PACES Magazine Nr.9 - December 2011 EN

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We believe in your happiness!

Promoted & Applied Social Economy Concepts Published by the Integrative Medicine Entrepreneurs

Nr. 9, December 2011

79-81 Dornei Street, District 1, Bucharest Tel: 0372-770.126, Fax: 021-224.46.95


We believe in your happiness!

President Liviu Mandler’s Speech at the International Congress of Integrative Medicine Organizations


ear friends, Ladies and gentlemen, I hereby welcome you! I am honored to open the discussions of the Integrative Medicine Congress Organizations, today, as part of the Integrative Medicine Entrepreneurs (PMI) activities in Romania. I hope that in this framework will host discussions on the major issues of scientific and organizational importance in the approach of the main theme of the congress: “Integrative Medicine for the Benefit of the Larger Society.” The Congress is attended by specialists and experts in projects developed by the Integrative Medicine Entrepreneurs in Romania, such as doctors, psychologists, pharmacists, representatives of associations and NGOs active in this field, as well as by journalists pursuing the development of integrative medicine in the larger society. Our Congress is honored by the presence of outstanding personalities of the medical world, operating in famous universities and faculties from all over the world, which also host integrative medicine departments. For me, it is a fortunate opportunity to salute the presence of their Excellencies in our Congress: Prof. Dr. Emeritus Volker Diehl, from the University of Cologne, who defines integrative medicine by a great metaphor: “Integrative Medicine is the bridge between the patient and the doctor”; Prof. Dr. Elio Rossi, from the Hospital in Lucca, Tuscany, Italy, the current President of the European Congress of Integrative Medicine; Prof. Dr. John Ionescu (a fellow countryman of ours), Scientific Director and founder of the Neukirchen Clinic, Germany. I would also like to salute our partners in the Cancer Project, Prof. Dr. Tito Menichetti, Vice-president of the Oncologic Institute of Senigalia, Italy; Psychooncologist Marco Romeo, President of the National Institute of Psycho-oncology in Italy; Dr. Paolo Quagliarini - the Institute of Oncology in Senigalia, as well as our partners in the Disabilities Project, the representatives of the Newham College in London, Joyce Amato, Naomi Bulliard, Clive Ansell and our partners at the Reid Keer College of Glasgow Scotland, Felix Gilfedder and Mary Jane Bird. We are extremely honored to receive so many guests from our country and from abroad in our

Congress, who fully share our concerns and efforts. It is particularly difficult, in the contemporary world, to establish a proper balance between the evolution of serious diseases, of long-term disability and the capability of the society to allot adequate funds for their treatment and for assuring a normal life to vulnerable people. According to recent statistical data, chronic diseases, including cancer, heart diseases and diabetes, are responsible for more than 60% of deaths worldwide. Despite this fact, these medical affections are being distributed only 3% of public and private health funds. The World Health Organization estimates that, this year, cancer will be the first on the list of lethal diseases. In 2008, no less than 7.6 million people died because of this disease worldwide, and 12.4 million new cases have been diagnosed with it. Lung cancer is distributed about 180 billions of the total of 895 billion dollars, the used amount for the annual treatment of cancer worldwide. In our view, the concept of integrative medicine


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is a formula that includes all existing material, human and scientific resources of the society, in order to assure, in a joint effort, each individual’s capability to protect one’s life, to be healed of diseases and of almost unbearable disabilities, in order to get as close as possible to a normal life. We highly appreciate classical medicine, which discovered and underlined the valuable processes of maintenance and recovery of human health standards. At the same time, we believe that the extension of other known procedures and their implementation, such as psychological therapies, acupuncture, homeopathy and other remedies practiced by physicians or psychologists, those that can make the patient get the most complete and effective treatment prescribed by doctors, represent a great opportunity to be healed by integrative medicine. We cannot exclude our interest, as Integrative Medicine Entrepreneurs, in enabling disabled persons to reintegrate into the society by providing them with the opportunity to learn new professions so that they will find jobs which are proper for them. The Integrative Medicine Entrepreneurs are the only Entrepreneurs in Romania who are intensely involved in social issues faced by disabled and chronically ill patients, in addition to dealing with other entrepreneurial issues. The Integrative Medicine Entrepreneurs in

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Romania are part of the largest and most significant Confederation - CONPIROM, as well as of three large international organizations: AAIM (The American Association of Integrative Medicine), the European Society of Integrative Medicine and the European Disability Forum (EDF). On October 7-8, 2011, I was honored to take part in the European Congress of Integrative Medicine in Berlin, which was attended by representatives of 33 countries. This Congress debated important issues for the development and research in the field of integrative medicine. I was greatly impressed by the value and quality of the people I met (we are honored to host some of them here, at our Congress), and by the development of the integrative medicine in the United States, Europe and Asia. The Congress in Berlin showed that integrative medicine cannot be ignored. For example, in the United States, 49 universities have integrative medicine departments in their Faculties of Medicine (Harvard, Pennsylvania, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Maryland, etc). Today’s international congress, is also attended by representatives of the Government, unions, entrepreneurs, members of the Parliament, people of culture and scientists, medical doctors, psychologists, NGOs and, of course, last, but not least, members of Integrative Medicine Entrepreneurs.

We believe in your happiness!

Achievements of the Integrative Medicine Entrepreneurs in Less than Two and a Half Years The Integrative Medicine Entrepreneurs have legal personality, being a non-profit and apolitical organization. It was founded in June 2009, in accordance with the Romanian legislation in force, for an indefinite period. The Integrative Medicine Entrepreneurs act as a central reference point and as a factor of representation, communication, education and collaboration with public and private authorities which govern and / or coordinate this field internally or externally. We also identify specific problems of integrative medicine service providers and the optimal solutions to solve them. The Entrepreneurs’ aim is to develop integrative medicine for the benefit of the national community, by respecting and implementing the requirements of national and international standards which are specific to this activity. To fulfill its purpose, P.M.I. undertook various activities during the two and a half years since it was founded. The reputation and credibility of our activities are provided by the significant number of members who have joined us: 254 organizations representing over 4,000 members, 168 support NGOs in Romania and 33 from abroad. Also, the Integrative Medicine Entrepreneurs are part of CONPIROM (The largest Entrepreneurs’ Confederation in fields such as industry, agriculture, construction and services in Romania) and a member of three international associations of integrative medicine: 1. The American Association of Integrative Medicine 2. The European Society of Integrative Medicine. 3. The European Disability Forum, in the social area. Entrepreneurs have created the necessary departments for the proper functioning of the association: the IT Department, the PR Department, the International Relations Department, the Accounting Department, the Administrative Department, the Legal Department, and, last but not least, the Projects’ Department. By establishing a Projects’ Department, whose main responsibility is to provide counseling for writing funding applications and to implement or grant consulting for the management of approved projects, the Integrative Medicine Entrepreneurs became the beneficiary of two strategic projects, each amounting to 4.8 million Euro, funded by the European Social Fund - the Operational Program for Human Resources Development 2007-2013 “Invest

5 in people,” Axis 6 “Promoting Social Inclusion”, “The Social Economy Development” Major Area of Intervention: - The first project: “Multiregional Network for Integrative Therapy, Counseling and Social Reintegration of Persons Diagnosed with Cancer.” - The second project “Regional Network for the Promotion and Implementation of Social Economy Concepts in Order to Increase the Chances of Social Reintegration for Disabled Persons.” Also, due to the work of the Projects’ Department, 42 projects were written and submitted: The Integrative Medicine Entrepreneurs are the beneficiary of nine of these projects. For the remaining 33 projects, PMI developed partnerships with other beneficiaries, for whom they have written the projects. All projects were submitted for co-financing from the “European Social Fund - the Operational Program for Human Resources Development 2007 - 2013”. The target groups are represented by vulnerable people, in particular disabled people and patients diagnosed with cancer, single mothers, the young and the unemployed. In order to help the vulnerable groups, we founded six counseling centers that offer services such as: information, psychological counseling, professional guidance and counseling, integrative therapy, professional mentoring, tutoring and training, as well as legal advice (legislation): - Counseling and rehabilitation of people diagnosed with cancer, the Bucharest - Ilfov Region, based in Bucharest. - Counseling and rehabilitation of people diagnosed with cancer, the North - West Region, based in Cluj. - Counseling and rehabilitation of people diagnosed with cancer, the North - East Region, based in Iași. - Centers devoted to labor market integration of disabled persons, the Bucharest - Ilfov Region, based in Bucharest. - Centers devoted to labor market integration of disabled persons, Central Region, based in Brașov. - Centers devoted to labor market integration of disabled persons, the South - East Region, based in Constanţa. The activity of the centers is carried out by specialists and volunteers from across the country. PMI is part of more than 100 volunteering agreements, in compliance with the laws in force in Romania. For a better organization of labor and an easier understanding of responsibilities, we developed a textbook of the volunteer. We also organized information and education campaigns. Here are two examples:


