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9 00 r2 be em pt Se THE ETHNIC MINORITIES ISSUE Equal Opportunities in Hong Kong? Yi Minority in southwest China The Maasai in Kenya 70 Years to reclaim ancestral land in Mindanao

• ONE PERSON Meng Abarquez Meet Imelda ‘Meng’ Abarquez, who manages Oxfam Hong Kong’s emergency work around the world. She owes a lot to her Christian father who does not go to church, her mother who values education, and her home country that has long challenged injustice and poverty: The Philippines.

• ETHNIC MINORITIES Hong Kong A law against racial discrimination has finally come into effect. It has been a long campaign – the very first attempt to introduce a bill was in 1995. Meet some of the people who made it happen.

• SOMETIMES A SCHOOL, SOMETIMES A SHELTER Yunnan, China In the past decade, four earthquakes have hit this town, plus five or six floods. The schools built in 2000 have withstood them all. When a disaster comes, the schools serve as an emergency shelter for the Yi people. Meet one of the builders, Pu Guolin (pictured above).

• MEET THE MAASAI Kenya A few years ago, the Maasai faced a huge food and water crisis. Now, a clean water supply is making a huge difference for girls and women during menses, and for livestock, which Maasai men consider more valuable than women.

• PEOPLE OF THE MOUNTAIN The Philippines The Bukidnon, or ‘people of the mountain’, have always felt that the Kitanglad Mountains belong to them. Now, after 70 years of peaceful negotiations, a legal land title will soon be in their hands.

Meng Abarquez

“I’m 51, where do I want to be,”

“so warm, so kind, so welcoming”.

Meng was born ‘Imelda’ but did

“Most of the time we communicate

Meng asks herself. I am sitting with her

There have been only a few moments

not want the name of the then First

through Skype, either for providing

17 floors above a busy market street in

when she felt somewhat discriminated

Lady. She also did not want the usual

or collecting information, offering

Hong Kong. Her desk faces East, where

against, or stereotyped as a domestic

nickname ‘Imee’, a Marcos daughter.

technical support, or advising on

she can see a slice of the harbour.

worker; in fact, she says that fellow

She playfully chose ‘Meng’ after a

proposals. Ever y thing has to be

Her home is due West, out on Lantau

Filipinas are the ones who assume

friend had named herself ‘Deng’.


Island, not too far from the airport.

she also cleans homes or takes care of

The airport is two hours away from

children for a living.

People from the Philippines form

“We prepare proposals to the

the largest ethnic minority group in

Hong Kong Special Administrative

Manila, which is about 80 kilometres

The first child of a plumber and a

Hong Kong, where about 95 per cent

Region Government, which has a

from her hometown, a small town that

homemaker, Meng says her mother

of the population is ethnic Chinese. At

designated Disaster Relief Fund ;

felt like its own world.

pushed education, while her father

Oxfam Hong Kong, most colleagues

this Fund has enabled the agency

“In a way, I’m always torn. I have

was a good example of a Christian,

are also ethnic Chinese, with eleven

to respond to many crises. In all, we

worked on projects in a dozen or so

even though he did not go to church.

other nationalities represented. Meng

have responded to hundreds of crises

countries, and I love Hong Kong, as do

Together, her parents instilled in her

is one of six Filipino colleagues.

since 1976.

my two children, but the Philippines

to be kind to people, to share, and

What are Meng’s typical work

“I n b e t we e n e m e rg e n ci e s , I

will somehow always be my home.”

to learn, and she is grateful for these

duties as Programme Manager of

coordinate training efforts for my

lessons. “When I pray,” she says, “I

Humanit arian and Dis a s ter Risk

team, as well as for other professionals

pray in thanksgiving.”

Meng moved to Hong Kong in 2005 to take up the position of the

Management? “My team monitors

in our field. Oxfam Hong Kong is the

Tsunami Programme Coordinator; her

When I ask Meng why the NGO

emergencie s around the world ,

lead Oxfam affiliate in disaster risk

children aged 16 and 13 followed in

sector is so strong in the Philippines, she

especially in countries where Oxfam

reduction (DRR) and adaptation to

2007. “Hong Kong is such a good place

says there are many factors, foremost

Hong Kong has current development

climate change in Southeast Asia.

to raise my teenagers,” she says. “It’s

of which is the poverty and deep

programmes. If crises happen there, we

Right now, my team is planning

safe, we can swim, we like to explore

inequity that Filipinos experience. Plus,

immediately liaise with our colleagues

training on adaptation / DRR with

places we’ve never been, and we like

the tradition of activism is strong, as

on the ground. If emergencies happen

groups across the region.”

to host our many friends who visit

during the twenty-year Marcos regime,

elsewhere, we directly relate with

from overseas.”

people had few rights, and activism

the Ox fam af filiate which is the

was so necessary.

humanitarian lead in that country.

