PaarlPost 30 Augustus 2012

Page 1

Voorheen die Afrikaanse Patriot

Volume 107

Donderdag 30 Augustus 2012

Tel: 021-870-4600

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R5.50 (incl)

Council thinks again

DA lambasted over new electricity tariffs Anne Kruger

ATM fraudsters strike 3

Huis nou geen paleis 4

Said councillor Colin Rens: “The DA THE ANC vented its has failed the public anger on the DA of Drakenstein and over the electricity we cannot support tariff debacle durthese proposals. The ing last week’s speANC and the NNP cial council meetwill abstain from the ing, at which it was vote. decided to lower “The DA must take the daily charge of full responsibility for residents with lowtheir mess and apoler electricity usage ogise for it. The best (30A category). thing would be for Said councillor the Mayor te resign Sharon Davids, and find a capable “Why were the new person to lead the electricity charges council.” never explained to He was supported the public? Why was by Dan Kotze (SAPthere no public parCO): “SAPCO did not ticipation process? support the new tar“The new basic iffs - we made it clear and capacity charges that we did not want were never even to disadvantage the mentioned to the poor. These propospublic at the IDP als do not go far meetings!” enough - there are Speaker Koos le other ways to obtain Roux (DA) conceded: sufficient operation“We acknowledge ELECTRICITY. At a special municipal council meeting held in Paarl last week, the electricity tariffs al funding.” that communication which have caused a public outcry, were discussed and some were amended. Pic: Anne Kruger Derrick Blanckenregarding the elecberg (PDM) pointed grading to 30A as well. tricity charges could have been better.” out that he had also not supported the tar“People who buy less than 300 units per iffs: “These tariffs should be scrapped beAdded Linda Landu (ANC), “We as councillors are confronted by members of the month should downgrade to 20A, where cause they are disadvantaging the poor even public who want answers from us - these they pay no basic charges and unit cost is further.” are people who are too poor to travel to the only 88,3c. The motion to decrease the basic charges “These matters will be explained to the on 30A users, and to allow all residents the municipal offices to ask for information.” Keith Sheldon (Cope) remarked, “We need community in the newsletter which will go option of paying the daily charges on a to institute block tariffs in which those with out with municipal accounts at the end of monthly basis via municipal accounts, was lower usage pay less per unit than those the month, and which will be available at then carried by the DA majority, without the with high electricity consumption.” support of opposition parties. In response, the chief financial officer of After the meeting, a DA spokesperson the Municipality, Jacques Carstens, exsaid that electricity tariffs could not be deplained, “Electricity unit costs were lowered creased further, due to a total of R250 milfrom R1,20 per unit to R1,14 to make up lion in outstanding debt dating from the prefor the daily charges now instituted, which vious council. vary according to the Amps on the circuit “There are also 5335 illegal household breaker. electricity connections in Drakenstein for “People with 30A electricity supply have which no payment is received.” been hit the hardest, because their electrici“The DA shall correct the financial mess ty use is lower and basic charges thus make inherited. We will pay back the loans and up a bigger part of their cost. That is why pre-paid purchase points as well. rebuild the depleted reserves.” “Electricity tariffs will be restructured we will decrease their basic charges, back) To transfer daily charges from pre-paid dated to 1 July, by R19,74 (including VAT) from 1 July next year, with stepped tariffs purchases to your monthly account, visit phased in over two years to ensure that low any municipal office with your ID document per month. “Residents with 40A who buy less than usage is rewarded by lower cost.” and fill in an application form. The transfer The ANC was still unimpressed. 400 units per month should consider downshould be completed within 48 hours.

“Electricity tariffs will be restructured from 1 July next year, with stepped tariffs phased in over two years to ensure that low usage is rewarded by lower cost.”

Eerste kolhou vir Elsa 48

News · Nuus

2 . Paarl Post

DAAR is geen versekering dat Boland Rugby in die nabye toekoms enige wedstryde gaan wen nie. Alhoewel daar verlede week ’n hernieude finansiële borgskapboei na hulle uitgegooi is, wil die dinge op die rugbyvelde maar net nie vlot nie. Die versekeringsreus se borgskap is welkom, maar as die Bolanders nie hulle sokkies gaan optrek en wenne verseker nie, gaan dit sekerlik die laaste keer wees dat versekering die Bolanders se bas gaan red. ) Dis dalk vir party ’n kleine troos dat hulle ’n paar rand gaan terugkry vir die onlangse kragfiasko. Maar die volgende paar maande gaan broekskeur wees, met die petrolprys wat volgende week met 80c per liter gaan styg. Nog stygings word ook verwag voor die einde van die jaar en die ergste nog is dat kospryse gevolglik ook gaan styg. Die leuse vir die toekoms is dus: spaar en vasbyt!

Rainy spring day SPRING DAY is here, but the weather just does not want to play along. Today remains cloudy with a high of only 17°C. But from tomorrow, the mercury drops to an expected high of 14°C and the heavens open, bringing heavy rains. More rain is forecast for Saturday, but the good news is that although Sunday will still be on the chilly side at 16°C, it is expected to start clearing and by Monday warmer spring weather can be expected.

Inbox Youth ........... p14 Arts.............. p18 Lifestyle........p17 Motoring.......p41 Wellington.... p13 Business.......p19

Plakstuk DIE derde plakstuk in die Plakvir-jou-Sak kompetisie waarin ’n leser R1800 kan wen, verskyn op bladsy 46. Die kompetisie sluit op Vrydag 28 September om 16:00.

DERBY. Wellington Hoërskool meet Saterdag teen Charleston Hill Sekondêr kragte tydens die derbystryd op CPUT-velde, Wellington. Wellington het verlede jaar die derde stryd gewen. Rowen Ranna, o.19Akaptein, en Wendy Gelderblom, Mej Derby, kan nie wag vir Saterdag nie. Foto: Devidean Moses

Hoax delays trains A HOAXTER once again caused huge delays for railway commuters last week following a bomb scare. Paarl police were alerted on Friday shortly before 07:00 of a possible bomb at Paarl railway station. As a safety precaution, the station had to be evacuated and the railway tracks inspected by the police with the assistance of the K-9 unit. The regional manager of Metrorail Western Cape, Mthuthuzeli Swartz, attributed the hoax call to a coward intent on delaying innocent commuters. “We condemn the action in the strongest possibleterms–anyindividualcausingsuch mayhem must be dealt with severely.” Swartz reiterated his earlier appeal to the public to expose hoax callers. “These individuals thrive on causing chaos and must be stopped immediately.” He requested anyone with any informationthatmightexposetheculprittogivetheir information to the police to assist them in apprehending the offender. Six trains were delayed for between 20 and 40 minutes while police explosives experts swept the area. The train service resumed at 08:20 after the area was declared safe. Anyone with any information regarding these incidents can phone their information through anonymously - a reward of up to R25 000 is payable for information leading to conviction.

Terugflits ) Op 6 September 1718 word die eerste steen gelê vir die bou van die eerste Paarlse kerk, op die terrein van die huidige Strooidakkerk. ) Op 1 September 1930 het die Paarl vir die eerste keer kennis gemaak met “Talking Pictures” in die Elite Bioskoop oorkant die Central Hotel (vandag die Paarl biblioteek).

Thursday 30 August 2012

STRYD. “Vanjaar gaan ons opmaak vir die rugbybeker wat ons verlede jaar verloor het,” sê Charleston Hill Sekondêr se o.19-A kaptein, Gerhard Fortuin. By hom is Mej Derby, Mekayla Smith. Die eerste rugbywedstryd vind om 09:00 plaas by CPUT. Toegang beloop R25. Foto: Devidean Moses

Bespaar só op jou krag KRAGKOSTES het die afgelope paar jaar die hoogte ingeskiet. Drakenstein Munisipaliteit raai mense aan om kostes te bespaar deur te verander na ’n kleiner stroombreker. Moenie dan nie alle elektriese toestelle gelyktydig gebruik nie, om sodoende nie die laer stroombreker (A) te laat afslaan nie Elektriese toestelle gebruik min of meer die volgende ampere wanneer hulle aangeskakel word: geyser 10A, stoof 6A-15A afhangende van hoeveel plate en oond aangeskakel word, strykyster 4A, ketel 8A, verwarmer 10A, yskas/vrieskas 3A, mikrogolfoond 2A, stofsuier 4A en lugversorger 4A.

Indien ’n mens die Ampére van al die implemente optel wat tegelykertyd gebruik word, moet die totaal laer wees as die stroombreker wat jy gebruik. Ander toestelle wat ’n verdere las op verbruik plaas is die TV, radio, gloeilampe, swembadpomp, wasmasjien en ondervloerse verhitting. Skakel onnodige ligte af en gebruik warmer klere en komberse, eerder as verwarmers. Installeer ’n tydskakelaar om die geyser slegs van 04:00 tot 06:00 soggens en van 20:00 tot 22:00 saans aan te skakel. Ondersoek die voordele van ander bronne van krag, soos gas en sonverhitting.

Mobisite live today FROM today Paarl Post readers will have fast access to Paarl Post content on their cellphones. Paarl Post’s new mobisite ( went live today. It can be accessed from any cellphone with an active internet/WAP service on (or use the bar code on page 6). The mobisite has been developed to be compatible with the screens of over 7 000 different handsets. Readers will be able to interact with Paarl Post and each other on this new platform The mobisite will be packed with news of local interest fed through from Paarl Post’s website. Read and comment on selected articles from the newspaper and website, get access to breaking news, extra photos and other multimedia content, the weather forecast, events and blogs. * To mark the launch, one lucky mobisite reader will win four movie tickets for shows at the Minimax cinema in Paarl (see the competition section on the mobisite for details).

FONDS. Die Paarl-Oos polisie het onlangs tydens ’n klopjag beslag gelê op meer as 200 Mandrax-tablette. Hul het inligting ontvang en dit opgevolg waarna hul by ’n huis in Siyahlala, Groenheuwel, die dwelms gevind het. Paarl-Oos Polisie het die publiek bedank vir hul samewerking. Adj Japie Heswick spog hier met die Mandrax-tablette waarop hul beslag gelê het.

Nuus · News

Donderdag 30 Augustus 2012

Paarl Post

Meat & Farm Stall @ POTBELLY PANTRY, R44

HORROR. No, it is not quite Halloween yet, but these matriculants of Labori High School chose a horror theme as part of their 40 days celebrations, which marked 40 more school days before their final exams. The matric examination kicks off on 22 October with English. Pic: Lise Beyers

Coctail Halwe Lam Lam Pakke Tomatoes R56,98/kg



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ATM fraudsters strike Lise Beyers

HUISBRAAK is aan die toeneem in die Drakenstein-gebied. In Paarl-Oos alleen is daar die afgelope naweek by nie minder nie as 18 wonings ingebreek. En in Paarl-Wes het sewe inbrake plaasgevind by huise en besighede. Dit is ook kommerwekkend hoeveel inbrake plaasvind terwyl huiseienaars tuis is en slaap. En motors word ook erg geteiken. Sondagoggend is ’n man se Nissan-bakkie gesteel, terwyl hy slegs vir 15 minute in ’n winkel was. Die voorval het tussen 10:45 en 11:00 plaasgevind toe die man sy voertuig by Noorder-Paarl Kwik Spar geparkeer het. Toe hy uit die winkel kom, was sy bakkie weg. Daar is ook tien gevalle van diefstal vanuit motorvoertuie aan die polisie in die Paarl gerapporteer. Wellington het ook die afgelope paar maande erg deurgeloop met inbrake, maar

onlangs is ’n deurbraak gemaak toe arrestasies gemaak is van verdagtes wat verbind word met vier inbrake in Berg-en-Dal. Die volgende wenke kan misdaad voorkom: * Sluit altyd jou voertuig en hou vensters toe. Moet geen waardevolle besittings in voertuie laat nie. * Maak seker dat jou huis toegesluit is, en as jy met vakansie gaan, vra die bure om ’n ogie oor jou erf te hou. Stel ook die polisie hiervan in kennis. * Leer ken jou bure en hou ’n ogie op mekaar se eiendom. * Wees veral versigtig met die hoeveelheid kontant wat jy saamdra, en wees uiters waaksaam wanneer jy geld trek by OTM’s. *Maaksekerdatjouselfoontealletyewerkend is, en sit noodnommers daarop. Die polisie is net ’n oproep weg, indien die publiek hulp nodig het. Hou ook jou gebied se sektornommer byderhand om direk die betrokke patrolliewa te kan kontak.




Contact us for more information T: 021 864 2438 F:086 582 9809 E:


Lise Beyers


Inbrekers woelig in die vallei

&Žƌ ŝŶĨŽƌŵĂƚŝŽŶ ŽŶ ƉƌŽŵŽƚŝŽŶƐ ƉůĞĂƐĞ ĐŽŶƚĂĐƚ d, </d , E ^,KW ŽŶ ϬϮϭ ϴϳϮ ϱϵϬϵ Žƌ ĞŵĂŝů͗ ŝŶĨŽΛŬŝƚĐŚĞŶƐŚŽƉ͘ĐŽ͘njĂ ǁĞďƐŝƚĞ͗ ǁǁǁ͘ŬŝƚĐŚĞŶƐŚŽƉ͘ĐŽ͘njĂ


to get my card out of the machine.” “IT is not about the On Monday morning amount of money that Pienaar went to report the bank owes me, but the matter to employees about the principle.” of Standard Bank in LaThese are the words of dy Grey Street. a retired police detective He wanted to know after ATM fraudsters alwhether he could see legedly withdrew security camera footage R1 000 from his bank of the ATM area in order account. to be able to identify the The crime took place suspect, but he was inon Saturday 11 August formed that there are no at approximately 12:30. security cameras. PienPine Pienaar, was hav- BEWARE. Be very cautious when using aar was also told that a ing lunch with his fami- ATMs, as fraudsters are rampant. Standard Bank emly at a Lady Grey Street ployee from their head restaurant, when he quickly popped out to office would be in contact with him within withdraw money from the adjacent Stand72 hours to discuss the incident. ard Bank ATM. “Only 11 days later did someone contact “When I approached the ATM, a well- me from Standard Bank fraud division. I dressed man with a Standard Bank lapel wanted to know from him what they were badge pinned to his jacket approached me doing about the issue and said I want my an guided me to a specific ATM. I was not money back. worried about this because he looked like “Eventually he said that they were only a bank employee. prepared to give me R500. The bank should “But when I entered my pin number into be held responsible for such thefts as obvithe machine, nothing happened. There ously their security standards are not up were three other men in the vicinity and to scratch. Why are there nocameras?” when they came closer to me I asked them And it seems as if the suspect is still up to go away. to his old tricks, as Pienaar again saw him “I tried to retrieve my card, but still nothoutside the bank recently. But when he saw ing happened. I then asked the ‘bank offiPienaar, he vanished. cial’ what I must do and he told me to enter Paarl police confirmed that ATM fraud is my pin number again.” currently on the increase in Paarl. And while Pienaar was again trying to reA spokesperson for Standard Bank said trieve his card, he was notified via SMS that that the security of their customers is of utR1 000 had been withdrawn from his bank most importance. account at a Nedbank ATM in Paarl. “All forms of financial crime, including “When I told the ‘bank official’ about this, ATM-related crime, are treated seriously. he disappeared. I immediately reported this Standard Bank works closely with law ento the Standard Bank emergency number forcement authorities to combat ATM and and my card was stopped as I was not able other financial crime.”






