Boland Sold 20140508

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8 MEI A DAY OF CHARITY: The local Keller Williams team is heading out to the Somerset West Garden Community Centre and Village Kids in Garden Village Centre today (8 May) to offer up a day of community work. This initia­ tive forms part of the sixth annual Keller Williams Realty RED (Renew, Energize and Donate) Day. The Keller Wil­ liams team will be supplying lunch at the event and will also be offering the kids and pensioners entertainment throughout the day and planting some trees. Wayne Heidmann, Regional Manager KW Cape Town, says this is Keller Williams at its best. “RED Day is a one­day ex­ pression of what happens 24/7 in the Keller Williams culture. It is about seeing a need, discovering who can meet that need and then get­ ting it done! Please feel free to put on something RED and join our team.”


Eager buyers create stock shortage DALEEN FOUCHÉ The high demand in local property has swung the local property market from a buyer’s market to a seller’s market. Juan de Jager, principal of Dynamic Realtors, says the market in Somerset West has changed from a buyers market to a sellers market, because of the shortage in stock. He says properties priced R1,8 million and lower are in high demand and sellers have realised

this and are putting up the property prices accordingly. De Jager, however, says the buyers market has not yet caught up with this change and many still believe they can wait a week before placing a offer on a property. De Jager says this is no longer possible adding that buyers will have to adjust to the changes. Property prices have also increased because of the high demand for local property. He, however, explains that the Somerset West market is very unique and does not always align with the

trends in the rest of the country. De Jager says the Somerset West property market is currently very lively. J.D. Lombard, estate agent for RE/MAX Helderberg, agrees with de Jager and says stock across the Helderberg is in very high demand. He says since the beginning of the year, there has been quite a bit of movement in the property market with RE/MAX Helderberg selling over R50 million worth of property in April. “The problem is that there is a shortage of stock.” According to Lombard, estate

agents in the RE/MAX Helderberg office all have a list of potential buyers, who are waiting for their dream property to enter the market. Lombard explains that houses, apartments and flats that are priced right, sell very quickly. Property priced between R900 000 and upwards is very popular and in high demand. Property in areas like Parel Vallei and Land En Zeezicht, go very quickly. Lombard says one property in Victoria Park was recently sold at

a record price for R935 000 by an individual who wished to make an investment. Lombard says people cannot go wrong when investing in property, and especially encourage young adults and families to invest in flats, even if this has to be done in partnership with a friend or family member. Lombard says the reason for property being such a great investment, is because of the shortage in property stock. He says the result of this is that many families choose to rent a property rather than buying a house that does not suit their needs.



8 Mei, 2014

Real estate as a career



ten impacting on I often have people their families. come and speak to me Whilst the hours about the merits of bemay be flexible, the coming an estate reality is that the agent. At first glance most successful it would look like an agents work much easy way to earn good longer and harder money – with flexible than a salaried perhours, huge commisson. sions, and really not Real estate can be much skill required. a very emotional Wrong. business. We deal It’s true there are with peoples’ many estate agents. dreams. We help But relatively few are them sell the home successful, with the their children grew 80/20 “Pareto princiup in, with all the ple” meaning that memories and emo80% of all real estate Talking Property, by Steve tion attached. We assales are concluded Caradoc­Davies, principal of sist our sellers to adby 20% of the agents. Harcourts Platinum just their emotional So what makes a good estate agent? Some may think it’s pricing expectations to the market rea love for property. Whilst we do sell ality. We help our customers negotiate property, the best estate agents are suc- these emotions, often at great emotioncessful because they understand peo- al expense to ourselves. The best estate agents appreciate ple. Our customers are people with needs and expectations. The best we’re not dealing with bricks and moragents are skilled in listening to their tar – we’re dealing with peoples’ lives, customers, identifying their needs, and with what is usually their biggest and then proposing a product or serv- financial investment. And of course, there is the disapice that meets those needs. For an agent to have those skills they pointment agents experience when, need to take a genuine interest in their through no fault of their own, sales fall clients. If you’ve ever dealt with an es- through. Great estate agents have the tate agent before, or any salesperson emotional strength to deal with these for that matter, you will agree that you emotional highs and lows. Another characteristic of the best can tell within minutes who is interested in your needs vs. who is interested agents is that they don’t shy away from the difficult conversation. Honest and in their commission. The best estate agents are seriously open communication with their cusgoal driven and self-disciplined. An tomers is critical to assisting them. agent only gets paid for results, not for Sometimes this means the agent needs turning up at the office. Their drive to deliver information to a client that and determination usually means long will not be well received. This requires working hours at times when their cus- courage, as the messenger is often the tomers are available – after hours and “shot down” for delivering the inforon weekends. This comes at a price, of- mation


