Paarl Post 11 October 2012

Page 1

Voorheen die Afrikaanse Patriot

Volume 107

Donderdag 11 Oktober 2012

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Robert Larke wat naby Optenhorststraat patrollie gery het, het gesê dat hy die slag tot daar gehoor het. “Hierna was daar kleiner ontploffings. Ek is dadelik na die toneel toe. Ek het niemand gewaar nie, maar die hele straat het vol puin gelê.” ’n Inwoner van Koningstraat wat ook van die geweldige slag wakker geskrik het, het gesê dat sy kort daarna ’n voertuig met

skreeuende bande by dié straat hoor afjaag het. Die polisie is vinnig na die toneel ontbied en die hele Hoofstraat hier is afgekamp, in vrees vir nog ontploffings. Dit het later verkeers-chaos veroorsaak toe spitstydverkeer aanbreek en verkeer herlei moes word. Die eienaar van die KwikSpar, Hennie Venter, het gesê dat die ontploffing van die droë binnemuur uitgeskiet het, asook ’n skarnier van ‘n deur. “Die skade was wel gering, maar ons kon eers om 10:30 ons deure oopsluit vir die publiek.” Die bestuur van Noorder-Paarl KwikSpar bedank graag die publiek vir hul wye ondersteuning en besorgdheid ná die skokgebeure. Die polisie het gesê dat die diewe vinnig te werk gegaan het en presies geweet het wat hulle doen. Hulle kom waarskynlik vanaf die Kaapse Skiereiland. * Paarlites were literally shaken awake early on Tuesday morning, when thieves blew up an ATM in Paarl North.

0 R20

INWONERS van Noorder-Paarl is vroeg Dinsdagoggend letterlik met bom-skok wakker geruk. Dit kom nadat diewe twee OTM’s by die Noorder-Paarl KwikSpar opgeblaas het. Die voorval het omstreeks 04:00 plaasgevind. Inwoners van die Skoolstraat-omgewing het vertel dat hulle wakker geskrik het van ’n groot slag en daarna verskeie skote vanuit ’n vuurwapen gehoor. Stadig het die storie ontvou oor wat die skudding veroorsaak het. ’n Polisiewoordvoerder het gesê dat terwyl ’n sekuriteitsbeampte omstreeks 03:45 oorkant die KwikSpar gepatrolleer het, het ’n BMW wat vanuit ’n suidelike rigting gery het by hom stilgehou. Vier mans het uit die motor geklim. Een van hulle het die sekuriteitsbeampte met ’n aanvalsgeweer gedreig en beveel om op sy maag te lê en grond toe te kyk. Kort hierna het hy ’n geweldige slag gehoor, asook skote vanuit ’n vuurwapen. Die mans het weer in die motor geklim en terug-

gery in ’n suidelike rigting. Hulle het met derduisende rande ontsnap. ’n Inwoner van die gebied het met die eerste slag uit sy huis gehardloop. Hy het gedink dat dit weer eens ’n motorongeluk was. Hy het egter ’n vragmotor in die middel van die pad sien stilhou en die bestuurder het uitgeklim en weggehardloop. “Die man moes gesien het hoe die OTM in flardes geskiet word en hy het so groot geskrik dat hy die pad gevat het.”


Lise Beyers


Uitklop­ kampioene 52

BOM. OTM-diewe het Dinsdagoggend met der duisende rande ontsnap, nadat hulle twee OTM’s opgeblaas het in Noorder-Paarl. Foto: Lise Beyers

0 R20

Arts and Crafts winners 2

News · Nuus

2 . Paarl Post

Thursday 11 October 2012

Kersfonds skop af! ) Dit sal blyk dat die eienaars van ’n Suider-Paarl gastehuis hul mes in het vir ’n buur-sentrum. Eers het hulle ’n ellelange stryd ontketen om hierdie ontwikkeling te probeer stuit. En nou, nadat die smaakvolle sentrum geopen het, het hulle onlangs op ’n Sondag besoekers hiér erg versteur deurdat die stilte van die mooie, heilige oggend in flarde geskeur is met ’n kettingsaag wat bome afgesaag het. ) In die Paarl se rugbykringe bly Vineyards maar altyd in die nuus. Vineyards, wat vanjaar die tweede plek behaal het in die Paarl-streek liga, is alweer in die nuus toe hulle ’n diskwalifikasie op die hals gehaal het in die Paarl-streek se uitklopliga. Dit blyk dat hulle met iemand anders se kalwers wou ploeg en daarvoor, soos die rugbymense sê, ’n rooikaart gekry het.

DIE Paarl Post gooi vanjaar met Kerstyd weer sy gewig agter die WesKaapse Gemeenskapskas, wat meer as 30 verdienstelike plaaslike organisasies steun. Die fonds is vroeër vanjaar gesteun deur ’n skenking van R1540,55 wat ingesamel is tydens die Kerskonsert van die VGK Wellington en VGK Vanwyksvlei. Saam met ’n skenking van Huguenot Investments van R10 000 staan die insameling vir 2012 nou op R11 540,55 maar dit is nog ver van die mikpunt van R35 000 voor Kersfees. Die Paarl Post Kersfonds versoek sy lesers om bydraes te stuur tot voordeel van welsynsorganisasies in die Paarl Post se lesersgebied. Slegs formele organisasies wat geouditeerde state indien van hul uitgawes, word deur die Gemeenskapskas gehelp met fondse. Die organisasies wat sal baat by u

skenking is die ACVV (Paarl, Noorder-Paarl, Paarlvallei, Wellington en Franschhoek), Rusoord-ouetehuis, Oase-dienssentrum vir senior burgers, Badisa (Paarl, Wellington en Saron), Kindersorg (Paarl), die Drakenstein Sentrum vir gestremdes, Abbeyfield-tehuis vir bejaardes op Wellington, Haven nagskuiling, en Good Hope sielkundige dienste. Plaaslike kleuterskole en nasorgsentrums wat fondse ontvang, is Wielie-Walie, Trompie, Little Stars, Rise & Shine, Amstelhof-nasorg, Sinethemba, Mamzama en Ncebekazi (gestremde kinders). Diensorganisasies soos Sanca, Cansa, Santa, Outisme Wes-Kaap, Dementia SA en Hospice word ook gesteun deur die Gemeenskapskas. Skenkings word in die Gemeenskapskas-rekening (62152029007) by FNB (tak 261150) gedeponeer. Faks die depositostrokie na die Paarl Post by 021 872 9280.

OOP. Tot groot verligting van Paarl-pendelaars, is die Lady Greystraatbrug Saterdagoggend heropen vir verkeer. Die brug was twee weke lank gesluit nadat ’n stutmuur gedeeltelik inmekaargestort het. Die brug is om veiligheidsredes gesluit terwyl ingenieurs die skade geevalueer het. Die munisipaliteit het so gou moontlik werk gemaak daarvan om dit te herstel. Terwyl die brug gesluit was, het Paarliete gebuk gegaan onder hewige verkeersontwrigtings. ’n Woordvoerder van die munisipaliteit het gesê dat die munisipaliteit om verskoning vra vir enige ongerief wat die publiek in hierdie tydperk beleef het weens die sluiting van die pad. Die tydelike herstelwerk aan die brug is voltooi en verdere herstelwerk sal oor die volgende paar maande geskied. As die brug hiervoor dus weer gesluit word, word die publiek gevra om gebruik te maak van Distillerystraat tussen Optenhorst- en Lady Greystraat. Foto: Lise Beyers

Bejaarde vrou vermoor in Pniël Frans le Roux

BEWAAK jou hart meer as alles wat bewaar moet word, want daaruit is die oorspronge van die lewe. Spreuke 4:23

Index Youth............p12 Arts...............p14 Motoring........p40 Business.......p15 Properties......p21 TV Program...p19

Plakstuk DIE eerste plakvorm in die Plakvir-jou-Sak-kompetisie waarin ’n leser R1800 kan wen, verskyn op bladsy 50. Die kompetisie sluit op Vrydag 23 November om 16:00.

DIE hegte gemeenskap van Pniel is diep geskok deur die moord van ’n bejaarde vrou wat oor die naweek plaasgevind het. Die moord het etlike meters vanaf die luukse 4-ster gastehuis Lumley’s Place plaasgevind. Cecillia Alley (71) is Sondag laatmiddag oorval in haar huis en is later dood gevind in haar slaapkamer. Sy was tydens die aanval alleen in die huis. Nadatfamilieledediehuisdeursoekhet,blyk dit of daar niks gesteel is nie. Die moordenaar het waarskynlik toegang verkry tot die woning deur die agterdeur wat volgensJamesBarnes(neef)altydoopstaan. Die polisie het ook ’n skêr gekry wat in die mik van ’n boom naby die agterdeur gevind is.

“Ons sluit amper nooit die deur nie, want Pniel is ’n veilige dorp en hier is nooit misdaad nie,” vertel Barnes. Die klein dorpie en sy mense is geskok nadat een van hul inwoners so vermoor is. “Onsisalmalbaiehartseerdeurdiegebeure. Die hele Pniel-gemeenskap sukkel om dit te verwerk. Dis so ’n stil en rustige dorpie en ons familie kry swaar nou,” vertel Barnes. Alley was ’n huisvrou en het saam met haar verlengde familie in hul woning by Lumleylaan gebly. “Sy was ’n wonderlike mens, altyd bedagsaam en altyd gaaf. Sy het ’n goeie hart gehad en sou nooit eers ’n vlieg kon seermaak nie.” Die Groot Drakenstein Polisiekantoor is tans besig met hul ondersoek en nog geen verdagtes is tot dusver in hegtenis geneem nie.

Paid parking extended in CBD Lise Beyers THE days of free parking in the Paarl central business district are over, with more paid parking soon to be implemented. Patriot and Wamakers Squares are currently being boomed to make way for this, much like Van der Lingen Square. This is part of the public-private partnership between Drakenstein Municipality and Anytime Investments. According to this, Anytime Investments is leasing a section of the CBD in order to rejuvenate this once thriving business hub. Overthepastyearpaidparking has been implemented in sections of Lady Grey and Main Street. This is now being extendedtotwomajorsquaresintheCBD. The first hour of parking is free, whereafter the public will pay R5 for each hour or part thereof parked. Five hours and more will be charged at a fixed rate of R30 and after 17:00 it will be R2 per hour. On Sunday the first two hours will be free and thereafter

R2 an hour. Those who have lost their tickets will be charged R50 and those parking illegally in the squares will be clamped. Monthly parking passes can be purchased at a cost of between R150 and R300. Johan Pauw of Anytime investments said that all monies collected from parking is used to cover overheads and to upgrade these town squares as well as the streets of the CBD. Specially appointed guards will be at hand to ensure the safety of property, but no informal car guards, car washers or hawkers will be allowed in the area. The public is invited to forward any complaints or proposal to Gershwin Fouldien of the Drakenstein Municipality. He can be contacted on 083 294 8301 or 021 871 1450, or email For monthly parking permits, contactPauwsofficeat8720471. Pauw added that two months free parking is up for grabs to the person who makes the best proposal on the improvements to the system or area in general.

GESKOK. Hierdie huis in Lumley-laan Pniel is waar Cecillia Alley onlangs in vermoor is. Hier is familie en vriende besig om die skok te probeer verwerk. Foto: Frans le Roux


WENNERS! Die wenners van Paarl Post se Arts and Crafts-kompetisie is die afgelope Saterdag by die Paarl Mall aangewys. Van links is Sandra Nothnagel (bemarkingsbestuurder van die Paarl Mall), Richard Joseph (50+), Christelle Bester (algehele wenner asook die 19-49 kategoriewenner), Niel du Plessis (12-18) en Esmé Smit (bestuurder Paarl Post). Foto: Sieb Sieberhagen

Terugflits ) Op 8 Oktober 1921 wen die Paarlse rugbyklub vir die eerste keer in die geskiedenis die Groot Uitdaagbeker van die Westelike Provinsie. ) In September 1936 verhuis die Paarlse landboutentoonstelling van die terrein in Faurestraat na die nuwe terrein anderkant die Bergrivier.

Nuus · News

Donderdag 11 Oktober 2012 GEDENK. By die herdenkingsfunksie oor die gedwonge verskuiwings ingevolge die Groepsgebiedewet, aangebied deur die Drakenstein Erfenisstigting, was (van links) Ivan Arendse (geskiedkundige), Margie Molenaar (mede-organiseerder), Len Raymond (voorsitter van die Drakenstein Erfenisstigting), Moutie Richards (spreker) en Cecil de Jager (mede-organiseerder). Richards hou een van die vyf gedenkplate vas wat opgerig gaan word in die dele van Paarl-Wes waar mense destyds ontwortel is. Foto: Anne Kruger

DIE traumatiese gebeure wat hulle in die sestigerjare afgespeel het met die afdwing van die Groepsgebiedewet in die Paarl, is onlangs gedenk tydens ’n seremonie aangebied deur die Drakenstein Erfenisstigting. Tydens die byeenkoms in die Nelson-landgoed se onthaalsaal, het verskillende sprekers gepraat oor hul belewenis van die gebiede in Paarl-Wes waar hulle grootgeword het, en hoe die gemeenskap uitmekaar gespat het nadat hulle gedwing is om te verhuis na Paarl-Oos. Daar is verwys na die Paarlstasie-gebied (weerskante van die spoorlyn), na Bergstraat, die “Mark” (waar die Paarlse burgersentrum staan) en Ou Tuin (waar La Rochelle se hokkieveld vandag is), Agterstasie (Huguenot) asook Skoolstraat (Noorder-Paarl). Vir die meeste vertellers, wat nog kinders was in daardie tyd, het die skielike oplaai van meubels (waarvan baie agtergelaat moes word omdat hulle na kleiner huise moes trek) as ’n groot skok gekom. “Na die tyd het honde, katte en hoenders wat agtergelaat is, nog daar rondgedwaal.” Baie van die huise is daarna gesloop.



Die lewe ná Saktyd Frans le Roux

Vergewe, maar nie vergeet Anne Kruger

Paarl Post

“Hierdie kaal plekke, waar vandag niks staan nie, het mense gehad.” Die lekker dae toe kinders veilig in die strate kon speel, almal mekaar geken en gerespekteer het, is herroep. Veral die groot wedywering tussen sportklubs was ’n hoogtepunt - die Rangers en Albions van Suider-Paarl teen die Vineyards en Violets van Ou Tuin, en die Riverstones in Agterstasie teen Blues en Peoples van die noorde. Volgens Moutie Richards, wat as kind ’n inwoner was van Malherbestraat, moet hierdie verhale nie verlore gaan nie. “Die atmosfeer kan nie herstel word nie, maar dit sal altyd by ons bly.” Oudskoolhoof Cecil de Jager het bygevoeg: “Die Groepsgebiedewet het ons gemeenskap seergemaak en ons ouers verarm. Baie mense het geëmigreer en wil tot vandag toe nie terugkeer na Suid-Afrika toe nie, want dit was te seer. “Baie van vandag se sosiale probleme het te make met die wyse waarop die gemeenskapstruktuur destyds uitmekaar geskeur is.” Ivan Arendse, geskiedkundige, het versoenende woorde gehad: “Ons Skepper wil graag hê ons moet vergewe, dit agter ons sit en versoen. Ons kan saamwerk om ’n gesonde en mooi gemeenskap op te bou.”

“Na die tyd het honde, katte en hoenders wat agtergelaat is, nog daar rondgedwaal.”

Strate vol gate skep probleme rug swaai in die linker baan in en NA hewige winterreëns blyk dit of met dié het haar een band die sydie strate van die Paarl uitmepaadjie getref en dit het gebars. kaar uit val. Hierdie slaggat is baie swak geSlaggate is volop en motoriste leë, juis weens die feit dat dit op moet net koes of hulle beland ’n blinde hoek is, asook die feit dat binne-in een. hierdie pad op spitstye en wanDie afgelope naweek het ’n stuneer skole toe maak baie verkeer dent wat in Joubertstraat woon dra. ‘n motorband verloor toe sy om Onlangs was daar in Langenhoso ’n gat in Oranjestraat probeer venlaan byna elke vier meter ’n verbyseil het. Sy het vanaf Meulstraat binne Oranjestraat inge- GAT. Hierdie slag- slaggat, maar hulle is onlangs draai en het die slaggat in die gat in Oranjestraat deur die munisipaliteit opgevul. Volgens kenners is die paaie van middel van die pad probeer ver- is maar een van vele my. Die gat, wat al maande lank wat probleme skep. die Paarl oud en met aanhoudende nat weer verswak sekere kolle hier is, is in die middel van die pad en boon-op op ’n blinde hoek. Toe sy in paaie wat dan die slaggat veroorsaak. En dikwels word hierdie gate eenvoudig by die gat wil verbyry was daar egter ’n annet gelap, net om weer na ’n tydperk oop der motor wat in die teenoorgestelde rigting aangery gekom het. Sy moes inderhaas te- te breek.

“EK het aan die begin van 2012 vir myself gesê ek soek hierdie jaar ’n nuwe uitdaging. So het ek die promosie van Saktyd op my Facebook blad gesien en net daar besluit om in te skryf.” So vertel Jurie Prins ’n Paarliet wat aan Kyknet (in samewerking met Huisgenoot) se nuwe realiteitsprogram Saktyd deelgeneem het. In die program het deelnemers met mekaar meegeding vir ’n internskap by Huisgenoot. Prins is ’n man van vele talente wat nie net ’n grafiese staal ontwerpbesigheid op Franschhoek besit nie, maar ook baie lief is vir enige vorme van kuns. Hy het ’n passie vir teken en skilder en het as kind talle kunskompetisies gewen. Hy het aan Hoër Jongenskool Paarl matrikuleer en na skool bemarking en kuns gaan studeer. “Saktyd was aanvanklik nie wat ek gehoop het dit gaan wees nie, maar ek het baie geleer daaruit.” Hy vertel verder dat hy homself wou omring met kreatiewe mense, en dis pre-

sies wat Saktyd toe vir hom gebied het. “Ná Saktyd sal ek dit selfs oorweeg om ’n volwaardige joernalis te word, maar meer op ’n vryskutbasis.” Prins het baie van homself geleer tydens die verfilming van Saktyd en hy erken dat hy nie sommer vir enige iemand sal verander nie. “Ek het ervaar dat ek beslis nie daarvan hou om in ’n blik gedruk te word nie. My kreatiwiteit kort vrye teuels.” Afrikaanse “stand-up” komedie is waarmee Prins hom huidiglik besig hou. Na die program erken Prins dat hy wel meer aandag ontvang vanaf Jan Publiek. “Ek is nie baie mal oor die aandag nie, daar is mense wat my op straat stop en my naam skree.” Die toekoms vir Prins ná Saktyd lyk rooskleurig, “Ek sal graag my stempel in die teaterbedryf met my komedie verder wil afdruk en selfs hier en daar weer met verskeie televisieprogramme meng. Enige ontwerp- en kunsprojekte is waarna ek nou streef en ek sien uit na die toekoms.”

