The Observer | April 2023 Edition

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the er Obser v

The Oxford Observatory update | Rifle range to re-open What's happening at Oxford Area School plus much more

This issue marks 5 years of us publishing The Observer. A lot has changed in this time, and we are really proud of our community magazine. Our goal is to promote local people, business and lifestyle, and we have had the privilege of meeting and working with so many people in our community over these 5 years.

Oxford has a lot to offer, and we love living and working here. There has always been a lot of talk about print media being a thing of the past with the advent of social media, but we know that people love having local news delivered to them.

Community publications are still an important part of people's lives, and a great option to promote your business.

Talking about community magazines, we are working on a new project called 'Rivertown Voice' which is a publication for Kaiapoi. We will be doing a very similar format to The Observer and are excited to bring the same positive ethos to Kaiapoi.

Bruce grew up in Kaiapoi, and is enjoying spending time there. We are working closely with All Together Kaiapoi on the magazine and look forward to bringing some great stories to the town.

Thank you for your support over the past 5 years. We appreciate you all.

Thank you to our advertisers who enable us to produce the magazine - your support means so much to us.

Thank you to our wee team - Suzanne, Tammy, Amy and Beka, your talents and creativity are so appreciated.

The Oxford Community Trust and OPAC have teamed up to do a fun Easter activitiy. Look for the Easter Bunny in participating businesses and receive an Easter Treat - more details on page 10. If you are looking for some Easter baking inspiration Louize has an Easter Chocolate Torte recipe on page 20 that looks delicious!

Happy Easter everyone!

All efforts are made to verify the correctness of information contained within this publication. However Schnurrbart Design and Publishing accept no liability for the correctness or accuracy of any information contained within these pages.

Any views, information or opinions expressed within this publication are not necessarily the opinions or views of Schnurrbart Design and Publishing or any of its providers.

3 Bruce & Emily. April s COVER PHOTO Easter 23 PHOTO CREDIT Tamara Pfahlert Inside THIS MONTH'S ISSUE APRIL 20 23 the er Obser v The Oxford Observatory update Rifle range to re-open What's happening at Oxford Area School plus much more For a free no obligation market appraisal or a friendly chat about the market, call me! Four Seasons Realty MOSS Rhiannon THIS AUTUMN Sold LET’S GET YOUR PROPERTY 03 323 6045 | 027 440 4449 Four Seasons Realty 2017 Ltd | Licensed Agent REAA 2008
The Observer is proudly published by Schnurrbart Design and Publishing Enquires to or 0800 627 387 37
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Local Farmers take out awards at

Oxford farmers Alistair and Genna Bird of The Grange have recently been recognised with multiple awards at the Ballance Farm Environment Awards.

The awards are an annual awards programme run by the New Zealand Farm Environment Trust with the aim of, “celebrating farmer and grower achievement, showcasing good practice to other farmers and growers and sharing positive farming and growing stories with all audiences.”

Alistair and Genna decided to enter the awards for the first time this year, to get feedback on their farming operation, particularly to get feedback in the environmental space. They say they “also wanted to put ourselves up against some of the best farming businesses in the region”.

They won 4 awards -

Bayleys People in Primary Sector Award

The couple say “This award recognises our efforts in connecting with the wider community and opening up the farm to a large range of visitors, including but not limited to- school groups, accommodation guests, trampers, horse riders and agricultural industry groups. It also took into consideration the work we put into highlighting the highs and lows of everyday farming life.”

NZ Farm Environment Trust Biodiversity Award

This award recognises the biological diversity of the farming and growing business. It acknowledges the mahi of both the present and past guardians (kaitiaki) of the land that have created an environment that encourages and allows biodiversity to thrive.

Environment Canterbury Water Quality Award

This Award is for farm practices which reflect the strategic importance of this natural resource to Canterbury and the connectivity between land use practices and water quality. Alistair and Genna say “We demonstrated our awareness of the impact our farm has on waterways through reticulated water schemes, fencing off waterways, culverting main stock crossing areas, planting buffer zones and water testing and analysis.”

NZ Farm Environment Trust Innovation Award

This award was for the couples utilisation and showcasing of technologies in Agriculture. Their in-depth use of Farm IQ (Farm management programme) and Farm Focus (Farm accounting programme) to increase production and drive decision making was key to winning this award.


Balance Farm Environment awards

Alistair and Genna say “We feel very humbled to receive the awards and recognition from our respected peers in Agriculture for the hard work we have put in to the farm over the last 8 years. It is also an acknowledgment of the previous generations of caretakers of this farm and the work they have done to protect what we have here today.”

The Grange is a 560 hectare Hill Country Sheep and Beef farm.

Running a Kelso based ewe flock, the majority of the lambs are sold at weaning. The beef cows are all Angus and all of the calves are sold at weaning.

Alistair and Genna have also incorporated a 65 hectare flat dry land lease block into the Grange which works as a wintering and early lambing block.

They say “Our main goal is to have a financially stable farming enterprise while balancing this with a solid place to bring our children up and provide a place for other people to experience our rural life and amazing biodiversity.”

To showcase farming, and in particular their farm, the couple have a Youtube Channel called Kiwi Farmer, which has amassed 10,000 followers in the 2 years it has been running. They use this to show both the good times and the difficulties of farming in New Zealand.

They felt that farmers were getting bad publicity, and that this was a good way to show the farmer’s perspective. They love welcoming people onto the farm for walking or horseriding and say “We have an amazing regenerating native block out the back of the farm which is very special, and the front facing hills are an incredible backdrop to the Oxford township. It is really neat when people realise they are able to walk or ride up those hills and experience the view from the top.

We are very passionate about trying to get young people into agriculture as a career and lift the public perception of what a farmer is and does.”

To keep up with what is going on, on the farm, you can either follow them on Facebook - The Grange NZ or Kiwi Farmer on Youtube.



