1 minute read
from June Bow 2023
Derek Beers Head Lifeguard
Hello everyone!
Summer has arrived and the pool is open. We have a lot of new lifeguards this year, so feel free to stop in and say hello. I am really excited to see all of you guys again and hope for nice weather all summer long.
Group lessons will be done in June and also will be starting up private lessons shortly. If you have any questions about swim lessons feel free to ask me by emailing me at derek@oxbowcc.com.
We have a good amount of new faces here at the club and I would like to go over and remind everyone to please check in yourself and any guests you bring to the pool inside the pool house. A reminder that any local guests (50 miles) are only allowed out ONE TIME per calendar month Also if you are going to be bringing in a larger group of guests (8+) please reach out to Theresa so we can get an event order put together so we can ensure we have adequate staffing and resources for your group Pool rules have not changed since last year so if you have any questions about pool rules feel free to ask any of the lifeguards
Thanks, Derek