NEGLIGENT. On Thursday morning the driver of a vehicle rammed into two vehicles, allegedly while trying to drive away after running down a woman. The incident occurred in Van der Lingen Lane, near the four way stop with Breda Street. Here a vehicle struck Christine Landsman. The driver then allegedly fled the scene, driving over the stop street and ramming into two other vehicles. Landsman was seriously injured and the driver of another vehicle suffered minor injuries. A case of reckless driving is being investigated against Henry Richards. Pic: Lise Beyers

News · Nuus

4 . Paarl Post

Thursday 11 October 2012

Festivals for De Poort Lise Beyers

of all the entrances, and they have employed a security guard to guard IF all goes according to plan De the terrain. Poort Heritage Village in Paarl Mayoral committee member for south will be transformed economic development and into an information and tourism, Dr Lourens du Toit, recreation centre where losaid that De Poort’s entire excals and visitors can get a istence is being revised and glimpse of the town’s hisnew plans are being put on tory and current activities. the table. Plans are also under way “We ideally would like to to pave the way for the site as develop the terrain as a toura festival area, with this ism gateway to Paarl. Curweekend’s ever popular rently Paarl Wine Routes is Strooidak/Williston Market housed at De Poort and we to take place here. And at the would like to see extended end of the month, the Draktourism involvement. enstein Municipality plans “It is a public area, which to hold a traditional German VILLAGE. An artist’s impression of what De Poort His- was financed by public monbeerfest at De Poort. ey and we want to utilise it for torical village could look like. This follows the terminathe entire community as well of close to R300 000 per year, has as visitors. tion by the Drakenstein Municipalifallen into substantial arrears in ty of a lease of 25 years with the De “It is now crucial that entreprethe municipal bills. Poort Heritage Village Project. neurs and other concerned parties The relationship between the De Poort was established as a sit around the table with us and non-profit organizsation, with the municipality and De Poort managecome up with proposals.” financial help of both the Draken- ment has in the interim soured, A public meeting will soon be held leading to the termination of their where all interested parties will be stein Municipality and the Lotto. The idea was to recreate the legacy lease. And in the mean time, the welcome to discuss the future of De municipality has changed the locks Poort. of the rich culture of the wagon industry of years gone by, of which Paarl became a leader at the turn of the last century. But De Poort, having over heads

DataDot jou items DIE Paarl polisie vra dat die publiek dit ernstig moet oorweeg om hul waardevolle besittings deur middel van die DataDot sisteem te merk. Met hierdie sisteem word ’n unieke reeksnommer op waardevolle items soos fietse en elektronies items gegraveer. Dus indien die item gesteel word en weer gevind word, dan is die regmatige eienaar se volle besonderhede daaraan gekoppel. Vir meer inligting oor DataDot, skakel Kapt Louise du Plessis by 082 850 9614.

Crack down on drivers

DRAKENSTEIN Municipality is determined to crack down on reckless and lawless drivers. This has become evident as regular law-enforcement operations have been taking place across the Drakenstein-area. A spokesperson for the municipality, May Carolissen, said that their traffic department is embarking on stringent and regular law enforcement actions against illegal motor racing and other complaints received from the public. “We have received numerous complaints and want to ensure the safety of everyone on the roads.”

Following the recent successes as regards to illegal motor racing and other road offences, the department again held law enforcement actions on the roads of Drakenstein municipal area. During these operations various fines were issued ranging from driving without licences, no vehicle licences, the disregard of red traffic lights, failure to wear seatbelts, defects in vehicles and parking inconsistently with road traffic signs (on pavements, on red lines and in front of private entrances). Arrests for driving under the influence of alcohol and resisting arrest were also made.

BEST PRACTICE CASE STUDY. Drakenstein Municipality recently had a meeting with the Development Bank of South Africa (DBSA) to discuss a best practice case study in order to explore well-performing programmes within the municipality and also to assess best practices and successes. Here are (rear from left) Zaileen Abrahams (LED Officer), Thomas Fugelsnes (Project Manager: The Investment Climate Facility for Africa), Elvis Makitubo (DBSA), Ash Sewnarain (DBSA), (front from left)) Ronetia Cupido (Strategic Planning: Administrator), Gershwin Fouldien (LED Manager) and Luzelle Moller (Senior Tourism Officer).

Municipality explores wellperforming programmes DRAKENSTEINMunicipalityrecently had a meeting with the Development Bank of South Africa (DBSA) to discuss a best practice case study in order to explore well-performing programmes within the municipality and also to assess best practices and successes. The best practice case study is related to the spending on Municipal Infrastructure Grant (MIG) project funding by the municipality and the certification on Tourism - ISO 9001:2008 (Quality System). Thomas Fugelsnes, Project Manager from The Investment Climate Facility for Africa emphasised the importance of MIG Projects and how the municipality utilises it. “MIG projects are a national government grant for civil engineering projects and I am very impressed with Drakenstein Municipality for having their own project management team within their civil engineering departmentthatdealswithcivilengineering projects like MIG,” said Fugelsnes. With the inception of MIG, its primary objective was to provide

basic infrastructure for the poorest beneficiaries, therefore the municipalities civil engineering department identified and registered projects through the MIG national database to provide basic infrastructure to the Drakenstein community. Local infrastructure projects were either new or required upgrading, in which funding was allocated for each project, which consists of sports fields lighting, project management unit for MIG, bulk gravity out-fall sewer Paarl South, upgrade and extensions to Paarl Waste Water Treatment Works phase 2, Wellington Waste Water Treatment Works extension, Pentz Street pump station, 11 ml Newton reservoir, upgrading of water supply to Newton area and Water Treatment Works Paarl Mountain. During the meeting Drakenstein Municipality Local Economic Development Manager, Gershwin Fouldien, presented a municipal overview of Drakenstein Municipality performance according to International Organisational for Standardisation (ISO). BRANDEWYN EN COKE. Vir voetgangers in die omgewing van die verkeersirkel by die Bergrivier Boulevard was dit Donderdagoggend byna asof Kersfees aangebreek het, toe ’n vragmotor sy vrag koeldrank verloor het. Plastiese bottels Coca-Cola het letterlik die wêreld vol gelê en talle verbygangers het soveel bottels soos wat hul kon dra weggeneem. Een man wat homself ook aan die koeldrank gehelp het, het gesê hy wag toe net vir ’n brandewyn lorrie om verby te kom. Foto: Lise Beyers

Nuus · News

Donderdag 11 Oktober 2012

Paarl Post



Bethel se 120ste feesvieringe skop af! Devidean Moses

In eerwaarde Maart se era was hy ook ten volle bewus van die lidmate DIE Bethel Congregational kerk, wat betrokke was in die stryd teen wat vanjaar sy 120ste bestaansarmoede, uitbuiting, onderdrukjaar vier, onder leiding van eerking en oorheersing in die Apartwaarde Danny George, is die heidheidsera. Hy het die kerk as oudsteCongregationalkerkin ’nterreinvanstryd,indieuitvoeDrakenstein. ring van vryheid, vrede, reg en Hierdie kerk wat op 22 Nogeregtigheid beskou. vember 1892 tot stand gekom So het hy besluit om ’n regshet, was deur ’n groep mense hulpkliniek en leraarskring te wat destyds lidmate was van die stig en was ook die stigterslid Nederduitse Gereformeerde van die kerk se plaas-projek in Kerk Zions, gestig. In die vroeë Mbekweni. Maart was ook die dae was die getal gemeentelede voorsitter van die Athlone Insti209 en vandag het dit gegroei tot tuutenhetgereelddienstebygemeer as 5000 lidmate. vangenisse gaan hou vir die geDie viering van die 120ste hervangenis se gemeenskap. denking is ’n wonderlike geBethel Congregational het leentheidvirdiegemeenteomteskole soos Bethel, Bathesda, rug te kyk, asook om hul trotse Bethany, Bethlehem gestig erfenis te vier. asook die Athlone Instituut. “Ons het nodig om te neem uit Die kerk bied vanjaar ook ’n die verlede wat goed is en op te revue, ’n optog van fakkelloop bou vir die toekoms,” vertel eervanaf Rosesstraat tot Evanwaarde George. Verder meen hy BESTAAN. Die Bethel Congregational Kerk Paarl straat, basaar met karnavalvieook dat hy by die gemeente aan- vier vanjaar sy 120ste bestaansjaar. Hier staan eer- ringe en Kersfeesspele aan om gesluit het om in die behoeftes waarde Danny George (links) en emeritus prof Ge- fees te vier. Die kerk het reeds van die kerk te voorsien, asook orge Fredericks, kerkraadslid voor die gebou. hul passiespeletoneel, Pinksterom ’n verskil te maak. Foto: Devidean Moses dienste en mansdebutantebal Eerwaarde George is veral asook hul Mej Sondagskoolbekend vir sy verbintenis met kronings gehou. die lidmate en uitreiking na Op 23 November sal die die gemeenskap. Wat hom so groot feesvieringe afskop met uniek maak, is dat hy elkeen pretloop waar elke wyk die gevansylidmateophulnameen leentheid sal kry om die fakkel vanne groet. te dra. Daarna sal die boekbeDie kerk het ook verskeie uitrei- hul toegewyde diens aan God en God kendstelling by die kerk plaasvind. kingsgroepe soos die Vigs-, naald- se mense,” sê hy. Die Saterdag 24 November by WilEerwaarde Thorne het ook ’n on- liam Lloyd Primêr, sal gimnastiekwerk, vrouegroepe wat pogings aanaangename taak verrig om die kerk verrigtinge, speletjies en ’n steakwend om uit re reik na die gemeente vergesel vanaf Rosestraat na skap. braai plaasvind. Sondag 25 NovemEerwaarde George meen dat die Evansstraat asgevolg van die berom09:00tydensdieeredienswat Groepsgebiedewet. Hy moes vir ’n kerk van Jesus Christus onthou deur die missie-raad gerëel word, sal permit aansoek doen om in die pas- ’n gasspreker asook ’n kind van die moet word deur Sy heerskappy en hy torie in Rosestraat te bly. Daarna gemeente, eerwaarde Yolanda Wilsien sy rol as opvoedkundig. “By Bethel Congregational Kerk is moes hy die emosionele taak verrig lemse (Theunissen), die boodskap om die kerk te vestig in Paarl-Oos. voorlees. Almal is welkom! ons baie dankbaar vir al die predikante vanaf eerwaarde Peart, Ramage, Zahn, Lloyd, Williams, Heap, Thorne en Maart wat hierdie kerk oor die afgelope 120 jaar help bedien het en ’n goeie impak gemaak het vir

GEVIND. Hierdie gesteelde goedere is onlangs deur die polisie gevind en die vonds sluit in ’n tent, tuinmeubels, sporttoerusting en selfs ’n tegniese tekenbord. Die tekenbord behoort aan Armand Alberts (naam agterop). Hier spog adj William Daniels by hul nuutste vangs. Enige iemand wat hierdie goedere vermis, moet die Paarl-Oos polisie skakel by 021 877 5900. Foto: Frans le Roux

“Ons het nodig om te neem uit die verlede wat goed is en op te bou vir die toekoms”


BESTE VERKOPE. SuperSpar in Paarl-Oos het die afgelope maand die grootste persentasietoename in verkope van Paarl Post gehad. Hier van links is Lizelle Solomons, Corneulis Bakkus (winkelbestuurder) en George Solomons wat toesien dat al die koerante uit die stoor op die rakke geplaas word. Foto: Lise Beyers

Opinion · Menings

6 . Paarl Post

Thursday 11 October 2012

Lend a helping hand IT is hard to believe that Christmas is just two and a half months away. And soon the Christmas spending frenzy will be in full swing. With the financial crisis far from over, everyone is feeling the pinch. This time of the year we should then especially take a moment to think of the thousands of less fortunate people in our midst - people whose lives depend on organisations such as Hospice, the Haven homeless shelter, old age homes and children’s homes, to mention just a few. Many of these organisations have very little or no government funding and depend entirely on donations from the public. Thus Paarl Post has kicked off with their annual charity drive, with the Paarl Post Christmas Fund. The Paarl Post Christmas Fund was established to lend a helping hand to such organisations right across the Drakenstein area, to give something back to the members of the community who are in dire straits. So take a moment to think where you can cut back and help give the less fortunate something to smile about. At the end of the day, every cent counts.

My huis, my paleis Hulle sê dat verandering so goed as ’n vakansie is. Maar soms is dit makliker gesê as gedaan. Ek het my vormingsjare hiér in die Paarl deurgebring en was in een van die dorp se vele wonderlike skole wat tot vandag toe nog my voete op die grond hou. My ouer-huis lê aan die hange van Paarlberg en ek kan boekdele skryf oor ons doen en late daar as kinders. Maar dinge verander. Na 33 jaar verkoop my ouers toe ons ouerhuis. Dis tyd vir hulle om in hul skemer jare af te skaal. Die kinders is almal uit die huis uit, die pensioen raak ook nie meer nie en die ruim huis is nie meer nodig nie. Ons kinders het vir ’n hele tydjie geweet dat hulle wil afskaal en trek. Die Paarl raak ook te warm op hul oudag en die see roep. Maar toe die nuus onlangs ontvang word dat die huis uiteindelik verkoop is en hulle moet sommer baie vinnig die huis ontruim, toe het die werklikheid soos ’n messteek in die bors getref. Hulle sê mos, my huis, my paleis. Nou ek is al jare lank uit my ouerhuis uit, maar daar was nog altyd iets wat my teruggelok het. Jare in die buiteland en elders in Suid-Afrika, was hiér aan die hange van Paarlberg steeds my tuiste. Soms was ’n besoek slegs een keer ’n jaar moontlik, maar wanneer ek met my motor die werf binnery was daar dadelik die gevoel dat ek tuis kom. Om weer in die slaapkamer van my kinderjare te slaap was ’n troos wat byna nie beskryf kan word nie. Soos om weer as weerlose kind op jou ma se skoot op te krul en weet dat hier kan niks jou skend nie. Maar nou verdwyn hierdie stukkie hemel. En daarmee kom die groot uitdaging ook om dekades se dinge van ontslae te raak. Ja, ons skroom nie om eerder hierdie dinge vir minderbevoorregte mense te gee nie, in plaas

daarvan om hulle vir ’n paar pennies aan ’n tweedehandse handelaar te verkoop nie. Maar dit is so moeilik om van al die herinneringe ontslae te raak. Als het herinneringe. Die sagte speelgoed van my laatlam suster wat nog hier en daar versteek is. Waarmee my en my broers se kinders ook later jare as kleuters gespeel het. Die boeke wat verweer is so is hulle gelees. Maar hulle is nie net boeke nie, hulle is wysers wat ons in ’n rigting gelei het. Ouma en oupa se eetgerei en dies meer. Dan is daar die gange van die huis waar ons as kinders rondgehardloop het dat ons ouers ons wou piets as hulle Sondagmiddae ’n bietjie wou rus hê. En die vloerplanke wat jy as tiener goed leer ken het as jy skelm by die huis wou uitsluip. Die grafte van troeteldiere wat oral in die tuin versteek is. En selfs ’n monument wat ek opgerig het vir ’n gestorwe Britse monarg vir wie ek baie respek gehad het as kind. Die deurkosyne met die lengtes van ons kinders jaarliks daarop uitgekerf. En dan natuurlik die herinneringe van die familie Kersfeeste wat om die groot geelhouttafel geniet is saam met oupas en oumas wat lankal nie meer met ons is nie. ’n Huis sê ek altyd, het ’n siel. Hy absorbeer al hierdie positiewe, óf negatiewe elemente van die mense wat hul tuismaak binne sy stewige mure. Ek hoor hoeka onlangs dat ’n persoon vermoor is in die huis waarin onse glansryke Hollywood prinses, Charlize Theron, grootgeword het. Almal weet teen hierdie tyd dat haar ma haar pa daar doodgeskiet het destyds uit selfverdediging. Nou het iemand weer sy lewe op ‘n bloedige manier verloor in daardie huis. Sekerlik het daardie huis ’n swart siel. Maar diegene wat my ouerhuis hul tuiste gaan maak, sal net geluk daar vind. En vir ons wat dit verloor, sal daar vir lank ’n leemte wees.

Motor brand uit by SOS Silencers EK wil my ontsteltenis uitspreek oor die behandeling wat ek ontvang het van SOS Silencers in Jan van Riebeeckweg, Paarl. Op 18 September het ek aan my knaldemper laat werk. Daar is gesweis daaraan, sonder om dit van die motor te verwyder. Die motor het aan die brand geraak, en volgens ooggetuies wou die brandblussers nie werk nie. Twee polisiemanne wat daar gewag het dat aan hul voertuig gewerk word, het ’n brandblusser uit hul voertuig gehaal en kon gelukkig die brand geblus. My motor is onherstelbaar beskadig. My versekering betaal my slegs die markwaarde van my motor uit, en ek maak ’n verlies van duisende rande vir nuwe

Wees dus gewaarsku teen SOS Silencers: ek kry die indruk dat die besigheid riskant is, en dat sy werknemers swak opgelei is. Nicolene de Wet

bande wat ek onlangs opgesit het. Die eienaars van SOS Silencers beroep hulle op die bordjie “op eie risiko” en weier om my enigsins tegemoet te kom deur my vir my verlies te vergoed. My versekering betaal vir my gebruik van ’n huurmotor vir nog ’n week, dan moet ek ’n eie voertuig aanskaf met die bykomende onkostes wat met so ’n transaksie gepaard gaan.

Sidney Smith van SOS Silencer rea­ geer: Die firma erken dat ’n brand op die betrokke voertuig plaasgevind het, maar ontken dat dit as gevolg van nalatigheid was. Ons ontken die bewerings dat “vol­ gens ooggetuies wou die brandblus­ sers nie werk nie” en dat die “besig­ heid riskant is en dat sy werknemers swak opgelei is”. Die brandblussers word gereeld gediens en is oop vir in­ speksie. Die firma aanvaar nie ver­ antwoordelikheid vir die besluit van die versekeringsmaatskappy om die voertuig te skrap nie. Ons beskik ook oor uitstekende, goed gekwalifiseer­ de werktuigkundiges.

