Paarl Post 4 October 2012

Page 1

Voorheen die Afrikaanse Patriot

Volume 107

Donderdag 4 Oktober 2012

Tel: 021-870-4600

SMS 32363

R5.50 (incl)

BEHUISING. Die polisie probeer ’n oproerige skare in Merchantstraat, Klapmuts, keer om op te beweeg na die R44. Klapmuts is vir twee dae tot stilstand gebring deur betogings weens behuising en dienslewering. Foto: Lise Beyers

Dwelmmoord op Klapmuts 3

Klapmuts vuur en vlam Lise Beyers

Waterblomfees Saterdag 4

Reg vir Superliga


’n POLISIEBEAMPTE het Dinsdag in die hospitaal beland, nadat sy beserings opgedoen het toe ’n klip haar getref het tydens onluste in Klapmuts. Sowat 300 ontstoke inwoners het vroeg Maandag reeds begin amok maak weens ontevredenheid oor behuising en basiese dienslewering. Hulle het vanaf Merchantstraat op beweeg na die R44 in ’n poging om spitsverkeer op dié besige pad te stuit. ’n Groep het weggebreek en in die rigting van die Klapmuts-stasie beweeg en pendelaars probeer keer om werk toe te gaan. ’nSterkpolisieteenwoordigheidhetdieoproeriges te alle tye dopgehou. Maar steeds moes die polisie verskeie kere die massa mense met traangas bestook. Rubberkoeëls is ook geskiet. Een vrou is lig beseer toe sy deur ’n rubberkoeël getref is. Merchantstaat is verskeie kere met brandende buitebande versper en die polisie is met klippe bestook. Skade is aan die nabygeleë klubhuis aangerig en huise wat so pas klaar gebou is, is ook met klippe beskadig. Gemoedere het deurgaans hoog geloop. Die inwoners is ontstoke oor die tekort aan

behuising. Hulle meen ook dat wanneer nuwe laekostehuise gebou word, word dit aan mense van buite Klapmuts gegee. Veral die toekenning van wonings in die Klapmuts 99 Projek het onder skoot gekom. Hierdie projek is privaat gefinansier deur ’n boer van Koelenhof naby Stellenbosch vir 99 families wat op sy plaas werk. Een inwoner, Gerhard Visagie, het gesê dat hy sy hele lewe lank al op Klapmuts woon en dat hy reeds in 2001 aansoek gedoen het vir behuising. Ander inwoners is besorg oor haglike omstandighede in plakkerskampe waar hulle moet woon sonder enige sanitêre geriewe. Die oproerigheid het Dinsdag voortgegaan. Padwerkers is toe aangeval en toe die polisie tussen beide getree het, het die skare hulle met klippe bestook. Dit is toe dat sers Naima Vaughan getref is. Haar sleutelbeen is gebreek en sy is na Paarl Mediclinic geneem vir behandeling. Veertien mense is gearresteer tydens die betoging. Klapmuts se polisiebevelvoerder, kapt Faith de Klerk, het die gemeenskap se optrede veroordeel. “Dit is ’n saak tussen die gemeenskap en die munisipaliteit. En nou word die polisie

uitgemaak as die vyand. Ons sal nie sulke wettelose optrede duld nie.” ’n Woordvoerder van Stellenbosch Munisipaliteit, Vernon Bowers, het gesê dat die munisipaliteit dikwels en eerlike gesprekvoeringe voer met die inwoners van Klapmuts oor hul behuisingsbehoeftes. “Verlede week het die burgemeester, Conrad Sidego, die saak in eie hande geneem en die gemeenskap genooi vir ’n oop gesprek hieroor.” VerledeVrydagisdievergaderinggehouen verskeie bekommernisse is na die tafel gebring, onder andere die wetgewing wat die bestuur van behuisingswaglyse regeer, asook gerugte van bedrog en korrupsie binne hierdie afdeling. Bowers het gesê dat die bestuur van die behuisingslys streng bestuur word volgens wetgewing, deur die bestuurder van behuisingsadministrasie. Met aanwysing na die Klapmuts 99 Projek, het hy gesê dat die munisipaliteit geen beheer in die allokasie van wonings hier het nie, aangesien dit privaat gefinansier word. * Klapmuts was described as a war-zone this week, when residents riotously protested poor service delivery and the lack of housing afforded to Klapmuts residents.

PAARL SPECIALS Specials are valid at Meatrite Paarl until Sunday 07 October 2012. We reserve the right to limit quantities. While stocks last. E&OE

A Grade Whole & Half Lamb

48.95 p/kg

3.5kg Chicken Thighs

79.95 p/bag

French Polony

15.95 p/kg

475g Braaiwors

2forR10 SASSA Cards Accepted

News · Nuus

2 . Paarl Post

Thursday 4 October 2012

Selfoon gevind weens moderne tegnologie Lise Beyers ) GERUGTE dat diewe foonkabels in die Paarlse Hoofstraat in SuiderPaarl gesteel het, het verlede week die ronde gedoen, veral toe mense sien hoe Telkom se mense dae lank voor die stadsaal aan kabels gewerk het. Hierdie keer was dit egter nie ’n dief se skuld nie - daar was regtig ’n kabelfout!

Winter chills IT seems as if winter is still showing its claws with some cold weather. But the good news is, we can look forward to a fairer weekend. Today more rain can be expected with the mercury only touching on 16°C. Tomorrow the rain subsides and it is expected to warm slightly to 18°C. Come Saturday it remains cloudy, but a warmer21°Cisonthecards. AndonSunday the sun will start to shine again, bringing with it a pleasant 23°C. Monday promises also to be warm.

Index Letters.............p6 People..............p7 Arts.................p8 Youth............p10 Business.......p11 Properties......p17 Motoring........p34

Plakstuk DIE nuwe plakvorm in die Plakvir-jou-Sak-kompetisie waarin ’n leser R1800 kan wen, verskyn op bladsy 38. Die kompetisie sluit op Vrydag 23 November om 16:00.

DAAR is onlangs weer eens bewys dat moderne tegnologie ’n baie waardevolle wapen kan wees. Dit kom nadat ’n man verskeie elektroniese middele gebruik het om sy dogter se gesteelde selfoon op te spoor. Sy 11-jarige dogter se Blackberry selfoon het onlangs spoorloos verdwyn. Sy was nie seker of sy dit in ’n restaurant agtergelaat het nie, of in haar pa se motor toe dit na ’n wassery was nie. Kort hierna het ’n vriendin van haar agtergekom dat die persoon in wie se besit die foon nou was, steeds haar Blackberry boodskapprofiel (BBM) gebruik. Sy was ook slim genoeg om die vreemde man se foto te stoor op haar foon, voordat hy snuf in die neus kry. In ’n poging om die man se identiteit uit te vind, het haar ma haar eie profiel verander en die gebruiker van haar dogter se foon genooiomdeurmiddelvanBBM’ngesprekmet haar aan te knoop. En hulle was heel verbaas dat daar op die uitnodiging gereageer is, ook met ’n foto van die persoon in wie se besit hul dogter se foon was.

GESTEEL. Adj Sampie Fourie van Paarl polisie oorhandig die gesteelde foon terug aan sy regmatige eienaar. Metdiefotoindiehand,hethaarpanavrae by sy kantoor gedoen oor die identiteit van die man. ’n Kollega het hom vanaf facebook herken. Hulle het op dié kletskamer verder gedelf en daar kom hulle op die Paarliet af, sy naam

en sy geboortedatum. Nou het hy verder gegrawe, vasbeslote om sy dogter se foon terug te kry. Weens die aard van sy werk het hy ’n rekenaarprogram waarop hy mense kan opspoor. Hy tik eenvoudig die verdagte se naam in die stelsel en te danke aan die geboortedatum wat op facebook verskyn het, kry hy die man se identiteitsnommer en adres. Hy het ’n klag teen die man aanhangig gemaak by die Paarl polisiestasie en Vrydagmiddag het die polisie by die verdagte aangeklop om vas te stel of hy wel die foon het. En sowaar, die man wat in Sentraal-Paarl woon, was nie huiwerig om die foon aan hulle te oorhandig nie. “Vir my gaan dit oor die beginsel. As jy ’n foon in die straat optel, kan jy net een van die foonnommers bel en jy sal maklik op die eienaar van die foon afkom. Dit gaan oor eerlikheid en mens-wees.” Die verdagte sal binnekort in die Paarl Landroshof verskyn waar hy voor ’n magistraat sal moet verduidelik hoe hy sy hande op die dogtertjie se selfoon gelê het. * A fathers persistance, as well as a technological paper trail, led to the recovery of a girls cellphone that had vanished.

Lucky escape after rock hits car Derde familielid sterf to his friend’s A PAARLITE house who liescaped serives nearby, as ous injuries at that mowhen a concrement he just te slab was wanted to feel thrown at his safe. car, crashing He managed the windsto stop a pacreen and datrolling police maging the van in Lake Roroof, while traad near his velling on the M5 near St Ge- DAMAGE. Seraaj Khan shows the friend’s house. According to orge’s Drive damage to his vehicle caused by bordering, a concrete slab thrown at his car Khan, the poliParkwood Es- on the M5 in Cape Town. ce warned him that it was not tate in Cape Pic: Achmat Patel an isolated inTown late on cident in that particular area. Sunday night last week. “They also said such inciSeraaj Khan of New Orleans dents often occur and in many said he actually saw how an unknown person flipped the con- cases it’s drug addicts who are desperate to kill and steal,” crete slab at his car. Khan said. Asked if he’ll be tra“It happened so fast, and my first reaction was to cover my velling that route again, Khan face and slow down. But at the said “yes with extra caution”, as same time I saw four others he still running out of the bush to- thinks wards me and that’s when I it’s safer than the sped off,” he said. R300. A shaken Khan drove straight

NOG ’n kind het gesterf ná die gru-botsing op die R44 naby Windmeul drie weke gelede. Die voorval het Vrydagaand 14 September plaasgevind toe ’n bakkie gelaai met begrafnisgangers vanaf Gouda onderweg was na ’n begrafnis op Kraaifontein. Die bestuurder van ’n bakkie wat in die teenoorgestelde rigting na Wellington onderweg was, het glo beheer oor sy voertuig verloor en in die bakkie van die begrafnisgangers vasgery. Anna Bobbejee en haar twee maande oue baba Kaydon, wat voor in die bakkie van die begrafnisgangers gesit het, het op die toneel gesterf. Haar man, Hendrik, die bestuurder van die bakkie, is ernstig beseer. Nog 16 mense wat agterop die bakkie was, is ook beseer, waarvan twee kinders in ’n ernstige toestand was. Een van hulle, die Bobbejees se driejarige seun Henlynn, het ’n week ná die botsing gesterf. Hulle word Sondag saam begrawe. Verrigtinge begin om 09:00 vanaf die woning in 3de Laan, Gouda, en om 10:00 by die gemeenskapsaal. Die bestuurder van die ander bakkie, ’n Paarlse onderwyser, is geopereer vir inwendige beserings. Die polisie ondersoek ’n saak van bestuur onder die invloed van drank en strafbare manslag teen hom.

Anna Bobbejee

Henlynn Bobbejee

Kaydon Bobbejee

Terugflits ) Op 7 Oktober 1884 word ’n vergadering van die Paarlse gemeentelede van die Strooidakkerk woonagtig in Noorder-Paarl gehou, om oor die beroep van ’n tweede predikant te besin. Dr Andrew Murray was voorsitter van die vergadering. Hy beveel afstigting aan, weens die verdeeldheid van die gemeente oor verpligte onderwys deur die medium Engels. Dit het later aanleiding gegee tot die stigting van die gemeente Noorder-Paarl (Toringkerk).

Donderdag 4 Oktober 2012

Nuus · News

Paarl Post


’n Varkie is ’n wonderlike ding

RIOT. Tempers literally flared on Friday evening in Blignaut Street, near New Rest in Wellington on Friday afternoon, when striking workers in the transport industry got out of hand, and pelted passing traffic with stone and petrol bombs. One vehicle was set alight with petrol bombs after the driver fled. No arrests were made. Although further intimidation of employees of local transport company workers has taken place, the industry has not been much affected by the strike. Inspecting the vehicle are Wellington police officers Constables Henco Hunt (left) and Justin Apollis. Pic: Lise Beyers

FLOWERS. A loved one of the slain man, Tiaan van Rensburg, laid flowers at the spot where he was shot dead last week. Pic: Lise Beyers

Drug deal leads to murder in Klapmuts A DRUG deal gone wrong presumably led to the death of a man in Klapmuts on Wednesday afternoon. Klapmuts police received an emergency callshortlybefore14:00informingthemthat a shooting incident had taken place on the Protea Road, near Animal Zone. Ontheirarrivalanambulancewasalready on the scene, but the driver of the black Opel Corsa bakkie lay dead behind the vehicle. He had been shot twice by an unknown gunman. A 17-year-old girl was also in the vehicle and Tik to the value of R12 000 was found in her possession. She was however unscathed.