Districtmail 8 Mei, 2014




Districtmail 8 Mei, 2014



Districtmail 8 Mei, 2014




Districtmail 8 Mei, 2014



Districtmail 8 Mei, 2014


Biggest and Best Property guide in the Boland

SOLD bied die grootste en maklikste toegang tot die mark vir eiendomkopers en -verkopers in die Boland.

021 841 4285

021 887 2840 021 870 4600



Districtmail 8 Mei, 2014



Eikestadnuus 8 Mei, 2014




Eikestadnuus 8 Mei, 2014



Eikestadnuus 8 Mei, 2014




Eikestadnuus 8 Mei, 2014



Paarl Post 8 Mei, 2014



Paarl Post


8 Mei, 2014

Biggest and Best Property guide in the Boland SOLD bied die grootste en maklikste toegang tot die mark vir eiendomkopers en -verkopers in die Boland.

021 841 4285 021 870 4600

021 887 2840



Taai klein kragbron verras


Toe die eerste Sandero ’n paar jaar gelede op die mark gekom het, het dit gou heelwat aanhangers op sleeptou gehad – die prys was reg, die krag (tog effe flou) en spasie voldoende, maar nie so lig op brandstof soos sommige van sy mededingers nie. Nou het Renault die Sandero heeltemal verfris met ’n nuwe voorkoms en ’n nuwe enjin – ’n 900 cm³ turbo. Suid-Afrika is een van die eerste lande waar die nuwe Renault Sandero op die mark is. Na die sukses van die vorige Sandero en onlangs die nuwe Renault Duster, het die maatskappy besluit om gou die nuwe Sandero na die vertoonvensters in SuidAfrka te bring en dit ten volle gemonteer ingevoer. Voertuie wat minder as R150 000 kos maak 21% van die passasiersmotormark uit. Die nuwe Sandero is nou regtig ’n mooi voertuig en is op die platvorm van die nuutste Clio ontwikkel. Die duurder van die twee opsies het ook misligte voor in die buffer. Voor het dit groot hoofligte en ’n breë sierrooster met die prominente Renault-kenteken wat in die middel pryk. Die agterligte is kleiner, meer vierkantig en is laer geplaas en van agter lyk die Sandero breër en platter. Die materiaal wat binne in die kar gebruik word het ’n tasbare gevoel van gehalte. Die sitplekke is stewig en gee goeie ondersteuning. Die instrumentepaneel lyk netjies en modern met ’n sagte, duursame gevoel. Die Sandero is toegerus met meeste van die luukshede en toerusting wat mens in duurder mo-

Die duursame stoffering wat binne­in die kar gebruik word skep ’n gevoel van gehalte. delle sal verwag. Die groot verandering is die nuwe enjin. Die vorige model het ’n 1 400 (55kW, 112 Nm) enjin of 1 600 (64kW, 128Nm) enjin gehad, maar die nuwe een het ’n 900 enjin en ’n turbo-aanjaer, wat 66 kW en 135 Nm ontwikkel, dus meer as wat enige van die vorige twee enjins ontwikkel. Verder is die enjintoere waarteen maksimum wringkrag ontwikkel word 2 500 r/min teenoor die 3 000 r/min van die vorige enjins: 90% van die wringkrag is al teen 2 000 r/min beskikbaar en die

Sandero voel op die pad in alle omstandighede sterker. Jy kan gerieflik die Sandero op die lang pad neem en heerlik teen normale togsnelhede ry met nog voldoende krag om stadiger voertuie verby te gaan. Omdat die Sandero die enigste kar in sy klas is wat met ’n turbo-enjin toegerus is, gee dit hom die voordeel dat die dun lug van die Hoëveld die werkverrigting nie so veel benadeel nie. Ander sterkpunte van die klein 900 cm³ turbo-enjin is laer brandstofverbruik en minder skadelike


uitlaatgasse. (Die Sandero is vrygestel van CO² belasting). Die Sandero is het 15” wiele en is toegerus met 185x65R15 bande. Die rit en hantering is goed en baie gemaklik en ongelykhede op die pad word maklik geabsorbeer. Dit het ’n vyf-spoed ratkas wat nou nie die gladste is wat ek al teëgekom het nie, maar dit is steeds heel aanvaarbaar. Die Sandero beskik oor ’n hele aantal veiligheids kenmerke, meer as enige van ander klein motors in sy prysklas. Die standaard ABS en