Her family sees people here as

Meng Abarquez was in conversation with Madeleine Marie Slavick, editor of O.N.E.

Meng (left) and her children in Hong Kong Park

Leading a training with the group, Engineers Without Borders, in Hong Kong On a field trip to Bangladesh

O.N.E September 2009

Hong Kong Unison in Geneva By Ma Sun

Fermi Wong lobbies for the human rights of Hong Kong’s ethnic minorities in Geneva as an NGO delegate. Photo courtesy of Hong Kong Unison

In early August, Hong Kong

F e rmi Wo ng p oint s ou t t wo

was rejected by the government.

For instance, the original draft of

Unison, which has long been

deficiencies in the ordinance. First,

Another issue that deserves concern,

the Race Discrimination Ordinance

concerned about the human rights of

the SAR government is not bound by

they say, is the insensitivity of the

exempted all government behaviour

the ethnic minorities in Hong Kong,

the ordinance when it exercises its

police force towards handling ethnic

and any indirect discriminatory acts

was supported by Oxfam Hong Kong

powers or carries out its functions; for

minority people in Hong Kong.

that would incur extra costs; yet, after

to attend United Nation’s International

example, the police force is allowed to

Fermi Wong says the informal

various NGOs lobbied the Council

Convention on the Elimination of All

carry out investigations which target

briefing has received an enthusiastic

members, and the members exerted

Forms of Racial Discrimination in

specific ethnic groups. Second, since

response. Out of 17 members of

pressure on the SAR government, these

Geneva, to express the views of Hong

exemptions are granted to education

the UN Human Rights Council, 14

exemptions were finally removed from

Kong’s non-government organisations

and vocational training, this means

attended the briefing, at which they

the Ordinance.

towards the enforcement of the Race

that schools and training organisations

were very dismayed to learn about the

Fermi Wong s ays that on 28

Discrimination Ordinance by the Hong

in Hong Kong are not obliged to

deficiencies in the Ordinance. In the

August, the UN Human Rights Council

Kong SAR Government.

provide special arrangements for

subsequent hearing session, they raised

completed its ‘Concluding Observation

Fermi Wong, Campaign Director

ethnic minorities. Schools can release a

questions to the representative of the

on China Report’. When they release

of Hong Kong Unison, says that given

Chinese-language notice to parents or

SAR government (who attended as a

it, it will be known whether the UN

the many deficiencies in the Race

students without having to translate

member of the Chinese delegation).

is satisfied with the human rights

Discrimination Ordinance, which

it into English or the language of the

came into effect in July 2009, the

concerned ethnic group.

Joseph Woo, Manager of the Hong Kong Programme of Oxfam

law was far from giving adequate

Apart from pinpointing deficiencies

Hong Kong, said that the agency

human rights protection to ethnic

in the ordinance, Hong Kong Unison

had been working with Hong

minority people. Therefore, Hong

and other concerned organisations

Kong Unison and supporting their

Kong Unison, together with a number

have long been urging the SAR

advocacy work since 2003. Before

of Hong Kong NGOs, held the informal

government to introduce a legally

this Geneva conference, Oxfam had

briefing for members of the UN

binding Ethnic Equality Programme

twice supported Hong Kong Unison

Human Rights Council, to inform them

and to ensure that all government

to attend the Convention meetings

of the fact that ethnic minority people

depar tments, units, systems and

to lobby for international support

in Hong Kong are still subject to much

measures give equal treatment to

for protecting ethnic minority rights.


ethnic minorities. However, the call

The results have been encouraging.

Hong Kong

conditions of ethnic minority people in Hong Kong. Ma Sun is Communications Officer (Editor) of Oxfam Hong Kong. He edits the Chineselanguage edition of O.N.E.

