Paarl Post 10 November 2011

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Voorheen die Afrikaanse Patriot

Kersfonds kry hupstoot

Volume 106

Donderdag 10 November 2011

Tel: 021-870-4600

SMS 32363

R5,30 (incl)

Eksamenstres River breathes Jan­Louw is ons 2 vang ouers ook 4 again 9 sportster 52

Seun byna sy lewe kwyt Devidean Moses ’n VIERJARIGE seuntjie, Larkhan Arendse van Amstelhof, het Maandagmid-

GEVAARLIK. Larkhan Arendse (4) het ernstige beserings vrygespring toe hy per ongeluk dwarsdeur hierdie toonvenster in Lady Greystraat gehardloop het. Die grootste glasskerwe het sy kop en nek net-net gemis. By hom is sy ma, Lucinda. Foto’s: Devidean Moses & Lise Beyers

dag ’n noue ontkoming gehad toe hy deur die vertoonvenster van ’n skoenwinkel in Lady Greystraat in die Paarlse

middedorp geval het. Lucinda Arendse en haar vriendin het besluit om hul seuntjies na die Paarlse middedorp te neem vir ’n inkopie-uitstappie. Toe ontaard die uitstappie in ’n nagmerrie. Die twee vroue het besluit om eers na die skoene in die winkel Shoe Lettes te kyk. So het die twee vriendinne aan die gesels geraak terwyl die seuntjies in die winkel gespeel het. “Larkhan het om my gespeel terwyl ek na die skoene gekyk en met my vriendin gepraat het. Toe ek weer sien, lê my seuntjie buite die vertoonvenster. Alles het so gou gebeur,” sê die geskokte Lucinda. Die seuntjie het ’n blou kol en skrape op sy voorkop gehad, sy neus het gebloei en daar was klein snye op sy been en arm waar die glasstukke hom getref het. “Hy is gelukkig so vinnig deur die glas dat die skerpste stukke agter hom be-

land het. “Ons het dadelik na die kliniek op Patriotplein gehaas om hulp te kry,” vertel sy. Met die aankoms by die kliniek is die Arendses sommer flink gehelp en Larkhan se ligte snywonde verbind. Volgens ooggetuies is hierdie blykbaar die tweede geval wat ’n kliënt dit oorkom by dié winkel. Die toonvenster is volgens hulle nie sterk genoeg nie. Die Nasionale Bouregulasies en die Wet op Boustandaarde bepaal dat die vensterglas ’n mate van beskerming moet bied aan mense wat daarteen stamp. Toonvensters van meer as een vierkante meter moet van veiligheidsglas wees.’n Plaaslike sakeman met eiendom in die gebied het opgemerk dat bitter min, indien enige, plaaslike winkels aan hierdie standaarde voldoen. Die ruit is dieselfde dag vervang, maar Shoe Lettes se bestuurder wou geen kommentaar lewer oor die voorval of die dikte van die glas wat geïnstalleer is nie..

News · Nuus

2 . Paarl Post

Hoorsê | Hearsay ) Baie mense sê die Paarlse middedorp kort ’n waterfront-ontwikkeling. Daar is duidelik ’n paar plaaslike haweloses wat saamstem - daarom kamp hulle so graag onder die brûe oor die rivier. ) Six more weeks to Christmas and already Christmas decorations and paraphernalia are everywhere. And the thought of this is robbing the man on the street of his sanity, just thinking how his December salary is going to literally disappear in front of his eyes.

Mild weather THE weather seems to be giving us a bumpy ride at the moment, with one day hot and the next few almost like winter again. Today is partly cloudy and cool at 17°C, while tomorrow is sunny at 20°C. Saturday is expected to be a sunny 18°C and Sunday brings a chance of drizzle. Monday however warms drastically to 28°C, before Tuesday cools to 18°C.

Index Youth............p12 Arts...............p19 Lifestyle.........p17 Motoring........p20 Wellington.....p10 Business.......p21 TV Program...p16

Plakstuk DIE laaste plakstuk in die huidige Plak-vir-jou-Sakkompetisie, waarin ’n leser R1 700 kan wen, verskyn vandag op bl 50. Die kompetisie sluit op Vrydag 18 November om 16:00.

Paarl Post

PO Box 409, Paarl, 7620. Tel: 021 870 4600 1A New Street, Paarl Fax: 086 297 4465, Paarl Post is printed by Paarl Coldset, Lynx Road, Paarden Island

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Thursday 10 November 2011

Klassieke Kersfees, ’n eerste in Paarlse Amfiteater DIE grootste Kersliedere-skouspel in die Wynland vind op 11 Desember om 17:30 in die Paarlberg-amfiteater plaas met die Kaapstadse Filharmoniese Orkes, sanger Rina Hugo, Jannie Moolman en Kevin Leo, asook ’n massakoor bestaande uit inwoners van Drakenstein. Van elke kaartjie wat verkoop word, word R10 geskenk aan die Paarl Post Kersfonds. Maatskappye word uitgedaag om hul personeel en kliënte te trakteer op kaartjies en ’n lekker saamkuier by hierdie besondere geleentheid - ten bate van welsynsorganisasies in die Paarlvallei. Daar is plek vir altesame 4000 mense in die amfiteater. Van die wêreld se mooiste Kersliedere asook samesang deur konsertgangers sal bydra tot die atmosfeer in die pragtige amfiteater.

Rina Hugo

Jannie Moolman

Dit is die eerste keer wat die volle simfonie-orkes in die Paarl sal optree. Die dirigent vir die Kersskouspel is Graham Scott, wat bekend is vir sy werk as dirigent vir die

afgelope paar jaar by Skouspel in Sun City. Dit is die grootste Kersproduksie in die Wes-Kaap en daar word beoog om dit ’n jaarlikse instelling te maak. Kaartjies is teen spesiale lae pryse van tussen R80 en R120 beskikbaar sodat families saam die Kerskonsert kan beleef. Daar is meer as 3 000 veilige parkeerplekke aangebring by die Amfiteater en streng sekuriteit sal teenwoordig wees. Die hekke open reeds om 15:00 en die nuwe grasterras en verskeie kos- en wynstalletjies sal aan konsertgangers ’n heerlike geleentheid bied om saam te kuier voor die vertoning begin om 17:30. Bespreek nou om jou sitplek te verseker - dit is die laaste konsert wat vanjaar in die amfiteater aangebied word. Kontak 021 872 9754 of bespreek aanlyn by

Kersfonds kry lekker hupstoot DIE Paarl Post gooi vanjaar met Kerstyd weer sy gewig agter die Wes-Kaapse Gemeenskapskas, wat meer as 30 verdienstelike plaaslike organisasies steun. Die fonds is vroeër vanjaar gesteun deur ’n skenking van R1174,45 wat ingesamel is tydens die Kerskonsert van die VGK Wellington en VGK Vanwyksvlei. Saammet’n skenking van Huguenot Investments van R10 000 staan die insameling vir 2011 nou op R11 174,45 maar dit is nog ver van die mikpunt van R35000 voor Kersfees. Die Paarl Post Kersfonds versoek sy lesers om bydraes te stuur tot voordeel van welsynsorganisasies in die Paarl Post se lesersgebied. Plaaslike skole en ondernemings word ook genooi om ’n verskil te maak in die lewens van behoeftiges in ons omgewing. Foto’s van skenkers word gepubliseer. Alle bydraes word in ’n afsonderlike bankrekening inbetaal en deur die Gemeenskapskas teruggeploeg in die Paarlvallei. U bydrae is dus veilig en bereik slegs vertrouenswaardige instansies. Slegs formele organisasies wat geouditeerde state indien van hul uitgawes, word deur die Gemeenskapskas gehelp met

fondse. Die organisasies wat sal baat byuskenkingisdieACVV(Paarl, Paarlvallei, Wellington en Franschhoek), Rusoord-ouetehuis, Oase-dienssentrum vir senior burgers, Badisa (Paarl, Wellington en Saron), Kindersorg (Paarl en Wellington), die Drakenstein Sentrum vir gestremdes, Carecraft (werkswinkel vir epileptici op Wellington), Abbeyfield-tehuis vir bejaardes op Wellington, Andrew Murraykinderhuis, Haven nagskuiling, Amado-perdryterapiesentrum en Good Hope sielkundige dienste. Plaaslike kleuterskole en nasorgsentrums wat fondse ontvang is Wielie-Walie, Trompie, Little Stars, Little Flower, Rise & Shine, Amstelhof nasorg, Sinethemba, Mamzama, Lingelihle, Ncebekazi (gestremde kinders) en Siyakhula. Diensorganisasies soos Sanca, Cansa, Santa, Outisme WesKaap, Dementia SA en Hospice word ook gesteun deur die Gemeenskapskas. Skenkings word in die Community Chest/Paarl Post-rekening (62152029007byFNB,tak 261150) gedeponeer. Faks die depositostrokie na die Paarl Post by 086 270 3693. Vir navrae, skakel 021 870 4602.

Paarl Post

rsfonds e K

BOTSING. Vier voertuie was Donderdagoggend in ’n botsing betrokke in die Paarl Hoofstraat by Courtrai. Volgens ’n polisieverslag het ’n motor vanaf die N1 voor ’n aankomende motor ingery. Die een voertuig is tot op sy sy gestamp. Twee ander motors het geringe skade opgedoen op die ongelukstoneel. Niemand is ernstig beseer nie. Foto: Lise Beyers

Misdadigers vasgevat DIE Paarl-Oos polisie het die afgelope week toegeslaan op dwelmsmouse en onwettige drankhandelaars. Twee onwettige sjebeens is gesluit in Fairyland. Hier is byna 600 liter drank gekonfiskeer. Die polisie het inligting ontvang vanaf ’n lid van die publiek oor dagga wat verkwansel word in Beukesstraat. Hulle het ondersoek ingestel en Henry Davis van Bougainvillea-woonstelle aangekeer. In sy besit was sewe pakkies dagga ter waarde van R45 elk. Oscar Hanekom is in hegtenis geneem met elf sakkies dagga ter waarde van R330. Enrico Macay is in hegtenis geneem met 1,4 kg dagga en

Benjamin Black is in Irisstraat vasgetrek met 20 pakkies dagga en drie blokke geperste dagga (hashish). Verder is verskeie persone ook vasgetrek met gesteelde goedere, onder andere Marthino Plaatjies wat met ’n splinternuwe Kenwood motor-hoëtroustel betrap is, asook Pioneer luidsprekers, ’n blou flits, ’n Motorola selfoon en drie stelle motorsleutels. Polisiewoordvoerder adj Anthony Sauls het die publiek bedank vir al die inligting wat gelei het tot die inhegtenisname van hierdie verdagtes. Hy vra dat die publiek hom skakel met enige misdaadverwante inligting by 082 469 1509.

Festival PaarlPostInfo12 x 2 FC ads 5 nov

BOOKINGS for stalls at the Drakenstein Festival of Lights have opened. To book your stall, contact Silver Solutions at 3 Swartvlei Street in Paarl, on 021 870 1758 or 071 418 7218.

Nuus · News

Donderdag 10 November 2011

Paarl Post



Uitstalling vir klein besighede kom DIE Paarl Sakekamer nooi alle klein en medium besighede om deel te neem aan ’n uitstalling by Rhebokskloof om hul besighede te bemark en om te netwerk. Die uitstalling vind plaas op Woensdag 23

LEO. A two-months old lion cub found living on the 14th floor balcony of a Beirut apartment block in Lebanon, was given a new lease of life when it arrived safe and sound at the Drakenstein Lion Sanctuary near Paarl on Sunday. Paul Hart, owner of the Drakenstein Lion Sanctuary, says Lebanon has no laws governing the keeping of wild animals as pets and Little Leo, as the newcomer was named, is one of the lucky ones. Hart says without the hard work of Animals Lebanon and the generosity of Elizabeth Elstob, the Marchig Animal Welfare Trust, DHL Express and Emirates Airlines, his rescue would not have been possible.

Robbery fear returns Lise Beyers

with African accents. Three years ago Paarl was unFEAR is brewing in Paarl South der a reign of terror, when various after another home-owner in a burglaries and robberies took luxury estate was attacked. place in houses on the slopes of This is the fourth such attack Paarl Mountain. in the past month and the third One of these robberies was the at the same estate. much publicised robbery at the The latest incident took place home of Rinus van der Sluys, again at La Bella Vita estate at during which his son was Santé. Here four men gained enstabbed various times and his trance to a home shortly after wife was also injured. midnight on Sunday while the Shortly after this incident, owners were asleep. three men, all Namibian resiThe home-owner woke up and Paul Adriano dents, were arrested. became suspicious when he saw But these men were recently a light on inside the house. released, due to what is described as, testiHeinvestigatedandcameacrosshiscredit mony between the complainants and witcards, which had been removed from his nesses being confused and wrong suspects wallet. When he moved onto his patio, he being identified. found one of the suspects rummaging One of these suspects, Paul Adriano, is through his wife’s handbag. apparently a key leader in the planning and He shouted and the men started to flee, execution of house robberies and home inbut then returned and ordered him to the vasions in the greater Cape Town area. He bedroom. Here they removed his wife’s rings comes from Ovamboland in Namibia. from her fingers, as well as his wedding ring. Due to his release, it is suspected that he They then fled with valuables such as an may now be involved in orchestrating the latiPod, laptop and cellphones. est robberies at luxury estates. According to a police spokesperson, Const The public is asked to be on the look-out Naima Vaughan, the men were dressed in for Adriano and to contact Paarl police if he black, and the victims said that they spoke is seen.

Onmin oor vervalste nommerplaat op motor Lise Beyers

en dat die verkeersowerhede die eienaar van my ou motor sal opspoor en hom dwing om NADAT ’n Paarliet meer as ’n jaar gelede sy die registrasienommer te verander.” motor verkoop het, ry die nuwe eienaar hierMaar toé nie. Want kort hierna het hy in van steeds rond met onregmatige nommerdie Bergrivier Boulevard gery en daar kom plate. sy ou groen motor verby gery, steeds met dieIn April 2010 het die motoreienaar, wat geselfde registrasienommer op. vrahetdatsynaamniebekendgemaakword “Die bestuurder daarvan was geklee in die nie, sy groen Fiat Palio na die VW motorhanuniform van die gevangenisdiens.” delaar in Jan van Riebeeckrylaan geneem Weer is daar talle oproepe aan die verom dit in te ruil vir ’n ander Fiat. keersafdeling gemaak, maar die klaer is van Hy het aangedui bakboord na stuurdat hy sy ou registraboord gestuur. En die afgelope woorde) sienommer wil behou SMS your views (Max. 20 words) en het self die nom- SMS costs R1 Sondag het hy weer sy merplate van sy ou ou motor gesien in die motor verwyder. Paarl middedorp en daar is steeds geen verSo is hy daar weg, die trotse eienaar van andering aangebring aan die registrasie’n nuwe voertuig. nommer nie. Maar in Maart vanjaar beland ’n spoed“Ek wou die bestuurder van die motor boete in sy posbus en die foto hierop is nie hieroor konfronteer, maar daar was mans in dié van sy nuwe motor nie, maar van sy ou die motor wat gesit het met glase drank in motor. En die registrasienommer is nie verhul hand. Ek wou dus nie ’n onaangename ander nie. insident veroorsaak nie.” “Oënskynlik moes die motorhandelaar Die verkeershoof van die Daljosafat-toetsnuwe nommerplate laat maak het, maar sentrum, Corrie Cornelissen, het bevestig hulle het blykbaar verward geraak met my dat hy kennis dra van dié aangeleentheid en nommer.” dit ondersoek. Na verskeie oproepe en besoeke aan die “Ons is in die proses om die eienaar van verkeersowerhede, het hy hulle oortuig dat die Fiat Palio in die hande te kry en hom te hy nie meer die eienaar van die motor is wat waarsku om sy nommerplaat te verander. As die spoedoortreding begaan het nie. hy versuim om dit te doen, sal hy beboet “Ek het gedink dat die saak afgehandel is word.”




teen ’n borgskap van R1 000 per stalletjie. Die spreker by dié geleentheid is Stanford Payne. Die vure gaan ook hoog brand met lekker pap, sous en vleis. Bespreek jou uitstalruimte by Francis by 078 0288 689.

4 . Paarl Post

News · Nuus

GLO. Sophia Albanie glo haar kleindogter gaan haar beste lewer. Foto’s: Devidean Moses

Thursday 10 November 2011

TROTS. Francis Brander is trots op haar seun Riaan wat hard leer.

MAKLIK. Nico Momsen ondersteun sy dogter om haar droom te bereik.

HOOP. Alice Abelse hoop dat die eksamen goed sal afloop vir haar dogter.

VERTROUE. Lize Nortier plaas al haar vertroue in haar seun om suksesvol te wees.

Ouers skryf ook matriekeksamen! Devidean Moses

BESTE VRIEND. Skud op en skryf in vir die Paarl Post Troeteldierkompetisie. Skryf jou beste vriend in hiervoor en staan in lyn om groot pryse te wen (sien bl 18). Hier lê Frikkie die kat en Jackie die Jack Russell snoesig saam, net reg om in te skryf. Die inskrywings sluit om 14:00 op 14 November. Daarna kan lesers per SMS stem vir hul gunstellinge onder die finaliste.

“Ek is net so bly dat die matriekafskeid klaar is en dat dit so suksesvol afgeloop het.” Ouma Sophia weet dat haar kleindogter haar eksamen sal slaag omdat sy altyd hard werk. Nog ’n ouer van Labori Hoër, Francis Brander, vertel dat haar seun Riaan nagte spandeer met sy boeke. “Hy is die jongste en die laaste wat matriek sal skryf en ek weet hy gaan sy beste doen om van hierdie eksamen ’n sukses te maak,” sê sy. Alice Albelse sê haar dogter Alicia

VIRbaieouersindiePaarlisdithul eerste ondervinding van ’n kind wat matriekeksamen skryf. Só skryf die ouers eintlik saam eksamen, weens al die bekommernis en stres wat hulle moet deurmaak. So vertel ’n ouer dat die eksamen haar spanningskoors gee as sy elke keer na haar horlosie kyk en sien hoe die ure verbyvlieg. Maar tog pamperlang sy haar kind met koffie en allerhande eetgoedjies. “Jy dink definitief nie net aan jou eie kind nie, maar is ook baie bekommerd oor hul mede-matrieks wat SMS jou mening (Maks. 20 woorde) saam met jou seun of dogter dit moet SMS kos R1 deurmaak.” Annalize de Klerk meen dat haar van Charleston Hill Sekondêr, leer seun Ivan (hoofseun van Labori Hoerskool) tot dusver lekker geskryf bedags en snags om ’n sukses van haar eksamen te maak. het: “Hy doen altyd sy beste en leer “Ek sorg maar dat ek altyd gereed hard. Soms is ek baie senuweeagtig is om vir haar koffie en beskuit aan omdat hy die eksamen so rustig en te dra en hoop sy gaan net haar beste kalm hanteer. Maar my seun weet lewer,” sê sy. dat ek volle vertroue in hom het.” Alice sê sy sal liewer vir die uitslae Sophia Albanie, ouma van Alexia Labuschagne van Hoër Meisieskool wag voordat sy haar dogter met ’n partytjie gaan beloon. Paarl, sê sy vertrou net op die SkepSMS your views (Max.Momsen 20 words) is trots op sy dogter Nico per en plaas geen druk op haar kleinSMSte costs R1 Jean-Louise, leerder van Gimnasidogter nie, maar ondersteun haar um Hoërskool, sy eerste kind wat die alle tye met die eksamen.





matriekeksamen aflê. “Ek dink omdat ek al meer as 20 jaar klasgee aan matrikulante is ek al gewoond aan die eksamens. Ek hanteer my dogter maklik en sy hanteer die eksamen met grasie,” meen hy. “Wanneer sy afskakel dan facebook sy of doen selfoon-kommunikasie.” Die Momsens bederf hul dogter behoorlik met southappies en dra gereeld rooibostee aan sodat sy kan ontspan. Hierdie matrikulant se droom is om ’n A-simbool tydens die eksamen te behaal en haar ouers ondersteun haar ten volle deur geen druk op haar te plaas nie. Nog ’n ouer, Lize Nortier, sorg dat haar seun Jaco (ook ’n leerder aan Gimnasium Hoërskool) in ’n rustige atmosfeer tuis studeer. “Ons kla glad nie oor sy kamer wat vol notas lê nie,” lag sy. “Hy is baie gedissiplineerd en ons hoef nie heeltyd op te volg of hy leer nie. “Hy berei homself voor as ’n student vir 2012 en is baie kalm en rustig. Ons bederf hom wel die heeltyd met lekkernye en beskuit en hy weet dat hy vir ons spesiaal is.” Wenk vir alle matrikulante: Sorg dat jy alles by jou het wat jy nodig het.

Wellington traffic officer caught red-handed A LOCAL traffic officer has been arrested and charged with corruption after he was caught red-handed selling drivers’ licences for cash. This follows a sting operation in Wellington last week by officials from the Hawks’s special investigation unit after information was received about a crooked traffic officer. The Hawks planted a learner driver to be tested by Wellington traffic officer, Silwin Isaacs (49).

According to sources, money changed hands and the learner passed his driving test without completing the necessary formalities. When Isaacs returned to the Wellington licensing office with the learner driver, he issued the man with a driver’s licence. Hawks detectives then entered the premises and searched the traffic official in his office. They found marked banknotes to

the value of R1 000 in his possession which were used in the sting operation. Isaacs was arrested on a charge of corruption and detained at the local police station. He appeared in the Wellington Magistrate’s Court on Thursday and was granted bail. The allegations of corruption against Isaacs will be also internally investigated by the Drakenstein Municipality.

