazzle dazzle of Roxie Hart! June 8th There will be prizes and giveaways to you vocally with some songs you columbus.org: Head over to this – 13th; 8p; $22.50, $42.50, $62.50. and a cookout at Club Diversity! apparently like! Moxy then throwspeer led support group facilitated by Fees benefit Stonewall Columbus. down some Pride beats for all you TransOhio staff. Not sure if you want WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9 11a; Bikes leave at 12p; Driver prideful gays. $3 long islands and 3 to talk? Come anyway. 7p – 9p; COME CLOTHED, PLEASE $15; Passenger - $10. Olives all night. Mabs shows at 8p FREE. Out With Our Elected Officials@ & 10p w/cover; Moxy 10p; free. Ohio Statehouse on the lawn, 77 S SUNDAY, JUNE 13 THURSDAY, JUNE 3 High St, 614.752.9777, DON’T BRING YOUR OWN VEGETATION FRIDAY, JUNE 18 DIGITAL DIGITAL GET DOWN www.columbuspride.org/outwithFriends of Goodale Park Garden IT’S HERE! The “Ladies” Of Ohio - Digital ourofficials: Celebrate the official Tour@ Goodale Park, www.friendPride @ Goodale Park, www.columDivas - A photo documentary of political kickoff to Pride! Join Netsofgoodalepark.org: Tour the garbuspride.org: Get your dog tags toOhio Female Illusion Culture @ work Columbus, Equality Ohio, and dens of Goodale in the Short North’s gether, because the bitch is back Ohio Arts Initiative, 1568 N High St, Stonewall Columbus at the Ohio historic neighborhoods. 12p – 5p; (the bitch being Pride). Festival 614.247.7050, Statehouse and mingle with elected free. runs 3p – 11p; $10. www.artsinitiative.osu.edu: Start off officials, candidates, and entrepreGay Pride month right at an exhibi- neurs. Free appetizers and cash bar. WHAT’S WICKED UP FOR? I SAID NO, NO, NO tion of works by John Sherman Lath- Does it get any better? 6p – 8p; Tony Awards Extravaganza @ Pride Kickoff Event @ Inn Rehab, ram III. On exhibit is a photo essay FREE. Score Bar, 145 N 5th St, 627 Greenlawn Ave, 614.883.9933, of Ohio’s female illusionists to coin614.849.0099, www.innrehab.com: Make her go to cide with the release of the artist’s THURSDAY, JUNE 10 scorebarcolumbus.com: The Great rehab! Indulge in the event prebook of the same name. At 7p and JUNE: MONTH OF FESTIVALS White Way has nothing on this ben- sented by Frisky Friday Strippers 8p, there will be special performPark Street Festival@ Park St, efit party for BRAVO. Come see what and hosted by Samantha Rollins. ances by Hellin Bedd, Paige PasNear the Arena District, www.park- Broadway show will close next year. Cocktails 6p; Showtime 7p. sion, Samantha Rollins, Danyel streetfest.com: Run on over to Park 7p; free Vasquez, Turgaussiay Jackson, Dia- Street for this 3-day long festival WHAT’S MY LONGITUDE? mond Hunter, Vivi Velour, and benefitting The Second & Seven MONDAY, JUNE 14 G2H2 @ Latitude 41 Bar and Akasha O’hara Lords. Exhibition Foundation. Enjoy local food, live ALL THE CROTCH-THRUSTING ONE CAN Restaurant, 50 N 3rd St, runs through July 31. 6p-9p. bands, DJs, and local artists. And HANDLE 614.233.7541: The Gay Guys Happy don’t forget to bring the kiddies Sat- Adam Lambert@ The LC Pavilion, Hour returns for a Pride Month FRIDAY, JUNE 4 urday from 11a – 3p for the kids 405 Neil Avenue, 614.461.5483, happy hour edition. Come hang DANCIN’, BUMPIN’, & GRINDIN’, OH MY! festival! June 10th – 5p; June 11th www.promowestlive.com: Idol’s downtown before heading to the Dance For Pride @ Wall Street – 3p; June 12th – 11a. most successful loser. Expect park. 5:30p-8p; free. Night Club, 144 N Wall St, leather, crotches, and a very tight614.464.2800, www.columbusFRIDAY, JUNE 11 fitting wardrobe. Whaddya want SATURDAY, JUNE 19 pride.org/danceforpride: Dance your 29 AGAIN? from him? Show is indoors; 6:30p; PARADE YOUR PRIDE ass off for a small price and a good Hellin Bed’s Monthly Birthday $35. Pride Parade @ Broad & Front cause. Cover is donated to Pride Show @ Score Bar, 145 N 5th St, Streets. www.columbuspride.org: 2010. Not only that, but the first 25 614.849.0099, TUESDAY, JUNE 15 Kick back, relax, and enjoy the get a goodie bag that includes your scorebarcolumbus.com: The pretti- I LOVE MANAGEMENT! floats and free condoms, lube, and Pride entrance dog tags! 8p – 10p; est drag queen in the land celeMGMT@ The LC Pavilion, 405 Neil anal beads. …Okay, probably not $5. brates her youth and beauty every Avenue, 614.461.5483, www.prothe last one. Festival - 10a - 8p; Pamonth with you her loyal subjects. mowestlive.com: Check out your fa- rade - 12p ; FREE! SATURDAY, JUNE 5 vorite management team down at FINALLY, A REASON TO SUBMIT THAT MEN- SATURDAY, JUNE 12 the LC. Kick back on the lawn and SATURDAY JUNE 19 | AXIS STRUAL BLOOD PAINTING! GET YO’ RUNNIN’ SHOES enjoy the weather! Show is outWILL NIRVANA BE THERE? An Exhibit of Pride @ Center on Run for Pride 5k @ Goodale Park, doors; 7p; $30. Dragapalooza with Nina West @ High, 1160 N High St, www.columbuspride.org/runforAxis, 775 N High St, 614.291.4008, 614.299.7764, www.columbuspride: Join recreational and serious WEDNESDAY, JUNE 16 columbusnightlife.com: The name pride.org/artshow: This month-long athletes at the Seventh Annual Run FUN FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY says it all. Tuck it out with National juried exhibition will feature queer- for Pride 5k Run/Walk! Invite Mark Bradford Exhibit@ Wexner EOY 2008 Nina West, Virginia West, related works as well as works by friends, family, and allies to support Center for the Arts, 1871 N High St, Derrick Berry, Miss Ohio Gay Pride queer artists. Works are on display Pride 2010. Registration deadline is 614.292.3535, www.wexarts.org: 2008 Penny Tration, Shari Turner, during the month of June, but min- June 4th and can be done online or Check out Mark Bradford’s ResiAkasha, Miss Ohio USofA At Large gle at the reception! 6p – 10p. by mail. $30 registration fee gets dency Award project on display until 2008 Alexis Stevens, Anisa Love, you a race packet and your 2010 August 15th. It’s fun. It’s cheap. Maria Garrison, Samantha Rollins, JUST ANOTHER REASON TO PICNIC IN THE Pride Dog Tag, which gives you ad- Just like your partner. $5. Hellin Bedd, Freesia Balls, Carrie PARK mittance into the festival on June Kerning, Barbie Roberts, Victoria TransOhio 4th Annual Unity Picnic 18th and 19th. 9:30a; $30. THURSDAY, JUNE 17 Malone, Brionna Brooks, Riley Mor@ Goodale Park, PUDDING: THE BAKER’S LUBRICANT gan, Chutney Sinclair, Phonda Cox, www.transohio.org: Bring your Pride Pudding Wrestling Kickoff @ Sonja Ross, Casandra Terrace, friends, family, loved ones…anyCavan Irish Pub, 1409 S High St, Paige Passion, Vivi Velure, Akasha one! Join TransOhio for the Unity 614.725.5502, www.cavanirishO’Hare Lords, Leah Halston and Picnic held at Ohio’s oldest park. pub.com: What’s not to love? ParPretty Punasti. 8p; $12. 11a – 6p; FREE. take in or witness the 1st annual chocolate pudding wrestling tourna- SUNDAY, JUNE 20 ment for the ladies and the gents. BRUNCH WITH YOUR BUNCH Pride Brunch @ The Westin Columbus, 310 S High St, 614.228.3800, www.columbuspride.org: The offiSUNDAY, JUNE 6 STAR WARS…JUST AS IT SHOULD BE Star Wars: The Ballet @ Lincoln Theatre, 769 E Long St,

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • outlook’s sponsored events • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

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Diversity is key. (See what we did there?) So is supporting those who support us!

june 2010


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june 2010

Bud Light is not responsible for Brokeback Mountain hat wearing or nipple tweaking. Just sayin’.


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Volunteer Bios Pride could not happen without the help of Stonewalls great volunteers. Below is some of the super volunteers that are leading the efforts. Thanks to everyone that helps make Pride happen! Scott Schopper – Festival Chair This is Scott Schopper’s seventh year volunteering with the Stonewall Pride Festival and second year as the Festival Chair. Scott has been volunteering in the community since his time at OSU and Pride was a natural progression. Outside of Pride, Scott can be found volunteering with other organizations and events and spending his free time on photography and travelling (such as to NYC to visit his wonderful family). I volunteer for Stonewall because I like having the ability to give back and support the community at large. Sometimes in the GLBT community we can fragment ourselves into smaller pieces (ie, lesbians, gays, bears, twinks, butches, etc), and Pride is an event where everyone from our community, and the rest of Columbus, can come together and enjoy each other’s company, support, and love. In that regard Pride is a unique event, and it is a blast to see it come together each year. Katherine Kriedermann – Volunteer Coordinator I moved to Ohio about ten years ago. My partner, Susan and I enjoy our two large dogs and one small cat as they cavort in their happy dog and cat posse. I am passionate about Pride. It brings us all together and shows our many colors, sizes and shapes, that we are from every station in life, flamboyant, artistic, serious and determined, from one end of the spectrum to the other and everything along the way. With our families of all kinds, we come together to CELEBRATE PRIDE! Jackie Jones – Volunteer Coordinator Assistant Greetings Columbus! My name is Jackie Jones. I relocated here from Washington, DC seven years ago with my two children and have attended five Columbus Pride Holidays! Having watched the attendance and entertainment level grow, this year I am volunteering on the committee, assisting Stonewall staff in creating yet another outstanding Pride. It is my goal to build on my previous outlookcolumbus.com

pride experience from DC and hold a position of leadership in next years’ pride. One thing that I really appreciate about this opportunity is the ability to create an experience that attracts visitors from all over and to be a part of a team that is committed to supporting the LGBT community and our families. Linda Blount – Recycling Committee Chair My name is Linda Blount and I am the cochair for the recycling committee for Pride. I am a 44-year-old social worker for the City of Columbus at the Central Ohio Area Agency on Aging. I provide case management and home care for the elderly in Franklin County. Although I was born in Lakenheath, England I have lived most of my life in Columbus. I graduated from Ohio State University for my undergrad and graduate degrees. This is my second year as a volunteer for the Pride Festival. Karla Rothan asked me last year if I would like to help organize the initial effort to recycle during the festival. My responsibilities during the festival consist of setting up the recycling containers, coordinating the volunteers who dispose of the recycling during the festival, assisting the vendors with the disposal of their recyclables and tearing down and store the containers. Stonewall has purchased permanent reusable containers for future events which I believe reflects a commitment to reducing the environmental impact of the festival. Rob Podlogar – Beverage Chair Rob Podlogar joins the Stonewall 2010 committee as the Beverage Chair. Rob brings to this leadership role his previous volunteer experience from HRC, Equality Ohio and currently with United Way of Central Ohio where he helped with many fundraising events. “I wanted to jump in and help Karla and the other committee chairs with this year’s Pride because this is the largest fundraiser for Stonewall throughout the year and I felt that I could make an impact.” The volunteers who have helped over the years have really been critical to the success of the event. This year we are looking for over 250 volunteers again just to help with the beverage sales and service to help make the event a success! The beverage volunteers are responsible to sell drink tickets and serve beer, wine and liquor to the attendees while ensuring a safe and enjoyable event. My family has recently

changed as my partner of 3 1/2 years and I got married on May 7th. Chad and I traveled to Boston to tie the knot with our parents in attendance. I believe that we are both fortunate to have very supportive family members, coworkers and friends to support our marriage. We decided to go to Boston because we wanted our union to be legal, even if it is not here in Ohio. Lindi Harden – Winner of Pride Volunteer TShirt Design Contest My name is Lindi Harden, I live in Lancaster, Ohio. I spend most of my time Drawing, Hiking, and learning new things. I currently go to Hocking College in Nelsonville, Ohio for Medical Assisting. But my dream is to learn more than one language and travel the world as a freelance photographer or interpreter. I enjoy the arts, including music, photography, drawing, and scrapbooking among other things. I have won a few awards for my drawings, and I hope to make a small profit from my talent. Sile Singleton – Co-coordinator of PRIDE Family Area Sile is 48, I am a mom, wife and cultural entrepreneur. I am the staff training and videoconferencing coordinator for Alvis House Inc., Ohio’s leading community-based corrections organization. I am also a gender performer, (Luster de la Virgion), producer director for Fabbvision Network, a web-based TV network and show director for Fo’Dem Ladeeze a locally based mixed media & live urban performance variety show. I am from Zanesville Ohio and have lived in Columbus since 1979. I am extremely cognizant that the face of the GLBTQQGVIA (lol!) often is not represented as looking like mine and I want to be sure there are moments when this is not the case. I have a deep sense that I can carry the mission and goals of our Ω center into subsets of our queer communities in ways that are only accessible to me because of my affiliation with those groups. My great grandmother Florence E Ferris Adams was a staunch civil rights activist and like her I have a passion for civic duty. And at the end of the day...rather than sitting around critiquing community leaders and asking, ”why don’t they do...” I want to lead by example and say, “hey I have this idea or I could help with this or what do you need.” In this way I am part of the solution and not a piece of the burden.

It takes hundreds of volunteers and thousands of hours to pull off Columbus Pride. When you see someone in a volunteer shirt, say Thank You!

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Volunteer Request The theme for this year’s Columbus Pride is Celebrating Family. We celebrate our immediate families, our family of friends and our family of community. Sometimes, people in your family need help. During this Pride weekend, your Pride family needs a hand, or two. Volunteers are the heart of any successful outing and Pride is no different. Columbus Pride is asking for volunteers to help out in many different ways to make this years festival a true celebration of Celebrating Family. Columbus Pride needs a minimum of 350 volunteers each year to make it all happen, so we have a variety of volunteer opportunities available and one that is just right for you! To make it easier to sign up, volunteer positions are provided in preset time slots. Please follow the link below to become a Pride 2010 volunteer.

