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Rose McFall

A new landmark is born


he has always been a landmark, with her gentle, elegant gables and assured location.

167-on-Main, Somerset West is well over 100 years old, with some of the walls built with local river stone and clay, but as of April this year, the building is a landmark for new reasons. It is now the home of Rose McFall Properties, one of the most dynamic businesses in the region. Until 2005, Rose had consistently been a top performer, winning numerous awards and accolades as an agent. However, the time had come to break new ground and Rose McFall Properties was born on 1 September of that year. Rose opened the doors with just three staff members. The company now has 14 and is still growing, so a new home beckoned and 167-on-Main was the perfect choice. The property has been totally renovated, but the elegant “old lady” has kept her original Cape Winelands feel – proud gables, oregon pine floors, sash windows, solid wood features throughout, with bursts of “Rose-coloured” inspiration in the inte-


rior and a welcoming indigenous garden with fountains. “This building has a soul and we were at home the minute we moved in,” said Rose. “We love it here and so do our clients. I’ve even been stopped at the local Spar by strangers who have said they’re delighted that the building is getting the attention it deserves and our town has something to be proud of.” The neighbours are a mix of businesses servicing the up-market clientele of the area - estate agencies, boutiques, restaurants, interior decorators, specialised medical practices and luxury guesthouses. The stretch of road between the Lord Charles Hotel and Lourensford is most sought after for professional use, vacancies are rare and linkage to the N2 and R44 is excellent. “Our goals are to continue and grow the fantastic relationships we have with both our sellers and buyers. Our company’s ethos is hard work, respect and fulfilment and now that the Rose McFall brand is so purposefully presented, we can set new sights, so watch this space!” said Rose. – Murray Williams

Rose McFall (in front) with her staff and fellow estate agents

R980 000


021 887 4740 021 889 9974



WEB 7671

Adjacent to green area with magnificent mountain and vineyard views. Security complex. 305m²

Bedroom 1 | Bathroom 1 | Undercover Parking 1

In the heart of campus. Excellent investment.


R2 225 000

Janine 082 499 0222 Mari 082 566 1155 R1 295 000

WEB 7602

Slaapkamers 3 | Badkamers 2 | Motorhuise 2

WEB 7600

Moderne drievlakwoning ontwerp vir luukse leefstyl en onthaal. Alleenmandaat Janine 082 499 0222


Districtmail 2 Mei, 2013




Is your estate agent licensed? Sadly, for many years real estate agents were compared to secondhand car salesmen (no offence to car salesmen). There was a great deal of unethical behavior by real estate agents, and it wasn’t uncommon to hear stories of deposits going missing. One of the main reasons for our bad reputation was the low barrier to entry into the industry. Anyone could register as a candidate agent, and would automatically qualify as a fully licensed agent within a year – even without writing any exam or test of their knowledge and ability. The real estate industry has undergone a significant change in the last few years. Estate agents have had to re-qualify and complete stringent assessments of their abilities. All estate agents who were trading in 2008 will have to be completely re-qualified by the end of 2013 in order to keep their status as fully licensed estate agents. As a consumer you need to be absolutely sure that you only work with qualified agents and estate agencies that are licensed and have been issued a Fidelity Fund Certificate by the Estate Agency Affairs Board

tection. (EAAB). If you work The good news for with an unlicensed esconsumers is that now tate agent you expose licensed estate agents yourself to significant conduct themselves as risk. For example, if the professionals they the agency is not liare meant to be. If they censed and you pay a don’t, and if they illedeposit to them, you gally access monies are not covered by the held in trust, then the Fidelity Fund Insurconsumer has protecance from the EAAB. tion as explained When working with above. a licenced agency, How do you detershould they illegally Talking Property with Stemine if your estate misappropriate your ve Caradoc-Davies agent, or their compafunds, you are covered under the Fidelity Fund Insurance. ny, is licensed? Ask for a copy of their The same would apply to tenants. Fidelity Fund Certificate (FFC). This Whilst it is perfectly legal for a prop- certificate is a licence, which authorerty owner to rent out and manage izes the agent and the company to their property themselves, what hap- trade in a given calendar year. The pens to the tenants’ deposit? Does the FFC is issued annually, so check landlord invest it in a separate ac- whether the FFC is for the current count? Does the interest accrue to the year and not for a previous one. If you come across an unlicensed benefit of the tenant? Sadly, when renting a property pri- agent then please report them immeto the EAAB – vately, if the landlord misappropriat- diately ed the deposit, the tenant would have, or 0800 223 225. no recourse to the EAAB, and no cov- Work with a licensed estate agent and er from the Fidelity Fund Insurance. know you will be well cared for. – E-mail your real estate question to When they rent from a licensed estate agency they have the necessary pro-

