2010-07-01 outlook calendar

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• • • • • • • • • • • about town • • • • • • • • • • • THURSDAY, JULY 1 PREPARE TO LAUNCH Outlook July Launch Party @ Moziak, 51 Vine Street, 614.469.1000, www.mozaiklounge.com: Come celebrate the launch of outlook’s Urban Living edition and kick off 4th of July weekend right! Join Outlook Media & Dimensional Entertainment for a fun happy hour featuring Belvedere cocktail specials, fashions by Brigade and complimentary appetizers by Mozaik. 7p-9p, free!

from gym class being your dance partner is also gay. Every Monday @ 8:30p; $15. TUESDAY, JULY 6 ARE YOU A CHAMP IN THE ANATOMY CATEGORY? Team Trivia Tuesdays @ Level Dining Lounge, 700 N High St, 614.754.1342, www.levelcolumbus.com: $3 Smirnoff all flavors, $2.50 Domestic Bottles – Starting at 10p – 614 Night - 2 Rotating DJ’s, drinks up to 50% off; Fun starts at 8p.

SATURDAY, JULY 10 bushistory.org: Everyone’s faHAVE A PROFESSIONAL ORGANIST vorite malt shop / poodle skirt phenomenon. Arnett Howard SHOW YOU HOW IT’S DONE Historic Theatre Tours @ The leads this trip down memory lane about Columbus musiOhio Theater, 39 E State St, cians and the city’s rock ’n 614.469.0939, www.capa.com: As part of the roll scene. Call to make reservations. 6:30p; free. summer movie series, CAPA will offer guided tours of the historic Ohio Theater, featur- UHN TISS UHN TISS ing a close-up look at “Mighty Sweatin’ @ Axis, 775 N High Morton” – the original organ. St, 614.291.4008, www.columbusnightlife.com: 4:30p; free. A night of debauchery and indulgence? That’s my favorite kind of night! 10p; cover. SUNDAY, JULY 11 I HOPE THE MOVIE GLITTER IS INVOLVED

GET YOUR SUGAR WHILE YOU CAN WEDNESDAY, JULY 7 Closing Weekend @ Sugar HARD ROCK? HALLELUJAH! Bar, 525 N Park St, Rock N Roll Sideshow @ Cirwww.sugar-bar.net: Say your cus, 1227 N. High St, goodbyes. It’s the final week- 614.421.2998: Take a break end for Sugar Bar. Doors will from the gay night scene. Go be closing for good after Sat to a dark bar with loud music July 3rd. 9p; cover. and $3 C.B.C. pints. Okay, I guess that isn’t different at FRIDAY, JULY 2 all. 9p; cover. A BIG BANG FOR THE SIZE QUEENS Red, White, and BOOM! @ THURSDAY, JULY 8 Vets Memorial and surround- DO THE CHACHA! ing area, www.redwhiteandSalsa with the Clippers @ boom.org: See entertainment Huntington Park, 330 Huntall day at the Genoa Park ington Park Lane, Stage, Long Street BOOM! 614.462.5250, www.clippersStage, and Taste of BOOM! baseball.com: JC EntertainStage. The explosions start at ment presents K-Da Uno. So 10p; free. after you’ve had one too many beers and stadium dogs, you SATURDAY, JULY 3 can act like you know how to YOUR FAVORITE GAYSIAN SINCE salsa! Tickets available at ONGINA clippersbaseball.com. 5p; $8JuJubee @ Union Bar+Food, 25. 782 N High St, 614.421.CAFE (2233), FRIDAY, JULY 9 columbusnightlife.com: Prac- SO WHEN YOU PASS OUT ON THE tice hyperventilating now, the PAVEMENT…KNOW YOU’RE SUPfabulous JuJubee of RuPaul’s PORTING LOCAL WINERIES Drag Race is in town. Just try 9th Annual North Market to keep it together around her. Food & Ohio Wine Festival @ The glam begins @ 11p, North Market, 59 Spruce St, cover. 614.463.9664, www.northmarket.com: Celebrate local SUNDAY, JULY 4 cuisine and VINO! Get a taste MY, OH, MY, WHAT A WONDERFUL from the best with wines from DAY! 18 of Ohio’s finest wineries. 27th Annual Doo Dah Parade Enjoy live music on two & Party @ High St & Buttles stages, and even better — Ave in the Short North, it’s FREE! July 9 - 11; Fri 7p www.doodahparade.com: Cel- 10p (Preview party - $20 ebrate liberty! Lunacy! Politi- ticket includes commemoracians wearing funny hats! tive wine glass, 10 tasting And it’s even fun for all ages. tickets, and a $5 North Market 11a – 7p, Parade step-off @ gift certificate); Sat 10a - 7p; 1p; free. Sun 1p - 6p; Sat & Sun are free. MONDAY, JULY 5 LIKE THE NO-PANTS DANCE, BUT WITH PANTS Same Sex Group Dance Class @ Emerald City Ballroom, 6755 Dublin Center Drive, 614.203.2550: Learn ballroom, country western and salsa! The only difference

