Paarl post 8 may 2014

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Paarl Post Voice of Drakenstein • Stem van Drakenstein

Donderdag, 8 Mei 2014

Prys: R6.00 | Volume 109

Voorheen die Afrikaanse Patriot | Tel 021 870 4600 | SMS 32363 | |




Britz murder

Test Centre woes

Roses wen derby­stryd

Four suspects appeared in the Paarl Magistrates Court last week in connection with the brutal mur­ der of police officer WO. Steven Britz during an armed robbery. PAGE 2

The problems at Dal Josaphat Test Centre continue with customers waiting up to two hours to renew their vehicle licences, due to an urgent shortage of staff. PAGE 5

Roses United en Wellington Rugbyklub het mekaar Saterdag op Pelikaanpark aangevat. Roses het egter die stryd gemaklik 31­14 gewen. BL.24


Peuter oorleef aanval deur veghonde DEVIDEAN MOSES Skrikwekkende oomblikke het verlede Donderdag afgespeel toe inwoners van Adriaanstraat, Paarl-Oos, moes toekyk hoe twee Amerikaanse veghonde (Pitbull terriers) ’n 16 maande oue peuter verskeur het. Dié voorval het voor die hek van Louise Francke se huis plaasgevind en is glo ook nie die eerste voorval in die gebied nie. Volgens ’n ooggetuie, Alicia Snyders, het Louise oudergewoonte vir die peuter, Haybré Dombas, by haar huis gaan haal. Louise het aartappels by Haybré se huis gaan koop en haar teruggeneem na haar huis, waar die kind gereeld gespeel het. Toe sy egter die hek van haar huis oopmaak, het die veghonde van haar vriend, Ben Esua, haar bespring, die kleintjie aan haar hare gegryp en die kind uit haar arms gepluk. Louise en Haybré het albei op die grond geval en onder die kake van die honde beland, vertel Snyders. Louise het lank met die honde gestoei om Haybré te beskerm. Dit was tevergeefs en een van die veghonde het Haybré se kop in sy bek beetgekry. Bure en omstanders het probeer help, maar volgens Snyders was die honde buite beheer.

“’n Onbekende man wat op die afskuwelike toneel afgekom het, het selfs met sy bakkie die honde probeer weg stamp, maar hulle wou nie ophou byt aan Haybré nie.” Uiteindelik is hulle gered deur Haybré se oupa, Elroy Adams, wat self sy arms in die honde se bek gedruk het om hulle te bevry en Louise het daarin geslaag om die kind in die bakkie na veiligheid te bring. Kommunikasiebeampte van die Kaapse Wynland Gesondheidsdistrik, Jo-Anne Otto, het bevestig dat al drie beseerdes by die Paarl-hospitaal opgeneem is met ernstige bytwonde. “Die 16 maande oue meisie moes verskeie steke in haar kop, gesig en voet kry, asook Elroy en Louise vir hul bytwonde. Louise sterk steeds in die hospitaal aan. Een van die honde is vandeesweek deur munisipale wetstoepassingsbeamptes verwyder, maar die ander hond is steeds op die werf. Die eienaar van die honde, Ben Esua, was nie tuis toe die Paarl Post navraag oor die voorval wou doen nie. Inwoners in die gebied het gesê dat veghonde hier gebruik word vir hondegevegte. * Two American Pittbull terriers have mauled a 16-month-old toddler and two adults who tried to save her. All three were admitted to Paarl Hospital.

’n Sestien maande oue peuter, Haybré Dombas, is deur twee veghonde in Adrianstraat, Paarl­Oos, verskeur en moes Vrydag 2 Mei ’n operasie ondergaan. Hier hou haar oupa, Elroy Adams, wat haar probeer red het uit die kake van die honde, haar vas. Hy is self in die voorval beseer. FOTO: DEVIDEAN MOSES

Man sterf kort ná diefstal ’n Vermeende dief het Sondag gesterf, kort nadat hy met gesteelde goedere betrap is. Die voorval het omstreeks 10:30 in Berg-en-Dalstraat, Wellington, plaasgevind. Alan Carollissen van AC Rottweiler-sekerheidsmaatskappy vertel een van sy werknemers was onderweg om ondersoek in te stel na ’n geaktiveerde alarm van een van hul kliënte daar naby, toe hy toevallig op ’n verdagte persoon afgekom het wat langs die pad met ’n paar sakke geloop het. Hy het verder ondersoek ingestel en afgekom op vier skootrekenaars, asook ander huishoudelike toebehore in die sakke. ’n Kerk oorkant die pad het toevallig uitgekom en van die kerkgangers het nader gestaan om vas te stel waaroor die onderonsie gaan. ’n Egpaar het die sakke herken wat in die verdagte se besit was en by nadere ondersoek ook die items daarin as hul eie uitgeken. Later is vasgestel dat ’n diefstal by hul huis in La Rochellestraat plaasgevind het terwyl hulle in die kerk was. Toe die sekerheidswag die verdagte boei, terwyl hulle gewag het op die aankoms van die polisie, het hy oënskynlik ’n epileptiese aanval gekry en op die toneel gesterf. Ashwill Jacobs, wat volgens die polisie voorheen weens diefstal met die gereg gebots het, het op die toneel gesterf.


Paarl Post

Nuus News

8 May, 2014

Nog inligting oor polisieman se dood ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN

) A local policeman apparently had a very narrow escape this week when attending to an accident scene on Du Toitskloof. He arrived at the scene after dark, in dire need of emptying his bladder. Stepping away from prying eyes, he stepped a little too close to the edge of the mountain, and literally while unzipping his pants, he slipped and tumbled almost 10 metres down the edge. He was however, saved when his bullet-proof vest hooked onto a tree stump. Needless to say, when he climbed back to safety, he was the centre of toilet humour. ) Die seisoene is besig om nou vinnig te verander. ’n Goeie teken hiervan is al die siektes wat hiermee gepaard gaan. Die afgelope weke is daar talle gevalle van maaggriep, waterpokkies en selfs Duitse masels aangemeld. Neem maar die vitamienes, die winter lê nog voor.

Britz (44) was Woensdag 16 April omstreeks loos. Sy vingerafdruk is op die misdaadtoneel 22:35 alleen aan diens in die aanklagkantoor gevind. Anele Pantsi (34), Khayalethu Waka (34) en Mlindi Mbaliso (33) is intoe hy deur drie mans, Vier mans het verlede week tussen ook in hegtenis geneem in wat vermoedelik ’n in die Paarl-landdroshof veren al vier het verlede Dinsdag rooftog was, oorval en skyn op aanklagte van die in die Paarl-landdroshof ververmoor is. Die rowers moord op ao. Steven Britz, skyn. het vyf vuurwapens wat Woensdag 16 April in die Die saak is uitgestel tot 12 Mei uit die kluis gebuit. Klapmuts-polisiekantoor in vir die formele borgtogaansoek. Volgens die Wes’n gewapende rooftog doodTwee van die vuurwapens Kaapse polisiewoordgeskiet is. wat tydens die rooftog gebuit is, voerder, lt.kol. André is intussen teruggevind. Traut, het lede van die Een van die verdagtes is ’n poEnigeen met inligting oor die Valke ’n 30-jarige lisiekonstabel en voormalige voorval kan die Valke se onderspeurkonstabel wat by kollega van die vermoorde ao. soekbeampte, ao. George Ainsdie Klapmuts-polisieSteven Britz. lie, bel by 0 082 522 1260 of 082 kantoor gestasioneer Moordvardagte en Nuwe inligting het ook verle463 8706. was, op 18 April in heg- voormalige kollega de week gelei tot die vonds van Ao. Steven Britz wat * Sedert die moord op Britz, tenis geneem. ’n polisieradio wat vermoede- by die Klapmuts­poli­ van die vermoorde is die Klapmuts-polisie aanklagDie geskorste speur- ao. Steven Brits, lik in die rooftog gebuit is. siestasie vermoor is. kantoor toe vir herstelwerk. Die konstabel, Patrick konst Patrick Ndevu. Die rowers het dit daarna in FOTO: Facebook kantoor is egter geskuif na ’n tyNdevu (30), was egter ’n dam buite Klapmuts gegooi waar dit Dinsdag deur polisieduikers gevind sedert Maart vanjaar afwesig by die werk en delike kantoor langs die aanklagkantoor. Dus is. Die polisie wou egter nie verder oor hier- pogings om hom op te spoor om ’n kennisge- het die telefoonnommer ook tydelik verander wing tot skorsing te oorhandig, was vrugte- na 021 875 8019/20. die nuwe inligting uitbrei nie.

Plakstuk Die Paarl Post Plak­vir­jou­Sak­kompetisie, waar lesers R1 500 kontant kan wen, ’n gratis intekening op Paarl Post vir ’n jaar en ’n R2 000­geskenkbewys van Vineyard Spar, se wenner is reeds aangewys. ’n Foto van die wenner sal in 15 Mei se uitgawe verskyn.

“Casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:7

KRUISIE GETREK: Die burgemeester van Drakenstein, Gesie van Deventer, het vroeg gisteroggend saam met haar man, dr. Johan van Deventer, en familielede, Lenie en Lenie van Deventer, hul kruisies gaan trek by Laer­ skool Slot in die Paarl. Meer as 120 000 mense sou gister dwarsoor die Drakenstein hul kruisies trek. FOTO: FRANS LE ROUX

EARLY VOTE: Voters descended on Amstelhof Primary School early on Wednesday morning to make sure they cast their vote for Election 2014. Many voters said that they prefer to cast their vote early so that they could enjoy the rest of the public holiday.


SKOUER­AAN­SKOUER: Politieke partye het Woensdagoggend nog probeer om die publiek se stemme te werf met hul kleurvolle stalletjies buite verskeie stemlokale in die dorp. Hier is die DA­ en ANC­stalletjie skouer­aan­skouer by Bet­El VGK in Groenheu­ wel. FOTO: LIEZL DAVIDS

STEMMERY BEGIN: Paarliete het sedert 06:30 Woensdagoggend voor die Paarl Stadsaal ge­ staan en wag vir die deure om oop te maak om vanaf 07:00 te kon stem.


Pipes mysteriously “burst” in Paarl­East Hundreds of voters awoke on Wednesday morning in Paarl East with no water, after numerous waterpipes mysteriously “burst” overnight. The areas affected were Chicago, Charleston Hill and New Orleans. The official report was that the damaged pipes were due to excessive water pressure overnight. But by Wednesday afternoon, mu-

nicipal workers were still scratching their heads as to the cause of the chaos. Only eight hours later was the water feed repaired. A municipal worker could not help but to comment that it was very strange that so many pipes were damaged on the eve of the 2014 National Elections.

Paarl Post

Nuus News

8 Mei, 2014

Life on the road with McLaren Circus LIEZL DAVIDS A big colourful tent, clowns with funny shoes, performers swinging high up in the air doing nail biting acts – it all tells you that the circus is in town. As a child, you may have dreamt of being in the circus, being able to do balancing acts on a rope, juggling and doing all kinds of “magical” tricks. For Jansen Grant from Australia, this dream became his reality. The dare-devil Jansen, known for his juggling acts and wheel of death performance, was basically born into the circus with both his parents

Jansen Grant in action.

as well as other family members being in the circus. “When I was very young, I started out as being a clown in the circus and since the age of 16 I’ve been doing the flying trapeze act.” He said being in the circus means being there 24 hours a day, seven days a week and travelling all year round. “For me this is probably the best life. I get to do what I love and I get to see so many amazing places and people. This is a lifestyle, not just a job.” When Jansen tries out a new act, he practises two to three hours a day, but when he gets the hang of things, his performance serves as his practise run. During last year’s tour in the Western Cape, Jansen severely injured his arm during his wheel of death act and which took six months to heal properly. But after the six months he was more eager to get back onto the wheel. According to Jansen it is difficult for him to get affordable medical aid or a life policy, as the premiums are very high. “I’ve been in the hospital more times than I can count. It is important that with my kind of acts, I make provision for when an accident happens.” Since he officially started to work in the circus, he has performed in ten different circuses, with McLaren Circus Show be-


The McLaren Circus can be visited at De Poort. ing his first international act. “Like any other job, there are ups and downs, but for me the good definitely outweighs the bad. Working and living with my other performers you also have to be professional and be able to separate work from your personal life. When you step into the ring you have to be professional at all times. You can’t exactly be having a fight with someone who is supposed to catch you in mid-air,” he laughs. Jansen said he tried to live a “normal” life, but it just did not work for him. “I left the circus for a while and lived in a nice big house, but it just

was not for me. I love my caravan. I can lie on the bed and easily reach into my fridge,” he smiled. He said that if his kids one day would like to be in the circus he will support them all the way, but the choice will be left to them as the case was with him. Being in the circus for so long, Jansen learned to do almost everything, from setting up tent and camp, driving trucks, to being the ring master. The only dream he still would love to become a reality is to be able to work with animals. ) The McLaren Circus can be seen at De Poort in Paarl South from 7 May to 11 May. The show times are

daily at 15:00 and 19:30. Besides seeing Jansen in action you can look forward to the likes of Miss Nikita from Australia on her heart stopping single trapeze, Miss To Yong with spectacular unicycle balancing acts, direct from the Chinese state circus, and amazing acrobatics from Kenya and Zimbabwe by the Velocity Boys. From Cape Town, on her rope act, is the lovely Miss Karen. Fire and fire limbo acts and clowns Little Alick and Mariska will have you in stitches. Tickets cost R80 (sides), R100 (middle) and R120 for the ringside. Enquiries: 082 747 5726 or

Twee nuwe reservoirs vir Courtrai beplan Drakenstein-munisipaliteit beplan om twee nuwe reservoirs op te rig bokant die bestaande Courtrai-reservoirs in Suider-Paarl. Die posisie van die beplande reservoirs is baie kritiek om twee redes: Eerstens moet die hoogtes van die reservoirs dieselfde wees as die bestaande reservoirs se hoogtes. Tweedens moet dit gekoppel wees aan die bestaande reservoirs en pyplyn-stelsel. Verskeie inwoners van Courtrai het vandeesweek hul kommer uitgespreek oor die beoogde konstruksie. Courtrai-inwoners is veral baie lief vir die dennewoud-bokant van hierdie woongebied teen die hange van Paarlberg.

Daar was hewige ontsteltenis ’n paar jaar gelede toe talle bome hier afgesaag is. Inwoners glo dat die woud deel van die buurt se karakter is. Die munisipaliteit het hierna belowe dat bome nie weer daar uitgekap sal word nie. Die ander bekommernis is dat die vergrote reservoirs die buitelugwaarde van hierdie gedeelte van die berg sal bederf. Dit is onder meer ’n baie gewilde terrein vir bergfietsryers. “Ongelukkig sal van die bome wat op die terrein van die beplande reservoirs is moontlik verwyder moet word,” het munisipale bestuurder Johann Mettler gesê. Intussen word verskeie toetse ge-

doen om vas te stel of die gebied geotegnies geskik is vir die bou van die beplande reservoirs. “ ’n Omgewingsproses is tans aan die gang waar lede van die publiek kommentaar kan lewer rakende die bou van die reservoirs, asook die posisie daarvan. “Die eerste fase van die openbare deelname het reeds plaasgevind gedurende Januarie en Februarie vanjaar. Lede van die publiek se kommentaar is gevra deur middel van advertensies in koerante (plaaslike en streekskoerante), asook briewe aan inwoners in omliggende gebiede van die beplande reservoirs. ’n Tweede fase van openbare deelname sal later vanjaar plaasvind,” het Mettler gesê.

Veediefstal op Klapmuts ruk weer handuit Veediefstal het die afgelope week weer lelik kop uitgesteek in die Klapmuts-gebied. Die Klapmuts-polisie se stasiebevelvoerder, kapt. Faith de Klerk, het gesê in die tydperk vanaf 1 Mei tot 4 Mei alleen is vier sake van veediefstal by die polisiestasie gerapporteer waarby 17 koppe vee betrokke is.

