Boland Sold 20131003

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An interior of a house at Schonenberg Retirement Village


One of the units in the Schonenberg Retirement Village

Retire in style at Schonenberg The luxurious Schonenberg Retirement Village boasting a stylish lifestyle in the heart of the Winelands, is being exclusively marketed by RE/MAX Helderberg in the Waterstone Shopping Centre, in association with the Schonenberg Retirement Village on-site agents. Homes are well priced from R1,89 million, including VAT (no transfer duty) and apartments from R1,49 million, in-

cluding VAT (no transfer duty). The Retirement Village is part of the 68 ha Schonenberg Estate which offers a lifestyle combining security, country living, modern health care, a well-appointed club house, a supportive community and a 5 km walking trail. The Village has easy access to the Waterstone Shopping Centre with its brand new Woolworths supermarket and Pick n Pay, as well as a pharmacy, Clicks, up-market restaurants,

coffee shops and a Virgin Active Gym. Levies include 24-hour security, primary health care (including bi-weekly clinic appointments plus three days in the Healthcare facility), garden care and maintenance and 15 meals monthly. The village is pet-friendly and both cats and dogs are welcome. RE/MAX Helderberg is offering a special spring rate for the spring months of September, October and November for all

homeowners needing to sell their property in order to invest in their retirement home. Don’t miss out! Start planning now for your leisure years. Visit the RE/MAX office in the Waterstone Village for a cup of coffee and a guided tour around the Schonenberg Retirement Village. For more information, contact Karen Wessels on 071 602 1090 or e-mail They are open seven days a week!

Karin Wessels of RE/MAX Helderberg


Districtmail 3 Oktober, 2013




Districtmail 3 Oktober, 2013



Districtmail 3 Oktober, 2013




Districtmail 3 Oktober, 2013



Districtmail 3 Oktober, 2013




Districtmail 3 Oktober, 2013




Eikestadnuus 3 Oktober, 2013





3 Oktober, 2013

Empower single women with cheaper home loans In India, single women buying their own homes benefit from cheaper home loans, lower stamp duties and bigger tax rebates than single men. In South Africa, single women have none of these advantages. However, they are making far more effort to provide financial security for themselves and their children than single men. They could really do with some form of help or incentive from the banks and / or government, says Richard Gray, CEO of the Harcourts Real Estate group. “Here it is very difficult for anyone single to obtain approval for a home loan, let alone a lower interest rate, and there are no tax annual tax rebates for residential homeowners. “Nevertheless, the latest statistics available, from a survey conducted by credit bureau Compuscan, show that of the mortgages that were granted to single people last year, 54% of those granted for less than R1 million went to single women, who also accounted for 57%

of new bonds in the R1 million to R3 million bracket.” In this, SA women are in step with their counterparts in many more developed countries, where single women (including never married women, divorcees, single parents and widows) are about twice as likely now to be homeowners as single men. “In the US, the National Association of Realtors (NAR) says single women currently account for 18% of all home purchases, as opposed to the 10% notched up by single men, and in Australia, recent census statistics show that 65% of women own their own homes, as opposed to 55% of men. “Then in the UK, women are taking things one step further now by buying more investment properties than men,with the number of older women buying properties to help fund their retirement, having risen by 43% in the past four years.” Gray says women all over the world are proving to be better at managing their credit

than men are. In Australia, for example, 48% of households headed by single women have settled their mortgages, compared to 31% of households headed by single men. “In SA, a recent survey conducted by the Credit Bureau Association (CBA) showed clearly that women were less of a credit risk than men, in that although they make up the majority of credit active consumers, they have fewer credit accounts than men (48% of the total) and fewer impaired or adverse records. “ With that in mind, and the fact that more young women than young men are getting good school results and degrees and putting themselves on track to earn well, we think SA banks and the government would do well to take a leaf out of India’s book and encourage home buying by single women, and especially those who have children or elderly parents in their care. This would be a really meaningful way to demonstrate their commitment to improving life for women in SA.”



