Paarl post 16 oct 2014

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Donderdag, 16 Oktober 2014

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Mob justice in CBD Taxi drivers hunted down a man who allegedly broke into a minibus taxi in the Paarl CBD and beat him so severely with a sjambok that he had to be hospitalised. PAGE 2


Strooidak/Williston­fees Paarliete gaan hierdie naweek weer behoorlik smul aan Karoolam en ander lekkernye wanneer die 11de Strooidak/Williston­fees by De Poort plaasvind. BL. 5

THE SOUND OF HERITAGE: The Music van de Caab centre at Solms­Delta Wine Estate, which was officially opened last Wednesday, incor­ porates an interactive touch screen exhibition of the multi­layered roots of Cape music and an indigenous instruments workshop. Since the music project’s inception, video recordings and interviews have been made of all the musicians who performed at the ATKV­Oesfees, an annu­ al rural music festival held at the estate. The Langbroeke, who performed at the opening with David Kramer (third from left) are from left Fir­ nell Erasmus, Keegan Lackay, Ethan Samuels, Marcellino Alberts, Arlin Loubser, Abraham Williams, Brandon Pieterson, Marelize Bailey and Emerick Lackay. PHOTO: TANDY­LEE MARINUS

Vrou sterf ná brand DEVIDEAN MOSES ’n Jong vrou van Charleston Hill het gesterf nadat sy voorverlede naweek ernstige brandwonde in ’n huisbrand opgedoen het. Die 23-jarige Chantelle Bester het Sondag 5 Oktober in die woonhuis van Alfie Cupido (40), bekende skrootkar-maker van St Olmarstraat, geslaap, toe ’n brand in die huis ontstaan het. Alfie, wat doofstom is, en Chantelle se seun, Keithan Cupido (6), het ook brandwonde

opgedoen en is in die Paarlhospitaal se hoësorgeenheid opgeneem. Chantelle is weens haar erge brandwonde – sy het 30% brandwonde opgedoen – van die Paarl-hospitaal na Tygerberg-hospitaal oorgeplaas. Sy het egter op 13 Oktober om 23:58 aan haar wonde beswyk. Volgens haar ma, Penelope Bester, het Chantelle ook tydens die brand baie rook ingeasem wat haar longe beskadig het. Alfie sterk steeds aan in die Paarl-hospitaal terwyl Keithan op 12 Oktober uit die

Rooikruis-kinderhospitaal ontslaan is. Chantelle en Ashley Cupido, Alfie se broer, het vroeër vanjaar verloof geraak en was besig om trouplanne te maak. Chantelle het haar matriek voltooi by Paulus CLC-aandklasse en was besig met haar Vroeë Kind Ontwikkeling Assistentleerlingskapskursus by Boland Kollege. * A woman has died from severe burns she sustained while sleeping in a house that caught alight.

Keithan Cupido (6) en sy ma, Chantelle Bester (23).

Wardens seize drugs on prison grounds Correctional officers from Paardeberg recently arrested two suspects who tried to sneak drugs to prisoners. According to Paarl police spokesperson Captain Louise du Plessis, it is alleged that information was received on Friday 10 October that drugs were being smuggled into the prison. The suspects allegedly dropped off a bag near a dam at the prison. The bag contained various drugs.

The suspects, Gavin Moses and Chestlin van Niekerk, appeared in the Paarl Magistrate’s Court on Monday. The case has temporarily been withdrawn, pending the finalisation of the forensic report. The suspects were subsequently released. A spokesperson for the Western Cape Department of Correctional Services, Carla Williams, confirmed the incident stating that an internal investigation will follow.



Nuus News

16 October, 2014

Flink optrede stuit diewe in hul spore

If you are planning on being near any high school on Friday, forget about it. Tomorrow marks the final school day for Gr 12 learners throughout the whole country. What follows is usually a tradition-filled fun day where matrics all end up having a massive jol for the entire weekend. Not to be forgotten is the small matter of the final exams which start in less than two weeks. If you are a Gr 12 learner, enjoy your last day and make sure to do your best in the exams.

Plakstuk Die laaste plakstuk in die Plak­vir­jou­sak­ kompetisie – waarin die skoonheid­make­ over van ’n leeftyd te wen is en met pryse ter waarde van meer as R12 000 – word ver­ steek in vandag se Paarl Post. Die kompetisie se sluitingsdatum is Vrydag 24 Oktober om 16:00.

“Maar julle moet vasstaan en nie moedeloos word nie, want julle sal die beloning vir jul optrede ontvang.” 2 Kron 15:7.

Twee vermeende diewe is op heterdaad betrap toe hulle onlangs binne ’n nasorgsentrum in die dorp na bewering met gesteelde goedere gevang is. Volgens Paarl-polisiewoordvoerder, kapt. Louise du Plessis, het lede van Paarl-polisie tussen 06:00 en 07:00 op 5 Oktober ’n verdagte voertuig opdie terrein van die nasorgsentrum sien staan. Hulle het gaan ondersoek instel en twee mans na bewering met gesteelde goedere in hul besit, binne die nasorgsentrum gekry. Een verdagte het van die toneel gevlug, terwyl nog ’n verdagte, Willem Odendaal, in sy

veertigs, vasgetrek is. Die verdagtes se voertuig is ook deursoek waarop nog gesteelde goedere gevind is. Die gesteelde goedere, waaronder kruideniersware en rekenaartoerusting, is aan die sentrum terugbesorg. Daar word vermoed dat die twee verdagtes ook betrokke was by ’n inbraak die vorige aand by dié sentrum toe ’n warmwatersilinder, pype en krane gesteel is. Odendaal het reeds vlugtig in die Paarl-landdroshof verskyn. Hy het gister (15 Oktober) weer in die hof voorgekom, maar teen druktyd was die uitslag van die hofverrigtinge nog nie bekend nie.

Sersant Craig Korabie en konst. Johnita Warries by die gesteelde goe­ dere wat teruggevind is nadat dit uit die nasorgsentrum gesteel is.

Man brutally assaulted in alleged mob justice attack A young man (26) sustained serious injuries after he was brutally assaulted following an alleged incident of theft in midtown, Paarl, on Monday afternoon. According to several witnesses, it is alleged that the man had broken into a taxi that was parked in the vicinity of Peters Cellar

in Lady Grey Street and had stolen goods from the taxi. A few men, believed to be taxi drivers, then allegedly chased and apprehended the man, beating him with a sjambok. A source told Paarl Post that the man had been beaten so badly that his wounds looked like deep cuts.

Drie vas ná rooftog in F’hoek Drie van die vyf vermeende rowers wat onlangs na bewering toegeslaan het op ’n juwelierswinkel in Franschhoek is aangekeer. Twee verdagtes is verlede Dinsdagaand in Kalkbaai vasgetrek terwyl ’n derde verdagte later in hegtenis geneem is, berig ’n dagblad. Al drie verdagtes het reeds in die Paarl-landdroshof verskyn en kom weer op 17 Oktober in die hof voor. Die polisie ondersoek tans die mans se verbintenis met ’n roof op 2 Oktober by Tracey’s Diamonds op Franschhoek waarin sowat R4 miljoen se juweliersware gebuit is. Hulle betrokkenheid by ander rooftogte in die omgewing is ook onder die soeklig geplaas.


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Spokesperson for the Western Cape Department of Health at Paarl Hospital, JoAnne Otto, said a patient matching the man’s description was admitted to the hospital’s high care unit. She described his condition as serious but stable. No case has thus far been reported to the Paarl Police.

CHARITY DOG WALK: Drakenstein Volunteer Animal Rescue will host a fun­filled dog walk and fun day on Sunday 19 October from 09:00 until 14:00 at Paarl Arboretum. There will be different routes, a treasure hunt, competitions and prizes, lucky draws, food stalls, product stalls and micro­ chipping can be done. Here are Cher­ yl and Len van der Walt with three rescue dogs. For more details, call Len on 082 579 2994. The public must note that during this time the Arbore­ tum will be closed to anybody who is not involved in the walk.

Gouda­raadslid in die spervuur ’n ANC-raadslid van Gouda staar aanklagte van aanranding en crimen injuria in die gesig nadat hy na bewering ’n munisipale werker se vrou gevloek en aangerand het. Die voorval het op 4 Oktober in Gouda se hoofstraat afgespeel. Volgens ’n woordvoerder van Tulbagh-polisie het die raadslid die munisipale werker en sy vrou in die straat raakgeloop en ’n onderonsie het na bewering tussen die verskillende partye ontstaan. Hy het glo die vrou “gevloek en beledig” en haar “voete onder haar uitgeruk”. Die vrou het die volgende dag ’n klag teen

hom by die polisie aanhangig gemaak waarna die raadslid op sy beurt ook ’n klag van crimen injuria teen haar gelê het. Die dossier is tans by die staat vir ’n beslissing oor vervolging. Geeneen van die partye is nog amptelik aangekla nie en daarom word hul name weerhou. Die betrokke raadslid is al voorheen ook van aanranding aangekla. Drakenstein-speaker Koos le Roux het by navraag gesê hy het nog geen inligting oor die beweerde insident ontvang nie en kan nie kommentaar lewer op gerugte nie.



vir gesteelde goedere te Blignautpark in Wellington

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23 Oktober 2014 19:00 Jan Picard Klubhuis, Hoërskool Gimnasium Alle lede, Gim-ouers en -ondersteuners hartlik welkom. Vir navrae en besprekings, kontak Jeanne-Marié Erasmus by OSB-kantoor: 021 872 9114, e-pos: X1PB5URH-PL161014



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Matric dress nightmare

3 Hond verskeur poedel voor eienaar




Nuus News

16 Oktober, 2014

and decided that he (Marvin) should design my dress,” said Jamie. A matric ball is a girl’s Her dress, simple but elsecond most important egant, cost R1 600 and aftday, the first being her er numerous fittings, Jawedding day. mie said that her dress was not made according But for some, this day to what she had wanted. was a huge disappoint“The stitching was unment. ravelling, the sleeves During the first week of were not of the same October, more than five length and the dress was schools in Paarl held their too big,” she said. matric farewells only days “The first time I saw my apart. Local dressmaker Marv- Jamie Paulse shows the dress which dress I didn’t like it and I in Roman seemsto have was poorly made for her by Marvin didn’t feel beautiful.” Romanesque’s gowns bitten off more than he Roman. PHOTO: TANDY­LEE MARINUS also caught the eye of Triscould chew. The owner of Romanesque, Marvin was said tan Brockman, a classmate and close friend of to have designed a total of 15 dresses, seven Jamie. After paying a deposit and attending of them for matriculants of La Rochelle Girls’ fittings to have her dress made, she looked forward to having it finished well in time for the High School. And then tragedy struck. Marvin confirmed that eight learners from ball, to avoid any mishaps. After four months of waiting, Tristan was Gimnasium, Kylemore and New Orleans Secondary School, had their dresses stolen out of informed on the day of her matric ball that her his car on the morning of 2 October. He said dress had been accidentally burnt. “Due to the fact that bead embellishment a case of theft has been opened at Paarl police station and fingerprint evidence was taken was applied with heat, I accidentally burnt the dress. I then started a completely new dress from the car. La Rochelle learners also claim that the in the early hours of the Sunday morning, but dresses that Marvin made for them are poorly during the day fell horribly ill,” said Marvin. He further stated that due to this, he was premade and even incomplete. According to Jamie Paulse, a learner at La scribed bed rest, preventing him from answerRochelle, her dream dress was left in the hands ing any phone calls. Liezel then had to fork out of Marvin, who insisted that it was “simple and an additional R5 000 to purchase a replacement dress. Marvin insists that “all his clients were easy to make”. “I looked on Facebook and saw numerous notified of incidents, but some decided to make dresses that he had made. I liked what I saw alternative arrangements”.

hond beland het. Ek het gesien hoe my weerlose Nemo in die hond se bek vas sit. Ek Angswekkende oomblikke het uitgehardloop en vir die het verlede Donderdag voor eienaar geskree om sy hond die oë van ’n diereliefhebber van Nemo af te haal. van Paarl-Oos afgespeel, toe “Die eienaar het net gehy moes toekyk hoe ’n agstaan en toegekyk hoe sy gressiewe hond sy poedelhond met Nemo afreken. Ek hond verskeur. kon nie langer kyk hoe my Die voorval het 9 Oktober hond gebyt word nie en gevoor die erf van Awie Alex- Hier sit ’n hartseer Awie hardloop om ’n baksteen op ander, eienaar van die poe- Alexander (60) op die plek te tel om die hond skrik te delhond, plaasgevind. waar sy hond gebyt is. maak,” vertel Alexander. Volgens Alexander, ’n afFOTO: DEVIDEAN MOSES Alles was tevergeefs en getrede bewaarder, het ’n buurman oudergewoonte met sy vier honde Nemo is meters verder deur die hond uitgespoeg waar hy in ’n plas bloed gelê het. in Conradstraat, Mountain View, gestap. Awie het dadelik vir Nemo opgetel en na “Nemo, ons hondjie, wat altyd agter ons geslote hekke is, het by die hek uitgehardloop,” ’n veearts gejaag. Kort ná Nemo by die veearts opgeneem is en geopereer is, is hy dood. vertel Awie. Awie het die eienaar gevra om Nemo se me“Omdat ons tans besig is om ons huis te verbou, het een van die werkers die hek oop- diese kostes van R1 390 te betaal en dit aan gelos toe hy voorraad na die bouperseel gedra Paarl Dierebeskerming te skenk. * A family pet was mauled to death by a het. Dis toe dat Nemo by ons voorhek uitgehardloop het en in die bek van ’n aggressiewe neighbour’s dog.



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16 Oktober, 2014

Nuus News

The Paarl West Community Policing Fo­ rum (CPF) in partnership with the Paarl Po­ lice, would like to inform the public of the crime tendencies as recorded for the peri­ od of 1­12 October 2014. ) Residential burglaries: In the farming areas, incidents were re­ ported at Windmeul, Malmesbury and Swawelstert Roads. Alexander and School Streets in the Northern Paarl, Groenvlei and Le­moen­ kloof areas were targeted, with one arrest being made. In the Courtrai, Vrykyk and Southern Paarl areas burglaries were reported in the fol­ lowing streets: Clift, Haarlem, Elba, Chapelle and Labori. ) Business burglaries: Incidents occurred in Denneboom, Water­ val, Roggeland, Swawelstert, Klipvlei, Si­ mondium and Wemmers­hoek Roads. A concern is the amount of pump houses that are being broken into. In the CBD, Triangle Park and Dal Josa­ phat areas, the following streets were tar­ geted: Voorschoten, New, Lady Grey and Gymnasium Streets, Jan Van Riebeeck and Arboretum Drives. One arrest was made in this area. In the Southern areas, burglaries were re­ ported in Station Street, Berg­river Boule­ vard and Main Road. ) Theft out of motor vehicle: For the above­mentioned period it is still evident that theft out of motor vehicles re­ mains a concern. There are no specific areas being target­ ed. Incidents occurred in Lady Grey, Van der Lingen, Fabriek, Distillery, Auburn and Uys Streets, Karlsen Crescent, Bona­ parte Avenue, Main Road, Bergriver Bou­ levard, Plantation, Meul, Bergpypie, Ret­ ief, Truter and Bosch Streets and St Johns Avenue. One arrest was made. ) Awareness tip: Take photographs of all your valuable items and electrical goods (including tools). Record the serial numbers and keep it safe. This can assist the police when doing linka­ ges for stolen property found.

Borgtog vir gewapende rowers geweier Die vyf vermeende mans wat tereg staan op ’n aanklag van gewapende roof, is Vrydag (10 Oktober) in die Paarl-landdroshof borgtog geweier. Hierdie mans word daarvan beskuldig dat hulle op 11 September Orleans Off-Sales, ’n drankwinkel in Paarl-Oos, beroof het. Die rowers is sedert Desember 2013 op die soeklys van die Paarl-Oos-polisie vir verskeie ernstige misdade soos roof, sakeroof, aanranding, die besit van vermoedelik gesteelde eiendom asook die besit van onwettige vuurwapens. Volgens ’n werker by die drankwinkel, het die mans met ’n onbekende bedrag geld, drie vuurwapens asook ’n bottel Bells whiskey vanaf die drankwinkel gevlug, nadat hulle personeellede met vuurwapens aangehou het. Hierdie goedere is later in hul besit gevind. Die verdagtes bly in aanhouding tot wanneer hul borgaansoek op Woensdag 22 Oktober in die Paarl-landdroshof weer aangehoor word. .

STOLEN RING: Paarl Po­ lice require the assist­ ance of the public re­ garding the where­ abouts of two rings that were stolen during a burglary in Wilder Street in August. Pictured is one of the rings. Anyone with information is requested to contact Detective Sergeant Daneen Smith on 021 807 4002.