The opening shift, or the Red Shift, works from 10a until noon and needs a total of eight volunteers. This is when the event is set up and staged, so there may be some lifting involved. Tents need to be put up, supplies transported to the site and set up, set up and more set up! The second shift will be monitoring the activities, making sure everyone is safe and having a good time. Noon is when the Festival is readying for the Parade and more incoming families and Festivalgoers. The Pink shift is responsible for coordinating this portion of the Festival. All of the balloons will need to be filled, knotted and tied with a ribbon, then handed out to the Parade marchers. Volunteers can help to transport and direct Pride Family marchers to the corner of Marconi and Broad streets, so they can congregate at the statue of Christopher Columbus at City Hall. The main objective is keeping the marchers together and ready for the Parade.

www.columbuspride.org/volunteer There is an application process for becoming a volunteer. By submitting the application, the applicant understands, agrees and affirms the following: • Stonewall Columbus reserves the right to conduct background checks and may access an applicant’s criminal background record for the purpose of screening individuals interested in volunteering with our agency. • Applicant agrees to abide by the rules set forth by Stonewall Columbus • Applicant affirms that the information contained in his/her application is accurate and correct and that age requirements, as applicable, are satisfied. • Applicant understands and agrees that Stonewall Columbus Inc., the organizer of Columbus Pride, has sole discretion over who is permitted to volunteer. If you have previously volunteered for a position that is not listed in the General or Beverage Volunteer applications or if you have any specific questions about volunteering for Columbus Pride 2010, please contact Omar Faruk by emailing ofaruk@stonewallcolumbus.org The volunteer shifts begin on Friday the 18th at 5p. This is Volunteer Check In and T-Shirt day. A total of 16 volunteers will be needed to greet incoming families and helping them prep their T shirts. (All Pride families and friends are encouraged to bring a blank T shirt, so we can apply the CELEBRATING FAMILY stencil and dip it in a choice of two colors). The volunteer “floaters” will also hand out giveaways and snacks to families when they complete their tasks. They’ll also distribute maps and instructions for the following day. As the day winds down by 8p, a crew will take down the booths and clean the site in preparation for Saturday. On Saturday, the main day of the Festival, there is a need for 90+ volunteers, responsible for a variety of tasks. The shifts are as follows: VOLUNTEER SHIFTS (plus City Year volunteers) PF=PRIDE FAMILY PF Red shift 1 PF Org shift 2 PF Pnk shift 2a PF Yel shift 3 PF Grn shift 4 PF Blu shift 5 PF Pur shift 6 PF Gry shift 7


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10a-noon 11:30p-2p (non-marchers/ observers) noon - 1:30p 1:30-3: p 2:30p - 4:30p 4p – 6p 5:30p -8p 7:30p - 9:30p (teardown)

The Yellow shift, which starts at 1:30p, is assigning volunteers to a variety of monitoring positions to keep the fun going. The Sisters of Lavender will be calling Pokerkeno and Bocce Ball, while there’ll be a variety of other activities for people to enjoy. As people come into the grounds, volunteers can direct them to open activities and provide directions for getting around the site. Listed below are some of the activities we have planned for the afternoon, so if you have any special abilities or desire to monitor a particular one, let us know. bounce house bounce slide inflatable sumo wrestling musical chairs kickball sack races face painting hardboiled egg toss hardboiled egg roll

parachute hula hoop aerobics double Dutch clinic bike safety & slalom course watermelon eating contest pie eating contest 4 cornhole sets pokerkeno bocce ball

More activities will kick off as the afternoon progresses. Between 2:30p and 4p, there’ll be a Hula demo, a First Aid class, Double Dutch demo and a Hip Hop ‘PRIDE Bear Sez’ (Simon Says) dance and singalong. One of the best activities is sure to be the Baby’s First Steps/Crawl baby race and the Toddler Hard Boil Toss and Run. That should be hysterical! During the Blue shift, which starts at 4p, many of the same activities will be repeated for older children, such as the Toss and Run and sack races. Volunteers will continue to monitor and watch out for the participants. The fourth, fifth and sixth shifts (from 2:30 to 8p) will continue handling the incoming families and monitoring the various activities. A schedule of the activity times will be posted and volunteers assigned as the activities need them. Finally, all good things must come to an end. And that means the inevitable tear down and clean up process. Everyone could help by pitching in here because this is the one of the most important, yet thankless jobs at any gathering. The clean up will begin as the festivities start to wind down by 7p, with the full tear down scheduled for completion by 9p. It’s so important that we leave Goodale Park in even better shape that we found it, because the last impression we want to leave is of a beautiful, fun, friendly and meaningful Festival that everyone enjoyed and that Celebrating Family isn’t just a Pride motto, its a community purpose.

She’s considering whether she wants a cheeseburger or to kick my ass.


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Who’s a little busy bee? Hmmm? Who’s a witty bitty bizzy bee?

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In case you didn’t hear, Outlook Media is the proud new owner of High Street Neighborhoods!


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Safety at Pride Be Safe, Be Smart BRAVO Gives Tips On How To Stay Safe This Pride Holiday by Gloria McCauley and Chris Cozad At the culmination of Pride month, the LGBT community has many reasons to be proud. There have been enormous gains politically and socially. But we are not yet “equal” The people who hate us and our communities see these gains, and our Pride, as fodder to continue their efforts to harm us in any way possible. BRAVO receives more Hate Crime reports in June than in any other month. Just last week, two gay men were brutally attacked by a neighbor in Clintonville. They had the pride (and the audacity) to hang a rainbow flag on their porch. Not unlike a red flag in front of a bull; an already tense neighborhood situation escalated and took a violent turn. A similar incident on the south end, involves pet poisoning and menacing. Happy Pride, right? Pride Holiday is a fabulous and fun weekend for us all. We celebrate, and play and revel in the full diversity that is the LGBT Community. Sadly, in addition to the leather and sequins there are also always the ubiquitous far right Christian protesters who would burn our flags or mace us. Their presence serves as a disappointing reminder that we still have a long way to go. Don’t engage with these idiots. If education worked, they wouldn’t be there. You can’t change their hearts and minds – they are there simply to antagonize us into confrontation. Don’t give them what they want, turn the other cheek (especially if you are wearing chaps) and walk away. So, as we move with Pride through the streets, let’s remember to keep ourselves, our families, our friends, and our communities safe. Pride is knowing how to take care of ourselves and each other. Pride is learning to trust your gut instincts. Proud is being out and proud is looking out for others. We have every reason to be proud – but unfortunately we also have very real reasons to be cautious. To that end, we offer some safety tips: In The Parade: If you encounter protesters, don’t respond to them. Remember, if they were reasonable people, they wouldn’t be protesting!


Follow the requests of Parade Security. These are community members who have volunteered to keep us all safer. In The Streets: Stay with a group, especially when walking between parks, parties and bars Project confidence - be aware of your surroundings. Carry a whistle or another way to make a lot of noise. Trust your “gut:” If a situation doesn’t feel right, follow your instincts and leave. If you are harassed, it is not usually a good idea to respond. Don’t give the thugs the attention they are seeking. In The Clubs: Watch your drink: people can slip various drugs, like Ruffees (a date rape drug), into your beverage to impair you. If you meet someone new, introduce them to a friend or to the bartender. (Especially if you decide to leave with them!) Don’t overindulge. It is impossible to make good decisions if our faculties are impaired. Partying affects your awareness and judgment. Heat makes it worse. Drink water! Have a designated driver - or volunteer to be a designated driver. In Our Neighborhoods: More visibility sometimes is more opportunity for neighborhood problems. If there have been problems with a particular neighbor, they may use it as a rationale for escalating hostilities. Participate in Neighborhood groups or blockwatch activities. As the LGBT community is empowered, proud and visible, those who hate us are emboldened. Hate Crimes spike all over the country during June Columbus is no exception. You are not alone. BRAVO can help. Don’t try to “fix” these situations by yourselves. We have trained crisis intervention specialists available in both our staff and our hotline volunteers (1-866-86BRAVO) who can help you look at all of your options, walk you through the various steps of dealing with the situation and provide life saving advise and referrals.

MISSION: BRAVO works to eliminate violence perpetuated on the basis of sexual orientation and/or gender identification, domestic violence and sexual assault through prevention, advocacy, violence documentation, and survivor services – both within and on behalf of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender communities. BRAVO services: Same-sex domestic violence support groups Support group for sexual assault survivors Courtroom advocacy Police advocacy Referrals to other social service agencies and/or health service agencies - Crisis Intervention - Short term emergency housing for GLBT crime victims and survivors - Liaison with Columbus Division of Police, assistance to victims accessing the criminal justice system - Document acts of violence (anti-gay hate crimes, sexual assault, harassment, discrimination, and same-sex domestic violence), gather statistical data for Annual Reports - Cultural diversity training and workshops, educational lectures, etc. on LGBT issues to social service agencies, schools, government agencies, institutions of faith, corrections facilities, conferences and corporate groups. - Cadet Training for Law Enforcement - Toll-free crisis HelpLine - Prevention Services, including: Self-Defense classes, Street Safety Seminars, Whistle Campaign BRAVO is the only agency in Ohio working on issues of violence against LGBT people and same sex domestic violence. Additionally, BRAVO is Ohio’s official reporting agency to the NCAVP annual report. 1-866-86-BRAVO

If you need help: You can reach BRAVO toll free at 1-866-86-BRAVO or on the web: www.bravo-ohio.org

Dog whistles are made deliberately to create sound above 20,000 Hz, which is the highest a human can hear. Dogs can hear sounds as high as 48,000 Hz.

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Why do we want to tell that boy to “open wide?”


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Stonewall Columbus Board of Trustees This year’s theme for Pride Holiday is Family. We asked the board and staff of Stonewall Columbus Community Center, the organizers and beneficiaries of Pride, to tell what family means to them. Kelly Jaeger President, Board of Trustees “It’s not exclusively about bloodline. It’s about those that we hold in our lives with unconditional love and understanding, absent of fear of judgment, disparagement or falsity.”

“Family is whom you hold in your heart.” Bruce Shalter Board Trustee “As Richard Bach said The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other’s life.” Lynn Wallich Board Trustee “There are two types of family; one is by choice and the other by birth. You know when you are dealing with family when those bonds become being there in a time of need and being ready to sacrifice when necessary.

Judy Herendeen Vice-President, Board of Trustees “To me, family is core to our feeling grounded and steadfast. From there we can leap out into the world, take risks and discover others and ourselves in ways that enrich our lives.”

Terry Wheeler Board Trustee “My family is a collection of people who are connected by blood, love, mutual respect, friendship and a shared commitment to caring, understanding, justice and equality. Each member of my family is a unique and special blessing in my life.”

Rick Harrison Treasurer, Board of Trustees “Love makes a family. Whoever either lives in a household together or who is blessed with a circle of friends - who take care of each other out of mutual love and respect, is a family.”

Stonewall Columbus Staff

Jay Poroda Secretary, Board of Trustees “Richard Bach once said, The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other’s life. During Pride 2010, I will remember and celebrate the amazing family that Columbus’ GLBT community has given me. Happy Pride Columbus!” David Glisson Board Trustee “Oftentimes we think of families as those related to us thru blood/marriage. Keeping true to Stonewalls mission statement of inclusion, let us be reminded that family also includes our GLBT brothers and sisters. Happy Pride!!” Deittra Heritage Board Trustee “I forged a relationship, inherited children and purchased a home. I pay taxes, buy football gear in the spring and schedule dinner with my teenage boys. One day, the state and country I love will recognize how terribly normal we are as a family and recognize us formally for it.” Shane Morgan Board Trustee “Both my chosen family and biological family are mega important to me and while not everybody in my biological family is supportive of who I am or the decisions I’ve made in my life, it’s my chosen family that fills those gaps and provides me the grounding I need to go about my day. Family is like a rainbow: No two are alike.” Letha Pugh Board Trustee


Karla Rothan Executive Director “I think the best definition that I have ever found for the word; “Love” is that Love is gently guiding someone into themselves. That is what each member of my family does for me, even my little dog, Jake.” Omar Faruk Administrative Assistant “Hi, I’m Omar and I have been with Stonewall for three months supporting my colleagues and volunteers putting together this great event called Columbus Pride! Although my biological family lives in Brooklyn, NY, where I grew up, naturally, my wonderful friends here make up my other family. I’m in the process of completing my education at The Ohio State University. Go Bucks!” Suzie Simpson Center Coordinator “My family is very supportive of me & my lifestyle & what I do in the community. It means the world to me to not have to live or hide who I am & what I do. They love me for who I am.” John Herman Marketing/Web Coordinator “Yes, my friends and family are crazy. We are not perfect. We are not traditional, but we are there when it counts, it’s inconvenient, fun, and even embarrassing.” Michele Fregonas Office Manager Family is created by blood or by bond, and equally so.

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Pride Costs – Facts & Fiction How Much Does Pride Cost? A Lot! Each year our Pride Festival and March grows. In 2009 this event cost Stonewall Columbus approximately $145,000 to produce. Here is a summary of the costs for 2009: Beverages and Ice - $40,000 Cleanup - $12,000 Columbus Police - $13,000 Entertainment - $25,000 Insurance - $10,000 Permits - $ 3,000 Printing - $ 2,000 Stage, Sound and Lights - $10,000 Rental Equipment - $30,000 For 2010, we anticipate that some of these costs may grow due to price increases by our vendors and suppliers. Each year, Stonewall Columbus works rigorously to hold the line on expenses to bring the Pride Celebration to you in the most cost-efficient manner without sacrificing the features that make Pride the unique and fun event that we all expect and enjoy. Who Pays for Pride? We All Do! Contrary to what some believe, the Pride Festival is not paid for or hosted neither by City, State or any other government entity nor by some huge corporation. This is an event hosted and financed by the LGBT community and their allies! Sponsorships, vendor booth fees and float fees account for a small portion of the funds needed, but the majority of the money needed to produce this major event comes from YOU! Your donations at the gate and purchase of beverages fund this community festival and allow us to continue and expand the event each year. Without your generous support, Pride could not exist and we Thank You!


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Who Benefits from Pride? Everyone! Pride is a fundraising event for Stonewall Columbus. Money collected at the Festival goes back to our LGBT community center, the Center on High, and to Stonewall Columbus. Stonewall Columbus has provided programs and services to LGBT people in Central Ohio for nearly thirty years. Because of your support, this organization continues to advocate for our causes, offer programs and services vital to the well being of our LGBT community and to host one of the largest Pride celebrations in the country. The Pride Festival showcases our LGBT community and allies and offers an opportunity for the Central Ohio area to celebrate the diversity of our population. How Can I Help? Donate at the Gate! You will be asked for an Admission Donation of $5 as you enter the park. This donation helps Stonewall Columbus pay for Pride. Purchase a $10 Pride 2010 Dog Tag or Wristband prior to the event and use the express lane at the Festival gate both days! Buy Dog Tags and Wristbands here: http://www.columbuspride.org Become a Member of The Center on High! When you become a member and donate money, it is only appropriate that you know how your dollars are spent. We are proud that over three quarters of our revenue goes right back into serving this community and 24% of these funds are used for Pride. I can assure you that our priority is the people that we serve and that our dedicated staff makes every penny count. Whether you’re committed to our advocacy work, connected to empowering our youth, touched by our lifesaving health services, or enriched by our personal development classes, there are many reasons to support the Center on High. By becoming a member today, you are investing in the future of this community and supporting an organization that changes and even saves the lives of thousands of people each year. Bonus Benefit! Sunday – Thursday, members who show their membership card at the Gateway Film Center get $5 admission to any film! Please consider joining our center today! Become a Member here: www.columbuspride.org/donate

Does anyone remember our intern cousin Ben? He had much better hair than this guy.


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Wanna come back to my place and see my big electric units?

july 2009


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Stonewall Programming There are many programming options for people to take advantage of at Stonewall. Monies earned at Pride Holiday go to support these important programs.

mitment to fitness. The movements are modified for any level of fitness or presentation. The result is a fun invigorating workout that is “exercise to a different beat”.


Ballroom Dancing Offers classes for beginners and intermediate levels.

Stonewall Columbus regularly exhibits the works of local artists. The Center on High is located in a vibrant arts district called the Short North, which hosts a Gallery Hop each first Saturday of the month. Stonewall Columbus also partners with the art departments of several high schools, colleges and universities to show the works of new and upcoming artists. Studio One in the Center on High and the 4th Street Annex present evenings of theatre, comedy and music at various times throughout the year.

Diversity TransOhio Serves the Ohio transgender and ally communities by providing services, education, support and advocacy, which promotes and improves the health, safety and life experience of the Ohio transgender individual and community. TransOhio Partners’ Discussion Group The TransOhio Partners Discussion Group is an opportunity for people to talk about common issues, to receive support, to exchange resources and to openly share personal experiences, personal frustrations and fears, the high’s and the low’s, dealing with children, friends, family, managing social situations and addressing issues of sexuality, personal identity, and social perceptions.

Faith Buddhist Meeting – Nichiren Daishonin’s Buddhism An open and all-inclusive group whose purpose is to provide an atmosphere for learning and studying Nichiren’s Buddhism, with the teachings based on Lotus Sutra, along with chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo, which means, “The devotion to the Law of Cause and Effect through Sound.”

Health Afro-Rhythms Dance Workout Class This class combines the love of dance with com-


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Gay, Joyous, and Free - Narcotics Anonymous Hosts a weekly support group of GLBT individuals who are struggling with and/or recovering from drug addiction. GLBT Hiking Club This seasonal (Spring, Summer, Fall) social group meets at the Center on High and then travels to various locations throughout Central Ohio to hike and enjoy the wonders of nature. Hiking trips/outings vary. Columbus Women’s Collective The Columbus Women’s Collective exists to serve the civic, social and emotional needs of the LBTQA women of Columbus. Through the use of community programming and outreach, civic action and education we commit to the creation of a nurturing climate. Men’s Coming Out Group Drop-in discussion group for men of all ages to share their issues with coming out and provide a place to meet others who may be going through the same transition or who have already come out. Men’s Discussion Group Interested in meeting new people? Looking for support and direction? The group is open to all and offers the opportunity to meet and interact with gay men from a variety of backgrounds. The group meets to talk about common challenges, frustrations and advantages unique to gay men. Topics include: meeting new people, developing a support network, dealing with stress from families, and responding to homophobia in the workplace. The group is lead by a licensed psychologist who offers the perspective of an experienced counselor. Professional Counselor Sonny Saunders, MSE, PC, is a Professional Counselor, Therapist and Clinician providing individual & group counseling sessions to the GLBT population at No Charge. He works in collaboration with

Maryhaven. Sonny is available for counseling appointments at the Center on High on an appointment basis only arranged by him.

groups, and other activities, the Columbus Bi Network facilitates a sense of pride in ourselves and our community.

