Boland Sold 20140220

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Limited space available at Raithby Raithby is a small winelands village situated between Somerset West and Stellenbosch, just off the R44. Surrounded by popular wine farms, such as Ken Forrester, Helderberg Winery and Post House vineyards, Raithby overlooks the Helderberg Mountains with Table Mountain in the distance. This village with a strong sense of community, was originally established in the mid-1800s as a missionary community, and has maintained a closeness and strong church going spirit. The church was built in 1861. Recently the area has been attracting a lot of interest from people wanting to enjoy a quiet and safe lifestyle, away from the buzz of Somerset West and Stellenbosch. It is located about five minutes off the R44, borders farms and contains scenic views of the Hottentots-Holland Mountains, making this a perfect location for prospective owners to settle down on larger erven, and enjoy a country lifestyle. Raithby Heights has been established as one of the scarce opportunities to own land in an upmarket and secluded winelands estate, surrounded by mountain views and on the doorstep of vineyards. The estate is situated in a quiet and secluded area, at the top of Raithby and consists of only 19 stands of which only a few are still available for sale. The erven are spacious, starting at 1 200 m² to 1 600 m², and priced from R950 000 to R1,2 million, vat inclusive. An excellent and pro-active HOA is in place, and the architectural guidelines, allow for a contemporary Cape Vernacular style, with

Raithby Heights has been established as one of the scarce opportunities to own land in an upmarket and seclud­ ed winelands estate, surrounded by mountain views. Raithby overlooks the Helderberg Mountains with Table Mountain in the distance. the interest of maintaining a high standard of quality investment. Raithby Heights is very close to excellent schools such as Somerset College, De Hoop, Paul Roos and Rhenish Girls. There are lovely mountain biking and hiking trails on the doorstep of Raithby Heights, and quick access to Waterstone Village, Somerset Mall and Stellenbosch Square. Top class wine farms such as

Avontuur, Eikendal, Longridge, Yonder Hill, Somerbosch, Audacia and many more are just a few minutes’ drive or cycle – this is truly an unforgettable gem of a location. If you would like to live in the heart of the winelands, waking up to the sounds of nature in a secure and upmarket environment, but be able to drive a few minutes to upmarket facilities, then this is the place for you.

Excellent for an active outdoor lifestyle, or just the spot if you enjoy relaxing surrounded by panoramic mountain views. Contact Roger Ramos of RE/MAX Helderberg on 071 605 5902 email Alternatively, contact the RE/ MAX office on 021 852 6464 or pop in at the Waterstone Village offices to arrange a viewing of Raithby Heights.

Raithby Heights is very close to excellent schools and there are lovely mountain biking and hiking trails on its door­ step. Residents will have quick access to nearby malls and top class wine farms.


Districtmail 20 Februarie, 2014




Districtmail 20 Februarie, 2014



Districtmail 20 Februarie, 2014




Districtmail 20 Februarie, 2014



Districtmail 20 Februarie, 2014




Districtmail 20 Februarie, 2014


8 Districtmail The Somerset development 20 Februarie, 2014

The year 2014 has started off with feverous activity on the corner of Sir Lowry’s Pass Road and Bizweni Avenue, on the eastern side of Somerset West. Earth-moving machinery has moved in as earthwork commences in preparation for a modern shopping centre that will be completed towards the end of the year. The Checkers Group, who have purchased the site, are putting in one of their flagship Blue Line stores along with other anchor tenants such as Woolworths and Clicks. Also planned for the area is a state-of-the-art day clinic with three operating theatres. Across the road, “The Somerset Lifestyle and Retirement Village” is fast becoming the retirement option of choice. This development is one of the landmark projects of the well-known property developers Westacre Devco, who are renowned for homes of exceptional quality. Sales of more than R50 million have been concluded in the last couple of weeks and a large group of excited new home owners are frequent visitors to the estate, checking on the progress as the first new homes are built. The Lord Somerset Clubhouse, of which building has commenced, will be the hub of village life and on completion will include everything from a restaurant to hair salon and non-denominational chapel for the residents of The Somerset. The City Council of Cape Town