Man skiet op polisie KLAPMUTS polisiebeamptes het Maandagaand ’n noue ontkoming gehad toe verskeie skote op hulle gevuur is. Polisiebeamptes is deur ’n lid van die publiek in kennis gestel dat ’n man in Ruby Nelstraat ’n vuurwapen ontbloot het en op mense gerig het. Met hul aankoms op die toneel is die verdagte aan hulle uitgewys en toe hulle hom genader het, het hy op hulle begin skiet. Die beamptes het vinnig skuiling gesoek en is ongedeerd. Versterkings is ingeroep en met die hulp van die honde-eenheid is die verdagte uitgesnuffel. Hy verskyn vanoggend (Donderdag) in die Stellenbosch Landdroshof op aanklag van poging tot moord.

Man dies on road ANOTHER pedestrian died while crossing Jan van Riebeeck Drive at Mbekweni. The 71-year-old Sergeant Njozana crossed the road approximately 1 km from the traffic lights leading to Mbekweni. According to eyewitnesses the elderly man misjudged the speed of a vehicle travelling from Wellington in the direction of Paarl, when he was hit. Njozana died on the scene. Numerous accidents take place on this stretch of road. Traffic authorities are now looking at various ways of combating this, including the possibility of lowering the speed limit from 100 km per hour to 80 km per hour.

Donderdag 10 November 2011

Nuus · News

Paarl Post



Nes langs Bergrivier skoongemaak Lise Beyers ’n NES van onheil is oopgevlek langs die oewers van die Bergrivier toe munisipale wetstoepassers verlede Donderdag hiér toegesak het. Vullis, gesteelde goedere en allerlei huishoudelike effekte is hiér gevind en ten minste een informele struktuur is ook tussen bome gevind. Hierdie operasie, waarby lede van die Paarl polisie betrek is, is deel van die Munisipaliteit se wetstoepassingsinisiatief, om wet en orde in dié gebied te bewerkstellig. Die polisie het al ’n geruime tyd lank talle probleme met hierdie oewerbewoners. Voetgangers wat gebruikmaakvandieLadyGreystraatbrug word dikwels beroof, dwelms wordverkwanselengesteeldekoper-

VULLIS. ’n Reuse vullishoop is die afval van die oewerbewoners onder die Lady Greystraat-brug.

kabels word onherkenbaar gemaak. tuisgaan, maar hulle verkies om ’n Moorde en verkragtings het ook al wettelose, losbandige en misdadige hier plaasgevind. lewe te voer.” Daar word geskat dat tussen 30 en * Squatters along the bank of the Berg 40 mense op die oewers van die rivier River in the Paarl CBD were removed on woon in die omgewing van die Paarl- Thursday. BESITTINGS. Munisipale werkers dra besittings van die oewerbewoners se middedorp. van die Bergrivier hiér weg. Foto’s: Lise Beyers “Dis ’n behoorlike hool,” vertel een wetstoepasser. “Ons moet mooi kyk waar ons trap en die stank van vullis is op party plekke so erg dat ’n mens nie kan asemhaal nie.” ’n Massiewe hoop vullis pronk skuins onder die brug en hierdie vullis vind sy weg tot in die rivier se water. “Nou sal die drank- en dwelmmisbruik en die bemorsing van die rivierwalle en die water iets van die verlede wees,” vertel ’n ander betrokkene,“maarditisnettydelik.” “As die Munisipaliteit nie NAGSKUILING. Lede van Paarl polisie probeer hier oewerbewoners oorgereeld sulke operasies uit- tuig om na die Paarl Nagskuiling te gaan. Foto’s: Lise Beyers voer nie, sal hulle net terug wees. ’n Ander probleem is dat die brug ’n perfekte skuiling is vir hierdie bewoners. Dit is ryk aan uitheemse bome en hulle verdwyn letterlik soos mis voor die son die bosse in. “Hierdie oewer moet van die bome en bosse skoongemaak word, dan sal hulle nie wegkruipplek hê nie.” Die plakkers is die keuse gegee om nagskuiling toe te gaan, maar die wetstoepassers het reeds geweet wat die MAAK SKOON. Munisipale wetstoepassers stap hiér langs die oewer antwoord hierop sou wees. “Baie van hulle het families van die Bergrivier naby die Paarl-middedorp op saak na ongewenste perin Paarl-Oos waar hulle kan sone wat in die bosse woon.

Opinion · Menings

6 . Paarl Post

Thursday 10 November 2011

Paarl Post

Rot along the river

THE appalling conditions along the Berg River in central Paarl must be taken seriously. Last week municipal law enforcers scoured these banks in a cleanup operation, confiscating a trailer load of goods and sending at least 30 people who have made these banks their home, packing. And immediately one wonders where these poor people must be accommodated. But those in the know are not too sympathetic. According to those whohave regularly been working with them,theyprefer to live an unfettered existence, a law unto themselves. It is also clear that this area is a breeding ground for crime. Remnants of scrap metal theft are visible and people have been mugged on the Lady Grey Street bridge which passes over the area. This problem will not simply go away with one fell swoop of law enforcement by local officials. The banks of the river will have to be continuously patrolled to rid our river of this menace to prevent further deterioration and degradation of the area. If this problem is not taken seriously, this community will, in time increase, taking Paarl’s CBD down with them.

Bring me my bow of POST burning gold Box Bus EVER felt that you owe the world “summat” because you were driven by “greed”, benefited from “apart hate” or kept a more deserving soul out of what was seemingly a backwater job? Some of us now in our eighties, it seems, must “please explain”, even if our first job only earned us nine pounds (R18) a month and better days always seemed just beyond our reach. “Robin Hood tax”, “sin tax” or global reparations tax – even Bill Gates has now joined the chorus of the dissatisfied who would like to see justice done for the underprivileged, disadvantaged or just plain needy (newly greedy). Trouble is, it just aint going to work. The reason: Ask Charles Darwin who built his theory of evolution on survival of the fittest – Na­ ture red in tooth and claw with no mercy for those who cannot meet or match the grade - not even with Government grants. Would those angry unemployed youngsters marching to the Union Buildings, pitching designer tents outside St Paul’s, occupying Wall Street or wrecking society all over the Middle East in their search for a kinder dispensation, ever believe what it looked like when we were young? Or how we only survived mercifully by God’s good grace? The job market did not look any better after World War 2. First came the Great Depression, then a war to end all wars, followed by the demobilisation of millions of servicemen into economies shattered by six years of horrific carnage and destruction. Many young servicemen never even survived their first blush of youth, dying grotesquely for a world peace that never really came. Some lucky survivors landed jobs immediately. Others just had to pick up the pieces and hope for better days. A few studied or fashioned their own future. Tax the rich, they say! Years of thrift, dedicated hard


Soul Food

work, personal sacrifice, delayed gratification and perseverance secured some a comfortable old age pension. Posbus | by PO their Box 409 A very few, own ingenuPaarl 7620able to produce ity and skill, were or value and meet what the market demanded. Today, like Whitey Basson, they are criticised for being “greedy” and, by their own ingenuity, earning huge profits. No one seems to ask how many jobs they created or maintained or how much they constantly pour back into the community. And what about the aged surviving on ever-eroding hardearned nest eggs? Now, you and I, and every decent clear-thinking huREG man being will have WEISS concern for the unemployed, the unhoused and the hungry that fall through the social security nets. More especially, we are concerned about the unemployed youth, who seem to have captured Julius Malema’s attention. Some of these youngsters are proud bearers of university degrees or technical diplomas and are disillusioned with “democracy”, “capitalism”, “bankers”, the rich but, especially, “the greedy”. But, could burocrats ever match good capitalists at honing up efficiency and eliminating waste? Do those anti-capitalists who inflame hate and rage in youngsters so long on self-confidence and arrogance and so short on skill, ever ask themselves why class envy became such a self-destructive indulgence in failed economies? Should they not rather be asking our universities to turn out more employable and productive graduates, able to give their prospective bosses more of what they can profitably sell? An expanding market lifts all boats and leads to better salaries, more jobs. But, like Bill Gates, even teenagers can begin their own tidal wave, with or without a “Robin Hood Tax”.



A Merry heart doeth good like medicine. Proverbs 17:22

Skorsing van top amptenare pla EK vind dit vreemd dat top amptenare van Drakenstein Munisipaliteit nou geskors is. Drakenstein is as een van die top tien munisipaliteite in die land aangewys wat die een toekenning na die ander gekry het vir puik dienslewering onder beheer van Posbus | PO Box 409 die ANC-raad. Paarl jaar 7620 na mekaar het die Drie Ouditeur-Generaal ’n ongekwalifiseerde ouditverslag aan die Raad gelewer. Weens sy prestasie word die direkteur van finanises, Cavin Petersen, nou geskors. Dit lyk vir my asof die DA-raad nou sy hou inkry op die amptenare nadat die DA ’n Hooggeregshof-saak verloor het, waar hulle dieselfde amptenare en die ANC tot leuenaars wou maak. Dit moes die DA sowat R500 000 gekos het wat hulle uit eie fondse moes betaal. Die DA het tot nou toe nog niemand om verskoning gevra vir hulle vals beskuldiging nie. Nou word belastingbetalers se geld gebruik vir nog hofsake om die amptenare te laat boet omdat hulle hul werk gedoen het.


Box Bus

POST Box Bus

Posbus | PO Box 409 Paarl 7620

Nee wat - die DA kan liewer konsentreer op werkskepping, armoedeverligting en dienslewering aan inwoners van die gebied as om amptenare te jag. As hulle direkteure wil vervang, bied vir hulle ’n pakket aan. JT Basson (ANC­raadslid) Die Uitvoerende Burgemeester, adv Gesie van Deventer, reageer: Ek vind dit net so vreemd dat die vorige Burgemeesterskomiteelid vir Finan­ sies die skorsings so vreemd vind. Hiermee die feite: 1. Die Ouditeur­Generaal se verslag het reeds gedurende JT Basson se termyn die onreëlmatighede uitge­ wys en rapportering daarvan aan

die Raad vir oorweging was voor­ skriftelik. Die destydse Raad het eg­ ter toe verkies om nie op te tree nie. 2. Die huidige administrasie sal op­ tree in alle gevalle van gerapporteer­ de onreëlmatighede en sal dit nie ig­ noreer soos my voorgangers nie. 3. Suid Afrika se swak gradering op die gebied van korrupsie is uiters ontstellend en almal moet daarna streef om dit met wortel en tak uit te roei. 4. ’n Ongekwalifiseerde ouditeurs­ verslag is nie vanselfsprekend son­ der rapportering en uitwysing van onreëlmatighede nie en dit word ge­ rieflikheidshalwe verswyg. Die oudi­ teure kan net oordeel wat aan hul voorgelê word. Die interne doku­ mente bly die feitelike weergawe. 5. Die huidige administrasie besef terdeë die groot agterstand wat ge­ laat is deur die vorige plaaslike ad­ ministrasie en sal hard werk om die geërfde nood by werkskepping, ar­ moedeverligting en dienslewering te verlig. Goeie en verantwoordelike regering gesamentlik deur die politieke admi­ nistrasie en amptenare bly ons doel en is my belofte as Burgemeester aan u.

Ek sê halleluja, Advokaat, vir wetstoepassing LIEWE Adv Van Deventer, Uitvoerende Burgemeester van die Grys Paleis: ’n blykie van waardering oor u vriendelike waarskuwing dat die wetstoepassers uiteindelik iets gaan doen teen die wetsongehoorsames. Die Paarl is vol ongehoorsame burgers. Dit sal waardeer word as die wetgewers ingryp en iets daadwerkliks aan die probleme probeer doen. Ek as wetsgehoorsame, belastingbetalende Paarliet, wil ook versoek dat u met wetstoepassing en ondersoek begin by Drakenstein Munisipaliteit.

Culture let down ALTHOUGH we embrace the culture that Cultivaria has brought to Paarl, the new location comes at a cost. We miss the opportunity to showcase our beautiful town and historical buildings. The mountain venue is also less accessible, sensitive to bad weather and the terrain very uneven, making it a challenge to negotiate, with limited seating to enjoy the view. Hopefully the parties can reconcile and bring the finesse down town again in 2012? Guin Lourens

Stap asseblief soggens deur die gryspaleis en sê vir ons waar is die mense wat die telefone moet beantwoord as ek minute der minute aanhou op die telefoon oor ’n simpel navraag? Die strooi van rommel word deur Munisipaliteit aangehelp. Strooi rommel, want dit is “job creation”. Laataande sien ons die straatveërs in die middedorp besig met hul dagtakies – natuurlik teen double pay! Jy strooi rommel, vanaand het ek ’n job. Die jarelange probleem met nagresies sal nooit stopgesit word nie – te veel korrupte poli-

siemanne is betrokke en die verkeersmag is te besig om te slaap. En om ’n boete te skryf of om hof toe te gaan is ’n mors van tyd. Daarvoor is ons land se wette heeltemal te slap en word die wetsongehoorsames juis aangemoedig om weer oortredings te begaan, want hulle kom niks oor nie. Ek wil u aanmoedig, begin so gou as moontlik met u wetstoepassingsveldtog – en nie net soos altyd voor die feesseisoen nie, maar ook dwarsdeur die jaar, asseblief. Wetsgehoorsame Paarliet

Verban klappers asseblief KAN klappers nie heeltemal verbied word nie? Die afgelope naweek het ek gehoor klappers word geskiet in die gebiede waar mense nie eens kos het om te eet nie, maar hulle het geld om klappers in die lug in op te skiet. Ons bly al vir jare op 5 November met Guy Fawkesaand by die huis om by ons diere te wees. Maar wat van die diertjies wat buite gelaat is en geen

skuiling het nie? My hondjie was in die huis en is heeltemal verward en deurmekaar na al die klappers wat geskiet is. Hoeveel onskuldige diere hardloop nie jaarliks weg nie, of word doodgery weens die geraas van die klappers nie? Asseblief mense stop onmiddellik alle verkope van klappers - ONMIDDELLIK! JvZ

Briewe · Letters

Donderdag 10 November 2011

This fest a disappointment

SMS ) Klein Parys getreiter deur inbrake. Skelm(s) woon in area, terwyl hulle ouers anderpad kyk. Ek gaan jou vang! ) Ek was Maandag van halfdrie die middag by Paarl Hospitaal se ongevalle met my kind - die nag drie-uur het ek maar huis toe gegaan, sonder dat ons gehelp is. ) Ons wag van agtuur Dinsdagoggend vir hulp by Paarl Hospitaal teen 12:00 was ek steeds in observasie. Dis nou 15:00 - waar is die dokters? ) Ek’s nie ’n groot katliefhebber nie, maar om ’n dier moedswillig te vergiftig is barbaars! Jyself moet van daai gif gegee word! ) Aan Paarl-verkeer: dankie dat julle die skedonk-taxi’s van die pad afhaal. ) Baie van die verkeersbeamptes, veral provinsiale beamptes, is onbeskof en arrogant en doen nie hul werk reg nie veral in Paarl! Scholtz sou hom nie onnodig pot nie! Ek dink dit was sy verdiende loon! )Pastoor Scholtz, waar is die vrugte van die Gees dan nou? Wow, waar is die liefde dan nou? Jy wat God’s Woord so uitsaai. ) Pastoor was vroeër die dag daar en toe vloek hy al vreeslik, beamptes was daarop uit om hom ’n les te leer ) Motoriste in Paarl-Oos het die neiging om nie by stoptekens stil te hou nie. Taxi’s die grootste oortreders, veral in Lantanastraat. ) Hoë elektrisiteitsrekening pla. Wanneer jy kla sê hulle die rekening was geskat, en wanneer jy aandring dat die rekening gelees moet word, is die verskil duisende rande. Waar kry mens die geld indien jy nie navraag doen nie? ) Ek is definitief VIR die opgradering van die Paarl-middedorp maar dit gaan nie betaal word deur my R3 te vra al stop ek nie eens ’n minuut daar nie... Gee eerste 30 min gratis! Dan gee ek met liefde die R3. ) Cultivaria Kinderteater: BAIE teleurgesteld, min pret en aktiwiteite. Vertonings het soms nie realiseer nie of laat en glad nie voorsiening gemaak vir reën. ) If English schools first accommodate children from their town, space will not be a problem. ) So bly VGK Bergrivier gaan versoeningsdienste hou. Sterkte en seen, want erken maar julle het kerk in oneer gebring. ) Ek het voor ‘n bank in Lady Greystraat gestop om geld te trek. Ek was nie twee minute gewees nie, toe ek by motor kom toe moet ek R3 betaal. Nogal ’n duur transaksie tesame met my bankfooi! )Kan iemand nie asb die rusverstorendes wat heel dag en nag lawaaierige smokkelhuis in Champagnestraat in Nederburg Heights respek vir ander leer nie? )Klappers bring net hartseer en skade. Tien uit tien vir personeellid van Mr Video wat weghol-boerboel se baas soek.

AFTER reading the advertisement in Paarl Post about the Oktoberfest being hosted by the Deutscher Klub, we thought it would be great fun to attend. Well it was not the entertaining day my wife and I were led to expect. We arrived promptly at 14:00 as advertised and were charged R25 each to enter, R20 for parking, R20 for a plastic glass each and R100 for a clip card to purchase beer. We left at 15:45 as there was no fun, one stall (selling twistas on a stick), no promotions and it was no “night to remember”. If they advertise that it opens at 14:00, surely the band should already be there? No wonder they have been battling to keep going due to dwindling membership. We were very disappointed.

M Botha (Malmesbury) Isabel Stevens, organiser, re­ sponds: We apologise to the corres­ pondent for his disappointing expe­ rience at the Oktoberfest. He should have come to the organisers with his complaint as we would have helped him along immediately. Maybe the Fest started a bit too early, but the Disco played the whole afternoon, from 2 o’clock onwards. The band started later. There was lovely Ger­ man food available the whole after­ noon and evening at the food stall on the stoep. Because of the Currie Cup Rugby, everybody was concen­ trated in the bar area around the TV for a long time; therefore the “ge­ mütliche” spirit in the tent and Jä­ germeister promotions and activi­ ties only started after the rugby. The party continued until deep into the night. We are sorry that the corres­ pondent left so early.

Problems in Fairyland continue AS a resident of Fairyland, I have previously complained via the Paarl Post about the poor condition of the toilet blocks in this informal residential area. There has been some improvement, but there are still many problems. A total of 13 toilets have no seats, while 6 have no doors. The toilets are in a poor condition. When you flush, the water runs out at the back, as the rings are not sealed. Security teams have been appointed, which patrol the area around the clock. However they are totally unarmed, and only have walkie-talkies for commu-

nication. How can they defend themselves against attack or contact the police should this happen? The teams that have been appointed to clean the toilets have three month contracts. The first teams were provided with water boots, but have no masks or gloves. Teams that succeeded them, have not even been issued with boots. This is a very unhealthy situation and should be addressed, as should the constantly leaking water taps in the area. Mohammed Sikhondo

Wat hulle jou nie vertel nie DIE Drakenstein Munisipaliteit kan gerus sy kraggebruikers inlig hoeveel geld hulle kan bespaar as hulle die kragkapasiteit van hul huise verlaag. Ek bly in ’n woonstel en het onlangs aansoek gedoen dat die Munisipaliteit my kragtoevoer moet verlaag van 40 tot 20 Ampére. Hulle het dit gratis gedoen en my koopkragrekening het gedaal van R600 per maand tot R300. Hoekom maak die Munisipaliteit nie hierdie inligting meer algemeen bekend nie? Seker omdat hulle ’n lekker heffing sit op die huise met sterker kragtoevoer? Onthou net as jy swaar toerusting wil gebruik, gaan dit nie werk nie - die krag sal afskop. En as jy jou kragtoevoer verlaag tot 20 Amp en dit later weer wil verhoog, gaan jy natuurlik heelwat moet betaal. Nog ’n wenk wat hulle jou nie gaan vertel nie: lees self jou waterrekening en verseker dat jy nie vir meer as vier weke se verbruik op ’n keer betaal nie - bel dit deur en jy gaan heelwat spaar, veral as die meterleser met vakansie is en jou verbruik word “geskat”. Norman

Raadslede oortree gedragskode Dankie DAAR word tans beoog om ’n windplaas by Gouda op die been te bring vir die opwekking van krag. Die probleem is dat twee ANC-raadslede (Colin Rens en Jerome McHelm) op die trust dien met hul familielede en vriende - dis mos nie aanvaarbaar nie. Al die lede van die bestuur het openlik vir die ANC gewerk tydens die verkiesing. Rens is onlangs skuldig bevind op ’n klag van aanranding. Hierdie raadslede is besig om hul eie belange te bevorder. Bly hulle op die trust sal dit ’n botsing van belange wees indien die Raad besluite moet neem oor die goedkeuring van die windplaas. Ook sal hulle ’n sê hê in die aanwending van fondse uit die

opbrengs van die windplaas, ten bate van die gemeenskap (indien die projek voortgaan). Hierdie onhoudbare situasie mag nie voortduur nie. Gouda­inwoner Pieter du Plessis, woordvoerder van die bod­maatskappy Aveng, rea­ geer: Die bod vir die beoogde Gouda Windplaas is op 4 November inge­ dien en dit sal etlike maande duur voordat die regering besluit of dit goedgekeur gaan word of nie. Hoewel met die publiek op Gouda vergader is, is geen komitee van plaaslike inwoners amptelik aange­ wys nie. Slegs wanneer en indien die bod van Aveng goedgekeur word, sal oorgegaan word tot die kies van plaaslike trustees.

