Paarl post 29 01 2015

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Paarl Post Voice of Drakenstein • Stem van Drakenstein

Donderdag, 29 Januarie 2015

Prys: R6.00 | Volume 110



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Six injured after car crash National coach for Paarl

Cavaliers tackle Stormers

A man has appeared in court on a charge of drunk driving after knocking down six pedestrians while allegedly speeding down Klein Drakenstein Drive early on Saturday morning. PAGE 2

The annual preseason friendly between the Boland Cavaliers and the DHL Stormers will take place on Saturday 7 February at the majestic Cape Town Stadium. PAGE 20

Paarl has delivered another national coach. Re­ nowned netballer, Bennie Saayman, will be taking the national netball team to the World Cup in Aus­ tralia later this year. PAGE 3


Guards targeted in initiation rites



repairs at the facility from time to time,” said Klaas. Jeremy Mattheyse, area commissionViolent attacks on prison guards in the Western Cape are a growing er for Drakenstein, said three members source of concern in prisons across of the public were arrested the previous the province. weekend for trying to smuggle tik, dagga and cellphones to inmates. In another suspected gang initiation Ten correctional officers were seriously injured this month in two sepaat Brandvlei Prison, Worcester on 4 rate incidents in Paarl and Worcester January, a guard was also attack by an prisons. inmate. Klaas said the guard had been repeatIn the latest incident, nine prison guards narrowly escaped death when edly hit on the head with a lock that was 27 prisoners initiated an attack, beallegedly wrapped in a sock. One inmate died and five others were lieved to have been led by a 26-gang member, on prison guards of the Drainjured when guards tried to take conkenstein Correction Centre (Victor trol of the situation. It has been speculated that the attack Verster) last Thursday morning. According to regional commissionat Drakenstein may have been out of reer, Delekile Klaas, correctional offivenge for the one at Brandvlei, but these cers were conducting a routine search reports have not been confirmed and of cell B9 in the Medium A Centre at form part of an internal investigation. As for official charges against the peraround 08:00 on 22 January, when prisoners, apparently mostly members of petrators, Paarl police spokesperson, the notorious 26, 27 and 28 gangs, beCaptain Louise du Plessis said: “No criminal case has been opened by the gan stabbing them. Regional commissioner, Delekile Klaas, points warders who sustained injuries. Nine guards were wounded, five of to the weapons used in a brutal attack on “No suspects have been arrested. In them seriously, when they were correctional officers at the Drakenstein Correc­ the event of a case being registered by stabbed on the head, neck and shoul- tion Centre on Thursday morning. one of the victims, such case will be der with knives and other sharp obPHOTO: MARYKE SWART criminally investigated and the perpejects. They were rushed to Mediclinic Paarl cal of a gang initiation ritual, aimed at trator brought before court.” Klaas said that the Correctional Servifor treatment and seven offenders were gaining respect for or showing loyalty toces’ case management committee (CMC) treated at the correctional facility’s clinic wards a gang. “By the look of the weapons, some of may conduct its own investigation into for light injuries. “What worries us most is the vicious- which were handmade knives, it is clear the matter to establish whether the inness of the attack. Their intention was to that the items had been smuggled in, ei- mates should be transferred to a maxither by family members, corrupt officials mum security centre. kill, not just to scare,” said Klaas. . Also read pages 2 and 4. According to him, the attack was typi- or possibly even by contractors that do

Gewapende rowers slaan weer toe by Mall MARYKE SWART “Ek wens net ek kan sy oë vergeet.” Só vertel ’n klant wat Dinsdagaand haar midde in ’n gewapende roof in die Vodacom-winkel in Paarl Mall bevind het. Volgens die vrou, wat anoniem wil bly, het sy omstreeks 18:40 voor die winkel gestaan. Sy het besluit om solank na die rekenaartablette te gaan kyk, terwyl sy op haar man gewag het om haar te kom haal. “Toe ek instap, dink ek maar iets is funny, want daar is geen personeel in die winkel nie, net ’n man wat by die deur gestaan het, maar ek het gedink hy is ’n sekuriteitswag. Ek het toe na die tablette gaan kyk. Hy het by my regterkantse sy kom staan en gevra: ‘What are you looking for?’, ek sê toe net ek kyk na die tablette. Hy sê toe, ‘no but go in that room’.” Toe sy by die winkel wou uitloop, het hy ’n skietding in haar sy gedruk en haar na ’n agterste kantoor gedwing waar personeel en nog drie klante reeds op die vloer gelê het. “Hy sê toe: “Lay down, don’t look at me.” Volgens haar was twee of drie verdagtes reeds besig om swart en wit streepsakke vol goedere te laai. Toe die verdagtes uit die kantoor is, het hulle eers bly lê. Sy vertel ’n man het enkele oomblikke later by die kantoor ingestap en gevra of almal orraait is. “Ons het toe opgestaan, en die personeel het die paniekknoppie gedruk en die polisie is gebel. Alles was in tien minute verby, maar dit het soos ’n leeftyd gevoel. Dit was ’n nare ondervinding. Goddank niemand het seergekry nie.” Paarl-polisiewoordvoerder, kapt. Louise du Plessis, het gesê die verdagtes het met ’n onbevestigde aantal selfone en kontant gevlug. Geen skote is in die voorval afgevuur nie en niemand is beseer nie. Die sentrumbestuurder van Paarl Mall, Faizah Behardien, het ook die voorval bevestig. Hulle was teen druktyd nog besig om die voorval saam met die polisie te ondersoek. Daar word beweer die verdagtes het moontlik by verskillende ingange van die winkelsentrum ingekom. Die ondersoek duur voort. *Another armed robbery has taken place at Paarl Mall.



Nuus News

29 January, 2015

Man dood ná hy uitswaai vir koei MARYKE SWART

As jy vyf jaar oud is, is dit maar moeilik om ’n keuse te maak na watter laerskool jy moet gaan. In die Paarl, veral, is daar te kies en te keur. As ons ’n wenk kan gee, oorweeg gerus ’n sekere skool in NoorderPaarl. Ná ’n twee maande lange vakansie het die leerders sommer in hul tweede week reeds ’n afdag gekry. Leerders is gevra om Maandag tuis te bly omdat die skoolgebou instandhoudingswerk benodig. Dus het hulle ’n lekker langnaweek gehad. Dit was ’n opdrag van die departement van onderwys. Klink vir ons soos ’n wen-wen! ) And it looks as though the crime of downtown Paarl has now moved on to the Paarl Mall. With all these mall robberies, not only in Paarl, many members of public will surely look at safer alternatives to make their purchases, such as on-line shopping. But then again, the internet fraud. Perhaps it’s a good time now to rather save money and stay out of the shops.

’n Pa van twee jong kinders is dood nadat hy Saterdagmiddag naby Vlakkeland verongeluk het. Elton Gennike (32) van Van Wyksvlei, Wellington, was Saterdagmiddag omstreeks 17:00 in Jan van Riebeeckrylaan onderweg toe hy vir ’n koei in die pad wou uitswaai en beheer oor sy Ford Bantam-bakkie verloor het. Die bakkie het gerol en in ’n oop stuk veld tot stilstand gekom. Hy is op die toneel dood verklaar. Sy 18-jarige passasier, net bekend as Grant, is vir geringe beserings behandel. Gennike se ma, Sonia, het gesê Elton was die tweede oudste van haar vier kinders en haar oogappel. “Hy was baie vriendelik. Almal

was net lief vir hom en praat net mooi van hom. Hy was altyd bereid om te help.” Gennike het sy laerskoolloopbaan by Newton Primêr voltooi en matriek aan Weltevrede Sekondêr behaal. Hy het tot sy dood as werktuigkundige by die sekerheidsonderneming, Dogs and All, gewerk. Gennike en sy vrou, Eugenia, het drie maande gelede ’n seuntjie ryker geword toe hul seun, Ethlin, gebore is. Hul dogter, Eunisca (6), is vanjaar in graad 1. ’n Huisdiens word Saterdag om 13:00 uit Sandstraat 30, Van Wyksvlei, gehou. ’n Kerkdiens volg om 14:00 uit die VGK Newton. (Lees brief op bl. 6.) * A man died when he lost control over his vehicle on Jan van Riebeeck Drive while swerving to avoid a cow that was walking in the road.

Die toneel waar Elton Gennike gesterf het ná sy bakkie Saterdag­ middag in Jan van Riebeeckrylaan naby Vlakkeland gerol het.

What really happens in prison

Plakstuk Die eerste plakstuk in die Plak­vir­jou­Sak­ kompetisie waarin een Paarl Post­leser R1 500 kontant kan wen, verskyn vandag op bl. 19. Die kompetisie sluit Vrydag 13 Maart waarna die wenner aangekondig sal word.

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. John 14:27

LISE BEYERS After the brutal attack on prison warders at the Drakenstein correctional facility last week, questions have been raised as to who is actually running the prisons. A retired warder with 25 years experience, of which nine years were at the Drakenstein correctional facility, spoke to Paarl Post this week on condition that he remain anonymous to avoid possible victimisation. “Prisons are run by gangs. The authorities have absolutely no control of what is happening there. “Gang ‘generals’ arrange for weapons, drugs, electronic equipment and even women to be smuggled into the prison. “Warders fear for their lives because criminals know where they live and have no problem in getting information to gang members on the outside. So they basically just do what the ‘generals’ want. And so the cleaners too, become smugglers and carriers for the gangs.” Precisely a year ago there were various shooting incidents on the road between the prison and Paarl, when vehicles in which warders were travelling, where shot at. In one such attack a warder was shot and injured. No arrests were made. This is just one example of how warders are being intimidated. “These attacks are instigated from within the prison walls. Gang leaders will entice younger gang members on the outside to launch such attacks just to gain status.” The retired warder sketches a grim picture of what happens at facilities such as the Drakenstein prison. “Up to 40 hardcore criminals are squashed together in a cell which has a capacity for only 30 men.” This, however, comes as no surprise, as re-


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Vrou in oprit gekaap

gional commissioner, Delekile Klaas, last week admitted to centres being overcrowded. According to him, Medium A, where the incident happened, is overcrowded by 31%. “There is no rehabilitation for prisoners within or outside of the facility. These criminals just become more hardened as they fight for life or death to climb the ranks of the various gangs. “Even once paroled, they will soon land up behind bars again. And prison personnel whose duty it is to visit parolees at home, are just too scared to enter those areas,” the source further states. He explains that aspiring gang members living in, for example, Chicago, are also given tasks from within the prison walls. They are enticed to commit crimes, to be arrested and then end up themselves in prison. And it is there, within the prison walls, that their actual training begins. The main gangs are the Americans, Play Boys, 26’s, 28’s and the feared 27’s. “The 26’s, whose members will wear a $ signtattoo, often on the face, are the money-gang. They can bring anything into the prison to sell. The 28’s are violent and sodomise and brutalise other gang members as well as new prisoners. “But the 27’s are the most feared because of their violent nature.” These gangs are continuously at battle with each other for status and control of the prison. “I actually wouldn’t be surprised if the incident at Drakenstein last week was one gang trying to overpower the guards to get the keys to cells holding opposing gang members for a serious attack.” And will or can this gang-controlled prison service ever change? “No, never. It has gone too far and no force will ever be able to eradicate it.”

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D r. R oland B erry Dr. Roland Berry



Maandag - Donderdag: 17:00 tot 21:00

Bo-Lady Greystraat/Street 20, Paarl, 7646 Tel: 021 871 1368 • Faks: 021 871 1369 E-pos/mail:

Vrydag: 17:00 tot 20:00 Sondag en Vakansiedae: 09:00 tot 14:00 X1PN9JRR-PL290115

Ses voetgangers is verlede Vrydagnag beseer toe ’n motoris na bewering teen ’n hoë snelheid in Klein Drakensteinweg afgejaag het. Volgens ’n ooggetuie op die toneel het die motoris, Jeseral Claasen (29), beheer oor sy bakkie verloor toe hy vinnig by Klein Drakensteinweg afgery het. “Die motoris het beheer oor sy wit Opel Corsa-bakkie verloor en die voetgangers getref wat naby Fred Liquors drankwinkel gestaan het.” Claasen het verder gery, vermoedelik om van die toneel te probeer vlug. Hy het egter kort daarna in ’n boom vasgery, waarna die bakkie op die hoek van Grebestraat omgeslaan het. Die stuk pad voor die “stoepe” is veral laatnag bekend as ’n resiesbaan. Toeskouers slaan selfs kamp op by die stoepe om hierdie onwettige wedrenne te besigtig. Daar word vermoed die beseerdes in die jongste botsing het juis op die stoepe van die Ivanhoe Park-gebou vergader om sodanige wedrenne te aanskou. Claasen het Dinsdag 27 Januarie in die Paarl-landdroshof op ’n klag van dronkbestuur verskyn.

Paarl Oogsentrum Paarl Eye Centre


Saterdag: 08:00 tot 14:00

Ses voetgangers deur jaer getref


Dr NH Bernard URE: Maandag - Vrydag: 08:00 tot 17:00

’n Wellingtonse vrou is Woensdagoggend in die oprit van haar huis in Burgstraat gekaap. Volgens ’n woordvoerder van Wellington-polisie was die vrou, wie se naam onbekend is, omstreeks 11:00 van die bank af op pad huis toe, toe twee mans in ’n Volkswagen Polo agter haar in die oprit stilgehou en haar met ’n mes gedreig het. Daar word beweer dat die kapers haar na haar huis gevolg het, onder die indruk dat sy baie geld by haar het. Hulle het haar van haar motor, ’n Toyota Corolla, en ’n onbevestigde bedrag van R800 beroof. Haar motor is later verlate in Abduraghmanstraat gevind. Die verdagtes was teen druktyd steeds op vrye voet. Die vrou is nie gedurende die voorval beseer nie.

021 863 4707 X1PKA565-PL220115




Nuus News

29 Januarie, 2015

Vrekte van visse in dam ’n raaisel

Paarlite heads up Protea netball team



The love for the game of netball is deeply rooted in the Saayman family. If you find someone “My daughter Annelie with 50 years of netball Lucas is a netball organisexperience, then you er at Paarl Gimnasium don’t have to look any and we share the love for further for a more acnetball. I played 1st team complished national netball and represented coach. Eastern Province at school level.” Bennie Saayman from Being head coach will Paarl was recently antake up loads of her time. nounced as the head coach “It is nearly impossible for the Protea netball for me to participate or get team. A very humbling involved in any sport othhonour she admits, but er than netball. I am also one she is looking forward president of the Boland to grabbing with both and Western Province nethands. ball unions. While I focus According to Saayman, the request caught her off- Bennie Saayman is the new on coaching, I also keep guard: “While I was in a coach for the Protea netball busy with the administrative side of things.” meeting with the presi- squad. Paarl Post wishes Her goals and objectives dent and CEO of Netball her all the best with the for her new job are SA, I was asked if I would tough position. straight forward: “I wish accept the position if it was handed to me. It was a bit of shock to take the team to a consistent internaand I requested time to make my final de- tional top three-ranked side as well as to cision. After two sleepless nights I made help the game reach 100% professional status.” the decision to accept the challenge.” If you are an aspiring young netball She confessed that this would definitely be the single biggest test in her career. player, follow Saayman’s easy advice, “Set yourself some goals, see failures as “I know that the job as head coach will be very challenging, but I know the pres- motivation and learn from those missures of the position and am looking for- takes. Remember to never stop chasing your dreams.” ward to serving my country.” Saayman will be taking the national Saayman was born in Port Elizabeth and moved to Paarl in 1973. Forty years netball team to the World Cup which will be held in Sydney in August this year. later she is still here.


sien het hoe mense die dooie visse optel.” Vernon Bouwers, woordvoerder van die ’n Inwoner van die Stellenbosch-munisilandgoed Rozenmeer, paliteit, het gesê hulle Klapmuts het verlede is bewus van die voornaweek op ’n grusame val en beskou die saak toneel afgekom. met erns. Rob Bolton het “Ons is reeds besig langs die dam geloop met ondersoeke na naby waar hy woon en Dooie visse dryf op die water by ’n dam moontlike bydraende honderde dooie visse langs die landgoed Rozenmeer in Klapmuts. faktore. Ons het reeds op die water sien dryf. Dit is nog onbekend wat die oorsaak van bevestig dat daar geen “Dit is onbeskryf- die vrekte is. FOTO: ROB BOLTON voorvalle van besoelik, ek kon nie glo wat deling by die rioolpompstasies was nie. Daar ek sien nie. Dit het al vrot begin ruik.” Bolton sê hy het toe gaan ondersoek instel was wel ’n rioolverbinding wat verstop was oor die oorsaak vir die vrekte onder die visse. maar intussen oopgemaak is, maar dit kan nie Die dam behoort aan ’n plaas langsaan en bevestig word dat dit die oorsaak van die probleem was nie.” ’n gedeelte daarvan is binne die landgoed. Bouwers het gesê die munisipaliteit beoog “Ek het van die mense wat buite die landgoed woon en gereeld daar kom hengel, gevra of hul- ook om dringend met ander rolspelers te vergale dalk iets weet. Van hulle het gesê dit het ver- der en die kwessie te ondersoek. “Die departemente water en sanitasie, omgelede Donderdag baie gereën en ’n rioolstelsel het glo oorstroom en kon dalk in die dam inge- wingsake en ontwikkelingsbeplanning asook die Kaapse Wynland-distriksmunisipaliteit loop het.” Bolton het gesê wat nog skokkender is, is dat sal dié voorval en ook die deurlopende bestuur van die rivier en omgewing bespreek.” mense van die dooie visse weggedra het. * A land-owner of Klapmuts was shocked to “Dit kan lewensgevaarlik wees, want jy weet nie waaraan die goed gevrek het nie. Van my find hundreds of dead fish floating belly-up in bure het ook genoem dat hulle die Saterdag ge- a dam.