A continuing legacy THE spirit of celebrating our cultures and embracing our differences should not stop on the last day of the Heritage Month, it should be an ongoing educational program that will aim at educating the younger generation about their valuable, rich cultures, traditions and their backgrounds. These teachings may help the younger generation that is being labeled as the “lost generation” because of their Westernised doings, keep in touch with their roots. The programs may also help them not to lose touch with their

cultures and traditions. It will keep them from abandoning their roots and instead it will help them to living a balanced life of keeping up with the times of Western traditions and at the same time not forgetting their cultural background. Its been said that knowing one’s culture is of importance so that a person may know where they come from,and by knowing where you come from you can know where you are going. If the teaching of heritage is an ongoing process then cultures may be restored and not get lost as years pass - they can be

Cycle cops IT always amazes me that when cycle races are held on our roads, traffic cops and traffic vehicles are always in abundance, seeing to their safety. In the mean time the carnage on our roads continues in normal commuting circumstances on a daily basis. Then these cops are very far and few between seen on our roads where and when required. If they are seen, they are normally parked on the side of the road and certainly not helping by pulling the lunatics off the road. Could it be that most cycle races are held on Sundays and hence the lure of double pay plus makes them come alive? Curious onlooker

passed down from one generation to the next. The whole of the country, whether young or old, black or white, should be involved and make sure that the heritage celebration does not only end on 24 October, but is a daily activity so that everyone may know that being different is not a wrong thing. People should embrace being different and proud of who they are, also themselves leaving behind a continuing legacy that is rich in culture. Nomahlubi Mushweshwe

Malan­familie trek saam Die Malan-Familiebond trek op Saterdag 13 Oktober saam, hoofsaaklik te Allesverloren te Riebeek-Wes (die geboorteplaas van Dr DF Malan in lewe eerste minister van SA). Die verrigtinge begin om 09:30 by Malan-stasie op pad na Hermon buite Wellington waar ’n kransleggingseremonie vir wyle Hannes en Nico Malan gehou word. Na ’n besoek aan ’n Malan begraafplaas te Eikeboom, Hermon vertrek hulle na

Allesverloren. Na ’n lekker middagete sal wyle Hannes Malan se biografie “Die geluk by die ongeluk” bekend gestel word deur Jac le Roux, ’n jarelange vriend. Die middag word afgesluit met ’n besoek aan die Smutsmuseum. Vir meer inligting en besprekings skakel Dennis Malan op 083 375 3251, of 021 853 5319, faks 086 725 3059 of e-pos DSMalan Voorsitter van Malan-Familiebond

Briewe · Letters

Donderdag 11 Oktober 2012

Sal ons ou kennisse ooit vergeet?

Sê jou sê ­ SMS 32363 ­ Have you say ) Die mense wat hul kinders na tandarts in Malherbestraat vat - dink asb aan ander mense ook, moenie in die middel van pad stop nie en ook nie oorkant die hekke van Avene-woonstelle waar ons moet in en uit nie - julle weet wie julle is! Dankie. Jacques. ) Daardie mense wat so aangaan oor padwedrenne wees net bewus dat jy nie eers weet dat jou eie bloed ook daaraan deelneem nie. Hoekom maak hulle dan nie ’n plek wat legal is waar hulle daar teen mekaar kan ry nie. Al die social plekke in die Paarl word weggevat, dis hoekom die jong mense sulke dinge doen. Julle kan nie die polisie skuld gee nie, hul doen net hul werk en kan net soveel doen. ) Aan die kinders/grootmense wat Woensdagaand in die Paarlse hoofstraat naby Huis Vergenoegd my motor (in die ry) met ’n eier gegooi het skaam julle! Hou jul met iets positiefs besig! ) Erfenisdag het ek jou beursie in ’n stootwaentjie gevind in ’n supermark in Noorder-Paarl en dit by ontvangs ingegee - toe ek sien jy soek jou beursie vertel ek jou, en jy het nie eens dankie gesê nie! ) Is dit reg dat polisieman eers sy kinders by skole aflaai, dan sy vrou, soggens voor werk? Voel jy goed as jy so misbruik maak van die staat se rygoed? ) Tikhuis in Lantanastraat met kameras toegerus. So kan hulle wanneer polisie toeslaan, sien. Koop ook gesteelde goedere van skelms. So mense in Lantanastraat maak ’n plan, staan almal teen daai monster op. ) Waar is Paarl-Oos se polisieforum GPF. Bestaan julle nog, is die lede

aktief, weet julle wat jul rol is, is julle bewus van die swak polisiediens in ons areas. Wat doen julle hieroor. Paarl-Oos gaan agteruit en misdaad seëvier hoog. Waar is die dae veral op Vrydae, operasie skoonmaak. Waarom word dit nie meer toegepas nie. Skrik wakker, julle het ‘n plig teenoor die gemeenskap. ) Dankie aan verkeersmense vir die reguleer van verkeer met spitstye! ) Kan die slaggate op Charleston Hill asb aandag kry? Ons dorp is besig om te verval? ) Kan die mense in Stephaniestraat, Wellington nie klaar bou nie? Daar is huise wat al meer as 6 jaar vat om klaar te kom. En moenie praat van die onversorgde tuine nie! ) Aan jou wat so aanhou met sms’e oor mans en prostitute...elkeen se besigheid is sy eie. Gebruik eerder jou energie op iets useful as om op ander te spioeneer.Kry vir jou ‘n werk of iets! ) Het iemand miskien my swart Dolce + Gabana sonbril op stoep naby veearts in Boschstr opgetel? Baie waardevolle geskenk van Dubai. Beloning aangebied. Kontak 072 709 4718. ) Misdaad neem reg in eie hande. Kom na die gpf. g malherbe. ) Daar is n’ gat in die pad regoor De Oude Renbaan se hek. Daar moet eers iets gebeur voordat dit reggemaak word. ) We the Wells, Beukes and Brink families would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to Paarl Hospital ,but in particular to Drs Louw, Stilwaney, Masoet and Matthews, Sisters Patton, Pietersen, Alexander and Staff Nurse Liebenberg, for their assistance towards us all on Friday after the car accident.


Wen ’n 42” PLASMA TV

Paarl Post

OM en by 1965 was ek werksaam by Rabinowitz & Berman se fabriek in Daljosafat. Ek het bevriend geraak met Andries Hanekom, Marlene Groenewald en Anna van Jaarsveld. Ek en Andries was kollegas en het ’n woonstel by Van der Lingenplein gedeel. Marlene was altyd bereid om my na die een of ander dans te vergesel, wat ons dan albei baie geniet het. Haar vader, Apie Groenewald was ook destyds ’n kollega. Ek en Anna was goeie vriende. Sy het vir sover ek kan onthou, in Navarrestraat in Paarl gewoon. Weens my vader se siekte, moes ek my werk bedank en inderhaas terugkeer na Transvaal, waar my ouers gewoon het. Op hierdie wyse het ek heeltemal kontak verloor met my drie vriende. Sewe-en-veertig jaar is ’n lang tyd, maar ek sou graag weer van hierdie mense wou hoor. As hulle self dalk hierdie brief sien, of as iemand weet wat van hulle geword het, tree asseblief met my in verbinding. Kontak my gerus op du.plessis@voda of 076 972 9957. My posadres is Posbus 322, Bethal, 2310. Jozua du Plessis

Vrywilligers gesoek DIE maatskaplike werker van die Kaapse Wynland Onderwysdistrik in Paarl is tans besig met ’n projek gemik op leerders wat akademies groot agterstande toon en as gevolg daarvan ’n swak selfbeeld ontwikkel het en ook ongemotiveerd is. Indien jy betrokke wil raak, skakel Sura Swart by 021 860 1220 of 082 378 3983.

Wen met ADT! Wat is die nasionale blom van Suid-Afrika?

Change your service provicer

SMS die korrekte antwoord na 32933 voor 31 Desember 2012. Gebruik asseblief die sleutelwoord ‘NEW’ indien u nie ’n bestaande ADT-kliënt is nie, en ‘EXISTING’ indien u reeds ’n ADT-kliënt is.

Toegevoegde Waardedienste GRATIS MEDIESE BYSTAND Europ Assistance SA voorsien 24-uur mediese noodbystand deur opgeleide paramedici wat sal verseker dat u so gou as moontlik die nodige bystand ontvang. Daarbenewens het u ook toegang tot ‘n 24-uur Verpleeglyn en traumaberading. LIVELIFE ADT het ‘n vennootskap met LiveLife aangegaan om ‘n leefstylbeloningsprogram aan ons gewaardeerde kliënte te bied. Verdien afslagbelonings by topkleinhandelaars teen geen bykomende koste. SUBSKRIPSIEKWYTSKELDING Alle kliënte ontvang ‘n 6/12-maande subskripsiekwytskelding ingeval van onvoorsiene gebeurlikhede soos afdanking, dood of ongeskiktheid. 24-UUR SIGBARE PATROLLERING Alle Gewapende Reaksie-voertuie is met GPS-voertuigopsporing toegerus. Ons patrolleer u woonbuurt 24 uur per dag, 7 dae ‘n week. ONTMOET EN GROET-DIENS Indien u ‘n residensiële kliënt is, kan u van ADT se ontmoet en groet-diens gebruik maak deur die Beheersentrum te kontak en te versoek dat ‘n Gewapende Reaksie-offisier u laatnag of indien alles nie pluis lyk nie binne-in u huis in te vergesel (onderhewig aan voertuigbeskikbaarheid).

SMS NEW/EXISTING en die ANTWOORD na 32933, BEL 086 12 12 307, besoek of vind ons op Facebook by ADT Security South Africa

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Geregistreer as sekuriteitsdiensverskaffer by die beheerowerheid van die private sekuriteitsbedryf (PSIRA), Reg. nr. 765528



People · Mense

8 . Paarl Post

WATERBLOMME. Oudergewoonte was daar Saterdag groot feesgevier by Windmeul- en Rheebokskloof-wynkelders, tydens die jaarlikse Waterblommetjiefees. Die hoogtepunt van die fees, die waterblommetjie-potjiekoskompetisie was vanjaar goed bygewoon, met interessante variasies van potte, soos springbok- en waterblommetjiepotte, asook gekerriede waterblomme. Maar die wen-pot, Mario en Gato se pot, het op die ou einde van die dag geseëvier. Die wenspan is van links Pietie en Ilse Dreyer en Karel en Francile Botha. Foto: Lise Beyers

CELEBRATION. Old and new Koinonia staff, volunteers and friends came together to celebrate Koinonia’s 19th birthday recently. From left are Bronwill Alexander, Michelle Frieslaar, Godfrey Watts, Nowida Watson, Carmen Hartogh, Lionel Ross and in front is André Smith.

NATURE. Cape Nature’s Deon Rossouw (right), Conservation Manager of the Limietberg Nature Reserve, addressed Paarl Rotary on the wide diversity of eco-systems, fauna and flora of this remarkable natural treasure that extends from Villiersdorp through Franschhoek, Paarl, Wellington and up to Wolseley. He said Paarl residents aren’t always aware of this priceless natural treasure on their doorsteps and what great opportunities it presents to experience nature at its best. With him is Paarl Rotarian Gerald Truter.

DOCTORATE. A Paarlite, now living in England, was awarded a Doctorate in Philosophy (PhD) in Educational Studies at Anglia Ruskin University. Dr Benita Mclachlan has been living in England with her husband, Dr Niel Mclachlan, since the late nineties. McLachlan grew up in Paarl where she attended WA Joubert Primary School and in 1977 she matriculated from Gymnasium High School. On completion of her Diploma in Teaching at OKP (Onderwys- kollege Paarl) she was appointed at Lochnerhof Primary School in the Strand (1982), from where she embarked on a long and interesting journey as teacher and lecturer within mainstream, special, further and higher education.

Thursday 11 October 2012

BOEK BEKEND GESTEL. André P. Brink (middel) was die spesiale gas tydens ’n bekendstellingsgeleentheid van sy roman, Philidia, op die plaas Solms Delta in Groot Drakenstein tussen die Paarl en Franschhoek. Saam met Brink is prof Mark Solms (eienaar van Solms Delta) en Janita Holtzhauzen (Human & Rousseau). Die verhaal van Philidia, wat as ’n slaweroman beskryf word, speel af op die plaas Zandvliet wat deesdae as Solms Delta bekend staan. Foto: Sieb Sieberhagen

QUILTING. Here ladies of the Qolothoni Makhosikosi quilting group stand proudly with the quilts which they are making at the Methodist Church in Mbekweni. The group was established by Queen Cyntia Kabanyane to teach elderly ladies new skills and to keep them occupied in their golden years. Now they are producing something special for their homes. The ladies gather twice a week at the Methodist Hall and on Tuesdays, project manager Emma Kriel, assists them. Anyone who can donate sewing materials such as needles, batting, thread and material can contact Emma at 083 406 0106. Volunteers are also welcome to contact her. To the right of the ladies are retired men who have planted a vegetable garden at the church. Pic: Lise Beyers

Nuus · News

Donderdag 11 Oktober 2012

Put a spring in your step and enter THE 12th Paarl Spring Walk on 27 Octoberistheflagshipcommunity fundraising event of the Drakenstein Palliative Hospice, which this year celebrates 21 years of service to the community. The Spring Walk, which starts at Paarl Rugby Club, offers a day of fun walking through some of the most scenic and historic areas of Paarl, culminating in an opportunity to socialise, enjoy the food stalls and local entertainment at the Paarl Rugby Club. The walk is the biggest community-family social walk in the Cape Winelands, and annually attracts more than 1000 participants. Four feature walks are included this year: ) The 3 km kiddies’ walk costs R20 and caters for the mothers, babies in prams, and active toddlers (starting at the Paarl Rugby

Club). ) The 8 km family fun walk will take the walkers along the Berg River through the Paarl Arboretum and Klein Drake nstein. Ticket s cost R30. ) The 10 km spring walk costs R35 for licenced walkers while non-lic ensed walker s pay R55. It is a timed event catering for the more serious social walker and officiated by Boland Athletics. Teams of 5 and 10 per team are encouraged to enter. The best dressed team and the team with the most ‘gees’ will also be recognised. ) The 22 km mountain walk

costs R140 (walkers enter in pairs) andtakesyoufromtherugbyclub, up in Hout Street through the scenic Paarl Mountain Reserve via Jan Phillips Drive with breathtaking views, returning via Hout Street. Walkers enter in pairs and compete for the Tommy and André Goliath Floating Trophy. The Goliaths initiated the walk in 2000 with 281 walkers. This year the organisers hope to attract 2 000 participants and everybody is encouraged to get involved. For more information on how to enter, or on how you and your organisation can get involved call Myrtle on 021 872 4060 or Andiswa or Chanelle on 021 872 9799. Paarl Post will be entering a team, as well as manning a water point, and management challenges all local businesses to follow suit.

Midnight prowler caught on camera Lise Beyers THE image of a beautiful leopard was captured by a sensor camera on Avondale Wine Estate recently, answering many questions about this midnight prowler which has recently often been encountered. Various residents on farms on the foothills of the Klein Drakenstein Mountains, in the vicinity of Avondale, have of late reported sightings of a leopard in the area. A mountain-biker also said that although he did not see the leopard, he heard it’s catlike growl while out cycling with his dog barely 1 km from Avondale. His dog also reacted terrified when they heard the noise. The image which was captured by the sensor camera has been identified by the Cape Leopard Trust (CLT) as “BM4” (Boland Male 4). As part of the CLT Boland Project, BM4 was trapped, immobilised and fitted with a GPS collar just the week before its image was captured in the Wemmershoek Dam area. He is already well-known to scientist Jeannie Hayward as he has been photographed frequently by the camera-traps in her study area. By tracking BM4 Jeannie hopes to collate

PROWLER. The midnight prowler of Klein Drakenstein has now been identified as a Cape leopard, Boland Male 4. data that will help her to ascertain the affects of landscape fragmentation, human habitation and habitat alteration on Leopard ecology and behaviour. It will also help to establish the immediate and long-term threats to Leopards in the Boland. While they had BM4 under sedation, the team of scientists also weighed, measured and checked him over. He weighs 29 kilogrammes, and they found him to be in good health. Based on the state of his tooth wear, they estimate that he is between seven and nine years old.

Paarl Post



STOLEN. Two Malawian citizens were recently apprehended by Franschhoek police in Phillipi after a burglary at a home in Franschhoek Estate. They were found in possession of suspected stolen goods. Amongst others, a flatscreen TV, laptop bag and silver Canon camera was found with the suspects. If anyone can identify these goods, please contact WO Jaco van der Bank on 021 876 8061.

Promotion · Promosie

10 . Paarl Post

Thursday 11 October 2012

Samsung Galaxy S3 Review A lot of other phones outside the U.S. are coming packed with quad-core processor but when you really look at it, you aren’t missing those 2 extra cores too much. It can launch apps, watch hi-definition videos, load up websites and handle multitasking without even hiccupping. The S III also features 2GB of RAM. The S III sports a 4.8-inch, 1280 x 720

pixel, Super HD AMOLED display, which seems massive. The display is sharp and bright and some colors feel over bright. I’m also not a fan of the S III’s physical styling. But the tooling is all slopes and rounded edges, leaving the handset looking more like a forgettable blob than the flashy flagship phone for the most popular Android maker.


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Donderdag 11 Oktober 2012

Be careful when on your phone NUMEROUS people have unsuspectingly fallen prey to robbers on the streets of Paarl. Paarl police spokesperson, Capt Louise du Plessis, said that the community must be extremly careful when walking in public whilst using a cellphone. “Incidents have been reported to the police where members of the public have been robbed of their cellphones while walking in and around town.” She also warned that robberies at local train stations have become common place. Thus the public are warned to keep their valuable items hidden and to be alert of their surroundings.

More murders in Mbekweni THIS past weekend saw two more people stabbed to death in Mbekweni. The first victim allegedly got into a argument in the early hours of Sunday morning while at a braai in Swartberg Street, when the suspect then stabbed him in his chest. The wounded man tried to flee, but later died on the scene. A 22-year old man was arrested in connection with the murder and appeared in the Wellington Court on Monday. Earlier that same day police attended to another murder scene in Nederpark. Two men were seen by eye witnesses fighting when one stabbed Luvuyo Mabhoyane (33) twice in the chest. Mabhoyane later died on the scene A 31-year-old male was arrested for his murder and also appeared in the Paarl court on Monday. *Last week a man died after being shot twice in Mbekweni. Mbekweni police were summoned to Chris Hani Park at 22:20 after various shots had been fired. On their arrival they found Sithembiso Sambokwe (22) lying in the street. A member of the public had already covered the deceased with a blanket. He had been shot in the back and under the arm. At the time of the incident, Sambokwe and his girlfriend were walking to his house. When they got closer they saw a man knocking at his window with a firearm. When Sambokwe tried to flee the gunman opened fire on him. No arrests have been made at this stage. Anyone with information is asked to contact WO Nico Stevens at 021 868 9926 or 082 777 5943.