Sober, Strong and Free - Lesbian Group AA A weekly support group offering hope and help to alcoholic lesbian and bisexual women.

LinkOUT - LGBT Young Professionals of Central Ohio The vision of this group is to shape the future of the young LGBT professional community making Central Ohio a desirable place to call home. LinkOUT engages young LGBT professionals and connects them to LGBT serving organizations and other communities in Central Ohio. (This group does not meet at Stonewall Columbus).

Stonewall Columbus Runners’ Connection This group meets bi-monthly on a seasonal basis. The group initially meets at Stonewall to learn the basics of effective running for good overall health, exercise, race training and fun. The regular bimonthly meetings are held as outings at a variety of locations in Columbus to run/walk. All levels of experience are welcome and encouraged to join. Stonewall Health Check Stonewall Health Check encompasses all health related programming being offered at The Center on High. This programming includes, but is not limited to health fairs, presentations as well as any other health related classes offered in the Studio on High. Future programming will be determined on a case-by-case basis. Stonewall Senior Programming Committee Stonewall Seniors is a group committed to implementing programming that will provide an outlet to seniors in the LGBT community. The meetings are subject to change based on the needs of the committee. We are currently working on a friendly visiting program for LGBT seniors in our community. The goal of the committee is to begin to build a vibrant senior program to address the increasing need in our community. Transgender, Cross Dressing, Gender Variant Peer Support Group This is a peer led support group. Open to everyone - FtM, MtF, Cross Dressers, Gender Queer, Intersexed, etc. Facilitated by TransOhio staff. Drop-ins welcome. Yoga Offers Yoga class for all levels. Classes are held in six-week series that repeat.

Social Columbus Bi Network Group Columbus Bi Network intends to be a space for and resource to Central Ohio persons who are attracted to more than one gender. Through social events, community outreach initiatives, support

Old Lesbians Organized for Change A national organization of older lesbians 60 and over, OLOC has local groups around the country and functions under the leadership of a national Steering Committee. OLOC works toward providing a safe, supportive network for old lesbians while actively working to effect changes that will improve their lives. OutLoud Drop in anytime for coffee, snacks, conversation, or just to hang out someplace that isn’t home. The OutLoud group discusses hot topics and LGBT history using current literature, movies and documentaries, and guest speakers. OutLoud is very informal and is perfect for those who aren’t necessarily “group” people. P.A.C.T. - Parents and Children Together A family and social outing group for GLBT parents with children. (This group does not meet at Stonewall). Sisters of Lavender (SOL) Hosts a support and social group for lesbian womyn forty and over. The focus of the group is to address issues and topics of interest to the mature lesbian population. The group is also intended to be a safe harbor for womyn to meet and socialize with other womyn of similar sexual orientation. (This group does not meet at Stonewall). Women’s Book Club A primarily lesbian group with members from many backgrounds and ages. Friendly, thoughtprovoking discussions on a range of topics, generally related to the month’s book. The books vary in genre, ranging from non-fiction to poetry to historical literature to light ‘beach-reads.’ The group provides an opportunity to meet members of the community.

Our community center is one of few in the country that owns its own property. Keep the campus alive and give generously!


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We were going to put Jerry’s ad below the dumpster, but we hate to typecast our advertisers.

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2010 Pride Festival

New for Pride 2010! Be the first to buy a Pride Beer Stein at the Festival! These new, reusable beer mugs are bigger than our regular cups. Buy a Pride beer stein at the Festival for just $10 filled with beer. Then, refill your mug BOTH DAYS of the Festival at the regular price of $5! You read that right – more beer, just $5 each for 2 days when you use your Pride Beer mug! Quantities are limited, so be sure to get yours early at the Park! Park opens at 3p on Friday June 18th.

Donate at the Gate! You will be asked for an Admission Donation of $5 as you enter the park. This donation helps Stonewall Columbus pay for Pride. Purchase a $10 Pride 2010 Dog Tag or Wristband prior to the event and use the express lane at the Festival gate both days!

Buy Dog Tags and Wristbands here: www.columbuspride.org

Stay Connected Get Stonewall Columbus Updates Sent to Your Phone Through Text Message! To Sign Up: TEXT myswc lgbt TO SHORTCODE 368638 (DOTMET)


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Beer steins originated in Germany during the Black Plague, when lids on beverage containers became mandatory to keep out disease-carrying flies.


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But you are, Blanche. You ARE in the gay paper.

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Friday Night Entertainment Hosts Nina West & Virginia West Virginia West is the grand-mammie of the every Queen born before 1980, and then some. She has been a staple of the Columbus drag scene since time immemorial, and is able to boast with confidence than an entire US state was named after her. A former Miss Gay Ohio America, and Miss Gay Ohio USofA, this cat suit clad Queen is preparing currently for what will be her twenty-third main stage show. She enjoys smoking, gambling, smoking a little more, and pot roast. Nina West, Entertainer of the Year 2008, has been doing drag almost as long as Virginia, and has seen great success with her campy, quirky, and irreverent broadwaystyle shows. She is a former national titleholder, and is quick with a joke, and a light for your smoke. She wears a men’s size 11 and is four hundred feet tall. When not glamming her clam, Nina can be found spending time with her best friend Pats, and her boyfriend Miles.

Host Luster de la Virgion Your host for Friday evening is the incomparable Luster de la Virgion! Luster de la Virgion is the genderbending king of Columbus drag and a founder of the International Drag King Extravaganza (IDKE), and was an original cast member of the Royal Renegades. Performing as both Luster and Lustivious with his production company, Fast Friday Productions, he is sometimes male, sometimes female, and always fabulous.


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Headliner - Derrick Barry as Britney Spears Derrick Barry has been a performer all his life. At 12 years old, he decided to trade in gymnastics for the Theatre. Derrick showcased his acting abilities in over 20 productions between junior high, high school and college. Halloween 2003 piloted his newfound career of impersonating pop princess Britney Spears. “The second time I dressed up like Britney Spears was at The Tonight Show with Jay Leno on November 17, 2003. Britney was promoting ‘In The Zone’ as I sat in the audience; not realizing my life was about to change. On a commercial break during her interview segment, production personnel spoke to Jay and Britney about my likeness. Britney was shocked. When she locked eyes with me, I heard her say “Oh My God’ as she covered her mouth. ” Derrick Barry’s talents propelled him to be the youngest cast member in the 23-year history of ‘An Evening at La Cage’ at the Riviera Hotel & Casino on the Las Vegas Strip. He departed from ‘La Cage’ in the fall of 2008 after garnering international attention with his Britney Spears act on America’s Got Talent. Derrick is also focused on his acting career, including a documentary release in the near future and his first full-length motion picture. He was most recently cast in music videos for pop sensation Katy Perry and hip-hop artist Eminem. Prepare to GET INTO THE ZONE!

Ms Mikayla Denise Local Drag Queen sensation Ms Mikayla Denise will be gracing the main stage on Friday night.

Drag Queen Show

album out called “Traffic.”

Friday night will also feature a Drag Queen Show, letting our local lovelies strut their stuff!

*Sick of Sarah

The Real Thing The Real Thing is not really Coca Cola, it’s really a Columbus based band that features upbeat covers and originals. Check them out on the Friday night stage!

Wonder Twin Powers Columbus, Ohio’s “Superhero~Soul-tastic” dynamic duo! WONDER TWIN POWERS is a “DUOON-PURPOSE” BAND a’la “Flat Duo Jets”, “Local H”, “The White Stripes” and they list their main influences as local celebrity, “FOLEY” and “Prince”. Load up your Pride night with Super Power!

No Shade Are you ready? You better be. No Shade shocks and entertains with a hot hip-hop and urban pop sound, blending the attitude and street edge of hip-hop with the creative and modern styles of pop music. No Shade’s unabashed style is inspired by West Coast and dirty South influences, while the group hails from Columbus, Ohio.

Drew Davis Local native transplanted to Georgia, Drew has been performing live since she was eleven-years-old and began writing music when she was six-years-old. Now, Drew is a young musician just trying to get her music out there and share it with all those who would like to listen. Drew started playing with other musicians a few years ago and loved it. However, she still often plays by herself. Finally, seven years after her CD released in 2001, Drew has a new

Can you guess what trio this woman is from?

Sick of Sarah released their self-titled debut album in summer of 2008. The band, which has a strong local following in their hometown of Minneapolis, is beginning to draw attention nationally. It was after winning the MTV virtual Kaya’s Battle of the Bands SOS released a single “Bittersweet” through LA indie label Adamant Records. That single caught the attention of Spin Magazine, which compared them to the Breeders and Sleater-Kinney in a “Buzzcatcher” story.

secure a place for herself and her unique brand of urban folkroots music. Playing straight from the heart, Burgess consistently shows us why she is being called “one of our country’s best rising stars.” With her the release of her highly anticipated, brand new studio album [MGM / PSR], “wait for the World”, Burgess is set to raise the bar again.

Unecc A “Stud Rapper” who’s laid back demeanor belies the fact that she is an absolute beast on the microphone. Unecc is in production for her second video: “U Scared.”

8 Inch Betsy 8 Inch Betsy has been linked to the Queercore scene and is a Chicagobased rock/pop/punk trio that focus intensely on lyric driven rock that gets your Irish up, can bring you down to earth and get stuck in your head for days.

Cirque-Tacular NYC’s own Cirque-Tacular brings the spectacle of Las Vegas and the elegance of Broadway events to Columbus Pride weekend. The troupe performs in a Cirque de Soleil style, featuring highflying acrobatics, stunts and circus acts.

Katie Todd Band Lauded by iTunes.com as having one of the “top buzz bands in the country,” Katie Todd claimed a spot as the website’s “Artist of the Week,” earning over 300,000 downloads for the single, “Face Down.” Katie has shared the stage with Jewel, Kenny Loggins, The Wallflowers and Pete Yorn, and has performed in front of packed audiences at venues and festivals such as House of Blues and Lollapalooza. Many of her songs have been featured in films. “Leave” in Chasing the Green, starring Jeremy London, “The Polite” in The Mini, and “In and Around” featured in Other People’s Parties, a Sundance finalist.

Rosie Burgess Trio Rosie Burgess has emerged onto the Australian music scene to firmly

LiquorBoxx! A women’s dance troupe from Cleveland with a killer name! It’s much better than WineBox!

JJ Cox JJ Cox, a Pennsylvania-based Drag King, brings the PA attitude to the stage for his one-of-a-kind performance on Friday.

Pickle Local legend and karaoke champion Pickle will grace the stage with a special karaoke performance.

Belly dancers Some of Columbus’ own finest belly dancers will be captivating the Pride stage on Friday. As long as they do the Dance of the Seven Veils! outlookcolumbus.com

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These organizations are the backbone of our community. Donate your money and your time!

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GRAND MARSHALS Stonewall Columbus is pleased to announce the Grand Marshals for Pride 2010! Activists, Community Leaders and now Fathers, this year’s grand marshals will be Tom Grote, Rick Neal and the Grote-Neal Families! Stonewall Columbus honors a family that has given back so much and who has made a tremendous difference in the lives of so many people in Central Ohio and all over the world. Celebrate with us at the Pride Parade on Saturday, June 19, 2010. Step-off is at noon at the corner of Front Street and West Broad Street ending at Goodale Park in the Short North. Join us in honoring the Grand Marshal Family at the Pride Brunch, which will be held on Sunday, June 20 from 11a - 1p at the Westin Columbus Hotel in the Grand Ballroom. Seating for the brunch is limited. For more information please visit ColumbusPride.org

Columbus Pride 2010 Sponsors Stonewall Columbus is proud to present our 2010 Pride Sponsors! Through their sponsorships, these businesses and organizations have made an investment in the success of our event and have demonstrated their support for our community. Please join us in acknowledging their generous contributions to the Pride 2010 Festival by patronizing these businesses and letting them know that we recognize and appreciate their partnership. Thank You Sponsors! You Help Make Pride a Success! Beverage Sponsor Bud Light Platinum Sponsors Axis FindFred Havana Richard Gallagher Union Gold Sponsors American Family Insurance Cardinal Health Dooley & Co. Realtors Gateway Film Center KY Brand Polaris Financial Partners SDG Security Silver Sponsors Advanced Care Ambulance Service David Arocho Bank of America Home Loans


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Every step from the Statehouse to Goodale is one step closer to equality. Join us and show your PRIDE.

Barefoot Wine & Bubbly Beacon Property Management & Realty Inc. Boerger Investigative Services, LLC. Call Management Resources Inc. JP Morgan Chase LGBT & Allies Employee Networking Group E-One Companies Europia Wine & Spirits Event Architecture Frontrunner Hampton Inn KeyBank Macy’s Nationwide Insurance Smirnoff Spinelli’s Deli State Farm Insurance Target Time Warner Cable United Way of Central Ohio / Pride Council Wallstreet Nightclub The Westin Columbus Bronze Sponsors AARP Ernst &Young Frito-Lay ID Lubricants Level Nationwide Children’s Hospital Rainbow Sponsors The Apothecary Shops BJ White Realtor Keller Williams ALLSTAR 1 Realty Dunigan Real Estate Group HER Real Living Monster Energy Drink Mortgage Lending Solutions Carolyn Frey River’s Crossing Home Health LLC Media Sponsors CD101 Out in Columbus Outlook Media, Inc


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Give Harvey a posthumous thrill - make it so millions of men can tongue him.

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Saturday Night Entertainment

Paradiso Girls This year’s Saturday Night headliner is the fabulous Paradiso Girls! Their daring yet tongue-in-cheek lead single “Patron Tequila” is proof positive of Paradiso Girls’ combustible energy. Two years in development, Paradiso Girls isn’t your stereotypical girl group. Reflecting music’s increasingly global reach, each member of this talented quintet—Aria, Chelsea, Kelly, Lauren and Shar—hails from a different country: Barbados, England, France, Philippines, and the U.S. Beyond this multicultural twist, the Paradiso Girls boast three lead singers, a rapper and a DJ. Playing simultaneously to their distinct personalities and cultural backgrounds, Paradiso Girls break the industry’s cookie-cutter mold with an edgy, left-of-center mix of pop, rock, R&B and hip-hop. Be ready to down some shots of Patron!

Josh Zuckerman Band This promising singer songwriter musician expands his musical horizons with each original song he composes and records. Josh’s lyrics are said to be truthful, surrounding life’s challenges and quest for spiritual growth. He has released two CDs (Out From Under, A Totally New Sensation) to great reviews and has just released his new CD (Got Love?).

Coyote Grace If you want a lesson in organic chemistry, watch the sparks fly between the acoustic down-home duo, Coyote Grace. This folktastic phenomenon is the result of combining one guitarist Joe Stevens, a trans man from Northern California, with one upright


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bassist Ingrid Elizabeth, the sassy femme originally hailing from the hills of Southeastern Ohio. They capture the hearts of live audiences with their bluesy folk roots sound, sweet harmonies, poignant songwriting, and mid-song dance moves.

tled Just the Two of Us (Our Duo Doing Duos). This EP finds songwriters Kate and Sarah alone in the studio conquering the challenge of interpreting soul, R&B, indie pop-rock and 80’s rock into their pleasantly aggressive style.

Jeff Altergott Band

Sick of Sarah

Chicago music scene veteran Jeffrey Altergott sounds as singular as his supple tenor, or his sweet mix of rock, folk and jazz rhythms. And though he loves Aimee Mann, Duncan Sheik and Andrew Bird, he’s truly his own melodic, infectious invention-confection. Altergott has garnered high praise from the likes of WXRT-FM deejay Richard Milne (as a Local Anesthetic capsule pick, the Chicago Reader and LinuxTag - which handpicked the title song from Icarus Grounded for its first OpenSource compilation CD, released in Europe.

Sick of Sarah released their self-titled debut album in summer of 2008. The band, which has a strong local following in their hometown of Minneapolis, is beginning to draw attention nationally. It was after winning the MTV virtual Kaya’s Battle of the Bands SOS released a single “Bittersweet” through LA indie label Adamant Records. That single caught the attention of Spin Magazine, which compared them to the Breeders and Sleater-Kinney in a “Buzzcatcher” story.

Rosie Burgess Trio

Fabulous Johnson Brothers The FJB band puts the super soul power of dance party funk and the wild swagger of rock and roll and then mixes it up with modern and classic pop flavors. They put the FAB in FABULOUS!

World Famous Weed Eaters

Rosie Burgess has emerged onto the Australian music scene to firmly secure a place for herself and her unique brand of urban folkroots music. Playing straight from the heart, Burgess consistently shows us why she is being called “one of our country’s best rising stars.”

