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Oxfam Hong Kong
Oxfam is dedicated to fighting poverty and inequity worldwide. The international and independent development and humanitarian organisation tackles poverty in four main ways: sustainable development in poor communities, disaster relief, local, national and global advocacy, and education with Hong Kong youth. Established in Hong Kong in 1976, Oxfam Hong Kong is a founding member of Oxfam, an international confederation that has assisted poor people in 94 countries. Oxfam Hong Kong alone has supported poor people in over 70 countries/regions. æ¨æ½ææ¯ç¨ç«çåéç¼å±å人éææ´æ©æ§ï¼è´åæ¶é¤è²§çª®ä»¥åå°è´è²§çª®çä¸å ¬å¹³çæ³ãæåå¨é¦æ¸¯ä»¥åä¸çåå°ä»¥å¤å æ¹æ³è§£æ±ºè²§çª®åé¡ï¼å æ¬æ¨è¡ç¤¾åå¯æçºç¼å±é ç®ã人éææ´åç½å®³é²æ²»å·¥ä½ãæ¬å°ãå家ååéæ¿çå¡è°ï¼ä»¥åå¹è²æ¬å°éå°å¹´çä¸çå ¬æ°æè²ãé¦æ¸¯æ¨æ½ææ¼1976å¹´æç«ä»¥ä¾ï¼å ±æ¼é¾70åå°åæ¨è¡æ¶è²§ç¼å±åæç½å·¥ä½ãé¦æ¸¯æ¨æ½æ亦æ¯æ¨æ½