Paarl post 17 apr 2014

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Paarl Post Voice of Drakenstein • Stem van Drakenstein

Donderdag, 17 April 2014

Prys: R6.00 | Volume 109

Voorheen die Afrikaanse Patriot | Tel 021 870 4600 | SMS 32363 | |




Ontvoerde peuter terug

Win tickets to cheese fest

Boland Rugby proewe

Die ma van ’n 15­maande oue kind het verlede week benoude oomblikke beleef nadat haar kind deur sy pa glo ontvoer is. Die man het homself later aan die polisie oorgegee. BL. 2

It’s once again time for the popular cheese festival at Sandringham Estate. A Paarl Post reader can win a coveted double ticket to this event, where tickets are often sold out. PAGE 16

Ten spyte van die bloedige warm weer wat Sater­ dag ervaar was, moes die o. 16 en o. 19 rugby­ proewe voortgaan. Pragtige rugby was opgedis en heelwat verrassings ook. BL.24

‘Faith’ brings Maija home MARYKE SWART

Marcelle Warwick (left) and her three daughters are overjoyed to have Maija safely back home. PHOTO: MARYKE SWART

The beloved husky that went missing after escaping from a smallholding in Northern Paarl, is safely back home. Marcelle Warwick says the search for Maija, a husky breed dog, who went missing on 7 April after escaping through a fence on their smallholding on the R45, is a testimony of endurance and faith. Maija took to the road last Monday afternoon where she was picked up by the driver of a white bakkie. When Marcelle heard of Maija’s disappearance shortly after returning home, she immediately drove up and down the road searching for her. Two farm workers sitting at the side of the road informed her that they saw a man loading Maija into a white bakkie before driving off. Marcelle called the SPCA in Wellington hoping to find that the man who took Maija handed her over to them. She was filled with joy when a gentleman confirmed that a dog with blue eyes matching Maija description was there. As they were closing up, Marcelle arranged to fetch “Maija” the Tuesday morning. Upon her arrival at the SPCA however, she found that the “dog with the blue eyes” was a border collie. “The feeling of dismay was indescribable,” she recalls. The search started from scratch with Marcelle putting up posters in shops all over Paarl and Wellington and taking to social media to create awareness of Maija’s disappear-

ance. With no sign of a husky at vets and shelters in the area, Marcelle feared that Maija had been stolen. The calls came flooding in, the first being from a woman who knew the driver of the bakkie and gave Marcelle the Samaritan’s number. He told her that he picked Maija up as he was afraid that she would get run over. He planned to take Maija to the SPCA but decided to leave the dog at his next door neighbour for the night as he himself has two aggressive dogs and the SPCA had already

closed for the day. With excitement that her dog had been found and was safe, she called the next door neighbour, but heard to her dismay that Maija had escaped from their yard during the night. The following day the lady who had contacted her first, phoned again wanting to know if Maija was now safe. After telling her that she apparently had escaped, she said that her son had seen a husky walking in Uitsig that afternoon. Marcelle went to Uitsig where she spent more than two hours driving

around the neighbourhood in the dark, searching for her three daughters’ beloved husky. Out of luck, Marcelle feared that Maija might have headed in the direction of Mbekweni. Marcelle’s domestic worker had previously suggested that she also put up a sign at the notice board in Shoprite in Wellington. She was astounded when she received a call from a Shoprite-employee saying that her aunt had taken a husky from a man walking in Mbekweni. It is believed the man told her she

could take the dog, who now had a thick, ugly green collar around its neck, if she is willing to pay him R50. She kept Maija overnight in her house and called the SPCA the following morning to collect her. Marcelle phoned the SPCA and was told, yet again, that a dog like Maija was brought in. A bit sceptical by now and fearful of the disappointment if it wasn’t Maija, Marcelle went to the SPCA. She was overjoyed when it was indeed Maija that had been brought in. Marcelle said every phone call she received made her feel like she was tracing Maija’s journey. Even after Maija was found on Wednesday 9 April, a lady called Marcelle to tell her that she saw a woman with a dog matching Maija’s features going into the Animal Hospital (earlier that day). Marcelle laughed with relief, and told the lady that it was in fact her taking Maija for a check up after her ordeal. “It is still amazing that she called. Everyone, including my family, prayed for Maija’s safe return. I had an underlying confidence that I would get her back. This has been a testimony of endurance, faith and determination,”she says. An added bonus was a woman who called Marcelle to offer her a service of spaying, micro-chipping, and deworming Maija at a very low cost. She says she still can’t believe the response she got from her posters and posts on social media. “It is a restorer of faith in humanity to see that people have so much compassion for animals and for people who have lost their beloved pets.”


Paarl Post

Nuus News

17 April, 2014

‘Niemand soek my elektrisiteit nie’

Vir studente en leerders is die klomp vakansie­ dae sekerlik groot pret. Jy kan in die week al laat slaap en ’n welverdiende langnaweek geniet sonder om skuldig te voel. (Alhoewel ondernemings en die werkerskorps nie nood­ wendig hiermee sal saamstem nie.) Vir enige winsgedrewe sakeonderneming is die vol­ gende twee weke chaos. Ons kan darem ho­ pelik uitsien na stiller paaie en winkels.

Plakstuk Die vyfde plakstuk in die Paarl Post Plak­vir­ jou­Sak­kompetisie, waarin lesers R1 500 kontant kan wen, ’n gratis intekening op Paarl Post vir ’n jaar en ’n R2 000­geskenk­ bewys van Vineyard Spar, is versteek binne vandeesweek se Paarl Post. Die kompetisie sluit om 10:00 op Vrydag 2 Mei.

“En onderwyl hulle van die berg afklim, gee Hy aan hulle bevel om aan niemand te vertel wat hulle gesien het voordat die Seun van die mens uit die dode opgestaan het nie.” MARKUS 9:9

FRANS LE ROUX Howard Hendricks van Paarl-Oos het verlede jaar ’n projek by sy huis onderneem waarmee hy nou ten volle kan staatmaak op sonkrag vir sy energiebehoeftes. Sowat ’n jaar gelede het Paarl Post by Hendricks gaan aanklop om te sien presies wat hy alles vir sy woning beplan. Hy werk op ’n skip wat rondom die kus van Afrika olie-pyplyne en oliebore herstel en dit hou om ongeveer nege maande van die jaar weg van sy gesin, wat in die huis bly. Die sonkragstelsel is al vir byna 12 maande in gebruik, en Hendricks is meer as tevrede met die stelsel se werkverrigting. “Gedurende die somermaande is die sisteem so effektief dat ek al my lugverkoelers, swembadpomp en meer as een yskas kan aanhou sonder dat ek enige Eskom-krag gebruik.” Die stelsel, wat tot ongeveer 52 kWh per dag lewer, stel Hendricks ook in staat om die oorblywende eenhede terug in die Eskom-netwerk te laai. “Ons huis gebruik tans omtrent 22 eenhede so ek kan amper 30 eenhede terug gee aan Eskom.”

Hendricks het al navrae by Munisipale bedryfsvoordie munisipaliteit gedoen, skrifte skryf voor dat huismaar tot dusver het hy geen houdings met ’n stelsel soos antwoorde nie. dié van Hendricks by die “As ander mense in die plaaslike munisipaliteit krePaarl voordeel kan trek hierdiet kan opgaar omdat elekuit, waarom kan ek nie. Dit trisiteit teruggevoer word in word wyd en suid aangemoedie netwerk. dig dat huishoudings moet “Toe die munisipaliteit in ‘groen’ word om ons land se Mei 2013 sien my kragmeter elektrisiteitskrisis te help begin terugdraai omdat ek verlig staan. Doen ons so, dan krag terugsit in die netwerk, is daar alle reëls en regulahet hulle dadelik my meter sies ná die tyd wat ons verkom vervang met ’n nuwe dihoed om voordeel te trek.” gitale meter. Hul weier net Al wat oorbly is dat Henvolstrek om my projek te ondricks nog koste aangaan om dersteun of my te krediteer. Howard Hendricks staan heeltemal van die elektrisiEk het dubbel seker gemaak hier in sy batterykamer wat teitsnetwerk te kan afklim. dat ek aan al die reëls en regu- hy nou sal moet aanpas vir “Omdat ek nie regmatig gelasies voldoen.” ekstra batterye om sy oorkrediteer word nie, moet ek Die kredietreëling geld tollige krag te stoor. nou nog duisende rande bereeds al vir ’n geruime tyd in stee om ekstra batterye te koop om al die krag en om die Paarl. “Dit werk reeds jare in Europa so, en dis te stoor wat my stelsel opwek.” Drakenstein se munisipale bestuurder, Jobaie effektief. Ek weet van huise in spog-landgoede buite die Paarl wat wel deur die munisi- hann Mettler, sê, “0ns het mnr. Hendricks paliteit maandeliks gekrediteer word. Kaap- reeds ingelig dat ’n tariefstelsel op 1 Julie 2014 stad en die Swartland werk vandag al so,” ver- ingestel word om verbruikers wat groen elektrisiteit genereer tegemoet te kom.” duidelik Hendricks.

Pa in hegtenis ná peuter se ontvoering MARYKE SWART Die pa van ’n 15-maande oue peuter is agter tralies nadat hy verlede week sy seun ontvoer het. Jean Pierre Tredaux (24) het Maandag in die Paarl-landdroshof verskyn op aanklagte van die oortreding van ’n onderhoudsbevel, ontvoering en diefstal nadat hy JP Tredaux en sy seun op Donderdag 10 April Janez Swarts. sy 15-maande oue seun, Janez Swarts, uit sy vervreemde meisie, Allison Swarts, se arms gegryp het toe sy en Janez te voet oppad was huis toe vanaf ’n winkel op Simondium. Hy het hierna in ’n taxi op die R45 by Simondium gespring en is die laaste keer met die kind by die Paarl treinstasie opgemerk. ’n Wye soektog is deur die polisie na hom en die kind op tou gesit, en kennisgewings op sosiale media en plaaslike radiostasies het verdere bewusmakings geskep. Tredaux se pa, wat op Vredenburg bly, het die volgende dag die polisie gebel en hulle ingelig dat sy seun en Janez by hom is. Die verdagte en die kind is terug Paarl toe gebring en Janez is veilig en ongedeerd aan Swarts terugbesorg. Swarts het aan Paarl Post gesê sy het vir Janez se lewe gevrees. “Dit was ’n emosionele tyd vir my en my familie.” Tredaux se saak is Maandag na 23 April uitgestel. Hy bly in aanhouding tot dan. * The 24-year-old man who kidnapped his 15-month old toddler last week, has been taken into custody.

Robbers lock shopkeeper in cold storage A woman was bound and locked in a cold storage for about 20 minutes during a robbery at her family’s shop in Wellington on Tuesday. The owner of Corner Fruit & Veg in Main Street, who prefers to remain anonymous, says at about 05:30 his mother went to their shop. He was scheduled to come in later. While she was opening up, two suspects forced the door open. One was wearing a nylon stocking over his face, while the other’s face was not covered. Both were wearing gloves and were unarmed. They allegedly overpowered and dragged the woman to the cold storage where they tied her hands where they demanded the keys to the shop’s safe and the cash register. While one suspect was gathering the loot, the other covered her mouth so

that she would not scream. They left the store and locked her in the cold storage. Outside, three men walking past the shop saw the suspects coming out the shop with a big bag. They became suspicious and chased after them. The suspects dropped the bag and fled. Several minutes later a passerby heard a woman’s screams and noticed the shop’s door was open. He went inside and found her in the cold storage. The owner says the man tried to keep his mother calm while the police were on their way. Wellington Police confirmed the incident and are investigating a case of business robbery. The money that was stolen from the shop was recovered in the bag, but the suspects are still at large. Anyone with information should contact the police at 021 864 8440.

Man steek hom aan die brand, sterf ’n Man is dood nadat hy homself aan die brand gesteek het. Joseph Hendricks Kasper (55) van Weltevrede, Wellington, is Sondagaand in die Paarl-hospitaal opgeneem nadat hy sowat 80% erge brandwonde opgedoen het. Volgens inligting het hy derdegraadse brandwonde aan sy kop, gesig en nek opgedoen, en van sy kop tot maag gebrand. Kasper wat in St. Davidsstraat gewoon het, is omstreeks 19:30 in Malherbestraat gekry nadat hy na bewering terpentyn oor

hom uitgegooi en homself aan die brand gesteek het. Volgens ’n poniekoerant het Kasper vroeër die aand na sy vervreemde vrou se haarsalon in die hoofstraat van Wellington gegaan en homself hier aan die brand gesteek. Jo-Anne Otto, van die Wes-Kaapse departement van gesondheid in die Kaapse Wynland-distrik, het bevestig dat ’n pasiënt wat by die beskrywing (van Kasper) pas, by Paarl-hospitaal aan ernstige brandwonde beswyk het.


