Paarl post 31 oct 2013

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Paarl Post Voice of Drakenstein • Stem van Drakenstein

Prys: R5.70 | Volume 108

Voorheen die Afrikaanse Patriot | Tel 021 870 4600 | SMS 32363 | |



Beware of loan­sharks

Ons praat met Jean

Many questions are being asked about an alleged loan­shark business in Huguenot that has been giv­ ing loans against welfare payments. Long queues are seen there daily. PAGE 2

Die goue seun van die Paarl en Springbok­kaptein, Jean de Villiers, vertel van sy sprankelende seisoen wat byna agter die rug is, en glo dat hy nog heelwat rugby in hom het. BL. 3


Waterfront temporarily halted

LISE BEYERS A storm is brewing over the proposed Waterfront development on the banks of the Berg River in Paarl, after the Drakenstein Heritage Foundation (DHF) and other concerned business owners of Paarl served High Court papers on the Drakenstein Municipality, the Western Cape Government, the Waterfront developers and other involved parties, to stop this development. The Waterfront development was planned in 2007, when Paarl was mooted as a possible 2010 World Cup base camp for an international soccer team. Initial plans, which were approved very quickly by the Drakenstein Municipality,

made provision for a sports centre, restaurants and a retail/décor centre aimed at the tourist market, a hotel, conference centre, gym and sports science institute. Paarl was, however, never nominated as a base camp and the excitement around the development died down. It has now been revived, but according to reports, with a very different design. Rumours have it that the development will now mainly be a shopping mall. At a recent council meeting, both DA and ANC councillors unanimously voted to give the developers occupation of the sports fields, without any public participation process. This immediately fuelled a court application against the development. In the court application, the

DHF states that a development of this size has to be approved by Heritage Western Cape. This has not been done. They also object to the removal of the title deed restrictions, as the land use was restricted to community use only, based upon a long historical association. In all, the applicants regard the proposed development as unlawful. Len Raymond of the DHF said: “In a nutshell, we are not opposed to the municipality in general terms, but we feel the need to stand up for heritage. “Our fellow litigants’ objections are not based upon our concerns, but their own private financial issues motivated by their investments in Paarl, some of which we support such as the inner city redevelopment, and some of which we oppose on very similar grounds,

such as the proposed Groot Parys development which has contravened title deed restrictions as well.” The Paarl Rugby Club was notified earlier this year that it would have to move from these premises on 1 October, but this has also been put on hold. Garth Adams of the Waterfront Development Company, however, said that the application is just a matter of sour grapes. “Some of the applicants lost the original tender when the Waterfront first came to light. We have tried to resolve this issue out of court with them, but to no avail.” He admitted that the initial plans had slightly changed after Paarl was not nominated as a World Cup base camp. The new plans have been approved by the

municipality and endorsed by the Department of Environmental Affairs. Municipal manager Johann Mettler confirmed that the municipality had been served with court papers in which a number of parties have applied for an interdict, pending a reconsideration of the transfer of the land. “We are currently in the process of consultation with our lawyers on the matter. An interim order was granted on Monday 28 October, in terms of which the municipality is prohibited from land transfer pending a review application to be filed by 30 November 2013. The Paarl Waterfront Development will continue with land uses as the original zoning was approved by the council in 2010 as a luxury, mixed use, waterfront lifestyle development.”


Donderdag, 31 Oktober 2013


Paarl Post

Nuus News

31 October, 2013

Beware of Sassa card loan­sharks

Nog ’n Hospice Charity­staptog is die afgelope naweek met groot sukses aangebied. Die dag is geniet deur duisende stappers wat almal vir ’n goeie doel hul naweekplanne uitgestel het. Maar wat wel ’n wrang smaak gelaat het was die rommelstrooiery van stappers. Die water­ sakkies wat uitgedeel is, se papiertjies is net so neergegooi in die Aboretum en langs die pad!

“Wie met trane saai, sal die oes met gejuig inbring.” - Psalm 126:5

The South African Social Security Agency (Sassa), has warned social grant beneficiaries who use their Sassa cards to borrow money from money-lenders that they may lose their social grants. This warning comes after rumours started doing the rounds that social grant beneficiaries could borrow money from Sassa and pay it back on a monthly basis without interest. For the past month, hundreds of Sassa beneficiaries queued from as early as 05:00 in the morning on the corner of Klein Drakenstein Drive and Santa Rosa Street to borrow money from an unknown money-lender. One of the adjacent business owners said that he had to call the police several times as he and his staff could not get in or out of their offices. He added that they had to endure verbal abuse if they wanted to enter their offices and that at the end of a business day, borrowers started to fight to get in for a loan. “I had a garden here in front of the shop, now there is nothing, because the people use it as a toilet.” Another business owner said that people were constantly coming into his shop to ask for water and they also urinated outside the shop. After inquiries about this matter, Sassa

Road warriors warned! The Drakenstein Municipality is stepping up its campaign against illegal midnight motor racing and other driving offences. On the weekend of 18-20 October the Traffic Department targeted Jan van Riebeeck Drive and the R301 area. Various fines were issued for driving without licenses, invalid vehicle licenses, disregarding traffic lights, failure to wear seatbelts, defects in vehicles and parking offences. People were also arrested for drunk and reckless driving, while “ghost vehicles” issued fines for related offences. The Municipality warned that motorists could expect more such actions with the festive season approaching. “We request the public to obey the rules of the road at all times.”

Hundreds of Sassa beneficiaries queue in Klein Drakenstein Drive to get a loan.


said that they do not lend money to Sassa card holders. According to Shivani Wahab, Senior Manager: Communications and Marketing of Sassa in the Western Cape, they are aware that money-lenders prey on social grant beneficiaries close to some Sassa contact points. “We would like to reiterate that Sassa is in no way linked to or associated with microlenders.” “Social grant beneficiaries have been warned not to use their social grant cards as a guarantee to obtain a loan.

“No social grant beneficiary may use a social grant as a guarantee to obtain a loan, as this perpetuates poverty. In an effort to clamp down on unscrupulous micro-lenders who exploit social grant beneficiaries, Sassa will not process any other deductions except funeral deductions that do not exceed ten percent of the value of the grant, in line with regulations.” Wahab said using the Sassa card as a guarantee for a loan contravenes both the Social Assistance Act and the National Credit Act. No money-lenders may enter into such transactions with social grant beneficiaries. Beneficiaries who enter into loan agreements and hand over their Sassa payment cards to money-lenders will be traced and issued with warning letters stating that they have illegally used their Sassa payment cards, and that should the card be found in the possession of money-lenders or any third party, the social grant will be cancelled. Paarl Post tried on numerous occasions to contact the owner of the business, but to no avail. No one could tell who the owner was and upon visiting the premises, Paarl Post reporters were unable to gain entry. Business owners in the vicinity said they have not met their new neighbours and have no idea who they are.

Saak teen polisieman voorlopig van rol geskrap Die saak van ’n polisieman wat aangekla is daarvan dat hy sy 17-maande-oue seuntjie glo met sy pistool wou skiet, is voorlopig van die hofrol geskrap. Adrian Willemse (26) van Groenheuwel, ’n polisieman by Kaapstad-lughawe is op 26 September tuis in hegtenis geneem nadat hy ’n skoot in die rigting van sy seuntjie en die baba se tante afgevuur het. Hy is op borgtog vrygelaat en sou op 21 Oktober weer in die Paarl-landdroshof verskyn. Die saak is egter voorlopig van die rol geskrap, hangende ’n ondersoek. Die voorval is ook na die polisie-ondersoekdirektoraat verwys.

Die baba se ma, Amy Goliath (19), het haar suster op 26 September glo gebel en die suster is na Willemse se huis om die baba te haal. Hy het glo geweier om die kind te oorhandig, na bewering die kind op die bed neergegooi en toe ‘n skoot in die rigting van die suster en die kind afgevuur. ’n Buurvrou het die suster toe te hulp gesnel. * The case of a policeman from Groenheuwel who was arrested after a shooting incident near his house involving his baby boy, was struck from the role pending an investigation.

Plakstuk Die plakstuk vir die Plak­vir­jou­Sak­kompetisie waarin R1 800 gewen kan word, verskyn vandag



Wil graag vir sy bestaande en toekomstige pasiënte in kennis stel dat sy praktyk verhuis het en dat hy tans praktiseer by: Nommer 12 Mediese Sentrum, Paarl MediClinic, Berlyn Straat, Tel. 021 8631665 Dr Liebenberg behandel en hanteer spesifiek rugpyn met beenpyn, nekpyn met armpyn en kroniese hoofpyne. Dr Liebenberg vra mediese fonds tarief

op bl. 30 van Paarl Post. Die sluitingsdatum is Vry­ dag 6 Desember om 14:00.

Nuus News

Nog baie rugby in Jean FRANS LE ROUX

tel tot sukses is steeds harde werk. “Ons het gemiddeld Diegene wat voor vier tot sewe oefendie 2013-rugbysessies ’n week en seisoen gesê het dan ook so twee tot Springbok-kapdrie gimnasiumtein Jean de Vilsessies. Dan is daar liers (32) se dae is natuurlik ook baie getel, sit sekerlik video-ontleding wat nou met rooi gesigons ook moet doen te. met die oog op opkomende wedstryde.” Die immergroen, Soos meeste spekookwatersenter lers het hulle daarhet net weer eens bedie een span of spewys ouderdom bete- Tydens hul onlangse toer na Australasië het ler oor wie hulle ken niks op die rug- Jean bewys dat hy steeds die eerste keuse soms snag wakker byveld nie. Jean het vir binne­senter in Suid­Afrika is. lê. vanjaar saam met FOTO: GETTY IMAGES/SANDRA MU “Een van my senters gespeel wat 10 jaar jonger is as hy, hoewel ’n mens dit moeilikste teenstanders sal altyd Ma’a Nonu nooit sou nie sê as jy hom op die veld gesien wees. En dan is Nieu-Seeland ook die moeilikste span om teen te speel.” het. Rugbywêreldbeker 2015 is op almal se lipEn dit het ook hierdie oud-Gimmie se mede-Paarliete se koppe hoog gehou. Sy werk- pe, en De Villiers se fokus is vir eers op die verrigting, spoed, krag en manier om die ag- 2014-seisoen. “Ek dink nie nou al regtig aan terlyn te organiseer maak van hom ’n wêreld- die Wêreldbeker nie. Ek sou net hoop om die volgende seisoen besering-vry te bly en dat klas-senter. Paarl Post het na afloop van die besige sei- my spelpeil op die veld genoeg sal wees om soen, met die dorp se held gaan gesels. “Dit my weer in die span te kan kry.” Pa-wees het ook sy gesindheid op en van was beslis ’n spesiale jaar op die veld vir De Villiers, sê hy. “Vir die Bokke dink ek was die veld beïnvloed. “Dit het my nogal baie ons vertoning teen Australië in Brisbane verander en ek dink ek verstaan my verantnogal spesiaal, vir die Stormers was dit ons woordelikheid teenoor my vrou en kinders. laaste wedstryd teen die Bulle en vir die WP Dieselfde verantwoordelikheid dra ek dan sou ek sê die semi-finaal was iets besonders.” oor op die veld ook.” Mylpale wat De Villiers nog wil bereik is Die vroeë kondisionering van spelers maak dat al hoe meer 19- en 20-jarige spelers gefokus op sy geliefde Westelike Provinsie. “Ek het steeds ’n begeerte om ’n trofee by oorweeg word. “Ek dink die kompetisie van ander jonger spelers hou my ook jonk en die WP of die Stormers te wen voor ek eendag feit dat ek weet ek het nie te veel jare as speler aftree.” * Paarlite Springbok captain, Jean de Viloor nie, maak elke geleentheid om uit te draf liers, hopes that he still has a couple of rugby spesiaal.” Niemand het ooit gedink dit is maklik om years left in him, and also hopes to one day ’n beroepsrugbyspeler te wees nie. Die sleu- win the Currie Cup.

Paarl Post

31 Oktober, 2013


FINAL EXAMS ARE HERE: On Monday when the clock struck 09:00, matriculants at Noorder­ Paarl High School, along with the rest of the coun­ try’s matriculants, began their final exams with English Home Language Paper One and English First Additional Language Paper One. Matrics will be keeping a low social profile over the next month as they continue with their finals. The final subjects will be written on 29 November.



Paarl Post

Nuus News

31 October, 2013

Een dood, drie beseer op paaie Een persoon is dood en drie ander beseer in verskeie ongelukke op paaie in die gebied die afgelope naweek. ’n Voetganger, Willem Bayman (48), is Saterdagaand op die R45 naby Wellington oorlede toe hy na bewering deur ’n bakkie raakgery is. Bayman het glo op ’n plaas in die gebied gewoon. ’n Klag van strafbare manslag word ondersoek. ’n Man van die Paarl is vroeg Saterdagoggend beseer toe hy omstreeks 00:30 met sy Ford Figo in Westhovenstraat om ’n skerp draai beheer verloor en teen ’n boom gebots het. Hy is met onder andere ’n skouerbesering na Paarl Me-

diclinic geneem. In ’n ongeluk Donderdag omstreeks 13:25 op die N1 vanaf Worcester in die rigting van Kaapstad is twee mense beseer toe die bestuurder van ’n silwer VW Polo na bewering beheer oor die motor verloor, teen ’n wal opgery en op sy dak beland het. Die bestuurder, ’n inwoner van Rawsonville, en sy passasier is met verskeie beserings na hospitale in die gebied geneem. Klagte van roekelose en nalatige bestuur word ondersoek. * One man died and three people were injured in separate accidents on roads in the area this past weekend.

Die ongeluk Donderdag op die N1 waarin twee mense beseer is.


Verkeer op die N1 van­ af Worce­ ster in die rigting van Kaapstad is Donderdag ontwrig toe een van die bane ver­ sper is weens dié ongeluk waarin twee mense be­ seer is.FOTO: MARYKE SWART

CRATES AND TROLLEYS RETRIEVED IN CBD: Paarl Police, in conjunction with Law Enforcement, the Home Affairs department and Shoprite/Checkers officials, launched an operation in the Paarl Central Business Dis­ trict (CBD) to check for illegal immigrants and the illegal use of shopping trolleys and crates. Three illegal immigrants were arrest­ ed and numerous crates and trolleys were retrieved. Police spokesperson, Capt. Louise du Plessis said the value of the crates and trolleys retrieved is estimated at approxi­ mately R150 000. Here members of Paarl SAPS confront a suspect during the opera­ tion. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

Man dies after alleged break­in A man died shortly after being assaulted for allegedly breaking into a house in Chris Hani, Mbekweni. According to police spokesperson Sergeant Nceba Vanqa, police received a report about an assault in Chris Hani on Saturday. On the scene they found Ayanda Dyonasi (29) with multiple wounds to the head. He was transported by ambulance to Paarl Hospital, but transferred to Tygerberg Hospital, where he died the next morning. Vanqa said that according to information received, Dyonasi was seen breaking into a house in Kholosa Street shortly before the incident. When members of the community approached him he locked himself inside the house. He later tried escaping through a window but community members saw him and gave chase. “When police arrived at the scene he was already assaulted with unknown objects,” Vanqa said. The owner of the house was at work during the incident, but later opened a case of burglary. A case of murder is also being investigated. No arrests have been made. The police urge the community to assist them with information regarding the incident. Contact WO. Nico Stevens at 021 868 9901 or 082 777 5943.

KLIPGOOIERS TEIKEN POLISIEBAKKIE: ’n Polisievoertuig van Paarl­Oos­polisie is onlangs in Klipbokstraat, Chicago, met klip­ pe bestook toe polisiebeamptes ondersoek ingestel het ná berigte van dwelms en vuurwapens by ’n beweerde smokkelhok in die gebied. Konst. Adriaan Adriaanse is deur ’n klip getref, maar hy is nie ernstig beseer nie. Hier is (van links) konstabels Di­ andra Esau, Alden Douw en Samantha Louw. FOTO: MARYKE SWART

Correction In last week’s Paarl Post (24/10), in the article: “Report corrupt officials to police or on the hot-line” the number of the national hotline was incorrectly reported. The correct number is 080 070 1701. Paarl Post apologizes for the error.

Paarl Post

Nuus News

Ilse Venter

31 Oktober, 2013


Speler sterf aan beroerte MARYKE SWART ’n Kranige netbalspeler van die Paarl is op 41-jarige leeftyd aan ’n beroerte oorlede. Ilse Venter het Donderdag (24 Oktober) doele op ’n baan van die Paarl aksie-netbalklub geoefen toe sy skielik duiselig word. Sy het glo aan die net gaan vashou, maar kort daarna op die baan inmekaargesak. Venter was sowat twee jaar lid van dié klub en het as verdediger vir die eerste vrouespan gespeel. Haar man, Koos, het haar as ’n baie vriendelike, behulpsame mens beskryf. “En besig. Sy kon nie stil sit nie.” Hulle sou op 9 November 17 jaar getroud gewees het. Venter was ’n huisvrou en oudleerling van die Hoërskool Paarl Gimnasium. Sy laat ook ’n stiefseun, Riaan (22) en nog twee kinders, Jaco (10) en Karla (13) agter. ’n Dankdiens is gister (30 Oktober) vir haar uit die NGK Drakenstein gehou. * A keen netball player died of a stroke at the age of 41.