By Fynbos-plaas is 13 skape gesteel in een nag, by Groenfontein een skaap, by BKB een kalf en by Uitsig-plaas op die R44, is twee skape gesteel. De Klerk het gevra die publiek moet op die uitkyk wees vir verdagte voertuie wat langs veral plaaspaaie staan – veral in die geval waar voertuie se sitplekke uit-

gehaal is. Volgens haar word motors se sitplekke uitgehaal, juis om plek te maak vir die gesteelde vee. Enigiemand wat onraad vermoed of inligting het wat die polisie met hul ondersoek kan help, kan die landelike sektorbestuurder van Klapmuts-polisie, sers. McMillian Hignett, bel by 079 894 1245.

WIN WITH PAARL POST: Spend R30 or more on Thursdays between 17:00 and 19:00 and you will receive a free copy of the latest Paarl Post. This special offer expires on 15 May. New subscribers who subscribe to Paarl Post for a minimum of six months stand a chance of winning a whole pig, with compliments of Pork Deli & Farmstall in Klein Drakenstein. To have Paarl Post delivered to your doorstep each week costs R132 for 25 weeks and R285 for 50 weeks. This special offer ends on 9 May. For more information contact Shaun Philander at 021 870 4610 or email


Paarl Post

Nuus News

8 May, 2014

Protea­kleure wink vir Van Zyl FRANS LE ROUX Plaaslike krieketster Stiaan van Zyl (26) beleef tans ’n droomseisoen met die kolf. Sy volgehoue goeie vertonings moet hom sekerlik in die binnebaan plaas vir sy Protea-kleure. Van Zyl, ’n oudleerder van Hoërskool Boland Landbou, is van kleins af lief vir krieket en het op hoërskool uitgeblink. “Ek het op sesjarige ouderdom die eerste keer in die agterplaas krieket gespeel. Ek het in 2005 by Boland Landbou matriek behaal, waar ek gelukkig genoeg was om vyf jaar lank vir die eerste span te kon speel.” Van Zyl klop al ’n geruime tyd aan die Protea-span se deur. Hy het ’n uitstekende Sunfoil-reeks beleef. “Ek het gedurende die reeks goed gekolf. In ons finaal teen Highveld Lions het ek net 72 lopies gekort om die sesde speler ooit in die plaaslike reeks te wees wat 1 000 lopies in ’n seisoen kon kry.” In sy eerste beurt in die finaal kon Van Zyl slegs 5 lopies aanteken. “Om op 933 lopies te eindig was nie ’n lekker gevoel nie. Ek het gehoop op ’n tweede beurt wat daar toe nie was nie.” Om vandag ’n professionele sportman te wees verg baie deursettingsvermoë en opofferings. “Ons oefen bitter hard. Gewoonlik een keer per dag wat alles van die gimnasium, nette en veldoefeninge insluit. Ons moet net elke dag hard werk aan ons spel, altyd 100% gee. Om gesond te eet is ook belangrik.” Indien hy tyd kry vir ontspan, hou hy hom besig met ander buitelug-aktiwiteite. “Ek geniet kite boarding en hengel geweldig baie. As ek tyd kry vir televisie, kyk ek gewoonlik boks of Formula 1. My gunstelingplek om te ontspan sal seker die Karoo of Hermanus wees.” Soos by enige sportman is daar afrigters en mentors wat hom gehelp het om nuwe hoogtes te bereik. “Daar was baie spesiale mense wat oor my pad gekom het. Al my afrigters op en ná skool was belangrik. Shukri Conrad, wat my destyds sonder rede ’n plek in die Cape Cobrasspan gegee het, en my pa het my baie gemotiveer om hard aan my krieket te werk.” Van Zyl verkies die langer formaat van krieket. “Ek is mal oor toetskrieket, en as ek moet boul, sal dit seker regs wees met medium spoed.” Die jaar is nou eers in April, maar daar lê nog baie moontlikhede voor vir Van Zyl. “Ek kan moontlik by die SA toer na Sri Lanka ingesluit word of die SA A-toer na Australië. Dan is daar die Champions League in Indië of die toer na Zimbabwe wat ook nog binnekort plaasvind. Ek wag maar om te sien waarvoor ek gekies word.” Hierdie krieketman het hoë verwagtings vir sy loopbaan vorentoe. “Ek hoop om binne die volgende drie jaar ’n gereelde toetsspeler vir die Proteas te wees. In die buiteland sal ek graag graafskap-krieket (county) in Engeland wil speel, en om getroud te wees sal beslis nie seermaak nie.” * Local cricket star Stiaan van Zyl certainly has the SA Cricket selectors’ attention with his recent prolific form.

Stiaan van Zyl (26) klop al ’n geruime tyd aan die Protea­span se deur. Ons reken dis ’n kwessie van tyd voor hy die groen­en­ goud oor sy kop trek.

Paarl Post

Nuus News

8 Mei, 2014

Toetssentrum se probleme duur voort

Maande nadat hulle talle probleme beleef het, is die Daljosafat-verkeerstoetsentrum steeds so te sê lam gelê.

En die publiek voel dat as die probleme nie vinnig uitgestryk word nie, daar ernstige voorvalle van padwoede gaan plaasvind. Lede van die publiek het die afgelope paar maande steen en been gekla dat dit voorkom asof die verkeerstoetssentrum die afgelope paar maande nie meer ’n skakelbord het nie. Die klagte is dat hul telefone permanent tydens kantoorure onbeantwoord of beset bly. Vandeesweek het Paarl Post weereens hierdie klagtes op proef gestel, om self hierdie aanklag te bevestig. Maandag is die telefoonnommer van die toetssentrum vier keer geskakel en die nommer het die heeltyd beset gebly. Benewens hierdie bron van frustrasie staan lede van die die publiek soms tot twee uur en wag om hul motorlisensies te laat hernu. ’n Motorhandelaar van Wellington het vandeesweek gekla dat hy al jare hier besigheid doen, maar dat die diens nog nooit so swak

was nie. En vir Jan Publiek wat kantoorure werk is daar net nie twee uur in ’n dag oor om te gaan toustaan nie. Redes wat hiervoor aangevoer word is die feit dat daar ongevulde poste is, veral die pos van die voormalige verkeershoof van die toetssentrum, wat bykans ses maande na sy vertrek nog nie permanent gevul is nie. Ingeligtes vertel ook dat daar beslis ’n tekort aan personeel is, en dan is daar aanmekaar ’n personeellid óf op siekte- óf kraamverlof. Op navraag het Drakenstein-munisipaliteit aan Paarl Post gesê dat daar weens die tegniese aard van die transaksies en navrae soms langer wagtye vir diens as by ander punte is. “Daar word tans ook twee vakatures gevul en die onderhoude het reeds plaasgevind. Dit sal die aantal beskikbare klerke verdubbel. Ons verwag ’n volle personeelkomplement teen, 1 Junie 2014.” * Due to various problems such as Telkom line faults and lack of staff, the Drakenstein Test Centre in Dalkjosafat has for the last few months been unobtainable by telephone.

CARS COME CRASHING DOWN: A truck and it’s load of six brand new motor ve­ hicles where damaged when the driver of the truck lost control causing the truck to topple over on the R45 in Paarl south. The incident occurred at about 08:30 on Mon­ day morning when the driver of the truck, who was driving in the direction of Paarl, allegedly swerved for another vehicle. He then drove off the road, were the truck top­ pled. The vehicles were all destined for local motor dealerships in Paarl.


Fatal collision on Old Du Toitskloof Pass One man was killed and a woman critically injured when two cars collided head-on on the Old Du Toitskloof Pass on Sunday night. Exact details of how the collision took place are still being investigated, but police spokesperson Capt Louise du Plessis, said that shortly after 19:00 a Mazda Drifter bakkie was involved in a head-on collision with a Toyota Drifter bakkie. “It is alleged that the driver of the Mazda

Hier staan ao. Cliffie Walters in Chicago, Paarl­Oos, op die toneel waar ’n man se lyk vroeg Vrydagoggend 2 Mei gevind is. FOTO: DEVIDEAN MOSES

Man dood voor opslaan­hut gevind DEVIDEAN MOSES Die Paarl-Oos-polisie is dringend opsoek na inligting nadat ’n man Vrydag 2 Mei omstreeks 06:15 dood voor ’n opslaan-hut in Chicago gevind is. Volgens lt. Diana Linee, polisiewoordvoerder, is die oorledene Pieter Philander (44) van Gemsbok. “Met die SAPD se aankoms het Philander op sy rug dood voor die opslaan-hut gelê,” sê Linee. Die eienaars van die opslaan-hut het die Paarl-Oos-polisie na die toneel ontbied.

Die omstandighede rondom sy dood is nog steeds onbekend. Verder vertel Linee dat geen gemene spel op hierdie stadium vermoed word nie en ’n geregtelike nadoodse ondersoek is hangend. “Ons ondervind tans ’n afname van ernstige geweldsmisdrywe in die omgewing van Chicago en is dankbaar vir die plaaslike buurtwag wat met ons saamwerk,” sê Linee. Mense met inligting wat die ondersoek kan help kan konst. Hayden Maart by 021 877 5900 bel.


was driving in the wrong lane when the incident happened. The driver of the Mazda died on the scene, whilst the passenger was taken to hospital with serious injuries..” The driver and passengers of the Toyota, all from Kraaifontein, sustained no injuries. The identity of the deceased and injured persons are still not known. Police are investigating a case of culpable homicide.

KRISANTE BLOM OP WELLING­ TON: Wellington krisante­boer, Mar­ chell Rhode, pronk hier met sy pragti­ ge blomme wat ge­ reed staan vir van­ jaar se Krisante­ skou wat op 10 Mei in die Welling­ ton­stadsaal plaas­ vind. Die spreker vir die geleentheid is dr. Ernest Messi­ na. Toegangskaart­ jies is R10 en na afloop van die skou sal blomme te koop aangebied word.FOTO: FRANS LE ROUX


Paarl Post

Briewe Letters

8 May, 2014

Will it be a dawn of a new era? It will this morning still not be clear how the political climate has shifted as voting results will still be streaming in from across the country. Will Jacob Zuma be president for a second five-year term and will the Western Cape still be a DA stronghold? Every five years when the public has the opportunity to participate in the National Elections it is always very interesting to see what the general shift is in the public’s political alliances. There are no illusions that the ruling party will not be rendered the over all winner, but what will their national support have dwindled or gained? Has a lack of service delivery and corrupt politicians swayed voters in another direction, or are they still voting with their hearts and not their heads? These questions will soon be answered when all the voting results are tallied. What is important, and irrespective of what the final outcomes is, is that the powers that be learn from the election results and heed the public’s call for a government which will truly lead them out of poverty and despair. After all, that is what they deserve after 20 years of democracy.

Think positively and break your barriers “To stay alive, you need to have something significant yet to do.” I am often reminded of this phrase, one that I heard in a video about “Vision” years ago. Do you have a dream of something significant that you would like to do? Maybe you don’t even want to share it with people because they might think that you are crazy, or too old, or most common, that it is impossible. And what you believe is true unto you. If you believe it is impossible, it will be. Prov 18:21 says “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it shall eat its fruit.” Sixty years ago such a situation was the talk of the time. There was a barrier that people called insurmountable,yetitbecameanelusive obsession for all middle-distance runners: to run a mile (±1 610m) in less than four minutes. At that stage the Swede Gunder Hägg’s world record of 4:01,3 had already stood for nine years. One 25-year-old medical student from Oxford university, though, believed that breaking the fourminute barrier was not beyond his reach. Although a number of athletes during that time ran times of 4:04 and even 4:02, the elusive “dream mile” of less than four minutes still eluded them. And then, 60 years ago on 6 May 1954, Roger Bannister and five others lined up for the historic race on at Oxford’s athletic oval. When the race was over the stadium announcer did as announcers often do, by delaying the announcement of the time Bannister ran as long as possible: “Ladies and gentlemen, here is the result of event nine, the one mile: first, number 41, R.G. Bannister, Amateur Athletic Association and formerly of Exeter and Merton Colleges, Oxford, with a time which is a new meeting and track record, and which – subject to ratification – will be a new English Native, British National and World Record. The time was three...” (Wikipedia) The roar of the crowd drowned out the rest of the announcement.

Bannister’s time was 3 min 59,4 sec. And all of a sudden the impossible ...had become the possible. What most people don’t realise is that the greatest aspect of this breakthrough was what it did for others. Suddenly everybody who previously believed that a sub-fourminute mile was impossible, now believed that it was possible. Bannister’s record only lasted 46 days and within one year, 37 runners had also broken the fourminute barrier. Today a mile in less than 3:50 is called a “modern dream mile” and the world record is 3:43,13. Now they say the next barrier to break is 3:40. Impossible...? What’s your dream? Impossible? Or maybe ... not? The tragedy of cemeteries is all the unrealised potential and dreams buried there. Andrew Matthews in his book Follow your Heart, says the essence of positive thinking is not that it offers guarantees, but gives you your best chance of success. Some people say: “I think like I do because my life is a mess!” But perhaps it is rather a case of a person’s life being a mess because he thinks like he does! Want to realise that dream that you continually postpone to “someday”? What about changing “impossible” to “maybe” and then to “possible”. Why not start today? And the heck what others say. Once you succeed they will be the first to ask: “How did you do it?” because everyone admires success. Bob Buford in his book Finishing Well. reasons that if we plan to live our lives significantly, we should be able to look back on a good life, finishing well. The Apostle Paul may have had something similar in mind when he wrote in 1 Cor 9:26: “That is why I run straight for the finish line; that is why I am like a boxer who does not waste his punches.” Maybe sixty years after the first dream mile, it is time to polish up our own dreams. I believe that we all have something significant yet to do.

Paarl: Running like a well­oiled machine I have just returned from a business trip to various towns in the north eastern part of the country. And to sum it up briefly, I am still pretty much shell shocked. Towns that were once flourishing mining towns are in absolute shambles. Here in Paarl I often read of people complaining about little pot-holes in their street and so forth, but these residents should actually do themselves a favour and take a look what the towns look like up north. Some major roads are in such a state of disrepair that they are simply not accessible with a normal sedan vehicle. Centres of towns are

literally a rubbish heap, with weeks of rubbish just being swept into heaps and left to rot in full view of the public. Often for days entire towns are without water and electricity, basically due to lack of man-

agement by their municipalities. Not to talk about dysfunctional sewage systems. And to top it all, many of these municipalities are either bankrupt or near bankrupt due to mismanagement and self enrichment. Back in Paarl, I cannot help but sigh a breath of relief and once again really appreciate and cherish our town. We can only cross our fingers and hope that the running of this town, by whom ever it may be in the future, will continue like a well-oiled machine for many more years to come.


Die Paarl is pragtig en daar bly ook eerlike mense In hierdie dae waar slegte nuus hoogty vier, wil ek graag die volgende insident in die Paarl met u deel. Ek en my vrou het onlangs besoek aan die Weskus gebring by die Paarl “Mall”. Ons het daar koffie gedrink en is daarna terug na Ackermans om inkopies te doen. Weer by ons motor wou ons die motorwag ietsie gee, maar toe kom my vrou agter haar beursie nie in haar handsak is nie.

Terug na Ackermans waar ons baie vriendelik verwelkom is. Na ons ons situasie verduidelik het, het een van die dames ’n kluis oopgesluit, en daar was my vrou se beursie, veilig agter slot en grendel met al die kontant, bankkaarte ensovoorts net waar hulle was. Toe ons die verkoopsdame wat ons so spoedig en vriendelik gehelp het ’n beloning wou gee, het sy geweier.

Hierdie insident het my skoon hoendervleis gegee, want in hierdie dae en tyd is eerlikheid en goeie nuus so skaars soos hoendertande. Hierdieis’nwonderlikebeeldvan die Paarl wat my altyd sal by bly. Nie net is die dorp ’n pragtige plattelandse dorp nie, maar hiér is steeds eerlike mense. Wees dus trots op jul dorp en hul mense.


