Study report

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Assessment of rehabilitation and social inclusion situation of people with disabilities in local administrative units of Laç, Lezha and Vau i DejÍs



Without Barriers

REPORT Assessment of rehabilitation and social inclusion situation of people with disabilities in local administrative units of Laç, Lezha and Vau i DejÍs

Tirana, July 2015

Prepared by: Dr. Blerta Cani Florida Kalemi

This document was done upon request of Caritas Albania, under the frame of the program “Being active-Without barriers� funded by Austrian Agency for Development and Cooperation and Caritas Austria. Ideas stated by the authors of this document not necessarily represent the attitudes of Caritas Albania

The ideas expressed by the authors of this document do not necessarily reflect the position of Caritas Albania


Caritas Albania and authors of this evaluation report, express their gratitude and thanks to the people engaged, in particular people with disabilities and their families, representatives of state institutions at local level as well as Caritas Albania staff in three administrative units Laç, Lezha and Vau i DejÍs, whom with their information, opinions and living experiences made possible the realization of this evaluation.

7 Table of contents

List of figures.............................................................................................................. 8 List of charts.................................................................................................................. 10 List of acronyms............................................................................................................ 10

I. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................... 11

Executive summary

II. METHODOLOGY................................................................................................................... 13

Participants, instruments, procedures.............................................................. 13

III. DATA AND STATISTICS........................................................................................................ 14

General data Data and statistics for people with disabilities................................................ 14


5.1Assessment of environmenthal accessibility situation....................................... 25 5.2Assessment of social services situation .............................................................. 26 5.3Assessment of housing situation......................................................................... 34 5.4Assessment of health services situation.............................................................. 35 5.5Assessment of education situation...................................................................... 38 5.6Assessment of the situation in the field of vocational training and employment ........ 43 VI. ASSESSMENT OF MOTHER SITUATION IN THE FIELD THAT ENSURE SOCIAL INCLUSION AND INABLE OF PEOPLE WITH DISABILITES BY QUANTITATIVE DATA

Instruments................................................................................................................ 54 Participants................................................................................................................. 54 Processing of Data..................................................................................................... 54 Results......................................................................................................................... 54 VII. CONCLUSIONS AND recommendations.............................................................. 73 VIII. ANNEXES ............................................................................................................. 82

Assessment of rehabilitation and social inclusion situation of people with disabilities in local administrative units of Laç, Lezha and Vau i Dejës

8 List of Figures Figure 1. People with disabilities according to the benefit category, Lezha Municipality. Figure 2. People with disability according to the age, Lezha Municipality Figure 3. PWDs based on the profit schemes of payment and gender, Vau i Dejës Figure 4. PWD according to the category of disability, Vau i Dejës Municipality Figure 5. PWD according to the age-group, Vau i Dejës Municipality Figure 6. PWD mental based on age-group Figure 7. PWD, blind people based on age-group, Vau i Dejës municipality Figure 8. PWD, para and quadriplegics based on age-group, Vau i Dejës Municipality Figure 9. PWD, working disabled based on age-group Figure 10. Data on Persons with Disabilities based on categories of DWS, SSS schemes, for reasons unrelated to employment, 174 persons with disabilities (14%) benefit care, while 73 persons benefit hygienic packages. Figure 11. Data on Persons with Disabilities, SSS schemes and schemes of SSI by gender Figure 12. Data on Persons with Disabilities, SSS schemes by age-group Figure 13. Data on Persons with Disability, SSI scheme by a ge group Figure 14. Data for persons with disabilities in mobility and orientation in the town of Lezha, Laç a nd Vau i Dejës. Figure 15. People with disabilities at the daily center of Lezha by age Figure 16. People with disabilities at the daily center of Lezha, by residence Figure 17. The number of children with disabilities with MCWCA certificate against those who are not presented to MCWCA involved in the education system in Lezha. Figure 18. Education level of unemployed jobseekers with disabilities in Lezha Figure 19. The number of people with disabilities employed compared to the total number of people employed in the public and private sector of Lezha Municipality Figure 20. The level of required support Figure 21. The categories of disabilities in the survey Figure 22. Residential area Figure 23. Financial situation of participants Figure 24. Social Status

9 Figure 25. Independent living status Figure 26. Employment status Figure 27. Education status Figure 28. Benefit plan Figure 29. The average regarding the accessibility Figure 30. Accessibility at home Figure 31. The use of sign language at home Figure 32. Road Accessibility Figure 33. Community accessibility Figure 34. The use of sign language in the community Figure 35. Accessibility at state institutions Figure 36. Accessibility at entertaining facilities Figure 37. Accessibility at Health Centre Figure 38. Average grade in the field of medical and social services Figure 39. Prevention Figure 40. Early Identification and Treatment Figure 41. Health Services Figure 42. Rehabilitation Services Figure 43. Dental Services Figure 44. Medical Commision for the Assessment of the Ability to Work Figure 45. Social Services Figure 46. Free legal assistance Figure 47. Social Housing Figure 48. Average grade according to the fields (employment, vocational training, education, participation in cultural and artistic activities and sports) Figure 49. Employment opportunities Figure 50. Professional and training qualifications Figure 51. Average grade for the questions related to the education Figure 52. Education Figure 53. Opportunities for inclusion in school Figure 54. Individual Education Plan Figure 55. Participation in sport, artistic and cultural activities Figure 56. Staff expertise Figure 57. Legislation Figure 58. The knowledge that provides the local government for the legislation Figure 59. Equality and non-discrimination Figure 60. How much is respected your opinion in decision-making Figure 61. Decision-making in families Assessment of rehabilitation and social inclusion situation of people with disabilities in local administrative units of Laç, Lezha and Vau i DejÍs

10 list of tables Table 1


Non Governmental Organization Convention on Rights of People with Disabilities Local Government Units People with Disabilities Hydro Power Plan State Social Service United Nations Local Urban Construction Inspectorate Ministry of Social Welfare and Youth National Housing Agency BKT Bank Decision of Council of Ministers Public Health Directorate Regional Directorate of State Labor Inspectorate Italian Organization CISPI Non Profitable Organization Medical Commissions for Work Capability Assessment Regional Education Directorate Education Office Psycho-Social Service Regional Director for Vocational Training Regional Directorate of the National Employment Service National Employment Service Regional Directorate of State Inspectorate of Labor Ministry of Education and Sport

11 I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY According to the latest official statistics, the number of people who are officially recognized with disabilities in Albania is 145.051, of whom 74.043 persons benefit from the social security system and 71,008 persons from the social assistance system. This number, which includes children and adults, constitutes only 5% of Albania population. Of these, 19.389 people with disabilities, benefit a free custody. The number of persons with disabilities in the Municipality of Lezha, Laç and Vau i Dejës, beneficiaries from both existent schemes of beneficiary in the country is 2260 (1.5% of official figures for persons with disabilities in Albania) Over the recent years, in the country are drafted a series of laws and policies regarding the promotion and protection of people with disabilities such as National Strategy for People with Disabilities (2005), the accompanying Action Plan, Social Protection Sector Strategy (2007-2013) which is currently in the drafting process for the period (2015-2020). Both these strategies, which are still in the process of ratification, have in its foundations the implementation of the guidelines provided at the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, ratified by the Albania government in December 2012. Despite the efforts and measures undertaken for change, the community of people with disabilities still continues to encounter difficulties, which prevents them to be citizen with equal rights and opportunities with the rest of society. People of disabilities of Lezha municipality face a lot of challenges in their attempt to be engaged in socio-economic, political and cultural life. The difficulties are related to: (a) lack of accessibility and therefore the inclusion and participation in all the fields of life is low; (b) low income level; (c) lack of services regarding rehabilitation and integration; (d) lack of services in the communities where they live; (e) low level of employment in the free labour market; (f) lack of inclusion in all the phases of the education system (g) discrimination, stigmatization and prejudice are present for people with disabilities. The ratification from the Albania Government of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in December 2012, binds new obligations for the Albania Government in terms of legal changes, administrative practices, approaches towards limited disability, standards of a higher level for the protection and a better life for people with disabilities. Even though that the legislative framework has been improved over the years, it is important to take into consideration that the legal obligations belong to different levels of governments, including here even the local level. The new approaches and concepts of the CRPD are often unknown at Assessment of rehabilitation and social inclusion situation of people with disabilities in local administrative units of Laç, Lezha and Vau i Dejës

12 local level. In order for these approaches and concepts to be implemented at local level, it is important to require an analysis and concretization of the planes and concrete measures, which are tangible in different units of local government. The implementation of these measures depends entirely on the will, desire and approval from leaders and decision makers of the local level. The main aim of this assessment is to offer: (a) a comprehensive framework of the current situation of people with disabilities in the Municipality of Lezha, Laç and Vau i Dejës; b) identification of the problems that people with disabilities encounter, especially by identifying some of the basic needs that are still considered to be unfulfilled by persons with disabilities of different categories and their families (c) to provide some recommendations that reflect the opinion of the participants in this assessment, that serve to the right orientation of the intervention in the fields considered priority for rehabilitation and social inclusion of persons with disabilities. This assessment, through the instruments and methodology used, served also to inform and raise awareness of local administration and the community of persons with disabilities and their families involved in this process. This assessment was conducted in collaboration with the Municipality and government’s institutions at local level, including: Regional Education Directorate of Lezha and Education Departments of Vau i Dejës and Laç, Regional Directorate of the National Employment Service in Lezha, Employment Office of Laç and Vau i Dejës; Regional Directorate of the State Labour Inspectorate Service in Lezha, and Regional Directorate of the State Social Service, Regional Health Service Directorate, Public Private Center provide services in the three local units included in the evaluation. In performing this assessment, were included stakeholders, representatives of organizations of persons with disabilities, individuals with disabilities and their families, their thoughts and opinions constitute the main findings and recommendations of this assessment. During the phase of information gathering, were identified five main areas as the most important to ensure the rehabilitation and social inclusion of people with disabilities, fields that are in the same line with political documents of Albania government for social inclusion of vulnerable groups, including people with disabilities in Albania. • Social Services and Housing • Healthy Services • Education • Vocational Training and Employment • Adaptability and access to the built environment, transport and communication. The last one is considered as prerequisite for access and inclusion of people with disabilities in all areas of life.

13 II. METHODOLOGY Methodology used in the realization of this survey is based on participatory assessment methods, through a combination of interviews with responsible actors and stakeholders in the field of social and health services, education, accessibility, vocational training and employment. To collect the necessary information on the evaluation report conducted on aspects of rehabilitation services and social inclusion of persons with disabilities, in Lezha, Laç and Vau i Dejës were used the following instruments: 1. Interviews through semi-structured questionnaires, with representatives of institutions which are engaged in activities locally and address issues of Social Services, Health Services, Sheltering, Education, Vocational Training and Employment, Premises Accessibility. (See Annex 1) Questionnaires were specific for each institution, depending on responsibilities. 2. Focus group with individuals with disabilities of all categories: paraplegic and quadriplegic, blind, speech-related problems, mental disabilities and their family members, working invalids, including representatives of NGOs for disability. There were conducted 4 focus groups and the number of people involved was 34, respectively, 13 people from Vau i Dejës, 9 persons from Laç, and 12 people from Lezha. To realize the focus group meeting were asked open question which served to obtain information on all the matters covered by this survey. 3. Survey, through which 746 persons were interviewed; 489 (65.8%) of these were people with disabilities and 260 (34.2%) were family members (parents, siblings). The instrument used was a questionnaire which consisted of three sections: a section on demography, questions related to the situation and how satisfied the participants were in various fields; and open questions, through which, the respondents were asked to highlight three unmet needs. Quantitative survey data were processed with SPSS. Graphs were prepared in Excel. Qualitative data were studied in groups of topics and sub-topics. It was also calculated the frequency to determine the extent of the needs expressed by those interviewed.

Assessment of rehabilitation and social inclusion situation of people with disabilities in local administrative units of Laç, Lezha and Vau i Dejës

14 III. Data and statistics - Lezha Municipality General data

Functional area of Lezha includes under its management 10 Local Government Units (LGUs) (1 Municipality and 9 communes), from 21 in total that are part of Lezha region (16 communes and 5 municipalities), placing the area on the top from the highest number of LGUs compared with 2 other functional areas of Lezha Region. It should be noted that approximately 56 percent of the population lives in three units in this area (Municipality of Lezha and communes of Shënkoll and Shëngjin). These units have increased population (Shënkoll 47.3 percent, Shëngjin 18.9 percent and Lezha 7.6 per cent), while all other units have lowered the number of residents. Three units have reached 78.8 per cent of the population; now they are not any longer in other units. Major concentration of the population in these units is related to the rapid development of tourism. Lezha is also the administrative center of Lezha County and has a total surface of 5, 05 km square. Lezha population is 29.214 inhabitants and accounts 13% of the total population of Lezha County. Lezha is located in the western region of Albania, which has been and remains the most developed region in Albania. Currently, the city’s economy is diversified, but relies on the trade and services sectors that employ the largest number of residents. Construction of Business Park in the northern part of the city will encourage the concentration of local, regional and foreign businesses. Within the plan of park is planned to concentrate mainly business activities of medium and large enterprises such as: confectioner products, shoe manufacturing, construction, agro-food products, aluminium processing, wood processing, transport, trade and services. Construction of Business Park expects to create about 3,000 vacant positions. Lezha County has a great potential for the development of coastal, cultural, religious, rural and natural tourism. Data on people with disabilities

Number of persons with disabilities in Lezha Municipalities is 981, of whom 413 are registered and covered by the scheme of the State Social Service and 568 work invalids are part of the scheme of the Social Insurance. PWD, part of the scheme of SSS (State Social Service) and treated by the municipality, (n = 412) belonging to different groups: 63 are blind, 47 paraplegics and quadriplegic and 312 persons with physical and menthal disabilities (see Figure 1), with a very small minority of women beneficiaries (42.8%, no = 180) 232 men.

