Paarl Post 20150115

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Paarl Post Voice of Drakenstein • Stem van Drakenstein

Donderdag, 15 Januarie 2015

Prys: R6.00 | Volume 110




*LGC tests for banned substances only and does not verify the quality of any product or its contents.

TEL: 021 863 5060


Voorheen die Afrikaanse Patriot | Tel 021 870 4600 | SMS 32363 |




Local matrics excel

Ex­cons rebuild house

Netbal SA kry nuwe afrigter

The matric results have been released and Draken­ stein matrics have both excelled and disappointed. But some schools have shown a marked improve­ ment on the previous year’s results.PAGE 2 & 4

After a Groenheuwel family’s home was devastat­ ed by a fire last year, ex­cons of Allandale Correc­ tional Services stepped in to rebuild the house, completing the work by Christmas. PAGE 3

Die bekende Bennie Saayman van die Paarl is die naweek as die Protea­netbalspan se hoofafrig­ ter aangekondig. Lees meer oor hierdie merk­ waardige prestasie. BL.24


Polisievrou sterf in botsing DEVIDEAN MOSES

die bakkie gestamp en ek het my bewussyn verloor,” het Roux vertel. ’n Polisievrou van Paarl-Oos-po- “Toe ek my bewussyn herwin, het lisiekantoor se Oujaarsdag het ek die deur oopgestamp en uitgetragies geëindig toe sy aan diens klim. Dis toe dat ek sien die bakkie lê bo-op Chantal se liggaam. Bloed in ’n botsing gesterf het. het uit haar mond geloop. “ ’n Lid van die publiek en nog ’n Die 32-jarige sers. Chantal Davids en haar kollega ao. Russel Roux was kollega het aangekom en my gehelp onderweg om ’n klagte in Smartie om die bakkie van haar af te kry, Town te ondersoek, toe die polisie- maar sy was reeds dood,” het hy vangwa waarin hulle gery het om- hartseer gesê. Met die tyding van Chantal se streeks 15:30 in ’n botsing met ’n modood het huldeblyke tor voor die ingang van oral ingestroom. na die NederburgHaar vriendin Ulwynlandgoed berecka Joshua skryf op trokke was. Facebook: “Elkeen het Volgens ’n fami’n vriend in elke stadilielid het Chantal um van jou lewe. Maar die polisievangwa dit was ’n seën om jou bestuur toe sy ’n as vriendin te hê tymotor wat voor dens al die fases van haar gery het, wou my lewe.” verbysteek. “Chantal se gesind“Chantal het nie heid en herinneringe besef die motor wat sal by Paarl-Oos-polivoor haar gery het, siestasie voortleef vir wou by die landdie wonderlike pergoed indraai nie. soon wat sy was. WanBlykbaar het sy toe neer sy in ’n vertrek gehard rem getrap en in die proses be- Sers. Chantal Davids (32). . loop het, het sy altyd geglimlag en almal opheer oor die polisievoertuig verloor. Hulle het die an- gehelder daarmee,” vertel lt. Diana der motor getref en die polisievoer- Linee. “Ons as Chantal se familie sal tuig het omgekantel, waartydens Chantal uitgeslinger en onder die haar altyd mis en haar onthou vir voertuig vasgepen is,” aldus die fa- die seëning wat sy in ons lewe was. Sy was liefdevol, saggeaard en ook milielid. Haar geskokte kollega is steeds ’n goeie ma vir Christal,” vertel getraumatiseer oor die wyse waar- haar oudste suster, Renay Johannes. op Chantal gesterf het. Brigadier Neville Malila, stasie“Toe ons voertuig omkantel het ek haar nog probeer gryp en vashou, bevelvoerder van Paarl-polisiekanmaar my kop het teen die dak van toor, het bevestig Chantal het aan

Hier is die familie van wyle sers. Chantal Davids (32): (agter van links) haar ma, Norma en haar pa, Ivan Da­ vids saam met haar twee susters, Renay Johannes (regs agter) en Tersia Witbooi (voor) en Chantal se dogter Christal Davids (5). FOTO: DEVIDEAN MOSES noodlottige beserings op die toneel gesterf. Roux het skouer- en nekbeserings opgedoen. “Die polisie ondersoek ’n saak van strafbare manslag,” sê Malila. Chantal wat vir die afgelope 13 jaar ’n polisielid was, is Woensdag 14 Januarie tydens ’n amptelike polisiebegrafnis te ruste gelê. Sy word oorleef deur haar dogter, Christal (5), haar ouers en twee sus-

ters. ) Daniel van Niekerk (38) van die Diamand-plaas is Vrydagaand (9 Januarie) dood toe hy op omstrede wyse voor ’n vragmotor op die SuiderPaarl-pad beland het. Van Niekerk het rugby gespeel vir Superstars Rfc. ) Op Saterdag (10 Januarie) het ’n Mercedes Benz-minibus kort ná 07:00 naby die N1-tonnel in ’n sloot

beland nadat sy remme gesluit het. Vyf mense het ligte tot geringe beserings opgedoen. Dieselfde dag omstreeks 12:20 het twee mans ligte beserings opgedoen in ’n enkelvoertuig-botsing naby die ou tonnel. * The police are investigating a case of manslaughter after a police woman lost her life in a collision while on duty.



Nuus News

15 January, 2015

Trokdrywer beroof deur motorfietsryers

And so it’s back to the grindstone again. We are sure that your holiday felt like a long weekend and after loads of fun, time has flown by. Here we are at the start of an exciting new year. Filled with challenges, changes and even the odd surprise. And especially many mothers will be grateful that schools reopen next week. But motorists are dreading the thought as traffic congestion will the also reach a peak again. We at Paarl Post wish all our readers a prosperous new year.

HIP, HIP, HOERA: New Orleans Sekondêre Skool se matrieks van 2014 het met ’n 82,4% slaag­ syfer geseëvier. Hier jubel van die matrieks verlede week nadat hulle hul uitslae ontvang het.


Parkeertariewe in dorp Parkeertariewe vir die Paarl-middedorp sedert einde 2014 is as volg: 0 – 15 minute R2 15 – 30 minute R3 30 – 45 minute R5 45 – 60 minute R6 Die gelde moet vooruit betaal word. Betaalde parkering geld in Hoofstraat vanaf Malherbestraat tot Lady Greystraat; van Nantes- tot Lady Greystraat; Lady Greystraat tot Versterstraat, Nuwestraat, Derkenstraat en Pastorielaan. Dié tariewe is minstens R1 per uur laer as in buurdorpe soos Stellenbosch en Somerset-wes

“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you.” John 13:34

Plaaslike matrieks vaar goed VERSLAGGEWERS Vier plaaslike skole het weer met ’n 100% slaagsyfer in die 2014 Nasionale Senior Sertifikaat-eksamen geskitter. Die skole met ’n 100% slaagsyfer is Boland Landbouskool, Hoer Meisieskool Paarl, Hoër Meisieskool La Rochelle en Hugenote Hoërskool. En die Franschhoek privaatskool, Bridge House, het ook 100% behaal in die Onafhanklike Skole Eksamens. Vanjaar se toppresteerder vir die Drakenstein-gebied was Cassandra de Crux van Hoërskool La Rochelle, wat 96,71% gemiddeld en agt vakonderskeidings behaal het. Verder het La Rochelle ’n klasgemiddeld van 76,1% en 35 leerders het ’n gemiddelde A bekom. Hoër Meisieskool pronk met nie net 100% slaagsyfer nie, maar ook met ’n 100% slaagsyfer in wiskunde en fisiese wetenskap en 100% vir toegang tot diploma en/of hoër sertifikaat. Dié meisieskool het 29 A gemiddelde leerders in hul 2014-matriekklas. Corli Rheeder is hul Dux-leerder met 96,14% en 100% vir wiskunde. Hoërskool Hugenote kan spog met 18 leerders met A-gemiddel-

des. Charles Grobbelaar, wat sewe A’s en ’n gemiddeld van 90,2% behaal het, is die Dux-leerder. En die boerseuns van Boland Landbouskool kan ook opreg trots wees. Benewens die 100 % slaagsyfer, het almal ook al hul vakke geslaag. Sestig van die 68 leerders – dus 88,2 % – verkry toelating tot studies vir ’n B-graad aan ’n universiteit. Voorts is daar sewe kandidate wat met ’n A-gemiddeld slaag. Claus Lotz is hul top-presteerder met ’n 89,5% gemiddelde. Onderwysers van Desmond Tutu is oorstelp oor hul reuse verbeterde slaagsyfer van 76,3 % teenoor 2013 se slaagsyfer van 69,3%. Hoërskool Wellington se slaagsyfer het ook verbeter met 83,8% teenoor 74% in 2013, terwyl Hoërskool Franschhoek verbeter het met ’n slaagsyfer van 90,3% teenoor hul 2013 slaagsyfer van 89,7%. Hoërskool Gimnasium se slaagsyfer is 99,5%. Hoër Jongenskool Paarl het vanjaar die tradisie verbreek met ’n slaagsyfer van 99,4% teenoor 100% slaagsyfer verlede jaar. Skole soos Hoërskool Labori het met (93,4%) geslaag; Klein Nederburg Sekondêr (88,8%), Paulus Joubert Sekondêr (88,7%), Groendal Sekondêr (86,2%), New Orleans Sekondêr (82,4%), Al-Az-

har Instituut Paarl (80%) en Tertia Theron Privaatskool (80%). Noorder-Paarl Hoërskool het met 78,5% geslaag teenoor 2013 se 88,7%, terwyl Weltevrede Sekondêr ’n slaagsyfer van 71,1% het teenoor hul 2013 se 80,3%. Bergrivier Sekondêr het ook ’n daling in hul slaagsyfer van 70,2% getoon teenoor 86,4% verlede jaar. Ihlumelo Junior Sekondêr (52,9%) en Charleston Hill Sekondêr (55,1%) is die twee skole in Drakenstein wat die laagste slaagpersentasies behaal het teenoor 2013. Vier Drakenstein-leerders is gister vereer by die Premier se Leeuwenhof-woning: Cassandra de Crux (La Rochelle), Corli Rheeder (HMS) en Dean Blackburn (Boishaai) is op die merietelys van top-presteerders en NicStrauss le Roux (Labori) het ’n spesiale toekenning ontvang vir buitengewone akademiese prestasie (lees bl.4). Dean het ’n toekenning ontvang vir uitmuntendheid in wiskunde en Cassandra vir uitmuntendheid in rekenaar toepassings-tegnologie. * Several schools in the Drakenstein area have shown a declining pass rate over the previous year’s results, while only three schools have continued a tradition of achieving a 100% success rate.

’n Afleweringsvragmotor van ’n drankwinkel in die Paarl is Maandagmiddag op die Wemmershoekpad beroof. Volgens Franschhoekpolisiewoordvoerder, konst. Marize Mentoor, het twee mans op ’n motorfiets omstreeks 14:40 langs die vragmotor van Abels Liquor Store gestop toe die bestuurder wou stilhou om te kyk of alles nog reg is met sy vrag. Die passasier van die motorfiets het afgeklim waarna die motorfietsbestuurder tot voor die vragmotor gery en stilgehou het. Hy het op die motorfiets bly sit. Die motorfiets se passasier het by die bestuurskant van die vragmotor opgeklim, die deur oopgemaak en ’n vuurwapen op die vragmotorbestuurder gerig. Hy het die vragmotor afgeskakel. Die verdagte het geld geeis. Toe die bestuurder weens skok nie kon praat nie, het hy vir ’n passasier in die vragmotor vir die geld gevra wat hom gewys het waar dit weggebêre is. Die verdagte het die geld gevat en weer saam met sy makker op die motorfiets geklim. Hulle het ná ’n gesukkel om die motorfiets aan die gang te kry, in die rigting van die Paarl weggejaag. Dit is onseker oor hoeveel geld geroof is. Mentoor sê die twee verdagtes was geklee in jeans en swart leerbaadjies en hul gesigte was heeltyd met valhelms bedek gewees. Die motorfiets is swart en blou met oranje wiele. Enigeen met inligting kan sers. Cedric Diedericks bel by 021 876 8060. * The driver of a delivery vehicle was robbed near Franschhoek by two men on a motorcycle.

Cars catch alight in brush fire on Main Street Two cars caught alight last Tuesday after a man living in an outside room of a house had allegedly been burning garden refuse. The incident occurred behind a house on the corner of Main and Bosman Streets in Paarl. Because of the dry, windy conditions, the fire quickly spread to surrounding bushes and set two cars alight, a Toyota Camry and a Fiat Uno, that were parked in a parking area behind the property. Bystanders tried to douse the flames with water, which, however, cannot be used on a burning vehicle because of the flammable petrol. Business owners in the vicini-

ty then arrived with their own fire extinguishers to help douse the flames, while waiting for the fire department to arrive. Once they arrived, the fire was brought under control, without any further damage. The police confirmed that a case of arson is being investigated. Adriano Bertoncello, the owner oftheCamry,saidthathiswifehad parked the car there while she visited a nearby beautician in Main Road. Although the damage to the vehicle has yet to be assessed, he suspects that the car will be a write-off. A business owner in the vicinity

said the same culprit had been responsible for similar fires on a regular basis. Another claims the owner of the building allegedly asked his tenant to clear the garden and burn the refuse. This specific property has been unoccupied for a few years now. It went on auction last year but the reserve price was not achieved. Bosman Street residents are concerned about the derelict state of thehouse.Untilrecently,“strange characters” were also occupying the property in the heart of historical Paarl. Efforts to contact the owner for comment this week were fruitless.


Paarl Oogsentrum Paarl Eye Centre


URE: Maandag - Vrydag: 08:00 tot 17:00 Saterdag: 08:00 tot 14:00

r. R oland B erry D Dr. Roland Berry



Maandag - Donderdag: 17:00 tot 21:00

Bo-Lady Greystraat/Street 20, Paarl, 7646 Tel: 021 871 1368 • Faks: 021 871 1369 E-pos/mail:

Vrydag: 17:00 tot 20:00 Sondag en Vakansiedae: 09:00 tot 14:00 X1PKA599-PL150115

The burnt­out Toyota Camry at the scene of the fire.






Nuus News

15 Januarie, 2015

Geparoleerdes herbou Wests se verwoeste huis LISE BEYERS ’n Groenheuwel-gesin het vanjaar hul grootste Kersgeskenk ooit gekry. Aldus Cathleen West, nadat hulle net voor Kersfees ’n “splinternuwe huis” ontvang het. Cathleen en haar gesin is verlede jaar te pletter geslaan toe hulle geliefde woonhuis nie alleen so te sê in puin gelê is nie, maar hulle ook feitlik al hul besittings in ’n brand, waarskynlik veroorsaak deur ’n kortsluiting, verloor het. Cathleen vertel sy het nà die brand nie geweet hoe hulle Allandale se Streekskommissaris Ntomboxolo Kungune, ooit hul lewens na die ver- haar Wes­Kaapse eweknie Dlekile Klaas en die dankbare woesting sou kan herbou nie huiseienaar Cathleen West. en nooit het sy kon droom dat haar huis herbou sou word deur voormalige fondsinsamelings gehou om die projek te help finansier. gevangenes nie. Tydens die oorhandigingseremonie het die Vyf geparoleerdes van Allandale het gehoor van die gesin se penarie terwyl hulle Kommissaris van Korrektiewe Dienste in die gemeenskapdiens uitgedien het by Groen- Wes-Kaap, Delekile Klaas ’n beroep op die geheuwel Primêre Skool. Die West-gesin se ver- meenskap gedoen om voormalige oortreders knorsing het ook onder die aandag gekom in diens te neem, waarvan daar talle is met van Franklin Paulse, Allandale se gebiedsko- die nodige vaardighede. “Terwyl hulle nog in aanhouding is, word ordineerder, wat toe die geparoleerdes genader het om deel te neem aan ’n uitreikprojek opleiding in verskeie ambagte, soos vir loodom die gesin te help. Laasgenoemdes was al- gieters, bouers en elektrisiëns, aan hulle gegee. mal baie gretig om in te spring. “Ons doen ’n beroep op die gemeenskap om En so het die voormalige gevangenes met die hulp van Allandale se bouafdeling weke van hulle dienste gebruik te maak, want dit lank elke naweek hard gewerk om die Wests sal hulle dan in staat stel om ’n inkomste te verdien, wat hulle sal weerhou daarvan om se huis en drome te herbou. Op die vooraand van Kersfees is die huis weer misdaad te pleeg.” * With the assistance of Allandale Correctiotoe met groot opgewondenheid amptelik tenal Services, five parolees rebuilt a family horuggegee aan sy bewoners. Allandale se personeellede het verskeie me after it was destroyed by a fire.


Stringless Mangoes

Tel: 021 872 1617 Fax: 021 872 6558

Large English Cucumber

2 for

Mushrooms 250g punnet

2 for



2 for






Potatoes 1 x pocket Onions 1 x pocket Gem Squash 1 x pocket Butternut All 4 for 1 x pocket 7kg



Valid until Saturday 17 January 2015 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. X1PLN0VW-PL150115



Hoofstraat 470, Noorder-Paarl • Tel: 021 872 8475 • Slaghuis: 021 872 0342


LAM per kg

LAM FIQ BOX per kg











22995 3999

22495 7999




































COMBO 7kg aartappels, klein sakkie skorsies, klein sakkie uie, 1x kool



1899 KAAS CHEDDAR Vanaf per kg







7500 995

Vanaf Donderdag 15 Januarie 2015 tot Sondag 18 Januarie 2015 | Hoeveelhede kan beperk word, geen handelaars. Terwyl voorraad hou | BESIGHEIDSURE: Oop tussen 07:00 en 22:00




Nuus News

15 January, 2015

Labori­leerder styg uit bo ‘beperkinge’ Nic-Strauss le Roux is op 3½-jarige ouderdom gediagnoseer as “akademies onopvoedbaar”.

