Vaal University of Technology
THANK YOU Persons who assisted with the collation of the information for the Annual Research Report 2014:
Prof. M.J. Moloto
Prof. L. Masu
Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences
Mr P. Bhikha
Department: Research Directorate
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Ms A. van As
Technology Transfer & Innovation
Produced by SUN MeDIA MeTRO
Prof. J. Selesho
Faculty of Management Sciences
CONTENTS From the Vice-Chancellor and Principal ...................... 1 From the Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Academic and Research ............................................... 3 From the Executive Director: Research ...................................................................... 7 From the Executive Director: Technology Transfer and Innovation ............................... 9 From the Executive Dean: Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences .................... 13 From the Executive Dean: Faculty of Engineering & Technology ............................. 23 From the Executive Dean: Faculty of Human Sciences ........................................... 33
From the Executive Dean: Faculty of Management Sciences .................................. 41 Non-Faculty Research Outputs .................................... 52 From the Centre of Sustainable Livelihoods ................ 55 From the Centre for Alternative Energy ....................... 59 From the Centre for Renewable Energy and Water ...... 63 From the Research Office ............................................ 67 Research Highlights .................................................... 79 Postgraduate Report: 2014 Highlights............................................................. 85
Prof. I.N. Moutlana
ur research focuses on deepening our understanding of underlying phenomena and social conditions so as to generate novel, viable, scalable and sustainable solutions to challenges experienced within the industry, local communities and society at large. ~ Prof. I.N. Moutlana ~
t is my honour and privilege to present to you the latest publication on new and innovative knowledge our students and academics have been engaging on during the past year. As you will notice, we have certainly steadily pursued the trend towards growing research. The growth of our research outputs is a direct result of various initiatives and interventions that were introduced in the past few years to shore up and sustain a ‘culture of research’ within the Vaal University of Technology (VUT). These include local and international university collaborations on one hand, and government, community and industry partnerships to address societal challenges on the other. One of our key focus areas continues to be staff qualification completion, and we are extremely committed to ensuring that we enhance the capacity of our staff to deliver on the human capacity development needs of the country. The University’s accredited research outputs show steady increase from 2008. The top ten national priorities of the Government continue to form part of the inputs that determine our research agenda, such as food security, nutrition, health, alternative energy
sources, water rehabilitation, enzyme technology, non-destructive testing advanced manufacturing, and nanotechnology. Our research focuses on deepening our under standing of underlying phenomena and social conditions so as to generate novel, viable, scalable and sustainable solutions to challenges experienced within the industry, local communities and society at large. The University’s approach to research is multi- and inter-disciplinary. It enables our postgraduates and academics to harvest knowledge and technology platforms gained across the four faculties of Engineering and Technology, Applied and Computer Sciences, Human Sciences and Management Sciences. The nexus between the Directorate for Technology Transfer and Innovation, the faculties, industry and community has resulted in the establishment of a Science and Technology Park (STP) in Sebokeng. The park houses the Southern Gauteng Innovation Forum, the Advanced Manufacturing Precinct, Centres of Excellence, as well as training centres for skills development. The STP operates on economic and business models that support local, regional and international competitiveness.
In the pages that follow, we highlight the achievements of key research programmes and projects. I would like to congratulate and thank all those who have tirelessly contributed to the work reflected in this publication.
Prof. K.P. Dzvimbo
e-imagining our research trajectory at the VUT
he major challenge for the VUT in terms of enhancing and establishing a culture of research productivity within the University, is partly historical because of the manner in which we are constructed as a University of Technology (UOT). Our history is located in a technical college and a technikon, of which the mandate was the development of artisans and skilled technicians for the industry. When we became a Technikon, however, the focus shifted to teaching so that we could produce highly skilled technicians for the industry. As such, the academics focused mainly on teaching and student support rather than on research and knowledge production. As a UOT, it is critical for us to be engaged in both basic as well as applied research in order for to contribute to the advancement of knowledge in our disciplines, the institutional curriculum, and society as a whole. As a UOT we are well placed to contribute to the development of a knowledge economy in South Africa and the African continent – especially due to the nature of the programmes we offer. However, we have to continue pushing boundaries at the nexus of facilitation of learning and student support on the one hand, and research and innovation on the other. Research and innovation at the VUT should strive to explore the interface between science, engineering, technology, and the human and social sciences in order to deliver
Individual research plan
practical solutions toward the socio-economic and political development of South Africa as well as the African continent. Our performance in the research arena for the past few years has been a challenge for a number of reasons. Most importantly, our staff members have focused on teaching and student support largely due to the fact that, as a UOT, we enrol students who come to the academy with inadequate skills in Mathematics and Science in particular. Secondly, because of large student numbers and fewer academics the workloads for the majority of the staff members have been high. These challenges are now being addressed. Therefore, it is the expectation of the University that every academic, and indeed all our staff members, should be involved in blue skies, applied and reflexive research so that we can be part of the 2030 agenda to ensure that South Africa moves toward being a knowledge society. To achieve this objective the VUT has put policies and support structures in place to help enhance a multi-disciplinary approach toward research, which aims at pushing boundaries in various disciplines and finding solutions to problems that we face as a developing nation and continent. As a UOT we have the vision, determination and resources that can enable the VUT to contribute
Departmental research plan
Faculty research plan
to the technological advancement of our country and the continent. As such, we have now slight ly modified the institutional research model. Re search has to be driven from the individual, the departmental, and the faculty levels. The Office of the Executive Director: Research will continue to play a facilitative role and support engagement in research by all academics. What this means is that, from now onwards, it is an expectation that each individual academic should have a research plan which feeds into the departmental and faculty research plans. The research plans from the various faculties are critical in the realisation of the research strategic plan of the Institution which, in turn, has to enable us to realise the Predetermined Objectives (PDOs) on research and development. Obviously the University has a particular research focus and niche areas because of its construction as a UOT. Departments and faculties will be expected to play critical roles in driving some of the research niche areas. Most importantly, our research plans at departmental, faculty and institutional levels have to assist us in implementing the vision and mission of the institutional corporate strategy and its targets. We need to develop a monitoring strategy review model in which we assess ourselves on a monthly and quarterly basis. We should remember that ‘We cannot manage what we cannot measure.’ Even at
Institutional research plan
National research strategy and plan
A constructionist and reflective approach to research
the individual and departmental levels, we should have key performance indicators (KPIs) and targets that are monitored and assessed on a monthly and quarterly basis as far as research is concerned. Our main objective is to ensure that we all focus on increasing our research productivity so that we move from the bottom five universities in the ranking of South African universities as far as research is concerned to the next group of five within the next year. This suggestion is contentious as most academics are not happy to be compared with other UOTs, research intensive universities, and comprehensive universities. Notwithstanding these contentions, it is a fact that we now have to compete for funding, undergraduate and post-graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, academics and other resources. Therefore, competition is part and parcel of the academic endeavour. Hence the old adage of publish or perish. For us to achieve this lofty goal in research pro ductivity and eventually experience its impact, we envisage a trajectory in which the current focus is to animate faculties, departments, institutes and centres in terms of research productivity that is multi-disciplinary and supports the major disciplines within the faculties. What I am advo cating for is to ensure that we do the following within the Institution: 1. The first step is to create an enabling environ ment for all academics to be involved in research. The critical element at this stage is to make sure that colleagues who were once at the periphery of the research agenda in the University are brought into the center by providing incentives for them to do so. The VUT is not very different from most South African universities in that few black academics have been in involved in research. This situation has to change as part of our broader transformation agenda. Here I agree with Badat (2006:90) when he argues that the focus should be on the development of critical researchers who “are actors who frame their knowledge production using critical theoretical discourses” 1 – even in 1 Badat, S., 2006. From innocence to critical reflexivity: critical researchers, research and writing, and higher education policy making. In: Neave, G. (ed.). Knowledge, Power and Dissent: Critical Perspectives on Higher Education and Research in Knowledge Society. Paris: UNESCO. 90.
the physical and natural sciences. One can also argue that what is required is a Foucauldian analysis in research in which the focus falls on research questions that are predicated on a de-colonial epistemic that is committed to interrogating discourses of knowledge, power and ideology, and how these aspects are brought into play in the post-apartheid society we inhabit as intellectuals and as citizens. Apart from contributing to the development of disciplinary knowledge, research needs to help improve the lives of the majority of South Africans and Africans on the continent. 2. The next stage in our research trajectory is to focus on the quality of our research outputs. This means that we will need to start thinking about the impact that we have continentally as well as globally. As such, it is essential that we are exposed to the necessary skills and knowledge that will help us publish more academic articles in high impact journals. This is why we intend to have a workshop with editors of local and international journals who can help us increase our influence in disciplines ranging from costing to nano-technologies. It is at this stage that we should also be concerned with mapping out the research-policy matrix so that we impact on policies at a national as well as continental level – from water and energy, to safety, public finance, and accounting. However, in the process our research should be based on the South African context so that we do not produce modes of research that promote “technically trained docility”2 among our researchers and students.
