Voorheen die Afrikaanse Patriot
Volume 106
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Top officials resign
Donderdag 24 November 2011
Oumagrootjie sterf ná aanval Lise Beyers
Dierekompetisie 10
Quarterfinals on Sunday 60
’n OUMA-GROOTJIE is die afgelope naweek dood nadat sy deur ’n jong man met ’n hamer aangeval is. Die tragedie het Vrydagaand omstreeks 20:45 in Maystraat, Paarl-Oos, afgespeel nadat die kleinseun van Johanna Kermis, Eugan Carolissen (13), in ’n gehawende toestand by hul huis aangekom het in Lantanastraat. Sy oupa, Johannes Kermis (58), het gesê dat hy dadelik kon sien iets was fout toe sy kleinseun die huis binnekom. “Hy het net een skoen aangehad en sy gesig was geswel. Eugan praat nie veel nie, maar toe ek hom vra wat gebeur het, het hy met die hele sak patats uitgekom.” Die seun het gesê dat hy na ’n seun in Maystraat is om hom te vra vir die R30 wat hy hom skuld. Hier het ’n onderonsie plaasgevind, waarin die seun se 20-jarige broer vir Eugan na bewering aangerand het. “Johanna, Eugan se ma, Eurika Jansen en ons ander dogter, Lezaan Kermis, is dadelik na die woning in Maystraat om te hoor presies wat gebeur het.” Volgens Jansen het ’n jong man by die hekkie gestaan van die huis waar Eugan aangerand is, gewapen met ’n byl. “Ek wou weet hoekom my seun so behandel is, maar die man was van die staanspoor af aanvallend teenoor ons. Hy het baie lelik gevloek. “Hy het die hamer gelig en ek het weggekoes en na Solomonsstraat gehardloop om weg te kom van hom af. Hy het so in die hardloop die hamer geswaai en aanhou vloek. “My ma was agter hom en hy het skielik omgedraai en vir haar met ’n geweldige hou teen die bors geslaan met die hamer.” Jansen het hierna teruggedraai om haar
ROU. Johannes Kermis word hier deur sy dogters, Lezaan Kermis (links) en Eurika Jansen, getroos, nadat sy vrou, Johanna, gesterf het weens ’n hou met ’n hamer. Foto: Lise Beyers ma te help en verskeie lede van die gemeenskap het teen daardie tyd ook die man probeer kalmeer. “Maar hy het op my afgestorm en my twee keer in die gesig geslaan met sy vuis. “Iemand het die man na hul huis geneem. Ek het omgedraai om na my ma om te sien. Sy het nog gestaan, maar toe sak sy skielik inmekaar.” ’n Ambulansbeampte wat daar naby woon, het Johanna te hulp gesnel, maar sy was reeds dood. Die gemeenskap van dié gebied is nou baie ontstoke nadat die verdagte, Justin Visagie, slegs aangekla is van poging tot
moord. “Die man het drie weerlose vroue aangeval. Hy moet vir moord toegesluit word,” het Jansen gesê. Visagie verskyn Maandag weer in die Paarl Landdroshof om borgaansoek. Jansen het gesê dat ’n optog word dan deur die gemeenskap voor die hof beplan om Visagie se vrylating teen te staan. Johanna se begrafnis vind Saterdag om 11:30 plaas vanuit die woning te Lantanastraat 181 en daarna om 12:30 by die Annunciation Kerk in Rose Innesstraat. * A greatgrandmother died after she was struck on the chest with a hammer.
News · Nuus
2 . Paarl Post
Hoorsê | Hearsay DIT is gister in die parliament bekend gemaak dat in September vanjaar Die Openbare Beskermer het bevestig dat ’n ondersoekspan saamgestel is om was nie vir kommentaar beskikbaar nie.
Summer’s back IT seems as if the summer is here at last, with temperatures steadily rising. Today will be sunny at 28°C, while tomorrow warms to 32°C. Saturday is 30°C and Sundaybringsapleasantpartlycloudy29°C. Minimum temperatures will range from 14°C to 18°C and winds will remain moderate to fresh south to south-easterlies.
Index Youth............p12 Arts...............p25 Lifestyle.........p23 Business.......p27 Motoring........p57 Wellington.....p17 TV Program...p22
Plakstuk DIE eerste plakstuk in die nuwe Plak-vir-jou-Sakkompetisie waarin ’n leser R1 700 kan wen, verskyn vandag op bl 58. Die nuwe kompetisie sluit op Vrydag 27 Januarie om 16:00.
Paarl Post
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Thursday 24 November 2011
Betaalde parkering is nou die wet Lise Beyers PARKERING in die Paarlse middedorp sal nooit weer dieselfde wees nie. Onlangs is die plaaslike wetgewing vir die afbakening en administrasie van beheerde parkeergebiede in die Paarl tot stand gebring. Hierdie regulasie is ook op 4 November in die staatskoerant geadverteer en is nou wetlik afdwingbaar - wat beteken dat nie-betalers beboet sal word. In Maart vanjaar het die eerste fase van die publieke/private vennootskap Anytime Investments14 se opknappingsprojek vir die Paarl-middedorp afgeskop met amptelike parkeerwagtewataangestelisomparkering in en om Lady Greystraat te beheer. Hulle is toegerus met handtoestelle waarin ’n voertuig se registrasienommeringeponsword as hulle stilhou en die tyd hiervan word aangeteken. Die publiek betaal R3 per half uur en R5 per uur, of gedeelte daarvan. Maar Paarliete was onkant gevang deur hierdie parkeerwagte, nadat parkering vir baie jare nie beheer is in die middedorp nie. Talle het dus taamlik warm onder die kraag geraak, met meer vrae as komplimente. Hulle wil weet waarheen gaan hierdie gelde, kan parkeerwagte vertrou word en peuter hulle nie met die masjiene nie en hoekom moet die publiek nou skielik betaal vir parkering. Die baasbrein agter Anytime Investments se opknappingsprojek, Johan Pauw, het gesê dat alhoewel daar verskeie tandekryprobleme met hierdie parkeerstelsel was, word hierdie probleme vinnig aangespreek en uitgestryk. “Hierdie beheerde parkeringprojek is ’n amptelike ooreenkoms wat bereik is deur die Drakenstein Munisipaliteit en Anytime Investments om die
middedorpparkering te hanteer. “Hierdeur wil ons die middedorp bevorder en beveilig en ’n infrastruktuur skep wat mense sal teruglok daarheen. “Die parkering is die eerste fase van ’n baie groot projek. Parkering was nog altyd ’n tameletjie met motoriste wat heeldag in dié gebied parkeer en sodoende parkering wegneem van voete wat besigheid doen in die dorp. “Talle sakemanne het ons reeds bedank dat parkering nou meer beskikbaar is vir hul kliënte in die dorp. “Die fondse wat uit parkering gemaak word, word teruggeploeg in die projek. “Ook, die parkeerwagte word onder andere opgelei om hul oë oop te hou vir misdadigers en daar is verskeie voorbeelde van winkeldiewe wat vasgetrek is danksy hul optrede.” Verder het Pauw gesê dat hy bewus is van klagtes teen parkeerwagte wat dalk lang vingers het. “Binnekort kry ons splinternuwe handtoestelle vanaf ADO van ’n baie hoë tegnologiese standaard. “Alle inligting wat in die masjien gevoer word, sal op ’n nasionale databasis gestoor word. Die tyd is ook nasionaal gereguleer en daar kan glad nie met hierdie toestelle gepeuter word nie. “Dit sal ook outomaties ’n kaartjie druk wanneer inligting ingevoerwordenonskanhierdie inligting te alle tye monitor.” Die nasionale databasis sal ook gereeld opgedateer word met registrasiebesonderhede van gesteelde motors. Dus, as hierdie nommer in die masjien gepons word en die motor is gesteel, sal die polisie onmiddellik in kennis gestel word oor die posisie van die voertuig. Parkeerwagte sal weer opleiding ontvang om hierdie masjiene te gebruik, asook oor skakeling met die publiek. Hulle identifikasie sal ook op-
PARKERING. Verskeie rolspelers in die beheerde parkering van Paarl middedorp, wys hier die nuwe handtoestelle wat binnekort in werking sal tree. Hulle is van links, Gershwin Williams, Les Cas, Lenka Muir, Adrian Oostenberg, Johan Pauw, Moutie Richards en Nicolas Dekker. geknap word en hulle sal aangegebiede parkeer, word versoek moedig word om hul gebied om hul volle samewerking te gee skoon te hou. deur die voorgeskrewe parkeerEn ja, met die parkeerstelsel geld aan die parkeerwagte met wat nou gewettig is, sal motorisdie handtoestelle te betaal om tewatversuimomhiervoortebesodoende vervolging te voortaal, nog meer moet betaal wankom. neer hulle beboet word. Die tweede fase van hierdie “’n Munisipale wetstoepasprojek sal die afbakening van singsbeampte sal pal in die dorp Jan Phillipsplein, Wamakerswees om boetes uit te skryf. plein en Patriotplein wees. Hiér May Carolissen, Drakenstein sal dieselfde reëlings geld as tans Munisipaliteit se woordvoerder by Van der Lingenplein, waar die sê motoriste wat in die beheerde eerste halfuur gratis is.
Kersfonds vorder nog ’n tree NOG ’n onderneming, die drukkery Paarl Coldset, het die Paarl Post Kersfonds vandeesweek ’n groothupstootgegeemet’nskenking van R7000. Die Kersfonds gooi elke jaar met Kerstyd sy gewig agter die Wes-Kaapse Gemeenskapskas, wat meer as 30 verdienstelike plaaslike organisasies steun. Saam met ’n skenking van Simond Primêr (R400) en Een van Hulle (R200) staan die insameling tans op R19 774,45 maar dit is nog ver van die mikpunt van R35 000 voor Kersfees.
Plaaslike ondernemings, soos Romans Pizza en die Spur, het ingewillig om ’n deel van hul omset vir ’n spesifieke dag aan die Kersfonds te skenk. Alle bydraes word in ’n afsonderlike bankrekening inbetaal en deurdieGemeenskapskasteruggeploeg in die Paarlvallei. U bydrae is dus veilig en bereik slegs vertrouenswaardige instansies. Skenkings word in die Community Chest/Paarl Post-rekening (62152029007 by FNB, tak 261150)gedeponeer.Faksdiedestrokie na 086 270 3693.
Baby dies at Mall entrance STAFF at Paarl Mall were shocked last week when a six-monthold baby literally died on the doorstep of a pharmacy. The incident took place on Friday morning, shortly before shops opened for the day’s business. A mother had brought her sick baby to visit the pharmacy clinic. But when the child was examined by the clinic sister, it was establis-
hed that the baby was already dead. The baby, Unako Mpompa of Wellington, had been reportedly taken to the Wellington Day Clinic last week for treatment for gastro-enteritis, but did not respond to treatment. A local doctor said that currently there are many cases of German measles, chicken pox and gastro-enteritis being treated.
WENNER. Susie Grain, ’n afgetrede fabriekswerker van die Paarl, is die gelukkige wenner van R1700 in die Plak-vir-jou-Sak-kompetisie. Sy gaan die geld gebruik vir Kersfeesinkopies.
Donderdag 24 November 2011
Nuus · News
Paarl Post
Power cut
THE electricity supply to the whole of the Paarl area (areas which are supplied by the Municipality) will be cut on Sunday from 06:00 to 19:00 so that Eskom technicians can carry out essential maintenance and construction work on the distribution network.
HOERA! Sommige matrikulante het Maandag hul finale matriekvraestel (Lewenswetenskappe) geskryf, soos hierdie opgewonde leerders van Hoërskool La Rochelle. Baie leerders moet egter nog tot volgende week vasbyt. Foto: Devidean Moses
Senior municipal officials resign THREE senior municipal ofpurchase of flags at the time ficials at the Drakenstein of the 2010 Soccer World Cup. Municipality have resigned, As a result they were to be following an investigation formally charged with misprobing the findings of a conduct. However, at yester2010 Auditor-General reday’s Council meeting it was port. announced that the three offiThe three officials were uncials had resigned this week. der investigation for alleged irDennis Smit, former manaregularities and misconduct. ger of the Durbanville subThey are Dr Sidima Kabacouncil of the Cape Town Munyane (municipal manager), nicipality, has been standing KhayaMrali(directorofcorpoin for Kabanyane, while André rate services) and Cavin PeterMarais, head of the departsen (the executive director of ment of corporate services at finance) who were all tempoDrakenstein Municipality, rarily suspended over the last OUT. Dr Sidima Kabanyane has temporarily taken over few months, pending investi- has resigned after four years Mrali’s duties. Hennie Baras municipal manager of nard is acting in Petersen’s gation into their conduct. Their suspension was due Drakenstein. place. to alleged misconduct as outThe Council plans to adverlined in the Annual Report of the Auditor Ge- tise these posts early in the new year as perneral last year, as well as alleged violations manent appointments (not contracts), in liof the rules policy on tenders, regarding the ne with the latest government guidelines.
A day of food, wine and woofs! WHETHER you have a basset hound, a fine dining and the opportunity to take your bulldog, a border collie or a boxer or even family and of course, your dog, for a pictura proud pavement special, you and your esque stroll in the vineyards, relax and enjoy four-legged friend cannot miss out on the the various activities. Wine, Dine & Dog Day on Sunday 4 DecemThe programme for the day will start off ber at Nelson’s Creek Wine Estate on the R44 with the “Fluffie Draffie” (R10 per entry), folbetween Wellington and Paarl. lowed by the obedience obstacle course and The Wine the first ever Dine & Dog cross country Day will have race for dogs many activities (R20 per entry catered for for dogs who around man’s are approved). best friend, inThe Mera cluding a Arena will be “Fluffie Draffie” the centre of at(dog run/ tention with walk), a first evvarious shows er cross counby trained dogs try for dogs, including Agilivarious disty Contact, plays and exhiTunnel Mania bitions and and The Ineven an obedicredible Dog ence obstacle Show. course open for Fun compeall dogs to attitions by the tempt. FRIEND. Join in the fun with your four-legged friend at the SPCA will also Lloyd Wine, Dine & Dog Day on Sunday 4 December at the Nelson’s give owners Bristow and Creek Wine Estate. and dogs the The Incredible chance to take Dog Show will bring some glamour to the part in the festivities. event with the “rock-stars” of the dog arena, The proceeds of the day will go to Wellingincluding a Guinness World record holder, ton SPCA and the organisers plan to make a 4th consecutive National Agility Champion this an annual event and invite all dog ownwho also competes internationally and a fi- ers to join in this special day. nalist of Cape Town’s Got Talent. Dancing For more information and to book your exdogs, trick dogs and frisbee dogs will also be hibition space, contact Reinette Basson at seen performing on the day. 021 863 0397 or visit www.wellingtonDog owners can look forward to good food, spca.co.za.
Customers are warned to treat all electrical equipment as live for the full duration of the interruption. In case the outage can for any reason not take place on Sunday, the alternative date is Sunday 4 December.
News · Nuus
4 . Paarl Post
Thursday 24 November 2011
Festival of lights in Wellington IT is only one month before Christmas and time to bring Christmas cheer to all. On Friday evening this will indeed happen when Mayor Gesie van Deventer will be switching on the Christmas lights in Wellington at about 21:20. There will be lots of stalls and entertainment with the show starting at 19:45. The highlight of the evening is a performance by the group La Vuvuzela at 21:30. Other artists performing are the Carterville Youth Group, Sarafien Gospel Choir, Keenon von Willigh, Soul Sound Group, Green People and Public Opinion. ) On Friday 2 December at about 21:30 the Mayor will switch on the lights in Lady Grey Street, Paarl. The public can look forward to lots of dif-
ferent stalls and great entertainment. The main artist for the evening is Mady from SA’s Got Talent. Other artists performing are Little Dynamics, Nadia Herbst, Sarafien Gospel Choir, Keenon von Willigh, Fantasy Dance Group and Green People. ) On Saturday 3 December artists like Unexpected, Oliver Falmer, Karma, Highly Contagious, Hein Poole and his band, Jejeletwa, Kelly Fortuin (Idols 2011, at 21:35) and Public Demand will perform. ) On Sunday 4 December at 19:30 there will be carols by candlelight in Lady Grey Street. Bring your own chair or blanket and a small donation. The Festival will take place in Saron on 9 December and in Gouda on 10 December.
VERWOES. verlate ou Hoofstraat, Paarl, word haweloses
Hierdie huis in Noordernou deur verwoes.
Foto’s: Lise Beyers
Nog ’n pêrel verdwyn Lise Beyers
MEAT BONANZA @ V I N E YA R D Vineyard Superspar, Hoofstraat 57 • Tel: 021 863 3671
ZOMERLUST Hoofstraat 173 • Paarl • Tel: 021 871 1300 Drakenstein Boerewors
Bulk LAMbraaitjops
Bulk LAMLoin- & RibtjopS
Bulk lampakke
Bulk Club steak
Geldig vanaf 24 Nov tot 27 Nov 2011 (terwyl voorraad hou)
om hul eiendom te probeer beveilig. DIE insinking van die “Ons moet bedelaars ekonomie kan duideen leeglêers daagliks lik gesien word by ’n van voor ons besighede huis in Noorder-Paarl verjaag en hulle jaag letwat eens geoormerk terlik ons kliënte weg.” was vir ontwikkeling. Annemarie Jones Hierdie woning en van Toolman het gesê erf, langs SevenDays dathullealverskeieversuperette en die Toolliese gely het weens onman hardewarewinkel, gewenste persone wat is vier jaar nadat dit hiér ronddwaal. ontwikkel sou word, “Hulle klim oor ons omskep in ’n verblyfmuur en steel enigiets plek vir haweloses en moontlik. Dit raak al kwaaddoeners. hoe meer onveilig en die Die hele erf is besoeerf van hierdie huis is del met rommel en vieslik vuil en lok vlieë.” menslike afval en daar Die polisie word geis duidelike tekens dat reeld na hierdie gebied gesteelde koperkabels ontbied, maar hulle hier verwerk word vir VANDALISME. Duidelike tekens van van- voer aan dat hulle handie skrootmark. dalisme is sigbaar in en om Hoofstraat 474. de afgekap is, want dit is Die eiendom is vyf private eiendom. Hulle jaar gelede deur Aslo Holdings gekoop en sou kan slegs optree as daar bewys kan word dat as ’n nuwe woonstelblok, The Vines, ontwikdaar ’n misdaad gepleeg is. kel word. “Maar is oortreding dan nie meer ’n misMaar intussen was daar ’n algehele insindaad nie?,” vra Jones. king van die ekonomie en die eiendomsbeOu huise wat verwaarloos word, was al dryf is erg hierdeur geraak. vantevore onder die vergrootglas. Die ou huis op die perseel met pragtige piHieroor sou die Drakenstein Munisipale lare en loodglasvensters word deur plaaslike Raad ’n geruime tyd gelede ’n taakspan op kultuurhistorici beskou as ’n uitsonderlike die been bring om ’n opname te doen in verdeel van die Paarl se argitektoniese geskiedeband met verwaarloosde geboue in die genis wat bewaar moet word. bied. Sodoende sou ’n plan van aksie opgeAlhoewel die vensters en deure van die stel word om eienaars te dwing om ’n daadhuis met yster-maasdraad verseël is om oorwerklikepogingaan tewend om huleiendom treders uit te hou, is daar hierin gate gesny te beskerm. en dit is duidelik dat die huis nou deur haweDie munisipaliteit is ook by magte om die losesbewoonword.Diehuiswordtansbinne eienaar te dwing om ’n stewige heining ronden buite erg beskadig. om so ’n erf te plaas om betreding en vandaDie Grange-ontwikkeling aan die noordelisme te bekamp. kant van hierdie huis moes reeds sy perseel En inwoners en besigheidseienaars dring beskerm deur hakiesdraad om hul muur nou op hierdie aksie aan. aan te bring omdat inbrake toegeneem het ’n Woordvoerder van Aslo het glo vroeër sedert hierdie erf bewoon is. aan klaers gesê dat daar nie geld is om die Plaaslike besigheidseienaars sit ook met eiendom verder te beveilig nie. Die maathul hande in hul hare oor die haglike om- skappy is onlangs gelikwideer. standighede op hul drumpel, asook diefstal * Intussen is daar nog nie ’n vinger verroer watbyhulleplaasvind waarvoor hullediebe- om die omstandighede van die vervalle woners van hierdie erf blameer. Sanddriftstraat-sportgronde te verbeter nie, Sakevrou Zeugnette Nortier het gesê dat waaroor onlangs breedvoerig berig is. Die die situasie byna onuithoudbaar is. eienaar van die grond, die Departement van “Inbrake het toegeneem en almal in hierOpenbare Werke, kan steeds nie sê wat die die omgewing moet duisende rande uithaal langtermyn-planne met dié terrein is nie.
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Nuus · News
Donderdag 24 November 2011
Paarl Post
Hond opgehang Lise Beyers
SMASH. A large truck caused havoc at the Paarl Mall on Sunday morning, when it struck an advertising board, sending it crashing down on two stationary vehicles.
Robbers hit SPCA
Lise Beyers
Both men lowered their voices and just said WHAT started off as any normal day at the to me ‘shhh mama, shhh’.” Wellington SPCA turned into a nightmare One of the robbers removed the key to the for staff, when armed robbers descended safe from a desk drawer, opened the safe and upon the property. stuffed the little cash that there was, into his Kennel manager Colleen McQueen, no- pants. ticed a white vehicle pulling into their parkThey were then disturbed by SPCA assisting area at approximately 10:00 on Friday ant Marleze Hanekom. Only when they were morning. leaving the office did Two men entered Colleen see the gun which had been held woorde) the premises while SMS your views (Max. 20 words) one remained in the against her head. SMS costs R1 vehicle. Marleze chased af“They enquired about adopting a dog and ter the men who had fled in the waiting vehiI explained the procedures to them, as well cle. as the fee of R450. She followed them to Mbekweni where she “One of the men said that he only had stopped a police vehicle and asked them to R300 and I told him that the price was not pursue the assailants. They had however negotiable. They still wanted to look at our disappeared into Mbekweni. dogs so I took them on a tour.” It has been established that the white Fiat Hereafter the men left the premises, only in which the men were driving had been stoto return two hours later. len in Paarl East last week. “The other staff where busy having lunch In the last few months three Wellington and the men asked for an application form businesses (Amerito complete.” can Swiss Jewellers, Colleen said that one of the men wanted Wamakersvallei a drink of water and she directed him to the Bottle Store and the kitchen. Shortly hereafter he came out of the Colibri Factory kitchen and stood behind me. shop) have all fallen “Icouldnotunderstandwhathewasdoing victim to armed roband I felt something hard against my head. bers.
DIEREMISHANDELING in sy ergste vorm het onlangs weer eens kop uitgesteek op Wellington. Verlede Sondag het werknemers van Anderson Transport in Coatenstraat, Wellington, ’n groepie kinders met ’n hond sien stap in die rigting van die vullisterrein. Met die herinnering aan die gruwelike dade wat verlede jaar met die hondjie Lucky Lucy gepleeg is, het hulle onraad vermoed. Die erg beseerde Lucky Lucy is toevallig deur diere-aktiviste in Februarie vasgebind gevind op die treinspoor, ook in dié gebied. Haar een voorbeen is deur ’n verbygaande trein afgery. Toe die kinders ’n bietjie later weer by Anderson Transport verbystap op pad terug van die vullisterrein, het personeellede gaan ondersoek instel. Hulle het op die hond waarmee die kinders gestap het, afgekom waar sy aan haar nek aan ’n tou in ’n boom gehang het. Sy was reeds dood.
Forum PAARLITES are invited to attend the year end meeting of the Community Policing Forum on 30 November at House Paarl Valley, Hospital Street, at 18:30.
Anna-lida Schlemmer van die Dierebeskermingsvereniging is gekontak. Sy is na die toneel toe en het self die dooie hond van die boom gehaal. “Dit was verskriklik. Nie net is die hond wreedaardig doodgemaak nie, maar sy was hoog swanger en erg brandsiek. Die DBV is juis daar om na ongewenste diere om te sien. Dit is nie nodig om jou dier so uit die weg te ruim nie - nader ons om hulp.” * Nog ’n hond is verlede week op Wellington vergiftig, vermoedelik deur diewe. Eugene Munnik van Cummingsstraat het Woensdagmiddag op sy sterwende Duitse herdershond afgekom toe hy na werk by die huis kom. “Daar het niks met Bruno geskort toe ek die oggend werk toe is nie. Toe ek tuis kom, het hy in die agterplaas gelê met skuim wat uit sy mond uit borrel. Hy is kort hierna dood. “Die vorige oggend het sekuriteitsbeamptes van ’n nabygeleë kompleks vier verdagtes gerapporteer wat in hierdie omgewing drentel.”
Vehicles targeted IN only three days, 13 vehicles were broken into in the Paarl area. And in many of these cases, thieves simply broke the vehicle’s window and removed any valuables. Most often stolen are car radio systems, but thieves will remove anything of value from vehicles. Streets where vehicles were broken into in central Paarl, vary from Lady Grey and Breda Streets to Non Pareille and Septimus Streets. Paarl police spokesperson, Capt Louise du Plessis, said that theft out of motor vehicles had indeed increased lately. “The thefts have been random in and around Paarl. Among the stolen items are GPS and Ipods. “The public is once again urged to alert the police in the event of suspicious persons in the vicinity.”
Opinion · Menings
6 . Paarl Post
Thursday 24 November 2011
Paarl Post
Was freedom worth fighting for?
IN the eighties journalists were imprisoned for photographing protestors against the government - just being at the scene was a crime. It appears that these kinds of restrictions are what the press may now face once again, after the deadly blow to freedom of speech by the passing of the Protection of State Information Bill, voted for by ANC members of parliament on Tuesday. Unfortunately many members of the public do not know what the hype is all about. In short, it is not about keeping the media stifled,, but about keeping the entire country from access to information. Already government departments such as the police have been withholding information from the public for years. They do not want us to know what, for example, the true state of crime is in Paarl. The very people who fought for freedom of speech during the Struggle have now slit its throat, so that they can bleed the country dry. Too many citizens do not realise the dangers of this legislation, which may see the return of our country to its shadowy totalitarian past. Through this vote, the Government has shown that it cares nothing for the people who fought and died for freedom during the Struggle. In the end, the fight which cost us so dearly, may have been in vain.