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Nuus News

29 January, 2015


Notice is hereby given in terms of regulation 8(5) of The Preferential Procurement Regulations of 2011 that Tender CES 2/2014 : Upgrade And Extension Of Wellington Waste Water Treatment Works To 16ML Mechanical And Electrical Installation was cancelled by the Bid Adjudication Committee on 12 December 2014 in terms of regulation 8(4) ( b) due to sufficient funds are no longer available to cover the envisaged expenditure. J F Mettler MUNICIPAL MANAGER

GRASBRAND: Brandbestryders moniteer ’n stuk grond by Adams­ vale in Paarl­Suid nadat daar Sater­ dagoggend ’n grasbrand ontstaan het. Dit het later die dag weer op­ gevlam en helikop­ ters is ingespan om die vlamme te help blus. Dit is nie se­ ker hoe die brand ontstaan het nie.


Kennis word hierme gegee in terme van regulasie 8 (5) van die Voorkeur Verkrygings Regulasies van 2011 dat Tender CES 2/2014 : Opgradering En Uitbreiding Van Die Wellington Afloopbehandelingswerke Tot 16ML /Dag: Meganies En Elektriese Installasie was gekanselleer by die Bod Komitee op 12 Desember 2014 in terme van regulasie 8(4) (b) omrede fondse nie meer beskikbaar is om die vooruit gestelde uitgawe te dek nie, J F Mettler MUNISIPALE BESTUURDER



Vrou vertel van angs ná aanval op man MARYKE SWART “Daar was ’n ongeluk by die werk.” Dit was een van vyf korrektiewe beamptes van die Drakenstein-gevangenis se eerste woorde aan sy vrou oor die telefoon, nadat hy en vier kollegas ernstige steekwonde opgedoen het toe gevangenes hulle Donderdag 22 Januarie met skerp voorwerpe en messe aangeval het. Sy vrou, wat verkies om anoniem te bly, sê haar man het haar minute ná die aanval op hom en sy kollegas gebel om te sê dat hy met ’n mes gesteek is. “Hy het uitasem en moeg geklink. Ek kon aflei iets is nie lekker nie. Hy sê toe daar was ’n ongeluk by die werk. Hy en kollegas is met messe gesteek en hulle is op pad Mediclinic toe. Ek het hom gevra of ek moet kom, maar hy sê toe nee, hy voel ‘orraait’.” Ná hul telefoongesprek kon sy nie verder konsentreer nie. “Ek het nie geweet waar (hy gesteek is) of hoe, en hoe ernstig dit is nie. Dit is net ek en my seuntjie van drie, so iets kan mos nie nou gebeur nie, het ek gedink.” Sy is na Mediclinic Paarl waar sy in die noodkamer die bewaarders sien sit het. Haar man was nie daar nie. Weer het sy koud van binne geraak, maar ’n kollega het haar gou gerusgestel dat hulle besig was om hom te ondersoek. “Dit was nie ’n mooi prentjie nie, om al sy kollegas daar te sien sit, party se hemde vol bloed.” Al die bewaarders is dieselfde aand nog huis toe. Hulle was Vrydag saam vir berading na ’n sielkundige en van Maandag af elkeen op sy eie. Haar man is sedertdien terug werk toe. “Ons het daaroor gepraat. Hy het gesê hoe langer hy uitstel om by die werk te kom, hoe moeiliker gaan dit raak. Maar ek sit nou by die werk en dink hoe dit moet wees by sy werk.” Sy het net weer besef dit is nie speletjies om ’n korrektiewe beampte te wees nie. “Ons bid, pleit dat die Here oor hulle sal wees. Want Hy wás oor hulle.”



W estelike Westelike S krynwerker Skrynwerker Tel: 021 862 2942 Faks: 021 862 1610 Ons vervaardig: • Deure • Vensterrame • Outydse skuifraamvensters • Houthortjievensters • Hekke


29 Januarie, 2015

Warm welcome for German cyclist LISE BEYERS



Nuus News

ling. Sina had previously spent some time in Cape The management of the Town, where she had German Club in Paarl learnt to paraglide and fell were surprised to receive in love with this sport. And an unexpected visit from so in July 2014 she left Gera young German woman many to cycle through Euwho had cycled all the rope and Africa. way from Hamburg, GerShe cycled from Hammany to Paarl. burg to Athens, Greece, from where she flew across On Monday, Sina Christthe Mediterranean Sea to mann (29), cycled over Du Cairo. And here her real Toitskloof Pass and decidadventure began, cycling ed to continue down Lan- Sina Christmann with her hosts, Manie Mar­ through Ethiopia, Kenya, genhoven Avenue into ais of Finmar and Nic van Wyk of Cape Tanzania, Malawi, MoPaarl. To her delight she Waste. PHOTO: LISE BEYERS zambique and Zimbabwe, saw a signboard pointing to before hitting the South African the Deutche Klub in Klein Parys. not believe what they heard. After completing her studies in border. “This was a surprise and I rode “The only places where I felt towards the club to see what a teaching and theology Sina was German club is doing in Africa.” training to become a paragliding unsafe were in eastern Europe When she told her story to Jac- instructor. But she suffered a and then again in Ethiopia. “The rest of the time I, howevques Boshoff, Nic van Wyk and knee injury and decided to recuManie Marais, they could almost perate while cycling and travel- er, encountered great hospitali-

ty. I would often simply knock on someone’s door and ask whether I could pitch my tent outside their house. “In South Africa, especially up north , there would be signs along the road: ‘High crime area’. And people would warn me about my safety. But I never had any problems here and everyone welcomed me very warmly. “It has been a wonderful experience to have travelled amongst so many cultures, meeting such colourful people. Such a journey teaches you a lot about yourself.” When she reaches Cape Town, Sina would have cycled almost 12 000 km. And at the German Club on Monday evening she was treated to a good old South African braai, and they even arranged accommodation for her at a local guest house.

JOY CARGILL STUDIO OF BALLET Under direction of Joy Cargill

Fully registered Royal Academy of Dance teacher holding an International Teachers Diploma

Classes at Zion Street, Paarl and Pre-Primary Schools Any enquiries, phone 021 872 3404 X1PMKT41-PL290115

AFKOELPRET: Die laerskool­ leerders van Hoër Meisieskool Paarl was heel verlig om Vry­ dag ’n bietjie lafenis te kry van die versengende hitte tydens hul jaarlikse vlotteresies. Hier van links is Ronè du Preez, Nina Haarhof, Zani Smith, Emma Mari Conradie, Jana Theron. Nadya Joubert is die meermin in die middel. Die kwik het Vrydag op plekke gestyg tot 42 °C in die vallei. Hierdie week het die kwik effe gedaal en daar word koeler weer met ’n geringe kans van reën voorspel vir Vrydag en Sa­ terdag.

Waar ek nou 'n nuwe fase in my lewe betree met my aansluiting by Medicross Paarl wil ek en my vrou, Karin, graag Dr Jannie van der Merwe en sy vrou, Elsa, bedank vir die lekker saamwerk die afgelope 5 jaar. Graag wil ek ook al my pasiënte bedank vir hul ondersteuning gedurende hierdie besondere tyd.

Dr Fritz Potgieter X1PNHLW5-PL290115



Briewe Letters

29 January, 2015

Situation at the prison is shocking Crime is escalating in the valley. In one breath you read of a hijacking situation in broad daylight in Wellington and in the next, you are confronted by yet another armed robbery at a shop in Paarl Mall. And that while many shoppers were busy conducting their business in the centre. It appears as if criminals have a free pass to our valley. And now, to top it all, one is confronted by the chaos that reigns in our prisons. One would like to think that criminals are arrested, charged with their crimes, found guilty in court and then kept behind bars, while being taught a lesson or two for the sins they have committed. But no. It now rather sounds as if imprisonment is only the beginning of a criminal’s life of crime. How can one expect crime to be seriously addressed if the price that criminals are supposed to pay for their crimes, only furthers their careers in crime, and prison warders and their families are being threatened by gang members? What is happening in these so-called rehabilitation centres is shocking, to say the least.

W’ton-kinders verdien net die beste Ons staan aan die begin van nog ’n nuwe skooljaar. Onwillekeurig dink ek hierdie tyd van die jaar altyd terug na 1976: die jaar toe ek matriek geskryf het. Die gemeenskap was brandarm. Bergrivier het meestal bestaan uit opslaangeboue wat ons “duiwehokkies” gedoop het. In die winter was dit bitter koud met die meeste vensterruite boonop stukkend. En in die somer wanneer Wellington verander in Hellington, het ons geworstel met die hitte. Dit was die jaar van die Sowetoopstande. Daar was voortdurend onderbrekings en betogings. Apartheid was op sy felste. En daai koue dag op 16 Junie 1976 sal ek en my klasmaats nooit vergeet nie. Wat daarna gebeur het, is vandag ou nuus. Die duiwehokkies is afgebrand (durf ek name verklap?). Daar was ’n onverwagte “vakansie” sodat klaskamers opgeslaan kon word. Daarna moes ons middagklasse loop om agterstallige werk in te haal. Matriek was bloedsweet. Ons was geseënd met goeie onderwysers: Ons hoof was mnr. Arendse en hy was niemand se speelmaat nie. Leerlinge, onderwysers en selfs ouers was bang vir hom. Hy het ook sy deel in die geskiedenisklas gedoen. Mnr. Bastiaan (adjunkhoof ), het by my ’n lewenslange liefde vir Afrikaans gekweek. Mnre. Bill Meyer (Engels), Vincent (biologie) en Raymond Naidoo (aardrykskunde), Ivan Samaai, Kosie de Villiers (rekeningkunde) en Thys Adams (handel) was almal kundiges op hul vakgebied. Ons het nie ’n wiskunde-onderwyser gehad nie en ’n dosent (ene Von Willigh) van die onderwyskollege het vir ons klas gegee. Vroeër het mnr. Cupido Cupido en me. Magaret Ontong (LO) asook Charlotte Cupido (musikus) hul deel gedoen om vir ons ’n eersteklas opvoeding te gee. Vandag is slegs mnr. Samaai (wat later ’n kringbestuurder geword het en steeds as ’n mentor vir my dien) en mnr. Cupido nog in die lewe. Daar was geen geriewe nie; geen rekenaars, selfone, of interaktiewe witborde nie. Geen saal of biblioteek of koshuis nie. Leerders van buite Wellington moes privaat lo-

seer. Geen personeelkamer nie en geen sportgeriewe nie. Mnr. Cupido het almal in die LOklas vir ’n jaar lank ingespan om ons eie sportveld en atletiekbaan te bou. En ten spyte van Hellington se kwaai somers, het mnr. Arendse aangedring dat ’n inter-huis gehou word. Op die baan waar ons steggie vir steggie die gras met die hand geplant het, het Kaballie (Francois Davids) en O’Neil Simpson die een rekord na die ander laat spat. Op die rugbyveld het Bergrivier uitstaande spelers opgelewer soos Dawn Arendse, Martin Abrahams, Neels en Jannie Mettler, Theo le Cordeur, Biga Jones en Kaballie, wat almal die SARU-span met onderskeiding gedien het. Arendse en Davids ook as SARU-kapteine. Ten spyte van die opstande het Bergrivier se matriekklas byna 100% slaagsyfer behaal. Daai een outjie het later die aanvullende eksamen geslaag en is vandag ’n knap onderwyser. My klasmaats het almal uitgestyg: Peter Witbooi en Rachel Japtha is vandag professore, Steven Korabie was Kommisaris van Korrektiewe Dienste, Bronwin Whittles en Charles Marthinussen skoolhoofde, David Davids, Vigan Small, Sidney en Bridgette Cupido, Leandi Bezuidenhout, Anne-Marie April, Abraham Caesar, Paul Prins, Martin Deelman en Josephine Willemse en vele ander het as onderwysers kinders se lewens verander. Ds. Patrick Petersen het een van die mees gevierde digters in Afrikaans geword. Met hierdie geskiedenis in gedagte het ek vandeesmaand na my Alma Mater se matriekuitslae gekyk. Ek kies my woorde versigtig – eens op ’n tyd het ek ook daar skoolgehou. Die hoof, sy leerders, en sy personeel staan voor die uitdaging om hierdie trotse tradisie voort te sit. Maar hulle sal dit slegs kan doen as die ouergemeenskap hul plig nakom en die onderwysers ondersteun in hierdie reuse-taak. Want Wellington se kinders verdien net die beste. (Dr. Michael le Cordeur is ’n oudleerder en oud-onderwyser van Bergrivier. Hy was ook skoolhoof en kringbestuurder en is deesdae verbonde aan die Fakulteit Opvoedkunde van die US.)

Stringent action needs to be taken to curb this behaviour In central Paarl’s Lady Grey Street, there are clubs that stay open until the early hours of the morning. Everyone that comes out of this club is dead drunk, stumbling over their feet, fighting, screaming and shouting in the road. Then these drunken people get into theirs cars to drive home or continue to drag race, speeding down Lady Grey Street with no respect for the residents living in this area. We have called the Paarl Police every night this club is open, but always get a “not interested” response from them, always saying they will send police to patrol the street and keep the people in order, but they are nowhere to be seen. Every weekend in Paarl there are car crashes which are caused by drinking and driving and not once have the police or traffic department done anything to stop this. The Paarl traffic department is quick to pull people off during the day and give them tickets, but you don’t see them anywhere during the night to stop the real problems and to save people’s lives. Where are our police and traffic officials to stop the drinking and

driving and stopping these people from causing damage to themselves and to others? We also need more speed bumps on the main roads to stop people from speeding. Our municipality needs to do more for us to make our community safe. If anyone is reading this article, please let me know who I can speak to on this matter. Either we get these clubs closed down or stop them from selling alcohol after 23:00. This is the only way we are going to stop this. Young adults do not understand the value of life. It is our responsibility to show them and push them in the right direction.


