Paarl post 11 julie 2013

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Paarl Post Voice of Drakenstein • Stem van Drakenstein

Donderdag, 11 Julie 2013

Prys: R5.70 | Volume 108

Voorheen die Afrikaanse Patriot | Tel 021 870 4600 | SMS 32363 | |

Oars away for the Berg! Pitbull let loose on police 2 Kokkedoor kok gaan kook 3 Blues hou blink kant bo 20

The 52nd edition of the exciting Berg River Canoe marathon kicked off yesterday. Hundreds of supporters showed their support when the race officially got under way at 09:30 at the Market Street bridge. Tuesday, however, saw a different side to the Berg, when a group of children allegedly pelted rowers with stones as they were nearing the end of the time trial which started at the Berg River Re­ sort. Municipal spokesperson, May Carolissen, confirmed the incident. One canoe was struck by a stone, but no one was injured. The marathon comes to an end on Sunday 13 July at Velddrif after a gruelling 240 kilometres. PHOTO: LISE BEYERS

Still no Waterfront ? T

he Paarl Squash Club is confident that the building of their new facility will commence in September if all goes well. The club’s Nicky Vlok told Paarl Post this week that according to his knowledge the first set of plans has already been approved by the Drakenstein Municipality and although they have made a few adjustments, they are optimistic that construction work should commence at the Boy Louw sports grounds in September. The squash club and the cricket club are set to relocate to a piece of

land adjacent to the Boy Louw grounds (behind the racing pigeon club) to make way for the Paarl Waterfront development at the Market Street sports grounds. The Drakenstein Municipality confirmed this week that they are waiting for plans to be submitted which will include the squash club. They, however, stated that they are also in the process of applying for closure permits. According to unconfirmed reports this is so that they can upgrade these sports grounds to a better standard. “We have started the process of an environmental impact study and have submitted the scoping report

to the Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning for comment. There will also be an opportunity for the public to comment on the closure. “A project team from the municipality together with our attorney is monitoring the process closely,” said Johann Mettler, municipal manager. As far as the future of the other sports clubs at the Market Street sports grounds is concerned, the building of a new canoe club is well under way. An agreement was reached previously that a new club will be built on land opposite the existing club.

In April it was reported that the Paarl Rugby Club would receive a cash settlement in exchange for the premises. Despite recent rumours of a pay-out of R6,4 million to the club, the municipality claims that no money has been paid as yet. “This will only happen against registration of transfer. The developer and the club will then agree as to when the club needs to vacate the premises. The building of other sports facilities will only commence once the land has been transferred to the developer. “Transfer will take place after the required legal requirements have been met,” said Mettler.

The rugby club is currently looking at various venues for their new headquarters. One of these is the ever popular German Club in Klein Parys. The Paarl Waterfront development which will include a hotel, conference centre, office park, sport science centre, residential area and restaurants, was originally scheduled to be completed in time for the 2010 Soccer World Cup, but was put on hold due to the issues regarding the removal of the sports clubs currently on these premises. In spite of these issues having been partially resolved, no sod has yet been turned on the site.


Paarl Post

Nuus News

11 July, 2013

Sakelui en polisie vat hande Altesaam 731 inbrake is in 2012 aangemeld.

Paarliete het seker al opgelet dat daar ’n splinternuwe stel verkeersligte opgesit is op die hoek van Meul- en Hoofstraat. Hierdie ligte kon ook nie vinniger opgerig word nie, want net laasweek was daar weer ’n ongeluk. Mense ry gereeld voor mekaar in by die Meulstraat-ingang. Ongelukke gebeur gereeld in spitstye. Dit laat mens ook wonder wanneer ligte by Hospitaalstraat opgerig sal word. Verkeer staan soms tot by Lady Grey omdat dit hier ’n bottelnek vorm. Paarliete moet ook onthou dat vir een of ander onverklaarbare rede ons steeds nie die Boulevard ten volle benut nie. Dit is destyds opgerig met die hoofdoel om verkeervolumes in die hoofstraat te verminder.

“As julle in klein sake getrou is, sal julle ook in groot sake getrou wees.” Lukas 16: 10

Só het brig. Leon Grobbelaar, stasiebevelvoerder van die Paarl-polisie, gesê by ’n geselligheid in samewerking met die Kaapse Kamer van Koophandel en Nywerheid (KKKN) by die Rhebokskloof-wynlandgoed waar kwessies rakende misdaad in die Paarl, maar veral in die sakesektor, bespreek is. Volgens hom is hul grootste uitdaging tans prioriteitsmisdade soos huisbrake, besigheidsinbrake, diefstal van motors en diefstal uit motors. Ten spyte daarvan was daar vanjaar tog ’n daling in inbrake in vergelyking met dié tyd verlede jaar. In Junie 2012 was daar 52 huisbrake, terwyl 31 in Junie vanjaar aangemeld is. Besigheidsinbrake vir Junie was 25, een minder as verlede jaar dieselfde tyd. Nege rooftogte is ook in Junie aangemeld. Dit sluit in handsakke en/of selfone wat helder oordag in Lady Greystraat in die verbygaan gesteel word. Kontakmisdade soos moord, verkragting, seksuele aanranding en dies meer kom in ’n mindere mate voor, het hy gesê. Grobbelaar meen die statistiek lyk reeds beter en het gesê hulle werk hard om hul kapasiteit en kundigheid te verhoog. “Profiling word gedoen op misdadigers juis om hulle met uitstaande of ander sake te verbind.” Hy sê statistieke word op ’n gereelde basis aan die howe bekend gemaak in ’n poging om die howe ’n swaarder straf te laat oorweeg. “Ons het die afgelope tyd goeie inhegtenisnemings en redelike vonnisse gekry. Straf moet as afskrikmiddel dien,” het hy gesê.

Grobbelaar het gesê daar is sowat 275 lede wat help om die strate van die Paarl veilig te hou. Hiervan is slegs 180 operasionele lede. Die polisiëringsgebied van die Paarl bestaan uit ses sektore met elke sektor wat 24 uur beman word. “Elke sektor word in blokke verdeel en elke twee uur in ’n 24uurtydperk gemonitor. By die geselligheid op Rhebokskloof, aangebied deur die Kaapse “Inwoners kan nie Kamer van Koophandel en Nywerheid (KKKN) in samewerking met agteroor sit en sê die plaaslike polisie, was (van links) Roshaan Gilbert (KKKN)), Trevor Paarl-polisie moet Harris (GPF­bestuur en verteenwoordiger van KKKN: Drakenstein), my beskerm nie. Ons kol. Zurah Xela (Paarl­speurtak) en brig. Leon Grobbelaar (stasiebe­ wil dit doen, maar velvoerder: Paarl). FOTO: MARYKE SWART ons het hulp nodig,” het Grobbelaar gesê. Joe Kotze, voorsitter van die Gemeen- GPF en pro-veiligheid,” het hy gesê met verskapspolisiëringsforum (GPF) het ter afslui- wysing na die operasionele kamer wat by die ting gesê: “Die GPF is nie daar om polisieman polisiekantoor ingerig is en ook die bydrae te speel oor die polisie nie. Ons is daar om wat die munisipaliteit in dié verband gelewer het. saam met hulle te werk en hande te vat.” Vir meer navrae oor die KKKN of hoe om Hy het inwoners en sakemanne aangemoedig om hul huise en besighede te beveilig en by die GPF betrokke te raak, bel Roshaan Gilnie ’n week te wag voordat hulle inbrake aan- bert van die KKKN by 021 637 5614 of kapt. Louise du Plessis by 082 850 9614. meld nie. * The Paarl police, in conjunction with the Hy het die Drakenstein-munisipaliteit bedank vir hul bydrae tot die bekamping van Cape Chamber of Commerce and Industry, invited business people to discuss issues regarmisdaad. “Die Drakenstein-munisipaliteit is pro- ding crime in the area.

Pitbull let loose on police

FATHER OF THE NATION: A Tribute to Madiba was held at the Drakenstein Correctional Services on Sunday, honour­ ing the father of the nation, who is still in a critical condition at a Pretoria Hospital. Various keynote speakers addressed the audience, each paying tribute to this great man. Here Freddie Engelbrecht, regional commissioner of Correctional Services delivers his touching address during the formal pro­ ceedings.

Paarl East police officers and members of the Boland K9 dog unit narrowly escaped injury when they where pelted with stones and attacked by a pitbull terrier during a routine police operation last week. This happened during a joint crime prevention operation by the police which led them to the home of an known alleged drugdealer, Leroy February (Roytjie). The shack of Roytjie in Poinsettia Street, Klein Nederburg, was then searched according to police protocol. After further investigation the suspect was found to be in possession of one 9 mm round. He ran away from the shack before the police could arrest him. As the police left the premises, stones were thrown at their vehicles by a mob outside. A pitbull

terrier was also let loose on them, but the dog was shot dead by a member of the police before it could attack. Roytjie was arrested on Tuesday and appeared in the Paarl Magistrate’s Court on Wednesday. Another crime prevention operation that was held on Friday by Paarl East police and the Boland K9 dog unit, led to another suspect being found in possession of two 9 mm rounds. During this operation, which was held in the Chicago area, information was received that led the police to a home in the Gemsbok flats where the illicit goods were discovered. According to a police report, Allistar Swarts was arrested. He appeared in the Paarl Magistrate’s Court on Monday.

Paarl: Dorp van die Jaar Tans staan die Paarl Dorp van die Jaar-fonds op R 6 100. Dit is danksy skenkings van verskeie besighede en individue van die dorp. As Wes-Kaapse streekswenner van Kwêla Dorp- van-dieJaar, staan Paarl ’n kans om as nasionale wenner aangewys te word, wanneer die SMS stempro-

ses aan die einde van Julie weer open. Diegene wat ’n skenking wil maak aan die fonds wat aangewend sal word om Paarl vir hierdie doeleindes te bevorder, kan bydraes maak by FNB, rekeningnaam: Paarl Dorp van die Jaar, rekeningnommer: 62416022721, takkode: 200110

WATER NAT: Die reënval sy­ fer lyk tans goed, met Junie syfers wat heelwat hoër is as verlede jaar. Die damvlakke is ook belowend: Bergrivierdam is 87% vol teenoor 69% vir 2012; Voëlvlei 76% teenoor 57%; Wemmershoek 92% teenoor 55%.

Paarl Post

Nuus News

11 Julie, 2013


Kosmaak is in sy are FRANS LE ROUX

Dr. Eckart von Delft van die pediatrie­afde­ ling by Paarl­hospitaal. FOTO’S : D MOSES


Sr. Magdalene Douw van die pediatrie­afde­ ling by Mediclinic Paarl.

Kindersiektes oorsaak vir hoë hospitalisasie-getalle DEVIDEAN MOSES Hoewel honderde kinders vanjaar in Paarlse hospitale opgeneem is, was dit nie oral buitengewoon meer as in vorige jare nie. Waar Mediclinic Paarl se kindersaal die afgelope jaar ’n toename in toelatings gehad het, het Paarl-hospitaal se kinderafdeling in die eerste ses maande van 2013 ’n afname ervaar. By albei hospitale is die meeste kinders egter vir lugweg-infeksies opgeneem. Dr. Eckart von Delft, pediater by Paarl-hospitaal, sê 332 kinders is in die eerste helfte van die jaar met brongiolitis opgeneem, teenoor 392 in dieselfde tydperk verlede jaar. Brongiolitis word veroorsaak deur ’n virus wat die klein lugweë laat vernou en die bors laat fluit, soortgelyk aan die geluid van ’n asmaaanval. Dit kom veral in die wintermaande by babas tussen een en nege maande voor. Tuberkulose-gevalle (TB) het by dié hospitaal ’n toename getoon. By Mediclinic het die kinders wat van Junie verlede jaar tot Mei vanjaar vir akute brongitis toegelaat is van 93 tot 125 toegeneem. Kinders met longontsteking het van 69 tot 95 toegeneem. Dr. Temlett Hockey, pediater by Mediclinic Paarl, sê dat babas gewoonlik toegelaat word omdat lugweg-infeksies ’n suurstoftekort kan veroorsaak. “Gevaartekens is vinnige asemhaling met op- en intrekking van die ribbekas, en ’n onvermoë om te voed as gevolg van kortasemheid.” Verder word die algemene verkoue in sommige gevalle gekompliseer deur bakteriële middeloorontsteking of sinusontsteking as die middeloor- en sinus-dreineringsbuise vir ’n lang tydperk deur verkoue verstop word. Nog siektes waarmee Hockey te doen gekry het, was griep, kroep en winter-gastroënteritis (Rotavirus). By Paarl-hospitaal het gevalle van diarree van 392 in die eerste helfte van verlede jaar afgeneem na 269 vanjaar. By Mediclinic was daar ’n toename van 112 tot 147 gedurende die afgelope twaalf maande. Sr. Magdalene Douw, senior professionele verpleegkundige by die pediatrie-afdeling van

Mediclinic Paarl, sê ook dat toelating vir brandwonde met 50% gestyg het. Von Delft sê ouers moet gereëld hul kinders se temperatuur vir koors monitor en ander simptome soos eetlus- en gewigsverlies, irritasie, braking, diarree, hoes, toe bors, kort asemhaling, sluit bors, asem nood, ’n stywe nek en stuiptrekkings kyk. Ouers moet ook hul kinders gereëld vir simptome vir TB-meningitis dop hou. Hierdie simptome sluit in lusteloosheid, kind wat baie lê, swak eetlus en moontlik ’n koors. “As die kind se gedrag verander dink aan TBmeningitis.” Kinders raak dan huilerig en lê baie en moet so gou moontlik na ’n kliniek of dokter geneem word. Hockey het op sy beurt gesê simptome van middeloor- of sinusontsteking mag verlengde of terugkerende koors en volgehoue oor- of sinuspyn, gewoonlik oor die wange of voorkop, wees. Hockey se raad om siektes by babas te beperk, is algehele crèche-vermyding indien moontlik, en om ’n baba uit die crèche te neem as hy of sy siek is, sodat die ander kinders nie aangesteek word nie. “Daar moet ook opgelet word na die inentingsprogram asook opsionele inentings, soos dié teen griep en waterpokkies.” Douw beveel ouers van kinders met maagvirus-simptome aan om solank vir hulle ’n waterdrankie-mengsel van 1 liter afgekoelde kookwater, ’n halwe teelepel sout en 8 teelepels suiker te maak, om ontwatering te voorkom. “Sorg dat jy so gou moontlik die kind na mediese sorg bring,” beveel sy aan. Von Delft het klem gelê op leefstyl om kindersiektes te voorkom. Moeders mag nie rook, dwelms en alkohol in swangerskap gebruik nie anders kry hul groei vertraagde of brein beskadigde babas. “Dit beteken dat meer babas vroeg gebore word, wat ook ’n styging in die spesiale sorgeenheid kan veroorsaak.” ) Von Delft vra pasiënte om bedags die klinieke in plaas van die Paarl-hospitaal te raadpleeg, in ooreenstemming met die openbare gesondheidstelsel.