Box Slaap die ewigeBusslaap TEEN die tyd dat die ink op hierdie papier droog is, sal Fluffy dood wees. Die wit wolhaarkat wat my laatlam-sussie nog op skool gesmeek het om huis toe te bring. Fluffy het as’t ware die rabbedoe-kat van die buurt geword. En alhoewel hy ’n statige voorkoms gehad het, het hy mens en dier getreiter met sy streke. So ’n ruk terug let my ouers op dat Fluffy se een oog geswel en bloederigis.Dadelikisdaargedink dat hy toe nie die sterkste kat in die buurt is nie en dat hy tweede gekom het in ’n katterige onderonsie. Maar met ’n besoek aan die veearts is die hartseer nuus ontvang dat Fluffy oogkanker het. Dis nou maar ’n kwessie van tyd, het die veearts gesê. Die kanker gaan eenvoudig net versprei. Fluffy het merklik begin agteruitgaan. Sy spierwit fluweeljas het sy glans verloor en hy was nie meer die spelerige mannetjieskat met die vonkel van kattekwaad in sy oog soos van ouds nie. Die tyd het gekom dat hy uit sy lyding verlos word. Hierdie ervaring het vele van ons in ons lewens al moes ervaar: om ’n geliefde dier van sy pyn en lyding te verlos. Of as hy te oud geraak het en die dierehemel wil hom net nie kom haal nie. Wanneer hy al sy waardigheid verloor en keer op keer in sy eie urine wakker word. Diegene wat lief genoeg is vir hul dieremaat sal weet dat dit nie ’n maklike ding is om te doen nie. Die pyn vir die mens is oorweldigend, maar vir die dier ’n seëning. Om realisties hierna te kyk, doen ons vir hulle net ’n baie groot guns. Ditlaatmyhartdan bloeivir prof Sean Davidson wat in Nieu-Seeland teregstaan op ’n klag van poging tot moord. Hy word daarvan aangekla omdat hy sy terminale siek moeder gehelp het om haarself te bevry van geweldige pyn en lyding. Davidson het niks gehad om te baat by sy ma se dood nie, inteendeel. Hy sou iemand verloor wie sekerlik die naaste aan hom was. Sy moeder, mentor en beste vriend.
Soul Food
Posbus | PO Box 409 In my geestesoog Paarl 7620 kan ek my verbeel hoe pynlik dit vir hom moes edit@paarlpost.co.za
gewees het om haar agteruitgang te sien weens haar siekte. Sy self hetop’neetstakinggegaanomvinniger te probeer sterf, maar dit het nie gewerk nie. Dit is toe dat sy haar seun gesmeek het om haar te help om sag heen te gaan. Nou as ons dink dat dit erg is om ons troeteldiere die genadedood te gee, dan is dit byna onmenslik om te dink hoe dit moet wees om ’n geliefde te sien sterf. Maar Davidson het sy ma se laaste wens eerbiedig. Daar is iets in hierdie saggeaarde man se oë wat vertel hoeveel pyn dit vir hom was. Maar die pyn was baie erger om haar so te sien wroeg. Davidson het gesê dat indien hy skuldig is aan enige misdaad, dan was dit inderdaad ’n misdaad van passie. Toe my ouma 80 geLISE BEYERS word het, was sy nog springlewendig en gesond, steeds die ouma wat ek deur die jare geken het. Maar enkele jare later, toe ek weg van die huis gewoon het, het sy sleg agteruitgegaan en Alzheimers het sy kloue in haar geslaan. Toe ek haar twee jaar later in die ouetehuis besoek, was sy nie eens ’n skadu van die mens wat sy was nie. Byna oornag het haar gesig so verrimpeld geraak soos ’n olifant se vel. Sy kon my, haar gunstelling-kleinkind, nie eens meer herken nie. Sy het net in haar stoel gesit en staar en staar en staar. Ek haat hierdie herinnering. Ek wil eerder my ouma onthou as die mens wat sy was - die sterk vrou wat die meeste van haar lewe vir haarself en my ma moes sorg, nederig, eenvoudig, maar ’n ouma duisend. Dit het nog twee jaar geneem voordat sy haar laaste asem uitgeblaas het. Sy kon niks meer vir haarself doen nie. Ek vra tog net mooi dat ek nie eendag so moet sterf nie. En as ’n siekte of ongeluk my beetpak sodatek almymenswaardigheidverloor, wilekgraagglodat daar ’n engel ’n naald in my arm sal druk en vir my sagkens die ewige slaap sal laat slaap.
THE proud man counts his newpaper clippings - the humble man his blessings. Bishop Fulton J Sheen
The oppressed become the oppressors “FORGET it. We have been closed down!” These chilling words on Black Wednesday19 October 1977, serve as a dire reminder to 229 ANC members who voted for the Protection of the State Information Bill earlier this week in parPosbus | PO Box 409 by chief subliament. Uttered PaarlMaggie 7620 editor Paterson to The edit@paarlpost.co.za World’s news editor, Joe Latakgomo, when he started to select stories for the next day’s paper, the words reflect the finality of censorship when a government chooses to follow the route of repression of freedom of information. When the Second World War came to an end, a committee representing many countries and cultures drew up the Universal Declaration of Human Rights – of which South Africa was a signatory. Article 19 clearly states: “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; the right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas
Box Bus
POST Box Bus
Posbus | PO Box 409 Paarl 7620 edit@paarlpost.co.za
through the media regardless of frontiers.” If this so-called secrecy bill is adopted by the National Council of Provinces and signed by Pres. Jacob Zuma, South Africans will again enter the dark days of apartheid repression. This bill will have an effect on every citizen of the country who expects to have the right to ask questions about their local councillors and the management of their affairs. It will allow local government officials from the tiniest village to big metro councils to suppress access to information by the media and citizens when corruption and fraud are suspected by the tax-
payers. No one can raise the defence of “it was in the public interest to get this information and to make it widely known”. Your local newspaper editor or its journalists may be sent to jail for up to 25 years if they contravene this bill, even if they had acted in the public interest. The Indian economist Amartya Sen, who won the Nobel prize for economics in 1998, emphasised that freedom of speech is a marker for other kinds of freedom. “Its lack is always linked to repressive regimes, to the ‘unfreedoms’ of poverty and famine, as well as to the oppression of women.” Black Wednesday of October 19, 1977 has become Black Tuesday of November 22, 2011. The oppressed have, tragically, within just more than three decades, become the new oppressor. George Claassen (ombudsman of the Media24 Community Press and member of the SA National Editors’ Forum).
Misleading sale of show tickets for amphitheatre CULTIVARIA was going to host a show at the Taalmonument this coming Friday. I was told on Tuesday morning that the show had been cancelled and moved to March. People will not be refunded, but could use their tickets for the show in March. With this knowledge, I went onto their website. They were still advertising the show and still selling tickets for the show. I went through the whole process up until the point where I had to pay by credit card. At this point, I phoned their offices. I was told that the show was definitely cancelled and
Die kiem EN hier staan ons weer voor die 1ste Desember se deur, Om te vertel van die virus wat ons mense so verteer. As ons tog maar net meer aandag wil gee, in eie reg, Sal dit soveel makliker wees, om hierdie virus te beveg. Wees meer trots op die lewe, en op wie jy is, En so word hierdie virus se vuurtjie sommer gou geblus. Want Aids kan voorkom word, met wysheid en daad, En so word jou kanse op ’n langer lewe nie geskaad. Kom ons vat hande en bid oor hierdie saak Dit is immers iets wat ons almal raak. ’n Lewe is kosbaar, so kom ons versmoor hierdie kiem En met gehoorsaamheid sal ons die resultate kan sien. Madelein Adams
moved to March. I then questioned them why they were still selling tickets on their website when they were already aware that the show isn’t going on. Tickets are not refundable, but must be used in March. I feel that they are not being honest with people who want to support Cultivaria. Hugo Gerber Gerhard Meyer, hoof van Cultivar ia, reageer: Ons het ’n tegniese rede vir die uitstel van die vertoning. Ons het daarna die vertoning se kaartjie verkope eers gevries terwyl ons ’n
datum vir Maart vasgemaak het. Al le kaartjies gekoop bly geldig en kan vir die nuwe datum gebruik word. Almal wat kaartjies gekoop het, word in kennis gestel per sms en ook per epos dat die nuwe datum nou 22 Maart is en dat Juanita du Plessis by die program gevoeg word. Alle huidige kaartjiehouers kan dan vir dieselfde prys ook Juanita du Plessis sien in dieselfde vertoning omdat ons haar reeds vir die aand bespreek het. Nuwe kaartjiekopers sal dan ietwat duurder betaal as die huidige kaart jiehouers om dan ook Juanita te sien. Kaartjiehouers moet spesiale redes gee indien hulle nie die nuwe datum kan bywoon nie, of hul kaartjies ver ruil vir die Kerskonsert.
Care for your surroundings THE Drakenstein Municipality would like to thank all residents who are doing their part in cleaning their sidewalks and street areas on their properties, to make our beautiful towns more attractive. Annually during the rainy season, flooding occurs. This flooding may be due to various reasons, causing infrastructure problems and clogging of the system. The infrastructure is continuously upgraded and repaired as manpower and funding allows. Furthermore, an attempt is made at least once a year, to clean the entire system.
In this cleaning action, residents can be of great value to prevent flooding. Blockages are caused by natural items like leaves and branches, but we also find that a variety of other items and materials in the system are responsible for blockages. Therefore residents are requested not to dump any material, even sand and leaves, into the storm water drains. This material accumulates during dry weather and at the first rain, blockage occurs. For queries, contact Rika Wehmeyer on 021 807 4715. May Carolissen (PRO)
Briewe · Letters
Donderdag 24 November 2011
SMS ) As jy in die buitenste baan ry in die verkeersirkel, moet jy by die eerste uitgang uitdraai, domkop! ) Ek was op 17 November by ’n funksie in die stadsaal. Die jazz-orkes was goed, maar onaangenaam luid. Dit het my hele aand bederf. Ek verstaan Trotse Paarliet se klagte oor die geraas. Petrus ) Dankie aan die Munisipaliteit dat Lady Greystraat in die Paarl soggens 07:30 so mooi skoon is. ) Sondag 20 November omstreeks 02:00 die oggend hoor ek verdagte mense voor ons woning in Groenvlei praat. Ek het die polisie op die selfoonnommer vir Sektor 3 gebel en binne vyf minute was twee polisievoertuie in die woonbuurt. Dankie aan die SAPD vir flinke diens! ) Kan jul glo dat die Munisipaliteit vir ons mense in wyk 19 (munisipale woonstelle in Noorder-Paarl) briewe gegee het om te sê dat ons ons huise moet verlaat as dit ons beurt is om na ’n kleiner plek te trek. Dis nie nice nie - waarnatoe moet ons gaan met ons kinders en ouer mense? ) Uiteindelik kla iemand oor die Huguenot-gemeenskapsaal. Die plek is ’n skande. Dis vuil, en die gordyne is pikswart. ) Ek en my gesin kon voorheen so bietjie wegbreek in die natuur op die Paarlberg, maar nie meer nie. Dit kos te veel geld. ) Huisbrake, misdaad, het ons nog ’n regstelsel is wat ek wil weet? G Malherbe ) Aan die twee verskonings vir mense wat die arme dragtige hond by die treinspoor in Wellington opgehang het. JULLE verdien nie om te leef nie! Mense soos JULLE moet hang! Ons God slaap nie, die wiel vir julle sal lelik draai. ) So raas en spin mense nog steeds 3 vm by klubs onder in Lady Greystraat. Hoekom word hier niks aan gedoen nie? Ons slaap nie.
‘Overqualified’ onnie EK het al vir 50 onderwysposte aansoek gedoen, senior en intermediêre fase, alle leerareas. Ek het nog niks gehoor van hulle nie. Ek wou oorspronklik in Suid-Afrika werk, maar laat ek jou vertel wat gaan aan. Ek het gehoor dat die Onderwysdepartement dink ek is overqualified vir ’n pos. Die skoolhoof van Hillcrest op Wellington sê hy het my aansoek ontvang, maar hy gaan my nie aanstel nie, want hulle kan my nie betaal vir die vlak van my opleiding nie. Weer eens overqualified. En ek het seker maar net twee jaar ervaring. Daar het nou ’n lys uitgekom met Funda Lusaka-beurshouers. Hulle kry voorreg bo alles. Al het ek twee grade en internasionale onderrigervaring, sal iemand bo my aangestel word, want hy het ’n beurs. Die kontrak onderwysers stres nou, want hulle weet nie of hierdie beurshouers hulle werk gaan vat nie. Wanneer jy aansoek doen by ’n skool deur die departement, dan is daar ’n puntestelsel wat bepaal of jy deurgaan na die kortlys toe. Dit werk so: ’n gestremde persoon wat aansoek doen, kry byvoorbeeld 15 punte, ’n swartman wat aansoek doen, kry onmiddellik sê maar 8 punte, en ’n bruin persoon kry byvoorbeeld 4. Die res kry 0. Dus moet ek nou punte probeer bymekaarmaak om op die kortlys te kom. En die kans dat jy iemand met ’n voorsprong van 8 punte gaan klop, is maar skraal. Nou het ek ’n pos in die buiteland gekry. Ek fokus op my toekoms en my beroep. Dit is hoekom ek gaan, nie net vir ervaring nie, maar om seker te maak dat ek ’n toekoms in die onderwyswêreld het. Ek sukkel om ’n toekoms hiér te begin. Die Onderwysdepartement onderskep CV’s van mense wat by skole aansoek doen. Dus kan jou CV nie eens by die skole uitkom waar jy aansoek doen nie. Die Departement kan kies wie gaan na watter skole toe. En dit is hoekom almal beheerliggaamposte het, want die onnies wat daar hoort mag nie daar aangestel word nie. Want as hulle aangestel word dan vra die departement, waar is Sipho en waar is Simpiwe? Richard Rix
Making use of a traffic circle THE Drakenstein Municipality would like to thank all the motorists and pedestrians who obey traffic laws and signs, thereby creating a safe environment for everybody. The use of our streets is a privilege and the correct use will lead to a freer traffic flow and hopefully fewer accidents. It seems though that at dual lane traffic circles, there is till some confusion. The traffic signs erected at the circles are self-explanatory, but the following should shed some light on the correct use of the circles. * When entering the circle in the left approach lane and continuing in the outside lane of the circle, the driver is obliged to take the first exit and may not
continue around the circle. * When entering the circle in the right approach lane and continuing in the inner lane around the cicle, the driver may take the first exit, but should indicate his/her intention to do so. * If this driver wishes to exit at the second or third exit, he/she can move over to the outer lane or indicate timeously his/her intention to do so. It must be borne in mind that in a dual lane situation two vehicles can exit at any one particular exit. The rule being, if in the outer circle lane, keep left at the exit and if in the inner circle lane, keep right at the exit. May Carolissen (Drakenstein Municipality)
Paarl Post
News · Nuus
8 . Paarl Post
Thursday 24 November 2011
Die Vissers het snoek in hul bloed Lise Beyers
“Maar ná al die jare bly dit lekker. Ons VRA vir menige ken ons kliënte. Ons Paarliet waar hy weet wie soek watter vars snoek koop, grootte snoek en wat dan is die antwoord hulle daarmee gaan in die meeste gevalmaak. Ons het nooit le dadelik, “by oom ’n vervelige oomblik Vissie natuurlik”. nie.” Chris en Marie VisDinge is ook nie alser, oftewel oom en tyd so maklik nie. Die tannie Vissie, versnoek het maar ’n wil koop reeds die afgelovan sy eie. pe 40 jaar vars snoek “Daar was ’n paar vanaf die Weskus by keer tydens die winhul huis in Hospiter dat die snoek getaalstraat. weldig geloop het en Oom Vissie, bemooi groot was. Maar kend as oud-vernou is hulle skaars keersbeampte, was en klein en die punog altyd ’n ywerige bliek verstaan dit visserman en het diknie.” wels ’n bakkievrag Maar steeds raak snoek saamgebring SNOEK. Vir die afgelope 40 jaar gaan omtrent nie ’n dag verby dat Chris en Marie Visser nie hulle nie moeg vir hul geliefde snoek bewerk nie. Foto: Lise Beyers vanaf ’n visvangnahierdie lekker vis nie. week aan die WesHulle eet hom ten Kus. hardewerkvansnoekskoonmaakenverpak minste een keer ’n week. So het sy vriende in daardie jare by hom het toe eers begin.” Oom Vissie sê dat hy ’n braai-snoek met begin snoek koop. In 1995, ná 35 jaar as verkeersman, het ’n bietjie olie aan beide kante smeer, dan “Groot snoeke was daardie tyd slegs 50c”, oom Vissie besluit om die tuig neer te lê en sprinkel hy ’n bietjie sout en peper aan die vertel hy. hy het hom voltyds toegespits as vis-smous. vleiskant. En soos wat die woord van oom Vissie se “Dit hou darem die pot aan die kook en Die vis braai hy met velkant na onder oor lekker snoek deur die dorp getrek het, so ook ons ontmoet baie mense.” matige kole vir net ’n paar sekondes en draai het die aanvraag daartoe toegeneem. ’n Bewys van die Vissers se gewildheid is dit dan na die vleiskant, ook net vir ’n paar Intussen was tannie Vissie ’n verpleegsusdiefeitdathuldeurknoppieaanhoudendlui, sekondes. ter by Paarl Hospitaal en wanneer sy van asook hul telefoon, met navrae oor die dag Hy draai dit dan weer om en braai velkant diens af gekom het, moes sy help om snoek se vangs. na onder verder totdat die sousie van die vis te bewerk. Hul dogter, Gerda Rossouw, het nou eintborreltjie begin kook. En tussendeur sprin“Ek het vriende aan die Weskus wat grootlik die visbesigheid oorgeneem, maar die Viskel hy net ’n bietjie suurlemoensap oor die skaals snoek gevang het en soms het hulle sers kan nog nie heeltemal stil sit nie. vleiskant. my laatmiddag gebel en gesê dat ’n vrag vir Steeds help hulle daagliks met die bewerEn moenie vergeet om kerrievis van snoek my wag,” vertel Vissie. king van die snoek en Dinsdae is oom Vissie te maak nie. Dit is te heerlik, vertel die Vis“Dan as ek van die werk af kom, het Marie se ‘rook-dag’. sers. ’n fles koffie en ’n paar toebroodjies in die Sy gerookte snoek is wyd bekend in die En wat doen oom Vissie vir ontspanning? motor gepak en ons het die lang pad St Hele- kontrei. Soms het hy soveel bestellings vir Hy gaan sit rustig langs die see met sy reunabaai toe aangepak. gerookte snoek dat hy twee maal ’n week se visstok in die hand en wag vir die grote “Dan kom ons laataand by die huis en die moet rook. om te byt. “Dit maak my kop skoon.”
Gang leader behind bars THE notorious gang leader Paul Adriano is once again behind bars.Adriano, a Namibian citizen, has been linked to various robberies in and around Paarl which took place two years ago. He was arrested but then found not quilty and released. Butthelongarmofthelawhas
caught up with Adriano again. He was arrested in Hout Bay over the weekend, also in connection with house robberies. Adriano is currently being investigated for a spate of house robberies around the Cape Peninsula, including some in the Paarl area.
Woman attacked ANOTHER woman has been attacked inside her home in Paarl. The incident took place shortly after 22:00 on Friday evening at a flat in La Mode Street, behind the Paarl town hall. The 36-year-old woman was watching television when she heard a noise in her garden. On investigation she saw a young man, who grabbed a garden fork and forced her back into her home. Here he took a laptop computer and cellphone, before fleeing the scene. The woman was not hurt and no arrests have yet been made. Police spokesperson Capt Louise du Plessis said that there has been an increase in people becoming involved in confrontations during burglaries. She asked the public to stay calm if they come across strangers on their property. “Do not confront the burglar. Try and take note of what he is wearing, what he looks like and what language he speaks.”
Donderdag 24 November 2011
Promosie 路 Promotion
Paarl Post
News · Nuus
10 . Paarl Post
Thursday 24 November 2011
ROADBLOCKS. Members of the Groot Drakenstein Police have already started a series of roadblocks in the area as part of the Festive Season Operational Plan. Various roadblocks and vehicle checkpoints will be held over the festive season and motorists should be warned that a zero tolerance policy will be applied. The public is urged to report criminal activities to the police at 021 874 8000 or 10111.
VROUEKETTING. Die Uitvoerende Burgemeester, raadslid Gesie van Deventer, het tydens ’n vergadering op Saron geluister na die vroue van Saron, Gouda en Hermon se problem en uitdagings en saam op ’n plan van aksie besluit op die pad vorentoe. Voor sit (van links) raadslede Lutisia Darries, Christophene Kearns, Elna von Schlicht, Uitvoerende Burgemeester Gesie van Deventer, Esther Kearns, Lulu Ntlemeza en Jo-anne de Wet.
‘Vroue kán verskil maak’ “EK weet daar is baie probleme in Saron, Hermon en Gouda en dit is hoekom ek vandag hier is. Kom ons kyk vandag wat verkeerd is in hierdie gemeenskappe en bespreek saam die pad vorentoe. Kom vat my hand en stap die pad saam met my,” was die pleidooi van die Uitvoerende Burgemeester, raadslid Gesie van Deventer, aan die vroue van dié drie dorpe gedurende ’n vergadering onlangs op Saron. Die doel van die vergadering was dat die vroue van hierdie drie gemeenskappe die geleentheid kry om die uitdagings en probleme aan die Burgemeester uit te wys. Raadslid Van Deventer wou self by die vroue hoor wat pla. Onder hul klagtes was behuising, ontspanningsgeriewe (veral vir die jongmense), werkskepping, sopkombuise, en HOP-huise wat verkoop of uitverhuur word aan mense wat dit dan gebruik vir smokkelhuise of huiswinkels. VanDeventerhetdievrouedaarop gewys dat dit ontoelaatbaar is dat mense wat huise kry by die munisipaliteit, dit verkoop of uitverhuur. “Dan het die mense mos nie die
huise nodig nie. Ons is besig om na diehuidigebehuisingswaglystekyk, en slegs mense wat huise nodig het en regtig behoeftig is, sal huise ontvang,” het sy sterk beklemtoon. Sy het ook aan die vroue verduidelik dat die Raad slegs kan optree as die gemeenskap hul samewerking gee om ongerymdhede uit te wys.
“Slegs mense wat huise nodig het en regtig behoeftig is, sal huise ontvang.” Van Deventer het die vroue verseker dat hul insette baie belangrik is enaanhulverduidelikhoediebegroting werk. Sy het hulle daarop gewys dat die huidige finansiële jaar se fondse reeds uitgesit is vir sekere projekte. “Die wet sê ek mag daardie geld nie virenigeanderprojekteaanwendnie as waarvoor dit begroot is nie. Ek kan dalk in 2012 ’n bietjie veranderings maak. Teen Julie 2012 sal ons ’n begroting opstel wat reflekteer hoe die publiek vir ons sê hoe om die fondse te spandeer. Daar sal publie-
ke vergaderings vooraf wees en in daardie vergaderings is dit die publiek se verantwoordelikheid om ons in te lig wat hul prioriteite is.” Sy het ook beklemtoon hoe belangrik kommunikasie is tussen die Raad en die publiek: “Ons moet die kommunikasiekanale oop hou en meer gereeld vergader.” Van Deventer het die vroue gemaan om nie te vergeet dat jy altyd ’n keuse het oor die verskil wat jy kan maak, wie jy is en wie jy wil word. “Ek sal alles binne my vermoë doen om julle op hierdie pad te help. Ek is self ’n vrou, ’n ma vir my kinders, ’n vrou vir my man en burgemeester vir die hele Drakenstein. “Ek wil hê ons as vroue van die Drakenstein-area moet ’n Vroueforum stig in elke dorp van ons area. Daar sal dus ’n Vroueforum wees in Paarl, Wellington, Saron, Gouda en Hermon. Hierdie vyf Vroueforums sal bestaan uit alle vroue van die Drakenstein-area ongeag ras, kultuur of politieke beginsels.” Sy het die vroue aangemoedig om self iets te doen om hul omstandighede te verbeter deur saam met die Raad te werk: “Ons moet almal saam staan en ’n verskil maak.”
Donderdag 24 November 2011
Nuus · News
DAGGAHUIS. Die Paarl polisie het onlangs beslag gelê op 29 kg dagga by ’n huis in Eilandstraat in die Paarlse middedorp. Inligting is ontvang oor onwettige bedrywighede by dié huis. Toe lede van die polisie ondersoek instel, is dagga op die perseel gevind. Die eienaar van die woning, Fami Omar, asook Robin Saprapsen en Osbenino Alexander is in hegtenis geneem. Die beamptes wat verantwoordelik was vir hierdie sukses, is (van links), konst Mario Daniels, adj Sampie Fourie, sers Charl Adams en konst Diego Snyders.
ATTEMPTED MURDER. On Monday 7 November an attempted murder case was opened by the Franschhoek police after a member of the public opened fire on two police officers. This was after two members of D-shift, Cst Thando Bobo and Cst Justin Afrika, chased a suspect who allegedly pointed a firearm at a member of the community. The suspect later handed himself over at the Franschhoek police station, but the firearm was not in his possession. By Wednesday afternoon the investigation had reached a dead-end, but after station commander Capt Cynthia Miti decided to interview the suspect herself with the help of Cst Thando Bobo, the suspect agreed to retrieve the firearm at the spot where he had hidden it. Thembalami Fipaza (24) was arrested.
Paarl Post
Youth · Jeug
12 . Paarl Post
DUX. Caithlin Croutz is aangewys as Nederburg Primêr se Dux-leerder van die Jaar, tydens die jaarlikse prysuitdeling. Foto: Joey Abrahams
BESTE. Greybe Celliers van Courtrai Laerskool is die WP Kidz-speler van die jaar vir die beste spel asook beste gedrag op en af van die veld.
