Paarl Post 7 Junie 2012

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Voorheen die Afrikaanse Patriot

Volume 107

Donderdag 7 Junie 2012

Tel: 021-870-4600

SMS 32363

R5.50 (incl)

Dawid verslaan vir Goliat DBV misbruik deur publiek 2

Gyselaarsdrama met baba 3

Boishaai in wegholsege 48

Jong seun bots met boef Lise Beyers

NET soos wat die kleine Dawid vir die grote Goliat verslaan het, so het ’n tengerige 14-jarige seun onlangs ’n boef verjaag. Wimpie Burger van Oxfordstraat, Wellington, het onlangs alleen tuis wakker geword met ’n vreemdeling in die huis. Hy vertel dat sy ouers so pas werk toe gegaan het toe sy hondjie, Wollie, omstreeks 07:00 by hom op die bed gespring het. “Hy het my in die gesig gelek en toe weer afgespring. Ek het opgestaan en Wollie het vir iets in my ouers se slaapkamer begin grom.” Dit is toe dat Wimpie die vreemde man sien waar hy in die slaapkamer probeer wegkruip het. “Ek het na die windbuks gegryp wat onder my ouers se bed versteek was. Die man het nader aan my beweeg en het oorkant die bed van my gestaan met ’n mes in die hand. “Ek het vir hom gesê dat ek hom gaan skiet en daarop het hy geantwoord dat hy my met die mes gaan steek.” Die man het skielik uit die kamer gevlug en die deur agter hom toegehou. “Ek het vir hom geskree dat ek hom dwarsdeur die deur sal skiet.” Hierna het die man op vlug geslaan en die huis verlaat. Wimpie het sy pa, Johan, gebel, wat saam met die polisie vinnig op die toneel was. “Hy was maar erg geskok toe ek hier aankom. Ek dink dat hy eers toe besef het presies wat gebeur het. Ek weet nie hoe ek in so ’n situasie sou reageer nie, maar Wimpie het kop gehou en kalm gebly. “Die dief het gelukkig nie besef dat die vuurwapen net ’n windbuks is nie. Hy het waarskynlik gedink dat dit meer kragtig is. Ons is so dankbaar dat Wimpie ongedeerd hiervan afgekom het.” Die dief het gevlug met waardevolle goue antieke juweliersware wat aan Wimpie se ma, Lourika, behoort. By nadere ondersoek is vasgestel dat die dief toegang tot die woning verkry het deur ’n agterdeur oop te breek. Enigiemand met verdere inligting word gevra om die Wellington speurtak te skakel by 021 864 8440.

VERJAAG. ’n Buksie van Wellington het ’n dief met ’n windbuks uit sy huis verjaag. Foto: Lise Beyers

News · Nuus

2 . Paarl Post

Hoorsê | Hearsay l) INWONERS van Charleston Hill is behoorlik warm onder die kraag oor die luidsprekers by die nabygeleë moskee. Soggens vroeg, smiddae en saans word gesange oor die luidspreker die wêreld ingestuur - so luid dat sommiges blykbaar sukkel om hul televisiesepies te volg. So effektief is die moskee se klankstelsel deesdae, dat mense ook soggens douvoordag wakker gemaak word. Om op koue wintersoggende so wakker te word, is vir sommiges een te veel. Die vraag is nou, moet kerkklokke ook sagter lui, sodat die luies Sondae in hul beddens kan bly lê sonder skuldgevoelens?

More rain ahead THE winter woolies can remain at hand this weekend, as the cold front continues. Heavy rains are expected today with a high temperature of only 15°C. Tomorrow more rain is expected, while Saturday brings relief, but remains icy at 14°C. Sunday clears with a temperature of 16°C and Monday warms to a pleasant 23°C.

Website for you! PAARL POST is hosting a free demonstration session to show you how to utilise our website so that you can upload your own page. Representatives from all schools and non-profit organisations in the area are invited to attend the demonstration on Monday 11 June at 18:00 at the Paarl Gymnasium High School Clubhouse.

Index Youth...........p14 Arts..............p18 Lifestyle........p17 Motoring ...... p42 Wellington......p8 Business......p19 TV Program..p24

Plakstuk DIE vyfde plakstuk in die Plak-vir-jouSak-kompetisie waarin R1800 gewen kan word, verskyn vandag op bl 46. Die kompetisie sluit op Vrydag 22 Junie om 16:00.

Thursday 7 June 2012

Noisy drama at council meeting Anne Kruger

exhausted councillors were left lying with their heads on their desks, THE municipal council meethankful that it was over. ting held on Wednesday last According to the Mayor, Gesie week became chaotic when the van Deventer, the opposition Speaker, Koos le Roux, did not councillors had behaved in a shocturn up to chair the meeting. kingly rude manner, in the hope ANC members were livid at the that they would be removed from fact that the Speaker was “away the council chamber forcibly. on council business” according to “The ANC pulled out all the stops the agenda, and demanded to MISSING. The ab- to block the five year plan. It was know where Le Roux was. sence of Koos le a shameful and immature exhibiNo-one could give an explanati- Roux, Speaker of tion, proving that they do not have on about the whereabouts of the Drakenstein munici- the interests of ratepayers at heSpeaker, and the opposition par- pal council, from the art. ties loudly complained when last council meeting “However the DA caucus is discouncillor Ben de Goede was elec- caused a furore. ciplined and resolutely continued ted as acting Speaker, refusing to to do their work under difficult acknowledge him. conditions. The interjections and complaints continu- The rowdy councillors could face disciplinaed throughout the meeting, as the DA strug- ry steps.” gled valiantly to work through the agenda, The reason for the confusion? Le Roux’s which included final approval of the IDP (five application for private leave had erroneously year financial plan). been put on the agenda as leave “for council Anumberofrecesseswerecalledtotryand business”. resolve the matter, to no avail. Le Roux would not comment on his whereThe Speaker continued to be bombarded abouts during the tempestuous meeting, exbyobjectionsandinterjectionsforaboutfour cept to say that he had requested leave well hours, until the ANC finally allowed the meebefore the time for a private function he had ting to continue so that the items on the to attend on that day. agenda could be approved. “I will report back to Council on the details When the meeting ended at 20:30, some at our next meeting.”

Tariffs rise by 11% RESIDENTS of Drakenstein can expect to pay at least 11% more on their municipal accounts from 1 July, the start of the Municipality’s new financial year. Tariff hikes include property rates which are to increase by 7,5%, refuse and sanitation 7%, water 16% (first ten kilolitres free), and electricity 13,03%. This will result in an increase of about 11% on the municipal account of a small household, and 12% on a large household. Free Basic Services for indigent households that have limited financial ability to pay for municipal services, are available provided residents register in terms of the Municipality’s Indigent Poor Policy. Indigent households where the breadwinners are unemployed (monthly income of less than R3172 per month) receive 100 free electricity units per month, 10 kilolitres of water per month, free refuse removal and free sanitation. Residents that qualify need to visit the Municipality every year to apply for the rebates.

Winning pics THIS week (see page 4) we publish the winning pics in the Paarl Post Summer Photo Competition as selected by our readers. The winning photographers win big prizes from Kodak.

KONING. Alhoewel Kapenaars heel omgekrap is oor die afwesigheid van talle Stormers in die pas aangekondigde Springbok-rugbyspan, kraai Hoërskool Gimnasium wél koning weens die nuus dat ’n oud-leerder, Jean de Villiers, as Springbokkaptein aangewys is. De Villiers volg nou in die voetspore van verskeie Springbok-kapteins wat uit die geledere van Gimnasium kom.

‘Moenie die DBV misbruik’ DIE doel van die Dierebeskermingsvereniging “Ons het ook nie ’n veearts op ons perseel nie, is om dieremishandeling te beveg en wreedheid dus moet siek diere na die Dierehospitaal geteenoor diere te voorkom. Maar met kwynende neem word deur hul eienaars. Ons kan nie finansiëlebystandblydit’nopdraandestrydom daardie dier op ons perseel dokter nie. “ kop bo water te hou. Schlemmer het bygevoeg dat hulle wel ’n kliSo sê die voorsitter van die Wellington DBV, niek elke Dinsdag het waar hulle hulpbehoeAnne-lida Schlemmer. wende mense se diere teen ’n “Die Wellington DBV is ’n klein, laer tarief help. maar passievolle instansie. Ons “Die medikasie hiervoor het verlede jaar alleen amper 3000 word aangekoop deur die diere hanteer. DBV, dit word nie geskenk of “Maar die publiek verstaan nie verniet iewers gekry nie. Die aldag wat die doel van ’n DBV is nie publiek doen nie die DBV ’n en misbruik dus ons dienste.” “guns” om ons kliniekdienSchlemmer het gesê dat dit nie ste te misbruik nie - daardie die plig is van die DBV om rondlomedikasie is duur, en dit perdiere van die strate af op te tel moet van iewers af kom. nie, dit is die plig van die wetstoe“Ons is nie daar om werppassingsafdeling van die Munisisels klein hondjies en katjies paliteit (021 807 6353). in te ent sodat hulle eienaars “Ons is ook nie daar om diere wat hulle kan verkoop en meer nou skielik te oud, groot, raserig of wins op die werpsel maak sommer net te veel moeite is, by AANNEEM. Hierdie twee pug- nie. Ons is teen die teling van mense se huise te gaan haal nie - honde is by die Wellington DBV honde en katte - dit is as gedit is die eienaar se eie verantwoor- gelaat, nadat hul eienaar nie volg van teling dat daar sodelikheid om die dier vir ons te meer vir hulle kon sorg nie. Hulle veel ongewenste diere in ons bring.” is beskikbaar vir aanneming. hokke sit. Sy het beklemtoon dat wreed“Elkegeteeldedierwatverheid teenoor diere beteken wanneer ’n dier onkoop word, verhoed dat ’n hond of kat van ’n der stres verkeer, wanneer hy nie kos, water of dierewelsynsorganisasie ’n liefdevolle huis kry. skuiling het nie, wanneer hy mediese hulp ont“Die verantwoordelikste ding om te doen as neem word en wanneer hy nie toegelaat word troeteldiereienaar is om jou dier te steriliseer. om in sy natuurlike habitat homself uit te leef As jy bewys kan lewer dat jy nie private veeartnie. stariewe kan bekostig nie, help ons graag om ’n Troeteldiereienaar is die persoon in beheer jou dier te steriliseer teen ’n laer tarief. Daar is van die dier, óf die eienaar van die perseel waar pragtige liefdevolle diere by ons, kom loer gedie dier is. rus.” “Metanderwoordeasdaarwreedheidteenoor Schlemmer het gesê dat geen dier ooit by die diere op ’n plaas plaasvind, kan die eienaar van Wellington DBV geweier sal word nie, maar sy die grond aanspreeklik gehou word daarvoor. doen ’n beroep op die publiek om daarvan bewus te wees dat hulle staat maak op donasies van die publiek om hul diens te lewer. “Ons word deur niemand gesubsidieer nie. Ons kry by uitsondering Lotto-geld, maar verder is ons totaal en al afhanklik van die publiek. “Ons moet self sorg dat ons geld kry om petrol in ons bakkies te gooi en die personeel se salarisse te betaal.” Sy vra ook dat vrywilligers na vore moet kom om met die diere te stap en te speel. Die DBV bied ook ’n opvoedingsprogram oor diere by skole aan. Die publiek word genooi om kos en komberse aan die DBV te skenk.


Donderdag 7 Junie 2012

Nuus · News


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DREIG. Polisielede oorweeg hul volgende skuif nadat die ma van ’n baba in Neil Mosesstraat, Paarl, gedreig het om die kind met ’n mes te steek, asook haarself. Foto: Lise Beyers

Gyselaarsdrama oor baba Lise Beyers ’n GYSELAARSDRAMA het Maandag in Neil Mosesstraat, Paarl, afgespeel met ’n twee-en-’n-half maande oue baba wat in die spervuur was. Die drama is omstreeks 15:30 ontketen toe die polisie by ’n woning hiér opgedaag het om ’n baba uit haar ouerhuis te verwyder. Dit het onder maatskaplike werkers se aandag gekom dat die baba in haglike omstandighede leef en glo nog nooit enige mediese behandeling ontvang het ná haar tuisgeboorte nie. Met die aankoms van die polisie was die ma van die baba tuis saam met haar 17-jarige dogter. Toe een van die polisiebeamptes die woning binnegaan, het die vrou, met die baba op haar arm, hom glo met ’n mes gedreig. Hy is weer na buite en versterkings is ingeroep.Dievrouhetgloteenoordiepolisie gedreig dat sy die baba se keel gaan

afsny en daarna haar eie ook. Gespesialiseerde polisie-onderhandelaars is na die toneel ontbied om die situasie vreedsaam te probeer oplos. Omstreeks 18:00 het die vrou se man by die huis aangekom en het self met sy vrou probeer onderhandel. Hy het daarin geslaag om die kind uit sy vrou se arms te kry en het haar gevoed. Hierna het hy die kind aan een van die onderhandelaars oorhandig wat haar toe na veiligheid geneem het. Die vrou het weer aggressief geraak en die polisie met ’n mes gedreig, maar sy is oorrompel en na die Paarl Hospitaal geneem vir sielkundige waarneming. Sy ly na bewering aan depressie en moet hiervoor medikasie neem. ’n Polisiebeampte wat op die toneel was, het gesê dat die huis in ’n haglike toestand was. Vuil doeke het oral gelê en hulle het ook ’n rot in die huis gesien. Die baba is deur Badisa in pleegsorg geplaas.

Chinese shop owner and wife robbed THE Chinese owners of a local store were attacked in broad daylight in their Lady Grey Street shop on Sunday. At 15:00 the owner of In Style Fashion was locking up his shop when two men approached him. They forced him into the shop and started to assault him with a stone and a piece of iron. When his wife came to help him, she was also assaulted. The police were alerted, but when they arrived one of the suspects had fled.

The victims told the police that the other suspect had not fled. The K-9 dog unit was called in and they conducted a thorough search of the shop. The suspect was found hiding under the sink in the kitchen. A bag containing cash and airtime, which he had allegedly stolen in the shop, was found in his possession. André Scheepers (30) of Lantana was arrested. The owner and his wife were taken to Paarl Mediclinic for medical treatment.

MUSEUM. Verskeie belangstellendes het onlangs die stigtingsvergadering van die Vriende van Het Gesticht bygewoon. Dié historiese slawekerkie in Hoofstraat, Paarl, is onlangs ontwikkel tot ’n museum. Hul nooi veral die direkte afstammelinge van die lidmate van Het Gesticht uit na die volgende vergadering wat gehou sal word op 19 Junie om 19:00. Hier staan van links dr Dries Erwee (voorsitter), Hybré van Niekerk (bestuurder), Izak Botha (SA Sendinggestig Trust), Joliana Kilowan (verteenwoordiger van Drakenstein-gemeenskap), Andries Aaron (Bethel Congregational Kerk), Isabeau Botha (Afrikaanse Taalmuseum en- Monument) en FC Kotzé (Boland Classics veteraanmotors). Vir navrae, kontak Hybré van Niekerk Maandae, Woensdae en Vrydae tussen 08:00 en 13:00 by tel 021 872 0817 of stuur ’n e-pos aan Foto: Frans le Roux

Paarl Post



News · Nuus

4 . Paarl Post

Klapmutsgemeenskap vergader INWONERS van Klapmuts word Sondag, 15:00, genooi na ’n gemeenskapsvergadering by die klubhuis. Misdaad in die gebied sal bespreek word en die

gemeenskap kan hulle kommernisse met die polisie bespreek. Wes-Kaap minister vir gemeenskapsveiligheid, Dan Plato, sal teenwoordig wees.