Deon: 082 713 4000 Andre: 083 564 9887 Karin: 076 546 3700



News · Nuus

4 . Paarl Post

Leopard sightings on Simonsberg SIGHTINGS of up to three young leo- ward and Anita Meyer of the Cape Leopard Trust (CLT), it seems likely that these picpards have been made on the farm Plaisir de Merle in Simondium since the in- tures are of three different sub-adult leopards: “Two of these seem to be unknown stallation of a motion-detecting camera on the Simonsberg on 21 June this year. cats, One of the leopards is certainly the “As far back as 1992 foresters and other same individual as was photographed becontractors on the farm claimed to have fore on Tokara (in May). “We were pleasantly surprised by the actually seen leopard. We had the spoor photos obtained on Plaisir de Merle, espeidentified, so we knew they were out there, cially considering but we are so excithat Simonsberg is ted to have this fiisolated from the nally verified on carest of the Jonkersmera,”saidFreddie hoek mountains by le Roux, farm mavineyards, urban nager. settlement and the There was anoHelshoogte Pass. ther surprise when “Cape leopards a honey badger alare solitary and so bustled onto the highly territorial scene one night. animals and have “We have always extensive home joked about the ‘zoo’ on the farm,” YOUNG. At least three young adult leopards ha- ranges. Due to its isolation and the said Freddie, ‘’and ve been spotted on the Simonsberg. relative lack of rocnow, we have the proof! The presence of leopard and other ky slopes we do not expect Simonsberg to be exclusively utilised by a permanent rewildlife is an affirmation of the success of our efforts over more than 22 years to rein- sident leopard for an extended period of tistate the original vegetation in the areas me. “Rather we expect its slopes to be occasisurrounding the vineyards to promote a onally utilised by adults who have larger habitat conducive to greater biodiversity.” Other fauna known to be on the farm in- territories stretching into the Jonkershoek clude the caracul (Cape lynx), jackal, mon- mountains, and younger leopards looking goose, buck (duiker and grysbok) and bat- to establish a territory. “We surmise that at present there must eared jackal. be some kind of territorial dispute going on “We roped in the help of the Cape Leopard Trust Boland Project for advice on – it is very uncharacteristic for more than where to place the cameras and how to two individuals to share the same space, and so finding three individuals in such a download the photographs,” said Freddy. short space of time is very unusual. According to a report from Jeannie Hay.

Thursday 30 August 2012

Huis nou geen paleis

die wette beskerm ’n WELLINGTONSE word, terwyl ek, die vrou beleef enorme grondeienaar, benafinansiële verlies deel word.” weens ’n huurder Natasha was verlewat maande agterde week weer in Suidstallig is met sy Afrika toe die saak in huurpaaiemente. die Wellington LandNatasha Downe, droshof sou draai. Sy wat tans in Engeland is gretig om hierdie as spraakterapeut werk, het meer as VERLEE. Natasha Downe staan hier verleë voor hoofstuk in haar lewe twee jaar gelede haar haar huis op Wellington wat gehuur word deur agter haar te kry, huis in Kloofstraat, ’n man wat nie sy huurgeld betaal nie en boonop maar weer eens is sy Wellington, aan ’n ge- weier om die perseel te verlaat. Foto: Lise Beyers diep teleurgestel. “Eers toe ons voor sin verhuur. die magistraat staan, het Davids gesê dat hy “Ek moes seker vroeër snuf in die neus geregshulp nodig het. Dít nadat hy al maande kry het, want van die staanspoor af het Isaac lank weet dat ons in die hof gaan verskyn.” Davids net sporadies betaal. So moes Natasha onverrigtersake terug“Hy het die deposito eers nege maande nadat hy en sy gesin hul intrek geneem het, be- keer na haar werk in Londen. En intussen taal. Boonop het ek die huis verhuur teen ’n hoop Davids se skuld aan haar op, want hy het sedert Januarie geen huur betaal nie. baie billike prys.” “Ek is ’n barmhartige Samaritaan, maar SohetDavidsalhoemeeragtergeraakmet sy maandelikse paaiemente - soveel so dat ek voel dat Davids geen poging aanwend om my te betaal nie. teen Desember verlede jaar was sy huur met “Tye is vir ons almal moeilik, maar sekerlik R24 000 agterstallig. “Ek het hierdie huis geërf en gedink dat kon hy my elke maand iets aangebied het.“ ’n Prokureur wat genader is vir kommenek ’n bietjie van ’n neseier deur die verhuur daarvan kon opbou. Maar dit was tot dusver taar, het gesê dat om ’n woning uit te verhuur een van die grootste risiko's is wat grondeienog net kopstamp gewees.” naars kan neem. Davids is toe deur Natasha gedagvaar vir “Dit is oral ’n reuse-probleem en agterstaldie agterstallige bedrag en kort voor ’n hoflige huurders kan die regsproses van uitsetverskyning verlede jaar, het hulle ’n skikting maande lank manipuleer en dié proses kingsooreenkoms bereik. Volgens Natasha sou Davids R10 000 aan haar betaal en die verleng.” Huurders wat agterstallig raak met hul orige bedrag sou teen Desember vanjaar behuurgeld word ook gemaan om eerder vroegtaal wees. tydig met die huiseienaar ooreen te kom oor Maar sedertdien was daar geen verdere hoe om die skuld af te betaal. Sodoende kan betalings aan haar gemaak nie. Sy moes deurentyd ook haar hand diep in ’n lang, uitgerekte hofgeding gekeer word. * A woman travelled all the way from Lonhaar eie sak steek om reiskostes vanaf London to Wellington to have her day in court with den na Suid-Afrika te betaal en boonop hoop haar regskostes ook op. En weens die lands- a man who owes her thousands of rands in outstanding rental - to na avail, as at the last wette kan die eienaar van ’n woning nie makmoment, the suspect asked for legal aid and lik ontslae raak van ’n huurder nie. the case was once again postponed. “Ek voel asof Davids die een is wat deur

Donderdag 30 Augustus 2012

Nuus · News

Paarl Post



Heritage symposium in Paarl

LENTE. Die afgelope week het dit behoorlik gevoel asof lente in die lug is, met heerlike sonskynweer Maandag en Dinsdag. Hier geniet Tiaan Botes en Sunette Steyn die sonskynweer tussen lentebloeisels van ’n boord op die plaas Welgemoed by Wellington. Maar volgens die weervoorspelling word Lentedag Saterdag ontsier met nog reën en koue.

Twee sterf tydens gewelddadige naweek ’n VROU is die afgelope naweek vermoedelik met ’n graaf doodgeslaan. Die voorval het Sondag omstreeks 02:00 plaasgevind op ’n plaas in Klein Drakenstein. Volgens Paarl polisie het ’n man en ’n vrou buite ’n werkershuis gekuier. ’n Stryery het glo ontstaan waarna die man na bewering ’n graaf gaan haal en die vrou verskeie kere hiermee geslaan het. Die man het gaan slaap en toe hy later wakker word, het hy op die liggaam van Sylvia Beukes afgekom. Izak Skippers is in verband met die voorval in hegtenis geneem.

BESTE VERKOPE. Checkers van der Lingen het die afgelope maand die grootste persentasietoename in verkope van Paarl Post gehad. Hier is Charmaine de Villiers, wat toesien dat al die koerante uit die stoor op die rakke geplaas word, saam met die winkelbestuurder, Randall Newman. Foto: Devidean Moses

* On Sunday, Mbekweni police were busy with their patrols in sector 2 when they were stopped by a group of people who informed them about a fight which had taken place in Mafila Street, nearby Jumbo Liquor Store. On their arrival they found a man lying on his back, covered in blood, with an open wound in his chest. Thedeceasedwascertifieddeadbyamedical practitioner. A case of murder has been registered and no arrest has been made yet. Anyone with information can contract Detective Warrant Officer Nico Stevens at 021 868 9926 or 082 777 5943.

THE tragedy of the forced removals of black and coloured communities by the government during Apartheid will be commemorated during a function to be held in Paarl on 4 October. It will form part of the tenth symposium of Heritage South Africa from 4 to 6 October, hosted by the Drakenstein Heritage Foundation. The function will be held at Nelson wine estate where there will be talks by people who experienced the removals first-hand. Memories of old Paarl will be relived - historic photographs and memorabilia will be on display. There will also be a powerpoint presentation of the unveiling of Blue Heritage Plaques near Paarl railway station, School Street, Die Ou Tuin, Berg Street and Market Street. This event is organised by a committee of former Paarl West home owners under the auspices of the Drakenstein Heritage Foundation. Heritage organisation members attend free (for an invitation, contactCathyRaymond at During the rest of

the week, social historians, researchers, architects and restorers will discuss the social and economic history of the Valley and its influence on the development of the famous Cape homesteads. They will discuss how the three forces – indigenous peoples, settlers and slaves – combined to shape our heritage. Guests will visit 18th century sites in the centre of town and on surrounding farms during the symposium, which has the theme “From survival to opulence in 100 years: the rise of the Cape Dutch manor house”. The symposium will trace the development of the Cape from its geological beginnings, through the earliest inhabitants, to the arrival of the Dutch East India Company. The endeavours of these people, together, created the wealth that gave rise to the Sumptuary Laws (die Wet van Prag en Praal) of Governor Rijk Tulbagh 100 ye-

ars later to curb the ostentatious display of opulence. This period of prosperity is still represented by many examples of Cape vernacular architecture in the Drakenstein Valley. The symposium, in the hall of the Toringkerk, is open to everyone, but will be of special interest to members ofheritagesocietiesand those who are interested in heritage and cultural history of all the people of South Africa. On Friday 5 October there will be a variety of talks on the early inhabitants of the valley, including the Khoi and the first frontier war. The contribution of the slaves to the development at the Cape will be discussed by Prof Rob Shell, University of the Western Cape. There will also be a number of outings to visit historic buildings. For details, visit For enquiries, contact heritage@iafrica. com.

Opinion · Menings

6 . Paarl Post

Thursday 30 August 2012

ATM fraud - who is to blame? ATM fraudsters are shopping merrily in Paarl. This is obvious from the number of ATM fraud cases which are being reported. These criminals have become extremely sophisticated, using handheld devices to clone card information. They are then able to duplicate the card and draw as much cash as they like from the cardholder’s account if they know the pin number. And not only are they operating in dark secluded corners, but they are now so confident of getting away with their crimes that they are operating in broad daylight and in the centre of Paarl. But who is actually to blame here? Yes, users of ATMs are continually warned to be extremely vigilant and not allow anyone near them when using these cash machines, as well as covering the key pad with one hand while entering the pin. But what are banks doing with their huge profits to counteract these crimes? South Africa has some of the highest banking costs in the world, so where is the expenditure for ensuring the safety of their clients and their hard earned cash?

Braai, geliefde land ’n GROOT debat woed tans oor publieke vakansiedae wat óf behoue moet bly, óf geskrap moet word. Maar een vakansiedag wat nie geskrap mag word nie, is Erfenisdag, oftewel Nasionale Braaidag. So ’n paar jaar gelede het ’n jong Stellenbosser besluit dat Erfenisdag die perfekte geleentheid is om die ganse land se verbeelding aan te gryp. Die een ding wat die meeste van ons sekerlik in gemeen het, is braai. En hy het net daar die spryker op die kop geslaan en braai gebruik as ’n manier vir die land om hande te vat. Ja, Jan Scannell, nou beter bekend as Jan Braai, het besluit dat Erfenisdag die perfekte dag is om letterlik die land aan die brand te slaan. ’n Klompie jaar gelede was die land ook byna aan die brand, maar beslis nie met braai nie. Die menigte het in opstand gekom en hul verset teen die jarelange verdrukking van Apartheid. ’n Ware gevaar van burgeroorlog het talle mense inderhaas laat besluit om die oewers van Suid-Afrika te verlaat. Maar in die nagevolg van Nelson Mandela en diegene naby aan hom, het die kwik gedaal en daar is besef dat op een of ander manier kan hierdie veelkleurige en -rassige nasie probeer saamlewe. En volgens my beskeie mening is Jan Braai se konsep van Braaidag op Erfenisdag ’n gevolg van die groot manne wat vrede in Suid-Afrika bewaar het - dus ’n briljante idee. Almal se erfenis sluit op een of ander manier braai in. Ek dink maar net terug aan my Hugenote-voorvaders wat destyds in Franschhoek gebraai het. My eerste voorvader het vanuit Frankryk hierheen as Protestantse vlugteling aangekom. So beland die Hugenote aan die Kaapse kus en word grond gegee in die Franschhoek-vallei, in daardie dae beter bekend as die plek van Olifante. My voorvader, Joubert, se vrou het die skeepsreis nie oorleef nie

en toe hy sy voete hier aan wal sit, het hy sommer dadelik ’n plaaslike vrou gevat. Ons land is ryk aan sulke stories wat ’n nasie uiteindelik gebou het. En dan moet ons glad nie vergeet van die talle kleurryke inheemse mense wat reeds aan wal was toe die setlaars hier aangeland het nie. Die stories van Shaka en Dingaan is maar net ’n handjievol fasinerende verhale van ons plaaslike stamme en daar is nog ’n magdom van hierdie legendes wat in ons volk se aardsgeskiedenis lê. Om terug te kom na Jan Braai se erfeniskonsep: een ding wat ons kleurryke nasie in gemeen het, is seker braai. Vir party is dit ’n daaglikse noodsaaklikheid weens die tekort aan krag, vir ander is dit ’n lekkerheid waarvan hulle nie genoeg kan kry nie. As ’n mens so om ’n braaivuur sit en kyk hoe skiet die vlamme vanuit die hout die lug in, dan is dit ’n byna hipnotiese ervaring. Ek kan in my verbeelding sien hoe my voorvader Joubert op die lappie grond wat aan hom gegee is in die Franschhoek-vallei byna verleë met sy nuwe bruid daardie eerste aand moes vuurmaak en so ook kosmaak daarop. Die vlamme moes om hulle lek, soos hul onsekere toekoms. En ons inheemse mense het groot fees gevier om reuse braaivure in die dae voordat die westerse wêreld hul koninkryke verdeel het. Die tromme is geslaan en die gemeenskap het dikwels feesgevier. Dalk ná ’n groot jag, huweliksfeesviering of die geboorte van ’n kind wat die volk sou lei. Dus dink ek dat daar geen beter manier is om Erfenisdag te vier as om ’n paar houtjies bymekaar te skraap, hulle aan die brand te steek en ’n stukkie vleis oor die kole te gooi en te braai nie. In die woorde van Jan Braai, braai geliefde land - dit maak nie saak wie jy is nie, of waar jy vandaan kom nie.

Why do we have to park in the mud at station? AS a user of the public transport system, I would like to point out the terrible condition of the parking area at Huguenot train station. The red gravel surface of the parking lot gives problems all year around. In summer, when the slightest breeze blows, your car will have a coat of red dust on it, not to mention the engine bay, which looks as if someone has dropped it in a sand box. In winter it gets worse. As soon as we have rain, the gravel washes away and massive puddles form with even bigger potholes. I have witnessed many occasions where someone had no option but to drive through a puddle and ended up getting stuck in the mud. You park your car in the morning, have a day’s rain, and when you get back to your car the evening, it’s standing in the middle of 100 square metres of

water. I am a tax paying South African, paying monthly rates as well as spending R336 per month on a train ticket. So whether that parking area belongs to Metro Rail or the Drakenstein Municipality, all I want to know is: When will a proper tarmac be built? Unsatisfied customer The municipal spokesperson responds: The parking area between the Huguenot Station fence and the Huguenot

Bypass is indeed the property of Drakenstein Municipality. The problems experienced by commuters making use of this area for parking is acknowledged. Future development of the area in question together with the railway infrastructure in respect of all transportation systems and facilities, is at present in the midst of the planning phase. The provision of a permanent surface to the parking area can only be considered in line with this future development. As the area is utilised by a large number of commuters, the gravel parking area will be attended to by placing a new gravel surface. The dust problem unfortunately will persist in the medium term, but it will be attempted to use material with a low dust content to keep the problem to a minimum.

