Paarl post 26 02 2015

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Paarl Post Voice of Drakenstein • Stem van Drakenstein

Donderdag, 26 Februarie 2015

Prys: R6.20 | Volume 110


Aanval in Arboretum

Lauren sings for adoption

’n Groep van ten minste 10 jong mans het die afgelope naweek chaos gesaai in die Paarl Arbo­ retum toe hulle mense, wat met hul hond gaan stap het, probeer aanval het. Bl. 2

A talented learner of La Rochelle Girls’ High School will soon be taking to the stage to promote adop­ tion by using song to tell the happy story of her adopted life. PAGE 3


Diewe plunder skool Danksy puik speurwerk van die polisie is twee vermeende diewe aangekeer en gesteelde items van Orleansvale Primêr in ’n japtrap teruggevind.

Hier wys skoolhoof Elmo Cairncross hoe die diewe deur die skool se dak toegang tot die skool gekry het.



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Die gort was behoorlik gaar nadat Orleansvale Primêr Saterdagnag deurgeloop het onder diewe. Die skoolhoof, Elmo Cairncross, is deur hul sekerheidsmaatskappy gebel wat hom in kennis gestel het dat by die skool ingebreek is. “Ek was in Mosselbaai toe ek die tyding kry. Ons beheerraadsvoorsitter het verdere inspeksie gedoen. “Met sy aankoms by Orleansvale was die stoorkamer se dak en plafon oopgebreek. Die boewe het daarin geslaag om die alarmstelsel te ontkoppel. Papiere het oral rondgelê soos die boewe baljaar het. Hulle het ook die sekerheidshek uit sy staalkosyn gebreek om toegang tot die finansiële beampte se kantoor te verkry.” Volgens Cairncross het die diewe ’n staal-liasseerkabinet oopgebreek en ’n onbekende hoeveelheid kontant gesteel. Skryfbehoeftes, rekenaars, koper, kruideniersware en gereedskap is ook alles weggedra. “Die boewe het toe ’n klaskamer se staal-diefwering afgehaal en verskeie persoonlike items van onderwysers gesteel. “Dit is skokkend dat ons gemeenskap in Chicago gesteelde goedere van die diewe kan koop. Hulle kinders maak ook gebruik van die skool as leersentrum en hulle breek die skool af.” Maar danksy ouers van Rietbok-woonstelle, wat inligting oor die vermeende diewe bekend gemaak het, het twee flinke speurders van Paarl-Oos-polisie, ao. Anthony Sauls en konst. Grant Williams, verskeie items teruggevind. Cairncross het die gemeenskap van Chicago gevra om hande te vat en eienaarskap van die skool te neem om sodoende sulke diefstalle te fnuik. “Ons skool, wat nie skoolgeld hef nie, word finansieel swaar getref deur inbrake, wat beteken onvoorsiene uitgawes vir herstelwerk styg. Hierdie gelde kan eerder aan leermateriaal, ensovoorts, spandeer word.” Paarl-Oos-polisie wil ook die publiek waarsku om nie gesteelde goedere te koop nie. Persone wat in die besit van gesteelde goedere betrap word, sal in hegtenis geneem word. Die verdagtes het Woensdag 25 Februarie in die Paarllanddroshof verskyn op aanklagte van huisbraak en diefstal. * Thousands of rands worth of damage was caused to Orleans Primary when thieves broke into the school and stole money, computers, stationery – even groceries.

Paarl helicopter man’s wings clipped A man from Paarl appeared in the Belville Commercial Crimes Court on Friday on a charge of fraud to the value of millions of rands through the irregular sale of helicopters. Barend “Barry” Oberholzer (31), who lives on the luxury Val de Vie estate outside Paarl, faces two charges of fraud, one of contravention of the Companies Act, one of contravention of the Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act and Barend Oberholzer. a related violation of the Pre- PHOTO: FRANS LE ROUX vention of Organised Crime Act. Oberholzer made the headlines in 2013 when, according to Die Burger, he acknowledged that in 2008 he headed a front company who supplied American manufactured helicopters and spare parts to Iraq. According to reports, he was not prosecuted after he reached an agreement with the FBI to provide them with information.. In the case at the Belville Commercial Crimes Court, thestate claims inAugust2010 Oberholzersealed anagreement with a couple to sell them a helicopter through his company, 360 Aviation (Pty) Ltd. At that time there were apparently three civil actions against Oberholzer in connection with outstanding payments totaling R246 991. It was agreed in the sale contract that Oberholzer would sell the couple a 2008 Robinson 44 Raven 2 helicopter at the cost of R3,1 million. The couple paid the amount, but instead of receiving a Raven 2, as agreed upon, Oberhozer handed them a 2007 Raven 1 helicopter. The helicopter also had 400 flying hours on the clock, opposed to the 17 flying hours that the original helicopter was suppose to have had. Oberholzer then agreed that he would refund the couple once he sold the second helicopter, but they were apparently never reimbursed. The state argues that Oberholzer paid these monies into a trust account to maintain his lavish lifestyle. The second fraud charge relates to a deposit for a helicopter that Oberholzer apparently had not paid back. The case was postponed until 23 March.



Nuus News

26 February, 2015

Wegholbrande teister gebied MARYKE SWART

Things literally got heated on Monday evening, when prisoners at Drakenstein Correctional Facility set their cell alight. The television sets in prison cells are controlled from a central point and when there was a breakdown of this service, prisoners got out of hand. According to an eyewitness source, they threw their mattresses of f the beds into the centre of the cell and lit them. Prison officials were however quick at hand, evacuating the cell and dousing the flames. Definitely sounds like a bunch of spoilt brats! ) Dit is sowaar goed om te sien dat die Paarl hierdie seisoen duisende atlete suksesvol op die veelbesproke Daljosafat-stadion verwelkom. Eens op ’n tyd het baie oor die geriewe gekla, maar tot dusver is daar menigte groot atletiekbyeenkomste aangebied. Die jaarlikse Tradisionele-byeenkoms, die groot 4Mbyeenkoms sowel as verskeie Boland Laerskole-byeenkomste is aangebied op ’n goed versorgde, hoog aanstaande terrein.

Ná verlede week se wegholbrande teen Paarlberg en die Wemmershoekberge, moes brandbestryders vandeesweek weer bontstaan vir brande in die gebied. Twee helikopters en ’n spuitvliegtuig is Maandag ingeroep om ’n brand te help beveg wat rondom 12:00 in die veld aan die voet van die Du Toitskloofberge ontstaan het. Enkele ure later moes brandbestryders hulle na die plaas Fraaigelegen op die R301 naby Boschenmeer haas toe ’n brand tussen bosse, naby die pad, uitgebreek het. Geen strukture of lewens is bedreig nie, en dit is nie seker hoe die brande ontstaan het nie. Inwoners van Maylaan, Van Wyksvlei, was egter nie so gelukkig nie toe ’n brand Vrydagmiddag 18 informele strukture in die noodkamp verwoes het. Altesaam 100 mense is weens die brand dakloos gelaat maar niemand is beseer nie. Die munisipale bestuurder van die Drakenstein-munisipaliteit, Johan Mettler, het gesê die munisipaliteit en die Rooikruis het kos-

Maar die brand, wat oor sopakkies en komberse aan die wat 3 km gestrek het, is weens slagoffers uitgedeel. “Weens flink optrede van die plaaslike die hoë getal informele strukbrandweerdienste en met die ture wat op die privaat eienhulp van helikopters, teen dom vernietig is, het die munilaataand onder beheer gesipaliteit die verspreiding van bring. noodbehuisingsmateriaal Intussen word ondersoek (housing kits) aan geaffekteeringestel ná die brand op die de families goedgekeur.” Wemmershoekberge wat glo Twee veldbrande is ook onweens brandstigting begin derskeidelik Saterdag en Sonhet. dag in die kiem gesmoor. Mettler het die publiek geDie brande volg kort nadat maan om brande so vinnig brande verlede Dinsdag op moontlik te rapporteer. Paarlberg en die WemmersHy het gesê mense moet verhoekberge ontstaan het. Talle al in die droë, warm weerstoePaarliete het gevrees geskiestande versigtig wees wandenis gaan homself herhaal neer hulle ’n vuur aansteek toe die brand kort ná 13:00 bo ’n Helikopter, soos gesien vir ’n braai of van ’n oop vuur die Victoria-dam uitgebreek uit Du Toitskloofpas, besig gebruik maak. Volgens hom het. Dit het inwoners herin- om die vlamme van ’n ontstaan die meeste brande in ner aan die verwoestende weghol veldbrand te probewoonde gebiede weens vlamme van die bergbrand in beer blus. mense se nalatigheid. Maart 2009, wat vier dae lank FOTO: MARYKE SWART Brande kan aangemeld gewoed het en inwoners van Lemoenkloof en Groenvlei genoodsaak het word by 021 872 2323/021 807 4860 of die na-ure noodnommer, 021 807 4665. om hul huise te ontruim.

Arboretum still not a safe place to be

Plakstuk Die vyfde plakstuk in die Plak­vir­jou­Sak­ kompetisie waarin een Paarl Post­leser R1 500 kontant kan wen, verskyn vandag op bl. 30. Die kompetisie sluit Vrydag 13 Maart, waarna die wenner aangekondig sal word.

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

LISE BEYERS Young criminals are still targeting leisure seekers in the Paarl Arboretum. This is evident after a family was attacked in the tree park on the embankment of the Berg River. On Saturday the couple took their dog for a walk in the Arboretum. They walked through the railway tunnel and just a little further, when they encountered a group of 10 to 15 young men. “We turned around as it did not look safe. They then started chasing us and about five of them broke away from the big group, trying to cut us off on the side path. “They were shouting to each other to run. We ran and managed to get through the tunnel where they stopped chasing us. “The public needs to know how unsafe the Arboretum is. No security was in sight.” This tree park, which is very popular amongst nature lovers, has through the years become a haven for criminals. Many people have been attacked and robbed there, some sustaining severe injuries. And although the municipality has prom-

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The Paarl Arboretum is very popular amongst nature lovers, but has now become a haven for criminals. ised to improve security, attacks on members of the public continue to occur. Municipal Manager Johann Mettler was distressed to hear about the narrow escape the visitors to the Arboretum had. “We do our best, with very limited resources, to make our public open spaces as safe as possible for the enjoyment of all the residents of Drakenstein. The entrance to the Ar-

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boretum is uncontrolled and access control is unhindered. This aspect may be something to consider in an effort to increase the safety of users in the future. “The Mayor has already requested an investigation into the financial viability and implications of a security camera(s) and/or other measures of security in the Arboretum.” Mettler added that the public should be vigilant when entering the area. “The size of the park makes it difficult to patrol on an effective and efficient basis. During weekends, there are two security guards patrolling the area on bicycles. Municipal law enforcement and the SAPS also patrol the area during the week, albeit intermittently. At every entrance there is a notice board which indicates the emergency number of the security company.” In case of emergency the public can also call the 24-hour number 086 144 4492 or the SAPS on 10111. “The Arboretum is a wonderful public space which is enjoyed by our entire community. We will do what is reasonably necessary to make the experience an enjoyable one.”



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URE: Maandag - Vrydag: 08:00 tot 17:00 Saterdag: 08:00 tot 14:00

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Nuus News

26 Februarie, 2015

Ikhwezi Centre still not developed

Lauren wil die boodskap oor aanneming versprei


sluit om ’n baba aan te neem. “Vandat Lauren 3 jaar oud was, het ons vir haar verduidelik dat ons die voorreg gehad het omonsbabategekies–diemooisteenemetdiegrootrooiwange. Ons het nooit die feit van haar weerhou dat sy aangeneem is nie. Sy het soos eie kind by ons groot geword en is deel van die Die 15-jarige wil nie net hele familie, nes ’n bloedkind.” haar aannemingstorie deel Hamilton vertel dat Lauren nie, maar sy wil ook geld inwel eendag haar biologiese ma samel om ander kinders en sal wil ontmoet net om te sien paartjies die geleentheid te Lauren Pharaoh (15) hoe sy lyk. bied om die liefde van ’n fa- deel eersdaags die ver“Maar sy laat ons altyd vermilie te ervaar. hoog met bekende staan dat ons, haar twee susters Lauren en haar ouers, Ha- Suid-Afrikaanse sanen grootouers inkluis, haar wamilton en Heidi Pharaoh, gers. re familie is.” het saam besluit om die konDie Pharaoh-familie wil graag deur midsert, Adopt a Star, ten bate van Badisa Paarl del van die konsert die bewusmaking van aan te bied. Behalwe Badisa Paarl se ander maat- aanneming bevorder as ’n alternatief vir skaplike werksaamhede, help hulle ook paartjies wat nie biologiese ouers kan wees mense wat graag kinders wil aanneem, en nie. Lauren, wat reeds van kleins af opvoekyk hulle na die behoeftes van kinders in rings vir haar twee ouer susters gehou het, pleegsorg. “Ons het deur middel van die aanne- het verlede jaar as solo-kunstenaar by die mingsproses ’n pragtige dogter in Lauren gewilde Kuier Kersfees Konsert op Paarlas geskenk ontvang en ons vra die gemeen- berg opgetree. In die Adopt a Star-konsert, skap om die konsert te ondersteun,” het deel sy die verhoog met Karen Kortje, Belinda Davids, SK (Kabelo van 7de laan), James haar ouers gesê. Hamilton vertel dat sy vrou reeds twee Bhemjee en Crushanda Forbes. Die konsert vind op 29 Maart by die Bokinders gehad het toe hulle getroud is en weens sekere mediese komplikasies kon land Krieket-stadion in die Bo-berg-saal om 17:00 plaas. Kaartjies is R120. Bel Hamilton hulle nie saam ’n kind hê nie. “Ek wou graag ’n pa wees en ons het be- by 073 599 4733 of Heidi by 082 496 9917. Lauren Pharaoh, ’n gr. 11-leerder by Hoër Meisieskool La Rochelle, het besluit om haar passie vir musiek te gebruik om die positiewe boodskap van aanneming aan die publiek oor te dra.


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Three years after the Drakenstein Municipality purchased the Ikhwezi Community Centre (formerly Vlakkeland manor house) in Mbekweni for R550 000 after the Ikhwezi Trust was liquidated, the property still stands dilapidated. The municipality bought the community centre with the purpose of establishing a skills centre for the greater Drakenstein community. Municipal manager, Johann Mettler, said the liquidation and transfer of the assets of Ikhwei was a lengthy process. In the interim, the municipality has advertised for qualified organisations or EFT colleges to submit proposals for the management of the centre. “The purpose of the centre is to train unemployed and skilled persons with skills required by employers in the area, and so to encourage local job creation. The training will focus on accredited SETA courses with a focus on technical trading skills, construction, culinary arts, and education and training.” Initially, about 50 students per year will be accommodated. Prospective students can choose between courses in lathe operation, welding, agro-economics construction, plumbing, chef courses, the hospitality industry and child care. In July 2014, the council appointed a service provider which will manage the centre. They

Although the municipality has grand ideas for the redevelopment of the Ikhwezi Community Centre in Mbekweni, it is unsure when these plans will be realised. PHOTO: LIEZL DAVIDS have also upgraded the infrastructure of the centre and fenced the premises with electric fencing. The municipality is currently working on plans to develop the centre. “This is a step towards our strategic objective to invest in individuals and in organizations across our communities so that we can begin to strengthen the economic foundation of our society and stimulate economic empowerment. “It is a very exciting development that could have a big impact on our society.” Mettler could, however, not give any indication when Ikhwezi will once again be up and running.

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Nuus News

26 February, 2015

Solution for learners not yet in school

Britz-saak na hooggeregshof

The Department of Education has announced a possible solution for the 96 learners who have not yet commenced with their school year. This follows several complaints which have been received from parents that, although the term is already under way, their children have not yet started with their education for this year. “It is heartbreaking that children are still without education. Children have the right to study and they should not be deprived thereof,” said one of the parents. Paddy Attwell, director of communication of the Western Cape Education Department says that the district office is making the necessary arrangements to accommodate those learners who were not admitted to the Mary Help of Christians, at the Van Wyksvlei Primary School. “District officials have contacted the parents to ask them to register their children at Van Wyksvlei. “All the parents who have been not contacted yet, should go to the school in May Avenue, Van Wyksvlei,” said Attwell.

Diesaakwaarinvyfmansaangeklawordvandiemoord op ’n Klapmuts-polisieman in April verlede jaar is na die Wes-Kaapse hooggeregshof oorgeplaas.

LONG SERVICE: Lt. Hendrik Bezuidenhout (second from left) from Paarl Police Station received a certificate for serving 41 years in the service. With him from left are, Station Commander Brig. Neville Malila, Paarl Cluster Commander Brig. Aneeqah Jordaan and Muis Muller (Paarl CPF Chairperson).

Man sterf ná huisbrand ’n Man is verlede Donderdagaand dood aangetref ná ’n raaiselagtige brand by sy huis in die nuwe woongebied, Klapmuts. Volgens die provinsiale polisiewoordvoerder, lt.kol. André Traut, is die Klapmuts-polisie omstreeks 23:35 na die toneel ontbied, maar met hul aankoms het die gemeenskap reeds die brand geblus. Die liggaam van Jonas Hange is in die huis gevind. Sy vrou, wie se naam nie bekend is nie, is ook beseer en na ’n hospitaal vir behandeling geneem. Die oorsaak van die brand moet nog bepaal word. ’n Geregtelike doodsondersoek word uitgevoer.

Ao. Steven Britz van die Klapmuts-polisiekantoor is op 16 April vanjaar in die klagtekantoor gedurende ’n gewapende rooftog doodgeskiet. Sewe vuurwapens is gedurende die roof gebuit waarvan vyf intussen deur die polisie teruggevind is. ’n Oudkollega van Britz, speurkonst. Luvuyo “Patrick” Ndevu, wat sedertdien geskors is, en sy makkers, Buhlali Phukwani, Anele Pantsi, Khayalethu Waka en Mlindi Mbaliso, is ná intensiewe ondersoekwerk deur die Valke in hegtenis geneem. Hulle het Vrydag 13 Februarie vir die eerste keer in die hooggeregshof verskyn, maar die saak moes uitgestel word omdat Ndevu glo nie meer ’n regsverteenwoordiger het nie. Die hof het hom tyd tot 18 Maart gegee om ’n nuwe regsverteenwoordiger te kry. Dit is nie seker wat van sy vorige regspan geword het nie.

DAGGA-WOUD: Paarl-Oospolisiebeamptes het verlede Saterdag in Swaeltjiestraat, Amstelhof toegeslaan en op 16 daggabome in die verdagte se erf afgekom, nadat inligting van ’n lid van die publiek deurgegee is. Die klaer het glo gesê dat daar ’n woud dagga in die erf groei. Hier van links is konst. Nemeal Baadjies, sers Bolla Conradie en sers. Selvyn Fortuin by die reuse-boom. Die publiek kan 021 877 5900 bel om misdaad in Paarl-Oos aan te meld.


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Nuus News

26 Februarie, 2015

Circle confusion for motorists in Paarl “I feel the municipality should place a prominent advertisement so that no one can miss it. People need to be made aware of the changes. I think it is going to end up in a big mess.” According to the advertisement the Drakenstein Municipality recently re-evaluated the Market The Drakenstein MuniciStreet/Berg River Boulevard and pality had recently informed Langenhoven/Jan van Riebeeck the public of the new rules at circles in order to provide the the traffic circles. The new arsmoothest and safest traffic moverows in the road were painted ments. on Monday and Tuesday. It states that the changes are due On Tuesday Paarl Post had to changing traffic volumes. already received several comIn the past the left lane was only plaints about the arrows from used to exit at the first exit and the members of the public who The traffic circle at Jan van Riebeeck/Langenhoven intersection. Moright lane for the second and third are concerned that the new torists should note that those approaching the circle from Market exits. Now motorists can use the left rules will confuse motorists Street who wish to exit at Langenhoven Drive (Denneburg), should lane to also exit at the second exit. even more. make use of the left and not the right lane. PHOTO: LIEZL DAVIDS At the Jan van Riebeeck/LangenSome local driving schools were not even aware of the changes that were she had not even noticed the advertisement hoven traffic circle the same rules apply for the left lanes, but motorists approaching this in the newspaper. implemented by the municipality. She added that for a learner driver it is very circle from Market/Langenhoven Streets in According to a driving school instructor who wishes to remain anonymous, someone confusing, as the rules now differed from the right approaching lane, may only take the third exit. told her about the changes, but she said that those that were still enforced last week.

The paint on the new arrows at the two major traffic circles in Paarl was barely dry, when social media sites where flooded with comments on this new development.

The legendary jazz singer Zayn Adam (centre) died of a heart attack on Monday at his home in Walmer Estate. Adam still wowed a Paarl audience late last year. Here with him from left at the Paarl concert were the up and coming young singers of the Paarl girl band Flash, Amoy Chordnam, Robin Allies, Clarissa Benjamin and Bahidja Retief.

Play golf for tourism Paarl and Wellington Tourism will be holding their annual golf day on 12 March at the Paarl Golf Club. This event raises funds for Drakenstein Local Tourism Association, an association which strives to support and promote tourism in Paarl and Wellington, including businesses, accommodation providers, wine estates and restaurants. Book your 4-ball at R3 000 or your single at R750. This includes green fees, a welcome drink, a halfway house snack, dinner, prize-giving and lucky draws. Bookings, sponsorship or advertising: Tanya Glazer, 0 082 448 9311, or 2

STOLEN: These solid copper clamps valued at approximately R420 000 were stolen at the Transnet storage facility at Huguenot station. Anyone with information is asked to phone Constable Marshall Liebenberg on 073 325 2351. X1PRX61R-PL260215



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Vanaf Donderdag 26 Februarie 2015 tot Sondag 1 Maart 2015 | Hoeveelhede kan beperk word, geen handelaars. Terwyl voorraad hou | BESIGHEIDSURE: Oop tussen 07:00 en 22:00




Briewe Letters

26 February, 2015

Let’s take back the Arboretum The Arboretum is no longer the safe tree park it used to be. A couple was recently fortunate to escape unscathed when a group of young men tried to attack them. There have been far too many attacks on visitors to the Arboretum, deterring many people from visiting this famous park. Unfortunately, the more people stay away, the greater the possibility of the Arboretum falling into a state of disrepair and becoming a haven for criminals. This must not be allowed to happen. Paarl is one of the very few towns in South Africa that has a spectacular river – the Berg River – running through it, with a magnificent tree park on its embankment. The tree park, which extends 2,8 km along the river, has been planted with indigenous trees from six continents. Altogether 4 500 trees, representing 750 species from across the world, were planted here. Slowly but surely, however, this scenic spot is falling into disrepute due to crime. Unfortunately the local authorities just do not have the resources to provide 24/7 security or to fence in the area. How can the future of the Arboretum be assured? Perhaps all concerned parties should meet and discuss ways of increasing the number of visitors to the park. Small enterprises should be encouraged to operate in the park such as coffee shops, children’s entertainment, weekend markets, organised dog walks, yoga classes, etc. Increasing the number of visitors is one way of stopping criminals in their tracks.