Thursday 7 June 2012

Drakenstein gets new chief of finance THE Drakenstein Municipality’s newly appointed Executive Director of Finance, Jacques Carstens, has a legacy of changing administrations with the focus to improve quality service delivery to internal and external customers. Carstens, former chief financial officer of Upington, is very excited about becoming part of the Drakenstein Municipality and promises that he will not leave this Municipality without a positive legacy. Carstens has 37 years’ experience in local government of which the last 26 years in a senior management capacity. He started his career as a clerk in Beaufort West and has worked in Knysna, Sedgefield, Citrusdal and Overstrand, among others. While working, he studied Business Administration through Unisa. His highest qualification is an MBA obtained at the Stellenbosch University Business School. During his previous post as chief financial officer in Upington, the Khara Hais Municipality achieved its first unqualified audit in 14 years. According to Carstens, the Directorate Finance mainly renders a financial support service to the Municipal Council, Mayoral Committee, portfolio committees, the Municipal Manager and his executive team as well as other functionaries.

“It should be about quality service delivery to the local community, business and any other stakeholders who through property rates, service charges and READY. Jacques Car- grants supstens, Drakenstein’s ply the much new chief of finance, needed fihas served in a num- nancial reber of municipalities, sources to including Upington. keep the Municipality a financial going concern. “This will amongst other things entail correct billing to our customers based on trustworthy valuations and correct meter readings. “It will include friendly customer care and information service where information can be exchanged and any incorrect billing can be dealt with appropriately. “It also includes an indigent support unit to identify all indigent households as well as a credit control and debt collection unit that will vigorously collect all outstanding debt of those who can afford to pay for their services,” said Carstens. He emphasised the fact that procurement of goods and services will

be done in terms of national legislation and compliant with Council’s Supply Chain Management Policy and creditors will be paid within 30 days of receipt of their invoices. “The Directorate Finance will see to it that a credible, affordable, financial sustainable and cash funded budget is compiled and approved by Council, based on the contents of the approved Integrated Development Plan (five year strategic plan) of the Municipality. Carstens further emphasised that this will only be possible through the support of the officials working in the Directorate Finance. His team will become a learning organisation to continuously improve on quality service delivery. “There will be no room for ‘cheque collectors’ and ill-disciplined personnel,” said Carstens. According to Carstens he will endeavour to design the right functional organisational structure for the required services to be delivered; ensure that the personnel have the necessary tools and equipment to do their work effectively and efficiently; build the human capacity of his directorate through the developing of skills and knowledge through learning and training; and, ensure that his personnel adhere to ethical and core business values. “I do not operate alone and I will trust in the Lord for discernment, guidance and wisdom”, said Carstens.

ROB. This man is being sought by Mbekweni police after an armed robbery. A motorist stopped a pedestrian in Mbekweni to ask directions and a man (above) said he would show him. He got into the car, then produced a gun and demanded valuables. He fled on foot. Anyone with information can contact WO Abel Swartz on 076 457 1287 or 021 868 9926.

Donderdag 7 Junie 2012

Nuus · News

Paarl Post



Tree woes continue Lise Beyers

PLOEG. Die bestuurder van hierdie motor het Sondagoggend ’n noue ontkoming gehad op die R44 naby WIndmeul, toe hy beheer oor sy motor verloor het, by die wal afgeploeg het en die motor op sy dak te lande gekom het. Die bestuurder is nie ernstig beseer nie. Geen ander voertuie was by die voorval betrokke nie.

Vroue doodgery Lise Beyers

naweek doodgery. Dié vrou het Son’n VROU is Vrydagdagoggend omoggend op slag dood streeks 03:00 in toe sy deur ’n motor Klein Drakensteingetref is op die R45. weg gelê naby RusDie voorval het kort akistraat. voor 08:00 plaasgeNa bewering het vind toe Johanna die bestuurder van van Heerden (51) van ’n bakkie nie die vrou Oversig-plaas dié bein die pad sien lê nie sige pad noord van en het oor haar gery. die Paarl wou oorSharon van der steek naby Breezy Vindt van Lovers LaHill. DOOD. Die liggaam ne het op die toneel Sy is getref deur ’n van ’n vrou wat op die gesterf. Opel Kadett waarvan R45 doodgery is, lê ’n Polisiewoorddie bestuurder vol- hiér op die ongeluks- voerder het gesê dat gens ooggetuies tot toneel. Foto: Lise Beyers dit steeds onduidelik stilstand gekom het, is hoekom Van der maar toe die ongelukstoneel Vindt in die pad gelê het. verlaat het. Enigiemand met verdere in’n Woordvoerder van die poliligting oor hierdie voorval kan sie, kapt Louise du Plessis het die ondersoekbeampte, adj Gabevestig dat die bestuurder, ’n vin man van die Paarl, direk na die LomPaarl polisiestasie gery het baard, waar hy die voorval aangemeld skakel het. ’n Saak van strafbare manby 073 slag word ondersoek. 713 ) Nog ’n vrou is die afgelope 6162.

Geld kry voete by Munisipaliteit BYNA ’n kwartmiljoen rand het vanuit ’n kluis by die munisipale kantore op Wellington verdwyn. Wellington polisie het bevestig dat die diefstal Dinsdagoggend bekend geword het. Volgens gerugte is daar twee munisipale amptenare hiér wat toegang tot die kluis het, maar ’n ruk terug het een van hulle se sleutel verdwyn. “Daar was geen teken van ’n inbraak nie, die geld het net verdwyn.” ’n Woordvoerder van die Munisipaliteit, May Carolissen, het gesê dat die Munisipaliteit kennis dra van die voorval en ’n ondersoek is aan die gang ná die diefstal.

PAARL MOUNTAIN is becoming bogged down in a jungle of alien trees and yet no effort is being made to eradicate them. From the Voortrekker camp in Kloof Street, right across to the slopes of Paarl north, the slopes are littered with aliens such as wattle and pine. These invasive trees multiply rapidly on the mountain and it is becoming almost an impossible task to eradicate them. The Municipality has previously fruitlessly started clearing invasive growth, but all the debris was left on the slopes, causing a fire hazard. Residents are unhappy about this state, as they feel that a half hearted effort has been made, ruining the slopes of Paarl Mountain entirely. One resident who basically grew up on the slopes of Paarl Mountain, Henry Alley, said that the mountain has never been in such a poor condition. “It is obvious that the authorities do not have a clue what they are doing. We used to be able to walk under the forest canopies, but now the mountain is an obstacle course. “They should have either done a proper job of clearing the forests, or they should have just left it as is. “Now it is just a mess.” Local tree clearing specialist, Barry Stander, has previously vented his frustration as well about the situation on Paarl Mountain. He agrees that it is a difficult, but not impossible task, to eradicate


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DEBRIS. The slopes of Paarl Mountain have become an obstacle course due to cut down trees. the alien trees. But he agrees a well thought through programme has to be devised, which will have to require follow-up work during the next few years to destroy all new saplings. Barry explained that when the trees are cut, the stem and roots must be treated with poison. All cut off stumps and branches must be removed and continuous follow-up work has to be done to see that the trees cut down are dead and that all new saplings are removed. If this is done successfully, the natural fynbos will return. A spokesperson for the Municipality, May Carolissen said that their are patches of the mountain, especially in northern Paarl, which are in private hands. Two years ago tree-felling was done here and only the large stumps were removed, while the

rest of the trees where left behind. She added that a tender for alien control on Paarl Mountain was put out earlier this year, but this has now temporarily been put on hold due to financial constraints. “Despite this, the Municipality has been creating fire breaks along the slopes, as well as removing dangerous trees which cause a fire threat close to houses. “About 2,5 km of fire breaks with a breadth of 30 m have been cleared and 11 hectares of alien vegetation has been removed.” Personnel of the Paarl Mountain Reserve have themselves cleared 103 hectares of alien vegetation in the reserve and created 15,2 km of fire breaks during the past 6 months. The reserve has for the second consecutive year received funding from the Cape Winelands District Municipality for alien vegetation control. Meanwhile, residents of Courtrai are still furious about the pine forest above this suburb which is being cut down. This area of 104 acres belongs to the Language Monument and over the past few years the forest is slowly but surely being cut down. The contractors who are responsible for this are only removing the large tree stumps and leaving the rest of the debris behind. Residents complain that this is also a mess and unsightly. A spokesperson for the Language Monument said they will take urgent steps to have the branches removed. Currently no more trees are being cut down on their land.

Opinion · Menings

6 . Paarl Post

Thursday 7 June 2012

Paarl Post

Fighting crime in difficult times

IT is becoming all to frequent an occurrence that thieves are blatantly breaking into homes, even in broad daylight. And things are set to get worse when hundreds of prisoners are released on early parole. There is no easy answer for this scourge. It is thus up to the public to make their safety a priority. Already those who can afford it have increased their security at home with the installation of alarms, burglar guards and gates. We are truly having to imprison ourselves against those who actually belong in jail. The public must be vigilant at all times. In certain areas there are already neighbourhood watches which are successfully patrolled by the public, keeping an eye out for suspects. This is done in co-operation with security companies and the police. There are dedicated police vehicles which patrol each area. The public can contact these patrols directly in the event of an emergency to secure a speedy response. This is not going to solve the crime situation, but it may just prevent a crime.

Hond sit lank in warm motor ­ skaam jou! EK was Maandag 4 Junie in warm weer by die Paarl Mall toe ek ’n hond sien sit in ’n motor waarvan al die ruite styf toe was. My motor het twee motors vanaf hierdie kar gestaan. Die voorste helfte van die motor was in die skaduwee, die anPosbus | PO Box der helfte in409 die son. Paarl 7620 Ek was op die langste 15 nute in Paarl Mall en toe ek in my kar klim, moes ek dadelik my venster oopmaak. Ek het die Dierebeskermingsvereniging om 14:04 gebel om dit aan te meld. Hulle het my toe 14:12 teruggebel en gesê hulle stuur iemand uit. So vyf minute daarna het die DBV daar aangekom. Die verteenwoordiger het toe begin om hul vorm in te vul. Daar het nog so vyf minute verbygegaan voordat die eienaar by sy motor aangekom het. So in totaal, vandat ek gebel het en voordat die eienaar daar

This is practising ubuntu POST POST I RECENTLY attended a funeral of an old classmate and cellmate in Mbekweni. We were classmates at Simon Hebe High school whilst we were cellmates in the Paarl police station cells. We found him in the cells with bandages and in pain from bullet wounds in 1985. Two of those bullets are said to have been linked to his death a couple of weeks ago. I was reminded of how, one day, tear-gas was shot into the cells and in the struggle to survive within those four walls we forgot that there was a sickly person incarcerated with us. We left him after a week as we found him, with no proper nursing care. Here I was now attending his funeral. Like many funerals in Mbekweni, his was some kind of a re-union for the township’s children. It brought those who are still in the township, and LUVUYO those who have left it, ZANTSI together. We were all brought up to take funerals serious. Paying our last respects to a person is still viewed as the least you can do for someone you know. This is regardless of when last you’ve seen or spoken to the person. People in Mbekweni bury each other regardless of social and economic standing. We sometimes attend funerals even if the deceased is not personally known to you, but because they are related to someone you know. People pay their respects even beyond the day of the funeral itself. From the day a person passes away there are services that take place in that house and there will always be people there. This is one of those practices that I hope we never lose. But we have lost some aspect that I considered beautiful as part of Ubuntu: I grew up in a Mbekweni where there were street committees that ensured that when a person died, donations would be collected from all houses to assist the bereaved family. There would at times be threats that if you do not help, the community will not assist if you lose a family member. I do not recall this threat ever being carried out. People gave their 50 cents per




Soul Food

house without complaining, even if five people died in the township and it meant that you would have to deal with all requests to assist all, there were no murmurs. That Posbus | PO 409 was Ubuntu inBox practice. Paarl 7620 I do not know why and how this beautiful practice was discontinued. We are much poorer without it as it went beyond the money, to showing a caring spirit. When a person passed away, a bell would ring from the two or three churches that had such bells. This was not limited to members of a specific denomination. This is also no longer happening. All these thoughts are triggered by a comment of a pastor and his wife at my friend’s funeral. This pastoring couple felt the need to justify burying the deceased. They stated that they were being criticised in the township for being always willing to bury people even if they were not LUVUYO members of their conZANTSI gregation. It bothered me that they felt a need to explain, as they are doing good work. They had also assisted in burying a relative of mine and am grateful to them for that. Mbekweni actually needs more churches with the attitude of assisting families by conducting the service, as many churches refuse to bury not only non-members, but congregants who were not actively attending church. Some are refused burial services solely because they were not up to date in paying whatever money churches require members to pay. Churches miss an opportunity to demonstrate God’s love and kindness because the deceased failed in one or another kind of offering. It is my belief that the Gospel has got to be preached with words and with deeds. The many people who attend funerals in Mbekweni have to be convinced that the church is an institution they can trust to be there for them when they are in need. These are my views and I do not intend forcing them on other congregations, but I detest criticism of individuals and groupings that still practice ubuntu.

Box Bus



PRIDE only breeds quarrels, but wisdom is found in those who take advice. Proverbs 13:10

Box Bus

POST Box Bus

Posbus | PO Box 409 Paarl 7620

aangekom het, het daar alreeds minstens 18 tot 20 minute verbygegaan. Toe die eienaar daar kom, was hy baie aanvallend teenoor die DBV-verteenwoordiger en baie gepla oor sy voertuig. Daar is toe vir hom gesê hy kan nie die hond so los sonder enige oop vensters nie. Hy het die verteenwoordiger weer in die rede geval en gesê hy was net vyf minute weg, en hy voeg by, ‘Niemand kan so goed na ’n dier kyk soos ek nie’. Ek het hom toe gesê diere

gaan dood weens mense wat nie hulle vensters oop los nie. Daar is vir my gesê ek oorreageer en ‘Ek weet my hond sal nie dood gaan nie’. Daar is toe vir ons gesê ons moet maar doen wat ons wil. Hierdie man (CN18477) gee meer om vir sy voertuig as vir sy hond. My diere is my kinders en ek voel as jy wil gaan inkopies doen, los jy jou dier by die huis of ten minste met oop vensters in die kar. As jy jouself nie in sulke omstandighede sal plaas nie, moet dit ook nie aan diere doen nie, want geen mens sal kan sit met toe vensters op ’n warm, sonnige dag nie. Die weervoorspelling was 28 grade C, en dit verdubbel in ’n motor! As dit sy beste manier is van na sy diere kyk, wil ek nie eers weet wat sy slegste sal wees nie. Diereliefhebber

Huis Lizelle – waarheen nou met bejaardes? WAARHEEN NOU? Dit is die noodkreet van die inwoners van Huis Lizelle in Wellington. Sedert 1973 toe oom Tinie Malan die ou Dorkas-huis gekoop en omskep het in ’n losieshuis, het Huis Lizelle, met ’n relatief lae huur, ’n uitkoms en toevlug geword vir veral pensioenarisse. Deur die jare het Huis Lizelle ’n ware tuiste geword vir enkellopendes wat slegs ’n staatspensioen ontvang. Met huurgeld van R800 per maand, het daar darem nog ietsie oorgebly vir ander noodsaaklikhede. Oom Tinie se hart was op die regte plek en hy het omgegee vir sy dorp se mense. Soos dit egter maar gaan, het oom Tinie na ’n beter oord verhuis en is die mat onder Huis Lizelle se inwoners uitgepluk.