Swak gedrag van Interskole-jeug skok INTERSKOLE 2012 is nou deel van die Paarl se ryke geskiedenis, maar ongelukkig sal dit onthou word vir die verarming van die waardes van die jeug. Interskole bied die geleentheid vir sekere besighede in die dorp om hulle jaarlikse omset ’n hupstoot te gee en die Paarl-rugbyklub is geen uitsondering nie. Weke se beplanning en reëlings bou op tot die grootste skolesportnaweek suid van die ewenaar en was dit nie ’n grote nie! Ek het die Faurestraat-stadion nog nooit so vol gesien nie. Dit is ’n voorreg vir die Paarl om met die twee toprugbyskole in Suid-Afrika te kan spog. Baie

Service game? LAST week, I parked next to a municipal van (CJ 26860) at about 15:30 outside Game in Paarl. There was an employee sitting behind the steering wheel (looking very drowsy). I had a few places to go to and returned to my car at about 16:20 and the van and the employee were still as when I arrived. It is no wonder we have such terrible service, plus we need to ask how long was he there before I had arrived and how much longer did he stay after I left? Will anybody at the municipality follow this up? Disgruntled taxpayer

geluk aan Paarl Gimnasium met hul oorwinning. ’n Spesiale woord van dank aan die 30 werkers en die tien sekuriteitswagte wat die wa deur die drif getrek het en was die stroom Saterdagaand nie sterk nie! Ons moes die ingang van die rugbyklub op ’n stadium sluit omdat die perseel vol was. Dit sou ’n risiko wees om nog mense in te laat. Die volgende oomblik word ons sydeur oopgeskop en minstens 100 jongmense stroom die gebou binne. Hulle het tot die draadheining agter die tent platgetrek om toegang te verkry. Die aggressie was ongelooflik

en die taalgebruik van sekere seuns en dogters sou geharde matrose laat skaamkry. My vraag aan hierdie “hooligans” is bloot: Waarheen is julle op pad? Wil julle eendag bekend staan as die verlore generasie? Waar kom al die aggressie vandaan ? Ek kon duidelik sien dat julle dringend leiding nodig het. Baie dankie aan die jongmense wat hulle goed gedra het, ons vir ’n suksesvolle Interskole bedank het en vir dié wat hulle self net wou geniet. Mark van Eyssen (namens rugbyklubbestuur)

Terug na die swartbord DIE Derby-kragmetings die afgelope weke het my gedwing tot die vraag, wat is die doel van interskole? My verstaan van hierdie jaarlikse gebeurtenis van skole is om sport in skole te bevorder - of hierdie egter nog gebeur is een groot vraag. Skolesport en in besonder interskole, het in ’n verryking van die skoolekonomie geword en nie die ontwikkeling van sport nie. Ek kon nie help om onlangs te lees hoe ’n oudstudent gal braak oor skoolleerders wat rook, drink, vloek en seuns wat met oorbelle

rondloop nie. Die respek en dissipline van leerders het met die jare verdwyn. Leerders is nie meer trots op hul skole nie, dit is liefs ’n geval van watter skool se leerders kan die ongeskikste wees. Baie van die leerders het ook min of geen dissipline en skroom nie om in die openbeer vuil taal te gebruik nie. ’n Wen is ’n wen en verloor is swaar, maar as dit jou trots is, is jy patrioties en kan jy nog wen met respek en dissipline. Earl September

Briewe · Letters

Donderdag 30 Augustus 2012

SMS ) Die ANC-raadslede van Gouda weier om die gemeenskap toe te laat by ’n wykskomiteevergadering - hoe demokraties is dit? ) I want to express my disgust at the way people abuse the disabled parking spots at shopping centres. On Monday at 11:00 I was at Vineyard shopping centre in Paarl South, where an employee of Correctional Services (CJ 891*0) parked his vehicle on the disabled parking and went shopping. He was clearly not disabled. ) Grey BMW CJ4885* parked across two disabled bays near the gym on Monday evening, what piggish behaviour. ) Wellington polisie betree jou huis deur ’n slaapkamervenster wanneer jy in die werk is, natuurlik sonder ’n geldige lasbrief, op soek na kamstige gesteelde goedere wat hulle natuurlik nie gevind het nie, want daar is geen. Vir my grens dit aan huisbraak en ek gaan definitief klagte indien en ondersoek aanvra. Ontstelde hardwerkende burger. ) They will rather let you die then help you at the hospital - I know, was there. ) Ek glo nie mense betaal vir petrol by munisipaliteit nie, want petrol word deur werkers by parke-afdeling gesteel en by hul huise afgelaai. Sommige kere word werkers ook afgelaai en word dan voldag geboek. ) Ek dink daai speurder was reg om homself te verdedig deur te skiet. Ek sê as jy lisensie het, gebruik hom. ) On 17 August my 2 Huskies went missing. If anyone has seen them please contact me on 0797770593. I am offering a reward. ) KN se rugbyafrigters is tops. Ongedissiplineerde spelers is die groot kopseer. Waar het jy nou al gehoor van eerstespanspelers wie nie opdaag vir ligawedstryde en oefeninge nie? Wat jy saai sal jy maai. KN bo! ) Ons bly bo in Bergstraat. Ons erf grens aan die bos. Ons honde blaf net as mense oor ons 2 m staalheining wil klim in die middel van die nag. Dis nie vriendelike mense wat jy graag wil innooi vir tee nie. Die honde is ons enigste beskerming, selfs vir die mense laer af in Bergstraat. So voor jy kla oor geblaf, laai liewer ’n sak hondekos af voor ons hek om jou dankbaarheid te betoon! ) Is dit wettig om bourommel, tuinvullis en huishoudelike vullis langs Klein Parysweg te stort? Mense kom selfs uit Denneburg om hul gemors te stort. Wetstoepassing doen niks oor ons klagtes. ) Konstruksiemaatskapy se wit bakkie CJ 6673* - gaan doen prostitute op jou eie werf, nie ons plaas nie!! ) Nederburghoogte word dwelmnes en polisie is bewus, maar doen niks. Tik en dagga word openlik in speelpark gebruik. Vra bure om te help sodat ons weer ons buurt terug kan kry. Bekommerde ouer

Poor road works in Main Street a shock FOLLOWING the nightmare stories of the Wemmershoek road repairs, this has now been followed by an identical never ending story on the Paarl-Klapmuts road. I would like to point out that Main Street south of Paarl has changed from good to something you might encounter while driving in the middle of the bush somewhere. It is now what can only be described as a total mess due to road works. The only asset that the repairers have utilised is a front end loader that is probably hired for the day and a few guys with spades. I travel to Franschhoek daily on the short piece of road between De Soete Inval and the turn off to Franschhoek. This piece of road was actually quite good, no potholes, bumps or unevenness. Since repairs started, it has been a big mess for months. Why was the left hand lane patched and screeded and then it collapsed and was torn up and removed? It is now a gravel road littered with big pieces of concrete. Why did the right hand side, after it was patched collapse to such an extent that the road had to be closed? Why are there no warning lights to warn motorists of danger at night? Excuses, explanations and rhetoric will not solve this, only the appointment of professional companies with the management and resources to do such work to first world

standards. If the Provincial Authorities are too far removed from the local conditions, the local Municipality should represent its constituents and sort out the mess. No notice is taken of individuals by these construction companies, as they are fully aware that they do not have to take individuals seriously.

Paarl Post


Dankie ambulans EK wil net dankie sê vir mnre Cupido, Vermeleun en kollegas wat so spoedig opgetree het Maandagnag. Mej Le Roux, Wellington

Ghost Buster Adrian Skea of UWP Engineers responds: The road works on this section of the west bound carriageway of MR189 comprised re-working of a 200 m section of the outer lane and patching on the inner lane. The 200 m section of the outer lane is currently still closed to traffic as the repaired layer cannot currently be primed or re-surfaced due to recent heavy rains and high moisture contents in the layer. The road works on the west bound inner lane comprised base patching. The contractor’s workmanship on these patches was not up to the required standard and they were formally rejected by the resident engineer. These patches also started to ravel and form potholes. The traffic was thus deviated on 16 and 17 August onto a 250 m section of New Eskdale Street for a period of 48 hours while the contractor rectified these rejected base patches at his own cost. Traffic will now remain on the inner west bound lane on this section of MR189 until weather conditions allow the outer lane to be resurfaced.

Koester top gehalte – smag na die waarheid

plaasmark 1 September

08:00 tot 12:30 (onderdak). Direk van die plaas: Doen u inkopies in ’n gesellige atmosfeer. Tradisionele etes: Kerrie-skaapafvalpot en Beesstertpot.

Vars kos en puik wyn. Ontbyt – R35 (tot 11:00)

Smaaklike feite uit die kelder Platter SA Wines: 1 x 4,5 sterre; 6 x 4 sterre; 2 x uitsonderlik drinkbaar teen goeie prys Veritas: 1 dubbelgoud, 3 goud en 4 silwer Absa Top 10 Pinotage: Top 10 wenner en twee finaliste in top 20 Michelangelo International Wine Awards: 1 dubbelgoud, 5 goud en 3 silwer Winemakers’ Choice: Beste produsent (tweede jaar agtereenvolgens), Trofee vir Top Rooiwyn en 4 diamant-toekennings WINE tydskrif: Pinotage Reserve 2009 - 4,5 sterre; top waarde en voorsitter se nr 1 keuse Paarl Shiraz Chenin Uitdaging: Top Chenin blanc en een van top 10 Shiraz-wyne

SPELFOUT. Hierdie spelling van Hanepootstraat pla in Denneburg. Of was die skepper van die bord by die poorte?

Hier red hulle lewens EK was onlangs in die noodkamer by Paarl Hospitaal en was beïndruk met wat ek gesien het. Ek is deur die ambulans daarheen geneem omdat ek erge asemnood gehad het weens bronchitis. Ek is gou gehelp en het ’n deel van die nag in die noodsaal deurgebring op suurstof. In die ure wat ek daar was (van 22:00 tot 03:00 die volgende oggend) het ek gesien hoe hard daardie mense werk, en hoe hulle lewens red. Ek het wonderlike behandeling ontvang en haal my hoed af vir die personeel. Ek dink daar is baie mense wat onnodig by die hospitaal opdaag omdat ’n kind koorsig is of iemand maagpyn het. Dit is nie die plek om te gaan met minder ernstige probleme nie - daarvoor het jy die kliniek wat jy môre kan besoek, anders gaan jy heel nag daar sit sonder behandeling, want daar is ernstige siek mense wat gehelp moet word. Julia Stevens

Hoek van R44 en Agter-Paarl pad. Moderne fasiliteite vir: Konferensies, Seminare, Funksies en Troues. Tel. 021 869 8100,


Op aFslaG N­ Y allE W pE



News · Nuus

8 . Paarl Post

Thursday 30 August 2012

Local learners part of regional science team

SILVER. Megan de Vos of Bridge House College won a silver medal at the Science Expo in Stellenbosch. She has been included in the regional team which will go to the national expo in Boksburg.

GOLD. Cosima Babl of Bridge House College is also a member of the regional team. She won a gold medal at the Science Expo with an environmental management project on ways to get rid of weeds. Pics: E Duvenage

GOLD. Kaila Fourie of Bridge House College, a grade 9 learner, won gold and also won the Eskom prize for the best alternative energy project at the expo for her study on the use of wood shavings and sawdust.

FOUR learners from schools in the Drakenstein area have been included in the Stellenbosch regional team that will participate in the National Eskom Expo for Young Scientists from 4 to 6 October in Boksburg. They are Sean Manas of New Orleans Senior Secondary, and Kaila Fourie, Cosima Babl and Megan de Vos of Bridge House College. This follows their participation in the Stellenbosch regional competition of the Eskom Expo for Young Scientists in Stellenbosch. The Expo initiative helps to promote the teaching of research principles and an interest in different aspects of science in schools. Approximately 360 learners from schools all over the Western Cape, took part and 229 projects were exhibited. A total of 21 gold medals, 43 silver medals and 54 bronze medals, as well as 20 category prizes were awarded. Other schools from the Drakenstein area that participated included Nederburg Primary and William Lloyd Primary. Bridge House College received twelve medals and two special prizes for their efforts. Gold medals went to the individual projects of Kaila Fourie and Cosima Babl. Kaila, a grade 9 learner, also won the Eskom prize for the best alternative energy project at the expo for her study

on the use of wood shavings and saw dust. Grade 9 learner Fay-Yaaz Ahmed’s study on the influence of colour on learning ability earned him a special prize for the best junior project at the expo in the social and physiological sciences category. He was also one of the seven silver medal winners from Bridge House, along with Megan de Vos, Phillip Myburgh-Marais, Robyn Clark, Janie de Lange, Aimee Fuller and Joshua Ferreira. Bjorn Grapow, Alexandra Borel-Saladin and Maxine Lahner-Todd received bronze medals. Sean Manas, a grade 10 learner of New Orleans Senior Secondary, did not only earn a place in the regional group to participate in Boksburg with his physics project on energy and colour, but also received a silver medal for his sterling work. The Grade 7 duo of Ceachanne Fillies and Michelle Hendricks of Nederburg Primary School received a bronze medal for their medical sciences project. During the event, the learners were given an opportunity to present their projects visually with the aid of posters, while they also had to explain their findings to the judges, who were from Stellenbosch University, Eskom and the education sector, among others.

SILVER. Sean Manas, a grade 10 learner of New Orleans Senior Secondary, won a silver medal and a place in the regional group to participate at the national expo, with his physics project on energy and colour.

TEAM. The Grade 7 duo of Ceachanne Fillies and Michelle Hendricks of Nederburg Primary School received a bronze medal for their medical sciences project.







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SILVER. Fay-Yaaz Ahmed of Bridge House received a silver medal for his study on the influence of colour on learning ability. This earned him a prize for the best junior project in the social and physiological sciences.