Trein waarskuwing KLAPMUTS Polisiestasie vra alle treinpendelaars om meer versigtig en aandagtig te wees by die Muldersvlei- en Klapmutstreinstasies. Rowers is besig om bejaardes en alleenlopers te teiken. Hulle beweeg in groot groepe rond en steel alle waardevolle items soos selfone, beursies en juweliersware terwyl die treine stil staan by die twee bogenoemde stasies. Pendelaars word dus gevra om hul oë oop te hou en nie hul waardevolle items oop en bloot uit te stal nie.

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021 937 0500, 021 872 2323, 021 807 4000, 021 864 8440, 021 877 5900, 021 868 9900, 021 874 8000, 021 875 8000, 021 876 8061

Nuus · News

Paarl Post



12 . Paarl Post

Youth · Jeug

Thursday 11 October 2012

Wen met matriekrok! DIE Paarl Post bied vanjaar weer ’n matriekafskeidrok-kompetisie aan. Indien jy ’n matriekleerder is en jou foto wil inskryf, kan jy lekker pryse wen! Inskrywings word vanaf vandag tot 29 Oktober aanvaar. Die finaliste word op 1 November aangekondig. Bring ’n goeie kwaliteit vollengte foto met die matrikulant alleen op die foto na Paarl Post, Newstraat 1A, Paarl (langs Virgin Active). Sorg dat jou foto agterop gemerk is met jou naam, van, die naam van jou skool en jou telefoonnommer. Of e-pos jou foto na Elektroniese foto’s moet nie minder 300 kb grootte wees nie. Foto’s sal weekliks op die webwerf verskyn onder fotogalerye. Op 1 November sal foto’s van die tien finaliste wat deur die beoordelaars gekies word, in die Paarl Post geplaas word. Die finale wenners en twee naaswenners sal aangewys word volgens die SMS-stemme van die lesers na 37405 (koste R1,50). Jou skool wen ’n gratis advertensie ter waarde van R3 000 en een gelukkige smsstemmer ontvang die Paarl Post vir ’n jaar gratis. Slegs matriekleerlinge van 2012 van skole in Paarl Post se verspreidingsgebied mag deelneem (Paarl, Wellington, Klapmuts, Simondium, Franschhoek, Gouda en Saron).

SPOG. Verlede Dinsdagaand was dit Boishaai se beurt om uit te haal en wys, tydens hul spoggerige matriekafskeid wat by Kronenburg gehou is. Hier van links is Hans Vegter, Leandri Oberholzer, Michelle Schoeman, Jacques du Toit, Moskou du Toit, Imann Malan, Derek Taylor, Anlezia Venter, Anya Gerber, Espè Mostert, Mikyla Passerini, Francois Immelman, Merike Germishuys en Franco Bassi.

KOMPETISIE. Paarl Post se matriekrokkompetisie skop vandag af en duur tot 1 November. Foto: Sieb Sieberhagen TOERNOOI. Gimnasium Laerskool se o.13-wintersportleerders het aan ’n toernooi deelgeneem wat deur Outeniqua Laerskool aangebied was. Gimnasium se o.13A-meisies hokkiespan het met die toernooibeker weggestap nadat hulle 2011 se toernooiwenners 2-0 geklop het. Agter (van links) is Nidia Vermeulen, Chrisli Hamman, Githe Grobbelaar, Bianca de Wee en Neline Potgieter. Middel is Nina Cuyler, Ané van der Merwe, Annie de Villiers, Celia Christowitz, Alissa du Plessis en Carla Burger. Voor is Elfriede von Alfthen en Bianca Haasbroek.

VEROWER. Monique Lamprecht van WA Joubert Laerskool het ’n brons medalje op die ‘black top’ trampolien asook ’n goue medalje op die minitrampolien gewen tydens die Wes-Kaapse kampioenskappe. Hiermee kwalifiseer sy om die Wes-Kaap later vanjaar by die SA’s te verteenwoordig.

TAALBOND. Jette Kirsten van die Hoërskool La Rochelle het die vierde plek (uit 920 inskrywings landswyd) in die SA Taalbond-tweetaligheidseksamen se junior afdeling behaal.

Jaarlikse matrikulante­ kerkdiens HUGUENOT VGK in Klein Drakensteinweg in samewerking met die Wes-Kaap Departement van Onderwys en die plaaslike sekondêre skole, hou op Sondag 14 Oktober om 09:45 hul jaarlikse spesiale kerkdiens vir matrikulante en studente. Alle ouers asook opvoeders is welkom om die diens by te woon. Die bekende akademikus en motiveringsspreker dr Gillian Arendse sal tydens die diens as prediker optree en Donald Grant, minister van onderwys sal ook tydens die kerkdiens die matrikulante toespreek. Vir navrae, kontak Ivor Collins by 083 346 3889.

Donderdag 11 Oktober 2012

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Paarl Post



Arts · Vermaak

14 . Paarl Post

Thursday 11 October 2012

Francois Louw se CD-vrystelling

Grease op die planke in Wellington

PAARL se eie folk-rock sanger Francois Louw stel vanaand om 19:30 sy CD vry by die Ou Meul-teater in Paarl. Die CD met die titel Klaar Gekla, bevat 13 oorspronklike liedjies wat almal uit die pen van Francois kom. Die liedjies lewer sosiale en geestelike kommentaar en spreek ook temas soos die liefde, ondersteuning, versoening en nostalgie aan. Francois lewer ook sy eie vertolking van ’n paar bekende liedjies van ander kunstenaars. Francois, wat sedert 2010 voltyds ’n musikant is, het reeds ’n reputasie as een van die top nuwe vermaaklikheidskunstenaars. Hy sal die verhoog deel met Franco, sy “lead” kitaarspeler, sowel as Carlyn, wie in ’n duet No Commitment saam met hom sal sing. Kaartjies teen R80 kan vooraf bekom word by Marian by 084 695 2707.

DIE musiekblyspel Grease is vanaf 11 tot 14 Oktober by die Bergkroon-teater op Wellington te sien. Talentvolle akteurs, sangers en musikante span saam om hierdie bekende storie en onvergeetlike musiek van die “Pink Ladies” en die “Burger Palace Boys” aan te bied. Tussen al die kattekwaad wat die bendes aanjaag, word daar gesing en gedans op maat van geliefde liedjies soos GREASE. Die musiekblyspel Grease is vanaf 11 tot 14 Oktober in Summer Nights, We Go die Bergkroon-teater op Wellington te sien. Inge Augustyn (regs) Together, Look at Me I’m vertolk die rol van Sandy. Hier van links saam met haar is die span Sandra Dee en Beauty “Pienk Ladies” Lara Coetzee, Anja Barnard, Annette Kemp en LizetSchool Dropout. te Brewis. Lyall Ramsden en Inge Augustyn sal onderskeidelik die rolle van skool, Hugo Rust, CPUT Wellington, Hoër Jongenskool Paarl, Wellington NG Kerk, Danny en Sandy vertolk. Cito van die rock groep Wonderboom sal Bastion en New Orleans Sekondêr. Die vervaardigers is Johann Enslin en ook in die musiekblyspel te sien wees. Grease is Wellington Production House André Terblanché, die regisseur en choreograaf is Ignatius van Heerden en die muse derde produksie en meer as 500 talentsiekregisseur is Winand Grundling. volle studente en gemeenskapslede neem Kaartjies teen R120 en R160 is beskikhieraan deel. ’n Orkes begelei die sangers baar by koorlede, produksielede of by Comen dansers sal die voete laat jeuk. puticket. Vir navrae, epos info@wellingtonKore wat deel uitmaak van die produksie is van Hugenote Hoërskool, Hugenote Laer-

NUWE CD. Francois Louw tree vanaand by die Ou Meul-teater op, waar sy nuwe CD vrygestel sal word.

Kalender*Calendar ) Basaar. Die Strooidakkerk hou vanaf 12 tot 13 Oktober hul jaarlikse fees saam met die NGK Williston, bekend vir die lekker vleis wat hulle saambring. Dit skop Vrydagaand af by De Poorterfenisterrein met ’n potjiekosfees, en die verkope begin die Saterdag om 09:00, ook by De Poort, met ontbyt. Navrae en ontbytkaartjies by 872 4396. ) Competition. A Ballroom and Latin dancing competition will be held on 13 October from 12:00 in the Huguenot Community Hall. Entry fee is R35 (R30 for pensioners and scholars) at the door. ) Treffers. Dinsdag 16 Oktober sing Riaan Hunter en Jannie Moolman treffers van Gé Korsten by die Barnyard Willow Bridge om 20:00 en is ten bate van die ACVV Paarl-Vallei. Kaartjies is R130 per persoon by 021 871 1515. ) Fees. Die Breedekloof Buitelug-enWynfees vind plaas vanaf 12 tot 14 Oktober. Met meer as ’n dosyn wynplase, kel-

ders, restaurante en kampeerterreine wat aan die fees deelneem. Vir die volledige program, kontak Breedekloof Wyn & Toerisme by 023 349 1791 of besoek )ACVV. ACVV Fyngoud-dienssentrum vir bejaardes hou hul Algemene Jaarvergadering op Vrydag 19 Oktober om 09:30 by Fyngoud Dienssentrum, Bainstraat 20, Wellington. Almal is welkom. Vir navrae, skakel 021 873 4682. ) Die Algemene Jaarvergadering van die Wellingtonse ACVV word op 18 Oktober om 10:00 by Silwerkruin-bejaardesorgsentrum gehou. Die gasspreker by die geleentheid is Erik Marais. ) Rap. Kaylene “KayKay” Sauls, a young female rappper, will perform at New Orleans Secondary School Hall on Friday 19 October at 19:00. The show will also feature Bomb Diggy, Style Destroyers, Tylo Fortuin and Slim X. Tickets cost R40. Contact Jeron on 078 971 1224.

Cape Town choirs at Laurika en vriende OP Saterdag 27 Oktober tree Laurika Toringkerk Rauch en vriende by die Paarlberg Amfitea-

ON Saturday 13 October two celebrated choirs from Cape Town will perform in the Toringkerk in Paarl. The Philharmonic Choir of Cape Town under the direction of Antoinette Blythe and the Cape Town Youth Choir conducted by Leon Starker will present a choral celebration with music covering a period of more than a few centuries. This is a unique opportunity to hear both choirs in a once-off concert in Paarl. The performance starts at 18:00 and tickets are available from Computicket and the evening at the door.

ter op. Sangers, Brandon October en Jak de Priester sal saam met Laurika optree. Konsertgangers kan die aand meeste van Laurika se treffers verwag en ’n massakoor saamgestel uit leerders van verskeie Paarlse skole, sal twee van Laurika se liedjies saam met haar sing. Kaartjies vir die konsert wissel van R110 tot R165. Dit is beskikbaar by www.culti of by 021 872 9754. Konsertgangers word aangeraai om voreg te kom om die feesatmosfeer by die kos- en wynstalletjies te geniet. Bring ’n kussing saam.


Your Ultimate Online Guide to Paarl

THE Paarl Valley Eisteddfod will host a prestige evening 18 October (19:00) in the Paarl Town Hall. The highest achievers of this year’s Eisteddfod will be acknowledged. Entry is R20 per person.

S ake Sake


Eiendomme, Poste, Flinkgids Donderdag 11 Oktober 2012

Paarl Post

VinPro belê groot VinPro, die verteenwoordigende organisasie van die Suid-Afrikaanse wynprodusente, het befondsing ter waarde van minstens R2 miljoen per jaar beskikbaar gestel om ontwikkeling in die wynbedryf te versnel. Die fondse sal hoofsaaklik aangewend word vir opleiding op produsentevlak, etiese handel (via Wieta en Fairtrade) en navorsing, laasgenoemde deur middel van die voorgenome Instituut vir Wingerd- en Wynkunde by die Universiteit van Stellenbosch. Volgens VinPro bestaan daar ’n dringende behoefte aan tegniese opleiding op plaasvlak van werkers, spanleiers, bestuurders en produsente. VinPro is reeds besig met die ontwikkeling van DVD-opleidingsmateriaal vir wingerdwerkers. Dit behels die skep van geakkrediteerde materiaal bestaande uit tien modules wat wingerdwerkers oplei in alle aktiwiteite van ’n volledige produksieseisoen. Die doeldatum vir voltooiing van die DVD’s is Julie volgende jaar. VinPro Konsultasiediens se eie span wingerdboukundiges sal sover moontlik by die opleiding betrek word. VinPro onderskryf voldoening aan etiese handel en sal fondse allokeer waarmee die koste verbonde aan die oudit vir etiese handels-akkreditasie gedeeltelik gesubsidieer kan word. Die subsidie sal beskikbaar wees aan alle VinPro-lede wat volle akkreditasie behaal volgens Wieta of Fairtrade se standaarde en sal R2 500 per lid behels. Verder glo VinPro dat die suksesvolle vestiging van die US InstituutvirWingerd-enWynkundedeurgefokusde en prakties-gerigte navorsing ’n belangrike bydrae kan maak tot die volhoubaarheid van die wynbedryf in sy geheel. VinPro sal die besonderhede van sy ondersteuningvirhierdieinisiatieffinaliseernadat die Instituut formeel gevestig is.

Pic: Barry Lamprecht

Local wineries shine at Veritas

Boere vergader DIE Paarl Landbouvereniging nooi alle belangstellendes uit na ’n byeenkoms op Dinsdag 16 Oktober om 19:00 te Boland Kelder (NoorderPaarl) waar Chris Rossouw, oudspringbok-rugbyspeler, sal praat. Hy boer tans in die Delmas area en is betrokke by sakebedrywe binne landbou. Hy kom deel met ons idees rondom sy rugbydae, gesinslewe, boerdery, sakebedrywe en sy siening van geleenthede vir boere in die Paarl-area. Bespreek by of Jan Eksteen 082 3248 372.

Chamber AGM The Cape Chamber of Commerce and Industry will be having their AGM on 18 October at Rhebokskloof Wine Estate from 12:00-14:00. Some points that are to be discussed include the role of local Government in Economic growth, the infrastructure challenges and future developments and adopting to a greener future. The speaker will be Mayor Gesie van Deventer. For any further enquiries, contact Helga Smit on 021 948 9800/1.

and Flight of the Fish Eagle who each won one double gold award. This year 1744 wines and brandies entered setting their sights on the prestigious double gold medal and 58 (3,3%) superb products were awarded double gold, while 147 (8,4%) won gold, 499 (28,6%) silver and 677 (38,8%) bronze, landing the total medals awarded at 1 381. KWV’s double gold medal yield honoured the following fine wines: The Mentors Pinotage 2010, The Mentor Shiraz 2010, 1933 White Jerepigo Limited Edition, 1969 Hanepoot Jerepigo and a non-vintage Classic Collection Cape Tawny. Nederburg impressed with four double gold medals for their Nederburg Winemaster’s Reserve NLH 2010, a Private Bin Edelkeur Chenin Blanc NLH 2008, a Private Bin Edelkeur Chenin Blanc 2004 and the Private Bin R181 Merlot 2007.

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UITVOER. Kosie Moller , eienaar van die historiese Paarlse landgoed Klein Parys, het ’n ooreenkoms onderteken met een van China se grootste invoer/uitvoer maatskappye, CNR CRC vir die eksklusiewe uitvoer van die Kleine Parys handelsmerke na China. Hier is hy saam met Jiang Jianqing van CNR CRC .

MEDALS. Richard Rowe (KWV) and Wilhelm Pienaar (Nederburg) proudly hold the medals which they scooped at this year’s Vertitas Awards.

TWO well-known wine cellars, with a combined wine-making history of some 170 years, shared the limelight at Saturday’s 2012 Veritas Awards ceremony, sponsored by AgriExpo. KWV, last year’s Veritas champion, won the most double gold medals (5) for their wines, as well as 2 double golds, the most coveted symbols of excellence for their brandy entries. Nederburg wase close on their heels with no less than 4 double gold medals. KWV’s double gold medal harvest was augmented by 7 gold medals, while Nederburg collected 12 gold medals. The other top achieving local wine cellar was Windmeul, winning 2 double gold and 2 gold medals. In the category for brandy which drew 33 standard, vintage and pot still entries, KWV and Van Ryn’s both scooped two double gold medals, followed by Oude Meester, Klipdrift Gold



OFFICIAL NOTICE RECEIPT OF AN APPLICATION FOR A SITE LICENCE In terms of the provisions of Section 32(2) of the Western Cape Gambling and Racing Act, 1996 (Act 4 of 1996), as amended, the Western Cape Gambling and Racing Board (“the Board”) hereby gives notice that an application for a site licence, as listed below, has been received. A site licence will authorise the licence holder to place a maximum of five limited payout machines in approved sites outside of casinos for play by the public. DETAILS OF APPLICANT Name of business: At the following site: Erf number: Persons having a financial interest of 5% or more in the business:

Rudy’s Importers & Distributors CC 1990/03617/23 t/a 101 on Main 101 Main Road,Wellington 7655 720,Wellington Louis Roelof Van der Merwe (49%) Kathleen Adriaane Gordon (51%)

WRITTEN COMMENTS AND OBJECTIONS Residents of this province who wish to lodge objections or to furnish comment on any application, may do so in writing. In the case of written objections to an application, the grounds on which such objections are founded, must be furnished. Where comment in respect of an application is furnished, full particulars and facts to substantiate such comment must be provided.The name, address and telephone number of the person submitting the objection or offering the comment must also be provided. Comments or objections must reach the Board by no later than 16:00 on Thursday, 1 November 2012. Notice is hereby given that, in terms of Regulation 24(2) of the National Gambling Regulations, the Board will schedule a public hearing in respect of an application only if, on or before 16:00 on Thursday, 1 November 2012, a written objection to such application relating to: (a) the probity or suitability for licensing of any of the persons to be involved in the operation of the relevant business, or (b) the suitability of the proposed site for the conduct of gambling operations has been received. If a public hearing is scheduled, the date of such hearing will be advertised in this publication approximately 14 days prior to the date thereof. Objections or comments must be forwarded to the Chief Executive Officer,Western Cape Gambling and Racing Board, P.O. Box 8175, Roggebaai 8012 or handed to the Chief Executive Officer,Western Cape Gambling and Racing Board, Seafare House, 68 Orange Street, Gardens, Cape Town or faxed to the Chief Executive Officer at one of the aforementioned addresses on fax number +27 (0)21 422 2603.