Nuus News

16 Oktober, 2014

Pure Karoo­plesier dié naweek in die Paarl



Sestienduisend sosaties, 3 000 skilpadjies en skaapstertjies, ’n paar honderd skaapkoppe, 180 heel lamkarkasse, 220 verwerkte lamkarkasse – dit kan net een ding beteken, die jaarlikse Strooidak/ Williston-fees. Hierdie uiters gewilde fees vind hierdie naweek vir die 11de agtereenvolgende jaar plaas en vanjaar verwag die organiseerders by die 10 000 besoekers. Jaarliks trakteer die Willistonners die Paarliete op allerlei lekkernye uit die Karoo, en Vrydag en Saterdag beloof om groot pret en plesier te bied vir die hele gesin. Die fees het ’n nederige ontstaan gehad toe die Williston-gemeente die Strooidak-gemeente genader het om ’n vleistafel by hul basaar in die Paarl aan te bied. Daardie tyd het die gemeenskap van Williston gebuk gegaan onder die wurggreep van ’n erge droogte. Die idee van ’n gesamentlike basaar is gebore, met die groot aantrekkingskrag die lamsvleis. Maar nooit het hulle gedink dat die fees so van krag tot krag sou gaan nie. Die hele gemeenskap van Williston span nou weke voor die fees saam om vleis te bewerk – van sosaties ryg en wors maak, tot vleis verpak en skaapkoppe skrop. En vanjaar vergesel 100 Willistonners die vleistrokke na die Paarl waar hulle ook gaan help braai en stalletjies beman by die fees. Die fees het nou soveel aandag gaande gemaak dat tot die moderator van die NGK, dr. Nelis Niemandt, die naweek besoek gaan aflê in die Paarl om met sy eie oë te sien wat maak hierdie fees so suksesvol.

Die vure gaan hierdie naweek weer hoog brand tydens die Strooidak/Willis­ ton­fees. Niemandt sal Vrydagoggend ook ’n motiveringspraatjie om 06:00 hou by die vroue-en-manne-ontbyt (R120) by die kerksaal, en Sondagoggend sal hy om 09:00 by die Strooidakkerk preek. Die Strooidak/Willistonfees vind vanjaar weer by die De Poort-terrein in Suider-Paarl plaas. Die fees moes van die kerkperseel hierheen verskuif, juis oor die groot aantal besoekers van oral in die Kaapse Skiereiland en Boland wat jaarliks hierheen stroom. Tuisgemaakte boerewors, sosaties en biltong is maar net ’n paar van die heerlikhede wat volop beskikbaar sal wees by die fees, asook net die beste lammers sal te koop wees. En moenie vergeet van afval en skaapkop vir die ware vleisliefhebbers nie. Die fees skop Vrydagoggend om 10:00 af en die braaivure sal tot laataand bly brand. Om 18:00 sal ’n Ma-

rimba-orkes van Newton optree, waarna om 19:00 die gewilde plaaslike band Spoegwolf die verhoog sal betree. Saterdagoggend vroeg kan daar aangesit word vir die gewilde plaasontbyt (R45) en die fees se deure bly dan oop tot 13:00. Vir enige besprekings bel Maureen Armstrong by 021 872 4396. Die Strooidakkerk het die verbintenis nog ’n stap verder geneem. Wanneer dit Williston se basaar in April is, trek Strooidakgemeentelede op na Williston met ’n vrag snoek om daar te braai. Dan is die Karoo weer pure Boland. * The annual combined festival of the NG churches Strooidak and Williston will once again be held at De Poort in Paarl South, with 15 tons of meat, fresh from the heart of the Karoo, on sale.

New and Used car pros and cons Finance from Absa when you buying a new car

Absa has years of experience in vehicle and asset finance.We understand how exciting buying a new car can be and provide you with personalised car finance to suit your needs.We all have different tastes in cars depending on who we are,where we are in our lives,and what we can afford.Just as we don’t have all the same taste,we don’t have the same finance needs either – which is why we have vehicle finance tailor-made solutions. Generally,buying a car falls into two categories:new or used,both viable options,each with their own pros and cons.

• Resale value – depreciation is usually a good reason to buy used instead of new • You can purchase a used vehicle that has been quality checked and certified by a dealer • Buying a“barely used”or“demo”vehicle is another viable option – the car is like-new but more reasonably priced and can often include a warranty and maintenance plan.


• A new car has the latest gadgets,safety features and latest technology • Freedom of choice – you can consider a variety of vehicles with a number of added extras • You can test drive before purchase and you will be the first one to drive your new car • You know that there is no history in terms of missed services or accidents

• Buying a used car can end up costing you more than a new vehicle if there are maintenance costs involved that are not covered by a maintenance plan • A previously owned vehicle means you don’t know how well it has been looked after • The car will require maintenance and possibly expensive repairs far sooner than a new one • Used car repairs are probably not covered by a warranty • Available features are limited or lacking • Maintenance plans for used cars can be costly

Cons of buying a new car

Check out the car’s background

Pros of buying a new car

• It is considerably more expensive than buying a used car • New cars lose their value so resale value should be considered • Buying a new car represents a major investment and a big financial commitment • Even though there is no history of maintenance to consider,there are other factory flaws that you may not be aware of

Finance from Absa when buying a used car

When it comes to buying a car,there are many factors that influence your decision,such as the type of car,the budget available and whether the car is new or used. When purchasing a used vehicle there is generally more to consider than when you buy a new car.This includes mileage,previous service history and any damage the car may have incurred.Whether you choose to get your used car from a dealership or opt for private vehicle finance,Absa is here to assist you every step of the way.We focus on making the vehicle financing process as easy and hassle free as possible. Let us help you navigate the pros and cons of buying a used car from start to finish


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Always make sure that you research the car’s background as thoroughly as possible.There may be reason that the seller is selling his brand new car for a steal.It’s best to do all the research on the car you want before you apply for vehicle finance.It’s also a good idea to check the handy vehicle finance repayment calculator to get an idea of what your monthly car loan repayments will be.

• Look for a car with a FSH (Full Service History) if possible.This will give you peace of mind that the car has been maintained and looked after • If the car has been in an accident this will often drop the sale price – which is why the seller will often not mention it. • Check theVehicle title docs (NaTIS) and confirm the vehicle is not a code 3 or 4 which usually implies the vehicle is permanently unfit for use. • Take an expert who can see the tell-tale signs of accidents with you when you evaluate the car or consider taking the car to an expert or reputable institution for a thorough check • Compare the odometer reading in the service book with the current reading to make sure that they correspond. • Check theVIN (Vehicle Identification Number) and the engine number as these can be useful when requesting a background check on your car • Inspect the vehicle inside and out and be sure to take a test drive • Consider checking the vehicle police status,to ensure you are not buying a stolen vehicle,using tools and checks available online through products such as Lightstone vehicle verification. • Finance from Absa when you buying a new car

From first love to love at first sight, we’re here for you to prosper. On an average day, we’ll make a plan for more than 600 South Africans to sit in the driver’s seat of their own car. Some are firsttime owners, others are upgrading. Some want a car to drive to work, some to visit family and friends and some just want to have fun.Whatever the reason, they came to a bank that recognises that buying a car isn’t just about having a set a wheels. It’s about wanting a better life. It’s part of the story of your life.We understand. That’s why the products we offer, the services we render, the loans we make and the advice we give are not just there to help you live, they’re here for you to prosper. For more information, please contact our Absa Wellington branch on 021 864 5700/ address: 35-37 Church Street,Wellington and a dedicated consultant will gladly assist you with all your finance needs. Alternatively, visit any one of our 2 500 approved dealers.

Absa Bank Ltd Reg No 1986/004794/06 Authorised Financial Services Provider Registered Credit Provider Reg No NCRCP7 X1PAY7FR-PL161014



Briewe Letters

16 October, 2014

Is prison truly a harsh sentence? Prisons are, once again, in the spotlight, especially now with the current much publicised murder trials of Oscar Pistorius and Shrien Dewani. In the case of Pistorius it has been said that South African prisons are not adequately equipped to deal with prisoners with disabilities, thus putting them in real danger. In Dewani’s case it was argued, during a lengthy battle for extradition to stand trial in South Africa, that conditions in our prisons do not promote values such as human dignity, and that someone like Dewani will become a victim of rape and other atrocities. We have all heard rumours of what goes on in our prisons. In some cases, it appears as if gangsters have the upper hand and the authorities have little or no control over the inmates. The incident this past weekend where suspects were caught trying to smuggle drugs into Paardeberg prison is no exception. Fortunately, the drugs were seized this time, but banned substances such as these frequently find their way into prison cells. In previous news reports, prison wardens have been accused of smuggling illicit goods such as drugs, alcohol, cellphones and even prostitutes, into the cells. With this in mind, the public cannot be blamed for thinking that prisons are rather more conducive to criminal activities than a place of punishment or a rehabilitation centre, which they are meant to be.

The pen is mightier than the sword As I sit with a meditative stare into my laptop screen, trying to come up with an idea of how to begin this piece, I would think that as a journalist, finding the right words would come naturally. A simple girl with a taste for expensive things, I am always in search of a deeper or truer meaning of what people say, how they say it and why they say it. The impact that something as simple as a single adjective can add to someone’s life, when I lend an ear to their stories of triumph or struggle is amazing. These descriptive words of colour are what paint vivid pictures of people who we ‘do not know.’ I remember my first Political Science lesson at university, four years back, which focused on Etymology; the study of the origin of words and the way in which their meanings have changed throughout history. I thought what value was this going to add to my career and constantly obsessed about Googling the etymology of big words, when it was the smaller ones that I rather needed to pay attention to. Immediately I tried to make sense of it all. I attached a price tag to words which carry more power than others, such as thank you and I miss you. I soon realised that these are words of genuine simplicity. These are words that cannot show someone how much you miss them or how thankful you are. As the saying goes, “actions speak louder than words,” well I can tell you that we have definitely given new meaning to some. Then there are those words that have this “goes without saying clause” attached to them, like “promise” and “I will phone you later”. I consider myself a master in this field. Saying “I promise I will not disappoint”, “hurt” or “stab you in the back” is so hard not to live up to. “I will phone you later”, turns

into “I will phone you”, never depending on the importance or urgency. I consider answering my phone to plan a night out on the town with my friends, over the occasional ‘can you do me a favour please’. Like I said, it depends. However today, words such as “listening” mean being sucked into the world of my cellphone pretending to pay attention: Communication has become emails and instant messaging, and a relationship is telling someone else how I feel instead of telling the actual person to whom those feelings are relevant. So I’m born into a generation where technology is growing fast and forms a vital part of our lives. Two years ago I was “warned” about the claims of the print industry being extinct and newspapers becoming replaced with electronic and online media. These words of excitement and sensationalism are what create miscommunication and raise eyebrows, but it caught my attention. I could not see how the culture of enjoying a cup of coffee and paging through the crisp, rough pages of a newspaper was going to be replaced by the buttons of my cellphone. Yes, every Thursday, I look forward to seeing my fellow Paarlites line up in front of a vendor eager to buy a newspaper. Not because a mere R6 is another digit added to my salary, but because it brings me great pleasure knowing that I can sell someone’s story with a few words. But you know, telling stories is easy, it is an extension of your imagination, well for my part it is. Imagine if we were billed R6 for every word we used or misused, it’s enough to make me want to choose my words very carefully. I chose writing as my field of study, not because I failed Maths, but because it brought me this sense of satisfaction, knowing the power of my pen. Words have an immeasurable significance.

Keer liewer terug na lisensie­stelsel vir troeteldiere Ek wil graag reageer oor die munisipaliteit se nuutste ooreenkoms met die DBV. Die doel van die ooreenkoms is dat die DBV as skut optree vir honde en katte omdat die munisipaliteit nie skutgeriewe het nie. Daarvoor sal die munisipaliteit die DBV vergoed vir dienste gelewer as skut onder die ooreenkoms. Paarl DBV ondervind alreeds probleme deurdat die munisipaliteit ons nie op datum betaal vir die dienste wat ons gelewer het nie. Ons grootste bekommernis is dat die munisipaliteit nou vir sekere mense R57 vra om diere op te tel en te verwyder. Hierdie betalings óf boete óf vervoerfooie is nooit in die koerant geadverteer om die publiek bewus te

maak hiervan nie. Wat gebeur met die diere waarvoor mense nie geld het nie? Wat gebeur met die rondloperdiere? Volgens die munisipaliteit is daar nog nie iemand in die “dierebeheerbeampte”-pos aangestel nie, dus is daar nog geen opgeleide persoon om die rondloperdiere te vang nie en te laai nie. Diere met aansteeklike siektes

wat kinders en mense kan siek maak word nie opgelaai nie, want die mense het nie geld nie en soms nie vervoer nie? Ons het elke maand sowat 100 diere met aansteeklike siektes ontvang, nou bring die munisipaliteit maar ongeveer 30 diere per maand in. Wat gebeur met al die siek diere? Word diere óf langs die pad gelos óf aan pale vasgemaak? Kan ons nie liewer teruggaan na die lisensie-stelsel wat dan sal veroorsaak dat almal onder dieselfde stelsel sal val. Daardeur sal die munisipaliteit ook ’n beter begroting kan aanvra, want ons sal makliker kan vasstel hoeveel diere in die Drakenstein-area is.


Wat van Antoniesvlei en al die “inkommers”? Gepraat van Orleans Park, wat van Antoniesvlei waar geen verdere ontwikkeling oor die afgelope jare plaasgevind het nie. Maar busvragte vol mense vanaf die Kaap stroom veral oor die vakansies daarheen. Daar is dan skaars plek vir Wellington se eie inwoners. Die Kaap het hul eie strandoorde. Kom nou Drakenstein, wat van bietjie opgradering daar.


Die munisipale bestuurder, Johann Mettler, reageer: Met die somer op ons drumpel gaan inwoners van en besoekers

aan Drakenstein beslis die parke en die munisipale swembaddens in die omgewing besoek. Ten einde ons inwoners van Drakenstein tegemoet te kom is daar spesiale tariewe bepaal by die fasiliteite soos die swembaddens en Orleanspark, wanneer hulle hul opbetaalde munisipale rekening toon. Drakenstein inwoners wat hul Drakenstein munisipale rekening wys by die swembaddens betaal slegs R11 vir volwassenes, terwyl nie-inwoners R20 betaal. By Orleanspark, ontvang inwoners van Drakenstein-munisipaliteit 50% afslag op toegangsgelde, mits hulle hul Drakenstein munisipale rekening wys. Hierdie tarie-

we geld reeds van 1 Julie 2014 en kan gevind word in die tarieweboek vir 2014/15 of op die munisipaliteit se webblad, Die opgraderings vir Orleanspark is op skedule en die bouwerk sal in 2015 begin. Die geriewe by Antoniesvlei het twee seisoene gelede aandag geniet. Die munisipaliteit gee deurlopend aandag aan al die openbare geriewe sover as die begroting dit toelaat. Die gelde wat by die fasiliteite gegenereer word, hou nie tred met die bedryfskostes insluitend die opgraderings en onderhoud nie en word dus jaarliks gedeeltelik voor begroot.

There is no policing of our roads Most nights the clubs in Lady Grey Street are open and people are out drinking and driving, and the police are doing nothing about the situation. There are also no traffic police anywhere to be seen to prevent people from racing and speeding under the influence in Paarl. Almost every weekend someone dies due to a car crash, but nothing

is ever done to prevent it. Traffic and police need to be more visible to ensure people are safe from hurting and destroying their lives and those of others. The community has called the police on numerous occasions about illegal races and drunken driving, but they are no help. They send one police van which only drives past the people,

Vergewe vir my en soortgelyke mans Ek skryf om alle vroue wat mishandel word, om vergifnis te smeek. Ek rig veral die brief aan my vrou. Ek het vir meer as 20 jaar jou net trane besorg. Deur my dronkenskap kon ek nie sien hoe ek jou verniel nie. Tog het jy by my gestaan en jou seerkry weggesteek. Ek onthou die trane wat oor jou wange rol en jou smeek dat ek moet ophou drink. Ek was ’n dwaas, vergewe my. Ek vra jou ook groot om

verskoning vir al die hartseer. So baie mans besef nie die waarde van hul vrou, voor dit te laat is nie. Daarom wil ek ook namens daardie onbekende boosdoener, sy vrou om vergifnis vra. Die Here se genade is groot en hy verhoor gebede. As jy bely en opreg om vergifnis vra. Ek glo dat my huwelik nie sal wankel nie, omdat ek deur God verlos is en hy my oë en ore oopgemaak het.


but no one is ever tested for drinking and driving, and the illegal racing is allowed to continue. During daylight hours drivers are pulled off the road by traffic officers for minor offences. But those who commit serious offences at night are let off scot-free.


No involvement whatsoever I am the manager of Rooshoek Farm near Wellington. I would like to denounce any rumours that I or the owner of the farm were at all involved in the abalone smuggling ring which was exposed on the farm. We have many tenants living on the farm and are not aware of what they do behind closed doors.