Johann Mettler, municiapl manager, reacts: The Drakenstein Municipality often holds road blocks in strategic areas, including the CBD. These road blocks are conducted at all hours with the assistance of the police. Operations have proven very successful and in previous road blocks, issues of drunken driving, driving without a licence, illegal parking, unlicensed vehicles and various other transgressions have been successfully addressed. Paarl police spokesperson, Capt Louise du Plessis reponds: The Paarl Police held numerous operations at all liquor outlets, pubs and clubs during the festive period which started in October 2014 and ends on 31 January. During this period compliance inspections were done regarding time frames and the selling of liquor to underage persons. All the relevant outlets in the Paarl area complied with the regulations as stipulated in the Liquor Act. Incidents that occurred outside the outlet were dealt with by the police. Further operations are planned in these specific areas.

Hoe hou mens ’n dak oor jou kop? Ek het totaal en al simpatie met hierdie haweloses. Ons is al vyf jaar in die Paarl. In daardie tyd het ons al vier huise gehuur en moet nou dringend soek na ’n ander huurhuis aangesien die een waar ons nou bly verkoop is. Ek weet eienaars kla altyd dat huurders nie die huur betaal nie, maar julle moet onthou die mes sny albei kante toe. Jy kry mense wat heel eerste hulle huur betaal. En ons is daardie mense. Einde Januarie moet ons uit ons huis wees. Waarnatoe gaan ons? Die huurplekke in die Paarl is on-

bekostigbaar. Met ’n maandelikse salaris van onder R15 000 per maand, waarnatoe gaan gesinne soos ons? Daar is ’n baie groot behoefte aan huise te huur onder R10 000 per maand. Eerstens is daar nie bekostigbare drie slaapkamer huise te huur in die Paarl of Wellington nie en wanneer jy aansoek doen by die agentskappe, soek hulle jou hele lewe se papiere asook reuse depositos en vooruit betaling. Hoe moet mens dit als betaal met net ’n gewone salaris en geen bonusse nie. Dan is daar skoolgelde nog en dies meer.

Die regering praat van gap housing, maar waar is die huise vir mense soos ons? Dit help nie eens om aansoek te doen by die behuisingskantore nie, want nie alleen is die waglyste lank nie, jou velkleur is nie reg nie. Dit word sommer reguit vir jou gesê. So wat doen ons nou? Dit wil my voorkom ek moet maar my kinders oppak, my diere en ’n kampie gaan opslaan. Reg langs die haweloses, want kan iemand my sê waar gaan ek ’n bekostigbare huurhuis kry?


Diere wat langs Jan van Riebeeckrylaan wandel is ’n gevaar Ek was op 20 Januarie ongeveer 12:00 vanaf Wellington via Jan van Riebeeckrylaan op pad na die Paarl Mall toe die verkeer regoor die Paarl-verkeerstoetsterrein tot stilstand gedwing is deur ’n klomp beeste wat oor die pad beweeg. Dit was ’n lewensgevaarlike situasie en net ’n genade dat daar nie botsings was nie. Ek het dadelik die Wellington-polisie geskakel en hulle het onderneem om Mbekweni se polisie te vra om te gaan help. Dit is ’n gereelde gebeurtenis. As dit nie beeste is nie, is dit skape of bokke. In die verlede het daar al ’n hele paar ongelukke plaasgevind as gevolg hiervan. My vrae is: Wat word deur die munisipaliteit/polisie/wetstoe-

passers gedoen omtrent hierdie saak? Hoekom word hierdie diere nie geskut nie? Die inkomste uit die verkoop van die diere kan dan deur die Drakenstein-munisipaliteit aangewend word vir byvoorbeeld die aanplant van bome in Jan van Riebeeckrylaan ens. Om die eienaars te beboet en die diere weer aan hulle terug te gee, is ook nie ’n opsie nie!


Die munisipale bestuurder, Johann Mettler reageer: Diere kry toegang tot Jan van Riebeeckrylaan omdat die pad nie omhein is en ook omdat hierdie diere nie behoorlik ingekamp word deur die eie-

naars nie. Die munisipale wetstoepassing doen gereelde patrollies op die pad om die situasie te monitor en te voorkom dat diere in die pad kom of die pad kruis. Wanneer diere wel in die pad beland word hulle terug gejaag en word pogings aangewend om die eienaars op te spoor en te beboet. Die munisipaliteit en die DBV beskik ongelukkig nie oor ’n skut waar sulke groot diere aangehou kan word nie en dus is dit nie tans moontlik om sulke groot diere te skut nie. Die munisipaliteit ondersoek egter die moontlikheid om ’n skut vir groot diere te vestig. Daar word beplan vir behuising op die oop stukke grond en dit behoort dan die probleem op te los.


Menings Opinion

29 January, 2015

SMS 32363 ) Paarl Rock is such a beautiful attraction and viewpoint, yet very few people get to see it. Tourism should arrange a shuttle service at a fee. Eugene du Plessis. ) To the CA roadhog that cut in in front of me at the tollgate on 17 January, you have no manners,and you are going to cause an accident!!! EC visitor. ) Dit is reg. God het mens en dier geskape. Maar ons as mens moet heers oor die dier. Dit beteken: Maak hond stil as hy aanhoudend blaf. Ek het ook twee honde. Maar hulle is geen steurnis vir my medemens. Gatvol vir geblaf. ) Wat het van die persone by die munisipaliteit geword wat verantwoordelik is vir straatname op sypaadjies? Geen mens kan meer uitmaak wat die straat se naam is nie. Baie jammer vir besoekers wat hier ’n straat soek, veral in Noorder-Paarl. ) Meneer of mevrou wat die foto geneem het van die polisievoertuig by Paarl Mall: Hoop jy het daaraan gedink dat dit moontlik polisiebeamptes kon wees wat voetpatrollies gedoen het om mense soos jy te beskerm. Hou op om hulle so swak te praat. Hulle beskerm ons almal. Semanet. ) Wil net graag baie dankie sê vir die twee taxi-manne wat my te hulp gesnel het om my sak terug te kry van ’n misdadiger. Julle is manne werd met bedagsaamheid. Julle het hom goed op sy “hel” gegee en toe agter tralies gekry. ) Nou wat van die onwettige kragdrade wat so hang in die townships? Daai is mos klomp krag wat so gesteel word. ) Hou asseblief julle katte in julle erwe: Duidelik jy weet niks van katte nie. Jy kan hulle nie toesluit nie. Mense soos jy maak my siek!

) The service of Nikiwe and Paulene is always excellent. They know how to serve their customers at Pick n Pay in Paarl Mall. Thank you! ) Die personeel van Sonstraal-hospitaal: Dit kos mense met passie om na sulke siek mense om te sien, julle rock! God seën julle. Sr. Adams. ) As gemeenskapswerker in Wyk 26 wou ek Super Spar in Hoofstraat Paarl bedank vir hul bystand op kort kennisgewing met die voorsiening van gaar voedsel en broodrolletjies vir die sewe families wat getref is deur ’n brand. ) Dankie aan verkeersdepartement by die lisensieafdeling vir puik diens. Mev. Malan, jy is ’n ster. Mev. Osman. ) Pluimpies aan al die personeel van saal 5B, Paarl-hospitaal. Baie dankie vir die uitmuntende diens wat ek ontvang het by julle. Hou aan met die goeie werk. ) Melinda by FNB Paarl: Baie dankie vir jou wonderlike diens. Jy loop altyd daai ekstra myl vir jou kliënte. Jou vriendelikheid is aansteeklik en jy het altyd ’n glimlag op jou gesig. Wens daar was nog mense soos jy. ) Wil net baie dankie sê aan Merentia by Jet, Lady Greystraat: Excellent service, you are the best. Mev. Cleophas. ) Polisie Sektor 3 en A.C. Rottweiler is tops! Dankievirvinnigeoptredeop2Januarie!Dankbare Albertse. ) Ek is moeg van Eskom wat elke slag die krag afsit. My yskas is stukkend weens load

Salvage what’s left of Loop Street property

shedding. Hoe moet ’n pensioenaris ’n yskas regmaak op pensioen van net R1 300 per maand? ) Baie dankie aan Cornel Koopman, David Beukes en helpers vir ’n lieflike Kersete en geskenke. Met baie waardering van Mountain View-bejaardegroep. ) Ek en nog ’n kliënt moes omdraai in Game Paarl. Nie as gevolg van swak diens nie, weens geen diens. ) Kan die bestuurder van Shell, Kerkstraat,Wellington, asseblief net sy petroljoggies aanspreek. Ek gooi gereeld daar petrol in dan bedel hulle vir koeldrank of koffiegeld. Met hul goeie diens het ek nie ’n probleem nie maar ’n fooitjie wil ek graag uit vrye wil gee. Anoniem. ) So twee maande terug het ons aansoek gedoen vir pensioen. Ek wil net vir almal by SASSA bedank vir hul vriendelike hulp en geduld met almal. SASSA se personeel in Paarl is regtig baie goed opgelei en dit was heel aangenaam om daar in die rye te sit. Nogmaals dankie. Mardalyne van Heerden. ) Wat help dit Binnelandse Sake is hier in Paarl. Bel maar hulle nommer: vir twee dae geen antwoord. Gaan kyk toe self en wat sien ek, die telefoon is van mikkie af gehaal. Die stemkeuse se opsies werk ook nie. Druk maar enigeen. Niemand antwoord nie. Jammer, Binnelandse Sake, julle diens laat veel te wense oor. ) Wellington Wimpy is baie mooi oorgedoen. Net jammer die bediening is so agteruit. ) Baie geluk aan die ER24 nooddienspersoneel vir die toekenning as Basis van die Jaar 2014. Ons moes sedert 2013 telkemale van hul dienste gebruik maak en hulle diens was uitstekend. Doen so voort!


The Drakenstein Heritage Foundation (DHF) spent much time and energy trying to ensure that the historic Victorian house, which used to stand at the corner of Derksen and Loop Streets, was retained. When the owner applied for a demolition permit, we opposed it, but thereafter the building was allowed to stand empty, which led to vandalism and invasion by homeless people. At no time did the owner make an effort to prevent this, even though it is against the law to allow your property to deteriorate to such an extent that it becomes unsalvageable. The old house was eventually beyond saving and demolished, leaving the plot clear for “development”. What is left are a few beautiful trees, including a magnificent wild fig, which appears to be more than 100 years old. These are valuable assets in the middle of the concrete jungle and should be protected for the benefit of all. Members of the DHF have spent many voluntary days and weeks campaigning for a Greening Policy in Drakenstein and have had the full support of the mayor and her council. We trust that this policy will be upheld and the owner prevented from cutting down these trees. It would be a tragedy if the trees had to pay the price for years of cynical neglect.




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HAVE YOU BEEN INJURED? If you have been seriously injured in a motor vehicle accident, train accident, police shooting or due to medical negligence, you may have a claim against a government department for compensation. If you have put in a claim directly with the Road Accident Fund without using an attorney and feel that you have been underpaid or are dissatisfied with their service, we may be able to assist you. We are personal injury attorneys, who specialise in serious injuries. We are prepared to work on a no win - no fee basis. For further queries, contact: LESTER & ASSOCIATES ATTORNEYS CAPE TOWN On 021 423 4601 E-mail: X1PLHRHM-PL150115

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Paarl Motors 37 Jan van Riebeeck Drive, Huguenot, Paarl. Phone us during office hours: 021 872 1531 After hours emergency number: 080 013 3355 X1PNA02T-PL290115



Nuus News

29 January, 2015

Herwinning nog aan die gang LIEZL DAVIDS Werkers is hard besig by die oorlaaistasie in Distilleryweg om daagliks rommel te sorteer; glas by glas, plastiek by plastiek, blik en papier, elke materiaal waar dit hoort. Die flukse groep werkers betrokke by Drakenstein-munisipaliteit se herwinningsprojek is elkeen op sy of haar plek. Langs die vervoerband sorteer een persoon die glas en ’n ander die papier, blik of plastiek. Die herwinningsprojek is tans in werking in sewe wyke in Drakenstein. Inwoners in dié wyke kry weekliks herwinningsakke, waarin alle herwinbare items geplaas word. Sakke vol herwinbare items word dan op aangewese dae in die betrokke wyke opgelaai. “Die herwinningsmateriaal word by die oorlaaistasie afgelaai, waar dit dan verwerk word deur mense wat in diens geneem word kragtens die Uitgebreide Openbare Werkeprogram (EPWP, Extended Public Works Programme), onder die toesig van WEC konsultante,” verduidelik munisipale bestuurder Johann Mettler. Ná sortering word die herwinbare materiaal deur verskeie diensverskaffers by die oorlaaistasie opgelaai. “Gedurende die feesseisoen het die hoeveelheid herwinbare rommel baie toegeneem. Die diensverskaffer was gesluit gedurende die vakansie en ’n agterstand het opgebou wat nou die nodige aandag en samewerking van die diensverskaffers geniet,” het Mettler gesê. Volgens Mettler gaan die herwinningsprojek ook uitgebrei word na al die ander wyke in Drakenstein. “Interwaste gaan dan saam met die VasteAfval-tot-Energie-Projek die herwinning oorneem.” Vir navrae oor herwinning, skakel 021 807 4751.

By Drakenstein­munisipaliteit se oorlaaistasie word alle herwinnings­sakke se inhoud ver­ werk en soort word by soort geplaas. Hier is van die werkers besig met sortering.


Monte Christo continues to serve the poor The Food Centre at Monte Christo Ministries has been forced to close its doors due to liquidation. The Food Centre, which opened in 2008 and was situated in the Dal Josaphat industrial area, fed an average of 5 000 people daily. This included schoolchildren, smaller children at soup kitchens and patients in Paarl Hospital and Sonstraal Hospital. This week Aletia Grundling, the manager of Monte Christo Miqlat, confirmed that the centre had to be closed down due to financial restraints. “We had lost various government contracts and the rental increased a lot.” But according to Aletia, Monte Christo Miqlat is continuing with their many other projects such as Tiffany’s, Lukhanyo and Full Circle Ministries – an outreach project assisting street people. “Our football project for youth is in full swing and we strive to continue helping the many impoverished people in the area to get back on to their feet.”



Nuus News

29 January, 2015

Moordverdagte in aanhouding

Selected products on this page have been styled for photography


’n Moordverdagte (20) is steeds in aanhouding nadat hy ’n twee maande oue babaseun hard teen die grond gegooi en doodgeskop het. Baba Maxwell Williams is op Saterdag 17 Januarie vermoedelik deur Masonwabe Dyantyana (20) hard op die grond neergegooi waarna hy op die baba gespring het. Maxwell was reeds dood toe die polisie op die toneel aangekom het. Volgens Maxwell se tante, Sandra Williams (31), was die rede vir die treurspel onduidelikheid oor die vaderskap van Maxwell. Verskeie ooggetuies het gesien hoe ’n jong man oop en bloot die kind neergooi en op hom trap. Die verdagte het weggehardloop, maar is later deur polisie in die omgewing aangekeer. Williams verskyn weer op Vrydag 6 Februarie in die Paarl-landdroshof om borgaansoek.




Per kg


) Moord: ’n Jong vrou (26) van Gouda is op Sondag 18 Januarie in hegtenis geneem, nadat sy haar broer vermoedelik met ’n knipmes doodgesteek het. Die verdagte het reeds in die hof verskyn op aanklag van moord waar die saak weer op 2 Maart verhoor sal word. ) Residential burglaries: Burglaries at houses in the Paarl area were reported in Dorp, Thom, Muller, Reyneke, Egbert and Plein Streets, and in the farming district of Windmeul and the R45 area. ) Business burglaries: Burglaries were reported at businesses in Auret, Lady Grey, Alkmaar, Zuidmeer and Meul Streets and Jan van Riebeeck Road. A business in the Simondium area was also targeted. ) Diefstal vanuit ’n motor: Sowat 10 klagtes, insluitend motors wat gesteel is, is die afgelope week by Paarl-polisie aangemeld. Areas waar klagtes gerapporteer is, was: Carolina, Santa Rosa, Van der Lingen, Bergriver Boulevard, Meul, Hospitaal, Mernoleon, Cecilia, Olyven, Dorp en Hoofstraat, en Jan van Riebeeckrylaan. In meeste gevalle is vensters gebreek om toegang tot motors te kry, hoewel ’n afstandbeheerde sluittoestel (remote blocking device) ook gebruik word in die gebied en naby koffiewinkels. Maak seker alle waardevolle items is veilig toegesluit voor jy parkeer en vermy sover moontlik om klere en ander items in die voertuig te los. ) Diefstal van fietse: Die diefstal van fietse is weer aan die toeneem. Die publiek word weereens gevra om hulle fietse te beveilig selfs wanneer dit in ’n motorhuis toegesluit word. Een manier om dit te doen is om van die Data Dot-stelsel gebruik te maak. Skakel 0861 328 2368 of besoek vir meer inligting.