“My liefde vir kosmaak het in die Vrystaat ontwikkel rondom ouma Nonna, ma Winnie, pa Thabie en sussie Marne. Ons is almal lief vir kosmaak en om ’n groot gedoente van elke ete te maak.” Só vertel Kokkedoor-wenner Mynhardt Joubert (37) wat op die plaas Lemoenfontein tussen Malmesbury en Wellington woon. Kokkedoor was die uiters suksesvolle Afrikaanse kookprogram wat onlangs op kykNET te sien was. Kosmaak as loopbaan het per ongeluk in Joubert se Mynhardt Joubert FOTO: FOTO24/WIKUS DE WET skoot beland, nadat hy aanland begin verfilm. Deel van ons prys is vanklik ’n danser wou wees. “Ek het in die Kaap beland. Ná jare van ook ’n kookboek-kontrak by Human & dansklasse en opvoerings saam met die Af- Rousseau wat dan uitgebrei sal word na ’n rican Footprint-groep het die liefde vir kos- 13-episode-kosprogram. Dit sal vroeg volmaak weer by my opgevlam. Ek het geen gende jaar gebeeldsaai word.” Joubert is ’n gebore Vrystater, maar beformele opleiding hierin nie, maar was al van kleins af gefassineer oor hoe ’n sterk dryf nou sy besigheid hier vanuit Lemoeninvloed kos op ’n mens se gemoed en denk- fontein. “Ek is op Ficksburg gebore en het daar wyse kan hê.” Verfilming van Kokkedoor was harde skoolgegaan. Ons bedryf ons maatskappy werk en elke dag het sy eie uitdagings ge- in spyseniering, onthaal en stilering, Moerby Kultuur, van die plaas af. Mense bied. “Ons was heeltemal verwyder uit ons ge- kan gerus gaan kyk by www.moerbykulmaksone en moes baie vinnig op ons voete om te sien wat ons alles aanleer dink. Ons is van die begin af in spanne vang.” Die toekoms lyk vanselfsprekend roosingedeel. Halfpad deur die reeks is ons spanne verander sonder dat ons dit verwag kleurig vir Joubert, en hy het nog sommer het. So het ek en Tiaan by mekaar beland.” baie planne om vorentoe smullekker kos Ná Kokkedoor het Joubert se lewe heelte- op te dis. “Daar is groot drome van ’n huisie in die mal verander. Hy hou hom besig met vele Klein-Karoo, nog baie kookboeke en kosnuwe avonture. “KykNET het vir my en Tiaan ’n tweede reekse en dan wil ek ’n organiese groentekook-en-onthaalprogram geskep, Makie- boerdery aan die gang kry. Ek sal ook graag tie, wat ons in Augustus hier in die Swart- Suid-Afrika se eerste kosfilm wil maak.”

Local schools still open next term The two local schools, LK Zeeman and Bergrivier Primary Schools, which are amongst the 17 schools fighting against closure, will keep their doors open until the final verdict will be delivered by the Western Cape High Court. The case was again heard in the Western Cape High Court On Friday. According to lawyers acting on behalf of the provincial education department, the process leading to the decision to close 17 Western Cape schools was procedurally fair. Eduard Fagan, who spoke on behalf of education MEC Donald Grant and his department, said the Schools Act did not compel his client to consult the affected communities. Grant announced last year that LK Zeeman Primary and Bergrivier Primary will have to close their doors due to dwindling numbers and low numeracy and literacy results. Grant

insists that these schools be closed and the pupils attend schools in the vicinity that have a better infrastructure. The provincial department have, however, given school governing bodies an opportunity to make representations to Grant on his intention to close schools during public hearings last year. Fagan argued Grant supplied the schools with sufficient reasons to close. But the governing bodies and parents of the pupils, together with the South African Democratic Teachers Unions, applied for an urgent interim interdict in the Western Cape High Court requesting that the closure of the schools be postponed and investigated. The hearing was postponed on Friday and for LK Zeeman and Bergrivier Primary Schools it will be business as usual on Monday when the third school term of 2013 gets under way.

4 Paarl Post Gentle Italian passes away

Nuus News

11 July, 2013

Another stalwart of the Paarl Italian community has passed away. Maria Sieli De Candia passed away on Saturday evening, 6 July, after a battle with cancer. She was married for 46 years to Giulio who owned Northern Paarl Service Station and Audio Service and Repair. Her two sons, Natale and Salvatore are well-known in Paarl as the owners of Paarl Audio and Visual Centre. The family this week said that their mother was a true icon of unconditional love and respect who set an example for the whole family on the values of life.

“She was a dedicated and devoted wife, mother and grandmother. Her greatest passion, in the true Italian fashion, was her family. She will be dearly missed by her Maria and Giulio husband, children and grandchildren. She will always be in our hearts.” She is survived by her husband and sons, daughter Lorenza and

three grand-children. Maria’s funeral takes place on Friday 12 July at 11:00 at St. Augustine’s Roman Catholic Church in Van der Lingen Street, Paarl. A wake will be held afterwards at the Italian Club in Klein Parys, de Candia Paarl. The family has asked that no flowers be sent, but donations can be made to the Cancer Association, Wellington (021 873 6358 Barbara Williams).

SPCA’s 60th AGM The 60th annual general meeting of the Wellington SPCA takes place on 24 July, 18:30 for 19:00, at the Wellington Bowling Club. To book your place at the Wellington SPCA’s AGM for catering purposes, contact Colleen McQueen at 021 864 3726 or e-mail to

) Pasop vir skurke: ’n Nuwe neiging steek sy kop in Dal Josafat uit met dwelmgebruikers wat tussen 05:00 en 06:00 in die oggende, wanneer die strate nog stil is, in Chicago, New Orleanslaan en by verkeersligte in Van der Stelstraat amok maak wanneer hulle mense van hul besittings (selfone, geld, ensovoorts) stroop. Mense word gewaarsku om versigtig te wees wanneer hulle in die gegewe tyd dié roetes stap en terwyl hulle vir vervoer staan en wag. ) Bakkie helder oordag gekaap: Twee mans is Vrydag helder oordag by die ingang van die plaas Rennies op die Val de Vie-pad in hul wit Ford Ranger-bakkie gekaap. Die mans was glo op pad om goedere by die plaas af te lewer toe hulle by die ingang deur ’n silwergrys Ford Ranger-bakkie voorgekeer word, terwyl ’n silwergrys Volkswagen Polo agter hul bakkie kom staan het. Die twee verdagtes in die silwergrys bakkie het uitgespring en die mans met ’n vuurwapen uit hul bakkie gedwing. Hulle is ook van hul selfone beroof. Die verdagtes het met albei die bakkies gevlug, met die silwergrys Polo agterna. Die gekaapte bakkie is glo later in Hoofstraat naby die plaas De Hoop teruggevind. Die verdagtes is egter steeds soek. ) Huisbraak en besigheidsroof: Vyf voorvalle van huisbraak en een van besigheidsroof is oor die naweek in die Paarl aangemeld. Twee van die inbrake was na bewering by wonings van die Bergrivier-vakansieoord op die Simondium-pad waar onder meer elektriese toestelle, wyn, ’n fiets en ’n mikrogolf gesteel is. In die eerste voorval het verdagtes die dak en vensters oopgebreek om toegang te verkry. In die tweede voorval het een van die inwoners die klaer gebel om te sê daar is by sy huis ingebreek. By die Nederburg-wynmakery het verdagtes ’n gat in die muur gemaak en drie druk-kleppe en drie celenoids gesteel. Die klaer en sy vennoot was op die plaas besig om patrollie te doen toe die voorval plaasgevind het. Met hul terugkeer het hulle gesien die filterkamer se muur is beskadig en toerusting ter waarde van R4 000 is uit die kamer gesteel. ) In besit van dwelms: Sowat 18 mense is oor die naweek met meestal Mandrax-tablette en dagga in hul besit vasgetrek. In meeste van die voorvalle is oortreders deur polisiebeamptes op patrollie voorgekeer en deursoek. ) Bure moet mekaar bystaan: ’n Inwoner van Paarl-Oos het onlangs ’n vyf meter hoë muur om sy huis laat opsit. Met die gedagte dat sy erf nou beveilig is het hy van sy goedere buite in die agterplaas gestoor. ’n Skaars staal-vensterraam en swaaideure is kort daarna uit sy erf gesteel. Hy wil mense waarsku om op hul hoede te wees en sê bure moet mekaar bystaan om misdaad aan te spreek.

Paarl Post

Nuus News

11 Julie, 2013

Man survives shot in neck

Hier wys huiseienaar Cyril Fortuin hoe die verdagte die ruit gebreek het by sy huis in Broadwaystraat, Paarl­Oos. FOTO: DEVIDEAN MOSES

Skelm op heterdaad betrap DEVIDEAN MOSES Die polisie het verlede Saterdag (6 Julie) potensieel groot verliese vir ’n egpaar van Paarl-Oos voorkom toe hulle ’n inbreker op heterdaad betrap het. Ao. Anthony Sauls, woordvoerder van die Paarl-Oos-polisie, sê die beamptes van skof B was die aand om 19:00 op patrollie in Chaleston Hill omdat daar ’n toename in inbrake in die area was. Hulle het by die huis in Broadwaystraat verbygery en die alarm gehoor. By nadere ondersoek het hulle ’n man buite die huis betrap, besig om ’n ruit te breek. Die verdagte het sy vuurwapen op konst. Leonard Coraisin gerig en begin skiet. Coraisin het ook

sy vuurwapen uitgehaal en teruggeskiet, maar die verdagte het weggehardloop. Niemand is beseer nie en die verdagte het weggekom. Die huiseienaar, Cyril Fortuin, vertel dat hy en sy vrou, Ellen, hul seun wat moes terugkeer na die Noordwes-Universiteit op Potchefstroom by die bushalte in Hoofstraat gaan afsien het en nie gedink het hul huis sal geteiken word nie. “Toe ons terugkeer, het ons net gesien hoe die blou ligte en polisiepatrollies voor ons huis staan.” “Dankie vir die polisie se flink werk.” Sauls sê die polisie is trots op die B-skof vir hulle knap werk. Enigiemand met meer inligting kan die polisiestasie by 021 877 5900 bel.

A man from Mbekweni is gaining strength in a local hospital after being shot in the neck in front of his house. Accordingto policereportsLuyandaMabuselawassittinginfront of his house early Saturday morning when unknown men fired four shots at him. Mabusela was hit in the neck. He went into hiding and was later found by community members who alerted a police van on its way to a shack fire. An ambulance was called to the scene and Mabusela was transported to a local hospital where he

is still being treated. The police have not been able to get a statement from him as yet. It is thus not clear what led to the shooting. Acaseof attemptedmurder is being investigated. In a separate incident a 15-yearold girl was raped by a 38- year-old man in his house in Wyksvlei. It is not clear what led to the event or if the victim and suspect know each other. The girl has not given a statement to the police yet as she was too traumatised. The 38-yearold man was however arrested and has appeared in court.

POLISIE SLAAN TOE: Tydens verskeie klopjagte wat Woensdag (3 Julie) deur die Paarl­Oos polisie gehou is, is sewe verdag­ tes in hegtenis geneem vir die besit van dwelms en nog twee persone vir ko­ perdiefstal. Die straat­ waarde van die dwelms is R2 000. Nigel Cupido van ’n plakkerswoning in Waterbokstraat is in heg­ tenis geneem ná sy wo­ ning deursoek is en ’n groot hoeveelheid dagga gevind. ’n Seun (17) van Loverslane, Paarl­Oos, is ook in hegtenis geneem vir die besit van gesteelde goedere ná ’n elektroniese tablet in sy besit gevind is. ’n Inwo­ ner van Kudustraat in Chicago, Marshall Engelbreght, is in heg­ tenis geneem ná ’n stop dagga by hom gevind is en Francisco de Jager van Ribbokstraat, Chicago, met 14 mandraxtablette en een stop dagga. Jadene Isaacs van Neil Mosesstraat is ook in hegtenis geneem vir die besit van dagga. Al die verdagtes het in die Paarl­landdroshof verskyn. Hier wys ao. Alta Booyens (links) en ao. Anthony Sauls die goedere waarop daar beslag gelê is. FOTO: DEVIDEAN MOSES

Public Protector in Paarl


Members of the Public Protector hold a public meeting on 23 July, 09:00, at Thusong Service Centre. The aim is to engage with stakeholders, increase stakeholder engagements, public dialogue and public awareness about the office’s existence, mandate, services and accessibility.


Paarl Post

Briewe Letters

11 July, 2013

Stone throwers disgrace Paarl It is an absolute disgrace what took place this week on the eve of the start of the 52nd Berg River Canoe Marathon. During time trials on Tuesday, a group of children on the bank of the Berg River, in the vicinity of the Arboretum in Paarl, pelted canoeists with stones. Needless to say, the culprits quickly disappeared, leaving no one behind to be brought to book. Fortunately there were no injuries. For more than half a century the Berg River Canoe Marathon has been the pride of Paarl, attracting canoeists from not only across the country, but from across the world as well. However, such actions can do much harm to this supreme sporting event. Already entry numbers have dwindled in the past few years. One must remember that the marathon is also to Paarl’s tourism segment. Inevitably this unfortunate stone throwing event has been broadcast across the country, marring the reputation of both Paarl’s tourism industry as well as this illustrious race. Such an incident is definitely not something we can afford on the eve of the countdown to voting for the national town of the year, of which Paarl is a finalist.

Tyd is ’n epidemie sonder geneesmiddel Tyd is ’n epidemie wat ons almal plattrek. Een siekte wat ons gewoonlik op die ongerieflikste oomblikke opdoen en verbete teen probeer veg. Dít was Maandag weer prominent toe die meer as 100 passasiers, op ’n bekende en gewoonlik uiters vaardige busdiens vanaf Pretoria na Kaapstad, angstig en gefrustreerd moes afwag om hul bestemmings vier uur ná die gegewe tye te bereik. Dit weens eindelose vertragings wat reeds Sondag in Pretoria begin het toe die oorspronklike bus glo gebreek het. Passasiers wat veronderstel was om Sondag 14:30 uit Pretoria te vertrek is eers na 16:00 opgelaai. Ek en ander passasiers wat 19:45 in Bloemfontein op dié bus sou klim, is net voor 18:00 per SMS-boodskap in kennis gestel dat die bus ’n uur laat gaan wees weens ’n “operasionele vertraging”. Kort voor nege stop die bus uiteindelik daar. Dit vat meer as ’n halfuur om passasiers wat hier moet afklim se bagasie af te laai. Toe dit ons beurt is om ons plekke op die bus in te neem, het byna niemand gereserveerde sitplekke nie en skarrel almal rond om net êrens ’n gaatjie te kry. Bo, in die tweede laaste ry, is waar ek my gaan tuismaak – sò in my skik met die lekker beenspasie en gemaklike sitplekke met ’n hellingshoek van bykans 180°dat ek amper vergeet van die afgelope twee ure se deurmekaarspul. Twintig voor tien vertrek ons uiteindelik uit Bloemfontein – nog vol hoop dat ons die verlore tyd sal opmaak en almal betyds sal uitkom waar ons moet wees. Toe ons ná middernag eers op Colesberg stop, raak ek bekommerd. In my kop begin ek sommetjies maak. “Ek moet 08:00 by die werk wees. In ’n motor vat dit sowat sewe ure vanaf hier tot in die Paarl. Wat nog te sê van ’n bus wat meestal teen 80 km/h op die N1 aanploeter,” dink ek by myself. Weer terug op die bus ná ’n vinnige afklimpunt vir diegene wat ’n draai wil loop of ’n middernag eetlus het, besluit ek om liewer te probeer slaap, maar raak tog elke uur wakker in die hoop dat ons op

’n wonderbaarlike wyse al tyd opgemaak het. Toe ons 06:42 verby Laingsburg ry, staar die onvermydelike my in die oë. Buiten dat ek al 06:10 in die Paarl moes wees, gaan ek nou vir seker laat wees vir werk. En toe tref die noodlot net nog een slag – die bus gaan stop eweskielik. Terwyl hy vir so 10 minute in die pad staan en idle vermoed ek ons het op die verkeerdste tyd een van die vele stop/ry-beheerstelsels gevang. Toe die busbestuurder ná nóg tien minute die enjin afskakel word die teendeel bewys. ’n Nuuskierige passasier kom enkele oomblikke later in die gangetjie afgestap met die nuus dat ’n vragmotor op die N1, in die ryvlak van die pad, aan die brand is. Met die nodige owerhede op die toneel word verkeer aan albei kante gereguleer, maar kry ons net so elke nou en dan die kans om teen slakkepas vorentoe te beweeg. Ná wat soos nog ’n uur voel is ons weer sterk op pad in die rigting van die Paarl en verby die brandende vragmotor wat steeds tevergeefs teen die woeste vlamme probeer veg. Die tyd tik al hoe vinniger verby, maar die kilometers bly lank. Teen 09:25 stop ons op Worcester. Wat veronderstel was om net ’n gewone optel- en aflaai-punt te wees, raak ’n afklimpunt vir diegene met ’n nood. Daar is ’n toilet op die bus, maar, sê die gasheer ewe kalm vir ons: “Hy is buite werking.” Toe ons sowat 15 minute later daar wegtrek is ons almal moedeloos, want elke minuut voel teen die tyd soos ’n uur, soos ’n kiem wat aanhou vreet aan die dag. Wat begin het as ’n uur se vertraging trek nou al by vier ure. In die bus hoor ek van oral af almal se klaagliedere soos sommige hul seniors by die werk, en ander hul geliefdes, van wie party reeds by die betrokke punte staan en wag, bel om die nuus oor te dra. Toe ons teen 10:22 die dorp binne ry besef ek opnuut, týd is niemand se vriend nie en ’n siekte waarvoor nie gou ’n geneesmiddel gevind sal word nie . . .