Wellingtonse klopse: Kô lat ons sing! Dis nie sommer enige beweging of organisasie wat 100 jaar oud word nie. Afrikaans as amptelike taal is vanjaar maar 90 jaar oud (Kaapse Afrikaans is natuurlik veel ouer). Die Kaapse dagblad, Die Burger, is vanjaar 100 jaar oud. Hier in ons dorp sal die Wellington Horticultural Society (Krisantevereniging) volgende jaar 100 jaar oud wees. En die klub vir wie ek en my broers en my pa gespeel het, Roslins, sou vanjaar 119 jaar oud gewees het. Die Wellingtonse klopse is vanjaar 106 jaar Die Burger oud en dus ouer as of die amptelike taal waarin ek nou skryf. Die Merry Springboks het reeds in 1909 begin musiek maak. Die klopse van Wellington is die oudste kuns- en kultuurorganiasie oor alle rasse heen in Wellington. Ons mag nie dat dit verlore gaan nie, want dis iets kosbaars. Maar daar het verdeeldheid ingetree. Waarom, is nie nou belangrik nie; wat ek wel weet is dat dit nie langer so kan aangaan nie. Die klopse het ook vyande wat maar te bly sal wees as hierdie eeue-oue tradisie ’n stadige dood sterf. Gaan ons hulle hierdie tevredenheid gee? Soos gewoonlik sit ek op 31 Januarie op Boland-stadion en kyk na die nege groepe wat hul passies uitvoer Kom ons noem hulle die Bolandpark-groep. Hulle doen hul passies, sing hul liedjies en resiteer hul moppies. Almal doen net hul bes. Maar dis vir my asof iets missing is. Later die aand stap ek om die veld en orals knoop vriende geselsies aan. Verskeie oudleerders kom skud blad. Almal het net een ding op die hart: wanneer gaan ons weer saam wees? Dis vir my ook opvallend dat lede van die troepe wat op Pelikaanpark deelneem – kom ons noem hulle die Pelikaanpark-groep – die byeenkoms op Boland-stadion bywoon. Leiers soos Jan Julies en Martin Adams het saam met my vir Roslins uitgedraf. Een van my oudleerders, Pieter Arnolds, nooi my na die Pelikaan-byeenkoms. Later die week loop my vrou nog ’n Blou-Bul-vriend, Turnhall Abrahams (beter bekend as Proes en leier van Ghosterians), raak. Hy herhaal die uitnodiging. Toe

kon ek eenvoudig nie wegbly nie, veral omdat ek lankal ’n rede soek om die byeenkoms by te woon. Ek daag dié middag – toe Wellington se son op sy felste is – daar op. Ek is aangenaam verras met die vriendelike gesigte wat my begroet. Bev, Turnhall se suster, is die eerste om my te verwelkom. Die grasgroen veld is netjies ingerig met stalletjies van ’n bekende koeldrankmaatskappy en die klanktoerusting was van hoogstaande gehalte. Ons wat ons rugby op Pelikaanpark gespeel het, is bekend met die twee bulte: Pirates se bult in die suide en Roslins se bult in die noorde. Aan die onderkant van Pirates se bult is ’n reuse-markiestent opgerig waaronder gesinne gesellig op komberse kuier. Dit het meer as vergoed vir die gebrek aan ’n behoorlike pawiljoen soos op Boland-Stadion. Op die B-veld het elk van die agt groepe vir hulle ’n army-tent opgeslaan om spangees te bou. En skuins onderkant Roslins se bult het ’n bekende bierbrouery ’n gesellige kasteel-hoekie geskep. Turnhall kom haal my en stap saam na die aankondiger se tafel waar Charl van Wyk – nog ’n Blou Bul – my andermaal verwelkom. Die musiek, soos by die Bolandstadion-groep, is uit die boonste gestoeltes, soos Oubaas sou sê. Ook hier is lede van die ander groepering teenwoordig. Ek sien selfs ’n bekende koorleier wat ook ’n groep in Boland-stadion afgerig het. Ek neem ’n paar foto’s, gesels met verskeie vriende voordat ek groet. Wanneer ek terugry huis toe, besef ek wat die missing link was op Boland-stadion. Die karnaval is net nie dieselfde, so apart van mekaar nie. Dis vir my ook duidelik dat die twee groeperinge mekaar mis. Daarom dat hulle mekaar se byeenkomste bywoon. Wat ook al die rede vir die aanvanklike verwydering, dit mag nooit groter wees as die tradisie van ons dorp nie. Dis tyd om die strydbyle te begrawe en te versoen. So, kô lat ons sing! Dr. Michael le Cordeur is verbonde aan die US se fakulteit opvoedkunde. Hy skryf in sy eie hoedanigheid.

Why is nothing being done about illegal racing on the N1? I am a concerned citizen of Southern Paarl. We residents are troubled by the motor car and motorcycle racing on the N1 highway (in both the Worcester and Cape Town directions). This problem was conveyed over the last 18 months to the various forums available to us. However, we are told about the many reasons why we cannot be helped, i.e. limited resources or manpower, or that it is not this person’s or that department’s job to help us, as well as pure reluctance. Meanwhile, the racing has escalated to unbearable frequency and noise levels. The members of these racing gangs enjoy revving up their car engines before the race starts and then they fly down the highway to where the race ends at the tollgate. Then they drive across the highway to Cape Town-bound lane and fly back to the starting line. During the return drive they enjoy an informal race back at the starting line, where they cross the highway lanes and the grassed centre strip to get ready for the next race. Now they have to keep the en-

gines revving until it is their chance to race again. The incentives for the drivers are big money prizes and the cheering crowds that throng the road bridges spanning the highway. These races occur between 23:00 and 03:00 and may last up to three hours at a time. While the racing cars tear down the highway in either direction, everyday road users are also using the highway, and their lives are at a risk if they happen to be on the highway during these races. We, as residents on either side of the N1 highway are tired, angry and confused. No-one is prepared to help us. We are citizens of this country, law-abiding citizens and we pay our taxes. The starting line of these races is

Manslag is tog nie moord nie! Ek is erg geskok en teleurgestel in die ongegronde kritiek op ons regstelsel, veral wat vonnis betref. Van wanneer af het Dadda van Payton dan nou ’n regsgeleerde geword? Ek was in die hofsaal van die betrokke saak toe die hof met vonnisoplegging in Ashley Swarts se saak begin. Dit is net ’n jammerte Dadda was nie daar om die regspraak te volg nie. Hy en ander sou definitief geleer het wat moord en strafbare manslag is. As leek het ek moeite gedoen om die verskil uit te vind en wil ek dit vir julle gee as stof tot nadenke. Moord is die wederregtelike en opsetlikeveroorsakingvandiedood van ’n ander. In die betrokke saak het die beskuldige skuldig gepleit op strafbare manslag, nie moord nie. Indien dit moord was, maar nie strafbare manslag nie, is die minimum straf 15 jaar. Waar kom Dadda daaraan dat dit moord was? Ek stel voor dat hy eers die feite kry alvorens hy sy mond oopmaak en sulke twak kwyt raak. In die hofsaal het die hof verwys na’nsaakwat in2014indieappèlhof gedien het Ek het geluister hoe die landdros daardie feite toepas in sy saak. Dit was ook ’n motorongeluk, een waar vyf mense dood is. Die hoërhof het ’n vonnis van 15 jaar opgelê vir moord. Die beskuldige het appelleer

en sy appèl was suksesvol. Die appèlhof het bevind dat dit strafbare manslag is en die straf verminder na vyf jaar gevangenisstraf, waarvan twee jaar opgeskort was. Terwyl ek na dit luister het my gedagtes gegaan na die Jacobs Humpreys saak, waar 10 kinders dood is as gevolg van die roekelose bestuur. Sy aanvanklike straf was 20 jaar vir moord. Die appèlhof het egter beslis dit is nie moord nie, maar strafbare manslag. Sy vonnis is toe verander na ’n skrale agt jaar. Wat sê Dadda dan nou? Dit was vir my opmerklik dat die hof gebind is aan die appèlhof se uitspraak het en dat die vonnis daarvolgens opgelê is. Toe verstaan ek baie beter hoe die reg werk om tot ’n gepaste vonnis te kom. Ek wens net dat mense meermale in die hof gaan sit en sien hoe dinge gedoen word. Ek het baie geleer uit die hofsitting omdat ek die reg respekteer en dit as die hoeksteen van die demokrasie beskou. Die hof het die beskuldigde se reg tot appèl verduidelik; indien die familie of staat ontevrede is oor die kamstige ligte straf, kan hulle appelleer. Ek stel voor Dadda en al die gegriefdes moet liewer appèl aanteken teen ander vonnisse waar mense met opgeskorte vonnisse wegkom.


in front of De Oude Renbaan, a retirement village for the elderly. The infirmary, caring for the sick, retired citizens, faces the N1 highway. Who is going to help them? What about the children that cannot sleep at night? One resident stated the problem on Facebook and the reply was that they only race when it is quiet ... We were advised to start a petition; the only constructive advice given to us. How is it possible that no-one can help us and do something about this problem? These races are illegal. The drivers are acting in a reckless and defiant manner and their actions are putting many peoples’ lives in danger. They are acting illegally and breaking the law. Why is this ongoing, criminal behaviour ignored by the provincial and municipal departments in charge of enforcing these laws that, supposedly, everyone has to submit to? Why are the departments that should be helping us turning a blind eye and a deaf ear to our problem?


We are not a problem I refer to an article in Paarl Post of 19 February: I have been renting the properties at 2 and 2a Malherbe Street from Mr. Leen as a legal tenant. I have not once been evicted as some people have stated. The owner of the property was also last year summoned by the Drakenstein Municipality and the court to improve the conditions of the property, which he did. However, certain residents of the neighbourhood are causing conflict with some individuals, me included, accusing us of doing things that they have no evidence of. This has become a daily issue with our neighbours as it seems to me that they cannot stand the fact that they now have to share “their area” with blacks. We therefore ask these neighbours to prove their allegations of us selling drugs and alcohol in court, or leave us to go on with our lives in peace. These allegations are nothing more than false information aimed at defamation of character. I challenge those who make these remarks to see me in court.




Menings Opinion

26 Februarie, 2015

SMS 32363 ) Diegene wat so kerm en kla oor Paarl-Polisie se telefone wat buitewerking is en sektorselfone wat na bewering nie beantwoord word nie of af is, gaan vra ’n kleuter wat die polisie se noodnommer is. Hulle sal vir jou sê: 10111. ’n Mens is nooit te oud om te leer nie en volwassenes kan by kinders ook leer. ) CJ 29189* Toyota Quantum Mbekweni-taxi: “Meneer, dink jy dit is regverdig dat jy daardie skoolkinders se lewe in gevaar stel deur ’n string voertuie op ’n sperstreep in te haal en dit teen die aankomende verkeer in? Dit is padvarke soos jy wat vasgevat moet word.” ) Die parkie in Amstelhof wat geleë is op die hoek van Suikerbekkieen Piet-my-Vroustraat moet eerste pryskry.Bruidekaneenvandiedae daar kom foto’s neem. Dankie dat daar nog mense is wat omgee.

) Die verkeersligte op die hoek van Mark- en Hoofstraat slaan oor in minder as 30 sekondes tydens spitstye! Uiters frustrerend. ) Dankie vir verkeerstekens by sirkel in Markstraat. Asseblief doen dieselfde by die sirkel by Paarl Mall. ) Ek bly in Malherbestraat en het nog nooit enige Wetstoepassingsbeamptes in die straat gesien nie. Die munisipaliteit praat nonsens. Tot die polisie kom nie eers uit om saak te ondersoek as mens hulle bel nie. ) Hier by ons huis op die hoek van Mossop- en Nuwe Eskdalestraat, lê die vullis van die munisipaliteit. Hulle het dit eers 19 Februarie kom verwyder. Bome is twee weke terug afgekap. ) Ek stem saam met J. Groenenberg: die sirkel by die Landdroshof is nou eers verwarrend.

) On Saturday afternoon I put a choice piece of lamb in my basket at Woolworths in Paarl Mall. To my surprise, the operator at the till told me that I could not buy it. “It was past its sell-by date”. What honesty! The supervisor was called, and a new packet of lamb arrived – this time free of charge. Thank you, Woollies, for your honesty and thank you for the gift. Lorene. ) Aan almal wat Dinsdag so vinnig en hard gewerk het om Paarlberg-brand te blus. Baie dankie! George. ) Just want to thank Drs Davies and Laubscher of Orthopaedics and the nurses and general staff on the 4th floor of Paarl Hospital for

Dís die ware storie Die Paarl DBV is bitter ongelukkig oor die stelling dat Marinda van Aswegen of Linda Ras ons gevra of gesê het dat ons die hondjie moet hou en dat hulle vir haar ’n huis sal soek. Dit is nooit gesê nie. Hulle het die hondjie ingebring om 09:20 op 16 Februarie omdat die hondjie se vel baie sleg gelyk het en vol vlooie en bosluise was en hulle bang was om die hondjie na hul huise te neem. Ook omdat sy dalk siektes dra en hulle diere aangesteek kan word. Niemand het gesê hulle gaan die hondjie adverteer nie. Linda Ras het raad gesoek by Pierre van Niekerk op sy Facebook-blad (die raad soek advertensie is in ons besit) en toe het dit handuit geruk. Pierre het die middag om 14:30 die DBV geskakel en toe was die hondjie net klaar genadedood gegee ná toetse op die hondjie gedoen is wat bewys het dat hy baie siek was.

their help during my operation. John Kermis. ) Baie dankie aan Paarl Post dat julle jul koerant beskikbaar stel op die Internet. Dis lekker om van ’n mens se tuisdorp te lees hier in Gauteng. Kobus. ) I would like to ask the ghost cop in the silver/blue car why he only targets certain areas and never any others for the jumping of stop streets. Try sorting this one out to show that you are not prejudiced: The corner of Versailles Street, Wellington where the Patels’ shop is situated – you should earn your bonus quite quickly there. SDC. ) Thank you to Anna-Marie and Deborah for the friendly service at Kommaweer. You guys are amazing. S. Louw. ) Die bestuurder van die wit Chev Aveo CN 17530 wat Dinsdag die plastiek koeldrankbottel by sy kar in die Paarl uitgegooi het: Jy behoort jou te skaam!





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26 February, 2015

Nuus News

GOEIE VANGS: Kervin Solomons en Adrian Sass van die sekerheidsonderneming AC Rottweiler het onlangs 'n vermeende dief in sy spore gestuit nadat hy glo koerante van die Noorder-Paarl Checkers gesteel het. Volgens Solomons het hy en Sass op Sondag 15 Februarie patrolliediens gedoen toe hulle omstreeks 03:30 ’n verdagte man met ’n sak by hom op die brug in Optenhorststraat sien stap het. Hulle het hom gevra wat is in die sak en hy het gesê dit is ou kartonne. Toe hulle egter die sak oopmaak was dit vol koerante wat so pas gedruk is. Riaan Jacobs is in hegtenis geneem en het reeds in die plaaslike landdroshof verskyn. Die saak is tot 20 Mei uitgestel vir pleit en verhoor. Die publiek word gevra om net van erkende koerantverkopers koerante te koop. FOTO: MARYKE SWART

Moordverdagte gee hom oor ná messteek ’n Moordverdagte het hom aan die polisie oorgegee nadat die liggaam van ’n 40-jarige man op die plaas Lanquedoc in Klein Drakenstein gekry is. Conradie Philander van dié plaas is verlede Sondagoggend met ’n steekwond aan die bolyf gevind. Daar word beweer dat Philander en die verdagte, Willem Claasen, wat ook op die plaas woon, in ’n stryery betrokke was. Claasen het hom op die toneel aan die polisie oorgegee. Hy het Maandag 16 Februarie in die Paarllanddroshof op aanklag van moord verskyn en is op borgtog van R500 vrygelaat. Die saak is tot 11 Maart uitgestel.

EIENAAR GESOEK: ’n Rondloperhond wat gebyt is deur ‘n ander hond is in Lemoenkloof deur die Paarl DBV gered. Die hond is op ’n drup geplaas en is in die dierehospitaal onder toesig van dr. Johanneke Walles. Die Paarl DBV wil graag die eienaar van die hond opspoor. Bel die DBV by 021 863 2720.

Possible human femur found The Groot Drakenstein Police is calling on the community to come forward with information after, what could be a human bone, was found. Groot Drakenstein Police spokesperson, Sergeant Pamela Philander, says a resident made the shocking discovery on 19 November 2014 on a farm in the Banhoek area. “The bone was found in a stream that runs through the valley of Banhoek, Stellenbosch, near Kylemore. An enquiry docket was opened by Groot Drakenstein Police”. Philander says anyone with information that can assist the police in their investigation is requested to contact WO Victor Saal on 021 874 8000.

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26 Februarie, 2015




Nuus News

26 February, 2015

Land claims must be filed at Mowbray office The Drakenstein Municipality has been inundated with calls by the public concerning the land claim process.

GEBOU STORT INEEN: ’n Kraakgeluid en toe val die mure inmekaar. Só onthou konstruksiewerkers hoe ’n huis waaraan hul restourasiewerk gedoen het, ineengestort het. Niemand is in die voorval beseer nie. Die huis, geleë op die hoek van Hospitaalen Moolmanstraat, behoort aan die Alcocks Trust. Die munisipale bestuurder van die Drakenstein-munisipaliteit, Johann Mettler sê die munisipaliteit is deur ’n lid van die publiek in kennis gestel van die voorval en het bou-inspekteurs na die perseel gestuur om ondersoek in te stel. “Die bou-inspekteur het aanbeveel dat ‘n strukturele ingenieur aangestel word om die skade aan die gebou te ondersoek asook om voorstelle te lewer oor hoe die gebou beveilig moet word. Ná die gebou beveilig is, moet die eienaar die munisipaliteit se erfenis-afdeling kontak om die volgende stappe van restourasie te bespreek, aangesien die gebou ouer as 60 jaar is,” het Mettler gesê.




Description: CES 1/2015: Specialised Commercial Diving Services for Water Infrastructure Services in the Drakenstein MunicipalArea -Annual Tender (3 years) Closing date: 19 March 2015 Closing time: 10:00. Bids will be opened in the Civic Centre, 1st Floor, Berg River Boulevard, Paarl in public at 10:15. Information: Obtain documentation: Office of the Deputy Executive Manager: Civil Engineering Services, at Engineering Building, 2nd Floor, cnr of Main Road and Market Street, Paarl, 7646

DESCRIPTION: COM 1/2015 Provision of Security Services for Drakenstein Municipal area (1 July 2015 until 30 June 2018), period of 3 years Closing date: 2April 2015 Closing time: 10:00. Bids will be opened in the Civic Centre, 1st Floor, Berg River Boulevard, Paarl in public at 10:15. Information: Obtain documentation: Directorate Community Services, Administrative Offices, 3rd Floor, Civic Center, Berg River Boulevard, Paarl, 7646

Clarification meeting: A compulsory information meeting will be held on 5 March 2015 at 10:00, at Engineering Department, Second Floor, corner of Main and Market Street, Paarl. (GPS co-ordinates: 33°44'19,51"S & 18°57'47,53"E) A representative may only represent one Tenderer at the meeting. Enquiries regarding tender documentation: Mr. André Kowalewski Tel: 021 807 4705 / 082 497 9246 Email Address: Office Hours for collection: 08:30 - 15:30 as from 26 February 2015. Non-refundable fee of R267 payable to Drakenstein Municipality required for collection of documents.

Enquiries regarding tender documentation: Ms U Johanneson, Tel:021 807 4557 E-mail: Information Meeting: A compulsory clarification meeting will be held on Thursday, 5 March 2015 @ 10:00 at the Council Chambers, 1st Floor, Civic Center, Berg River Boulevard, Paarl Office hours for collection: Monday to Thursday 08:30 - 15:30 and Fridays 08:30 14:45 as from 26 February 2015. Non-refundable fee of R267 payable to Drakenstein Municipality is required for collection of documents.

Bids may only be submitted on the bid documentation provided by the municipality and must remain valid for 120 days after bid closing. Telegraphic, telephonic, telex, facsimile, e-mail and late tenders will not be accepted. The lowest, only or any bid shall not necessarily be accepted and the Council reserves the right to accept any part of the bid.

Bids may only be submitted on the bid documentation provided by the municipality and must remain valid for 84 days after bid closing. Telegraphic, telephonic, telex, facsimile, e-mail and late tenders will not be accepted. The lowest, only or any bid shall not necessarily be accepted and the Council reserves the right to accept any part of the bid.

Tenders to be deposited in: The tender box at the entrance of the Municipal offices of Drakenstein Municipality, Civic Centre, Berg River Boulevard PAARL, 7620. (Ensure tender number and title are on envelope).

Tenders to be deposited in: The tender box at the entrance of the Municipal offices of Drakenstein Municipality, Civic Centre, Berg River Boulevard PAARL, 7620. (Ensure tender number and title is on envelope).

NOTE: This tender will be evaluated in terms of the revised Preferential Procurement Regulations, 2011 that was promulgated by the Minister of Finance on 8 June 2011 in Government Gazette No 34350. Please take note of the responsiveness criteria as stipulated in the tender document.

NOTE: This tender will be evaluated in terms of the revised Preferential Procurement Regulations, 2011 that was promulgated by the Minister of Finance on 8 June 2011 in Government Gazette No 34350. Please take note of the responsiveness criteria as stipulated in the tender document.

