Boland Sold 20130912

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Awards for Leapfrog Gordon’s Bay this year included top national country office of the year based on unit sales as well as on highest sales value. Here from the left are Jan le Roux (CEO of Leapfrog), Jeanette Wearing, Kevin Wearing and Doreen Morris.

Here are (from left) Lee Clarke, Sanet Cross, Jeanette Wearing, Kevin Wearing and Rupert Gous with the many awards they received.


Leapfrog Gordon’s Bay does it again At the Annual National Convention of the Leapfrog Property Group held at the magnificent Table Bay Hotel at the V&A Waterfront in Cape Town from the 21-23 August, Leapfrog Gordon’s Bay walked away with no fewer than 12 awards. A total of 140 delegates, including agents, franchisees and administrators from all over the country were treated at this world class venue for three days to top guest speakers, including the world renowned economist Clem Sunter on the topic South Africa and the World– where to? Motivational speaker, Hein Wagner, current holder of the fastest land speed record and first blind person to complete the Cape Epic Mountain Bike Race, inspired the delegates with his talk Anything is

Possible. At the spectacular Gala Awards Evening – which recognises the top agents and franchisees across the country, Kura Chihotam wellknown professional conference speaker and regular presenter on the home channel on DStv 182, as well as the CEO of Ascendant Property Fund and Executive Director of the Leapfrog Property Group – acted as the master of ceremonies for the National Leapfrog 2013 Awards Ceremony. The Gordon’s Bay office’s twelve awards included the award for the “Top Country Franchise of the Year” for the fifth consecutive year. Incidentally, this was the best performance ever achieved by this office since its inauguration in 2008. “The Gordon’s Bay franchise has excelled once again and continues to produce outstanding results.

This is an excellent achievement for a franchise operating in a small coastal town and a testimony to the dedication and professionalism of the Gordon’s Bay office,” said Bruce Swain, managing director of Leapfrog Property Group. “This office is passionate about Gordon’s Bay and promotes it continuously as a popular destination, which is beneficial to its entire community. In April, Leapfrog Gordon’s Bay was the main sponsor for the third consecutive year of the annual 21 km Leapfrog Western Province Championships Road Race, which is now scheduled in future as an annual event on the WPA road racing calendar. This is also one of the many reasons why Leapfrog is becoming a household name and maintains a dominant market share in Gordon’s Bay,” Swain said.

What is noteworthy is that almost all of this office’s agents received awards, including Lee Clarke, Rupert Gous, Jeanette Wearing and Kevin Wearing, who all won Business Class awards. Sanet Cross received a Club Class award in her first year as an agent as well as “Top Country Agent with the Highest Unit Sales”. Kevin Wearing also achieved the highest honour as the “Top Country Agent with the Highest Sales Value Nationally”, while Jeanette Wearing won the national prize for the agent earning the highest commission percentage. The Leapfrog Gordon’s Bay office was also named the “Top National Country Office based on Unit Sales” as well as the “Top National Country Office based on Highest Sales Value” for the year. Lee Clarke was crowned as the

“Leapfrogger” of the year nationally for the agent who moved to the Leapfrog Property Group from another agency over the past twelve months, and who epitomizes the Leapfrog values of passion, energy, commitment and fun. “Once again this has been a phenomenal year and irrespective of the tough economic climate, Leapfrog Gordon’s Bay is excelling year by year. We are extremely blessed for achieving these awards, including our new agents who recently joined our office and who are already contributing towards our ongoing success, together with our admin staff, due to their hard work, passion and dedication,” said Kevin Wearing, Principal of Leapfrog Gordon’s Bay, who was also elected to the Advisory Board of the Leapfrog Property Group at the convention.




12 September, 2013

Ontwikkelings reg vir eerste kopers

Sandersonia, known as Chinese lantern, is a one-species, indigenous plant. first identified in KwaZulu-Natal.