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Donderdag 30 Augustus 2012

Nuus · News

Waar gaan al dié honde dan heen? Dit is gruwelik en honde word nie WAT ’n sprokiesverhaal moes net tot die dood verskeur nie, maar gewees het het nou in ’n nagas hulle volgens hul eienaar nie merrie ontaard, nadat ’n jong presteer nie, sal die hond sommer pitbulterriër vermoedelik genet daar en dan doodgemaak steel is. word.” Drie maande gelede het Margo Behalwe die wreedheid van hierKannemeyer en Diana Howat die sogenaamde sport, word die vanaf die Paarl na Wellington gery honde dikwels in uiters swak toetoe hulle naby Mbekweni ’n klein stande aangehou. hondjie langs die pad sien dwaal “Hulle word dalk goed gevoer, het. Die hond was uitgeteer en maar hul eienaars glo dat hulle bemet vlooie besmet. ter veghonde raak as hulle in ’n Die twee het die hond opgetel en donker gat aangehou word en slegs na ’n Wellingtonse veearts gesnagsuitgeneemwordviroefening. neem vir behandeling. “Kleiner diertjies soos katte, Daar is vasgestel dat die hond- GESTEEL. Hierdie jong pitbul-terriër is in jie, ’n pitbulterriër, skaars agt Wellington gesteel. Daar word gevrees dat hy hoenders en babahondjies word ook gebruik as lokaas om vir hulle maande oud was. Die hondjie, vir hondegevegte gebruik gaan word. te leer baklei. Hierdie diertjies word wat toe Tangu gedoop is, is deur deur die veghonde verskeur in aanloop tot ’n geveg.” Tonia Bosman aangeneem en het gou in ’n liefdevolle Bellstedt het bygevoeg dat omdat hierdie honde-eiehuis in Wellington aangepas en sy gesondheid herwin. MaartoeToniaonlangsopreisnadiebuitelandvertrek naars ook nie die nodige mediese behandeling aan hul diere toedien nie, dra die honde dikwels siektes en parahet, het Tangu verdwyn. siete wat aan die mens oorgedra kan word. “Ek het hom na my huis in Smithstraat geneem waar “Die gesondheidsrisiko is geweldig en die munisipalihy heel tuis was tussen my drie honde,” vertel Margo, teit slaan nie ag hierop nie. Hulle verontagsaam hul eie “maar skaars ’n uur later was hy skoonveld.” “Ons is oortuig dat Tangu gesteel is. Daar is te veel wette deurdat hulle nie hul bywette oor die aanhou van diere polisieer nie.” gerugte van hierdie soort honde wat grootgemaak word Verskeie lande het baie streng wette oor die aanhou vir hondegevegte, asook van teling vir hierdie doeleinvan pitbul-terriërs. In Australië byvoorbeeld, mag hierdes.” die honde slegs aangehou word indien hulle gesteriliseer ’n Beloning word aangebied vir die veilige terugkoms van Tangu. Enigiemand met inligting kan Margo skakel is en ’n mikroskyfie moet ingeplant word. Bellstedt het bygevoeg dat indien hondeliefhebbers by 076 914 7322. Die diefstal van veral pitbul-terriërs is geen vreemde wel ’n pitbul-terriër as troeteldier wil aanhou, moet hulle ook die bogenoemde doen. verskynsel nie. * Verlede jaar was werknemers van die Wellington ’n Klein Drakenstein veearts, dr Roland Bellstedt, het gesê dat die aanhou van pitbul-terriërs met ’n geweldig DBVgeskoktoehullebeslaggelêhetop’njongpitbul-terriër waarvan die ore met ’n skêr gesny was. probleem gepaard gaan. Die praktyk om honde se ore te sny is onwettig. “Hulle word nie verniet Amerikaanse veghonde geDie DBV is oortuig dat die eienaar van hierdie hond noem nie. Hulle is eeue gelede in Amerika geteel, dikwels vir vegdoeleindes, asook om ontsnapte slawe aan te keer. hom gereed gemaak het vir onwettige hondegevegte. * The issue of dog fights has once again arisen after “Alle pitbul-terriërs val nie onder hierdie kategorie nie, maar daar is sekere bloedlyne wat nie ontslae geraak a pit bull terrier pup was presumably stolen in Wellington. het van hierdie gene nie.” Bellstedt het gesê dat hondegevegte ’n reuse bedryf is. Mens kan net sien in die strate van die Paarl hoe spanne jongmans met pit bulterriërs stap. “Hierdie honde word nie aangehou deur diereliefhebbers nie, maar deur diegene wat betrokke is by hondegevegte. “Volgens my inligting word hierdie bedryf regeer deur bendes en een keer ’n jaar word ’n groot nasionale geveg gehou waarby prysgeld van R4 miljoen betrokke is. “Alles vind in geweldige geheimhouding plaas en senior amptenare en wetstoepassers is ook glo hierby betrokke. “In die aanloop word daar gevegte in talle dorpe gehou waartydens die bloed letterlik loop.

Power cut THE power supply to Paarl South (including Courtrai and De Zoete Inval and Ben Bernhardi), Wemmershoek and Simondium will be shut down for repairs on Sunday 9 September from 07:00 to 12:00. The alternative date if the power is not cut off on Sunday is 16 September. For inquiries phone 021 872 2557.

Paarl Post



News · Nuus

10 . Paarl Post

Thursday 30 August 2012

Land claims are closed

VERJAAR. Madge van der Westhuizen het onlangs haar 102de verjaarsdag gevier. Sy is ’n inwoner van Rusoord-tehuis vir bejaardes. Die ouers van Paarl Primêre Seunskool het vir haar ’n lekker verjaarsdagpartytjie gehou. By haar is leerders (van links) James Alderson, William BourbonLeftley, Dillon Neethling, Jacques de Villers, Keathon Samuels en Wessel Beneke.

THE Department of Rural Development and Land Reform has pointed out that land claims are closed and that people who are currently charging Mbekweni residents R100 to “register” a land claim, are acting fraudulently. According to a spokesperson for the department there are certain residents who claim that they are mandated to reopen land restitution claims for a fee of R100. The Chief Land Claims Commissioner has stated that all people forcibly removed from landsinceJune1913musthavelodgedtheir claims by 31 December 1998. This process has not been reopened for any new claims. People with queries regarding their exclusion during the verification process must contact the department on 021 486 7400.

BOTSING. Verkeersligte by die aansluiting van Champagneweg en Piet Retiefrylaan in Wellington is Vrydagmiddag platgery, toe drie motors in ’n botsing betrokke was. Na bewering het een van die motors ’n rooi lig verontagsaam en twee ander voertuie getref. Niemand is ernstig beseer in die botsing nie.

Games launched DRAKENSTEIN Municipality is hosting the second annual Indigenous Games from today (daily from 14:30 until 15:30) with the finals taking place on Heritage Day, 24 September at the Paarl East Thusong Centre. Once again the games will encourage participation in sport, physical development, skills training, reinforcement of community value and interaction between communities, friends and families. Indigenous Games coordinators and assistants will be conducting coaching and playing sessions with the children at schools in Paarl, Mbekweni, Wellington, Simondium, Gouda and Saron. The games that will be played are: Dibeki (Skululu), Three tins (Drie blikkies), Diketo (Klippetjies), Kennetjie, Morabaraba (board games), Jukskei, rope skipping, snakes and ladders, klawerjas (cards) and dominoes. The representative teams from all the areas will participate in the finals on 24 September in Paarl. For enquiries, contact Maawyah Moerat on 021 807 6342.



HELP na 31022 Standaard SMS-tariewe is van toepassing. Gratis minute is nie van toepassing nie.




GESTEEL. Verlede week is ses verdagtes in hegtenis geneem wat vermoedelik betrokke was by verskeie winkeldiefstalle in die Paarl. Wellington polisie het Donderdagoggend inligting ontvang dat verdagtes in dié dorp gewaar is in ’n bloukleurige VW Jetta met ’n CF registrasienommer. Hulle is later op Wellington opgemerk en die polisie het hulle aangekeer. Die voertuig is deursoek en verskillende items, onder andere skoene, handsakke, weggooibabadoeke, ’n DVD-speler, asook haarprodukte is in die motor gevind. Dit het aan die lig gekom dat die items by Jet en Pep winkels gesteel was. Vier vroue en twee mans, almal van Bloekombos in Kraaifontein, is gearresteer vir besit van vermoedelik gesteelde eiendom. Hiér is konstabels Henco Hunt en Justin Appollis met die buit.

Donderdag 30 Augustus 2012

GESTEEL. Effektiewe spanwerk van die Paarl polisie het daartoe gelei dat ’n man van Colesberg in hegtenis geneem is vir motordiefstal. Dit kom nadat lede onlangs ’n klag ontvang het van ’n voertuig in die omgewing van Paarl Hospitaal vermoedelik verlate gelaat is. Maar toe die polisie op die toneel aankom om ondersoek in te stel, was die motor weg. Hulle het wel besef dat die beskrywing van die motor wat aan hulle deurgegee is ooreenstem met ’n motor wat op Colesberg gesteel is. Verskeie polisiebeamptes het in die omgewing begin soek na die motor. Dit is opgelet en toe polisie die bestuurder beveel om te stop, het hy probeer wegjaag. Die polisie het egter daarin geslaag om hom uiteindelik tot stilstand te bring. Pieter Claasen (52) is in hegtenis geneem.

Wen groot pryse met foto van jou matriekafskeidrok DIE Paarl Post bied vanaf 27 September tot 1 November ’n Matriekafskeidrok-kompetisie waarin matriekmeisies lekker pryse kan wen. Hou Paarl Post dop vir jou inskrywingsvorm wat vanaf 20 September weekliks sal verskyn. Bring dan ’n goeie kwaliteit vollengte foto (ten minste 300KB op epos) na Paarl Post te Newstraat 1A (langs Virgin Active) saam met R60 inskrywingsgeld. Sorg asb dat jou foto agterop gemerk is met jou naam, van, die naam van jou skool en jou foonnommer. Die sluitingsdatum is elke Maandag om 14:00 vir Donderdag se uitgawe. Vanaf Donderdag 27 September word die inskrywings elke Donderdag vir ses weke geplaas, en die weekwenner word aangewys per SMS (R1,50 elk na 37405). Die rok wat weekliks die meeste sms’e ontvang het, gaan deur na die finale ronde met ses finaliste op Donderdag 8 November, wanneer daar weer vir die wenner gestem word per SMS. Die matrikulant met die mooiste rok asook die twee naaswenners word in die Paarl Post van 15 November aangekondig. Die skool van die wenner ontvang ’n gratis advertensie ter waarde van R3000. Een gelukkige leser wat gestem het, ontvang die Paarl Post vir ’n jaar gratis. Slegs 2012-matriekleerlinge van skole in Paarl Post se verspreidingsgebied mag deelneem (Paarl, Wellington, Klapmuts, Simondium, Franschhoek, Gouda en Saron). Oorspronklike inskrywingsvorms moet gebruik word (geen fotostate).

ARRESTS. Mbekweni police recently made successful arrests for various crimes. An 18-yearold man from Mbekweni was arrested by police for the illegal possession of a firearm, shown here by Const Lungi Mqakelana. The firearm was allegedly stolen earlier this month from a home in Silimela Street. The suspect, Sive Ponoyi, appeared in Paarl Magistrate’s Court on Tuesday. Last Tuesday the police arrested Sindiswa Nopokolo for possession of Tik hidden in a scarf the suspect was wearing around her head. And on the same day two men were arrested at an ATM outside Chippa’s Place while they were trying to withdraw money with suspected stolen bank cards. Contact the police should you see someone trying to withdraw money with different bank cards at an ATM. Phone 021 868 9901 with information.

Nuus · News

Paarl Post



12 . Paarl Post

Mense · People

CHOIRS. Five choirs performed at a choir festival in the Toringkerk under the title “Paarl Sing” on Saturday. The Frank Pietersen Adult Choir performed along with the visiting choirs Schola Cantorum, Worcester Male Choir, Cape Town Chamber Choir and Palissander Choir from Pretoria. Pictured with the deputy mayor of Drakenstein, Conrad Poole (second right) are (from left) Abie Abrahams (Frank Pietersen choir), Awie van Wyk (guest conductor), Vincent Parrott (Frank Pietersen choir) and Vaughan Pietersen (Frank Pietersen choir). Pic: Devidean Moses

Thursday 30 August 2012

RELIEF. A family’s dreams went up in smoke after their house burned down in Franschhoek North recently. Within a couple of minutes a family of four lost their house as well as their belongings and memories. When the Fire Department arrived on the scene there was nothing that they could do to save the house that took less than 10 minutes to be destroyed by the flames. The Lions Club of Franschhoek came to the rescue of the Dywili family with clothes, food, blankets and kitchen supplies. Pictured here from left to right are Gerald Fourie (Lions President), Ludwig Maske (Lions secretary), Maggie Dywili, Liyalchanya Dywili, Xolani Bradly Dywili, Linamandla Dywili and Kurt Maske (prospective Lions member) Pic: Lodine Maske

WENNER. Dawie Joubert, ’n Paarl Post straatverkoper, staan elke Donderdag vanaf 05:30 in Lady Greystraat om koerante te verkoop. Hy is aangewys as die Paarl Post se beste straatverkoper vir Juliemaand. Foto: Devidean Moses

LIONS. The Lions Club of Paarl recently handed over a cheque for R2500 to the Boland School for Autism, situated in Paarl. The much needed funds will be used to assist the educators and children with various activities. The Boland School for Autism provides children on the autism spectrum the opportunity to learn and grow within a social environment along with their peers – an environment that respects every child’s uniqueness whilst promoting learning and development. Pictured here with some of the children are, from left to right: Joey Mchale (special needs educator), Christelle Duckitt (principal), Theuns Bester (Lions president) and Mike O’Neil (Lion). For more information, visit

Donderdag 30 Augustus 2012

Wellington News

Paarl Post n o t g n i l l e W

Paarl Post



Voice of Drakenstein • Stem van Drakenstein

KONSERT. Die Wellington ACVV Dienssentrum bied op 13 September ’n verskeidenheidskonsert aan in die NG Kerksaal Wellington-Oos om 19:00. Daar word hard geoefen en die bejaardes wat deelneem, is almal baie opgewonde. Die eerste deel van die konsert behels ’n verskeidenheid van items. Ná die pouse word Die Wewenaar van JH Naude opgevoer. Die akteurs in dié komedie is (van links) Ohna Pretorius, Alet Schenk, Francois du Toit, Johan Nortier, Anita de Waal, Lorraine de Villiers, Pieter Myburg en Hetta Cloete. Foto: Christine Siebrits

BOLANDKLEURE. Vier leerders van Soetendal Primêr in Wellington het Bolandkleure verwerf vir landloop en het deelgeneem aan die Wes-Kaaplandloopkampioenskappe by Drakenstein Gevangenis.Van links is Johan Links en Marco van Wyk (o.12), Jandré Januarie en André Joenat (o.11) Foto: Christine Siebrits

Wellingtonner van die jaar DIE Wellington Rapportryerskorps bied op Donderdag 18 Oktober om 19:00 vir die 23ste keer die Wellingtonner van die Jaar Dinee aan, waartydens erkenning gegee word aan ’n inwoner of instansie vir uitstaande en onbaatsugtige diens aan die gemeenskap van Wellington. Die spreker tydens die dinee by Kleinevalleij is Piet Mouton, die hoofuitvoerende beampte van die PSG Groep, wat praat oor Entrepreneurskap. Inwoners en instansies word uitgenooi om kandidate te nomineer vir Wellingtonner van die Jaar deur e-pos te stuur aan Willem Liebenberg by of na Posbus 65, Wellington, 7654 teen 14 September. Nominasies moet volledige motivering bevat insluitend die kandidaat se onbaatsugtige betrokkenheid by die gemeenskap (200 tot 300 woorde). Kaartjies is R160 by of 076 810 9276.

AFSKEID. Daar is Dinsdag afskeid geneem van Katie Philander (naasregs) wat ná 30 jaar by Wellington Museum aftree. Katie is sedert die opening van Wellington Museum daar werksaam, waar sy begin het as skoonmaker en later ook afgelos het as bestuurder. Daar is seker nie ’n stofdeeltjie van die museum wat Katie nie kan identifiseer nie. By haar is (van links) Daleen Nyman (OumaGranny’s Huismuseum), Christine Siebrits (voorsitter van die Vriende van Wellington Museum) en Olivia le Cordeur (kurator).