Ek wil graag ’n groot dankie sê vir al die liefde en geduld waarmee my moeder in haar laaste dae by Huis Pêrelberg versorg is. Ons het altyd welkom gevoel met enige besoek, al was dit ongemaklike ure. Die personeel was behulpsaam en altyd lojaal. Ons as familie kan hulle net bedank vir hul hulp aan bejaardes wat soveel aandag nodig het. André Smit

Paarl Post



8 . Paarl Post

Het jy ’n storie vir Paarl Post? SMS die woord NUUS en jou storie na 32363 of skakel 021 870 4600 en staan ’n kans om ’n prys te wen. Sms’e kos R1,00

Nuus · News

Thursday 10 November 2011

DBV-baas weer perdfris ná verlies van haar oog Lise Beyers DIE bestuurder van Paarl Dierebeskermingsvereniging (DBV), Linda Groenewald, laat haar nie stuit nie, selfs al moes een van haar oë onlangs verwyder word. In Augustus vanjaar het ’n rooi kol op haar regterslaap gevorm. Sy is na haar dokter en daar is eers vermoed dat dit gordelroos is. Die merk het egter vinnig verdwyn, maar Groenewald het agtergekom dat die sig in haar linkeroog geweldig agteruitgaan, totdat sy skaars daarmee kon sien. Sy het ’n oogarts besoek en daar is vasgestel dat bakterieë besig was om haar oog van binne af te vernietig. “Dit is nog onseker wat dit veroorsaak het, maar ons vermoed dat een van die brandsiekhonde wat ek moes hanteer die bron van die infeksie was.” Die skade aan haar oog was reeds so erg dat dit nie gered kon word nie. Groenewald is dadelik na Tygerberg Hospitaal waar haar oog verwyder is. ’n Silikoon-oog is in die oogkas geplaas, want, sê

Groenewald, “ek kan nie die R27 000 bekostig vir ’n glasoog nie”. “Maar ek is nou weer perdfris en op die been en die diere is glad nie gepla oor die oog nie.” Verder sê Groenewald dat eposse wat onlangs landwydverspreiisdatalle DBV’s gaan sluit, heeltemal onwaar is. “Ja, ons kry swaar, maar onsslaagdaarinomsteeds kop bo water te hou.” Groenewald sê dat dit ’n permanente stryd is om fondse in te samel. “Ons maak staat op lidmaatskapsgelde, wat R100 per jaar is, en ondersteuning van die publiek tydens fondsinsamelings. Ons doen ook jaarliks aansoek by die nasionale Lotto om fondse en ons is gewoonlik suksesvol hiermee.” Groenewald het bygevoeg dat hulle ’n terugslag beleef het omdat ’n kettingwinkel hul donasieblikkies vanuit hierdie winkels verwyder het. “Ons het heelwat fondse hierdeur gekry.” * Paarl SPCA chief, Linda Groenewald, is up and about af­ ter losing an eye to bacteria, pre­ sumably spread to her by a sick dog.

LIEF VIR DIERE. Linda Groenewald, bestuurder van die Paarl DBV, is ’n groot diereliefhebber. Foto: Lise Beyers

Pedestrian loses her leg A WOMAN lost Het right leg got a leg on Friday caught in the twin when she was tyres of the truck, run over, preripping the lower sumably while part of her leg off. trying to escape She was transfrom two men ported to Paarl who were fightHospital, where aning. The inciother piece of her dent took place leg was removed at 11:30 at the during an emergenfourway-stop on cy operation. the R44 near Nquga’s condition is Wellington. described as stable. Eye-witnesses LEG. Nosithembiso Nquga is treated here by paraNquga and the medics on the scene of the accident near Wellington two men were acsaid that where she lost a part of her leg last week. Nosithembiso cording to reports Pic: Lise Beyers Nquga (23) was during the day inwalking with volved in unrest on two men, when they started to fight. a nearby farm, when their contracts as One of the men allegedly broke a glass contract workers expired. They were rebottle on the tar. The woman then fled turning from the farm when the incident the scene, running in front of a truck. took place.

TREIN. ’n Man is Maandagoggend dood nadat hy op ’n bewegende trein by Wellingtontreinstasie probeer spring het. Hy het gegly en geval en sy kop is deur die trein getref. George Appollis van Groenheuwel is op slag dood. Pendelaars tussen Wellington en Paarl was vir sowat ’n uur en ’n half gestrand terwyl die toneel ondersoek is. Foto: Lise Beyers

Nuus · News

Donderdag 10 November 2011

Paarl Post



River breathes again thanks to WfW Lise Beyers

the Departments of Environmental Affairs and Tourism, Agriculture, THE banks of the Berg River from and Trade and Industry, provincial Franschhoek to Saron are curdepartments of agriculture, conrently being aggressively cleared servation and environment, reof alien vegetation thanks to search foundations and private Working for Water (WfW). companies. The area of Assegaibos in the upSince its inception, the proper reaches of the river near Frangramme has cleared more than one schhoek has been completed and million hectares of invasive alien now the fight against invasive alien plants country-wide, providing jobs plants will continue down the river. and training to approximately 20 The WfW programme was 000 people from among the most launched in 1995 and adminis- marginalised sectors of society antered through the Department of nually. Water Affairs and Forestry. A range of methods is used to conThis programme works in parttrol invasive alien plants, such as nership with local communities, to mechanical methods (felling, rewhom it provides jobs and also govmoving or burning invading alien ernment departments including plants), chemical methods (using environmentally safe herbicides) and biological control (using speciesspecific insects and diseases from the alien plant’s country of origin). The programme is globally recognised as one of the most outstanding environmental conservation initiatives on the continent. It enjoys sustained political support for its job creation efforts TRUNKS. Contract workers remove tree trunks which and the fight have fallen in the Berg River. against poverty.

But, says Wessel Wentzel, Implementation Manager of WfW, problems are being experienced with landowners who often hire ‘cowboy’ contractors to eradicate trees and brush, only for the job to be half done, and often doing more harm than good. Wessel explains that these ‘cowboy’ contractors are only interested in harvesting saleable wood and they leave the riverbanks riddled with debris hereafter, often causing a fire risk. “Our contractors are trained in all the aspects of alien plant eradication as well as how to handle and manage the necessary chemicals. “It is not just a matter of cutting down trees, but removing every trace effectively. And then the big work continues with follow-up work to ensure that all new growth of aliens are eradicated, until they are completely exhausted.” Wessel added that it is each landowner’s responsibility by law to have his land cleared of alien vegetation, as it exhausts valuable water resources. Wessel said that one blue gum tree can use up to 500 litres of water per day. WfW works in conjunction with the Cape Winelands District Municipality (CWDM) and Cape Nature. Landowners can contact Manfred Paulsen of CWDM for more information and any advice on 084 208 6423.

DRY. Alien vegetation has been literally sucking the Berg River dry over the years.

CLEARED. The banks of the Berg River here near Saron are a different picture once they have been cleared of alien vegetation.

Valuation Day at the Malmesbury Museum, Malmesbury Thinking of selling Paintings, Furniture, Silver or Ceramics? We can help you Stephan Welz and Emma Bedford (Paintings) and Vanessa Phillips (Furniture, Silver and Ceramics) will be available for consultations on Tuesday 15 November 2011 from 9.30am to 4pm VUURWAPENS. ’n Mini-arsenaal is die afgelope naweek deur polisie gevind by ’n huis in Pelikaanstraat in Wellington. Dit het gekom nadat polisie inligting ontvang het van ’n ooggetuie wat gesien het dat vuurwapens na Pelikaanstraat 85 geneem word. Lede van Wellington polisie het ondersoek ingestel en ’n .38 en .22 revolver en 9mm pistool is gevind, asook ’n groot aantal patrone vir hierdie vuurwapens. Daar is vasgestel dat twee van die vuurwapens gesteel was en die ander een het verdwyn uit ’n gestorwe boedel. Samuel Greyling is in hegtenis geneem. Hier staan Wellington kommunikasiebeampte, luit. Diana Linee, met die vuurwapens. Foto: Lise Beyers

Please call for an appointment: Lyn 072 753 0740 R15 per item, maximum of three items per person Proceeds will be donated to the Malmesbury Museum South Africa’s premier Fine Art auction house

Stephan Welz, Managing Director, Strauss & Co

10 . Paarl Post

Wellington Nuus

Aandskool DIE volwasse onderrigsentrum by die Safmarine-saal op Wellington skuif volgende jaar na die kliniekgebou in Hospitaalstraat. Mense wat belang stel om volgende jaar matriekvakke by dié aandskool te neem, moet voor 30 November registreer. Skakel Adam Bekeer by 864-2418 of Dorothea Albanie by 021 873 1068/9.

Donderdag 10 November 2011

Verbruikerswet bekyk

ANNUAL BALL. The Wellington Junior Town Council held their annual ball recently. From left are council members, with junior mayor Franco Allies (front left) and junior deputy mayor Laura-Ashley Adams (front centre in red).

DIE Verbruikersbeskermingswet kom onder die loep by die volgende vergadering van die Wellington Sakekamer tydens ’n middagete op 1 Desember, waar prokureur Pé Marais die spreker sal wees. Die funksie word aangebied by die restaurant op Kleinevalleij om 12:30. Toegang is R95 wat ’n steak-ete insluit (vooruitbetaalbaar). Bespreek by 082 812 1112 of teen 25 November.

PRESTEERDERS. Tydens die Wellingtonner van die Jaar-funksie, aangebied deur die Wellington Rapportryers, is toekennings gemaak aan leerders met die beste prestasie in Afrikaans van die vier Wellingtonse hoërskole. Van links is Wilhelm Nieuwoudt (Hugenote Hoërskool), Rolecia Louw (Bergrivier Sekondêr), Drakenstein se burgemeester Gesie van Deventer, Ovelia Engelbrecht (Weltevrede Sekondêr) en Jolanthea September (Wellington Sekondêr). Foto: Christine Siebrits

AWARD. The Masibambisane Award for the correctional officer who best championed Societal Partnership in Corrections in the Allandale area during the past year, was awarded to Nico Swiegers (right) of Hawequa correctional centre. The award is for the individual who best enhances social re-integration, prevents re-offending, poverty alleviation, and promotes restorative justice and community employment. With him is Area Commissioner Kosie Sinclair.

PLEISTERS. Ds Riekert Botha (derde van links) wat Saterdagoggende die gewilde radioprogram “Pleisters vir die Siel” op RSG aanbied, het onlangs ’n groot groep belangstellendes tydens ’n byeenkoms by die NG Kerk Wellington-Noord toegespreek. Saam met hom verskyn (van links) Johan Crous, hulpprediker by Wellington-Noord, Alicia Nel, May Carolissen met klein Evan Carolissen en Lynne en Colin Basson. Foto: Johan Nel

VERGADERING. Die Wellingtonse ACVV het onlangs sy jaarvergadering gehou. Hier is (van links) genooide spreker Winnie Rust, oud-raadslid Johan von Wielligh, dr Helena von Schlicht, voorsitter, Johann von Wielligh junior (bestuurder van die Andrew Murray-kinderhuis), Nadia von Wielligh, Yvonne Booysen (bestuurder van Silwerkruin-ouetehuis) en Nella Brümmer (vise-voorsitter van Silwerkruin). Bejaardes is welkom om besoek te kom aflê by die dienssentrum op die hoek van Bain- en Fonteinstraat en om aan die vrolikhede wat daar aangebied word, te kom deelneem. Hulle het ook ’n winkel waar tweedehandse klere en ander items verkoop word, agter Spar op Wellington. Foto: Johan Nel

FESTIVAL. Pauw Gedenk Primary took part in the kite festival which was organised by Cape Mental Health in Muizenberg and won the second prize. With learners Ulrich Cupido (left) and Ayesha Allie is principal Julius Williams. Absent: Britney Bastiaan.

NUWE LEDE. Wellington Lionsklub het onlangs nuwe lede ingehuldig. Van links is inhuldigingsbeampte James Stigant (2de adjunk-distriksgoewerneur), Lezette van Wyk, Cherryl Pienaar (nuwe lid), Retha Stigant (Wellington Lions se president), Hennie Botha (nuwe lid), Danie Wasserman en Sarie Botha.

SWEMBOEK. Quinton Summers (agter middel) van die departement sportontwikkeling van CPUT was die gespreksleier op die onlangse bekendstelling van ’n splinternuwe swemboek deur drie bekende Wellingtonse swemafrigters, Sasha (naasregs), Denise (regs) en Madelein van Schalkwyk (naaslinks). Volgens hulle bied die boek, Teach your Child to Swim, ’n goedkoop, maklike manier waarop ouers hul jong kinders vinnig kan leer om te swem. Meer as 70% van alle verdrinkings wat in Suid-Afrika voorkom, is onder kinders onder die ouderdom van tien jaar. Saam met die skrywers verskyn van links Petronella Ephraim en Tanya Clack en haar dogter Micaela. Foto: Johan Nel

Donderdag 10 November 2011

Concern over closure of radio station Anne Kruger A YEAR after Franschhoek FM stopped broadcasting live programmes, attempts are being made to get the station back on air. A favourite of many listeners in the whole Franschhoek Valley, including Pniel and Klapmuts, the station closed down partially towards the end of last year. Currently only pre-recorded music is played to keep the airwaves open. According to members of the board elected at the annual general meeting last year, the radio station was closed down due to debts of R51 000. “But we have never received the keys to thebuilding,norhaveweeverreceivedfinancial documents,” complains Shadrack Solwandle, board member. “Now the original founders of the station are raising funds again,but it is being channelled through the NGO Franco (Franschhoek Resource and Network Co-ordination Organisation).” The founder of the radio station, Prof John van Zyl, does not agree with their view. According to van Zyl, the original Trust Deed of 2007 stipulated that the Interim Board would only serve for one year, and a valid Board should have been elected in September 2008 at the first AGM. However, no annual general meetings were held and no annual financial statements were produced for three years. This means that all Board activities after 2008 are technically illegal. “In September 2010, an AGM was held, but this newly elected Board soon became dysfunctional.” Van Zyl, a former head of Media Studies at Wits University and founder of the radio station Classic FM, retired to Franschhoek in 2006, and was the driving force behind the founding of the radio station in the town. “The frequency became available and Franschhoek FM was founded in 2007 and rented space in the building belonging to the National Electronic Media Institute of South Africa (Nemisa). “I resigned from the board in 2007 immediately after the station was launched in the hopethattheradiostationwouldberunsuccessfully by the staff we had appointed and theInterimBoard,raisingfundsthroughadvertising and sponsorships. “Unfortunately, under a series of managers in 2008 and 2009 the finances were not controlled and the radio station fell into difficulties. It was closed down by a crisis committee early in 2011. “The Crisis Committee audited the books (the audit was paid for by a donor and discovered summonses for unpaid bills to the tune of R51000, including debts to Telkom. “I was then forced to become involved again, along with the former chairman of the board, Rev Nico Demas, in an effort to raise funds to settle the debts. “We appealed for assistance through the Franschhoek Tatler and with the assistance ofRonWhytock,headofFranco,weobtained a total of around R20 000 in donations, bringing the debt down to R30 000. The rest was written off by the creditors and the bank account closed. “We have recently been approached by Fine Music Radio which wishes to expand its footprint into our area in the day time, with community broadcasting at night and over weekends. “Financial aid from FMR will enable FH FM to become viable again and the radio station will expand local programming as it grows its capacity again. This is being negotiated at the moment. “Increased advertising will mean greater exposure for Franschhoek tourism businesses on FMR, allowing it to carry the bulk of the costs of FH FM. “This is a life-line which has been thrown to FH FM. “People must remember that community radio stations are not run for profit. Advertising raises funds to pay for overheads and salaries – everything is ploughed back into the business. Otherwise they will simply run it into the ground,” warns van Zyl.

Nuus · News

Paarl Post



Jeug · Youth

12 . Paarl Post

Thursday 10 November 2011

Local learners shine in debating FOUR Paarl learners reAll participants developed presented the Western an awareness of the importanCape in the South Africe of international relations can Model United Natiand human rights through the ons Debating Conferencourse of the competition. ce recently. This time, teams had to tackChristiane Badenhorst le two topics, climate change and Raphaela Böhmer and the rights of indigenous from La Rochelle Girls’ people – each run as a UN GeHigh School joined forces neral Assembly. with Keith Lewis and PruOn the evening after the sedence Present from New cond topic, they were also calOrleans Secondary School led in to an emergency session, in the provincial leg of the where they were split up and competition, and won the each learner had to represent provincial leg. their country, delivering all They went on to the natifour of the speeches, on a comonal event, where they pletely unprepared topic. competed against other DEBATE. Four local students recently represented the WesThe competitors spent a provincial teams and five tern Cape at the national round of the United Nations Model night at Robben Island, where international teams over Debating Conference. From left are Keith Lewis, Christiane they learnt about conflict resofive days. Badenhorst, Raphaela Böhmer (who goes to New York for lution and team-building, toleThe South African Model the international finals) and Prudence Present. rance and humility. United Nations (SAMUN) is Along with the winning team a dynamic Education Africa project, in collaboration with (Gauteng), one learner from each of the other provinces the United Nations and sponsored by MTN. was selected by the organisers to attend the International The focus is on the United Nations, global issues, interModel United Nations Conference at Cornell University national relations and human rights issues. early next year, where they will also visit the United NatiTeams from participating schools are engaged in Gene- ons in New York. ral Assembly-style debates, representing the viewpoints Raphaela Böhmer from La Rochelle was the delegate of their allocated country. selected from the Western Cape.

BEKERWENNERS. Hierdie leerders van Gimnasium Hoërskool was bekerwenners by die Paarl Eisteddfod. Hulle is (van links) Felrie Oetlé, (tjello), Amoré Conradie (klawerbord), en Tilanie Oettlé (houtblaser).

TENNIS. Gimnasium Laerskool het aan ’n tennistoernooi te Laerskool Gene Louw deelgeneem en die toernooi gewen. Hier staan die wenspan met hul trofee. Van links is Kyla Kirsten, Cara Lawrie, Nina Cuyler en Annelie de Wet.

WOW. Paarlzicht Primêr se leerders het aan die Wow-galaspelkompetisie in Stellenbosch deelgeneem en altesame 14 medaljes ingepalm. Die skool is ook aangewys as die beste primêre skool tydens die geleentheid. So het die groepie vir die skool ’n WAT woordeboek gewen en elkeen ’n kontantprys verower. Van links is Ronan Matthee (graad 1, tweede plek), Jade Maarman (graad 7, derde), Cohen Adams (graad 1, eerste), Chanté Fischer (graad 5, tweede plek) en Zinidean Koopman (graad 2, tweede plek). Foto: Devidean Moses

RAAD. La Rochelle Hoërskool het hul studenteraad vir 2012 aangewys. Agter (van links) is Catherine Fok-Seang, Adrea van Sitters, Nerine Fourie, Raphaela Böhmer, Joan van Dyk, Zoë Greeff, Anne van Schalkwyk, Mari Hanekom en Elmie Odendal. Voor is Rina de Villiers, Kelley de Boelpaep, Lesley Arenz (onderhoofmeisie), Annieka Mostert (hoofmeisie), Nasthasha Dippenaar en Christiane Badenhorst. KRIEKET. Hierdie leerders van Courtrai Laerskool is opgeneem in die o.11 Boland-Sentraal-krieketspan. Hulle is (van links) Jandré Kruger, André Malherbe, Hendré Hanekom en Kieran Willams.

LANDLOOP. Masande Sizane (links) en Abraham Booysen van Bergendal Primêr het geskitter in die Boland-landloopkampioenskappe. Masande het ’n eerste plek in die 4 km landloop vir o.13 behaal en Abraham het ’n derde plek in die o.15 vir die 4 km behaal. Albei is in die Westelike Provinsie span opgeneem. Saam met die landlopers verskyn opvoeder Jakobus Moses. Foto: Achmat Patel

SHOW. The fourth Wiwe Show was proudly presented by the Black & White Theatre Company of local drama students (Huguenot High, Paarl Boys’ High, Paarl Girls’ High and Gymnasium High). With the learners and their teacher, Wiwe Ras-Pretorius (front right), is guest performer Hanmari de Wet (front centre), a former student and winner of the Artscape drama award. Pic:Devidean Moses

MARATHON. Catherine Colyn van Gimnasium Hoërskool het deelgeneem aan die WP halfmarathon en ’n eerste plek in haar ouderdomsgroep behaal. Sy het ook ’n algehele vierde plek verower.

VEELSYDIG. Juandré Klopper en Ria Marais van Hugenote Hoërskool is aangewys as die veelsydigste seun en meisie vir top prestasie oor ’n wye gebied wat akademie, kultuur en sport insluit.

Donderdag 10 November 2011

BEKEND. Hugenote Hoërskool se nuwe leiers vir 2012 is by die jaarlikse prysuitdeling van die skool bekend gemaak. Van links is hoofseun Pieter Theron, hoofmeisie Marisca Cronjé, Mariaan Heydenrych (onderhoofmeisie) en Peka Cronjé (onderhoofseun).

Jeug · Youth

TUIMEL. Marcel Schreuder van Gimnasium Hoërskool het aan die Boland-tuimelkampioenskappe deelgeneem en is gekies vir die Bolandspan en ook vir die WP-trampolienspan.

DUX. Die tweeling Kaylin (links) en Kayla Abrahams, leerders van Paarlzicht Primêr, is vanjaar aangewys as die skool se Dux-leerders. Foto: Devidean Moses

DUX. Samantha-Lee Antonie is vanjaar aangewys as Charleston Hill Sekondêr se Dux-leerder. Foto: Devidean Moses



KARATE. Hierdie karateka van Gimnasium Hoerskool, Fabian Meiring (links) en Jurgens Gouws, is onderskeidelik gekies vir die WesKaap-karatespan en karate-kampioenskappe. SPEL. Leerders van plaaslike skole het aan die Wow-spelfees deelgeneem. Heel bo staan (van links) die graad 8-wenners: Michaela Albertus (tweede, Weltevrede), Deonique Kidd (eerste, New Orleans) en Ilse Gelant (derde, Klein Nederburg). In die middel sit die graad 9-wenners: Kyle van Soest (tweede, Klein Nederburg), Nicholene Saffier (eerste, New Orleans) en Shannen Cupido (derde, New Orleans). Voor sit die graad 10-groep: Shannon-Lee Siebrits (tweede, Weltevrede), Candice de Waal (eerste, New Orleans) en Kimberlin Martin (derde, Klein Nederburg).