Dj Sean

Locally based innovators of hip-hop, infectuous ganga funk, gangsta rap, reggae, & southern rock Maxwellhouse blend - LIVE; never Memorex!

Nervous But Excited NBE is currently on tour supporting their latest project, a 6 song EP enti-

Local favorite Dj Sean will bring his unique blend of styles to the stage on Saturday night.

CirqueTacular NYC’s own Cirque-Tacular brings the spectacle of Las Vegas and the elegance of Broadway events to Columbus Pride weekend. The troupe

performs in a Cirque de Soleil style, featuring highflying acrobatics, stunts and circus acts.

Columbus Women’s Chorus The Columbus Women’s Chorus (CWC) is a feminist chorus that celebrates life through the power of music. They perform music created and inspired by the lives and experiences of women from all walks of life.

Columbus Gay Men’s Chorus Since 1990, the Columbus Gay Men’s Chorus has been a staple of the Columbus music scene. Their soaring performances feature beautifully arranged music ranging from show tunes and standards, to pop and classical choral music.

Capital Pride Band The Capital Pride Band of Columbus is an Ohio-based GLBT organization that formed in 2003, and currently has a membership of over 70 instrumentalists. The musical backgrounds of members range from band directors and those with degrees in music, to others who have not touched their instrument since high school. The Capital Pride Band is honored to be playing at the opening ceremonies of the Gay Softball World Series being held right here in Columbus on Monday, August 16 at Genoa Park in Downtown Columbus.

Flaggots Flaggots Ohio, an ‘all volunteer’ performance ensemble, formally stepped-off in 2002 with the purpose

This little piggy went wee wee wee all the way home.

of entertaining crowds at Central Ohio Pride Parades and Festivals through the sport of Color Guard. Since that time, Flaggots Ohio has gained international popularity, winning the hearts and support of hundreds-of-thousands of adoring fans from various events, YouTube and Facebook.

Chelsea Topper Local singer/songwriter, Chelsea explains her outlook via music: “At times I feel I might choke on life. It cam seem thoughtlessly cruel and perfectly beautiful. Glorious, painful, and precise in its random order. But, when I sing, it all makes sense.”

Untouchable Untouchable is a locally based Rap/RnB act performing for Pride on Saturday night.

Society Rejects The rap group Society Rejects is a Columbus group that is making their first appearance at Pride on the Saturday night stage.

Dalyrical DaLyrical was born and raised in Wichita, Kansas and currently resides in Columbus, Ohio. Her musical is an “eclectic mix of genre influences ranging from artists rock to country to old and new school rap, each groove creating its own unique story.”

Jaeveon Saturday will also feature a performance by local Drag King Jaeveon.


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It’s like the X-Games, only with hammers.

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25 Years and a NEW LOCATION

by Sam Schisler Yes I know, it has been 25 years for the oldest fundraiser of Columbus, Ohio and it just happens to be GLBTQ driven. How fabulous is that! Not to mention it is a bunch of softball players who usually are all sweaty and hot, creating Drag characters from recent media affairs to play a charity softball game. What started out as a birthday party at Berliner Park has been turned into one of Columbus Pride’s and Columbus’ favorite and most fun event. This year we have a new location, its DODGE PARK in Franklinton, formerly called Sunshine Park. It’s taken the committee well over five months to secure a location due to city schools policy changes, a lack of available downtown fields and an ordinance prohibiting alcohol at parks. But, thanks to the city parks and recreation, city council and several others involved, we finally have a new home after nine years at the new location. Dodge Park is situated on the northeast corner of 315 N and 70 W. It’s very easy to get there from downtown by simply taking W. Broad St past COSI and turning left (south) on S. Grubb Street right before the 315 overpass. South Grubb St. dead-ends into Dodge Park, which sits at 667 Sullivant Ave. You can go to www.clgsa.net for more information. We would also like to ask everyone to pass this information to anyone you might know. Gates at noon, first pitch at 3p.


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Our hostesses for the event are Nina West and Virginia West, with special performances from Flaggots Ohio, Christina, Hellin Bedd and more. Last year’s winners Sofia Patrillo and Dorothy Spornack will be there as well cheering on the next Miss Bat-NRouge. The sponsors for this year have remained the same with extreme special thanks to Miller Coors, Barefoot Wines, Three Olives Vodka and Live Entertainment. The same FUN is to be had by all, just with a different Highway View! You may wonder why every field we have ever played on always has a highway system right next to it. But when you think of people like Brazon and Peg (God rest their souls) and Terry Booker who finally got his Bat-N-Rouge title after 24 years and Hellin Bedd who just could not lose the title of Miss Bat-NRouge until she met Suzanne Sugarbaker Miss Georgia World (who was deeply saddened by the loss of her sister Julia Sugarbaker this year). The memories never stop and through all the Directors, Board Members, Sponsors, Drag Characters, Venues, Associations and Countless Volunteers we (the Community of Columbus Ohio), have managed to keep such a great tradition alive. Happy 25th Anniversary Bat-N-Rouge! We hope to see all of you there. More information can be found at www.clgsa.net. Tent spaces are still available at www.ticketweb.com using key word Bat-NRouge.

The game of softball originated in Chicago on Thanksgiving Day, 1887. It was known as ‘indoor baseball.’ The drag queens came later.


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DebĂŠ wrote that ad herself. I laughed until I peed just a little.

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Beer, pizza and WiFi - looks like Polaris is gettin’ hip!


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Get Your Pride On All Around Ohio Even if this spring has felt more like summer at times, June is the true month of summer. The fine weather provides a perfect reason to head outside of Columbus on a road trip or two. June being Pride month also gives us some fine activities to mark on the map of Ohio. The month starts with three festivals all within an afternoon’s drive from C-town. Put some gas in the tank, fire up the GPS and start celebrating on the road!

PRIDE YOUNGSTOWN, DAYTON PRIDE AND TOLEDO “OLD WEST END FESTIVAL” SATURDAY, JUNE 5 & SUNDAY, JUNE 6 My first three destinations for a Pride road trip this first weekend in June; Youngstown, Toledo or Dayton. Head Northeast to kick of this year’s Pride Youngstown Festival parade and community Picnic. After a successful first time Pride event last year, this year’s festival has locked in David Betras to march in the parade alongside many of the Youngstown-Warren area GLBT organizations. Other community merchants, marching units and color guards are invited to participate. John Vivo (Mahoning County Democratic Party) is the chair of the Pride Committee. The Pride weekend starts at 1p on Saturday with the parade, and the festival to follow afterwards. On Sunday the sixth, there’s a Community Picnic from noon until 8p in Churchill Park. All of the events are free and it’s a nice drive up to Youngstown. You should check it out. A short, hour-plus trip along Interstate 70 West could take you to the Dayton Pride festival on Saturday and Sunday, June 5 & 6th. The Parade steps off from St. Clair Street across from Cooper Park at noon and pro-


ceeds through downtown to Courthouse Square. The weekend-long event features entertainment, dancing, and vendors with many things for sale, food booths and a beer garden. The Dayton Gay Men’s Chorus is providing a stirring, patriotic cap-off for Dayton’s PrideFest Day activities with their final concert of the season, “Yankee Doodle Dandies” at 8p at the Victoria Theatre. This concert features time-honored American Anthems/Ballads, which celebrate our country’s diverse cultural heritage. Director Jason Schuler has crafted an inspiring choral program that gives voice to the idea that “America is in all of us.” For tickets contact Ticket Center Stage at ticketcenterstage.com or call 937.228.3630. Or when you hit Dayton, make a right and head Northwest for a 150 miles more to take yourself to the “Old West End Festival,” (the closest thing they have to a Pride fest), which begins on Saturday at 9:30a at Glenwood Elementary School with the King Wamba Carnival Parade! Friendly dogs are welcome and Pride-themed costumes are encouraged for parade-goers and participants. The Elmore Trolley will be at the Festival, sponsored by Marcy Kaptur (who is also the Grand Marshall of the parade), with the festival opening following the parade. If you have any energy left, the Symphony Stampede (5K run/walk) is on Sunday morning, so bring a good pair of shoes.

CLEVELAND PRIDE SATURDAY, JUNE 26 Who doesn’t love a trip to Cleveland? I know I do! Cleveland’s 22nd annual Pride festival and parade will celebrate LGBTQI progress the city has made. It’s also the 41st anniver-

sary of the NYC Stonewall Voinovich Park. For 2010, Cleveland Pride has extended hours, more top name entertainment, and many fabulous surprises. The Cleveland Pride Parade starts Saturday at noon and heads north on W 3rd St, east on West Lakeside Avenue, then north on E 9th to Voinovich Bicentennial Park (North Coast Harbor, behind the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum). This year’s festival features three newly designed stages, an expanded food court, a larger lakefront beer garden, the Youth Towne (a Lesbian Gay Community Center Aids Task Force partnership), Senior Space, Children’s Pavilion and more. Admission is free, but to help support Pride and Stonewall, there is a suggested donation of $10 to $20. For more details, you can visit www.clevelandpride.org or contact the Cleveland Stonewall Democrats office.

AKRON PRIDE: “A DAY IN THE SUN” SUNDAY, JUNE 27 Well, on the way back from your Pride night in Cleveland, you could visit the Akron Pride festival titled “A Day in the Sun,” and after a night of Pride, doesn’t a day in the sun sound great? This family friendly affair starts at noon at Lock 3 at 200 S Main St, right next to the Akron Aeros stadium. For only $5 per person, or $10 for the whole family, you can enjoy the live bands, food and beer, door prizes, a cornhole tournament and more. A quick click to the www.akronpridecenter.org/ website gives you the map and driving directions. The day starts at noon and winds up by 8p, just in time for the ride back home to Columbus.

Viva la outlook, indeed!As for Chad, well... you know...

CINCINNATI PRIDE - SUNDAY, JULY 4 Continuing our road trip through Ohio, this is the first year the Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce has chosen to hold the Pride celebration on the 4th of July and it’s the first year the parade and festival have both been downtown. Normally, the event takes place in Northside, just outside of the city. But the Cinci downtown is so cool, I’m glad it starts here. This year’s event also celebrates the Pride and continuing support of those chosen to be Parade Marshals. They include Michael Cottrell (Brooklyn Steele-Tate) for his endless work for PFLAG & ISQCBBE. Also to be recognized is Doris Callis for her unmatched commitment to Stop Aids and other organizations in the GLBT Community and Karen AronoffHoltmeier for her work with HRC and legislation affecting our community, and finally, Randy Bridges for continually giving to too many charities to list! More details can be found at http://www.equinoxcincinnati.com/Festival.ht ml. The parade lines up 9:30a on Saturday and steps off at 11a. The route travels west on 5th St to Vine St, the turns South onto Plum Street and goes on to Third Street. It continues until the end at the intersection of Third and Central Streets. The Festival is being held in Fountain Square and also kicks off at 11a. All of the festivities are free. All of these festivals are neatly clustered close to home and don’t conflict with our own Columbus Pride weekend, so you really can celebrate Pride at home and on the road. We’ll see you there!

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And Ohio isn’t the only place you can celebrate Pride. Feel free to shake your groove thing in our neighboring states too. Here are Prides right next door. Pennsylvania Philadelphia - www.phillypride.org June 12 and 13 – LGBT Parade and Festival – Great Plaza at Penn’s Landing The theme for this year’s Philly Pride celebration is “Its Always Sunny in Gay Philadelphia!” and could there be any other title? I don’t think so! The annual festival kicks off at Noon on Saturday at the Great Plaza at Penn’s Landing. There’ll be food, entertainment, Health Zone, Family Zone, Dance Area, five hours of entertainment, all the Philly gay organizations and headliner actress Jennifer Coolidge! You’ve seen her in movies, on TV and the stage, now come and meet her in person! In the evening, enjoy the Movie Night at the Great Plaza with a special sing-along screening of Mamma Mia! A rollickingly funny and refreshing way to see the ABBA tribute movie like you’ve never seen it before. “It must have been the air that night, Fernando.” Your hosts are Chumley and Carlotta Ttendant, (it’s great to see Chumley working again; life after a hit cartoon series can be rough.) This night is guaranteed to be a scream. Don’t sing yourself hoarse because on Sunday, the Pride Parade starts promptly at Noon at the forming grounds at Locust and 13th streets. Judges will be positioned at Market between 5th and 6th streets, with several performance points along the route. There’ll be floats, bands, entertainment and several celebrity judges. On both nights, the Ben Franklin Bridge will be light with rainbow lights to celebrate Pride. Admission to the festival is $10 and you can learn more with a visit to www.phillypride.org. Pittsburg - pittsburghpride.org June 11 – Pub Crawl - We call it a crawl because, well, we think that’s really sexy, but it’s actually a chauffeured tour of the city’s coolest clubs, bars, and lounges. Busses will be dropping off and picking up approximately every 20 minutes from 8p – 2 am. Tickets are $20, in advance, or $25, at the door. Order your tickets before May 15 online and get $5 off all Pride tickets. June 12&13 – PrideFest : Pride in the Street – Takes place on Saturday and Sunday at Liberty & 6th Street. Pride is a celebration of diversity in the Pittsburgh region and this year you’ll find many fantastic events starting with our kick-off rally featuring activist Cleve Jones, to the Pub Crawl, to Pride in the Street featuring R&B superstar Deborah Cox, and culminating with the Pride March and day-long family friendly PrideFest. Order a Pride Pass for only $30 and get one ticket to the Pub Crawl, one General Admission ticket to Pride in the Street, and admission to the PrideFest Beer Garden. Get 3 tickets for the price of 2, but these is only available online (www.pittsburghpride.org). It all kicks off Saturday at 10p on Liberty between 9th and 10th streets. June 13 – Pride Awareness March - 10A at Court Place between Ross and Grant Street. March starts at: Grant & Boulevard goes down Boulevard of Allies makes at RIGHT on to Wood Street and a LEFT on to Fifth Avenue and finally a right on to Liberty ending at PrideFest entrance at Liberty & 6th Street. Grandstand will be located at PrideFest Entrance of 6th St & Liberty. Michigan Lansing - www.michiganpride.org June 12 – Rally at the Capitol - There are countless issues that affect Michigan’s LGBT Community. During the Rally statewide leaders will deliver powerful and inspirational speeches to help us all focus our efforts in the next year. If you believe all people in Michigan deserve equality, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity you NEED to stand up and make your voice heard! Join us at the largest annual event held on Michigan’s Capitol steps. Rally begins at 1p.


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June 12 – Pride Parade - Michigan Pride, Motor city Pride, the former Michigan equity and the former Triangle Foundation have Teamed up to challenge you and your organization to show your Pride at the march and Rally in downtown Lansing, June 12th! Kick off at 12p. Let your voice be heard by displaying your organization’s float with artistic flair and creativity. If it floats your boat, the Float entry fee is $25, visit www.michiganpride.org to sign up. For more information contact Krista at parade@michiganpride.org. Time to shine your own Detroit Iron! Ferndale - motorcitypride.org June 12 - Bring the kids! Bring the grandparents! Bring everyone for Familyfriendly fun at the Pride Family Picnic on Sunday, June 6, 2010 from 10:30a 12:30p Music, games and activities are on deck at the Martin Road Park, located at Martin Road and Orchard on Ferndale’s Northeast Side. The fun starts at 11a. With sack races, water balloon and egg tosses, and volleyball, there’s something for everyone - big and small! Pack a picnic, pack up the family and meet us at Martin Road Park for some early fun. When you’re done, why not continue your day at the Family Area at Motor City Pride? Let’s show Metro Detroit what we already know - LOVE is what makes a family. Indiana Indianapolis - www.indyprideinc.com June 6-12 - The Circle City IN Pride festival has grown every year, and to accommodate that growth, they’ve moved the festival to the American Legion Mall, located at North Street between Pennsylvania & Meridian. This new location provides a large grassy area in front of the stage, it will be much more accommodating to the large crowds and those who want to bring a blanket or chair and enjoy the all day entertainment. Speaking of entertainment, they’ve lined up multi-platinum artist Taylor Dane, American Idol-ist Blake Lewis and Nhojj. The entertainment starts at 11:30a on Sunday and the headliners hit the stage starting at 4:30p. With the new venue, there is also a new parade route. As always, the parade will step off at the corner of College and Mass Avenue and proceed down Mass Avenue to Michigan Street. The parade will turn west onto Michigan Street and proceed on Michigan passing the front of the War Memorial Building then will turn north onto Meridian Street and end at the corner of Meridian and St. Clair Streets. There are 145 sales and non-profit informational booths and 17 food vendors. The organizers say that space is still available, but it is going fast. Indy Pride will have one LARGE beverage tent located at the center of North St between Meridian & Pennsylvania. Once again, the tent will feature Coors and Absolut. Cheers! West Virginia Charleston - www.pridewv.org June 6 - West Virginia Pride Parade and Festival The 14th annual West Virginia Pride Parade and Festival is celebrating on June 6th with the Parade followed by the Festival in Davis Park and a cookout afterwards. The Festival opens with a Sunrise Prayer Service at Lee and Capitol streets at 7:30a. Have a couple of Bloody Marys and get your pooch ready to shine for the 2nd Annual Big Gay Dog Show at 11a in Davis Park. There’ll be prizes awarded in different categories, so you might want to watch Best in Show to get you both in the spirit! Sun, June 6, 1:30p – 2:00p Due to the construction at Harris Riverfront Park, this year’s parade will line up on Hale Street from 12:30p to 1:30p, then will turn right onto the Boulevard, and then proceed up Capitol Street to Davis Park to the start of the Festival. Grab your spot early! This year’s festival will include live entertainment, a special appearance by the Dreams of Hope youth theater group from Pittsburgh, and your newly crowned Miss Pride and Mister Pride of West Virginia. Just when your appetite should be kicking in, there’s the After the Festival Cookout at nearby 210 Leon Sullivan Way, Charleston, WV, so join everyone at the Broadway for some great grub and great entertainment.