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DRINGEND GESOEK: Dezzie, ’n Maltese poedel, is sedert Maandag vermis nadat sy uit die venster by haar eienaar se woning by Schoongezicht Restaurant, Paryspad, Paarl, gespring het. Haar eienaar bied ’n beloning van R500 aan vir haar veilige te­ rugbesorging. Bel Marinda by 082 485 4006.

PnP Hot Dog Rolls 12s



Purina Vitagen Dog Food Assorted 6/8kg Each




Twinsaver 2 Ply Toilet Tissue Assorted 9s Per Pack

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Excluding Beaufort West, George, Jeffreys Bay, Knysna, Mossel Bay, Oudtshoorn, Plettenberg Bay, Namibia, Express stores, Franschhoek Daily and Pick n Pay Local stores. smart shopper points will still apply in Express stores, Franschhoek Daily and Pick n Pay Local stores. Customer Care 0800 11 22 88. Toll free landline only. Cellphone rates apply. Shop in store or online at Some products may not be available in all stores. Certain promotional stocks are limited. Information correct at time of print. Prices inclusive of VAT, where applicable. smart shopper terms and conditions apply. E&OE. 1188213_390x198



Wellington Nuus Wellington News

29 Januarie, 2015

WELLINGTON EXHAUST CENTRE • Exhausts • Tyres • Shocks • Towbars • 3D Wheel Alignment • Brakes • Service of vehicles • Suspension • Engin Overhauls

Jacques Walters

Sedert 1954 Since

Drakenstein se betonvennoot

Mariaan Walters

2 Industria Street | Wellington 021 873 2120 | 082 573 7258

021 873 1154 • •



Verdwaalde uil woon diens in Wellington kerk by JOHAN NEL ’n Nuuskierige nonnetjiesuil het amper-amper groot konsternasie veroorsaak toe dit verlede Sondag besluit het om die oggenddiens van die NG Kerk Wellington-Noord te kom bywoon.

Die orrelis van die gemeente, Johann Enslin, sê hy het hom boeglam geskrik toe hy, ’n rukkie voor die diens sou begin, ewe niksvermoedend die orrel aangeskakel het. Die uil, wat op een van die groot orrelpype gesit het, het opgeskrik en laag oor Johann se kop geswiep.

“Hier kom groot moeilikheid,” het Marius Otto, die kerkkoster vir homself gesê toe hy vanaf die data-projektor opkyk en die tamaai uil stadig deur die kerkgebou sien rondsirkel. Tot sy groot verligting het die uil na ’n paar wye draaie deur die kerk ewe stigtelik weer sy plek op die orrelpype gaan inneem. Daar het hy, ondanks Johann Enslin se geesdriftige sangbegeleiding tot aan die einde van die diens ewe rustig op ’n orrelpyp bly sit. “Dis nogal senutergend as ’n uil ewe grootoog saam met die gemeente na jou preek sit en luister,” het die predikant


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Kerkstraat 46, Wellington, 7655 Tel: 021 864 3691

Drakenstein se bevan Wellingtonkende slang-, ongeNoord, ds. Francois dierte en voëlvanHuman, agterna geger ingeroep. Sy skerts. raad was dat een “Ek weet hoe van die kerkvenmense se oë op ’n sters in die nag wyd preek reageer – oopgehou moet sommige rek groot word. ’n Nonneas ek ’n aanvegbare tjiesuil jag in die stelling maak, annag en as dit donker der sukkel om oop raak wil hy kos en te bly as ek te lank water gaan soek. preek. Maar ’n uil Sy verdere raad se oë is anders: jy is dat, as dit nie kan niks in daardie werk nie, die kerkgroot oë lees raad volgende Sonnie: nie spot Wellington­Noord se jongste dag alle liedere sonnie, nie ver- gemeentelid – ’n nonnetjies­ der orrelbegeleiwondering uil – het Sondag die diens in ding moet laat sing nie, niks. Dis die kerkgebou van hierdie – dalk is die uil vernet twee NG­gemeente bygewoon. sot op orrelmusiek. groot oë wat FOTO: JOHAN NEL Of ds. Human kan heeltyd elke beweging van jou lippe fyn sit ’n regte, egte outydse vuur- en swaelpreek volgende Sondag hou – dit en dophou.” Toe dit teen verlede Maan- kan die uil dalk laat besluit om perdag begin lyk of die uil besluit manent pad te gee. * Churchgoers at NGK Wellington het om sy besoek aan die kerk langer te rek, het Marius Otto North were entertained by a barn owl die hulp van Danie Malherbe, during the church service.



Kuns & Leefstyl Arts & Lifestyle

29 January, 2015

Wen kaartjies na The Rockets Jou. Die piekniek begin om 18:00. Die vertoningbegin om19:30 indieTuinteater. Besoekers is welkom om hul eie wyn en piekniekmandjie saam te bring of een by 021 863 2800 te bestel. Koffie, ligte verversings, wyn en bier sal te koop wees. Kaartjies is R70 vir volwassenes en R20 vir kinders (op

The Rockets tree Saterdag 31 Januarie tydens ’n piekniekkonsertreeks by die Afrikaanse Taalmonument in die Paarl op. The Rockets is bekendes vir liedjies van hul Afrikaanse album, waaronder Namakwa Daisy en Ek is Lief vir


Leer Saterdag meer oor bonsaibome en by die Taalmonument). Bring ’n kombers of kussing en warm klere saam. Bel 021 863 4809/0543 of besoek * Twee lesers kan elk ’n dubbel- kaartjie wen deur die naam van die groep te SMS na 37405 voor Vrydag 12:00.

ting sal aanbied. Daarna sal daar ’n boombespreking wees en mense is welkom om hul eie bonsaibome saam te bring. Besoekers en beginners is welkom. Vir navrae bel Willem Pretorius by 083 260 5696.

Die eerste vergadering van Boland Bonsai vind op 31 Januarie om 09:00 plaas in die Stellenbosch botaniese tuin. Die eerste deel van die vergadering sal die algemene jaarvergadering wees waarna twee senior lede ’n praktiese werksessie oor inen-

Kalender . Calendar 30 JANUARY ) A bring and braai will take place at 17:00 at the school for former learners of William Lloyd Primary School. Braai facilities will be provided. Bring your own portable braai stands and a camp­ ing chair. Call 021 862 5593. 31 JANUARIE ) Die Boeremusiekgilde hou ’n dans met die orkes van Chrisjan Knoetze by Laerskool Noord­Eind. Bel Ciceel by 083 346 7083. 1 FEBRUARIE ) Ebenezer Primêre Skool wat vanjaar hul 60ste bestaansjaar vier, hou ’n dank­ seggingsdiens by Bethel Congregatio­ nal Kerk om 10:00. Bel 021 862 0710

of 073 855 6995. 3 FEBRUARIE ) Die Paarl­blommeklub vergader om 18:30 by die NG Kerk te Denneburg om 18:30. Die tema is minimalisme. Bel Fareda Essop by 021 862 2237 of Pieter Walters by 084 499 9598. 5 FEBRUARY ) The University of the Third Age (Paarl) will hold a talk with adventurous Paarlite Dave Deacon at the Paarl Boys’ High clubhouse at 10:00. Call 021 872 0484. ) Paarl Reik na Herstel Borskankeron­ dersteuningsgroep vergader by die Taalmuseum se konferensiesaal om 10:00. Die gasspreker is Lauren Smith,

Fun at Rusticana Picnic with the Kin family on 31 January from 15:00 at Rusticana Hospitality Estate. Bring your picnic baskets filled with delicious goodies and a picnic blanket and enjoy the day on the estates’ never-ending lawns. There will be live music, a jumping castle, as well as a swimming pool to cool off in. To book email

maatskaplike werker by die Onkologie­ sentrum in Noorder­Paarl. Bel Christa Theron by 021 873 1422. ) Actress Lindie Strydom will host a ses­ sion in family values at Courtrai Primary School at 19:00. Tickets cost R30 per couple. Call: 021 863 3220. 7 FEBRUARY ) Die CYM jeuggroep van VGK Hu­ guenot, bied aan HUGrace gebasseer op Amazing Race om 07:00 vanaf McDonalds Paarl waarna spanne na Paarlbergsalstap.Inskrywingsvirspan­ ne kan gedoen word op 30 Januarie om 18:00 by die jeug, 31 Januarie ná die diens (12:00) en Woensdag 4 Februa­ rie na afloop van die biduur (20:45). E­pos

SHOWS IN WELLINGTON: Albert Frost will perform at Die Bôrdienghuis Theatre on 30 January. Tickets cost R80. On 31 January Mark Haze will be on stage and tickets cost R80. Lizz Meiring will wow the crowd on 5 February. Tickets cost R100. The kitchen will open at 19:00 and the show will begin at 20:00. To book tickets call 071 672 3090 or 083 570 4765.

Radio KC News Times Time 07:00 08:00 09:00 12:00 13:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00

Language Afrikaans Local English Afrikaans Afrikaans English Xhosa Afrikaans English Local English

Armand Mhlekude

Reader Veronique Serfontein Veronique Serfontein or Dawn Noemdoe Veronique Serfontein Veronique Serfontein Dawn Noemdoe Armand Mhlekude Veronique Serfontein Dawn Noemdoe Dawn Noemdoe

Dawn Noemdoe

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Ticket prices: 3D - R60 • 2D - R40 3D glasses available at R10 each Monday & Tuesdays Special: Half Price


A foster kid, who lives with her mean foster mom, sees her life change when business tycoon and New York mayoral candidate Will Stacks makes a thinly-veiled campaign move and takes her in.

3D 2D



FRI, SAT, MON, TUE, WED, THURS: 9:45, 12:10, 14:40, 17:15, 19:45 SUN: 12:10, 14:40, 17:15, 19:45


A witch tasks a childless baker and his wife with procuring magical items from classic fairy tales to reverse the curse put on their family tree.


Ex-government operative Bryan Mills is accused of a ruthless murder he never committed or witnessed. As he is tracked and pursued, Mills brings out his particular set of skills to find the true killer and clear his name.

3D 2D




FRI, SAT, MON, TUE, WED, THURS: 9:45, 12:15, 14:45, 17:15 SUN: 12:15, 14:45, 17:15

Starting 6 February - Mooi Rivier Starting 13 February - 50 Shades of Grey


Subject to change without notice - We regret no complimentary tickets & vouchers are allowed during first week of any new release • 30 January 2015 - 5 February 2015 • TEL: 021 872 0714/5 X1PMY9NH-PL290115



Sake Post Business Post

29 Januarie, 2015

for Private and Business use STORAGE UNITS FROM ONLY

R850 pm!

Sedert 1954 Since

Drakenstein se betonvennoot


021 873 1154 • •



Winelands booming It’s the best of both worlds – a secure home among lush emerald vineyards and orchards dotted with bright-blue farm dams, set against a tranquil mountain backdrop; and all the features and attractions of big-city life in Cape Town, just a 45-minute drive away. It’s little wonder that the Cape’s winelands property markets are booming. And it’s not only locals who’re looking to buy a secure home or holiday home in a beautiful setting; foreign visitors are every bit as interested. There’s been a steady year-on-year increase in demand in the winelands property market over the last three years, and in

2014 some estate agents reported that they’ve doubled their turnover since 2013. “A search for real value is key, with proximity to business centres and major freeways, and those with a luxury country feel dominating the upper-end rankings,” says Lightstone analytics director Paul-Roux de Kock. “This is driven largely by an increased need for security and less travel on congested roads, without compromising the benefits of city living.” Paarl architectural design practice Louis Phillips Architects & Associates, has built more than 21 homes in estates such as Pearl Valley and estimates that last year 50% of their work was on country estates.

BOLD MOVE: The iconic Paarl Motors will be moving from their current premises in Jan van Riebeeck Drive to a new state­of­the­art Mercedes­ Benz dealership. The dealership is set to be complet­ ed by October and is situated right next to the N1 at Zandwyk Office Park. After more than 40 years, the company has decided to pursue this bold new venture. Eco sustainability will be one of the new facility’s major features. The development is seen as a strategic move for the Mercedes­Benz brand, as the Boland is one of the fastest growing economies in the Western Cape. Present at the official sod turn­ ing ceremony at the building site were: (from left) Thomas Klein (Sandown Motors Holding (Pty) Ltd, managing director Mercedes­Benz Passenger Cars), Estienne Cronje (brand centre leader Mercedes­Benz Paarl) and Roy McAllister (Sandown Motors Holding (Pty) Ltd, CEO).


Sakekamer hou weer potjiekoskompetisie KENNISGEWING KONSEP JAARVERSLAG 2013/2014


Kennis geskied hiermee dat die Uitvoerende Burgemeester die 2013/14 Konsep Jaarverslag aan die Raad voorgelê het tydens 'n vergadering gehou op 28 Januarie 2015 en dat die verslag hiermee bekend gestel word vir publieke kommentaar.

Notice is hereby given that the Executive Mayor has tabled the Annual Report 2013/2014 at a Council Meeting of the Drakenstein Municipality held on 28 January 2015, and that it is hereby released for public comment.

Die Konsep Jaarverslag is opgestel ingevolge Artikel 121 van die Wet op Plaaslike Regering: Munisipale Finansiële Bestuur, Wet 56 van 2003, soos gelees met Artikel 46 van die Wet op Plaaslike Regering: Munisipale Stelsels, Wet 32 van 2000.

The Draft Annual Report is compiled in terms of Section 121 of the Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act (MFMA), Act 56 of 2003, read together with Section 46 of the Local Government: Municipal SystemsAct,Act 32 of 2000.

Die Konsep Jaarverslag 2013/2014 lê ter insae gedurende kantoorure (asook na-ure by biblioteke wat na-ure oop is) by die volgende plekke:

The Draft Annual Report 2013/2014 will be available for perusal during office hours (and also after hours at libraries that offer after hour services) at the following venues:

• Markstraat Openbare Biblioteek, Paarl • Groenheuwel Openbare Biblioteek, Paarl • Drakenstein Openbare Biblioteek, Paarl-Oos • Mbekweni Openbare Biblioteek, Mbekweni • Thusong Veeldoelige Sentrum, Mbekweni • Thusong Veeldoelige Sentrum, Paarl-Oos • Van Wyksvlei Openbare Biblioteek, Wellington • Jan van Riebeeck Openbare Biblioteek, Wellington • Safmarine Veeldoelige Sentrum, Wellington • Posagentskap, Hermon • Munisipale Kantore, Wellington • Munisipale Kantore, Paarl Bugersentrum • Munisipale Kantore, Mbekweni • Munisipale Kantore, Paarl-Oos • Munisipale Kantore, Gouda • Munisipale Kantore, Saron • Bestuurder: Strategiese Beplanning, Burgersentrum, 100 Pentz Straat, Wellington, 7655 Die Konsep Jaarverslag 2013/2014 is ook beskikbaar op die Munisipale Webwerf: (onder “Administration” dan kliek op “Performance Management”).