BASKETBALWENNERS. Leerders van Bergendal Primêr is in die Boland-basketbalspan opgeneem en het goed gevaar in die ontwikkelingstoernooi wat in Bloemfontein plaasgevind het. Die leerders, van o.13- en o.16-spanne, is (voor van links) Danene Goosen, Lwando Malango, Levona Jantjies en Daneo Khoatana. Tweede ry: Miriam Jacobs, Jessica Marang, Masande Sizane, Lwande Mnwebi, Liziwe Sodayolose, Monique Erasmus en Victor Maranene. Agter: Brandon Botha, Ziyanda Galada, Yonela Maranene en opvoeder Cecil September (afrigter en ondervoorsitter van Boland Basketbal Skole). Foto: Achmat Patel

KEUSES. Die graad sewes van Paarlzicht Primêr het ’n motiveringswerkswinkel bygewoon wat aangebied was onder leiding van Tessa Arendse (agter) van AHA-Funda. Die leerders het inligting gekry oor studierigtings en beroepskeuses. Elkeen het aangetrek om sy of haar beroepskeuse uit te beeld. Foto: Devidean Moses

Paarl Post

TOP LEARNER. ChiaShwu Wang was selected as the top learner of Noorder Paarl High School. Pic: Devidean Moses

WENNERS. Leerders van die Hugenote Laerskool is aangewys as bekerwenners in die Paarlvallei Eisteddfod. Van links is Annemi Matthysen (beste duet), Caroli Burger (beste duet), Anja Smith (beste trio), Liefke Delport (beste duet), Leana Engelbrecht (opvoeder) en Philip Grobler. Die Orff-orkes deel die beker met Laerskool Noord-Eind. Inlas: Mija Zeeman beste grondslagfasedogter in sang.

14 . Paarl Post

People · Mense

MINISTER VISITS. The Western Cape Minister of Health, Theuns Botha (right), visited the Drakenstein area recently. With Gesie van Deventer (second right), Drakenstein Executive Mayor, and other councillors, he visited the Phola Park Clinic in Mbekweni and the Windmeul Clinic. Botha listened to the problems and challenges that these two health facilities face. Here with them at the Windmeul Clinic are (from left) Councillor Elize Smit (Ward 3 councillor), Amelia van Zyl (clinic sister), Joan Marthinussen (clinic sister), and Cecilia Petersen (staff nurse). ESKD141146/E

AWARD. The award for Best Correctional Official of the Year in the Allandale area (for the individual who made the greatest impact in development and care) was awarded recently. From left are Kosie Sinclair (Area Commissioner Allandale), Louise Loots of Hawequa (runner-up), Mzwamadoda Makaleni of Paardeberg (winner) and Freddie Engelbrecht, Deputy Regional Commissioner of the Western Cape.

Donderdag 10 November 2011

TOEKENNING. Paarliet Erasmus du Toit is tydens ’n toekenningsgeleentheid van die Universiteit Stellenbosch aangewys as die beste tweedejaarstudent in Toegepaste Wiskunde, op grond van sy 2010 akademiese prestasies. Hy isi ’n oud-leerder van Labori Hoërskool Foto: Engela Duvenage

Five years ago, we managed to convert millions of South Africans to using CFL energy saving light bulbs and saved you money. Now, five years later, we’re back to change your energy savers that have reached the end of their life. Continue to use energy savers to collectively save South Africa’s energy. Energy saving lamps have an environmental benefit because they cut your lighting cost by using less electricity and last up to eight times longer, resulting in a reduction in greenhouse gases. The small amount of mercury that energy saving lamps contain is almost used up by the time the lamp is ready for disposal. So try not to break the lamp and dispose of CFLs at participating retailers.

UITDEEL. Die ATKV Eike-tak doen reeds ses jaar lank gemeenskapsprojekte, waar hulle probeer om behoeftes aan te vul en die Afrikaanse taal en kultuur bevorder. Hulle het twee kleuterskole, Petite Preprimêr in Pniel en Kleine Diamantjies in Kylemore, besoek en tandeborsels en tandepasta uitgedeel.

Everyone looking to renew their used CFLs, free,

raise your hands!

GETROUD. Valencia Claasen van die Paarl is onlangs in die Ware Evangelie Kerk in die huwelik bevestig met Fernall Hartlief, ook van die Paarl. Valencia is die dogter van Hilton en Magdalene Williams. Fernall is die seun van Andrew en Delene Hartlief.

Old CFLs can be exchanged for new ones in two ways: a. There will be a door-to-door exchange (people will come to your door to do the exchange) b. Self Exchange points will be set up in certain areas, where you will be able to go and do the exchange

Don’t miss out! Save energy and save money!

The exchange period will run from November 2011 to January 2012.

BOBAAS. Verskeie kaasstalletjies by die afgelope naweek se Suiwel-Expo het bewys dat bokmelkkaas bobaas is. Hier is van links Adri en Karike Scheeres van Karoo Bokmelkprodukte wat in Loxton gemaak word en Heleen Beyers van die Paarl. Foto: Lise Beyers

Donderdag 10 November 2011

Mense · People

Paarl Post



CUISINE. A new book show-casing the culinary history of the Cape Winelands, Cape Winelands Cuisine, was launched at the Pierneef Restaurant at La Motte wine estate recently. Passionate about food and with a keen interest in the origin of South African cuisine, CEO Hein Koegelenberg, and his wife Hanneli (owner of the estate), together with the culinary manager of the restaurant, Hetta van DeventerTerblanche, were motivated to assemble these special recipes which now are available in Cape Winelands Cuisine – a hard cover cookbook with beautiful photography by Micky Hoyle. At the launch were (from left) Hetta van Deventer-Terblanche, Hanneli Rupert-Koegelenberg and Hein Koegelenberg.

BLITSTOETS. Danie Botha (naasregs, voor) van die Hugenote Laerskool op Wellington was die algehele wenner in die intermediêre fase van die CAMI-blitstoets in wiskunde wat die afgelope week in Wellington gehou is. Matthew Lesch (regs voor) van die Pauw Gedenkskool was die algehele wenner in die grondslagfase. Saam met hulle in die voorste ry verskyn Carmanthea Carstens (opvoeder) en Patsy Marthinussen, ’n kurrikulumadviseur. Agter staan Lozaan Janse van Rensburg (opvoeder), Raymond Cornelissen (kurrikulum-adviseur, dr Fernoldt Galant (kringspanbestuurder) en Rikus Groenewald van CAMI. Foto: Johan Nel

BOOK LAUNCH. The Breytenbach Centre, together with Wellington Library, recently held a book launch for Irma Joubert’s latest book “Kronkelpad” at the Breytenbach Centre, Wellington. Here at the launch are (from left) Chantel Gordon (Wellington Library), Irma Joubert (author), Cheryll Thyse and Anolette Manuel (Wellington Library).

EXCERCISE. Members of Paarl Metro Emergency Services are slimming down and toning up. They have just launched their Biggest Loser campaign during which members are encouraged to take part in a fitness and health programme which has been specially devised for them by Dischem and Virgin Active advisors. After three months they will again be weighed and the ‘biggest loser’ will be announced.

BEST STUDENT. Warrant Officer Lizelle Olsen (centre), was adjudged the best student at the South African Police Service Academy’s Junior Management learning programme. She is also one of the trainers at the Academy. The award was handed over at their recent medal parade and closing function. With her are Major-General Mulder van Eyk (Head: General Research and Curriculum Development), the functionary at the event, and Colonel Charlotte Kotzé (Commander of the Academy, Paarl).

CHARITY GOLF. The thirteenth annual Vital Spring Classic Golf Day in Paarl was once again a huge success with a total of R230 000 raised in aid of Drakenstein Palliative Hospice. This annual event is organised each year by Vital Health Foods. Here George Grive, MDi of Vital Health Foods, presents the cheque to Marlo Laubscher, chairman of the Hospice.

16 . Paarl Post

TV Gids

Donderdag 10 November 2011

Donderdag 10 November 2011

Lifestyle · Leefstyl

Paarl Post


Leefstylkalender ) Meditation. A half-day course on meditation will take place on 13 November at Non Pareille farm on the Roggeland road outside Paarl (off Jan van Riebeeck Drive) from 10:00 to 12:30 with Buddhist monk, Gen Kelsang Pagpa. Cost is R50 and includes refreshments. Bookings can be made at 021 685 3428,

PINK POLO. A model shows a creation by Kobus Dippenaar during the Pink Polo event held at the Val de Vie Polo Estate. This is an annual event in aid of breast cancer, attended by well-known celebrities. Pic: Sieb Sieberhagen

SA Jeugkoor sing by monument DIE Suid-Afrikaanse Jeugkoor tree op in ’n somerpiekniekkonsert by die Afrikaanse Taalmonument in die Paarl op Sondag 20 November om 16:00. Dié jeugkoor van 80 lede staan onder leiding van die bekroonde dirigent André van der Merwe en sal begelei word deur pianis Elzeth Germishuys. Besoekers is welkom om hul eie piekniekmandjies saam te bring of een by Volksmond Koffiewinkel te bestel (021 863 2800 of Volksmond sal oop wees vir koffie en ligte verversings. Toegang by die hek is R50

(gratis onder 6 jaar). Veilige parkering is beskikbaar en toegang word beheer. Geen honde of vure word toegelaat nie. Indien die weer sleg is, word die konsert afgestel. Piekniekkonserte vind ook plaas op 4 Desember (Kersliedere by Kerslig met Drakensteinse kore), 18 Desember (Valiant Swart solo), 28 Desember (Dans van die Vlamme), 14 Januarie (Riku Lätti en Les Javan) en 28 Januarie (The Rockets). Vir verdere inligting oor geleenthede by die Taalmuseum of Taalmonument, skakel 021 872 3441 of besoek

WENNERS. NatashaLee October is aangewys as Curves Paarl se Vrou van die Jaar tydens hul fondsinsamelingsprojek ten bate van borskanker. Die eerste prinses is Janie Coetzee (regs) en die tweede prinses is Allison Naidoo. Verskeie bekendes het die funksie bygewoon waarin altesame R14 000 vir die Breast Health Foundation ingesamel is. Curves Paarl bedank almal wat ’n bydrae gemaak het.

Dankdiens ’n DANKDIENS word Sondag 13 November om 15:00 gehou by die Hephzibah-kerksentrum op Wellington om afskeid te neem van Claud en Mariette van Graan. Hulle was die afgelope 23 jaar plaaslik betrokke by evangelisasie deur die Betel Evangeliese Bond, ’n interkerklike sendingorganisasie (bekend as Betelwerk) wat werkers oplei vir sendingwerk. Die Van Graans is verplaas na die Betelhoofkantoor. Almal is welkom.

Debutante’s ball THE Pauw Gedenk Primary School presents a debutante’s ball with an African theme on 11 November at the Antoniesvlei Hall from 19:00 with music by the Strand Combo band. Tickets are R100 with a finger supper included. Contact 021 873 2401 for tickets.

Solo exhibition THE first solo exhibition of David Myers, called “A New Signature”, will open on Sunday 20 November at 11:00 at the new contemporary Paarl exhibition space, Gallery 88. While many people retire at 65, David embarked on a third career as a contemporary artist, a departure from his 20-year law practice and from running his two-decade marketing consultancy, Freshly Squeezed. Visit or phone 082 411 0444.

) 50th celebration. The Paarl Baptist Church will celebrate their 50th birthday from 14 to 18 November with services at the church at 19:15 in the evening. On Sunday 20 November an unveiling service will take place at 15:00. For enquiries, contact Rev Maralack on 071 605 3053. ) Ondersteuningsgroep. Die Reik na Herstel borskanker-ondersteuningsgroep vergader op 17 November by Under Oaks-wynplaas, NoorderPaarl om 10:00. Alle borskankerpasiënte of vroue wat al met borskanker gediagnoseer was, word uitgenooi. Bespreek voor 14 Augustus (getalle word benodig vir reëlings). Indien jy vervoer nodig het, moet jy Annaleen Genade kontak voor of op 14 Augustus by 072 523 0650 of 021 862b 6733. ) Gratis toetse. Mediclinic Paarl, die Paarlse Diabetessentrum en Pathcare bied op Donderdag 17 November ’n diabetes-inligtingsdag en gratis bloedglukosetoetse vir die publiek aan in die Metropolitan-winkelsentrum in die middedorp vanaf 09:00 tot 13:00. Vir navrae, kontak Jacorie Visagie by 021 807 8000. ) Kunste. Die Breytenbach-sentrum nooi jou uit na hul Karnaval van die Kunste met Amanda Strydom en Janine Neethling op Donderdag 17 November om 18:30. Daar sal ook verskeie ander produksies soos ’n drama-opvoering, vlamdansers, kulkunstenaar en vele meer wees. Bespreek jou plek by 021 873 2786. ) Lollos. Lollos en sy maats is Saterdag om 09:30 te sien by die Ou Meul-teater. Kaartjies is R40 en kan bespreek word by Vicky Stemmet by 083 564 0056 of ) Stamp Fair. The Stamp Fair in Paarl will take place on Saturday 19 November from 09:00 to 12:30 at St Petri Lutheran Church Hall in Mill Street. ) Dans. Die Boeremusiekgilde se Boland-tak hou Vrydag 24 November ’n dans met die orkes van Chris Theron en sy konsertinaspeler is Fanie le Roux. Die dans word aangebied by Laerskool

Noord-Eind. Toegang is R30 (R40 vir nie-lede). Vir navrae, kontak Ciceel by 083 346 7083. ) Feesdag. Kuns op die Plaas vind plaas by Oude Wellington Restaurant op 26 November vanaf 09:00 tot 17:00. Daar sal stalletjies wees, boeresport, ligte etes, alpacas, volstruise en poue te sien en vele meer. Kunstenaars sal optree. Toegang is gratis. Skakel 021 873 1008 of besoek ) Gifts on sale. Lynne Tyler Cheetham’s 6th Biennial exhibition will be held at her studio, Tyler’s, in Diep River on 24, 25 and 26 November. There will be handcrafted gifts with a difference and Christmas gifts for your home and garden will be on sale. The exhibitions are open daily from 10:30 to 19:00 and the Saturday till 15:30. For more information, contact Lynne on 083 459 1189 or 021 715 6351. ) Cowboy-aand. ’n Cowboy Saloon-aand word op Saterdag 25 November om 19:00 by Die Beiteltjie in Klapmuts gehou. Kom geniet ’n heerlike aand met “line dancing”, ’n heerlike bord kos, roosterkoek, gebakte poeding met vermaak deur Boesman, die Namakwalandse Boerseun. Kaartjies is R80 (R40 vir kinders). Vir besprekings, kontak Christelle by 082 789 3812. ) aKing. Die rock band aKing speel Sondag 27 November om 12:00 tydens ’n piekniekkonsert op die grasperke van Kleinevalleij aan die Bainskloofpad buite Wellington. Kaartjies (R110) is beskikbaar by Computicket. Meer inligting by of 083 604 4037. ) Toer. New Orleans Sekondêr se oudstudente beplan ’n toer na Mosselbaai vanaf 2 tot 4 Desember. Kostes beloop R600. Bespreek jou plek by Mark by 084 991 4672 of Richardo by 076 680 6289. ) Liggiesaand. Die Laerskool Gimnasium hou op 15 en 16 November ’n Kersliggiesaand in die skoolsaal vanaf 18:30 tot 20:30. Kaartjies teen R20 (R5 vir kinders) kan vooraf by die skool gekoop word of by die deur. ) Afrikaanse liedjies. Kom luister op Vrydag om 20:00 by die Ou Meul-teater na Supernova. Geniet splinternuwe Afrikaanse liedjies deur Emile Minnie met sy kenmerkende humor, energie en styl. Hy sal ook gunstelinge doen van sy vorige albums, sowel as Franse liefdesliedjies van sy album Chanson. Kaartjies is R70 en kan bespreek word by Vicky Stemmet by 083 564 0056.


18 . Paarl Post

Volmaanpiekniek by die Taalmonument DIE maandelikse volmaanpiekniek by die Taalmonument op Paarlberg word Vrydagaand en Saterdagaand gehou. Die maan sal die Vrydag 100% vol wees. ’n Begeleide toer van die monument sal om 18:30 en weer om 19:30 aangebied word en die monument sal tot om 22:00 oop wees. Besoekers kan hul eie piekniekmandjies saambring of een by Volksmond Koffiewinkel bestel (021 863 2800). Die toegangsgeld is R15 (R10 vir studente en R5 vir kinders). Geen besprekings is nodig nie. Besoekers moet onthou om flitse en warm klere saam te bring. Geen honde en vure word toegelaat nie. Veilige parkering is beskikbaar en toegang word beheer. Skakel die Taalmuseum of Taalmonument by 021 872 3441.

Leefstyl · Lifestyle

Stap saam met skool ALMAL word uitgenooi om aan die pretstap deel te neem wat op 26 November aangebied word in die Paarl deur Boland Skool vir Outisme. Die pretstap begin by die skool by die NG Kerk in Kotzestraat, Denneburg. Die stappers in die 10 km spring om 07:45 weg (R30 of R20 vir kinders). Die 5 km pretstap spring om 08:00 weg en kos R20 (R10 vir kinders). Persone met outisme stap gratis. Inskrywings sluit 21 November. ’n Beperkte aantal T-hemde is beskikbaar teen R25. Waterpunte sal voorsien word en die eerste 300 deelnemers wat die pretstap voltooi, kry ’n gratis koeldrank en ’n medalje. By die skool sal daar kos- en drankstalletjies wees en die prysuitdeling en gelukkige trekkings vind om 10:30 plaas. Kontak die skool by 084 610 9005.

FINALISTE. Die Breaking Points Dansgroep (Noorder-Paarl Sekondêr) is as een van Drakenstein se Schools got Talent se hoërskoolfinaliste aangewys. Die ander hoërskoolfinaliste is Kurt van Gerwel (Wellington Sekondêr) en Andrea Matthews (Bergrivier Sekondêr). Die laerskoolfinaliste is Corné Dampies (St Albans Primêr) en die Carterville Dansers (Hillcrest Primêr) en Dulan Wood (Orleansvale Primêr). Dié finaliste gaan op 3 Desember teen die ander plaaslike munisipaliteite (Witzenberg, Stellenbosch, Breedevallei en Langeberg) dit uitspook om as die Kaapse Wynland Distrik se wenners gekroon te word. Die algehele wenners (laer- en hoërskool) kry elkeen R10 000 en hulle skool kry elk R20 000. Vir enige navrae, skakel 072 184 1115 of 083 604 4175.

Donderdag 10 November 2011

Library helps with instruments WITH the help of the Paarl Library, the cultural group of Mbekweni Primary School could perform for the delegation of Kungsbacka Municipality in Sweden on 14 October at the Mbekweni Thusong Service Centre. The event was hosted by the Drakenstein Municipality. Paarl Library loaned a set of musical instruments to Mbekweni Primary School and gave them the opportunity to showcase their talent. This initiative came INSTRUMENTS. Paarl Library recently loaned musical instruabout when the ments to Mbekweni Primary School. Here with the learners are school, in preparing (rear from left) Natalie Lewis (Assistant Librarian, Drakenstein), for a concert, appea- Anthea Abrahams (Head of Community Services), Michael Njenxa led to Drakenstein (Mbekweni Primary School Principal), Councillor Jonathan QebeMunicipality for help. nya (Sport, Culture, Youth and Student Affairs), Councillor Dr NoPatrick Maxam el Adams (Social Services and Community Development), Simon (project co-ordina- Kleynhans (library assistant) and Thalia Davids (Paarl Library). tor), a teacher at the available for circulation at Paarl Library school, was in need of musical equipand schools may borrow them for a spement for their cultural activities and becified period of time like all other library cause some of his learners had participated in a municipal drumming project material (books, CD’s, DVD’s, magaziin 2010, he knew just where to ask for nes). However there was one snag - the help. school first had to become a member of Paarl Library Services recently took the library. The principal, Michael Njenup various traditional drums as a new stock item for a loan to schools in the xa duly completed and signed all necesDrakenstein area in order to support sary application forms and a library card could be issued to Mbekweni Higher Pricultural development. The instruments mary School. Four Djembe drums, one were photographed, captured and barBass drum, twee Tambourines and socoded in order for the library to issue the me shakers were loaned to the school for items out on loan. These instruments will in future be a period of one month.

Vermaak · Arts

Donderdag 10 November 2011

Paarl Post

Win tickets to Kurt Darren’s concert at wine estate THE award-winning and multi-platinum local singer Kurt Darren, will perform at Rhebokskloof on Friday evening at 20:00. Kurt’s popularity and craftsmanship has resulted in 19 years as recording and performing artist, songwriting, radio and TV presenting and motion pictures. His English album, Smi­ ling back at me, also established him as South Africa’s hit parade and radio playlist favourite. After a stint in Hyde Park, London and a huge fan-base, Kurt is always geared to discover new territories, locally and abroad. Since the release of his Kurt Darren debut album For Your Preci­ ous Love (1995), followed by a series of pop work in English, Kurt hit it big time with his Afrikaans debut Net Jy Alleen in 2002. His 21 studio albums and three DVDs showcase versatile talent (doing all the background singing and harmonies himself), vocal ability, unique style and virile personality. He has also won 22 awards and his total CD sales exceed millions of copies. His party smash hit Meisie Meisie was followed by numerous other hits, perhaps the most wellknown of which are Loslappie, Kaptein and Hemel

op Tafelberg. His English hits Standing on the edge and My Facebook song have become favourites on English radio. Kurt has proudly reached the top of mainstream popular music in South Africa, especially in the Afrikaans market. On Friday he will be performing tracks from his new album, ‘Kurt Darren’s Greatest Platinum Hits’, which include six brand new songs. Adding to his performance, Kurt’s talented dancers will be joining him on stage, entertaining concert-goers in spectacular style at the Rhebokskloof ‘Theatre on the Lake’. Guests are welcome to bring along their own prepacked picnics or they can pre-order a delicious basket of eats and treats in advance from the estate’s kitchen. Tickets can be booked at Computicket or at * Five lucky Paarl Post readers stand a chance to win a double ticket to the show by correctly answering the following question: What is the name of Kurt Darren’s new album? Send the answer with your name and contact number to before 14:00 today.