Procurement preference point system: 90/10 The successful bidder will be required to fill in and sign a written Contract Form The following conditions to bid exist (failure to comply may result in your bid being disqualified):

Procurement preference point system: 90/10 The successful bidder will be required to fill in and sign a written Contract Form The following conditions to bid exist (failure to comply may result in your bid being disqualified):

1. This bid is subject to the Supply Chain Management special conditions for bidding and responsiveness criteria 2. Relevant specifications (SPECS). 3. Bidders must be registered on the Drakenstein Municipality supplier database if they wish to conduct business with Drakenstein Municipality. 4. An original or certified tax clearance certificate must be handed in with the closing of the bid. However no contract will be awarded to any bidder without a valid tax clearance certificate on the date the bid is awarded. 5. Bids submitted must be in a sealed envelope clearly marked with the bid number, placed in the tender box before closing time, failure will result in the bid being invalid. J F METTLER MUNICIPAL MANAGER

1. This bid is subject to the general conditions of contract (GCC) and responsiveness criteria 2. Relevant specifications (SPECS). 3. Bidders must be registered on the Drakenstein Municipality supplier database if they wish to conduct business with Drakenstein Municipality. 4. An original or certified tax clearance certificate must be handed in with the closing of the bid. However no contract will be awarded to any bidder without a valid tax clearance certificate on the date the bid is awarded. 5. Bids submitted must be in a sealed envelope clearly marked with the bid number, placed in the tender box before closing time, failure will result in the bid being invalid. J F METTLER MUNICIPAL MANAGER



The initial deadline to file a land claim has been extended to 30 June 2019. It is important for the public to take note of the relevant information and where information can be accessed. The land claim process is done electronically at designated offices across the country. The nearest office to Drakenstein is located in Mowbray. When a person or community wants to lodge a claim, they must make sure they take the correct documentation with them to the Mowbray office. You will need: ) A certified copy of your South African green bar-coded ID or Smart ID card; ) A signed letter authorising you to act on behalf of your family or community and signed by two witnesses, if you are acting on behalf of your family or community; ) A list of the people you represent; ) A letter from the Master of the High Court if you are an executer of an estate; and ) A written decision from a community meet-

YOU ARE HEREBY INVITED TO BID FOR REQUIREMENTS OF DRAKENSTEIN MUNICIPALITY Description: PROC 2/2015: Supply and Delivery of Materials for Water Connections to Drakenstein Municipality (three year rates tender). Closing date: 19 March 2015 Closing time: 10:00. Bids will be opened in the Civic Centre, 1st Floor, Berg River Boulevard, Paarl in public at 10:15. Information: Obtain documentation: Office of the Deputy Executive Manager: Civil Engineering Services, at Engineering Building, 2nd Floor, cnr of Main Road and Market Street, Paarl, 7 6 4 6 ( G P S c o - o r d i n a t e s : 3 3 °4 4 ' 1 9 , 5 1 " S & 18°57'47,53"E) Enquiries regarding tender documentation: Mr. André Kowalewski Tel: 021 807 4705 / 082 497 9246 Email Address: Office Hours for collection: 08:30 - 15:30 as from 26 February 2015. Non-refundable fee of R267 payable to Drakenstein Municipality required for collection of documents. Bids may only be submitted on the bid documentation provided by the municipality and must remain valid for 120 days after bid closing. Telegraphic, telephonic, telex, facsimile, e-mail and late tenders will not be accepted. The lowest, only or any bid shall not necessarily be accepted and the Council reserves the right to accept any part of the bid. Tenders to be deposited in: The tender box at the entrance of the Municipal offices of Drakenstein Municipality, Civic Centre, Berg River Boulevard PAARL, 7620. (Ensure tender number and title are on envelope). NOTE: This tender will be evaluated in terms of the revised Preferential Procurement Regulations, 2011 that was promulgated by the Minister of Finance on 8 June 2011 in Government Gazette No 34350. Please take note of the responsiveness criteria as stipulated in the tender document. Procurement preference point system: 90/10 The successful bidder will be required to fill in and sign a written Contract Form The following conditions to bid exist (failure to comply may result in your bid being disqualified): 1. This bid is subject to the Supply Chain Management special conditions for bidding and responsiveness criteria 2. Relevant specifications (SPECS). 3. Bidders must be registered on the Drakenstein Municipality supplier database if they wish to conduct business with Drakenstein Municipality. 4. An original or certified tax clearance certificate must be handed in with the closing of the bid. However no contract will be awarded to any bidder without a valid tax clearance certificate on the date the bid is awarded. 5. Bids submitted must be in a sealed envelope clearly marked with the bid number, placed in the tender box before closing time, failure will result in the bid being invalid. J F METTLER MUNICIPAL MANAGER X1PT37FD-PL260215

ing, signed by the person who facilitated the meeting, if lodging on behalf of a community. A person intending to lodge a claim must take all of the relevant paperwork to the relevant land claim office, where the staff will check that all the relevant paperwork is in order and then capture your claim electronically. There are no forms to fill out, it must be done electronically at a land claim office. Once the claim has been logged, you will receive a letter with the claim information and a unique reference number. You will also receive an SMS to confirm your claim has been logged andyouwillbeupdatedontheprogressofyour claim at regular intervals. It is important to note that you do not pay any fees for lodging a land claim, it is free of charge. Mobile offices will be rolled out at a later date, but at this stage claims must filed at the Mowbray office. Individuals or communities, who have claimed before and have received redress, via landorfinancialcompensation,maynotclaim again for the same right lost. Ifaclaimhasbeendenied,youmaynotlodge a claim on the same piece of land. If you have previously lodged a claim, but have not yet been compensated, please contact your provincial office and verify your original claim before resubmitting. Do not lodge a new claim if your old claim is still being processed. You may not resubmit a claim, if you have been compensated previously, but now want to claim for the difference in market value from then to the present. The value of a claim is determined at current market values. Postersandbookletshavebeenmadeavailable at the Drakenstein Municipality. It is important for the residents of Drakenstein, who wish to lodge a land claim, to note that the Municipality is not the only information point regarding the land claim process. The public can contact the Registrar of Deeds, the Surveyor General’s office, the Master of the High Court and the national and provincial archives for information. Information can be obtained from the Department of Rural Development and Land Reforms website The public can also call the Commission on Restitution of Land Rights, toll free, on 0800 007 095. The Department of Rural Development and Land Reform will be conducting two public meetings in Drakenstein on the issue of land claims in an effort to correctly inform the residents on the procedure of lodging a land claim and the process followed. The first meeting will take place on Monday 2 March at the Paarl East Thusong Centre and will start at 18:30. The second meeting will be held on Tuesday 3 March at the Paarl East Community Hall and will start at 18:30.

Vele uitdagings weens beurtkrag Beurtkrag is ’n groot uitdaging vir ons almal, ook vir die Drakenstein-munisipaliteit. Die munisipale bestuurder, Johann Mettler het gesê dat dit vir hulle baie ongerief bring en dus ook ekstra organisasie verg en bykomende koste meebring. “Die administrasie werk egter pro-aktief en tref deurentyd die nodige voorsorg om te verseker dat dienslewering en die dag-tot-dag funksionering van die munisipaliteit so min as moontlik onderbreek word. “Sleutelgeboue beskik oor opwekkers om te verseker dat betalingsdienste, rekenaars en telefone aanbly sodat administratiewe werk kan voortgaan.” Mettler het gesê die ingenieursdienste tref maatreëls om onderbrekings in dienste soos watervoorsiening te verhoed. Reservoirs word vol gepomp wanneer die krag aan is, sodat die waterdruk en -voorsiening optimaal onderhou word ten tye van beurtkrag. “Inwoners moet egter daarop let dat die beskikbare voorraad nou wel baie meer onder druk is en moet asseblief water bespaar, veral in die tye van kragonderbrekings.” Verkeersligte asook straatligte word wel geraak. Die publiek word dus herinner om dan dieselfde reëls te volg as by ’n vier-rigting-stopstraat.



Advertensie Advertisement

26 February, 2015


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Medal Gloss 5 L White

Cedar Hi-Hiding 20 L White






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Mixed Timber Panel Door 8 Panel


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BUILDING MATERIAL Brickforce 75mm/ 150mm x 20m (non NHBRC)




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Alpine Cement 50 kg 42,5N

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R79,95 / m²



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/post Per Post

Romatherm 55mm x 1.2m x 10m






Jeug Youth

26 Februarie, 2015

ATHLETES: During the Courtrai Primary inter-house athletics meeting, these athletes were named the top achievers. From left they are Deon du Plessis (Victor Ludorum), Hana Sullivan (Victrix Ludorum), Robynn Ferreira (u. 10 top girl achiever) and Pauniel Ogadi (u. 10 top boy achiever).

TOERNOOI: William Zulch, van Primêre Seunskool Paarl, het aan ’n WP-mini tennistoernooi deelgeneem.

GOUD: Jamie-Lee Louw van Nederburg Primêre Skool het onlangs aan die Boland-kampioenskap deelgeneem en goue medaljes in die o. 7-meisies 60 m en 80 m naellope gewen.

SWEMMER: Jakobus Kruger van Primêre Seunskool Paarl, het aan die Cape Mile se 500 m oop water swembyeenkoms deelgeneem. Hy was die jongste manlike deelnemer wat klaargemaak het.

SKENKING VIR DIERE: Hierdie ses Laerskool Noord-Eindleerders het besluit om geld in te samel om diere in die Paarl te help. Hulle het self ’n koekverkoping by die skool gereël en R1 500 ingesamel wat hulle geskenk het aan Drakenstein Animal Rescue (DAR). Hulle is (agter van links) Wilmarie de Freitas, Emily Fourie en Jonelle Mostert; (voor) Ronit Olivier, Twanè Nesenberend en Kita Crozier. Vir navrae oor die DAR, bel 082 579 3005 of besoek

BESTE ATLETE: By die jaarlikse Roland Bastiaan tradisionele atletiekbyeenkoms wat by die Daljosafatstadion gehou is, is Klein Nederburg Sekondêre Skool aangewys as die algehele wenner van die dag. Hier is Rezandré Swarts (links), wat gekies is as die beste o. 14-meisie-atleet vir hoogspring, 100 m en 200 m, en Courtney Solomon het die Margareth Ontong-trofee ontvang vir haar eerste plek in die gewigstoot en diskus. Sy is ook as die Victrix Ludorum gekies vir beste o. 15-meisie-atleet sowel as beste algehele meisie-atleet.

Kontak ons vir 'n afspraak vir ~ Gehoortoetse ~ Gehoorapparate ~ Gehoorbeskerming ~ Spraakterapie H/v Bosch- & Berlynstraat | Tel: 021 872 7999 ...



Jeug Youth

26 Februarie, 2015

ATLETIEK: Dié atlete van Laerskool WA Joubert is in die Paarlspan opgeneem en het die afgelope naweek aan die Boland-sentraalkampioenskappe deelneem.

BLITSVINNIG: Leerders van Amstelhof Primêre Skool het onlangs deelgeneem aan die Boland-kampioenskappe by die Dal Josafat-stadion. Agter van links is Lindin Roman en Jade Damons. Voor is Mejade Williams en Faithlyn Oliphant. Mejade het ’n tweede plek in die 1 200 m verower, terwyl Faithlyn derde plekke in die 60 m en 80 m behaal het.

Mr & Miss Klapmuts to be crowned The search is on for Mr & Miss Klapmuts 2015. Maybe it’s your neighbour, maybe it’s your friend or maybe it’s you. Entries are now open for the titles of Mr & Miss Klapmuts 2015. Entrants must be aged between 14 and 19 years old and

originate from Klapmuts. Dream Celebrations are hosting the Mr & Miss Klapmuts Workshop this coming Saturday morning, 28 February, 09:00 till 11:00 at the Klapmuts Primary School. Entry forms will be available on the day and it is free to enter.


AFLOS: Charleston Hill Sekondêr het aan die jaarlikse Roland Bastiaan Tradisionele Atletiekbyeenkoms deelgeneem en die wisseltrofee in die aflos gewen. Van links is Virgel Titus, Jason Koopman, Keenan Smith en Jeraldo September. Jason het ook die oggend die padloop van Beukestraat tot Daljosafat-stadion vir seuns o. 19 gewen, asook die 800 m-wedloop waaraan hy deelgeneem het.

LEADERS: Mary Help of Christians Primary School recently selected their leaders for 2015. From left are Moeketsi Ntlaba (head boy), Shanice Nicholas (head girl), Lesedi Selai (deputy head girl) and Lwandisiwe Ngwenya (deputy head boy).


Ons verwelkom vir Jonette by ons span.


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Jeug Youth

26 February, 2015

Stalletjies beskikbaar vir karnaval St Albans Primêre Skool in Wellington hou hul 24ste karnaval met ’n mallemeule op hul skoolterrein op 13 en 14 Maart.

Hope pret en lekkernye kan verwag word. Bel die skool tussen 08:00 en 14:00 by 021 873 2441 vir navrae oor stalletjies.



COME JOIN US!!!! y Big screen rugbvs Lions

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Live bands

ATLETE PRESTEER: Paarlzicht Primêre Skool se atlete het onlangs aan die Boland-kampioenskappe te Daljosafat-stadion deelgeneem. Agter (van links) is Rodreeq Klaasen, Bradley Walters en Cortley Goliath; (voor) Michelle Klaasen, Justin Warries en Zoë Basson. Zoë is vir die derde agtereenvolgende jaar as kampioen aangewys in die o. 9-meisies se 60 m- en 80 m-wedlope, waarvoor sy twee goue medaljes gewen het. Justin het ’n silwer medalje in die o.12-seunsverspring gewen en gaan op 7 Maart aan die Wes-Kaapse byeenkoms by Coetzenburg deelneem.

Radio KC live broadcast Slippery slide & jumpi ng castle for kids

Bring & Braai

Bring your own XYZ

Local artists Hout te koop


Snoepie • Koeldrank • worsrolle For more information, contact: 021 868 1901 X1PT3CBM-PL260215

ATHLETES: Athletes from Ebenezer Primary School, which celebrates its 50th anniversary, took part in the Boland athletics championships held the Dal Josaphat stadium. From left are Adin Januarie, Kuschka Lombard, Logan Kermis, Cunley Muller and Hakheem Kunene. Hakheem (100 m,150 m for u. 12) and Adin (shotput for u. 12) have been selected for the Boland team that will participate in the Western Cape Championships to be held in Stellenbosch.

TWEEKAMP: Leerders van Laerskool Hugo Rust is onlangs verkies om aan die Bolandtweekamp deel te neem en sal ook aan die Interprovinsiale toernooi in Oudtshoorn deelneem. Agter van links is Righardt Müller en Jana Retief. Voor is Francois Retief en Christiaan Hatting. Francois, Jana en Righardt haal die Boland-tweekampspan terwyl Christiaan ’n eerste plek by die Robertson-byeenkoms verower het.

VEELSYDIG: Die veelsydige Rialene Nel van die Hoër Meisieskool La Rochelle was die jongste lid van die Maties Onderwaterhokkiespan wat aan die Nasionale Interklub-kampioenskappe deelgeneem het. Die span het ’n bronsmedalje verower. Sy is ook lid van die Bolandspan wat aan die Pro Series Indoor Nasionale Binnenshuise Hokkiekampioenskappe by die Universiteit van Kaapstad deelgeneem het. Boland het vierde uit 18 spanne geëindig.


Wellington Nuus Wellington News

26 Februarie, 2015


WELLINGTON EXHAUST CENTRE Nou Nou beskikbaar beskikbaar by byons ons


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Drakenstein se betonvennoot 021 873 1154 • •

BESOEK ONS BY: 2 Industria Street, Wellington OF SKAKEL ONS BY: 021 873 2120



Vier landelike skole leer van entrepreneurskap CHRISTINE SIEBRITS Die Wellington ATKV-gesinstak onder leiding van Tharina Schweidler, fasiliteerder van die projek, het begin om intense entrepreneurskapsklasse by vier landelike skole aan te bied. Die ATKV het vir die projek hande gevat met die polisie, die plaaswerkersforum, AgriMark en die mentors van elk van die skole. Die projek dek ’n formele kurrikulum waarin die kinders verskeie aspekte van entrepreneurskap geleer word. Dit sluit in: hoe om produkte te identifiseer, hoe om professioneel op te tree teenoor kliënte, hoe om te bemark en selfs hoe om hul eie logo’s te ontwerp. Die mentors van elke skool is mense wat reeds op ’n plaas werk. Hulle sal die kinders raad gee met die kweek en versorging van saad, wat hiervoor deur AgriMark geskenk word. Die leerders se T-hemde is geskenk deur AgriMark en die plaaslike ATKV-tak.

Kom ons maak Wellington nóg mooier Die Drakenstein-munisipaliteit het begin met die opstel van ’n stedelike ontwerpraamwerk vir Wellington se sentrale sakekern – die gebied om Hoofen Kerkstraat.

Op die foto pronk leerders saam met hul mentors. Heel agter links is mentor Johannes Thomas en langs hom agter is Petrus Fortuin en Johannes le Roux met Jimmy Cloete in die middel. Regs is Tharina Schweidler (fasiliteerder ATKV). FOTO: CHRISTINE SIEBRITS

OPKNAPPINGSWERK: Lede van die huiskomitee, asook studenteraadgewers van Huis Bliss (CPUT Wellington-kampus) het die afgelope tyd groot werk gedoen by Voor-Groenberg Primêr, ’n landelike skool buite Wellington. Hulle het onder meer die mure van die vooraansig van die skool versier. Anina van der Westhuizen (opsigter) sê hoe langer hulle daar werk, hoe meer plekke vind hulle wat dringend aandag nodig het, soos geute wat vervang moet word en die dak wat lek en skoongespuit moet word. Die studente het ’n noodkreet gerig aan kundiges om hulle van raad te bedien ten opsigte van dié probleme en ook skenkings van boumateriaal vir die nodig herstelwerk gevra. Agter van links is Melissa Ferreira, Helena le Roux, Danielle van Niekerk, Heidi Koester, Nicolene Els en Annelie Lombard. Voor is Zanelle van Niekerk, Hanneke van der Wath, Andri Baird, Anina van der Westhuizen en Hannelie Zulch. FOTO: CHRISTINE SIEBRITS

FINDING MEIRING: Huis Meiring won more than 12 certificates in the first orientation week, hosted by the local Student Representative Council of CPUT Wellington Campus. Newcomers from as far as Namibia, the Karoo and Eastern Cape, have joined together to build a phenomenal group this year. Diversity in this residence plays a central role and they use it as fuel for their creative engines to keep the ideas flowing. The house committee and the seniors of the residence are extremely proud of all their achievements. From left are Jessica Singleton, Angelique Zogby and Jane le Roux.

Die idee hiervan is om insette vanaf die hele gemeenskap van die dorp te kry oor hoe die sentrale sakekern van Wellington ten beste benut kan word. Nie net sal dit sorg vir ’n aantrekliker dorp vir almal nie, maar dit sal ook toerisme bevorder. Alle Wellingtonners word genooi om deel te neem aan die proses met hul kennis, idees en drome. GAPP Argitekte en Stedelike Ontwerpers sal die projek lei en Siyakhana sal die konsultasie met belanghebbendes fasiliteer. Die projek sal oor ’n tydperk van agt maande loop en drie werkswinkels vir die publiek tydens die proses aanbied. Die eerste van die werkswinkels vind plaas op Donderdag, 12 Maart om 19:00 in die Wellington-stadsaal. Almal is welkom. Registreer op Siyakhana se databasis om te verseker dat jy alle uitnodigings ontvang en op hoogte bly van die projek. Stuur jou kontakbesonderhede, insluitend ’n e-pos adres, na Earl Ontong van Siyakhana: of bel 021 872 9799 of faks 021 872 5292.

Nikki Siebritz JUWELIERS · JEWELLERS · Kwaliteit handgemaakte juweliersware · Smelt van u eie goud en herset van stene · Juweliersherstelwerk · Horlosieherstelwerk · Verskeidenheid horlosies, bandjies en batterye in voorraad.

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Promosie Promotion

26 Februarie, 2015

VALENTINE’S DAY: Staff of Checkers Van Der Lingen celebrated Valentine’s Day in a very special way this year by giving the elderly of Rusthof Old Age Home in Paarl-East tasty treats. With the residents are nurse Doreen Lottering (left), Chandré Paulse (Checkers, fourth from left), matron Alvira Kleinhans (centre), Edith Kriel (Checkers, third from right) and Ricardo La Mour (Checkers, second from right).

ACVV Paarl vier 110 jaar van dienslewering



W estelike Westelike S krynwerker Skrynwerker

Vanjaar vier ACVV Paarl-tak, geleë in Zeederbergstraat, Suider-Paarl, hul 110de bestaansjaar.

Tel: 021 862 2942 Faks: 021 862 1610 Ons vervaardig: • Deure • Vensterrame • Outydse skuifraamvensters • Houthortjievensters • Hekke

HERDENKING: Abraham (Awie) en Magriet Kock het op 21 Februarie hul 62ste huweliksherdenking gevier saam met hul vier kinders, 14 kleinkinders en 18 agterkleinkinders. Die geheim van hul huwelik is goeie kommunikasie en om liefdevol te wees.




36 Westhoven Street, Dal Josaphat | Tel: 021872 8611







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Police Station

Die vroue wat skouer aan die wiel sit by die ACVV Paarl-tak is van links Brenda Carlse, Davene Vermeulen, Claudia Schutte, Charlene Boyd, Magdalene Holm (visevoorsitter), Anel Scheepers (voorsitter), Elmarie Kotzé en Andriette April. FOTO: LIEZL DAVIDS







Die ACVV is ’n Christelike Vroue-organisasie wat ontwikkelingsgerigte maatskaplike dienslewering voorsien aan individue, gesinne en gemeenskappe. Dit is ’n organisasie sonder winsbejag en dienste word gelewer na aanleiding van gemeenskapsinspraak deur middel van ’n diensleweringskomitee aan kliënte, ongeag ras, taal, geslag, ouderdom of geloofsoortuiging. Vrywilligers, met inagneming van diversiteit, vorm die grondslag van die ACVV as organisasie en hulle word ondersteun en aangevul deur opgeleide personeel. Die ACVV se visie is om ’n werkbare stelsel van positiewe interaksie en verandering tussen vrywilligers, betaalde amptenare en behoeftige persone en gemeenskappe te ontwikkel en in stand te hou. Hul missie is om deur middel van ontwikkelingsgerigte, geïntegreerde maatskaplike dienste (ondersteun deur professionele, sielkundige raadgewing) die gebruikers en die gemeenskap te bemagtig om hul lewenskwa-

Jaarlikse basaar by Rusoord Rusoord tehuis vir bejaardes se jaarlikse basaar vind plaas op 28 Maart by die tehuis in Devinestraat, Paarl, vanaf 08:30. Daar sal heerlike pannekoek wees, ontbyt, koek en ander gebak, handewerk, wit olifante, ’n kindertafel, lekker musiek en veel meer te koop.




liteit te verbeter en ’n selfstandige, doelgerigte bestaan te kan voer. Op 26 November 1902 is ’n versoek gerig om ’n organisasie te begin waar jong vroue opgelei word om siekes en kinders te versorg, voedsel voor te berei en naaldwerk te doen (onder meer om Brittanje se invloed op die klerebedryf in Suid-Afrika te verklein). Die doel was ook om trots in die Afrikanerkultuur en Afrikaans as taal te kweek, maar terselfdertyd moes Engels geleer en gelees word, sonder om hul eie taal af te skeep. Nadat belangstellendes op 14 April 1903 en 22 Oktober 1903 voorlopig vergaderings aan huis van Koopmans-de Wet gehou het, is die Suid-Afrikaansche Christelijke Vrouwen Vereeniging op Donderdag 1 September 1904 in die ou Hugenote Gedenkgebou in Kaapstad gestig. Die woord “Christelik” het nou die eerste keer in die naam van die vereniging bestaan en daarom word dít as die stigtingsdatum van die ACVV beskou. Elizabeth Roos was die voorsitter van die vergadering en word beskou as die stigter van die ACVV- moedertak in Kaapstad. (Sien meer op bladsy 17.)

Bring dus die hele gesin en geniet hierdie heerlike basaar. Persone wat kan help met donasies van produkte, handgemaakte items, gebak, finansieel of persone wat kan help die dag van die basaar kan Almarie du Toit bel by 021 872 1982.

PUBLIC NOTICE CALLING FOR INSPECTION OF THE SUPPLEMENTARY VALUATION ROLL 2015/01 Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 49 (1) (a) (i) read together with section 78(2) of the Local Government: Municipal Property Rates Act, 2004 (Act 6/2004), hereinafter referred to as the "Act", that the Supplementary Valuation Roll for the financial years 1 July2013 to 30 June 2017 is open for public inspection at the various municipal offices or at website from 19 January 2015 to 31 March 2015.