What exactly led to the shooting incident is still unknown, but sources close to the case say that it is likely that the victim, Tiaan van Rensburg (30) of Belhar, got in the middle of a drug deal, when things went horribly wrong. An eyewitness saw two men fleeing in a green vehicle after the shooting. The 17-year-old girl, from Kuils River, has been arrested for possession of drugs. She appeared in court on Monday. No arrests have been made for Van Rensburg’s murder. The investigating officer, Const Edgar Julies, can be contacted on 079 894 1769 or 021 875 8000 with any information. ONGELUK. ’n Vragmotorbestuurder is Maandag ernstig beseer nadat ’n band van die vragmotor wat hy bestuur het, vermoedelik gebars het. Die ongeluk het op die R44 noord van die Paarl plaasgevind naby Nelson’s Creek. Die voertuig het onbeheerd van die pad af geploeg en binne-in ’n watergat beland. Simon Melaza van Slabbert Burger Vervoer is beseer. Foto: Lise Beyers


hulle. INWONERS van ParadysEn die eerste ding waarkloof-landgoed naby Klein mee hy bevriend geraak het Parys is daagliks verwonin die huis, was die yskas. As der deur ’n piepkleine vardie deur hiervan oopgemaak kie wat deur die landgoed is, is dit byna asof die kleine wandel. varkie dit bestorm. Hierdie miniatuur-varkie, “Ja, hy het ’n stewige aptyt. wat heel gepas Bacon gedoop Ons voer hom vrugte en is, is die nuwe kind van Liesl groente, maar ons is ook veren Salvatore de Candia. sigtig vir sy gewig. Soms wil Indien alles vlot verloop, hy net aanhou eet.” sal Bacon nie groter as ’n Liesl meen dat varke permiddelslag hondjie raak nie. fekte troeteldiere maak. HulLiesl het Bacon gekoop vir le is hoogs intelligent, word haar man se verjaarsdag. vinnig opgelei en is liefdevol. Toevallig is Bacon op dieself“Hulle verg wel baie aande dag gebore as Salvatore, dag. Reeds binne ’n dag naen Salvatore is in die Chinese jaar van die vark gebore. BACON. Die prettige varkie Ba- dat Bacon in ons lewens geEn Bacon word behoorlik con word daagliks deur sy kom het, het hy my oral agsoos ’n baba in die huis groot. mensma, Liesl de Candia vir ’n tervolg. En indien hy my verloor, dan skreeu hy beHy het twee bedjies, waar- wandeling geneem. hoorlik soos ’n vark.” van een spesiaal vir hom geDit is dus verseker dat hierdie varkie nie maak is van ’n wynvat, en dié staan langs ‘bacon’ gaan word óf op die Kers-ete tafel besy mens-ouers se bed. land nie. Maar hy slaap dikwels snags in die bed by

News · Nuus

4 . Paarl Post

Thursday 4 October 2012

Goeie, koue nat winter agter die rug

Waterblommetjie-smaakfees dié naweek

ter vloei nou by die BergDIE hemele het die afgerivier af en maak die rilope winter behoorlik vier goed skoon. oopgemaak en die weg Vrugteboere juig oor gebaan vir genoegsame die goeie winter. water in die komende soPlaaslike boer Billy mer. Bourbon-Leftley het geVolgens die reënvalsysê dat boere baie positief fers wat gemeet is by die is oor die komende vrugweerkantoor se weerstateseisoen. sie by die Zanddrift“Die damme is vol en sportterrein in NoorderPaarl was die reënval oor VORDER. Dirk Jacobus van Eureka- temperature was baie die afgelope vier maande plaas kyk hier hoe mooi die wingerd vor- koud, wat goed is vir aansienlik hoër as verle- der. Foto: Lise Beyers vrugtebome. Hulle slaap dan in die winter onverde jaar. En die syfers in steurd en het nou baie egalig begin bot. vergelyking met verlede jaar se meting het in “Ons hoop nou net dat dit ’n bietjie minder Augustus en September verdriedubbel. reën en dat ons egalige lentetemperature het Die algehele temperature was ook ietwat laer as in die verlede, met ’n algehele mini- en nie skielike te warm weer nie.” Bourbon-Leftley, wat ook bekend is as mum temperatuur van 1,7C gemeet in Julie. aarbeiboer, het bygevoeg dat die koue tans Damvlakke is ook baie goed, met Wemmershoek en Bergrivier-damme wat beide die aarbeibedryf belemmer, want hulle word meer as 100% vol is. En hierdie oorskietwa- stadiger ryp.

resep instuur sal ses bottels RhebokskloofSUID-AFRIKA se eiesoortige kossoort word wyne wen saam met ’n gratis ete vir twee vanjaar weer deeglik gevier by die vierde by hul restaurant. Die wenWaterblommetjiefees wat ners sal by die fees aangeop 6 Oktober vir die tweede kondig word. keer gesamentlik deur Die Waterblommetjiefees Windmeul-wynkelder en begin by Windmeul vanaf Rhebokskloof-wynland08:00 tot 15:00, met die goed in die Agter-Paarl aanPlaasmark. Die afskoptyd gebied word. by Rhebokskloof is 11:00 tot ’n Waterblommetjie-pot16:00. Die gekookte waterjiekoskompetisie word by blommetjie-geregte se beste Windmeul aangebied. Om wynpasmaats word deur deel te neem e-pos winddie wynmakers uitgesoek Rheen dit gebeur oor middagete. bokskloof bied verskillende Musiek, kindervermaak, gekookte waterblommetjieperderitte, vierwielmotorgeregte om te eksperimenfietse en ’n staproete is deel teer met die regte wynpasmaats. Mense is welkom om BLOM. Rolanie Lotz (wynmaker, van die vermaak. Vir meer waterblommetjie-resepte Rhebokskloof) en Pieter Ros- inligting, kontak windaan Rhebokskloof te stuur souw (wynmaker, Windmeul) of 021 na maak gereed vir die jaarlikse 869 8100 en of 021 869 8386. en die persoon wat die beste Waterblommetjiefees.

Attacked on Du Toit’s Kloof ANOTHER attack has taken place on Du Toit’s Kloof Pass. The incident took place in the early hours of Sunday morning at a look-out area. Here a man and a woman were sitting in a car when the driver and passenger windows where allegedly smashed with a firearm. The female passenger was struck in the face with a firearm, and she sustained facial injuries. The robbers made off with a cellphone and cash. There have been several similar such incidents during the past year. In two cases a woman was raped and firearms were invilved in all the attacks. Police spokesperson, Capt Louise du Plessis, said that the public must under no circumstances stop at the look-out areas after dark.

Costs addressed

NEW. The Paarl Gardening Club has sponsored new signage for the Meulwater Wildflower Garden on Paarl Mountain, in co-operation with Drakenstein Municipality. Pictured here at one of the signs are (from left) Louise de Roubaix (Paarl Mountain Nature Reserve Conservation Officer), Julie van Zyl (Paarl Gardening Club), Retha van Wyk (Paarl Gardening Club) and Lodewyk Jonkers (Paarl Mountain Nature Reserve).

Gardening club supports Paarl Mountain THE Paarl Gardening Club recently, in association with Drakenstein Municipality’s Paarl Mountain Nature Reserve Management, sponsored the Meulwater Wildflower Garden Project to improve signage. The project involves the design and planting of two new signage boards, which deal with the history of the garden and give information to visitors. Signage for nearly 100 new plant species has also been planted to make identification easier. The Meulwater Wildflower Garden is centrally located on the eastern slopes of Paarl Mountain Nature Reserve. The garden consists of 9 hectares and is home to a wide variety of plant community’s succulents, indigenous oil timber, riparian plants, Protea and Erica plant communities. The origin and establish-

ment of the garden was largely due to the enthusiasm of a small group of ladies of the gardening club. The garden was formally proclaimed a Wildflower Garden in 1956 and is currently managed and maintained by staff of the Paarl Mountain Nature Reserve and a section of the Parks Department. The wild flower garden contains an impressive variety of flora indigenous to the diverse Cape Floristic Region of South Africa, as well as plants from other regions in South Africa. The garden not only serves as an educational centre where outdoor classrooms and nature talks are given for scholars, but also fulfills a recreational function. Activities that take place in the garden are limited to low-impact activities, such as picnicking, bird watching and hiking.

THE Winelands District Council has started a process of rationalisation, to contain costs. From the outset, the Executive Mayor stated that a key consideration for the District was to undertake this review with minimum impact on staff morale, hence no job losses. “Because of prudent financial management the CWDM is financially sound, however to promote long-term sustainability it is important for the District to contain costs and staff salaries. “The CWDM has been concerned about its increasing salary costs as a percentage of its overall budget. The District’s primary source offundingisthegrantsitreceivesfromNational Treasury. In recent years, this funding has increased by only three percent whilst salary increases and inflation have exceeded this. Through the process of organisational design the CWDM wants to ensure that its functions are more closely aligned to the core functions of a District Municipality, and where possible improve on operational effectiveness.”

Twee rooftogte NOG gewapende rooftogte het in die Wellington-omgewing plaasgevind. Saterdagmiddag het twee mans ’n Chinese winkel in Kerkstraat binnegestap. Een van die mans het ’n jong kassier met ’n mes gedreig en beveel om op die grond te lê, terwyl die ander verdagte die geld vanuit die kasregister gehaal het. Hulle het te voet gevlug. Niemand is in hegtenis geneem nie. Verlede week het die Ethiopiese eienaar van ’n spaza-winkel in Blignautstraat ook deurgeloop. Hier het onbekende mense die winkel binnegeval, die eienaar met messe gedreig en gevlug met ’n onbekende hoeveelheid kontant.

Wen met matriekrok! DIE Paarl Post bied vanjaar weer ’n matriekafskeidrok-kompetisie aan. Die finaliste word geplaas op 1 November en inskrywings word aanvaar van vandag tot 29 Oktober en sal op die Paarl Post webwerf verskyn. Indien jy ’n matriekleerder is en jou foto wil in- KOMPETISIE. Skryf nou skryf, kan jy lek- ’n foto van jou in jou maker pryse wen! triekafskeidrok in vir Bring ’n goeie Paarl Post se matriekrokkwaliteit vollengte kompetisie. foto met die matri- Foto: Sieb Sieberhagen kulant alleen op die foto na Paarl Post, Newstraat 1A, Paarl (langs Virgin Active). Sorg dat jou foto agterop gemerk is met jou naam, van, die naam van jou skool en jou telefoonnommer. Of e-pos jou foto na Die foto moet nie minder of meer as 300 kb grootte wees nie. Slegs matriekleerlinge van 2012 van skole in Paarl Post se verspreidingsgebied mag deelneem (Paarl, Wellington, Klapmuts, Simondium, Franschhoek, Gouda en Saron).

Nuus · News

Sensorium opens at KWV wing an artwork, and utilising interactive FOR more than 50 years, KWV has collected a portfolio of artworks by some of technologies to allow the viewer to make senSouth Africa’s greatest artists, and for the se of both what they taste and what they see on their own first time ever terms. this beautiful The accompacollection will be nying KWV Sensoopened to public rium digital platviewing at the form brand new KWV (www.kwvsensoSensorium. will alThe collection low visitors to inteconsists of apract with the colproximately 100 lection in a richer paintings, wood way, and provides carvings and draa tactile element to wings and incluthe experience, as des works by Grethey scan the QR goire Boonzaier, code on each artIrma Stern, Jacob Hendrik Pierneef OPEN. Officially opening the KWV Sensorium last work label to give and Piet van Heer- week was well-known auctioneer, Stephan Weltz (left). them access to den. With him are KWV CEO, André van der Veen, Jansie more information The purpose of and Ritzema de la Bat and Elsa Hoogenhout (KWV Cul- about the artwork the Sensorium to ture & Communications). In the background is a pain- and its pairing. The KWV Senopen up KWV’s art ting by Irma Stern. Pic: Lise Beyers sorium is located collection and arat KWV’s headquarters, La Concorde, at 57 chive to the public, to tell the “KWV story” Main Street, Paarl, and is open weekdays and also to act as a platform for a new approach to understanding art and wine through from 09:00 tot 16:30 and Saturdays from 09:00 to 14:00. the unique concept of “art and wine pairing”. Visitors will be able to view the art collectiFor many people, engaging with the disciplines of art and wine is often fraught with on, immerse themselves in an “art and wine pairing experience”, and also enjoy a tasting confusing tasting notes and academic explaor glass of several of KWV’s award-winning nations – hence the idea to complement the experience of tasting a wine with that of vie- wines and brandies.

Heritage symposium THE tragedy of the forced removals of black and coloured communities by the government during Apartheid will be commemorated during a function to be held in Paarl tonight, as part of the tenth symposium of Heritage South Africa this weekend, hosted by the Drakenstein Heritage Foundation. The function will be held at Nelson Wine Estate where there will be talks by people who experienced the removals first-hand. Historic photographs and memorabilia will be on display. There will be a presentation on the unveiling of blue heritage plaques near Paarl Railway Station, School Street, Die Ou Tuin, Berg Street and Market Street. On Friday a symposium will be held in the Toringkerk hall with talks on the early inhabitants of the valley and the contribution of the slaves to the development of the Cape. There will also be a number of outings to visit historic buildings on Saturday. For details, visit For enquiries, contact

Spring walk for Hospice THE Diemersfontein Wine Estate in Wellington has announced an R80 000 sponsorship of the Drakenstein Palliative Hospice 12th Spring Walk that will take place on October 27 at the Paarl Rugby Club. Diemersfontein heads a group of local businesses that includes McDonalds, Dis-Chem Pharmacies, Afriplex, Shoprite-Checkers, Coca-Cola, Paarl Post, Radio KC and supported by the Cape Winelands District and Drakenstein Municipalities who are sponsoring the 12th Spring Walk. Businessandcommunitymembers have been encouraged to sign up and register for one of the four events on the day. For a donation of only R20 one can enter the three or eight kilometre walk through the beautiful green landscapes along the Berg River in central Paarl. For the more competitive walker, the 10 kilometre timed walk will be held under the auspices of Boland Athletics, as well as a 22 kilometre mountain walk. Entry forms will be available from the sponsors, Hospice offices, Paarl Post or downloaded from . Every cent raised will go to Drakenstein Palliative Hospice. For more information, contact Harlan Cloete at 021 872 4060.

Paarl Post



DANKBAAR. Sandra Ontong van die Paarl is die gelukkige wenner van die jongste Plak-vir-jouSak-wedstryd en het R1800 losgeslaan. Sy is baie dankbaar vir dié geld, omdat sy tans werkloos is.

