MSLETB Quality Assurance Newsletter - Oct 2018 / Issue 1

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October 2018 Issue 1 Opportunities for Life & Living



MSLETB Quality Assurance Newsletter

Welcome Welcome to the first issue of MSLETB’s Quality Assurance Newsletter. This will be a quarterly publication and aims to give staff an update on all things happening around quality assurance in MSLETB. Next year, Education and Training Boards across the country will participate in a statutory review of quality assurance procedures which will establish a process of self-evaluation across the sector. This will be an inclusive process seeking detailed input from all MSLETB stakeholders, so it is now more important than ever to keep up-to-date with developments in quality assurance. Ultimately, MSLETB is responsible for the quality of all of its education and training provision. The goal of quality assurance is continuous improvement, leading to excellent teaching and learning. A number of exciting initiatives are currently in progress, and we look forward to engaging with everybody to ensure that the quality of what we do is the most important part of our existence. If you have any feedback, ideas or suggestions, please contact the team on: Peter Egan Director of Further Education and Training


Autumn / Winter 2018

QQI Approval of MSLETB Quality Assurance Procedures MSLETB are happy to announce that our QA procedures have recently been approved by QQI in line with QQI’s 2014 policy, Re-engagement with QQI, Overarching Policy for All Providers. This re-engagement process is a once-off event and it establishes MSLETB’s QA procedures with QQI in accordance with Section 30 of the Qualifications and Quality (Education and Training) Act 2012. As part of the agreed re-engagement process, each ETB were required to develop an Executive Self Evaluation Report (ESER) addressing QQI’s Core Statutory QA guidelines and other QA guidelines as well as a Quality Assurance Improvement Plan (QIP). The ESER and QIP focus on 11 different policy areas. Governance and Management of Quality

Documented Approach to Quality Assurance

Programmes of Education and Training

Staff Recruitment, Management and Development

Teaching and Learning

Assessment of Learners

Supports for Learners

Public Information and Communication

Other parties involved in Education and Training

Self-Evaluation, Monitoring and Review

Information and Data Management

Copies of both the ESER and the QIP can be accessed via the Quality Assurance link on the MSLETB website:

RTÉ’s Carole Coleman visited Sligo Training Centre recently (pictured here with Peter Egan, FET Director and Simon Cosgrove, Assistant Manager) to report on the latest figures from Solas, which shows low numbers completing apprentices despite a major skills shortage and a government target to double apprenticeships by 2020. During her visit, Carole spoke to our apprentices, teachers, instructors and staff.


MSLETB Quality Assurance Newsletter

Updated QBS All centres in MSLETB should now be using the Updated QBS Certification Services on the QQI website using the new Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) system. The updated QBS system offers a range of new features including: •

An ‘easy find’ facility for class groups

The capacity to copy learner details from a spreadsheet to QBS (20 per entry) to help reduce direct data entry

A new tab in the ‘Learner Details’ section that shows all of the components completed within that centre

New Quality Assurance site available on SCORE: MSLETB’s new staff intranet, SCORE, is an information system and collaboration space for all staff members in MSLETB. A dedicated Quality Assurance site has been created and staff can access the following information here: •

News and updates

Policies and procedures

Standardised assessment templates

Quality Assurance forms

Link to programme and module descriptors

This site will develop over time and if you are engaged in delivering FET programmes, it is essential that you familiarise yourself with the information available on the Quality Assurance site. This is where the most up-to-date information and resources will be available.


Autumn / Winter 2018

Referencing Handbook A referencing handbook has been developed for use by learners at levels 5 & 6. The handbook was developed by a national working group with assistance from the Further Education Support Service (FESS) and will be useful for the teaching of referencing with one section of the handbook giving guidance on how to reference material and the importance of referencing. The second part of the handbook gives a comprehensive list of information sources with examples of how to cite and reference each source. This handbook will be published in November and will be circulated to centres as well as being available to download on SCORE.