Oxford Community Health Centre is a busy rural general practice serving Oxford and the surrounding community. We are charitable trust governed by a Board of Trustees and committed to providing our community with quality health care as well as developing our own team to reach their fullest potential.

Our enrolled population is 4,200 + patients, plus we have a strong clinical relationship with Karadean Rest Home and Oxford Hospital.

Our practice is supportive, friendly and innovative. Our PMS is Indici. Please see our web site for more information about our practice –


We have an amazing opportunity for an experienced Registered Nurse to join our team three days a week (Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday 8.30am-5.30pm).

Our nurses work closely to our doctors to ensure we provide the best quality care for our patients. The role covers all aspects of primary care, including but not limited to, minor surgery, scheduled immunisations, recalls, BP checks, Women’s health, ECG’s, and ensuring our service and clinics run efficiently and professionally.


• A current New Zealand Annual Practicing Certificate

• Preferred experience with Indici

• Excellent English written and communication skills

• Able to work independently and as part of a cohesive team

• Organisational skills, including the ability to manage conflicting priorities

• Current NZ Driver’s Licence

How to apply

Sound like you?

If so, please email your covering letter and CV to:

Applications close end of business on Monday 10 April 2023.

six SERVICING YOUR AREA with Full Property Management and Farm house inspections CONTACT THE TEAM TODAY 027 313 2270 e offi |
Lorinda Harrington Independant Registered Financial Advisor M 027 242 3211 E Free Service - for all your mortgage requirements Visit our collaborative co-working office. Casual, permanent desks and meeting room for hire. Book online! Level 1, 210 High Street, Rangiora Follow us for the latest news & info RON EALAM BUILDER for all your Building requirements ding Experienced Builder 027 242 4907 New Homes Additions & Alterations Farm Buildings Concrete Laying Painting & Paper hanging


One thing that never changes, is that things always change. You can count on that. But for some reason we can get stuck in a rut of doing the same thing, even though circumstances have changed. Who is guilty of going shopping, only to purchase a similar item that you already own e.g. Another black top (just saying!!!).

Little and often is the key. Instead of waking up one day, realising that you have had the same items, worn them in the same way for the last five years, and now they just look old and tired but you don’t know what your style is anymore. Instead work on adding little and often. You are constantly evolving as a person. That’s actually how it should be! We learn, grow, change and we need to take that into our wardrobe.

If if all feels too overwhelming to head to the shops and try and find what you are looking for, then break it down. I strongly recommend a mood board. Take note of other outfits you see that you like. See what colours take your fancy. Write them down or make a file on your phone that you can refer back to.

Achieving greatness works piece by piece and evolves. I always thought that it was easy for the fairy godmother to flash her wand at Cinderella and create the amazing dress. How would she go if she had to come up with a wardrobe for Cinderella that worked for everyday and still made her feel like a princess? It was actually the little mice that tried to make her a dress with bits and pieces that they found. They would be the ones that would help with making a great wardrobe sustainable!

Don’t feel that because you have always worn the same thing that you can’t give something else a go. There are many types of outfits that give the comfortableness that we crave. Don’t they say that change is just as good as a holiday! Realising that you aren’t the same as what you were and that can mean that your style is due for a change also. It’s exciting.

Now is a good time as any to start. Easter celebrates freshness and a new beginning.

Happy Easter and may it be a great change for the next stage of evolving in your wardrobe.

KERRI BOOTH STYLIST p 021 059 0984 | e | w
with Stylist - Kerri Booth

General Obedience & Marker training. Currently 20 years experience with Land Search and Rescue as an assessor trainer for dogs. Successfully trained 4 Search and Rescue Dogs. All enquiries welcome. Happy to discuss your requirements for your Dog.

Q&A with Janet Bramham

Mortgage Advisor

What services does a mortgage broker offer?

A mortgage broker deals with the banks, so you don’t have to. Whether you’re a first home buyer, upgrading, or a property investor, I can assist you with the finance for your purchase. Other services that I can also help you with are fixed rate reviews, refinances, restructures, and debt/loan consolidation.

What lenders do you work with?

All the major banks and many other financial companies.

What is the benefit of working with a mortgage broker, as opposed to directly with a bank?

A mortgage broker can deal with more than one bank to give you the best options. I can look at your situation and tailor a solution to suit.

If you are purchasing your first home it can be daunting dealing with the bank and other professional services you will need. Let me guide you through the process of purchasing your first home.

How much will the service cost me?

Pop in to your local Hardware store…. you’ll be surprised what’s available instore!

Generally, in most cases my service is of no cost to you. However, in some cases we may need to charge you a fee, which we would discuss and disclose up front.

What do I need to do to be ready to apply for a mortgage?

Everyone’s situation is different and I’m happy to talk to you any time about how you can best be prepared to apply for a loan.

How long will the process take?

It will depend how complex your situation is and how quickly we can get all the information together. If you have found that perfect property then we can look to get finance within a few days.

Generally, between the initial contact and getting the banks approval it can be up to 10 working days.

However, to be in the best possible position I would suggest you contact me today to get Pre Approved

Whether you’re looking to buy your first home, build your dream home, invest in a rental property, refinance, or consolidate debt, I can help.

eight YOUR ONE STOP HARDWARE STORE 82 High Street, Oxford p - 03 312 4521 HOURS Mon – Fri 8.00am - 5.00pm Saturday 9.00am - 1.00pm e - ANIMAL FEED chickens, sheep, pigs, goats & horses
TOOLS & SUPPLIES weed killer , fertilliser NUTS, BOLTS, CATCHES & LATCHES
Times & days to suit CALL RON ON 027 242 4907 JANET BRAMHAM Mortgage Advisor 021 0421 817
a mortgage?
Looking for


8am – 8pm Saturday and Sunday


Oxford Community Health Centre is a busy rural general practice serving Oxford and the surrounding community. We are charitable trust governed by a Board of Trustees and committed to providing our community with quality Health care as well as developing our own team to reach their fullest potential.

