1 minute read
from June Bow 2023
Scott Motschenbacher Executive Chef chef@oxbowcc.com
Hello Oxbow!
Summer is finally here! The pool is open, and the clubhouse is bustling. With the warmer weather brings the new menu. We have made a few adjustments to everything. You may have noticed that it does seem a bit smaller. There is good reason for that. It all comes down to staffing. Just like any other business we are also feeling the pinch of finding quality people. The staff I do have on currently were getting a bit overloaded with the amount of foods to prep I had to hit the pressure release valve One major stressor was our Sunday brunch menu. It was bittersweet cutting brunch. It was something I had to do to preserve my staff. I can be the best chef in the world, but, If I don’t have a staff to execute everything, I am nothing So, I appreciate everyone’s patience while we make this transition We promise to have brunch back in the fall.
Sushi! Another unfortunate cut that I had to make This one, however, will be coming back in the very near future. With the amount of new members we have, I need to be able to wrap my head around everything first. My mantra on this is… I’d rather do 50 things really really well than 100 things mediocre. With that said I want everyone to know I appreciate any feedback you may have. Good or bad please feel free to email myself chef@oxbowcc.com or any of the other management. As you all know, it’s very hard to fix a problem that you aren’t aware of.