Koester top gehalte – smag na die waarheid

plaasmark 6 Oktober

08:00 tot 12:30 (onderdak). Direk van die plaas: Doen u inkopies in ’n gesellige atmosfeer. Tradisionele etes: Waterblommetjie-bredie en Kerrie-skaapafvalpot.

Vars kos en puik wyn. Ontbyt – R35 (tot 11:00) Ook op 6 Oktober


08:00 – 15:00: Ons inheemse Waterblommetjiegereg word gevier. ’n Proe en smul ervaring terwyl lewende musiek en kindervermaak almal gelukkig hou. Potjiekoskompetisie. Gratis toegang, R20 per wynglas. Wyn en potjiekos wegneem-etes te koop.

Vars nuus uit die kelder 2012 Absa Top 10 Pinotage Kompetisie:

Top 10 wenner: Windmeul Cellar Reserve Pinotage 2011

2012 Perold Absa Cape Blend Kompetisie: Een van 5 finalis-wyne: Windmeul Reserve Cape Blend 2010 (top 3 wenners word in November aangekondig)


Hoek van R44 en Agter-Paarl pad. Moderne fasiliteite vir: Konferensies, Seminare, Funksies en Troues. Tel. 021 869 8100,

Op aFslaG N­ Y allE W E



Donderdag 4 Oktober 2012

Opinion · Menings

6 . Paarl Post

Thursday 4 October 2012

House dilemma must be investigated THE discontent in certain areas about the continuous shortage of low cost housing is causing havoc country-wide. And this week it spilled over to the outskirts of Paarl, as irate residents of Klapmuts were literally up in arms about the lack of housing there. Yes, no one should be without a roof over his head. But unfortunately we live in a severely cash-strapped country where it has not been possible to subsidise all the needy people. Thus, waiting lists for housing keep taking one step forward and two steps back. And there are far too many rumours of fraud and corruption in the municipal departments which are responsible for setting up these lists. Too often people from outside are given preference, as well as families with an income far exceeding the minimum income allowed. And then on the other side of the coin, people to whom homes have been allocated often move back into squatter camps, renting their properties out. If there is any political will to calm the tensions of those who are deserving and in need, the authorities will have to filter through these lists with a fine tooth comb.

His own knew him not ANGER, they tell me, is the prevailing mood of the age and, with it, seething resentment – men marching through the streets with traditional weapons or stoning vehicles and upturning rubbish bins, otherwise rubbishing traffic lights and other public amenities. In Paarl, more fortunate than most, we dare not speak too soon. Anger and ethnic violence has the habit of feeding on itself, as we have seen in the Middle East where the refugee problem makes the Boer War look like a Sunday School picnic. If we continue to relish our prejudices and illogical resentment towards one another, we shall also fall prey to the insane decisions that resulted in the monstrous two world wars and the rest. When I grew up, we were used to the discipline of delayed gratification and the promise that if we assiduously polished the handle of the big front door, a brighter old age might open up for us. Now, we want it all and we want it now! And, if we don’t get it, we throw our toys out of the cot and burn down the town. The question we need to ask is not why there is such a gap between the masses and the thrifty, hard working and enterprising, but why the poor continue to remain poor. No matter how much you rob the thrifty, the pensioners and the entrepreneurs, you cannot print more money that has any value. In Paarl, we are beginning to see the fruits of good town management and a serious attempt to overcome the problems of accumulated debt and neglect of infrastructure. No more, we hope, endless meetings/conferences/parties, trips abroad, new offices, and laptops for people who never realised that a camel was a horse designed by a committee. Growing up in small places, I struggled in my youth to get to the big cities and was once appointed

to a top job in the Big Apple. The wife, however, opted for little old Paarl where we have lived happily for the past 54 years at peace (I hope) with our cats, dogs and our neighbours. My cats sometimes complain that I don’t speak their language, but we know it only means: “Me, me, me, meauw, more food!” Lazy layabouts, sometimes sicking up little birds on my pillow! Paarl share(d)s something with Paris, my favourite city, which is really just a collection of small villages welded into a bustling metropolis. It still has its patisseries round the corner, its boucheries, bakeries, street markets and stalls. We get the freshest vegetables, our butcher caters to our foibles with quality meat, my travel agent lives a block away. We have friendly tv and garage folk, panel beaters, a wellstocked library around the corner, waitrons that know us by name, friendly flics that patrol our streets and the kindest neighbours. Once, we enjoyed a nursery school up the road, a bank and post office across the road, a church a block away and our children could walk to a top school nearby. Now, to the gripes: being bilingual I have never appreciated why people are so uptight about language, but I regret not having learnt Xhosa. We share a beautiful common language in Afrikaans, but sometimes forget its origins and its ability to unite. I was potently reminded of this by Adam Small (who hails from Wellington), now belatedly but justly honoured with the Hertzog Prize. He accorded me a seat of honour at his first performance in Paarl of “Ko Laat Ons Sing”. It had to be in the Community Hall. Our then Mayor had banned “mixed” meetings in our Town Hall. As an Argus reporter who had exposed her, I was the only “white” allowed at his play. He came unto his own and they knew him not!

Why does Council not act on this issue? THE community of Mbekweni is concerned at the way one of its residents, Beauty Madze of house C128, is being treated. Beauty lives in one of the old hostel buildings, the house where she grew up. At one stage the Council tried to remove her in favour of another resident and the matter went to court. There the court found that the matter would have to be resolved by Council. Now a committee of residents is terrorising her, to the extent that she cannot live at home anymore. Her power has also been cut off. Since when have residents the right to decide who gets which house? The matter has escalated to a stage where these residents want to attack municipal vehicles, but the municipality has still not taken a decision on this matter, which has been drag-

ging on for years. Loyiso Sibelekwane The municipal spokesperson, May Carolissen, responds: Drakenstein Municipality had a meeting with Beauty Madze and Mr Mqungquthu on Friday 28 September. During this meeting it was discovered that Mr Mqungquthu took occupation of Hostel C128 on 26 April 1982 with three other men. During that period, women were not allo-

wed to stay in hostels. Hlebeka Madze (now deceased) together with her daughters Beauty Madze and Baba Madze and other siblings took occupation of Hostel C128 in 1990. They were initially residing in a shack. In 1996, hostels were upgraded to family units and Hostel C128 was allocated to Mr Mqungquthu. He took transfer in 2000. Hlebeka Madze passed away in 1998 and she was replaced on the waiting list by her daughter Baba Madze who took occupation of a house in the Drommedaris housing project in July this year. The Drakenstein Housing Department has informed Ms Beauty Madze and Mr Mqungquthu that a detailed report with recommendations will now be submitted to the Municipal Manager for decision.

Vat die jagende padvarke nou ’n slag vas EK verwys na die onlangse sterftes tydens padrenne. Ek is verstom dat polisiehoofde beweer dat hulle nie die probleem kan oplos nie. Jaagduiwels speel met ander se lewens. Enigeen wat ’n instrument gebruik (in hierdie geval ’n motor) om ’n daad te pleeg, loop die risiko dat op sy voertuig beslag gelê kan word.

Die mense jaag teen hoë snelhede - dit is ’n oortreding. Vat hul karre af - laat sulkes voor die hof verskyn. Dit is tyd dat die polisie begin om profiele van die mense op te bou. Sodra hy dus vasgetrek word, sal hulle presies weet dat so ’n persoon nie beboet kan word nie, maar tjoekie toe moet gaan.

Dit is nou tyd om daadwerklik op te tree en nie nonsens te vat van kabouters wat wil afshow nie. As daar iemand in so ’n jaagtog sterf, sal hy aangekla word van moord of strafbare manslag met ’n minimumstraf van 15 jaar. Maak ’n voorbeeld van een van hulle. Regsgeleerde

Sê jou sê - SMS 32363 - Have your say ) Ek is self ’n race fan, maar ek gaan liefs na Killarney. Hou ’n gereguleerde straatren, die probleme is 80% verby. Anders wag daar groot probleme met hierdie onwettige racing. ) Drakenstein kan julle dan nie die mense in Derksenstraat 1 help met iets nie? Hulle maak al vuur op die stoep om kos te maak. Bekommerde Belastingbetaler ) Dit is kommerwekkend om te sien hoe kort dogters se skoolrompe is. Party is te bang om te buk,want dan wys alles.Waar is skooltrots? ) Hiermee wil ek net die vriendelike en behulpsame man en sy seun bedank wat my en my twee minderjarige seuns bygestaan het toe ons motor Sondagaand 30 September by Zeederbergplein onklaar geraak het. U hulpvaardigheid sal ons altyd bybly. Baie dankie. ) Skokkend dat mense duur boek by winkel in Wellington uitsmokkel - geluk aan winkelassistent wat hul agter-

nagesit, vasgeparkeer en laat arresteer het! ) Iewers in Paarl is iemand in besit van swart beursie met ID en bestuurslisensie van JF van Eeden. Kontak 082 341 4912 vir beloning. ) Dankie aan Monica en Zelda by munisipale kantoor wat my waterprobleem by huurwoonstel vinnig en vriendelik opgelos het. ) Mnr CJ 5806* silwer toy jy speel met ander se lewens om soos’n padvark te ry in Lady Greystraat - spyt kom te laat ) Wanneer kom daar einde aan taxi’s wat soos padvarke ry. Hulle skrik nie eens meer vir verkeersbeamptes. Ek dink daar moet net van een goeie voorbeeld gemaak word! ) Kom aan Young Peoples Boys, kom ons staan op vir ons klub, en ons wys die ander klubs, veral Blues, wat ons in 2013 kan doen. ) Ek is dringend op soek na ’n swart dobermann pincher (manlik) wat weggeraak het in

Noorder-Paarl. Kontak Christelle 082 050 4835 of 084 706 2023 vir beloning. ) Parkeerarea tussen Pick n Pay en Game nie verbruikersvriendelik. Kan gerus by Paarl Mall gaan kers opsteek. Daar is ook te veel parkeerblokke op ’n klein area by Checkers Noorder-Paarl ingeforseer. Petrus, Paarl ) Waarom bou mense groot, onklaar en onnet? Dit doen afbreuk aan enige buurt. Bou liewer klein, klaar en netjies. ) Aan die getroude mans van Paarl, Boschenmeer, Pearl Valley wat gereeld die prostitute by Sonstraalbrug optel: Ek het jul registrasienommers en foto’s van julle! ) Die munisipaliteit moet paaie vir ’n slag ordentlik regmaak dan sal elke druppeltjie water nie al die gate weer oopspoel nie! ) Baie oulik om op ’n perfekte, sonnige Sondagoggend met ’n kettingsaag te raas vlak langs ’n koffiewinkel.

Donderdag 4 Oktober 2012

Mense · People

Paarl Post


Bessie le Roux oorlede

VEILING. Die afgelope Vrydag en Saterdag het die jaarlikse Nederburgwynveiling weer buite die Paarl plaasgevind. Dit is die 38ste keer dat dit aangebied word. Verkope by vanjaar se veiling het met 24% gedaal, maar oudergewoonte is daar weer lekker gekuier. Onder die gaste was (van links) Merwe Botha (Distell), Hannes en Jackie van Rensburg (Nederburg) en Gert Loubser (Stellenbosch). Foto: Sieb Sieberhagen

PRIZE-GIVING. Extreme adventurist David Grier (second left), funraiser for the Miles for Smiles Foundation which does corrective palate surgery, was the guest speaker at the prize-giving of La Rochelle Girls’ High School. With him are René Oelofse, Wolfie Ratz and Marianna Schoeman.

HUNTEX. Ten spyte van koue, nat weer oor ’n groot gedeelte van die lang naweek, het die HuntEx uitstalling by Nelson’s Creek groot belangstelling gelok. Duisende mense van dwars oor die Boland en Kaapse Skiereiland het toegesak op hierdie skouspel van jag- en buitetoebehore. HuntEx het vanaf Vrydag tot Maandag geduur, met uitstallings van onder andere bekende wapenhandelaars. Daar was ook demonstrasies met jaghonde en valke en skietkompetisies met boë, windbukse, haelgewere en senterslaggewere. Foto: Lise Beyers

die respek waarmee ’n PAARLIET wat sy inwoners behantien jaar lank die del het, asook haar “ma” van die Havermoë om kalm en ven-nagskuiling ferm leiding te gee in was, is op 26 Sepmoeilike omstantember oorlede ná dighede. ’n kort siekbed Sy word oorleef weens kanker. deur haar man, Sy was Bessie le seun Nicky, dogters Roux (76) wat saam Su-Anne en Bethamet haar man Nick ny (Ontong), sewe die eerste huisoukleinkinders en ers van die nagskuitwee agterkleinkinling was nadat dit in ders. 1995 geopen het. Bessie le Roux Die begrafnis is Hulle het as ’n span die nagskuiling bestuur vandag om 10:00 by die woning te Herbertstraat 8 en om 11:00 en opgebou. Bessie het beïndruk met haar toegewydheid en in die Annunciation Kerk.