Produksies op die planke by Ou Meul SATERDAG om 20:00 by die Ou Meulteater word daar deur die dagboek geblaai van ’n hedendaagse Afrikaanse vrou wat troumateriaal soek - maar waar sy sagte linne wil voel, krap die polyester van al die paloekas. Tilla is 32 jaar oud, vriendelik, aantreklik - op ’n Griekse, Portugese, Duitse manier. Onafhanklik, en steeds ongetroud. Die stof pak, die klok tik, maar al wat aan haar voordeur klop, is die een paloeka na die ander. Na die soveelste romantiese verhouding en nagte se natgehuilde kussings besluit Tilla genoeg is genoeg. Sy begin ’n digitale dagboek, enersyds om haar gevoelens te deel en andersyds om ander vrouens te help om paloekas te systap. Tilla word vertolk deur Lulu Botha en die teks en regie is deur Leon Kruger. Geen kinders jonger as 10 jaar oud

Oppieberg is pure platinum

DYNAMIC, singer and entertainer, Emo Adams and his band will be performing live at the Golden Valley Casino in Worcester on Friday 25 November at 21:00. An evening with Emo is a hilarious mix of humour, song and dance. Every performance is different, as he takes inspiration from current events to take you laughing on a musical journey through his life.

OP Vrydag 25 November sal die Paarl Amfiteater drie van die land se grootste CD-verkopers in een konsert aanbied. Bobby van Jaarsveld met sy orkes, Manie Jackson en Jay sal hul grootste treffers sing en gaste op hul tone hou. Dié drie kunstenaars se laaste CD’s het almal platinum-status bereik en is aldrie onder die vyf topkunstenaars in SuidAfrika. Treffers soos Melanie, Julia, Die

word toegelaat nie. Kaartjies is R80 per persoon en kan bespreek word by Vicky Stemmet by 083 564 0056. * Sondag om 16:00 kom Antoinette Pienaar na die Ou Meul-teater toe met haar Karoo-konsert, Antoinette hou kon­ sert. In hierdie konsert loop Antoinette kaalvoet deur die Karoo, met stories en liedjies oor haar geliefde hartland. Deur die stories deur begelei Antoinette haarself op die kitaar en sing geliefde ou liedjies asook van haar eie komposisies. Kom luister gerus na Antoinette se reis en ontmoet oom Johannes, haar leermeester, vir die afgelope elf jaar. Die konsert is toeganklik vir die hele gesin. Kaartjies is R100 per persoon en kan bespreek word by Vicky Stemmet by 083 564 0056 of Vicky@oumeultea

hemel weet, Spieëltjie, en vele ander sal vir puik vermaak sorg onder die sterrehemel. Verskeie kos- en wynstalletjies en die nuwe grasterras sal ’n karnaval-atmosfeer skep waar feesgangers heerlik kan kuier. Kaartjies kos tussen R110 en R150 per persoon. Bespreek jou plek so gou as moontlik by 021 872 9754 of bespreek aanlyn by www.cultivar

Kom lag saam DIE Afrikaanse weergawe van “Dinner for One”, gevolg deur vier komiese sketse, is vanaand om 20:00 op die planke by die Ou Meul-teater. Die produksie bestaan uit ’n mengelmoes van genotvolle vermaak en die rolle word vertolk deur Jannie Martins en Anene Loots. Kaartjies is R60 en kan bespreek word by 083 259 8064.


PROVOCATIVE. Gallery88 in Main Street, Paarl, is currently presenting an exhibition of paintings titled “Provocative” by Franschhoek artist Johannes du Plessis (right). With him at the opening are (from left) Herman Kruger (gallery owner), Jutta Oehlrich and Engela du Toit. The exhibition runs until 12 November. Pic: Sieb Sieberhagen


LIEDJIEBOER. Die liedjieboer, Anton Goosen, kom maak môre-aand ’n draai by die Bôrdienghuisteater op Wellington (kaartjies R90). Op 24 November kom kuier Ben Kruger met Vlieger, geskryf deur Harry Kalmer. Alle vertonings begin om 20:00 en kaartjies kan bespreek word by 082 812 1112.

Tall, dark and Afrikaans Emo started in the entertainment industry at the age of nine playing “Broertjie” in David Kramer and Taliep Petersen’s District Six the Musical. He then travelled the world in Kat and the Kings. His album Tall Dark & Afrikaans won a Huisgenoot Tempo Award and he hosts his own show on kykNet. Tickets at R60 per person can be booked at the casino on 023 348 7200.


Celebrate the end of the season with Nederburg

We’ve come to the end of our annual concert series and we invite you to celebrate the finale with us. Relax in our gardens to the smooth sounds of MoJazz, the Cape Philharmonic Youth Orchestra and Youth Wind Ensemble while sipping on a selection of Nederburg wines. Saturday, 26 November 2011 | Gates open at 15h00, concert starts at 17h00 R60 for adults & children under 12 get in free | Picnic platters can be pre-ordered at R120 per person | Patrons can bring their own picnic basket | Regrettable patrons cannot bring their own wine. Book at or or call 021 809 8106/8345. For more information visit

20 . Paarl Post

Donderdag 10 November 2011

MO TORINGNEWS The wind is a faithful companion THE wind is a faithful companion of the cabriolet driver, whether you’re cruising serenely along the Winelands or gliding through a pulsating metropolis. The Audi A5 Cabriolet has the same outstanding qualities as the Audi A5 Coupé. It has a long wheelbase, balanced weight distribution and a sophisticated suspension to guarantee supreme handling without

compromising ride comfort. The range extends from the most powerful gasoline model, the 3,2 litre V6 FSI produsing 195 kW, to the lively 2,0 TFSI delivering 155 kW. In between, there’s a high-torque V6 TDI powerplant, the 175 kW 3,0 model. As for transmission, cabriolet customers can choose depending on engine version between classic sporty six-speed manual, comfortable multitronic and, with the quattro models, the new high-tec dual-clutch S tronic. The Audi A5 models are now more distinctive than ever. The rear lights and the headlights have been redesigned and are optionally available in xenon plus technology with homogenous LED daytime running lights. New colours and materials accentuate the interior, and many details of the operating concept have been fine-tuned. Each of the four TDI diesel and three TFSI gasoline units in the new engine line-up include forced induction and direct fuel injection. The new 1,8 TFSI features a number of groundbreaking innovations. Fuel consumption has been reduced by 11 percent on average. The start-stop system and the recuperation system come standard with all engine-transmission configurations. Each engine is matched with the ideal drivetrain - six-speed manual, multitronic, seven-speed S tronic, front-wheel drive or quattro drive. When combined with S tronic, the quattro drivetrain uses the crown-gear centre

BODY. The Audi A5 Cabriolet is sporty and elegant with harmonious lines. differential and torque vectoring; the sport differential is the perfect complement. The chassis has been more finely tuned, with the optional Audi drive select system and dynamic steering making the Audi A5 even more fun to drive. The electromechanical power steering is new to the Audi A5 family. The new A5 is a highly intelligent car. Its driver assistance systems have undergone intensive further development. The range of infotainment options now includes the Bluetooth online car phone, which delivers a number of special services and connects the Audi A5 to the Internet. Ever since their debut, the models of the Audi A5 family - the Sportback, Coupé and Cabriolet - have impressed with their elegance.

The flowing silhouettes, the sharp lines and the muscular surfaces make strong statements. The product improvement adds sharp new accents to the design. The upper corners of the single-frame grille in high-gloss black are beveled. The grille’s lateral bars and the Audi rings appear to be sculpted. The new bumper features pronounced air inlets with massive struts, revamped grilles and flat fog lights. Sharply chiseled edges give the engine hood a three-dimensional look; the entire front end appears even flatter and wider. The headlights have also been updated. Their lower edge forms a wave; their interior has been restructured.

Factory on auction - again A DECOMMISSIONED tobacco manufacturing plant in Paarl, owned by British American Tobacco, will be brought under the gavel during Auction Alliance’s commercial multiple auction on November 22 at 12:00 at the Crystal Towers Hotel in Century City. This property was previously put on auction, but the price offered was not accepted. The property, which extends over 5 hectares, was originally developed by the Rembrandt Tobacco Group, and was considered one of the most modern tobacco manufacturing plants in the world in 1952. The property, bordered by three streets and with Berg River frontage on the fourth side is located to the east of the Paarl CBD. Located on the corner of Lady Grey and Berg River Streets, this property enjoys high exposure and offers an excellent redevelopment opportunity, unique in scale and location, says a spokesperson for Auction Alliance, Elias Tzouvanni. The property lends itself to retail and mixed use residential redevelopment although it is currently zoned for industry, with 75% coverage and a six-storey height restriction. The property boasts an industrial power supply of 4000 KVA. The numerous improvements to the property offer a total lettable area of about 17900 m² with three large warehouse spa-

ces making up the most of the lettable area. The most modern building is a 6 945 m² double storey factory which includes numerous workshops, storage areas and offices. In addition there are two other large open plan warehouses offering 3 463 m² and 4571 m² respectively. One of these includes ablution facilities and secondary office accommodation. A staff entrance and security control area is located in a 140 m² renovated Victorian building. The entire perimeter is secured by electrified fencing and access is restricted to three entrance points. In addition there is over 15 000 m² of land previously dedicated to sport and recreational facilities, a recreational complex, shaded parking areas and three identical residential units. Furthermore there is a semi-detached house, used as staff quarters for the Rembrandt Group, across the street at 45 Synagogue Street included in the auction. “This unique property offers the investor a rare chance to stake a large claim in a prime location near popular retail and residential developments in Paarl,” comments Tzouvanni. “The property is also ideal for a private school development.” Visit for more information.

AUCTION. The former cigarette factory building in Paarl is being auctioned in Cape Town on 22 November.

Business Post Service Guide

22 . Paarl Post

Service Guide

inligting • info Deadline Tuesday 14:00 How to pay • Cash • Credit card • Direct banking Tariff 1-15 words R240 for 4 weeks

Thursday 10 November 2011

Ska 021 kel Zeta 870 460 9

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Fax 086 297 4465 • E-mail: • Website:


5cm x 3cm block R595 for 4 weeks black & white R29,75 per cm for 5cm or more




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R E PA I R S TO fridges, freezers, coldroom & restaurant equipment. Buy and sell fridges & freezers. Contact Neels 079 5730605

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WASMASJIENMAN. Ons herstel die volgende: wasmasjiene, stowe, yskaste, mikrogolfoonde, tuimeldroërs en skottelgoedwassers. Skakel Frik 082 682 2432.

INBOU VAN KASTE, asook verandering van bestaande kaste. Gratis kwotasies. Skakel JP 083 453 2702.




GARAGE DOORS & AUTOMATION Contact: 076 523 0306

Kombuise- (3D ontwerp) Slaap-, bad-, studeerkamerkaste Rakke • Dry Walls Shop Fitting Kwaliteit gelamineerde vloere


083 654 9318 LOODGIETER LOODGIETERWERK Plumbing en regmaak van dakke @ billike pryse. Werk gewaarborg - 7 dae per week! Skakel Johan 082 672 2949/ 021 872 5979.


HANDYMAN HANDYMAN tot jou beskikking!! Vir alle klein werke: Huis tuin besproeiing, Herstel van krane, Klein verfwerke, Hang van prente, Insit van lamineerde vloere, Vervanging van deurslotte ens. Vir meer inligting, skakel Carel Meyer 083 291 1928


J.J. DRY CARPET CLEANING All areas: Domestic, commercial and industrial

Walk on your carpets in 10 min Upholstery | Couches Persian carpets Blinds & Mattresses Cleaning from R90 per room Car seats | Etc. Premises & Offices MONDAY - SATURDAY For a FREE quotation, call Yolanda on 079 568 7051

BAILEY'S FLOOR SANDING: Kontak: 021 8621566/083482 2532.

PAARL VLOERSKUUR DIENSTE Skakel Jaco Geldenhuys 084 493 6696 F A C E L I F T F L O O R I N G .

SKUUR EN BEHANDELING van houtvloere asook bouwerk & verfwerk. Skakel Phillip by 082 261 0770.

MATSKOONMAAK MASJIEN te huur. Doen dit self en spaar. R250 per dag insl 2l skoonmaakmiddel. Skakel 021 873 6722 of 079 066 6030

PAARL VLOERDIENSTE vir muur tot muur matte, novilon en viniel teëls en alle tipe blindings. Skakel Billy en Marlene 021-873-4540 of 083-242-4740




by Louis

Kombuis- & slaapkamerkaste Studeerkamerrakke Verandering van bestaande kaste Gelamineerde houtvloere Hang van deure

SKAKEL 082 554 1879

RW HOUTWERKE Ingeboude kaste & kombuisontwerp. Restourasiewerk. Algemene houtwerk. Gratis kwotasie. Regardt 082 847 6333

INGEBOUDE KASTE BENUT LENTE AANBOD. Ontwerp, bou, verbeter, vergroot alle kaste. Beproefde diens. Betroubare toesig. Boet: 072 243 9323

021-872-0306/082-651-4930 KARBONAAT-PROSES:

Geen stoom, sjampoe of poeier gebruik ASOOK IN DIE WINTER

STOOMSKOON -MAAK van matte asook bekleedsels. Skakel Peter Nordin 021 873 3621 / 073 206 8581.







TEL/FAKS 021-872-6610 073-161-3709

ONS spesialiseer ook in vervoer van klein trekke en enkelitems. JC Dreyer Removals. Skakel Jacques 082 453 3344 of jcdreyer@


REMOVALS Household Furniture Office Furniture Single Items Storage i



FOURIE-VERVOER van meubels - klein of groot. Landswyd of lokaal. Skakel 082 821 5234 of 021 876 2440.

WOLMATRANS * Gratis Transito versekering Tot en met R400 000

New geyser installations & maintenance S lar geyser Heat pumps S lar maintenance Geyser wise Renovations

Cell: 072 409 1207 email:

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General household plumbing Construction plumbing Stellenbosch, Paarl and Franschhoek 078 414 0117 info@winelands www.winelands

ALLE KLEIN TREKKE: Spesialiseer in naweke en na-ure. Kontak 082 825 3893.



ROOF RECONDITIONING SPECIALISTS • All waterproofing (roofs & walls) • Roof cleaning (Anti-fungal treatment) • Roof treating & painting • Gutters & fascia boards • Painting (Interior & Exterior) • Decorative painting

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Everything for your Swimming Pool/Spa Spares, Repairs & Chemicals, Services & Service Contracts

86 Breda Street, Paarl Tel: 021-872-0747 Fax: 021-872-7691 Email:paarlpoolservices

DURR POOL SERVICES. Repairs on pools, pumps. Pipes, filters etc. Special rates for pensioners and clients whose pools we service. All hours. Contact 084 592 7907.

Tel: 021-873-5482 Pool Paving Cladding Sleepers Stepping Stones Cobbles




Incl. installation + vat FACTORY & SHOWROOMS ATHLONE 021 638 0531 BELLVILLE 021 949 6070

BELANGRIK SPERTYD is Dinsdag 14:00. Skakel Zeta 021 870 4609



Tree-felling & Roll-on lawn Garden Services Afsaag van bome, snoei van struike, aanplant van gras, rommelverwydering, skoonmaak van erwe, sny van gras en randte, Alle instandhouding teen die beste pryse. Kontak my gerus vir ‘n gratis kwotasie 082 065 0837

DIAL A DRUM Paarl en Wellington areas 210 L drom vir tuinvullis en huisafval. Ook Gas Spitbraai te huur, vir meer inligting Skakel 021 872 0222 / 082 376 1294.



Coenie 076 286 4440 Susan 071 674 1891 Tiaan 076 894 8108

VERFWERK P I C A S S O ’ S PA I N T E R S : We repair and paint commercial and residential buildings. Including roof & woodwork. Bruce Taylor 082 578 7712.


Painting excellence

Tombstone from R850 Full package from R4 500 + 7 New Designs

Morné Bester 084 412 2543


30mm granite & Engineered tops per linear meter incl. vat + installation + templates



Painters, Decorators & Renovators


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Paarl: 021 872 9935 Wellington: 021 864 3365



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QUALITY EQUIPMENT TO: OPEN • Develop • Improve MON • Maintain • Construct SAT • Renovate @ site, factory, home, farm or road


Stoorplek beskikbaar Vir die vervoer van meubels Kort- en langafstand.

082 5747 489 FAKS: 021 872 8536


Anton du Plessis 084 767 5106

082 453 3344


Paarl Post

NO JOB TOO SMALL 082 492 2958 Passie: 021 863 2103 e-mail:

BESPAAR TYD EN GELD plaas blokadvertensies landwyd in die publikasie van u keuse. GEEN EKSTRA KOSTES. Skakel 021 870 4600


6 m³ Sand R866,40 6 m³ Klip 19/25 R1 504,80 OOK BESKIKBAAR: 13/19 mm klip, filling sand, G4 & G5 basecourse. Aflewerings vir kleiner hoeveelhede en areas Wellington, Klapmuts, Simondium & Franschhoek ook beskikbaar. Diggers & excavators te huur. Skakel 021 868 2169 Email:


• Rubble removal • Garden refuse • Site clean ups • Compost R220/m³ • 4ton truck

For more information please contact 083 306 5310 B. R VERVOER. Tipper trok. Vervoer bourommel ens. Asook Bobcat laaigraaf te huur. Sand 4m = R520 Skakel Bennie 072 208 6943.


Maverick Trading 1207 cc h/a

robbelaar vervoer Tel/faks: 021 873 1551


Vervoer van sand & klip.

6 m Sand - R820 6 m Klip - R1510

Billike pryse!

SKAKEL NICO BY 082 925 3680 vir verwydering van tuinvullis of bourommel en lewering van klip ens. Goeie diens gewaarborg. FREE DUMPING SITE: Clean building material and soil only. Phone Louis 082 829 5542. V E RW Y D E R I N G van rommel en vullis 1-6m³. Algemene vervoer met 8-ton trok. Vir billike pryse en gehalte diens skakel JACQUES 082 579 2998/ 021-872-6029. ROMMEL- & VULLISVERWYDERING: Vervoer van bourommel & tuinvullis. Kontak Louis 083 713 9599.

TJ MOSTERT EN SEUN 021 863 2400 021 86 30123 6m³ SAND..................R855,00 6m³ KLIP 13mm.......R1 653,00 6m³ KLIP 19mm.......R1 653,00 6m³ OPVULGROND..R478,80 Afgelewer in Paarl en BTW ingesluit. Asook aflewerings in Wellington, Klapmuts, Simondium en Franschhoek KLEINER HOEVEELHEDE OOK BESKIKBAAR

VERVOER LD VERVOER. Vervoer van: Bourommel, tuinvullis, sandklip, stene, klein trekke. Bennie Benjamin 073 373 6610/ Johan 082 785 5067/ Scholtz 083 631 2946. Verwydering van tuinvullis Removal of garden refuse Skoonmaak van geute Cleaning of gutters Anja 073 986 3077

NICO MOSTERT 082 413 1216 6m³SAND........................R 6m³ KLIP 13mm........R1 6m³ KLIP 19mm........R1 6m³ OPVULGROND......R

750 450 450 420



VIBRACRETE Beste kwaliteit Rib & Block Decking Vibracrete walls Tel/Faks: 021 868 3787 k/u 021 873 3609 n/u 083 459 5989


Donderdag 10 November 2011

SPERTYD is dINSdag 14:00. Skakel Zeta 021 870 4609

Kalahari Ads

24 . Paarl Post

Thursday 10 November 2011

Suid-Afrika se gunsteling snu ffelgids Paarl Post 021 870 4600 | 8 Sterfgevalle Deaths

Zeta 021 870 4609

8 Sterfgevalle Deaths

8 Sterfgevalle Deaths

8 Sterfgevalle Deaths

8 Sterfgevalle Deaths

10 In memoriam In memoriam

Sharon 021 870 4607

Fax: 086 530 0577 Fax: 086 509 2371 Email:


Paarl Post

Demas: Anthony (Tony) Gebore: 14 Augustus 1955 Oorlede: 5 November 2011

Van der Sluys Strukture Pos beskikbaar: Voorman / terreinagent – 2011 Paarlse konstruksie- en projekbestuurfirma beskik oor ‘n pos vir ‘n voorman / terreinagent. Die suksesvolle kandidaat sal die volgende take moet verrig: 1. Uitsit van geboue 2. Kontrolering van terreinarbeid 3. Vervoer van arbeid na terrein 4. Bestel van material benodig op terrein 5. Kwaliteit-kontrole van subkontrakteurs 6. Bystand verleen aan konstruksiebestuurder 7. Algemene terreinadministrasie 8. Kontrolering van argiteks- en ingenieurstekeninge op terrein 9. Voltooiing van tydskedules van arbeid Minimum vereistes 1. 5 Jaar ondervinding in soortgelyke posisie 2. Persoon moet beskik oor kode 8-lisensie Sluitingsdatum vir aansoeke is 15 November 2011. Neem kennis dat indien u binne twee weke van die sluitingsdatum nog geen terugvoering ontvang het nie, u die aansoek as onsuksesvol moet beskou. Faks of epos die aansoeke na die volgende: Faks: 086 273 9651 Epos:

VanDerSluysStrukture_ VAK 10x2 | BW 10 November 2011

Sag heengegaan in die ouderdom van 56. Word diep betreur deur vrou, kinders, broers, susters en vriende. Begrafnisdiens vind plaas op Sondag 13 November 2011 te Coodestraat 8, Van Wyksvlei, Wellington om 12:00, A.G.S. Newton om 13:00. Teraardebestelling te Hillcrest Begraafplaas om 14:00 Reëlings: Gallico & Willy's Begrafnisdienste Tel: 021 864 3893 (alle ure) Lid van die N.B.O.V.