Nic­Strauss ontvang trots sy matrieksertifi­ kaat by Chris Botha. FOTO: LISE BEYERS

INVITATION TO BID YOU ARE HEREBY INVITED TO BID FOR REQUIREMENTS OF THE DRAKENSTEIN MUNICIPALITY Description: CES 19/2014: Paarl Waste Water Treatment Works Maturation Pond By-Pass CIDB: Tenderers must be registered with the CIDB in a CE class of construction works and have a grading designation equal to or higher than that determined in accordance with the sum tendered or a value determined in accordance with regulation 25(7A) of the Construction Industry Development Regulations, 2004. It is estimated that tenderers will need a grading designation of 4CE or higher. Closing date: Thursday, 29 January 2015 Closing time: 10:00 Bids will be opened in the Civic Centre, 1st Floor, Berg River Boulevard, Paarl in public at 10:15. Information: Obtain documentation: Drakenstein Municipality, Department Civil Engineering Services, Second Floor; Corner of 1 Market and Main Streets, Paarl (GPS: 33 °44' 19.06”S; 18 °57' 46.95”E). Mrs. Samantha Arends: 021 807 6237 Enquiries regarding tender documentation: Mr. Bertu Bester E-mail: Tel: 021 950 7500 Office Hours for collection: 08:30 - 15:30 as from 15 January 2015. Non-refundable fee of R267 payable to Drakenstein Municipality required for collection of documents. Compulsory site clarification visits/meeting: A compulsory site clarification meeting with the representatives of the Drakenstein Municipality and Consultants, will be held at the Paarl Waste Water Treatment Works (GPS: 33° 41' 28.90? S, 18° 58' 36.74? E), on Monday, 19 January 2015, at 11:00. A representative may only represent one Tenderer at the meeting. Telegraphic, telephonic, telex, facsimile, e-mail and late tenders will not be accepted. The lowest, only or any bid shall not necessarily be accepted and the Council reserves the right to accept any part of the bid. Tenders to be deposited in: The tender box at the entrance of the Municipal offices of Drakenstein Municipality, Berg River Boulevard PAARL, 7620. (Ensure tender number and title is on the envelope). NOTE: This tender will be evaluated in terms of the revised Preferential Procurement Regulations, 2011 that was promulgated by the Minister of Finance on 8 June 2011 in Government Gazette No 34350. Please take note of the preferential conditions of Supply Chain Management special conditions for bidding. Procurement preference point system: 90/10 The successful bidder will be required to fill in and sign a written Contract Form The following conditions to bid exist: (Failure to comply may result in your bid being disqualified) 1. This bid is subject to the General Conditions of contract for Construction works (GCC), special conditions of CIDB and Supply Chain Management special conditions for bidding. 2. Relevant specifications (SPECS). 3. Bidders must be registered on the Drakenstein Municipality supplier database if they wish to conduct business with Drakenstein Municipality. 4. A valid or certified tax clearance certificate must be handed in with the closing of the bid. However no contract will be awarded to any bidder without a valid tax clearance certificate on the date the bid is awarded. 5. Bids submitted must be in a sealed envelope clearly marked with the bid number, placed in the tender box before closing time, failure will result in the bid being invalid. 6. Bidders are required to attain a minimum score of 80 points for functionality in order to be further evaluated in terms of the preference points system. JOHANN METTLER MUNICIPAL MANAGER X1PLPCU5-PL150115

Dit was vir sy ouers ’n geweldige skok en traumatiese ervaring – veral die destydse diagnose dat hul pragtige donkerkop-seuntjie op skool nooit sou kon vorder nie! Maar sy ouers, Herman en Linda le Roux, van Wellington, het geweier om hierdie verdoemende bevinding te aanvaar. In die geloof, skryf hulle toe hul vierjarige seuntjie in by die Paarlskool vir serebraal- en spesifiek leergestremdes in Brackenfell. Met absolute toewyding, deursettingsvermoë en harde werk van

Nic-Strauss se kant, ondersteun deur sy positiewe en betrokke ouers, ontwikkel hierdie spesiale seun binne Paarlskool se gespesialiseerde terapeutiese en onderrigmilieu in so ’n mate, dat daar besluit word om hom die geleentheid te bied om by hoofstroomonderwys in te skakel. En dit was dan ook die grootste toets vir Nic-Strauss tot op daardie stadium van sy jong lewe. Het hy werklik bo die destydse verdoemende diagnose uitgestyg? Is die Onderwysowerhede se beleid van inklusiwiteit, soos vervat in witskrif 6, realisties en haalbaar? Kan ’n leerder van ’n spesiale skool, suksesvol oorgeplaas

Dreams do come true! LISE BEYERS Despite challenging circumstances, Cassandra da Cruz, La Rochelle Girls’ High School Dux learner of 2014, is reaching for the stars. Cassandra is La Rochelle’s top matriculant for 2014 with an average of 96,71% in the matric Cassandra final examinations. As a youngster at Panorama Primary School, Cassandra had yet to discover her full potential. It was only when she went to La Rochelle that she set goals for herself and realised that if she was to become the first member of her family to attend university, she would have to focus on her studies. “I was raised by my father and grandmother. When it was time to go to high school, I wanted to go to a girls’ school. La Rochelle was a terrific choice and I had a wonderful time being part of the La Rochelle family.” From the word go, Cassandra dived deep into her work and did not have much time for anything

else. But Cassandra’s future was not looking too bright towards the end of last year. Due to financial constraints, she had applied to 11 institutions for bursaries to study chemical engineering. Time and time again she was turned down da Cruz. with the words: “she does not meet the general demographics”. But 2015 kicked off with great news for Cassandra when she was offered a full scholarship to study at the University of Cape Town. Cassandra’s aim is to one day be a pioneer in bio-fuels. “The development of bio-fuels is still relatively overlooked in South Africa. I think we have a huge potential in developing this alternative source of energy. “I would one day like to have my own company in this field, and in doing so, to also create awareness as to the importance of bio-fuels and also to create employment opportunities.”

GREAT RE­ SULTS: La Ro­ chelle 2014 matriculants were exuberant about their re­ sults, especially because of the school’s 100% pass rate. From left are Andrea Grobbelaar, Megan Smed­ ley, Mia Jou­ bert, Kassandra Demmer. PHOTO:

word na ’n hoofstroomskool? Die antwoorde op al dié vrae is ’n onteenseglike, ja! Nadat sy ouers die nodige navorsing gedoen het, is besluit om hom by die Hoërskool Labori in die Paarl in te skryf. Dié gewoon akademiese skool, spesialiseer benewens die akademiese baan ook in tegniese - en tekenaarstudierigtings. En omdat dit ’n kleiner skool is, is daar ook meer persoonlike kontak tussen die opvoeders en leerders. Nic-Strauss het homself ten volle vir sy nuwe skool gegee – nie net akademies nie. Hy speel rugby en krieket, dien op sy skool se VRL en onderskei hom as ’n knap sportanalis en statistikus. En dan vor-

der hy sterk op akademiese gebied. Hy slaag graad 12 met ’n gemiddelde persentasie van net onder die 70% en verwerf universiteitsvrystelling. “Ons eer hierdie jong man se baie spesiale akademiese prestasie,” het die onderhoof van Laborie, Chris Botha gesê. “Nic-Strauss le Roux het bewys dat drome en ideale waar gemaak word deur harde werk, deursettingsvermoë, passie, deur jouself te gee en met dankbaarheid en nederigheid jou oë altyd op jou Skepper te fokus. Nic-Strauss het reeds ingeskryf om by Unisa sportbestuur te studeer, ’n rigting waarin hy nog gaan uitstyg.

Vir Dean lê ’n lang pad voor agter die boeke LISE BEYERS

sokker gespeel by Brugstraat. “Matriek is beslis groot pret. Daar is soveel wat gebeur en as mens nie versigtig is nie, kan jou aandag baie maklik van jou werk afgelei word. “Ek het dus vroeg in die jaar my program goed begin beplan en ten volle gefokus op my

“Matriek by Boishaai was beslis my lekkerste jaar ooit, maar op ’n kol moet jy begin fokus op jou eindeksamen.” So vertel Hoër Jongenskool Paarl se top-matrikulant vir Al is hy ’n slimkop, is 2014, Dean Black- Dean Blackburn ook burn, wat van- maar ’n doodgewone jaar uitstekend tienerseun. gevaar het met FOTO: LISE BEYERS nie net ’n gemiddelde van 95,4% nie, maar ook werk. “Ek was gedetermineerd om 100% vir wiskunde. Hoewel Dean van jongs af baie goed te doen in matriek.” Nou lê ’n lang pad voor agter akademies altyd eerste in sy klas gestaan het, is hy ook ’n die boeke vir Dean. Hy gaan doodgewone tiener wat mal is vanjaar chemiese ingenieursoor sport en wat daarvan hou wese by Universiteit Stellenom tyd met sy vriende deur te bosch studeer. Wanneer hy daarmee klaar bring. Op skool het hy krieket, is, beoog hy om verder te leer muurbal en skaak gespeel, en vir ’n MBA om sodoende eendikwels laatmiddag saam met dag die sakewêreld te kan begeesdriftige sokkerspelers tree.

OPGEWONDE: Matrikulante van 2014 by Noorder­Paarl Hoërskool het op 6 Januarie behoorlik baljaar toe hul uitslae aan hulle bekend gemaak is. Die skool het ’n slaagsyfer van 78,5% behaal.



Net A­simbole vir Girls’ High se Corli LIEZL DAVIDS

Corli Rheeder het 96,1% tydens haar eindeksamen behaal.

Vir Corli Rheeder (18) van Hoër Meisieskool Paarl, was die matriekuitslae ’n groot skok, maar gelukkig ’n besonder positiewe een. Corli was hoogs verbaas toe sy saam met haar medeleerders hoor sy het ’n A-simbool in al agt haar vakke gekry, waarvan sewe bo 90% is. “Ek was stomgeslaan toe ek die nuus hoor. “Ek is trots en baie tevrede, ek het hard gewerk en ’n mens kry gewoonlik waarvoor jy werk.” Corli het matriek met 96,14% geslaag en is al leerder by haar skool wat die wiskunde-vraestel behoorlik

kop aangesit het, met ’n persentasie van 100%. “Ná ek my wiskunde-vraestel geskryf het, het ek glad nie goed gevoel daaroor nie. Ek was eintlik baie negatief daaroor. Ek het glad nie 100% verwag nie.” Corli, wat ook aangewys is as haar skool se Dux-leerling, vertel dat sy altyd akademies sterk was en deur die jaar hard gewerk het. Ter verdere voorbereiding vir die eindeksamen het sy ook baie vraestelle uitgewerk. Sy is ook baie dankbaar dat sy ’n baie geduldige kamermaat gehad het wat nie omgegee het as die lig laataand brand terwyl sy met haar

neus in die boeke gesit het nie. Op skool het sy netbal gespeel en is lief daarvoor om te draf vir ontspanning. Corli sê sy moet iets studeer wat ’n uitdaging gaan wees. In Februarie begin sy met Chemiese Ingenieurswese aan die Universiteit Kaapstad. “Ek hou van wiskunde en dit is ’n breë veld. So ek het baie keuses, want ek is nog nie seker wat ek oor 10 jaar wil doen nie.” Maar vir eers is Corli opgewonde oor die nuwe uitdagings van student-wees wat vir haar voorlê sowel as vir die nuwe verantwoordelikheid om op haar eie te woon.



Nuus News

15 Januarie, 2015

COOLING OFF: Many people travel far to find a piece of par­ adise, but literally on the door­ step of Paarl and Wellington is the beautiful Lemietberg Nature Reserve in Du Toitskloof where nature lovers are spoilt by breathtaking hiking routes and cool mountain streams to cool off in. The public is however ad­ vised that a permit is needed to enter the reserve. Permits are available during working hours at the Cape Nature offices in Paarl and at Du Toitskloof Lodge (R45 for adults, R25 for chil­ dren). From left are Andrew and Morgan Spruyt, Bruce and Cam­ eron Paschen and Marcel Tre­ doux, cooling off during in a mountain stream.

Die onlangse brand wat in Bainskloofpas naby die Tweede Tol kampter­ rein gewoed het. FOTO: CAPE NATURE

Brandseisoen kan ergste in 7 jaar wees Die algemene bestuurder van Working on Fire: Wes-Kaap, Shane Christian, sê hulle was sedert Oktober 2014 betrokke by die bestryding van 64 brande in die provinsie, waar 33 grondspanne (825 brandbestryders) ontplooi is en 170 vliegure ingespan is om skade tot ’n minimum te beperk. Sover het sowat 38 000 ha in totaal gebrand. In die mees onlangse brand in die Boland het 300 ha se veld in die slag gebly toe ’n wegholbrand kort voor Oujaarsdag in Bainskloofpas naby die gewilde Tweede Tol-kampterrein uitgebreek het. ’n Groep van 80 brandbestryders, drie helikopters en ’n spotter vliegtuig is na dié brand ontplooi. Sterk winde het egter verhoed dat die ligte vliegtuig ingespan kon word om die brande te help bestry en grondspanne moes tot in die vroeë oggendure van 31 Desember

2014 werk om dié brand te stuit. Deon Rossouw van Cape Nature het gesê die vinnige optrede van Cape Nature personeel, Working on Fire, en die Kaapse Wynland-munisipaliteit het verhoed dat daar enige skade aan die kampterrein veroorsaak is of dat dit nodig was om die kampterrein, wat vol geboek was, te moes ontruim. Geen lewensverliese of ernstige beserings is tot dusver die seisoen in brande in die Wes-Kaap aangemeld nie. Christian sê hy voorspel dat die res van die brandseisoen besig sal wees. Altesaam 500 brandbestryders van die Oos-Kaap, Vrystaat, Mpumalanga en KwaZulu-Natal is op bystand geplaas om moeë brandbestryders in die Wes-Kaap af te los. Die Wes-Kaap se brandseisoen volg tot dusver in lyn met die noordelike gedeeltes van Suid-Afrika, waar hulle hul brandseisoen as die ergste in die laaste sewe jaar beskryf het. ’n Volledige analise van die WesKaap se brandseisoen sal in April gedoen word.

Stryery eis jong man

PADVEILIGHEID: In aanloop tot die feesseisoen is 'n padblokkade op 19 Desember op die N1 by die Paarl gehou waaraan die plaaslike polisie, verkeers­ en kor­ rektiewe dienste deelgeneem het. Boetes van R5 800 is uitgeskryf vir verskeie verkeersoortredings.


HEALTHCARE TRAINING ACADEMY is proud to present the

Home Based Care / Community Health Worker Program in Paarl, Western Cape from February 2015.

We also provide accommodation for learners, all meals included. Registration for new learners will take place at 09:00 on 2 and 3 February 2015. Reservation: R100 booking fee payable from 15 January 2015. Please contact us for banking detail. Contact details: Tel no: +27 63 083 7276 E-mail: |

2015 Inskrywings/2015 Applications

Die Wes-Kaap se brandseisoen, wat ietwat vroeër begin het, dreig om soos sy noordelike eweknie die ergste in sewe jaar te word.


’n Stryery tussen vriende het Sondag tragies geëindig toe ’n 26-jarige man van Weltevrede, Wellington, met ’n mes doodgesteek is. William Pietersen is Sondag omstreeks 12:40 in sy ouerhuis in St. Basilstraat deur sy ma gevind. Hy het ’n meswond aan sy bors gehad. Hy is per ambulans na ’n hospitaal gejaag maar het op pad daarheen aan sy besering beswyk. Daar word beweer dat vier van Pietersen se vriende by die huis aangekom het waarna ’n stryery tussen hulle uitgebreek en Pietersen met ’n mes in die bors gesteek is. Pietersen was tydens die voorval alleen by die huis. Die motief vir die moord is nog nie bekend nie, hoewel daar beweer word dat die mans oor dwelms gestry het. Al vier verdagtes is tans in aanhouding. Een van die verdagtes het hom kort ná die moord aan die polisie oorhandig en het Dinsdag vlugtig in die Wellington-landdroshof verskyn. Die saak is tot 20 Januarie uitgestel vir ’n borgtogaansoek. Die ander drie verdagtes is laat Dinsdagmiddag in hegtenis geneem en sal vandag (15 Januarie) verskyn. Die ondersoekbeampte, konst. Carl Petersen (021 864 9600), kan gebel word met inligting.

The Oaks

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Briewe Letters

15 January, 2015

Matric is just not enough Another year’s matric results have come and gone, with both cheers and tears. For some schools there was a slight improvement whilst for others the downward spiral continues. The bottom line is that there are still far too many failures. But the problem with education lies far deeper than an inadequate pass rate. It is reported that in 2004, when many of the 2014 matriculants would have been in Grade 2, there were countrywide 1 085 570 children who enrolled for that grade. Of these, only 403 874 learners passed matric in 2014. A very large number of those who enrolled in Grade 2 in 2004 have fallen by the wayside long before they even reached matric. What have become of those students and what will become of those who did not make the grade this year? On top of everything, academics, business leaders, entrepreneurs and more are all of the same opinion that matric is just the first step in building a successful future career. Only a handful of matrics will walk out of school into a job. Further study has become crucial. It is very clear that more learners need to pass matric and in doing so, be equipped to venture into further studies after school. Otherwise they are just going to become another statistic feeding off social services.

Will a warm wind blow in Paris again? The New Year has just begun and as with every other, your spirits are high and you are hoping for a better year than the last, or the previous one, or the one before that. It’s a time to be jolly, with still a few days of leave left and a truly carefree spirit about, before reality sets in again. Today is one of those days. One in which you just want to get lost. You sit in a smoke-filled pub with a couple of friends who are feeling exactly the same as you. Wanting time to stand still and not think of the realities, which will very soon appear. During moments like these, the topics of politics and religion are generally banned. You do not want to get bitten by that rattle snake, which threatens to poison your mind and your soul. So it is laughs and jokes about good times and bad times and anything that comes to mind. Dirk, who is a quiet soul, suddenly unexpectedly takes a seat next to me. He finishes his drink and calls the bartender for a refill, before he takes us all by surprise by starting to speak. “What’s this crap happening in Europe?” he says, as he blows a thick plume of smoke from his tarstained lips. Now he has caught our attention. He barely ever says a word, greeting one with only brief eye contact and what may look like a very slight nod. Everybody knows him, but nobody knows him. It is 8 January 2015, barely 24 hours after the massacre which left 12 people dead in a newsroom in the heart of Paris,. At that stage no one was aware or could imagine the bloodshed that would follow in the next 72 hours. “You know,” says Dirk, “I just don’t seem to understand how so much hatred could lead to all that bloodshed. “I was in the army back in the early eighties, a mere troepie, barely 19 years old. One minute I had matriculated and was jolling with pretty girls who had sipped enough Esprits to make me look attractive on the secluded beach of Cool Bay.

“Then suddenly the next day my head was being shaven at Youngsfield army base. Then I was sleepdeprived,nightafternight,exposed to excruciating physical exercise which almost broke my body. And then permanently tongue-lashed by a korporaal, barely a year older than myself and my barrack mates. Hehadobviouslyleftschoolinstandard 8 and was trying to hide his insecurities in some way. “After six months of hell, just as I thought it couldn’t get worse, we were thrown into a Hercules and taken off to some God-forsaken country to fight the terrs. “We didn’t even know what a terr was in those days. We were just time and again told that if we did not kill them, they would take over our country, rape and pillage our women and kill our children. And so they tried to teach us to hate. “But in the quiet of night I would lie and think, how can one hate someone so much that you could just mow them down at first sight? I couldn’t comprehend it. “I still can’t today. “The war drove many of us a little bit crazy, others quite a bit crazy. I think it was because we couldn’t understand this hate thing. “Yes, some of those guys did begin to hate, but I don’t really think they knew who they hated – the terrs or the korporaals. “Years later, when I was getting divorced, a friend asked me whether that now means that I hate my soon to be ex-wife. “I thought about this question for a minute or two and said, no, I do not hate her. Hate is too harsh a word. Too harsh a feeling. Too harsh a burden to carry with you. In the end, hate will surely eat you alive.” Before Dirk finishes his last drink he says: “I’ve always wanted to go to Paris. You remember that song, The eyes of Lucy Jordan? Something about riding around in Paris with the warm wind in your hair?” I wonder if the warm wind will ever blow in Paris again.

Hawelose mense wat in Wellington plak skep probleme Daar is ’n groot probleem met haweloses wat in Wellington se woon- en sakegebiede plak. Kennisgewings dat munisipale wette oortree word, word geïgnoreer, en ook nie afgedwing nie. Drie kommerwekkende uitvloeisels van die probleem wat nie deur Drakenstein-munisipaliteit aangespreek word nie, is: – Jong babas woon saam met die plakkers en word blootgestel aan die elemente (die volwassenes is ook meestal dronk); – Geen sanitasiegeriewe nie. Dis ’n erge higiëneprobleem (Spruitrivier, Wellington); – Skynbaar gegoede jongmense woon tussen die haweloses en gebruik die gebied as basis waarvandaan misdaad gepleeg word. Volgens inligting wat beskikbaar is, is dit Wetstoepassing se verantwoordelikheid om die probleem aan te spreek, maar hulle rig niks uit nie. Die munisipale bestuurder, Johann Mettler, en hoof van behuising, Gary Boshoff, is gekontak en ons hoop dat daar ’n alternatiewe

heenkome vir die mense gevind sal word.