15 47

Para tetraplegjikë Para ande quadriplegics

Të people verbër Blind

63 312

PWD Menthal and Physical PAK mendorë e fizikë


Work Invalids Invalidë pune 0






Figure 1. People with disabilities according to the benefit


category, Lezha Municipality

Nearly a quarter of beneficiaries (no = 124) were also beneficiaries of custodial payment and one tenth of them benefit sanitary-hygiene packet (n = 47). Figure 2 shows the distribution of persons with disabilities in Lezha, by age group. 2.6%

0-3 years 19-21 years


over 60 years


4-18 years

20.3% 55.9%

22-60 years 0%







Figure 2. People with disability according to the age, Lezha Municipality

Number of registered work invalids is 567 persons, of whom 323 are women. Details of work invalids by age group: 0-30 years old = 1; 31- 40 years old = 4; 41-50 years old = 54; 51-60 years old = 149; 60 years old = 49. The data show that about 20.3% of people with disabilities (no.95) were school age, while 61.8% of people with disabilities (approximately 256 people) and 90% of disabled workers (no. 519), are of working age. Assessment of rehabilitation and social inclusion situation of people with disabilities in local administrative units of Laç, Lezha and Vau i Dejës

16 Data and statistics - Municipality Vau i Dejës General data

Vau i Dejës Municipality is bounded on the north and west by Shkodra Municipality, in the east by Fushe Arrez municipality and south by Puka and Lezha municipalities. According to 2011 Census, Vau i Dejës Municipality has a population of 30.438 inhabitants. While according to Civil Registry, this municipality counts 48.966 inhabitants. The data shows that about 35% of the population is young, under 18 years old. While working population constitutes about 50% of the total and the rest above working-age constitutes 15% .With the new territorial division, the new municipality covers an area of 499.09 km2 with a density of 98.11 inhabitants / km2. The municipality consists of 6 administrative units, which are: Vau i Dejës, Bushat, Vig-Mnele, Hajmel, Temal, Shllak. All administrative units are currently part of Shkodra district and Shkodra country as well. The new municipality has under its administration one town and 47 villages. The center of this municipality is Vau i Dejës city, which counts about 6.087 inhabitants. There is also located Vau i Dejës hydro-power station and HPP Ashta 1 and Ashta 2, built with private concession recently. Before the 90s, most residents in Vau i Dejës worked at the plant at the copper factory and agricultural cooperatives. While the current economic development relies mainly on small service businesses, which are located mainly in Vau i Dejës city. The unemployment rate is high, so a large part of the population has emigrated, mainly in Italy and Greece. The particularity of this municipality is the existence of significant water areas, where lake of Vau i Dejës dominates, Drin river continues on his old bed since the bottleneck of hydropower dam and Gjadër river that flows from the first river around 1 km in southeast of Vau i Dejës city. The great asset of water also influences the floods that affect the area. Development of natural tourism is an opportunity for economic growth in this area, as in Vau i Dejës lake is located one of the oldest castle and church in the Balkans, which still bear the historical and archaeological values. Lake Vau i Dejës may also become an important source of tourism, in case the transport for tourism purposes from Vau i Dejës to Koman is restored. Data on people with disability

Based on available data, the number of PWDs identified in the territory of Vau i Dejës is 423 persons of which 71% (no = 122) are beneficiaries of the PWDs payment schemes offered by State Social Service. Ratio of PWDS compared to the total number of people living in Vau i Dejës is 4.2%. If we refer to types of disabilities,

17 9% (no = 41) are blind, 4.7% (no = 22) were paraplegics and quadriplegics, 56.2% (no = 238) were with menthal and physical disabilities, 12.7% (no = 54) with different diagnoses (kidney, haemophilia etc.). By PWDs who benefit from payment schemes for disability, only 19% of them (no = 83) benefit a caregiver person. Number of disabled workers in the territory of Vau i Dejës is 122 people.


Total 46

Working disables Para and quadriplegics 9





20 41

Blind persons


People with menthal and physical disabilities 0








Figure 3. PWDs base on the profit schemes

of payment and gender, Vau i Dejës

.6 %




Blind people 12.3% 7% 4.


55. 2%

Para and quadriplegics 4.7% PWD Menthal 55.2% PWD Physical 8.0% Different diagnoses 19.6%

Figure 4. PWD according to the category of disability, Vau i Dejës Municipality AK

Referring to the data above, it comes out that majority of PWDS in Vau i Dejës (56,2%) are with disabilities in menthal and physical health. Assessment of rehabilitation and social inclusion situation of people with disabilities in local administrative units of Laç, Lezha and Vau i Dejës

18 The following figure provides the information on age-structure of people with disabilities in Vau i Dejës.

PWD 0-6 years PWD 6-18 years PWD 18-60 years PWD Over 60- years

Figure 5. PWD according to the age-group, Vau i Dejës Municipality AK

Data above following the age-structure, show that a significant number (no=96) is composed of 0-18 years old children or 24% of total number of PWDs. The charts below provide data on age-structure, based on disability category.




12 21 23 30 23 43 13 33 7 28

60+ 51-60 years 41-50 years 31-40 years 21-30 years


11-20 years


0-10 years 0

Females PWD menthal and physical

50 33






Figure 6. PWD menthal based on age-group, Vau i Dejës Municipality

19 20

Total 15

60+ 5

51-60 years 20-50 years



Blind people










Figure 7. PWD blind people based on age-group, Vau i Dejës municipality 9

4 3


Para and quadriplegics




8 4

1 0









Figure 8. PWD, para and quadriplegics based on age-group, Vau i Dejës municipality





Work Invalids



57 26

30-60 vjeç






Figure 9. PWD, working disabled based on age-group According to the age structure, the largest number of people with disabilities belongs to the age group 18-60 years (59.3%) or in other words to the working age group. A very important fact to be taken into consideration for this category is the status of 106 people with disabilities or 26.6% as heads of families. Assessment of rehabilitation and social inclusion situation of people with disabilities in local administrative units of Laç, Lezha and Vau i Dejës


Data and statistics - Laç Municipality General data [1]

City of Laç, with the new territorial division is part of Kurbin Municipality, which lays in central Albania and bounded on the north by the municipalities of Lezha and Mirdita, in the east by Mat municipality, in the south by Kruja and Durres municipalities and in the West by Adriatik Sea. It is situated 45 km away from Tirana and only 10 km far from the coast. According to 2011 census, the territory of Laç has 46.291 inhabitants and according to civil registry there live 72.987 inhabitants. Laç city, where lives one third of the population of the new Kurbin municipality and is a former industrial area, founded as town in the surrounding area of superphosphate and copper enrichment plant, both closed long ago. Enterpriser has replaced these factories as they were the main source of employment in the city. However, nowadays only one shoe factory is still functional, and 100 women are employed. Unemployment rate is extremely high. The population is mixed with people from cities around the country during the communist era. Closing down the industry brought serious economic and social problems for the area. Civil society actors in the city have special concern regarding the lack of jobs and the overwhelming presence of gambling places or sport betting. Data on people with disabilities

Number of persons with disabilities in the Laç Municipality is 1256, of which 594 are PWD, they have this disability for reasons unrelated to employment and 662 are work invalids. Work invalids constitute around 52% of the general number of persons with disabilities. The number of paraplegics and quadriplegics is 73 (around 12%), persons with disabilities, who have this disability for reasons unrelated to employment, and while blind people in the city of Laç, comprise about 13% of people with disability (no = 81). The category of persons with menthal disabilities constitute about 74% of people with disabilities (no = 440) in Laç Municipality.


Strategic Plan for Sustainable Development 2013-2030, Lezha Municipality, 2013



Total Blind people


Para and quadriplegics


PWD mental









Figure 10. Data on Persons with Disabilities based on categories of

DWS, SSS schemes, for reasons unrelated to employment, 174 persons with disabilities (14%) benefit care, while 73 persons benefit hygienic packages.

174 persons with disabilities (14%) gain custody, while 73 persons approfit hygienic package.


Total Working disabled, SSI scheme


248 662



People with disabilities










Figure 11. Data on Persons with Disabilities, SSS schemes and schemes of SSI by gender

Assessment of rehabilitation and social inclusion situation of people with disabilities in local administrative units of Laç, Lezha and Vau i DejÍs

22 Persons with Disabilities, SSI schemes, by age-group 594

Total 81



22-60 years 48

19-21 years 4-18 years 0-3 years

205 20





Figure 12. Data on Persons with Disabilities, SSS schemes by age-group

Working Disables, SSI schemes, by age-group 662

Total 49



61-65 years


51-60 years 222

41-50 years 31-40 years 0-30 years 0

76 7





Figure 13. Data on Persons with Disability, SSI scheme by age group

23 iii. Legal framework guaranteeing [2]

rehabilitation and inclusion of people with disabilities

Given the considerable number of laws and decisions approved in recent years, the legal ground is included as a special annex, so that this document will serve as a reference for all managers, specialists, employees of local institutions in Lezha, Laç and Vau i Dejes and at the same time serve to the community. In this part of the survey are listed some of the basic laws, different policies and decisions, which are considered as the most important for ensuring integration and social inclusion for people with disabilities. • Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPWD) • Law no 10 221, dated 4/2/2010 “On Protection against Discrimination” • Law no 93/2014 dated 24/07/2014 “For inclusion and accessibility for Persons with Disabilities” • Law no 119/2014 “On the Right to Information”. • Law no 146/2014 “On Notification and Public Consultation”. • Law no 69/2012 “On the Pre-University Education System in the Republic of Albania” • Law no 9355, dated 10/03/2005 “On Social Assistance and Services” (amended) • Law no 10 383 dated 24/02/2011, “On Mandatory Health Care Insurance in Albania” • Law “On Encouragement of Employment” No 7995, dated 20/9/1995 (amended). • Law no 115/2014 “On Administrative-Territorial Division of the Local Government Units in the Republic of Albania” • Law no 8652, dated 31/7/2000 “On the organization and functioning of local government” • Law no 107/2014 ”On territorial planning and development” • Decision no 1503, dated 19/1/2008 regulation “On the exploitation of public spaces from people with disabilities”.


In Annex 1. will find the detailed information

Assessment of rehabilitation and social inclusion situation of people with disabilities in local administrative units of Laç, Lezha and Vau i Dejës

24 V. Policies, institutional framework and programs at local level, in areas where is guaranteed rehabilitation and social inclusion of people with disabilities. Evaluation of local units in Lezha, Laç and Vau i Dejës Pursuant and following the implementation of the territorial reform, municipalities and local units should review local plans and strategies, as well as develop new strategies and plans for their development. Municipality of Lezha is drafting and approving national policies and strategies, which will serve to the sustainable development of the area by paying particular attention to the internal economic and social cohesion and mitigation of inter-local disparities[3]. Problems of persons with disabilities are part of these strategies addressed in the field of social services, but mainly by offering statistics on them and planned approach of payments they receive due to disability. During 2014-2015, Lezha Municipality in cooperation with governmenthal institutions at the local level, including: Regional Education Directorate, Regional Directorate of the National Employment Service, Regional Directorate of the State Labour Inspectorate, Regional Directorate of the State Social Service, Regional Directorate of Social Insurance Institute, including stakeholders, representatives of organizations of persons with disabilities, and other organizations of civil society as well as public and private providers of services; all developed a local plan[4], which aims, to succour to Lezha Municipality to implement the obligations deriving from the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities / CRPD[5] and other laws and bylaws approved by the Albanian Government. Laç Municipality, has drafted a plan for economic development for 2008-2020, and Vau i Dejës Municipality has developed a strategic plan for Municipality development, Vau i Dejës, 2008 - 2020. The problems and specific interventions that are necessary to improve life quality of persons with disabilities are not part of these strategic documents that orient development of these administrative units. While in any of these two municipalities, no action plan for the rehabilitation and social inclusion of persons with disabilities has been drafted.

[3] [4]


Functional area Lezha, Political document, draft March 2015

Local Plan on Inclusion, Protection and Improvement of Rights of People with Disabilities in Lezha Municipality. CRPWD has been ratified by Albanian government in December 2012

25 5.1. Evaluation of environment accessibility situation Demand for an adapted-without barriers environment, use of tools adapted for transportation and communications, has been set by the “UN Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities” as a premise and right that every country must guarantee every person with disabilities, in accordance with the needs and the particularities he/she represents.[6]. Guaranteeing this right is provided in the Albanian legal framework including a number of laws and bylaws[7], which have regulated the rating into practice of standards for a barrier-free environment. Although this legal framework has existed for several years and is constantly supplemented with laws and bylaws, the current situation displays a lot of flaws. Only planning by including concrete measures and the corresponding budgetary measures would help in the realization in practice of a barrier-free environment, with communication means and transport adapted to all, including persons with disabilities. Pursuant to the Law “On Territorial Planning” as amended by the Law “On the Planning and Development of Territories”, urban development and territory control are administered by the instruments set up for this purpose at: (i) City Council where the Commission on Urban Development and Land Use functions, and the Committee on Public Properties, Transportation and Traffic, and (ii) the Municipality where “Technical Council for Territory Planning and Control” as a body that considers and makes recommendations on technical and legal documentations for each project-proposal on development, construction and use of buildings’ permits within the municipality. At the administrative level, in Lezha Municipality, Directorate for Urban and Design Projects in Infrastructure with a staff of three specialists on planning and urban studies, architectural projects, technical control, infrastructure design, as well as a surveyor and a lawyer who were engaged with municipal properties and assets; in Municipality of Laç the Territory Planning, Control and Development Directorate with a staff of four specialists on planning and urban studies, architectural projects, technical control, infrastructure design (including construction engineers and architects), a specialist on [6] [7]

• •

CRPWD UN, 13th December 2006, Article 9 “Accessibility” Law no 10 119, dated 23/4/2009 “On Territory Planning” amended with law no 107/2014, dated 31/07/2014 “On Territory Planning and Development”, Draft Regulation on Territory Planning and draft Regulation on Territory Development; Law No 93/2014 “On inclusion and accessability of people with disabilites” CMD No 1503 dated 19/11/2008 “On approval of regulation for the exploitation of public spaces from people with disabilities”; “Law no 10 112, dated 9/4/2009 on the administration of co-ownership in residential buildings” article 40 etc.