Our enrolled population is 4,200+ patients, plus we have a strong clinical relationship with Karadean Rest Home and Oxford Hospital. Our practice is supportive, friendly, and innovative.

Our PMS is Indici.

Please see our web site for more information about our practice –


We have an amazing opportunity for an experienced Registered Nurse, Nurse Practitioner or Nurse Prescriber to join our team to provide after-hours weekend (Saturday and Sunday) cover (8.00am-8.00pm), which includes an on-site clinic on both days for four hours.


• Urgent triage (including resuscitation, stabilisation and assessment as necessary)

• Assessment of the urgency and severity of presenting problems via telephone or 1:1 consultation with patient

• PRIME callouts

• Undertake treatment options and carry out appropriate clinical interventions and procedures, including but not limited to counselling, advising & providing information

• Dispense and prescribe as per agreed standing orders.

• Local Rest Home and Hospital visits

• Male catheterisation and syringe driver experience


• A current New Zealand Annual Practicing Certificate

• Must be PRIME trained (or able to commit to a week’s training).

• Able to work autonomously.

• Being familiar with Indici would be an advantage, but not essential.

• Excellent English written and communication skills.

• Fantastic organisational skills, including the ability to manage conflicting priorities.

• Current NZ Driver’s Licence

How to apply

Sound like you? If so, we would love to hear from you. Please send a covering letter introducing yourself and your CV to

Applications close end of business on Monday 10 April 2023.


Sexual Health Clinic for Oxford community

Oxford has a new regular Sexual Health clinic. SHAG (Sexual Health Advise & Guidance) is a free clinic outreach from the Sexual Health Centre Christchurch, an Outpatient clinic at Christchurch Hospital.

Oxford Local Kerstin Reimann will be operating the clinic from the Oxford Community Trust office, 37 Main Street, Oxford from 3.30-5pm fornightly on a Tuesday starting on the 28th of March.

Kerstin says “I realised that people find it difficult to get into Christchurch, or cannot afford to go to their GP, and wanted to start a clinic in Oxford to extend accessibility of sexual health”.

Currently there are 3 other outreaches in Christchurch.

The clinic is for anyone from the age of 16 and up. Appointments are not necessary. You can just pop into the Trust when the clinic is open. Testing for sexually transmitted infections is available, and some medication can be prescribed and accessed through the Oxford Pharmacy.

Sometimes a person will need to be either referred back to their GP or to go to the Sexual Health Centre in Christchurch. Oxford Community Trust Manager Jo Ealam says “We have options to support transport into Christchurch for medical appointments”, and contact details of the Trust service will be given to anyone needing assistance with this.

The clinic is for anyone to chat about anything sexual related, and to discuss options for contraception.

Condoms will be able to be accessed through the service. Kerstin has extensive experience in the Sexual Health field and says “It is a totally normal thing, and people don’t need to feel awkward about accessing the service”.

The service is completely private and confidential, and any positive test results can be coded so it doesn’t show up on their medical records for other providers to see.

April Clinic

There is one clinic in April as the second date falls on ANZAC Day. 11th April 3.30-5pm at Oxford Community Trust, 37 Main Street Oxford.

located in one of o local b in s to win an E t treat PARTICIPATING OXFORD BUSINESSES WILL HAVE AN EASTER BUNNY ON THEIR DOOR FOR 2 DAYS ONLY. THURSDAY 6th APRIL & SATURDAY THE 8th APRIL Spo ed by OPAC so get hunting and be in to win! gan ed by
eleven No bunny knows real estate like this agent! Let’s hop into your new home before winter. Helping grow the country PGG Wrightson Real Estate Limited, licensed under the REAA 2008. Linda McCarthy M 022 692 6090 Your property expert Would you sell at the right price? Are you curious about your current property value? Do you know someone who is thinking of selling? If you answered yes - call today for a FREE Market Appraisal Community Trust Oxford
Services Thank you to our fab 4 funders Oxford Community Trust Responsive to the physical, social, emotional,and financial needs of individuals, families and groups of people within the community of Oxford and Districts. • Rata Foundation • COGS • Lottery Foundation • Waimakariri District Council Waimak Kids OSCAR Tuesday 11th - Friday 21st April 9.00 AM - 3.00PM To register either phone the Trust on 312 3006 or email Shoppers’ Bus 11th April - Northlands 18th April - Rangiora Call the Trust on 312 3006 to book Oxford District Connect If you would like someone to visit you regularly for a social chat give us a call on 312 3006. Thank you to South Eyre Sun owers for their generous donation towards youth work. Thank you also to everyone who donates through Givealittle, and those who have donated produce towards our food bank. NEW SEASONS STOCK NOW AVAILABLE Ornamental trees Natives and fruit trees Open 8.30 – 4.00pm MONDAY TO FRIDAY Sorry no e pos 479 Ashley Gorge Road, Oxford Deck g & P gol L scap g S ep s H dw d M t s L ge B ms Mi g Or r Re-saw g B ms Fi w d Su li Special g Au rali H dw d > > 03 312 4531 027 684 3981

Oxford Rifle Range to re-open

One of Oxford’s older community facilities is getting a revamp!

Over 50 years ago, Oxford area started its own Oxford Miniature Rifle Club (which ceased to operate over 10 years ago). As part of this, a rifle range was installed in the Oxford Pavillion.

The West Eyreton Smallbore Rifle Club is in the process of relocating from the Cust Hall due to concerns about lead on the floor of this shared communal facility.

Club President Peter Boerlage advised that folllowing discussions with the Council, a major cleaning process would need to be undertaken after each club night for safety purposes if they remained in Cust along with other substantial modifications to meet range regulations. This made it too difficult for the club to continue at Cust and a new purpose built venue was needed. Fortunately Oxford has that facility sitting there not being utilized.