Estate agents and the fees you pay when selling much you receive “in your pocket”. Take this scenario: Agent A offers to sell your property for a seemingly low commission of 5% plus VAT. But there is little marketing and certainly no written marketing plan. It’s a proven fact this results in lower offers and a selling price less than market The amount of commission you pay will value. Assume you sell for 10% less than marhave a significant impact on how much you will receive “net” for your property. But, ket value. At a selling price of R1 500 000, when discussing commission, it’s impor- that would mean you net R1 414 500. Agent B offers you a very strong markettant to view all five of these issues as a ing plan to include all the aspects menwhole, not commission in isolation. tioned above. Allow me to explain. You receive excellent exposure, strong The only way to sell for market value is to ensure your property has an effective buyer interest, and sell for maximum market price. marketing plan. This can be up to 10% This means that you more than a property will need to be adverthat is badly marketed. tised in print, online, The fee they charge is though buyer databases 6% plus VAT. with e-mail marketing, In this case you would on show, by use of sell for R1 650 000 less boards, and through rethe fee, which would net ferral networks. The you R1 537 140. The difmore effective your ference is over R122 000. marketing plan, the Even if you sold for only more buyer enquiry 5% more, that’s still you will receive. over R52 000 more to The better your maryou. keting plan, the greater There is no doubt you the cost. The two are diare better off paying the rectly related. When an higher commission proagency cuts their comvided you receive mission, it means you stronger marketing. simply will not receive What if your property the marketing you need sells quickly – is it still to create buyer enquiry fair to pay the agreed and buyer competition. Talking Property by Steve Carapercentage fee? Agents The more buyer com- doc-Davies, principal of Harcourts get paid for results, not petition there is, the bet- Platinum for time. A quick result ter the offer you will reis the best result possible for a seller. ceive. Properties sell for more when they sell Buyers will offer the most they are prepared to pay when competing against other quickly, and you are spared the inconvenience of buyer viewings for months. buyers. Don’t list with the cheapest. In this marWhen there is no competition, then the ket you simply can’t afford to and it will offers are lower. Good service and strong communication cost you in the long run. As with all things in life, you get what are also critical to ensuring that your agent lists in the correct selling range, and gives you pay for. – E-mail your real estate question to steyou buyer feedback to ensure you appeal to the market. What really matters to a seller is how

When selling there are five critical issues to consider, of which one is how much commission you will pay. The other four are: What is the market value of my property, what marketing will I receive, what is the service I will get, and which agent will I select.

Eikestadnuus 3 Oktober, 2013



Eikestadnuus 3 Oktober, 2013




Paarl Post 3 Oktober, 2013



Paarl Post 3 Oktober, 2013


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Paarl Post


3 Oktober, 2013

Unchanged repo rate boosts housing market, says Seeff chairman Seeff chairman, Samuel Seeff has welcomed the decision by the Reserve Bank’s Monetary Policy Committee to keep the repo rate unchanged at the historically low 5%. Economic indicators set the trend for whether there is reason to be optimistic and positive market sentiment fundamentally impacts the economy as a whole and especially the property market. Given the muted economic landscape, the decision should be seen as highly positive and will hopeful-

ly further boost confidence and activity levels in the market. The stable interest rate is also a welcome reprieve for home owners, especially in view of the increased pressure on household budgets, says Seeff. “It is good news too for both buyers and sellers as the market continues to gather momentum. We are seeing some of the best trading conditions since the 2007/8 downturn and although still largely in the sub-R1,5 million primary sector of the market, confidence is

growing. While the pressure on household budgets is undeniable and a rate hike in the not too distant future is likely, there is for now at least plenty to be optimistic about.” Despite the increased demand, house prices continue to remain at relatively flat levels and with the increased propensity on the part of the banks to grant mortgage loans, conditions remain heavily weighted in favour of buyers. Those that wait too long though, may well look back with regret, he says.

Conversely, continues Seeff, while we had over the past three years cautioned that sellers looking to turn a healthy profit should sit tight, conditions are improving. “Especially in high demand areas, correctly priced properties are beginning to sell quite quickly and are achieving better prices than what the case was three years ago. Smart sellers could therefore now look forward to a shorter selling time, better prices and can in turn take advantage of the good buying conditions before the market

turns,” he adds. On the whole, it remains business as usual for the market and if the momentum of the first half of the year carries through, we look forward to ending the year on a good note. Property remains one of the smartest investments for the ordinary consumer. There is security in bricks and mortar and simply no substitute for owning the roof over your head. It is the foundation of a healthy economy, concludes Seeff.