• Market Street Public Library, Paarl • Groenheuwel Public Library, Paarl • Drakenstein Public Library, Paarl East • Mbekweni Public Library, Mbekweni • Thusong Multi-Purpose Centre, Mbekweni • Thusong Multi-Purpose Centre, Paarl East • Van Wyksvlei Public Library, Wellington • Jan van Riebeeck Public Library, Wellington • Safmarine Multi-Purpose Centre, Wellington • Municipal Office, Wellington • Municipal Office, Paarl Civic • Municipal Office, Mbekweni • Municipal Office, Paarl East • Postal Agency, Hermon • Municipal Office, Gouda • Municipal Office, Saron • Office of the Manager: IDP/PMS, Civic Centre, 100 Pentz Street, Wellington, 7556 The Draft Annual Report 2013/2014 will also be a v a i l a b l e o n t h e M u n i c i p a l We b s i t e : (under “Administration” then click on “Performance Management”). Members of the public are welcome to submit written comments and representations on theDraft Annual Report as follows: Manager: IDP/PMS, P.O. Box 1, Paarl 7646, or email: or fax to 086 6014098. Comments must be received by not later than 20 February 2015 at 17:00.

Lede van die publiek is welkom om as volg skriftelike vertoë en kommentaar op die Kansep Jaarverslag in te dien: Die Bestuurder: GOP/PBS, Posbus 1, Paarl 7646, of per e-pos: of kan gefaks word na 086 6014098 en moet teen 20 Februarie 2015 om 17:00 ontvang word. Vir enige verdere navrae skakel gerus 021 807 6219/ 4556

For any further information please contact 021 807 6219/4556.

Mondelinge Voorleggings: Lede van die publiek wie nie kan skryf nie, mag gedurende kantoorure die P r e s t a s i e b e s t u u r k a n t o r e ( We l l i n g t o n Burgersentrum, 100 Pentz Straat, Wellington, 7556) besoek waar 'n amptenaar hom/haar sal assisteer om sy/haar kommentaar op skrif te stel.

Verbal Submissions: Members of the public who are unable to write, may come to the Performance Management offices (Civic Centre, 100 Pentz Street, Wellington, 7556) during office hours and a staff member will assist him/her to transcribe his/her comments.

Tydens 'n vergadering van die Munisipale Komitee vir Openbare Rekeninge (MKOR) sal kommentaar oorweeg word en voorleggings (soos ontvang nie later as 20 Februarie 2015 om 17:00) moet aandui of u voor die MKOR wil verskyn om u kommentaar en vertoë te motiveer. 'n Kennisgewing na die MKOR Vergadering sal dienooreenkomstig aan u uitgereik word. JOHANN METTLER MUNISIPALE BESTUURDER

The Municipal Public Accounts Committee (MPAC) of Council will consider comments at a Meeting and submissions (as received by not later than Friday 20 February 2015 at 17:00) must indicate whether you wish to appear before the MPAC to motivate your comments and representations. A notice to the MPAC meeting will accordingly be issued to you. JOHANN METTLER MUNICIPAL MANAGER

ISAZISO UXWEBHU LOYILO LWENGXELO YONYAKAMALI 2013/14 Esi sisaziso esimalunga nesigqibo sikaSodolophu wase Drakenstein aye wasithabatha kwintlanganiso yeBhunga ibingomhla we 28 ku January 2015. Kule ntlanganiso kuye kwavunyelwana ukuba uyilo lwengxelo yonyakamali ka 2013/ 2014 ibhengezwe ukuze kunikwe uluntu lwaseDrakenstein ithuba lokuhlomla. Oluxwebhu loyilo lwengxelo luqulathwe kwicandelo 121, loMthetho wolawulwo lwezezimali koomasipala (MFMA)56 wonyaka u 2003,kunye noMthetho wolawulo lwoomasipala (Municipal Systems Act), 32 wonyaka u 2000, iCandelo 46.

Die Paarl Sakekamer se gewilde Potjiekoskompetisie word op Vrydag 13 Maart by Le Bac naby Wellington gehou. Groot pryse is op die spel asook kontant en gelukkige trekkings. Die dag is gemik op die hele gesin so bring die kinders saam. Wees verseker hierdie gaan weereens een van die Sakekamer se grootste netwerkgeleenthede van die jaar wees. Almal is welkom om die dag saam met die sakekamer te geniet. Vir inligting en inskrywings, bel Francis Nieuwoudt by 078 028 8689.

Uxwebhu loyilo lwengxelo yonyakamali 2013/2014 liyakuthi lifumaneke ukuhlolwa luluntu ngamaxesha omsebenzi (kwakunye nangaphaya kwamaxesha omsebenzi kumathala eencwadi) kwezi 'ndawo zilandelayo: • Ithala leencwadi Market Street, Paarl • Ithala leencwadi Groenheuwel, Paarl • Ithala leencwadi Drakenstein, Paarl East • Ithala leencwadi Mbekweni, Mbekweni • Thusong Multi-Purpose Centre, Mbekweni • Thusong Multi-Purpose Centre, Paarl East • Ithala leencwadi Van Wyksvlei, Wellington • Ithala leencwadi Jan van Riebeeck, Wellington • Safmarine Multi-Purpose Centre, Wellington • Kwi-Ofisi ka-Masipala, Wellington • Kwi-Ofisi ka-Masipala, Paarl Civic • Kwi-Ofisi ka-Masipala, Mbekweni • Kwi-Ofisi ka-Masipala, Paarl East • Postal Agency, Hermon • Gouda Kwi-Ofisi ka-Masipala • Kwi-Ofisi ka-Masipala, Saron • KwiOfisi yeManejala ye IDP/PMS, Civic Centre, 100 Pentz Street ,Wellington ,7556 Ikopi yoyilo lwalengxelo luyafumaneka kwi- website: w w w. d r a k e n s t e i n . g o v. z a ( k l i k a / c o f a k u “Administration”, uphinde u-klike/ cofe ku “Performance Management”). Igalelo kwakunye nezimvo kufuneka zifakwe ngembalelwano ku-Manejala: Strategic Planning, P. O. Box 1, Paarl 7646, okanye uthumele i e-mail ku: okanye i fax ku: 086 601 4098. Izimvo kufuneka zingeniswe ngaphambi komhla we 20 February 2015 ngentsimbi yesihlanu Malanga. Ngenkcukacha ezithe vetshe tsalela ku 021 807 6219/ 4556. Nabani na ongakwaziyo ukubhala angandwendwela kule dilesi ngamaxesha omsebenzi: Nombolo 100 Pentz Street, kwi Ofisi ye-IDP/PMS, kuMasipala wase Wellington, apho umntu ayakuthi afumane khona uncedo lokunikezela ngezimvo zakhe . Ikomiti KaMasipala eqwalasela ingxelo zoluntu iyakuthi iqwalasele zonke izimvo ngokunikezelwe luluntu kwintlanganiso yekomiti elandelayo.(Oku kuyakuthi kwenzeke ukuba izimvo ngokwembalelwano ziye zafakwa phambi kosuku lwangolwesihlanu 20 February 2015 ngentsimbi yesihlanu malanga) uluntu lunelungelo lokufaka isicelo sokuvakalisa izimvo kwikomiti leyo malunga noxwebhu loyilo lwengxelo yonyakamali 2013/14. JOHANN METTLER UMPHATHI MASIPALA X1PN9JA5-PL290115

TOP FRANSCHHOEK CHEF: Darren Badenhorst, Executive Chef of The Restaurant at Grande Provence, has triumphed as the only Franschhoek chef to make the cut for the San Pel­ legrino Young Chef 2015 Top 10 final­ ists in Africa and the Middle East. This highly contested scouting project to find the world’s best young chefs, cov­ ers 20 world regions and the top chefs from each zone will be selected as the 20 official finalists at the end of February. The overall winner will be announced in Milan in June. One of seven South African chefs to be se­ lected for the regional finals this year, Chef Darren has entered a favourite off his autumn menu, Parma wrapped slow cooked rabbit with palm sugar, Szechuan rabbit liver brûlée and pumpkin seed gremolata.


Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

29 January, 2015






Daniels: Magaret (Neé Isaacs) (Antie Babs) 30/01/1951 - 22/01/2015

Dit is met mooi herinneringe en diepe dankbaarheid vir 'n vol en gesëende lewe wat ons afskeid neem van ons geliefde en dierbare ma, ouma, suster, tante en vriendin. Verassingsdiens: 31 Januarie 2015 09:00 - Nuwe Apostoliese Kerk, Lantana Gemeente, Pietersenstraat Funeral undertaken by Neil's Classic Funerals Contact: 082 398 4928/021 862 3805 X1PNKFD1-PL290115

Cupido: Rendall Joseph 02/01/1963 - 26/01/2015

BEZUIDENHOUT: SHELDON AZANTé 31.01.1996 Your second birthday in heaven, your presence we miss and memories will stay in our hearts forever. Love mum, brother, sister, family and friends.

Management and staff at HG Molenaar mourn the loss of long time colleague, Rendall Cupido, who passed away suddenly on the 26th of January 2015. Rendall worked at the company for 32 years and was a well-liked, dedicated and loyal member of the HGM team. Our sincere condolences to his family. X1PNKCJD-PL290115

Barendse: Leon 06/09/1965 - 22/01/2015

SENDIN: LAWRENCE JOSEPH 31.01.2014 A year has passed since God called you home. Sadly missed by Lorna, Lance, Lizl and Joshua.

DAVEY: DINA 13.09.1950 - 30.01.2012 Three years away from us in Heaven. We miss you so dearly but you'll always remain in our hearts. Husband, children and grandchildren.



Hoon: Rachel

Gebore: 21 Augustus 1944 Oorlede: 26 Januarie 2015 Met liefdevolle herinneringe neem ons afskeid van ons geliefde. Sag heengegaan in die ouderdom van 70 jaar. Word diep betreur deur Petro, Ingrid, kleinkinders en familie. Begrafnisdiens vind plaas op Saterdag 31 Januarie 2015 HUIS: 09:00 Interludestraat 12, Groenheuwel KERK: 10:00 Hervormde Ou Apostoliese Kerk, Paulusstraat Navrae: 071 017 9188



Begrafnis word onderneem deur: Tel: 021 862 0948 Na Ure: 083 947 6347 Lid van N.B.O.V.


ENGLISH FOREIGN LANGUAGE* General English, IELTS & TOEFL * TEFL certificate course Contact: One World Language School, Stellenbosch

DU PLESSIS: CHARLES FREDERICK 28 January. Loving memories of my husband MNR OLIVIER, Baie and our father on his geluk met jou 70ste verbirthday. We treasure your jaarsdag op 01.02.2015. memories, and the times we shared on this special day. Love Jackie & Children GEVIND


BEAD SHOP VOORRAAD R5000, waarde R16 000. Soliede rooshout TV kas / Drankkabinet R1200. 082 331 9732.


BOS SLEUTELS gevind Dins. 27.01.2015 in Fabriekstraat, voor MTN winkel. Skakel 079 852 7540.

Mitchell: Gordon

24/07/1956 - 19/01/2007

021 862 8620 / 072 029 8484


Sag heengegaan op 22 Januarie 2015. Met diepe hartseer, maar soete herinneringe neem ons afskeid van ons seun, man, pa, oupa en broer Leon Barendse. Besigtiging: Saterdag 31/01/2015 By die huis 07:30 te Claretstraat 24, Nederburg hoogte, Paarl. Diens by kerk 09:00 te Ou Apostoliese Kerk, Lantanastraat Kontak: 072 324 1627 / 084 478 0620

MANKO: ANDREW (Andy) 26.05.1944 - 29.01.2013 Reeds twee jaar by ons Hemelse Vader maar liefdevolle herinneringe sal nooit vervaag. Liefde Grace, Andje en Gwynneth

Alreeds 8 jaar by ons hemelse Vader. Mooi herinneringe het jy vir ons nagelaat. Ons was bevoorreg om jou as vriend te hê. Georgie, Pau, Bokkie, Carlos, Almo en Jerome, Plates & Peter. Weskus-toer het 27 jr gelede begin en sal aanhou gebeur. “Until” X1PNJQ59-PL290115

Fredericks: Colin Op 31 Januarie is dit jou 60ste verjaarsdag. Trane van verlange word steeds gestort.


•Relationship / Marriage Problems •Financial, Loans, Quick cash in account •Lucky Oils and magic ring, Lotto and Casino •Failure to get a Child/Miscarriages •Evil Spirits and Curses in homes and business •Delayed/Unfinished work by other healers for free •Long service at wotk without promotion/less pay. Healer Barack Paarl Cape Town 078 391 6510 LENINGS 1445



DREAM AIRE DUBBELBED basis & matras. Soos nuut. R1700, onmiddelik beskikbaar. 021 872 4596, Paarl, epos: brownhermien


Van vrou Cathy, kinders en kleinkinders.

X1PNN705-PL290115 X1PND4MH-PL290115

To the family, friends and community of the late

Andrews: Cornelia

Born: 28/05/1944 - Died: 20/01/2015

Fredericks: Colin

Louw: John

On Saturday 31 January both of you would have turned 60. We miss you Mammie Sally, brothers, sisters, Janet and families. X1PNHPPR-PL290115

We wish to extend our sincere thanks for your many kindnesses and for the condolences and support that we have received. We also like to thank Neil's Classic Funerals, Fr Christopher Swartz, Dr & Mrs Pretorius as well as Sr Davey & staff of Homebase Care for the services they have rendered. From Doris, Drienie, Ethel, Cobie & Donie X1PNHQ49-PL290115

NEED CASH? Pawn your car, trailor or canopy. 021 987 2277 / 082 558 4836. NEED MONEY, Interested in a Fast and easy Loan Apply Today. Call Marolize at 083 300 6220.

ICE CREAM MACHINE for sale. Please contact 073 757 4329 / 021 872 R1000 - R200 000 SMS 1m3 SAND, KLIP, kompos 4605. name, surname, ID nr, bruto & bogrond (topsoil) sowel & netto, workplace to 061 as bourommel, vullisverwy950 7792. dering, tuindienste en skoonmaak van erwe. Skakel Neels 083 412 8810.



Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

29 January, 2015


IMVUSA For any bricklaying, extensions, painting, tiling, plumbling, carpentry & boundary walls and swimming pools. Big/small. NHBRC Nr: 40312. 072 261 3437. Johan: 021 862 4934.

SNA CLEANING SERVICES. Labour & cleaning services. Residential & contract cleaning, at all businesses. We specialise in contract cleaning, undercover security cleaning, office cleaning, window cleaning. We also do pest control at a price you can afford. Free quotes. Andre 073 844 9868 / andremuller01@vodamail ELEKTRIES 1810




SKAKEL NICO by 082 925 3680 vir verwydering van tuinvullis of bourommel en lewering van klip ens. Goeie diens gewaarborg.

PAARL WOODEN FLOORS SANDING & SEALING of all types of wooden floors. 15 Years in the trade. Contact Imraan Bailey 083 381 5303.

VERWYDERING VAN ALLE VULLIS en bourommel. Asook die skoonmaak van erwe. Eienaar toesig. Kontak Louw 083 413 0701. SEKURITEIT 1865



BAKKIE & TRAILER HIRE: Te huur, vervoer, meubelvervoer. Skakel alle ure: 082 321 8904 Johan Maass.


TEëLS: Fabriekswinkel te Wellington. Kontak vervaardiger of besoek ons vertoonlokaal. Smartstone: 021 873 5482. BOUWERK & KONSTRUKSIE




KEMP ELEKTRIES - Skakel 083 228 3208 vir alle elektriese werk. Huishoudelik. Industrieël. Konstruksie. 24 uur diens.

ALLE LOODGIETERWERK 24/7 Geysers; Geblokte dreine; Instandhouding; Badkamer renovasies. Geen werk te klein/groot. Quinton 084 564 2451. D. MARKUS LOODGIETERS Kontak 021 868 2379, Sel: 072 747 7063. Ons lewer Kwaliteit Bel Ons!!!


WINDOW TINTING: Residential/offices. Phone Johan 082 301 5724 for free quotation. / HUISVERBETERINGS BINNE 1835

ALLE TIPE BOUWERK. TARGET GROUP. Aanbouings/nuwe wonings. Staal konstruksie store. Alle tipe loodgieter/elektriese/sweiswerk/omheinings/verkoeling. 24h diens. 078 044 5989.