Sandersonia – the ants’ lantern You know those magical paper lanterns with candles illuminating them that people let loose into the sky at weddings? It’s a mesmerising procession to watch – all those orangey-yellow-hued lantern shapes floating overhead. It’s a similar view to what ants get to enjoy when looking up at the orange lantern-shaped blooms of Sandersonia, aptly known by its common name, Chinese lantern. Except that these flowers don’t disappear into thin air – they actually stay flowering for over a fortnight. Dangling on dainty stems, they’re a magnificent sight to behold. Unfortunately the rarity of this indigenous plant means that not too many ants (and humans) get to enjoy them in the wild, particularly due to agricultural expansion and indiscriminate picking in their original natural habitats of grassland and forest margins in the Eastern Cape, Swaziland and southern Mpumalanga. However, lucky hikers can still find this endangered species growing on the slopes of the Drakensberg Mountains, and home gardeners have the advantage of being able to plant them from seed or corm. The fact that there’s only one species of Sandersonia in existence

(Sandersonia aurantiaca) makes it even more unique. First identified on Field’s Hill near Durban and Swartkops Hill near Pietermaritzburg by a Scottish journalist and amateur botanist, John Sanderson, in 1852, this plant was subsequently named after this honorary secretary of the KwaZulu-Natal Horticultural Society. Also known as Christmas bells, Sandersonia’s come into bloom over the festive season, from December all the way through to March. Bulbs should be planted between August and October, in well-draining, well-aerated, slightly acidic soil – combine fine, sifted compost, river sand and vermiculite for ultimate results. Plant the corm 5 cm below the ground, with each one spaced 10 cm away from the next (it has two swollen, jointed lobes and should be planted horizontally). Water immediately after planting, and then don’t water the soil again until the first leaf shoots appear, after which you should water well once a week. Sandersonia is not suited to overwatering as the bulbs are prone to fungal attacks when this occurs, so take care during dormancy too, allowing the bulbs to dry out completely in the winter months. When

handling these corms, do so gently as they are rather brittle. This is also the perfect plant for pots, provided you insert a stake in the centre of the container that allows you to tie growing stems to it for support. To ensure adequate water drainage, place about 2 cm of stones or bark chips at the bottom of a deep pot with a 25 cm diameter. Choose a spot that receives good sunlight in the morning, with semishade in the afternoon, and where there is not much wind. The flowers will grow within two months of the first shoots emerging, and will bloom amid lance-shaped leaves that are arranged alternatively along the narrow stem. These can be cut for vases when the bottom three or four lanternblooms are in full colour (the stillmaturing upper flowers will continue to develop and colour up during their time in the vase). Due to its flowers lasting up to two weeks in a vase, Sandersonia is a popular species in ikebana, the spiritually based, minimal Japanese floral art form that emphasises a plant’s shape, line and form. Now imagine being an ant in Japan… – Rian Swanepoel, Hadeco Bulbs