Skokkende gedrag Hoekom kry jy mense wat nie hul etes betaal nie? Ek het die kelnerin Sondag baie jammer gekry nadat vier persone by ’n welbekende eetplek in die Paarl geloop het en nie hul etes betaal het. Kelnerinne werk ook heeldag om mense vriendelik te bedien en hul dag is ook maar lank. Hul maak ook maar die beste daarvan aangesien hul almal studente is. Ek het die student baie jammer gekry, want sy moes toe hul rekening wat amper R400 was, betaal. Dis mos diefstal! Bekommerde kliënt

Die gebou is verkoop en vanaf Julie sal die huur opgeskuif word na R1200 per maand per kamer, sommige kamers tot R1350! Wat moet word van die inwoners wat slegs ‘n staatspensioen van R1200 ontvang? Waarvan gaan hul leef? Nie almal het kinders of familie wat kan help nie. Waarheen kan die mense gaan? Huis Lizelle is almal se vertroude tuiste. Instansies soos die Lions, Solidariteit/Helpende Hand, Rotariërs, kerke en nog vele ander verleen al jare hulp in die vorm van kos, toiletware en ander noodsaaklike benodigdhede. Mag hul almal ryklik geseën word! Die situasie het egter nou so verander dat selfs hul bydrae nie meer alles kan dek nie. Van die inwoners gaan letter-

lik op straat beland, sommige wat al langer as 15 jaar daar bly en in hul tagtigs is. My ma is ’n inwoner en ek kan haar huidiglik nog help, maar wat gaan vorentoe gebeur as, soos verwag word, die huur jaarliks gaan verhoog met ’n bedrag wat meer is as die jaarlikse pensioenverhoging? Namens die bekommerde inwoners doen ons ’n beroep op alle Wellingtonners vir hulp van enige aard. Dalk is daar ’n klompie Samaritane wat kan help? Dis tragies om te dink dat die barmhartigheid van oom Tinie Malan na byna 40 jaar net so in die vergetelheid gaan wegraak. Hierdie groep bejaardes verkeer in groot nood, enige hulp sal waardeer word. Anoniem

Patriotplein­kliniek is tops GRAAG wil ek dankie sê vir die goeie behandeling deur personeel van die Patriotplein-kliniek in die Paarl. Die liedjie “Ek reik na die sterre” is van toepassing hiér. Niks is ooit te veel of te swaar nie. Hier by die kliniek skyn die sterre van die oggend tot die aand. Jy word begroet met ’n glimlag, deeglik ondersoek en streng volgens volgorde. Suster Johson, jy en jou hele “crew” is volgens my van die bestes, in my geskiedenis van chroniese siektes. Al

wag ’n persoon, is dit altyd die moeite werd. Hier besef jy jou menswaardigheid. Suster Johnson, ek wens jou en jou “crew” net die beste in julle mediese poste. Hou so aan. Spesiale dank aan Dr Murray, wat ook tans diens doen daar. Hy is ferm en lewer kwaliteitdiens aan al sy pasiënte met ’n vriendelike benadering. Hy is beslis ’n bonus vir die mediese professie. Magdaleen Marais

Donderdag 7 Junie 2012

SMS ) Baie dankie aan die polisie (Paarl sektor 4) vir hul vinnige en flinke optrede Sondag 4 Junie om 02:00 die oggend, wat gelei het tot die verwydering van ’n kwaaddoener te Denneburg. Ken jou polisie se kontaknommers - hulle doen goeie werk. Dries ) Dit was hartverskeurend om op 5 Junie te sien hoe val ’n gestremde man uit ’n rolstoel na vele gesukkel trappe af by Standard Bank Wellington. Is die bank dan nie rolstoelvriendelik nie? ) Dankie vir die nuwe dame by Paarl poskantoor, jou vriendelikheid helder sowaar die poskantoor op. ) Dankie aan raadslede Lulu en Kearns vir jul hulp om my probleem aan te spreek, dit word waardeer Denis Francke ) Nou is dit weer skole se skuld as strate vol kinders is op Hemelvaart! As kinders nie weet wat Hemelvaart is nie, is dit ouers soos jy, se skuld! Dan noem jy jouself seker ’n Christen ook! ) Kinders het te veel regte, dis hoekom hulle nie eens meer weet wat respek beteken nie. Ook ’n ouer. ) Diens by Hugenote Tolhekke Sondag was pateties. Skaam jou ongeskikte dame wat op ons skree sy het nie kleingeld nie, al bied ons die regte geld aan! ) Skoolherrie na onderonsie: Mnr Bam kla gereeld oor die skollie-elemente op die skool, maar hy wil altyd net die beste vir die kinders hê en wou nooit gehad het dat die beheerraad kinders moet skors nie. Hy is ’n hoof vir kinders en onderrig. )17 en in Graad 9! Dié kind hoort duidelik in ’n spesiale skool. Dis in elk geval ’n gevaarlike situasie om onbeskofte 17-jariges in dieselfde skool te hê as sesjariges!

Briewe · Letters

Binnelandse Sake stel teleur met doodsertifikate OP 21 Mei is my pa oorlede in die Paarl. My ma is sowat vyf jaar al oorlede, maar Binnelandse Sake kan nie ’n korrekte doodsertifikaat vir hom uitreik nie, omdat hulle blykbaar nie weet my pa was ’n wewenaar nie. Hulle wil ’n doodsertifikaat uitreik wat sê dat hy steeds getroud was, al is my ma se doodsertifikaat destyds by hulle ingelewer. Dit veroorsaak dat ons nou die hele begrafnis van duisende rande uit ons eie sak moes betaal, omdat die doodsertifikaat nog nie uitgereik is nie en ons dus nie teen die begrafnispolis kan eis nie. Op Binnelandse Sake se web-

werf word my pa nog steeds, tien dae na sy dood, aangegee as “Alive” and “Married”. Dit is regtig teleurstellende diens, want hulle het duidelik nooit my pa se huwelikstatus verander toe my ma oorlede is nie. Nou moet ons haar doodsertifikaat weer indien, dan moet dit na Pretoria voordat my pa se doodsertifikaat uitgereik kan word. Wees dus gewaarsku en verseker dat, indien jou vrou of man sterf, jou huwelikstatus ook op die nasionale register verander word, anders het jou familie eindelose probleme ná jou dood. Ontnugter

My Paarl heimwee EK is al baie jare uit die Paarl (ek het in 1947 aan HMS matrikuleer) en verlang elke dag terug. Dit is die dae wat ek sommer ’n gedig skryf oor my tuisdorp:

Na Kaapse strand. Dan sal ek gou my weg weer baan Oor Kaapse vlak met groot pad aan Na Paarl woon-land

Daar’s een plek in die Boland Net vir my, Dis die dorp van my jeug Diedorpwaarmyhartsteedsbly

Lente-swaels kom weer nes maak Hul is tuis Ek is steeds nog aan’t swerwe Ver van my haard en huis

Bergrivier in die Boland Vloei so trou Paarlberg troon nog altyd Stewig geëts teen blou. My hartewens kom eendag waar As ek weer veilig terug kan vaar

As swaeltjies terugkeer na hul plek Dan daarom ook sal ek Weer huis toe kom. Dorothy van Zyl Hermanus

Paarl Post



Verkeersentrum se puik diens HIERMEE wil ek graag die Drakenstein Verkeersentrum gelukwens met die uitstekende diens wat ek en my vrou ontvang het met die hernuwing van ons bestuurslisensiekaarte. Dit was ’n absolute aangename ervaring in vergelyking met meeste soortgelyke instansies. Vandat ons by die deur ingestap het, is ons met vriendelikheid, hoflikheid en professionaliteit behandel. Ons is mooi verduidelik wat om alles te doen en waarheen om te gaan. As gevolg van die effektiwiteit waarmee die personeel werk, was dit ook nie eers vir ons nodig om in enige ry te wag nie. Kliente word flink en vinnig weggehelp sonder die indruk dat hulle ’n oorlas is. Ek wil ons dank aan die hele

personeel oordra, en hulle sommer prys ook, vir die aangename ervaring wat ons gehad het. Soveel as wat ek opgesien het daarna om my bestuurslisensiekaart te gaan hernu, so aangenaam was ek verras deur die diens wat ons ontvang het. Die afdeling is voorwaar ’n vars briesie in die woestyn van middelmatigheid wat in die grootste deel van ons openbare-dienstesektor posgevat het. Die Munisipaliteit kan opreg trots wees met wat die personeel vermag het. Ek hoop van harte dat ons vyf jaar van nou af dieselfde ervaring sal hê. Ons kan amper nie wag dat die vyf jaar moet verbygaan nie.

Hou op!


EK wil inwoners van die Paarl, veral Denneburg, mooi vra om nie geld vir bedelaars te gee nie. My stiefdogter, ’n pragtige meisie, het ’n drankprobleem. Ons woon in Harperstraat, Paarl-Oos. Sy stap die hele dorp vol en bedel van huis tot huis, soms saam met ’n ouer man. As sy geld kry, gaan koop sy drank en kort voor lank lê sy smoordronk in die straat. Dan verander haar persoonlikheid, sy vloek en skel en steur haar glad nie aan haar kindjie nie. Hou asseblief op om vir mense geld te gee - gee hulle liewer kos!

LAST Wednesday I realised that I had lost my mobile phone somewhere between Jan van Riebeeck Drive and Huguenot Station. I phoned numerous times and my mobile was on, but noone answered. Then a gentleman (middle Eastern) answered the phone and indicated that he had it and told me where I could collect it. My sincere gratitude and thanks go to Haji and his friend Rachel. If it wasn’t for you, I would have been lost without my phone. It is great to see that there are still honest people in this country. Thank you to these two fine citizens – I do appreciate it.

J Adonis


Kobus en Liesl de Kock

8 . Paarl Post

Wellington Nuus

Thursday 7 June 2012


NUUT. Wellington Lionsklub het onlangs ses nuwe lede ingehuldig. Hier staan (van links agter) Leon Gerber (nuwe lid), Retha Stigant (president), Amanda Swarts (voorsteller), Gebiedsvoorsitter Ronnie Hansen (inhuldigingsbeampte), en nuwe lede Anne Gerber, Amanda Fourie, Deon Swarts (voorsteller), Attie Fourie, Hannelie Smit, Eduard Smit en Marius du Plessis (streeksvoorsitter)

DIE NG Kerk Wellington-Oos bied ’n winter-aandmark aan op 8 Junie om 17:00 in hul kerksaal. Hulle bied ’n verskeidenheid handgemaakte produkte, vermaak vir die kinders sowel as vir die volwassenes en heerlike kos. Musiek sal verskaf word deur Izak Nel en foto’s kan/sal geneem word teen ’n oulike agtergrond. Vir enige verdere inligting, kontak gerus vir Roné Sills op 082 290 3114 of vir Elize op 021 873 2690.

ONDERSTEUNING. Badisa, die Barmhartigheidsdiens van die VGK op Wellington, het alkoholisme die stryd aangesê met die seën van die burgemeester, adv Gesie van Deventer (links). By haar staan dr Lorna Dreyer en Christo Kirchner van Badisa, wat ’n Jeugsaamtrek reël wat fokus op die stryd teen alkoholmisbruik. Dit word op 13 Junie vanaf 18:00 aangebied by die VGK Bergrivier. Vir inligting, skakel Christo Kirchner op 073 897 0648.

GESKIEDENIS. Wellington Museum se algemene jaarvergadering was ’n groot sukses. Die sprekers by die geleentheid was (van links) proff Herman Giliomee en Albert Grundlingh wat gepraat het oor die verskuiwings uit die middedorp van ou Stellenbosch waaroor hulle albei boeke geskryf het, en hoe die skrywe van ’n soortgelyke verhaal in Wellington aangepak kan word. By hulle is (van links) Olivia le Cordeur (kurator van die Wellington Museum), Herman Bailey en Chris Pienaar (voorsitter van die Vriende van Wellington Museum). Die Vriende in samewerking met Herman Bailey is tans besig met so ’n projek en hoop om dit uiteindelik ook in boekvorm te kan versprei. Foto: Christine Siebrits

Nuus · News

Donderdag 7 Junie 2012

Still driving strong after 30 years Lise Beyers AFTER thirty years of teaching people how to drive and having successfully had more than 3000 students pass their driver’s licence tests, Eileen Wilding is still going strong. And that at the tender age of 71. Wilding is adamant that she is still not ready to retire and will continue her duties as driving instructor until she is no longer able to. She is already teaching third generations. Eileen accidentally landed in the shoes of driving instructor, and was probably the first in Paarl. She started her career as an estate agent and when the market slowed down, she became bored. “I had coached a friend’s daughter successfully through her driving exam and she suggested that I look at becoming a driving instructor. “In those days there were no professional instructors in Paarl and parents were basically teaching their children how to drive.” So Eileen did her homework and received all the necessary training to qualify as an instructor. That was 30 years ago and today still she teaches drivers from as early as 06:30 in the morning, often until 19:30 at night, seven days a week and even on public holidays. “Things have changed a lot since

DRIVING. Veteran driving instructor Eileen Wilding, is not ready to hang up her gloves yet, 30 years after she started training young drivers. those early days. When the driving system changed to the K53, it became very difficult - most adults who passed the previous tests will not easily be able to pass this one. “The K53 system was introduced to try and curb the very high accident toll on our roads, the highest in the world. Unfortunately it has

not really helped, due to the lawlessness on our roads.” “But I still teach according to the book and my students have an excellent track record.” Eileen boasts with a first time pass rate of 95%. She nurtures her students, even the most nervous drivers. “I talk them through their lessons, this helps them relax and gain confidence.” But it has not all been easy and Eileen has proved to have nerves of steel. There have been some hair raising experiences, especially with elderly drivers. “Often a widow aged seventy plus will approach me for lessons. They never learnt to drive because their husbands did that job. “I have had some scary experiences with these ladies and their large old cars, but fortunately nothing life threatening happened.” And after all these years, has she not become tired of training drivers? “Not at all. Each student is different and challenging, and there is nothing that makes me feel better than to see one of my students driving through town. “It has been a great honour for me that so many parents have entrusted the safety of their children in my hands.”

Geyser project makes progress

Tronk toe

THE Drakenstein Municipality and Eskom’s geyser control project currently being implemented in Paarl and Wellington to help reduce electricity during peak times, is making good progress. By the end of last month, 1 903 of a total of 17 000 units had been installed. The Drakenstein Municipality requests residents to join forces with Eskom and the Municipality by supporting the programme aimed at connecting appliance control devices (also called switches or relays) to their geysers. The device switches off the power supply to geysers during times of peak demand (18:00 and 20:00). The Drakenstein Municipality and Eskom have appointed Powertech IST, an Energy Services Company (ESCo), to imple-

VERSKEIE mense het met lang tronkvonnisse agter tralies beland. Nolan Alexander sal vir 18 jaar sit, nadat hy daaraan skuldig bevind is dat hy ’n vrou in Wellington verkrag het. Aviwe Kongwa is vir tien jaar gestraf nadat hy ’n vrou aangerand het in Waterkantstraat. Hendrik Adam is tot 15 jaar tronkstraf gevonnis vir die verkragting van ’n elfjarige meisie. Tronkstraf van tien jaar is aan Landile Tyawana opgelê vir die aanranding van sy vriendin.

ment the programme in Paarl and Wellington. According to Gerard van der Merwe, Manager: Utilities, Municipalities and Commercial Business Unit at Powertech IST, qualified installers will visit homes in Groenvlei (Paarl), Uitsig and the greater Wellington area to install relays during June and July. A qualified contractor with an identity card from Drakenstein Municipality, Eskom and Powertech IST, will do the installation. It is free of charge and takes approximately 20 minutes. The contractor does not work on the geyser itself and the installation has no effect on electrical equipment and appliances. More information can be obtained from the call centre on 083 228 0268.