Earth­moving machinery has moved in on the corner of Sir Lowry’s Pass Road and Bizweni Avenue, as earthwork commences in prepa­ ration for a modern shopping centre that will be completed towards the end of the year. has taken over the responsibility of completing the remainder of the double highway. Tenders will soon be invited, with construction to commence in September. This new highway will enable easy access to the shopping centre and amenities, plus The Somerset. This is the green light enabling the commercial node and other development in the area to go ahead. Added to this is the convenience of the new link road from Sir Lowry’s Pass Road to the N2. This new highway as well as the completed link are sure to make the entire area very accessible and convenient for the commuters and residents of The Somerset. All residents in the area are watching with great anticipation as the population growth certain-

ly warrants amenities of this calibre in the vicinity, and the excitement is tangible. Phase 4 and 5 has been replanned by the town planners, and directors are making final tweaks to this exciting extension of the village. Seven plots have already been reserved with deposits paid. So pay The Somerset a visit. The sunsets at this time of year are quite spectacular, as the skies change to shades of red and orange beyond Table Mountain. The Somerset has become the option of choice as South Africa’s Number One retirement destination. For further information on these exiting developments, contact 021 852 7035 during office hours.


Sole Mandates – Do I Really Need One? It’s only aggressive When you sell your marketing of your property you definitely property that will enhave choice. Questions sure all the buyers in you will be considering the marketplace will are: “Which agent or see your property, enagents will I list with?” quire on it, and then and “Do I list on a sole compete against each or open mandate?” other for it. The answers to these So that’s your goal questions depend on – to create buyer comthe answer to the folpetition for your lowing question: “Do property. If this is onyou want to just sell your property? Or do Talking Property, by Ste­ ly possible with outstanding marketing you want to sell for the ve Caradoc­Davies, then you need to ask highest price the mar- principal of Harcourts Platinum yourself: “Just how ket will pay?” will I ensure I have In my experience, every seller I ask tells me they want the best marketing available to crethe highest price the market will ate buyer competition which will pay. Assuming that’s the case, allow lead to the best offer?” The only way you will achieve this me to explain how you achieve that. The average property buyer will is to list on sole mandate with a repuwant to acquire a property at the table company that offers you a lowest possible price. That’s entire- world-class marketing plan that’s ly normal and true for all of us. The guaranteed. In my experience the result is that buyers will generally only guarantee worth anything is come in with an offer on a property the one in writing. Would you really that is below list price. Now a buyer entrust the sale of your property to will pay market value if he has to an agent who can’t commit in writ– but if he can get away with offering ing to exactly what marketing you will get? Especially when this is the less, he will. So when will a buyer pay his maxi- most critical factor in determining mum for a property that he genuine- what you will sell for? Some sellers think that it’s best to ly wants? Quite simply: only when he has to. And he only has to when list on open mandate so that they get he is competing against other buy- access to buyers from different esers for a property or when he has a tate agencies. The reality is that fear of losing the property that he there is only one pool of buyers. They don’t belong to any agency. If really wants. If you want to be in this situation you list with one agency that guar– where a buyer makes his best offer antees you the best marketing, in for your property – then you have writing, then you can be confident to ensure your property enjoys the you will be visible to the only pool most powerful marketing possible. of buyers out there.



Districtmail 20 Februarie, 2014





20 Februarie, 2014

SOLD is die mees koste-effektiewe hoĂŤ-impak keuse vir die bemarking van eiendom in die Boland

Biggest and Best Property Guide in the Boland

021 841 4285

021 887 2840

021 870 4600



Districtmail 20 Februarie, 2014



Paarl Post

20 Februarie, 2014




Paarl Post

20 Februarie, 2014




Eikestadnuus 20 Februarie, 2014



Eikestadnuus 20 Februarie, 2014


A RANDOM ACT OF KINDNESS: Local estate agency My Property Broker decided to jump on the NEKNomination – now affectionately known as RAKNomination (Random Act of Kindness) thanks to Brent Lindeque who changed one thing – bandwagon and do something good for a local organisation. The staff got together and arranged Valentine’s Day cakes and gift packs to be delivered to SEN­CIT Resthaven in Strand in the hope of making someone’s day. The cakes were well received and there were big smiles all around as each resident received their personalised Valentine’s gift. A spokesperson for My Property Broker said “it was a great day, an amazing team building exercise and it is al­ ways so rewarding to help those less fortu­ nate.” My Property Broker uploaded a video of their random act of kindness along with a nom­ ination to Rose McFall Properties. They have been challenged to also do a good deed in sev­ en days and then pass it on to another local es­ tate agency. The thinking is that each agency will have to do something small (or big) each week and in that way uplift some lives of those less fortunate in the Helderberg. Seen here (from left) are Yverne Van Der Meulen, Haylie De Waal, Maritza Meiring, Helen Law­Morris, Natasha Louw, Claudia Liebenberg and Marinda Van Der Westhuizen.