Almal welkom by ATKV se ‘Op ’n Stasie’­fees Na aanleiding van die berig oor Wellington-stasie en ook die Op ’n Stasie-fees net die volgende: Die Wellington ATKV is besig met die reël van die gemeenskapsfees ‘Op ‘n Stasiefees’ op 17 Mei 2014 oorkant die stasie met Wellington Wyne as gasheer. Tydens ’n vergadering is daar vasgestel dat die toestand van die stasie reeds deur betrokke partye aangespreek word vir die toekoms asook vir 17 Mei, wanneer die fees

plaasvind. Die ATKV het juis sy ontstaan in die spoorweë gehad en daarom sal ons graag wil sien dat die statige gebou weer herstel word. Op die betrokke dag sal daar onder andere ’n spesiale gereserveerde trein van Wellington na Paarl en terug loop, teen R10 reisgeld per persoon. Met die fees, wat onder andere die volgende bied: ’n wereldrekord kurktrekpoging, 151 F melktert,

stalletjies en nog baie meer, wil ons ons pragtige dorp bemark omdat ons so baie het om te bied. Hiermee nooi ons al die mense van Wellington en omringende dorpe uit om die fees by te woon. Die fondse wat hierdeur gegenereer gaan word, sal net so en met oorleg teruggeploeg word in ons dorp, om daarvan ’n beter plek vir almal te maak.


Pasop! Skobbejakke steek Paarliete se bande stukkend Ek wil graag die publiek waarsku dat dit lyk asof skobbejakke in die Paarl-middedorp mense se motorbande beskadig met ’n baie dun, skerp instrument. Verlede week het ek in die middedorp parkeer. Toe ek later by die huis kom het al vier my motorbande pap geraak. Toe ek by die bandhan-

delaar kom om die bande te laat herstel, het hulle vasgestel dat al vier bande met ’n baie dun instrument gesteek is, wat tot ’n stadige lekkasie gelei het. Die bestuurder het ook aan my gesê dat dit nie die eerste keer is dat hy kliënte kry met wie dieselfde gebeur het nie. Alhoeweldiegatekleinwas,moes

al vier my bande vervang word, al was hulle redelik nuut, met baie kilometers wat voorlê. Kan die publiek dus asseblief bedag wees oor sulke karakters wat hierdie soort misdaad pleeg en ook die polisie hiervan laat weet.


Paarl Post

Menings Opinion

8 Mei, 2014

SMS 32363 ) Wees gewaarsku teen pri­ vaat huiseienaars wat huise ver­ huur en nie wetgewing rondom verhurings nakom nie. Veral in Noorder­Paarl. ) Ek stem saam met E. Stuart. In Wellington by die voetoor­ gang regoor Spar, stap mense net oor die voetoorgang al is daar ’n knoppie om die ver­ keerslig te verander vir aanko­ mende verkeer. Dan het hulle nog die guts om motoriste uit te skel. ) Raymond Evans, Janeke Huisamen and JJ Huisamen, you are true HEROES!! I am so proud to know that Paarl still has such outstanding, amazing people like you!! What a beautiful self­ less act it was. May God bless you!! ) Drie mense verloor hul lewe tragies naby die Paarl. Dieselfde aand is die jaagduiwels in hul motors en op hul brullende mo­ torfietse nog steeds doenig in ons dorp se strate. Waar is ons wetstoepassers? G. Pauw. ) Ons Simondium­gemeen­ skap sê baie dankie aan die drie jong mans wat hulp verleen het aan die jong oorlede paar wat op die R44 gesterf het. Ons het dit baie waardeer. ) Kan die eienaar van OK Mi­ nimarket, Wellington, nie sy parkeerarea beveilig van bede­ laars, soos wat die ander win­ kels reeds doen met streng seku­ riteit ensovoorts! Dis elke keer ’n steurnis om daar inkopies te doen met lasposte wat opdrin­ gerig is!

) Die skaatsplank­bendes het geen respek vir Paarl se historie­ se geboue nie. Versoek mens hulle vriendelik om te gaan, moedig ander hulle selfs aan om te bly skade doen. ) Uiteindelik! Geluk aan diege­ ne wat Xhosa verpligtend vir leerders in al ons Kaapse skole wil maak! Dis wat ek visie noem. Wat van die opvoeders ook? ) Baie dankie vir die spoedwal­ le in Paarl se Hoofstraat. Dit keer dalk ’n paar jaagduiwels wat geen respek het vir ander of hul eie lewens nie. En dit is nie net ’n klaery nie, mense sterf weens onverskillige bestuurders. ) If a person, any person, wants to remain anonymous when writing something positive in this slot, it is not a sign of cowardice. Braveheart. ) Dis wonderlik om te sien hoe Afrikaanse mense skielik oor­ nag verengels het. As jy wil En­ gels praat doen dit ordentlik en leer dan jou kinders ook die taal reg. Dis om van skaam te word as ek hoor hoe mense Engels praat wanneer jy duidelik kan hoor die persoon is Afrikaans. Spaar tog jouself en jou familie die verleentheid. ) Thanks to all Boland Umpires who made the tour to SWD pos­ sible. You guys really rocked. Exco. ) Baie Dankie vir die verkeers­ lig by Diemersfontein op Jan van Riebeekrylaan met ’n verkeers­ pyltjie. Newton­afdraai sal ook moet aandag geniet, want vrag­ motors ry te veel oor rooi lig.

Speed­humps: A step in the right direction Although the past week has been a bit of a bumpy ride in Paarl north with the new, rather large speed-humps, which have been built in Main Road at Gimnasium High and just before Optenhorst Street, I would truly like to thank the municipality for this. As we all know, this piece of road has claimed many lives in the past few years. Unfortunately, there have to be more such speed-humps, es-

pecially towards Long and School Streets and the pub at the end of Paarl, were much galavanting takes place over weekends. But at least the three new humps are a step in the right direction in combating the slaughter on Paarl roads. And hopefully some drivers will now keep to the speed limit.


Kom help met Jan Phillips­bergpad Jare al, as ons terugkom van vakansie doer in die Namibiese Kalahari, dan weet jy wanneer jy in die Paarl is – jy skud skielik deur die gate en knoppe op die slegste stuk pad van al die 1 200 km wat jy gery het. Maar hierdie keer, toe ons verlede week terugkom, toe ry ons op ’n seepgladde pad die dorp in. Watter verligting, watter heerlikheid. Toe gee ons glad nie om dat met die uitry drie weke gelede, ons die eerste stop en wag vir padwerke, al op die hoek van Skool- en die Hoofstraat in die Paarl gekry het nie! Dis nou nie te sê dat elke pad in die Paarl volpunte kry nie, maar dit maak nie saak nie. Solank daar ’n poging aangewend word om die ry-oppervlak en die

sypaadjies meer motor- en mensvriendelik te maak, behoort ons almal dankbaar te wees. Mag ek nou vra dat die groot vragmotor met die vriendelike werkspan en die baie swart teer hulle neus in die rigting van Jan Phillips-bergpad (suid) draai? So 50 m van die Hoofstraat, net voor die eerste draai, is daar ’n paar vreeslike gate. Dis so erg dat mens beslis met die volgende goeie reën daar sal kan visvang. Dis so erg dat elke fietsryer die gevaar loop om sy of haar binnegoed uit te skud en so dat elke motor sy onderdele kan verloor. Asseblief, noudat Hoofstraat so mooi lyk, kom kyk bietjie hier na ons bergpad.


) Absa Paarl Mall het vir my en my man baie geskok en boos gehad op 25 April. Kan nie glo dat my man soos ’n hond weggewys was nie. Hy het geld getrek by die OTM en toe sluk die masjien sy kaart in. Omdat dit die eerste keer is dat so iets met ons gebeur het, wou ons toe hulp vra by die personeel in die bank. Die bank was wel al toe, maar daar was nog kliënte binne asook personeel. Toe my man die manspersoneellid roep om hom net raad te vra, waai hy sy hand om te sê my man moet gaan. Ek is in die retail-bedryf en sulke diens het ek nog nooit teëgekom nie. Dat daai persoon nie net kon sê wat ons te doen staan nie is baie swak! Absa het definitief nog twee jarelange kliënte verloor. M&M. ) ThestaffofMrPriceClothinginthe mall are very unprofessional. It wasn’t the first time I was in the store and staff members were arguing with each other

so loud and with a shop full of customers! ) Is baie teleurgestel in Mr Price Paarl-middedorp se werkers. Hulle diens is sleg en hulle is onbeskof, beledigend, vernederend en te ongeduldig met hulle klante. ) Ek wil net vir Paulene dankie sê vir haar vriendelikheid en wat so mooi met die bejaardes werk by die 10-item till by Pick n Pay in Paarl Mall. Sy is altyd vriendelik en jy voel somer lekker as jy by haar till betaal. Mev. Nel. ) Bonita Lolwane, FNB Paarl, baie dankie vir puik diens. Jy is ’n aanwins vir FNB. ) Baie dankie aan die uitstekende diens wat Paarl-Oos behuisingskantoor


se kredietbeheerspan lewer aan gemeenskap. ) Ag nee Game Paarl – in vandag se tyd wanneer sales so swak is, moet jy elke kliënt behandel of hy/sy jou enigste kliënt is. Ek wag nou al twee maande vir seatcovers wat hulle adverteer en nooit in stock het nie. Die mooiste van alles is hulle neem kontakbesonderhede, maar kontak jou nooit. ) Baie dankie aan Auto Nantes, PG Glass en BIS Brokers vir jul puik diens. Julle is uitstekend en super efficient! ) Hiermee wil ek my opregte dank uitspreek teenoor dr. Stallman, suster Theart en die personeel van die dagsaal van Paarl Hospitaal vir wonderlike diens met my oogoperasies. Ook aan die Lions-klub wat my laaste operasie geborg het. Dit word opreg waardeer. Katryn Botha. * Hierdie is lesers se kommentaar en nie die mening van die Paarl Post nie.


Paarl Post

Nuus News

8 Mei, 2014

GRYPDIEWE ) Handsakdiewe is steeds woelig in die Paarl-middedorp. Verlede Dinsdag was ’n bejaarde vrou in Newstraat die jongste slagoffer van ’n handsakdief. Sy is in die voorval op die grond gegooi en het ’n kopbesering opgedoen. Pogings deur die publiek om hom vas te trek was nie geslaagd nie. Hy is deur een jongman by Lady Greystraat afgejaag, maar hy het agter Shoprite by die taxi-staanplek verdwyn. Die polisie waarsku dus die publiek om uiters versigtig te wees met hul waardevolle besittings in dié gebied. ) Early on Saturday (3 May) morning, a woman was returning home from work at approximately 04:30 when she was approached by four men on the Lady Grey Street Bridge. One suspect threw her on the ground and grabbed her cellphone. The suspect, Enrico Samuels, alias Leroy Davids, was arrested and appeared in the Paarl magistrate court. VANDALISM ) On Sunday evening 4 May, the window of a business in Lady Grey was broken and various clothing items were stolen. Athletic shoes and rugby shirts were among the clothing items which were stolen. No suspects have been arrested. DRUGS ) The Paarl Police made nineteen arrests for the possession of drugs over the past weekend.

GESOEK:Op 14 April, omstreeks 15:00, het twee inbrekers helder oordag toegang tot ‘n huis in 2de Laan, Wellington, verkry, min wetende dat die buurt bewaak word deur oplettende bure en parate inwoners. Skaars oor die muur of die selfaangestelde “crime watch” het oorgegaan tot aksie. Soos wafferse speurders en saam met die SAPD is een van die verdagtes binne minu­ te aangekeer met van die gesteelde goede­ re in sy besit. Die tweede verdagte is ge­ identifiseer en binne ‘n week aangekeer, maar ongelukkig is die ander gesteelde goedere steeds soek. Beide verdagtes het reeds in die hof verskyn. ‘n Juweelkissie van Italiaanse houtwerk (soortgelyk aan die foto hierbo) is steeds soek. Dit is skaars en uniek en kan maklik uitgeken word. Dit word opgewen en speel die deuntjie “Come back to Sorento”. Die eienaar het dit as ‘n geskenk van haar ouers ontvang en die sentimentele waarde daarvan oorskry die randwaarde. ‘n Wit ipad mini is ook in die proses gesteel. Enigeen wat op die goedere afkom bel asb. S/Sers. Kariem by Welling­ ton speurtak kontak by 021 864 9600.

ATM safety tips The police have warned the public to be extremely cautious when withdrawing money from ATMs. This is due to people regularly falling prey to scamsters at ATMs. Here are some tips for safe use of ATMs: • Look out for suspicious-looking people before you approach the ATM. • If the ATM seems to be faulty, cancel the transaction immediately. • Always shield the keypad with your hand when entering your PIN. • Some crooks pose as bank staff members, and will offer to help you. Remember that a bank staff member will never ask for your PIN number, nor offer to help at an ATM. • Never write down your PIN or disclose it to anyone. • Reduce your daily credit limit.

Paarl Post

Wellington Nuus Wellington News

8 Mei, 2014


Probleme met fabriek uitgestryk JOHAN NEL Die verwoede stryd wat reeds vyf jaar tussen ’n Wellingtonse fabriek en die bewoners van huise in die onmiddellike omgewing van die fabriek gewoed het, is uiteindelik vreedsaam opgelos. “Ek kan dit amper nie glo nie, alles waaroor ons so lank gekla het, is uiteindelik uit die weg geruim,” sê Helena Jordaan, die huisvrou wat jare lank onvermoeid namens die omliggende huiseienaars die bestuurspan van Boland Pulp probeer oortuig het dat die lawaai en die besoedeling wat deur die fabriek veroorsaak word, ontoelaatbaar hoog is. Volgens Fernando Lage, die eienaar van die fabriek, was die stryd van die afgelope vyf jaar nie maklik nie. “Ons het die fabriek te alle tye binne die toelaatbare perke probeer bedryf. Die perseel waarop ons dit bedryf is ’n wettige nywerheidsperseel. Die masjiene wat ons gebruik kan uiteraard nie hul werk stilweg doen nie en die roet wat deur die skoorstene afgeskei word, het ons voortdurend binne perke probeer hou. “Ons word egter, anders as in die geval van die meeste ander fabrieke, deur woonhuise omring en dit maak sake baie ingewikkeld. Miskien moes die perseel nooit deur die owerhede as fabrieksperseel verklaar gewees het nie. Maar dit het gebeur en toe ek ’n pulpfabriek wou oprig, het dit nie alleen aan alle vereistes vir so ’n fabriek voldoen nie, dit was ook bekostigbaar. Ons het die fabriek in bedryf gestel en moes die beste van ’n slegte saak probeer maak terwyl die fabriek blitsvinnig begin groei het.” Die oomblik toe die fabriek vyf jaar gelede in bedryf gestel is, het die klagtes begin in-

stroom: Die fluitgeluid van die toerusting wat die vrugtesap onttrek het die omliggende huisbewoners uit die slaap gehou; die masjiene wat die leë kratte wegneem maak te veel geraas; die hoë toring blaas ’n fyn; pikswart roet oor die huise uit, en des meer. Diebestuurvandiefabriekhetkennersingeroep om die toerusting stiller te laat werk, die toerusting is verander om minder roet uit te stoot en die kratte is stiller rondgeskuif. Maar die klagtes het bly instroom: Die vragmotors wat die vrugte by die fabriek aflaai staan die strate vol en trap die randstene flenters, die swart roet is nog steeds te veel en die gefluit van die masjiene is steeds te hard. Volgens Albertus Buckle, die stadsraadslid in wie se wyk die fabriek geleë is, kan die feit dat die probleme uiteindelik suksesvol opgelos is, aan goeie kommunikasie toegeskryf word. Lage en sy bestuurspan was volgens Buckle te alle tye bereid om na die klagtes te luister en om oplossings te probeer vind. “Die bestuurspan van die fabriek het sonder ophou na nuwe oplossings gesoek en uiteindelik die feitlik onmoontlike vermag deur die toerusting in die fabriek so te verander dat die klagtes bevredigend opgelos kon word. Dit het hulle vermag terwyl hul fabriek besig was om met rasse skrede te groei. “Hulle het nie alleen vrugtesap in groot maat onttrek nie, maar ook nuwe produkte ontwikkel wat vinnig besig is om in gewildheid toe te neem. Vir die vrugteboere rondom Wellington is die fabriek besig om in ’n belangrike afsetgebied te ontwikkel.” Volgens Helena Jordaan het feitlik elke huisbewoner wat oor die afgelope vyf jaar van die petisies onderteken het waarin daar oor die fabriek gekla is, in die nuutste te kenne gegee dat hul klagtes uiteindelik iets van die verlede is.