Die munisipale bestuurder, Johann Mettler, reageer: Munisipale wetstoepassing hou weekliks skoonmaakaksies (die mees onlangse een was op 8 Januarie 2015 langs die krieket- en jukskeiklub), waar hawelose mense verwyder word van plekke waar hulle nie kan bly nie. Wanneer die skoonmaakaksies plaasvind, word alle vullishouers en items wat agtergelaat word verwyder en weggegooi. In gevalle waar kinders betrokke is en in gevaar verkeer, word Maat-

skaplike Dienste geskakel en van die situasie vergewis. Die munisipaliteit asook die provinsiale regering werk saam met verskeie organisasies in al die dorpe om hierdie persone by te staan na die beste van ons vermoë. Van die organisasies bied skuiling vir dié wat dit wil hê en ander help hierdie mense om weer op die been te kom. Ongelukkig is die hulpbronne ook beperk en word hulle gestrek tot breekpunt toe. Daarom is dit ook belangrik dat die publiek verantwoordelik optree. Dit is onwettig om in die openbaar te bedel en wanneer iemand dan geld gee, maak dit die probleem net groter. Ondersteun eerder die verskeie organisasies wat baie meer met hulle beperkte hulpbronne vermag. In Wellington het Danie Nel ’n baie suksesvolle program, G-Voucher, uitgerol wat ’n wesenlike verskil maak aan die lewe van hawelose persone; die Drakenstein-munisipaliteit het in 2014 ook begin met die identifisering van ’n perseel vir ’n nuwe skuiling vir haweloses in Wellington.

Tuindiewe steel al wat hulle kan aan metaaldiere Ek het die afgelope vyf jaar ’n versameling van geroeste metaaldiere opgebou in my tuin. Dit het ontaard in ’n stokperdjie en my tuin is my trots en ontspanning. Dit het begin by ’n geskenk van ’n erdvark in die vorm van Pumba van die strokiesprent, Lion King. Eers, op 30 Desember, het net ’n tarentaal verdwyn.

Gedurende die nag van 1 Januarie of oggendure van 2 Januarie het elf diere verdwyn. ’n Bobbejaan, ’n erdvark, ’n renoster, ’n uil, ’n hen, twee hasies, ’n mier, ’n voëltjie en nog ’n tarentaal met twee klein tarentaaltjies. Die diewe moes oor die heining geklim het. Ek word nou wakker van elke geluid in die nag en staan op om

te kyk of die diewe nie die oorblywende diere kom haal nie. Intussen moes ons langs die kante onooglike hakkiesdraad span om te verhoed dat tuindiewe dalk weer oorklim. Ek wil baie graag vir Pumba weer terug hê, aangesien hy nie vervangbaar is nie.


Die polisie het blitsig my motor teruggevind Die Paarl het nog helde. My motor is nuwejaarsoggend voor die huis gesteel. Toe ek dit besef het ek dadelik paniekbevange die polisie gebel. Sersant Coriazen en sersant

Muller daag toe baie vinnig by my huis op om ondersoek in te stel. Hulle sê hulle gaan gou deur die gebied ry om te kyk of hulle iets kan vind. En sowaar, 40 minute later kom

hulle terug en sê die motor is gevind by Magnolia-woonstelle met geen skade nie. Ek wil net baie dankie sê vir die polisie se puik diens.


Where were these Paarl stars at the lights festival? I fully agree with what was said in the last issue of the Paarl Post regarding the entertainment at the lights festival. We used to be so excited and especially went to see those acts on stage. These past few years it just

went down hill. People like Byron ‘D, Kharmah, Christaline and more were always the highlight of our visit. Why aren’t these artists part of the line up anymore? After all, they are representing Paarl everywhere they perform.

Why is it that Paarl is not so proud of them as they are true Paarlites? I appreciate the fact that I’m not the only one who noticed this disgrace.



Menings Opinion

15 Januarie, 2015

SMS 32363 ) Ons hoop vir die nuwe jaar is dat die stukkie Hoofstraat voor Hussars Grill oorgeteer word. Ons motors val uitmekaar. ) Kan iemand nie iets doen aan die mense wat so in dromme krap, sakke stukkend skeur en dit net so los nie? ) Mettler het alewig ’n verskoning, maar feite tel. Vygiestraat in Noorder­ Paarl is nog nooit skoongemaak sedert laaste verkiesing nie. Julle is welkom om te kom kyk. ) Op 28 Desember om 17:00 uur, presies ’n week na Langstraat­verdrin­ king, staan twee meisies, so 4 of 5 jaar oud, alleen in water op dieselfde plek, terwyl hul ouers uit blou motor se katte­ bak drink! Hoor is min! ) So Mom, you had no idea that when you went to enjoy yourself at the river with your baby, that you would need to change the nappy? A good idea would have been to take a bag with you for dirty nappies. ) Ek het nog net twee keer ’n sak gekry vir herwinning, nou moet ek al my plas­ tiek in die drom gooi en so gaan dit vullisgate toe. ) Hoekom staan taxi’s op Shoprite

) Ek wil net weet hoekom gee MNet nie meer programboekies uit nie? Ongeluk­ kige MNet­kyker ) Game Paarl, swak diens. Vervang die onbeskofte vrou by kliëntediens. ) 20 Desember in Lady Greystraat be­ sluit Ackermans­sekuriteit om traangas in vol winkel te spuit om boewe vas te

parkering in die middedorp? Het hul dan nie ’n aangewese staanplek nie. ) Mense kyk uit vir daai man in die wit Nissan bakkie 5101. Hy maak die vroumense dronk, daar by die Wel­ lington­stasie vir ‘n stukkie lyf. Kyk uit vir hom, hy’s glad. ) Ek wil net mense in Parkstraat, Wel­ lington waarsku dat hier iemand is wat wasgoed van die drade afsteel. Die persoon het twee wit Woolworths broeke en twee wit mansbroeke en ’n driekwartbroek gesteel. As iemand weet daarvan, kontak my by 076 461 4265. Baie dankie. ) Squatters in bos op N1, 100 m van­ af Sonstraal­brug rigting Kaapstad. Is die owerhede so blind? Of is dit maar okay? Hulle huisie word al hoe groter. ) Die verkeerslig by Hoofstraat en Markstraat is foutief. Slaan te vinnig oor, veral Hoofstraat op spitstye! Baie frusterend. ) Wat soek swaar vragmotors met lang sleepwaens in Hoofstraat, Lady Greystraat en woongebiedstrate, ter­ wyl daar by die dorpsingange groot tekens staan dit is verbode. Verkeers­ mense weet self nie eers daarvan nie.

keer terwyl betalende kliënte daaronder moes ly. ) Pragtige helder oranje skooldrag van Drakenstein Laerskool. Julle lyk pragtig en vrolik! ) Personeellede van Hollywood Bets, Paarl, weet niks van kliëntediens en dan baklei hulle ook onder mekaar. ) Aan die onderdele­afdeling van Paarl Motors: hou aan met jul goeie diens. ) Hartlik dankie Drakenstein­munisipa­ liteit vir die omheining aan die Kronkel­ straat­park in Noorder­ Paarl. Die mens­


Kom vier hierdie jaar ) Lady Greystraat, eens die trots van Paarl, is in ’n vieslike toestand om die minste te sê. Geen ordentlike mens waag dit meer daar nie. Iets moet ge­ doen word. ) Ek wil net weet wat word gedoen aan die krag wat so gesteel word. ) Op 5 Januarie het ek by JJ’s kliniek gekom en ons almal is weggewys na TC Newman­hospitaal want daar was nie ’n verpleegster aan diens nie. Toe moet al die pasiënte omdraai. ) As long as we have these so­called motorists using the Main Road as a race track, we will have these senseless deaths. The Main Road did not claim any lives, it is the utter disrespect of selfish drivers. ) Dit is ’n mode om deesdae laat te wees vir troues en afsprake. Ook om nie te bel en te sê jammer, ek gaan nie betyds wees nie. Dit is uiters swak! ) Hou asseblief julle katte in julle er­ we. As kietsie nie vanaand opdaag nie, wat gaan jy vir die kinders sê? ) Doen die regering iets aan die on­ wettige elektriese netwerk wat lyk soos spinnerakke, duidelik sigbaar en als word oop en bloot gesteel?

like impak is kleiner en die bome lyk selfs gelukkiger. Sal van die aangrensende in­ woners egter ophou om bou­ en tuinrom­ mel oor hul agter mure in die park te stort? Skande. ) Die ACVV­winkel in Wellington be­ dank die publiek hartlik vir hul ruim by­ draes ten opsigte van skenkings deur die afgelope jaar. Voorspoedige nuwe jaar. ) Baie dankie aan Manie van J&J Slot­ makers, wat so flink kom help het toe my motorsleutels in die kattebak beland het! M. Weideman

Valentynsdag in styl! Kry u Paarl Post propvol idees op Donderdag 5 Februarie 2015.

Adverteerders kan nog besprekings doen tot 29 Januarie 2015.

Tel: 021 870 4600 X1PLUY7J-PL150115



Nuus News

15 Januarie, 2015

) Huisroof: Op 8 Januarie is die eienaar van ’n huis op die Hermonpad vroegoggend beroof. Die drie verdagtes het met onder meer ’n Mercedes Benz, ’n skootrekenaar en geld gevlug, maar is kort daarna in Cavernelis­ straat, Wellington, vasgetrek. Die verdag­ tes is in hegtenis geneem en die gesteelde eiendom is teruggevind. ) ’n Bejaarde man van Denneburg is die dag na Kersfees deur drie onbekende mans in sy woning oorval. Die 71­jarige man het omstreeks 17:00 sy voordeur oopgemaak toe hy deur die mans oorrom­ pel is. Hy is na binne die huis gesleep waar hulle hom vasgemaak het. Die mans het hierna die huis geplunder, verskeie waardevolle items gesteel en in hul slagoffer se Tata motor gevlug. Die motor is later die aand verlate in Groenheuwel opgespoor, maar niemand is tans in verband met die voorval in hegte­ nis geneem nie. ) On Monday 22 December at about 07:15, SAPS members were chasing sus­ pects who had been involved in a house robbery in the Wellington area. At H­Block in Mbekweni, two suspects jumped out of their vehicles and fled on foot. One suspect drew a firearm whilst he was running and started shooting at the police. Eventually, both suspects ran into a yard where the police caught them where they were hiding in a toilet. No inju­ ries were reported in the incident. A case of attempted murder was regis­ tered at Mbekweni Police. Two suspects aged between 34 and 35 were arrested. ) Sakeroof: In ’n inbraak op 10 Januarie by die meu­ belonderneming Fullhouse op Welling­ ton, is platskermtelevisies gesteel. Die ver­ dagtes is steeds op vrye voet. Enigiemand met inligting kan Wellington­speurtak skakel by 021 864 9600. ) Huisbraak en diefstal: Huisbrake en diefstal vanuit motorvoer­ tuie in die Paarl het die afgelope feessei­ soen elk met sowat 30 sake toegeneem. Noorder­Paarl is die swaarste getref met huisbrake, terwyl diefstal vanuit motor­ voertuie regoor die Paarl plaasgevind het. ) Robbery: Swift police action on Tuesday morning (13 January) led to the arrest of four sus­ pects who threatened a man with a knife and robbed him of his cellular phone earli­ er the morning. All the suspects are between the ages of 18 and 25 years and from the Paarl East and Wellington areas. The suspects will appear in the Paarl Mag­ istrate’s Court on Thursday 15 January on charges of robbery. Investigations contin­ ue to determine if the suspects can be linked to other reported crime incidents in the area. ) Burglary: Paarl police have arrested a 28­year­old suspect after a burglary was reported at the business premises of Zielman Wines over the weekend. It is alleged that the sus­ pect(s) gained entry to the cellar by break­ ing a window and stole an undisclosed amount of wine. Upon further investigation a suspect was arrested and was scheduled to appear in the Paarl Magistrate court yesterday on a charge of burglary.

DEUR POLISIE GESOEK: Hierdie man word deur die Wellington­polisie gesoek vir onder­ vraging in verband met ’n huisbraak in Oudepontstraat op 7 Desember. Enigiemand met in­ ligting word gevra om konstabel Carl Petersen te bel by 021 864 9600.



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2 Industria Street | Wellington 021 873 2120 | 082 573 7258 X1PKA4YW-PL150115


Bekende sap­onderneming verkoop JOHAN NEL

38,6 miljoen, se omset in die vorige boekjaar was R386 miljoen en sy wesensverdienste Pacmar, een van Wellington se beR22,2 miljoen. kendste nywerhede, is pas deur Rhodes het die ondernedie bekende voedselgroep Rhodes ming teen R165 miljoen oorgeFood Group oorgeneem. neem. Volgens ’n persvrystelling deur Pacmar se bekende sapproRhodes Food Group, is die oornadukte sluit handelsname soos me van die groot Wellingtonse sapWilde, Amazing, Zing en verspreider een van die eerste Chrystal Falls in. groot oornames wat deur Rhodes Die maatskappy is in 1996 vir die nuwe jaar beplan word. Kabous Marra, die deur Marra op die been geRhodes is onlangs op die JSE ge- stigter van Pacmar. bring. Deur die jare het Pacnoteer en deel van sy onmiddellike toekomsplanne is om Rhodes deur ’n aantal mar in ’n markleier ontwikkel en dit is waarskynlik juis sy gespesialiseerde tegniese kunbeplande oornames verder te laat groei. Rhodes het ook te kenne gegee dat die be- digheidwatmaakdatRhodesdiemaatskappy staande werkerskorps van Pacmar deel van as ’n baie aanloklike toevoeging tot die groep beskou. die organisasie sal bly. ’n Woordvoerder van Rhodes het gesê PacDie stigter en uitvoerendebeampte van Pacmar, Kabous Marra van Wellington, het mar gaan beslis die maatskappy help om sy egter aangedui dat hy uit Pacmar se diens markaandeel in Afrika en elders ter wêreld gaan tree om meer aandag aan sy ander sake- aansienlik uit te brei. *RhodesFoodGrouphastakenoverthewellbelange op Wellington te gee. Pacmar, met ’n totale netto batewaarde van known Wellington juice business, Pacmar.

Ten spyte van groot probleme by die Kaapse Minstrelvereniging in Kaapstad wat veroor­ saak het dat die tradisionele Tweede Nuwejaar nog nie plaasgevind het nie, het Wellington egter weer gespog op 1 Januarie met vertonings by die Boland­stadion deur verskeie plaaslike klopse­verenigings. Hier begroet ’n trotse trompetspeler van die Caledonian Roses die nuwe jaar. Die tweede ronde van die klopse­kompetisie vind weer op Boland­stadion op 31 Januarie plaas. FOTO: LISE BEYERS

Klopse­vertonings ’n groot sukses JOHAN NEL



Kennis geskied hiermee ingevolge klousule 13 van die Raad se Beleid insake die Bestuur en Vervreemding van Bates dat die Raad van voorneme is om Oakglenstraat te sluit en te vervreem, teen 'n markverwante koopprys aan die eienaar van aanliggende eiendom Erf 6494, Wellington (Boland Pulp) vir konsolidasie met hul bestaande eiendom. Die transaksie is onderworpe aan sekere voorwaardes.

Notice is hereby given in terms of clause 13 of Council's Policy for the Management and Disposal of Assets that the Council intends to close and alienate Oakglen Street, Wellington to the owner of the adjoining Erf 6494, Wellington (Boland Pulp) at a market related selling price, for consolidation with their existing property. The transaction is subject to certain conditions.

Besonderhede aangaande bogenoemde transaksie is gedurende kantoorure ter insae by die Afdeling: Eiendomme Administrasie, Burgersentrum, Bergrivier Boulevard, Paarl (Tel. 021 807 4879/ 807 4585) en enige besware teen vernoemde voorstel of teenaanbiedinge moet skriftelik by die ondergetekende ingedien word nie later as 15 Februarie 2015. Laat voorleggings/besware sal nie oorweeg word nie.

Particulars regarding the above transaction are open for inspection during office hours at the office of the Property Administration Section, Civic Centre, Berg River Boulevard, Paarl (Tel 021 807 4879/ 807 4585 ) and any objections or counter offers to the aforesaid proposal must be lodged in writing with the undersigned not later than 15 February 2015. Late submissions/objections will not be considered.

Indien 'n persoon nie kan lees of skryf nie, kan so 'n persoon sy kommentaar mondelings by die Munisipale Kantore, Bergrivier Boulevard, Paarl, aflê, waar 'n personeellid sal help om sy kommentaar/vertoë op skrif te stel. Johann Mettler MUNISIPALE BESTUURDER

Persons who are unable to read or write, can submit their objections verbally at the Municipal Offices, Berg River Boulevard, Paarl, where they will be assisted by a staff member, to put their comments in writing. Johann Mettler MUNICIPAL MANAGER X1PLMXU9-PL150115

Die Wellington Minstrels, die grootste van die twee klopse-groepe wat die klopsebeweging op Wellington verteenwoordig, het op Nuwejaarsdag ’n tamaai en hoogs suksesvolle byeenkoms by die Boland-stadion op die dorp aangebied. Meer as 4 000 Wellingtonners het die kleurryke vertonings van die Minstrels se verskillende groepe by die stadion bygewoon. Volgens Danny van Rooyen van die Minstrels was die byeenkoms op Nuwejaarsdag in alle

nooi alle lede uit na 'n ledevergadering, op Donderdag 22 Januarie 2015 om 19:00 te Huis Andrew Murray, hoeke Blouvleiweg en Willem Basson strate Wellington. X1PLPJD9-PL150115

opsigte ’n groot sukses. Besoekers het in hul duisende opgedaag en gesorg dat die byeenkoms ook finansieel baie suksesvol was. Die volgende klopse-vertoning deur die Minstrels vind op Saterdag 31 Januarie plaas wanneer die groepe van Kerkstraat af deur die dorp marsjeer na die Boland-stadion waar hulle teen mekaar sal meeding. “Ons is nog steeds kliphard aan die werk om die verskille wat gemaak het dat ’n klompie van die groepe weggebreek het om ’n tweede klopse-groep, die Coon Carnival Society te vorm, uit die weg te probeer ruim,” het Van Rooyen die afgelope week gesê. “Wellington se klopse-groepe spog met ’n ryk en trotse tradisie en die Minstrels glo dit is gebiedend noodsaaklik dat ons as ’n groot, kragtige organisasie die belange van alle klopse op die dorp moet dien. Daarom sal ons geen steen onaangeraak laat om die eenheid tussen ons verskillende groepe te herstel nie.” Volgens Van Rooyen is Wellington, naas Kaapstad, die enigste plek in die Boland wat met so ’n uitgebreide klopse-beweging kan spog. Wellington se klopse-beweging is reeds aan die begin van die vorige eeu gestig en het deur die jare heen onlosmaaklik deel van Wellington se kultuurlewe geword.