16 . Paarl Post

Sake Post Geklassifiseerd

08 Sterfgevalle Deaths

Donderdag 11 Oktober 2012





JUWELIERSWARE HEEL OF GEBREEK KO O P M A N : L E A H . Gebore: 08/11/1935 ­ Oorlede: 08/10/2012. Begrafnis: Donderdag 11 Oktober 2012. 12:00 AGS Kerk te Beukesstraat, Paarl. Rus in vrede. Van: Familie.

10 In memoriam In memoriam

OUERS van leerders! Meeste leerders onderpresteer a.g.v. te swak leesspoed en swak be­ grip. Gratis toetsing van leesspoed en begrip vir gr. 1­12 leerders. Afr. of Eng. Billike tarief vir volledige kursus deur gekwalifiseerde leerkrag. Amie: 082 923 4661.


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021 872 2913

LOAN PROVIDERS Setting new Standards of Service

• FAST and EASY cash • SAMEDAY cash payment • EASY repayments (6 months) HENDRICKS: RANDELL REGINALD. Jou eerste verjaarsdag weg van ons en sou jou 50ste verjaarsdag wees. Die verlange en ver­ misting is groot, maar die mooi herinneringe sal altyd seëvier. Van jou verlangende vrou, ma, kinders en klein­ kinders.

Dial: 021 872 2114 or visit us @ 387 Main Street, Paarl

NEED money in a hurry? Up to R15 000. No ITC checks. Blacklisted and garnishee welcome. Contact or send please call me to: Chanelle 073 761 9862. R1 000 TO R200 000 personal loans. Blacklisted and garnishee welcome!! Contact Angela: 073 232 8741 or 021 829 7233. e­mail: angela.snyders78@gmai SOEK jy geld/konsolidasie?? R1000 ­ R100 000. Black­ listed welcome. 5 Min pre­ approval, sameday pay­ out. Fiona: 082 422 2271.

CARETAKER­/SUPER­ VISOR job needed. I am an honest, sober, non­smoking pensioner. I have good references and will take good care of your property. Cronje: 073 916 8625.

STORAGE, short or long term for household contents etc. Storage Masters. Zindy 079 025 2435.

AUBREY SOLOMON Begrafnisondernemer: Hermitagestr, Huguenot. Tel: 021 862 5346. 24­uur diens.

12 10 CASH LOANS: Lenings tot R200 000. Swart­ lys welkom. Goedkeuring in 5 min. 021 696 8028.


ABSOLUUT Sentraal­ Wellington. Netjiese kamers, woonstelle vir jong werkende/ studente. Uitstekende waarde ­ R1 100 ­ R2 200. 082 820 7597.

while waiting for

PENSION/ PACKAGE Payout (lump sum only) Same day pay out

021 949 0930 LENINGS tot R100 000. Selfoonpakkette. Navrae ­ Sel: 082 707 9169. Huis: 087 805 7724. Faks: 086 561 2164. E­pos: shel­

WINDOW TINTING: Residential/offices. Phone Johan 082 301 5724 for free quotation. /

CENTRAL PAARL: Spacious room to rent. Can be shared ­ R1950 + dep. Elec­ tricity excluded. Available immediately. 079 695 5955.

EENSLAAPKAMER (loft) woonstel met balkon in De Oude Werf sekuriteitskom­ pleks. Skoolstraat, Noorder­ Paarl. Onmiddellik beskik­ baar. Stoof en yskas. Stil omgewing. Skaduparkering. Maks. 2 persone ­ R3 200 p.m. per bankaftrekorder. Deposito R4 800. Skakel 083 560 5516.

Donderdag 11 Oktober 2012

Sake Post Geklassifiseerd

WELLINGTON: Gerieflike woonstel in Uitsig. Sit­ /slaapkamer. Kombuis. Geskik vir twee persone ­ R2 800 p.m. plus elektrisiteit. Eienaar: 082 331 8834.

GROOT 2­slpk w/s ­ midde­ dorp sekuriteitskompleks. Veilige area ­ R4 300 p.m. Water ingesluit. Beskikbaar vanaf 6 Oktober. Liezel: 082 566 3770.

DEFY TUIMELDROËR ­ R1 000. Defy wasmasjien ­ R2 000. Defy stoof ­ R2 500. Fairland lugreëlaar ­ R4 000. Kontak 021 872 5241.

WELLINGTON: R1 800 pm. Bachelor flat on wine estate. Secure living. Peaceful and beautiful views. Available 1 Nov. Phone Elza: 083 268 0542.

INSLAAP TUISVER­ SORGER met verwysings vir bejaarde dame. Kontak 072 521 0230. IS jy platsak en wil graag 'n ekstra inkomste verdien? Sluit aan by Tupperware en verdien ±30% kommissie. Vir meer inligting, kontak 073 199 3900.

GRATIS klein katjies soek liefdevolle huis. 2 x 7 weke & 4 x 6 weke oud. 084 572 1265.

4­SLAAPKAMERHUIS te huur vanaf 1 November 2012. 3 Km vanaf Paarl en 3 km vanaf Paarl Mall. Skakel 082 886 5913.

KLAPMUTS SENTRA is op soek na betroubare kassiere, bakker en alge­ mene assistente: groente met toepaslike ondervinding en raadpleegbare verwysings. Doen persoonlik aansoek by Klapmuts Sentra. ONS MAATSKAPPY in die Paarl is op soek na gekwali­ fiseerde elektrisiën met bestuurslisensie. Geen kansvatters asseblief. Faks u volledige CV met verwysings na: 021 872 7177 of jeanette@cumpstyelectric

WANTED: Electric type­ writer. Must be in good working condition. Ph: 083 454 5671.

PROTEA BLOMPLAAS benodig werkers wat in somerweer en koue winter­ weer in die buitelug in protea­ boorde kan werk. Gratis vervoer daagliks vanaf Klein Drakensteinweg. Ekstra weeklikse bonus vir goeie produksie. Skakel Van Deventer by 083 300 4366.

DATSUN bakkie 1200 with canopy and RWC. 2 New tyres with mags ­ R26000 (o.n.c.o). Call: 078 938 7898. FORD ICON, 2005. CD player, book service ­ R35 000. 083 710 6361. NISSAN ALMERA 1.6i, 2003 model. White, CD player, central locking. Good condition ­ R45 000. 073 098 5721.



43 m², 101 m². Sentraal geleë, Hoofstraat, Paarl, langs McDonalds hamburgers.

082 880 1470 MODERNE tweeslaap­ kamerwoonstel in sekuri­ teitskompleks. Beskikbaar 1 November 2012. Huurgeld per maand ­ R4 000. Skakel Kevindy by 021 860 1240.

POLO CLASSIC 1.4i, 1998 model. Green. Power­steer­ ing, good condition, road­ worthy ­ R30 000. 071 009 4132. TOYOTA TAZZ, 1999. CD player, book service ­ R29 500. 076 473 5564.

Paarl Post

RIVERSIDE: 3­Slpk sier­ steenwoning, i.g.k. motorhuis ­ R529 000; Groenheuwel: 2­Slpk woning, motorafdak ­ R390 000; Amstelhof: Erf ­ R220 000; Smartie town: Hophuis, afdak & groot erf ­ R120 000 (kontant) Anthony: 073 807 1499.

SLAGHUISPERSONEEL benodig: Aflosbestuurder, aflostoesighouer, bestuur­ der, worsstopper, blokman en algemene werker. Bring CV's tussen 09:00 en 12:00 na 7 Days Super market, Hoofstraat 470. SPCA/DBV soek algemene werker met r ybewys. Applikant moet 'n passie hê om met diere en mense te werk. Bring CV's na SPCA/ DBV Paarl. Sluitingsdatum: 18/10/2012 (021 863 2720). SUPERETTE in Paarl is op soek na betroubare kassiere met toepaslike ondervinding en raadpleegbare verwysings. Doen persoonlik aansoek by Kommaweer Superette.

SLABBER TRADERS: Koop voertuie aan vir kon­ tant. Skakel 078 543 9039.

TEACH in Thailand. Relocation costs apply.

WOONWA gesoek, betaal kontant. Kontak André: 082 584 7533.



EXP DRIVER needs a job. Code 14. 071 989 2874. EXPERIENCED domestic worker, with reference. Phone 083 520 0793. EXPERIENCED general worker looking for job. Please phone 073 481 3443. EXPERIENCED housework (kitchen) cleaner. Phone 071 786 9965/082 695 0069. EXPERIENCED kitchen worker/child care. Phone 074 684 9443. HOUSEWORKER, with experience & reference. 071 095 8839. I AM looking for any type of general work. call 071 295 3584. I NEED a driver's job. International driver's permit. Code 14. Ref avail. 073 885 1152. I'M LOOKING for domestic work call: 079 634 4444/071 923 1985. JOYCE needs full­time job. 073 965 0295. LOOKING for cleaning job in: Shops, restaurants, hotels. Exp. & ref avail. 073 388 3016. SKOONMAKER­ onder­ vinding. Benodig asb werk. 073 589 0197. SLEEP­IN domestic is looking for work, exp in babysitting. 073 947 6354. SLEEP­IN domestic is looking for work or babysitting. 071 960 4812. THUMEKA is looking for domestic work. I have ref. 083 592 0520. TUINIER: My naam is David Nkani, ek woon in Mbekweni, Paarl. Ek kan goed Afrikaans, Engels en Xhosa praat, lees en skryf. Ek werk die afgelo­pe 2 jaar gereeld by mnr Arnold Louw. Ek kan alle soorte werk doen en u kan vir mnr Louw bel vir 'n verwysing by 082 492 2321. Ek is hardwerkend en glo daaraan om te werk om iets te verdien. U kan my kon­ tak by 084 912 9164. TUISVERSORGER soek werk, insluitend kinders oppas. 072 957 9837. ZIMBABWEAN lady is looking for housekeeping job. 078 527 4929.

1 ­ 4­SLPK huise: Klein Drakensteinweg, Groen­ heuwel, Wellington & Klap­ muts. Applikante moet permanent werksaam wees. 072 805 3574. 3­SLAAPKAMERHUIS plus 2 aparte woonstelle in Sentraal­Paarl. Huurinkomste uitstekende opbrengs op belegging ­ R1,7 miljoen. 021 863 2335.


QUEEN'S TERRACE: 3­ Slpk dupleks w/s. Suider­ Paarl. 1½ badk, i.g.k. stoof, oond. Satellietskottel, water ingesluit, koopkrag ­ R4 900 pm. Beskikbaar on­ middellik of 1 Nov. Marius: 082 375 4767.

We refill your printer cartridges from R20 - R110, black and colour, while you wait. WE SELL: Refilled, new and compatible Ink Jet and Laser cartridges. WE BUY EMPTY cartridges R5 - R40.

MODERN TOWNHOUSE to rent in security complex in Southern Paarl. 3 Bedr, 2 bathr. Spacious double garage and underroof braai ­ R8 500 pm. W&E excl. Available 1 November 2012. Contact us on:

PHONE GERD Tel: 863-3951/ 082-7744-098.

DRINGENDE verkope. Wellington ­ Huis te koop in Wellington. Met groot erf, baie potensiaal, goed geleë naby skole ­ R399 000, oor­ dragkoste ingesluit. Mbe­ kweni ­ Huis te koop in Mbe­ kweni. Met groot erf, baie potensiaal, goed geleë naby winkelsen­trum ­ R230 000, oordragkoste ingesluit. Las Vegas ­ Huis te koop in Las Vegas met oumawoonstel ­ R350 000. Kontak Cathleen: 076 169 3260.

VERLANG 'n opgeleide persoon vir peuteronderrig. R i g C V a a n : Sperdatum 12 Oktober 2012.

ADMIN DAME benodig vir halfdagpos. Ma ­ Vry, 08:00 ­ 14:00. Eie vervoer. Rekenaar­ vaardig. Salaris OHB. 082 226 2522. AU PAIR in the USA, from New York to LA. Free flights, accommodation and food. Earn $196 per week. Females aged 18­26. Matric certi­ ficate, childcare experience, driver's licence. Contact OVC on 021 886 6672.

DOMESTIC worker is looking for job for everyday. 073 785 7491. DOMESTIC worker with exp & ref is looking for a job. 073 907 0542.

ASSORTED homemade platters and cupcakes ­ Delivered. For orders, 2 days in advance. Contact 079 226 0764. BRAAIHOUT: Rooikrans sakkies teen R20 per sak. Blackwattle teen R500 per duisend ­ as self kom optel. R550 ­ afgelewer en weg­ gepak. R60 per honderd stukke. Kontak Inus Saay­ man: 072 122 1691.

BONISWA is looking for domestic work. call 078 272 6622. DOMESTIC is looking for 2 days (Tues & Thurs).Ref avail. 073 173 7220.

Behind ‘Oak Tree Lodge’. 32 Main Street, Suider Paarl opposite KWV h/office.

BESIGHEIDSPERSEEL in Hoofstraat Suider­Paarl ­ R3 000 pm. Skakel 082 927 5734.

VOLTYDSE of Deeltydse Gekwalif iseerde Haar­ kapster gesoek asook Salon Assistent, vir besige salon in Paarl om so spoedig moontlik diens te aanvaar. Skakel 071 489 7593 of 021 872 7546.

DOMESTIC worker with exp is looking for work. 078 991 1827. ESTER is looking for 3 days. Call 073 259 6330.

HILLSIDE GROENHEU­ WEL: Huis te koop ­ R100 000. Kontak 076 447 5000.

FARM MANAGER required for a table grape farm in the Wellington area. Please phone 021 873 2077 or 083 284 2363.

EVELYN needs 3 days (Mon, Wed & Fri). 076 867 2254. EXP DOMESTIC with references is looking for work. Call 078 084 9844.

Sake Post Geklassifiseerd

18 . Paarl Post

IMVUSA TRADING cc. For any bricklaying, extensions, painting, tiling, plumbing, carpentry & boundary walls and swimming pools. Big/small. NHBRC Nr: 40312. 072 261 3437. Johan: 021 862 4934. YSKASTE EN AIRCONS diens en regas. Baie billike pryse. 24/7. Kontak Riaan: 074 345 3893.

M O S T E RT S W E I S ­ WERKE: Skuif­/swaai­ hekke, diefwering, traliewerk & vele ander staalwerke. Gratis kwotasies. Skakel Frank Mostert: 021 868 2880/ 072 022 0066. Faks: 021 872 6771.

BOUWERK, verfwerk, waterdigting van dakke en mure, dreinering van sig­ water; algemene herstel­ en onderhoudswerke. Verwys­ ings beskikbaar. Skakel 072 332 4216 of 082 842 9835. GEO TILERS cc: Expert in alterations, renovations, tiling, painting, brickwork, plastering, plumbing & building maintenance. Call: George 071 970 4100/ email:

ARL SERVICES: We offer the following services at affordable rates. We clean your house, office, windows & wash carpets. Contact Antoinette at 082 459 5625 for a quote. E­mail: DUSTBUSTERS SKOON­ MAAKDIENSTE: Bekos­ tigbare skoonmaak van u woning of kantoor. Een keer of weekliks. Pryse begin by R132,00. Gratis kwotasies. Ons klop enige redelike geskrewe kwotasie. Enkel huishulpe ook beskikbaar. Nuwe nommer!! 074 865 7362 (alle ure). SNA CLEANING SER­ VICES: Labour & Cleaning Services. Residential cleaning, contract cleaning, undercover security cleaning, office cleaning, window cleaning. We also do pest control. At a price you can afford. Free quotes. Andre 073 844 9868. Email: a n d r e m u l l e r 0 1 @ vo d a m

GARAGE DOORS & Auto­ mation. Contact: 076 523 0306.

Donderdag 11 Oktober 2012

INBOU VAN KASTE asook verandering van bestaande kaste. Gratis kwotasies. Skakel JP: 083 453 2702.

Donderdag 11 Oktober 2012

Sake Post Geklassifiseerd

Paarl Post


Dekor­uitstalling in Wellington

VERWYDERING van rommel en vullis, 1­6ml. Algemene vervoer met 8­ton trok. Vir billike pryse en gehalte diens, skakel JAC Q U E S : 0 8 2 5 7 9 2998/021 872 6029.

TEËLS: Fabriekswinkel te Wellington. Kontak vervaardiger of besoek ons vertoonlokaal. Smartstone: 021 873 5482.

PROTEA TUINDIENSTE: Kontak 072 084 6434 of 021 872 4144.

BAKKIE & TRAILER HIRE: Te huur, vervoer, meubelvervoer. Skakel Johan Maass. Alle ure: 082 321 8904. F O U R I E ­ V E RVO E R : Vervoer van meubels ­ klein of groot. Landswyd of plaaslik. Skakel 082 821 5234 of 021 876 2440. FREE DUMPING SITE: Clean building material and soil only. Phone Louis: 082 829 5542. ROMMEL­ & VULLIS­ VERWYDERING: Vervoer van bourommel & tuinvullis. Kontak Louis: 083 713 9599. SKAKEL NICO by 082 925 3680 vir verwydering van tuinvullis of bourommel en lewering van klip ens. Goeie diens gewaarborg.

