Paarl post 7 nov 2013

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Paarl Post Voice of Drakenstein • Stem van Drakenstein

Donderdag, 7 November 2013

Prys: R5.70 | Volume 108

Voorheen die Afrikaanse Patriot | Tel 021 870 4600 | SMS 32363 | |


Strikers cause damage Striking municipal workers caused damage of more than R80 000 last week, when they went on the rampage through Paarl CBD and then on to the municipal headquarters. PAGE 2


Hilton heads for the Mill One of South Africa’s funniest men, Barry Hilton, is set to have Paarlites rolling with laughter this weekend, when he appears for one night only at the Mill Street Theatre. PAGE 14


Bridgehouse Mile swim Despite icy conditions, the second Bridgehouse Mile swim was a huge success at the Berg River Dam on Saturday, with more than 400 swimmers taking to the water. PAGE 24

MATRIKULANTE SKRYF WISKUNDE 2: Die tweede vraestel vir Wiskunde en Wiskunde Geletterdheid het matrikulante by Hoërskool Labori met gemengde gevoelens gelaat. Die algemene ervaring onder leerlinge was dat vraestel 1 baie beter as vraestel 2 was. Hulle meen egter dat vraestel 2 wel maklike en moeiliker vrae bevat het. Die volgende uitdaging is Fisiese Wetenskappe, wat Vrydag aan die beurt kom. FOTO: LIEZL DAVIDS


10­year­old boy killed by peer MARYKE SWART


Wellington school is in shock after one of its learners was killed in a stabbing incident over the weekend. Samkelo Mkulungu (10), a Grade 3 learner at Pauw Gedenk Primary School died when he was allegedly stabbed by another 10-year-old. The incident took place during an argument near Samkelo’s house in New Rest, Mbekweni, on Saturday evening. According to information re-

ceived, Samkelo was playing outside with friends at around 20:00 on Saturday when a group of children approached them. An argument allegedly started between the two groups and as it grew more heated, a 14-year-old boy from one group handed a knife to the 10year-old suspect, a learner from Wellington Primary School, who then allegedly stabbed Samkelo several times. Samkelo’s father Lathi told Paarl Post that the father of the suspect tried to help, driving Samkelo to the hospital, but the boy died on the

ble prosecution. way. According to sources, The 10-year-old susthe suspect is back at pect was arrested and aphome and attending peared in a prosecutor’s school. office last Monday. Lathi said he and his The case has been postwife Vuseka are still batponed pending further tling to come to terms investigation. with their son’s death. The motive for the “We are still very murder is not yet known. hurt.” The case will be thorLathi said his son was oughly investigated afa quiet, peaceful child ter which the docket will who was fond of learnbe handed over to the Di- Samkelo Mkulungu. ing. He said Samkelo rector of Public Prosecutions (DPP) for a decision on a possi- loved watching TV and reading.

Julius Williams, principal of Pauw Gedenk spoke on behalf of himself, the staff, governing body and learners of Pauw Gedenk, saying they regretted the tragic way in which Samkelo had died. “We would like to convey our deepest sympathy to the family. May God bless you and may Samkelo’s soul rest in peace.” Arrangements for Samkelo’s funeral are still being made. Samkelo leaves two sisters of six and two years. He also had a twin brother who passed away some years ago.


Paarl Post

Nuus News

7 November, 2013

Stakers saai chaos in Paarl

) Net soos ons dink die somer het darem nou amptelik begin, kom daar weer ’n ontydige kouefront. Hierdie somerreënbuie word veral nie deur die Paarlse krieketspelers verwelkom nie. Klubspelers sowel as leerders sukkel naweke met nat kolfblaaie en dan moet daar dringend na ’n ander veld gesoek word. Kom ons hoop vir die spelers se onthalwe dat die kouefronte vir eers wegbly. ) Once again Guy Fawkes came and went in the valley with a big bang, with defenceless pets scrambling for cover. So much so that many of them lost their way home. A question for those who set off fireworks: Do you actually know why Guy Fawkes is celebrated? Oops, not really. And then for the law enforcers: There are laws about the use of fireworks, so why is the illicit setting off of these repeated each year without any action being taken?

Plakstuk Die plakstuk vir die Plak-vir-jou-Sak-kompetisie waarin R1 800 gewen kan word, verskyn vandag op bl. 21 van Paarl Post. Die sluitingsdatum is Vrydag 6 Desember om 10:00.

MARYKE SWART Oproerige stakers het in een dag sowat R80 000 se skade aan munisipale eiendom aangerig toe hulle onlangs met ’n lys vol griewe na die Drakenstein-munisipaliteit opgeruk het, dít ten spyte daarvan dat die staking deur die polisie goedgekeur is op voorwaarde dat geen skade óf geweld veroorsaak word nie. Die staking, wat glo gaan oor besluite van die Arbeidsforum wat nie uitgevoer word nie, het verlede Woensdag begin met ‘n optog vanaf Klein Drakensteinweg na die munisipaliteit. Maar sommige lede van Samwu (Suid Afrikaanse Munisipale Werkersunie) het erg oproerig geraak het. Vate met bome en vullisdromme is onder meer in die pad uitgegooi en aan die brand gesteek. Die staking, wat reeds weke voortduur, het breekpunt bereik omdat werkers glo gevoel het die reaksie van die uitvoerende burgemeester, Gesie van Deventer op hul griefskrif was baie vaag. Van Deventer en Samwu- verteenwoordigers het Maandag weer vergader om oor die griewe te praat en Van Deventer het dit as ’n positiewe gesprek beskou en gesê verdere gesprekke word beplan. ’n Vakbondverteenwoordiger het die gesprek met Van Deventer as “bevredigend” beskryf.

Hy het gesê die kwessie rondom die vandalisme tydens die staking, is ook bespreek. “Ons het dit duidelik gestel dat ons dit teenstaan. Maar dit wys jou die ontevredenheid wat werkers het met die administratiewe bestuur soos die munisipale bestuurder en die direkteur van korporatiewe dienste, Annelien de Beer.” In die griefskrif eis Samwu onder meer die onmiddellike bedanking van die munisipale bestuurder, Johann Mettler, en De Beer omdat hulle voel sy staan voortou wanneer besluite gemaak is. Ander griewe sluit in dat besluite en ooreenkomste wat binne die plaaslike arbeidsforum bereik word, nie nagekom word nie en dat raadslede nie net ’n sê het in die aanstelling van munisipale werkers nie, maar ook tydens onderhoude insit. Van Deventer het by navraag gesê: “Die Munisipale Bestuurder en De Beer het die moeilike taak om in oproep van die publiek effektiewe dienslewering daar te stel en hierdie optrede veroorsaak soms wrywing.” Oor die grief van raadslede wat onderhoude nywoon het sy gesê dít het gereeld in die vorige bedeling plaasgevind. “Maar Samwu vind dit nou skielik onaanvaarbaar.” Sy het verder gesê talle klagtes is al vanaf die publiek ontvang van beweerde ongerymdhede in die aanstellingsproses, dat net vriende en familie van Samwu aangestel word en party-politieke bevoordeling (ANC) plaas-

Die betogers raak hiér voor die Drakensteinmunisipaliteit oproerig. FOTO: MARYKE SWART vind. As deel van my regspligte, moet ek monitering toepas om hierdie klagtes te bevestig of te weerlê,” het sy gesê. * The executive mayor of the Drakenstein Municipality and shop stewards of Samwu held a meeting to discuss their grievances after last week’s riotous protest.

Sassa ‘loan-shark’ moves premises

“Mixed motives twist life into tangles, pure motives take you straight down the road.” – Proverbs 21:8

LISE BEYERS The alleged Sassa loan-shark who was operating from premises in Klein Drakenstein Road, has now reportedly moved to new premises in the JFC Building in Bethel Street, Paarl Central.

HAPPY HOUR: When you spend R30 or more at OK Mini-market in Wellington on Thursdays between 17:00 and 18:00, you will receive a free Paarl Post. At the back is the first customer who received a free newspaper during happy hour. With him are some of the OK Mini-market staff.

Since Monday morning, scores of people were seen queuing outside these premises. There are no signboards on the premises with the name of the business or what it does. There are no visible contact numbers either. Paarl Post reporters tried to quiz personnel and clients about the nature of their transactions, but their questions went unanswered and they were chased from the premises. After further investigation, Paarl Post discovered that the lease for the premises is in the name of a woman called Arlene, who claims that her business is called Cash Payment Services (CPS). When Arlene was phoned and asked about her dealings in the Bethel Street building, she became extremely defensive and denied that she had any business interests in Paarl. She abruptly ended the conversation, saying: “Don’t call me again”. CPS, who has confirmed Arlene is an employee, acts as a channel between social welfare grant beneficiaries, Sassa and formal businesses. CPS enrols beneficiaries by issuing them with UEPS/EMV smart-cards that digitally store their biometric fingerprint templates,

which enables them to access their social welfare grants securely at any time or place. A spokesperson for CPS said Arlene works at their cash depot in Triangular Street, Paarl. “Cash Paymaster Services does not operate from any other premises in Paarl.” A local debt conciliator from Paarl said many of his clients had fallen into these types of traps run by other loan sharks. “Although there are stringent legal regulations, which were put into place by the National Credit Regulator, many people are so desperate for cash that they will go to any lengths. “Loan-sharks will lend you R100 and then you have to pay them back R200 the following week. Most people who fall victim to these sharks have no idea about finances and they end up in a permanent cycle of debt. “Such unsecured loan pay-backs are at exorbitant interest rates of more than 30% over a period of six months. If the public needs to incur debt, they should speak to a licensed financial service provider first. “Even better, they should rather talk to a debt advisor for advice.” He added it was illegal for money-lenders to lend money to Sassa grant beneficiaries and then to keep their cards as surety. A spokesperson for Sassa, Shivani Wahab, said Sassa has no affiliation to the Bethel Street business. She said however that Sassa was aware of money lenders who prey on social grant beneficiaries in this way and that it was a matter of great concern to them.

Nuus News

Uitkoms na verwoesting MARYKE SWART

om vir mense wat tydelik by hulle werk, weer permanente Sy het ’n slag gewerk te kry na afhoor en glas wat loop van ’n projek. breek. In die gang “Soos hulle nuwe was daar ’n rookvaardighede aanmassa en haar sitleer bou ons hulle kamer was in vlamselfvertroue op en me. kry ons kans om hulle te evalueer vir Só vertel Francimoontlike permanette Miller van nente werk,” sê PierKlossiestraat, Noorre Vermeulen, seder-Paarl, van die kretaris van dié orskielike brand wat ganisasie. haar sitkamer laat ’n Versameling porseleinpoppe wat in die Danksy die skeneen aand verlede brand verwoes is. kings van palette maand in puin gelê kon hulle geld bewillig en ses mense in diens het. “Ek vermoed iets is deur die oop venster neem om te help met die herstelwerk aan Milgegooi,” sê Miller. Sy vertel daar is gereeld ler se sitkamer. Pierre en sy span het die oggend na die mense wat daar verby loop en kwaad stook. “Dit is ’n lam gevoel as jy ’n rookmassa in brand begin om die meubels uit te dra en die die gang sien en jou sitkamer is in vlamme.” mure in die sitkamer met suikerseep te skrop Sy het ’n tuinslang by die voordeur gegryp voordat dit later oorgeverf is. Op dié wyse is ’n groot gedeelte van Miller en kaalvoet self die vlamme begin doodspuit. “Ek het net geweet ek moet die brand dood- se sitkamer herstel. “Ek moet dankie sê vir Pallets for Bread kry.” Miller kon daarin slaag om die vlamme en sy mense, anders sou my sitkamer nog nie te blus. ’n Versameling porseleinpoppe ter waarde leefbaar gewees het nie,” het Miller gesê. Vermeulen sê daar is nog klein werkies van sowat R27 000 op ’n kas in die sitkamer is egter in die brand verwoes, terwyl ’n TV wat gedoen moet word en dat hulle sal aanhou om Miller te help totdat dit voltooi is. en hoëtroustel beskadig is. ) Pallets for Bread is ’n nie-winsgewende Miller sê dit was ’n wonderwerk dat ’n Bybel wat al geslagte in die familie is en op die organisasie wat gegrond is op drie pilare: ) Geestelike verhoudings, TV was nie ’n merkie opgedoen het nie. ) Goeie menseverhoudings, en Die nie-winsgewende organisasie, Pallets ) Ekonomiese groei. for Bread, wat vir ’n ruk lank vanaf Miller Die bestuur is almal lede van die AGS Kerk se agterplaas gewerk het en intussen na ’n perseel van Mossops geskuif het, het inge- in die Paarl, wat besluit het hulle wil ’n vergryp toe hulle van die brand te hore kom. skil maak in mense se lewens, en werk vir Die organisasie skep werk deur palette wat die organisasie as vrywilligers. Vir meer infabrieke nie meer kan gebruik nie, te herwin ligting oor Pallets for Bread of hoe om betrokof palette wat gebreek is, te herstel. Van die ke te raak skakel Pierre by 082 292 2292 of Angelde wat so gegeneer word, word aangewend toinette by 021 877 6200.

Paarl Post

7 November, 2013


HOLLYWOOD COMES TO PAARL: Construction of the site in the Paarl Arboretum for the filming of the movie, The Giver, is well under way. Among others, Meryl Streep and Jeff Bridges will be playing leading roles in what is expected to be a Hollywood blockbuster. Filming in the Arboretum is expected to take place later this month. And according to reports, once the Hollywood stars arrive, a full security lock-down can be expected in the Arboretum. Once the film shoot is complete, the building area will be rehabilitated, but the Drakenstein Municipality has indicated that they would like to retain the pathways constructed especially for the movie.



Paarl Post

Nuus News

7 November, 2013

Drakenstein awarded for excellence in water management The Drakenstein Municipality has once again proven why they supply some of the best water in the country, after they were selected as the first runner-up in the prestigious Water Conservation and Water Demand Management Sector Awards. The Deputy Minister of Water and Environmental Affairs, Rejoice Mabudafhasi, announced this year’s winners at the Gallagher Convention Centre, Midrand on Friday 18 October. The Water Conservation and Water Demand Management (WCWDM) Sector Awards, seeks to create a platform and an enabling environment for role players and stakeholders from all sectors to start appreciating and understanding the importance of conserving water. This is the fourth event of its kind and 64 nominations were received across four categories this year. The categories were: agriculture, industry, mining and power, domestic or local government and business. Boloka Metsi (Sasol, GIZ and Emfuleni Local Municipality) took first place in the local government category with Drakenstein Municipality in second place. Newcastle Municipality took third place in this category. Drakenstein Municipality has been actively involved in reducing water wastage and was one of the first municipalities in the Western Cape to introduce pressure management on a large scale. Water services engineer at the Drakenstein Municipality, André Kowalewski, has driven

With the prestigious award are at the back from left: Johan Wessels (Assistant Superintendent), Marchius Douman (Senior Engineering Technician), Johann Mettler (Municipal Manager), Deon du Plessis (Head of Department: Civil Engineering Services), Andre Kowalewski (Engineer: Water Services), Danny le Roux (Technical Assistant), Sifiso Nkonyano (Senior Engineering Technician), Talita Smit (Administrative Assistant), Anthony Endley (Senior Superintendent) and Hein Henning (Chief Engineering Technician). Seated are: Deon Louw (Executive Manager Infrastructure Services), Drakenstein Mayor Gesie van Deventer and Councillor Johan Rademeyer (Portfolio Councillor: Infrastructure Services). its non-revenue water down from 34% to approximately 12% which is one of the lowest level anywhere in South Africa. “Thanks to Kowalewski and Sifiso Nkon-

yane and their team for the ongoing and sustained commitment in water conservation and management,” said Drakenstein Mayor, Gesie van Deventer.