Districtmail 2 Mei, 2013





2 Mei, 2013

Sellers cautioned not to self­sabotage South Africa’s residential property market is showing signs of improvement, as evidenced by increased enquiries from prospective buyers, improved show house attendance and stock shortages in a growing number of areas. That’s the word from Richard Gray, CEO of Harcourts Real Estate SA, following the release of FNB’s April 2013 House Price Index, which reports “mildly positive growth” during the first quarter of 2013, with the likelihood of further value gains in the second quarter. “As a group, we’re seeing a widespread uptick in terms of buyer interest. From being in the doldrums for the last few years, the market appears to be on the road to recovery, with house price growth in popular suburbs on track to exceed inflation in real terms for the first time since 2008,” he says. However, he warns, the positive spin-offs of an improving market are likely to be experienced by only 10% of today’s sellers. “During the first quarter of 2013, FNB released statistics showing that 89% of properties sold for an average of 10% less than their original listing price. Furthermore, the average length of time properties spent on the market before being sold or withdrawn was 17 weeks and two days, and while there is no hard and fast rule about how long a home should take to sell, four months is excessive by any real estate professional’s standards.” Given that the economy is stabilising and on the back of rising residential demand, Gray says the failure of such a large percentage of listings to achieve their asking prices or to sell within a reasonable time frame can only be ascribed to human error. “Feedback from our member offices as well as from

within the industry at large is that sellers home. It will also contain analytical inforare making some serious mistakes which mation such as market trends and house are chasing otherwise willing and able buy- price growth, highest, lowest and average selling prices as well as an evaluation of ers away.” At the top of the list of mistakes is incor- their property.” The section containing properties currect pricing, which Gray says is often accompanied by an instruction to the listing agent rently for sale is only important from one to put the property on the market at an inflat- perspective, he continues. “Sellers must not be tempted to emulate the pricing here, since ed price and “see what happens”. “Sadly, nothing good usually happens,” he these homes haven’t sold and it may well be says. “Active buyers are watching the inter- that their pricing is unrealistic. What is relevant is that these propernet and the papers for ‘Buyers are ties will be their compenew releases and are tition when their own quick to make contact extremely well home goes on the marwith the listing agent to educated about ket, and depending on set up appointments to what their home offers view when a new properproperty values so and the asking price, ty comes on to the marthe only person likely these listings could lure ket. The most traffic buyers away from them passes through a new to be fooled by over­ or chase buyers into listing within the first pricing is the seller...’ their arms.” two weeks, after which it The data contained in tapers off dramatically. “Harsh as it sounds, the value of a proper- the “sold” section, which comes from the ty is not determined by what the seller paid South African Registrar of Deeds or Deeds for it, how much they need for their next pur- Office, reflects recent sales in the area. It’s chase, or what they owe on the property. here, among the facts, that sellers are most Buyers are extremely well educated about likely to find a realistic, achievable selling property values so the only person likely to price, says Gray. Another common seller mistake is choosbe fooled by over-pricing is the seller who is living with unrealistic hopes and expecta- ing an estate agent on the basis of friendship or because they gave the highest valuation. tions.” In the interests of establishing an objec- “The best agent for the job is someone who tive and realistic selling price, Gray recom- is qualified, experienced in the intricacies mends the use of a report called a compara- of the sales process, who knows the area well tive market analysis (CMA). “When done by and who has a successful track record. Also a professional estate agent, the CMA will important is that the agent has access to a contain a wealth of important data pertinent wide marketing platform that includes the to the seller’s area, including properties cur- top online property sites and social media,” rently for sale, sold properties and with- he avers. “With more than 80% of South Afridrawn listings comparable with their own can buyers shopping for homes on the inter-