O.N.E September 2009

ETHNIC MINORITIES IN HONG KONG About 95 per cent of Hong Kong’s

Kong may have difficulty finding a

poor and unable to pay the rent. On

earn less than HK$4,000 a month.

population is ethnic Chinese. Most of

suitable school, sometimes waiting

the job, they tend to work longer

Over the years, Oxfam has addressed

the minority groups are from Asia,

for over a year to secure a place.

hours and for less pay than their

these issues through a wide range of

such as India, Indonesia, Japan, Nepal,

Some families may have difficulty

Chinese counterparts. According to

work, such as legal advocacy, various

Pakistan, Philippines and Thailand.

finding accommodation, as real estate

Government statistics in 2006, almost

community projects with minority

agents may assume that they will be

70 per cent of ethnic minority workers

groups, and public education.

Ethnic minority children in Hong

Ranjitkaua1 (right) designs and sells handicrafts as a supplementary income for her family.

“People do not discriminate by nature, they learn it”

unemployment rate for Pakistanis

at least I can have some support for

and Nepalese in Hong Kong is 24 per

my family. The centre is like a platform

cent, which is 19 per cent higher than

where we can meet new friends and

the overall rate; they estimate that as

have contact with society.”

many as 90 per cent of the women are out of work.

Four primary schools joined this book project with Oxfam to present

Ranjitkaual, 35, is one of the

a cross-section of life for ethnic

The NGO, Hong Kong Unison

One hands-on project that

twenty women who work at Love

minority students in Hong Kong.

(, concentrates

Oxfam has supported is for better

Multi-Culture. She moved to Hong

Thirty-nine children share about their

exclusively on ethnic minorit y

social services and income generation

Kong in 1995 and is the sole provider

lives. The result is a lively book, with

right s in Hong Kong. For thre e

oppor tunitie s with South A sian

for her family. Before working at the

short profiles of 39 children, teaching

years, Ox fam Hong Kong jointly

women. Love Multi-Culture is the

shop two days a week, Ranjitkaual had

and sports activities for building

lobbie d the Hong Kong Sp e cial

name of the shop in Kwai Fong,

had difficulty finding a job, and not

racial harmony, and various essays

Administrative Region Government

which sells handicrafts, jewellery

speaking Chinese meant she often felt

by professionals. Published by Oxfam

with UNISON for legislation against

and accessories made by South Asian

removed from the culture, alone, and

Hong Kong, the bilingual Chinese-

racial discrimination, and for equal

women. The community organisation

stressed. Nowadays, she and the other

English book is now in its second

opportunities among ethnic minority

behind the project is HK SKH Lady

women earn HK$500 – HK$1,000 a


communities. In July 2009, the Racial

MacLehose Centre Group, which

month. She says, “I am happy that I can

Discrimination Ordinance finally

Oxfam supports. According to a survey

make some money. It is not much, but

became effective. Victory has been

conducted by the Centre in 2004, the

Please order here: ISBN: 962 664 022 7

a long time in the making: the very first attempt to introduce a bill was in 1995. UNISON and Oxfam continue to monitor the Ordinance (see page 3) and also urge the Education Bureau to establish a Chinese-as-a-SecondLanguage curriculum.

Hong Kong

O.N.E September 2009


Sometimes a school, sometimes a shelter By Xiao Sha

In the very early morning of 17

Over the past ten years, four

July 2009, Pu Guolin, a 54-year-old Yi

ear thquakes have hit Baihe, the

minority man, arrived at Baihe Primary

strongest with a magnitude of 6.0.

When a severe earthquake hit

a decade of earthquakes and floods.

School in China’s southwest province

Floods happened almost every year.

Baihe in Januar y 20 0 0, Ox fam

The worst flood was in 2002, when

of Yunnan. There were many people

The high incidence of natural disasters

Hong Kong’s first response was two

water reached up to the first floor.

there already. The town of Baihe had

has contributed to the high poverty

earthquake-resistant primary schools;

The worst earthquake was in July

been hit by a serious earthquake eight

rate among the residents of Baihe,

improving the education facilities

2009, but there are no cracks in any

days before. Houses were so damaged

who are mainly the Yi nationality like

was stated as a priority by the Yi

of the walls. The sturdy schools act

that they were no longer safe to enter,

Pu Guolin.

community in the needs assessment.

as a relief centre, with large spaces

or had totally collapsed.

are often located too far away for

studies here.”

children to be able to walk to.