RUIM SKENKING: Paarl Post se Kersfonds staan nou sterk nadat Hoër Meisieskool Paarl se VRL en Matriekraad ’n muntlegging gehou het ten bate van die Paarl Post se Kersfonds en op die oog af ’n groot bedrag geld ingesamel het. Die munte sal eers ná die eksamen getel word, omdat die leerders nou aan die leer is. Sonder hierdie skenking staan die Paarl Post Kersfonds nou op R7 950. Hier is die VRL met die munte uitgelê in die vorm van ’n Kersgeskenk. Alle geld wat aan die Paarl Post Kersfonds geskenk word, word deur die Gemeenskapskas bestuur en slegs geskenk aan geouditeerde welsynsorganisasies in Paarl Post se lesersgebied. Skenkings word in die Gemeenskapskas-rekening (62152029007) by FNB (tak 261150) inbetaal. Faks die depositostrokie na die Paarl Post by 086 559 9644. Alle skenkers sal erkenning ontvang in die Paarl Post. Skakel 021 870 4614 of 078 025 6452 vir enige navrae.

AGS Paarl Protea Aanbidding-Sentrum Tel: 021 872 5473 | Faks: 021 872 3544 |

Met spesiale prediker Dr Isak Burger, asook ‘n lofprysing en aanbiddingsfees gaan ons die AGS Paarl Gemeente se 95ste Bestaansjaar vier en aan God al die lof en eer bring. Dit sal vir ons ‘n groot voorreg wees as u dit saam met ons kan deel by hierdie besonderse geleentheid.

Datum: Sondag, 10 November 2013

Dr Isak Burger


AGS Paarl Protea AanbiddingSentrum, Hoofstraat 263


Oggenddiens @ 09:00 Aanddiens @ 18:30 (Jeugdiens)


Register to vote this weekend Preparations for the Western Cape Registration Weekend on 9 and 10 November are on track. “Our operations are in place,” said Courtney Sampson, Provincial Electoral Officer. “However there is a misconception that IEC officials will be available to register people at their homes if they apply to be registered at home because of illness, old age or any affliction. “This is impossible before or during the registration weekend” Persons who requested home registration will be visited after the 9–10 November weekend by IEC officials – this includes senior citizen and frail-care institutions. He added that the IEC had encountered requests that were honoured by IEC officials, only to find that able-bodied persons had also applied for home registration and said this blatant disregard for the registration process placed strain on resources. “We are grateful to our political parties for encouraging people to register or check their registration details at a registration venue

in the voting district where they reside. Political parties and other stakeholders are asked not to promote home registrations when not applicable,” he said. The IEC also urges all citizens who have applied for, but not collected ID documents, to do so before the registration weekend. The Department of Home Affairs reported that 16 000 completed but unclaimed IDs still need be collected from their Western Cape offices. To vote you must register only once as a voter, unless you move or your voting district changes. To be eligible to vote in 2014 you must be: ) a South African citizen; ) 18 years old ) have a bar-coded ID book, ID smart card or Temporary Identity Certificate (TIC). You can check your registration status, ward number and voting station location online or by sending your ID number to 32810 (R1 per sms). or calling 0800 11 8000 (toll-free from a land-line) or go to to find out where to register.

Paarl Post

Nuus News

7 November, 2013

Flooding wrecked havoc vent flooding in the winter and it being constantly polluted in the summer,” said Grier. Johann Mettler, municipal manager, admitted that a number of institutions and According to Glenn Gribusinesses along the banks of er, chief executive officer of the Berg River suffered damboth Box Buzz and Sherages due to recent heavy wood Design, local busirains and flooding. nesses affected by the Berg “It is a fact that any properRiver bursting its banks, ty adjacent to the Berg River have on various occasions is at risk of flooding under exasked the Drakenstein Mutreme circumstances,” Metnicipality to remove alien tler said. vegetation from the river to Although dredging of the prevent the water from Glen Grier and a colleague on their way to the factoriver in this area was done in backing up. ry to establish the damage caused by the flooding. accordance with a mining liGrier said the battle be- PHOTO: MARYKE SWART cense many years ago ,it is tween the two parties, who Grier said one of the reasons for the not allowed at present, he said. have also roped in the Department of According to Mettler storm water Water Affairs and Forestry, dates recent flood is that the river is expected to carry more water than normally drainage of low-lying areas is probback as far as 2005. Although in the past Grier was able required, due to run off and the new lematic as they are the exact areas where storm water gathers. to prevent water from causing too catchment dam. “The river in fact pushes back into “But alien growth encroaching much damage to his factories by stacking sandbags, the same could well into the river course itself is not the system. Installing non-return maintained and a bottle neck in the valves in the system is nearly imposnot be said this time. With 266 mm of rain pouring down river below the Long Street bridge is sible and would have no effect in any high level flooding situation as the in August, it came as no surprise not helping matters,” said Grier. He says in the past the municipali- main flooding occurs by water floodwhen the river overflowed yet again ing the surface area. on 28 August during a severe rain- ty used to dredge the river. “The storm water outlets are alThis however has apparently not storm causing havoc to Grier’s factory, which manufactures personal- been done for a number of years, ready installed at an angle to the river where possible. With the water levcausing the river to silt up. ised wooden boxes. He says the design of storm water el as experienced, the venturi effect Water up to a metre high flowed drains needs revised, as low-lying ar- is not applicable.” through the factory. Mettler said the clearing of vegetaWith no means to access to his fac- eas were flooded by water backing up tion, which is an ongoing process, tory that night, Grier and a colleague in the storm water drains. “This could be alleviated by plac- would not have had any effect as the travelled by canoe the following morning to establish the extent of the ing a non-return valve on these water level in the river was way drains or placing them at an angle to above any possible obstruction. damage. He said the responsibility to clear Large orders of products that were the river to create a venturi effect.” According to him runoff flow from alien vegetation is a shared mandate supposed to go out the following week were destroyed and the factory was developed areas needs to be slowed of the owners of the river bank propleft with no electricity, no telephone down –as soil and shrubs under natu- erties, the Municipality (where they and no means of doing business for ral conditions would normally do –by are the owner of the river bank propbuilding check dams or allowing erty) and the Department of Water at least a week. According to Grier, several sugges- reeds to grow on the banks of tribu- Affairs. “Removal of vegetation could tions have been made to the munici- taries that would vastly help in the prove to be detrimental over time as pality in the past to remove alien slowing down of the water. “The Berg River is a huge asset to this could lead to destabilisation of plants from the river in order to imPaarl. It has been badly neglected and the river bank.” prove the flow of the river. He assured residents that all possiAn upgrade of the storm water sys- our livelihood is based on its existble measures are taken to mitigate tems has also been suggested to pre- ence. “Resources need to be spent to pre- emergency situations. vent flooding in low-lying areas.

With numerous buildings and houses damaged during recent flooding in Paarl, business owners say they’ve had enough.

PINK TREES FOR PAULINE:Pink Trees for Pauline is a charity that creates awareness, unites communities and raises money for those afflicted with cancer in a uniquely inspired way –by turning towns pink. Drakenstein Municipality expressed their support by turning trees pink in the area. Here (from the left) are Deputy Executive Mayor Conrad Poole, Councillor Esther Kearns, Municipal Manager Johann Mettler, Councillor Rean Smuts and Executive Mayor Gesie van Deventer, lending a hand to wrap one of our picturesque trees in a swathe of pink fabric.


Birders were delighted when they spotted a Jackal Buzzard (Rooiborsjakkalsvoël) with its feisty chick on the nest in the Drakenstein Bird Sanctuary at the waterworks near Mbekweni on Saturday morning. Yvonne Weiss of the sanctuary said the Jackal Buzzard was rarely spotted here and that it was the first one to be seen nesting in the area. Shortly after this photograph was taken, the chick’s father also turned up. PHOTO: JOHN FINCHAM


Paarl Post

Briewe Letters

7 November, 2013

Waaghalsige voetgangers? Twee voetgangers het die afgelope naweek hul lewe op paaie in die gebied verloor nadat hulle deur voertuie raakgery is. Met die aanbreek van ’n nuwe maand en salarisse en lone wat nog vars in bankrekenings lê, is die dorp Saterdag gekenmerk deur ’n miernes van mense wat almal geskarrel het om betyds hul sake gedoen te kry. Ondanks verkeersligte wat dit maklik maak vir voetgangers om die pad veilig oor te steek, het talle voetgangers voor motors ingeboender waar hulle ’n kans gesien het, partykeer ten koste van motoriste wat moes rem aanslaan. Hoewel die naweek se voorvalle afsonderlike gebeure was en die oorledenes nie noodwendig oor dieselfde kam geskeer kan word as bogenoemde kansvatters nie, bly dit skokkend dat voetgangers aanhou kanse waag ondanks die moontlike noodlottige uitkoms. Van kleins af word die begrip van “kyk links, kyk regs, kyk weer links” by ons ingedril om seker te maak die pad is skoon en veilig voordat ons dit oorsteek. Jong kinders gryp vinnig pa of ma se hand, net vir daardie ekstra versekering dat hulle veilig oor die pad sal kom. Maar selfs dié begrip het koers verloor. Die verskynsel van kinders wat gelos word om alleen in die strate rond te dwaal, kom al meer voor. In sommige gebiede is dit selfs ’n speletjie onder jong kinders. Die een wat veilig oor die pad kan kom, met voertuie enkele meters ver, is die “wenner”. Almal is egter ewe skuldig – kinders én grootmense, voetgangers én motoriste – want in ’n gejaagde wêreld waar tyd ons bestuur en geduld min is, raak almal waaghalse.

As jy op 18 ’n GPS vir die lewe kon kry Ná ’n leeftyd van verdwaal wanneer op my eie aangewys opsoek na ’n onbekende, soms selfs ’n bekende adres ook, het ek ’n GPS gekoop. Ek moes. Ek kon nie bekostig om langer só kosbaar ure te verkwis uit my lewe nie. Ook nie die verniel van my liggaam as die angs my bespring wanneer ek verdwaal ten spyte van voorsorgmaatreëls nie. Die vermorsing van die onnodig duur brandstof en opstapel van werklik onbenutte kilometers op my voertuig het onhoudbaar geword. Om myself te oortuig dat ek verplig is om ’n onsigbare, onbekende pratende vroulike passasier saam te neem, was nie maklik nie. ’n Moeilike gesprek gehad met myself. Gebore middelkind asook ’n skerpioen onder die sterretekens, gee ek nie moed op totdat die gewenste doelwit bereik is nie. Maar ná alle pogings om met elke denkbare hulpmiddel die fabrieksfout wat in my aanmekaarsit ingesluip het, te herstel, moes ek aanvaar dat ek soos Paulus, met die doring in my vlees sal moet saamleef. Oorvloedige gewillige en geduldige kundige hulp was ’n genade. My ultra-dom vrae het werklik ’n lag verdien, maar Jannie, naamgenoot en middelkind het Stoïsyns (stet) daarop reageer. My Boesmanlandse broer het egter sy oomblik gehad toe ek telefonies wou weet hoekom die vroumens nie praat wanneer ek, nuuskierig om te sien hoedat die pyltjie beweeg, met die ding ’n ent in die straat stap nie. “Maar my suster, wat moet sy dan vir jou sê as jy nie ry nie?” het my laat dink die ding is soos ’n mikstok waarmee water aangewys word. Geen reaksie as daar nie beweging in ’n spesifieke rigting is nie. In my besig-wees met die wonderding dink ek hoe lekker dit kon wees indien ’n mens, sê op 18, ’n GPS vir jou lewe kon kry. Jy gaan kyk net op die menu wat alles aangebied word op die moontlike bestemmings. Kies die plek waar jy op verskillende stadiums in jou le-

we wil wees en vra die maklikste, kortste en vinnigste roete soontoe. Tolhekke natuurlik uitgesluit. Vir die res van jou lewe sit jy terug en lééf net. Dink net. Indien jou huis nie ’n tuiste is nie, tik jy nie home in nie. Jy programmeer jou lewe na jou hart en skep jou eie tuiste. Veel makliker sou die lewe wees. Veral oudword. Dit is iets wat almal moet doen sonder enige vorige ervaring. Dis ’n moeilike pad. Ook sou ek ’n hele paar kilometer in my lewe, wat selfs vierwielaangedrewe steeds byna onbegaanbaar was, lekker kon uitsny. Algaande ek GPS-fiks word, besef ek dat kundigheid en verantwoordelike hantering van die lekker uitvindsel ’n noodsaaklikheid is. Indien jy nie hou by die onderneming wat jy teken voor gebruik nie, is daar ’n moontlike dwarsklap van die kant van die vervaardigers. Basiese kennis van elektronika is ’n moet en natuurlik moet jy weet wat jou punt van vertrek is en waarheen jy wil ry, anders is die hulpmiddel vir jou van geen nut nie. Is dit nie hoedat die lewe ook maar is nie? Ons word gebore met ’n ingeboude GPS-stelsel. Dié se werking word bepaal deur gene, maar ook deur jou verwysingsraamwerk. Vandaar die byna geykte gesegde dat ons moet weet waarvandaan ons kom om te weet waarheen ons op pad is. Tot op ’n sekere stadium is ouers die programmeerders van kinders se GPS. Die veronderstelling is dat hulle daardeur in die vermoë gestel word om as volwassenes hul volle potensiaal te bereik. Die GPS is om gemaklik te ry op onbekende paaie en nie ’n obstruksie te veroorsaak vir ander in jou soeke nie. Soms bemoeilik kinders se home hul vermoë vir beplanning en hul gesindheid vir die keuse van ’n aangename roete tot by die regte bestemming. Dis ’n onregverdige las op kinders gelaai deur onverantwoordelike ouers. Tog kan mens altyd langs die pad van bestemming verander en ’n roete aanpassing maak, waar en wanneer jy wil.

Paarl and Franschhoek hubs are similar, but not the same Thank you Lise Beyers for highlighting the Paarl tourism issue (lack thereof) in Paarl. There are key issues to consider when comparing Stellenbosch and Franschhoek’s successes to Paarl’s inability to develop a similar tourist base. The core of the Stellenbosch tourist area is situated in a relatively tiny square of the CBD and has over 50 tourist orientated ventures including hospitality, restaurants, curio ventures and more to choose from. Tourists can access all of these ventures on foot in a relatively short period, hence the large buses dumping them in the golden square, much to the delight of shop owners. Franschhoek has a similar geographical advantage in that the Main Road is relatively short and therefore very conducive to tourist-orientated ventures as above. Additionally there are many guesthouses and lodges in the streets parallel to the short main road, therefore all within strolling distance of top restaurants and

shops. Paarl has a beautiful main road granted, but it is so long that the average senior tourist will find it very hard to traverse this street, never mind on a hot day. It would also take a long time to achieve this. Additionally, the restaurants are scattered and clustered over the entire length of this road. Therefore the classic tourist bus scenario wont work, period. Our Lady Grey area is and never will be conducive to the creation of a world class tourist hub. Paarl tourism and business stakeholders may have to consider

more progressive initiatives to develop the trade. The Fransrail tourist tram venture, for example, which will take tourists on winetasting/sightseeing trips between Paarl and Franschhoek is the type of venture that local stakeholders must embrace. This venture will open up a corridor of tourist traffic which could be developed in the short term. The old Paarl station and surrounding area is highly conducive to tourist-style development and you have KWV, Laborie and Frater Square in close proximity. Our failed Paarl Heritage venture across the road from the station invariably also comes to mind. One can only trust that Paarl Tourism is looking to collaborate with stakeholders at this sort of level to realise some of the potential in our town. It may also be time for Paarlites to consider supporting eateries that are unique and friendly as opposed to run of the mill franchise joints.