DANCE DANCE Moral Tales @ Havana, 862 N High St, 614.421.9697, www.columbusnightlife.com: From the producers of Sweatin’. Even though the name makes it sound like the exact opposite. 10p; cover.

SUNDAY, JULY 18 FROM DIVA TO GODDESS Miss Gay Ohio America @ Axis, 775 N High St, 614.291.4008, www.columbusnightlife.com: More loving from Symphony and the gang. Who will be the reigning goddess of Ohio (until 2011)? 8p; cover.

WEDNESDAY, JULY 14 GOT A LITTLE TOO EXCITED WHEN I MISREAD THIS AS “BOY MEETS WORLD” Boy Meets Boy @ Studio One of Riffe Center, 77 S High St, 614.460.7211, www.capa.com: CAPA and Evolution Theatre co-present “Boy Meets Boy.” The title says it all. Runs Wed - Sat. July 14-24; 8p; Adults - $25, Students/Seniors - $20.

SATURDAY, JULY 17 A DIVA IS THE FEMALE VERSION OF A HUSTLER Miss Gay Ohio America @ Axis, 775 N High St, 614.291.4008, www.columbusnightlife.com: The name says it all. Symphony Alexander-Love and this year’s glamorous girls take the stage. 7p; cover.

MONDAY, JULY 12 I WANT A MAN WITH A SHORT SKIRT/LONG JACKET CAKE @ The Lifestyle Communities Pavilion, 405 Neil Ave, 614.461.LIVE (5483), www.promowestlive.com: The band’s name isn’t just in caps because we love them. 7p; $35.

FRIDAY, JULY 16 BUST OUT THE WHIPS AND PADDLES Fetish Show @ OutLand on Liberty, 95 Liberty St, 614.744.0100: An exotic night out for most of us and another day in the life for the rest. Makes you wonder what ‘an exotic night out’ would be for them. 9p; cover.

Samantha Goes to the Movies @ Wall Street Nightclub, 144 N Wall St, 614.464.2800, www.wallstreetnightclub.com: Catch the ever-so-lovely Samantha Rollins going to the movies! Also starring Kari Kerning, and others. Doors @ 8p, Show @ 9p; Tables - $40.

IT’S WHO YOU KNOW Network Columbus @ Level, 700 N High St, www.networkcolumbus.com: Join the members of Network Columbus, central Ohio’s progressive GLBT networking group, for a networking event and speakers concerning niche marketing. No RSVP necessary - just come enjoy the fellowship, networking, speakers, and free appetizers! 6p-8p; free. THURSDAY, JULY 15 WITHOUT THE SEX AND DRUGS, WHAT ARE WE LEFT WITH? Rock ’N Roll Columbus @ Columbus Historical Society, 51 Jefferson Ave., 614.224.0822, www.colum-

MONDAY, JULY 19 THE BEST WAY INTO A BOY’S PANTS Pizza, Pints & Karaoke Monday @ Union Bar+Food, 782 N High St, 614.421.CAFE (2233), www.columbusnightlife.com: Test your chops at U. $10 pizza and $2 beers all day. Karaoke starts at 10p; no cover. TUESDAY, JULY 20 NOTHING SAYS ‘CLASSY’ LIKE PEASANT FOOD Cheap Date Night @ Slammers, 202 E Long St, 614.221.8880, www.slammersbar.net: $4 domestic beers and 11” - pardon me, want to think about those 11 inches for a moment - onetopping pizza for $12. Starts at 8p; no cover.