Doodberig_DemasA_ Smalls 10 November 2011 10x2

Koopman: Moos 11/08/1947 - 05/11/2011 Met liefdevolle herinneringe neem ons afskeid van 'n wonderlike eggenoot, pa en oupa. Word diep betreur deur familie en vriende. Begrafnis: Saterdag 12 November 2011 Huisdiens: 09:00 Kerkdiens: 10:00 VGK Huguenot Kontaknr: 021 862 0148 Aubrey Solomon Begrafnisdienste 021 862 5346 • 082 953 9919 Lid van N.F.D.A.

Doodberig_KoopmanM_ Smalls 10 November 2011 8x2

Pienaar: John (Boy) 19-05-1962 - 2-11-2011

Begrafnis: Saterdag 12 November 2011 Huisdiens: 09:00 - Polisiewoonstelle nr. 7 Kerkdiens: 10:00 - Pinksterkerk, Magnoliastraat 224, Paarl

Convenient Funerals: 021 862 8620 10 10 Doodberig_PienaarJ_ In memoriam In memoriam In memoriam In memoriam Smalls

10 November 2011 10x2

(Aunty Hannie) Sag heengegaan op 5 November 2011 in die ouderdom van 96 jaar. Begrafnis 12/11/2011. 09:30 by huis 10:00 Congregational Kerk Memories of your humility and kindness will forever be treasured by your children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. You have taught us to be patient and understanding of others. Your optimistic humour always brightened our day. Forever in out hearts you will stay.

Be Wise, Advertise

Foto’s is kosbaar, kom haal dit asseblief af by die kantoor. 10 In memoriam In memoriam

A B R A H A M S : F R E D. Time has passed, fondly recall all beautiful memories. Deep­ ly missed by Mary, Adré, Frederick, Anthea, Ivanhoe & families. DROOMER: FREDA. Our dear mother passed away on 8 November 2010. Sadly miss­ ed and lovingly remembered. May, Veronica & children. H A R D I N E : J OA N . 10/11/1932 ­ 30/11/1996. The years might wipe out many things, but not the memory when we were still all together. Caroline, Roslyn, Joslyn, Sammy, Marinda and families. The best quide to find the service that meets your budget.

10 In memoriam In memoriam

Hendrick: Timmie Op 07 November 2011 is ons saamloop-pad al twee jaar verby, maar diep binne ons harte trap ons nog daagliks saam. Die hartseer word nie minder nie, maar die kosbare herinneringe wat jy vir ons nagelaat het, is so baie dat ons jou teenwoordigheid nog elke dag beleef. Mis jou baie en sal jou nooit vergeet nie. Liefde vrou Johanna, kinders en kleinkinders.

Doodberig_Hendrick T_1B4NLNK Smalls 10 November 2011 8x2

Petersen: Jumat HJ Cyster: Nellie

WILLIAMS: HENRY ("LIGGAAM"). Sag heen­ gegaan op 6 November 2011. Begrafnis: Saterdag 12 November 2011. Tuis: 09:00 (Allegrostraat 13, Groen­ heuwel). Kerk: 10:00 (St. Stephen's Church, New Or­ leans). Van: Williams familie.

Gebore: 20/06/1957 Oorlede: 10/11/2010 Dit is reeds een jaar gelede dat ons Hemelse Vader jou kom haal het. Vandag 10 November 2010 klink soos gister, ons sal hierdie dag nooit vergeet nie. Dankie vir baie (vele) herinneringe wat jy vir ons asook die familie agtergelaat het omdat jy 'n mens-mens was en bly daagliks op almal se lippe. Ons weet ook dat jy veilig in God se arms rus, met dié dat jy vroeg soggens jou tyd met God op jou fiets deurgebring het. Daddy, ons mis jou vreeslik baie, vir al jou grappe wat jy vertel het, en vir wie jy was. Daddy, jy sal altyd in my hart bly en wat ek die meeste mis, is wanneer Daddy my roep om jou rug te kom krap.

Doodberig_Cyster N_1B4QL25 Smalls Liefde: Vrou Jenny en dogter Stacey-lee. 10 November 2011 Advertise Doodberig_PetersenJHJ_ 10x2 Advertise in the Classifieds! the fast and Smalls We bring you the best in: Properties, cars, vacancies efficient way, 10 November 2011call Zeta or and bargains every week.12x2 Sharon at

Phone Zeta or Sharon at 021 870 4600 to advertise

021 870 4600

Riffel: Rebecca 10 Maart 1946 - 11 November 2007 Mammie, op 11 November is dit presies 4 jaar gelede wat jy besluit het om liewer na jou Hemelse Vader se woning te gaan. Die pyn is nog net so seer soos daardie eerste dag... dikwels is daar nog trane, hartseer en die onbeskryflike vermissing. Ons sal jou nooit, nooit vergeet nie en die herinneringe van jou mooi geaardheid en liefde vir ons, is vir ewig vasgelê in ons harte. Charles, Surita, Deneile, Marelize en kleinkinders, Munibah, Andrew, Charlize en Rebecca-Rose.

Doodberig_Riffel R_ Smalls 10 November 2011 10x2

Adams: Abraham Matthew Born: 20 March 1958 Deceased: 09 November 2010 In loving memory of Brian Adams. We still can't believe you are gone, but God had greater plans in store for you. Your legacy as a father, teacher and mentor will remain in our hearts forever. Your wife Charlotte, children Brendon, Brenda, Charlene and Tashreeq Adams. Till we meet again.


Kalahari Ads

Thursday 10 November 2011 10 In memoriam In memoriam


34 Geld Money

LOAN PROVIDERS Setting new Standards of Service

HEUGH: FRANCES. 08/11/2011. Met soete herin­ neringe aan Frances met eerste verjaarsdag weg van ons.

14 Dankbetuigings Thanks

• FAST and EASY cash • SAMEDAY cash payment • EASY repayments (6 months) Dial: 021 872 2114 or visit us @ 387 Main Street, Paarl

LOANS from R1 000 ­ R50 000. 5 Minute approval. Contact Sharon: 083 819 3947. R1 000 ­ R200 000 loans! All welcome, blacklisted and garnishee. Phone Angela: 073 232 8741. Office: 021 829 7233. Fax: 021 945 1948.




Spesiale dienste Special services

Kamers te huur Rooms to let

Woonstelle te huur Flats to rent

Woonstelle te huur Flats to rent

Huise te huur Houses to let

BLITZ BOEKHOUDIEN­ STE: "Vir vinnige, akkurate boekhouding". Kwalifikasie: NQF5 (senior boekhouer). Alle boekhoufunksies, SARS LBS/VAT EMP201 rekonsi­ liasies, salarisse/wages en nog vele meer @ goeie tariewe. Kontakbare verwysings. Skakel Duarita vir 'n konsul­ tasie: Tel: 082 591 5789/ Epos:

VRYKYK: Ideale selfsorg­ eenheid. Volledig toegerus, onderdakparkering ­ R2 000 p.m. (W+E en Mnet ingesluit). Beskikbaar 1 Desember. 021 863 3447/083 336 3434.

CENTRAL PAARL: 1­Bed­ room flat, bic, lounge, kitchen & bathr ­ R2 400 p.m. Available 1 Dec. 082 409 7855.

WELLINGTON: 1­Slpk. woonstel naby ouetehuis. Slegs senior persone. Goeie sekuriteit. Beskikbaar vanaf 1 Desember 2011 teen R2 380 p.m. Skakel Marlene by Duvenage & De Villiers. 021 873 3140.

PAARL - R17 000 Ruim 4-slpk. woonhuis op kleinhoewe by Klapmuts met 6 motorhuise. Goedomheinde tuin en swembad. Beskikbaar: Dadelik Anneke: 083 461 8656

HR SERVICES ­ Hoofstraat Motors. We do services, brakes, clutch overhauls, CV joints, shocks and engine overhauls. Contact Heinrich: 082 350 6961/021 872 4667. LOOSE WEIGHT SAFE­ LY with Herbalife products. For professional help, call Natasha: 078 536 6668.

BOEZAK: ALWYN. Ons opregte dank en waardering vir 'n onbaatsugtige bydrae en rol wat u gespeel het tydens die heengaan van ons pa, oupa en eggenoot. U ster het teen ons naghemel geblink. Ons dank u. Elizabeth Boe­ zak, André, Anthea, Lucinda, Echbert en kleinkinders.


Begrafnisondernemers Undertakers

AUBREY SOLOMON Begrafnisondernemer: Hermitagestr, Huguenot. Tel: 021 862 5346. 24­uur diens.



Paarl Post

21 Geld Money 12 10 CASH LOANS: Len­ ings tot R200 000. Swartlys welkom. Goedkeuring in 5 min. 021 696 8028. APPLY ..............for a loan! Loans from R1 000­R100 000. 12­72 months to pay. Blacklisted/Garnishee welcome. Wendy: 076 682 2723. 021 870 1728 (fax).

BRIDGING CASH while waiting for

PENSION/ PACKAGE Payout (lump sum only) Same day pay out

021 949 0930

021-872-9191 Die professionele leningskantoor waar u volkome privaatheid en vriendelikheid geniet.

KONTANTLENINGS Backmin Sentrum Lady Greystraat (in deurgang tussen Totalsport en Vee’s Video)

ADVERTISERS It is the responsibility of the advertiser to make sure his advert is correct on the first day of publication and placed according to his instruction and that mistakes are corrected before the next edition. The Paarl Post does not accept responsibility for more than one faulty placing. No credits will be allowed for insignificant typographical or typing errors which do not affect the value of the advertisement. No advertisement may be reproduced without the permission of the owner, according to article 12 (7) of the Copyright Act of 1978. NB: ALL CANCELLATIONS MUST BE DONE IN WRITING. NO CREDITS WILL BE PASSED WITHOUT WRITTEN PROOF OF CANCELLATION.


1­SLPK. WOONSTEL in Wellington met swembad en waskamer. Baie veilig, 400 m van kampus ­ R2 550 p.m. Luukse buitekamer in Wel­ lington. Met eie badkamer, alarm, swembad, waskamer ­ R2 100 p.m. Skakel Sandra: 084 664 3743. 2­SLPK. W/S met moderne badk. I.G.K., kombuis ­ R3 400 pm. Onmiddellik beskik­ baar. H/v Abattoirweg & St Omerstraat, Charleston Hill, Paarl­Oos; 1­SLPK, badk, kombuis. Beskikbaar vanaf 1 Des ­ R2 500 pm; 2½­SLPK. W/S, badk, sitk, kombuis. Onmiddellik beskikbaar ­ R2 800 pm. H/v Barbarossastraat & Ambagsvalleistraat, Paarl­ Oos. Parkering vir 1 motor, geen honde, W&E uitgesluit. Dep + 1 maand huur voor­ uitbetaalbaar. 082 896 6957 tussen 10:00 ­ 18:00 of faks 021 696 8790.

37 Onderrig aangevra Tuition wanted AANSOEKE vir 'n vroulike Privaat Remediërende Tutor, verkieslik 'n finale jaar stu­ dent wat hierdie jaar kwali­ fiseer, vir tuisonderrig in Paarl. Kan gerig word aan of skakel Petra by 082 571 6662.

40 Te huur algemeen To let general ABOUT STORAGE at affor­ dable price units at R590 p/m. Short­ or long term. Call: 074 110 3974.

Jumping Castles & Slides for Hire! Full-day or half-day rentals Wide variety of jumping castles & slides available Vir enige navrae kontak Erech by 083 461 7912 of Carrin by 083 241 1817. E-pos: Website:


PaarlPostADVERTISERS_21426 Gevind 9x1 bw Found Smalls BOERBUL, male, Piet Retief DON’T DELAY - PLACE YOUR BOOKING TODAY! St. Grey Tabby male cat, 17 sep Wellington North. Tabby

021 873 3400

PAARL 3-Slaapkamerwoning met 'n kantoor en braaikamer, enkelmotorhuis, lugreëling. NoorderPaarl. Huur onderhandelbaar. Beskikbaar 1 Jan Luukse 3-slaapkamerwoning in Zomerlust-landgoed met dubbel- motorhuis @ R9 500 p/m. Beskikbaar onmiddellik 2 Bedroom, 1 bathroom apartment in a security complex @ R3 300 p/m. Paarl East. Available immediately Baie gesogte 2 slaapkamer dupleks woonstel beskikbaar met tuin. On-suite badkamer + ekstra badkamer @ R4 840 p/m. Beskikbaar 1 Jan 1-Slaapkamerduplekswoonstel in baie gesogte kompleks met privaat tuin, Noorder-Paarl, Skoolstraat @ R3 400 p/m. Beskikbaar 1 Jan Lekker ruim 3-slaapkamerwoning met enkelmotorhuis en tuin. Veilige en stil area @ R6 900 p/m. Beskikbaar 1 Des KANTOORSPASIE Uitstekende ligging & sentraal @ R4 500 p/m. Kom onderhandel! WELLINGTON Lieflike 2-slaapkamerwoning met onderdakstoep en tuin in sekuriteitskompleks. Enkelmotorhuis @ R5 500 p/m. Beskikbaar 1 Jan 2-Slaapkamergrondvloereenhede beskikbaar in bekende

PAARL LA ROCHE WOONSTELLE R4 770 Ruim 2-slaapkamerwoonstel, 2de vloer, onderdakparkering. Elmarie: 083 273 5582

PAARL-SENTRAAL R3 300 1-Slpk woonstel. Beskikbaar: 01 Januarie 2012 Anneke: 083 461 8656

PAARL-SENTRAAL R4 500 2-Slpk woonstel, ruim. Beskikbaar: 01 Januarie 2012 Anneke: 083 461 8656 WELLINGTON PIANO FACTORY - R4 500 Moderne 2-slpk.grondvloerwoonstel. Oopplan kombuis na leefarea. Geen diere, parkering. Beskikbaar: Dadelik Sonja: 082 891 8548

WELLINGTON R3 800 Moderne 2-slpk.duplekswoonstel. Oopplan kombuis na leefarea. Patio met braaiplek. Geen diere, parkering. Beskikbaar: Dadelik Sonja: 082 891 8548

PAARL THE TOWERS R4 000 1 Bedroom flat with all appliances. Available: 01 December 2011 Elmarie: 083 273 5582

J.J. Dempers en Seuns (Edms) Bpk Olyfbos Woonstelle (Sekuriteitskompleks/ DSTV) • 2-Slpk. skakelhuis vir R5 170 pm vanaf 1/12/2011 • 1-Slpk. woonstel vir R3 630 onmiddellik beskikbaar Skakel 021 872 1608

Geleentheid aangebied Lift offered SAAMRYGELEENTHEID beskikbaar vanaf Wellington tot Worcester. Maandae tot Vrydae. Kontaknommers: mev N Arendse, Crow ­ 072 599 6946 of mnr D Sass ­ 072 728 3315.




beskikbaar. Nov & Des


4-Slaapkamerwoning in Voorstraat. Alarmstelsel, lugreëling en omheining, enkelmotorhuis met ekstra parkering @ R7 500 p/m. Beskikbaar onmiddellik

Te Huur:

3-Slaapkamerhuis In Generaal Hertzog Blvrd vir R5 800 p/m. Beskikbaar onmiddellik

Kerkstraat 12, Wellington 021 873 6363

Kamers en woonstelle in studentekompleks. Vanaf R1 250.

Studentewoning: Kamers te huur, moenie dit misloop nie!

Kamers in studentehuis. Vanaf R1 350

BACHELOR woonstel of geskik vir kantoorruimte. Noorder­Paarl. Beskikbaar 1 Desember ­ R1 700 p.m. Skakel 073 285 4167.

SENTRAAL­WELLING­ TON: Dubbelkamer of enkel­ kamer. Deel badkamer en kombuis. Beskikbaar 1 Des of 1 Jan. Kontak 083 302 5506.

BACHELOR woonstel vir slegs een persoon. Geen kinders. Paarl ­ R2 500p.m. + dep. Beskikbaar vanaf 1 Des 2011. Kontak 082 294 0403.

Kamer te huur: Rustige omgewing, ideaal vir senior persoon, baie bekostigbaar. Beskikbaar onmiddellik


WELLINGTON: Enkel­ woonstel ­ R2 200p.m. + dep. Vanaf 1 Desember. Water ingesluit. Skakel 021 873 3051/072 329 0746. WOONSTELLE te huur in Wellington. Bachelors, een en twee slaapkamers, in seker­ heidskompleks. Vanaf R2 200 p.m. Skakel 021 862 6363.

50 Huise te huur Houses to let 2­SLPK WONING agter Pick n Pay Wellington ­ R3 000 pm. Beskikbaar 1 Des 2011. Kontak 021 872 3342. 3­SLPK. WOONHUIS met motorhuis te huur. Sentraal geleë en so pas gerestoureer. Huur R5 000 p.m. Beskikbaar vanaf 1 Januarie 2012. Kon­ tak eienaar op 082 891 3237. 4­SLPK. HUIS naby Paarl Mall. Oopplan eetkamer/son­ kamer/ kombuis. Groot sit­ kamer, stoepkamer, 1½ badk, buitekamer, 1 motorhuis, plus afdak vir motor ­ R7 000 p.m. Kontak 082 880 1470. BOSCHENMEER ­ huis: Groot, moderne 4­ slpk. huis, 4½ badk, 3 motorhuise, oop­ plan, 2 leefareas. Beskikbaar vanaf 1 Des ­ R24 000. Skakel Louise by 072 105 2680. CENTRAL PAARL: 3 Bed­ room house in lovely secluded garden, beautiful view ­ R9 750pm Avail. January 2012. 083 380 5520. CENTRAL PLAIN Street. Cozy 3 Bedr cottage, o/plan living, secure parking. 1 December or January. R4 750 p.m. Tel: 083 702 2382. DE ZOETE INVAL: 3 Bed­ room house, 2 bathrooms, spacious yard and outdoor braai for rent. Available immediately. R6 900. WELLINGTON: 2 bed­ room house/apartment with modern bathroom, open plan interior and automatic garage. Available immediately ­ R4 300. Annemie: 079 846 3968.

LEILANI HEIGHTS: Sentraal­Paarl. Moderne, oopplan 2­slpk woonstel. I.G.K. Beskikbaar 1 Nov 2011 ­ R4 380 pm. Maretha: 079 306 4242. MOUNT VIEW secure com­ plex. Flats to rent from R3 050 p.m. Sonstraal No 2. Nanna Close. 2­Bedr semi home. Available immediately ­ R3 050. Contact Tamzyn 074 155 6830 or 021 872 5286.



male cat, Paarl North. Please sekuriteitskompleks P R O P E R T I E S phone SPCA Wellington: 021 @ R4 200 p/m. FOR PROPERTY MANAGEMENT & RENTALS 46 Book now @ 082 6752 952 or  1-Slaapkamergrondvloer of 864 3726. duplekseenhede ook WELLINGTON HOUSE Kamers te huur beskikbaar @ R3 300 p/m. 3 Bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, big living Rooms to let Bachelor woonstelle ook areas, swimming pool, double 30

Spesiale dienste LENINGS!!!!!! R1 000 ­ Special services R100 000. Swartlyskliënte, BudgetLoans_275BE garnishees welkom. 5 Min BESKIKBAAR VIR AL­ pre­approval. knope 7x1 bw Fiona: 082 422 TERASIEWERK, 2271. aanwerk. Langbroeke korter maak. Some insit: Moue, Smalls rokke & rompe. Skakel 021 871 1296. 4 feb


48 Woonstelle te huur Flats to rent

2­SLPK WOONSTEL beskikbaar in Franschhoek met tuin ­ R6 000 pm. Beskik­ baar 1 Des. Louise: 072 105 2680.

Kennisgewings Notices

Paarl Post

garage, fully walled. R8 800 / month Available immediately WELLINGTON: STUDENT ACCOMMODATION 3 Bedrooms, 1 bathroom, available immediately. R5 550/month water included. Pre-paid electricity. WELLINGTON: ACCOMMODATION AVAILABLE FOR LADY STUDENTS 4 Bedroom house, 3 bathrooms, available 1 January 2012. R2 000/month/room. CONTACT PETER 083 641 0808 Fax: 086 529 6107

PAARL: Bachelor woonstel ­ R2 700. In middedorp, aparte kombuis. Gemeubileerd, eie braai­area. W+E ingesluit. Onmiddellik beskikbaar. Skakel 072 347 8964 of 072 601 5740. Regular advertising in the Classifieds will always be noticed! Phone Zeta at 021 870 4600 to advertise

EAMES PROPERTY MANAGEMENT BOSCHENMEER: Townhouse - 3 bedr, 2 bathr, open plan living room and kitchen, single garage, luxury finishes. Unfurnished. R8 000 pm Available: 01/11/11 3 Bedr, 3 bathr, reception, fireplace, aircons, double garage, underfloor heating, pool. Unfurnished. R16 500 pm Available: 01/02/12 3 Bedr, 2 bathr, reception, fireplace, aircons, garage, builtin braai, pool. Unfurnished. R15 000 pm Available: 01/02/12 3 Bedr, 2 bathr, guest toilet, dining & reception room, fireplace, aircons, garage. Furnished. R17 000 pm Available: 01/02/12 4 Bedr, 4 bathr, guest toilet, 2 x reception rooms, 2 x studies, 2 x fireplaces, aircons, 3 x garages, swimming pool. Unfurnished. R27 500 pm Available: 01/11/11 Lodge: 2 bedr, 2 bathr, guest toilet, fireplace, pool, garage. Furnished. R13 000 pm Available: 01/11/11 MARGUERITE: 082 065 1761 RENDA: 082 223 8276

WELLINGTON KORTTERMYN - R6 800 Lekker gesinshuise met 3 slpk, groot leefarea met braaikamer, dubbelmotorhuis, goeie area. BESKIKBAAR: 01 Dadelik Sonja: 082 891 8548

De Oude Renbaan: R7 500 Huis te huur in aftree-oord vir persone ouer as 55 jaar. Beskikbaar vanaf 1 Desember 2011. Skakel Niel: 082 807 6510

Denneburg: R7 000/m Ruim 3-slpk. gesinshuis. Beskikbaar: 1 Desember/ 1 Januarie. Skakel Charlene: 021 871 1241 (kantoorure)

HOOGGELEGEN, Worces­ ter. (Aftree­oord). 2­Slpk. Baie netjies ­ R3 600 p.m. Vanaf 1 Desember. Kontak 081 324 7701/074 916 9550. KOM bly in styl! Vir enkel, professionele persoon. Lief­ like, gemeubileerde huis teen Paarlberg, sentraal. swembad, binne­ + buitebraai, Dstv, be­ diende, was en stryk, par­ kering ­ R2 800 tot R3 000 pm. Alles ingesluit. Skakel Paul: 082 334 4473.