BESTE. Orleansvale Primêr het tydens hul prysuitdeling vir Léchaan Cupido as Duxleerder aangewys. Foto: Devidean Moses
DUX. Tydens Paarl Primêre Seunskool se jaarlikse prysuitdeling is Torsten Babl as die Dux-leerder aangewys.
DEBUTANTE. Soetbly Speelgroep het onlangs hul jaarlikse debutantebalfunksie gehou. Hier pronk Michelee Jacobs (voor middel) en Jadon Hans (agter middel) as Mej en Mnr Soetbly. Die naaswenners was (agter van links) Delario Smith en Johandon Collins en (voor) Zensia Isaacs en Lorien Coetzee. ESKD141146/E
KANOVAARDER. Marion van Zyl van Simond Privaatskool het in die Kayak Triple Sprint Series vierde geëindig vir meisies o.14.
Thursday 24 November 2011
Five years ago, we managed to convert millions of South Africans to using CFL energy saving light bulbs and saved you money. Now, five years later, we’re back to change your energy savers that have reached the end of their life. Continue to use energy savers to collectively save South Africa’s energy. Energy saving lamps have an environmental benefit because they cut your lighting cost by using less electricity and last up to eight times longer, resulting in a reduction in greenhouse gases. The small amount of mercury that energy saving lamps contain is almost used up by the time the lamp is ready for disposal. So try not to break the lamp and dispose of CFLs at participating retailers.
SPORT. Shane-Lee Rodgers en Chandré-Ann Barends van Orleansvale is as die skool se sportseun en -meisie aangewys vir 2011. Foto: Devidean Moses
BOLAND. Marthus Coetzee (links) en BrandonLee Adams van Gimnasium Laerskool is opgeneem in die o.11 Boland A-span.
Everyone looking to renew their used CFLs, free,
raise your hands! Old CFLs can be exchanged for new ones in two ways:
AANGEWYS. Bronlee Mouries en Lauren Geduld is as LK Zeeman Primêr se sportseun enmeisie aangewys. Foto: Ernest Kilowan
a. There will be a door-to-door exchange (people will come to your door to do the exchange) b. Self Exchange points will be set up in certain areas, where you will be able to go and do the exchange
Don’t miss out! Save energy and save money!
The exchange period will run from November 2011 to January 2012. www.eskom.co.za/idm
AWARDED. At the prize-giving of the Mary Help of Christians Primary School, Michaela Siebrits (left) was selected as the school’s role model and Thimna Lingani received the trophy for Dux learner.
Donderdag 24 November 2011
HOOFLEIERS. Die nuwe hoofseuns van Paarl Primêre Seunskool vir 2012 is Christian van der Wath (onderhoofseun) en DA Smuts, regs, (hoofseun).
BEKERS. Die uitblinker-atlete by Laerskool Slot van die Paarl se kleurebyeenkoms was (agter van links) Keysha Strauss (senior Victrix Ludorum) en Angelo Afrika (senior Victor Ludorum) en (voor) Linda Mentz (junior Victrix Ludorum) en Reagan Hendriks (junior Victor Ludorum).
SPORT. Paarlzicht Primêr het tydens hul prysuitdeling vir Chadwin Dietloff en Leigh Wells as sportseun en sportmeisie van die jaar aangewys. Foto: Devidean Moses
TROFEES. Charleston Hill Primêr het hul sportpresteerders vir vanjaar aangewys. Van links is Damian Adams (sportseun), Nekeeshia Smit (sportmeisie) en Austin Gouws (beste presteerder in tafeltennis en krieketspeler van die jaar).
Jeug · Youth
Paarl Post
Youth · Jeug
14 . Paarl Post
DUX. Boland Landbouskool het vir Theo Muller (middel) as Dux-leerder aangewys. By hom is die nuwe onderhoofseun, Johan de Villiers (links), en die hoofseun vir 2012, Evert Grobbelaar.
ATLETIEK. Tydens die jaarlikse kleure-atletiekbyeenkoms van Laerskool La Rochelle het die Cillié-span as wenners uit die stryd getree.
PAARL ANNUAL OPEN DAY 2011 2626 NOVEMBER Nov 2011 08:00 - 10:00 Budget and prize-giving ceremony 10:00 - 12:00 Sales from various workshops Woodwork Metalwork Needlework Arts and Crafts Enjoy a boerewors roll or a slice of cake and tea from the catering workshop.
Come early to avoid disappointment! PaarlSchoolOfSkills-
KRIEKET. Kieran Williams van Courtrai Laerskool is onlangs opgeneem in die o.11 Boland-krieketspan.
Thursday 24 November 2011
PRESTREER. Magnolia Primêr het vir Rick Jordaan (links) aangewys as die beste sportpresteerder vir vanjaar. Hy het die Boland o.13A-rugbyspan gehaal en was boonop ’n goeie atleet en kranige krieketspeler. Regs staan William April wat as Dux-leerder aangewys is sowel as beste krieketspeler.
SPORTTROFEE. Tydens Paarl Primêre Seunskool se jaarlikse prysuitdeling is die sportman van die jaar trofee gedeel deur Altus Karsten (links) en Athi Magwala.
TEMA. Ses graad elfs van Gimnasium Hoërskool het skoolhoof James Genis (agter regs) en Sonja Myburgh (voor links), na Noorweë vergesel as deel van die Noord-Suid Vriendskapsooreenkoms tussen Oslo Handelsgimnasium en Paarl Gimnasium. Hierdie ooreenkoms strek oor die afgelope 12 jaar. Die tema van die projek vir die volgende drie jaar is “Inclusivity and Tolerance”. Agter (van links) is Duncan Wynne, Malan Bruwer, Lizaan Nel en Nicole Pereira. Voor sit Albert de Lange en Monique Groves.
School of Skills
HOOFLEIERS. Die hoofleiers vir Labori Hoërskool vir 2012 is aangewys. Van links is Jani-Luayne Schlebusch (onderhoofmeisie), Joshua du Plooy (hoofseun) Miancke Knoetze (hoofmeisie) en Wiaan Novella (onderhoofseun).
LEIERS. Tiaan du Preez, Lizelle Coetzee, Thaakir Abrahams (hoofseun), Stuart Tait, Karlien Carstens (hoofmeisie) en Aretha Neff is aangewys as Laerskool Drakenstein se leerlingleiers vir 2012.
Charleston Hill Primêr Hiermee word aansoeke ingewag vir die hantering van ons SKOOLSNOEPIE vir 2012. Aansoekvorms is by die skool verkrygbaar en aansoeke moet gerig word aan: Die Prinsipaal, Charleston Hill PS Richmondlaan 26, Elriche, Paarl, 7646 Sluitingsdatum vir aansoeke (verseëlde koevert) Donderdag 1 Desember 2011
DUX. Melody Samuels is vanjaar as Charleston Hill Primêr se Dux-leerder aangewys.
CharlestonHill_ 5x2 | bw vak 24 November 2011
Kontak ons vir 'n afspraak vir ~ Gehoortoetse ~ Gehoorapparate ~ Gehoorbeskerming H/v Bosch- & Berlynstraat | Tel: 021 872 7999 Dinsdae, Woensdae & Vrydae www.hearingworld.co.za
SPORT. Keagan Whitten is as William Lloyd Primêr se sportseun van die jaar aangewys. Tydens die Bolandsporttoekennings is hy ook aangewys as die beste tafeltennisspeler en die veelsydigste sportman.
Jeug · Youth
Donderdag 24 November 2011 TOP. Roenie van Staden is aangewys as Hoër Meisieskool se Dux-leerder vanjaar. Sy het merietetoekennings vir geskiedenis, wiskunde, rekeningkunde en lewensoriëntering ontvang. Boonop het sy die Virginia Boriobeker vir beste geskiedenisleerder (graad 10-12) ontvang asook die Christine Basson-beker vir akademiese, kultuur- en sportprestasie.
Paarl Post
Foto: Devidean Moses
Selected *CANSA-APPROVED SUNCREENS at the best prices under the sun!
50ml R24
50ml R24
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50ml R24
HEALTH ESSENTIALS AANGEWYS. Bodine Jordaan en Rabian Engelbrecht is by New Orleans Sekondêr aangewys aan die sportvrou en -man van die jaar. Foto: Ernest Kilowan
BASKETBALL. Siphosihle Memani, a learner of Noorder Paarl High School, participated in the SA basketball tournament in Bloemfontein as a member of the Boland team. He won the award for Boland basketball player of the year.
Capsules 60
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Pic: Devidean Moses
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SPORT. Tydens Nederburg Primêr se jaarlikse prysuitdeling is Lee Martin aangewys as sportmeisie en Eltino Williams as sportseun van die jaar. Foto: Joey Abrahams
VALOID 50mg Tablets 10 ALKAFIZZ
2 x Capsules 90
DUX. Miche September van New Orleans Primêr is tydens die prysuitdeling aangewys as die Dux-leerder.
A doctor’s prescription may be required for some of the advertised lines.
Big Bay 021 554 0748; Fairbridge Mall, Brackenfell 021 982 2650; Bredasdorp 028 425 2861; Cape Gate 021 981 8509; Canal Walk 021 552 0052; De Grendel 021 559 7403; St, George’s Square, George 044 871 4373; Mossel Bay 044 693 2046; Kenilworth Centre 021 671 0256; Midwell Centre, Durbanville 021 976 2818; Mountain Mill, Worcester 023 347 4763; N1 City 021 595 3404; Paarl 021 872 3349; Sanlam Centre, Parow 021 939 1615; Sea Point 021 434 9655; Somerset West 021 852 9300; Bayside Centre,Table View 021 556 8591; Blue Route Mall,Tokai 021 713 0547; Westgate Mall, Mitchells Plain 021 374 7738; Willowbridge Atlantis 021 572 8921; Belhar (opening soon); Berg River, Paarl 021 870 1081; Bishop Lavis 021 934 021 914 7049; West Coast Mall, Vredenburg 022 713 3720; Hermanus 028 312 3182. 2363; Blue Downs 021 909 0054; Bothasig 021 559 0786; Eerste River 021 904 5710; Gugulethu 021 638 0658; Khayelitsha Mall, 021 364 0642; Lansdowne (opening soon); Kuils River 021 906 0717; Macassar (opening soon); Middestad, Bellville 021 948 6526; Philippi, 021 370 2760; Seaside Village Centre, Big Bay 021 554 5037; Somerset West 021 851 2813; Vasco, Goodwood 021 591 8740.
WE PREPARE YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS WHILE YOU SHOP! LOW PRICES CARE & ADVICE DIPLOMAS. Mary Help of Christian Primary held their annual prize-giving ceremony and selected Wiaan Davids as sportsman of the year and Deandri Booysen as sportswoman.
Granules 120g
For a full list of stores nationwide log on to
Jeug · Youth
16 . Paarl Post
Thursday 24 November 2011
Ligstraal Skool hou uitstalling DIE Ligstraal Skool bied op 6 Desember vanaf 10:00 tot 12:00 ’n uitstalling ter viering van die internasionale dag vir gestremdes en almal is welkom om dit te besoek.
Items deur die leerders gemaak, sal te koop wees. Besoekers is ook welkom om die klasse te besoek. Vir meer inligting, kontak Juanita Jones by 021 862 7182.
KRONING. Chanté Williams (middel) is by Magnolia Primêr aangewys as Mej Magnolia junior. Saam met haar is die naaswenners, Amka Sharter (links) en Chantelle van Harte.
LEIERS. Orleansvale Primêr het hul leiers vir 2012 aangewys. Van links is Byron Qupa (hoofseun), Britteney Francis (hoofmeisie), Shane-Dean Sias (onderhoofseun) en Shante Hendricks (onderhoofmeisie). Foto: Devidean Moses
KRIEKET. Die Franschhoek polisie het verlede week ’n krieketdag aangebied tussen die vier laerskole van Franschhoek (Wemmershoek Primêr, Groendal Primêr, Dalabuhle Primêr en Wes-Eind Primêr). Die doel van die dag was om kinders te leer om vertroue in die polisie te hê en om vir hulle te kontak in geval van nood. Ná ’n taai wedstryd is Groendal Primêr aangewys as die wenner. Hier is die wenspan. Voor van links is Rozano Lewendal, Fabian Daniels, Rediwaan Johnson (kapt), Keeno Philander en Glen William. Agter staan hul afrigter Jack Daniels, Bradwin Hoffman, Jee-hein Jones, Jeronwin Fortuin, Dale Jacobs, Angelo Boonzaaier en Allistair Buys. Al die deelnemers is ook bederf met eetgoed.
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Wellington Nuus
Donderdag 24 November 2011
Paarl Post
Paarl Post n o t g n i l l e W
Voice of Drakenstein • Stem van Drakenstein
Karnaval van kunste blom Voorheen die Afrikaanse Patriot
Volume 105
Donderdag 23 April 2010
Tel: 021-870-4600
SMS 32363
ALTESAAM 110 studente het die afgelope kom. Onder hulle was lede van die Afrikaan“Ons kon vanjaar, benewens die wye verweek sertifikate ontvang tydens die Breyse Taalraad en van die Suid-Afrikaanse Aka- skeidenheid kursusse wat aangebied is, ook tenbach-sentrum se gewilde Karnaval demie vir Wetenskap en Kuns. aan elke student die geleentheid gebied om van die Kunste nadat hulle die afgelope Die sentrum se projekbestuurder, Annali’n spesiale kursus by te woon oor lewensjaar hul kursusse by die sentrum vaardighede en entrepreneursuksesvol voltooi het. skap. Dit gaan hulle help om hierDie studente het vanjaar kurna met vertroue hul eie ondernesusse in ’n wye verskeidenheid mings te begin of maklik by nuwe vakrigtings gevolg. Die kursusse werksomstandighede in te pas.” het gewissel van rekenaar-tegnoVanjaar was volgens Theo Kemp logie, dagsorg, kunsopleiding, resdie eerste jaar waarin hy en sy betaurantwese, kreatiewe handstuurspan duidelik kon sien dat werk, naaldwerk, drama en tuindie model wat hulle ontwikkel het, bou. werk. Die afsluiting van die jaar se kurPlaaslike talent het ook vanjaar susse is gevier met ’n konsert waardie geleentheid gehad om saam in van die studente hul talente ten met erkende kunstenaars op te toon kon stel en met bekende kuntreeinaanbiedingswataanskoulik stenaars soos Amanda Strydom, verpak was. Niël Rademan en Jo-Nette LeKay “Ons het daarin geslaag om die die verhoog kon deel. idee wat baie mense het dat geTheo Kemp, uitvoerende hoof meenskapswerk soos dié waarby van die Breytenbach-sentrum, sê ons betrokke is, soms van ’n lae dat vanjaar se fees in wese ’n feestekwaliteit is, finaal af te skud. like ontmoeting van die kunste Almal wat vanjaar se fees bygewas. Dit was ’n viering van talente woon het, was beïndruk met die wat die afgelope jaar by die Brey- DRAMASTUDENTE. Sophia Passerini (links) en Lindy Kriek (regs) is puik talent wat deur die sentrum tenbach-sentrum geslyp is. die fasiliteerders van twee dramakursusse by die Breytenbach-sen- blootgelê is. Van musiek tot drama “Ons bied nie kitsoplossings vir trum. Hier verskyn hulle saam met drie van hul studente wat deel tot voedselbereiding het die besoewerkloses nie en ons waarborg nie is van Beenaf, die senior dramagroep. Hulle is Glemorine van Rooyen, kers vanjaar geweet dat ons sensukses aan opkomende kunste- Esther Kotze en Gretchen Arendse. Derde van links is Annalise Schoe- trum produkte skep wat van ’n hoë naars nie. Die Breytenbach-sen- man, projekbestuurder van die Breytenbach-sentrum. Foto: Johan Nel gehalte is en dat die kwaliteit toetrum bied eerder geleenthede aan nemend besig is om in al ons aktiindividue wat meestal uit kwesbawiteite die deurslag te gee.” se Schoeman, sê dat hoewel die kursusse re gemeenskappe kom en wat graag ’n verTheo Kemp word by die Breytenbach -senwat deur die sentrum aangebied word hoë trum bygestaan deur ’n bestuurspan wat skil wil maak. “Almal wat na afloop van hierdie jaar by eise aan die studente stel, het hulle almal bestaan uit Olivia Ockhuis as algemene bedeur die bank uitstekend gevaar. ons deure uitstap, het hard gewerk om die stuurder, Annalise Schoeman as projekbe“Hulle ywer en entoesiasme is werklik stuurder en Petronella Ephraim as opsigter. geleenthede wat aan hulle gebied is, in ’n suksesverhaal te omskep. Elkeen van hulle aansteeklik. Ons kursus in rekenaartegno- Daar is ook 18 fasiliteerders wat die talle verhet vir ’n ommekeer in hul eie lewens ge- logie is byvoorbeeld so gewild dat ons, onskillende kursusse aanbied. danks min ruimte en toerusting, volgende sorg.” Meer besonderhede oor die kursusse wat jaar twee keer meer studente gaan inneem gedurende 2012 aangebied sal word, kan Die gaste wat die twee konserte tydens die fees bygewoon het, het van heinde en ver ge- as vanjaar. verkry word deur 021 873 2786 te skakel.
R4,80 (incl)
ALMANAK. Twaalf Wellingtonse vroue het by verskilende bekende geboue en plekke van historiese belang in en om die dorp geposeer vir foto’s wat gebruik gaan word in ’n spesiale almanak vir 2012 wat eersdaags beskikbaar gestel sal word. In die kelder op die plaas De Compagnie is (agter van links) Martine van den Heever, Esther Kotzé, Daphne Allah, Maggie Follet, Priscella Simons, Johlene van Niekerk, Lydia Uys en Tessa Louw. Voor is Trudie Oosthuizen, Riana Scheepers, Bukeka Yabo en Marlene le Roux. ’n Gedeelte van die geld wat daarmee ingesamel word, sal aan die plaaslike welsynsorganisasie, Qolothani Makhosikazi (Hardwerkende Vroue) oorbetaal word. Heel voor links verskyn twee van die fotograwe wat by die projek betrokke is, Lindie Kriel en Alisa Farr. Foto: Johan Nel
Verbruikerswet bekyk DIE Verbruikersbeskermingswet kom onder die loep by die volgende vergadering van die Wellington Sakekamer tydens ’n middagete op 1 Desember, waar prokureur Pé Marais die spreker sal wees. Die funksie word aangebied by die Festa restaurant op Kleinevalleij in die Bovlei om 12:30. Toegang is R95 wat ’n steak-ete insluit (vooruitbetaalbaar). Bespreek by 082 812 1112 of wellington.sakekamer@gmail.com teen 25 November.
DEBUTANTEBAL. Pauw Gedenk Primêr het onlangs ’n geslaagde debutantefunksie in die Antoniesvleisaal aangebied. Voor (middel) is Tatum Jacobs (wenner) met naaswenners (van links) Nadeema Yawa en Mogammad Yawa (gesamentlik tweede) en Melanie Damon (derde).
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3 R20 for
18 . Paarl Post
Wellington Nuus
Donderdag 24 November 2011
RECOGNITION. Drakenstein Municipality recently held a certificate ceremony in recognition of the contributions of organisations and institutions working in the social development sector. Here at the Mayoral Awards are (from left) Councillor Conrad Poole (Executive Deputy Mayor), Marchané Janeke (ACVV Wellington), Councillor Gesie van Deventer (Executive Mayor) and Councillor Dr Noël Adams (Portfolio Holder: Social Services and Community Development). BESOEK. Toe Teologiestudente nog op Wellington opgelei is as sendelinge, was die Jasper-egpaar en hul 14 kinders die huisouers van die Teologie-koshuis vir die Sendingkerk. Onlangs het van die oorlewende kinders besoek afgelê by Ouma-Granny’s Huis. By gasvrou Dalene Nyman (regs), is Lydia Gertse, haar dogter Gayleen en dié se seun Caleb. Foto: Christine Siebrits
INVITATION TO BID YOU ARE HEREBY INVITED TO BID FOR REQUIREMENTS OF THE DRAKENSTEIN MUNICIPALITY DIRECTORATE: INFRASTRUCTURE AND PLANNING Description: TENDER CES 9/2011 SIYAHLALA PHASE 1 AND 2, FAIRYLANDS: CONSTRUCTION OF INTERNAL SERVICES CIDB: Tenderers must be registered with the CIDB in a CE class of construction works and have a grading designation equal to or higher than that determined in accordance with the sum tendered or a value determined in accordance with regulation 25(7A) of the Construction Industry Development Regulations, 2004. It is estimated that tenderers will need a grading designation of 7CE or higher. Closing date: 15 December 2011 Closing time: 10:00 Bids will be opened in the Civic Centre, 1st Floor, Berg River Boulevard, Paarl in public at 10:15. Information: Obtain documentation: Drakenstein Municipality Civil Engineering Services Second Floor Corner of Market and Main Street Paarl 7622 Enquiries regarding tender documentation: Mr Harlind Leng Drakenstein Municipality Tel: 021 914 0300 Fax: 021 914 0437 Information meeting: A compulsory information meeting will be held on 1 December 2011 at 10:00 at the corner of Bartolomeu and Bo-Dal Streets Office hours for collection: 08:30 - 16:30 as from 17 November 2011. Nonrefundable fee of R204,30 payable to Drakenstein Municipality is required for the collection of the documents. Procurement preference point system: 90/10 Telegraphic, telephonic, telex, facsimile, e-mail and late tenders will not be accepted. The lowest, only or any bid will not necessarily be accepted and the Council reserves the right to accept any part of the bid. Tenders to be deposited in: The tender box at the entrance of the Municipal Offices of Drakenstein Municipality, Berg River Boulevard, PAARL, 7620. (Ensure tender number and title are on envelope). The successful bidder will be required to fill in and sign a written contract form. The following conditions to bid exist: (Failure to comply may result in your bid being disqualified) 1. This bid is subject to the JBCC Conditions of Contract and, if applicable, any other special conditions of contract and 2. Relevant specifications (SPECS). DENNIS SMIT ACTING MUNICIPAL MANAGER
VERFRAAIING. Daar was onlangs groot bedrywigheid by die ingang na Wellington vanaf die Paarl, op die hoek van Piet Retief- en Champagnestrate. Hier is munisipale werkers, tesame met ’n aantal los werkers, besig om die area skoon te maak. ’n Paadjie is uitgelê met gruisklippies, en ’n area waar struike en blomme aangeplant sal word, is voorberei. Die gebied word op versoek van die Verfraaiingskomitee só verfraai dat Wellington se naam op die muurtjie naby die dierehospitaal weer duidelik sigbaar sal wees. Foto: Christine Siebrits
INVITATION TO BID YOU ARE HEREBY INVITED TO BID FOR REQUIREMENTS OF THE DRAKENSTEIN MUNICIPALITY Description: TENDER NO CES 30/2011 Tender/Submission for pre-qualification for the provision of Professional Civil Engineering Services for various projects in Drakenstein Municipal Area. Closing date: 15 December 2011 Closing time: 10:00 Bids will be opened in the Civic Centre, 1st Floor, Berg River Boulevard, Paarl in public at 10:15. Information: Obtain documentation: Drakenstein Municipality, Civil Engineering Department, 2nd Floor, 1 Market Street, Paarl Enquiries regarding tender documents Mr F. de Jongh 021 807 6452 and/or Mr D. du Plessis 021 807 4703
BEKEND. Die bekende skrywer Jeanne Els (middel), het ’n byeenkoms van die Wellingtonse Angsen Depressie-ondersteuningsgroep in die Martha-saal toegespreek. Saam met haar verskyn van links Karin Coetzee, dr Fanie Marais, Hedwig Moore en Michael Theron. Meer besonderhede by Petro Greeff by 072 709 8000. Foto: Johan Nel
KERSETE. Die jong kunstenaar Hugo Nieuwoudt (naaslinks) het by ’n spesiale Kersete wat deur die NG Kerk Wellington-Noord aangebied is, opgetree. Saam met hom verskyn (van links) Magriet Louw, Loretta Jordaan en Johan en Karin Crous. Foto: Johan Nel
Office hours for collection 08:30 - 16:30 as from 24 November 2011. Nonrefundable fee of R204,30 payable to Drakenstein Municipality is required on collection of documents. Information meeting: A non-compulsory information meeting will be held in the Conference Room number 3, First Floor, 1 Market Street offices at 10:00 on 8 December 2011. Tenders to be deposited in: The tender box at the entrance of the Municipal Offices of Drakenstein Municipality, Berg River Boulevard, PAARL, 7620. (Ensure tender number and title are on envelope). Procurement preference point system: CONTRACT A (80/20); CONTRACT B (90/10) The successful bidder will be required to fill in and sign a written contract form. The following conditions to bid exist: (Failure to comply may result in your bid being disqualified) 1. The tender is subject to the general conditions of contract (GCC) contained in the Standard Professional Services Contract (September 2005) published by the CIBD and, if applicable, any other special conditions of contract. 2. Relevant specifications as listed in the TENDER DATA, and 3. Drakenstein Municipality's Supply Chain Management Policy DENNIS SMIT ACTING MUNICIPAL MANAGER
KENNISGEWING VAN UITBREIDING VAN KONTRAK Kennis word hiermee gegee in terme van Munisipale Finansies Bestuurswet, nr. 56 van 2003, seksie 116 (3) van die Munisipaliteit se intensie om kontrak COM DEV 1/2010: PAARL-OOS: OPRIGTING VAN NUWE VEELDOELIGE SENTRUM uit te brei as gevolg van addisionele parkeerarea vir 32 voertuigparkerings, binnehof skadunetstruktuur vir publieke gebruik insluitende meubels, elektroniese- en IT-toerusting.
NOTIFICATION OF AMENDMENT OF CONTRACT Notice is hereby given in terms of Municipal Finance Management Act, no. 56 of 2003, section 116 (3) of the municipality's intention to amend the contract: COM DEV 1/2010: PAARL EAST: CONSTRUCTION OF NEW MULTI-PURPOSE CENTRE due to unforeseen circumstances and additional scope of works such as bulk earthwork, parking areas for 32 parking bays, courtyard shading port for public use and furniture, electronic and IT equipment.