Yes, there are queers in MI, IN, and WV. Not all of them have moved to CMH. Just most of them.


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What can Brown do for us? Plenty. He’s our endorsed candidate for County Auditor.

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Wrongfully Corn-cused by Dwayne Siekman

mal-feed supply.

Corn production is not to blame for increasing meat prices at the local grocery store and butcher shop. Though that’s what the meat industry would like consumers to believe.

I take pride in working on behalf of Ohio’s 26,000 corn farmers. It’s unnerving to be wrongly criticized and tainted in the media when our farmers provide an affordable food source and a commendable fuel alternative.

An April news release issued by the American Meat Institute (AMI) attributes support of corn ethanol with an increase in livestock production costs. As executive director of the Ohio Corn Growers Association, I take offense to the recent media coverage that has falsely accused the corn industry for stimulating a rise in the cost of meat and that has also misrepresented facts about corn-ethanol production. The production of corn ethanol, an American-made, sustainable fuel source, does not affect the cost of a summer barbecue. It does, however, support the economic and environmental vitality of our country, because it is cleaner burning than standard petroleum and provides thousands of jobs to stimulate communities nationwide. It also supports America’s energy independence to decrease our reliance on foreign oil. But, some have reported that corn-ethanol production has both raised the cost of corn and diverted its use from food and animal-feed purposes. Because corn is a primary source in animal feed, they claim that these inaccuracies instigated a jump in the price of meat to make animal feed more costly to livestock producers. Meat-industry leaders are using this deceptive logic to rationalize increased meat costs to the consumer. This is simply not true. There has never been a shortage of corn caused by the production of domestically produced renewable biofuels like ethanol. In reality, there is a surplus of corn for all market sectors – food, animal feed, fuel and even exports. U.S. corn farmers produced a record 13 billion bushels of corn last year. Another fact, corn today is priced at less than half of what it was during the summer of 2008. Therefore, the cost of corn has not affected the cost of animal feed for livestock farmers. Fault cannot be placed upon increased feed costs as a cause of increased meat prices, especially because feed expenses have fallen $3.7 billion (7.9 percent), according to the USDA. Moreover, one third of what is left from processed corn used in ethanol production is fed to livestock in the form of distiller’s grain to further supplement the ani-


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Did you think Chris would let a PRIDE issue go by without an homage to corn? Silly you.

While it’s easy to blame farmers, it’s important to note that increased food costs are the result of several related issues such as oil prices, global demand and weather, not to mention product marketing and labor expenses. What complicates the issue further is that meat prices are up 5 percent this year, even as food costs have decreased 5.8 percent, so why are AMI and Grocery Manufacturers Association pointing fingers? Rather than wrongfully accuse the corn industry, a question is raised as to why meat retailers aren’t held responsible for taking larger margins of profit amidst the influx of consumers’ meat costs? It’s beyond frustrating to continually correct some media and organizations. I cannot reiterate enough that ethanol production has no bearing on the corn supply for its use in other markets. There is no competition for corn. It’s unfortunate that a fellow industry group, that should be our ally, is throwing corn farmers under the bus. I can only hope that livestock farmers aren’t supportive of the American Meat Institute’s irresponsible tactics, and I invite them to begin participation in this discussion. Rather than seeking something to blame for increasing meat costs at the checkout line – corn in this instance – America’s meat-industry leaders should re-evaluate their rationale. They are disrespecting Americans’ intelligence by attempting to manipulate reason and are punishing the US corn industry, a valuable sector of the national economy, not to mention the image of American agriculture, in their wake. Corn-ethanol production is an environmental, economical and energy-security benefit to consumers. It has not influenced changes in the prices of meat products and is undeserving of a defective smear campaign. Dwayne Siekman is Executive Director of Ohio Corn Growers Association. outlook Co Publisher Chris Hayes really, really loves corn. For more info on corn: http://www.ohiocorn.org.


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They met in ‘Nam.

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Drag queens + Baseball = Bat N Rouge! See page 93.


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HPV and Gay Men by Alan Nyitray

causes cervical cancer in women, and several hundred thousand women worldwide die of cervical It’s possible that you may have been seeing more cancer every year. In the United States and other news items about HPV recently. That’s because countries that are rich enough to have widespread doctors and scientists are learning more about how screening for cervical cancer, there are far fewer HPV affects men. It’s also likely that you’ve read deaths from cervical cancer. But still, several thouabout the new HPV vaccines and how these vacsand U.S. women die every year from cervical cancines could be really important ways for us to pre- cer. Most of these women would not have died if vent HPV. But many gay men don’t know much they’d had regular Pap tests to screen for cervical about HPV, and that complicates efforts to prevent cancer. Lesbians and bisexual women can get cerHPV disease in our communities. So here’s a little vical cancer, too, and it’s just as important for them background about HPV and gay men. to get regular cervical cancer screening as for any other women. HPV, or human papillomavirus, i-s the most common sexually transmitted disease. It’s known now Gay men are at especially high risk for cancers that almost all people, gay and heterosexual, will caused by HPV. When I’ve talked about HPV with get HPV at some point in their lives; its just part of some of my friends, more than once a guy has said, being a human being. But most of us will never “HPV, that’s the infection that causes cancer in know we had HPV because we won’t have any women. And men are the carriers, right?” Well, HPV symptoms, and our body will clear the virus within a causes cancer in men, too. In fact, in the United few months, or maybe as long as a year or two (in States, gay men are more likely to get HPV-caused this way, it’s very different from HIV). cancer than women are to get cervical cancer. It’s stunning, but one of your gay male friends is more While most of us will never know we had HPV, a likely to get anal cancer than your sister or mother is small percentage of men will get a wart (or more to get cervical cancer. than one) on the genitals, in the anus, or on skin nearby. While some men may be embarrassed to Anal cancer usually starts with an HPV infection in have these, they can be treated, and there’s no the anal canal that isn’t cleared by our immune long-term physical danger from them. They ARE in- system. The infection may start in us after receptive fectious and if another guy’s penis, scrotum, etc, anal intercourse with a guy who has HPV on his touches these warts, it’s very easy for him to get penis — although you don’t have to have receptive HPV infection too, and possibly a wart himself. Un- anal sex to get HPV in your anus (see heterosexual fortunately, HPV can be transmitted even when men below). Once, a guy asked me, “So anal sex warts aren’t present – it just takes close physical causes anal cancer?” The answer is that just as a contact with skin that is HPV-infected. By the way, penis is responsible for transmitting HPV to a did you ever get a wart on your hand when you were woman’s cervix, it can also transmit HPV to the a kid? Or did you ever get a wart on the sole of your anal canal. For the record, women also get anal foot after walking barefoot in a gym locker room? cancer; in fact, more women in the U.S. will get anal Those are caused by HPV too. They’re just different cancer this year than will men, and you may have types of HPV. seen the reports that Farah Fawcett had anal cancer. Unfortunately, HPV doesn’t just cause warts. Certain types of HPV can also cause cancer. HPV But gay men are at much higher risk for anal canoutlookcolumbus.com

cer than are women. In fact, at any given point in time, maybe 50% or more of us have HPV in our anus. Remember, most of these infections will clear up all on their own. So only a very tiny percentage of gay men with anal canal HPV infection will be at risk for cancer down the road. Interestingly, our own research here at Moffitt Cancer Center shows that about 10% to 15% of heterosexual guys also have HPV in their anus – how it got there in heterosexual guys is still unclear although it’s probably not because these guys had receptive anal sex.

to have anal canal HPV.

Finally, men with HIV who have a suppressed immune system are at greater risk for anal cancer. (This is also the case with people who have a suppressed immune system due to drugs given during an organ transplant.) For men with HIV, it’s important that they get regular screening for changes in their anal canal that could precede anal cancer. Just like screening for cervical cancer, screening for anal cancer can prevent most cases of anal cancer. In fact, some health care providers feel that all men But for gay men, there’s another perspective that’s who have receptive anal sex should talk to their critical for us. We are much more likely to get HIV in- doctor and seriously consider regular screening for fection than we are to get anal cancer. Best estianal cancer. Screening can identify changes in the mates are that about 5 to 10 in 1,000 gay men in tissue of the anal canal that, if not treated, could the U.S. will get HIV this year. Estimates for anal lead to cancer. HPV causes other cancers, too, incancer are nowhere near as accurate as the much cluding cancer of the penis and throat cancers. But more studied HIV, but best estimates indicate that there is less we know about these cancers than we probably no more than 1 in 1,000 gay men may get do about anal cancer. anal cancer this year. But if you have HIV your risk for anal cancer is greater. For more than 25 years, gay and bisexual men have been dealing with the threat of HIV. We’ve always So what can we do to avoid anal cancer? We can do known this wasn’t the only threat to having our lives quite a bit, in fact. The Gardasil HPV vaccine effec- complicated by disease and disability. We knew that tively prevents infection with the types of HPV that other issues like threats of violence against us beare most likely to cause not only anal cancer but cause we’re gay, discrimination in the workplace, also warts. The vaccine is approved for use in men and drug and alcohol dependence were thorny isuntil age 26, but older guys can still probably get it sues that are just part of the reality of being a gay although it may be less effective. It is expensive – man in the United States. And for the most part, several hundred dollars – and it may not be effec- we’ve been successful in navigating our way tive if you already have the type of HPV prevented by through this minefield. We got through it because the vaccine. (Remember, HPV is very, very common.) we learned how to avoid it, and then took active If you’re lucky enough to have a health care steps to do so, or one of our brothers helped us get provider, talk to him or her about the vaccine to see through it. And sometimes we were just lucky. It’s if it could help you. Also, if you have health insurno different with cancers caused by HPV. ance, check to see if they cover the vaccine cost. Questions? Alan Nyitray can be reached at alan.nyi-

HPV cannot penetrate a latex condom so these may tray@moffitt.org. Alan Nyitray is a post-doctoral fellow and epidemiologist at the Moffitt Cancer Center and Rereduce the risk of anal canal HPV infection (and search Institute in Tampa, Florida. given their ability to prevent HIV infection, they make a lot of sense). Several studies also show that men who have fewer sexual partners are less likely

HPV has also been linked to an increased risk for head and neck cancer. Stay safe and get tested.

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It n d H a c v a H b

H m th g b k sy fe th

W s th n h lo fe to H fo w c d a fo T ty

U ta

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No, that is neither Michael nor Chad. Shut up.


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Coming Home Home is the place where, when you have to go there, they have to take you in. Robert Frost I hated high school. I prayed it would end. The jocks and their girls. It was their world. I didn’t fit in. Mama said, “Baby, it’s the best school that money can buy, Hold your head up, be strong, c’mon Mary try.” …. Drag Queens in Limousines, Nuns in blue jeans Dreamers with big dreams All took me in. Mary Gauthier by Regina Sewell It’s officially Pride season: rainbows are in bloom, dog tags and wristbands are on sale, and the churches, bars, and a politician are planning their booths and floats and are signing up marchers. What started out, as a demand for rights is now a great big celebration. The police, who as an institution once harassed us, now protect us from the hate mongers who protest our parade. To steal a line from the old Virginia Slims ad, “{We’ve} come a long way baby!” One of the basic existential struggles is the struggle between conforming to the group in order to fit in and being true to our self, living our life from the inside. In a social climate marked more by tolerance than rejection, this ‘need to fit’ has made it easy to slip away from the GLBT community and slide into complacency about our marginal status in the “straight” world. No longer regularly subjected to slurs like, “fag” or


“dyke,” we pretend that remarks like, “That’s so gay!” don’t hurt. We try to be good team players and don’t challenge the H.R. department about domestic partnership benefits, at least not too loudly. We celebrate the fact that many churches openly welcome us and overlook the fact that most of them have official policies that prohibit their preachers from consecrating our unions. We obligingly attend family gatherings in which our relationships are deemed less significant than those of our straight siblings and cousins. We are mindful about how we dress, what we say and what we do in public so as not to come across as “too gay.” We, in essence, bury our true selves beneath a socially acceptable costume to be accepted by the mainstream world around us. The payoff is that as long as we don’t act “too gay,” we are invited to participate in the mainstream world. We are allowed to “sit at the table,” so to speak. When we do connect with our true selves, we feel the sting of the anti-GLBT judgments that echo behind the conditional welcome. When we do refuse to conform and opt to speak out, we risk overt judgment. “They” may openly gawk at our unshaven legs. They may whisper about the mismatch between our clothes, hair style, make up and the body parts we were born with. They may make statements like, “Gay people getting married is just wrong” or “Do you have to be so militant/negative/angry?” or “Why do lesbians always look like men?” They may be “nice” but refuse to hire us or promote us. They may even pray for forgiveness of the sin inherent in our “condition.”

clear: in the straight world, our unique selves are deficient — we don’t measure up. Surrounded by these subtle and not so subtle messages, it is easy to sacrifice our true selves so much that we become hollow, empty shells, mere robotrons, going through the motions of life and always worrying about what people think. With our relatively newfound, if conditional, acceptances, many of us have forgotten (or never really got to experience) what it was like to come home. We have forgotten what it feels like to be embraced by people who will take us in, just as we are. We have forgotten how important it is to have an ally, to have someone who agrees with us, supports us and “has our back.” We have forgotten how comforting it is to be around someone who understands what we went through or what we are going through because they’ve been through the same thing. Some of us have even forgotten how good it feels to be validated when we think or say, “This isn’t fair!!!!” While our need to fit into the mainstream world can lead us to sacrifice our true selves, coming home to the GLBT community can give us the courage to express our true selves. This Pride season let yourself revel in the support of the LGBT community. Let yourself feel what it feels like to come home. Regina Sewell is a mental health counselor. To ask a question, propose a column topic, read about her approach to counseling, or check out her books and other writing, go to: www.ReginaSewell.com . Her most recent publication, “Sliding Away” can be found in Knowing Pains: Women on Love, Sex and Work in Our 40s, edited by Molly Rosen.

No matter what we do, the message is

Nothing says Pride like dykes on bikes - and fishnet.