Book your stand now


We invite all confirmed and interest exhibitors to attend this meeting. Main Hall, van der Stel Sport Grounds, Stellenbosch RSVP by 10 October at 021 855 4745 or email:






a CADEK Media Event

8 – 10 November 2012

Van der Stel Sport Grounds, Stellenbosch OPENING. Expressmark het onlangs hul deure oopgemaak by Simondium Agrimark se Total-diensstasie. By die geleentheid was van links, Michael Brinkhuis (Kaap Agri Bestuurder: Simondium Agrimark & Expressmark), Alex van Breda (Total-streekverkoopsbestuurder), Jayson Abrams (Total se nasionale verkoopbestuurder), Jan Swiegers (ingenieur van Total), Qetello Zeka (Total se hoofbestuurder) en Sean Walsh (Kaap Agri se besturende direkteur). Foto: Annemie Bruce

ERFENIS. Prof Hein Willemse (regs) het onlangs by die Afrikaanse Taalmuseum ’n Erfenisdaglesing gegee getitel: “Om kreools te wees: Achmat Davids en die geskiedenis van Afrikaans”. By hom is (van links) Jack Louw (direkteur van die Taalmuseum) en sy kollega Isabeau Botha. Foto: Frans le Roux


Thursday & Friday 9am - 5pm, Saturday 9am - 4pm

Tel: 021 855 4750

Arts · Vermaak

8 . Paarl Post

Kalender*Calendar ) Mark. Huis Vergenoegd bied aan ’n mark op Vrydag 5 Oktober vanaf 08:00 tot 10:30 in die voorportaal van die C Blok. )Koorlede benodig. Koorlede word benodig vir die Klassieke Kersfeeskonsert op 9 Desember in die Paarl-amfiteater. Mense wat voorheen in ’n koor gesing het, word gevra om vanaf 8 Oktober te kom oefen vir die groot produksie met Zanne Stapelberg, die Gugulethu Tenore en die Kaapse Filharmoniese Orkes onder leiding van Brandon Phillips. Die kooroefeninge is elke Maandag by die Frank Pietersen Musieksentrum vanaf 19:00 tot 21:00. Skakel Louna Stofberg by 021 863 2958 of by 082 295 8452. ) Strooidak Williston-fees. Die Strooidakkerk hou die naweek van 12 tot 13 Oktober weer hul jaarlikse fees saam met die NGK Williston, bekend vir die lekker vleis wat hulle saambring. Dit skop die Vrydagaand af by De Poort-erfenisterrein met ’n potjiekosfees, en die verkope begin die Saterdag om 09:00, ook by De Poort, met ontbyt.

Daar is baie parkering en volop speelplek vir die kinders. Navrae en ontbytkaartjies by 872 4396. ) Toer. ATKV Wellington se volgende groot projek is die toer vir vroue na die Biscuit Mill in Soutrivier op 6 Oktober wat afgesluit word met ’n koppie tee in die Kaapse Tuine. Kaartjies is R100 en kan bespreek word by Roné Sills by 082 290 3114. ) Optrede. Op Dinsdag 16 Oktober sing Riaan Hunter en Jannie Moolman treffers van Gé Korsten by die Barnyard Willowbridge. Die vertoning begin om 20:00 en is ten bate van die ACVV Paarl-Vallei. Kaartjies is R130 per persoon en kan bespreek word by 021 871 1515 of na-ure by 021 864 1237. ) Royal Stars. Die Royal Stars kom Sondag om 12:00 by die klubkamer te Dombasstraat 54, PaarlOos, bymekaar. Die doel van die byeenkoms is om die nuwe uniform se mates te laat neem. Alle nuwe lede is ook welkom om in te loer. Skakel Cavin Cornellissen by 083 556 8626.

Spring concert THE Winelands Chamber Choir, under the musical direction of Ivan le Kay, is hosting a Spring Concert on Saturday 6 October at the Bethel Congregational Church (19:30). The Huguenot URC Mens Choir will form part of the programme. Tickets will be sold at the door at R50 (R25 for children under the age of 12 years). The choir is inter-denominational.

Mark Haze on stage LAST year’s runner-up for Idols, Mark Haze, will perform at the Old Mill Theatre on Friday 5 October at 20:00. Mark has just released his album, Where angels fear to fly. He still puts as much effort and passion into each performance as day one and creates brilliant music. Hailing from Cape Town, Mark has earned a reputation for being one of the hardest working, most energetic and entertaining live acts in the country. Tickets at R100 (R80 for students) can be booked with Vicky on 083 564 0056 or

Thursday 4 October 2012

Ruk en rol met Grease VANAF 11 tot 14 Oktober is die musiekblyspel Grease te sien by die Bergkroonteater op Wellington. Drakenstein se talentvolle span akteurs, sangers en musikante span saam om GREASE. Lyall Ramsden (naaslinks), wat die rol hierdie bekende van Danny vertolk, is te sien in die produksie van storie en onver- Grease vanaf 11 tot 14 Oktober in die Bergkroon-tegeetlike musiek ater op Wellington. By hom is die ander manne van van die “Pink La- die “T-birds”, Marnoux Terblanché, Kyle Seconna, dies” en die “Bur- Wessel Botes en Giuliano Scaiola. ger Palace Boys” Hugenote Hoërskool, Hugenote aan te bied. Tussen al die kattekwaad wat die bendes aanjaag, Laerskool, Hugo Rust, CPUT Wellington, Hoër Jongenskool word daar gesing en gedans. Paarl, Wellington NG Kerk, Lyall Ramsden en Inge AuBastion en New Orleans Sekongustyn sal onderskeidelik die rolle van Danny en Sandy ver- dêr. Die vervaardigers is Jotolk. Lyall is ’n ervare verhoog- hann Enslin en André Terblanster. Een van sy produksie- ché, die regisseur en choreograaf is Ignatius van Heerden hoogtepunte was toe hy die rol van Zazu in The Lion King ver- en die musiekregisseur is Winand Grundling. tolk het in Suid-Afrika, Taiwan Kaartjies teen R120 en R160 en Singapoer, waarvoor hy ’n Naledi Theatre Award nomina- is beskikbaar by koorlede, produksielede of by Computicket. sie gekry het. Spesiale kaartjies vir skoolCito van die rock groep Wongroepe (R75 op 9 Oktober) is bederboom sal ook in die musiekskikbaar by tickets@wellingblyspel te sien wees. ’n Orkes begelei die sangers Vir navrae epos info@wellington en dansers. Kore wat deel maak van die produksie is van LIGHT. Paarl artist and stained glass designer Francois van der Merwe is a finalist in the Eskom Energy Efficient Lighting Design Competition with his lamp titled Blank Canvas, consisting of a fabric covered board with a cut-out section in the shape of a lamp, backed by an energy efficient bulb. The back of the board is painted with glow eco paint which reflects the light and can glow for eight hours after the bulb is switched off. The results will be announced in Johannesburg on 18 November.

Finaliste stal hul handewerk uit DIE twaalf finaliste van Paarl Post se Arts and Crafts-kompetisie sal Saterdag vanaf 09:00 tot 12:00 hul handewerk in Paarl Mall uitstal, waar die algehele wenner ook aangewys sal word. Die uitstalling sal in die Foodcourt-afdeling plaasvind. Om 09:00 sal die beoordelaars vir hul gunsteling stem en die publiek kan tussen 09:00 en 11:00 vir hul gunsteling stem. Die wenner word om 12:00 aangekondig. Finaliste of hul verteenwoordiger (jy mag iemand stuur om in te staan as jy dit nie kan maak nie) moet om 08:00 by die Foodcourt aanmeld en het tot 09:00 om op te stel. Pryse ter waarde van R10 000 word geborg deur Waltons, Postnet, Winefolk, Bella Bellota, Café Juno, eight* (printing, signage, branding), Kropman & Seun, Fresh Stop, Convenient Fitness, Family Farmstall, Bossa Nova, Palmiet Valley en Articles.

Donderdag 4 Oktober 2012

Advertisement 路 Advertensie

Paarl Post



10 . Paarl Post

Youth · Jeug

Thursday 4 October 2012

GIMNASTE. Hierdie gimnaste van Courtrai Laerskool het aan die Suid-sone gimnastiekkompetisie deelgeneem. Van links is Steflynn Cloete (silwermedalje 0.9), Chanel de Kock (goue medalje o.11 en eerste op die balk) en Chrisli Steyn (silwermedalje 0.8 en eerste op die balk).

PRESTEER. Drie van Gimnasium Hoërskool se leerders het onlangs in sport presteer. Heinrich Priem (links) Boland by die SA’s verteenwoordig in moderne vyfkamp en ’n silwermedalje ontvang. Zerkia Niehaus (middel) is opgeneem in die Boland-judospan en ontvang ’n bronsmedalje by die SA-toernooi. Jacques de Klerk (regs) het in skopboks aan die SA’s deelgeneem waar hy ’n silwermedalje losgeskop het. Hy is opgeneem in die SA president-skopboksspan vir die wêreld-kampioenskappe in Bratislava, Slowakië.

OLIMPIADE. Philip van Niekerk van Hugenote Hoërskool het uitmuntend presteer in die SAICA Pastel Rekeningkunde-olimpiade en ’n tweede plek landswyd verwerf.

SPEL. Newton Primêr se leerders het deelgeneem aan die Spelolimpiade waaraan skole in Kring 3 deelgeneem het en eerste geëindig in hul grade. Van links is Tarryn Philander (graad 7), Mawethu Sophi (graad 1) en Amber de Goede (graad 5). Hierdie drie gaan as deel van die Kaapse Wynland Distrikspan tydens die vierde kwartaal in Worcester deelneem.

NETBAL. Die Dream Team krieket- en netbalklub van Lantana, Paarl, het hul sportdag ter viering van Walter Warries aangebied wat jare terug geskiet is op ’n krieketveld. Hier speel die meisies netbal op Nederburg Primêr se netbalbaan.

TOURISM AWARDS. The Franschhoek Wine Valley was selected as the winner of the category Best Visitor’s Information and Services of the Year at the awards ceremony of the Cape Winelands District. They have regular festive events and make ample use of social media. Here from left are Alderman Cornelius de Bruyn (executive mayor of Cape Winelands District Municipality), Alan Winde (MEC for Finance, Economic Development and Tourism), Jenni Prinsloo (CEO of Franschhoek Wine Valley) and Lourens du Toit, Drakenstein councillor for tourism.

Pioneer Foods launch education and community trust PIONEER FOODS, one of South Africa’s leading food manufacturers, has established an independent education and community trust as part of its broad-based black economic empowerment initiatives. The expanded empowerment scheme came into being when the Group issued some 10,6 million listed shares to the Pioneer Foods Broad-Based BEE Trust (the PF BEE Trust). As part of the transaction, the Pioneer Foods Education and Community Trust (PFECT), has been formed to serve as the only beneficiary of the PF BEE Trust. The newly established trust is to receive 20% of all dividends declared on these shares. “Focusing mainly on education initiatives, the entity aims to uplift communities in the immediate surrounding areas of Pioneer Foods subsidiaries throughout South Africa,” says André Hanekom, managing director of Pioneer Foods. The aims of the trust will be to assist in the provision of school buildings or equipment for public schools and educational institutions, as well as the provision of scholarships, bursaries and study loans. “Over the past five years, Pioneer Foods has invested more than R76 million in numerous community upliftment projects, ranging from flood relief efforts and food security to education and sports development. This was through traditional CSI and Enterprise Development funding. The Trust will also manage the CSI funds going forward. “The Pioneer Foods Education and Community Trust will give further impetus to the Group’s broad based black economic empowerment aims,” says Hanekom. The five trustees are Prof Eltie Links, chairman of Doing Business in Africa (University of Stellenbosch Business School), Sharron Marco-Thyse, chairperson of the SA Wine Industry Trust, Monde Mpongoshe, CEO of Velokhaya Life Cycling Academy, Leon Cronjé, financial director of Pioneer Foods, and Lulu Khumalo, Corporate Affairs and Sustainability Executive for Pioneer Foods. The Trust will be based in Paarl,


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TRUST. Lambert Retief (left), chairman of the Paarl Media Group, celebrates the establishment of the Pioneer Foods Education and Community Trust with fellow Pioneer Foods directors Nonhlanhla Mjoli-Mncube and Leon Cronjé.

12 . Paarl Post

Sake Post Geklassifiseerd

Thursday 4 October 2012

08 Sterfgevalle Deaths

10 In memoriam In memoriam

Thursday 4 October 2012

Sake Post Geklassifiseerd

Paarl Post



FREDERICKS: JOSEPH. Sag heengegaan op Woens­ dag 26/09/2012. Begrafnis: 06/10/2012. Huis: 09:00. Kerk (Bethel) om 10:00. LE ROUX: BESSIE. With the peaceful passing of my dear sister Bessie. Always remembered by your sister Sarah & family.

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BRIDGING CASH while waiting for


PENSION/ PACKAGE LE ROUX: ELIZABETH (BESSIE). Born: 11/12/1935. Died: 26/09/2012. With sadness we say goodbye to a wonderful sister & aunt. Sweet memo­ ries remain in our hearts. Rest in peace. Deon, Julia, Astrid, Adele & family. LE ROUX (née FLORIS): BESSIE. A much loved sister and aunt. Memories of you will always remain in our hearts. Josephine & family. Port Shepstone.

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GESOEK: Jong, wit kokke­ tiel met rooi wange. Sondag weggevlieg in Perdeskoen se rigting in Wellington. Kontak my asb by 083 370 6317.

THOMAS: MINA. 29 September 2012 ­ your 1st year away from us. Will forever be missed and loved.

43 m², 101 m². Sentraal geleë, Hoofstraat, Paarl, langs McDonalds hamburgers.

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Dial: 021 872 2114 or visit us @ 387 Main Street, Paarl

LEVENS: ELIZABETH. Gebore: 23/01/1937. Oor­ lede: 26/09/2012. Met liefde­ volle herinneringe neem ons afskeid van ons geliefde ma en ouma. Word diep betreur deur familie en vriende. Begrafnis word waargeneem deur Willy's Begrafnis­ dienste. Begrafnis: Saterdag 6 Oktober 2012. By huis ­ 09:30 (Dianastraat, Smartietown). Kerk ­ 10:30 ­ Zions Kerk (langs swembad).