The move to the Oxford range has been under consultation for a long time, and there is a keen interest from Oxford locals as well as from the Oxford Area School in supporting the resurrection of the sport of Smallbore Rifle Shooting at the Oxford Range.

To start up in the Oxford Pavillion, the Club now have to undertake major repairs and modifications to make the old range compliant with current regulations, and to reinstate parts of the range which were dismantled to allow for earthquake strengthening of the building.

The existing dirt floor of the old range has to be encapsulated with plastic and concrete. The walls need to be painted so that they can be washed to remove any lead contamination in the future.

An air purification fan with a specific hepa filter needs to be installed. The bullet traps need to be reinstalled, stairs moved, secure storage created and a concrete block wall needs to be reinstated. (The group are looking for a block layer who may be willing to help them construct this wall of approx 100 blocks).

While the club is hoping to be open in June, there is still a lot of work to do.

Peter says that while there can be fears around rifle use, they have a very strict protocol to ensure everyone’s safety. He goes on to say that in New Zealand there has never been a harm incident at an indoor range.

A range officer is in charge of everything that goes on, and their instructions must be followed to the letter. Once the range is open, it would be great to see locals come along and give it a try.

The Club has the equipment required for you to come and have a go. Peter says “It is a sport that you can go far in, with current members having represented New Zealand internationally”.

The Club will be holding a public meeting at the Pavillion on 20th April at 7.30pm so people can come along and learn more about their plans and progress.

Peter says “We are happy to chat to anyone who is either interested in getting involved in the sport, or who has concerns around the safety”.

If you would like to get involved, or for more information you can contact Peter on


Climate change will lead to longer periods of drought


As Waitaha/Canterbury's climate warms, the likelihood of drought is expected to increase, and areas that are already dry (such as the Mackenzie Country) will get even drier.

Historically, Waitaha/Canterbury has experienced about 200-250 dry days per year.

We can see the effect of this in the golden hues of our landscape.

The drying of our region over the next century is expected to be gradual, with some districts more affected than others.

Longer hot and dry summers, milder winters with less snowfall, less annual rainfall and stronger winds may become the norm, and rivers and streams may have lower flow reliability when it is drier.

Impacts from droughts can ripple through districts affecting the environment, the health of a community and the economy. Areas that rely on rainwater for drinking and other uses like pasture growth can be especially hard-hit.

Drought can also significantly impact our native flora and fauna, causing native trees to die and be replaced by more drought-tolerant introduced species, increasing the risk of wildfires.

This directly reduces the food resources of species that are reliant on our native ecosystems to survive, putting the richness of our biodiversity at risk.


As Waitaha/Canterbury’s climate warms, the likelihood of drought is expected to increase, and areas that are already dry will get even drier.

Oxford Area School Tumuaki|Principal update

Mauri ora ki a tātau, good health to all of us,

It is with sadness that we announce the retirement of Mrs Marie Mehrtens. Mrs Mehrtens started teaching at Oxford Area School in 1980 - 43 years of service and commitment to shaping the minds and hearts of students at Oxford Area School.

For many years Marie has lead her classroom, mainly year 1-3 students, as well as significant contributions across the school. From the good ole days of lucky books to the organising of the Oxford A & P school entries both organising and judging.

Of late Marie has worked to develop the Aotearoa New Zealand Histories curriculum for our school and was a driving force on the Jubilee committee for last year’s Oxford Schools 150th Jubilee. Marie will be remembered for her caring heart, her authenticity, and her high heels!

On behalf of Oxford Area School we thank you for your commitment to serving the Oxford community over such a significant span, and we wish you all the best for your long awaited retirement.

Waiho i te toipoto, kaua i te toiroa

Let us keep close together, not far apart - there will always be a place for you here in the fabric of Oxford Area School.

Students embrace new Oxford Area School Uniform

Mike Hart

The introduction of the new Oxford Area School uniform appears to have had the seal of approval as students across the school started the school year in their new uniform.

This is a transitional year where students may wear all the new uniform or mix and match with items from the existing uniform until 2024 when all students will be required to be in the new uniform.

The “new look” uniform for the Years 7-13 students has plenty of choice with the introduction of unisex shorts and trousers, an all-year-round skirt, a lightweight polo shirt, a more formal shirt, a new jumper and soft shell jacket.

The Years 1-6 students have a navy skort and shorts with a new, lighter red/navy polo shirt and soft shell jacket.


Te Poho Rakahua (the school of Mt Oxford) Oxford Area School


Last month three of our four student leaders, Earl Cacho, Micah Stagg and Wilani Joubert, attended the North Canterbury Secondary Schools Student Leader's Hui. Waimakariri Mayor Dan Gordon spoke at the event about his leadership journey. The kaupapa/purpose of this event was to create connections between student leaders in our region and to share ideas.

Te Kura o Te Poho Rakahua
52 Bay Road Oxford 03 312 4197
Noho ora mai, nā | stay well Tumuaki | Principal Kura o

Blue Light Canterbury PCT (Physical Competency Test) Competition

Recently, eight Oxford Aea School students participated in the Blue Light Canterbury PCT competition. This is the same physical test Police must undertake as part of their training. The day was packed with fun activities.

The children got the opportunity to practice CPR, dress up and sit in a police car, throw police spikes, enjoy a sausage sizzle, participate in a speed test, and compete in a variety of team building exercises, and the ākonga especially enjoyed competing against other schools in the PCT test. The PCT test had to be completed as a team, and it involved climbing over walls, jumping through a window, crawling under obstacles, and carrying weights.

The tamariki worked well as a team, supported each other and showed the school values throughout the day.

Weetbix Tryathlon

Well done to all of the students who participated in the Weetbix Tryathlon on Sunday 26 February.