Paarl Post



Teken NOU in op Paarl Post EEN gelukkige nuwe intekenaar op Paarl Post kan ’n lekker bederf vir twee ter waarde van R3 600 wen by Santé Hotel en Spa. Dit sluit in behandeling (x2)

van u keuse, 20 minute Dr Fish Nibble (x2), asook gebruik van die binnenshuise swembad, verhitte jacuzzi en sauna. SMS “Nuwe intekenaar” na 32363.

10 . Paarl Post

News · Nuus

Motors lê haar na aan die hart

Man beaten, stabbed

Frans le Roux

Toyota is een van die mees gevestigde handelsname in die motorbedryf. Joubert vertel NA byna drie dekades in die motorbedryf waarom sy lojaal bly aan die Japanese reus. lê motors haar baie na aan die hart. “Die brand is baie sterk en Toyota het al Só sê Charmain Joubert, handelaarshoof die jare gesorg daarvoor. Dit is ’n fantastiese van McCarthy Toyota Paarl. produk en Toyota het regtig nie groot probleSy het 29 jaar gelede begin me nie. Indien daar iets is, sorwerk as verkoopskonsultant teer Toyota dit blitsvinnig uit.” vir Nissan, en daarna haar pad Daar is twee goed wat haar boontoe gewerk. laat terugkeer het na Toyota en “Ek het nie geswot na skool dit is gehalte-kliëntediens en nie, al wat ek ná matriek in Benaverkoopdiens. noni wou doen, is gaan werk.” “Dit wat Toyota bied, is baie Nadat sy ’n jaar of wat gelede skaars in die bedryf. En die klitydens ’n vakansie deur die ente wat ons by Toyota het, is Paarl gery het, het sy verlief geongelooflike mense, getrou raak op dié dorp. aan ons handelsmerk.” Sy was reeds bestuurder by Wat presies doen ’n handeToyota in Pretoria en het belaarshoof? sluit dat indien daar ooit ’n pos “Ek is vir alles verantwoorbeskikbaar is in die Paarl, sy delik. Soos wat jy die handedaarvoor sou aansoek doen. laarskapingeheelsien,dietui“Toe ek die dorp en die tak ne, gebou, inkomste en uitgasien, het ek besluit hierdie is wes doen ek oorsig oor. Op die die plek waar ek wil wees. Die GEDREWE. Charmain Jou- einde van die dag is dit ek wat pos het toe oopgemaak en ek bert, handelaarshoof van die syfers op die tafel moet sit.” is amper dadelik verplaas.” McCarthy Toyota Paarl, verIndien Joubert ’n ander beSewe maande later is sy staan die moeilike motor- roep kon kies, sê sy sou sy eers steeds gelukkig in die Paarl. mark en glo dat harde werk wou studeer, Joubert erken dat die mo- uiteindelik beloon word. Wat presies is die “rush” torbedryf uiters uitdagend is, waarna Joubert verwys? “Dis maar haar nuwe omgewing maak daarvoor ’n kombinasie van: doelwitte nastreef en beop. haal tesame met die ontwikkeling van perso“Die motorbedryf is besig, maar ek geniet neel om deur hul eie doelwitte sukses te kan die rustige en menslike omgewing wat die behaal!” Paarl bied.” “Dis ’n kombinasie van: doelwitte na streef Volgens Charmain pla dit nie om ’n vrou en behaal tesame met die ontwikkeling van in ’n bedryf te wees wat oorheers word deur personeel om deur hul eie doelwitte sukses mans nie. te kan behaal. Dis great om die twee saam “Jare gelede was vroue in dié bedryf te sit en resultate te sien.” Sy is die ma van skaars, maar deesdae kry ’n mens hier en twee dogters waarvan die oudste steeds in daar dat die motorgroepe wel na die skoner die Pretoria woon. Haar jongste is in graad geslag begin kyk op hierdie posvlak. Die elf by La Rochelle. Kaap is net ’n bietjie stadiger as Gauteng.” “Ek wil graag in die Paarl bly woon. Ek dink Sy is al byna tien jaar handelaarshoof van as ek eendag klaar is in die motorbedryf , sal verskillende takke van Ford en Toyota onek met eiendomme werk. Ek moet net met derskeidelik. mense werk.”

Thursday 7 June 2012

SEIZE. Mbekweni police recently confiscated 14 Mandrax tablets and a large amount of dagga during search and seize operations. Four men were arrested, including a 17-year-old teenager. The estimated value of the drugs was R1200. Thieves have also been busy at the building site of the Drommedaris housing scheme. This window frame, which has been positively identified as coming from this building site, was found in the possession of a suspect. Here WO. Kobus Skinner holds the frame and the drugs. Pic: Lise Beyers

A MAN was severely beaten before being stabbed to death in Mbekweni recently. The incident occurred in Project 2 on Monday evening. According to police, the cause was a feud which had been brewing between three men and another man over a woman. The three men allegedly attacked Vuyolwethu Valentine during an ambush. He was kicked and beaten and then stabbed. He died on the scene. Three young men, all from Mbekweni, were arrested. They are Khanyisa Kani (25), Azile Thenjwa (21) and Zola Qaka (23). ) A man from New Rest, Wellington, died after being stabbed last Saturday evening. According to eye-witnesses, Deon van Wyk (30) of Matroosberg Street and Sidney Ragman (47) were arguing about a stolen CD player at about 21:30. Van Wyk was stabbed in the chest and died on the scene. Ragman was arrested in connection with the incident.

Copper thefts continue FARMS, especially those south of Franschhoek, are being targeted by copper thieves. Franschhoek police spokesperson Const Marize Papier said that recently taps and piping were stolen at Lavenir farm, Borgougne and Bergsig farms. Police request information from the public and farm workers. The public is also urged to come forward with the names of places where copper pipes, taps and electric wiring are sold. Any information can be given to Const Jaco Stadler or WO Leon Boonzaaier on 021 876 8060.

INLIGTING. Die polisie se eenheid vir gesinsgeweld en geweld teenoor vrouens en kinders (FCS), sal graag hierdie twee mans wil ondervra in verband met ’n saak van verkragting. Dit spruit uit ’n voorval op 26 Desember toe ’n man en ’n vrou op ’n plaaspad in Klein Drakenstein deur twee mans aangeval en beroof is. Die vrou is verkrag. Enigiemand met inligting kan konst Nadia van Wyk skakel by 083 340 6594.

Youth · Jeug

14 . Paarl Post

Thursday 7 June 2012

Kyk uit vir nog skole nuus LEES op bladsy 24 en 45 verder oor skoleprestasies.

WP. Duren Hoffman van die Primêre Seunskool is gekies as lid van die o.13 WP-Cravenweek-rugbyspan.

RUGBY. Leerders van Gimnasium Laerskool is in verskeie o.13 WP-rugbyspanne opgeneem. Hulle gaan gedurende die vakansie aan wedstryde te Bloemfontein (Cravenweek) en Sasolburg (Akademie-week) deelneem. Van links is Hanro Geldenhuys (Akademiesespan), Jermaine Claasen (Cravenweek-span), AJ Wedgwood (Cravenweek-span) en Muller du Plessis (Cravenweek-span).

QUIZ. La Rochelle Girls’ High took part in the quiz at the Caltex SAIIA Young Leaders Conference and won second place. From left are Claire Clift, Raphaela Bohmer, Miranda Anthony (CSI Manager for Chevron SA), Cassandra da Cruz and Rina-Mari Weideman.

RUGBY. Pierre Pretorius van die Primêre Seunskool is gekies as lid van die o.13-Cravenweekrugbyspan.

NETBALL. Hlumisa Tshamba of Huguenot Primary has been selected for the Western Cape netball team.

DRAKENSTEIN LAERSKOOL SE TROTS! Peter Esterhuizen (regs) is opgeneem in die Boland o.10skaakspan.

MUURBAL. Hierdie leerders van Courtrai Laerskool het Boland-muurbalkleure verwerf. Van links is Nicholas Cronjé, Daniel Jackson, Grant Groenewald en Joshua Shone.

SKAAK. Elizma Witbooi van Hoër Meisieskool Paarl is onlangs opgeneem in die o.18Boland-skaakspan.

NETBAL. Bianca de Wee van Laerskool Gimnasium is in die Wes-Kaap o.13-netbalspan opgeneem.

SANG. Bianca MacLachlan (links) en Paul Jnr Fransman van WA Joubert Laerskool het uitstekend gevaar tydens die Gemini-sangkompetisie. Hulle het albei eerste plekke behaal in solosang en Paul het ook ’n tweede plek in jazz behaal.

KARATE. Gavin Post van Simond Privaatskool het vierde geeindig in die o.45 kg gewigsklas by die Boland-karatekampioenskappe. Hy is opgeneem in die ontwikkelingspan wat aan die Wes-Kaapse kampioenskappe gaan deelneem.

SWEM. Danelle Joubert van die Hoërskool La Rochelle het aan die SA-streek-ouderdomsgroepswemkampioenskappe vlak 1 in Oos-Londen deelgeneem, waar sy ’n eerste plek (goud) in die 200 individuele wisselslag behaal het.

MEDALJES. Tarien Joubert van Hugo Rust Laerskool het ’n goue, twee silwer-en drie bronsmedaljes by die SA Stilwaterswemkampioenskappe verwerf.

STAR. Sharfa Abrahams, a Grade 10 learner at New Orleans Secondary, was one of 75 learners of the school who participated in the annual Mathematics Olympiad at the University of Cape Town. She was the best achiever of the New Orleans participants.

Donderdag 7 Junie 2012

Jeug · Youth

BOLAND. These students of Paarl Boys’s High have been selected for the Boland West regional hockey teams (u.18 and u.16). At rear (from left) are Victor Haupt (u.18), Tjaart van der Walt (u.16), Jan Rabie (u.18), Stephan Lombard (u.16), Abrie du Plessis (u.16) and Devi Lategan (u.18). Absent: Morné Bester (u.16).

SKAAK. Kyle van Schoor en WJ van Zyl van Laerskool Hugenote is opgeneem in die Bolandskaakspan.

SKAAKSTERRE. Matthew Adams en Lazio Pasqualle van Hillcrest Primêr is opgeneem in die Boland Laerskole-skaakspan in die o.14-ouderdomsgroep. Foto: Christine Siebrits

RUGBY. St Alban’s Primêr spog met verskeie rugbyspelers in provinsiale spanne. In die o.12Boland-Sentraal-span is (voor van links) is Campwill Willemse, Darryn Jacquire en Reagan Willemse. In die Boland o.13-span is (agter) Jodey Hendricks, Bjorkan Hendricks en Bradley van Turha. Foto: Christine Siebrits

NETBAL. Twee netbalspelers, Almari du Toit (o.17), links, en Aventhea Kearns (o.15) van Hugenote Hoërskool is in Boland-netbalspanne opgeneem.

KAMPIOEN. Alta Pellissier van Hoër Meisieskool Paarl het onlangs ’n derde plek (bronsmedalje) behaal in biathle by die Wes-Kaap Pentathlon-kampioenskappe. Sy neem op 23 Junie deel aan die SA biathle-kampioenskappe in Bloemfontein.

RUGBY. Thaakir Abrahams van Drakenstein Laerskool is opgeneem in die Boland o.13-Cravenweekspan wat tydens die Junievakansie in Bloemfontein gaan deelneem.

REKENAARS. Marika Franken van die Hoërskool La Rochelle het deurgedring na die semi-finale ronde van die ATKV-redenaarskompetisie.

TEORIE. JP Versfeld, graad 12-leerder van HJS, het die teorietoets vir die Presidentsverkenners geslaag en woon in Julie die finale toetskamp by.

KORREK. Hierdie graad sewes van Paarlzicht Primêr, Austin Ephraim, Amber Daniels en Jacquan Pienaar, het onlangs in Worcester die derde plek behaal in die Korrek-spelkompetisie vir die streek. Foto: Liezl Davids

SKAAK. Vincent Smit (links) en Chad Abrahams vanCourtrai Laerskool het Boland-skaakkleure verower.

Paarl Post



OLYMPIAD. A Grade 12 learner of La Rochelle Girls’ High School, Heather Kirkby, has achieved one of the top 15 places in the country in the annual De Beers English Olympiad for this year. The aim of the Olympiad is to enrich learners through the study of English and to encourage critical thinking and creative writing. She will attend the National Schools’ Festival in Grahamstown for the prize-giving ceremony. As one of the Top 50 candidates, she has also been offered a tuition scholarship for her first year of study at Rhodes University. Heather thanked her teachers for the grounding, guidance, discipline and inspiration they have given her to boost her love for the English language and writing. “Particularly Lynette Neethling and Wolfie Ratz were inspirational English teachers.”

16 . Paarl Post

DONATE. Students from Boland College’s Paarl Campus warmed quite a few hearts at the local hospital by donating toys and treats. The Jacaranda hostel students, along with supervisor Lionel Williams (rear left), showed initiative by launching this project in aid of the pediatric ward. It forms part of their Corporate Social Investment (CSI) project which will now become a standing drive. “We look forward to this initiative growing bigger and bigger,” said Williams.

Mense · People

GROOT SKENKER. DIE WP Bloeddiens het ’n glansgeleentheid in die Paarl aangebied waar toekennings oorhandig is aan mense wat gereeld bloed skenk. Hier ontvang Siem Basson (links) van die Paarl ’n sertifikaat vir sy 271ste bloedskenking van dr Arthur Bird, die hoof uitvoerende bestuurder van die WP Bloedoortappingsdiens.

GETROUD. Gert en Minka van Niekerk van die Paarl is op 3 Maart in die eg verbind te De Uijlenes, Grootbos, Gansbaai. Die bruid is die dogter van Daantjie en Ilse Fourie van die Paarl. Die bruidegom is die seun van Martie en wyle Gert van Niekerk, ook van die Paarl. Die egpaar bly nou in Vredekloof, Brackenfell.

PROKUREUR. Tamarin de Jager (voor) is op 1 Junie toegelaat tot die prokureursorde. By haar voor die Kaapse Hooggeregshof is haar ouers Joy en Claude de Jager. Fred van Wyk het as Tamarin se regsverteenwoordiger vir haar bygestaan vir toelating as prokureur. Sy het haar prakties by Regshulp SA op George gedoen.

Donderdag 7 Junie 2012

OMGEE. Valcare het ’n netwerkgeleentheid in die Paarl gehou waar Christen-dienswerkers bymekaargekom het. Hier staan van links Alvira Kleinhans (Rusthof-ouetehuis), Selma van Rooyen (Ma’s vir Wellington), Hanneli Rupert-Koegelenberg (Valcare Trust), Natasha Jantjies (voorbidder by La Motte Gebedswag), Gawie Hugo (Drakenstein Transformasie), Daleen Labuschagne (Khula Development Group), Jean Fortuin (Emmanuel Pinksterbediening) en Jolanda van der Lingen (Valcare Trust). Indien u belang stel om betrokke te raak by hierdie kwartaallikse geleentheid, skakel gerus vir Valcare by 021 872 2365. Foto: Frans le Roux

OUTSTANDING. At this week’s Rotary meeting, two police officers of Paarl Police Station received awards for outstanding service. They are WO CP Petersen (second from left) and Const Christopher Claassen (right). At the meeting, Babette Beyers (centre), gave feedback on her Rotary exchange year in Brazil. With them are Rotarians Maya Friederich (left) and June Kroukamp (chairperson).

