Annual Research Report
VUT Vaal University of Technology
Annual Research Report
Prof. B Gatsheni, Ms S Duvenage, Prof. J Surujlal, Ms C Sonnekus, Mr J Enslin
Annual Research Report
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contents Message from the Vice-Chancellor & Principal
Message from the Acting Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Academic
Message from the Dean of Research
Message from Executive Dean: Faculty of Applied & Computer Sciences
Message from the Deputy Dean: Faculty of Engineering & Technology
Message from the Executive Dean: Faculty of Human Sciences
Message from the Executive Dean: Faculty of Management Sciences
Faculty of Applied & Computer Sciences
Faculty of Engineering & Technology
Faculty of Human Sciences
Faculty of Management Sciences
Student Counselling & Support
Examples of University Approved Focus Areas
Postgraduate Research Completed
Annual Researcher of the Year Awards Ceremony
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Prof IN Moutlana Vice-Chancellor & Principal
message The change in the Higher Education landscape has given birth to a whole new generation of universities, comprehensive universities, universities of technology as well as the National Institutes for Higher Education (NIHE). This restructuring implied a “shift� that provided these new types of universities not only with new challenges, but also with opportunities to refocus and recraft their visions, missions and values and to customise their programmes to respond fully to the needs of a democratic, new knowledge society. For Vaal University of Technology, this means that all our teaching and learning programmes and research projects must be related to technology. The latter will thus be the qualifying factor inherent in all this university's academic activities. This emerging knowledge society has tremendous consequences for all universities of technology, regardless of their focus of specialisation. Vaal University of Technology may have to accept the fact that it has lost its monopoly on knowledge production. It also has to accept, now more than ever, that the most innovative research takes place in laboratories which are invariably located outside the university. Thus strategic alliances and partnerships will be pivotal to this university in not only producing new knowledge, but packaging it in a meaningful way so that it can be commercialised for social and economic upliftment. It is therefore imperative that VUT should decide on the specific direction of technology growth or transfer by developing high profile research centres and institutes of excellence through strategic alliances and
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from the Vice-Chancellor & Principal
Prof IN Moutlana
partnerships with government, both local and national. This will lead technology stations to maximise the sharing of expertise and the transfer of technology between Vaal University of Technology and local industry, organisations and commerce. The mission statement of Vaal University of Technology is: To be a dynamic university of technology, leading in quality education through teaching and learning, research and development, community engagement and technology transfer and innovation. In line with our stated mission and the national transformative research agenda of our country, this university, through its teaching, learning, research and community engagement, will be able to contribute to the transformation and the social and economic upliftment of our communities by addressing their needs. This will be achieved through the creation of knowledge, the identification of new knowledge areas from old needs and packaging these for commercialisation, as well as through relevant research technology, transfer and innovation. As a university of technology in pursuit of crafting a new academic image, VUT will be compelled to develop and broaden its research base through the recruitment and retention of a critical mass of academics and students, with special emphasis on academic and research niches, underpinned by a pivotal focus on sustainable development. As a new and engaged institution, it is committed to research and
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development that will be closely interlinked by frequent interactions with business people, venture capitalists, patent lawyers and production engineers located outside the institution. Given the location of Vaal University of Technology within a very vibrant industrial context, the strategic partnerships between the university and industry and the inherent financial spin-offs for staff, students and the institution can only help entrench the position of VUT as an engaged and highly entrepreneurial institution. In conclusion, I would like to commend the staff, students, promoters and our research partners for having made it possible for VUT to make the shift towards becoming a true university of technology through this journey of the researcher, the lone scholar.
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Prof LA du Plessis Acting Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Academic
message The Vaal University of Technology remains committed to the development of research for the purpose of not only enriching teaching and learning for our students, but also contributing towards economic development by improving the quality of the lives of the community. We endeavour to achieve these objectives through partnerships with research institutions and other institutions of higher learning as well as with industry. The Vaal University of Technology is committed to creating a culture of research so as to empower communities by sharing knowledge, resources and skills and through the transference of technology. Various strategies and action plans have been implemented to build research capacity and promote quality research outputs. Higher Education institutions have been established with a public mandate and responsibility to support the country's social and economic development. In this regard the VUT plays a very important role in helping the country realise the objectives of the Accelerated and Shared Growth Initiative for South Africa (ASGISA) and other national imperatives. The Vaal University of Technology has gained a solid reputation for high-level, quality teaching, especially in the fields of Science, Engineering and Technology, Visual and Graphic Arts, Hospitality and Tourism, and Management Sciences. The discourse on Higher Education, and specifically on Universities of Technology, is characterised by such
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from the Acting Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Academic
Prof LA du Plessis
concepts as 'quality', 'efficiency' 'knowledge transfer' and 'innovation'. Innovation and technical ability have often provided the scientific knowledge and foundation necessary for individuals to become successful entrepreneurs. As a University of Technology, our focus is threefold: applied research and innovation; solving specific problems that exist within commerce and industry; and, finally, the development of entrepreneurial skills. International partnerships such as the England-Africa partnership together with the University of East London, and our affiliations with the South African and German Chambers of Commerce and Industry, the Norwegian University of Science and Technology and the London Metropolitan University, provide valuable international exchange opportunities for staff and students. Four years ago, we set out to become a dynamic, innovative University of Technology, proud of our diversity and committed to the success of our students. It is an eventful and sometimes difficult road to travel; each day throws up new challenges. This journey continues and we can be proud of how far we have come together. The management of the Vaal University of Technology maintains its commitment to research and development as well as to the transfer of technology for the benefit of all South Africans and their quality of life.
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Prof JD Pretorius Dean of Research
message The year 2007 was one filled with highlights. The Vaal University of Technology embarked on concerted efforts to encourage increased research activities and improve outputs. As a University of Technology not all research outputs are recognised by the Department of Education. An incentive scheme to encourage staff involvement in all aspects of research was instituted. This created a vibrant atmosphere in all the faculties, the fruits of which can be noted throughout the annual report.
Two new awards categories were introduced: The award, Acknowledgement for upcoming researchers, is presented to all researchers who meet certain criteria but have never received awards. Among these, the researcher with the highest score per faculty receives the Acknowledgement of Research Potential award at the annual Researcher of the Year Awards evening. Facilities for postgraduate students were improved throughout the university. The centres and venues established have proved popular as they provide an environment conducive to research, with rapid internet and email access. The library has a magnificent special venue dedicated to staff and postgraduate researchers. A onestop service for postgraduate administration has fostered an atmosphere of support for all involved in research. Incentives for postgraduate students have resulted in an increase in enrolment and output. Numerous workshops relating to research topics were presented throughout the year by VUT staff as well as by experts from outside
from the Dean of Research
Prof JD Pretorius
the University. These workshops, attended by staff and postgraduate students, were often oversubscribed and had to be repeated owing to popular demand. The site license for SPSS enables the statistical analysis of research data for established researchers, staff and students. There is also the Statistical Centre which aids the research activities of staff and postgraduate students and is funded from the research budget. Software programs and tools such as Research Africa, COS, Research Toolbox and Endnote are available to assist researchers, academic staff and students. The VUT bibliographical referencing and postgraduate guideline manuals have proved very popular. The Faculty Research Awards function was held on 11 June. The following members of staff received awards according to strict criteria relating to research output in the previous year: ! Dr MG Pinkoane: Faculty of Applied & Computer Sciences ! Dr HC van der Merwe: Faculty of Engineering &
Technology ! Dr PA Kholopane: Faculty of Engineering &
Technology ! Prof CM van der Bank: Faculty of Human
Sciences ! Prof WH Oldewage-Theron: Faculty of Human
Sciences ! Prof M Dhurup: Faculty of Management Sciences ! Prof J Surujlal: Faculty of Management Sciences ! Ms I Shaw: Faculty of Management Sciences
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At the annual awards ceremony held on 30 August 2007, the following staff received the prestigious Researcher of the Year awards:
! Dr RJ Moitsheki: Faculty of Applied & Computer
Sciences ! Dr PO Osifo: Faculty of Engineering & Technology ! Ms TF Taylor: Faculty of Human Sciences
! Dr MG Pinkoane: Faculty of Applied & Computer
Sciences ! Dr HC van der Merwe: Faculty of Engineering &
Technology ! Prof CM van der Bank: Faculty of Human Sciences ! Ms I Shaw: Faculty of Management Sciences
New awards for Acknowledgement of Research Potential were also presented at this function to the following staff members: ! Dr RJ Moitsheki: Faculty of Applied & Computer
Sciences ! Dr PO Osifo: Faculty of Engineering & Technology ! Ms JE Kearney: Faculty of Human Sciences ! Ms N MacPherson: Faculty of Management
! Ms JE Kearney: Faculty of Human Sciences ! Ms FE Mahomed: Faculty of Management Sciences ! Ms N MacPherson: Faculty of Management Sciences
All faculties participated in the Research Showcase which was attended by approximately 200 guests, including members of the various Advisory Boards, industry and the community. The year 2007 was characterised by innovation and changes specifically intended to ensure output by providing support to all staff and students involved in research. One example of this was the streamlining of the application forms and the procedure for requesting funding from the Central Research Committee. Congratulations to all staff members on the research referred to in this report and thank you to all Executive Deans, research leaders and academic staff who have motivated staff and students.