Severe case of animal abuse when owners go on holiday Another holiday has come, and is almost gone, and again many pets have been left alone at home while there owners are enjoying themselves elsewhere. Here in the street that I live in Paarl North is a beautiful Boerboel who is a victim of this. He has been home alone for almost two weeks now. I am not quite sure who feeds him, or when, as I have not seen anyone at the house and his food and water bowls stand empty. Due to this, I every now and then go across to the house and feed him some treats. It is not only food that he needs, but his sad eyes are crying out for attention and the hu-

man touch. Now, would you leave your young children alone at home and disappear for days on end? That would be just as bad as this poor dog’s fate. And it is not the first time that

this has happened. In the past I have also read of such incidents elsewhere in Paarl. And to top it all, I have also recently read with interest in Paarl Post that the municipality no longer has a municipal pound and thus does not care about neglected animals in the area. So I cannot even turn to them for assistance. But, to pet owners who make themselves guilty of such selfish and cruel acts, what goes a round comes around, and may Walter bite you in the butt.


University of the Third Age looking to open branch in Paarl A meeting will soon be held to discuss the establishing of a branch of University of the Third Age (U3A) in Paarl. Membership will be open to all retired persons no longer in full employment who wish to stay mentally and physically active. U3A was started in France in 1973 with courses that were academic in content. When it reached the United Kingdom, South Africa and other countries, it changed in nature to become more of a selfhelp organisation. It is known that retired people have a vast amount of experience

and knowledge. This can be conveyed to those who wish to learn by way of study or interest groups. No qualifications are necessary and no certificates are issued. Learn more about U3A by visiting the website Depending on membership numbers, equipment needs, venue costs and so forth, fees should be less than R100 per year. All tuition is on a volunteer basis and there will be no costs other than for materials consumed. Monthly meetings will be held and conducted in English and Afrikaans. There will be a guest speak-

Regstelling van aanleiding tot ongeluk Graag wil ek vertel wat gebeur het in die ongeluk van 24 Junie waarin ek betrokke was. Ek werk in Worcester en was die oggend op pad werk toe. Op pad na die verkeerslig by die Paarl-Oos polisiestasie het ek my spoed verminder na 40 km per uur om stadiger oor die groen verkeerslig te ry omdat taxi’s dikwels hier oor die rooi verkeerslig jaag. Net nadat ek oor die verkeerslig was, op pad na die tonnel, het ’n vragmotor wat voor die polisiegronde oornag het voor my in gedraai. Die trok se ligte was baie vaag

en daar was geen glimpapier op die trok nie. Ek het gerem en probeer uitswaai, maar steeds het ek teen die vragmotor gebots. Die polisie het ná die ongeluk aan my familie gesê dat die trokdrywer net ’n leerlinglisensie gehad het en hy was alleen in die voertuig. Hy het dus reeds die wet oortree. Dit is dalk die rede hoekom hy my wil laat lyk soos die skuldige. As ek na die foto’s kyk weet ek dat Jesus my beskerm het en dat Hy alleen my lewe gered het.


Help Boland om weer op te staan Om ná sewe weke uit Afrika terug te keer en Boland-rugby op Wellington te gaan kyk, was weereens tydmors. Boland kry lelik slae, 45-7, teen die Luiperds. Wat het van onse Boland geword die afgelope twee tot

drie jaar? Daar moet tog sekerlik hoogs bekwame mense wees wat Boland weer kan laat opstaan uit hierdie al groter wordende fiasko?


er addressing a topic of interest. Relevant announcements will be made and it will be an opportunity for members to meet and discuss needs. Courses which will be offered will include computers, languages, arts, crafts, music, history, bridge, yoga and hiking. All interested parties are invited to attend the meetings which will be held at 10:00 on the first Thursday of every month at De Poort Historical Village. For more information call 021 872 0484 or email


No strange workers in homes! After reading the article about the municipal worker who is being charged with murder’s re-appointment to the Drakenstein Municipality, I cannot help but wonder how many other workers may have criminal records. The worker in question has a history of crime, yet he was allowed to enter residents’ homes. I believe that criminals should be given a second chance after rehabilitation, but giving them free access to residents’ homes should not be allowed. Surely there are other divisions to accommodate such people? With the geyser project now being enforced, how do we know that we will be safe with these strange contractors in our homes? I am sorry, but I feel that forcing the public to open their homes to strangers is unacceptable, especially since the Tisana debacle.


Paarl Post

Menings Opinion

11 Julie, 2013

SMS 32363 ) Mnr. Wit CJ Quantum-taxi, het jy geweet haastig was nog nooit gou nie? Jy jaag asof die duiwel agter jou is, byvoorbeeld in Magnoliastraat op 2 Julie. ) Dankie aan almal wat bygedra het tot Victoria se reis na Polokwane. Dit word waardeer. Denis en Julie ) Since when has on-line gambling become legal? In Church Street, Wellington, there is such an institution. As far as I know, it is not legal. ) Om ná sewe weke uit Afrika terug te keer en Boland-rugby op Wellington te gaan kyk, was weereens tydmors. Boland verloor 45-7 teen die Luiperds. Wat het van onse Boland die afgelope twee tot drie jaar geword? Daar moet tog sekerlik bekwame mense wees wat Boland weer kan laat opstaan uit hierdie al groter wordende fiasko? Bloubul Els ) Kan taxi-eienaars van Groenheuwel asseblief die “drywers” leer om ’n beter diens te lewer? ) Waarom doen die regering soveel moeite met Wellington-dagkliniek? Hulle kan die geld eerder vir iets anders gebruik, want dit is ’n vermorsing van belastingbetalersgeld. Mense met ernstige kwale word ’n maand later gesien; dan haal personeellede net hul skouers op en sê sorry. ) All the inconsiderate residents in Falaise Street who dump rubbish in the park – please use a service to remove it at your cost. Fedup ) My hart treur saam met die mense wat hul lieflingkat so tragies verloor het weens die rondloperhond wat hul troeteldier in hul teenwoordigheid doodgebyt het. Maar sê weer – blameer die eienaar, nie die sinlose dier nie. Sterkte. ) Nog nooit in my lewe het ek sulke nuuskierige inwoners in een straat bymekaar gesien soos in Skoolstraat nie. Los die ander mense ’n slag uit en bepaal julle by jul eie sake. Julle is erger as Koöperasie-stories. ) Dit is ontstellend om te sien hoeveel jongmense met veghonde rondstap. Dit is ’n bron van kommer. Ek het self so ’n hond uit iemand se sorg verwyder. ) How come there are people living in lowcost housing here in Mbekweni who earn real-

ly good salaries? One of them is a provincial traffic cop! ) Verkeersligte word in Kerkstraat, Wellington, by voetoorgange opgerig, maar wat van Weltevrede- en Van Wyksvleiweg? En wat van die oorgange met Jan van Riebeeckrylaan waar dit uiters gevaarlik is om die pad oor te steek? J.F. ) If someone knocks on my door claiming to be from the municipality, I will not even open the door. ) Baie geluk aan Drakenstein-munisipaliteit met ons grasgroen prestasie. Dankie ook vir al die ander dinge wat in ons Dorp van die Jaar gebeur. Viva Paarl. ) Joy Cargill, open your ballet doors in Wellington. There are a lot of students in need. ) Alle ingangspaaie na Paarl is onlangs herstel behalwe die een by Noorder-Paarl verby Rhebokskloof. Geen voertuig kan met veiligheid daar gehanteer word nie. Op een plek is ’n duik in die pad wat alle voertuie uit die pad gooi as jy nie bewus is daarvan nie. Petrus ) Ek voel saam met julle. Mense, hou jul diere by jul plek. Onskuldige diere/mense kan seerkry. ) Jammer, mnr. Mettler. Ek kan nie insien dat jou werwingstegnieke enigsins vertroue by die publiek kan inboesem nie. Hoe stuur julle iemand met ’n rekord vir ’n geweldsmisdaad na die publiek se privaat huise? ) Ja, nee-wat, by my huis is twee dae agtereenvolgend helder oordag ingebreek. Die polisie het ’n foto van die verdagte kom wys: ’n vrou. Die bure het haar ook gesien. Maar daar is nog niks aan die saak gedoen nie! Swak! ) Die speedcops van Paarl met silwer Polo moet hul werk reg doen (Suider-Paarl, 4 Julie). Maak seker van jul saak voor julle net mense laat aftrek en vir hulle boetes gee! Julle kom dom voor as julle so te werk gaan. ) Maak asseblief die slote skoon regoor Kleinje Valleij in Bainskloof. Die water loop oor die pad soos slote toegegroei is en dit lyk slordig. ) Mnr. Mettler, Zuko Tisana het glo sy identifikasiekaart vir die Rosseaus gewys. Gebruik jou logika wanneer jy stellings in die media maak.

Paarl is vir seker nie wat dit was nie Ek lees nou die artikel van Unwilling Victim aangaande misdaad in die middedorp en ook munisipale bestuurder, Johann Mettler, se antwoord. Duidelik weet hy nie wat in sakesentrum aangaan nie, of diegene wat hom adviseer glo hy blindweg. Ek werk al amper vyf jaar in die boonste deel van Lady Greystraat. Die polisie en munisipale polisie skitter in hulle afwesigheid.

Voetpatrollies hierbo bestaan nie. Ek het wel al per geleentheid sulke lede by die onderste Checkers gesien, maar wel ook per geleentheid. Almal is bewus van die CBD se winkels wat leegstaan en sulke insidente jaag ook nog die oorblywende paar kliënte weg. Paarl is definitief nie wat dit was nie.


) To all the staff at Boland Roadworthy truck centre, thanks for going that extra mile. Your service is outstanding. Thank you. From the trucking world. ) Mnr. H. Goosen (Daljosafat-paneelkloppers), dankie vir puik diens gelewer met jou motor vir matriekafskeid. ) I grew up in Paarl and Woolworths Lady Grey Street was a top shop. But now they are really going downhill. I prefer driving to the Woolies quick shop at Village Motors to buy food, even though it is out of my way. ) Graag wil ek die Pick n Pay in die Mall ’n pluimpie gee vir die manier waarop hulle die SASSA-uitbetalings hanteer. Goed georganiseer, met streng dissipline. Knap gedaan! ) Dankie, Paarl Hospitaal! Daar is altyd baie negatiewe dinge te sê oor die personeel, maar laat ons ook praat van die “mooi”! Dankie aan die personeel van die noodeenheid en


veral die pediatriese saal. Julle is puik – selfs die personeel wat skoonmaak! Dankie aan al die pediaters ... veral drs. Jonkers en Du Plessis wat so oulik met Erinn was. ) Siek en sat vir mense wat kerm in lang rye by winkels. As jy sien die winkel waar jy wil inkopies doen, is baie besig, bly dit jou besluit of jy gaan staan of huis toe gaan. Moenie in die lang rye staan en kerm nie. Die kassiere en mense wat daar werk, is maar net mens. ) Kan Shoprite se personeel in die middedorp opleiding kry? Hulle weet nie wat spoedtoonbank beteken nie. ) Wees versigtig vir ’n sekere braaihout-advertensie met ’n selnommer daarby. Ek het 1 000 stukke black whattle by hom gekoop, maar toe lewer hy “B-food-hout” wat geen kole maak nie. ) Die navraebediener by FNB Paarl is tops! ) Ek wil net vertel van die swak diens wat ek by die dokter kry. Ek wag al meer as twee weke vir die uitslae van my kind se bloedtoetse en bel help glad nie. Ek is baie teleurgesteld. Dit is leserskommentaar hierdie en nie die mening van Paarl Post nie.

TROUBLESOME INTERSECTION: Traffic lights are eventually being installed at the intersec­ tion of Paarl Main and Mill Streets. But this did not help the driver of this vehicle who was in­ volved in a collision with another vehicle last Friday morning. No one was injured in the inci­ dent. This intersection has for many years been a troublesome area of Paarl, especially during peak hour traffic. Municipal spokesperson, May Carolissen, said that the traffic lights should be operational by the end of this month, allowing smoother traffic flow. Another troublesome in­ tersection in Paarl is the four­way stop at Main and Hospital Streets. PHOTO: LISE BEYERS


Paarl Post

Promosie Promotion

11 July, 2013

‘Super Foods’… for Ramadaan UMME FAATIMAH (B.DIETETICS, UNIVERSITY OF PRETORIA) The modern world has swept us off our feet in so many ways . . . our way of dress, our lifestyles and most noticeably our eating habits. We have so casually adapted the western culture of unhealthy eating, moving further and further away from the Noble teachings of the Qur’an and Sunnah of The Noble Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him). Yet, the newest nutritional research continues to discover the benefits of certain foods, labelled as “Super Foods”. They have also unravelled the great benefits of certain eating habits, such as washing hands before and after meals, eating with the hands, not drinking with meals – just to mention a few. However,

all of this have already been outlined in the Holy Qur’an and Sunnah more than 1 400 years ago. We are certainly the losers if we do not make an effort to practise upon the Sunnah in our homes and kitchens. What better time to bring about these changes than now? Our beautiful Deen offers us the opportunity during the beautiful month of Ramadaan, to bring about positive changes in our lives – changes that benefit us mentally, physically and spiritually which Insha Allah (Allah Willing) can be sustained for the future. Physically, fasting gives the digestive system a much needed rest. Energy normally used for digestion is now directed to body detoxification, tissue repair and system healing. With that in mind I have chosen to highlight just a few of the favourite foods of our The Noble Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon

him). With the special month of Ramadaan fast approaching, we can all ensure we have these foods on our shopping lists. InshaAllah, by us adopting the lifestyle of The Noble Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) we will be rewarded enormously… Ameen. Dates are the most mentioned fruit in the Qur’an. They are high in energy, fibre, iron, vitamins and minerals. The Noble Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him)said: “The home with no dates is like the home with no food”. (Hadith-Sahih Muslim) The Noble Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) used to break his fast with fresh dates and a few sips of water. He (pbuh) said: “When one of you breaks the fast let him do so with dates, for they are a blessing and if he cannot find dates then with water for it is a purification” (Hadith-Tirmidhi). Dieticians and nutritionist the world over have been advocating the use of olive oil for its excellent cardio-protective, anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. Ongoing research is revealing more and more great benefits on the consumption and application of olive oil. The Noble Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) said: “Eat the olive and use it as an ointment as it comes from a blessed tree”. (Hadith-Tirmidhi) During Ramadaan, olive oil is best used raw as a dip for breads or as a salad dressing. The lighter olive oils are well suited for cooking and baking purposes. A recent Readers Digest article highlighted barley as one of the five healthiest foods we tend not to eat. Yet it was barley that was one of the staple foods in the diet of our The Noble Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him). Modern research is discovering that barley has a very

high soluble- fibre content. This helps to keep the arteries clear and healthy. It has an extremely low glycaemic index (GI), which means it takes a longer time to digest, keeping one fuller for longer. A Hadith in Mishkaat narrates that The Noble Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) never used sifted flour in his lifetime. Allah SWT mentions in the Holy Quraan grains with their husks, amongst His many gifts to us. Un-sifted flour as used by The Noble Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) contains all the valuable nutrients found in the bran and germ layers and has a lower GI. During Ramadaan, barley can be added to soups and broths or prepared as a drink by boiling and straining mixture. A hadith in Bukhari mentions that The Noble Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) consumed “Sawiq” at iftaar. Barley flour can be used for preparing breads and rotis. Substitute 1,5 cups barley flour for every 3 cups regular flour. Barley can be prepared as a filling porridge for sehri -Talbeenah. Soak 1 - 2 tablespoons whole barley overnight in a flask filled with rapidly boiling water. At sehri time, strain water out and prepare porridge with honey and milk. Modern research has been abuzz with the myriad of health benefits associated with honey- anti-inflammatory, immune boosting, energising tonic, to name a few. Our beautiful Deen has encouraged the use of honey 1 400 years ago. The Holy Qur’an mentions “there comes forth from the bee’s belly, a drink of varying colours, wherein is a healing for men”.(Qur’an 16:68-69) The Noble Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) further said “Make use of two cureshoney and the Qur’an” (Hadith-Ibn Majah). Grapes have been found to contain resveratrol – a powerful antioxidant that protects the body on a cellular level from damage. The seeds are rich in flavonoids which lower the risk of fatty plaque accumulation on the lining of blood vessels to the heart. The Noble Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) loved eating grapes. Hadith in Abu Dawood mentions The Noble Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him )often consumed a drink “Nabeez” prepared from soaked raisins. Nabeez can be prepared by soaking raisins after Esha (evening) prayer in clean water covered with a plate. The following morning the water can be drunk and the soaked fruit eaten or just use the blender to obtain a beautiful cloudy Nabeez. And, if you soak in the morning, drink in the evening. Nabeez should be consumed within twelve hours of soaking to prevent fermentation. The Sunnah way of eating is the healthy way of eating. InshaAllah, let us all strive to revive and bring alive the Sunnahs of The Noble Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) in our homes this Ramadaan. I have highlighted just a few. Make an intention to eat on the floor, share eating utensils and to fill a third of your stomach with water, a third with food and a third left for air. Besides the immense health benefits outlined above our greatest rewards really lie in following the Sunnah, as it comes in Hadith mentioned by The Noble Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him): “The person who follows my Sunnah is the one who truly loves me, and will be with me in Jannah” (Hadith-Tirmidhi). Ramadaan Mubarak!

