GOODLORD First Year Undergraduate, BA Music, Remote Working Work Projects Goodlord offers an end-end software that allows letting agents to manage the whole pre-tenancy process in one cloud-based platform. Within this platform additional products and services are sold to both letting agents, landlords and tenants. During my internship I worked on developing Goodlord's tenant offers business area. I was assigned a line manager (the head of tenancy services) who I had daily meetings with, I also had weekly meetings with the people team, and finally weekly meetings with a buddy who was an Oxford alumni. At the beginning of the internship my manager and I created goals for the internship in order to monitor my performance. My key achievements were that I identified and formed partnership with AnyVan which is forecasted to generate circa 13k yearly revenue, operationalised automated marketing emails which is forecasted to generate circa 32k yearly revenue, tripled Goodlord affiliate commission rate with business partner AnyVan, designed and executed A/B email marketing test sent to 60k people involving 7 external partners, analysed and collated data from marketing test to identify tenant offers with greatest commercial opportunity, Led presentations to both partners and SMT receiving excellent feedback from the CEO & Head of Finance and I organised a cross-team shuffleboarding social with a ÂŁ450 budget. I exceeded targets, achieving 112% score in internship performance review and receiving return offer. Daily Life I had a daily stand-up at 9:15am followed by a short meeting with my manager to discuss anything I wanted, from my projects to personal development and more. The rest of the day would usually have a few other meetings alongside company events called lunch and learns, or virtual coffees with different people in the business. I spent the time between meetings working on my project. Remote working made it easy for me to continue practicing piano for 4 hours a day and I found this helped me unwind. Lasting Impressions An amazing experience which will undoubtedly shape my future career. I now definitely know that I would prefer to work for a small/medium sized organisation with a flat