Menings Opinion

16 Oktober, 2014

SMS 32363 ) Kan die munisipaliteit nie asseblief die plakkers onder die Lady Greystraat­brug verwyder nie? Hulle bemors en besmet die pragtige rivier. Hulle kan mos ’n hok in ’n plakkerskamp gaan opslaan. Nee sies man! Pieter Smal. ) Dit is baie frustrerend dat die telefone so lank lui by Dal Josafat­toetssentrum. Hierdie probleem kom nou baie lank aan. )Municipality, please speed up housing in Simondium. ) Die munisipale woonstelle in Langenho­ venstraat lyk al hoe meer soos ’n squatter kamp! Sjebeen, winkel, sinkkamers! ) Wat is dit van ’n grant vir swanger vroue? Dis julle wat ons vroumense sleg maak, want almal wil nou weer swanger raak, omdat daar nou weer ’n grant gegee gaan word aan swanger vroue. ) Kan enigiemand my help? Ek is op soek na Charles Manuel wat woonagtig is in die Groot Drakenstein­omgewing. Sy dogter is op soek na hom. Kontak: 076 915 5705.

) Baie dankie aan Pizza Perfect in Wellington vir hul goeie diens en lekker kos! ) Checkers: Een vrot appel maak die hele sak vrot. ) Volgens my kennis betaal die kliënt vir wat hy sien. As die winkel ’n fout maak met die pryse moet hulle dit vir die kliënt gee soos dit op die rakke geadverteer word. ) Het Donderdag 9 Oktober by ’n koffiewinkel op Jan Phillips­plein in Paarl CBD vir my ’n Russian roll gaan koop, en oudergewoonte maak ek my rol oop om my Russian reg te sit in die rol. Maar tot my teleurstelling was die rol muf. Kyk die personeel dan nie na hul voedsel voor hulle dit aan die publiek verkoop nie? En dit nadat nuwe bestuur oorgeneem het. Teleurgestelde kliënt. ) Net ’n woordjie van dank aan die verpleegpersoneel van Paarl­hospitaal met die siekbed van onse ontslape moeder Suzane Moerat. Dankie vir julle woordjies van bemoediging, sterkte en selfs net die omgee. Hou aan met die mooi werk. Dankie. Die Moerat­familie. ) Noorder­Paarl Checkers het twee parkeer­ plekke vir gestremdes, maar is toegepak met ke­ gels! Op een van hulle parkeer gereeld ’n motor­ fiets. Dis nou omgee! ) Thanks to all at Midway Centre for giving us who live in Mbekweni a pleasant shopping expe­ rience on our doorstep. ROAD CHAOS: Every morning the R301 near Franschhoek is chaos near the junction with the R45, which is also notorious for accidents. Over the past 20 years I have seen so many car crashes and deaths along this road, and this traffic ‘bottle neck’ is just another accident waiting to happen. A traffic light should surely be erected at this junction, in so do­ ing letting the traffic flow smoother while making the road safer as well. READERS PHOTO AND COM­ MENT: JENNY

Paarl’s biggest family charity walk.

Drakenstein Hospice

The Diemersfontein Drakenstein Hospice Spring Walk.

Saturday 25 October from 06:00 at the Paarl Rugby Club.

Jumping castles and lots to eat. Medals to all who complete 22km, 10km and 8km. Badges for the 3km finishers. Lucky draws from Diemersfontein and Shoprite Checkers. Live broadcast on Radio KC 107.7


Free fudge bar with every entry. For more information, contact Myrtle at 0218724060 or Earl at 0218729799 | X1PB2JDM-PL161014



Mense People

16 October, 2014

ICING ON THE CAKE: The Metropolitan Centre Pick ’n Pay, Paarl, gave learners the opportunity to decorate cupcakes for free with deco­ rations of their choice. This was part of an initiative to keep their crea­ tive hands and minds busy. The cupcakes and decorations were pro­ vided by Pick ’n Pay and cooldrinks were sponsored by Coca­Cola. With the young bakers are customer services manager, Annette de Kock (second from right at the back) and Jolene Farao.

DONATION FOR NATURE: On Saturday, cllr Lourens Du Toit (right) re­ ceived a cheque from the orga­ nisers of the La Capra Goat Run on behalf of the Drakenstein Mu­ nicipality. This trail run from Fairview to Spice Route, through the Paarl Nature Reserve, is an annual event raising funds for a variety of organisations. This year, funds were raised for the Sunflower Fund, which assists in the education and the recruiting of donors for the South African bone marrow registry. Paarl Mountain Nature Reserve also received a hand­ some donation of R2 000, which will be used for the upkeep of the reserve, which remains a very popular spot for sport and nature enthusiasts locally and internationally. Diane Back of Fairview handed over the cheque to Du Toit.





VAARDIGHEDE: AndrĂŠ Paxton (regs), bestuur­ der van die Pasadena Spur, Paarl, het ’n pro­ gram in Maart van stapel gestuur saam met First Step Academy, waar hy ’n groep werklose jeug geneem het en vir vyf maande opleiding met hulle gedoen het as ‘n gemeenskapsprojek om die jongmense vaardighede te leer wat hulle kan help om werk te kry. Die opleiding het ge­ gaan oor die restaurantbedryf en die jongmense is verskillende vaardighede geleer om suksesvol in enige restaurant te kan funksioneer. Hier is die studente wat die kursus voltooi en geslaag het saam met Karini Viljoen (links) van First Step Academy. Van links is Karini Viljoen, Safeeka Phetlo, Anganathi Stafa, Charlton Jampies, Bron­ wyn Kock en Elzaan Abrahams.

CELEBRITY CHEF VISITS: World­renowned chef, Michel Roux snr. (second from right), visited the Wellington wine area last week as part of his annual visit to South Africa to discover and source exceptional wines. The French­born Michel‘s Waterside Inn restaurant in Bray, England became the first restaurant outside France to hold three Michelin stars for a period of 25 years. Michel dined at the No. 6 restaurant on Schalk Burger’s farm, Welbedacht. With him here at No. 6 are from left Nico Nel (Afrikaans story teller), Louis Visser (RealNet, Paarl) and local businessman, Johan Pauw.


++ 2!.# !.%*#


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16 October, 2014




Promosie Promotion

16 October, 2014


Kids party tables, chairs & décor Gazebo's & photo boards. Candy floss, popcorn, chocolate fountain, spiral potatoes, slush puppy machines & Mini pizza ovens. Face paint & balloon folding. Farm venue available (jumping castles/waterslides) Go-Karts We do events and kids entertainment! Adele: 073 528 8802 / 073 696 9000 X1PB2LJD-PL161014

Pienkvoet­Pret bied stimuleringsklasse Pienkvoet-Pret bied die afgelope 14 jaar die beste Afrikaanse mamma-en-baba stimuleringsklasse aan. Hul doel is nie net om babas te stimuleer nie, maar ook om ’n spesiale tyd te skep waartydens mamma en baba al spelende nader aan mekaar groei. Mammas kan nie wag vir hul weeklikse klasse waarty-

Tel: 021 873 2817


a jare se beplanning, het Bambi hierdie jaar met Laerskool Hugo Rust saamgesmelt. Bambi is reeds in 1976 gestig en het aan die einde van 2012 verhuis na die skool se terrein. Kragte word nou saamgesnoer met Laerskool Hugo Rust, wat reeds sedert 1949 'n trotse geskiedenis het. Bambi se personeel is oor die jare gekenmerk as hoogs ervare, opgeleide en entoesiastiese opvoeders. Hulle leef hul passie daagliks uit deur hulle kinders te lei en met liefde en deernis tot hul volle potensiaal te help ontwikkel. Die kinders floreer onder hulle individuele aandag, sorg en toegewydheid. Geestelike waardes, respek en integriteit is van kardinale belang. Die speelterrein het onlangs 'n nuwe baadjie gekry. Dit is n veilige, vrolike en goed ingerigte speelarea met baie kleur en opwinding! Die WKOD se leerplan word gevolg en die personeel bly op hoogte van al die nuwe ontwikkelinge op hierdie gebied. Musiek en kuns is unieke kenmerke van die skool en die kinders geniet die spontane saamsing, kreatiwiteit en pret elke dag! Hugo Rust se uitstekende rekenaarfasiliteite, sportvelde en saal , sowel as die groot verskeidenheid buitemuurse aktiwiteite is groot pluspunte. Nasorg-fasiliteite is beskikbaar waar kinders versorg en gestimuleer word in 'n veilige omgewing. Kom loer gerus in en kom kyk na ons nuwe speelterrein en goed ingerigte, kindervriendelike klasse! Nou onder een vaandel! Trots een met Laerskool Hugo Rust! Net die beste!!

der nuwe bestuur. Die nuwe franchise-eienaar, Anita Calitz, nooi ouers uit om ’n gratis klas by te woon en self te ervaar wat dit vir jou en jou baba sal beteken. Bel haar by 083 237 8043 of stuur ’n e-pos aan of besoek ook gerus hulle webwerf by

dens hulle kan deel in die opwinding en pret van hul kinders se ontwikkeling en groei nie. Babas kry ook die geleentheid om in ’n veilige en vriendelike omgewing met ander kinders van hul ouderdomsgroep te sosialiseer. Die klasse vorm ook ’n uitstekende ondersteuningsnetwerk vir ma’s. Paarl Pienkvoet-Pret is on-

Ouers kan deel wees van hul kinders se ont­ wikkeling. KLAPMUTS­MARK: Die Klapmuts Familiemark is nou oop elke Saterdag by De La Paix (langs Butterfly World). Daar is hope pret vir oud en jonk met springkastele, ‘n barrel­ train ride en ‘n speelpark vir die kleingoed. Vir vol­ wassenes is daar allerlei stalletjies asook ‘n braai food court vir smullekker kos. Indien jy belangstel om ‘n stalletjie by die mark te hê, bel Lania Re­ tief by 079 8890 880 of per epos, lania_retief@

Geregistreerde Kleuterskool Opgeleide Personeel Voldag met etes Halfdag / Dagsorg Groot Speelgronde Eksterne Klasse Bekostigbaar

Tel: 021 872 8935 Rosestraat 22A, Paarl


Kontak ons Vandag!



Kleuterskool vir babas, peuters en kleuters en nasorg sentrum vir laerskool kinders.

0-5 years Oop vanaf 07:00 tot 17:30 Loving “homefelt” environment Groot buite grasspeelarea Small class sizes Gestig 1995 Healthy home-cooked meals Principal: Soretha Landsberg

Bubble Buddies bied vir jou kind n‘ “hui”s weg van die huis af. Met vriendelike en liefdevolle personeel, oulike kinders en n‘ ruim speel area sal jou kind nooit ongelukkig wees nie. Ons bied buitemuurse aktiwiteite aan, n‘ interessante kurikullum in Afrikaans en Engels, uitstappies en vele meer. Ons is oop elke vakansie van die jaar (Desember ingesluit) en dus sal ouers nooit verontgerief raak tydens vakansie tye nie.



Family Market When: Saturdays’ Venue: De La Paix


There will be loads to buy, see, eat and a safe place for the kids to play! .

If you are interested in being a vendor, please contact met on 079 889 0880 .

Kontak 074 655 1643 / vir meer inligting. X1PAPTFD-PL161014

We are looking for crafts, pancakes, clothing, almost anything goes!

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School for Small Children


A community of children from 18 months to 6 years housed in a beautiful hall with huge playground in the centre of Paarl where curiosity is nurtured and independence encouraged • Half day, full day and holiday care • Music and Physical Education included in fees • Dedicated, well-qualified teachers who accept and respect the individuality of every child

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KONTAK ONS BY: 021 864 3985

ONS SPOG MET 'N NUWE PEUTERKLASSIE (12-24 maande) vanaf 2015!

Waarom Pikkieland die beste keuse vir JOU kind is................................................

• Pikkieland is 'n privaatskool gebaseer op Christelike beginsels • Klassies roem op lae leerdertalle per klas. Elke klas het 'n gekwalifiseerde onderwyseres en assisstent, so u kind geniet die voordeel van individuele aandag • Vakansiesorg met spesiale program (vanaf 07:30-17:30) • Ons bied nasorg tot 17:30 • Leerondersteuning deur opgeleide personeel vir skoolgaande kinders graad 1-7 (middagetes ingesluit) • Remediërende-onderrig op versoek • 'n Veilige, kindervriendelike omgewing wat jou kind sal laat tuis voel! Klasse: • 4-5 jaar (Afrikaans) • 3-4 jaar (Afrikaans) • 2-3 jaar (Afrikaans) • 2-5 jaar (English) • 18-24 maande (peuters) | | 021 872 7599 X1PAHT9D-PL161014




Promosie Promotion

16 Oktober, 2014


Le Bonheur croc farm: The ultimate family getaway Le Bonheur Crocodile Farm is a truly ideal family destination where you can entertain kids and grown-ups alike. So why not choose Le Bonheur for your littles one’s next birthday party? A variety of options are available to celebrate the big day. Parents can choose between self-catering where they bring their own snacks, partypacks, cake, etc. or make use of Le Bonheur’s own catering services whereby they provide the food, party packs, decorations and more. Custom options are also available upon request to suit your individual needs. Facilities are available for you to bring your own jumping castles, water slides and Le Bonheur will provide the water and electricity. Kids can be treated to a guided croc tour, where they can learn a bit more

about these fascinating reptiles. Petting of a baby crocodile is part of this unique experience. Fishing rods and bait are available for hire or you can bring your own and have a whole day of fun alongside the dam. Special rates and discounts apply specifically for kids’ parties. You can also ask Le Bonheur about their group deal discounts. Kids can enjoy various fun activities on the farm including playing in a sandpit, swinging inside a tyre or visiting various animals and birds. Parents can enjoy a drink in the fully licensed restaurant or enjoy their signature dish: home-made crocodile pie with chips and salad or even crocodile spring rolls. For the less adventurous diner, there are sandwiches, ciabattas and much more on the menu. The party can also be moved in-

doors if the weather is less than satisfactory. Day visitors can also enjoy the above-mentioned facilities. Pre-book a picnic basket and enjoy some free fishing as an added benefit. There is also a curio/gift shop with crocodile leather items, wooden toys, T-shirts and much more catering for the local as well as international market. There is also an outside braai where the men can enjoy braaing some meat. Le Bonheur farm was founded by Jurie Prins and has been in the family for 50 years. About 30 years ago Prins visited a crocodile farm and saw a unique opportunity to bring to Paarl. These crocs were bought from crocodile farms in the surrounding area and as far as Botswana. Due to the growing fascination with these crocs in Paarl, it was decided to bring the experience to the general public by creating a visitors’ centre, of which Graham Moss is now the general manag-

er. For more information on package options, day visits and corporate year-end functions, contact Graham on 021 863 1142, email in-

Spelterapie kan jou kind help Speel is eie aan die natuur van ’n kind. Daarom maak dit sin dat wanneer ’n kind nie oor die vermoë beskik om sy emosies te kan verwoord of dit verstaan nie, spelterapie ’n waardevolle manier is om deur middel van speel tot op die kind se vlak te beweeg. Sodoende kry die kind die geleentheid om uitdrukking te gee aan wat hy voel en dink. Wanneer ’n kind ’n gebrekkige of totale onvermoë het om sy emosies te verwoord, kan hy moontlike struikelblokke ervaar wat gedrag en normale emosionele ontwikkeling kan beïnvloed en moontlik sy akademiese vordering kan benadeel. ’n Opgeleide spelterapeut gebruik speel om die oorsaak van probleme op te spoor en die kind te help om dit te verwerk. Kinders se spel is ryk aan verbeelding en deur speelgoed or visit Come on over and combine fun, education and adventure for a truly unique experience at Le Bonheur.

Speelskool en Nasorgsentrum Playschool and Aftercare Centre Kleuters volg 'n opvoedkundige en prettige dagprogram Safe, loving and caring environment in order for children to grow into their full potential.

Inskrywings vir 2015 nou oop… Ontbyt, gebalanseerde middagete en middag peuselhappies word voorsien Voldag: 07:00 - 17:30 | Halfdag: 07:00 - 12:30

Ages: 3 months - 5 years | Fully Bilingual | Air Conditioned Classes CCTV Cameras in all the classes

te gebruik, druk hulle hul gedagtes simbolies uit. Die speelgoed word dus soos woorde gebruik en word die kind se natuurlike taal. Op hierdie manier kan ervarings wat ’n indruk op ’n kind gemaak het, in hul spelgedrag uitkom. Die doel van spelterapie is, benewens die uitdrukking van emosies, ook om beter verhoudingsvaardighede, eiewaarde en verantwoordelikheid te kweek. Spelterapie kan help in die behandeling van spesifieke probleme, gevalle van egskeiding, swak woedehantering, leerprobleme, angstigheid, depressie, aandaggebreksteuring, sosialiseringsprobleme, obsessiefkompulsiewe steuring, aanpassingsprobleme, trauma, enige vorm van verlies en outisme.

Kontak: 021 872 8162 X1PAXB8M-PL161014

LAGGIESLAND CRÈCHE Fabriekstraat 25, Paarl | 021 872 6940


Kiddies home away from home Cheerful spaces, happy faces Tweetalige onderrig Skoolvakansies ook oop.