We are proud to announce the merge between Securisense Security Services (PTY) Ltd and Southern Cross Security Services (PTY) Ltd.

An invitation is hereby made in terms of section 49(1)(a)(ii) read together with section 78(2) of the Act any owner of property or other person who so desires should lodge an objection with the municipal manager in respect of any matter reflected in, or omitted from, the Supplementary Valuation Roll within the above mentioned period .

We specialise in: • Manned Guarding • Alarm installations, Monitoring and response • Access Control • CCTV • Electrified fencing Systems • Security Advice and Investigations.

Attention is specifically drawn to the fact that in terms of section 50(2) of the Act an objection must be in relation to a specific individual property and not against the supplementary valuation roll as such. The prescribed form for the lodging of and objection is available on the website or is obtainable at the municipal offices at the following addresses: Stellenbosch Municipal Offices: Plein Street, Stellenbosch Franschhoek Municipal Offices: Hugenote Road, Franschhoek Pniel Municipal Offices: Main Road, Pniel Office hours for enquiries : 08h00 – 16h00 The completed forms must be returned to M Blaauw P O Box 17 STELLENBOSCH (Tel:021-8088662)(Fax2Mail:086 515 1428) Christa Liebenberg MUNICIPAL MANAGER Notice No. 4/2015




Security Services

Dated : 10/02/2015 X1PRBXXD-PL260215

Contact us on 087 702 5296 (24 hours) for a free quote Branches in: • Paarl • Stellenbosch • Villiersdorp • Parow X1PQXMER-PL260215


Promosie Promotion

26 February, 2015


ACVV se verrigtinge in die Paarl Met 30 lede is die ACVV Paarltak se deure op 8 Februarie 1905 geopen. Die huidige voorsitter is Anel Scheepers. Dié tak se bedieningsgebied is vanaf Devinestraat, Suider-Paarl dorpsgebied, Suid-Agter Paarl, Simondium, Lanquedoc en Pniël. Ander takke in die Paarl wat hul ontstaan gekry het uit die ACVV Paarl-tak, sluit in ACVV NoorderPaarl en ACVV Paarl Vallei. Die ACVV Noorder-Paarl-tak is op 25 Maart 1931 begin. ) ACVV Noorder-Paarl is geleë in Gimnasiumstraat, Paarl en het hul huidige gebou gekoop in 1984. Dié gebou het behoort aan die Toringkerk en was eers die kerk se pastorie. ACVV Noorder-Paarl se bedieningsgebied is verskeie plase wat strek tot verby die Drakenstein Gevangenis, Devinestraat, Pleinstraat, Denneburg en Klein Parys. Behalwe die maatskaplike dienste wat hulle bied, bied hulle ook soggens kinderversorging aan. Die voorsitter van dié tak is Nina Slabbert. ) Op 27 Mei 1942, ná die stigting

van die NG Gemeente Paarl Vallei, het die vroue van die gemeente op 6 Mei 1942 bekend gemaak dat hulle ’n eie tak wil hê en op 27 Mei 1942 is die Paarl Vallei-tak gestig. ACVV Paarl Vallei, geleë in Langstraat in Noorder-Paarl, is in 1942 gestig as die laaste van die drie ACVV-takke in die Paarl. Die ACVV Paarl Vallei se voorsitter is Anieka Malherbe. By dié tak is 16 vrywilligers asook twee maatskaplike werkers wat maatskaplike dienste lewer vanaf Pleinstraat, Paarl tot by al die plase in AgterPaarl. ACVV Paarl Vallei se dienste sluit in kinder- en gesinsorgdienste, wat onder andere behels dat hulle te doen kry met gevalle van kindermishandeling en -verwaarlosing, alkohol- en dwelmmisbruik, tienerswangerskappe, molestering van vroue en kinders en verkragting. Daar is ook statutêre dienste wat met hofsake te doen het, soos die verwydering van kinders as gevolg van verwaarlosing of mishandeling en molestering en verkragting. ACVV Paarl Vallei bied ook verskeie gemeenskapsprojekte aan

met die oog op die kind waarvoor vrywilligers opgelei word om in hul onmiddellike omgewing probleme wat kinders raak, te sien en aan te meld. Kospakkies en klere word ook aan behoeftiges gegee met die hulp van donasies wat ACVV Paarl Vallei van die publiek ontvang. ) Kinderregte-projekte word by skole aangebied. ) MIV-bewusmaking deur middel van poppekas-aanbiedings by skole. ) Vakansieklubs om leerders in die vakansie besig te hou. ) Ouerleidinggroepe vir pleegouers en biologiese ouers. ) Bejaardedagvierings om aandag aan bejaardes te skenk. ) 16 Dae van Aktivisme teen geweld teen vroue en kinders. Wielie Walie versorgingsoord is ook ’n diensvertakking van ACVV Paarl Vallei en bied versorging en stimulasie aan voorskoolse kinders van werkende ouers. Oase Dienssentrum vir ouer persone is ’n diensvertakking wat dienste aan ouer persone lewer. ACVV Paarl Vallei reik ook uit na die Aandblom Dienssentrum by

Van links is van ACVV Paarl Vallei se verteenwoordigers, Anieka Malherbe (voorsitter), Ilza Potgieter (bestuurder van die Oase Dienssentrum), Frouwien du Toit (onder-voorsitter), Annelé Nel (maatskaplike werker), Zirkea Stander (hoof van Wielie Walie). FOTO: LIEZL DAVIDS

Van die werkers van ACVV Noorder-Paarl is van links Neena Janse van Rensburg (maatskaplike werker), Isobel Heunis (kantoorbeampte) en Karmi Smit (maatskaplike werker). die VG Kerk Agter-Paarl asook ’n naskoolsorg by Nieuwe Drift Primêre Skool. Leerders wat nie ná skool iemand het by wie hulle kan bly nie word deur ’n versorger iets gegee om te eet en met hulle huiswerk gehelp. ) Die NG Gemeente “Die Paarl” (Strooidakkerk) het die Villeria-gebou in Zeederbergstraat vir die ACVV aangebied “om als Dorkas Huis te dien”. Die ACVV het dit aanvaar. Die gebou is op 6 Mei 1931 in gebruik geneem met 12 inwoners. Rusoord tehuis vir bejaardes is in 1957 gebou en op 25 April 1958 het die eerste 58 inwoners die nuwe perseel betrek te Devinestraat, Paarl. Die bestuur het tot die besef gekom dat daar ’n groot behoefte is vir ’n groter tuiste. In 1971 beplan die bestuur om Lentelus (’n aangrensende woning vir jongmense) te koop. Op 1 Augustus 1977 open die nuwe uitbreiding en 50 inwoners word opgeneem. Steeds was die tehuis nie groot genoeg nie en die bestuur het die proses begin vir ’n nuwe uitbreiding. Die nuwe uitbreiding het voorsiening gemaak vir ’n addisionele 50 verswakte inwoners. Tans verskaf Rusoord tehuis vir bejaardes 24 uur versorgings- en ondersteuningsdienste aan 174 ouer persone, ten einde hulle kwaliteit van lewe te verbeter en om hul funksionering en onafhanklikheid binne ’n bekostigbare, veilige en toeganklike residensiële fasiliteit te bevorder. Kwartaallikse geldinsamelingsprojekte word ook gehou. Die rus-

oord se jaarlikse basaar word vanjaar op 28 Maart gehou. ACVV Huis Vergenoegd in die Paarlse Hoofstraat is ook een van die ACVV se dienstakke. Die vorige woonhuis van Stoney Broke op die perseel van Huis Vergenoegd, is omskep in Huis Ina Rens. Huis Ina Rens is ’n veilige en ontspanne huis vir persone met dementia. Die opening van Huis Ina Rens het in 2012 plaasgevind. ) Landswyd is daar tans 91 ACVV-takke en 21 ACVV-dienstakke. Daar is meer as 3 000 vrywilligers en 128 maatskaplike werkers. Twee en vyftig takke lewer individuele intervensie aan sowat 24 283 persone. Sowat 3 700 voorskoolse kinders word gestimuleer in 49 crèches en speelgroepe, 200 kinders word versorg in drie kinder- en jeugsorgsentrums, 68 laerskoolleerders ontvang naskool-toesig in 14 sentrums en 3 500 ouer persone en persone met gestremdhede word versorg in 64 residensiële fasiliteite. Vir die ACVV is dit ’n groot uitdaging om die nodige geld te bekom om al die dienste wat die ACVV bied te finansier. Die publiek word gevra om te help met enige skenkings (kos, klere, toiletware of finansiële steun). ACVV nooi die publiek uit om as vrywilligers betrokke te raak en om hul kennis en vaardighede te deel. Vir navrae, skakel ACVV Paarl by 021 872 2738, ACVV Paarl Vallei by 021 871 1515 en ACVV Noorder-Paarl by 021 872 3487. Verdere inligting is op die ACVV se webtuiste



Leefstyl Lifestyle

26 February, 2015

Kalender . Calendar 27 FEBRUARIE ) Bobby van Jaarsveld tree om 19:30 op by die Afrikaanse Taalmonument. Bestel ’n piekniek­ mandjie by 021 863 2800 of neem jou eie. Ver­ versings sal te koop wees. Kaartjies is R130 (R120 vir studente en R60 vir kinders onder 13 jaar) by Computicket en by 021 863 4809/0543. 28 FEBRUARY ) Die Boeremusiekgilde se Boland­tak hou ’n dans met die orkes van Poena Weyers by Noord­Eind Laerskool. Vir navrae bel 083 346 7083. ) Noorder Paarl High School hosts a family day

at the school with live entertainment, Miss NP trails, fun for kids as well as food stalls. On 6 March a picnic dance with the Elginairs Dance Band will take place at the Huguenot Community hall at 19:00. Tickets at R100. Bring your picnic basket. Contact the school on 021 872 7016. ) Die Christen Gemeentes Paarl se Bo­Dalwyk hou ’n sangaand by die kerksaal, 1 Barkerstraat. Toe­ gang is R20 (R10 vir kinders). ’n Bus sal om 18:00 vanaf Drommedaris die busroete ry tot by die kerk. Vervoer is R10. Bel Maans by 076 518 6858. ) Mnr. en Mej. Bethel Sondagskool word gekies om 16:00 by die kerksaal. Verversings sal verkoop word. Kaartjies is R10 by James by 073 949 5995. Bethel Congregational Kerk hou ook op 7 Maart om 10:00 hul mini­basaar. Bel 021 862 5185. 1 MAART ) Charis Worship Centre (ou Planet­bioskoop)

bied aan ’n gospel­konsert om 15:00 met Hilde­ gardt Whites, bekend as Bonita Meintjies van 7de Laan. Plaaslike kunstenaars sal ook optree. Kaart­ jies is R60 (R30 vir kinders onder 12). Bel pastoor Edwin Lawrence by 074 761 4625. ) The Knights of St Christopher Motorcycle Minis­ try in conjunction with Andrew Murray Children’s Home are calling on all bikers to join them on Sun­ day for a breakfast run. They will depart from Bel­ ville Velodrome at 08:30 to Wellington. Entry fee is R70 which includes breakfast and commemora­ tive badge. Activities with the children will follow after breakfast. Anyone who would like to be a volunteer at the home or for more details can con­ tact Karen at 021 873 3834. 3 MAART ) Die Paarl blommeklub het hul byeenkoms om 18:30 by die NG Kerk te Denneburg. Die tema

6 MAART ) Wellingtonner Winnie Rust is in gesprek met Suzette Kotze­Myburgh om 12:00 by die ouditori­ um van die JS Gericke­biblioteek, by die Universi­ teit van Stellenboch tydens vanjaar se Woordfees. 7 MARCH ) Beacon of Light church presents a leadership breakfast with apostle Vincent Alexander at the Berg River hostel hall at 09:00. Tickets cost R70. For details: 021 872 7494. ) Ligstraal Skool hou basaar vanaf 08:30. Daar sal kos, koeldrankke, koek, vermaak vir kinders en vele meer wees.

Wen kaartjies vir Spekkies



WAS:R1299999 NOW:R1199999

Deposit R1200


hierdie maand is ‘Ikebana’. Daar gaan moderne en tradisionele ontwerpe gedemonstreer word. Bel Pieter Walters by 021 863 1931 of Fareda Essop by 021 862 2237.



WITH YOUR: S.A.ID Number First Name Surname Net Income Eg:6507986543211/Mpha/Makoena/7500. Standard SMS rates apply. Subject toin-store verification. Enquiries call 0800 228 444 toll-free.

Spekkies, die gelukbringer van Spektrum Kinderteater, is Saterdag 28 Februarie om 10:00 op die planke by die Ou Meul-teater. Hy het al sy buiging as aankondiger voor Spektrum-toneelstukke gemaak, asook in die kinderboek, Spekkies se avonture in Rooikappieland. Voorheen was hy nie veel groter as ’n gewone eekhoring nie, maar in dié splinternuwe toneelstuk kry die kinders die kans om Spekkies groter as volskaal te beleef. In die prettige stuk word daar gesing, gedans en lekker gelag vir die spitsvondige karakters, vertolk deur ’n span vernuftige akteurs. Kaartjies is R45 en by 083 564 0056 beskikbaar. * Vier gelukkige lesers kan elk ’n kaartjie na dié produksie wen. SMS die naam van die hoofkarakter na 37405 voor 12:00 Vrydag 27 Februarie.

Bou ’n bonsai­ landskap Belangstellendes kan Saterdag 28 Februarie meer leer oor die kuns van bonsai-landskappe. Boland Bonsai kom om 09:00 in die botaniese tuin van Stellenbosch byeen om die kuns van saikei (miniatuur-landskap) te bespreek. Daar is ook hulp vir beginners en senior lede sal ’n boombespreking hou. Die bespreking sal gelei word deur Coenie Brand. Besoekers is baie welkom. Belangstellendes kan hom bel by 082 804 9195.

Vroue­biddag by Toringkerk x30 MONTHS

WAS: R4999 NOW:R3999

Deposit R400

Die Wêreldbiddag vir Vroue vind op 6 Maart om 13:00 plaas. ’n Spesiale byeenkoms sal by die Toringkerk in die Paarl gehou word en vroue van alle Christelike kerk-denominasies word genooi om die geleentheid by te woon en om sowat 40 tot 45 minute lank stil te word in gebed en denke. Vanjaar is die wêreldwye tema “Verstaan julle wat Ek vir julle gedoen het? (Joh. 13)”. Marina Olivier (sy en haar man André werk tans as sendelingpaar in Thailand) sal die byeenkoms lei en sy sal onder meer praat oor hul werk daar.

Hulp vir werklose moeders

J W T_CT/79459/02/PPT

Prices shown are valid in South Africa from 16 February 2015 until 15 March 2015 or while stocks last. Prices, deposits and instalments are correct at time of publication and may fluctuate due to interest rate and other price adjustments. Extended warranties on certain products are available as an optional extra. Credit offers are subject to credit approval and an affordability assessment. Monthly instalments and total credit price shown are INCLUSIVE of interest, a deposit, delivery costs, compulsory and voluntary insurance, initiation and service fees and VAT. The monthly instalment is fixed and will not vary. VAT included. E & OE. A division of Lewis Stores (Pty) Limited. FSP No. 26/10/2815.

NOW TRADING IN GAUTENG EAST: Carltonville, Daveyton, Evaton, Florida, Germiston, Heidelberg, Johannesburg, Kempton park, Krugersdorp, Mamelodi, Midrand, PTA Acardia, PTA CBD, PTA Gezina, PTA Silverton, PTA West, Randburg, Soshanguve, Soweto – Jabulani, Tsakane, Vosloorus • SOUTHERN COASTAL : Barberton, Belfast, Bethal, Delmas, Emalahleni, Hoedspruit, Howick, Jane Furse, Lebowakgomo, Malelane, Mossel Bay, Musina, Nongoma, Paarl, Parys, Phalaborwa, Pinetown, Plettenberg Bay, Polokwane, Secunda, Standerton, Tzaneen, Uitenhage, Welkom, Vyheid • EASTERN COASTAL: Lusikisiki, Middelburg, Kingwilliams Town, Ixopo, Mthatha • NORTH WEST: Foschville, Klerksdorp, Mabopane, Schweizer Reineke • NORTHERN: Kathu, Kimberley, Postmasburg, Upington • FREE STATE: Bloemfontein.

The Clothing Bank Winelands by Bergrivierpark, bied ’n twee jaar opleidingsprogram aan werklose moeders om hulle te help om ’n sakeonderneming te begin. Die organisasie ontvang oortollige klere van klerewinkels asook van die publiek. Die vroue kan daarmee handel dryf ná ’n kort opleidingstydperk. Hulle koop die items by die organisasie en verkoop dit teen ’n wins. Die SA Kwalifikasie-owerheid akkrediteer die opleiding. Ope dae vind plaas van 09:30 op 3 Maart by Groendal-gemeenskapsaal, Franschhoek, 4 Maart by The Clothing Bank, Berg River Park, Paarl en op 6 Maart by die klubhuis in Klapmuts. Om seker te maak jy voldoen aan die vereistes, bel 021 868 0036.


Mense People

26 February, 2015


NUUT: Klein Nederburg Sekondêr het sy nuwe skoolsaal ingewy. Saam met die skoolhoof, Mary Banda (middel), is van links Juan Benjamin (direkteur Kaapse Wynland-onderwysdistrik) en John Matthews (Archway Foundation) by die onthulling van die gedenkplaat.

WALK AROUND SA BORDERS: Adventurer and Paarlite Dave Deacon (second from left) gave an illustrated talk on his walk around the borders of South Africa at the monthly meeting of the University of the Third Age (U3A). With him are from left Anne Kruger (secretary), Llew Roberts (chairperson) and Jeanette Fischer (treasurer). For more details about U3A, call 021 872 0484.


SKOOLHOOF: Laer Meisieskool La Rochelle is baie opgewonde oor hul nuwe skoolhoof, Dalene Olivier (links). Sy sal vanaf die tweede kwartaal aan die stuur van die Klein Larrieskip wees. Hier oorhandig Carien van Zyl, uittredende skoolhoof, ’n bos blomme as verwelkoming.

AFTREE: Paarl-Oos-polisiekantoor het verlede week twee pligsgetroue lede gegroet wat uit die diens van die SAPD tree. Tydens hul afskeid-funksie het verskeie rolspelers van hul karakter vertel en die belangrike rolle wat hulle by die kantoor vertolk het. Kapt. Gareth Watts (naaslinks) was vir 26 jaar in diens en was ook ’n skof-bevelvoerder, terwyl Getruida Solomon (regs) 25 jaar haar diens as algemene werker by die kantoor gelewer het. Saam met hulle is van links kol. Joseph Komani, kol Mabuthi Stephans (stasiebevelvoerder) en maj. Mzimasi Dubhula. FOTO: DEVIDEAN MOSES

BENEFITS OF MEDITATION: A Buddhist monk, Gen Pagpa (right), recently addressed Paarl Rotary on the benefits of meditation. He is based at a Buddhist centre in Rondebosch, but travels to Paarl once a month to present drop-in meditation classes on a Thursday evening. With him are Rotarian Stephanie Whittle-Bennetts (left) and Rotary president Deon Erasmus. For more information on meditation classes, visit www.meditateincape or call 021 685 3428. .

MOOIRIVIER: Die bekende akteur en vervaardiger, Tim Theron (middel), het verlede Vrydagaand fliekgangers verras toe hy saam met hulle die nuwe Afrikaanse romantiese komedie, Moorivier, gaan kyk het. Theron vertolk die rol van Paul, ’n dominee wat die kerkbediening agterlaat ná sy vrou se dood en sy slag as eiendomsagent waag. Hy sukkel om aan te beweeg met sy lewe maar ontmoet dan vir Lisa (Anel Alexander) wanneer sy ’n huis soek om te koop. Primi Piatti Paarl het ook twee kaartjies geskenk aan ’n gelukkige Mooiri­ vier-ondersteuner. Hier saam met Theron is die kaartjiewenner, Charmaine le Roux (regs) en ’n vriendin, Annali Augustyn (links). Agter is die bestuurder van Minimax, Peter Ralph. FOTO: MARYKE SWART



Description: PROC 3/2015: Supply & Delivery of Water & Sewer Pipes and Fittings (3 year rates tender) Closing date: 19 March 2015 Closing time: 10:00. Bids will be opened in the Civic Centre, 1st Floor, Berg River Boulevard, Paarl in public at 10:15. Information: Obtain documentation: Office of the Deputy Executive Manager: Civil Engineering Services, at Engineering Building, 2nd Floor, cnr of Main Road and Market Street, Paarl, 7 6 4 6 ( G P S c o - o r d i n a t e s : 3 3 °4 4 ' 1 9 , 5 1 " S & 18°57'47,53"E)

Description: PROC 1/2015: Supply and Delivery of Water Meters to Drakenstein Municipality (three year rates tender). Closing date: 19 March 2015 Closing time: 10:00. Bids will be opened in the Civic Centre, 1st Floor, Berg River Boulevard, Paarl in public at 10:15. Information: Obtain documentation: Office of the Deputy Executive Manager: Civil Engineering Services, at Engineering Building, 2nd Floor, cnr of Main Road and Market Street, Paarl, 7 6 4 6 ( G P S c o - o r d i n a t e s : 3 3 °4 4 ' 1 9 , 5 1 " S & 18°57'47,53"E)

Enquiries regarding tender documentation: Mr. André Kowalewski Tel: 021 807 4705 / 082 497 9246 Email Address: Office Hours for collection: 08:30 - 15:30 as from 26 February 2015. Non-refundable fee of R267 payable to Drakenstein Municipality required for collection of documents. Bids may only be submitted on the bid documentation provided by the municipality and must remain valid for 120 days after bid closing. Telegraphic, telephonic, telex, facsimile, e-mail and late tenders will not be accepted. The lowest, only or any bid shall not necessarily be accepted and the Council reserves the right to accept any part of the bid. Tenders to be deposited in: The tender box at the entrance of the Municipal offices of Drakenstein Municipality, Civic Centre, Berg River Boulevard PAARL, 7620. (Ensure tender number and title are on envelope). NOTE: This tender will be evaluated in terms of the revised Preferential Procurement Regulations, 2011 that was promulgated by the Minister of Finance on 8 June 2011 in Government Gazette No 34350. Please take note of the responsiveness criteria as stipulated in the tender document.

Enquiries regarding tender documentation: Mr.André Kowalewski, Tel: 021 807 4705 / 082 497 9246 EmailAddress: Office Hours for collection: 08:30 - 15:30 as from 26 February 2015. Non refundable fee of R267 payable to Drakenstein Municipality required for collection of documents. Bids may only be submitted on the bid documentation provided by the municipality and must remain valid for 120 days after bid closing. Telegraphic, telephonic, telex, facsimile, e-mail and late tenders will not be accepted. The lowest, only or any bid shall not necessarily be accepted and the Council reserves the right to accept any part of the bid. Tenders to be deposited in: The tender box at the entrance of the Municipal offices of Drakenstein Municipality, Civic Centre, Berg River Boulevard PAARL, 7620. (Ensure tender number and title are on envelope). NOTE: This tender will be evaluated in terms of the revised Preferential Procurement Regulations, 2011 that was promulgated by the Minister of Finance on 8 June 2011 in Government Gazette No 34350. Please take note of the responsiveness criteria as stipulated in the tender document.