WELLINGTON Huismark bied van 25 tot 28 Oktober (09:30 tot 15:30) ’n uitstalling aan by Napier Winery net buite Wellington op die Bainskloofpad. Misi Overturf (dekorkonsultant) gesels oor dekor en hoe om jou huis mooi te maak. Daar sal onder meer musiek, soetgoed, mooigoed, kindergoed en huisgoed beskikbaar wees. Kredietkaartbetalings is welkom. Kaartjies beloop R100 per persoon en kan bespreek word by Nelia by 083 384 0727 of e-pos


20 . Paarl Post

Sake Post Geklassifiseerd

Donderdag 11 Oktober 2012

Groep O-bloed onder geweldige druk DIE Wes-Kaapse voorraad van Groep O-bloed is tans onder geweldige druk en het ’n vlak van slegs een tot twee dae bereik. Groep O-bloed is versoenbaar met alle ander bloedgroepe en word meestal gebruik in gevalle van nood. Die daling in bloedvoorraad kan toegeskryf word deur hoër verbruik in hospitale, die onvoorspelbare weer, verkoue en griep. ’n Potensiële bloedvoorraadkrisis kan slegs vermy word as ekstra versamelings - bo en behalwe die beoogde daaglikse versamelings - bereik word. Marlize Mouton, nedia-beampte vir die WP Bloedoortappingsidens, spoor die publiek aan om dié diens dringend te ondersteun. “Ons doen ’n ernstige beroep op die publiek om iets besonders te doen en uit hul

pad te gaan om te verseker dat daar genoeg bloed vir ons provinsie se hospitale is,” sê sy. Sy verduidelik dat daar geen kostes aan verbonde is nie, dit gesondheidsvoordele inhou en slegs 20 tot 30 minute van die skenker se tyd in beslag neem. “Jy kan verseker wees dat jy ’n impak in minstens drie pasiënte se lewens sal maak, deur slegs een eenheid bloed van 475ml te skenk.” Persone ouer as 16 jaar, wat meer as 50 kg weeg en ’n gesonde, veilige leefwyse handhaaf, kan bloed skenk. Skenkers moet nie nalaat om iets binne 3 tot 4 ure te eet voordat hulle bloed skenk nie en nie-alkoholiese vloeistof-inname te verhoog. Vir navrae, skakel om 021 871 1030 of besoek SPEL. Die leerders van Laerskool Slot van die Paarl het deelgeneem aan die spelolimpiade wat aangebied is deur die departement van onderwys. Van links is Sune Groenewald, Lana Swanepoel, Kurtwill Karolus, Jane Otto, Hannah Laurence, Zaanrich Spies en Megan Calitz. Lana Swanepoel het deurgedring na die volgende ronde. BASKETBAL. Die o.13 basketbalspelers van Paulus Joubert Primêr het deurgedring in die Bolandstreek en neem Saterdag deel aan die finale “top schools”kompetisie van die Wes-Kaap by die Kaapse Technikon. Agter (van links) is Cohan Philander, Hadley Reid, Adam Hendricks, Seagen Plaatjies, Kino Cornelius en Whinlon Kuys. Voor is Branville Claasen, Heinrico Hartogh, Courtney Theo, Dylan Davids(k), Cohen November, Linden Zimri en Wesley Julies.

Cellar­bration BRING your friends, family and a picnic blanket and enjoy a day out at Perdeberg for the winery’s annual October Festival on every Saturdays in October ( 13th, 20th and 27th) from 09:30 to 15:00 and entrance is free. There will be something for everyone to enjoy and cellar-brate. Jumping castles, tractor rides, a petting zoo, pony rides, food stalls and of course fabulous wines at great prizes. It’s all happening at Perdeberg Winery in the agter Paarl region. Picnics can be booked beforehand.

GOUD. Danie Obermeyer van Courtrai Laerskool het ’n goue medalje gewen tydens die Wynland Veldskietkompetisieb in Robertson vir die penkopafdeling (o.14) met ’n telling van 770/900. Hy het ook aan die Oos-Kaap Ope-skietkom- petisie van die SA Jaggeweerskietvereniging deelgeneem. Hy het die algehele wentelling van die dag geskiet met ’n ongelooflike 860 punte uit 900. Hy het dus ook die goue medalje gewen in die penkopafdeling vir o.14.

HOKKIE. Gimnasium Laerskool se o.13A-hokkiemeisies het aan die PSI Boland binnenshuise hokkietoernooi te Universiteit Kaapstad deelgeneem en derde geëindig. Agter (van links) is Nidia Vermeulen, Githe Grobbelaar en Neline Potgieter. Voor is Elfriede von Alfthen, Annie de Villiers, Ané van der Merwe en Carla Burger.

FW de Klerk gee praatjie DIE jaarlikse vergadering van die Hugenote-Vereniging van SA (HVSA) word op Saterdag 27 Oktober om 10:30 gehou op die plaas Eikehof, Franschhoek. Die geleentheidspreker is oud-president FW de Klerk (’n nasaat van die Hugenote) wat sal praat oor die waarde van immigasie. By dieselfde geleentheid sal dr David de Klerk se genealogie oor die De Klerks, “Van Vogelvalleij na verre velde” sowel as prof Christo Viljoen se “Viljoen Familieregister” bekend gestel word as deel van die HVSA

se genealogiereeks. Dr Helena Liebenberg sal ’n kort voordrag lewer oor haar navorsing oor die slawestamouers, onder die titel “Is ons van mistieke herkoms?” ’n Middagete na afloop van die vergadering is opsioneel, maar moet vooraf bespreek word. Die publiek is welkom om die byeenkoms by te woon, maar moet vooraf bespreek by Amelia Wolmarans, by 021 876 2598 of

11 • 12 Oktober 2012


RE/MAX Helderberg and Team Pieter Kotze present this magnificent smallholding on sole mandate. It is situated on the very popular Bonniemile Road, Stellenbosch district, where the most sought­after small estates offer the ultimate lifestyle a mere seven kilometres from Stellenbosch. Properties of this nature seldom come on the market. This 1,97 ha estate offers a renovated thatched­roof home that overlooks a large lawn and dam with magnificent entertainment features. The home, which boasts excellent character features, has a magnificent modern farm­size entertainer’s kitchen with an indoor braai unit and spectacular flow to reception areas, patio, garden and pool. The bedrooms are spacious and there is garaging for four vehicles plus carports. It also offers a separate flatlet or guest suite with kitchen, and a second, completely separate small two­bedroom dwelling. The features are endless and in­ clude Theewaterskloof scheme water, a borehole, excellent security, a small barn and two horse stables. The price for this property is R11,1 million. Viewings by appointment only. For more information contact Fanie Beukes on 073 756 7347 or at fanie@remax­, or Pieter Kotze on 082 355 5789 or at pieter@remax­



R3 950 000

Luxurious & spacious townhouse with modern finishes. 3 en-suite Bedrooms, 3 Bathrooms, 2 Garages. On show: Sun 15:00 - 17:00 Yolandé 082 579 0560 OEVERTUYN

R3 065 000


R1 009 000


Kantoor 021 887 4740 Welgevonden 021 889 9774 DIE BOORD

Yolandé 082 579 0560 Renée 082 R3852 100 3910 000


R890 000

R5 300 000

This immaculate home offers a relaxed lifestyle, lovely views, spacious accommodation and a private garden with pool. MANNHEIM

R845 000


R1 150 000

Bachelor / 1 Bedroom / 1 Parking @ R890 000 (Rental income R4700) 2 Bedrooms / 2 Parkings @ R980 000 (Rental income R5990) Bedrooms 3 | Bathrooms 2 | Garage 1

All in one package - secure, modern lifestyle facilities, views, location!

Bachelor | Bathroom | Undercover parking

24 Hour control access.

Bachelor | Bathroom 1 | Parking

Luxury “home from home living” close Eco-friendly, semi-furnished Units (24m² - 27m²) with internet and US- Spacious & modern Units close to camto campus. Semi-furnished units (28m²) intranet access. No transfer costs. Yolandé 082 579 0560 pus with internet (28m² - 33m²)

Bedrooms 2 | Bathroom 1 | Parking 2

Stylish north facing flat. Mint condition. Sarene 083 652 9173


Paarl Post

BOLAND SOLD Paarl, Wellington

11 Oktober, 2012

Indulge in a dilly Dahlia-nce



R3 880 000



PERFECT FAMILY HOME WEB 260112 Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 3 Garage 2

WEB 267787

Build your dream home on 828m² plot on the corner. A must to view.

This home blends into the natural treed surrounds of Boschenmeer and has magnificent views.

[O] 021 872 2223

[O] 021 872 2223

LORETTA 082 473 0596


R1 600 000

WEB 193346

Pragtige meenthuis in stil deel. Oopplan en het tuintjie, gaste toilet en direkte toegang tot huis. [K] 021 872 2223

LITA 083 498 1018


R437 000

test times of the day. • Give them richly composted soil, but make certain it drains well or your tubers will rot. • As they originate from the high-lying areas of Central America and Mexico (doesn’t their flamboyance speak volumes of their heritage?), you might battle to keep powdery mildew at bay if you live in a humid area. Airflow around the leaves is important. • Watering is vital. Once growth begins, you will want to soak the soil deeply to root level about once a week, or more often if the ground begins to dry out. A wilting dahlia is a stressed dahlia – not ideal in terms of overall health and vigour. • Feed them well – generosity will be richly rewarded. –Tips from Frankie Brooks, Hadeco

LORETTA 082 473 0596



BESTE LIGGING Kamers 3 Badkamers 2 M/huis 1

Dahlias bloom in a blaze of bright glory and come in an unbelievable variety of shapes, sizes, textures and colours, each suitable for a special niche in a garden plan. Where dahlias are concerned, the list of “dos” is not difficult: • Buy tubers that were grown in the southern hemisphere. Locally grown tubers are on sale in late spring and early summer, and will be strong and vigorous. • Wait until the soil warms up before planting dahlias. They should go into your garden beds late in the season so that they flower only from mid-summer onwards. • Put them in a spot that receives full and glorious sunshine, or perhaps in a spot where they will have some shade at the hot-

R1 595 000


Ñ GREEP UIT DIE VERLEDE Kamers 4 Badkamers 3 M/huis 1

WEB 276340

Houtvloere, hortjievensters, hoë plafonne...Beleef die seisoene vanaf Victoriaanse kuierstoep. Bonus: onontwikkelde solder van 70m². [K] 021 872 2223

VOSSIE 082 444 7003


R1 350 000

Dahlias in a variety of splendid colours


STEWIG OP DIE GROND Kamers 2 Badkamer 1 M/Huis 1

WEB 268443

Begin met jou eie plekkie, sonnig en oopplan. Naby Mall, stasie en N1. [K] 021 872 2223


LITA 083 498 1018

R1 599 000

VREDE KOMPLEKS Kamers 2 Badkamers 2 M/Huis 1

WEB 266216

Nuutgeboude en moderne 2 slaapkamer meenthuis in Vrede ontwikkeling.Elke kamer het sy eie en-suite badkamer. [K] 021 872 2223


RACHELLE 084 400 4525

R1 500 000


RUIM GESINSHUIS Kamers 4 Badkamers 2 Parkering 4

WEB 264125

Gesinshuis vir die onthaler. Swembad. Naby skole. [K] 021 864 2948


CARMEN 082 490 0994

R1 295 000

HOPE POTENSIAAL Kamers 3 Badkamers 2 Parkering 2

WEB 275407

Huis met baie potensiaal op dubbel erf. Losstaande 3 slaapkamer woonstel. Erf 1550m². [K] 021 864 2948


LINDA 083 379 3769

R 469 000


SCALING DOWN? Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms 2 Garage 2

WEB 272057

Extra spacious, immaculate town house in Dukes Estate with second living area and covered patio! [O] 021 864 2948

MARISA 079 877 4177

RENTALS Boschenmeer - Vicky 074 158 8016 Paarl - Vicky Bester 074 158 8016 Wellington - Andre 082 788 7746

VIR DIE BEGINNER OF BELEGGER Kamers 3 Badkamers 2 M/huis 1 WEB 271083 Nuwe ontwikkeling, splinternuwe huise, kom kies jou eie afwerkings. Geen oordragskoste. Fase 2 nou in proses. [K] 021 872 2223 BERENICE 072 423 1455

BOLAND SOLD Paarl, Wellington

Paarl Post

11 Oktober, 2012



Paarl Post

11 Oktober, 2012

BOLAND SOLD Paarl, Wellington

Looking forguaranteed security? The Vines – A new developm entatValde Vie – Paarl

Probably the finestsecurity lifestyle developm entin Africa! Three bedroom s,2½ bathroom s,double garage hom es starting from R 1 850 000. The facilities are sim ply the best.A fitness centre,indoorpool,tennis courts, gam e reserve and internationally acclaim ed polo field. For more information or to arrange a viewing, contact us now. O nly seventeen units rem aining!


Tel: +27 (0) 21 871 1020 • Fax: +27 (0)21 872 5430

,ĂƌĐŽƵƌƚƐ WĞĂƌů ͗ Ϭϴϯ Ϯϲϭ ϮϳϮϮ d͗ ϬϮϭ ϴϳϮ ϰϭϴϰ ͗ ƉĞĂƌůΛŚĂƌĐŽƵƌƚƐ͘ĐŽ͘njĂ

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Paarl | Wellington

Web Ref 212633

Asking Price: R7 500 000 Paarl Equestrian Property (10 hectare) with stunning mountain views. Very neat home with 3 bedrooms all with their own dressing rooms, study or 4th bedroom, 2 lounges, kitchen, wine cellar, double garage + workshop and store room. Separate two bedroom cottage. The Equestrian facilities include 6 stables with store and tack Room, paddocks, dressage arena (30 x 60m) and a lunge ring (30m). The farming activities include organic Lemon trees, Olive trees and vines. Contact: Danie 083 6272148 / Irene 074 1279280 |

Web Ref 191022

Asking Price: R2 695 000 A smallholding on the outskirts of Wellington. This is a golden opportunity for a B&B or guest house. Walking distance for town. Contact: Estelle Denys 072 141 4117

140 Main Road, Paarl. t 021 870 1011 f 021 871 1175

Web Ref 138784

Asking Price: R3 950 000 This well designed environmentally friendly Val De Vie home with “intelligent” power saving appliances is an excellent investment opportunity. With 4 bedrooms en suite, a courtyard pool and formal garden overlooking vineyards, it offers real value at an affordable price. Contact: Bronwyn Boyd 083 420 1747 Each office independently owned and operated


Paarl Post

BOLAND SOLD Stellenbosch

11 Oktober, 2012

Real power lies with owners Trustees play a critical role in determining the success or failure of any sectional title (ST) scheme, but it is important to note that they are at all times under the control of the body corporate. So says Berry Everitt, MD of the Chas Everitt International property group, who notes: “The members of the body corporate appoint trustees at their first meeting after the establishment of the ST scheme, and at every subsequent annual general meeting (AGM). These appointments usually last until the next AGM, at which the trustees have to be properly re-nominated and elected if they want to continue in office, or new trustees have to be nominated and elected. “Anyone who is legally nominated and

elected can be a trustee – it can be a registered owner, a relative or spouse of an owner, or a tenant – as long as the majority of the trustees in the scheme are owners or spouses of owners, then there is a valid board of trustees.” Writing in the Property Signposts newsletter, he says that these trustees should not, however, be seen as directors of a company, as they have very few executive powers. “Sections 37 and 38 of the Sectional Titles Act define the functions and powers of the body corporate. Section 39 of the Act passes these to the trustees, but gives the body corporate the right to issue restrictions and directions to the trustees.” So in effect, the power remains in the

The alarm goes off. You make coffee and watch the sun rise above campus across the way, rays of sunlight flickering between the sentinal of trees. Walk downstairs for a good 45 minutes on the treadmill, buy the paper and some eggs, then head back up for breakfast with your friends across the way. Afterwards it’s lunch at a local wine farm and a little opera under the trees. Later, debate a movie vs a pizza or a nightcap at Andringa Walk – whichever way, you always know it’s wonderful to be home.

We are On Show daily in the Stellenbosch Eikestad Mall. Look for our show unit following the pointer boards from Ster Kinekor.

Make Andringa Walk your home: 120 Luxury apartments from R1.4 million. Contact: Stellenbosch Office 021 887 1017, Vanessa Johnson 082 588 7007, Louise Varga 082 552 4118,

hands of the members of the body corporate – who are the owners of the units in the scheme. Or, as Sectional Title Survival Manual author Prof Graham Paddock notes: “Trustees are the servants of the body corporate, not its masters”. Thus trustees may not make or change the rules of the scheme or carry out improvements to common property without referring to the owners, Everitt says. “They should, however, have the authority derived from the body corporate to enforce rules, collect levies, repair and maintain common property, appoint a managing agent and generally do whatever is necessary to ensure the smooth running of the body corporate. Good trustees will also, of course, foster good communication between all owners and encourage the neighbourliness and cooperation that are the cornerstones of a successful ST scheme.”

BOLAND SOLD Stellenbosch

Paarl Post

11 Oktober, 2012



Paarl Post

BOLAND SOLD Stellenbosch

11 Oktober, 2012

Select your conveyancer with care or face the consequences SOMERSET WES

R3 650 000




SPACIOUS LIVING Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 3 Garage 2 WEB 274351 Dream house for the summer. Views over your pool and vineyards. Ideal for indoor and outdoor entertainment.

QUALITY GUARANTEED Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 3 Garage 2

[O] 021 843 3368

CLAUDINE 072 610 1416 GERHARD 076 590 7758


R4 400 000


R2 750 000

WEB 270567

Walk into a brand new home with top quality finishes. Large patio area with sunset over your pool area. Loads of extras included. [O] 021 843 3368 GERHARD 076 590 7758 CLAUDINE 072 610 1416


R1 995 000


LIKE LIVING ON A FARM Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 3 Garage 2

VIEW FROM ROOFTERRACE WEB 263025 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms 2 Garage 1

WEB 275622

Easy maintenance home full of character and homely. Cute open plan cottage with modern finishes and loft Adjacent to natural park with stunning views. room. Easy access to roofterrace with amazing mountain views.

[O] 021 886 7905

SOPHIA 082 824 6798



R1 495 000


CAMPUS APARTMENT Bedrooms 1 Bathrooms 1 Parking 1

LEON 082 575 7356 LISBE 084 666 0011


HETTIE 083 263 0559


R2 150 000


R1 995 000


KAMPUS - BERZICHT PLAZA WEB 275916 Kamers 4 Badkamers 2 Parkering 1

Spacious one bedroom apartment on US Green Route close to girls hostels. Large enough to accommodate 2 students. [O] 021 886 7905

[O] 021 886 7905

WEB 276062

Perfekte studente behuising met uitsig van Andringa Straat en goeie huurinkomste. [K] 021 886 7905

DROEKS 082 685 9189


R2 750 000


WALKING DISTANCE TO SCHOOLS Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 1 Garage 1 WEB 276057

PERFEKTE LIGGING Kamers 3 Badkamers 2 M/Huis 1

Solid family home in “park like” surroundings with garden overlooking Stellenbosch mountains.

Luukse aftree dorpie in die hart van die Wynland. Moderne afwerking vir ‘n moderne leefstyl.