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- The “Information. Cancer. Life” Campaign, which had a target group of 1.000 people, consisting of young and elderly patients diagnosed with cancer, families of people diagnosed with cancer, medicine doctors, zonal entrepreneurs, opinion leaders, NGOs, the national and local media. - The “Live Healthy!” Campaign, which has a target group of 2.000 people, consisting of young adults, elders, disabled persons, opinion leaders (physicians, pharmacists, psychologists, sports trainers, etc.), local officials (municipalities, prefectures, the Chamber of Commerce) and journalists. They are taking place between November 2011 and February 2012, in the Central, Bucharest - Ilfov and South - East Regions. Other actions developed by the Integrative Medicine Entrepreneurs are worth mentioning: - We organized a fishing contest for disabled people in Brașov County, and we granted certificates of participation to those who took part in the event. - We organized and sponsored the celebration of the International Autism Day, by illuminating the House of the People, the National Theatre and the Arch of Triumph. - We received a donation of 80 wheelchairs for disabled people, 15 of which have already been given to those in need. The remaining

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wheelchairs will be donated in the near future to disabled people in need. - We founded two online magazines: The “Avocaţii Sănătăţii” (Health Advocates) Magazine and PACES Magazine (Promotion and Implementation of Concepts of Social Economy). Since March 2011, the PACES Magazine appears in print, once a month, and is distributed free of charge to various state institutions (The Ministry of Labor, Family and Social Protection; the Ministry of Health; the Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sports; the Chamber of Deputies, the Senate, NGOs), to our partners (Social Welfare Departments, county councils, municipalities). The PACES Magazine is also distributed in 200 copies in English, to 25 embassies, as well as to our foreign partners and NGOs from abroad. As far as future arrangements to achieve their intended purpose are concerned, the Integrative Medicine Entrepreneurs submitted for approval six projects aimed at establishing sheltered workshops, in which 80% of the employees will be disabled persons (by law, at least 30% of the people employed in a sheltered workshop suffer from a disability). They will be trained in professions such as tailoring, bakery, printing and more. We shall also organize support groups for


We believe in your happiness! people diagnosed with cancer and for disabled people, by mentoring and tutoring sessions, as well as fairs and exhibitions whose products will have been made by disabled people. The social reintegration of vulnerable groups will also be supported on December 3, 2011, when we shall celebrate the International Disabled Persons’ Day, in a special event organized by PMI together with Club A, from 1:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. (a concert, dance groups, raffles). Last but not least, the Integrative Medicine Entrepreneurs will organize, in January 2012, a course of psycho-oncology which is certified by the College of Physicians and by the College of Psychologists. It will be developed in collaboration with the Institute of Psycho-Oncology in Italy and the Medical University in Ancona. By this course, PMI will contribute to the training of specialists in the field. The course will be developed over two years, and will consist of four modules: the basis of psycho-oncology, the practice in psycho-oncology, advanced psycho-oncology and trainer for trainers in psycho-oncology.

We hope that our Congress will start-up a lasting process of connection and communication between doctors, patients, psychologists, NGOs, voluntary organizations and institutions which represent the state authorities. Together, we can create the premises to settle Integrative Medicine down, for the aid and benefit of the larger society. It is only together that we can achieve this noble mission which should belong not only to the Integrative Medicine Entrepreneurs, but to all. Therefore, I hope this Congress will certify this noble mission. I would like to thank, on this occasion, to our generous sponsors, especially the RIN Hotel Group and the Italo-Romena Bank, both of them having substantially contributed to the organization of this Congress. In the end, I would like to thank to PMI’s managing team, headed by Tatiana Pîrvu, for having made all this Congress possible in such a short time. It is with these thoughts that I hereby open the First Congress of Integrative Medicine Organizations, which is part of the activities developed by the Integrative Medicine Entrepreneurs.

Happy New Year 2012! December is full of festivals: it is in December that Saint Nicholas pays us a visit, we celebrate the Holy Festivals of Christmas and the New Year. On the occasion of these festivals, the Integrative Medicine Entrepreneurs would like to send warm wishes of health and happiness to all our employees, members of our organization, partners, experts, NGOs and authorities with whom we collaborate. The PACES Magazine staff would also like to wish a warm “Happy New Year” to our readers. Let us respect the past and look forward to our future! HAPPY NEW YEAR! Liviu MANDLER President of the Integrative Medicine Entrepreneurs


Promoted & Applied Economy Social Concepts

Nr. 9/December 2011

We believe in your happiness!


The Foreign Partners of the Integrative Medicine Entrepreneurs Congratulated Our Organization on the Occasion of the Congress


he President of the National Institute of Psycho-Oncology of Italy, Dr. Paolo Quagliarini, of the Senigalia Oncology Institute, stated during the International Congress of Integrative Medicine Organizations, held in Rin Airport Hotel of Otopeni, that he is content and fully supports the collaboration with the Integrative Medicine Entrepreneurs as part of a European project dedicated to cancer patients. This project is worth 4.8 million Euro. The project is co-funded by the European Social Fund - the Operational Program for Human Resources Development 2007-2013 “Invest in people”, Axis 6, “Promoting social Inclusion”, the “Social Economy Development” Major Area of Intervention. The project of the Integrative Medicine Entrepreneurs is titled “Multiregional Network for Integrative Therapy, Counseling and Social Reintegration of Persons Diagnosed with Cancer.” Similar messages were heard from the representatives of the Newham College in London, as well as of the Reid Keer College, in Glasgow, Scotland. They are the partners of the Integrative Medicine Entrepreneurs in the “Regional Network for the Promotion and Implementation of Social Economy Concepts in order to Increase the Chances of Social Reintegration of Disabled Persons” European project.

Dr. John Ionescu: Personalized Anti-inflammatory Nutrition - a Key Factor for Integrative Therapy Prof. Dr. John G. Ionescu, the scientific director and founder of the Neukirchen Special Clinic, in Germany, has approached, in his presentation, an extremely important topic for today’s society, which is characterized by speed, stress, plurality and multiculturalism, namely the importance of personalized nutrition, in accordance with integrative medicine, in order to fight modern world diseases, such as psoriasis or atopic eczemas. According to Prof. Dr. John Ionescu, as a result of his experience in treating over 20.000 patients with atopic eczema and psoriasis, he has proved the

crucial role of toxic-irritating pollutants (pesticides, wood preservatives, food additives, solvents, heavy metals, nicotine, exhaust pipe particles) and of chronic infections as triggers of pseudo-allergic reactions. The specialist also said that it is necessary to understand the role of harmful food in the generation of the free radicals, as well as to identify the main agents of immune and inflammatory response to food and food additives. “We are not interested in symptoms, but in the real healing of the causes of disease that we are treating,” said the specialist during his scientific lecture. He also presented pictures of patients who had been affected by various allergies and the next pictures were of the same persons, who were perfectly healthy only four weeks after starting the integrative treatment. In this sense, Prof. Dr. John Ionescu recommended to the audience to drink natural juice made of fresh fruits, also proving the harmful effects of counterfeit food and of preservatives. The specialist also drew attention to the harmful factors in the preserved food for children, since it contains very much sugar. The main purpose of Prof. Dr. John Ionescu’s presentation was to facilitate the understanding of the specific selection of food necessary to counteract the generation of free radicals and skin inflammation, by individualized diets. During our Congress, Prof. Dr. John Ionescu also presented a lecture on molecular therapies for slowing down the aging of the skin. Following this theoretical lecture on the aging process, Dr. John Ionescu presented new practical German formulas for the defense against aging, based on the concept of integrative medicine: SOLARIS SPF 25, ENERGO Repair.

Bogdan Hossu wants further collaboration with the Integrative Medicine Entrepreneurs Bogdan Hossu, leader of the Cartel Alfa Union, said at the International Congress of the Integrative Medicine Organizations, that the union he leads is directly interested in the social integration of disabled persons. Bogdan Hossu reminded that the Cartel Alfa Union is involved in European projects of this type and called for greater social responsibility,


Promoted & Applied Economy Social Concepts

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We believe in your happiness! in this regard. “The Activity of the Integrative Medicine Entrepreneurs is particularly important. I wish you success in the Congress and I hope we shall have further collaboration in the future, too,” said Bogdan Hossu.