net today, it’s critical that homes are well presented online, with a host of quality interior and exterior photos. It’s going to cost about the same for a pro as a mediocre or even bad agent, so sellers need to stand firm on their right to work with the best in the industry.” Sellers who don’t grant easy viewing or show house access are also in for disappointment. “No matter how good an agent is, they won’t be able to sell a property home if it’s seldom available to view,” cautions Gray. “Selling is hugely inconvenient, not least of all because one needs to be show house ready and available for viewing appointments at the drop of a hat. Serious sellers accept this and if they can’t get away from work to open up, they will entrust keys to the agent, a family member or friend. “The same is true of show houses. No one likes them, but they’re often more effective in attracting qualified buyers than newspaper adverts. The bottom line is that the more accessible a property is to buyers, the sooner it is likely to sell and the better the price it’s likely to achieve.” Other self-limiting actions, according to Gray, include refusing to allow for sale boards outside the property, rejecting lowerthan-asking price offers outright instead of counter-signing them, not responding quickly to offers and thereby allowing buyers to go cold, and listing with multiple agents, thinking that this will result in maximum exposure for the property. “A sole mandate in the hands of a professional really is the best way to sell in this day and age – and the insertion of a performance rider in the contract will allow the seller to terminate the mandate should the agent fail to deliver on his commitment,” Gray advises.



Districtmail 2 Mei, 2013





2 Mei, 2013

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BIZWENI R 1.39 M web ref: 498515

SOMERSET WEST R9M web ref: 344164

AUDAS ESTATE R 1.15 M web ref: 380208

With only 9 units in this estate. Hear the gurgling sound of the river and the call of the Kingfisher. Set in the quiet part of Bizweni.

Gentleman’s Residence. This stately home is built on one level with gracious park-like garden being accessible from all living areas of the home. Lovely views to the Helderberg Mountain. Parquet Flooring in a large part of the home and Pool house with BBQ.

Security and spaciousness is what you get in this freehold Cluster home. Close to selective shops. selective shopping areas.

208 Main Road, Somerset West

021 852 3480

Lynne - 083 272 0528



Districtmail 2 Mei, 2013



Districtmail 2 Mei, 2013




Districtmail 2 Mei, 2013



Districtmail 2 Mei, 2013




Districtmail 2 Mei, 2013





2 Mei, 2013


R1 870 000



LIGGING, LIGGING, LIGGING! Kamers 3 Badkamers 2 M/Huis 1

[K] 021 886 7905 DROEKS 082 685 9189 Op Skou: Son 5 Mei 14h00 - 17h00


R4 300 000

UNIQUE AND SPECIAL Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 3 Garage 4

SOPHIA 082 824 6798


[O] 021 886 7905


R3 650 000

WEB 220245

Pragtige sonnige huis in populêre straat. Oopplan leef en onthaal areas met baie ekstras. [K] 021 886 7905

SOPHIA 082 824 6798

R1 340 000


DEEL MANDAAT RUIM DUPLEKS Kamers 2 Badkamers 2 M/Huis 1

R1 185 000



R1 595 000


LINDA 083 379 3769

R 380 000

MARILIZE 082 445 6297


R 469 000

VIR DIE BELEGGER WEB 276855 Kamers 2 Badkamers 1 M/Huis 1

Kom bou jou droomhuis in die sekuriteit landgoed. Plot en plan ook beskikbaar.