TREAT FOR THE AGED. The ANC Parliamentary Constituency Office (PCO) in Paarl gave senior citizens of Drakenstein a thanksgiving treat at the Groenheuwel Primary School Hall. Posing with some of the seniors who attended the tea are (rear from left) Cynthia Philander (community worker), Alvira Kleynhans (matron of Rusthof Old Age Home), Adri Paulse (PCO office bearer) and Chrissie Brink (district councillor). In front are Nocele Pola, Ntishe Lali and Nowoshi Keke. Pic: Achmat Patel

tivesa sa and on . find us on in-club. standard sms rates apply or ask virgin see tions condi and for terms


Lifestyle · Leefstyl

Thursday 7 June 2012

Paarl Post



Paarl Rotary auction shows profit DESPITE tough economic conditions, the Rotary Club of Paarl collected a net income of R271 000 at its 10th annual Wine, Art & Jewellery Auction held at Backsberg on Sunday 27 May. More than 220 guests from as far afield as Scandinavia and the USA attended, making it one of the highlights on the Bo- AUCTION. Radio talk show host and charity land social calendar. auctioneer Dan Nicholl led the successful Guests enjoyed an annual Rotary Wine, Art & Jewellery Auction extended brunch with on Sunday. live entertainment provided by Cape Town jazz duo Alvin Dyers community service and Monique Hellenberg. the Rotary Club of Many of SA’s top wine estates, hospitality from the proceeds. VEILIGHEID. Sers Marize Papier van Franschhoek polisie het verlede week al die Franschhoekse skole besoek om kinders in te lig oor hul veiligheid en regte as deel van ’n kinderbeskermingsweekprojek. Papier het gesê dat sy na elke kind wil uitreik sodat hulle gemaklik voel om met lede van die polisie te praat oor enige voorvalle van misdaad en mishandeling in hul gebied. Hier is sy saam met leerders van Dalubuhle Primêr. Onderwysers of ouers wat met haar wil gesels oor jeugprobleme kan haar skakel by 021 876 8060.

establishments and artists donated more than 100 lots that came under the hammer of radio talk show host and charity auctioneer, Dan Nicholl. The aucton included wine, hospitality prizes, art, jewellery and oriental rugs. The bulk of the funds raised at this auction will be used for the completion of the Skills and Training Facility at the NorSA Community Centre at New Rest in Wellington. At least ten other projects supported by Paarl will also benefit

Appollis­ reünie DIE Appollis-familie beplan ’n reünie op 11 Augustus te Antoniesvleivakansie-oord (10:00). Familielede wat afstam van Jakob Appollis, “Dottie” Appollis en Marta Appollis, kan Amanda Morris kontak by 074 842 8168 of Julius Williams by 082 076 1972. Die volgende vergadering is op Sondag 10 Junie by die woning van Marinda Appollis te Russelweg, Wellington.

Wees deel van kinderhuis se ope dag HUIS ANDREW MURRAY, die kinder- en jeugsorgsentrum te Wellington, bied op Jeugdag (16 Junie) ’n ope dag aan vir ouers, pleegouers, vakansie-ouers en vrywilligers en belangstellendes. Die doel hiervan is om elkeen die geleentheid te gee om die kinderhuis se fasiliteite te besigtig en meer te wete te kom omtrent

die werksaamhede. Die verrigtinge sal plaasvind vanaf 10:30 tot 11:30 waarna jy genooi word om ’n koppie tee te geniet. Indien jy die dag saam wil geniet, bespreek teen Vrydag 8 Junie by christelle of skakel 021 873 3834.

Leefstylkalender ) Trompoppies. Die Boland Trompoppie-kampioenskappe word op 8 Junie om 18:00 by die Mbekweni-gemeenskaps-sportsentrum (langs Desmond Tutu Hoërskool) gehou. Toegang is R10 (R5 vir leerders). ) VLV byeen. VLV Wellington hou vergadering op Donderdag 14 Junie om 09:30 by die Wellington Museum. Winnie Rust kom bespreek die boek Margie van die Seminary. Besoekers is welkom. Vir verdere navrae, skakel Juanita by 083 264 9834. ) Braai. Alle oudstudente van St Albans Primêr word vriendelik uitgenooi na ’n bring en braai op 23 Junie by die skool. Daar sal ’n groot skerm wees om die rugby te kyk. Vir navrae, skakel Danele

by 021 873 2441. ) Fireside Chats. Queen of thrillers, Margie Orford, will be the first guest author at Grande Roche Hotel’s Culinary Innovations – a series of unique wine and food events - on Saturday 23 June at 19:00. She will chat about her Clare Hart series and reveal something of what you can expect in the near future. Hot topics, crime and thrilling adventures - everything rolled into one great evening matched with great wines, food and the ambience of a historic hotelwhere every reservation is the promise of a treat. Tickets cost R365 per person (food and wine included) and can be booked at 021 863 5100 or

SAKTYD. Die dertien finaliste van ’n nuwe werklikheidsreeks vir kykNET, Saktyd, is onlangs aangekondig. Onder hulle is Jurie Prins (links) van die Paarl. Die program is ’n werklikheidsreeks waartydens die deelnemers by Huisgenoot werk en meeding om ’n werk daar los te slaan. Die eerste episode is op 17 Julie. Vir verdere inligting, besoek

Jeugweek in Groenheuwel DIE jeuggroep van die VGK Bet-El in Groenheuwel, Paarl, bied ’n Jeugweek aan van 11 tot 17 Junie by hul kerksaal. Die tema is “YESterday, 2day, 4eva Jesus is the same”. Op Maandag 11 Junie om 19:00 praat hulle oor die veranderinge in dans met sprekers wat sal praat oor rieldans, geestelike danse en gospel hip-hop. Dinsdag 12 Junie kyk hulle na die euwels van vandag waar gassprekers sal praat oor aborsie, gesinsgeweld en dwelms. Getuienis sal ook gelewer word. Op Donderdag 14 Junie praat dr Noel Adams (Drakenstein Munisipaliteit) oor hoe opvoeding oor die dekades verander het en watter insette ouers kan lewer tot

hul kinders se opvoeding. Loopbaan- en vakkeuses asook werksgeleenthede gaan bespreek word. Vrydag 15 Junie bied hulle ’n Gospel Rave aan (R5) met DJ Kim van Rooy van i2i with Reality. Op Saterdag 16 Junie word ’n formele dinee gehou. Kaartjies is R150 en sluit vermaak, ’n viergang-ete en ’n foto in. Kaartjies is beskikbaar by jeugmaats. Elke aand begin verrigtinge om 19:00. Op Sondag 17 Junie begin die erediens om 09:00 en die aanddiens om 18:00. Almal is welkom. Vir navrae, kontak Jacomina Alkaster by 082 992 3093 of Jo-Anne Peters by 072 806 7968.

Arts · Vermaak

18 . Paarl Post

Adam Tas in Wellington

SANGER. Saterdagaand 9 Junie kom maak Adam Tas ’n draai met sy nuwe album, Storm van Liefde, by die Bôrdienghuis-teater op Wellington.

AS kunstenaar het Adam Tas reeds sy merk gemaak en kan ’n paar suksesverhale agter sy naam skryf. Op Saterdag 9 Junie maak hy ’n draai by die Bôrdienghuis-teater in Wellington. Gedurende 2007 verskyn hy in die “Guinness Book of Records” vir die meeste optredes gehou in 24 uur. Gedurende 2008 het hy by die Raw Rocks-konsert by Sun City Superbowl voor omtrent 6 500 mense opgetree. Adam Tas is baie bekend in die meeste Suid-Afrikaners se huise vir sy mooi stem en kwaliteit-musiek. Sy nuutste album, Storm van Liefde, was weke lank op DKNT se top tien lyste, en self na ’n jaar het dit weer ’n paar keer daar gedraai. Sy liedjie Skilpadtepel is op Beeld se webtuiste deur sy lesers gekeur as nommer vier onder hul top tien liedjies vir die jaar. Na vele programme soos DKNT, Jukebox, Noot vir Noot en Opskop is Adam Tas ’n kunstenaar wat hier is om te bly en wie se naam jul vorentoe nog baie gaan hoor. ) Vanaand is die bekendstelling van Guillaume se nuwe album, Man van Staal by die Bôrdienghuis-teater te sien. Moenie die geleentheid mis om hierdie twee topklaskunstenaars in lewende lywe te sien nie. Kaartjies is R70 en kan bespreek word by 082 812 1112 of

Speel saam met Tjiff en Tjaff DIE karakters van die gewilde kinderreeks, Tjiff en Tjaff, wat weeksdae op KykNET se Koowee-kinderkanaal uitgesaai word, kom kuier op 9 Junie by die Bôrdienghuis-teater in Wellington. Die liewe groen outjies was al op baie uitstappies en nooi almal om deel te word van hul avonture. Hulle is ook mal

oor speletjies en verrassings, waarvan daar ’n paar is tydens die vertoning. Kom kuier saam met Tjiff en Tjaff en hulle maatjie Mimi en bring die kamera saam vir jou eie foto saam met hulle. Die vertoning begin om 10:30 en kaartjies kos R50. Bespreek gerus by 082 812 1112.

Donderdag 7 Junie 2012

Holmakiesie met Marion DIE verhoogstuk Holmakiesie met Marion Holm is Saterdag 9 Junie om 20:00 te sien by die Ou Meul-teater. Ons almal weet van bollemakiesie slaan, maar wat sou ’n holmakiesie wees? Dóén ’n mens dit of kyk ’n mens dit of eet ’n mens dit? Kom kyk na Marion Holm se negende eenvrou-vertoning en vind uit. Sy en Chris Vorster span weer eens saam om ’n teks daar te stel wat oud en jonk sal laat giggel, goed voel en laat dink en die regie

is ook deur Chris waargeneem. Holm vertel haar stories soos net sy kan en stel in die proses die gehoor bekend aan ’n paar nuwe karakters, maar doen nie afstand van die ou geliefde karakters wat gehore oor die jare laat lag het nie. Die vertoning het geen ouderdomsperking nie en is in Afrikaans. Kaartjies is R100 per persoon en kan bespreek word by Vicky Stemmet by 083 564 0056 of stuur ’n epos na Vicky@oumeultea

DANCING. Line dancers from the Bootscooters SA Couples and Line Dance Club based in Paarl and Bellville recently took part in the sections Solo Style and Team Cabaret at the South African Masters Championship which was hosted in Milnerton. They proudly left this amazing competition with an array of awards and achievements in their respective age categories and dance divisions. The Cabaret Team of 17 dancers won first place (gold) and out of the eight individual solo style dancers, three received first place (gold), two received second place (silver), one third place (bronze), one fourth place (bronze) and one fifth place (bronze). At the back from left are Annette Badenhorst, Delia Huskisson, Karien van der Merwe, Bertie Lambrechts, Lynette Mclarty, Amanda Coetzee, Karin van der Merwe, Marita Coetzee, front from left are Kirsty Nel, Alta Meynhardt, Imma Grobbelaar, Winnie Coetzee and Francina Morkel. Absent are Colleen Wilson, Elmarie van Wyk and Ungere Wassung. Anyone wishing to find out more about this social as well as competitive dance sport, can contact Karin van der Merwe on 080 837 2682 or 021 8721566 or email

Liewe Heksie kom op rolskaatse HIERDIE naweek kom Liewe Heksie op haar rolskaatse die Paarl ingevaar, tot by Laerskool Courtrai, waar maats en mammas saam met haar kan kuier. Die vertoning begin Saterdag om 10:00. Die verhale van Verna Vels se vriendelike heksie, met haar biki-kini en rolskaatse, gaan die Boland se Blommeland optower. Wanneer die grillerige Geelheks opdaag, kry die vriende van Menseland ’n kans om die stoute karnallies te verwilder – natuurlik tot groot pret van almal.

Margit Meyer-Rödenbeck en Deon van Zyl speel die rolle van Heksie, Karel Kat, Geelheks én Koning Rosekrans. Dit is ’n aanbieding vir die hele gesin. Verlede jaar het van die volwassenes gesê dit was die vermaaklikste produksie op die KKNK! Maats en hulle mammas wat wil saamkuier, kan hul kaartjies teen R50 bespreek by 083 604 4037 of vooraf by Laerskool Courtrai koop, tel 021 863 3220, of info

KWV shines at Trophy Wine Show IN what has come to be an increas- Chardonnay was significant, says Trophy Wine Show follow on the ingly hotly contested race, the Richard Rowe, chief winemaker, not heels of an announcement days ago trophy for the top producer at the only because the cultivar itself is one that two of its wines - Cathedral Cel2012 Old Mutual Trophy Wine of the most popular among South AflarCheninBlanc2011andTheMenShow went to KWV SA, a cellar ricans, but because the trophies this tors Orchestra 2010 - collected gold whose recent renaissance has medals at the 2012 Decanter seen it dominate the podium at World Wine Awards in London. several of South Africa’s major They were among only 15 gold wine competitions in the past medals won by South African wiyear. nes at this important internatioIt edged Eikendal into second nal event. place, closely followed by Jordan The trophy for the Show’s best Wine Estate and Vergelegen. Chenin Blanc went to Tokara’s KWV’s top results came from Miles Mossop for the Tokara Chewinning the trophies for Best nin Blanc 2009. Chardonnay and Best White WiThe Best Merlot came from La ne Trophy (The Mentors CharBri (Merlot 2010) and the best Pidonnay 2011), as well as the Tronotage from Rijk’s Private Cellar phy for the Best Museum Class (Pinotage 2008) Fortified (KWV Reserve Port The Best Pinot Noir was the TROPHIES. Johann Fourie and Richard Rowe Chamonix Pinot Noir Reserve 1929). In addition, KWV SA collected of KWV SA show off the trophies they won at 2010 and the best Sauvignon 10 silver and 16 bronze medals. the Old MutualTophy Wine Show for best produ- Blanc (wooded) was the NederThis is the second major com- cer, best white wine and best museum class for- burg Two Centuries Sauvignon petition to have bestowed this tit- tified wine. Blanc 2009. le on KWV, which last year won Jeremy Borg’s Painted Wolf particular wine collected are an indithe most double gold and gold meShiraz 2009 won the trophy for the dals in the history of Veritas, South cation of the success in its stylistic best Shiraz. bOther local gold medal Africa’s longest running wine com- evolution. winners were Boschendal 1685 ShiThe award may be considered raz 2009 and Le Joubert 1070 2009. petition. even more significant in the light of In the medal stakes, a host of KWV Wine lovers in Cape Town will be the judging panel’s excitement over brands and classes featured this yeable to taste 218 medal winning withe splendid chardonnays to come nes at a public tasting at the Cape ar with the majority being accumulated by wines in its Mentors range. across their desks this year as well Town Convention Centre on Friday as an overall improvement in en- 15 June from 17:00 to 20:30. It collected 10 silver and 16 bronze tries. medals. See judges’ feedback on www.troKWVs awards at the Old Mutual The victory for the 2011 Mentors

Nuwe era vir wynbedryf DIE verkiesing van Charles Hopkins as voorsitter van die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Wynskouvereniging (SANWSV) by die pasafgelope jaarvergadering van die vereniging, lui ’n vernuwende era in nie net vir dié omvattende bedryfsliggaam nie, maar ook vir die land se twee grootste Charles Hopkins en invloedrykste wynkompetisies, die SA Jongwynskou en Veritas. Hy neem die leisels oor by Duimpie Bayly, een van die veterane in die wynbedryf, wat na agt jaar as voorsitter uitgetree het. “Ek waardeer werklik die vertroue wat my eweknieë in die wynbedryf in my stel,” sê Hopkins. “Ek sal graag onder andere wil toesien dat die profiel van Veritas en die SA Jongwynskou verder uitgebou word en daar ag geslaan word op die waardevolle insette van alle belanghebbendes.” Hopkins, wat in die Paarl woon en sedert 2005 as keldermeester by De Grendel in Durbanville die leiding neem, is een van die mees gerespekteerde wynmakers in SA.

