Winderous 20131128

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Have cellar passport, will enjoy bonanza of tastes The Cellar Door Collection Passport, priced at R120, offers R399 worth of tastings, experiences and dis­ counts at 14 top­name South African cellars. Included are Nederburg, Plaisir de Merle, Fleur du Cap, Alto, Le Bonheur, Stellenzicht, Uitkyk, Neethlingshof, JC le Roux, Van Ryn’s Distillery, Durbanville Hills, De Oude Drostdy and Klipdrift Distillery. Most cellars are based in Stellen­ bosch, Paarl, Simondium, Tulbagh and Robertson. Passport holders are entitled to a combination of eight drink tastings for the cover price and discount vouchers worth R90 on products pur­ chased from participating cellars.

Some establishments offer tours to passport holders. Van Ryn’s, for ex­ ample, takes visitors to see its tradi­ tional copper pot stills at work and to watch the coopers assembling the French oak barrels by hand. Fleur du Cap’s stop­over includes a tour of the famous Bergkelder cellar built right into the side of the Pape­ gaai mountain, while visitors to Ned­ erburg will go into the working cellar. The passport is valid for six months and is available from any of the par­ ticipating cellar doors. For more info, go to www.cellar­ or you can send an e­mail to info@cellardoorcollec­

Verskeie bekende rugbyspelers is by die heropening van die restaurant op Schalk Burger en sy seuns se Welbedacht­wynlandgoed buite Wellington opgemerk. Schalk Burger (naas regs) hier saam met sy twee seuns, Tiaan (links) en Schalk jr. (derde van regs), en rugbyle­ gendes Rob Louw (naas links), Werner Greeff (derde van links) en Dawie Snyman (regs).


Schalk Burger en seuns heropen restaurant JOHAN NEL Die bekende rugbygesin van Welling­ ton, Schalk Burger en sy twee seuns Ti­ aan en Schalk jr., het die restaurant No. 6 op hul wynlandgoed Welbedacht heropen. Die restaurant is enkele maande gelede ná ’n kortstondige bestaan gesluit toe die egpaar wat dit namens die landgoed bestuur het, bedank het. Verlede week is die restaurant – wat voortaan deur die bekende restaurateur Lizelle Harper be­

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MY wine It is

time It is

ART time

stuur sal word – op ’n spoggeleentheid heropen. Volgens Tiaan Burger is die heropening van No.6 die begin van groot en belangrike ontwik­ kelinge wat tans op Welbedacht beplan word. “Benewens die restaurant gaan ons ook vroeg aanstaande jaar ’n konferensiesentrum wat tot 50 konferensiegangers kan akkommodeer, op die landgoed open.” Lizelle Harper, wat die afgelope paar jaar ’n bekende restaurateur op Wellington was, het voordat sy by Welbedacht se restaurant betrokke geraak het, ’n deeglike studie van Mediterreense disse gemaak deur vir ’n lang ruk in Spanje in restaurante te gaan werk.


It is


be with me time

last but not the least

Winederous time

Enjoy your Winederous the last Thurday of each month in Hermanus Times, DistrictMail, Eikestadnuus, Paarl Post and Worcester Standard!

Avante­garde pairing at Avondale For this year’s festive season food and wine pair­ ing at the Avondale Estate in Paarl they collabo­ rated with chef Reuben Riffel to explore the deli­ cate balance between art, food and wine ­ hence the name Avante­garde pairing. This French ex­ pression refers to that which is experimental, in­ novative and artistic. Riffel explains: “A beautiful dish, well execut­ ed, is art. Beautifully crafted wine, such as Avon­ dale’s, is art. We wanted to explore the individual elements that – when in perfect balance and har­ mony – produce a culinary masterpiece.” The pairing menu includes a visual representa­ tion of the ingredients which make up each bite­ size, sumptuous delight – in their natural, unal­ tered state. “We want to show our guests exactly what went into each pairing, in an artistic and visually­arresting manner,” says Avondale pro­ prietor Johnathan Grieve. This is what you can expect at Avondale’s Avant­Garde pairing experience: • Marinated salmon with avocado coulis, sweet and sour beet, preserved ginger and wilted tatsoi, accompanied by a glass of the effervescent Armilla Méthode Cap Classique. • Malay­style chicken curry, creamy rice and poppadom paired with Avondale’s Chenin Blanc Anima. • Citrus braised duck, green olives and new potatoes with Avondale’s Viognier blend Cyclus. • Avondale’s Camissa Blanc de Noir with warm roasted prawn, tropical fruit salsa and