The two schools have withstood

The Yi maintain their culture.

“I voted for this project because I

used to distribute supplies, with tent-

Pu Guolin was there to collect four

Women still wear the traditional Yi

want my children to study as much as

clinics erected in the playgrounds, and

bags of rice, a bottle of cooking oil and

clothes until today. Largely patriarchal,

possible,” says Pu Guolin. “I worked

some of the classrooms doubling as

a quilt for his family. He waited quietly,

the society gives most of the power

as a porter in the school-building

temporary bedrooms, especially for

patiently, standing near a sign at the

to the men, who are seen to be

project, carrying building materials

elderly people. They feel safe sleeping

school which read, “Oxfam Hong Kong

in charge of the family, if not the

to the site. We worked shifts. In just

here, even during aftershocks.

supported RMB190,000 and Dayao

community. Most Yi live in more

six months, the school was completed,

“Ten years, not a short time. I am

County Government Office supported

remote mountainous areas, such as in

and kids started to study in the brand-

very pleased with the quality of this

RMB96,000 to build Baihe Primary

Baihe, where a lack of infrastructure

new classrooms. They did not need


School in November 2000.”

and investment has meant lower

to walk one hour each way anymore,

income, sub-standard conditions, and

like they did to reach the old school.

low enrollment rates at schools, which

My young son finished his primary

“I helped build this school ten years ago,” Pu Guolin smiled, proudly.





An Assistant Communications Officer with Oxfam Hong Kong, Xiao Sha is based in Chengdu, China. Oxfam’s response in the July 2009 earthquake in Yunnan exceeds HK$510,000 (US$65,000).

1 Over 2 million people were affected by the earthquake in July 2009 – in Baihe, most homes had collapsed or became too unsafe to live in (Photo by Yanbin Wang / Oxfam Hong Kong)

2 Oxfam supplied quilts, oil, rice and other necessary items (Photo by Yanbin Wang / Oxfam Hong Kong)

3 Yi women in traditional clothing (Photo by Yanbin Wang / Oxfam Hong Kong)



4 Elderly people temporarily staying in classrooms (Photo by Xiao Sha / Oxfam Hong Kong)

5 Temporary tent-hospital in the school playground (Photo by Xiao Sha / Oxfam Hong Kong)

6 Wang Yanbing (in green t-shirt, centre) with students (Photo by Xiao Sha / Oxfam Hong Kong)

O.N.E September 2009


Mount Kitanglad Range Natural Park

Encountering the Maasai Text and photos by Navin Vasudev I recently met with the Maasai

coordinated by ACORD ( Agenc y

people, an indigenous ethnic group

fo r C o - o p e ra tio n a n d Re s ea rch

who rely on their herds – mostly of

in Development), which has over

cattle, sheep, goats and donkeys – for

three decades of direct emergency

their food and for their income. I met

intervention across Africa.

them in Kajiado, Kenya, to monitor

I could clearly see that the clean

how they had endured the devastating

water supply has saved the lives of

five-year drought from 2003 to 2008.

people and livestock. The community

In the thick of the crisis, in 2005 and

is also better prepared for when the

2006, up to 70 per cent of people’s

next drought comes. ACORD told

livestock died.

me that traditionally, it has been


By Genela Buhia

Oxfam Hong Kong was the first

hard to work with the Maasai, who

The ‘people of the mountain’

have lived in the Mount Kitanglad

Chinese NGO active in Kajiado during

are nomadic, shifting from place to

have always felt that the Kitanglad

Range. Bukidnon means ‘people of the

the relief phase, when we provided

place. One outcome ACORD sees from

Mountains belong to them.

mountain’, Daraghuyan refers to one

emergency food, water and other

their longer term assistance is that,

Now, after 70 years of peaceful

of their most sacred peaks, and in all,

basic essentials. Later, we supported

slowly, some of the Maasai are not

negotiations, a legal land title will

the mountains have been a significant

infrastructure for a sustainable water

moving around as frequently as in the

soon be in their hands.

source of heritage and identity for

supply: there are now 46 water tanks

past. They can choose to stay in the

The land title is a huge triumph

the tribe for centuries – a wellspring

in and around Kajiado. Training

community, if they wish.

for the 1,200 or so members of the

of culture, traditions and knowledge

Navin Vasudev manages Oxfam Hong Kong’s programme in Southern Africa. For the drought and the food crisis in Kenya and in many parts of Africa, Oxfam allocated over HK$10 million (over US$1.2 million).