14 . Paarl Post

Youth · Jeug

Thursday 30 August 2012

Pêreltjie van die maand Jani Schlebusch is 18 jaar oud en ’n leerder by Labori Hoërskool. Sy is die onderhoofmeisie asook die hoofmeisie van haar koshuis. Ek is gek is oor my hokkie, want ons o.19A-span is soos ’n familie. Ek’s trots op my skool en gaan dit Jani Schlebusch vreeslik mis as ek die skool moet verlaat Ek staan nie vir fotograwe terug as dit kom om foto’s te neem nie en behoort in ons skool se fotografieklub. Ek is ’n groot boekwurm en hou veral van Engelse boeke lees. Ek kyk graag movies en luister na musiek. My gunsteling musiekgroepe is The Uses, The Rasmus, AFI, Him, Bullet for my Valentine. Ek hou van gesellige tyd spandeer met vriende omdat ek glo hulle maak ’n belangrike deel van my lewe uit. Ek is spontaan van geaardheid en glo in waardes en norme. Ek glo almal moet mekaar respekteer en hou nie van onregverdigheid nie. Ek steur my glad nie aan skinderstories nie - mense wat skinder het ’n lae selfbeeld. Ek hou niks van Jungle Oats pap vroeg eet nie en haat dit met ’n passie as ek vroeg moet wakker word. Ek bewonder Charlize Theron, want sy ploeg terug in Suid-Afrika en ek sal daarvan hou om in haar voetspore te volg. Ek beoog om volgende jaar Aktuarieel of Regte te swot. Ek is trots dat ek tot dusver dux-leerder is - die opvoeders en my vriende se ondersteuning beteken vir my ontsettend baie.

RUGBY. Hierdie seuns van Primêre Seunskool Paarl (van links) Darren Lewis, Justin Isaacs en Jermaine Isaacs, is gekies vir die o.12 WP-rugbyspan.

BYBELKENNIS. Hierdie leerders van Hoërskool La Rochelle het volpunte in die Bybelolimpiade behaal. Van die 121 kandidate, het 38 tussen 5069% behaal, 38 tussen 70-79% en 43 tussen 8095%, terwyl Annemie Nieuwoudt en Heather Kirkby albei met 100% geslaag het.

BASKETBAL. Amore Rooi en Nicole Josephs van Charleston Hill Primêr het aan die provinsiale basketbalproewe te Bellville deelgeneem. Hulle is opgeneem in die o.16-Boland-basketbalspan.

Donderdag 30 Augustus 2012

Promosie 路 Promotion

Paarl Post



16 . Paarl Post

Youth · Jeug

Thursday 30 August 2012 KRONING. Charleston Hill Sekondêr het onlangs vir Michaela Smith as Mej Derby aangewys. Saam met haar is die naaswenners Caryn-Lee Manual (links) en Ashmonita van Niekerk.

MATRIC FAREWELL. Franschhoek High School matriculants recently had a glitz and glamour night at their matric farewell which was held at Haute Cabriere in Franschhoek. Pic: Malherbe Pelser

MATRIC BALL. Learners of Desmond Tutu High School celebrated their matric farewell with a function in a hall at Drakenstein Prison. KROON. Tydens Wellington Hoërskool se Mnr en Mej Wellington was Wendy Gelderbloem (middel) en Caiven Liebenberg (regs) as wenners gekroon. Saam met hulle (van links) verskyn naaswenners Xabiso Maxam, Aretha Nanase, Chumisa Dyasoni en Jeswill Baker.

AFSKEID. Hugenote Hoërskool het hul jaarlikse matriekafskeid in Kronenburgsaal gehou. Hier van links pronk Zayyaan Dollie, LauraJade Francke, Marli van Biljon en Mareli Ferreira. Foto: Lotto Marais

LANDLOPE. Wellington Primêr se o.10-landloopatlete (van links) Leandré Morris, Birtney Fikster, Johnnic Arnolds en Herchelle Baadjies is opgeneem in die Bolandspan. Leandré en Herchelle is ook in die o.10 WP-landlopespan opgeneem. Foto: Devidean Moses

HOKKIE. Gimnasium Laerskool se o.13A-hokkiemeisies het die geleentheid gehad om aan die nasionale Pietie Coetzee-toernooi in Bloemfontein deel te neem. Die span het vierde geëindig. Agter (van links) is Alissa du Plessis, Nidia Vermeulen, Neline Potgieter, Chrisli Hamman, Bianca de Wee en Githé Grobbelaar. Voor is Annie de Villiers, Ané van der Merwe, Celia Christowitz, Bianca Haasbroek, Elfriede von Ahlften, Carla Burger en Nina Cuyler.

Donderdag 30 Augustus 2012

Leefstyl · Lifestyle

Erfenisfees gehou in Paarl-Oos DIE wiele is aan die rol vir die eerste Paarl-Oos Erfenisfees, wat op Erfenisdag (24 September) gehou word. Die fees word gereël deur die Paulus Joubert oud-leerders, werksaam as die PJ-Ondersteuningsfonds. Die aktiwiteite sluit in ’n pretstap/draf oor 5 km en 10 km, ’n padwedloop oor 15 km en ’n 10 km padwedloop vir hoërskoolleerders. Die popgroep die Rockets en die Idols-wenner Jody Williams gaan by die skool optree, asook ander plaaslike groepe. Die Paarl-Oos Erfenisfees word gerugsteun deur die Nasionale Erfenisraad en die Afrikaanse Taal- en Kultuurvereniging. Die geld wat gemaak word, gaan na die skool en na ’n gestruktureerde fonds wat aangewend word vir leerderondersteuning en kulturele programme soos voorgestel deur die ATKV. ’n Skenking sal ook gemaak word aan ’n nie-regeringsorganisasie. Inskrywings is vanaf Maandag beskikbaar by alle groot kettingwinkels en by Paulus Joubert Sekondêr. Die PJ-Ondersteuningsfonds benodig nog borgskappe en donasies. Mense wat die Erfenisfees finansieel of op ’n ander wyse wil ondersteun, kan John Collins by 072 356 7365 kontak.

Rolstoelpretdag RUSOORD-tehuis vir bejaardes in Devinestraat, Paarl, hou Saterdag hul jaarlikse rolstoelpretdag vanaf 08:30. Deelnemers kan deelneem aan die 2,5 km, 5,5 km of 7,5 km rolstoelpretrit of saamstap vir die 5,5 km of 7,5 km. Die inskrywingsgeld is R50. Laat inskrywings word aanvaar tot 08:00 Saterdag. By die eindpunt sal heerlike eetgoed by kosstalletjies beskikbaar wees. Om in te skryf, skakel Rusoord by 021 872 1982 of stuur ’n epos na

GEKROON. In die Lily-kategorie van Winelands Winter Queen (38 jaar en ouer) is Chantal Witthuhn (regs) as die wenner gekroon en Amanda Mostert as die eerste prinses.

Casual Day CASUAL DAY will be held on Friday 7 September. A donation of R10 is made for the official Casual Day sticker and this year you should dress like a sailor, captain or pirate in blue. Buy your stickers from Sunfield Wellington (021 873 5038), Ligstraal School (021 862 7182 or 021 862 3603), the Drakenstein Centre for Persons with Disabilities (021 863 0446) or Deafsa (021 870 1345).

Lees tydens boekweek DIE Zoë Tuisleesprojek wat befonds word deur die Stigting vir Bemagtiging deur Afrikaans moedig kinders aan om volgende week tydens Nasionale Boekweek (3 tot 7 September) ’n boekmerk te maak. Dié leesprojek se mikpunt is om kinders opgewonde te maak oor lees. Plaaslik is daar 20 “leestannies” wat skole en biblioteke besoek om vir kinders stories te lees. Die 60 boeke wat elke “leestannie” het vir die projek is geborg deur die DG Murray Trust. Vir Nasionale Boekweek wil dié tuisleesprojek hê kinders moet saam met hul ouers ’n boekmerk maak uit herwinde materiaal by die huis, vir tien minute lees en aansluit by hul naaste biblioteek. Skakel Beulah Nero by 021 862 0914 (kantoorure) of 082 969 0088 of Adri Meadon by 021 914 1379 (kantoorure) of 083 288 7984.

Paarl Post


Kalender*Calendar ) Reunion. The matrics of 1972 of Paulus Joubert Secondary School are celebrating their 40th reunion. A meeting will be held on Thursday 30 August at 19:00 at the school. Contact Ashley Roelf on 079 481 1611. ) Dans. Die Boeremusiekgilde se Boland-tak hou ’n dans op Vrydag 31 Augustus met die orkes van André Victor by Laerskool Noord-Eind, Paarl. Kaartjies is R35 (R45 vir nie-lede). Vir navrae, skakel Ciceel Wentzel by 083 346 7083. ) Blommetoer. Wellington ATKV-tak bied hul bekende Blommetoer na die Weskus aan op 1 September. Kaartjies is R190 en is beskikbaar by die ACVV-dienssentrum op Wellington en Musiklood in die Paarl. Vir navrae, kontak Hentas Kotze by 083 309 7411. ) Depressie. Die Byron depressie- en angsondersteuningsgroep Paarl vergader op Saterdag 1 September om 10:00 by die Drakenstein Biblioteeksaal te Paulusstraat. Lize Carstens is die spreker. Almal is welkom wat meer oor depressie wil weet en verstaan. Skakel Louisa Leon by 078 018 2529. ) Blommeklub. Die Paarl Blommeklub vergader Dinsdag 4 September om 18:30 in die NG Kerksaal te Denneburg, Paarl. Die tema is “Spring Fever” en demonstrasies gaan gedoen word deur Marike Smit en Pieter Coetzee. Die lede rangskik in ’n glashouer. Besoekers en nuwe lede is welkom. Skakel Fareda Essop by 021 862 2237 of Pieter Coetzee by 021 872 5171. ) Fashion show. Adri Creations wil host a fashion show on Thursday 6 September at 19:30 at Funky Buddha in

Paarl. There will also be artists performing. Entry is R50. ) Voorgeboortekursus. Mediclinic Paarl bied ’n omvattende voorgeboortekursus aan vir swanger paartjies, reeds vanaf 16 weke swangerskap. Die kursus begin Donderdag 6 September om 19:00 en duur vir ses weke. Kontak sr Annelise Nel by 021 807 8129 of 021 807 8032. Die koste is R600 per paar. ) Seminaar. ’n Christelike seminaar oor die werking van die Heilige Gees word aangebied op Vrydag 7 September (19:00 tot 21:00) en Saterdag 8 September (08:30 tot 20:00) by die Protea-aanbiddingsentrum. Toegang is R200 en sluit in ’n werkboek, twee etes Saterdag, koffie en tee. Kontak Riana Zinn by 082 772 2300 of ) Staffies geskou. Die Wes-Kaap Staffie-klub hou hul jaarlikse trofeeskou op 9 September by Jagtershofsportkompleks in Kuilsrivier. Vir navrae, kontak Stella by of 078 432 9454. ) Evolusie. ’n Gesprek oor evolusie vind plaas saam met die Karoo-paleontoloog, dr Jurie van den Heever, en die Bybelkundige, dr Christo Lombard, op 13 September om 19:00 by die Marthasaal op Wellington. Vir navrae, skakel die NG Moederkerk op 021 873 1561. ) Breakfast. On Saturday 1 September the Paarl Methodist Church will host a Spring Breakfast from 08:30 to 12:30 at 21 Sanddrift Street, Paarl. Celebrate the new season with food, stalls, fun and games. The breakfast cost is R45 (R25 for children). Contact Clement on 082 449 4494.


18 . Paarl Post

Vermaak · Arts

Donderdag 30 Augustus 2012

Vermaak die week by Bôrdienghuis

BALLET. Marianke le Roux, Zanlie Visser, Beulah Kruger en Elke van der Westhuizen, balletstudente van Joy Cargill, het die trofee gewen vir hul item Chinese Please (9 tot 10 jaar) tydens die jaarlikse Paarlvallei Eisteddfod.

Liedjieboer op die planke by Ou Meul DIE musieklegende, Anton Goosen, tree op Vrydag 31 Augustus om 20:00 op by die Ou Meul-teater. Anton se eerste album in 1979, Boy van die Suburbs, was die eerste Afrikaanse album nog deur ’n sanger wat sy eie liedjies in Afrikaans skryf. Die rigting wat Anton hierna ingeslaan het, besorg later aan hom die eretitel “vader van Afrikaanse rock”. Vanaf 2012 bied Anton die gewilde Liedjieboer-rumoer aan op RSG wat hom net nog dieper in ons harte laat kruip. Kaartjies teen R90 kan bespreek word by Vicky Stemmet by 083 564 0056.

Song and praise THE gospel group Christian Revival Community Choir will host an evening of song and praise on Sunday 2 September at 19:00 at the Strauss Hall. Tickets at R30 can be booked with Berenice Speake on 076 153 6887.

Concert in aid of feeding project THE St George’s Presbyterian Church in Wellington will host an evening of singing, dancing and comedy – all in aid of the congregation’s Green Bag Feeding Scheme. The concert will be held on Friday 7 September and Saturday 8 September in the NG Noord Hall in Wellington. Tickets are R70 (R40 for children under 15 years) including a light meal. For bookings, contact 021 873 2021.

huis-teater in haar VERSKEIE kunstenaars splinternuwe vertoning maak hierdie week ’n Sing! draai by die BôrdiengSy ontgin aspekte van huis-teater in Wellingsang en sanger wees. ton. Met stories uit haar lewe Eerste op die planke Vryen loopbaan vertel sy ’n dagaand is suster en broer verhaal van verhoogJanie and the Beard. hoogtepunte en flaters. Hulle het reeds ’n verVan Händel en Puccini hoog gedeel met groot natot Gershwin en Cole me soos Chris Chameleon, Porter - klassiek tot kaPlush, Francois van Coke baret, met ’n paar veren Steve Newman, Gerald rassings tussenin. Clark en meer. Kaartjies is R100. Voor Janie & The Beard ) Die bekende groep begin is, het broer Theunis Ses Snare laat gehore opgetree as mede-produsent en tromspeler vir solo- SING. Die bekende sopraan Zanne steeds brul van lekkerStapelberg tree Saterdag om 20:00 op kry. Hulle is Dinsdag 7 kunstenaar Janie Bay. Na ’n paar suksesvolle by die Bôrdienghuis-teater in Welling- September om 20:00 te akoestiese duovertonings ton in haar splinternuwe vertoning sien by die Bôrdienghuis-teater ná ’n sukhet hulle die naam aange- Sing. Kaartjies is R100. sesvolle toer deur dele neem Janie & The Beard. van die Vrystaat, Oos- en die Wes-Kaap. Ses Dié twee tree op as deel van ’n fondsinsaSnare bestaan uit Blackie Swart, Pieter meling vir ’n kinderhuis. Kaartjies is R100 Smith, MD Greyling, Thean Kotze, Leon per persoon. ) Kom Saterdag saam op ’n musikale Ecroignard en Peter Hoven. Hul nuutste reis van hartstog, hoë note, melankoliese CD String sal by die vertoning beskikbaar wees. Kaartjies is R110. melodieë en melodrama - soos net Zanne Alle kaartjies kan bespreek word by 082 Stapelberg kan. 812 1112. Zanne tree om 20:00 op by die Bôrdieng-

Group performs INCENTIVE, a group from Wellington, will perform on Sunday 2 September at 17:00 at the Break Thru Restoration Community Church in Wellington. They are particularly noted for their vocal abilities and continue a trend rooted in gospel with a jazzy R&B crossover towards an emphasis on motivational singing. For more information, contact Helena Landsman on 083 566 4719.