Paarl Post

Nuus News

17 April, 2014

Groot planne vir Larries se sentrum

Teken in en wen


skeie provinsiale en nasionale junior spanne gekies. Om hierdie ’n Droom vir Hoër vlak van uitnemendMeisieskool La Roheid te handhaaf, moet chelle gaan Julie die toepaslike hulpwaar word ná jare se bronne en infrastrukbeplanning vir ’n tuur beskikbaar wees. multifunksionele Die La Rochelle-besaal. heerliggaam het dus ’n aantal doelwitte en foSó het adjunkhoof kusgebiede vir die Wolfie Ratz, projekbeskool uitgeken om te stuurder en koshuisverseker dat die nodige hoof, gesê. menslike kapasiteit en La Rochelle wat behulpbronne ontwikkel kend is vir uitmuntenword en sodoende te de sportaktiwiteite en verseker dat hierdie kultuur is vanjaar 154 doelwitte op ’n realisjaar oud. Met ’n leerdertiese en gekoördineertal van 581 is daar nie ’n de wyse bestuur word. beter tyd om die gebou Volgens Ratz is die te voltooi nie. geld deur talle projekte Dié sentrum gaan nie en skenkings van ouers net ’n multifunksionele Hier wys adjunkhoof en projekbestuurder Wolfie Ratz waar die splinternuwe multioor ’n tydperk ingesasaal hê waar 1 500 men- funksionele sentrum op die Hoër Meisieskool La Rochelle se perseel gebou gaan word. mel. se kan vergader nie, FOTO: DEVIDEAN MOSES “So ’n sentrum op maar sal ook oor sporttuur en sosiale aktiwiteite sal kan maak en ons skoolterrein sal ons toelaat om ’n veilige geriewe beskik. omgewing te verseker vir ons leerders wat Hierdie saal sal dan spog met ’n verhoog, ook as eksamenlokaal kan dien. Die multifunksionele sentrum is geïdenti- betrokke is by sport- en kultuuraktiwiteite,” kiosk en ’n leefruimte in die voorportaal waar leerders pouses en reëndae kan sit. fiseer as die hoogste prioriteit vir die skool meen hy. * A massive building project is currently un“So ’n fasiliteit sal van ons skool se behoef- wat onlangs ’n vinnige toename in leerdergetalle gehad het, sonder dat daar enige infra- der way at La Rochelle Girls’ High School, taktes oplos,” vertel Ratz. Verder meen hy ook dat die huidige saal struktuur-toevoegings of -verbeterings oor ing form of a state of the art multi-functional te klein is vir groot geleenthede soos prysuit- die afgelope 10 tot 15 jaar op die skoolterrein academic, cultural and sports centre. It is estimated that the centre will be completed in July delings en konserte waar die nuwe sentrum aangebring is. Elke seisoen word talle leerders vir ver- this year. ook voorsiening vir binnenshuise sport, kul-

PAASFEES IS HIER: Paasfees gaan nie net oor die Paashaas, Paaseiers of vakansiedae nie, maar dit is die grootste Christelike gebeurtenis wat hierdie naweek wêreldwyd herdenk word. Van links is Megan Haasbroek, Hannah Kruger, Stefan Conradie en Emma de Villiers van Laerskool Courtrai wat glo dat die Paashaas vir hulle elkeen op Paasmaandag ’n heerlike sjokolade-eier sal bring.


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Paarl Post

Nuus News

17 April, 2014

TREE-A-THON: As part of the “Million Trees” project the Mayor of Stellenbosch, Conrad Sidego, and 140 volunteers from five corporate entities went to Klapmuts on 10 April to participate in one of many Tree-athons planned for this year. Over 1000 trees were planted in Klapmuts in only a few hours and indigenous trees were also distributed to community members in attendance who expressed an interest in greening their homesteads. Sidego’s vision is to create dignified living conditions in the area while reducing its carbon footprint. With Sidego (second from left) are volunteers from PSG: Fanie Meades, Gary Luyt, Werner Prinsloo and Charl Krumm.

Farmworkers Forum takes off and fair negotiations within the guidelines of the constitution for the farming sector. ) To provide the leadership and management that will enhance opportunities for people to The forum was inaugurated in empower themselves through January 2013 in the wake of the learning programmes, and to alcrippling and destructive farmlow them to become part of leadworker strikes that took place ership and management strucacross the Drakenstein region tures. and in most farming areas of the ) To improve such initiatives Boland. by not limiting the promotion of At the time it became clear persons with potential, fostering that farmworkers needed a foself-belief and creating space for rum where they could air their innovative thinking. own views, rather than having Spokesperson for the National outsiders, often imposters, Here are key role-players of the National Framworkers Forum, Rita Anspeaking on their behalf. Farmworkers Forum from left, Rita Andreas, dreas, said that they now had a Membership of the Farmwork- Joseph Muller, Magrieta Futhwa, Wilfred platform where all parties could ers Forum is limited to farm- Frolick and David Kiewiets. PHOTO: VINPRO air their problems and needs: workers and farm-owners and “The forum is a platform where now has a membership of more stroying the sector through unre- problems can be amicably resolved. than 8 000. At all times the law will be adhered The forum aims to act as a platform solved conflict. ) To work towards an environ- to, while spelling it out clearly and for the farming sector as a whole, where developments, especially cru- ment in which all role players accept simply to all parties. “We will see to all aspects of the cial factors such as sustainability one another. ) To convince all those living in lives of farmworkers, from meeting and excellence in the agricultural these areas that they have a role to their social needs to working for a sector can be debated. “Excellence never happens by play, that everyone is part of one team better future for themselves and their chance. It is always the result of hard and that only teamwork will secure children. This paves the way forward for both farmworkers and farmers.” work, purposeful planning, and the the future of this sector. Andreas said that all the parties ) To ensure that the values and inability to see stumbling blocks as opterests of all who belong to the forum who came to the table were very posiportunities.” tive about this initiative. She added are protected. The forum’s other aims are: ) To ensure the sustainability of that she had already seen visible im) To create a workable, healthy enprovements in the living conditions vironment, where affected parties the sector. ) To solve problems through open of farm workers in the area. can talk to each other,rather than deThe official launch of the National Farmworkers Forum took place at Domaine Brahms last Friday evening.

H’py Hour From Thursday 24 April there will be a Happy Hour at Shoprite, Paarl Spend R30 or more on Thursdays between 17:00 and 19:00 and you will receive a Paarl Post free of charge.

Paarl Post

Nuus News

17 April, 2014

Oud-Gimmie maak Superrugby-debuut



tussen ’n heeltydse rugbyloopbaan en moontlike studie maar fyn, vertel Kobus. “Ná skool het ek BCom probeer studeer by Vir stoere DHL Stormers-ondersteuners was daar tot dusver in die 2014- Superrug- Maties, maar kon nie altyd klas bywoon byseisoen baie min positiewe uitslae om weens my rugbyverpligtinge nie. Ek moes kies wat die belangrikste vir my was en my oor huis toe te skryf. droom van kleins af was om professioneel rugby te speel.” Die span, wat dikwels uitgeVan Wyk se gunstelingposisie sonder is as ’n moontlike trofeeis eintlik senter, maar hy het die wenner, sukkel geweldig met kans op vleuel aangegryp. spelerbeserings en ’n voorspel“Almal hier by die Stormers bare spelpatroon. help my baie, maar Robbie Fleck Hoe donker die Stormers se doen die meeste. Hy het raad geseisoen ook al is, is daar ’n rits gee rondom die spel, omdat hy nuwelinge wat hul stempel op ook op vleuel begin het met sy hierdie uitmergelende toernooi loopbaan, en toe later na senter afdruk. geskuif is.” Een van hierdie jongelinge is Dit help ook vir so ’n groentjie oud-Gimmie Kobus van Wyk om Springbok-legendes soos (22). Weens ernstige beserings Jean de Villiers en Schalk Buraan sleutel-agterlynspelers by ger in sy span te hê. die Stormers het Kobus reeds “Ja, hier is heelwat Gimmies vroeg in 2014 al speelkans op in die span. Ons is altyd reg vir vleuel gekry. ’n grappie onder mekaar.” “Op skool is ek deur baie af- Oud-Gimmie Kobus Van Wyk se drome lyk beslis rigters en by elkeen het ek iets van Wyk styg uit in rooskleurig. belangriks geleer. Indien ek rugbykringe. FOTO: “Ek hoop om ’n sukses van my êrens ’n af-tydjie het, oefen ek GALLO/CARL FOURIE loopbaan te maak en droom om by ’n kenner wat my help met my spoed en vaardighede,” vertel Van Wyk. binne die volgende drie jaar dalk die groenDie Van Wyks is reeds 15 jaar lank Paarlie- en-goud oor my kop te kan trek.” Christoff Lötter, Gimnasium se eerstete. “Ek is oorspronklik van Springbok en ons het Paarl toe getrek toe ek in gr. 2 was. My span-afrigter, het vier jaar terug vir Van Wyk pa het ’n onderneming in die Paarl terwyl afgerig. “Ons het reeds in 2010 geweet dat hy enormy ma vandag ’n tuisteskepper is.” Nadat Kobus in 2010 sy skoolloopbaan vol- me potensiaal het om bo uit te kom. Hy beskik tooi het, is hy in 2011 na die WP Rugby-insti- oor krag, spoed, bou, hardloopvermoë en hanteringsvaardighede sowel as die wil om tuut. “Ek was bevoorreg om deel te wees van die te presteer. Ek glo dat nommer 12 (senter) WP o. 19- en o. 21-spanne terwyl van my hoog- sy beste posisie is en hoop die Gimmies raak nog ’n Springbok ryker ... verkieslik binne tepunte die SA o. 20-span was.” Soos by die meeste beroepspelers is die lyn die volgende drie jaar.”

PAASHAAS: Lede van die Franschhoekpolisie het Donderdag paaseiers aan die kleuters by die Hoërskool Franschhoek uitgedeel as deel van ’n bewusmakingsveldtog. Polisiewoordvoerder konst. Marize Mentoor het ook die geleentheid gebruik om kleuters te waarsku om nie met vreemdelinge te praat nie. FOTO: MARYKE SWART

TALENT SEARCH: Radio KC proudly announces its involvement in the Global Spotlight Talent Search Competition aimed at discovering new talent. More detail will be available next week in Paarl Post as well as entry detail. At the launch from left are Sydwell Beziek (MD of Global Talent Search), Adri Francke (Executive Director of Global Talent Search) and Franklin Huizies (Radio KC).


Paarl Post

Menings Opinion

17 April, 2014

Mid-term break: Pure disruption Just as learners started getting back into the swing of things behind their school desks following their week-long autumn break, their schedules will once-again be disrupted in the coming weeks. Firstly, we are on the eve of the Easter long-weekend, which is followed by a full week of school closures (28 April-2 May) due to two consecutive public holidays. This is then followed by an additional public holiday on 7 May when the nation will cast their votes in the general election. Surely this is short-sighted planning by the powers that be. One would think that instead of having had the previous school holiday, they would logically have opted to rather combine these public holidays with the prescribed school holidays. Surely this disruption is going to have a negative effect on many learners, especially with the mid-year exams in June. Although most teachers will breathe a sigh of relief with this mid-term break, surely they will also be anxious about returning to school after an almost two-week interval, considering the loads of work that still has to be dealt with this term. Especially for the matrics, who already have a much shorter school year than other learners. And what about parents – just when they thought their house was clean and cupboards full, the little scoundrels are back!

Last straw that broke the camel’s back The Oscar Pistorious case is currently still on everyone’s tongue. I speak to people daily who broadly discuss the day’s events in court. I personally generally just read the highlights of the case in the morning paper and then carry on with my life. But one cannot help but be fascinated by the events that brought an athletic icon to a spectacular fall, but even more so, that brought the tragic end to the life of a beautiful young woman. Now, amongst all these braai fire legal debates, which have been raging about this case, and everyone having their individual mock day in court, the question recently arose while we were sipping red wine around a braai fire: Have you ever considered murdering someone? After an uncomfortable silence, a friend of mine admitted to this thought years ago. This seemed to break the ice, as more of the company came forward and said that, yes, they had very briefly contemplated murder, especially in a moment of utmost rage. After listening to these stories, I admitted to my shocked friends that I had actually once in a fit of rage, myself committed murder. I think I was about 14 years old. My younger brother and I were permanently at battle with each other. And he knew exactly which buttons to press to make me so infuriated. And this is exactly what happened one Friday evening. My parents were out for the evening and he once again continuously picked on me. I can’t even remember what the fight was about. But he then disappeared into the garden and I saw my chance. I was still fuming with rage and stormed into the garage where my father kept an array of garden tools, poisons etc. I grabbed the first bottle of what I correctly presumed was poison and headed for my brother’s room. And without thinking, and still blind with anger, I poisoned his entire prized collection of tropical fish in his

custom-built fish tank. When I had come to my senses and realised what I had done, I fled the scene of the crime to a friend’s house. But not for long. I was soon tracked down by my parents and forced to face the music. Yes, this was an absolutely terrible thing to have done. But as said, it was blind rage after having been pushed too far. Needless to say, I was seriously in the dog box, even after having had my hind cheeks given a good polishing with the old, and familiar, leather strap. I must just add that today my brother and I are genuinely fond of each other, even though he was devastated for weeks after the callous murder of his beloved fish. Is it possible that we all have the ability to lose our cool in mere seconds of complete anger? There is an old saying, the last straw that broke the camel’s back.There is a limit to everything. We can load the camel with lots of straw, but finally it will be too much and the camel’s back will break. And it is only a single straw that breaks it’s back - the last straw. This can be applied to many things in life. People often say “that’s the last straw!” when they will not accept any more of something. Was this, and in the case of my murders which have taken place, the tragic events that lead to the Valentine’s murder of 2013? After the murder of my brother’s fish, many battles were again fought between us. But fortunately these were normal brother and sister tiffs and I never again lost my cool such as that of the fateful evening. And through the years in many stressful situations of perhaps confrontation or just someone rubbing me up the wrong way, I have learnt to count to ten and take deep breaths to find my feet again. But with the current case running in the Pretoria High Court, one cannot help but wonder how easily things can go terribly wrong when things get out of hand and your mind slips into an uncontrollable abyss of no return.

