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minimum grade point average of 2.0 with no quality point index deficiency, regardless of their classification.
Academic Warning, Probation, Suspension and Dismissal
All students, whether full-time or part-time, are expected to maintain a quality of work necessary for reasonable progress toward graduation. In order to graduate, a student must earn a total number of grade points that is at least twice as great as the total number of academic credit hours attempted. Falling beneath this criterion indicates substandard progress toward a degree.
Students whose cumulative MUW GPA falls below 2.0 will be placed on academic probation. Students admitted with a GPA less than 2.0 as evaluated by academic policies will be placed on academic probation upon admission.
Students on first academic probation (P1) returning in the fall or spring will be limited to twelve (12) hours, or six (6) hours in the summer; additionally, students must successfully complete UN 098 Academic Recovery, a three (3) hour course consisting of a series of study skills lectures designed to improve study skills. The Academic Recovery class is not required for subsequent semesters, but the limit of twelve (12) hours for spring and fall and six (6) for summer will continue until a cumulative MUW GPA of 2.0 or better is achieved.
Students with a semester GPA of less than 2.0 who were admitted on academic probation or have already served one probationary period will be expected to maintain the academic standards listed in the chart below. Failure to meet this expectation will result in academic suspension.
Cumulative GPA Hours (Including Transfer Work) GPA MUW Cumulative GPA
0 - 29.99 1.50 30 - 59.99 1.65 60- 89.99 1.80 90 & above 2.00
No student will be suspended for failing to achieve the required grade point average without having first served at least one semester of probation at MUW. Students who have served a semester of probation at MUW at any time in the past and who fail to maintain a semester GPA of 2.0 or higher, will be suspended immediately if their MUW cumulative GPA falls below the value listed above.
Course Load Per Semester
The minimum semester course load for a full-time student is 12 semester hours; the normal load is 15 to 18 semester hours; and the maximum load is 19 semester hours. Requests to exceed the maximum number of hours must be made to the Registrar on the special request form on the Mississippi 34
University for Women website, and will be reviewed primarily on the basis of the student’s previous record of achievement and the courses in which the student wishes to enroll. No student may receive credit for more than 22 hours in a semester under any circumstances.
Satisfactory Academic Progress
All students at MUW who receive federal financial aid must make satisfactory academic progress toward completion of their degrees within a reasonable period of time. MUW has approved the following standards defining satisfactory progress, in accordance with regulations issued by the U.S. Department of Education. Satisfactory Academic Progress will be computed at the end of the fall, spring, and summer semesters. Students will be notified in writing by the financial aid office at the end of each semester if they are placed on warning, suspension, or become ineligible due to attempted hours. The financial aid office will update their financial aid standing in banner and adjust financial aid accordingly. Students should note this standing is separate from the academic standing.
During the warning semester, the student will continue to be eligible to receive Title IV aid. After a semester of warning, a student who does not meet the minimum standards will be placed on financial aid suspension. A student will not be eligible for Title IV financial aid until an appeal is approved or an academic plan is outlined (see Reinstatement of Financial Aid).
Undergraduate Students
An undergraduate student is considered to be making satisfactory progress if he or she: 1. Is admitted and enrolled as a degree student; 2. Meets the required qualitative measure for financial aid recipients; 3. Maintains required quantitative measurable progress toward the completion of the degree; 4. Completes degree requirements within a reasonable length of time.
Required Qualitative Measure
In order to meet the required qualitative measure, the student must maintain a minimum overall MUW GPA (only courses taken at MUW are used for this standard). The GPA requirement increases as students’ progress toward graduation as shown in this scale:
Cumulative Semester Cumulative Hours Attempted MUW Must Pass MUW GPA
0-29 67% and at least a 1.50 30-59 67% and at least a 1.65 60-89 67% and at least a 1.80 90-128 67% and at least a 2.00 35
General Requirements Pertaining to Eligibility for Athletics Participation
All student-athletes are required to complete the following forms in order to be eligible for athletics participation:
• Mississippi University for Women Student-Athlete Participation Packet (Includes biographical information as well as information related to insurance, emergencies, medical history and treatment, drug and alcohol policy, assumption of risk, etc.) • Proof of Primary Insurance Coverage • Pre-participation Physical Exam • NCAA Student-Athlete Statement • NCAA Drug Testing Consent Form • Consent for Disclosure of Protected Health Information to the NCAA
Summary of NCAA Division III Regulations Each student-athlete will be provided annually with a Summary of NCAA Regulations – Division III handout. This handout will be provided at the beginning of each fall semester, or at the time of their initial participation with intercollegiate athletics. Although this summary of NCAA regulations will not include all NCAA Division III Bylaws, it will contain the most significant information about the student-athlete’s eligibility to compete in intercollegiate athletics. The complete list is available online at www.ncaa.org. Student-athletes are responsible for knowing and understanding the application of all NCAA Bylaws related to their eligibility to compete. Student-athletes should contact The W Athletics Compliance Office if they have any questions.
Outside Competition Effects on Eligibility
The eligibility of a student-athlete who engages in outside competition (see NCAA Bylaw 17.02.10) is affected as set forth in the following regulations: NCAA Bylaw, Article 14.7.1. Outside Competition. A student-athlete becomes ineligible for intercollegiate competition in that sport until eligibility is restored by the NCAA Division III Committee on Student-Athlete Reinstatement if, after enrollment in college and during any year in which the student-athlete is a member of an intercollegiate squad or team, he or she competes or has competed as a member of any outside team in any non-collegiate, amateur competition (e.g., tournament play, exhibition games or other activity) during the institution’s intercollegiate season in the sport (see Bylaw, Article 14.7.3 for exceptions and waivers) unless restored to eligibility before that time by the Committee on Student-Athlete Reinstatement.
There are additional applications of the Outside-Competition Regulations located in Eligibility section of the NCAA Division III Manual. 36