Ray Dylan tree op SUNFIELD WELLINGTON, ’n beskermde werksplek en nasorgsentrum vir intellektueel gestremde volwassenes, bied aan Ray Dylan op 7 September om 19:00 by Hugenote Laerskool. Ray is alom bekend vir treffers soos Jessica, Hokaai stop die Lorrie en Koning van Harte. Nie net is hy een van die beste stemme in die Suid-Afrikaanse musiekbedryf nie, maar hy laat ook sy elektriese kitare kreun tydens optredes. Francois Louw sal tydens die voorprogram optree. Kaartjies is tussen R100 en R150. Bespreek deur Computicket.

TROFEE. Nikki van Wyk en Brittany Clarke het die trofee gewen vir die beste duetdans (15-16 jaar) tydens die Paarlvallei Eisteddfod. Hulle is albei studente van Bianca’s School of Ballet.

R e se rvat ion s : 0 2 1 8 6 3 6 1 7 4

S ake Sake Eiendomme, Poste, Flinkgids Thursday 30 August 2012


Paarl Post



Perdeberg shines SIMPLY THE BEST. The winners of the Santam Shiraz/Chenin Challenge stand here proudly with their awards. At left is KWV winemaker Izele van Blerk and second right is Liani de Wet of Windmeul. In the centre is Faizel Samuels of Mallasat Vineyards who was crowned cellar assistant of the year. With them are (second left) Annelize Stroebel of Paarl Vintners, Riaan Louw of Santam and Stephen Richardson of Mellasat, also chairperson of Paarl Vintners.

KWV, Windmeul top notch THE winners of the Paarl Santam Shiraz/Chenin Challenge were announced on Wednesday 22 August at a gala dinner at the Grande Roche. KWV continued its award-winning run with two wines in the Shiraz top three, including first place, and two wines in the Chenin Blanc top ten. Fairview ranked for three wines in the Shiraz top ten, including second place in the top three. Windmeul, Perdeberg and Nederburg were ranked first to third in the Chenin Blanc category. Wines of richness and elegance, with a heightened balance between fruit ripeness and acidity, characterised the entries in the challenge. Shiraz class panel chair Nico Vermeulen said that “rich, fresh, vibrant wines made in a newer style” was the panel’s shared opinion of the wines. “To achieve this kind of elegance in a warmer area is a good reflection on the winemakers, many of whom are young

and up-and-coming,” Nico said. “Paarl’s Shiraz wines show a great versatility, and general potential in a category that I’ve always believed can be South Africa’s best.” Chenin class panel chair Ken Forrester found “a better balance throughout” among the Chenin Blanc entries, with “better phenolic ripeness and a brisk acidity, tending towards a mineral edge.” The winning wines were chosen unanimously, with relatively little discussion among the panel, Ken said. “Generally the better wines come from the cooler sites, where elevation plays a part while older vines contribute to concentration.” In general, Ken said, there was great suitability in Paarl to the Shiraz category; however he said “where elevation and aspect come to bear, there are some excellent, highly sought-after Chenin Blanc vineyards.” Consumer tastings will be held in conjunction with the WineX in Cape Town in November.

Wellington vier onafhanklikheid DIE Wellington Wynroete het in Maart vanjaar hul eie, onafhanklike Wyn van Oorsprong Wellington-etiket ontvang en spog nou met Distrikstatus. Vroeër is hul bloot beskou as ’n wyk van Paarl-wyndistrik. Op 21 September sal Wellington sy grootmensskoene aantrek en fees hou by Kleinevalleij op Wellington, om hierdie onafhanklikheidswording behoorlik te vier. Seremoniemeester en bekende wynkenner, Neil Pendock, asook bekende interna-

Property Auction Paarl DIPLOMA. Faith Anderson het uitgeblink in die deeltydse kursus vir boekhouers by Boland Kollege Paarl. Sy het die Technical Financial Accountant- program suksesvol voltooi en haar diploma verwerf ná twee jaar se studies met ’n gemiddeld van 91,3 % vir die agt modules. Boland Kollege begin op 18 September weer met ’n module, Business Law and Accounting Control. Kontak 021 872 3323.

sionale gassprekers, Tersina Shieh van Hongkong en Jorge Monteiro (hoof van ViniPortugal) sal saam met Cape Wine en Vindaba-afgevaardigdes in die aand se bedryfsvreugde deel. Dié skittergeleentheid sal spog met 100% plaaslike cuisine en wyne, asook vermaak uit die boonste rakke vir lede van die plaaslike bedryf. Enkele kaartjies teen R500 per kop is nog beskikbaar vanaf tel 021 864 2479 of

Date: Tuesday 11 September @ 12h00 Venue: One & Only Hotel, V&A Waterfront, Cape Town

Commercial & Residential Units URGENT SALE

Starting bid for all 11 units: R1.6m. Starting bid for all 4 units: R750k

Web ID: 101908

The Towers, 333 Main & Lady Grey Street 11 commercial units: Partially let | 4 residential units: Fully let Jason Poultney 084 404 1010 | 021 007 0333 Debbie Sherman 083 261 8057 | 021 007 0333 TERMS: R25 000 Refundable deposit (strictly bank guaranteed cheque or cash transfer only). Bidders must provide original proof of identity and residence on registration. No cash will be accepted at the auction. No exceptions. All bids are exclusive of VAT. Aucor Property may bid up to reserve on behalf of the sellers. Subject to change without notification. Auctioneer: Martin Dibowitz property | wheels | movables

THE Perdeberg Winery in Agter Paarl produced the Champion Young Wine of the Paarl Region with its 2012 Cabernet Sauvignon/ Shirazblend.ThisisthefirsttimethatPerdeberg has received the sought-after Absa Trophy. The grapes for the winning wine came from selected vineyard blocks of dryland vineyards on two farms owned by shareholders of Perdeberg. The grapes that were harvested in March areofoutstandingqualitywithsmallberries, intense colour and flavour and a good tannin structure, as a result of the late ripening process. The winning wine is definitely a team effort, according to cellarmaster, Albertus Louw: “My team consisting of two wine-makers, Riaan Möller and Carla Herbst and a viticulturist, Jaco Engelbrecht, played a most important role. The trophy means a lot for us and for Perdeberg Winery, because it labels us as a quality wine producer.” The Cabernet Sauvignon/Shiraz winning wine which is presently undergoing maturation, is destined for Perdeberg’s Reserve range. It was also a class winner at the SA Show, as was their wooded Petit Verdot. KWV also collected a haul of medals at the regional event, winning the categories Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay, white blend, Pi-

notage, non-muscat fortified wine (the 2012 Pineau de Laborie) and most points with five entries. At the SA show they won the classes Petit Verdot and Cabernet Franc (wooded). Wellington produced the top Wellington wine in the Paarl region with their Cabernet Franc, which also won its class at the national show. At the national competition they also won the class Grenache. Other trophy winners at the Paarl show were Boland (best natural sweet white wine, best other white cultivar/wooded Viognier, and best dry rosé), Landskroon (best Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon), Amistad (best Malbec, and the champion Franschhoek wine), and Tulbagh (best wooded Cabernet Sauvignon which was also the best wine from the Tulbagh area). The aim of the competition is to judge the qualityofwineswithintheyearofproduction before they are finally blended and bottled. In this way, the industry can give recognition totheproductioncapabilitiesofawinecellar. This year, a total of 149 producers competed in the two-tiered SA Young Wine Show, which includes eight regional competitions with separate awards ceremonies, followed by the national championship. The roots of the event were laid in 1833. Entries are adjudicated by specialist panels of judges.

20 . Paarl Post

Sake Post Geklassifiseerd

Donderdag 30 Augustus 2012

08 Sterfgevalle Deaths

LOAN PROVIDERS Setting new Standards of Service

RO B I N S O N : J O H N N Y HENRY. Gebore: 08/08/1932 ­ Oorlede: 24/08/2012. Met liefdevolle herinneringe neem ons afskeid van ons geliefde. Be­ grafnisdiens: Saterdag 1 Sept 2012 Huis: 09:00 ­ P3 Van der Stel Park. Vir verdere besonderhede, kontak: 072 385 3537 / 071 865 2767.

ADAMS: FLORA (Mamma & ouma). Eerste verjaardag weg van ons. Mis jou baie. Kinders & kleinkinders. Regular advertising in the Classifieds will always be noticed! Phone Zeta at 021 870 4600 to advertise

B OW E R S : J O H N N Y. 01/09/1932 ­ 07/06/2007. On Saturday, you celebrate your 80th birthday in Heaven. We would have loved to celebrate it with you, but God knows best. Forever in our hearts. Love, Maria and children.

GUESS who's 21? Happy B'Day. From your girl: Celestine.

• FAST and EASY cash • SAMEDAY cash payment • EASY repayments (6 months) Dial: 021 872 2114 or visit us @ 387 Main Street, Paarl

WINDOW TINTING: Residential/offices. Phone Johan 082 301 5724 for free quotation. /

12 10 CASH LOANS: Lenings tot R200 000. Swart­ lys welkom. Goedkeuring in 5 min. 021 696 8028.

08 Sterfgevalle Deaths TIMMY: CURTLEY. Jou eerste verjaarsdag weg van ons. Die verlange is nog baie groot. Van daddy, broers en familie.

BRIDGING CASH while waiting for

VERBETER jou lees en spelling! Kontak 083 261 4875.

PENSION/ PACKAGE Payout (lump sum only) Same day pay out

021 949 0930 HEREBY notice is given that the following vehicle, CJ 28960 (Toyota Run X) will be sold to defray expenses if not collected within 7 days. 021 862 5100.

WHATNEY: WILLIE STANLEY(Jnr). 29 Aug 2012 is dit jou 1ste jaar weg van ons. Veilig by Jesus. Whatney/West­familie.

NFA BROKERS: FSP 17279. Please take note that this authorised financial service provider has a written conflict of interest policy document as prescribed by the General Code of Conduct (FAIS act). This policy is available on request at this FSP's offices at the following address: 6 Loop Street, Paarl, 7646. A de Villiers. Key Individual.

10 In memoriam In memoriam AUBREY SOLOMON Begrafnisondernemer: Hermitagestr, Huguenot. Tel: 021 862 5346. 24­uur diens.

GELD NODIG? Ek kan help. Sms naam,van, ID nr, basies en netto na 073 038 6886.



"HUB CAP" (silwer met wapen) van 1958 Ford Fair­ lane 500 voertuig. Verlore: R45 (tussen Paarl/Malmes­ bury) gedurende Augustus. Beloning: R500 word aangebied. 082 682 4326.

GOLD BAIE geluk met jou 40ste verjaarsdag op 03/09/2012. Met liefde van: Jou skoon­ ouers, Sharon, Simon & Jayda.





W E L O P G E VO E D E , middeljarige, blanke man soek saamrygeleentheid oor naweke vanaf Paarl na Her­ manus­omgewing en terug. Nie vereiste vir elke naweek. Bereid om brandstofkoste te deel. Bel Tertius by 083 512 5714.

Eilandstr 3, Paarl (oorkant SASKO)

021 872 2913

GELUKKIGE 60ste verjaar­ dag op 1 September 2012. GERALDINE (Bê) COETZEE. Van kinders & familie.


R1 000 TO R200 000 personal loans. Blacklisted and garnishee welcome!! Contact Angela: 073 232 8741 or 021 829 7233. e­mail:

Be Wise, Advertise

Donderdag 30 Augustus 2012

1 BEDROOM apartment with small garden wanted by professional lady with small dog. Contact 072 313 3203.

SENTRAAL­WELLING­ TON: Kamer met badkamer. Privaat ingang. Parkeerplek: m.i.v. 1 Sept. 083 302 5506.

Sake Post Geklassifiseerd

Paarl Post

BACHELOR Wellington: R2 300p.m. + dep. 23m² ­ fully furnished + fridge, cooker, DSTV. Parking, braai area. Available immediately. Phone 082 538 4012.



CITI 1.4i, 2004 model. Light blue, 175 000 km. Mags 14", alarm, CD ­ R28 000. 083 710 6361. FIAT UNO, 1996 model, 5­ spoed. Rooi kleur. Uit­ stekende, lopende toestand ­ R25 000 o.h.b. Skakel 072 626 7260.

DE OUDE WERF: 2 Slaapkamers, op grondvloer. Noord­Uitsig met plaveide tuingedeelte. Beskikbaar 1 Okt ­ R3 950 plus 1 maand dep. met kontraksluiting. Ska­ kel 082 658 6633.

JETTA II, 1988 model. Bakwerk en enjin baie goeie toestand ­ R23 000. Kontak: 073 206 8581 / 021 873 3621. OPEL CORSA 1.4 BAKKIE, 2005 model. White, mags, canopy, nosh bar, side bars, radio/CD player, 146 000 km ­ R57 000 neg. 083 364 1545.

KLEIN PARYS: Oopplan sitkamer/kombuis, slaapka­ mer & volle badkamer ­ R3 000 p.m. + dep. Onmiddellik beskikbaar. Skakel 082 431 4704.

SENTRAAL­WELLING­ TON: Perseel geskik vir kantoor, koffiewinkel (ruim tuinspasie), spreekkamer ens m.i.v. 1 Sept ­ R1 600 pm. 083 302 5506.

WELLINGTON: Upmarket bachelor & 1 bedroom flats, secure, in centre of town, tiled, oven/hob, shower. From R2 100. Call Permanent Trust: 021 441 8800.

NOORDER­PAARL. "Bachelor" woonstel aan huis. W+E, M­Net ingesluit. Vanaf 1 Oktober. Vir professionele mans/damespersoon. Geen diere ­ R2 600 p.m. Danie: 082 595 8781.

We refill your printer cartridges from R20 - R110, black and colour, while you wait. WE SELL: Refilled, new and compatible Ink Jet and Laser cartridges. WE BUY EMPTY cartridges R5 - R40.

Behind ‘Oak Tree Lodge’. 32 Main Street, Suider Paarl opposite KWV h/office.

54 Persele te huur Premises to let

PRIVATE woonstel aan woonhuis in Lemoenkloof­ weg. Bestaande uit 1 slpk, 1 badk, 1 woonkamer en kom­ buishoekie. Ten volle gemeu­ bileerd met DSTV. W+E ingesluit. Groot vensters met uitsig oor die vallei, plus nodige veiligheidsmaatreëls. Aparte ingang en parkeerplek asook skuifdeure wat toegang verleen tot tuin en braai­ vleisgeriewe ­ R3 500 p.m. Beskikbaar vanaf 1 Septem­ ber 2012. Kontak 021 872 8141 tydens kantoorure.

VOLKSWAGEN FOX 1.3. In goeie toestand. Nuwe lisensie en padwaardig­ heidsert. Gearlock. Baie betroubaar ­ R16 500. 084 470 6054.


PHONE GERD Tel: 863-3951/ 082-7744-098.

P I A N O FA C T O RY Wellington. 2­Slaapkamer­ woonstel, grondvloer. Kom­ buis met stoof ­ R3 950 pm. Kontak 083 270 5899.

TOYOTA TAZZ 1300, 1997 model. One owner, good runner ­ R25 000. Pls call 021 872 7762 or 072 768 1606.

K L E R E V E R KO P I N G (Tweedehands): Saterdag 1 Sept. 10:00: Duitse Kerksaal, Meulstraat 6.

HUISIE te huur. 20 Km vanaf Paarl. 12 Km vanaf Fransch­ hoek. Geen kinders en diere ­ R2750p.m. Plus koopkrag. Kontak 021 874 1001­/082 462 5767.