Paarl Post

Wellington Nuus Wellington News

11 Julie, 2013

Sy het koningsgesin ’n handdruk gegee HESTER DE KOCK

waar hulle gesin gewoon het. “Toe my pa en later my ma Auntie Nellie Cavernelis begrawe is, het al die Jode(84) is nóg een van verwinkels op die dorp hul deuskeie inwoners van Welre toegemaak en toe staan lington wat op die stasie hulle by die kerk, so bekend was toe die koning en kowas ons. Hier was baie Jode ningin van Engeland in in die dorp – Zwick, Krop1947 hier aangedoen het. man, Dick en Alsop, Sarembock, Kling. Ons is nie uitDie senior klas van die gesit uit die blanke woongetoenmalige Engelse Skool bied nie, maar toe my ma die is gekies om stasie toe te huis wou verkoop ’n tyd ná gaan vir die geleentheid. Sy my pa se dood, moes dit aan was bevoorreg om die hele ’n blanke wees.” koningsgesin se hand te Auntie Nellie Cavernelis (84) So onthou sy ook die dag skud. van Wellington onthou dié dag toe sy, as Kleurling, nie toe’n Paar onthou-dinge toe die koningsgesin op Wel­ gelaat was om ooit weer op staan uit, soos dat hulle sta- lington­stasie afgeklim het. pad dorp toe deur die hek te sie toe gestap het en ’n tyd- FOTO: HESTER DE KOCK gaan wat gebruik was om jie daar moes wag voordat die treinspoor af te sluit wanneer ’n trein in die trein ingekom het. Sy het voor teen die tou gestaan wat oor aantog is nie. Die Engele Skool is ook later uit die “blanke die perron gespan is om die gebied vir die dorpsgebied” na Voorstraat verskuif en is publiek af te sper. Die koningin-moeder was vir haar baie nou St. Albans. Haar pa het in die Eerste en Tweede Wêmooi. Die kleur van haar rok kan sy nie onthou nie, maar wel dat sy wit handskoene aan- reldoorlog geveg. Hoekom is haar pa oorlog toe? Sy dink dis omdat hier nie werk was nie. gehad het. Haar ouers is getroud ná sy terugkeer aan Sy moes iets soos ’n kniebuiging maak toe sy elkeen van die koninklikes se hand geskud die einde van die Eerste Wêreldoorlog. Haar ma, Francina Small, was ’n suster van het. Haar herinnering aan die twee prinsesse is ook duidelik, veral dat Peter Townsend die bekroonde digter Adam Small, se pa. Aundeel van die entourage was en ’n entjie links tie Nellie is nie min trots op haar begaafde neef nie en hou steeds die familiebande op. van Margaret gestaan het. ’n Mooie man. * Nellie Cavernelis (84) of Wellington still Auntie Nellie woon steeds in Zysterstraat in die huis wat sy en haar man laat bou het, remembers clearly the day that she and her nou die eiendom van haar onderwyserseun family were at Wellington station to catch a glimpse of the royal family when they visited en sy vrou, sedert haar man oorlede is. Sy het grootgeword in Distillerystraat 47 the area in 1947.

Sluit aan by Drakenstein se Klopse Wellington se Klopse-groepe is reeds besig om hul vere reg te skud vir die nuwe seisoen, sê Denver Engledoe, voorsitter van die Drakenstein Coon Carnival Association (DCCA). Volgens Engeldoe het twee splinternuwe groepe pas by die DCCA aangesluit. Die heel jongste nuwe groep is die Pniel Entertainers, wat die getal groepe wat tans deel uitmaak van die DCCA, op tien te staan bring. “Ons is daarvan oortuig dat die getal ver-

der gaan styg in die komende weke. Daar heers groot opgewondenheid in die plaaslike Klopse-beweging onder Wellingtonners. As alles goed gaan, kan Wellington vanjaar sy beste Klopse-seisoen in baie jare beleef!” Nuwe groepe wat wil aansluit het nog tot 31 Julie kans om om lidmaatskap aansoek te doen. Skakel die voorsitter by 073 651 5153 of die sekretaresse, Nadia Snell by 021-885 178. of e-pos na


’n Ysterhand wat inwoners kan verwelkom Inwoners van Wellington kan verseker wees dat hulle veiligheid hoog geag word en dat hul plaaslike polisiekantoor met ’n gawe, dog ysterhand regeer word. Lt.-kol. Johan Barkhuizen, stasiebevelvoerder van die Wellington-polisie, is aangewys as derde plek-wenner in die Stasiebevelvoerder van die Jaar-kategorie tydens die polisie se jaarlikse provinsiale Prestigetoekenningsgeleentheid wat onlangs in Kaapstad gehou is. Sy daaglikse pligte sluit onder meer in die bekamping van misdaad en om die gemeenskap tevrede te stel. Hy is tans in sy vierde jaar as stasiebevelvoerder van Wellington en is verantwoordelik vir almal en alles wat onder Wellington SAPS val. Dit sluit in die speurtak en die unie. Barkhuizen sê hy was baie opgewonde oor sy prys. “Dit is ’n reward vir harde werk.” * Wellington residents can rest assured that their safety is in capable hands as their local station commander has been named as second runner-up during the annual provincial Prestige Awards in Cape Town.

Lt.­kol. Johan Barkhuizen (tweede van links), stasiebevelvoerder van die Welling­ ton­polisie, is aangewys as derde plek­ wenner in die jaarlikse Prestige­toeken­ nings wat in Kaapstad gehou is. By hom is (van links) Annelize van Wyk (LP en voorsitter van die portefeuljekomitee vir polisiëring), Tim Brown (Protea Hotel) en provinsiale kommissaris, lt.­gen. Arno La­ moer. FOTO: PIET SMIT/SAPS


Paarl Post

Mense People

11 Julie, 2013

AWARD: Mirriam Toni who is known for her Mirriam’s Safe House in Mbekweni, recently re­ ceived an award from Mama Africa in George for her work within the community of Mbekweni. Not only does she run a safe­house for destitute chil­ dren, but various other projects to uplift women within the community. PHOTO: DEVIDEAN MOSES

RYLA PARTICIPANTS: Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (Ryla) is Rotary’s leadership training programme for young people. It emphasizes leadership, citizen­ ship, personal growth and rec­ ognises publicly young people who are rendering service to their communities. At a recent Ryla camp, Paarl Rotary spon­ sored four deserving students who are members of the Paarl Youth Initiative to participate in the training programme. With some of the participating stu­ dents are (from left) Paarl Rota­ ry president Steyn Pienaar, Pamela Willemse of Noorder­ Paarl High School, Paarl Youth Initiative director Heinie Heyns, Liesel Kroukamp of Noorder­ Paarl High School, Anathi Tyat­ yeka of New Orleans Second­ ary School and June Kroukamp of Paarl Rotary.

KOKKE KOM KUIER: Die bekende Kokkedoor­wenner Tiaan Langenegger het onlangs ’n draai gemaak by die gewilde Potbelly Pantry­padstal buite Klapmuts. Hier staan hy by die winkel­ eienaar, Enid Truter.

LIONS CLUB: The Lions Club of Paarl recently inducted their new presi­ dent for 2013/2014 at Picardie Guest Farm in Southern Paarl. Pictured here (from left) is Mynderd Smit (New Paarl Lions president), Gesie Van Deventer (Drakenstein Executive Mayor) and the inducting officer James Lang (district governor for Lions Clubs International District 410A, Western Cape & Namibia).

SPEAKING OF HERITAGE: Cathy Raymond of the Draken­ stein Heritage Foundation recently addressed Paarl Rotary Club on the importance of preserving the architectural heritage of Paarl, es­ pecially along Main Street. She pointed out that preservation re­ sults in a healthy economic envi­ ronment by promoting tourism and creating a desirable living environment. Seen here with Ray­ mond is Piet Gouws, newly in­ ducted president of Paarl Rotary.

SKENKING VIR TRAUMAKAMER: Raadslid Clara Meyer, speaker van die Kaapse Wynland­ Distriks­munisipaliteit het namens die DA kom­ berse vir die Paarl­Oos­polisiekantoor se trauma­ kamer uitgedeel. Hier ontvang die stasiebevel­ voerder kol. Mabhuti Stephans (regs) en konst. Lance du Plessis die komberse.

150TH DONATION: Annas van Wyk (middle), working at Drakenstein Correctional Services, recently made his 150th donation of blood at the WP Blood Transfusion Service (WPBTS). With him are Jacqueline Strydomand Marlon Engel­ brecht , both from WPBTS. PHOTO SUPPLIED

SOUP AND WINE FOR SPCA: Wellington Spca will be hosting their annual Soup and Wine evening at Diemersfontein on Wednesday 17 July from 19:00 until 22:00. Enjoy some of Wel­ lington’s best wines and mouth­ watering soups. The evening will include an art exhibition, live music by Newton and lots of prizes can be won. All this at a cost of only R100 and all pro­ ceeds will go towards the Wel­ lington Spca. For bookings call 021 864 3726 or info@welling­

Paarl Post

Vermaak Arts

11 July, 2013


Kalender . Calendar 11 JULY ) Jersey Boys is rocking Cape Town at the Artscape! The show that got Singapore singing and became a household name in Jozi is currently playing to full houses and cheering audiences at Artscape. Critics are raving and the cast receives a standing ovation at every performance! The show enthralls the crowd with its breathtaking pace and extraordinary music. From the first curtain call two weeks ago, the popularity of the show continues to rise. Owing to overwhelming public demand, Showtime Management, the South African producers of Jersey Boys, the sensational Broadway hit musical, today announced a two-week extension of its Cape Town season. The show must close on Sunday 4 August. Hurry, book now at Computicket or Artscape Dial-A-Seat 021 421

7695. 13 JULIE ) Die Van Coke Cartel tree om 20:00 op by die Boer Teater-restaurant, Durbanville. Hierdie bekende groep bestaan uit lede van Fokofpolisiekar, Francois Van Coke en Wynand Myburgh, saam met Jedd Kossew en Jason Oosthuizen. Kaartjies kos R100. Vir besprekings en verdere inligting skakel 021 979 1911/ 083 406 0111. 18 JULIE ) VLV Wellington vergader om 09:30 by die NGK Wellington Noord se saal. Kwiltblokke en blommerangskikking word gedemonstreer. Kom ondersteun ook die marktafel. Navrae Juanita 083 264 9834.

A Tribute to Cat Stevens

KABARETKUNSTENAAR BY BÔRDIENGHUIS: Helena Hettema, bekroonde kabaret­ kunstenaar, is te sien op Wellington op 11 Julie om 20:00 by die kunstige Bôrdienghuis­ teater, met ’n optrede van haar splinternuwe CD Rooiwynliefde, wat met lof ontvang is. Musiek uit haar romantiese CD Spirit of Piaf and Other Great French Legends, waar­ onder andere liedere van Edith Piaf, Jacques Brel, Charles Aznavour en Mareille Matthieu, sal ook gehoor word. Sy sing ook musiek van Leonard Cohen, Marianne Faithful, Ingrid Jonker en Katie Melua. Besprekings kan ge­ maak word by Karin, 071 672 3090, teen R100 per kaartjie.

MHC celebrates 50th anniversary The Mary Help of Christians Primary, who celebrates its 50th anniversary, invites all previous pupils who attended the school between 1963 and 2007 for a meeting on Tuesday 16 July at 19:30 at the school. For more information, phone the school at 021 862 0420.

After half a dozen years’ absence, Peace Train to a Wild World - A Tribute to Cat Stevens is back on stage on Saturday 13 July at Festa, Kleinevalleij. The show features Werner Carstens (narrator, guitarist and backing vocals), who has been performing as a session musician, band leader and songwriter while balancing a day job, and Craig Stott (Cat Stevens), who has been performing as a solo folk artist for several years. The event takes place in aid of the Lucky Lucy Foundation - a no-kill animal shelter, currently housing more than 200 dogs, 50 cats and several other animals. Tickets are R165. Please consider bringing items for the shelter such as dog food, toys, cat litter, cleaning materials, blankets etc. To book, send an e-mail to or

MR CAT & THE JACKAL BY MEUL: Die immergroen, immerpopulêre en waar­is­ my­skoen­musiekgroep, Mr Cat & the Jackal, het besluit om bietjie stadiger te seil. Dit beteken nie hulle gaan laag lê nie, o, nee. Dit beteken hulle is weer lus om na al die klein dorpies te gaan waar hulle vantevore geraas en kerrie aan gejaag het. Dus tree hulle op 12 Julie om 20:00 py die Ou Meul­teater in die Paarl op. Die groep het be­ kende liedjies verwerk en hul instrumente skerp gemaak om rooiwynbekke langs die vuur te vermaak. In plaas van die gewone vyf musikante, gaan daar net drie wees met vreemde instrumente om dinge meer intiem en warm te hou. So bespreek ’n plek­ kie vir twee langs die vuur saam met die groep goëelende kitaarkatte vir rooiwyn en vlamme en stories met tande. Kaartjies kos R70 en kan bespreek word by Vicky Stemmet, 083 564 0056 of

,Dress up in red, white and blue for Bastille Fest Dust off your berets, put on your boots and dress up in your finest red, white and blue, and head out to SA’s leading wine and culinary destination for the annual Franschhoek Bastille Festival, taking place on 13 and 14 July. Join in the fun and festivities at the Food and Wine Marquee, open from 12:00 until 17:00, which over the years has become the focal point of the festival. A popular meeting place, the marquee allows visitors the chance to meet up with friends while enjoying superb wines from some of Franschhoek’s awardwinning wine estates, and indulge in appetising dishes created by some of the Valley’s highly acclaimed chefs. Entrance tickets to the Food and Wine Marquee cost R150 per person, and include a complimentary tasting glass and a booklet of tast-

ing coupons. Additional coupons can be purchased on the day. Booking is essential as tickets are limited. Once the marquee is full, no further patrons will be admitted. Avid wine enthusiasts should not miss out on the VIP Marquee where you’ll have the opportunity to sip, sample and savour complimentary wines from the Franschhoek Wine Valley at your leisure and in comfort. Included in your experience are three complimentary food vouchers to be used within the VIP area, which include a hot, cold and dessert meal voucher. Tickets, which are limited, cost R550 per person and include separate VIP access to the General Food & Wine Marquee, a complimentary tasting glass as well as wine tasting coupons. General and VIP access tickets can be bought through

Handmade or haute couture for your home? “One of the biggest global trends at the moment is the “handmade movement”, reflecting people’s need for personalisation in a world of massproduced products,” says Ideas magazine editor Terena le Roux. According to Le Roux, homes have also become all-important and research has shown that the more frenetic life becomes, the more people wish to create within their homes, in order to relax. “DIY has replaced DKNY, so much so that almost half the adults in the US regularly practise DIY and in the UK, the market has grown by 33% over the last five years,” says Le Roux. “Previously consumers have paid thousands of rands for a designer crochet blanket or silk pillows, however, we’re learning to value tangible, tactile objects again. Where craft was once seen as old fashioned, there has been a shift to authentic,

one-off products and the growing amount of successful craft markets and on-line craft shops and marketplaces show that there is a market for modern, wellcrafted products.” In this light, home décor and accessories, unique handmade and crafted items, as Therena le Roux well as originally designed wares, will be displayed at the first ever Ideas Magazine Trunk Show, which takes place on Saturday 13 and Sunday 14 July at Simondium Country Lodge, the same weekend as Franschhoek’s Bastille Festival. “Whether you love to create, or are just inspired by the extraordinary

craft of others, the Ideas Magazine Trunk Show is a unique browse-andbuy experience that personally introduces the creations of over 20 talented exhibitors to an audience ever on the hunt for handmade and niche products for yourself and for your home,” says Le Roux. Tickets cost R30 and are available at the door or from Taheerah Abrahams at Ideas magazine; e-mail or call 021 408 3837. The Ideas Trunk Show is at Simondium Country Lodge, Paarl-Franschhoek Road (R45) on Saturday 13 July, 09:00 –17:00 and Sunday 14 July, 09:00–16:00.