lightly spiced persimmon sauce. • Avondale’s Syrah Samsara with white pep­ per spiced pork belly bordelaise with toast. • And finally, Avondale’s signature red blend La Luna partnered with sticky braised beef with puff pastry and mushroom creme. Grieve says: “We believe that to create a mas­ terpiece, all of the components need to be mind­ fully selected and prepared. This is why we have broken down the preparation process to show each element individually, so our guests can un­ derstand how much work, care and preparation goes into creating the whole.” As with the dishes on the pairing menu, there is also a great deal of time and effort that goes into creating an Avondale wine. “We produce our wines according to the BioLOGIC® method­ ology, which combines certified organic and bio­ dynamic farming principles with the best that modern science has to offer,” explains Grieve. “All our grapes are harvested by hand and whole­bunch pressed, and our wine is designed to mature in the bottle.€ We believe sometimes the good things in life take a little longer – and if something is worth doing, it is worth doing with care. It was this philosophy that inspired this year’s Avant­Garde pairing.” The Avant­Garde pairing is available at the Avondale farm until 15 January. The cost is R150 per person and is by appointment only. Call 021 863 1976 or email wine@avon­ to book.

30 NOVEMBER: HANDEL’S MESSIAH AT LA MOTTE – Hurry if you still want a chance to see Handel’s timeless Messiah performed at the annual Christmas concert at the La Motte historic cellar. Originally written for four soloists, choir and orchestra, Mozart then rescored a shorter version of the work for soloists and piano only. The performers in this seldomly­per­ formed version include the 2012 Musiquanto winner soprano Hlengiwe Mkhwanazi, Karen van der Walt (mezzo soprano), Thembinkosi Mgetyengana (tenor) and the baritone Thato Ma­ chona (finalist in the international Belverdere singing competition). They will be accompanied by pianist Lisa Engelbrecht and Mike Blake on trumpet. The gates only open at 18:00. The La Motte farm shop will be open from 18:00 to 19:00. Concert starts promptly at 19:00. R170 per person. Phone 021 876 8000. SUNDAY 1 AND 8 DECEMBER: PONGRÁCZ CHOCOLATE PAIRING AT VAL DE VIE MARKET – Indulge in seductive mo­ ments of luxury with an exclusive pairing of Pongrácz and fine, handmade chocolates at The Market at Val de Vie near Paarl on both Sundays from 10:00 to 15:00. The Market at Val de Vie, a fresh goods and craft market, showcases some of the finest local produce from the Paarl­Franschhoek Valley in a beautiful setting and provides the ideal platform for vendors to promote their wares and grow their businesses. This December, visitors can en­ joy the perfect summer tasting experience of three specially fash­ ioned chocolates custom­made to bring out the unique flavour pro­ file of Pongrácz Brut, Pongrácz Rosé and the award­winning sig­ nature Desiderius Pongrácz 2008. A Pongrácz and oyster tasting will also be on offer at these not­to­be missed events. The Pon­ grácz and chocolate pairing costs R50 per person. For more infor­ mation, visit FRIDAY 6 DECEMBER: CAROLS BY CAN­ DLELIGHT AT LABORIE – Celebrate the start of the festive season with the annual Carols by Candlelight at the popular Paarl wine estate, Laborie. This long standing event is a must­do on the Christmas calendar and a wonderful oc­ casion to enjoy with friends and family. Book now as tickets are selling out fast. Gates open at 17:00 and you are advised to come early in order to get a good spot on the lawn. Music and kids’ entertainment starts at 18:00 and the Carols by Candlelight at 19:30. Entry is R50 for adults and R20 for schoolchildren. Call 021 807 3093 or email for further information. 6, 7 EN 8 DESEMBER: KOKKEDORE KOOK IN HERMANUS – Kom sit saam aan ’n langtafel by die Harbour House Hotel in Haweweg en smul aan ’n spesiale vyfgangete voor­ berei deur Kokkedoor­persoonlikhede sjef Nic van Wyk, beoordelaar, en Toitnette du Toit, top drie­kinkelkok. Die vyfgangspyskaart, met wynpasmaats uit die Hermanus­omgewing, be­ staan onder meer uit sop van geelmielies met truffelskuim; geroosterde waatlemoenslaai en grasuie­bokmelkkaassous; lamsboud oor die kole en dan vir die soettand­bederf, kerskoek en witperske­koekstruif. Drie sessies word aangebied: Vrydag­/Saterdagaand (6 Desember ­ wynparing met Wildekrans, en 7 Desember ­ wynparing met Raka) om 18:30; of vir Sondag­ middagete (8 Desember ­ wynparing met Hermanuspietersfontein) om 12:00. Kaartjies kos R300, en sluit ’n Kokkedoor­geskenkpak in. Om te bespreek, stuur ’n e­pos aan info@kokke­ en dui aan watter sessie jy wil bywoon en ook die aantal persone. Besoek face­ book/Kyknet Kokkedoor of www.harbourhousehotel­ vir meer inligting. SATERDAG 7 DESEMBER: TREKKER­EN­WA­ SAFARI – Verken Worcester se pragtige Nuy­val­ lei op ’n unieke manier deur met ’n trekker en wa deur die wingerde en olyfboorde te ry. Die trekker­en­wa­safari word deur Overhex­landbou­ bestuur aangebied en vertrek om 09:30 van die Leipzig­plaas van Jan en Amanda Rabie. Nooi vriende en familie om ’n wa vol te maak of reël met jou bestuurslid vir ’n plek. Daar sal ekstra waens wees vir mense wat nie op ’n wa ingedeel is nie – bel net vir Johan by 072 522 7229 teen 29 November. Kaartjies kos R50 vir volwassenes en R20 vir kinders.Die vriendelike borge sal oudergewoonte verversings uitdeel vir almal wat honger en dors is, en daar sal ook aktiwiteite soos waterwurms, paintball­skiet, boeresport, hardloop op water, en vele meer wees met groot pryse. Bring drinkgoed, braaigoed en eet­ gerei saam en geniet die dag in die natuurskoon van die Worcester­wyn­en­olyfroete. Vure en roosters sal voorsien word. Skakel 023 342 8710 vir verdere besonderhede.