CONCLUSION The VUT will continue to support colleagues so that they complete their Masters and Doctoral studies, locally and internationally. Facilities are now in place to assist colleagues to harvest articles from their dissertations and theses. The University has a Research and Development Grant (RDG) that will also be used for various research activities so that academics can be involved in individual and collaborative research activities that generate subsidy and publications that have an impact on 2 Naussbaum, M. C., 2010. Not for Profit: Why Democracy needs the humanities. Princeton: Princeton University Press. 10.
the disciplines and policies in a number of sectors. The RDG will also be used to increase our linkages with other continental and overseas universities to enhance collaborative research. We hope that colleagues will take on this challenge and develop linkages with other universities – particularly those in Brazil, India and China because of the phenomenal growth that has taken place in these countries. We need to understand the role of the academy in this process of economic growth and industrialisation that we have seen in China, India and Brazil in particular. Through the RDG we are also going to support the development of more NRF-rated academics, post-doctoral fellowships, and research chairs through excellent work that is already happening in our faculties, centres and institutes, as well as at the Science Park in areas such as Technology Transfer and Innovation, the Institute of Applied Electronics, the Centre for Sustainable Livelihoods, Institute of Chemical and Biotechnology, and the French SA Schneider Electric Education Centre. At an institutional level, we will continue to enhance the following activities, as outlined in our research and innovation strategy: 1. The development of new policies such as those for visiting professors, scholars and lecturers, and conference funding for postgraduate students. The intention is to create new opportunities for the enrichment of VUT staff members. 2. The strengthening of the Staff Qualification Completion Programme for staff doing their Masters degree in partnership with Global Legacy Trust. 3. The launching of the Supervisors Capacity De velopment Programme with Global Legacy Trust. 4. The strengthening of the Community Engagement Scholars Capacity Building Programme which is intended to encourage group research develop ment and collaboration. We are convinced that such a trajectory will enhance the transformation of the research culture within the VUT. This will be done through enhanc ing current efforts which focus on emerging academics and mentoring programmes. For us at the VUT, as far as research is concerned:
Transformation refers to a movement through time of reformulating reified structures of meaning by reconstructing dominant narratives… we transform frames of reference – our own and those of others – by becoming critically reflective of their assumptions and aware of their context – the sources, nature and consequences of taken-for-granted beliefs.3 3 Mezirow, J., 2000. Learning to think like an Adult: Core Concepts of Transformation Theory. In: Mezirow, J. and Associates (eds.). Learning
Thus, transformation of the research cultures talks to epistemologies and philosophies that undergird the research environment and its orientation which we hope to nurture in this Institution. The context starts at the individual level, after which we move on to the department, the faculty and, eventually, the entire University. It is not going to be an easy task. However, we are convinced that with the current support we receive from the Council, the as Transformation: Critical Perspectives on a Theory of Progress. California: Jossey-Bass. 19.
Vice Chancellor and Principal, Prof. Irene Moutlana, we will be able to achieve our goal of animating the research culture at the VUT.
Dr. B. Johnson
very year, more and more of our staff members are becoming interested in participating in research.
he research environment at the Vaal University of Technology (VUT) has shown signs of maturing annually. We are extremely excited to be a part of and to contribute toward this development. As a research development team we remain committed to supporting staff and students in developing their capacity to enhance their research. Every year, more and more staff members become interested in participating in research. As an institution we are extremely proud to have staff members of their calibre and we are, therefore, committed to further boost the capacity of research at our institution as well as for the sake of national benefit. The nature of research at our institution, too, is maturing. Systematic investments into infrastructure as well as student scholarships to enable more full-time study, clearly indicate the importance of creating appropriate support structures to enable the development of a research culture. The next generation of academics supported through the Hub and Spokes model demonstrates how excellent academic capacity can be developed with more support – as is evident in the more than 60% of the total cohort achieving cum laude in their studies.
More researchers are also becoming rated, further demonstrating the importance of strengthening engagements with the external environment, including the national systems of Science and Technology and international collaborators. We are particularly grateful to the National Research Foundation, the Department of Higher Education and Training, the Department of Science and Technology, the Department of Trade and Industry, Eskom, Sasol, Talbot & Talbot, and the Water Research Commission, as well as a range of other companies – especially in the food industry – for strengthening their partnerships with the VUT. These relations have been developed through collaborations within focused research areas, but also at an institutional level to support the development of research and collaboration. Research capacity development has been strength ened by decentralising these opportunities to faculties and departments, thereby not only ensuring the institutionalisation of a research culture, but also needs-responsive capacity building programmes for staff. The main objective of the institution remains to strengthen its staff qualification profile so that more staff members will be able to develop their research, supervise students, and strengthen the critical mass in stimulating a research culture.
A telling sign of the stimulating research environment is the way in which the institution’s Research Awards has become increasingly competitive. More staff members are interested in participating, competing and scooping up these awards. We look forward to further enhance and deepen research participation at the VUT. All indications are that this will happen as more heads of departments become involved in research, create opportunities for staff members, and support the development of the institutional strategy in realising its capacity to be a university with a technology focus. I would like to extend my gratitude to all researchers and students at the VUT, and also to the staff members in the research office who work tirelessly in order to ensure that researchers are consistently supported in enabling research at the VUT.
Dr. J. Molete
n fulfilling its strategic objectives, the TTI became the planned bridge between the VUT, industry, commerce and the community in order to empower the VUT to engage in partnership models within the Southern Gauteng region.
n all respects, 2014 became a watershed for the Technology Transfer and Innovation (TTI) Directorate, moving from strategically planned initiatives to implementation.
In fulfilling its strategic objectives, the TTI became the planned bridge between the VUT, industry, commerce and the community, so as to empower the VUT to engage in partnership models in the Southern Gauteng region in order to develop shared strategies for the advancement of social, technological and economic development. Examples of these include ¥¥
the revision of the science park strategy informed by the integrated development of the district and the National Development Plan (NDP);
the expansion of the Sedichem incubator into an agricultural and natural products platform;
attraction of funding from the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) to establish a traditional medicines platform to the value of R34 million;
the Short Learning Programme (SLP) Unit establishing a partnership with the LG Seta to promote training and development within the municipal sector;
the launching of the national footwear and leatherwear cluster as well as the shoe and innovation centre;
the collaboration with High Voltage Technology (Pty) Ltd to supply a novel anti-perch device to Eskom over a three year period;
establishing the regional Corporate Social Investment Forum and the Agricultural Forum; and
numerous entrepreneurs and companies being supported in product development in collaboration with the IDC and the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI).
As such, the TTI successfully added a unique conduit through which the VUT can impact regionally, nationally and internationally. The TTI creates opportunities for the University to collaborate with Commerce, Industry and the Community, together with Government departments and agencies to facilitate operating through a quadruple-helix mode. This enables the VUT to create an entrepreneurial university environment by ¥¥
setting up technology platforms or competence groups to respond to strategic government priorities, or in line with industry, commerce or community needs;
transferring and commercialising university research products to commerce, industry and the community;
developing opportunities for students (internships, jobs, entrepreneurship);
commercialising know-how and innovation by students, graduates and staff, and capitalising on business development realised by other potential entrepreneurs; and
setting up campus companies where the University might retain a stake in the firm for a while.
The TTI strives to create sustainability in terms of research development, innovation, and technology transfer and demonstration through the generation of third stream income to support innovative research and development in support of industry and community needs. Sustainability is furthermore created through assets in the form of new technology platforms or income through external grants, licensing agreements, patents or equity in start-up businesses. In parallel, availability of new technology platforms broadens the VUT’s research base, builds research and innovation capacity, and facilitates the transfer of skills and technology to the wider community (which includes commerce and industry). This enables the University to address knowledge generation and development of human resources. Based on the foundation of creating an external funding stream to support industry-oriented research and development and skills development, the VUT-community created a sustainable system to develop and maintain partnerships and markets which generate demands for new products and services. The TTI, through its different structures, supports companies (or industry clusters) that seek a fresh approach to development and marke ting stra tegies by availing technology platforms, technological innovations and technical expertise. In creating awareness of selected technologies such as additive or direct digital manufacturing, design automation, or new scientific or business processes, a contribution is made towards raising companies’ competitiveness within a portfolio of best practices on technological innovation – while training students and/or company employees on cutting-edge technologies.