Eikestadnuus 20 Februarie, 2014


Hou oë oop wanneer jy huis koop Eerste huiskopers weet nie altyd waarvoor hulle in is nie en teken dikwels ’n ooreenkoms sonder dat hulle verstaan wat die implikasies daarvan is. Uit die aard van die saak, verskil elke koop. Dit kan wees dat die verkoper ’n ontwikkelaar is - dan is die transaksie onderhewig aan die Gebruikerswet, wat sekere beskermingsmaatreëls ten gunste van die koper instel. As die verkoper egter nie ’n ontwikkelaar is - of iemand wie se besigheid dit is om eiendomme te verkoop nie (die vraag is of die koopsaak “stock” is), dan is die koper aangewese op die ooreenkoms self en die terme wat daarin vervat is. Kopers kan miskien veral uitkyk vir die volgende: 1.Voetstoots. Dit beteken in gewone taal “as is” en die koper koop die eiendom soos dit daar staan. Hy/sy moet dus vooraf mooi deur die huis kyk om te sien of daar enige probleme is. As dit later aan die lig kom dat daar wel sigbare foute was, kan die koper nie daarop aandring dat dit reggemaak word nie. Soms is dit ’n goeie idee om ’n professionele persoon die huis te laat deurkyk en ’n sertifikaat te gee dat dit in ’n goeie toestand is, veral as die struktuur al oud is. Daar is wel probleme wat nie deur die “voetstoots” klousule ge-

dek word nie - dit word genoem “latente gebreke” en beteken foute wat nie redelikerwys sigbaar was tydens die kooptransaksie nie. Daar is wel omstandighede waarin die koper enige skade wat hy sou ly weens sulke gebreke van die verkoper kan terugeis, maar dit is ’n moeilike saak met ’n baie swaar bewyslas - dit sal beter wees om dit te probeer vermy. 2.Die beskrywing van die eiendom in die titelakte. Indien daar enige beperkende voorwaardes is in die titelakte, neem die koper die eiendom onderhewig aan sulke voorwaardes. Baie kopers sien nie eens die titelakte nie - hulle aanvaar dat dit in orde is.

3.Die koste - klousule. Dit bepaal gewoonlik dat die koper die kostes moet betaal, alhoewel die oordragprokureur deur die verkoper aangestel word. Die rede hoekom dit die verkoper se keuse is, is om sy risiko te beperk, maar die koper moet vooruit weet hoeveel dit hom gaan kos. Oordragkostes word gewoonlik gehef in ooreenstemming met tariewe wat aanbeveel word deur die Kaapse Wetsgenootskap en dit word bereken op die koopprys. Behalwe vir die prokureur se fooie en uitgawes, sluit die kostes, afhangende van die situasie, soms ook hereregte, munisipale belastings en heffingsuitklarings in. Dit sal die koper deug om uit te vind hoeveel dit beloop sodat hy daarvoor kan begroot. Hierdie kostes is gewoonlik ook vooruitbetaalbaar met ander woorde, voor die oordrag kan plaasvind. Indien die koper ’n verband by ’n bank kry om die koopprys te betaal, is daar ook verbandregistrasiekoste. 4.Geen wysiging. Dit is belangrik om te weet dat, in Suid Afrika, geen koopooreenkoms van vaste eiendom (grond of huis) geldig is nie, tensy dit op skrif gestel is en onderteken is deur beide verkoper en koper. Geen mondelinge ooreenkoms kan tussen die partye afgedwing word nie, ongeag hoe “onregverdig” dit mag wees.