218 Main Street, Paarl, 7646 Tel: 021 871 1481 • Fax: 021 872 4848

VAL DE VIE POLO AND WINE ESTATE 3 Bedroom home with 2 bathrooms. Open plan kitchen, dining room with built-in braai and living room with fireplace. Big landing upstairs can be used as another living area. Separate study can also be used as 4th bedroom. Available immediately R15 500 per month WEB ACCESS: TKL 77843 BOSCHENMEER GOLF ESTATE - TOWNHOUSE Open plan living and dining area. 3 Bedrooms with 2 bathrooms and guest toilet downstairs. Small garden and single automated garage. Available: 1 December 2011 R7 150 per month NORTHERN PAARL 2 Bedroom home with 2 bathrooms. Open plan living and dining room with separate kitchen and pantry. Big back garden with pool and Wendy house. Small flatlet at back of house with en suite bathroom. Covered parking bay. Available: 15 November 2011 R6 600 per month BERG EN DAL WELLINGTON 3 Bedroom house with open plan living and dining room. One full bathroom. Covered patio with braai and pool. Shaded parking Available 1 November 2011 R6 800 per month WEB ACCESS: TKL 77883 RIVERSIDE WELLINGTON Various one and two bedroom flats in above complex available from 1 November 2011. Security complex with safe parking. R3 000 - ONE BEDROOM R3 700 - TWO BEDROOM WEBACCESS: TKL77886 DE OUDE KAAP WELLINGTON 2 Bedroom townhouse with 1 full bathroom. Open plan kitchen and living room with single garage. Available: 1 December 2011 R4 000 per month Helena Grobbelaar Tel. Office: 021 871 1481

Reach thousands of potential customers every week in the Classifieds To advertise contact Zeta or Sharon at 021 870 4600



50 Huise te huur Houses to let

PAARL WOONSTELLE TE HUUR R4 600 LA ROCHE 3 Slpk, 2 Bad, 2 P/b Onmid. beskik R4 200 LA ROCHE 2 Slpk, 2 Badk, 1 P/b Onmid. beskik Marne 021 872 2223/ 083 632 9968 BOSCHENMEER R7 500 3-Slpk. huis, 1 Garage, privaat tuintjie R16 000 ohb 3-Slpk. huis te huur. R14 000 3 Slpk, gemeub., met swembad Thys 021 863 2109/ 082 646 0932 WELLINGTON HUIS R7 000 Berg-en-Dal 3 Slpk, 2 bad, dubbelm/h WOONSTEL R3 650 De Fonteine Ruim 1-slaapkamer ANDRÉ 021 864 2948/ 082 788 7746 54 Persele te huur Premises to let 124/m² KANTORE @ R68,40/m² p.m. (2 x onder­ dakparkering), 1ste vl, Lady Greystr. 98/m² Winkel of banksaal of koffiewinkel @ R114/m² op Lady Greystr. Beide persele in die Towers­ gebou, Paarl. Kontak M Mostert 021 981 6030 (epos: CBD: Ottowa Str, Renovated 125 m². 4 Large rooms for use of: offices/shops/bottle store/ feeding scheme? Large recep­ tion room + office. Kitchen + bathroom. Rent: negotiable. Phone to discuss. 082 577 0635.

KANTORE TE HUUR Sentraal-Paarl: Ottawastraat 4 Kantore met ontvangs, kombuis en badkamers,125 vk m. Huuraanbiedinge word oorweeg. Navrae: Cobus 083 440 5172

KANTOOR/ WINKELSPASIE Sentraal geleë R1 900 pm BTW ingesluit ±35 m² Beskikbaar vanaf 1 November. Kontak mev. Vlok 021 872 0624 (tussen 09:00 en 12:00)

We’re just a call away To advertise in the Classified section call Zeta at 021 870 4600

Kalahari Ads

26 . Paarl Post 54


Persele te huur Premises to let


TE HUUR 43 m², 50 m², 52 m², 120 m² (7 kantore) met instapkluis), 126 m². Sentraal geleë, Hoofstraat, Paarl, langs McDonalds hamburgers.

082 880 1470 SENTRAAL­WELLING­ TON: Geskik vir kantore, besigheid, koffiewinkel (met tuin), konsultasiekamers ens. Beskikbaar 1 Des en/of 1 Jan. Kontak 083 302 5506. SPASIE te huur. Suider­ Paarl. Kantore R40/m². Fabriek R25/m². Stoorspasie R20/m². 082 801 6172.

56 Te koop algemeen For sale general

COMPUTER INK We refill your printer cartridges from R20 - R110, black and colour, while you wait. WE SELL: Refilled, new and compatible Ink Jet and Laser cartridges. WE BUY EMPTY cartridges R5 - R40.

Huise te koop Houses for sale

Betrekkings Vacancies

Betrekkings gevra Situations wanted

P4­ 2.66GHZ. 512MB RAM. 40GB Harddrive. DVD Writer. 19" Monitor, key­ board, mouse ­ R1 695. 021 870 1398.

KLEIN kontrakteur­ aflewer­ ings­ en trekke­ besigheid. Insluitend: Toyota Hilux lang platbak bakkie, 2001 model. Goeie ekstra inkomste ­ R75 000. Sean: 076 385 9959.

PICK N PAY­ omgewing: 3­Slpk met woonstel ­ R660 000. Van Wyksvlei: 3­Slpk, 2 badk ­ R510 000. Newton: 3­ Slpk. Netjies met swembad ­ R830 000. Kontak Tharina: 082 779 4001.

KLAPMUTS SENTRA benodig die dienste van 'n bestuurder met kode C1, verpligtend. Kontakbare ver­ wysings is noodsaaklik. Doen persoonlik aansoek by Klap­ muts Sentra.

DOMESTIC/ANY general work needed. 071 097 1720.

WELLINGTON­NOORD: 1­Slpk ­ R680 000. Welling­ ton­Noord: 3­Slpk ­ R830 000. Wellington­Noord: 2­Slpk (kompleks) ­ R720 000. Kontak Tharina: 082 779 4001.

VERDIEN ekstra geld met Dataworks. Sms naam, van, adres & tel/selnr na 082 050 2178 vir info.

PAARL GIMNASIUM HOËRSKOOL: Net 1 kwar­ taal gedra (nr. 34). 5 Somer­ rokke ­ R500. 2 Winterrokke ­ R200. 2 Baadjies ­ R600. 2 Wintertruie ­ R150. 1 Kort­ moutrui ­ R50. 1 Sweetpak­ baadjie ­ R175. Tel: 072 309 0773 (Bellville­area).

"BABY CHANGER": Goeie toestand ­ R250. Tel: 021 873 4781. DELL COMPUTERS from R999. P4 Complete cases from R795. SATA DVD Writers R249. 021 870 1398/084 560 1075. EMBUIA EETKAMER­ STEL: 1,2 m ronde tafel met 6 stoele ­ R3 300 o.n.a. Skakel 083 856 7280. GAMING CASE 3.0GHZ Dual Core. 2GB Ram. 1 Terrabyte Harddrive. DVD writer. 512MB Geforce PCI Express. 20" LCD Monitor. Genius mouse/keyboard. Audionic 3000W speakers ­ R4 999. 021 870 1398/084 560 1075. HOUTGERUS WENDYS Boland en Kaapstad. Eerlikheid, kwaliteit en diens is ons leuse. 083 236 8073. MT TRADING, h/v Pentz­ & Hoofstraat, Wellington. Ons koop/verkoop goeie kwa­ liteit klere, hoede, speelgoed, juweliersware, kombuisware, handsakke, boeke & huis­ houdelike items. Oop Maan ­ Sat. Navrae: 078 785 2375. NEED a loan, Wendy house, swimming pool, laptop or home appliances? Contact me Aqeelah Moerat: 083 337 9930.


74 Erwe te koop Stands for sale



Betrekkings Vacancies

Diere te koop Animals for sale BOERBOELE: 4 Reuntjies, 5 tefies. Beskikbaar vanaf 18 November. Pa ­ SABT gere­ gistreer (Nr: ZA038004B10). Manie geregistreer. Kontak 079 391 9407/021 868 2917. GOLDEN & swart Labradors te koop @ R1 200. Gereed teen 18/11 en sal ingeënt en ontwurm wees. Kontak 084 504 0301/079 894 1725. MINIATUUR DOBER­ MANN PINCHER: 8 Weke oud, 1ste inenting gehad ­ R1 000 o.h.b. Skakel 072 446 5117.

58 Te koop gevra Wanted to buy general

AANDAG WAARSKUWING 75 Erwe te koop gevra Plots wanted for sale

KONTANTKOPER Ek is op soek na erf of halfgeboude huis in Wellington.

DRINGEND!!! 078 625 9395 76 Huise te koop Houses for sale HUISE! Verskeidenheid ­ inkomste R4 000 ­ /gesamentlik R6 000 ­ R30 000 p.m. Swartlys welkom. Beskikbaar 2­ en 3­slpk. Geen agente asb. 072 805 3574.

Computerink_212AF 6x1 | bw 60 smalls Voertuie te koop Aalwynprodukte 17Vansep Vehicles for sale skoonheidsmiddels

Kontak Elsabé Strauss (sel) 082 850 3736


Besighede te koop Businessess for sale

Behind ‘Oak Tree Lodge’. 32 Main Street, Suider Paarl opposite KWV h/office.

Produkte vir die hele gesin! Geskenk- en toetspakke ook beskikbaar.


Te koop algemeen For sale general

PHONE GERD Tel: 863-3951/ 082-7744-098.

tot die beste medisyne.



Thursday 10 November 2011

CHRYSLER VOYAGER LX, 1998. 7­Seater, 184 000 km. Full house ­ R57 000. Call Kyle at 084 259 0920. MAZDA SOHO 121. Red, mags, n eat cond, 3 door ­ R31995. Bank finance arranged. Phone 021 886 6686 or 083 636 2507. TOYOTA COROLLA 130, 1995. Red, good cond. Recondt. motor ­ R32 995. Bank finance arranged. Phone 021 886 6686 or 083 636 2507. TOYOTA COROLLA 1300, 1987. Red, good cond ­ R23 995. RWC Lic Reg. Phone 021 886 6686 or 083 636 2507.

MARGIE: 082 586 2649: R685 000 ­ Hillcrest, Wel­ lington. Ruim familiehuis met moderne kombuis. Soek huis in Van Wyksvlei & Newton vir goedgekeurde kopers. WALTER: 082 922 4848: 3­Slpk in Ranzadale, 2 leefareas, enkelm/h ­ R765 000, 5­Slpk met 2 woonstelle, groot erf met eie water. Baie sentraal ­ R1,9m; 2­SLPK HUIS in goeie str, ou­ wêreldse sjarme ­ R700 000; 3­SLPK met pragtige uitsig, dmh, 2 badk, groot stoep ­ R1,6 m. MEENTHUIS ­ BARBA­ ROSSASTR, Huguenot. 3 Slpks, eetkamer, kombuis, sitkamer, motorhuis & klein tuintjie. Rustige area ­ R650 000. 083 265 2094/021 862 1049. NOORDER­PAARL: 3­ Slpk, 2 badk, 1 motorh, 1 afdak. Privaat verkoop. Geen agente ­ R995 000. Eienaar: 072 333 7033.









Paarl Post lesers moet asb. alle finansiële advertensies, deeltydse werk, geldmaakskemas en besigheidsgeleenthede behoorlik ondersoek voordat 'n besigheidstransaksie aangegaan word. Dieselfde geld waar van die lesers vereis word om 'n deposito in 'n adverteerder se rekening in te betaal. Dit bly die verantwoordelikheid van die koper of verbruiker om die aanbod en die betroubaarheid van die adverteerder met wie hulle sake doen behoorlik te ondersoek.

CASUAL barman required forAandag_21427 season in Paarl. Own transport and contactable 8x1 fc advantageous. references Email CV to rvbredenkamp Smalls

17 sep

DATA ENTRY WORKERS NEEDED! With or without a computer. Easy step­by­step, own hours, sms name & surname, address & postal code for a full info brochure to: 079 118 7944. DATA entry workers needed. Boost your daily income with or without computer. For full and step­by­step brochure sms name & address to 078 624 5814. DATAINSKRYWING met Dataworks. Word in dollars betaal. Met of sonder 'n reke­ naar. Maklike stap­vir­stap verduideliking. Eie ure. Sms naam & adres vir volledige inligtingsbrosjure na 074 560 4140. DRYWER/ALGEMENE ASSISTENT dringend gesoek vir bloemistewinkel. Moet eerlik, hardwerkend wees en bereid wees om lang ure te werk. Geldige kode 08­ lisensie 'n vereiste. Geen kansvatters of taxi­drywers nie asb. Kontak 021 863 2078. F I S H TA K E ­ A W AY: Looking for cashiers/friers and kitchen staff. Fax CV to: 021 872 1762.

TOYOTA TAZZ 130, 1996. PAARL HUIS - GROENVLEI Blue. Good cond ­ R30 995. UITSTEKEND GEPRYS! GAS CONNECTION RWC. Lic reg incl. Bank 3 Slaapkamers, 2½ badkamers, benodig die dienste van 'n studeerkamer, swembad & Book @ 082 6752 financenow arranged. Phone 021 952 or  persoon wat vaardig is met sy dubbelmotorhuis. 886 6686 or 083 636 2507. Prys: R1 795 000 hande vir die installering van SKAKEL 072 924 2974 gastoerusting. Moet betrou­ VOLKSWAGEN CADDY PAARL HUIS baar wees. Faks of epos ver­ Panel Van 1.9 TDi, 2005. 3 Slaapkamers, 1½ badkamer, korte CV en afskrif van ID­ sit/eetkamer, kombuis, 1 White. Air cond. Radio/CD ­ dokument na: 086 635 8285 / motorhuis, Wendyhuis, R64 995. Bank finance ar­ swembad, alarm & waskamer. ranged. Phone 021 886 6686 Prys: R1 miljoen or 083 636 2507. PAARL: ENKELWOONSTEL KANTOORWERK: Kennis Gesogte area, 1 slaapkamer, van Pastel­ en Vantage­prog­ grondvloer. VOLKSWAGEN CITI ramme 'n vereiste. Stuur CV Prys: R650 000 GOLF, 1987. Blue. Running aan faks: 021 872 7427 of SUIDER-PAARL WOONSTEL cond. New licence ­ R14 995. epos: info@paarlautopanel. 2 Slaapkamers, 1 badkamer, Phone 021 886 6686 or 083 sitkamer. 636 2507. Prys: R415 000 KASSIERE BENODIG L'AGULHAS - PRAGTIGE SEEVW JETTA 2 CLX 1.8, UITSIG (prysverlaging) te OK Minimark Wellington. Alle vertrekke see-uitsig, asook 5­spoed. Goeie toestand Doen persoonlik aansoek. toilette, behalwe kombuis en binne en buite. Met towbar, Skakel 021 873 0430. spens, 1 straat van see af, 3 radio. 1 Eienaar ­ R16 500. slaapkamers, badkamer, 084 470 6054. kombuis, spens, sitkamer, KLAPMUTS SENTRA is eetkamer, TV-kamer en op soek na betroubare blok­ gastetoilet. man. Met toepaslike onder­ Prys: R1,3 miljoen 62 vinding en raadpleegbare HEELWAT PLASE OOK verwysings Doen persoonlik BESKIKBAAR. Voertuie te koop gevra GOEIE INKOMSTE. aansoek by Klapmuts Sentra. Vehicles wanted EK soek voertuie om aan te koop vir kontant. Skakel 083 630 4737.

SKAKEL MARIE: 083 261 4875



VO O R R A A D ­ O N T ­ VANGSKLERK: Ontvang van goedere. Pryse proses­ seer. Baie akkuraat. Flukse werker. Bring CV's tussen 09:00 en 12:00 by 7 Days Supermarket, Hoofstraat 470.

Zeus Security Services benodig

SEKURITEITSBEAMPTES. Opgeleide en SIRAgeregistreerde Graad E- en D-beamptes. Moet Afrikaans en Engels magtig wees. Woonagtig te Paarl of Wellington. Kontak Chantelle Marais by 021 872 4331, Maandag tot Vrydag tussen 08:00 en 17:00.

DRIVER'S JOB wanted. I have code B license. 071 987 1160. EXPERIENCED domestic worker. Tel: 079 244 6094. EXPERIENCED house worker needs 3­day job. 076 947 0349. GENERAL WORK needed. Ref available. 073 007 8811. HUISHULP soek werk. Skakel: 074 522 2094. LOOKING for general/ domestic work. Experienced + ref. 073 634 6606. MY DOMESTIC/HOUSE­ KEEPER is looking for employment of 5 days a week as we are moving. She has worked for me in Wellington for 4 yrs and when we relocated to Cape Town she as travelled in and worked for me for 2½ yrs. She is a very well­presented person who is extremely hardworking and has initiative. She is loyal and a pleasure to have around. I ave no hesitation in ecom­ mending her and am available to talk to on the phone number listed below: Mrs Hodkinson 082 453 5417 or Dinah 078 494 4189. WEEKLY job ­ char/domes­ tic. 078 746 4897.

84 Betrekkings gevra Situations wanted ANY general/cleaning work. 082 048 3207. BETROUBARE kinderop­ passer op soek na werk. 071 213 2381. CAREGIVER with 5 yrs experience, looking for work. 078 739 4686. DOMESTIC WORKER needs a job. call 071 280 3529. DOMESTIC worker needs a job. call: 078 794 1078. DOMESTIC WORKER with exp needs work. 073 105 9748. DOMESTIC worker needs 2 days. Ref avail. 073 173 7220.

Sit back and take it easy. Ask the professionals to do it for you! To be one of the professionals advertise in the Classifieds by phoning Zeta at 021 870 4600

Nog vacancies op bl24

Donderdag 10 November 2011


Paarl Post

Remember to




Roodeberg revisited LOCAL wine producer KWV has paid tribute to the father of the iconic Roodeberg with the unveiling of a new red wine, Dr Charles, as distinctive as its founder. Dr Charlie Niehaus was a pioneer of the South African wine industry, a supremely skilled wine specialist who was widely respected and liked. Mention the name Roodeberg and it conjuresupfondmemoriesofpeople,placesand occasions. This famous brand from KWV has been a part of South Africa’s wine heritage since 1949, beloved on home soil as much as it is on tables in foreign continents too. “A world-class wine, the Dr Charles red blend is made with the same philosophies thathavestoodRoodebergingoodsteadover decades,” says Richard Rowe, KWVs chief winemaker. “It is distinctively different; a premium wine for an international palate.” A legend in his time, Dr Charles – as he was affectionately called – was a trail-blazer of South Africa’s sherry industry and occupies a proud place in KWV’s heritage. In 1941 he took over the fledgling range

of dry wines from the former chief wine expert Dr Abraham Izak Perold. The germination of the wine to become Roodeberg did not happen overnight, but evolved from a succession of blends. DrNiehaushadbeencarefullyexperimenting with other varieties in the blend. But it was the advent of Shiraz in the Cape in the late forties that brought about a drastic change. Right from the start Dr Niehaus formed part of a small band of proponents for this cultivar, the ideal component for a deep new dimension in his famous creation. He retired in 1971 having left an indelible mark on the South African wine industry. The torch he first lit has however, been borne ever since in the making of the renowned blend by a string of great winemakers. To this day, Dr Niehaus (a former mayor of Paarl) is remembered for his stern, orderly disposition and big, compassionate heart. In many ways, this reflects the character of the wine that bears his name. The wine is a blend of 50% Shiraz, 40% Cabernet Sauvignon and 10% Merlot.

MELKBOKKE Hierdie melkbokke was te sien by die eerste Suiwel-expo wat onlangs aangebied is in Muldersvlei gehou is. Die geleentheid, wat mik om die veelsydigheid van suiwel te vier, het deelnemers van regoor die land gelok. Philip Blanckenberg van Klipheuwel is aangewys as die Meestersuiwelboer van die Jaar. Foto: Lise Beyers

CELEBRATE. Neil Ellis (Neil Ellis Wines), Richard Rowe (KWV senior winemaker) and brand director De Bruyn Steenkamp celebrate the launch of a new red wine, Dr Charles, blended in memory of a pioneer in the local wine industry, Dr Charlie Niehaus. Pic: Lise Beyers

Boschendal lauded THE 2011 Boschendal Reserve Collection has been included among the FNB Top 10 Sauvignon Blanc Awards for South African wines. Says winemaker Lizelle Gerber, “Our Reserve Collection is a true classic. “We pay little credence to fashionable styles with this wine, rather staying true to classic cultivar character from the vineyard with natural expression of the vintage. “I’m a real stickler when it comes to selection of grapes to achieve this classic zesty citrus and mineral style with good palate weight and purity.” The Boschendal Reserve Collection Sauvignon Blanc 2011 is largely a single identity wine from an exceptional vineyard on the estate. This 5th annual Sauvignon Blanc Challenge held under the auspices of Sauvignon Blanc Interest Group and sponsored by FNB revealed a definite trend away from the lean green style previously considered highly fashionable, with more recognition being given to fuller riper eloquent wines with balancing acidity.

APPOINTED. VinPro (the representative organisation for South African wine producers) will soon be spearheaded by a new executive director. Rico Basson (right), previously employed at FNB Commercial as regional manager: agriculture for the Western and Eastern Cape, will lead VinPro as executive director from 1 December. He has 18 years’ experience in the banking industry. He succeeds Jos le Roux, who has been appointed as specialist director, following his retirement as executive director. Other new directors are Petrus Bosman of Wellington and Mutle Magase, chairman of Vantage Capital (specialist director).