ROLBAL LIGA WENNERS: Die jaarlikse rolbal besigheidsliga op Wellington is vanjaar deur ‘n nuwelingspan gewen. Die span van Visual Graphix het die NTT Volkswagen­span in die eindstryd geklop. Visual Graphix sal later vanjaar Wellington in die Boland Rolbal Besigheidsliga verteenwoordig. Die wenspan is (van links) Peter Furnes, Margie Jardine (spanbestuurder), Paul Furnes, Phillip Jonston (van Sanlam en skenker van die trofee), Carin Furnes en Andre Wessels.

TAWWE FIETSWEDREN: ’n Groepie Wellingtonners het die afgelope naweek deelgeneem aan die moordende Trans­Karoo­wedren vir bergfietse wat oor 240 km tussen Ceres en Su­ therland gehou is. Op die foto verskyn van links Riaan Senekal, Christopher Droomer, Fritz Otto, Andre Gilliland, Chris Swart (van McCarthy Toyota wat die Wellingtonners geborg het) en T.C. Botha. Botha het volgens die organiseerders feitlik die onmoontlike vermag deurdat hy 200 km vanaf die eindpunt geval en sy skouer ernstig beseer het. Hy het nietemin die wedren saam met die res van sy spanmaats voltooi. FOTO: JOHAN NEL

Le Bliquy uitstalling by Bo­Vlei­kelder Die kunsskilder Leon le Bliquy se solo-uitstalling wat bekend staan as Die Narre, word om 16:00 op Vrydag 9 Mei in die proelokaal van Bovlei-kelder buite Wellington geopen. Die uitstalling, wat deur die Breytenbachgalery van Wellington aangebied word, word

deur Lydia de Waal geopen. Dit vorm deel van ’n reeks kunsuitstallings wat tans gereël word om uitstaande kunswerke en die kuns van Wellingtonners om goeie wyne te maak, op ’n unieke wyse byeen te bring.


Paarl Post

Nuus News

8 Mei, 2014

Emergency Centre moves temporarily Due to building renovations at Mediclinic Paarl, the Emergency Centre will temporarily move to the opposite side of the hospital.

Should you need to visit the Emergency Centre, please check the signage when entering at the main entrance.

Given us this day our daily bread LIEZL DAVIDS The Drakenstein Food Centre in Paarl, under the Monte Christo Miqlat umbrella, are proud to announce that their fresh-baked bread range, With love, Jamie, is now available on the shelves at a supermarket in Wellington. This big venture, a first for the Food Centre, whose bakery is their main source of income, will soon be spreading out to other shops in Drakenstein. The Food Centre, which opened in May 2008, feeds an average of 1 150 people daily and have the capacity to produce 10 000 meals per day. According to Leandri Line, community nutrition manager at the centre, this venture would not have been possible without the help of their sales representative Leigh Botha and FAB designs, HVR Enterprises and Kaap Agri Pakmark Paarl who helped with the design of the With love, Jamie label, printing and packaging. With love, Jamie is available as white and brown bread and can currently be bought at Wellington Spar. “This venture means a lot to us. Wellington Spar is now one of our biggest clients to which we supply bread.” Line said that their bread orders have almost doubled in figures since last week. “The team is very excited about all the new orders and everyone is willing to put in extra hours so that we can deliver on time.” The CEO of Monte Christo Miqlat, Aletia Grundling said that with Wellington Spar, as the first on board,

Here with the newly­named With love, Jamie bread range are, left, Deon van Rensburg (HVR Enterprises), Leigh Botha (sales representative), Leandri Line (Community nutrition manager at the Food Centre) and Wellington Spar owners Andriesa de Bruyn and Rudolf le Roux. PHOTO: LIEZL DAVIDS they are committed to the goal of getting more partners in the Drakenstein on board and through this, helping a lot more children in the area. To make their dream of 10 000 meals a day a reality, they need readers’ help. Members of the public can pre-order meals, sandwiches, bread, hamburgers and hotdog rolls, muffins, rusks, scones, snowballs and soup at very affordable prices. They also run a Feed a Child Every Day programme and through this bring meals to children during the school holidays with the help of other partners. They also have the Targeted Feeding programme in Mbekweni, a joint

initiative with the Department of Social Development, in which the local clinic informs them of patients who need meals. “Our dream is to manage a sustainable organisation (Monte Christo Miqlat) from the money the bakery generates and to serve the Drakenstein community,” Line said. Anyone interested in buying baked goods can phone 021 868 2251 from 08:00 to 17:00, Mondays to Thursdays, and from 08:00 to 14:00 on Fridays. Anyone who would like to make a donation can phone Leandri Linde on 021 868 2251. For information visit

Nuus News MOEDERSDAG MET SUSANNE EN HAAR KROOS: Moedersdag gaan Sondag dwars­ oor die wêreld gevier word, daardie dag wanneer kinders van alle ouderdomme hul moeders loof. Bekende Wellingtonse restaura­ teur, Susanna Tecklen­ berg van Oude Wel­ lington Restaurant, sien daarna uit om Moe­ dersdag saam met haar vier dogters te spandeer. “Moeders­ dag is vir ons ‘n dood­ gewone dag sonder enige fieterjasies, soos enige ander dag van die jaar. My girls hou van als wat lekker en eetbaar is, nes hul moederlief. Goeie kos, samesyn, lag en baie gesels, is alles deel hiervan. Moedersdag gee vir ons weer kans om sensitief te te raak oor dinge wat na aan die hart lê en geheimpies met mekaar te deel soos net girls dit kan doen. En om die tafel te kan sit en ons trommeldik te eet. Tyd saam is vir ons kosbaar, want ons kry min kans om almal opeens saam te wees met mams se res­ taurant wat al die aandag kry. Wanneer hul kans kry, spring hul ook in om te help. Moe­ dersdag is vir ons vyf girls spesiaal vir een goeie rede: Om saam te kan wees! Geseënde Moedersdag aan al die mammas.” Hier is Susanna (naasregs) saam met haar kroos girls,van links, Lucinda 25, Lise 29, Nikita 19 en Alechandra 14 (heel voor).

Stuur jou Moedersdag foto’s vir ons As jy en jou gesin Sondag saam Moedersdag vier, neem ’n kiekie en stuur dit vir ons. Paarl Post gaan ’n spesiale fotogalery op ons webtuiste skep waarin lesers hulde bring aan hul ma,s. Stuur dus jou Moedersdagfoto’s saam met die name van die ma’s en oumas op die foto (en die kinders en kleinkinders s’n natuurlik), en ’n kort beskrywing van waarom hulle so besonders is. Ons publiseer ook ’n paar van die foto’s op volgende week se sosiale blad. Gaan gerus na, klik op die “Upload your photo”-skakel en vul die elektroniese vormpie in. Dit werk amper soos Facebook, so niks nuut nie. Ons hoop om binnekort jou foto op ons webwerf te sien!

New winter opening hours for Drakenstein libraries As of 1 May all libraries in the Drakenstein municipal area have new operating hours for winter. Libraries will no longer be closed on a Wednesday morning. The winter operating hours for Paarl, Drakenstein and Wellington readers start on 1 May and end 31 August and will be as follows: Monday to Thursday 09:00-18:00 and Fridays from 09:00-17:00. The operating hours for Gouda, Saron and Groenheuwel libraries are as follows: Monday to Thursday from 10:00-18:00 and Friday from 10:00-17:00. Mbekweni library operating hours: Monday to Thursday from 09:00-18:00 and Friday 09:00-17:00. Libraries operating on a Saturday are open from 09:00-12:00. Gouda and Groenheuwel libraries are closed on Saturdays. For information call the LIS office 0 021 807 6062 or 021 807 7702.

Paarl Post 8 Mei, 2014



Paarl Post

Nuus News

8 Mei, 2014

Ondersteun Tekkie Tax hierdie maand Tekkie Tax 2013 het alle verwagtings oortref deur R 2,4 miljoen in te samel. Meer as 180 plaaslike welsynsorganisasies het daarby gebaat en alle gelde is gedurende November 2013 verdeel. So watter sektore het naaste aan die publiek se harte gelê? 34% van die deelnemers het ’n C-plakker gekies, wat kinders verteenwoordig, so kinders was die sektor wat die meeste ondersteun is. Die organiseerders van hierdie veldtog, The Marketing Team, het oorweldigende terugvoer van dankbaarheid ontvang omdat hulle so ’n eenvoudige en lae-risiko geldinsamelingsveldtog begin het. Bev Seabourne van Highveld Horse Care

sê: “Uiteindelik is daar ’n nasionale geldinsamelingsprojek waarby diere ook kan baat en ons is dankbaar om deel te kan wees daarvan. “Ons diens aan perde en donkies help egter veel meer as net die diere want ’n gesonde perd of donkie sorg dat daar ’n inkomste is, kinders kan skool toe gevat word en water en steenkool kan aangery word. Lank leef Tekkie Tax,” maan sy. Hierdie jaar bied die Tekkie Tax-span jou weer ’n geleentheid om te wys waar jou hart lê op Vrydag 30 Mei. Die publiek word gevra om ’n Tekkie Tax plakker aan te skaf teen ’n donasie van slegs R10.

SAFARI RUN: The 2014 Safari Half Marathon took participants on a challenging but scenic run/walk through the Cape Winelands on Thursday 1 May. This annual race, in its 27th year, started and ended at the Huguenot High School in Wellington. Executive Mayor Gesie van De­ venter shot the starting gun at the marathon, with 10 00 entrants waiting around her, eager to hit the road. PHOTO: LISE BEYERS

Informal trading boosted On 29 April eight finished informal trading spaces were handed over to beneficiaries at Van der Poel’s Square in Paarl. On the same day a sod-turning ceremony was held at Wamkelikile Business Hive in Mbekweni, where the first nine closed trading spaces are in the process of being built. The trading spaces at Van der Poel’s square and the Wamkelikile Business Hive will provide traders with an opportunity to trade throughout the year, irrespective of the weather con- Mayor Gesie van Deventer turning the first sod of the ditions. The Arendsnes Infor- Wamkelikile Business Hive in Mbekweni. mal trading hall has also been established and will come into operation ism, but ensure that it is done in an organised soon, providing an indoor market for Wel- and legal manner. Cape Town city centre has lington’s informal traders. Toilet and park- illustrated how successful this can be.” The stalls at Van der Poel’s Square were ing facilities have been created and there will also be security. The traders behind Shoprite done in accordance with the Council’s Inforwill be next in line for similar structures. mal Trading Policy and Management Frame“We have set local economic development work and were allocated to those traders who as a key focus for empowering all communi- have been trading there for years with perties, formal and informal, to make a living mits. Van Deventer said that she often buys from and to create jobs,” said Mayor Gesie van Deventer at the hand-over in Paarl. “In Africa informal traders and soon realised the chal65% of jobs are created by informal trading, lenges they face. Except for the nine closed trading spaces and in South Africa it is only 10 to 16%, depending on the formula used. We therefore at Wamkelikile Business Hive, there will alencourage informal and small traders as a so be open units for another ten traders. As valuable part of our economy, but it has to this is a new site, public advertisements will be done in an orderly and responsible way. invite traders to apply for trading space. The “We shall also provide business support criteria will be as per the Informal Trading which will range from basic bookkeeping to Policy and Management Framework, adoptmarketing to assist them on how to manage ed by Council in 2011. Recommendations of prospective beneficitheir businesses. We work closely with the Informal Traders Associations and value aries will be made to the Mayoral Committee their input. All the leaders will be invited for final approval of the occupants. Lease soon to discuss issues and to agree on how agreements will be signed with them as is to ensure informal trading should be man- done with all other traders who receive aged to create wealth and encourage tour- stalls.”

AHS outbreak threatens Boland horses A total of seven horses have died due to the outbreak of African Horse Sickness (AHS) in the area. According to Dr. Gary Bührmann, Chief State Veterinarian in the Boland, a further 41 cases of AHS have been identified on 15 properties in the containment zone, which includes Wellington. Bührmann described AHS as a highly fatal viral disease transmitted by a biting midge called Culicoides. According to him the symptoms usually include a very high temperature, initially sometimes, together with a lack of appetite, swelling above the eyes as the disease progresses and then lung oedema and difficulty in breathing, with possible nasal discharge. He said although unvaccinated horses are particularly susceptible, all horses in the area should be protected from being bitten by the midge. Bührmann said horses should be stabled at night if possible for two hours before sunset until two hours after sunrise, when the midge usually feeds. If no stabling is available they should be moved from low lying areas. Horses should also be sprayed daily or even twice a day with insect repellent and their temperature should be monitored. If any of the above mentioned symptoms are noticed, one should call a vet. “There is no treatment for the disease so one can only apply supportive treatment to assist with the symptoms, hopefully enabling the horse to pull through on its own accord.” He said it is essential to vaccinate horses as the vaccine is effective, but owners must remember that permission is required from the local State veterinarian in order to vaccinate in this area. Michelle Mazurkiewicz, horse owner and owner of Wine Valley Horse Trails, has also lost a horse due to AHS. Mazurkiewics said they were called on 28 March to their farm on the Berg River and were told that one of their horses had died. They immediately drove through to check. According to her it looked to be a colic. She arranged for the horse to be buried the same day. “We went back to check on the horses on Monday 31 March and noticed some of them had swellings in the sockets

just above their eyes. I immediately notified (Dr.) Gary Bührmann, who sent someone to take blood samples.” Muzurkiewicz said they took blood from two more ponies and got samples from the dead horse. “I’m very happy I did this, because although it didn’t look serious, we were planning to move the one horse to Constantia and that could have been a complete disaster. “We now had to wait for the blood results to come through, which takes about two and a half days. In the meantime two other ponies started looking really sick and went down with huge temperatures.” She said they were notified that on Wednesday that all blood and samples of the tested animals were positive for strain 1 - the less serious of the two strains. Muzurkiewicz said it was a really difficult time as they couldn’t really treat the animals, but felt that is what probably saved their lives. “The high temperature is what actually kills the virus. Unfortunately this can also lead to organ failure, so people immediately try to get the temperatures down, but this doesn’t kill the virus.” “I think we were in fact also just very lucky, as this whole herd should in fact have been completely wiped out as they have had no vaccinations and have never been exposed to anything like this.” Michelle said another big worry they are still facing is the fact that all these ponies are heavily in foal. “One of the paint-mares got very ill and we struggled with her for 13 days. They say if the sick horses make it past day four they will usually survive. She was suffering and had oedemic (fluid retention) swellings. She was so ill, that I could eventually get to her and inject here with pain killers, anti-inflammatories, loads of vitamins and Salix. I managed to treat her for three days and I really think she knew I was helping her. I think the pain relief was what helped a lot. Eventually she and the other horses pulled through, but we are still keeping a hawk-eye on the situation.” For more information and updates as well as the exact containment zone, visit the Department of Agriculture's website at

Paarl Post

Jeug Youth

8 Mei, 2014

FINALISTE VIR MEJ HMS: Hoër Meisieskool Paarl hou op 15 Mei om 19:00 die jaarlikse kroning van Mej HMS in die Paarl Stadsaal. Kaartjies is by die skool be­ skikbaar teen R100­R120. Hier pronk die twaalf finalis­ te: agter (van links) is Santi Turner, Mieke Karsten, Natalie Canipe, Nadia Pretorius, He­ lanie Griessel en Hamlin Bas­ son. Voor is Nicola Neethling, Rachel Pienaar, Mareli Lom­ bard, Anke Geldenhuys, Na­ tasha Obermeyer en Mienke Ehlers. Vir inligting of bespre­ kings, kontak Lizanne Nortier by lizanne@paarlgirl­

BOLAND­SENTRAAL: Drie leerders van Laerskool Hugenote Louisa Lottering, links, (o.13), Hanlie Visser (o.12) en Talitha Jan­ se van Vuuren (o.12) is vir Boland­sentraal se netbalspanne gekies.