Bukidnon tribe. Their claim was

systems. The rainforests in the range

begun in the 1930s by a leader

are also home to many endangered,

named Datu Makaatul, who was

endemic and economically important

born in 1910 and died in the 1990s,

flora and fauna species.

in managing and maintaining the new equipment has been provided, especially with women, the primary users. The water project had been

A clean water supply is important for girls and women, who are traditionally the ones who gather water for the family. During menses, good water and sanitation is crucial for their reproductive health; without safe water, many girls drop out of school and remain in the home.

This man says the water supply has definitely helped the community, especially the animals. He says he no longer goes away when there is little rainfall, that he stays in the area. (Most Maasai will cross the border to Tanzania in times of drought.)

before he could witness the victory.

Yet, Spanish and then American

It is his daughter who received the

colonisation, Christian missionary

good news in March 2009.

activity, the influx of settlers abetted

Their family has been

by the pos t- war government

instrumental in keeping the claim

resettlement programmes, the advent

alive, orally stating or formally

of a new prop er t y regime , and

writing down the Bukidnon

sovereign claims that contradicted

community’s positions with various

the customary land tenure system,

government bodies over the years:

have all been factors that have driven

the Bureau of Forest Development,

the tribe further up the mountains.

Provincial Special Task Force on

They felt that the subsequent

Ancestral Domain, and Department

opening of road networks, logging

of Environment and Natural

and plantation concessions in

Resources. It was the National

the peripheries of the mountain

Commission on Indigenous People

amounted to encroachment to

that approved the claim on 20 March

their territor y. Mired in pover t y

2009. The physical Certificate of

and injustice, they had to endure

Ancestral Domain Title has yet to

disenfranchisement, discrimination

reach the people’s hands.

and s y s temic disregard to their reclaiming of ancestral domains.

Maasai typically herd sheep, goats, cattle and donkeys. In Maasai culture, men value cattle more than women. Owning a herd of 50 cattle is seen as respectable, and the more children the better. A man who has plenty of one but not the other is considered ‘poor’. (The society is polygynous.)


Bae Inatlawan says , “Culture

Bae Inatlawan is head claimant

and development must go together.

in the land rights claim, a spiritual

Development without culture will

leader of the Bukidnon tribe, and

mean losing the latter. On the other

daughter of Datu Makaatul. She

hand, with culture alone we could

says that since time immemorial,

not survive. We accept changes and

the Bukidnon-Daraghuyan people

development but only those that

O.N.E September 2009

help us and do not make us oblivious


The es Philippin

Positive change was manifested

of culture and traditions. We respect

In 2003, Bae Inatlwan again tried

not only in progress over the land

other religions, but we also have our

to make use of the Indigenous Peoples

claims, but in their everyday lives.

own beliefs. We are not like machines

Right Act (IPRA) to strengthen her

Traditionally, the Bukidnon people had

with a steering wheel that other

tribe’s claim: they filed their application

been dependent solely on farming,

people could just turn as they please…

for Certificate of Ancestral Domain

growing crops such as corn, vegetables

Ours is a struggle to promote harmony

Title (CADT), a legal instrument that

and various roots, and supplementing

They have the right to regulate

through mutual understanding and

accords the rights of ownership over

that income with cash earned as farm

entry of migrant settlers including

respect of cultural integrity.”

land, bodies of water, and natural

labourers. Poverty was severe. After

organisations into the area; the right

resources within an ancestral domain.

various communit y development

to enter into agreement with any legal

This was the beginning of a long and

initiatives through KIN and others, the

entity for the utilisation, extraction or

tedious process to meet the many

standard of living has improved. They

development of natural resources; and

requirements of the CADT application.

undertook area resource mapping

the right to accept or reject certain

They persistently lobbied the National

to secure their income and improve

development intervention through

Commission of Indigenous People with

their assets, much which is connected

the ‘free and prior informed consent’.

great tenacity.

to natural resources, wildlife

They can legally represent the tribe

The tribe secured the assistance

conservation and park management.