opeenvolgende kwartale gestyg het.” Everitt skryf in die nuusbrief, Property Signposts, dat dit ook ooreenstem met die groep se ervaring regdeur die land “aangesien die meeste van ons kantore regoor Suid-Afrika nou berig dat nuwe ontwikkeling in hul gebiede, sowel as talle projekte wat tydens die resessie in 2009 op die lange baan geskuif is, nou hervat word”. Die heel beste nuus, sê hy, is egter dat die meeste van die ontwikkelings eenhede gaan lewer teen bekostigbare pryse vir jong kopers - en ander kopers wat dit voorheen nie kon bekostig om ’n huis ‘Die heel beste nuus, sê hy, is van hul eie te nie. egter dat die meeste van die koop “Die feit dat ontwikkelings eenhede gaan meer kopers nou in staat gelewer teen bekostigbare stel gaan word pryse vir jong kopers.’ om die mark betree gaan die “Absa meld egter in die jong- mark beslis in die toekoms stut ste behuisingsoorsig dat behui- en eenhede in dié nuwe ontwiksingsontwikkeling aansienlik kelings sal selfs meer toeganktoeneem. In die eerste vyf maan- lik wees vir eerste kopers omdat de van vanjaar het die aantal geen oordragkoste van toepasbouplanne wat goedgekeur is sing is nie. “Boonop is ontwikkelaars jaar-tot-jaar met 11,3% tot 21 583 eenhede gestyg, terwyl kon- dikwels bereid om verbandregistruksie van nuwe behuising strasie- en regskoste namens jaar-tot-jaar met 8,6% tot 17 878 kopers in hul projekte te betaal, en banke is eweneens dikwels nuwe eenhede toegeneem het. “Dit is in ooreenstemming bereid om verbande van 100% met sterker vertroue in die bou- toe te staan vir die koop van huibedryf die afgelope paar maan- se in ontwikkelings wat deur de, soos weerspieël in die verto- hulle goedgekeur is. Kortom, ning van die FNB/BER-indeks. dis ’n gulde geleentheid wat Die syfer het in die tweede kwar- voornemende huiskopers nie taal van 2013 met vier punte tot deur hul vingers moet laat glip 41 gestyg – die hoogste vlak se- nie, veral gesien in die lig van dert 2008 en die eerste keer se- die feit dat rentekoerse steeds dert 2005 dat die indeks in drie op die laagste vlak in 40 jaar is.” Een teken dat die eiendomsmark se vooruitsigte verbeter het, is die nuwe behuisingsontwikkelings wat ter waarde van miljarde regoor die land aangepak word. Dit is die mening van Berry Everitt, besturende direkteur van die Chas Everitt International-eiendomsgroep, wat daarop wys dat ontwikkelaars – en by uitstek ontwikkelaars in die behuisingsektor – uiteraard baie omsigtig en konserwatief is en huiwer om grond te bekom, nuwe projekte te beplan of om te begin bou tensy hulle oortuig is van ’n gunstige reaksie en vinnige verkope.




12 September, 2013




12 September, 2013





12 September, 2013




12 September, 2013





12 September, 2013





12 September, 2013

Avoid emotion when negotiating a sale Selling a property is said to be one of the most stressful experiences in your life, along with divorce and death. Scary, isn’t it? It’s commonly held that the upheaval of moving from your “nest” – the space you and your family call home, with all the memories and the history – has a significant emotional impact on all concerned. In many cases selling your home may also mean a change in lifestyle – scaling down, retiring, moving on without the kids, separating from a partner, or selling due to financial pressures. Making the decision to sell can be a hard one and yes, there is significant emotion involved. In the majority of cases a seller’s emotional price expectation exceeds the market value of their property. In other words, what a seller believes their property to be worth is usually more than the value a buyer will place on the property. Bridging the gap between the emotional “wish price” of a seller and the reality of market value is the job of a professional estate agent. An agent will do thorough market research to present to a seller the facts on recent comparable sales – and this will give a factual, unemotional basis for determining market value.

It’s not that buyers don’t have empathy for a seller moving on – it’s that they aren’t prepared to attach a financial value to it. A buyer will only pay what they believe a property is worth – no more. They may

Talking Property by Steve Caradoc-Davies, principal of Harcourts Platinum start lower, but if they are competing against other buyers they will be prepared to pay maximum market value. So, as a seller, when you receive

an offer for your property that is less than you want, try not to take offence at the offer. Buyers are not being personal – this is business. Challenging as it may be, remove the emotion from the equation. The buyer just won’t pay for the emotional value the property has to you. You’re on the market in competition, not in isolation – and you will need to compete on value. When you receive an offer it is wise to consider how closely the offer comes to the factual market value range your agent would have provided for you. And I mean factual. No thumb suck. Not a value that an agent just pulls out of the sky. I’m talking about a comparison based on recent sales information. Your property is far too valuable an asset for anyone to be guessing at values. As a seller you then have three options: Accept the offer and your property is sold; reject the offer and the buyer moves on; or make a counter-offer back to the purchaser. Keep a clear head. Weigh up the facts, and proceed with whichever option makes sense to you based on real market information. Be happy to settle for a sale at market value, because that’s the most a buyer will pay. E-mail your real estate questions to