HOKKIE­UITBLINKERS: Hierdie hokkieseuns en ­meisies van Laer­ skool Gimnasium is almal in die Shiraz­streekspan opgeneem wat van 27­30 Junie gaan deelneem aan ’n toernooi in Oos­Londen. Agter (van links) is Megan Venn, Bradley Davids, Christiaan Fourie, Matthew Venn en Kirsten Hofmeyr. Voor is Quinlynn Kermis, Mia­Mari Hugo, Divan Visser, Reuben van der Nest, Philip Theron, Robyn­Suzie Luis en Annelie du Toit.

TOPS IN MATHS: Paarl Boys' Primary School and Gr 3 learners of 2013 recently received an award from the Western Cape Education De­ partment for Excellence in Outcomes for Mathematics, presented to them by the District Director. Here are the Gr 3 learners of 2013 with all their foundation­phase educators and class assistants, who joined in celebrating their excellent achievement.

MEISIES MET DIE SKERP TONGE: Drie gr.3­leerders Elca Zulch (agter links), Milcah Visser en Janke­Martine Viljoen (voor) van die Hoër Meisie­ skool Paarl, het deurgedring na die semi­finaal van die ATKV Redenaars­ kompetisie.

BOLAND: Leerders van die Hoër Meisieskool Paarl se Laerskool is ver­ kies tot die Boland­sentraal netbalspanne. Van links is Leandri Krige (o.13 Boland­sentraal C), Jana Klein (o.13 Boland­sentraal C), Danica Potgieter (o.12 Boland­sentraal B) en Alexandra During (o.12 Boland­sentraal A).

HOKKIE: Hierdie leerders van Laer­ skool Courtrai is opgeneem in die Boland­hokkie­ streekspanne. Agter is Eduan Steynberg en Wynand Hattingh. Voor is Zaiyaan Allie, Ha­ ley Snyman en Ca­ dy Grain.

WATERWEEK­WENNER: Die Water­ week­kompetisie word jaarliks deur die Drakenstein­munisipaliteit aange­ bied om waterbewustheid te bevorder onder leerders. Hierdie jaar is die plakkaatkompetisie deur Aimée du Preez (gr. 2) van Laer Meisieskool La Rochelle gewen. Hier is sy saam met opvoeder Elna Theunissen.

SKAAKSPAN: Peter Esterhuizen van Laer­ skool Drakenstein is opgeneem in die o.12­ Boland­skaakspan.


Koop ’n ‘lollipop’ en jy kan wen Drakenstein Association for Persons with Disabilities (DAPD) se ‘lollipop’-geldinsamelingprojek is weer aan die gang. ‘Lollipop-dag’ word gehou op 7 Junie. DAPD fokus op dienslewering aan gestremde persone in die Drakenstein. ’n Beroep word gedoen op skole sowel as die algemene publiek om betrokke te raak by die projek deur ’n suigstokkie teen R3 te koop. Met die koop van elke suigstokkie kan jy ook inskryf vir ’n kompetisie waarin groot pryse gewen kan word. Van die pryse wat jy kan wen sluit in ’n nag vir twee by Whale Coast Hotel in Hermanus, twee nagte by Goudini Spa, een nag by Spier Hotel in Stellenbosch en by enige Protea Hotel asook vele ander pryse by eetplekke, boekwinkels en meer. Vir navrae, bel Naki Stapelberg by 072 332 1027, 021 863 0446 of Besoek

BALLET STARS: These six ballerinas from the Joy Cargill Studio of Ballet all achieved distinctions at the last Royal Academy of Dance international ballet exam that was held in Paarl recently. Kneeling in front from the left are Ci­ ara Engelbreght and Danielle Theunissen. Standing from the left are Camryn Do­ bie, Nicola Muller and Zanlie Visser. At the back is Alexia Prokopiou.

14 Paarl Post Propvol vermaak by Ou Meul

Kuns & Leefstyl Arts & Lifestyle

8 May, 2014

op goeie musiek. Jakkie Eers was daar drie tannies het meer as ses maande se en ’n tert, nou is daar weer navorsing gedoen om die vier vroue, almal ma’s wat stories van die liedjies en praat oor hulle seuns. In die man bymekaar te kry die produksie, Seuns, keer om hierdie ongelooflike Petro van den Heever tevertoning op die planke te rug na die verhoog op Vrybring. dag 9 Mei om 20:00 by die Jy mag dalk net ’n traanOu Meul-teater in ’n nuwe tjie pink met die stories oor eenvrouvertoning deur sy bekendste liedjies. kunstenaar en skrywer, Kaartjies is R100. Theo Kleynhans. )Donderdag 15 Mei om Yolanda is die snobistie10:00 is Seniorburger ogse skoonma wat haar neus gend met Hugo Niewoudt. optrek vir haar skoonDie Kaapse sanger Hugo seun; Tannie Trudie is die Nieuwoudt se vierde volempatiese koshuismoelengte-album, Want jy glo der, veral vir die sensitiein my, is ’n geskenk aan alwe seuns onder haar sorg; mal wat hom deur die jare Karin se seun ontpop as ’n Sondag 11 Mei om 16:00 tree in sy musiekloopbaan onontluikende bloufilm-ster Jakkie Louw op in die produksie, dersteun en in hom as kunen enkelma Elsie tolk vir Jakkie Louw sing Sinatra, by die stenaar geglo het en sal haar doofstom seun wat sy Ou Meul­teater. Donderdag deur hom opgeeerste liefde ontmoet het. voer word. Kaartjies is R90. Hugo Nieuwoudt het hierdie keer uit sy eie ) Op Sondag 11 Mei om 16:00 vat Jakkie Louw in Jakkie Louw sing Sinatra die gehoor gemaksone beweeg en hom boonop met van op ’n lewensreis deur ou New York, New York die voorste en mees gedugte Afrikaanse musise Broadway en deur ou Hollywood se strate kante en liedjieskrywers omring. Buiten dat waar ol’ blue eyes as jong man kon harte steel hy van sy eie liedjies geskryf en opgeneem het, met ’n paar note en ’n verleidelike glimlag. het Harold Schenk, Amanda Luyt en Lize As deel van die mob het hy ’n ikoniese legende Beekman tot sy liedjie-oes bygedra. Nieuwoudt het ook heelwat meer “lewendigeword. As jy jou oë toemaak staan jong Frank Sina- ge instrumente” op sy vierde album ingesluit. Kaartjies is R30. tra voor jou op die verhoog en sing sy hart Kaartjies kan bespreek word by 083 564 0056 uit. Met Jakkie se multimedia-vertoning met ’n vol orkes, raak jy weer van voor af verlief of

Kalender . Calendar 9 MEI ) The Clothing Bank Winelands bied ’n opedag aan by hul kantoor op die eerste vloer van die Securimed­gebou (Spilo) in Daljosafat en op 16 Mei by die Wellington Dienssentrum. Die opedae begin om 09:30. Vir navrae, bel 021 862 1146 of 076 898 8343. ) The Filly’s will host their annual Las Vegas Casino Night fundraiser at Val de Vie. Companies can support the event by sponsoring a casino table. Tickets cost R250 and includes a wel­ come drink, R200 “funny money”, bowl food tables, entertainment and a ticket to the lucky draw. Guests can purchase additional casino “funny money”. Call Michelle on 074 209 0494. ) Besoekers aan die Bordienghuis­ teater op Wellington kan Vrydagaand twee plaaslike musiekgroepe en ’n solokunstenaar saam in aksie sien wanneer die Wellington Brigade daar saamtrek. Die Brigade sluit die mu­ siekgroepe OrWellington en die Jere­ miah Brimstone Band in, asook solokunstenaar Chris Wait. Bel Caro Zunckel by 083 570 4765. 10 MAY ) The HOPS Harvest Festival takes place from 10:00 – 22:00 at Wild Clover Farm, R304. Tickets cost R70 or R50 for students and under 18s. Book at

) Die Nuyvallei, as deel van die be­ kroonde Worcester Wyn­ en Olyfroete, vier vanjaar hul sesde jaar­ likse fees. Feesaktiwiteite vind plaas op vier deelnemende plase: Leipzig Country House, Nuy Wynkelder, Wil­ low Creek Olyflandgoed en Conradie Family Vineyards. Daar gaan ook ’n 5 km/10 km pret­ stap en ­draf wees. Inskrywings by in­ of 023 347 8422. Besoek of bel Anne­Marie Redelinghuys by 084 585 5557. 12­15 MAY ) Paarl Boys’ High presents Footloose the Musical in the school hall. Tickets at R60 (R40 for opening night) are available from Mari on 021 872 2875. Bring a picnic basket or buy snacks at the school before the show. 16 MAY ) Western Province Turfgrass Associ­ ation will host a Trade Day at Boschen­ meer Golf Estate from 10:00. ) Die jaarlikse Wellington Op ’n Stasiefees vind van 16 – 18 Mei plaas by Wellington Wyne. Verskeie kunste­ naars sal optree soos DJ Ossewa, Ian Wessels en vele meer. Skakel 082 374 3146 vir meer inligting of sien bladsy 6.

WINDPOMP BY DIE MINIMAX: Die Windpomp is ’n kleurvolle, humoristiese en quirky liefdesverhaal van 17­jarige Hendri wat op die voorstoep van sy seniele, terug­ getrokke oupa in ’n aftree­oord beland. Sy wêreld bestaan binnekort uit tuinornamente, Bingo­aande en vreemde, bejaarde gedrag. Hendri word onder die vlerk geneem van gawe buurvrou, Tannie Marietjie, wie hom forseer om gereeld by haar huisie te kom bad ná ’n effense tragedie met Oupa se py­ pe. Tydens ’n stoute laat­aand sigaret sien Hendri vier donker figure wat geheimsinnig deur die aftree­oord se tuine nael. Hy besluit meteens om hulle agterna te sit en volg hulle tot in ’n woud aan die buiterant van die klein dorpie, waar ’n dam helder in die maanlig skitter. ’n Massiewe windpomp reis vanuit die middel van die dam, waarin die figure oomblikke later plons. ’n Beeldskone meisie verskyn vanuit die donker woud en stel haarself voor – Margot gee balletklasse vir kleuters in skoolvakansies. Hendri kan sy oë nie van haar afhou nie en die vriendskap wat met tyd tussen hulle ontwikkel groei tot baie meer as wat beide kon voorspel.

Ontwikkel jou skildertalente Die kunstenaar Mariëtte van Velden bied vanaf 17 Mei (10:00 tot 13:00) weeklikse skilderklasse by die Breytenbach-sentrum op Wellington aan. Die koste is R150 per klas en deelnemers is verantwoordelik vir hul eie materi-

Rock at Paarl town hall The Lions Club of Paarl will host a Rock Show in the Paarl Town Hall on 10 May. The Club’s very own Peter Vanne will be performing with various local musicians. All proceeds will help sustain the club’s ongoing commitment to improve the sight of those in need in the community through cataract operations or spectacles. Tickets cost R100 and all enquiries can be made to Jurie van der Merwe at 082 952 9732.

MARKietie Saterdag Die Afrikaanse Taalmuseum en die Toringkerk bied op Saterdag 10 Mei ’n gesamentlike MARKietie op die Museumplein oorkant die Afrikaanse Taalmuseum in die Paarl aan. ’n Wye reeks produkte sal by die MARKietie te koop wees, waaronder kos en lekkernye, juweliersware, handgemaakte items, klere, geskenke, boeke, gebak en vars produkte. Die mark is oop vanaf 09:00 tot 15:00. Toegang is gratis. Daar sal ook vermaak vir die jongspan wees. Plaaslike musikante sal ook optree. Besoekers kan poseer vir ’n foto in klere van toeka by die Afrikaanse Taalmuseum. Bel Amila Ernstzen by 021 872 2022 of

aal. ’n Beperkte aantal beurse word ook beskikbaar gestel aan talentvolle individue uit voorheen benadeelde gemeenskappe om hierdie kursus te volg. Vir meer inligting en om in te skryf, bel Olivia Ockhuis by 021 873 2786.

Your Ultimate Online Guide to Paarl

Paarl Post

Sake Post Business Post

8 May, 2014


New bakery training facility at Hurst

On the photo from left are management and workers of Ernita and Distell: Jannie Bosman (jr.) (Lelienfontein nurseries manager), Erhard Wolf (Distell group manager grape and wine supply), Tossie Louw (Ernita manager), Katrina Farao (Ernita PVB general worker), Mariëtta Louw (Ernita PVB manager), Celeste April (Ernita PVB general worker), Jannie Bosman (sr.) (Bosman Adama chairperson), Ivan Thomas (Bosman Adama director), Rita Andreas (Bosman Adama director), Petrus Bosman (managing director), Hendrik Filand (Ernita PVB junior as­ sistant) and Selvin April (Ernita PVB general worker).

Lelienfontein buys Nederburg’s

vine improvement facility Nederburg Wine Farms, owned by Distell, has sold its vine plant improvement facility on the farm Ernita near Wellington. It has beenboughtby BosmanAdama (Pty) Limited, owners of family-run nursery, Lelienfontein Vine Growers. The purchase sum has not been disclosed. The sale, says Distell’s head of wine and grape buying, Erhard Wolf, will allow the Nederburg farming operation to focus on its core wine-growing activities. Lelienfontein Vine Growers, also in Wellington, has taken over Ernita’s gene pool and biological assets and is renting and maintaining the existing plant improvement facilities on the farm. It is also taking up all the facility’s long-term plant material supply contracts. The five staff members involved are being retained by the new owners. Bosman Adama, headed by MD Petrus Bosman, is structured as a BEE enterprise. Its vine-growing arm, established in 1947, is run by the Bosman family, master grafters and vine growers since 1888. Ernita’s plant improvement facility was established in 1974 to address the significant shortage of quality vine plant material at the time. In the intervening years it has produced a significant gene pool of noble cultivar clones, giving the six farms within the Nederburg Wine Farms grouping, and also the operation’s supplier growers, access to top-quality vines and plant material of newer cultivars.

Wolf explained that following the restructuring and liberalisation of the wine industry at the end of the 20th century, a far wider availability of new clones of mainstream and newer varieties had emerged. Consequently, the need for Nederburg to generate material for its own use had fallen away. “With the plant improvement facility now in the expert hands of specialists at Lelienfontein Vine Growers, we can direct all our resources to vineyard management and ongoing research into improved viticultural protocols,” he said. “The impressive skills base of the new owners, coupled with the expertise of the team joining them, gives us every confidence in maintaining access to excellent quality vine material and also exclusive access to strategic cultivars.” Nederburg will use Ernita as a production farm and to research viticultural techniques for application across the Distell Group. Lelienfontein Vine Growers manager, Jannie Bosman, said he was excited to tap into Ernita’scapacity,technologyandaccesstothelatest technology. The operation would be using Ernita for maintaining and developing its own gene pool and service agreements with leading table and raisin grape industry role players. “The deal places us in an ideal position to proactively fast-track sought-after vine grape plant material for the benefit of our customers and the wine, table and raisin sectors of the industries.”