It sounds like the students really enjoyed their day. Such a fantastic event for them to be part of and they should be very proud of their efforts. Maybe they will inspire more students to get involved next year.
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update fromthe Oxford Observatory

It’s full steam ahead in the Oxford Observatory as we head into the long nights of winter. This year, the Observatory is hosting a wide range of new courses alongside the popular open nights. The establishment has a mission; to provide science education for our youth and communities. Organiser Raul Elias-Drago stresses that their aim is to make astronomy accessible for all ages and to cultivate an interest in our Universe. One new venture to achieve this is the addition of open mornings to the schedule. Whilst the Observatory will continue holding its regular open nights (with the first being on the 14th of April), the team is hopeful that the introduction of open mornings will accommodate those unable to attend Friday evenings.These events also provide a chance to focus on Matariki and Māori starlore, as it’s an important part of our culture in New Zealand that will be visible through winter. “If you look atthe Maori [creation story], the separation of Ranginui from Papatūānuku is so intimately tied to the stars. We’re really looking forward to talking about it and developing an idea of the significance of the constellations.” A typical open night begins with exploration through the telescope, looking closely at multiple different phenomena.

The group is then invited outside where a guide points out constellations with a laser. In the near future, Raul hopes to project relevant photographs onto the inside of the Observatory so that participants can see what the camera captures in contrast to the naked eye. These open nights have two time slots available for booking; 7.30pm and 8.30pm. The early morning sessions are dependent on the sunrise so will be scheduled accordingly and bookings are essential as the Observatory can only seat a certain number of stargazers in one go.

The morning openings aren’t the only new venture at the Observatory. This year it will begin hosting an exciting array of practical workshops run by enthusiastic local volunteers. A new ‘How to Build Your Own Telescope’ workshop teaches the basics of 3D printing and the intricacies of telescope creation. In ‘Astrophotography’, you are given the chance to capture and edit pictures of the night sky or, if it takes your fancy, you can peer safely at the sun in the ‘Solar Observation’ workshop.

The Observatory also offers the opportunity to take a closer look at the Moon, Saturn and Mars in ‘the Moon’ and ‘the Planets’ workshops. If you're hoping for a more in depth look at Astronomy and Cosmology, Erik Vermat will cover the big picture in his online course, ‘Exploring the Universe’. On the 9th of May, those enrolled will begin with the 7 week topic titled ‘leaving the solar system’- the first of 3 overlapping courses.

The next two, ‘Exploring the Milky Way’ and ‘Going Deep’ are also 7 weeks long, and follow a School term timetable. Each subject builds on the next, bringing a deeper understanding of the universe that we live in. Erik has been developing these lessons since 2017 and built his own dedicated website to use as a resource. The lessons are held on Zoom so it is an open opportunity for anyone that wants to learn whilst also creating the opportunity to record and playback what was covered.

Erik hopes to see more youth joining, saying, “I can honestly say that these courses are for everyone. I start from scratch, use a small amount of formulas and uncomplicated language.” Through his lessons he aims to quell some of the common fears that seem to preside around science and physics.

“People have the right to understand the basics of our universe. Sadly, we live in a culture where even in schools people are really afraid of the ‘difficult subjects’.” The lessons are held on Tuesday nights, 7-9pm. Now, where to sign up?

All the dates and times can be found on the website;

You can also visit the Oxford Observatory Facebook page for open night weather announcements and general updates. Get amongst it!

Keeping Healthy with

Are you ready for winter?

With autumn upon us it means winter is fast approaching - shorter days, cold weather and unfortunately, the cold and flu season.

A healthy immune system is the best defence against cough, cold and flu. So get yourself and your family prepared before the cold weather hits.

Have your flu immunisation. Flu symptoms are severe and are not to be confused with cold symptoms –with the flu you often don’t have the energy to get out of bed. This may be fully funded at your doctors so give them a call.

If you feel your immune system needs more of a ‘boost’ we are here to help with products formulated to support the body’s immune response. Buccaline tablets can also be used to boost your body’s natural immunity for up to three month’s and provide some protection against the bacterial complications of the flu or a cold.

Buccaline is NOT a substitute for the flu vaccine but may be used as well as a flu vaccination.

Staying active, eating a balanced diet and ensuring your home is warm and dry can all help keep you and your family well this winter.

Let’s all stay happy and healthy this winter!

Main Street, Oxford
Phone 312 4314 Monday -
8.30am - 5.30pm
9.30am -
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Invested in Oxford


Weekly bridge sessions are held at the Waimak Golf Club House on Thursdays at 7.10 pm

INTERESTED PLAYERS contact Noeline 3123117 or Jan 3124404

Free lessons are being held at the Rangiora Bridge Club, commencing 17 April for 11 weeks

email for further details

Mayoral update with

I have had a great time over the past few weeks attending some outstanding events in our District. I was at the Pride Picnic in Victoria Park and was delighted to be asked to speak and celebrate diversity at such a vibrant and inclusive event.

I was also asked to speak at the first North Canterbury Secondary Schools Leadership Hui. I shared with students and their teachers some of the lessons I have learnt about leadership.

As always when I attend events like that, I am so impressed by the fantastic young people we have in our District. They are a credit to the great schools and dedicated teachers we are so fortunate to have here in Waimakariri.

I also had the pleasure of cutting the ribbon at the Grand Opening of LMA Timber in Christchurch. LMA Timber was founded by Martin Thompson who is Oxford born and bred. Martin’s family has been in Oxford for generations and his parents Brian and Dawn still live in the town.

It was wonderful to learn more about Martin’s business model which is all about providing sustainable and climate-friendly repurposed timber for the building industry. It’s a highlight for me as Mayor being able to celebrate the successes of individuals and organisations in our community.

I am also looking forward to attending the Oxford A&P show - always a highlight for me.

Thinking of Selling?