Sciences During the annual Research Showcase held on 31 October 2007 the following staff received the new Acknowledgement for Upcoming Researcher awards: ! Prof M Pillay: Faculty of Applied & Computer Sciences ! Dr EB Naidoo: Faculty of Applied & Computer
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The year was an exciting one for research; please keep up the good work to ensure research output. The continued support of Rectorate in developing research is gratefully acknowledged.
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Prof BR Mabuza Executive Dean: Faculty of Applied & Computer Sciences
from Executive Dean: Faculty of Applied & Computer Sciences
Prof BR Mabuza
Research development at the Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences is well underway and a strong research culture is emerging. The mission statement of the faculty is: To generate innovative and relevant research. The challenge facing the faculty is to instil confidence in our academic staff so that they can join the ranks of other prominent researchers in the faculty. The faculty is working hard to promote common ground in scientific thinking across all its disciplines. Academic staff published five articles in the accredited journals. A new research focus area entitled “Plant molecular genetics� has been approved by the Executive Central Research Committee at VUT.
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Prof DA Dicks Deputy Dean: Faculty of Engineering & Technology
message The rapid development of communications and information technologies has overlapped with a number of other changes in the economic, social and cultural spheres of society. Global trends in higher education point to significant changes that have taken place. This gradual shift has been caused by numerous factors such as rapidly improving technology, an increase in population, and socio-economic factors. In order for us to remain competitive and to find innovative ways of providing quality research we need to learn faster, think smarter and break free of confining assumptions and old mindsets. Applied research plays an integral part in achieving these objectives. The Faculty of Engineering and Technology at Vaal University of Technology strives for research excellence, with staff and students involved in applied, developmental and industry-related research. One staff member completed his MEd qualification which indicates that this faculty combines innovative curricula and teaching with research. At national and international conferences, papers were presented by 27 staff members, while 13 staff members published articles in both accredited and non-accredited journals. Research is here to stay and we are geared to meet the challenge. We also pay tribute to our staff and students for the role they have played in the process of building our research capacity. Research within the faculty covers a broad range of fields. Seven focus areas have been determined with the aim of establishing a critical mass of researchers in these areas, namely, Fluid Thermal Systems, Environmental Pollution and Health, Engineering Education, Vibration Condition Monitoring, Engineering Materials, Applied Electronics,
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from the Deputy Dean: Faculty of Engineering & Technology
Prof DA Dicks
and Electrical Power Cables. The Institute of High Voltage Studies focuses on Cable Research. The Institute of Applied Electronics promotes the research and development of applicable electrical appliances for industrial and commercial use with the emphasis on: ! Alternative electricity generation with the focus on
fuel cells ! Dielectric heating of materials ! Affordable telephone facilities.
The Engineering Development and Support Unit provide the necessary support to academics and students in order to produce highly qualified, experienced graduates. During 2007, extensive progress has been made in these focus areas, as is indicated by the number of publications and presentations listed above. We continually aim to improve and expand our cooperation with industry. The faculty is a research partner for a number of industries, and there is increasing recognition by industry partners of the expertise available in the faculty. The Faculty of Engineering and Technology at Vaal University of Technology, in conjunction with the University's Management, the Research Directorate and other partners, will continue to provide, with enthusiasm, an education that will develop students' abilities to face new and difficult situations imaginatively and competently. This will go a long way in addressing the research needs of the country, so that we can ensure a better life for all our people, and endeavour to become globally competitive.
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Prof CM van der Bank Executive Dean: Faculty of Human Sciences
message The vision of the Faculty of Human Sciences is to be a multi-discipline faculty that contributes to continual improvement in the quality of higher education. This is achieved through the widening of access, the promotion of excellence through research and the enhancement of the competence of graduates by ensuring the provision of key skills as well as motivation and support. The faculty has worked hard in the past year to improve research capacity and output. We have witnessed an increase in the confidence levels of our staff members with regard to research. Research in Human Sciences arises from both institutional need and individual interest, comprising all areas related to teaching and learning, including the basic disciplines in which some of us are placed. Faculty staff involvement in research activities has increased by a new record of 8 papers published in accredited journals, 4 published in other journals, 1 chapter in a book and 15 papers presented at national and international conferences. Four staff members have obtained their master's degrees. In addition, 4 staff members are currently engaged in research towards their doctorates, while another 13 are busy with research towards their master's qualification. Research by students as part of their curriculum continues to thrive at all levels.
from the Executive Dean: Faculty of Human Sciences
Prof CM van der Bank
in Barcelona, and will be submitting our Tourism curricula to them for evaluation. Two research niche areas form part of the research conducted in the Institute of Sustainable Livelihoods, namely “Interventions in malnutrition in an urban area”, a niche area accredited by the National Research Foundation (NRF), as well as “Nutrition education to advance mother and child health”, a niche area accredited by the South Africa-Netherlands Research Programme for alternatives in Development (SANPAD). Finally, we have embarked on a significant shift in our staff profile to achieve a larger proportion of active researchers in the faculty. Based on our performance in 2007 and our confidence in both existing and new staff, as well as on the overall vibrancy in research within the University, we are encouraged to take on the future with zest. To the staff, students and Research Directorate, please accept my sincere gratitude for advancing the research environment.