Examples of new and unique technology platforms for both research and technology transfer and innovation support include ¥¥
a full-fledged footwear incubator and demonstration centre;
a natural products incubator;
an e-literacy centre; and
a community fabrication laboratory.
As the Executive Director, I would like to express sincere thanks to the entire TTI team, who worked tirelessly to support the strategic goals into implementation. I am also grateful to the Research Directorate, for its continuous support and collegiality. Last, but not least, I would like to express my gratitude toward the VUT’s Executive Management, for allowing the TTI to dream big, and for supporting the team to achieve these dreams!
TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER AND INNOVATION RESEARCH OUTPUTS Conferences (Papers and posters presented) Presenter and co-presenters: Van der Merwe, H.L., De Beer, D.J. and A. El Mohamadi Title of paper: The quality management system required to manage ‘The Advanced Manufacturing Precinct’ at VUT. Date: 2014
Conferences (Papers and posters presented) Presenter and co-presenters: Becker, L., Campbell, R.I., De Beer, D.J., Bouwer, W. and Du Preez, D.J. Title of paper: Laser sintered components used as a primary contributor to versatile hybrid prototypes: A case study implementing the South African additive manufacturing technology roadmap – the role of an additive manufacturing centre of competence Date: 2014
Conferences (Papers and posters presented) Presenter and co-presenter: Van Tonder, M. and De Beer, D.J. Title of paper: Development of a more ‘rugged’ printing head system Date: 2014
Conferences (Papers and posters presented) Presenter: De Beer, D.J. Title of paper: The use of additive manufacturing to support strategies for regional innovation and sustainable development Date: 2014
Conferences (Papers and posters presented) Presenter: Modise, S.J. Title of paper: Characterisation and usage of selected polymer membranes in the recovery of transition-metal catalyst systems Date: 2014
Conferences (Papers and posters presented) Presenter and co-presenter: La Grange, J., Becker, L. and De Beer, D.J. Title of paper: Entry level FDM 3-D printer produced parts can satisfy certain niche markets in the industry Date: 2014
Conferences (Papers and posters presented) Presenter and co-presenters: Van der Walt, P., Van der Merwe, N. and De Beer, D.J. Title of paper: Designing bespoke adjustable sockets for prosthetics using cad software and 3-D printing Date: 2014
Conferences (Papers and posters presented) Presenter and co-presenters: Sanni, S.O., Modise, S.J. and Sipamla, A. Title of paper: Batch absorption studies and oxidant effects on photo catalytic degration of methyl orange by titania particles dispersed on dealuminated clinoptilolite Date: 2014
Publications (Books/chapters in books) Author: Dountio, J. Title: To what extent has the IPR Act promoted technology transfer at higher education institutions? Date: 2015
Publications (Books/chapters in books) Author and co-authors : Campbell, R.I., De Beer, D.J., Mauchline, D.A., Becker, L., Van der Grijp, R., Ariadi, Y. and Evans, M.A. Title: Additive manufacturing as an enabler for enhanced consumer involvement Date: 2014
Publications (Books/chapters in books) Author and co-authors: Agrawal, S.J., De Beer, D.J. and Modi, Y.K. Title: Conversion of a GIS surface data directly to a 3-D STL part for terrain modelling Date: 2014
Publications (Books/chapters in books)
Research in progress
Author and co-authors: Brown, A.C., De Beer, D.J. and Conradie, P. Title: Development of a Stereo Lithography (STL) input and Computer Numerical Control (CNC) output algorithm for an entry-level 3-D printer Date: 2014
Researcher: Modise, A.B. Title: As it appears in Senate Document Field: e.g. Chemical Engineering, electrochemistry
Prof. B.R. Mabuza
he Faculty has become a global player in research and scholarship, consisting of a diverse group of dedicated research staff and students who have made a remarkable contribution in growing research.
he Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences is hard at work to structure its research into projects and programmes in order to increase legibility and visibility of its research. This will lead to an optimisation of the most needed balances between Science and Technology, academic and industrial partnerships, scientific influence, and dissemination of research – be it long-term or short-term.
order to provide research solutions to business, community and government organisations. Our research is active in the following departments: Biomedical Technology, Biotechnology, Chemistry, Information Technology, Mathematics, and NonDestructive Testing.
The Faculty has become a global player in research and scholarship, consisting of a diverse group of dedicated research staff and students who have made a remarkable contribution in growing research.
The Faculty has seen Masters and Doctoral degree students graduate in broad areas of research excellence. It is committed to building upon its excellent talent bases in order to pursue new applied research and development, with the aim to register patents and to embark on commercialisation in consultation with the VUT Science Park at Educity.
The Faculty began to conduct multidisciplinary research, starting with the aim to produce and encourage state-of-the-art publications in accredited journals and prestigious proceedings, followed by generating research capacity through external funding. It furthermore forges partnerships with other universities and industry partners in
The Faculty takes pride in developing targeted research thrusts over the next three years. The discussion on new contractual research collaboration agreements – either bilateral or multilateral – is underway, which will include incentive fund projects such as industrial contracts, government contracts, and community contracts.
All the research papers, books and chapters published in books, are listed below. These were written and published by men and women who regard research as a way of life within the academic environment. Well done colleagues. Keep up the good work, and your legacy will remain with your undergraduate and postgraduate students many years into the future.
FACULTY OF APPLIED AND C0MPUTER SCIENCES RESEARCH OUTPUTS Postgraduate Staff Qualifications Completed in 2014 Name: Walmsley, T.A. Qualification: PhD (Microbiology) Dissertation/thesis title: An investigation into the bacterial diversity associated with South African Latrunculid sponges that produce bioactive secondary metabolites University/institution: Rhodes University Name: Tshifhiwa, M. Qualification: MTech Dissertation/thesis title: Determination of the antibacterial, antioxidant activity, isolation and characterisation of active compounds from the leaves of the Rhus leptodictya plant University/institution: Vaal University of Technology
Conferences (papers and posters presented) Presenter and co-presenters: Xaba, T., Moloto, M.J. and Moloto, N. Title of paper: The effect of water-soluble capping molecules in the ‘green’ synthesis of CdS nanoparticles using the (Z)-2-(pyrrolidin-2ylidene) thiourea ligand Conference: IUPAC Conference on Green Chemistry Place: Elangeni Hotel, Durban, South Africa Date: 17 to 21 August 2014 Presenter and co-presenters: Morifi, E.L., Moloto, M.J. and Matabola, K.P. Title of paper: Synthesis and characterisation of cobalt and cadmium chalcogenide nanomaterial from complexes based on thiourea and urea Conference: IUPAC Conference on Green Chemistry Place: Elangeni Hotel, Durban, South Africa Date: 17 to 21 August 2014 Presenter and co-presenters: More, D.S., Moloto, M.J. and Moloto, N. Title of paper: The influence of temperature on the synthesis of HDA-capped silver selenide nanoparticles Conference: 5th International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology in Africa