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Bottom Shame, Bottom Pride by Tom Moon, MFT Q: While researching homophobia on the net I read some of the things you wrote about it. What you said was interesting, but along with most everything else I read, it just left me with more questions. I don’t wish I were straight, and don’t hide my being gay from anyone. What plagues me is that I’m ashamed of being a bottom. Just so there’s no confusion, what I mean by being a bottom is that what I like to do sexually is get fucked and suck cock, in that order. Psychologically, I like a guy to dominate and overpower me, although I’m not into any kind of pain or humiliation. But I do like to feel submissive, subservient, and passive. I enjoy what I do, but at the same time I’ve always been convinced that I’d be happier being gay if I were a top. Then I wouldn’t have to look at myself in the mirror and feel that my internal self and my masculine exterior were so at odds. What I find is that my phobias have more to do with not being the right kind of gay man than with being gay in general. I will never be “normal gay.” Is that weird? Where’s the support group for these issues? A: What you’re describing isn’t something different from homophobia; it’s one form of internalized homophobia. When gay men feel ashamed of their sexuality, it’s often because they harbor notions that what they feel and do means that they aren’t the masculine, “real men” they’re supposed to be. It sounds as if what is making you feel at odds with your sexual preferences are ideas that “normal” men are always on top, always dominate and take charge; and that they only fuck, never get fucked. Reading your email reminded me of my own experience back in the ‘70’s, when I was struggling to accept my own sexuality. A major obstacle I faced in those days was the dominant sexual ideology of my chosen profession. I had to grapple with words like disorder, perversion, and arrested development. I had already absorbed the ideology in which these words were embedded before I was intellectually mature enough to think critically about it, so an important personal task I faced when I was in my early twenties was to examine the theories critically and deconstruct these words. As a by-product of learning to doubt the mental illness model of homosexuality, I became less encumbered by other people’s ideas about what being gay was and what it meant. For me, “coming out” meant “coming home” to my own experience and learning to see it through my own


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eyes, instead of through the lens of imported ideas. When I found my own vision I found it easy to see that the sexuality that was “natural” to me was the most intense pleasure that my body could experience; that it was a medium through which my heart found deep connections with others; and that it enlivened my spirit and brought me closer to the source of life. Once I was able to inhabit my own lived experience, I was able to embrace it fully, relatively unconcerned by the fact that much of the world and the psychological profession remained hostile to it. That was because I knew from direct experience, and knew that I knew. Those others merely theorized. Maybe an analogous process would be helpful to you. You employ many words to think about your sexuality – masculine exterior, bottom, submissive, subservient, passive. All of these words carry very considerable cultural and historical baggage, and all are loaded with meanings, images, and associations. I suggest you spend some time examining what these words mean to you and researching their history with a critical eye. This is a difficult process. The human brain evolved to believe itself. It’s easy for us to mistake our ideas for objective, concrete realities, just because they’re familiar and because we’ve held them for a long time. So take your time with this process. Once you’ve done that, put all of your ideas aside, especially the ones you think are true, and see if you can contact your sexual experience directly. We are never completely at the mercy of our conditioning, because the human mind has a marvelous and mysterious capacity for mindful awareness, which makes it possible to have a direct and fresh contact with our experience, free of the past, if only we will look. Instead of living in the trance of borrowed ideas, try on the attitude that you are the world’s greatest living authority on the nature and meaning of your own experience. Observe directly what happens in your body, heart and spirit when you give yourself to another man and let what you see teach you. Do you find anything in what happens for you that you can love? Can you find any gratitude for the way lust and love speak through you? Any pride in your capacity to derive joy from giving pleasure to another guy? Anything spiritual in the intensity of connection you feel with your partner? Look. See for yourself what’s actually there. Tom Moon is a psychotherapist in San Francisco. His website is www.tommoon.net.

Without bottoms, it’d be a very boring world for us Tops. Throw your legs up with pride, boys.



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We want to make a Bat n Rouge documentary - Batting Faggot, Melting Dragqueen. Is there a dragking Ang Lee?

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BREAKING DAWN FINDS A DIRECTOR Academy Award-winning filmmaker Bill Condon (Dreamgirls) is now the chosen one to shepherd Twilight teens Edward and Bella and Jacob as they enter their final on-screen chapter, Breaking Dawn. And, not missing a single lesson learned by the people who directed the three earlier films, he’s courting fans in a way that most franchise helmers don’t really have to. Of course, those other franchises tend not to have the sort of maniacal, demanding followings that the Twilight series “enjoys.” The director posted an open letter to those fans online, acknowledging his newcomer status and asking for comments and questions; and they responded in droves (Two movies please? No 3D please?). The verdict? The majority of the Twihards seem supportive. The rest are angry about Jar Jar Binks. Look for the movie sometime in 2011. IMPERIAL BEDROOMS: 25 YEARS AFTER LESS THAN ZERO A quarter of a century ago, the novel Less Than Zero established Bret Easton Ellis as the young hipster prince of contemporary literature. Soon afterward, the disturbing, disaffected tale of amoral, drugged-up youth was turned into a strangely undisturbing movie with a strong Nancy Reagan-like anti-drug message. And any day now Ellis’s follow-up novel Imperial Bedrooms will revisit both its cast of characters – all grown up but no less spiritually empty – and the practice of sampling Elvis Costello for a title. Speaking recently at the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books, Ellis alluded to Fox Searchlight as possible producers for the film version, a project he’d like to see feature the reunited actors of the 1987 film: Robert Downey Jr, Jami Gertz, Andrew McCarthy and James Spader. Great idea, but only if LL Cool J promises to re-record “Goin’ Back to Cali,” the Bangles score the rest of the film and Brad Pitt shows up as an un-credited extra like he did in the original. DRAGON RETURNS FOR MORE TRAINING The little dragon that could has given birth to another chapter, thanks to every filmmaker’s dream come true: great reviews and crazy box office. Dreamworks’ How To Train Your Dragon, from gay director Dean DeBlois and un-gay director Chris Sanders (the guys behind the sweet-natured Lilo & Stitch), has grossed nearly $400 million worldwide so far and earned the kind of nearly unanimous glowing reviews that classics (and 2011 Oscar noms) are made of. So it’s a bit of a no-brainer and not at all surprising that a sequel has just been announced. Obviously without caring hands to guide it (a plea to the powers that be: bring back DeBlois and Sanders, they know how to do this kind of thing just right) it could all turn to dull, cashing-in-focused merchandising, but until that goes down


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this remains great news. There’s now at least one sequel probably worth seeing on your 2013 calendar. That is, if you plan your moviegoing that far in advance. Romeo does. THE N.W.A. MOVIE: FILM THA POLICE It was 22 years ago that seminal hip-hop group N.W.A. burst onto the music scene with their album Straight Outta Compton, introducing gangsta rap to the world and shocking conservative critics with their song “F*** Tha Police.” That means a new generation doesn’t know who they are (their members included Dr. Dre, Ice Cube and Eazy-E) or what they did (they were frequently accused of inciting violence, misogyny and homophobia) and that it’s time for a biopic. Enter Straight Outta Compton, from screenwriter Andrea Berloff (World Trade Center), that will chronicle the rise and dissolution of the band thanks to money squabbles and egos, as well as the reconciliation that occurred following the death of Eazy-E to AIDS. No stars are attached yet, but Romeo will keep it real with updates. BANDERAS, LOHAN SIGN ON FOR SKIN FLICKS It’s reunion time for Antonio Banderas and Lindsay Lohan. No, they’re not reuniting with each other. They were never united in the first place. But Banderas “is” set to re-team, after 20 years, with Pedro Almodovar, the director who helped make him a star with the international arthouse hit Tie Me Up, Tie Me Down. He’ll star in La Piel que Habito (translation: The Skin I Live In), a “terror film without screams” about a plastic surgeon exacting revenge on his daughter’s rapist. The film shoots this summer in Spain and will not feature Almodovar muse Penelope Cruz. Almodovar promises that it will be harsher than anything he’s ever presented his audience, though he stops short of calling it a horror film. Meanwhile Lohan is merely reuniting with the idea of actual acting work – and prepping for a different kind of skin-themed role – by starring in Inferno, an indie drama about the life of the late, legendary 1970s porn star Linda Lovelace and her rise to fame in the notorious Deep Throat. Romeo is always rooting for Lindsay, but don’t call it a comeback until every last frame is in the can. A DAVID SEDARIS MOVIE? FINALLY? Devoted fans of writer David Sedaris saw their movie adaptation hopes dashed when the planned 2002 film based on stories from his book Me Talk Pretty One Day fell apart in the development stage. And then they waited as nothing else came down the pipeline. But now a second project is moving forward based on the story “C.O.G” from Sedaris’s story collection Naked. The story involves a young

Sedaris getting involved with a stonecutter who calls himself a “Child of God,” with the men teaming up to sell stone clocks cut into the shape of Oregon at craft fairs. Yes, odd. But that’s how you know it’s from David Sedaris. Filmmaker Kyle Patrick Alvarez, who won the Someone To Watch award at the 2010 Independent Spirit Awards for his film Easier With Practice, is at work right now adapting the story into a screenplay. Now everybody cross your fingers. LIVE SEX, JESUS AND A STEEL PANTHER ON COMEDY CENTRAL’S SLATE Talk about biting off more than you can chew. Cable channel Comedy Central recently announced 22 upcoming projects in its development schedule, including a show about Jesus. The most controversial before it even comes to life is, of course, JC, which will depict a disgruntled, rebellious Christ who just wants to live a normal life in New York, outside of his father’s influence (and if he moves to Brooklyn he’ll have a lot of gay hipster neighbors, which should provide plenty of laughs). Live Sex Chat seeks to update the Dr. Ruth format of the ’80s, but with more intentional comedy not involving a sweet little old lady saying “penis” every few moments; and Brian Posehn, who plays one of half of the gay stoner bear couple on The Sarah Silverman Program, will get to indulge his metalhead side with Steel Panther, a mock reality show about a vintage hair-metal band named, of course, Steel Panther. And what’s gay about that? Only everything. FACEBOOK SAYS LET MODERN FAMILY GAYS KISS The gay couple on Modern Family are finally going to kiss each other! OK, that might be a premature announcement. But it’ll probably happen, because if it can work for Betty White’s SNL hosting prospects, it can work on a hit sitcom. By “it” we mean the public pressure put on creative decision makers at major television programs to bend to the public’s will. And it’s all thanks to some rabble-rousers with a Facebook page. This time it involves the hip ABC sitcom’s gay couple who, as usual, don’t smooch. Every other romantically paired couple on the show is allowed the quick, affectionate, everyday thoughtless kiss, the kind for “Hello,” “Goodbye,” “Have a good day at work” or “I’m sorry, let’s make up.” The gay characters, however, get to hug it out because, as every queer TV viewer is taught from birth, their mere existence is controversial. So why not go join the growing throng of annoyed couch potatoes and show ABC that all this Will & Grace-style foot-dragging is a relic of the 1990s? It’ll require the lifting of a very few fingers. Romeo San Vicente has always preferred Lil’ Kim and thinks everyone should kiss everyone. He can be reached care of this publication or at DeepInsideHollywood@qsyndicate.com

outlook is going to form a cover band called FWA (you figure it out). Members will include DJ Nichesales, Ice Corn, and Easy-C.


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Columbus will soon be watching Outlook ads on WWHO. Stay tuned!

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Equality U is Rather Pee-yew by Adam Lippe Most recent documentaries have one major obstacle that prevents them from widespread exposure, and that’s that they are intended to enlighten and/or change the minds of those people who would never watch a documentary in the first place. Political documentaries can be the worst offenders because those on the left make most of them, so that those on the right would understand their position. The filmmakers are apparently not aware that the places where documentaries play, small art theaters in big cities, don’t exist in the sparsely populated and rural areas predominately filled with Republicans. So these films end up a pandering waste, preaching to the already converted. Dave O’Brien’s Equality U is about a group of generally religious college-age students and activists, who bus around the US to the 20 colleges (as of 2006) that for religious reasons do not allow homosexuals on their campuses. They attempt to engage the students and/or faculty in

conversation about this prohibitive way of thinking, but seem to skip over the things that weigh down these types of documentaries, because it assumes that we are already on the side of its subjects. The resulting footage, where the group members are arrested, attempt to hold rallies on school grounds, and hold clandestine meetings with secretly gay students of these universities, completely ignores what should be the most important part of the film; that being what exactly these privileged and naïve nomads say to those they are interested in starting a dialogue with. Most of the footage shows the sanctimonious, humorless protestors, worrying about the impending confrontations, discussing whether or not intentionally getting arrested for trespassing in front of the media is useful for their group (there’s so many cameras at each event that the only possible conclusion is that this press conference/protest was planned weeks in advance), though perhaps not enough about how disingenuous it is to the viewer who sees a news report

about the event. Spontaneity creates drama, checking with administrators and PR people does not. These manipulative, false conflicts might have been okay had any one of the members of the bus tour group (they act like tourists gawking at third world poverty) been remotely interesting or sympathetic. Just because you have a good cause, doesn’t make you worth talking to. The sole moments of respite come from some of the already disgraced and shamed students, telling their stories of being treated like they were invisible, and slowly phased out of the school. But that’s about eight minutes of footage.


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If you want to read more of Adam’s reviews, you can find them at www.RegrettableSincerity.com. Equality U will be released on DVD by Cinevolve Studios on June 1st.

by Gregg Shapiro

scribably magical music.

Out singer/songwriter Chris Pureka has been peddling her brand of moody folk music for nearly 10 years. Think Mary Gauthier, minus the occasional twang. With each album, including the fittingly named How I Learned To See In The Dark (Sad Rabbit), Pureka continues to mature as both a songwriter and performer. Opener “Wrecking Ball,” from which the disc’s title is drawn, sets the atmosphere, with its mournful fiddle, courtesy of Merrill Garbus. Songs with titles such as “Hangman” and “Shipwreck” maintain the aura as you might surmise. But by “Barn Song,” the darkness begins to show signs of lightening, although the rhythmic “Broken Clock” casts a shadow. The bouncy “Lowlands” shows a Springsteen influence.

Valera, who works under the name Tender Forever, established herself as an artist with an appreciation for electronic beats. The beats are still present on tracks such as “Like The Snare That’s Gone,” “Nothing At All,” “But The Shape Is Wide” and “When I’m In The Dark and You Take The Light.” But the whole thing feels more organic, less programmed. Like the tree and grass on the album cover, “No Snare” sounds like a musician, Valera, going green while keeping things fresh, if you will, for the listeners.

Renowned for her work as a touring and session musician, drummer Allison Miller steps up with her instrumental jazz effort Boom Tic Boom (Foxhaven). Surrounding herself with other outstanding musicians, Miller capably drums her way through a set that includes four originals and four covers. Highlights include Miller’s own experimental “CFS (Candy Flavored Sidewalks)” and sexy “Big Lovely,” as well as her intimate reading of Hoagy Carmichael’s “Rockin’ Chair.”

Leaping lesbians!

The only other way to avoid letting your mind wander is in imagining the possible repartee the moral musketeers had with those they handed out pamphlets to during the repetitive, endless 90 minutes of the movie (“These condescending bus dwellers want me to be open with them?”). Our heroes have even forgotten one of the main components of social progression; if you want change, you have to risk something. The worst thing that happens to our cruising crusaders in Equality U is that one of the group members has her father threaten to take away her trust fund.

With their respective albums, The Magician’s Private Library (XL) and No Snare (K), Holly Miranda and Tender Forever (a.k.a. Melanie Valera) take their places as lesbians in the hipster milieu. Produced by TV On The Radio’s Dave Sitek, Miranda’s album would be right at home alongside the latest by Gorillaz or Broken Bells or Mumford & Sons. The hot and cool vibe is strong throughout, beginning with the organic shuffle of “Forest Green Oh Forest Green” and continuing through the dreamy and loose “Joints” to the faintly exotic whiff of “No One Just Us,” the ‘60s pop of “Sweet Dreams” and the subliminal surf of “High Tide,” Holly Miranda knows she has the right to make nearly indeThe fauxhawk is the new mullet. Michael is disturbed by this trend.

Katie Todd and Shelley Miller exemplify the busy queer music scene in Chicago. Both women have productive careers and can regularly be found performing in the numerous live music venues that dot the city. The gorgeous title track of Mumbled Speech (Level It), the latest disc by Katie Todd is a perfect example of the kind of near flawless pop ballad songwriting skills of which she is in possession. She also has admirable taste in cover material with her rendition of Leonard Cohen’s oftrecorded “Hallelujah.” Shelley Miller, sounding like Chicago’s answer to Chris Pureka and Mary Gauthier, returns with her solid and strong When It’s All Gone, You Come Back (shellymiller.net), on which she strikes the right balance between torch and twang. As original and unusual concepts go, you’d be hard-pressed to find one that can top all-female trio Girl In A Coma’s Adventures In Coverland (Blackheart). Consisting of three seven-inch vinyl singles, whose jackets join together to form a game board, the set features Girl In A Coma covering the Beatles (“While My Guitar Gently Weeps”), Joy Division (“Transmission”), Velvet Underground (“Femme Fatale”) and Patsy Cline (“Walking After Midnight”) and others all performed in the band’s distinctive garage-punk style. outlookcolumbus.com

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We’ve seen the preview of Lathram’s book. Buy it.