Mitsubishi Triton-dieselbakkie verfris QUICKPIC Mitsubishi se Triton-Dubbelkajuit- en Club Cab-modelreekse is pas verfris met enjinopgraderings, nuwe stilering binne en buite, en verbeterde spesifikasies. Die belangrikste opgraderings in terme van standaardtoerusting in sekere modelle, veral die Club Cabweergawes, is in ooreenstemming met Mitsubishi Motors SA se strategie vir waarde vir geld. “Die Club Cab-segment, net soos die dubbelkajuit-segment, is gerig op die leefstyl-eienaar, en ons moet meer vir dieselfde prys aanbied,” sê Jaco Oosthuizen, Mitsubishi Motors SA se uitvoerende hoof. Die verfrissing van die Tritonreeks volg op dié van die nuwe Pajero Sport, wat aansienlik meer waarde bied, en dit is duidelik dat Mitsubishi volgehoue daarna streef om sy produkte nog meer aantreklik te maak vir mense op soek na ’n voertuig van ’n lang gevestigde handelsmerk, met ’n bewese rekord vir gehalte, betroubaarheid en duursaamheid. Veiligheid vir die bestuurder en passasiers was nog altyd ’n belangrike oorweging vir Mitsubishi se ingenieurs, en die Triton het ’n veiligheidselkajuit, lugsakke vir die bestuurder en die voorste passasier, en sluitweerremme (ABS) met elektroniese remkragverspreiding. Dit is bo en behalwe die RISE-bakbeskermingstelsel, wat buitengewone beskerming aan die insittendes bied. Tesame met ’n ekstra geharde onderstel is die Triton ’n bakkie vir alle toestande. Al die Triton-modelle het ’n vyfganghandratkas. Die Triton-reeks word aangevul deur die volbloed-enkelkajuite,

Die enjinkrag is met 9% van 120 kW tot 131 kW in die Mitsubishi se Triton verhoog, en die maksimum-wringkrag met 17% van 343 Nm tot ’n massiewe 400 Nm. FOTO: QUICKPIC waarvan die geharde, werkgerigte bougehalte ’n mens laat terugdink aan die legendariese Mitsubishi Colt-reeks. Die enkelkajuite is verkrygbaar met die bewese 2,4 Fpetrolenjin met ’n lewering van 97 kW krag en 202N.m wringkrag, en die 2,5 F diesel, wat ook in die Club Cab ingespan word. Daar is drie enkelkajuit-weergawes: GL en GLX met die petrolenjin en ’n GLX met die dieselkragbron. Hierdie modelle is die werkesels van die familie, afgewerk in viniel, maar met lugsakke as standaardtoerusting, en met uitstekende pryse. Die deftiger modelle spog met lugversorging, elektriese ruitverstelling en sentrale sluiting. Die enkelkajuite het ’n vragvermoë van ’n volle 1 000 kg op ’n enorme laaibak met afmetings van 2 220 mm lank, 1 750 mm breed en 405 mm diep. Wat die dubbelkajuite betref, het die dieselaangedrewe Mitsubishi

Triton 4x4-bakkie ’n aansienlike hupstoot gekry wat krag en wringkrag betref. In ooreenstemming met globale omgewingsneigings is die verplasing van die tussenverkoelde turbodieselenjin van 3,2 F tot 2,5 F verminder. Desnieteenstaande is die enjinkrag met 9% verhoog van 120 kW tot 131 kW en die maksimumwringkrag met 17% van 343 Nm tot ’n massiewe 400 Nm. Die 4x4-stelsel, wat homself al oor die strafste terrein bewys het, is ook opgegradeer. In normale omstandighede is drywing via die agterwiele, maar die Triton-Dubbelkajuit 4x4 kry nou ’n sluitbare middelewenaar plus skakeling in die ry. Die bestuurder kan, sonder dat die ewenaar gesluit is, van die standaard-4x2-modus (vir brandstofekonomie) na 4H oorskakel tot by snelhede van 100 km/h. Dit vul die sluitbare agterewenaar en die laagstrekratkas aan. Al hierdie stelsels gee aan die Triton 4x4 ’n ongeëwenaarde vermoë in die veld.