Payout (lump sum only) Same day pay out

OP SOEK na my 18­kt trouringe en 3 9­kt ringe, met 2 goue armbande en horlosie wat uit my woning gesteel is. Kontak Ervan Williams: 071 887 4789.

LIFT required from Voor­ trekker Road Parow (opposite Parow Centre) to Paarl (Central Paarl). Hours of work 08:00 ­ 16:30. Contact details 083 784 0638.

WINDOW TINTING: Residential/offices. Phone Johan 082 301 5724 for free quotation. /

MODERNE tweeslaap­ kamerwoonstel in sekuriteits­ kompleks. Beskikbaar 1 November 2012. Huurgeld per maand ­ R4 000. Skakel Kevindy by 021 860 1240.

DRINGEND: Op soek na grondwoonstel met tuin, 2­ slpk teen R3 800 pm. So gou as moontlik. 082 401 1184.

PAARL: New Orleans. Granny flat. Onmiddellik beskikbaar. Kontak 021 862 7266. QUEEN'S TERRACE: 3­ Slpk dupleks w/s. Suider­ Paarl. 1½ badk, i.g.k. stoof, oond. Satellietskottel, water ingesluit, koopkrag ­ R4 900 pm. Beskikbaar on­ middellik of 1 Nov. Marius: 082 375 4767.

ABSOLUUT Sentraal­ Wellington. Netjiese kamers, woonstelle vir jong werkende/ studente. Uitstekende waarde ­ R1 400 ­ R2 100. 072 434 5120.

IN (OLD) NEWTON: 3 Bedrooms, full bathroom and open plan lounge & kitchen with oven & hob. Pre­paid electricity ­ R4 500. House to rent in New Orleans: 3 Bed­ rooms, 2½ bathrooms, open plan lounge & kitchen with oven & hob. Pre­paid electricity, garage ­ R5 000. Contact Brian: 078 350 4447/Jolene: 084 597 5695.

082 880 1470

SEMI­DETACHED UNIT: Jan van Riebeeck Drive, Charleston Hill. 2 Bedroom unit. Open plan kitchen with living room, shower with toilet. W&E included ­ R4 200 + deposit R4 200. Avail­ able from 8 October. Contact

WELLINGTON: 2­Slaap­ kamerwoonstel te huur. Eie ingang ­ R3 500. Einde Oktober beskikbaar. Skakel Connie: 021 864 2120.

DENNEBURG: Gemeubi­ leerde buite­kamer met bad­ kamer. Aparte ingang en veilige parkering. Vir enkel­ manspersoon ­ R1 800 + dep. Skakel 082 660 8032.


We refill your printer cartridges from R20 - R110, black and colour, while you wait. WE SELL: Refilled, new and compatible Ink Jet and Laser cartridges. WE BUY EMPTY cartridges R5 - R40.

WELLINGTON: Ruim woonstel in Uitsig. Sitkamer/ slaapkamer­/kombuis. Geen kinders ­ R2 800 plus eie elektrisiteit. Eienaar: 082 331 8834.

1­SLPK. WOONSTEL in Wellington in sekuriteitskom­ pleks met swembad ­ R2 800. Geen kinders en troeteldiere. Skakel Sandra: 084 664 3743.

PHONE GERD Tel: 863-3951/ 082-7744-098.

Behind ‘Oak Tree Lodge’. 32 Main Street, Suider Paarl opposite KWV h/office.

2­SLAAPKAMER, 1­bad­ kamerwoonstel. Sen­traal­ Paarl. Onmiddellik beskik­ baar vir enkel, professionele persoon ­ R4 200 pm. 079 306 4242.

124/m² KANTORE @ R68,40/m² p.m. (2 x onder­ dakparkering). 1ste Vloer, Lady Greystraat. 98/m² Win­ kel of banksaal/koffiewinkel @ R114/m² op Lady Grey­ straat. Beide persele in die Towers­gebou, Paarl. Kontak M Mostert 021 981 6030 (epos:

2­SLPK WOONSTEL. Sentraal geleë. Onmiddellik beskikbaar ­ R3 600 pm. Kontak Louise: 021 872 0624.

GROOT 2­slpk w/s ­ midde­ dorp sekuriteitskompleks. Veilige area ­ R4 300 p.m. Water ingesluit. Beskikbaar vanaf 6 Oktober. Liezel: 082 566 3770.

Aalwynprodukte Van skoonheidsmiddels tot die beste medisyne.

Produkte vir die hele gesin! Geskenk- en toetspakke ook beskikbaar.

Kontak Elsabé Strauss (sel) 082 850 3736 BRAAI / KAGGELHOUT: Rooikrans, Blackwattel, Bloekom, Firestarters, Spider gum, Myrtle braaihout. Gratis aflewering (radius 50 km), verpakking ekstra. Kontak 083 493 6894/ 083 718 6978/021 854 7052.

GROOT stoor, geen krag beskikbaar. Haarsalon ook te huur. Lekker ruim en naby besigheidsarea. Onmiddellik beskikbaar ­ R3 500 pm. 021 872 3342.

TE KOOP: Garagedeur ­ R300; Centurion skuif­ hekmotor ­ R900; Centurion swaaihekmotors ­ R2 000. Skakel 082 781 2210.

Sake Post Geklassifiseerd

14 . Paarl Post CHARLESTON HILL: Property nr: 27507. Dorn Rosastraat 19A, 3­Slpk ­ R900 000. 083 720 7992. LABRADOR puppies. Black & white. Dewormed & inoculated ­ R1 200 each. Ready to go. Phone 082 463 8128.

FITTER vir aluminium­ vensters en ­deure beskikbaar. Kontak Andries: 083 566 4079.

GROENHEUWEL. 3­ Slaapkamerwoning en­suite, carport, oopplan, twee voorkamers ­ R595 000. Tel: 082 777 5943.

EXP housemaid is looking for work. 078 471 3849. EXPERIENCED domestic worker. Ref available. 078 641 9181. EXPERIENCED domestic looking for work. 073 920 4341.

Thursday 4 October 2012

ZIMBABWEAN lady needs housekeeping­/domestic work. Ref avail. 078 183 2588. ZIMBABWEAN lady is looking for housekeeping job. 073 038 8618.

EXPERIENCED domestic worker. Phone 073 578 0518. EXPERIENCED domestic worker with reference. Phone 078 137 8052.

CITI GOLF 1.4, 2003 model, 225 578 km ­ R32 000. 078 101 1619.

EXPERIENCED in house work. Phone 078 261 1329. FORKLIFT driver with PDP is looking for Code 10 driver's job. 076 958 7908.

FIAT UNO 1.4, 1996 model, 5­spoed. Rooi kleur. Towbar Uitstekende, lopende toe­ stand ­ R18 000. Skakel 072 626 7260. FORD BANTAM 1.3, 2005 model ­ R38 500. Mazda Rustler & kappie, 1997 ­ R27 000. 079 894 4497.

HISTORIUMBESTUUR­ DER vir konfeensiesentrum. Vir navrae, kontak Jack Louw by 021 872 3441.

GOLF BAKKIE, 1991 model. 2L enjin + kappie en mags ­ R23 500 ohb. 078 513 2902 Dino.

LIQUOR POST: Assistant post ­ sales, computer skills. Hand CV in at 472 Main Street, Paarl.

NISSAN SENTRA 160GX, 1993 model, 208 300 km ­ R29 000. 073 844 6254. OPEL KADETT 1.6 GL, 1985, 5­spoed. Baie goeie oorspronklike toestand. Met padwaard. sert (RWC) en nuwe lisensie, trekstang ­ R15 000. 084 470 6054. VW BEETLE (wit); VW Beetle (swart) beide in goeie, lopende toestand ­ R8 500 elk. Renault 5TS ­ R10 000. 084 736 5731/074 850 9966/021 862 0522.

SLABBER TRADERS: Koop voertuie aan vir kontant. Skakel 078 543 9039.

GENERAL work needed. Contactable ref. available. 083 894 3933. HET geldige kode 8­be­ stuurslisensie. Soek drywer­ of enige ander werk. Skakel asb 082 818 0674/084 236 4610. HOUSEKEEPER is looking for a job. Mo ­ Fri. Ref avail. 072 965 5716. I AM LOOKING for house­ keeping job. Mo ­ Fri. Ref avail. 073 171 4726.

WELLINGTON: 2­Slpk ­ R350 000; 3­Slpk ­ R450 000; 3­Slpk ­ R510 000; 3­ Slpk ­ R550 000. Kontak Tharina: 082 779 4001.

I AM looking for any general work. 083 360 0363. I'M LOOKING for domestic work call: 079 634 4444. I'M looking for general work for every day. Ref avail. 078 982 3148.

ADMIN data copy/paste jobs available. Sms name/address to 071 548 6944 or email to AU PAIR in the USA, from New York to LA. Free flights, accommodation and food. Earn $196 per week. Females aged 18­26. Matric certifi­ cate, childcare experience, driver's licence. Contact OVC on 021 886 6672.

PAARL family looking for full­time domestic worker. Must have reference and be able to cook. Fax CV to 086 765 8176. PLUMBING SALES PERSON required. Salary negotiable. Min 1 year's experience. E­mail CV's to 021 872 0885.

I'M LOOKING for job as a chef(exp) of housekeeping. Ref avail. 082 220 4189. I'M LOOKING for 2 days domestic work. Experienced. 084 626 1470. KINDEROPPASSER: Level 1­4. Huiswerk. 084 589 5878. LOOKING for domestic work (Tues & Thurs). 078 995 4017.

BOUWERK, verfwerk, waterdigting van dakke en mure, dreinering van sig­ water; algemene herstel­ en onderhoudswerke. Verwys­ ings beskikbaar. Skakel 072 332 4216 of 082 842 9835.

LOOKING for domestic work. 071 746 0789. M A L A W I A N l a d y, experienced, looking for everyday work. Ref avail. 078 975 8531/071 746 6499.

200 CC EUROTRAC (SCRAMBLER) motor­ fiets te koop. Soos nuut. Baie min kilo's ­ R13 500. Kontak my by 082 431 7815. TEACH in Thailand. Relocation costs apply. VERKOOPSPERSOON: Halfdagpos. Volwasse, spontane persoon met vorige verkoopsondervinding word verlang vir klereboetiek in die Paarl Mall. Persoon moet ook bereid wees om elke 2de naweek vol te werk. Skakel Annette: 082 461 7580.

WOONWA gesoek, betaal kontant onder R20 000. Kontak André: 082 584 7533.

VERLANG 'n opgeleide persoon vir peuteronderrig. R i g C V a a n : Sperdatum 12 Oktober 2012.

NEED additional cash? No stock or sales. We need business minded, financially driven selfstarters. Contact 082 567 1150.

GROOT plot & plan + fondasie te koop. Klein Parys. Lafayettelaan 17. Tel: 082 393 4147/073 364 8661.

2­SLPK ­ R350 000; 3­slpk ­ R430 000; 3­slpk ­ R550 000; 3­slpk met w/s ­ R700 000. Huislenings beskikbaar! 073 421 3608. BARBAROSSASTR, Huguenot. Volledige 3­ slpk huis, met en­suite, volledige badk met stort, TV­kamer wat uitloop op braai­area. Foyer, aparte sitk. Kombuis met i.g.k., aparte waskamer/ spens. Motorhuis met buite­ toilet. Erf, volledig omhein ­ R850 000. 083 265 2094/021 862 1049 k/u.

C AT T L E FA R M MANAGER needed for a farm in Wellington area. Min 5 years' experience. Basic salary, accommodation can be provided. Good commis­ sion. 079 285 4949; m EARN extra money selling Justine! For further info please contact Tasneem. Cell: 084 318 8701 or email: ELECTRICAL SALES PERSON required. Salary negotiable. Min 1 year's experience. E­mail CV's to abigail@bb fax 021 872 0885. E X T E R NA L S A L E S R E P R E S E N T AT I V E required. Salary negotiable. Min 3 years' experience. E­ m a i l C V ' s t o 021 872 0885.

VURKHUYSER­OPERA­ TEUR benodig met 'n geldige lisensie in die Wellington­ area. Moet so spoedig moontlik begin. Kontak 021 873 0606 of faks CV na 021 864 3410. WERKSGELEENTHEID vir matrieks. Met basiese salaris. Faks CV na 021 864 2746 of kontak 021 864 2746/083 526 5162.

DOMESTIC is looking for 2 days (Tues & Thurs).Ref avail. 073 173 7220. DOMESTIC WORKER needed. Ref avail. 076 977 1832. DOMESTIC worker needs 4 days. Ref avail. Call 083 519 6543. DOMESTIC/CHAR work needed. Phone 071 768 3243. EXP DRIVER needs a job. Code 14. 071 989 2874.

IMVUSA TRADING cc. For any bricklaying, extensions, painting, tiling, plumbing, carpentry & boundary walls and swimming pools. Big/small. NHBRC Nr: 40312. 072 261 3437. Johan: 021 862 4934.

MARJORIE is looking for domestic work. 084 011 6946. PATRICIA is urgently looking for domestic/ cleaning work. 073 229 8490. PHUMZA is looking for domestic work. 072 986 2450. Ref avail. SLEEP­IN domestic is looking for work, exp in babysitting. 073 947 6354. SLEEP­IN domestic is looking for work or babysitting. 071 960 4812.

MOSTERT SWEISWER­ KE: Skuif­/swaaihekke, diefwering, traliewerk & vele ander staalwerke. Gratis kwotasies. Skakel Frank Mostert: 021 868 2880/072 022 0066. Faks: 021 872 6771.

THUMEKA is looking for domestic work. I have ref. 083 592 0520. ZIMBABWEAN is looking for housekeeping/waitressing job. Ref avail. 078 694 5434. ZIMBABWEAN lady is looking for housekeeping/ domestic work. 084 089 7694. ALLE restourasies, verf­ werk & houtwerk. Skakel Clint: 076 474 0551.