12 September, 2013



Eikestadnuus 12 September, 2013




Eikestadnuus 12 September, 2013



Eikestadnuus 12 September, 2013




Paarl Post

12 September, 2013



Eikestadnuus / Paarl Post 12 September, 2013





Paarl Post

12 September, 2013



Paarl Post

12 September, 2013



Pajero bied meer teen dieselfde prys


Met die jongste verfrissing van sy 4x4 Pajero Sport sit Mitsubishi Motors SA sy strategie van die aanbieding van uitstekende waarde vir geld in sy voertuigreeks voort. Die grootste verandering in die nuwe Pajero Sport is die ingebruikneming van ’n 2,5 F deelpypturbo-dieselenjin, ’n volgende geslageenheid wat die vorige 3,2 F-kragbron vervang. Die nuwegeslag-enjin spog met beter brandstofverbruik en laer emissies, maar die groot bonus is dat kraglewering en maksimum-wringkrag albei aansienlik verbeter. Die Pajero Sport was reeds bekend vir sy uitstekende verrigting by lae enjintoere, maar die nuwe enjin stoot krag op van 120 kW by 3 500 r/min tot 131 kW by 4 000 r/min, terwyl die maksimum-wringkrag opskiet van 343 Nm by 2 000r/min tot 400 Nm by dieselfde enjintoere in die handratmodel. In die modelle met die outomatiese vyfgangratkas is die maksimum-wringkrag 350 Nm by 1 800 r/ min. Teen 400 Nm lewer die Pajero Sport ongeveer 20% meer wringkrag as die segment-leier. Die hoëverrigtingsenjin (HP-enjin) in die nuwe model verskil in verskeie opsigte van die vorige 3,2 F-weergawe in terme van enjinkomponente, ’n wisselgeometrieturboaanjaer en diesel-inspuiters. ’n Groot aantal bykomende eienskappe is ook by die standaardspesifikasie gevoeg. Die goeie nuus is egter dat die pryse van hierdie modelle – handrat en outomaties – onveranderd bly, wat uiters ongewoon is by die bekendstelling van ’n nuwe model in Suid-Afrika. Die pryse is steeds R435 900 en R445 900 onderskeidelik, wat beteken dat die Pajero Sport se pryse nie net besonder mededigend is nie,

Die nuwe Pajero Sport spog ook met aansienlik verbeterde ry-verfyning en die rit is buitengewoon stil en gerieflik vir ’n sportnutsvoertuig (SNV) van hierdie grootte. FOTO: QUICKPIC maar ook dat hulle uitstekend toegerus is in terme van standaardtoerusting. Die outomatiese 4x4-model is trouens die prysleier in sy segment. Uit die aard van die saak spog die nuwe Pajero Sport steeds met sy Japanse erfenis, betroubaarheid en Mitsubishi se befaamde veldvermoë. “Die feit dat ons in staat was om so ’n gunstige prys te beding terwyl ons ons aanbieding aansienlik kon verbeter, maak die Mitsubishi Pajero Sport ’n baie aantreklike proposisie vir kopers wat soek na ’n groot, hoëspesifikasie-SNV,” sê Jaco Oosthuizen, Uitvoerende Hoof van Mitsubishi Motors SA. Volgrootte-SNV’s het baie kajuitruimte en die Pajero Sport, met sewe sitplekke en 1 149 F se pakplek met die derde sitplekry platgeslaan, is geen uitsondering nie. Die nuwe Pajero Sport spog ook

met aansienlik verbeterde ryverfyning en die rit is buitengewoon stil en gerieflik vir ’n SNV van hierdie grootte. Grondvryhoogte is ewe indrukwekkend en die Pajero Sport is toegerus met ’n 4x4-stelsel met laagstrek. Die ratkaste is albei vyfgangeenhede. Die outomatiese ratkas is splinternuut, met ratwisselspane as die bestuurder die ratte met die hand wil verwissel. Die befaamde Super Select-4x4-stelsel word gebruik om die 4x4-stelsel te beheer. Die stelsel bied vier verskillende bestuursmodusse – 2H, 4H, 4HLc en 4LLc – vir gebruik op feitlik enige soort oppervlak, en as die terrein werklik veeleisend raak, kan die bestuurder altyd die agterste ewenaarslot koppel. Danksy die Super Select-4x4-stelsel kan die bestuurder ook by snelhede van tot 80 km/h van tweewiel- tot vierwieldryf in die