Die vierwieldryfstelsel word beheer deur Mitsubishi se super selectstelsel, wat die bestuurder ’n keuse tussen vier verskillende oordragmodusse gee, afhangende van die terrein, en die modusse kan in die ry geskakel word. Die bougehalte is tipies van die Japanse handelsmerk en selfs oor die strafste terrein is die kajuit stil en ratelvry. Die Triton-Dubbelkajuit 4x4 word verder onderskei aan sy 17 duim-allooiwiele geskoei met 245/65R17bande. Die ander modelle het 16 duim-wiele. Die dubbelkajuit 4x4 het ’n sleepvermoë van tot 1 500 kg (sleepwa met oorslagremme). Van die nuwe spesifikasies vir die dubbelkajuit sluit in enkelsone-klimaatbeheer, herhaalflikkerliggies in die kantspieëls, nuwe allooiwiele, opgegradeerde skyfremme voor en remtrommels agter, ’n nuwe sierrooster en voorbuffer en kleurgepaste wielboë. Wat die kajuit betref, sluit die Triton hom nou aan by die geledere van

luukse-dubbelkajuitbakkies. Leersitplekke, klimaatbeheer en uitstekende klank-insulering maak lang ritte ’n plesier. Snelheidsbeheer en ’n driespeek-leerstuurwiel met veelfunksieskakelaars vir die klankstelsel, snelheidsbeheer en Bluetooth bring die Triton op een vlak met die ander luukse voertuie in Mitsubishi se produkreeks. Die Mitsubishi Link-stelsel, wat stembeheer van die stelsel moontlik maak, is ook standaard. Dit sluit aan by die veelinligtingvertoon, wat hoogte bo seevlak, temperatuur, brandstofverbruik en reikafstand aandui. En dan is daar ook ’n kompas. Die dubbelkajuit het steeds ’n vragvermoë van 1 000 kg – ’n volle ton – en ’n ruim laaibak met afmetings van 1 352 mm lank, 1 470 mm breed en 860 mm diep. Van die belangrike spesifikasieopgraderings vir die Club Cab sluit in Bluetooth, klank- en foonkontroles aan die stuurwiel, stembeheer vir die foon en die nuwe voorkant. Die Club Cab is net met dieselkrag verkrygbaar. Dit is in ooreenstemming met die vraag in die mark, waar meer as 85% van die modelle dieseleenhede is. Die Club Cab is nou ook verkrygbaar in ’n weergawe met opsionele agtersitplekke. Die Club Cab-reeks het ’n soortgelyke opgradering in standaardeienskappe as die dubbelkajuite gekry, behalwe dat hierdie modelle materiaalsitplekke het. Loopkoste speel deesdae ’n belangrike rol in koopbesluite. Die Mitsubishi se loopkoste werk uit op omtrent 27 sent per kilometer tot en met 180 000 km – wat die Triton ’n bekostigbare opsie maak vir vlote sowel as besighede. Al die Triton-modelle word gedek deur ’n waarborg van 3 jaar/100 000km.




3 Oktober, 2013

Geely resumes the production of London Taxis for China QUICKPIC

Geely South Africa’s parent company, Zhejiang Geely Holding Group Co., which owns London taxi maker Manganese Bronze Holdings, has restarted production to help supply 500 units of the London Taxi TX4 model to China. Production restarted last week – seven months after Geely rescued Manganese from administration. The first batch of 50 London Taxi TX4s were delivered to Nanjing in east China this month. This is the second order for taxis that Geely has landed in China this year. Geely previously delivered 30 taxis to Hengdian Group Holdings Limited, a movie studio in east China’s Zhejiang Province. The London Taxi TX4s sold by Geely in China are built at Geely’s plant in suburban Shanghai. The taxi is now also assembled in

Coventry, England, where production restarted on 13 September. In February, Geely acquired the remaining 80 percent stake in Manganese Bronze Holdings for R171,6 million to ensure continuous production and sales of the iconic London taxi. Prior to the deal, Geely owned a 20 per cent stake in the British company. The purchase will help the private Chinese automaker, headed by Li Shufu, speed up its expansion, following the 2010 purchase of Volvo Cars in Sweden. Geely, which plans to invest R2,4 billion in the London Taxi Company in the next five years, said it resumed production following “significant improvements” at the company’s British manufacturing plant. Geely plans to develop new models to follow the current TX4. The unit now has a total work force of 170 people and its production line will make about 50 taxis per week.

International Truck of the Year, the new Volvo FH.

Geely resumes production of the iconic London Taxi.