Thursday 4 October 2012

Sake Post Geklassifiseerd

Paarl Post

ROLL­ON LAWN: Gratis aflewering binne 20 km. Gratis kwotasie vir uitleg, gratis kwotasie vir besmetting en uitleg van grond, on­ kruidvry gras. 079 894 4497.

YSKASTE EN AIRCONS diens en regas. Baie billike pryse. 24/7. Kontak Riaan: 074 345 3893.

1­TON BAKKIE beskikbaar. Aflewerings, kolleksies, klein trekke, rommelverwydering. Skakel 076 273 3096/073 124 5002 vir beste pryse! BAKKIE & TRAILER HIRE: Te huur, vervoer, meubelvervoer. Skakel Johan Maass. Alle ure: 082 321 8904. B.R. VERVOER: Tipper­ trok vir vervoer van bou­ rommel, tuinvullis ens. Sand ­ R650. Klip ­ R850. Per 3 meter. Skakel Bennie: 072 208 6943. F O U R I E ­ V E RVO E R : Vervoer van meubels ­ klein of groot. Landswyd of plaaslik. Skakel 082 821 5234 of 021 876 2440. FREE DUMPING SITE: Clean building material and soil only. Phone Louis: 082 829 5542.

ARL SERVICES: We offer the following services at affordable rates. We clean your house, office, windows & wash carpets. Contact Antoinette at 082 459 5625 for a quote. E­mail:

NOTICE!!! For the following services: Removal of rubble. Site cleaning. Moving of equipment. Transporting of goods. Please contact 079 894 4497. ROMMEL­ & VULLIS­ VERWYDERING: Vervoer van bourommel & tuinvullis. Kontak Louis: 083 713 9599.

D U S T B U S T E R S IRONING SERVICES: Ironing done at your home or at our premises. Pick­up and drop off service. Available Monday ­ Saturday. Contact 074 865 7362. DUSTBUSTERS SKOON­ MAAKDIENSTE: Bekostigbare skoonmaak van u woning of kantoor. Een keer of weekliks. Pryse begin by R132,00. Gratis kwotasies. Ons klop enige redelike geskrewe kwotasie. Enkel huishulpe ook beskikbaar. Nuwe nommer!! 074 865 7362 (alle ure).

SKAKEL NICO by 082 925 3680 vir verwydering van tuinvullis of bourommel en lewering van klip ens. Goeie diens gewaarborg.

INBOU VAN KASTE asook verandering van bestaande kaste. Gratis kwotasies. Skakel JP: 083 453 2702.

SNA CLEANING SER­ VICES: Labour & Cleaning Services. Residential clean­ ing, contract cleaning, undercover security cleaning, office cleaning, window cleaning. We also do pest control. At a price you can afford. Free quotes. Andre 073 844 9868. Email: a n d r e m u l l e r 0 1 @ vo d a m

TEËLS: Fabriekswinkel te Wellington. Kontak vervaardiger of besoek ons vertoonlokaal. Smartstone: 021 873 5482.



Sake Post Geklassifiseerd

16 . Paarl Post

WINNER. The Paarl Post subscriber’s competition was won by Wiwe Ras-Pretorius (right). Here she receives her voucher for a dinner for four at Val de Vie plus wine from Paarl Post advertising manager Ilse Fourie.

VERWYDERING van rommel en vullis, 1­6ml. Algemene vervoer met 8­ ton trok. Vir billike pryse en gehalte diens, skakel JAC Q U E S : 0 8 2 5 7 9 2998/021 872 6029.

Free-flowing Pinotage party returns to Diemersfontein: Pinotage on Tap 2012 It’s voluptuous, vivacious and velvety; and its annual vintage release is the reason that thousands trek to the Pinotage party to end them all. The 2012 Original Coffee Chocolate Pinotage wine is about to be unveiled at Pinotage on Tap, taking place at Diemersfontein in Wellington on Saturday 13 October. Gates open at 13:00. In addition to generous pourings from barrels of Pinotage, white wine and artisanal beer will be available for enjoyment with a generous selection of tasty, filling foods. Acclaimed local acts will include Goodluck, Albert Frost and Gerald Clark, will add to the vibe for which the events are famed. The Fans ticket price of R320 for the Wellington event includes food vouchers, the bands, the famous ‘bottomless’ glass of Diemersfontein’s Original Coffee Chocolate Pinotage and a R5 contribution to Birdlife South Africa, while Fanatics tickets can be bought with a six-bottle case of the wine for R720. Ticket sales are open at and early bookings are advised. Accommodation packages and other special offers will be advertised on the Pinotage on Tap page on the Diemersfontein website.

Rappin Donkey stel CD vry PAARL VLOERSKUUR DIENSTE Sedert 1978. Jaco Geldenhuys 084 493 6696.

DIE bekendstelling van die nuwe CD van Ameen Levy (Rappin Donkey) vind plaas op Woensdag 31 Oktober om 20:00 by Funky Buddha in die Paarl. Die CD, genaamd Dis lekker, dis nice bevat 19 lekker danssnitte.By die bekendstlling sal die Rockets, Public Opinion, Little Dynamics, Johny Star, Ronnie Apollis en Selwyn Bartlett ook optree. Grant Johnson is die seremoniemeester. Die aand open met ’n dokumentêre film (30 minute) oor Levy. Kaartjies is R250 per dubbel insluitend die nuwe CD. CD’s sal ook teen R100 verkoop word. Vir kaartjies en verdere navrae, skakel Marie by 021 862 1618 of 073 575 3008.

Thursday 4 October 2012

4 • 5 Oktober 2012


MacYoung betree Stellenbosch­mark D

inamies en eties. So beskryf Trevor Young sy eiendomsfirma wat onlangs in Stellenbosch gevestig het. Trevor is die prinsipaal van MacYoung Eiendomme en is sedert 1991 in die bedryf. Jacqui, sy vrou en mede-direkteur, is self ’n suksesvolle agent sedert 1998. Trevor en Jacqui beskou hulleself as ’n liefdevolle ouerpaar, gelukkige huwelikspaar en gedugte sakepaar. Saam het hulle gedurende 2001 na Mosselbaai verhuis waar hulle MacYoung Eiendomme begin het, en later ook heelwat ontwikkelings daar gedoen het. Trevor verstaan die dinamika van die eiendomsmark baie goed en het reeds ’n lojale span saamgestel wat woonstelle, residensiële, kommersiële sake- en verhuring van eiendom sal bedryf. “Die kredietkrisis tesame met die nuwe Nasionale Kwalifikasieraamwerkriglyne het ons bedryf heeltemal verander. Die wyse waarop sake in die verlede gedoen is, is lank reeds verby,” sê Trevor. “Die tipiese eiendomsagent moet baie meer gefokus wees op ’n langtermynberoep, jonger wees (tussen 30 en 50 jaar) en professioneel met ’n standvastige karakter.” Hy fokus op ontwikkelings en gepaardgaande geleenthede en het reeds verskeie ontwikkelingsgeleenthede geidentifiseer en aan ontwikkelaars aangebied. “Ek is trots op ons span en almal werk hard en toegewyd saam. Ons het wil elkeen deur harde werk sukses behaal, maar ons wil ook ’n professionele en ingeligte diens aan ons gewaardeerde kliënte lewer. Dit is vir ons van uiterste belang om ons kliënte se transaksies vertroulik te hanteer, terwyl ons ’n gesonde langtermynverhouding bou.” Trevor sê hulle beplan om in Stellenbosch voort te bou op die MacYoungnaam, en belowe flinke, effektiewe en ingeligte diens.


R2 350 000

Bedrooms 4 | Bathrooms 2 | Garage

New release. Family home near schools with lovely views. STELLENBOSCH

R3 300 000

Bedrooms 3 | Bathrooms 2 | Garage

Spacious family home near schools with 2 bedroom flat.

Die MacYoung­eiendomspan is (agter van links): Dawid Pfaff (Somerset­Wes, Strand) en Derrick Hendrickse (Jamestown, Idasvallei en Cloetesville); (voor) Susan Viljoen (ontvangsdame en persoonlike assistent), Jacqui Young (Dalsig, Paradyskloof, Brandwacht, Die Boord), Trevor Young (direkteur van MacYoung, verkoop van besighede), Saneya Hendrickse (Jamestown, Idasvallei en Cloetesville) en Quintin Shepherd (verhuring en verkoop van deeltitel­eiendomme). FOTO: VERSKAF


RR4 4 995 000

Bedrooms 5 | Bathrooms 5 | Garage

Great investment in the historic core. STELLENBOSCH


Kantoor 021 887 4740 Marina 082 557 0864 Welgevonden 021 889 9774 Yolandé 082 DIE BOORD R3579 100 0560 000


Son Vida Mannheim Libertas Bastmolen La Dauphine Moltenopark Abelia Vilarous Het Begijnhof Slaapkamers 2 | Badkamer 1 | Parkering 1 Oude Hoek Goeie huurinkomste met pragtige uitsig. Barlinka


Bach Bach 1 Slpk 1Slpk 1Slpk 2Slpk 2Slpk 2Slpk 2Slpk 2Slpk 3Slpk

R6 800 000

A Piece of paradise, surrounded by mountains and river passing by. Monthly income from 3 Cottages, Organic Nursery, Tea garden and Tepee camping site.. HISTORIC CORE

R2 250 000

R1 295 000 R 850 000 R1 295 000 R 9 95 000 R1 190 000 R 895 000 R 980 000 R1 650 000 R1 880 000 Bedrooms 2 | Bathroom 1 | Parking 1 R2 500 000 Spacious apartment. Walk everywhere. R1 650 000 Excellent rental income.


R1 995 000

Bedrooms 2 | Bathrooms 2 | Garage + Park

Quaint lock up and go near shopping centre and Stellenbosch golf course.


Paarl Post

BOLAND SOLD Paarl, Wellington

4 Oktober, 2012

Learn the art of bookkeeping

The Cape Chamber of Business and Industry will hold a basic business accounting workshop at the Cape Chamber House on 9 October from 08:30 until 16:30. The event costs R855 (members) or R1 112 (non-members). This one-day workshop will deal with constructing books of account, from source entry to preparation of financial statements. Delegates will be able to recognise accounting entries that originate within their business, helping them better control their business environment. They’ll also be introduced to accounting and bookkeeping jargon. The course covers basic terminology; the


accounting cycle; source documents – books of first entry; chart of accounts; audit trails; trial balance; reconciliations; month- and year-end close; and annual final statements. This workshop is designed for bookkeepers, accounting and financial staff, operational mangers and entrepreneurs who wish to gain a basic understanding of how the “books of account” are designed and integrate into the business, leading ultimately into the financial statements. The workshop will be presented by Petra Financial and Accounting Services. Book at



R2 800 000



STAND OUT IN THE CROWD? Beds 3 Baths 3 Garage 2

FARMER’S KITCHEN Beds 3 Baths 2 Garage 2

WEB 255469

WEB 264143

Then you’ll love this large open-plan, modern home. Unique as its current owners-an entertainers’ delight with easy in/outdoors flow.

Brand new home with pool, overlooking farmlands, rivier and fairway. Enviable finishes in cleverly designed single storey home.

[O] 021 872 2223

[O] 021 872 2223

LITA 083 498 1018


R5 500 000

LITA 083 498 1018


R3 200 000

to be the Unexpected HELDERBERG

Phone Michelle Marston 021 841 4285 DistrictMail Ilse Fourie 021 870 4600 | Paarl Post or Marijke van der Merwe 021 887 2840 Strand | Gordon’s Bay | Somerset West | Stellenbosch | Grabouw | Elgin

to place your property in the Biggest property guide by far.


A THOROUGHBRED Beds 2+2 Baths 2,5 Garage 2

WEB 193584

FOR THE SELECTIVE BUYER!! Beds 4 Baths 2 Garage 3

WEB 210910

A house of distinction with detail as expected in this price range.

Quality finishes, lovely flow with calm ambience! Swimmingpool.

[O] 021 872 2223

[O] 021 872 2223

LITA 083 498 1018


R367 400


WEB 160964

LORETTA 082 473 0596


R1 495 000

ONDERHANDELBAAR! Kamers 3 Badkamers 2 M/huis 1

WEB 261199

Kom bou jou droomhuis in hierdie sekuriteitsontwikkeling. Heelwat erwe om van te kies en te keur.

Alles wat jy verwag van ‘n Victoriaanse huis circa 1880. Outentieke “wrap around” & oregontrap na onvoltooide solder.

[K] 021 872 2223

[K] 021 872 2223

RACHELLE 084 400 4525


R449 000

VOSSIE 082 444 7003


R675 000


HOEKOM HUUR? Kamers 3 Badkamers 1 Parkering 2

WEB 274636

DRINGENDE VERKOOP Kamers 2 Badkamers 1 Parkering 2

WEB 259004

Wooneenheid in sekuriteitskompleks, stapafstand Baie netjiese beginners huisie met toegeruste kombuis, afdak, groot erf op taxi roete. Aparte sitkamers. vanaf dorp. Klein, privaat tuintjie met braai. Pragtige kombuis. [K] 021 872 2223 BERENICE 072 423 1455 [K] 021 864 2948 LINDA 083 379 3769


R995 000



R1 595 000


PRICE TO SELL Beds 3 Baths 2 Garage 1

RUIM FAMILIEHUIS WEB 268577 Kamers 4 Badkamers 2

WEB 264125

Renovate this house to prefection on a large treelined plot in excellent area.

Heerlike kuierhuis met twee ruim leefareas. Swembad en buite geboue.