Professor Volker Diehl: Integrative Medicine, the Bridge Between Patient and doctor Professor Volker Diehl, Emeritus Director of Internal Medicine at the University of Cologne, Germany, took part in the International Congress of Integrative Medicine Organizations, held at Bucharest, at the Airport Rin Hotel in Otopeni, and presented a unique history and explanation of integrative medicine, having approached a comparative perspective between the integrative and alternative medicine. He outlined and defined the two concepts and placed them in the current European context. Dr. Volker Diehl wanted to answer, by his lecture, entitled “Integrative Medicine - the Bridge Between Patient and Doctor”, held during the Congress organized by the Integrative Medicine Entrepreneurs to questions such as “Why do patients use alternative medicine “and” Why do we need Integrative Medicine?”, sharing his vast experience in these areas. According to Dr. Volker Diehl, the specific feature of integrative medicine is that it deals more with the patient than simply with the treatment of the disease, as well as with the way in which the patient continues his/her life, adapts and faces the challenges of life after recovery. Integrative medicine addresses the real needs of patients to live better and to cope with possible effects of the disease. However, Dr. Volker Diehl drew attention to possible errors and superstitions which seem to replace medical science, and he showed their negative effects. “We do not need anecdotes, but

real clinical trials,” said Dr. Volker. Dr. Volker Diehl is Director Emeritus of Internal Medicine at the University of Cologne, Germany. He is also the founder and president of the German Hodgkin Study Group (GHSG) for the last 30 years. Currently, he is the Honorary President of this group. He is also Founding Director of the National Cancer Center in Heidelberg 2004 to 2005. Here are Dr. Volker Diehl’s main scientific achievements: He was the first to capture umbilical cord blood cells in lines of lymphoblastoid longterm cells (LLC); the first demonstration that the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) causes infectious mononucleosis; the first establishment of in vitro Hodgkin-Reed Sternberg cell lines; participation in the discovery of CD30 antigen and cooperation for the development of associated monoclonal antibodies; he is also the design initiator of the BEACOPP principle, in 1992. With regard to his clinical work, Dr. Volker Diehl set the foundation for GHSG, set the design and founded six generations of consecutive studies of the Hodgkin Disease in GHSG, designed and implemented the BEACOPP principle for advanced Hodgkin’s lymphoma, inaugurated and set up the International Prognostic Index (IPI) for advanced Hodgkin’s lymphoma together with Dirk Hasenclever; founded the European Task Force for Predominant Hodgkin Lymphoma, together with Harald Stein. During the same Congress, Dr. Volker Diehl presented very interesting results on the features of Hodgkin’s disease. The topic is even more interesting, since the medical community had abandoned it, considering it an unsolvable mystery.

Dr. Elio Rossi: Many Patients Do Not Find Answers in Conventional Medicine Dr. Elio Rossi, co-Chairman of the European Congress of Integrative Medicine, answered the questions asked by Amos News. He was invited to Romania to take part in the International Congress of Integrative Medicine Organizations. - What is your first impression on the International Congress of Integrative Medicine Organizations in Bucharest? - A lot of people are here. I already had many contacts with Romanians who work in various places and fields, but more than ever, it is my impression that there is a lot of activity and enthusiasm here. - What connects you to the Integrative Medicine Entrepreneurs, the organizer of this Congress?


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We believe in your happiness! - I share the same idea with the Integrative Medicine Entrepreneurs, i.e. that integrative medicine can provide aid to the sick, so that these patients may not use it as an alternative to conventional medicine, but as an opportunity to be treated better. - Who needs to approach integrative medicine? - There is a large number of patients who seek an ecological option, so to speak, and they did not find the right answers in conventional medicine. Sometimes, they find the answer they are looking for in integrative medicine. For example, people who are allergic to drugs, children who take antibiotics or cortisone too soon, may have problems with their immune system. In fact, 70% of those who come to our homeopathic clinic in Italy do so after they used conventional medicine, but to no avail. - What other advantages does integrative medicine have? - I think that we are privileged to provide cheaper drugs, which means savings 50% of the

costs for the treatment of respiratory diseases. In the case of asthma, for example, homoeopathic treatment ends up being cheaper by 70%. - You are co-chairman of the European Congress of Integrative Medicine and, in your position, you are planning an event for 2012. - Indeed, I will organize the European Congress of Integrative Medicine in Florence, on September 20 to 22, 2012, and I am counting on the support of the Integrative Medicine Entrepreneurs in Romania to continue the exchange of experience. I hope we shall have the honor of seeing this organization participate in our Congress, next year. I also hope that my presence here is a new beginning for a closer connection between the Integrative Medicine Entrepreneurs and us, in order to develop this field, which is so important for the patients.

Clement SAVA

Legal liability for the content of this publication belongs Integrative Medicine Entrepreneurs © PMI, 2011

Published by Integrative Medicine Entrepreneurs 79-81 Dorna Street, District 1, Bucharest Tel: 0040-372.770.126, Fax: 0040-

ISSN 2247 – 0573

SCRIB PUBLISHING, 2011 Editorial Team

Editor in Chief: Editorial secretary: Editors:

dr. Aurel Storin

Iancu Elena Cătălina Octavian Andronic Florin Condurăţeanu Irina Ghiţă-Cioroba Cornelius Popa Clement Sava Beatrice Iordache Larisa Toader Photo Image Editor: Silvia Mandler WEB Administrator: Mihai Breahnă English Translator: George Wainer Editor: Gabriel Ionescu


Promoted & Applied Economy Social Concepts

Nr. 9/December 2011

We believe in your happiness!


Acupuncture in the Context of Integrative Medicine


raditional Chinese medicine and philosophy place man in the center of the universe, being seen as a cross with two axes of evolution: the horizontal axis, which starts from the wood and reaches the metal (the axis of the material on which the modern society evolves) and a vertical axis, from water to fire (the axis of spirituality on which we should all evolve). There is also a model of five elements, derived from this first model, a model in which man takes part, along with the other elements, to the orbit whose center is divinity. Starting from these two models, we can highlight the antithesis of energetically balanced man - energetically imbalanced man. The energetic imbalance measures stress, pain, appetite disturbance, low immunity and insomnia. As the patient is rebalanced by acupuncture, he or she will lack pain, Eustress, will have a good appetite and sleep, as well as a normal immunity. Given the same context, the doctor-patient relationship is integrative, meaning that the exam of the pulse and tongue, in compliance with Chinese medicine, is completed by the laboratory clinical exam of contemporary medicine. But the context of the relationship becomes truly healing as far as both doctor and especially the patient, contribute to the state healing by emotional and cognitive processes translated into awareness and, most of all, accountability. For sure, as these two processes take place, there also occurs an energetic and spiritual development, which will turn into a deep capability for love. Immunity, as an energy structure, is coordinated by the liver. It subordinates - which regulate the

defensive energy - and the large bowels - which regulate immunity within the body. Therefore, what we eat and breathe help regulate immunity. Adjusting the sleep-wake rhythm is also a good example of fine-tuning by our health ways. The Hypothalamic-pituitary cortico-suprarenal axle is our central processing unit, which regulates emotions and the endocrine system. There are, in acupuncture, meridians that regulate the hypothalamus and pituitary (pericardium and the three-focus meridian), as well as certain points that control the opening and closing of the eyes (in the case of the bladder - six points and for kidneys - six points). But the adjustment of sleep occurs in the broader context of emotional and hormonal regulation. Often, the adjustment of the level of thyroid hormones or melatonin helps regulating sleep. Stress adjustment fully benefits from the effects of acupuncture. The first organ to target stress is the gallbladder. It is a buffer system between us and the environment, also in charge of adjusting moods the decision-making capacity. The physical signs that may show a gallbladder disturbance are: dizziness, headache, bloating, fatigue, heartburn, palpitations, abnormal transit. Acupuncture can balance the gall bladder in the context of a more general balancing of the body, by also using points on the meridians of the liver, pancreas and stomach. If the stress exceeds the body’s ability to adapt (through the bladder) at a second level an imbalance in the pericardium and heart meridians will be reached. Ultimately, the heart might be affected, with disorders such as palpitations, arterial hypertension and changing blood pressure. By using points on the meridian of the pericardium and heart, we can treat these conditions and, at the same time, adjust the emotional states that contribute to and maintain these imbalances. In fact, all physical illnesses are based upon the emotional state and, by balancing energy, we actually treat the cause, not the effect. Teodor COLDEA, Primary Care Physician, MD, Medical Director of the Diperia VitaMed Clinic of Integrative Medicine Entrepreneurs


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Nr. 9/December 2011

Strada Dornei, nr. 79-81 (Piaţa Chibrit) Sector 1, Bucureşti Informaţii si programări: 021 230 46 66 Fax: 021 224 46 95, Mobil: 0722 46 56 15 Program: L-V: 8-21, S: 8-19 E-mail:

Pentru toate aceste categorii de persoane Diperia Vitamed, împreună cu Patronatul Medicinei Integrative, lansează “Campania Suflet pentru suflet!”. • Testările pe dispozitivele DDFAO respectiv ESG şi ESTECK - 50,00 RON • Şedinţa de acupunctură - 25,00 RON • Şedinţa de terapie BOWEN - 25,00 RON În doar 25 minute poţi afla care este starea ta de sănătate. Contactează-ne la numerele de telefon afişate sau pe email şi vei beneficia de informaţii suplimentare. De asemenea, la aceleaşi numere de telefon te vei putea programa pentru investigaţii. Vă mulţumim şi vă aşteptam cu drag !