Volvo FH, International Truck of the Year 2014 QUICKPIC Volvo Trucks’ new Volvo FH range was announced as the International Truck of the Year 2014 in Moscow, just more than a year after its global launch. The award was decided by some of Europe’s leading commercial vehicle journalists, representing 25 publications. This announcement comes mere months ahead of the Volvo FH South African range in October, which includes the introduction of the company’s new FM and FMX ranges. Upon announcing the winner, International Truck of the Year chairman, Gianenrico Griffini, said that, “Volvo Trucks has delivered a completely new heavy-duty truck, which, with its innovative cab, hitech driveline components and advanced maintenance solutions, sets a new benchmark in the industry.” Upon receiving the award, Volvo

Trucks’ president, Claes Nillson, said the company is truly honoured and happy. “When we introduced the new FH in September 2012, we claimed that it was pushing the envelope of what a premium truck could offer. The International Truck of the Year award confirms that the Volvo FH lives up to this promise,” said Nillson. According to Mark Erasmus, managing director of Volvo Trucks Southern Africa, local customers will soon discover that the new Volvo FH was built with the driver in mind and with a specific focus on improving a transport company’s profitability. “The new FH range boasts important innovations where it counts; fuel economy, ergonomics, handling, active and passive safety and a host of other time-saving features,” said Erasmus. “The Volvo Trucks SA team is very excited to introduce our regional customers to the new FH range, along with the FM and FMX models, come October.”



VW Jetta: 32 years old and still going strong What do you do with your favourite family car if you want your memories of it to live on? In the case of Kobus Theron, who faced having to part with his beloved 1981 VW Jetta, you donate it to the popular automotive museum at the Volkswagen Group South Africa (VWSA) headquarters in Uitenhage, the AutoPavilion. The immaculate 32-year-old Theron family car is the latest addition to VWSA’s AutoPavilion. For Theron, it was a case of not wanting to sell his VW Jetta in case it was not looked after. By donating it to the AutoPavilion, he and his family could still visit it every once in a while, he said. “Our VW Jetta has been in the family for 32 years and means so much to us that we just couldn’t bear to sell it. As a family, we decided to give it back to the people who

The immaculate 32-year-old VW Jetta of the Theron family is the latest addition to VWSA’s AutoPavilion. FOTO: QUICKPIC

19 Chevrolet Cruze launches GM’s global sales success Donderdag

3 Oktober, 2013

dedicate their lives to building the best product on the market,” said Theron. The popular family car has been in production since 1979 and was originally adapted by adding a conventional trunk to the Golf hatchback. By mid-2011, almost 10 million Jettas had been produced and sold worldwide. “The Jetta 1500 GLS Automatic was first purchased in February 1981 for a mere R7 217 by my father-in-law. I bought it from him in July 1997 as a gift for my wife, who has driven it until now,” said Theron. The vehicle is in immaculate condition for its age, having driven 108 000 km without incurring a single dent or scratch. The carpets and seats are still the originals, with only the windscreen having been replaced. “My motto is simple: As you treat your car, it will treat you. The Jetta got a major service every year or every 5 000 km. I personally topped up the oil and brake fluid, maintaining the absolute correct fluid levels and never mixing lubricants. Maintaining the car on a daily basis with all the love and care I could manage is the sole reason why the Jetta is still in a good condition,” said Theron. VWSA General Manager: Communications, Matt Gennrich, said it was heartening to see VW owners so inspired by the product. “It is wonderful to see someone like Kobus with such passion and dedication when it comes to looking after his car. It looks like it just came out of the box,” said Gennrich.

QUICKPIC September marks the three-year anniversary of the Chevrolet Cruze in the USA, a hallmark for the global compact that is Chevrolet’s best-selling nameplate with more than 2 million units sold around the world. Cruze has been a big contributor to General Motors’ USA and global sales gains since its launch in 2009. Chevro- The Chevrolet Cruze is deemed to be a huge success. let small cars, including PHOTO: QUICKPIC the Spark, Sonic, Cruze and Volt, have seen a 229 per cent increase gain share in key markets. Cruze Diesel drivers can travel about 717 in sales from the first six months of 2010 compared to the first six months of 2013, evidence highway miles or more than 10 hours of drivof the brand’s success at attracting new buy- ing, on one tank of diesel fuel. According to early buyer data, 45 per cent ers. The Cruze helps to grow GM’s share of of Cruze Diesel sales were from customers younger buyers by offering segment-leading trading in a vehicle from competitive makes In Europe and other global markets where horsepower, range and advanced vehicle diesels are popular because of high gas technologies, such as Chevrolet MyLink. “The Cruze continues to lead the small car prices, more than 35 000 Cruzes were sold segment by being among the top-selling with diesel engines last year. “The Cruze is helping bring new consumChevrolet vehicles to buyers under 25,” said Alan Batey, senior vice president, Global ers to the brand with more than 40 per cent of overall Cruze sales in 2013 being from nonChevrolet. “As a brand, we recognize the importance GM owners,” said Cristi Landy, Chevrolet of providing our customers, especially our marketing director, Small Cars and Electriyounger buyers, with the most value for fied Vehicles. “The Cruze provides the amentheir money.” The Cruze Clean Turbo Diesel, ities of a larger, more expensive sedan with now in showrooms, is also helping Chevrolet the efficiency and value of a compact car.”