Trio of trophies and golds for Nederburg NEDERBURG has won three trophies at the 2012 Decanter WorldWineAwardsacrossthree different tiers, demonstrating again its ability to perform at top level throughout the range. It has also won three golds at the International Wine Challenge (IWC). The results of both were announced at the London International Wine Fair, visited by delegates from all over the world. The 2008 Private Bin Edelkeur won the Decanter trophy for the best South African sweet wine retailing for over £10, while the 2010 Manor House Shiraz/ Mourvèdre won the Decanter trophy for best South African red Rhône varietal retailing for over £10. The 2010 Winemaster’s Reserve Noble Late Harvest took both the Decanter trophy for best South African sweet wine selling for under £10 and an

IWC gold medal. The botrytis wine also carries a Platter’s South African Wine Guide five-star rating. The two other IWC golds went to the 2008 and 2009 vintages of Private Bin Eminence.Private Bin wines are sold exclusively on the Nederburg Auction. Nederburg also came home with four Decanter silvers. These went to the 2010 Ingenuity White (a Platter’s five-star wine), as well as to the 2009 and 2007 vintages of Private Bin Edelkeur and the 2010 Winemaster’s Reserve Merlot. Amongst the eight IWC silver medallists were the 2010 Manor House Shiraz/Mourvèdre and the 2008 II Centuries Cabernet Sauvignon. All other IWC silvers were for Private Bin wines. Earlier this month, Nederburg won a Syrah du Monde silver medal for the 2009 Private Bin R121 Shiraz.

Wanted: top wine-list

KONSTRUKSIE. Die stof trek by die Shell-motorhawe in Jan van Riebeeckweg, Paarl, wat tans opgradeer word met nuwe brandstoftenke. Die winkels op die perseel is steeds oop en die motorhawe heropen na verwagting weer op 21 Junie. Foto: Frans le Roux

PETER GOFFE-WOOD, MasterChef South Africa judge and renowned consultant to many of the country’s leading restaurants, will be one of the judges in this year’s Diners Club Wine-list Awards. Entries close on Friday 27 July at 16:00. Dave Hughes, chairman, said he was delighted with the composition of this year’s judging panel line-up. Restaurants, hotels and guest-houses countrywide are invited to submit their wine-lists for the competition which is judged on the basis of selection, balance and presentation. Details and entry forms can be found at

CELEBRATE. The first company to open its offices at the new Zandwyk Park south of Paarl, is Proxa, an industrial water treatment business. Gathered at the site to celebrate were (from left, Yann-Vari Martin (JLK), Wimpie van der Merwe (Proxa), Robin Barnes (Jan Hanekom Architects), Johan Louw (JLK Construction), Jaco van Zyl (Nortjé & De Villiers civil engineers), Jakkie van Heerden (JJVH structural engineers) and Jeremy Nel (Jan Hanekom Architects).

First office opens at Zandwyk THE first development in the new industrial park outside Paarl, in Ben Bernhardi EstateontheoldPaarlRoad,was officially opened last week. Proxa, a specialised industrial water treatment company, opened its brand new design, technical support and research centre here. Proxa provides integrated and sustainable industrial water treatment solutions to the global resource, energy, metals and petrochemical markets. Jan Hanekom Architects of Paarl were responsible for the

architecture and JLK Construction was contracted as the builders. Three more industrial buildings are being constructed here. Zandwyk Park is situated on the outskirts of Paarl, along the R101 (the Simonsvlei/Klapmuts Road) and offers high-security facilities with 24-hour gate control, and Wi-Fi access. Subtle design guidelines have been introduced to complement the natural beauty of the area. The development offers a total of forty-five plots with sizes ranging from 738 m² to 6 686 m². For enquiries, phone 083 654 1987.


AMPTELIKE KENNISGEWING ONTVANGS VAN ’N AANSOEK VIR ’N PERSEELLISENSIE Kragtens die bepalings van artikel 32(2) van die Wes-Kaapse Wet op Dobbelary en Wedrenne, 1996 (Wet 4 van 1996), soos gewysig, gee die Wes-Kaapse Raad op Dobbelary en Wedrenne (“die Raad”) hiermee kennis dat ’n aansoek om ’n perseellisensie, soos onder aangedui, ontvang is. ’n Perseellisensie sal die lisensiehouer magtig om ’n maksimum van vyf beperkte uitbetalingmasjiene in goedgekeurde persele buite die casino’s te plaas om deur die publiek gespeel te word. BESONDERHEDE VAN AANSOEKER Naam van besigheid: By die volgende perseel: Erfnommer: Persone met ’n finansiële belang van 5% of meer in die besigheid:

Steven Ijumba Kampies Alleeneienaar h/a Serengeti Action Sportsmans Pub Erf 2701, H/v Beet- en Valleistrate, Newton, Wellington 7655 2701, Wellington Steven Ijumba Kampies (100%)

SKRIFTELIKE KOMMENTAAR EN BESWARE Inwoners van hierdie provinsie wat belangstel om besware aan te teken teen of kommentaar te lewer op enige aansoek, mag dit skriftelik doen. In die geval van skriftelike besware teen ‘n aansoek, moet die redes waarop sodanige besware gebaseer is, verskaf word. Waar kommentaar betreffende die aansoek verstrek word, moet die volle besonderhede en feite om sodanige kommentaar te staaf, verskaf word. Die naam, adres en telefoonnommer van die persoon wat beswaar maak of kommentaar lewer, moet ook verskaf word. Kommentaar of besware moet die Raad op die laatste teen 16:00 op Vrydag, 29 Junie 2012 bereik. Kennis geskied hiermee dat die Raad, ingevolge regulasie 24(2) van die Nasionale Dobbelregulasies, ’n openbare verhoor ten opsigte van ’n aansoek sal skeduleer slegs indien ’n skriftelike beswaar teen ’n aansoek voor of om 16:00 op Vrydag, 29 Junie 2012 ontvang is. Sodanige beswaar moet betrekking hê op: (a) die onkreukbaarheid of geskiktheid van enige van die persone, wat betrokke sal wees by die bedryf van die relevante onder­ neming, vir lisensiëring, of (b) die geskiktheid van die voorgestelde perseel vir die bedryf van dobbelaktiwiteite. Indien ’n openbare verhoor geskeduleer word, sal die datum van sodanige verhoor ongeveer 14 dae vóór die verhoordatum in hierdie publikasie geadverteer word. Besware of kommentaar moet gestuur word aan die Hoof- Uitvoerende Beampte, Wes-Kaapse Raad op Dobbelary en Wedrenne, Posbus 8175, Roggebaai 8012, of ingehandig word by die HoofUitvoerende Beampte, Wes-Kaapse Raad op Dobbelary en Wedrenne, Seafare Huis, Oranjestraat 68, Tuine, Kaapstad of gefaks word aan die Hoof- Uitvoerende Beampte by een van die voorafgenoemde adresse by faksnommer +27 (0)21 422 2603.


20 . Paarl Post

Sake Post Geklassifiseerd

Thursday 7 June 2012

08 Sterfgevalle Deaths ROBERTSON ­ LE ROUX: Ian and Diana Robertson, Ipswich, Australia, join Ernst and Marion le Roux, Paarl, to h a p p i ly a n n o u c e t h e engagement of their only daughter Jane to Ernst ­ their only son. Love and best wishes from both families. DE JAGER: DORA. Gebore: 24/06/1926 ­ Oor­ lede: 01/06/2012. Rus in vrede Mammie. Kinders, kleinkinders & agterklein­ kinders. Begrafnis: Saterdag 9 Junie 2012. Huis: 09:00 Magnoliastraat 8, Kerk: 10:00 Holy Trinity.

MEYER: BEATRICE (NEE DU PREEZ). Funeral Service will take place on Saturday, 09/06/2012 at Bethel Congregational Church, Paarl East at 11h00. Lovingly remembered by Ivan, Glenda, Jacques and families.

RUDOLPH: BRADRICK (SHAWN). 27/05/1967 ­ 06/05/2012. Verlange nog baie groot. Liefdevolle herin­ neringe. Mammie, 3 susters, 1 broer.

RUITERS: DAVID. Sag heengegaan. Word diep betreur deur Charlotte, Robert, Hettie, Sydney en familie.

COLLINS: MARY ANNE. Heengegaan op 30/05/2012 in ouderdom van 60 jaar. Rou­ diens: Saterdag 09/06/2012 om 10:0 vanuit die Nuwe Apostoliese Kerk, Lantana­ gemeente. Privaat verassing. Reëlings: Nackerdien Begrafnisdienste. Tel: 021 862 1450.

08 Sterfgevalle Deaths

JAC K S O N : DA W I E ("MABOET"). Sag heen­ gegaan op 4 Junie 2012. Word diep betreur deur familie. Vir begrafnisreël­ings­navrae: 078 825 5441/078 193 4548.

SMITH: VERNON. Passed away 4 June 2009. Gone, but not forgotten. Lovingly cherished and remembered by wife Muriel, Valerius, Natasha, Lara, Veyron & family & friends. WEIMERS: RAYMOND. Gebore: 27/12/1951 ­ Oor­ lede: 01/06/2012. Begrafnis: Saterdag 9 Junie 2012. Huis: 09:00 Blesbokw/s C3. Kerk: AGS 10:00 Beukes­ straat. Diep betreur deur vrou, kinders & kleinkinders. Privaat verassing. Kontak: 078 043 9357.

CONGRATULATIONS to Chantelle Nicholas who recently graduated from the Cape Peninsula University of Technology in Bellville where she obtained her Baccalaureus Technologiae in Journalism (Cum Laude). She was a learner at Klein N e d e r b u rg S e c o n d a r y School.

12 10 CASH LOANS: Lenings tot R200 000. Swartlys welkom. Goed­ keuring in 5 min. 021 762 9079.

GRAPHIC design + artist. Flyers, brochures, newsletters + logo design, business cards. Phone Sonja: 021 872 8279/ 072 142 4833.

AFFORDABLE LOANS: Monthly earners only. Up to R15 000 + cell phones. Call/sms 073 761 9862/ 073 029 0549.

TAFELDRUIWE te huur. In Noorder­Paarl. 7 Hektaar. "Prime, Regal, Red Globe". Kontak 082 850 3286.

BRIDGING CASH while waiting for

PENSION/ PACKAGE Payout (lump sum only) Same day pay out

021 949 0930

10 In memoriam In memoriam

ABELS: MAGDA "PETERSEN" (AUNTY MAGDA). (2011­06­04). Reeds 1 jaar van ons geskei. Ons mis vir "Ma" baie. Van: Jou 5 kinders, kleinkinders en agterkleinkinders.

BASSON: MARTHIE. 10/12/1936 ­ 20/05/2012. Oninaggeneemde bedan­ kings. Kleinseuns Marcèl en Mornè. Jarelange liefdes­ drukkies. Callie 4½ jr: Naweek­braaivleis, inkopies en nagritte na Mamma. Dankie Lovey. Renè: Jarelange vertroueling en Banksakebehartiging. Alice: Sonder jou sou 9 mnde gordelroos 'n doringbos wees. Collins: Sagmoedige onder­ steuning en koste v/d dank­ berig. In die prentjieswolke en ons gedeelde Klipliefde sal ma voortleef in my hart. "Love u 4 ever" Amanda­ Toekels.




VERVOER van meubels en los goedere. Alle areas. Skakel 081 270 4855 of 081 560 4744.


BESTE PRYSE Eilandstr 3, Paarl (oorkant SASKO)

021 872 2913 AUBREY SOLOMON Begrafnisondernemer: Hermitagestr, Huguenot. Tel: 021 862 5346. 24­uur diens. BURGER: MARGARET. 4 Junie is jy een jaar van ons ge­ skei. Verlange is groot, maar jy is veilig by die Here. Van jou man, dogters en kleinkind.

NACKERDIEN Begrafnis­ dienste, Fransstraat 7, Paarl. Tel: 021 862 1450.

JJCash_ 213A5 7x1 yellow smalls Setting new Standards of Service 10 Sept

LOAN PROVIDERS • FAST and EASY cash • SAMEDAY cash payment • EASY repayments (6 months) Dial: 021 872 2114 or visit us @ 387 Main Street, Paarl

FORTUIN: FRANSINA (BABA). In loving memory of a great wife and friend. 30 May 2012, one year away. One year so sad to recall. To see her smile. From her husband, Pappa, sisters­ and brothers in­law.

SOEK jy geld? Ek kan help. R1 000 ­ R100 000. 5 Min pre­approval, same day pay­ out. Fiona: 082 422 2271.

BLANCHE KERMIS obtained BA (Lang & Communication Stud) from UWC. Congrats. From fam.


STORAGE, short or long term for household contents etc. Storage Masters. Zindy 079 025 2435.

Reach thousands of potential customers every week in the Classifieds To advertise contact Zeta or Sharon at 021 870 4600

Thursday 7 June 2012

Sake Post Geklassifiseerd

PAARL ZOMERLUST: 2­ Slpk. woonstel. Beskikbaar vanaf 1 Julie 2012. Onder­ dakparkering vir motor. Geen troeteldiere ­ R4 000 p.m. Skakel asb vir Marlene by 021 873 3140. RUIM 1­SLPK KOTHUIS te huur op plaas, 2 km vanaf Boschenmeer. Pragtige uitsigte en baie veilig ­ R4 000 pm. Jacques: 082 774 1745.

BOSCHENMEER: 3 Bed­ rooms, 2 bathrooms, double garage, kitchen, living/dining room, swimming pool. Avail 10 June 2012 ­ R14 700. Annemie: 079 846 3968.


TE HUUR 43 m², 101 m². Sentraal geleë, Hoofstraat, Paarl, langs McDonalds hamburgers.

BOSCHENMEER: Fully furnished 3 bedroom townhouse with 2 bathrooms, kitchen, living/dining room, 1 garage & Dstv. Avail 1 Aug 2012 ­ R10 300. Annemie: 079 846 3968.

RUIM EN­SUITE 1­SLPK vir enkelpersoon in Welling­ ton te huur. Aparte ingang en wasgeriewe beskikbaar. W&E ingesluit. Vanaf 1 Julie 2012 ­ R2 200 pm. 084 573 3150.

Paarl Post

UNCLAIMED storage: 2 Pianos @ R2 800 each; ball & claw cane back lounge suite; 12 seater old pine table; 8 seater square table (brand new) scroll saw, prices negotiable. 084 793 3678.

082 880 1470 4 WOLFHONDJIES ­ R500 elk. 5 Weke oud. Williams: 073 350 1523/021 864 2665.

ABSOLUUT Sentraal, Wellington. Netjiese kamers. Studente/jong werkende persone. Uitstekende waarde. R1500 ­ R2000. Kontak 079 277 9402.