Your Ultimate Online Guide to Paarl


Paarl Post

Sake Post Business Post

11 Julie, 2013

Are you Wine Writer of the Year?

The Slabbert Burger Transport premises in Wellington.

Slabbert Burger Transport premises on auction Aucor have been appointed on instruction from the joint liquidators to handle the auction of the Slabbert Burger Transport premises. The 18 550 m² property consists of a main administrative block, operations block, truck inspection bay, secondary administrative block, main workshop and adjoining structures including a shed and lean-to structure, guardhouse, fuel and weighbridge, offices and carports. Included in the auction will be the vacant erf comprising 11 1499 hectares, which adjoins the main transport yard. The vacant erf was used to park the extensive fleet of vehicles that was once owned by the company The Wellington transport company, Slabbert Burger, one of the largest privately owned transport businesses in the country which was established more than 50 years ago, was forced to apply for liquidation in 2012. Earlier this year Aucor successfully managed a record two day auction, auctioning off

all 800 lots that went under the hammer – from vehicles, trucks, trailers, earth-moving equipment, to all the workshop and spray shop assets. This is considered the biggest trucking and trailer liquidation auction in the Cape. Aucor managing director, Martin Dibowitz says: “The properties offer investors or owner occupiers the potential to purchase a well maintained property in the heart of Wellington. The location of the properties to both the N1 and N7 highways would be of paramount importance to trucking companies who run their loads on our main national highways.” Also on auction will be a selection of movables which include office equipment from the original Slabbert Burger offices. The auction of both movables and property will be held on Tuesday 30 July at 11:00 at the Slabbert Burger premises, Distillery Road, Wellington. Viewings can be arranged by appointment with the auctioneer only. For detailed listing and descriptions, please visit www.aucor. com.

Du Toitskloof Wines has launched its Wine Writer of the Year competition and entries are now awaited from published wine writers. According to Marius Louw, managing director of Du Toitskloof Wines, the competition aims to reward in-depth wine writing about topics that influence the industry, capture the essence of South African winemaking and highlight the unique challenges the industry faces and those shared with its international colleagues. “The competition offers wine writers a platform for raising the bar in wine journalism and, by doing so, inspire young, upand-coming wine writers to follow in their footsteps by not only reporting on the wine industry and its affairs, but also providing fresh insight to those working in the industry.” The topic for this year’s competition is “The consequences of climate change for the South African wine industry” and published wine writers need to submit their

entry by 27 September 2013. Auditing firm PWC will oversee all entries, facilitate the judging process and reveal the winner at a gala dinner to be held in November at Du Toitskloof Wines. The prize money for the winning entry is R30 000. The members of the judging panel, chaired by Dr Gawie Botma of the Department of Journalism at Stellenbosch University, are Erns Grundling, multi-award winning features and lifestyle writer, Maureen Joubert, veteran wine journalist and a past editor of Wynboer (today Wineland), and Prof Ian Glenn who heads the Department of Media Studies at the University of Cape Town. Entries will be judged based on the quality of the research and of the writing, userfriendliness, credibility of sources as well as originality and insight. For more information on the competition and entry requirements please visit writer’s competition.

Tax season 2013 is now open! It’s that time of the year again when you have to complete and submit your Income Tax Return (ITR12). If you earn less than R250 000 for a full year from one employer (that’s your total salary income before tax) and have no other sources of additional income, for example like interest or rental income and no deductions that you want to claim for such as medical expenses, travel or retirement annuities, then you don’t need to submit a return. When submitting your tax return, use the information supplied in your ITR5/IT3(a) which you will get form your employer as well as other Tax Certificates from your medical aid, Retirement Fund Annuities, investment income and any other relevant financial documentation. Use only accurate information and the correct figures which appear on your various supporting documents when you complete your return. Do not claim deductions and expenses which do not exist or are not applicable to the year of assessment for which the return is being submitted. And finally, don’t leave anything out. Declare all additional income you earned like the rent you got from your holiday house or the tips and salary you got from your job as a waitress. You also need to keep all your supporting documents for five years in case SARS wants

to check them. It’s very important that you submit your return by the set deadline to avoid any penalties and interest which may be charged for late submission. Manual (paper) returns via post or dropping it off in a SARS drop box must be done by 27 September 2013, electronic returns by 22 November 2013, non-provisional taxpayers who use eFiling by 22 November 2013 and provisional taxpayers who use eFiling by 31 January 2014. If you’re not registered yet for eFiling, go to If you want to file from a mobile device, go to or download the SARS App from your tablet. You may file manually at a SARS Branch or ask an branch agent to file it electronically for you. Click here to find your nearest SARS Branch. Post and or put it in the drop box at a SARS branch. And remember, only deal with registered and reputable tax practitioners – you can check if they’re registered with an accredited professional body and you’ve got better protection if they belong to a registered practitioner association. Also, never respond to e-mails asking you for any personal details, such as your identity number or banking details.

CULINARY INNOVATIONS: Words, wine and wonderful food were enjoyed by guests at the latest Culinary In­ novations evening held at Grande Roche Hotel in Paarl. Winemaker Johan de Wet led the tasting of the delicious Dewetshof wines which were paired with a four­course dinner that showed off the culi­ nary alchemy of chef Ro­ land Gargolosich. The writer Mike Nicol (right) was the guest speaker and the audience enjoyed his tales of how crime writers get their inspiration. With his Revenge trilogy a popular choice and a new book out in July, he was engaging and amusing. With him are (from left) Francois Liebenberg (sales and marketing manager) and Anja Bosken (general man­ ager of the Grande Roche). The Grande Roche Hotel hosts writers’ evenings every month in the award­winning Bosman’s Restaurant and the next evening features award­winning author Sarah Lotz and wines from Lemberg on Saturday 27 July.

Paarl Post

Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

11 July, 2013


Passed away peacefully on Saturday 6 July 2013. Gone but not forgotten. Cremation Service on 13 July 2013 Home: 09:00 Church: 10:00 (VGK Zions)

Jonkers: Kallie 21/12/1946 – 06/07/2013

If ever there was a person who gave unendingly it was you. We shared you with so many and now you dwell among Angles in Heaven. We will miss you dearly. From Alarice, children and grandchildren. Cremation Service on 13 July 2013

10:00 - 21 Mont Rose Avenue | 11:00 - St Stephens Church

Funeral undertaken by Neil's Classic Funerals Contact: 082 398 4928/021 862 3805

Williams: Brian Preston Bernard 07/01/1951 – 06/07/2013 Met baie liefde, mooi herinneringe en hartseer neem ons afskeid van 'n eggenoot, pa, oupa, broer en seun. Ons gun jou die Hemelse rus. Van: vrou Caroline kinders, kleinkinders, broers, susters, Ma Hilda en familie. Begrafnis: Sondag: 14/07/2013 14:00 - Congregational Kerk Pniel. Kontak: 073 9527 363 Begrafnisreëlings: Aubrey Solomon Begrafnisdienste Tel: 021 862 5346 / 082 953 9919 Lid van NFDA

Walker: Mary Margaret Gebore: 11/10/1938 Oorlede: 03/07/2013

Sag heengegaan op die ouderdom van 74 jaar. Begrafnis: Sat 13/07/2013 Huis: 09:00 C2 Loerie W/s Paarl Kerk: 10:00 Nuwe Apostoliese (Lantana) ~ Privaat Verassing ~ Kontak: 071 883 7560 Begrafnisreelings: Aubrey Solomon Begrafnisdienste Tel: 021 862 5346 / 082 953 9919 Lid van N.F.D.A.

Petersen: David Gebore: 27/04/1948 Oorlede: 05/07/2013

Met liefdevolle herinneringe neem ons afskeid van 'n geliefde man, pa, en oupa. Word diep betreur deur vrou,kinders en kleinkinders. Donderdag: 11/07/2013 13:30 - Huis 7 Silwermynstraat,Pniel 14:00 - Kerk Pniel Cong. Kerk Kontaknr: 071 860 8848 Begrafnisreelings: Aubrey Solomon Begrafnisdienste Tel: 021 862 5346 / 082 953 9919 Lid van N.F.D.A.

Carolissen: Shirley L. Gebore: 19/04/1949 Oorlede: 02/07/2013

Begrafnisreelings: Aubrey Solomon Begrafnisdienste Tel: 021 862 5346 / 082 953 9919 Lid van N.F.D.A.

Verlore/Vermis Lost/Missing


BLACK AND TAN GERMAN SHEPHERD last seen in Monte Rio, Northern Paarl. Call Jenny @ 082 376 1968.

~ Private Cremation ~ Funeral undertaken by Neil's Classic Funerals Contact: 082 398 4928/021 862 3805

PERSOONLIKE DIENSTE PERSONAL SERVICES HENDRICKS: WILHELMINA Alreeds 'n jaar by ons 27 Hemelse Vader. Ons sal u Onderrig/Education altyd onthou. Van Magdalene, kinders & kleinkinders. MUSIEKLESSE AANGEBIED: Klavier, blokfluit, viool of kitaar. Alle ouderdomme. Skakel M. Louw 073 307 6878.



Born: 21 December 1946

Died: 6 July 2013

We mourn the death of a respected colleague and friend. We take comfort in the thought that God had a better plan for you. Sadly missed by your colleagues. The Board of Trustees, AHOS and Staff. The Athlone Institute Trusts

Muller: Susan Maria (neé Meyer)

JOYCE DE VILLIERSBESTER 88 op 12 Julie en steeds pragtig! Baie geluk!! Liefde kinders. 021 872 8579.

Funeral service: Saturday 13 July 2013 10:00 - 25 Tarentaal Street 11:00 - Uniting Reformed Church Bergrivier, Wellington. Funeral arrangements: Begonia Funerals


JACOBS: PIETER (Pietie) 29/01/1931 12/07/2012. 1 Jaar is verby. Herinneringe sal altyd by ons bly. Van kinders, kleinkinders en agter-kleinkinders.

DU PREEZ: FABIAN GUSTAV. 02/02/1970 08/07/2012. Terwyl ons hartseer terug dink aan hierdie dag, 1 jaar gelede, bly mooi herinneringe ons troos. LIEZEL PAULSE 'n oud Dawn, Kiepie en familie. student van Klein Nederburg Sekondêr het haar BSW MINTOOR: MARLENé Graad in Maatskaplike werk CELESTE. Born: ontvang. Veels geluk!! 12/07/1974. Died: Mammie, Daddy & familie. 10/01/2012. You have touched our lives and will be 08 missed on your birthday and every day. Love - Daddy, Sterfgevalle mommy, Zelda & Alton. Death Notices

21/02/1929 - 08/07/2013

God looked around His garden and He found an empty place. He then looked down upon this earth and saw your tired face. He put His arms around you and lifted you to rest. He knew that you were suffering, He knew you were in pain. He knew that you will never get well on this earth again. So He closed your weary eyelids and whispered "Peace be thine". It broke our hearts to lose you, but you did not go alone Mammie and Grandma.... for part of us went with you the day God called you home. Your loving children, grandchildren and great grandchildren.

Huurdienste Hiring Services

In Memoriam

Jonkers: Karel 'Kallie'

15 Julie 2013 vier jy jou 29ste verjaarsdag by Liewe Jesus. Trane en verlange is nog baie daar, maar ons gun jou die rus. RIP Van Mammie, Daddy, Carlo, Delano, Jaydon, Ranna en Johnson familie.

Ruiters (née Green): Mary Julia Another birthday with the Lord and heavenly angels. Always missed, loved and remembered by Shaun & family, Mummy, Green & Francke families.


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MATRIC, BRIDAL AND EVENING HIRE. Stunning dresses to rent at very competitive rates. Low deposits. Julian. 118 Breda Street, Paarl. 076 169 3175.


HENDRICKS: WHILHELMINA. Op 14/07/2013 is mamma 1 jaar weg van ons. Sal altyd onthou word. Jeffrey, Elize & kinders.

Persoonlike Dienste Personal Services


MAMA AFRICA JONKERS: KALLIE. Met liefdevolle herinneringe neem ons afskeid van ons broer. Diep betreur deur André, Brigitte en kinders, Uriah; Ah-Eeshia en families.

HENDRICKS: WILHELMINA. 14 July 2013 will be a year since you're gone. Your life was a blessing, your memory a treasure. You are loved beyond words and missed beyond measure. Phil, Marilyn, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

T R O U T : PAT R I C I A (Triesie) In loving memory of my beloved cousin who passed away on 13/07/2012. One year has passed, since that sad day when one I loved was called away. God took her home, it was His will but in my heart she liveth still. Always loved and remembered by Norma.

12 Dankbetuigings Thanks

Thanks Mama – you are a wonderful man of wisdom. Speak out and get helped, no matter the problem with same day special prayer.

Specialist in: • Secual problem • Bring back lost love • Bad luck & tokoloshe's • Financial problems • Bad debts • Win lotto

078 962 2673 MAMA SHIRA & DR YASIN. Bring verlore liefde terug. Slegte geluk & tokoloshe. Maklike kontant. Kits geld. Lotto & perd resies. 021 825 5017. 078 433 6691. Eersterivier, Paarl.

Ranna: Chantel

~ 8 July ~

SAT: 13/07/2013 HUIS: 09:00 8D Springbok W/s, Paarl KERK: 10:00 St Stephens, Noorder Paarl KONTAK: 079 474 2100


Marquard: David 21/05/1941 – 06/07/2013


IN MEMORIAM Kuiler: Reneé 10/07/1959

Mummy, jou eerste verjaarsdag in die Hemel. Wou so graag geluk sê maar God het besluit dat die Engele jou omhoog moet hou en vreugdevol toesing. Die vermisting is groot maar ons vind berusting dat jy veilig in Jesus Arms rus. “Happy birthday Mummy. God bless till we meet again”. Van jou verlangende man David, kinders Bronwayne, Heinrich, Tracy-Lee, Tamsynne, Ainsley en jou kleinkinders Kyle, Tyron, Dale en Afton.

Die bedroefde familie van wyle RINA ANDREWS betuig waardering en dank aan almal wat d.m.v. 'n handddruk, besoek, blomme en woorde van bemoediging, vertroosting gebring het. Gods Rykste Seën. Van Andrews, Scheepers, Francis en Van Niekerk Gesinne.

17 Begrafnisdienste Funeral Services

AU B R E Y SO LOM O N BEGRAFNISONDERNEMER: Hermitagestr, Huguenot. Tel: 021 862 5346. 24-uur Diens.

HET U GEWEET u kan met die volgende betaalmetodes betaal by Paarl Post vir u advertensies: Kontant, Eft, kredietkaart of selfs SASSA KAART.

Paarl Post

Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

11 July, 2013

BOLAND CONCRETE TEL: 021 875 5365 Old Paarl Road, Klapmuts


190 blocks 140 blocks 90 blocks Maxis7mpa Maxis 14mpa

Algemeen Miscellaneous 1ml SAND, KLIP, kompos & bogrond (topsoil) sowel as bourommel, vullisverwydering, tuindienste en skoonmaak van erwe. Skakel Neels 021 872 9397 of 083 412 8810.