EK koop voertuie aan vir kontant. Skakel 078 543 9039 of sms voertuig inligting. SOEK goedkoop voertuie om aan te koop wat in netjies lopende toestand is. 072 626 7260.

DRINGEND: Sentraal, 3 slpk, 2 badk, kombuis, groot sitkamer en motorhuis. Beskikbaar einde September of vroeër. Eienaar: 083 627 2021.

LOCATED in Central Paarl. Well­kept 3/4 bedroom home. Walking distance to 3 popular schools. Available 1 October ­ R10 500 p.m. Contact Arthur on 082 369 7568.

SENTRAAL: 3 Slpk, 2 badk, kombuis, groot sitkamer en motorhuis. Beskikbaar einde September of vroeër ­ R4 900 pm. Eienaar: 073 334 7555.

WINGERDSTOMPIES te koop ­ R450/bakkievrag. Geskik vir kaggel ook. Skakel 084 912 9999.

SENTRAAL geleë, ruim 2­ slpk woonstel + garage. Stapafstand van dorp ­ R3 700 pm + deposito. Beskikbaar vanaf 1/9/2012. 082 819 2546.

JACK RUSSELLS beskik­ baar ­ R300. Kontak 073 662 8596 ná 16:00. SUIDER­PAARL: Ruim 3­ slpk. huis met matte, i.g.k, lugreëlaars, groot kombuis, aparte eetkamer en motor­ huis. Beskikbaar 1 September 2012 ­ R4 750 p.m. + dep. Skakel 082 927 5734. TULBACHSTR 41. Ouma woonstel. 1­Slpk, voorkamer, kombuis + badk. R2500p.m. Adrifaasstraat 15, Paarl­Oos. 3­Slpk. huis. Kontak Nooredien by 074 155 6830. WELLINGTON: ­ R6 850 p.m: 3 Slpk, 2 badk, d/mh. Sek. landgoed. Beskikbaar 1 September 2012. Rita: 084 911 1764 of John: 084 361 4071.



43 m², 101 m². Sentraal geleë, Hoofstraat, Paarl, langs McDonalds hamburgers.

082 880 1470

OPREGTE BULL­TER­ RIERS: Een wit reun, een brundel/wit teef en een swart/ wit teef. Skakel 082 376 1311. SKAAPHONDJIES te koop ­ R750 elk. Skakel 082 496 4830.

POTTE, panne, breekgoed, gordyne, beddegoed, linne, ligte elektriese ware, speel­ goed, ornamente, komberse, klerasie, skoene. Betaal kon­ tant. Mev Swart 084 702 3196.

Be Wise, Advertise

2­SLPK, ruim erf, on­ middellik beskikbaar ­ R350 000; 3­Slpk, goed geleë ­ R450 000; 2­Slpk met 3 erwe plot en plan ­ R630 000. Vir die beleggers. 073 421 3608. 3­SLAAPKAMER­ WONING, onderdakbraai, ingeboude kaste, nuut geres­ toureer. Privaat verkoop ­ R560 000 ohb. Amstelhof. Tel: 083 860 5846 / 073 598 9382. KLEIN PARYS: 3­Slpk, 3 badk, motorhuis, onderdak­ braai­area, swembad, met groot erf ­ prys onderhandel­ baar. Kontak: 071 557 2220. PRIVAAT VERKOOP: Prysverlaging R800 000, geen agentekommissie. New Orleans: 3­Slpk met i.g.k. hoofslp het en­suite, 1 volle badk. Volledig toegeruste kombuis, groot sitk/eetk, studeerkamer, buitekamer, garage, swembad. 082 702 0727. PRIVATE SELLER ­ 021 863 2706. Groenleegte­ aftree­oord ­ R1 250 000; Noorder­Paarl huis ­ R1 060 000; Suider­Paarl huis ­ R1 996 000; Sentraal besigheids­ gebou ­ R4 950 000. Skakel Tertius 082 660 3867.

Sake Post Geklassifiseerd

22 . Paarl Post

Donderdag 30 Augustus 2012

TUISVERSORGER soek werk. Opleiding voltooi: Wagenmakersvallei­oplei­ dingsentrum. Skakel asb. 073 108 7112/021 862 8565. ZIMBABWEAN lady needs domestic work. 078 651 7032.

HANDYMAN wanted for small farm in Wellington. For ongoing building mainten­ ance and farm work. Salary negotiable. 021 873 3696. KLAPMUTS SENTRA is op soek na betroubare wors­ maker en algemene assi­ stente: Groente. Met toepas­ like ondervinding en raad­ pleegbare verwysings. Doen persoonlik aansoek by Klapmuts Sentra. KOZAIN PANEL­ BEATERS benodig die dienste van 'n panelbeater/ spraypainter. Ondervinding sal in u guns tel. Skakel 021 862 1017 of besoek ons by Ambagsvalleistraat 35, Paarl. LOOKING for: Qualified driver Code 10 and forklift truck Code F2/A. Qualified: Martime Marketing (speak English and French). Contact: 021 862 5659 / 073 959 7535.

RIVERSIDE: 3­Slpk, oopplan sitk & eetk, kombuis met i.g.k. asook in 2 slpk & motorhuis. R529 000. Groenheuwel: 3­Slpk, oopplan sitk & kombuis met i.g.k. & stoof, 2 badk en motorafdak vir 2 voertuie. R490 000. Anthony: 073 807 1499.

OPTOMETRIESE AS­ SISTENT benodig. Vereis­ tes: Toepaslike optometriese praktykondervinding nood­ saaklik. Tweetalig. Indiensne­ ming: 1 Oktober 2012. Epos CV na: optometrie.paarl@ gmail. com

ELEKTRIESE TOEBE­ HORE: Herstel van yskaste en re­gas. Billike pryse. "Specials on winter aircon service". Gesertifiseerde tegnikus. Riaan: 074 345 3893.

PAARL: Office assistant needed for national gifting company. Matric and basic computer skills. Starting salary R3 500 pm. Send CV to: info@janavanhuyssteen.c om

S U P E R P RO J E C T S : WATERDIGTING, dakher­ stel, bouwerk, algemene her­ stelwerk en onderhoud. Ver­ wysings beskikbaar. Skakel 072 332 4216.

AANDAG WAARSKUWING Paarl Post lesers moet asb. alle finansiële advertensies, deeltydse werk, geldmaakskemas en besigheidsgeleenthede behoorlik ondersoek voordat 'n besigheidstransaksie aangegaan word. Dieselfde geld waar van die lesers vereis word om 'n deposito in 'n adverteerder se rekening in te betaal. Dit bly die verantwoordelikheid van die koper of verbruiker om die aanbod en die betroubaarheid van die adverteerder met wie hulle sake doen behoorlik te ondersoek.

Sit back and take it easy. Ask the professionals to do it for you! To be one of the professionals advertise in the Classifieds by phoning Zeta at 021 870 4600

CHAR work for every day needed please. 078 792 5270. SENIOR BOILER MA­ KER required in Stellen­ bosch. At least 15 years' experience in mild steel and stainless steel. Please send CV to or fax to 021 883 9684. TEACH English in Thailand. Now recruiting for Sept. Relocation cost apply.

CHAR work needed, Mon, Thur, Sat. Contact 073 352 8393. Ref avail. DAME soek charwerk. Verwysing beskikbaar. 071 969 3446. DOMESTIC worker needs 3 or 5 days. Call 071 733 4232. DOMESTIC worker with exp is looking for work. 072 783 8693.

ADMIN DATA CAPTUR­ ING jobs available. Sms name/address to 074 927 5124 or send email to

ERVARE huishulp soek werk (volle week). Mag­ dalena: 079 926 4639.

ALGEMENE KAN­ TOORDAME met on­ dervinding van Pastel, om spoedig moontlik diens te aanvaar. Faks CV na 086 756 2175.

EXPERIENCED domestic worker. Phone for ref: 084 568 2939. My tel: 078 801 4706.

EXPERIENCED domestic worker. Phone 078 090 0952.



EXPERIENCED domestic worker looking for 2 days (Tues & Thurs). 078 059 8299. GENERAL work needed. Phone 078 442 2299.

We’re just a call away HANDYMAN ­ Klein Drakenstein. Experience in boiler making, welding, plumbing & carpentry. Fax CV to 021 862 0055.

To advertise in the Classified section call Zeta at 021 870 4600

JOYCE needs full­time job. 073 965 0295. JULIA is looking for domestic/cleaning job. 078 539 9206. LOOKING for domestic work. 082 631 8077. TUISVERSORGER soek werk. Opleiding voltooi: Wagenmakersvallei­oplei­ dingsentrum. Skakel asb. 073 108 7112/021 862 8565.

MOSTERT SWEISWER­ KE: Skuif­/swaaihekke, diefwering, traliewerk & vele ander staalwerke. Gratis kwotasies. Skakel Frank Mostert: 021 868 2880/072 022 0066. Faks: 021 872 6771.

We’re just a call away To advertise in the Classified section call Zeta at 021 870 4600

ARL SERVICES: We offer the following services at affordable rates. We clean your house, office, windows & wash carpets. Contact Antoinette at 082 459 5625 for a quote. E­mail:

Donderdag 30 Augustus 2012

Sake Post Geklassifiseerd

DUSTBUSTERS SKOON­ MAAKDIENSTE: Bekos­ tigbare skoonmaak van u woning of kantoor. Een keer of weekliks. Pryse begin by R132,00. Gratis kwotasies. Ons klop enige redelike geskrewe kwotasie. Enkel huishulpe ook beskikbaar. Nuwe nommer!! 074 865 7362 (alle ure).

Paarl Post

INBOU VAN KASTE asook verandering van bestaande kaste. Gratis kwotasies. Skakel JP: 083 453 2702.

FOR CUSTOMIZED CURTAINS. Phone 021 862 6139.

INGEBOUDE KASTE: Nommer pas volgens behoefte. Nuut of verbe ter. Besighede, wonings, aftree­ oorde. Boet: 072 243 9323.

BAKKIE & TRAILER HIRE: To hire, transport, furniture removals. All hours: 082 321 8904. F O U R I E ­ V E RVO E R : Vervoer van meubels ­ klein of groot. Landswyd of plaaslik. Skakel 082 821 5234 of 021 876 2440.

RW HOUTWERKE: Inge­ boude kaste & kombuis­ ontwerp. Restourasiewerk. Algemene houtwerk. Gratis kwotasie. Regardt: 082 847 6333.

ONS spesialiseer ook in vervoer van klein trekke en enkelitems. JC Dreyer Removals. Skakel Jacques 082 453 3344 of ROMMEL VERWYDER­ ING Gehalte diens/billike prys. Skakel 082 746 3769 / 074 919 8966 / 071 609 6569. ROMMEL­ & VULLIS­ VERWYDERING: Vervoer van bourommel & tuinvullis. Kontak Louis: 083 713 9599. SKAKEL NICO by 082 925 3680 vir verwydering van tuinvullis of bourommel en lewering van klip ens. Goeie diens gewaarborg.

Reach thousands of potential customers every week in the Classifieds To advertise contact Zeta or Sharon at 021 870 4600

TO P C A R P E T S E N BLINDS: Teëls, matte, laminering, vinielvloere, blindings en blindings herstel/diens. Gratis kwo­ tasies en professionele diens. Skakel 022 482 2100.

TEËLS: Fabriekswinkel te Wellington. Kontak vervaar­ diger of besoek ons vertoon­ lokaal. Smartstone: 021 873 5482.



Sake Post Geklassifiseerd

24 . Paarl Post

Top US author to speak at auction

VERWYDERING van rommel en vullis, 1­6ml. Algemene vervoer met 8­ ton trok. Vir billike pryse en gehalte diens, skakel JACQUES: 082 579 2998/ 021 872 6029.

GUESTS at this year’s prestigious Nederburg Auction won’t want to miss the keynote address by best-selling US author and wine expert Mike Veseth on Saturday 29 September at Nederburg in Paarl. With the state of the global economy crisis posing many challenges to the wine world and the South African wine industry in particular, this acclaimedUSeconomicsprofessor and “wine economist” will bring his considerable expertise to the speaker platform, tailoring his keynote address around the subject of how South Africa can win the Wine Wars. He will discuss the market trends that are redrawing the world wine map and the terroirists (those focused on a wine’s terroir or place of ori-

AUTHOR. Top US author Mike Veseth will be speaking at this year’s Nederburg Auction. gin) who resist them. Veseth believes that wine businesses are at a critical crossroads,shapedbythepowerful forces of globalisation, corporate branding and the exploration of new markets. As a professor in international political economy at the

University of Puget Sound in Tacoma (Washington State), Veseth is regarded as an authority on the political economy of globalisation and the global wine market, applying his sharp and astute mind to analyse and understand the complex dynamics of the international wine world. ThiseditorofTheWineEconomist blog and author of more than a dozen books, has won critical praise for his recent book “Wine Wars: The CurseoftheBlueNun,theMiracle of Two Buck Chuck and the Revenge of the Terroirists (2011)”, which draws remarkable conclusions on the market forces that drive the wine industry. Mike Veseth will address guests of the Nederburg Auction at 09:00 on Saturday 29 September.

OLD BECOMES NEW. Engen opened a new 1-Plus urban retail service station last week in Main Street, Paarl. Paarl Village 1-Plus is joined by Corner Bakery and Woolworths on premises that stood empty for almost two years. At the opening were from left Valentine Rantsoareng (partner), Janet Sithole (convenience operations manager Engen), Dean Davy (regional convenience manager Engen), Pretty Rantsoareng (partner), Phillip Piek (owner), Anré Koegelenberg (Drakenstein municipal councillor), Dean Ford (retail sales manager Engen) and Pieter Ruthven (partner).

PAARL VLOERSKUUR DIENSTE Sedert 1978. Jaco Geldenhuys 084 493 6696.

Advertise in the Classifieds! We bring you the best in: Properties, cars, vacancies and bargains every week.

Phone Zeta or Sharon at 021 870 4600 to advertise

Donderdag 30 Augustus 2012

De Poort

THE annual general meeting of the De Poort Heritage Centre will be held on 18 September at 18:00 at the Drakenstein Council Chamber in the civic centre in Paarl.

GEVIND. Hierdie kat, wat onlangs geopereer is, is gevind by die Paarl polisiestasie. Die eienaar kan die kat opeis deur 076 036 4537 te skakel.