Assessment of rehabilitation and social inclusion situation of people with disabilities in local administrative units of Laç, Lezha and Vau i Dejës

26 civil emergency (environmenthal engineer) a lawyer and a documentation specialist; in Vau i Dejës Municipality there is the Urban Office that drafts Urban Study Plan of Vau i Dejës, and is responsible for issuing building permits, territory control for granting of exploitation permits. Near Lezha Municipality operates Local Urban Construction Inspectorate (INUV). This Department has as primary responsibility the control and enforcement of lawfulness of technical standards in the field of construction and urban planning within the administrative territory of the municipality. Municipality Urban Construction Inspectorate headed by Chief inspector (who is appointed by the mayor) to fulfil statutory responsibilities. He is supported by the Municipal Police. Services Directorate is the body charged to authorize payment for public transport fee. Data for the realization of this evaluation in the field of accessibility, was conducted through interviews with executives and specialists at the departments, sectors with main responsibility at the local level, in Lezha Municipality, interviews with officials and specialists at the Urban and Infrastructure Directorate, Local Urban Construction Inspectorate, Regional Directorate of Education and Regional Directorate of Health; Municipality of Laç: interviews with leaders of the Department of Territory Planning, Control and Development, Sector of Local Taxes and Fees; while the Municipality of Vau i Dejës, with the heads of Urban Sector and Tax Department as well as through the study of literature for relevant areas at local level. In the field of environmenthal adaptability there is lack of attention by the relevant structures on planning and control of the territory. Among the key findings include: (i) Structures responsible at the local level in three municipalities included in the survey recognize the legal obligation to ensure accessibility in construction, transport and communication for persons with disabilities; (ii) requirements and standards of accessibility in projects submitted for building permits in the municipality are indeed applied in a very small, almost insignificant extend, while in the local units of Lezha and Laç, these requirements are a mandatory part of the documentation submitted for obtaining a construction permit, but does not appear to happen the same in the Local Unit of Vau i Dejës; iii) requirements and standards of accessibility, have begun to be planned and applied in some of the pre-approved projects, facilities adapted (with a ramp, bathroom and elevator) are only the hospital buildings (Lezha) objects adapted just with ramp, municipalities’ buildings (Lezha and Vau i Dejës), the Palace of Culture, Lezha / Employment Office, some health centers (Vau i Dejës), a significant number of primary schools (Lezha and Laç), secondary

27 school (Vau i Dejës ), kindergarten (Vau i Dejës) as well as several streets / sidewalks in Vau i Dejës, city square in Lezha; (iv) Reasons that hinder the implementation of the requirements and accessibility standards in the constructed environment are the lack of will and control from the responsible structures, undetailed local instruments, and sanction free (Uniform Regulation on Territorial Development Control in particular). Based on the information from the interviews it is obvious that currently the level of awareness of structures responsible is satisfactory, notwithstanding the lack of consistency in implementation, and this is demonstrated by some positive examples of ramps set at the entrance, not only in school facilities (the new and the ones under construction), in the city hospital, and also in some private facilities. Leaders and specialists from urban sector in three local units, acknowledged the legal obligation to ensure accessibility in construction, transport and communication related to persons with disabilities. They are informed on the latest legal improvements and specifically in relation to the regulation approved in 2008 “On the Exploitation of Public Spaces by Persons with Disabilities”, but not the same attention has been paid by the relevant specialists on this issue, such as it happens in other matters related to urban and architectural development in the city. Another finding from the interviews is that in the “Uniform Regulation for Development Control” in the local unit of Lezha are not enough references to involve the liability of adaptability and ease of procedures in obtaining construction permits, to implement them in the existing facilities. Therefore in Local Regulation Development Control, the specification on applying requirements and standards of accessibility in the environment constructed (buildings and infrastructure) to implement the obligations deriving from Law no. 10 119, dated 23/4/2009 “On Territorial Planning”. In the local unit of Laç decision no. 408 dated 13/05/2015 on “Territorial development Regulation” has enough references for obtaining a construction permit for facilitating access ability of buildings for persons with disabilities. In Article 6 and 7, it is clearly stated that to eliminate architectural barriers to create an enabling environment for people with disabilities there is no need for permission, or for adapting facilities. As for the construction of ramps in Article 7 of the regulation stipulates that construction of the ramps can be realized only by obtaining previous statement by the responsible authority, which is the Directorate of Territorial Planning and Control. Assessment of rehabilitation and social inclusion situation of people with disabilities in local administrative units of Laç, Lezha and Vau i Dejës

28 With regard to transport, currently in Lezha, Vau i Dejës and Laç, does not operate any urban line, apart from interurban lines as a transit stop or terminal. From the information provided, there is no means of transport adapted to all lines transiting this city and there is no special parking place for vehicles of disabled people. Stakeholders are not involved in discussions on the provision of accessible transport. This problem becomes more acute, under the framework of territorial reform, when the territory of the municipalities will be expanded including suburban municipalities. In this context the need for bus / minibus lines will become a priority. Although there have been made efforts to implement legislation on the realization of environmenthal-suitable facilities, transport and infrastructure for persons with disabilities, they are not systematic and sufficient. Existing barriers continue to keep them isolated in their homes (ref. Statistics in figure 14 below) by preventing them to conduct a normal life, without being able to go to school, get employed and participate in various activities.

Vau i Dejës




Mental disabled


Laç Lezhë

Blind persons



71 41









Figure 14. Data for persons with disabilities in mobility and orientation in the town of Lezha, Laç and Vau i Dejës.

One can notice that not all requests for financing projects on reconstruction of public facilities imply basic elements related to accessibility. Municipal councils in three local units, for several years do not plan funds for urban studies, so no important studies can be procured. Limited municipal funds may bring difficulties in the revision of the City Development Plan and drafting of Regulations (the “Regulations on Territorial Planning” and “Territorial Development”), pursuant to Law no.107 / 2014 dated 31/07/2014 “On the Planning and Territorial Development”, as well as Territorial Reform, under which expand the boundaries of municipalities.

29 Local units are obliged to prepare instruments for the implementation of law, and should be included as well rules and standards of construction accessibility. Municipalities of Laç and Vau i Dejës, have not developed any action plan to address issues of construction accessibility, while the accessibility environment is part of the Local Plan for persons with disabilities, approved by the City Council of Lezha, May 2015. Binding demand for the realization of accessibility in the construction of new facilities is not reflected by the responsible structures in all the phases starting from the approval of the building permit, all levels of the process of implementation and control of the facility and until the reassurance of exploitation permit. It was also concluded that no project has been turned back so to meet the eligibility requirements first, by the relevant control structures before obtaining the construction permit[8], and there is no sanction applied to those who have not met these standards. It is worth noting the fact that no decision was prepared and submitted for approval to the Municipal Councils, concerning the prevention of barriers in projects of new objects for the gradual removal of barriers in existing facilities, starting from the public ones. The municipality administers all city schools and approves funds for their maintenance as well as their reconstructions in very limited incash value. Near the Directorate of Education, there is the Directorate of Investment and Budget, which deals with development programs. However there is no space for this department to affect changes in projects; having ready projects the only thing asked from them is to follow the projects for information purposes to the Ministry of Education and Sports. The Regional Directorate of Public Health [9] is committed to the maintenance and investment in hospitals and health centers in the municipality, as well as city ambulances. RDPH has no space left to affect for changes in projects because having ready projects the only thing asked from them is following the projects for information purposes to the Ministry of Health.

[8] [9]

RDPH Lezha (Lezha and Laç), RDPH Shkodra (Vau i Dejës) Only data of Laç Municipality show about suspension of construction permits, from CTR (council of territory regulation) on this matter. RDPH Lezha (Lezha and Laç), RDPH Shkodra (Vau i Dejës)

Assessment of rehabilitation and social inclusion situation of people with disabilities in local administrative units of Laç, Lezha and Vau i Dejës

30 5.2. Assessment of social services situation The right to social services is guaranteed by the Albanian legal framework [10] in a number of policy documents, laws and bylaws, standards that have sanctioned the practice of social services for people with disabilities. Guarantee of social services for persons with disabilities is the responsibility of central, regional and local government. State Social Service, is the executive body of policies MoSWY regarding provision of social services for persons with disabilities. At the regional level the Regional Directorate of State Social Services, in Lezha and Shkodra respectively, and this institution task is to control / inspect legislation and normative acts implementation by the local government structures for the management of economic assistance funds and payment of disability. Meanwhile local government units in Lezha, Laç and Vau i Dejës respectively, through Municipal Councils and the Directorate of Social Welfare and Youth (Lezha), Directorate of Social Services (Laç), Directorate of Social Services (Vau i Dejës), set up since 1993, have a legal obligation to meet the needs for social services for persons with disabilities in these municipalities. Currently services are mainly focused on the management of cash payments due to disability. Moreover, these directories not only treat the problems of payment for disability, but have focused their activity on individuals, families and other groups marginalized, and consist of three sectors: (a) Economic Assistance Section where two persons work; (B) Disability Sector, where one person is employed; (C) Gender Equality Sector, consisting of one staff. In the current structure, there is no person defined to handle only the issues of services for people with disabilities, in accordance with their needs. In the multitude of problems that also carry other vulnerable groups, problems and needs of people with disability, are seen as a liability of nonprofit organizations. The role of the municipality mainly consists in preparing and approving lists of social assistance beneficiaries and the compilation of lists of persons with disabilities, who are commissioned in the Medical Commissions for Work Capability Assessment.


Law no 9355, dated 10/03/2005 “On Social Assistance and Services” (amended); Law no 93/2014 dated 24.07.2014 “On Inclusion of and Accessability for Persons with Disabilities”; Law no 115/2014 “On administrative-territorial divison of local governemnt units”; Law no 8652, dated 31.7.2000 “On organizing and functioning of local government” (amended); Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPWD).

31 Simultaneously, in Lezha Municipality operates the Directorate of Development Programs and Electronic Government, which coordinates the work of drafting and promotion of the implementation of local strategies for vulnerable groups in the municipality, including persons with disabilities. Data collected currently in legal government units of Lezha, Laç and Vau i Dejës, for persons with disabilities, according to specialists, are fragmented and do not allow the acquisition and processing of information in such a way as to create opportunity to take appropriate decisions or orient in a proper way local policies. Operators of social services in Lezha, Laç and Vau i Dejës

In Lezha territory, operates a daily state center for development, in which are treated clients from ages 6-35 years old and belong to the entire spectrum of disabilities. The care center for PWD, acts as an institution with funds delegated and subordinated to the Mayor. The center has a regional character. Lezha Municipality takes care of the maintenance and ease of different activities organized by the center. The center has a social-educative character and provides service for children and youth with disabilities through the following activities: orthophony, practical independence, service, food, physiotherapy, transport, house activities, pedagogy, music corner, painting, laundry services, various entertainment activities etc. Number of clients who receive services at the center, is 35 people, 9 of whom are women. Figure 15 shows distribution of center’s clients by age group.


26-35 years


21-25 years 16-20 years

4 14

7-15 years 0








Figure 15. People with disabilities at the daily center of Lezha by age

Only one third of beneficiaries (n=12) come from Lezha Municipality. As it is seen in figure 16 other clients are from municipalities and communes nearby. Assessment of rehabilitation and social inclusion situation of people with disabilities in local administrative units of Laç, Lezha and Vau i Dejës

32 Commune Piraj


Commune Dajç


Commune Rraboshtë




Commune Shëngjin


Commune Shënkoll

3 6

Commune Zejmen


Commune Balldren










Figure 16 People with disabilities at the daily center of Lezha, by residence

The Centre is supported with funds from the state budget (MoSWY), but is legally subordinated to Lezha Municipality, which has provided the premises, and helps in organizing various activities. Center’s leaders raise the transport problem, as almost three quarters of the customers come every day from municipalities not very close. The problem remains also the link with other institutions such as formal and informal education, vocational training, as the vision of the center is an integrated service to its customers. Center managers claim that requests to receive services at the center are greater than the real possibilities of the center. Moreover, the premises are small, not accessible to all categories of persons with disabilities, lack outdoors spaces, yards where children can play and have fun. There is a rehabilitation center for children with hearing problems, which is located outside the city (Piraj) and is supported by Caritas since 2001. An estimated number of 19 children of age group 3-17 years old live in this residential care and receive all appropriate treatment and education. Customers at the center come from all areas of the country. In the territory of Lezha operates a new organization that provides services for children with autism (development and speech therapy) (no = 12) versus the contribution of parents and families. Also, under the administration of Lezha Municipality there is a daily center for the elderly, open for the first time in 2008, which is attended by 67 people. This center is also frequented by people with physical disabilities and managed by the Red Cross.