Hoe is hierdie hoë waterrekening moontlik? Ek wil net my ongelukkigheid teenoor die Drakenstein-munisipaliteit uitspreek. Ek het twee maande agtereenvolgend ’n waterrekening ontvang van meer as R1 200, en natuurlik dit bevraagteken. Ondersoek is ingestel en daar is gevind dat daar niks fout met die meterlesing was nie, nog minder met my watermeter (dit is ’n nuwe watermeter), maar tog wil die munisipaliteit nie verder help nie. Ek wag nog steeds vir een van die werkers in die rekeningafdeling om terug te kom na my, want op navraag het ek gevra om aan iemand anders in ’n hoër posisie my saak te stel, maar tot hede is ek nie gekontak nie. Al wat aan my gesê is, is dat die meterlesings reg is. Nou vra ek: Maak dit sin dat jou waterverbruik in een maand van 12 kF na 55 kF kan styg? Hoe gebruik twee mense 43 kF water in vier weke, wat die oggend al 06:00 uit die huis is en eers 18:00 saans tuis kom. Ek het nie eers ’n swembad of lekkasie by my huis nie.

Ondervind ander ook ’n rampspoedige styging in hulle waterrekeninge? Dit is net vir my ontstellend om te kan sien iets is verskriklik fout, maar die munisipaliteit is nie bereid om te help nie as dit duidelik soos daglig is dat die waterrekening nie korrek is nie. Veral in hierdie lewe se ekonomie. Belaglik om so baie vir water te betaal wat ek en my man nie eers gebruik het nie. Gaan dit oor waar jy woonagtig is in die Paarl?


Munisipale bestuurder, Jo-

Again, we are being punished It is with much interest that I once again read about the geyser control devices which have been forced upon the public. I still do not agree with this system, but then again, as mentioned, it is forced upon us. Initially our geysers would only have been switched off between 18:00 and 20:00, but now, with no input allowed whatsoever from the public, it is also being switched off from 08:00 until 10:00.

But in the very same Paarl Post I read about the child which was shocked to death in an informal settlement due to the illegal spaghetti wiring. We, as law-abiding tax-paying citizens, are punished, but those who are actually stealing electricity, get off scot-free. To be honest, electricity is a luxury and not a necessity.


Taxibestuurders se arrogansie skok Ek as voorsitter van United Taxi Association, Paarl, wil graag weet hoekom word pendelaars so sleg behandel deur party taxidrywers. In ’n onlangse artikel in Paarl Post is ’n prysverhoging deurgegee met die verstandhouding dat pendelaars nader aan hul wonings in die nuwe areas van Spes Bona en Mountain View op en afgelaai sal word. Maar die meeste taxidrywers weier volstrek om aan pendelaars se versoek ete voldoen. Ek sit met talle briewe van siek en ou mense wat op die Shoprite -staanplek vir sekere drywers vra om net ’n klein entjie verder op te ry om hulle nader aan hul blyplekke af te laai. Hul antwoord in is bloot: “Nee, dit is nie ’n housecall nie en dit sal R30 kos”. Die pendelaars wil ook by my weet hoekom kan die taxi’s ná spitstyd soggens vir hulle tussen die huise of naby hul huise optel en dan weer met huis toe gaan tyd

by die Amstelhof-staanplek af laai. Dan wil ek nie eers praat van die manier hoe hulle met bejaardes asook die ander pendelaars praat nie. Hulle taalgebruik is nie net onaanvaarbaar teenoor pendelaars nie, maar ook teenoor hul eie kollegas. Pendelaars moet bewus wees van hul volgende regte: ) Hulle het die reg om te vra vir diens, want hulle is die mense met die geld in die hand. ) Hulle is die mense wat hierdie bedryf aan die gang gou en die wiele laat rol. ) Hulle is die mense wat verantwoordelik is vir die kos op almal se tafels wat in die taxibedryf is ) Hulle is die mense wat sorg dat taxi-eienaars hul skuld ensovoorts betaal. Daar is nog baie wat genoem kan word.


hann Mettler reageer: Drakenstein-munisipaliteit se inkomste-afdeling sowel as ons ingenieursafdeling het met die klaer ’n gesprek gehad waar daar vasgestel is dat die watermeter nuut is en dus nie foutief is nie. Daar is ook vasgestel dat die lesings van die waterverbruik nie geskat is nie en dat dit wel die korrekte lesings is wat ooreenstem met lesings van verlede jaar dieselfde tyd. Verder moet ook in ag geneem word dat die munisipaliteit slegs ’n rekening kan uitstuur volgens ons meters op die volgende voorwaardes: 1. Die meter is korrek in terme van registrasie van die werklike verbruik; 2. Daar geen lekkasie is nie. Die verbruiker kan wel die meter laat toets vir korrektheid teen ’n fooi van R573. Indien die meter nie korrek registreer nie, sal die fooi terug betaal word, maar indien die meter korrek registreer is die fooi nie terugbetaalbaar nie.

Employee to be disciplined In response to the letter published in the Paarl Post on 27 March, Where is this worker’s supervisor, the Drakenstein Municipality responds as follows: I investigated the complaint immediately and reported the incident and the steps he has taken to the Mayor. The worker has been identified and is facing disciplinary action. The issue of the supervisor will be taken up during this process. It is expected of workers to work independently, even when there is no supervisor present. It is important to note that the majority of workers fulfil their mandate as borne out by the many compliments from members of the community. It is regretful that single incidents like this create a negative perception. The municipality will also appreciate it if the complainant will be willing to testify at the disciplinary hearing of the employee. All information on municipal issues, positive and negative, is much appreciated and enables us to better our service delivery.


Paarl Post

Briewe Letters

17 April, 2014

SMS 32363 ) Die geel fietse wat geskenk is aan skoolkinders word ná skool deur tik­ koppe gebruik om dwelms te gaan koop en vervoer. Skoolhoofde, kom kyk maar in Groenheuwel en omge­ wing. ) Kan die munisipaliteit nie beter na die Parys­begraafplaas omsien nie? Dis net dorings waar jy loop, of het hulle nie familielede wat daar rus nie? ) Baie dankie aan Johan de Greef van die munisipaliteit vir my herwin­ ningsakke. Ek het drie weke gesukkel om sakke in die hande te kry! Inwoner, Courtrai. ) Gebruikers van die Haaskraalpad, ry asseblief stadig. Ons kinders se le­ we is in gevaar. ) Young People’s RFC moet besef hul­ le speel in ’n liga waar daar geen swak spanne is nie. Jy moet in elke wedstryd

op jou beste wees. Milnerton het ons oorrompel met konstruktiewe rugby. ) Maak eers seker van veiligheid, se­ kuriteit en personeelopleiding voordat jy jou geliefde in ’n sogenaamde her­ stel­oord los! ) ’n Warmwatersilinder het ’n outo­ matiese skakelaar wat geprogram­ meer is om self aan en af te skakel. Wie moet betaal as munisipale inmen­ ging die stelsel laat uitbrand? Dink maar net. ) Motorsleutels opgetel in Reservoir­ straat. Kontak 083 557 7060 ) Ek wil net weet of dit reg is dat daar drank in staatsvoertuie gelaai word? Polisiemanne het geen skaamte vir pu­ bliek nie. Bekommerde inwoner in Klein Drakensteinweg. ) Ek as inwoner van die Paarl wil net weet vir wie stem jy as jy ’n getroude

couple is wat vir 12 jaar op die waglys van behuising is. En ons moet by mense in ’n agterplaas bly terwyl ons vir ’n huis wag. Lyk my dis net ongetroude mense wat deesdae eerste voorkeur kry om ’n huis te kry. Ek’s moeg gewag! ) Die uiters ongeskikte en aanvallen­ de gedrag van sommige ANC­onder­ steuners by die GOP­vergadering van wyk 31 in Gouda wys tot watter vlak die ANC sal daal om die gemeenskap te intimideer. ) Paarl­hof, stel mense aan wat wil werk. Daar is baie mense daar buite wat werk soek, maar onder die huidige bedeling benadeel word. Hier is ek. Ek is dadelik beskikbaar en bereid om te werk. ) Kan die wyksraadslede nie iets doen omtrent smokkelhuise in hul are­ as nie.

Ontevrede oor swak diens van Wellington-polisie Ek wil graag my ontevredenheid uitspreek teenoor die Wellingtonpolisie. My vrou het op Saterdag (5 April) om 15:30 die aanklagkantoor geskakel in verband met ’n klagte. Die betrokke beampte aan diens het genoem dat die klagte deurgegee was aan die sektor voertuig. Om 16:30 het ons weer geskakel, aangesien daar toe nog nie ’n reaksie voertuig was nie. Die manlike beampte (kaptein), het genoem dat hulle ’n voertuig sal uitstuur, maar sonder enige sukses soos die

eerste keer. Half ses het ons weer geskakel. Die vrouebeampte by die aanklagkantoor wat die telefoon beantwoord het, het haar nie eens identifiseer toe sy met my gepraat het nie. Volgens haar was die klagte deurgegee, maar die voertuig “is miskien iewers besig”. Helaas het daar toe nooit ’n polisievoertuig opgedaag nie. Daar is seer sekerlik senior beamptes aan diens wat kan leiding neem en seker maak daar word reageer op mense se oproepe. Ons manne en vroue in blou is

tog immers daar om ’n diens te lewer. Dit was nogal ’n ernstige geval en hulle teenwoordigheid sou ’n verskil gemaak het.


Lt.Kol. Johan Barkhuizen, bevelvoerder van Wellington-polisie antwoord: Die insident sal ondersoek word en as daar enige wangedrag plaasgevind het sal die lid of lede departementeel aangekla word. Die klaer sal op hoogte gehou word van die ondersoek.

) Dankie Optika Paarl Mall vir fan­ tastiese nadiens. ) Renault Paarl se kliëntediens is skokkend. Hulle bel jou om ’n motor te kom toets bestuur en wanneer jy die volgende dag by hulle opdaag, het hulle nie ’n motor beskikbaar vir die toetsrit nie. Hulle skakel jou ook met aanbod vir inruiling van jou voertuig en twee maande later het niks nog ge­ beur nie. En glo my, ek het al gaan kla oor die swak diens, waartydens die bestuurder erken het die probleem lê aan hulle kant. Weer ’n Renault? Nee dankie! ) Aan die personeel in B­saal Medi­


clinic Paarl: ’n groot dank, my been is gesond. ) Kassiere by Spar Wellington moet by Pick n Pay Wellington leer wat is hoflikheid. ) Kafee by Spesbona garage ver­ koop items wat verby hul vervaldatum is en weier om dit dan om te ruil. ) Hiermee wil ek net vir Pick n Pay Wellington baie dankie sê vir julle goeie diens. Nadat twee soorte rome geflop het, het hulle vir my gratis room kom aflewer. ) Pep Stores, stuur jou bestuurderes vir opleiding in kliëntediens en mense­ bestuur. Sy is baie onbeskof met die werkers en dit voor kliënte! Pep se Customer Care­diens is ook useless, of beset of jy praat net met ’n masjien. Baie klagtes word nie opgevolg nie. bv. hoe sy met gestremdes optree.


Paarl Post

Promosie Promotion

17 April, 2014

IN LOVE WITH COFFEE: Bean in Love coffee shop in Paarl Main Road is a popular spot where lovers of fine coffee and treats meet. The employees are: Manuel Chaves, Zhane De Bruins, Luvuyo Gquzana, Michelle Clayton, Robert Jacobs and Lolanthea Kilowan.

PETIT POMME: Aartsappel, a floral design and décor studio, specialising in extraordinary and fresh florals, started out as a wedding florist. The team had so much fun with this that they recently decided to open a flower, gift and garden shop “Petite Pomme” meaning the little apple. Contact them for all things floral! Weddings, corporate functions, matric farewells, bunches and arrangements. They also do hampers and have a range of stunning gifts and plants. Visit for more information. MAGNA MEDIA: Die span van Magna Media is: Christine Goosen (ontwerper), Eloise Gildenhuys (administrasie), Jacques Wilmans (produksie), Colleen Cloete (eienaar) en Kelly Rose (vryskut ontwerper).

RESTAURANT VIR FUNKSIES: Kontak gerus vir Anniza Burnett (op foto) om jou unieke funksie by die pragtige, elegante en moderne Bo-kamer funksies&venue te hou. Vir meer inligting kontak: 857 6492.

SPREEKKAMER VERSKUIF: Dr. Ilse von Willingh, algemene praktisyn, het onlangs haar spreekkamer geskuif vanaf Versterstraat na Hoofstraat 290, Paarl, skuins oorkant die Toringkerk. Vir navrae, skakel 021 872 8467.