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Diet, a Prevention Factor for Prostate Cancer

he number of Romanian prostate cancer patients is very high. Statistical data show that we have about 200.000 patients under treatment. The worrying figure of almost 3.000 deaths annually caused by this disease shows that we deal with a real danger. Statistics say that four out of five cases of prostate cancer are diagnosed in men aged over 65. This does not mean that it cannot appear in younger patients, as well. Paradoxically, one reason for the incidence of this disease is a habit that is under our control: diet. According to experts, large amounts of fats are a factor that encourages the emergence of this disease. Prostate cancer can be detected early and, in this case, it is more likely to treat it.

There are several types of tests to be performed in patients suspected of prostate cancer and, for those over 50 years old, rectal examination is recommended, as well as PSA and ultrasound with the residual elements. Nevertheless, the most certain method is puncture, in order to examine the prostatic tissue under a microscope. In order to reduce the chances for the disease to appear, the best prevention is based on food selection, and a healthy lifestyle is the most reliable friend, in this respect. Clement SAVA

Kidney Stones “Are Afraid” of Hot Baths


idney stones are champions of pain. It is natural that all sorts of stories are heard about this illness. Among the solutions heard in the neighborhood, sometimes, there appear humorous pieces of advice. Some neighbors might say one can get rid of kidney stones by providing them with a shock. This is why, they say, when one feels the pain on the side, he or she should better move furniture in one’s house. If one starts pushing a closet, the stone will move and one will get rid of it because it will be in the urinary duct. There are more such funny stories: someone said that a relative of his whined about the terrible pain caused by a kidney stone. He asked the storyteller to take him to the hospital and they were on their way, on a motorbike. As it was an old motorbike, the saddle trembled a lot, the stone fell and released the narrow urethra so that the patient did not feel the pain anymore, all of a sudden. Others provide the following piece of advice: when suffering from such pains, as if one is cut with a knife, it is useful to take a hot bath, thus facilitating the elimination of the stone. There is some truth in this last story, as the application of heat dilates the channels and the stone might move easier. As the heat relaxes the tissues, it

also helps us escape the crisis of kidney stones. Professor Doctor Penescu, the General Manager of the Carol Davila Hospital of Nephrology, provides additional clarifications. Some people, when in the terrible pain caused by kidney stones, might have the stones removed without interventions to break them. Locally applied bandages with heat, hot water bottles and electric pillows are good, but the best way to eliminate stones and calm the pain is to take hot baths. medical science also tries to eliminate stones with certain drugs. Perfusions may also contain antispasmodic drugs, so as to fight ureter spasm and, since there will be no contraction, the narrow channels will dilate. Such antispasmodic medicines are Scobutil, Papaverine, khellin and atropine. The treatment of renal colic with medicines also includes anti-inflammatory drugs. The perfusion is filled with painkillers and anti-allergens, such as Algocalmin, Piafen or Scobutil. Stones as large as an olive kernel will be eliminated with the aid of drugs, unless there are anatomical defects that narrow the kidney ducts, and 60-70% of kidney stones are eliminated spontaneously. Florin CONDURĂŢEANU


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The Energetic Tuning of Metabolism by Acupuncture

he structure of the human body is depending on the functioning of metabolic processes which refer to energy and consumption generation. Given the context of the human body, they refer to the maintenance of internal organs and structures, as well as their regeneration. In acupuncture, regulating metabolism and therefore body weight is a process that depends on many factors, such as: the hypothalamus and pituitary regulation, regulation of sugar oscillations in the blood, regulation of the liver, of lymph circulation and of the thyroid gland, which accelerates the burns within our organism. Studies show that a too high fluctuation level in the blood sugar can unbalance the composition of the blood and the function of internal organs (the heart, liver, stomach, kidneys). This is explained by the fact that the pancreas is the organ that nourishes body cells. The feelings that accompany the pancreas are concern, excessive thinking and obsessions. Therefore, emotional regulation is an important part of regulating the pancreas. The system for detoxifying the body is composed of the liver and the lymphatic system. The stimulation by acupuncture of the lymphatic circulation and the balancing of the liver regulate the elimination of toxins out of the body and thus ensure a better functioning of the energetic and metabolic system. Last, but not least, the balancing of metabolism and of the body weight are translated in psychology as the perception of one’s image and


esteem for one’s organism. These processes are depending on the emotional structure or each person. Therefore, one may have feelings of fear, anxiety and isolation. By using the meridians of the pericardium, heart and lungs, we can balance these emotions and, by using the three-focus meridian, as well as the points in the ear, one can balance the hypothalamicpituitary axle, which is the basis of emotional and hormonal regulation. Eventually, weight and metabolic regulation leads to a better integration in the environment and society of the people. At the same time, the person will also be emotionally balanced. Teodor COLDEA Primary Care Physician, MD, Medical Director of the Diperia VitaMed Clinic of Integrative Medicine Entrepreneurs

Counseling in the Use of ICT

tarting November 2011, the Integrative Medicine Entrepreneurs signal the start for the use of information and communication technologies within the “Regional network for the promotion and implementation of social economy concepts in order to increase the chances of social reintegration of disabled persons” project. Thus, by organizing meetings of ICT Counseling at the headquarters of the Bucharest-Ilfov territorial

center, based at 150 Constantin Dobrogeanu Gherea St., Apt. 8, District 1, Bucharest, the Integrative Medicine Entrepreneurs meet the need of disabled people to handle information resources on the Internet, to use computes for processing information and gaining skills, as well as to use e-mail applications and other modern means of communication which have become requirements for getting a job.


Promoted & Applied Economy Social Concepts

Nr. 9/December 2011

“All the Bad Things Are Behind Now!” (Testimonial)


he drama I went through began almost seven years ago. It happened in the school’s sports field, at our local soccer championship. I was the striker of the team, but nobody knew it would be my last game. As I scored for 7-0, I was returning to the midfield and I realized that something was wrong. My legs became heavier and I sat down. It was too late! I fainted there, on the ground, and my colleagues went on alert. I was rushed to Mangalia Municipal Hospital. After a heart examination, the doctors on call realized that my heart did not “work” properly. This is how it all started! There followed a long line of checks and investigations both in Constanţa and at the best clinics and hospitals in the capital. Their answer was always the same: “The boy has a malformation that does not threaten his life, but he should avoid major physical exercise and give up performance soccer.” It did happen exactly how they predicted. The problems reappeared, but it was much worse. On September 12, the very day I turned 17, I was given the clear diagnosis: I had dilated cardio-myopathy. I was a 10th grader and, as winter came, it seemed I was having a more severe flu. I was treated against the flu for two weeks, but to no avail. I immediately went to the cardiologist Salim’s medical office. He provided an unexpected answer: “This is not a cold. What the boy has is called “cardiac cough”. And so, the nightmare began! Dr. Salim, an acknowledged cardiologist, sent me to Târgu Mureș, where they considered I was more secure and where the staff is more professional. This adventure began with a very bad answer. I had come for more detailed investigations. Prof. Deac, the head of the clinic, said he did not trust the results reached by the medical staff in Constanţa. So, I was introduced to Mrs. Mihaela Ispas. I had to take another cardiac ultrasound test, a new set of blood and urine tests, and the verdict was there: “The boy is good for transplant.” At the beginning, I did not realize exactly what a heart transplant meant. I couldn’t have known more about it. I could not believe that I had reached that stage. Things had taken an unexpected turn. I quickly got used to the thought that it was the only way I could still be alive. There followed months of anguish and times when I could not breathe. But I never gave up! I often repeated to myself: “I have to live! At home, all my friends and colleagues who have fought for me waiting for my return. “