COMMERCIAL PROPERTY, WELLINGTON Tues 22 Nov @ 12pm, The Crystal Towers Hotel & Spa, Century City

WEB REF 17976

The rules of auction are available at

BEMARKERS. Boland Kollege het onlangs sy bemarkingstudente van die jaar aangewys. Die medewenners was Pieter van Zyl en Zaniel Scheepers. Van links is Pieter van Zyl, Kevin Metcalf van Tecworks (borg), Brian Phike (onderwys en opleiding) en Zaniel Scheepers. Alle finaliste moes ’n bemarkingsplan opstel vir ’n NGO in hul omgewing. Die doel van die projek is om studente fisies betrokke te maak by die bemarking van sulke organisasies en om as vrywillige werkers die organisasie te ondersteun. Zaniel en Pieter het die projek saam gedoen.

Donderdag 10 November 2011

Sport Nuus

Paarl Post



Sportster 2011

WENNER. Jan-Louw Kotze (middel) is verlede week aangewys as Paarl Post en Let’s Play se Sportster vir 2011. Saam met hom is Esmé Smit, bestuurder van Paarl Post en Hennie Pietersen (Supersport). Foto’s: Sieb Sieberhagen

JUNIE-WENNER. Chantley Wiese, Junie se wenner, ontvang sy sertifikaat van Esmé Smit, bestuurder van Paarl Post. Cantley, ’n leerder by Boishaai, het vanjaar stof in die oë geskop van 21 ander deelnemers by die SA kampioenskappe.

FEBRUARIE. Jukskei-speler Denika Swart, Februarie se wenner, is ’n graad 12-leerder van Hugenote Hoërskool. Sy is eers vir die Suid-Streekspan (Boland, WP, SWD en OP) gekies waarna sy vir die Suid-Afrikaanse span gekies is. Haar plan is om Suid-Afrika in die senior damespan te verteenwoordig.

AUGUSTUS-WENNER. Alexa Haasbroek, ’n graad 7-leerder van Laerskool Gimnasium, was nie net vanjaar lid van die Wes-Kaapse o.13 netbalspan nie, maar het ook reeds provinsiale kleure vir hokkie, atletiek, swem, gimnastiek, tweekamp en biathle ontvang. In 2010 was sy kaptein van die Wes-Kaapse o.12 netbalspan.

OKTOBER-WENNER. Christy Nell, die Oktoberwenner, is onlangs gekroon as die SA gimnastiekkampioen vir vlak 8-laerskoolgimnaste. Sy is ’n graad 7-leerder van Hugenote Laerskool en het ook reeds die Boland-Sentraal atletiekspan in hekkies en verspring verteenwoordig.

MAANDWENNERS. Die maandwenners vir die Paarl Post en Let’s Play se Sportster vir 2011 is (van links) Christy Nell (gimnastiek), Denika Swart (jukskei), Alexa Haasbroek (netbal), Jan-Louw Kotze (skyfwerp), Ruan Louw (wedvlugduiwe), Lizaad Williams (krieket) en Chantley Wiese (karate).

KRIEKET. Lizaad Williams, ’n graad 12-leerder van Hugenote Hoërskool het vanjaar as bouler vir die SA o.19-krieketspan gespeel. Hy was Maart se sportwenner. Hy het Suid-Afrika reeds teen Zimbabwe en Engeland verteenwoordig.

MEI-WENNER. Ruan Louw, ’n graad 10-leerder van Gimnasium Hoërskool, was Mei se sportwenner. Hy het vanjaar die SA junior titel verower met wedvlugduiwe. In 2010 is hy reeds as algehele wenner van die Boland Duiwe-unie aangewys.

Sport News

50 . Paarl Post

iPAARL CYCLISTS. Three cyclists from Paarl, Franklin Stoffels (left), Graeme Ockhuis and Damian Vaughan, participated in the 2011 Western Province Road Cycling Championships which took place last weekend in Windmeul. The race was over a distance of 80 km. Graeme Ockhuis rode well and finished third to win the bronze medal. Stoffels was prominent in the Pro Classic Road Series which consisted of five different road events. His performances were consistent and he finished the series in overall second position. Stoffels will participate in the junior category in 2012. On Sunday 13 November the riders will be in action at the same venue, in the 2011 Western Province Time Trial Championships.

AFLOSSTRYD. Verlede Woensdag het Hoër Meisieskool Paarl ’n groot aflosbyeenkoms aangebied waar 8 hoërskole en 8 laerskole deelgeneem het. Die atlete wat in hul onderskeie ouderdomsgroepe eerste plekke behaal het, is hier saam met Ernst van Dyk (links) wie die medaljes aan die atlete oorhandig het. Van links is Cari van der Westhuizen (Bloemhof), Esme van Wageningen (Bloemhof), Marco Buttner (Paul Roos), Pieter Rossouw (Paul Roos), Lecander Salie (Hoër Jongenskool), Marise Malherbe (Hoër Meisieskool Paarl), Marikie Bruwer (Hoër Meisieskool Paarl), Jan Rabie (Hoër Jongenskool), Annereen Malan, Loreno Adams, Sulette Kotze en Josef Burger (almal van Hoërskool Swartland).

Donderdag 10 November 2011

SA KAMPIOEN. Ludick Nel van die Paarl Nelson’s Creek Boogskietklub het onlangs aan die SANAA Binnenshuise Boogskietkampioenskappe in Bloemfontein deelgeneem en is gekroon as die nuwe Suid-Afrikaanse binnenshuise boogskietkampioen in sy kategorie. Hy het ’n nuwe SA rekord opgestel en het ’n goue medalje verwerf in die “Junior Men Recurve”-kategorie. Hy is ’n graad 11-leerder aan Hoërskool Gimnasium.

GEKIES. Danie Marais (42) van die Paarl is vir die SA Veteraan-fietsryspan gekies wat volgende jaar in Augustus aan die Wêreldfietsry- en tydtoetskampioenskappe gaan deelneem. Marais, wat onlangs Paarl toe verhuis het, was in 2009 die SA Veteraan-bergfietskampioen en in 2010 die SA Veteraan-padfietskampioen. Marais ry die afgelope ses jaar fiets. Foto: Sieb Sieberhagen

Sportdagboek ) KRIEKET * SR Radiators se jaarlikse ses-aan-’n-kant kriekettoernooi word op 16 Desember by Daljosafatsportgronde aangebied. Klubs wat wil deelneem, kan M Carolissen skakel by 082 849 8165. * Drakenstein Edu-Krieketklub se oefentye is Dinsdae en Donderdae om 17:00 by Laborie Hoërskool. Enige nuwe spelers kan aanmeld of kontak Butch Green by 073 136 2713. Drakenstein Edu speel eerskomende Saterdag in die Jive Twintig/20-wedstryd teen Paarl-Oos op die New Orleans-velde en Sondag op die Daljosafat-velde teen onderskeidelik Young Peoples en Klapmuts. Hulle tweedes speel teen Young Peoples II op CPUT se velde en die derde span speel tuis teen Oostelikes by Laborie Hoërskool se velde. ) RUGBY * Young Standards se 121ste algemene jaarvergadering word op Maandag (14 November) om 19:00 by die Ebeneazer skool gehou. Dié vergadering word voorafgegaan met ’n spesiale bestuursvergadering op Sondag 13 November om 14:00 ook by die Ebeneazer Skool. Die bekeruitdelingsfunksie word by die Paarl-klubhuis op Vrydagaand 18 November aangebied en die toegang is R30. Vir navrae, kontak 082 731 4879. * Die Paarl Rugby Kode se algemene jaarvergadering word gehou op Woensdag 23 November om 19:30 by die Paarl Klubhuis. Vir navrae kontak die sekretaris by 082 731 4879. * Blue Stars United-Rugbyklub hou sy algemene jaarvergadering op 17 November om 18:30 by die Klapmuts-sportgronde (klubhuis). Dié klub bied ook Saterdag om 19:00 ’n dans by die klubhuis aan. * Hillcrest United -rugbyklub hou sy jaarlikse bekeruitdeling op 11 November in die Wellingtonstadsaal vanaf 20:00. Juan de Jongh, Springboksenter is die spreker. Die kaartjies kos R100 per persoon. Kontak vir Daneen Booysen by 021 873 3140 vir meer inligting. * Villagers Newton hou vanaand hulle jaarvergadring by die klubhuis by die Newton-velde. Dit begin om 19:00. Nominasies vir van die vakante poste word ingewag. Gratis vervoer is gereël vanaf PaarlOos, Noorder-Paarl en Groenheuwel. Kontak vir Jannie Japtha by 078 147 3082 vir meer besonderhede. * United Stones bied Saterdag om 20:00 ’n dans by 2Shots aan en op 19 November word die jaareindfunksie by Kronenburg aangebied. Skakel 021 873 1307 vir meer inligting.

* Paarl Sportforum vergader op Dinsdag 15 November. Alle sportklubs word uitgenooi na die vergadering by die Hugenote-gemeenskapsaal om 19:00. Klubs wat nog nie lede is nie moet tydens die vergadering kom aansluit. Kontak vir Brandon du Plessis by 076 187 7 260 of * Paarl Rangers se jaarvergadering vind plaas op 21 November om 19:30 by die Nederburg Primêre Skool. Nominasies word ingewag vir die vakante posisie van ondervoorsitter. Enige amendemente tot die Grondwet moet skriftelik by die sekretaris ingedien word nie later as 7 November nie. * Riverstones se bekeruitdelingfunksie en piekniekdans word op 18 November (19:00) by die gemeenskapsaal gehou. Die koste beloop R70 en die Lit-a-Limit-orkes tree op. ) GHOLF * Laer Paarl-rugbyklub (Blues) hou op 20 November sy jaarlikse gholfdag by die Wellington-gholfklub. Die formaat is 4BBB Stableford en die inskrywingsgeld is R700 per 4-bal. Skakel vir Jerry Jacobs (082 577 9748), Allec Cupido (082 4608 088) of Herbie Anderson (071 9114 847) vir meer inligting. * The Paarl Tourism Golf Day will be held on 21 November at the Pearl Valley Golf Estate. The cost is R2600 per 4-ball which includes a shared cart, halfway-house, snacks, great prizes and goodie bags. For bookings, contact Hybre at 073 708 2835 or and for sponsorship and advertising, contact Nicky at 021 863 0949 or ) SWIMMING * Paarl Aquarius Swimming Club will be commencing with its Learn to Swim and competitive swimming lessons on Monday 17 October at the Drakenstein Swimming Pool from 17:00 till 18:00 on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Registration forms will be available at the pool. For any further enquiries, contact Nazli Gaidien on 073 1849 627. ) VISVANG * Boland Kushengel se volgende ligabyeenkoms vind eerskomende Saterdag 12 November by Struisbaai plaas. Vir enige navrae, kontak vir Gert van Niekerk by 083 259 4310 voor of op 8 November. ) ATLETIEK Die Boland Skole Sport se jaarlikse banket word eerskomende Vrydag 11 November om 18:00 by die Allandale Korrektiewe Dienste se saal aangebied. Skakel 083 276 2027 vir meer inligting.

Sport Nuus

Thursday 10 November 2011

Paarl Post


Krieket­telbord Edu wen met een paaltjie Drakenstein Edu se eerste span het Saterdag vir Oostelikes met een paaltjie geklop. Oostelikes het eerste gekolf en was vroeg in die moeilikheid en verloor 5 paaltjies vir net 73 lopies. Hulle veg toe hardnekkig terug en teken uiteindelik 177 lopies aan. J Loegenstein (59), L Cupido (26), M Victor (22) en M du Plooy (18) het vir Oostelikes bydraes gelewer met die kolf. Mario de Kock was die Drakies se uitblinker met die bal met boulsyfers van 9-2-21-5 en was goed bygestaan deur kaptein Wayne Jacobs met syfers van 8-023-2. Edu het gaan kolf en Cammy Cupido (62) en Bevan Valentine (42) het goed gekolf om vir Edu die wen te verseker. Edu III het verder karakter getoon en klop Brackenfell III op laasgenoemde se

tuisveld met 5 paaltjies. Die Brakke kolf eerste en teken 225 lopies aan in die toegelate 50 beurte. Edu gaan kolf en behaal die wenlopies in die 46ste beurt met Nabeel Jefthas (75 n.u.n), James de Wet (35) en Waldo Tala (20). Die tweedespan se wedstryd is afgelas nadat die baanblad van Allandale nie voorberei was nie en Edu 2 kry ’n pasella 4 ligapunte. Tiere wen riller teen Paarl SR Radiators Young Peoples het Saterdag in ’n opwindende wedstryd vir Paarl met 1 paaltjie geklop. Dit was C Philander (30 n.u.n) en C Daniels (11 n.u.n) wat die span moes deurdra na ’n oorwinning. Maar die dag het behoort aan C Philander (2-19) wat ook met die bal en goeie veldwerk sukses behaal het. Paarl het 138 aangeteken met C Daniels (2-17), L Jacobs (2-32) en L Julies (2-22) wat goed ge-

boul het. Peoples se tweedes het Wellington gewen met 2 paaltjies. Wellington is uitgeboul vir 141 met goeie boulwerk deur G Fortuin (2-35), J Cupido (3-32) en J Alexander (1-4). B Mitchell (33) en J Alexander (31 n.u.n) het goed gevaar met die kolf. Hulle derdes het verloor teen Bergrivier. Hulle moes 342 jaag met T van der Westhuizen (2-45), G April (1-41) en M Carolissen (1-40) wat goed geboul het. Peoples se beste kolwer was R Andrews (49). Mbekweni win Mbekweni Cricket Club under captain Shaun Rasimeni has beaten Wellington Cricket Club III with 6 wickets. Wellington batted first and scored 171 all out. Sifunda Dimaza, Boland Central player, took 4 wickets for 31 runs. Mbekweni scored the runs with 4 wickets down. Avuya Bhythuma scored an unbe-

Saddle up for cycle tour WITH just under 3 weeks to go until Die Burger Cycle Tour 2011, cyclists who have not yet entered are encouraged to do so as soon as possible. The 92 km route - the last seeding opportunity for the 2012 Cape Argus Pick n Pay Cycle Tour – is already over 75% full. “Entries are filling up and cyclists shouldn’t wait until the last minute to enter,” says David Bellairs, CEO of the Cape Town Cycle Tour Trust. “The shorter 44 km route is a beautiful ride and ideal for novice cyclists to use as a training ride in preparation for the Cape Argus Pick n Pay

Cycle Tour.” The organisers have recently launched a novice programme aimed at cyclists who are brand new to the sport and are keen to cycle in a race, but don’t know where to start. This novice programme will provide cyclists with all the encouragement and help they need – from skills training to facilitated outrides – ensuring they are ready to participate and enjoy the 44 km route of Die Burger Cycle Tour. All participants need is a bicycle, a helmet and they may have no race

results prior to September 2011. E-mail for more information. Die Burger Cycle Tour takes place on Sunday 4 December and is the Western Cape’s second biggest road cycling event. Entries are limited to 4500 for the 92 km route and 1500 for the 44 km route respectively. Visit and follow the easy instructions to enter online. Entries will close 18 November 2011, or as soon as the entry limits have been reached.

MEESTERS. Verskeie Bolandatlete het onlangs aan die SWD Meesterskampioenskappe deelgeneem. Van links is Chazery Davids (goud in 100 m en 200 m), Danwer Ruiters (goud 200 m, silwer verspring en brons 100 m), Cecile Bowers (goud in spiesgooi, gewigstoot, skyfwerp, hamergooi en gewiggooi), Carmila Sheik (goud driesprong, silwer vir 100 m en 200 m, verspring en hoogspring), Anthony Smit (goud spiesgooi, silwer gewigstoot en brons skyfwerp) en Shaun September (goud 400 m en brons 200 m).

Two Oceans online entries opens ONLINE entries for the 2012 Old Mutual Two Oceans half-marathon, the country’s biggest half marathon, opened yesterday. The half-marathon, together with the 56 km ultra event, takes place on Easter Saturday 7 April 2012 and is expected to attract yet another record field if this year’s figure of over 30 000 entrants across all the distances is anything to go by. The Two Oceans Marathon Association has increased the half-marathon field to 16 000, but runners are advised to enter as soon as entries open as it is expected that all available slots will be snapped up in record time. The event organisers have also extended the seeding times for the various starting batches and introduced a new route for the first ten kilometres of the half-marathon. The new route will see participants make

their way to the M3, up Edinburgh Drive and back onto the old route in Constantia, which will provide stunning views out over Muizenberg and one ocean, as well as help to alleviate the congestion experienced at the start. Online entries for both the ultra-and the half-marathon close on 7 March 2012 or when 16 000 entries for the half-marathon and 11 000 for the ultra-marathon are reached – whichever comes first. Entries for the trail runs will open on 18 January 2012, and trail enthusiasts wanting to secure their spot in this popular event will need to enter as soon as possible, as entries sold out in less than a day for the 2011 event. Participants are encouraged to enter online at Alternatively, entry forms can be downloaded from the website. PRESTEER. Die Lanquedoc-rugbyklub het onlangs hul bekerfunksie gehou en toekennings is aan verskeie spelers gemaak. Van links is R Moses (beste voorspeler), Jorrick Amos (sportman van die jaar), A Anthony (borg), Samuel Williams (speler van die jaar) en L Robyn (afrigter). Foto: TSmith

aten 39 runs. Paarl-Oos wen Paarl-Oos se eerste pan het Saterdag vir Worcester United met 171 lopies geklop. Paarl-Oos het 242/8 aangeteken met Elroy Abrahams (90 6x4 1x6), Waylin September (78 (6x4 1x6), Bruce Miller (25 (4x4) die beste kolwers. Jade Adams ( en Petrus Jeptha ( was die paarliete se beste boulers. Paarl-Oos IIA het hulle wedstryd teen Vredenburg/Saldanha met 4 paaltjies gewen. Paarl-Oos het 156/6 aangeteken met Werner Erasmus (25 3x6 1x4), Rodger Cupido (53 5x4 1x6), Wilton van Neul (25 2x4 1x6) en Wade Schoor (25 2x4) die beste kolwers. Die tweede span (B) het vir Young Peoples met 120 lopies gewen. Hulle beste kolwers was Earl Collings (30 5x4), Curtley Davids (40 4x4) en R Allies (44).



Paarl Post

Paarl, Wellington, Franschhoek, Klapmuts, Simondium, Gouda & Saron Voorheen die Afrikaanse Patriot

Volume 106

Donderdag 10 November 2011

Mayoral Cup soccer starts Sunday THIRTY men’s soccer teams of Drakenstein and eight women’s teams will compete in this year’s Mayoral Soccer Cup tournament which starts on Sunday. Sunday’s men’s matches will be played at the Boy Louw- and Monte Christo fields. The matches start at 10:00. The schedule for the wo-

men’s matches will be announced at a later stage. In this year’s competition only the winners go through to the next round. The second round is next Sunday (20 November), the quarter finals will be played on Sunday 27 November and the semi-finals on Sunday 4 December. The finals are on Saturday 10 December.

ALL ACTION. Paarl United (red) and Young Ideas, who played in a Promotional League match on Saturday, will also take part in this year’s Mayoral Cup tournament. Pic: Sieb Sieberhagen

Tel: 021-870-4600

Page 52

Speler van die jaar DIE Regent Kavaliers losskakel, drie maande buite aksie wees aan- ërskool, is by dieselfde geleentheid Elgar Watts (26), is verlede week gesien hy hierdie week ’n skouer- as SA Speler van die Jaar aangewys. aangewys as die 2011 Speler van operasie ondergaan. Dit is die tweede keer in sy loopbaan die Jaar vir die Curriebeker eerste ) Schalk Burger, Springbokflank dat hy dié titel verower. Hy was in liga. Die Kavaliers het ook vanjaar en oudleerling van Gimnasium Ho- 2004 ook die SA Speler van die Jaar. dié liga gewen. Elgar, wat 185 punte vir die Boland opgestapel het, het vanjaar weer vir die Boland uitgedraf nadat hy in 2010 vir die Pumas gespeel het. Hy het in 2008 en 2009 ook vir die Boland gespeel. Hy het vanjaar ook vyf drieë gedruk wat beteken dat hy 165 punte met sy hotklou aangeteken het. In sy rugbyloopbaan het hy reeds senter, heelagter en losskakel gespeel en het Boland op skool reeds verteenwoordig. Hy het vir Boland se o.13- en o.19-Cravenweekspan gespeel. Die oudleerder van Klein Nederburg Sekondêr, beskou sy spel nie as volmaak nie en glo dat hy baie kan verbeter. Hy erken wel dat sy aanvoeling vir die spel en sy vermoë om die spel onmiddellik op te som vir hom baie geleenthede gee. Dit het Elgar vanjaar weer eens bewys toe hy by verskeie kere sy teenstanders in die lug laat gryp het met sy breekslae. Een van Elgar se groot doelwitte is om Superrugby te speel en ook om die Groen-en-Goud oor die kop te trek. Elgar sal vir die volgende HOTKLOU. Elgar Watts was in 2011 baie suksesvol met sy pogings pale toe. Foto:SSieberhagen SPORTSTER. JanLouw Kotze (links), ’n graad 11-leerder van Paarl Gimnasium en die o.17 SA skyfwerpkampioen, is verlede week gekroon as die Paarl Post en Let’s Play (Supersport) se Sportster vir 2011. Hy het die toekenning van Louis Koen, oud-Springboklosskakel ontvang. Koen het by dié geleentheid as speker opgetree. Kotze was twee jaar gelede ook die SA o.15 skyfwerpkampioen en het in Julie vanjaar Suid-Afrika by die Wêreld Jeugkampioenskappe in Frankryk verteenwoordig. Sien ook bl 49. Foto: Sieb Sieberhagen

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