Raad vir eerste koper en verkoper Vir die eerste koper of verkoper van eiendom is die oordrag van die eiendom ’n onbekende proses en kan soms ’n vreesaanjaende ondervinding wees. ’n Paar punte om in gedagte te hou wanneer jy die mark betree: As eerste koper . Skakel met ’n eiendomsagent om ’n geskikte eiendom te soek. Eiendomsagente kan ook vir jou ’n aanduiding gee vir watter bedrag jy moontlik sal kwalifiseer indien jy om finansiering gaan aansoek doen. . As die eiendomsagent die ideale huis vir jou gekry het wat ook jou begroting pas, sal die agent vir jou ’n koopooreenkoms laat teken waarin jou aanbod aan die verkoper vervat is. Die ooreenkoms sal voorsiening maak vir ’n spesifieke tydperk waarbinne jy as koper ’n geleentheid sal kry om aansoek te doen om finansiering by ’n bankinstelling. Die feit dat jy eers moet kwalifiseer vir ’n verband, word as ’n opskortende voorwaarde in die ooreenkoms gevoeg. Die ooreenkoms tree dus eers in werking nadat jou verband goedgekeur is. . Nadat die verkoper ook die ooreenkoms onderteken het, neem die koper dan die ooreenkoms na ’n bankinstelling wat eers moet vasstel of jy vir ’n verband kwalifiseer. Die bank neem verskeie faktore in ag om vas te stel of jy vir ’n 100%-verband gaan kwalifiseer of nie. Die bank kan ’n verband toestaan van 80% tot 100% van die koopprys. Dit sal beteken dat jy moontlik ’n deposito van tot 20% van die koopprys uit jou persoonlike kapitaal moet finansier. . Die bank stel ’n verbandprokureur aan wat jou as koper sal skakel om die nodige dokumente te onderteken. . Die verbandprokureur sal aan jou ’n reke-

ning oorhandig. . Die eiendomsagent stuur die koopooreenkoms aan die oordragprokureur, soos aangedui deur die verkoper in die koopooreenkoms, nadat die bank die verband goedgekeur het. . Die oordragprokureur sal jou weer skakel om die oordragdokumente te kom teken. . Die oordragprokureur gaan vir jou ’n verdere rekening oorhandig. . Dus moet jy as koper begroot vir: die deposito, die verbandkoste van die verbandprokureur en die oordragskoste van die oordragprokureur. As eerste verkoper . Kry ’n geskikte eiendomsagent wat jou eiendom kan bemark. . Soms is dit beter om ’n alleenmandaat met ’n agentskap te teken. As verkoper is jy dan redelik seker dat jou eiendom vir ’n tydperk van drie tot ses maande intensief deur die agentskap bemark gaan word. . Stel ’n koopprys vas wat realisties is. . Kopers maak gewoonlik ’n aanbod wat minder is as die koopprys. Hou dit in gedagte met die vasstel van jou koopprys, maar bly steeds realisties. . Die eiendomsagent se kommissie, tesame met BTW moet gevoeg word by die prys wat jy as verkoper in jou sak wil hê. .Wees bereid en gereed om voornemende kopers op verskillende tye in jou huis toe te laat om die huis te besigtig. . Indien ’n koper belangstel in jou eiendom, word ’n koopooreenkoms, wat deur die eiendomsagent voorberei is en reeds deur die koper onderteken is, voorgelê. . Indien jy tevrede is met die aanbod in die koopooreenkoms, onderteken jy as verkoper die koopooreenkoms. . Die verkoper is geregtig om die oordrag-

prokureur te kies. . As verkoper is jy verantwoordelik vir die uitstaande balans op jou verband. . ’n Prokureur word aangestel deur die bank wat die verband gaan kanselleer. Jy is verantwoordelik vir die verbandkansellasiekoste. . Jy moet die elektriese sertifikaat en moontlik elektriese herstelwerkkoste betaal. . Jy moet ook die kewersertifikaat en enige moontlike kewerbehandeling betaal. . In sekere munisipale areas moet jy ’n loodgietersertifikaat en moontlike herstelwerk betaal. .Wat dus van jou opbrengs afgetrek word is: balans uitstaande op jou verband, verbandkansellasiekoste, elektriese en (loodgieter)herstelwerk (indien nodig) en elektriese en (loodgieter)sertifikaat, kewerbehandeling (indien nodig) en kewersertifikaat en die agentkommissie.

Biggest and Best Property guide in the Boland SOLD bied die grootste en maklikste toegang tot die mark vir eiendomkopers en -verkopers in die Boland.

021 841 4285

021 887 2840 021 870 4600


Daihatsu Terios: ’n Buksie vir enige pad LISE BEYERS

En daar raak ek toe halsoorkop verlief. En nie op een of ander spiertier toy-boy nie, maar op my Daihatsu Terios. Om die waarheid te sê, ek was nog nooit ’n motor-mens nie. ’n Voertuig is bloot iets wat my veilig van punt a tot punt b moet bring, en dan ook nie elke ses maande in die werkswinkel beland met een of ander skeet nie. Vyf jaar gelede was ek in die mark vir ’n nuwe motor – of eerder nuwe, tweedehandse motor wat die sak van ’n armsalige joernalis pas. My klein stadskarretjie was besig om pak te kry, want ek moes letterlik deur berge en oor dale ry om by ’n storie uit te kom. Ek het iets meer robuus benodig, veral met ’n hoër grondhoogte. Ek het vir Louis Minitzer van Omni Cars hiér in die Paarl gebel en aan hom verduidelik wat ek het, wat ek min of meer wil hê en wat ek kan bekostig.