TUESDAY 31 DECEMBER: HATS OFF NEW YEAR’S PAR­ TY AT CLOS MALVERNE – Don a funky fedora or flip on your favourite stetson and end 2013 on a gourmet high at Clos Malverne, the family­owned wine farm situated in the heart of the Devon Valley outside Stellenbosch. At this stylish Hats Off New Year’s celebration guests will enjoy an extravagant eight­ course menu prepared by resident chef Nadia Louw Smith and matched with eight exceptional Clos Malverne cellar gems, while bobbing and jiving the night away to the classic sounds of the live band, Double Jeopardy. When the clock strikes twelve, Clos Malverne will uncork a memorable toast, when you will get a chance to raise a flute of the estate’s newly re­ leased, maiden Brut Rosé Méthode Cap Classique, Ellie. Tickets cost R595 per person, which include all the wines on the evening. This not­to­be­missed event starts at 20:00 and will carry on until the wee hours of 2014. Pre­bookings are essen­ tial as seating is limited. For more information or to reserve your table, contact Clos Malverne at 021 865 2022 or send an email to FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 13 AND 14 DECEMBER: FAVOURITE THINGS MARKET AT GABRIELSKLOOF – This wine cellar on the outskirts of Bot River in the Overberg will be transformed into a festive marketplace when its fourth annual Favourite Things Market adds colour, creativity and charm to the silly season. Ranging from prized Kokkedoor koeksisters and homemade pestos to fresh oysters and bubbly, this authentic and trendy market show­ cases more than 30 artisinal producers. With beautiful tables brimming with organic produce, local cheeses, artisinal beers, real Dutch stroopwafels, handmade butter, cured meats and much more, this feast is ideal for that last minute Christmas shopping. The market starts on the Friday at 17:00 until 21:00 and all the magic will be repeated on the Saturday from 11:00 until 18:00. Contact Nicolene Finlayson on 082 852 6547 or send an email to UNTIL 31 JANUARY: NEETHLINGSHOF WINE GARDEN – LIVE MUSIC WEDNES­ DAYS – Popular acoustic guitarist, Francois Haas­ broek will entertain with his sounds of folk, rock and more every Wednes­ day evening from 17:00 to 19:00 until the end of January (except for 25 December and 1 Janu­ ary). What a wonderful way to ‘wine’ down, re­ lax and recharge – mid­ week. Enjoy a glass of wine, a delicious selec­ tion of platters and mu­ sic, and make the most of the glorious evenings and Stellenbosch sunsets. Choose between a cheese platter, with a selection of cheeses, dried fruit and preserves, grapes and breads; a Charcu­ terie Platter of cold meats, biltong, pickled vegetables and breads and a Tapas Platter with olives, stuffed peppadews, biltong, paté, humus, guacamole, tape­ nade and cheese, with bread. Platters cost R65­R75 per person. For more information contact Neethlingshof at 021 883 8988 or UNTIL 29 DECEMBER: LAZY SUNDAYS ON THE EERSTE RIVER – Starting at 14:00 each Sunday, these weekly concerts on the lawns in front of Spier’s Eight Restaurant promise good food, wine and melodies. Catch Gerald Clark on 1 December; François Haasbroek on 8 December; Pete Tombstone on 15 December; Gerald Clarke on 22 December and Philip Ma­ lan on 29 December. If you fancy a bite to eat, you can enjoy an a la carte brunch or lunch at Eight Restaurant or handselect ready­to­eat food and artisanal produce for your picnic at Eight to Go Deli, or pre­book your basket by choosing from a variety of wholesome picnics at Spier. (Note, no private picnic baskets allowed.) Phone 021 809 1100 or email reserva­