The Hurst Campus has opened a new bakery training facility on the Backsberg Estate outside Paarl. The bakery division is headed up by the 27year-old resident baker and lecturer, Andrew Bryn Alexander, the “Bakerboy”, who personifies the South Africa’s new generation of young artisan bakers. A former student of The Hurst Campus, the Bakerboy spent the latter part of 2013 in France, fine tuning his technique and teaching skills as a professional baker as part of the school’s partnership with the Worldwide Alliance of the prestigious Institut Paul Bocuse. Alexander runs The Hurst Campus bakery on the same principles of a small retail bakery or boulangerie in France. Not to be confused with a pastry kitchen, this unique training feature provides freshly baked bread products for the faculty and students, who bake everything on site, themselves. Artisanal baked goods are crafted using select ingredients and specialised industrial equipment to ensure that the correct consistency, taste and finish are achieved every time. The concept of an in-house bakery and specialized training facility was introduced by Hurst Campus director Rebecca Hurst. Her vision was to further extend the educational offering on campus, with the vision to

The Hurst Campus student, Chantell Bar­ nard (left) and Andrew “BakerBoy“ Alexander busy in Hurst Campus’s bakery. create opportunities for her students to be taught the specific skill-set that will train them for the highly sought-after, specialised career as a baker in the hospitality industry. Registration is now open for the next 15month advanced food and wine chef diploma that starts on 21 July. This is the perfect mid-year course for young people taking a “gap” year, or those wanting to perfect their culinary and baking skills. Call 021 875 5854 or visit for more info.


Paarl Post

Mense People

8 Mei, 2014

GELUKKIGE WEN­ NER: Elda van Heer­ den (links) het ’n R500­geskenkbewys by Monument Motors Shell­vulstasie gewen as deel van die Paarl Post/Monument Mo­ tors­promosiekompeti­ sie. Hier ontvang sy haar prys van eie­ naar Schalk Pieterse. Miss Earth SA candidates (from left): Mishka Patel, Michka Lawrence, Nthabiseng Ntsondwa, Siyavuya Papu, Yonela Sineke, Melicia Severity and Tarryn­Leigh Lewis.


Miss Earth SA contestants go green in the Boland Miss Earth SA Cape Town applicants joined in the green spirit with local compost giant, Reliance on Friday 2 May through a series of community projects and recycling initiatives. Miss Earth SA is a leadership programme for young women to get involved in their communities by initiating different greening projects like planting trees, starting food gardens and educating young minds about the environment. Reliance is a long-term partner of Miss Earth South Africa and the competition’s regional sponsor for 2014. Now in its 12th year, Miss Earth SA is an award-winning programme with inspired young women who have been trained and work as environmental ambassadors all over South Africa.

The Western Cape group got to learn about compost at the Reliance compost farm. They also paid a special visit to the neighbouring farm school, Kersboslaagte in Paardeberg where they did a stationery drive, handing out 50 stationery bags to the children. They also educated the children about the importance of recycling, planting trees and taking care of their environment. Miss Earth SA is a leadership programme that helps to create awareness of sustainable development, our environment, wildlife and the conservation of our natural legacy in South Africa. The regional finalists will be announced this month. Support the Miss Earth SA organisation and help get the message of sustainability and women empowerment out to as many communities as possible. Visit for more info.

CHEESE MAN HEADS FOR EUROPE: Phetheho Thatho from the local boutique cheesery, Madam Fromage, was recently awarded a sponsorship from the Department of Agriculture for an all­expenses­paid visit to cheese producers in Europe to gain more experience in this field. Phetheho’s father worked for Fairview for 30 years. Phetheho joined him there straight after school and has now been working in the dairy industry for 12 years. From Fairview he moved on to the Portobello cheesery and thereafter to Simonsberg. He then worked for five years at the Forest Hill cheesery, after which he joined Madame Fromage in Cecilia Street, Paarl, where he has since been producing wonderful cheeses. He has a passion for his trade and has always wanted to visit Europe to see and taste the many different cheeses available there. Phetheho is one of five promising young cheese­makers being sponsored by the Department of Agriculture. “This is a dream come true,” he said. With Phetheho (left) is Madam Fromage’s cheese­maker and manager, Ulrike Christensen.

ONDERSTEUN: KWV in die Paarl was een van vele ondernemings wat Boland Skool vir Outisme se Bloudag ondersteun het deur plakkers te koop. Hier staan die trotse personeel met hul blou handskoene ter ondersteuning van die skool.

40STE BESTAANSJAAR: New Orleans Primêr vier sy 40ste bestaansjaar. Die skool het vanjaar ’n Belgiese student, Heleen Fleurbaey (regs), wat haar internskap as on­ derwyser by die skool aanpak. Saam met haar is adjunkhoof George Cook, Erin Bas­ son (hoofmeisie) en voor Liam Julius (hoofseun).

DONATION: Drakenstein Municipality donated an amount of R23 424.15 to Athlone House of Strength (AHOS) as part of the Mu­ nicipality’s social responsibil­ ity project. AHOS is a shel­ ter for abused women and children in Paarl. The money was raised at the Municipal­ ity’s Family Day function, that was held in cooperation with the Drakenstein Hospice Fun Walk on 26 October 2013. Here are from left, clr. Rean Smuts (Portfolio Holder: Security Services and Disaster Management), Father Denver Heugh (Chair­ person of the AHOS Board of Trustees) and clr. Lulu Ntlemeza (Portfolio Holder: Corporate Services).

LEADERSHIP AWARDS: Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) is Rotary's leadership training programme for young people. It emphasises leadership, citizenship, personal growth, and recognises publicly young people who are rendering service to their communities. At a recent RYLA camp near Franschhoek, Paarl Rotary sponsored three deserving students who are members of the Paarl Youth Initiative and SCORE to participate in the training pro­ gramme. Seen here with some of the participating students are from the left, Stefan Howells of SCORE, Marchellene Domas of New Orleans Secondary School, Sikho Skeyi of Desmond Tutu Secondary School, Piet Gouws, President of Paarl Rotary, Michaela Cornelissen of New Orleans Secondary School and Heini Heyns of Paarl Youth Initiative.

Paarl Post

Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

8 May, 2014

THAVER: JEAN (neé Solomon). 05/02/1937 - 04/05/2014. 1005 To our beloved aunt who passed away peacefully. Your fondest memories will always be with us. Sadly missed by Jeremy, Zelda, Yudin & Zachary Kiewitz. KOKER: JOHN THAVER (Solomon): Also Xandré, Bernhard & DE ANDREAS Reeds 'n jaar is JEAN To a beloved sister Heike Bailey. verby. Pappa, dankie vir who passed away. We shall alles wat jy vir ons gedoen always treasure the beautihet. Dink nog elke dag aan ful memories of you. Rest SEPTEMBER: JAPIE jou. Andeline en Amanda. in peace. Deeply missed by 08/05/13 – 08/05/14 Cyril & Cynthia; Eileen & In loving memory of our Solly. father and grandfather. GRADUERINGS Your first year away from us. We greatly love and 1035 miss you. Children & grandchildren. WILLIAMS: FRANCIS IRENE, mom God came on 28/04/2014 and picked the most precious flower. I'll always love, cherish & WILLIAMS: FRANCIS adore you. Love Vivien, Taylin, Wanito Paulse and IRENE OUMA & OUPA sê baie 19/09/1946 - 28/04/2014. Quewen. geluk met Bcomm Sag heengegaan op 28 April (Bestuurs Rekening2014. Die verlange is groot, kunde). THAVER(nee Solomon): die vermisting nog vars. IN MEMORIAM Ons gaan jou mis Mammie. JEAN 1015 05/02/1937 – 04/05/2014 Van haar man Andries, kinGEMEENSKAPSders ,klein & agter-klein To our beloved aunty Jean KENNISGEWINGS Sadly missed along life’s kinders. 1210 way, quietly remembered every day… no longer in our life to share, but in our hearts you’re always there. Deeply missed by Mandy & Ian; Rene & Anthony; John; (Rubi; Evan; Winsor; Joshua and Greer). ALEXANDER: JACOBUS Died: 14/03/2012 On 4th May 2014 it was your 3rd birthday away. Remembering you is easy, we do it every day. It is the heartache of losing you, SPYSENIERING that will not go away. Love & LOKALE your wife, children, grand1401 children. STERFGEVALLE





DIE LAASTE & GROOTSTE MISLEIDING - Lukas 21:8, Danie Pienaar. Vir gratis leesstof en CD SMS jou naam en adres na 082 734 4168. OPLEIDING & OPVOEDING 1480

CONVERSATIONAL XHOSA Macro needs and mini skills. Groups and inhouse. 082 840 6552 KRUIEKENNER 1435

OUERS VAN LEERDERS! Meeste leerders onderpresteer a.g.v. te swak leesspoed en swak begrip. Gratis toetsing en begrip vir Gr.1 - 12 leerders. Afr. of Eng. Billike tarief vir volledige kurses deur gekwalifiseerde leerkrag. Amie 082 923 4661.

HUWELIKE PHILANDER: MARK It’s your 40th birthday on the 11th May. We miss you Mark. Love Daddy, Mommy, brothers & sisters. Your children Aurelio & Robyn.



NEED CASH? Pawn your car, trailor or canopy. 021 987 2277 / 082 558 4836.


Paarl Post

Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

8 May, 2014

KEMP ELEKTRIES - Skakel 083 228 3208 vir alle elektriese werk. Huishoudelik. Industrieël. Konstruksie. 24 uur diens.


VIR ALLE VERFWERK & DAKKE SKOONSPUIT. Gratis kwotasie. Kontak George by 082 956 5835 / 083 466 5142 epos:






ARL SERVICES: We offer the follwoing services at affordable rates. We clean your house, office, windows & wash carpets. Contact Antoinette 082 459 5625 for a quote / info@arlTUINDIENSTE VIR klein tuine in Paarl. Privaat persoon. Kontak 083 273 8223 or 021 875 5401.


POTTE, PANNE, breekgoed, gordyne, beddegoed, linne, ligte elektriese ware, speelgoed, ornamente, komberse, klerasie, skoene. Betaal kontant. Mev Swart 084 702 3196. MATTE/GORDYNE/ STOFFEERWERK 1803


TEëLS: Fabriekswinkel te Wellington. Kontak vervaardiger of besoek ons vertoonlokaal. Smartstone: 021 873 5482. ALLERLEI 1845


I RE-UPHOLSTER; lounge suites, ottomans, wing back chairs and antiques. Please contact Gino for a free quote on 079 149 5669.


SNA CLEANING SERVICES. Labour & cleaning services. Residential & contract cleaning, at all businesses. We specialise in contract cleaning, undercover security cleaning, office cleaning, window cleaning. We also do pest control at a price you can afford. Free quotes. Andre 073 844 9868 / andremuller01@vodamail


FREE DUMPING SITE: Clean building material and soil only. Phone Louis 082 829 5542.




ALLE VERFWERK & AFDAKKE IN DIE BOLAND. Binne & buite. Kwaliteit met persoonlike toesig. Sedert 1996. Skakel Ernst vir gratis kwotasie. 082 573 6654 / bellpainters SKAKEL NICO by 082 925 3680 vir verwydering van tuinvullis of bourommel en lewering van klip ens. Goeie diens gewaarborg.


VERWYDERING VAN ALLE VULLIS en bourommel. Asook die skoonmaak van erwe. Eienaar toesig. Kontak Louw 083 413 0701. HERSTEL BY DIE HUIS Ys- en vrieskaste, stowe, wasmasjiene en mikrogolfoonde. 071 755 3390. HOUTWERK 1874

INBOU VAN KASTE asook verandering van bestaande kaste. Gratis kwotasies. Kontak JP 083 453 2702.

VERWYDERING VAN ROMMEL en vullis. 6m. Algemene vervoer met 8 ton trok. Vir billike pryse en gehalte diens, skakel Jaques 082 579 2998 / 021 872 6029. SEKURITEIT 1865

RW HOUTWERKE Ingeboude kaste & kombuisontwerp. Restourasiewerk. Algemene houtwerk. Gratis kwotasie. Regardt 082 847 6333. ALLERLEI 1655

BRAAI/KAGGELHOUT droog. Blackwattle - R750; Bloekom - R650. Afgelewer. Skakel 084 300 9841 / 076 344 0400.


BAKKIE & TRAILER MOSTERT SWEIS- HIRE: Te huur, vervoer, meubelvervoer. Skakel alle WERKE: Skuif-/swaaiure: 082 321 8904 Johan hekke, diefwering, tralieMaass. werk & vele ander staalwerke. Gratis kwotasies. Skakel Frank Mostert: 021 868 2880 / 072 022 0066. Faks: 021 872 6771.

Paarl Post

Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

8 May, 2014

EVELYN is looking for SYLVIA IS LOOKING FOR domestic work 084 280 DOMESTIC WORK FOR 5 4527. DAYS. 073 639 5216.

TE KOOP 2405

SPORTS EINTERTAINMENT PUB & CLUB. 4 o'clock license. R250 000 . Clarence 082 780 4387 or Derek 083 520 8605.

FATIMA is looking for TENJIWE is looking for domestic work 074 858 domestic or cleaner job, 5 days. 078 143 6041. 1169. FLORENCE is looking for THANDIWE is looking for domestic work, Educare work as a domestic. 074 666 0359. certificate. 074 266 4995.

WELLINGTON: TWEEDEHANDSE MEUBELWINKEL te koop. Prys: R90 000 o.n.a. insluitend voorraad. Skakel eienaar by 082 573 6654.

GLADYS is looking for domestic work. 073 397 2977.


WELLINGTON Ranzadale: R8300pm, 4Slpk, 2-badk, 2 leefareas, ruim erf, beskikbaar 1 Junie. Skakel Sonja 082 891 8548.


DADELIKE KONTANT vir u bakkie of motor. Skakel, sms of whatsapp na 082 561 3291. (Nie lopende bakkies & motors welkom).

FOURIE-VERVOER: Vervoer van meubels - klein of groot. Landswyd of plaaslik. Skakel 082 821 5234 of 021 876 2440.

WELLINGTON: Ruim 3Slpk huis/woonstel. Gerieflik geleë t.o.v. die dorp. Nie kinder & troeteldier vriendelik. Beskikbaar 1 Junie. 084 461 5377.


142m2 WERKSPERSEëL in dorp (Paarl). 3 Fase krag. R3900pm + dep. Onmiddellik beskikbaar. 082 580 0379.

SENTRAAL PAARL: 2Slpk, 1-badk op 3de vloer met toesluit garage. R4950pm. Onmiddellik beskikbaar. Skakel Mnr Prins 083 627 1878.


SUIDER-PAARL: Splinternuut, 1-Slpk loft; kombuis; sitk.; stoof. Sekuriteit en onderdakparkering. R4200pm + dep. Zanelle 072 661 1694.


3-SLPK met w/s - R380 000; 3-Slpk met afdak R550 000; 3-Slpk - R250 000 kontant; 2-Slpk - R150 000 kontant; Erf - R150 000. 073 421 3608.

NOORDER-PAARL 2-slpk Grondvloer w/s met klein HUISE TE HUUR tuin. Aircon, buite-braai, 3270 PVR konneksie. Beskikbaar NORTHERN PAARL: 31 Junie @ R4850pm. 082 Bedr house; b.i.c.; 1,5 bathr, 772 5974. lounge, diningroom, kitchen, lock-up garage. Avail 1 June or sooner. R6000pm. 082 409 7855.

JOYCE soek skoonmaak werk: 2 dae (Dins & Woens). Ondervinding & verwysings beskik. 074 853 7870. AVON REPS NEEDED, earn xtra money. KINDERASSISTENT Sms/whatsapp your name BESKIKBAAR Ek's 'n 22 & surname: 074 060 7232 jarige jong dame wat Email: avonpaarl@gmail. opsoek is na 'n kinderassi- com stent pos in Wellington. Kontak nr: 082 768 2514.