Die pad is heel goed en ons ry rustig. Binne minute is ek teruggeMaar daar kom ons om ’n draai met skakel en Omni Cars het net die die berge skielik reg op ons en die ryding vir my, sê hulle – ’n 2008 pad styg omtrent 45° voor ons. BoonDaihatsu Terios met 60 000 km op is die oppervlak die ene los klipagter die blad. pies. Dis die gevreesde Bosau-pas. Sy was tog te oulik toe ek haar My Terios, wat maar ’n 4X2 is met die eerste keer aanskou het, ’n net ’n 1500cc enjin en geen diff-lock buksie van ’n sportnutsvoertuig, nie, waag dit so ’n entjie op en loop maar omdat ek tweedehands getoe sommer van self terug tot in die koop het, het ek eers die hulp van vlakte. Nee wat, sê sy, hier kan ek ’n vriend wat baie van motors en nie op nie. My toermaat en ek raak meganika af weet, ingeroep om skoon stil en sommer ook bleek. Die die Terios van nader te bekyk. pad terug na die teerpad wat na NadatKlausdiemotorgoedonWindhoek gaan, sal ’n reuse ompad dersoek het en vir ’n toetslopie wees en die dag raak nie langer nie. geneem het, het ek sy goedkeuMaar ek stoot die Terios agteruit tot ring gehad om die transaksie te op ’n draai en sit voet in die hoek. sluit. En van dié dag dat ek die Die motor is in eerste rat en my voet motorhawe se vertoonvloer in trap hard op die petrolpedaal. Daar my splinternuwe tweedehandse is geen kans van na ’n ander rat oorTerios verlaat het, het ek nog Die Daihatsu Terios is ’n buksie gepas vir talle moeilike terreine, slaan nie, en ek sien al hoe die enjin nooit teruggekyk nie. maar is ook ’n baie gemaklike stadsmotor. FOTO: LISE BEYERS onder hierdie druk opblaas. Behalwe dat ek dikwels op die Maar nee, my Terios dreun tot heel bo-op die pad is, soos genoem soms berg op en dal af, vaar was ook nie haastig nie en heerlik gemaklik in pas. Hiér is ’n uitkykpunt en ek hou al hygend ek tog te graag die vlaktes in. My eerste rit die my Terios. So ry ons verder deur Namibië, sonder enige stil. vertes in met my Terios, was ’n jaar nadat ek Ons het die onmoontlike vermag , en so ry haar gekoop het – ’n onvergeetlike langpad- probleme. Ek het wel voorsiening gemaak vir die wis en die onwis, veral vir bandprobleme, ons neus in die lug verder deur die berge tot kuier in Namibie. Die pad tussen die Paarl en Vioolsdrif het met my kompressor, band-regmaak wurmpies in Windhoek. Toe weet ek, my Terios kan oral ry - gemaklik, gevlieg in die gemak van die Terios. Oor die en al die ander nodige gereedskap. Ek was grens is daar afgedraai na Aussenkehr en ’n skoon teleurgesteld dat ek dié nooit moes ge- rustig en veilig. ’n Ander pad wat sy sonder moeite onder die knie gekry het, was ’n slegs kortkop verder het ons afgedraai op die Gods- bruik het nie. Op die lange pad tussen Solitaire en Walvis- 4X4-roete, die Cederberge op by Wuppertal in verlate vlakte, die woestyn in. Ons was oppad na die Visrivier-canyon en baai lê daar elke hier en daar ’n wrak van ’n die rigting van Ceres. En dan die onlangse rit vooronsbyonskampeerterreinkom,moesons motor wat die grondpad onderskat het. Ook het na Terracebaai in die noordweste van Namibië. eers by ’n klipperige bergpassie op ry. Die Teri- ons ’n paar keer verby konvooie 4X4’s gery wat Nêrens het sy ’n skeet opgedoen nie, nie eens os het hierdie pad sonder hik of hoes kafgedraf. op toer deur dié mooie land was. Dan het een ’n pap wiel nie. Benewens hierdie buksie se vaardighede op Verby die canyon het alles vlot verloop na Lü- van hul luukse rygoed onklaar geraak en het deritz en daarna ook die pad tussen Aus en Hel- hulle op die plek tent opgeslaan terwyl hulle moeilike paaie, is sy ook die ideale dorps- en gesinsmotor, met ’n ruim kajuit wat alle passawag vir hulp vanaf Walvisbaai. meringhausen. Lekker windgat ry ek stadig verby met my siers gemaklik op die langpad hou. Alhoewel In plaas daarvan dat ons die gewone toerisroete na Sossusvlei geneem het deur Helme- elmboog deur die oop venster en vra of ek nie die kattebak klein lyk, dra dit ’n goeie hoeveelringhausen, het ons afgedraai op die D707, ’n kan help nie. Van die mans raak sommer so heid bagasie, om nie te praat daarvan as die sitplekke platgeslaan is nie. taamlike nagmerrie. Die pad het gewissel tus- bloedrooi in die gesig. Sal ek haar vir iets anders verruil?. Nee. BeSo verloop alles vlot deur die land, tot by Cape sen erge sinkpad en rooi sand. Die rit langs die Tirasberge was egter asem- Cross, die woestyn in, oral. Die laaste dag voor- kostigbaarheid, betroubaarheid en volhourowend, met die byna bloedrooi berge in die dat ons die land sou verlaat, neem ons die grond- baarheid. Dit is kortliks wat my Terios my bied laatmiddag son en rooi duine, waar soms ’n pad vanaf Swakopmund na Windhoek. Ons is en ek wil haar eintlik bestuur totdat sy eendag paar gemsbokke gedwaal het.Die toestand van nog nie gereed vir teerpaaie nie en wil so lank ’n klassieke versamelstuk is. Vir eens in my lewe kan ek sê dat ek nou ’n intieme verhouding die pad was so vrot dat dit ons byna drie uur as moontlik in die verlate vlaktes bly. Ons ry in die rigting van die Komashochland. met my motor het. geneem het om die 90 km te ry. Maar dan, ons