What’s in a name... This Wild Clo­ ver beer is named after the numerous moles that burrow their way around Wild Clover Farm’s sandy soil. The Cape mole rat has very poor eye­ sight (blind for all practical purposes) and feeds on the bulbs, corms and tubers of plants. The fishy­look­ ing eagle label was derived from the eagles at the estate’s wildlife sanctu­ ary. Named after the breeding pair of Cape Eagle owls that live above the winery on the farm. Very early in the morning they can be heard, or spotted in the trees. Named after our faithful mas­ cot Zack, a Sta­ fordshire Terrier. Zack’s responsi­ bilities around the estate in­ clude security, assisting with beer brewing and the cleaning up of any left over pizza.

The art of true craft beer, the Wild Clover way LISE BEYERS

servatives, with only water, malted barely, hops and natural yeast being used. There whole philosoWhat started off as a schoolphy is to make pure, authentic boy hobby has now become a handcrafted (artisanal) beer usthriving business for beer ing traditional and natural brewmaster Ampie Kruger. ing methods and quality ingredients. During his student days, AmpAmpie narrowed his beers ie started experimenting with down to three traditional Europethe fine art of crafting beer, but an and British styles – Double once the real world set in, he was Owl (English Brown Ale), Black forced to concentrate on his caDog (Smokey Irish Porter), Blind reer in IT. Mole (Crispy German Pils) and When he and his family reloEagle Weiss (Fruity Belgian Wit). cated to the Cape from Pretoria At Wild Clover Ampie brews Ampie, now surrounded by the about 2 500l of beer a month, but Durbanville vineyards, tried his he is planning expansions, as the hand at wine-making. demand for his beer grows. This was done in true garagiste His hope is to produce 4 100l a fashion from his garage, and his month in the near future, but adds Notre Reve Syrah, which he still that he will not go much bigger, produces annually, was born. as he believes that with mass proIt was the various trips to Euduction, quality is sacrificed. rope and drinking the fine beers “We will therefore always make of Germany, Belgium and Britsmall quantities of beer so we can ain that rekindled his passion for give it the time and care we bebeer making. lieve this ancient craft and drink “The commercial brews that At Wild Clover Breweries, Ampie Kruger and Karel Coetzee, produce deserves,” says Ampie. PHOTO: LISE BEYERS we are being fed in South Africa only beers true to the traditional Reinheidsgebot. “We believe that our products just couldn’t compare to the fine lagers, pilsners and ales produced in Europe,” etzee crossing paths with the Wild Clover farm are truly handcrafted. When you are working on the Koelenhof Road outside Stellenbosch. on your own, weekend after weekend, crushsays Ampie. ing malt, brewing beer and kegging or bottling He once again started experimenting with And so Wild Clover Brewery was born. Here Ampie and Karel set up a micro brew- the end product, doing absolutely everything beer brewing in his garage. At first he brewed only for his own consump- ery in an old shed, and today they are almost by hand, you know that you are making an honest handcrafted product.” tion, experimenting as he went along to find unable to keep up with demand. The beers of Wild Clover Brewery are availThe beer produced at Wild Clover is true to the perfect blends for his pallet – which comable in a handful of select restaurants and botpared every sip to his favourite European the Reinheidsgebot legacy of beer making. This German Purity Law was already adopt- tle stores, and of course, straight from the beers. His home brew eventually became so suc- ed in 1516, the oldest provision still enforced brewery at Wild Clover. What better way to spend a lazy sunny aftercessful and popular with his friends that he to protect the consumer and guarantee the noon than by sipping craft beer and eating fine saw the scope to expand his production. This quality of the beer. All Wild Clover’s beers are free from pre- food at Wild Clover. led to him and his brewing partner Karel Co-