BESTE WORSMAKERS IN DIE VALLEI GEKROON: Finalis­ te in Paarl Post se Wys­jou­wors­kompetisie het verlede Woensdagaand by die Duitse Klub in Klein Parys bymekaar gekom in die hoop om weg te stap met die titel as die beste boereworsmaker in die vallei. Nadat beoordelaars nagenoeg nege slaghuise se boerewors geproe het, is ALJO Vleis op Wel­ lington gekroon as die Beoordelaarswenner. In die kategorie Populêre Wenner, beoordeel volgens die aantal stemme op Paarl Post se webwerf, het Big Belly’s met die prys weggestap. Johan Stroebel (agter, middel), eienaar van ALJO Vleis, is al die afgelope 13 jaar in die vleisbedryf en hoewel sommige van hul wors en maalvleis in OK Minimark op Wellington te vinde is, verkoop hy sy vleis net vanuit hul perseel in Lom­ baardstraat 6, Wellington. Skakel Stroebel gerus by 021 873 0951 of 082 853 1681. Hier is (van links) voor Lenora Strooh van Big Belly’s en Denzel Demas, ’n werknemer van ALJO Vleis. Agter is Lise Beyers (redakteur, Paarl Post, en beoorde­ laar), Esmé Smit (hoofbestuurder, Paarl Post), Jan Braai (beoor­ delaar) en Leon Beukes (beoordelaar). FOTO: LIEZL DAVIDS


Paarl Post

Briewe Letters

31 October, 2013

Is new development really necessary? The latest revelation that the planned waterfront development has very much changed from a lifestyle development to that of a full-on shopping mall is worrying. Is there really room for another commercial centre in Paarl? Paarl CBD is already battling to keep head above water in these difficult times. And the Paarl Mall is only just making it through the current obstacle course, often experiencing especially quiet retail weekdays. There are plans for a second phase at Paarl Mall, but due to the economic climate, these have been put on hold until the tide changes. Not to mention the many other retail outlets lining the streets of Paarl, many of them empty. Not only is the transformation of the current sports fields into a waterfront development reason for concern, but this area has historically been demarcated for the community’s recreational benefit. Such a development will surely do more harm than good.

Why are Wellington thieves more efficient than the police? Paarl still lagging behind in tourism I was recently privileged enough to be invited by the Cape Winelands District Municipality to be part of a small group of selected journalists for a two-day whirlwind tour of the Stellenbosch and Franschhoek winelands. And whirlwind tour it definitely was, with an itinerary jampacked with fruitful visits. Yet it saddened me - my neighbouring wine towns are definitely light years ahead in the tourism industry compared to Paarl, my hometown. Why? I kept on asking myself. First on the agenda in Stellenbosch was an hour-and-a half tour on foot through the historic heart of this town, led by a lively tour guide who knew its history like the back of her hand. Although I have over the years regularly been in and out of Stellenbosch , I now had the opportunity of taking a look at the heart of Stellenbosch through a magnifying glass; it felt as if I had been transported to another country. The streets are spotless, with an endless row of tables and chairs belonging to the many coffee shops and restaurants. No beggars to pester the public, with law-enforcers patrolling the area on bicycles and every few metres, foreigners. Yes, foreigners, and this is where the magic of tourism lies: dollars, euros and yen are pouring into the local economy. The streets are also lined with many curio and gift shops. A chef in full attire crossed the road in front of us with a huge bowl of chocolate – I am not sure where he was heading, but it was a scene straight out of a European village. The wine estates that we visited later were a hive of activity – again, many of the visitors were foreigners. And this is only the start of the tourist season. The picture was very much the same in Franschhoek. That evening, we ate at one of the many excellent restaurants in town, which had a full house. And most of the guests were not speaking English or Afrikaans. The head of Franschhoek Tourism Jenny Prinsloo, listed the coming events in Franschhoek leading up to the end of the year – Franschhoek Open Gardens, the Huguenot Festival Concert, the Animal Welfare Quiz and the Festival of Bubbles, not to mention the numerous events that have already taken place during the year so far. Back in Paarl, the beautiful

Main Road was filled only with cars most probably heading towards the mall: no foreigners tracing the history of this fine town. The few restaurants along Main Road were sparsely occupied, and then only by locals. Not a tour bus in sight. And when I parked in front of a local supermarket, I was harassed first by a “car guard”, then a beggar and then someone trying to sell me something. A huge source of irritation. Head out to most wine farms, and visitors will be few and far between. And yet we have the potential to be a number-one tourist destination in the winelands. As far as I am concerned, our Main Road is the most beautiful in the country. our wine farms even more so, and they also produce excellent wines. The few topnotch restaurants that we do have, offer fine cuisine. And there are our beautiful natural surroundings, with Paarl Mountain a geological jewel. So where did the tourism industry of Paarl go wrong? Firstly, many will say that when the municipality took over the reins of the Tourism Offices years ago, things just stood still in Paarl Valley. And until now the Tourism Offices have been in shambles. There is no constructive vision to develop the town into a worldclass tourism destination. Secondly, the role-players involved in tourism are only in it for personal gain. The crux of the problem, however, is undoubtedly the state of Paarl itself. Public gardens such as Zomerlust Square are unkempt and covered in tall weeds. So too, are many other open spaces belonging to the municipality. The CBD is all but a rubbish dump, especially over weekends. Some houses in the historical core, such as the one on the corner of Main Road and Bosman Street, have become totally dilapidated. Residents are more likely to support steak-and-mushroom sauce places than fine dining or alternative cuisine ones, thus curbing development in the all important restaurant industry. In short: Paarl just does not compare well with the attractive towns only a short drive from here. Unfortunately, nothing is going to change in the near future until Paarlites get together and see to it that Paarl is cleaned up. Only then will its journey to become a world-renowned wine tourism destination begin.

I live in Wellington, which I regard as high on the list of places ultimately acquiring dump-status. Coming home to find yet another item stolen from my premises has become a common occurrence. Yesterday my hose-pipe, today the brass coupling, tomorrow the brass tap. It simply has become a walk-in or climb-over daily crime. This also follows two break-ins causing costly damage: knocking the back-door off its hinges, breaking the frosted bathroom window panes, climbing over the wooden gate, leading to its collapse, knocking out our burglar-bars – the list goes on. Unhindered entry is guaranteed. The only arrest which was made, was due to myself having accosted a person on the spot.

This trend has taught me three lessons: 1. Surveillance or otherwise, the police are not in control of crime, while the criminals are: they know who is where and when. 2. The criminals are much more efficient in the application of their skills, even in the presence of mul-

ti-million rand operational crimefighting equipment; they manage to have far greater successes in committing their crimes than their opponents have in the preventing them. 3. Crime is not bound to diminish if is practised practically unchallenged. Thieves simply pocket what they like and we, the innocent public, simply pay. In the absence of effective policepatrols, the thieves just stroll in casually, hungry or not, day or night, entering practically unhindered and at such regular intervals that even our watchdogs are beginning to accept them as regulars in the neighbourhood, just wagging their tails instead of barking.


Installering van meters ’n klug, spaar krag elders Ek stem volkome saam met Wanda du Plessis (19 September). Ons word gedwing om mense wat nie gekwalifiseerde elektrisiëns is nie, toe te laat om ’n boks te installeer wat ons kragtoevoer afsny. Die krag waarvoor ons alreeds betaal het. Is dit nie ’n skending van my menseregte nie? Ons sit alreeds ons geiser daagliks af en spandeer slegs so R600 tot R700 aan krag per maand. Hoeveel moet ek nog vir Eskom

bespaar? En hoekom? Sodat hulle meer krag aan die buiteland kan verkoop of is dit sodat meer onwettige mense krag kan steel? Ek dink nie dis wetlik reg dat ons as wettige belastingbetalers gedwing word om die installering te aanvaar nie. Ek voel al soos ’n huurder in my eie huis. Wat gaan hulle volgende op ons afdwing? Daar is 49 miljoen mense in Suid-Afrika, hoekom moet ons

te nagekom word om krag te bespaar? Terwyl ander mense te lekker maak soos hulle wil? Kanselleer liewers die Liggiefees en bespaar krag snags deur winkels te dwing om minder ligte te laat brand. Beheer die lugversorger in winkels en los ons privaat huishoudings uit. Daar is ander maniere om te bespaar.


’n Groot dankie vir die bewaarders van ons paaie Sondagmiddag was ons op pad om ’n pakkie te ontvang. Ons het ons waarskuwingsligte aangesit om die persoon wat dit bring se aandag te trek. Toe ons weer wou ry was die motor se battery morsdood. Ek het gestoot terwyl my man sy bes probeer het, maar tevergeefs.

Van iewers af het drie mans in uniform gekom, die battery gekoppel aan hulle sin en viola – als weer reg. Wat ’n vreugde – en ek glo daar is baie mense wat al dankbaar was vir hierdie pad bewaarders wat dag en nag, somer en winter, hitte, koue en reën trotseer om die paaie

van ons land te bewaak en dikwels meer stank as dank kry. Baie dankie vir menere Swarts, Samuels en Matthews van die Paarl vir hulle vriendelike, hulpvaardige diens.


Villagers Newton opreg dankbaar vir almal se bydrae As sportmanne (en -vroue) aanvaar ons noodgedwonge die uitslag en sal ons in die 2014-seisoen harder werk om die unie te wys ons het nie gunsies nodig om wel in ’n hoër liga te speel nie. Ons sal daar speel omdat ons eerlik tot daar sal vorder en dus daar hoort. Met dit ingedagte en met die doel voor oë, sal ons 2014 aanpak. Nou, na die einde van die 2013seisoen, kan ons terug kyk en sê dat ons wel goed gedoen het. Die klub se eerstespan het hul ligakompetisie gewen en hul tweedespan het tweede geëindig. Eerstens wil ons die Hemelse

Vader bedank vir al die seëninge wat hy oor ons uitgestort het. Daar was net een ernstige besering, en ons dink aan Ashley Hollenbach wat verlam is in sy bene tydens ’n 2012-wedstryd. Die bestuurslede, dankie vir julle leiding en onbaatsugtige diens tydens jul termyn. Dit gaan nie ongesiens verby nie. Die afrigters, baie dankie vir julle harde werk, jul geduld, opoffering en die manier waarop julle die boodskap op en van die veld af aan die spelers oorgedra het. Aan al ons getroue ondersteuners, ons kan julle nie genoeg bedank vir die volgehoue onder-

steuning gedurende die jaar nie. Ons hoop om julle volgende jaar ook langs die veld te sien. Laastens, aan al die spelers, julle het by tye ’n mens na hartpille laat gryp, maar ander tye na die sjampanje bottel. Julle was ware ambassadeurs vir Villagers Newton. Geniet die rus en ons sien julle in 2014 weer op die oefenveld. Die klub se bekeruitdeling is op 8 November by die Paarl-gemeenskapsaal. Vir enige navrae, bel vir Jannie Japtha by 078 147 3082.


Paarl Post

Menings Opinion

Is dit als ’n groot toeval? Dink Boland Rugbyunie die publiek en hul ondersteuners is aan die slaap? Dis mos duidelik wat daar aangaan! Ek skryf aan die persoon wat verlede week (24 Oktober) se uitgawe op anoniem se brief kommentaar gelewer het: Jy is reg, daar is absoluut niks fout dat familie saam vir dieselfde

SMS 32363 ) Vervloek is jy wat in Duikerstraat by my kar en huis inbreek en ’n bejaarde duisen­ de se skade berokken het. M.V.D. ) Hiermee doen ek ’n beroep op alle me­ de Newtonners om mekaar te ondersteun om die vlaag van diefstal wat tans heers in ons gemeenskap hok te slaan. Ek is die afgelope tyd daardeur geraak dat my skootrekenaar uit my huis gesteel is asook my kragopwekker. Kom ons skep ’n plat­ form en gebruik ons fone om mekaar in te lig, sodat ons inligting aan mekaar kan deurgee as ons dalk weet wie die skuldiges is. More is dalk u beurt om besteel te word. ) Ek moet vir Drakenstein Hospice sê: Baie dankie vir jul vriendelikheid en be­ hulpsaamheid met die Spring Walk. Daar is baie wat by jul kan leer. ) Met Abietjie as die nuwe coach sal ek graag sy prestasie­klousule wou sien. ) Ek wil graag weet hoekom word Neil Mosesstraat in die West­Coast se sypaad­ jies dan nie geteer nie. Ons betaal ook belasting. ) Vanwyksvlei­daghospitaal skep ’n swak indruk oor verpleging waar sekeres blatant onbeskof is teenoor pasiënte. Dis nie meer ’n liefdediens nie ) Môre mnr. Speedcop. U word vriende­ lik versoek om soggens voor werktyd te kom kyk hoe die skoolbussie met kinders in die vierpunt­stop by Lloyd­ en Conrad­ straat verontagsaam.

31 Oktober, 2013 firma of organisasie werk nie. Die probleem is die manier waarop hulle die poste bekom het. 1. Francois Davids se seun kon nie eers SWD Arende se Vodacom-span maak in 2009 nie. Ses maande later is hy gekontrakteer by Boland-rugbyunie en boonop kaptein ook. 2. Willie Small, voormalige uitvoerende hoof van die Arende en ’n goeie vriend van Davids se skielike aanstelling na Piet Bergh

se aftrede, toevallig ’n paar maande ná die Arende hom onthef het van sy pos. 3. Die persoon wat die spyseniering van BRU se funksies doen, BRU se sekretaresse – ek is seker die lys gaan nog aan van familie en vriende wat betrokke is. Nou probeer julle die publiek oorreed dat die aanstelling van Abe Davids ’n “objektiewe en deursigtige proses was waar die beste kandidaat aangestel is”. Twak man!


Met ’n vyf uit 14 oorwinning-rekord wil ek nie weet wat die kwaliteit van ander kandidate was nie. Wanneer laas het ons ’n Curriebekerskeidsregter gehad uit die Boland? Sê dit nie dalk iets nie? Wat het geword van Kurt Darren en Victor Mattfield se aandele in BRU, of het hulle agter die kap van die byl gekom?



Paarl Post

Nuus News

31 October, 2013

Jaarlikse kerkkoor­aand Op Donderdag 31 Oktober tree agt plaaslike kerkkore op by die jaarlikse Charlotte Cupido kerkkoor-aand. Die geleentheid is in die laat 90’s deur Charlotte Cupido begin om kerkkoorsang in Wel-

lington te bevorder en om ’n platvorm vir optrede te skep. Hierdeur word die verskillende kerke byeengebring en dit dra ook by tot samesyn rondom geestelike liedere. Almal is welkom om die aand by te woon. Die verrigtinge vind plaas in die Wellington Stadsaal om 19:30. ’n Donasie sal opgeneem word.

HOSPICE WALK: The annual Drakenstein Hospice walk was held on Saturday, and participants could not have asked for a better day. Perfect summer weather greeted the more than 1 000 entrants. Here the 10 km walk gets under way.

Loop in voetspore van Afrikaans Kom soek saam na die eerste spore van Afrikaans tydens die In die Voetspore van Afrikaans-taalroete. Hierdie roete is ’n inisiatief van Blacky Swart en Laetitia Badenhorst. Die roete begin by Proviant in die Paarl waarna die groep vertrek na die hartjie van die Kaap waar besoek afgelê word aan onder meer die Bo-Kaap-museum asook die Madrasah, wat verantwoordelik was vir die eerste geskrewe Afrikaans. “Ná ons besoek aan die Bo-Kaap-museum vertrek ons langs Waalstraat en toer verby die slawekwartiere en Grote Kerk, via Adderleystraat, met sy interessante verlede en daarna reis ons terug na die Taalmonument in die Paarl,” sê Swart. Gidse sal jou meer vertel van die interessante ontstaan van die monument asook die geheim van die groei van die taal.

Die roete vat jou daarna by die historiese Paarl Hoofstraat langs, ook na die Het Gesticht Museum, waar gefokus word op die rol van die slawe se bydrae tot die ontwikkeling van Afrikaans. Daarna vertrek hulle na die Taalmuseum en hoor van die belangrike verbintenis wat tot die stigting van die Genootskap van Regte Afrikaners (GRA) gelei het. Die spoor eindig by Augusta Kleinboschgasteplaas, waar die Hugenote Gedenkskool, die eerste amptelike Afrikaanse skool, gevestig is. Die dag word afgesluit met die voetspore-seremonie, waar jy jou voetspoor in Afrikaans kan verewig. Om deel te word van hierdie taalroete, kontak Laetitia Badenhorst by 021 868 2481 of 082 380 2230 of Vir meer inligting besoek

Nuus News

) Diefstal van vullisdromme steeds ’n probleem: Die Paarl-Oos-polisie doen weer ’n beroep op inwoners van Charleston Hill en New Orleans om hul vullisdromme te merk nadat daar steeds voorvalle is waar vullisdromme in die gebiede gesteel word. ) Report stolen brass numbers: Paarl Police requires the assistance of the public regarding the reporting of stolen brass numbers which have been stolen at houses in the Northern Paarl area. A suspect was arrested in Jan Steyn Road with a bag full of brass numbers. The suspect will however be released if no complainant comes forward to report the theft of numbers. Anyone with information can contact Sgt Shaun Adonis at 021 807 4043. ) Vermeende motordief vasgetrek: ’n Man van Khayelitsha is Dinsdag in Noorder-Paarl in hegtenis geneem nadat hy probeer het om ’n motor te steel. ’n Lid van die publiek het ’n verdagte persoon by sy buurman se huis opgemerk en die polisie en sy buurman in kennis gestel. Die verdagte het van die toneel probeer vlug maar is betyds aangekeer. Dit kom nadat die Paarl-gebied die afgelope maand geteiken is vir die diefstal van ou voertuie, veral Isuzu-bakkies. ) Sleutels in Bainskloof gevind: Daar is ’n bos sleutels (motor- en huissleutels) aan die voetenent van die Bainskloofpas langs die pad opgetel. Enigiemand wat onlangs sleutels op hierdie pad verloor het, kan ’n epos stuur aan

Paarl Post

31 Oktober, 2013



Paarl Post

Nuus News

31 October, 2013

Paarl Post Kersfonds rol aan DIE Paarl Post staan tans op R7 550 ná ’n geldinsameling van Paarl Post vir dié doeleinde. Dit is egter nog ’n hele entjie weg van vanjaar se R35 000 mikpunt. Lesers word gevra om hul harte oop te maak om die minderbevoorregte gemeenskap by te staan. Alle geld wat aan die Paarl Post Kersfonds geskenk word, word deur die Gemeenskapskas bestuur en al die geld word net geskenk aan geouditeerde welsynsorganisasies in Paarl Post se lesersgebied. Organisasies wat sal baat by skenkings is die ACVV (Paarl, Noorder-Paarl, Paarlvallei, Wellington en Franschhoek), Rusoord-ouetehuis, Oasedienssentrum vir senior burgers, Badisa (Paarl, Wellington en Saron), Kindersorg (Paarl), die Drakenstein Sentrum vir Gestremdes, Abbeyfield-tehuis vir bejaardes op Wellington, Haven-nagskuiling, en Good Hope sielkundige dienste. Plaaslike kleuterskole en nasorgsentrums wat geld ontvang, is Wielie-Walie, Trompie, Little Stars, Rise & Shine, Amstelhof-nasorg, Sinethemba, Mamzama en Ncebekazi (gestremde kinders). Diensorganisasies soos Sanca, Cansa, Santa, Outisme Wes-Kaap, Dementia SA en Hospice word ook gesteun deur die Gemeenskapskas. Skenkings word in die Gemeenskapskas-rekening (62152029007) by FNB (tak 261150) gedeponeer. Faks die depositostrokie na die Paarl Post by 086 559 9644. Alle donateurs sal erken word in die Paarl Post. Navrae: Lise Beyers by 021 870 4614 of 078 025 6452.