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Reading the Will: by Tim Miller Steven Reign’s extraordinary new book Inheritance sizzles with the unsparing heat of memory. Carrying the full heat of a memoir, as well as, the stiletto precision of an accessible autobiographical narrative-based poetic sensibility, this soulful collection displays a queer voice so precise and deft it leaves the reader almost singed by how close to the mark the words flare. Inheritance is unflinching in its courage to remember, name and call out the abuse of one vulnerable gay kid. The work crackles with the unjust power dynamics and complicated spaces of sexuality. Though unsparing in its account of a gay boy’s journey through abuse, Inheritance exhilarates in the energy released when the story is told, claimed and transformed. I spoke with Steven Reigns in Los Angeles about memory, the body, and what we all inherit. Tim Miller: Your new book Inheritance gets so close to the real feeling of a queer childhood’s confusions and chaos. What brought you to write Inheritance? Steven Reign: I’m addicted to personal narrative. I’ve always enjoyed memoirs and biographies. My first collection flirted with autobiography but wasn’t there fully. After that collection was published I realized that though it was scary to disclose so much, the non-autobiographical elements or the things I created to “cover up” that a poem was about me, didn’t make me feel more secure. It actually made me


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Sex, Hope and Heart in Steven Reigns Inheritance

feel worse. For me, it felt cheap to tell half of a story and recreate the other half. Truth is not only stranger than fiction; I think it’s more interesting. In Inheritance my scope was narrow. I aimed to poetically tell my story as clearly and as directly as possible. I wanted to be as emotionally honest as I am able. I did this in hopes others could relate deeply to what it means to grow up in our culture and explore what we are given, what we inherit. TM: What is the sexual journey that is marked in Inheritance? SR: I’m highly aware of power but I don’t think I’m an exception. Gay men at an early age are painfully aware of the value placed on our lives, loves, sexuality, and legal rights. We are given clear messages who has the power. Your Dead Body is My Welcome Mat explored abuses of power and Inheritance explores the inequities of power. Coming from a physically and sexually abusive home amplified a feeling of powerlessness for me. I didn’t even feel as if my body were my own. Part of the reclaiming process of my life involved redefining everything for myself. To do that required an inventory of what I have, that is what is documented in Inheritance. These poems document what I’ve been given. TM: Your work really argues for the power of poetry to hit the jugular of what life looks/tastes/feels like. Do you have a kind of poetic manifesto you try to bring to the work? SR: I have a deep love for poetry. It’s an automatic interest. I love writer’s manifestos but I

don’t have one. I’m weary of making any bold declarations and don’t spend much time thinking about rules for poetry or the writing process. I grew up in St. Louis, Missouri and my value system is rooted in all of those midwestern stereotypes. I write the way I do out of respect. The reader is giving me their time and attention and I want to honor that with the work being honest, concise, crafted, and moving. I don’t want readers to feel like they are solving a riddle in the form of poem. I want readers to feel, to relate, and to understand more about their own experiences.

proof of Inheritance I noticed it was missing a poem I wrote about my mother. I looked up the document I submitted to the publisher. I couldn’t figure out why it was omitted. I remembered, “Oh, I got scared and took it out.” So I daringly, put the poem back into the book. It makes me nervous but to withhold that poem would make me feel like I’m holding a card to my chest. I’m not interested in that. I want everything out on the table. Secrets are some of the worst things to inherit and I don’t intend to leave any behind in my will.

I like art that goes for the jugular and hits the core. Poetry does this quickly and doesn’t allow for much excess. In our fast-paced lives, I think conveying something in economic language like the poetic form should be more welcomed. The reward of reading just one poem can be as great as submerging oneself in a novel or film.

TM: How do we journey from acknowledging these hurts, these real injustices, and step forward into our lives? SR: Silence only protects predators. Voicing our experience not only helps us come to terms with our past, whatever past that might be, but it also helps us forge deeper connections with others. It’s natural for the pendulum of our voice to swing for a bit. It’s great when we’re able to find that medium ground of not being shamed or muted but also not dwelling too much on the past. I think this collection shows a bit of that balance. All elements of my life are written about because they are the dowry I come with. The poetry is about what I’ve inherited and the book, this journey I’m sharing, is what I’m bequeathing to others.

TM: The heat and intimacy of Inheritance is so powerful. What gave you the courage to dive in so deeply? You are particularly brave in identifying the multiple kinds of abuse that exist in the world. Did you ever feel the temptation to pull back? SR: As a writer I’m thankful I have immense trust in the page. There are things I don’t openly talk about with family, friends, or lovers but I don’t hesitate when writing, it’s where I feel the safest. My hesitancy and desire to pull back is present when I contemplate showing others what I’ve written. When looking over the final

Cotton breathes. People wrapped in cotton sometimes do not.

Tim Miller is a solo performer and the author of the books Shirts & Skin, Body Blows and 1001 Beds. He can be reached at his website www.TimMillerPerformer.com


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We like to imagine who’s wearing Andrew Christian under their tuxes at the HRC gala. Besides us, that is.

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Sia GetS into the Groove

Downers, be damned – the chanteuse gets happy on her upcoming album and talks about how she learned to be a lesbian. by Chris Azzopardi The world might just end for those who feed off Sia’s sad songs. She’s happy! And she knows it! And she’s clapping her hands! In fact, she’s making everyone do it on her forthcoming CD’s first single, “Clap Your Hands,” a neon-colored ditty of disco-dance. That vibe zips through much of We Are Born, the Australian songstress’ fourth album – to be released June 22 – on which Sia’s pep pill triggers a kaleidoscopic pop piece that’s cute, moving and as bouncy as her own personality. Sia, whose work can also be heard on Christina Aguilera’s upcoming disc, chatted about losing her label over the project, how her girlfriend influenced it and the Cher collaboration that never happened. Chris Azzopardi: How did you decide on We Are Born as the album title? Sia: For the last record, I must’ve explained that title 13,000 times, and my girlfriend and me were talking about how to avoid that. JD (Samson) said, “Why don’t you just take a lyric from one of your songs?” I thought that was a good way to avoid having to make any grand statements – by using the first lyric of the first song (laughs). CA: What influence did JD, with her dance music background, have on this album? S: She probably influenced it in that when we first started dating she made me a couple of mix tapes and there was a lot of music I had never heard of and I guess the ones I liked the most were like lezzy music (laughs). CA: Well, you are one, so that makes sense. 100 june 2010

S: Yeah, but I was a new gay back then. I needed to be schooled in the lezzy ways. When I’m with her what she plays is way more uptempo and then what she performs is dance music, so I definitely subconsciously absorbed that. I’m really impressionable, that’s what it is. I was hanging out with a bunch of hip-hoppers before Healing is Difficult, and then I was hanging out with Zero 7 when I made Colour the Small One. With Some People Have Real Problems, I was trying to make that record so that I could make this record. But they wouldn’t let me. I actually delivered a record similar to this right after Colour the Small One. In fact, there are three songs that are on this record that were on that record, but Universal dropped me. I delivered it to them and they were like, “You can’t do this. You’re a down-tempo artist. We can’t market this. This is confusing to your fan base.” I’m like, “What fan base? I sold, like, 6,000 records.” I’ve since negotiated a really great deal with Sony, who I’m with now. CA: What does JD think of the album? S: She loves it! She told all her friends that I made the best album of the year. And I could tell that she really did like it. It wasn’t like she was just being supportive and faking it (laughs). CA: “I’m in Here” is reminiscent of “Breathe Me,” made popular by Six Feet Under, and should appease fans of your sad songs. What place were you in when you wrote it? S: I have either cyclothymia, which is low-level bipolar disorder, or a major anxiety disorder. That is probably what was happening. Actually, that day I know what was happening: Sam (Dixon) came over and we started to write for

the first time in a long time and we had been in there for, like, five minutes and it wasn’t happening (laughs). I was like, “I’ve lost it!” Laughing he sat down next to me and said, “Sia Furler, we have been in here for five minutes. Do you know how long it takes other people I write with? Days and days. You can’t beat yourself up because within five minutes you haven’t come up with anything.” A couple of deep breaths later, we went back at it and then “I’m in Here” happened. CA: You almost had a chance to write a song for Cher for her upcoming film Burlesque, right? S: Yeah, Cher didn’t go for my tune. Such a bummer. CA: How disappointing! S: Absolutely! Because holy fuck, could you imagine? Cher! CA: Any idea why she passed? S: I’m sure they’ll tell you fucking anything to make you feel better, but they (the studio) said it was too cool. We were really trying not to be cool (laughs). CA: What was it like doing the “Clap Your Hands” video? S: We made a video, but I didn’t really like it. It was Bollywood dancing, but I wasn’t feeling it. It wasn’t energetic enough for the song, so we made another one, and it’s really weird, dude. CA: Of all the Madonna songs you could’ve chosen to cover on We Are Born, why “Oh Father”? S: It’s not a very romantic story. I had just finished all these ballads for Christina, I had al-

This costume was from her audition for A Clockwork Crazy. Noka is her stunt double.

ready finished my album, and I thought to myself, I think I need to put another ballad on the album. It felt unbalanced, but I was ballad-ed out. I was having lunch with my friend for her birthday and “Oh Father” was playing and I started singing along while she was telling a story. Some people might think that’s rude, but she doesn’t care at all when I sing while she’s talking (laughs). So I was like, “Bingo!” I called (my manager) David and he’s like a major gaylord and he was squealing because he was so excited that I might do a Madonna cover. I did change the words up a little bit and she didn’t approve that, so I had to go back in and change the words back to her original words. CA: What kind of influence did Madonna have on you? S: Major! I was like every other 12-year-old in 1986. I was wearing fingerless gloves and – CA: Dancing in your underwear on your bed? S: Totally. I must’ve seen Desperately Seeking Susan, like, 70 times (laughs). Her and Cyndi Lauper were my faves in that time – and the Pretenders and the Police. That’s kind of when my musical interests died (laughs). Yeah, my interest in music died in 1988, so all my musical development is stunted and the only thing you’ll ever hear in my tunes is influences from before then. CA: You always tweet about “Mr. Boops.” Who is that? S: (Laughs) That’s JD Samson! CA: I thought it was a gay man! S: Well, she is. She’s like a gay boy (laughs).


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We wanted a shirtless Chris Churchill. We settled for a tattoo of a shirtless guy by him. We think he’s a big chicken-weeny.

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Rock the Boat! by Ryan Harris Luckily, designers deliver us endless choices in Summer is almost here Columbus! As Mother fashionable shoes, and sometimes they may be Nature pulls out all of her summer accessories, surprisingly comfortable. Here are my top three the trees and spring flowers are dressing up shoe choices for both the guys and gals this the city everywhere you look. While our eye nat- summer that will give you the best of both urally goes to the leaf of the tree or the bright worlds - fashion and comfort! colored bloom of the flower, yet without the right base for the tree, or stem of the flower, Ladies, there appears to be ten shoes for you to there wouldn’t be a bloom to gaze upon. The every one shoe for the gents, on the runways, same is true when it comes to the summer the web and in stores. Not really fair in my trends in your wardrobe. Without the right shoe opinion, but you have many to choose from… your entire spring and summer look may never I’m just saying. So I will start with you. bloom at all. Talk about a carry over trend, Espadrilles has Since shoes have been shoes, the main funcbeen worn as early as the 14th century. They tion has been to protect your feet, and yes, we are casual, but in the right places can take you do appreciate that. To some wearers it is the into the night as well. Flat or as a Wedge, they most important factor in their shoe selections; have a canvas upper and a flexible sole of rope. however, for me and my fellow shoe queens, You can find it in any color you can imagine, who buys a shoe for comfort anymore? Shoes and can be worn with just about anything. The have always been a staple for some and an ob- Espadrille is definitely a must get if you haven’t session for others. You see “the one” you’ve already. been looking for and you can’t wait to get it on. And when you do your first instinct is to find the My next pick is the gladiator sandal. In shiny mirror and look at it, and then walk in it. Admit metallics, rich leathers or bold embellishments, it… we all have worn fantastic uncomfortable it’s going to be hard to go wrong with this shoes because, let’s face it, they were fantas- statement ready shoe. Designers are having tic. fun by giving this shoe a twist in design by

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playing up the direction of the straps or layer- The loafer, molded after the moccasin, takes on ing the straps to achieve different designs, and many forms. From casual suede slip-ons, to I am so loving it. preppy Penny loafers, Tassel loafers, or the elegant Gucci loafer (embellished with a metal My final pick for you ladies is the bootie. The strap resembling a horse bit) they can be worn bootie is evolving with every season making it a for casual or formal settings. This is not a shoe year round option. There is the closed-toe that you can avoid, nor should you try. The “boot” bootie version for winter, the open-toe loafer is by far one of the strongest staples in bootie for spring and fall, and now the caged men’s fashion footwear. bootie for summer! This sophisticated, yet hip look is just simply stunning. In this case, I did My absolute favorite and final pick for you guys save the best for last! is the Boat shoe. Since the 1930’s, the boat shoe has been seen from the boat deck to the Okay guys, just because we may not have the back deck. We can thank the 1980’s for bringhuge selection to choose from that the ladies ing this classic shoe into mainstream fashion, do, doesn’t mean there are not great options the 1990’s for taking back out, and 2010 for out there. We just have to look a bit harder, bringing it back with a new twist. Once only that’s all. thought of by many as “Eastlands”, (the dark brown leather with a dark rubber sole (and let’s One of my favorites this season is the canvas not forget how creative some became with the sneaker. This canvas sneaker got its start as a laces), the boat shoe has since taken on a new popularly worn athletic shoe, but has jumped sophistication. In varying colors of suede and off the court and onto the streets many times leather, rope laces to leather laces, the 2010 over the years. Worn with everything from take on the boat shoe is the absolute, hands shorts to suits, the canvas sneaker is funcdown, number one must have for the guys this tional, washable, comfortable, and most of all, season. Come on guys, Rock The Boat! fashionable. Make everyday a runway! The next must have is the ever classic loafer.

These are Collin Burton’s shoes. We swear. We took them and made him run around barefoot.


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It’s all about the Pocket Change.

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Food is dramatic - Life is delicious. Episode 669 : Rickshaw, Gyracos & Rainbow Brite by Red Butler I’ve said it once, and I’ll say it again; if you aren’t puking, you aren’t doing it right. This has been my post-street meat philosophy for many years, and with the help of copious amounts of moonshine, turpentine, and Crystal Palace vodka, this philosophy has held up against all others as the absolute of absolutes. Simply put, it is my fervent belief that “meat one meets upon the street, is meat one spews upon ones feet.” With this in mind, one balmy summer night nigh upon the pride season, my friends Gloria, Dr. Myrrh, and I embarked on our regular street meat/alcohol experiment. As always, we would drink one million kinds of liquor, then Pedi-cab it to as many street meat carts as we could possibly stand. It was brilliant in its simplicity, expensive in it’s execution, and absolutely counter to nutritional common sense. In short, it was a masterpiece. The evening began innocently enough, Dr. Myrrh and Gloria sipping on glasses of white zinfandel on the Patio at Mike’s Grille, getting ourselves just drunk enough to begin our culinary endeavor. I drank from a can of Pabst Blue Ribbon, and half listened to Myrrh and Gloria discuss emotions, magic, and Madonna. Myrrh was dressed, as usual, in a floor length black coat and top hat. Gloria wore a chic pencil skirt and an attractive blouse. “J’know, when I’m feeling maudlin, it’s very hard for me to not make it rain,” remarked Dr. Myrrh, as he took an inappropriately large drink from a now half-empty glass. “I know the feeling,” said Gloria, drinking from her glass as well. “When I’m feeling maudlin, it’s hard for me to control my bladder. I often piss the bed, myself, or even potential sexual partners.” This type of banter continued for some time, until we found ourselves very, very drunk. Turning back to me, Myrrh sighed. “Shall we eat, young one?” Everyone’s eyes lit up at this prospect. We quickly finished our booze, and stumbled out into the street and haled a bicycle basket. “Take us to Park Street,” we slurred to the hipster 104 june 2010

driver glistening in summer sweat. Park Street, with its concentration of bars, assured a steady flow of drunken people seeking sustenance, and in some cases, salvation in the form of grilled things. Our first street meat cart shone like a bright Christmas tree ornament. We approached timidly at first, so as not to scare off the gentleman manning the thing. As we came closer, he motioned toward his cart and asked, “You eat meats?” a strange whistling sound emanating from a hole in one of his gnarly teeth. Gloria nodded. “We do indeed sir, for we are carnivores embarking on a legendary quest. You will provide us with one of everything that looks like a penis. Put everything on ‘em and put a rush on it, Panama Canal!” With that the man quickly scurried us up a hot dog with chili, cheese, onions and Gherkins, which he called Slavic Relish; a well-charred, jalapeño-cheese-filled bratwurst with salsa, taco meat, and Greek yogurt; and finally a juice dripping spicy sausage topped with sauerkraut, spicy mustard and Jello jigglers. Before the vendor had even rang up our order, Gloria was throwing us in another pedicab she had hijacked from an old woman who was too slow to get in. “Take us to the alley behind Tradewinds,” she yelled, “and step on it!” This venture in private transit awarded us a pixie of a girl as our driver. She couldn’t have been more than 5’2,” with long pigtails and multi-colored sweat bands on every extremity. There’s no way Rainbow Brite is ever going to get is moving with Myrrh in here, I thought watching the eastern block food slinger make his way toward us. “Ladies,” I stammered, “We may want to make a run for it…” But before I could finish my observation, our driver shouted “Starlite, quick!” and the Rickshaw burst forward in a sea of sparkles. Laughing, Miss Brite looked back at the vendor and said “Hey Glumface! Next time there’s a rainbow look up! You’ll feel better... and you might see me too!” And with that we were off over the rainbow and the Nationwide bridge. We just finished our dog appetizers when we turned behind the Plugged Nickel. “Don’t stop Rainbow,” I instructed, “just slow down. I can

shout our order from here and pick it up on the way by.” There was one thing and one thing only to get at this location… the Gyraco! My personal favorite of street meat treats, this temptress was the unholy alliance of the gyro and the taco, and duly named by our town’s most prolific of wordsmiths, outlook Editor-InChief Chris Hayes.

buttery, and just slightly charred topped with melty cheese and delightfully peppery and tangy pepperoni. Savory, salty, and carcinogenic, it was, in a word, perfection. At last, we had found the perfect drunk food. We looked at each other knowingly, and then at Myrrh. He merely nodded and turned to the pizza girl.