EBD is die nuwe Sandero ook toegerus met EBA (noodremhulp) stabiliteitsbeheer, vastrapbeheer en opdraand-wegtrekbeheer. Daar is twee weergawes van die Sandero luikrug om van te kies: die intreevlak Expression en die meer luukse Dynamique. Van buite is daar min verskil en meganies is die twee dieselfde, maar van buite kan die duurder Dynamique aan sy allooiwiele, gekleurde buitespieëls , deurhandvatsels en misligte uit geken word. Binne is die belangrikste verskille spoedbeheer, elektriese buitespieëls en elektriese ruite aan al vier deure (Expression: net voor). Die Dynamique het vier lugsakke waar die Expression net twee het. Die Sandero vergelyk baie goed met die ander fabrikate in sy prysklas op die mark in Suid-Afrika soos die VW Polo Vivo, Ford Figo en Toyota Etios. Waar die vorige Sandero bilik geprys was t.o.v. sy mededingers, was dit swaarder op brandstof. Die nuwe Sandero met sy 900cm² turbo-enjin is nog steeds billik, maar nou het dit beter verbruik as die ander fabrikate en het selfs nog meer krag. Al is sy enjin die kleinste, is sy krag nou van dieselfde orde as die res. Dan is daar nog luukshede soos lugreëling, elektriese vensters voor, radio met CD en MP3 (slegs standaard in die Figo) en ’n sentrale sluitstelsel met afstandbeheer wat nie (of as ’n ekstra opsie) by die ander ingesluit is nie. Die Sandero kom met ’n vyfjaar of 150 000km waarborg en ’n tweejaar of 30 000km diensplan en daar is twee opsies om van te kies, naamlik die Expression, teen R133 900 , en die Dynamique teen R141 500. Galimoto Media

17 Limited-edition Audi TTS Coupé competition on sale BOLAND SOLD


QUICKPIC Audi is celebrating a production milestone for its compact sports car, the Audi TT, with an exclusive specialeditionmodelcalledtheTTS competition. Only 25 of these exclusive units have been allocated to South Africa, with 200 kW power, quattro® all-wheel drive and a slick-shifting six-speed S-tronic transmission This limited edition TTS model fuses exclusivity with impressive performance. With world-wide production limited to only 500 units, the TTS is sure to become a collector’s item, with the majority of the 25 units already committed to customers in South Africa. The production of the 500 000th Audi TT documents the success of the com-

Donderdag 8 Mei, 2014

pact sports car, which achieved iconic status when the very first generation debuted as a coupé in 1998. It impressed with its 2+2 seating and variable luggage compartment, and set the standard for its technology: potent downsized turbo engines, quattro allwheel drive for the high-end models and six-speed S tronic, which debuted in the model series in 2003. The second generation, which followed in 2006/2007, marked the first time Audi that reversed the weight spiral. The ASF (Audi Space Frame) body, made predominately of aluminum, made the new version up to 90 kilograms lighter than the previous model, giving strong performance with very low fuel consumption. The Audi TTS Coupé competition is available exclusively in the special paint finishes Imola Yellow or Nimbus Grey, and its exterior calling card is

The 2.0 TFSI engine defines the dynamic character of the Audi TTS competi­ tion with its 200 kW and 350 Nm of torque. PHOTO: QUICKPIC

