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2 Winederous SA Kaasfees 26–28 April 25 April, 2013

Kaasliefhebbers moenie vergeet van die SA Kaasfees wat hierdie naweek vir die twaalfde keer aangebied word by Sandringham nie. Dié gewilde fees verleen elke jaar aan tien klein kaasmakers die geleentheid om waardevolle blootstelling vir hul besighede en produkte te bekom. Die ontwikkeling en ondersteuning van die land se suiwelbedryf is een van Agri-Expo, die organiseerder, se hoofdoelwitte en die Kaasfees bied jaarliks die geleentheid aan ontluikende boetiekkaasmakers om hule produkte aan 30 000 besoekers bekend te stel. Een van hulle is die nou

reeds bekende Klein River Cheese van Stanford, wat vandag ’n gevestigde en suksesvolle handelsnaam onder verbruikers is. Kaartjies is beskikbaar by Computicket by alle Shoprite, Checkers, Checkers Hyper en House & Home winkels (geen kaartjies by die hekke). Senior burgers betaal R90 en kinders 13 jaar en jonger is gatis. Die hekke is Vrydag oop van 10:00 tot 22:00, Saterdag van 10:00 tot 18:00 en Sondag 10:00 tot 17:00. Glase is teen R15 by die hekke beskikbaar. Vir meer volledige inligting besoek

Diary ­ May each, ranging from live bands and art exhibi­ tions to tractor rides and kiddies’ playgrounds. Tickets are R100 per person which includes entry to three wineries, a free wine glass, a free wine pour and a festival leaflet. For more information and to book tickets online, visit

Friday 3 to Sunday 5 May Riebeek Valley Olive Festival: Voted by the media as one of the three best food festi­ vals in the Western Cape, this popular event takes place in the picturesque Riebeek Valley and celebrates the award winning olive oils and wines from the Swartland region. The largest of its kind in Southern Africa, the festival is hosted by the beautiful twin ham­ lets of Riebeek West and Riebeek Kasteel. Di­ vine olives, wine, cheese, pickles, jams and bread are just some of the ingredients that make this a memorable feast for the whole fam­ ily. Visit the eight participating venues – Mont Abora, Kloovenburg, The Olive Boutique, Rie­ beek Cellars, Het Vlok Kasteel, Pulpit Rock, Allesverloren and the Olive Emporium and en­ joy the fruits of this prime olive growing and wine producing region. A weekend pass includes entrance to all eight venues, a complimentary wine tasting glass, free wine and olive tastings, free enter­ tainment and a free shuttle service. Children under 18 enter free. For further details visit www.riebeekval­ or phone Riebeek Valley Tourism on 022 448 1545. Saturday 4 May Elgin Cool Wine & Country Festival: Fifteen participating wineries in Elgin will open their doors to visitors at this inaugural festival sponsored by Nedbank. Promising a fabulous day of fine wine, hearty food and live enter­ tainment, this is the perfect opportunity to dis­ cover Elgin’s highly acclaimed wineries during a getaway weekend with family and friends. The day is divided into three sessions – morn­ ing, lunch and afternoon – starting at 09:00 and ending at 17:00. Festival­goers will book three winery venues (one winery per session) and enjoy various forms of entertainment at

Sunday 19 May Fall in Chocolat at Simonsig: Get up close and personal with celebrity chef Eric Lan­ lard and head chef Lucas Carstens of Cuvée restaurant at Simonsig Wine Es­ tate from 11:00 to 15:00. Eric, who shot to fame in South Afri­ ca as the host of Baking Mad on DStv’s BBC Lifestyle channel, will team up with Lucas Carstens for a luncheon that will charm any chocoholic. After a chocolate­inspired menu from Lucas, diners can prepare themselves for a dessert fix straight from Eric’s latest book, Chocolat. Diners will also have the opportunity to get their hands on a signed copy of this master patissier’s book. Contact Cuvée on 021 888 4932 or

Sunday 26 May Bottelary Hills Winemakers Lunch: Chase the winter blues away and end your weekend on a blissful high by joining the wine­ makers of the Bottelary Hills ward at 12:30 for a truly unique experience in the historic manor house on Mooiplaas Estate & Private Nature Reserve. In addition to enjoying a magical lunch at a long table – brimming with comfort food pas­ sionately prepared by Dirk Roos of Mooiplaas –, guests will also get to experience the latest cellar gems from Mooiplaas, Kaapzicht, Goede Hoop and Hartenberg in the estate’s atmospheric 1833 Cape Dutch Herenhuis. During the lunch the winemakers will guide the guests through the different wines, explain­ ing the finer details of vinification. The cost of the Bottelary Hills Winemakers Lunch is R250 per person for a wine tasting and four­course lunch inclusive of a glass of wine per course. Pre­bookings are essential as only 40 seats are available. Contact Tamzin Isaacs at 021 886 8275 or send an email to Mooiplaas Estate is situated on the M23 Bot­ telary Road off the R304 to Stellenbosch.