Procurement preference point system: 90/10 The successful bidder will be required to fill in and sign a written Contract Form The following conditions to bid exist (failure to comply may result in your bid being disqualified):

Procurement preference point system: 90/10 The successful bidder will be required to fill in and sign a written Contract Form The following conditions to bid exist (failure to comply may result in your bid being disqualified):

1. This bid is subject to the Supply Chain Management special conditions for bidding and responsiveness criteria 2. Relevant specifications (SPECS). 3. Bidders must be registered on the Drakenstein Municipality supplier database if they wish to conduct business with Drakenstein Municipality. 4. An original or certified tax clearance certificate must be handed in with the closing of the bid. However no contract will be awarded to any bidder without a valid tax clearance certificate on the date the bid is awarded. 5. Bids submitted must be in a sealed envelope clearly marked with the bid number, placed in the tender box before closing time, failure will result in the bid being invalid. J F METTLER MUNICIPAL MANAGER

1. This bid is subject to the Supply Chain Management special conditions for bidding and responsiveness criteria 2. Relevant specifications (SPECS). 3. Bidders must be registered on the Drakenstein Municipality supplier database if they wish to conduct business with Drakenstein Municipality. 4. An original or certified tax clearance certificate must be handed in with the closing of the bid. However no contract will be awarded to any bidder without a valid tax clearance certificate on the date the bid is awarded. 5. Bids submitted must be in a sealed envelope clearly marked with the bid number, placed in the tender box before closing time, failure will result in the bid being invalid. J F METTLER MUNICIPAL MANAGER





Vermaak Entertainment

26 February, 2015

Wen kaartjies na ‘Suurlemoen!’­piekniekfliek

Spoegwolf tree Vrydag om 20:00 by die Ou Meul-teater in die Paarl op.

Vermaak deur Spoegwolf Die bekende Paarlse groep Spoegwolf, wat bestaan uit vier jong mans, tree Vrydag 27 Februarie om 20:00 by die Ou Meul-teater op. Spoegwolf is in 2013 genomineer as Beste Nuweling by die MK Awards. Sy derde musiekvideo, “Loerie”, is op televisie uitgereik. Die kunstenaars is Danie du Toit, Albert van der Merwe, Chris von Wielligh en Moskou du Toit. Kaartjies is R85.

Win tickets to picnic concert

) Sondag 1 Maart om 16:00 is die komediant Barry Hilton op die planke. Sy wenformule met gehore van alle ouderdomme en verskillende agtergronde verseker vol bespreekte vertonings. Hilton se Barry Hilton Live-vertoning bevat ook nuwe materiaal wat vir gereelde sowel as nuwe ondersteuners opwinding waarborg. Kaartjies is R120. Alle kaartjies kan gekoop word by Vicky Stemmet by 083 564 0056.

Suurlemoen!, die fliek gegrond op Jaco Jacobs se gewilde jeugboek, word 6 Maart by die Afrikaanse Taalmonument se tuinteater in die Paarl vertoon. Dit is die laaste piekniekfliek van die seisoen wat as deel van die Taalmonument se piekniekreeks op ’n groot buitelugskerm in die tuinteater te sien is. Volgens die vervaardigers sal Suurlemoen! jou laat lag en huil. Tiaan en Zane is twee sestienjarige seuns wat daarvan hou om skaatsplank te ry, blog-inskrywings te maak (hoopvol dat hulle meisies beter gaan verstaan) en drome het om hul eie rock band te hê. Wanneer hulle in groot moeilikheid by die skool beland met skade van R30 000, is dit ’n onderwyser, meneer Marx (wat self ’n paar geraamtes in sy kas het), wat vir hulle ’n uitkomkans gee. Die rol van Tiaan word deur Tiaan Kelderman gespeel. Ben Pienaar is Zane, Aimee Ritchie is Liezl en Pearl Monama is Bongi. Ander spelers in die rolverdeling is Chris Chameleon as meneer Marx, Anna Davel as Maya, Jurgen Hellberg as meneer Van Schalkwyk, Sallas de Jager as meneer Ma-

KLETSRYMER: Jack Parow, die gewilde Afrikaanse kletsrymer, tree Vrydag 27 Februarie by die Crown Bar in Paarl op. Die openingskunstenaar is Vegas. Toegang is R40 en die vertoning is slegs vir 18-jariges en ouer. FOTO: MARCUS MASCHWITZ

Avonture by oesfees

Backsberg Wine Estate is once again hosting their picnic concerts this summer. Bring your friends and family to laze on the green lawns, enjoy the natural surrounds and watch great live gigs as the sun sets. Savour a delicious hamburger or Karoo lamb wrap and sip on Backsberg wines. The line-up includes: ) 1 March – Piet Botha & Akkedis Band ) 8 March – The Blues Broers ) 15 March – Mr Cat & the Jackal Pre-sale tickets for the concerts are available from for R100. Tickets are also available at the gate for R120 or R60 with a valid student card. Free for children under 12 years when accompanied by an adult. Gates open at 15:00, with the opening act starting at 16:00 and the main act at 17:00. Bring blankets or chairs. For the full line-up of bands, directions, or more information visit * Five lucky readers can each win a double ticket to Sunday’s concert. Just SMS the name of the bandwhichwillbeperformingon1Marchto37405 before 12:00 on Friday 27 February.

Vier die 2015-druiweoes Saterdag 25 Februarie by Grand Provence en verkneukel jou in groot pret by die jaarlikse oesfees in Franschhoek. Die dag begin om 09:00 met tuisgemaakte koffie en plaasvars muffins, gevolg deur ’n dag van druiwe pluk, druiwe trap, ’n wynproe en smullekker kos. Die avontuur begin behoorlik met ’n trekkerrit na die pragtige wingerde om druiwe te pluk, gevolg deur ’n wynproe en ’n keldertoer. Eindig jou dag op die regte noot en smul aan ’n watertandlekker oesfees, perfek voorberei deur Grande Provence se hoofsjef. Kaartjies is R650 per volwassene en R350 vir kinders onder 12. Bespreking is noodsaaklik. Bel Barbara by 021 876 8600 of stuur ’n e-pos na

NUWE CD: Vrydag 27 Februarie om 20:00 tree Andriëtte Norman by die Bôrdienghuis-teater op. Andriëtte kom Wellington toe om haar nuwe CD, Wat rym met liefde, bekend te stel. Kaartjies is R120 per persoon. Die kroeg maak 19:00 oop. Besprekings kan gedoen word by Karin by 071 672 3090 of Caro by 083 570 4765.

ritz, Dirk Stoltz as Zane se pa en Kona Brown as Zane se ma. Die regisseur is Vickus Strijdom, wat ook vir die draaiboek verantwoordelik was. Die vervaardigers is Niel van Deventer, Vickus Strijdom en André Scholtz. Die vertoning begin om 20:00 reg aan die voet van die monument. Die hekke open om 17:00. Besoekers kan hul eie piekniekmandjie saambring of een by Volksmond Koffiewinkel bestel (021 863 2800). Springmielies sal te koop wees. Kaartjies is R70 (R35 vir kinders onder 13) en is vooraf beskikbaar by Computicket en die Taalmonument. ’n Beperkte aantal kaartjies sal by die hek beskikbaar wees. Bring warm klere, ’n kombers en kussing of ’n lae stoel saam. Komberse en lae stoele sal te huur wees. Indien die weer sleg is, word die piekniekfliek uitgestel na 8 Maart. Skakel 021 863 4809/0543 of besoek * Twee gelukkige lesers kan elk ’n dubbelkaartjie na die fliek wen. SMS die naam van die fliek na 37405 voor 12:00 Maandag 2 Maart.

Marc Lottering in Paarl LJ Projects presents live comedy in Paarl with Marc Lottering on 27 February at 20:00 at the Huguenot Community Hall in Paarl. Make sure you do not miss out on lots of laughter with Lottering when he brings The best of Marc Lottering to Paarl. The show will be held to raise money for Arise and Shine, an organisation for people with disabilities. Tickets cost R100 and can be booked on 073 899 4670. The show is not suitable for children. Doors open at 19:00. LJ Projects, based in Paarl, is an events management initiative aimed at helping community projects to enable the effective delivery of their service.

Koos Kombuis at Solms­Delta Koos Kombuis will perform at the Saturday summer concert at Solms-Delta in Franschhoek on 28 February. He will perform alongside talented Music van de Caab musicians. Relax from 18:30 until 20:45, enjoy Cape rural vibes and feast on delicious traditional Kaapse kos. Either pre-book a Fyndraai picnic or order a Fyndraai braaibord, vegetable curry, roti, waterblommetjie lamspotjie, or boerewors roll (perfect for the kids) at the various food stalls, while sipping a glass of Solms-Delta wine. Pack a blanket or camp chair and spend an evening on the lawns. Tickets are R100 per person, which exclude food and drinks. Children under 12 years pay R50 and children under three years get in free. Guests are not allowed to bring their own food or drinks. Book at reception@solms-delta. or call 021 874 3937. Visit


Visit our website

Ticket prices: 3D - R60 • 2D - R40 3D glasses available at R10 each Monday & Tuesdays Special: Half Price

KINGSMAN: THE SECRET SERVICE A spy organization recruits an unrefined, but promising street kid into the agency's ultracompetitive training program just as a global threat emerges from a twisted tech genius.

3D 2D


FRI, MON, WED: 12:20, 19:50 SAT: 12:05, 17:10 SUN: 12:05, 17:10, 19:50 TUE, THURS: 12:20, 17:10

50 SHADES OF GREY Literature student Anastasia Steele's life changes forever when she meets handsome, yet tormented, billionaire Christian Grey. PLEASE TAKE NOTE THAT SCHOLARS WILL NOT BE ALLOWED WITHOUT ID BOOKS

SHAUN THE SHEEP: THE MOVIE When Shaun decides to take the day off and have some fun, he gets a little more action than he bargained for. A mix up with the Farmer, a caravan and a very steep hill lead them all to the Big City.

3D 16LSN 2D FRI, MON, WED: 9:45, 17:15 SAT: 19:50 SUN: 17:15 TUE, THUR: 9:45, 19:50

MORTDECAI Juggling angry Russians, the British Mi5, and an international terrorist, debonair art dealer and part time rogue Charlie Mortdecai races to recover a stolen painting rumored to contain a code that leads to lost Nazi gold.

3D 2D



FRI, MON, TUE, WED, THUR: 15:05, 17:15 SAT: 10:00, 12:25, 14:50, 17:15 SUN: 12:25,14:50


3D 10-12 PG LSV 2D


FRI, MON, TUE, WD, THUR: 10:00, 12:25, 14:50, 19:50 SAT: 10:00, 14:50, 19:50 SUN: 14:50, 19:50


Subject to change without notice - We regret no complimentary tickets & vouchers are allowed during first week of any new release • 27 February 2015 - 5 March 2015 • TEL: 021 872 0714/5 X1PRH6L1-PL260215


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Garagiste Movement established The garagiste winemaking community in South Africa has formalised its structure and created an industry platform for artisan winemakers in this country. The restructured Garagiste Movement of South Africa now boasts a constitution and a committee of seven under the chairmanship of Clive Torr. It was Torr who brought the garagiste concept to South Africa in 1995, and he is now making his own garagiste wines under his Clive Torr label. This movement will amongst others assist this close-knit community with issues pertaining to the ever changing liquor laws. The new committee includes Tanja Beutler of Topaz Wine Company, Pierre Rabie of Giant Periwinkle Wines, Alwyn Liebenberg of Lieben Wines, Nick Furness of Wine Machinery, Dr Johann van Eck of Van Eck Family and Friends Winery and Prof Wessel du Toit of Stellenbosch University. Under the Movement’s constitution, a member garagiste is an artisanal winemak-

Sakekamer maak potjiekos Die Drakenstein Sakekamer se gewilde Potjiekoskompetisie word op Vrydag 13 Maart by Le Bac naby Wellington gehou. Groot pryse is op die spel asook kontant en gelukkige trekkings. Wees verseker, dit gaan weereens een van die Sakekamer se grootste netwerkgeleenthede van die jaar wees met groot pret vir die hele gesin. Vir inligting en inskrywings, bel Francis Nieuwoudt by 078 028 8689.



er who makes 9 000 litres per vintage or less (12 000 bottles or 40 barrels). Clive Torr says that the goals of the Garagiste Movement are to promote garagiste winemaking in South Africa and the interest of garagiste winemakers, serve as their mouthpiece and provide educational and technical support to its members. The initial membership is a diverse range of passionate small-scale winemakers bonded by their passion for wine and winemaking. Their output might be small in quantity, but makes no compromises on quality and some superb hand-crafted wines are the result. Each winemaker has an interesting story to tell and their individual personalities are reflected in the wines they produce. If you are an artisanal winemaker and would like to know more about the Garagiste Movement of South Africa, please contact Tanja Beutler

Verbeter jou kommunikasie met Toastmasters Paarl Toastmasters nooi almal wat hul kommunikasie- en leierskapvaardighede wil verbeter om hul maandelikse vergadering op 26 Februarie by te woon. Dié vergadering se formaat is ’n internasionale Engelse toespraak-kompetisie vir lede van die Paarlse en ander Toastmaster-klubs. Gaste is welkom. Volgens Nicholas Siderators, visepresident van opvoeding, bied Paarl Toastmasters, wat vanjaar 25 jaar oud is, ’n ondersteunende omgewing waar deelnemers leer om beter sprekers te word. “Toastmasters is ’n nie-winsgewende opvoedkundige organisasie wat mense van alle agtergronde help om met meer selfvertroue voor ’n gehoor te praat. Ons klub se missie is om

’n ondersteunende en positiewe leeromgewing te skep waar elke lid die geleentheid kry om vaardighede te ontwikkel wat lei tot selfvertroue en persoonlike groei.” Vergaderings vind op die vierde Donderdag van elke maand vanaf 18:45 tot 21:00 plaas in die konferensielokaal van die Afrikaanse Taalmonument, Gabbema Doordriftstraat, SuiderPaarl. Vergaderings is vanjaar geskeduleer vir 26 Februarie, 26 Maart, 23 April, 28 Mei, 25 Junie, 23 Julie, 27 Augustus, 1 Oktober, 29 Oktober, en 26 November. Lidmaatskap is oop vir almal ouer as 18 jaar. Bywoning vir gaste kos R35 per vergadering. Dieklubistweetalig.Virinligting: Nicholas Sideratos by

A biomass boiler provides steam at the premises of Paarl Media Cape.

Paarl Media to list on the JSE The Paarl Media Group, a leader in the printing and manufacturing sector, today announced its intention to list on the JSE as Novus Holdings. Chief executive officer, Stephen van der Walt says the listing is a step forward as part of the group’s strategy to unlock its growth potential and diversify into manufacturing and technology that is related to its current core business of print. This is reflected in the name change to Novus Holdings, which in Latin means “new” and is consistent with its new strategy, new prospects and new technology. “Over the last two decades Novus Holdings has built a strong financial platform through successful acquisitions, organic growth and an innovative management team, utilising worldclass technology in our various facilities. As a result, the company has emerged as a market leader,” he says. “With such strong foundations in place, and with significant growth potential on offer through extending and diversifying our product range in the sub-Saharan region, we believe the time is right to take the next step and explore diversification directly linked to our core competencies while consolidating market positions in our current facilities,” says Van der Walt. “Subject to JSE approval, the group intends to trade its shares under the ‘Diversified Industrials’ sector classification on the JSE, alongside companies with a similar diversification

strategy and mindset,” says Van der Walt, adding, “We are confident of our growth prospects and it will be our intention to consider the payment of dividends to shareholders as the Group sees fit.” According to Van der Walt the listing should enable Novus Holdings and its subsidiaries to attract and retain key and talented staff and build a strong brand presence while diversifying in sub-Saharan Africa. The listing price will be announced shortly before listing, which is expected to be during March 2015. It is intended that the Board of Novus Holdings will consist of 11 directors of which six will be independent non-executive directors. Two of the 11 directors will be appointed from the majority shareholder, Media24. “There-namingofPaarlMediaGrouptoNovus Holdings does not affect the current brands of the group. Paarl Media, Correll Tissue and Paarl Labels will retain their identity under Novus Holdings and additional brands will be added during the diversification process,” says Van der Walt. “The company has a strong market position in workbooks, magazines newspapers, catalogues, retail inserts and books with most major publishers and retailers throughout sub-Saharan Africa as clients,” concludes Van der Walt. Capacity in self-adhesive labels, wet-glue labels and tissue manufacturing is currently being enhanced as market share is gained.

NEW HOME: The house adjoining the Paarl Mall has been demolished and building will soon start there on the brandnew showroom of NTT Paarl (VW and Audi dealers).

Van der Spuy & Vennote

lid van die phatshoane henny groep van assosiasie firmas

P r o k u r e u r s


Geluk aan Paarl Media (Novus), met die notering.

Dankie vir die vertroue in ons gestel om die transaksie as u korporatiewe prokureurs te hanteer. X1PRW5L9-PL260215

BEGRAFNISONDERNEMER/LYKHUIS Nasionale Wet op Gesondheid, 2003 (Wet 61 van 2003) R363 van 22 Mei 2013 Kennis word hiermee gegee dat ondervermelde van voorneme is om aansoek te doen by die Kaapse Wynland Distriksmunisipaliteit vir 'n Geskiktheidsertifikaat om 'n nuwe begrafnisondernemer/lykshuis vanaf die ondervermelde adres te bedryf.

FUNERAL UNDERTAKER / MORTUARY PREMISES National Health Act, 2003 (Act 61 of 2003) R363 of 22 May 2013 Notice is hereby given that the under mentioned intends to apply to the Cape Winelands District Municipality to issue a certificate of competence in repect of a new funeral undertaker's premises/ Mortuary premises to be operated from the said premises.

Enige persoon wie deur die beoogde bedryf geaffekteer sal word en wie teen sodanige gebruik wil beswaar maak moet binne 21 dae van datum van die kenniskewing skriftelik, gemotifeerde besware indien by die Munisipale Bestuurder, Kaapse Wynland Distriksmunisipaliteit, Posbus 100, Stellenbosch, 7599

Any person who will be affected by such use and would like to object to such use must within 21 days of the date of publication of this notice submit such objection accompanied by motivated representation in writing to the Municipal Manager, Cape Winelands District Municipality, PO Box 100 Stellenbosch, 7599

Naam en Adres van applikant Adele Kruger 31 Herte Street, Kraaifontein

Name and Address of applicant Adele Kruger 31 Herte Street, Kraaifontein

Perseel waar begrafnisondernemer/lykshuis perseel geleë sal wees 13 Kasteelstraat, Paarl, Erf 22016

Premise where funeral undertaker/mortuary premises will be situated 13 Kasteel Street, Paarl Erf 22016 X1PRR4P9-PL260215


Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

26 February, 2015









It saddens us to announce the untimely death of JOAN DU PLESSIS on 15/02/2015. She will be greatly missed by all her family and friends. Funeral service on Thursday 26/02/2015 at 10:00 at Paarl United Church, Auret Street, Paarl.

WILLIAMS : HENRY CLIVE 13.03.1956 - 19.02.2015 In loving memory of our father and grandfather. You will forever live in our hearts. RIP Daddy. Love Lee-Ann, Emric, Tameaca, Taytum, Lizzie, Herschel & Deyane.

CUPIDO: BARBARA ELIZABETH 20 Yrs ago we lost a jewel she just became our guardian ARENDSE: WILLIAM angel. Mother you left us JOHN with beautiful memories. 23.02.1931 - 29.01.2012 Your daughter Harriet & Drie jaar van ons geskei en family & Your son Julriech ook jou derde verjaarsdag & family (Australia) by ons Hemelse Vader. Mooi herinneringe sal altyd in ons harte bly voortleef. Van: William en Margo, Edwina, George en kinders.

STOFFELS: PATRICIA On the 24th February was your 6th birthday away from us. We think about you everyday. We miss you so much, but we comfort ourselves by knowing that you're at peace with God. Thanks for all the wonderful memories. Love Daddy, Mommy & Roderick.

GUESS WHO'S 21??? 2 March 2015 From: Mummy, Daddy & Chandré.





WILLIAMS: HENRY 13.02.1965 - 19.02.2015 Diep betreur vrou & Williams familie. Begrafnisdiens Saterdag 28 Feb. 08:00 Huis Cinsaut Singel 3, Riverside. 09:00 Holy Trinity Kerk.

DADDY, 13 years already gone. But my love for you is still going strong. Your daughter, Joanne.

MATTHEWS: MONICA Ons voorafgegaan op 23 Februarie 1998. Mooi herinneringe leef steeds voort in ons harte en gedagtes. Paul & kinders, Hambly (Paarl), Manfred & Christelle, Monica, Manfred-Paul en Luke (Vryburg); Elveira & Thomas, Meah en Chloë (New Zealand).

KRUIEKENNER DR. MAAMA ZAI •For all women's problems •Want to buy or sell property •3 in 1 for men •Cleaning homes •Lost lover •Magic wallet 078 205 4986 LENINGS 1445

GUESS WHO TURNS 70!! Thank you for being a great husband/father and granddad. Love, from your family

OU HOND (REUN) met artritis in agterbeen in wingerd op plaas in Suider-Paarl net buite Zoete Inval gevind. Moontlik kruis-alsation. Baie saggeaard. Het breë leerhalsband. Kontak Hannes 079 390 6308.

CASH CONNECTION Cash Loans. Lucky draws Every month!!! Bring the following with you: I.D. Book; Payslip; 3 Month bank statement. Pensioners Welcome. Low Interest. 6 Fontein str. Wellington Tel: 021 873 5044.

Du Preez: Norman 27/03/1945 - 20/02/2015

Met herinneringe neem ons afskeid van ons geliefde. Word diep betreur deur Murial, kinders en kleinkinders. Begrafnisdiens vind plaas op Saterdag 28 Februarie 2015 10:30 - 36 Rinqueststraat 11:30 - VGK Huguenot, Klein Drakenstein Weg


Funeral undertaken by Neil's Classic Funerals Contact: 082 398 4928/021 862 3805 X1PT5KQ1-PL260215

Roberts: Wilfred

Gebore: 19 November 1964 Oorlede: 21 Februarie 2015 Met liefdevolle herinneringe neem ons afskeid van ons geliefde. Sag heengegaan in die ouderdom van 50 jaar. Word diep betreur deur familie en vriende.