ry skakel. Wat voorkoms betref, lyk die nuweling ietwat anders as sy voorganger. Daar is byvoorbeeld die opvallende nuwe sierrooster en voorbuffer, die beslag van die agterste nommerplaat en die kleurgepaste deurhandvatsels en kantspieëls. Laasgenoemde kan elektries teruggevou word en huisves nou ook herhaalklikliggies. Die agterligsamestelle is herontwerp en die nuwe Pajero Sport-modelle kry ook 17 duimallooiwiele met ’n aggressiewer ontwerp. Bykomende eienskappe sluit in hoë-intensiteitontlading-kopligte met ’n skemeraanvoel-funksie pleks van die vorige halogeen-eenhede vir beter nagsig. Die ligte word outomaties aangeskakel wanneer dit skemer word. Die ruitveërs is reëngevoelig. Misligte en kopligwassers is ook

deel van die standaardspesifikasie. Die truspieël het ’n elektrochromatiese funksie wat blikkering outomaties voorkom, terwyl die agterste parkeerhulpstelsel nou, afgesien van die standaard-parkeerafstandbeheer, ook ’n tru-kamera insluit. Donker getinte glas word gebruik vir die kantvensters agter. Die Pajero Sport se kajuit is pure weelde. Die sitplekke is oorgetrek met swart leer. Die stuurwiel, ook met leer oorgetrek, huisves veelfunksie-skakelaars, insluitende dié vir snelheidsbeheer, Bluetooth en die klankstelsel. Die instrumentpaneel en sommige van die ander beslag-areas het ’n moderne, koolstofvesel-voorkoms. Die bagasieruim word netjies afgewerk met ’n dekstuk van viniel. Die klankstelsel met ses luidsprekers het nou ’n USB-sok en die stemgeaktiveerde Mitsubishi-Link-stelsel integreer Bluetooth met skakelaars op die stuurwiel vir die handvrye-telefoonstelsel. Die stemgeaktiveerde Mitsubishi-Link-stelsel stel die bestuurder in staat om die foonfunksies in die ry te bedryf en dit het ook ’n intuïtiewe kiesluistelsel en stemopleiding. Belangrike bykomende veiligheidseienskappe in die nuwe modelle is aktiewe stabiliteits- en wieltolbeheer, terwyl Mitsubishi se aandrang op hoë vlakke van aktiewe en passiewe veiligheid beteken dat die nuwe Pajero Sport toegerus is met ses lugsakke, ABS-remme met elektroniese remkrag-verspreiding, sowel as Mitsubishi se bewese RISEveiligheidsel-bakstruktuur. Die nuwe Pajero Sport-modelle is verkrygbaar in ’n keuse van vyf kleure: Eison Grey Mica, Cool Silver Metallic, Quartz Bronze Metallic, Medium Red en White Pearl. Die Pajero Sport word gedek deur ’n waarborg van drie jaar/100 000 km en ’n diensplan van vyf jaar/90 000 km.

18 New Yaris Hybrid-R set to take on the track Donderdag

12 September, 2013

QUICKPIC A few days ago Toyota tickled our performance palettes with a few teaser shots of the forthcoming Yaris Hybrid-R Concept which will make its world premiere at next week’s Frankfurt Motor Show. Now, for the first time this super-hot hatch is shown in all its ‘green’ glory. Just to recap, here are some of the Yaris Hybrid-R Concept’s more salient performance features (please note Toyota has adjusted some of the output figures from the earlier release). The car’s hybrid powertrain combines a highly tuned 1.6-F four-cylinder turbo engine and two powerful electric motors to provide total output of 313 kW. The direct-injection turbo powerplant, which has been adapted to racing conditions, provides 224 kW (300 hp) of power and 420 Nm of torque to drive the front wheels. It was specifically developed by Toyota Motorsport GmbH according to FIA rules for a global race engine to be used in different motorsport disciplines, such as the World Rally Championship and the World Touring Car Championship. At the rear of the Yaris Hybrid-R, each wheel is powered by a 45 kW (60 hp) electric motor, providing an “intelligent” electric four-wheel drive capability. The motors generate electricity during braking and supplement the petrol engine during acceleration. As with Toyota’s TS030 hybrid Le Mans race car, the energy recovered from braking is