Links are being forged with the American and Lodging Association (AHLA) via the International Hotel School's Head Office in Durban. We are also currently in the process of forging international links with the highly prestigious WTO (World Tourism Organization)
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Prof L de W Fourie Executive Dean: Faculty of Management Sciences
message In the period from 2003 to 2007, 24 academic staff members in the Faculty of Management Sciences obtained either a master's degree or a doctorate. More significantly, this represents virtually 50% of academic staff members in the faculty obtaining a vertical qualification – a considerable achievement. In order for any faculty to produce consistently adequate standards in the quantity and quality of research outputs, it is imperative that it has a critical mass of researchers. With 40% of the faculty staff members still in possession of only a BTech or honours degree, and 44% of staff members with a master's qualification in 2007, it is evident that a critical mass of researchers has not yet been reached. A critical mass would imply that at least 60% of the academic staff members have a master's degree and a further 20% of the academic staff members are in possession of a doctorate. It is therefore expected that research targets in the Faculty of Management Sciences in 2007 and for the period up to 2010 will be focused on obtaining vertical qualifications in order to achieve such a critical mass. In the Department of Marketing and Sport Management, a critical mass of researchers has been achieved, with 50% of the department having a master's degree and 50% a doctorate. The result is that in 2007 this department produced 9 articles in accredited journals. This clearly indicates what can be achieved once a critical mass of researchers has been attained. In 2007, 3 staff members obtained vertical qualifications. Ms A Buys obtained her MBA from the North-West
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from the Executive Dean: Faculty of Management Sciences
Prof L de W Fourie
University, Ms C Marais her MTech from VUT and Ms AN Mnguni her MCom from the University of Johannesburg. With the increasing number of staff members obtaining vertical qualifications, the number of accredited research outputs of the faculty has also increased steadily. In 2003 the faculty produced only 2 articles in accredited journals, but this increased to 12 in 2007. On 1 November 2007 the Faculty of Management Sciences held a Research Strategic Planning Session plotting the course towards achieving a critical mass of researchers whilst simultaneously continuing to show growth in accredited research output from year to year. Ultimately, it is expected of every academic staff member in the faculty with a doctorate to produce at least one accredited article per annum and every staff member with a master's degree to produce at least one accredited article in a two-year cycle. A staff member engaged in research for a vertical qualification will be granted exemption from this arrangement: from the date of first registration, exemption of 2 years will be granted for a master's degree and 3 years for a doctorate. However, accredited publication is expected to occur in the year of obtaining the qualification. This can realistically be achieved if sufficient and timely support is provided for staff members to obtain qualifications in the shortest possible period, and if opportunities are created for established researchers to produce a satisfactory number of accredited research outputs of high quality. As a result of the Research Strategic Planning Session, the faculty will annually conduct quarterly Postgraduate Supervision Workshops to assist postgraduate students in writing proposals, dealing with
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typical research pitfalls and establishing a web-based postgraduate network where students can profit from communicating with one another, pose questions on the blackboard and electronically communicate with their supervisors. Another landmark decision at the research workshop was a decision to appoint a Research Professor in the faculty in 2008. The Research Professor will be responsible for co-ordinating all research activities in the faculty and for creating a research platform which will enable the faculty to attain sustainable research capacity and output. As a result of the 2007 Research Strategic Planning Session, a Research Strategy and Annual Research Plan was developed for the Faculty of Management Sciences. The purpose of the Research Strategy and Annual Research Plan is to provide a framework within which the faculty can operationalise VUT's Research Vision, Mission and Objectives into realistic and achievable annual targets with a specific focus on building research capacity and ensuring sustainability within its research environment. Staff members published nine articles in accredited journals in 2007. In 2007, academic staff members of the Faculty of Management Sciences presented 12 papers at international conferences, all of which were published in the conference proceedings. Prof L de W Fourie was re-elected as the Vice-President and Executive Board Member of the Global Business and Technology Association (GBATA) for the seventh consecutive year. At the Annual VUT Research Showcase in August 2007,
Ms N MacPherson and Ms F Mahomed received awards in the Upcoming Researcher category. Ms C Marais received the Best Paper Presentation Award in the Junior Researcher category and Ms I Shaw the Best Paper Presentation Award in the Senior Researcher category at the Annual Research Symposium of the Faculty of Management Sciences. In June 2007, the Faculty Research Award was presented to Prof M Dhurup; Prof J Surujlal and Ms I Shaw for their excellent research outputs in 2006. At VUT's Researcher of the Year Awards in August 2007, Ms I Shaw received top honours in the Faculty of Management Sciences, whilst Ms N MacPherson received the Acknowledgement of Research Potential Award. In November 2007, Prof L de W Fourie was appointed as the Editor of VUT's Sediba sa Thuto journal. After institutional and external consultation it was decided to convert the institutional journal into a platform for all Universities of Technology (UoTs). This resulted in the birth of the Journal for Societal Advancement through Technology Transfer (JSATT). JSATT finds its uniqueness in focusing on the study of technology from the viewpoint of various fields of study, rather than a particular field of study. In dealing with societal issues, both public and private, knowledge is made useful by bridging the gap between technological innovation and its relevance to the
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development of human capital and societal advancement. This provides the binding factor for all UoTs to participate collectively and in a brand new way in socially relevant research. It is envisaged that JSATT will be an accredited journal by 2010. The creation of a sustainable research environment in which annual research targets for accredited outputs are achieved is becoming a reality rather than merely a paper exercise. Given the opportunity to obtain vertical qualifications, and with flexible work load arrangements that afford time to conduct research for accredited outputs, academic staff members in this faculty have the potential to rise to the challenge.
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faculty of applied & computer sciences
Prof RH du PrĂŠ
Dr EB Naidoo, Prof SJ Modise and Mr SA Phala
Title: The impact of globalisation in South African education
Title: Investigation of turbine corrosion chemistry during unit shutdown in power stations
Name of Conference: Forum for Access and Continuing Education
Name of Conference: The Southern and Eastern Africa Network of Analytical Chemists (SEANAC)
Place: London, England
Place: Gaborone, Botswana
Date: 2-4 July 2007
Date: 15-18 July 2007
Publication: Conference proceedings Prof M Pillay, Mr K Sadik, Mr P Muchunguzi, Mr M Nyine and Mr L F Turyagyenda Title: Developing an early screening method for the banana weevil using reference genotypes Name of Conference: International Society of Horticultural Sciences/PROMUSA Place: White River, South Africa Date: 10-14 September 2007
Publications Mr M Biruma, Prof M Pillay, Dr L Tripathi, Dr G Blomme, Dr S Abele, Dr M Mwangi, Dr R Bandyopadhyay, Mr P Muchunguzi, Mr S Kassim, Mr M Nyine, L Turyagyenda, Dr S Eden-Green Title: Banana Xanthomonas wilt: a review of the disease, management strategies and future research directions Journal: African Journal of Biotechnology, 2007, 6(8):953-962
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Prof RJ Moitsheki and Prof OD Makinde
Publisher: Blackwell Science
Title: Some invariant solutions for a microwave heating model
Date: 2007
Journal: Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2007, 191:308-313
Research-in-Progress 2007
Mr M Nyine and Prof M Pillay Title: Banana nectar as a medium for testing pollen viability and germination in Musa Journal: African Journal of Biotechnology, 2007, 6:1175-1180 Prof M Pillay and Dr Abele S Title: Bacterial wilt and drought stresses in banana production and their impact on economic welfare in Uganda: implications for banana research in East African Highlands
Prof BN Gatsheni and Mr T Marie Title: The design of an automatic alert system for vehicle traffic de-congestion for the Gauteng metropolitan Area Field: Information and Communication Technology Prof BN Gatsheni Title: The development of a robust system for exchanging information in real-time between related departments at metro rail Field: Information and Communication Technology
Journal: Journal of Crop Improvement, 2007, 19:173191
Prof BN Gatsheni and Mr N Mokoena
Mr K Sadik, Prof PR Rubaihayo, Dr MJS Magambo and Prof M Pillay
Field: Information and Communication Technology
Title: Generation of cell suspensions of East African Highland bananas through scalps
Prof BN Gatsheni and Mr M Mabizela
Journal: African Journal of Biotechnology, 2007, 6(11):1352-1357
Field: Information and Communication Technology
Title: A conceptual model for management information and decision support systems
Title: Design of a courier mobile data access system