Karel Karel Kraai SKOOL / SCHOOL

2B Upper Lady Grey Street, Paarl Tel: 021 872 6047 | 082 773 8870

Maandae tot Vrydae 07:00 - 17:30 072 633 6855 Jesus lessies • Lekker kossies • Baie liefde • Temas • Uitstappies Vakansie Sorg

Ook beskikbaar om kinderpartytjies te hou. X1PAHTV5-PL161014

'n Gevestigde skool waar roetine, dissipline, liefde en respek vir mekaar as steunpilare van ons onderrig is.

‘n Span wat nog 'n passie vir ons dagtaak het.



Tel/Fax: 021 863 1142 E Mail: Babylonstoren Road, R45, Simondium

Skakel 021 872 6047 en maak 'n afspraak om ons skool te besigtig. 3 maande tot Graad R. X1PB0TF1-PL161014




Jeug Youth

16 October, 2014

Auret Auret Street Street Kids Kiids Happy


birthday! Pre-Primêr (3 - 5 jaar) Inskrywings vir 2015 nou oop Hannalie Vergottini 083 336 8695

Baba / Kleutersorg (3 maande - 2 jaar) Nuwe inskrywings welkom Nuwe bestuur vanaf 2015 Elmare Cronje 084 682 3545

SPOG­AFSKEID: Hoër Jongenskool Paarl se matrieks het met hul metgeselle hul jaarlikse matriekafskeid onlangs by Kronenburg­landgoed gevier.


SPELERS: Maurice Carollisen (links) en Shaldien Jacobs (regs) van Sonop Primêre Skool het on­ langs aan die Kaapse Wynland­onderwysdistrik se spelkompetisie deelgeneem. Maurice het ’n tweede plek behaal, terwyl Shaldien die top drie net­net misgeloop het. Hierdie leerders het in die kring­kompetisie onderskeidelik eerste en tweede geëindig. Skole van oor die hele distrik het aan dié kompetisie deelgeneem. Saam met hulle is hul opvoeder Stephen Crouch.


Matriekrok-kompetisie DRAKENSTEIN TOP 100 ELECTRICITY CONSUMERS FORUM Invitation to attend an meeting of the Drakenstein Top 100 Electricity Consumers Forum Drakenstein Municipality invites you to the DRAKENSTEIN Top 100 Electricity Consumers Forum Meeting to be held in the Drakenstein Municipality Council Chambers on Tuesday, 21 October 2014 from 14:00 until 17:00. The purpose of this Meeting is to: • Give feedback on Electricity Developments within South Africa and the Municipal Electricity Department. • Give feedback on queries received from Consumers with particular reference to Seasonal Consumers. • Do Presentations to Consumers of intended future development of Tariffs and Standards. • Do presentations on the latest community IDP feedback sessions. • Create a question and answer opportunity for the Consumers. In terms of the Electricity Licence of the Electricity Utility of the Drakenstein Municipality, a Large Power User Forum has to be established at which time it must be endeavoured to: • achieve the most efficient, effective, sustainable and orderly development and operation of electricity supply infrastructure of the Drakenstein Municipality, and • to ensure that the interests and needs of present and future electricity customers and end users are safeguarded and met, having regard to the governance, efficiency, effectiveness and long-term sustainability of the electricity supply industry within the broader context of economic energy consumption within the Drakenstein Municipality. In terms of the Municipal Systems Act, electricity tariffs have to be designed in such a way that: • users of municipal services should be treated equitably in the application of tariffs; • the amount individual users pay for services should generally be in proportion to their use of that service; • poor households must have access to at least basic services through— • tariffs that cover only operating and maintenance costs; • special tariffs or life line tariffs for low levels of use or consumption of services or for basic levels of service; or • any other direct or indirect method of subsidisation of tariffs for poor households; • tariffs must reflect the costs reasonably associated with rendering the service, including capital, operating, maintenance, administration and replacement costs, and interest charges; • tariffs must be set at levels that facilitate the financial sustainability of the service, taking into account subsidisation from sources other than the service concerned; • provision may be made in appropriate circumstances for a surcharge on the tariff for a service; • provision may be made for the promotion of local economic development through special tariffs for categories of commercial and industrial users; • the economical, efficient and effective use of resources, the recycling of waste, and other appropriate environmental objectives must be encouraged; • the extent of subsidisation of tariffs for poor households and other categories of users should be fully disclosed.


1 Desember 2014 in Versterstraat 7 Maak 'n afspraak en kom kyk wat Pietie julle kinders bied!

r e v o e k a M


Worth more than R12 000! • To win prizes the value of more than R12 000, glue this cut-out onto the Makeover form that was published on 24 July 2014. Once you have filled in all the spaces, paste onto an envelope and post the form to Makeover, Paarl Post, Box 409, Paarl 7620 or deliver to the Paarl Post office, by 10:00 on Friday 24 October 2014, after which the winner will be drawn. Only original cuttings (not photostats) are accepted.

If any further information is required please contact Mr Willie Albertyn at 021 807 4663 or at e-mail to We look forward to our collaboration to encourage participation within the Electricity Business of the Drakenstein Municipality. JOHANN METTLER MUNICIPAL MANAGER Die Afrikaanse weergawe van hierdie kennisgewing is op versoek beskikbaar. X1PB5V61-PL161014

MUSIEK: Leerders van Laerskool Slot van die Paarl het deelgeneem aan die Unisa musiek­ eksamen. Hulle is voor van links, Lin­ da Mentz, Yolinda Bestbier en Hannah Laurence. Agter is Chane Calitz en Reuben Grobler.

Week 12



Early Child Development/ Educational centre

In order to give effect to all of the above the following program is to be used during the proceedings of the Forum meeting: 1. Welcome 2. Apologies 3. Approval of the minutes of the 2nd meeting of the Drakenstein Top 100 Electricity Consumers forum meeting held on 15 April 2014 4. Items arising from the minutes of the 15 April 2014 5. Deliver presentations on:a. Final Approved Tariffs; b. New Electricity Supply Bylaw; c. IDP Presentation. 6. Feedback on Major Electricity Projects and Establishments 7. Question and Answer Session 8. Meeting Summary 9. Next Meeting 10. Closure Interested parties are invited to please attend this meeting which is to be held in the Drakenstein Municipality Council Chambers, Civic Centre, Bergrivier Boulevard on 21 October 2014 from 14:00 - 17:00.

SEMIFINALIS: Misch­ ke Williams (“matriek 39”) van Bergrivier Se­ kondêr is die week se semifinalis in die Paarl Post/Paarl Mall Ma­ triekrok­kompetisie. Matriekmeisies kan tot 17 Oktober ’n foto van hulself in hul matriek­ afskeidrok na Paarl Post se kantoor in Newstraat 1A bring of per e­pos stuur aan Die foto’s word op, gelaai. Die publiek kan dan per SMS (nommer op die webtuiste) stem vir hul gunsteling­rok. Die laaste semifinalis word Maandag gekies. Die wenner en twee prinsesse sal met pryse ter waarde van R10 000 wegstap. Die wenner se skool wen ook ’n advertensie ter waarde van R3 500. Die grande finale vind plaas tydens ’n spoggeleent­ heid op 31 Oktober by Paarl Mall. Vir navrae, bel Ilse Fourie by 021 870 4601. Besoek om te stem.

CONTACT US Estelle van der Linde 074 540 5050 10 Pontac Street, Paarl

• All teachers are qualified and attend workshops regularly. • We have qualified Therapist on our team toe ensure the best language and motor skills. • Met energieke, pret en Christelike onderrig stimuleer on elke individuele maatjie. • Ons verskaf uitstekende baba sorg vir ontwikkelings program. • We provide our 3-4 Yrs learners with an educational based Computer Program. This program can be used by school level learners as support for any difficulties at school level. • Little Miracles is fully Bilingual. • All children from the are of 3 yrs are enrolled into “MINI-MOVERS” as part of the curriculum in conjuction with “Elle Dance school”


• Qualified Teachers, Individual care and intensive homework. • We cater for their extra mural needs and transport. Transport from school and balanced Meal daily. X1PB3ELR-PL161014

Matriek­ kerkdiens by VGK Die VGK-gemeente Hugenote in samewerking met die WesKaapse onderwysdepartement en plaaslike hoërskole hou Sondag 19 Oktober om 09:00 hul jaarlikse matriekdiens. Matriekleerders, studente, ouers en onderwysers word genooi na die spesiale kerkdiens ter voorbereiding vir die matriekeksamen. Die bekende prediker, dr. Charles Flaendorp, sal die diens lei. Navrae: adjunkhoof Ivor Collins by 083 346 3889.

Advertensie Advertisement


16 Oktober, 2014




Wellington Nuus Wellington News

16 October, 2014


Long Table Dinner for Cancer

• Exhausts • Tyres • Shocks • Towbars • Wheel alignment

31 October 2014 - 19:00 Oude Wellington Restaurant Bainskloof Rd, Wellington R475 pp includes 3 Course Dinner with paired wines and live music. Dress: Formal Pink Tie

Jacques Walters

Mariaan Walters


Reservations: 021 873 2009 / 082 836 8924

2 Industria Street | Wellington 021 873 2120 | 082 573 7258 X1PAXDKM-PL161014


Feesnaweek vir dienssentrum Die ACVV Fyngoud Dienssentrum in Wellington vier hul 30e bestaansjaar vanaf 16 tot 19 Oktober met ’n fees. Donderdag 16 Oktober om 18:30 is daar ’n vingerete by die NG Wellington-Oos-gemeente se saal. Daar sal ook ’n toneelopvoering wees sowel as ’n orkes wat optree. Vrydag om 08:00 word ’n opedag by die dienssentrum in Bainstraat gehou met ’n uitstalling van naaldwerk, handwerk, kuns en meer. Daar sal ’n tee-

tuin wees wat teen R25 per persoon besoek kan word. Saterdag vanaf 08:00 is daar ’n kermis op Silwerkruin-ouetehuis in Bainstraat se terrein met baie eetgoed, speletjies vir alle ouderdomme, ’n teetuin en orkes wat sal sorg vir lekker musiek. Toegang gratis. Sondag 19 Oktober om 10:00 word die feesnaweek afgesluit met ’n kerkdiens by Silwerkruin. Vir navrae, bel Janet Myburg by 082 850 1197.

INVITATION TO LEASE BUSINESS SPACES AND UNITS AT WAMKELEKILE STREET, MBEKWENI. The Drakenstein Municipality hereby invites applications for the leasing of business hive units at Wamkelekile Street Mbekweni. These units have been constructed with the express purpose to provide affordable trading spaces to local entrepreneurs. (a) The eastern elevation or the side facing the street will be utilised for informal trading. Please note that you must complete an application form to be considered. No business plan is needed for this section. (b) The western elevation or units with closed doors will be utilised by upcoming entrepreneurs. Please note that the submission of business plan is compulsory. Applicants must meet the following criteria: • Preference will be given to traders who are registered at Drakenstein voters roll; Please note: No person, councillor or official, in their individual capacity, will be able to influence the allocation of the business hive units. Application forms and format business plan can be collected from the LED & Tourism Unit, 1st Floor, Wellington Municipal Offices, Pentz Street, or on the municipal website at:

SIT DIE BAL AAN DIE ROL: Die nuwe rolbalsei­ soen het op Saterdag 11 Oktober by Wellington­rol­ balklub afgeskop, met die gebruiklike Tannie Wille­ mien­dag. Tannie Willemien Pienaar was ’n lid en is nog steeds ’n gewaardeerde vriend van die klub. Sy het onlangs haar 100ste verjaardag gevier en het by die geleentheid van die baan­opening die eerste bal vir die dag gerol. Wellington­rolbal hou ’n bekend­ stellingsgeleentheid vir persone wat belangstel om rolbal te speel op Vrydag 25 Oktober om 18:00. Vir meer besonderhede bel Ben Bekker by 083 281 7605 of kom kuier by die klub.

St.Albans bied ’n naweek van vermaak St.Albans Primêre Skool bied op Vrydag 24 Oktober ’n debutantebal aan. Kaartjies is R150 per persoon en sluit in ’n driegangmaal. Musiek word verskaf deur die N2 musiek-groep. Die skool sal ook ’n musiekfees op Saterdag 25 Oktober hou waar die bekende Rockets en Public Opinion, Ashley Pienaar, Afrikaans Ruk en vele meer optree. Dit is R40 vir volwassenes en R20 vir kinders. Kaartjies is beskikbaar by die skool. Op Maandag 27 Oktober sal die skool ’n skoolkonsert hou. Volwassenes betaal R10 en kinders R5. Enigiemand wat belangstel in ’n stalletjie by die musiekfees kan die skool bel by 021 873 2441.



Hearing Aid Direct Wellington sakekamer bied gala­aand

“Hearing in noise” WEDNESDAY 29 OCTOBER

Applications must reach the offices of the LED & Tourism Unit by no later than Friday, 31 October 2014 Further information please contact Mr. Ntobeko Vacu at or Tel: 021 807 4740 or Fax: 0866156204 “A Place of Excellence”

VAN KRAG TOT KRAG: Hoërskool Hugenote het onlangs ’n Kompas­funksie aangebied. Die bemarkingskomitee van Hoërskool Hugenote se doel agter hierdie spoggeleentheid was om sake­ lui in die gemeenskap weer bewus te maak van Hoërskool Hugenote en die rol wat die skool in die gemeenskap speel en ook andersom. Met on­ geveer 60 sakemanne uit die dorp het gasspre­ ker, die uitvoerende burgemeester, adv. Gesie van Deventer, hulle met ’n baie sterk boodskap opge­ dra om betrokke te wees by die skool. Leerders van Hoërskool Hugenote het ook hul deel byge­ dra om die gehoor op hoogte te bring van hul kodes en prestasies. Die aand is afgesluit met ’n kort toespraak deur die bemarker van Hugenote Hoërskool, Johann Enslin. Belangstellendes wat graag sou wil betrokke raak by die groot projek­ te wat die skool in die volgende paar jaar gaan aandurf, is welkom om die skool te bel by 021 873 2111. Hier is Hennie Cronje, adjunk­hoof van Hugenote Hoërskool en adv. Gesie van De­ venter tydens die Kompas­funksie.


- Affordable hearing aids direct to the public - 30 months guarantee on hearing aids BERG RIVIER APTEEK - TEL 021 873 2569 X1PB4CL5-PL161014

Die Wellington sakekamer bied op 12 November ’n gala-aand, waartydens die “Sakepersoon 2014 en Polisiebeampte 2014” met groot swier aangekondig gaan word. Die gasspreker is die bekende ekonoom, Dawie Roodt, van die Efficient Groep. Wellington Sakekamer verwel-

kom graag alle sakelui en inwoners by die swierige aand van saamwees, om aan dié wat die dorp help welvaart skep en dié wat die gemeenskap onbaatsugtig dien, erkenning gee. Om ’n tafel te bespreek, besoek Bespreek betyds.


Kuns & Leefstyl Arts & Lifestyle

16 October, 2014

KOMEDIE: Hotel Vleispaleis sal Vrydag 17 Oktober om 20:00 by die Ou Meul­teater op die planke wees. Hotel Vleispaleis, ’n storie deur Le­ on Kruger, is die verhaal van vier vroue wat ná mor­ sige egskeidings watertrap en nou op die rand van die samelewing wankel. Dit is ’n komedie oor lojaliteit, deer­ nis, vriendskap en die waar­ de van ’n goeie skootskof­ fel. In die rolverdeling is Susanne Beyers, Chanelle de Jager, Dorette Potgieter en Esther von Waltsleben. Kaartjies is R100. Om te be­ spreek, bel Vicky Stemmet by 083 564 0056 of epos

Kalender . Calendar 16 OKTOBER ) VLV Aandtak vergader om 19:15 in die HJS­museum te Hoofstraat, Paarl. Sersant Jerome Timmy van die K9­honde­eenheid kom praat oor hulle werk. Besoekers is welkom. Ska­ kel Elzette Coetzer by 084 513 6833. 17 OKTOBER ) Annunciation Kerk hou op Vry­ dagaand ’n Mr & Miss Bonanza in die kerksaal. Toegang is R20. Op 24 Oktober bied die kerk ’n jeug­disko aan by die kerksaal en Saterdag 25 Oktober is die jaarlikse Bonanza in die kerksaal. Daar sal ook ’n parade deur die strate wees met trompop­ pies, die Royals Stars­orkes en pretrit­ te sal deel uitmaak van die dag se verrigtinge. 18 OCTOBER ) The Stellenbosch Slow Market at Oude Libertas Estate, Stellenbosch, will be showcasing the best of local craft brews between 09:00 and 14:00, featuring a variety of unique craft beer producers. It is a Craft Beer Fest in real slow food style. German­ inspired culinary delights will also be on offer. Another highlight will be the German stand, where visitors will be able to purchase bratwurst, bok­ wurst, currywurst, leberkäse, Eagle

Weiss beer and much more. Visit or call 021 886 8514.

klubhuis in Kleinstraat, 18:30 vir 19:00. Bespreek by Emile Weber 071 559 2631.