stored in a super capacitor. Its high power density and fast charge/discharge speed are perfectly suited to the requirements of sporty driving on a track, which requires brief and immediate bursts of power. The Yaris Hybrid-R driver can push a button on the steering wheel to select “road” mode for day-to-day driving or “track” mode for competition. “Track” mode makes full use of available performance, with the rear electric motors able to reach a combined maximum power peak of 90 kW (120 hp) for up to five seconds. A third 45 kW electric motor, located between the engine and the six-gear sequential transmission, can operate as an advanced traction-control system. At low speeds, or in a curve, when the engine power and torque exceed the grip potential of the front wheels, the motor can convert torque from the petrol engine into electric energy and direct it to the rear wheels. The twin rear electric motors can also enhance handling characteristics during cornering by altering the distribution of torque between the left and right rear wheels, achieving the same effect as an intelligent torquevectoring differential. Depending on the radius of the curve, the system can send more torque to the outside rear wheel, apply more braking force to the inside wheel or even brake and accelerate each wheel independently to promote a better driving line and to limit understeer. Depending on the state of charge of the battery, the Yaris Hybrid-R can be operated in full electric mode for short distances, especially during parking operations.

The Yaris Hybrid-R driver can push a button on the steering wheel to select “road” mode for day-to-day driving or “track” mode for competition.


To say that the Yaris Hybrid-R looks different from its bread-andbutter siblings is an understatement. This radical concept adopts newly designed headlights, a wider front grille and black and blue details that contrast with the white body colour. The front bumper incorporates two large air intakes and blue LED daytime running lights. The intakes greatly contribute to the front brake cooling, while the shape of the lower lip is designed to centrally channel underbody air flow. The flared fenders house bespoke 18-inch TRD wheels fitted with

225/40 R18 Michelin Pilot Sport Cup tyres featuring an asymmetrical tread design that is ideally suited for a mixed use on the road and on the track. Grooved and perforated brake discs are gripped by six-piston callipers in the front and four-piston callipers in the rear. Located on the rear pillar, a quick-opening fuel cap allows for quick refuelling in the pits. At the rear, a spoiler is mounted on the roof and the bumper incorporates a large diffuser with an exhaust pipe framed by two air extractors.


Matching the colours outside, the dual-tone Recaro bucket seats feature black leather side bolsters and blue Alcantara®. Ideally located high and close to the driver’s right hand, the shift lever of the sequential gearbox is set up to quickly change down gears by pushing the lever forward, and to change up by pulling it back. The driving position is completed by a set of sport pedals from the 86 sports coupe. The Yaris Hybrid-R concept utilises the same CAN-Gateway ECU system developed for the 86 coupe for the sixth version of the GranTurismo game, due to be launched before the end of the year. The system allows drivers of the 86 to record – on a USB or smartphone – the racing data collected while driving on the track. GPS data, longitudinal accelerations, steering angles, gear changes, engine speed, vehicle speed and even water temperature are used to reproduce a real lap of the track on the video game console and compare it to virtual laps done with the game. The Yaris Hybrid-R Concept takes this technology one step further, by utilising the same principle but in a reverse way. We could imagine that the data of the laps recorded through the video game could be sent to the vehicle’s ECU. The electronic management of the car could potentially anticipate the driving conditions of each track, to optimise the phases of energy recovery, the operation of the traction control, the amount of energy used at each step and optimise the handling through the rear electric motors.