Alle belangstellende en geaffekteerde persone word All interested and affected parties are invited to submit hiermee uitgenooi om skriftelike voorleggings te maak written representations to the Municipality on or before rakende die Munisipaliteit se intensie voor die sluitings- the closing date: 8 December 2011. datum: 8 Desember 2011. Enquiries regarding contract amendment: Navrae rakende kontrakuitbreiding: Mr K von Düring Mnr K von Düring Tel: 021 840 2717 Tel: 021 840 2717 Skriftelike voorleggings aan: Waarnemende Munisipale Bestuurder Burgersentrum Posbus 1 Bergrivier Boulevard Paarl 7622 24 November 2011 DENNIS SMIT WAARNEMENDE MUNISIPALE BESTUURDER
Written submissions submitted Acting Municipal Manager Civic Centre PO Box 1 Berg River Boulevard Paarl 7622 24 November 2011 DENNIS SMIT ACTING MUNICIPAL MANAGER
Mense · People
Donderdag 24 November 2011
Paarl Post
We must protect the vulnerable IN an effort to address vioto the complainant the conlence against women and tents including the remedies children, regional magisat his or her disposal in trate Patrick Ross recentterms of the Act, and the ly invited members of the right to lodge a criminal Paarl and Paarl East police complaint.” to the Regional Court. He also emphasised that Ross addressed the police at no stage may a police offistaff and made it clear that cial tell a complainant that he was not satisfied with the she can’t lay a charge or send way victims of violence (inher away. By law an official cluding men) are treated by is obliged to accept the forpolice and the Department mal complaints of victims. of Justice, infringing their “You are not prosecutors constitutional rights. or magistrates. You must Police staff listened attenabide by the law and every tively to his message that poone of you must do your dulice staff are obliged through ty, as the police can be held the Constitution and the Do- ASSISTANCE. Regional Magistrate Patrick Ross (8th from right) with the police liable for failure to perform mestic Violence Act officials he recently addressed at the Regional Court regarding the 16 days of their duties.” (116/1998) to protect vic- Activism against violence against women and children. He urged them to assist Ross urged the police to tims. They must advise and victims by accepting complaints about domestic violence and finding shelter for report it if complainants assist such victims to assert abused women. don’t get assistance from the their rights. Courts, especially from “We are approching the 16 days of Actishelter and obtaining medical treatment; clerks that must issue protection orders. vism - you must realise that you are the first handing a notice containing information as “We can’t let our vulnerable people down. in the line. It is your duty to render assistan- prescribed to the complainant in the official An injury to one woman is an injury to every ce to complainants - this includes finding language of her/his choice and explaining woman.”
Water meeting to be held in Klapmuts
Businessman dies
AN open house meeting to discuss the plans to build a bulk water augmentation scheme in Muldersvlei will be held at Klapmuts Primary on Thursday 1 December from 15:30 to 18:30. Interested parties may call at any time to view the information on display. The second revised draft environmental impact report on the scheme, which entails the laying of a bulk pipe from the upper reaches of the Berg River and the construction of a reservoir near Klipheuwel, has been finalised. It will be available for public review at the Paarl Library as well as at the libraries in
A BUSINESSMAN who was appearing on charges of fraud in the Blue Downs court, died in a crash on the R300 recently. Jeff Franciscus (47) was declared dead on the scene after his black Mercedes Benz left the road and rolled. Franciscus made headlines last year when he rented the farm Klein Nederburg at Paarl, giving the impression that he had bought the farm. He took deposits from brides who wanted to hold their weddings on the farm, but disappeared without repaying the money. He allegedly also owed the farm owner R400 000 in rental.
Franschhoek, Stellenbosch and Cape Town from 25 November. An electronic version of the report is also available at www.chand.co.za/bulkwater. asp. Send comments to Chand Environmental Consultants at PO Box 238, Plumstead, 7801 or fax to 021 762 3240 or kim@ chand.co.za by 3 February. Thereafter the final report will be submitted to the Department of Environmental Affairs and Development for a final decision. For enquiries, contact Kim Diedericks on 021 762 3240 or kim@chand.co.za.
LOST. This miniature doberman pinscher was picked up wandering aimlessly in Main Street, Paarl North. The dog is currently at the Paarl SPCA. They can be contacted on 021 863 2720.
LILY FESTIVAL 25 - 26 November 2011 & 3 - 4 December 2011 Tel: 021 884 4313 | www.pinkgeranium.co.za Corner of N1 and R304
N1 from Cape Town R304 from Stellenbosch
Tygerberg Zoo R304 from Malmesbury
N1 from Paarl
100 metres
Fisk Horticulture A Division of the Pink Geranium Group
100 metres
The Pink Geranium_ Ads 10x2 | fc Street, Beaufort West, 6970 10A Voortrekker 082 376 7839 (Theuns) 24 NovemberSel: 2011
Tel/Faks: 023 414 4069 * Sel: 082 321 5362 (Jean) Sel: 083 367 0710 (David)
BEES • • • • •
SKAAP Fillets Oxtail Tong (gepekel) Fillet koppe Boerewors
R102,95 R 52,00 R 38,00 R 90,00 R 49,00
VISIT. At the new Festa restaurant outside Wellington, Abby Mohamad (left) and Adéle Betts relaxed and enjoyed the view of some of the Morgan motor cars whose owners recently visited the Wellington area as part of the Cape Mog tour. Sixteen of these Morgans took part in the five day tour - the third year that the club has undertaken the tour. Models from 1969 up to 2011 were part of this year’s tour. Morgans are hand built in Britain and the newest model, the Aero, wil cost you a few million rand. Pic: Sieb Sieberhagen
• • • • •
Lamsosaties R Delisosaties R Skaapstertjies R Lewer in netvet R Netjiese skoon afval (per stel) R
89,95 59,95 25,00 42,95
Boude (heel en ontbeen) R 68,95
LAM (A2/A3) • •
Heel of half Snitte: - Boude (heel/ontbeen) - Loin tjops - Saddle tjops - Gemengde tjops - Skenkels - Lamnek - Ribs (strips/heel)
R 77,95 R86,95 R89,95 R83,95 R69,95 R65,95 R71,95
* Pryse per/kg sluit BTW in. * Alle produkte "free-range" - van die veld na die vurk!!
* Lampryse verander weekliks * Aflewering - weekliks
Specials are valid at Meatrite Paarl & Worcester until Sunday 27 November 2011. We reserve the right to limit quantities. While stocks last. E&OE
PAARL & WORCESTER SPECIALS KarooDeli 02_ 10x4 | FC Ads 24 Nov 2011
4kg Chicken 2.5kg French Mixed .99 .99 Polony .99 p/kg each Portions each Gammons, Corned Beef & Corned Tongues now available
A2 Lamb Whole & half
Christmas Stamps Available
Pork Shoulder Ribs
25.99 p/kg
20 . Paarl Post
People · Mense
Donderdag 24 November 2011
Verward deur winter in November
BONSAI. Bekende Bonsai-kunstenaar van die Paarl, Fritz Joubert, het die afgelope naweek met die louere weggestap vir beide die beste boom en beste inheemse boom op die jaarlikse skou van die Boland Bonsaivereniging. Die boom waarvoor hy die toekennings ontvang het, is ’n 30-jarige Buddleija saligna (witolien).
AWARD. A Paarlite, Dr Gcwalisile Kabanyane, is one of ten exceptional people who have been honoured for their philanthropic efforts and contributions to social change in South Africa at the prestigious fifth annual Inyathelo Philanthropy Awards held at the Mount Nelson Hotel in Cape Town. Dr Kabanyane is the founder of the charitable organisation in Paarl, Qolothani Makhosiklazi Social and Cultural Services, which has made a meaningful difference to the lives of many poor and vulnerable people in Mbekweni. Her projects include the building of a community kitchen where those in need can get a nutritious meal and advice on health issues affecting their lives, as well as skills training. She also provides meals for children attending the local Sunday school and supports many of the child-headed families in the community by paying for their groceries and school uniforms.
NÁ ’n relatiewe matige winter het die begin van die somer letterlik ’n u-draai gemaak. Ontydige reëns en selfs ’n titseltjie sneeu het Bolanders heel onkant gevang nadat hul hul winterklere reeds weggepak het. Vir November het daar tot dusver 60 mm reën geval wat hoër is as die maandelikse gemiddelde vir hierdie tyd van die jaar. Die sektor wat die meeste kopkrap oor hierdie weer is veral wingerdboere, wat wingerdsiektes vrees wat deur uitermatige nat toestande in die somer veroorsaak word. Maar op die oomblik word nie veel van hierdie siektes gerapporteer nie. “Dit kan moontlik te danke wees aan die koue weer wat donsskimmel (wingerdsiekte) in ’n mate onderdruk,” sê Willem Grobbelaar, Agri Wes-Kaap se Streekbestuurder vir Drakenstein. “Warm weer saam met nat toestande kan infeksie verhoog. Produsente wat by hul normale spuitprogramme hou, behoort egter nie probleme met siektes te hê nie. “Die produsente wat teen die oostelike bergreeks boer, het nog nie die stormsterk suidoostewinde beleef wat gewoonlik vanaf Oktober begin waai nie. “Hierdie wingerde, sowel as die res van die wingerde, is in ’n gesonde en goeie toestand en die opbrengste behoort ook goed NES. Hierdie stalswaeltjie was die afgelope tyd seker net so verward soos sy mensvriende oor die ysige weer wat oor die naweek toegesak het. Hy het seker nie geweet of hy noord of suid is nie. Die kleintjies het verlede week hul verskyning gemaak, elk met ’n reuse aptyt - soveel so, dat pa, wat hoofsaaklik hulle voorsiener is van wurmpies en ander glibberige eetgoed, heeldag moet op en af vlieg op soek hierna. Hierdie swaeltjies sal in die herfs hul pad noorde toe vind en indien hulle oorleef, sal dieselfde paartjie terugkeer na dieselfde nes om volgende jaar weer te broei. Foto: Lise Beyers
te wees.” Verder sê Grobbelaar dat die koue weer ’n invloed het op die suikers van steenvrugte wat nou geoes word. “Om goeie suikers te ontwikkel, is lekker sonskyndae nodig. Die reën het ook ’n invloed op die oesproses en die nattigheid kan die voorkoms van swamme in boorde verhoog, wat weer ’n invloed op die kwaliteit van die vrugte kan hê. “Die reën het egter die voordeel dat produsente kan spaar op besproeiing, wat ’n al groter uitgawe raak ten opsigte van elektrisiteitskostes vir pompe wat moet loop. “Die voorraad grondwater is ook min vanweë die min winterreëns wat ons gekry het en elke druppel reën is welkom.” Plaaslike boer Billy Bourbon-Leftley het gesê dat hy nog geen rede vir kommer ondervind nie en dat hy tot dusver maar van min gevalle van swamsiektes gehoor het. Maar as dit nou skielik warm word, kan vrugte skade lei deur brand skade. Tans is die Bergrivierdam 94,75% vol in vergelyking met 98,85% verlede jaar, Wemmershoekdam 79,70% in vergelyking met 92,30% en Voëlvlei 85,68% in vergelyking met 97,13%. Die goeie, of slegte, nuus is dat daar nie vir die res van die maand reën voorspel word nie en temperature sal nou begin styg.
Mense · People
Donderdag 24 November 2011
Paarl Post
GHOLFDAG. Paarl Toerisme het hul eerste gholfdag by Pearl Valley aangebied wat deur meer as sewentig besigheidslui en bekende persoonlikhede bygewoon is. Die organiseerders het belowe dat dit die eerste van nog baie gholfdae gaan wees. Oudrugbyspelers Toks van der Linde en Breyton Paulse het ook hulle gholftalent uitgestal. Van links is Antonie Botha, Derek Clift, Nicky Hahn (Paarl Toerisme), Graham Retief, Amanda Coetzee (Paarl Toerisme) en Hannes Moore. Foto: Sieb Sieberhagen
HUWELIK. Hierdie paartjie, Gilbert Africa en Dilia Ernes van Rusthof-tehuis vir bejaardes in die Paarl, is onlangs getroud. Gilbert, wat sonder bene is, en Dilia, wat verlam is, is in die huwelik bevestig deur pastoor Reggie Hendricks (agter) van Charis-gemeente. Foto: Sammy Davids
SKENKINGS. Die borskankerorganisasie Reik na Herstel subsidieer die prosteses van vroue wat ’n mastektomie gehad het, maar nie aan ’n mediese fonds behoort nie, sodat hulle weer vrou kan voel. Hier oorhandig Yvonne Paulse (regs) van Hoërskool Noorder-Paarl die skool se skenking van R1 000 aan Annaleen Genade (links), voorsitter van Reik na Herstel Paarl. Sy het al die skenkers, insluitend Hugenote Laerskool (R775) en die Departement Korrektiewe Dienste (Allandale/Hawequa R1002) bedank vir hul bydraes.
LADIES BIKINI TOPS & BOTTOMS MEETING. The Rotary Club of Paarl hosted District Governor Judge Deon van Zyl (right) at a recent meeting. He is currently visiting the 61 Rotary Clubs that comprise Rotary District 9350 which extends into Angola, Namibia and part of the Northern Cape. Judge van Zyl was accompanied on his visit to Paarl by Rotary Assistant Governor Geraldine Nichol (left). At centre is Paarl Rotary’s president, June Kroukamp.
GEKROON. Timura Ministries het ’n kroning gehou. Hier is die leraar, eerwaarde James Mac Kay (middel), by Mej Timura, Shannon Andrews, en Mnr Timura, Anzil Prins. Die gemeente se gebou in Louwstraat, Wellington, word dié naweek ingewy. LOOPBAAN. Heinrich Kulsen was onlangs die eerste student wat onder mentorskap van Agritrain en met ’n beurs van die Kaapse Wynmakersgilde ’n graad in wynbereiding behaal het by Elsenburg. Hy gaan nou by Ernie Els-wyne werk as lid van die Gilde se protégé-internskapprogram.
Offers Valid While Stocks Last. E&OE. Images May Difffer From Actual Product
AWARD. The Paarl Hospital Pre-school came second in the province in the awards for best early childhood development sites among 3000 entries. Here is the head of the preschool, Cindy la Grange, with the wonderful educational toys she brought home as part of the prize.
22 . Paarl Post
TV Gids
Donderdag 24 November 2011
Lifestyle · Leefstyl
Thursday 24 November 2011
Be part of World Aids Day on 1 December THE Be Part Yoluntu Centre will present a World Aids Day event on Thursday 1 December from 09:00 to 19:00 at the centre at 4 Madikane Street, Mbekweni. The event is supported by the Department of Health, Drakenstein Hospice and Anova. The program will start with the lighting of a candle to commemorate those who have lost their lives to HIV/Aids. Helium
balloons will be sold at R1 each to the public allowing them to attach a message of hope and send it off into the air. There will be two Madam & Eve sessions, held at 11:00 and 12:30, to discuss the HpV vaccine and other female health and wellness issues. At 14:00 there’ll be a modelling show featuring youth of the community. A sports representative will address the
youth on goal-setting and healthy living. A Teenage Project will also be launched. Between 17:00 and 18:00 there will be discussions concerning men’s health and wellness. They are also offering free HIV testing, blood glucose testing, cholesterol testing and other wellness assessments through out the day. Contact Penny on 021 868 3990 or email reception@bepart.co.za.
Kuier en koop by feesmark
KERSLIEDERE. Op Sondag 4 Desember om 17:00 bied Hoër Meisieskool Paarl op Rhebokskloof hul Kersliedere by kerslig aan met gaskunstenaars Zamar. Die hekke open om 17:00, en kaartjies is beskikbaar by die skool of by Computicket teen R70 (R25 vir kinders onder 12). Hier is HMS se koor hard aan die oefen vir hierdie groot geleentheid.
Bride and food expo THE FAB Bride Exhibition, which will also be showcasing a food section, is set to take place on Saturday and Sunday at the Cape Town International Convention
Centre. Experts in their different fields, ranging from venues to your honeymoon will be available to assist with queries. Tickets are available at the door.
DIE Strooidakkerk se Feesmark vind plaas vanaf Maandag 28 November tot Saterdag 3 Desember in die kerksaal te Reservoirstraat, Paarl. Toegang is gratis. Die mark sal weeksdae oop wees vanaf 10:00 tot 20:00 en Saterdag 3 Desember vanaf 09:00 tot 15:00. Kom besoek die mark en word weggetower deur die pragtigste hartsgoed en smullekker tuisgebak wat teen bekostigbare pryse aangebied word. ’n Teetuin is die hele dag beskikbaar waar om ’n koppie tee en koek gekuier word en vir dié wat iets meer heilsaam soek, is daar heerlike middag- en aandetes. Kontak Margie du Plessis by 072 229 8396.
Young actors on stage THEADROME productions present “Koeksister en die Konsert” on 1 December at the IOTT Hall in Wellington. Theadrome concentrates on programs for young talented kids to develop their artistic and cultural heritage. They are trained by actor and playwright Hein Poole. A donation of R10 gets you in with a koeksister and an awesome show.
Celebrating Emancipation Day in Paarl SLAVERY played an essential role in the history and heritage of the Drakenstein community until 1 December 1834, when it was declared that people could no longer be bought and sold. Het Gesticht Museum, recently opened in the historic slave church at 112 Main Street, Paarl, will celebrate the emancipation of the slaves on Thursday 1 December from 09:00, in collaboration with the Afrikaanse Taalmuseum.
Kom stap saam met skool ALMAL word uitgenooi om aan die pretstap deel te neem wat op 26 November aangebied word in die Paarl deur Boland Skool vir Outisme. Die eregas is die talentvolle Miss Tiny SA 2011, Lisa Heyns van Bellville. Die stappers in die 10 km spring om 07:45 weg by die skool in Kotzestraat, Denneburg (R30 of R20 vir kinders). Die 5 km pretstap spring om 08:00 weg en kos R20 (R10 vir kinders). Persone met outisme stap gratis. By die skool sal daar kos- en drankstalletjies wees met die prysuitdeling en gelukkige trekkings om 10:30. Vir inligting, kontak die skool by 084 610 9005.
Members of the Drakenstein community who share interest, and descendants of the congregations Het Gesticht, Zions, Bethel Congregational, Immanuel and Huguenot are all invited to be part of this historic event. Limited seating is available, so booking is essential. Make your booking with Hybré on 073 065 0165 or hetgesticht@live.co.za by Monday 28 November.
Paarl Post
24 . Paarl Post
Leefstyl · Lifestyle
Steek ’n kers aan DIE Compassionate Friends se kersaansteekseremonie vind plaas op 3 Desember om 15:00 by die Drakenstein Biblioteek in Paulusstraat, Paarl-Oos. Ouers wat kinders aan die dood afgestaan het, is welkom om deel uit te maak van die seremonie. Bel Ingrid by 084 893 6162 of Hazel by 076 093 4658.
Donderdag 24 November 2011
Leefstylkalender ) Vergader. Die Paarl Toastmasters se volgende vergaderings vind plaas op Maandag 28 November in Franschhoek en op 5 Desember by die Duitse Kerksaal in die Paarl om 18:45. Skakel Fred by 082 924 5321. ) Jaarvergadering. Die algemene jaarvergadering van die Goeie Hoop Sielkundige Diens vind plaas vandag om 17:30 by St Petri Lutherse Kerksaal, Meulstraat 6, Paarl. Die spreker vir die geleentheid is dr Denis Goldberg. Dr Goldberg sal praat oor sy ervaringe as politieke gevangene in die Apartheidsera en die sielkundige impak daarvan op die menslike psige. Bespreek jou plek by 021 886 6188. ) Basaar. Bet-El VGK hou hul basaar hierdie Saterdag in die Paarl. Daar sal om 08:00 ’n pretloop wees en deur die loop van die dag sal daar ’n babakompetisie wees. Die publiek kan ook uitsien na hope pret en vele vermaak. ) Kerssangdiens. Die NG Gemeente Drakenstein (in Denneburg) versoek dat almal wat Sondag se Kerssangdiens om 09:00 bywoon, hul liedboek moet saambring. Skakel die kerkkantoor by 021 872 8242 of Marietjie by 074 582 1069. ) Dans. Die Boeremusiekgilde se Boland-tak hou môre ’n dans met die orkes van Chris Theron en sy konsertinaspeler is Fanie le Roux. Die dans word aangebied by Laerskool Noord-Eind. Toegang is R30 (R40 vir nie-lede). Kontak Ciceel by 083 346 7083. ) Feesdag. Kuns op die Plaas vind plaas by Oude Wellington Restaurant Saterdag vanaf 09:00 tot 17:00. Daar sal stalletjies wees, boeresport, ligte etes, alpacas, volstruise en poue te sien en vele meer. Musiekkunstenaars sal optree. Toegang is gratis. Skakel 021 873 1008. ) Cowboy-aand. ’n Cowboy Saloonaand word Saterdag om 19:00 by Die Beiteltjie in Klapmuts gehou. Geniet ’n heerlike aand met “line dancing”, ’n bord kos en vermaak deur Boesman, die Namakwalandse Boerseun. Kaartjies is R80 (R40 vir kinders). Kontak Christelle by 082 789 3812.
) Talentkompetisie. Die finale ronde van Schools got Talent vind plaas op 3 Desember om 18:00 by Worcester Sekondêr in Worcester. Toegang is R30 (R20 vir kinders tussen 6 en 16 asook pensionarisse). Daar sal vervoer beskikbaar wees teen R40 (R25 vir kinders). Busse sal ry uit Stellenbosch, Kylemore, Franschhoek en van Paarl en Wellington. Skakel 072 184 1115. ) Vrydagmark. Huis Vergenoegd in Hoofstraat, Paarl, bied elke Vrydag ’n mark aan vanaf 08:00 tot 10:00. Daar sal heerlike tuisgebak wees, bevrore geregte – afval en bobotie, vars vrugte en groente en nog vele meer. Vir bespreking van ’n tafel, skakel Lydia Corbett by 021 870 3304. ) Kersfeesmark. Doen jou Kersinkopies môre vanaf 18:00 tot 21:00 by die Paarlberg-gemeente in NoorderPaarl. Kom kuier in die deli met heerlike smulgoed, poeding, pannekoek, ’n kinderpretpark, ’n Kersboom vir die kinders, potjiekos (R30), alles op die ritme van ’n boereorkes. Kontak Hilze-Marie Malherbe by 021 872 4575. ) Piekniekdans. Die Paarl Abbeyfield House of Grace hou op 25 November om 20:00 ’n piekniekdans by die Huguenot-gemeenskapsaal. Musiek sal verskaf word deur Danny’s Rhythm Combo. Kaartjies is R80 per persoon en kan bespreek word by 021 862 5409 of 072 661 5911. Bring jou piekniekmandjie en drankies (eie glase) en geniet die aand. ) Basaar. Die Paarl Stimulasiesentrum vir gestremde kinders hou hul basaar Saterdag. Die basaar word afgeskop met ’n rolstoeloptog om 09:00 vanaf Paarl-Oos Superspar se parkeerarea tot by die sentrum te Joepatstraat 63, New Orleans. Die basaar sal dan amptelik geopen word. Vir navrae, skakel die sentrum by 021 862 7113. ) Toer. New Orleans Sekondêr se oudstudente beplan ’n toer na Mosselbaai vanaf 2 tot 4 Desember. Kostes beloop R600. Bespreek jou plek by Mark by 084 991 4672 of Richardo by 076 680 6289.
Vermaak · Arts
Thursday 24 November 2011
Klassieke Kersfees in amfiteater DIE grootste Kersliedere-skouspel in die Wynland vind op 11 Desember om 17:30 in die Paarlberg-amfiteater plaas met die Kaapstadse Filharmoniese Orkes, sangers Rina Hugo, Jannie Moolman en Kevin Leo, asook ’n massakoor bestaande uit inwoners van Drakenstein. Die hekke open reeds om 15:00 en die nuwe grasterras en verskeie kos- en wynstalletjies sal aan konsertgangers ’n heerlike geleentheid bied om saam te kuier voor die vertoning begin om 17:30. Van elke kaartjie wat verkoop word, word R10 geskenk aan die Paarl Post KOOR. Die Paarl-koor, bestaande uit inwoners van Kersfonds. Maatskappye word uitge- Drakenstein, gaan op Sondag 11 Desember om 17:30 daag om hul personeel en kliënte te by die groot Kerskonsert in die Paarlberg-amfiteater Foto: Liezl Davids trakteer op kaartjies en ’n lekker saam- optree. kuier by hierdie besondere geleentheid, ten bate van welsynsorganisasies in die Skouspel in Sun City. Kaartjies is teen spesiale pryse van tusPaarlvallei. Van die wêreld se mooiste Kersliedere sen R80 en R120 beskikbaar sodat families saam die Kerskonsert kan beleef. asook samesang deur konsertgangers sal Daar is meer as 3 000 veilige parkeerplekbydra tot die atmosfeer. Dit is die eerste keer wat die volle simfonie-orkes in die Paarl sal ke met sekuriteit. Bespreek nou om jou sitplek te verseker. optree. Die dirigent vir die Kersskouspel is Graham Scott, wat bekend is vir sy werk Kontak 021 872 9754 of bespreek aanlyn as dirigent vir die afgelope paar jaar by by www.cultivaria.com. WENNER. Anja Barnard (regs) in graad 10 by Hoërskool La Rochelle, het die eerste plek behaal vir sang in die Broadway-afdeling en is ook aangewys as die algehele wenner van die junior afdeling by die Wynland-talentkompetisie wat gehou is by die Barnyard-teater. Saam met Anja haar is haar sangafrigter, Michelle Brink van die Riana van Wyk Musiekskool in Brackenfell.
Paarl Post
DIE produksie Bye ma, Jaypee, is vandag om 20:00 te sien by die Ou Meul-teater. ’n Ruk ná Ma Grieta op die wit laken gaan lê het, haar siel aan God gegee het en die res van haar “aan mense wat dit nodig het”, het Jaypee in 2002 begin om elke jaar ’n brief aan sy ma op haar verjaarsdag in Die Burger se doodsberigte te plaas: “Vandag is Ma 95. Dankie, Ma, dat Ma my grootgemaak het of ek heeltemal normaal is en nooit “odd” laat voel het nie. Deon Chang sê op ’n Woolworths poster ‘it’s a privilege to be different’. Ek kan my voorstel Ma met vlerke en die spierwit hare. Ek wonder hoe lyk Hansie met vlerke.” (Die Burger; 11 Okt 2004.) Die vertoning is ’n menslike verhaal met lewensgetroue humoristiese momente wat jou sal laat huil van die lag, net om kort daarna weer ’n hartseer traan weg te pik. Dié produksie is gebaseer op ’n ware verhaal, met Chris van Niekerk. Margit Meyer-Rödenbeck is verantwoordelik vir die regie en is mede-vervaardiger, Daleen Kruger skryf die teks en die hoofvervaardiger is Herman Pieters. Kaartjies is R110 en kan bespreek word by Vicky Stemmet by 083 564 0056.