Maak só as munisipaliteit nie jou kragmeter lees Verskeie inwoners van Drakenstein kla dat veral hul elektrisiteitsmeters nie gereeld deur die munisipaliteit gelees word nie, dus veroorsaak dit soms hewige maandeliks paaiemente. By navraag het die munisipale bestuurder, Johann Mettler, gesê hulle kry nie altyd toegang tot die perseel nie. “Ons poog deurentyd om meters so gereeld moontlik te lees maar vir ’n verskeidenheid van redes nie is dit nie altyd moontlik nie. “Indien meterlesers nie toegang tot die erwe van inwoners het nie, kan die publiek die volgende nommers skakel om hul maandelikse lesings van waterverbruik deur te gee: Venesia Ontong by 021 807 4519 of per e-pos, of Authea Baron by 021 807 4520 of per e-pos Die publiek word versoek om elke maand die maandelikse lesings op dieselfde lesingsdatum wat op die rekeninge is, deur te gee. Die munisipaliteit sal minstens elke drie maande die lesings verifieer om vas te stel of die korrekte lesings deurgegee is.

Paarl Post

Advertensie Advertisement

31 Oktober, 2013




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Paarl Post

Wellington Nuus Wellington News

31 October, 2013

BOULMEESTER: JJ Lambrechts van La­ erskool Hugenote het in die September­va­ kansie in die Fedem Pitseng T20 krieket­ toernooi vir Boland gespeel en in ses wed­ stryde 15 paaltjies vir 48 lopies ingeoes. Hy is aangewys as bouler van die toernooi en is gekies vir die o. 14 Wes­Kaapse span wat in 2014 in Indië gaan speel. VOORSANGER Phillip Grobler van die Hugenote Laerskool, het on­ longs die beker vir Beste Junior­ sang, Seuns, by die Paarlse Ei­ steddfod gewen.

Die Hugenote Kollege op Wellington het ver­ lede week die begin van die kollege se Khonzisa­projek tydens ’n dinee op die dorp aangekondig. Hier ver­ skyn die rektor van die Kollege, ds. Willie van der Merwe (derde van regs), saam met (heel links) André Pentz van die Kollege, Carol en haar man Herman Bai­ ley (eertydse burge­ meester van Welling­ ton), Esmari van der Merwe en Nadia en Johann von Wielligh. FOTO: JOHAN NEL

Nuwe program vir Hugenote Kollege JOHAN NEL

FIETSRY: Alexan­ der Parsons, ’n gr. 10­leerder aan Hugenote Hoër­ skool, het weer vir die SWD deel­ geneem aan die SA Skole Pad­ fietskampioen­ skap in Bloem­ fontein. Hy en sy span het ’n alge­ hele tweede plek verower.

Khonzisa, ’n splinternuwe program waarmee die Hugenote Kollege op Wellington nuwe lewe wil blaas in Andrew Murray se visie om beter opvoedkundige geleenthede vir almal in Suid-Afrika te skep, is verlede week tydens ’n glansgeleentheid op die dorp van stapel gestuur. Volgens ds. Willie van der Merwe, rektor van kollege, is Khonzisa ’n Xhosa-woord wat “diensbaarheid aan ander” beteken. Khonzisa sal voortaan die naam wees van die amptelike stigting waarmee die belangrike opvoedkundige nalatenskap van Andrew Murray die toekoms ingedra gaan word. Andrew Murray het gedurende sy leeftyd die visie om beter opvoedkundige fasiliteite vir alle Suid-Afrikaners te skep, met groot ywer nagestreef. Hy was die stigter van bekende opvoedkundige instellings soos Grey Kollege in Bloemfontein, Bloemhof op Stel-

lenbosch, die Seminarie op Graaff-Reinet, die Seminarie vir Dames op Worcester, die Eunice Skool vir dames in Bloemfontein, La Rochelle meisieskool in die Paarl, Rockland Seminarie in Cradock, Bellevue Seminarie op Somerset-Oos, die Denneoord Onderwyskollege in Stellenbosch en die Kaapstadse Normaalkollege. “In sy poging om beter opvoedkundige instellings vir jong dames tot stand te bring, het Andrew Murray in 1872, terwyl hy predikant op Wellington was, gehelp om ’n skool hier te vestig wat sekondêre en later ook tersiêre onderrig aan vroue verskaf het. Die Hugenote Seminarie en later die Hugenote Universiteits-kollege, wat daardeur tot stand gekom het, het ’n deurslaggewende rol gespeel om vroue te bemagtig om die lewens van mense in Suid-Afrika en ook buite die landsgrense te help verbeter.” In 1951 het die Hugenote Kollege die belangrike stap geneem om in samewerking met die NG-kerk, te begin om sosiale werkers op te

lei. Die studente wat deur die kollege opgelei is, het vir jare ’n sleutelrol in die lewering van sosiale dienste in die land gespeel. In 2012 het die kollege ’n splinternuwe fase betree in die uitdra van Andrew Murray se visie, toe die akademiese vennootskap tussen Unisa en die Kollege ten einde geloop het. Dit het die Kollege genoop om ’n belangrike nuwe koersaanpassing te maak. Daar is begin met die opleiding van diens- en gemeenskapswerkers, jeugwerkers en persone wat betrokke kan wees by vroeë kinderontwikkeling. Die vaardighede wat nou by die Kollege verwerf kan word, speel ’n sleutelrol in die aanspreek van vraagstukke soos disfunksionele gesinne, kinderverwaarlosing, geweld teenoor vroue en kinders, misbruik van verdowingsmiddels en die uitwerking van armoede en ongelykhede op mense. Volgens ds. Van der Merwe is Khonzisa ’n projek van die Hugenote Kollege wat die nalatenskap van Andrew Murray steeds verder die toekoms gaan indra.

Paarl Post

Wellington Nuus Wellington News

31 Oktober, 2013

Besondere eer vir Buckle



sie en het reeds baie vroeg in my die drang om die norm van tyd tot tyd uit te daag, “Die toekenning van Welwakker gemaak.” lingtonner van die Jaar vir Saam met sy eggenote, Da2013, vorm beslis ’n belanglene, sê hy, het hy die hoogste rike hoogtepunt in sy lehoogtepunte in sy lewe beleef we”, sê Albertus Buckle en ook die laagste laagtepunwat onlangs deur die Welte. Sy was egter altyd die een lingtonse Rapportryers as wat, as dit baie moeilik geWellingtonner van die gaan het, gesê het: “Kom, Jaar aangewys is. daar is ander wat hulp en ondersteuning nodig het”. “Dit laat ’n mens ook met “Ek het in my wildste drogroot dankbaarheid dink aan me nie verwag dat hierdie die mense wat die grootste toekenning na my kant sal vormende invloed op jou lewe kom nie en ek aanvaar dit met gehad het. In my geval is dit Wellingtoner van die Jaar, groot dankbaarheid – ook nasonder twyfel my moeder en Albertus Buckle. mens my gesin. Baie dankie my vrou, Dalene.” Volgens hom was sy moeder, Elizabeth ook aan die gemeenskap van Wellington wat Christina Buckle (gebore Dippenaar), reeds ons toegelaat het om hulle tot diens te wees op 42-jarige leeftyd ’n weduwee. Sy was ’n lei- en om ’n verskil in mense se lewens te proer in eie reg en was gedurende haar studente- beer maak. ’n Mens besef by die ontvangs van jare hoof-student van Huis Wouter Malan. Sy so ’n toekenning dat die feit dat dit aan jou het ook ’n passie gehad vir opera en Madame toegeken is, bloot genade is. Ek en my gesin Butterfly van Pucinni was haar gunsteling. sal dit vir res van ons lewens koester.” Die toekenning van Wellingtonner van die “Sy het ’n deurslaggewende rol in my lewe gespeel in ’n tyd toe sy self deur moeilike tye Jaar aan Buckle is die 24ste sedert die instelgegaan het. Sy was my persoonlike inspira- ling daarvan in 1990.

VET TJEK OORHANDIG: Elmarie Koch en Crisna Steen­ kamp (regs) wat die Oktober 2013 100­km stap vanaf Wel­ lington na Bloubergstrand ten bate van Sunfield Home Welling­ ton voltooi het, handig die tjek van R85 000 oor aan Elmarie van Schalkwyk, bestuurder van Sunfield Wellington. Wind, weer en hael of sopnat stapskoene kon die twee kranige stappers nie keer nie.

Paaie opgeknap Motoriste kan vir die volgende 18 maande ongerief in Wellington beleef weens grootskaalse padwerke wat daar plaasvind. Die opgradering van die paaie tussen die Stokeryweg interseksies met Hoofstraat en Champagnestraat vind tans plaas. Dit sal 66 weke duur en na verwagting einde Maart 2015 klaar wees. Die publiek word by voorbaat bedank vir hulle geduld.


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ACVV KIES BESTUUR: Die volle bestuur van die ACVV op Wellington is onlangs een­ parig op die organisasie se jaarvergadering vir ’n tweede termyn herkies. Op die foto, wat by die jaarvergadering geneem is, verskyn die volgende bestuurslede: dr. Elna von Schlicht (voorsitter) (links), Ada Wellman (tweede van links), Rosemarie Badenhorst (mid­ del), ds. Johan Portwig (derde van regs) en dr. Blanche Malherbe (naasregs). Saam met die bestuur verskyn raadslid Johan Rademeyer (naaslinks) wat as gasspreker by die jaarvergadering opgetree het en Mandy Williams (regs), ’n streekskonsultant van die ACVV. FOTO: JOHAN NEL


Paarl Post

31 October, 2013

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Paarl Post

Nuus News

31 Oktober, 2013

Dot Klerck with her Halloween owl cake

Wellington cake artist bakes a Halloween hit ENGELA DUVENAGE Wellington cake artist Dot Klerck, spread her wings – albeit made from icing – to collaborate with 50 renowned sugar and icing sculptors worldwide to celebrate Halloween. Her 3D cake of an owl with a wingspan of 1 m was included in the video Sugar Spooks which was released on Monday 28 October as part of Halloween celebrations. Participation in Sugar Spooks was by invitation only, and included amongst others, sugar artists from Canada, the USA and the UK. Among them were celebrity bakers such as Mike McCarey from the USA. For this collaboration, participants had to come up with a scary creation and also add an extreme element or two to it. This could include moving parts, bubbling liquid or LED lights. No size limit or restrictions to the food medium used were set. “Every now and again someone gets a bee in their bonnet to get some big cake people together to create a collection of cake art, the results of which is then released on social media sites,” explains Dot, whose enterprise Eatcakeparty has a growing social media following of admirers worldwide on, amongst others, sites such as Facebook and Pinterest. “It’s the best of the best working on a single theme, and it is exciting to see the extreme creations these artists come up with.” Dot’s cake was of an owl

swooping down for a kill – and with claws that are able to move. This addition was made possible, thanks to the engineering prowess of husband Tobie. “I didn’t want to do a too spooky or scary thing,” she added. To view the video insert of the various cakes, visit ) Halloween has its origins in the ancient Celtic festival known as Samhain (pronounced “sah-win”). The festival of Samhain is a celebration of the end of the harvest season in Gaelic culture. Samhain was a time used by the ancient pagans to take stock of supplies and prepare for winter. The ancient Gaels believed that on 31 October, the boundaries between the worlds of the living and the dead overlapped and the dead would become alive and cause havoc such as sickness or damaged crops. Traditional activities include trick-or-treating, bonfires, costume parties, visiting “haunted houses” and carving jack-o-lanterns. Irish and Scottish immigrants carried versions of the tradition to North America in the nineteenth century. Other western countries embraced the holiday in the late twentieth century, and in the past few years, Halloween-fever has also hit South Africa. Paarlites can enjoy a fun-filled Halloween fancy dress evening at the Paarl German Club in Klein Parys on Saturday 2 November, starting at 19:00 until late.

PRENTJIEMOOI: Paarl Post­leser, Chris Bester, het Donder­ dagaand omstreeks 19:00 dié pragtige foto geneem vanuit sy tuin in Noorder­Paarl van die sonsondergang teen ’n don­ derweeragtige, effe bewolkte agtergrond. En net tóe het die donderweer losgebars, net betyds om soos oudergewoonte, die somer te verwelkom. Hulle sê mos in die Boland eindig die somer met ’n donderstorm, en so begin dit dan ook weer met een.



Paarl Post

31 October, 2013

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Paarl Post

Mense People

31 Oktober, 2013 SKENKINGS: DBV Paarl en Wellington het onlangs sken­ kings ontvang wat deur Paarl Post ingesamel is. Hier is (van links) Suzette Theunissen (Paarl DBV) en Janine Nie­ woudt (Welling­ ton DBV­inspek­ teur). TOEKOMS VAN AFRIKAANS BESPREEK: ’n Simposi­ um is verlede Vrydag by die Afrikaanse Taalmuseum deur die Afrikaanse Taalraad (ATR) aangebied. Met die tema Afrikaans op pad na 2020 het sprekers die toe­ koms van Afrikaans in verskillende velde soos die ekono­ mie, onderwys en media bespreek. Hier is (van links) Ria Olivier (projekleier: ATR), Elri Theron (visepresident: Da­ meskring, lid van ATR), Vainola Makan (New Woman Movement), Michael le Cordeur (ATR­voorsitter), Bazil Ki­ vedo (gasspreker en burgemeester van die Breedevallei­ munisipaliteit) en Waldimar Pelser (gasspreker en redak­ teur van Rapport). FOTO: MARYKE SWART

95STE VIERING: Die AGS Kerk, Paarl, nou gesetel in die ou Protea­tea­ ter, vier vanjaar met trots hul 95ste bestaansjaar. Hier is die kerkraad (van links): Wilma Visagie, Anton Moller, Kobie Malan, Bertus Jordaan, Wiehahn Victor, past. Jannie Smit, Martha Victor, Bertie Fourie, Louis van Deventer en Francois Nieuwoudt. FOTO: LISE BEYERS NUWE HOOF VIR GIRLS’ HIGH: Die adjunkhoof van die Stellenbosch Hoërskool, Mariana van Zyl, is onlangs aangestel as die nuwe hoof van die Hoër Mei­ sieskool Paarl. Die voormalige hoof, Renette Colyn, het vroeër vanjaar bedank ná sy ’n pos by die onderwysdepartement aanvaar het. Ria Smith het sedertdien inge­ staan as waarnemende hoof. Van Zyl woon in die Paarl.

OCTOBER FESTIVAL AT PERDEBERG: There was great fun to be had at Perdeberg Wine Cellar during their annual Octo­ ber Festival which ended on Saturday. A potjiekos competition was also on offer with many teams cooking up a storm. Here is one of the brightly clad teams: (at the back from left) Johan Truter, Johan Saayman and Morné de Jongh; (front) Vanessa de Jongh, Deonné Saayman and Natalie Truter. PHOTO:LISE BEYERS


SOLMS­DEL­ TA LAUNCH GEMEEN­ SKAP WINE CLUB: Solms­ Delta Wine Estate in the outskirts of Franschhoek launched their Gemeenskap Wine Club on Sunday with community members joining in the festivities. The Gemeenskap Wine Club was established to keep their Gemeenskap­members up to date with news of current happenings at Sol­ ms­Delta, as well as specials, competitions and op­ portunities not available to the general public. For more information visit www.solms­­ club/ or e­mail to Gemeenskap@solms­ At the launch Solms­Delta held a wine tasting to in­ troduce its five new vintages. Members were also introduced to resident winemaker Hagen Viljoen who joined the Solms­Delta team last year. Here are Viljoen (left) and Prof Mark Solms.


Solms­Delta Wine Estate, on the outskirts of Franschhoek, launched its Gemeenskap Wine Club on Sunday with community members joining in the festivities. Here at the launch are (from left) Quinton Luiters, Simorne Jagers, Brandon Jagers, Alicia Luiters, Alrerisha Jason and Clarence LacKay.


Dís wat ons soek as jy dit wil deel. Gaan eenvoudig na en klik op een van die Citizen Journalism-skakels. Kan nie wag om dit te lees nie!