WEB 290936

Huis met hope moontlikhede! Boomryke erf en groot swembad. 3 Leefareas met ingeboude braai, Jetmaster kaggel en kroeg. Groot kuier patio met braai en kroeg. [K] 021 864 2948


LINDA 083 379 3769

ONTHALERSDROOM WEB 285876 Kamers 3 Badkamers 2 M/Huis 2

Moderne dupleks in gewilde sekuriteitskompleks. Twee leefareas met ingeboude braai. Lae heffing. [K] 021 864 2948

WEB 286117

Ruim huis op netjiese omheinde erf. Die huis het ‘n ruim leefarea met ‘n aparte braaikamer. Afdak langs motorhuis vir tweede voertuig.

MARILIZE 082 445 6297 [K] 021 864 2948



DROEKS 082 685 9189

ASEMROWENDE UITSIG WEB 280369 Kamers 3 Badkamers 2 M/Huis 1

‘n Huis vir onthaal, ingeboude braai, stofie en kroeg in onthaal leefarea, oopplan aan die kombuis. Baie ekstras - lugreëllaars, paneelverwarmers, ens.

[K] 021 872 2223

WEB 260372

Single level lock up and go with easy flow from living areas onto undercover patio with pool. Ideal for scaling down.


PRIMA LIGGING! Kamers 4 Badkamers 2 M/Huis 1

[K] 021 864 2948


MEDITTEREENSE FLAIR WEB 265063 Kamers 3 Badkamers 3 Parkering 4

Spacious home on multi levels enhancing the privacy of each family member. Within stone’s throw from schools and town.


R2 360 000

LIEBERHEIM! WEB 282663 Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 2 Garage 2

Pragtige woning op hoekerf in cul-de-sac teenaan park met uitstekende afwerking, onderdak braaistoep en baie pakplek. Welgevonden.

[O] 021 886 7905


WEB 290940

Nuwe ontwikkeling in Newton, 2 of 3 slaapkamer huise om van te kies. Eie afwerkings. Geen oordragkostes.

VICKY 074 158 8016 [K] 021 872 2223

BERENICE 072 423 1455

Stellenbosch - Jaco Spies 082 864 5015 Wellington - Andre Toerien 082 788 7746 & Mari Louw 083 626 8567 Welgevonden & Croydon - Ilse Wium 082 928 8139 Paarl - Vicky Bester 074 158 8016



Eikestadnuus 2 Mei, 2013



Eikestadnuus 2 Mei, 2013




Paarl Post 2 Mei, 2013



Paarl Post


2 Mei, 2013

Anemone, flowering with the wind The Anemone, known by many as the windflower (anemone is Greek for ‘daughter of the wind’), has a special form named after one of Ireland’s three patron saints, Saint Brigid of Kildare. Her story is one of miracles, and could be an indication of how the Anemone got to be named after the wind that spreads its breath across a land. Legend has it that Saint Brigid once asked the Irish King of Leinster for a plot of land on which to build a convent, insisting that the land on which they stood would be the most suitable, with a forest alongside for wood and an abundance of berries, and a nearby lake for drinking and irrigation water. When the king refused, the nun prayed that God would turn his heart and then asked the king to grant her as much land as her cloak would cover. Seeing the size of her tiny coat, the king humoured her and obliged. When Brigid asked her friends to spread the four corners of her cloak on the ground, the garment grew to cover masses of

Anemones land. The rest is history, and the convent established itself to be known for its berry jam made from the famous forest berries. Anemones are known to spread just as easily as Saint Brigid’s cloak, a sight to behold in Jordan and Israel where these colourful


flowers grow wild in their original habitat in the Middle East. There are about 120 species of this plant, so the colour options are numerous – from mauve and pink to white, red and yellow, with most flowers displaying a contrasting central colour. Hybrids of A. coro-

naria (Spanish marigold) bred with A. fulgens and A. pavonina are most common in South Africa, known here as florist’s anemones. These come in single and double forms, the single, poppy-like forms called de Caen (because of them first being grown in the French town of Caen), and the double or semi-double forms that were raised in Ireland named after the cloaked saint, and called St Brigid”. Now is the ideal time to plant these easy growers for constant colour in your borders and containers, with a gorgeous show through June. But you can also continue planting into May and June for spring blooms that could last up until late September. Be aware, though, that these spring flowers will grow shorter than the ones you’d be planting now, which should grow to a full height of 25 cm. When planting, ensure you have good drainage in rich, light, sandy loam, so add sand if necessary to achieve this. Find a spot that offers both full sun and some shade dur-