Paarl Home Affairs a far cry from the negative stereotypes In this day and age in South Africa, a phone call or trip to any government department is often an exercise in patience and futility. So it was with fear and foreboding that I phoned Paarl Home Affairs concerning the inclusion of my permanent residence document into my British passport. The lady who answered my call was very polite and efficient and correctly transferred me to another lady who explained how to get to their office and what documents I must bring with me. So far so good.

The next day I made my way to Home Affairs in Paarl, without getting lost and as I prepared to enter the building I suffered flashbacks to the East London Home Affairs. Oh yes, it was coming back to me. Those many hours I had stood and slowly shuffled towards six counters manned by only two people, of whom one was often on a break, whose policy was relatives and friends first and cross my palms with silver next. I digress. Back to Paarl. As I walked in the door there was a lady who greeted me with a big smile

Gee Boland Rugby nog ’n kans Ek reageer nou op se skrywe van 31 Oktober in die Paarl Post. Eerstens wil ek net aan die skrywer noem dat dit reg is, baie negatiwiteit wat aan Boland kleef die afgelope jare, maar gee ook daarom die nodige krediet wat hulle toekom. Veranderinge is stadig maar seker besig om plaas te vind. Ek wil tog net antwoord op die Wille Small aangeleentheid. Ek dink dit was een van die beste besluite wat Francois Davids nog kon neem om vir Small aan te stel. Ek het ook verneem dat hy nogal twee meestersgrade het, sowel as ’n LLB-graad. Hierdie is intelligensie waarby die Unie kan baat. Small met sy span het baie positiewe veranderinge kom doen binne die Unie en soos jy self weet, is Rome nie in een dag gebou nie – so gee kans.

Hy is ook een van die eerste CEO’s wat ek teëgekom het wat elke speler van o. 19 tot senior vlak almal op hul name ken. Dit sê al reeds genoeg van sy karakter. Die nuut aangestelde CEO van Boland is ook redelik sigbaar by funksies, wedstryde sowel as betrokkenheid by baie klubs. Iets wat nie in die verlede gebeur het nie. So wat dink jy, is die aanstelling gedoen omdat hulle vriende is? Wat die aanstelling van Abie Davids betref, gee hom ook kans. Dalk verras hy ons, maar as hy nie sy kanse benut nie, dan is dit sy eie skuld. So kom ons vergeet van die negatiewe dinge wat in die verlede gebeur het, en probeer bou op die positiewe gebeurtenisse!


asking me: “Can I assist you?”. She then directed me to the correct counter where I was greeted by yet another friendly smile, that of a gentleman this time. In ten minutes I had all my documents sorted, stamped and I was on my way. As I walked out I stopped and looked around. I could not help but notice how neat and tidy the whole room was with everything in it`s place.What a pleasure and very well done to Paarl Home Affairs.


Die Paarl moet nou wakker skrik Die rubriek oor die Paarl is oooo so waar. As ons regtigwaar iets lekkers soek om te doen, dan moet ons uit die dorp ry om entertainment en eetplekke buite die dorp te soek. Als is Sondae toe en die dorp staan stil. Daar is geen lekker vibe soos in ons buur dorpe nie, ook nie re-generation van wealth nie Daar is inderdaad ’n strategiese plan nodig wat na langtermynontwikkeling moet kyk, wat veral toegespits is op toerisme – die dorp is vinnig besig om een van die agtergeblewenes te word. Almal sal daarby baat. Die Paarl moet sy karakter terugkry – it has no soul.


Paarl Post

Menings Opinion

7 November, 2013

SMS 32363 ) Wat soek die mense daai tyd van die nag nog in kroeë? Ek kan nog steeds nie glo dat hulle so streng op drank is, maar kyk wat gebeur. Daar word niks daaraan gedoen nie. Dis hartseer om elke keer so ’n foto te sien. My dogter sorg so vir haar vriende se veiligheid deur hulle self huis toe te neem en sorg dan ook dat daardie persoon se motor veilig tuis kom. Dis nou verantwoordelikheid. ) As iemand ’n blou Meltz-sambreel oor ’n waentjie by Spar op Vrydag 25 Oktober gekry het, bel asb. 072 398 2411. Dankie. ) Zubar doef doef kliphard na 12 selfs op weeksaande. Dink aan ons wat moet werk asb!! Ontevrede inwoner. ) Drakenstein is onder DA-beheer een van die beste munisipaliteite in die land – desondanks ’n polities besoedelde SAPS. Het Marikana hul niks geleer nie? Ronald Brand, Paarl. ) Wat gaan aan in Boland-sport? Word jy dan nie meer op meriete gekies om deel te wees van ‘n span nie? ) Baie dankie mnr. Matthews. Leerlinge toon geen respek of skaamte nie. Elke leerling kry ’n boekie met

die skoolreëls ens. As die dogters só skool toe kom, word die reëls gebreek. So, dis die skoolhoofde wat dit toelaat. Stuur hulle huis toe om hulle reg aan te trek en hul hare vas te maak. ) Waar was die verkeersbeamptes en polisie weer Saterdagaand? Klein Drakensteinweg was weer van vroegaand tot vroegoggend ’n renbaan. Op die “Stoepe” was karre en motorfietswiele het heelnag gespin. Mens het in vrees gewag dat ’n kar hier deur jou erf gaan jaag. Moedeloos!! ) As almal in ons wonderlike land maar so eerlik kan wees soos die taxidrywer van Wellington wat my BB aan my terugbesorg het. Baie, baie dankie. Gods rykste seën aan u en gesin. Small, Wellington. ) Baie dankie vir die nuwe 4-rigting stopstraat in Langenhovenlaan by Klein Parys en Denneburg. Ons almal hier ondersteun julle besluit. Padgebruikers, geduld. Julle moet dit maar net aanleer. Sterk ten gunste van die stopstraat. ) Ja, ons toerisme is vrot erg, maar ons soek die Central Hotel ook terug.

Dink dis wat hulle moet bou in plaas van die sogenaamde Waterfront! ) Ek wil net graag vir die munisipale bestuur sê dat ek nooit weer hulle kantore sal besoek sonder ’n vuurwapen nie. Die volgende staker wat my aanrand maak ek vrek en dis nie ’n ydele dreigement nie. ) Hoe lees meterlesers jou water- en kraggebruik as jy honde op jou erf het, wil ek ook weet? Rekeninge is vir die afgelope twee maande R3 000+. ) Met verwysing na Anoniem se brief rakende Boland Rugby wat in ’n familiebesigheid verander - Anoniem, pasop net, daardie Boland-trui gaan waarskynlik deur ’n familielid geteken word! WvZ ) Ek wil net weet, geld padreëls net vir die gewone mense of is dit van toepassing op die polisie ook? As die verkeerslig buitewerking is dan word die vierrigtingstop by Meadows Feeds se verkeerslig nie verontagsaam nie. Stop asseblief as dit nie werk nie. ) Ja wat. Kabalie, die Boland rugbyunie se president stel ook net sy familie aan by Boland. Dis nou al seker die hoeveelste familielid.


SIES:’n Paarl Post leser het hierdie foto ingestuur van ’n hond wat Sondagoggend in die kattebak van ’n silwerkleurige Mercedes A 200 by Paarl Mall toegesluit was. Die leser vertel dat die hond blootgestel was aan direkte son vir ongeveer 20 minute terwyl sy eienaar besig was met inkopies. Die DBV is gekontak, maar hulle het blykbaar nie ’n voertuig beskikbaar gehad om ondersoek in te stel nie. Toe die bestuurder van die motor gekonfronteer word oor hierdie onaanvaarbare optrede, het sy laat blyk dat die klaer nie haar Sondagoggend moet bederf nie.

Boland­klubs moet saamstaan, reg stem Ek het gedurende my klubrugby omswerwinge in die Boland skitterende administrateurs en presidente van die anderskleurige rugbyklubs ontmoet wat môre die leisels kan oorvat. As daar enigsins waarhede in anoniem se brief van Boland-rugby se bandjies vir boeties steek, moet die Boland-rugbyklubs ernstig daarna kyk om hierdie mense een-

voudig uit te stem met die volgende verkiesing. As hulle saamstaan en klubs se stem nie “gekoop” of “geïntimideer” word, soos deur anoniem na die “politiek” verwys nie, kan Boland-rugby weer gou normaliseer. Ek gun dit vir alle Boland-spelers wat dit verdien, die Unie, sy rugbyklubs en ondersteuners.



Paarl Post

7 November, 2013

Nuus News

) Voertuie in Uitsig geteiken: Ná talle inbrake by en poging tot diefstal van voertuie in Uitsig, Wellington, word inwoners gewaarsku om meer bedag te wees en hul voertuie op veiliger plekke te parkeer. ) Verdagte vasgetrek ná motordiefstal: ’n Motordief is in sy spore gestuit ná hy Vrydag omstreeks 11:10 ’n inwoner se rooi Toyota Conquest gesteel het. Die inwoner was glo besig om geld by die Pick ’n Pay-sentrum op Wellington te trek, toe sy omdraai en sien hoe iemand met haar motor wegry. Die D-skof van Wellington-polisie het onmiddellik gereageer en die gesteelde voertuig in Mbekweni teruggevind. Die verdagte is in hegtenis geneem en word ook positief met ’n vorige oortreding van motordiefstal verbind.

Two in jail on baby rape charges The alleged rapists of a nine-month-old baby from Franschhoek will remain behind bars for at least another week. The two suspects, respectively 25 and 45, appeared briefly in the Franschhoek Magistrates Court on Monday 4 November. This comes after sterling work by detectives had led to their arrest. It is alleged that on 31 October the baby’s 25-year-old mother from Dennegeur, Franschhoek, dropped her off at her day-care mother’s home, also in Dennegeur, at 06:55. According to Const. Marize Mentoor, police spokesperson, the day-care mother went to change the baby’s nappy at about 10:00 when she discovered blood stains on the nappy. She immediately took the baby to the biological mother to report what she had discovered. “The baby was taken to the doctor and after examination of the baby a rape case was opened for investigation.” Mentoor said the suspects, both from Dennegeur, will remain in custody at Allandale until their bail application on 11 November. Their names cannot be released until they have pleaded.

Die ongelukstoneel Saterdagmiddag in die Hoofstraat waarin ’n voetganger ernstig beseer is, en later sterf het, toe hy deur ’n minibus raakgery is. FOTO: MARYKE SWART

Twee voetgangers sterf, kind raakgery Twee voetgangers is die afgelope naweek in verskillende ongelukke dood. In die eerste ongeluk Saterdagoggend is ’n 39-jarige vrou van Mbekweni omstreeks 10:10 op die Vlakkeland-pad raakgery. Sy is met onder meer hoof- en borskas-beserings na Paarl-hospitaal geneem maar later na Tygerberg-hospitaal oorgeplaas waar sy Maandag aan haar beserings beswyk. ’n Man (27) van die plaas Zandvliet in Suider-Paarl is Saterdagmiddag in Paarl-hospitaal oorlede kort nadat hy omstreeks 14:00 in die Hoofstraat naby Frater Square deur ’n minibus raakgery is. Paarl Post het die name van die oorledenes maar kon dit teen druktyd nie bevestig nie. In nog ’n ongeluk is ’n kind (5) ook Saterdag lig beseer toe hy in die Hoofstraat deur ’n motor wat in die rigting van Agter-Paarl onderweg was, raakgery is. Die kind en sy maat wou na bewering oor die pad hardloop, toe die motor hom getref het.

Paarl Post

Nuus News

7 November, 2013

French thrill to SA croc and custard MARYKE SWART Local chef Shaun Schoeman recently returned from a trip to Calais, France, as Chef in Residence in ‘France - South Africa Seasons 2013’. Schoeman, Executive Chef at the Fyndraai Restaurant, Solms-Delta Wine Estate, who took part in the cultural partnership programme between the two countries, says he was warmly welcomed by the French, Over the weekend of 18–20 October, he cooked three four-course meals for approximately 110 guests each at the Restaurant Les Grandes Tables du Channel in Calais, a centre for the arts set in what was once an abattoir.

The menu for the three meals included an amuse bouche (marinated, pan-fried crocodile masala with wild sage, served on Cape-style breyani) and a starter of baked hake with a lemon pelargonium crust and toasted almonds served with rich carrot custard and potato and hake brandade. The main course consisted of braised leg of venison with buttered cabbage, wild rosemary roasted butternut and root vegetables with a citrus buchu sauce, and for desert, keeping it local, a milk tart with vanilla ice cream, gingered fruit salad and Cape Malay koesister. “I chose a simple menu that would allow me to concentrate on the flavours and really showcase authentic South African cuisine,” Schoeman said. “The guests kept saying

Magnifique!, and were so enthusiastic about the food. It was very gratifying. as I want to make people more aware of South African food, both at home and abroad. And, the help I had in the kitchen was top-notch – the restaurant’s chefs were handson and keen to learn.” Schoeman also held a demonstration of South African cuisine for 20 guests, and cooked lamb and tomato bredie, traditional bobotie, breyani and Cape Malay fish masala. A highlight of the trip for Schoeman was a visit with Les Grandes Tables du Channel Chef Alain Moitel to the Calais market. “It was every chef’s dream, with 40-metre shelves filled with cheeses, fresh scallops in their shells and wonderful lamb, fish and spices,” he said. Schoeman is one of three South

African chefs chosen to bring a South African gastronomic experience to France in 2013. In September another local chef Christiaan Campbell, Executive Chef at Delaire Graff Estate in the Stellenbosch and Franschhoek vineyard region, was featured as Chef-in-Residence in Marseilles. The third South African chef is Durban-based Nompumelelo Mqwebu of Africa Meets European Cuisine, who will visit Paris as Chef in Residence in November. After South Africa hosted Seasons 2012, which showcased French arts and culture through a variety of events, France was the host country this year. The Three Residences of the Chefs is just one component of a multi-faceted cultural exchange programme.

SAKEKAMER­BESTUUR: Hier is die nuut verkose bestuur vir die Paarl Sakekamer. Voor van links is Dick Kruger (ondervoorsitter), Elsabé Naudé, Attie van der Merwe (voorsitter), Francis Nieuwoudt (sekretaris) en Phil Marais. Agter staan Len van der Walt, Jandré Arangies, Dirk Breytenbach, Charmain Joubert, Johann Boshoff (tesourier) en Derick van Staden. Martin Lolwane, Ralph Kenned, Jurie van der Westhuizen, Werner Struwig en Jurgen Smith was afwesig tydens die neem van die foto.


Shaun Schoeman, Executive chef at Solms Delta’s Fyndraai Restaurant.

Picnic for two One lucky reader can win a picnic for two to the value of R290, compliments of Solms-Delta Wine Estate near Franschhoek. Select a quiet spot on the banks of the Dwars River or overlooking the Solms lake while enjoying delicious dishes prepared by SolmsDelta’s Fyndraai Restaurant chef, Shaun Schoeman, and his team. To stand a chance to win, tell us: Who is the chef at Fyndraai at SolmsDelta? SMS your name, surname, contact number and the answer to this easy question to 32363, by 14:00 on Monday 11 November.

10 Paarl Post Local chef becomes SA’s foremost food blogger 7 November, 2013

LIEZL DAVIDS Sam Taylor, a qualified chef de partie, recently won South Africa’s first online cooking competition, called Freshly Blogged. Taylor out-cooked and outblogged 40 food bloggers from across South Africa and walked away with great prizes, including a trip for two to Germany and a three-feature spread in the food magazine, Fresh Living. This mother of two was invited to take part in the competition which consisted of a series of 11 weekly

food challenges. “I was excited by the challenge and wanted to be part of this online competition. Each week we had five days to experiment with the given ingredients to create a recipe, develop a dish, photograph it and write about the inspiration behind the dish. The judges then reviewed the entries based on culinary skill, creativity and technique used to create each dish, in line with the competition rules.” She said that producing a great new recipe each week and being up against some very creative bloggers was definitely a challenge.