SENTRAAL: Op plaas in Noorder­Paarl. 1­Slpk, oop­ plan kombuis, onderdakpar­ kering. Geen troeteldiere. Verkieslik enkelmanspersoon ­ R2 500 p.m. Water ingesluit. Onmiddellik beskikbaar. Kontak 083 631 1877.

DENNEBURG: Gemeubi­ leerde buite­kamer met badkamer. Aparte ingang en veilige parkering. Vir enkel­ manspersoon ­ R1 700 + dep. Skakel 082 660 8032.

We refill your printer cartridges from R20 - R110, black and colour, while you wait. WE SELL: Refilled, new and compatible Ink Jet and Laser cartridges. WE BUY EMPTY cartridges R5 - R40.

PHONE GERD Tel: 863-3951/ 082-7744-098.

WELLINGTON: Drie­ vertrekwoonstel in Berg­ en­ Dal vir enkelpersoon. Beskikbaar 1 Julie ­ R2 200 p.m. Skakel 082 807 1344.

Behind ‘Oak Tree Lodge’. 32 Main Street, Suider Paarl opposite KWV h/office.

KLEIN PARYS: 2­Slpk.w/s. Beskikbaar vanaf 1 Julie ­ R3 500 p.m. + dep. van R3 500. Kontak 083 653 7501. MOUNT VIEW: Available now from R3 200 p.m. Contact us on 021 872 5286/083 665 1530.

FLATMATE needed. 23­26 years old. 2 Bedrooms ­ R2 000 p.m. + dep. 079 932 6215. Please sms.

2­SLAAPKAMERHUIS ­ Sentraal­Paarl. Onderdakpar­ kering. Huur: R6 150 pm. On­ middellik beskikbaar. Kontak Pieter: 084 512 2589. 2­SLPK HUIS ­ R3 200 pm. W&E ingesluit. Geen diere of voertuie. Beskikbaar vanaf 1 Julie 2012. Pienaarstr. 43, Langvlei Paarl­Oos. 079 928 2101.

GROENVLEI: Foxglove­ straat. Direkte verhuring. Beskikbaar vanaf 1 Julie 2012. Luukse, moderne huis met genoeg speelplek vir kinders. Lieflike uitsig en onthaalarea. Kontak Georgia: 082 784 3759.

MANSPERSOON gesoek om plaashuis te deel. Agter­ Paarl, oorkant Florida padstal ­ R1 900 p.m. Kontak Francois: 078 499 8977.

WELLINGTON. 3­Slpk. huis. Dubbelm/h. Naby kerk en skool. Onmiddellik beskikbaar ­ R5 600 p.m. + dep. Skakel 079 293 5236.

VOLKSWAGEN JETTA 2, Wolfsburg. White, mags. Original. Good cond, RWC, lic & reg. ­ R26 995. Phone 021 886 6686 or 083 890 3300. VOLKSWAGEN POLO PLAYA. 1.4i, 1999. Dark blue met. Good condition. RWC, lic, reg ­ R36 995. Phone 021 886 6686 or 083 890 3300.

EK soek voertuie om aan te koop vir kontant. Skakel 078 543 9039.

OFFICES TO LET: Prime position in Main Street, Paarl, opposite McDonalds. Rental from R1 500 pm. Contact Pat: 021 447 3665. OWNER RENTING. Prime position ­ Lady Grey Street, 1st floor, 250 m² @ R45 p/m². Suitable for office or retail space. Contact 083 270 4128.

Advertise in the Classifieds! We bring you the best in: Properties, cars, vacancies and bargains every week. DAMESPERSOON gesoek om 2­slpk huis te deel in Noorder­Paarl. Beskikbaar 1 Aug ­ R2 400 pm. 082 459 9405.

OPEL CORSA 130i, 1997. Turquoise blue metallic. Radio/CD. Good condition, RWC, lic, reg ­ R29 995. Phone 021 886 6686 or 083 890 3300.

VW MIKROBUS ­ R28 000. VW Passat met 1800 enjin ­ R4 500. Skakel 079 229 6378/074 509 0954.

KOTHUIS te huur op plaas buite Noorder­Paarl. 1­Slpk, eet/TV kamer, kombuis, badk. Stoep met mooi uitsig ­ R3 950 p.m. Kontak 082 850 3286.

SPRUITRIVIER Welling­ ton: 3 Bedrooms, 2 bath­ rooms, kitchen/living/dining room, loft, 2 garages. Avail 10 June 2012 ­ R9 500. Annemie: 079 846 3968.

MITSUBISHI L 300, 1991 bakkie met tralies. Het aandag nodig. Prys R18 500. Kontak 072 181 3318.

ALL sales & repairs on Computerink_212AF fridges and deep freezers. VOLKSWAGEN POLO Regassing, best prices. Tel: PLAYA 1.8i, 1999. Bootfin 6x1 | bw 021 872 7113/082 727 3147. mags. Blue. Good condition. smalls RWC, lic. reg ­ R35 995. CRAZY Wendy's. Ons klop Phone 021 886 6686 or 083 enige prys, geen vooraf­ 890 3300. 17 sep betaling. Skakel Claude: 079 154 1941. VW BAKKIE 1800, 1997. White, canopy, roadworthy. DEFY 292 L dubbeldeur­ CD/Mp3 player, mags 14", yskas, wit ­ R1 500. Paarl 079 176 000 km. Good condition 602 2381. ­ R28 000. 083 710 6361.

WELLINGTON: Ruim 1­ slpk. woonstel. Gemeu­ bileerd, air­con, koopkrag, veilige parkering ­ R3 300 p.m. Skakel 082 869 7754.

1­SLAAPKAMERWOON­ STEL in Paarlberg­woon­ stelle ­ R3 100 pm. Kontak Brian: 082 776 3484.

CENTRAL Paarl: One person granny flat, no animals ­ R2 200 p.m + deposit. Electricity excluded. Availa­ ble 1 July 2012. 083 358 6419.


SUIDER­PAARL: Ruim 1­ slpk. tuinwoonstel. Oopplan kombuis en sitkamer. Met motor­afdak ­ R2 800 p.m. W+E ingesluit. Vir enkel­ persoon. Beskikbaar vanaf 1 Julie 2012. Kontak 084 549 1788.

PAARL­OOS: Kamer te huur vir enkelpersoon ­ R1 200 pm + dep. W&E inge­ sluit. Onmiddellik beskik­ baar. Kontak: 072 380 9229.

1­SLPK. WOONSTEL in Wellington in sekuriteits­ kompleks met swembad ­ R2 700. Geen kinders en troeteldiere. Skakel Sandra: 084 664 3743.

INDIEN u Paarl Post Donderdae in u winkel, huiswinkel, kafee of stalletjie wil verkoop, kontak Shaun by 072 767 8210/021 870 4600.

2 FIAT UNO'S te koop. R26 500 elk. Skakel 081 270 4855 of 081 560 4744.

1 KAMER te huur. Die Vlei, Boschenmeer­area ­ R1 400 p.m. Kontak 071 259 8828/021 856 1420.

1­SLPK. WOONSTEL. 1ste Vloer. De Oude Werf­ kompleks, Skoolstraat. Vanaf 1 Julie 2012 ­ R3 200 p.m. Kontak Christa: 072 658 9059.


SALONWASBAK op voetstuk met pype en krane + wasbakstoel (modern) ­ R2 800 O.H.B. Kontak Debbie: 076 924 7282.

POTTE, panne, breekgoed, gordyne, beddegoed, linne, ligte elektriese ware, speel­ goed, ornamente, komberse, klerasie, skoene. Betaal kon­ tant. Mev Swart 084 702 3196.

1­SLPK. oumawoonstel. Maksimum 2 persone ­ R2 500 p.m. Kontak Nuruneesha by 021 872 5286.


Phone Zeta or Sharon at 021 870 4600 to advertise

HOUTGERUS WENDYS: Paarl, Wellington en omge­ wing. Eerlikheid, kwaliteit en diens is ons leuse. Kontak: 083 236 8073. NUWE skootrekenaars vanaf R1 999, terug­betalings vanaf R39 per week. Kontak 021 824 0656/021 930 4219. ONS VERHUIS! Alle meubels moet verkoop! Uitstekende kwaliteit, baie goeie prys! Donkerhout meubels, 10­sitplek tafel, Oxblood leerbank, kaste, TV­kas, wasmasjien, Persiese tapyte ens. Skakel 073 273 8415.

WOONWA gesoek, betaal kontant onder R20 000. Kontak André: 082 584 7533.

Start your business in the right way. Phone Zeta or Sharon at 021 870 4600 to advertise

2­SLPK ­ R400 000; 3­Slpk ­ R450 000; 3­Slpk ­ R650 000; Erwe ­ R170 000 ­ R280 000. 073 421 3608. HUISE ­ verskeie areas! (Verwys 021 862 2423). R65 000 ­ R400 000; R425 000 ­ R930 000. U kan moontlik kwalifiseer indien u tussen R4 500 ­ R20 000 of meer verdien. 072 805 3574. PAARL: 3­Slpk. Mount View ­ R450 000; Wel­ lington: 3­Slpk. Voordorp ­ R400 000. Skakel Tharina: 082 779 4001.


Be Wise, Advertise

Sake Post Geklassifiseerd

22 . Paarl Post

PAARL POST benodig 'n koördineerder (verkieslik afgetrede persoon) om Donderdagoggende te help met straatverkopers in Franschhoek. Skakel Shaun by 072 767 8210/021 870 4600. PRINT RIGHT and Copy Centre verlang die dienste van 'n winkel­assistent. Die per­ soon moet gematrikuleer en rekenaar­ en handvaardig wees. Faks of e­pos CV van nie langer as 2 blaaie aan 021 8 7 2 7 2 3 0 / Indien u nie binne 1 week gekontak word nie, was u aansoek onsuksesvol. SALES MARKETERS needed. Requirements: Own cellphone, valid driver's licence and own car. Clear criminal record. Start a.s.a.p. E ­ m a i l C V :

Thursday 7 June 2012

27­YR­OLD MAN is looking for work as forklift driver. 078 482 5040. 4 YRS' experience as domestic worker. 084 868 6546. ANY general work needed. Phone 083 240 5764. BETROUBARE dame soek inslaapwerk. 073 584 6638. DINIWE is looking for cleaning/domestic work. Call 073 258 0861. DOMESTIC work needed. 071 931 7553. For reference: 078 405 7124. DOMESTIC worker with ref is looking for work. 079 731 6856. DOMESTIC worker with good ref is looking for work. Eunice: 078­537­0702. DOMESTIC worker with exp & fluent in Eng is looking for work. 078 905 1168. DOMESTIC WORKER looking for 3days work. Mitchell 073 249 5297/078 275 8240.

BENODIG 'n ervare blok­ man met kontakbare verwys­ ings. Handig CV in by Check­in, Hoofweg 80, Wellington. Tel: 021 864 2366, Faks: 021 864 1354.

DOMESTIC worker needs 4 days. Ref avail. Call 078 347 3416. ENIT soek chars vir Ma, Di, Wo & Vry. 073 142 3106.

B E T R O U B A R E sekuriteitswagte in besit van Graad B, C & D sertifikate wat PSIRA­geregistreer is word benodig in Fransch­ hoek­ & Paarl­areas. Faks CV met sertifikate voor 13 Junie 2012 na: 086 274 8206.

EXPERIENCED domestic worker. Phone 078 341 6909. EXPERIENCED domestic worker (with ref). 073 956 4307. EXPERIENCED domestic worker (with ref). Contact 078 793 3117.

BIG BANK­konsultante benodig ­ R2 500 pm. Kontak: 021 930 4219/021 824 0656.

GENERAL worker needs a job. Exp. 078 608 5652.

BOILERMAKER and welder required in Stel­ lenbosch. Mild Steel and Stainless Steel experience. Please send CV to or fax 021 883 9684. DELIVERY MAN with own car. Delivery assistant also required. Contact 076 171 8847. EK soek 'n wonderlike, liefdevolle, betroubare en vriendelike au pair. Ver­ kieslik met 'n onderwys­ agtergrond. Ouderdom 20 ­ 30 jr. Geldige rybewys. Eie vervoer. Verwysings nood­ saaklik. Skakel 083 458 6452 vir onderhoud.

TE huur/te koop: Van Wyksvlei, Wellington. 3­ Slpk huis. Kaste in hoof­ slaapkamer, kombuis. Bad­ kamer en vloere geteël. Groot hoekerf met vibracrete. Motorafdak en inrit­plaveisel. Aanboupotensiaal ­ R465 000. Mike: 078 535 4952 (na 16:00).

S U P E R P RO J E C T S : Waterdigting, dakherstel, bouwerk, algemene herstelwerk en onderhoud. Verwysings beskikbaar. Skakel 072 332 4216.

HOUSEKEEPING work needed. Please phone 078 293 7182. I AM looking for domestic work. 072 053 8759. SOEK dringend 'n sterk, betroubare, tuisversorger om kwadropleeg te versorg. Elke tweede naweek. Inwoning noodsaaklik. Moet oor die no­ dige rybewys beskik. Kontak mnr Swanepoel: 021 872 3844/082 576 9577. SUPERETTE: Betroubare winkel­bestuurder met toe­ paslike rekenaarondervinding gesoek. Reliable shop manager with computer experience wanted. Kon­ tak/Contact: 084 575 5335. SUPERETTE in Paarl is op soek na betroubare kassiere met toepaslike ondervinding en raadpleegbare verwy­ sings. Doen persoonlik aansoek by Kommaweer Superette. SUPERVISOR needed for garden service. To start immediately. Previous experience a must. Valid driver's licence & own transport. A love for outdoors. Email CV: saaymansland or phone 082 561 3108.

I AM looking for domestic work. 073 228 1477. I'M LOOKING for house­ keeping job. 078 440 4445. LIZAH is looking for domestic work. 078 723 1613 (Ref: 083 384 0220). NORAH good with children & people with disabilities. (Reference Irene: 082 904 4718) 072 260 8706. PATRICIA is looking for general/domestic work. 073 229 8490. PHUMZA is looking for domestic work. 072 986 2450. Ref avail. ROSY soek chars of in­ slaapwerk (Ma ­ Vry) 083 486 2191. ZANDILE needs domestic work. Call 073 615 3729.

SPERTYD | DEADLINE ADVERTISING COPY/ PASTE WORKERS needed. Good income. For info sms name/address to 079 615 8070 or e­mail to

KASSIERE met onder­ vinding en vorige verwy­ sings benodig. Kontak 021 868 1396.

Advertisements you can count on! Phone Zeta or Sharon 021 870 4600 to advertise

Dinsdag | Tuesday 14:00

Thursday 7 June 2012

WASMASJIENMAN: Ons herstel die volgende: was­ masjiene, stowe, ys­ kaste, mikrogolfoonde, tuimel­ droërs en skottelgoedwassers. Skakel Frik: 082 682 2432.

Sake Post Geklassifiseerd

Paarl Post



SNA CLEANING SER­ VICES: Labour & Cleaning Services. Residential cleaning, contract cleaning, undercover security cleaning, office cleaning, window cleaning. We also do pest control. At a price you can afford. Free quotes. Sanet: 072 814 0333. Email: andremuller01@vodamai

RW H O U T W E R K E : Ingeboude kaste & kom­ buisontwerp. Restourasie­ werk. Algemene houtwerk. Gratis kwotasie. Regardt: 082 847 6333.

M O S T E RT S W E I S ­ WERKE: Skuif­/swaai­ hekke, diefwering, traliewerk & vele ander staalwerke. Gratis kwotasies. Skakel Frank Mostert: 021 868 2880/072 022 0066. Faks: 021 872 6771.