WEDNESDAY, JULY 21 TUESDAY, JULY 27 FINALLY, AN AIR-CONDITIONED SUM- PLEASE DON’T FEED THE CONTESTMER CONCERT ANTS Victor Manuelle @ The American Idol Live! @ NaPalace Theatre, 34 W Broad tionwide Arena, corner of NaSt, 614.469.9850, tionwide and Neil, www.capa.com: The perfect 614.246.2000, www.Nationdate if you want to show off wideArena.com: The Top 10 your enthusiasm for the arts. contestants of Season 9 stop Bonus points: he’s Puerto in for one night only. 7:30p; Rican. Don’t forget to meet at $40.50-70.50. a coffee shop before the concert. 8p; $22.50-$52.50 ($5 WEDNESDAY, JULY 28 students). FINALLY, A WITCH-HUNT EVERYBODY CAN ENJOY Wicked @ The Ohio Theater, THURSDAY, JULY 22 39 E State St, 614.469.0939, SINGER AND/OR SONGWRITER Donna Magavero @ Cavan www.capa.com: See the story Irish Pub, 1409 S. High St, of how Elfaba became the www.cavanirishpub.com: For Wicked Witch of the West for all you acoustic-y types. At the first time (or maybe the least the show isn’t beneath a second, or the third…). Intree on a college campus. 9p; dulge your wicked side cover. through August 29, evenings and matinees; Show @ 8p; FRIDAY, JULY 23 tickets starting at $39.50. ALL THAT JAZZ JazZoo @ The Columbus Zoo THURSDAY, JULY 29 & Aquarium, 9990 Riverside BUTTER FACE Dr, 614.645.3550, Ohio State Fair @ Ohio Expo www.columbuszoo.org: The Center, 717 E. 17th Ave., Columbus Jazz Orchestra www.ohiostatefair.com: Buttakes center stage at the ter: the official lubricant of Columbus Zoo! Enjoy the Amish America. Get a taste theme “Sinatra & the Big (and how!) by visiting the Bands.” Other performances butter cow. Through August 8. on July 16, Aug 6 & 13; Adults $10 ($8 youth and senior, kids - $27 (advance), $30 (day of), under five get in free). Students - $15 (w/ ID), Parking - $5 per car. FRIDAY, JULY 30 I JUST LOVE LEATHUH. SATURDAY, JULY 24 2010 Ohio Valley Regional BRUSH UP YOUR MADONNA Leather Contest @ Axis, 775 Night of 100 Drag Queens @ N High St, 614.291.4008, Axis, 775 N High St, www.ohioleatheralliance.com: 614.291.4008, columbusThe ultimate of ultimate nightlife.com: More queens in leather competitions. Open to one place then you’ll ever see contestants from Ohio, West again. And odds are they all Virginia, Indiana, Pennsylvadream of being on RuPaul’s nia, Michigan, and Kentucky. Drag Race next season. 8p; Titles that will be up for grabs $10 (with costume), $15 include: Mr and Ms Leather(without). pride, Leatherpride Boy, Leather Bear & Cub, SUNDAY, JULY 25 Master/Slave, and Bootblack. I’VE GROWN ACCUSTOMED TO HER Show starts @ 10p; cover. FACE (AMONG OTHER BODY PARTS) My Fair Lady (1964) @ The SATURDAY, JULY 31 Ohio Theater, 39 E State St, DIRTY BOYS 614.469.0939, 25th Anniversary Mud Volleywww.capa.com: The final ball @ Beulah Park, showing in the summer movie www.epilepsy-ohio.org: Get series. Does that mean sum- dirty (in public) to benefit the mer’s almost over? Wear your Epilepsy Foundation of Centurtleneck sweaters and get tral Ohio. Enjoy a day of mud, ahead of the curve. 2p; $4 volleyball, dirt, fun and grime. ($3.50 seniors). Get messy @ 9a; $10 per contestant (8 people per team), MONDAY, JULY 26 $5 parking, $5 Spectator fee.a MEET YOUR MONTHLY QUOTA Dollar Days @ Flex, 1567 E Livingston Ave, 614.252.0730, www.flexbaths.com: $1 lockers from noon till midnight.

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