“Cooking against the top three in the final in front of a live audience was both nerve-racking and exhilarating. We had just thirty minutes to cook as many dishes as we liked from a mystery basket. “I love a good steak sandwich and the baguette was too fresh to resist, and with it I made a seared steak bruschetta with caramelised onions, pea sprouts and a red wine reduction. I needed something to set my bruschetta apart and I think the sauce was just the thing.” For desert she made a pear and chocolate spring roll, dusted with cinnamon sugar, served with a cara-

Nuus News

game farms, in restaumel sauce. rants and eventually in She said after being boutique hotels. announced the winner “Currently I do recishe felt “enormously pe development, food proud” of herself. writing and blogging to “Successfully surviearn a living. ving eleven weeks of “I write my own blog, recipe challenges as Pomegranate Days as well as one final nervean expression of my racking cook-off makes love for food.” this reward feel like an Her first recipe achievement rather Sam Taylor spread will be featured than a win.” Taylor also won an iPad and a spa in the January /February issue of day for two at Mangwanani Spa. Fresh Living. Visit Taylors’ blog at www.pomeOver the past 18 years, she worked her way up the kitchen ranks on

LOST DOG:This dachshund (sausage dog) was found wandering near Novel Ford in Main Road, Paarl. If the rightful owner can positively identify the dog, please contact 082 438 9317. Another dog, this time a small snow white woolly poodle-cross, went missing from his home in Hope Street Newton, after fire crackers were shot off in the area on Tuesday. If you have seen this dog, phone 021 873 2348.

Join in the Toy Run this Christmas The 2013 IMOC CT Charity Toy Run® takes place on Sunday 24 November. The famous ride departs from the Grand West Casino and Makro, Ottery parking areas and ends at Maynardville Park, Wynberg. The departure time for both start venues will be 10:00. This is the 31st Toy Run. Annually tens of thousands of motorcycle enthusiasts ride to this event with toys of all descriptions adorning their bikes, to make the holidays a little brighter for disadvantaged children of all races in orphanages, shelters, homes and hospitals throughout the country. The aims of the Toy Run are to improve and enhance the image of motorcyclists and to collect and distribute toys and gifts to less privileged children. Due to the severe cost increases that have been experienced over the past year, it has become necessary to ask for a donation of R20 from bikers/supporters who come to the event, but arrive without a toy. For more information email 2

Drukkersduiwel op voorblad Paarl Post vra om verskoning vir die swak gehalte van die drukwerk van verlede week se koerant. Dit is as’t ware ’n behoorlike drukkersduiwel wat ingesluip het. Om die volledige artikel van die Waterfront-ontwikkeling te lees, gaan na

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Paarl Post

7 November, 2013



Paarl Post

Wellington Nuus Wellington News

7 November, 2013

EEUFEES BY SILWER­ KRUIN:Rachel Jasper, Silwerkruin se oudste inwoner, het haar 100ste verjaardag gevier omring deur haar dogters en ander familielede. Voor van links is Rachel en haar dogter Rhoda Smith. Agter staan Renita Dreyden (agter-kleindogter), Teyliah Dreyden (agter-agter kleindogter), Francis Dreyden (dogter), Joan Fortuin, Magda Mekelly, Jacobus Smith en Elizabeth Barnard. FOTO: CHRISTINE SIEBRITS

Hartseer oor koraalbome CHRISTINE SIEBRITS

“Veral as ’n mens self die bome geplant het, word daar ’n gevoel van groot verlies ervaar ’n Mens verstaan dat Stokerywanneer die bome beskadig of weg in Wellington baie swaar afgekap word. verkeer dra en dat die pad “Die nuwe Stokeryweg gaan noodwendig verbreed en op’n groot verbetering wees en gegradeer moet word. daar sal beslis ’n nuwe laning bome aangeplant word.” Maar dit is hartseer om te sien Gesie van Deventer, Drakendat die pragtige groot koraalbostein se burgemeester, sê sy is me moet plek maak vir die padverheug dat so baie inwoners verbreding. Verskeie besorgde omgee vir die gebied en die boWellingtonners is hewig ontme. steld hieroor. “Almal weet al dat ek hand en Eugenie Wiggins van die Weltand baklei vir die behoud van lingtonse Verfraaiingskomitee bome en hierdie saak is dan ook sê: “Dit is met groot hartseer dat Hierdie laning koraalbome in Stokeryondersoek. Maar ten einde die ek onlangs gesien het dat die ko- weg word stelselmatig afgekap om plek noodsaaklike padverbreding en raalbome nou afgesaag word om te maak vir ’n nuwe pad. herstel te doen, kan die bome onplek te maak vir die nuwe breë FOTO: CHRISTINE SIEBRITS gelukkig nie behou word nie. Stokeryweg. Dit voel regtig soos “Ek huil dus saam, maar belowe se kant gesorg word dat daar weer ’n persoonlike verlies.” Vanaf Verfraaiing se kant het bome geplant word, maar die huidi- dat ons weer bome sal vestig sodra Eugenie en Charl Tomlinson hul ge geslag ouer mense sal hulle nie die pad voltooi is. Dit sal waardeer word indien Droomprojek dan sal bes gedoen om die bome te red, sien grootword nie.” Linda Muller van die Droompro- help met die versorging van die bomaar ongelukkig het hulle hierdie jek meen daar is seker ’n oerverbin- me sodat hulle sommer gou weer ronde verloor. kan groei.” “Daar sal beslis van Verfraaiing tenis tussen mens en boom.

Klopse kom op dreef Daar heers groot belangstelling in die drie vertonings wat deur die Wellingtonse klopse in Januarie en Februarie 2014 gehou gaan word. Volgens Denver Engledoe van die Drakenstein Coon Carnival Association, die sambreel-organisasie waarby die meeste van die Wellingtonse klopseverenigings ingelyf is, sal die eerste vertoning op Nuwejaarsdag gehou word. Daarna sal daar ’n tweede vertoning op 25 Januarie wees en ’n derde vertoning op 8 Februarie. Al drie vertonings vind op Pelikaanpark in Wellington plaas, en belangstellendes kan weer stalletjies huur wat tydens die klopsevertonings bedryf kan word. Mense wat belangstel om stalletjies te huur, kan Nadia Snell by 076 885 0178 of Denver Engledoe by 073 651 5153 bel.

Paarl Post

Jeug Youth

7 November, 2013


STYLVOL: Hierdie gr. 12-leerders van Hoërskool Gimnasium het stylvol gelyk by hul onlangse matriekdans. Van links is June van der Westhuizen, RP Burger, De Bruyn Grobler, Marguerite van der Merwe, Lohan Lubbe en Thana Kitshoff. BIO­SCIENCE OLYM­ PIAD: The results of the Top 10 candidates of La Rochelle Girls’ High School who took part in the Bio-Science Olympiad for Natural Sciences Gr 8 and 9, ensured that the Larries were placed 8th in the country in this competition. The proud Larries are (from the left) Angeline Smit, Nina Hörnlein, Fairuz Allie, Jordan Willett, Elrica Foot, Marlé Retief, Kristina van Zyl and Sinead McDermott.

BEST WAR­CRY: Paarl Boys High is currently competing in a exciting Garnier SA competition where schools show their skills during traditional war-cries. Paarl Boys are currently leading the competition. The winner will be announced shortly. If they win the school would receive a cool R30 000 for their efforts. PHOTO: DEBORAH REDELINGHUYS BEKER VIR BLOKFLUIT: Hierdie leerlinge van Hugenote Laerskool is as die Beste Ensemble Blokfluit by die Paarl Vallei Eisteddfod aangewys. BEKERWENNERS: Dié Laerskool Paarl Gimnasium-leerlinge was bekerwenners by die Paarl Vallei Eisteddfod: (van links) Hanna von Molendorff (beste junior violis), Anelké Viljoen (best junior recitation), Jana Hayman (beste onbegeleide blokfluitsolo), Nina Cuyler (beste monoloog gr. 4–7 én beste tweespraak gr. 4–7) en Chrisli Hamman (beste tweespraak gr. 4–7).

BEST DANCERS: These Gr R pupils of William Lloyd Primary School won a gold medal and a certificate at the Paarl Valley Eisteddfod for best dancers in their category. PHOTO: LIEZL DAVIDS

PRESTASIE: Nikolai Coetsee, in gr. 6 by Paarl Primêre Seunskool, eindig tweede in die Ice Breaker Game of Thrones Wakeboard-kompetisie. Hy wen ook die Golden Egg-prys in die ope-afdeling.

MNR. BOLAND: Conrad Burger is by die onlangse Mnr. Boland Landbouskool aangewys as die nuwe Mnr. Boland.

KUNS: Monique Muller van Hugenote Laerskool het die beker vir Visuele Kuns by die Paarl Eisteddfod gewen.


Paarl Post

Kuns & Leefstyl Arts & Lifestyle

7 November, 2013

Polisie, sake tee oggend Paarl Polisie en die Paarl Sakekamer hou ’n vroueoggend op 20 November om 10:00 by Huis Paarl Vallei. Kostes is R50 by Louise by 082 850 9614.

Your Ultimate Online Guide to Paarl

Kalender . Calendar 8 NOVEMBER ) Jennifer Zamudio tree om 20:00 by die Bôrdienghuis-teater op. Kaartjies kos R80 en kan bespreek word by 083 570 4765 9 NOVEMBER ) ’n Kanker bewusmaking dag word gehou by Oude Libertas-teater in Stellenbosch. Heuwels Fantasties, Karen Zoid, Koos Kombuis en diejazzgroepPatichesalgastevermaak.Daar sal ook die gewilde slowmarket wees met kosse en wyne. Kaartjies is R150 (R80 vir kinders). 10 NOVEMBER ) The Market at Val de Vie will take place this Sunday at Val de Vie Estate. There will be loads to buy with fresh produce also available. A fine outing at a beautiful venue for the whole family. ) Alle Dowes van die Paarl word uitgenooi na ’n spesiale diens wat gehou word by die Drakenstein Gemeente in Denneburg deur dr. Jan H. Nieder-Heitmann van die De la

Bat-gemeente, Bellville. Die diens begin om 09:00. Vir navrae, skakel 021 872 8242 (tussen 09:00 en 13:00). 14 NOVEMBER ) Paarl Reik na Herstel Borskanker-ondersteuningsgroep se afsluitingsbyeenkoms vind op Donderdag 14 November van 10:00 tot 12:00 by die Afrikaanse Taalmuseum in Pastorielaan plaas. Alle vroue wat al met borskanker gediagnoseer was, is welkom om hierdie gesellige geleentheid by te woon. Skakel Annalien Vollgraaff by 082 817 1124. 13 NOVEMBER ) Oskar en die pienk tannie, met Sandra Prinsloo is te sien om 20:00 by die Ou Meulteater. Dié tragikomiese eenvrouproduksie vertel die roerende verhaal van die kankerlyertjie Oskar, en Ouma Rosa wat hom op verbeeldingryke en soms bitter snaakse wyse begelei in sy laaste dae. Kaartjies is R120

by Vicky Stemmet, 083 564 0056. 16 NOVEMBER ) Baratok Wines presents a tribute to Pinotage. This family day will take place at Bloemendal Wine Estate in Durbanville from 11:00 and includes kids’ entertainment, live music, wine pairing and much more. Tickets at R75 can be booked at or call 021 975 7575. ) Die oudstudente en onderwysers van Amstelhof Primêr word uitgenooi na ’n bring-enbraai vanaf 15:00 by die skool. Gaste moet hul eie vleis bring en slaai sal voorsien word. Bel Derick by 084 243 0023 of Charles by 082 202 3263. 19 NOVEMBER ) Nanette Ranger Art Studio presents a Student Exhibition at 19:00 at Laborie Wine Estate. The exhibition can be viewed until 23 November.

VOTE FOR LOCAL DANC­ ER: Charlston (Charlie) van Rooyen, a former pupil at New Orleans Secondary School, is one of the Top four finalists in the So you think you can Dance? reality show on SABC 1. The winner will be announced this Saturday. For Charlie to win, he needs your votes. To vote for him SMS “SYT9” to 33764.

EEUFEESKOMITEE: Die VGK Immanuel se Eeufeeskomitee en Kerkraad by die bekendstelling van die gedenkboek. Hulle is (van links) Russel Solomons, Quinton Williams, Japie Charles, Catherine Dyson, Theresa Cornelissen, Katie Ruiters, Dawn Maart, ds. Tony Masent, Gerry Jacobs (voorsitter), John Stewe en Ernest Nontes.

Kerk-gedenkboek bekendgestel Die Verenigende Gereformeerde Kerk Immanuel, Paarl, het onlangs hul Eeufees-gedenkboek by ’n spoggeleentheid bekendgestel. Die gasspreker by hierdie glansryke geleentheid was dr. Sam Pick wat die betroubaarheid, geloofwaardigheid en kundigheid rondom die pragtige boek uitgelig het. Hy het ook die redaksiespan, Eeufeeskomitee, die drukkers en die kerkraad geloof vir al hulle tyd, energie en insette wat tot die sukses van hierdie pragtige uitgawe gelei het.

Volgens ds. Tony Masent, leraar by die VGK Immanuel, is dit nie net ’n gewone boek nie, maar ’n “eeu-belaaide pronkstuk, propvol geskiedenis met vele hoofmomente”. “My diepste wens is dat hierdie boek vir baie geslagte net soete herinneringe sal inhou”. Die gedenkboek is bedags by die kerkkantoor te koop teen R30. Vir meer inligting, bel die administratiewe beampte Catherine Dyson by 021 862 7429.

BEST OF EVERY­ THING EVER: Barry Hilton can be seen in his comedy, BEE (Best of Everything Ever) on Sunday 10 November at 16:00 at the Old Mill Theatre. With his relaxed stage demeanour and gregarious personality, Barry continues to strive and thrive. Steering clear of political satire, swearing, explicit content and blasphemy, the comedy stalwart continues to attract fans. Tickets cost R120 with Vicky Stemmet on 083 564 0056.

WEN BOEKE: Een gelukkige Paarl Post-leser het ’n kans om nie een nie, maar drie storieboeke vir kinders te wen. Die boeke sluit in die bekende Storieman, Tjiff en Tjaff en die Lekker slaap storieboek. Al drie boeke word uitgegee deur Human & Rousseau. Om ’n kans te hê om te wen, besoek ons webtuiste onder die afdeling, competition.

Sake Post Business Post

Polo House is world No. 1 A Val de Vie home has been crowned as one of the best homes in the world.

located, won the award for Best Multiple Unit and Mixed Use Development last year and was also a nominee this year. Guardian Project ManageThe estate, which has grown ment recently attended the estremendously in the last year teemed International Property with over a 130 property sales, Awards where the company is regarded as an international project, famously known as The polo destination and hosts presPolo House, received the award tigious international and highfor the best single unit residensociety events annually. tial development. Unique in its design and locaThe beautiful house was fortion, the Polo House towers merly occupied by Olympic over the vast green of the top swimming champion, Ryk class polo fields completed to Neethling. Hurlingham Standards. The Polo House competed The Val de Vie Polo House has received an international properThe house fetched a record against a number of residential ty award in Dubai. price of R22 500/m² a year ago property developments in the and will now be sporting its new African and Arabian regions to receive this global competition against the best of Eu- award winners’ logo, which is recognised recognition. rope, the Americas and Asia to find the ulti- as a symbol of excellence globally. Successful entrants were invited to at- mate World’s Best in each category. A prime location on the estate with its tend a high-profile gala dinner and awards The Polo House building was planned as spectacular views adds to the value of the ceremony at the One & Only Royal Mirage a project that would position itself as an home. in Dubai on 24 October. iconic masterpiece and jewel in the crown In return, the grand structure of the Polo The Polo House was also chosen as the of the estate together with the Polo Pavilion House increased the market value of the top-scoring regional winner in its category and the Val de Vie Stables. properties and building activity in that viand will go on to compete in London at the Val de Vie Estate, where Polo House is cinity of the estate.