Council’s Annual Plan is now out for consultation. The Annual Plan is Council's budget for the financial year 2023/24 and is produced in the years between the Long Term Plan. This is the final Annual Plan before we do the Long Term Plan next year. The Annual Plan explains how Council intends to finance the activities and services it provides during the year. Due to the current cost of living crisis and difficult economic environment, we have only put forward proposals needed to meet legislative or current service levels. Our aim is to make prudent, future-focused decisions, while keeping the high level of service our residents expect from us. We really want your feedback on the issues, so to have your say or for more information visit

Please share your thoughts with us before 17 April 2023.

I welcome contact from anyone who needs assistance or has an issue that they may want to discuss. Email me at dan. or phone 021906437. I’m here to help.

Annie Smith Chris Phillips 027 202 8155 027 364 5768 50 MAIN STREET, OXFORD
you are selling, buying, or
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just a er
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advice, a friendly chat or
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hesitate to call

EASTER Chocolate torte

200g 70% Cocoa dark Chocolate (Whittiker’s Dark Ghana) perfect.

200g Butter

200g Soft brown sugar

4 large Eggs

50g Plain Flour

50g Ground Almonds

Dutch Cocoa/icing sugar for dusting

Mini Eggs for Decorating

23cm Spring form/loose bottomed cake tin


Grease and line your cake tin.

Oven at 180oC

Break up chocolate and put in heavy based saucepan with the butter, put on a low heat to gently melt together. Whilst the chocolate and butter are melting beat together in a large bowl the eggs and sugar until they become thick and creamy. This can take 3 to 5 mins depending on your beating speed.

Once the chocolate and butter have melted and are smooth and glossy put to one side to cool.

Measure out the flour and ground almonds, add a pinch of salt too.

With a large spoon, fold in the chocolate mix with the flour mix to the egg and sugar, in a folding in action. Do not over mix as this will push out all the air from your mixture. Pour into prepared cake tin and bake for 40 mins.

An even slight crust should form on the top.

Leave to cool, then remove from tin.

I like to chill it before removing from base.

Serve at room temperature with a berry couli, yoghurt or cream.

Enjoy & Happy Easter


500g Frozen Berries

½ cup Caster sugar

1 Cinnamon Stick (optional)

Splash Vanilla Essence

2 Tabsp Cornflour

Put the frozen Berries, cinnamon stick, sugar and vanilla in a heavy base saucepan and put on a gentle heat, letting the berries defrost whilst dissolving the sugar. Once the berries are soft and the sugar has dissolved, and a good amount of liquid has developed remove from the heat. Remove cinnamon stick.

Mix the cornflour in a small bowl with ¼ cup of cold water. Stir well. Pour the berry juice over the cornflour mix stirring all the time then transfer back to the saucepan.

Transfer back to the heat and while constantly stirring bring to a boil and cook out the cornflour. The berry mix will start to thicken and gloss up, remove from heat and transfer to a serving bowl and leave to cool.

One stop shop for your home and property maintenance. Al - Mows starts giving you your life back. Don’t know where to start or how to do it? Gardens & Lawns doing their own thing - not your thing? Property and / or House Maintenance falling behind? No time for life on a lifestyle block? CALL IN THE EXPERT No job too big or small - Regular maintenance or one off work. Call Al Today! 0212 499 495 | NEED A PLUMBER THOMSON AND SON PLUMBING LTD CALL US NOW FOR FAST FRIENDLY SERVICE GET YOUR PROBLEMS SORTED OUT QUICK SMART - ON TIME!! T 03 312 1280 | M 021 898 380 | E LOCAL FAMILY PLUMBING BUSINESS PHONE NOW FOR A FREE QUOTE twenty one C G G IMPO IB MOBI 027 508 40 EMAIL Rob rob@cur c trac Office adm @cur c trac A 5601 W t Co t Road RD 1 Spr gfield w.cur c trac 1.5 - 30 n Excav s ~ H vy Tr sp t Hi . S lt Belt Removal ~ Stump Removal ~ R t Rak g. Ri r Protec ~ Dra age ~ S e W ks. Truck & Trai r Hi ~ Sh g Su li . Dri ways ~ F m w sc m - Pipe lay g Alk ne & PE up 180 Mulc r - up 150 14t di . C p ks dri ways. F try - lo g, sa s, fu c up. Gra r ~ Ro ~ Bu doz W el Di – Cur C trac ng Ltd –A D ic t m, produc g Qual y w k nce bo co un y vir m t. THE JOINER For all your Solid timber Joinery needs Owner + operator of a small local workshop Call Brent on 027 6060 797 email
twenty two Maarten Trees Ltd Need advice on your trees?? We do: Pruning Thinning Hedge Trimming Stump Grinding Crown lifting and reductions Chipping Tree removals Alec 027 525 5044 Oxford Butchery Farm Fresh Flavour Fresh to your Plate Retail Quality Meat & Smallgoods Award Winning Old Fashioned Dry-cured Bacon & Ham. From Paddock to Freezer - we can homekill & process your stock ready for the freezer. Bookings essential Oxford Butchery Ltd 4th Generation Family Butchers 44 Main Street - Oxford Ph 03 312 4205 | A/H : Ph Shane 03 312 4709 MPI APPROVED Fresh, real milk direct to you at the farm dispenser Real milk. F a nat ally be life. Self Service OPEN 7 DAYS 7am - 9pm Phone 027 630 2230 56 Ashley Gorge Road, Oxford 2km off the Main Street Thanky to all r cust s f the supp t in these ying times Quality Bespoke GLASSHOUSES Our glasshouses are pre built to your needs and delivered complete to your property. Constructed from solid timber we also have two standard stock sizes to choose from. phone 027 6060 797 email from $5880 Talk to trade qualified Joiner Brent about your Glasshouse Small building Raised garden bed Garden structure needs today Foundations Retaining Walls Landscaping Irrigation Excavation Waterline Excavation Sewer Excavation Trenching Tracks & Driveways Land Clearance Demolition Lifestyle Blocks Drainage Tip Truck 5-20 Tonne Diggers EARTHWORKS? EXCAVATIONS? EARTHWORKS? EXCAVATIONS? CALL BAYDON 027 405 9910

Oxford and Districts Lions Charity Golf fundraiser

The Oxford & District Lions recently held their annual charity golf tournament at Waimakariri Gorge Golf Club. The event has been running since 2008 and attracts players from far and wide. This year the Lions hosted 120 players.