in government committees, and they

of Kitanglad Integrated NGOs in

They also improved their technical

can decide whether to accept or reject

2003, which assisted with the CADT

skills in small-scale industries. These

proposals for infrastructure, such as

requirement s , such as a census ,

days, their income is more diversified,

relating to plantations and mining.

genealogical surveys, and collection

with more options, relying on coffee,

It means security from being unduly

of anthropological data. KIN also

honey, rattan, bamboo, agro-forestry,

displaced by the government and

facilitated the tribe to participate

crafts and blacksmithing. Yet, there is

corporate development projects.

in various strings of dialogues and

a long way to go – literacy remains low,

Bae Inatlawan says, “Our effort


social services minimal, infrastructure

is more than enough. Our sacrifices


have been countless. It has been more

FROM THE 1970s to 1990s In the 1970s, when territorial rights were being threatened by logging and migrant settlers, the tribe sought to obtain a legal title and formal recognition of their land ownership. This was done ‘officially’, in writing, while previous attempts in the 1930 s and 50 s were done orally. Led by Bae Inatlawan’s father, this first formal legal attempt was outright unsuccessful: the government classified the land as ‘inalienable’ and ‘non-disposable’. In 1993, after Datu Makaatol died, his children Bae Inatlawan and Datu Dumapal took up the challenge and filed a second formal claim. Still, the government did not act. In the 1990 s, new legislation offered hope – the National Integrated Protected Areas System Act (NIPAS) of 1992 and the Indigenous Peoples Rights Act (IPRA) in 1997, which also included the National Commission on Indigenous People, a new agency established directly under the Office of the President of the Philippines mandated to implement IPRA. NIPAS provided for the recognition of the customary rights of indigenous people, and many different groups duly filed their claims, sometimes competing ones. In 1995, the Bukidnon joined together with other indigenous tribes in eight towns across the mountain range to file a unified land claim, but this proved unfeasible as it paved the way to disagreements among the many parties. When the Kitanglad Range was declared a National Park and Protected Area in the 1990s, the Bukidnon, which has a deep respect for the land and its conservation, nevertheless felt deprived when they were not consulted over their territory being subjected to this government declaration and the imposition of several new rules and regulations.

During the years 2004 to 2009, the Bukidnon went through painstaking negotiations, of clarifying intentions,

than 70 years that we have waited for

2009 VICTORY At long last, on 20 March 2009, the

changing perceptions, cultivating goodwill, and seeking required endorsements from stakeholders, some of which challenged the authenticity and integrity of their claim. With patience and determination, the

National Commission on Indigenous People finally approved the CADT application covering 4,200 hectares

Area Management Board (PAMB), Mount Kitanglad Barangay Council,

Based in Davao City, Genela Buhia coordinates Oxfam Hong Kong’s programmes in the Philippines. In July 2009, she met with Bae Inatlawan and the Bukidnon community. Oxfam began supporting Kitanglad Integrated NGOs in 2005.

of the Park. The long multi-layered process is ending. The legal ownership means that

Bukidnon sought and eventually got the endorsements of the Protected

this title”.

they now have the right to use, develop, manage and control the resources within the ancestral domain.

Malaybalay City Government, and the Provincial Consultative Body of the Indigenous Peoples, but faced opposition by those advocating for a unified claim. The whole tribe joined the ef for t, especially Bae Inatlawan, as the head claimant. Together, they defended their claim with a steadfast sense of cultural integrity, customary law, a religion of peace and harmony, and a traditional justice system that promotes dialogue. Within the bounds of their customs and traditional governance, the tribe exercised collaboration and openness with stakeholders, including local government units, neighbouring village councils, park management, and other peoples in the unified claim. Over time, broad support from several organisations within and outside the area enabled them to make progress.

Mapping activities with a 3D map of the Kitanglad Range Natural Park

O.N.E September 2009


N e w PartnerOrganisations

Ever y day, Oxfam Hong Kong works alongside hundreds of groups around the world, from small NGOs to international bodies, from government departments of developing countries to co m m u ni t y g ro u p s b a s e d in Hong Kong. Here are six ‘partner organisations’ that we are supporting for the first time.