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Paarl Post 17 April, 2014



Paarl Post

Wellington Nuus Wellington News

17 April, 2014

Waar is die wetstoepassers met vragmotoroortreders JOHAN NEL Groot vragmotors wat die ingange na wonings versper, wat met skreeuende lugremme mense se nagrus versteur, wat sypaadjies flenters trap en groot skade aan waterpype veroorsaak, is besig om Wellingtonners warm onder die kraag te maak. “Die ergste is dat die probleem eintlik baie maklik opgelos kan word. Pas net die bestaande munisipale regulasies wat die beweging van swaar vragmotors in die middedorp beheer streng toe!” sê ’n bekende Wellingtonse prokureur. In antwoord daarop sê ’n koor van mense dat die betrokke regulasies al male sonder tal onder munisipale amptenare se aandag gebring is, vergadering na vergadering word daaroor gehou maar uiteindelik kom daar niks van nie. ’n Ontstoke inwoner van Regentstraat op die dorp sê dat toe hy onlangs nie by sy erf kon inry omdat ’n groot vragmotor, wat gewag het om boumateriaal by ’n hardeware-

geen swaar vragmotor na winkel daar naby af te agt deur die dorp ry nie. laai, sy ingang versper Ondanks ’n duidelike padhet, het ’n string vrugteteken langs Van Riebeecklose telefoonoproepe laan, wat wys waar vragom ’n verkeersman in motors moet afdraai om die hande te kry sy op die R44 te kom en sobloeddruk behoorlik doende verby die dorp te laat opskiet. ry, steur geen vragmotor“Ek het die verkeersbestuurder hom aan die afdeling gebel maar ’n padteken nie en stroom antwoordmasjien het die vragmotors snags gesê die kantore is reeds deur die middedorp. In vir die dag gesluit. Toe Hoofstraat, naby Cilliersverstaan ek skielik straat, word die lugremwaarom motors naweme oopgetrek en dié lake in Hoofstraat resies waai maak dat niemand in jaag, “spin” en ’n lawaai Cilliersstraat kan slaap maak! Geen verkeersnie. man op hierdie dorp Hierdie verkeersbordjie buite Wellington sê swaar vragSwaar vragmotors wat wys na-ure sy gesig op motors moet links draai en die R44 gebruik om om die by die Agri-winkel in straat nie! dorp te ry. Vragmotorbestuurders steur hulle selde aan Hoofstraat vrag aflaai, “Ek het na ’n lang ge- die bord. FOTO: JOHAN NEL moet as dit by die besigsukkel by die polisie op Wellington die nommer gekry van le is na die UB40-byeenkoms. Bid jou heid se uitgangshek uitry regs in die verkeersman wat op bystand aan, ons dorp kom tot stilstand oor Hoofstraat afdraai, maar omdat ’n middelmannetjie hulle keer word was. Toe ek hom uiteindelik in die ’n musiek-byeenkoms!” Talle inwoners van Cilliersstraat hulle gedwing om oor Hoofstraat in hande kry het hy my meegedeel dat hulle op die oomblik niks aan my sê hul lewens word op verskeie fron- Cilliersstraat op te ry en dan met ’n probleem kan doen nie, want alle te deur swaar vragmotors versuur. ompad terug na Hoofstraat. Cilliersstraat is egter nie ontwerp verkeersbeamptes is uitstedig. Hul- Volgens verkeersregulasies mag

vir sulke swaar voertuie nie en die watertoevoerpyp in die straat bars kort-kort. Nog ’n Wellingtonner sê hy verstaan nou waarom daar so dikwels swaar vragmotors in die moeilikheid beland in die Bainskloofpas. Ondanks duidelike waarskuwingstekens wat sê dat swaar vragmotors wat langer as nege meter is, nie deur die pas mag ry nie, sit daar kort-kort ’n vragmotor onder ’n oorhangende rots vas of word die kante van die pad flenters getrap deur vragmotors wat sukkel om om die kort draaie in die pas te kom. Op vergadering na vergadering met munisipale amptenare is daar voorgestel dat die bestaande regulasies wat swaar vragmotors uit die midde-dorp moet hou, strenger toegepas moet word. Tot dusver het dit niks opgelewer nie. Die munisipale bestuurder het gesê dat hulle dit sal oorweeg om ’n 24-uur verkeersdiens in te stel om hierdie en ander verkeersprobleme die hoof te bied, en dat die munisipaliteit in die proses is om vakante poste in die verkeersafdeling te vul.

Paarl Post

Nuus News

17 April, 2014

Dis Paastyd – maar wees paraat en veilig Paasfees, en boonop ander vakansiedae, is hier. Ieder en elk wil ’n bietjie ontspan en selfs weggaan vir ’n paar dae. Maar ongelukkig is daar ook skelms om elke hoek en draai wat jou planne wil bederf. Sorg dat Paastyd geen onsmaaklike verrassings bring nie, waarsku die polisie. Wees op en wakker met persoonlike veiligheid, asook dié van besittings en eiendom. Verskeie veldtogte sal gehou word, soos padblokkades en sporadiese kontrolepunte waartydens enige voertuig of persoon deursoek mag word. Hoë sigbaarheid sal die wagwoord wees om misdadigers vas te trek in hul streke. Knelpunte wat die polisie die afgelope ruk ondervind, is veral diefstal van en vanuit voertuie, huisbrake en aanranding. Alhoewel die polisie hul mannekrag ten volle sal inspan tydens Paasfees, is dit nie altyd moontlik om oral te wees nie. Dus word lede van die publiek gemaan om hul oë en ore te

alle tye oop te hou vir verdagte optrede in hul omgewing. Volg die volgende wenke om misdaad te voorkom: * Sluit altyd jou voertuig en hou die vensters toe. Moet geen waardevolle besittings in voertuie laat nie. * Maak seker dat jou huis goed toegesluit is. Vra die bure om ’n ogie oor jou erf te hou as jy weggaan. Stel ook die polisie in kennis. * Moenie in die nag alleen rondloop nie, en beslis nooit in afgesonderde gebiede nie. * Wees veral versigtig met die hoeveelheid kontant wat jy by jou het en uiters waaksaam met geldonttrekking by OTM’e. * Maak seker dat jou selfoon te alle tye werk en plaas noodnommers daarop. Die polisie is net ’n oproep weg indien die publiek hulp nodig het. In die Paarl kan die volgende nommers geskakel word om in direkte verbinding te tree met polisiesektorhoofde in die onderskeie gebiede: * Sektor 1: Die middedorp tussen Mark- en Dorpstraat, tot by die Bergrivier Boulevard,

NETWORK BREAKFAST: The Cape Chamber of Commerce and Industry hosted a network breakfast in the Drakenstein on Thursday. The topic was Using Emotional Intelligence for Financial Success. South African author and speaker, Vangile Makwaka (back, right) from Wealthy Money was the guest speaker. Among other topics, her talk focused on the link between thoughts, emotions and financial behaviour; the various emotions that impact on spending, saving and investment behaviour; the miracle of compound interest; emotional intelligence; financial freedom and increased employee productivity. With Makwaka are (from left in front): Zoë Fouche (Courier IT) and Helga Smith (Cape Chamber). At the back, from left are: Marius Vos (Socially Unforgettable), Marinda Holtzhausen (Socially Unforgettable and chairperson: Cape Chamber, Stellenbosch Chapter), Gillian Sieni (Paarl Tourism), Advocate Louis van Wyk (African Commercial Dispute Settlement: Cape Chamber) and Karen Rossouw (Freight IT). PHOTO: MARYKE SWART

die gebied oos van die Bergrivier insluitend Denneburg, Klein Parys en Daljosafat: 082 379 4735/082 444 3060. * Sektor 2: Die gebied suid van Auretstraat tot Hoofstraat, dan by Markstraat af tot by die Bergrivier Boulevard, tot by De Zoete Inval: 082 443 5647. * Sektor 3: Die gebied noord van Auretstraat na Hoofstraat, by Markstraat af tot by die Berg-


rivier Boulevard en dan tot en met NoorderPaarl: 082 444 3194. * Sektor 4: Die plaasgebiede tussen Dutoitskloof en Wemmershoek, die landelike gebied vanaf Noorder-Paarl, reg om die Paarlberg (Agter-Paarl) tot by die N1 naby Klapmuts: 082 411 2985/082 379 4742. * Be extra cautious this Easter weekend to avoid becoming a victim of crime.


Paarl Post

Mense People

17 April, 2014

UITREIKING: Die werkers van Mpact: Toekelie Gouws (links), Bruzene Riddles, sr. Heather-Joy Harris en Lisa du Preez het onlangs blou plakkers gekoop om die Boland Skool vir Outisme te ondersteun gedurende hul bewusmakingsmaand.

LAVISH LAUNCH: Following on the first Chinese investment in the South African wine industry, the extensively renovated cellar and new home of the L’Huguenot wine brand was unveiled at a gala dinner held at its Val de Vie premises on Tuesday 1 April. In August of last year, Perfect China, the 51% shareholding partner in Perfect Wines of South Africa, announced the purchase of the wine cellar at well-known Val de Vie estate located in the heart of the Winelands, between Paarl and Franschhoek. The purchase included a 25 ha wine farm with 21 ha of vineyards and the historic manor house dating back to 1783. Here from left at the launch are from left Chairman of Perfect Wines of South Africa, Hein Koegelenberg, Woo Swee Lian, Steven Hsu from Perfect China, André Dempers and Richard Kennard of Dempers Master Builders, who built the new L’Huguenot cellar at Val de Vie estate.

FOREIGN LANGUAGE: The Goethe Institute of South Africa hosted the regional conference for German as a foreign language (second additional language) to teachers from the Western and Eastern Cape at La Rochelle Girls’ High School this past weekend.

PAASFEESSPEL BY SUNFIELD: Sunfield Homes op Wellington het hul jaarlikse Paasspel gehou wat deur die inwoners opgevoer is. By die opvoering is ook heerlike paasbolletjies en kerrievis verkoop. Hier van links is Johan Groenewald, Algon Kock, Peter Le Roux en Christopher Hitchcock as Roomse soldate..

DONATION FOR SCHOOL: The EBL Foundation (Elizabeth Branda Lourens Foundation) in support of sport development for pre-primary schools, recently handed over a cheque worth R8 500 to Magnolia Primary School. The school was selected to be the beneficiary for this year’s EBL donation. From left are: Peter Lourens (EBL Foundation), Alexia Davids (teacher), Kirby Anderson (EBL Foundation), Elserine May (teacher), Millicent Jacobs (teacher) and Magnolia’s school principal, Clarence Carollise PHOTO: ERNEST KILOWAN

MARKDAG BY VAL DE VIE: Val de Vie het Sondag weer ’n markie gehad met verskeie kos- en dekor-stalletjies en vermaak vir die kinders. Die bekende Afrikaanse sanger en voormalige Idols-wenner, Heinz Winkler, het musiek gemaak. Hier by die markie is van links Junel Conradie en klein D’niel Conradie, Salomé Knijnenberg, Mark Knijnenberg, Johan Stander en Petro Swart. Agter is Nicole Roux en klein Juan Conradie, Marcelle van Niekerk en Rozanne Lazarus. FOTO: MARYKE SWART ISLAMIC EXPO IN PAARL: The Discover Islam Centre based in Cape Town, held an Islamic Cultural Expo for the first time in Paarl in conjunction with the Paarl Muslim Jamaah. The Expo was held last Saturday at the Paarl Town Hall. The mayor of the Drakenstein Municipality, Gesie van Deventer, did the official welcoming and seen here with her are from left to right; Moutie Richards (chairman, Paarl Muslim Jamaa), Moulana Zakariyah Philander (Discover Islam Centre ), Rughsaun Adams (Discover Islam Centre ) and Sheigh Zareer Moerat (Imam of the Paarl Muslim Jamaa). PHOTO: ACHMAT PATEL

HELP DIERE IN NOOD: Paarl Post het onlangs as deel van die Paarl Post Cares-projek, met behulp van skenkings uit die gemeenskap, kos en ander diere-noodsaaklikhede vir die Drakenstein Animal Rescue ingesamel. Hier is van links Annemie Bruce (advertensieverteenwoordiger, Paarl Post), Len en Cheryl van der Walt van die Drakenstein Animal Rescue en Mirvin Manus (advertensieverteenwoordiger, Drakenstein Gazette) tydens die oorhandiging. Enigiemand wat nog skenkings wil maak, of vir verdere navrae, skakel Cheryl by 082 579 3005.