Prof BN Gatsheni
Publications in books or book published Chapter in book: Banana breeding
Title: The exploitation of information and communication technologies in the implementation of a rail transport load forecasting in Gauteng
Title of book: Breeding Major Food Staples
Field: Information and Communication Technology
Prof M Pillay and Dr L Tripathi
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Prof SJ Modise, Dr EB Naidoo and Mr LA Bodiba Title: Rejection of selected complexes on polymer membrane Field: Chemistry Prof SJ Modise, Dr EB Naidoo and Mr B Xaba Title: Separation and recovery of selected transitionalmetal catalysts system using membrane processes Field: Chemistry Prof SJ Modise, Dr EB Naidoo and Mr L Shoko Title: Investigating endocrine disrupting chemicals in wastewater effluents in the Vaal Region Field: Chemistry Dr EB Naidoo, Prof SJ Modise and Mr A Ofomaja Title: Removal of transition metals from industrial wastewater using natural biosorbents Field: Chemistry Dr EB Naidoo, Prof SJ Modise and Mr S Matsie Title: Industrial effects that impact upon the water and soil in a metallurgical industry Field: Chemistry Dr EB Naidoo, Prof SJ Modise and Mr SA Phala Title: Investigation of pitting turbine corrosion with intent
to find and minimize the causes thereof at Matimba Field: Chemistry Dr EB Naidoo, Prof SJ Modise and Mr SS Mkhwanazi Title: Determination of volatile organic compounds in ambient air by using thermal desorber, sorbent tubes, canister and chromatography-mass spectra (GC-MS) Field: Chemistry Dr EB Naidoo, Dr MG Pinkoane and Ms NT Dlamini Title: Chemical characterisation of bio-active compounds from medicinal plant: Combretum Field: Chemistry Prof M Pillay Title: Diallel crosses and progeny evaluation of some sweet potato breeding lines in South Africa Field: Biotechnology, Botany Prof M Pillay Title: Identification of alien trees in the Vaal University of Technology Campus Field: Biotechnology, Botany Ms J van Ellewee Title: Mathematical model of supercritical fluid extraction of oil Field: Mathematics
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faculty of engineering & technology Mr AJ Swart
Telecommunications Networks and Applications Conference (SATNAC)
Place: Mauritius
Title: The correlation between student tardiness and throughput rate of engineering students
Date: 9-13 September 2007
Vaal University of Technology
Dr PA Kholopane, Prof L Pretorius and Prof A Straus
Staff Qualifications Completed in 2007
Conferences Prof MJ Case, Mr JP du Toit and Prof HCvZ Pienaar Title: Design of a fuel cell power supply Name of Conference: 16th International Conference on Electrical Drives and Power Electronics (EDPE) Place: High Tatras, Slovakia Date: 24-26 September 2007 Mr JB Dlodlo Title: Framework for rural Internet Protocol (IP) network optimisation through intelligent software agents Name of Conference: South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists (SAICSIT) M & D Symposium
Name of Conference: Portland International Conference of Management of Technology and Engineering (PICMET) Place: Portland, Oregon, USA Date: 5-9 August 2007 Mr JJ la Grange and Mr J Jooste Title: Various applications for the robot platform at Vaal University of Technology Name of Conference: The Rapid Product Development Association of South Africa (RAPDASA) Place: Pilanesberg Date: 7-9 November 2007 Dr DV Nicolae, Prof AA Jimoh and Dr JFJ van Rensburg
Place: Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, Port Elizabeth
Title: DC current source to voltage source CT-based converter
Date: 10-12 October 2007
Name of Conference: International Aegean Conference on Electrical Machines, Power Electronics and Electromotion
Mr JP du Toit and Prof HCvZ Pienaar Title: Simulation of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell stack using an electronic equivalent circuit model Name of Conference: Southern African
Title: Some effects of a human resource strategy on Total Productive Manufacturing (TPM) improvement
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Place: Bodrum, Turkey Date: 10-12 September 2007 Publication: Conference proceedings ISBN: 978-975-93410-2-2
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Mr T Seleka, Prof S Pityana, Ms M Ulbrich and Mr L Rampedi
Name of Conference: Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (IEEE) Africon Conference
Title: Quantitative analysis of retained austenite in laser melted martensitic stainless steel
Place: Namibia, Windhoek
Name of Conference: International Congress on the Applications of Lasers and Electro-optics
Publication: Conference proceedings
Date: 26-28 September 2007 ISBN: 0-7803-8606-X
Place: Florida, USA Date: 31 October - 2 November 2007 ISBN: 1. 13#978-0-12035-88-8;
Mr AJ Swart and Ms T Sutherland
2. 10#0-912035-88-9
Title: Group-work versus individual-work – a case study in engineering
Mr AJ Swart and Prof HCvZ Pienaar
Name of Conference: Higher Education Learning and Teaching Association of South Africa (HELTASA)
Title: Mounting DE-series MOSFETs – a comparison of two recognised techniques
Place: Central University of Technology, Bloemfontein Date: 18-22 November 2007
Name of Conference: AFRICON Place: Namibia, Windhoek
Prof JJ Walker and Mr BJ le Roux
Date: 26-28 September 2007
Title: Importance of stabilised backfill in underground cable systems
Publication: Conference proceedings ISBN: 0-7803-8606-X
th Name of Conference: 15 International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering
Mr AJ Swart and Prof HCvZ Pienaar Title: The electrical resonating-points of marble
Name of Conference: Die Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns Studente Simposium
Mr AS Abdulkareem, Mr AS Afolabi, Prof SI Iyuke and Prof HCvZ Pienaar Title: Synthesis of carbon nanotubes by the swirled floating catalyst vapour deposition method Journal: Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2007, 7(9):3233-3238
Place: Tshwane University of Technology, Pretoria Date: 2 November 2007 Mr AJ Swart and Ms T Sutherland Title: Fusing theory and practical in a curriculum for engineering students – A case study
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Mr JP du Toit and Prof HCvZ Pienaar Title: Simulation of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell stack using an electronic circuit model Journal: South African Institute of Electrical Engineers (SAIEE) Africa Research Journal, 2007, 98(1):2-7 ISSN: 1991-1696 Prof SI Iyuke, Mr AS Abdulkareem, Mr AS Afolabi and Prof HCvZ Pienaar Title: Catalytic production of carbon nanotubes in a swirled fluid chemical vapour deposition reactor Journal: International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering, 2007, 5(S5):1-9 ISSN: 1542-6580 Prof P Mendonidis Title: Improving throughput by using high-frequency interm multiple choice tests Journal: Sediba sa Thuto, Academic Journal of Vaal University of Technology, 2006, printed 2007, 3:84-95 ISBN: 1-77012-016-5 Dr AJ Palmer and Prof DC Baker Title: Predicting the long-term average of the effective earth radius factor for South Africa Journal: South African Institute of Electrical Engineers (SAIEE) Africa Research Journal Incorporating the SAIEE Transactions, 2007, 97(2):182-185 ISSN: 1991-1696
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Dr AJ Palmer and Prof DC Baker Title: Predicting the monthly average cumulative distribution of the effective earth radius factor for South Africa Journal: South African Institute of Electrical Engineers (SAIEE) Africa Research Journal Incorporating the SAIEE Transactions, 2007, 97(2):186-190 ISSN: 1991-1696
Research-in-Progress 2007 Mr GJ Blignaut Title: Dynamic modelling of a bolted disc rotor assembly Field: Mechanical Engineering, Rotor Dynamics Mr DJ Cronje Title: Digital control of a single-phase to three-phase converter Field: Electrical Engineering, Fuel Cell Technology Mr JB Dlodlo Title: Analysis of Quality of Service (QoS) protocols in rural Internet Protocol (IP) networks Field: Process Control and Computer Systems, Wireless Network Traffic Management Mr JJE Duvenage Title: Pasteurisation of milk using high frequency radio waves Field: Electrical Engineering, Applied Electronics
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Mr J Enslin Title: Vibration condition assessment of rolling element bearings subjected to speed and load variation Field: Mechanical Engineering, Vibration Condition Monitoring
Mr MJ Joubert Title: Design optimisation of a photovoltaic water pumping system Field: Electrical Engineering, Power Electronics, Alternative Energy
Mr AP Fouche Title: An object-oriented solution for the design of outcomes-based engineering programs for technologists and technicians Field: Information Technology
Ms T Joubert Title: Formalising the boundary between comfort and discomfort of glare by means of electroencephalogram (EEG) technology Field: Electrical Engineering, Power Electronics, Alternative Energy
Mr ZR Fusane Title: Electrochemical neutralisation of industrial waste water Field: Chemical Engineering, Electrochemistry Mr AJ Gouws Title: Design of an acoustic noise cancellation device to reduce unwanted noise from a specific direction Field: Electrical Engineering, Applied Electronics Mr R Greef Title: Design and development of a frequency modulated class E amplifier at high frequencies Field: Electrical Engineering, Applied Electronics Mr SJ Jacobs Title: Electronic water level sensor and remote submersible pump controller Field: Electrical Engineering, Applied Electronics
Mr JJ la Grange Title: Experimental study of a parabolic solar reflector powered ice maker Field: Engineering Technology, Solar Energy Mr BJ le Roux Title: Transient rating of buried cables Field: Electrical Engineering, Power Cables Mr JB Loubser Title: The use of carbon nano particles for hydrogen storage Field: Electrical Engineering, Electrochemistry Mr MD Marineanu Title: Design and development of an active noise cancellation device to reduce noise at the point of generation Field: Electrical Engineering, Applied Electronics