BESTE PLAASWERKERS: Plaaswerker van die Jaar wenners staan hiér by Johannesburg se munisipale sagtevrugte mark -die grootste in Suid-Afrika. Die wenners het die geleentheid gehad om die hele ketting waardeur varsprodukte beweeg te sien, vanaf die aankoms en verkoeling tot waar die verkope en versending plaasvind. Die wenners is van links Johannes Kees van Nonna Estate in Brandwag, Leseta Jaftha van De Hoop in De Doorns en Hendri Marthinus van Sandrivier in Wellington. FOTO: VERSKAF

Tax return deadline Tax Season closes for all non-provisional taxpayers on 22 November. If you haven’t submitted your Income Tax Return (ITR12) yet, you can do so through eFiling or electronically at a SARS branch. More and more South Africans choose eFiling as their preferred way to do tax. eFiling is available on your laptop or PC, your mobile phone via the eFiling MobiSite and on your tablet with the SARS eFilng App, so no matter where you are, eFiling is now at your fingertips. If you do not submit your tax return, you will be liable for a penalty, which by law, allows SARS to deduct the penalty from your salary or bank account. For more information visit

Paarl Post

7 November, 2013


Sakekamer maak potjies Paarl Sakekamer se potjiekoskompetisie vind op Vrydag 15 November plaas vanaf 15:00 by Le Bac-landgoed. Vir inskrywings en navrae, e-pos


Paarl Post

Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

7 November, 2013

Classifieds : 021 870 4600 – E: E:


Vena: Mthandazo Born: 12 May 1986 Died: 27 October 2013

A loving member of the family who will be sorely missed. Suddenly taken away from us, but we know he is in a better place and we take comfort in the thought that he is in God's hands. Sadly missed by family and friends.


Begrafnis word onderneem deur: Tel: 021 862 0948 Na Ure: 083 947 6347 Lid van N.B.O.V.

Madela: Zandile Born: 3 June 1991 Died: 26 October 2013

A loving member of the family who will be sorely missed. We know she is in a better place and we take comfort in the thought that she is in God's hands. Sadly missed by family and friends. CONTACT NO: 073 088 2418 / 082 471 7671



Begrafnis word onderneem deur: Tel: 021 862 0948 Na Ure: 083 947 6347 Lid van N.B.O.V.

Klaasen: Dorothy Gebore: 17 September 1963 Oorlede: 3 November 2013 Met liefdevolle herinneringe neem ons afskeid van ons geliefde. Sag heengegaan in die ouderdom van 50 jaar. Word diep betreur deur familie en vriende. Begrafnisdiens vind plaas op Saterdag 9 November 2013 Besigtiging By Huis: 08:00 - 08:30 Ambassadorstraat 45, Milky Town Kerk: 09:00 Hervormde Ou Apostoliese Kerk, Paulusstraat, Paarl Navrae: 084 079 2161



Begrafnis word onderneem deur: Tel: 021 862 0948 Na Ure: 083 947 6347 Lid van N.B.O.V.

Paarl Post

Gebore: 17 November 1932 Oorlede: 2 November 2013 Met liefdevolle herinneringe neem ons afskeid van ons geliefde. Sag heengegaan in die ouderdom van 80 jaar. Word diep betreur deur familie en vriende.

Gebore: 21 Januarie 1985 Oorlede: 1 November 2013

Met liefdevolle herinneringe neem ons afskeid van ons geliefde. Sag heengegaan in die ouderdom van 63 jaar. Word diep betreur deur familie en vriende.

Met liefdevolle herinneringe neem ons afskeid van ons geliefde. Sag heengegaan in die ouderdom van 28 jaar. Word diep betreur deur familie en vriende.

Begrafnisdiens vind plaas op Saterdag 9 November 2013 HUIS: 09:00 20A Bauhinia Woonstelle, Klein Nederburg, Paarl KERK: 10:00 Tiffany's Saal, Klein Nederburg, Paarl Navrae: 072 037 8037 / 079 496 0673



Begrafnis word onderneem deur: Tel: 021 862 0948 Na Ure: 083 947 6347 Lid van N.B.O.V.


Begrafnis word onderneem deur: Tel: 021 862 0948 Na Ure: 083 947 6347 Lid van N.B.O.V.

Begrafnisdiens vind plaas op Sondag 10 November 2013 HUIS: 12:00 Cederbergstraat 45, Cartersville, Wellington KERK: 12:30 Church of God in Christ, Appelkoos Laan, Wellington Navrae: 079 219 3069 / 073 505 2483



Malani (neé Van Der Westhuizen): Daisy Kandas

Met liefdevolle herinneringe neem ons afskeid van ons geliefde. Sag heengegaan in die ouderdom van 76 jaar. Word diep betreur deur familie en vriende. Begrafnisdiens vind plaas op Saterdag 9 November 2013 HUIS: 08:00 by Sonatalaan 44, Groenheuwel, Paarl KERK: 09:00 by VGK Zions, Paarl Navrae: 079 798 5486 / 071 172 8442 / 021 862 0540



Begrafnis word onderneem deur: Tel: 021 862 0948 Na Ure: 083 947 6347 Lid van N.B.O.V.

Van Rooyen: Graham Nathan Gebore: 29 Junie 2005 Oorlede: 31 Oktober 2013 Met liefdevolle herinneringe neem ons afskeid van ons geliefde seun. Hy is van ons weggeneem in die ouderdom van 8 jaar. Word diep betreur deur sy ouers, familie en vriende. Begrafnisdiens vind plaas op Saterdag 9 November 2013 BESIGTIGING BY DIE KERK: 09:00 Cape Olive Trust Plaas op Waterval Pad, Paarl DIENS BEGIN BY KERK: 10:00 Olive Trust Plaas op Waterval Pad, Paarl Navrae: 076 306 0009 / 082 633 5016 / 021 862 6019



Begrafnis word onderneem deur: Tel: 021 862 0948 Na Ure: 083 947 6347 Lid van N.B.O.V.

Bowers: John Louis Met liefdevolle herinneringe neem ons afskeid van ons geliefde. Sag heengegaan in die ouderdom van 62 jaar. Word diep betreur deur eggenoot, familie en vriende. Begrafnisdiens vind plaas op Saterdag 9 November 2013 HUIS: 09:00 by Klein Drakensteinweg 160, Paarl KERK: 10:00 by die Hervormde Ou Apostoliese Kerk, Paulusstraat, Paarl Navrae: 074 657 5276 / 074 919 8966



Begrafnis word onderneem deur: Tel: 021 862 0948 Na Ure: 083 947 6347 Lid van N.B.O.V.

Pretorius: Maria Gebore: 25 November 1952 Oorlede: 4 November 2013 Met liefdevolle herinneringe neem ons afskeid van ons geliefde. Sag heengegaan in die ouderdom van 60 jaar. Word diep betreur deur familie en vriende. Verassingsdiens vind plaas op Saterdag 9 November 2013 HUIS: 09:00 Smith Singel 35, New Orleans, Paarl KERK: 10:00 St. Stephens Kerk, New Orleans, Paarl Navrae: 081 875 5709 / 073 283 1560 ~ PRIVAAT VERASSING ~



Begrafnis word onderneem deur: Tel: 021 862 0948 Na Ure: 083 947 6347 Lid van N.B.O.V.

Begrafnis word onderneem deur: Tel: 021 862 0948 Na Ure: 083 947 6347 Lid van N.B.O.V.

Maneul: Kandas “Daisy”

Gebore: 13 April 1937 Oorlede: 3 November 2013

Begrafnisdiens vind plaas op Saterdag 16 November 2013 HUIS: Johanstraat 14, Greenfields, Paarl KERK: Navolgers Van Christus, Klein Drakensteinweg, Paarl Navrae: 078 387 7478 / 076 238 0080


Abdol: Jacqueline Anne

Gebore: 20 September 1950 Oorlede: 30 Oktober 2013

Gebore: 10 Desember 1950 Oorlede: 1 November 2013

Sauls: Fransina

Voice of Drakenstein • Stem van Drakenstein

Johannes: Hendrik Jakobus

CONTACT NO: 083 8964 102 / 073 527 3314


exclusively online at OLX

Gebore: 20 September 1946 Oorlede: 1 November 2013 Met liefdevolle herinneringe neem ons afskeid van ons geliefde. Sag heengegaan in die ouderdom van 67 jaar. Word diep betreur deur familie en vriende.

Where buyer and sellers meet each other 08 Sterfgevalle Death Notices

PRETORIUS: MARIA (Poppie) Sag heengegaan in die ouderdom van 60 jaar. Ons sal u mis. Met liefde van man, kind, kleinkinders & familie. Navrae: 021 862 9955.


In Memoriam CUPIDO: MYRTLE (NEé JULIUS). 07/11/2002. God put his arms around you and whispered "come to me". A golden heart stopped beating, hard working arms now rest. God broke our hearts to prove, He only takes the best. From Claudine, Benita & Roslind.

Begrafnisdiens vind plaas op Sondag 10 November 2013 HUIS: 13:00 Drakensbergstraat 22, Carterville, Wellington KERK: 14:00 Breakthru-Kerk, Klaasenstraat, Wellington Navrae: 073 808 7332



Begrafnis word onderneem deur: Tel: 021 862 0948 Na Ure: 083 947 6347 Lid van N.B.O.V.

Koenze: Gert Karel (Gerrit)

TITUS:ANNELIZE (neé Lewis) 19/05/1963 10/11/2012. Though it's been a year now since you were taken away, the memories are still strong and WE wish you were here everyday. If we could see you one last time you know what we would do? Release all our emotions and say Mom, Grandma, Annelize WE WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU!!! Linton, Amaru, Chantell, Sethea, Darryl & Fredericks fam.

WILLIAMS: HENNIE (LIGGAAM). 06/11/2013. For two years you enjoy the beauty of Heaven, surrounded by God and His Angels. Love you forever. Wife, children and grandchildren.

HIGNETT: ALEXANDER. (4 November). 14 Years have passed but precious memories will always be in our hearts. Your wife, children & grandchildren.

23/02/1961 - 31/10/2013 Met liefdevolle herinneringe neem ons afskeid van ons geliefde eggenoot en pa. Word diep betreur deur sy vrou Sofulda, seuns Elmer en Wilbur en res van familie. Begrafnisdiens: Saterdag 9 November 2013 10:00: Bougaardstraat 22, Paarl 11:00: Evangelie Lutherse Kerk, Lantanastraat, Paarl. Navrae: 021 862 7421 / 072 142 2975 Begrafnisreëlings: Solomon Begrafnisdienste Tel: 021 862 5346 / 082 953 9919 Lid van NFDA

IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of our dear friend

Elma Meyer Who passed away one year ago on 8th November 2012

Gone is the face we loved so dear, Silent is the voice we loved to hear; We miss her love and cheery ways With her we spent our happiest days In memory we see her the same As long as we live we cherish her name Always loved and remembered Desmaine & Terrence, Lynn & Auden Grant & Liesl

IN MEMORIAM In memory of my dear wife

In my Heart I think of you with love today. But that is nothing new. I thought about you yesterday. And days before that too. I think of you in silence. I often speak your name. Now all I have is memories. And your picture in a frame. You memory is my keepsake. With which I'll never part. God has you in His keeping I have you in my heart.

Yulston Bassick: Abraham Peter 10/11/1930 – 19/02/2012

It's your 2nd birthday in Heaven, but our 2nd year of mourning. We miss you each and everyday but we know why you had to go away.That's because you heard God call out your name. Wife, children & grandchildren.

Paarl Post

Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

7 November, 2013 88


Kantoortoerusting Office Equipment Sedert 1954 Since


WILLIAMS: SYLVIA JEANETTA. Born: 5 April 1956. Died: 10 November 2012. Days of sadness still come over us. Tears in silence often flow, from memory keeps you ever near us - though you died one year ago.

17 Begrafnisdienste Funeral Services

Jumping Castles & Slippy Slides for Hire

084 458 2930

Bridal Hire Also matric, evening wear Alterations.

SOLOMON BEGRAFNISONDERNEMER: Hermitagestr, Huguenot. Tel: 021 862 5346. 24-uur Diens.


118 Breda str. 076 169 3175


Onderrig/Education K L A S - I N - K L AV I E R , WELLINGTON b i e d klavierlesse @ R440 p/kw. Blokfluit + kitaarlesse @ R380 p/kw. Sms/bel Marietjie 073 307 6878. Inskrywings sluit 5 Desember 2013

PRIVATE TUTOR IN PAARL TUTOR Seeking a qualified female teacher to assist our daughter who will be in grade 10 in 2014 after school on week days with homework, task assignments and exam preparation. Final year graduates with educational training on senior phase level and who intend to study for an honors degree would be ideal candidates for this contract position that will receive market-related remuneration on a monthly basis. Email an application letter as motivation with attached CV to or phone 0825716662 for additional info and the job specification.


Renting of jumping castles & waterslides 073 528 8802

Jumping Castles and slides for hire/sale

Vir enige navrae kontak Erech by 083 461 7912 of Carrin by 083 241 1817. E-pos: Website: JUMPING JUMPING CASTLES CASTLES MANUFACTURERS MANUFACTURERS MANUFACTU RERS and REPAIRS

Skoonheid en Gesondheid Beauty and Health

Aalwynprodukte Van skoonheidsmiddels tot die beste medisyne.

Produkte vir die hele gesin! Geskenk- en toetspakke ook beskikbaar.

Ko Kontak ntak El Elsa sabé bé SStr trau auss ss (s (sel el)) 08 0822 8850 50 33736 736


Huurdienste Hiring Services


Party Hire Kids party tables, chairs & décor Gazebo's & photo boards Candy floss, popcorn, chocolate fountain, spiral potatoes & slush puppy machines Face paint & balloon folding Birthday cakes and cup cakes Platters for the adults (jumping castles/waterslides) PARTY VENUE ALSO AVAILABLE Call: 073 528 8802

021 873 1154

Behind ‘Oak Tree Lodge’. 32 Main Street, Suider Paarl opposite KWV h/office.


Boumateriaal Building Materials


Kom besoek ons nuwe vertoonlokaal vir al u behoeftes op sierstene, plaveistene, boustene, boublokke, tuin plaveisel, sand & klip. Tel: 021 868 2169 / 021 868 3185

E-pos: CIVILS AGRI PLANT DE HOOP STEENWERWE De Hoop Steen Pad, Bo Daljosafat, Paarl

BOLAND CONCRETE TEL: 021 875 5365 Old Paarl Road, Klapmuts

POTTE, PANNE, breekgoed, gordyne, beddegoed, linne, ligte elektriese ware, speelgoed, ornamente, komberse, klerasie, skoene. Betaal kontant. Mev Swart 084 702 3196.


Bouplanne/ Building Plans

CARSTENS BOUTEKENAAR Bouplanne, kommersiële en residensiële. Inhandiging en goedkeuring van planne. Kontak André 082 076 6454

1ml SAND, KLIP, kompos & bogrond (topsoil) sowel as bourommel, vullisverwydering, tuindienste en skoonmaak van erwe. Skakel Neels 021 872 9397 of 083 412 8810. AANKOOP VAN YSKASTE, vrieskaste, wasmasjiene, tuimeldroërs ens. Kontak 076 919 0596. SELECTION OF OLD DOORS, windows. Phone 079 025 2435.


Bote en Toerusting Boats & Equipment TWO SEATER PADDLE BOATS for sale. R11 000 each. Call Nico 084 837 5374.


Meubels/Furniture EKSKLUSIEWE MEUBELS EN DEKOR. Tel: 021 863 2 3 7 1 / E p o s : /FB: Roes & Skroef.