BOEREMUSIEKDAG: Die Boeremusiekgilde se Boland-tak het Saterdag ’n boeremusiekdag by De Poort historiese dorp gehou met ’n potjiekoskompetisie, stalletjies, kindervermaak en verskeie orkeste wat vermaak verskaf het. Hier, besig met ’n pot is “Die Krokkies”-span. Van links is Johan Pool, Hélie Opperman, Mossie Mostert en Eben Marais, van Wellington. FOTO: MARYKE SWART

Paarl Post

Nuus News

17 April, 2014

Community centre construction starts Hope Through Action (HTA) announced that construction of the Franschhoek Valley Community Sports Centre (FVCSC) in Groendal will start soon. The FVCSC will open in early 2015 and will provide a state-of-the-art multi-purpose indoor pitch, training and meeting rooms, a resource centre, showers and kitchen facilities. HTA is also constructing a fourclassroom school which will be operated by The Kusasa Project. HTA is a charity, registered in both South Africa and the UK, that supports disadvantaged young people by mainly using sport to develop life skills. In 2010, they opened a similar facility in Mbekweni, which provides sports activities, life skills programmes and guidance to over 1 700 young people every month. When the newer facility is completed HTA would have invested almost R50 million in the two communities. Philip Green, founder of HTA said: “Our sports centre in Mbekweni has been a great

success and has made a significant impact in the community since opening in 2010. “We have strong local partners, particularly SCORE, who are responsible for delivering the programmes in Mbekweni, and we are delighted that this relationship will continue in Franschhoek. It has taken four years of effort to develop the plans and raise the necessary funds but we are delighted that the same construction team of Fred Laker, from Lyners Consulting, and Power Construction will be working with us in Franschhoek.” Phil Bland, chairman of HTA said: “We are committed to working with local partners and recognise the commitment and contribution made by Stellenbosch Municipality and, in particular, Mayor Conrad Sidego and his councillors. “Our ambassadors, Reuben Riffel, Ryk Neethling and Gary Kirsten have been involved in getting the project to this point and I look forward to working with them in the future”.

The Hope Through Action campaign (HTA) is pleased to announce that construction will soon start on the Franschhoek Valley Community Sports Centre (FVCSC) in Groendal. Famous local chef Reuben Riffel (HTA Ambassador), Philip Green (HTA Founder) and Ryk Neethling (HTA Ambassador). PHOTO: FRANS LE ROUX

Things to do in and around Paarl with the kids Just as the schools began after a week-long break, mothers cannot help but be in a slight tizz about many long weekends in the coming weeks. Here are a couple of tips to keep the youngsters occupied and out of mischief: ) Visit the Drakenstein Lion Park and Chimp Haven. Come and see captive-born predators, which have been saved from very cruel circumstances bask and feed in the Boland sun. The Chimp Haven houses animals which needed to be rehoused after the Tygerberg Zoo closed down. These include chimpanzees and tigers. The Lion Sanctuary is open daily from 09:30 to 17:00 and the Chimp Haven from 09:30 to 16:30. Lion Feeding Times are on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 16:00. Admission is R50 for adults and R25 for children per facility, or you can purchase a combo

ticket and visit both facilities for R80 per adult and R40 per child. ) Butterfly World in Klapmuts is a wonderland swarming with exotic butterflies, energetic monkeys, small deer and iguanas in a tropical jungle. Butterfly World is open seven days a week from 09:00 until 17:00. There is a restaurant with a scrumptious menu and interesting gift shop as well. EntrancefeeisR58peradult,R33forchildren under 18 (children under 3 enter free), students R53 and R53 for pensioners. A family ticket (2 adults and 2 children) can be purchased for R149. ) Go and see the crocodiles at Le Bonheur farm just outside Paarl on the Simondium Road. Le Bonheur is home to about 1 000 crocodiles. Interactive tours are offered every 45 minutes during which you can also get the opportunity to hold a baby croc. The farm is open seven days a week from 09:00 until 17:00. Entrance is R35 for adults and R22 for chil-

dren under 18. The fully licensed restaurant offers an interesting menu, including some crocodile delicacies. You can also picnic on the lawns while doing some bass fishing. ) The Giraffe House Wildlife Awareness Centre on the Old Paarl road, provides easy access to some wonderful wildlife and bird species. Focusing on African wildlife, Giraffe House aims to provide a place for people to enjoy a family picnic complemented by some fresh air, whilst experiencing and learning about animals and conservation. Daily animal encounters are very popular and are held at 11:00, 13:00 and 15:00. It gives the visitor the opportunity to meet and hold some interesting creatures. Entrance fees are R45 for adults, R25 for children (3 to 15) and pensioners, R30. ) Picnicorbraaiinoneofthedesignatedareas on Paarl Mountain, such as the flower garden of Christmas Camp. ) For the less adventurous: bring the movies to life on the big screen at Minimax with an exciting selection of films over the coming weeks, such as the long awaited hilarious Afrikaans wedding comedy, Konfetti; The Amazing Spiderman 2, The Other Woman, Die Windpomp and Godzilla.



Paarl Post

Jeug Youth

17 April, 2014

Van links is opvoeder Jolene Minnaar (KN Skool-beheerliggaam), minister Donald Grant, skoolhoof Mary Banda, uitvoerende burgemeester Gesie van Deventer, opvoeder dr. Jeff Lombaard.

KNSS kry skoolsaal! Die burgemeester het in 2012 kennis gemaak met skoolhoof Mary Banda en die leerders van Klein Nederburg Sekondêre Skool. Die kwaliteit van opleiding en dissipline het toe reeds beïndruk. Toe die burgemeester na die jaarlikse Rugby Derby met New Orleans genooi is, het dit tot haar kennis gekom dat die skool met 1 353 kinders nie ’n skoolsaal het nie. Dit beteken dat “saalbyeenkomste” in reëntye nie kan geskied en matrieks moet in drie verskillende lokale in die dorp eksamen skryf. Hierdie feit het die burgemeester so ontstig dat sy belowe het om in kontak te kom met die minister van onderwys en om te help sover sy kan om ’n saal vir die skool te verkry. Donald Grant, minister van onderwys in die Wes-Kaap, het positief reageer en die skool kort daarna besoek. Die gelukkige uiteinde is dat die minister kon fasiliteer dat die departement in vennootskap met Garden Cities Archway Foundation, die skoolsaal sal bou. Die saal sal R5 370 miljoen kos waarvan die Foundation R2 782 miljoen sal bydra en die provinsiale departement van onderwys R2 388 miljoen. Die skool moet self R200 000 insamel as hul bydrae. Hul begin eersdaags met hul geldinsameling en omdat baie van die skool se kinders uit arm gemeenskappe kom, vra die Drakenstein-munisipaliteit dat almal moet help. KNSS is ’n skool wat uitstekend presteer. Hul matriekslaagsyfer was 91,4% in 2013 uit 233 matrieks. Daarvan het 34,1% universiteitstoelating gekry en ’n verdere 60% kan aan ’n kollege studeer. Dis ’n indrukwekkende 94% van matrieks wat naskools kan gaan studeer. “Die skool doen baie moeite met sy matrieks en gee deurentyd ekstra gratis klasse, selfs elke Saterdag word spesiale klasse aangebied,” vertel van Deventer. Alle oud-onderwysers word gevra om te help mentor en kan die skoolhoof bel by 021 862 2720. “Ek is baie opgewonde oor hierdie goeie nuus. Hierdie is een van die goeie uitkomste wat dit lekker maak om ’n burgemeester te wees,” glimlag van Deventer. “Dis ’n voorreg om op so ’n manier te help om ons kinders en gemeenskappe te bou. Ons sê baie dankie vir minister Grant,” sê van Deventer.

ATLETE WEN GOUD: Christy Nell (links) het by die SA hoërskole atletiekkampioenskappe in Polokwane, Limpopo, as lid van die Wes-Kaapspan die goue medalje in die meisies o.17 paalspring verower met haar persoonlike beste hoogte van 3,20 m. By die ASA Jeug-kampioenskappe op Coetzenburg, Stellenbosch het sy ’n vierde plek behaal met ’n hoogte van 3,1 m. Gezelle Magerman het by die ASA Jeug-kampioenskappe ’n silwer medalje in meisies o.17 verspring behaal met ’n afstand van 5,87 m. Sy het goud verwerf in die meisies o.17 400 m hekkies (60,36).

Paarl Post

Jeug Youth

17 April, 2014

TRIPLE-JUMP CHAMP: Kyle Green participated in SA Championships for u.15 triple- and long-jump and received a gold and silver medal. With this achievement he is now the SA Champion in his age-group. He is also the Boland Champ after setting a record of 13,10 m for triplejump. At the Western Cape Championships he also set the Boland Athletics record for triple-jump with a distance of 13,74 m. At ASA (Athletics South Africa) he ended in third place in the triple jump.


INTERSKOLE-KRIEKETSPAN: Hierdie o.14A-krieketspan van Hoërskool Gimnasium het Interskole teen HJS met 3 lopies gewen. Agter (van links) is Handré van der Walt, Corné Grobler, Garreth Wolmarans, Rikus Brand en Martus Coetzee. Voor is Jurie Matthee, Dian Willemse, Wilhelm Best, Zander Kallis, Leon Colyn en Raymond van Coller. Afwesig is Jacques Marais.

BEST SCHOOL AWARD: New Orleans Secondary School walked away with the Best School award for the exceptional performance of their learners in the Media24 Rachel’s Angels programme. Seven of their mentees received the most subject distinctions in their Grade 12 year, regardless of poverty and violence in the area. All of them are currently enrolled for further studies at tertiary institutions. The school’s overall percentage also keeps going up.

KRONING: By ’n swierige 007-skouspel in die Paarl-stadsaal, is Ané Smit (middel) as Mej. La Rochelle aangewys, met LizeMay Mouton (links) as eerste prinses en Mej. Persoonlikheid en Megan Groenewald (regs) as tweede prinses.

KRIEKET: Wessel Roos van die Laerskool Noord-Eind is opgeneem in die o. 12-Boland A-krieketspan.

CHESS: Tristan Didloff, of Paarl Boys’ Primary, has been selected to represent the u.10 Boland Chess team.

BOLAND: Jacques James Wiggins van Laerskool Slot van die Paarl is gekies vir die Boland-sentraalo. 13-rugbyspan.



Paarl Post

Kuns & Leefstyl Arts & Lifestyle

17 April, 2014

Kalender . Calendar 18 APRIL ) Die Hervormde Rehoboth Kerk nooi almal uit na hul jaar­ likse Paasfees­konferensie met die tema “Alles deur Christus Jesus” op Vrydag 18 April (openingsdiens om 10:00, Moedersdiens om 15:00, Jeugdiens om 19:00) en Son­ dag 20 April (Nagmaaldiens om 10:00). Die konferensie vind plaas op die hoek van Simfonie en Bartolomeuslaan, Groenheuwel, Paarl. Kontak pastoor Tom Pedro by 084 448 0003 of Selwyn Pa­ terson by 083 243 5669. Etes is beskikbaar teen ’n minimale fooi. Bespreek vooraf. ) ’n Bonsai­skou word gehou van 18 tot 21 April by Kirsten­ bosch. Oyama­Bonsai­lede se bome sal uitgestal word in die Sanlam­saal by die Kirsten­ bosch Botaniese tuin in Kaap­ stad. Daar sal daagliks demonstra­ sies en werksessies wees asook ’n omvattende opvoedkundige uitstalling. Bome, bakke en toerusting vir die beginner en

gevorderde beoefenaars sal te koop wees. Bel Andrew by 083 628 8163.

kom. Meer besonderhede kan by 072 709 8000 verkry word.

21 APRIL ) Die Ephraim/Efraim­fami­ lie hou vanaf 14:00 ’n saam­ trek in Wellington. Vir navrae, bel Jeffrey by 078 920 4343 of Jaftha by 078 480 6245.

27 APRIL ) Zion Fellowship Cogic Wor­ ship team on the corner of Mossie Street and Appelkoos Avenue, Wellington, presents a musical evening at the church at 17:30. Entrance fee is R10. For more details, contact Jape­ line on 081 551 9612 or Stel­ la on 084 690 1371.

23 APRIL ) Plaaslike beeldhouer, Na­ nette Ranger, lewer eersko­ mende Woensdagaand om 17:30 ’n praatjie oor haar werk by die Stellenbosch Kuns­ vereniging se ledebyeenkoms by die Sasol Kunsmuseum in Van Ryneveldstraat, Stellen­ bosch. ) Die bekende sielkundige, dr. S.T. Potgieter, is die gasspreker by die volgende byeenkoms van die Wellingtonse Angs­ en Depressie­ondersteunings­ groep. Die byeenkoms vind op 23 April in die NG­kerksaal in Kerkstraat, Wellington, plaas. Dit begin om 19:15 en alle be­ langstellendes is hartlik wel­

3 MEI ) Klein Nederburg Sekondêr se klas van 1985 hou hul reü­ nie in die vorm van ’n bring­en­ braai vanaf 10:00 by De Poort in Suider­Paarl. Bring ook jou eie drankies saam. Vir navrae, bel Levona April by 084 660 7888. ) Paarl/Wellington Vollies besoek Vredenburg en Klub Mykonos per bus. Kostes is R150 per persoon en sluit ont­ byt in. Die bus vertrek om 07:00. Bel John Goliath by 021 862 0089.