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Prof P Mendonidis Title: Geochemistry and geochronology of the Munster Suite Field: Metallurgical Engineering, Geology Mr I Mtholo Title: Zinc recovery from sludge obtained from electrochemical treatment of water to remove sulphates Field: Chemical Engineering, Electrochemistry Mr GS Nhlabathi Title: Analysis and development of ergonomic model using neural network techniques Field: Industrial Engineering Mr JSR Nkuna Title: Optimisation of Kohonen's self-organising maps applied to bearing vibration monitoring Field: Mechanical Engineering, Vibration Condition Monitoring Mr AA Olivier Title: Mechanical shock values applied in condition monitoring of bearings operating under variable speed and load conditions Field: Mechanical Engineering, Vibration Condition Monitoring Mr PO Osifo Title: The use of chitosan beads for the adsorption and regeneration of heavy metals Field: Chemical Engineering
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Mr WJvZ Pienaar Title: Radio frequency drying of materials Field: Electrical Engineering, Applied Electronics Mr AJP Roux Title: A fieldbus training centre model for industrial problem solving Field: Electrical Engineering, Instrumentation Mr RM Schoeman Title: Design and development of an automated temperature controller for curing ovens Field: Electrical Engineering, Applied Electronics Mr AC Smit Title: Development of a chitosan-based fuel cell membrane electrode assembly Field: Electrical Engineering, Fuel Cell Technology Mr R Sukraj Title: Determining the quality standards of products using neural networks Field: Industrial Engineering, Materials Ms G Sutherland Title: A curriculum framework for an introductory programme in the National Diploma: Engineering at the Vaal University of Technology Field: Engineering, Engineering Education
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Mr AJ Swart Title: Design and development of a very high-frequency amplifier for use in rock comminution Field: Electrical Engineering, Applied Electronics Mr E Tshitshonu Title: Investigation of geophone response under misaligned conditions Field: Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Dynamics Mr SA Tsienyane Title: Removal of sulphate in acid mine drainage Field: Chemical Engineering, Environmental Pollution and Health Ms M Ulbrich Title: Application of laser technology in surface modification of critical components of compressors Field: Metallurgical Engineering, Materials Application
Mr M Viljoen Title: Design and development of a methanol concentration controller for fuel cells Field: Electrical Engineering, Applied Electronics, Fuel Cell Technology
Contract Research Mr BJ le Roux Title: Accelerated ageing of XPLE cables and acceptance testing Company: Phelps Dodge Corporation, Chile Field: Electrical Engineering, Power Cables Dr HC van der Merwe Title: The electrochemical treatment of industrial effluent Company: Ecodose Ltd, Midrand Field: Chemical Engineering, Environmental Pollution and Health
Mr GJ van Rooyen Title: Analysis of the effects of rotor misalignment on induction machines Field: Electrical Engineering, Electrical Machines Mr E Viljoen Title: Design and development of a device for fast ageing of XLPE insulated cables Field: Electrical Engineering, Applied Electronics
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faculty of human sciences Ms KA Chmela-Jones
Name of conference: Forum for Access and Continuing Education (FACE)
Place: University of East London, United Kingdom
Title: Visual learning in a graphic design setting
Date: 2-4 July 2007
Staff Qualifications Completed in 2007
Vaal University of Technology Prof RJ Gaede Ms V Pissoort MCom Title: Segmentation of visitors to selected art festivals in South Africa by means of profile variables North West University Ms AE Steenkamp
Title: Measuring the visual representational latitude of nutrition education illustrations Name of conference: Annual Conference of the South African Communication Association (SACOMM) Place: Bloemfontein Date: 9-21 September 2007 Publication: Conference proceedings
MTech Title: Bridge to the working world: a qualitative study of the Work-Integrated Learning experience of the Clothing and Interior Decorating diplomates at the Vaal University of Technology University of Johannesburg Ms TF Taylor MTech Tourism Management
Prof RJ Gaede and Prof WH Oldewage-Theron Title: Evaluating the visual communication component of a nutrition education intervention: a question of visual representational latitude Name of conference: Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA) Place: San Francisco, USA Date: 24-28 May 2007
Title: An analysis of the cultural characteristics of the emerging black tourist market in Vanderbijlpark
Publication: Conference proceedings
Vaal University of Technology
Dr EM Kiggundu
Ms CE FouchĂŠ
Title: Teaching practice in the Greater Vaal Triangle Area: the student teachers' experience
Title: English language intervention in a multicultural tertiary environment in South Africa
Name of conference: The 2007 College Teaching and Learning Conference Place: Hawaii
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Date: 2-5 January 2007
Dr CJ Morrison
Publication: Journal of College Teaching & Learning
Title: The impact of women in policing in South Africa
ISSN: 1544-0389
Name of conference: 1st International and 30th All India Criminology Conference
Dr EM Kiggundu
Place: Calcutta, India
Title: Factors influencing rural Adult Basic Education and Training (ABET) centres response to challenges of HIV/AIDS prevention
Date: 23-25 February 2007
Name of conference: 54 Annual Canadian Association for University Continuing Education (CAUCE) 2007 Place: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada Date: 30 May-2 June 2007
Dr CJ Morrison Title: Gender issues in policing rd
Name of conference: 3 International European Research Committee for Crime and Social Philosophy (ERCES) Conference Place: Sophia, Bulgaria
Dr E Kiggundu Title: Teaching practice: a make or break phase for a student teacher Name of conference: Higher Education Learning and Teaching Association of Southern Africa (HELTASA) Conference Place: Bloemfontein Date: 19-21 November 2007
Date: 24-27 October 2007 Prof A Nicolaides Title: Gnosticism and christianity Name of conference: Academy of Self Knowledge (ASK) International Conference Place: Pretoria Date: 5 June 2007 Publication: Conference proceedings
Mr JM Mathee Title: FLUX: design education in a changing world Name of conference: Design Education Forum of Southern Africa (DEFSA) 2007 Conference Place: Cape Town
Prof A Nicolaides Title: Ethically winning hearts and minds: spirituality in the workplace
Date: 3-5 October 2007
Name of conference: The 7th International Conference on Management
Publication: Conference proceedings
Place: Singapore Management University, Singapore Date: 24-27 July 2007
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Publication: 1. Conference proceedings 2. The International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management ISSN: 1447-9524
Research (IFTR) Conference on Theatre in Africa – Africa in the Theatre Place: Stellenbosch Date: 10-14 July 2007 Prof CM van der Bank
Prof A Nicolaides Title: Work Integrated Learning for the hospitality industry: lessons from Germany Name of conference: 2007 Association of Hospitality Schools in Africa (AHSA) International Conference on Hospitality and Tourism Research Place: Cape Peninsula University of Technology, Cape Town Date: 11-14 November 2007 Publication: Conference proceedings Prof DL Schauffer Title: The irony and paradox of the effects of democratic governance on the development of Indic theatre in South Africa Name of conference: Theatre and Democracy Place: University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, India. Date: 4-6 January 2007 Publication: Conference proceedings Prof DL Schauffer Title: Uncovering and recovering the forgotten Indic contribution to South African theatre history Name of conference: International Federation for Theatre
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Title: Criminalising the act of trafficking within the South African context Name of conference: Business & Economics Society International Place: Antibes, France Date: 16-20 July 2007
Publications Ms KA Chmela-Jones, Prof R Gaede and Dr C Buys Title: Visual learning and graphic design: a cooperative strategy Journal: South African Journal of Higher Education, 2007, 21(4):54-65 ISSN: 1011-3487 Ms SS Duvenage and Prof HC SchĂśnfeldt Title: Impact of South African fortification legislation on product formulation for low-income households Journal: Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 2007, 20:688-695 ISSN: 0889-1575
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Dr EM Kiggundu
Ms V Pissoort and Prof M Saayman
Title: Teaching practice in the greater Vaal Triangle area: the student teachers' experience
Title: Market segmentation of visitors at three selected arts festivals in South Africa.
Journal: Journal of College Teaching & Learning, 2007, 46:35-45
Journal: Acta Comercii, 2007, 7:255-268 ISSN: 1684-1999
ISSN: 1544-0389 Prof DL Schauffer Dr EM Kiggundu and Prof J Castle Title: Are rural women 'powerless' when it comes to HIV/AIDS risk? Implication for adult education programmes Journal: Journal Perspectives in Education, 2007, 25(1):45-58 ISSN: 0258-2236 Prof A Nicolaides Title: Ethically winning hearts and minds: spirituality in the workplace Journal: The International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management, 2007, 7:1-8 ISSN: 1447-9524 Prof A Nicolaides Title: The role of hospitality managers in conflict management Journal: Journal of Travel and Tourism Research, 2007, Spring:103-112 ISSN: 1302-8545
Title: A case for Drama and Theatre Studies in a University of Technology Journal: Sediba sa Thuto, 2007, 3:106-121 ISSN: 0-631-22218-9 Prof DL Schauffer Title: A visit to the ISTR Indian Theatre conference – Department of Dramatics, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, India 4-6 January 2007 Journal: South African Theatre Journal, 21:354-358 ISSN: 1013-7548 Prof DL Schauffer Title: Shakespeare performance in Pietermaritzburg, Natal, prior to 1914 Journal: Shakespeare in Southern Africa, 2007, 19:9-23 Prof DL Schauffer (Editor) Title: South African Association of Visual Arts Historians (SAVAH) Conference Proceedings
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Prof KV Thathiah
Publications in books or book published
Title: A South African postmodern University of Technology?