ing the hottest part of the day, and then plant your tubers 2 cm below the ground, about 2,5 cm apart from one another, with the pointed end facing downwards (when in doubt, plant it on its side). Water your plants regularly to ensure the soil never dries out. The best is to water deeply in the morning every four to five days. However, plants in containers will need more regular water. The trick is to find balance, as over-watering could lead to the tubers actually rotting, so if there’s a drainage saucer under your pot, empty this out after watering, so that the plant doesn’t have access to the unnecessary excess water. For the best results with cut flowers, which can last up to nine days in a vase, pick your blooms early in the morning when it’s still a little cold and the flowers are still closed, then immerse them in room-temperature water to open, away from direct sunlight. In this way, you too, could spread Anemones all around your home – just like the wind. – Riaan Swanepoel, Hadeco Bulbs


Paarl Post


2 Mei, 2013


Workshop on disciplinary action in the workplace The Cape Chamber of Business and Industry will hold a workshop on disciplinary action in the workplace on Wednesday 08 May from 09:00–12:00 at Cape Chamber House, Foreshore, Cape Town. Many business owners still believe that they have the right to dismiss an employee at will, while others are wary of dismissing at all. South Africa has specific laws govern-

ing the rights of workers, and there are stipulated processes that must be followed ensuring fair outcomes for all parties. Knowing the correct procedure means one need not fear dismissing an employee who has committed gross misconduct. If proper disciplinary procedures are followed, and good sound reasons for the dismissal of an employee are provided, then the business owner can proceed with impunity. This sem-

inar is a “how to guide” for dealing with disciplinary action and aims to empower you, the business owner or manager, to deal with disciplinary matters efficiently and effectively. The speakers are Michael Bagraim of Bagraims Attorneys, practising managing partner of Bagraims Attorneys (Labour Lawyers) and Timothy Germond of HWD Attorneys, who has specialised and practised

as an industrial relations consultant to various companies as well as holding the title of national industrial relations manager for the CSC Group. The cost is R200 for members; R370,50 for non-members. To book or for more information, call the event organiser Lucia Frans on 021 402 4342 or e-mail Payment instruction will be provided on acceptance.


Limited Edition for Nissan’s Qashqai QUICKPIC


issan has announced the introduction of four new models to its Qashqai range in South Africa boasting special features and a limited production run. The new Nissan Qashqai Limited Edition models will join the existing Qashqai range this month and are set to continue its success story as Nissan’s best-selling passenger vehicle in South Africa. Not only proving immensely popular in South Africa, where it has racked up over 16 000 sales since it was introduced in 2007, the Nissan Qashqai crossover has proved a revolutionary success all over the world. Proof of its popularity lies in the fact that more that 1,8 million units have been sold globally since Qashqai was first launched, a figure which continues to grow since this epic milestone was reached. Created as a compact crossover between a hatchback and an SUV, the Qashqai is the embodiment of Nissan’s innovative thinking and ability to give customers exactly what they want – leading the market where other manufacturers have had to play catch-up or be left behind. The Qashqai is an innovative, trendy and exciting crossover with a wide mix of engines, transmissions and even seating specifications; a car for everyone and everything. With a bold take on evolutionary design, efficient urban packaging and brand new spe-

