could help to save important heritage buildings and human lives from fire. I appreciated my supervisor always being up for discussing the project over email and video calls, but I was also grateful for the flexibility of working hours while working remotely. It was great to wake up knowing I had a set number of hours I needed to spend working that day, but that I had the freedom to distribute those hours in the way which suited me best. When the weather was nice or I had completed a large chunk of work in the morning, I was able to go for a run, dog walk or bike ride before returning to work later on, feeling refreshed. Alternatively, I could plan my breaks to coincide with those of my family members who were also working remotely from home, particularly if I discovered something fascinating or wanted to talk through some ideas. This was a great opportunity to focus on sleuthing through intriguing subject matter and apply my knowledge, energy, and enthusiasm to a meaningful project. It was a welcome change from the monotony of lockdown life! Lasting Impressions I really enjoyed this internship, despite the unprecedented pandemic situation in which it took place. Although it was a challenge at times to find the desired information, the project was always interesting and thought-provoking, and the experience I have gained of online research and report-writing will prove beneficial during the next year of my degree. This internship has opened my eyes to career opportunities I hadn't previously considered, having disproved my theory that I would hate to work behind a computer all day: it turns out I can actually enjoy it if concentrating on fascinating topics! I appreciated being given the freedom and time to learn about so many amazing places and look forward to visiting the cathedrals in the future to see the structures and building stones in person. I also enjoyed the way discussions with my supervisor prompted the internship to evolve as we considered how the testing could prove most useful. This adaptability enabled me to branch out beyond the original brief and expand my research to touch upon iconic Oxford buildings that I am familiar with from my studies, cathedrals constructed predominantly of sandstone, and the structural engineering aspects of the investigating fire risk to cathedrals. This internship has fuelled my interest in pursuing a career in the heritage sector, having discovered it can provide unique and rewarding opportunities to harness my love of geology and historic environments in order to help protect people and place.