Prof CM van der Bank Chapter in Book: Human trafficking in South Africa needs to be criminalised Title of Book: Global Business & Economics Anthology, Volume 11 Publisher: Business & Economics Society International
Journal: South African Journal of Higher Education, 2007, 21(4):179-189 ISSN: 1011-3487 Prof KV Thathiah Title: Towards theory of technology modules for South African Universities of Technology Journal: Journal for New Generation Sciences, 2007, 5(2):86-99 ISSN: 1684-4998 Prof KV Thathiah Title: Book review: 'Philosophy of Technology – the Technological Condition' by RC Scharff and V Dusek (eds) Journal: Sediba sa Thuto, 2006, 3:118-121 ISBN: 0-631-22218-9
Date: December 2007 ISSN: 1553-1392
Research-in-Progress 2007 Mr SL Bogle Title: Visual communication in a multi-cultural school setting Field: Photography Ms N Botha Title: The vicarious liability of the employer in case of sexual harassment Field: Labour Law
Prof KV Thathiah and Prof DL Schauffer Title: How now 'cloned' cow? Challenging conceptualisations of South African Universities of Technology Journal: South African Journal of Higher Education, 2007, 21(1):181-191 ISSN: 1011-3487
Ms EG Dicks Title: A model of consumers' perceptions of food additives and consequent purchasing behaviour Field: Consumer Science Mr J Doman Title: A workflow protocol for the implementation of the zone system in digital imaging practise Field: Photography
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Ms RM du Plessis
Mr RJ Hopley
Title: Development of a cost effective, low fat snack food for obese children 9-13 years old
Title: Representing atrocity with specific reference to the Sharpeville Commemorative Print Portfolio
Field: Community Nutrition
Field: Visual Art, Sociology
Ms IL du Preez
Ms D J Joubert
Title: No research: course work masters
Title: Die misdaad roof in die Suid-Afrikaanse reg
Field: Law
Field: Criminal Law Ms JE Kearney
Ms SS Duvenage Title: Development of a food product concept formulation framework for low-income consumers in informal settlements in Gauteng South Africa
Title: A comparative analysis to address the limitations of five different school feeding projects in the Vaal Region Field: Community Nutrition
Field: Consumer Science
Ms P Khangala
Ms MR Erasmus
Title: Marketing orientation to enhance corporate image for Universities of Technology: a case study
Title: The influence of the medium of instruction as determinant of the education system on throughput at the Vaal University of Technology
Field: Business Administration
Field: Language, Education
Title: The use of student feedback for programme development: a case study
Ms V Erasmus
Field: Education
Title: Development of a healthy snack for children with HIV/AIDS or a compromised immunity
Ms A Laurie
Dr EM Kiggundu
Field: Food Service Management
Title: Visual literacy and digital image manipulation in a photographic setting
Ms CE FouchĂŠ
Field: Visual studies, Photography
Title: The evaluation of a programme for the development of English second language proficiency and literacy levels of academics Field: Language, Education
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Ms LQ Lekotoko
Field: Fashion
Title: Development of a home gardening training programme in order to alleviate food insecurity in the Vaal Triangle
Ms V Pissoort Title: Segmentation of visitors to selected art festivals in South Africa by means of profile variables Field: Tourism
Field: Nutrition Education Mr NS Mabote Title: Harmonisation of investment law in the South African law Field: Business Law Ms BS Mangolothi Title: Public relations and online press rooms: a content analysis of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange top 50 listed companies Field: Public Relations, Strategy Communication Mrs S G Mathabela Title: Evaluation of a home gardening training program aimed at informal settlement dwellers Field: Training Management Mr JM Mathee Title: A semiotic reading of metaphor in selected photographs from the Ghost Mountain Air series by Thinus Mathee (2001 – 2004) Field: Photography Ms RM Naidoo Title: Demands and resources of female fashion entrepreneurs in the Vaal Region
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Prof DL Schauffer Title: The concept of 'Universitas' in the formulation of Universities of Technology Field: Higher Education. Prof DL Schauffer Title: Theatre in the Namib Field: Drama, Theatre Studies Ms B M Selepe Title: The impact of home gardens on the nutritional status and access of food on preschool children in an informal settlement Field: Community Nutrition, Food Security Ms A Sooful Title: Black female resistance art in South Africa and its contribution to the rewriting of South African art history from 1984 to 1989 Field: Visual Art, Gender Studies Prof KV Thathiah Title: Art, economy and South African Universities of Technology Field: Higher Education, Visual Art, Design
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Prof KV Thathiah Title: Art, technology and South African Universities of Technology: The challenge of producing reflective practitioners Field: Visual Art, Design Prof KV Thathiah Title: South African Universities of Technology, globalisation and culture Field: Higher Education Ms J van Staden Title: Information seeking by female apparel consumers educators in Vanderbijlpark during the fashion decisionmaking process
obligatory school uniform in Vanderbijlpark Field: Fashion, Consumer Sciences Ms EM Zwane Title: Nutrition education programme for pregnant women in the Vaal Triangle region Field: Nutrition
Contract Research Prof KV Thathiah Title: Comparative arts funding models – the Swedish and British Arts Councils Company: National Arts Council of South Africa Field: Arts Management
Field: Consumer Science
Seminars/Workshops Presented Mr AW van Wyk
Dr CJ Morrison in conjunction with Dr RID Pooe
Title: Small fashion business owners and their businesses in the Vaal Region
Title: Interpersonal skills and group dynamics
Field: Fashion
Place: Vaal University of Technology
Presented to: Health care workers Date: 1-4 October 2007
Ms DS Vosloo Title: The influence of culture on L2 learning and teaching of first-year students at the Vaal University of Technology
Prof KV Thathiah Title: Against racism in the arts
Field: Language, Education
Presented to: Department of Justice and Constitutional Development Secretariat against racism and xenophobia
Ms I Wilken
Place: Pretoria
Title: Perspective of learners, parents and educators on
Date: 29 November 2007
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Exhibitions Ms L du Preez Title of exhibition: “Simulacra� solo show Gallery: Abalone Gallery, Hermanus
Apartheid South African townships where family relationships, social networks and neighbourhood recreation, in a myriad of vibrant forms, shape life notwithstanding the physical, social and economic difficulties that exist.
Date: 15 September-20 October 2007 Ms L du Preez Title of exhibition: Rendezvous Sculpture, group show Gallery: 17 Read rd Morningside, Johannesburg
The art of eking a living from no visible means and a de-facto kind of underground culture of low-level resistance to oppression, whether political or economic are reported.
Date: 8-16 December 2007 Catalogue: Included in extensive catalogue Ms A Sooful Title of exhibition: "Contemporary Visions of South Africa" Southern African artists and the Indian Ocean Islands Gallery: Pretoria Art Museum Date: 3 November-22 December 2007
It is here where the stokvel or communal, typically woman-led groups put their financial means together, contributes to the greater good of the community and forms the backbone of many families' survival.