22 OKTOBER ) Au’ de Hex Boetiekhotel in Wel­ lington bied aan Salon de Thé op Woensdag 22 Oktober 15:30. ’n Namiddagtee saam met pretprater Elsabe Aldrich en bariton Riaan Hun­ ter. Koste is R180. Bespreek by Janine Eybers by 021 864 3074.

25 OCTOBER ) The Doran Vineyards Sheepstakes take place on the last Saturday of each month, the first of which is to take place on 25 October at Doran Vineyards in Voor­Paardeberg. Five pet sheep will entertain visitors to the farm in a unique way. Rambo, Sid, Lucky, Séan and Alice are regularly decked in colours then, lured by offers of delicious food, amble along a short 80 metre course. Bring a picnic, braai there and listen to live music and watch the sheep­ stakes. There will also be activities for the children. The day will start at 11:00 and end at 15:00. Call 021 869 8328.

23 OCTOBER ) Boland Chic presents an art exhibi­ tion at Welgeleë Plain in Wellington until 25 October. A special opening takes place at 19:00 on 23 October. Tickets are R30 and include wine tast­ ing. The exhibition will be opened by Retha Rix. Art works by Dalene Buckle, Thembi Mzinzi, Geoffrye Vlok, Japie Potgiet­ er, Monique Mouton, Will Martin and Vernon Fourie will be on display, with special guest artist, Re­nier van Rens­ burg. ) Die Paarl Lions­klub nooi die ge­ meenskap uit om aan te sluit by die Lions­klub. Die publiek word dus ge­ nooi na ’n inligtingsaand om meer te leer oor Lions se doelwitte en werk­ saamhede. Verversings sal ná die vergadering bedien word. Die inlig­ tingsessie vind plaas by die Lions

Dine under the stars for cancer A Long Table For Cancer, a dinner under the stars, will take place on Friday 31 October at 19:00 in Wellington. This formal pink tie event is set to take place in front of the Oude Wellington Restaurant Manor House, Bainskloof Road. The event is hosted by John and Susanna Tecklenburg, owners and chefs at Oude Wellington, in collaboration with the Drakenstein Chamber of Commerce. Guests can look forward to a three course meal paired with Bosman Family Vineyards wines while live music by Duo Decadence will keep guests entertained. To reserve your seat at R475 per person, call 021 873 2009 or 082 836 8924 or send an email to ) The next day (1 November) Oude Wellington would like everyone to join them in celebrating their Pink Hanger Event between 10:00 and 16:00. There will be pink stalls with hats, clothes, books, plants, flowers, trees, pony rides, face painting, floats and candy, picnics, brunch, light lunch, cocktails, craft beers, potstill brandy, local wines and much more. There will also be prizes to win and live entertainment. Entrance fee will be R10 per person. Dress in pink. For more information and to book your stall, contact Susanna Tecklenburg on 021 873 2009.

29 NOVEMBER ) On 29 November Nederburg will host their annual picnic concert with various artists backed by a full sym­ phony orchestra, the Cape Philhar­ monic Youth Orchestra. Tickets cost R100 per person and can be booked at A percentage of the ticket sales will be donated to the Paarl Post Christ­ mas Fund. For more details call 021 809 8412.

Rusoord­rolstoelpret dié naweek Rusoord-tehuis vir bejaardes se jaarlikse rolstoelpretdag vind op 18 Oktober plaas. Die doel van die pretrit is om na mense met fisieke gestremdhede, wat van mobiele hulpmiddels afhanklik is, uit te reik. Deelnemers kan aan ’n pretrit van 2,5 km óf 5,5 km deelneem. Diegene wat hulp nodig het, kan

Franse flair by jaarvergadering

koop aangebied word. Die boek Op die Galeie deur Fanie van Rooyen word ook bekendgestel en sal te koop wees. Middagete sal om 13:00 teen R145 per persoon (driegang, wyn ingesluit) bedien word. Bespreek voor of op 20 Oktober by 021 876 2598 of Ander aktiwiteite wat ook die naweek aan is, is die roostentoonstelling in die Hugenote Gedenkmuseum en die Hervormingsondagdiens om 09:30 by die monument.

Die Hugenote-vereniging van SuidAfrika se sestigste algemene jaarvergadering word op Saterdag 25 Oktober om 10:30 in die kerksaal van die NG Gemeente Franschhoek gehou. Prof. Bertand van Ruymbeke van die Universiteit van Parys (Frankryk) is die gasspreker. Om die nodige Franse flair te gee aan die dag word bywoners versoek om rooi, wit of blou aan te trek of dalk ’n baret te dra. Glase met die Hugenote-kruis asook wyne sal te

Oggendtee vir kanker

’n assistent kry om die rolstoel te stoot. Die afstand van 7,5 km is vir stappers met babas of peuters in stootwaentjies. Hulle kan ook aan die korter afstande deelneem. Inskrywingsvorms is by Rusoord-ontvangs te kry. Laat inskrywings: Saterdag van 08:00 tot 08:30. Bel Almarie du Toit by 021 872 1982.

Almal word uitgenooi na ’n Kanker Oggendtee op 21 Oktober vanaf 10:30 by Nantes Estate. Gaste word aangemoedig om ’n pienk hoed of pruik te dra. Die mooiste hoed wen ’n prys. Martie Hauptfleisch sal optree en van die sprekers sluit in die burgemeester Gesie van Deventer, Adri van Nieuwenhuizen (Pink Trees for Pauline) en Henlie Botha. Kaartjies is R100 per persoon en kan bespreek word by Francis by 084 404 8995 of

Your Ultimate Online Guide to Paarl

Vir JOU gerief! Paarl Post se helderblou posbusse is nou op byna almal se drumpel. Wees op die uitkyk vir hierdie blou posbusse by Pick n Pay Paarl Mall, Vineyard Spar, Shoprite Mbekweni, Checkers Lady Grey, Spar Paarl-Oos en Pick n Pay Wellington. Paarl Post-lesers kan nou hiervan gebruik maak om hul Plak-vir-jou-Sak inskrywings in te dien en briewe aan die koerant asook enige ander nodig korrespondensie. Hier pronk Paarl Post bestuurder, Esme Smit, en Lizette Crouch van Pick n Pay by een van die splinternuwe posbusse.


Visit our website



Ticket prices: 3D - R60 • 2D - R40 3D glasses available at R10 each Monday & Tuesdays Special: Half Price



Thomas is deposited in a community of boys after his memory is erased, soon learning they're all trapped in a maze that will require him to join forces with fellow "runners" for a shot at escape.

3D 2D


When a kingpin threatens New York City, a news reporter find a quad of mutants which makes an alliance to unravel Shredder's plan as the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

The life of a young man, Mason, from age 5 to age 18.


FRI, MON, TUES, WEDS, THURS: 10:00, 12:25, 14:45, 20:00 SAT: 14:45, 17:15, 19:45 SUN: 12:25, 14:45, 20:00




FRI, SAT, MON, TUES, WEDS, THURS: 10:00,17:00 SUN: 17:00


Starting 24 October - Brick mansions 31 October - Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

7-9 PGV

FRI, MON, TUES, WEDS, THURS: 14:45,17:15,19:45 SAT: 10:00, 12:25, 14:45, 20:00 SUN: 12:25, 14:45, 17:15, 19:45


Subject to change without notice - We regret no complimentary tickets & vouchers are allowed during first week of any new release • 17 - 23 October 2014• TEL: 021 872 0714/5 X1P94CFH-PL161014



Sake Post Business Post

16 October, 2014

for Private and Business use STORAGE UNITS FROM ONLY

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Sedert 1954 Since

Drakenstein se betonvennoot


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Paarl wines scoop top awards in 2014 The Paarl Wine Route proudly recently celebrated its roots by showcasing the best the Paarl wine region has to offer. A selection of the top 20 wines from the recent Paarl Wine Challenge was made available for consumer tasting and rating at the Pendock Wine Gallery at the Taj Hotel in Cape Town. Perdeberg Winery won the inaugural Paarl Poppie for their Dry Lands Collection, Joseph’s Legacy 2012 red blend. Not only was the wine the public’s favourite, it was also the top-selling wine at the exhibition, with KWV Mentors Chardonnay 2012 as the runner-up. At the event, pegged as the Paarl Oscars of Wine, five top local producers presented a selection of the wines that saw them winning top

AANDAG HUISEIENAARS Moeg om met HUURDERS te onderhandel? Moeg van klagtes en insameling van huurgeld?

honours during the challenge. Starring on the red carpet was the 2010 KWV Laborie Brut MCC, the 2012 Perdeberg The Dry Land Joseph’s Legacy red blend, the 2011 Rhebokskloof Shiraz, the 2012 KWV Mentors Chardonnay, the 2013 KWV The Mentors Sémillon, the 2014 Perdeberg Sauvignon Blanc, the 2014 Welgemeend Chenin Blanc and the 2013 Boland Cellar Reserve No.1 Chenin Blanc. Currently in its 15th year, the challenge is open to wines that are produced and vinified in Paarl. Stephen Richardson, chairman of the Paarl Wine Route, was particularly impressed with the quality of the wines this year. “The Paarl region is definitely building its reputation for exceptional quality wines and outstanding performances by its winemakers. “It is particularly rewarding to see Paarl

Here (from left) are Neil Pendock, Carla Cut­ ting and Steven Richardson at the Paarl Os­ cars of Wine. wines featuring strongly across the board at competitions and challenges such as the SA Young Wine Show, Michelangelo Wine

LAAT DIE EIENDOMSMENSE VAN PAARL WEER DIE GENOT VAN VERHURING VIR U TERUGBRING. Met 40 jaar ondervinding in die bedryf kan u ons vertrou om na u belange om te sien. Kontak ons by of 021 8711020 om u eiendom namens u te bestuur. X1PB2HTW-PL161014

Great opportunity for an Estate Agent AANSOEK OM HERSONERING: ERF 3396 PAARL Kennis geskied hiermee ingevolgeArtikel 17(2)(a) van die Ordonnansie op Grondgebruikbeplanning, 1985 (Ord 15 van 1985), dat ‘n aansoek soos hieronder uiteengesit ontvang is en gedurende normale kantoorure ter insae is by die Hoof: Beplanningsdienste, Drakenstein Munisipaliteit, Administratiewe Kantore, h/v Hoof- en Markstraat, Paarl (Telefoon 021 807 4770):

APPLICATION FOR REZONING: ERF 3396 PAARL Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 17(2) (a) of the Land Use Planning Ordinance, 1985 (Ord 15 of 1985) that an application as set out below has been received and can be viewed during normal office hours at the office of the Head: Planning Services, Drakenstein Municipality, Administrative Offices, c/o Main and Market Street, Paarl (Telephone: 021 807 4770):

Eiendom : Erf 3396 Paarl Aansoeker : Louis Hugo Stadsbeplanner Eienaar : Mnr L H Louw Ligging : Erf 3396 is geleë binne die Paarl se stedelike gebied, teen die suidelike hange van Paarlberg in die Courtrai woongebied Grootte : ±22.36ha Huidige Sonering: Landbousone I Voorstel : Hersonering van ‘n gedeelte van Erf 3396 Paarl (±3350m²) vanaf "Landbousone I" na "Spesiale Sone” om die volgende gebruike te formaliseer: (a) Toeriste-fasiliteit (±944m²) vir 3 onthaal/funksie lokale, wat ‘n maksimum van 100 gaste sal akkomodeer; (b) Gastehuis (±445m²) wat ‘n maksimum van 38 gaste sal akkommodeer; en (c) Landbounywerheid (±129m²) vir die doeleindes van ‘n waterbotteleringsaanleg.

Property Applicant Owner Locality

Gemotiveerde besware teen bogemelde aansoek kan skriftelik gerig word aan die Munisipale Bestuurder, Drakenstein Munisipaliteit, Posbus 1, Paarl, 7622, teen nie later nie as Maandag, 17 November 2014. Geen laat besware sal oorweeg word nie.

Motivated objections to the above can be lodged in writing to the Municipal Manager, Drakenstein Municipality, P O Box 1, Paarl, 7622 by no later than Monday, 17 November 2014. No late objections will be considered.

Indien ‘n persoon nie kan lees of skryf nie, kan so ‘n persoon sy kommentaar mondelings by die Munisipale Kantore, Bergrivier Boulevard, Paarl, aflê, waar ‘n personeellid sal help om sy kommentaar/vertoë op skrif te stel. 16 Oktober 2014 J F METTLER MUNISIPALE BESTUURDER

Persons who are unable to read or write, can submit their objections verbally at the Municipal Offices, Berg River Boulevard, Paarl, where they will be assisted by a staff member, to put their comments in writing. 16 October 2014 J F METTLER MUNICIPAL MANAGER

: Erf 3396 Paarl : Louis Hugo Town Planner : Mr L H Louw : Erf 3396 is located within the urban area of Paarl, at the southern slopes of Paarl Mountain, in the Courtrai residential area Extent : ±22.36ha Current Zoning: Agricultural Zone I Proposal : Rezoning of a portion of Erf 3396 Paarl (±3350m²) from "Agricultural Zone I" to "Special Zone" in order to formalize the following uses: (a) Tourist facility (±944m²) for 3 functions venues which will accommodate a maximum of 100 guests; (b) Guesthouse (±445m²) that will accommodate a maximum of 38 guests in total; and (c) Agricultural industry (±129m²) for the purposes of a water bottling plant.


Be your own boss! Modern, fully equipped office.

Rental: R750 p.m. for the office and R1000 p.m. for use of the telephone and secretary, plus 20% of any commission earned. Only qualified Estate Agents need apply Send CV to: The Advertiser, P.O.Box 331 Paarl 7620

Awards and the International Wine and Spirits Challenge. Specifically at the SA Young Wine Show, Paarl wines showed their mettle with Boland walking off with the SA Champion Young Wine trophy, while Perdeberg and KWV took the honours in the sauvignon blanc and red blend categories respectively,” explains Richardson. At the International Wine and Spirit competition, Paarl producers had a success rate of 57% and received four of the seven Outstanding Gold medals awarded to South African wines. The Outstanding Gold medal is only awarded at the judges’ discretion. Paarl wines also won 10% of the double gold medals and 19% of the gold medals issued at the 2013 Veritas. At the recent Michelangelo Wine Awards, Paarl wines attracted a major share of the medal haul by winning three trophy awards, 13 of the 90 double gold medals and 18% of the gold medals presented.

During this year’s Provincial Farmworker of the Year Competition, workers from the historical Bosman Family Vineyards received various accolades. The awards were established to give recognition to the valuable and important contribution made by farm­ workers toward the sustainability and growth of agriculture in South Africa. As the custodians of a rich history, the owners of the renowned farm in Wellington work daily at growing the enterprise in ways that respect the land and all the people who have tended it. In 2009, Bosman Family Vineyards obtained Fairtrade accreditation, which recognised its socially and environmen­ tally responsible efforts and placed it among the most successful quality­driv­ en family owned Fairtrade producers in South Africa. The winners are seen here with Bosman Family Vineyards’ manag­ ing director Petrus Bosman (left). From left are: Elizabeth Julies (Social Worker of the Year), John Hartnick (Irrigation Specialist of the Year), Rebecca Appollis (General Worker of the Year) and Samaai van Rooyen, who achieved third place in the junior management category.


VOORGESTELDE VERHURING VAN KANTORE / BESIGHEIDSRUIMTES IN DIE GEBOUE GELEË TE ERF 2689 MBEKWENI Kennis geskied hiermee ingevolge kousule 13 van die Raad se Beleid insake die Bestuur en Vervreemding van Bates, dat die Raad voorlopige goedkeuring verleen het vir die verhuring van die kantore / besigheidsruimtes in die gebou geleë te Erf 2689 Mbekweni. Besigheidseienaars word hiermee uitgenooi om aansoek te doen vir die verhuring van die beskikbare kantore/besigheidsruimtes. Die verhuring sal teen ‘n markverwante huur geskied en sal onderworpe aan sekere voorwaardes wees.

PROPOSED LEASING OF OFFICES / BUSINESS SPACE IN THE BUILDING SITUATED ON ERF 2689 MBEKWENI Notice is hereby given in terms of clause 13 of Council’s Policy for the Management and Disposal of Assets, that Council in principle approved the leasing of the available office/business space in the building situated on Erf 2689 Mbekweni. Business owners are hereby invited to apply for the lease of the available offices/business space. The lease will be at a market related rental. The transaction will be subject to certain conditions.

Besonderhede aangaande bogenoemde is gedurende kantoorure ter insae by die kantoor van die Afdeling: Fasiliteite en Eiendomme, Burgersentrum, Bergrivier Boulevard, Paarl (Tel 021 807 4585/ 807 4879) en alle aansoeke, enige besware of teenaanbiedinge teen voornoemde voorstel moet skriftelik by die ondergetekende ingedien word nie later as 14 November 2014. Laat aansoeke/voorleggings/besware sal nie oorweeg word nie.

Particulars regarding the above are open for inspection during office hours at the offices of Facilities and Properties, Civic Centre, Berg River Boulevard, Paarl (Tel 021 807 4879/807 4621) and all applications, any objections or counter offers to the aforesaid proposal must be lodged in writing with the undersigned not later than 14 November 2014. Late applications/ submissions/objections will not be considered.