STOVES • BRAAI’S GEYSERS • FIRE PLACES Christo Kilian Tel: 021 872 5971 Fax: 086 635 8285 • Cell: 083 228 5799 X1PT2D0H-PL260215

Begrafnisdiens vind plaas op Saterdag 28 Februarie 2015 HUIS: 10:00 - 216 Amstelhof Laan, Amstelhof, Paarl KERK: 11:00 - Holy Trinity, Hoofstraat, Paarl Navrae: 083 616 7121 / 083 349 6684



Begrafnis word onderneem deur: Tel: 021 862 0948 Na Ure: 083 947 6347 Lid van N.B.O.V. X1PRYG1H-PL260215

Stoffels: Patricia 25/02/1974

Geniet jou verjaarsdag met die Hemelse Engele. Ons is jou verewig dankbaar vir wat jy vir ons beteken het. Jy was n goeie ma en vrou, wat ons nooit sal vergeet nie. “ Wat ons gehad het, was uniek.” Liefde Edwin, Robynn en Edley X1PT3DE1-PL260215




Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

26 February, 2015 TUIN & BESPROEIING



TEëLS: Fabriekswinkel te Wellington. Kontak vervaardiger of besoek ons vertoonlokaal. Smartstone: 021 873 5482. HUISVERBETERINGS BUITE 1836

NEED CASH? Pawn your car, trailor or canopy. 021 987 2277 / 082 558 4836.








EASY CUPBOARDS Maak van kombuis -en slaapkamer kaste. Billike pryse. Herstelwerk aan kaste en alle houtwerke. 082 345 3952. SKOONMAAKDIENSTE 1805

ARL SERVICES: We offer the follwoing services at affordable rates. We clean your house, office, windows & wash carpets. Contact Antoinette 082 459 5625 for a quote /



Conversational Xhosa Macro needs and mini skills. Groups and in-house. 082 840 6552 TE KOOP


SITKAMERSTEL R1900; Rottangstel R950; Kamerstel - R1300; Deepfreeze - R1400; Wasmasjien -R600; Whirlpool skottelgoedwasser - R600; Dubbelbed - R850; Soliede hout klerekas - R1000; Staalkoskas - R550; TV-kas - R550. 021 863 4960 / 082 597 1283.


SKAKEL NICO by 082 925 3680 vir verwydering van tuinvullis of bourommel en lewering van klip ens. Goeie diens gewaarborg. 1872


HERSTEL BY DIE HUIS Ys- en vrieskaste, stowe, wasmasjiene, tuimeldr. en mikrogolfoonde. 071 755 3390. BOUWERK & KONSTRUKSIE

VERWYDERING VAN ROMMEL en vullis. 6m. Algemene vervoer met 8 ton trok. Vir billike pryse en gehalte diens, skakel Jaques 082 579 2998 / 021 872 6029. SEKURITEIT 1865


Wedding Videography and all video production and conversion services




VERWYDERING VAN VERF VAN HUISE & ALLE VULLIS en bouromDAKKE. Gratis kwotasies. mel. Asook die skoonmaak Skakel 083 412 7857. van erwe. Eienaar toesig. Kontak Louw 083 413 0701.

KEMP ELEKTRIES - Skakel 083 228 3208 vir alle elektriese werk. Huishoudelik. Industrieël. Konstruksie. 24 uur diens.

Pro Video Productions



BESKUIT TE KOOP, Karringmelk, All-Bran en Muesli. Tel: 082 375 0874.

021 863 1705 • 084 593 3008 • 16 Mossop Street, De Zoete Inval, Paarl

WINDOW TINTING: Residential/offices. Phone Johan 082 301 5724 for free quotation. /



• various packages to choose from • on DVD, Blu-ray or USB memory stick / hard drive / web • multi-cam productions • video tapes and ciné film to DVD • LPs and audio cassettes to CD • weddings, functions, school concerts and corporate




BEVRORE WATERBOUMATERIAAL BLOMMETJIES te koop. Skoon gewas, potgereed. 1610 1m3 SAND, KLIP, kompos Minimum 3 kg/aflewering. & bogrond (topsoil) sowel R30/kg. SMS 071 332 as bourommel, vullisverwy- 6451. dering, tuindienste en skoonmaak van erwe. Skakel Neels 083 412 8810.

Established 1992


ALLE LOODGIETERWERK 24/7 Geysers; Geblokte dreine; Instandhouding; Badkamer renovasies. Geen werk te klein/groot. Quinton 084 564 2451. ROMMELVERWYDERING

NEED MONEY, Interested in a Fast and easy Loan Apply Today. Call Marolize at 083 300 6220.

DIE LAASTE & GROOTSTE MISLEIDING - Lukas 21:8, Danie Pienaar. Vir gratis leesstof en CD SMS jou naam en adres na 082 734 4168.


• Kombuise • Ingeboude kamerkaste • Soliede meubels • Kroeë en meer Tel: 021 873 5792 • Johan 083 284 6793 X1PPAJ5M-PL260215


Geklassifiseerd Classifieds MOSTERT SWEISWERKE: Skuif-/swaaihekke, diefwering, traliewerk. Gratis kwotasies. Skakel Mostert: 021 868 2880 / 072 022 0066. Faks: 021 872 6771.

26 February, 2015 SAKEPERSELE

BOME 1871






MALAWIAN LADY (26yrs) looking for job as cashier/housekeeper/cleaner/nanny. Exp. 078 495 4244.

MALAWIAN MAN is looking for any general/gardening work. Ph 081 001 7832 MIMI IS LOOKING for domestic work for 3 or 5 days. Have & ref. 084 475 9418.




BIG STORAGE WAREHOUSE to rent. Price R19.99 + VAT. Size: 1508m2. Address: 27 Boland street, Dal Josaphat, Paarl. For more detail, please contact Kallie Visser @ 082 433 3900.


PREMISES FOR RENT Situated next to Lady Grey HUISE TE KOOP Paint. Cnr of Bergriver 3275 Boulevard & Castle street, Paarl. Contact 021 872 MIDDEDORP BY 7952. SKOLE, Groot 5 Slpk, woonstel, dubbelmotorWELLINGTON WINKEL- huis, stoorkamer, swemRUIMTE BESKIKBAAR. bad, braaistoep, "wellpoint". Privaat Fonteinstr - 55m Huur verkoop. R2.95 m. 082 881 R3 025 (btw uitgesluit). 4982. Geleë oorkant Universiteit van Tegnologie (CPUT). Kontak 021 873 1621, 08:30 - 16:30, Ma - Vry. Epos: admin@defonteine



BAKKIE & TRAILER HIRE: Te huur, vervoer, meubelvervoer. Skakel alle ure: 082 321 8904 Johan Maass.




KOOP DIREK BY EIENAAR 2 Slpk, 2 badk Moderne woonstel. Sentraal geleë. Prys: R595 000. Kontak 082 788 7748.


2013 TOYOTA HILUX 3.0 Diesel Extra Cab 4x4 (Wit) in uitstekende toestand met: slegs 29 500km, long range diesel tenk, trekstang, stainless steel nudge bar, rubberized bak en sitplekke agter in die kajuit, Toyota seil sitplek oortreksels. R338 500 BTW Ing. Kontak 083 633 6033.





1995 VW CITI SHUTTLE VOERTUIE GESOEK OM TE KOOP 1.6, Burgandy. RWC, 2 3075 owners, 198 000km. R22 500. Contact 082 498 AANBOD AAN BAKKIE 0883. EN MOTOR eienaars. Lopend en nie-Lopende voertuie welkom. Kon2003 VW POLO CLASSIC TDI Very Neat Towbar tak/Sms/Pcm/Whatsapp 084 844 0000. R59 000 076 636 2082. FOURIE-VERVOER: Vervoer van meubels - klein of groot. Landswyd of plaaslik. Skakel 082 821 5234 of 021 876 2440.

2004 POLO CLASSIC 1.6 (New shape), Aircon, powersteering, alarm, central locking, MP3 player, 14'' mags, 172 000km, airbags. R45 000. Contact 061 617 4668. 2005 TOYOTA TAZZ 130, Champagne. A/C, RWC, FSH, 1 owner, 148 000km. Very neat. R42 900. Contact 082 498 0883. CHEVROLET OPTRA 1.6, 2007 model. RadioCD, A/C, ens. 5 Speed manual. R54 000. 083 412 7857.


SIMONDIUM - 4 SLAAPKAMER huis. WELLINGTON: 1 BEDR Vanaf 1 Maart 2015 @ flat. Central. R3600pm. R5500 pm. Elektrisiteit Available 1 March. Contact uitgesluit. Kontak 073 029 Louise 084 734 2087. 1513. PAARL, WOONSTEL TE HUUR 2slpk, 2badk, Sentraal geleë. Beskikbaar vanaf 1 April. Slegs vir een persoon. R4 300pm. Skakel 082 788 7748.

WELLINGTON: 3 SLPK HUIS, W&E ingesluit. R6500pm + dep. Geen honde & katte. Beskikbaar 1 Maart 2015. Kontak 072 259 6179.

NOSISEKO IS LOOKING for domestic work for 3 days (Mon, Wed & Friday). Has exp & ref. 079 968 1340. OSBERT IS LOOKING for general, house keeping, garden boy or grooming the horse work. 081 059 9685. PHUMLA IS LOOKING for domestic work for 3 days (Mon, Wed & Friday). Have exp & ref. 073 031 5853.



PHUMLA, looking for domestic work. 3 Days: Tue, Thur & Fri. 071 851 8588.

AYANDA IS LOOKING for a gardening job for the PRECIOUS IS LOOKING whole week. 072 316 0340. for domestic work for everyday. Have exp & ref. 074 206 0867. BEATHA IS LOOKING for house cleaning work RAMS IS LOOKING for a for 5 days. Has exp & ref. driving job, Code 8 & pdp. 074 669 5235. Full-time. Has exp & ref. 083 985 3210. BERTHA IS LOOKING for domestic work for 4 SIFELANI IS LOOKING days. Have exp. 078 114 for domestic work for 2 1152. days (Tues & Thursday). CHANTEL SOEK WERK Has exp & ref. 084 798 as 'n kinderoppasser asook 9154.

CHRISTINA IS LOOKING for char work or everyday, have exp. 078 542 1820.

VIRGINIA is looking for work 3 days a week. Good experience & references. Call 072 915 5255. ALGEMEEN 3680

CHRISTOPHER IS LOOKING for a driving job Code 10 & PDP. Has exp & ref. 084 475 9518.

7 DAYS SUPERETTE PAARL benodig Kassiere; Wegneem-ete Assistent; Koelkas Assistent; Algemene Rakwerker met CYNTHIA IS OPSOEK na groente ondervinding. huis skoonmaak werk vir 5 Ondervinding 'n vereiste. dae. Het ondervinding. 073 Bring CV's persoonlik in 516 9492. tussen 09:00 en 14:00 Maandag - Vrydag, HoofDANISOUL IS LOOKING straat 470, Noorder Paarl. for video craft, photography & edit photo's. Has 8 yrs exp & ref. 074 358 9176 or 071 047 7373.

EVELYN IS LOOKING for domestic work for 3 days or full-time. Have exp & ref. 078 380 2250.



KAMER TE HUUR vir enkel manspersoon. W&E en Dstv ingesluit. R2500 + R1500 dep. 073 165 9721 of 021 872 5843 na-ure.

EUNICE IS LOOKING for domestic work for 2 days (Tues & Thursday). Has exp & ref. 071 451 5149.

GOEIE LOPENDE Bakkies & Voertuie gesoek vir kontant. 076 636 2082.

WELLINGTON, Wanted mature lady to share house in security complex with electric fencing. Centrally situated, near shops, banks, etc. Rent: R2530 excl. electricity. Avail 1 March 2015. Enquiries, contact Stephanie 021 873 7754.


EUNICE IS LOOKING for domestic work for 2 days (Tues & Thursday). Have exp & ref. 073 901 3293.

AANDAG ALLE KLIENTE Voertuie dringend gesoek. Ek koop enige gebruikte voertuie vir kontant. Skakel 083 464 6960. Doen bank aflosse.



huiswerk (inslaap). Verwys & ondervinding. 078 833 9397.

WOONSTELLE TE HUUR 1 SLAAPKAMER woonstel in sekuriteitskompleks met stoof & motorafdak. Huur: R4350 pm + dep van R3990. Kontak 082 470 7128.

ERWE Langebaan - R385 000 Kleinmond - R999 000 Skakel 084 468 1901 of 021 862 0191.

NOMAZWE IS LOOKING for house cleaning or home based care work. 5 days a week. Has exp. 074 448 9343.

I AM LOOKING for kitchen work for 3 days. Has exp & ref. 078 077 8159. ITAI IS LOOKING for domestic (stay-in) or till operator work. Has exp & ref. 061 162 4903. IVY IS LOOKING for domestic work for 5 Days, I have reference. 082 053 7695.



Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

26 February, 2015 RELIABLE BOTTLING TECHNICIAN/FITTER & TURNER with minimum 5 years experience required for wine industry. Code 14 license will be an added bonus. Own transport required. Please send your CV to:

GHOLF: Francois Cilliers, ’n gr. 8 leerling by Hoër Jongenskool Paarl is onlangs in die WP o.15 gholfspan opgeneem. Hy sal aan die einde van Maart in Oos-Londen deelneem aan die interprovinsiale toernooi. Hy is ook die enigste Boishaaier wat in die WP o.15 span opgeneem is.



DOGS AND ALL benodig die dienste van PSIRA geregistreerde B, C en D-Graad sekuriteitsbeamptes. Vermoë om baie goed te kommunikeer in Engels en Afrikaans. Skakel 079 414 0809.

Sales Representatives

Must have own transport. We offer basic salary. Good commission structure & petrol allowance. We offer the following payment structure: Basic salary as well as R500 for every armed response client & R 1500 for every security officer placed on a guarding contract. T&C as to targets will apply

Send CV to or fax to 086 602 5899

GRAPE ESCAPE: Little Daniella Macici, took the task of grape stomping to heart at the annual Nederburg Harvest Festival on Saturday. After festival goers had picked their fair share of grapes, Daniella found that grape stomping was a great way of cooling down on a warm summers evening.


FEROBRAKE PAARL We require the services of an energetic, dynamic Sales Representative. Must reside in the Paarl area. Please send CV to or contact Tammy 023 342 3743 to arrange for an interview. INSTALLASIE ELEKTRISIëN met Bestuurderslisensie. Kontak 021 872 5992 of 082 977 7442. KLAPMUTS SENTRA Admin Klerk: Voorraad, Bestellings, Aankope, data vaslegging. Ondervinding in Retail en Arch sal voorkeur geniet. Met toepaslike ondervinding en raadpleegbare verwysings. Faks CV na 021 875 5463, epos: of Kontak 021 875 5335/7. OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFETIME. We are looing for an experienced Chef to run the kitchen at a well established restaurant. Position also available for experienced waitrons. Contact 021 873 2009 for interview.


PHARMACIST ASSISTANTS Qualifications: • Qualified Basic / Post Basic • Registered with Pharmacy Council • Experience in Retail Pharmacy • Ability to work extended and flexible business hours • Ability to work weekends • Independent (no dependants that may jeopardise ability to work extended, flexible business hours and weekends.)

E-mail or Fax CV to: or 086 6945 649 X1PTA5U1-PL260215


Dinamiese besigheid in die wyn bottelerings- en ettiketerings bedryf beskik tans oor n uitdagende vakante pos as Bestuurder.

Vereistes: • Kode 8 met PDP • Goeie menseverhoudinge • Moet groot spanne werkers kan bestuur. • Moet bereid wees om lang ure en soms naweke te kan werk. • Woonagtig te Paarl / Wellington


5 jaar ondervinding Moet onder druk kan werk Bereid wees om naweke te werk en oortyd Pos onmiddelik beskikbaar Faks CV aan: 021 873 6101 of Epos: X1PT5P29-PL260215

Een van Paarl se voorste en oudste besigheid benodig 'n


met ten minste 5 jaar ondervinding in die bou van 6 verdieping geboue.

PERSOON VERLANG om tydelik te help met administratiewe werk by ‘n Solar Mpy @ R30 per uur. Moet kennis hê van Excel. Stuur C.V. na of kontak 082 468 1802/021 863 3580. Adres is in Hoofstraat, Paarl.

Hierdie kandidaat sal oor die volgende eienskappe moet beskik: eerlikheid, betroubaarheid, stiptelikheid, tweetaligheid, 'n derde swart taal sal as aanbeveling dien, asook onderhandelingsvermoë, verkieslik met argitekte en siviele ingenieurs asook ander mense in die boubedryf. Hy moet ook oor bestuursvernuf beskik om werkers aan te spoor om die beste kwaliteit bouwerk in die beskikbare tydsone suksesvol te kan afhandel. Hierdie persoon moet ook verdere ondervinding in NHVBRC en beroepsgesondheid hê. Indien u bogenoemde pos as 'n uitdaging sien en oor die nodige kwaliteite beskik lewer u CV persoonlik af by die Paarl Post kantoor, Newstraat 1A - langs Virgin Active. Sluitingsdatum vir inhandiging van u CV is Vrydag 27 Februarie om 14:00.

(Indien u nog nie teurgvoer gekry het teen 15 Maart nie, kan u u aansoek as onsuksesvol beskou.) X1PT5VE5-PL260215


Min 2 - 3 yrs exp, Gr 12, fully bilingual.


Min 2-3 yrs exp, Gr 12, high level of accuracy, excellent communication skills, windows literate,


TUINIERS & BESPROEIINGSKUNDIGE (SIMONDIUM - PAARL) Vereistes: Die dienste van vaardige tuiniers met ondervinding in die kweek van groente, vrugte en algemene tuinwerk word benodig vir 'n plaastuin naby Simondium. Die dienste van 'n ervare besproeiingskundige word benodig vir die onderhoud van 'n bestaande besproeiingstelsel vir 'n plaastuin naby Simondium. Kennis en ervaring met tuinwerk, kweek van groente & vrugte sal 'n voordeel wees. Salaris: R5 000 - R7 000 p.m afhangende van kennis en ondervinding. Diensaanvaarding: So spoedig moontlik Sluitingsdatum: 9 Maart 2015 Navrae: 021 873 3374 Stuur asb jou volledige CV met 'n kop en skouers foto van jouself na of na faksnr: 086 672 7822 so spoedig moontlik met verwysings/kontakbesonderhede van jou vorige werkgewers X1PT5Q4M-PL260215

Aanvangsdatum: onmiddellik Sluitingsdatum vir aansoeke 8 Maart 2015 Faks CV na 086 235 5920 X1PT3CM1-PL260215

Min 2-3 yrs exp in retail sales, Gr 12, windows literate, expert product knowledge, fully bilingual.

TECHNICAL AND STORES ASSISTANT Requirements: • Senior Certificate • At least 3 years’ experience in stores environment. • Fully bilingual in Afrikaans and English • Go-getter approach to achieve CTS objectives • Computer literate (MS Office, Excel, Outlook, Word, PowerPoint) - Syspro - advantageous • Excellent Customer relationship skills • Drivers licence Duties: • Receiving of stock, checking of stock • Issuing stock to the workshop and external customers • Stock take and cyclical counts • Taking control of consumables issued to workshop • Tool Control - booking in and out of tools / keeping tools register • Open jobs, issue GRN’s, capture invoices, etc. on Syspro daily • Responsible for good housekeeping in store Salary: Market Related

Closing date: 8 March 2015 If you meet these requirements, please submit a detailed CV with contactable references to X1PT5QWM-PL260215


Min 3-4 yrs exp, Gr 12, fully bilingual, valid PdP, clean driving record. Email: Fax:086-605-1710 X1PT5QL9-PL260215



Looking for a Mid-Level Account Manager to join a fast growing and dynamic media and marketing service and solution provider based in Paarl. Responsible for assisting the Business Development Director to manage and grow customers within the eMarketing space. Must have excellent written and oral communication skills. Excellent administrative skills and be able to multi-task. Outlook, Word & Excell proficient. Experience in working with designers and support staff. Ability to build healthy relationships. Prior Digital Media experience in a Client Service role. A go-getter, detail orientated, ability to work under pressure and to face challenges and conflicts with confidence. Must be proactive, take initiative and be innovative with a creative thinking approach.


We are looking for an individual to join our client that designs and develop various peripheral equipment. Pastel Accounting Software experience, assisting the Bookkeeper, contributing to the effectiveness of the Finance Department. Strong attention to detail. Time managements skills and effective problem solving to ensure success. Must be a TEAM player and willing to help in other departments and go the extra mile. Own transport and a valid driver's license. Position available immediately. Salary negotiable.


VIP Package experience, sunny personality and willing to help in other departments and go the extra mile. Team player. Must be precise and accurate. Problem Solver. Weekly/Monthly wages, time cards, deductions etc. Own transport and a valid driver's license. Position available immediately. Salary negotiable.


Pastel Accounting Software experience for client in Franschhoek - hotel industry. Must be precise and be able to work under pressure. Problem solver.


We are looking for an au-pair with previous experience. Must be available between 12:00 - 18:00. Have contactable references with a love for children. Children need to be picked up at school (Paarl) and taken to Wellington. Own transport with valid driver's license essential. Will refund travelling costs. Salary negotiable.

TECHNICAL/ENGINEERING Programmers (AutoCAD) Welders (Grade 12 with experience or Qualified) Boilermakers (Qualified) Your Curriculum Vitae can be faxed to 021 872 0695 or email to X1PT5NV1-PL260215


Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

26 Februarie, 2015

AL-AZHAR PAARL Masjied Complex, Lapperts Str, Paarl Tel/Fax: 021 862 5115 ..


In die Landdroshof vir die distrik van Paarl gehou te Paarl Saak Nr.: 2295/10 In die saak tussen: SPME INDUSTRIES (EDMS) BPK h/a SP MOTOR ENGINEERS Eksekusieskuldeiser en MNR. C.K. BUSHULA Eksekusieskuldenaar KENNISGEWING VAN VERKOPING Ter uitvoerlegging van 'n Vonnis van die Landdroshof, distrik van Paarl gedateer 2/7/2010 sal die goedere soos hieronder uiteengesit in eksekusie veiling op 17/3/15 om 10:00 op die perseel te p/a SP Motors EK Greenstraat, Paarl deur die Balju vir die Landdroshof van Paarl verkoop word teen die hoogste bod. 1x Mercedes-Benz Sprinter 312D AC Viljoen Prokureurs, Albie De Waalstraat 14, Brackenfell (Tel Nr: 021 982 5782)

Die voorwaardes van die verkoping is streng kontant en voetstoots. Gedateer te Brackenfell op hierdie 19de dag van Februarie 2015.