cial features, the new Limited Edition Qashqai models are more than ready to continue Nissan’s dominance in the crossover market when they arrive in late April 2013. Encompassing four new variants based on existing Nissan Qashqai models, the new Limited Edition models bring even more style, pizzazz and expression to the range. The new derivatives include The new Limited Edition models build on the strengths of the current the new Qashqai 1.6 Qashqai range, adding trendy and premium enhancements to the alAcenta Limited Edi- ready popular styling and specifications, catering for discerning indition, 1.5 dCi Acenta viduals who will not compromise on style. PHOTO: QUICKPIC Limited Edition, 1.5 dCi Acenta Limited Edition with glass roof rails, matching gloss black mirror caps, privaand the new Qashqai 2.0 Acenta Limited Edi- cy glass and, on the two top models, a luxurious panoramic glass roof. Interior changes intion with glass roof. The new Limited Edition models build on clude cloth and leather combination seats the strengths of the current Qashqai range, with accented white stitching, matching door adding trendy and premium enhancements to and gear lever surround trim with white the already popular styling and specifica- stitching and a gloss black finish for the door tions, catering for discerning individuals who handles and gear lever surround. Pearl White metallic paintwork is also will not compromise on style. Exterior changes on new Qashqai Limited available on the new Qashqai Limited Edition Edition models include unique 18-inch dia- models, adding further class and style to the mond-cut black alloy wheels, gloss black roof range.

These Limited Edition changes to Qashqai not only create a sense of individuality for new buyers, but offer exceptional added value as well – extras to the value of over R10 000 only effect a minimal price differential of R4 000 to the 1.6 Acenta and 1.5 dCi Limited Edition models compared to their existing siblings. The two new range-topping Qashqai Limited Edition variants which feature the glass roof reflect a comparable price increase of R8 000 while featuring extra enhancements to the value of almost R20 000. Manager of product marketing for Crossover Vehicles at Nissan South Africa, Nancy Reddy says the new Qashqai Limited Edition models are sure to create a stir in the segment and add extra strength to the already dominating Qashqai name. “The Qashqai is undoubtedly a jewel in Nissan’s crown, having sold in extraordinary numbers the world over and becoming the benchmark for crossover vehicles since its bold inception. The new Limited Edition models will bring even more choice to the market, further bolstering the Nissan Qashqai as the perfect family crossover vehicle.” The new Qashqai Limited Edition models are set for a limited production run of twelve months and are priced as incredible valueadded packages versus their current-model siblings, offering all the benefits and added luxuries of a high-quality, premium crossover at compact hatchback and sedan price levels.

DEMO DAY: Harley Davidson Tygervalley will be hosting a demo day at Fairview on Sunday 5 May from 09:00–14:00. Free demo rides will be on offer for people over 21 (with a valid big motorcycle licence). Helmets will also be supplied at the event. To secure your demo ride, booking is essential. Contact Charl on 021 914 8888.



Donderdag 2 Mei, 2013


Honda CR­V 2.0 Comfort: the refined baby HANJO STIER Now in its fourth generation, Honda’s CR-V has been considerably fettled with to make it markedly better than the model it replaces. Furthermore, affordability was addressed by introducing an entry-level model around the R300 000 mark. This Honda CR-V 2.0 Comfort recently reported for testing duties and immediately sparked confusion. Its refinement, performance and creature comforts had us wondering if we’d been sent the correct vehicle, but after some research it turned out to be the baby CR-V. Great news for potential owners is that we couldn’t spot the difference from the outside – identifying this two-wheel-drive model would require crawling on the floor to examine its underside. There’s no giveaway on the inside either as CR-Vs don’t have 4x4 buttons or levers. Its swish exterior is identical to the other models and the 2.0 Comfort rolls on the same 17- The cheapest CR-V exhibited impressive grip levels and vicious brakes around a twisty road. inch alloys as its two next biggest brothers. The free-wheeling rear axle even and Honda hasn’t skimped on vital equip- pap at low revs and just loves to be red-lined. Its brochure will give you figures like 0saves you 89 to 308 kg over more expensive ment. Airbags, climate control, Bluetooth, multi-function steering wheel, clever rear 100 km/h in 10 seconds, 190 km/h top speed, and complicated CR-Vs. The biggest differences and obvious savings seats, great build quality and a quietly com- 172 g CO2/km and 7,2F/100 km average fuel consumption. Most of those figures seem conon this model are leather seats, glove box posed ride, it’s all here. The next thing that had us doubting was the servative; our average fuel consumption was light, vanity mirror lights, parking sensors, child mirror, automatic wipers and automat- lively 2-litre engine. Producing 114 kW between 8,5 and 9F/100 km from the 58F tank. You won’t get the greatest range around ic headlights. Many of these also apply to its (155 hp) or 192 Nm, the CR-V never left us 4x4 sibling, which costs roughly R40 000 more. wanting and even added some fun to the driv- town but long-distance should improve time In our opinion, this CR-V doesn’t feel cheap ing experience. Being a Honda it can be a little between refuelling. 170 mm ground clear-