Organiser David Halls says “The sheer generosity of all of our sponsors is what makes this event a success. We are very grateful to the Waimakariri Gorge Golf Club for hosting us and to all of the financial and prize sponsors”.

Many local businesses got behind the event to donate prizes which meant that everyone who played was able to leave with a prize. Volunteers kept the players well fed with two bbqs placed out on the course looking out over the Waimakariri River, and a wonderful afternoon tea.

While the tournament is a fun day out, the fundraising aspect of it is what is most important. The funds raised are usually divided between one Oxford charity and one out of the District.

This year the charities chosen were Oxford Community Trust and Cancer Society Canterbury/West Coast. Oxford Community Trust are a social services agency and the funds raised will be used for the work that they do to combat family violence.

The money donated to the Cancer Society will be used to sponsor a room at Daffodil House for 3 years. Daffodil House provides accommodation for people who have to travel to Christchurch for cancer appointments or treatment.

There are so many people that contributed to the event, and the Lions would like to thank all of the sponsors, those who donated prizes, all the volunteers for helping organise and run the tournament.

David Halls says “Feedback from the day was really good, and of course the main thing is being able to help the charities that are being funded. We are very grateful to people for their generosity”.

twenty three
Rubbish Collection Services 2016 LTD phone or email for a quote Graham & Kim T : 03 312 4788 E : 4 Trash Large 240 litre wheelie bins Multiple Collection options Weekly - Fortnightly - 4 weekly 6 weekly - 8 weekly - Casual General household rubbish collection servicing Oxford ,Rangiora, Kaiapoi and surrounding rural areas We are a local business who appreciate local support
If you would like to get involved with the Oxford & Districts Lions you can get in touch by emailing


Unfortunately, it has been a busy month with a spike in the number of burglaries that have occurred in the area.

Quad bike and trailers are being targeted, among other things. As most of you might have already heard this is happening in broad daylight, and sometimes with home owners at home. If you do see someone on your property, please let us know by calling “111”. We need to know when it’s happening, not the next day or a week later.

You are the eyes and ears of the community. If you see something, or someone out of place, let us know, sooner rather than later.

It’s been a busy month for all those hunters out there with the Roar and the holidays. I thought it would be appropriate to remind everyone about their and everyone else’s safety while out there enjoying what our beautiful district has to offer. Identify your target before anything else, and above all have fun out there.

Last but not least, with the change of season comes a change in the driving conditions, wet roads, fog and a change in light. Check those tyres, windscreen wipers and your WOF.

Thank you for your time. Until next month, be safe. Feel safe.

Another month has raced by, and we have been steady on the local ambulance. With nearly 100 jobs attended this year already, it is going to be another record breaking year.

From a health point of view please try to get help early. You can access a Healthline Doctor 24/7 on 0800getDoc (0800438 362) . Stroke symptoms are not always the traditional facial droop and one sided weakness. They can include being confused, difficulty finding words or struggling to get the words out, or poor coordination or balance. If you have new symptoms like this, it is best to call an ambulance early. The best option is to call when you first notice these symptoms as the sooner you get seen the better. But don't let that stop you calling us anytime. Calling early is good, but calling later is better than not calling at all. And partners/family, if you are concerned you can call us. Don't let your family members convince you that it's too much trouble for us, or that we probably have more important patients to attend to. If you think that you need to call an ambulance for yourself or someone else, please do.

Once again I am asking for you to consider coming to join us on the Oxford FRU. If you have ever given it a thought, give us a ring, and we will get you training. We have a local group that will start on 9/4/23 so please get in touch. Please call the station on 033123516, leave your name and number, and our recruiting officer will be in touch.

The ambulance station at Oxford is not manned 24 hours a day. If you require emergency assistance please call 111.

Stay well and safe.

FIRE RESCUE update with

February was a relatively quiet month for the brigade with only five calls. Three calls were to medical assist’s, one to a motor vehicle accident where two vehicles hit dairy cows on the road in the dark. Luckily there were no serious injuries to the vehicle occupants. The other was to a smoke logged house when the occupant lit the log fire. This brings our total calls for the year to thirteen

This months message is; With the colder months approaching it may be a good time to consider having your chimneys cleaned and the condition of the fire boxes checked.


twenty four
POLICE update with Mitch Alatalo
Rural - Dairy New Housing Heating & Ventilation Service & Maintenance Commercial Refrigeration Solar Hotwater and PV Serving the North Canterbury Area “Totally Dependable” Phone: 0800 63 63 00
twenty five SHELTERBELT TRIMMING LTD • Experienced Operator • Power Line Clearance • SiteWise Certified Email: Ph: 027 474 3088 For all your Electrical Wiring Needs New Housing & Alterations Sheds, Barns & Farm Maintenance Lights, Plugs & Spas Phones Free Quotes Competitive Rates 027 243 6696 312 4990 For all your Electrical Wiring Needs New Housing & Alterations Sheds, Barns & Farm Maintenance Lights, Plugs & Spas Phones Free Quotes Competitive R ates 027 243 6696 312 4990 Gavin Newick CRAFTSMAN PLUMBER & DRAINLAYER CALL TODAY... After Hours: . Insurance Repairs . 03 312 1785 Plumbing: • New Builds • Maintenance • Alterations • Dripping Taps • Hot Water Cylinder Replacements Sewer & Stormwater: • New Installations • Repairs • Alterations • Septic Tanks • Blocked Drains • Water Blasting GN Plumbing and Drainage Ltd Email: Ph: Wayne 021 0227 0006 WAYNE’S CLEANING SERVICES We Strive To Be The Best ~ Canterbury Owned & Operated •Domestic & Commercial Weekly Cleaning •Builder’s Cleans •Rental & Moving House Cleans •Walls, Ceilings and Ovens •Domestic & Commercial Windows Specialists in Canvas Manufacturing High Country Canvas Darrin Lord 03 312 5025 or 027 238 1624 New Work & Repairs Welcome. Don’t Pack & Store It All Away Get your Repairs Done Now & avoid the Spring Rush! Oxford Screen Hire On Farm Gravel Screening Phone Roy 022 043 7834 - Email Maintenance Plumbing • New Housing • Bathroom Alterations Logfires • Hot Water Cylinders • Spouting & Flashings Pump Replacement & Repair Fast, Friendly Service, All Work Guaranteed Aaron McCartney • Free Ph: 0508 44EVER • Ph: 03 310 2137 A/H: 027 3669 091 • Email: FOR ALL YOUR PLUMBING NEEDS Open Mon-Fri am--pm mwww ipc co nz

