those on other, more simplified mapping platforms. After watching multiple tutorial videos, I experimented with translating the data onto a multi-layered map. We found it a challenge to enable coherent filtering, so we changed the database into a binary format. But we found that more expert skills are required to produce the layering desired. My final thoughts on the mapping platform related to the kinds of statistics we should capture and by which visual representations. I noted how hot spot, cluster, standard deviation and other statistical features could be used to show correlations in the qualitative data i.e. links between intensity of contestation and type of legacy or initial actor and type of remedy. During my internship, I also drew attention to triggering terminology (i.e. explorer) in IHJR case studies. I called on the need to build more rigorous language guidelines and revisit the mission statement to ensure the positionality of the organisation is reckoned with and such paradoxes are addressed. Daily Life I began the internship the day following my Masters thesis submission. My daily life during the remote internship was quite flexible, I created a healthy work-life balance. Working hours were structed around a daily call of between one and two hours in length with my supervisor. On Tuesdays, I also attended the wider virtual team meetings. I worked both from my accommodation as well as different cafes around Oxford, often scheduling such stints around these work calls. I found such frequent changes in work environment to enable concentrated periods of productivity as well as air of newness to the internship experience. I often met friends for walks in the late afternoon or dinner in the evening, such social interactions allowed me to re-energize following working stints and to bring my final days in Oxford to a close in an enjoyable way. Lasting Impressions In terms of skill sets, I feel I further developed my ability to interpret qualitative data and use software such as Excel as well as mapping platforms. This experience was an eye opener into the real challenges that we face to belonging in spaces that appear closer to home.