20 Februarie, 2014

Grand Cherokee now even better FRANS LE ROUX South Africans were first introduced to Jeep’s flagship Grand Cherokee way back in 1993. Those first models were mainly plagued by reliability, serious depreciation of value and just poor build quality. Luckily, after a short 21 years, the latest face-lifted Grand Cherokee is now available and the upgrades are rather impressive. At the end of 2012, I tested the newly released Grand Cherokee in V6 petrol guise, but never had the chance to sample the more desired turbo-diesel model. I had some issues with the interior, and the 5-speed automatic gearbox did little to impress. Here we are in 2014, and the latest Jeep has been on sale for a couple of months. When I initially heard about the face-lift, I wasn’t that excited. Only later did I notice that Jeep introduced a brand new 8speed automatic gearbox throughout the entire Grand Cherokee range. On the exterior, the new face-lift features subtle changes that only a true Jeep fan would easily recognise. Firstly at the front bi-xenon headlights and daytime running lights now look fresher. Newly designed wheels for the entry level Limited, Overland and SRT models have also been introduced. At the rear more changes to the light clusters were made. Larger taillights with LED-lightning, a larger rear spoiler and a redesigned tailgate are all part of the upgrades. I still think

The latest Grand Cherokee from Jeep is a vastly improved vehicle thanks mainly to its new 8­speed automatic gearbox. PHOTO: QUICKPIC the Grand Cherokee looks mean, purposeful and tough. Take a seat behind the modern 3spoke steering-wheel, and some much needed upgrades are seen inside the new Grand Cherokee. The main change being the addition of Jeep’s U-Connect multimedia touch screen. This massive 21 cm screen is very easy to use and allows you to control your radio, telephone, bluetooth and various vehicle settings. Compared to the previous model, this is a most welcome upgrade which enhances the premium Jeep image. Luckily my test vehicle had no glossy wood inserts, which those Americans love so much. The seats are wonderfully comfortable,

electric and heated in the front, while the rear can easily seat three adults. A nice touch was the automatic tailgate on all Grand Cherokee’s. Rear legroom is ample, while the low roofline is still suitable for even the tallest passengers. Let’s get down to some statistics. Firstly the 3.0 CRD turbo-diesel is powered by a six cylinder engine producing a whopping 179 kW and 569 Nm of torque. Fuel consumption has also improved thanks mostly to the new ZF-8 speed transmission. The average consumption over the four days was 11 km/F which is not bad considering the sheer size of the vehicle. This translates into a theoretical tank range of more than a