Carols by candlelight at estate THE annual Carols by Candlelight event at Laborie Wine Farm will take place on Friday 9 December at 19:00. Father Christmas will be on hand to entertain the little ones and spoil them with sweets. Well-known musician Derk ‘Fingers’ Blaisse, with the Cape Dutch Connection, will keep visitors entertained with traditional and new Christmas carols as they lay out their blankets and enjoy a picnic basket. The gates will open at 17:00. Entry is R50 (R20 for children
over 12 years). Booking is essential as seating is limited. Picnic hampers, excluded from the ticket price, can be prebooked and cost R250 for adults (for two people sharing) and R75 for children. Although no alcohol will be allowed onto the property, visitors will be able to purchase wines and Laborie MCC at cellar door prices, directly from the farm. For bookings, contact 021 807 3390 or email info@laboriewines.co.za. OGILVY CAPE TOWN 46610/GV/A/2
Bring a blanket and join other music lovers at Kleinevalleij on the Bain’s Kloof Road. Taste the delicious wood-fired pizzas and other treats on the menu while you sample wines from Wellington as well as Jägermeister. Drinks are from a cash bar. Own food and drink, chairs and umbrellas will not be allowed. Tickets (R110) are available at Computicket, Shoprite and Checkers. Children are R70 (babies under 12 months free). For more information, contact info@amado.co.za or phone 083 604 4037.
Steve as boef in Platteland BEKENDES soos Steve Hofmeyr, Lianie May en Bok van Blerk tree op in die nuwe fliek, Platteland, wat van Vrydagaand draai by MiniMax Paarl. In Platteland veg Riana van Niekerk (Lianie May) verbete om haar familieplaas te red van Mike Ferreira (Steve Hofmeyr). Mike is vasbeslote om Riana se plaas af te neem om te pas by sy eie agenda. Wanneer Dirk Pretorius (Bok van Blerk), ’n swerwer met talle geraamtes in die kas,
op die dorp aankom, word talle bande gesmee en blom die liefde in die mees onverwagte plekke. Die rolverdeling sluit ook bekende sangers in. Die vervaardiger van Platteland is Philo Pieterse en die draaiboek is deur Deon Opperman en Sean Else (bekroonde videoregisseur en ook regisseur van die suksesvolle musiekblyspel Ons Vir Jou) geskryf. Sean behartig die regie van Platteland en is die mede-vervaardiger van die rolprent.
Kunsdagboek ) Exhibitions. The Gallery at Grande Provence Heritage Wine Estate, Franschhoek, is proud to host ‘The Unisa Cape Town Final Year Student Exhibition’ until Monday 5 December. ) Nanette Ranger Art Studio will host a Student Exhibition at 19:00 tonight at the Historium Trust, 11 Pastorie Avenue, Paarl (next to Afrikaans Language Museum). The exhibition will run until Saturday. ) An exhibition by Sam Nhlengethwa can be seen at the Is Art Gallery in Franschhoek until 6 December. Proceeds from the sale of his work will be donated to the Isabelo Sharing is Caring feeding scheme. ) Produksies. Die produksie “Hier
Bye ma, Jaypee
Rock concert outside Wellington THE crowd stopping rock band aKing will be performing live on the slopes of Bain’s Kloof outside Wellington on Sunday. Also there to make music from 12:00 noon till 19:00, are rockers Newton from Wellington and Janie Bay from Cape Town, as well as the Stellenbosch Blues band, Basson Laubscher & the Violent Free Peace. All proceeds are in aid of Amado, the Paarl riding centre where horses are used in therapy to heal traumatised and disabled children and steer them back to a healthy and happy childhood.
huil jy net twee keer” is Sondag om 16:00 te sien by die Ou Meul-teater met Dana Snyman en Klopjag wat musiek maak. Dit is die opvolgvertoning van die suksesvolle “Baby, as ek verby ry”. Dié produksie beloof om aan die gehoor ’n woord-en musiekervaring van die hoogste gehalte te bied. Kaartjies is R120 en by Vicky by 083 564 0056.
DIS ONS 5DE VERJAARSDAG en om dit te vier bring ons Die Groot 5 na The Golden Valley Casino. Vanaf Oktober tot Desember kan jy 5 van Suid-Afrika se top sterre ervaar:
Emo Adams - 25 November Zak & Vaatjie - 26 November The X-Tremes - 27 November Lloyd Cele (SA Idols 2010) - 31 Desember N1 Hoofweg, Worcester. Telefoon: 023 348 7200
) Koos Kombuis gaan Vrydag om 20:00 sorg vir heerlike vermaak by die Ou Meul-teater. Kaartjies is R80 en kan bespreek word by Vicky by 083 564 0056. ) Op Saterdag 26 November kom maak Lize Beekman ’n draai by die Bôrdienghuis-teater op Wellington. Besprekings kan gedoen word by Heinrich von Wielligh by 021 864 2574.
Arts · Vermaak
26 . Paarl Post
Kersliedere by kerslig DIE Afrikaanse Taalmuseum bied op Sondag 4 Desember om 19:00 Kersliedere by Kerslig aan met verskeie Drakensteinse kore wat sal optree. Kaartjies is R10 (R5 vir kinders en pensionarisse en gratis vir kinders onder 6). Bring jou eie piekniekmandjie saam of bestel een by die Volksmond Koffiewinkel by 021 863 2800. Vir navrae en kaartjies, skakel 021 872 3441.
Donderdag 24 November 2011
Wen kaartjies na konsert onder sterre KOM kuier môreaand saam tjies te betower, het sy by die Wynvlieg Kelderteauitsonderlike talent hom ter waar Chris Chameleon uitstekende resensies en en Lize Beekman gaan sorg vele toekennings besorg vir lekker musiek onder die oor die afgelope ses jaar. sterre. Kaartjies is R100 en Die teater is geleë op Boland kan bespreek word by Kelder se terrein in Noorder021 862 6190 of koop Paarl. aanlyn by www.ticketLize Beekman se musiek en break.co.za. lirieke het die afgelope paar Die hekke open om jaar vlerke gekry en tuiste ge18:00. Boland Kelder vind in die harte van menige wyne sal te koop wees musiekliefhebbers. (geen ander alkohol word Met jare se ondervinding en op die perseel toegelaat harde werk in die musiekbenie). dryf, is haar fluweelsagte Bring jou eie piekniekstem en besonderse liedere mandjie of bestel een by nou alombekend aan Suid- Chris Chameleon die Wynvlieg KelderteaAfrikaners. ter (R150 per mandjie vir Beekman word opgevolg met die musikatwee kan voorafbespreek word by 021 862 le fenomeen, Chris Chameleon. Hy word nie 619). Onthou jou kombers en warmgoed. net in Suid-Afrika, maar ook oorsee beskou * Twee gelukkige Paarl Post-lesers staan as ’n vernuwende, prolifieke en eindeloos ’n kans om elk ’n dubbelkaartjie te wen deur kreatiewe musikant. die volgende vraag korrek te beantwoord: Met ’n eiesoortige styl, bekoorlike verWatter sangeres tree op by die Wynvlieg hoogpersoonlikheid en ’n reputasie om ge- Kelderteater? Epos jou naam en die anthore met sy vier-oktaafstem en stemtoerwoord na edit@paarlpost.co.za.
Christmas concert THE Frank Pietersen Music Centre presents its annual Christmas Concert on Saturday 3 December at 18:00. Everyone is invited to come and enjoy all the wellknown Christmas tunes on the premises of the centre in Sanddrift Street, Paarl. The youth orchestra will also perform the famous ‘The Prayer’ with the soloists from the singing department and their new jazz department will delight all throughout the evening. Other groups to perform are the brass ensemble, African percussion, wind band, various string and jazz ensembles, the Big Band, children’s choir, youth choir, adult choir and singing ensemble. Tickets cost R30 (R10 for learners). To book, contact the Music Centre on 021 872 2123.
Hout Street Gallery hosts Summer Salon THE Hout Street Gallery in Paarl opens its 36th Summer Salon on Saturday (open day all day from 09:00 top 21:00). The exhibition, which runs until 31 January, features a range of more than thirty South African artists, including paintings, sculptures, ceramics and Carrol Boyes functional art. “We invite guests to join us for strawberries and sparkling wine, or juice for our
Date: 2 December 2011 Time: 19:00 • Cost: R70 Place: Paarl Amphitheatre
OPVOERING. Harry Kalmer se treffer “Vlieger” word vanaand om 20:00 by die Bôrdienghuis-teater op Wellington opgevoer deur Ben Kruger. Kaartjies kos R80 by by Heinrich op 082 812 1112.
Picnic concert with jazz
Refreshments available for sale at the venue
younger visitors, and make it a nice day out for all the family.” The Gallery is open seven days a week, on Monday to Saturday from 08:30 to 17:00 and on Sunday from 10:00 17:00. It is situated at 270 Main Street, Paarl (on the corner of Hout Street and Main Street. For more information, call 021 872 5030 or visit www.houtstreetgallery.co.za for a list of participating artists.
You can also buy your tickets at the following SUPERSPARs: Vineyard, Paarl East, Stellenbosch, Die Boord, Sonstraal, Cape Gate, Kuilsrivier, Aurora, Zevenwacht & Kraaifontein, as well as Wellington SPAR.
For more information about this event, contact Melanie Vink: 021 421 3993
THE annual Nederburg Picnic Concert will take place on Saturday, featuring the Cape Philharmonic Youth Orchestra and the Cape Philharmonic Youth Wind Ensemble performing pop music. There is also an appearance by the Port Elizabeth-based jazz band, MoJazz. They will be playing their own compositions from their album called Mr Baloyi as well as cover versions of George Benson, Johnathan Butler and some standard jazz and afro jazz. The concert will be held on the lawns in front of the Nederburg Manor House starting at 17:00. Gates will open at 15:00. Tickets for the concert are R60 (free for children under 12 years). Patrons can bring their own picnic hampers or pre-order delectable picnic platters at R120 per person and kiddies’ picnics at R50 per child. Patrons are requested not to bring wine, as Nederburg wines and soft drinks will be on sale. Bookings can be made by emailing dmcdonald@distell.co.za or ialbers@distell.co.za or by calling 021 809 8345 or 021 809 8106.
Spier wine farm’s annual Festival of White Lights on Friday evening 9 December at 20:00 includes a dazzling display of light and diverse collection of artistic performances choreographed by Jay Pather. The evening includes journeys across the grounds winding through Spier’s heritage Cape Dutch monuments which boast 21 Gables. It ends at the Spier Hotel with a free glass of 21 Gables Chenin Blanc or 21 Gables Pinotage for adults.
Cost is R120 for adults and R60 for children under 12 years. Book through Computicket by contacting 083 915 8000 or www.computicket.com. Visit www.spier.co.za for more information. wanteddesign.co.za
Pa a
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Book now! 021 870 4600
Sake Eiendomme, Poste, Flinkgids
Thursday 24 November 2011
Sedert 1954 Since
Drakenstein se betonvennoot ( 021 873 1154 • sales@lategans.co.za • www.lategans.co.za
Paarl Post
4 x 2 | fc ADS 24 November
Simonsvlei enjoys strong year, bucking the trend
NEW. The beautiful wine farm Seidelberg on the foothills of Paarl Mountain in Agter Paarl has been resurrected as Spice Route. This is the Swartland wine brand of local wine producer and entrepreneur, Charles Back, who purchased Seidelberg earlier this year. The lavish revamped restaurant on the estate has just opened its doors to the public. There will be many more surprises to be launched on the farm next year. Here are the restaurant staff from left Corné Davids, Sherleen Valentyn, Jacqueline Williams, Patricia Sopho, Phillip Pretorius, Lize Rossouw, Yolandy George, Marcelle Thoma, Tichaona Nyamutumbu, Mary-Ann Vaaltyn, Mary-Ann Adonis, Theodore Kurtz, Pricilla Marareni and Jaques Buys. Pic: Lise Beyers
AGREEMENT. The municipalities of Walvis Bay and Drakenstein have been engaged in an inter-municipal twinning relationship since November last year. The two municipal councils have recognised that there are common interests in developing their two cities and overcoming mutual challenges. Signing a joint statement on behalf of Drakenstein are Dr Lourens du Toit (front left) and Walvis Bay Mayor Derek Klazen. With them are Dr Pravine Naidoo (Drakenstein Municipality), Councillor Anré Koegelenberg of Drakenstein, and Muronga Haingura of Walvis Bay Municipality.
Laborie launches Harvest restaurant in Paarl HARVEST at Lashort spell at the borie, the reTokyo Hilton – all cently launched this in addition restaurant at to owning five of Laborie Wine his own restauFarm in Paarl rants. South, with the “Having estaimposing Paarl blished a name Rock as its backfor myself in drop, offers a Franschhoek, plethora of dethis is my first LET BY US lectable dishes restaurant vencreated by interture outside of nationally acthe area, and claimed consulone I look fortant chef Matward to taking thew Gordon. on with vigour,” During his 26 LET BY US says Matthew. years as a chef, This family Matthew has CHEF. Matthew Gordon is con- friendly restaubuilt up an im- sultant chef of the new restau- rant which seats pressive curri- rant Harvest which has opened a total of 80 culum vitae, he- at Laborie Wine Estate in Paarl. guests inside ading up restau- The restaurant is open seven and a further rant kitchens at days a week, and for dinner on 100 on the beauthe Sandton Wednesday, Thursday, Friday tiful terrace Sun and the and Saturday evenings. which overlooks Mount Nelson the immaculate Hotels, appearing as guest chef vineyards of the wine farm, also in Houston, Texas, and at the Ja- caters for weddings, corporate mes Beard Foundation in New functions and special occasions. York (established by Julia Child Boasting modern contempotocelebrate,nurtureand preserrary décor, the Private Dining ve America’s culinary heritage Room will host smaller, intimate and diversity), as well as doing a groups.
SIMONSVLEI WINES have bucked the volatile currency movements, but we will global economic downturn with a highly continue to drive costs down without sacrisuccessful year both in terms of financificing the good quality of our wines. al and product achievements. “We will maintain our focus on the chanThe Paarl-based winery controls approxnels that offer us opportunities and contiimately 1 200 hectares of prime Boland nue to explore non-traditional export marvineyards and its diverse product portfolio kets,” explains van den Berg. stands at the heart of its successes. The SiVan den Berg reckons sound financial monsvlei wine offering covers all price tiers practices and management also boosted in both the domestic the company’s perforand international marmance. kets. Leading global ac“We meticulously decountancy firm Priceinvested from some vawaterhouseCoopers lue destroying markets commended Simonsvlei and focused on chanfor the high quality of its nels that offered contirecord-keeping and nued opportunities,” current financial reporsaid Francois de Maniting. elle, chairman of the BoThe company’s longard. standing investment in According to Simonsinformation systems, vlei managing director which are continuously Leonard van den Berg, scrutinised and improthe company showed ved based on personnel significant improve- WINE. Leonard van den Berg, MD of Si- recommendations, proments on the bottom li- monsvlei wines, with chairman of the bo- vides a solid platform for ard, Francois de Manielle. ne. best business practices. “Although we cannot In conclusion, van release detailed financial information in the den Berg also acknowledges the input from public domain due to our limited shareholshareholders and board members. ding, we have achieved impressive results “Simonsvlei Landbou Beherend, our larin gross profit, operational profit and yeargest shareholder, provides the lion share of on-year figures. our grape requirements. This stabilises our “The fact that we could accomplish this production planning and contributes to efwithin the current weaker sales environfective long-term planning and quality. ment and relatively strong Rand is definite“ I am convinced that this supply chain ly encouraging. Simonsvlei remains com- management has also been instrumental mitted to its South African base, especially in securing a string of accolades, including its world-class production and bottling a gold Veritas award and the prestigious plant in Paarl.” Mundus Vini Double Gold for our SimonsAlthough expecting a challenging year vlei Paragon SMCV in Germany. ahead, van den Berg is confident that the “The board has to be commended for its company will continue its good performancontinued leadership and foresight in proce. viding a platform for management to build “Sales channels are expected to remain a strong financial environment,” stated van unpredictable and we anticipate relatively den Berg.
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Sake Post Diensgids
Thursday 24 November 2011
WASMASJIENMAN. Ons herstel die volgende: wasmasjiene, stowe, yskaste, mikrogolfoonde, tuimeldroërs en skottelgoedwassers. Skakel Frik 082 682 2432.
Secure-a-door suppliers of
MAGNADOR The stronger one 3 year guarantee Driveway Gates • Gate Automation Intercoms • Electric Locks Garage door Openers Automation Repairs
Tel/Fax: 021-872-4308 Cell: 082-781-2210
Put us to the test 021-853-0272 086 108 6101
GARAGE DOORS & AUTOMATION Contact: 076 523 0306
Henk Agenbag 072 269 9934 021 868 0555 paarlbergsweis@tiscali.co.za
All work guaranteed. Jan 076 919 0596
KC DOMESTIC REPAIRS Repair of electrical goods, fridges, stoves, washing machines, tumble-driers and microwave ovens. PHONE 021 862 6861 / 021 862 8100 ELECTRICAL REPAIRS: Stoves, plugs etc. POOL REPAIRS: Installations, heating. RENOVATIONS: Tiling, Painting. AIRCONS: Factory prices. 083 708 4950. R E PA I R S TO fridges, freezers, coldroom & restaurant equipment. Buy and sell fridges & freezers. Contact Neels 079 5730605
INGEBOUDE KASTE E MOERAT BUILDERS & CABINET MAKERS. Building, tiling, plumbing, carpentry, kitchen & bedroom cupboards etc. Tel/fax: 021 862 4178 Cell: 082 439 9559
021-872-0306/082-651-4930 KARBONAAT-PROSES: Geen stoom, sjampoe of poeier gebruik
* Teël - & Steenskoonmaak en beskerming
van matte asook bekleedsels. Skakel Peter Nordin 021 873 3621 / 073 206 8581.
Kombuise- (3D ontwerp) Slaap-, bad-, studeerkamerkaste Rakke • Dry Walls Shop Fitting Kwaliteit gelamineerde vloere
PAARL VLOERSKUUR DIENSTE Skakel Jaco Geldenhuys 084 493 6696
SKUUR EN BEHANDELING van houtvloere asook bouwerk & verfwerk. Skakel Phillip by 082 261 0770.
by Louis
Kombuis- & slaapkamerkaste Studeerkamerrakke Verandering van bestaande kaste Gelamineerde houtvloere Hang van deure
SKAKEL 082 554 1879
RW HOUTWERKE Ingeboude kaste & kombuisontwerp. Restourasiewerk. Algemene houtwerk. Gratis kwotasie. Regardt 082 847 6333
KATRYNTJIESDRIFT HOUTWERKE Vervaardig; Installering van kombuis; kamerkaste: Maak van Soliede meubels Maak van Sliding Sash + Mock- Sash venster op kliënt se mates. Gratis kwotasies +3D/ ontwerpe. Kontak Marius Fourie: 083 409 7846 Epos: mariushoutwerke@gmail.com
083 654 9318 LOODGIETER LOODGIETERWERK Plumbing en regmaak van dakke @ billike pryse. Werk gewaarborg - 7 dae per week! Skakel Johan 082 672 2949/ 021 872 5979.
MATTE MATSKOONMAAK MASJIEN te huur. Doen dit self en spaar. R250 per dag insl 2l skoonmaakmiddel. Skakel 021 873 6722 of 079 066 6030
J.J. DRY CARPET CLEANING Walk on your carpets in 10 min Upholstery | Couches Persian carpets Blinds & Mattresses Cleaning from R90 per room Car seats | Etc. Premises & Offices MONDAY - SATURDAY For a FREE quotation, call Yolanda on 079 568 7051 jjdrycarpetcleaning@gmail.com
PAARL VLOERDIENSTE vir muur tot muur matte, novilon en viniel teëls en alle tipe blindings. Skakel Billy en Marlene 021-873-4540 of 083-242-4740
BELANGRIK SPERTYD is Dinsdag 14:00. Skakel Zeta 021 870 4609
For all your paving & precast wall requirements (incl. extentions). No deposit required.
PLAVEISEL: 450 x 450 x 40mm Paver R32,53 inkl. Kontak vervaardiger of besoek ons vertoonlokaal Afristone 021 873 5482.
TEL/FAKS 021-872-6610 073-161-3709
ONS spesialiseer ook in vervoer van klein trekke en enkelitems. JC Dreyer Removals. Skakel Jacques 082 453 3344 of jcdreyer@ webmail.co.za
All household plumbing maintenance Electrically powered drain & sewerage cleaning Root removals / storm water drain cleaning Drain /gulley cleaning (40-110 mm) Blocked showers, toilets & basins
Household Furniture Office Furniture Single Items Storage i
082 453 3344
jcdreyer@webmail.co.za WE KEEP YOU MOVING FORWARD
FOURIE-VERVOER van meubels - klein of groot. Landswyd of lokaal. Skakel 082 821 5234 of 021 876 2440.
This is what we have to offer: • Affordable weekly pool maintenance • All pool repairs • Pumps • Filters INCREASE your • Solar panels temp bypool 12ºC • Heat pumps • Solar blanket & covers • Roll-up stations Call us for a quotation! Office 021 863 3885 082 776 1700 Fax 021-863-3886 Email: deependpools@mweb.co.za
Everything for your Swimming Pool/Spa Spares, Repairs & Chemicals, Services & Service Contracts
New geyser installations & maintenance S lar geyser Heat pumps S lar maintenance Geyser wise Renovations
86 Breda Street, Paarl Tel: 021-872-0747 Fax: 021-872-7691 Email:paarlpoolservices @telkomsa.net
Sambo Granite 30mm granite & Engineered tops
Tombstone from R850 Full package from R4 500 + 7 New Designs Incl. installation + vat FACTORY & SHOWROOMS ATHLONE 021 638 0531 BELLVILLE 021 949 6070 nazleya@sambogranite.co.za www.sambogranite.co.za
DURR POOL SERVICES. Repairs on pools, pumps. Pipes, filters etc. Special rates for pensioners and clients whose pools we service. All hours. Contact 084 592 7907.
082 5747 489 FAKS: 021 872 8536
Visit our showroom: 7 Industrial Road Wellington Tel: 021-873-1989 THE ORIGINAL ‘AFRI’
TEËLS: Fabriekswinkel te Wellington. Kontak vervaardiger of besoek ons vertoonlo-kaal. Afristone 021 873 5482.
Coenie 076 286 4440 Susan 071 674 1891 Tiaan 076 894 8108
• Landscaping • Garden design • Estate maintenance • Irrigation • Tree felling & shaping • Site clean ups • Compost R220p/m³ • Garden services For more info please contact 083 306 5310
BESPROEIING Nuwe en herstel 084 300 4275 Jacobus VERVOER
083 708 4950
6 m³ Sand R866,40 6 m³ Klip 19/25 R1 504,80
Tree-felling & Roll-on lawn Garden Services Afsaag van bome, snoei van struike, aanplant van gras, rommelverwydering, skoonmaak van erwe, sny van gras en randte, Alle instandhouding teen die beste pryse. Kontak my gerus vir ‘n gratis kwotasie 082 065 0837
BELANGRIK SPERTYD is Dinsdag 14:00. Skakel Zeta 021 870 4609
Cell: 072 409 1207 email: johnny@plummex.co.za
Plumbing Blocked drains High pressure jetting Pumps Welding Vacuum Suctions of Septil tanks
FREE QUOTES | ALL WORK GUARANTEED Painting Roofing Torch on Waterproofing Industrial Roof clean & coat Minor Renovations Gutters & facias Domestic Carports & pergolas Swimming pools Glass work 083 252 1054 | 078 637 5178 wwt@iafrica.com
Aflewerings vir kleiner hoeveelhede en areas Wellington, Klapmuts, Simondium & Franschhoek ook beskikbaar. Diggers & excavators te huur. Skakel 021 868 2169 Email: info@caplant.co.za
• Rubble removal • Garden refuse • Site clean ups • Compost R220/m³ • 4ton truck
CANTER 3TON TROK met tralies Beskikbaar met of sonder drywer. Kontak: 082 212 6800
For a free quote call 021 863 2788 info@deacons.co.za or www.deacons.co.za
OOK BESKIKBAAR: 13/19 mm klip, filling sand, G4 & G5 basecourse.
For more information please contact 083 306 5310
* CIAL SPE6 380 R Incl. VAT
* Gratis Transito versekering Tot en met R400 000 Stoorplek beskikbaar Vir die vervoer van meubels Kort- en langafstand.
Indoor/Outdoor FLOOR TILES & Pool/Garden PAVERS
per linear meter incl. vat + installation + templates
Anton du Plessis 084 767 5106
Quality Hand Made Tiles & Pavers
from R750 to R1
All areas: Domestic, commercial and industrial
Pool Paving Cladding Sleepers Stepping Stones Cobbles
MARTIN 082 875 1806 or 987 6926
INBOU VAN KASTE, asook verandering van bestaande kaste. Gratis kwotasies. Skakel JP 083 453 2702.
HDM. Huis Verbeterings, Aanbouiings, Loodgieter, Verf, Teëlwerk, Groot of klein. Hugo Dell 071 604 2033
Tel: 021-873-5482
HANDYMAN tot jou beskikking!! Vir alle klein werke: Huis tuin besproeiing, Herstel van krane, Klein verfwerke, Hang van prente, Insit van lamineerde vloere, Vervanging van deurslotte ens. Vir meer inligting, skakel Carel Meyer 083 291 1928
F A C E L I F T F L O O R I N G .
Tel: 021 873 5792 • Johan 083 284 6793
BAILEY'S FLOOR SANDING: Kontak: 021 8621566/083482 2532.