Open day at historic Wellington garden

Your Ultimate Online Guide to Paarl

Klein Optenhorst, which lies in the historic Bovlei valley just outside Wellington, will again open its garden to the public on 26 and 27 April from 09:00 to 16:30. In autumn the garden reaches full maturity and borders are filled with many unusual plants that thrive in the Western Cape heat, including over 70 different Salvias, which are a magnet for birds and insects. Other features include an ancient wild olive tree,

believed to be more than 400 years old, a gravel and vegetable garden and more. The nursery, selling rare plants, will be open and an exhibition of Carolyn Metcalfe’s paintings and ceramics can be seen. Klein Optenhorst wine will be on sale. Entrance of R40 includes scones and tea. For directions contact, Jenny Ferreira at 021 864 1210 or

Kom na Sandringham vir ‘n groot Kaaservaring Feesdriftiges wat beplan om die SA Kaasfees van 2629 April by Sandringham buite Stellenbosch te besoek, kan vanjaar uitsien na sóveel meer. Vanjaar bars die Afrox Kookpot uit sy nate met optredes deur RSG se kuberkok Nina Timm, die MasterChef sussies, Leandri en Seline van der Wat én Kokkedoor se sjef Nic van Wyk saam met 2013 se wenners Mynhardt en Tiaan. Die Checkers Kaasemporium bied vanjaar ’n splinternuwe ervaring waar bekendes soos Nataniël, Giggling Gourmet Jenny Morris, Herman Lensing en koffie-foendi David Donde jou begelei langs ’n doolhof-tipe gourmet-reis van kaas, biefstuk, whisky, wyn, koffie en meer. In die Pinotage Teater vier hul Suid-Afrika se eiesoortige wynkultivare se diversiteit met verskeie kos- en wynparings. Geniet ook sjef Craig Cormack se uitsonderlike paring van

Fleur du Cap wyne met sout van regoor die wêreld. ’n Groot aantal boetiekkaasmakers bring hul handgemaakte kase. Rugbygeesdriftiges kan die Stormers se Super XV wedstryd teen die Cheetahs kyk in die Klipdrift/DStv Supersport Lounge. Vir die kleinspan is daar springkastele, speletjies en vele meer vermaak. Besoekers kan ook kuier met musiek rondom die Ladismith Musiekgazebo. Kaartjies is teen R130 beskikbaar by Computicket en in alle Shoprite-Checkerswinkels (geen kaartjies by die hekke nie). Seniors betaal R100 en kinders 13 jaar en jonger kry gratis toegang. Besoek vir meer inligting of kontak Agri-Expo by tel 021 975 4440 of * Een Paarl Post-leser kan ’n stel dubbelkaartjies na die fees wen vir óf Maandag (28 April) óf Dinsdag (29 April). SMS die fees naam na 37405 teen 14:00 op Dinsdag, 22 April.

Boere­blues met Valiant Swart Vir meer as twee dekades vermaak Valiant Swart gehore dwarsoor Suid-Afrika met sy liedjies en stories oor sy lewe as ruk-en-rol troebadoer; soms skreeusnaaks, soms vol weemoed en nostalgie. Op Vrydag 25 April om 20:00 tree hy op by die Ou Meul-teater in die Paarl. Met sy boere-blues en liedjies soos Sonvanger en Eyeshadow kan hy gehore laat skaterlag en tegelykertyd die hartsnare roer. Valiant het reeds vyftien

albums en twee DVD’s vrygestel en ook twee boeke gepubliseer. Daarby is hy die afgelope agt jaar ’n gewilde rubriekskrywer en ook ’n bekende gesig op televisie. Saam met kitaarspeler Basson Laubscher beloof dié vertoning om ’n belewenis te wees. Kaartjies is R100 en kan bespreek word by Vicky Stemmet by 083 5640 056. ) Op Sondag 27 April om 16:00 is Mathys Roets aan die beurt. Kaartjies is R100 by Vicky Stemmet.

SPECIAL ART EXHIBITIONS: The Gallery at Grande Provence Heritage Wine Estate in Franschhoek, will be hosting two new solo exhibitions titled A Sense of Place – an exhibition of dunescape paintings by Geoff Horne and Lasers in the Jungle – Vases by Lucinda Mudge. The exhibitions open on 20 April at 11:00. Regarding A Sense of Place, gallery curator Trent Read says: “There is an Afrikaans word that precisely describes Horne’s fine paintings and that is, ‘gees’.” About Lasers in the Jungle, he says: “Mudge has utterly triumphed with these truly beautiful vases, which manage to transcend their humble earthbound origins with their lush glazes and sophisticated commentary on our present condition.”

Valiant Swart is Vrydag 25 April om 20:00 te sien by die Ou Meul-teater.

Vintage Ideas­mark Van 25 tot 28 April gaan die Vintage Ideasmark weereens alles outyds vier by die Simondium Country Lodge naby Franschhoek. Besoekers sal kan rondsnuffel vir die ideale outydse juweel in die uitstalarea van 1,5 hektaar. Items wat aangebied word, wissel van versamelbare dekor-items uit toeka se dae, eksklusiewe handgemaakte juweliersware, glas- en silwerware, vintage-geïnspireerde modes, kombuisware en tuintoebehore tot pryslose antieke items en meer. Die deli sal die smaakkliere betower met heerlike eetgoed, van soetgebak en tuisgebak tot stukkonfyt, speserye, vrugtedrankies en eksotiese tee. Daar sal ook outydse speletjies wees vir die kinders. Die Simondium Country Lodge is op die R45 tussen die Paarl en Franschhoek geleë. Verversings word in die tuin bedien. Die Vintage Ideas-mark is van 09:30 tot 16:00 oop vanaf Vrydag 25 April tot Sondag 27 April en van 09:30 tot 15:00 op Maandag 28 April. Kaartjies is R30 p.p. terwyl kinders gratis toegang kry. Besoek

Paarl Post

Sake Post Business Post

17 April, 2014


Local wines shine at Top 100 SA Wines The key fine-wine event in SA launches the 2014 Top 100 SA winning wines results. The much anticipated winning wines were announced on 10 April. Top wineries, their wine makers and partners celebrated with enjoyment that included a jazz band, canapés and the awards certification ceremony. The upbeat mood swung a notch higher, when all 100 winning wines were unveiled and tasted by invitees. Record entry levels were again strongly up on last year with 491 of SA’s top wines entered. Winning wines included six Cap Classique wines (3 in 2013), eight Natural Sweet wines, Port Style and Fortified wines (9). White wines enjoyed a total listing of thirty four winners (27 in 2013) with nine Chardonnay wines leading the field. Chenin Blanc and Sauvignon Blanc both

enjoyed six winning slots. Red wines enjoyed 52 podium slots with Shiraz leading the pack with a most credible 15 victories. Bordeaux blends followed with eight wins and Cabernet was close behind with seven victories. Pinot Noir pipped both Merlot and Pinotage who each won two positions, with a credible three gongs. Top 100 SA Wines is a premium brand based around many of SA’s finest wines and vineyards. It aids vineyards position their winning wines with clarity, vigour and integrity. And it helps the public to buy better wine, get best value and enjoy the ultimate wine experience. Local wineries that came up trumps are: Allée Bleue Chenin Blanc 2013 Cape Chamonix Pinot Noir 2012 Cape Chamonix Troika 2011 Cape Chamonix Chardonnay Reserve 2012 Franschhoek Vineyards Semil-

Branson heads for Franschhoek Renowned billionaire, Virgin Limited Edition Sir Richard Branson, will soon be adding Franschhoek to his already illustrious collection of worldwide luxury real estate. Fin24 reported that Branson has entered into a preliminary agreement to purchase the Mont Rochelle Hotel and Mountain Vineyard in Franschhoek. “I’m thrilled to be able to announce that we have entered into a sales agreement for Mont Rochelle and what I’m sure will be a ‘must visit’ winelands experience in South Africa,” Branson said in a statement. Branson also owns the Ulusaba Private GameReserveneartheKrugerNationalPark. Tara Whiting and Marius Botha of Acquire Africa, who facilitated the preliminary agreement of sale, believe this is evidence that South Africa is thriving as a tourist destination, reported Fin 24. They are positive that the Virgin Limited Edition will attract even more tourists to the region’s wine and culinary tourism.

Wêreld Merino Ekspo in Stellenbosch Wêreldklas Merino-produkte teen spesiale ekspopryse, lamsvleisdisse, skaapskeer, wolklassering, suiwer wol modes, hanslammers, ram- en ooi versorging en die weeg van lammers en skapeisenkelehoogtepuntevandieMerino 2014-ekspo op Dinsdag 29 April, te Stellenbosch by die Markötter- en Bloemhofterreine in sentraal-Stellenbosch. Lamsvleis en skaapwol-entoesiastevanregoorSuid-Afrikaeninbesonder vanuit Kaapstad en die hele Boland en Overberg word genooi om die gesinsekspo by te woon. DieMerinoEkspoisgemikopdiehele gesin, jonk en oud. Gesinne kan onder meer by die Merinovleis-terroir proe aan ’n verskeidenheid vleis- en verwante produkte smul, wat direk van die merino afkomstig is.

lon 2013 Eenzaamheid Pinotage/Cinsaut 2011 Fairview Petite Sirah 2011 Fairview Eenzaamheid 2011 Fairview La Beryl Blanc 2013 Landskroon Paul de Villiers Cabernet Sauvignon 2011 Bosman Family Vineyards Erfenis 2011 Bosman Family Vineyards MCC Steen 2008 Bosman Family Vineyards Pinotage 2011 Doolhof Signature Petit Verdot 2009 Boschendal Cecil John Reserve Shiraz 2012 Graham Beck Blanc de Blancs 2009 Graham Beck Pheasants’ Run 2013 Rickety Bridge Shiraz 2011 Rickety Bridge The Foundation Red 2012 Spice Route Grenache 2012

MOOI KYK: Daar was verskeie stalletjies, lewendehawe uitstallings, wynproe, praatjies ensovoorts om skougangers besig te hou by die jaarlikse Kaap Agri landbouskou wat by Bien Donne gehou is. Een van die kompetisies wat daar vir plaaswerkers was is die vurkhyser-kompetisie. Bestuurders moes hier op ’n moeilike baan al hul vaardighede ten toon stel deur kratte rond te skyf asook agteruit deur ’n paar moeilike draaie te ry. Hier is een van die deelnemers druk besig om te konsentreer op sy bewegings. FOTO: FRANS LE ROUX


Paarl Post

Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

17 April, 2014





SOLOMON BEGRAFNISONDERNEMER: Hermitagestraat, Huguenot. Tel: 021 862 5346. 24-uur Diens. ARENDSE: JOHN T 19 APRIL 2004 - Na 10 jaar leef kosbare herinneringe aan 'n dierbare eggenoot, WARRIES: JACOB vader en oupa steeds in ons 01.10.1946 - 14.04.2014 harte voort. Yvonne (Onoi), Sag heengegaan op die kinders en kleinkinders. ouderdom van 67. Begrafnis Saterdag 19.04.2014. 12:00 - By die huis 20 Irisstraat. 13:00 - St Stephans Kerk. Kontak 082 389 7572 / 073 628 8184.


BASTIAAN: INGRID 15.12.1962 - 16.04.2013 Dis nou 'n jaar sedert ons Hemelse Vader jou so onverwags kom haal het. Ons sal jou nooit vergeet nie. Cliffy, Esmé en kinders.

STOFFELS: PATRICIA On the 17.04.2009 you left us with no smile, no fond embrace no you but in our hearts we treasure the memory of a beloved daughter and sister. We mourn you passing and your loving precence will be deeply missed. Love you always. Daddy, Mommy & Roderick.

LOREN ELIAS, jou trotse ma sê baie geluk aan jou SAAMRYmet die verwerwing van jou GELEENTHEDE 1030 Onderwys Graad. Mammie 1441 wens jou alle sukses toe SOEK U SAAMRYGEmet jou loopbaan vorentoe. LEENTHEID - Onmiddellik beskikbaar vanaf Paarl tot Stellenbosch. Daagliks PERSOONLIKE 08:00 - 17:00. Skakel saans DIENSTE vanaf 18:00. 021 863 3102, 082 587 8086 of 084 443 5000. KINDERVERMAAK GUESS WHO TURNS 50 ON 23 APRIL 2014?? 1405 LENINGS GELUKWENSINGS



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CONGRATULATIONS to our daughter & sister Ludfia Cupido with her B.Ed Degree (Cum Laude). From Maart family. CAROLISSEN HENDRIK 20.04.2014 - In loving memory of my husband, daddy, grandfather. Your first year away from us. We greatly love and miss you. Elaine & children.

LOANS!! LOANS!! SMS name, surname, ID nr, bruto & netto, workplace to 084 875 5814 or pay only 50% on existing loans. NEED CASH? Pawn your car, trailor or canopy. 021 987 2277 / 082 558 4836. PERSOONLIK 1460

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DIE LAASTE & GROOTSTE MISLEIDING - Lukas 21:8, Danie Pienaar. Vir gratis leesstof en CD SMS jou naam en adres na 082 734 4168.



Paarl Post

Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

17 April, 2014

SHUTTERPLY HOUTBORDE te koop. 1 meter lank en 1,1 meter breed. Prys R50 elk. Kontak 082 942 9835 / 079 625 6852.

SKAKEL NICO by 082 925 3680 vir verwydering van tuinvullis of bourommel en 1872 lewering van klip ens. ALLE VERFWERK & Goeie diens gewaarborg. AFDAKKE IN DIE BOLAND. Binne & buite. VERWYDERING VAN Kwaliteit met persoonlike ALLE VULLIS en bouromtoesig. Sedert 1996. Skakel mel. Asook die skoonmaak Ernst vir gratis kwotasie. van erwe. Eienaar toesig. 082 573 6654 / bellpainters Kontak Louw 083 413 0701.





STUNNING PARTRIGE wood desk, six drawers, dark wood top and antique white base - retail price R9 000 asking R4 500. Peter 083 447 1223. VERSKEIDENHEID IBR DAKPLATE te koop. Verskillende lengtes beskikbaar vanaf 4 meter. Skakel 082 842 9835 of 079 625 6852.