ance, 589 to 1 146F cargo capacity, a very compliant ride, light pedals and steering also enhance any soft adventures and countryside excursions. We even threw the cheapest CR-V around a twisty road where it exhibited impressive grip levels and vicious ABS/EBD/EBA brakes. Other noteworthy helpers are vehicle, trailer and hill start assistants, tyre deflation warning and a whole horde of airbags. Growing families will adore the practical CR-V as it provides ample of room and contortionist rear seats with one-motion fold function in the boot. The two rear doors open to almost 90 degrees for Granny, DIY trips or a parent with offspring draped over each shoulder. The CR-V’s dashboard houses a central infotainment screen which displays a bit of trip info, as well as the efforts of the sound system. This can reproduce sounds from radio, CD, mp3, wma, Aux socket, USB and/or Bluetooth devices through four quality speakers and two tweeters. Other impressive items were the layered instruments with large, finely-marked speedometer. Its floating needle whooshes around a simple but comprehensive trip computer, the eco mood lighting is a laugh and the gear change suggestions are irritating and usually wrong. So the Honda CR-V 2.0 Comfort FWD isn’t perfect, but besides its mediocre range it got a lot of praise – especially the price of R306 800, which seems very competitive considering the quality, guts and refinement of this car. A 3-year/100 000 km warranty and 5year/90 000 km service plan are included.

Fiat recently sold their one-millionth 500 model. Here is a example of their sporty and quick Fiat 500 Abarth.

Millionth Fiat 500 off the production line The millionth Fiat 500 produced in Poland has rolled off the Fiat Auto Poland production lines at the Tychy factory last week. This iconic model, launched in 2007, is marketed in 83 countries worldwide – from Italy to Brazil, South Africa to Poland and the United States to Japan. In addition to the production facility in Poland, the Fiat 500 has also been produced at Toluca, Mexico since 2011, thus bringing total production to 1 100 000 units. Destined for the Italian market, the recordbreaking one-millionth example is a powerful Abarth 500 1.4l which, like all those produced so far, represents an ‘almost unique’ piece: thanks to the thousands of possible combinations of colours, trims, engines, fuel systems and equipment. Vehicle number “999,999” Fiat 500 produced by the Polish factory is a 95 HP S version 1.3l MultiJet, in red, for an Italian customer, while number “1,000 001” is a light blue Fiat 500C, Lounge trim level, equipped with the 69 HP 1.2l, destined for a German customer. Tychy’s prestigious milestone, achieved in just 5 years and 9 months from launch, marks another page in the story of Fiat 500, an allItalian icon that has won over the public and the international critics, as demonstrated by the more than 40 international awards to

date, including the prestigious “Car of The Year 2008”, and more than 325 000 fans on the official Facebook Fan Page. This extraordinary collection of awards is enhanced by the countless records broken by the Fiat 500 in its segment, including: the first city car to offer 7 airbags as standard, the first to achieve “5 EuroNCAP stars”, the first to make advanced ESP available on the entire range and the first Fiat Group vehicle to début the fuel efficient TwinAir two-cylinder engines. A genuine expression of Italian style and personality, the 500 currently offers South African buyers two body styles; Coupe and Cabriolet featuring the Pop and Lounge trim levels, and a choice of 1.2l or 1.4l engine versions teamed with a manual transmission as standard, or Fiat’s optional robotised sequential gearbox. Additionally, the Abarth range, based on the Fiat 500 and 500C, is also available for customers wanting more performance. Locally the Fiat 500 and Abarth range has sold more than 1 600 vehicles since its introduction in South Africa in 2008. The Fiat 500 range starts at R152 490 and is available from 36 Fiat dealerships countrywide and, as with all Fiat Group products, comes standard with a 3 year/100 000 km full maintenance plan and warranty for peace-of-mind driving.