Gratis kwotasies Billike pryse
• Kombuise • Ingeboude kamerkaste • Soliede meubels • Kroeë en meer
Skakel vir S.P. Sel 083 967 3447 Bertus Sel 084 602 9829 Tel: 021 872 7554 (K)
NUTSMAN. Niks te klein… Loodgieter, verfwerk, dakke seël, geute vervang + herstel. Herstel plaveisel. Hannes 082 929 4269
Gratis kwotasies Billike pryse Gewaarborgde werk onder persoonlike toesig
Diefwering • Skuifhekke Traliewerk vir heinings
Paarl Post
Your business is our business. We can help you make a success of your business. Advertise in the Classifieds. Phone Zeta at 021-870-4600 to advertise
Verwydering van tuinvullis Removal of garden refuse Skoonmaak van geute Cleaning of gutters Anja 073 986 3077
Maverick Trading 1207 cc h/a
robbelaar vervoer Tel/faks: 021 873 1551
E-pos: frikkie@ibits.co.za
Vervoer van sand & klip.
6 m Sand - R820 6 m Klip - R1510
Billike pryse!
30 . Paarl Post
Kalahari Ads
Donderdag 24 November 2011
VERVOER VIR VULLISVERWYDERING vervoer van meubels, bakstene, bousand, vrugte, groente. Skakel 078 216 4754. LD VERVOER. Vervoer van: Bourommel, tuinvullis, sandklip, stene, klein trekke. Bennie Benjamin 073 373 6610/ Johan 082 785 5067/ Scholtz 083 631 2946. V E RW Y D E R I N G van rommel en vullis 1-6m³. Algemene vervoer met 8-ton trok. Vir billike pryse en gehalte diens skakel JACQUES 082 579 2998/ 021-872-6029.
Advertisements you can count on! Phone Zeta or Sharon 021 870 4600 to advertise 8 Sterfgevalle Deaths
8 Sterfgevalle Deaths
Advertise in the Classifieds! We bring you the best in: Properties, cars, vacancies and bargains every week.
Phone Zeta or Sharon at 021 870 4600 to advertise 8 Sterfgevalle Deaths
8 Sterfgevalle Deaths Begrafnis van wyle EDNA SAMUELS vind plaas op Saterdag 26 November 2011 om 10:00 by die huis en 11:00 by die VGK kerk.
ROMMEL- & VULLISVERWYDERING: Vervoer van bourommel & tuinvullis. Kontak Louis 083 713 9599.
TJ MOSTERT EN SEUN 021 863 2400 021 86 30123 6m³ SAND..................R855,00 6m³ KLIP 13mm.......R1 653,00 6m³ KLIP 19mm.......R1 653,00 6m³ OPVULGROND..R478,80 Afgelewer in Paarl en BTW ingesluit. Asook aflewerings in Wellington, Klapmuts, Simondium en Franschhoek KLEINER HOEVEELHEDE OOK BESKIKBAAR
NICO MOSTERT 082 413 1216 6m³SAND........................R 6m³ KLIP 13mm........R1 6m³ KLIP 19mm........R1 6m³ OPVULGROND......R
750 450 450 420
Julies: Barend Petrus (Bennie) 29/11/1957 - 20/11/2011
Farao: Alice Jane
Met liefde dink ons aan 'n geliefde vader, broer en vriend wie op Sondag 20/11/2011 sag heengegaan het.
Gebore: 1928/10/26 Oorlede: 2011/11/20
Van Pa, vrou, kinders, broers en susters. Diens by huis: 09:00 Champagnestraat 3, Nederburg Hoogte Diens in kerk: 10:00 Hunter Temple A.M.E. Kerk Begrafnis onderneem deur Neil's Classic Funerals Kontak: 082 398 4928 / 021 862 3805
Doodberig_Julies BP_ Smalls 24 November 2011 10x2
SKAKEL NICO BY 082 925 3680 vir verwydering van tuinvullis of bourommel en lewering van klip ens. Goeie diens gewaarborg. FREE DUMPING SITE: Clean building material and soil only. Phone Louis 082 829 5542.
VIBRACRETE Beste kwaliteit Rib & Block Decking Vibracrete walls
plaas blokadvertensies landwyd in die publikasie van u keuse. GEEN EKSTRA KOSTES. Skakel 021 870 4600
Ons liefste mammie het sag heengegaan en sal met liefde onthou word deur Frans, Levone en kleinkinders Wendell, Granwell & Celeste. Ons gaan vir Granny baie verlang. Begrafnisreëlings: Saterdag 26 November 2011 om 09:00 te Olienhoutlaan 64, New Orleans, Paarl. Kalvyns Protestante Kerk om 10:00. Navrae: 021 862 0541
Doodberig_FaraoA_ In memoriam Smalls In memoriam 24 November 2011 10x2
Reëlings: Gallico en Willy's Begrafnisdienste, Wellington Tel: 021 864 3893 (alle ure) Lid van die NBOV
Doodberig_Zealand_ Smalls 24 November 2011 10x2
Truter: Hilton Mark Born: 07 December 1963 Died: 20 November 2011 We still can't believe you are gone, but God had greater plans in store for you. Your legacy as a father, husband, friend and family member will remain in our hearts forever. Love Ethne, children and family. Funeral service: Saturday 26 November 2011 Home: 09:00 - 25 Wonderboom Avenue, New Orleans Church: 10:00 - Church of the Annunciation, Paarl Funeral arrangements: Willy's/Gallico Funeral Services Tel: 021 862 0948 After Hours: 083 947 6347 Member of N.F.D.A.
10 In memoriam In memoriam
ALEXANDER: ELSA MAGDALENA. 27 Novem ber 2011. Twee jaar weg van ons. Dankie vir die erfenis wat jy nagelaat het. Ons sal daarop voortbou. Boeta en Stanley.
Gebore: 08 April 1933 Oorlede: 18 November 2011 Sag heengegaan in die ouderdom van 78 jaar. Word diep betreur deur sy eggenote, familie en vriende. Begrafnisdiens geskied op Sondag 27 November 2011 te Klaasenstraat 37, Wellington om 12:00, VGK-Bergrivier om 13:00 waarna die stoet sal vertrek na Hillcrest Begraafplaas, Wellington.
DANIELS: MARIA. Sag heengegaan in die ouderdom van 61 jaar. Word diep betreur deur man, kinders en klein kinders. Begrafnis vind plaas: Saterdag 26 November 2011. 09:00 By die huis. 10:00 VGK Huguenot Kerk.
10 In memoriam In memoriam
Zealand: Jacob
Tel/Faks: 021 868 3787 k/u 021 873 3609 n/u 083 459 5989
8 Sterfgevalle Deaths
Fortuin: Katy
CUPIDO: PHILIP. In loving memory of Philip Cupido who died one year ago on 26/11/2010. Your presence is surely missed by us all. Love Joey Cupido & Batts family.
Born: 31/08/1932 Died: 23/11/2003 We know a smile we would love to see, A loving face so dear. We know a hand we would love to hold, A voice we long to hear. We know a heart thoughtful and true, We know them all because we loved you.
Husband Henry, children, grandchildren and Jodi. Doodberig_Fortuin K_ Smalls 24 November 2011 10x2
Rhode: Francis Monica 29/11/11 your 7th birthday away. We still carry you in our hearts and hold the precious memories dearly. Always remembered by Billy, children and grandchildren.
Doodberig_Rhode FM_
DANIELS: VERONIQUE JUSTINE. Sag heengegaan in die ouderdom van 16 jaar. Jou eerste verjaarsdag weg van ons. Ons weet dat jy as 'n engel jou verjaarsdag vier. Jy sal vir ewig in ons harte voortleef. Liefde: Daddie, Mammie, Landi, Megan en Devadine.
DEAR DENVER. On 23/11/11 it's your 5th anniversar y with our Heavenly Father in the perfect paradise. We know that you are at the peak of your health. Thank you for your guidance and protection. Love always, until we meet again... Mummy, Thor, Bonny & family.
Kalahari Ads
Donderdag 24 November 2011 10 In memoriam In memoriam
MEYER: CORNELL ROY. 22/11/2011. Your first birthday away from us. Sadly missed, but not forgotten. From: Daddy, Mommy, Elzaan, Leandri, Kylie & Anam.
Kamers te huur Rooms to let
Woonstelle te huur Flats to rent
Woonstelle te huur Flats to rent
Huise te huur Houses to let
R1 000 R200 000 loans! All welcome, blacklisted and garnishee. Phone Angela: 073 232 8741. Office: 021 829 7233. Fax: 021 945 1948.
BLITZ BOEKHOUDIEN STE: "Vir vinnige, akkurate boekhouding". Kwalifikasie: NQF5 (senior boekhouer). Alle boekhoufunksies, SARS LBS/VAT EMP201 rekonsi liasies, salarisse/wages en nog vele meer @ goeie tariewe. Kontakbare verwysings. Ska kel Duarita vir 'n konsultasie: Tel: 082 591 5789/Epos: wolliedua@gmail.com
SINGLE FLATLET with bathroom. Unfurnished Central Paarl R1500 pm + electricity. Shared garden. 083 395 6211 ASAP.
CENTRAL PAARL: Spacius one bedroom flat, b.i.c.s, offstreet parking. No animals R3 500 p.m + deposit. Electricity excluded. Available immediately. 083 358 6419.
PAARL DENNEBURG: Oumawoonstel. Gemeubi leerd. Beskikbaar 1 Desem ber. Slegs enkelmanspersoon. Privaat ingang, W+E inge sluit. Skakel 082 466 3924.
KOM bly in styl! Vir enkel, professionele persoon. Lieflike, gemeubileerde huis teen Paarlberg, sentraal. Swembad, binne + buite braai, Dstv, bediende, was en stryk, parkering R2 800 tot R3 000 pm. Alles ingesluit. Skakel Paul: 082 334 4473.
NAT H A N : J O H N . 26/11/2011 sal dit Paps se 1ste jaar weg van ons af wees. Die verlange en hartseer is nog daar. Liefde: vrou, kinders, kleinkinders en familie.
21 Geld Money 12 10 CASH LOANS: Lenings tot R200 000. Swart lys welkom. Goedkeuring in 5 min. 021 696 8028.
RINQUEST: JOSLYN (KONING). Op 22/11/2011 een jaar weg van ons. Dankie vir mooi herinneringe. Van broer Mervin, susters en families.
I HEREBY REQUEST that Mr Sondlo contact number (079 893 0968) collect Renault Clio (Vin no: 1BB11CF28029694 Reg no: CJ41567) from Mr N du Plessis at 2 Watt Street within 7 working days of this notice, or the abovementioned vehicle will be sold to defray costs.
SHORT trips as Scholars reliable 1272.
Payout (lump sum only) Same day pay out
Begrafnisondernemers Undertakers
AUBREY SOLOMON Begrafnisondernemer: Hermitagestr, Huguenot. Tel: 021 862 5346. 24uur diens. NACKERDIEN Begrafnis dienste, Fransstraat 7, Paarl. Tel: 021 862 1450.
Start your business in the right way. Phone Zeta or Sharon at 021 870 4600 3700 to advertise
Backmin Sentrum Lady Greystraat (in deurgang tussen Totalsport en Vee’s Video)
LOAN PROVIDERS Setting new Standards of Service
• FAST and EASY cash • SAMEDAY cash payment • EASY repayments (6 months) Dial: 021 872 2114 or visit us @ 387 Main Street, Paarl
LOANS from R1 000 R50 000. 5 Minute approval. Contact Sharon: 083 819 3947.
WELLINGTON: BERG ENDAL. Enkelwoonstel te huur vir enkelpersoon R2 100 pm, + deposito. Koop krag. Onmiddellik beskik baar. Skakel 083 225 4817.
and long distance well as contracts. & employees. For service. 082 741
Book now @ 082 6752 952 or pampurrtan@gmail.c WELLINGTON: Quality accommodation for quality tenants. Students and profes sionals. Secure parking. Swimming pool, TV, unli mited Internet access, resi dent security. Single units R2 200. Doubles R3 000. John: 079 796 4894. WOONSTEL aan huis te huur in stil area. Eie ingang. Ruim kamer, eie badkamer, deel kombuis en swembad R2 500 p.m. Beskikbaar vanaf 1 Januarie 2012. Kontak 083 656 1751.
Kamers te huur Rooms to let
26 Gevind Found
LENINGS!!!!!! R1 000 YOUNG female Jack R100 000. Swartlyskliënte, Russell/Foxie. Wellington. BudgetLoans_275BE garnishees welkom. 5 Min Phone SPCA Wellington: 021 864 3726. preapproval. 7x1 bw Fiona: 082 422 2271.
Smalls 4 feb
WELLINGTON: 2 Slpk. woonstel in De Fonteine sekuriteitskompleks te Bo land Kollegekampus. Beskik baar vanaf 1 Jan 2012 teen R4 180 pm. Onderdakparkeer plek ingesluit. Kontak 082 341 4909.
ABSOLUUT SENTRAAL: Stylvol, in Wellington. Ruim, netjiese kamers vir jong werkendes/studente, moderne geriewe, fantastiese waarde. Vanaf R1 400 tot R2 000. 082 970 1245.
LEILANI HEIGHTS: SentraalPaarl. Moderne, oopplan 2slpk woonstel. I.G.K. Beskikbaar 1 Des 2011 R4 400 pm. Maretha: 079 306 4242.
BACHELOR ROOMS @ 248 Main St, Paarl on 1st floor with own entrance, shower & toilet. Small R1 700 & larger R1 950 pm. Tel: 072 288 3497.
NOORDERPAARL: Een manwoonstel vir enkelper soon. Gemeubileerd + motor huis R2 200 p.m. + dep. Beskikbaar vanaf 1 Januarie 2012. Kontak 074 812 8090.
GEMEUBILEERDE KAMER in stil area vir professionele enkelpersoon. Vanaf 1 Jan 2012. 021 872 7626/076 673 3805.
WOONSTELLE te huur in Wellington. Bachelors, een en twee slaapkamers, in seker heidskompleks. Vanaf R2 200 p.m. Skakel 021 862 6363.
50 Huise te huur Houses to let BOSCHENMEER huis: Groot, moderne 4 slpk. huis, 4½ badk, 3 motorhuise, oop plan, 2 leefareas. Beskikbaar vanaf 1 Des R24 000. Skakel Louise by 072 105 2680.
ROOMS TO LET: Rental from R1 200 pm. Prime BACHELOR FLAT: Central Spesiale dienste position in Main Street, Paarl, R2 100 + dep. W+E incl. Special services opposite Mc Donalds. Available 1 December. Call Contact Pat:pampurrtan@gmail.com 021 447 3665. 083 652 3296. Book now @ 082 6752 952 or ALTERATIONS: Qualified dressmaker and designer. Garments designed just for 40 40 you. Julian Wang. Wellington 076 169 3175. Te huur algemeen Te huur algemeen To let general To let general BETROUBARE vroueau pair beskikbaar vir Desember en Januarie. 6 Jaar ervaring Jumping Castles oorsee. Kontak 084 204 2038.
Phone Zeta or Sharon
Full-day or half-day rentals Wide variety of jumping castles & slides available
4 reasons why you must advertise in the CLASSIFIEDS - Fast - Effective - Affordable - Good results
& Slides for Hire!
Vir enige navrae kontak Erech by 083 461 7912 of Carrin by 083 241 1817. E-pos: rooscarrin@yahoo.com Website: www.jumpingtods.yolasite.com
QUAINT cottage on large property in First Avenue. Secure, off street parking and private entrance. Semi furnished with kitchenette. Single professionals only R3 200 p.m. W+E included. Phone 082 801 6079.
021 870 4600
Regular advertising in the Classifieds will always be noticed! Phone Zeta at 021 870 4600 to advertise
NUWE drieslpk. huis in Boschenmeer. Beskikbaar middel Desember teen R14 000 p.m. Kontak Corlia: 083 442 5235.
WELLINGTON: 2Slpk. woonstel. Volle badk. I.g.k., stoof, oond. Beskikbaar onmiddellik of 1 Desember R3 800 p.m. Kontak Marius: 082 375 4767.
ABOUT STORAGE at affordable price units at R590 p/m. Short or long term. Call: 074 110 3974.
Die professionele leningskantoor waar u volkome privaatheid en vriendelikheid geniet.
RUIM noordfront 1½slpk. w/s plus motorhuis te huur by Monte Rosa @ R3 400 p.m. + dep. Beskikbaar vanaf 1 Desember 2011. Tel: 083 467 9497/021 864 3043.
WELLINGTON: 1Slpk. woonstel naby ouetehuis. Slegs senior persone. Goeie sekuriteit. Beskikbaar vanaf 1 Desember 2011 teen R2380p.m. Skakel Marlene by Duvenage & De Villiers. 021 873 3140.
Te huur algemeen To let general
PAARL (DENNESIG) 1Slpk woonstel vir R2700. Kontak Jackie 084 514 5979.
SUIDERPAARL: Ruim 2slpk, i.g.k. en matte. Veilige parkering. Geen troeteldiere R3 400 pm. Beskikbaar 1 Des 2011. 1SLPK SKAKEL HUIS met veilige onderdak parkering. Beskikbaar 1 Jan 2012 R3 000 pm. Skakel 021 863 2346.
021 949 0930
SUIDERPAARL: Queen's Terrace. 2Slpk.w/s, 1½ badk, i.g.k, stoof, oond. Beskikbaar 1 Desember R4 200 p.m. Kontak Marius: 082 375 4767.
OP SOEK na Au Pair werk vanaf 10/01/2012. Het eie motor. Kontak Anika: 084 822 1753.
SUSIE BOOYSEN (née Snell). 'n Ma en ouma duisend. Op 22 Nov het sy haar eerste verjaarsdag in die hemel gevier. Die vermisting is groot, maar die mooi herinneringe bring vertroos ting. Ons gun haar die rus. Appollis & Booysen families.
1 BEDROOM flat in quiet area in Wellington. Separate entrance and own driveway. Bathroom with shower, basin and toilet. Builtin cupboards with extra packing space. Available 1 November 2011 R2 400 p.m. (water included). Responsible for own pre paid electricity. Please contact Dawie on 073 160 8826.
COSY bachelor's cottage on lovely wine farm. Private entrance/patio/braai from R2 450. 021 862 1484/082 966 8932.
2SLPK. W/S met moderne badk. I.G.K., kombuis. Prag tige uitsig oor Paarlvallei en berge R3 500 pm. Onmid dellik beskikbaar. Abat toirstraat 62, Charleston Hill, PaarlOos; 1SLPK, badk, kombuis. Beskikbaar vanaf 1 Des R2 700 pm. Parkering vir 1 motor, geen honde, W&E uitgesluit. Dep + 1 maand huur vooruitbetaal baar. 082 896 6957 tussen 09:00 21:00 of faks 021 696 8790.
Verlore Lost
while waiting for
RUITERS: KEVIN. Gebore: 25/11/1969. Oorlede: 27/04/2011. 25 November jou eerste verjaarsdag weg van ons. Die vermisting is nog groot. Mis jou baie. Marie en gesin.
Woonstelle te huur Flats to rent
2 EENMANWOONSTEL LE: BergenDal, Welling ton. Beskikbaar 1 Desember. Kontak 083 259 6345.
AFFORDABLE LOAN for Christmas. Up to R15 000. No ITC checks. Blacklisted & garnishee welcome. Same day approval. Contact: 021 870 1357 / 021 864 2025 or send pls call me to: 073 761 9862. You don't have to come to us, we will come to you!
1SLPK. WOONSTEL in Wellington met swembad en waskamer. Baie veilig, 400 m van kampus R2 700 p.m. Skakel Sandra: 084 664 3743.
Kennisgewings Notices KO R A B I E : S O P H I A MARIE RACHAEL. 23 November 2011. Happy 75th birthday!!! With lots of love. From your children & grand children.
Spesiale dienste Special services
JARDINE: MALCOLM. Happy 80th birthday on 22/11/2011. We love you! God bless!
Geld Money
Gelukwensings Congratulations
Paarl Post
zeta.truter@ paarlpost.co.za
021 870 4600 7x1Flink
Kalahari Ads
32 . Paarl Post 50 Huise te huur Houses to let
Diere te koop Animals for sale
Betrekkings Vacancies
OFFICES TO LET: Prime position in Main Street, Paarl, opposite Mc Donalds. Rental from R1 500 pm. Contact Pat: 021 447 3665.
BABAKATJIES: Wollerig, 1 x swart en 1 x swart/wit. Gratis!! 8 weke oud. 083 412 3391.
KYMCO BROMPONIE, 97 model te koop. Lae km. Maak 'n aanbod! 082 947 8308.
GOLDEN & swart Labradors te koop @ R1 200. Gereed teen 18/11 en sal ingeënt en ontwurm wees. Kontak 084 504 0301/079 894 1725.
TE HUUR 43 m², 50 m², 52 m², 120 m² (7 kantore) met instapkluis), 126 m². Sentraal geleë, Hoofstraat, Paarl, langs McDonalds hamburgers.
58 Te koop gevra Wanted to buy general KASREGISTER: Indien oorbodig, te ruil vir kontant. Kontak 078 087 8879.
74 Erwe te koop Stands for sale DENNEBURG MEWS Paarl: Erwe te koop in sekuriteitskompleks vanaf R350 000. Kontak 021 872 9649/Zara 084 587 8210/ Fatimah 083 682 8307/Fara 082 400 0555/Nuru 083 665 1530 /Zaida 084 678 6751/ Zahra 084 821 5003.
082 880 1470 SHOPS to let in Central Paarl. From R42 per m². Tel: 072 171 8228.
SPASIE TE HUUR Suider Paarl. Kantore R40/m². Fabriek R25/m². Stoor R20/m². 082 801 6172.
Huise te koop Houses for sale
59 Motortoebehore Motor sundries CANOPY with rubber mat for Isuzu LWB R2 500 (o.n.c.o). Tel: 072 768 1606.
60 Voertuie te koop Vehicles for sale TOWNHOUSE in Boschen meer beskikbaar vanaf 1 Feb 2012. 3Slpk met 2½ badk R7 800 pm. Hondvriendelik. Skakel Louise by 072 105 2680.
54 Persele te huur Premises to let 124/m² KANTORE @ R68,40/m² p.m. (2 x onder dakparkering), 1ste vl, Lady Greystr. 98/m² Winkel of banksaal of koffiewinkel @ R114/m² op Lady Greystr. Beide persele in die Towers gebou, Paarl. Kontak M Mostert 021 981 6030 (epos: mostert@tripm.co.za) CBD: Ottowa Str, Renovated 125 m². North facing. 4 Large rooms; offices/shops/ place of instruction? Large reception room + office. Kitchen + bathroom. Rent: (R65 per m²) negotiable. Phone to discuss. 082 577 0635.
56 Te koop algemeen For sale general
COMPUTER INK We refill your printer cartridges from R20 - R110, black and colour, while you wait. WE SELL: Refilled, new and compatible Ink Jet and Laser cartridges. WE BUY EMPTY cartridges R5 - R40.
PHONE GERD Tel: 863-3951/ 082-7744-098.
ARE you blacklisted, and cannot obtain vehicle finance? We can help! Our sourcing success rate is 100%. Contact Trikkie: johannaptrs@gmail.com or 081 560 4744. CITI GOLF 1.3, 1999. Red, 5 speed, interior neat. Excellent running condition, 120 000 km R29 995 (ladies' car). 072 626 7260. FORD FIESTA 1.6 SPORT, 2004. White, full house, interior neat. Excellent run ning condition, 133 000 km R64 995. 072 626 7260.
DENNEBURG MEWS Paarl. 16 Enkeltitel woon huise met moderne afwerk ing. Beskikbaar in kompleks. Vanaf R699000 kostes ingesluit. Erwe ook beskik baar vanaf R350 000. Kontak 021 872 9649, Zara 084 587 8210, Fatimah 083 682 8307, Fara 082 400 0555, Nuru 083 665 1530, Zaida 084 678 6751, Zahra 084 821 5003. MARGIE: 082 586 2649: R685 000 Hillcrest, Wellington. Ruim familiehuis met moderne kombuis. R520 000 Van Wyksvlei: Netjiese 3slpk huis, 'n moet om te sien! WALTER: 082 922 4848: 3Slpk in Ranzadale, 2 leefareas, enkelm/h R765 000, 5 Slpk met 2 woonstelle, groot erf met eie water. Baie sentraal R1,9m; 2SLPK HUIS in goeie str, ou wêreldse sjarme R700 000; 3SLPK met 2 badk, dmh met pragtige uitsig en swembad R1,55 m. MEENTHUIS BARBA ROSSASTR, Huguenot. 3 Slpks, eetkamer, kombuis, sitkamer, motorhuis & klein tuintjie. Rustige area R650 000. 083 265 2094/021 862 1049.
MERCEDES 2002 C220 CDI. Silwer, handrat, 164 000 km. Perfekte toestand, volle geskiedenis, 1 eienaar R95 000 (o.n.k.a) Shiloh: 082 459 4112.
MERCEDES C250, 2000 model. Turbodiesel, outo, wit. Uitmuntende toestand, 155 000 km. Volle geskiedenis R75 000 Computerink_212AF (o.n.k.a) Deon: 082 413 7956.
tot die beste medisyne.
Produkte vir die hele gesin! Geskenk- en toetspakke ook beskikbaar.
Kontak Elsabé Strauss (sel) 082 850 3736 AQUA CRAFT SKIBOOT: 3,8 meter, te koop, voetstoots. Mercury 50 horse power 4silinder outboard enjin. Maak 'n aanbod! Skakel 082 435 4050 vir besigtiging. BAKKIETRALIES te koop. Nuut, gegalvaniseer. 235 x 153 x 59 R2 500 (o.n.k.a). Kontak 021 872 2719. GARAGEVERKOPING: Datum: 26 November 2011 (09:00 13:00). Kortstraat 1, Paarl. Tel. 076 040 8180. Pragtige embuia en ander gerestoureerde meubels, sowel as ander items. HOUTGERUS WENDYS Boland en Kaapstad. Eerlikheid, kwaliteit en diens is ons leuse. 083 236 8073.