Oxfam Urges Action to Stop Rape and Violence in DRC

• Nam Cheong Federation of Social Concern

• Yeast Foundation Ltd CHINA (MAINLAND)

Development Office of Zitong County, Mianyang City

• Western Rural Development Center In this edition of O.N.E, we highlight the Western Rural Development Center, based in Sichuan, China. The Center received support from O x fam to c ar r y o u t e m e rg e n c y response to the devastating floods in Qingchuan, Sichuan. They provided rice and cooking oil to residents of Shiba Village. In times of non-crises, the Center runs community development projects, with a priority for rural areas, yet in some urban areas too. They work to establish platforms to facilitate cooperation and development between social enterprises and rural society, and in general, to support sustainable development in the urban and rural context. E s t a b li s h e d i n J u l y 2 0 0 8 b y three specialists of rural community development, the Center currently has four full-time employees and four long-term volunteers.

Bukidnon people to legally claim their ance s tral land ( see page 6 ). Published by Kitanglad Integrated NGOs,

peacekeepers to protect civilians and to pursue

a key organisation working

justice for crimes committed in the country. Since March 2009, thousands of girls and women have been raped by armed rebel groups and government forces, and about 600 civilians have The 88-member Coalition directed pressure towards Clinton, as the US government is a key funder of the UN peacekeeping force. “The UNbacked offensive that was supposed to make life

Clinton needs to make it very clear that US support

Nanjiang County, Bazhong City

par t of a campaign by the

the Congolese government and United Nations


• Poverty Alleviation and

T hi s b o o k wa s create d a s

Coalition, including Oxfam, urged her to pressure

becoming a human tragedy,” said John Sayer,

• Poverty Alleviation Office of


Congo, 88 members of the Congo Advocacy

• Poverty Alleviation and Development Office of Kang County

Stories and Images of the Bukidnon Tribe

Hillary Clinton visited Democratic Republic of

better for the people of eastern Congo is instead



In mid-August, when US Secretary of State

died in the violence in the eastern Congo.


Oxfam Books

Director-General of Oxfam Hong Kong. “Secretary for the UN’s efforts in Congo is not a blank check

with the Bukidnon people on their legal claim, the book was supported by Oxfam Hong Kong as well as the City Government of Malaybay. Two launches were held in early 2009, attended by about 100 people from development organisations. Sales of the book benefited a scholarship program for Bukidnon youth, as well as an information campaign about the culture of the tribe. The 50-odd pages bring an introduction to a deeply harmonious people, with their sala conflict resolution system, batasan cultural practices, weaving traditions, songs, spiritual beliefs, and more. The book was also provided to the National Commission on Indigenous People, the agency mandated to preserve indigenous peoples’ rights in the country.

and that civilians should be protected.” The Coalition’s concrete calls for Clinton: 1. Ensure that the UN Security Council sets out and stands by clear conditions for continued support for the joint operations with the Congolese army 2. Pressure regional governments and the UN Security Council to review the current strategy against the Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR) rebels and urge a new comprehensive approach emphasising protection of the civilian population 3. Urge the Congolese government to bring to justice those responsible for serious human rights abuses 4. Urge and offer support to the Congolese government to undertake comprehensive

MOKUNG Oxfam Hong Kong publishes this bimonthly magazine in Traditional Chinese. Mokung, which means both "no poverty" and "infinity", highlights a different aspect of development in each issue. The Editor is Tung Tsz-kwan. The focus of the June 2009 edition was on the financial crisis. The August 2009 edition focuses on farming and alternative community planning and development in Hong Kong. There are already hundreds of farms in Hong Kong, and tens of them are organic. To subscribe: Mokung is online at id=1017&lang=big5

reforms of the security sector and address the structural causes of the conflict Since March, UN peacekeepers have been backing Congolese Kimia II military operations


against the Democratic Forces for the Liberation

O.N.E – Oxfam News E-magazine – is

of Rwanda, the Rwandan Hutu rebel group. This

uploaded monthly at

support followed earlier joint operations between


the Congolese and Rwandan armies against the rebel group, which started in January. Oxfam Hong Kong has been taking action in the crisis in the Congo through supporting conflict resolution and peace advocacy, and providing humanitarian relief for survivors.

To receive a copy in your inbox, please subscribe – it is FREE. To subscribe:

Oxfam Hong Kong Hong Kong

17th Floor, 28 Marble Road, Northpoint, Hong Kong O.N.E is also on-line: Editor: Madeleine Marie Slavick (

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