Paarl Post


Paarl Post

Jeug Youth

31 October, 2013

Pêreltjie van die maand

KARATE­KAMPI­ OEN: Linda Mitchell van die Hoër Meisie­ skool La Rochelle het by Bosmansdam aan die Allan Fourie Me­ morial karate­kampi­ oenskap deelge­ neem, waar sy eer­ ste in die Kata­ afdeling gekom het.

PERDRY­PRES­ TEERDER: Alicia Stemmet, ’n leerling van Laerskool Huge­ note, en haar perd, Rocky, het by die Nasionale Sanesa­ perdrybyeenkoms in Johannesburg, twee silwermedaljes ge­ wen. As span het die Wes­Kaap eerste, tweede en derde plekke verower.

EERSTE BEKER­UITDELING: Wagenmakersvallei Primêr het onlangs hul eerste sportbeker­ uitdelingfunksie gehou. Die wenners is van links Nicandro Scheepers (beste o. 7­rugbyspeler), Jade­Lee Marais (beste o. 8­rugbyspeler), Sonico Azer (beste o. 9­rugbyspeler), Armand Smit (beste o. 11­voorspeler), Corné Marthinus (beste o. 11­agterspeler), Marco Cupido (beste o. 13­agterspeler) en Anthony Jacobs (beste o. 13­voorspeler). Voor is die sportman van die jaar, Christopher Williams, wat goed gevaar het in ringbal, landlope, rugby, atletiek en krie­ ket. Agter saam met die leerlinge is die organiseerder en opsigter by die skool, Gilroy Jones en skoolhoof, Pieter Solomons. FOTO: LIEZL DAVIDS GEKIES VIR TIE­ NERZONE: Sanger en vervaardiger, Ant­ honie Bougas (mid­ del), het Laerskool Noord­Eind besoek tydens hul kultuur­ aand. Twee van die skool se leerlinge, Gabbi Scholtz (links) en Lizaan Raath (regs), is op dié aand gekies as fina­ liste van die Solis vir Christus se landswye sangkompetisie wat in 2014 op Tienerzone, Kruiskyk, uitge­ saai gaan word.

Ruan Brits (17) ’n gr. 11­leerling van Hoër Jongenskool Paarl (HJS) is aan­ gewys as die skool se hoofseun vir 2014. “Ek is mal oor sport en ’n lekker Sondagmiddag­ ete doen my ook Ruan Brits nooit kwaad nie. “Dit is belangrik om my medemens bo myself te stel. Integriteit, lojaliteit en deursettingsvermoë is eienskappe waarop ek my lewe bou. Ek streef ook daarna om my Christenskap uit te leef en om ’n voorbeeld te wees. “Die tipe musiek waarvan ek hou is Afrikaanse sokkiemusiek, definitief! Ek wil graag LLB studeer en as dit God se wil is, sou ek graag ’n professionele sportman wil word, maar ’n graad is my eerste prioriteit. As die HJS­familie soos een stem saam sing kry ek elke keer hoendervleis, dit maak my baie opgewonde en ook ’n goeie rugbywedstryd. Ek het HJS gekies omdat dit ’n skool is wat iets ekstra bied op akademiese­, sport­ en kultu­ rele gebied. HJS se dissipline en die gentlemen wat gekweek word, het my gelok. My prestasies is as volg: wêreldkampioen in shotokan karate (2008), kaptein van die Lui­ perds­rugbyspan, Cravenweek (2009), HJS VRL 2011­2013, Junior Stadsraad, kaptein van die WP Grand Khomo­rugbyspan, deel Sportman van die Jaar­toekenning met Thomas du Toit, WP Cravenweek , eerstespan HJS­rugbyspeler en lid van Boland­atletiek (hamergooi, gewigstoot en diskus).

Paarl Post

Jeug Youth

31 Oktober, 2013

TROPHY WINNERS: These pupils of La Rochelle Girls’ High School all won trophies in various categories at the Paarl Valley Eisteddfod: (back from left) Jennifer la Grange (singing), Cara Paulse (strings), Mecia Hugo (singing), Lauren Pharaoh (singing), Helene du Toit (Eng­ lish recitation), Emily Winsor (English recitation); (middle) Rina­Mari Weideman (piano), San­Mari de Jongh (recorder), Lida­Mari Fick (re­ corder), Carmen Roets (English recitation), Busiswe Ndlangisa (English recitation); (front) Lenaé Maart (recorder and piano), Corin Maart (re­ corder), Jade Williams (recorder and wood wind), Ronja Hess (ballet) and Wilné van Rooyen (ballet). Other winners were Robyn­Lee Ad­ ams (ballet) and Zavia Hammond (singing). SPORTSTER VAN FRANSCH­ HOEK: Logan Boonzaaier is gekies as 2014 se hoof­ seun van die Hoërskool Franschhoek. Hy het ook trofees ontvang vir die beste krieketspeler, beste basket­ balspeler, beste tennisspeler en gekroon as sportseun van die jaar. FOTO: LODINE MASKE

BEROEPSDAG: Die gr. 7­leerlinge van deie Paarlzicht Primêre Skool het onlangs beroepsdag gehou. Leerlinge het die uniform van die beroep van hul keuse aangetrek. Verskeie sprekers van verskil­ lende beroepe het ook die leerlinge toegespreek. FOTO: LIEZL DAVIDS ATLETIEKWENNERS: Die jaarlikse Interskole­atletiek­ byeenkoms is deur die Ho­ er Jongenskool Paarl vir die vyfde keer sedert 2007 gewen. Hier is (van links) Gianni Lombard (wenner van o. 15­wisseltrofee vir seuns), Ruan Brits (span­ kaptein met Interskole­tro­ fee) en Rudolf van der Westhuizen (wenner van o.14­wisseltrofee vir seuns).

SA­SPAN: Sarah Sinclair (links) en Chrisli Steyn (regs) van Laerskool Courtrai is gekies vir die Suid­Afrikaanse Sone 6­span vir mini­ trampolien wat in Desember in Zimbabwe teen ses Afrika­lande deelneem. Tydens die onlang­ se Suid­Afrikaanse Gimnastiekkampioenskap in Pretoria het Chrisli in die mini­trampolien­afde­ ling vyfde plek behaal. Sarah het in artistiese gimnastiek vir balk ’n silwermedalje ontvang asook algehele derde plek gewen. Sy het ook deelgeneem in die mini­trampolien­afdeling.



Reuse Bybelskool te Wellington en Klapmuts met 4 jaar kursus ingeslote ook beradings kursus. Registrasie of navra, skakel 082 924 4405. Registreer so spoedig moontlik om teleurstelling te voorkom.

JONG KUNSTE­ NAAR: Roxi Keyser van die Laerskool Hugenote het die be­ ker vir Visuele Kuns by die Paarl Eistedd­ fod gewen.

BEST DANCERS: These Gr 1 pupils of William Lloyd Primary School won a medal and a certificate as the best dancers at the Paarl Valley Eisteddfod. PHOTO: LIEZL DAVIDS

Certified Technical Financial Accountant Anthea Dampies, an ex Berg River High pupil has successfully completed the Certified Junior Bookkeeper qualification, Certified Senior Bookkeeper qualification, Certified Technical Financial Accountant qualification (ICB Diploma). These qualifications modules have been accredited by FMI, ICB, Pastel and Microsoft.



Anthea acquires the status of CERTIFIED TAX TECHNICIAN.

Maak u gereed om Februarie 2014 te begin met hierdie groot Hierdie Bybelskool geleentheid wat u nie mag bied groot uitdagings! misloop nie! WORD “DIENSBAAR” VIR DIE GEMEENSKAP


Paarl Post

Leefstyl Lifestyle

31 October, 2013

WINNER: Keenin von Wielligh (second from left) is the winner of the Global Spotlight Talent Search Competition 2013. He won the Andrew Strauss Floating Trophy of Excellence as well as R3 000, a demo record­ ing from Door 6 Enter­ tainment and various oth­ er prizes. Here with Keanin are from left Adri Francke (executive direc­ tor), honouree award winner and actor, Merlin Balie, and Sydwell Beziek (managing director). PHOTO: EDGAR J PIETERSEN

Kanonkop­gospelfees vir plaaswerkers Die jaarlikse Gospelfees vir plaaswerkers vind plaas op Saterdag 9 November by Kanonkop-sportveld op die Stellenbosch/Klapmuts-pad (R44). Die feesvieringe skop af om 11:00 met boeresport en ’n vertoning deur die polisie. Bring jou eie vleis en braaitang vir braai, koeldrank en eetgerei. Die vure, bykos en sous sal voorsien word. Koeldrank, lekkers, pasteie en eetgoed sal te koop aangebied word asook gospelfeespette. Verskeie sprekers asook orkeste sal deel uitmaak van die dag. Bring ook eie komberse of stoele. Toegang is gratis, maar persone is welkom om ’n donasie te gee. Vir navrae, skakel 082 566 0331.

SEPIESTER BY SENTRUM­VIERING: Mela­ nie du Bois (regs), 7de Laan se Felicity Dani­ els, was die spesiale gas by Metropolitan­sen­ trum in die Paarl se verjaarsdagvieringe Sater­ dag. Talle mense het haar kom ontmoet. Maria Fredericks (links) van Rainbow­plaas, Agter­Paarl het van 08:30 Saterdagoggend in die sentrum drie ure geduldig gewag om Feli­ city te ontmoet. Fredericks het vir haar geduld ’n muurhorlosie ontvang. FOTO: ACHMAT PATEL

Kalender . Calendar 1 NOVEMBER ) AHOS hosts a Snackdance at 20:00 at the Annunciation Church hall. Tickets cost R120 at Melissa on 084 222 9171 or Marika on 084 393 3204. ) Wyk 23 van die Drakenstein­munisipaliteit hou ’n wyksensus van 1–18 November. Sen­ sus­ opnemers sal geklee wees in ’n wit T­hemp waarop Wyk 23 staan en sal ook ’n identifise­ ringsskyfie met hul naam, foto en identiteits­ nommer op het. Vir navrae, skakel raadslid Willem Naude by 072 707 0661. 2 NOVEMBER ) The Joining Hands (The Pebbles Project) launch event will take place at 18:30 at Rhe­ bokskloof. The MC for the evening will be Michael Mol. Guests will enjoy a delicious five course meal, award winning wines, live enter­ tainment and an address by David Grier, inspi­ rational speaker, extreme adventurist and ce­ lebrity chef. This will be followed by a charity auction. Tickets can be bought at R450 per person on 021 869 8386 or e­mail func­ ) Die Duitse­kerk in Meulstraat, Paarl, hou vanaf 09:00 hul jaarlikse kerkbasaar. Ouder­ gewoonte sal talle heerlike Duitse lekkerhede te koop wees soos Bratwurst, middagete­bord­ kos en ook koffie, koek en wafels. Die baie gewilde boekeverkoping vind ook weer plaas.

Baie pret vir die jongspan en ’n biertuin vir volwassenes. 6 NOVEMBER ) Die Drakenstein Kunsvereniging bied aan ’n werkswinkel in Kersversierings van lug­ droog klei van 19:00–21:00 by die Breyten­ bach­sentrum in Wellington. Kostes is R25 (R50 vir nie­lede). Bespreek voor of op 5 No­ vember by Esther Kotze by 021 873 7376. 7 NOVEMBER ) The University of the Third Age Paarl meets on the first Thursday of very month at 10:00. Membership is open to all retired persons no longer in full employment who wish to stay mentally and physically active. At the next meeting at De Poort heritage centre in Turk Street, Paarl South, the guest speaker is M’Lani Basson. She will talk about equine assisted therapy for disabled children. Contact, or phone Llew Roberts on 021 872 0484. 22 NOVEMBER ) Die NWU PUK­koor hou konsert in die To­ ringkerk, Paarl. Die konsert begin om 19:30. Die Drakenstein Gemeenskapskoor is die gas­ here wat die koorlede huisves. Verskillende ko­ re sal tydens die konsert optree. Vir meer inlig­ ting, skakel Elmaré by 084 6144 780.

Kry iets van als by die Fees­Idees­mark Die jaarlikse Fees-Idees-mark by Simondium Country Lodge word van 30 Oktober tot 3 November aangebied. Meer as 130 uitstallers sal besoekers vanjaar met hul oorspronklike geskenk idees betower. Uitstallers se produkte wissel van dekor-items vir die huis en tuin, die nuutste modes, bybehore en juweliersware tot die fynste Franse linne, pamperlang produkte en veel meer.

Die deli sal weer spog met snoepgoed en feesgangers kan ligte versnaperinge in die tuin geniet. ’n Kinder-area sal vermaak aan kinders bied. Die Simondium Country Lodge is geleë op die R45 tussen Paarl en Franschhoek. Besoektye is vandag tot Saterdag van 09:00–17:30 en Sondag van 09:00–16:00. Toegang is R20 (gratis vir kinders). Navrae: of bel 021 874 1046.

Paarl Post

Vermaak Arts

31 Oktober, 2013


Neels Moir to perform at Golden Valley Casino TheGoldenValleyCasinoin Worcestercelebratesitsseventh birthday this month with a line-up of live entertainment each weekend. Starting off will be singer, guitarist and pianist Neels Moir this Saturday at 21:00.

Neels has been performing for 19 years, starting his career as a background singer before moving on to musical theatre productions. He also spend three years performing around the country.

Since he performed at Golden Valley last year, he has been hard at work on a new album No Bedtime Story, which will be released this month and he will be singing several songs from it in his show.

Your Ultimate Online Guide to Paarl

Win a dinner for four Mr Cat and the Jackal is Saterdag te sien by die Ou Meul­teater.

Van musiek tot komedie by Meul Mr Cat and the Jackal is Saterdag 2 November om 20:00 by die Ou Meul-teater te sien. Kaartjies kos R70. Dié immergroen, immergewilde en waar-is-my-skoen musiekgroep het besluit om bietjie stadiger te seil. Dit beteken nie hulle gaan laag lê nie, nee. Dit beteken hulle is weer lus om na al die klein dorpies te gaan waar hulle voorheen geraas het. Die groep het bekende liedjies verwerk en hulle instrumente skerp gemaak om rooiwyn-bekke langs die vuur te vermaak. In plaas van die gewone vyf musikante, gaan daar net drie wees met vreemde instrumente om dinge meer intiem en warm te hou. So bespreek ’n plekkie vir twee langs die vuur saam met die groep goëlende ghitaar-katte vir rooiwyn en vlamme en stories met tande. Kontak Vicky Stemmet by 083

564 0056 of vir besprekings. ) Die toneelstuk, Affairs vir Domkoppe, wat mans nie moet weet nie, met Chris Vorster (Ryno van 7de Laan), word Sondag 3 November om 15:00 by die Ou Meulteater opgevoer. Kaartjies is R100. Vorster is die eerste keer in drie jaar weer terug op die verhoog in sy splinternuwe solostuk wat by Aardklop 2013 gedebuteer het. ’n Regisseur vertel vir die akteurs en crew hoe die fliek gaan “lyk” wat hulle die volgende dag begin skiet. Die gehoor is dus die akteurs en die crew. Chris “speel” die film uit van die openingstitels tot die slot. Die verskillende karakters word vertolk en tonele word gebind met beskrywings van interaksie en kamera skote met die waar, wat en hoe dit afspeel. Bespreek by Vicky Stemmet by 083 564 0056 of

One lucky Paarl Post reader can win a dinner for four at the Golden Valley Casino Kuipers Restaurant on Friday 1 November. The winner and his or her guests will feast on roasted baby chicken served with lemon and herb, peri-peri or BBQ sauce, French fries and a small salad as well as ice-cream and chocolate sauce for dessert. The prize is valued at R476.

The winner can choose either the first seating between 18:00 and 20:00 or the second seating from 20:30 to 22:30. To enter this competition, visit The competition closes at 10:00 on Friday 1 November. Alternatively you can book for the “buy one get one free” at R119 per person at Kuipers Restaurant. Book at 023 348 7200.

Paarl Bel Canto Koor hou konsert

SANGERES: Jennifer Zamudio tree Vrydag 8 November om 20:00 by die Bôrdienghuis­teater op. Kaartjies kos R80 en kan bespreek word by 083 570 4765.

Die Paarl Bel Canto Koor bied aan hul 50-jaar galakonsert op Woensdag 6 November om 19:30 in die Paarl-stadsaal. Die burgemeester, Gesie van Deventer, sal as gasspreker optree. Van die deelnemers van die aand sluit in Royal Stars orkes, VGK Huguenot, Joyful Singers, Adagio en kore van New Orleans en Klein Nederburg Sekondêre Skole. Kaartjies is R40. Bespreek by Alexander Fisher by 072 712 0582. Daar sal gratis busvervoer vanaf die verskillende optelpunte beskikbaar wees.

Laborie Sentrum, Suider Paarl • Kontak: 076 386 4184

Date: 2 November 2013 Time: 20:00 - Late

DJ 2up & DJ Naked Mojeff ft. Guest DJ Shas on the decks


No under 18’s ID will be asked


Entrance: R20 or FREE if you dress up



Paarl Post

Sake Post Business Post

31 October, 2013

Sakekamer potjiekos Paarl Sakekamer se potjiekoskompetisie vind plaas op Vrydag 15 November vanaf 15:00 by Le Bac Landgoed. Vir inskrywings en navrae, e-pos

Hurst students shine again Students at The Hurst Campus, currently situated at Backsberg outside Paarl, baked their way into the top spot of the inaugural ClemenGold Chef School Challenge, with their highest scoring recipe, a ClemenGold Vanilla Swiss Roll with clementine curd and Chocolate Swiss Roll with white chocolate and clementine filling earning the most votes of all the recipes submitted.