A unique hybrid culture of tolerance and a spirit of marabi was created, which together can hold the key to the future of South Africa as a nation. Target group: Photography, Visual Sociology
Artefacts and Patents Mr J Doman Name: Codec#1 (ikasie) Description: A photographic exploration of everyday life in post-
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faculty of management sciences Staff Qualifications Completed in 2007 Ms A Buys MBA Title: The participation of a rural community in South Africa in the global economy North-West University Ms C Marais MTech Title: Labour legislation in Emfuleni's domestic worker sector: awareness and compliance Vaal University of Technology Ms AN Mnguni MCom Title: An overview of current and proposed accounting principles for revenue recognition Name of University: University of Johannesburg
Conferences Ms A Buys Title: The participation of a rural community in South Africa in the global economy Name of conference: International Business Conference Place: North-West University Date: 29-31 August 2007
Management Sciences Place: University of Johannesburg Date: 19-21 September 2007 Prof M Dhurup and Prof J Surujlal Title: Volunteer perception of benefits derived from volunteering: an empirical study Name of conference: The Sport Management Association of Australia and New Zealand (SMAANZ) Conference Place: Waiheke Island Resort, Auckland, New Zealand Date: 29 November-2 December 2007 Prof L de Wet Fourie and Dr J Vermaak Title: Continuous performance improvementin the South African Defence Force Name of conference: 9th International Conference of the Global Business and Technology Association (GBATA) Place: Taipei, Taiwan Date: 3-7 July 2007 Prof L de Wet Fourie, Dr S Mukhola and Dr E Rankhumise Title: The challenges facing affirmative action employees: views on training interventions Name of conference: 9th International Conference of the Global Business and Technology Association (GBATA) Place: Taipei, Taiwan Date: 3-7 July 2007
Ms A Buys Title: The importance of entrepreneurship in a rural community in South Africa Name of conference: South African Institute for
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Prof L du Plessis and Dr E Lodewyckx Title: Crossing the Rubicon in Higher Education Name of conference: SAARDHE Place: University of Pretoria Date: 2-3 July 2007 Mr PA Joubert Title: Beyond entrepreneurial education: professional skills for engineering students Name of conference: 5th International Conference on Entrepreneurship and Innovation Polytechnic Place: Polytechnic Namibia, Windhoek Date: 24-25 October 2007 ISBN: 978-0-620-39763-6 Ms I Shaw and Dr BS Shaw Title: Blood pressure and exercise: a comparative study Name of conference: 15th International Congress on Physical Education & Sport Place: Komotini, Greece Date: 16-18 May 2007 Ms I Shaw and Dr BS Shaw Title: 1. The effect of exercise training on high-and low density lipoprotein concentrations on sedentary adults 2. Specific exercise training in patients with moderate, persistent asthma Name of conference: 7th International Sport Science Conference (ISSC)
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Place: Kelantan, Malaysia Date: 2-5 September 2007 Prof J Surujlal and Prof P Singh Title: Athlete satisfaction at universities in Gauteng Name of conference: North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM) Conference Place: Fort Lauderdale, Florida Date: 29 May-3 June 2007 Prof J Surujlal Title: Compensation of professional sport coaches in South Africa Name of conference: The Sport Management Association of Australia and New Zealand (SMAANZ) Conference Place: Waiheke Island Resort, Auckland, New Zealand Date: 29 November – 2 December 2007 Prof L van der Walt and Ms A Buys Title: The participation of a rural community in South Africa in the global economy Name of conference: Academic Organisation Management Conference Place: Philadelphia, USA Date: 03-07 August 2007
Publications Prof M Dhurup and Ms BPPL Mohamme
Title: Assessing internal marketplace relationships: measuring internal service quality within
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a petro-chemical company Journal: Southern African Business Review, 2007,11(2):56-78
Journal: African Journal for Physical, Health Education Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD), 2007, 13(2):184-195
Prof L de Wet Fourie and Dr JIC Vermaak Title: Continuous performance improvement in the South African National Defence Force Journal: Journal for Transdisciplinary Research, 2007, 3(1):53-78
Prof J Surujlal and Prof P Singh Title: Job satisfaction of coaches: an international comparison Journal: African Journal for Physical, Health Education Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD), 2007, Special Edition:68-83
Dr A Garnett and Dr T Pelser Title: Organisational barriers to creativity in South African higher education institutions Journal: South African Journal of Higher Education (SAJHE), 2007, 21(1):50-67
Prof J Surujlal and Prof P Singh Title: Concerns of sport coaches: a qualitative study Journal: African Journal for Physical, Health Education Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD), 2007, Special Edition:84-96
Dr BS Shaw and Ms I Shaw Title: Effect of acute stretching on maximal expression of strength Journal: African Journal for Physical, Health Education Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD), 2007, 13(1):83-90
Prof J Surujlal and Prof P Singh Title: Satisfaction of athletes at universities in Gauteng: a comparison between male and female athletes Journal: African Journal for Physical, Health Education Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD), 2007, Special Edition:97-106
Dr BS Shaw and Ms I Shaw Title: Physical activity and high density lipoprotein cholesterol in sedentary male smokers Journal: African Journal for Physical, Health Education Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD), 2007, 13(4):441-452 Prof J Surujlal, Ms I Shaw and Dr BS Shaw Title: Physical Education: a qualitative study of grade 10 learners' perceptions
Publications in Books or Book Published Dr E Lodewyckx Title of book: Viva Accounting grade 11 Chapter in book: Non-profit organisations Publisher: Vivlia Publishers Date: 2007 Co-authors: Mr GJ Maseko, Ms N Rhodes, Mr R Rhodes,
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Ms B van der Vegt ISBN: 978-77024-312-5 Dr E Lodewyckx Title of book: Viva Accounting grade 12 Chapter in book: Close Corporations and Cash Flow Statements Publisher: Vivlia Publishers Date: 2007 Co-authors: Mr GJ Maseko, Ms N Rhodes, Mr R Rhodes, Ms B van der Vegt ISBN: 978-1-77024-059-9 Dr E Lodewyckx Title of book: Financial Accounting: fresh perspective Chapter in book: Chapter 13: Close Corporations & Chapter 14: Non-profit organisations Publisher: Pearson, Prentice Hall, South Africa Date: April 2007 Co-authors: Mr W Lรถtter, Ms N Rhodes, Mr C Seedat ISBN: 978-1-86891-285-8 Dr E Lodewyckx Title of book: Elementary Financial Accounting Volume 1 Generic Chapter in book: Chapter 1 to 5 Publisher: Publitech Date: 2007 Co-authors: Ms A Stander ISBN: 1-919929-74-6
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Dr E Lodewyckx Title of book: Elementary Financial Accounting Volume 2 Generic Chapter in book: Chapter 1 to 6 Publisher: Publitech Date: 2007 Co-authors: Ms A Stander ISBN: 1-919929-80-0 Dr E Lodewyckx Title of book: Intermediate Financial Accounting Volume 1 Generic Chapter in book: Chapter 1 to 8 Publisher: Publitech Date: 2007 Co-authors: Mr J Maseko and Mr E Makhuvele ISBN: 1-919929-75-4 Dr E Lodewyckx Title of book: Intermediate Financial Accounting Volume 2 Generic Chapter in book: Chapter 1 to 8 Publisher: Publitech Date: 2007 Co-authors: Mr J Maseko and Mr E Makhuvele ISBN: 1-919929-81-9 Dr E Lodewyckx Title of book: Accounting Principles & Practice Module 1 Chapter in book: Chapter 1 to 5
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Publisher: Publitech Date: 2007 Co-authors: Ms A Stander ISBN: 1-919929-76-2 Dr E Lodewyckx Title of book: Accounting Principles & Practice Module 2 Chapter in book: Chapter 1 to 5 Publisher: Publitech Date: 2007 Co-authors: Ms A Stander ISBN: 1-919929-82-7 Mr GJ Maseko Title of book: Viva Accounting grade 11 Chapter in book: Modules 2, 4 and 5 Publisher: Vivlia Publishers Date: 2007 Co-authors: Dr E Lodewyckx, Ms N Rhodes, Ms R Rhodes ISBN: 978-77024-312-5 Mr GJ Maseko Title of book: Viva Accounting grade 12 Chapter in book: Modules 1, 2, 5, 8 and 11 Publisher: Vivlia Publishers Date: 2007 Co-authors: Dr E Lodewyckx, Ms N Rhodes, Ms R Rhodes ISBN: 978-1-77024-059-9
Research-in-Progress 2007 Ms A Buys Title: Determinants and competencies for sustainable economic development: a case study of the Bantubonke and Mamelo communities within the Local Midvaal Municipality Field: Business Management Ms N De Klerk Title: Entrepreneurial and marketing skills for small tourism enterprises Field: Entrepreneurship, Marketing Prof M Dhurup Title: Motivational factors determining fan behaviour in domestic rugby matches Field: Sport Marketing Prof M Dhurup Title: Retention strategies in health clubs Field: Sport Marketing Dr A Garnett Title: Labeling practices of dietary supplement manufacturers in the South African market Field: Pharmaceutical Marketing Dr A Garnett Title: Secretary vs office manager: a paradigm shift Field: Educational Research
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Ms HU Haribhai Title: Inventory control and valuation in retail Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises in the Emfuleni Municipal District Field: Accounting Mr PA Joubert Title: Sexual harassment of staff at institutions of higher learning Field: Industrial Sociology Dr E Lodewyckx Title: Teaching Financial Accounting 1 via a board game Field: Financial Accounting Mr BA Mokoena Title: Academics' perception of implementation levels and impediments in external and internal marketing orientation in Universities of Technology in South Africa Field: Marketing Ms A Moller Title: Project management on small projects in Financial Accounting Field: Operational Research Ms VT Nolan Title: Data mining in higher education Field: Operational Research