33 Local departments of the National Association of the Blind, Labor Invalids, Paraplegics and Quadriplegic operating in Lezha. They do advocate locally on behalf of their members. However, organizations focused on disability does not appear to be involved in local decision making and moreover, their real needs are not reflected in local and short-term programs. In municipality of Laç, no social service is provided by public institutions. Meanwhile Caritas Albania has opened, since November 2014, the counselling center for people with disabilities, the center that provides psycho-social assistance and free legal aid to people with disabilities and their families. Professionals such as social worker and lawyer, provide counselling and mediation procedures in completing the procedures on facilitation of addressing and responding to requests of PWD. Counselling centers, enables the organization of group meetings or activities aimed at transferring knowledge and best practices in the care of people with disabilities. In Vau i Dejës territory there is no public service for the disabled community according to their needs. It is not programmed or set up any alternative domestic service in the community for people with disabilities. Meanwhile there are some NGOs which operate in the provision of social services for people with disabilities such as: Diocesan Caritas Sapa, “Orphans under our focus” “Judo”, “Ray of Hope”. Diocesan Caritas of Sapa organizes the different activities with people with disabilities. These activities were developed in different parishes of this diocese. Activities have been more far of an entertaining and cognitive character. Project “Equal Opportunities for People with Disabilities in Albania”, ai ms to encourage public services to assist an estimated number of 50 people with disabilities in Vau i Dejës Municipality. Diocesan Caritas of Sapa in collaboration with Caritas Albania, since 2011 offer: informative meetings with groups about certain topics with caregivers and families of persons with disabilities; frequent meetings with the families; training of academic staff, health staff and local government. Club Caritas as the newest initiative of Caritas Sapa, helps a group of 15 children with disability from Vau i Dejës, Naraç and Mjeda, working on training, rehabilitation and inclusion through occupational-realization therapy of a creative work through the implementation of activities and animations. The purpose of the meetings is to make improvements to the social life of these people by integrating and training in order to be more independent in society. There is a correct assessment of the need for appropriate services for people with disabilities in the municipalities of Lezha, Vau i Dejës and Laç and consequently there is not an indicative picture on the number of requests for services. This applies to all age groups, children, adults, elderly or disabled. Lack of accurate data on the need for services, but the lack of specific budget planning for disability, in addition to cash payments, are seen as the main obstacle and the cause of services lacking in the municipalities of Lezha, and Vau i Dejës, Laç. Assessment of rehabilitation and social inclusion situation of people with disabilities in local administrative units of Laç, Lezha and Vau i Dejës

34 The chain of services for persons with disabilities does not work, because most of the persons with disabilities in this city do not receive any service. Cooperation with NGOs operating in the field of disability appears to be satisfactory. Lezha Municipality has a database of NGOs providing services in the field. Foreign organizations or national ones have worked mainly on strengthening capacity in Municipalities staff of Lezha, Vau i Dejës and Laç. Trainings has had under focus the legislation for persons with disabilities, the recognition and enforcement of standards for people with disabilities, organizational and institutional strengthening. Individuals with disabilities and their families, organizations in the field of disability, participants in focus groups expressed the necessity of social services that have been missing so far in the three local administrative units. Only a minimum of their members receive services in public centers (two in Lezha municipality) and private ones offered by NGOs (Caritas is regarded as the only provider of these services in these three local administrative units). People with disabilities feel isolated, without proper services, without proper care, without access to social life. Inclusion in the society without supporting services, makes them very often face discrimination, accompanied with mockery and abuse (especially on the case of persons with menthal / intellectual disabilities) as they have stated and their family members as well, during the discussion in focus groups. While the lack of services affects families, by denying them the right to social inclusion and employment “We cannot work because we have to take care of our children. If there was a daily care center, we would be able to work.”

5.3. Evaluation of the housing situation The housing situation also appears difficult for people with disabilities. Although the law treats them with priority, still the number of beneficiaries of housing programs remains low. In Lezha local unit have applied 57 individuals from the category of persons with disabilities, who have the status of the blind in the first group, the paraplegics or quadriplegics, work invalids and invalids of National Liberation War, of whom is treated only 1. Meanwhile, since January 2005 797 homeless citizens (head of family) have applied to the local government, in order to benefit from the low cost loan program. An estimated number of 117 homeless citizens have signed a contract with BKT to benefit the loan subsidized from the state, through EKB. An estimated number of 680 homeless citizens remain untreated in the framework of this program. Based on DCM no. 527, dated 6/08/2014 “On Approval of Procedures, criteria, and Priorities for immediate awarding grants to low-cost housing” point 5 which

35 states that “Within 30th of January of each year, the local government units present the requirements for the immediate low-cost housing grant. They present these requirements to the ministry in charge of housing, in addition to the financial costs for every family”. Lezha Municipality has sent the demand for immediate grants for low-cost housing for 11 applicants with the status of paraplegic and blind, to the Ministry of Urban Development and Tourism. In Vau i Dejës Municipality, there are only two families that have applied for grants immediately for low-cost housing. Data are not available to persons with disabilities. Currently, there is no active housing program of the government. The government continues to grant loans to those individuals who benefited long ago but their process had been interrupted. Focus group participants emphasize the lack of support for sheltering. According to the participants only three blind people have benefited from soft loans in Lezha, a very small number. There is lack of social housing. According to PWD in Vau i Dejës the existing buildings, where most of them live are almost outdated.

5.4. Evaluation of health service situation Health services are mainly public. It is the responsibility of state institutions to provide services in the field of promotion, prevention, diagnosis and treatment. Diagnostic and curative health services in three local government units, object of observation, is organized in two levels: primary service, secondary hospital service. Public health services and promotion services are offered within the framework of primary health care. They are supported and monitored by the Public Health Directorate (PHD), which has an obligation to coordinate all health services in the District. Lezha (as the regional center) along PHD, special function as special directorate of Hospital Directorate and Health Care Directorate. Institute of Health Insurance, operates in accordance to Law No. 10 383 dated 24/02/2011, “On Compulsory Health in the Republic of Albania”. Health Insurance Scheme is an important mechanism in reforming the health system, both in terms of the manner of financing and increased resources for health care, as well as improving the quality of services. In Lezha , primary health care is provided by a health center and four ambulances. Primary health care provides specialized medical service covering i). Family doctor service, ii). Paediatrician doctor service, iii). Mother and child counselling, iv). Cardiology, v). microsurgery, vi) mini lab service (two labs) and vii). Medical emergency service. Regional Hospital, located in the town Assessment of rehabilitation and social inclusion situation of people with disabilities in local administrative units of Laç, Lezha and Vau i Dejës

36 of Lezha, provides secondary health care services in pathology, obstetrics gynaecology, surgery, infection, paediatrics, intensive care, radiology and laboratory services. In the PHD of Lezha and Laç exercises its functions the Department of Menthal Health Service, whose mission is (a) the periodic data collection for individuals with health problems menthal in the region, (b) the development of promotional activities, (c) to promote the prevention and early identification, (d) monitoring the services which operate in the territory. According to the data of the sector, the number of people with menthal health problems in the Region of Lezha is 607 persons, of whom only 127 persons are from Lezha Municipality. Reports say that the most frequent diagnosis is schizophrenia. The age group of the population facing menthal health problems is 35-55 years old. Mostly, cases identified by family doctors, who orient cases in more specialized visits by the specialist doctors. The collected data are sent from PHD to the Health Insurance Fund, with a period of one year. Despite the efforts and initiatives taken by this department, its experts believe that not enough work is done in the prevention and treatment of menthal health problems in Lezha. Specialists point out that there must be done more in terms of early identification and more specialized treatment of menthal health diseases. There is no community center for menthal health treatment in any of the three local governments. There are no public rehabilitation services for persons with disabilities, who belong to other categories, including physical disabilities, visual impairments, hearing, intellectual disabilities etc. The cooperation of regional health institutions / PHD with municipalities, the cities of Lezha, and Vau i Dejës Laç consists mainly in promoting public health activities conducted in schools as well as vulnerable groups. However, much remains to be done in terms of institutionalization and strengthening the relations between the sector and other local institutions working for people with disabilities. Among the health services, it is quoted the one which is supported by San Egidio Community, a physiotherapy cabinet, which treats an average of 47 children and 37 adults per month. However, the condition of its equipment is reported to be not good, due to depreciation. There are few local and international NPOs that have shown interest or have worked for the rehabilitation and integration of persons with disabilities. Among them we can mention CISPI, an Italian organization which helped in the reconstruction of the building of the rehabilitation center clinic in the town of Laç [11] . [11]

Caritas Study, 2008

37 Individuals with disabilities involved in focus group have assessed the situation in the field of health care problem. Only a minimum of their members receive services in primary health care and hospital operating in Lezha and Vau i Dejës. While the family doctor provides service for the family, the emergency is not functioning properly, especially in Vau i Dejës, where it is estimated that lack of the transportation to ensure prompt service in such cases. There is no rehab, no professional / therapist who can provide physical rehabilitation. “I’m in sore, I don’t have mobility aids to move freely, I do not have transport. I live with 2 elderly of 80 years old. I need physiotherapy. The road is destroyed.” There is a lack of specialized medical staff. Even the role of the specialist doctor to perform the evaluation of disability at the time of submission of the person with disabilities at MCWCA (Medical Commissions for Work Capability Assessment), in the case of Vau i Dejës it is performed by the gynaecologist.

5.5. Evaluation of education situation National and international political and legal documents, as well as good practices generated at local level[12], lead the Albanian government at central, regional and local levels to ensure the right to inclusive education for children with disabilities by promoting the implementation of their rights to bring quantitative and qualitative change in the education of children with disabilities in Albania. RED (Regional Education Directorate) Lezha, as a responsible structure for education in the city of Lezha, points out that there is an awareness and concrete steps in order to achieve inclusive education. Factors such as the approval of by-laws pursuant to Law no. 69/2012 “On Pre-University


Constitution of the Republic of Albania -Law No. 69/2012 “On Pre-university Education System in Albania”, and other laws into force. Directive no.38, dated 07/10/2014 ”On criteria of assistant teachers for pupils with disabilities in public pre-education institution” -Order of Ministry of Education and Sport, nr. 344, dated 19/08/2013 ”On establishment of psycho-social service unit” - National Strategy on Pre-university Education 2009 – 2013 - National Strategy on Development and Integration 2007 – 2013 - National Strategy for People with Disabilities and Action Plan, 2005 - Action Plan for Children, drafted by the Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, in collaboration with Ministry of Education, 2012-2015 -UN program, “Millennium Development Objectives”, Program for Education for All (EFA)” - Salamanca Declaration and action plan for education of children with special needs /1994 - Convention of Children Rights / 1989 - Convention on Rights of People with Disabilities / 2006

Assessment of rehabilitation and social inclusion situation of people with disabilities in local administrative units of Laç, Lezha and Vau i Dejës

38 Education System” in the Republic of Albania, but also the best practices that are being created by the partnership of the Ministry of Education and Sports with international and national NPOs[13], extension of the partnership into concrete programs at regional and local level, through concrete commitment of management and staff structures responsible for education in Lezha. RED Lezha reports that in the region of Lezha exercise their activities 36 educational institutions primary education, of which 33 are public institutions and 14 secondary education institutions, of which 12 are public. In the district of Lezha, operate 18 educational facilities, 12 public and 6 private. Preschool education is covered by 7 kindergartens. The basic service is covered by 6 primary education schools and 4 high schools, and a professional gymnasium “Kolin Gjoka”. RED Lezha, reports that the number of children with disabilities included in kindergartens, primary education, secondary education and upper secondary education in schools in local schools of Lezha Municipality in 2014 - 2015 is 43, of which only 27 are presented and commissioned at MCWCA.



Children with disabilities with MCWCA certificate Children with disabilities without MCWCA certificate

Figure 17. The number of children with disabilities with MCWCA certificate against those

who are not presented to MCWCA involved in the education system in Lezha

Educational Office / Kurbin located in the Laç, administers 22 primary education schools and 4 secondary schools. None of the schools reported that there are no elements of suitability. Reconstructions are realized in schools, but not including the elements of accessibility. [13]

Several-year practice and models created by SC Shqipëri, World Vision, MEDPAK, FSHDPAK, “Ndihmoni Jetën” and other local, national and international organizations.