Students at The Hurst Campus outside Paarl, baked their way into the top spot of the inaugural Clemen­ Gold Chef School Challenge, with their highest scor­ ing recipe, a ClemenGold Vanilla Swiss Roll with clementine curd and Chocolate Swiss Roll with white chocolate and clementine filling earning the most votes of all the recipes submitted. The winning recipe was created and posted by the Hurst Campus’ tal­ ented two­man student team, Faraldo Huselman and Ivan van der Merwe, who also earned The Hurst Campus R10 000 in prize money.

The winning recipe was created and posted by the Hurst Campus’ talented two-man student team, Faraldo Huselman and Ivan van der Merwe, who also earned The Hurst Campus R10 000 in prize money. Students from this internationally accredited hospitality training institution went on to sweep the board, pipping five of the very best culinary schools in the country to the post, to take 2nd, 3rd and 4th places too, for three more of their recipes featuring this tasty and versatile citrus fruit. Between them they raked in a whopping 980 votes on Facebook. Jayde Van Der Merwe, Micheala De Nobrega and Edna Visser took second place with their ClemenGold Crème Bru-

lee. Third position went to Sybil Mahlanga, Celeste Cupido, Lebo Ndala and Tebogo Ndala, for their Chocolate and ClemenGold Biscotti, and placing fourth were duo Anke Prins and Leanda Van Wyk with their Baked ClemenGold Panna Cotta. An impressed ClemenGold Global Brand Director Michelle Kruger paid a special visit to The Hurst Campus to present the winners with their prizes. The Hurst Campus students created a line-up of 10 delicious dishes using either the fruit pulp, rind or juice as an ingredient. According to ClemenGold’s Michelle Brand, they have been inundated with requests for all their recipes, which will be uploaded to the ClemenGold Facebook page during the month of October. Earlier this year The Hurst Campus was selected as the first and only African member of the prestigious World Alliance of the famous Institut Paul Bocuse. This innovative hospitality school will wind down the year with an exciting move to its own, new premises on the Ruitersvlei Wine Estate outside Paarl, as part of the new, multi-faceted Ruitersvlei Development.

Franschhoek tops Eat Out list The recently-announced nominees for the prestigious DFStv2013 Eat Out Food Network Restaurant Awards include no less than three Franschhoek restaurants. Considered South Africa’s most prestigious celebration of chefs, restaurants and the culinary industry in general, the awards event will take place on Sunday 10 November 2013 at The Lookout at the V&A Waterfront in Cape Town. The nominees are: Bread & Wine (Franschhoek), Camphors at Vergelegen, Delaire Graff Estate Restaurant, DW Eleven-13, Five Hundred, The Greenhouse, Hartford House, Indochine, Jordan Restaurant, The Kitchen at Maison, La Colombe, Makaron, Overture, Pierneef à La Motte (Franschhoek), Planet Restaurant, The Restaurant at Waterkloof, Rust en Vrede, The Tasting Room (Franschhoek), The Test Kitchen and Tokara. Aileen Lamb, general manager of Eat Out, said: “We are confident in our new approach to the judging process and the subsequent audit of the results. “In the interest of transparency, which has been our focus from the outset, we will make the scores available to all the nominees.”

SIMPLY THE BEST: Acclaimed for its wine tourism offering, La Motte Wine Estate received the award for Wine Tourism Destination of the Year from the Cape Winelands Dis­ trict Municipality. “We are delighted about the recognition,” says La Motte CEO, Hein Koegelenberg. “We believe in the role wine tour­ ism plays in the economy of the Cape Winelands and with the es­ tate also being the 2012 and 2013 winner of the South African leg of the Great Wine Capitals of the World Best of Wine Tourism compe­ tition, we also appreciate being ac­ knowledged locally for constantly trying to offer an innovative experi­ ence.” Here, with the awards, are (from left) Angela Williams and In­ grid Maritz of La Motte.

Apart from a lavish gourmet experience and celebrations of peers in the industry, the awards event will also include the announcement of the names of the anonymous South African-based judges, who worked alongside editor of Eat Out and chief judge Abigail Donnelly to determine the winners. Referring to the nominees, Donnelly said: “This year we have definitely seen a bit of a shake-up. There are some new additions to the list, along with the consistently great restaurants that continually push boundaries through innovation.” For tickets to attend the Eat Out Dstv Food Network Restaurant Awards, contact Julie Potgieter at or phone 021 417 1257. Tickets are R1 450 a person and seats are limited. Reserve yours soon to avoid disappointment. Visit for more information. Follow @Eat_Out on Twitter to join the conversation and see live updates on the night (#eatoutawards #DStvfood) and “like” the Eat Out Facebook page: The Eat Out magazine 2014 will be available at the end of November.

Paarl Post

Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

31 Oktober, 2013



Petersen: Russel Arthur

Matthews: Dorothea (Nana) Gebore: 8 Maart 1957

Oorlede: 28 Oktober 2013

Met liefdevolle herinneringe neem ons afskeid van ons geliefde. Sag heengegaan in die ouderdom van 56 jaar. Word diep betreur deur familie en vriende. Begrafnisdiens: Saterdag 2 November 2013. Huis: 09:00, Conradstraat 81 Kerk: 10:00, VGK Huguenot 021 862 8620 072 852 1815 | 079 405 1515

Funeral: Saturday, 2 November 2013 Home: 09:00 (35E Cornelissen Street) Church: 10:00 (New Apostolic Church, Lantana)

In loving memory of our dear son who passed away. Funeral Sat: 02/11/2013 Home: 09:00 - 2656 Phola Park, Matemba Str Mbekweni. Church: 10:00 - Community Hall Mbekweni Contact: 083 7182639 Funeral Arrangment: Solomon Funeral Services Tel: 021 862 5346 / 082 953 9919 Member of the NFDA

Swartz: Alima

Geduld: Fransiena Johanna

Gebore: 2 Oktober 1980 Oorlede: 23 Oktober 2013

Begrafnisdiens vind plaas op Saterdag 2 November 2013 BESIGTIGING BY KERK: 09:30 Hervormde Ou Apostoliese Kerk, Paulusstraat, Paarl DIENS BEGIN BY KERK: 10:00 Hervormde Ou Apostoliese Kerk, Paulusstraat, Paarl Navrae: 076 192 3701 / 083 448 8416 / 073 210 6364



Begrafnis word onderneem deur: Tel: 021 862 0948 Na Ure: 083 947 6347 Lid van N.B.O.V.

Meyer: Charles John Gebore: 30 Desember 1952 Oorlede: 24 Oktober 2013 Met liefdevolle herinneringe neem ons afskeid van ons geliefde. Sag heengegaan in die ouderdom van 60 jaar. Word diep betreur deur familie en vriende. Begrafnisdiens vind plaas op Saterdag 2 November 2013 HUIS: 09:00 16D Bauhinia Woonstelle, Klein Nederburg, Paarl KERK: 10:00 Ou Apostoliese Kerk, Lantanastraat, Paarl Navrae: 072 727 8924 / 061 134 3964



Begrafnis word onderneem deur: Tel: 021 862 0948 Na Ure: 083 947 6347 Lid van N.B.O.V.




ADAM S : C H L EO ANASTACIA 30 Oct. 1 Year has passed and we still miss you our little Angel. Safely in Jesus arms. Love Mommy, DEVRIES:HILTON 30 OktoDaddy & family. ber 2003. 10 Jaar is verby, jou glimlag sal ons nooit vergeet. Sal altyd onthou word. Van: Mammie, susters, broers en dogter Tracy-Lee.

Prins: Dina Gebore: 10 September 1924 Oorlede: 24 Oktober 2013 Met liefdevolle herinneringe neem ons afskeid van ons geliefde. Sag heengegaan in die ouderdom van 89 jaar. Word diep betreur deur familie en vriende. Begrafnisdiens vind plaas op Saterdag 2 November 2013 HUIS: 08:00 Disa straat 57, Lantana, Paarl KERK: 09:00 VGK Zions, Klein Drakensteinweg, Paarl Navrae: 071 004 2622 / 082 614 467



Begrafnis word onderneem deur: Tel: 021 862 0948 Na Ure: 083 947 6347 Lid van N.B.O.V.

Met mooi herinneringe neem ons afskeid van 'n sprankelende, liefdevolle gemeenskapsvrou, wat ons op 24 Oktober 2013 verlaat het in die ouderdom van 49 jaar. Word diep betreur deur haar eggenoot, familie en vriende. Begrafnisdiens vind plaas op Saterdag 2 November 2013 HUIS: 09:00 Weltevrede Weg 5, Weltevrede, Wellington KERK: 10:00 Breakthru Ministries, Klaasenstraat, Wellington Navrae: 084 838 5303 / 084 053 4998



Begrafnis word onderneem deur: Tel: 021 862 0948 Na Ure: 083 947 6347 Lid van N.B.O.V.

HENDRICKS: JOHANNA 31/10/2012 - 31/10/2013. One year has passed and we still sadly miss you. Your away but not forgotten. We cherish every memory you left behind. Your in our daily thoughts and we treasure the loving memories. From: Your husband Stemmert, Gerhard, Elmarco, Juanita, Juhainen, grandchildren, sisters and brothers.

17 Begrafnisdienste Funeral Services

SOLOMON BEGRAFNISONDERNEMER: Hermitagestr, Huguenot. Tel: 021 862 5346. 24-uur Diens.


Onderrig/Education GUITAR LESSONS. Music syllabus and casual lessons offered. Contact Nicholas Kerr - BMus, Rhodes. 082 430 9383. KLAS-IN-KLAVIER, WELLINGTON bied klavierlesse @ R440 p/kw. Blokfluit + kitaarlesse @ R380 p/kw. Sms/bel Marietjie 073 307 6878. Inskrywings sluit 5 Desember 2013.


Funksies/Konferensies Functions/Conferences HALL TO RENT in Paarl, ±120 people, full cash bar and braai places. For reservations, contact Robert 082 380 4400. SELFCATERING FUNCTION/EVENT CENTRE in Paarl. For more info phone 082 543 8838.


Begrafnis word onderneem deur: Tel: 021 862 0948 Na Ure: 083 947 6347 Lid van N.B.O.V.

Gebore: 8 September 1964 Oorlede: 24 Oktober 2013


BELONING: BULL TERRIER het Sondagnag verlore geraak, Sentraal-Paarl. Vir B A R E N D S : B Y R O N beloning skakel Morne 082 20/12/1989 - 31/10/2007. For six years you enjoy the 467 8827. beauty of Heaven, surrounded by God and His Angels! Love you forever, Mamma, 11 Taila and family. BYRON, you were such a In Memoriam loving and energetic child, we all miss you. Lots of love, Uncle Wilfred, Tietie Ellen, Kim-Lee, Bradt, Jamie & Slayde.

ANDREWS: JUSTINE NICOLE. Born: 28/10/1998. Died: 22/01/2013. Your first birthday in Heaven. Your life was a blessing and your memories we will always embrace. From your parents, grandparents and family.

Begrafnisdiens vind plaas op Saterdag 2 November 2013 HUIS: 09:00 - Davey Samaaistraat 13, Hillside, Paarl KERK: 10:00 - Ou Apostoliese Kerk, Groenheuwel Navrae: 073 812 3329 / 071 646 5569

Gebore: 4 Februarie 1950 Oorlede: 24 Oktober 2013

Begrafnis word onderneem deur: Tel: 021 862 0948 Na Ure: 083 947 6347 Lid van N.B.O.V.

Met hartseer neem ons afskeid van RUGAIL SOLOMONS. 'n Moeder, ouma, suster & tante. Diep is die seer, groot die vermisting, maar net in die Here vind ons vertroosting. Ons gun jou die rus met dank vir jou lewe. Van: Solomons kinders & familie. Begrafnisreëlings: Saterdag 2 November 2013. Tuis - 11:00, Magnolia woonstelle H1; Kerk - 12:00, Charish Wor-ship.

Met liefdevolle herinneringe neem ons afskeid van ons geliefde. Sag heengegaan in die ouderdom van 67 jaar. Word diep betreur deur familie en vriende.

Hendricks: Juffrou Loretta Sharlene

Begrafnisdiens vind plaas op Saterdag 2 November 2013 HUIS: 09:00 Steenkampstraat 38, Paarl Oos KERK: 10:00 Charish Worship Sentrum, Klein Drakensteinweg, Paarl Navrae: 074 381 0317 / 021 862 2595

MATTHEWS: DOROTHE A (Juf. Dollie). Sag heengegaan op Maandag 28 Oktober 2013. Ons mis jou alreeds. Van Personeel, leerders en Beheerliggaam van Weltevrede Primêr Riebeeck Wes.

Gebore: 3 Maart 1946 Oorlede: 25 Oktober 2013

Visser: Denver “Tata” Met liefdevolle herinneringe neem ons afskeid van ons geliefde. Sag heengegaan in die ouderdom van 63 jaar. Word diep betreur deur familie en vriende.

VAN HANSEN: JAN 30/10/2013. Eerste verjaarsdag weg. Verlange nog groot. Van: Vrou en kinders.

Born: 23/06/1984 Died: 21/10/2013

Sag heengegaan in die ouderdom van 58 jaar.

Met liefdevolle herinneringe neem ons afskeid van ons geliefde. Sag heengegaan in die ouderdom van 33 jaar. Word diep betreur deur familie en vriende.

Verlore/Vermis Lost/Missing

Dyonasi: Ayanda Sidny

Gebore: 18/10/1955 Oorlede: 24/10/2013

Begrafnisreëlings: Solomon Begrafnisdienste Tel: 021 862 5346 / 082 953 9919 Lid van NFDA

Sterfgevalle Death Notices

ARENDSE: RHONA. 21 Years ago (28 October 1992) you left us. Memories are a golden chain that bind us till we meet again. Sadly missed by your husband, children & grandchildren.

Suddenly taken away from us. Sadly missed by his wife Margaret, children, family and friends. We love you.

Petersen: Russel Arthur

Begrafnis Sat: 02/11/2013 Huis: 09:00 Cornelissenstraat 35 C Paarl Kerk: 10:00 Nuwe Apostolies Lantana Kontak: 061 351 5349 / 079 317 0424 ~ PRIVATE VERASSING ~



Daniels: Sarah

Van Niekerk: Abraham

Gebore: 30 Desember 1930 Oorlede: 22 Oktober 2013

Gebore: 19 April 1945 Oorlede: 23 Oktober 2013

Met liefdevolle herinneringe neem ons afskeid van ons geliefde. Sag heengegaan in die ouderdom van 82 jaar. Word diep betreur deur familie en vriende.

Met liefdevolle herinneringe neem ons afskeid van ons geliefde. Sag heengegaan in die ouderdom van 68 jaar. Word diep betreur deur familie en vriende.

Begrafnisdiens vind plaas op Saterdag 2 November 2013 HUIS: 09:00 Debussy Straat 17, Groenheuwel KERK: 10:00 Paarl Pinkster Kerk, Simfonielaan, Groenheuwel Navrae: 078 507 8456 / 072 800 9367

Begrafnisdiens vind plaas op Sondag 3 November 2013 HUIS: 12:00 P/A Wendlee Farms, Agter-Paarl KERK: 13:00 VGK-Windmeul,Agter-Paarl Navrae: 078 548 6144 / 073 764 0573



Begrafnis word onderneem deur: Tel: 021 862 0948 Na Ure: 083 947 6347 Lid van N.B.O.V.

Bayman: Willem Gebore: 24 Augustus 1965 Oorlede: 26 Oktober 2013 Skielik heengegaan in die ouderdom van 48 jaar. Word diep betreur deur familie en vriende. Begrafnisdiens vind plaas op Sondag 3 November 2013 HUIS: 13:00 Abendruhe, Lady Loch Weg, Wellington KERK: 14:00 VGK Wellington, Mellingstraat Navrae: 072 906 3891 / 078 785 8433



Begrafnis word onderneem deur: Tel: 021 862 0948 Na Ure: 083 947 6347 Lid van N.B.O.V.



Begrafnis word onderneem deur: Tel: 021 862 0948 Na Ure: 083 947 6347 Lid van N.B.O.V.

Smit: Helena Willemina Magdalena Gebore: 26 September 1942 Oorlede: 22 Oktober 2013 Met liefdevolle herinneringe neem ons afskeid van ons geliefde. Sag heengegaan in die ouderdom van 71 jaar. Word diep betreur deur familie en vriende. Begrafnisdiens vind plaas op Saterdag 2 November 2013 HUIS: 13:00 Kanaalstraat 82, Saron KERK: 14:00 VGK Saron Navrae: 071 726 4451 / 082 859 0277



Begrafnis word onderneem deur: Tel: 021 862 0948 Na Ure: 083 947 6347 Lid van N.B.O.V.


Paarl Post

Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

31 Oktober, 2013


Huurdienste Hiring Services

Jumping Castles & Slippy Slides for Hire



Jumping Castles • Waterslides Gazebo's • Tables, Chairs Décor • Photo Boards Party Packs • Slush Puppy All Kids Party Needs & Games Candy Floss • Popcorn Chocolate Fountain Spiral Potatoes Face Paint • Balloon Folding 073 528 8802 / 073 696 9000

084 458 2930


Bridal Hire Also matric, evening wear Alterations.


118 Breda str. 076 169 3175

Jumping Castles and slides for hire/sale

Full-day or half-day rentals Wide variety of jumping castles & slides available Vir enige navrae kontak Erech by 083 461 7912 of Carrin by 083 241 1817. E-pos: Website:

Persoonlike Dienste Personal Services

MAMA LUBO Specialising in following: Heal bad luck, Clear off curses, remove evil spells and unwanted people. Women with miscarriages, all pregnancy problems. Relationships, marriages. Business challenges & boosting. Financial problems, court cases or win divorce cases.

Somerset West / Paarl Tel: 021 827 0289 / 083 662 8651 / 072 543 3690

PROF BASHIR Are you wondering why all problems come to you as if you are cursed?