[O] 021 864 2948

[K] 021 864 2948

MARISA 079 877 4177

RENTALS Boschenmeer - Thys 082 646 0932 Paarl - Vicky Bester 074 158 8016 Wellington - Andre 082 788 7746

CARMEN 082 490 0994

BOLAND SOLD Paarl, Wellington

Paarl Post

4 Oktober, 2012



Paarl Post

4 Oktober, 2012

BOLAND SOLD Paarl, Wellington

Paarl Post

BOLAND SOLD Stellenbosch

4 Oktober, 2012

3 2



Paarl Post

BOLAND SOLD Stellenbosch

4 Oktober, 2012

Brighten up your garden with colour this summer Bulbs, annuals, bedding plants, beautiful trees… there are many ways to brighten up your garden and your life with instant – or with long-lasting and seasonal – colour. Gardens are wonderful sources of visual pleasure during the daytime, but have you considered a planting to be enjoyed at night as well? A border or selection of containers filled with white flowers looks magical at the twilight hour and on moonlit nights. Plant a broad seasonal selection such as white azaleas, rothmania, magnolia, arums, begonias, hydrangea paniculata, galtonia, dahlias, gaura, chrysanthemums and fragrant white roses, tuberose, gardenia, alyssum, and jasmine to ensure interest throughout the year. The indigenous perennial, Syncarpha argentea or “everlasting”, has a flowering period of almost seven months and its silvery foliage complements the tiny translucent white flowers. A few cheerful flowers planted among the

A trellised arch frames a view in your garden.

vegetables add a splash of colour, and they can also help improve the harvest. Bold zinnias attract the bees essential for the pollination of cucumbers, squash and melons; the “poached egg” limnathes lure hover flies to help combat infestations of aphids on tomatoes, broccoli and other above-ground crops. Orange-, red- and yellow-flowered nasturtiums entice aphids away from the veggies, while lavender actually deters many small creatures from dining on your veggie patch. The tiny parasitic nematodes in the soil, which can deplete the kitchen garden production if allowed to get out of control, are kept in check by the presence of a few dahlias and marigolds. Have you seen the gorgeous array of unusually coloured vegetables that are so fashionable these days? Try planting seeds of the golden or sweet-tasting pink- and whitestriped beetroots. Sow and grow young purple-podded peas to be harvested and eaten whole as indigo-coloured sugar snaps that will complement red lettuce and yellow or purple cauliflower heads on the dinner table. Swiss chard comes with gold and red stalks contrasting with its curled green leaves, and tomatoes can be grown with black, white, yellow and striped fruits in all sizes, from small cherries to the huge beefsteak varieties. Containers, trellises, arches and obelisks all add height to the landscape and, combined with colourful plants climbing up or cascading down, can turn a problem area into an exciting design statement. Cover the arch with a soft-shaded banksia or rambling rose to create a romantic effect, or go waterwise with indigenous pink trumpet vine (Podranea ricasoliana), yellow canary creeper (Senecio tamoides), or white traveller’s joy (Clematis brachiata). Trees have a lot to offer in terms of colour. Graceful birches (Betula pendula alba), with their small green leaves and silvery white trunks, look equally impressive planted sin-

gly to make a statement as a feature item, or mass-planted as a small woodland copse. Fever tree (Acacia xanthophloea) is equally effective with its lustrous green-yellow trunk and dainty leaves. Consider making space for coastal golden leaf (Bridelia micrantha), bushwillows (Combretum species), rock cabbage (Cussonia natalensis), and sneezewood (Ptaeroxylon obliquum), all of which help to attract birds and butterflies into your environment too. Spectacular tree wisteria (Bolusanthus speciosus) flowers in a showy haze of purple flowers, and the pompon tree (Dias cotinifolia) transforms itself into a cloud-like froth of pink at Christmas time. No need to wait, get started on colouring your world beautiful! –Life is a Garden:

Flowers such as marigolds keep the pests away from the veggie patch. PHOTOS: SUPPLIED


Paarl Post

BOLAND SOLD Stellenbosch

4 Oktober, 2012

Kry jou sleutel tot die perfekte eiendom.


R3 650 000


R2 275 000


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[K] 021 886 7905

[O] 021 886 7905 HETTIE 083 263 0559

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Paarl Post

4 Oktober, 2012

BOLAND SOLD Stellenbosch

Paarl Post

BOLAND SOLD Stellenbosch


Pluk die vrugte van die regte ADVERTENSIEMEDIUM om jou eiendom te adverteer. is net wat die woord sê jou grootste en beste eiendomskoerant in die Boland.


021 887 2840

District Mail HELDERBERG

Dit is

4 Oktober, 2012

Strand | Gordon’s Bay | Somerset West | Stellenbosch | Grabouw | Elgin

021 841 4282 021 870 4600

SMS the web reference to “38573” for more info*


On Show: Saturday 11h00 - 13h00

Web Ref 207989

R3 250 000

This character home offers plenty of accommodation in a secure, gated complex. Offering two spacious living areas and a self-contained flatlet for extra rental income. Serious seller willing to look at offers. Contact: Monique Holzen 072 390 9227


Web Ref 209776

R2 395 000

Situated within a popular gated village & walking distance to shopping complex. This lovely townhouse has 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, balcony, separate scullery & open-plan lounge/dining room with fire-place. Modern & cosy, just picture perfect for the young couple. Graham 084 308 3540 / Christine 082 417 2506


Joint Mandate

Web Ref 203211

R3 330 000


Sole Mandate

Web Ref 146885

Offers from R2 995 000

A stunning 4 bedroom home with granite finishes & walking distance to schools & shopping complex. Offering many extras this house is neat as a pin and ready to move in. Bordering on a parkland this is a child’s paradise, playground.Asking Price: R3 495 000. Contact: Graham 084 308 3540 / Christine 082 417 2506


Sole Mandate

R5 900 000

Web Ref 122614

Family home with six bedrooms, five bathrooms and ample space for entertaining. Stylish finishes - renovated with modern open plan kitchen leading onto the deck and pool area. Perfect for the larger family and or entertaining guests. Contact: Marelise Visagie 072 776 2645


R3 650 000

Web Ref 142646

Aspacious family home with various options. Work from home or have a fully self-contained 2 bedroom flat, for that extra income, the choice is yours. Situated close to schools and shopping complex. Contact: Graham 084 308 3540 / Christine 082 417 2506

Bekoorlike ligging met onbelemmerde berguitsigte. Met ‘n bietjie kreatiwiteit en beplanning kan hierdie woning omskep word in jou droomhuis. Klipgooi van skole. Contact: Marelise Visagie 072 776 2645



Sole Mandate

Web Ref 210233

R1 295 000

Goeie waarde vir geld in sekuriteit. Hierdie oulike toesluit en ry is ideaal vir beginner familie of blyplek vir die jong klomp! Contact: Marelise Visagie 072 776 2645


Sole Mandate

Sole Mandate

R1 300 000

Web Ref 150981

A secure complex within close proximity to Campus, very suitable for students. Offering a swimming pool for residents and easy access to main routes. The townhouse has 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and a large living area with secure parking inside the complex. Contact: Graham 084 308 3540 / Christine 082 417 2506


Web Ref 199688

Offers from R1 695 000

A versatile family home. Ample space to workfrom-home, extra accommodation for grand parents or an extra large family. 6 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms and lovely entertainment areas. A private back garden with pool. Asking Price: R1 880 000. Contact: Estelle Denys 072 141 4117 40 Bird Street, Stellenbosch Tel: 021 809 2760 | Fax: 021 809 2779 Email:

Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated

Web Ref 201418

R1 450 000

Invest now in an upmarket secure complex. A 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom home. The living rooms open onto a veranda with braai and private back garden. Contact: Estelle Denys 072 141 4117 For more photos and information on these properties, visit our mobile site by scanning the code or sms LGSIR to 38573* *R1.50/SMS. Free SMS don’t apply. T&C’s Apply


Paarl Post

4 Oktober, 2012

BOLAND SOLD Helderberg

BOLAND SOLD Helderberg

Paarl Post

4 Oktober, 2012



Paarl Post

4 Oktober, 2012

BOLAND SOLD Helderberg

Paarl Post

BOLAND SOLD Helderberg


4 Oktober, 2012

Like us on Facebook Search for Harcourts Platinum


Paarl Post

BOLAND SOLD Helderberg

4 Oktober, 2012

Kry jou sleutel tot die perfekte eiendom.



Strand | Gordon’s Bay | Somerset West | Stellenbosch | Grabouw | Elgin

021 870 4600 021 887 2840 021 841 4282 JOU GROOTSTE EN BESTE EIENDOMSGIDS IN DIE BOLAND

BOLAND SOLD Helderberg

Paarl Post

4 Oktober, 2012



Paarl Post

4 Oktober, 2012

BOLAND SOLD Helderberg

Paarl Post

BOLAND SOLD Helderberg

4 Oktober, 2012



For sales & rentals

in the

TOP SELLING lifestyle estate in Somerset West

082 956 0599

021 855 0688 schonenberg real estate

082 733 6259

HOMES FROM R 1 950 000

PLOTS FROM R 575 000 R 2 550 000

R 2 750 000

R 1 995 000


ON SHOW DAILY Situated high up on the estate, 3 bedrooms with a study or 4th bedroom (very spacious). Large open plan lounge and dining area. Main bedroom en-suite. Fireplace, caeser stone counter tops, outside undercover braai area. Extra length garage and store room. Plenty of landscaped garden. A lovely home, to make your own. 2 balconies with stacking doors.

Newly built designer home, with a stunning wood top kitchen, chandeliers & gas stove. Sep. scullery, large open plan living & dining area with ‘close burner’ fire place. Exposed trusses more chandeliers and a great flow out to the undercover entertainment area. Swimming pool. 3 beds, large main bedroom (en-suite) 2 full baths. All bedrooms lead outside onto the garden. Landscaped garden.

R 2 550 000

R 2 550 000



R 3 850 000


ON SHOW DAILY This 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom (main en-suite) low maintenance home has a spacious open plan lounge & dining room. Modern kitchen with sep. scullery / laundry. Under cover patio with built-in braai. Automated double garage with direct access. Landscaped garden with irrigation.

ON SHOW DAILY Situated high up on the estate. Great finishes! Lounge with exposed trusses. Beautifully landscaped garden. North facing. Open plan kitchen to the dining and entertainment area. Opposite public open space. Scaling down or starting out, this home offers all you need and more.

A lovely family home whether starting out or scaling down. Low maintenance & immaculate. Offering a landscaped garden, swimming pool undercover braai & entertainment area, 3 beds, study, open plan living & dining area, open plan to the kitchen, sep. scullery. All bedrooms lead out to the entertainment area. Fireplace in the living area.

ON SHOW DAILY This North facing home offers 4 beds, 3 baths & open plan living, dining & kitchen area with sep. scullery. Undercover entertainment area with drop down blinds, looking onto an established garden with irrigation & sparkling fibre lined swimming pool. Large garaging with cupboards.



Office number: 021 851 1193 Fax number: 021 851 1645

Shop 20, Rola Centre, Caledon Str, Somerset West SERIOUS SELLERS!! R475 000 - 2 Beds, communal pool, open plan Gordon’s Bay

R320 000 - Open plan kitchen / living area, 2 beds, Hob & U/C oven Gordon’s Bay

R650 000 Spacious unit with 3 bedrooms, full bathroom, balcony & garage Johlene 071 308 4327

R895 000 North facing duplex, large open plan lounge / dining room & renovated kitchen Carol 083 306 2107

R650 000 - Close to amenities, secure, 2 beds & patio Som West R838 000 - 2 Beds, 2 baths, build

in braai, security, pool & views Strand

Chris 082 954 3383

R1 480 000 Urgent sale in popular Briza! 3 Beds (MES), 2 baths, garage, pool, flatlet, servant quarters Karen 071 602 1090

R1 600 000 Luxurious 3 bedroom flat. At a price not to be repeated. On Beach Road Johlene 071 308 4327

Business Post

Donderdag 4 Oktober 2012

Paarl Post



Clever bottles get recognition in Eco-Logic national environmental awards TWELVE top South African environmentalists were recognised with Eco-Logic Awards at a glamorous ceremony at the Cradle of Humankind, Maropeng hosted by The Enviropaedia. Among them was Bottleworx which received the Eco-Innovati-

on sponsored by Standard Bank. Bottleworx has designed, developed and patented a range of functional plastic (PET) containers for liquid products such as wine and cool drinks. The cubic efficient interlocking design, produced at factories in

Paarl, Pietermaritzburg and Gauteng, reduces the transportation foot print and avoids the need for secondary packaging. Once the content has been consumed, the BWX Building System is designed to be able to re-use the empty bottles as building bricks

for houses, classrooms, and other functional buildings. The ‘container/bricks’ are held together in a metal framework and the air in the container/bricks’ has excellent insulating thermal and sound properties that saves the owner energy costs for many

years to come. This innovation drastically reduces construction costs of buildings and is an excellent example of a valuable product being designed to be re-used for another useful purpose. For more information, contact

38 . Paarl Post

Sport Nuus

Thursday 4 October 2012

Akademie kan nóú beginners help “Dit is nou vir die kleintjies baie makliker GROOT opgewondenheid heers in Suidom die regte paalbuigtegniek aan te leer. Afrikaanse paalspring-geledere oor die “Danie Obermeyer, ’n 12-jarige seun van nuwe beginnerpale wat deur Louis Nienaber van die Paarl en Saltus Poles in Ver- Courtrai Laerskool in die Paarl, spring reeds ’n paar maande op die nuwe paaltjies eeniging ontwerp is. Dié pale gee nou vir jonger en kleiner atlete die kans om paal- en het al die paalbuigtegniek goed bemeesspring te bemeester en om aan kompeti- ter. Hierdie generasie atlete is ons moontlike Olimpiese medalsies deel te neem. jewenners van die Onlangs het Nietoekoms,” sê hy. naber saam met OcAmper dertig atlekert Brits, ’n voorte en sewe afrigters malige SA paalvan die Paarl, Moorspringatleet, ’n klireesburg, De niek in die Paarl aanDoorns, Bellville en gebied waar hierdie Stellenbosch het die pale op die proef gekliniek bygewoon. stel is. Die jongste atleet Brits is een van tans is die tienjarige slegs 18 atlete in die Pieter van Heerden. wêreld wat hoër as 6 Atlete wie belang stel m kon spring. Sy beste vertoning was KLINIEK. Amper 30 atlete het onlangs die paal- om getoets te word, kan vir Louis skakel 6,03 m. springkliniek in die Paarl bygewoon. by 083 375 3673. Okkert het sy seun Die kliniek is die voorloper van die seiDavid saamgebring om soos hy, 25 jaar gesoen en hoogtepunte op die program van lede, onder die hande van Louis Nienaber die Boland Atletiek se Paalspring-akadesy eerste sprong met ’n paal te kon gee. Nienaber vertel dat seuns en dogters so mie is die deelname aan die “Street Vault” tydens die Liggiesfees in die Paarl en ook lig as 20 kg en selfs op sesjarige ouderdom die “Beach Vault op 16 Desember in die (soos klein David Brits) kan begin paalStrand. spring.