Winederous 25 April, 2013


Die Nuyvallei vier fees! Ervaar die pragtige Nuyvallei in al sy herfs-glorie oor die naweek van 11 – 12 Mei wanneer daar fees gevier word soos net dié vallei kan. Die Nuyvallei is alombekend vir sy bekroonde wyn- en olyfprodukte. Die fees word geborg deur die Worcester Wyn-en-Olyfroete en die deelnemende plase – Leipzig Country House, Nuy Kelder, Willow Creek-olyflandgoed en Conradie Family Vineyards – bied elkeen ’n propvol program aan wat pret en plesier aan die hele gesin sal verskaf. Die feestoegangsgeld is slegs R40 per persoon, ’n wynglas kos R20, en kinders onder 18 is gratis. Besoek die feeswebwerf vir die volledige feesprogram en inligting oor akkommodasie. Vir enige navrae, skakel Anne-Marie by 084 585 5557. ) Skryf in vir die feeskompetisie en wen groot pryse deur hierdie maklike vraag te beantwoord: In watter maand word die Nuyvallei -fees gehou? Epos jou antwoord met jou naam en kontakbesonderhede na

WILLOW CREEK Willow Creek se gewilde bergfietsresies bied ’n roete vir elkeen met ’n fiets – van die “ligte” 10 km tot die uitdagende 60 km. En met meer as R100 000 se pryse op die spel, is dit net nóg ’n groter plesier om deur die olyfboorde en wingerde te ry! Vir dié sonder fietse is daar die Pure Boland-plaasmark, drie wynkelders wat hul wyne te proe aanbied en Willow Creek se bekroonde olywe en olyfolie om te sorg dat almal ’n heerlike dag op die plaas geniet. Saterdag 11 Mei . Computer Mania/Willow Creek MTB resies . Olyfolie en olyfprodukte te proe . Wyne uit die vallei, insluitend De Wet Kelder, te proe en te koop . Pure Boland-plaasmark . Willow Creek Shoppe . Bistro oop vir ontbyt, koffie en koek, kaasborde en middagete . Musiek deur André Combrink . Pluk jou eie olywe om in te lê . Olyfpit-spoegkompetisie . Kinderaktiwiteite . Olyfolie aanbieding deur Louise Rabie. Sondag 12 Mei 2013 . SAMA-wenner STERLING EQ lewer ’n skemervertoning om 18:00. Kaartjies beloop R120 pp. Bespreek by Willow Creek 082 096 3789 of e-pos

CONRADIE FAMILY VINEYARDS NUY KELDER Smaaklike kos, kwaliteit wyne en die vrolike klanke van Romanz is genoeg om enigiemand in ’n feestelike luim te kry. Vir oud en jonk is daar iets om te eet, te drink, en te bewonder. Saterdag 11 Mei . Op die spyskaart: Roosterkoek, sosaties, potjiekos, afval, burgers, biltong/droëwors, cuisine pizzas, kaasborde. . Te drinke: Nuy Kelder se wyne te proe en koop teen kelder pryse; Olof Bergh Brandewyn. . Vir die kinders: Rodeo-bul, springkasteel, waterwurm, spookasem, gesigverf en nog vele meer. . Musiek: Forest sorg vir musiek deur die dag en Romanz se vertoning begin Saterdagaand om 19:00. Kaartjies is R120 pp. Skakel 023 347 02721 vir navrae of stuur ’n epos aan

Kom verlustig jou aan die asemrowende natuurskoon van die Nuyvallei wat in die herfstyd op sy heel mooiste is. Ontspan op die grasperk onder die koeltebome langs die rivier en geniet hierdie moedersdagnaweek by Conradie Family Vineyards saam met die hele gesin. Saterdag 11 Mei . Op die spyskaart: Vingerlek-lekker tradisionele disse soos bobotie en hoenderpastei, asook hamburgers en aartappelskyfies, sushi, koffie en verskeie kindermaaltye. . Te drink: Bodemlose wyn vir slegs R50. Kroeg beskikbaar. . Aktiwiteite: Muurklim, putt-putt, 4-wiel motorfiets en ander ritte, wandelroetes deur die wingerde, musiekoptrede deur Small Room Sunday en groot skerm TV. . Kampering: Beskikbaar teen R80 per persoon per nag. Vir besprekings, skakel 023 342 7025.