Module Descriptor Review Recently, all validated module descriptors have been updated with MSLETB branding and all references to FETAC have been removed. If teaching staff feel that there are any changes or updates that need to be made to a particular module, we ask that they complete the Module Descriptor Review Form which is available in the ‘QA Forms’ folder on the Quality Assurance SCORE site and email it to


Updated Work Experience Module Descriptors – Levels 3-6 Following a review of feedback on the Work Experience modules, they have been revised and updated. The main changes made to the descriptors are: •

Marks allocated for supervisor’s report revised

The order of criteria in the marking sheets revised to reflect the order in the assessment guidelines

Marking sheets tidied up so that they are easy to follow

Greater clarity around what happens if a learner does not complete work placement and 50% in the skills demonstration.

The new Work Experience module descriptors and the Word format of the Supervisor’s Report (as requested by MSLETB staff) are now available on SCORE. Changes have been outlined on a summary revision table on page 2 of the descriptors but it is advisable for all teaching staff to read all of the content carefully. The previous versions of the Work Experience module descriptors have been moved to a dedicated folder on the Quality Assurance SCORE site. All staff are required to implement the updated version of the Work Experience modules from January 2019 unless the modules have already commenced. Thank you to everyone who provided feedback.


MSLETB Quality Assurance Newsletter

June 2018 Certification Period

(Further Education Centres) Feedback from June Certification: All of the External Authenticators were extremely complimentary about the presentation of portfolios for External Authentication and many examples of good practice were highlighted. All EA reports summarised the standard of work as being of a high standard. All External Authenticators were centrally recruited and a set of standardised report forms and claim forms were used for the process as well as the rollout of a common sampling strategy for all centres. June 2018 also saw the introduction of MSLETB’s county-structure Results Approval Panel (RAP) meetings. Feedback from these meetings will be reviewed and will inform the procedures around RAPs. A number of themes were also explored during the RAPs including: •

Repeat assessments

Sharing assessment material

Reasonable accommodations


MSLETB June 2018 Certification Period

9 EAs 5465 Portfolios 15 Grade Changes CO LEITRIM 5 Appeals 4 EAs 1271 Portfolios 10 Grade Changes 0 Appeals

Payroll Manual & Computerised 5N1546 & 6N4005 The PAYE Modernisation Project will come into effect on January 1st, 2019. This will involve significant reform of the PAYE system. Employers will need to calculate and report their employees’ pay and deductions as they are being paid as part of this real time reporting regime and it will eliminate the need for documents such as P30, P45 etc. MSLETB will need to revise the Payroll Manual and Computerised descriptors to ensure that our learners acquire up-to-date skills and are ready for employment. However, we cannot update our descriptors until we receive more information about the new system later in the year. In the meantime, we are flagging this change with centres as it will impact delivery of these components. For further information on the PAYE Modernisation Project see: and Revenue are running a series of seminars around the country to help employers prepare for PAYE Modernisation:


CO MAYO 11EAs 5936 Portfolios 21 Grade Changes 12 Appeals

Autumn / Winter 2018

Private Security Authority In September, MSLETB was approved by The Private Security Authority (PSA) to provide training for licensing purposes. Only PSA approved training providers can deliver training for licensing purposes and advertise as having being approved by the PSA. For more information about the full implementation of the new PSA requirements, please email

National Craft Butcher Apprenticeship QQI have recently validated the MSLETB National Craft Butcher Apprenticeship. It is now included on the SOLAS live list of statutory apprenticeships. The curriculum concentrates on core industry skills such as Meat cutting, Meat Products, Manufacturing Meat Products, Entrepreneurial Skills, Animal Welfare, Health and Safety, Food Hygiene, Customer Service and Marketing, all of which are crucial in Ireland’s domestic agricultural and food retail sector. This is an innovative programme integrating experiential “On-the-Job” training where the apprentice will be working alongside, and learning from, experienced Craft Butcher professionals in the workplace, and “Off-the-Job” classroom-based academic modules. On successful completion of the programme the apprentice will achieve a Level 5 Certificate in Craft Butchery This programme will use a variety of learning methodologies to deliver this industry led and driven programme. The National Craft Butcher Apprenticeship will support industry by providing a sustainable stream of skilled, professionally qualified long-term employees to take up career opportunities in the sector. Well done to all of the team involved in developing this programme.

MSLETB staff members pictured at the recent presentation of Advanced Certificate in Craft to apprentices from MSLETB and Donegal ETB. Front row, left to right: Sean Burke, Caroline Carty, Linda Lally, Padraig Greene. Back row, left to right: Joan Gillen, Caroline Coen, Helen Phillips.