39 The total number of pupils is 6538. Only 12 children with disabilities attend compulsory primary education in the town of Laç. Caritas France, allowed the creation of a special class for children with disabilities, during the period 2000-2004, with diagnosing children and training teachers. Class works even today, despite the difficulties in financing the transport of children (a very small figure is reimbursed by the municipality). EO in Vau i Dejës administers 4 schools of primary education, 3 annexes and 2 general high schools (with the new administrative division of the increase in the number of schools depending on the local government). It is reported that almost all schools have students with disabilities but their number is very small. There is no precise evidence about the number of students with disabilities who attend these schools. There is no annual plan for training teachers who teach students with disabilities. There are no supporting teachers in cases of students with disabilities, and there are no statistics of how many supporting teachers are needed. Very rarely are planned and required expenditures in terms of meeting the needs of schools to improve the education system for students with disabilities, and those plans are related to building infrastructure, for construction accessibility schools where students with disabilities study. Data on people with disabilities by age structure, according to directorate of social services in the municipality of Vau i Dejës shows that a significant number (no = 96) occupy children 0-18 years 24% the total number of people with disabilities. While education offices in Vau i Dejës, reports that no data on children with disabilities who attend school are available; when considering the information available by Vau i Dejës Municipality indicates that children with disabilities who frequent school (no = 74) comprise 77% of the total. Data collection for the inclusion of children with disabilities in kindergartens and schools, is a coordinated effort of the Ministry of Education and Sports and RED / EO to identify the specific needs of these students in order to determine directions for priority interventions, with the purpose of the learning process. Data collection is carried out on a monthly basis from the School Psychologists. In many cases, in the absence of confirmation from MCWCA (a fact that for psychologists and other participants was problematic, since many parents do not want to declare and do not want to accept the fact that they are disabled), evidencing and the evaluation is carried out by psychologists and the faculty staff, assessment which is further complemented by the Evaluation Committee set up in RED, which has a doctor. Establishment of the evaluation commission, at the level of RED[14], and near the schools, is considered as an important step to ensure the good organization [14] Albanian Government has recognized the sign language by taking the responsibility to guarantee it in the public institutions, including the educational ones, DCM Date 3 December 2014 Assessment of rehabilitation and social inclusion situation of people with disabilities in local administrative units of Laç, Lezha and Vau i Dejës

40 and support necessary for the implementation of an individual plan for education and development for pupils with disabilities, based on specifications derived from type of disability. The commission consist of five (5) persons, teacher, simultaneously supervisor PSS (psycho-social service), 1 (a) doctor, one (1) psychologist, 1 (a) specialist menthal health, 1 (a) primary school teacher with experience in dealing with children with disabilities. They provide an expert assessment of a child with disabilities and recommend the most appropriate kindergarten or school. They also recommend to the school administrators and parents, special programs that can be applied in schools and kindergartens, also the support services in the community that the child can take. RED officials and specialists of RED Lezha, EO of Kurbin and Vau i Dejës recognize all obligations and responsibilities arising from the Normative Provisions for the education of children with disabilities. Curriculum and Quality Sector, near DAR Lezha, is the structure that is responsible for monitoring the process of inclusive education. This structure consists of four (4) persons, 1 Director and three (3) experts, one of which addresses the problem of education for children with disabilities. But his duties are related not only to the issue of education of children with disabilities, which affects the quality of planning, implementation and monitoring of interventions in the field of inclusive education. The Sector of Qualification and quality EO Kurbin, and EO Vau i Dejës evaluates and tracks simultaneously the problems of pupils with disabilities who enrol in schools, but also at these sectors there is not a person dedicated to handle only the problem of limited ability. Executives and specialists in the assessment, pursuant to the bylaws[15], consider as very important revising the current structure in RED/ EO (Education Offices) and expanding the sector with at least one specialist. This specialist will have the responsibility to follow only the issue of inclusion of children with disabled. The staff of the sector, representatives of the Evaluation Committee at the RED and at schools, are involved in trainings, which are mainly organized by international organizations: World Vision, Caritas Albania and EDI (Education Development Institute). Trainings have been of a general nature but


Law no 69/2012 “On Pre-university Education System in the Republic of Albania” and normative dispositions

41 also focused specifically on the issue of education for children with disabilities. With the review of the structure, in addition to expanding the sector remains a necessity capacity building through continuous information, trainings and seminars to be consistent with changes but also to be able to develop knowledge in a field as complex and difficult as it is education of children with disabilities. During the evaluation process, it was evidenced that children with disabilities still do not benefit from the education system on same conditions with their peers. Although normative provisions foresee, but in schools there is no: (a) physical infrastructure, construction elements to ensure accessibility for children with physical disabilities; (b) alternative means of communication for children with visual impairments (enlarged texts or texts written in relief) or information simplified for children with intellectual disabilities, interpreters of sign language for deaf children who cannot speak and listen[16]; (c) an accurate assessment of learning skills of students with disabilities; (d) experience and training to draft standardized individual plans for teachers in accordance with the specifications of different categories and levels of disability; (e) texts and guide to help teachers and parents of children; (F) didactic means to work individually with children inside and outside educational institutions; (g) supporting teachers; (h) source environments in schools. While service psychosocial is evaluated as a positive development and a strong point and important in terms of promoting the process of inclusion of children with disabilities in schools. It is highlighted the insufficient number and lack of capacity in terms of addressing issues related students with disabilities. It is highlighted the absence of special facilities in schools so that they can develop their tasks professionally. There is not such a study / assessment of the annual situation from the perspective of the specific needs for education of children with disabilities for each school and at RED/ EO to enable further a detailed plan and budgets related to solving and meeting the shortcomings identified in order that the requirements can be based on concrete and detailed assessments in accordance with the reality of schools in Lezha, Vau i Dejës, Laç. Education of children with disabilities in Lezha, Laç,and Vau i Dejës


Several-year practice and models created by SC Shqipëri, World Vision, MEDPAK, FSHDPAK, “Ndihmoni Jetën” and other local, national and international organizations.

Assessment of rehabilitation and social inclusion situation of people with disabilities in local administrative units of Laç, Lezha and Vau i Dejës

42 is offered through inclusion in common schools. There are no public institutions that offer special education. In Laç there is only a private educational institution for children with hearing and communication problems established since 2001, in Piraj. In this school are educated 19 children with hearing problems, of age group of 3-17 years old, who attend kindergarten and school and benefit residential care simultaneously. Children are supported with hearing aids, and sign language is a another option for communication. Children are offered psychological support as well as treatment by a specialist logopaedic. Meanwhile, daily centers set up by Caritas in Vau i Dejës provides, inter alia, support for education, for children, beneficiaries and clients of the center. An estimated number of 15 children with disabilities who attend school were assisted with didactic materials and 4 children with disabilities were assisted with transport to school. Likewise was built one ramp in the united school in Vau i Dejës. Individuals and families involved in focus groups, note the absence of attention and not the submission of applications by school and moreover from RED /EO; lack of collaboration between institutions, especially with Municipality which is responsible in particular for investment realization terms of infrastructure, and transport. Parents of disabled persons in the municipality Laç, stated that: “We do not send their children to school because there is no construction accessibility. 2 ramps are built only with the help of Caritas, 1 school and one in hospital. Education is a necessity. The project implemented by Caritas which provide reimbursement for transport, was closed and reimbursement offered currently for transport by DAR / ZA is very scanty, insufficient to meet the pursuit of daily learning process, in these conditions of poverty and very insufficient personal income”. “I graduated together with my peers, but with significant shortcomings: lacking physical infrastructure, including badges for orientation in the school environment, lack textbooks in alternative formats, lack teachers trained in the recognition and use of Braille alphabet”.

43 “I did not attend the secondary education due to paralysis, lack of transport and lack of a personal assistant. “People with menthal disabilities are integrated into schools but their integration is not real”. “While Marinela, could finish only primary education, further it was impossible for the class to be on the ground floor, and as a wheelchair user, the lack of elevator has made it impossible to pursue further studies”.

Likewise, parents identify the need for training programs and awareness raising of staff that handles the care of children with disabilities in schools and kindergartens. “The child has not attended the kindergarten because of the attitude of educator who picked her having ruined the game of other children”. According to the parents still the family is the one to have a leading role and to ensure education of children with disabilities.

“With my support (said by the mother) managed to end the primary education, but was not provided with a qualitative education and support.”

5.6. Assessment of the situation in the field of vocational training With the ratification of CRPD[17], Albania government reaffirmed once again the obligation to guarantee the right for employment of people with disabilities. Although, Albania legal framework completed over the years including in particularly the amends implemented in 2014, expresses and


Article 27 of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which guarantees the right to work and employment of people with disabilities as a very important right in social inclusion aspect and feeling active in the society, even in the economically aspect, by offering to people with disabilities the necessary financial resources to live a dignified life through their work.

Assessment of rehabilitation and social inclusion situation of people with disabilities in local administrative units of Laç, Lezha and Vau i Dejës

44 defends the interest of persons with disabilities for employment and vocational training, in practice is still not applied in the appropriate level to enable equal access and non-discrimination of persons with disabilities in three local units where this survey was conducted, Lezha, Laç and Vau i DejÍs. From the evidence of registration of unemployed jobseekers at RDNES/EO during these last years, are enrolled as jobseekers even people with disabilities. The figures indicate that the number of unemployed people registered at RDSLI of Lezha, during the third quarter of 2014 is 3463, of whom 1729 women. The number of people registered as jobseekers for the first quarter of 2015 is 3072. The number of people with disabilities registered as jobseekers is 44, of whom 14 are women and 28 head of the family, while for the first quarter of 2015 is 13. The interview form and the data collected provide information about the education level, from unemployed jobseekers with disabilities who are registered at RDNES (Regional Directorate of the National Employment Service) Lezha from these 7 of them have less than the primary school, 11 of them have finished the primary school, 21 of them have finished the secondary school, 1 has finished the high school[18], 4 of them have finished the university but none of them has finished any professional school. These figures do not represent the actual situation of unemployed jobseekers with disabilities.

Professional education 0


High School






Elementary school


Secondary school







Figure 18. Education level of unemployed jobseekers with disabilities in Lezha


The terminology is the one used at the statistical tables of RDNES. Changing in terminology in the education system is not reflected in other institutions.

45 An estimated number of 7013 persons are registered as unemployed jobseekers at the employment office of Laç. The number of people with disabilities registered at the employment office is 68%. Meanwhile, the number of people with disabilities in the employment age at the municipality of Lezha is 886, of which 464 benefit from the invalidity scheme work and 422 from the social services scheme; in the municipality of Vau i Dejës, people with disabilities belonging to the age group 18-60 years old constitute 59.3% of people with disabilities in this city, while in the municipality of Laç the number of people with disabilities in the employment age is 894 (approximately 71% of the total of persons with disabilities.) At RDNES are gathered data regarding labor market. Once a year is organized a national study for data gathering. Employment office’s survey in the district was conducted with the aim to do a research regarding people with disabilities. Periodic basic data are collected once in three months and provide information regarding the number and nature of public and private entities’ activity; the latter are classified as enterprises with up to 25 employees and enterprises that have more than 25 employees, as well as the number of employees in these entities, based on the statements of the entities. Official sources of information[19] indicate that the number of public and private entities stated in the Employment office of Lezha during the third quarter of 2014 is 1851 and the number of employees based on the statistics of the same period is 8649, of whom 2745 are employed in state enterprises. According to these statistics, 3581 people are employed in private enterprises with up to 24 employees; meanwhile 2068 persons are employed in private enterprises with more than 25 employees. 25 is the number of entities operating in the city of Laç by a staff of 1508 people, while the number of private entities is 915 employees with 3106 people. The number of public entities operating in the city of Vau i Dejes is 170 with 600 employees, while the number of private entities is 155 with 400 employees. Meanwhile, according to the Regional Directorate of the State Labour Inspectorate of Lezha the number of persons with disabilities employed in public entities (n=43) is 20 persons, while the number of persons with disabilities employed in private entities (n=1808) is 6 persons.


Regional Directorate of Employment Lezha

Assessment of rehabilitation and social inclusion situation of people with disabilities in local administrative units of Laç, Lezha and Vau i Dejës

46 26



Private 6 sector

Total no of employed





Public sector

No of people with disabilities emoployed






Figure 19. The number of people with disabilities employed compared

to the total number of people employed in the public and private sector of Lezha Municipality

At employment office of Laç and Vau i Dejës there are no statistics regarding the number of people with disabilities employed. At the Local Employment Office of Lezha, Laç and Vau i Dejës are gathered data even for programs of employment promotion by specifying the number of projects according to different fields of activity of entities and the number of beneficiaries. According to these statistics, it results from these programs; there has been no beneficiary, from the group of jobseekers with disabilities. Responsible structures at the local level which have an implementing and monitoring role of the policies and legal framework in this regard are RDNES/EO Lezha, Employment office of Laç and Vau i Dejës, which offer employment services that aim to support in a balanced way two large groups of customers within the labor market; jobseekers, including jobseekers with disabilities and employers and Regional Inspectorate of Services, Lezha (Local Units Lezha and Laç) and Shkodra (Local Units of Vau i Dejës), an institution that must be ensure through inspectors, implementation of legal provisions regarding employment, including employment of persons with disabilities. Regarding the aspects of vocational training there is no Regional Director for Vocational Training at the local units of Lezha, Laç and Vau i Dejës. This role is covered by the Northeast Regional Mobility Center with center in Tirana and Shkodra RDVT (Regional Director for Vocational Training). These institutions, examine the requests that come from RDNES/EO and finance instructors that provide training at various private entities or like in the case of RDVT Shkodra

47 offer their facilities for courses. At the local unit of Lezha, in cooperation with the Center of Mobile Vocational Training Center, are trained 96 people from these 31 persons are trained as a waiter, 16 persons as a receptionist, hotel service (cleaners), 14 persons as bartender and 20 persons as a shoemaker. Also in cooperation with CVT Shkodra are trained 11 people as hairdressers. In total during 2014 have attended training courses 107 persons, but it is reported that people with disabilities are not beneficiaries. At Employment Office Laç is evidenced that people with disabilities have not attended vocational training. Referring to the data of jobseekers with disabilities who are registered at the employment office, we can see that the vocational training programs of occupational therapy and professional rehabilitation (the latter does not exist in any of local units of this survey) are necessary for this category that for the factors analysed in the field of education, have had very limited opportunities for education. Meanwhile, through the focus groups with individuals with disabilities and also with their families, it is evidenced that in Lezha, Laç and Vau i Dejës there are organization of civil society which are supported by projects and donators that have made possible to offer these opportunities for a limited number of people with disabilities. Red Cross in Albania manages a Vocational Training Center in the city of Lezha through a program, which is implemented in cooperation with German Red Cross and has assisted 30 girls and women through a vocational training, among them even three girls with disabilities in the tailoring profession. Meanwhile, blind people organization (an organization with 63 people) has provided to its members, vocational training for foreign language, for computer programs, especially programs that serve to blind people, Braille writing etc. At the local unit of Laç and Vau i Dejës are not provided date regarding this aspect. In the city of Lezha, operates activity the Professional High School “Kolin Gjoka” in Information and Communication Technology, Office Administration/ Secretary and Business Economy, this school is expected to be rebuilt to provide contemporary standards and opportunities for vocational training of the youth in Lezha, including here even people with disabilities. The facilities, human resources and materials may be used to provide vocational training courses also for jobseekers, including here jobseekers with disabilities. From the interviews with the representatives of state institutions and focus groups with interest groups, was evidenced that there is no expertise and experience in assessment, counselling, orientation and meditation for employment of people with disabilities. Due to lack of sufficient knowledge to perform an accurate assessment of skills and specific needs that may have an individual with disabilities, it is difficult and often impossible to create an action plan to employ an individual with disabilities. Information and training with focus employment of people with disabilities hasn’t been present.