[O] 021 886 7905

[K] 021 886 7905 GAVIN - PAUL 072 707 1192

LEON 082 575 7356 LISBE 084 666 0011


R2 060 000


WEB 272825

R1 600 000


KNUS EN GESELLIG Kamers 3 Badkamers 2 M/Huis 1

WEB 275048


WEB 275989

Noord front toe sluit en ry in populêre area met 2 537m² erf in gewilde kompleks met privaat park en leefareas, studeerkamer en jacuzzi. Ekstra parkering. pragtige uitsig. Laaste beskikbare erf. [K] 021 886 7905

LEONIE 082 773 0655

[K] 021 886 7905 LEONIE 082 773 0655

When selling a property it is usually the seller who nominates the attorney to effect the transfer. In some instances a buyer will request that his conveyancing attorney is used, perhaps because his attorney is doing the transfer of his own property that may just have sold, or perhaps because he will pay lower attorney fees. It is always up to the seller to decide whether to use the buyer’s attorney or nominate their own. In most cases we would recommend that a seller use their own attorney, who will look after their interests. So then, as a seller, just what do you need to consider when selecting an attorney to handle the transfer of your property? Please consider this very, very carefully. In theory one would assume it doesn’t really make that much difference. There is a systematic procedure that conveyancers follow, and transfer should go through as planned. In reality, there is a vast difference in the service levels and ability of an attorney to ensure that your transfer takes place on time, and that your interests are looked after. This is a prickly subject, and it won’t go down with all attorneys. It’s imperative to select an attorney who you are sure will be able to do the following: 1. provide regular feedback to you as the seller and your agent, thus informing you of any problems or delays; and 2. intervene to resolve any issues or problems that arise and need mediation or negotiation. It sounds pretty simple, but it’s not. Would you believe there are conveyancing attorneys who, even today, will just not return messages or respond to you? We’re busy with a transaction at the moment and, for over three weeks, a certain attorney hasn’t returned messages despite numerous phone calls. And there are important issues that need to be resolved on a transaction. Just how does such conduct look after the interests of either the seller or the buyer? Some other “old school” attorney informed us that he is aware it’s the norm for attorneys to update seller, buyer, and agent on a weekly basis these days, but that is not included in his significant fee. Should we need this communication he will be charging the client extra. It’s unbelievable that this would be the attitude of a professional businessman in this modern era! The fact is that problems arise. There are disputes between buyer and seller. There are delays at the City of Cape Town for rates clearance. The deeds office has delays. There could be problems to re-


STEVE CARADOC-DAVIES Principal, Harcourts Platinum Director, Harcourts South Africa.

See his blog at or mail

solve with the electrical or plumbing clearances – or any one of a number of issues. You need an attorney who will take steps to resolve problems. Someone who, if there are delays, will use common sense to request rates clearances earlier, lodge earlier, and be proactive to ensure the transfer takes place on time. Make no mistake – there are some outstanding conveyancing attorneys out there who are worth every cent of the fee they charge. But there are also some shocking conveyancers who simply should not be in business. So choose carefully. Your conveyancer plays a huge role in ensuring your property is registered on time. And they can save a sale if they have the ability and motivation to resolve problems. Often our sellers have no attorney of preference, and we are happy to recommend a number of conveyancers who have proved their ability to deliver great service, communicate with all parties, and resolve issues when they arise. But choose wisely. It will impact on you significantly. Steve Caradoc-Davies is principal of Harcourts Platinum and director of Hacourts South Africa. If you have any real estate questions, email him at 2 Read more of his property advice over at

Paarl Post

BOLAND SOLD Stellenbosch

11 Oktober, 2012

Biggest and Best Property guide in the Boland SOLD is die mees koste-effektiewe, hoë-impak keuse vir die bemarking van eiendom in die Boland


SMS the web reference to “38573” for more info*

De Zalze Golf Estate



DistrictMail Strand | Gordon’s Bay | Somerset West | Stellenbosch | Grabouw | Elgin

021 887 2840 021 841 4285 021 870 4600 Web Ref 213640

R5 300 000

NEW RELEASE - Immaculate, north facing home with a warm, cosy feel. Spacious bedrooms and tasteful finishes throughout. Plenty of sunlight and lovely views of the mountains from the patio and pool area. Contact: Monique Holzen 072 390 9227


Sole Mandate

Offers from: R2 595 000

Web Ref 186314

Situated in Dalsig, close to top schools & easy access to main routes if working out of Stellenbosch. This newly renovated home with modern finishes will pleasantly surprise you, offering 4 bedrooms, study & direct access from the double garage. Asking price R2 735 000. Contact: Graham 084 308 3540 / Christine 082 417 2506


Joint Mandate

R3 330 000

Web Ref 203211

Web Ref 213327

R1 995 000

NEW RELEASE - Situated in a quiet cul de sac, this modern home with a contemporary feel, is perfectly suited for a young couple. Lovely garden and rooftop terrace from where you can appreciate the exquisite mountain views! Contact: Monique Holzen 072 390 9227


Web Ref 132661

Sole Mandate

R695 000

Well priced flat with modern finishes and beautiful views of the mountains. Basement parking and excellent security. Solid rental income – make an offer! Contact: Marelise Visagie 072 776 2645

De Zalze Golf Estate

Web Ref 114358

R5 850 000

Situated in a quiet suburb close to schools & shopping complex, this spacious family home offers various options. Work from home or have a fully self-contained 2 bedroom flat, for that extra income, the choice is yours. Graham 084 308 3540 / Christine 082 417 2506

PRICE REDUCTION - Well situated home in De Zalze. Open plan living offering two reception areas, patio, pool and plenty of accommodation. Beautiful views from the patio and pool. Contact: Monique Holzen 072 390 9227

Devonvale Golf Estate


Sole Mandate

R2 600 000

Web Ref 203057

Sole Mandate

Offers from R2 995 000

Web Ref 194217

Luxurious and well appointed fully furnished townhouse on a secure Golf & Wine Estate. Three beds all en-suite. Open plan living room with designer kitchen. Guest cloakroom and storeroom. Single garage and carport. Contact: Derek 082 776 8282 / Brenda 082 569 4632

A peaceful ambiance envelopes this lovely 4 bedroom home with granite finishes & walking distance to schools & shopping complex. Offering many extras this house is neat as a pin and ready to move in. Bordering on a parkland this is a childs’ paradise, playground. Asking Price: R3 495 000. Contact: Graham 084 308 3540 / Christine 082 417 2506

Web Ref 125578

Web Ref 150981

Situated in De Wijnlanden this 3 bedroom home offers modern finishes with fine attention to detail, pool covered patio with braai & low maintenance garden. Relaxed living on the estate with tennis courts, club house & walking trails. Serious seller will consider reasonable offers. Contact: Graham 084 308 3540 / Christine 082 417 2506

A secure complex within close proximity to Campus, very suitable for students. Offering a swimming pool for residents and easy access to main routes. The townhouse has 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and a large living area with secure parking inside the complex. Contact: Graham 084 308 3540 / Christine 082 417 2506

De Wijnlanden

Sole Mandate

R2 200 000

40 Bird Street, Stellenbosch Tel: 021 809 2760 | Fax: 021 809 2779 Email:

Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated


R1 300 000

For more photos and information on these properties, visit our mobile site by scanning the code or sms LGSIR to 38573* *R1.50/SMS. Free SMS don’t apply. T&C’s Apply

30 Paarl Post Elgin Open Gardens in November 11 Oktober, 2012

The annual Elgin Open Gardens is now in its and winetastings, some in the gardens them12th year, and 25 gardens will be open in the selves. A new Elgin Wine Route will also be Elgin, Vyeboom and Bot River districts over launched during the open weekends. Full details and a map are in a free leaflet at all major the weekends of 3–4 and 10–11 November. Gardens ranging from large established Western Cape nurseries, and at country gardens to small This event has grown in its township gardens will be 12-year existence, inspiring open from 10:00 to 17:00 on many with the range of plants these dates. Entrance to that can be grown in the cooler most will be free, but some and wetter climate of Elgin. may charge R5 to R20. To find out more call Many gardens will sell 021 844 0154, 078 021 2101 or plants, and some will also 083 458 3790; send an email to offer teas and light meals. Other events in the disor pay a visit to www.elgitrict include art exhibitions, greenhouse tours The garden at Fairholme, Elgin

BOLAND SOLD Stellenbosch

BOLAND SOLD Helderberg

Paarl Post

11 Oktober, 2012


Paarl Post

BOLAND SOLD Helderberg

11 Oktober, 2012

Biggest and Best Property guide in the Boland

SOLD is die mees koste-effektiewe, hoĂŤ-impak keuse vir die bemarking van eiendom in die Boland



Strand | Gordon’s Bay | Somerset West | Stellenbosch | Grabouw | Elgin

021 841 4282

021 887 2840

021 870 4600

BOLAND SOLD Helderberg

Paarl Post

11 Oktober, 2012



Paarl Post

11 Oktober, 2012

BOLAND SOLD Helderberg

BOLAND SOLD Helderberg

Paarl Post

11 Oktober, 2012



Paarl Post

11 Oktober, 2012

BOLAND SOLD Helderberg

BOLAND SOLD Helderberg

Paarl Post

11 Oktober, 2012


Paarl Post

BOLAND SOLD Helderberg

11 Oktober, 2012

Assosieer jy jou eiendomsagentskap met die volgende stellings? Professioneel Verskeidenheid prysklasse Uitmuntende diens. Gewaarborgde resultate Tevrede kliĂŤnte Beste blootstelling Dan adverteer u vir seker in



Strand | Gordon’s Bay | Somerset West | Stellenbosch | Grabouw | Elgin

Indien nie, kontak of of

021 841 4282

021 887 2840

021 870 4600

How-to on Facebook marketing The Cape Chamber of Business and Industry is presenting a beginner’s guide to social media marketing on Facebook on 18 October from 08:30 until 12:00 at the Cape Chamber House, 19 Louis Gradner Street, Foreshore, Cape Town. The workshop will help you overcome your fears and insecurities, and help to address questions and concerns related to social media. The course includes understanding Facebook, layout and navigation, categorising friends, privacy management, the

difference between pages and groups, creating a fan or business page, optimising your fan or business page, adding unique tabs, building a following, and keeping up daily activity. The presenter is Abigail K from AbigailK Photography & Online Communication. The workshop costs R684 (members) or R889 (non-members). To book, get in touch with event organiser Lucia Frans on 021 402 4300 or email her at

Donderdag 11 Oktober 2012


MODEL. AceModels se nuwe modelskool in die Paarl is geopen met ’n modeparade. Hier is Nadia Herbst van Hoërskool Gimnasium, in aksie. Vir verdere inligting, skakel vir Lillian Jonker van Ace-Models by 082 953 5825.

Paarl Post



Remember to


“We recognise that people are the cornerstone of the Department’s success”

Employee Value Proposition

We provide: ●Learning and development opportunities ●Flexible working arrangements ●Access to a professional employee assistance programme ●Incentives for excellent performance ●A supportive and empowering working environment

Appointment is in terms of Section 76 of the National Water Act, 1998 (Act No. 36 of 1998), within Water Trading Entity

PRINCIPAL DRIVER (2 POSTS) ●Salary: R 108 078 per annum ●Ref.: 12201/01 ●Centres: Drakenstein (Western Cape) and Elandsdrift (Eastern Cape) REQUIREMENTS: ●Applicants must be in possession of an appropriate Code EC driver’s licence and a Professional Driving Permit (PDP) plus six (6) years appropriate experience ●Adequate knowledge of road traffic Acts ●Must be willing to work irregular hours and travel extensively as well as do sleepovers.

Leerling-Inspeksiebeampte Worcester-Streek

SAWIS is verantwoordelik vir die insameling, verwerking en beskikbaarstelling van bedryfsinligting, die invordering van die wynbedryf se heffings en die administrasie en toepassing van die wynbedryf se Oorsprongstelsel. Die suksesvolle kandidaat sal as deel van ’n opleidingsproses binne die administratiewe omgewing ontwikkel word. Na suksesvolle voltooiing van die opleidingsproses sal die kandidaat vanuit die Paarl binne die Worcester-streek funksioneer. In hierdie posisie sal u verantwoordelikheidsareas die volgende behels: Doelwitte: • effektiewe administrering en toepassing van Wet 60 van 1989 om die geloofwaardigheid van die Wyn van Oorsprongstelsel te verseker • beplanning van tydige afsprake met toegedeelde produsente • akkurate toepassing van sertifiseringsprosedures ooreenkomstig bepaalde wetgewing, standaard-beleidsprosedures, gevestigde kontrolesisteme en neergelegde keerdatums • onmiddellike rapportering van enige afwykings • bepaling van die produksie van alle nuwe sowel as ou oeswyne en rekonsiliasie vir doeleindes van bedryfsinligting • effektiewe uitvoering en afhandeling van spesiale ondersoeke, projekte en take soos, onder andere: bestekopnames, oesberaming en produserende groothandelaars. Bevoegdhede: • goeie kommunikasievaardighede in Afrikaans en Engels (geskrewe en mondeling) • interaksie met ’n wye reeks individue (inspeksiespan, produsente, kelders, personeel en bestuur) • vermoë om kompeterende prioriteite, komplekse situasies en sperdatums te balanseer • gesteld op kliëntediens • geartikuleerd, saaklik en diplomaties • analities, syfervaardig en akkuraat • gehalteversekeringsbeginsels • probleemoplossing • goeie oordeelsvermoë • objektiewe benadering. Vereistes: • Graad 12 • administratiewe ondervinding in ’n soortgelyke wynbedryfomgewing • geldige kode EB-rybewys (noodsaaklik) • aanpasbaar ten opsigte van oortyd/onreëlmatige ure • bereidwilligheid om te reis en/of te oornag (nasionaal) • vermoë om effektief met ander te skakel • aksie-georiënteerd • selfgeldend • aanpasbaar • die vermoë om deurlopend vertroulikheid te handhaaf • spanspeler. Rig asseblief u aansoek aan SAWIS, Posbus 238, Paarl 7620 of faks: 086 559 0220 of e-pos: teen 22 Oktober 2012. Vir meer inligting oor SAWIS, besoek ons webtuiste

DRIVER ●Salary: R 76 278 per annum ●Centre: Paarl ●Ref.: 12201/02 REQUIREMENTS: ●Applicants must be in possession of an appropriate Code EC/EC1 driver’s licence and a Professional Driving Permit (PDP) plus relevant appropriate experience ●Adequate knowledge of road traffic Acts ●Must be willing to work irregular hours. DUTIES: ●The incumbent will be responsible for the collection and distribution of store items in different construction sites within RSA and any other relevant duties as assigned by the Supervisor ●Responsible for loading, off-loading and collection of store items from different companies in and around Paarl and Cape Town as well as distribution to various/relevant sites while complying with Health and Safety standards and road traffic regulations.

CLOSING DATE: 19 OCTOBER 2012 The Department of Water Affairs is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. It is the intention of the Department to promote representivity in the Public Service through the filling of these positions and the candidature of persons whose transfer/promotion/appointment will promote representivity will receive preference. An indication by candidates in this regard will expedite the processing of applications. If no suitable candidates from the under-represented groups can be identified, candidates from the represented groups will be considered. Note: Short-listed candidates must be willing to undergo normal vetting and verification processes, including a competency assessment and personality profile analysis. Applications must be submitted on form Z83, obtainable from any Public Service department, and should be accompanied by a comprehensive CV as well as certified copies of ID and qualifications. PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES ARE HIGHLY ENCOURAGED TO APPLY

Applications, quoting the post reference number, must be forwarded to: The Contract Manager, Construction South, Private Bag X3042, Paarl, 7620. Attention: Mr N.J. Meyer.

Kandidate wie nie binne 4 weke ná die sluitingsdatum van ons verneem het nie, kan aanneem dat hulle aansoeke onsuksesvol was. Ons bedank u vir u belangstelling getoon in SAWIS.

ALL ENQUIRIES: Mr N.J. Meyer, tel. (021) 872 0591.

Applications received after the closing date, as well as applications received via fax/email, will NOT be considered or accepted.

Aanstellings word ingevolge die diensbillikheidsplan van die maatskappy gedoen. Daargestelde doelwitte sal tydens die werwings- en keuringsproses oorweeg word. 108821

DUTIES: ●The incumbent will be responsible for transportation of earthmoving equipment to different construction sites within RSA on a regular basis and any other relevant duties as assigned by the Supervisor ●Responsible for loading, off-loading and transportation of machinery to different construction sites while complying with Health and Safety standards and road traffic regulations.

Correspondence is limited to short-listed candidates only; should you not hear from us within six weeks of the closing date, please consider your application unsuccessful.

URS 12201

Sport News

50 . Paarl Post

Thursday 11 October 2012

Boishaai kry eie Twintig20-liga

GEKIES VIR BOLAND. Twee leerders van Hugenote Hoërskool, Philip Veldsman (slot), links, en Bernardt Steyn (stut) se puik prestasies in die 2012-seisoen is beloon toe hulle in Boland se o.19-rugbyspan ingesluit is.

FUTURE SPRINGBOKS? Five Drakensteiners attend the u.16 High Performance rugby camp, organised by the High Performance Department of the South African Rugby Union (SARU) in conjunction with the Development Department, at Paarl Gymnasium last week. From the left are Carlton Fortune (Boland Landbou), Danrick Visagie (Boland Landbou), Jaco Willemse (Gymnasium), André Maneul (Bergrivier) and Gavin van den Berg (Gymnasium). Pic: Sieb Sieberhagen

ON A ROLL. Craig Schaefer and his children are on a roll at the annual Val de Vie Fun Run that was held last Saturday at the estate. Pic: Sieb Sieberhagen

MET blitskrieket (Twintig20 krieket) wat al hoe meer veld begin wen onder spelers en ondersteuners, het Boishaai besluit om hierdie week hul eie korter krieket weergawe liga te loods. Dié liga, wat as die BPL (Boys’ High Premier League) bekend sal staan, is geskoei op die alombekende IPL (Indian Premier League). Die toernooi begin op Maandag 15 Oktober en duur tot Donderdag 18 Oktober. Ses spanne neem aan die toernooi deel en al die wedstryde (twee per dag) sal op die veld voor die skool in Auretstraat plaasvind. Soos die IPL-spanne deur eienaars besit word, sal dit ook

niks anders by HJS se BPL wees nie het ’n woordvoerder van die skool gesê. Die bekendstelling van dié liga is môre-aand by die skool met Greame Smith, die Proteatoetskaptein, as die spesiale gas. ’n Woordvoerder sê verder dat HJS baie trots is op wat hul krieketspelers die afgelope jaar vermag het en wil die nuwe liga begin om fondse te genereer om hule eie binnenshuise-krieketnette te bou sodat hulle spelers deur die jaar hulle vaardighede kan slyp. Vir enige navrae, skakel vir Merwe Genis by 082 575 7107 of die skool by 021 872 2875.