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15 January, 2015


FINAL EFFLUENT QUALITY OF DRAKENSTEIN WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANTS July 2013 - June 2014 The Wastewater Treatment Works (WWTW) at Paarl, Wellington and Saron were previously designed to produce an effluent complying with the General Standard. The treated wastewater of all three of these installations is either directly or indirectly discharged into the Berg River and the required effluent standard was revised to be more stringent in the case of Paarl WWTW (COD < 30 mg/l, Ammonia Nitrogen < 2, Ortho Phosphate < 4, Total Suspended Solids < 10 mg/l), as well as for Wellington and Saron where special limits apply for all parameters.

configurations, thus hampering optimal process control and optimisation. Although the alterations and proposed alterations are all aimed at the production of the improved standards, it is not a fair reflection of the performance of the WWTWs at Paarl, Wellington and Saron if present performance is compared with standards set for optimal performance of the finished product.

Presently the proposed alterations at the said WWTWs to produce the more stringent standards are in different stages of completion, influencing the treatment processes in a variety of manners. During construction certain process units such as clarifiers and reactors have to be bypassed, using various temporary variations in

In order to get a more balanced view of the performance of these three installations, a second comparison was carried out, comparing the effluent standards with the General Standard. Table 1 shows the comparison when Special Standards are in place, while Table 2 shows the comparison when General Standards are the norm.

Table 1: Percentage compliance of the final treated effluent sampled at the WWTW (Special Limits for Paarl, Wellington and Saron) Treated Effluent Quality Test (Parameter)



Pearl Valley




MICROBIOLOGICAL COMPLIANCE E Coli Limits Microbiological Quality Compliance %





100 000

100 000














Nitrites and Nitrates Limits







COD Limits







Orthophosphates Limits







Ammonia Compliance %







Nitrites and Nitrates Compliance %







COD Compliance %







Orthophosphates Compliance %







Overall Chemical Quality Compliance %







pH Limits

5.5 - 7.5

5.5 - 7.5

5.5 - 9.5

5.5 - 7.5

5.5 - 9.5

5.5 - 9.5

Electrical Conductivity Limits







Suspended Solids Limits







pH Compliance %







Electrical Conductivity Compliance %







Suspended Solids Compliance %







Overall Physical Quality Compliance %








Table 2: Percentage compliance of the final treated effluent sampled at the WWTW (General Limits) Treated Effluent Quality Test (Parameter)



Pearl Valley




Microbiological Quality Compliance %







Chemical Quality Compliance %







Physical Quality Compliance %







Final effluent quality results for the period July 2013 to June 2014 The Drakenstein Municipality does regular accredited testing in a SANAS approved laboratory of the quality of the final effluent streams that are discharged from the wastewater (sewage) treatment works (WWTWs) to the streams and rivers. The results of chemical and microbiological analyses of the final effluent samples are loaded onto the Department of Water and Sanitation’ (DWS) Green Drop System (GDS) by the Wastewater Treatment personnel and the accredited laboratory that is responsible for compliance sampling. A report is generated on a monthly basis by the GDS, indicating the compliance performance for the month for each of the WWTWs, with specific indication of samples that do not comply. Micro samples are also taken regularly (at least monthly) at important downstream locations (e.g. rivers where recreational use takes place). The Microbiological, Chemical and Physical Compliance results of the final effluent quality of the various sewage treatment plants of the Drakenstein Municipality are shown in the table above. The Paarl Wastewater Treatment Works Equipment and infrastructure is well-maintained and in a good condition. Overall management of the plant is also adequately performed. However, the construction work over the reporting period affected the plant’s operation, which made it difficult to maintain its usual high standards. The aforementioned construction work is a result of the necessary upgrade requirements to the Paarl WWTW. The first phase (50% of the total upgrade capacity) of the upgrade was completed and commissioned during 2012 and the Municipality finalised the second phase during November 2013. The new Laboratory facilities, which were constructed as part of the first phase, are in operation. The existing works together with this first phase upgrade was unable to adequately handle the incoming load over the reporting period. Wastewater was thus treated in the completed works as well as in a temporary pond created next to the new bioreactor. The Municipality proceeded with this treatment strategy until the second phase of the upgrade was completed during November 2013. The plant was upgraded from a conventional bio-filtration / activated sludge process combination to a biological nutrient removal (BNR) WWTW. The upgraded capacity of the new plant is 35 Ml/day. The upgraded WWTW, together with sufficient training of the operating personnel in terms of optimizing the new treatment processes, fault finding and effective preventative maintenance will ultimately result in a better final effluent quality in the next financial year. The Green Drop score for the Paarl WWTW decreased slightly from 84.80% in 2011 to 78.39% in 2013. The DWS’s Wastewater Risk Rating for the Paarl WWTW also increased slightly from 48.10% to 51.85% for the period 2012 to 2013. It is however expected that the Green Drop score will improve over the next financial year and that the Wastewater Risk Rating will decrease, with the new fully functional WWTW. The Wellington Wastewater Treatment Works The Wellington WWTW is currently hydraulically overloaded due to extensive industrial development over the last few years in the area. The Municipality is currently focusing intensively on the WWTW in order to improve the unit treatment systems and to optimize the treatment processes. Regardless of the current challenges at the Wellington WWTW, the works is managed effectively and compliance monitoring is performed, as required. A Professional Service Provider was appointed to start with the design for the upgrading of the WWTW in order to

further improve the quality of the final effluent discharge from the works. The WWTW was found to be well kept and in good appearance by the Department of Water and Sanitation during their 2013 Green Drop site inspection (Site inspection score of 75%). The Green Drop score for the Wellington WWTW increased from 65.60% in 2011 to 74.52% in 2013. The DWS’s Wastewater Risk Rating for the Wellington WWTW however increased from 63.60% to 86.36% for the period 2012 to 2013. It is also expected that the Green Drop score will improve and the Wastewater Risk Rating will decrease once the new WWTW is operational. The Pearl Valley Wastewater Treatment Works The WWTW is a new plant, having only been in operation for a few years. Additional infrastructure was however installed to improve the operational control. The additional infrastructure included equipment necessary to control the flow to, or isolate, some of the structures and ponds. Isolation allows for more efficient maintenance and cleaning methods. Provisions were also made for additional walkways and stairs in order to improve access to certain structures. Inflow to the plant consists of domestic sewage, from the Pearl Valley and Val de Vie Estates. The general quality of the effluent discharged from the WWTW is of a very high quality. The Green Drop score for the Pearl Valley WWTW decreased slightly from 82.00% in 2011 to 79.46% in 2013. The DWS’s Wastewater Risk Rating for the Pearl Valley WWTW also increased slightly from 52.90% to 64.71% for the period 2012 to 2013. The Saron Wastewater Treatment Works The maturation ponds, sludge drying beds and chlorination system were upgraded during 2013, in order to improve the quality of the final effluent discharged from the WWTW. The Green Drop score for the Saron WWTW decreased slightly from 79.50% in 2011 to 78.94% in 2013. The DWS’s Wastewater Risk Rating for the Saron WWTW also increased from 58.80% to 70.59% for the period 2012 to 2013. The Gouda Wastewater Treatment Works The plant was upgraded to increase its capacity from 357 k/day to 640 k/day. Future upgrades include filtration of effluent, disinfection, pumping for irrigation purposes, measuring of effluent and a further evaporation dam. The Green Drop score for the Gouda WWTW increased from 76.60% in 2011 to 79.64% in 2013. The DWS’s Wastewater Risk Rating for the Gouda WWTW however increased from 29.40% to 47.06% for the period 2012 to 2013. The WWTW is being exempt from reflecting final effluent results for compliance monitoring in terms of the Department of Water and Sanitation Green Drop System, due to no effluent being discharged from the WWTW. Hermon Wastewater Treatment Works The WWTW obtained “Green Drop” status during the Department of Water and Sanitation’s 2013 Green Drop assessment process. The WWTW consists of a pond system, consisting of two large evaporation ponds. The WWTW is being exempt from reflecting final effluent results for compliance monitoring in terms of the Department of Water and Sanitation Green Drop System, because there is no discharge of final effluent from the WWTW and all the treated effluent evaporates. The Green Drop score for the Hermon WWTW increased from 69.90% in 2011 to 90.70% in 2013. The DWS’s Wastewater Risk Rating for the Hermon WWTW however increased from 29.40% to 41.18% for the period 2012 to 2013. X1PLPCBH-PL150115



Mense People

15 January, 2015

Get an Athlone Institute Bursary Applications for the annual Athlone Institute Bursaries are still open. Harwin Smith, an Athlone Institute Bursary Project Fund (Aibprof) founder member and deputy chairperson, says the Athlone Institute Trust (AIT), has been awarding students with bursaries or bursary loans through the Aibprof for the past 15 years. The AIT, a recipient of the prestigious Impumelelo Social Innovations Centre Award, has been in existence since 1926, through the collective effort of members from five churches: Bethel United Congregational Church, Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Immanuel United Reformed Church, St Stephen’s Anglican Church and Zions United Reformed Church. Clarence Carolissen, Aibprof’s chairperson, confirmed that in 2014 R520 000 was issued as bursaries or bursary loans to 63 students studying at various tertiary institutions in South Africa. Students in their second and subsequent years of study will be considered for bursaries based on academic merit and/or financial need. Awards vary and cover a percentage of the cost of tuition, registration and books. Aibprof bursaries are not repayableandthefeesarepaiddirectly to tertiary institutions. This year a maximum of 20 bursary loans will be made available to first year students with strong motivation of financial need, who have obtained “acceptance to do a Baccalaureus course” matriculation exemption. First year students who matriculated at Klein Nederburg Senior Secondary School, Paarl, who register for a qualification in AgriSciences at Stellenbosch University may also apply for the Erna Witbooi Bursary.

Applicants are advised to adhere to the following requirements: ) be a permanent resident of Paarl or Mbekweni; ) a parish member in good standing of one of the member churches of the AIT OR a member in good standing of any bonafide denomination/religious institution in Paarl or Mbekweni; ) enrol for full-time undergraduate studies for the 2015 academic year at a tertiary institution. The intended course has to beregisteredwiththeCouncilon Higher Education (a list of registered tertiary institutions appear on the AIT’s website); ) have been promoted after the last year of study; ) show potential to study successfully; ) produce certified documents; ) produce their registration paper. Thus students have to pay their registration fees at the beginning of the academic year, using their own resources; ) be willing to be involved in some form of community service in the Paarl/Mbekweni area; and ) participate in the mentoring programme. Application forms and information for the bursaries/bursary loans are available at, at the offices of the member churches in Paarl, and from Drakenstein Pharmacy. Contact Harwin Smith on 021 862 7777 or with queries. The closing date for applications is 13 February. Completed application forms, together with certified copies of all required documents must be posted to: The Secretary, Athlone Institute Bursary Project Fund, P O Box 846, Huguenot, 7646. Late or incomplete applications will be not be considered.

KERSPRET: Hoërskool Labori se VRL het verlede jaar ’n Kerspartytjie gereël vir Bosplaas Primêre Skool se leerders. Daar is vooraf ’n Kersboom opgerig met ’n unieke kaartjie vir elke leerder met ’n persoonlike Kersfeeswens daar­ op. Elke leerder kon aansit vir ’n ete en het ook lekkernye en ’n lekkersakkie ontvang. Later die oggend het Kers­ vader gearriveer om self vir elkeen ’n geskenk uit te deel.

Kansa Relay For Life hou vergadering ’n Spankapteinsvergadering vir vanjaar se Kansa Relay For Life vind plaas op Woensdag 21 Januarie om 19:00 by Holy Trinity-kerksaal. Tot dusver het 44 spanne reeds ingeskryf. Vanjaar se Kansa Relay For Life word op 21 en 22 Februarie by Boy Louw-sportvelde gehou met die tema “Going Green for Cancer”. Vir meer inligting bel Louise Goslett (voorsitter) by 082 827 7878 of Christa Claassen by 082 945 3844.

BRIGHT FUTURE: Ingrid Lestrade (left) and Ryan Horn (right) from Goedgedacht Trust recently addressed Paarl Rotary Club, at Just Trees outside Paarl, about the activities of the Trust, and in particular, their Path Out of Poverty, that focuses on encouraging children of farm workers to become dedicated learners. The Trust has established 16 such centres that serve 6 000 farm children with remarkable success. School drop­out rates and the number of teenage pregnancies have declined and the programme has begun producing students that con­ tinue their studies at tertiary institutions. With Lestrade and Horn is Paarl Rotary President Deon Erasmus. DIAMANTBRUILOF Oud­ Toringkerk­leraarspaar, ds. Seppie en mev. Nelie Vlot­ man het op 7 Januarie hulle diamantbruilof (65ste trou­ dag) gevier. Ds. Vlotman was vanaf 1966 tot 1970 aan die Toringkerk verbon­ de. Die egpaar is afgetree en woon op Stellenbosch.


PRYSWENNERS: ER24 Paarl is onlangs uit vyf stasies (Oos­Metro­area, Somerset­Wes, Stellenbosch, Paarl en Worcester) aangewys as Basis van die Jaar 2014 vir hul uitsonderlike diens as nooddiens­personeel. Voor is Carina Kruger. Agter (van links) is Dewaldt Maritz, Heinrich Page en Sebastian Strauss.

AFSKEID: Minette du Toit (links) wat sedert 1993 betrokke was by die Rusoord­tehuis vir bejaardes, het onlangs die tehuis amptelik ge­ groet. Du Toit was sedert 1993 ‘n bestuurslid en het van 2006 af as voorsitter gedien. Fia la Grange (middel) het as voorsitter by Du Toit oorgeneem. Saam met hulle is Lu­ cinda Scholtz, die bestuurder van Rusoord.


Mense People

15 Januarie, 2015


Oorbruggingsprogram lok 150 Die bekende oorbruggingsjaar-program vir entrepreneurskap van USB Bestuursontwikkeling (USB-BO) is oorgehaal vir sterk groei vanjaar, met sowat 150 deelnemers aan die program – die grootste getal sedert die program vier jaar gelede geïnisieer is. Die program, amptelik bekend as die Oorbruggingsjaarprogram in Entrepreneurskap en Bestuur, word jaarliks deur die USB-BO Sentrum vir Entrepreneurskap as een van die USB-BO se Sentrums vir Uitnemendheid aangebied. USB-BO is die publieke bestuursontwikkeling- en opleidingsmaatskappy van die Universiteit Stellenbosch se Bestuurskool. Die program, wat hoofsaaklik gerig is op skoolverlaters en jongmense wat nog onseker is oor wat hulle wil doen en bereik, word vanjaar vanaf 17 Februarie in die Neelsie in die hart van die Universiteit Stellenbosch se kampus aangebied. Volgens DeWet Schoeman, die gapingsjaar-programleier by USB-BO, is die bedoeling om entrepreneursdenke by deelnemers van die program aan te wakker en toe

“’n Gapingsjaar hoef nie ’n oorlewings jaar te wees nie, eerder ’n gestruktureerde ontdekkingsjaar,” het Schoeman gesê. Die program gaan oor die onbeperkte geleenthede wat die moderne omgewing bied, om jouself te leer ken en te waardeer en om selfversekerd te wees. Dit is ook oor die ontdekking van eie talent, drome en geesdrif. Die doel van die program is vir deelnemers om ’n eie lokus van beheer te ontwikkel (die aanvaarding van verantwoordelikheid vir besluite wat geneem is en hoe om daarmee te leef); om ’n entrepreneursdenkwyse te ontwikkel, geleenthede te erken, om geleenthede met ’n eie profiel op te weeg (soos talente en drome) en om eie inisiatief te neem om op geleenthede te kapitaliseer. Basiese bestuursvaardighede is belangrik om ’n projek of onderneming doeltreffend en suksesvol te bestuur, om jou tyd en aktiwiteite te benut en die ware wêreld van werk en sakebedrywighede op ’n entrepreneursmanier te verken. Vir meer inligting, kontak Nicky Stoffberg by 021 918 4343 of of besoek

te lig en hulle leer hoe om self geleenthede te identifiseer en te skep vir ’n moontlike loopbaan. “Ons wil ’n oorbruggingsjaar so produktief as moontlik maak. Die program is nie net vir skoolverlaters nie, maar ook vir studente wat hul studies gestaak het, asook jong gegradueerdes wat vir hulself werksgeleenthede wil skep. “Die gedagte is nie dat deelnemers noodwendig regstreeks ná die program ’n onderneming op die been bring nie. Die fokus is eerder om entrepreneursdenke aan te wakker en om ’n persoon te help om sy voete te vind, agter te kom wie en wat hy of sy is en watter rigting in die lewe ingeslaan wil word,” het Schoeman gesê. Die program help jongmense om uit te vind watter vermoëns en vaardighede hulle beskik, help hulle om emosionele intelligensie te ontwikkel, om volwassenheid te bereik en vanaf afhanklikheid tot onafhanklikheid en tot interafhanklikheid te beweeg, volwasse interpersoonlike verhoudings te ontwikkel, ’n eie identiteit te vestig, hoe om ’n doel in die lewe te hê en integriteit te ontwikkel.

QUIZ SHOW: South African National Zakah Fund (Sanzaf) recently held a quiz show at the Lapperts Street Mosque in Paarl called the Five Pillars Game Show. The 30 participants were from five different groups, madressas. They competed against each other until three winners were announced. The quiz tested the knowl­ edge of the participants based on the five pil­ lars of Islam. The contestants had to study the contents of the game and were tested in front of an audience of about 200 friends and fami­ ly. Here from left are Sheg Ahmad Ismail, Gha­ fith Moegtaar Abrahams, Ghafith Thaakier Cook, Ghalifa Shihaam Abrahams, Shamielah Samaai and Soraya Ebrahim.

LEER BY MARK: Die mark by De Poort in Suider­Paarl vind die eerste Saterdag van elke maand plaas. Behalwe die verskeidenheid stalletjies, word daar ook kunsvlyt­werksessies aangebied. Klasse vir honde en werksessies vir leerwerk word ook beplan. Van links, Pam Rabe, Sally Weighill, Duarita Wolmarans, Ni­ colai en Danelle Fourie. FOTO: LIEZL DAVIDS

PAULUS JOUBERT AANDKLASSE DIE VOLGENDE SAL AANGEBIED WORD: 1 REKENAARGELETTERDHEIDSKLASSE 1.1 Registrasiefooi: R550.00 2. GRATIS AET KLASSE 2.1 Klasse strek van Vlak 1 tot 4 (Graad 1 tot Graad 9) 2.2 Vlak 1-3 Leerareas: Gesyferdheid en Geletterdheid 2.3 Vlak 4 (Graad 9) Leerareas: Afrikaans, Wiskunde Geletterdheid en Lewensorientering benodig deeltekens 3. NAALDWERKKLAS REGISTRASIE DATUMS VIR BOGENOEMDE LEERAREAS: Ma - 19.01.2015 tot Do – 22.01.2015 om 19h00. 4.

GRAAD 12: Klasse word hervat Ma 19.01.2015 om 18h30.