Assessment of rehabilitation and social inclusion situation of people with disabilities in local administrative units of Laç, Lezha and Vau i Dejës

48 It is reported that trainings of a general nature are organized, while trainings with the focus employment of people with disabilities are not organized. Are involved in trainings with a focus Law on Protection from Discrimination, where concepts about equal opportunities and denial of reasonable adaption this latter known as the cause of discrimination on the employment of people with disabilities. The low number of specialist at RDNES/EO, lack of facilities and accessibility to build, are other factors that are identified as inhibitors in providing the sufficient and efficient services to jobseekers with disabilities. Directors of RDNES/EO inform that implementing the guidelines by MoSWY and NES, is working on new facilities of the employment office, which should be on the first floor and in the center of the city, so that it can be easily accessible to all citizens, even those with disabilities. Actually the Employment Office and RDNES Lezha is on the third floor, and with very limited access to people with disabilities. The Employment Office in Laç is on the first floor and is easy accessible to people with disabilities. Another inhibitory factor for the employment of people with disabilities is the hesitation by the people with disabilities to require this service themselves, by not presenting at the Employment Office to benefit from the services offered. There are different reasons why they do not present at this institution, reasons which were evidenced by the specialist of employment office, from individuals with disabilities, and also representatives of their organizations during the meetings that they have organized. Some of the reasons are, lack of interest because of the fear to lose their assistance at the moment of finding a job, meanwhile the job may not ensure guarantee and they may not feel capable and secure about their skills and opportunities to be adopted and to maintain the job position. People with disabilities, representatives of their organizations, but also the representatives of RDNES/EO Regional Directorate of the National Employment Service and other employees of local power, were not informed about the latest amend in the law, which gives the opportunity to people with disabilities to be adopted to the process of work for a period of 24 months, and receiving the payment of people with disabilities every month.[20] Recent legal changes are of interest for the employers who hire individuals with disabilities, through financial incentives ensured through


Law no 47/2014 For some amendments and addition to Law no. 9355, dated 10.03.2005 “On Social Assistance and Services� (amended)

49 programs/fund of the employment promotion, which also predicts despite the payment, social insurance and financing for the realization of accommodation, adaptation at the workplace, ensuring the technological equipment and supporting services in accordance with the specific needs of the individual. To change from a passive to an active beneficiary, an unemployed jobseeker with disabilities needs supportive services. This process, is a difficult process for people with disabilities, it requires assessment and vocational rehabilitation, individual work with an extension in time depending on the level of impairment and the functioning of the individual, which further is oriented in vocational training or in employment/self-employment. This service is lacking in the provided system of NES through RDNES/EO, and constitutes the main factors deterring the employment. Employment entities, as one of the most important clients of the Employment Office, hesitate to employ people with disabilities. The request of Employment Office have resulted negative, as result of lack of supplies for job positions suitable for people with disabilities by entities, and claim lack of appropriate conditions for this category. According to the specialist of RDNES of Employment/EO, disrespect of the law from the private and public entities is also one of the main obstacles for the employment of persons with disabilities. According to them, the public entities are the first who do not respect the law. The problem remains the awareness of private and public entities, capacity, and adapting in the environment and also in the process of work for people with disabilities, but also the execution of the legal obligations from the Law 7995/1995 (amended) “on the promotion of employment” and exercise of penalties at the moment of not executing the laws. According to the data of Regional Directorate of Inspectorate Services, in most of the cases the entities are not require to apply the Article 25 of the Law for people with disabilities, although at the models of inspection acts there is a sentence where it is stated “people with disabilities found in these entities” this justified by the fact that this law lacks relevant bylaws. According to the Inspectorate of Services and Employment, the main obstacles that deter the employment of people with disabilities are the jobs, which are not adoptable to people with disabilities, the wrong menthality from the employer, as well as from the people with disabilities themselves, lack of information, non-implementation of law etc. To change this current situation, the specialist of this institution recommend the drafting of an

Assessment of rehabilitation and social inclusion situation of people with disabilities in local administrative units of Laç, Lezha and Vau i Dejës

50 employment program from RDNES, depending on the supply and demand, in accordance with the capacity of people with disabilities, to increase the collaboration between RDNES, State Inspectorate, Municipality and the Regional Directorate of Social Security. Actually there is cooperation between RDNES and Employment Office, at the Sector of Economic Assistance, the local units of Lezha, Laç and Vau i DejÍs but mainly focused on verifying the list of unemployed jobseekers, beneficiaries of financial assistance, to support them with programs of employment that the Employment Office offers. There is lack of cooperation between civil society organizations, mainly focusing on persons with disabilities with the aim that together with other actors, may offer a solution of the problems regarding the problems of employment of unemployed jobseekers with disabilities. If we refer to the opinion of people with disabilities, their families or the organization they represent, the situation is really pessimistic. They consider employment very important and are interested to attend vocational training based on their abilities in order to achieve with the necessary support, to be employed or self-employed. They can also receive vocational training for computer, tailoring, tourism, secretary, reception, foreign language etc., the use of technology with the Braille program, the JAES program for the blind etc., training and rehabilitation for life, cuisine course, handicrafts, crockery for persons with menthal disabilities which is thought to be appropriate for them and labor market. Meanwhile, they see employment as highly related to education. People with disabilities and their families assert that there is lack of information to assess the opportunities, services and programs that promote employment and vocational training of people with disabilities. This information is legal obligation that is offered by the state structure for employment and vocational training at local level. On the other hand, people with disabilities and their organizations admit that they are not active to require the information they need. This fact is also confirmed by the director of RDNES and Employment Office. They stressed that lacking is mutual and state structure do not offer to them information based on the needs for certain jobs or vocational training, but on the other hand they do not appear there formally, individually or organized employment needs and vocational training based on the skills. Based on the opinions of people with disabilities and their families involved in focus groups, there is lack of evaluation at the local level for the recognition of the needs of persons with disabilities, policies to promote employment and vocational training of people with disabilities, structures

51 and specialists to evaluate the work of people with disabilities, lack of physical infrastructure suitable to the institutions where you can receive information about employment and vocational training. Participants in the focus group at Vau i DejĂŤs, admit that before 1990 there were specific professions for people with disabilities who graduate the high school, such as economist/financier, which further it is guaranteed the workplace. There has also been work process and special departments where it is made possible the employment of people with disabilities. People with disabilities admit that the barriers are built by them regarding the opportunities that they should have for employment and vocational training. The isolation of people with disabilities often occurs due to limited economic opportunities of their families. In many cases it is evidenced that people with disabilities have a low self-esteem and do not know their skills to work. But in the meantime, they consider employment as very important to be more active, and contributing to improve the quality of their life and their families.

VI. Assessing the situation in the fields

that ensures the rehabilitation and social inclusion of persons with disabilities through quantitative data. Through a survey were gathered data through interviews conducted with 746 people; 489 (65.8%) from these were people with disabilities and 260 (34.2%) were family members (parents, sisters and brothers). In the survey were representatives from both genders, mainly males gender (n= 445, 61%). People with disabilities were of different age groups and they needed different levels of support, as shown in the figure; meanwhile the persons interviewed belong to different categories of disabilities (see Figure 20).

Assessment of rehabilitation and social inclusion situation of people with disabilities in local administrative units of Laç, Lezha and Vau i DejÍs

52 Use of wheelchair with an assistant

1.3% 0.7%

Active user of wheelchair Need for assistance in everything


Need for assistance/ perform basic needs themselves

19.8% 22.1%

Need for care and control








Figure 20. The level of required support




Deaf / speech impairment Mental health / behavior disorder

9.9% 10.6%

Intellectual disabilities


Chronic diseases Mobility impairment




Figure 21.




The categories of disabilities in the survey

Most of the participant, almost four out of five interviewees (68.2%, n= 501) lived in cities and towns, while the rest in rural areas.











Figure 22. Residential area

The number of persons interviewed who lived in poverty was high; three quarters of the participants (72.7%) describe their conditions as poor and only 7.4% described their situation as good or very good. For more information refer to the figure no 23.


Very good






Weak 0%





Figure 23. Financial situation of participants

Assessment of rehabilitation and social inclusion situation of people with disabilities in local administrative units of Laç, Lezha and Vau i DejÍs

54 Instruments

The questionnaire consists of three sections: a demographic section, questions that were related to their situation, how pleased they were in various fields and open questions through which the surveyors were asked to highlight three uncompleted needs. Participants in the survey

Participants were people with disabilities and their families from Lezha, Laç and Vau i DejÍs. These persons were selected by Caritas Albania. To protect the identity of the interviewees, the questionnaires were anonymous and no personal information was collected. In the first page of the questionnaire it is explained that the participation in this survey is voluntary. Data processing

Quantitative survey data were processed with SPSS. The graphs were prepared in Excel. Qualitative data were studied in groups of topics and sub-topics. It was also calculated the frequency to determine the extent of the need expressed by those interviewed. Results

Results indicate that the participants in the study, have difficulties and it is even impossible to perform basic activities of daily living without help and support. As shown in the figure 20, 37.9% of them (n=279) have serious functional damages, which does not allow them to perform on their own routine activities of daily living, based on their age and need personal assistance in most of the time. Also 1.3 % of participants (n=9) are not active users of the wheelchair and therefore need assistance in order to perform vital activities and to be participants in the community. 19.8% of participants (n= 146) need assistance and support to perform basic activities, but not for a long period. They need personal assistant service in certain time of the day. Only a fifth of people with disabilities are independent and do not need help and support to perform basic activities and to participate in the community (18.2%, n=134; 0.7%, n=5). The results indicate a very difficult economic situation for almost three quarters of the participants (72.7% n=502) and only one tenth of them live in good or very good economic conditions (7.4%, n=47). 40 % of participants (n=285) have created their own families and almost all participants live in families, which belong (94.2%, n=683). Only 4% live alone (n=22) and 2.2% live in institutional conditions. (n=16)







Married Never married









Figure 24. Social Status

Live in an environment supervised 24 hours Live alone



Live with family








Figure 25. Independent living status

The results of this survey indicate very low figures regarding the employment of people with disabilities. Only 2.7% of them (n=18) are employed, meanwhile 0.9% (n=6) claim to be self-employed and 0.8% (n=5) are involved in voluntary activities. More than three fourth of the participants from the three cities are unemployed (37.7%, n=244), stay-at-home (18.5%, n=123). One third of them assert that they do not have the opportunity to work due to health conditions (30.8%, n=205). Average number of years in work relations is 14.8 years.

Assessment of rehabilitation and social inclusion situation of people with disabilities in local administrative units of Laç, Lezha and Vau i DejÍs

56 Para e tetraplegjikë



Të verbër



PAK mendorë e fizikë



Invalidë pune

0 100 200 300 400 500 600


Employed toward a payment






Employed for health reasons


Unemployed 0%





Figure 26. Employment status

As it is shown in the figure 27, nearly three quarters of the participants have finished primary education or no education at all (20.8%, n=144; 30.5%, n=274). Only 14% have finished high school (n=97) and 3% the university. (n=21). University




High school


Secondary school


Primary school


Without education




Figure 27.




Education status

The figure 28 indicates the actual situation of the benefits of various state schemes for persons with disabilities. As seen in the figure, nearly three-quarters of the participants benefit a payment due to disability (68.4%, n=501) and 21% benefit from payment schemes of invalidity of Social Insurance Institution (n=155). Nearly half of survey participants benefit a payment of personal assistants and hygienic package (41.2%, n=304); 11.5%, n=85), 15.7 % (n=116) receive free medicines and only 1% (n=7) have received wheelchair and other assistive equipment.

57 Halving the taxes when a bussines starts


Reduction of direct local taxes


Double payment for high school


Triple payment for university



1% 1.1%

Reduced tariff for the education of children


Fuel reimbursement Hygiene package

11.5% 15.7%

Reimbursement of health incurance scheeme


Invalidity pension


Energy reimbursement


Custody payment


Disability payment


10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%

Figure 28. Benefit plan


Eight questions of the survey had to do with the perception about the adaptability in different environments, especially for the users of wheelchair and people with sensory disabilities. Adaptability continues to be an important area and a concern for the interviewees, as shown by the average score of 4.97. The following chart (Figure 29) illustrates the distribution of points for each aspect. It is disturbing the fact that despite the communicating with the Sign Language at home (7.25), interviewees have given very low scores to the other aspects. This means that the majority of persons with disabilities especially with very limit movements, disability in seeing or speaking feel isolated and excluded. Assessment of rehabilitation and social inclusion situation of people with disabilities in local administrative units of Laç, Lezha and Vau i DejÍs


Figure 29. The average regarding the accessibility 5.21

Access at health institutions


Access at recreational facilities


Access at public institutions


Sign language in the community Community



4.42 7.29

Sign language at home


Accesibility at home










Figure 30. Accessibility at home 222

200 150 100 60















NOTE: Main statistical indicators N=113, M=4.5, SD=1.119.


Figure 31. The use of sign language at home

70 65

60 50 40 30 20














NOTE: Main statistical indicators: N=83, M=7.29, SD=.944.

Figure 32. Road Accessibility

400 350


300 250 200 150 100 57













NOTE: Main statistical indicators: N=450, M=4.42, SD=.867.

Assessment of rehabilitation and social inclusion situation of people with disabilities in local administrative units of Laç, Lezha and Vau i Dejës




Figure 33. Community accessibility



250 200 150 100 43

50 0













NOTE: Main statistical indicators N=347, M=4.33, SD=.867.