Thursday 30 August 2012


Paarl Post



Remember to




Kragtens die bepalings van artikel 32(2) van die Wes-Kaapse Wet op Dobbelary en Wedrenne, 1996 (Wet 4 van 1996), soos gewysig, gee die Wes-Kaapse Raad op Dobbelary en Wedrenne (“die Raad”) hiermee kennis dat ’n aansoek om ’n perseellisensie, soos onder aangedui, ontvang is. ’n Perseellisensie sal die lisensiehouer magtig om ’n maksimum van vyf beperkte uitbetalingmasjiene in goedgekeurde persele buite die casino’s te plaas om deur die publiek gespeel te word. BESONDERHEDE VAN AANSOEKER Naam van besigheid: By die volgende perseel: Erfnommer: Persone met ’n finansiële belang van 5% of meer in die besigheid:

Rudy’s Importers & Distributors BK 1990/03617/23 h/a Havana Hoofweg 101,Wellington 7655 720,Wellington Louis Roelof Van der Merwe (49%) Kathleen Adriaane Gordon (51%)

SKRIFTELIKE KOMMENTAAR EN BESWARE Inwoners van hierdie provinsie wat belangstel om besware aan te teken teen of kommentaar te lewer op enige aansoek, mag dit skriftelik doen. In die geval van skriftelike besware teen ’n aansoek, moet die redes waarop sodanige besware gebaseer is, verskaf word.Waar kommentaar betreffende die aansoek verstrek word, moet die volle besonderhede en feite om sodanige kommentaar te staaf, verskaf word. Die naam, adres en telefoonnommer van die persoon wat beswaar maak of kommentaar lewer, moet ook verskaf word. Kommentaar of besware moet die Raad op die laatste teen 16:00 op Vrydag, 21 September 2012 bereik. Kennis geskied hiermee dat die Raad, ingevolge regulasie 24(2) van die Nasionale Dobbelregulasies, ’n openbare verhoor ten opsigte van ’n aansoek sal skeduleer slegs indien ’n skriftelike beswaar teen ’n aansoek voor of om 16:00 op Vrydag, 21 September 2012 ontvang is. Sodanige beswaar moet betrekking hê op: (a) die onkreukbaarheid of geskiktheid van enige van die persone, wat betrokke sal wees by die bedryf van die relevante onderneming, vir lisensiëring, of (b) die geskiktheid van die voorgestelde perseel vir die bedryf van dobbelaktiwiteite. Indien ’n openbare verhoor geskeduleer word, sal die datum van sodanige verhoor ongeveer 14 dae vóór die verhoordatum in hierdie publikasie geadverteer word. Besware of kommentaar moet gestuur word aan die Hoof- Uitvoerende Beampte,Wes-Kaapse Raad op Dobbelary en Wedrenne, Posbus 8175, Roggebaai 8012, of ingehandig word by die Hoof- Uitvoerende Beampte,Wes-Kaapse Raad op Dobbelary en Wedrenne, Seafare Huis, Oranjestraat 68,Tuine, Kaapstad of gefaks word aan die Hoof- Uitvoerende Beampte by een van die voorafgenoemde adresse by faksnommer +27 (0)21 422 2603.


46 . Paarl Post GIMNASTE PRESTEER. Gimnaste van die Wynland-gimnastiekakademie (artistiese gimnastiek vlak 1-3) is opgeneem in die Boland-span wat aan die Suid-sonekompetisie gaan deelneem. Voor van links is Katharine Malan, Gemma Deacon, Gabrielle Witbooi, Sade Snyman, Isabella Kruger, Anke Kriel en Janke-Martin Viljoen. Tweede ry is Zoe Julies, Grace Witbooi, Amelie Goetze, Catharine la Grange, Alex Stewart, Katja Molenaar, Milcah Visser, Stephanie Boshoff en Helen Prinsloo. In die derde ry is Mienke Viljoen, Mae Murphy, Lijane Botha, Rebecca Rossouw, Aninka Ferreira, Chrisli Steyn, Sumari Bester, Liebe Rademeyer, Daniella du Toit, Leah-Jessica Freeborough, Danielle Botha en Marquerite Visser. Agter is Thyla Engelbrecht, Chanel de Kock, Marle Smit, Benitha Pretorius, Chanel Els, Chris Bossenger, Sarah Sinclair, MJ Stewart, Anika Wiehahn, Rozenka du Toit en Steflynn Cloete. Foto: Sieb Sieberhagen

Sport News

Donderdag 30 Augustus 2012

Swop water for dirt FORMER Olympic gold medallist Ryk Neethling will swop water for dirt when he competes in the inaugural Kia Val de Vie Mountain-bike Challenge on 16 September. Enter for the 60 km feature race or the 30 km ride, depending on fitness level and technical ability. There will also be a 3 km event for children. As the marketing director of Val de Vie, Neethling said he was keen to get his hands dirty alongside the other competitors. “With this race we aim to at-

tract everybody from experts to novices, residents and young families ready for a great day out in the winelands.” The course will cover the estate and at least six neighbouring farms. Riders can look forward to taking on a section used in both the Absa Cape Epic and Columbia Grape Escape. To enter, visit Late entries will also be accepted at the start.

BOLANDSPAN. Na afloop van die onlangse Boland mini-trampolienproewe wat in die Paarl gehou is, is sewe Wellington-klubgimnaste in die Boland-span ingesluit wat op 14 en 15 September aan die Suid-Kaapkampioenskappe gaan deelneem. Agter van links is Jaco Beukes (silwermedalje), Hentie Louw (afrigter) en Lize-Mari Sills. In die middel is Nikola Muller (silwermedalje), Erin Cuff, Carl van der Westhuizen (silwermedalje) en Louise Meyer. Voor is Steyn Kotze.

MEDALJES. Lede van die Paarl-gimnastiekklub wat aan die Boland Novice gimnastiekkampioenskap deelgeneem het, het verskeie medaljes verower. Van links is Stefan Gouws (silwer), Juan Roos (silwer), Stuart Martin (goud), Dawie Geldenhuys (silwer), Dian van der Walt (brons) en Noah Pekeur (brons). Dié gimnaste is ingesluit in die Boland-span wat op 15 September aan die Novice Suid-Sonekampioenskappe gaan deelneem.

Sport Nuus

Sporttelbord * Scoreboard RUGBY * Boland lost again The Ford Pumas overturned an eight-point deficit on their way to a narrow 36-33 (half-time 13-18) win over the Boland Kavaliers in their Absa Currie Cup First Division match at Boland Park in Worcester last Friday. * Violets net-net aan die verloorkant Violets het die afgelope naweek teen Rangers met 13-14 verloor. Die tweede span wen 15-3 en die derde span wen 6-7. * Riverstones klop liga voorlopers Die eerste rugbyspan van Riverstones het Saterdag daarin geslaag om Vineyards op die Daljosafat-stadion met 17-6 te klop. Die eerste helfte is gekenmerk deur hegte verdediging deur albei spanne. Jacques Hendricks (skrumskakel) slaag vir Riverstones met twee strafskoppe en die rustydtelling was 6 elk. Die tweede helfte is gekenmerk deur beter dissipline en goeie aanvallende spel deur Riverstones en hul voorspelers het met uitstekende samespel vir Vineyards oorheers. Vineyards het geen antwoord gehad vir die kraglopies van Lance Benjamin (slot), Alfredo Adams (slot) en Arnold Kika (agsteman) nie. Jacques Hendricks het met nog twee strafskoppe geslaag. Ná goeie samespel deur Riverstones se voor- en agterspelers, het Dominique Adriaanse (flank) afgerond met ’n drie vir Stones. Die doelskop was egter mis, wat die eindtelling op 17-6 te staan gebring het. Lance Benjamin (kaptein) is welverdiend aangewys as die speler van die wedstryd. Riverstones

se 2de span verloor 18-0, en die 3de span verloor 8-5. * Blues neem die voortou Laer Paarl (Blues) het Saterdag die voortou geneem in die Paarlstreek nadat hy Simondium met 64-0 geklop het en ’n waardevolle bonuspunt ingesamel het. Simondium het met swak verdediging toegelaat dat Blues 10 drieë gedruk het waarvan Delwayn Cornelissen 7 verdoel het. Blues se voor- en agterspelers het mekaar goed aangevul en Simondium se verdediging deeglik beproef. Blues se agterspelers het ten spyte van die reën en nat veld die bal goed hanteer. Marco Prinsloo, wat ’n reuse wedstryd gehad het, is as speler van die wedstryd aangewys. Blues se tweedes wen 1710 en die derdes verloor 7-8. WEDVLUGDUIWE * Wellington Resiesduifklub Hanover Sondag 26 Augustus - 1 H Joseph, 2,3,4,9 en 10 D Perrins, 5 Jasper & Kobus, 6 en 7 Arendse Lofts en 8 I Laubscher. Richmond Sondag 26 Augustus - 1,8 en 9 D Perrins, 2 I Laubscher, 3,4,5 en 7 Arendse Lofts, 6 D Solomon en 10 Jasper en Kobus. HOCKEY * Paarl Club The Paarl men’s first hockey team secured another win over Pinelands at Hartleyvale with a 5-1 victory. The first goal came within the first two minutes of the game by Donavon (Mr Biceps) Caldecott, but Pinelands equalised minutes later. Xavier (Backstick) Lawrence again lived up to his name and scored the second goal off his backstick beating the Pinelands goalkeeper.

With the score 2-1 at half-ime, Paarl showed Pinelands who was the best team on the field and Pinelands got hit by a more composed and settled Paarl team in the second half. Pinelands hit back time and time again, but with Paarl’s solid defence and a rock of a goalkeeper just could not break through. It did not take Paarl long in the second half to secure a short corner, and with Jacques (the Jackal) Saayman nearly decapitating the Pinelands goalkeeper off a deflecting ball from Caldecott, the Jackal scored the third goal. Paarl continued their dominance and visited Pinelands’ half with Lawrence showing excellent ball skills, beating two defenders before passing the ball into the circle to Zaayman to score the fourth goal. With ten minutes left Paarl secured another short corner in which Caldecott recovered the ball and showed what he was made of, outskilled four defenders and the goalkeeper of Pinelands scoring the fifth and final goal for Paarl. The ladies suffered another loss, this time against UCT. UCT was simply the better of the two teams, leaving little room for error and scoring four goals. Paarl just could not capitalise on the opportunities that were created. At half-time the score was 3-0 to UCT. UCT scored their fourth goal in the second half. GOLF * Paarl Golf Club 25 August - Saturday Competition - Individual S/F 1. G Bezuidenhout, 2. H Hamer 3. G Botha. Nearest to the Pin 4th L Kleynhans and 14th: P Neal.

Paarl Post

THE annual HIV/Aids Road Race hosted by the Hawequa Correctional Services HIV Committee will be held on Saturday 15 September starting at 08:00 from the CPUT rugby field in Wellington. This year Wellington SPAR will be the main sponsor. A 10 km and a 5 km fun run and a 10 km fun walk will be held and

A NEW updated athletics coaching omnibus is now available and can be ordered from Boland Athletics. It is compiled from more than 20 modules and consists of more than 300 pages. To simplify the theory, it is supported by almost 400 illustrations and tables. It will assist the athlete, coach and parent to master the techniques in athletics events ranging from sprints, jumps, throws and distance races. It also gives guidance on how to prepare programmes, when to train, when to rest and when to deliver a peak performance. It provides basic information on how to develop strength with, or without weights and also provides valuable tips on nutrition and supplement intake, psychological preparation. For inquiries, email to


prize money will go to the first three places in the different categories. There are also team prizes for men’s and ladies’ teams. Register at the CPUT rugby field on 14 September (from 16:00) and from 06:00 on race day. For details contact 021 864 5838/15 (W), 021 873 2616 (after hours) or 072 609 2507.

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Thursday 30 August 2012

Paarl Post Sport

Paarl, Wellington, Franschhoek, Klapmuts, Simondium, Gouda & Saron Voorheen die Afrikaanse Patriot

Volume 107

Donderdag 30 Augustus 2012

Tel: 021-870-4600

Page 48

Eerste kolhou vir Elsa

EERSTE KEER. Elsa Albertyn met die ses yster en balletjie waarmee sy Saterdag die kolhou op Wellington se baan aangeteken het. Foto: Sieb Sieberhagen

BAIE gholfspelers sou dit nie verlede Saterdag op die gholfbaan waag as gevolg van die gure weer nie, maar Elsa Albertyn (62) van die Paarl was op haar pos by die Wellington-gholfklub en het oudergewoonte aan die Saterdag-kompetisie deelgeneem. Die deelname was op die ou einde die moeite werd, want op die 12de putjie slaan sy vir die eerste keer in haar lewe ’n kolhou - die eerste vrou in die geskiedenis van dié gholfklub wat dié prestasie behaal. Elsa, die dameskaptein by die Wellingtongholfklub, vertel dat sy byna kon voorspel het dat iets groots gaan gebeur toe sy op die 11de putjie ’n voëltjie (een minder as baansyfer) aangeteken het. Op die 12de putjie (syfer 3) het sy die ses yster geneem en die bal met een hou in die gat geslaan. In gholfterme het sy ’n arend aangeteken. Elsa, wat al vir 14 jaar gholf speel, speel vanaf ’n 22-voorgee en het Saterdag ’n telling van 95 behaal. Dit beteken dat sy op haar voorgee drie meer as baansyfer gespeel het. Haar versekeringsmaatskappy moes ook R2000 opdok vir dié gelukskoot, maar Elsa vertel dat die geluk ook hier aan haar kant was, want daar was as gevolg van die slegte weer nie baie spelers op die gholfbaan nie en dus nie baie vir wie sy op die “19de putjie” ’n drankie moes koop nie.

Sponsor signs new agreement THE current sponsor of Boland Rugby, the Regent Insurance Group, has announced the signing of a new sponsorship with Boland Rugby at Boland Park in Worcester. The new sponsorship agreement signed last week extends the partnership from 1 July 2013 to 30 June 2014 with a further renewal option for 1 July 2014 to 30 June 2015. This has been a rewarding sponsorship for both stakeholders and Regent has committed to continuing its investment both with Boland Rugby (Pty) Ltd and the surrounding community. “From the outset in June 2011, Regent was quite keen for the relationship with the Boland Rugby community. Our mission has always

been to become a partner to Boland Rugby and not just a sponsor,” said Jurie Strydom, CEO of Regent Insurance Group.

SIGNING. Last week Regent signed their new sponsorship agreement with the Boland Rugby Union. From left are Piet Bergh (CEO of Boland Rugby), Francois Davids (President of Boland Rugby), Jurie Strydom (CEO of Regent Insurance) and Reginald Haman (Regent’s executive general manager).

Francois Davids, President of the Boland Rugby Union, expressed his appreciation, saying, “This is a humbling gesture for Regent to extend their partnership with Boland Rugby. We are very pleased with this development. We will continue to be the team player you certainly can count on. “Since coming on board in 2011 as the ‘Title Sponsor’ of Boland Rugby’s professional team, Regent has made a massive impact in the Boland community. “Not only have they given the Boland Cavaliers and the Boland Stadium a more professional ‘look and feel’, they have also made massive contributions in terms of social responsibility and local business support,” Davids said.

KLIPHARD. Dit was weer tyd vir Labori se interskole teen Bosmansdam die afgelope naweek en hul teenstanders het in gure weer kom rugby speel by die Chéve-velde. Die wedstryd is in stortreën gespeel. Hier is Labori se bul-slot Tiaan Terreblanche besig met nog een van sy klipharde duikslae. Die eindtelling was 17-17. Foto: Frans le Roux

Gelykopstryde vir Labori IN die interskolestryd die afgelope naweek tussen Labori Hoerskool en Bosmansdam van Bothasig (Kaapstad) was daar heelwat gelykopuitslae, maar in die meerderheid wedstryde het die Paarliete die septer geswaai. Soos die o.16A-meisieshokkiespan (1-1) en o.16A-seunshokkiespan (0-0) in ’n gelykopstryd gewikkel was, het die o.19A-netbal (20-20) en die o.19A-rugbyspan (17-17) dieselfde gedoen.

Die ander uitslae is: Rugby: o.14A (Laborie wen 17-0), o.15B Laborie verloor 12-7, o.15A (Labori wen 62-0), o.16A (Laborie wen 14-3) en o.19B (Labori wen 25-0). Netbal: o.14A (Labori wen 22-9), o.14B (Labori wen 12-8), o.16A (Labori verloor 13-9), o.16B (Labori wen 11-9), o.19C (Labori wen 17-7) en o.19B (Labori verloor 18-4). Hokkie: o.19A-meisies (Labori wen 4-0) en o.19A-seuns (Labori wen 1-0).

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