1m3 SAND, KLIP, kompos & bogrond (topsoil) sowel as bourommel, vullisverwydering, tuindienste en skoonmaak van erwe. Skakel Neels 083 412 8810.


VERWYDERING VAN ROMMEL en vullis. 6m. Algemene vervoer met 8 ton trok. Vir billike pryse en gehalte diens, skakel Jaques 082 579 2998 / 021 872 6029.









GESOEK: ALLE HUIS/ kantoor meubels / gereedskap / tuin en braaitoebehore ens. 073 608 4652. ALGEMENE & HUISDIENSTE


BEAUTIFUL HANDCARVED and painted standing Buddha holding a ripe pomegranet symbolising fertility and plenty - retail price R10 000 asking R5 000. Peter 083 447 1223.


INBOU VAN KASTE asook verandering van bestaande kaste. Gratis kwotasies. Kontak JP 083 453 2702.

BLOCK & CHISEL diningroom suite - 6 upholstered chairs, table with two extension leaves - 4, 6 or 10 seater! Plus half moon table in delicate taupe finish retail price R12 000 - asking R6 000. 083 447 1223.



1873 1805

ARL SERVICES: We offer the follwoing services at affordable rates. We clean your house, office, windows & wash carpets. Contact Antoinette 082 459 5625 for a quote /

BLOCK & CHISEL wardrobe - antique white finish dimensions 2.220 h, 60w, 2.140 L retail price R27 995 - asking R13 995. Peter 083 447 1223.


SNA CLEANING SERVICES. Labour & cleaning services. Residential & contract cleaning, at all businesses. We specialise in contract cleaning, undercover security cleaning, office cleaning, window cleaning. We also do pest control at a price you can afford. Free quotes. Andre 073 844 9868 / andremuller01@vodamail ELEKTRIES 1810

EXECUTIVE LEATHER top desk, one side pedastal has three drawers and the other a slide out hanging file section. Retail price R10 000 - asking R5 000. Peter 083 447 1223. KAROO DORING HOUT te Koop 1000 @ R 600.00 + aflewerings kostes 500 @ R 300.00 + aflewerings kostes 076 229 7945 / ROOIKRANS HOUT @ R20 per sak. Kontak 084 250 2336


TEëLS: Fabriekswinkel te Wellington. Kontak vervaardiger of besoek ons vertoonlokaal. Smartstone: KEMP ELEKTRIES - Ska- 021 873 5482. kel 083 228 3208 vir alle elektriese werk. Huishoudelik. Industrieël. Konstruksie. 24 uur diens.


FREE DUMPING SITE: Clean building material and soil only. Phone Louis 082 829 5542.

MOSTERT SWEISWERKE: Skuif-/swaaihekke, diefwering, traliewerk & vele ander staalwerke. Gratis kwotasies. Skakel Frank Mostert: 021 868 2880 / 072 022 0066. Faks: 021 872 6771.


Paarl Post

Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

17 April, 2014

FOURIE-VERVOER: Vervoer van meubels - klein of groot. Landswyd of plaaslik. Skakel 082 821 5234 of 021 876 2440. BOME 1871


2-SLAAPKAMER WOONSTEL- R5000 Hoofslaapkamer het ingeboude kaste en eie badkamer; Badkamer met stort; Oop-plan kombuis sitkamer. Ingeboude stoof Tuimeldroeër, Yskas, wasmasjien. 2-SLAAPKAMER WOONSTEL - R5000 Hoofslaapkamer het ingeboude kaste en eie badkamer; Badkamer met stort Oop-plan kombuis sitkamer. Ingeboude stoof; Yskas. Addisioneel: Indien tuimeldroeër en wasmasjien in woonstel geplaas word is die huur R5300. Onmiddellik beskikbaar. Tel : 021 887 1373.

TENDAI is looking for PLUMBING & PAINT domestic work for 5 days. SALES PERSONS 084 902 6188. PAARL. 3 - 4 years experience, matric & work refeZIM LADY is looking for rences essential. Must be domestic or babysitting job. fully bilingual (English & Ph 074 442 3453. Afrikaans) and windows literate. Start immediate. Email: abigail@bbuildit. / Fax: 021 872 0885. ALGEMEEN

3-SLAAPKAMER VICTORIAANSE HUIS, Wellington. Sentraal, groot leefarea, kaggel, braaiplek, off-street parkering. R7000pm. 076 332 3210. 4 SLPK HUIS in NoorderPaarl met tuin en swembad. Altwee badk nuut oorgedoen. Sitk + leefarea /eetkamer met binnebraai. R8 600. 076 479 7063.

LANGVLEI - 3 Slpk, eet & sitkamer, 2 badk, kombuis, stoof & ingeboude kaste. Koopkrag. R4500 + deposito. 082 295 0247.


7 DAYS SUPERETTE Noorder-Paarl benodig: ERWE/STANDPLASE Admin (bestuur) persoon & Kassiere. 2 Jaar ondervin3295 ding. Bring CV in vir onderDRINGEND OPSOEK NA houd tussen 09:00 en 14:00. plot in Wellington. Kontak 073 257 2530 na 18:00. ADM. SURVEY / DATA LISTING CLERKS NEEDED. For info SMS name KAMERS TE HUUR / address to 081 537 0801 3315 or email ABSOLUUT SENTRAAL WELLINGTON. Kamers in gemeubileerde huis vir jong werkendes/studente, R1500 - R2200. 076 332 3210. BETREKKINGS 3600


ALICE IS LOOKING for 5 days work as a domestic. 074 733 9813.

EENMANWOONSTEL (40m2) met binnebraai. Beskikbaar vanaf 1 Mei. R2900pm. Skakel 082 868 5669.

ANATORIA is looking of rhousekeeping job, 3days or for everyday. 073 112 9253. CHARITY IS LOOKING for domestic work for 5 days. 061 651 2662. CHIIKO(Zimbabwean) is looking for a drivers job. I have code 14 & 10. 084 064 9047.




TOYOTA CONQUEST 1.3, 2000 model. Good condition, Mags, Central lock, Alarm & Music system. R30 000. 071 993 7912.



BIG STORAGE WAREHOUSE to rent (Price neg) Size: 1508m2. Address: 27 Boland street, Dal Josaphat, Paarl. For more detail, please contact Kallie Visser @ 021 944 3241 / 082 433 3900. HUISE TE KOOP 3275

WELLINGTON KANTOOR/WINKELRUIMTES beskikbaar. Fontein str - 61.2m2 / Malherbe str 58m2 Kontak 021 873 1621, Ma - Vry, 08:30 - 16:30. WOONSTELLE TE HUUR

3-SLPK WONING met afdak - R550 000; 3-Slpk woning - R350 000; 3-Slpk woning - R270 000 kontant; 2-Slpk woning - R170 000 kontant; 2-Slpk woning R100 000 kontant; 3-Slpk woning - R300 000. 073 421 3608.

GROENHEUWEL - 3 slpk huis. R499 000 neg. Slegs BACHELORS WOON- goedgekeurde kopers. Cell STEL te huur in Courtrai 084 875 5814. vir enkel werkende persoon. Water en elek. ingesluit. R2800pm + deposito. HUISE TE HUUR 082 825 1605. 3250

BAKKIE & TRAILER HIRE: Te huur, vervoer, meubelvervoer. Skakel alle ure: 082 321 8904 Johan Maass.


FRANSCHHOEK: RUIM 1 SLPK woonstel. Beskikbaar vanaf 1 Mei. R4500pm. Kontak Brian 082 776 3484.

ERIC is looking for a job as forklift driver. 074 799 1664.

SUIDER PAARL: Ruim 2Slpk woonstel. Motorafdak. R4500pm. Geen troeteldiere. Beskik. 1 Mei 2014. Skakel 082 927 5734. WELLINGTON: 2 Slpk woonstel. R3600pm + deposito en krag. Veilige onderdak parkering. Skakel 079 354 2073.


CONSTANCE needs work as domestic work in guesthouse. Home nursing. Ref avail. 078 431 6949.

PAARL 1-SLPK woonstel, R3000pm + krag en deposito. Veilige onderdakpakering. Skakel 084 240 7288.

NEWTON - 3 slpk huis. Onmiddelik beskikbaar. R4000pm + deposito. Skakel 072 525 1842.

WELLINGTON FARM COTTAGE for rent. R4500pm. 2-Bed, 2-bath, garage. For non-smoking eco-conscious persons only. Ph 021 873 3696. KANTORE

ESTER IS LOOKING for EXPERIENCED domestic work for 5 days. WAITERS /BARMAN Have ref. 076 228 6266. required, must be presentable & well spoken in Afr EXP AS security & admin & Eng. Please fax CV's to: officer. I'm looking for 086 616 3520 or send to: general work. Ph 073 221 7554. Closing date: 25 April 2014. EXP DOMESTIC needs 3 days. Ref no: 079 197 8359 / Zameka 073 939 3602.

HAPPINESS IS LOO3290 KING for housekeeping 3 KANTORE. Een gebou. work for 3 or 5 days. BetSentraal Paarl, R5700pm. ween Wellington & Paarl. Onmid beskik. 084 205 078 551 7613. 7086. JUDITH IS LOOKING for domestic work (part-time). Has 6years exp. 073 311 4948. LILLIAN is looking for domestic work for 5 days. 071 282 1038. MALAWIAN MAN is looking for any general/gardening work. Ph 084 733 5581. PAULINA is looking for work. 078 093 8109. NEED ARTIST ASSISTANT: Permanent job RACHEL IS LOOKING for only. Only professional domestic work for 2 artist required - Franschdays.(Mon & Thurs). Have hoek. Send portfolio: exp & ref. 073 634 2826. / 076 488 4388. RONNIE (Malawian) is looking for job as: gardener; SOEK SEKRETARESSE painter or domestic work. met rekenaar ondervinding. Kontak: Corrie van der Walt Ref avail. 078 429 2611. 082 389 2021. SIPHOKAZI IS LOOKING for domestic work for 3 days. 071 967 5423.

SECURITY ASSISTANT PAARL. 3 - 4 years experience, security certificate, matric & work references essential. Must be fully bilingual (English & Afrikaans) and windows literate. Start immediate. Email: abigail@bbuildit / Fax: 021 872 0885. STOCK CONTROLLER PAARL. 3 - 4 years experience, matric & work references essential. Must be fully bilingual (English & Afrikaans) and windows literate. Start immediate. Email: abigail@bbuildit. / Fax: 021 872 0885. UPHOLSTERER/ Cutter/Seamstress/All rounder wanted urgently! Lance 081 578 3024. YARD SUPERVISOR Paarl. 3 - 4 years experience, matric & work references essential. Fully bilingual (English & Afrikaans) & PC literate. Start immediate. Email: / Fax: 021 872 0885.

Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

Paarl Post

17 April, 2014


22 Paarl Post Villagers val vas

Sport Nuus Sport News

17 April, 2014

Villagers Newton het Saterdag in ’n wegwedstryd teen All Stars verloor met 20-15. Villagers het eerste punte aangeteken deur vinnige samespel van hul voor- en agterspelers. Wellton Jones, die blitsige vleuel, het na ’n goeie skêr-beweging onder die pale gaan kuier vir sy drie. Dit was egter ’n baie slegte dag vir die span van Newtons se skoppers. Alle pogings deur drie skoppers was mis gewees. Die tuisspan het egter weer terug in die wedstryd gekom deur twee drieë te druk en goeie stelskoppe oor die dwarslat te klits. Die hitte het ook die manne van Villagers totaal uitgeput, en hulle het laat in die wedstryd eers weer momentum begin kry. Die puntemakers vir Villagers was Wellton Jones en Tim Davids. Die tweede span wen 6-3. Saterdag bied Villagers hul uitkloptoernooi op die Newton-velde aan. Inskrywings is gratis vir klubs se A- en B-spanne. Belangstellende klubs kan vir Jannie Japtha by 078 147 3082 skakel of Jehita James by 076 054 0616. Daar is nog plek vir drie klubs.

TOURNAMENT WINNERS: During a mini sport day held at New Orleans Primary, eight primary schools took part in a rugby tournament. The u.9 winners are from Al-Azhar Primary School. With the team are coaches Derrick Prins and Saudiq Moerat.

GOOD START: Wellington won their first league encounter of the season against Robertson on Saturday. The match was played in blistering heat at Robertson with Wellington earning a bonus point in the 31 – 23 victory. Fullback Brandon Meyer dives over to score one of the four tries for Wellington with flyhalf Dawie Dyason in support. The victory was well deserved and hard work lies ahead for the gutsy Wellington side as their next opponents are the Club Champion qualifiers Roses United.

VEELSYDIGE SPORTMAN: Moegamad Yusuf Christians, veelsydige sportman van die Ligstraal Skool vir Gestremdes, is een van twee leerders van hierdie skool wat gekies is om die Wes-Kaap te verteenwoordig in tafeltennis by ’n toernooi wat komende Saterdag in Durban begin. Laasjaar het Moegamad Yusuf die Westelike Provinsie verteenwoordig in gewigstoot by die Nasionale Spele in Bloemfontein waar hy ’n derde plek behaal het, en later hierdie jaar neem hy in Potchefstroom en Durban weer deel aan die gewigstoot vir n moontlike plek in die Suid Afrikaanse Paralimpiese-span.