Also visit these Microbreweries


Kokkedoor-persoonlikhede sjef Nic van Wyk, beoordelaar, en Toitnette du Toit, top drie-kinkelkok, se spesiale 5-gang ete weerspieël hoekom hierdie reeks en die topverkoperkookboek so 'n wegholsukses is. BESPREEK/INLIGTING by KAARTJIES, R300 vir vyf-gang ete en ’n Kokkedoor geskenk PLEK, Harbour House Hotel, Harbour Weg 22, Hermanus SESSIES, Vrydag/Saterdag 18h30; Sondag 12h00

GRANDE PICNICS: Adding to the many unique dining options at the Grande Pro­ vence Heritage Wine Estate in Franschhoek, executive chef Darren Badenhorst has launched a French inspired picnic, available until April. Picnics cost R420 for two people and R630 for a family picnic for two adults and two kids. The menu includes a French baguette, artisanal brie, locally cured sau­ cisson, preserves and butter, a decadent chocolate brownie, a bottle of the award­ winning Grande Provence Estate wine and still or sparkling water. Book 24 hours in advance. Tel: 021 876 8600 or email: res­

Saggy Stone – Nuy Valley, Robertson The Saggy Stone Brewing company is the dream of two brothers, Adrian and Philip Robinson, who after many years of testing other brands decided to brew their own, using only the finest barley, hops and mountain spring water. It is named after a wooden cabin, built in the mountain kloof, which was destroyed by a fire. It was replaced by a stone lapa which may not have had the necessary reinforcing. Hence, it sagged. Enjoy a lazy lunch at their family-friendly (dogs welcome too) restaurant and pub with views of the majestic Langeberg mountains. Saggy Stone specialises in easy-drinking ales and lagers. Their flagship brew is the popular California Steam, now accompanied by the Desert Lager – a very light and refreshing lunchtime pint – and Big Red, an Irish Red Ale. Call: 083 453 3526 / 072 550 7602. Email: Triggerfish Brewing – Somerset West Housed in a former dynamite plant on the Paardevlei development, the quirky Triggerfish Brewery boasts eight staples and a further 16 seasonal or one-off options. Beers are brewed in a former anthracite store and served in the brick-walled taproom (or out on the terrace with mountain views) where you will find your perfect pint among the easy ales, bold stouts and hoppy IPAs. The menu has beer-pairing staples like burgers, wurst, chicken wings, burritos and more. Call: 021 851 5861. Email: Honingklip brewery – Botriver After living in Europe for several years, Mark and Analize ter Morshuizen learned to appreciate European beers, in particular the Belgian beers. On returning to South Africa, they brewed and stewed and their hobby became their passion, brewing a range of Belgian inspired ales. The brewery is based on the Honingklip farm, renowned for dried floral materials, olive oil, seasonal fresh flowers and fruit, the location is idyllic, with beautiful mountain views overlooking a child friendly play area. Call: 082 735 9868. E-mail:

Sizzling Sedgewick’s cocktail Surprise your braai­ friends with a refresh­ ing cocktail with none other than Sedgwick’s Original Old Brown (incidentally the winner of the forti­ fied wine category at the 2013 Best Value Awards.) There is no point in keeping your favourite Obies hidden during the summer months – let it share the warmth of summer with you. The Sedgwick’s Lane cocktail is a twist on the vintage Sherry Cobbler, the most popular drink served in the UK and USA in the 1800s. Hailed as “the greatest liquorary invention of the day” in 1830, it’s a great way to enjoy the summer. The name of the cocktail refers to the street, Sedgwick Lane, where Captain James Sedg­ wick opened his first liquor store in 1853. The recipe below is for one glass but can equally be doubled­up and made in a jug. SEDGWICK’S LANE Ingredients 50 ml Sedgwick’s Original Old Brown 30 ml orange juice 50 ml cranberry juice 2 dashes of Bitters Method 1. Simply combine all the ingredients in a shaker and strain over ice. 2. Bleed some grenadine syrup in and serve with a few strawberries and orange slices.

Die groot man van uniWines Vineyards se bielie van ’n burger LISE BEYERS Nicolaas Rust lyk meer na ’n beesboer as ’n man wat verant­ woordelik is vir betowerende wyne. Maar dan is wynlegendes soos Jan Boland Coetzee en Bey­ ers Truter ook nie juis GQ­materi­ aal nie. Maar soos die spreekwoord sê, don’t judge a book by it’s cover. Nicolaas is ’n gebore Swartlander en dit is vandag steeds duidelik in sy effense brei as hy praat. Ná hy sy skoolloopbaan aan die Hoër­ skool Swartland voltooi het, het sy kop ingenieurswese toe gestaan. Maar dit was neusie verby toe hy gedurende ’n va­ kansie by Swartland­wynkelder gewerk het. “Ek het maar in die vakansietyd as ’n bode, aandraer, ensovoorts gewerk. Maar soos wat ek die proses van die win­ gerd tot die vat gevolg het, het die wyn­ maak­gogga behoorlik gebyt. Dit was vir my ’n betowerende proses hoe iets soos ’n druif in so ’n wonderlike produk as wyn omskep kon word.” So is die groot man Elsenburg toe om meer te leer oor hierdie “misterieuse” be­ dryf. Hierna het hy in Europa getoer om aan te klop by verskeie bekende wynland­ goedere om die verskillende style wyne in verskeie lande te ontdek, toe Swart­ land­kelder hom terugroep en sê hulle soek hom as wynmaker.

Later is hy deur Lourens Jonker van die Bonnievale Weltevrede­wynlandgoed opgeraap en daarna is hy na Seidelberg­ landgoed teen die hange van Paarlberg waar hy die kelder ontwikkel het tot ’n volwaardige handelsmerk. Sy talente is gou raakgesien en hy het ’n draai ge­ maak by Slanghoek Kelder anderkant die Dutoitskloof­berge waar hy die Breede­ kloof­vallei ontdek het en vinnig sy mede­ wynmakers leer ken het. Vandag is Nicolaas groep­kelder­ meester van uniWines Vineyards op Raw­ sonville. uniWines­landgoed is die eind­ produk van die samesmelting van drie Rawsonville­kelders, Daschbosch, Groot Eiland en Nuwehoop, almal kelders met ’n ryk geskiedenis van topgehalte wyn. uniWines dra dié tradisie met trots voort, met ’n string toekennings reeds ag­ ter die naam van hul wyne in die ses jaar waartydens hulle onder verskeie etikette geproduseer het. Hulle is nou ook die tuis­ te van name soos Ankerman, Meander, Groot Eiland en Palesa, waarvan laasge­ noemde Fairtrade geakkrediteer is. Nicolaas se persoonlike voorkeur as dit by witwyn kom is Chenin Blanc, wat hy as ’n onderskatte kultivar beskryf, met diep, ryk somergeure. En dan, as vol­ waardige wildjagter, is sy gunstelingrooi ’n volbors, tog fluweelsagte Shiraz wat ’n perfekte pasmaat met wildsgeregte is. Nicolaas is tog te lief vir sy wildsvleis. Dus, toe ek vir hom vra om ’n dis vir my voor te berei, was sy keuse ’n persoon­ like gunsteling.