During the time I was in the intensive care unit in Târgu Mureș, friends and colleagues organized an unprecedented event in Mangalia. They had a remarkable success, which is incredible, but true. Some 16-17 years teenagers were able to mobilize an entire city for a charitable purpose. Throughout the campaign, apart from the people with a huge heart from the “Callatis” High-school, a lot of people were there for me. After months of torment, it was on June 26, 2009 that I received a new heart. Doctor Horaţiu Suciu assumed responsibility for this operation, and it was not an easy one. It was a heart transplant to be made from a donor who had a different blood type. Nevertheless, it was a success after more than five hours spent in the operating room. There followed a month during which I learned to walk again, for, during the time I had spent in the hospital bed, my muscles had atrophied. I had gotten over the transplant. There was nothing to stop me, anymore. The time I spent in Târgu Mureș was not easy also because there were some delicate moments. One evening, for example, the defibrillator mounted for me since the first few weeks I had spent in Mureș started five times. Should it have started a sixth time, there would have been no transplant, anymore. The defibrillator is designed to give an electric shock when the heart stops. The device was purchased with money raised at the charity campaign in Mangalia. Another interesting moment occurred on June 1. There was a heart, but there was a very difficult decision to be made: who was the beneficiary? I or Florin Făgetan, another boy aged 23, from Jidvei. Finally, it was established that the heart was more compatible with Florin. That was a dilemma for the doctors in Târgu Mureș. They were afraid to tell me their decision because they feared I could have given up, but I had a positive reaction. Florin was compatible with the heart and he was in the same situation as me. It was natural for him to be given that heart. One of the happiest moments I’ve lived during the time spent in Târgu Mureș was when the Steaua București soccer team sent me a T-shirt with my name and number 17. It was signed by all players in the team, at the time. It was not the only gift I received from them. Before the eternal derby against Dinamo, a well-known player, Bănel Nicoliţă, as well as the President of the club, Mr. Valeriu Argăseală, called me on the phone to encourage me. During the game, at the match with Oţelul Galaţi, the players entered the field with a


We believe in your happiness! huge banner reading the following message: “We are with you, Vlad.” I will keep only the beautiful memories! All bad things are left behind, now! Now everything is great. I began studying at


the Hyperion University in Bucharest and I dream to become an exceptional sports journalist. V.O.N. Forwarded by Marina Șeuleanu

Light Out of Light

have read about the therapeutic properties of light, of trees and of positive thinking and I really wanted it to be true. I am referring to the piece of information which claimed that scientists say that the power of thought can actually change DNA chains. I began feeling everyday burdens so hard that I felt the urgent need for someone to call me, just like during the Resurrection night celebration at the church and say: “Come take the light!” In this “crazy, crazy, crazy” world with “prophets” who foresee the end of life on Earth based on mathematical calculations, the Mayan calendar, dreams and premonitions, or because they did not take the drugs prescribed to them by their doctors, nothing should scare us, anymore, and yet... I recently heard of a scandal in a Bucharest high school that made me think that maybe they are right, those who say, every two days, that the end of the world is coming. In a very fashionable high school, girls who should be at an age of great innocence, are actually chain smokers, pose nude in men’s magazines and in nightclubs, steal expensive mobile phones, cameras and money from their friend’s purses... of course, because they need to purchase special cigarettes... the perverse “weed”. I do not know about the immoral behavior that preceded the divine punishment in biblical Sodom and Gomorrah, but I fear it’s just like an old film that we can currently see with a trendy cast. And yet ... I have recently watched a humanitarian show with a children’s choir whom I considered to be angels of the light. The Anghelos mime and

gesture choir of the Vasiliada Association consists of 15 children with hearing disabilities. They are students of the St. Vasile special school and of the Educational Center for children with hearing impairment in Craiova. Their hands, just like angels’ wings, told the story of the songs. Their gestures translated the words so that all viewers, hearing impaired or not, could enjoy them. Perhaps, when one utter the word “love”, one is touched a bit, but, when innocent little hands of children gather all at once to their hearts, tears find their way to the light. During the winter holiday, those noble children will sing to raise funds and erect a day center for disabled people in Craiova. I think this is how God imagined the phrase Light Out of Light. Angela S.



Promoted & Applied Economy Social Concepts

Nr. 9/December 2011

We Gave Hope!

t was a unique event in Romania. The CONSIM Center invited disabled people in the club. Patronatul Medicinei Integrative, prin proiectul Reţea regională pentru Promovarea şi Aplicarea Conceptelor Economiei Sociale, în vederea creşterii şanselor de reinserţie socială a persoanelor cu dizabilităţi, a organizat sambată, 3 decembrie 2011, Ziua Persoanelor cu Dizabilitaţi, în Club A. The Integrative Medicine Entrepreneurs, due to their Regional network for the promotion and implementation of social economy concepts in order to increase the chances of social reintegration of disabled persons project, celebrated the Day of Disabled People in Club A, on Saturday, December 3, 2011.

The CONSIM Bucharest Ilfov Center initiated this event, which was attended by over 200 people. The Ada For You Foundation was invited to perform the artistic program of the event. We saw a very nice show. We trained, had fun, laughed and danced with children and adults with special needs,

for over five hours. We talked about a healthy lifestyle, the artistic program of the event followed, as well as the raffle, for which our partners, the Comedy Theatre, the Diperia Vitamed Medical Clinic, as well as other sponsors, provided prizes for disabled people, consisting of vouchers free medical consultations, tickets to shows, shirts and tickets to the theater. Finally, those present have displayed their quality on the dance floor and the music was provided by the DJ of Club A. The entertainment included over 90 minutes of musical pieces performed by: Ada Cercel, the Meloritm Band, Hajdu Marius Florin and Robert Paraipan, guitar: Irina Dobrescu, recital of poetry: Ada Cercel (voice and guitar) and Robert Mihai Tufeanu (voice), ballet: Ana Maica, street dance: the Jackpot Group (One Beat Dance Studio); humorous moments: Mariana Pleșa, special guests: actress Doina Ghitescu and the winner of the first edition of the “Romania’s Got Talent”, Adrian Ţuţu. The Ada For You Foundation provided these artistic moments wholeheartedly for more sensitive, deep and determined disabled people, as compared to most ordinary people, who may often subject them to discrimination and marginalization, precisely for this reason. It was an unforgettable evening and all those present wanted to take part in another such event quite soon. the Integrative Medicine Entrepreneurs would like to thank our partners without whom this event would have been much less interesting. Irina CIOROBA Coordinator of the Bucharest Ilfov Center


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Clinical Psychology in the Fight Against Cancer


eing diagnosed with cancer is a painful and traumatic experience. Most people experience very strong shock in the first instance and they cannot accept what happens. The first emotions felt by the patients are fear and anxiety, referring primarily to the success of treatment and the chances of healing. Then they feel anger and resentment, and later a continued bad mood and lack of craving for life. In these cases, it is very helpful to consult psychologist specialized in clinical psychology, especially in cancer cases.

It is natural for the cancer diagnosis to generate sadness and negative feelings, given the severity of the illness and major life changes that it entails. What was certain before may subsequently become uncertain, and some dreams can be truly lost forever. Such a person can be easily recognized due to the fact that he or she fails to leave the state of sadness behind and has problems to perform daily tasks, which indicates that the person, because of the cancer diagnosis, faces the risk of clinical depression.

What is a clinical psychologist? What are the symptoms of Clinical psychologists are psychologists who specialized in working with people suffering from clinical depression? physiological diseases. He or she knows about the emotional problems experienced by patients and is able to provide appropriate support depending on the disease and the problems it entails.

How do clinical psychology sessions take part? By consulting a trained person, the people who suffer from cancer can share their concerns to a specialist who knows to give relevant pieces of advice, which were tested and are there as a result of the long experience with patients. Also, there is no pressure from the part of the psychologist. The patient is free to speak about things that make him or her comfortable and he or she is not forced to approach sensitive or painful topics.

How can a clinical psychologist help? Of course, the psychologist is not a magician. He or she cannot change the patient’s life overnight, as he or she cannot provide any miraculous solution to their problems. However, he or she can provide the patient with continued support, emotionally and motivationally. In addition to valuable advice he or she can certainly offer, the psychologist can materialize the intentions of the patient and can turn them into a long-term life program.

• sadness, melancholy and passivity • lack of interest and pleasure in daily activities • weight loss or serious growth (from case to case) • extreme fatigue and loss of vital energy • sleep disturbance (prolonged sleep, or insomnia) • problems of concentration, memory and decision making • acute sense of guilt, helplessness and worthlessness • possible suicidal thoughts

What should we do? If you see the above-mentioned symptoms in people diagnosed with cancer whom you know, it is advisable to consider the following actions: • encourage them to pursue further treatment, without changes • tell them to perform simple physical activities such as walking or jogging • promote the possibility of specialized support (a psychologist) • practice with them activities that they used to enjoy before they got sick. It is also important that the patients keep a positive attitude throughout treatment. Also, we should not forget that, although cancer is considered a fatal disease, 50% of people diagnosed with it are cured and the percentage is growing.


