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Global Business Engineering
Supply Engineering
VIA Supply Engineering is a 3½-year bachelor programme of engineering, which includes a 5-month work placement within the 5th semester. The programme is targeted directly at the needs of the water, wastewater and district heating sector.
The programme is projectoriented and the students learn to reflect and critically evaluate theories, methods and practices and to assess their suitability in solving different projects and tasks. From 1st to 4th semester the students work mainly with the pipe system; however they also gain some basic knowledge of the supply industry in general as well as the organisation and technical facilities in waterworks, sewage treatment plants and heating plants. Find more information about the programme’s content here:
The following list provides examples of work tasks, which a Supply Engineering student would be able to help solve during the work placement period:
- Plan and design wiring solutions for underwater taking into account the project’s budget - Design routes for water, sewage and district heating pipes taking into account space and distance requirements - Calculate the hydraulic conditions in relations to wiring within water, sewage and district heating - Make an academically and economically justified choice of materials related to the provision of feed circuit - Evaluate solutions in connection to climate change - Work with GIS - Use IT tools for recording, analysis and modeling of feed circuit - Analyse and use data obtained from practical exercises and calculations - Develop Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) screenings for smaller construction projects - Calculate ratios for benchmarking - Apply rules and regulations in connection with the supply area - Implement quality control - Develop time, activity and resource plans - Prepare presentation materials for decision making
Work placement Specialisation + Bachelor
1st semester 2nd semester 3rd semester 4th semester 5th semester 6th semester 7th semester
Companies that hire students from VIA Supply Engineering for a work placement will get an opportunity to make themselves known among future supply engineers. The work placement is during the students’ 5th semester and they have already gained a solid theoretical knowledge and some experience from project work. The students come with the newest knowledge within the field of supply engineering and have a great motivation to test their skills in practice.
Karin Larsen Lecturer VIA Supply Engineering