FARMWORKER REQUI RED for stables in Dal Josa phat. Must have references. Apply at Evergreen Stables, opposite De Hoop Steenwerke or call 082 785 5868. FRANSCHHOEK: Sekre taresse benodig. Halfdag pos. Moet Excelvaardig wees. 082 468 1802. LOOKING for chefs and front of house staff, waitrons for restaurant in Simondium. Please fax CV to 086 546 3053. PEOPLE needed to work own hours with/without computer. Sms name, address & number to 079 921 3386.
62 Voertuie te koop gevra Vehicles wanted
Woonstelle te koop Flats for sale
Wie was hy? DIE polisie op Franschhoek is steeds op soek na inligting wat sal kan lei tot die identifisering van ’n oorledene wie se beendere verlede jaar op 15 November gevind is op die plaas Two Rivers buite Franschhoek. Volgens DNA-toetse was die oorledene ’n man wat ongeveer 55 jaar oud en 1,73 meter lank. Enigeen wat ’n persoon vermis kan vir konst Sibosiso Phitsana skakel by Franschhoek polisie by 021 876 8060.
84 Betrekkings gevra Situations wanted ANY general work needed. 078 837 4827. BETROUBARE kinderop passer vanaf Januarie 2012. Kinders baie goed geleer. Eerlik. Ons tweeling begin skool. Denise Louw: 076 898 2320. CHAR work needed. Phone 073 710 4650. DAME 67 jaar soek werk as huishoudster/geselskap by privaat woning of kos huis/ ouetehuis met in woning. Nie rook/drink. 082 437 4953/028 271 5541. DOMESTIC work needed. Tel: 079 057 2857. DOMESTIC work needed. Tel: 071 745 7288.
DOMESTIC worker with exp needs a job. 071 166 3752.
EXPERIENCED domestic worker. Tel: 073 684 3687.
’n BERUGTE dief is verlede week tot ’n swaar straf gevonnis in die Paarl Landdroshof, Alfredo Lourens (22) is skuldig bevind aan twee sake van roof en is tot 22 jaar gevangenisstraf gevonnis. Hy het ’n verdere straf van 8 jaar ontvang vir huisbraak en diefstal.
EXPERIENCED domestic worker (have contactable ref). 079 424 7579.
Emergency number
GENERAL work needed. Tel: 073 161 9038.
THE public of Mbekweni is reminded that in the case of emergency, or any police related matters, to please call 021 868 9901.
Huise te koop gevra Houses wanted for sale
MONICA is avail for 2 days. Contactable ref. 073 657 4029.
SOEK dringend huis te koop in Groenheuwel. ± R350 000. Skakel Ilza: 078 104 0029.
ZIMBABWEAN woman needs domestic work. 083 666 7677.
For the best service in real estate! WELLINGTON SECURED COMPLEX - R630 000 Student accommodation For investors or just to get into the property market!! Student rental income p.m. 3 Bedroom flat with open plan living area, bathroom & parking bay.
CALL MELANIE @ 082 781 6756
DAGGA. Paarl police require the assistance of the public regarding the whereabouts of Richard Adams who is wanted in connection with possession of dagga. A warrant of arrest has been issued. Contact Const Charleen Fortuin on 083 574 5665.
Lank tronk toe
MAVIS is looking for work any number of days. Tel: 072 423 3481.
GESTEEL. Twee goue trouringe waarvan een langwerpige blou saffiere op het, het onlangs vermis geraak vanuit ’n woonstel in Fairviewstraat, Denneburg. ’n Beloning word aangebied vir inligting wat sal lei tot die terugvind van die ringe. Skakel konst Levona Davids op 021 807 4026.
DOMESTIC WORKER needs a job urgently pls. 071 715 9277.
DOMESTIC worker needs 2/3 working days please. 076 164 1789.
VW JETTA 2 CSL 1.6, 5spoed. Goeie toestand binne en buite. Oorspronklik, met towbar. In daaglikse gebruik. Baie betroubaar R17 000. 084 470 6054.
WENNER. Die Simonse van die Paarl was een van die tent-wenners in die Pasadena Spur, Paarl, se inkleurkompetisie wat onlangs aangebied is. Hier is Leonida Simonse by haar kunstige kinders, Rowen en Erin. Foto: Sieb Sieberhagen
AKF ALUMINIUM is op Aandag_21427 soek na 'n persoon met ondervindsing in die instal 8x1 lering of fc vervaardiging van aluminiumvensters en deure. Smalls Ook op soek na iemand wat glas sny. Kontak An 17kansep dries: 083 566 4079.
POLO CLASSIC 1.4i, 2000. White R30 000. Contact 076 864 4872.
EK soek motors en bakkies om aan te koop vir kontant. Skakel 083 630 4737.
Betrekkings Vacancies
Paarl Post lesers moet asb. alle finansiële advertensies, deeltydse werk, geldmaakskemas en besigheidsgeleenthede behoorlik ondersoek voordat 'n besigheidstransaksie aangegaan word. Dieselfde geld waar van die lesers vereis word om 'n deposito in 'n adverteerder se rekening in te betaal. Dit bly die verantwoordelikheid van die koper of verbruiker om die aanbod en die betroubaarheid van die adverteerder met wie hulle sake doen behoorlik te ondersoek.
RETAIL DEMON STRATION CHEF needed fulltime, day hours, from R5.5K per month. Must have culinary dip and be very friendly. Start 1 Dec or asap. CV's: lindsay@source management. co.za
Behind ‘Oak Tree Lodge’. 32 Main Street, Suider Paarl opposite KWV h/office.
6x1 | bw smalls Aalwynprodukte 17Vansep skoonheidsmiddels
KANTOORSPASIE: Hoof straat, SentraalNoord. Sig baar, maklike parkering. Baie stylvol, 85m² R3 800. Professionele gebruik. 082 577 4211.
Motorfietse te koop Motorcycles for sale
Persele te huur Premises to let
Donderdag 24 November 2011
Reach thousands of potential customers every week in the Classifieds To advertise contact Zeta or Sharon at 021 870 4600
KEY. This key was found abandoned in a vineyard at Lanquedoc farm in Paarl. Anyone with information can contact const Craig Truter at 021 807 4060.
Thursday 24 November 2011
Hande in die
hare? Besigheid stil?
Paarl Post doen met graagte ’n promosie oor u maatskappy. Skakel 021 870 4600 Petite Preprimêre Skool Pniel
Paarl Post
Skoolhoofbetrekking: Aansoeke word ingewag vir 'n skoolhoof met Christelike, liefdevolle, eerbare eienskappe om bogenoemde skool te administreer tot hoër standaarde. Kriteria: • Vlak 4/5 ECD met ongeveer 3 jaar ondervinding as skoolhoof • Rekenaarvaardigheid 'n vereiste • Taal van onderrig: Afrikaans en Engels • Ouderdom: 35-45 jr oud • Funksiekoördinering 'n groot vereiste
Manager needed for Sports Betting Establishment.
Good knowledge of sport and experience in betting will be an advantage.
Die volgende dokumente moet u aansoek vergesel: • Aansoekbrief • CV • Twee getuigskrifte (van vorige werk) • Twee referente (een van vorige/huidige werkgewer) • Bewys/e van kwalifikasie/s
Fax CV to 021 873 6236
Rig aansoek aan: Die Voorsitter, Petite Preprimêr, Posbus 73, Pniel, 7681 GEEN FAKSE Sluitingsdatum: 2 Desember 2011 Aanvangsdatum: 1 Januarie 2012
SportManager_ Accounting officer: VAK Medium business is looking for a 24 Novcandidate 2011 -tow48 suitable perform its accounting functions. 5x2 | SW
Responsibilities include: - Filing - Accounting to TB (on Pastel accounting) - Submitting VAT and EMP201 returns on e-filing - Corresponding with auditors. The suitable candidate will need to be experienced on Pastel accounting and Excel.
bookings Experience: • Costing of quotes • Computer literate • Knowledge of motor vehicle body parts NB: Panel-beating & workshop foreman experience will be seen as a bonus for the above.
PANELBEATERS • Only qualified / gekwalifiseerde ambagsmanne These positions can be kept open for the successful applicant (6 - 8 weeks) E-mail short CV to: sentrabak@telkomsa.net or fax 022 487 2504. Contact Mrs Odendaal: 082 666 1800 SentraalBakwerkeNorSA Community Care 7x2 bw
Administratiewe en Finansiële Beampte
Vereistes: 24nov • Matriek vak • 5 Jaar toepaslike ondervinding • Bestuurslisensie • Goeie menseverhoudinge en vermoë om te "multitask” • Passie vir gemeenskapswerk • Rekenaarvaardig: spesifiek Excel en Access • Pastel • Tweetalig (Engels/Afrikaans) • Geen kriminele rekord Hierdie is 'n veelsydige pos met die fokus op administratiewe en finansiële take. Die suksesvolle kandidaat moet egter ook oor die vermoë beskik om veelsydig, onafhanklik en onder druk te funksioneer en moet beskik oor goeie menseverhoudinge en organisatoriese vermoëns. Sluitingsdatum: 30 November 2011. Faks u CV na 021 873 6127 of e-pos na norsa3@procare.co.za Navrae: Marietjie Snyman. 082 879 7645 / 021 873 5636 Indien u nie teen 9 Desember 2011 gekontak is nie, kan u aanvaar dat u aansoek onsuksesvol was.
Petite Preprimêre Skool Aansoeke word ingewag vir 'n
Skoolhoof met Christelike, liefdevolle, eerbare eienskappe om bg. skool te administreer tot hoër standaarde. Kriteria: Vlak 4/5 ECD met 3 jaar ondervinding as skoolhoof, rekenaarvaardig, Afrikaans- en Engelssprekend, 35-45 jr oud, funksiekoördinering sal tot jou voordeel strek. Volledige CV met gewaarmerkte afskrifte van kwalifikasies en sertifikate. Geen fakse asb. Rig aansoek: Die Voorsitter, Petite Preprimêr, Posbus 73, Pniel, 7681 Sluitingsdatum: 2 Desember 2011 Aanvangsdatum: 1 Januarie 2012
Aansoeke word ingewag vir die volgende betrekking. Vereistes: • Bewese kwalifikasie en ondervinding • Minimum graad 12 • Motorbestuurderslisensie • Uitstaande vaardighede in interpersoonlike verhoudings met kinders, ouers en kollegas Aanbevelings: • Rekenaarvaardigheid • Twee gewaarmerkte getuigskrifte
Please fax CV to 0866 728 139 PamGolding_ SENTRAAL BAKWERKE 7x2 | BW (MALMESBURY) 2 X VACANCIES / POSTE Vak ESTIMATOR Nov - W48 •27 Quotes / Kwotasies • Control vehicle • Repairs &
Sluitingsdatum: 1 Desember 2011 Diensaanvaarding: Januarie 2012 Stuur aansoeke aan: Die Voorsitter, ACVV N-Paarl, Gimnasiumstraat 5, Paarl, 7646 Faks: 021 872 0865 E-pos: admin@acvvnp.org.za ACVVtrompie-
P10rxo2 k u r e u r s
In the matter between: WILFRED M JACOBSON Plaintiff and LEON VERWEY Defendant In pursuance of a judgement in the Magistrate’s Court of Paarl and writ of execution dated 10.03.11, the goods listed hereunder will be sold in execution to the highest bidder at 40 Du Toit Street, Paarl on 14 December 2011 at 10:00 namely: 1 x White BMW motor vehicle 530D with registration number CJ 49799. Dated at Paarl on 18 NOVEMBER 2011. Attorneys for Plaintiff MINITZERS 2nd Floor, Arcade House 43 Lady Grey Street, Paarl Tel: 021 871 1224 Ref: SL/019055/63515
BETREKKINGS VACANCIES STOORMAN PAARL Die pos behels: - Maandelikse voorraadopname - Bestellings - Kliëntediens - Algemene administrasie Aansoekers moet aan die volgende vereistes voldoen: - Graad 12 - Betroubaar - Vorige toepaslike ondervinding - Fisies gesond en sterk - Goeie verwysings - Kode 08 bestuurderslisensie. Salaris: R4 000 per maand. Stuur 'n kort CV na anneke@annekestrauss.co.za voor Dinsdag 29 November 2011.
Stoorman_ 5x2STAFVERPLEEGKUNDIGE/ | FC VAK STAFF NURSE 24 Nov 2011 Luthando Frail Care Centre 2 Joepat Street, New Orleans Registered at Nursing Council Between ages: 20 - 50 yrs Fax CV to: 021 862 7226 or e-mail: luthandofrailcc@telkomsa.net
Luthando_ 5x2 | SW Vak 24 November 2011
Interested candidates should apply by sending their CV, copy of ID and supporting documentation to the HR Officer on fax 021 870 2513 or e-mail recruitments@saft.co.za or deliver at SAFT, Oosbosch Street, Dal Josaphat, Paarl. Please indicate for which position you have applied for. Expiry date: Tuesday 29 November 2011
10 x 2 fc
GROENHEUWEL PRIMÊR BEHEERLIGGAAMPOS Posnommer 1 Grondslagfase (Graad 1) Medium: Afrikaans Tydperk: 01 Januarie 2012 - 31 Desember 2012 Vereistes: Relevante tersiêre kwalifikasie. Deeglike kennis van alle leerareas en assessering in Grondslagfase asook inisiatief om gesyferdheid en geletterdheid te verbeter. Goeie kommunikasievaardighede en interpersoonlike verhoudinge. Deeglike kennis van NKV. Goeie klaskamerbestuursvaardighede en rekenaarvaardighede. Betrokkenheid by buitemuurse aktiwiteite, kokurrikulêre aktiwiteite en fondsinsamelingsprojekte. Sluitingsdatum: Dinsdag 29 November 2011 Rig u aansoek (ingesluit volledige CV en gewaarmerkte afskrifte van kwalifikasies) aan: Die Prinsipaal, Groenheuwel Primêr, Simfonielaan, Groenheuwel, Paarl, 7646 / Tel: 021 868 1802 / Faks: 021 868 1680 E-pos: admin@groenh.wcape.school.za School Governing Body (SGB) Post Post Number 2 Foundation Phase (Grade 1) Language: Xhosa Period: 01 January 2012 - 31 December 2012 Requirements: Candidate must have a suitable Foundation Phase qualification. Thorough knowledge of all learning areas and assessment in Foundation Phase, as well as the initiative to improve numeracy and literacy. Good communication skills and interpersonal relationships. Good classroom management skills. Involvement in sport, culture and fundraising, willingness to work after hours. Closing date: Tuesday 29 November 2011 Submit applications (including CV and certified copies of qualifications) to: The Principal, Groenheuwel Primary, Symphony Avenue, Groenheuwel, Paarl, 7646 / Tel: 021 868 1802 Fax: 021 868 1680 / E-mail: admin@groenh.wcape.school.za
GroenheuwelPrimer_ JUNIOR 10x2 | BW SEKURITEITSBEAMPTE Vak 24 Nov 2010PAARL
Die suksesvolle persoon sal verantwoordelik wees vir alle sekuriteit op die plaas en sorg dat alle reëls in dié verband deur werknemers en besoekers nagekom sal word. VEREISTES: Goeie menseverhoudinge, goeie kommunikasievermoë in Engels en Afrikaans en 'n netjiese voorkoms sal ’n vereiste wees ten einde te kan kwalifiseer as die geskikte kandidaat. Hierdie pos is geskik vir persone met ’n C en laer graad kwalifikasie en ondervinding. Barinda Viljoen ontvang alle vertroulike CV's by barinda@wewilldoit.co.za Navrae: 021 873 3374 Sluitingsdatum: 1 Des 2011 As jy nie binne 14 dae van plasing van ons gehoor het nie, aanvaar dat jou aansoek onsuksesvol was.
TENDER: T 2012/001
WellDoIt Sekuriteitsbeampte_ Vak 24 Nov 2011 Company name: 11x2 | SW USAAA CALF GROWERS CO-OPERATIVE
24nov Ons is 'n toonaangewende abattoir met verwante vak aangeleenthede in die vleisbedryf wat diensbillikheid onderskryf. Ons beskik tans oor die volgende uitdagende werksgeleentheid by ons hoofkantoor geleë op die R44 tussen Wellington en Tulbagh in die Boland.
Postal address: AGRI MEGA OFFICES, SWELLENDAM ROAD, BREDASDORP/ PO BOX 158, BREDASDORP, 7280 Any enquiries regarding the bidding procedure may be directed to: AGRI MEGA OFFICES, BREDASDORP. DAIRY PROJECT CO-ORDINATOR MS L. STROEBEL OR MS C. ENGEL AT 028 424 2890 / FAX: 028 425 3788
Minimum vereistes • Toepaslike graad in Rekeningkunde • 5 Jaar toepaslike ondervinding • Kennis van MS Office (Excel op gevorderde vlak) • Goeie kennis van Finansiële Rekeningkunde (GAAP) en Belasting • Ondervinding van begrotings, voltooiing en indiening van statutêre opgawes, bestuursrekeninge, oudits en voorbereiding van jaarlikse finansiële state • Ondervinding van bestuur van 'n werkspan en goeie interpersoonlike verhoudings • Vermoë om onder druk te funksioneer, 'n wye verskeidenheid van take gelyktydig te hanteer sowel as om streng doelwitdatums te haal Bykomende vereistes sal tot u voordeel wees • Voltooide klerkskap • Blootstelling in bogenoemde bedryf • Ondervinding van onderhandelinge met banke en ander diensinstellings • Blootstelling aan die Abaserve rekenaarstelsel Sluitingsdatum: 30 November 2011 Adres: Arlington Place 2, La Rochelleweg 24A, Everglen, Durbanville, 7550 Faksnr: 021 975 0093 E-posadres: jf@jfbc.co.za Kontakpersoon: Mnr J F Burger Indien ons u teen 12 Desember 2011 nie gekontak het nie, beskou dan asseblief u aansoek as onsuksesvol.
TENDER: T 2012/002 T 2012/010 Tenders are hereby invited from suitably qualified service providers for the following services: T 2012/002 T 2012/003 T 2012/004 T 2012/005 T 2012/006 T 2012/007 T 2012/008 T 2012/009
Supply & delivery of single calf hutches for the period 1 January 2012 to 30 December 2013 Supply & delivery of calf milk powder to produce 240 000 litres of calf milk for the period 1 January 2012 to 30 December 2013 Supply & delivery of calf rearing pellets for the period 1 January 2012 to 30 December 2013 Supply of medicine and equipment required when rearing calves for the period 1 January 2012 to 30 December 2013 Supply of calf rearing equipment and consumables for the period 1 January 2012 to 30 December 2013 Supply of solar systems to supply 240 litres warm water per day for the period 1 January 2012 to 30 December 2013 Supply of fencing material namely: 400 m x 1,2 m and 100 m x 1,6 m fencing, droppers, corner posts and gates for the period 1 January 2012 to 30 December 2013 Supply of Wendy houses, for the period 1 January 2012 to 30 December 2013
Due date for tenders: 15 December 2011. Date of delivery for all products and/or services: 1 February 2012. Tender details are available from the Agri Mega Offices during office hours (Monday to Friday 08:00 to 17:00) Tenders will be evaluated by the USAAA Calf Growers Co-operative's board in terms of their prescribed criteria. Prices must include VAT. The Co-operative reserves the right to accept any tender or part thereof and to review price increases of any of the commodities, purchase of those commodities from a particular bidder and decide on the task of awarding the tender. After delivery service of input suppliers will be valued highly.
Amp87-Jacobson15 x 1
Ons kliënt, wat net buitekant die Paarl 'n historiese plaas besit, benodig die dienste van ’n junior gekwalifiseerde sekuriteitsbeampte om diens so spoedig moontlik te aanvaar.
ColdHarvest, Paarl has the following SEASONAL VACANCIES available: • FORKLIFT DRIVERS: Gr 10, valid forklift licence, 3 years’ forklift experience. ATTENTION SCHOOL LEAVERS! • GENERAL WORKERS: Gr 12 • SCANNERS: Gr 12 • TEMPERATURE CLERKS: Gr 12 • STOCK TAKERS: Gr 12 • DATA CLERKS: Gr 12, computer literate shifts, heights, overtime and cold conditions (-0.5°C) are prerequisite to all positions. Afrikaans/English literacy is essential for all positions.
Paarl Post
Business Properties, Jobs, Smalls Paarl Post
Donderdag 24 November 2011
Apply for study bursaries FOR the past twelve years the Athlone Institute Trust (AIT), through the Athlone Institute Bursary Project Fund (AIBPROF), have been awarding bursaries and bursary loans to students who are permanent residents of Paarl and Mbekweni. Applications for 2012 are now open and accepted until 25 February. The Trust, in existence since 1926, was founded collectively by five local churches to empower the local community. This year, the bursary fund paid out bursaries and bursary loans at varioustertiaryinstitutionsinSouth Africa to 70 students, totalling R410 000. AIBROF also administers bursaries of Miss Erna Witbooi and the Wheatfield Estate Foundation Trust (WEFT) for two postgraduate students. An applicant who qualifies for either a bursary or bursary loan must be a permanent resident of Paarl or Mbekweni; be a parish member in good standing of one of the member
churches of the AIT or a member in goodstandingofanybona-fidedenomination/religious institution in Paarl/Mbekweni. The applicants must be enrolled for full-time undergraduate or postgraduate studies for 2012 at an acknowledged tertiary institution and must have passed the last year of study, produce certified documents and registration papers. Thus students have to pay their registration fees at the beginning of the academic year, out of their own resources, be willing to be involved in some form of community service in the Paarl/ Mbekweni area and participate in the mentoring programme. First year students who matriculated at Klein Nederburg Secondary in Paarl, and who register for a qualification in AgriSciences at Stellenbosch University may also apply for the Erna Witbooi Bursary which must be utilised to pay all expenses for handbooks for the first year of study. Bursary Awards are made by the AIBROF Committee who selects re-
cipientsbasedonmeritandfinancial need. Awards are variable and cover a percentage of the cost of tuition, registration and books. Bursary funds are paid directly to tertiary institutions. A maximum of 20 bursary loans will be made available to first year students with strong motivation for financial need, who have obtained a minimum of “acceptance to do a diploma course” in the final matriculation examination. Students in their second and subsequent years of study at tertiary institutions will be considered for bursaries based on academic merit and/or financial need of the applicant. Application forms are available from Friday 2 December at the offices of the member churches (Bethel United Congregational Church, Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Immanuel UR Church, St Stephen’s Anglican Church, Zions UR Church and from Drakenstein Pharmacy. For enquiries, contact 021 862 7777 (w) or draken@worldonline.co.za.
Top rating for Avondale winery
WINE AND VEGETABLE FARM Wellington, Farm Driefontein Wednesday 14 December @ 11am, on site
WEB REF 18128
Farm Driefontein - 110ha farm with good infrastructure 90% of farm arable with lots of growth potential for vines and vegetables. Vines: Cinsaut 16.47ha, Merlot 5.92ha, Chenin Blanc 7.72ha, Tinta Barocca 4.26ha, Pinotage 12.83ha, Cabernet Sauvignon 2.87ha, Sauvignon Blanc 5.82ha, Muscat d’Alexandrie 0.25ha. 60ha under drip irrigation. Water: Large dam and 3 boreholes. Infrastructure: Big manor house with 5 bedrooms and function venue.
Albie Loubser 087 803 1258 | aloubser@auction.co.za
The rules of auction are available at www.auction.co.za
AVONDALE, a family owned winery near Paarl, has received top ratings by esteemed wine critic Robert Parker of the Wine Advocate for its collection of nature-friendly wines. Avondale’s wines are farmed according to the BioLogic approach, a unique methodology that combines organic and biodynamic principles with the latest advances that modern science can offer. Avondale proprietor Johnathan Grieve maintains that it is this very approach that gives the wine its distinctive flavour. “If your soils and vines are in balance, your wines do not end up as over-extracted blockbusters, but as elegant wines with a character that you can’t taste anywhere else.” Parker, voted most influential wine writer in the world by the Los Angeles Times, awarded Avondale’s 2006 Samsara Syrah a prestigious 90/100. “The palate is full-bodied and luscious, with succulent dark berries, cherry liqueur and a touch of Provencal herbs. The finish is rounded and seductive,” he states in his Reviewer rating. Avondale’s lively Chenin Blanc, Anima, also received a 90/100 rating. The 2009 Cyclus, a blend of Viognier, Chardonnay, Chenin Blanc and Semillon, rated highest of the Avondale wines reviewed, scoring 91/100. “We were pleasantly surprised by how well our wines were received, as we feel that they are more European in style than American.” explained Grieve. “It goes to show that by taking your time with the wine-making process and ensuring high standards of quality, you can achieve spectacular results.”
REACHING OUT. Drakenstein Municipality held an internal workshop for councillors and officials about ways to address the poor living conditions on certain farms. Here present at the workshop are (rear from left) Boyce Williams, Stephen Heyns (Phuhlisani Solutions), Councillor Conrad Poole (Executive Deputy Mayor and Portfolio Holder for Agriculture and Rural Development), Rick de Satgé (Phuhlisani Solutions), Councillor Felix Cupido, and (front from left), Councillor Elize Smit (Ward 3), Annette May (Community Law Centre, University Western Cape), Erika Williams (Manager: Rural Development), Councillor Amina Petersen (Ward 25) and Councillor Tandiwe Somgqeza.
Municipality puts spotlight on local farm conditions THE Rural Development Unit at Drakenstein Municipality recently arranged an internal workshop for councillors and officials about the authority and obligations of Local Government to act and provide relief, if any, in the ambit of relevant legislation, policies and case law, to certain vulnerable farm dwellers. This takes the form of access to basic services, where human rights abuses are taking place or arrangements for alternative accommoda-
tion in the case of evictions. A legal opinion on the obligations of the state and roleplayers in this regard was obtained and its implications were debated and discussed. A process of consultation with affected parties and relevant stakeholders on this matter is envisaged. Annette May from the Community Law Centre at UWC presented the legal opinion and Phuhlisani Solutions, specialists in Land and Rural Development, facilitated.