Vir verdere navrae skakel 736 202 087 / 021 862 2767 X1PLLBFH-PL150115

INHULDIGING: Paulus Joubert Primêre Skool het onlangs hul nuwe kleedkamers vir leer­ ders ingehuldig. Verskeie rolspelers wat die projek moontlik gemaak het, het die geleent­ heid bygewoon. Van links is Cecil De Jager (oud­prinsipaal), Eugene Reynders (On Tap), Lin­ da Marias (Kaapse Wynland Onderwysdepartement Kring 2­bestuurder), opvoeder Loretta Meyer, Casper Adams (graniet­verskaffer), Jacky Rossouw (Lecico), skoolhoof Granville Isaacs en Gerald Fortuin (adjunkhoof). Oud­studente beplan talle projekte vir vanjaar. Daar word ’n beroep gedoen op oud­studente, oud­opvoeders sowel as ouers om betrokke te raak by die projekte. Vir navrae bel vir Loretta Meyer by 021 862 6524 of 021 862 3690. BESONDERSE VERJAARSDAG: Dit is nie net enige verjaarsdag vir Ella May, beter bekend as Ma May (voor middel) van Wel­ lington nie, maar haar 100ste le­ wensjaar wat sy vier. Sy is gebore in Sutherland, Baster­ berg, en het in 1928 op 13­jarige ouderdom in die Paarl kom woon. Sy was getroud met wyle Niklaas May. Ma May was vir ja­ re ’n besonderse huishulp en het al­ tyd uitgereik na haar medemens. Hier sit sy by haar kinders, agter (van links), Johnny May, Elserine May, Cyril May, en voor by haar susters Elisabeth Majiet (links) en Janet Cornelissen. Afwesig: Christina Majiet.




Kuns & Leefstyl Arts & Lifestyle

15 January, 2015

Rooikappie en Nare Dolf

Rooikappie en die Wolf is Vrydag 16 Januarie om 10:00 te sien by die Ou Meul-teater. Die klassieke sprokie, oorspronklik geskep deur die broers Grimm, is tot ’n vermaaklike toneelstuk verwerk deur Gaerin Hauptfleisch, wat ook die regie behartig en selfs een of twee verrassende verskynings op die verhoog maak as die teësinnige faktotum en algemene Alles-Regmaker. Soos in die sprokie, dwaal Rooikappie van die pad af as sy medisyne vir haar siek ouma neem, en verdwaal sy in Rooikappie en die Wolf is Vrydag te sien by die Ou Meul­tea­ die bos. Hier kom sy Nare ter. Dolf, die woeste wolf teë, wat blitsvinnig ’n plan smee om haar en haar siek der lede van die gedugte professionele akteurouma as smaaklike happies te geniet, dalk met span is Elanza Swart, Dean van der Ventel, ’n sopie plantwortel-jenewer, want hy hou tog Hein Poole en Stephanie Badenhorst, wat al vele kindertoneelstukke op hulle gesamentliso daarvan. Gehore sal dan maar net moet sien of die ke kerfstok het, nie net by Kunstefeeste soos houtkapper en van die ander bosbewoners wat KKNK nie, maar ook by skole oor die hele WesRooikappie teëkom, haar en haar ouma kan Kaap. Kaartjies is R45 en kan bespreek word by red van Dolf die Wolf se onderduimse planne. Die regisseur is Gaerin Hauptfleisch. Die an- 083 564 0056 of

PICNIC CONCERT A SUCCESS: Over 2 000 people welcomed 2015 with the sounds of Freshlyground at Nederburg Wine Estate in Paarl. Families, friends, couples and singles alike rocked, danced and grooved under a beautiful starlit sky.

Top SA musos at Jason’s Hill Only half-an-hour’s drive from Paarl, you will find the family-owned wine estate, Jason’s Hill Private Cellar in the Slanghoek Valley, which is also the venue for a not-to-be missed concert by well-known SA performers Flooze, Snotkop and Robbie Wessels and his band, scheduled for Saturday 31 January. Relax and unwind on the lawns while the kids run around and take in the natural sur-

Kalender . Calendar 15 JANUARY ) The Drop­in Meditation Class “Just Breathe” with Buddhist monk, Gen Pagpa, will take place from 18:30 at Revolve Studio, 227A Main Street, Paarl. Cost: R50. Call 021 685 3428. 24 JANUARY ) The band, Jackanory Story, will launch their CD Jackanory Story Time at the Old Mill Theatre at 20:00. Their music tells a tale of recovery and hope and is written by Christian Castell. The Inside Job will also perform. Besides the mu­ sic there will also be cheese and wine. Tickets

cost R100 at the door or book at 082 448 5191. ) Knysna, die nuwe Afrikaanse romantiese ko­ medie is om 20:00 te sien by die Afrikaanse Taalmonument Tuinteater. Besoekers is welkom om hul eie piekniekmandjie saam te bring of een by Volksmond Koffiewinkel te bestel (021 863 2800). Kaartjies kos R70 (R35 vir kinders onder 13) en is beskikbaar by Computicket, asook by die Taalmonument. Bring warm klere, ’n kombers en kussing of ’n lae stoel saam. Vir meer inlig­ ting, skakel 021 863 4809/0543 of besoek

roundings before the show starts at 19:00 (gates open at 17:30). Delicious food and refreshments will be on sale. Tickets are R170 a person and can be bought directly from Computicket. For more information, contact Jason’s Hill Private Cellar on 023 344 3256 or

Bekyk die sterre by die Taalmonument Sterrekykgeesdriftiges moenie die eerste Sterrekykpiekniek van die jaar by die Afrikaanse Taalmonument op Paarlberg Saterdag 17 Januarie misloop nie. Tydens dié pieknieks kan besoekers die sterrehemel verken met die hulp van die Orion-Observasiegroep (OOG), ’n informele sterrrekundeklub van die Boland. Die tema van die aand is “Die SomerJagtoneel”. Die piekniek begin om 18:00 en ’n begeleide toer van die monument om 18:30. Besoekers kan van 20:00 tot 22:30 onder leiding van OOG-lede die sterre met teleskope bekyk.

Besoekers is welkom om ’n eie piekniekmandjie te bring of een te bestel by Volksmond Koffiewinkel (021 863 2800) wat tot 20:00 oop is vir koffie en ligte verversings. Daar is veilige parkering en toegang word beheer. Besoekers word aangemoedig om verkykers en warm klere saam te bring. Toegang by die hek is R30 vir volwassenes en R10 vir kinders. Bel 021 863 0543/4809 of 072 181 6744 om te bespreek (ook vir weernavrae). Sterrekykpieknieks sal gekanselleer word as die weer sleg is. Vir meer inligting, besoek

Dahlia­skou een van die dae weer in Wellington Wellington Dahlia-vereniging hou sy jaarlikse dahlia-skou op Saterdag 24 Januarie op Wellington. ’n Verskeidenheid kleurvolle blomme sal weereens tentoongestel word. Dahlia-kwekers van oor die Wes-Kaap sal

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hul blomme kom uitstal. Daar sal eet en drinkgoed te koop wees en blomme sal na afloop van die skou verkoop word. Vir navrae, bel Gavin Watson by 021 873 4657 of Tony Pretorius by 021 873 3605.

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Starting 30 January - Annie Starting 6 February - Mooi Rivier Starting 13 February - 50 Shades of Grey


Subject to change without notice - We regret no complimentary tickets & vouchers are allowed during first week of any new release • 16 January 2015 - 22 January 2015 • TEL: 021 872 0714/5 X1PLG87H-PL150115


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SA styg uit in voedselsekerheid Om sekerheid oor genoeg en voedsame kos te hê is ’n groot bate vir enige land, meer so vir ’n diverse samelewing soos dié van Suid-Afrika. Dit is veral die geval in die feesseisoen wanneer kosmaak en saam eet ’n groot genieting met ontspanning en kuier is. Die DuPont-verslag toon aan dat Suid-Afrika die Afrikaland met die hoogste vlak van voedselsekerheid is. In dié maatskappy se 2014 globale voedselsekerheidsindeks vergelyk Suid-Afrika se 61,1 punte goed met die van sy BRICS-vennote. Indië staan op 48,3 punte, China op 62,2, Rusland op 62,7 en die voedselreus Brasilië op 68,1. Die meeste Afrikalande behaal op die indeks tussen 30 en 40 punte. Ontwikkelde nywerheidslande gee die toon aan met meer as 80 punte. In ’n mediaverklaring hieroor, het Johannes Möller, President van Agri SA, gesê die plaaslike landbou is ook ’n suksesvolle mededinger in uitvoermarkte. In 2013 is R72,5 miljard se landbouprodukte uitgevoer wat R15,2 miljard meer is as landbou-invoere. Met gunstige produksie-omstandighede en die swakker rand kan hierdie vermoë en prestasie van die bedryf in 2014 en 2015 verder verbeter. Die reënseisoen was tot op hede oorwegend gunstig vir akkerbouproduksie. Besproeiingsboerdery, wat 25 persent tot die waarde van landbouproduksie bydra, het ook goeie vooruitsigte. Damme is landswyd gemiddeld 80 persent vol en in van die groter stelsels is die situasie selfs meer gunstig. Verbruikers kan uitsien na ’n verlangsaming en selfs afname in voedselprysinflasie. In November 2014 was voedselprysinflasie nog

Suid­Afrika is die Afrikaland met die hoogste vlak van voedselsekerheid.


6,5 persent, maar die produsenteprysindeks vir landbou, bosbou en visserye was 2,3 persent. Laasgenoemde behoort binne enkele maande ’n dalende invloed op voedselprysinflasie te hê. Een van die bydraende faktore tot hierdie tendens is die afname in die brandstofprys. Uitgawes aan brandstof beloop 14 persent van landbou se intermediêre uitgawes en aanduidings is dat onlangse en verdere prysverlagings hierdie kostekomponent kan verklein. Die res van die voedselwaardeketting het egter ook ’n bydrae te lewer om die koste-voordeel aan verbruikers deur te gee. Voortgesette investering is seker die beste waarborg vir volgehoue voedselsekuriteit en volhoubare

mededingende produksie. Terwyl daar uitdagings is wat die bedryf moet oorkom om sy mededingendheid te handhaaf en terselfdertyd groter bydraes tot transformasie en die maatskaplike opheffing van werkers en hulle gesinne te lewer, is daar vertroue in die toekoms van die bedryf Dit blyk onder andere uit die toename van 8,4 persent in die waarde van belegging in landbou die afgelope jaar, gerugsteun deur ’n 10,1 persent toename in die waarde van grond en verbeterings en 9,9 persent in dié van masjinerie, implemente en voertuie. Dis ’n positiewe tendens waarop daar voortgebou moet word om Suid-Afrika ’n nog beter land vir al sy mense te maak. X1PL8YT1-PL150115

HAVE YOU BEEN INJURED? If you have been seriously injured in a motor vehicle accident, train accident, police shooting or due to medical negligence, you may have a claim against a government department for compensation. If you have put in a claim directly with the Road Accident Fund without using an attorney and feel that you have been underpaid or are dissatisfied with their service, we may be able to assist you. We are personal injury attorneys, who specialise in serious injuries. We are prepared to work on a no win - no fee basis. For further queries, contact: LESTER & ASSOCIATES ATTORNEYS CAPE TOWN On 021 423 4601 E-mail: X1PLHRHM-PL150115




Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

15 January, 2015 STERFGEVALLE 1005

Petersen: Sophie

Gebore: 20/06/1933 Oorlede: 08/01/2015

Jones: Jermaine Alexis

Gebore: 26 Oktober 1986 Oorlede: 7 Januarie 2015 Met liefdevolle herinneringe neem ons afskeid van ons geliefde. Sag heengegaan in die ouderdom van 28 jaar. Word diep betreur deur familie en vriende. Begrafnisdiens vind plaas op Sondag 18 Januarie 2015 HUIS: 11:30 Weltevredestraat 24, Wellington KERK: 12:30 Breakthru Ministries, Klaasenstraat, Wellington Navrae: 084 919 4925 / 076 228 8529



Begrafnis word onderneem deur: Tel: 021 862 0948 Na Ure: 083 947 6347 Lid van N.B.O.V. X1PLTXT1-PL150115

Gysman: Patrick

Gebore: 3 November 1961 Oorlede: 7 Januarie 2015 Met liefdevolle herinneringe neem ons afskeid van ons geliefde. Sag heengegaan in die ouderdom van 54 jaar. Word diep betreur deur familie en vriende. Begrafnisdiens vind plaas op Saterdag 17 Januarie 2015 HUIS: 09:00 De Bussystraat 4, Groenheuwel KERK: 10:00 Bet-El VGK, Groenheuwel Navrae: 073 583 8674 / 078 108 9420



Begrafnis word onderneem deur: Tel: 021 862 0948 Na Ure: 083 947 6347 Lid van N.B.O.V.

Sag heengegaan in die ouderdom van 81 jaar. Begrafnis: Sat 17/01/2015 Huis: 10:00 Grebestraat 4 Paarl Kerk: 11:00 Nuwe Apostoliese Kerk Bloomsbury Private Verassing Kontak: 082 682 9087 Begrafnisreëlings: Solomon Begrafnisdienste Tel: 021 862 5346 / 082 953 9919 Lid van NFDA X1PLRV1H-PL150115

Martin: Kathleen

Sag heengegaan in die ouderdom van 74 jaar.

Met liefdevolle herinneringe neem ons afskeid van ons geliefde. Sag heengegaan in die ouderdom van 69 jaar. Word diep betreur deur familie en vriende. Begrafnisdiens vind plaas op Sondag 18 Januarie 2015 HUIS: 12:00 Fisantstraat 4, Hillcrest, Wellington KERK: 13:00 Tamura Ministries, Louwslaan, Wellington Navrae: 083 204 9872 / 083 679 3246 / 021 873 0291



Begrafnis word onderneem deur: Tel: 021 862 0948 Na Ure: 083 947 6347 Lid van N.B.O.V. X1PLTY09-PL150115

Van Zyl: Susan M. (neé Bosch)

In loving memory of a dear husband, father and grandfather who sadly passed away. We will always cherish your memory. Love, your wife Carolyn, Rolanda, Donovan, Tersia, Tianna and Luke. X1PLM02W-PL150115

In Loving Memory of the late

Van der Westhuizen: Izak (Seen)

Begrafnis: Sat: 17/01/2015 Huis: 08:00 Harperstraat 2 Paarl Kerk: 09:00 Nuwe Apostoliese Kerk Bloomsbury Privaat Verassing Kontak: 073 343 3784 Begrafnisreëlings: Solomon Begrafnisdienste Tel: 021 862 5346 / 082 953 9919 Lid van NFDA X1PLRVPD-PL150115

Harris: Samuel 07/10/1945 - 10/01/2015

Passed away peacefully on 10/01/2015. Will be sadly missed by his wife,children and grandchildren. Funeral takes place on Thursday 22 January 2015 Viewing from 11:00 at St.Stephens Church Service from 12:00 at St.Stephens Church Funeral undertaken by Neil's Classic Funerals Contact: 082 398 4928/021 862 3805 X1PLRWRR-PL150115

Jones: Jermaine Alexis

Gebore: 8 April 1945 Oorlede: 9 Januarie 2015

04/04/1929 - 25/12/2014

Gebore: 02/11/1940 Oorlede: 08/01/2015


Siebritz: Griet

Bastiaan: David John

Mamma, waar is jy? Ek soek na jou elke dag. Oupa sê jy's veilig by Liewe Jesus. Jy sit op sy skoot en jy kyk en beskerm vir my en Jontaye van nou af. Al kan ek jou nie sien nie, weet ek dat jy my hoor. Lief vir mamma! Van Mamma se balletjies, Groban.

Born: 07January 1944 Died: 18 August 2012 Dear Dad, Your 3rd birthday in heaven. We thought of you today, but that is nothing new. We thought about you yesterday, and day before that too. We think of you in silence, We often speak your name. All we have are memories and a picture in a frame. Your memory is a keepsake, from which we'll never part. God has you in His arms, We have you in our hearts. From your Wife, children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.



In memory of Susan Mildred van Zyl. You were a woman of strength and courage, most important a wife, mother and grandmother. Nobody knows you like God did. He was your strength, your courage and your guide when you needed Him most. Your duties on earth you performed to the best of your ability. You will be missed for your smile and caring personality. Love you always - Ruben, children & grandchildren. Funeral Arrangements: Saturday 17 January 2015 Home: 09:00 Prayer (6 Magennis st, Paarl) Church: 09:30 Viewing (Annunciation Church, Rose Innes St.) 10:00 Requiem Mass

Funeral undertaken by: Nackerdien Undertakers | Tel: 021 862 1450 X1PLRYM5-PL150115

FRANSMAN: ELIZABETH 20.02.1965 - 10.01.2015 Met liefdevolle herinneringe neem ons afskeid van ons geliefde. Word diep betreur deur Fransman en Plaatjies families. Begrafnis: Saterdag 17.01.2015 Huis: 9 Dorn Rosastraat / Charlestown Hill om 08:30 Kerk: VGK Zions om 09:30 Navrae: 082 310 0330

Funeral arrangements: Tel: 021 862 0948 After Hours: 083 947 6347 Member of N.F.D.A. X1PLTY3D-PL150115

In Memory of:

Arendse: Wayne Recardo

26/10/1982 - 18/12/2014 We wish that we could see you, for just a little while. We wish that we could hug you, and see your lovely smile. We long to hear you sing, or laugh, or call our names once more. We sit and wait expecting you, to walk back through the door. In our hearts your memory lingers, kind, loving, fond and true. Now until forever we promise to love and cherish you. Astrid, Ayesha-Leigh, Ma Daisy, Marilynn and Deidre.


KEYNA: MANIESA 09.02.1934 - 08.01.2015 Sag heengegaan op die ouderdom van 80jr. Word diep betreur deur kinders, kleinkinders en agter kleinkinders. Begrafnis reelings: Saterdag 17.01.2015 09:00 Vanuit huis 10:00 By kerk, VGK Bergrivier, Wellington.

NTOYAKE: ANDILE ALFRED 12.09.1972 - 08.01.2015 It is with profound sadness that we bid our farewell to a very special husband, father, brother and friend. Funeral arrangements: Saturday 17 January 2015. King Williams Town, Apostolic Faith Mission. IN MEMORIAM 1015

GREEN: CUPIDO 15.08.1935 - 28.12.2013 1 Year has passed but memories of all we've shared are treasures time cannot erase. Will always remember you. Wife, Children and grand children.

SITZER: KAREL 03.01.1939 - 24.12.2014 Eerste verjaarsdag weg. Word diep betreur deur familie en vriende.


Jones: Jermaine Alexis Soon, way too soon… without getting a chance to say goodbye, you left this world to see our Saviours Grace and claim your great reward. Not even a few days and we miss you terribly, the pain is unbearable and we don't know how we will make it through. Our Angel child: Mom, Dad, Maxi, Christy, Jontaye, Groban & Shaun.

Basson: Johannes Petrus 24/12/1927 - 04/01/2015

Die familie wil graag alle persone bedank wat ons bemoedig het met die heengaan van my eggenoot, vader, oupa en groot oupa deur handdrukke, besoeke, telefoonoproepe, sms's, ruikers, blomme, ens.


05/06/1935 - 08/01/2014

"Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, Love and respect leaves a memory no one can steal."

Begrafnis van wyle Willa Rosina Abrahamse Gebore: 02.11.1938 Oorlede: 17.01.2015 Calvynse Protestantse Kerk. 08:30 huis, 09:30 kerk. Navrae: R Abrahamse 082 862 9658.

DAVIDS: CHANTAL "PACO" 10.05.1982 - 31.12.2014 Safe in the arms of Jesus. We will miss you dearly. RIP Chantal "Paco" Davids. From Chantal Abrahams & all cousins.