Place: Quest Conference Estates, VUT, South Africa Date: 30 March to 2 April 2014 Presenter and co-presenters: Airo, M., Moloto, M.J. and Moloto, N. Title of paper: Effect of indium precursor concentration on the pseudo top-down approach: A mechanism proposed for the formation of InSe nanosheets via colloidal synthesis Conference: 5th International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology in Africa Place: Quest Conference Estates, VUT, South Africa Date: 30 March to 2 April 2014 Presenter and co-presenters: Govindraju, S., Moloto, M.J., Moloto, N. and Sikhwivhilu, L.M. Title of paper: Microscopy techniques used to help determine distribution of CuxSey in polymer nanocomposites Conference: 5th International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology in Africa Place: Quest Conference Estates, VUT, South Africa Date: 30 March to 2 April 2014 Presenter and co-presenters: Sibokoza, S.B., Moloto, M.J. and Moloto, N. Title of paper: The effect of temperature and concentration of the synthesis of HDA-capped cobalt sulphide nanoparticles using single source precursor method Conference: 5th International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology in Africa Place: Quest Conference Estates, VUT, South Africa Date: 30 March to 2 April 2014 Presenter and co-presenters: Xaba, T., Moloto, M.J. and Moloto, N. Title of paper: The effect of water-soluble capping molecules in the ‘green’ synthesis of CdS nanoparticles using the (Z)-2-(pyrrolidin-2ylidene) thiourea ligand Conference: 5th International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology in Africa Place: Quest Conference Estates, VUT, South Africa Date: 30 March to 2 April 2014
Presenter and co-presenters: Kalenga, M.P., Moloto, N., Moloto, M.J. and Sikhwivhilu, L.M. Title of paper: Syntheses and characterisation of metal chalcogenide nanocrystals for photovoltaic applications Conference: 5th International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology in Africa Place: Quest Conference Estates, VUT, South Africa Date: 30 March to 2 April 2014 Presenter and co-presenter: Morifi, E.L. and Moloto, M.J. Title of paper: Synthesis and characterisation of cadmium core-shell nanoparticles based on urea and thiourea Conference: 5th International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology in Africa Place: Quest Conference Estates, VUT, South Africa Date: 30 March to 2 April 2014 Presenter: Moloto, M.J. Title of paper: The use of quantum dots as polymer fillers and in the preparation of coreshells Conference: 5th International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology in Africa Place: Quest Conference Estates, VUT, Africa Date: 30 March to 2 April 2014 Presenter and co-presenters: Aliye, N., Fabbretti, A. and Spurio, R. Title of paper: Optimisation of real-time qPCR as novel tool to read emission of fluorescent protein Conference: 5th International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Place: Vanderbijlpark, South Africa Date: 30 March to 2 April 2014 Presenter and co-presenters: Pillay, M., Selaocoe, M. and Adebola, P. Title of paper: Assessing the genetic diversity of South African sweet potato germplasm using DNA and protein markers Conference: 10th Southern African Plant Breeding Symposium Place: Thaba Nchu, South Africa Date: 9 to 13 March 2014
Presenter and co-presenter: Pillay, M. and Fungo, R. Title of paper: Diversity of iron and zinc in bananas from East and Central Africa Conference: Global conference on Applied Engineering and Environment Research Place: Okinawa, Japan Date: 6 to 8 September 2014 Presenter and co-presenters: Chichomvu, P., Stegmann, P. and Pillay, M. Title of paper: Identification and characterisation of heavy metal resistant bacteria from the Klip River Conference: International Scholarly and Scientific Research and Innovation Conference Place: Cape Town, South Africa Date: 6 to 7 November 2014 Presenter and co-presenters: Ssemakalu, C., Ubomba-Jaswa, E., Motaung, K.S. and Pillay, M. Title of paper: Could the consumption of solar disinfected pathogens induce immunity? Conference: 9th FAIS Immunology Conference: Towards full integration of Immunology into Africa’s health care systems Place: Nairobi, Kenya Date: 1 to 4 December 2014 Presenter: Mahlobo, R.K. Title of paper: A model of an openended task-based approach in grade 11 mathematics classes Conference: Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM 2014) Education Conference Place: British Columbia Normal University, Vancouver, Canada Date: 12 to 15 July 2014 Presenter: Lebelo, R.S. Title of paper: Numerical investigation of CO2 emission and thermal stability of a convective and radiative stockpile of reactive material in a cylindrical pipe of variable thermal conductivity Conference: ICFAS 2014 Place: Kuala-Lumpur, Malaysia Date: 3 to 5 June 2014 ISBN: 978-0-7354-1258-3
Presenter and co-presenter: Mogotlane, K.D. and Fonou-Dombeu, J.V. Title of paper: Development of a data model for semantic exploitation of municipality records in South Africa Conference: 2014 IST-Africa Conference and Exhibition Place: Pointe Aux Piments, Mauritius Date: 6 to 9 May 2014 ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-905824-44-1 Presenter and co-presenter: Mogotlane, K.D. and Fonou-Dombeu, J.V. Title of paper: Measurement of protégé plug-ins performances in automatic construction of ontologies from relational databases Conference: 8th International Conference on Software, Knowledge, Information Management and Application (SKIMA 2014) Place: Dhaka, Bangladesh Date: 18 to 20 December 2014 ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-4799-6399-7/14 Presenter and co-presenters: Fonou-Dombeu, J.V., Phiri, N.M. and Huisman, M. Title of paper: Persistent storage and query of e-government ontologies in relational databases Conference: 3rd International Conference on E-government and the Information Systems Perspectives (EGOVIS-2014) Place: Munich, Germany Date: 1 to 5 September 2014 ISBN/ISSN: 978-3-319-10177-4
Presenter and co-presenters: Naidoo, E.B., Pholosi, A. and Ofomaja, A.E. Title of paper: A novel biosorbent resin for removal of radioactive cesium from wastewater Conference: WISA Biennial Conference Place: Mbombela, Mpumalanga, South Africa Date: 25 to 29 May 2014 Presenter and co-presenter: Naidoo, E.B. and Ofomaja, A.E. Title of paper: Footprint of pine cone an agricultural waste product as a natural biosorbent in removal of dyes and heavy metals from wastewater Conference: 5th International IUPAC Conference on Green Chemistry Place: Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa Date: 17 to 21 August 2014 Presenter and co-presenters: Kupeta, A.K.J., Ofomaja, A.E. and Naidoo, E.B. Title of paper: Iron oxide-biomass magnetic composite for chromium adsorption Conference: Analitika 2014 Conference Place: Parys, Free State, South Africa Date: 7 to 11 September 2014 Presenter and co-presenters: Pholosi, A., Ofomaja, A.E. and Naidoo, E.B. Title of paper: Effect of Hexamethylene diisocyanate cross-linking on the adsorption of 4-nitrophenol onto Fenton’s treated pine cone Conference: Analitika 2014 Conference Place: Parys, Free State, South Africa Date: 7 to 11 September 2014
Presenter and co-presenter: Prasad, R.P. and Naidoo, E.B. Title of paper: Ultrasonic synthesis of high fluorescent C-dots and modified with CuWO4 nanocomposite for effective photocatalytic activity Conference: International Conference on Environment and Energy Place: JNTUH, India Date: 15 to 17 December 2014
Presenter and co-presenter: Grobler, C.J. and Oldewage-Theron, W.H. Title of paper: Impact of vitamin B12, B6 and folate supplementation on the cardiovascular risk markers in an elderly community of Sharpeville, South Africa Conference: 14th International Nutrition and Diagnostics Conference Place: Prague, Czech Republic Date: 2 to 5 September 2014
Presenter and co-presenters: Bout, W., Nelana, S.M. and Mtunzi, F.M. Title of paper: Screening of pyrazolone ligands in Hech coupling reaction Conference: U6-International Conference Place: Peninsula University of Technology, Cape Town Date: 8 to 10 September 2014
Presenter and co-presenters: Grobler, C.J., Dukas, A. and Oldewage-Theron, W.H. Title of paper: The correlation between PCSK9 levels and metabolic syndrome in black elderly in South Africa Conference: 2nd World Congress of Clinical Lipidology Conference Place: Vienna, Austria Date: 5 to 7 December 2014