“Three Gyraco, Samson!” The little man worked quickly, his hands moving faster than ten thousand lynx. First the meat was placed on the large steel griddle. In one fluid motion Sammy pulled, pushed, sauced and dropped the meat into large, flat pieces of spongy bread-like baked dough. He topped the concoction with tomato, onion, lettuce, tsatsiki, and loads of cheddar cheese, twist wrapped them in foil, and then quarterbacked them to us as we coasted by. “Thanks love,” Myrrh gushed as we bit into the feast - foil and all. “We’ll get you back later at after hours love!” The lamb was savory, and the strange sauce added layers of flavor I may never fully understand. It was spicy, and hot, and delicious. Sinfully so. As we pulled back into the Short North, our eyes caught a strange black van to our right sitting in front of Level. This was no taco derivative stand, or bastardized wiener purveyors. It wasn’t some kind of processed corn-dog product outlet, or some not-so-hot wing merchant. No, this was the coup de grace, the Ark of the Covenant, the Holy Grail. This was Mikey’s Late Night Slice, an ambrosia-filled oasis in the desert of drunk food. The very attractive, and charmingly devilish Mikey Sorboro had traveled far and wide (or just to Key West) to find the recipe for this perfect pizza, and once it was in hand, he had set up shop in a small truck parked on the street. As we approached the angelically lit outdoor eatery, a friendly looking girl appeared behind the counter. She smiled down at Myrrh, who brazenly stepped forward, bowed deeply, removed a crumpled twenty from his top hat, and muttered “an entire pepperoni pizza, milady. And make it snappy… to make me happy.” “While you’re at it, add a case of Red Pop,” Myrrh chimed in. The first bit was absolute bliss. Crust that was

“Street Meet” is the title of every intern posting that Outlook Media puts up on Craigslist. Surprisingly, it works.

“More. We will have more, wench,” said Myrrh, as he grabbed wads of crumpled money from his top hat. It continued for some time, this culinary ballet. Myrrh removed money from his hat, and the delightful girl brought us this most perfect of street meats. Nearly an hour passed, and it became obvious to all of us that we would soon fulfill our glutinous destinies. A certain electricity filled the air, as a crowd gathered to see who would pop first. With one sausage pizza on deck and two cheese pizzas in the hole, our collective limit was reached. One by one we began dumping the contents of our stomachs into the foliage just south of Torso, the absolute best location for such a spectacle, and then returning to our meal to eat more. “No one quits till the food’s all gone!” I barked pizza sauce dripping from my chin. “This ain’t pussytown!” We continued in this manner for another hour, until finally Myrhh started on the last piece. The crowd grew silent as he chewed, not sure if we should be getting him a bucket, digging his grave, or lifting him upon our shoulders to celebrate his accomplishment. As he swallowed the last bit of congealed cheese, he muttered “I’ll think I can eat one more pizza…” The crowd burst into thunderous cheers and applause until Myrhh started throwing up blood and fell into it. Myrrh looked up from the pool of his victory to the pizza girl wantingly. “Just one more slice,” he whispered to her. “You reap what you sow, fatty. Shop’s closed!” said the pizza girl, as she smiled, opened the pizza oven, and got in. Gloria, obviously frightened, turned to me and muttered, “No wonder he threw up his gall bladder. Late night slice isn’t people food. IT’S PEOPLE!” outlookcolumbus.com

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We heart these girls, cause these girls heart us.

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106 june 2010

No matter how old you are, you’re never too old for toys and online games.


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by Dan Savage Where can a straight guy find a transsexual woman who is NOT a hooker and just wants to be friends (with benefits)? I know of one club where they hang, but they are mostly hookers there. I would like to go someplace where I could meet one and see if we could hit it off and go from there. I know they are out there, but I just can’t find them! Help a brother out! PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE! Lonely Tranny Lover If what you’re looking for is a transsexual who’ll allow you to fuck her - or who’ll fuck you - but who won’t require you to have an actual relationship with her, LTL, then you’ll have to pay some nice woman for her time and her emotional distress, like all the other straight guys out there into MTFs. Why do they have to pay? Because, LTL, it’s kinda shredding to sexually service someone who’s embarrassed to be seen in public with you. Just ask any openly gay man dating a closet case and/or a Catholic priest, or any BBW sleeping with a man who’s married to a rail-thin trophy wife he isn’t physically attracted to. Someone who puts up with that kind of bullshit - “You blow me, I blow you off” - should be compensated for her time, pain, and suffering. It’s nice that you’re willing to be friends with the transsexual you’re fucking, LTL - that puts you above most straight-identified men who are into trans women. But most trans women, hookers or not, want more than that. They want love, companionship, intimacy, and a commitment - you know, all that shit non-trans women want. Be open to an actual relationship, LTL, and you’ll have an easier time finding a non-pro who’s open to you. I’m a 24-year-old straight female in a relationoutlookcolumbus.com

ship. The sex is great, except for one thing: My boyfriend is so fucking quiet while we are having sex. No words, no moans, a stone-cold facial expression. I know he is enjoying himself because he always comes and he initiates sex as often as I do. However, his stoic demeanor makes it hard for me to really get into stuff that isn’t directly pleasurable for me. It’s hard to be motivated to choke on someone’s cock when they look and act like they can’t even feel anything.

legs around his ass and pull him in and hold him there so he can’t thrust. Then say, “Feel good? Getting close? Wanna finish?” Don’t let him budge until he talks; don’t let him continue if he stops talking.

I’ve mentioned this to him several times after sex, and he just laughs it off and then says something like, “Do you expect me to scream like a girl?” I’ve told him that that’s not at all what I expect. I just want some sign of life! One time, I purposely remained completely silent during an orgasm, like he does, and he became very self-conscious. He didn’t believe me when I told him I came, and I asked him how he likes it when I’m quiet. He thought this was funny, and then things went back to normal.

My boyfriend/fiancé likes to be put in a cage, and we have a very scary-looking cage in my closet. (God help me if my mother ever finds it - I’ll be in more trouble than that guy whose mother found his life-size sex doll!) His biggest turn-on is to come home on Friday night, go right into his cage, and for me to keep him there until Sunday morning. I only let him out if he needs to have a bowel movement or if I want to screw. (There’s a bottle of water in his cage if he gets thirsty and an empty bottle if he needs to pee, and he doesn’t get fed much because he’s not exactly burning calories in there.)

Why is he so quiet? What can I do?

Be playfully, sexily confrontational, WNITL, and you’ll be able to extract the feedback you want during sex while helping him get over his insecurities about how men are supposed to act during sex.

We’re Not In The Library Stop treating this like it’s a problem, WNITL, even if you experience it that way, and start treating it like a challenge and a game. Give him a blowjob, choke on that cock, bring him right to the edge, then pull his cock out of your mouth and say, “Do you like that? Are you close? You want me to keep going?” Then look up at him and slowly stroke his cock - not fast enough to get him off, but not so slowly that you’ll have to start that blowjob all over again - and wait for his response. When he says something, put his dick goes back in your mouth. When he stops talking, his dick comes back out. Or if he’s fucking you and he’s getting close, wrap your

I’ve been reading your column since I was 19 (I’m 27 now), I’m GGG, and I’m happy to do this for my boyfriend. And knowing he’s in there waiting for me - and doing crunches to pass the time (you should see his abs!) - does make me horny, too. The issue: I won’t leave our apartment when he’s locked up. What if there’s a fire? Or we get burgled? Or if there’s a meteor strike? Or a terrorist attack? He says I’m being paranoid and that it really turns him on to know that I’m out with my girlfriends, having drinks or whatever, while he’s locked up in my closet “with the rest of my things.” Who’s in the right here?

Chad doesn’t mind being in a cage, if the bottle is filled with vodka.

My Boyfriend Is My Prisoner P.S. Our only other conflict: He insisted we find a place with two closets, one of them walk-in, because he wants to be stored in my closet, not a shared closet, “with the rest of my things.” (That phrase really turns him on - he’s one of my things!) We passed on some beautiful apartments because the closets weren’t perfect, and my mom - who helped with the down payment and apartment-shopped with us - thought we were crazy. If only she knew! You’re in the right, MBIMP. If there’s a fire or a robbery or meteor strike - or if you get hit by a car and wind up in a coma for three months and he slowly starves to death in your apartment - then you could go to jail for manslaughter and/or negligent homicide. So that fiancé thing of yours shouldn’t be left alone when he’s in his cage; no one should ever be left alone tied-up and/or imprisoned. If he insists on you going out on a cage weekend, MBIMP, then you’ll have to hire a sitter bondage, not baby. Take out a personal ad, lay out what you need (someone to be there, in case something happens, but that’s all), and very, very carefully interview applicants. Better yet, get involved with your local BDSM group, make some kinky friends, and see if anyone is up for a little bondagesitting. Or, hey, you can live a little dangerously: Give your boyfriend a cell phone, don’t go far, and instruct your prisoner to call if he smells smoke while he’s doing his crunches. A PROGRAMMING NOTE: Lots of folks have asked me where my iPhone app is. Well, I didn’t have one - until now. The Savage Love iPhone app has been submitted to Apple. Will they accept it? Or will it be too porny for Steve Jobs? Stay tuned. In the meantime, you can still find a new Savage Lovecast (my weekly podcast) at thestranger.com/savage every Tuesday.

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s t a p

by Chris Hayes This month’s local celebrity is so famous she has a fan page on Facebook that she knows nothing about. “I’ve heard rumors about it,” she tells me. “Some creepy graphic designer guy started it. I think we share a love of cheese.” And funny she should mention cheese, since Which Kind Of Cheese Would Patricia Taylor Be? is a hot topic for her adoring masses. But whether you think she’s a smoked Gouda or stinking bishop, one thing is clear, she’s delicious. A self-described 23 year-old with an unfortunate reality situation of being 30, Taylor says most people wouldn’t guess she’s more than 36; we think she’s just being modest. Originally from Youngstown, P Titties (as Michael calls her) made her way to central Ohio to attend Dennison University for English literature and theater. This scholastic over-achiever decided she was too cool for school and left academia one class away from graduating to become the world-renown urban drag rancher/farmer she is admired for today. “I just didn’t finish. I was too busy being fabulous.”

the glass during Tequila Tuesdays that aims to please. “I’m can be easily bribed. I’ll play whatever you want.” Currently she sunlights at the craziest branding joint in town, Method… um I mean Ologie, where she mans the phone lines and reception desk… practically runs the place. “You can’t talk to anyone unless you talk to me first. I won’t lie, I enjoy the power.” If you still can’t quite place her, think Nina West and see if that rings a bell. Patsy assists her best friend Andrew Levitt (aka Nina) with a lot of her big productions. I like to say she’s the woman behind the man playing a woman. My observation is always echoed by props from the stage. “Now, I won’t say all of them, because I don’t want to be credit for all of that,” she quickly points out. “Does that mean just the good ones?” I ask. “No, just the ones I want to take credit for. And I’m not in it for the glory. I just love the impossible challenges like ‘here’s a roll of duct tape, and paint stirrer… make me a mirror.’ And then somehow I do.” When not backstage or behind a desk, this superstar enjoys avoiding the paparazzi, consuming cheese, playing Scrabble® and bitching about her fan page. “What’s with these kids these days and their technologies and their Facebook and their Windows 7. Who didn’t make that?!”

Her other pastimes include eating Jeni’s ice cream and giving back to the community she so That much still holds true today. loves, which she does by utilizing public transit, giving blood You might first have met our and supporting Nina West proceleb eating brunch at Union. If ductions. “That’s a lot of charity you were lucky enough to sit in work right there… let me tell her busy section, you got nothing ya.” but exemplary service. “If someone wanted something, they If you see Patsy out and about, knew where the kitchen was. I buy her a $4 beer, or anything at can’t help it if I’m so popular I all. “I’m really not picky when it didn’t have time for costumer comes to appreciation beverservice. Hey after a weekend of ages. It’s an honor just to be gluing on falsies and being high nominated.” Well maybe… Ironon hairspray, you try serving ically, when asked what she drinks during a buffet.” hopes will happen with her new found celebrity status, she torts, You might also know P Tittles (as “I think I’d finally like to be left other people call her), as a long alone.” time resident VJ at U. Boobs (as I call her) is the woman behind I think we’re all OK with that. 108 june 2009

by Jack Fertig

“Be careful with your money, Pisces!”

good thing, you need to make changes around the house. Whatever work offers home Mars in Leo is triggering crises, doesn’t suggests the changes mostly in the form of fights and you need to make. misunderstandings that show where we need to wrap things SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – up and move on. Clear away December 20): The best way to worries and doubts. Analyze avoid arguments is to think problems realistically to find twice about what you’re hearnovel solutions. ing and about how others might hear what you’re saying. Or GEMINI (May 21- June 20): Exmaybe you’d rather not avoid amining the provocations to ar- them. The interchange can guments and staying silent (one open you up to new perspeccan dream!) can prove more tives. educational than actually arguing. Review goals that have re- CAPRICORN (December 21 – cently been accomplished and January 19): Sex and money are think carefully about your next the biggest sources of domessteps. tic disputes. Work on money issues first and be willing to bend CANCER (June 21- July 22): Are on sex. Take the initiative on your priorities and ideals prov- flexibility. Clearing the air can ing dysfunctional? Be willing to be rough, but is necessary for a grow and adapt. The time for happy home. planning career moves is ending. Make big, bold choices or AQUARIUS (January 20 – Februevents will force difficult ary 18): With a little help from changes. Even in those there your partner or a counselor, may be great opportunities. your money troubles should alMaybe. leviate soon. (Given the times, that’s relative!). Acting spacey LEO (July 23 – August 22): Pres- and lost and trying to deny it suring your partner to make a could upset your partner. Addecision will backfire. Physical mitting to being vulnerable and play – maybe, but not necesa bit confused will help. sarily sexual – will help work off frustration. Be careful with the PISCES (February 19 – March rough stuff and keep your head 19): Worrying about your health clear. Accidents are looking to only makes it worse. Take posihappen. tive steps. Moderate exercise is good; overdoing it is not. Your VIRGO (August 23 – September finances should be going up, 22): You can meet somebody but like that first rise on a roller very hot and sexy while doing coaster. Be careful with your charity work. Not a mercy date, money! but another volunteer. That milieu will also get you out of your ARIES (March 20 – April 19): Asown head, which is a dangerous serting yourself too forcefully place. Worry only undermines can show people not what you your own health. want them to see, but things you’d rather they didn’t. WorkLIBRA (September 23 – October ing to be more truly yourself 22): What do you want tonight? can be very humbling. That huWhat do you want in 14 years? mility will win you great reAnswer the latter question; then spect. think hard about the first. Somewhere in there is a clue TAURUS (April 20 – May 20): about your next big relationCan a person have too many ship, or necessary changes in friends? You may find too much your current one. quantity and not enough quality in your social circles. Take SCORPIO (October 23 – Novem- some time alone to sort out in ber 21): Demands at work are your mind who are the ones you keeping you from home and really want in your tribe. family. If that sounds like a Jack Fertig, a professional astrologer since 1977, is available for personal and business consultations in person in San Francisco, or online everywhere. He can be reached at 415-864-8302, through his website at www.starjack.com, and by e-mail at QScopes@qsyndicate.com.

We’re whey cheesing on Patsy’s Facebook page, first made famous by an anonymous group of Curdish-Canadians.


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We want our baby back, baby back, baby back...

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110 july 2009

We miss the pink and turquoise. Bring back sex and magick!


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Perfect. OM.

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