3 Oktober, 2013

Mercedes-Benz SA commercial vehicle stand will wow visitors Come touch the future! The Mercedes-Benz SA commercial vehicles crew are set to outdo their own high standards in the excitement stakes at this year’s Johannesburg International Motor Show (JIMS), demonstrating what their brands can do to take the customer’s business into the stratosphere. Visitors will be wowed by a few new additions to the Mercedes-Benz SA commercial vehicles stable. The industry leader in commercial applications for trucks, vans and buses will also use the JIMS platform to launch some exhilarating new models! Show-goers who miss out, risk getting stuck in the last century! Customer dedication remains the pivotal success element for the automotive giant, known for its focus on innovation, efficiency, reliability and low cost of ownership. Especially in the commercial vehicles arena, which is the heartbeat of the country’s commercial activities, this aspect of

customisation equates to business owners who are better equipped to maximise the success of their specialised fleets of trucks, vans and buses. “We believe that the most important part of our relationship with our customers is based on products, an extensive value chain of services and support which are reliable, predictable and consistent throughout a customer’s vehicle life cycle,” says vice president for commercial vehicles, Kobus van Zyl. “At this year’s JIMS, you will be treated to a show of the best we have to offer in terms of product innovation as we have a few surprises up our sleeve, but our focus on maximising the fleet owner’s up-time and boosting his return on investment will also become clear.” Expect to see German engineering at its ultimate with the Mercedes-Benz truck, bus and van models, as well as class-leading American and Japanese marques Freightliner; Western Star and FUSO at the Mercedes-Benz Commercial Vehicle stand at Nasrec from 18–27 October.

Nissan Patrol ready to tame Africa QUICKPIC Nissan has announced a new partnership and brand ambassador for the Nissan Patrol SUV in South Africa. Eben Delport, a renowned and expert safari tour operator, has taken delivery of a Nissan Patrol 4,8 F 4x4 GRX which has been fully accessorised to meet the needs and demands that trips into the Namib Desert and other areas of Southern Africa, including Angola. Working through Uri Adventures in Namibia, Delport says the Nissan Patrol is his vehicle of choice. “The Patrol offers everything I need from a 4x4 – all the technical and mechanical ability to traverse dunes, swamps and salt pans, as well as an incredible towing capacity of 3 500 kg. I particularly value the Patrol’s very spacious interior and its proven reliability and durability – this vehicle is built to last, that’s for sure.” The petrol-powered Nissan Patrol utilises a 4,8 F in-line six cylinder engine with 190 kW and 425 Nm on tap to make any off-road driving excursion a breeze and, with modifications including a replacement front bumper, all-terrain tyres, a snorkel, specialised seat covers and two fuel tanks, this particular Patrol is ideally suited to the job at hand. “I spend most of my days traversing our beautiful continent with up to 3 000 people each year and as the ‘leader of the pack’, the Patrol suits the position as the lead vehicle on all my safaris. It’s an honour to be able to associate with Nissan South Africa in this regard,” remarks Delport. Off-road driving expert and 4x4 guru Glyn Demmer, comments: “The partnership with Eben is a natural one for Nissan South Africa, where the Patrol is at its best when way off

The petrol-powered Nissan Patrol utilises a 4,8 F in-line six cylinder engine with 190 kW and 425 Nm on tap to make any offroad driving excursion a breeze. PHOTO: QUICKPIC

the beaten track and in the roughest of the rough stuff. “As a brand ambassador for the Patrol we expect a fruitful partnership with Eben and look forward to the inevitable stories that will be told by the people who have followed the Patrol into some of Africa’s most inhospitable environments.”

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