Presenter and co-presenters: Bout, W., Nelana, S.M. and Mtunzi, F.M. Title of paper: Screening of pyrazolone ligands in Hech coupling reaction Conference: SACI Young Chemists Symposium (Gauteng 2014) Place: North-West University, Potchefstroom, South Africa Date: 11 November 2014 Presenter and co-presenters: Isabirye, D.A., Mtunzi, F.M. and Aiyelabola, T.O. Title of paper: Synthesis and kinetic metalation of 2, 3, 7, 8, 12, 13, 17, 18-octakis (propyl), N, N, N’, N’ -tetramethylamino porphyrazines and 2, 3, 9, 10, 16, 17, 23, 24-octa substituted phthalocyanine Conference: 12th European Biological Inorganic Chemistry Conference Place: Zurich, Switzerland Date: 24 to 28 August 2014 Presenter and co-presenter: Mtunzi, F.M. and Muleya, E. Title of paper: Free radical scavenging and antibacterial activity of crude extracts from selected plants of medicinal value used in Zululand Conference: 3rd International Conference on Antimicrobial Research Place: Madrid, Spain Date: 1 to 3 October 2014
Presenter and co-presenters: Dukas, A., Grobler, C.J. and Oldewage-Theron, W.H. Title of paper: An evaluation of PCSK9 levels and an extended lipid profile in a black elderly community in South Africa Conference: 2nd World Congress of Clinical Lipidology Conference Place: Vienna, Austria Date: 5 to 7 December 2014 Presenter: Pinkoane, M. Title of paper: Biomedical personnel’s perceptions and attitudes regarding the incorporation of traditional healers into the National Health Care delivery system Conference: 2nd International Conference and Exhibition on Traditional and Alternative Medicine Place: Beijing, China Date: 25 to 26 August 2014 Presenter: Pinkoane, M. Title of paper: Impact of immunodeficiency virus on the elderly in the Vaal region Conference: International Council of Women Health Issues Place: Cape Town, South Africa Date: 10 to 12 November 2014 Presenter: Takaidza, I. Title of paper: Optimal labour productivity in the presence of substance abuse Conference: European Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology
Place: Chalmers University, Sweden Date: 15 to 19 June 2014 Presenter: Takaidza, I. Title of paper: Optimal control of smoking dynamics Conference: Southern African Mathematical Sciences Association 33rd Annual Conference Place: Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe Date: 24 to 28 November 2014 Presenter and co-presenter: Farah, A.M. and Dikio, E.D. Title of paper: Synthesis of prussian blue and its electrochemical detection of hydrogen peroxide based on Cetyltrimethylammonium Bromide (CTAB) modified glassy carbon electrode Conference: Biosensors 2014 International Conference Place: Melbourne, Australia Date: 27 to 30 May 2014 Presenter and co-presenters: Veerabhadram, P., De Beer, D. J. and Conradie, P. Title of paper: BlackBerry mobile learning environment for higher education institutes Conference: Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Computer Science and Engineering (ICACSE 2013) Place: Hyderabad, India Date: 7 to 8 January 2014 ISBN/ISSN: 978-93-5104-132-0 Presenter and co-presenter: Veerabhadram, P. and Conradie, P. Title of paper: Mobile cloud framework architecture for higher education institutions Conference: Proceedings of Science and Information Conference 2013; the conference is technically co-sponsored by IEEE Place: London, UK Date: 7 to 9 October 2014 ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-9893193-0-0 Presenter: Veerabhadram, P. Title of paper: Mobile cloud application architecture through J2ME application using web services in higher education institutes Conference: Proceedings of South Africa International Conference on Education (SAICE) Place: Pretoria, South Africa Date: 21 to 23 September 2014 ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-620-62871-6
Presenter and co-presenter: Conradie, P. and Veerabhadram, P. Title of paper: The development of student’s self-evaluation skill by means of a Learning Management System: A higher education perspective Conference: Proceedings of Symbiosis Institute of Management Studies Annual Research Conference (SIMSARC14) Place: Pune, India Date: 13 to 14 December 2014
Presenter: Veerabhadram, P. Title of paper: Integrating LMS with mobile device management systems tools used in higher education institutes Conference: Proceedings of international conference on ‘Recent Trends in Electrical, Electronics, Computing and Communication’ (ICRTEECC 2014). Co-sponsored by IET (Institute of Engineering and Technology) Place: Chennai, India Date: 15 to 16 December 2014
Presenter: Veerabhadram, P. Title of paper: Integrating LMS with mobile device management systems tools used in higher education institutes Conference: Proceedings of international conference on ‘Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation and Computer Communication (E2IC2 2014)’, by the institute of electrical and electronics engineer (IEEE) Student Branch Place: Coimbatore, India Date: 12 to 13 December 2014
Presenter and co-presenter: Rundora, L. and Makinde, O.D. Title of paper: Effects of Navier slip and suction/ injection on unsteady reactive variable viscosity non-Newtonian fluid flow in a channel filled with porous medium and convective boundary conditions Conference: 10th International Conference on Advances in Fluid Mechanics Place: A Coruna, Spain
Date: 1 to 3 July 2014 ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-84564-790-2 Presenter and co-presenter: Rundora, L. and Makinde, O.D. Title of paper: Effects of suction/injection on unsteady reactive variable viscosity non-Newtonian fluid flow in a channel filled with porous medium and convective boundary conditions Conference: 1st International symposium on energy challenges and mechanics Place: Aberdeen Scotland, UK Date: 8 to 10 July 2014 Presenter and co-presenter: Rundora, L. and Makinde, O.D. Title of paper: Analysis of unsteady MHD reactive flow of non-Newtonian fluid through a porous saturated medium with asymmetric boundary conditions Conference: 33rd Southern Africa Mathematical Sciences Association Annual Congress
Place: Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe Date: 24 to 28 November 2014
Seminars/workshops presented Title: Strategic review for research in the Faculty Presented to: Researchers in the Faculty Place: Isak Steyn Stadium, VUT, South Africa Date: 17 November 2014 Title: The green fluorescent protein Presented to: Staff and students at the Department of Biotechnology of VUT Place: VUT, South Africa Date: 7 February 2014 Title: The first training workshop on the fundamentals, core principles and methodologies of Metagenomics, Transcriptomics, Proteomics and Metabolomics Facilitator(s): Dr K. Rashamuse (Principal Researcher, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research); Mr N. Olivier (Scientific Officer, ACGT Microarray Facility and Ion Torrent Sequencing Facility, University of Pretoria); Dr S. Stoychev (Senior Researcher, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research); Dr K. Rumbold (Senior Lecturer and Researcher, School of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of the Witwatersrand); Dr T. Tsekoa (Science Innovation Leader, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research), and Dr N.A. Feto (Senior Lecturer, Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences, Vaal University of Technology) Presented to: Staff and students of VUT Place: VUT, South Africa Date: 10 to 11 December 2014
Publications (Books/chapters in books) Author and co-author: Fonou-Dombeu, J.V. and Huisman, M. Chapter: A semantic-enabled framework for e-government systems development Title: Technology Development and Platform Enhancements for Successful Global E-government Design Publisher: Information Science Reference Date: January 2014 Page numbers of chapter: 15-31 ISBN: 978-1-4666-4900-2
Author and co-authors: Reddy, C.N., Prasad, R.P. and Naidoo, E.B. Title: Electroanalysis of Chemotherapeutic Drugs Publisher: Lambert Academic Publishing Date: November 2014 Page numbers: 1-148 ISBN: 978-3-659-64067-4
Publications (Journals) Author and co-authors: Airo, M.A., Gqoba, S., Kalenga, M.P., Govindraju, S., Moloto, M.J. and Moloto, N. Title: Synthesis and characterisation of indium monoselenide nanosheets: Proposed pseudo top-down mechanism Journal: Journal of Crystal Growth Volume: 406 Page numbers of article: 1-7 ISSN: 0022-0248 Author and co-authors: Govindraju, S., Kalenga, M.P., Airo, M.A., Moloto, M.J., Sikhwivhilu, L.M. and Moloto, N. Title: Size quantisation in Cu2Se nanocrystals Journal: Optical Materials Volume: 38 Page numbers of article: 310-313 ISSN: 0925-3467 Author and co-author: Sibiya, P.N. and Moloto, M.J. Title: Effect of precursor concentration and pH on the shape and size of the starch-capped silver selenide (Ag2Se) nanoparticles Journal: Chalcogenide Letters Volume: 11 Page numbers of article: 577-588 ISSN: 1584-8663 Author and co-author: Faleni, N. and Moloto, M.J. Title: Zn and Mn acetylacetonato complexes as precursors for HDA-capped ZnO and MnO nanoparticles and their water solubility Journal: Asian Journal of Chemistry Volume: 26 Page numbers of article: 7963-7968 ISSN: 0970-7077 Author and co-authors: Ssemakalu, C.C., Ubomba-Jaswa, E., Motaung, K.S. and Pillay, M. Title: Influence of solar water disinfection on immunity against cholera-A review