LEIPZIG COUNTRY HOUSE Kom draf saam met ons en geniet die Nuyvallei se natuurskoon. Die wedloop begin om 07:30 vir sowel die 5 km en 10 km. Om 08:00 word ’n voëlkyk-uitstappie aangebied. Vir die kunsliefhebber is daar fresco-kuns in historiese geboue om te bewonder. Kom besoek ons gerus, hier is beslis iets wat jou aandag gaan trek. Saterdag 11 Mei . Aktiwiteite: Die 5 km en 19 km pretdraf begin om 07:30. . Kosdemonstrasie: Aangebied deur die Gourmet Princess Ilse Fourie om 10:30 en 12:30. Toegang is gratis. . Musiek: Optrede deur Classics to Cabernet (C2C) van 11:00 tot 15:00. . Te drinke: Wyn en Birkenhead bier. . Op die spyskaart: Tradisionele Duitse kos met Suid-Afrikaanse smake, soos Gammon Brötchen (vars broodrolletjies volgeprop met ham, soet mosterd en slaai), Flammkuchen (papierdun platbrode met roomkaas, uie, knoffel en parmesankaas), soet botterskorsie-en-lemoensop met ’n skop (bevat kaneel en kerrie en word bedien met vars plaasbrood), goudbruin hoender schnitzelvingers met soetrissie mayonnaise en aartappelskyfies, Suid-Afrikaanse bratwurst-rolletjie (bedien met soet mosterd en sauerkraut), en Belgiese wafels met heuning, stroop of sjokoladesous (die perfekte nagereg!). Sondag 12 Mei 2013 . Moedersdagete: Om 12:00 – bring die moeder in jou lewe om te kom ontspan en geniet ’n heerlike middag in die hartjie van die Nuyvallei.


Winederous 25 April, 2013

Indulge your senses at Hermanus FynArts Award-winning wines paired with fine cuisine and blended with music, painting, sculpture, ceramics and books to create a unique celebration of South African arts – that’s what Hermanus FynArts is all about. As a fusion of an arts festival and a winter school, this unique event is set to become an annual highlight on the region’s arts calender and is one of the best reasons to visit Hermanus from 7 to 16 June. During the ten-day celebration this popular coastal town which boasts some of the best whale watching in the world, will come alive with special art exhibitions, musical recitals, soirees and high teas, as well as a host of interactive workshops, informative talks, panel discussions and demonstrations. The action will take place at various venues in town, at the Hemel-en-Aarde Village and along the Hermanus R320 Wine Route. A hop-on/hop-off shuttle service operating daily between 10:00 and 16:30 will make it easy for visitors to explore the Hermanus Wine Route for the whole day. Let someone else do the driving while you relax in comfort and are driven right up to the various venues where you can partake in an assortment of activities, exhibitions and free tastings. Busses will stop at each of the eight wine farms every 30–45 minutes throughout the day. Some of the events that will appeal to food and wine lovers include: ) Daily at the Wine Village A virtual tour of SA wines every hour on the hour – presented by Paul du Toit, owner of this exceptional wine shop situated in the Hemel-en-Aarde Village. Browse the Wine Village’s elegant display of 1 600 different la-

bels representing 600 of South Africa’s foremost wine producers and learn about new cultivars, styles and innovations. The cost is R30 p/p and includes a selection of eight premium SA wines for tasting. An introduction to Cape cuisine and adventurous SA wines – presented by Paul du Toit daily between Monday 10 June and Friday 14 June at 12 noon and 18:00. An intimate three-course wine and food tasting experience. Each weekday a different menu featuring a light taster meal will be paired with six carefully chosen wines. The cost is R80 p/p. ) Daily at Creation Wines Canapé & wine pairing between 10:00 and 15:00 – Discover the subtle secrets of flavour and texture and how the inherent qualities of food and wine can combine to create the ultimate taste sensation. Nine exquisite canapés, each specially prepared by Creation’s talented chef to match a specific wine. Create your own blend at 14:30 – Following a personalised cellar tour and barrel tasting, there will be an introduction to the fine art of wine blending with the emphasis on different styles such as a typical Bordeaux, Cape or Rhône blend. This experience culminates in the challenge of creating your own, individual blend. ) Saturday 8 June Chefs’ Showcase at The Class Room, Hemel-en-Aarde Village at 18:30 for 19:00 – Tickets to this event have been sold out so make sure you book timeously! ) Saturday 15 June Allan Mullins talks abut the growth of Méthode Cap Classique in South Africa at The Marine at 15:00 – The talk will be accompanied by canapés created by The Marine’s top chefs, paired with six premium South African MCCs.

) The stories behind the names of wines at the Overstrand ouditorium at 11:30 – presented by Gerrie Heyneke of Hermanuspietersfontein and Piet Dreyer of Raka Wines, two entertainers par excellence, who will regale their audience with the stories behind the names of these two prominent wine producers’ wine labels. And this is just a fraction of the fine events offered by Hermanus FynArts! Advance booking is essential so go to the website for the full programme of all the literary, musical, gastronomic and visual arts events, workshops and courses. Make sure you don’t miss out and book those tickets!

Paul du Toit from the Wine Village will offer daily tastings, food & wine pairings and vir­ tual tours.

Join winemaker JC Martin (second from the right) from Creation Wines for a cellar tour, crea­ te your own blend or indulge in their popular food & wine pairing. PHOTOS: HEDDA MITTNER

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