Rossouw & Du Plessis

Prokureurs / Aktebesorger / Mediator

In die Landdroshof vir die distrik Malmesbury gehou te Malmesbury Saak Nr.: 1519/2014 In die saak tussen: ROSSOUW & DU PLESSIS

Eiser en MEV ADRIANA HEIBERG 1ste Verweerder en MNR ABRAHAM PETRUS JOHANNES HEIBERG 2de Verweerder KENNISGEWING VAN VERKOPING Geliewe kennis te neem dat die ondergemelde goedere kragtens 'n Lasbrief uitgereik deur bogemelde Hof, en 'n beslaglegging daarkragtens gedoen op die datum, plek en tyd hierondergemeld, in eksekusie verkoop sal word: DATUM: 27/03/2015 TYD: 10:00 vm PLEK: Eenheid 2, Versaillesstraat 12, Wellington GOEDERE: 1x Goudkleurige VW Jetta 4 1.6 met registrasienommer: Cn12847. TERME: Kontant by veiling Gedateer te Malmesbury op hierdie 17de dag van Februarie 2015. ROSSOUW & DU PLESSIS

Prokureurs vir die Eiser Biccardstraat 8 Malmesbury Tel.: 022 48 71750 Faks: 022 48 71752 (Ons verw: AA141/08)



Per: AWIE VILJOEN (Prokureur vir Eiser) Albie de Waalstraat 14 BRACKENFELL Verw: ACV/SPME/BUSHULA X1PT3DL9-PL260215



- ALL LEARNING AREAS Candidates must be SACE registered or submit proof of application. Proof of qualification and experience essential. ..

Closing date for CV: 02-03-2015 ..

ARTIKEL 35 KENNISGEWING Boedel wyle PIETER JOHN BOTHA identiteitsnommer: 361103 5227 082 'n Bouer van Barkerstraat 26, Paarl en wie oorlede is op 24 Augustus 2013. Boedelnommer: 21484/2014. Kennis word gegee dat die Likwidasie en Distribusierekening in die kantoor van die Meester te Kaapstad en die Landdroshof te Paarl vir 'n tydperk van 21 (een en twintig ) dae gereken van vanaf 27 Februarie 2015 ter insae lê. lndien binne genoemde tyd geen besware daarteen ingedien word nie gaan die eksekuteur oor tot die verdeling ingevolge gernelde rekening. BARKLEY & ASSOCIATES

Champagnestraat 21, Paarl Tel: 021 862 7387/072 241 7040 X1PT2G4H-PL260215

Skuldenaars en Skuldeisers in bogenoemde boedel word versoek om hulle eise in te dien en hulle skulde te betaal binne ‘n tydperk van 30 dae, gereken vanaf 27 Februarie 2015 by die onder gemelde adres. Geteken te Wellington op 23 Februarie 2015 CLARENCE LE CORDEUR PROKUREURS

Prokureurs vir Eksekutrise Randstraat 51 Newton Wellington 7655 Tel: 021 873 1646 X1PT0V2W-PL260215

ARTIKEL 35 KENNISGEWING Boedel wyle ALBERTUS ISAK ABDURAGMAN FREDERICKS Identiteitsnommer: 2909185047081 'n Pensioenaris van Magnoliastraat 150, Nederburg, Paarl en wie oorlede is op 16 September 2013. Boedelnommer: 4763/2014 Kennis word gegee dat die likwidasie en Distribusierekening in die kantoor van die Meester te Kaapstad en die Landdroshof te Paarl vir 'n tydperk van 21 (een en twintig) dae gereken van vanaf 27 Februarie 2015 ter insae lê. lndien binne genoemde tyd geen besware daarteen ingedien word nie gaan die eksekuteur oor tot die verdeling ingevolge gemelde rekening. BARKLEY & ASSOCIATES

Champagnestraat 21, Paarl Tel: 021 862 7387/072 241 7040

NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION In the Magistrate's Court for the District of Paarl held at Paarl Case No.: 4738/14 In the matter between: BOSHOFF VISSER PAARL (PTY) LTD Plaintiff and RUITERS VLEI HOLDINGS (PTY) LTD



In pursuance of a judgement in the Magistrate's Court of Paarl and writ of execution dated 5 December 2014, the goods listed hereunder will be sold in execution to the highest bidder at Ruitersvlei Wine Estate, Agter Paarl Road, Paarl on 16 March 2015 at 10:00 namely: 8x Big Stainless Steel Wine Barrels Date at Paarl on 19 February 2015. FAURE & FAURE

Attorneys for Plaintiff Patriot Building 227 Main Street Paarl P.O. Box 20 Paarl 7622 DOCEX 7 Paarl Tel.: 021 871 1200 Fax.: 021 872 5800 Ref.: MD/INE001




Clarence Le Cordeur

prokureurs - boedelberedderaars

Kennisgewing ingevolge Artikel 29 van Boedelwet 66/1965 Boedel wyle ANDREW BOONZAAIER Geboortedatum: 02/06/1957 Persoonsnommer: 570602 5126 08 4 'n Taxi-eienaar van Strelitziastraat 8, Paarl wie oorlede is op 28 Desember 2014 Ongetroud Boedelnommer: 1395/2015 Skuldenaars en Skuldeisers in bogenoemde boedel word versoek om hulle eise in te dien en hulle skulde te betaal binne 'n tydperk van 30 dae, gereken vanaf 27 Februarie 2015 by die onder gemelde adres. Geteken te Wellington op 23 Februarie 2015 CLARENCE LE CORDEUR PROKUREURS

Prokureur Testamentêr Randstraat 51 Newton Wellington 7655 Tel: 021 873 1646 X1PT0UVM-PL260215

If you consider yourself qualified for this position, fax/e-mail your CV to Fax: 086 577 7623 / E-mail: X1PT3859-PL260215

Genuine Connection Promotions (Pty) Ltd


Barkley & Associates

Kitchens and or interior design and sales experience will secure this challenging and exciting position. The successful candidate will have strong interpersonal skills, be bilingual, outgoing and energetic with a strong interpersonal skills, be strong drive to succeed. We offer a competitive salary package with attractive incentive structure. Easylife Kitchen Paarl offers a comprehensive service to its clients, ranging from kitchens, built-incupboards, bars & bathroom vanities.


Submit CV to school by fax or email

prokureurs - boedelberedderaars

Boedel wyle: STEPHANUS ROGERS Geboortedatum: 17/04/1950 Persoonsnommer: 500417 5127 08 0 'n Pensioenaris van Newtonstraat 34, Newton, Wellington wie oorlede is op 15 Januarie 2015 Getroud binne gemeenskap van goedere met JEAN CATHRINE ROGERS Langslewende gade Persoonsnommer: 510325 0074 08 2 van Newtonstraat 34, Newton, Wellington Boedelnommer: 1645/2015

3-5 years industry experience, excellent communication skills, sales driven, matric and computer literate. Bring CVs to Paarl Post/Drakenstein Gazette's offices 1A New Street, Paarl


Barkley & Associates



Commencement date: IMMEDIATELY

Clarence Le Cordeur

Kennisgewing ingevolge Artikel 29 van Boedelwet 66/1965

A well established Hardware store in the Boland is looking for


Paarl based Clothing Manufacturer

Genuine Connection Promotions (Pty) Ltd, a Clothing Manufacturing Company situated in Paarl has a vacancy for a


BEHEERLIGGAAMPOS LO Gr 8 - 12 Sosiale Wetenskap Gr 8 en 9

Main functions/requirements include: • Purchasing/sourcing of bulk fabric, trims and equipment Internationally and locally • Negotiation skills for best pricing and delivery • Managing quality standards and lab reports • Managing stock, re-order levels and stock returns ensuring correct administration • Managing Junior Buyers and Warehouse Staff • Managing of the Rebate Store and all administration required

Meld buitemuurse aktiwiteite en ander vakke wat u kan aanbied. VEREISTES: • Tweetalig (Afr en Eng) • KABV-beplanning - onderrig en assessering AANVANGSDATUM: 13 April

Suitable candidate will need to have: • 5 years experience of buying of fabric and trims for a manufacturing unit • Knowledge of fabric and trims • The ability to work with deadlines • Own transport and valid driver's license Commencement date: Immediate or as agreed. Closing date: 2 March 2015 Applicants Forward CV’s to


SLUITINGSDATUM: 6 Maart 2015 STUUR U CV NA: Die Skoolhoof Hoogstraat, Paarl 021 872 1730 Aansoek is onsuksesvol indien geen kontak gemaak word voor 20 Maart 2015 nie.


Barkley & Associates ARTIKEL 29 KENNISGEWING Boedel wyle: John Cupido ID nommer: 611007 5175 084 Oorlede op 6 Oktober 2014, getroud, van Niel Mosesstraat 25, West Coast, Paarl. Boedelnommer: 30984/2014. Kennis geskied hiermee aan alle krediteure en debiteure om hul vorderinge in te lewer en hul skulde in te betaal by die ondergetekende binne 'n tydperk van 30 dae vanaf datum van publikasie hiervan. BARKLEY & ASSOCIATES

Champagnestraat 21, Paarl Tel: 021 862 7387/072 241 7040


Administrative Manager (Bookkeeper) - Franschhoek

Responsible for the daily administration of all departments and all related bookkeeping and HR responsibilities. The following are prerequisite for the position: Wine industry experience a must • 2-3 years managerial experience in a financial environment • Extensive knowledge of Sage Pastel Partner and Payroll (Server) and accounting experience to Trail Balance • Excellent administration and interpersonal skills • Own transport. Day to Day Duties: • Receiving, correlating and processing supplier invoices to quotes and delivery notes from all departments - daily • Entering and reconciling sales journals from all departments - daily • Capturing customer invoices (including multi-currency module) for all departments - daily • Processing & reconciling of bank statements from Bank Manager • Petty cash & control of in-&-out flow of money, as well as maintaining floats of all departments and reconciling their cash movements • Recon of supplier & customer accounts to statement & age analysis - monthly • Preparing payment schedules and cash requirement schedules on the 25th of each month • Supplier interaction • Monitoring and maintaining estate security systems, IT requirements, telecommunications • Pastel payroll - salaries, wages, leave records and related HR functions • Statutory returns – VAT201, EMP201 and EMP501 • Process bank statement daily and compile and circulate receipt report by department • Interaction with financial consultant and provide information as required. Knowledge, skills & abilities: • Extensive knowledge of Sage Pastel and Payroll • Solid understanding of Labour Laws, Basic Conditions of Employment and Human Resources • Staying abreast of legislative changes • Solid knowledge of Microsoft Office and general computer applications. • Able to work under pressure and stressful situations while handling multiple tasks • Excellent time management skills • Cash flow and profit-driven attitude • Meticulous attention to detail and have excellent organisational skills • Excellent interpersonal skills with a positive attitude • Neat, professional and well groomed at all times • Self-motivated, has initiative and proactive approach - work with little supervision • Speaking additional languages is advantageous.

To apply please send your CV to Salary Negotiable


wine estate




Basic Salary: R250 516 p.a. • Ref No: LIB 9/15 • Mamre & Wesfleur Libraries • Permanent & Contract Posts Requirements: • A B.Bibl/B.LIS or B.Tech: LIS or PG Dipl.LIS or B.Inf (Hons) • Experience within public libraries • A high level of literacy and general subject knowledge, as well as knowledge of literature in general • Proven computer literacy in MS applications • The successful candidates will be required to work evenings and on Saturdays on a roster basis • Fluency in Afrikaans will be advantageous Key Performance Areas: • Assist the public with reading and reference enquiries • Contribute to collection development • Manage information and participate in book discussions • Make resources available to students/learners • Plan outreach activities/ programmes to promote reading and library use • Assist in liaising with community organisations and education institutions • Perform the necessary administrative tasks Note: Transfer applications from LIS employees will be considered. Applications may be considered for further vacancies in the Department that may rise in the near future. Please apply online at (external candidates) or via the SAP portal (internal applicants) Closing Date: 13 March 2015 • Please quote the reference number of the vacancy in all communications. • Certified copies of qualifications must be available on request. • Visit our website at • No late applications will be considered. • If no notification of appointment is received within 3 months of the closing date, please accept that your application was unsuccessful. Human Communications 116421



Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

26 February, 2015


BABYLONSTOREN, geleë tussen Franschhoek



verlang die dienste van 'n ervare, betroubare en lojale persoon in die volgende posisie:

Vereistes: *'n Na-skoolse kwalifikasie en opleiding as 'n werktuigkundige sal tot u voordeel strek maar is nie 'n vereiste nie *Ten minste 3-4 jaar praktiese ondervinding in 'n soortgelyke posisie *Rekenaarvaardigheid is 'n vereiste *'n Swaarvoertuiglisensie sal in u guns tel *Goeie organiseringsvermoë *Eie inisiatief neem *Goeie kommunikasievaardighede *Uitstekende tegniese vermoë *Op eie kan funksioneer *Netjiese voorkoms & werksomgewing *Eie vervoer

Pligte: *Instandhouding en herstel van veral trekkers, vragmotors, bakkies en motorfietse *Bestelling van parte en ander benodigdhede vir die werkswinkel Aansteldatum: So spoedig moontlik Sluitingsdatum: 9 Maart 2015 Navrae: 021 873 3374 Stuur asb u volledige CV met 2 verwysings na: of na faksnr: 086 672 7822. U CV moet asb vergesel word met 'n kop en skouers foto van uself. Indien u nie binne een week na die sluitingsdatum van ons hoor nie, moet u aanvaar dat u aansoek onsuksesvol was


en die Paarl, verlang die dienste van 'n ervare, lojale en gedrewe persoon in die volgende posisie op hul Landgoed.

Vereistes: *Graad 12 *±2-3 jaar se ondervinding in 'n toesighoudende posisie *Kode 8 en/of 10 rybewys *Moet leiding kan gee en neem met goeie menseverhoudinge *Kennis dra van wingerd en vrugte *Goeie algemene boerdery kennis *Vriendelik, opbouend met 'n sterk persoonlikheid *Sober gewoontes *Bestuursvaardighede met goeie menseverhoudinge

Take: *Die bestuur van 'n span toesighouers *Bestuur van die plaasvrouespan *Ondersteun die produksiebestuurder t.o.v sekere spesifieke take

Hierdie posisie sal aan die Produksie Bestuurder van die plaas rapporteer 'n Markverwante vergoedingspakket wat behuising insluit asook 'n bonus wat gebaseer is op meriete sal aan die suksesvolle persoon aangebied word. Aansteldatum: So spoedig moontlik Sluitingsdatum: 9 Maart 2015 Navrae: 021 873 3374 Stuur asb u volledige CV met 'n onlangse foto van uself (kop en skouers) met 2 verwysings na: of na faksnr: 086 672 7822


REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL NURSE Simondium Requirements: - Psychiatric Nursing Qualification - Minimum of 3 years’ experience in Psychiatry post-graduate - Must have good Psychopharmacology - Must work shifts - Own transport and valid drivers’ license Market related salary available. Send short CV with 3 references and salary expectation to before 9 March 2015


BEHEERLIGGAAMPOS • Graad R-3 CAPS opleiding verpligtend • Begin: 13 April 2015 • Meld buitemuurse aktiwiteite Verskaf volledige CV met gesertifiseerde afskrifte en referente aan: Die Skoolhoof, Laerskool Drakenstein Uysstraat, Denneburg, Paarl Geen fakse sal aanvaar word nie. Sluitingsdatum: 27 Februarie 2015

Indien u nie teen 20 Maart 2015 terugvoer van die skool ontvang nie, was u aansoek onsuksesvol.





Boland Media het tans n vakature pos oop gebaseer in hul Worcester kantoor. Die suksesvolle kandidaat se verantwoordelikhede sal wees om verkope te genereer, bestaande kliënte / sleutelrekeninge te bedien en om bestaande verkope te laat groei deur gereeld besoek by aangewese kliënte / rekeninge af te lê om die Maatskappy se produkte/dienste binne die geografiese of produkgrense te verkoop en om daardeur die vooraf bepaalde teikens te behaal.


Kern verantwoordelikhede: • Om rekeningplanne en benaderings in lyn met die oorhoofse strategie wat deur die Verkoopsbestuurder (Streek/Nasionaal) opgestel is, te ontwikkel en te implementer • Om voortdurend nuwe sakegeleenthede te identifiseer en te genereer om vooraf bepaalde verkoopsteikens te behaal • Om verkoopsvoorstelle gereed te kry en om aanbiedings vir nuwe en bestaande kliënte te doen om transaksies te onderhandel en te beklink • Om aangepaste oplossings wat die kliënt se kort- en langtermyn behoeftes bevredig, te skep • Om strategiese werksverhoudings met kliënte op te bou en ? hoë vlak van kliëntekontak (telefonies / van aangesig tot aangesig) te handhaaf om te verseker dat hul spesifieke vereistes aangespreek word met die doel om bestaande besigheid te monitor en te laat groei • Om potensiële verkoopsgeleenthede te ontleed deur gebruik te maak van dataanalises, gesegmenteerde navorsing en die beskikbare inligting om die eienskappe waaraan hierdie potensiële kliënte die grootste waarde heg, te identifiseer • Om professionele en uitmuntende kliëntediens in alle interaksies met kliënte te lewer • Om mededingers noukeurig dop te hou en om die kliëntedatabasis in stand te hou • Om alle administratiewe werk voortdurend by te werk • Om verslag oor verkoopsgeleenthede en prestasies soos vereis (weekliks / maandeliks) te doen • Om ‘n hoë vlak van bedryfskennis te handhaaf


Vaardighede en Bekwaamhede: • Uitstekende kommunikasievaardighede • Probleemoplossingsvaardighede • Verkoop- en oorredingsvermoë (insluitende onderhandelingsvaardighede) • Opbou van klanteverhoudings • Doelgerig en gemotiveerd om sukses te behaal • Werk goed onder uiterste druk en binne ‘n teikengedrewe omgewing • Tydbestuursvaardighede • Organisasie- en administrasievaardighede • Aandag aan detail • Aanbiedingsvaardighede


Vaardighede en Bekwaamhede: • Uitstekende kommunikasievaardighede • Probleemoplossingsvaardighede • Verkoop- en oorredingsvermoë (insluitende onderhandelingsvaardighede) • Opbou van klanteverhoudings • Doelgerig en gemotiveerd om sukses te behaal • Werk goed onder uiterste druk en binne ‘n teikengedrewe omgewing • Tydbestuursvaardighede • Organisasie- en administrasievaardighede • Aandag aan detail • Aanbiedingsvaardighede


Kwalifikasie: • Graad12 • Moet oor tersiêre opleiding in verkope/bemarking beskik • 3-5 jaar van ervaring binne ‘n verkoop- / teikengedrewe omgewing • Ervaring met hantering van advertensie-agentskappe • Ervaring in mediabedryf • Vorige Kennis Vaardigheid in toepaslike sagtewarepakkette en toepassings • Kennis van verkoopstrategieë en konsepte • Goeie begrip van die ontwikkeling van verkoopsverslae


Indien jy bogemelde aan vereistes voldoen en graag deel van hierdie span wil wees, doen gerus aansoek via of direk na: .



Indien daar geen terugvoering is teen 13th March 2015, aanvaar asseblief dat jou aansoek nie suksesvol was nie. Die maatskappy behou die reg om nie die vakature te vul nie.


Ingevolge die gelyke indiensnemingsbeleid van Media24, sal gepaste candidate van die aangewese groepe voorkeur geniet.




Promosie Promotion

26 Februarie, 2015

CELEBRATE: La Rochelle Girls High’s cheerleaders had a reason to be happy after they won the prestigious annual 4M athletics meeting for the second consecutive year. The competition saw Paarl Girls’ High, Rhenish Girls’ High and Bloemhof Girls’ High take part. La Rochelle clinched the win with a total of 436 points, closely followed by Bloemhof on 413, Paarl Girls High ended in third place with 248 points and Rhenish accumulated 134 points. Pictured here from left are Jette Kirsten, Marguerite van Eeden (head cheerleader), Busi Ndlangisa, Jamie Samuels and Carla van Stelten.


FLYING HIGH: The u. 15 90 metre hurdles event was a very close race. Here Kaylen Fourie (right) flies over the hurdles with teammate Leandra Custodio (far left). The race was won by Leandra Custodio with Paarl Girls High’s Marle Rademan in second place and Nicole Smit in third. PHOTO’S: FRANS LE ROUX

SPOED: Hoër Meisieskool La Rochelle se atlete was behoorlik op hul stukke gedurende die byeenkoms. Hier wen Leandra Custodio (o. 15) van La Rochelle die 200 m wedloop. REG VIR AKSIE: Vir die eerste keer in 4M se byna 25 jaar geskiedenis is die byeenkoms amptelik geopen met die volkslied. Hier maak Hoër Meisieskool Paarl se atlete gereed vir die nasionale lied.

CALM BEFORE THE STORM: The girls from La Rochelle waited patiently for their athletes to arrive at the start of the 4M athletics meeting. This year saw La Rochelle play host at the Dal Josaphat sports grounds in Paarl. GEES: Hoër Meisieskool Paarl se dirigente het seker gemaak dat hulle die gees onder die meisies behou. Hier is van links Nina du Toit, Mieke Winterbach, Mieke Brown, Emma Baard en Jeanne Nel tydens die optogte.

LANGASEM: Die meisies ope 3 000 m uitdaging is beslis een van die taaiste items om in mee te ding op die atletiekbaan. Hier is La Rochelle se Jani van der Merwe (regs) en Carlyn Soenies (links) besig om sake uit te spook. Jani en Carlyn het onderskeidelik tweede en derde geëindig.

ProNutro, the original protein cereal and proud sponsor of schools athletics, sustains and maintains minds and bodies to live life best. ProNutro contains 100% balanced real protein and one 50g serving with 200ml milk offers the same amount of protein and nutritional benefits as a three course breakfast, keeping you fuller for longer. ProNutro's Wheat Free range comes in Original, Chocolate, Banana and Strawberry flavours while the Whole Wheat range is available in Original, Honey Melt and Apple Bake. For more information on ProNutro, visit the Facebook page, LiveLifeBestSA and

SO CLOSE: One of the most exciting races of the event saw Nienka du Toit (right) from Bloemhof scrape past Manilinde Maritz (left) from La Rochelle to win the u. 19 100 m hurdles.


Three lucky readers will win a ProNutro hamper valued at R500 each, one month's breakfast for a family of four.