Let wel: Alle aansoeke moet voor of op 14 November 2014 by bogenoemde kantoor ingedien word.

Note: All applications must be submitted at the abovementioned offices on or before 14 November 2014.

Indien ‘n persoon nie kan lees of skryf nie, kan so ‘n persoon sy kommentaar mondelings by die Munisipale Kantore, Bergrivier Boulevard, Paarl, aflê, waar ‘n personeellid sal help om sy kommentaar/vertoë op skrif te stel. J F METTLER MUNISIPALE BESTUURDER

Persons who are unable to read or write, can submit their objections verbally at the Municipal Offices, Berg River Boulevard, Paarl, where they will be assisted by a staff member, to put their comments in writing. J F METTLER MUNICIPAL MANAGER X1PB3DQM-PL161014


Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

16 Oktober, 2014

Martin: Mercia Johanna (née Bougaard) 30/11/1928 - 10/10/2014

Sag heengegaan in die ouderdom van 62 jaar. Begrafnis: Sat 18/10/2014 Huis: 09:00 49 Harperstraat Paarl Kerk: 10:00 Nuwe Apostoliese Kerk Lantana Kontak: 078 555 4420

Mammie sal vir ewig in ons harte bly voortleef. Kinders, kleinkinders en familie. Die begrafnisdiens van wyle Mercia (85jr) van Paarl vind op Sondag 19/10/2014 as volg plaas. 'n Huisdiens word om 11:00 te Richmondlaan 10, Paarl gehou waarna ‘n Kerkdiens om 12:00 te Bethel Congregational Kerk, Evansstraat, Paarl sal volg vanwaar die stoet vertrek na Paarl Parys Begraafplaas. Avbob Paarl 021 872 1591 X1PB2H51-PL161014

Begrafnisreëlings: Solomon Begrafnisdienste Tel: 021 862 5346 / 082 953 9919 Lid van NFDA

Matthys: Elizabeth


Dinkeng: Mirriam

Born: 20 May 1945 Died: 12 October 2014

A respected member of the family who will be deeply missed. We know she is in a better place and we take comfort in the thought that she is in God's hands. Sadly missed by family and friends. Funeral take place on Saturday 18 October 2014 Contact no.: 082 053 1781


Begrafnisdiens vind plaas op Sondag 19 Oktober 2014 HUIS: 12:00 te Mossiestraat 56, Hillcrest, Wellington KERK: 13:00 VGK-Bergrivier, Flaminkstraat, Wellington Navrae: 021 873 4101




Met liefdevolle herinneringe neem ons afskeid van ons geliefde. Sag heengegaan in die ouderdom van 45 jaar. Word diep betreur deur familie en vriende. Begrafnisdiens vind plaas op Saterdag 18 Oktober 2014 HUIS: 09:00 Anthiastraat 27, Smartie Town KERK: 10:00 Dalweide Skoolsaal, Groenheuwel Navrae: 073 073 6681 / 073 986 5257 / 076 749 6385



Begrafnis word onderneem deur: Tel: 021 862 0948 Na Ure: 083 947 6347 Lid van N.B.O.V.

Hendricks: Paul

Gebore: 17 Desember 1956 Oorlede: 7 Oktober 2014 Met liefdevolle herinneringe neem ons afskeid van ons geliefde. Sag heengegaan in die ouderdom van 57 jaar. Word diep betreur deur familie en vriende. Begrafnisdiens vind plaas op Vrydag 17 Oktober 2014 HUIS: 09:00 Plumbagostraat 5B, Klein Nederburg KERK: 10:00 Bethel Congregational Kerk, Evanstraat Navrae: 083 383 0975 / 072 904 4776 / 071 006 8342



Begrafnis word onderneem deur: Tel: 021 862 0948 Na Ure: 083 947 6347 Lid van N.B.O.V. X1PB2HB9-PL161014

Begrafnis word onderneem deur: Tel: 021 862 0948 Na Ure: 083 947 6347 Lid van N.B.O.V. X1PB2J15-PL161014

Cupido: Efie Heleen Gebore: 2 Oktober 1967 Oorlede: 9 Oktober 2014

Met liefdevolle herinneringe neem ons afskeid van ons geliefde. Sag heengegaan in die ouderdom van 47 jaar. Word diep betreur deur familie en vriende. Begrafnisdiens vind plaas op Sondag 19 Oktober 2014 HUIS: 11:30 Vygiestraat 20, Wellington KERK: 12:30 Breakthru Restoration Ministries Klaasenstraat, Wellington Navrae: 073 383 9722 / 073 017 0828



Andrews: Marthinus

Gebore: 31 Augustus 1924 Oorlede: 8 Oktober 2014 Met liefdevolle herinneringe neem ons afskeid van ons geliefde. Sag heengegaan in die ouderdom van 90 jaar. Word diep betreur deur familie en vriende. Begrafnisdiens vind plaas op Saterdag 18 Oktober 2014 HUIS: 09:00 Goethamstraat 37, Paarl KERK: 10:00 VGK Huguenote, Klein Drakensteinweg Navrae: 071 388 7700 / 072 495 6420 / 071 522 5010



Begrafnis word onderneem deur: Tel: 021 862 0948 Na Ure: 083 947 6347 Lid van N.B.O.V.

Born: 7 February 1956 Died: 11 October 2014 We are sad within our memory, lonely are our hearts today, for the one we loved so dearly has forever been called home. Close in our hearts you'll always stay. Loved and remembered everyday. Your wife, children and grandchildren. Rest in Peace. Funeral take place on Sunday 19 October 2014 Service at home: 12:00 6 Allegro Street, Groenheuwel Service in church: 13:00 Bethel Congregational Church Evan Street, Paarl Contact no.: 083 568 1171 / 071 477 6238



Funeral arrangements: Tel: 021 862 0948 After hours: 083 947 6347 Member of N.F.D.A. X1PB0UWW-PL161014

Begrafnis word onderneem deur: Tel: 021 862 0948 Na Ure: 083 947 6347 Lid van N.B.O.V. X1PB0UTR-PL161014


Paulse: George

Funeral take place on Saturday 18 October 2014 Contact no.: 084 977 0014 / 078 353 7317



Simpson: Maria Magdalena

Gebore: 26 November 1937 Oorlede: 10 Oktober 2014 Met liefdevolle herinneringe neem ons afskeid van ons geliefde. Sag heengegaan in die ouderdom van 76 jaar. Word diep betreur deur familie en vriende. Begrafnisdiens vind plaas op Vrydag 17 Oktober 2014 HUIS: 12:00 Vuurpylstraat 4, Wellington KERK: 13:00 VGK Bergrivier, Wellington Navrae: 074 103 8611 / 076 590 0905 / 073 485 6948



Begrafnis word onderneem deur: Tel: 021 862 0948 Na Ure: 083 947 6347 Lid van N.B.O.V. X1PB0UPM-PL161014

Funeral arrangements: Tel: 021 862 0948 After hours: 083 947 6347 Member of N.F.D.A.

Gebore: 2 September 1919 Oorlede: 11 Oktober 2014 Met liefdevolle herinneringe neem ons afskeid van ons geliefde. Sag heengegaan in die ouderdom van 95 jaar. Word diep betreur deur familie en vriende. Begrafnisdiens vind plaas op Saterdag 18 Oktober 2014 HUIS: 10:00 Bo-Parkstraat 13,Wellington KERK: 11:00 VGK-Wellington, Mellingstraat, Wellington Navrae: 084 6627968



Begrafnis word onderneem deur: Tel: 021 862 0948 Na Ure: 083 947 6347 Lid van N.B.O.V.


Samuels: Sarah

Met liefdevolle herinneringe neem ons afskeid van ons geliefde. Sag heengegaan in die ouderdom van 91 jaar. Word diep betreur deur familie en vriende.

Funeral arrangements: Tel: 021 862 0948 After hours: 083 947 6347 Member of N.F.D.A.

Gebore: 14 Desember 1968 Oorlede: 6 Oktober 2014

A respected member of the family who will be deeply missed. We know he is in a better place and we take comfort in the thought that he is in God's hands. Sadly missed by family and friends.

Gebore: 31 Augustus 1923 Oorlede: 14 Oktober 2014


Klaasen: Piet

Born: 25 March 1948 Died: 5 October 2014

Williams: Jacobus

Gebore: 6 Maart 1943 Oorlede: 13 Oktober 2014


Kamfer: Hendrik

Gebore: 23 Augustus 1959 Oorlede: 13 Oktober 2014

Met liefdevolle herinneringe neem ons afskeid van ons geliefde. Sag heengegaan in die ouderdom van 71 jaar. Word diep betreur deur familie en vriende.

Met liefdevolle herinneringe neem ons afskeid van ons geliefde. Sag heengegaan in die ouderdom van 55 jaar. Word diep betreur deur familie en vriende.

Begrafnisdiens vind plaas op Saterdag 18 Oktober 2014 HUIS: 09:00 Nichollstraat 32, New York KERK: 10:00 Ascension Kerk, Klein Drakensteinweg Navrae: 072 249 2484 / 071 589 1201

Begrafnisdiens vind plaas op Saterdag 18 Oktober 2014 HUIS: 09:00 Disastraat 18C, Klein Nederburg KERK: 10:00 Nazarene Kerk, Pittusporumstraat Navrae: 076 963 6539 / 072 767 5076



Begrafnis word onderneem deur: Tel: 021 862 0948 Na Ure: 083 947 6347 Lid van N.B.O.V.



Begrafnis word onderneem deur: Tel: 021 862 0948 Na Ure: 083 947 6347 Lid van N.B.O.V.






Tel: 021 862 0948 / 083 947 6347 • F.S.B. NO. 10283 • Epos: • VAT REG: 4560225213



Fredericks: Lilian

Gebore: 09/06/1952 Oorlede: 09/10/2014


Litsoane: Pinana Consolane


Ons spesialiseer in Begrafnisse, Verassings, Grafstene, Kis Kranse, Kiste, Kruise & Versekering.

Praktiese raad deur Willy's en Gallico begrafnis dienste Vir die afgelope 15 jaar lewer die plaaslike begrafnisdienste, Willy’s & Gallico, ‘n puik diens aan die gemeenskap in tye wanneer hul oorval is met hartseer, vrae en onsekerheid. Wanneer die dood onverwags en skielik intree, of na ‘n siekbed is baie mense onseker gelaat as dit kom by die proses wat hulle daarna moet volg om begrafnisreëlings te tref. Dit is juis die rede waarom die familie die hulp van ‘n professionele begrafnisondernemer nodig het om namens hulle die nodige reëlings te tref en om leiding te gee. “Dit is ‘n tyd van groot hartseer en emosionele pyn en dit is dan, dat jy Willy’s & Gallico die meeste nodig het,” vertel Wilfred Heswick, eienaar van Williy’s & Gallico Begrafnisdienste. Willy’s & Gallico voorsien ook aan sy kliënte ‘n lys met riglyne van presies wat om te doen in hierdie tyd van rou. “As ‘n sterfte voorkom by die huis, aftreeoord of in ’n hospitaal, as gevolg van siekte, sal die eerste stap wees om u plaaslike ambulans 021 872 1970 / 021 937 0500, polisie 10111 / 021 877 5900 en predikant te skakel. Skakel ook dan vir Willy’s & Gallico op 021 862 0948 / 862 8856/ 083 947 6347.” Die ambulans beamptes en polisie sal die dood vas stel en Willy’s & Gallico sal aansoek doen vir die doods dokumentasie namens die gesin. “Indien die sterfgeval onnatuurlik is bv. (selfmoord, moord of ‘n motorongeluk) moet die bogenoemde stappe toegepas word. Laat jou beste vriend of familielid jou bystaan om jou te help met identifikasie van die liggaam. Hierdie tipe proses kan baie traumaties wees,” vertel Wilfred Heswick. Die persoon wat die liggaam gaan identifiseer, moet hom of haar ID-dokument sowel as die oorledene sin saam bring. “Met die sterfte van ‘n geliefde maak seker om met ons

ontmoeting die ID-dokument van die oorledene, die begrafnis beleidsdokumente en/of die forensies brief saam te bring. Ons help die gemeenskap graag om ‘n goeie besluit te neem en te verseker dat hul geliefde se begrafnis met die nodige respek en eerbetoning behandel word.” Om te verseker dat al die nodige reëlings getref is, kan jy reël vir ‘n afspraak by Willy’s & Gallico se kantore. Hulle kan U ook tuis besoek om die reëlings in die privaatheid van U eie woning te tref. Willys & Gallico beskik ook oor n sielkundige. Willy’s & Gallico streef daarna om alle kliente met die grootste respek en integriteit te behandel en bied ook bekostigbare begrafnisdienste aan, wat minderbevoorregtes ook die geleentheid bied om hul geliefdes op ‘n respekvolle wyse tot ruste te lê. Wilfred en sy vrou Linda het in 1999 hul deure oopgemaak in Jan van Riebeeckrylaan Paarl. Met die ondersteuning van die gemeenskap kon hul hul besigheid uitbrei en het vandag agt kantore in verskillende dorpe. Vandag doen Willy’s & Gallico nie minder as 120 begrafnisse per maand met polisse van sowat 20 000 kliënte op skedule. Besoek Willy’s en Gallico begrafnisdienste in Jan van Riebeeckrylaan, Paarl of skakel 083 947 6347 of 021 862 0948 vir bekostigbare begrafnisse, verassings, begrafnispolisse en professionele terapie. “Ons kan met trots in ons harte hierdie maand ons 15 bestaansjaar vier. Baie dankie aan al ons lojale kliente en die gemeenskap vir al die ondersteuning en bystand oor die jare. Dit word hoogs waardeer,” se Wilfred en Linda Heswick. Ons is daar wanneer U ons die nodigste het! X1PB700W-PL161014



Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

16 Oktober, 2014





DAVIDS: JAMES 1 Jaar van ons geskei. Baie dankie vir 'n leeftyd se kosbare oomblikke saam. MENTOOR GRAIN: Lizzy, Enrico, Leezil, CONGRATULATIONS VALENCIA MARLENE Gurshwin, Jadine, Gareth TO ASHLEEN JONES Die 12de Oktober 2014 & kleinkinders. who has completed the was dit jou eerste verDEGREE OF BACHELOR OF jaarsdag weg van ons. Ons LAWS (LLB). Ashleen was mis jou verskriklik en sal a learner of Bergrivier jou altyd onthou, maar ons High School and is weet jy is in 'n beter plek. currently employed by the Van jou kinders, die Department of Justice. Swartz gesin en Mentoor familie.

GROENEWALD JOHANNA 27 Desember 1927 17 Oktober 2004 Dit voel soos gister toe ons u verloor het mamma. 10 jaar het intussen verbygegaan en nog steeds is die verlange nog net so groot. U sagtheid en rustigheid sal altyd onthou word! Groenewald familie.

PAULSE: CHRISTINE DEHLIA 07.12.1934 - 20.10.2013 On Monday 20 October 2014 it will be one year since you passed away. Sadly missed by Paulse, Solomon and Smith families. GELUKWENSINGS 1030

MAMA SHILA * Seksuele probleme * Liefdes probleme * Slegte geluk & tokoloshe * Finansiële probleme * Kitsgeld 021 837 1379 079 776 1799 PAARL, MITCHELLS PLAIN, CAPE TOWN

1m3 SAND, KLIP, kompos & bogrond (topsoil) sowel as bourommel, vullisverwydering, tuindienste en skoonmaak van erwe. Skakel Neels 083 412 8810. MEUBELS



MEUBELS Koop & Verkoop. Kombuis stelle, Voorhuis stelle, kaste ens. 079 894 4497. ROMMELVERKOPING 1636

POP-UP GARAGE SALE / VERKOPING Kussings, rame, kers/blomstaanders, glasbakke vir kerse en blomme and various other decor items. This Saturday 18/10 @ 09:00 - 19 Koning Street.


INEXPENSIVE VENUE for Christmas Parties or other celebrations. Large Lapa with braai facilities on Black Pearl Wine farm, Agter Paarl. Wine tasting and sales available or BYOB. Ample parking, camping area with flush toilets and hot water showers. Enquiries: Lance 083 395 6999,

HENDRIK ESTERHUYZEN. Proffesionele klavier stemmer. Besoek die Paarl. Maandag 20 Oktober. Kontak 082 953 9972 of musiek lood vir afsprake.






GUESS WHO'S 21 Celebrate in style. Have a great 21st birthday. From: Carollissen, Davids & Wilson Families.


NEED CASH? Pawn your car, trailor or canopy. 021 987 2277 / 082 558 4836.

BOUPLANNE/BUILDING PLANS. Skakel Bertie by 073 394 0596.

R1000 - R200 000 SMS name, surname, ID nr, bruto & netto, workplace to 084 875 5814 or pay only 50% on existing loans.

I SALUTE DIMPY for 15 years. Thanks for being loyal and true. Miss you. Mom.