Alle lof en eer aan ons Hemelse Vader wat hom uitgespaar het vir sy lewe van 87jaar.

Hoffman: Caroline Born: 19/03/1964 Died: 06/01/2015

Van Eggenote en kinders X1PLRYBR-PL150115

Adams: Ryan "Tolla" 16/01/1990

Death brings pain that time can only heal, No words could ease what we truly feel; But with God, her joy is eternal sealed, And cherish her memories that death can’t even steal. Lift up a smile for she is already in the paradise Children, daughters-in-law and grandchildren X1PLQDJ1-PL150115

Jeneke: Elizabeth Christina (Chrissie) 08/08/1935 - 29/12/2014

Your first birthday in Heaven We would like to wish you a Happy Birthday but God had other plans for you. Missing you alot. From Daddy, Mommy, She-Earl, Donwena, Macneal and little Noah X1PLM095-PL150115

Ons bedroefde familie van wyle Elizabeth Christina Jeneke (Chrissie) wil graag hul opregte dank en waardering betuig aan almal wat 'n deelname gehad het in ons verlies. X1PLRW0R-PL150115


Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

15 January, 2015



ROSE: GREGORY 19.01.2000 Those we love don't go away, they walk beside us everyday unseen, unheard but always near. Still loved, still missed and very dear. Ursula, Ryan, Jade & Lucinda.

BOUPLANNE UITVERKOPING: CLIVIA & BROMELIA plante vanaf R50.00 per plant. Skakel 076 040 8180.





POTTE, PANNE, breekgoed, gordyne, beddegoed, linne, ligte elektriese ware, speelgoed, ornamente, komberse, klerasie, skoene. Betaal kontant. Mev Swart 084 702 3196.


CROTZ: CARL (GAMAT) 30/03/1956 - 25/12/2014 We ,the family of the late Carl(Gamat)Crotz would like to thank all our family and friends for their prayers and messages of support. Funeral already took place on 31/12/2014. GELUKWENSINGS 1030


BUILDING PLANS For all new building plans, Additions, 3-D plans and municipal approval. Contact Jeannine de Wet 079 878 2409.

•Relationship / Marriage Problems •Financial, Loans, Quick cash in account •Lucky Oils and magic ring, Lotto and Casino •Failure to get a Child/Miscarriages •Evil Spirits and Curses in homes and business •Delayed/Unfinished work by other healers for free •Long service at wotk without promotion/less pay. Healer Barack Paarl Cape Town 078 391 6510






ARL SERVICES: We offer the follwoing services at affordable rates. We clean your house, office, windows & wash carpets. Contact Antoinette 082 459 5625 for a quote /


WINDOW TINTING: Residential/offices. Phone Johan 082 301 5724 for free quotation. /

TEëLS: Fabriekswinkel te Wellington. Kontak vervaardiger of besoek ons vertoonlokaal. Smartstone: 021 873 5482. ALLERLEI 1845



PAULSE: COHAN COLE En wie het Dinsdag verjaar en gaan Graad 1 toe? Baie liefde van ons almal!







INDIEN KLIENT NIE VOERTUIG se stoorkoste binne 7 (sewe) dae ten volle vereffen by Martiq 297 CC h/a Hoofstraat Motors nie, sal die FORD FOCUS met registrasie nr CF186710 met chassis nr: WFOAXXWPDA20505684 en engine nr: 2505684 verkoop word om stoorkostes te delg. SPYSENIERING & LOKALE


NEED CASH? Pawn your car, trailor or canopy. 021 987 2277 / 082 558 4836. R1000 - R200 000 SMS name, surname, ID nr, bruto & netto, workplace to 061 950 7792 or pay only 50% on existing loans.





MEUBELS Koop & Verkoop. Kombuis stelle, Voorhuis stelle, kaste ens. 079 894 4497.

KEMP ELEKTRIES - Skakel 083 228 3208 vir alle elektriese werk. Huishoudelik. Industrieël. Konstruksie. 24 uur diens.


AARTAPPELMOERE BP1 R210 per sak van 24kg. R110 per halfsak of R11 per kg. Kontak Charl 082 784 9827. LOODGIETERS






PRE-PRIMêRE SKOOL 3 - 6 jariges Stellenbosch Sentraal Tel: MJ 084 975 8921 BOUMATERIAAL 1610

1m3 SAND, KLIP, kompos & bogrond (topsoil) sowel as bourommel, vullisverwydering, tuindienste en skoonmaak van erwe. Skakel Neels 083 412 8810.

• Kombuise • Ingeboude kamerkaste • Soliede meubels • Kroeë en meer Tel: 021 873 5792 • Johan 083 284 6793 X1PJXXCW-PL150115



Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

15 January, 2015 BAKKIE & TRAILER HIRE: Te huur, vervoer, meubelvervoer. Skakel alle ure: 082 321 8904 Johan Maass.

ALLE LOODGIETERWERK 24/7 Geysers; Geblokte dreine; Instandhouding; Badkamer renovasies. Geen werk te klein/groot. Quinton 084 564 2451.

AANDAG ALLE KLIENTE Voertuie dringend gesoek. Ek koop enige gebruikte voertuie vir kontant. Skakel 083 464 6960. Doen bank aflosse. VERKOOP JOU BAKKIE OF VOERTUIG. Ek koop enige maak & model. Kontant Dadelik Beskikbaar. 076 636 2082.



GOUDA - 2 SLAAPKAMERS, sitkamer, kombuis, eetkamer dakhoogte, losstaande motorhuis met bediende kwartier, 2 sye vibracrete. R265 000. 072 274 1773.


2-SLAAPKAMER W/S Wellington. R3300pm, Onmiddellik beskikbaar. Kontak Willie 021 873 2981.

KAMERS met eie badkamer/woonstel te huur in Paarl-Oos. Skakel 078 583 1774. BETREKKINGS GESOEK 3670

AGGIE, reliable en hardworking is looking for domestic work. 071 739 3722 / 079 407 6524.


SKAKEL NICO by 082 925 3680 vir verwydering van tuinvullis of bourommel en lewering van klip ens. Goeie diens gewaarborg.




VERWYDERING VAN ALLE VULLIS en bourommel. Asook die skoonmaak van erwe. Eienaar toesig. Kontak Louw 083 413 0701.



EENSLAAPKAMER MET EN-SUIT, kombuis, sit / eetkamer woonstel te Hoofstraat, Wellington. Huur per maand R3700 krag uitgesluit. Kontak 082 829 6012.

VERWYDERING VAN ROMMEL en vullis. 6m. Algemene vervoer met 8 ton trok. Vir billike pryse en gehalte diens, skakel Jaques 082 579 2998 / 021 872 6029.

WELLINGTON 1 BEDR, kitchen, bathr + lock-up garage. R2400pm. Avail 1 Feb. 082 409 7855.



TE HUUR 3205


2000 Volvo V40 T4 F/Lift Stationwagon full house vehicle 180 000km towbar white new tyres R49 000; 02 Fiat Seicento Sport 1.1 A/C P/S C/L CD MAGS E/W ABS Roadworthy Leather seats R35 000 076 636 2082. VOERTUIE GESOEK OM TE KOOP 3075

AANBOD AAN BAKKIE & MOTOR EIENAARS. Lopend en nie-Lopende voertuie welkom. Kontak/Sms/Pcm/Whatsapp 084 844 0000.

I AM LOOKING for a job as housekeeper in guesthouse. Ref avail. 073 449 8206.

CENTRAL PAARL 2 Bedr, kitchen, lounge, full bathr. Under-roof parking. R4400pm. Avail 1 March. 082 409 7855.

I NEED A job as a carpenter, plumbing or tiler. Phone 083 473 3528.

HOOFSTRAAT PAARLNOOITGEDACHT KOMPLEKS: 3 Slp, 1 badk townhouse, oopplan kombuis, mooi groot tuin met besproeiing, kaggel, toesluit motorhuis en afdak. Huur: R7500pm / Deposito: R7500, W&E uitgesluit, Koopkrag. Beskikb. vanaf 1 Feb. 021 863 2909 / 082 920 8284.



BIG STORAGE WAREHOUSE to rent. Price R19.99 + VAT. Size: 1508m2. Address: 27 Boland street, Dal Josaphat, Paarl. For more detail, please contact Kallie Visser @ 082 433 3900.

ZAMEKA IS LOOKING for doemstic work for 5 days. Have exp & ref. 078 981 2673. ZUKISWA is looking for housekeeping job. Ref avail. Mon - Fri. Ph 072 085 6487. ALGEMEEN 3680

7 DAYS SUPERETTE PAARL benodig Kassiere, Rakpakkers, Voorraad Ontvangs Klerk (2 Jaar ondervinding met geldige verwysings). Bring CV's in tussen 09:00 en 14:00 Maandag - Vrydag, Hoofstraat 470, Noorder-Paarl.

DIANA IS LOOKING for domestic work for char work. Have exp & ref. 067 017 0567.

CENTRAL PAARL 2 Bedr, 1 bathr, kitchen, lounge. Avail 1 Feb. R3500pm. 082 409 7855.


VIRGINIA IS LOOKING for domestic work for 2 days (Tues & Thursday). Have exp & ref. 072 915 5255.

CHRISTINA IS LOOKING for char work or everyday, have exp. 078 542 1820.

HUSBAND & WIFE (Malawian) looking for housekeeping/Gardening/Shop Ass. job. 073 860 7635.

Huis te huur, Wellington Wynlandgoed. 3 slaapkamers, oopplan siteetkamer, kombuis opwas, gastetoilet, 2 badkamers, oopstoep met pragtige uitsig op berge, enkel moterhuis met parkering vir ekstra voertuig. Huis uters geskik vir famiele van 4 persone. Landelike omgewing , baie rustig met oopruimtes, veilig met toegangsbeheer tot kompleks. Beskikbaar vanaf einde Januarie, Huur R8140 per maand. Kontak Piet 082 870 3964 epos


THANDI IS LOOKING for domestic work for 6 days. Have exp & ref. 073 297 5893.

GIFT IS LOOKING for horse grooming, driving, gardening, painting or house keeping job. 073 461 4147.

La Perla (Security complex). 2 Bedroom flat. Avail immediately. 071 860 0548.


MOSTERT SWEISWERKE: Skuif-/swaaihekke, diefwering, traliewerk & vele ander staalwerke. Gratis kwotasies. Skakel Frank Mostert: 021 868 2880 / 072 022 0066. Faks: 021 872 6771.


BUITEKAMER met aparte badk en kombuis vir enkelpersoon. Onmiddellik beskikbaar. Privaat ingang. W&E ingesluit. R3000pm. Kontak 082 829 9903. KAMER TE HUUR in vyf slaapkamer huis - Paarl Oos. Vir enkel persone / afgetrede persone vir R2000 per maand. (Water en elektrisiteit ingesluit). Onmiddelik beskikbaar. Kontak 076 970 0351.


SERVICES!! For the following services: Removal of rubble. Site cleaning. Moving of equipment. Transporting of goods. Please contact 079 894 4497.


IVA IS LOOKING for domestic work for 5 days. 084 483 1585. MARTHA with ref is looking for 3 or 5 days domestic work. 071 120 6476. MAVIS is looking for domestic work, 3 days. Ref avail. 083 879 0221. MEISIE IS OPSOEK na kombuis werk vir 5 dae. Het ondervinding. 071 366 8619. MEREL IS LOOKING for domestic work for 3 days. Have exp & ref. 078 284 8687. NDOLO IS LOOKING for domestic work for 3 days (Mon, Wed & Thurs). Have exp & ref. 078 341 6909. NOMBULELO IS LOOKING for 3 days work as a domestic worker. Have exp & ref. 073 891 1643.

AVON REPS NEEDED Sms/whatsapp: 074 060 7232 / CONTROL ROOM OPERATORS NEEDED. Grade C/B/A security officer with control room experience are needed for control room. Call 021 872 0888 for an appointment. Computer literacy and listener experience will be an advantage. DRINGEND opsoek na 'n GOEIE gekwalifiseerde haarkapster om spoedig as moontlik te begin. Skakel 083 418 0807 vir meer inligting.

GERSCHWIN ONTONG PROKUREUR KENNISGEWING INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 35 (5) VAN DIE BOELELWET 66/1965 In die boedel van wyle APOLLIS ABRAHAMS Geboortedaum: 10 FEBRUARIE 1936 Identiteitsnommer: 360210 5074 082 ’n Pensionaris van: SEDERLAAN 12, NEW ORLEANS, PAARL wie oorlede is op: 27 FEBRUARIE 2014. Boedelnommer: 25444/2014

REBECCA IS LOOKING for 3 days domestic work. Have exp & ref. 063 083 9864.

Die Eerste en Finale Likwidasie en Distribusierekening van bogenoemde boedel sal oor ‘’n tydperk van 21 (een en twintig) dae vanaf 15 JANUARIE 2015 ter insae lê by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hoë Hof Kaapstad en kantore van die Landdros te Paarl.

SARAH IS OPSOEK na kantoor / huis skoonmaak werk vir 4 dae. Het ondervinding & verwysings. 071 070 3678.

GERSCHWIN ONTONG PROKUREUR Bredastraat 92, Paarl, 7647 (Verw: GO/A0463/14)

NONZOKISO IS LOOKING for doemestic work for everyday, have exp. 078 864 0307.



Geklassifiseerd Classifieds DO YOU KNOW THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN OILS & ACRYLICS? Is canvas a surname and soft pastel an ice-cream? If you know the answers to these questions - YOU are the right candidate for the job! Please supply a motivational letter & CV. Please include a copy of your ID or a recent photo. Mailto: Position: Junior Salesperson.

15 January, 2015 LOOKING CODE 10 DRIVERS for a Paarl Based Distribution Company. We, a Paarl Based Distribution Company, looking for experienced, honest and trusted Code 10 Drivers. The person should be willing to work during weekends. Please send detailed CV with contactable reference and previous experience to:

LOOKING FOR MATURE, HONEST, DOGS AND ALL benodig TRUSTED and responsidie dienste van PSIRA ble person for Maintaining geregistreerde Inspekteure Distribution Paper works: met kode 8 lisensie sowel We, a Paarl Based Distrias A tot D-Graad sekuribution Company, urgently teitsbeamptes. Skakel 079 looking for Mature, honest 413 1348 of faks CV na 086 and trusted person for 293 6420. Maintaining Distribution Paper works. The person EXTRA INCOME should be willing to work OPPORTUNITY: during weekends and Do data – entry for datashould be able to work hub with/without compu- with computers and ter. For info, sms name Microsoft Excel. Please and e-mail address to: 081 send detailed CV with 057 3964. contactable reference & previous experience to: FOOD-O-RAMA benodig kassiere. Matriek vereiste; Woonagtig in Paarl; Sober LOOKING VAN ASSISgewoontes; Kontakbare TANTS for a Paarl Based verwysings. Faks CV na 021 Distribution Company. We, 862 5871. a Paarl Based Distribution GREENFINGERS VOORMAN benodig. Epos kort CV na: greenfingersenseuns@yahoo. com / Sluitingsdatum 27/01. IS JY PLATSAK na die vakansie! Sluit vandag aan by TUPPERWARE en verdien ± 30% kommissie. Kontak: 073 199 3900. KLAPMUTS SENTRA Is op soek na betroubare Kassiere; Blokman; Senior Kassiere; Admin Klerk. Met toepaslike ondervinding en raadpleegbare verwysings. Doen persoonlik aansoek by Klapmuts Sentra. PLAASWERKERS VERKIESLIK JONG mans benodig wat onder warm somer en koue winteromstandighede heeldag buite kan werk. Vervoer na plaas soggens vanaf Klein Drakensteinweg in Amstelhof. Skakel 083 300 4366.

Company, looking for honest and trusted persons to work as Van Assistants. The person should be willing to work during weekends. Please send detailed CV with contactable reference and previous experience to:

OK MINIMARK DENNEBURG benodig kassiere en Take Away assistente met ondervinding. Moet skofte kan werk, Matriek vereiste. Doen persoonlik aansoek met CV. PARSHULP BENODIG DRYWER VIR OESTYD. Vereiste: Kode 10 lisensie Feb. en Mrt. 2015 Philip la Grange Faks CV 086 694 1420 RELIABLE DRIVER with valid Code 14 license required for wine industry. Please send your CV to

SOCIAL DANCE INSTRUCTOR needed in Paarl. Training provided. Contact 021 870 1177.


CHILDLINE 0800 055 555

Benodig die dienste van die volgende: Junior Kosteberekening klerk • Senior sertifikaat noodsaaklik • Lees en verstaan van ingenieurs tekeninge • Kliente skakeling • Assisteer inkomende kliente, asook e-pos navrae oor kwotasies • Koste berekening van materiale en ander operasionele kostes vir dienste • Voorbereiding van kwotasies • Ekonomiese tydsbestuur • Woonagtig in Paarl / Wellington area • Jong energieke persoon • Bereid wees om te leer Vakleerling Passer & Draaier • Senior sertifikaat met toepaslike vakke - N3 • Entoesiasties en hardwerkend • Moet goed in 'n span kan saamwerk • Beskik oor goeie tegniese vaardighede • Bereid wees om te leer • Woonagtig in Paarl / Wellington area • Bereid wees om oortyd te werk Junior Tekenaar • Senior sertifikaat met toepaslike vakke • Rekenaarvaardig • Tekenwerk op Autocad en of Solidworks • Entoesiasties en hardwerkend • Moet beskik oor goeie tegniese vaardighede • Woonagtig in die Paarl / Wellington area Junior Administratiewe pos • Skakelbord hantering • Ontvangs • Skakeling met kliente • Werkskaarte en bestellings • Rekenaarvaardig • Entoesiasties en hardwerkend • Woonagtig in die Paarl / Wellington area

Stuur jou verkorte CV voor 22 Januarie 2015 aan e-pos: of faks na 021 862 8300

DRAUGHTS PERSON Logichem Process is seeking a junior mechanical draughts person to join our Western Cape office located in Wellington Industrial Park. The successful candidate will have a formal Mechanical Draughting tertiary qualification up to N4/5 level and 2/3 years industrial experience. Minimum Requirements • AutoCAD experience • Computer literacy (MS office) • Layouts, piping, equipment and detailed drawing experience • Material Take Off, Bills of Material setup • ISO pipe drawings • Ability to work under pressure of deadlines • SA drivers license Additional Useful Experience, Skills • Solid modeling experience or 3D modeling of pipes or plant • Site measurement of equipment and systems • Workshop, manufacturing or fabrication and contractor interaction experience • Costing / estimating Application Instructions Please send your CV to with “Draughting Job Application” in the subject line. X1PLRWGD-PL150115


Merk asseblief duidelik vir watter pos jy aansoek doen. As jy nie teen die 30ste Januarie gekontak is nie, beskou jou aansoek as onsuksesvol.

Parceval (Pty) Ltd is a Herbal Contract Manufacturer for the Pharmaceutical Industry based in Wellington.