WENNER. Danie Marais (links), bestuurder van Windmeul Kelder, oorhandig hier aan Nicol Crous (wingerdbestuurder van die plaas Karnmelksvlei) die trofee vir die wenner van die wingerblokkompetisie vir ’n pragtige blok Cabernet Sauvignon. Regs staan Anton Laas (wingerdboukundige van Windmeul Kelder). Die plaaseienaars is Theunis en Ryk Briers. Crous se resep vir mooi druiwe is goeie grondvoorbereiding en die regte voeding, asook lowerbestuurspraktyke. Goeie spanwerk, vanaf produsent tot kelderwerker, is baie belangrik vir Windmeul Kelder. Te oordeel aan die vele wyntoekennings wat vanjaar verower is, kan duidelik gesien word hoe goeie spanwerk die regte vrugte afwerp.
Blokke gesoek WYNDRUIFPRODUSENTE word genooi om voor 15 Desember (13:00) in te skryf vir Vinpro se streekblokkompetisie (Chenin Blanc, geplant voor 2004)). Bonuspunte sal toegestaan word vir ouer blokke. Kontak Vinpro 021 807 3267 vir meer inligting.
Thursday 24 November 2011
Paarl Post
MO TORINGNEWS Alfa Romeo MiTO gears up for 2012
THE Alfa Romeo MiTo has emer- safety, comfort and driveability. ged as an attractive proposition Besides being an important techamongst South African motorists nological partner for the sportier thanks to its clever combination driver, the new Alfa Active Suspensiof looks and performance, Italian on system also ensures excellent lestyle and technical excellence ai- vels of comfort during everyday med at maximising driving satis- driving conditions. faction in total safety. Thanks to the “Sky Hook” functi445 range has on, the device isolates the passenger 1 8 6 2 6MiTo l: 0 2Romeo • TeAlfa 8 62 6 20 0The been enhanced for 2012, the new compartment, making it completely s, in : T y1rerange e a le rsSeries coming with a num- protected from outside stresses and rs , r b efeature b soof upgrades ensuring strains. ho ck aber nt , for money. n m evalue even greater Service intervals for the Alfa Rolig a l r s , w he e MultiAir technology (in conjunctimeo MiTo are stationed at 30 000 km s t s u ha ex n & with p e n s ioon turbocharging and the intervals while the after-sales supemission-reducing start&stop sy- port in South Africa is exceptional stem) is standard across the revised thanks to a comprehensive parts inark, Paarl, 7646 Alfa Romeo MiTo Series 1 range. The ventory (housed and distributed in hartley@isp247.co.za innovative MultiAir technology delivers high performance motoring while, at the same time, significantly reducing emissions and fuel consumption. The MiTo line-up also enjoys exceptional safety credentials thanks to a five star EuroNCAP rating and seven airbags as standard fitment. The new Verde Sport heads up the range with Alfa Active Suspension. The system, developed as a joint venture between Alfa Romeo POWER. The 100 kW and MagnetiMarelli, version of the unit is able to call on the powers the MiTo 1,4, extraordinary expe- which is now kitted rience both compa- out to more upmarnies have accrued in ket Distinctive specimotorsport through fication, while the out the world. The racier 125 kW 1,4 system - through the unit powers the control of the shock Quadrifoglio Verde absorbers - reduces and the new flagvehicle oscillation in ship in the range, all driving conditi- the Quadrifoglio Verons, ensuring better de Sport.
our, state-of-the-art facility) and the back-up of trained technicians at Fiat/Alfa Romeo dealerships countrywide. Fiat Group Automobiles SA now offers for the first time and standard across the MiTo range a five-year / 150 000 km Warranty (three years on paintwork and five years on rust anti-perforation) as well as a six-year / 90 000 km service plan. The new models are covered by a 3 year AA Fleetcare roadside assistance.
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Sport News
58 . Paarl Post
Donderdag 24 November 2011
Major challenges Take up the NavChallenge for athletics TRACK and field athletics in South African athletes were South Africa are facing some ranked on the IAAF senior world major challenges in the imranking list alone, with more mediate future. than 100 youth and junior athThis was the reaction of the letes ranked on the IAAF world vice-president of Boland Athleyouth and junior ranking lists tics, Pieter Lourens, respectively. who was recently In 2011, a year beelected as chairperfore the 2012 Olymson of ASA’s track pic Games, less than and field commissi30 athletes were ranon. ked on the IAAF “Track and field world senior ranking athletics is the flag list. Lourens believes ship event of the that South Africa will Olympic Games and be able to regain its with the 2012 Olymposition as one of the pic Games a mere niworld’s leading track ne months away, one and field nations of the biggest immeagain, provided that diate challenges is to the base of track and host quality track Pieter Lourens field athletics can be and field meetings broadened by providuring the next nine months in ding easier access to young South Africa, where South Afritrack and field athletes. ca’s talented athletes can qualiTo obtain this objective, the fy for the 2012 Olympic Garelationships with schools and mes,” he said. tertiary institutions should be Another challenge for the mestrengthened. Lourens also dium term is the dwindling serves on the South African number of South African athleschools athletics board, and tes who are ranked on the IAAF one of his first challenges will be world ranking lists. to facilitate a closer working reA decade ago, almost 70 track lationship between ASA and and field performances of SASA.
TWEELING IN SA SPAN. Twee oudleerlinge van La Rochelle Hoërskool, die tweeling Dedri en Lindi Prinsloo en lede van die Paarl Tennisklub, is ingesluit in die SA Senior dames-tennisspan wat in Februarie in San Diego VSA aan die Suzanne Lenglen Cup-toernooi gaan deelneem. Aangesien hulle amateur tennisspelers is, kan enigiemand wat hulle wil ondersteun met Eln Prinsloo by 021 863 3545 of 082 920 5254 skakel.
Win R1 700 cash
• To win R1 700 cash, glue this first cut-out onto the Paste-for-yourPocket form that was published on 29 September 2011. Once you have filled in all the spaces, paste onto an envelope and post the form to Paste-for-your-Pocket, Paarl Post, Box 409, Paarl 7620 or deliver to the Paarl Post office, by 10:00 on Friday 27 January 2012, after which the winner will be drawn. Only original cuttings (not photostats) are accepted.
Week 1
24 Nov
THE NavChallenge presented by Capestorm on 3 December will start at Laborie Wine Farm at 08:00 and take teams of two trail runners and mountain-bikers through the beautiful Paarl area including Paarl Mountain Nature Reserve. Registration will take place at 06:30 and the prize-giving will take place at 12:30. The fee is R220 per person and includes three hours of fun and adventure, strict limitation on the number of entrants allowed, prizes to podium finishers and lucky draw
prizes, refreshments upon completion of the event and fantastic goodie bags for each competitor upon completion of the event. Teams of two are required to traverse the mapped area in search of strategically positioned checkpoints. Teams will not be in possession of the disclosure card at the start time. This means that competitors will not have the descriptions of each checkpoint and will not know how many points are allocated to each checkpoint; hence they will not be able to finalise their route plan yet.
Springers in aksie by fees DIE Boland Paalspring-akadesier, JF Burger, asook senior mie bied weer hul jaarlikse mans soos Ruan van Wyk sal “Street Vault” aan tydens die in aksie wees. Paarlse Liggiesfees volgende Daar is ook ’n beginnerskaVrydag en Saterdag (2 en 3 Detegorie waaraan die jongste lid sember ) op Van der Lingenvan die klub, Danie Obermeyplein. er (10), sal deelneem. Almal Verskeie atlete sal deelneem word uitgenooi om hierdie atwaarvan ’n hele paar SA Skole lete te kom ondersteun en en ASA-memeer van paaldaljewenners spring te leer. is. Die SA SkoDie volgende le-medalje“Beach wenners sluit Vault”-byeenNatasha Oberkoms sal plaasmeyer, Niel vind in die Gilliomee, WilStrand op 16 helm Bronn en Desember. Stef Malan Die program (o.15), Kultvir die Liggieshoom Gaidien fees is: Vrydag 2 (o.17) en SaDesember - bemuel Pellissier ginners 18:00, (o.19) in. seuns/dogters ASA-medal- JONGSTE ATLEET. Danie Ober- 19:30 en Saterjewenners meyer (10), in graad vier aan Laer- dag 3 Desember soos Nadia Gil- skool Courtrai, is die jongste at- - vroue (begin liomee, Sa- leet van die Akademie en spog 2,6m) 17:00 en muel Pellis- reeds met ’n hoogte van 2,1 m. mans 19:00.
Teams will leave the start line at their group start time (at which point the clock starts ticking) and they will proceed to the disclosure card area. Only upon receipt of the disclosure card will teams be able to finalise their route plan to ensure that they accumulate as high a score as possible within the time limit. This race format is completely unique in that you determine your route, how long to race and how hard to push. Consequently, athletes from all fitness levels and of varying experience are attraced. See info on www.raceinterface.co.za.
Fivers for previous sports star THE 2008 sports star (senior women) of Paarl Post, Sunette Loubser, keeps on taking five wickets per innings in this year’s ICC Women’s World Cup Qualifier tournament in Bangladesh. Last week she took an exciting five wickets for 27 runs to bowl South Africa’s women to a six-run victory over Sri Lanka in their first match and this week followed it up with a five wicket haul against Zimbabwe. South Africa secured their spot in the 2013 ICC Women’s World Cup when Loubser 5/9 gave her side a ten-wicket victory over Zimbabwe in the 18th match of the ICC Women’s World Cup Qualifier 2011 in Bangladesh.
Halfmarathon entries to go on auction UITBLINKER. ’n Oud-leerder van Labori Hoërskool, Dennis WellerBlaber, het vanjaar op die rugbyveld uitgeblink. Hy was lid van die WP Disarugbyspan wat die suidelike subunietoernooi teen die KwaZuluNatal Haaie gewen het.
RUNNERS who missed out on an Old Mutual Two Oceans half- marathon entry will have the chance to bid for one when 21 charity entries go up for auction, as part of a major fund-raising initiative for the Two Oceans Marathon Initiative (TOMI), the event’s charity foundation. Bidding for the 21 half-marathon entries is scheduled to open on Thursday 1 December. Entries open at R900 each and provide those participants who missed the entry deadline with a chance to secure a half-marathon entry. Interested participants can post their bid at www.oldmutual.co.za/twooceansmarathon.
The auction runs for 21 days until Wednesday 21 December, with one entry awarded to the highest bidder of each day. Winners will be announced the day after each bid. Winning bids will also receive a PUMA product voucher and their race entry includes an ‘A’ seeding. The top two successful bids will each receive an invite to the VIP hospitality area at the finish line on race day. Race director Rowyn James said that entries for the 2012 Old Mutual Two Oceans half-marathon closed in a record time of nine days and the office and social media sites have been inundated with calls and appeals from disappointed runners who
missed out. “This is a way for us to help a few of them, while also raising funds for our charity drive TOMI.” A record field of 16 000 will line up in Newlands on Easter Saturday 7 April making it the biggest field ever, as well as the biggest half-marathon in the country. “The auction was first introduced for the 2009 event and has proved to be a successful, yet novel way to raise some extra funds for charity. It provides those select few who weren’t able to get an entry with a chance to still run the event and support a worthy cause at the same time,” said Joy Khaole, Head: Group Sponsorships, Old Mutual.
Kriekettelbord Tiere se tweedes en derdes skitter Die SRRadiators Young Peoples-krieketklub se tweede span het Saterdag vir Paarl-Oos II op Daljosafat met 107 lopies geklop. Manne wat goed gevaar het met die kolf was Kurt Martin (102) en Brett Mitchell (75). Paarl-Oos word almal uitgehaal vir 191 lopies. Jarier Alexander 3/32 en Tom-ross Fortuin 2/17 was die beste boulers. Die derde span het ook in ’n wegwedstryd vir Riebeek-Wes met 2 paaltjies geklop. Riebeek-Wes behaal ’n reuse telling van 304/10, met Melvyn Jackson 4/44 en Mark Woodington 3/47 wat goed vaar met die bal. Die Tiere veg egter terug en eindig op 308/8 met Jackson 126, Diego Claasen 91 en Denver Louw 23 n.u.n. Wellington-CPUT maak skoonskip Die Wellingtonners teken 206/5 aan met Mohsin Khan 64 en Shaun Cutting 88. Boulers Jaco Strydom 3/26 en Craig Abrahams 3/51 beperk vir Hermanus tot 202/9 wat veroorsaak dat Wellington CPUT met ’n bonuspunt wen. Die tweedes van Wellington-CPUT klop vir Malmesbury. Die Wellingtonners teken 175/6 aan met André Cloete 30 en Brent Williams 3-31. Malmesbury kon net 170 aanteken. Die derdes reken ook met Spes Bona af. Die Wellingtonners teken 78/3 aan met Spes Bona wat 75 aanteken. Die Welling-
tonners se sosiale span het ook met die Strand afgereken. Hulle teken 163/0 aan met Rudi de Bruyn 53*, Oloff Bergh 51* en Nicus Bergh 50* wat met die kolf uitblink. Oloff Bergh wat 3 paaltjies vir ag lopies neem was die beste bouler. Paarl stof Paarl-Oos af Die eerste span van Paarl het hierdie naweek sy eerste oorwinning in die 50-boulbeurtkompetisie van die Boland behaal toe hy Paarl-Oos in sy agterplaas met 28 lopies geklop het. Paarl kolf eerste en teken 148 lopies aan met Lynal Jansen (30 3x4), Elreigh Jansen (28 3x4) en Ultalyn Ernstzen (31 6x4) die beste kolwers. Alfredo Adams (3/27) en Waylin September (3/45) sorg dat die besoekende kolwers nie meer lopies aanteken nie. Die tuisspan het gereken die wedstryd is in die spreekwoordelike sakkie, maar het hulle misgis met die jong Kyle Solomon (3/9) en Godfrey Stevens (3/23). Nie een kolwer van die tuisspan kon meer as 20 lopies aanteken nie. Paarl speel hierdie naweek weg teen die kampioene, Brackenfell, wat onverwags teen Van der Stel verloor het. Paarl II (194/7) klop Drakenstein Edu I (193/10) met 3 paaltjies op laasgenoemde se tuisveld. Paarl se held was die jong Byron Walters (87) wat 7 grenshoue ingesluit het. Pierre du Toit (4/7) het vroeër die kolwers van Drakies laat bontstaan. C Cupido (96 12x4 3x6) was die tuisspan se beste kolwer.
Sport Nuus
Thursday 24 November 2011
Paarl Post
Beste in die Boland DIE hekkiesatleet van Hoërskool Gimnasium, Jean-Maré Senekal, is deur die Boland Skoolsport-assosiasie aangewys as die 2011 dogtersportster vir hoërskole. Vroeg in die seisoen het sy reeds haar stempel afgedruk deur as die Boland-kampioen in die 100 m hekkies en die 400 m hekkies gekroon te word. Tydens die SA Skolekampioenskappe wat in die Paarl aangebied is, het sy ’n goue medalje in die 100 m hekkies vir dogters o.18 ingepalm asook ’n silwer medalje in die 400 m hekkies. Sy het haar goeie vertonings voortgesit en ook in Atletiek Suid-Afrika se junior-kampioenskappe ’n tweede plek in die 400 m hekkies ingepalm. Sy is toe gekies vir die SA junior-atletiekspan vir deelname aan die CAA Junior Afrika-kampioenskappe in Botswana in Mei, waar sy die Afrika-kampioen in die 400 m hekkies geword het. Sy het met 40 ander lande se atlete afgereken met ’n wentyd van 59,21 sek. Sy het daarna haar goue medaljes twee gemaak toe sy ook een in die 400 m aflos gewen het.
SPORTSTER. Jean-Mare Senekal van Gimnasium en Pieter Lourens, president van die Boland Skoolsport-assosiasie, met die oorhandiging van haar toekenning as sportdogter van die jaar vir Bolandse hoërskole.
BLACK BELTS. After completing a two day gasshuku followed by an intensive testing of mental and physical endurance to the extreme, Ernst Nieuwoudt from Paarl (second from right) and Piet le Roux from Worcester (second from left) received their black belts. With them are (from left) Sensei Bakkies Laubscher (8th Dan Chief Instructor IOGKF South Africa) and Naudé Gouws (4th Dan Paarl Dojo).
OES 25 MEDALJES. Hierdie vier swemmers van die Vineyard-swemklub (leerders van Hoër- en Laerskool Gimnasium) het 25 medaljes losgeswem tydens die onlangse Freda Barnard Gala wat op Oudtshoorn aangebied is. Van links is Juan Hayman (goud 100 m vryslag seuns 13 jaar, goud 200 m vryslag, silwer 50 m rugslag, silwer 100 m rugslag, silwer 50 m vlinderslag, silwer 200 m IM aflos en silwer 200 m vryslagaflos), Danro Marshall, (2 silwer medaljes en een brons medalje vir die aflosse), Franco van Niekerk (goud in 200 m vryslag, goud in 200 m vlinderslag, silwer in 200 m IM, silwer in 100 m vlinderslag, silwer in 200 m IM aflos, silwer in 200 m vryslag aflos en brons in 100 m vryslag en Christoff van Zyl (silwer in 200 m IM, silwer in 50 m borsslag, brons in 100 m rugslag asook twee silwer medaljes in die aflosse). Foto: Sieb Sieberhagen
Sportdagboek ) KRIEKET * Paarl-Oos I speel Saterdag tuis teen Vredenburg/Saldanha terwyl hulle tweedes (A-span) op die Parys-velde teen Paarl II speel. Die tweedes (B-span) speel op Daljosafat teen Young Peoples II. Op 27 November (Sondag) speel die tweedes (B-span) teen Mamre I weg. * SR Radiators se jaarlikse sesaan-’n-kant kriekettoernooi word op 16 Desember by Daljosafat-sportgronde aangebied. Klubs wat wil deelneem, kan M Carolissen skakel by 082 849 8165. * Drakenstein Edu-krieketklub se oefentye is Dinsdae en Donderdae om 17:00 by Labori Hoërskool. Enige nuwe spelers kan aanmeld of kontak Butch Green by 073 136 2713. * Paarl-Oos Krieketklub, wat hierdie seisoen sy 40ste bestaansjaar vier, bied op Sondag 18 Desember ’n sesaan-’n-kant toernooi aan. Belangstellendes kan met Jackie Daniëls (076 593 5022), Elroy Abrahams (078 223 8117) of Mark Goliath (084 991 4672) skakel. * Young Peoples se eerste span speel Saterdag weg teen Hermanus, terwyl die tweede span tuis speel teen Paarl-Oos III en die derde span ook tuis teen Malmesbury.
) RUGBY * Albions hou op 28 November sy jaarvergadering by James Green se woonstel by Lantanahof. Die voorseisoen-oefeninge begin op 29 November op die Daljosafat-velde. Spelers moet hulle hardloopskoene saambring. Kontak vir Stevie by 073 419 8476 vir meer inligting. * Die algemene jaarvergadering van Paarl Rangers word uitgestel na Woensdag 30 November om 19:30 by die Nederburg Primêre Skool. Die rede hiervoor is die laaste uitvoerende vergadering van die WPRU wat plaasvind op Maandag 28 November. Nominasies word ingewag vir die vakante posisie van ondervoorsitter. * Franschhoek-rugbyklub is op soek na afrigters. Enige persoon wat belang stel word uitgenooi na die ledevergaderings wat elke Dinsdagaand om 19:00 by Club Le Roue gehou word. Nie-spelende lede kan ook inskakel by die ondersteunersklub. Skakel met Deneile Riffel by 076 451 0429. ) VISVANG * Boland Kushengel se volgende ligabyeenkoms vind Saterdag 3 Desember vanaf Waenhuiskrans tot Struisbaai plaas. Kontak vir Gert 083 259 4310.
MODDERDANS. Flatfoot, met Klaus Lutzeler agter die stuur, durf die modderige waterpoele aan in Saterdag se 4x4 Extreme Challenge-kampioenskappe wat by De Hoop steenwerke buite die Paarl aangebied is. Ná afloop van Saterdag se kompetisie, wat hy met 10 punte gewen het, is Lutzeler aangewys as die 2011 WP 4x4 Extreme Challenge-klubkampioen vir Klas A-voertuie (voertuie wat aangepas is met ekstras soos lugvere en draairemme). Sy seun Niki, wat ook vir Flatfoot gebruik het, het met een punt agter Klaus geëindig in vanjaar se kompetisie. Die Lutzelers het Saterdag maar lelik kleigetrap toe hulle die 4x4 uitdagings met 4x2 moes kafdraf weens enjinprobleme. Foto’s: Sieb Sieberhagen
DIÉ MAMBA HET BYT. Groen Mamba met Chris Vlok van Somerset-Wes agter die stuur seil teen die opdraendes uit in Saterdag se kompetsie.
Paarl Post
Gerieflik geleë in die middedorp Gekontrakteer aan alle erkende mediese fondse. Gratis aflewering
Paarl, Wellington, Franschhoek, Klapmuts, Simondium, Gouda & Saron Voorheen die Afrikaanse Patriot
Volume 106
Donderdag 24 November 2011
Paarl Junior Ope vir eerste keer aangebied DIE eerste Paarl Junior Opetennistoernooi is die afgelope Vrydag en Saterdag by die Paarl-tennisklub aangebied met 110 spelers wat in die ouderdomsgroepe o.9, o.11 en o.13 deelgeneem het. Die organiseerders, Johnnie Zulch en Nelius Stephan, beplan om hierdie ’n jaarlikse instelling te maak en is vol lof vir die spelers wat die snikhete warmte van Saterdag trotseer het en puik tennis gespeel het. Die uitslae in die verskillende ouderdomsgroepe se finale is soos volg: In die enkelspel vir o.13-seuns klop Christiaan van der Wath (PPS) vir Jurie-Wynand Human (Courtrai) en in die o.13-dogters finaal klop Brunhilde Botha (Gim) vir Gilda Kostens (Gim). In die o.11-seunsfinaal klop Hanro-Daniel van der Merwe (Hugo Rust) vir Wynand Hattingh (Courtrai) en in die o.11 dogtersfinaal klop Mari Pieters (Gim) vir Hesmarie Botha (Gim). In die o.9-seunsfinaal klop
Luan Krige (Courtrai) vir William Zulch (PPS) en in die o.9-dogtersfinaal klop Alta Brink (HMS Paarl) vir Mienke Viljoen (HMS Paarl). In die dubbelspelfinaal (o.13seuns) klop Jurie-Wynand Human en Francois Burger vir Gideon Fourie en Wikus Venter. In die dogtersfinaal (o.13) klop Gilda Kostens en Simone Roos vir Nadine Strydom en Lara Coetzee. In die o.11-seunsdubbelspelfinaal kraai Hanro-Daniel van der Merwe en Wynand Hattingh koning oor Clayton van Rensburg en Reynard Reitsma. In die dogters o.11-dubbelspelfinaal is dit Kayla Kirsten en Annelie du Toit wat seëvier oor Mari Pieters en Naomi Douglas. In die o.9- seunsdubbelspelfinaal is dit Philip Coetzee en William Zulch wat vir Luan Krige en Christoff Havenga ’n ding of twee wys. In die o.9- dogtersdubbelspelfinaal klop Alta Brink en Maretha Burger vir Alexandra During en Mienke Viljoen.
WENNERS. Die wenners van die verskillende Paarlse tenniskompetisies is hier saam met organiseerders Johnnie Zulch (agter links) en Nelius Stephan (agter regs). Agter links is Jurie-Wynand Human (Courtrai), Christiaan van der Wath (PPS), Alta Brink (HMS Paarl), Mienke Viljoen (HMS Paarl), William Zulch (PPS), Luan Krige (Courtrai), Hanro-Daniel van der Merwe (Hugo Rust), Wynand Hattingh (Courtrai). Voor is Hesmarie Botha (Gim), Brunhilde Botha (Gim), Gilda Kostens (Gim) en Mari Pieters (Gim). Foto: Sieb Sieberhagen
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Page 60
ads 24 November
Soccer spirit high in Paarl this weekend THIS Sunday, the four quarter-final matches of the Mayoral Cup soccer tournament will be held at the Monte Christo fields. It will be the cherry on the top added to Saturday’s women’s and junior Mayoral Cup matches and the Drakenstein LFA men’s Promotional League matches. After last weekend’s results in the second round of the the Mayoral Cup on the Boy Louw fields, the venue shifts to the Monte Christo fields with City Killers playing against Newcastle United at 12:00, Saints F.C. against Mbekweni Sundowns at 12:00, All Stars versus Mbekweni United at 14:00 and FC Athletico against Wellchester F.C. at 14:00. The junior Mayoral Cup matches will commence on Saturday from 10:00 at the Boy Louw fields. The draw will take place on the field. The women’s matches on Saturday will also start at 10:00 at the Boy Louw fields, when Paarl United will take on Barcelona. At 12:00 Paarl Pirates will play against Paarl Roses, at 14:00 it is Paarl Ladies against Knights and at 16:00 Lady Hawk will challenge Wellchester. The results of the Mayoral Cup second round matches were as follows: Try Again 2 v City Killers 4, Newcastle United 3 (4) v Green Hills 3 (2), Saints F.C. 1 v Eleven Ideas 0, Tigers 3 v Mbekweni Sundowns 7, All Stars 5 v Blackburn Rovers 2, Mbekweni United 2 v African Jacquars 0, CPUT 0 v FC Athletico 3 and Paarl S.C. 0 v Wellchester F.C. 1. ) In the Promotional League matches, fixtures for Saturday are as follows: Try Again FC vs Wellchester (Mbekweni C 16:00), Green Hills United FC vs Young Ideas (Boy Louw A 15:30), Double V United FC vs African Jaguars (Mbekweni A 17:00), Paarl Soccer Club vs Newton FC (Boy Louw A 15:30), City Killers FC vs Boland Warriors (Mbekweni C 14:00), Juventus FC vs Barcelona FC (Wellington 15:30), Saints FC vs Paarl Pirates FC (CPUT 15:30) and Paarl United FC vs CPUT (MCM 15:30). To attend the matches this weekend is free of charge.
CONTROL. Players of City Killers and Try Again try their best to get the ball under control in a match during the second round of the Mayoral Soccer Cup tournament that was played on Sunday at the Boy Louw fields in Paarl. City Killers won the match 4-2 and will meet Newcastle United in the quarter-finals on Sunday at 12:00. Pic: Sieb Sieberhagen