WIELE SING. Drie bergfietspare van Hoërskool Gimnasium het tydens die Ride the Rhino-bergfietswedren oor 3 dae goeie rekenskap van hulself gegee. Die roete van Langebaan na Durbanville het verlede naweek plaasgevind. In die Junior-afdeling het Thinus Brink en Willem Landman (foto) die algehele 4de plek behaal, met Juan Wiid en Michael Lyons in die 9de plek en Matthew Britz en Japie Neethling in die 10de plek.

Entries for Cycle Tour open

ENTRIES for the Western Cape’s second biggest road cycling event, Die Burger Cycle Tour, opened on Monday. This race is set to take place on Sunday 2 December and will again start and finish at the Stellenbosch High School in Jannasch Street just off Merriman Street. The event features a 92 km route for experienced cyclists and a 44 km route that is ideal for novice cyclists. The 92 km route is also the final seeding opportunity for the 2013 Cape Argus Pick n Pay Cycle Tour, taking place on Sunday 10 March 2013. Visit and follow the easy instructions to enter online. Entries are limited to 5500 (92 km) and 1000 (44 km).

WP-SPAN. Veroeshka Grain van die Paarl, wie vanjaar die meeste drieë in die provinsiale vroueliga gedruk het, is hier saam met die WP-afrigter, Aslam Abrahams, ook van die Paarl. Die WP-span het die kompetisie onoorwonne afgesluit en het die Blou Bulle in die finaal met 26-20 geklop. Foto: Ernest Kilowan

Sportdagboek * Sport Diary ) KRIEKET * Paarl-Oos se eerste span speel eerskomende Saterdag (10:00) op die Parysvelde in hulle eerste Time-kompetisie wedstryd teen die Paarl. Die derdes speel ook vanaf 10:00 op die Parys-velde teen Paarl en die tweedes speel teen Bergrivier op die Allandale-veld (10:00). * Saterdag speel Young Peoples se eerste span in die Time-kompetisie tuis teen Easterns, terwyl die derde span Sondag sy ligaverpligtinge begin teen Mbekweni I op Daljosafat. ) RUGBY * Die Boland Rugby-unie hou op 13 Oktober hul tweede ronde o.20-proewe en alle klubs word aangemoedig om daaraan deel te neem. Dit word op die Newtonvelde beslis. Die eerste wedstryde is om 09:00. Die spanne wat gaan meeding, is Swartland teen Weskus, Breërivier-Wes teen Witzenberg, Sentraal teen Overberg en Noordwes teen Breërivier-Oos. * Riverstones se voorlopige vergadering vind plaas op 25 Oktober (19:00) en hulle jaarvergadering is op 29 Oktober (19:00) by die New Orleans-klubhuis. Hulle afsluitingsfunksie is op 20 Oktober (19:00) by die Paarl-Oos Thusongsentrum. Skakel vir Adam Seconds by 076 186 8824 vir meer inligting. * Young Peoples RVK hou op 11 November sy jaarlikse gholfdag teen R150pp by die Wellington-gholfklub. Vir navrae, kontak George Buziek by 083 522 6438. * Op 5 November hou Young Gardensrugbyklub sy algemene jaarvergadering. * Young Standards RFC bied op Sondag 21 Oktober hul jaarlikse gholfdag by Wellington-gholfklub aan. Kontak André Jonker by 082 6601 914. * Op 27 Oktober word die derby tussen Evergreens en Windmeul op die velde van Windmeul Primêr beslis. * Violets se vergaderings is elke Maandagaand om 19:30 by die Bethel-kerksaal.

) HOCKEY * Anyone who wants to join Paarl Hockey Club next year must contact Alan Julies at 074 830 3358 or send an email to The club is also looking for umpires for next year. ) SOCCER * Die Wellington Saints-sokkerklub se oefeninge word Maandag tot Donderdag vanaf 17:00 tot 19:00 onder leiding van Warren Domoney, Rashaad Suleiman en Ricardo Pritchard by Wellington Primêr aangebied. * Paarl Soccer practice sessions for the first team squad are on Tuesday and Thursday evenings at the Boy Louw sports grounds at 19:00. All current and potential members must contact Ozane Davids at 082 979 6052. ) TENNIS * Die Paarl Huguenot-tennisklub se kluboefeninge vind plaas elke Dinsdag en Donderdag 17:00-19:00. Kinders van alle ouderdomme welkom. Kontak of skakel Hamilton Pharaoh by 076 455 1242. ) RUNNING * Dirtopia’s next Trail Run will take place on Sunday 21 October. It starts at the Dirtopia Trail Centre, Delvera Farm, on the R44. The registration is from 06:30. The long distance (14,5 km) starts at 08:00 and the short distance (7 km) starts at 08:15. The pre-entries are available on or contact Dirtopia on 021 884 4752 / ) GOLF * The Paarl Tourism Golf Day will be held on 1 November at the Paarl Golf Club (Boschenmeer). The “40 Year-Old Rookie”, Michael Scholz, will also host a fun golf clinic with trick shots like the Bunny Chow, Johannes the Gardener, Mixing Cocktails, the Floppish Club and much more. The format will be a 4-Ball Betterball Stableford with two scores to count. Only 15 golf carts are available - these can

be booked by contacting the Paarl Golf Club on 021 863 1140. The cost per four ball is R2 000. Contact Amanda Coetzee at 073 708 2835, fax 086 574 2428 or e-mail to ) SPYKERSKOENE * Die hoogspringakademie is dringend op soek na gebruikte en ou spykerskoene. Kontak vir JC de Kock by 071 113 1723. ) MUURBAL * Die Paarl-muurbalklub se finale wedstryde van hul klubkampioenskap vind plaas op 27 Oktober. Die finaal van die dames is om 17:00 en die mans is om 18:00. Die algemene jaarvergadering word om 19:00 gevolg deur ‘n prysuitdeling. Op 28 Oktober vind die Boland-proewe plaas vir die o.16- en o.19-spelers, op 3 November kry die o.11 tot o.14’s hulle kans. Op 24 November vind die Piet Oelofse-gedenktoernooi vir juniors plaas. Vir navrae, skakel vir Corlia Vlok tussen 09:00 en 14:00 by 021 872 6050. ) CYCLING * The Pedal Power Association’s One Tonner funride will take place this coming Sunday 14 October with the start and finish at the Nelsons Wine Estate on the R44 near Wellington. The 153 km race starts at 06:30. Contact the PPA Team at or 021 689 8420. ) KUSHENGEL * Die Paarl-kushengelklub nooi enige belangstellendes uit om eerskomende Dinsdagaand (16 Oktober 19:00) by hulle eerste vergadering (La Bac lapa) voor die liga-kompetisie wat op 20 Oktober aan Weskus begin, aan te sluit. Skakel vir Gert van Niekerk by 083 259 4310 vir enige inligting. ) ATHLETICS * The first track and field talent identification meeting of Boland Athletics will be held this Saturday at the Dal Josaphat Stadium starting at 09:00.

Sport Nuus

Thursday 11 October 2012

Paarl Post



Tigers back in business WP SPAN. Jacques Mouton, bekende in toutrekkringe in die Paarl, is in die WP Polisiespan ingesluit wat hierdie week in Heidelberg aan die polisie se nasionale fiksheidskompetisie (’n hinderniswedren met 23 hindernisse) deelneem. Mouton neem deel in die 4044 ouderdomsgroep (90-104 kg). Brendon Daniels van Malmesbury polisie (29 en jonger - 80-89 kg), Paarl-streek, is ook in die WP-span ingesluit. Foto: Sieb Sieberhagen

PAARL SE TROTS. Drie toutrekkers van die Paarl-toutrekklub, wie die SA Nasionale o.23-manspan gedurende die Toutrek-wêreldkampioenskap in Switzerland verteenwoordig het, het met silwermedaljes teruggekeer. Veertien lande het deelgeneem aan vanjaar se kampioenskappe. Van links is Johnny Theart, Tumiza Nkanunda en Gerdus van Rhyn.

Still time to enter for 5 km Gun Run ANYONE still wanting to be a part of the Outsurance 94.5 Kfm Gun Run this Sunday 14 October can enter the 5 km run/walk (09:00). Entries for the 5 km only will be taken at the various registration points at

Sportsmans Warehouse in Rondebosch, Tyger Valley, Canal Walk and Somerset Mall, and at the Atlantic Bowling Club in Main Road, Sea Point on Friday 12 and Saturday 13 October. Participants can also enter the 5 km on the morning

of the event in Fritz Sonnenberg Road, outside Cape Town Stadium. Entries for the half-marathon and 10 km run/walk have closed. All three distances start in Fritz Sonnenberg Road, outside the Cape Town Stadium.

PRESTEER. Tientalle sportmanne van Boishaai is hierdie week vereer vir hulle bydraes op die sportvelde tydens dié skool se Wintersport-afsluitingsdinee. Boishaai se eerste rugbyspan, wat vanjaar as die nommer een skolespan in SuidAfrika aangewys is, het ook van sy spelers vereer. Van links is Jeandre Brink (beste voorspeler), Dante van der Merwe (meeste vordering), Sebastiaan Ferreira (beste voorspeler), Jean-Luc du Plessis (beste agterspeler) en Craig Corbett (kaptein). Liam Hendriks (meeste vordering) was afwesig. Foto: Sieb Sieberhagen

Sporttelbord * Scoreboard WEDVLUGDUIWE Wellington Resiesduifklub: Theunissen Saterdag 6 Oktober: 1 & 2 Jasper & Kobus, 3,9 & 10 D Perrins, 4,6,7 Arendse Lofts, 5 Bainskloof Lofts Bloemfontein Saterdag 6 Oktober 1,4,6 & 10 Arendse lofts, 2 & 8 D Perrins, 3 H Joseph, 5 Jasper & Kobus, 7 G Ockhuis, 9 A Moses KRIEKET Young Peoples: SR Radiators Young Peoples het na ’n besige naweek goed voorberei vir die komende seisoen. Saterdag het die tweede span sy eerste ligawedstryd teen Wellington II met 2 paaltjies gewen. Wedstryde tussen hierdie twee klubs is gewoonlik baie spannend en Saterdag was geen uitsondering nie. Wellington het eerste gekolf en is tot 164 lopies in hul 50 beurte beperk danksy skitterende boulwerk deur Garren Fortuin, (10-68-1). Hy is goed bygestaan deur Lee-John Julies (3/41). Wellington se beste kolwers was C Louw (41) en N Roos (36). Wellington het Peoples in ’n wurggreep gehad, maar ’n goeie veelsydige vertoning deur Lee-John Julies (70 nun) het die wa vir die Tiere deur die drif getrek. Peoples het die wenlopies in die 38ste beurt behaal met 2 paaltjies

staande. Die eerste span het Saterdag goed voorberei teen Van der Stel en Sondag teen Bergrivier. Saterdag het kaptein Brendon Adams ’n puik 70 (4x4 1x6) lopies behaal. Shaun Andrews en Zarrier Alexander het ook goed gekolf. Sondag het die Tiere 280 vir 8 in 45 beurte teen Bergrivier opgestapel. Die paaltjiewagter, Lindsay Davy, het die klub se eerste 100-tal van die seisoen aangete-

WEN. Luke van Vuuren, ’n leerder van WA Joubert, is nie net die afgelope naweek as die o.13-kampioen tydens die Paarl Junior Ope Muurbalkampioenskappe aangewys nie, maar is onlangs ook as die nommer een o.13-speler gekroon na afloop van die SA Keuringskampioenskappe. Foto: Sieb Sieberhagen

ken deur 119 praglopies te moker. Davy het 10 viere en 5 sesse gemoker en die Bergrivier-boulers moedeloos getimmer. Die Tiere se nuutste aanwins, Waylin September, het self die langsteel behoorlik ingelê en 55 (6x4) lopies aangeteken. sy venootskap met Davy het 142 lopies van 140 balle beloop. Brendon Adams het ook sy klas gewys en 33 lopies van net 22 balle gemoker en Brendon Gabriels het ook ’n haastige 24 lopies aangeteken. Bergrivier het gesukkel teen die akkurate boulwerk van Clint Philander (3/21) en LeeJohn Julies (2/2). Bergrivier is in die 30ste beurt vir net 91 lopies uitgeknikker. MUURBAL Paarl Junior Ope: o.13 Seuns: 1ste plek Luke van Vuuren (WA Joubert). o.14 Seuns: 2de plek Luke van Vuuren (WA Joubert) 0.16 Seuns: James Hockey (Boishaai). Luke van Vuuren het ook op 21 September deelgeneem aan die o.13 SA Keuringstoernooi en algeheel 1ste geeïndig. RUGBY Paarl uitklop: Die uitslae van die Paarl Uitklopreeks wat Saterdag begin het, is: Rangers 12 Violets 8, Riverstones 35 Young Standards 31, Vineyards 24 Young Gardens 15, Lower Paarl 26 Allandale 19.

THE suspension of the Young Peoples RFC expires on 29 September and they are up and running again. Last Friday the Tigers played against Blue Stars of Klapmuts. The 2nd team lost 18-21 and the 1st team won 19-15. The club suspension during the 2012 season resulted in that the club could not compete in any friendly or league matches and they were not allowed to practise nor hold any meeting, a spokesperson of the club said. The whole year the club tried to set a side the suspension, but nothing prevailed. Many meetings and negotiations were ongoing, but at the end the executive committee of Western Province Rugby Union decided to uphold the suspension. The executive of Young Peoples takes full responsibility for

the decisions it took and still believes that the punishment the club received was unfair and unjust. The spokesperson said that valuable lessons were learnt along the way and the club can look with new prospectives to the future. “We believe that a united and focused club will regain the respect it deserves in the rugby fraternity and we look with a new positive attitude to the 2013 season,” he said. Young Peoples will next year play in the Premier B division. “With the talented young and senior players available the Tigers will make big strides in the Premier B competition next year. With the belief and positive attitude of the current players the club will not take long to play in the elite competition of the WPRFU once more,” he said.

TWAALF GOUES. Trampolien-gimnaste van die Wynland-gimnastiekklub het uitsonderlik presteer tydens die Wes-Kaapse kampioenskappe en is opgeneem in die Wes-Kaapse span wat tans aan die SA-kampioenskappe in Pretoria deelneem. Hulle het 13 goue, 11 silwer en 2 brons medaljes verower. Baie van die gimnaste gaan ook aan proewe deelneem vir die sone 6-span wat in Desember teen ses Afrika-lande gaan deelneem. Voor van links is Stefan Gouws, Zandri van Zyl, Bianca Joubert, Sarah Sinclair en Marquerite Visser. Agter is Kelly van Rooyen, Monique Lamprecht, Eliana Burger, Lizanne Andrag en Jaime Bossenger.

Paarl Post Sport

Paarl, Wellington, Franschhoek, Klapmuts, Simondium, Gouda & Saron Voorheen die Afrikaanse Patriot

Volume 107

Donderdag 11 Oktober 2012

Tel: 021-870-4600

WEN LIGA. Roses United het Saterdag op die Boland-stadion teen Worcester Villagers te staan gekom en hul Premierliga-uitklopwedstryd met 32-31 gewen. Roses se drieë is gedruk deur Clinton Oncker (2), Denver Fortuin en Percival Williams. Hagon Mumba het met 3 straf- en 2 doelskoppe geslaag. In die Presidentsliga uitklopwedstryd het Newtons vir Ashton United met 32-23 gewen. Foto: Sieb Sieberhagen

Wen eerste liga loshande

punter nie. Slabbert was weer in die DIE eerste rugbyspan van CPUT, kel, het verdoel. Die verdediging van Villagers kon kol. Slabbert het kort voor rustyd wat vanjaar vir die eerste keer in die nie die sterk binnesenter, JP Mat- self die doellyn oorgesteek en sy eie Boland-rugbyunie se eerste liga thee stuit toe hy oorbars vir sy vyf- drie verdoel. Die rustydtelling was kragte gemeet het, het Saterdag 26-0. daarin geslaag om dié Ná rustyd het Villagers liga loshande te wen moedig probeer, maar deur in die finaal vir Vilkon nie die skitterende lagers Wittewater met verdedingspatroon van 31-3 te verslaan. CPUT afbreek nie. Die eindstryd teen Ashley Dreyden het Villagers was so eensydaarna vir CPUT gedruk dig dat selfs hul “pomen die besoekers het ’n pom” meisies, lank voor stafdoel behaal om die die eindfluitjie geblaas eindtelling op 31-3 te het, ophou dans het. staan te bring. Met die Die eerste van 5 drieë oorwinning speel CPUT is deur die kookwater volgende jaar in die Prehaker, Xander Kuys, sidents-liga. Alle voornegedruk. Die heelagter mende spelers word uitAngelino Benjamin het hierna deurgesuiker en DUIK OOR. Die verdediging van Villagers kon nie die sterk binne- genooi om by die opeDavid Slabbert, losska- senter van CPUT, JP Matthee, stuit nie. Foto: Sieb Sieberhagen klub aan te sluit.

Page 52

Basson and Botha win first leg

THE experienced inflatable conditions, the teams left nopower boat team of Steyn Bas- thing to chance and really put the foot down. Team Bova Safeson and Malan Botha from ty Footwear took both heat wins Wellington (Bova Safety Footand the final to finish on a flawwear) in the P750 Pro-Stock class was the overall class less performance. On Sunday morning the conwinners in the first competition of the new season that ditions went a bit more flat, but still the surf met the two to three kicked off in Mossel Bay remetre mark. Racing kicked off cently. and the crowd was treated to Teams from all over South Africa flocked to this coastal town even faster racing than the previous day. for the first leg of the Triangle Again the Wellington team Summer Series which also forwas unbeatable and won both med part of the Mossel Bay sports festival. With the world championships next year in South Africa, all the teams will be working towards the top of the podium. The Wellingtonners who are ranked first in the country in the pro-stock class, will have their work cut out. Last season’s stock class national champion, Kyle Kolbe/Ross Templeman (Team SURF. The team of Steyn Basson and Malan BoConticrete) has mo- tha from Wellington in action during the first leg ved up to the pro- of the Triangle Summer Series in Mossel Bay. stock class and wellFoto: I-Liza van Geems known pilot Dreyer van Niekerk heats. In the final the team was and Floris de Kock (Rusgenot chased down by Team Rusgenot and had the crowd on their Transport) made a comeback. On Saturday morning the te- feet. Basson and Botha kept them ams arrived to some big surf at bay, but just before the finish and a 25 km/h wind. line a back marker and a huge With the first heat abandoned in the stock class due to breaker obstructed the view of the pilot. three flips, the big boys in the Team Rusgenot took the pro-stock class took to the surf. chance and dived on the inside, With the crowds watching this fast paced racing in difficult taking the win with half a metre.

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