MSLETB Quality Assurance Newsletter

CAO single sitting QQI writes on its website:

In terms of QQI awards, this applies to achievements certified in any of the cert periods from August to June of the following year. When QQI calculates the scores for each learner, it takes the achievement in each of the cert periods into account and sends a single 2018 score per learner.

Example: Mary completes a component in December 2017 (Result: Distinction) and is certified. She completes 3 more and is certified in April 2018 (3 more Distinctions) Mary completes the final requirements for the Major award and is certified in June 2018. (4 more Distinctions) QQI will send one score for 2018 (390 points) to CAO. That is a Single Sitting Score. Of course, access to other courses in HEIs accept major awards achieved over multiple sittings. There will still be only one score per year -2018 and also a score for 2017, 2016 etc. There will also be a Multiple Sitting Score calculated and sent to CAO. QQI sends a Results File to CAO in mid-July. The biggest issue for centres that only certify in August of a given year is that the scores for their learners are not sent in that file to the CAO. Those learners lose out on offers made in the ‘ZERO ‘round and any offers that might be made in the First Round. QQI will send another Results File to CAO towards the end of August which will include the learners certified in August (technically a 2019 result) These learners will be included in second and subsequent offer rounds made by CAO. The onus is on the learner to know what the requirements are for the course they want to do.


Autumn / Winter 2018

Exemptions & the five-year rule The rule whereby awards time out after 5 years, is one that applied to exemptions only, and was primarily used in the transition phase where QQI was moving over to the new CAS awards. It stipulated that learners who had the old FETAC awards (G20001 etc.) could use them for exemption purposes for 5 years after they were achieved. Thereafter, they could not automatically count as an exemption to the migrated award, and RPL would have to apply. As most CAS awards are now at least 5 years old, there should be very few instances left. Where learners are presenting with non-CAS components looking for the appropriate exemption, the five-year rule applies. As learners gather the credits towards a CAS major award, they must meet the requirements for the award they achieve, as specified in the award specification. When awards are determined it is on the basis of the achievement of the requirements - not when the achievements were attained. Five years or any other time period is not an issue. In other words, if they have achieved the learning outcomes for a given award, then they have achieved them regardless of how long ago that happened.

Example: If a learner has Communications G20001, and wants an exemption for 5N0690, then the 5-year rule would apply. However, if the learner got Communications 5N0690, even if it was more than 5 years ago now, then the learner has met the current learning outcomes of 5N0690, and so does not need an exemption. Note: In the case of an award review in which the learning outcomes /major award requirements change, then the award code would change. Examples are the Agriculture awards. In that case, if the learner had achieved the CAS component listed in the new award, then that contributes towards the major award. The date they achieved it is not the issue An easy rule of thumb is that if the code of the CAS component award is the same as the one the learner has already got, then they have met the learning outcomes and do not need an exemption, regardless of when they achieved it.

MSLETB Further Education and Training Staff attending a SOLAS Technology Enhanced Learning Supports Information Session in Baldoyle Training Centre.


MSLETB Quality Assurance Newsletter

Blended Learning Pilot Pictured are members of the Blended Learning Pilot Working Group at a workshop that took place in Sligo Training Centre on the 6th of September. This group was established in May to design a blended learning pilot for Communications Level 5 that will be used across all MSLETB full-time programmes.

Key dates for QQI December Assessments 2018 (FE Centres)








Autumn / Winter 2018

Upcoming FESS CPD Events The Further Education Support Service (FESS) has put together a calendar of events for Autumn/ Winter 2018 to support those working in the FET environment in DES funded providers. There is a variety of CPD on offer during November including: •

Exploring ‘Facilitation’ as Part of the Co-ordinator/Manager/Leadership Role - for FET staff working with groups or teams in coordination, management and leadership roles.

Active Learning and Teaching Workshop (No 3): Thinking with your Hands - for teachers, tutors and trainers working in FET classrooms.

de Bono 6 THINKING HATS - Maximising Team Performance – for FET staff working with groups or teams in coordination, management and leadership roles.

For more information and to book a place on any of these CPD events, go to and look for their CPD Calendar under ‘Professional Development’.

We welcome your feedback and suggestions on this newsletter. Please contact


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