Dries Viljoen 082 804 4613



PROJECTS • Dakherstel • Waterdigting • Restourasie • Bouwerk • Verfwerk • Loodgieter • Diefwering • Teëlwerk

Bouwerk Building Construction

Quality cement building products Building blocks


Maxi bricks

Renovations New Buildings

Cement bricks Tel/Fax: 021 868 1774 o/h Cell: 082 779 9229

JJ 082 899 5682 or 086 055 6666 108

Geld/lenings Money/Loans

Bathrooms / Extensions Roof Leaks / Painting / Tiling Drywalls / Paving Boundary Wall/ Partitions Electrical / Gutters Aluminium mic welded garden gates Powder coated 7yr guarantee

Marius van Wyk 083 304 9780




vir muur tot muur matte, novilon en viniel teëls en alle tipe blindings. Skakel Billy en Marlene 021-873-4540 of 083-242-4740

NICO TRANSPORT 082 413 1216 6 m SAND


6 m KLIP 19 mm

R1 700


R480 AFGELEWER IN DIE PAARL NOTICE!!! For the following services: Removal of rubble. Site cleaning. Moving of equipment. Transporting of goods. Please contact 079 894 4497. STOORRUIMTE Wellington, R5500. Geen krag. Skakel 082 789 4865. STORAGE, short or long term for household contents etc. Storage Masters. Zindy 079 025 2435.

TJ MOSTERT EN SEUN 021 863 2400 021 86 30123

6m³ SAND ...................R900,00 6m³ KLIP 19mm ........R1 700,00 6m³ OPVULGROND....R480,00 Afgelewer in Paarl en BTW ingesluit. Kan ook aflewer in Wellington, Klapmuts, Simondium en Franschhoek KLEINER HOEVEELHEDE OOK BESKIKBAAR


Vervoer en Berging Moving & Storage


David | Gold Traders 22 Castle str. Paarl (Near Checkers) 084 046 7775

Ons naam is u waarborg Vir die beste diens, skakel 083 556 6359

MOVING? TREK? 083 708 4950



BAKKIE & TRAILER HIRE: Te huur, vervoer, meubelvervoer. Skakel alle ure: 082 321 8904 Johan Maass.


6 m³ Sand R1 014,60 6 m³ Klip 19/25 R1 973,34


OOK BESKIKBAAR: 6/13mm Klip, Filling Sand, G4 & G5 Base

Gratis kwotasies & installasies. Asook herstelwerk.

Aflewerings vir kleiner hoeveelhede en areas Wellington, Klapmuts, Simondium & Franschhoek ook beskikbaar. Diggers & excavators te huur.


Tel: 021-873-4540 Sel: 083 459 5986

van matte asook bekleedsels. Skakel Peter Nordin 021 873 3621 / 073 206 8581.

Binnenshuisdienste Home Services Interior

Vir alle tipe blindings. Ons poog vir die beste diens en ons produk is van hoogstaande kwaliteit.

Window cleaning Walk on your carpets in 10 min Upholstery | Couches Persian carpets Also Kirby cleaning!!! Blinds & Mattresses Cleaning from R120 per room Car seats | Etc. Premises & Offices MONDAY - SATURDAY For a FREE quotation, call Yolanda on 079 568 7051 or 021 864 3084


SKAKEL 082 842 9835

Verskaffers van: Alle tipe blindings en hortjies Suppliers of blinds, exterior and interior Shutters Tel: 021 872 4308 Sel: 082 781 2210

190mm 140mm 90mm

For all your paving & precast wall requirements (incl. extentions). No deposit required.


190 blocks 140 blocks 90 blocks Maxis7mpa Maxis 14mpa

Gordyne/Matte/ Stoffering Curtains/Carpets Upholstery

All areas: Domestic, commercial and industrial

NHBRC geregistreer

Motorafdakke Patio-afdakke Verstelbare louvres Shadeports Sonkappe

LOANS R50 - R15000. Sms LD VERVOER. Vervoer van MILOC MP to 41911 @ bourommel, tuinvullis, sand, R1,50 per sms. klip, stene, klein trekke ens. Skakel Bruce 082 578 7712 / Enrico 074 815 6238. 112



104 Retiefstraat 42, Noorde Paarl

Algemeen Miscellaneous

Buitenshuisdienste Home Services Exterior

(023) 347 3631 / 347 3011 Sedert 1988

costume • accessories party costumes • fancy dress • costume hire wigs





PHONE GERD Tel: 863-3951/ 082-7744-098.

Full-day or half-day rentals Wide variety of jumping castles & slides available

Laetitia Coetzee | 083 348 6924


We refill your printer cartridges from R20 - R110, black and colour, while you wait. WE SELL: Refilled, new and compatible Ink Jet and Laser cartridges. WE BUY EMPTY cartridges R5 - R40.

50 mm 60 mm 80 mm Plaveisel

Aanbouings Restourasie Plafonne Dry walls Verfwerk Loodgieter Teëls Badkamers en kombuise Plaveisel Afdakke


Skakel 021 868 2169 Email:

Short and long term loans All we require: - ID Book - Latest Payslip - Latest 3 Bank Statements - Permanent Employment

Tel: 021 872 7720 2A Bethal Street

(Opposite KFC and Wild Liquors in the Main Road)

You can also fax or email your documents to Fax nr: 086 225 8694 or Email address:

FOURIE-VERVOER: Vervoer van meubels - klein of groot. Landswyd of plaaslik. Skakel 082 821 5234 of 021 876 2440. FREE DUMPING SITE: Clean building material and soil only. Phone Louis: 082 829 5542.




• Household & office furniture • Single items & storage

082 453 3344

• Plaaslike & landswye verhuings • Deelvragte • Groot, medium & kleiner voertuie • Persoonlike toesig & bestuur • Ervare personeel • Volledige verpakking • Verpakkings materiaal • Stoor geriewe

Navrae, inventaris en gratis kwotasie

T: 021 872 8411

S: 076 673 7059 (Jurg Reyneke) S: 082 478 0963 (Farrel vd Westhuizen) E:


• Rubble removal 1-6 m³ • Garden refuse • Site clean ups • Compost • Topsoil • 4,5 Ton plat bak For more information please contact 083 306 5310

Paarl Post

Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

7 November, 2013

VERWYDERING v a n rommel en vullis. 1-6ml. Algemene vervoer met 8ton trok. Vir billike pryse en gehalte diens, skakel JACQUES: 082 579 2998/021 872 6029. VERWYDERING VAN ALLE VULLIS en bourommel. Asook die skoonmaak van erwe. Eienaar toesig. Kontak Louw 083 413 0701.

WOLMATRANS * Gratis Transito versekering Tot en met R400 000 Stoorplek beskikbaar Vir die vervoer van meubels Kort- en langafstand.

082 5747 489 FAKS: 021 872 1437


Sekuriteit & Wapens Security & Arms

Free quotations Best prices Personal supervision on sites Tel: 021 868 0555 Henk Agenbag Cell: 072 269 9934 Email:

MOSTERT SWEISWERKE: Skuif-/swaaihekke, diefwering, traliewerk & vele ander staalwerke. Gratis kwotasies. Skakel Frank Mostert: 021 868 2880/072 022 0066. Faks: 021 872 6771


• • • • • • •

Alle soorte alarmstelsels 24-uur beheerkamer Interkomstelsels Kamerasisteem Toegangsbeheerstelsels “Powerbox” bystand tot 8 ure plus krag Sekuriteitsbeamptes 24 uur reaksie SOB geregistreer SAIDSA goedgekeur Radio/selfoonmonitering Geslotekring televisie Elektrifisering van omheinings Kontak ons vir uitmuntende diens: Tel: 023 342 7050 Faks: 023 342 7040

Sales Maintenance Construction

Swembaddienste Swimming Pool Services

Verf van huise binne en buite, afspuit en verf van dakke en omheiningsmure. Teen bekostigbare pryse. Vir gratis kwotasie Skakel Louis by 082 554 1879

ALLE VERFWERK IN DIE BOLAND. Binne en buite. Kwaliteit met persoonlike toesig. Sedert 1996. Skakel Ernst vir gratis kwotasie. 082 573 6654 /


Aanbouings Restourasie Plafonne Dry walls Verfwerk Loodgieter Teëls Badkamers en kombuise Plaveisel Afdakke Dries Viljoen 082 804 4613

NHBRC geregistreer

B.C. ELECTRICAL & PLUMBING All maintenance; installations & services. New and existing residential houses. Affordable rates. Call 081 462 9988.

Jaco Geldenhuys 084 493 6696

Rib & Block Decking Vibracrete walls Tel/Faks: 083 380 3425 072 118 2938

For more info please contact 083 306 5310


Driving Schools


Motors te Koop Vehicles for Sale

W I N D OW T I N T I N G : Residential/offices. Phone Johan 082 301 5724 for free q u o t a t i o n . /

FIAT UNO FIRE 1997. Uitstekende toestand met goeie bande. Nuwe lisen-sie. CD Frontloader en baie lae kilometers. Immobiliser alarm. R19000. 083 734 1445.

Waterdigting/ Klammigheidbeheer Waterproofing/ Damp control

FORD BANTAM 1.3 Wit. Baie netjies met kappie. R35 000. Francois 083 464 6960. HYUNDAI i20 2010. Wit. Een eienaar. VDG. 66 000km / soos nuut. R129 500. Francois 083 464 6960. MERCEDES C200 KOMPRESSOR. Goud met swart leer. 126 000km. Een eienaar / soos nuut. VDG. R139 500. Francois 083 464 6960. NISSAN 1400. 2006. Canopy and mags. 93000km. R36000. Tel. 081 462 9988. NISSAN BAKKIE 1400 2005 - 84 000km. R35 000. 082 432 6161.

Tel: 021-873-5482 Pool Paving Cladding Sleepers

Headstones from R850 Full packages from R6000

Stepping Stones

Athlone: 021 638 0531 Bellville: 021 949 6070



NISSAN TERRANO 2.7 Diesel. Wit. 4x4. VDG. Baie netjies - R65 000. Francois 083 464 6960.


Sleepwaens te Koop/te Huur Trailers for Sale/ to Hire SLEEPWA TE HUUR: 4.5m lank, 1.9m wyd. Tralies 1.8 hoog met seil. Ideaal vir meubels vervoer. R380 per dag. Wiehann Smit 084 600 3698.


Voertuie te Koop Gevra Vehicles Wanted to Buy

• Kombuise • Ingeboude kamerkaste • Soliede meubels • Kroeë en meer Tel: 021 873 5792 • Johan 083 284 6793

Kamers te Huur Rooms to Let ABSOLUUT sentraal Wellington. Netjiese kamers vir jong werkendes/studente. R1200 - R2200. Skakel 082 820 7597. KAMER vir enkelpersoon. Aandetes van Maandag tot Donderdag ingesluit. Paarl sentraal. Skakel 072 560 2462 enige tyd of 082 800 8310 na 17h00.

N O O R D E R - PAA R L : Tuinwoonstel. Enkelpersoon - R2 000pm + dep. Met koopkrag/lugr. Geen troeteldiere. Onmiddellik beskikbaar. Kontak 071 791 1123.





DE OUDE WERF-PAARL 2 Bedrooms, 1 Bathroom, Undercover parking. Available: Immediately R4 200 per month RIVERSIDE WELLINGTON – STUDENT ACCOMMODATION 2 Bedrooms, 1 Bathroom. Available: 1 December 2013 R2 000 each per month

VRYKYK: Eenman oopplan tuinwoonstel. Gemeubileerd. Veilig en rustig. Braaigeriewe. Parkering op perContact Peter: 083 641 0808 seel. W&E ingesluit. Onmiddellik beskikbaar. R2650pm + deposito. 083 953 2494. PAARL-OOS: MOUNTVIEW kompleks. 2-Slpk, middelvloer - R3300pm. 162 SMS Paarl to 081 725 9848.

Besighede te Koop Businesses for Sale

Woonstelle te Huur Flats to Let

Ruite/Vensters Glass/Windows



LEKKER 2 slpk woonstel, met motorhuis in Mernolia beskikbaar 1 Desember. R4 950. Skakel 082 33 99 831.

QUEENS TERRACE. Twee slaapkamer woonstel beskikbaar vanaf 1 Desember PAARL: KLEIN FABRIEK 2013 of vroeër. Kontak 072 EN FABRIEKSWINKEL te 133 2710. Dringend. koop. Vervaardig en verkoop 'n reeks skoonmaakmiddels. S E N T R A A L - P A A R L : Soek slegs batewaarde BACHELORS w/s. Oopplan; R55000. Kontak Theo 078 binne-braai; toesluit parkering; Koopkrag, water inge307 1149. sluit. Beskikbaar vanaf 8 Nov 2013. R2600pm. 072 874 7626 / 021 872 5037. 171

COLT MITSUBISHI (2L). 2000. LWB + Canopy R35000; Canopy - Mazda Rustler - R1500; Ford Bantam 1.3 - 2005 - R39000. 079 894 4497.


KAAPLAND PROJECTS: Professionele Huis Verbeterings Dienste. Webtuiste: / Kontak 082 920 3204.

Tombstone policy for R45 per month per family for full package. T’s & C’s apply

• Landscaping • Rubble removal • Estate maintenance • Irrigation • Tree felling & shaping • Site clean ups • Compost • Corporate gardens

Beste kwaliteit

Repair of electrical goods, fridges, stoves, washing machines, tumble-driers and microwave ovens. PHONE 021 862 6861 / 021 862 8100

Granite & Tombstones 30 mm counter-tops from R810 to R1650 Price incl. vat & installation

TEËLS: Fabriekswinkel te Wellington. Kontak vervaardiger of besoek ons vertoonlokaal.Smartstone: 021 873 5482.





PAARLWOODEN FLOORS Sanding & sealing of all types of wooden floors. Also installation of laminated floors. 15years in the trade. Contact Yusuf Bailey 083 381 5303.



Algemene Dienste General Services

Afmaak, snoei ens. Ook geregistreer as indringerplantbeheeroperateur. Skakel Sieg 021-873-5541 of 082 745 9810 vir raad en kwotasie.

Since 1978

• Sanding and treatment to wooden/parquet floors • Repairs and installation of solid wooden flooring

Mure/Heinings Walls/Fencing



ROLL-ON LAWN: Gratis aflewering binne 20 km. Gratis kwotasie vir uitleg, gratis kwotasie vir besmetting en uitleg van grond, onkruidvry gras. 079 894 4497


YSKASTE EN AIRCONS diens en re-gas. Baie billike pryse. 24/7. Kontak Riaan: 074 345 3893.

Tel/Fax: 021 872 4308 Cell: 082 781 2210

• • • • •



Driveway Gates Gate Automation CCTV Camera Systems Wireless Alarm Systems Electric Fencing Garage Door Openers Electric Locks • Intercoms



074 205 7790 021 876 2747


3 year guarantee

Skakel vir S.P. Sel 083 967 3447 Bertus Sel 084 602 9829 Tel: 021 872 7554 (K)

079 429 2043


The stronger one

Gratis kwotasies Billike pryse Gewaarborgde werk onder persoonlike toesig


Teëlwerk/Vloere Tiling/Flooring


Qualified Plumbers 24/7 on call

suppliers of MAGNADOR

Diefwering • Skuifhekke Traliewerk vir heinings

Loodgieters Plumbers

REGAS FRIDGES Put us to the test 021-853-0272 086 108 6101

OPSOEK NA LOPENDE BAKKIES EN MOTORS. Enige model. Skakel asb Julie 073 083 6295 of 078 573 7048.


Elektriese Herstelwerk Electrical Repairs




4013 RC 424F8


DRINGEND OP SOEK NA BAKKIE tussen R20000 en R10000 om te koop. Transaksie onderhandelbaar tussen partye. 073 747 5977. EK KOOP ENIGE lopende voertuie vir kontant onmiddellik. Indien u voertuig wil verkoop kontak my 083 464 6960.