Figure 34. The use of sign language in the community



80 70 60 50 40 30 20












Note. Main statistical indicators are: N=113, M=4.5, SD=1.119.






Figure 35. Accessibility at state institutions 296

300 250 200 150 100



74 26










NOTE: Main statistical indicators N=462, M=4.68, SD=1.030.

281 300

Figure 36. Accessibility at entertaining facilities

250 200 150 100
















NOTE: Main statistical indicators N=424, M=4.55, SD=.863.

250 214

Figure 37. Accessibility at Health Centre

200 150 100












NOTE: Main statistical indicators: N=477, M=5.21, SD=1.334.

Assessment of rehabilitation and social inclusion situation of people with disabilities in local administrative units of Laç, Lezha and Vau i DejÍs





62 Health and Social Services The interviewees in this survey were asked to make an assessment of the current situation regarding the health and social service of the region where they live. The group of questions (11 questions) was assessed with an average grade 5.64. Figure 38 shows the data obtained. As it is illustrated for each aspect there is a high number of classifications with low grades, this indicates that a high number of people with disabilities and their families (almost half) are not satisfied at all with the services provided.

Figure 38. Average grade in the field of medical and social services


Social services




Rehabilitation services Personal assistant


Legal assistant

5.95 5.8

Health services


Early intervention and treatment




Dental services


Social housing


Mobility equipment









Figura 39. Prevention 218


200 150 96
















NOTE. Main statistical indicators are: N =409,M =4.88,SD =1.28.



Figure 40. Early Identification and Treatment 233

200 150


100 45














NOTE. Main statistical indicators are: N= 432, M= 4.86, SD= 1.31.


Figure 41. Health Services 214




150 100



50 4










NOTE. Main statistical indicators are: N=733, M=6.04 SD=1.41

Figure 42. Rehabilitation Services

80 58

60 48

40 20








17 8




NOTE. Main statistical indicators are: N=600 M=4.60 SD= 2.59. Assessment of rehabilitation and social inclusion situation of people with disabilities in local administrative units of Laç, Lezha and Vau i DejÍs



Figure 43. Dental Services



300 200

















Par et raplegjikë


0 10 20 30 40 50 60


NOTE. Main statistical indicators are: N=648 M=5.45 SD= 1.82.

Figure 44. Medical Commision for the Assessment of the Ability to Work




184 151 98


















NOTE. Main statistical indicators are: N=673,M= 5.8,SD= 1.53.

Figure 45. Social services



300 200 100







96 30



NOTE: Main statistical indicators: N=673,M= 5.8,SD= 1.53.


Figure 46. Free legal assistance























NOTE. Main statistical indicators are: N=364, M=5.95, SD= 1.73.

Figure 47. Social Housing



200 150 100

61 35










NOTE: Main statistical indicators: N=365, M=4.97, SD= 1.29.

Employment, professional qualification, education, participation in cultural and artistic activities and sports Only two of these life aspects of people with disabilities were assessed with a passing score, as it is illustrated in the figure 48. As illustrated in the figure 49, the opportunities for employment and vocational training are still very low, regarding the attempts to include the interviewees in cultural, artistic and sports activities, the assessment is that they are insufficient.

Assessment of rehabilitation and social inclusion situation of people with disabilities in local administrative units of Laç, Lezha and Vau i DejÍs

66 Figure 48. Average grade according to the fields (employment, vocational training, education, participation in cultural and artistic activities and sports) 4.32

Employment Professional employment

4.78 5.27



Sport, cultural, art









Figure 49. Employment opportunities 458

500 400 300 200


100 0













NOTE: Main statistical indicators: N=556, M= 4.42, SD= .892.


Figure 50. Professional and training qualifications 232

200 150 100


50 0













NOTE: Main statistical indicators: N=369, M=4.78, SD=1.31

Even though the three questions related to the education level were assessed with an average grade of 5.27 there were small differences with the average grade as it is illustrated in the Figure 51. The interviewees with disabilities and their families are little pleased with the opportunities for education to students with special needs (M=5.07)


Figure 51. Average grade for the questions related to the education 5.56

Individual plan Inclusive opportunities at school

5.19 5.07

Education of children with special needs







Grade with higher frequency regarding the general education was with a failing grade 4 (n=138, 41.9%). The figure 52 illustrates these findings.


Figure 52. Education 140 101

100 50














NOTE: Main statistical indicators: N=310, M=5.07, SD=1.38.

As illustrated in this figure 53, nearly one- fifth of the interviewees (20.6%) share the opinion that the school does not provide to the students with disabilities the same inclusive opportunities like the other students. This reflects the actual situation in the classes, in the areas where this survey was conducted.

Figure 53. Opportunities for inclusion in school




96 47














NOTE: Main statistical indicators: N=329, M=5.19, SD=1.50

Assessment of rehabilitation and social inclusion situation of people with disabilities in local administrative units of Laç, Lezha and Vau i DejÍs

68 The percentage of those who gave a failing grade for the individual plan was lower (28.8%) but however one in four people was not satisfied with the process. For more specific information see figure 54. 50

Figure 54. Individual Education Plan 44




30 20 7








10 0




NOTE: Main statistical indicators: N=153, M=5.56, SD=1.63.

Participation in sports, artistic and cultural activities according to the will was assessed with the grade 5.32 but it is worth to mention that 40.4 % of the participants were of the opinion that people with disabilities were excluded, as shown in figure 55. Only 3% of the interviewees were of the opinion that the situation is good.

Figure 55. Participation in sport, artistic and cultural activities



250 200


















NOTE: Main statistical indicators: N=664, M=5.32, SD=1.41

Capacities in the field of disabilities Interviewees in the survey were asked a question regarding the human capacities in the field of disabilities, in the area were the survey was conducted. Regarding the question how satisfied they were with the professional qualifications of the persons who

69 work with people with disabilities such as: teachers, social workers, staff of daily center, municipality employees, and employment and ministries offices, the interviewees rated with 5.27. Also it should be highlighted that 36.1 % of interviewees (one third) assessed this question with passing grade, as illustrated in the Fig.56

Figure 56. Staff expertise




150 100







NOTE: Main statistical indicators: N=526,











Legislation, Equality and Non-Discrimination Existing legislation that deals with issues related to persons with disabilities was assessed with a passing grade 5.28. However, there is a large number of people who are not satisfied with the situation. One third of the interviewees (exactly 35%) assessed this category with falling grade 4(four). 61.5% (n=459) assessed with the grade 4 (four) consultation and inclusion that local government offers for discussion the new amended laws in the field of disabilities with people with disabilities. The average grade in this aspect is 4.56.

Figure 57. Legislation





















NOTE: Main statistical indicators: N= 612, M= 5.28, SD=1.302. Assessment of rehabilitation and social inclusion situation of people with disabilities in local administrative units of Laç, Lezha and Vau i DejÍs


Figure 58. The knowledge that provides the local government for the legislation



400 300 200 103















NOTE: Main statistical indicators: N= 632, M= 4.56, SD=1.22

More than a quarter of the interviewees(28.2%) believed that people with disabilities were discriminated and not treated equal to the other part of society and nearly one third (31.4%) assessed this aspect with a passing grade of(5). Only 1% has assessed this question with a positive grade. This shows that people with disabilities and their families feel marginalized and not enough work is done to protect their rights in the framework of human rights.

Figure 59. Equality and non-discrimination

300 198


221 125







NOTE: Main statistical indicators: N=703


7 M=5.53

8 SD=1.39.





71 One of three interviewees (35.5%) were of the opinion that they were not considered as partners in the process of decision-making in communes, district, municipality or ministry and this question was assessed with the grade 4.76. Figure 60 provides information about the distribution frequency of all the points. 65.6% of participants assessed this aspect with a failing grade. Decision-making within the family, was assessed with the an average grade 6.94

Figure 60. How much is respected your opinion in decision-making

400 317

300 200 87














NOTE: Main statistical indicators: N=485, M=4.76, SD=1.41.

Figure 61: Decision-making in families


131 102





91 47









NOTE: Main statistical indicators: N=722, M=6.94, SD=2.15.

Assessment of rehabilitation and social inclusion situation of people with disabilities in local administrative units of Laç, Lezha and Vau i DejÍs



72 Results of basic needs Participants in the survey were required to give their opinion through open questions, for three important uncompleted needs for them and their families. The data processing was done in Excel and was chosen the most mentioned field by them. The number of answers from people with disabilities and their families was 1697. Table presents the most important needs, which need to be oriented to help to improve the social status of people with disabilities in Laç, Vau i Dejës and Lezha.

Unmet needs

Percentage of responses

No of responses

Payment/Financial Aid



Social Service



Medicines refunded



Psychological support 3.1%




Sanitary Package 6.01% Personal Assistant 5.3%

141 102 90

Mobility Aids Equipment



Social Housing



Inclusion/Participation 5.6%


Specialized health services 8.1%


Prostheses 0.76%


Employment and vocational training 4.18%


General Education 2.88%


Hearing Devices and sign language interpreters 0.23%


Assistive technology for Blind people 0.7%


Accessible environment 3.1%


Accessible transport 2.76%


Table 1. The most important needs that need to be directed to improve the social status of persons with disabilities in Laç, Vau i Dejës, Lezhë

73 VII. Conclusion and Recommendation Results of policies evaluation, institutional framework and programs, as well as quantitative results of the survey developed with individuals and families of people with disabilities, indicate that people with disabilities and their families belong to this part of marginalized society of Albania. They are poor and isolated in a society that still needs to eliminate these environmenthal barriers, including here the existing facilities, information and communication, institutional barriers created by the institutions that operate at local level and that are continuing to develop strategies and policies, by forgetting the special needs and interventions for a considerable part of population such as people with disabilities. Including here barriers in attitude and opinion that represent local authorities, but as well as the attitude and opinion of the community for people with disabilities who need charity, financial treatment and daily and residential center, separated and unable to contribute in all the fields of life, on basis of equality and respect of human dignity. Health services, education, social services and employment of people with disabilities are limited and of a poor quality. People with disabilities still feel excluded from decision-making process and assess that their opinion is not respected. Based on data analysis, and opinions of the entities included in the assessment, we are listing below some conclusions and recommendations in fields subject to evaluation, which are thought to contribute to improve social integration of people with disabilities and their families.

Accessibility of the constructed environment and transport, information and participation To improve the situation in order to create an environment without barriers for people with disabilities, we recommend: Recommendation 1. To revise and complete the policy/legal instruments at local level and to make possible the implementation of national legislation and standards with the aim to stop immediately the creation of new barriers, and at the same time by removing the existing barriers in the existing facilities, transport and communication. Recommendation 2. Awareness and capacity building of all the responsible actors, to recognize and implement the legislation and respect all the standards in order to prevent barriers in the new projects Assessment of rehabilitation and social inclusion situation of people with disabilities in local administrative units of Laç, Lezha and Vau i DejÍs

74 and gradually eliminating the existing barriers; these are considered as a necessity and as an important element that needs to be kept in consideration and planned. Recommendation 3. As it is highlighted in this strategy, it is essential and recommended by the local directors and specialist, activation of a new actor/ accessibility of existing structure/ reviewing of responsibility in terms of strengthening the requests for planning, monitoring the level of accessibility in new objectives/and those existing and continuing with implementation/improvement. For on-going actions it is necessary to predict concrete activities and planning of budget. It is recommended to be used a certain percentage of the municipality budget and later to request funds from the central level up to donors. Recommendation 4. In cooperation with the responsible sectors in the Municipality, Regional Directorates in the field of health services, housing, education, vocational training, to create a database for realization of interventions in existing buildings, in order to make them accessible. Recommendation 5. Drafting a mini strategy of communication at the municipality level that could be integrated at the base regulation of municipality actions or to remain as a separated document. At the regulation should be seen the possibility of changing public relations by giving priority to access in information and inclusion by eliminating all the existing barriers. The establishment of a permanent cooperation with local and regional organizations regarding disabilities issues, through electronic information and the establishment of permanent advisory groups. Creation of a consultative group with representatives of different categories of disabilities, age and gender, might serve to the inclusion and establishment of a systematic relationship. These groups should include also a specialist who deals with disabilities issues in the municipality whenever are drafted decisions or policies, in order to identify the effect that these decision can have on the community of persons with disabilities. Should be taken into consideration to provide information in different accessible ways (e.g. for people who are blind or deaf). Use of a simple and clear language when communicating with persons with disabilities is also a necessity. For these it is required to plan and invest in increasing the capacity of municipality staff regarding the communication methods with people with disabilities, regarding the legal obligations and means used to achieve full inclusion and efficient of people with disabilities. To achieve the above mentioned

75 recommendations are required special skills by people responsible and not only but the whole staff as well. This may also require the collaboration of the experts in the field of communication, ethics, human rights and people with disabilities. Trainings, workshops and different activities with the aim to increase capacity and in this way to increase the access to information. At the same time needs to be strengthened the community of people with disabilities through programs of information that the municipality can offer, or through continues distribution of the informative materials. Another measure that can be taken by the municipality is fund a way to provide the information on the rights in facilities accessible for persons with disabilities.