VERWYDERING VAN ROMMEL en vullis. 6m. Algemene vervoer met 8 ton trok. Vir billike pryse en gehalte diens, skakel Jaques 082 579 2998 / 021 872 6029.


ARL SERVICES: We offer the follwoing services at affordable rates. We clean your house, office, windows & wash carpets. Contact Antoinette 082 459 5625 for a quote /

• Kombuise • Ingeboude kamerkaste • Soliede meubels • Kroeë en meer Tel: 021 873 5792 • Johan 083 284 6793 X1PJXXCW-PL290115

FOURIE-VERVOER: Vervoer van meubels - klein of groot. Landswyd of plaaslik. Skakel 082 821 5234 of MOSTERT SWEIS- 021 876 2440. WERKE: Skuif-/swaaihekke, diefwering, traliewerk & vele ander staalwerke. Gratis kwotasies. Skakel Frank Mostert: 021 868 2880 / 072 022 0066. Faks: 021 872 6771.


Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

29 January, 2015 DAEWOO CIELO 1.6 1997 Burgundy. Original cond. 90 000km. R25 000 RWC, Reg. & Lic. incl. Ph 021 886 6686 / 083 636 2507.

WELLINGTON BY PRIVAAT HUIS: R3000 1 vertrek w/stel met kombuisie en badkamer. Sonja 082 891 8548 Hawekwa Properties.

COKISWA IS LOOKING for domestic work for 5 days. Have exp & ref. 073 578 8843. CONSTANCE IS LOOKING for domestic work for 5 days. 062 416 8313.

HONDA 160i Auto. Maroen. Lic. R21 000 as is. Ph 021 886 6686 / 083 636 2507.

BOME 1871

KOM BLY IN STYL. Lieflike huis teen Paarlberg Sentraal geleë, vir enkel persoon om te deel. Ten volle gemeubileerd met binnebraai, DSTV, swemPOLO PLAYA 1.8i 1999 bad en skoonmaakdienste. model. Goeie toestand. Was en stryk ingesluit. 2 R36 500. Johan 072 261 kamers 1 Februarie 3437. beskikbaar , bedrag vanaf R3800 tot R4000p.m. KonTOYOTA COROLLA 1600 GLS Sprinter Bubble tak Paul 082 334 4473. shape, Cream, One owner, WELLINGTON MIDDEGood cond. Radio/CD/Alarm. R35 000. DORP onmiddellik beskikbaar R5250 3Slpk bo besig021 886 6686 / 083 636 heid, tuin. Sonja 082 891 2507. 8548 (Hawekwa Properties) VOERTUIE GESOEK OM TE KOOP 3075

AANBOD AAN BAKKIE EN MOTOR eienaars. Lopend en nie-Lopende voertuie welkom. Kontak/Sms/Pcm/Whatsapp 084 844 0000.

TE KOOP 3201

AANDAG ALLE KLIENTE Voertuie dringend gesoek. Ek koop enige gebruikte voertuie vir kontant. Skakel 083 464 6960. Doen bank aflosse.

WIL HUIS RUIL, verkieslik in Waterbokstr., Las Vegas. (Moenie aangebou wees nie) vir 2 groot slpk. woning met elektroniese motorhek & garagedeur, alarm stelsel. Warm & koue water. Parkering vir 4 motors. Huis is omhein. Deborastr. 83, Groenheuwel. 083 744 9249.





2 WINKELS TE HUUR in BIG STORAGE WAREHoofstraat - 40m2 en 45m2 HOUSE to rent. Price R19.99 + VAT. Size: Prime Spot. Beskikbaar vanaf 1 Februarie. Kontak 1508m2. Address: 27 Boland street, Dal Josa072 199 5015 / phat, Paarl. For more vir navrae. Huur onderhandel- detail, please contact Kallie Visser @ 082 433 3900. baar. WOONSTELLE TE KOOP KOOP DIREK BY EIENAAR 2 Slpk, 2 badk Moderne woonstel. Sentraal geleë. Prys: R595 000. Kontak 082 788 7748.


MOUNT VIEW-PAARL DUS N WINSKOPIE!!!! Nietjiese, ruim 2 Slaapkamer woonstelle te koop in sekuriteits kompleks vanaf R295 000. Kontak 021 872 9649 / 082 4000 555.


KAMER TE HUUR vir student in huis te Welgevonden, Stellenbosch. Deposito betaalbaar, maandelikse huur R3500.00, koopkrag Skakel Rika (0845205314) Francois (0824105097) Franna (0823303216) Of stuur epos aan rika@bonaire / francois@bonaire / SONSTRAAL -PAARL R775 000 JOEPATSTR. BELLEGERS GELEENTHEID!!!!! 2x 3slaapkamer wonings. (2 Huise op 1 erf). Goeie huur inkomste of bewoon die een en verhuur die ander!! Kontak 021 872 9649 / 082 400 0555. HUISE TE HUUR




WELLINGTON: LARGE FLAT 2Bedr with garage. Centrally situated. Rent: R4300pm. Avail. 1 March. Phone Brian 082 461 3033. WELLINGTON - Ruim eenslaapkamer woonstel te huur. Koopkrag. R3 600 p/m plus dep. Kontak 082 965 3439.

PAARL TWEESLAAPKAMER WOONHUIS met enkel motorhuis en lugversorger in veiligheidskompleks. Beskikb. 1 Feb. 2015. R5200pm. Tel: 073 163 8388.

KAMERS TE HUUR Paarl-Oos, rustige, veilige buurt vir selfsorgende senior burgers @ R1 700/pm Kontak 076 970 0351. NEW-ORLEANS inhouse 2 bedroom for rental, for a person with quiet lifestyle. R1600 each, elec incl + deposit. Contact 084 752 7875. BETREKKINGS GESOEK 3670

BESTUURDER MET kode 14 + PDP soek ry werk vir pars seisoen. 021 867 0733 / 078 417 0944. BULELWA is looking for restaurant or cleaning job for 5 days. 083 331 6505.

NOZUKO IS LOOKING for any general work for 5 days. 078 577 8236.

FRANCIS IS LOOKING for domestic work for 3 or 4 days. Have exp & ref. 060 412 7980.

REBECCA IS LOOKING for domestic work (Stay-in or char). Has exp & ref. 062 383 9135.

GEORGE(malawian) is looking for a job as a gardener, housekeeper, fish attendant or diver. 071 049 6348.

TARIRO IS LOOKING for domestic work for 3 day (Mon, Wed & Friday). Have exp & ref. 078 355 7903.

GLADYS SOEK HUIS skoonmaak werk vir 2 dae (Woens & Vrydag). Het ondervinding & verwysings. 079 731 6856.

TASIZIYO IS LOOKING for a driving job, Code 10, gardening, furnish assembly or house keeper. 073 728 4288. TENDAI IS LOOKING for domestic work for 5 days. 078 348 5158. THANDEKA is looking for domestic work for 3 - 5 days. Have exp. & ref. 083 672 0596.

GRACE, security job wanted. Grade B, drivers license Code 8 & PDP, 4 yrs XOLISWA is looking for of exp. Ref avail. 082 702 work as domestic wor8223 / 073 223 3315. ker/cleaner. 060 336 9330. HILDA IS LOOKING for domestic or guesthouse work. Have exp & ref. 074 902 0272.


BESIGE GASTEHUIS I'M LOOKING FOR pain- soek Chef vir 4 maande op kontrak met opsigte om ting, tilling, pavings, verleng te word. Salaris en landscaping & gardening. Plumbing & householdings, ure onderhandelbaar. Stuur asb CV na: Has 20 yrs exp & ref. 071 047 7373. INGRID soek huishulp werk vir 1 dag. 074 456 5667.

ISAAC IS LOOKING for gardening work. Has 2 yrs exp. 060 443 5430. JACKIE IS LOOKING for nanny or housekeeping work for 5 days. Have exp & ref. 078 647 4685. JULIA IS LOOKING for domestic work for 3 or 5 days. Have exp & ref. 079 072 2430. LAURA IS LOOKING domestic work for 5 days. Have exp & ref. Call 060 447 0622. LOICE IS LOOKING for domestic work for 5 days. 078 144 6049.

MR FIXALL CC - Benodig die dienste van 'n betroubare Drywer/Skrynwerker. Met toepaslike ondervinding en betroubare verwysings. Kontak 082 804 3935.

OLGA SOEK huiswerk vir Woens & Dond, het ondervinding. 073 030 0184.

PAMELA IS LOOKING for domestic work for 3 ELIZABETH IS LOOKING days. Have exp & ref. 073 for domestic work for 3 257 0726. Mon, Wed & Fri. Contact 062 219 7341. A FRIENDLY LADY Patience is looking for 5 days ESTER IS LOOKING for domestic work. Have exp & domestic work for 5 days. ref. 084 876 6258. 060 314 6952. PATIENCE IS LOOKING ESTHER IS LOOKING for domestic work (5 for doemstic work for days), have references 073 Tues, Wed & Thursday. 587 7674. Has 4 yrs exp & ref. 078 848 0934. PATRICIA IS LOOKING for domestic work for 5 EVANCE IS looking for days. Have exp & ref. 073 drivers or garden work. I 124 9036. have code C1, have exp. 073 036 8120. PHINDISWA IS LOOKING for domestic work EVELYN IS LOOKING for for 5 days. Have exp. 073 domestic work for 3 days 132 7935. or full-time. Have exp & ref. 078 380 2250. PRECIOUS needs domestic or any general work. 5 FELIX (Malawian) is loo- Days or stay-in. 061 958 king for job as: gardener; 5438. painter; furniture assembler; housekeeper. Exp, QUEEN is looking for honest & hardworking. 084 domestic work for 5 days. 274 9709. Have exp. 084 812 7670.

GIFT IS LOOKING for horse grooming, driving, gardening, painting or house keeping job. 073 461 4147.

GOUDA. OULIKE 2 SLPK huis met "kothuis" gevoel. Oopplan kombuis met waskamer op 'n 921m erf. Te koop vir R310 000. Skakel 072 286 1778.


HOLIDAY PACKAGES: Membership Holiday Package Available "Exclusive access to a website which provides members with a range of specials on accommodation and/or other travel products. Please call 082 967 4580.

2008 WHITE VOLKSWAGEN Citi Sport 1.4i 52 700km, Alarm, central locking, Full service history, Radio/CD player. Phone Bisschoff 083 599 5144.


KOMMERSIELE KANTOOR, TOWER KOMPLEKS te huur. 32 vierkant , 2de Vloer R 3 850 huur per maand plus een maand huur as deposito. Koopkrag. Beskikbaar vanaf 1 Augustus 2014 Kontak 082 342 9312 vir navrae.


Expanding fence manufacturer looking to acquire PALISADE /GATE MANUFACTURING BUSINESS with valid tax certificate in Boland, HelWOONSTELLE derberg or larger Cape TE HUUR Town area. Must have ope3250 rated as CC or Company for 1-SLPK WOONSTEL vir at least 2 years. Contact enkelpersoon. 3km buite Mico (021)868 7314. dorp. R3500pm. Onmiddellik beskikbaar. 079 798 1501. AKKOMMODASIE

1997 MB C180 300 000km, goeie toestand, een eienaar, volle diensrekord. R30 000. 082 301 4969.




EK SOEK HUIS skoonmaak werk vir 5 dae. Ondervinding & verwysings. 073 209 3735.

MARTHA with ref is looking for 3 or 5 days domestic work. 071 120 6476.

ELEKTRISIëN– foute opspoor, enkel- en 3-fase huisbedrading en kabelwerk. Bestuurderslisensie. Kontak 021 872 5992 of 082 977 7442. TEACH IN THAILAND HAYES INCORPORATED is looking to appoint a recently qualified Attorney/Conveyancer. The suitable Attorney/Conveyancer will have to be based in the Paarl area. Please apply by submitting your CV to NEW PIZZERIA RESTAURANT in Paarl looking for reliable, responsible and professional Waiters. Contact 076 266 8848.


RELIABLE BOTTLING/LABELLING TECHNICIAN with minimum 5 years experience required for wine industry. Code 14 license will be an added bonus. Please send your CV to: SKOONHEIDSTERAPEUT Op soek na skoonheidsterapeut om so gou as moontlik te begin in Wellington. Stuur CV na:

PERSON FOR SPEEDY TYRE & FITMENT to do alignment, towbar, shocks, exhausts, etc. Must have experience. Start A.S.A.P. Contact RUS by 021 - 887 3115, or mail to: creditorsstb@ QUANTITY SURVEYOR STUDENT word benodig vir n pos by n konstruksie maatskappy in die Paarl. Skakel 072 520 6903. RELIABLE DRIVER with valid Code 14 license required for wine industry. Please send your CV to



In die Landdroshof vir die distrik van Paarl gehou te Paarl

In die Landdroshof vir die distrik van Paarl gehou te Paarl



en MNR J L MARALACK (ID: 6110065124089) 1ste Respondent (Jan Hofmeyerstraat 7, Paarl) IN OPVOLGING van 'n vonnis in die Landdroshof van Paarl en 'n lasbrief vir eksekusie gedateer 7 Oktober 2014 sal die goedere hieronder uiteengesit in eksekusie verkoop word aan die hoogste bieder op 18 Februarie 2015 om 10h00 te BALJUKANTOOR, DU TOITSTRAAT 40, PAARL naamlik: 2 x SITKAMERSTELLE 2 x TV'S 1 x TAFEL + STOELE 1 x KLAVIER 1 x KIS DEEP FREEZER 1 x DUBBELDEUR YSKAS 1 x WASMASJIEN 1 x TUIMELDROëR

Gedateer te PAARL op 27 JANUARIE 2015. Prokureurs vir Applikant FAURE & FAURE


MNR ZACHARIA JOHANNES MACDONALD (ID: 7011185012085) 1ste Respondent

(Boschenmeer 714, Wemmershoekpad, Paarl)

IN OPVOLGING van 'n vonnis in die Landdroshof van Paarl en 'n lasbrief vir eksekusie gedateer 6 Oktober 2014 sal die goedere hieronder uiteengesit in eksekusie verkoop word aan die hoogste bieder op 18 Februarie 2015 om 10H00 te BALJUKANTOOR, DU TOITSTRAAT 40, PAARL naamlik: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 2 1


Gedateer te PAARL op 27 JANUARIE 2015. Prokureurs vir Applikant FAURE & FAURE





Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

29 Januarie, 2015

VERMIS: Lila, ’n geliefde poedel/ Jack Russell­kruis troetelhond, het Dinsdagaand ver­ mis geraak by haar huis in Meul­ straat, Paarl. Sy mag dalk beseer wees en is oor die algemeen senuwee­ agtig en mag dalk nie vriendelik reageer nie. Indien iemand haar sien, bel asseblief 084 234 6711 of 079 858 7389. ’n Belo­ ning van R1 000 word aangebied vir die veilige terugbesorging van Lila.

Familie/naasbestaandes gesoek Daar word dringend gesoek na enige familie/naasbestaandes van John Mokoena. Indien enigiemand inligting het, bel asseblief Ilze Cilliers (maatskaplike werker, Sonstraal-hospitaal) by 021 862 3176 of 021 862 0818 gedurende kantoorure (Maandag-Vrydag 07:00-16:00).


Large Automotive Parts Wholesaler in the Motor Industry requires dynamic team players with strong interpersonal skills to join our team.

STORES PERSON We require matriculants with 2 years stores experience in a medium to large warehouse in the Motor Spares Industry. Excellent numerical and organisational skills required. Contactable references essential. INDICATE WHICH POSITION YOU ARE APPLYING FOR.

Fax CV’s to 086 619 1543 or email:

A well established Hardware store in the Boland is looking for


3-5 years industry experience, excellent communication skills, sales driven, matric and computer literate. Bring CVs to Paarl Post/Drakenstein Gazette's offices 1A New Street, Paarl X1PNKC91-PL290115

Rekenmeesterspraktyk Paarl SAIPA

LEERLINGREKENMEESTERS BRek / BCompt / BAcc Graad / BCom (Fin Acc)(Man Acc)

Mededingende vergoedingspakket, asook groepsvoordele. Diensaanvaarding so spoedig moontlik. Aansoek is onsuksesvol indien geen terugvoering teen 6 Februarie 2015. Stuur CV aan of faks na 086 605 7629 X1PNF8LH-PL290115



Bridge House is an independent, co-ed day and boarding school close to Franschhoek, Stellenbosch and Paarl and is seeking to fill the following position: ..