Journal: Journal of Water and Health Volume: 12 Issue: 3 Page numbers of article: 393-398 ISSN: 1477-8920 Author and co-authors: Chihomvu, P., Stegmann, P. and Pillay, M. Title: Identification and characterisation of heavy metal resistant bacteria from the Klip River Journal: International Science Index Volume: 8 Issue: 11 Page numbers of article: 166-176 Author: Owusu-Mensah, J. Title: The value of mentoring for Mathematical Literacy teachers in the South African School System Journal: International Journal of Educational Sciences Volume: 7 Issue: 3 Page numbers of article: 509-515 ISSN: 0975-1122 Author and co-author: Fonou-Dombeu, J.V. and Rannyai, N. Title: African e-government research landscape Journal: African Journal of Information Systems (AJIS) Volume: 6 Issue: 3 Page numbers of article: 85-119 ISSN: 1936-0282 Author and co-author: Okosun, K.O. and Makinde, O.D. Title: A co-infection model of malaria and cholera diseases with optimal control Journal: Mathematical Biosciences Volume: 258 Page numbers of article: 19-32 ISSN: 0025-5564 Author and co-author: Okosun, K.O. and Makinde, O.D. Title: Optimal control analysis hepatitis C virus disease with acute and chronic stages in presence of treatment and infected immigrants. Journal: International Journal of Biomathematics Volume: 7 Issue: 2 Page numbers of article: 23
DOI: 10.1142/S1793524514500193 ISSN: 1793-7159 Author and co-authors: Takaidza, I., Makinde, O.D. and Okosun, K.O. Title: Computational modelling and optimal control of HIV/AIDS transmission in a community with a substance abuse problem Journal: Advances in Applied Mathematics Volume: 87 Page numbers of article: 31 - 40 ISSN: 978-3-319-06922-7 Author: Okosun, K.O. Title: Dynamics of a varroa mites infested honey bee colonies model Journal: World Scientific Publishing Page numbers of article: 158-175 ISSN: 978-981-4602-21-1; 978-981-460223-5 Author: Okosun, K.O. Title: Impact and optimal control of movement on a multipatch hepatitis C virus model Journal: Turkic World Mathematical Society (TWMS) Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Volume: 5 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 80-95 ISSN: 2076-2585 Author and co-authors: Ofomaja, A.E., Pholosi, A. and Naidoo, E.B. Title: Kinetics and competitive modelling of cesium biosorption onto iron (III) hexacyanoferrate modified pine cone powder Journal: International Biodetermination & Biodegradation Volume: 92 Issue: 2014 Page numbers of article: 71-78 ISSN: 0964-8305 Author and co-authors: Rimayi, C., Odusanya, D., Mtunzi, F.M. and Van Wyk, C. Title: Influence of matrix on selected organochlorine pesticides residue analysis by solid phase extraction coupled with GC-MS Journal: International Journal of Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements Volume: 2 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 71-91
ISSN: 2046-0546 Paper DOI: 10.2495/CMEM-V2-N4-331-345 Author and co-authors: Muleya, E., Ahmed, A.S., Sipamla, A.M., Mtunzi, F.M. and Mutatu, W. Title: Evaluation of anti-microbial, antiinflammatory and anti-oxidative properties of artemesia afra, gunnera perpensa and eucomis automnalis Journal: Journal of Nutritional and Food Sciences Volume: 4 Issue: 6 Page numbers of article: 312 ISSN: 2155-9600 Author and co-authors: Moja, S.J., Mtunzi, F.M. and Mnisi, J.S. Title: Determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) associated with airborne particulate matter by an HPLC method Journal: African Journal of Environmental Sciences and Technology Volume: 8 Issue: 4 Page numbers of article: 210-218 ISSN: 1996-0786 Author and co-authors: Muleya, E., Ahmed, A.S., Sipamla, A.M. and Mtunzi, F.M. Title: Free radical scavenging and antibacterial activity of crude extracts from selected plants of medicinal value used in Zululand Journal: Pakistan Journal of Nutrition Volume: 13 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 38-42 ISSN: 1680-5194 Author and co-authors: Isabirye, D.A., Mtunzi, F.M. and Aiyelabola, T. Title: Synthesis and structural characterisation of 2, 3, 7, 8, 12, 13, 17, 18-octakis (propyl), N, N, N’, N’ -tetramethylaminoporphyrazines and 2, 3, 9, 10, 16, 17, 23, 24-octa substituted phthalocyanine and the kinetic studies of their cobalt (II) and nickel (II) metalated complexes Journal: Journal of Pigments and Dyes Volume: 109 Page numbers of article: 214-222 ISSN: 1873-3743
Author and co-authors: Oldewage-Theron, W.H., Egal, A.A. and Grobler, C.J. Title: Is obesity associated with iron status in the elderly? A case study from Sharpeville, South Africa Journal: Public Health Nutrition Volume: 18 Issue: 3 Page numbers of article: 521-529 ISSN: 1475-2727 Author and co-authors: Marais, C., Du Bruyn, K., Downing, C., Mohamed, F., Naile, I., Matsheke, O., Dicks, E., Omoruyi, O., Maharajh, R., Kearney, J. and Grobler, C.J. Title: Gender-based research capacity building as transitional process within the South African higher education context: Towards a community of practice Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 5 Issue: 23 Page numbers of article: 97-103 ISSN: 2039-2117 (online); 2039-9340 (print) Author and co-authors: Takaidza, I., Makinde, O.D. and Okosun, K.O. Title: Computational modelling and optimal control of HIV/AIDS transmission in a community with a substance abuse problem Journal: Advances in Applied Mathematics, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics Volume: 87 Page numbers of article: 31-40 ISSN: 2194-1009 Author and co-authors: Vala, R.M.K., Tichagwa, L. and Dikio, E.D. Title: Evaluation of N-terminated siloxanes grafted onto lignocellulose as adsorbent for the removal of phenol red from water Journal: International Journal of Environment Science and Technology Issue: DOI 10.1007/s 13762-014-0679-8 Page numbers of article: 8 ISSN: 1735-1472
Author and co-authors: Osikoya, A.O., Wankasi, D., Vala, R.M.K., Afolabi, A.S. and Dikio, E.D. Title: Synthesis, characterisation and adsorption studies of fluorine-doped carbon nanotubes Journal: Digest Journal of Nanomaterial and Biostructures Volume: 9 Issue: 3 Page numbers of article: 1187-1197 ISSN: 1842-3582 Author and co-author: Wankasi, D. and Dikio, E.D. Title: A comparative study of polystyrene and polymethylmethacrylate waste as adsorbent for the sorption of Pb2+ from an aqueous solution Journal: Asian Journal of Chemistry Volume: 26 Issue: 24 Page numbers of article: 8259-8302 ISSN: 0970-7077 Author and co-author: Wankasi, D. and Dikio, E.D. Title: Polyvinyl chloride waste as an adsorbent for the sorption of Pb2+ from an aqueous solution
Journal: Journal of Chemistry Issue: DOI:10.1155/2014/817527 Page numbers of article: 8 ISSN: 2090-9063
Research in progress Researcher: Pillay, M. Title: Plant Molecular Genetics/Biotechnology Field: Biotechnology
Author and co-authors: Dikio, E.D., Kupeta, A.J. and Thema, F.T. Title: A comparative study of the effect of MgO and CaCO3 as support materials in the synthesis of carbon nanotubes with Fe/Co catalyst Journal: Journal of Chemistry Issue: DOI:10.1155/2014/641823 Page numbers of article: 8 ISSN: 2090-9063
Researcher: Owusu-Mensah, J. Title: Demystifying the myth of mathematics learning at the foundation phase: The role of Akan indigenous games Field: Mathematics Education
Author: Dikio, E.D. Title: Derived thermodynamic properties of binary mixtures of m-Xylene, o-Xylene, and p-Xylene, with N, N-Dimethylformamide at T = (293.15, 303.15, 313.15 and 323.15) K Journal: Oriental Journal of Chemistry Volume: 30 Issue: 3 Page numbers of article: 953-967 ISSN: 0970-020X
Researcher: Moloto, M.J. Title: Quantum dots and thin film deposition Field: Chemistry
Researcher: Lebelo, R.S. Title: Theoretical fluid mechanics Field: Applied Mathematics
Researchers: Mogotlane, K.D. and FonouDombeu, J.V. Title: Mapping ontology automatically constructed from relational database to the requirements of the knowledge domain Field: Ontology Engineering and Semantic Web