1 000 km. Acceleration is brisk and the Grand Cherokee dispatches the 0-100 kph in 8,2 seconds. That new 8-speed gearbox vastly improved the ride and feel compared to the outgoing model. What impresses is the way the mountains of torque are transferred to the road. Overtaking is a breeze considering this is a 2,3 ton SUV. The acceleration from 100-140 kph is very impressive, and you get to fully appreciate the 8-speed ability. When stomping on the accelerator the gearbox shifts from 8th gear to 5th gear in a split second. Everything happens quickly and the shifts feel buttery smooth. The 4X4 system is updated thanks


to Jeep’s new Quadra-Trac II which makes use of two transfer cases to manage power and braking to the front and rear axle. Traction is also vastly improved thanks to a new electronic limited slip differential. Although I did not do any serious 4X4-ing, the Jeep handled a 11 km stretch of badly rutted gravel road with great ease. The premium SUV-segment is fiercely contested in South Africa. Vehicles dominating here are the likes of the Toyota Prado, Land Rover Discovery 4 and BMW’s X5. If it is off-road capabilities you are after, forget about the X5. The Jeep strikes a good balance between sunset cruiser, hard-core off-roading and a true multi-purpose vehicle. When compared to the Prado, it is R30 000 more expensive but you get loads more power and modern tech for your money. When directly comparing the price with that of a Discovery 4 SE, the Grand Cherokee is R30 000 cheaper. I would compare the Jeep at R767 990, with the Discovery SE at R798 000. Both vehicles have an 8-speed gearbox, both use a 3.0 6 cylinder turbo diesel engine and both pride themselves in being good on and off the beaten track. At around R31 000 difference, the Jeep is starting to look like seriously good value for money. Take into consideration it’s 6 year/100 000 km maintenance plan, this Jeep offers good value in an attractive package. Do yourself a favour and visit Sandown Motors Century City at or contact them on 021 528 0600 to book your test-drive today.

22 The sport suspension lowers the vehicle body by 30 millimetres, while it is standard fitted with 20­inch, five paral­ lel­spoke design wheels. PHOTO: QUICKPIC



20 Februarie, 2014

Audi S Q5 has arrived in style QUICKPIC The Audi SQ5 TDI is the first Audi “S” model in the Q model line. It is also the first S model whose remarkable propulsive power and impressive performance figures are generated by a twin-turbo diesel engine. Visually, it combines all the assets of the Audi Q5 performance SUV with the unmistakable design characteristics of Audi S models. The result is a highly attractive and distinctive vehicle. This is immediately apparent from its exterior, with restyled front and rear bumpers, a roof spoiler, black brake callipers at the front with SQ5 badging and many other features all emphasising the sporty nature of the Audi SQ5 TDI. This SUV has no direct competitors and is a unique offering in the premium B SUV segment. Boosted by two turbochargers, its 3.0 TDI engine produces a brawny 230 kW and 650 Nm of torque between 1 450 and 2 800 rpm. The powerful TDI, which displaces 2 967 cc, uses a twinturbo design in which the two turbochargers are connected in series via a flap. Cylinder head cooling, the timing and lift of the intake cam shafts, the pistons, their oil-jet cooling and the piston pins have been specially designed for the high-performance concept. The common rail system develops as much as 2 000 bar of pressure and injects as many as eight shots of fuel

into the cylinders per cycle. The Audi SQ5 TDI sprints from zero to 100 km/h in just 5,1 seconds on its way to a top speed of 250 km/h (governed). Fuel consumption is on average just 6,8 litres per 100 km with a CO2 emissions figure of 179 g/km, taking full advantage of the efficiency a diesel engine provides. Innovative thermal management, the start-stop system and the regulated oil pump all contribute to this top figure. A fast and smooth-shifting eight-speed tiptronic and quattro permanent all-wheel drive with torque vectoring transfer the power of the V6 diesel engine to the road. The electromechanical power steering in the Audi SQ5 TDI is sensitive and highly efficient. The sport suspension lowers the vehicle body by 30 mm, while it is standard-fitted with 20 inch, five parallel-spoke design wheels. The black brake callipers on the front axle boast S badges. The most eye-catching design cues are the platinum grey single-frame grille with its galvanised double bars in an aluminium-look finish, the roof spoiler and the modified bumpers. The high-gloss package and the aluminium-look exterior mirrors accentuate the area around the windows. The body includes a high proportion of ultra-high-strength steels, making it very light, safe and rigid. As is typical for an S model, the interior has black trim and exudes a sporty elegance. The power-adjustable sport seats come as standard in Alcantara leather with brushed alumin-