Magic with bricks



Domestic • Industrial • Half brick paving • Tileing • Cladding


Bouwerk Building Construction

MUBEEN 084 887 0851 021 873 7802


ALL SALES & REPAIRS on fridges and deep freezers. Regassing, best prices. Tel: 021 872 7113/082 727 3147.

Binnenshuisdienste Home Services Interior

GARAGEDOOR single (wood) R1100; Tyres 245/70/16 R300 each. 082 781 2210.


OU KOERANTE TE KOOP vanaf R50 per winkeltrollie, bakkievragte ook beskikbaar. Kom haal af te Paarl Post, Newstraat 1A of skakel Shaun by 071 709 7856 of 021 870 4610 (k.u).

Quality cement building products Building blocks 190mm 140mm 90mm

Maxi bricks Cement bricks


Tel/Fax: 021 868 1774 o/h Cell: 082 779 9229

Wil u dalk geld maak? Klaar gebakte pannekoek @ R2/pk U verkoop @ eie prys.

Sedert 1954 Since

Ook geskik vir skole, kerke, besighede of privaat gebruik. Pannekoek beskikbaar in pakke van 25. Kontak Johannes by 083 962 5557.

MB 190 MB 140 MB 90 Stene 021 873 1154


Bote en Toerusting Boats & Equipment TWO SEATER PADDLE BOATS for sale. R9 990 24/7 CASH FOR YOUR each. Call Nico 084 837 5374. Bakkie or Car. Just SMS or PHONE 072 620 1126.


AANBOUINGS & VERFWERK, Plaveisel & teël, restourasies, oordoen van ou badkamers. Kontak Ben 021 862 5342 of 082 721 6796. JJ BOUERS cc. For any bricklaying, extensions, painting, tiling, plumbing, carpentry & boundary walls and swimming pools. Big/ small. NHBRC Nr: 40312. 072 261 3437. Johan: 021 862 4934.


Aanbouings Restourasie Plafonne Dry walls Verfwerk Loodgieter Teëls Badkamers en kombuise Plaveisel Afdakke Dries Viljoen 082 804 4613

NHBRC geregistreer



PHONE GERD Tel: 863-3951/ 082-7744-098.

Behind ‘Oak Tree Lodge’. 32 Main Street, Suider Paarl opposite KWV h/office.


Boumateriaal Building Materials


Kom besoek ons nuwe vertoonlokaal vir al u behoeftes op sierstene, plaveistene, boustene, boublokke, tuin plaveisel, sand & klip. Tel: 021 868 2169 / 021 868 3185

E-pos: CIVILS AGRI PLANT DE HOOP STEENWERWE De Hoop Steen Pad, Bo Daljosafat, Paarl

Tel: 021-873-4540 Sel: 083 459 5986


VERBETERINGS Kitchens 3D-Design Built-in Cupboards Shopfitting Quality Laminated Flooring

Also in Bamboo


083 654 9318


For all your paving & precast wall requirements (incl. extentions). No deposit required. JJ 082 899 5682 or 086 055 6666 108

Geld/lenings Money/Loans

A Bridging Loan while waiting for

PENSION/ PROVIDENT Payout (lump sum only)

021 872 2850 083 755 3110

POTTE, PANNE, breekgoed, gordyne, beddegoed, linne, ligte elektriese ware, speelgoed, ornamente, komberse, klerasie, skoene. Betaal kontant. Mev Swart 084 702 3196.


Bouplanne/ Building Plans

CARSTENS BOUTEKENAAR Bouplanne, kommersiële en residensiële. Inhandiging en goedkeuring van planne. Kontak André 082 076 6454

Motorafdakke Patio-afdakke Verstelbare louvres Shadeports Sonkappe


PROJECTS • Dakherstel • Waterdigting • Restourasie • Bouwerk • Verfwerk • Loodgieter • Diefwering • Teëlwerk

SKAKEL 082 842 9835


vir muur tot muur matte, novilon en viniel teëls en alle tipe blindings. Skakel Billy en Marlene 021-873-4540 of 083-242-4740

STOOMSKOONMAAK van matte asook bekleedsels. Skakel Peter Nordin 021 873 3621 / 073 206 8581.

INBOU VAN KASTE asook verandering van bestaande kaste. Gratis kwotasies. Skakel JP: 083 453 2702.

Vervoer en Berging Moving & Storage

MOVING? TREK? 083 708 4950

ANYTHING ENIGE IETS FURNITURE MEUBELS TRANSPORT VERVOER BAKKIE & TRAILER HIRE: Te huur, vervoer, meubelvervoer. Skakel alle ure: 082 321 8904 Johan Maass.


OOK BESKIKBAAR: 6/13mm Klip, Filling Sand, G4 & G5 Base

INGEBOUDE KASTE. Nommerpas volgens behoefte. Nuut of verbeter. Besighede, wonings, aftree-oorde. Boet: 072 243 9323. Facebook: Combrinck Kaste

Aflewerings vir kleiner hoeveelhede en areas Wellington, Klapmuts, Simondium & Franschhoek ook beskikbaar. Diggers & excavators te huur.




Gratis kwotasies & installasies. Asook herstelwerk.


Buitenshuisdienste Home Services Exterior

Driveways to Highways Teerwerk, gedoen binne 24 uur. Helfte goedkoper as plaveisel. Tel: 021 862 0486 of 084 089 6888


TEL/FAKS 021-872-6610 073-161-3709

• Household & office furniture • Single items & storage LOANS R50 - R15000. sms MILOC MP to 41911 @ R1,50 per sms.


Gordyne/Matte/ Stoffering Curtains/Carpets Upholstery


Moeg vir tapyte en teëls wat gou weer vuil word?

082 453 3344

NICO TRANSPORT 082 413 1216 6 m SAND


6 m KLIP 19 mm

R1 700


R480 AFGELEWER IN DIE PAARL 021-872-0306/082-651-4930 KARBONAAT-PROSES: Geen stoom, sjampoe of poeier gebruik

* Teël - & Steenskoonmaak en beskerming


Sekuriteit & Wapens Security & Arms

• Alarmstelsels • 24/7 Monitering • 24/7 Gewapende reaksie • CCTV • Wagte • Toegangsbeheer • Paniek-stelsel • Gratis omskakeling vanaf huidige diensverskaffer na AcSec. Tel: 021 863 2561 E-pos: Hoofstraat 82B, Paarl AC Security is ’n geregistreerde diensverskaffer by die South African Intruder Detection Services Association (SAIDSA) en Private Security Industry Regulatory Authority PSIRA.

TJ MOSTERT EN SEUN 021 863 2400

6m³ SAND.....................R880,00 6m³ KLIP 19mm..........R1 700,00 6m³ OPVULGROND .....R480,00 Afgelewer in Paarl en BTW ingesluit. Asook aflewerings in Wellington, Klapmuts, Simondium en Franschhoek KLEINER HOEVEELHEDE OOK BESKIKBAAR

• Plaaslike & landswye verhuings • Deelvragte • Groot, medium & kleiner voertuie • Persoonlike toesig & bestuur • Ervare personeel • Volledige verpakking • Verpakkings materiaal • Stoor geriewe

Navrae, inventaris en gratis kwotasie

T: 021 872 8411

S: 076 673 7059 (Jurg Reyneke) S: 082 478 0963 (Farrel vd Westhuizen) E:

VERWYDERING v a n rommel en vullis. 1-6ml. Algemene vervoer met 8ton trok. Vir billike pryse en gehalte diens, skakel JACQUES: 082 579 2998/021 F O U R I E - V E R V O E R : 872 6029. Vervoer van meubels - klein of groot. Landswyd of VERWYDERING VAN plaaslik. Skakel 082 821 5234 ALLE VULLIS en bouof 021 876 2440. rommel. Asook die skoonmaak van erwe. Eienaar FREE DUMPING SITE: toesig. Kontak Louw 083 413 Clean building material and 0701. soil only. Phone Louis: 082 829 5542.

Verskaffers van: Alle tipe blindings en hortjies Suppliers of blinds, exterior and interior Shutters Tel: 021 872 4308 Sel: 082 781 2210


SKAKEL NICO by 082 925 3680 vir verwydering van tuinvullis of bourommel en lewering van klip ens. Goeie diens gewaarborg.

Skakel 021 868 2169 Email:


Ons naam is u waarborg Vir die beste diens, skakel 083 556 6359

RUBBLE AND GARDEN REFUSE REMOVAL/scrap metal. Contact Barry at 084 406 9608.


6 m³ Sand R1 014,60 6 m³ Klip 19/25 R1 973,34

(023) 347 3631 / 347 3011 Sedert 1988

Kantoortoerusting Office Equipment

We refill your printer cartridges from R20 - R110, black and colour, while you wait. WE SELL: Refilled, new and compatible Ink Jet and Laser cartridges. WE BUY EMPTY cartridges R5 - R40.

Vir alle tipe blindings. Ons poog vir die beste diens en ons produk is van hoogstaande kwaliteit.









ROMMEL- & VULLISVERWYDERING: Vervoer van bourommel & tuinvullis. Kontak Louis: 083 713 9599.

WOLMATRANS * Gratis Transito versekering Tot en met R400 000 Stoorplek beskikbaar Vir die vervoer van meubels Kort- en langafstand.

082 5747 489 FAKS: 021 872 1437

Free quotations Best prices Personal supervision on sites Tel: 021 868 0555 Henk Agenbag Cell: 072 269 9934 Email:

MOSTERT SWEISWERKE:Skuif-/swaaihekke, diefwering, traliewerk & vele ander staalwerke. Gratis kwotasies. Skakel Frank Mostert: 021 868 2880/072 022 0066. Faks: 021 872 6771.


suppliers of MAGNADOR

The stronger one 3 year guarantee Driveway Gates Gate Automation CCTV Camera Systems Wireless Alarm Systems Electric Fencing Garage Door Openers Electric Locks • Intercoms

Tel/Fax: 021 872 4308 Cell: 082 781 2210


Spsweiswerke Diefwering • Skuifhekke Traliewerk vir heinings Gratis kwotasies Billike pryse Gewaarborgde werk onder persoonlike toesig Skakel vir S.P. Sel 083 967 3447 Bertus Sel 084 602 9829 Tel: 021 872 7554 (K)

Paarl Post

Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

11 July, 2013



THE ROOF DOCTOR • Water-proofing and painting. • Free quotes and work guaranteed. 083 252 1054

Put us to the test 021-853-0272 086 108 6101 119

Verfwerk/Painting ALLE VERFWERK IN DIE BOLAND. Binne en buite. Kwaliteit met persoonlike toesig. Sedert 1996. Skakel Ernst vir gratis kwotasie. 021 873 0576 / 082 573 6654.


Aanbouings Restourasie Plafonne Dry walls Verfwerk Loodgieter Teëls Badkamers en kombuise Plaveisel Afdakke Dries Viljoen 082 804 4613

NHBRC geregistreer


by Louis & Son

Huis binne en buite, omheiningsmure, verf en afspuit van dakke. Teen bekostigbare pryse. Vir gratis kwotasie SKAKEL 082 554 1879

M U L L E R H E R ST E LDIENSTE: Yskaste, stowe, droërs, wasmasjiene ens. Skakel Arnold 083 339 8886.


Algemene Dienste General Services

Sambo Granite 30mm granite & Engineered tops

from R810 to R1


per linear meter incl. vat + installation + templates

Tombstone from R850 Full package from R4 500 + 7 New Designs Incl. installation + vat


Houtwerk Carpentry


Teëlwerk/Vloere Tiling/Flooring

Swembaddienste Swimming Pool Services

BOME U PROBLEEM? Afmaak, snoei ens. Ook geregistreer as indringerplantbeheeroperateur. Skakel Sieg 021-873-5541 of 082 745 9810 vir raad en kwotasie.

Everything for your Swimming Pool/Spa Spares, Repairs & Chemicals, Services & Service Contracts

86 Breda Street, Paarl Tel: 021 872 0747 Fax: 021 872 7691 Email:paarlpoolservices

For all your flooring requirements:


Kamers te Huur Rooms to Let BUITEKAMER: Sentraal bo Hoofstraat met badkamer, kombuis. Vir enkelpersoon R2 300pm. W+E ingesluit. Beskikbaar 1 Aug. 083 724 2970.

Also do repairs of any floors. Contact Marius: 074 570 8522 Rina: 072 774 3207

GEMEUBILEERDE RUIM SLAAPKAMER. Veilige parkering. Plus ekstra geriewe. Onmiddellik beskikbaar. Skakel 060 477 8838.


Skoonmaakdienste Cleaning Services ARL SERVICES: We offer the following services at affordable rates. We clean your house, office, windows & wash carpets. Contact Antoinette at 082 459 5625 for a quote. E-mail:

Waterdigting/ Klammigheidbeheer Waterproofing/ Damp control


Specialising in torch on • Flat & Concrete Roofs • Parapets & Wall tops • IBR & corrugated Roofs • Retaining Walls • Showers • Balconies • Damproofing • Aluminium gutters & cleaning • Roof Painting & Cleaning • Painting interior & exterior WORK GUARANTEED

079 905 5933

021 873 3400

WELLINGTON 1 Slpk woonstel by Piano Factory @ R3 300 p/m Beskikbaar 1 Aug. 2 Slpk woonstel by Piano Factory met privaat tuin @ R4 400 p/m Beskikbaar 1 Aug. Ruim woonstel vir senior


Motors te Koop Vehicles for Sale DAEWOO NUBIRA 2.0CDX2002. Executive. 138 000km. Volledige diensgesk. Een eienaar. Uitstekende toestand. R39 000. 076 636 2082. HYUNDAI ATOS 1.1, 2007. Silwer, Volledige diensgesk. Goeie toestand, lig op brandstof. R42 000. 072 168 1716.

KAMER MET AANDETE. Maandae tot Donderdae. Beskikbaar vir enkel persoon. Paarl Sentraal. Skakel 072 560 2462 (enige tyd) of 082 800 8310 (na 17:00). NEW ORLEANS: ENKELKAMER in huis te huur vir enkel, professionele persoon. Water & elektrisiteit ingesluit. R1 850pm. Kontak: 071 345 8637 / 071 537 8946. VRYKYK: Eenman oopplan tuinwoonstel. Gemeubileerd. Veilig en rustig. Braaigeriewe. Parkering op perseel. W&E ingesluit. Onmiddellik beskikbaar. R2650pm + deposito. 074 717 1312.


Vooruitzicht 1: R3 400 1Slpk woonstel in sentraal Paarl. Beskikbaar: 1 Augustus 2013. Charlene: 021 871 1241 (kantoorure 08:30 – 17:00) Avondrust: R4 500 Ruim 2 slpk woonstel in Sentraal Paarl. Beskikbaar: 1 Augustus 2013 Charlene: 021 871 1241 (kantoorure 08:30 – 17:00)


2 bed Flat, no pets 1 August 2013

R4 000

Chrizane 082 417 2487 Fanie 082 551 8074

Flats to Let

A CCO M M O DAT I O N WELLINGTON: S e l f catering B&B. R2300p/m; R800p/w; R195p/d. R1000 key deposit. Phone 082 538 4012.

TOYOTA CONQUEST 1997 model. 15" mags. R27 000. BACHELOR WELLING084 426 9861. TON. R2300p.m. + dep. 23m². Fully furnished + TOYOTA COROLLA RSI fridge, cooker. DSTV 1600.Aircon, powersteering, connection available. fuel injection. Red. R40 000. Parking. Phone 082 538 073 914 3479. 4012.