Get help from Prof. Bashir. I can help you with: * Troubled marriage & bring back lost lover * Manhood problems * Evil spirits and Tokoloshes * Financial growth and money problems * Bad luck * Clear debts * Win lotto & casino Call Prof Bashir 021 837 1379 079 776 1799 In Paarl



Bouplanne/ Building Plans



Kom besoek ons nuwe vertoonlokaal vir al u behoeftes op sierstene, plaveistene, boustene, boublokke, tuin plaveisel, sand & klip. Tel: 021 868 2169 / 021 868 3185

E-pos: CIVILS AGRI PLANT DE HOOP STEENWERWE De Hoop Steen Pad, Bo Daljosafat, Paarl

Bouplanne, kommersiële en residensiële. Inhandiging en goedkeuring van planne. Kontak André 082 076 6454

103 71

Algemeen Miscellaneous 1ml SAND, KLIP, kompos & bogrond (topsoil) sowel as bourommel, vullisverwydering, tuindienste en skoonmaak van erwe. Skakel Neels 021 872 9397 of 083 412 8810. AANKOOP VAN YSKASTE, vrieskaste, wasmasjiene, tuimeldroërs ens. Kontak 076 919 0596. BLACKWATTLE HOUT teen R600 vir 1000 stukke. Kontak PJ @ 073 017 2878 of Melissa @ 078 611 7623.

Saamrygeleenthede Lift Clubs

BOLAND CONCRETE TEL: 021 875 5365 Old Paarl Road, Klapmuts

190 blocks 140 blocks 90 blocks Maxis7mpa Maxis 14mpa

NA EN VAN JOOSTENBERGVLAKTE PRIMêR. Maandae tot Vrydae. Kontak 079 540 3470 of 073 031 3015.


Bouwerk Building Construction

Ons doen bouwerk, verfwerk, oprig van staal-konstruksies en dakke, staal omheinings en hekke, diefwering, stoepe, teëlwerk, besproeiing, verstopte dreine, loodgieter werk, houtwerk, enige "renovation".

JJ BOUERS cc. For any bricklaying, extensions, painting, tiling, plumbing, carpentry & boundary walls and swimming pools. Big/ small. NHBRC Nr: 40312. 072 261 3437. Johan: 021 862 4934.


Aanbouings Restourasie Plafonne Dry walls Verfwerk Loodgieter Teëls Badkamers en kombuise Plaveisel Afdakke Dries Viljoen 082 804 4613

NHBRC geregistreer


SELECTION OF OLD DOORS, windows. Phone 079 025 2435.

(023) 347 3631 / 347 3011 Sedert 1988

Bote en Toerusting Boats & Equipment


TWO SEATER PADDLE BOATS for sale. R11 000 each. Call Nico 084 837 5374.


Cupido: Alfred

Born: 4 November 1953 Died: 18 December 2011

2nd Birthday away from us. If tears could wash away our pain We wouldn't feel such hurt again The heartbreak felt since you've been gone We wouldn't wish on anyone But today is your birthday So we'll have to be so brave And accept God's taken what he first gave Love wife Joy, children and grandchildren.

Kantoortoerusting Office Equipment


We refill your printer cartridges from R20 - R110, black and colour, while you wait. WE SELL: Refilled, new and compatible Ink Jet and Laser cartridges. WE BUY EMPTY cartridges R5 - R40.

PHONE GERD Tel: 863-3951/ 082-7744-098.

Behind ‘Oak Tree Lodge’. 32 Main Street, Suider Paarl opposite KWV h/office.

Heideman: Michael

Quality cement building products 190mm 140mm 90mm


Maxi bricks Cement bricks Tel/Fax: 021 868 1774 o/h Cell: 082 779 9229

Sedert 1954 Since

50 mm 60 mm 80 mm Plaveisel

Flambeau Bou Projekte

Bou & Verfwerk Restourasies Plafonne, hang van deure Dry Walls Attie du Plessis Sel: 082-452-8253

PROJECTS • Dakherstel • Waterdigting • Restourasie • Bouwerk • Verfwerk • Loodgieter • Diefwering • Teëlwerk

SKAKEL 082 842 9835

ROK R1 375 per 1000 Face Brick R2 200 per 1000 Paving Brick R2 050 per 1000 Klein hoeveelhede beskikbaar

Tel: 021 862 7065 • Cell: 083 704 5393

Happy 1st birthday in Heaven. Love you always – Challis.



SONDAY SHAHEED 04/09/1962 – 21/10/2013

We the family and loved ones of the late Shaheed Sonday wish to express our sincere thanks for your condolences, messages of sympathy, words of encouragement, prayers and your presence here on Monday, (21 October 2013) and Sunday (27 October 2013).

Hendrik & Joan Blankenberg

7 November 1963 – 7 November 2013

U word God se Goue Seëninge op u 50ste Huweliksherdenking toegewens. Ps. 119 Vers 127.

Van: Melda, Julien, Claudia, Denise en Jonathan, kleinkinders en agterkleinkinders.

Verskaffers van: Alle tipe blindings en hortjies Suppliers of blinds, exterior and interior Shutters Tel: 021 872 4308 Sel: 082 781 2210


VERBETERINGS Kitchens 3D-Design Built-in Cupboards Shopfitting Quality Laminated Flooring

Also in Bamboo


083 654 9318

BILLY PHILLIPS PHILL IPS BLINDINGS BLIND INGS Vir alle tipe blindings. Ons poog vir die beste diens en ons produk is van hoogstaande kwaliteit.

Tel: 021-873-4540 Sel: 083 459 5986

Ons naam is u waarborg Vir die beste diens, skakel 083 556 6359

E-pos: Gratis kwotasies & installasies. Asook herstelwerk.


Buitenshuisdienste Home Services Exterior


Magic with bricks




021 873 1154

Called by Name: 03/11/1966 Called by God: 03/07/2013

If I could have a lifetime wish. A dream that would come true. I'd pray to God with all my heart. For yesterday & you. A thousand words can't bring you back. I know because I've tried. Neither will a thousand tears, I know because I've cried. You left behind my broken heart, and happy memories too ….. But I never wanted memories, I only wanted you.

Motorafdakke Patio-afdakke Verstelbare louvres Shadeports Sonkappe

Building blocks

Geld/lenings Money/Loans

Binnenshuisdienste Home Services Interior

GEEN PROJEK TE KLEIN OF GROOT! Kontak Niel Jordaan by 078 567 1817





Boumateriaal Building Materials


Domestic • Industrial • Half brick paving • Tileing • Cladding MUBEEN 084 887 0851 021 873 7802 FOUR ELEMENTS DESIGN Renovations, Alterations, interior design and decorations. Kitchen cupboards. "Turn Key". Owner on site. Olga 078 044 1527.


For all your paving & precast wall requirements (incl. extentions). No deposit required. JJ 082 899 5682 or 086 055 6666

LOANS R50 - R15000. Sms MILOC MP to 41911 @ R1,50 per sms.

Short and long term loans All we require: - ID Book - Latest Payslip - Latest 3 Bank Statements - Permanent Employment

Tel: 021 872 7720 2A Bethal Street

(Opposite KFC and Wild Liquors in the Main Road)

You can also fax or email your documents to Fax nr: 086 225 8694 or Email address:


Gordyne/Matte/ Stoffering Curtains/Carpets Upholstery

J.J. DRY CARPET CLEANING All areas: Domestic, commercial and industrial

Window cleaning Walk on your carpets in 10 min Upholstery | Couches Persian carpets Also Kirby cleaning!!! Blinds & Mattresses Cleaning from R120 per room Car seats | Etc. Premises & Offices MONDAY - SATURDAY For a FREE quotation, call Yolanda on 079 568 7051 or 021 864 3084


Moeg vir tapyte en teëls wat gou weer vuil word?

021-872-0306/082-651-4930 KARBONAAT-PROSES: Geen stoom, sjampoe of poeier gebruik

* Teël - & Steenskoonmaak en beskerming

Paarl Post

Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

STOOMSKOONMAAK van matte asook bekleedsels. Skakel Peter Nordin 021 873 3621 / 073 206 8581.

31 Oktober, 2013

NICO TRANSPORT 082 413 1216

VERWYDERING VAN ALLE VULLIS en bourommel. Asook die skoonmaak van erwe. Eienaar toesig. Kontak Louw 083 413 0701.

6 m SAND

MOSTERT SWEISWERKE: Skuif-/swaaihekke, diefwering, traliewerk & vele ander staalwerke. Gratis kwotasies. Skakel Frank Mostert: 021 868 2880/072 022 0066. Faks: 021 872 6771.


6 m KLIP 19 mm

vir muur tot muur matte, novilon en viniel teëls en alle tipe blindings. Skakel Billy en Marlene 021-873-4540 of 083-242-4740 115

Vervoer en Berging Moving & Storage

MOVING? TREK? 083 708 4950



BAKKIE & TRAILER HIRE: Te huur, vervoer, meubelvervoer. Skakel alle ure: 082 321 8904 Johan Maass.


6 m³ Sand R1 014,60 6 m³ Klip 19/25 R1 973,34


Skakel 021 868 2169 Email:

FOURIE-VERVOER: Vervoer van meubels - klein of groot. Landswyd of plaaslik. Skakel 082 821 5234 of 021 876 2440. FREE DUMPING SITE: Clean building material and soil only. Phone Louis: 082 829 5542.


Storage Units 15 m sq R690 pm Vat included 38 m sq R968 pm 160 m sq R2 758 pm 24 Hour security contact Andy 082 774 6033 Paarl | Wellington




• Household & office furniture • Single items & storage

TEL/FAKS 021-872-6610 073-161-3709


Verfwerk/Painting ALLE VERFWERK IN DIE BOLAND. Binne en buite. Sekuriteit & Wapens Kwaliteit met persoonlike toesig. Sedert 1996. Skakel Security & Arms Ernst vir gratis kwotasie. 082 573 6654 / A&A PALISADE FEN- CING: Oprigting van pallisade-omheining en afdakke. Motor-afdakke en outomatisering van elektriese hekke. Opknappings. Alle werk gewaarborg. Billike pryse. 24 uur beskikbaar. Kontak Arthur: 082 877 2532.


Flambeau Bou Projekte

• Alarmstelsels • 24/7 Monitering • 24/7 Gewapende reaksie • CCTV • Wagte • Toegangsbeheer • Paniek-stelsel


• Gratis omskakeling vanaf huidige diensverskaffer na AcSec. Tel: 021 863 2561 E-pos: Hoofstraat 82B, Paarl

• Plaaslike & landswye verhuings • Deelvragte • Groot, medium & kleiner voertuie • Persoonlike toesig & bestuur • Ervare personeel • Volledige verpakking • Verpakkings materiaal • Stoor geriewe

Navrae, inventaris en gratis kwotasie

T: 021 872 8411

S: 076 673 7059 (Jurg Reyneke) S: 082 478 0963 (Farrel vd Westhuizen) E:


• Rubble removal 1-6 m³ • Garden refuse • Site clean ups • Compost • Topsoil • 4,5 Ton plat bak For more information please contact 083 306 5310

AC Security is ’n geregistreerde diensverskaffer by die South African Intruder Detection Services Association (SAIDSA) en Private Security Industry Regulatory Authority PSIRA.

Free quotations Best prices Personal supervision on sites Tel: 021 868 0555 Henk Agenbag Cell: 072 269 9934 Email:

Spsweiswerke Diefwering • Skuifhekke Traliewerk vir heinings Gratis kwotasies Billike pryse Gewaarborgde werk onder persoonlike toesig Skakel vir S.P. Sel 083 967 3447 Bertus Sel 084 602 9829 Tel: 021 872 7554 (K)

VERWYDERING van rommel en vullis. 1-6ml. Algemene vervoer met 8- ton trok. Vir billike pryse en ge- suppliers of halte diens, skakel JACQUES: 082 579 2998/021 872 6029.



LD VERVOER. Vervoer van bourommel, tuinvullis, sand, klip, stene, klein trekke ens. Skakel Bruce 082 578 7712 / Enrico 074 815 6238.

Stoorplek beskikbaar Vir die vervoer van meubels Kort- en langafstand.

082 5747 489 FAKS: 021 872 1437

BOME U PROBLEEM? Afmaak, snoei ens. Ook geregistreer as indringerplantbeheeroperateur. Skakel Sieg 021-873-5541 of 082 745 9810 vir raad en kwotasie.



MAGNADOR The stronger one

• Verfwerk (binne & buite) Skoonspuit van dakke Geute Persoonlike toesig.

079 429 2043


Dries Viljoen 082 804 4613

NHBRC geregistreer

VERF KONTRAK -TEUR Seb 083 459 9455

Waterdigting/ Klammigheidbeheer Waterproofing/ Damp control

Algemene Dienste General Services

Sambo Granite & Tombstones 30 mm counter-tops from R810 to R1650 Price incl. vat & installation

Tombstone policy for R45 per month per family for full package. T’s & C’s apply Headstones from R850 Full packages from R6000 Athlone: 021 638 0531 Bellville: 021 949 6070

Tel: 021-873-5482


Houtwerk Carpentry

Pool Paving Cladding



Kombuis- & slaapkamerkaste Studeerkamerrakke Verandering van bestaande kaste Gelamineerde houtvloere Hang van deure

SKAKEL 082 554 1879


Ingeboude kaste Hout deks Hout meubels Restorasie

Stefan 082 469 3928


PAARLWOODEN FLOORS Sanding & sealing of all types of wooden floors. Also installation of laminated floors. 15years in the trade. Contact Yusuf Bailey 083 381 5303.

KC DOMESTIC REPAIRS Repair of electrical goods, fridges, stoves, washing machines, tumble-driers and microwave ovens. PHONE 021 862 6861 / 021 862 8100 MULLER HERSTELDIENSTE: Yskaste, stowe, droërs, wasmasjiene ens. Skakel Arnold 083 339 8886.


Swembaddienste Swimming Pool Services

THE ROOF DOCTOR • Water proofing and Painting • Free quotes and work guaranteed

083 252 1054

TEËLS: Fabriekswinkel te Wellington. Kontak vervaardiger of besoek ons vertoonlokaal. Smartstone: 021 873 5482.


All maintenance; installations & services. New and existing residential houses. Affordable rates. Call 081 462 9988.


Stepping Stones

Teëlwerk/Vloere Tiling/Flooring




Attie 082 452 8253 Aanbouings Restourasie Plafonne Dry walls Verfwerk Loodgieter Teëls Badkamers en kombuise Plaveisel Afdakke



Elektriese Herstelwerk Electrical Repairs


6m³ SAND ...................R900,00 6m³ KLIP 19mm ........R1 700,00 6m³ OPVULGROND....R480,00 Afgelewer in Paarl en BTW ingesluit. Kan ook aflewer in Wellington, Klapmuts, Simondium en Franschhoek

* Gratis Transito versekering Tot en met R400 000

STORAGE, short or long term for household contents etc. Storage Masters. Zindy 079 025 2435.


021 863 2400 021 86 30123

082 453 3344

Put us to the test 021-853-0272 086 108 6101


OOK BESKIKBAAR: 6/13mm Klip, Filling Sand, G4 & G5 Base

Aflewerings vir kleiner hoeveelhede en areas Wellington, Klapmuts, Simondium & Franschhoek ook beskikbaar. Diggers & excavators te huur.

083 459 9455




R1 700




WASMASJIENMAN: Ons herstel die volgende: wasmasjiene, stowe, yskaste, mikrogolfoonde, tuimeldroërs en skottelgoedwassers. Skakel Frik: 082 682 2432.

Mure/Heinings Walls/Fencing


VIBRACRETE Beste kwaliteit

Rib & Block Decking Vibracrete walls


• Landscaping • Rubble removal • Estate maintenance • Irrigation • Tree felling & shaping • Site clean ups • Compost • Corporate gardens

For more info please contact 083 306 5310

Tel/Faks: 083 380 3425 079 118 2938


Ruite/Vensters Glass/Windows W I N D OW T I N T I N G : Residential/offices. Phone Johan 082 301 5724 for free q u o t a t i o n . /

3 year guarantee Driveway Gates Gate Automation CCTV Camera Systems Wireless Alarm Systems Electric Fencing Garage Door Openers Electric Locks • Intercoms

Tel/Fax: 021 872 4308 Cell: 082 781 2210


• Kombuise • Ingeboude kamerkaste • Soliede meubels • Kroeë en meer Tel: 021 873 5792 • Johan 083 284 6793


Paarl Post

Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

31 Oktober, 2013


Driving Schools

021 873 3400

WELLINGTON 1 Slpk loft woonstel by Piano Factory @ R3 400 p/m Beskikbaar 1 Des Kamer vir Senior Burger @ R1 600 p/m Beskikbaar Onmiddellik 2 Slpk woonstel met privaat tuin in kompleks @ R4 300 p/m Beskikbaar 1 Des Moderne 2 Slpk groot loft woning te Bain Str 19 @ R5 000 p/m Beskikbaar 1 Des PAARL Nuut geboude 2 Slpk woonstel te Hoof Str Paarl, slegs 2 beskikbaar @ R5 200 p/m Beskikbaar 1 Des


Motorfietse te Koop/te Huur Motorcycles for Sale/to Hire


MOTORFIETS - HONDA CBR 125R - Rooi. Goeie toestand. R10 000. 074 898 9923

• JJ Dempers & Seuns - Bachelor vir R2 600 pm vanaf 1/12/2013


Reiswaens te Koop/ te Huur Caravans for Sale/ To Hire GYPSEY ROMANY 1995. Eiland Bed. Porta Potti. Puik toestand. R46900(o.n.k.a). Skakel 082 922 5648.