Paarl based company looking for a Graphic Designer 3-5 Years’ experience Proficient with Photoshop & Illustrator Preferably working on Mac Please forward CV to


Paarl based company looking for an Interior Designer or Architectural draughtsperson 3-5 Years’ experience Preferably working on ArchiCad Please forward CV to X1PLQ9M1-PL150115

We are inviting applications for an

Analyst for Quality Control Laboratory We are looking for a flexible person with a high level of attention to detail; accuracy and a passion for Science. Dependability is a must, along with a good sense of teamwork. The successful applicant should have • Tertiary education within a scientific field a prerequisite • Ability to take direction; but also think independently to solve challenges (Whilst also being satisfied occupying themselves with menial tasks on occasions). • Excellent communication skills • Computer literacy • Mathematical skills and Chemistry literacy. • It would be advantageous to have a solid foundation in GLP/GMP and a good understanding of validation procedures. • Experience working within a fast paced and regulated laboratory is also an advantage. • The ability to undertake multiple tasks whilst maintaining accuracy, attention to detail and quality of output • Flexible approach to work activities, hours and prepared to work additional hours to meet business needs • Stability experience desirable, but not essential If you are an assertive person who can communicate effectively in English as well as Afrikaans and who focuses on professional service at all times, we would like to hear from you. In return for your services, we offer an excellent work environment and a competitive remuneration package adjusted to your qualification and experience. If you would like to join our winning team, forward your 3 page CV, accompanied by a covering letter in which you motivate your application to Nicolene Dreyer on fax (021) 873 5955 or e-mail: Closing date: 27 January 2015.




A compulsory site clarification meeting will be held on: : Wednesday 21 January 2015 : 09h00 : Paarl DRE's Offices in 1 Main Road, Suider Paarl, 7624

Submissions from applicants not registering and attending the meeting shall be deemed to be nonresponsive. Closing date : 27 January 2015 Closing Time : 11h00 Closing Venue : Offices of Hydro Cape Turf Services at 58 Heuwel Street, Protea Heights, Brackenfell 7560 All interested grass cutting sub-contractors MUST register to attend the clarification meeting. Please contact Leana on (021) 981 1512 or via email by no later than Tuesday, 20 January 2015 at 15h00. Pre-qualification applications documents will only be issued to the registered attendees at the clarification meeting. X1PLV06R-PL150115




Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

15 Januarie, 2015

Masjied Complex, Lappert Str, Paarl Tel/Fax : 021 862 5115 •



BOLAND Salary Negotiable



Business Studies & Accounting Candidates must be SACE registered or submit proof of application. Proof of qualification and experience essential. Closing date for CV: 19 Jan 15 Commencement date: ASAP Submit CV to school by fax or email and mark ATTENTION: PRINCIPAL X1PLQBGD-PL150115

HEAVY DUTY AUTO ELECTRICIAN required for established Auto Electrical company in Paarl.

Requirements: Code 08 licence Min. 5 years experience Sober Habits Salary neg.

Requirements: • A tertiary qualification in Food and Beverage Management / Diploma in Cheffing at a recognized chef school. • 3 to 5 years relevant experience in product development of perishable foods. • Knowledge of competitive marketplace information and trends in the food industry. • A passion for food. • Understanding of ISO and HACCP principles. • A preparedness to work extended hours when necessary will be essential. Please forward a detailed CV in MS Word format to at Carpe Diem Recruitment. Give an indication of your current and expected salary package. Tel: 021 863 0125 X1PLQ865-PL150115

Engine Reconditioning Establishment requires the service of a

DIESEL ENGINE ASSEMBLER / DIESEL MECHANIC. The applicant must have general knowledge of most Diesel Engines, Trucks, Tractors, Bakkies / Industrial.

Please email CV to or fax for attention Chantel to 021 868 0110.

Must have a minimum of 10 years’ experience since apprenticeship.

Genuine Connection Promotions (Pty) Ltd Paarl based Clothing Manufacturer

Genuine Connection Promotions (Pty) Ltd, a clothing manufacturing company, situated in Paarl, has vacancy for

CREDITORS CLERK Requirements: Matric, preferably with accounting as subject ND. Accounting essential Pastel Accounting experience essential Microsoft Office experience essential Minimum 3 - 5 year experience in similar positions Must be able to do account reconciliations, collections Closing date: 23 January 2015 Contact: Elandi Burger Fax/E-mail CV to: 021 872 0313 / X1PLMUDW-PL150115

PG Glass Paarl requires an

ALUMINIUM AND MOTOR GLASS FITTER with experience, must be willing to start immediately. Any enquiries please contact Paulo on 021 862 1555 or email CV to X1PLJX8M-PL150115

SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATOR At least 5 years experience in similar position required. R17 000 + negotiable.

Salary according to experience. Drakenstein Local Tourism Association (DLTA)

Junior Tourism Officers (2 posts)


Mail C.V. to

Paarl & Wellington Tourism Offices


The DLTA invites applications for the position of Junior Tourism Officer at its Paarl and Wellington Tourism Offices. Responsibilities: • Liaison with walk-in tourists and tourism members • Processing bookings on behalf of visitors • Handling telephone and website generated booking and information enquiries • Assisting with destination marketing activities • Assisting with office administration • Assisting with the review and update of DLTA social media and website platforms • Assisting with the recruitment of new tourism members Reports to: Senior Tourism Officer (Paarl and Wellington respectively) Requirements: • 1 year Tourism information office or related experience (advantageous) • English and Afrikaans proficiency • Computer literate (MS Office) • Good interpersonal skills • Knowledge of social media and website operations • Matric qualification • Appropriate tourism related qualification (advantageous) Remuneration: R8500 per month (total cost to company)

Applications by email to Closing date for applications: 30 January 2015

STOORMAN/ WERKTUIGKUNDIGE Vir 'n vrugteplaas en vervoer besigheid in die Joostenbergvlakte area. Goeie meganiese kennis en ervaring en 'n bestuurslisensie is 'n vereiste. 'n Mededingende salaris en behuising word aangebied. Kontak asb 082 454 0264 of X1PLMWJM-PL150115


3 years experience in a similar position, matric, windows literate, expert product knowledge in electrical materials, sales driven, excellent communication skills.


3 - 5 years experience in a similar position, matric, expert product knowledge in building materials, computer literate, sales driven, excellent communication skills.


2 - 3 years relevant experience, matric, windows literate, excellent product knowledge, accounting and mathematical skills, manage complete stock file, stock calculation and daily stock counts.


2 - 3 years relevant experience, matric, fully bilingual, security certificates.


Grade 12, 2 years relevant experience, high level of accuracy, excellent communication skills, windows literate, must work independently and responsibly.


2 - 3 years relevant experience, matric, fully bilingual, product knowledge, understanding of trading operations, must be able to lift and merchandise heavy stock, customer orientated. Contact details Email address: Fax: 021 872 0885 X1PLQ831-PL150115


A company in the Agricultural Industry in Wellington has an opportunity for a student with a similar qualification to complete a 12-month In- Service Trainee programme. Minimum qualification: Must be at least in final year of Agriculture-related diploma or degree. Computer literacy (Word, Powerpoint, Excel). Exposure in the following departments will be given: 1. Finance debtors, creditors 2. Stock & logistics 3. Crop Protection, Plant Nutrition, Seeds Please send CV's on or before 31 January 2015 to X1PLN135-PL150115


Sluitingsdatum: Maandag 19 Januarie 2015 om 13:00 Rig CV aan Prinsipaal Tel: 021 876 2211 Epos adres:


X1PLN28M-PL150115 REG NO 2008/000828/07 - BTW NO 4620253460

Vinpac met hulle aanleg in Wellington, beskik tans oor onderstaande vakature.

ADMINISTRATIEWE BEAMPTE Nommerpas vir hierdie pos is ‘n vlot tweetalige persoon (Afrikaans en Engels) met goeie kommunikasievermoë. Aanstelling verg ‘n Senior Sertifikaat, ervaring in ‘n soortgelyke betrekking,asook deeglike administratiewe en rekenaarvaardighede. ‘n Naaskoolse kwalifikasie,asook kennis van die EZYwine-rekenaarprogram en Voedselveiligheid stelsels,sal in die aansoeker se guns tel. Die suksesvolle aansoeker sal verantwoordelik wees vir onder meer: • kliënteskakeling • fakturering • administrasie van voedselveiligheid stelsel • krediteure • debiteure • loonadministrasie • skakelbord/Ontvangs • verwante administratiwe take In ruil vir u bydrae bied Vinpac ‘n mededingende vergoedingspakket. Stuur ‘n CV (maksimum drie bladsye) en dekbrief voor 26 Januarie 2015 aan of faks 021 873 0331. Diensaanvaarding: So spoedig moontlik

Indien u geen terugvoering binne twee weke na die sluitingsdatum ontvang nie, kan u aanvaar dat u aansoek onsuksesvol was. X1PLM3D5-PL150115


Pastel ondervinding tot proefbalans. BTW betalings, huur invorderings. Eie vervoer. Begin 1 Maart 2015 Faks CV na 021 873 2075 e-pos: X1PLM36W-PL150115


Please send your CV to

Standard benefits offered.



®essential outdoor gear


Ons benodig die dienste van dinamiese en energieke persone met bewese rekords in verkope vir ons Tak in Mountain Mill Mall. Persone met ‘n passie vir die buitelewe en wat gefokus is om uitstekende diens aan kliënte te lewer met ondervinding in die buitelewe/klere sektor sal oorweeg word. Voorkeur sal gegee word aan persone met kennis en ondervinding in produkte soos Garmin/Go-Pro, messe, flitse ens. Kompeterende vergoedingspakket, kleretoelae en prestasie bonus. Aangename werksomstandighede by ‘n firma met langtermyn toekoms moontlikhede.

Diensaanvaarding: 1 Februarie 2015 of spoedig moontlik daarna. Stuur CV per e-pos aan: Sluitings datum: 21 Januarie 2015 X1PLPB61-PL150115

INVITATION TO BID YOU ARE HEREBY INVITED TO BID FOR REQUIREMENTS OF THE DRAKENSTEIN MUNICIPALITY Description: COM P5/2014: CONSTRUCTION OF ORLEANS PARK WATER SPRAY PAD RECREATIONAL FACILITY IN PAARL CIDB: Tenderers must be registered with the CIDB in a CE class of construction works and have a grading designation equal to or higher than that determined in accordance with the sum tendered or a value determined in accordance with regulation 25(7A) of the Construction Industry Development Regulations, 2004. It is estimated that tenderers will need a grading designation of 4CE or higher. Closing date and time: Thursday, 5 February 2015, at 10:00 Information: Obtain documentation: Directorate Social Services, 3rd Floor Administrative Offices, Berg River Boulevard, Paarl 7646 Enquiries regarding tender documentation: Mr. A Van den Berg can be contacted with enquiries regarding the tender document at 021 807 6324, or Office Hours for collection: 08:30 - 16:00 as from 15 January 2015. A non-refundable fee of R 267 payable to Drakenstein Municipality will be required for collection of a tender document. Information meeting: A compulsory site clarification meeting will be held on Wednesday, 21 January 2015 at 10:00 at Orleans Park, Meaker Street, Paarl (Co-ordinates: 33°42'46.53"S; 18°59'21.86"E). Telegraphic, telephonic, telex, facsimile, e-mail and late tenders will not be accepted. The lowest, only or any bid shall not necessarily be accepted and the Council reserves the right to accept any part of the bid. Tenders to be deposited in: The tender box at the entrance of the Municipal offices of Drakenstein Municipality Berg River Boulevard PAARL, 7620. (Ensure tender number and title are on envelope). NOTE: This tender will be evaluated in terms of the revised Preferential Procurement Regulations, 2011 that was promulgated by the Minister of Finance on 8 June 2011 in Government Gazette No 34350. Please take note of the preferential conditions of Supply Chain Management special conditions for bidding. Procurement preference point system: 90/10 The successful bidder will be required to fill in and sign a written Contract Form The following conditions to bid exist: (Failure to comply may result in your bid being disqualified) 1. This bid is subject to the General Conditions of Contract for Construction works (GCC), special conditions of CIDB and Supply Chain Management special conditions for bidding. 2. Relevant specifications (SPECS). 3. Bidders must be registered on the Drakenstein Municipality supplier database if they wish to conduct business with Drakenstein Municipality. 4. A valid or certified tax clearance certificate must be handed in with the closing of the bid. However no contract will be awarded to any bidder without a valid tax clearance certificate on the date the bid is awarded. 5. Bids submitted must be in a sealed envelope clearly marked with the bid number, placed in the tender box before closing time, failure will result in the bid being invalid. JOHANN METTLER MUNICIPAL MANAGER X1PLPCQ1-PL150115


FRONTSHOP ASSISTANTS Minimum Requirements • Matric • Bilingual (Afrikaans & English) • Good Physical condition (majority of daily tasks takes place in a standing position) • Like to interact with clients • Ability to work over weekends • Ability to work flexible hours • Independent (no dependants that may jeopardise ability to work flexible hours, weekends and extended hours)

E-mail or fax CV to: 086 694 5649

Dinamiese besigheid wat spesialiseer in die diensverskaffing vir die wyn bottelerings- en etiketteringsbedryf is tans op soek na ‘n energieke en gedrewe persoon ouer as 50 jaar om die pos as Bestuurder te vul. Vereistes: • Goeie menseverhoudinge • Werk met groot spanne mense • Daaglikse bestuur van besigheid • Noue samewerking met eienaar • Kode 10 met PDP

Windmeul Eierboere, met hul Hoofkantoor net buite die Paarl, beskik tans oor die volgende betrekking: 6 MAANDE KONTRAK - HALFDAG POS

LONE/ADMINISTRASIE BEAMPTE Die ideale aansoeker vir hierdie pos is ’n vlot tweetalige persoon met goeie kommunikasievaardighede, bogemiddelde syfervaardighede, ondersteun deur goeie rekenaarvaardigheid in MS Office en verkieslik VIP Payroll. Verdere vereistes is minimum 3 jaar ondervinding in hantering van lone, en personeel- en algemene administrasie, verkieslik in 'n landbou omgewing. Goeie menseverhoudinge, basiese kennis / belangsteling in die Wet op Basiese Diensvoorwaardes en die vermoë om onafhanklik en uiters akkuraat te werk is verdere vereistes. Die persoon moet bereid wees om die werksure van 08:00 tot 13:00 gedurende die week te werk. Die pligte behels onder andere: • Loon- en administrasie (vorige ondervinding mbt pensioenen mediese fondse, SARS vereistes sal voordelig wees) • personeel administrasie mbt bywoningsregisters, verlof, oortyd, kontrakte, induksie, ens • algemene sekretariële pligte, • hantering van inkomende oproepe, alle ander take verwant aan die pos en sal gekenmerk word deur eerlikheid, dryfkrag en streng dissipline. Benewens aangename werksomstandighede bied ons ‘n mededingende vergoedingspakket met byvoordele aan. Rig u CV met dekbrief voor 23 Januarie 2015 aan Janita Coetzee, Windmeul Eierboere, per e-pos: Diensaanvaarding: So spoedig moontlik. NS: Indien u geen terugvoering binne 2 weke na die sluitingsdatum vir aansoeke ontvang nie kan u aanvaar dat u aansoek onsuksesvol was. X1PLFVA9-PL150115

MEGANIESE ONTWERPINGENIEUR /TEKENAAR Qualipak (Pty) Ltd vervaardig toerusting vir die voedsel-, koeldrank en wynbedryf en benodig die dienste van ‘n ontwerpingenieur / tekenaar. Die suksesvolle kandidaat sal oor ‘n Diploma beskik in meganiese ingenieurswese wat ondersteun word deur 5 jaar ondervinding in meganiese ontwerp – spesifiek met verwysing na voedselvervaardiging en verpakkingsprosesse. Benewens bogenoemde is uitstekende hoëvlak tekenvaardighede in 3D (Autocad Lt en Solidworks) ‘n kritiese vereiste. Verantwoordelikhede behels oa: • ontwerptekeninge 2D & 3D • tekenadministrasie • terreinopmetings • projekadministrasie • skakeling met kliënte en verskaffers • aankope vir projekte Vaardighede en eienskappe benodig: • aandag aan detail • stiptelik tov doelwitte • goeie spanspeler sowel as onafhanklik kan funksioneer • bereidwilligheid om soms te reis en langer as normale ure te werk Die vergoedingspakket sal die verantwoordelikheidsvlak van die pos ondersteun. Om aansoek te doen, epos asb u CV na nie later nie as Vrydag, 23 Januarie 2015.

Indien u geen terugvoer binne twee weke ontvang nie, kan u aanvaar dat u aansoek onsuksesvol was. X1PLEEKR-PL150115

Belangstellendes kan hul CV.s e-pos na

Onmiddellik beskikbaar.

Faks CV na: 086 235 5920


VERSKEIE POSISIES BESKIKBAAR Woonagtig in Wellington Moet Engels en Afrikaans vaardig wees Bereid wees om skofte en naweke te werk Ouderdom 18 - 35

Sluitingsdatum: 25 Januarie 2015 X1PLG819-PL150115



PG Glass Paarl requires an


with experience, must be willing to start immediately. Please send CV to 021 862 1568 or email to X1PLJYB1-PL150115


5 years of experience in similar position, grade 12, expert product knowledge in Plumbing, DIY, and general building materials, computer literate, sales driven, customer satisfaction orientated. Closing date: Monday 19/01/2015 Contact: Fax: 021 591 2336 X1PLG22M-PL150115

Paarl & Wellington

URGENT VACANCIES We require the following staff for our Wellington and Paarl branches:

Managers • Waiters Barman • Kitchen staff Entertainment staff

CV’s must be delivered in person to the restaurant. X1PLHJW5-PL150115



Sport Nuus Sport News

15 Januarie, 2015

Boland Dux Pole­ Vault Series The 2015 athletics season is in full swing and athletes are in the final stages of preparing for the various ASA National Championships, and attempting to qualify for the ASA Teams that will represent South Africa in 2015.

PROTEAS: The Proteas Cricket Team enjoyed a great day of golf at Paarl Golf Club on Thursday 8 January. Organised by Allan Donald (who is also a member of the club), 56 golfers played an alliance competition and were treated royally by the management and staff of the golf club. It was also a thrill for the girls participating in the Boland Junior Golf Championships to have photos taken with the friendly Proteas. Faf du Plessis (middle) presented Samsung cellphones to the winners. Pictured with him are, from left: Rob Kucera, Donald, Marchant de Lange and Waldo van der Walt.

Sportdagboek . Sport diary RUGBY ) Villagers Newton se voorseisoen oe­ feninge is al aan die gang. Elke Dins­ dag en Donderdag om 7uur. Die klub hou ook Donderdag, 15 Janu­ arie, hulle AJV om 7 uur op die sport­ grond. Alle spelers, lede, ondersteu­ ners sowel as nuwe belangstellendes word uitgenooi na hierdie geleentheid. Die klub vier ook hierdie jaar hulle 50ste bestaansjaar, en nooi alle oud­ spelers en lede uit om kontak te maak met die bestuur rakende die aktiwiteite vir die jaar. ) Young Peoples wens alle klubs ’n voorspoedige nuwejaar toe. ) Die Paarlstreek sal vanjaar meeding in die Community Shield wat tussen klubs van Boland en WP gespeel word. ’n Groep spelers is deur die afrigters van al die klubs geïdentifiseer, wat gaan deelneem aan voorseisoens oe­ feninge. Hierdie lys name is aan alle klubs gesir­ kuleer. Die groep oefen elke Dinsdag­ en Don­ derdagaand vanaf 19:00 op Dal Josa­ fat­stadion. Tans gaan gym­sessies gereeld voort vir die spelers en daarom is dit belang­ rik dat spelers die oefeninge moet by­ woon. Bel Mario Williams by 021 870 1081. ) Allandale Rugbyklub se voorsei­ soensoefeninge is voorlopig op Maan­ dae en Woensdae om 18:30 te Dra­ kenstein Korrektiewe Dienste en die klub se eerste vriendskaplike wedstryd is op 21 Februarie teen Dennegeur Rugbyklub te Drakenstein Korrektiewe Dienste . Alle nuwe sowel as oud­lede is wel­ kom. Vir enige navrae kontak asb die klub­ sekretaris by 0827378952 ) Evergreens RVK ­ Paarl hou hul Al­ gemene Jaarvergadering op Saterdag 17 Januarie om 15:00 te Nieuwedrift Primêre Skool. Almal welkom. Die klub is al aan die oefen en oefeninge is elke Dinsdag­ en Donderdagaand om 19:00 op Evergreens Park. Vir verdere inligting kontak asseblief vir Japie van Rooyen op 078 870 9787. ) Franschhoek Rugbyklub. Graag wil ons alle lede,spelers en toe­ skouers voorspoed toewens in die nu­ we jaar.Ons hoop om almal terug te sien in die nuwe rugbyjaar.