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Ms LZ Radebe Title: The budgeting process of public secondary schools in the Vaal region Field: Accountancy Ms I Shaw Title: Relationship between resistance training and lipoprotein profiles in sedentary male smokers Field: Biokinetics Ms I Shaw Title: Dietary intake following endurance, resistance and concurrent endurance and resistance training Field: Biokinetics Ms I Shaw Title: The relationship between stretch duration and acute shoulder musculature flexibility Field: Biokinetics Prof J Surujlal Title: Creativity in sport coaches Field: Sport Management Prof J Surujlal Title: Parental involvement in youth sport Field: Sport Management Prof J Surujlal Title: Coping strategies of sport coaches Field: Sport Management
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Prof J Surujlal Title: Internship as a mechanism for the professional preparation of sport management personnel Field: Sport Management Ms S Venzke Title: The impact of intervention on undergraduate Auditing students Field: Education and Auditing Ms TM Victor Title: New product development in South African small and medium manufacturing enterprises: critical success factors, failures and best practices. Field: Marketing Ms JEE Ziemerink Title: The application of cost-and management accounting for the development of Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises in South Africa Field: Management Accounting
Prof M Dhurup Title: Financial recordkeeping in sport organisations Presented to: Educators, Club Managers and Sport Administrators of Sport Federations in Sasolburg Place: Sasolburg Training Centre, Sasolburg Date: 21 June 2007 Dr A Garnett Title: How to write a business plan Presented to: National Innovation Competition (NIC) Students Place: Vanderbijlpark Date: 1. 30 August 2007 2. 20 September 2007 Prof J Surujlal Title: Sport Administration for practitioners Presented to: Educators, Club Managers and Sport Administrators of Sport Federations in Sasolburg Place: Sasolburg Training Centre, Sasolburg Date: 6 June 2007
Seminars/Workshops Presented in 2007 Prof M Dhurup Title: Marketing of sport, marketing by sport, marketing through sport Presented to: Educators, Club Managers and Sport Administrators of Sport Federations in Sasolburg Place: Sasolburg Training Centre. Sasolburg Date: 20 June 2007
Prof J Surujlal Title: Facility Management for Practitioners Presented to: Sport administrators of Region G of Johannesburg Place: Isak Steyl Stadium, Vanderbijlpark Date: 11-12 September 2007
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Student counselling & support Research-in-progress Ms UG Hendrich Title: The predictive validity of selected factors affecting the academic achievement of first-year students at a university of technology Field: Educational Psychology Ms UG Hendrich Title: An investigation of various factors impacting the first semester academic achievement of first-year students at VUT Field: Educational Psychology
Examples of university approved focus areas Applied Electronics The main thrust behind the focus area is the application of electronics to develop products, technology and methods in dielectric heating, radio communication, and other analogue and digital electronic applications. Applied visual studies Deals with visual methods, which broadly refers to using visual images as an integral part of a research design in social science research.
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Economic growth and competitiveness of the Vaal Triangle tourism industry The focus is on programmes for forging integrated strategies and strategic alliances to exploit the potential of the tourism industry in the Vaal Triangle. Engineering education The Vaal University of Technology is a leading role player in South Africa regarding engineering education. This focus area aims to make a contribution towards the production of engineering graduates that are able to meet current (and future) academic, industrial and social challenges, by working with industry, professional bodies, lecturers and learners. The nature of the research focuses mainly on the teaching and learning process in engineering education at Universities. The process is divided into the input phase (prospective students), the process itself (students) and the output phase (graduates). Environmental pollution & health This research area focuses on the challenges of increased industrial pollution of air, water and soil by establishing degrees and effects of pollution. Solutions to the problems are devised through upgrading of existing technology and the development of new technology, which is transferred to industry. Fluid-thermal systems This research activity area focuses on research to improve, optimize and create new technology and
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applications of fluid-thermal systems. Invention and innovation of fluid-thermal systems and their components forms an integral part of these activities. Market and industry requirements are emphasized. Fostering sustainable economic development in the Vaal Region Research aimed at identifying strategic areas where the private and public sectors can channel their resources in alleviating unemployment, developing capacity for businesses, broad based economic empowerment (BEE) and creating new markets in order to stimulate growth. Innovative product development The focus is to develop innovative technology based products. The aim is multi-disciplinary and focuses on market applicability, especially the commercial applicability of research, product development and commercialization at VUT. Materials technology The focus is on engineering materials science and engineering applications. The application of instrumentation systems in industrial processes The focus is on research into Instrumentation & Automation. This includes the following areas: Fieldbus (wireless and hard-wired); networks; programmable devices and computer interfacing & programming. The integration and application of Information and Communication Technology in resource based education The integration and application of ICT to assist in the transformation of the Vaal University of Technology
into a centre of technological excellence. The focus is on effective communication and education strategies through computer mediated communication. Vibration condition monitoring The focus is on vibration monitoring, vibration measurement and analysis where the emphasis is placed on market and industry related projects to improve reliability, availability and efficiency of plant equipment. The activities include research, development, independent testing, teaching and consultation. Aspects of the research include: vibration monitoring and analysis of Rotating Machines, machinery condition monitoring linked to maintenance strategies, structural vibration analysis and re-certification of rolling element bearings.
Postgraduate research completed Ms MM Bothma MTech (Office Management and Technology) Title: Combating the corporate paper war. Optimizing electronic mail and electronic filing Ms ME Chibe MTech (Food Service Management) Title: Sustainability of corn soya blend use in the Orange Farms school feeding programme Ms KA Chmela-Jones MTech (Graphic Design) Title: Visual learning in a graphic design setting
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Ms M Grunlingh MTech (Biotechnology) Title: The use of ultraviolet light, cavitational flow and ultrasound to inactive protozoan parasites in drinking water
Mr JSR Nkuna MTech (Mechanical Engineering) Title: Vibration condition monitoring and fault classification of rolling element bearings utilizing kohonen's self-organising maps
Mr LE Jowah MTech (Business Administration) Title: Strategic marketing decisions employed by marketing practitioners in response to competition
Mr JPC Pieterse MTech (Business Administration) Title: Motivation and retention rates among technicians at Mittal Steel
Mr SJ Klopper MTech (Electrical Engineering) Title: Shaft voltages and currents in rotating electrical machines
Mr AJ Swart MTech (Education) Title: The correlation between student tardiness and throughput rate of engineering students
A Masala MTech (Chemical Engineering) Title: Development and Characterization of a chitosan fuel cell membrane
Ms TF Taylor MTech (Tourism Management) Title: An analysis of the cultural characteristics of the emerging black tourist market in Vanderbijlpark
Ms C Marais MTech (Labour Relations Management) Title: Labour legislation in Emfuleni's domestic worker sector: awareness and compliance
Ms SA Thamaga MTech (Food Service Management) Title: Evaluation of child caring patterns in an urban informal settlement
Mr SMJ Mtimkulu MTech (Business Administration) Title: The application of just-in-time within the materials management section of Telkom SA in Gauteng
Ms M Waetzel MTech (Education) Title: The effect of bilateral hemispheric stimulation amongst intro set programme participants at the Vaal University of Technology
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Annual Researcher of the Year Awards Ceremony (*) Staff members who received the “Acknowledgement of Research Potential” Awards with programme participants of the Annual Research Awards Ceremony held on 30 August 2007
Prof. LA du Plessis, Dr PO Osifo, Prof. JD Pretorius, *Ms JE Kearney, Prof. I Moutlana, *Dr RJ Moitsheki, *Ms N MacPherson, Mr AA Maseko (Guest Speaker – Manager Community Development Sasol Infrachem)
Vaal University of Technology receives Research Management recognition from the National Research Foundation (NRF) Prof. JD Pretorius & Ms C Sonnekus were presented with an award from the National Research Foundation for excellence in research management of external research funding and grants. The award specifically mentioned the recognition was for research office administration. The Research Directorate was established in 1996. VUT has been consistently seen as having excellence in research management. Out of the 23 universities throughout South Africa only 6 such awards were made. Photo from left: Prof. JD Pretorius, Ms C Sonnekus & Dr C Nhalpo (NRF Manager: IRDP)
(*) Staff members who received the “Annual Researcher of the Year” Awards with programme participants of the Annual Research Awards Ceremony held on 30 August 2007
*Dr HC van der Merwe, *Prof. CM van der Bank, *Ms I Shaw, Prof. LA du Plessis, Prof. JD Pretorius, Prof. I Moutlana, Mr A Maseko,* Dr MG Pinkoane, Prof. P Naidoo