Rode: Karl

3/9/1941 - 8/10/2014 HOUTWERK 1874

Oorlede in die ouderdom van 73 jaar na ’n lang stryd teen kanker. Diep betreur deur sy vrou, Antoinette, sy kinders, skoonkinders en kroos: Hilmar, Hilda, Milena en Pascal, asook Shani, Christof, Sebastian en Saskia. Broer Heinz en sus Hildegard, naasbestaandes en vriende deel in die hartseer. Sy passie vir sy beroep, vlieg, seil en die goeie dinge in die lewe sal lank onthou word en altyd inspireer.

INBOU VAN KASTE asook verandering van bestaande kaste. Gratis kwotasies. Kontak JP 083 453 2702. SKOONMAAKDIENSTE

Begrafnis in Belper, Engeland ( Always do your best and keep the stackyard tidy! - Eddie Stobart




OPREGTE KORTBEEN JACK RUSSELLS te koop. 2 Reune; 1 teef. Ontwurn & 1ste inspuiting. R1000elk. Skakel mev Joubert 083 708 4920. MATTE/GORDYNE/ STOFFEERWERK 1803

Morris: Joan

You never said I'm leaving, you never said goodbye. You were gone before we knew it and only GOD knows why. HE called your name so gently that only you could hear. And when you heard that gentle call, you closed your eyes and quietly left us all. That day HE called you to HIS rest. HE proved again... HE only takes the best. Love always children & grandchildren In memory of my dear sister Joan. The love we shared as sisters leaves a memory no one can steal. We will always treasure your memories in our hearts. Love Jackie & children 2 Years passed... Gone is the face we love so dear... Gone is the voice we used to hear. Miss u.... Desma and children X1PB7105-PL161014

ARL SERVICES: We offer the follwoing services at affordable rates. We clean your house, office, windows & wash carpets. Contact Antoinette 082 459 5625 for a quote /



Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

16 Oktober, 2014 MOSTERT SWEISWERKE: Skuif-/swaaihekke, diefwering, traliewerk & vele ander staalwerke. Gratis kwotasies. Skakel Frank Mostert: 021 868 2880 / 072 022 0066. Faks: 021 872 6771.

BAKKIE & TRAILER HIRE: Te huur, vervoer, meubelvervoer. Skakel alle ure: 082 321 8904 Johan Maass.



03 CORSA CLASSIC 1.6i A/C P/S CD Towbar Was R44 000 now R37 000 96 Audi A4 2.8 Exec with Sunroof full house vehicle Was R35 000 Now R33 OOO 90 Vw Jetta 1.8 CSX Alarm & central locking R17 000 076 636 2082.





SERVICES!! For the following services: Removal of rubble. Site cleaning. Moving of equipment. Transporting of goods. Please contact 079 894 4497. SKAKEL NICO by 082 925 3680 vir verwydering van tuinvullis of bourommel en lewering van klip ens. Goeie diens gewaarborg.

MAZDA MIDGE 1.6 R22 500 o.h.b.; Canopies for Mazda Rustler & Isuzu. 079 894 4497. OPEL CORSA 1.8 GSI, 1999, Blou,Netjies, R29 500. Skakel 083 464 6960.


VERWYDERING VAN ALLE VULLIS en bourommel. Asook die skoonmaak van erwe. Eienaar toesig. Kontak Louw 083 413 0701.


WINDOW TINTING: Residential/offices. Phone Johan 082 301 5724 for free quotation. /

TOYOTA COROLLA, 1995. Wit, 1.3 / 253 000km. Engin is oorgedoen. R26 500. Kontak Eleanor 072 821 2529.

VERWYDERING VAN ROMMEL en vullis. 6m. Algemene vervoer met 8 ton trok. Vir billike pryse en gehalte diens, skakel Jaques 082 579 2998 / 021 872 6029.




BOME 1871


DADELIKE KONTANT vir u bakkie of motor. Skakel, sms of whatsapp na 082 561 3291. (Nie lopende bakkies & motors welkom).



PERSEEL MET 2 KANTORE en gemeenskaplike area en fasiliteite te huur in Paarl. Kontak VERVOER & BERGING ALLERLEI

SUIDER-PAARL: Besigheidsperseël in Hoofstraat. ±42m2. Onmiddellik beskikbaar. Skakel 082 927 5734.


FOURIE-VERVOER: Vervoer van meubels - klein of groot. Landswyd of plaaslik. Skakel 082 821 5234 of 021 876 2440.



ALLE LOODGIETERWERK 24/7 Geysers; Geblokte dreine; Instandhouding; Badkamer renovasies. Geen werk te klein/groot. Quinton 084 564 2451.





ALLE VERFWERK IN DIE BOLAND. Binne, buite, dakke & vloere. Instandhouding van geboue. Kwaliteit met persoonlike toesig. Sedert 1996. Skakel Ernst vir graTEëLS: Fabriekswinkel te tis kwotasie. 082 573 6654 Wellington. Kontak ver- / bellpainters vaardiger of besoek ons vertoonlokaal. Smartstone: 021 873 5482.

FREE DUMPING SITE: Clean building material and soil only. Phone Louis 082 829 5542.



Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

16 Oktober, 2014





BIG STORAGE WAREHOUSE to rent. Price R19.99 + VAT. Size: 1508m2. Address: 27 Boland street, Dal Josaphat, Paarl. For more detail, please contact Kallie Visser @ 082 433 3900.

2 SLAAPKAMERS met ooplan kombuis en badkamer met stort, R2 500. Beskikbaar Des 2014. 073 248 4103. RUIM, NUUT OORGEDOENDE 1 slpkamer woonstel. Sentraal geleë in Mark Str vir R4000p/m. Onmiddelik beskikbaar. Skakel 082 336 7257.

ADELAIDE is looking for job as domestic or babysitter. Certificate in childminLINNA NEEDS DOMEding & contactable ref STIC work/any work Mon avail. 078 986 1688. - Fri + Sat. Ref avail. 078 280 4601. AGNES is looking for domestic work for everyNOMBULELO IS LOOday. Ph 073 181 0395. KING for any general work. Have exp in domeANN-JUANITA is looking stic work. Sleep-in or out. for domestic work. 061 For 5 days. 073 445 3603. 600 5216.



THE TOWERS PAARL 3.50. 2 Slaapkamer woonstel,2 badkamers, Oopplan kombuis met: yskas, wasmasjien, tuimeldroër, ingeboude stoof, sitkamer, parkering, sekuriteit. R5700 p.m huur. Beskikbaar: Onmiddelik. Kontak: Tel: 021 887 1373/ 082 895 5987

TE HUUR 3205

Wellington:3slkmr grond vloer woonstel. Klein tuintjie. R5 300pm; Sekuriteitskompleks Paarl: 3 slkmr eerste vloer townhouse. R9 500pm Marie-Louise 084 510 1574.

LAWRENCE IS LOOKING for a driving job. Have Code 10 & PDP. 6 years exp & ref. 079 660 6030.

HUISE TE HUUR: 3Slk, 1½ badkamer, braaikamer, Ranzadale, Mid 1 November 2014, R7 900pm; 2Slk, sentraal Wellington @ R3 800pm; 1Slk, ruim woonvertrek , agterplaas met swembad, onderdak parkering. R4 300pm; 1Slk woonstel, sentraal @ R3 500pm; Studente: Manlike studente @ R2100 pm; Kantore/besigheidspersele: Verskeie prysklasse Skakel 083 302 5506.

DRINGEND VERKOOP van weskus erf te Dwarskersbos. Kontak Mevr. M van Zyl by 021 854 4988 / 072 907 2423 KAMERS TE HUUR 3315


ENKEL KANTOOR te huur in Paarl. Kontak

ANNAH is looking for chars job. 061 987 8582. DADIRAI IS LOOKING for domestic work. Stay-in or 5 days. Have exp. 074 436 7023.

OPSOEK NA ENIGE kassier, algemene kantoor of huishulp werk. Pastel en rekenaarvaardig. Jo-Ann 078 759 6844.

PANJI IS LOOKING for a Code 14 driving job. Have DEBORAH is looking for exp & ref. 084 810 3281. domestic work. For 5 days. Have exp. 083 748 8549. PRECIOUS IS LOOKING for domestic work for 5 ELIZABETH is looking for days. Have exp & ref. 063 domestic work for 3 days, 067 7511. Mon, Wed & Fri. 071 432 3951 / 073 383 6370. TARIRO IS LOOKING for stay-in work for 5 days domestic work. 074 500 GEORGE, 30 YRS MALAWIAN man is loo- 6090. king for a drivers job Code C1 or house holiday atten- WENDY IS LOOKING for dant / housekeeping. 073 domestic work. 5 days. 496 1297. Have exp. 073 772 6480.

BUSY PIZZA & BURGER franchise is looking for a manager. Previous experience essentials. Call 021 873 7385 and ask for manager.

HELLEN is looking for 5 days domestic work. Have exp. 074 504 5783.

GESOEK: 2 Hardwerkende vroue vir DEELTYDSE werk bedags. 'n BESTUURS lisensie is 'n vereiste. Reël met 082 967 4580 vir 'n onderhoud en bring CV saam.


INNOCENT IS LOOKING for any painting job. Have 2 years exp & ref. 071 099 4167. JULIET IS LOOKING for a job as nanny or housekeeper. 061 095 6220.

CODE 14 DRIVER + PDP needed in Klein Drakenstein. Minimum 2 years experience with own transport Fax CV to 021 862 0055. GENERAL WORKERS Needed in Klein Drakenstein. Fax CV to 021 862 0055.

GESOEK persoon wat patroon ontwerpe en stikwerk kan doen. Ondervinding in die leerbedryf sal ‘n HUISHULP BENODIG vir aanbeveling wees. Stuur 2 dae per week. Afrikaansasb cv na aletdew@ sprekend. Stuur sms met naam en verwysings na 072 332 4216.


A well reputed Tyre Dealer requires a young and energetic person for the following position:


REQUIREMENTS: • Valid driver’s licence • Min of 2 - 3 years Sales and Technical experience in the Tyre Industry will be preferred • Good communication and sales skills • Identifying new business opportunities • Be able to perform under pressure and meet deadlines Email CV with certified copy of ID to: Closing date: 24th October 2014 X1PB7P5H-PL161014

Genuine Connection Promotions (Pty) Ltd

KLAPMUTS SENTRA is opsoek na betroubare Bakker & Kassiere. Met toepaslike ondervinding en raadpleegbare verwysings. Doen persoonlik aansoek by Klapmuts Sentra. POSITIONS AVAILABLE: Kitchen cleaners, Professional waitrons, Barista, Chef de Partie, Pastry Chef, Own transport Essential. Send 2 page cv with references to

Paarl based Clothing Manufacturer

Genuine Connection Promotions (Pty) Ltd, a clothing manufacturing company, situated in Paarl, has vacancy for

CREDITORS CLERK Requirements: Matric, preferably with accounting as subject ND. Accounting essential Pastel Accounting experience essential Microsoft Office experience essential Minimum 3 – 5 year experience in similar positions Must be able to do account reconciliations, collections

Closing date: 22 October 2014 Contact: Elandi Burger Fax/E-mail CV to: 021 872 0313 / X1PB70NR-PL161014


We invite applications from dynamic individuals for this position. Requirements: • Bilingual in English & Afrikaans • Computer literate (Pastel, Microsoft Office) Duties: • Books to trail balance • Petty cash • Debtors management and collections • Supplier Management • Other internal duties

Email / fax 3 page CV to / Fax 021 863 3886 Only short listed candidates will be contacted. Preferably non-smoker.



SKRYNWERKER/NUTSMAN benodig. Matriek 'n vereiste. Handig CV's in by Cash Crusaders, Lady Greystraat 74, Paarl. TUPPERWARE AGENTE benodig. Voltyds / Delltyds. Wonderlike geleentheid vir Ekstra geld! Kontak my by 084 461 7043 / 073 199 3900. VERSENDINGS & VOORRAAD BEHEER. Persone met die nodige ondervinding benodig vir onderneming in Paarl. Epos CV's na: - Sluitings datum: 31/10/2014


Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

16 October, 2014

Marketing and Sales Consultant / Manager A Private Educational Institution is looking for a mature Marketing & Sales Consultant / Manager.

To be successful in this role, you must be efficient, organized and have a proven ability to achieve sales targets. You will take ownership of this role and will be passionate about teamwork and achievement of goals. Min 2-5 years Marketing & Sales experience is essential. Own transport essential and you will be required to travel.

Studio Hermann Studio Hermann benodig die dienste van ‘n


Ruimte is ook beskikbaar op ‘n huurbasis vir ‘n naaltegnikus en skoonheidsterapeut om vir hulself te werk. Belangstellendes kan Louis Theron kontak by 082 874 2177 of Epos CV na X1PB71FR-PL161014




FOR HOME BASED COMMUNITY CARE FULL TIME Requirements: Registered Professional Nurse with 5 years nursing experience post qualifying. Live within 30 km's of Franschhoek to facilitate weekend on call and after hours duties. SANC registration. Unendorsed driver's license. Proficient in English and Afrikaans / Xhosa. Willing to attend training Commencement Date: as soon as possible Enquiries: Mrs C Douglas Tel: 021 876 3085 | Fax: 021 876 3053 E-mail address: Forward CVs, proof of registration, copy of driver's license, ID and covering letter to Mrs C Douglas, Franschhoek Hospice, PO Box 257, Franschhoek, 7690.

Assistent Bestuurder/ Onderwyseres pos beskikbaar by

Divine Kids Speelskool Gekwalifiseerde onderwyseres vir 4 jaar oud

Fax a max 3 page CV to 086 509 1695 Only short listed applicants will be contacted.



Applications are invited for the above 4/8 (half day) and 8/8 (full day) positions. SANC registration & unendorsed driver's license required; palliative care experience will be an advantage. Application forms & detailed job description to be obtained by contacting

Tel. 028 312 4679 | Closing date 31 October 2014


AC VILJOEN PROKUREURS In die landdroshof vir die distrik van Paarl Saak Nr.: 2461/2012 In die saak tussen: SPME INDUSTRIES (PTY) LTD Eksekusieskuldeiser en HIREGENIX BK Eksekusieskuldenaar




Die pos bestaan by ons kliënt wie ‘n groot en suksesvolle vervaardigings onderneming is. Dit behels die vinnige en professionele hantering van ‘n groot gerekenariseerde skakelbord en akkurate afneem en oordra van boodskappe; die effektiewe hantering van telefoniese navrae en versoeke van kliënte en die publiek; ontvangs en verwelkoming van besoekers; administratiewe take en datavaslegging; ontvangs en uitreiking van oornag possakke en koerier pakkies. Die suksesvolle kandidaat sal oor ‘n hele paar jaar ervaring in so ‘n posisie beskik en ook die volgende bied: • Graad 12 • Geletterdheid in MSOffice en SAP (of soortgelyke stelsel) • Uitstekende kommunikasie vaardigheid, gesproke en geskrewe, in Afrikaans en Engels • Professionele en versorgde voorkoms • Volwassenheid en bewese vermoë om effektief te kan funksioneer onder druk en met onderbreking • Sterk ingesteldheid op kliëntediens. ‘n Volledige vergoedingspakket word aangebied na gelang van ervaring. Ons kliënt is verbind tot diensbillikheid en sal in hierdie geval voorkeur bied aan kandidate vanuit die voorheen benadeelde groepe. Rig asseblief jou CV aan Marietha Clarke by WAGENAAR CLARKE PERSONEELKONSULTANTE of tel: 021 946 2007 nie later as 21 Oktober 2014. X1PAY4XH-PL161014

Ter uitvoerlegging van ‘n Vonnis van die Landdroshof, distrik van Paarl gedateer 14/11/2012 sal die goedere soos hieronder in eksekusie veiling op 20/10/14 om 10:00 op die perseel te p/a SP MOTORS EK GREEN-STRAAT, PAARL deur die Balju verkoop word teen die hoogste bod. 1x Man Trok met Rooi Bak Reg No: DNK366EC Ac Viljoen Prokureurs, Albie De Waalstraat 14, Brackenfell Tel Nr: 021 982 5782 Die voorwaardes van die verkoping is streng kontant en voetstoots. Gedateer te Brackenfell op hierdie 16de dag van SEPTEMBER 2014. AC VILJOEN PROKUREURS

Albie de Waalstraat 14 BRACKENFELL X1PAVHQ1-PL161014

klassie Kwalifikasies en ondervinding ‘n vereiste Toon verwagte salaris in CV Stuur CV na Sluitingsdatum: 24 Oktober 2014 Indien u nog nie teen 5 Desember van ons gehoor het nie was u aansoek onsuksesvol

USA MOBILE CARNIVAL NOW RECRUITING See the USA and get paid with FREE FLIGHTS and accommodation. incl! Successful applicants must be hard working, enjoy physical labour in an outdoor environment and be between 21 and 32 years old. Send your CV, valid SA Passport, ID and drivers license to / T: 021 552 9183 F: 021 552 9198 Apply online.



'n Wyndruiwe en Vrugte Landgoed buite die Paarl, verlang die dienste van 'n vaardige, lojale en passievolle Produksiebestuurder vir die plaas se vrugte eenheid.