12 September, 2013

Winner of the 2013 SA Bike of the Year QUICKPIC

Another first for the AMID Motorcycle Expo at NASREC was the announcement of the winner of the first-ever Pirelli South African Bike of the Year. This ground-breaking competition, organised by Mat Durrans and Harry Fisher of The Bike Show and involving thirteen members of the South African motorcycling media and professional motorcyclists, pitted 16 new-for-2013 motorcycles against each other for the overall title. The 16 finalists were chosen from nominations by the official importers and were as follows; Triumph Trophy SE, Triumph Daytona 675R, BMW R1200GS Liquid-Cooled, KTM 1190 Adventure, MV Agusta Brutale 800, Kawasaki Z800, Aprilia Caponord 1200, Moto Guzzi California 1400, Suzuki Inazuma 250, Honda Integra DCT, Honda NC700 DCT, Yamaha FJR1300, Yamaha XJ6 Diversion, Victory Boardwalk, Hyosung 650GT and the Benelli 600. While it may seem unfair to try and compare a KTM 1190 Adventure with a Triumph Daytona 675R and a Suzuki GW250 Inazuma, each bike was rated on its own merits and against previous versions of that bike and not against any other bike in the competition. The judges were told to vote for their top six bikes, best first, and then points were awarded in the order 10, 6, 4, 3, 2, 1 for first to sixth place. These points were totalled and a

The KTM 1190 Adventure takes second place in Pirelli’s SA bike of the year. PHOTO: QUICKPIC winner declared. The judging process took part over two days in Gauteng. Day one was at Midvaal Raceway and a track venue was used not to see how fast the bikes could lap the circuit but as a controlled environment where each member of the judging panel could ride every bike and assess it over the same piece of tarmac. Day two saw the bikes being ridden on the open road from the Vaaldam to Magalies where a 10 km loop of open roads had been marked out for further assessment. And the winner of the Pirelli South African Bike of the Year is the BMW R1200GS Liquid Cooled. Second place went to the KTM 1190 Adventure and third place to the Triumph Daytona 675R. The MV Agusta Brutale 800, Kawasaki Z800 and Moto Guzzi California 1400 rounded out the top six.


Toyota Corolla: World’s Most Popular Car QUICKPIC Toyota Motor Corporation (TMC) announces today that cumulative global sales of the Toyota Corolla, the world’s most popular car, surpassed 40 million in July, reaching 40,01 million units. This milestone marks another historic achievement for the Corolla, Toyota’s perennial global car. In November 1966, Toyota opened a new plant in Takaoka, Aichi Prefecture, dedicated solely to Corolla production. Two years later, with an emphasis on providing region-specific vehicles, production began in Australia and Malaysia. From 1965 to 1968, Toyota more than doubled its total annual production from 480 000 to 1,1 million vehicles – a testament to the Corolla’s significant contribution to the growth of the company. The Corolla, currently produced at 15 plants worldwide, accounts for one in five vehicles sold in Toyota’s 76-year history. Corolla exports to North America began in 1968, and early sales success in this market helped global cumulative sales of the car reach 1 million units just four years after launch. In 1997, the Corolla became the world’s best-selling nameplate, with global cumulative sales exceeding 22,65 million units. More than a million units have been sold each year since 2002; last year, a total of 3 180 Corollas were sold every day across more than 150 countries and regions. That

Pictured here from left 1966 Corolla Japan, North America, and Europe market 11th generation models. PHOTO: QUICKPIC equates roughly to one vehicle every 30 seconds. Marking the milestone, Corolla chief engineer Shinichi Yasui said: “I feel this car has been nurtured by people all over the world and I am very proud to have contributed to its foundation and grateful to all those who have owned and loved their Corollas. The key to the Corolla’s success is the faithful passing down of its original development concept from Tatsuo Hasegawa: that the Corolla must bring happiness and well-being to people around the world.” The Corolla was originally designed to meet the changing needs of Japanese commuters in the mid-1960’s. Then chief engineer Tatsuo Hasegawa recognized that with Japan’s industry expanding, most consumers’ daily commuting time was increasing. The need to get around in a personal vehicle was therefore growing and this insight led Hasegawa to conceptualise the first Corolla, with his guiding

principles defining the vehicle ever since: always evolving and designed to meet consumer needs in each market. When the first Corolla rolled off the production line, many basic safety features were still optional. Later, to meet the needs of families, Toyota decided to include many of these features as standard. Toyota’s commitment to pursue higher and higher levels of quality and continue adding new standard features to the affordably priced Corolla has helped ensure that families around the world continue to choose it more than any other nameplate. The history of the ever-evolving Corolla, filled with examples of technology and quality improvement, is emblematic of Toyota’s efforts to anticipate customer needs and provide ever-better cars. More Corolla history: http://