afixedrearwingwithmatt aluminumbars and 18-inch wheels. The 2,0 TFSI engine defines the dynamic character of the Audi TTS competition with its 200 kW and 350 Nm of torque. Paired with the six-speed S tronic, it accelerates the Coupé from 0 to 100 km/h in 5,3 seconds. Average fuel consumption is 7,7 litres per 100 kilometres and an acceleration from 0 to 100 km/h in 5,5 seconds; quattro permanent all-wheel drive delivers the power to the road, and the top speed is electronically limited to 250 km/h. The Impulse leather package in steel grey dominates the interior of the TTS competition and uses characteristic leather bands as decorative elements. Their cut edges are dyed Imola yellow, and this same shade of yellow is used for the contrasting stitching. Aluminum badges on the door trims embossed with “1 of 500” further accentuate the exclusivity of the special edition model. There are no options available for the limited edition Audi TTS Coupé competition and all features, from xenon-plus headlights to aluminium inlays , are available as standard equipment in this exciting new model and make this package an extremely competitive offer for the motoring enthusiast looking for exclusivity. The following equipment is available as standard: •MMI Satellite Navigation •Xenon-plus headlights with LED daytime running lights and rear LED light clusters •quattro® all-wheel drive •Acoustic parking system

•Auto-dimming interior mirror with light and rain sensor •Bluetooth connectivity •Bose sound system •Electric seats with lumbar support •Increased aluminium trim on steering wheel and climate control switches, mirror adjuster •LED interior lighting package •“S” Sports suspension •Quad exhaust pipes •Special TTS instrument dials

with dynamic needle progression •Trip computer with lap timer •Flat bottom steering wheel The Audi TTS competition is available in coupé body style only and will be priced as follows in the launch month of May. This includes the fiveyear/100 000km Audi Freeway Plan which is possible to extend to the seven-year/200 000km option: •Price: the Audi TTS Coupe competition 2.0T quattro S-tronic sells for R664 500



Donderdag 8 Mei, 2014

The new Yaris embraces Toyota’s contempo­ rary design language with a full­width up­ per grille that extends into new triangular headlamps. PHOTO: QUICKPIC

Toyota’s new-look Yaris QUICKPIC Toyota’s upgraded Yaris will embark on a new era when it is released onto the South African market during the second half of this year. The images released today reveal a model which delivers greater emotional appeal by sporting Toyota’s signature front-end design, imbuing the newcomer with a more contemporary “family look” evident in cars like the Auris, Corolla and the all-new Aygo (not due in SA before 2015). The new Yaris embraces Toyota’s contemporary design language with a fullwidth upper grille that extends into new triangular headlamps. It also incorporates a deeper front bumper with a large trapezoidal lower intake, which is a key element of Toyota’s design theme that is being introduced progressively across the range. The upgrade also brings revised rear styling including new tail lamps as well as a raft of under-the-skin and interior mods – details will be released closer to the launch. The range of powertrains is unchanged, with a 1.0 and 1.33 F petrol engine as well as Toyota’s flagship full hybrid system on offer.

021 841 4287

021 870 4601

021 887 2840

021 312 3717



Donderdag 8 Mei, 2014




Donderdag 8 Mei, 2014

Hyundai unveils its smaller ix25 concept SUV


Hyundai has unveiled an ix25 concept model at the 2014 Beijing International Automotive Exhibition as an appetiser for the launch of such a sophisticated small-sized SUV – another strategic pillar for Hyundai Motor in the world’s largest auto market – exclusively in China later this year. The ix25 concept hints at a premium look, based on Hyundai Motor’s evolved Fluidic Sculpture 2.0 design philosophy. Harmony between a bold front, voluminous side, sporty rear and other details complete the premium small-sized SUV’s design. Equipped with a Nu 2.0 engine, the ix25 concept features an overall length of 4 270 mm, overall width of 1 780 mm and overall height of 1 630 mm, while its wheelbase reaches 2 590 mm. “Hyundai Motor has grown into a leading

automaker in China through continuous innovation and we are now poised for a new challenge to become the most loved brand by Chinese customers,” said Hyundai Motor president, Sung Kee Choi. “We will now prepare for another successful decade in China through the launch of high-quality models such as the ix25 SUV, which is strategicallydeveloped for China, and the all-new Genesis.” The ix25 will mainly target the young generation who seek style and practicality at the same time, and Hyundai Motor is planning various marketing activities to attract them. With its launch in the second half of this year, Hyundai Motor expects to complete its competitive SUV line-up in China, from ix25, ix35, Santa Fe to Grand Santa Fe, aiming to secure the leading position in the country’s rapidly growing SUV market. The “i” in ix25 represents the “inspiring, intelligent and innovative” characteristics of the young generation.

The ix25 con­ cept hints at a premium look, based on Hy­ undai Motor’s evolved Fluidic Sculpture 2.0 design philoso­ phy. PHOTO: QUICKPIC

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