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Can One’s Nose Be Straightened Up with a Hammer?


t happened in l994 before the Soccer World Cup in America. Gabi Popescu, Craiova’s soccer player was in great shape and General Iordănescu, the coach, announced him that he is part of the national team. But the pride of the natives of Oltenia region explodes and the inhabitants of Craiova criticized Gabi Popescu for being hospitalized and for losing the call at the national team. Popescu had nose surgery and supporters in Oltenia supporters could simply not understand and said that their favorite soccer player was crazy to fix his nose at that time: “It is hilarious. He gets a nice nose at such a wrong time.” But the charge was not fair. Craiova’s player did not take aesthetic surgery in order to have a nice nose. It was crooked and the sportsman could no longer breathe normally. Thus, he could not run at maximum speed and the intervention was needed for a better functioning of the respiratory system which had been impaired by the bad bone between the nostrils. This defect is called a deviated septum and, in order to correct breathing it is necessary to have a surgical intervention. But people are frightened by rumors that deviated septum surgery is

painful and the doctor must first break the dividing wall with a hammer and later rearrange the wall of the nose. It’s an unjustified fear, because the hammer is actually a delicate instrument, the operation is done under efficient and modern anesthesia, so that the patient feels no pain and goes home the next day. At the Ear, Nose and Throat clinic within the St. Maria Hospital, many artists, footballers, as well as ordinary people were operated for a deviated septum, being discharged the next day and breathing as if they were born a second time. Codruţ Sarafoleanu, surgery professor, head of the clinic, kindly explained the suffering caused by septum deviation. Between the two nostrils, there is a wall of cartilage and bone called in septum. It must be right for the two paths to be equal and for breathing not to be obstructed. A deviated septum results from growths and a bending of the wall, i.e. certain deviations, so that the wall between the nostrils becomes crooked. The operation is supposed to straighten the wall. A deviated septum occurs when the cartilage is growing faster than the bone frame and, of course, it bends. A deviated septum is not inherited, but, among others, it is caused by physical trauma.

How to Treat Our Backbone Nicely


hen he first stood up, man became king of the world, but his backbone became a place where all forces, all tensions, all pressures gathered, so that it is very toilsome. Therefore, man must learn to spare his backbone, and some actions are really simple and profitable, in this sense. Here are some tips to save, more or less, our backbone from effort: It is never good to raise a weight without first getting down on squat position, with bent knees. When lifting a heavy bag or briefcase leg muscles should work too and save the effort on the backbone. Should we be imprudent and lift a weight when our legs are straight, the whole effort is done by the backbone. Here is another way to protect the backbone: those whose job requires standing at all times should know a few recommendations: from time

to time, men who work standing should raise one leg on a stool or a small box and, after a while, he should place the other leg on the stool. Moreover, for those who are standing a lot, it is better to push, every once in a while, their leg forward, similar to the “at ease” army move. When waking up in the morning, one should also consider reducing the forces on the backbone. It is not good to suddenly get up and stand as we wake in the morning. At that time, we have to rotate on one side in bed and then help ourselves by supporting our body on the elbow. We should take a few minutes and only stay up at the edge of the bed. Only after that should we stand up. Finally, here is another tip: do not drag your feet, as if you couldn’t care less. We need to be alert and make average-sized steps, without swinging like a duck, so as not to stress the backbone.



Promoted & Applied Economy Social Concepts

Cancer Makes it Diff icult to Keep One’s Friends

ancer can adversely affect our relationships with friends. First, the diagnosis of cancer does not only affects the patients, but everyone around them, especially friends with whom that person spends a lot of time. They are more affected than relatives that the patient sees very seldom. Here are some suggestions to ease relations with close friends: - Expect for the relationship to change - Those who never faced serious illnesses do not know how to deal with this situation and are generally scared and tense at all limes. There are cases when one of the friends lost loved ones because of cancer, and this diagnosis may awaken painful memories. Whatever the reasons, it is likely that, in the first instance, friends may not be able to provide the needed help and support in such a situation. Therefore, ill persons must realize that such behavior does not reflect a lack of affection, but is the result of fear and ignorance.


Nr. 9/December 2011

- Talk about the disease - friends might restrain from talking to you about cancer not to upset or hurt not. In this case, if you need to talk about it, take the initiative and open the subject yourself, showing that you are willing to receive suggestions and help in this regard. Also, if you do not wish to speak about your condition, say it and friends will surely understand that you want to feel good and forget about cancer. - Continue your socializing activities - If possible, try to be as involved as possible in social life. This can improve and maintain relationships with friends. Do not reject events where you are invited with your friends and let them know that you are able to continue your life as before. On the other hand, do not be embarrassed to quit an event, in case your physical and emotional state does not allow you continue. Friendly relations are more likely to be kept than couple relationships and, with a little effort from both parties, they may remain unchanged or even strengthen.

Give Up Tobacco and Alcohol in Order to Avoid Cancer

obacco is the substance that entails the highest risk of cancer. According to doctors, smoking affects every organ of the human body, being linked to many types of cancer. It is responsible for the deaths of over 30% of patients diagnosed with cancer. Passive smokers are also affected. It is possible that passive smokers are at risk not only when smokers exhale smoke around them. Scientists have recently discovered a third degree of contamination: it is a combination of invisible toxic gases which remain in the hair, clothes, furniture, carpets, etc… Thus, we are continuously exposed to the negative effects of tobacco. As far as alcohol is concerned, excess consumption may lead to throat, esophagus, larynx, breast, and, most probably

liver cancer. The more the amount of alcohol exceeds the allowed dose, the greater the risk of developing cancer. Therefore, doctors suggest drinking one glass per day for women and two glasses per day for men. Of course, the highest risk of contracting cancer is incurred by people who use both tobacco and alcohol, especially if both harmful factors are combined in excess. Therefore, the conclusion is simple: Give up tobacco and alcohol in order to avoid cancer!


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About us




• To represent and protect the interests of integrative medicine service providers from Romania, both at a national and international level. • To develop a framework for the associated members to discuss and ask questions, mention various issues, proposals for situations of common interest, as well as to help creating and developing unitary strategies for their support and for finding solutions. • To represent and to plead for the support of the strategies adopted by the Entrepreneurs when approaching the Parliament, the Government, other authorities and/or national/local institutions, as well as when approaching the media and any other relevant entity from Romania and from abroad. • To promote the best practices among its members, by assuring ethical, responsible means of organization and function for the integrative medicine, meant to comply with the expectations of the community, at the highest standards of integrity. • To take all legal actions for the creation of a proper normative framework meant to develop the organization and functioning of the integrative medicine. It should also best reflect the compatibility process of the requirements of this economic group and the needs of the larger society. Thus, the Entrepreneurs will be able to initiate contacts with the authorities in charge of implementing approved projects of normative acts and to actively participate, as far as the legal system allows it, in the creation, approval, public debate and implementation of normative act projects which refer to our field of interest, as well as to other related fields. • To become an affiliate or full member, from case to case, of those international associations which are actively involved in the organization and functioning of integrative medicine, so that the interests of the integrative medicine in Romania will be represented internationally, and for the correlation of its organization and functioning in Romania with the international standards in this field. • To organize meetings, conferences, exhibitions and work-shops for exchanging experience with various associations, foundations or other institutions which have a similar profile. To sign agreements of partnership with medical or non-medical institutions, foundations of associations whose objectives are common or close to those of the Entrepreneurs.

To promote, develop, adopt and implement integrative medicine as part of the medical practice in Romania. The concept of Integrative medicine places the patient in the center of the medical team and means to use all proven safe and efficient therapies, no matter where the system of medical thought these therapies may originate from.

Our vision considers that integrative medicine is the common solution and meeting place for medical doctors, educators and researchers all for the benefit of the patient. P.M.I. will act as a central reference point and as a representative, communication, education and collaboration factor, in connection with the public and private authorities who rule and/or coordinate this field in the country and abroad. We also identify the specific issues faced by providers of integrative medicine, as well as the optimal solutions to solve them.

Projects under development ● Supporting disadvantaged persons A regional network for the promotion and application of the social economy concepts, meant to increase the chances of social reinsertion of disabled people. • Supporting patients who suffer from cancer A multiregional network for integrative therapy, counseling and social reintegration of persons who were diagnosed with cancer. • The Integrative Medicine Entrepreneurs – PMI The site, where you can find more information about our current activities.