Roy Hill Contracting

twenty six
Earth Moving • Irrigation Dams • Water Races / Cleaning • Roads / Farm lanes • Cow Lanes • Building Foundations • Subdivisions • Land Clearing • Pipe Laying / Tree Ripping Silage & Agriculture • Silage Harvesting • Claas 8m mower with groupers • 56 cubic metre loader wagon • 12 tonne Hyundai loader with buck rake • 9m heavy roller • Cultivation • Seed Drilling Phone Roy 022 043 7834 Email
Specialise in superior fencing craftmanship which adds long term value to your property investment. Fencing in the greater Canterbury area. Free Estimates Steve is available to help with your Planning and Design SUMMERFIELD FENCING LTD PHONE: 03 312 4747 MOBILE : 027 312 4747
ALL STOCK FENCING – POST DRIVING YARDS – POST AND RAIL FENCING FARM – SUBDIVISION LIFESTYLE BLOCKS - RESIDENTIAL NO JOB TOO BIG OR SMALL * Advanced Facials * Peels & Skin Treatments * Waxing * Eyelash and Brows by Appointment only phone 03 310 6139 021 024 19237 19 Goodwood Close Rangiora @angelcatscattery 52 Church Street, Oxford p. 03 312 1452 | 021 0424 367 e. “Solely run for the comfort and convenience of cats” • Shelterbelt & Hedge Tree Trimming • Large Farms, Orchards, & Lifestyle Blocks • Locally Owned & Operated • Servicing North Canterbury • Full Insurance Cover • Comprehensive Health & Safety Systems • Power Line Clearance Operator Call me today to discuss all your hedge & tree trimming needs... Nick McDonald Ph: 027 206 1149 or 3125 313 WE OFFER: Ph: 03 312 4476 Mob: 027 4969 256 FOR ALL YOUR LIQUID WASTE REMOVAL REQUIREMENTS Septic Tanks, Grease Traps, Dairy Sumps, Blocked Drains Maintenance Reports Email: OXFORD MUSEUM (Oxford Historical Records Society Inc) ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING To be held at the Museum Tuesday 2nd May 2023 at 7pm All welcome
Summerfield Fencing Ltd

Online Will $69

Kiwilaw –

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Phone: 03 312 5744

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Sharing Christ in our Fellowship and Community



Salvation Army Service at 6pm every 3rd Sunday




Marina Vermaat

64 High Street Oxford 7430 03 312 4731 027 311 1140

For Beautifully Handcrafted Books

Tessa Warburton BOOKBINDER

• Restoration

• Repair

• Private Tuition

Phone: 03 312 4399/027 419 6311 Email:

Probate application

- $690* including GST & High Court fee Kiwilaw –

Cheryl Simes 021 701 838 / 03 312 1508

Oxford Local - Nationwide Service

‘Just because a lawyer holds the will, it doesn’t mean they hold the purse strings. Check their fees first.’

St Peter Chanel Catholic Parish

Sacred Heart of Jesus Church 98 Main Street, Oxford

ENQUIRIES: Waimakariri Parish Ph: 03 313 6285



EVENING MASS:Every 1st & 3rd Wednesday of the Month at 7pm ALL WELCOME



Suitable for young & old, men & women

Oxford Club: Monday’s 6.00 pm-8.30 pm.

Dar�eld: Trinity Hall: Wednesday’s 6.00 pm -8.30 pm

First timers please contact �rst Instructor- Jenny Brookes 0274 452 285

twenty seven
COMMERCIAL & DOMESTIC CLEANER Also Offering ... • Carpets • Lounge Suites & Chairs • Vehicle Upholstery • Mattresses Enquires ... 027 764 2220 email : PLASTERER Interior RENOVATIONS ltd. • Interior Plastering • Gib fixing • Cornice & cove • Skim coating Phone Mark 027 438 0665 RegisteredTradesman Ph. 021 049 1315 Enjoy Tap Dancing in Oxford Private studio lessons for 7yrs -87yrs GE Associate Dance Teacher Yoga Fitness Tai Chi WEEKLY CLASSES IN OXFORD Wednesdays & Fridays and Mondays in RANGIORA Gabrielle 027 225 1646 You can start anytime Gain Vitality - Flexibility - Balance Intuitive Healing available I am able to assess your health, lifestyle, diet and medications, helping to create your best path to wellness. Email Rose Phone 0273028402 WE NEED YOUR ARTWORK! apply now online KAIAPOI ART EXPO CORCORAN FRENCH 8-9 JULY, 10AM-5PM KAIAPOI CLUB Oxford Anzac Day Service Tuesday 25th April at 9.30am Oxford Cenotaph on Main Street for wreath laying ceremony. Please note the service will begin at 9.30am
CleaningMel’sService EXPERIENCED
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