TUIMEL. Zandri van Zyl (links) en Eliana Burger, tuimelgimnaste van die Paarl Gimnasium Hexvalleiklub, het goeie prestasies gelewer tydens die Boland-kampioenskappe en proewe wat onlangs gehou is. Zandri, wat in vlak 4 (9-10 jaar) deelneem, het met die eerste plek weggestap en ook die trofee ontvang vir die hoogste gemiddelde punt vir vlak 4-6 meisies. Eliana het die eerste plek verower vir vlak 4 (o.15 meisies). Foto: Sieb Sieberhagen

SA KAMPIOEN. Tersius van Tonder (links), plaaslike ovaalbaanrenjaer, het die afgelope naweek met die louere weggestap in die 1660cc klas tydens die Suid-Afrikaanse Ovaalbaankampioenskappe in Bloemfontein. Hy het vanjaar ook reeds die Klein Karoo Champ of Champs en die Wynland-kampioenskappe gewen. Saam met hom is Hennie Odendal en Barend Spies.

Engen Cycle Challenge THE first of the three-legged Engen Dynamic Cycle Challenge races (EDCC) kicks off in Wellington on 7 October and already a number of the big up-country teams have committed themselves to the race. The race, a 94 km circular route, starts and finishes at Nelson’s Creek Wine Estate just outside Wellington. The race on 7 October is not only for the elite and those who are only getting into the sport can choose between a 28 km short route and 44 km medium route. For the offroaders, there is also the mountain-bike race on 6 October which also allows for elite/fit, medium pacers and novices over distances of 60 km, 30 km and 18 km.

Sport News

Donderdag 4 Oktober 2012

Paarl Post



WENNERS. Dalweide Primêr se o.13-rugbyspan vier hulle oorwinning van 7-0 oor Groenheuwel Primêr in hulle jaarlikse derbystryd wat Saterdag beslis is. Foto: Willie Cupido

MEDALJES. Drie van Paarl-gimnastiekklub se gimnaste is in die WesKaapse span ingesluit wat tans aan die SA gimnastiekkampioenskappe in Pretoria deelneem. Hulle het tydens die Wes-Kaapse kampioenskappe die Boland verteenwoordig en medaljes verower. Van links is Brandon Martin (goud), Wian du Preez (goud) en Kobus du Plessis (brons). Foto: Sieb Sieberhagen

WENNERS. Die o.15B-tennisspan van die Hoër Meisieskool Paarl is die Boland o.15B-ligawenners. Die span is agter van links Liané van Niekerk, Alison Georgala en Karla Jordaan. Voor van links is Alyssa Rademann en Marizanne Brink.

NEEM BY SA’S DEEL. Artistiese gimnaste van Wynland-gimnastiekklub is opgeneem in die Wes-Kaapse span wat tans aan die Suid-Afrikaanse gimnastiek-kampioenskappe in Pretoria deelneem. Voor van links is Zandri van Zyl (vlak 4 HP), Zani van Zyl (vlak 4 o.10), Danelle Venter (vlak 4 o.10) en Robyn-Susie Luis (vlak 4 o.10). In die middel is Kelly van Rooyen (vlak 4 o.12), Amber Whatney (vlak 6 o.18), Amber Geldenhuys (vlak 5 o.12), Anje Viljoen (vlak 6 o.12) en Samira Cross (vlak 6 o.18). Agter is Kaylin Schwab (vlak 6 o.18), Suzette Smit (vlak 7 o.18), Marlette Visagie (vlak 6 o.12) en Ashleigh Batts (vlak 6 o.18). Afwesig was Jasmine Howie (vlak 4 HP). Vier van dié gimnaste is ook aangewys as Wes-Kaapse kampioene. Hulle is Zandri van Zyl, Kelly van Rooyen, Amber Geldenhuys en Suzette Smit. Foto: Sieb Sieberhagen

Sportdagboek * Sport Diary ) KRIEKET * Saterdag speel SR Radiators Young Peoples se tweede span teen Wellington II, terwyl die eerste span vriendskaplik teen Van der Stel speel. Beide wedstryde is op Daljosafat. Hulle maandvergadering is op 4 Oktober om 19:00 in die klubhuis. Op 6 Oktober is daar ook ’n hoenderbraai en slaai teen R35 per bord vanaf 13:00. ) RUGBY * Die Paarl-rugbykode se voorlopige algemene jaarvergadering word gehou op Maandag 8 Oktober om 19:00 by die Huguenot-gemeenskapsaal. Kontak die sekretaris by 082 731 4879. * Boland-Sentraal se klubsewestoernooi is op Woensdag 10 Oktober by die Newton-velde vanaf 18:00. Skakel vir Athol Ontong by 083 358 1784. Hekgelde is R5. * Young Peoples-rugbyklub hou op Maandag 8 Oktober ’n algemene vergadering vir alle lede en spelers om 19:00 by die Daljosafat-krieketklubhuis. * Op 5 November hou Young Gardensrugbyklub sy algemene jaarvergadering. * Young Standards RFC bied op Sondag 21 Oktober hul jaarlikse gholfdag by Wellington-gholfklub aan. Kontak André Jonker by 082 6601 914. * Op 27 Oktober word die derby tussen Evergreens en Windmeul op die velde van Windmeul Primêr beslis. * Violets se vergaderings is elke Maandagaand om 19:30 by die Bethel-kerksaal. ) HOCKEY * Anyone who wants to join Paarl Hockey Club next year must contact Alan Julies at 074 830 3358 or send an email to The club is also looking for umpires for next year. ) SOCCER * Die Wellington Saints-sokkerklub se oefeninge word Maandag tot Donderdag vanaf 17:00 tot 19:00 onder leiding van Warren Domoney, Rashaad Suleiman en Ricardo Pritchard by Wellington Primêr aangebied. * Paarl Soccer practice sessions for the first team squad are on Tuesday and

Thursday evenings at the Boy Louw sports grounds at 19:00. All current and potential members must contact Ozane Davids at 082 979 6052. ) TENNIS * Die Paarl Huguenot-tennisklub se kluboefeninge vind plaas elke Dinsdag en Donderdag 17:00-19:00. Kinders van alle ouderdomme welkom. Kontak of skakel Hamilton Pharaoh by 076 455 1242. ) GOLF * The Paarl Tourism Golf Day will be held on 1 November at the Paarl Golf Club (Boschenmeer). The “40 Year-Old Rookie”, Michael Scholz, will also host a fun golf clinic with trick shots like the Bunny Chow, Johannes the Gardener, Mixing Cocktails, the Floppish Club and many more. The format will be a 4-Ball Betterball Stableford with two scores to count. Only 15 golf carts are available - these can be booked by contacting the Paarl Golf Club on 021 863 1140. The cost per four ball is R2 000. Contact Amanda Coetzee at 073 708 2835, fax 086 574 2428 or e-mail to ) SPYKERSKOENE * Die hoogspringakademie is dringend op soek na gebruikte en ou spykerskoene. Kontak vir JC de Kock by 071 113 1723. ) MUURBAL * Die Just in Time Sports Paarl Junior Muurbal Ope word van 5 tot 7 Oktober in die Paarl aangebied. Tussen 100 en 150 spelers sal hieraan deelneem. Die Paarl-muurbalklub se finale wedstryde van hul klubkampioenskap vind plaas op 27 Oktober. Die finaal van die dames is om 17:00 en die mans is om 18:00. Die algemene jaarvergadering word om 19:00 gevolg deur ‘n prysuitdeling. Op 28 Oktober vind die Boland-proewe plaas vir die o.16- en o.19-spelers, op 3 November kry die o.11 tot o.14’s hulle kans. Op 24 November vind die Piet Oelofse Gedenktoernooi vir juniors plaas. Vir navrae, skakel vir Corlia Vlok tussen 09:00 en 14:00 by 021 872 6050.

Paarl Post Sport

Paarl, Wellington, Franschhoek, Klapmuts, Simondium, Gouda & Saron Voorheen die Afrikaanse Patriot

Volume 107

Donderdag 4 Oktober 2012

Tel: 021-870-4600

Page 40

Uitklop-toernooi skop af

KAMPIOENE. Laer Paarl (Blues) se eerste rugbyspan het Saterdag seker gemaak hy neem weer die Paarl-streektrofee huis toe met ‘n oortuigende 59-0 oorwinning oor Albions. Die Blues het met 90 ligapunte geëindig en ’n kortkop ná hulle was dit Vineyards met 88 punte. Riverstones, in die derde plek, het met 82 punte geëindig. Foto: Sieb Sieberhagen

Boland se klubfinale is Saterdag EERSKOMENDE naweek word die Boland-rugbyunie se klubfinale by Boland-stadion op Wellington beslis. Om 12:00 speel Universals (S/F) teen Young Good Hopes van Ashton op die B-veld waarna CPUT (Wellington) teen Villagers (Wittewater) kragte meet. Dit is eersteliga-wedstryde.

Die hoofveld-aksie begin om 12:00 met Newtons wat teen Ashton United in die Presidentsliga gaan kragte meet. Om 14:00 is dit Villagers (Worcester) wat vir Roses United in die Premierliga aanvat en om 16:00 is dit Never Despair wat met Hawston (Superliga) gaan kragte meet.

WEN. Die Newtons-rugbyklub se eerste rugbyspan het die afgelope Saterdag vir Evergreens Paarl op Wellington in die semifinaal van Boland se Presidents-liga met 12-9 geklop en sodoende deurgedring om volgende jaar in die Superliga mee te ding. Die driedrukkers was Eugene Francis en Justin Morgan, met Ervin Williams wat met ’n doelskop geslaag het. Foto: Sieb Sieberhagen

DIE jaarlikse Paarlstreek uitklop-rugbytoernooi word hierdie naweek vir die vyfde keer by die Faurestraat-stadion aangebied en vuurwerke word verwag aangesien dit die laaste geleentheid vir die Paarlstreek-klubs sal wees om silwerware by die WPRFU se bekeruitdelingsfunksie te kan bekom. Young Standards, die verdedigende kampioen en tweemalige wenner, sal alles in die stryd wil werp om hulle titel suksesvol te verdedig. Riverstones lê egter soos ’n berg voor Young Standards se aspirasies aangesien Riverstones vanjaar altwee ligawedstryde teen Standards gewen het. In die eerste wedstryd van die dag pak die spanne van Violets en Rangers mekaar.

Violets sal graag die liga-uitslae teen Rangers wil omkeer en Rangers vroeg huis toe stuur. Vineyards, wat tweede in die liga-kompetisie geëindig het, pak in die hoof-voorwedstryd die omgesukkelde Young Gardens. Dié wedstryd beloof ’n harde wedstryd te wees. In die hoofwedstryd van die dag pak die 2012 Paarlstreek-kampioen, Laer Paarl (Blues) vir die verrassingspakket van 2012, Allandale. Laer Paarl, wat hul feesjaar op ‘n hoogtepunt wil afsluit, sal moeilik gestuit word. Wedstrydbepalingsvirdie dag is soos volg: Juniors: 09:00 - o.11 Rangers vs Riverstones, 10:00 – o.13 Laer Paarl vs Riverstones, 11:00 - o.15 Riverstones vs Rangers en

12:00 - o.15 Vineyards vs Lower Paarl. Seniors: 13:00 - Violets vs Rangers, 15:00 - Riverstones vs Young Standards, 17:00 - Vineyards vs Young Gardens en 19:00 - Laer Paarl vs Allandale. Die wenner van Violets vs Rangers speel Woensdagaand (10 Oktober) teen die wenner van Laer Paarl en Young Gardens terwyl die wenner van Riverstones en Young Standards die wenner van Vineyards en Allandale in die semi-finaal pak. Volgende week se wedstryd begin om 15:00 met die o.17 junior spanne: Vineyards vs Rangers 15:00 en Laer Paarl vs Riverstones 17:00. Die senior wedstryde begin om 19:00 en die hoofwedstryd om 21:00. Hekgelde is R10.

DOELLYN WINK. Eugene Francis van die Newtons-rugbyklub breek deur Evergreen Paarl se verdediging in Saterdag se Presidentsliga-semifinaal op die Boland-stadion. Junaid Ahmed (regs) kyk toe terwyl een van Evergreen se spelers (links) obstruksie aan die skeidsregter probeer uitwys. Newtons het met 12-9 geseëvier. Foto: Sieb Sieberhagen

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