12 September, 2013

Castrol Team Toyota aims for 2nd cross country title QUICKPIC Anthony Taylor and Dennis Murphy (class SP Castrol Team Toyota Hilux) scored their fourth successive Donaldson South African Cross Country Championship win when they dominated the sixth round of the eight event series in Vryburg, North West Province on Saturday. They were followed home for the second race in a row by team-mates and reigning champions Duncan Vos and Rob Howie, who were 7 min 52 sec behind after 400 kilometres, with former champions Chris Visser and Japie Badenhorst (Ford Ranger) third, a further 2 min 34 sec in arrears. The Vryburg 400, which started on Friday with a 60-kilometre qualifying race and was raced over two 170 kilometre loops with a compulsory 15 minute service stop at the halfway mark on Saturday, saw the return of cross country racing to the Vryburg area for the first time in 20 years. Sandy and technical with rocky sections, bush and trees, the route was challenging and typically Kalahari. Taylor and Murphy, chasing their first championship and Toyota’s third in a row, have now opened up a useful 20-point gap to second-placed Visser and Baden-

horst with two rounds remaining. Vos and Howie in third place have closed the gap to Visser and Badenhorst to 23,5 points. Toyota won the manufacturers’ award for the event and increased their already substantial lead in the overall manufacturers’ championship as they edge closer to a sixth title. Johan Horn and Werner Horn (Malalane Toyota Land Cruiser) finished 13th and first in class D and closed to within 20 points of class championship leaders Jason Venter and Vincent van Alleman (4x4 Mega World Toyota Hilux). Venter and Van Alleman were 15th overall and second in their class. “It was a super result for the team,” said a happy Glyn Hall, team principal of Castrol Team Toyota.” From Friday’s qualifying race, which saw Anthony and Duncan finish well clear of the opposition, the Toyota Hilux 4x4s demonstrated their superiority throughout the weekend and ran trouble-free for 400 punishing kilometres. “In addition, Leeroy Poulter and Elvéne Coetzee enjoyed a profitable outing as unofficial competitors in the 2013 Dakar Rally Toyota Imperial Hilux, successfully testing components and set-up for next January’s Dakar and providing Leeroy with some valuable experience and seat time ahead of his

Dakar debut in January.” Taylor and Murphy were equally elated with their result. “It was a difficult race in difficult conditions on a very tricky route,” said Taylor. “It was a nightmare for co-drivers and Dennis did a great job. It was very easy to make costly mistakes and on the final loop all we concentrated on was staying on the road and keeping out of trouble.” “After finishing second to Anthony and Dennis in Friday’s prologue, our job today was to finish ahead of as many of their championship rivals as we could,” said Vos. “Our car ran like clockwork all day and we are very happy to have helped the team achieve such a dominant result.” The penultimate round of the championship is the Thaba’Nchu 400 in the Free State on 11 and 12 October. Toyota Motorsport South Africa acknowledges its sponsors and specialist official supplier and technical partners Toyota enjoys a mutually beneficial relationship with Castrol, Toyota Financial Services, Imperial Toyota Group, Innovation Group, Bosch, DeWalt, Donaldson, Edgecam, Ferodo, NGK, SKF and Spanjaard. You can follow the fortunes of Castrol Team Toyota on Twitter,


Here Anthony Taylor put’s his foot down in the recent Vryburg 400.


SPONSORED: DHL-Western Province and Stormers prop, Frans Malherbe, recently took delivery of his new Isuzu KB-bakkie. Here Westvaal Motors Somerset-West’s dealer principal Herman Language hands the bakkie over at De Zalze Estate in Stellenbosch.


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