Promoted & Applied Economy Social Concepts

Nr. 9/December 2011

One Joyous Event Can Make Miracles Happen!


had been working for several years as a teacher and psychologist in a foundation at the Oncology Institute of Bucharest, the Department of onco-pediatrics. Luana was in the eighth grade and a patient of our department. After many years, our country’s educational system introduced the so-called capacity exam to be taken between secondary school and high school. Luana was distressed that she could not attend the first session of the exam because of her illness and treatment. Thus, she could not graduate from secondary school. In the autumn and winter, she continued the treatment, but it was hardly effective. After a oneyear break of classes, she could have gone to take the exam next June, but there were two issues: on the one hand, the school principal where she had been a student did not really want to register her - because she was sick and he did not want to involved in such a situation. On the other hand, her oncologist had prescribed her oncologic treatment during the examination session. Luana’s grief impressed me and I wanted to help her take the exam in Bucharest, with special permission, since she was ill. I asked her mother to bring her study documents and we made an application to the School Inspectorate, also including her medical documents, so as to get the approval. But the staff of the medical team tried to bring me down: “There is nothing fight for. She will not live until autumn. She has already got lung metastases.” The primary tumor was in the laryngopharynx and was not really responding to treatment. My argument to persevere referred to her quality of


life: “Should I bring her at least two days of joy, of fulfillment, and it would have been all worth it.” We got the approval for her to take the exam at the nearest school from the hospital, in accordance with the regulations for disabled children (she was allowed to write for an extra hour). At the same time, she went along with her treatment. I was afraid that it could be that she was not prepared to face the demands of a school in Bucharest. I tried to prepare her for a possible failure, saying that this experience would be useful, anyway. I do not know which of us was more touched about the exam, she or me! But it came and went, and the girl did well! Tears of joy went down her knees as she went home, in Prahova County. She was called back in August for a check-up (it was all formal, because the prognosis was severe). In mid-summer, Luana came to the check-up, as she had faith. It was a great surprise: the lung metastases had disappeared! The doctor could not believe it. The patient was happy that she managed to be as good as her colleagues of generation and she successfully graduated the educational cycle. Since autumn, she no longer wanted to come to treatment. She had had enough and only came to the check-up in January. The metastases reappeared! The following summer, Luana was alive, working at home and having a proper mood. Even if the joy of success at the exam had not healed her, it helped extend her well-being and even her life. Adriana Elena TEODORU, Psychologist

The House of Hope

hild to Child” is the latest fundraising campaign initiated by the “Hospice Organiza„ tion”. Dozens of children suffering from incurable, degenerative diseases are helped by the Hospice Organization, every day. But, in order to care for little ones and adults suffering from cancer, the Foundation needs very large amounts. The new campaign, dedicated to “The Edelweiss Month” is developed in partnership with the General School Inspectorate of Braşov. Teachers will receive thousands of stickers to provide to their students, at a minimum price of 5 lei, in order to raise some of the money necessary to the foundation for helping the beneficiaries in Braşov. The Hospice Organization takes care of than 400 patients, of whom 180 are children. In

Braşov, Hospice The House of Hope opened a day center for children with incurable diseases. Every day, kids come to the center because it is their only opportunity to gain new knowledge and socialize with other children. In addition, The Hospice Organization participates in festivals and summer camps. All the services provided by The Hospice Organization - the House of Hope are free of charge, so that the Foundation is always in need of funds to be able to help incurable patients. Ioana MARINESCU


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Disabled Children are Discriminated in Case of Adoption

ccording to a study called “The Profile of Adoptive Parents in Romania and the Adoption of Hardly Adoptable Children” conducted by the Faculty of Sociology, UNICEF and Romanian Office for Adoptions, disabled children are also part of the category of hardly adoptable children. However, according to the study, it appears that people are still willing to adopt children in this category are Romanians aged over 45, having a level of education below the average (up to vocational school), but with a standard of living

above the average. They might have had infertility issues or are relatives of the child. Many times, they are the former maternal assistants. Thus, the study reveals the predicament encountered by disabled children who need adoption, since the social protection offered to them is not enough, and the treatment and special needs entailed by this category determine prospective adoptive parents to hesitate taking responsibility of such a child.

Pay Attention to Depression! It Will Become the Second Cause of Disability Worldwide


study of the Romanian League for Mental Health (LRSM) shows that depression is twice as common among women than among men. The study also reveals that, among adults, depression has a prevalence of 21%, compared to 8.4%, as has diabetes. A study on nearly 500 million people living in 30 countries shows that over 38% of them suffer from anxiety, insomnia and depression. Since the deep (economic) crisis in Europe will only enhance depression, the World Health Organization decided that the message of the European Depression Day - October 19 - will have the following message:

“Defeat depression!” this issue is so serious that, according to the WHO, in 2020, depression will become the second cause of disability worldwide, immediately after cardiovascular diseases. Currently, depression affects about 121 million people worldwide. Experts point out that, given the deepening economic crisis, the number of young Romanians who give up in front of depression will grow. In Romania, depression responsible for half of the patients interned in mental disease hospitals, and the percentage is growing. Clement SAVA



Promoted & Applied Economy Social Concepts

Nr. 9/December 2011

The “Live Healthy!” Caravan

n November 16, 2011, the “Live Healthy!” caravan reached its first destination: the Center at 4 St. Vasile Street. We were joined by representatives of DGASPC (The General Dept. of Social Assistance and Child Protection) of District 4, led by Corina Radu, as well as by members of the Down Association in Bucharest. Here, psychologist Ileana Cercel presented to parents, children and the center’s staff the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. Doctor Catrinel Popescu checked the blood pressure and weight of those attending the event, pointing out potential problems, and other members have filled in questionnaires to check if their lifestyle is healthy. This fact made respondents wonder. during this activity, children were happiest to see us. They did their best to answer the questions, proving that, as far as possible, they try to follow

the rules of a healthy lifestyle. The most important moment was when diplomas were awarded. The children’s happiness cannot be expressed in words. The activity ended with the promise that we would return as soon as possible to see how good, healthy and reasonable are after our discussions. The “Live Healthy!” caravan also stopped on December 8, 2011, at 14.00, at the “Un Pas Împreună” (One Step Together) day care center at 187 Dorobanţi Street, District 1, Bucharest. The event was attended by disabled persons who benefit from the services provided in the day care center, as well as by the specialists of the center. A medicine doctor and a psychologist belonging to the Integrative Medicine Entrepreneurs spoke about the need for a balanced diet, regular physical exercise, stress management and sexual education.


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The Unseen Magic of Ice

hen one thinks of a world in darkness, a world without images, a world without colors... one feels that even one’s memories are prohibited. But there are children, young and old men, for whom the whole world of memories is composed of sensations and perceptions. For them, memory has neither color, nor light, but is a mixture of sensations, perceptions and feelings. Recently, the blind people of Brașov had the opportunity to enjoy another unique, unrepeatable memory, for many. They felt and still feel the thrill of ice skates as they skated for the first time. Everything was possible due to the Fenestrela hockey team of Brașov, whose members guided their first steps on ice. Early in the morning, blind children and young people of Brașov went to the Olympic skating rink. Enthusiastic and fearful at the same time, excited, curious and with the feeling that they were trying something forbidden, they put skates on their feet, after all. The first step was harder, on a dry surface. Then, they met the gentle giants who guided them on ice. “It was unbelievable. I liked it so much. I hope they will call us again so that we may come back to the rink. Who knows, maybe they will let us skate alone, only a few steps. Yes... I have to admit, I liked it the most when they asked us to sit on a bench and turned us around on the rink.” These are the words of one of the youngest young visually impaired skaters. It was a completely unique experience for those who guided their first steps on ice, too. “I think I was more touched than they were. I was afraid not to drop them and I wanted everything to be ok. I thought they would be afraid. I had a lot of

thoughts like this. But it all changed when the child gave me his hand. We simply went on the ice, in a shy way. And then, we started talking. I began to explain how to skate. I realized then that it was not necessary. I simply told him to feel the ice. And hi answer was unbelievable: “I feel joy. I’m happy... I feel that ice?” says one of the sportsmen with tears in his eyes. He also said he would repeat this experience every day because he actually felt like Santa Claus for a day. “I think we should learn from them what joy is, said Milena Popa, coordinator of the Rază de Lumină (Ray of Light) Center in Brașov, and a psychologist of the Integrative Medicine Entrepreneurs. But what is a step towards success? We, the ones that are normal, as we like to think, are always upset and tense, so that we forget to enjoy life, we forget to be happy. What we experienced today, on ice, along with these visually impaired children is, for me, an experience of the heart. It is also a moment of great happiness because, together with the lovely hockey players of the Fenestrela Brașov team, with the 34Life Foundation and PMI, we felt a huge ray of the heart’s warmth... “ Ioana MARINESCU



Promoted & Applied Economy Social Concepts

Nr. 9/December 2011

Fooled for Too Long…

tey hey have lost confidence and hope. They do not think they can still have a chance, that something good can happen for them. That would be a brief description of those who visit the CONSIM Center in Constanţa. Our efforts to bring down the walls of mistrust which surround disabled people, start from the moment one contacts them by phone to introduce the project to them. If we persuade them to pay us a visit, their first question is: “Does is costs anything?” And when we say that it is all free of charges, they cannot really believe it. After that, there is another delicate moment, when we have to give them the forms to complete in order to be included in the project’s target group. This is another “tragedy”! When reading them and seeing the part with the social security number, there is an avalanche of questions and suspicions. They look us in the eyes and seek the truth, the confirmation and promise that they are not being fooled. Little by little, they relax and understand

that they are not being tricked, this time and, by providing personal data, they do not jeopardize the few savings they have. We become friends and they begin sharing their personal experiences which are often sad. They are tired of unfulfilled promises, of hoaxes and of the way we “treat” them, the ones who are “different”. I learned something from each of them, especially from those who have an enviable mental state. As we become friends, they start talking and I am ashamed whenever I ironically smile when referring to “major” daily problems, for me, which are actually so small, for them. They, the “different” no longer believe the empty promises they have been fed with for too long. I believe in us and in this project which is dedicated to them, because we do not promise anything “spectacular”, but only achievable things that can actually help them. M.Ş.

