1 minute read
from June Bow 2023
Logan Winters-Helmbrecht Food and Beverage Manager logan@oxbowcc.com

Hello everyone!
I hope everyone has had a great May! I think it’s safe to say we are all ready for SUMMER! It’s crazy how quick we went from 100 feet of snow to 90 degree weather! The pool has been busy busy, the opening weekend was a huge success!
May sure did fly past! It was a fun packed and exciting month! We sure have been busy worker bees, from kid’s night, little parties and events here and there I want to give a shout out to everyone who came and enjoyed Mother’s Day Brunch, it was a huge success! Viva Las Ladies sure was quite the event, it’s one of my favorite events of the year! We also had our first wedding of the year, and that went really well!
Coming up for the month of June, some things to look forward to; we have Kid’s Night on the 2nd, and that will be a fun day for the kiddo’s. Then moving along in the month, we have our first pool party, JR. Golf Camp, and then Battle at the Bow! Make sure you stay tuned to Macy, and the event guide for the info on what’s going on here at the club!
I hope everyone has had a chance to check out our new menu’s! We rolled out with new menu’s for all locations, so if you haven’t had the chance to see them, come on out to the club!
Another thing to keep on your radar, with the new golf/summer season here, you will also start to see some new faces, as well as some familiar ones, as staff starts to return for the upcoming season. Don’t be afraid to say hello, and give them a warm Oxbow welcome!
Have a GREAT June! Can’t wait to see you enjoying your club! Cheers!