Researcher: Kwuimi, R. and Fonou-Dombeu, J.V. Title: Storing and querying ontologies in relational databases: An empirical evaluation of performance of database-based ontology stores Field: Ontology Engineering and Semantic Web Researchers: Pule, K.M. and Naidoo, E.B. Title: Development of specific targets for organics in cycle water of a power plant and its impact on acid conductivity (KHI) Field: Water and Power Plant Chemistry Researcher: Kupeta, A.K.J., Ofomaja, A.E. and Naidoo, E.B. Title: Synthesis of cross-linked pine cone biosorbents using Hexamethylene diisocyanate (HMDI) and its application in industrial wastewater treatment Field: Wasterwater and Adsorption Chemistry
Researcher: Sehume, M. Title: Enhancing the quality of work life among female healthcare workers in Tshwane Health District, Gauteng Field: Nursing, Occupational Health Management Researcher: Dukas, A. Title: Correlation between PCSK9 and lipid profile in a black elderly urban community Field: Biomedical Technology, Cardiovascular Risk Researcher: Combrink, J. Title: Correlating the prevalence of C174G polymorphism with IL-6, TNF-α and HS-CRP in an elderly black South African population Field: Biomedical Technology, Cardiovascular Risk
Researchers: Pholosi, A., Ofomaja, A.E. and Naidoo, E.B. Title: Synthesis, characterisation and application of a novel biosorbent-magnetic nanomaterial cross-linked with epichlorohydrin and Hexamethylene diisocyanate Field: Waster water and Adsorption Chemistry
Researcher:. Masilo, J.M Title: The evaluation of whole blood cytokines for diagnosis of mycobacterium tuberculosis infection in South African children with household tuberculosis contact Field: Biomedical Technology, Tuberculosis Diagnosis
Researchers: Achieng Ouma, I.M., Ofomaja, A.E. and Naidoo, E.B. Title: Preparation and characterisation of manganese doped iron oxide magnetic nanoparticles coated pine cone powder and its applications in water treatment Field: Wasterwater and Adsorption Chemistry
Researcher: Dube, B.P. Title: Establishing the prevalence of MTFR C677T polymorphism in correlation with homocysteine metabolic markers in a black elderly community, in Sharpeville Field: Biomedical Technology, Tuberculosis diagnosis
Researchers: Mzinyane, N.N., Ofomaja, A.E. and Naidoo, E.B. Title: Preparation and characterisation of novel hydroxymic acid modified pine cone composite and their application for remediation of acid mine drainage Field: Wasterwater and Adsorption Chemistry
Researcher: Tagne-Wambo, J.R. Title: Establishing the correlation between R353Q polymorphism and homeostatic markers in a black elderly community Field: Biomedical Technology, Cardiovascular Risk
Researcher: Grobler, C.J. Title: Impact of vitamin B12, B6 and folate supplementation on cardiovascular risk markers in an elderly community of Sharpeville Field: Biomedical Technology, Cardiovascular Risk
Researcher: Van Tonder, L. Title: A comparative study between the prevalence of polymorphism a1298c and homocysteine metabolism in an elderly black South African population Field: Biomedical Technology, Cardiovascular Risk
Researcher: Pinkoane, M. Title: Evaluation of immune-stimulating effects of African traditional medicines from the Vaal Field: Indigenous Knowledge Systems, Health
Researcher: Domo, D. Title: Correlation between angiotensinogen M235T genetic polymorphism, angiotensin
enzyme and hypertension among the black elderly in Sharpeville Field: Biomedical Technology, Cardiovascular Risk Researcher: Pakade, V.E. Title: Use of activated carbon and macadamia waste nutshells for adsorptive removal of toxic metals from wastewater Field: Environmental Chemistry
Research partnerships/collaboration Researcher: Moloto, N. Title of research: Quantum dots in solar systems Higher Education Institution: Wits University Industry: Education International: National Researcher: Witbooi, P.J. Title of research: Impact of parental care on optimal control of HIV/AIDS disease with infective immigrants Higher Education Institution: University of the Western Cape Industry: Education International: National
Research partnerships with industry or community groups Researcher: Dr Matabola, K.P. Title of research: Polymer fibres using electrospinning and coreshell nanomaterials Industry or Community group name: Mintek : Nanotechnology Innovation Centre (AMD) Researchers: Dr Sikhwivhilu, L.M. Title of research: Nanomaterials for solar cells or devices Industry or Community group name: Mintek : Nanotechnology Innovation Centre (AMD)
Prof. M. Ndege
he Faculty has started to engage in addressing transformation in the demographic composition of our emerging researcher community with respect to gender, race and persons with disabilities.
he Faculty of Engineering and Technology is of the same age as the Vaal University of Technology (VUT) itself – 10 years, to be exact. Relatively speaking, it is still a young Faculty trying to find its feet in the research world. Having been born of the old Technikon, the staff complement that was absorbed by the new Faculty was solely involved in teaching and showed little interest in research. Now, after four years, research is slowly but surely gaining ground within the Faculty.
definitely a cause for worry. This drop in number was mainly caused by the DHET scraping some previously accredited journals to which staff members have been sending their articles for publication. We will, nevertheless, continue to try and get as many articles as possible published in high impact journals.
The Faculty boasts accredited programmes by the Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA) that are rolled out every year. Staff members are in the process of upgrading their vertical qualifications in preparation of Applicable Research with which the University is bound to get involved. This will befit our engagement with both industry and government partners on a local as well as international level.
Pressureless sintering of austenitic stainless steel fly ash metal matrix composites.
Powder metallurgy of high temperature PGM alloys.
Modelling the properties of aluminium metal matrix composites for automotive applications.
Performance analysis and modelling of diesel engine operational characteristics using pyrolytic oil from scrap tyre and additives.
Structural bond behaviour of fibre-reinforced polymer rebar in concrete beams under dynamic loading.
Modelling strain rate sensitivity of nanomaterials’ mechanical properties: The effects on varying definitions.
Simulation methods in foundry technology.
Prof. M. Ndege
The metallurgy of titanium medical implants produced by additive manufacturing.
Most of the Faculty’s staff members are currently busy with their Masters degrees along their teaching loads, whilst a few are already at different phases of their Doctoral degrees. We are hopeful that upon completion of the mentioned degrees, the Faculty’s research and supervisory portfolio will be greatly enhanced. Furthermore, the Faculty has started to engage in addressing transformation in the demographic composition of our emerging researcher community with respect to gender, race and persons with disabilities. A brief look at the breakdown of the Department of Higher Education and Training’s (DHET) accredited research output units (which came to 16.44 units in 2013 and dropped to 12.17 units in 2014), is
The Faculty has maintained the 2013 research areas, adding only the last two as new areas:
The formation of Departmental Research and Innovation Committees (DRIC) is aimed at decentralising research to departments. The Faculty will channel resources to different departments in order to accelerate and enhance research outputs. In this way, the Faculty Research and Innovation Committees (FRIC) should then, however, revert to DRIC proposals and, where necessary, advise on required changes to the proposals. Both FRIC and DRIC supplement each other, but there is a need to have a clear terms of reference for each in order to avoid any misunderstandings. The Faculty planned to increase its postgraduate student numbers from last year. However, since 2012, all construction to the Faculty building was placed on hold. Contractual work has finally been cleared to commence once again, and is aimed to be completed by March 2016. This means that any major change in Faculty research output will only be realised in 2017, as our current space allocation is not elastic. Nevertheless, we will proceed in utilising whatever we have effectively.