Boarding House Female Driver/Assistant ..

(Live-out position)

Requirements: • Sound interpersonal skills • An energetic, flexible, enthusiastic and caring approach • PDP Driving Licence essential • Must be of sober habits ..

Responsibilities will include: • Assisting with general duties in the Boarding Houses • Transporting boarders as required by the Boarding Houses ..

Please e-mail a motivating letter, your curriculum vitae and the names and contact details of three referees to ..

Closing date: Friday 6 February ..

Only short-listed applicants will be contacted. Bridge House is an equal opportunity school. X1PNJRH1-PL290115



• Maintaining rates, rooms inventory & other information on globally used distribution systems & other platforms • Creation, maintaining & issueing of various financial, marketing & revenue reports/ documents • Maximise revenue by ensuring the right product is sold to the right GUEST, at the right price, at the right time & on the right distribution channel • Assisting the mngmt TEAM with other tasks, as required, as as set out in the full job description • Grade 12 with higher grade maths (higher grade accounting advantageous) • Post matric commercial qualification advantageous • 1 - 2 years extensive computer user experience in a retail, manufacturing, hotel or similar industry would be advantageous • Extensive intermediate to advanced Excel experience • Core competencies must include excellent computer, communication, analytical data mngmt skills & the ability to quickly learn new systems • Own transport • Position involves shift work ...

Forward CV and motivating cover page to alternatively fax: 086 535 4274 ...

Closing date: Mon 16 Feb 2015 If not heard from us by 23 Feb 2015, consider your applic unsuccessful



Pearl Valley currently has a vacancy in the F&B Department for an

Assistant F&B Manager The successful candidate will report to the F&B Operations Manager.

Requirements: • Grade 12 with 5 year's experience in a similar position and environment • Hotel School Diploma ( an advantage) • Sound wine knowledge • Good written and communication skills • Fluency in English and Afrikaans • Ability to liaise with guests / clients professionally • Professional well groomed appearance • Shifts, weekends and public holidays a requirement (rostered) Please note that Pearl Valley recruits in line with Employment Equity requirements. Interested persons should forward a written application & CV to the Human Resources department at no later than 04 February 2015. If you have not received any response within 2 weeks after the closing date, please accept that your application has been unsuccessful X1PNKKNH-PL290115



VIP Package experience, sunny personality and willing to help in other departments and go the extra mile. Team player. Must be precise and accurate. Problem Solver. Weekly/Monthly wages, timecards, deductions etc. Own transport and a valid driver's license. Position available immediately. Salary negotiable.


Relevant financial diploma/degree. At least 3 years experience. Pastel, Excel and experience with Diplar advantages. Must be accurate and detailed orientated, precise and pro-active. Team player and customer orientated.


Individuals with a positive outlook on life willing to go the extra mile and start at the bottom to work themselves up! NO clock watchers! Positions available: waitress/waitrons, barista, receptionist, filling clerks, cleaners. If you had technical subjects we will be able to utilize you as well: packers, cleaners, assistant operators etc.

TECHNICAL/ENGINEERING Machine Operators (Grade 12) Programmers (AutoCAD) Welders (Grade 12 with experience or Qualified) Boilermakers (Qualified)

ADMIN/FINANCIAL/ ACCOUNTS Receptionists Admin Administrators Debtors and Creditors Bookkeepers Accountants Financial Assistants

Your Curriculum Vitae can be faxed to 021 872 0695 or email to X1PNKET9-PL290115

Paarlvallei Botteleringsmaatskappy Paarl Valley Bottling Company Paarlvallei Bottelering het die volgende vakatures by hulle aanleg net buite Wellington.


Die persoon sal hoofsaaklik verantwoordelik wees vir die effektiewe bedryf van die botteleringsafdeling. Die sleutelverantwoordelikhede sentreer rondom die effektiewe lei van 'n groot span mense, die bepaling en nakom van standaarde, optimale benutting van toerusting, dat produkte betyds en teen die regte kwaliteit vervaardig en gelewer word binne die neergelegde vereistes ten opsigte van wetgewing en ander standaarde, kliënte diens, kontroles oor begrotings en behaling van maatskappy doelwitte.


Die persoon sal hoofsaaklik verantwoordelik wees vir die hantering, versending en kontroles op klaar verpakte produkte Die sleutelverantwoordelikhede sentreer rondom die effektiewe lei van 'n span mense, die bepaling en nakom van standaarde, optimale benutting van toerusting, beheer en monitering van hoë waarde voorraad, toepassing van neergelegde vereistes ten opsigte van wetgewing en ander standaarde, kliënte diens, kontroles oor begrotings en behaling van maatskappy doelwitte. Om vir die poste in aanmerking te kom, moet die aansoeker aan die volgende vereistes voldoen:- Erkende en relevante naskoolse kwalifikasie - Ten minste 5 jaar bestuursondervinding in soortgelyke omgewings - Bewyste leierskap vaardighede met 'n proaktiewe houding - Ondervinding van gerekenariseerde stelsels - Goeie gesondheid - Goed onder druk kan werk - Betroubaar en stiptelik wees - Na ure beskikbaar wees Die volgende sal die aansoeke verder ondersteun: - Kennis en ondervinding van 'n wyn- en ander verwante produkte omgewing. - Kennis van ISO 9001, HACCP en relevante stelsels. Indien u aan bogenoemde voldoen, sal ons baie graag van u wil hoor. Handig asseblief 'n verkorte weergawe van u CV in by PBM of stuur dit per e-pos na voor 11 Februarie 2015. Indien u nie binne drie weke na die sluitingsdatum van ons verneem het nie kan u aanvaar dat u aansoek onsuksesvol was. X1PNKCMH-PL290115






Kennis geskied hiermee ingevolge Artikel 17 van die Ordonnansie op Grondgebruikbeplanning, 1985 (Nr. 15 van 1985) dat die onderstaande aansoek ontvang is en by die kantoor van die Direkteur: Beplanning & Ontwikkelingsdienste by die Advieskantoor (Tel. Nr. 021-808 8606) in Pleinstraat, Stellenbosch ter insae lê. Navrae kan aan Mev A Gwintsa by Posbus 17, Stellenbosch, 7599, Tel. Nr. 021 808 8681 en 021-886 6899 weeksdae gedurende 08:30 tot 15:30 gerig word. Besware, met volledige redes daarvoor, mag skriftelik by die kantoor van die bogenoemde Direkteur, op of voor 2 Maart 2015 ingedien word, met vermelding van die relevante wetgewing, die beswaarmaker se erf- en telefoonnommer sowel as adres. Enige besware ontvang na voormelde sluitingsdatum, mag as ongeldig geag word. Dit is belangrik om daarop ag te slaan dat geen besware via e-pos aanvaar sal word nie.

Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 17 of the Land Use Planning Ordinance, 1985 (No 15 of 1985) that the undermentioned application has been received and is open to inspection at the office of the Director: Planning & Economic Development Services at the Planning Advice Centre, Plein Street, Stelienbosch (Tel 021 808 8606), Enquiries may be directed to Ms A Gwintsa, PO Box 17, Stellenbosch, 7599, Tel. (021) 808 8681 and fax number (021) 886 6899 week days during the hours of 08:30 to 15:30. Any objections, with full reasons therefore, may be lodged in writing at the office of the abovementioned Director on or before 2 March 2015, quoting the above relevant legislation and the objector's erf and phone numbers and address. Any objections received after aforementioned closing date may be considered invalid. It is important to note that no objections will be accepted via email.

Hierdie Kennisgewing is ook beskikbaar op die Munisipale webtuiste op die Beplanning en Ontwikkelingsblad.

This advertisement is also available on the Municipal website on the Planning and Development page. Applicant: TV3 Architects and Town Planners

Applikant: TV3 Argitekte en Beplanners

Erf / Erven number(s): Erf 1554, Franschhoek

Erf/Erwe nommer(s): Erf 1554, Franschhoek

Locality/Address: Middagkrans Road

Ligging/Adres: Middagkranspad Aard van aansoek: • Voorgestelde hersonering van Erf 1554, Franschhoek vanaf Enkel Residensieël na Spesifieke Besigheid ten einde 'n gastehuis te bedryf.

Nature of application: • Proposed rezoning of Erf 1554, Franschhoek from Single Residential to Specific Business to operate a guesthouse. MUNICIPAL MANAGER (Notice No. P5/15)

MUNISIPALE BESTUURDER (Kennisgewing Nr. P5/15) X1PNFFC5-PL290115


YOU ARE HEREBY INVITED TO BID FOR REQUIREMENTS OF THE DRAKENSTEIN MUNICIPALITY DESCRIPTION: CG 1/2015: Office Renovations at Civic Building, Paarl CIDB: Tenderers must be registered with the CIDB in a GB class of construction works and have a grading designation equal to or higher than that determined in accordance with the sum tendered or a value determined in accordance with regulation 25(7A) of the Construction Industry Development Regulations, 2004. It is estimated that tenderers will need a grading designation of 4GB or higher. CLOSING DATE: Thursday, 19 February 2015 CLOSING TIME: 10:00. Bids will be opened in the Civic Centre, 1st Floor, Berg River Boulevard, Paarl in public at 10h15. INFORMATION: Obtain documentation: Supply Chain Management, 2nd floor Civic Centre, Paarl, Berg River Boulevard, Paarl Enquiries regarding tender documentation: Nico Marais, E-mail:, Tel: (021) 8076209 / 0828214253 Office Hours for collection: 08h30 -15:00 as from 29 January 2015. Non-refundable fee of R 267.00 is payable to Drakenstein Municipality for collection of documents. Compulsory site clarification visit/meeting: A compulsory site inspection and clarification meeting will be held at Civic Centre, Paarl Ground floor on 5 February 2015 at 10h00. Bidders that fail to attend the compulsory site inspection and clarification meeting will be disqualified. Telegraphic, telephonic, telex, facsimile, e-mail and late tenders will not be accepted. The lowest, only or any bid shall not necessarily be accepted and the Council reserves the right to accept any part of the bid. TENDERS TO BE DEPOSITED IN: The tender box at the entrance of the Municipal offices of Drakenstein Municipality Berg River Boulevard PAARL, 7620. (Ensure tender number and title are on envelope). NOTE: This tender will be evaluated in terms of the revised Preferential Procurement Regulations, 2011 that was promulgated by the Minister of Finance on 8 June 2011 in Government Gazette No 34350. Please take note of the preferential conditions of Supply Chain Management special conditions for bidding. PROCUREMENT PREFERENCE POINT SYSTEM: 90/10 The successful bidder will be required to fill in and sign a written Contract Form The following conditions to bid exist (failure to comply may result in your bid being disqualified):

1. This bid is subject to the JBCC Minor Works Agreement, special conditions of CIDB and Supply Chain Management special conditions for bidding. 2. Relevant specifications (SPECS). 3. Bidders must be registered on the Drakenstein Municipality supplier database if they wish to conduct business with Drakenstein Municipality. 4. A valid or certified tax clearance certificate must be handed in with the closing of the bid. However no contract will be awarded to any bidder without a valid tax clearance certificate on the date the bid is awarded. 5. Bids submitted must be in a sealed envelope clearly marked with the bid number, placed in the tender box before closing time, failure will result in the bid being invalid.






Inhoud van die pos: • Werwing en keuring • Arbeidsverhoudinge • Basiese Diensvoorwaardes • Lone en salarisse • Opleiding en ontwikkeling • Gelyke indiensneming

Vereistes en Vaardighede - Min. 5jr toepaslike ondervinding van waterdigte betonwerke - Moet Selfbesturend en Suksesgedrewe wees - Geldige rybewys - Merkbare verwysings

Vereistes: • Relevante kwalifikasie; • Ten minste 3 jaar algemene ondervinding; • Rekenaarvaardig - Pastel sal voordelig wees; • Geldige bestuurslisensie en eie vervoer. Stuur kort CV na voor Vrydag 6 Februarie 2015.


- Graad 12 of onlangs gekwalifiseerd. - Met opmetingsvaardighede. - Geldige rybewys


Sluitingsdatum: Saterdag 7 Februarie 2015 om 13:00

Maatskappy bied bogemiddelde vergoedings pakket met standvastige loopbaangeleenthede asook voordele Faks of epos CV's na 086 691 7159 /



Rig CV aan Prinsipaal Tel: 021 876 2211 Epos adres: X1PNJR4H-PL290115


We are coming to Paarl and need the following employees: * Dealer Principal * New vehicle sales manager * New vehicles salesmen * F&I manager * Service advisor * Credit manager * Admin clerk * Workshop reception clerk * Workshop manager * Stock controller * Accountant * Warranty clerk * Parts manager * Parts salesman * Motor mechanic * Repair shop assistant (RSA)


We need an experienced person with a strong personality to assist with wages & accounting systems in our Factory and Admin Offices situated between Gouda & Porterville The following skills are required: • A Tertiary Qualification in Accounting • Bilingual in English and Afrikaans • Accuracy & strong problem solving • Adaptability & self motivation The following experience will be advantageous: • Pastel • VIP/Wages/Salaries • Supervision of staff • Stock Control systems Salary will depend on qualifications, experience & ability

Email CV's to: Please indicate the position you apply for. If no feedback is received within 3 weeks, you can regard your application as unsuccessful.

Please email CV plus qualifications to Or fax to 086 2687598 (not a confidential method) Closing Date for Applications is Tuesday 10th February

If you have not been contacted by 15th February, we regret your application was unsuccessful X1PNAT89-PL290115



Prokureurs IN THE MAGISTRATES COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF PAARL HELD AT PAARL Case Number: 2041/14 In the case between: HENRY BAILY Executions Creditor and GERSCHWIN ARTHUR ONTONG 5 Chestnut Avenue, Paarl Execution Debtor NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION In pursuance of a judgement in the Magistrates’ Court of Paarl on the 4th of July 2014 and writ of execution date 01/07/2014 the goods listed hereunder will be sold in execution to the highest bidder at 40 Du Toit Street, Paarl on 11 February 2015 at 10:00 namely: 1x 2 Piece Brown Leather Couches 1x 3 Piece Blue Lounge Suite 1x LG Home DVD player plus Speakers and Subhoofer 1x Defy Freezer 1x LG Microwave 1x Samsung Washing Machine 1x LG Screen Television 1x 3 Piece Cane Lounge Suite Signed at Paarl on the 11th day of December 2014. MINITZERS

Attorneys for Execution Creditor 43 Lady Grey Street Arcade House Paarl, 7646 Tel: 021 871 1224 Fax: 021 872 8100 E-mail: Ref: JO/ml/020144/COLL X1PN2MNR-PL290115


Keith Sheldon Prokureur KENNISGEWING INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 35 VAN DIE BOEDELWET 66/1965 In die boedel van wyle: JONAS JANT JIES Geboortedatum: 17 September 1951 ldentiteitsnommer: 510917 5047 087 'n Pensioenaris van Magnoliastraat 75, Paarl wie oorlede is op 11 September 2010 Getroud binne gemeenskap van goedere met ANGELINA FLORINA JANT JIES ldentiteitsnommer: 551209 0083 089 Van Magnoliastraat 75, Paarl Boedelnommer: 15839/2010 Kennis word gegee dat die Likwidasie en distribusierekening in die kantoor van die Meester te Kaapstad en Landdroshof Paarl vir 'n tydperk van 21 (een en twintig) dae, gereken vanaf 30 Januarie 2015 insae sal lê. lndien binne genoemde tydperk geen besware daarteen ingedien word nie gaan die eksekuteur oor tot verdeling ingevolge gemelde rekening. KEITH SHELDON PROKUREURS Waterkantstraat 41 PAARL 7646 Verw: J/0407/11


Gerschwin Ontong Prokureur KENNISGEWING INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 29 VAN DIE BOEDELWET 66/1965 In die boedel van wyle: SUZANA MOERAT Geboortedatum: 10 September 1938 Identiteitsnommer: 3809100452 08 6 ‘n Pensionaris van Geelhoutlaan 42, Paarl, 7646, wie oorlede is op 22 September 2014 Boedelnommer: 031905/2014 Skuldenaars en Skuldeisers in bogemelde boedel word hiermee versoek om hulle eise in te dien en hulle skulde te betaal binne ‘n tydperk van 30 (dertig) dae, gereken vanaf 30 Januarie 2015 by die ondergemelde adres. Geteken te Paarl op 21 Januarie 2015. GERSCHWIN ONTONG PROKUREURS

Bredastraat 92 Paarl 7646 Verw: GO/M04693/14 X1PN63XW-PL290115


We are looking for suitable General Foremen with minimum 10 years experience in concrete work, setting out, general supervision, etc. Previous work experience and contactable references will be required. Good salary with fringe benefits according to experience. Please forward your CV to or fax to 086 580 7701 X1PNHV4D-PL290115



• Managing rates, rooms inventory & other information on globally used distribution systems & other platforms • Manage various other revenue related processes incl. business forecasting, marketing intelligence, revenue training of the sales TEAM, up-to-date rates manual & various financial, marketing & revenue reports • Maximise revenue by ensuring the right product is sold to the right GUEST, at the right price, at the right time & on the right distribution channel • Assisting the rest of the mngmt TEAM with other tasks, as required & as set out in the full job description • Grade 12 with higher grade maths (higher grade accounting advantageous) • 3 year commercial diploma or degree advantageous • 3 years extensive computer user experience in a retail, manufacturing, hotel or similar industry advantageous • Business forecasting/marketing analyses experience advantageous • 2 years managerial experience advantageous • Extensive intermediate to advanced Excel experience • Core competencies must include excellent computer management, communication, analytical & general business skills and the ability to quickly learn new systems • Own transport • Position involves shift work ... Forward CV and motivating cover page to, alternatively fax: 086 535 4274 Closing date: Mon 16 Feb 2015 If not heard from us by 23 Feb 2015, please consider your applic. unsuccessful.