• Olyfbos - Bachelor vir R2 950 vanaf 1/12/2013 - 2-Slp vir R5 100 vanaf 1/12/2013

Skakel 021 872 1608


Voertuie te Koop Gevra Vehicles Wanted to Buy 24/7 CASH FOR YOUR Bakkie or Car. Just SMS or PHONE 072 620 1126.


Kamers te Huur Rooms to Let GEMEUBILEERDE KAMER. Professionele persoon. W+E ingesluit. Veilige parkering. Onmiddellik beskikbaar. Skakel 073 045 9657.

JLK Property Group

Wellington Lovely, spacious onebedroom apartments From R3 400 /month Bachelor apartment, open-plan kitchen and bathroom. Available 1 September 2013 R3 000 /month Phone Christie/Carola 021 862 6363

LA ROCHELLE: 1-SLPK KAMER VIR ENKEL- W/S. R2800pm + dep. BePERSOON. Aandetes van skikbaar vanaf 1 Des 2013. Maandag tot Donderdag Kontak 079 512 8115. ingesluit. Paarl Sentraal. Skakel 072 560 2462 Enige M O D E R N E 2 - S L P K tyd of 082 800 8310 na 17:00. WOONSTEL in SentraalPaarl. Oopplan kombuis/ NOORDER-PAARL. Ge- sitk. - skuifdeure na balkon meubileerde kamer in huis te met braaipunt. Uitsig oor huur. Geen rokers. 083 298 Paarlberg. Badkamer met 5801. wasmasjienpunt. MotorSENTRAAL PAARL. Ge- huis, swembad. Koopkrag, meubileerde kamer vir water ingesluit. Onmiddellik enkelpersoon. Met geriewe. beskikbaar. R4390p.m. Aparte ingang. Beskikbaar 1 Deposito. Geen kinders of Desember of 1 Januarie. 076 diere. 082 411 1732 of 082 673 3805 of 021 872 7626 807 6317. (n.u). MOUNT VIEW - PAARL. 2VRYKYK: Eenman oopplan Slpk. middelvloer woonstel tuinwoonstel. Gemeubi- in kompleks. Beskikbaar 1 leerd. Veilig en rustig. Braai- November. R3100p.m. geriewe. Parkering op per- Kontak 021 872 9649 (08:30 seel. W&E ingesluit. Onmid- 16:30). dellik beskikbaar. R2650pm + NETJIESE GROOT 2 deposito. 074 717 1312. SLAAPKAMER Wooneenheid te deel. R1800p.m. Geen deposito, vooruit betaalbaar. 171 Skakel Shaun by 076 692 Woonstelle te Huur 6109.

Flats to Let

1-SLPK GRANNY FLAT New Orleans. I.g.k. in kombuis & slaapkamer. Beskikbaar 1 Des 2013. Skakel 072 303 9851. EENSLAAPKAMER WOONSTEL in Sentraal Paarl te La Mode met privaat tuin. Beskikbaar vanaf 1 Desember. R3500p.m. Geen diere. Water ingesluit en koopkrag beskikbaar. Skakel Helene 084 527 1309. Sentraal Paarl: R4 600 1 Slpk woonstel met alle toebehore ingesluit. Beskikbaar: 1 Desember 2013 Elmarie: 083 273 5582

N O O R D E R - PAA R L : Tuinwoonstel. Enkelpersoon - R2 000pm + dep. Met koopkrag/lugr. Geen troeteldiere. Onmiddellik beskikbaar. Kontak 071 791 1123.





VERSAILLES VILLAGE WELLINGTON 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, Garage and parking. Includes flat screen tv, fridge, microwave and washing machine. Available: Immediately R7 500 per month DE OUDE WERF-PAARL 2 Bedrooms, 1 Bathroom, Undercover parking. Available: Immediately R4 200 per month RIVERSIDE WELLINGTON – STUDENT ACCOMMODATION 2 Bedrooms, 1 Bathroom. Available: 1 December 2013 R2 000 each per month Contact Peter: 083 641 0808

PAARL CENTRAL. 2-Bedroom apartment. 1 Bathroom. Open plan living kitchen area. Commune swimming pool & braai facilities. R5200p.m. 1 November 2013. 071 540 2667.

Vrykyk: R13 500 4 Slpk huis, 3 badk, 3 leefareas. Dubbel garage. Swembad Beskikbaar: 1 Desember 2013 Anneke: 083 461 8656

SUIDER-PAARL: Ruim 2slpk, i.g.k & motorhuis. Geen troeteldiere. R3900pm. Beskikbaar 1 Des 2013. Skakel 082 927 5734.


Huise te Koop Houses for Sale 3-BEDR HOUSE + pool. De Zoete Inval. Reduced price Urgent sale! Phone 072 762 2014. DENNEBURG: R1 069 000 3 Slpk ruim familie woonhuis, 2 bdk, 1 motorhuis. Uitstekende prys, reg vir intrek. Pynlik netjies. Aloma: 082 829 5516

HOUSE FOR SALE R295000. 494 Mossie Street, Amstelhof, Paarl. 2Bedrooms, 1-bathroom, kitchen, living room. Plot size = 214m². Contact 083 236 5176. MBEKWENI VERKEER R180000. Wellington Voordorp - R430000. Groenheuwel; 2-slpk - R350000. Newton Estate; Nuut gebou. Plot en Plan te kies en keur. Kontak Tharina 082 779 4001 VANAF R419 000 - R539 000. 2 & 3 Slpk met i.g.k.; met stoof & oond. Slegs 12 geleenthede naby skole, winkelsentrums, vulstasie & hoofroete ts. Paarl & Wellington. Alle kostes ingesluit - kliënte het geen bydrae nie. 100% finansiering beskik. 1ste pmt: Jan 2014. Min beskikb. Walter: 082 922 4848 / Margie 082 586 2649. Ons soek huise in Van Wyksvlei, Groenheuwel, Newton ens. vir goedgekeurde kopers.

218 Main Street, Paarl, 7646 Tel: 021 871 1481 • Fax: 021 872 4848

DE FONTEINE SECURITY COMPLEX WELLINGTON Spacious batchelors flat with open plan kitchen walking distance from CPUT campus. Safe parking in complex. Available: 1 December 2013 R3 300 per month WEB ACCESS: TKL78056 THE TOWERS – CENTRAL PAARL 1 Bedroom flat with open plan kitchen and living area. Included in kitchen is: Fridge/ freezer, tumble dryer, washing machine and stove. Safe covered parking. Available: 1 December 2013 R3 750 per month WEB ACCESS: TKL78058 COTTAGE ON SIMONDIUM FARM 2 Bedroom cottage with open plan kitchen and living room. Full bathroom. Covered double parking. Included in rental - water and garden maintenance. No animals allowed. Available: 1 December 2013 R6 000 per month PEARL VALLEY GOLF ESTATE 3 Bedroom family home all en suite with open plan living areas walking onto deck and view of lake. Double garage and pool Available: 1 December 2013 R21 000 per month WEB ACCESS: TKL779670 VAL DE VIE POLO AND WINE ESTATE This immaculate eco friendly 3 Bedroom home with 3 bathrooms has a big open plan living room, kitchen and study or can be used as an extra living area. Upstairs has a spacious loft-type main bedroom. Solar energy panels installed. Available: 1 December 2013 R22 500 per month WEB ACCESS: TKL78062 Helena Fourie and Anneke Jacobs Tel: Office: 021 871 1481

Lew Geffen 166

Huise te Huur Houses to Let 2-SLPK HUIS @ R4500p.m en 3-Slpk huis @ R6800p.m. op plaas te huur in Simondium. Skakel 082 375 0516.

021 873 3400

PAARL 2 Slpk dupleks eenheid in kompleks te Bosch Str Noorder Paarl met privaat tuintjie @ R5 500 p/m Beskikbaar 1 Des WELLINGTON 2 Slpk dupleks woning in sekuriteits kompleks met enkel motorhuis @ R5 700 p/m Beskikbaar 1 Des

BOSCHENMEER TO LET Newly built, single storey house, open plan, 3 bedrooms, double garage, outside toilet. Availabe 01/11/2013

R17 000 pm

084 663 1879 – owner. BOSCHENMEER TO LET. Newly built. Single storey house. Open plan, 3 bedrooms, double garage, outside toilet. Available 01/11/2013. R17000p.m. 084 663 1879 - owner.

Verblyf Gesoek Accommodation Wanted 2-SLPK HUIS dringend gesoek vir gesin (4). Sonstraal, Dal Josaphat, Groenheuwel. Kan R3500 - R4000 pm betaal. 073 873 2460 / 071 077 0513.

RUIM 2 EN 3-SLPK DUPLEKS. In sekuriteitskompleks. Vanaf 1 Desember 2013. R7800/R10000. Skakel 082 721 6802. S E N T R A A L - PA A R L : BACHELORS woonstel met binne braai. Mooi uitsig. Beskik. vanaf 1 Nov. R2600pm. Koopkrag, water ingesluit. 072 874 7626 / 021 872 5037.


Paarl Central A beautiful family home consisting of 3B, 1b, lounge, dining room, kitchen, outdoor flat with shower, pool and private garden. 2 Undercover parking bays. Garden and pool services included. Available from 1 February 2014 R11 000 p/m Paarl South A Lovely family home consisting of 3B, 2b, lounge, dining room, kitchen, outside braai area and pool. 1 Lock-up garage and 2 parking bays. Alarm and armed response included. R13 100 p/m A 4B family home with pool set on a farm between Paarl and Wellington - R8 900 p/m Wellington: Garden cottage consisting of 1B, 1b, kitchen and lounge. 1 under cover parking and small garden area. No pets - R3 000 p/m Garden cottage consisting of 1B, 1b and lounge. 1 Under cover parking No pets - R2 900 p/m Estelle 072 1414117

We specialize in property rental management. We are in need of rental properties for prospective pre-qualified tenants. Entrust your property to us for professional service. Please contact Estelle Denys 072 141 4117


Woonstelle te Koop Flats for Sale 3-SLPK DUBBELVERDIEPING woonstel te Barbarossastraat, Huguenot met 1½badk, kombuis met i.g.k. en klein agterplaas + motorhuis. R550 000. Skakel 083 265 2094 / 021 862 1049.


Versaillesstraat Kommersieël/ Industrieël Winkel en/of werkswinkel te huur in veilige, sentrale area. Groot, netjiese kantore, voldoende toiletgeriewe, goeie ligging, baie parkering en toesluitbare sekuriteitshek. Ideaal vir verspreidingsagente.

425m² @ R30 / m² BTW ingesluit.


• Needed for Festive Season • Good computer knowledge • Good Communication Skills Email CV to longbeach@

COMPUTER MANIA is looking for Sales Personnel for Paarl Mall with exceptional knowledge of comKontak L Jansen van Vuuren puter hardware & software. 021 873 1154 (k/u) E m a i l C V t o : W I N K E L / K A N TO O R - za RUIMTE te huur in Kerks t r a a t , W e l l i n g t o n . KASSIER met ondervinding R1100p.m. Elektrisiteit in- benodig by Fair Foods Supergesluit. Skakel Ernst by 082 mark. Skakel 021 868 1396. 573 6654. Epos: LOOKING FOR LADIES wanting to earn an extra income before Christmas 400 Join one of SA's leading Skin care brands, Justine. To koin Betrekkings Gevra contact Jenean on 079 504 Jobs Wanted 6487. Beskikbaar 1 November 2013

APARTMENT FOR SALE R395000. The Towers, 333 Main Road, Paarl Central. Modern tenth floor apartment. 2-Bedr, 2-bathr, 64 m², secure parking. Current rental income R4 500 p.m. Contact 083 236 5176. ALICE IS LOOKING for NEED ARTIST ASSISdomestic work for 5 days. TANT, casual job only. Back071 762 5557. ground of paint/sketching. SENTRAAL-PAARL: Franschhoek. Send portfolio R600 000 ANDISWA is looking for Atlanta woonstel. 2 Slpk, daycare or babysitting work. to: / 081 257 9320. 1 bdk met binne motorhuis. 3 Years exp. Ref avail. 078 Kort “TLC”. 972 1949. Elmarie: 083 273 5582

WOONSTEL TE KOOP: R899 000 2 Slpk, 1 bdk, ruim leefarea met enkel motorhuis. Grootte: 90 m². Gesonde blok. Aloma: 082 829 5516


Sake Geleenthede Business Opportunities SWEETS/CHOCOLATE/ CHIPS/BISCUITS/ DISTRIBUTION Start your own business. Affordable cost. Myer 012 547 5767


Kantore te Huur/ Verkoop Offices to Let/ for Sale Sentraal Paarl Kantore te huur: R6 750 3 Kantore te huur vir professionele persone. ± 100 m² Anneke: 083 461 8656


MODERNE KANTOOR EENHEID TE HUUR. Ontvangs, 5 kantore, raadsaal. Sentrale besigheids gebied. Sekuriteits parkering beskikbaar.

Skakel: 021 864 1011 / 084 94 111 44 197

Sakepersele Te Huur Business Premises to Let

EMILY needs 3 more days, Mon, Wed & Thurs. Contactable reference. 078 112 4017. EXPERIENCED DOMESTIC WORKER looking for 3 day work. Reference available. 083 857 2535. EXPERIENCED DOMESTIC WORKER looking for work. Please phone 071 097 1720.

EXPERIENCED DOMESTIC WORKER, with reference, looking for work. Phone 072 S O E K G E K WA L I F I SEERDE HAARKAP439 4291/073 800 9117. STERS vir besige salon in EXPERIENCED GUEST Paarl. Verkieslik met eie HOUSE WORKER. House kliënte basis. Kontak 083 418 work welcome. Phone 083 0807. 983 6934. STOEL ASSISTENT word FAITH is looking for char benodig vir Tandheelkundige work (Mon & Tue). Phone Praktyk in Noorder-Paarl. E p o s C V n a 060 366 4523. I have ref. FIND A DOMESTIC WORKER or casual worker WANT TO EARN EXTRA MONEY? AVON repreon sentatives needed. SMS JANE needs domestic work your name, surname & town for everyday. Call 074 770 to 082 825 9228 if you are 0434. interested. No "Please call me" JUDITH experience as cleaner, domestic, babysitter is looking for work. 073 311 4948. MY WORK EXPERIENCE: 8 Years farming of which 1980 - 5 Years Managing Director. Registered Basic Ambulance Assistant. In the process of becoming completely computer literate. 7 Years driving experience, Code C with PDP. Contact 083 777 8497/074 697 6061/021 864 2126. PATRICIA is looking for domestic work for 5 days. 073 124 9036. PHUMLA needs work as a domestic, cleaner or babysitter. 079 737 2682. PRE-SCHOOL/BABY SITTING work needed. Have certificate. Phone 083 686 0481. THEBISA is looking for domestic work. I'm working on Tuesdays. 073 581 7038. ZIMBABWEAN lady is looking for hairdresseror housekeeping job. 078 490 8945.



Residential/Commercial building adjoining the Pick and Pay car park. Consists of air-conditioned main building of 270 m², a self contained garden cottage of 52 m², and covered parking at the rear.

Available from 1st February 2014 at a monthly rental of R8 000

Long term lease agreement plus option to purchase will be considered. To view phone Tertius de Villiers 082 660 3867/021 863 2706.

Experienced Sales Executive / General Manageress for Elegant Store Contemporary jewellery boutique in Franschhoek seeking experienced sales executive. Education in jewellery design an advantage. Applicants should possess knowledge of gemstones & jewellery, as well as feel comfortable to manage an elegant boutique. Part-time possible. Salary negotiable. Please email your CV to

Algemeen General Vacancies ADMIN DATA WORKERS needed. For info sms name/address to 071 548 6944 or email to

Paarl Post

Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

31 Oktober, 2013

Gimmie wins medical award acter building that he received at Gymnasium, which where the essential subjects for medical education in those years, such as science, physics and Latin. “And I still closely follow Interschools against the Galpille.” Prof. Cywes is widely acknowledged as a leader in his field who unselfishly created a better qualiWOFAPS was founded in ty of life for thousands of South Af1974 and has grown to be the ricans including the poorest of the world representative body of poor. National Paediatric Surgical Prof. Sid Cywes (second right) and his wife, He is regarded as an outstandAssociations with a current Marlene, at the presentation ceremony were ing paediatric surgeon and membership of more than 100 he was awarded the Lifetime Achievement in throughout the nearly six decades countries. Paediatric Surgery Award of the World Fed­ of his working life, has used his Prof. Cywes was born on 1 eration of Associations of Paediatric Surge­ skills to greatly improve the physJanuary 1931 in Paarl, to par- ons. ical well being of his patients. Sevents Kalman and Ida Cywes. Here he grew up and matriculated Cross Children’s Hospital from 1975 eral ground breaking surgical procedures brought him world-wide recogfrom Paarl Gymnasium in 1947, to 1997 He is now Emeritus Professor at nition and accolades, but his focus is where he was also an avid hockey UCT and was appointed President of closer to home. player. Without regard to race, culture or Hereafter he studied medicine at the World Foundation of Paediatric the University of Cape Town (UCT) Surgical Societies. And on top of this, creed in his pursuit of a child’s restograduating with his MBChB in 1953. he has been awarded many honorary ration to health and a better quality He then specialised in general sur- memberships, medals and honorary of life, Prof. Cywes often worked gery and paediatric surgery at UCT, fellowships, both locally and interna- against daunting odds, never losing Groote Schuur and Red Cross Chil- tionally, for his contribution to the sight of the human beings and families behind the medical challenges he dren’s Hospitals. He became the first medical profession. Prof. Cwyes said that he is very faced. professor in Paediatric Surgery at Source: Prof Sid Cywes foundation UCT and head of department at Red grateful for the education and char-

Born and bred Paarlite, Emeritus Professor Sid Cywes, has been awarded the Lifetime Achievement in Paediatric Surgery Award of the World Federation of Associations of Paediatric Surgeons (WOFAPS).