Question: What does ProNutro contain? Sms your name, surname and answer to 37405. Closing date: Monday 2 March 09:00




Sport Nuus Sport News

26 February, 2015

Paarl Streek klop Never Despair oortuigend maar Alvin Farmer moet genoem word. Hy het uitgeblink op die aanval sowel as die verdediging en het met verskeie duikslae sekere drieë verhoed. Ander spelers wat ’n impak gemaak het was Ryan Jordaan, Christopher Mouwers, Ryan JuDie Paarl-manne was lus vir lies, Faf Julies, Conroy Eiman en hardloop en gaan druk hul eerste Auden Carolissen. Die tuisspan drie al in die 5de minuut, toe kon verder gewen het as hul Kempton Kika mooi afgerond het skoppers beter pale toe gekorrel ná skitterspel deur die agterlyn. het. Die afrigters sal definitief Kort daarna duik Christopher meer aandag moet gee aan die ‘Skerm’ Mouwers oor nadat hy verdediging asook akkuraatgoed gekombineer het met Ryan heidmetdieafrondingvanbeweJordaanenKika.Dieskarehetgegings. dink die tuisspan gaan weghardDie tweede span het ook hul loop, maar kon eers in die 40ste Hier stamp Oswald Thomas een van Never Despair se verwedstryd met 38 (6 drieë) teen 7 minuut hul derde drie gaan druk. dedigers af tydens die eerste span se kragmeting op ’n warm Faurestraat. FOTO: ERNEST KILOWAN gewen en die derde span 22-14. Die rustydtelling was 17-8. Die o. 20-span het hul eerste oorNever Despair het die min kanwinning behaal deur Belhar te klop met 13se van balbesit in die eerste helfte omskep ron Kulsen ook. In die 35ste minuut het die haker, Donnie 10. Keagan September het die wenpunte in punte. Die tuisspan begin die tweede helfte waar hulle opgehou het met Alvin Fredericks, hom op vleuel bevind en moes aangeteken met ’n strafdoel in die laaste “Dikkop” Farmer wat gaan druk in die agt- 30 m hardloop vir sy drie, ná goeie same- minuut. Saterdag reis die Paarl-manne na Hawsste minuut, nadat die voorspelers ’n hele spel tussen voor- en agterspelers. Dit was paar fases op tou gesit het. Met die voorspe- die doodskoot vir die besoekers. Die besoe- ton om die sterk span van Boland aan te lers wat ook hul stempel begin afdruk het kers se dissipline het hulle ook in die steek pak. Dit gaan ’n sterk poging verg van die deur die lynstane te oorheers en die manne gelaat en twee van hul spelers is gestraf met pap te skrum, kon die snellers wys waartoe geel kaarte. Never Despair het nooit gaan Paarl- manne om Hawston op hul tuisveld hulle in staat is. Met die oorvloed bal wat lê nie en teken weer ’n verdoelde drie aan. te klop. Toeskouers moet met hul onderdie vleuels kry gaan druk Mouwers en Gue- Dit is moeilik om spelers uit te sonder, skeie klubs reël vir vervoer na Hawston. Die Paarl Streek-rugbyspan het gewys dat sy oorwinning verlede week nie ’n gelukskoot was nie en het hierdie week vir Never Despair oortuigend op Faurestraat met 41-18 geklop.

ATLETIEK: Die jaarlikse PMW Atletiek-interskole (Paarl, Malmesbury en Wellington) was 'n reusesukses en Hoërskool Hugenote het weereens hul staal gewys. Die meisies het 'n tweede plek ingeneem terwyl die seuns weereens gewys het dat hul wel die beste is deur die seunsbeker te wen. Ander skole teen wie hulle deelgeneem het was La Rochelle, Worcester Gimnasium en Swartland. Hier staan van links Thomas Watson, Dirk Marais (Hoërskool Swartland-skoolhoof) en Gerhard Nel.

Win R1 800 500 cash PLAKVIRJOU-SAK

• To win R1 500 cash, glue this fifth cut-out onto the Paste-for-your-Pocket form that was published on 22 January 2015. Once you have filled in all the spaces, paste onto an envelope and post the form to Paste-for-your-Pocket, Paarl Post, Box 409, Paarl 7620 or deliver to the Paarl Post office, by 12:00 on Friday 13 March 2015, after which the winner will be drawn. Only original cuttings (not photostats) are accepted.

OORWINNING: Labori se o. 19Akrieketspan het op Saterdag 14 Februarie teen Weston Landboukollege gespeel. Weston het eerste gekolf en is almal uitgeboul vir 97 lopies. Die beste bouler was Robin McThomas wat drie paaltjies geneem het vir slegs 16 lopies in 9 boulbeurte in sy debuut vir die eerste span. Labori het 98 aangeteken vir die verlies van 5 paaltjies, en wen die wedstryd oortuigend. Die beste kolwers was Ruan Terblanche en Kyle Fortuin wat albei 19 lopies gekry het.


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) Villagers Newton se voorseisoenoe­ feninge is elke Dinsdag en Donderdag om 19:00 aan die gang. Die klub vier ook hierdie jaar hul 50ste bestaansjaar en nooi alle oudspelers en ­lede om kontak te maak met die bestuur rakende die aktiwiteite vir die jaar. ) Blues se vriendskaplike wedstryde is soos volg : 7 Maart 2015 ­ Voorwedstryd vir streekspan 2 de & 3 de span­Faure St 14 Maart 2015 ­Villagers, seniors en juniors, vervoer is beskikbaar­Pniel. Blues se oefendae het verskuif na Dins­ dae en Donderdae op New Orleans vel­ de om 19:00 stiptelik. ’n Familiedag word beplan waar die Blues­families weer lekker saam kan kui­ er, meer detail sal deurgegee word. ) Albions oefen elke Dinsdag­Donder­ dag op die Dal. Die klub bied ’n familie­ dag aan in die vorm van ’n bring­en­ braai te Orleans Park op 7 Maart. Daar sal ’n slippery slide vir die kinders wees. Die vriendskaplike wedstryde is soos volg,14 Maart teen Newtons, 21 Maart teen Hamiltons en 28 Maart teen Ab­ botsdale. Albions bring vir Emo Adams Paarl toe op 28 Maart in die Strauss­ saal. Kaartjies is by die bestuurslede be­ skikbaar. Vir meer besonderhede bel die voorsitter Ryan Dirks by 079 183 6048. ) Young Standards se eerste vriend­ skaplike wedstryd is 7 Maart en word afgesluit met ’n jaarlikse derby­kragme­ ting teen Retreat op 28 Maart in Retreat. Vir verdere besonderhede, bel die se­ kretaris by 082 731 4879. ) Allandale­rugbyklub se voorseisoen­ oefeninge is voorlopig op Maandae en Woensdae om 18:30 by Drakenstein Korrektiewe Dienste. Alle nuwe sowel as oudlede is welkom. Vir navrae, bel die

klub­sekretaris by 082 737 8952. ) Violets RVK (Paarl) se vriendskaplike wedstryd teen Blue Stars (Klapmuts) is gekanselleer. 28 Februarie is die volgende vriend­ skaplike wedstryd teen Evergreens op Boy Louw­veld. 14 Maart: ’n Vriendskaplike wedstryd teen Franschhoek United te Fransch­ hoek. Oefentye is Maandae, Woensdae en Donderdae by Paulus Joubert Sekondê­ re Skool se rugbyveld vanaf 18:30. Bel Stephen Japhta 078 648 9437 of Timo­ thy Dennis 083 461 9770. ) Young Peoples: Alle spelers en voor­ nemende spelers, afrigters sowel as spanbestuurders en lede moet by Dal Jo­ safat aanmeld van Maandag om 18:30 vir oefeninge en registrasies (spelers). Die volgende vriendskaplike wedstryde is as volg waarna die liga begin: 11 April kom maak gereed vir die 120 Feesjaar. 6 Maart: Bluestars (Klapmuts), wedstry­ de begin 18:30. 10 Maart: Faurestraat, wedstryde be­ gin 18:30. ) Riverstones­oefeninge geskied te New Orleans­rugbyvelde Dinsdae tot Donderdae vanaf 18:00. Eerste vriendskaplike wedstryd is op 7 Maart. Alle spelers word versoek om te kom re­ gistreer asb.

POOL ) Drakenstein Blackball pool­liga (DBPL); 2015/2016 seisoen. Hou sy Algemene Jaarvergadering op 3 Maart, 19:30 vir 20:00. Die vergadering sal gehou word te Jeff’s Pub, Jan van Riebeeckweg, Paarl. Alle bestaande Blackball Pool­klubs, so­

wel as alle nuwe klubs wat belangstel om aan Blackball Pool­liga deel te neem, word genooi om die vergadering by te woon. Toekennings vir die 2014/2015 sei­ soen se prestasies sal tydens die AJV aan spelers en klubs oorhandig word. Registrasie vir die 2015 / 2016 seisoen sal ook volledig bespreek en hanteer word.

MUURBAL ) Paarl­muurbalklub bied die volgende aan: 27 Feb – 1 Maart die Boland Junior ope. Ons het reeds inskrywings ontvang van WP, Boland, SWD en OP. (Normaal­ weg speel so 120 spelers). Sondag word alle finale gespeel. 13­15 Maart – Boland Junior Proewe. o. 11­o. 19

VEERPYLTJIES ) Wellington darts­unie het onlangs met sy flenters­kompetisie begin. Alle klubs wat betrokke is moet kennis dra: Alle nuwe klubs wat belangstel om te speel is welkom. Vir enige navrae kan Sam Classen: 082 683 3728 of Ernest van Wyk: 083 354 9499 gebel word.

KRIEKET ) Interskole Old Boys krieket. Plek: Hoërskool Gimnasium A­veld Datum: 2 Maart Maandag om 18:00 Formaat ­ 3 spanne: 20­29, 30­39, 40 en ouer. Spanne bestaan uit 8 spelers elk. Kontantkroeg beskikbaar. Braaidromme en hout beskikbaar. Conradie Burger 082 552 3975


Sport Nuus Sport News

26 Februarie, 2015

Get on your bike and ride it at Ommiberg


There are so many mountain biking events in the Western Cape these days that you can pick and choose among numerous trail systems.

SPOED: Die groot jaarlikse Tradisionele atletiekbyeenkoms is onlangs weer op ’n stampvol Dal Josafat-stadion aangebied. Skole wat by hierdie spoggeleentheid betrokke is, is Klein Nederburg Sekondêr, Paulus Joubert Sekondêr, Noorder-Paarl Hoërskool, New Orleans Sekondêr en Charleston Hill Sekondêr. Hier is die haastige seuns o. 17 200 m wedloop aan die gang. Klein Nederburg was hierdie jaar die wen-skool. FOTO: ERNEST KILOWAN

’n Astro­baan vir Hoërskool Hugenote Hugenote Hoërskool staan al vir jare bekend vir sy gebalanseerde benadering tot die ontwikkeling van leerders en om geleenthede vir hulle te skep. Hugenote probeer om hierdie ontwikkeling op ’n deurlopende basis te laat plaasvind, afhangend natuurlik van die beskikbare geld. Sommige van hierdie projekte is reeds sigbaar byvoorbeeld. ’n multi-funksionele dak wat oor die A-netbalbaan gebou is. Die volgende projek is om ’n astrobaan vir die hokkiespanne te bou. Die skool is baie opgewonde oor die projek aangesien daar soveel positiewe uitkomste kan wees. Die skool kan byvoorbeeld beter teen groot hokkie-skole kompeteer. Een van die belangrikste aspekte is dat so ’n projek ook vir die dorp ’n aanwins moet wees. Indirek behou Hugenote die geld van Wellington binne Wellington. Die fasiliteit kan gebruik word om groot toernooie ook aan te bied waaraan laerskole, tersiêre instellings en die onderskeie hokkieklubs kan deelneem. Hierdie projek sal by verre een van die

grootstes nóg wees wat Hoërskool Hugenote aandurf, aangesien die koste van so ’n projek ongeveer R6 miljoen beloop. Hiervoor benodig die skool hulp van die ouers, gemeenskap en sakemanne. Dit moet gesien word as ’n belegging in die toekoms van Wellington en Hoërskool Hugenote. Daar gaan verskeie projekte afgeskop word om geld in te samel. Die eerste hiervan wat dadelik afskop is die “Koop-’n-blokkie”-projek. Daar is blokkies van R1 000, R5 000 en R10 000 beskikbaar. Indien jy ’n blokkie koop, sal jy erkenning teen ’n erkenningsmuur kry wat by die baan opgerig gaan word. Groter bedrae sal groter erkenning ontvang. ’n Eerste R10 000-blok is alreeds verkoop aan ’n oud eerste spanspeler, wat verlede jaar sy stryd teen kanker verloor het. Pieter-Jan Geldenhuys se ouers het sy spaargeld vir die skool beskikbaar gestel ter nagedagtenis aan hierdie dapper stryder. Om betrokke te raak, kan Johann Enslin, bemarker, gekontak word by 021 873 2111 of by

The sport of mountain biking has grown phenomenally and off-road cyclists are always looking for something fresh to ride. On 7 March, Dirtopia will be bringing you a 16 km and 36 km from Perdeberg Winery that will be held in conjunction with the Paarl Ommiberg Festival in the region. Dirtopia is a well-known event and trail management company with more than 15 years’ experience. Start times: 08:30 for long distance and 08:45 for short distance. Registration is from 07:00 at the venue on event day. Coffee from Cafe Pronto available. Entry fees: Short distance R90 for tag holders, R110 other pre-entries Long route R110 for tag holders, R130 other pre-entries. Late entries taken on the morning will be R20 extra. Route descriptions: *16 km: The route is easy, open riding, with beautiful vistas of the winelands. Mostly open field and vineyard riding, with a short distance on district road. One water point for this route. *36 km: With the same start as the short route, followed by a few long, gradual climbs; you’ll ride to the most southern part of the route with views over the Durbanville farms and Table Mountain. Two water points on the long route with the same riding as the short route back to Perdeberg Winery. (Mostly open veld and vineyard riding, with a short distance on district road). There will be well-stocked water points on the routes and medals for all finishers. Make sure you stay for the lucky draw, as all riders will stand a chance to win a Giant Simple Single Bike and many more great prizes. The Paarl Ommiberg Festival takes place on the same day. Go to Timing will be done by Amarider Trail Tag

Wether it’s mountain biking or trail running, this year’s Ommiberg Festival has something for everyone. PHOTO: DYLAN HASKIN that will be live on Contact for event: Dirtopia on 021 884 4752 or e-mail: and please visit the website for more information: ) For the runners: Outdoor enthusiasts should not miss the official launch of the “Run The Vines Trail Run Series” at Rhebokskloof during OmmiBerg. The series, in collaboration with Paarl Wine Routes, will include 12 trail run events on 12 different wine farms in and around the Paarl region during the next 12 months. Each event will offer a 5 km route, which is ideal for runners and walkers who want to take time to enjoy the picturesque scenery, while a 10 km route offers a challenge for more serious runners. Pre-entries on is R100 for 5 km and R 120 for 10 km and include entry for the OmmiBerg Festival valued at R100. For a detailed programme on this fun-filled vineyard to cellar festival, visit

Paarl Gimnasium wen interskole swem Seun: Thys Basson Paarl Gimnasium wen (o .19) – uit 4 individuop 16 Februarie vir die ele items het Thys 3 reeerste keer in dekades kords verbeter (3 x die seuns en meisies 1ste plekke, 1 x 4de swem-interskole. Dit plek). was die sterkste interRekords: skole-kompetisie ooit, Die Gimmies presmaar hierdie jaar het teer as volg: Paarl Gimnasium ware Meisies: Nege eerste Gimmie-“guts” gewys en plekke, elf tweede vir HJS en HMS in die plekke en tien derde water agtergelaat. plekke. Finale puntestand Seuns: Tien eerste (meisies): Paarl Gimnaplekke, nege tweede sium 198 – HMS 192. plekke en vyf derde Finale puntestand Hoërskool Paarl Gimnasium het geplekke. (seuns): Paarl Gimnasi- skiedenis gemaak deur die eerste Gimnasium bedank um 214 – HJS 206. keer in dekades die jaarlikse interal die leerders wat Na afloop van die gala skole swemgala te wen. Hier is Thys kom ondersteun het. is ’n seun en meisie as Basson besig om sy staal te wys. Die gedrag en gees het beste swemmer van die FOTO: EDUAN HAYMAN beslis bygedra tot dag aangewys. Hulle het onderskeidelik die meeste punte ingesamel. hierdie sukses. 2015 is vir Gimnasium vir seker ’n swemMeisie: Berdine Durr (o. 19) – 2 x 1ste plekjaar om te onthou. ke, 1 x 2de plek, 2 x 3de plekke.

SO BYNA: Worcester United het Saterdag in Paarl kom kuier om teen Paarl-krieketklub in ’n T20-wedstryd te speel. Worcester het eerste gekolf en teken 140/5 ná 20 boulbeurte aan. Paarl het dit so byna gemaak, maar is later met hul telling op 128/6 terug na die kleedkamers. Hier stuur Paarl se bouler Godfrey Stevens een van sy draaiballe af terwyl paaltjiewagter, Darryl Hendricks, die bal net mis.




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Plaaslike perdryer ry Protea-kleure los FRANS LE ROUX Lize-Mari du Plessis (15), ’n leerder by Hoerskool Hugenote, is pas aangewys as Paarl Post se Supersport Let’s Play-maandwenner vir haar uitsonderlike prestasie in pensteek (gymkhana). Lize-Mari woon op die familieplaas net buite Wellington en is die middel-kind in ’n familie wat gek is oor perdry. Sy het so onlangs soos vier jaar gelede vir die eerste keer op ’n perd geklim en sommer dadelik tuis gevoel in die sport van pensteek. “Die liefde vir die sport kom van my pa af, wat op sy dag ook ’n kampioen-ryer was. Nadat hy op Elsenburg klaar studeer het, is hy weer gevra om uit te help by ’n span, en dis daar waar die gogga my toe byt.” Lize-Mari is nou eers in gr. 10 en is alreeds in die o. 19 Protea-pensteekspan opgeneem. “Ek het in my eerstejaar van deelname, toe ek 11 jaar oud was, ingekom by die Suid-Afrikaanse ontwikkelingspan en is in Desember 2014 opgeneem in die o. 19 SA vrouespan.” Sport is beslis ’n natuurlike aanleg vir hierdie borrelende tiener, “Ek fokus darem nie net op perdry nie. Ek

geniet hokkie baie en is ook by die eerste span ingesluit. Atletiek hou my ook besig en ek neem binnekort deel aan spiesgooi by ’n Boland-byeenkoms.” Lize-Mari geniet ook haar skoolwerk en wil eendag haar beroep in die sportwêreld maak. “My gunsteling-vak hier by die skool is sonder twyfel Biologie waarin ek ook baie goed doen. Dis waar my belangstelling lê en dit help my om iets eendag in ’n sportrigting te kan studeer.” As sy ooit tyd kry vir ontspan, doen sy die gewone tiener-dinge. “Ek sal graag voor die televisie lê en sportkanale of Binnelanders kyk. My gunsteling-kos is roosterbrood en slap tjips. Dit hang maar af wat daar in die huis is om te eet. Dis ook vir my lekker om bietjie met my perd te bond en vir hom appels te voer.” Met haar hele lewe nog voor haar, sal dit nie die laaste keer wees wat jy die naam LizeMari du Plessis sal hoor nie. Hou haar maar ook dop op die hokkieveld en atletiekbaan. * Paarl Post gaan vanjaar in November al agt finaliste se foto’s publiseer, waarna die publiek vir hul gunsteling kan stem. Meer besonderhede sal later bekend gemaak word

Paarl athletes sparkle again at 4M More than 400 athletes from four of the Boland and Western Cape’s top girls schools participated in the 23rd 4M Interschools Athletics Meeting in Paarl on 19 February. Bloemhof Girls’ High School, Paarl Girls’ High School, La Rochelle Girls’ High School and Rhenish Girls’ High School took to the stage at Dal Josaphat stadium to compete in different track and field challenges. At the end of the day La Rochelle was again the reigning champion. This year, Tatum Maher, a Gr. 8 learner from La Rochelle Girls’ High School was one of the stars of the day as she claimed three gold medals. She came first in the 400 m (01:00.25), 800 m (02:23.83) and 1 500 m

(05:17.01) in the u. 14 age category. Gézelle Magerman, a Gr. 12 learner also from La Rochelle Girls’ High School, walked away with a well-earned gold medal after she completed the 400 m in first place in the u. 19 age category. Magerman finished with a time of 57.12 seconds, breaking the record (57.69 seconds). A Gr. 11 learner from Paarl Girls’ High School, Wilmaré Mouton, topped the leader board in high jump in the u. 17 age category with 1,53 m. Kylé Geldenhuys, a Gr. 9 learner from the same school took home three gold medals. She came first in the 400 m (01:01.35), 800 m (02:23.87) and 1 500 m (05:20.86) in the u. 15 age category.

Mercedes-Benz Paarl was voted the best MercedesBenz Service Outlet in South Africa 2014 They are a longstanding landmark of the Greater Paarl community (44 years). Paarl Motors is the bench mark in South African service led by their leader, Deon du Toit, Service Manager whom has created formidable front line and back line teams. Putting his 13 years of experience to good use, Deon with the help of Dudley McMillan, Zanie Wiese, Edward Abrahams, Tiaan Pretorius, Cindy Orffer and the rest of the Team creates a welcoming atmosphere and outstanding service, which few dealerships have been able to copy.

Paarl Motors

The Service Department is open from 07:00, Monday to Friday.

37 Jan van Riebeeck Drive, Huguenot, Paarl. Phone us during office hours: 021 872 1531 After hours emergency number: 080 013 3355

We are dedicated in providing you, our Customer, with outstanding service which you deserve. X1PRR6FH-PL260215

Lize-Mari du Plessis van Hoërskool Hugenote is aangewys as die eerste Supersport Let’s Play maandwenner vir 2015.

Tour de Boland filled with pro’s The stage is set for an epic road-cycling battle on March 2, when South Africa’s top professional teams gather for the five-day Bestmed Tour de Boland, presented by Pinarello. Fielding a full complement of six riders each, the half-dozen squads will enliven the sharp end of the 465km Pro-Am race through the Cape Winelands as they jostle for position in the peleton. Aside from familiar foes, the local teams will also face stiff competition from Australian ProContinental team Drapac, which is headed by South African export Dylan Girdlestone. The MTN-Qhubeka feeder team will be without the services of two-time champion Nic Dougall, who was promoted to their Pro-Conti outfit this season. Franschhoek-born sprinter Nolan Hoffman will delight his local supporters as he spearheads the Abantu attack. Hoffman will use this to prepare for his Cape Town Cycle Tour title defence. Bonitas, led by Luthando Kaka, should bring a competitive attack once more that includes fastman Herman Fouché and climber JC Nel. Not to be discounted is the Giant team that features stage race specialist and 2009 Tour de Boland winner Johann Rabie, alongside the likes of Carl Pasio and Martin Wesemann. Putting his home ground knowledge to work for his Lights by Linea teammates will be Ste-

The traditional gravel road finish is sure to be another highlight in this years prestigious Tour de Boland road race. Here Christoff Sauser (multiple Cape Epic winner) is leading the bunch in the 2014 edition. The race ends on 6 March in Paarl. PHOTO:


fan Ihlenfeldt, who won the recent Tour de Stellenbosch. Switzerland’s multiple Cape Epic champion Christoph Sauser and Tankwa Trek winner Erik Kleinhans will pair up in the colours of Aramextodrivethepaceontheirlocaltraining routes. The tour starts in Paarl and finishes at the Taal Monument above the town on March 6. Stage 1: Paarl to Worcester via Franschhoek (114km) Stage 2: Worcester to Op-die-Berg via Ceres (111km) Stage 3: Ceres to Tulbagh (30km individual time-trial) Stage 4: Tulbagh to Riebeek-Kasteel via Piketberg (138km) Stage 5: Riebeek-Kasteel to Paarl via Wellington (74km) Visit, go to Facebook or follow @TourdeBoland. * Road closures are as follows: 2 March – Paarl Main Rd closed one side from Market Street to Dwars in die Weg from 07:0011:00. Franschhoek Main Rd periodically closed from 08:00- to 11:00. The Tour finishes in Paarl on 6 March, with no closures, and we would appreciate as many spectators as possible on the Jan Phillips road on the day.

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