FOR all your roofing, water­ proofing and painting needs. Best rates guaranteed. Contactable references. For a free quote, contact Johann on 072 454 5196. TO P C A R P E T S E N BLINDS: Teëls, matte, laminering, blindings en vinielvloere. Gratis kwo­ tasies en professionele diens. Skakel 022 482 2100.

INBOU VAN KASTE asook verandering van bestaande kaste. Gratis kwotasies. Skakel JP: 083 453 2702.

TEËLS: Fabriekswinkel te Wellington. Kontak vervaardiger of besoek ons vertoonlokaal. Smartstone: 021 873 5482.

ELECTRICAL REPAIRS: Stoves, plugs, fridges, gas refills. Phone: 083 708 4950.

LOODGIETERWERK: Plumbing en regmaak van dakke @ billike pryse. Werk gewaarborg ­ 7 dae per week! Skakel Johan: 082 672 2949/021 872 5979.

ALLESSKOON SKOON­ MAAKDIENSTE: Betrou­ bare diens, onder toesig. Ons maak jou huis skoon. Kontak ons gerus vir 'n kwotasie. Ons naam is u waarborg!! Areas: Franschhoek, Paarl, Wel­ lington, Malmesbury. 082 773 0163 / 082 563 4923. ARL SERVICES: We offer the following services at affordable rates. We clean your house, office, windows & wash carpets. Contact Antoinette at 082 459 5625 for a quote. E­mail: DUSTBUSTERS SKOON­ MAAKDIENSTE: Bekos­ tigbare skoonmaak van u woning of kantoor. Een keer of weekliks. Pryse begin by R132,00. Gratis kwota­ sies. Ons klop enige redelike geskrewe kwotasie. Enkel huishulpe ook beskikbaar. Skakel 084 592 7907 (alle ure).

ELEKTRIESE TOE­ BEHORE: Herstel van yskaste, vrieskaste en koelkamers asook re­gas teen 'n baie billike prys. Kontak Riaan: 074 345 3893.

PROTEA TUINDIENSTE: Kon­ tak 072 084 6434 of 021 872 4144.

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ROLL­ON LAWN: Gratis aflewering binne 20 km. Gratis kwotasie vir uitleg, gratis kwotasie vir besmetting en uitleg van grond, onkruidvry gras. 079 894 4497.


BAKKIE & TRAILER HIRE: To hire, transport, furniture removals. All hours: 082 321 8904.


BOUROMMEL­ EN VUL­ L I S V E RW Y D E R I N G : Aflewer van bou­ sand vanaf 1ml tot 3ml, kruiwasand ­ R30,00 Kontak: 072 390 3129.

24 . Paarl Post

Sake Post Geklassifiseerd

Thursday 7 June 2012

F O U R I E ­ V E RVO E R : Vervoer van meubels ­ klein of groot. Landswyd of plaaslik. Skakel 082 821 5234 of 021 876 2440. FREE DUMPING SITE: Clean building material and soil only. Phone Louis: 082 829 5542. NOTICE!!! For the following services: Removal of rubble. Site cleaning. Moving of equipment. Transporting of goods. Please contact 072 888 2730/079 894 4497. ONS spesialiseer ook in vervoer van klein trekke en enkelitems. JC Dreyer Removals. Skakel Jacques 082 453 3344 of

TENNIS. Amber Swarts (links) en Taylor Anne Taylor van Charleston Hill Laer het deelgeneem aan die Boland-proewe. Albei is in die Boland-tafeltennisspan opgeneem.

ROMMEL­ & VUL­ L I S V E RW Y D E R I N G : Vervoer van bourommel & tuinvullis. Kontak Louis: 083 713 9599. SKAKEL NICO by 082 925 3680 vir verwydering van tuinvullis of bourommel en lewering van klip ens. Goeie diens gewaarborg.

VERWYDERING van rommel en vullis, 1­6ml. Algemene vervoer met 8­ ton trok. Vir billike pryse en gehalte diens, skakel JAC Q U E S : 0 8 2 5 7 9 2998/021 872 6029.

SWIMMER. Bernitia Hess of La Rochelle High once again proved her prowess in the pool. She participated in 8 events in the National Youth Swimming Championships in Durban. She obtained 5 medals (2 gold in the 50 m Butterfly and 50 m Breaststroke; 2 silver in the 100 m Breaststroke and 400 m Individual Medley and 1 bronze in the 200 m Individual Medley). Her gold in the 50 m Breaststroke was in a qualifying time for the National Senior Championships.

MEDALJES. Die o.11-tennisspelers van Gimnasium Laerskool het aan ’n nasionale tennistoernooi in Bethlehem deelgeneem. Die seuns het ’n vierde plek behaal en die meisies het die silwer medalje verower. Agter (van links) is Jandré Burger, Christiaan Fourie, Matt Venn en Joshua Kirsten. Voor is opvoeder Karina Carstens, Megan Venn, Chané van Zyl, Annelie du Toit en Kayla Kirsten en opvoeder Saretha Maritz.

BAILEY'S FLOOR SANDING. Contact: 021 862 1566/083 482 2532.

Advertisements you can count on! Phone Zeta or Sharon 021 870 4600 to advertise

The fastest way to advertise your business. Contact Zeta or Sharon at 021 870 4600

LIFE SCIENCES. These learners of La Rochelle High won one gold and eight silver certificates in the Life Sciences Bio-Science Olympiad. In front left are Cassandra da Cruz (gold), Natasha Chitongo and Retha-Mari Smith. At the rear are Kay de Villiers, Janet Clift, Helena Naudé, Carla van der Bank and Annemie Nieuwoudt.

Thursday 7 June 2012


SENTRAAL. Gimnasium Laerskool se leerders is in verskeie Boland-Sentraal-sportspanne opgeneem. Agter (van links) is Annie de Villiers, Cara Lawrie, Lara Coetzee, Ian Prins, Mari Pieters en Handro Griesel. Middel is Kayla Kirsten, Franco Smit, Jandré Burger, Joshua Kirsten, Jurie Matthee, Megan Venn en Hesmarie Botha. Voor is Tia van Zyl, Annelie du Toit, Chané van Zyl, Christiaan Fourie, Phia Kotzé, Stephan Stofberg en Coreen Matthee.

RUGBY. Friedrich du Toit van Simond Privaatskool is opgeneem in die Boland o.13-Akademie-rugbyspan.

Het jy ’n storie vir Paarl Post? SMS die woord NUUS en jou storie na 32363 of skakel 021 870 4600 en staan ’n kans om ’n prys te wen. Sms’e kos R1,00

KOMPETISIE. Leerders van WA Joubert Laerskool het aan die Evergreen-perdespringkompetisie deelgeneem. Carla Theron (links) het ’n eerste plek behaal en Marilee Rossouw het aan die “Cross Poles” 40 cm spronge deelgeneem.

KAMPIOEN. Twee leerders van die Hoërskool La Rochelle, Thea Roodman (links) en Elandi Jooné, is ná afloop van die nasionale junior onderwaterhokkiekampioenskappe opgeneem in die SA o.19-oefengroep, terwyl hulle ook die senior Boland A-span verteenwoordig by die nasionale kampioenskappe in Bellville.

Paarl Post



Sport News

46 . Paarl Post

Donderdag 7 Junie 2012

Two MTB events at Dirtopia DIRTOPIA have two different events coming up on 23 and 24 June on the Delvera Farm on the R44 near Klapmuts. On 23 June, two night rides will be held starting at 17:45 (just before sunset). The distances is a 7 km route which is suitable for all levels. It climbs to just below Klapmutskoppie through the vineyards on farm roads with three sections of singletrack. There is also a 14 km with over 5 km of technical constructed single track with lots of climbing and fun downhill’s for those up for more of a challenge. The cost is

IN CONTROL. Xavier Lawrence (right) is in control of the ball in Saturday’s match against Varsity Old Boys. Paarl won 3-2.

R50 including a permit, timing, drinks, lucky draw and a few surprises. Entries will be taken from 16:30. On the Sunday (24 June) the 7 km and 14 km races will start at 09:30. Both routes climbs to Klapmutskoppie between the vineyards with great views. The cost is R60 and R80 including a permit, timing, refreshment station, drinks at the finish, a lucky draw and a few surprises. Entries will be taken from 08:00. For further information, contact Dirtopia on 021 884 4752 or e-mail

WEER BEKROON. Jan Frylinck, ’n graad 12-leerder van Boland Hoër Landbouskool, is verlede Vrydagaand aangewys as die Bolandkrieketunie se o.19-Krieketspeler van die Jaar. Jan, wat tans in die SA o.19-oefengroep is, is verlede jaar ook met dié titel bekroon.

Racing pigeons first race

Gholf results at PaarlGC

THE pigeon racing season has started with the first race from Laingsburg on Saturday 2 June. The results are: Wellington Resiesduifklub Arendse Lofts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 9, D Perrins 5, 6, D Solomon 7 and H Joseph 8,10. Paarl Spesialiste Duiweklub A Herbert 1, 8, 9, 11, 12, Moerak Hokke 2, 4, 7, 17, 18, 19, 20, C&J Lofts 3, 5, 6, Gerhard Ockhuis 13, Herman Lee 15,16

THE results for the 4BBB Bogey+ Competition at the Paarl Gholf Club on 2 June are P Friggens and B Taylor +12, D Lambert and D de Villiers +10, B Fouchee and G Botha +8, H Fredericks and K Cupido +8. TwoClubs - E Kinghorn, D de Villiers x2, P Hermann, H Fredericks, A du Toit x2, J Joubert and P Hamman. Nearest to the pin - P Hermann and J Joubert. The Ladies Competition (Single S/Ford) results for 5 June are: Sandra Clift 35, Marion Stewart 33 and Ingrid Meter 31.

Pic: Sieb Sieberhagen

Men’s first team victorious PAARL’S first men’s hockey team kept Paarl Hockey Club’s flag flying high with their 3-2 win against Varsity Old Boys (VOB). This game was very evenly poised between the two sides, with VOB taking the early lead. With a 2-1 lead in favour of VOB, Donovan Caldecott evened the score for Paarl and levelled it 2-2. With 7 minutes of play ti-

me left Stefan Paw secured the game for Paarl. The ladies lost 1-2 against Pinelands A at Hartleyvale with Annalise Smeda scoring the only goal for Paarl. The men’s second team suffered their first defeat in weeks at the hands of the M5 division log leaders Stellenbosch, with the score 0-5. The Maties simply outplayed Paarl with their ball control and domination.

KEURDER. Ganief Dalvie van Vineyards is aangewys as keurder van die WP Disa-span. Foto: Ernest Kilowan

Ladies’ MTB tour THE Inner Mountains Ladies MTB Tour, which will be held from 22 to 24 June from Wellington to Tulbagh and back, will also includes a yoga experience. Contact Maritza Terblanche at or 021 702 7888.

AKADEMIESPAN. Johannes Maffa van Groendal Primêr op Franschhoek is ingesluit in die Boland o.18-Akademiespan wat in Julie op Wellington aan die Akademie-rugbytoernooi deelneem.

WES-KAAP KARATESPANNE. Die Goju Ryu Wes-Kaap-karatekampioenskappe is op 19 Mei in die Paarl aangebied waarna die Wes-Kaapspan gekies is om aan die Goju Ryu SA-karatekampioenskappe deel te neem. Karateka in die eerste, tweede en derde plekke is in die Wes-Kaapspan ingesluit terwyl dié wat vierde plekke behaal het in die Wes-Kaap-ontwikkelingspan ingesluit is. Agter van links is Fabian Meiring (brons - Gim), Jurgens Gouws (goud - Gim), James Genis (silwer), Sensei Naude Gouws, Wesley Edwards (brons), Archie Preuss (goud) en Ethan Taverner (silwer - Bridge House). In die middel is JC Bence (brons - WA Joubert), Anastasia Prokopiou (silwer - HMS) Lodric Roux (4de - HJS), Juan Mouton (goud - Gim), Morne le Roux (silwer - Hugo Rust), Wayne Preuss (silwer - Hugenote LS), Gavin Post (4de - Simondium Privaat) en Emile le Roux (goud - Hugo Rust). Voor is Giandro Payne (silwer - Hugo Rust), Armand Lume (goud - Noord-Eind), Keshen Thevan (silwer - Hugenote LS), Michaela Hanekom (4de - Hugenote LS), Christen Hanekom (brons - Hugenote LS), Michaela Maree (brons - Hugenote LS) en Lizete Viljoen (4de - Bridge House). Afwesig was Gregory Glazer (brons - Bridge House), Ruan Palvie (goud - Hugenote LS) en Cameron Clack (4de - Bridge House). Die SA Goju Ryu-karatekampioenskappe word op 25 Augustus in die Paarl by Hoërskool Paarl Gimnasium se sportsentrum aangebied. Foto: Frans le Roux

Sportdagboek ) KRIEKET * Verskeie krieketspanne in die Paarlse Sondagliga is reeds besig met voorbereidings en baie spanne is op soek na oefenwedstryde om hulself te slyp vir die komende seisoen. Rooiland Crusaders se organiseerders is Mark Solomon (081 580 2101). * Die Mixed Fruit-span van Lantana is ook op soek na spanne wat in oefenwedstryde teen hulle wil meeding met die oog op die Sondagliga. Vir meer besonderhede oor dié wedstryde, skakel met Patrick by 071 903 4625. * GMT Paarl-Oos-krieketklub hou op 20 Junie om 18:30 ’n bestuursvergadering by Bougaardstraat 41. Hul algemene jaarvergadering vind op 1 Julie om 14:00 by hul klubhuis plaas. Skakel 083 689 0017 of 021 862 0594 vir meer inligting. )RUGBY * Albions speel Saterdag weg teen Windmeul. Die bus vertrek om 12:00 van die BP-vulstasie in Groendal. Oefeninge is Dinsdae en Donderdae vanaf 18:00 by

die Dal. Skakel 084 908 2975 vir meer inligting. * Saterdag speel Young Gardens teen Young Standards op die Daljosafat-A veld. Die wedstryde begin om 13:35. Die juniors oefen Dinsdae en Donderdae by Nederburg Primêr. )REFEREE COURSES * The WP Rugby Referees’ Society, in association with SARU and WP Rugby, will be hosting a special course for potential referees. It runs from 25 to 27 June (08:00) at the Jan Kriel School in Kuils River. The cost is R600 which includes accommodation, meals and refreshments, a goodie bag, law book and IRB Rugby Refereeing in Practice manual. It also includes a WP Rugby Referees’ certificate and Bok Smart licence and certificate. Learners from age 15 can take part. Contact Lindsay Booysen (021 659 4502). ) HOCKEY Paarl ladies will take on Pinelands B at Gym at 13:30, while the men’s second team will take on Durbanville at Gym at

15:00 followed by the men’s first team against Durbanville at 16:30. ) HOCKEY CLINIC On 16 June Paarl Hockey is hosting a first ever skills hockey clinic for scholars between the ages of 11 and 13 years. The day will start at 08:30 at the Monte Christo fields in New Orleans and will end with a mini 7’s tournament. The club appeals to businesses in the area who would like to make a contribution to the event to contact either Earl Ontong 078 137 0803 or Adele Bothma 084 625 8137. ) COACHING Club chairpersons and principals of schools are encouraged to affiliate all their athletics coaches and teachers, irrespective their qualifications, to the new coaching structure not later than 15 June. No cost is involved to register as a coach. Boland Athletics will create a database of all affiliate coaches and submit it to both ASA and SASCOC coaching structures. Contact Boland Athletics at for more information.

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