Die koning van uniWines Vineyards, Nicolaas Rust, wys hier sy bekende Wildsvleis­broodjie waarvoor hy bekend is in die Breederivier­vallei. FOTO: LISE BEYERS

WILDSVLEIS­BROODJIE À LA NICOLAAS Bestanddele 700 g. van Nicolaas se tuisgemaakte spring­ bok boerewors ½ fyngekapte ui 1 wiel feta­kaas, gekrummel ¼ koppie pecorino­kaas 1 koppie gesnipperde spek ¼ koppie gesnipperde ingelegde peppadews ½ koppie gesnipperde pietersielie

Metode Nicolaas braai die fyngekapte ui stadig in ’n pan op sy buitetafel waar hy braai. Terwyl hy vir die uie wag, haal hy die worsvleis uit die wors­ derm. Intussen teug ons tog te heerlik aan ’n ys­ koue glasie van uniWines se Palesa Moscato, ’n lae­alkohol, ligte soetwyn wat yskoud verkoel is. Wanneer die uie sag en deurskynend is, haal hy die pan van die hitte af en laat die uie afkoel. Nog ’n glasie Moskato koel die heerlik lentedag ’n bietjie af. Dan word die afgekoelde uie versigtig by die worsvleis in geknie. Sy groot hande werk uiters versigtig met die mengsel. Dan kom die feta by en weer word sagkens met die vleismengsel gewerk. So word die res van die bestanddele stuk­stuk goed deur die vleis gewerk sodat als deurge­ meng en versprei word. Hy maak reusevleispatties en smeer albei kan­ te met ’n bietjie olyfolie Die patties rus nou terwyl die vuur sy kole maak. Wanneer die hout uitgebrand het en die kole warm gloei, word die patties binne ’n warm toe­ klaprooster geplaas en vir sowat sewe minute ’n kant gebraai, tot perfek braaivleis­bruin. Wanneer die patties van die hitte afkom, word dik snye aartappelbrood wat hulle varsgebak by ’n bakkery op Worcester koop, met ’n bietjie olyf­ olie gesmeer en dan oor die kole goudbruin ge­ rooster. Nou word Nicolaas se spesiale vleisbroodjie aanmekaargeslaan. Aanmekaarslaan is dalk nie die regte woord nie, want die groot man bou sy broodjie met soveel liefde, dat dit heel indrukwekkend is. Een sny brood per persoon word op ’n hout­ plank geplaas. Dan smeer hy tuisgemaakte may­ onnaise wat sy vrou, Retha maak, daarop. Asook vars roketblare. Dan die magtige patties, skywe advokado­ peer, Camembert­kaas, tamatie en rooi ui, en om mee af te rond, sout en peper na smaak en ’n knerts balsamiese reduksie. ’n Ware burger gebou deur ’n koning. En na­ tuurlik, om dit mee af te sluk, uniWines se Mean­ der Shiraz/Merlot. Om heel eerlik te wees, een van die lekkerste geregte wat ek in ’n lang tyd geëet het.

Visit Africa’s southernmost winery Make Strandveld Vineyards part of your holiday itinerary and vis­ it Elim for a wine tasting at this historic wine cellar, just a 30 minute drive from Cape Agulhas. First and foremost dedicated to bio­di­ versity and the conservation of its tranquil surroundings, Strandveld Vineyards of­ fers a beautiful setting with birdlife and plants – the perfect escape from life in the city. Here you can also enjoy tasting both the premium Strandveld range and the First Sight­ ing wines, which are all “wines for drink­ ing and enjoying”, says winemaker Conrad Vlok. Nurtured under his watchful eye, the Strandveld vines are shaped by a variety of stony, mineral rich soils and ever present sea winds which give the wines their distinct character and flavour. Over the years, these wines have raked in numerous accolades, including a gold medal for the Strandveld Sauvignon Blanc 2012 at the Concours Mondial Sauvignon Blanc Awards, and five stars in the Platter South African Wine Guide for the Strandveld Adamastor 2009. The First Sighting Sauvignon Blanc 2012 won Veritas Gold this year, echoing the words of highly regarded UK wine



Enjoy a tasting of both the pre­ mium Strandveld range and the First Sighting wines, which are for drinking and enjoying. critic and Master of Wine, Jancis Robin­ son ( “The decid­ edly cool Elim, near Cape Agulhas, is clearly capable of making notably fine Sauvignon Blanc.” During the festive season, the tasting room hours are Mondays to Thursdays 08:00 to 17:00, Fridays 08:00 to 16:00 and Saturdays from 10:00 to 15:00. On 16 and 26 December the hours are 10:00 to 15:00. The tasting room will be closed on Christmas and New Year’s Day.