021 873 3400

WELLINGTON 1 Slpk loft woonstel by Piano Factory @ R3 400 p/m Beskikbaar 1 Des 1 Slpk netjiese tuin woonstel met privaatheid in De Villiers Straat @ R3 100 p/m Beskikbaar 1 Des Kamer vir Senior Burger @ R1 600 p/m Beskikbaar Onmiddellik 2 Slpk woonstel met privaat tuin in kompleks @ R4 300 p/m Beskikbaar 1 Des PAARL Nuut geboude 2 Slpk woonstel te Hoof Str Paarl, slegs 2 beskikbaar @ R5 200 p/m Beskikbaar 1 Des 1 Slpk dupleks woonstel met privaat tuintjie, Noorder Paarl @ R3 600 p/m Beskikbaar 1 Des

Wellington woonstel: R2 600 Berg 'n Dal. 1 Splk aan dubbelverdieping huis. Beskikbaar: 1 Desember 2013 Sonja: 082 891 8548

Sentraal Paarl: R4 600 1 Slpk woonstel met alle toebehore ingesluit. Beskikbaar: 1 Desember 2013 Elmarie: 083 273 5582

Noorder-Paarl: R2 500 Groot bachelors flat agter huis Beskikbaar: Onmiddellik Anneke: 083 461 8656


Huise te Koop Houses for Sale WELLINGTON: R630 000 Uitstekende koop, goeie area. 2 Slpk dubbelverdieping dorpshuis in sekuriteitskompleks. Omheinde tuintjie met braai. Graniet kombuis en 2 parkeerplekke. Sonja: 082 891 8545

DENNEBURG: R1 069 000 3 Slpk ruim familie woonhuis, 2 bdk, 1 motorhuis. Uitstekende prys, reg vir intrek. Pynlik netjies. Aloma: 082 829 5516

GOEDKOPER HUISE KOPERS/VERKOPERS. 1-Slpk-R145000& R185000;2-Slpk - R265000; 3-Slpk R345000 - Finansiering beskikbaar. Kontak 072 805 3574. HUIS te koop Wellington, Voorstraat 28, privaat koop geen agente. R780,000-00. Skakel 082 789 4865. RUIM 3-SLPK - Dubbel verdieping - R700000; 3-Slpk met motorhuis - woonstel vir ekstra inkomste - R680000; 2-Slpk. Woonstel - R480000; 2- Slpk groot erf - R370000; 3-Slpk - i.g.k. - motorhuis R480000. 073 421 3608. VANAF R419 000 - R539 000. 2 & 3 Slpk met i.g.k.; met stoof & oond. Slegs 12 geleenthede naby skole, winkelsentrums, vulstasie & hoofroete ts. Paarl & Wellington. Alle kostes ingesluit - kliënte het geen bydrae nie. 100% finansiering beskik. 1ste pmt: Jan 2014. Min beskikb. Walter: 082 922 4848 / Margie 082 586 2649. Ons soek huise in Van Wyksvlei, Groenheuwel, Newton ens. vir goedgekeurde kopers.


JLK Property Group WELLINGTON “Loft” een-slaapkamer woonstelle te huur beskikbaar 1 Nov 2013 Vanaf R3 400/maand Skakel Christie 021 862 6363

KOM BLY IN STYL. Lieflike huis teen Paarlberg Sentraal geleë, vir enkel persoon om te deel. Gemeubileerd met binnebraai, DSTV, swembad en skoonmaakdienste. Was en stryk ingesluit. Beskikbaar 1 Januarie 2014. R3300p.m. Kontak Paul 082 334 4473.

Huise te Huur Houses to Let 2 SLAAPKAMER huis, Wellington in Voorstraat 28. Onmiddellik beskikbaar. Geen diere en kinders. 082 789 4865. Vrykyk: R13 000 4 Slpk huis, 3 badk, 3 leefareas. Dubbel garage. Swembad. Beskikbaar: 1 Desember 2013 Anneke: 083 461 8656

NETJIESE 4-SLPK HUIS, 3 badkamers met braai kamer en motorhuis. R8800 + dep. Water ingesluit, koopkrag. Kontak Don 083 626 2232.

Paarl Post

Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

7 November, 2013 172

021 873 3400

Woonstelle te Koop Flats for Sale


PAARL 2 Slpk dupleks eenheid in kompleks te Bosch Str Noorder Paarl met privaat tuintjie @ R5 500 p/m Beskikbaar 1 Des Sentraal-Paarl: R13 600 3 Slpk, 3 badk. Dubbel garage. Beskikbaar: 1 Desember 2013 Anneke: 083 461 8656 Wellington Uitsig: R9 000 3 Slpk, 2 badk met dubbel motorhuis. Buitekamer. Omheinde erf. Beskikbaar: 1 Desember 2013 Sonja: 082 891 8548

FAMILY HOME to rent in Carletta street, Paarl, beautiful views over Paarl valley. 3 Bedrooms with b.i.c and 2 bathrooms. 3 Living areas and an open plan kitchen. Also has a swimmin gpool and double garage. Rent R14 000pm Excl. W&E. First month's rent + deposit. Available immediately. Credit check will be done on all applicants. Please email if yo u a re i n t e re s t e d :


Kerkstraat 12, Wellington

021 873 6363

HUISE TE HUUR WELLINGTON Studente woonstelle. Batchelors - R2 150 TOWNHOUSE SENTRAAL 2 slpk plus m/huis R4 780 5 Slaapkamer huis Beskikbaar 1 Januarie R9 600 HOOGSTRAAT 2 Slaapkamer W/stel Geen kinders R2 500 WELTEVREDESTRAAT 3 Slpk Beskikbaar 1 Jan 2014. R4 000 Kontak MBC Estates 021 873 6363

NORTHERN-PAARL: 3Bedr, 1-bath, kitchen, lounge, double garage. Avail 31 Dec 2013. R5000pm. 082 409 7855. ONVERWACHT WYNLANDGOED, WELLINGTON. 3-Slpk, oopplan siteetkamer, kombuis, gaste toilet, 2 badkamers, enkel motorhuis met oprit vir 2de motor, oopstoep met uitsig op berge. Loopafstand van besighede. Rustige, veilige, landelike omgewing met baie oop ruimtes. Toegangsbeheer tot woongebied. Ideaal vir kinders om vryelik rond te beweeg. Huur R7400p.m., Deposito 1 maand vooruit. Kort termyn huur sal oorweeg word. Skakel Piet 082 870 3964. SPLINTERNUWE 2-SLPK DUPLEKS. 150m². Sekuriteitskompleks. Beskikbaar 1 Desember. Skakel 082 721 6802. WELLINGTON. 2 Slaapkamer huis beskikbaar in sekuriteitskompleks. Bergen-Dal. R5500 + dep. Geen diere. Kontak Marinda 083 550 1425.

SENTRAAL-PAARL: R600 000 Atlanta woonstel. 2 Slpk, 1 bdk met binne motorhuis. Kort “TLC”. Elmarie: 083 273 5582

WOONSTEL TE KOOP R899 000 2 Slpk, 1 bdk, ruim leefarea met enkel motorhuis. Grootte: 90 m². Gesonde blok. Aloma: 082 829 5516

MODERNE KANTOOR EENHEID TE HUUR. Ontvangs, 5 kantore, raadsaal. Sentrale besigheids gebied. Sekuriteits parkering beskikbaar.

Skakel: 021 864 1011 / 084 94 111 44

RIVERSIDE W-STEL TE KOOP! Loop afstand van C- 400 Put Campus. 2 x slaapBetrekkings Gevra kamer, oopplankombuis/ Jobs Wanted sitkamer met badkamer. Sekuriteitskompleks. Binne parkering. R750000(o.h.b). DOMESTIC NEED GENENakkie Smit 072 253 1002. RAL/ HOUSEKEEP ING work. Phone 078 440 4445.


Kantore te Huur/ Verkoop Offices to Let/ for Sale Sentraal Paarl Kantore te huur: R6 750 3 Kantore te huur vir professionele persone. ± 100 m² Anneke: 083 461 8656

ERIZA is looking for domestic work. Call 083 316 5364. EXP DOMESTIC needs 2 days(Tue & Thurs). Ref number: 079 197 8359. Zameka 073 939 3602. EXP DOMESTIC worker is looking for work. 084 059 5957. EXPERIENCED GENERAL worker, looking for any job. Phone 074 938 8281.

AVON. Earn extra money. ONS BENODIG KASSIERE Sell Avon. Sms name & area (Voltyds) en (Tydelik - Slegs to 083 457 2684. Saterdae en Sondae), Stoorman asook Blokman wat aan die volgende COMPUTER MANIA is vereistes voldoen: - Min 2 looking for Sales Personnel jaar on- dervinding. for Paarl Mall with Betroubaar en eerlik. exceptional knowledge of Hardwerkend/vinnig/ goeie computer hardware & kliënte diens. - Bereid wees software. Email CV to: om skofte te werk. Bring asb paarlcv@computermania.c CV persoonlik in of epos

Established Beer Brewery outside Paarl looking for

staff to present beer tastings

weekends and during the holiday season.

021 863 2270

Experienced Kitchen Grillers, Barman and Waiters needed.

Gecko Lounge Wellington is in need of experienced Kitchen Grillers, Barman and Waiters!! Bring us your CV to 41 Main Rd Wellington.

TINA needs domestic work for 3 days (Tue, Wed & Fri) Ref nr: 084 215 7680. Phone KLAPMUTS SENTRA is op 083 499 7777. soek na betroubare Blokman. Met toepaslike ondervinding en raadpleegbare verwys401 ings. Doen persoonlik aansoek by Klapmuts Sentra. Algemeen

General Vacancies

ADMIN DATA WORKERS needed. For info sms name/address to 071 548 6944 or email to

PERSONEEL MET ondervinding benodig vir Gasvryheid Industrie, Retail en Vervaardiging. 377 Hoofstraat, Paarl. Kantoor van ProLimPo



KINDER ARK @ VAL DE VIE is looking for a dynamic, loving and experienced educator between the ages of 28 and 45 with the following attributes: • English speaking • Qualified as a Pre-School teacher • Must have an exceptional love for children

CHEQUE: The first-year Office Management and Technology Diploma students at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT) campus in Wellington, raised R12 668,40 for Huis Andrew Murray as part of their entrepreneurial fundraising day. Here they hand over the cheque to Johan von Wielligh (right), the head of Huis Andrew Murray.

E-mail your CV to

Volmaanpiekniek met aandmark


Glo jy aan die man in die maan of dat die maan van kaas gemaak is? Kom beskou die volmaan van nader vanaf die Taalmonument op Paarlberg by die tweede Volmaanpiekniek van die seisoen op Saterdag 16 November. Dié pieknieks is baie gewild onder plaaslike inwoners én oorsese besoekers, wat veral die sonsondergang en naguitsig van die vallei geniet. Besoekers kan ook uitsien na die eerste aandmark wat voortaan tydens die volmaanpieknieks aangebied word. Besoekers is welkom om hul eie piekniekmandjies saam te bring of een by Volksmond Koffiewinkel te bestel (021 863 2800). Volksmond sal tot om 22:00 oop wees vir koffie en ligte verversings. Besoekers moet onthou om flitse en warm klere saam te

Required for joinery and aluminium company. To start 1st Feb 2014. Must have at least 3 years experience, own transport and contactable references. Please fax CV to 086 403 0950. TYDELIKE a l g e m e n e werker/verpakker benodig met matriek, vorige ondervinding asook kontakebare verwysings. Wellington Industrieël. Stuur verkorte CV na 086 694 0776.

bring. Geen honde en vure word toegelaat nie. Veilige parkering is beskikbaar en toegang word beheer. Die toegangsfooi is R20 (R10 vir studente en R5 vir kinders, gratis onder ses jaar). Geen besprekings is nodig nie. Vir navrae oor deelname aan die aandmark, kontak die Vriende van die ATM by 082 493 9087 of e-pos Vir meer inligting oor geleenthede by die Taalmonument, skakel 021 863 0543/4809 of besoek ’n Fotografiewerkswinkel, waar deelnemers sal leer om stersirkels (star trails) af te neem, word ook tydens die November tot Maart sterrekykpieknieks aangebied. Bespreking is noodsaaklik by Amira Clayton by 021 863 0543/4809.


Paarl Post

7 November, 2013

OPGETOOI:Klein Aldric Tenten was Saterdag behoorlik opgetooi in ’n tradisionele Lederhosen, gereed vir die jaarlikse Duitse-basaar in die Paarl. NUWE SAMA PRESIDENT GE­ KIES: Catherine Snel, bestuurder van Erfenis en Opvoeding by die Afrikaanse Taalmuseum en -monument, is onlangs as president van die Suid-Afrikaanse Museum Vereniging (SAMA) ingehuldig. Sy sal vir ’n termyn van twee jaar dien.

LEESPROJEK: Windmeul Primêr is deel van Paarl Post se Adopt-aSchool-projek sedert Kaufie Kaufman (middel agter) hulle aangeneem het. Die leerders kry die geleentheid om die Paarl Post opvoedkundig in die klaskamer te gebruik. Met die leerders en Kaufman is gr. 7 onderwysers Owen Theunissen (agter links) en Lasala Mkhetsu (regs). Vir navrae oor die projek, bel Shaun Philander by 021 870 4600.

Boere trek saam by Agriworks Ekspo Die 4de jaarlikse Agriworks Landbou Expo vind hierdie naweek plaas by die Van der Stel Sportgronde. Die geleentheid sal weereens die plaaslike en breër boeregemeenskappe lok en die nuutste landbouprodukte, dienste, toerusting en masjinerie ten toon stel. Besoekers kan verwag om veral ’n wye reeks van die nuutste trekkers en meganisasietoerusting te sien. “Baie van ons uitstallers bied ook produkte en dienste vir terreinbestuurders, tuinboukundiges en onderhoudspanne aan. Ons verwelkom dus ook terreinbestuurders en opsigters van skole, gholfbane, openbare fasiliteite en sentrums om die ekspo by te woon” sê Chris de Klerk, die organiseerder. “Selfs die ywerige tuinier sal iets nuttigs hier sien”. Behalwe die nuutste landbou-implemente, apparaat en dienste, sal besoekers ook ander gebeure geniet soos die Alpaca- en Harley Davidson-optogte, ’n nuwe wyntuin met daaglikse vermaak, ’n nuwe arena met hondevertonings, trompoppieparade, kompetisies en demonstrasies en nog veel meer. Kindervermaak en helikopterritte is beskikbaar op Saterdag. Daar is selfs ’n sjef aangestel om vanjaar om te sien dat die kosaanbieding by die Expo van die hoogste kwaliteit sal wees. Kom geniet dus ’n gesellige middagete met ligte vermaak deur plaaslike kunstenaars. ’n Spesiale ontbyt word op Saterdagoggend aangebied in die vermaaklikheidstent. Dié met kaartjies vir die geleentheid sal vir onthoukok Marinda Engelbrecht van die TV-reeks Kokkedoor ontmoet wat saam met Craig Cormack ‘n heerlike ontbyt gaan voorsit. Kaartjies hiervoor kos R95 per persoon en is ook beskikbaar by Dit sluit die ontbyt en toegang in. Besoek vir meer inligting.

Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

Sport Nuus Sport News

Hoffman and Burger geared up for Paarl Individual Engen Cycle Challenge leaders Nolan Hoffman (Team Abantu) and Lynette Burger (Momentum Toyota) will look to seal their series dominance at the final event in Paarl. The challenge takes place on Sunday 10 November, with the starting point at Brug Street sportsfield. Hoffman took first place in Durban and Pretoria in the men’s individual category, while Burger has been the on-form female cyclist of the series. Hoffman has been in scintillating form all season, winning 15 times on the road already. He puts his remarkable effort down to great teamwork from Team Abantu, but there’s no denying that the sprint king is enjoying a sizzling season. He’ll be expecting more of the same in Paarl, which is close to his old stomping ground of Franschhoek. “A win in my home province would be great,” he says. “The confidence is up, while good support from the team has made it easier for me to be competitive this season.” Hoffman also acknowledges the prestige that comes with winning the Engen Cycle Challenge (ECC). “The Engen Cycle Challenge really focuses on the professional side of cycling, which makes this a series that guys want to win.” Burger, who did her first road race on a mountain bike (finishing third), will also be looking for a three-peat at the ECC in Paarl. The former South African and African road race champion will head to Paarl on the back of a strong Amashova Classic, where she finished second to An-Li Kachelhoffer. In the Team Series Category, it is still Team Bonitas leading and hoping to secure overall victory in Paarl. The young team will be led by Luthando Kaka, a previous winner of the Paarl ECC edition, but their hopes will be on the young Paarl talent, Clint Hendricks, to cross the line first on the day. The Engen Cycling village, at Brug Street, will also provide cyclists and supporters with a host of activities including, food stalls, complimentary massages, fun activities for youngsters and a number of amazing spot prizes. Cyclists can register in Paarl on Saturday, 9 November from 10:00 until 14:00 at Cyclelab in Paarl south. For more information visit

Paarl Post

7 November, 2013 SWEMPRESTASIES: Hierdie swemmers van Players swemklub het by die afgelope Freda Barnard Gala te Oudtshoorn 1 – 2 November uitstekend presteer. Verskeie swemklubs van regoor die Wes-Kaap het deelgeneem. Die medaljewenners is agter van links Darren Minnie, Dian van Niekerk (4 brons), Franco van Niekerk (1 goud, 1 silwer en 1 brons), Alex van Rooijen (3 goud en 2 silwer) en Emile Lutzeler (3 goud, 2 silwer en 2 brons). Voor hurk die swemafrigter, PP Roets.



Paarl Post

Sport Nuus Sport News

7 November, 2013

Sportdagboek . Sport diary RUGBY ) Evergreens-rugbyklub se algemene jaarvergadering vind Vrydag 8 November om 19:00 by Nieuwedrift Laerskool plaas. Vir verdere inligting bel mnr. Visser by 083 928 2298. ) Die algemene jaarvergadering van Young Gardens RFK vind plaas op Maandag 11 November by Paarlzicht Primêr om 20:00. Alle lede, oudlede asook nuwe lede is welkom. Daar is verskeie vakante poste wat gevul moet word. Kom in groot getalle sodat ons die nuwe seisoen op ’n hoë noot kan begin. Bel die voorsitter Mario Williams by 082 380 2680 of 021 870 1081 vir meer besonderhede.

) Albions RFK hou op 29 November sy bekeruitdeling by Stumps Boland Park. Kaartjies beloop R40 en dit sluit ’n ete en vervoer vanaf Groenheuwel in. Op 4 Desember hou die klub sy jaarvergadering aan huis van James Green. Alle lede en oudlede word gevra om asseblief hierdie vergadering by te woon. ) Young Standards RFK se jaarlikse bekeruitdelingfunksie word op Vrydagaand 8 November by die Paarl Sokkerklub gehou. Toegangsfooi beloop R10. Young Standards se 123ste algemene jaarvergadering word gehou op Sondag 17 November om 14:00 by Ebenezer Primêr. Alle oud-, huidige en nuwe spelers is welkom. Vir verdere besonderhede bel die se-

kretaris by 082 731 4879. ) Young Peoples Rugby klub hou op 11 November sy klub vergadering te Daljosafat Stadion om 19:00 Voorseisoenoefening het reeds Maandag begin. Alle ou spelers en nuwe spelers is welkom. ) Die Paarl-rugbykode se algemene jaarvergadering word gehou Woensdag 13 November om 19:00 by die Hugenote-gemeenskapsaal. Vir nadere besonderhede skakel 082 731 4879. ) Riverstones RFK se jaareindfunksie word op Vrydag 15 November by die Thusong-saal in New Orleans om 19:00 gehou. Toegang is R20. ) Hillcrest United Rugbyklub hou sy jaareindfunksie op Saterdag 9 No-

vember om 19:00 in die Wellingtonstadsaal. Koste beloop R120 per persoon. Dis ’n spoggeleentheid waar spelers vereer gaan word. ) Violets-rugbyklub hou op 8 November sy jaarlikse bekeruitdeling by Boland Park om 19:00. Die koste beloop R30 per persoon. Kontak 078 786 1999 vir meer besonderhede GOLF ) Rusoord-tehuis bied op 16 November ’n geldinsameling-gholfdag by Boschenmeer gholfklub aan. Borge wat die dag wil borg bel gerus vir Cheryl Peach van Boschenmeer by 021 863 1140 of bel vir Almarie du Toit by 021 872 1982. ) Join us for the Paarl Tourism Annu-

al Golf Day on 8 November at the Boschenmeer Golf Club. Cost per four ball: R2 000. This includes green fees, a light lunch and soft drink at the halfway house, followed by a scrumptious dinner, prizes and lucky draws and a trophy for the winning team. Phone Miranda or Ronel at 021 863 4046 or 073 708 2835 for more information. ROAD RACE ) The annual Klaas Maffa memorial roadrace takes place on 9 November at the Huguenot Monument in Franschhoek. The main race is 15 km, while a 5 km funrun is also available. For online entries log on to or contact Mike Fraser at 083 518 7272.

Off-road racing clubs join forces for fun-filled adventures for the whole family The Western Cape Off-road Club (WCOC) and Western Cape Junior Off-road Club (WCJOC) have joined forces to offer the whole family an opportunity to race together on the same day and have fun racing in off-road tournaments. The WCJOC is currently the only club in the country catering for children aged between 4 and 17 offering off-road racing for twowheeler bikes and quads on various tracks around the Western Cape (Caledon, Velddrift, Riebeeck West, Botriver, Ceres, Wellington

and Piketberg). The season consists of five club championship rounds where riders compete for the title of Club Champion. All you have to do is join either WCJOC or WCOC, both of which are Cape Town-based, to compete for this prestigious title. Tracks vary between 5 km for the 50 cc Bikes to 40 km’s for the open bikes (125 cc up to 250 cc) and offer a variety of terrain from sand, rocky, and riverbeds to veldt. 50 cc bikes ride for 60 minutes whilst 65 cc to 150 cc ride for two hours.

The seniors ride for three hours pushing themselves to the extreme, yet having fun at the same time. At the end of the race every competitor gets rewarded with a finisher’s medal and all junior competitors receive a sweetie bag to recharge their energy levels after the race. All racing takes place in a controlled environment and under the watchful eye of Motorsport SA. To start racing you need the following:

) Belong to a club – WCJOC or WCOC; ) Have a racing license (one event licenses should you wish to try it out first), a motorbike or quad, safety gear and supportive parents/friends/family willing to be your pit crew. Check out the website, or or find us on Facebook for more info. Contact persons: Clive Crouse 082 900 1334, Carol Wiltshire 072 233 7274 or Dave Gouws 083 667 7564.

Joshua Wollies takes a jump on his race-tuned quad bike. PHOTO: DAN DARRAH/GOPHOTO

ACTION: A brandnew netball court was unveiled this weekend at the Mbekweni Community Sport centre. An u.15 girls tournament was held to celebrate the new court. Nine teams from around the Boland took part. Pama High School (in blue) from Khayelitsha were overall winners.


PRYSUITDE­ LING: Tydens Roses United se jaarlikse prysuitdeling was die Springbok 7-ster Cornal Hendricks (links) die eregas. By hom staan Chris Davids (Maties- en Nedbankatletiekafrigter).

SENIOR SOKKER: Paarl Sokkerklub het ’n bo-35 sokker toernooi by die Boy Louw-velde aangebied. Hier speel Paarl teen Polisie. Die wedstryd het 0-0 geëindig. FOTO: ERNEST KILOWAN

Paarl Post

Sport Nuus Sport News

7 November, 2013

JONG ATLETE: Laer Meisieskool La Rochelle het weer hul jaarlikse Interhuis-Atletiekbyeenkoms gehou en selfs die klein Larries in gr. R het hul bes gedoen. FOTO: HEIDI NEL

HOTROD WENNER: Dylan Nel, ’n graad 10-leerling van Hugenote Hoërskool, presteer tans in stock car racing. Hy het die afgelope naweek deelgeneem aan die nasionale kwalifiserende ronde van die SA Kampioenskap in Brackenfell. By dié byeenkoms het hy ’n algehele tweede plek behaal in sy klas (Hotrods). Hy dring dan ook deur na die nasionale kampioenskap wat op 30 November in Bloemfontein sal plaasvind.


BLITSBAL: Hoër Jongenskool Paarl se eerste krieketspan het Saterdag ‘n groot slag geslaan deur Bishops op hulle tuisveld te klop. Bishops het eerste gekolf en is almal uitgeboul vir 165. Die Paarliete het toe 165/9 aangeteken en om die groot stryd met een paaltjie te wenh. Hier boul François Moller. Beste bouler van die dag was Andru Nieuwoudt met syfers van 4/28, en die beste kolwer Wian Gouws met 45 lopies.

ATLETIEK: Dié Larrie-atlete het met die louere weggestap vir skole met minder as 600 leerders by die Top-10-Atletiekbyeenkoms wat op Bredasdorp plaasgevind het. Angeline Smit (4de van links) is ook as beste hoërskooldogter aangewys, vir haar 37,17 m in die diskus vir dogters o. 15. Van links staan Stephanie Smit, Tanya Schuurman, Manilinde Maritz, Narieke van der Walt, Anastasia Pieterse en Joa Bloem. Afwesig was Carlyn Soenies en Sarah Krumbock. GIMNASTIEKSTERRE: Hierdie gimnaste van Wynland Gimnastiekklub het uitsonderlik presteer by die onlangse Suid-Afrikaanse Kampioenskappevir artistieke gimnastiek, vlakke 4-6, in Pretoria. Voor van links is Jasmine Howie (Vlak 5, SA-kampioen), Zani van Zyl (Vlak 5 medalje op balk), Liebe Rademeyer (Klas 2 Hoëprestasiee, algeheel 2e), Zoë Julies (Klas 2 Hoëprestasie, algeheel 3e). Agter van links is Kelly van Rooyen (Vlak 5, algeheel 3e), Amber Whatney (Vlak 6, silwer medalje op vloer), Amber Geldenhuys (Vlak 6, SA-kampioen), Sarah Sinclair (Vlak 4, algeheel 3e).

KRIEKET: Hierdie seuns van die Hoër Jongenskool Paarl is almal ingesluit in Bolandkrieketspanne. Agter van links staan, Gianni Lombaard en Milton Mackier, voor staan Manuel Rass, Wian Gouws en Daniel du Plessis. Afwesig was Marcke Cilliers en Darren Papier.

NAASWENNERS: Laerskool Courtrai het onlangs aan die Tygerberg NLK Atletiekbyeenkoms deelgeneem. Hulle het algeheel tweede gekom in die spankompetisie, waaraan twaalf kole deelgeneem het.

Paarl, Wellington, Franschhoek, Klapmuts, Simondium, Gouda & Saron


Donderdag, 7 November 2013

Voorheen die Afrikaanse Patriot | Tel 021 870 4600 | SMS 32363 | | | Bladsy 24

MILE SWIM: The annual Bridgehouse Mile swim took place at the Berg River Dam on Saturday. Contestants struggled as strong winds and icy water hampered their efforts. Here the junior 200 m and 400 m race gets under way. Despite the unpleasant conditions, more than 400 swimmers took part in this years event. The winners of the Elite wetsuit race were, Craig Emslie (18) with a time of 00:22:02, and Kate Roberts (30) with a time of 00:22:18. PHOTO: FRANS LE ROUX

Picturesque Run against abuse VERWOES: PaarlOos Krieketklub se tweede span het Saterdag teen Wellington gespeel. PaarlOos het die wedstryd totaal oorheers en 223 lopies vir die verlies van 10 paaltjies aangeteken. Wellington kon net daarin slaag om 116 lopies te kry. PaarlOos wen met 107 lopies. FOTO: FRANS LE ROUX

Vital Health Foods, in association with Run/Walk for Life WP Athletics Club, will host the fourth annual Vital Run in aid of the PATCH Helderberg Centre for Abused Children on Saturday 7 December. The event will once again be held at the Lourensford Wine Estate and about 4 300 enthusiastic finishers last year. This year, organisers hope to see even more people cross the finish line in order to surpass The picturesque Helderberg mountains is a the 2012 total of R47 000, which highlight for all the Vital Run/Walk particiwas donated to PATCH. pants. Participants are able to enter the 21 km run, 10 km run, 10 km walk Medals will be handed out to all or the 4 km fun run/walk. who finish within the cut-off time,

and you can expect some interesting surprises during the lucky draws at the prize giving. After completing the course, participants can enjoy the everpopular festive family market which boasts breakfast delicacies and tasters. The market is childfriendly. Participants can pre-enter online at before 22 November, or find entry forms inserted in the November issue of Runner’s World. Late entries will be accepted at the venue on the morning of the run between 05:00 and 06:15. For more information about the Vital Run, please contact the race organiser, Marie Barnard, on 021 852 8473 or 083 713 2858.

Paarl Central knock Maties over

DUIFKAMPIOEN: Die jong plaaslike wedvlug-duiweteler en kampioen Ruan Louw, (gr. 12 Hoërskool Gimnasium) gaan binnekort aansluit by Kitchenbrand Lofts in Johannesburg waar hy as Mark Kitchenbrand se persoonlike assistent asook die “Loft Manager” met die teël, wedvlugvoorbereiding van duiwe en verkope van duiwe en produkte behulpsaam gaan wees. Kitchenbrand Lofts besit internasionale hokke en gaan Ruan laat kers opsteek by hul Nederlandse en Duitse hokke. Hier gaan hy ook intensiewe opleiding ontvang oor wedvlugte en die genetika van wedvlug-duiwe. Hy gaan ook verskeie afrigtingsmetodes aanleer. Hy gaan intensiewe opleidingsessies in die volgende fasette bywoon: wedvlugte, teling (Kitchenbrands Lofts is in besit van meer as 500 broeipare), produkbemarking wêreldwyd (die Kitchenbrand Loft teel hul eie duiweprodukte wat reeds wêreldwyd versprei word) en bemarking vir die verkope van teelduiwe. Vir Ruan is duiwe sy passie en nou gaan sy stokperdjie binnekort ook sy beroep word.

The Central Region (Paarl) first team came up against the University of Stellenbosch (Maties) in the Boland Cricket Board’s Regional 50-over final at the Parys grounds on Sunday. Central won the toss and elected to bat first. They scored their runs slowly on a grassy wicket. The students bowled a very tight line and with some good fielding restricted the Paarl batsmen’s scoring rate, who really struggled with the bat and lost wickets regularly against their opponent’s tight bowling. Only two crucial partnerships for the 3rd wicket of 41 runs between captain, Tiaan Cloete and Imraan Nackerdien (44 – 4x4) and a 7th-wicket partnership of 58 runs between Godfrey Stevens (39 – 5x4), and Charlton Daniels (28 not out - 2x4) allowed Central to score 166/7 in their allotted 50 overs. J Phillips (3/37) was the students’ best bowler. The Maties’ innings never gained momentum as Hilroy Paulse (3/23) and Brendon Pretorius (2/29) annihilated the top order. Spin bowler Stevens (2/24) also added to the misery of the student batsmen. Only a last-wicket stand of 73 runs between J Serfontein (31 not out - 3x4) and C Raubenheimer (43 – 3x4; 2x6) prevented the students from suffering a humiliating defeat. Central beat Maties by 14 runs.

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