2 x SPA UNITS Luxury 1 bedroom sleeps, 1 bathroom (bath and shower) balcony 65m², non-smoking, fully furnished, linen included and will be replaced every 5 days). Just 5 minutes from Paarl. Microwave, fridge, small oven with 2 x plates. Underfloor heating, DSTV, security, air-conditioning, swimming pool. Electricity excluded. Note: Spa and Gym - only 20m walk R6 000 per month R2 000 deposit AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY

Contact Yolanda 078 465 3850


Huise te Koop Houses for Sale BEKOSTIGBARE HUISE: Wellington - Paarl (kontant/ finansiering) 1 - 4 Slpk R145 000; R195 000; R265 000; R375 000; R465 000; R525 000; R690 000 ook erwe teen winskoop. 072 805 3574 HUISE TE KOOP! Paarl: Groenheuwel R420 000 2 Slpks, badkamer, sitkamer, oopplankombuis. Jenny: 083 989 3013

HUIS TE KOOP: SuiderPaarl. Groot erf + swembad. Skakel eienaar 072 762 2014. PRIVAAT VERKOOP. Van Wyksvlei (April Laan 34). Erf grootte = 383m². 5-Slpk huis (2-slpk met en-suite), motorhuis. Prys beskikbaar by navraag. Onmiddellik beskikbaar. Kontak 083 495 5989/073 380 2983. RIVERSIDE PAARL: No agents. 2 x 2-Bedr houses. W&E seperate. Plot: 786m². Each house consists of 2 Bedr, 1 bath, kichen & lounge. R690 000. For further information: 083 465 1727 or for viewing: 073 178 9818.

VANAF R419 000 - R539 000. 2 & 3 Slpk met i.g.k.; met stoof & oond. Slegs 12 geleenthede naby skole, MOUNTVIEW KOM- winkelsentrums, vulstasie & PLEKS, Paarl-Oos. 2-Slpk hoofroete ts. Paarl & met kaste - R3600pm. SMS Wellington. Alle kostes Paarl to 081 725 9848. ingesluit - kliënte het geen bydrae nie. 100% finansiering beskik. 1ste pmt: Jan 2014. Wellington: 1-slpk w/s in aftree-oord R380 000. Walter: 082 922 4848 / P R O P E R T I E S FOR PROPERTY MANAGEMENT & RENTALS Margie 082 586 2649.



Erwe te Koop Plots for Sale

MAZDA 323 1.4 '84 with ST HELENABAAI: See erf R.W.C.; alarm; manuals. R23 te ruil vir kleiner erf in 000. 078 938 7898. Wellington. Skakel Ernst by 082 573 6654. OPEL KADETT 140 CUB. Blue 1991. Good cond. R17500. Lic. & reg. incl. 171 Phone 021 886 6686 or 083 Woonstelle te Huur 890 3300. POLO CLASSIC 2004 model. Central locking, alarm, powersteering, aircon, airbags. 15" mags. 183 000km. R52 000. 076 496 0733.

De Oude Werf: R3 350 1 Slpk LOFT woonstel in kompleks met onderdak parkering. Beskikbaar: Onmiddellik Charlene: 021 871 1241 (kantoorure 08:30 - 17:00)

Winelands Estate

WELLINGTON COTTAGE Lovely open plan garden cottage. Single bedroom. Duplex. No pets Available immediately R2 900 per month PAARL WOONSTEL LA ROS 1 Slaapkamer, Aparte stoor, onderdak parkering. Prys: R3 200 per maand

Contact Peter: 083 641 0808

LIEFLIKE HUIS TEEN Paarlberg Sentraal geleë, vir enkel professionele persoon om te deel. Ten volle gemeubileerd met binnebraai, DSTV, swembad, was en stryk + skoonmaakdienste vir R3200p.m. Alles ingesluit. Kontak Paul 082 334 4473.

WELLINGTON: R780 000, in Voorstraat. Privaat, geen agente. 082 789 4865. WONING met besigheidsregte, goed geleë, kan ook as kerk gebruik word - R500 000 kontant; 2-Slpk - R100 000 kontant; 3-Slpk goed geleë + kaste - R430 000. 073 421 3608.


Huise te Huur Houses to Let 3-SLPK WOONHUIS met dubbel motorhuis in Courtrai, naby skool. Beskikbaar 1 Augustus. R11500p.m. Skakel 082 567 2216. COTTAGE ON FARM: Close to Boschenmeer, 2-Bedr, lounge with fireplace, openplan kitchen/diningroom. No garage. R4650pm. Water incl. Electricity extra. For immediate occupation Phone 021 863 2239 o/h. KOTHUIS TE HUUR op plaas. Noorder-Paarl. 2- Slpk en 2-badk. R4500p.m. Beskikbaar 1 Augustus. Kontak 082 850 3286.




• Laminated floors • Bamboo floors • Dustless sanding of wooden floors • Carpets • Novilon • Vinyl and carpet tiles


Elektriese Herstelwerk Electrical Repairs



EASY CUPBOARDS Maak van kombuis- en slaapkamer kaste. Billike pryse. Herstelwerk aan kaste en alle houtwerke. 082 345 3952.




persoon @ R3 300 p/m EK KOOP ENIGE lopende voertuie vir kontant onmid- Beskikbaar onmiddellik dellik. Indien u voertuig wil verkoop kontak my 083 464 6960. BACHELOR woonstel beskikbaar. Suider-Paarl. In sekuriteits area. Onmiddellik beskikbaar. Kontak 084 566 9012.

1152 1142

VOLKSWAGEN GOLF 2. Automatic. Met blue. Good cond. 105000 km. Original. R22995. Lic. & reg. incl. Phone 021 886 6686 or 083 890 3300.

Voertuie te Koop Gevra Vehicles Wanted to Buy

KC DOMESTIC REPAIRS Repair of electrical goods, fridges, stoves, washing machines, tumble-driers and microwave ovens. PHONE 021 862 6861 / 021 862 8100

TOYOTA COROLLA 180I GSE. Automatic. 1994. White. Full house Service History. R41995. Lic. & reg. incl. Phone 021 886 6686 or 083 890 3300.

• Kombuise • Ingeboude kamerkaste • Soliede meubels • Kroeë en meer Tel: 021 873 5792 • Johan 083 284 6793


PAARL: Boschenmeer Golf Landgoed. 3-Slpk dorpshuis, moetorhuis, lugreëling R7200pm. Onmiddellik beskikbaar. Goeie ligging. Kontak 072 608 8814.

021 873 3400

PAARL 2 Slpk dupleks eenheid met privaat tuin te De Oude Park @ R5 400 p/m Beskikbaar 1 Aug. 2 Slpk dupleks eenheid te Bosch Straat @ R5 400 p/m Beskikbaar 1 Sept Ruim 3 slpk woning in Courtrai @ R14 500 p/m Kontak ons vir meer besonderhede WELLINGTON Ongelooflike moderne, ruim en luukse woning in Nuwe Uitsig @ R15 000 p/m Beskikbaar Onmiddellik

WELLINGTON: R4 200 (Malan Estate) Ruim moderne (dubbelverdieping) 2 slpk DORPSHUIS met eie tuintjie en braai. Geen motorhuis. Sekuriteitskompleks. GEEN TROETELDIERE. Beskikbaar: 1 Augustus 2013 Sonja: 082 891 8548

2 Church Street, Wellington, 7655 Tel: 021 873 4557 • Fax: 021 864 3828

THE VILLAGE DIEMERSFONTEIN 3 Bedroom home with 2 bathrooms, kitchen with open plan living and dining room. Guest toilet. Small garden. Double automated garage. Available: 1 September 2013 R8 500 per month. UITSIG – WELLINGTON 4 Bedroom home with 3 bathrooms, open plan living, dining and braai room and kitchen. Study. Garden. Swimming pool. Double automated garage and covered carport for 2 cars. Available: 1 August 2013 R15 000 per month BACHELOR'S FLAT – BERG EN DAL Large bachelor's flat with kitchenette and separate bathroom. Water and electricity included. Safe parking. Available: Immediately R2 500 per month UITSIG – WELLINGTON 4 Bedroom home with 2 bathrooms. Formal lounge, dining room. Kitchen open plan to TV/family room. Large undercover braai area. Garden, swimming pool and 1 garage. Covered parking for 2 cars. Available: 1 September 2013 R10 100 per month FARM COTTAGE – WELLINGTON 2 Bedroom cottage with one bathroom. Open plan kitchen and lounge. Safe parking. Price includes water and electricity. NO DOGS. Available: Immediately R3 800 per month CENTRAL WELLINGTON Semi-detached 3 bedroom home with 1 bathroom. Living area with fireplace. Small kitchen. Safe parking behind gate. Available 1 October 2013 R5 000 per month Elsa Dauth Tel office: 021 873 4557


Winelands Estate SPA PENTHOUSE

Luxury 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, full kitchenstove, fridge, dishwasher, washing machine. Open-plan dining and sitting room. Non-smoking, fully furnished, linen included and will be replaced every 5 days. Fireplace, swimming pool, DSTV, aircons, underfloorheating, security, electricity excluded. Just 5 minutes from Paarl. Note: Spa & Gym - only 20 m walk

R12 000pm R4 000 deposit

AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY Contact Yolanda 078 465 3850


Paarl Post

Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

11 July, 2013

Lew Geffen



WEL WELLIN LINGTO GTON: N: Gar cottage consist of Garden den cott age cons isting ing of 1B, 1b, ope plan kitch kitchen openn plan en lou and 1 parki parking lounge nge and ng 100 p/m - No No Pets R3 100 Dup garden cott cottage Duple lexx garden age plan kitch kitchen 1B, 1b, ope openn plan en parking and 1 park ing 900 p/m - No No pets R2 900

We specia specializ property lizee in prope rty ren managem rental tal mana gement. ent. We in need need of renta rentall are in pro prospec proper pertie tiess for pros pectiv tivee pre tenants. pre-qu -quali alifie fied d tenant s. Ent your proper property us Entrus rustt your ty to us profess service. for prof ession ional al servic e. Ple contact Please ase cont act Est Estell ellee Denys 141 4117 4117 072 141 168

Woonplek te Deel Accommodation to Share 2 ENKELLOPENDE DAMES gesoek om huis te deel. Klein Parys. W&E ingesluit. R1500pm. Skakel 082 738 9407.


43 m². Sentraal geleë, Hoofstraat, Paarl, langs McDonalds hamburgers.

082 880 1470



Betrekkings Gevra Jobs Wanted AGNES is looking for domestic work for Fri & Sat. 073 053 4259. ALEXANDER is looking for any housekeeping/garden/ painting/dog handling job. 084 216 4365. BEATRICE is looking for housekeeping or baby/adult care work. 084 329 7557.

BETROUBARE bejaardeversorger en verpleër soek werk asb. Dringend! 079 611 3-SLPK DUBBELVER- 8068. DIEPING woonstel te Barbarossastraat, Hugue- DOMESTIC WORK needed. not, met 1½ badkamer, Phone 071 251 3376. kombuis met i.g.k. en klein agterplaas + motorhuis. R550 000. Skakel 083 265 2094 / 021 862 1049. DOMESTIC CLEANING





PAARL WOONSTEL MARKSTRAAT 2 Slaapkamer, Noordfront, enkel motorhuis. Prys: R790 000 Kontak Marlo: 082 821 2835


• Betroubare enkel huishulpe beskikbaar vir die skoonmaak van u woning of kantoor (strykwerk ingesluit) • Baie verwysings deur beide kliënte en huishulpe GEBRUIK IEMAND WAT U KAN VERTROU

Skakel 24/7 Wayne (oud-SAP)

074 865 73


Sake Geleenthede Business Opportunities

• Trustworthy single domestic workers available to clean your home or office (Ironing included). • Many references from both clients and domestics available USE SOMEONE YOU CAN TRUST

Contact 24/7 Wayne (ex-SAP)

EK IS opsoek na voltydse skoonmaak werk(huise), CHOCOLATES/SWEETS/ goed met kinders. Goeie BISCUITS/CHIPS/ DRINKS verwysing & 5jr ondervinDISTRIBUTION. Start your ding. 076 360 7167. own business. Myer 012 547 5 7 6 7 / EXP DOMESTIC is looking for domestic work/general. Ref avail. 078 380 2323/072 987 3514. 195 EXP DOMESTIC is looking Kantore te Huur/ for work (weekly)073 070 Verkoop 3904.

Offices to Let/ for Sale

EXPERIENCED DOMESTIC WORKER.Sleep-in or sleepout work needed Mond - Frid. 078 182 9319. EXPERIENCED DOMESTIC WORKER, with contactable ref. Phone 073 845 4303 / 071 435 5725. FUNEKA is looking for domestic work, no sleep-in. Ref avail. 071 985 7926. I NEED A drivers job please. I have Code 10. 078 282 8483. I'M LOOKING for domestic/ chars job. Ref avail. 073 780 0407. JUMAneeds a job as: housekeeper/garden boy/dog handler or painting. 084 812 9850. LOOKINGfor domestic work for full week or 3 days. Ref avail. 072 176 3434.

LEARNING FUN: The fire fighters at the Cape Winelands District Municipality’s Stellenbosch fire department recently took off to Franschhoek to visit a non­profit organisation that provides food and shelter to homeless children. It also serves as an aftercare centre for children in the area. Tying in with the theme of Youth Month, which ran throughout the month of June, the children were lectured on fire hazards and practising safe measures in their homes. This was followed by an entertaining display of sprayed foam, which kept the children amused for hours. The visit also tied in with an effort to keep children occupied during the school holidays – a key fac­ tor in keeping them from getting involved in drug and alcohol abuse.

THELMA needs a job as a sevurity guard or domestic worker. 076 208 4299. TINA needs domestic work for 4 days (Mon, Tue, Wed & Fri) Ref avail. 083 526 3699.


Algemeen General Vacancies

ADMIN PERSOON GESOEK Die volgende vereistes:

Woonstelle te Koop Flats for Sale


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VELE HANDE MAAK LIGTE WERK: Die VRL van Hoërskool Labori het onlangs in same­ werking met die ACVV en To­ ringkerk ’n heining om ’n plaasskool opgerig en ook speelgoed en skryfbehoeftes vir hulle ingesamel. Die leerlin­ ge het self die harde werk in­ gesit om die ou verroeste hei­ ning te verwyder en ’n nuwe ene op te rig. DALWEIDE HOU KRONING: Pri­ mêre Skool Dal­ weide het onlangs hul kroning­ge­ leentheid gehou waar Lucrecha van der Westhui­ zen (middel) as Mej. gr.R gekroon is. Saam met haar is die naaswen­ ners, Marisha Sa­ muels (links) en Sabry Hougaard.

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Paarl Post

11 Julie, 2013



Paarl Post

Sport Nuus Sport News

11 July, 2013

TRACK CHAMPION: Local cyclist Bronwin Ad­ ams has been selected to represent South Africa at the Junior World Track cycling championship in August 2013. This is go­ ing to be a costly trip and Adams needs dona­ tions to realise his dream. He belongs to the Rhadsport EyeQ Cy­ cling club and if you can assist him in his endeav­ ours, contact his coach, Elrick Kulsen on 083 536 9096 or e­mail

Pearl Valley Golf Estates’ new pro Pearl Valley Golf Estates is proud to announce that resident golf manager, Carl Krog, has received his Professional Golfers Association (PGA) qualification as well as membership of the PGA. Carl Krog is now the second local pro to join the PGA ranks at Pearl Valley. The PGA of South Africa is a member’s organisation of over 436 qualified club professionals and lists many of South Africa’s Carl Krog greatest golfers as past or current members. Sid Brews, Bobby Locke, Gary Player and

Dale Hayes are some of the golfers who were members of the PGA. “I am honoured to receive this international qualification and look forward to working within the scope of the South African Professional Golfers Association,” says Krog. Pearl Valley Golf Estates continues to be one of the most outstanding golf estates in South Africa. Its championship course and excellent practice facilities consistently attract local, international, amateur and professional golfers to its magnificent setting in the Cape Winelands.