Te hel met Bell’s – gee daai ou ’n Castle

it was warm. Ek was dors. En ek moes ’n bier hê.’n wyndrinker só baie verskillende wyne op die proef moet stel nie, aangesien die bierdrinker gewoonlik net een Koue een. En nou. Die enigste probleem was dat ek maar ’n skamele handelsmerk nodig het vir totale bevrediging. My persoonlike voorkeur is Castle Lager, en ek sê agt jaar oud was toe ek vir die eerste keer gesmag het na ’n glas van daardie goudkleurige voggies, ge­ dit skaamteloos aangesien daar talle snobs daarbuite skink in ’n lang glas versier met die koue druppels van is wat eerder sal erken hulle dra vroue­onderklere as kondensasie en getop met daardie aanloklike romerige om te erken hulle drink ’n bier gebrou deur die magtige skuimkop wat soos’n fluweel kroon staan en wag om SAB. Dit is ’n droë, skoon bier wat doen net wat mens van ’n bier vra om te doen en dit is om maklik te drink, geslurp te word. Die ouens wat die verbod op drankadvertensies teen­ koud te wees en mens te laat met die verfrissende gevoel staan mag dit nou nie erken nie, maar ’n TV­advertensie dat die wêreld ’n beter plek is. As mens teen SAB rebelleer, dan drink jy Windhoek met ’n glas koue bier laat enige rooibloed­Afrikaner­ minderjarige kreun van verbode plesier. Dis iets wat Lager.’n Goeie bier, maar ietwat voller en ronder as hy net nie kan wag om op die proef te stel wanneer my geliefde Castle. Glad nie sleg nie, maar ek sal my hy die wettige drinkouderdom van 18 bereik nie, maar laaste botteloopmaker op die blok sit dat Windhoek danksy sy goeie opvoeding en die invloed van sy ouers Lager slegs tot sy volste reg kom as hy gedrink word sal hy dit nie durf waag om voor die tyd op die proef in die Namib, langs die see met die reuk van ’n gebraai­ de galjoen of Kalahari­steak in jou neusgate. te stel nie. Natuurlik nie. Trouens, dis die wonderlike ding van bier – hy pas En nee, ek was nie teleurgesteld toe ek uiteindelik my eerste bier vasvat en in die keelgat afwurg nie. As saam met enige kossoort. Anders as wyn, gee ’n bier dit volwassenheid is, dink ek met my eerste bier in die nie ’n bloue duit om vir wit vleis, vis, rooi vleis, kerrie, soet, suur of oorgaar nie – jy kan ’n bier saam met hand, dan hoop ek dit hou verewig. Bier is ’n drankie wat jy enige tyd van die dag kan enige gereg drink en hy sal sy taak van maaltyd­verge­ drink danksy die opgewekte verfrissing daarvan en die seller met eer verrig. Daar is ’n vandag ’n swetterjoel sogenaamde “craft salige gevoel van heilsaamheid wat dit by jou laat. Hier­ die het ek eerstehands ervaar terwyl ek jare gelede beers” op die Suid­Afrikaanse mark. Dis nou biere wat by ’n fabriek in Wene, Oostenryk, gewerk het. Klokslag vertroetel is deur selfaangestelde bier­kunstenaars en om 10:00 die oggend het die wors­wa sy klok buite in klein volumes gemaak word vir die fynproewer. Hulle die fabriek gelui en is ons werkers geroep om ’n wit dra name soos Darling Brew en Goliath en Bone Crusher, maar die naam kalfsvleis wors en ’n yskoue neem al die aandag, Weissbier te kry om die einde van EMILE JOUBERT is ’n genie­ van die produkte is ons eerste 90 minute se arbeid van ter van wyn. As wynbe­ markings­konsultant en maar flouerig en nie die dag te vier. die geraas werd nie. Anders as wyndrinkers, is bier­ ­skrywer kan dit nie an­ ders nie. Maar nou en dan Te hel met Bell’s – gee drinkers ontsaglik lojaal en hulle slaan hy ’n koue bier of daai ou ’n Castle. kan net nie verstaan waarom ’n twee weg met oorgawe.

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