Donderdag 2 Mei, 2013

A3 Sportback: the sophisticated choice HANJO STIER Good news. If you’re in the market for a premium hatchback, your extremely tasty choices have just been supplemented with a rejuvenated version of an old favourite – the Audi A3 Sportback. Ingolstadt’s regular 3-door A3 arrived late last year, the Sportback 5-door version took a little longer to gestate. It was about time. BMW’s crisp new 1-Series did what it could before Merc’s hotly anticipated A-Class pitched up and recent A3 sales reflect that. Developed on the VW Group’s accomplished MQB platform of Golf 7 fame, the cool Bavarian and fashionable Benz may now have a fight on their hands. Visually, an A3 will be the sensible, sober, sophisticated choice. Its clean lines and mean lights have an air of elegant simplicity about them; which would also apply to the interior. The updated MMI interface is based on Audi’s MIB (Modularer Infotainment Baukasten) platform which transcends models more easily. The Sportback has a 35mm longer wheelbase to accommodate those rear doors and extra space at the back. Boot space increases by 30L and the rear overhang is also a bit larger. Through the use of aluminium and other weight-saving materials, the new Sportback sheds an average of about 80 kg over preceding models. What else can I tell you about the new A3 Sportback? Hmm, let’s see. Imagine sounds of rustling paper if you will. Oh yes, just like the 3-door A3, it is available in S, SE or Quattro trim with escalating specifications. Engines are also identical with 1.2, 1.4 and 1.8 turbopetrol as well as a 1.6 turbo-diesel. The 1.6 TDi produces 77 kW (105 hp) or 250 Nm, achieving 0-100 km/h in 10,9 seconds and a top speed of 195 km/h. Average CO² out-

put is just 99 g/km and fuel consumption 3.8 L/100 km. The 1.4 TFSi musters up 90 kW (122 hp) and 200Nm, 0–100 in 9,5 seconds, 203 km/h, 123g CO²/km and 5.3 L/100 km. Its bigger 1.8 TFSi brother promises 132 kW (180 hp) or 250 Nm, 100 km/h in 7,3 seconds, 232 km/ h, 130g CO²/km and 5,6 L/100 km. All petrol models are available with a 6-speed manual gearbox, the diesel and 1.8 Quattro only with a 7speed S-Tronic automatic gearbox which is an option for all but the 1.2 TFSi model. It gets even more confusing as some trims are not available with certain engines and a few A3 Sportbacks will only The diesel is obviously be available later in 1.4 TFSi. the year. I suggest you visit your nearest dealer to place an order. What I can tell you from first-hand experience is that the A3 SB is every bit as sublime to drive as you’d expect. We sampled almost every model on the launch and the Audi hatchback didn’t put a foot wrong. Build quality is superb, the ride is exemplary and the driving experiences were impressive. The diesel is obviously less sporty than its edgy 1.8 Quattro sibling, but I had the most

less sporty than its edgy 1.8 Quattro sibling but I had the most fun in the ordinary, manual fun in the ordinary, manual 1.4 TFSi. Standard features on all models include power steering, remote central locking, aircon, MMI interface with retractable LCD screen, adjustable multi-function steering wheel, auto lights and wipers, extensive trip computer and Bluetooth. Posher versions get leather, more bling, sporty accoutrements and bigger wheels. Options include full LED headlights, a more compact version of the superb Bang & Olufsen

sound system available in bigger Audis, MMI satnav and infotainment upgrades, radarguided cruise control with collision detection and mitigation as well as an automatic parking system. Prices range from R283 000 (1.2 TFSi) to R370 000 (1.8 TFSi Quattro S-Tronic) and Audi’s 5-year/100 000 km Freeway Plan is included. The 206 kW S3 Sportback is expected to arrive in South Africa in August 2013.

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