Die Klub het sy voorseisoen voorberei­ ding op Maandag 5 Januarie om 18:30 hervat. Alle oud­ en nuwe spe­ lers is welkom. Vir meer inligting skakel Julian Willi­ ams 084 843 9326 ) Paarl Rangers benodig die vrywilli­ ge dienste van ‘n hoofafrigter vir die 2015/2016 seisoene. Persone wat belangstel kan hul CV by die sekretaris indien of stuur na paarl­ Voornemende aansoekers moet ‘n lid (oud­lid) van die Klub wees en oor ten minste Vlak1­afrigtingsertifikaat be­ skik. Amptelike oefeninge het reeds op Dinsdag 13 Januarie begin te Dal Jo­ safat­stadion . ROLBAL ) Hiermee word u vriendelik uitgenooi na Paarl Rolbalklub se besigheidsliga wat weer in Februarie gespeel word. Ons sien uit daarna om u te ontvang en ou en nuwe gesigte te sien. Daar kan net 28 spanne geakkommo­ deer word – u word aangeraai om so spoedig moontlik die betrokke persone wat aan die kompetisie wil deelneem in kennis te stel. Die inskrywingsgeld vir die toernooi wat oor 5 weke gespeel word, beloop R800. Indien u wil inskryf kan u my e­pos by Of skakel Almarie du Toit by 082 341 4949 of Jurie op 082 923 3568. ATHLETICS ) Notice is hereby given of a Coach­ ing Clinic that will take place at Swart­ land High School, Malmesbury on Sat­ urday, 24 January from 08:30 till 13:30. This clinic forms part of Boland Athlet­ ics development programme to ensure that athletes and coaches prepare well for the 2015 season. The aim of the clinic: •Equip athletes, coaches, teachers and parents with the skills to enhance the performance of athletes. •To give talented athletes the opportu­ nity to receive coaching from experi­ enced coaches •To assist coaches with practical meth­ ods to develop their own skills. The registration fee will be R60 (per athlete/ coach) which will include

coaching information, snack and at­ tendance certificate. Refreshments will be sold at the tuck shop. For more information please contact Freek Stander (084 511 9230) or Brandon du Plessis (076 187 7260 / brandonathlet­

As pole-vaulting is such a highly specialised event and athletes’ technical skills often not up to the required standards, the Boland Athletics PoleVault Academy will be hosting a series of pole-vaulting competitions to assist athletes wanting to qualify for the respective ASA national championships as well as for the international ASA teams. The series will be Lukas van der Watt (16) a pole­vault ath­ called the Dux Pole- lete from Paarl Boys High attempts a jump. Vault Series and is 09:00 – Senior men scheduled to take place as fol10:30 – Boys/Junior/Youth lows: 17 January – Coetzenburg Sta- and Sub-Youth 11:45 – Women/Girls/Junior/ dium, Stellenbosch 24 January – Coetzenburg Sta- Youth and Sub-youth Athletes/coaches can contact dium, Stellenbosch 31 January – Coetzenburg Sta- Louis Nienaber directly at or cell: dium, Stellenbosch 07 February – To be confirmed 083 375 3673 to enter. All results will be submitted to 14 February – To be confirmed The programme for all events the ASA National Statistics Committee for ranking purposes. listed above will be:

KRIEKET ) Saterdag, 10 Januarie: Paarl Oos KK het sy eerste ligawedstryd van 2015 met ‘n goeie oorwinning teen Coronations KK begin. Paarl Oos KK kolf eerste en teken 241 aan met Bruce Miller 51, Dominic Da­ niels 32, Petrus Jaftha 32 en Morne de Vries 29. Paarl Oos se bouler, Waylain September, het met die bal geseëvier 5/32. Coronations KK 148. Paarl Oos KK wen met 93 lopies. Sondag, 11 Januarie: Paarl Oos KK het met Sondag se tuiswedstryd teen Stellenbosch en Distrikte ook ‘n goeie oorwinning behaal deur eerste te kolf en 244 op die telbord aan te teken. Paarl Oos se kolwers wat uitgestaan het was Waylain September 67 en Bru­ ce Miller 37. Die besoekers kon slegs 76 aanteken met Waylain wat 6 paal­ tjies vir 23 lopies neem. Paarl Oos wen met 168 lopies. KUSHENGEL ) Paarlkushengelklub hou weer 24 Ja­ nuarie hulle volgende liga­kompetisie te Struisbaai,enige iemand jonk of oud wat sou belangstel om deel te word van die klub kan vir Gerrit van Niekerk ska­ kel by 083 259 4310. Ons hou ons volgende vergadering by Die Lapa by Le Bac op 20 Januarie om 19:00 en belangstellendes kan dit kom bywoon.

BOWLS: The men of the Wellington and Paarl Bowling Clubs met for the first time at the end of last year, playing four rounds of competitive bowls on four consecutive Thursdays. The competition was named the kierie-cup after a kierie (walking stick) was donated by Lappies Labuschagne from Paarl, apparently in honour of the advancing ages of the pensioners who participated. This inaugural event was only decided in the dying moments of the competition and finally won by Paarl. Each team consisted of 12 men. Pictured here on the right is the Wellington captain Ben Bekker handing over the trophy to Trevor Callanan, the captain of the Paarl team.

BAANFIETS ) Die Wes­Kaap baanfietskampioen­ skappe vind hierdie naweek by Faure­ straat plaas. Aksie sal Saterdag en Sondag te aan­ skou wees vanaf 09:00 die oggend. Alle ouderdomsgroepe sal deelneem vanaf o. 10 tot by die Elites. Toegangs­ geld is R10. Bekendes wat die byeenkoms gaan by­ woon sluit in Ashleigh Parsons, Chris­ pin Fourie, Graeme Ockhuis, Wade Davids, Bradwin Daniels, Emile Jacobs en Wade Theunissen.

BLITSVINNIG: Plaaslike jong vroue­ryer, Ashleigh Parsons, het haar goeie vorm voortgesit deur as die beste o. 14 meisie op die Boxing Day­ byeenkoms gekroon te word. Ashleigh is van Wellington en is hierdie jaar in gr. 9 by Hugenote Hoërskool. FOTO: ERNEST KILOWAN

23 Get your New Year off to a running start PaarlPost

Sport Nuus Sport News

15 Januarie, 2015

De Bruyn makes landmark double ton Theunis de Bruyn completed a chanceless, maiden double century to put South Africa A in a powerful position on day two of the first unofficial four-day Test match against the England Lions at Boland Park on Monday. As soon as he reached the career landmark, which coincided with taking the total past 500, Rory Kleinveldt declared the innings closed at 504/8, leaving his bowlers with a maximum of 48 overs to make inroads into the England top-order. By the close of day the visitors had responded with 169/3 to cut the deficit to 335 runs. A remarkable feature of De Bruyn’s innings was the relatively small number of balls to which he did not offer a stroke, as a high proportion of his runs came in boundaries (202 off 275 balls, 30 fours). It was his second first-class century with his first having come on debut less than a year ago for Northerns against Namibia at Windhoek. This is only his 10th first-class match and he has already made 908 runs at an average of 53.4. It is as spectacular a start as anybody could hope to make to his career. Liam Plunkett (4/91 in 26 overs) and Mark Wood (2/99 in 30), who shared 6 of the 8 wickets to fall between them, were the pick of the England attack. England looked like making a runaway start to their reply as they hit 11 boundaries in the first

Join Dirtopia for two fantastic trail running events and enjoy running through the vineyards on two beautiful estates with picturesque Winelands views.

COVER DRIVE: The SA A cricket team played a 4­day test match against England A at Boland Park in Paarl recently. Theunis de Bruyn top scored with a staggering 202 runs while South Africa declared their innings on 504/8 on day two. Here de Bruyn is seen showing his class with Protea allrounder Ryan McClaren his batting partner.

The first run, Resolution Trail Run, takes place on the 17 January at Delvera Farm and boasts four popular routes designed to encourage newcomers as well as avid runners. Pre-entries will receive a discount and the three longer distance finishers will receive medals. The refreshment station at the Pepper tree on the longer routes will have Powerade, fruit and nuts. There will be drinks at the finish for all.

The second run, French Flair Trail Run, will be taking place on 25 January at L’Avenir Farm. Outdoor enthusiasts will enjoy this scenic fast course with two distances between the vineyards. This farm has seen some major renovations and Dirtopia has been building some single track to add to the value. So wear red, white and blue and before you bid the estate au revoir, sample some of their simply magnificent bubbly after your run! For more information, visit, email: or call the Dirtopia Trail Centre on 021 884 4752.


9 overs in taking the total past 50 with Sam Robson, the current England Test incumbent opening batsman, being the main contributor. But the South Africans gradually got into the contest with Kleinveldt and Morris taking three wickets between them. It should have been four as Jonathan Trott was dropped behind the stumps in the tea over off Ryan McLaren with only 7 runs to his credit. The latter put in a superb spell that straddled the tea interval, bowling three successive maidens. It would have been four had he not bowled a no ball.

With three wickets down for 67 at the end of the 14th over there was an urgent need for England to consolidate, which was provided by Trott and James Vince who added 50 runs for the fourth wicket off 145 balls with only four boundaries. As the stats suggest it was heavy going but it restored the innings to an even keel. While Trott continued to play the anchor role, Vince started to flourish, hitting a succession of classy drives to the boundary. Trott reached his half-century off 108 balls (6 fours). The 100 partnership followed off 205 balls with the second 50 coming off only 60 balls.

Cyclists prepare for Rotary race Preparations are well underway for the upcoming Bouckaert-Soenen Paarl Road and MTB Race on Sunday 25 January. The even is organised by the Rotary Club of Paarl, under the auspices of the Pedal Power Association (PPA). For the first time, the start will be at De Poort heritage centre in Pine Street, Paarl South instead of at the Paarl Boys’ High clubhouse – to ease traffic congestion. Supported by a generous sponsorship from local textile and clothing company Bouckaert-Soenen as part of their social responsibility activities, all proceeds from the race will be channelled through Paarl Rotary towards local com-

munity development projects. This league race is also a fun ride event, aimed at the whole family. The event will include three road races with distances of 126 km, 72 km and 42 km, looping into the Hermon/Agter Paarl area. The three MTB races on Paarl Mountain measure 47 km, 36 km and 15 km. The shorter MTB race along Jan Phillips Mountain Drive is billed as a development race with affordable entry fees suitable for schoolchildren. The cut-off date for online pre-entries is 22 January at Preregistration can be done on 24 January at Cycle4life, Frater

Square, Paarl (09:00 – 12:00) or Chris Willemse Cycles, Willow Bridge (09:00 – 12:00). PPA Members must have their seeded number at preregistration. Entries on the day of the race will open at 05:30 at De Poort for anyone who has not registered by Friday 23 January. Please be sure to register as entries will be limited to 2 500 road race entries and 500 MTB entries. Remember to wear your PPA fun ride number (no reference to PPA number will result in extra fees). For further information, contact Clive Trent (MTB) on 083 753 9949 or Rob Koch (road races) on 021 874 2849.

Paarlstreek klop UWK­studente in naelbyter rugbystryd Die Paarlstreek-rugbyspan het Maandagaand op skitterende wyse daarin geslaag om met 19-18 die studente van UWK in ’n vriendskaplike wedstryd af te reken. Dié wedstryd het as voorbereiding gedien vir die Paarlstreek se deelname in die Gemeenskapsbekerkompetisie in Februarie wat verskeie topspanne van die Boland en WPRFU insluit. Dit was die eerste keer dat die Paarlstreekspan as eenheid saamspeel en alhoewel die streekspe-

lers reeds sedert November hul fiksheidprogram oefen,was daar nie genoeg tyd om in spanverband te oefen nie. Die Paarlstreek se fiksheid was die belangrike faktor in sy oorwinning aangesien die studente se voorspelers swaarder en hul agterlyn meer spoed getoon het as dié van die streekspan. Die Paarlstreekspan het egter koelkop gebly en die oorwinning in die laaste minuut beklink. Die Paarl B-span het ook

met sy opponent afgereken en sy wedstryd maklik met 24-7 gewen. * Puntemakers was: A-span: Paarlstreek 19 (drieë: R. de Bruyn, D. Cupido En J. Jacks: Doelskoppe: D. Dyasson (2); UWK: 18. B-span: Paarlstreek 24 (drieë: R. Jordaan, A.Samaai, J. Harmse en G.Kulsen: Doelskoppe: K.Kikka (2) UWC: 7 Paarlstreek se volgende vriendskaplike wedstryd is Saterdag 24 Januarie v. Wesbank op Malmesbury.




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Donderdag, 15 Januarie 2015

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Saayman is head coach This week proved to be another proud moment for Paarl’s rich sporting history when well-known netball figure Bennie Saayman was appointed as head coach of the Protea netball team. Her appointment comes a week after the surprise resignation of previous coach Elize Kotze. Saayman will be assisted by Elsje Jordaan and Martha Bennie Saayman (left) has been ap­ Mosoahle, Netball SA said in pointed head coach of the Proteas net­ a statement on Tuesday. ball team. PHOTO: REG CALDECOTT/GALLO Their tenure takes effect at suggest who she thinks would add the beginning of February. “We are confident that Saayman value to her game plan; she identiwould be able to guide the team to fied the two assistants.” Saayman said she was confident a successful Netball World Championships (WNC),” NSA president her two assistants would add valuable contributions in their respecMimi Mthethwa said. “She is a mature coach who has tive areas of expertise. “Dr Jordaan would contribute a been on the same platform before and during her tenure the team lot towards the attack aspect of the game while Martha Mosoahle is was ranked fifth in the world.” Saayman was the coach for the very good in mid-court and would Western Stings, the National Pre- be instrumental in improving this mier League side which won the area of the game,” Saayman said. “I will guide and nurture both second division in last year’s Netthe assistant coaches. Elsje played ball Cup. “Her trademark is playing basic under me when I was national netball. It would be important for coach. I know her as a player and our team to go back to playing ba- I can also say she is currently the sic netball where all the skills they best game analyst we have in have acquired in the last three South Africa.” Both Jordaan and Mosoahle years under the former coach would come in handy to support captained the Proteas during their and strengthen their play,” playing days. Saayman said South Africa had Mthethwa said. “We had a frank discussion with enough quality players to do a Ms Saayman to ensure that she good job in the WNC and was lookand her assistants work as a team. ing forward to the challenge. We are happy with how she sees South Africa is drawn alongside their roles as individual coaches. Malawi, Singapore and Sri Lanka She was given the opportunity to in Pool C.

Nolan Hoffman wys hier sy dankbaarheid vir al die toeskouers tydens die jaarlikse 25­myl resies.


Rekordgetal toeskouers by Boxing Day fietsry


16 Januarie 2015

0 0 : 5 1 0 0 : 12

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Boxing Day 2014 het vanjaar die grootste getal deelnemers in 20 jaar gehad. Meer as ’n 130 fietsryers van regoor Suid Afrika en die VSA het sake in die Paarl se bloedige hitte kom uitspook. Die hekke het op 26 Desember eers om 12:00 geopen maar geesdriftiges het alreeds so vroeg soos 11:00 voor die stadion saamgedrom. Nagenoeg 5 000 toeskouers het die dag se verrigtinge bygewoon. Baanfietsry van hoogstaande gehalte was te aanskou in elke kategorie. Whayde Davids het die o. 14-wedrenne vir seuns oorheers terwyl Ashleigh Parson die beste o. 14 meisiesryer was. Keanu Slinger was die beste o. 16-ryer met sy twee 1ste plekke en een 2de plek. Graham Ockhuis en Douglas Abbot het hulself laat geld in die junior wedrenne terwyl Ockhuis ook gewys het hy kan saam met die voorste elite-ryers kers vashou. Ockhuis spog met ’n derde plek vir die uitval-resies en ’n goeie tweede plek in die 1-myl resies. Die dameswedrenne is oorheers deur Maroesjka Matthee terwyl Elfriede Wolfaardt ook goed vertoon het.

Bradley Smith het al drie wedrenne vir die veterane gewen en so verseker dat hy die trofee vir die beste veteraan van die byeenkoms ontvang. Die 1-myl uitnodigingswedren is gewen deur Jean Smith met Ockhuis 2de en die derde plek wat tussen Evan Carstens en Shameeg Salie gedeel is. Die 25-myl hoofresies het hierdie jaar drama opgelewer nog voor dit begin het. Daar was aanvanklik 56 fietsryers wat sou deelneem maar slegs 45 word toegelaat om te begin. Keurders en organiseerders moes deur ’n spoedige keuringsproses gaan om te bepaal wie mag deelneem. Vanaf die wegspring was die wedren opwindend met vinnige, harde fietsry-aksie. Die plaaslike gunsteling, Nolan Hoffmann, is aanhoudend aangeval deur die Giant-span. Hoffman se spanmaat, Morne van Niekerk, wat vroeër die puntewedren gewen het, moes heeltyd teenaanvalle loods wat veroorsaak het dat 4 ryers (Hoffman, Van Niekerk, Carstens en Salie) ’n rondte ingery het op die bondel. Die naelrit van die 25-myl het vir nog drama gesorg toe die ryers wat ’n rondte agter die 4 voorlopers

was, nie afgeroep is deur die beamptes en die voorlopers tussen hulle deur moes sukkel na die eindstreep. Nolan Hoffman was eerste oor die lyn met ’n nuwe rekordtyd van 53:40 met Evan Carstens wat in tweede plek geëindig het. In die derde posisie was Shameeg Salie met die sterkman Morne van Niekerk in vierde plek. Weens ’n onreëlmatige lyn wat in die pylvak deur Hoffman gery is, word die finale uitslag teruggehou. Die hoof baanbeampte het die insident opgemerk en na verdere ondersoeke is die finale resultate eers op 27 Desember aangekondig. Vir die eerste keer in die 117-jarige geskiedenis van die baanfietstoernooi is daar nie op die dag ’n prysuitdeling gehou nie. Met die finale uitslag is Hoffman skuldig bevind en moes hy sy wen-posisie prysgee. Die wenner is toe aangekondig as Evan Carstens met Hoffman in die 2e posisie. * The annual Boxing Day track cycling event was drama-filled this year. More than 5 000 spectators attended the event. An eventual winner of the prestigious 25-mile event was only declared a day later.

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