GESOEK: 2 Hardwerkende huisvroue vir DEELMIRIAM is looking for TYDSE werk bedags. 'n domestic work, 084 540 Bestuurders lisensie is 'n 2589 / 072 318 5902. vereiste. Reël met 082 967 4580 vir 'n onderhoud en MONICA IS LOOKING for bring CV saam. domestic work for everyday. 073 863 2594. GRAFIESE Kunstenaar


EENSLAAPKAMER W/S, Markstraat Paarl. R3900pm + dep. Beskik PRIVAAT KONTANT vanaf 1 Junie 2014. Kontak KOPER soek huis in 082 294 0403. Wellington. Verkieslik Ranzadale of Uitsig area. EENSLAAPKAMER Geen verband, betaal konWOONSTEL te huur in tant. Kontak André 082 584 dorp (Paarl). R3800pm + 7533. Dep. Sluit water in, eie elek. Onmiddellik beskikbaar. WELLINGTON Uitste082 580 0379. kende geleentheid, area en prys R630 000. 2-Slpk, GRANNY FLAT, Noorder- oopplan granietkombuis, Paarl. R3300pm, W&E eie tuin met braai. Sonja ingesluit. 072 298 6625. 082 891 8548.

I AM LOOKING for domestic work, 5 days. 071 746 0789.

MALAWIAN guy is looking for a job as: gardener, painter, driver, refrigeration technician or housekeeper. 074 664 1714.


EENMAN WOONSTEL in Sentraal-Paarl. Water ingesluit, koopkrag ekstra. R2850pm. Beskikbaar 1 Junie 2014. Kontak 021 872 7898.

I am looking for domestic or char work for 5 days. 078 717 9737.

MAGARET is looking for domestic work for 5 days. 074 718 0447.

2-SLAAPKAMER W/S MOTORHUISE/ BERGING Wellington. R3300pm, 3260 beskikbaar vanaf 1 Junie 2014. Kontak Willie 021 873 1508 m2 pakhuis te huur 2981. in Boland str Paarl teen R19-99 per vierkante meter( eerste 12 maande) daarna onderhandelbaar. Skakel Kallie Visser 082 4333 900 vir meer inligting

GROOT RUIM GESINSWONING te koop (Wellington). 3-Slpk (ingeboude kaste, lamineerde vloere), hoofslaapkamer met ensuite. Aparte kombuis (ingeboude kaste), eetkamer, sitkamer, toilet en badkamer. Prys: R700 000. Kontak 073 603 4988 / 083 306 4788.


ADMIN. CLERKS NEEGRACE is looking for DED for Data Listing work. domestic work for 5 days. SMS full name / address 074 456 5414. to 071 548 6944 or email I AM LOOKING for domestic work, 5 days. 073 838 3860.

LINDIWE is looking for domestic work. Ph 078 053 2193.




I AM looking for domestic work. 078 433 4403.


SENTRAAL-PAARL: 2Slpk, 1-badk w/s. Koopkrag. Sal professionele mense pas. Beskikbaar 1 Junie 2014. Skakel 082 321 9975.




NELISWA is looking for domestic work for 2 days. 3315 KAMER TE HUUR te Den- Have 5 years exp. 072 288 neburg, Paarl met stort, 7368. wasbak, toilet, motorhuis. Bedrag onderhandelbaar. NONTANDO is looking for domestic work, 083 443 Skakel: 082 708 8881. 3461.

PLAASHUIS IN DALJOSAPHAT area. Omheinde BETREKKINGS GESOEK 3-Slpk huis op kleinhoewe. 3670 Onderdak parkering vir 2 voertuie. R8500pm + depo- ALICIA is looking for sito. W&E ingesluit. Verwy- domestic work for 3 days. sings benodig. Kontak 079 263 2825. Emiel 082 923 4512. SUIDER-PAARL: De Oude Renbaan Aftree-oord. Sekuriteitskompleks. Netjiese , ruim 3-Slpk woning met stoof. Baie ingeboude kaste; Dubbele motorhuis. Beskikbaar vir persone bo 50jr. teen R9100pm. Vanaf 1 Junie 2014. Geen troeteldiere of kinders. Skakel 082 927 5734. WELLINGTON FARM COTTAGE for rent. R4500pm. 2-Bed, 2-bath, garage. For non-smoking eco-conscious persons only. Ph 021 873 3696.

BONGIWE is looking for domestic work. Ref avail. 073 173 0200. CAROLINE is looking for domestic or char work for 5 days. 073 555 2089. CYNTHIA is looking for domestic work for 4 days. 079 798 5490. DOROTHY soek werk as huishulp of bejaarde versorger, Maandag tot Vrydag, het verwysings. 071 826 2390 / 074 723 6911.

benodig (kan vanaf u huis werk) om behulpsaam te wees met 'n 32 blad brosjure se opstel. Kontak 082 468 1802.

KELNERIN met ondervinding word benodig. Skakel 082 572 8917 of epos CV na:

NORAH is looking for domestic work for 5 days. RESTAURANT MANA061 803 4288. GER, HEAD WAITER AND SOUS-CHEF requiNORMAN, semi-skilled red for established restauwelder & fit and turner (12 rants in southern paarl. Yrs exp) needs a job. Ref Please forward cv to papavail. 073 680 9041. pagrappa@ or fax 086 NOSIPHIWO is looking for 546 305. domestic work for every day. Ph 078 928 9251. UPHOLSTERER/ Cutter/Seamstress/All PATRICIA is looking for rounder wanted urgently! domestic work. 073 124 Lance 081 578 3024. 9036. YARD SUPERVISOR REGINA is looking for Paarl. 3 - 4 years experidomestic work for 5 days. ence, matric & work references essential. Fully 083 244 2182. bilingual (English & AfriROSETTA is looking for kaans) & PC literate. Start domestic or any general immediate. Email: / work. 3 Days. 071 283 2794. Fax: 021 872 0885.

ELIZABETH is looking for SIZIWE is looking for domestic work for 5 days. domestic work. 071 005 9774. WELLINGTON Malan 061 640 5123. Estate: R4500pm, Ruim 2Slpk, oopplan kombuis, eie ELIZABETH is looking for SOPHIA is looking for tuin, geen diere. Skakel domestic work for 3 days. domestic work. Ph 074 345 Sonja 082 891 8548. 073 114 7356. 1177.


Paarl Post

Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

8 Mei, 2014

SPEL KORREK: Drie gr.7­seuns van Primêre Seunskool, Dian van Rooyen (links), Alexander Kruger en Nikolai Coetzee, het aan Korrek, die Distriks­ kantoor se spelkompetisie, deelgeneem. Dit was ’n naelbyt­stryd en hulle is as die wenners van Kring 2 aangewys. Hulle sal in Mei aan die finale ronde in Worcester deelneem.

US erken plaaslike skole se sukses Een van die Sentrum vir Studentewerwing (SSW) by die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) se nuwe inisiatiewe vir vanjaar het Woensdag 23 April plaasgevind toe verdienstelikheidsertifikate aan die skoolhoofde of verteenwoordigers van topskole in die Wes-Kaap oorhandig is. Hierdie groep sluit skole in wat ná die 2013-eindeksamen deur die WKOD aangewys is as topskole in die Wes-Kaap, asook skole wat onder moeilike omstandighede steeds goeie uitslae gelewer het. Die skole het ook leerders geïdentifiseer om die geleentheid by te woon. Van die plaaslike skole wat die geleentheid bygewoon het, was die Hoër Jongens-

kool Paarl en Hoër Meisieskool Paarl. Prof. Russel Botman, Rektor en Visekanselier van die US, het die skole bedank vir hul harde werk. “Ons moet dit raaksien, want ons pluk die vrugte,” het hy gesê. Aan die leerders het hy gesê die tyd is hier om belangrike besluite te maak, nie net oor hul loopbaan nie, maar oor hul toekoms. “Ons is bewus van die rol wat jongmense in die toekoms gaan speel. Die land kan nie meer baie langer wag vir jul leierskap nie,” het hy gesê. Hy het ook uitgebrei oor die geleenthede en ondersteuning wat studente by die US geniet en klem gelê op die universiteit se strewe na uitnemendheid. “Die US is ’n plek waarheen suksesvolle studente kom, en waar hulle nie misluk nie.”

Ria Taylor (middel), adjunkhoof van die Hoër Mei­ sieskool Paarl, het die geleentheid saam met Talya Boshoff (links), Renske de la Bat, Corli Rheeder en Daniela Passerini bygewoon.

Merino 2014 Ekspo tref die kol JAN GERBER Die Cape Wools 9de Merino Wêreld-konferensie op Stellenbosch is vanjaar op 29 April deur ’n hoëvlak, professionele Merino 2014 Ekspo voorafgegaan. Jan Publiek het saam met meer as 400 afgevaardigdes vanuit 11 verskillende Merino-lande, die ekspo bygewoon. Mega Events, organiseerders van die ekspo, het vir uitstekende interaktiewe uitstallings en treffende tradisionele skaap- en boeredisse gesorg en ook daarin geslaag om belangstelling te fokus op die unieke wol- en vleisprodukte van die internasionaal gewilde Merino. Die vervaardiging van ’n Merinowolbaadjie van wol wat op die ekspo-dag van die skape afgeskeer is, het wye belangstelling gelok. In ’n unieke eerste het Bertus Basson, een van Suid-Afrika se vooraanstaande sjefs, eienaar van die Overture restaurant by Hidden Valley Wyne en Eat Out-tydskrif se 2013 Sjef van die Jaar, ’n Terroir Merino-lam-proe aangebied. Besoekers kon in ’n ‘blinde proe’ van lamsvleis uit nege verskillende streke hulle voorkeure aandui en die unieke vleissmake wat hulle kon raakproe beskryf. Alle deelnemers was dit eens dat Suid-Afrikaanse Merino-lam uit die boonste rakke is en volgens die telkaarte is die algehele voorkeure vir die smaaklikste en sagste lamsvleis deur deelnemers aan die twee proesessies soos volg: Die eerste proe is gewen deur lamsvleis

Die Markötter­sportterrein op Stellenbosch was Dinsdag pure skaap­plesier tydens die Cape Wools 9de Wêreld Merino­konferensie en die Merino 2014 Ekspo. Hier word ‘n me­ rino geskeer tydens ‘n skaapskeer­demon­ strasie. FOTO: LISE BEYERS vanaf Williston en in die tweede proesessie die middag het lamsvleis vanaf Victoria-Wes koning gekraai. Tussen die vleise wat blind geproe was, was ook vleis vanaf Graaff Reinet, Calvinia, Carnarvon, Molteno, Suid-Vrystaat, die Overberg en die Swartland. Die boudvleis-proestukkies was almal van eenderse ouderdom, is ewe lank verouder en almal vir 60 minute lank in ’n vakuumverpakking gaargemaak teen dieselfde temperatuur. Geen geurmiddels of speserye is bygevoeg nie.

Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

Paarl Post 8 Mei, 2014



Paarl Post

Sport Nuus Sport News

8 May, 2014

KNSS hou jaarlikse sewes­toernooi Klein Nederburg Sekondêre Skool (KNSS) hou sy vyftiende sewes-toernooi eerskomende Saterdag, vanaf 09:00 tot 16:00. Hierdie sewesrugbytoernooi word op die skool se sportveld aangebied. Skole wat saam met Klein Nederburg aan die toernooi gaan deelneem, is Bergrivier Sekondêr, Groendal Sekondêr, Kylemore Sekondêr, Charleston Hill Sekondêr, Wellington Hoërskool, Paulus Joubert Sekondêr en Wesbank. Die groepwedstryde is vanaf 09:30 tot

13:00. Die eerste plaat-halfeindstryd word om 14:10 beslis met die eerste beker-halfeindstryd wat om 14:50 gespeel word. Die eindstryde van die plaat en die beker vind plaas om 15:00 en 16:00, met die prysuitdeling wat om 16:30 sal plaasvind. Toegang is R15 (R10 vir leerders en R5 vir voertuie). By die toernooi sal heerlike kos en lekkernye verkoop word. Vir nadere inligting, bel opvoeder John Heugh by 071 8686 598 of 021 862 2720.

Top muurbal­aksie in Paarl Die Paarl Muurbalklub bied hierdie naweek ’n nasionale toernooi aan. Die Boland senior Suid-Afrikaanse plattelandse toernooi word vanjaar in die Boland gespeel. Wedstryde word op Ceres, Wolseley, Worcester, De Doorns en in die Paarl gespeel. Meer as 30 spanne en 160 top senior plattelandse muurbalspelers gaan aan die toernooi deelneem. Die tye vir wedstryde is Donderdag 8 Mei tot Saterdag 10 Mei vanaf 08:30 in die oggend. Drakensteiners kan die beste mansen vrouespelers op Donderdag en Vrydag by die Paarl-bane

verwelkom. Met die afloop van die toernooi sal daar ’n afsluitingsfunksie in Goudini gehou word, waarby die SA plattelandse oefengroep gekies sal word. Vanuit hierdie groep word daar weer ’n provinsiale span gekies wat in Junie weer sal deelneem. ’n Kroeg met allerhande lekker verversings en peuselhappies sal ook beskikbaar wees. Bel gerus vir Francois le Roux vir meer inligting by 084 517 0858. * A major squash tournament will be played at the Paarl Squash Club courts from Thursday to Sunday.

Hier is Hoër Meisieskool La Rochelle se seevie­ rende eerste netbalspan wat in Port Elizabeth die toernooi ge­ wen het. FOTO: KOCKIE VAN DER MERWE

Larries troon uit as Nasionale Kampioene by All Girls­toernooi Na afloop van die 15de All Girls’-toernooi wat die afgelope langnaweek deur Collegiate High School for Girls in Port Elizabeth aangebied is, het die Eerste Netbalspan van die Hoër Meisieskool La Rochelle met die louere weggestap. Die begeesterde jong span het agt van hulle nege afdeling-wedstryde gewen – hulle het slegs teen Oranje met 14-20 vasgeval. In die semi-finaal was die Larries te sterk vir Eunice en kom hulle weer teen Oranje in die finaal te staan, waar hulle die bordjies verhang. Met hulle oorwinning van 2719 word die Larries aangewys as die Nommer 1 Netbalspan by die All Girls’-toernooi. Uitblinkers vir die Larries was Gézelle Magerman, wat as Speler van die Toernooi aangewys is; die hoofdoel en kaptein, Sigi Burger, en die verdediger, Jana Scholtz.