Sport Nuus Sport News

29 Januarie, 2015

RUGBY ) Villagers Newton se voorseisoens­ oefeninge is al aan die gang. Elke Dins­ dag en Donderdag om 19:00. Die klub vier ook hierdie jaar hul 50ste bestaansjaar, en nooi alle oudspelers en ­lede uit om kontak te maak met die bestuur rakende die aktiwiteite vir die jaar. ) Blues oefen op Maandae en Woens­ dae vanaf 18:00 op New Orleans­ sportvelde. Blues speel Saterdag 31 Januarie 2015 in die Wesbank 7 ’n kant toer­ nooi op Malmesbury.Wedstryde begin om 09:00 en Blues speel om 10:00 in hul eerste wedstryd teen Maties. Blues neem ook deel aan die Evergreen sewe ’n kant toernooi op 7 Februarie wat op Agter Paarl gaan plaasvind. ) Albions­rugbyklub se oefeninge is elke Maandag en Woensdag op Dal Josafat. Die oefeninge sal gelei word deur af­ rigters Roderick Allies, Rodney No­ vember, Morne Goetham, en hulle sal bygestaan word deur Gareth Watts. Vir meer besonderhede kontak Allies

Sportdagboek . Sport diary by 078 427 8571. ) Young Peoples se voorseisoensoefe­ ninge vind plaas op Maandae en Woensdae op Dal Josafat om 18:30. Alle spelers en voornemende spelers is welkom om te kom voorberei. ) Young Standards vier hul 125ste be­ staansjaar in 2016 en ‘n feeskomitee sal aangewys word. Young Standards het reeds met hul voorseisoensoefening by Ebenaezer begin en almal word versoek om hier­ die oefening by te woon. Young Standards se eerste vriendskap­ like wedstryd is op 7 Maart en word afgesluit met ’n jaarlikse derby­krag­ meting teen Retreat op 28 Maart in Re­ treat. Vir verdere besonderhede skakel die sekretaris by 082 731 4879 ) Allandale­rugbyklub se voorsei­ soensoefeninge is voorlopig op Maan­ dae en Woensdae om 18:30 by Dra­ kenstein Korrektiewe Dienste. Die klub se eerste vriendskaplike

wedstryd is op 21 Februarie teen Den­ negeur­rugbyklub by Drakenstein Kor­ rektiewe Dienste. Alle nuwe sowel as oudlede is wel­ kom. Vir enige navrae bel die klub­se­ kretaris by 082 737 8952. ) Edward Sabbat is onlangs aange­ wys as Paarl Rangers se nuwe hoofaf­ rigter. Ons wens hom voorspoed toe met sy taak. Die klub hou op Maandag 2 Februarie om 19:00 sy eerste Alge­ mene Vergadering in die Thusong­sen­ trum. Alle lede en voornemende lede is welkom. ) Evergreens RVK is al aan die oefen elke Dinsdag­ en Donderdagaand om 19:00 op Evergreens Park. Vir verdere inligting, bel asseblief vir Japie van Rooyen by 078 870 9787. ) Franschhoek­rugbyklub wil graag alle lede, spelers en toeskouers voor­ spoed toewens in die nuwe jaar. Hulle hoop om almal terug te sien in die nuwe seisoen. Die klub het sy voorseisoen­voorbe­

reiding op Maandag 5 Januarie om 18:30 hervat. Alle oud­ en nuwe spe­ lers is welkom. Vir meer inligting bel Julian Williams 084 843 9326. ) Paarl Rangers benodig die vrywilli­ ge dienste van ‘n hoofafrigter vir die 2015/2016 seisoen. Persone wat belangstel kan hul CV by die sekretaris indien of per e­pos stuur na Voornemende aansoekers moet ‘n lid (oud­lid) van die klub wees en ten minste oor ’n Vlak 1­afrigtingsertifi­ kaat beskik. Amptelike oefeninge het reeds begin te Dal Josafat­stadion.


) Westelike Provinsie Rugbyvoetbal­ unie, in samewerking met die Paarl­ rugbystreek, bied ‘n vlak­1 afrigtings­ kursus op 31 Januarie aan. ’n Beperkte aantal plekke is nog beskik­ baar en koste beloop R250. Die kursus is vanaf 08:00 – 16:00. Bring jou sweetpak en eie skryfbehoef­

Paarl-streek val vas teen Wesbank Die Paarl-streek rugbyspan het Saterdag sy voorbereiding met die oog op die Gemeenskapsbeker-uitdaging afgesluit met ’n wedstryd teen Wesbank RVK te Malmesbury. Die wedstryd is in bloedige hitte gespeel, maar steeds is ’n hoë tempo gehandhaaf. Paarl-streek het die stryd verloor met 7-10, maar kan baie leer uit die wedstryd, aangesien hul opponente in die Superliga van die Bolandunie speel. Wesbank is ook besig om hul voor te berei vir die nasionale

“Community Shield” kompetisie van SARU. MC Fredericks, agsteman en kaptein, het welverdiend vroeg in die eerste helfte, die eerste punte vir Wesbank aangeteken. Dit was nadat Deston Wellman (senter) deur die verdediging gebreek het, en MC in besit gestel het vir ’n prag-drie. Die res van die eerste helfte het egter nie weer punte opgelewer nie, alhoewel albei spanne genoeg kanse met strafskoppe gekry het. Die kapteins het egter besluit om elke keer die kantlyne op te soek. Albei spanne was bereid om met die bal te hardloop, tot

groot vermaak van die toeskouers. Slordige balhantering deur albei spanne op kritieke tye, het egter die bewegings ongedaan gemaak. Alhoewel Paarl-streekspan sterker in die vaste skrums gestaan het, het Wesbank beter vertoon in die vaste spel. Die tuisspan se agterlyn het ook beter vertoon met die bal in die hand. Hegte verdediging en onnodige aanslane, het egter verhoed dat punte aangeteken word. Wesbank het in die tweede helfte ’n drie gedruk ná ’n pragtige rolmaalbeweging vanaf ’n lynstaan om die telling 10-0 te maak.

Ryan Jordaan (senter) het ’n drie vir Paarl-streekspan gedruk, terwyl Kempton Kikka met die doelskop geslaag het om dit 7-10 te maak. Dawie Dyson is, ná ’n pragtige lopie, laat in die tweede helfte met ’n nekbesering van die veld af. Albei afrigters was hoogs tevrede met hul onderskeie spanne se vertonings. Uitblinkers aan die Paarl se kant was Oswald Thomas, Sulaiman Anter, Auden Carolissen en Kempton Kikka. Paarl se B-span het hul wedstryd 20-10 gewen en die o. 20span wen 34-5.


tes saam. Verversings sal ook te koop aangebied word. Boksmart­kursus volg in Februa­ rie ná die suksesvolle voltooiing van die vlak­1 afrigtingskursus. Almal is welkom. Vir verdere beson­ derhede bel Kevin Benjamin by 082 731 4879. DARTS ) Wellington darts­unie het onlangs begin met sy flenters­kompetisie. Alle klubs wat betrokke is moet kennis dra: Alle nuwe klubs wat belangstel om te speel is welkom. Vir enige navrae kan Sam Classen 082 683 3728 of Ernest van Wyk 083 354 9499 geskakel word.


) Die Paarl­netbalklub se oefening begin Dinsdag 27 Januarie om 18:30 by die Boland­bane, Paarl. Bel Bennie Saayman vir verdere inligting by 083 462 6311.


) Die Paarl­Oos Krieketklub bied braaiverkope aan op Saterdag 31 Ja­ nuarie. Koste is R50 per bord en kan by die klubhuis betaal word.

Win R1 800 500 cash PLAKVIRJOU-SAK

• To win R1 500 cash, glue this first cut-out onto the Paste-for-your-Pocket form that was published on 22 January 2015. Once you have filled in all the spaces, paste onto an envelope and post the form to Paste-for-your-Pocket, Paarl Post, Box 409, Paarl 7620 or deliver to the Paarl Post office, by 12:00 on Friday 13 March 2015, after which the winner will be drawn. Only original cuttings (not photostats) are accepted.

Week 1

Die Paarl­streek rugbyspan het Saterdag in Malmesbury net­net teen Wesbank vasgeval.



Gym: 021 872 2999 Gus: 082 322 2148 2 Jan van Riebeeck Drive, Paarl (where Collotype Labels used to be) For More Information give us a call!


Housewives and Pensioners @ R90 pm for a 12 Months Membership • Other Memberships available from R120 pm • Family Memberships also available from R240 pm X1PN7ALD-PL290115

PêREL SPORT Tel: 021 872 9661 |


Slegs by Perel Sport - Hoofstraat 267 (skuins oorkant McDonald's) RUGBYSTEWELS







Hoofstraat 397 Tel: 021 872 6756 Beste Diens Kennis Waarde

59% van Paarl Post lesers het matriek of 'n hoër kwalifikasie dit sou dus vir u maatskappy voordelig wees om al u vakante betrekkings in die Paarl Post te plaas.

25 kg Adult R299

Skakel voor Dinsdag om 14:00 021 870 4600

Paarl, Wellington, Franschhoek, Klapmuts, Simondium, Gouda & Saron



Donderdag, 29 Januarie 2015

Voorheen die Afrikaanse Patriot | Tel 021 870 4600 | SMS 32363 | | Bladsy 20

PUMP THOSE LEGS: More than 2 400 cyclists took part in Sunday’s Bouckaert­Soenen road and MTB races. With the weather on their side, cyclists could choose between challenging road and mountain bike distances. Here the 47 km mountain bike race gets underway, near the De Poort Heritage Village. The winners in the (126 km) invitational road race were Chris Cronje, Evan Carstens and David Garrett, while the winner in the timed PPA members category was Devin Shortt, while Lara Lyness was the first woman to complete the 126 km race. The first male PPA timed rider to finish the 47 km mountain bike race was Edward Best with Nadia Visser taking the women’s race. PHOTO: ERNEST KILOWAN

Cape Town Stadium to host annual friendly The Boland Cavaliers will be hosting the DHL Stormers at the Cape Town Stadium in Green Point this year, when they square off in their annual preseason friendly on Saturday 7 February. This match, between neighbours Boland Rugby and the DHL Stormers, has become a popular fixture on the South African rugby calendar and offers valuable preparation for both teams, as the Cavaliers and the DHL Stormers will both be gearing towards successful campaigns this season. While the Cavaliers are getting ready for the Vodacom Cup in



March, the DHL Stormers are heading into another tough Vodacom Super Rugby competition from mid-February. With the main match kicking off at 16:00, a Boland XV team will face a DHL Western Province Vodacom Cup XV at the same venue, in a curtain raiser at 14:00. This year will offer a unique experience in terms of rugby festivities, as the Cape Town Tens Rugby tournament will also be taking place, right next door at Hamilton’s Rugby Club (on 6 and 7 February).

82 Jan van Riebeeck Drive, Hugenote, Paarl (opp Engine Garage) Tel: 072 186 4518 / 082 446 1529 / 082 076 2610 / 021 862 0301




With thousands of rugby fanatics expected to be in and around the Cape Town Stadium, this promises to be one very colourful rugby
































SOLE AGENTS FOR DERUIBO/WANLI • LARGE RANGE OF NEW MAG’S/NEVER SEEN BEFORE • FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED • WE DO CALL OUT’S & FIELD SERVICE For all your new & used passenger, high performance, taxi, 4x4 Tyres • All sizes & makes for the best deal in town & quality service. Prices valid while stock last • We also sell tiles-wall and floor at low rices. We have the right to limit quantities OPEN: Mon-Thurs: 08:00 - 17:00 • Fri: 08:00 - 12:00 & 14:00 - 18:00 • Sat: 08:00 - 13:30 • Sun: 08:00 - 13:00 X1PNAN1W-PL290115

weekend. Some great prizes will be up for grabs on the day, with the first 2 000 ticket holders going into the lucky draw to win two signed rugby jerseys (Boland Cavaliers and DHL Stormers). Tickets are available at Computicket – both online and from outlets – as well as from Shoprite and Checkers stores. Seats are priced at R50 (behind the posts) and R80 (North and South

stands). ) The Boland Cavaliers will be eager to kick the rugby season off on

a high note, when they face Boland Premier League club side Roses United on Friday 30 January in a friendly match at Pelikan Park in Wellington (kick-off at 19:00). With the Vodacom Cup just around the corner, Boland’s coaching staff will want to test some combinations, especially with the addition of several promising Boland club rugby players. These players have been awarded with a call-up to Boland’s senior provincial side, after some quality performances in 2014. The Boland Cavaliers squad for the 2015 rugby season will be announced soon.

Local darts season kicks off The Open Challenge Competition was the first fixture of the season for the Paarl Darts Union. Players could be in for a very tough season as they will compete in board games against Wellington Darts and inter-district games within Cape Winelands Darts/Boland. Clubs will participate in the annual Easter Tournament at the Ambagsvallei Sports Centre. Players also look forward to selection to the annual All Cape Tournament

which will be held during the first weekend of May in Ceres. The main event will be for players participating at the Darts South Africa National Championships hosted by Gauteng Darts in Johannesburg in July. On Saturday 31 January the union will hold an Open Competition at Ambagsvallei Sports Centre, starting at 13:00. Entry fee will be R20. This competition is open to all registered/non-affiliated persons.

The AGM of Paarl Darts Union will take place on Wednesday 4 February at the Ambagsvallei Sports Centre, starting at 20:00. All registered clubs or new clubs/members are welcome. For more information contact Mervin Isaacs 0 082 315 5206. Results of Open Challenge: Drakies - 10 vs La Motte - 3; DKD - 9 vs Stars – 4; Mount View - 8 vs MPact – 5. Ricardo Alexander delivered the first 180 and also closed at 108.

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