Social Services Recommendation 1. Creating of new position at the social service sector at the Municipality, and continues investment in capacity building, firstly as a legal obligation that comes from Law no 93/2014, dated 24/7/2014 “On the inclusion and accessibility of persons with disabilities” and secondly, regarding the problems of services at the local level, as well as the specifics that carries the disabilities. It is urgent to appoint a person who will work only with the drafting and monitoring of services for people with disabilities. Reform on modernizing the system of evaluation of persons with disability, according to bio-psychosocial model, as well as the reform on social services; reforms that have started now from MoSWY, require the creation of a specific structure with prepared staff to organize, manage all the needs for service that every person with disabilities has. Such as emergency intervention, may be considered the role of Social Administration in accordance with legal requirements, not only focusing on completing the documentation for the beneficiaries categories from payments scheme for people with disabilities, but also the inclusion and assessing of individual needs in administrative units which are responsible to help the orientation and creation of social services. Recommendations 2. Another area which needs to be worked in the coming years, is the all inclusion of services for persons with disabilities in the services that is offered in other vulnerable groups like children, women, elderly, Roma etc. The continues training of centers’ staff that offer services and are going to offer even in the future, in accordance with standards of people with disabilities, should be considered a priority Assessment of rehabilitation and social inclusion situation of people with disabilities in local administrative units of Laç, Lezha and Vau i Dejës

76 because they are an important element in increasing and enhancing the quality of services for this target group. Recommendation 3. Setting an electronic data base for the persons with disabilities and their needs for services; detailed information of the situation as well as data collection and updating from all potential providers of services in the city, it will help to orient people with disabilities and their families towards the social services providers based on their needs. Recognition and evaluation of the social situation of people with disabilities will promote new policies to support community according to the priority but also based on the typology of people with disabilities. The collection of data is in the same line with the reforms being undertaken by MoSWY, related with the reform of evaluation system of disability, as well as reform of piloting of social services in the community. Recommendation 4. Piloting a network of social service is utile; it is a priority to complete one of the most important requests identified by persons with disabilities who participated in the evaluation. The chain of services should start since early childhood interventions and then possible services for preschool children who are at risk of developing disabilities or are born with disabilities such as physical disabilities, metal, deaf, blind etc. This means that it is necessary for multidisciplinary therapeutic intervention, according to the special needs (speech therapist, etc.) in the natural environment, piloting of the services of the participants in the community, services that offer the opportunity to participate in the life of community also for people with disabilities, who need on-going support and supervision. Activities will include entertaining and relaxing programs, political participation (such as participation in association etc.) as well as volunteering work. Participation services in the community gives the opportunity to individuals to feel integrated and to the community is given the opportunity to see its diversity, by contributing in developing the spirit of understanding and tolerance. Persons with disabilities participate in activities accompanied by personal assistants; piloting of customized transport services. This service aims at providing customized transport to help persons with disabilities to do daily activities in the facilities of school, work and different activities in the community. This service can be achieved through buying some accessible equipment of public transport from the local unit, or by contacting private operates that own accessible equipment for transportation, in order to complete the needs of persons with disabilities.

77 Piloting services of Personal Aid: It is a necessary service, in accordance with the Law no 93/2014, 24/07/2014 “On the inclusion and accessibility of persons with disabilities” which aims to alleviate the families situation and to increase independence and participation of persons with disabilities. The services must start with a limited number of people with disabilities and then to extend it’s experienced; piloting of centres for independent living. This service can be realized through purchasing or leasing the residential premises by the Municipality, in order to live in these building 4-5 members with disabilities over the age of 18. During the day the staff will help persons with disabilities to do necessary activities such as shopping, cooking, cleaning the house, as well as their personal hygiene. Also during the night there will be staff to support and supervise persons with disabilities; Piloting of the service “Respite Care”. This program gives the opportunity to the family to be free from continues care of persons with disabilities, in order to carry out their duties. Studies have shown that this is the best way to help families to normalize their live. “Respite” services reduce the stress in the families and help to maintain its well-functioning. Services can be monitored by the municipality, or specialized agencies can be contacted that have the capacity to provide these services. Establishment of funding scheme, which predicts funding from municipality delegated by the central authority, but also by donors and business community, would constitute a guarantee in sustainability of the social services.

Housing Recommendation: Regarding the improvement of the situation of persons with disabilities we recommend a more active role of the municipality to identify people with disabilities and homeless through an evaluation, in order to assist those in need. Having regard the priority in which is dealt by the law and by-laws, the municipality needs to follow anticipated procedures for people with disabilities during the process of application and creation of necessary facilities. By decisions of the City Council and other active policies, the municipalities can gradual increase the number of beneficiaries with disabilities of housing programs. While planning of construction of social housing, the municipality needs to consider the creation of the infrastructure for people with disabilities.

Assessment of rehabilitation and social inclusion situation of people with disabilities in local administrative units of Laç, Lezha and Vau i Dejës

78 Recommendation 2.

Establishment and support of health service, including here informative programs and awareness on prevention and basic health care, building of mechanisms for obtaining good health services, strengthening the role of family doctor for people with disabilities, providing health service based on the needs of people with disabilities; creation/strengthening of service/centers for physical rehabilitation of persons with disabilities; collaboration with the menthal health service at Regional Directorate to create, design, and establish a Community Menthal Health Service; implementation of precondition for the integration of persons with disabilities, this is related to accessibility in the premises and tools in all the object that provide health service as an obligation “Regulation of using the space by persons with disabilities” (Decision no 1405, dated 19/11/2008) Law no 107/2014 “For the planning and territory development” Law no 10221 dated 4/2/201 “Protection from discrimination”.

Education Recommendation 1.

In order to accomplish the obligations to ensure a quantitative and qualitative development of people with disabilities education, it is recommended a reassessment of Sector of Curriculum and Quality, and opening of education specialist position for children with disabilities. This intervention increases responsibility and at the same time informs RED/ EO regarding the problems of children with disabilities. This position guarantees assessment, planning, addressing the problems and to follow the implementation of all the steps to accomplish all the obligations that derive from the normative provisions, Law 69/2012 and by-laws for the education of children with disabilities involved in the assessment. This intervention, reviewing of specialist responsibility regarding the education of children with disabilities, must be accompanied with role strengthening and its capacity and other structure including Psych-Social Service Unit and Assessment Commission at RED/EO. It is important that RED/EO in collaboration with MoES to inform and organize periodic training with specialist and committee members at REDEO and commissions at educational institutions level (kindergarten, schools)

79 regarding the procedure that must be followed and respected from the implementation policy of MES. Recommendation 2. Although the data are collected through PSS (Psycho Social Service) and evaluation committees created at the education institutions, it is recommended a review, adding and updating of indicators, extending to all levels, including kindergarten and preschool, secondary school and high school and if it is possible the higher education, as well as the geographic extension both in urban and rural areas. Gathered data must be reported with responsibility, and to be analysed based on program of interventions at EO /RED and further the inclusion of children with disabilities in educational institutions. Recommendation 3. The database will serve to plan the intervention in financial terms, to coordinate with institutions that have legal obligation such as MoES and Municipality/Directorate of Education, Culture, Youth and Sports, business community and other local services, to ensure the implementation of supporting infrastructure for children with disabilities, including (i) accessible premises and transport (referring to the first field of this plan) (ii) to equip children with special needs with textbooks and other didactic tools (iii) creation of informative offices within educational institutions (iv) planning of assistant teacher (v) service of interpreter in normal classes, (vi) a guideline for teachers working with students with disabilities, drafting PEI and use of appropriate teaching methods for children with disabilities etc. An important part of the creation of supportive infrastructure is also the investment and realization of trainings to build the capacity of teaching staff but also psychosocial staff who work with children with disabilities in order to offer teaching in accordance to the obligations and standards defined by the Ministry of Education and Sports and other dependant institutions. Must be planned and organized trainings also for the specialist of RED/EO directors of schools and kindergartens, on specific issues related to inclusion. It should aim to choose education experts in the field of children with disabilities, certification of trainings in order to increase the interest of teachers to participate, as well as to increase the quality and standards of training offered. Recommendation 4. Expansion and consolidation of an active partnership between state institutions, non-profitable organizations and other interest groups who work or affect the implementation of inclusive education for children and youth with disabilities RED/EO should plan to organize consultative meeting and informative, not only with directors or specialist of education institutions, but also with parents, students etc. In the framework of “Schools as Community Center, a friendly

Assessment of rehabilitation and social inclusion situation of people with disabilities in local administrative units of Laç, Lezha and Vau i DejÍs

80 school for all”, RED and other headmasters of schools should organize awareness activities for students’ community, parents and teachers with the aim to create an “host” environment for students with disabilities. Recommendation 5. To measure the achieved progress in the implementation of intervention in education, RED/ZA builds monitoring and evaluation matrix. In order to inform all local stakeholders but also those interested, RED prepared the annual report of the monitoring and evaluation and periodic bulletins.

Vocational Training and Employment Recommendation 1.

Re-evaluation of structure and service at RDNES/EO, human resource planning and creation of capacities to increase standards and offering a specialized employment service for unemployed jobseekers with disabilities. Based on the obligations arising from the relevant legislation in this area, but also because of complex problematic in this category, in contrast to all groups of jobseekers in difficulties, it is important to create a staff of specialist to be responsible to interview and assess the abilities and skills of unemployed jobseekers with disabilities, to offer consultation and prepare for the labour market, guidance for vocational training/or mediation for employment in the open labour market, employment through referral in the programs of promotion for employment and self-employment orientation. Its duties will be to coordinate with all other structures within the Employment Office, but also with other structure at the local level with the aim to connect all the procedures that lead to a successful and stable employment. Despite collaboration at the local level, this structure should coordinate with RDNES in other region, as well as National Employment Service in order to create and strengthen the service for unemployed jobseekers with disabilities. Restructuring the structures within RDNES, requires re-evaluation of duties of specialist and equip them with knowledge to perform this role based on standardized procedure. RDNES and especially the specialist who will provide specialized services for people with disabilities, with the aim to involve a high number of people with disabilities in the labour market, should through training, seminars, and informative paper, explanatory guide, inform the responsible staff of institutions of RDNES and RDSLI and other public and private entities and also people with disabilities themselves, as well as mitigation measures in cases of employment of these people. Awareness campaigns through media, including social media should

81 promote positive models to avoid prejudice and to promote employment. At the working laboratories of professional school (Lezha) and through mobile center of vocational training for the northeast region of Albania (Laç and Vau i Dejës) to provide vocational training for persons with disabilities, for this purpose it is important that even the instructors/ teachers of this school to gain knowledge about how to adapt programs to include teaching of a profession to people with disabilities. Recommendation 2.

Improving the system of gathering, processing and reporting of data regarding the employment of people with disabilities. Existing data base, should include gathering of data that will be written down in reports regarding the unemployed jobseekers of people with disabilities according to the age group, gender, educational level, but also based on the skills and needs for support based on the scale of damage and level of functioning. Database of employing entities, should include indicators regarding the number of people with disabilities employed, facilities and work processes that can enable the) of people with disabilities. Even database and forms that it generates, focusing on presenting the promotion of employment and beneficiaries of these programs, should be completed by a specific program (Decision no.248) to increase the attention but also to have as many beneficiaries from persons with disabilities. Recommendation 3.

Improving the employment service that provides guidance and intervention for employment, by setting the measureable indicators for hiring unemployed jobseekers with disabilities. To assess businesses regarding the opportunities for position or to create position for employment to fulfil legal obligations, but also encouraging them to apply in programs/ fund to promote employment. Besides the task of informing and mediation for employers and employees entities, employment office should offer on-going counselling for both clients. In order to achieve this goal RDNES and EO should work in partnership with PRDSIL (Regional Directorate of State Inspectorate of Labor) that has the responsibility to carry out the inspection of employing entities regarding the application of legal duties, Article 15 Law nr.7995/1995 (as amended) “On employment promotion”. Recommendation 5.

RDNES and EO should make a fair distribution of funds for employment promotion in order to include the unemployed jobseekers with disabilities. In order to achieve this it is required attention and to place the category of people with disabilities in the priority groups with lots of needs and support. Through funds gathered from various sources, to promote the establishment and operation of new programs Assessment of rehabilitation and social inclusion situation of people with disabilities in local administrative units of Laç, Lezha and Vau i Dejës

82 that support people with disabilities, including assessment and vocational rehabilitation, vocational training, establishment of social business and self-employment initiative. Recommendation 6.

The institutionalization of tables with representative of institutions such as RDNES, EO, RDSLI, municipality, professional school, employing private and public entities, NGO and other interest groups and create a lasting partnership and will contribute towards employment and vocational training. The exchange of information between all stakeholders that will help to monitor and reassess of the priorities for the implementation of policies for employment and vocational training of people with disabilities. To inform all the local actors and also those interested, EO and RDNES to prepare and annual monitoring report on the progress achieved and implementation of these interventions.

ANnex 1 Institutions that were included in the evaluation process/survey Accessibility of Facilities

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Directorate of Territorial Planning, Municipality of Lezha Urban Construction Inspectorate, Lezha Investment Directorate at RED, RDNES, and RHD Directorate of Planning, Controlling and Territorial Development, Municipality Laç Department of Local Taxes and Fees, Municipality Laç Planning and Territorial Development Directorate, Urban Planning Sector, Vau i Dejës Municipality Tax Office, Vau i Dejës

Social services

1. 2. 4. 5. 6.

Directorate of Development Projects and Electronic Government, Municipality of Lezha Directorate of Social Welfare and Youth, Municipality of Lezha Directorate of Budget and Finance, Municipality of Lezha Economic Assistant Office, Municipality Laç Economic Assistance Office, Municipality of Vau i Dejës

Health services

1. Regional Health Directorate, Lezha 2. Public Health Directorate, Kurbin Education

1. Regional Education Directorate, Lezha 2. Education Office Laç-Kurbin 3. Education Office Vau i Dejës Employment and Vocational Training

1. Regional Directorate of the National Employment Service, Lezha 2. Regional Directorate of the State Labour Inspectorate, Lezha 3. Local Employment Office, Laç

Address: “Don Bosko”, No.4, Tirana-Albania Tel: +355 42230088 Fax: +355 42234327 Mob: +355 692024596 E-mail:

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