Paarl Post

Sport Nuus Sport News

17 April, 2014


Sportdagboek . Sport diary RUGBY ) Saron Rugbyklub hou sy jaarlikse Paastoernooi op Saterdag 19 April by die plaaslike sportvelde. Prysgelde is as volg: A­span wenner R3 000, B­span wenner R1 500. Inskrywings is gratis. Hekgelde be­ loop R10 vir volwasse persone en R5 vir leerders. Klubs wat aan die toernooi wil deelneem kan die vol­ gende persone voor 16 April kon­ tak: K. Kordom 082 411 7330, A. van Rooy 071 422 0472, J. Domingo 082 873 5029, J.H Flink 083 966 6984 en W. Engelbreght 076 626 6201. ) Young Peoples RVK speel Sater­ dag teen Wesbank op Malmesbury. Spanne 1­3 speel en almal betaal R25 vir die bus. Bus vertrek vanaf die stoepe om 10:30. ) Villagers Newton Rugbyklub se oefeninge vind plaas Dinsdae en Donderdae om 19:00. Nuwe lede sowel as oues is meer as welkom. Bel Jannie Japhta by 078 147 3082 of Lee­Heino Cupido by 071 827 4035. ) Blues het Saterdag 130 punte teen Pêrel United opgestapel, en slegs 10 punte in die proses afge­ staan. Pêrel United het later nie meer raad gehad vir Blues se aanvallende spel nie. Blues se voorspelers het soos wafferse agterlynspelers die bal hanteer en die skare was met goeie hardloop rugby getrakteer. Blues kan egter niks uit die wedstryd leer nie en hulle ware toets gaan teen Rangers op Saterdag 26 April op Daljosafat wees. Blues se tweede (66­8) en derde span (33­0) het ook goed gespeel en was ook aan die wenkant teen hul eweknieë. ) Wellington Rugbyklub oefen elke Dinsdag en Donderdag by Boland Stadion B Veld om 18:30. Alle spelers oud en nuut is welkom. Bel Viljee Botha: 083 334 5435. ) Paarl Rangers beplan om hierdie Paasfees te reis na Hermanus as deel van hulle 100ste bestaansjaar­ vieringe. Om saam te ry sal R200 per persoon kos. Rig alle navrae in

verband hiermee aan Adrian Dombas: 083 286 7761 ) Riverstones RVK oefen Dinsdae en Donderdae vanaf 18:00 by New Orleans­veld. Juniors vanaf 16:00 by New Orleans­veld. Oudspelers vir spanbestuurders benodig. Bel Adam Seconds by 076 186 8824 ) Windmeul United se oefendae is op Dinsdae en Donderdae om 19:00 te Windmeul Primêr. Bel Abel by 083 352 2703 vir meer inligting. ) Young Stars RFK – Catersville (Egoli) se eerste span het weereens sy staal gewys in hul liga wedstryd Saterdag met ’n sege van 44­0 teen Fairview Tigers. Hulle het in die pro­ ses ook ’n bonuspunt ingesamel met ses pragdrieë. Drieë gedruk deur: Keaton Booyen (3), Nigel Louw, Stefanus Van Wyk (1) en Geraldo Johnson (1). Die res van die punte is aangeteken deur Keanon Booysen se goeie skopvoet. Booysen is be­ loon as speler van die wedstryd.

076 737 0800 of Roleen by 073 948 3583 of epos: metronet­ HOCKEY ) Paarl Hockey Club have started their pre­season training every Monday and Wednesday from 19:00–20:00 at Paarl Gim’s astro. All those who are interested to join the club can contact Alan Julies at 074 830 3358 or send an email to TAFELTENNIS ) Paarl­tafeltennis het begin oefen; 19:00­21:00, Maandae en Woens­ dae by Miglat (ou Tiffany’s) in Paarl­ Oos. Bel Wayne Cupido by 082 538 0766 of Thomas Francke by 082 990 9707. STOEI

) Alle binneshuise sportkodes neem asseblief kennis van ’n Paarl Sports Forum vergadering op Don­ derdag 24 April om 19:00 te Huge­ note Gemeenskapsaal. Die Paarl Sports Forum sou graag ’n volledige behoefte bepaling van alle binneshuise sportkodes wil doen en moedig alle kodes aan om die vergadering by te woon. Vir verdere besonderhede, skakel die sekretaris by 082 731 4879.

) Die Paarl­stoeiklub se oefeninge vind plaas elke Dinsdag en Donder­ dag in die ontspanningsklubsaal in Du Toitstraat vanaf 18:00 tot 19:30. Bel afrigter Johan Jordaan by 072 385 6510 vir inligting. ) Solid Rock­stoeiklub is oop vir al­ mal wat graag wil stoei.Die klub is elke Maandag en Woensdag oop 17:45 – 18:45 vir laerskoolstoeiers en 18:45 – 20:00 vir die hoërskool­ en senior stoeiers. Oefeninge is by Paarl Polisiekollege. Vir inligting bel Raynardt Botha by 084 613 5699.



) Alle netbal­klubs word uitgenooi om Paasnaweek op 19 April deel te neem aan die Paasnaweek­toernooi van Metro Netbal. D­ en C­spanne (D­span ouderdom o.11 onder, C­span o.16). A­ en B­spanne sal vir geld speel. A­ en B­afdelings is R100 per span, R5 vir hekgelde, kin­ ders R3 en snoeperye sal ook ver­ koop word. Registrasie begin stiptelik om 08:30. Bel Sanna Booysen by

) Paarl Valley Kickboxing Academy, participated in the West Coast Amateur Kickboxing Invita­ tional in Langebaan. Deslee Fillis (silver), and Grazio Daniels (bronze) brought home medals, while Viran Green also participat­ ed. Anyone interested in joining Paarl Valley Kickboxing Academy can contact Shihan Russel van Sitters on 073 639 5618.


LAT VLIEG! Neil Gilliomee van Hoerskool Paarl Gimnasium seil hier bo-oor die dwarslat tydens Saterdag se SA-junior, jeug en o.23 atletiekkampioenskappe wat op Coetzenburg, Stellenbosch gehou is. Gilliomee het die paalspring vir seuns o.19 gewen met ’n hoogte van 4,085 m. FOTO: ERNEST KILOWAN

ONOORWONNE: Tydens die afgelope skoolvakansie het Hoërskool Labori se o.19A rugbyspan aan die Tony Stoops-rugbyweek deelgeneem. Die span het al drie hul wedstryde gewen en is aangewys as een van die uitblinkerspanne van die toernooi waaraan 44 skole deelgeneem het. Hulle uitslae was as volg: Fairbairn College 18-3, Langenhoven Riversdal 15-11 en HHH 39-5. Shane Bezuidenhout, die losskakel, is by twee van die wedstryde as speler van die wedstryd aangewys en skrumskakel John de Wee is ingesluit in die Tony Stoops vyftiental vir die toernooi.

Rozario Fourie (skrumskakel) van Violets laat hier die bal loop na sy agterlyn tydens hul spannende wedstryd teen Young Standards.


Violets oorrompel Young Standards Violets-rugbyklub se eerste span het die afgelope naweek die hoogaangeskrewe span van Young Standards behoorlik laat klippe kou deur hulle met 31-22 af te stof. Standards, wat in bloedige hitte dié wedstryd teen ’n geweldige pas begin het, het hulle behoorlik vasgeloop in ’n fikser en ervare agttal van Violets, gelei deur kaptein en agtsteman Alrich Erasmus. Standards staan vroeg twee drieë af ná hulle van elke hoek van die veld probeer aanval het. Kanse is so geskep vir Violets se vinnige spelers om elke keer ’n geïsoleerde Standards-speler van die bal te beroof. Anwar Meyer het vir Violets uitgestaan en is selfs beloon met

’n skitterdrie. Die manne het gaan water drink met die telling 12-13 in Violets se guns. Ná ’n paar minute se spel in die tweede helfte maak die afrigter van Violets, Neil Fortuin, ’n meesterlike skuif deur van sy ervare en vars manne op die veld te stuur en Violets druk in die proses nog twee drieë, deur Clint Roland en Dean Klutte onderskeidelik. Denovan Hoogaard verdoel die drieë. Hoogard, Violets se losskakel, neem hierna beheer oor die wedstryd en slaag met nog drie strafdoele. Violets laat lê so bietjie slap en Standards druk twee vinnige drieë. Violets se tweed span wen 29-7, derdes verloor 13-10 en die o.15’s wen 19-14. Dié naweek het Violets ’n loslootjie.

ROLBAL-UITBLINKERS: Francois van Deventer (links) en Avril Darlew van die Paarl-rolbalklub het albei onlangs puik prestasies behaal. Francois was die kaptein van die Boland B-mansspan wat in Oos-Londen deelgeneem het. Darlew was die kaptein van die senior vrouespan wat in Pretoria deelgeneem en dié span het brons gewen. Sy het ook die Boland vroue enkels gewen.

Paarl, Wellington, Franschhoek, Klapmuts, Simondium, Gouda & Saron Donderdag, 17 April 2014

The Regent Boland Cavaliers captain JC Astle put in various big hits against EP Kings on Friday night. Here he is tackling Lizo Gqoboka.


Kings win battle against Cavaliers Boland Rugby’s woes continued this past weekend when the Eastern Province Kings took advantage of their forward dominance to beat the Regent Boland Cavaliers 28-21 (half time 10-8) in their Vodacom Cup rugby match at Nelson Mandela Bay Stadium, in Port Elizabeth, on Friday. It was a tough battle and one in which the Kings took control largely in the second half as their pack scrummed Boland into the ground. The victory broke a three-match losing streak for the Kings, but it was still not good enough to help them qualify for the quarterfinals, a milestone which is beyond their reach. The flyhalves traded penalties to open the scoring with Boland’s Christiaan Rust slotting an attempt in the eighth minute and the Kings’ Ntabeni Dukisa levelling matters 10 minutes later. The visitors made it clear from the start that they wanted to give the ball some air. They made a brighter start. They limited their players at the breakdown and fanned out wide on attack when opportunities presented itself. The Kings seemed to hang off the ball waiting for something to happen. It did, but not in their favour as Boland lock, JC Astle, crashed

over for his team’s opening try following a quick-tap by scrumhalf Marnus Hugo in the 23rd minute. The Cavaliers were dealt a blow shortly after the first half hour, when tight head prop Martin Dreyer received a yellow card for collapsing the scrum. That disrupted the Cavaliers scrum and the Kings took advantage of their numbers in that department, forcing a penalty try in the 38th minute, which Dukisa converted just before the break. Boland regained the lead with Rust’s penalty shortly after the restart, but the Kings struck back in the 45th minute with a try from lock Cameron Lindsay. Ntabeni added the two points. He also slotted a longdistance penalty to stretch the lead to 20-11. Boland, however, responded with an outstanding try by fullback Harlon Klaasen, who stepped off his left foot twice to leave the Kings’ defence flat-footed. Rust narrowed the gap to two points and then kicked a penalty as the visitors sneaked into the lead again. Once again, the lead did not last too long as Dukisa landed another penalty two minutes later. The Kings wore Boland down up front and eventually sealed the win as replacement Siphe Punguzwa dotted down with a minute left on the stadium clock.

Voorheen die Afrikaanse Patriot | Tel 021 870 4600 | SMS 32363 | | | Bladsy 24

ROEIKAMPIOEN OP PAD NA MOSKOU: Chrisjan Coetzee van die Paarl-kanoklub is die nuwe SA kampioen nadat hy die 200 m vir enkelkano’s by die onlangse SA Snelroei Kampioenskappe, wat in Pietermaritzburg plaasgevind het, gewen het. Hy het ook die 200 m vir dubbelkano’s saam met Frans Smit van Peninsula-kanoklub Hy het ook uitstekend in die 1 000 m enkelkano’s geroei waar hy in tweede plek geëindig het. Hy het verder al die items in die o.23-afdeling waaraan hy deelgeneem het, gewen. Chrisjan is ook vir SA se senior span gekies om aan twee Wêreldbekerbyeenkomste deel te neem, in die Tjeggiese Republiek en Hongarye, in Mei vanjaar. Hy is ook lid van die SA o.23- span wat later vanjaar in Moskou aan die Wêreldkampioenskappe gaan deelneem. FOTO:


Solms Delta off­ road bike race

DOELLYN TOE: Tydens die onlangse 0.19 Boland-rugbyproewe het verskeie skole Saterdag in bloedige hitte op Hoërskool Labori se Cheve-velde gespeel. Hier is Klein Nederburg Sekondêr te sien teen Hoërskool Hugenote. Die wedstryde is verkort tot 20 minute aan ’n kant en doelskoppe is nie geneem nie. Hier is Hugenote se Altus Steenkamp op pad vir sy drie. Die wedstryd het gelykop 15 elk geëindig. FOTO: FRANS LE ROUX

The third annual Delta Trap off-road cycle race at SolmsDelta takes place this Sunday. It winds through countryside, vineyards and along the Dwars River. Three quarters of the race is on farm roads, with sandy sections, some stony, harder surfaces and some sections of single track. Prizes will be awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places overall in the 60 km team event as well as for the winners in the 60 km, 40 km and 20 km individual events. All finishers will be eligible to win bike accessories, wine and dinner vouchers. Order a picnic at Fyndraai Restaurant or book for lunch: Tel: 021 874 3937. Entries: or 082 578 3017/021 876 4956.

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