Vereistes: *Graad 12 *’n Bsc Agric Graad in Landbou *+-5 jaar se praktiese ondervinding in vrugteverbouing, spesifiek in pruime *Kennis van pere en sitrusverbouing kan tot u voordeel strek *Goeie menseverhoudinge *Eie inisiatief neem met sterk kreatiewe denke *Goeie kommunikasie en bestuursvermoë *Rekenaarvaardig Hierdie posisie sal aan die Landgoedbestuurder rapporteer

Pligte: *Bestuur en toesighouding van die arbeidsmag *Versekering van optimale produktiwiteit van werkers *Regte toepassing van vrugteverbouingspraktyke, o.a. snoei, pluk uitdun en spuit *Bestuur van die GlobalGap stelsel

‘n Markverwante vergoedingspakket asook ‘n bonus wat gebasseer is op meriete, sal aan die suksesvolle persoon aangebied word. Aanstellingsdatum: So spoedig moontlik Sluitingsdatum: 22 Oktober 2014 Navrae: 021-873-3374 Stuur asb u volledige CV met 2 verwysings na: of na faksnr: 086 672 7822 Indien u nie binne 5 werksdae na sluitingsdatum van ons hoor nie, moet u aanvaar dat u aansoek nie suksesvol was nie. X1PB5HHD-PL161014

Word 'n Cell C Sub-Handelaar in die Wes-Kaap Vorm ‘n vernootskap met Maxcell (Edms) Beperk en Cell C en word ’n eksklusiewe Sub-Handelaar Beperkte lisensies nou beskikbaar Cell C bied jou die geleentheid om jou besigheid na die volgende vlak te neem. As ’n eksklusiewe gelisensieerde Sub-Handelaar sal jy deel word van die Cell Cfamilie en in staat wees om Cell C se Vooruitbetaalde produkte en dienste aan jou kliënte te bied. As deel van ’n multibiljoen-rand bedryf sal jy ’n annuïteitsalaris op jou kliëntebasis opbou wat maandeliks betaalbaar is en jy sal vooruit ’n aansluitingsbonus per nuwe intekenaar ontvang. As die vinnigste groeiende sellulêre maatskappy, is Cell C nou daartoe verbind om die groei van die Informele Mark in Suid-Afrika te ondersteun deur die verskaffing van die allerbeste diens, gekoppel met die beste waarde in die mark. As jou besigheid finansieel gesond is, met sterk distrubisie kanale en ’n gevestigde verkoopspan, gryp hierdie geleentheid aan om deel te word van die groei, en van Cell C. Onthou dat Sub-Handelaars word toegeken op ’n streeksgrondslag, verseker jy kry een. Aansoek-inligting Om vir hierdie geleentheid in aanmerking te kom, moet applikante aan die volgende minimum kriteria voldoen: 1. Besit wees van ‘n gevestigde besigheid met die regte distrubisie kanale. 2. Infrastruktuur om die Informele Mark te bereik in ‘n volhoubare wyse. 3. Goeie sakevernuf met ‘n goeie besigheid rekord. 4. Bewys van addisionele fondse om aanvanklike bedryfskoste te dek. Belangstellendes moet hul aansoeke na die volgende e-posadres stuur: Vir meer inligting kontak Raymond Wiesner op 084 777 9048 in die Wes-Kaap: Sluitingsdatum vir aansoeke: 24 Oktober 2014 Sluitingstyd vir aansoeke: 15:00 Die aansoekdokumente en Verkoops Oreenkoms sal per e-pos aan bieërs gestuur word. Bepalings en Voorwaardes geld.

Gebiede: Velddrif; Langebaan; Darling; Vredenburg; Saldanha Bay; Clanwilliam; Citrusdal; Porterville; Piketberg; Morreesburg; Malmesbury; Hopefield; Wellington; Paarl; Franschhoek; Worcester; Robertson; Bredasdorp; Napier; Stanford; Gansbaai; Caledon; Hermanus; Grabouw; Villiersdorp and Somerset West. X1PAU81M-PL161014




Sport Nuus Sport News

16 Oktober, 2014

VROLIK: Die jaarlikse Winelands Gholf Fees wat deur die Paarl­gholfklub aangebied is by Boschenmeer het onlangs plaasgevind. Hier is van die Paarl­gholfklub se prettige personeel wat by die toernooi betrokke was. Van links is Bertram Qupa, Sieg Schreve en Jacobus Williams. FOTO: FRANS LE ROUX

GET IN THE HOLE: Louis Nutt plays a beautiful shot at the festival.


SANDY SHOT: Peet Botha sends his ball flying from a bunker at this year’s Winelands Golf Festival held at Bos­ chenmeer Golf Estate. PHOTO: ASHLEY RICH

NUWE WIELE: Paarl Motors was een van die borge wat hul nuwe motors uitgestal het by die gholfdag.


SPONSOR: Boland Travel was one of the sponsors of the WInelands Golf Festival. Here from the left are Mari­ anne Strydom, Anneke Stroebel and Salomi Joerdens. PHOTO: FRANS LE ROUX

NAMIBIESE GHOLFERS: Hierdie groep spelers van Namibië het ook die fees bygewoon. Hier is hulle by die KWV stalletjie. KWV was ook een van die hoofborge van die toernooi.


PROFES­ SIONAL: Paarl Golf Club’s very own club pro, Ben Fouchee, also enjoyed a round of golf at this years event. BANKING: Nedbank was one of the Winelands Golf Festival’s headline sponsors.



Paarl Golf Club would like to thank our following sponsors:



Tel: 021 863 1140 • Fax: 021 863 3660 • X1PAYF9R-PL161014



Sport Nuus Sport News

16 Oktober, 2014

Sportdagboek RUGBY ) Die Boland o. 19’s speel Vrydag om 11:00 teen die Valke o. 19’s in die Absa Curriebeker o. 19B­divisie finaal te Welkom, in ‘n voorwedstryd vir die Absa Curriebeker Eerste liga­ finaal tussen die Griffons en Valke. ) Young Standards RFC bied hul 123 ste bekeruitdelingsfunksie op Vrydag 31 Oktober vanaf 19:00 te Paarl krieket­klubhuis aan by wyse van ‘n piekniekdans. Toegang beloop R30 en ‘n kontant­ kroeg is beskikbaar. Vir verdere be­ sonderhede kontak sekretaris by 082 731 4879. ) Die Algemene Jaarvergadering van Young Standards RFC word ge­ hou op Sondag 1 November om 15:00 te Ebeneazer Skool. Alle oud­ en nuwe lede is welkom. Young Standards RFC vier in 2015 sy 125ste bestaansjaar en ‘n 125 Jaar feeskomitee sal ook op die ver­ gadering aangewys word. Alle be­ langstellendes word versoek om die vergadering by te woon. Vir verdere besonderhede bel sekretaris by 082 731 4879 of enige bestuurslid. ) Die Paarl Rangers­rugbyklub hou op 24 Oktober sy bekeruitdeling by die Thusong­sentrum. Die kaartjies is R50 p.p. ) Vineyards RFC is celebrating their 70th anniversary The club is planning a rugby day on 19 October at Faure Street stadium against Rangers RFC (Cape Town). All current players as well as the over 40 players are urged to meet at the Dal Josaphat stadium every Tuesday and Thursday at 19:15 for practise. ) Die jaarlikse Bekeruitdelingsfunk­ sie van Young Gardens RFC vind Donderdag 30 Oktober by die Allan­ dale­ontspanningsaal om 19:00 plaas. Kaartjies is beskikbaar by be­ stuurslede teen R60 p.p. Kontak die voorsitter Mario Williams by 082 380 2680 of e­pos mwwilli­ vir meer beson­ derhede. ) Hillcrest hou sy jaareindfunksie Saterdag 8 November te Wellington­ stadsaal. Kaartjies beloop R120 per persoon.


Sport diary

) Albions se 95ste bestaansjaar be­ kerfunksie vind plaas op 1 November te Thusong­saal. Verrigtinge begin 19:00. Die funksie vind plaas in die vorm van ’n piekniekdans en koste beloop R50pp. Vir meer besonderhede bel Ryan Dirks by 0791 836 048 of Ed­ gar Arendse by 079 082 2866. ) Young Peoples­rugbyklub hou 7 November sy piekniekdans (beker­ uitdeling) in die Thusong­saal. Kaart­ jies is beskikbaar by bestuur en funk­ sie kos R80 vir almal. Bring eie piekniekmandjie en XYZ. Bel Jerome 083 402 0302. Dan op 2 November hou die klub ook sy gholfdag op Wellington. Vir bor­ ge, inskrywings en navrae bel Geor­ ge Buziek by 083 522 6438. Riverstones RVK se bekeruitdeling is op Vrydag 17 Oktober. Plek: Thusong­saal, New Orleans Tyd :19:00 Prys: R30 / Braai sal bedien word Bring eie XYZ asb. VERGADERINGS ) Alle Paarl­rugby streekklubs neem asb kennis van die Algemene Jaar­ vergadering van die Paarl­rugby­ streek wat gehou sal word op Maan­ dag 20 Oktober om 19:00 te Daljo­ safat­stadion. Vir verdere besonderhede bel die streeksekretaris – Kevin Benjamin by 082 731 4879 of die Paarl­streek­ voorsitter – Mario Williams 082 380 2680. ) Alle Rugbykode­klubs neem asb kennis van ‘n Paarl­rugbykode­klub­ vergadering wat gehou sal word op Dinsdag 21 Oktober om 19:00 te Dal Josafat Stadion. Vir verdere beson­ derhede bel die Paarl­rugbykode­se­ kretaris – Kevin Benjamin by 082 731 4879 of die Paarl­rugby­ kode­voorsitter – Hennie Bailey 082 772 5825 ) Alle Sportkodes neem asb. kennis van ‘n Paarl Sportforum­vergadering wat gehou sal word op Woensdag 22 Oktober om 19:00 te Hugeunot Tennis­klubhuis. Vir verdere besonderhede bel die Paarl Sportforum­sekretaris – Kevin

Benjamin by 082 731 4879 of die Paarl Sportforum­voorsitter Yusuf Pa­ tel by 084 435 1076. KRIEKET ) Young Peoples KK het sy eerste ligawedstryd Saterdag op Dal Josa­ fat teen Stellenbosch en Distrikte met ’n bonuspunt gewen. Die klub se algemene vergadering is Donderdag 16 Oktober om 19:30 in die klubhuis. Oefeninge is steeds Dinsdae en Donderdae om 17:00 op Dal Josafat. Saterdag speel die eerste span weg teen Coronation, die tweedes tuis teen Brackenfell, terwyl die derdes na Brackenfell reis vir hul eerste liga­ wedstryd. MUURBAL ) Die Paarl­muurbalklub hou die volgende 5 weke die volgende toer­ nooie/proewe:­ 18 – 19 Oktober – Boland junior proewe (o. 16 en 19). 25 Oktober – Klubkampioenskappe en Algemene Jaarvergadering. 1 – 2 November – Boland junior proewe (o. 11 – o. 14). ROLBAL ) Mense wat belangstel in rolbal of graag wil weet waaroor die sport gaan, kan vir Avril Darlew by 083 708 4904 vir verdere besonder­ hede bel.

BELOWENDE SPELERS: Grant Hermanus (bo) en Rikus Both­ ma het albei by die onlangse 2014 WP Rugby­toekennings er­ kenning ontvang vir hul rugbytalent. Hermanus, wat tans nog in matriek is by Hoërskool Paarl Gimnasium, het die toeken­ ning ontvang vir die mees belowende o. 19­speler. Rikus Both­ ma, 2013­eerstespankaptein vir Paarl Gim asook SA Skole­ kaptein, het met die beste voorspeler­toekenning weggestap.


TENNIS ) Paarl Huguenot Tennis Club prac­ tises are Tuesday and Thursday 17:00 – 19:00. On Fridays children get free coaching from 15:00. For more information phone Aiden Demas on 079 644 2373. ACTION SPORTS ) Junior players are wanted to com­ pete in action netball and cricket games. A junior league will be launched and all available youngsters are welcome to participate. Contact Wiaan Swart on 072 253 3054 or email for more information.


Radio Christma KCecial s Sp


TRAIL RUN: Runners should diarise Sun­ day 19 October for the third race in the Falke Trail Run series. It will be hosted at L’Avenir far, a beautiful wine estate near Stellenbosch. The trail meanders through the vineyards and will be flatter than Dirto­ pia’s other trail runs against the slopes of Simonsberg. Registration will start from 06:30 at the venue. Late entries (taken on event day) will cost R90 for 6 km and R110 for 11 km. For race details e­mail in­ or visit www.dirto­


Reach 100 0 00 as isteners m this Christ

Package 1: 50 adverts for R2 500 Package 2: 30 adverts for R995 For information please contact us on 021 8711 438 or

Radio KC , keeping you informed, on 107.7fm

T: 021 871 1438 Like us on Radio kc107.7fm


Paarl Wellington X1P9BWG6-PL161014

PAARL PETS Hoof straat 397 Tel: 021 872 6756 Beste Diens Kennis Waarde

25 kg Adu R290 lt X1P93GX9-PL161014

Paarl, Wellington, Franschhoek, Klapmuts, Simondium, Gouda & Saron

Donderdag, 16 Oktober 2014


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Franschhoeker speel voluit rugby FRANS LE ROUX Charles Williams (18), ’n leerder van Groendal Sekondêr in Franschhoek, is aangewys as Paarl Post se Supersport Let’s Play-maandwenner vir sy uitsonderlike prestasie in rugby.

Hy geniet ook sy skoolvakke. “My gunstelingvak is Siviele Tegnologie en as rugby nie eendag vir my uitwerk nie, sal ek graag Hierdie rugbyspe’n onderwyser wil ler kom vanuit ’n word.” Charles Williams droom sportiewe familie. Charles is nie net ’n “My vroegste her- om eendag sy land op die kranige rugbyspeler inneringe van rug- rugbyveld te verteenwoor­ nie. by was hoe ek en my dig. “Ek is mal oor sokbroer altyd vir meker en speel ook krieket vir my kaar die bal geskop het.” Broer Anesley het ook vir Groen- skool.” Elke jong sportman het ’n held wat dal se eerste span gespeel en is Charhul inspireer. les se inspirasie. “Ek bewonder Jean de Villiers se Charles is ’n buksie-flank wat sy byna 85 kg lyf met geweldige spoed leierskap op die veld en ek dink Richie McCaw is die heel beste flank oor die veld dra. “Ek het hierdie jaar vir Groendal ter wêreld.” Nog besig met sy laaste se eerste span op nommer 6 flank ge- skooljaar, is Charles baie opgewonspeel en is by die Boland o. 18 Akade- de oor die toekoms. “Ek is hard besig om voor te berei mie-span ingesluit.” Tydens die Akademie- en Craven- vir my eindeksamen, waarna ek in week-toernooie is hy raakgesien as 2015 by die Stellenbosch Rugby-aka’n speler wat in die 7’s formaat ook demie gaan aansluit. My groot droom is om eendag vir die WP op sal kan speel. “Ek is nader getrek om by die Bo- flank uit te draf.” Wat is sy advies aan jong spelers? land o. 18 7’s-span te speel en die nasionale toernooi het laasweek in Kru- “Jy moet net aanhou glo in jouself. Moet nooit ophou om hard te werk gersdorp plaasgevind.” Boland het ’n goeie toernooi beleef nie. Jou tyd sal eendag kom.” * Paarl Post gaan vanjaar in Noen kon die Blou Bulle in die Plaat-fivember al agt finaliste se foto’s publinaal met 52-10 klop. “Die sewes was baie vinnig en jy seer, waarna die publiek vir hul gunmoet as speler op jou voete dink.” steling kan stem.

PLETTERVAT: Die WP het Saterdag in hul laaste wedstryd voor die Curriebeker­semifinaal teen ’n vol­ sterkte Haaie­span gespeel. Die WP kon hul “A­span” rus voor hierdie Saterdag se tuisveld semifinaal teen die Blou Bulle op Nuweland. Devon Williams (oud­leerder van Hoër Jongenskool Paarl) het Saterdag in sy eerste Curriebeker­wedstryd op vleuel begin. Hier word hy platgetrek deur oud­Springbok Tonderai Chav­ hanga. Die Haaie het die wedstryd 28­20 gewen. FOTO: JACO MARAIS/FOTO24


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175 x 65 x 14 DUNLOP/ WANLI/ FALKEN


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OPEN: Mon-Thurs: 08:00 - 17:00 • Fri: 08:00 - 12:00 & 14:00 - 18:00 Sat: 08:00 - 13:00 • Sun: 08:00 - 12:30 X1PAX93W-PL161014

WENNER: Adriaan Louw van die Paarl het daarin geslaag om die onlangse Seweweeks­ poort­bergfietsuitdaging in Ladismith te wen. Louw was ná 80 km sekondes voor Lourens Luus. Beide Louw en Luus neem tans aan die strawwe Pioneer Trek­wedren deel wat ná se­ we dae se trap beslis word. FOTO: EWALD SADIE/SPORTZPICS

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