The Lack of Sleep Favors Cancer


leep is the natural state of rest for the body. The importance and benefits of a healthy sleep schedule were certified a long time ago and its regenerative properties are also widely known. Recent studies show a connection between cancer and sleep, more specifically between this disease and the lack of sleep. Thus, a healthy adult needs about seven to eight hours of sleep every night. These, combined with a regular physical exercise program, decrease the risk of cancer. Sleep is vital for the functioning of the parasympathetic nervous system, being responsible for cellular reconstruction and regeneration of health. For those who already suffer from cancer and undergo cancer treatment, sleep is more important, since it has a direct impacts on cancerous cells. A program of insufficient sleep will upset hormonal activity which, in its turn, will affect the production of cancer cells. The main hormone created during sleep is melatonin, which regulates the activity of other hormones, as well as the circadian rhythm (“the biological clock”). The proper functioning of the circadian rhythm is a basic element in the fight against cancer. In this respect, a serious, hard to avoid problem in the modern world, is the day-night balance. It

is therefore important to avoid exposure to light during sleep, as it destroys melatonin. Also, labor during regular hours for sleep is a favoring factor for the apparition and spreading of cancer. Here are some ways to balance the circadian rhythm: • exposure to light during the day and to keep the room dark at night; • as little exposure as possible to artificial light during the day; • natural awakening in the morning, without setting the alarm of the clock; • going to sleep at the same time, every night; • respecting the body’s need for rest and sleep.


We believe in your happiness!


The Williams Syndrome

he Williams Syndrome is a rare genetic disease (estimated to occur in 1 of 7.500 births) that causes health and development problems. It is present at birth, and affects male and female equally. It can be found in all ethnic and social group, as well as in any population of the globe. The most affected children have severe problems of alimentation in their first year of life. In general, they are irritable, cry a lot and grow less than other children. Many of them have specific facial features, renal problems, hyper-calcemia and cardiac afflictions (the so-called heart murmur, i.e. the narrowing of the walls of blood vessels that carry the blood from the heart). The cause of this syndrome is a lack of genetic material on chromosome 7, resulting in an insufficient elastin gene (elastin is a protein that contributes to the elasticity of tissues and organs). Children with Williams syndrome tend to develop slow and may have various learning difficulties. These problems vary from child to child and may be average to severe. Children are very friendly, sociable and caring and, by school age, most of them are able to speak fluently and clearly. Many of these children are hyperactive and it is very hard for them to stay calm and focus on one thing for a somewhat longer period of time. Some children with Williams syndrome may develop a very anxious personality, fearing for themselves and for their loved ones. Lack of sleep and going to the toilet too often are very common problems among children with Williams syndrome. Many are also very sensitive to a range of sounds, such as cracking, clapping, barking dogs, strong laughter, etc. They may be tense or frightened when hearing such sounds. Here are some features of the Williams syndrome: specific facial features, heart and blood vessel problems, hyper-calcemia, low weight at birth, feeding problems, hernias, kidney abnormalities, hyperacusis, a very friendly personality, mental retardation, difficulty in learning, hyperactivity, etc. A recent survey on adults who suffer from the Williams syndrome showed that one third of them are involved in a labor activity. However, half of those working in special centers have

serious difficulties in performing their duties, as their employers say, and the other half have “some problems”. About a third of them need constant supervision. The problems they encounter at work are similar to those at home or in a group, when socializing. Adults with Williams syndrome often give the impression (sometimes they claim it themselves) that they are doing better than they reality do. Therefore, they may be given jobs that are too complicated for them. Entrepreneurs say that many adults with the Williams syndrome can manage only with simple instructions given at work, and some need help even for the simplest tasks. Very few are able to understand instructions for carrying out complex tasks. Moreover, half of those investigated were disturbed when changes occurred in their daily routine. Many people with the Williams syndrome are not strong and get tired very quickly. Toilsome physical activities may be exhausting for them. If they complain of fatigue and look tired every day or at the end of the week, it is advisable for them to have less physically demanding tasks or to work less time. Adults with the Williams syndrome can be distracted all too easily from their tasks, so that they need constant supervision. Because of their interest in particular topics of discussion and in some people, they may be distracted from work. Thus, supervision is useful to ensure that their work is completed. Without close supervision, they could opt out of certain activities and will not ask for help in case of obstacles. Some no longer focus because they cannot cope with the task. Also, in many cases, their work is not performed properly. However, some of them finalize their tasks. In some cases, workplace supervisors need to reassure them, as well as to provide explanations and demonstrations of what is required of them. It is important for supervisors to provide emotional support and reassurance when they are anxious or upset for some reason. Often, adults with the Williams syndrome receive instructions only from the one they consider their superior or supervisor. They tend to be offended when other people tell them what to do, which may cause problems with colleagues at work. The supervisor has


Promoted & Applied Economy Social Concepts

a critical role in the integration of people with Williams syndrome at their place of employment. He or she should be a source of advice, reassurance and should offer clear instructions that can prevent many of the difficulties. In order to increase the work efficiency of those suffering from this disease, (educational) rewards may be offered for the proper completion of their tasks. Verbalization of what should be done is a good strategy for them to focus. Adults with the Williams syndrome should be reminded to continue

Nr. 9/December 2011

to work, by initially telling the instructions aloud, and later telling them in their mind. While working, the adult is taught to say out loud, at regular intervals, “keep on working” and “I have to focus.” Dividing tasks into simple, short steps, together with clues - such as pictures or written instructions - can be very useful for them to complete their tasks. Monica MINCIU, Psychologist

Braºov – The Core of Reinsertion for Disabled People Two Months Ago


henever I called any of them, I heard the fragile answer: A seemingly scared and sad “Hello!”. They cheered up a little when I told them where I was calling them from, but they answered in a bored tone: “I haven’t left from home in a week. It is cold outside, my sister is at school and I stay at home. I feel like staring at the walls “. This last part is a slightly discernable irony in the tone of his voice. It’s hard to tell him anything, because I know I cannot ease his suffering and longing for... life, after all, for socializing. But I like the thought that, at least for two hours, I will take him out of daily routine. At least once every few weeks.

Today... and tomorrow and the day after tomorrow and every day This is what we thought as early as two months ago, when the entire team of PMI’s Territorial Center in (through the CONSIM Center for Counseling and Mentoring) stepped out into the real world of the disabled people. No matter if we want to admit it or not, it is an alienated, different world, because we, the larger society, made it possible for it to be like this. But the Center in Brașov tried to come up with something new, in addition to the professional training and psychological counseling sessions. To that end, each of us must first be a good friend and, only later, a good professional. This is where we started from: the stories of people with whom we started to work. Even as

the Center was inaugurated, we were all touched by a low-voiced testimony made by one of our beneficiaries. “You may leave the bus at end of the itinerary. Nobody says where you are and you suddenly realize you are in the middle of the road with a white cane. You don’t even know on which side you came down, so how could you know which platform you should go to so as to continue your journey”, said Ștefan Andrei, one of the first young disabled people with whom we began to work. At the time, it touched us all, since it was such a trivial discussion about a bus stop. We then realized that we had to change something. We cannot change society and community rules overnight. But each of us, it seems, is more committed to his or her activity at work. So, we started to organize theater auditions and film screenings at our place. I say „our place” because it’s already like home, especially when you see people who smile wholeheartedly. There are people who cannot see, but they laugh with from the bottom of their hearts. And then, we started to wonder why we, all the others, complain. And we then wanted to get even more involved. For we are the ones that should be most involved. They... the disabled people, are very open. But, most of the times, we, „normal” ones, are not able to see, hear and think. Moreover, we become emotionally disabled in this acid daily routine without feelings. We, the people at the Center for Counseling and Mentoring in Brașov, are proud. We are proud for having stated to accept the disabled society. Ever since we offers hope to the souls of people whom we have marginalized for so long, we began to feel less emotionally disabled. I. MARINESCU

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