) Die volledige uitslae van die span is as volg: vs Kingsridge High School for Girls 28-27, vs Clarendon High School for Girls 47-6, vs Potchefstroom Girls’ High School 27-13, vs Rhenish Girls’ High School 4111, vs Afrikaans Hoër Meisieskool Pretoria 32-18, vs Durban Girls’ High School 3214, vs Oranje Hoër Meisieskool 1420, vs St Michaels School for Girls 4811, vs Queenstown Girls’ High School 45-7, Semi-finaal: vs Eunice High School 26-12 Finaal: vs Hoër Meisieskool Oranje 27-19

Klubrugby uitslae en bepalings Hier volg die afgelope naweek se uitslae: Simondium 38 – Pêrel United 12 Laer Paarl 43 – Albions 6 Rangers 25 – Riverstones 25 Vineyards 23 – Young Stan­ dards 19 Allandale 36 – Young Gardens 35 Violets 48 – Windmeul United 25 ) Week 5 (10 Mei) se wedstryde is soos volg: Young Peoples vs. Villagers op Faure­stadion Young Peoples o. 20 vs. Villagers o. 20 op Daljosafat D Paarl Rugbyklub vs. Noordelikes op Boy Louw A Paarl Rugbyklub o. 20 vs. Noor­ delikes o. 20 op Boy Louw B Young Gardens vs. Windmeul United op Daljosafat B Young Standards vs. Pêrel United op Daljosafat C Violets vs. Rangers op Daljosafat­ stadion Riverstones vs. Lower Paarl op Daljosafat A Allandale vs. Vineyards op Allan­ dale Simondium vs. Albions op Si­ mondium Franschhoek Rugbyklub vs. El­ siesrivier op Groendal Pniel Villagers vs. Collegians op Pniel

Sportdagboek . Sport diary RUGBY ) Villagers Newton Rugbyklub se oefeninge vind plaas Dinsdae en Donderdae om 19:00. Nuwe lede sowel as oues is meer as welkom. Bel Jannie Japhta by 078 147 3082 of Lee­Heino Cupido by 071 827 4035. ) Young Stars RFK (Egoli) het weereens Sa­ terdag gewys wat in hulle steek deur vir Red Lions ’n rugby­pak te gee. Die eerste span wen 33­3, tweede span 20­0. Drieë gedruk deur Keaton Booysen (1), Jacques Goosen (1), Brendan Dampies (1), Nigel Louw (1) en Calvin Hartogh (1). Doelskoppe: Keanon Booysen (1), Jannerie Kleinhans (3). ) Young Peoples speel Saterdag teen Villa­ gers op Faure Straat­stadion alle wedstryde. Die o.20 wedstryd begin om 12:20 op Faure stadion. Alle spelers meld aan by veld om 11:30 Oefeninge gaan nog steeds voort op Dal Jo­ safat. ) Young Gardens RFC se sesde jaarlikse gholfdag vind plaas op Vrydag 9 Mei by Paarl Gholfklub. Deel van die opbrengs gaan weer aan Thinus Linee geskenk word. Spanne kan inskryf teen R1 600 per vierbal en maatskappye kan betrokke raak deur put­ jies te borg teen R500 per putjie of deur pryse te borg. Na afloop van die prysuitdeling sal verskeie sport memorabilia opgeveil word. ) Wellington Rugbyklub oefen elke Dins­ dag en Donderdag by Boland­stadion B­veld om 18:30. Alle spelers, oud en nuut, is wel­ kom. Bel Viljee Botha 083 334 5435. ) Tigers bring Superstars aarde toe op hul tuisveld derby. Fairview Tigers, met hul bril­ jante losskakel Waylon Jacobs, sink Super­ stars op hul tuiste met 22­18. Superstars was rustyd met 18­9 voor, maar ‘n drie deur Peter Esterhuizen en ’n allemintige skepdoel van Waylon Jacobs, het die skare op hul voete gehou met breekslae oral op die veld. Super­ stars het nie geweet of hul kom of gaan nie. Tigers se verdediging was by rukke nie lekker nie, maar toe dit saak maak het hulle gewys waartoe hulle in staat is. Waylon Jacobs, met ‘n doelskop, skepdoel en vier strafdoe­ le,is welverdiend as man van die wedstryd aangewys . ) Riverstones RVK oefen Dinsdae en Don­ derdae vanaf 18:00 by New Orleans­veld. Juniors vanaf 16:00 by New Orleans­veld. Oudspelers word vir spanbestuurders beno­ dig. Bel Adam Seconds by 076 186 8824. ) Windmeul United se oefendae is op Dins­ dae en Donderdae om 19:00 te Windmeul

Primêr. Bel Abel by 083 352 2703 vir meer inligting. KRIEKET ) Paarl­Oos Krieketklub se jaarlikse beker­ uitdeling vind op Vrydag 9 Mei by Boland Park (Bo­Berg Saal) plaas. Kaartjies kos R70 en kan by Apollis 083 689 00147 of Klaa­ sens 079 276 8746 gekoop word. SKEIDSREGTERS ) Die Boland Skeidsregters Toekennings­ funksie vind eerskomende Vrydag 9 Mei plaas om 19:00 by Boland Park. Dit beloof ’n uithang­funksie te wees. Die bestuur is reeds maande besig met voorbereidings. Marais Erasmus sal as gasspreker optree. Die Boland Skeidsregtersvereniging het hierdie afgelope seisoen van krag tot krag gegaan en die gevolg was dat die skeidsreg­ ters baie goeie diens gelewer het. Dis ook hoekom van die skeidsregters na verskeie KSA­weke genooi is. Die ledetal het ook aan­ sienlik gegroei en die vereniging verwelkom graag nuwe lede. Voorbereiding vir die 2014/15­seisoen begin eersdaags. Die afgelope lang naweek het van die skeids­ regters ’n geslaagde toer na SWD onder­ neem. Die bestuur bedank elke lid wat die toer moontlik gemaak het. Reëlings vir vol­ gende jaar se toer is reeds aan die gang. HOCKEY ) Paarl Hockey Club has started their pre­ season training every Monday and Wednes­ day from 19:00–20:00 at Paarl Gim’s astro. All those who are interested to join the club can contact Alan Julies at 074 830 3358 or send an email to paarlhockey­ TAFELTENNIS ) Paarl­tafeltennis het begin oefen; 19:00­ 21:00, Maandae en Woensdae by Mig­ lat (ou Tiffany’s) in Paarl­Oos. Bel Wayne Cupido by 082 538 0766 of Thomas Fran­ cke by 082 990 9707. SPORTVERENIGING VIR GESTREMDES ) Die Boland Sportvereniging vir liggaam­ lik gestremdes se bestuursvergadering vind op Maandag 12 Mei om 19:00 by die Wor­ cester Tennis­klubhuis plaas. Klubverteenwoordigers van al die geaffili­ eerde klubs moet teenwoordig wees. Enige gestremde persoon wat by die vereni­ ging se aktiwiteite wil inskakel is welkom om die vergadering by te woon. Skakel die vereniging se sekretaresse Avril Farao by 082 770 3071 of 023 342 3770.

Neon Run hits the Mother City this weekend Neon Run, South Africa’s most electric and glowing 5 km run, is heading for the Mother City this Saturday 10 May. The race starts at 18:30 at the Cape Town Stadium but there will be loads of entertainment happening from 15:00. The event will consist of a 5 km funrun, through different glow zones, and will end in an electric music festival with entertainment by some of SA’s top artists including Chris Taylor, Dean Fuel, ShortStraw, The Kiffness and 5FM’s Roger Goode. Neon Run SA aims at bringing thousands of people of all ages and nationalities together under the night skies in one exciting and unique event. It’s all about having fun and experiencing the Neon lifestyle, whether you are running, walking, skating, rollerblading or cycling as an individual or in a group. Participants can look forward to several amazing light points with out-of-this-world light displays, fire and poi dancers, food stalls and a fully-stocked bar. There will also be plenty of seating for those who wish to rest their legs after the race. Colourful glowing paint and glow sticks will

be available at the event, and participants are encouraged to wear any colours that glow such as neon and whites – the crazier the better! There will be spot prizes on the day including a weekend away at the Fire & Ice 4 Star Hotel and other fantastic giveaways. Neon Run also aims to spread the glow in SA and have announced Life Choices as their official charity partner – a vibrant youth organisation working in Cape Town! Sponsors of this fun-filled festival include, 5fm, DStv, ABI, Coca-Cola, Powerade, Runner’s World and Planet Fitness. Don’t miss out on SA’s biggest glowing event and get your tickets today. Tickets: Normal Tickets R220, R180 per person for group entries of four people or more and R90 for children (all tickets come with glow sticks) Buy your tickets for Neon Run in Cape Town at Quicket here – events/2813-neon-run-cape-town/. For more information visit or email Follow the action on Twitter @NeonRunSA #NeonRunSA and on Facebook at

Paarl Post

Sport Nuus Sport News

8 Mei, 2014

Choose from various trails at Dirtopia

Lee­Anne Pace, South Africa’s and Eu­ rope’s top female golfer, and First Car Rental are collaborating with some big names and brands in golf to bring to Franschhoek the inaugural First­Pace Golf Day for Girls. PHOTO: IAN KNIGHT

Golf day for girls to grow women’s golf Lee-Anne Pace, South Africa’s and Europe’s top female golfer, and First Car Rental are collaborating with some big names and brands in golf to bring to Franschhoek the inaugural First-Pace Golf Day for Girls, which will take place on 14 May at Pearl Valley Golf & Country Estate, Franschhoek. The First-Pace Golf Day for Girls is a fully-sponsored event for girls who attend schools near the Pearl Valley Golf & Country Estate. The aim of the golf day is to spot natural talent and attitude, and finally, to award two of the participating girls a large sponsored prize package valued at R500 000 per winner, which will see them being coached and mentored by the best in the golfing industry for 12 months to develop their skills. Eleven schools (including government and private) from the surrounding Franschhoek area have been identified from which 40 young girls from the ages of 9 to 18 years old will be nominated by their school principals, coaches and teachers to take part in the fun, but testing afternoon, playing different golf shots. There will be tutoring on the day by well-known names such as: • Lee-Anne Pace, South Africa’s and Europe’s No. 1 female golfer, and also winner of the recent Investec Cup, the Complete Golfer’s Golfer of the Year Award, and of the Women’s Professional Golfers Association (WPGA) Player of the Year Award; • Lol Jones, the president of Boland Ladies Golf, which is very influential in women’s golf development and has created many a champion; • Pro golfer and Stellenbosch coach, Anna Becker-Frankel, who also runs the Girls Love Golf programme; • Rae Hast, current WPGA president, pro golfer, author, and full-time Teaching Pro at Erinvale Golf Estate; and • Cherry Moulder-Williams, former Springbok golfer and winner of the 2002 Telkom Classic on the Nedbank Ladies Tour. Says Melissa Storey, Executive Head: Strategy, Development & Marketing, at First Car Rental, “We are very excited to be collaborating with such fantastic brands and committed champions in golf, all of whom have the same vision, and that is to help further identify and develop women golfers in this country. Nurturing young students is the best way to spot natural talent but more than this, the proper attitude, character and personality up front are important so that they may continue to become our country’s superstars tutored by the best there is.” The fully-sponsored prize package for the two winners includes playing rights and full use of facilities at Pearl Valley Golf & Country Estate; coaching and mentoring by professionals such as SwingFit in association with Boland Ladies Golf; a set of golf clubs and bag, plus golf clothing and shoes (sponsored by Puma and Cobra).

From ultra marathon to fun-ride to Enduro, there are many mountain bike choices brought to you by the Dirtopia office this month and there is even a Trail Run! With three weekends of events in a row, you simply have to spend it outdoors. To celebrate 10 years on Delvera and the trails in the Greater Simonsberg Conservancy, Dirtopia will be hosting a fun-ride on 18 May across all the routes they manage in that part of the conservancy. The Delvera Decade Derby starts the Saturday afternoon on

17 May with a gravity event on the Terrain Park, followed by a nightride from 18:00. You can do a 7,5 km or 12,5 km, but you need lights for this, which are available for rent at the trail centre. The fun-ride on Sunday measures 19 km and takes riders into famous wine estates Marklew, Warwick, Le Bonheur as well as Elsenburg. Trail Runners must make sure they pre-enter for the Falke Autumn Trail Run of 11 May, as entries are limited and have grown in popularity! There are four distances to choose from: 5 km,

7,5 km, 12,5 km and 15 km. These runs cater for every fitness level and not only offer fantastic views of the vineyards but always have a fantastic vibe and atmosphere! The Amarider 100 Miler event takes place on 24 May near Malmesbury and offers a 50 miler as well. Finishing the Amarider 100 Miler within the allotted cut-off time is one of the most challenging endurance tests! For further information, email or contact 021 884 4547 and see the website:


Whether you like cycling or run­ ning, Dirtopia has something for you in May.

Paarl, Wellington, Franschhoek, Klapmuts, Simondium, Gouda & Saron Donderdag, 8 Mei 2014

Voorheen die Afrikaanse Patriot | Tel 021 870 4600 | SMS 32363 | | | Bladsy 24


He loves to hop, skip and jump FRANS LE ROUX

Kyle Green (15) a learner at New Orleans Secondary school has been nominated as one of Paarl Post’s Supersport Let’s Play monthly winners for his outstanding achievements in athletics. A primary school teacher first told Green that he should try track running, and the rest is history. “I always loved athletics, but after my introduction to the track back in 2010, I realised that this was something I could excel in.” Green lives in Nederburg with his parents and younger brother. Although everything started with relays and sprinting, he is an accomplished triple- and long-jump athlete today. “AfterIstarteddoinglongjump,Iknewthat I was hooked on the discipline. I decided to try the triple jump as well because it looked cool when people did it.” Today, at the tender age of 15, Green has some impressive statistics/results. “At the Western Cape athletics championship I broke the triple-jump record and jumped my personal best of 13,74 m, while I managed a silver at the long jump. While competing at the SA Schools Athletics Championship I won gold in the triple jump and silver in the long jump.” Along the way Green has been greatly influenced by various coaches, “I don’t have an athletics idol, although I’ve had numerous coaches and mentors. My current coach, Keenan Watson, helps me a lot.” Even though Green is still a youngster, he needs to be in great physical shape: “A normal trainingweekwouldincludeonehourperday for about 4-5 days per week. This includes track, conditioning and strength training.”

Kyle Green certainly has a bright future in athletics. If he keep’s on training he might even make the Olym­ pic­team one day.


If Green get’s time to relax, he prefers to spend it with friends or family. He has had an extraordinary past 12 months, “My highlights would definitely include the time I broke the Boland Athletics record in Oudtshoorn as well as when I received the gold medal at the SA Schools champs.” At school, Green likes the more difficult subjects: “Most of my friends and the learners in my school are not as fond of mathematics and accounting as I am. I find them both very interesting.” Greenisabigdreamerandremainshopeful for a bright future: “Over the next five years I would like to be studying while representing my country at athletics. And my ultimate dream is to qualify for the Olympics and bring home an Olympic medal.” * Paarl Post will be publishing all eight Let’s Play finalists in November. The public would then have a chance to vote for their favourite nominee as well. More details will be announced at a later stage.

DERBY­TYD: Roses United het Saterdag in hul derbystryd teen Wellington Rugbyklub bewys waarom hul hierdie jaar baie mense verras het in die CellC gemeenskapsbe­ ker. Hier soek Roses se heelagter Lohan Lubbe vir aansluiting terwyl Wellington se Arno Jansen van Vuuren hom dophou. Roses het die stryd op Pelikaanpark gemaklik met 31­14 gewen. FOTO: FRANS LE ROUX

Paarl Gim bots met Paul Roos Die tweede wedstryd in vanjaar se Mutual&Federal Premier Interskole-liga is tussen twee groot rugbyskole naamlik Paarl Gimnasium en Paul Roos Gimnasium. Hierdie wedstryd behoort propvol aksie te wees wanneer Paul Roos Saterdag 10 Mei die Paarl kom besoek om die gedugte span van Paarl Gimnasium aan te vat. Albei spanne het gemengde welslae tot dusver diéseisoen beleef. Paarl Roos het teen Waterkloof verloor by die St. John’s-rugbyfees asook op hul tuis-

veld teen Grey Port Elizabeth. Paarl Gim het egter teen Grey College (Bloemfontein) by die Wildeklawer-toernooi verloor en het ook vasgeval teen Hoërskool Menlopark. Die o.19A se wedstryd sal Saterdag direk vanaf Paarl Gimnasium op Supersport (kanaal 210) om 12:00 uitgesaai word. Moet dit nie misloop nie. * Paarl Gymnasium will face a tough challenge when they host arch rivals Paul Roos on Saturday. The u.19A game will be broadcast live on Supersport channel 210 at 12:00.

Trocado wins Boland Open in dramatic fashion Luke Trocado, member of Atlantic Beach Golf Club, won the 2014 Boland Open Championship, hosted by Paarl Golf Club, on the 3rd sudden death play-off hole. Trocado and Stefan Cronje (Nigel Golf Club) finished the regulation 54 holes tied on 11 under par, which forced the play-off. Both Cronje and Trocado made par on the first of the play-off holes and birdied the par 5, 18th hole to extend the match back to the 10th tee. The cool-headed Capetonian kept focus as he was forced to take a penalty drop after he ended up in the water with his drive. Trocado however, made an excellent par, which Cronje couldn’t match. All the players that competed in the tournament were very impressed with the excellent course conditions Paarl Golf Club presented. Christiaan Basson (Paarl Golf Club) and Trevor Mahoney (Pearl Valley) were the top Boland finishers, finishing tied 8th position on 6 under par.

Here Luke Trocado is on his way to claim victory at this year’s Boland Open Golf championship. PHOTO: BUKS


TOUR IN JAPAN: Paarl Boy’s High represented South Africa at the recent Sanix World Rugby Youth Tournament in Japan. The boys in blue made it all the way to the final where they narrowly lost out 15­11 to Hamilton Boys High from New Zea­ land. Paarl Boys High can still hold their heads up high for making it to the final of this prestigious event.

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