WESTLEY SOEK AANSLUITING: Young Standards het Saterdag op Daljosafat­stadion teen Pêrel United gespeel. Standards was veels te sterk vir United en wen met 51 ­ 5. Hier soek Westley Smith aansluiting by sy spanmaats. FOTO: ERNEST KILOWAN

Sportdagboek . Sport diary RUGBY ) Die jaarlikse Old Boys Interskole tussen HJS en Gim vind as volg plaas: Dinsdagaand 23 Julie – aksie sport by Paarl Arena van 19:00 af. Dit behels krieket, netbal, sokker en hokkie. ‘n Kontantkroeg en ligte etes is beskikbaar. Woensdagaand 31 Julie – rugby by Brugstraat vanaf 19:00. Dit behels die Golden Oldies en Old Boys-spanne. ’n Biertent met kos is beskikbaar. R20 toegangsfooi. Donderdag 1 Augustus – gholf by Paarl Gholfklub van 08:00 af. ) Klein Nederburg Sekondêre Skool hou vanjaar hul jaarlikse derby-kragmeting met New Orleans Sekondêre Skool op 10 Augustus. Alle oudstudente van alle sportkodes word uitgenooi om op Donderdag 11 Julie om 19:30 by die skool te vergader. Rugby-oudstudente sal elke Woensdag vanaf 17 Julie by die skool met John Heugh vergader. Die oudstudente-wedstryde sal op 7 Augustus op Daljosafat-stadion gespeel word. Vir nadere inligting, bel vir John Heugh by 071 868 6598 ) Riverstones oefen Dinsdae en Donderdae op Daljosafat-stadion om 18:00, met die juniors wat om 16:00 begin. ) Newtons-rugbyklub wat vanjaar sy 70jarige bestaan vier, bied op Vrydag 26 Julie sy gala-aand aan om 19:00 te Wellingtonstadsaal. Kaartjies beloop R100 en is beskikbaar by bestuur en spelers. Saterdag 6 Julie speel Newtons RVK ’n tuiswedstryd teen Delicious van Ceres. ) Young Peoples speel Saterdag op Gustrow Park teen Strand. Die bus vertrek om 10:00 uit Groenheuwel. Oefeninge vind nog plaas op Daljosafat vanaf 18:00. ) United Stones se oefeninge is Dinsdae en Donderdae op die Primêre Skool Daljosafat se veld. Bel 021 873 1307 vir meer inligting. ) Roses United-rugbyklub se vroue-span is intussen ook hard aan die oefen. Die span oefen elke Dinsdag- en Donderdagaand om 19:00 op Pelikaanpark in Wellington. Belangstellendes wat wil aansluit kan Leoni Burns by 084 877 9024 bel. ) Come and join our women’s rugby team. We practise on Tuesdays from 18:00 at the Pniel rugby field. For more information phone Andrea on 083 303 9565. ) Young Stars-rugbyklub oefen elke Dinsdag- en Donderdagaand op Weltevredepark om 19:00. Bel vir Dennis van der Heever by 076 759 1448. ) Saterdag speel Violets teen Rangers op Daljosafat-stadion. Die klub hou op 3 Augustus hul Miss Violetskompetisie. Alle jong vroue tussen die ouderdom van 16 tot 21 is welkom om in te skryf. Vorms en inligting kan by Carmen America en Maryna Jafta afgehaal word of bel hulle by 079 814 1879/072 498 1964. Violets versoek ook alle oudspelers (veterane en Ou Kroks) om Dinsdae en Donderdae by die oefenveld aan te meld om voor te berei vir die Derby. PLUIMBAL ) Die Paarl Pluimbalklub oefen Maandae en Donderdae van 19:30 by die Paarl-ont-

spanningsaal in Du Toitstraat, Paarl. meer inligting, bel Eda Venter 083 331 0559, Schalk Fourie 083 412 8799 of Carlien Fourie 073 348 6440.

Vir by by by

LANGASEMS ) Die Nedbank Boland-klub hardloop 4 km- en 8 km-tydtoetse met die beginpunt by Frater Square op Donderdae om 17:45. Saterdae om 06:30 is daar oefen-wedlope van 20 km en 30 km. Almal is welkom. Bel vir Jan van Rooyen by 079 511 6066. By Newton Park is daar ook tydtoetse Maandae om 17:00. Die afstande is 3 km of 8 km en atlete kan vir Chris Davids bel op 083 315 0773 KRIEKET ) Paarl-Oos Krieketklub se algemene jaarvergadering vind plaas Sondag 21 Julie om 14:00 by die klubhuis in New Orleans. Bel Andrew Apollis vir nadere besonderhede. Voorseisoen-oefeninge vir 2013–’14 vind plaas op die New Orleans-velde Maandae en Woensdae 17:30. Bel vir Terence Adonis by 084 609 5060 of Jackie Daniels 082 626 5412. ) Drakenstein-edu KK het onlangs hul jaarvergadering gehou. Die volgende persone is verkies vir die krieket seisoen 2013–’14. Gershon Witbooi (voorsitter), Sharon Paulse (ondervoorsitter), Nolan Witbooi (kassier), Timothy Milton (sekretaris), Lemore Appolis (hulpsekretaris), Nabiel Jephta (klubkaptein), Wayne Jacobs, Faeez Bayley en Dean Jacobs is addisionele lede. Die klub oefen op Maandae by Boland Krieket om 18:00. Oud en nuwe lede is welkom. Bel Ryan Corrolissen (hoofafrigter) of Gershon Witbooi 079 325 1360 vir verdere inligting. ) Paarl Cricket Club’s AGM takes place on Sunday, 14 July at 14:30 at the clubhouse at Parys Sport Grounds. Training sessions are currently run at Boland Park’s indoor facilities Tuesdays and Thursdays from 18:00. Current players and new players are requested to attend. Call coach Riaan Nieuwoudt at 081 0322 126 for more details. ) Young Peoples-krieketklub oefen elke Maandagaand vanaf 17:45 in die binnenshuise nette by Boland Park, en ook Woensdae om 17:30 op Daljosafat.Spelers word versoek om die oefeninge by te woon en hulself vir n goeie seisoen voor te berei. Nuwe spelers is baie welkom en kan die afrigter, Marco Walters by 076 982 7774 of die sekretaris, Trevor Davy ,082 497 3884 skakel vir inligting. BASKETBAL ) Boland basketbal-proewe word Saterdag om 14:00 by die Paarl Vaardigheidskool gehou vir o.13- en o.16-spelers. LIGGAAMLIK GESTREMDES ) Boland Sport Vereniging vir Liggaamlik Gestremdes se algemene jaarvergadering vind op Donderdag 18 Julie om 19:00 by Worcester Tennis-klubhuis, Bolandpark, Worcester, plaas. Klubverteenwoordigers van al die geaffilieerde klubs moet teenwoordig wees. Enige gestremde persoon wat by die vereniging se aktiwiteite wil inskakel is welkom om die vergadering by te woon. Bel die vereniging se sekretaresse, Avril Farao op 082 770 3071/023 342 3770 of e-pos

AKSIE-KRIEKET: Die Boland o.18 Aksiekrieket­span het van 3 tot 6 Julie in Durban deel­ geneem aan ’n interprovinsiale toernooi. Die span het algeheel vierde geëindig en brons gewen toe hulle Gauteng­Oos geklop het. Hulle het 10 wedstryde gespeel, waarvan ses verloor vier gewen is. Agter, van links is Chris Schutte, Keithin Anderson (beste kolwer by toernooi), Kyle Ringquest, Garry Swart, Branden Philander, Henro­Lee Pretorius, Charl Paul­ se en Mauriciano Saptoe. Voor sit John de Wee, Wiaan Swart (spanbestuurder), Brandon Jones (kaptein), Abie Koopman (afrigter) en Glenville Liebenberg.

Paarl Post

Sport Nuus Sport News

11 Julie, 2013


Kavaliers se puik sege teen Arende Die Regent Boland Kavaliers het die afgelope naweek verlore aansien herwin en gewys dat hulle nie te vroeg afgeskryf moet word nie toe hulle ’n puik 17-22 sege oor die SWD Arende op George behaal het.

LANG AANGEE: Saterdag was daar weer groot klubrugby­aksie by Daljosafat­stadion. Hier speel die span­ ne van Rangers teen Gardens. Hier laat Rangers se skrumskakel die bal loop. Rangers het die wedstryd met 20­14 geklop. FOTO: ERNEST KILOWAN

Entries open for Engen Cycle Challenge Entries are open for The Engen Cycle Challenge Series (ECCS) 2013 as it makes its eagerly awaited return to the cycle calendar, with three road cycle races staged in Durban, Pretoria and Cape Town (Paarl). Engen caters for all categories, age groups and distances, providing men and women, professional and amateur alike, from junior age group to 60 years old and above a choice to race in a variety of distances ranging from 20 km, 50 km and 100 km. An exciting new event hits the roads of Pretoria, having moved from Port Elizabeth where it has been staged for the past four years. By moving the event inland, Engen aims to reach more cyclists and at the same time adding an enjoyable and safe

road race to the region. With safety close to heart and to further entrench Engen’s brand commitment to road safety, the Engen Safe Cycling Programme targets school pupils between the ages of 7 and 13 years, teaching them the rules of the roads and cycling road etiquette. The programme forms part of the school curriculum and is rolled out in three regions across South Africa.

Each of the ECCS races will include demonstrations of safe cycling – Engen and the organisers encourage parents and participants alike to join in or refresh their memory on the rules of the road. Engen will once again donate R50 of each entry from the Challenge Series to the specialised burns unit at the Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital in Cape Town. Last year Engen raised R127 500 across its three cycling events and hopes, with the support of the public, to exceed the amount this year. Enter now and don’t miss out on the 2013 Engen Cycle Challenge Series. For more information or to enter visit

Villagers te sterk vir United Stones

SPORT SKILLS PROGRAMME: During the winter school holiday a youth sport programme was hosted at the Mbekweni Sport Centre. Various sporting codes were taught by experienced coaches, some with international experience. The programme runs from 8 – 13 July.. Rugby, soccer, volleyball and even yoga are on offer. Here local chil­ dren are taught some basic volleyball skills. PHOTO: FRANS LE ROUX

Villagers Newton het Saterdag vir almal gewys waarom hulle die ligavoorlopers is. Villagers het na ’n klipharde stryd vir United Stones 37-30 geklop en is steeds onoorwonne in die Boland Eerste-liga. Die wedstryd was in ’n baie goeie gees gespeel en die telling het behoorlik wipplank gery. Rustyd was Stones met 23-18 voor, maar ’n sterk tweedehelfte vertoning het aan Villagers die wen besorg. Kort na rustyd het Villagers kaptein Ricardo Williams baie hard met sy manne gepraat en dit het oënskynlik sy spanmaats aangespoor om beter te speel. Uitblinkers vir Villagers was Alfredo Japhtha, Maxwell Solomons, At Solomons en die Hollenbach-broers. Puntemakers was Maxwell Solomons, Tim Davids, Graig Johnson elk met een drie. Hollenbach slaag met 8 skoppe pale toe. Die tweede-span wen 15-3. Saterdag 13 Julie speel Villagers teen Temperance van Gouda.

Dit volg slegs een week ná die 17-45 Absa Curriebeker nederlaag teen die Luiperds op die Bolandstadion. Met ’n volle span vir 80 minute en behoorlike samespel tussen al vyftien spelers, kon die Kavaliers ’n naelbytsege bewerkstellig teen die SWD Arende. Boland Rugby se direkteur van afrigting, Eugene Eloff, is tevrede met die wen, maar voel dat die span steeds nie tot sy volle potensiaal gespeel het nie. “Dit was ’n goeie wen en ons kan positiewe punte uit die wedstryd neem. Ons het byvoorbeeld gedomineer by die afbreek- en kontakpunte, wat baie verblydend is. Ons is egter nog nie waar ons wil wees nie. Ons maak steeds te veel ongedwonge foute en sal nog baie moet verbeter op ons vaardighede, besluitneming en akkuraatheid.” ’n Aantal spelers soos J.C. Astle, Johnathan Francke en Zandré

Jordaan het uitgeblink, maar inderwaarheid het die sleutel tot sukses in die Kavaliers se samespel gelê. Eerskomende Vrydag lê die Grens Bulldogs besoek af by die Boland-stadion. Dit is ’n wedstryd wat ’n span gewoonlik sal beskou as een waar hy vyf punte kan inoes, maar Grens het die naweek een van die top-spanne in die kompetisie, die Pumas, baie groot laat skrik en dit was eers in die doodsnikke dat die Pumas die knoop kon deurhaak. “Ons gaan nie vir Grens onderskat nie en beskou hulle as ’n groot uitdaging. Hulle het net-net in die laaste minuut verloor teen die Pumas, dus sal ons die wedstryd baie strategies benader en sorg dat ons by ons strukture hou.” Puntemakers vir die Regent Boland Kavaliers was Braam Gerber, Zandré Jordaan en JC Astle, elk met een drie. Len Oliver slaag met twee doelskoppe en een strafskop. ) Die Regent Boland Kavaliers speel Vrydag 16:00 in ’n Absa Curriebeker Eerste Divisie-wedstryd teen die Grens Bulldogs op die Boland-stadion, Wellington. Toegang beloop R30 vir volwassenes en R5 vir skoliere.

KRAGLOPIE: Daar was Saterdag weer hope aksiebelaaide rug­ bywedstryde by die Boy Louw­velde in die Paarl te sien. Hier speel Violets teen Allandale en Violets wen die kragmeting met 34­17. FOTO: CHISTOPHER BENJAMIN

Paarl, Wellington, Franschhoek, Klapmuts, Simondium, Gouda & Saron


Donderdag, 11 Julie 2013

Voorheen die Afrikaanse Patriot | Tel 021 870 4600 | SMS 32363 | | | Bladsy 20

Berg-plesier !

Die 52ste Bergrivier Kano­marathon het gister in die Paarl afgeskop. Sowat 154 roeiers van reg oor die land gaan oor vier dae meer as 240 kilometer aflê. Die resies eindig Sondag in Velddrif. Hier kom die voorlopers by die Langstraatbrug verby. In eerste plek is Pierre­Andre Rabie, gevolg deur Graeme Solomons, Ivan Kruger en gister se tydtoetswenner, Lance King, in die agtergrond. Die uitslae ná die eerste skof was die Brit Ben Brown in die eerste plek, gevolg deur Graeme Solomon en Lance King in die derde plek. FOTO: FRANS LE ROUX

Blues het te veel skietgoed vir Simondium

VROUE SEWESRUGBY: Verlede naweek se SARU o.18 Vroue sewesrugby­toernooi, aangebied deur die Boland Rugby Unie op die Boland­stadion te Wellington, was vol aksiebelaaide rug­ by. Die spanne van Boland en die WP het sake in die finaal uitgespook en WP het uiteindelik met 25­5 geseëvier.


Blues het Saterdag op Daljosafat daarin geslaag om Simondium met 55 -29 te klop. Blues se fisieke spel by die afbreekpunte het Simondium op die agtervoet geplaas. Manfred Solomons en Glenvor Kimber het gereeld Simondium se lynstaanballe afgeneem. Kempton Kika open Blues se rekening met ’n stukkie briljante spel deur die agterspelers en gaan druk onder die pale met Bjorn Wicklow wat verdoel om die telling 7-0 te laat lees. Simondium se voorspelers staan egter nie terug vir Blues nie en plaas hulle onder geweldige druk in die skrums. Blues gaan druk nog drie drieë met Wicklow wat verdoel om telling 26-0 te maak. Net voor rustyd druk Simondium onder die pale en verdoel om die rustydtelling 26-7 te maak. Ná rustyd draai Blues die krane oop met Faff Julies aan die spits wat ’n doring in Simondium se vlees is. Blues se agterspelers speel egter met passie en ryg een drie na die ander in. Dissipline aan albei kante neig om handuit te ruk met geelkaarte vir altwee spanne. Ná Blues se afrigters sekere sleutelspelers vervang het lyk dit of Blues se spel nie aan die gang kan kom nie. Simondium buit Blues se foute behoorlik uit en gaan druk drie drieë om Blues te laat wakker skrik. Ryan Jordaan gaan druk ’n briljante drie

Hier laat loop ’n speler van Blues die bal na sy agterlyn. Blues seëvier teen Simondium 55­29. FOTO: ERNEST KILOWAN en sny deur Simondium se verdediging om onder die pale te gaan druk. Een van Blues se spelers word deur die skeidsregter met ’n rooikaart van die veld gejaag nadat hy op ’n speler getrap het. Blues staan egter steeds sy man met slegs 14 spelers. Met die tipe spel wat Blues lewer lyk dit asof hy moeilik gestuit gaan

word in sy opmars na ’n derde titel. Driedrukkers: Kempton Kika; Audin Carolissen; Neville Adams; Oswald Thomas; Faff Julies; Lorenzo Jacobs; Ashley Swarts; Ryan Jordaan (2) Doelskoppe: Bjorn Wicklow (5) Derde span wen: 28-20 Tweede span wen: 38-14

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