The passing of Freedom Fighter: Ronnie Britten Ronnie Britten’s death recently in the United Kingdom at the age of 84 is a stark reminder that the men and women who made untold sacrifices during their lifetime for the democratic way of life, are slowly passing away. Britten grew up in Berg Street, Paarl, but he and his family were forced to move when the Group Areas Act was implemented. He received his standard six certificate from the Athlone Institute in Paarl and went on to gain his matric qualification at Trafalgar

High School in Cape Town. Despite his fathers lowly job as a postman, he managed to see Britten receive his BA degree from the University of Cape Town (UCT). At UCT his political career started. He and fellow students formed the Cape Peninsula Students Union (CPSU) and part of their demands were full equality rights for all citizens, without distinction of race, colour and sex as well as compulsory and free education for all children up to the age of 16. Britten started his teaching ca-

reer in Middelburg in the Northern Cape were he joined the Teachers League.Through the years he became more and more involved with political movements. So much so that he had the security police after him, forcing him into exile, first further into Africa and later in the United Kingdom. Here he continued his battle for the freedom of his fellow South Africans. Through the years, even in exile, he maintained a close relation with his compatriots and family members in Paarl.

Fotografie­werkswinkels by die Taalmonument Fotograwe kan hierdie somer uitsien na buitengewone fotografie-werkswinkels by die Taalmonument in die Paarl, waar hulle kan leer om met lig te verf en om stersirkels af te neem. Dié praktiese werkswinkels, deur professionele fotograaf en geregistreerde toergids Peter Haarhoff, is geskik vir beginner- tot intermediêre-fotograwe. ’n SLR-kamera (digitaal of 35mm), driepoot en afstandbeheerkabel is noodsaaklik. Die stersirkels fotografie-werkswinkels word op dieselfde aande as die sterrekykpieknieks – op 30 November en op 4 Januarie, 1 Februarie en 1 Maart 2014 – aangebied.

Die verf met lig fotografie-werkswinkels word op dieselfde aande as die volmaanpieknieks – op 16 November en 17 Desember 2013 en op 17 Januarie, 15 Februarie en 15 Maart 2014 – aangebied. Om met lig te verf is ’n tegniek waar die fotograaf tydens ’n lang beligtingstyd met ’n ligbron soos ’n flits rondbeweeg en selektief areas belig. Tydens die werkswinkels leer deelnemers verskillende maniere om met lig te verf, wat jy benodig en watter kamerastellings die beste werk. Die werkswinkels kos R350 en sluit notas in. Bespreking is noodsaaklik by Amira Clayton by 021 863 0543/4809 of


BORG ’N SKOOL: Ligstraal Skool is een van die skole wat deel is van Paarl Post se Adopt­a­school­pro­ jek. Hulle is aange­ neem deur Paarl se rotariërklub. Saam met die leerlinge is agter van links die skoolhoof, dr. Joaline Lackay, Gerald Truter van Rotary, en Irma Mentoor, adjunk­hoof. Indien jy graag ’n skool wil borg, bel Shaun Philander by 021 870 4600. Die promosie prys is R57 vir 20 koerante per week vir agt weke. FOTO: SHAUN PHILANDER

LEES­PROJEK BY SKOLE: Hill­ crest Primêre Skool is een van die skole wat deel is van Paarl Post se Adopt­a­ school­projek. Hulle is aange­ neem deur Yo­ hardi Trading. Agter van links is Terence de Jongh (skool­ hoof), Heinrich Davids (hoof­ seun), Milford September (Yohardi Trading) en voor van links is Ishika Cupido (hoofmeisie), Michkyle Martin (onder­hoofseun) en Kimberlin Ja­ phta (onder­hoofmeisie). Indien jy graag ’n skool wil borg, bel Shaun Philander by 021 870 4600. Die promosie prys is R57 vir 20 koerante per week vir agt weke.


Paarl Post

Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

31 October, 2013

CHILDLINE 0800 055 555


Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

Paarl Post

31 Oktober, 2013



Paarl Post

Sport Nuus Sport News

31 October, 2013

Sportdagboek . Sport diary

GIMNASTIEKPRESTEERDERS: Hierdie Wyn­ land­gimnastiekklub se trampoliengimnaste het uitsonderlik presteer by die onlangse Suid­Afri­ kaanse kampioenskappe in Pretoria. Altesaam vyf goue medaljes is verower, een silwerme­ dalje en twee bronsmedaljes. Marisa Franken is aangewys as die Victrix Lodorum as gimnas wat die hoogste gemiddeld behaal het in trampolien by die kampioenskappe. Agter van links na regs staan Kelly van Tonder (bronsme­ dalje), Marisa Franken (goue en silwermedal­ je), Sarah Sinclair (bronsmedalje). Voorste ry van links na regs: Frans van der Merwe (goue medalje), Anika Wiehahn (goue medalje) en Stefan Gouws (goue medalje) Afwesig: Moni­ que Lamprecht (goue medalje).

RUGBY ) Allandale RFK se jaarlikse bekeruitdeling is Vrydagaand 1 November by Drakenstein Korrektiewe­ontspanningsaal om 19:00. Tema Cowboys & Cowgirls Wild Wild West. ’n Steak­ete sal bedien word. Musiekgroep Public Opinion gaan vermaak verskaf. Die eregas is die WPRU se president Thelo Whakefield. ’n Beperkte aantal kaartjies is be­ skikbaar teen R100 per persoon. Bel gerus Na­ theley Manuel by 072 676 0830 of Colin Pie­ tersen 081 857 3411 ) Albions RFK hou op 29 November sy beker­ uitdeling by Stumps Boland Park. Kaartjies be­ loop R40 en dit sluit ’n ete en vervoer vanaf Groenheuwel in. Op 4 Desember hou die klub sy jaarvergadering aan huis van James Green. Alle lede en oudlede word gevra om asseblief hierdie vergadering by te woon. ) Young Standards RFK se jaarlikse bekeruit­ delingfunksie word op Vrydagaand 8 Novem­ ber by die Paarl Sokkerklub gehou. Toegangs­ fooi beloop R10. Young Standards se 123ste algemene jaarvergadering word gehou op Sondag 17 November om 14:00 by Ebenezer Primêr. Alle oud­, huidige en nuwe spelers is welkom. Vir verdere besonderhede bel die se­ kretaris by 082 731 4879. ) Roses United, Boland Premierliga­kampi­ oen vir 2013, se bekeruitdeling­funksie vind plaas op Vrydag 1 November by die Welling­ ton­stadsaal. Kaartjies kos R100 en sluit ’n driegangete in. Musiek word verskaf deur die Westridge Band. Bel John Appolis by 074 479 3132 vir enige navrae in verband met kaartjies.

) Franschhoek­rugbyklub begin met voor­ seisoenoefeninge op Maandag 4 November. Alle oud­ en nuwe spelers word uitgenooi na die oefeninge om 19:00. ) Young Peoples se voorseisoenoefeninge be­ gin Maandag 4 November op Daljosafat. Alle spelers en nuwe spelers is welkom. Die gholfdag vind Sondag 3 November plaas op Wellington­gholfbaan. Bel George Buziek by 083 522 6438. Klubvergadering vind plaas op 11 November te Daljosafat. ) Young Gardens Rugbyklub hou op Donder­ dag 31 Oktober sy bekeruitdeling­funksie by Allandale­saal. Kaartjies is beskikbaar by be­ stuurslede teen R60 per persoon en sluit ’n ete in. Die klub hoop om vir Juan de Jongh en/of Gio Aplon by die geleentheid te hê. Bel die voorsitter, Mario Williams, by 082 380 2680 of 021 870 1081 vir meer besonderhede, of Julian Williams by 084 843 9326. ) Die Paarl­rugbykode se algemene jaarver­ gadering word gehou Woensdag 13 Novem­ ber om 19:00 by die Hugenote­gemeenskap­ saal. Vir besonderhede bel 082 731 4879. ) Riverstones RFK se jaarvergadering sal ge­ hou word op Maandag 4 November by New Orleans­saal om 19:00. Alle verslae moet in­ gedien word. Alle lede en bestuurslede moet asseblief teenwoordig wees. Hul jaareind­ funksie word op Vrydag 15 November by die Thusong­saal New Orleans om 19:00 gehou. Toegang is R20. ) Paarl Rangers het Saterdag 2 November ’n familiedag by New Orleans Park vir alle lede en ondersteuners. Die geleentheid sal in die vorm van ’n Bring­en­braai wees.

WENNERS: Boishaai het die naweek teen Paarl Gimnasium kriket gespeel. Hier is die o.19 A­span wat teen die Gimmies te staan gekom het. Boishaai het daarin geslaag om 163 lopies te jaag om die wedstryd maklik met sewe paal­ tjies te wen. FOTO: CILLIERS

GEES: Hoër Meisieskool Paarl het tydens die onlangse Interskole atletiekbyeenkoms behoorlik hul goeie gees en ondersteuning gewys. Hier is van die leerlinge besig met “sing-songs”.


SOKKERDOEDIES: Monte Christo­velde was Sondag vol aksie toe die SASOL Vroueliga daar gespeel is. Hier ding spe­ lers van Paarl United en Portia FC mee om die bal. Portia FC het nie die mas opkom nie en is geknou met ‘n telling van 7­1.

GHOLFWENNERS: Hierdie leerders van Paarl Gimnasium is in die Boland Skole­ gholfspan opgeneem. HP van der Merwe (regs) het eerste in die uitspeelwedstryd ge­ eindig en Petrus Theron tweede. Die span het onlangs ook teen WP gespeel.


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) Hillcrest United Rugbyklub hou sy jaareind­ funksie op Saterdag, 9 November om 19:00 in die Wellington­stadsaal. Koste beloop R120 per persoon. Dis ’n spoggeleentheid waar spelers vereer gaan word. ) Violets­rugbyklub hou op 8 November sy jaarlikse bekeruitdeling by Boland Park om 19:00. Die prys beloop R30 per persoon. Kontak 078 786 1999 vir meer besonderhede GOLF ) Join us for the Paarl Tourism Annual Golf Day on 8 November at the Boschenmeer Golf Club. Cost per four ball: R2 000. This includes green fees, a light lunch and soft drink at the halfway house, followed by a scrumptious din­ ner, prizes and lucky draws and a trophy for the winning team. Phone Miranda or Ronel at 021 863 4046 or 073 708 2835 for more information. ROLBAL ) Rolbal­bekendstellingsgeleentheid is ’n baie lang woord, maar beloof om baie aange­ naam te wees. Dit vind plaas by die Wellington Rolbalklub (agter Boland­stadion in Fontein­ straat) op Saterdag 2 November om 14:00. Almal word genooi om te kom deel in die pret. Balle is beskikbaar. Rolbal is die spel vir almal. Kontak vir Johan Nortier op. 083 381 0817. ROAD RACE ) The annual Klaas Maffa memorial roadrace takes place on 9 November at the Huguenot Monument in Franschhoek. The main race is 15 km, while a 5 km funrun is also available. For online entries log on to www.entry­ or contact Mike Fraser at 083 518 7272.

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Sport Nuus Sport News

31 Oktober, 2013 PRAGTIGE BOULWERK: Paarl Krieket klub se eerste pan het Saterdag op die Parys­vel­ de teen Young Peoples gespeel. Hier kolf Imran Nackerdien (Young Peoples) met Darryl Hen­ dricks Paarl Krie­ ketklub se paal­ tjiewagter. Peo­ ples wen die wedstryd met 62 lopies. FOTO: C.BENJAMIN


FIETSSKENKING: Cyclelab Paarl het onlangs ’n leerling van Paarl Gimnasium gehelp toe haar fiets gesteel is. Hier staan Mandri Viljoen by haar nuwe fiets wat aan haar oorhandig is deur Johan Malan van Cyclelab in Suider­Paarl.

Charity Swim at Calais Wine Estate The 13th annual Winelands Mile Swim, hosted by the Winelands Masters Swimming Club, will take place on Saturday 9 November at Calais Wine Estate, (Waterfall Road, Klein Drakenstein), new venue for this event. The 200 m junior event for swimmers of 12 and under, starts at 10:00 and at 10:30 the Mile Swim (approximately 1 600 m) kicks off. There are four age group categories as well as a category for disabled swimmers. Prizes are awarded for the first three male and female swimmers in each age group (19 and under; 20-39 years; 40-59 years and 60+).

The oldest swimmer completing the course last year was 86 years old! All swimmers are welcome, even if you don’t belong to a club. The event is monitored by a team of WP Fresh Water LifeSavers. This year AHOS, a shelter in Paarl for abused women and their children, will be the beneficiary of funds raised. Refreshments and light lunches will be available at the estate, as well as wine tasting and sales. Discounts are offered for prepaid entries submitted to by noon on 7 November. Enquiries: Thérèse Sharkey 084 512 8861 or Edgar Lewis 082 673 2620.

Do you like radio? Sales? Or producing? Then Radio KC can offer you an exciting opportunity to realise your dreams Young and old are invited to take to the water at the 13th annual Winelands Mile Swim at Calais Wine Estate outside Paarl.

TENNIS: Luan Krige (Courtrai, regs) het vir William Zulch (PPS) geklop in die 0. 12 seuns­ finaal wat ge­ durende die on­ langse Boland Spring junior toernooi aange­ bied is.

We are looking for fresh radio voices and exciting ideas to interact with our loyal listeners … Call us today and be part of the sound that sets you...

T: 021 871 1438 Like us on Radio kc107.7fm

HARD TACKLE: Another round of soccer matches was played at the Monte Christo fields on Sunday. Here FC Nederburg is in action against Paarl Hotspurs. Ne­ derburg were too strong and ran away victors at 7­2. PHOTO: ERNEST KILOWAN

Die Burger Cycle Tour “Die Burger” Cycle tour takes place on Sunday 1 December. Two distances are on offer – an easier 44km race or the more challenging 97km race. The longer route is also the last seeding opportunity for the 2014 Cape Argus Cycle tour. The race starts at Stellenbosch High School and online enquiries and entries can be made at

Paarl Wellington

Paarl, Wellington, Franschhoek, Klapmuts, Simondium, Gouda & Saron


Donderdag, 31 Oktober 2013

Voorheen die Afrikaanse Patriot | Tel 021 870 4600 | SMS 32363 | | | Bladsy 32

BLITSVINNIG: Skole van reg oor die Paarl het aan die jaarlikse inter­ skoleatletiek deel­ geneem. Hier wen Gianni Lombard van Hoër Jongens­ kool Paarl die 100 m seuns o.15 finaal. FOTO: FRANS LE ROUX

Adriaan Louw takes Pioneer Trek In the biggest performance of his career, Team Contego-Giant’s Adriaan Louw won the solo-category of the Cape Pioneer Trek, a multi-day mountain bike stage race over seven days in the Southern Cape. Louw, from hails from Paarl, won the prologue and three stages and was on the podium in each of the other three. He completed the 550 km course in 22 hours, 58 minutes and 43 seconds with a margin of 42 minutes and 35 seconds. Louw said it was an amazing week of racing: “I have learnt a lot and I’ m looking forward to going professional in 2014; it has been a valuable experience.” Louw was very excited before the start of the race. “I had a good first day and even though every day was a challenge I hung on and gave my all. There were times that I really had to dig deep, but thanks to my big lead I could pace myself when needed. “I was gunning for a good overall position but winning never crossed my mind. I am a full-time student who raced against professionals. Now I am just looking forward to getting my degree and taking on Wines2Whales with Jurgens.”

Spectacular Ontong brings Cobras home nultimate over from David Wiese just four short of a win. Although he was trapped lbw to Marchant de Lange in the final over, Shaheen Khan and Dane Piedt finished the job with three balls to spare. The Titans’ 285 for seven was built on a patient 80 from captain Henry Davids and a 108-run stand in 12 overs between Farhaan Behardien (89) and wicketkeepOntong had so far Justin Ontong (left) played a true captain’s er-batsman Manfailed to contribute innings on Sunday in Paarl, when he scored galiso Mosehle (62). with the bat this 97 runs against the Titans. With him at the Crucial to the Coseason, but picked crease is Justin Kemp who scored 36. bras’ ability to rehis return to form PHOTO: GALLO IMAGES strict the Titans to a perfectly, as his 97 from just 66 balls allowed the Cobras to take sub-300 score, however, were the early wickfour points off their closest rivals for a play- ets they got. The visitors were reduced to 67 for three, which ensured that Davids had to off berth. The Cobras skipper came to the crease with spend most of his innings providing a stabilhis side requiring 173 runs in just 22 overs ising touch rather than playing expansively. Lizaad Williams picked up one of those earwhile chasing 286 after the top order had been guilty of piling the pressure on their ly wickets and then dismissed Mosehle and team mates by throwing away decent starts. Wiese in the final over of the innings to finish Ontong shared the key partnership of the with handy figures of 3 for 41 from nine overs. Victory allowed the Cobras to consolidate match with Justin Kemp (36), and did the major hitting as they added 101 runs in 12.1 overs third spot on the table – they now have 16 points from six matches, while the Titans to put the Cobras back in the match. Crucially, Ontong took 19 runs off the pe- have 11. Local cricket hero, Justin Ontong, hit form in spectacular fashion on Sunday as he led the Nashua Mobile Cape Cobras to a crucial four-wicket victory over The Unlimited Titans at Boland Park in another Momentum One-Day Cup match that went to the very last over.

Adriaan Louw on his way to claim the solo category at this year’s gruel­ ling Pioneer Trek mountain bike stage race. PHOTO: ZOON CRONJE

WENSPAN: Boishaai se 0.14 A span was hier­ die naweek in aksie teen Paarl Gimnasium. Hier is Keagan Whit­ ten aan die kolf. Boishaai slaag daarin om die wedstryd met 44 lopies te wen.


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