ium inlays. The instrument dials are grey and include a 3D-design S badge, the needles are white and the pedals and shift paddles have an aluminiumlook finish. Additional visual highlights in the interior are the S gear lever knob, the S badges on the door sill trims, the start button and the specially-shaped steering wheel, the S welcome screen and the lighting package. Luggage capacity in the SQ5 is 1 560 F, making it the ideal car for sporty and active customers. It is also an unusually powerful towing vehicle, with a rated towing capacity of up to 2,4 metric tons. The Audi S Q5 will be available with the following standard specification: • 20-inch S-design alloy wheels • MMI 3G Navigation Plus • Audi connect on-line services (including Google Earth navigation and Wifi hotspot) • S-design flat-bottom steering wheel with enlarged gearshift paddles • Black headliner • Exhaust sound actuator • S-design interior trim • S-embossed front sport seats in Alcantara/ leather • Twin exhaust tailpipes (two on each side) • S-design front and rear bumpers • S-design side sills • S-design front bumper and grille • S-badging The new Audi S Q5 is now available in South Africa at R794 500, inclusive of all taxes and the standard fiveyear/100 000km Audi Freeway Plan.




20 Februarie, 2014

Latest Renault Koleos now in South Africa Renault South Africa is proud to announce the arrival of the latest phase Koleos SUV. Unanimously acclaimed locally and internationally for the travelling comfort it delivers as well as its extensive equipment package and all-terrainabilityandinitslatestphase-aprominent feature of the newcomer’s refined and sophisticated design is the front grille, which features Renault’s latest styling identity. Easily recognisable at first glance, it is synonymous with the brand’s enhanced styling identity, which is based on the use of harmonious, elegant lines. The diamond trademark frontispiece is bold and prominently positioned on the new chrome grille, providing the vehicle with an assertive yet elegant look. Bumpers and side mouldings are body-coloured, door mirror housings are equipped with LED indicators while the chrome finish of the side protective strips also adds a touch of distinguished elegance. Redesigned two-tone 17” alloy wheels partnered with 225/60 R 17 99H tyres keep the vehicle grounded and underscore the new Koleos’ latest evolution enhancing its character and further expressing its singular personality. Seductivechromeandplatinumgreyfinishes complete the popular SUV’s exterior makeover for 2013 and beyond.

The interior cabin benefits from charcoal leather upholstery, heated front seats and an electrically adjustable driver’s seat .


All the materials selected for the cabin are of an outstanding quality and the finishes meet the high demands associated with the segment. The interior cabin benefits from charcoal leather upholstery, heated front seats and an adjustable driver’s seat. For ultimate driver and passenger comfort and convenience, the abundant features include electronic park brake, Hill Start Assist, power steering, cruise control plus speed limiter, dual zone air con, rear parking sensors and rain and light sensors. For the first time, new Renault Koleos is equipped with Renault’s exclusive new indash R-Link navigation and media system. R-Link comprises a seven-inch (18cm) touch screen display, steering wheel-mounted remote controls and console-mounted joystick. It features real time traffic optimisation and high definition maps while packing all the expected multimedia functions – from radio to Bluetooth® while USB and auxiliary connection points are also found within the centre console. The new Koleos retains the excellent off-road capability of its predecessors. Its high ground clearance of 206 mm and excellent approach and departure angles are complemented on 4x4 versions, by an all-wheel drive system with three driver-selected modes (Auto, 4x4 LOCK or 2WD), plus Hill Descent Control (HDC). The new Renault Koleos’ very high standards of active and passive safety are underscored by its five-star rating by the Euro NCAP safety standards authority. Outstanding levels of safety are ensured thanks to standard ABS with Emergency Brake Assist (EBA), electronic brake force distribution (EBD) and ESP stability control. As is the case across Renault’s entire product range, new Renault Koleos SUV comes with Renault’s industry-leading five-year/150 000 km mechanical warranty, plus a fiveyear/100 000 km service plan and a six-year anti-corrosion warranty. Services are at 15 000 km intervals.

Price, Koleos 2.5 Dynamique (manual) 4x2 R309 900 • New Koleos 2.5 Dynamique (manual) 4x4


R334 900 • New Koleos 2.5 Dynamique (auto) 4x4 R349 900



20 Februarie, 2014


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