FACULTY OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH OUTPUTS Postgraduate staff qualifications completed in 2014 Name: Igberase, E. Qualification: MTech Dissertation/thesis title: The absorption of Cu (II) ions by polyaniline grafted chitosan beads University/institution: VUT Name: Modiba, E.M. Qualification: MTech Dissertation/thesis title: Biodiesel production and evaluation of heterogeneous catalyst using South African producing trees University/institution: VUT Name: Adeniyi, A.O. Qualification: MTech Dissertation/thesis title: Incandescent light power efficiency: An impact study on the power consumption of the Vaal University of Technology’s light sources University/institution: VUT Name: Djeumen, J.S. Qualification: MTech Dissertation/thesis title: Development and Implementation of a virtual laboratory for fundamentals on power systems University/institution: VUT Name: Mustapha, O. Qualification: MTech Dissertation/thesis title: Comparative studies of fresh and used cooking oil biodiesel on engine combustion, performance and emission University/institution: VUT Name: Nziu, P.K. Qualification: MTech Dissertation/thesis title: Characterisation and flowability of Titanium Grade 5 alloy powders University/institution: VUT Name: Masiagwala, K.M. Qualification: MTech Dissertation/thesis title: Modelling and optimisation of an integrated urban stormwater management system University/institution: VUT
Name: Mapokgole, J.B. Qualification: MTech Dissertation/thesis title: Optimisation of dynamic aggregate production scheduling in selected companies in Gauteng University/institution: VUT Name: Cilliers, J.C. Qualification: MTech Dissertation/thesis title: Design and development of a control system for PEM fuel cells University/institution: VUT Name: Akach, John W.J.P. Qualification: MTech Dissertation/thesis title: Solar photocatalytic degradation and adsorption of emerging pharmaceutical contaminants in wastewater University/institution: VUT Name: Van der Schyff, Anne-Mari Qualification: MTech Dissertation/thesis title: Determination and improvement of wear and abrasion properties of glass reinforced plastic piping for slurry applications University/institution: VUT
Conferences (papers and posters presented) Presenter and co-presenters: Enweremadu, C.C., Mustapha, O.T. and Rutto, H.L. Title of paper: Comparative studies on the performance characteristics of biodiesel from fresh and used canola cooking oil Conference: 5th International Chemical and Environmental Engineering Conference (ICEEC) Place: Malaysia Date: October 2014 ISBN/ISSN: 2078-0737 Presenter and co-presenters: Enweremadu, C.C., Mustapha, O.T. and Rutto, H.L. Title of paper: Effects of feedstock-related properties on engine performance of biodiesel from canola and sunflower oils of South African origin Conference: International Conference on Advances in Marine, Industrial and Mechanical Engineering (ICAMINME 2014) Place: Johannesburg, South Africa Date: June 2014 ISBN/ISSN: 978-93-82242-71-0
Presenter and co-presenters: Ramuhaheli, S., Enweremadu, C.C. and Rutto, H.L. Title of paper: Short term tests on performance evaluation of water-washed and dry-washed biodiesel from used cooking oil Conference: International Journal of Mechanical, Aerospace, Industrial and Mechatronics Engineering Place: New York, USA Date: 5 June 2014 ISBN/ISSN: 1307-6892 Presenter: Rutto, H.L. Title of paper: Leaching of copper from copper ore using sulphuric acid in the presence of hydrogen peroxide as an oxidising agent. An optimised process Conference: International Conference on Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Place: Dubai, United Emirates Date: 25 December 2014 ISBN/ISSN: 1307-6892 Presenter and co-presenters: Koech, L., Everson, R., Neomagus, H. and Rutto, H.L. Title of paper: Dissolution of South African limestone for wet flue gas desulphurisation Conference: International Conference on Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Place: Dubai, United Emirates Date: 25 November 2014 ISBN/ISSN: 1307-6892 Presenter: Kabuba, J. Title of paper: Application of neural network on the loading of copper onto clinoptilolite Conference: International Journal of Chemical, Nuclear, Materials and Metallurgical Engineering Place: London, UK Date: 24 August 2014 ISBN/ISSN: 1307-6892 Presenter and co-presenter: Kabuba, J. and Rutto, H.L. Title of paper: Parameters affecting the removal of copper and cobalt from aqueous solution onto clinoptilolite by ion-exchange process Conference: International Journal of Chemical, Nuclear, Materials and Metallurgical Engineering Place: London, UK Date: 24 August 2014 ISBN/ISSN: 1307-6892
Presenter and co-presenter: Rutto, H.L. and Kabuba, J. Title of paper: Dissolution of zeolite as a sorbent in the flue gas desulphurisation process using a pH stat apparatus Conference: International Journal of Chemical, Nuclear, Materials and Metallurgical Engineering Place: London, UK Date: 24 August 2014 ISBN/ISSN: 1307-6892 Presenter and co-presenters: Nturanabo, F., Masu, L.M. and Govendor, S. Title of paper: Towards an all-aluminium vehicle: State-of-the-art in new developments, challenges and barriers Conference: American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Conference Place: Tivoli Congress Centre, Copenhagen, Denmark Date: 25 to 27 June 2014 ISBN/ISSN: ESDA2014-20386 Presenter and co-presenters: Tchomeni, B.X., Alugongo, A.A. and Masu, L.M. Title of paper: Insitu modelling of lateraltorsional vibration of a rotor-stator with multiple parametric excitations Conference: ICME 2014: XII International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Place: Cape Town, South Africa Date: 6 to 7 November 2014 ISBN/ISSN/eISSN: 1307-6892 Author and co-author: Matyatya, T. and Tengen, T.B. Title of paper: Improving on bottleneck management by integrating different strategies Conference: 44th International Conference on Computer and Industrial Engineering (CIE44) Place: Istanbul, Turkey Date: 14 to 16 October 2014 ISBN/ISSN: 2164-8670 (USB media); 21648689 (online) Presenter: Tengen, T.B. Title of paper: Improving on bottleneck management by integrating different strategies Conference: 44th International Conference on Computer and Industrial Engineering (CIE44) Place: Istanbul, Turkey
Date: 14 to 16 October 2014 ISBN/ISSN: 2164-8670 (USB media); 2164-8689 (online) Presenter and co-presenter: Benga, E.B.B. and Tengen, T.B. Title of paper: Optimising the cost of implementing continuous and periodic inventory review policies with stochastic lead time and demand Conference: 44th International Conference on Computer and Industrial Engineering (CIE44) Place: Istanbul, Turkey Date: 14 to 16 October 2014 ISBN/ISSN: 2164-8670 (USB media); 21648689 (online) Presenter and co-presenter: Mallane, T. and Tengen, T.B. Title of paper: Addressing employees’ chronic pain resulting from repetitive body movements and forceful exertions at poultry industries Conference: 44th International Conference on Computer and Industrial Engineering (CIE44) Place: Istanbul, Turkey Date: 14 to 16 October ISBN/ISSN: 2164-8670 (USB media); 21648689 (online) Presenter and co-presenters: Sob, P.B., Alugongo, A. and Tengen, T.B. Title of paper: Stochastic effect of grain elongation on nanocrystalline material yield stress produced by accumulative roll bonding Conference: 9th South African Conference on Computational and Applied Mechanics (SACAM14_074)-1-9 Place: South Africa Date: 14 to 16 January 2014 ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-620-58994-6 Presenter: Tengen, T.B. Title of paper: Stochastic models of a stressstrain relationship of nanocrystalline materials produced by accumulative roll bonding Conference: 9th South African Conference on Computational and Applied Mechanics (SACAM14_074)-1-9 Place: South Africa Date: 14 to 16 January 2014 ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-620-58994-6
Presenter: Tshitshonu, E.K. Title of paper: An attempt to support learning with technology Conference: Edulearn14 Place: Barcelona, Spain Date: 7 to 9 July 2014 ISBN: 978-84-617-0557-3 Presenter and co-presenter: Joubert, T. and Walker, J.J Title of paper: Influence of the permittivity and resistivity on the electrical stress in multi-layer insulation systems at different frequencies Presenter and co-presenters: Van Tonder, P.J.M., Pienaar, H.C.v.Z. and De Beer, D.J. Title of paper: Practical Glycerol water solution measurements to determine the effects which the fluid properties has on the drop formulation process for 3-D printers Conference: SATNAC 2014 Place: Port Elizabeth, South Africa Date: 31 August to 3 September 2014 ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-620-61966-0 Presenter and co-presenters: Selaule, V.E., Schoeman, R.M. and Pienaar, H.C.v.Z. Title of paper: STC parameter versus real time measured parameter to determine cost effectiveness of PV panels Conference: ICEE 2014 Place: Cape Town Date: 6 to 7 November 2014 ISBN/ISSN: 1307-6892 Presenter and co-presenters: Ozemoya, A., Swart, A.J. and Pienaar, H.C.v.Z. Title of paper: Experimental assessment of PV module cooling strategies Conference: SATNAC 2014 Place: Port Elizabeth Date: 31 August to 3 September 2014 ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-620-61966-0 Presenter and co-presenters: Havenga, S.P., De Beer, D.J. and Van Tonder, P.J.M. Title of paper: Part finishing on entry level FDM models Conference: RAPDASA Place: Stellenbosch Date: 6 to 7 November 2014 ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-7972-1532-0
Presenter and co-presenters: Van Tonder, P.J.M., Pienaar, H.C.v.Z. and De Beer, D.J. Title of paper: Development of a more rugged printing head system Conference: RAPDASA Place: Stellenbosch Date: 6 to 7 November 2014 ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-7972-1532-0 Presenter: Baloyi, J. Seadira T, Moutloali R Raphulu M and Ochieng A. Title of paper: Kinetic investigation of Hg (ll) photoreduction using TiO2-immobilised on calcium alginate beads: Effect of ferric ion and organic compound Conference: International conference on Chemical Engineering and Advanced Computational Technologies Place: Pretoria Date: 24 to 25 November 2014 ISBN/ISSN: 978-93-84422-00-4
Presenter: Seadira, T. Baloyi J, Raphulu M, Moutloali R and Ochieng A. Title of paper: Treatment of Cr (VI)-laden acid mine drainage using constructed wetland and UV/TiO2 photocatalysis Conference: International Conference on Chemical Engineering and Advanced Computational Technologies Place: Pretoria Date: 24 to 25 November 2014 ISBN/ISSN: 978-93-84422-00-4
Presenter: Apollo S, Moyo S, Mabuoa G and Ochieng A. Title of paper: Solar photodegradation of photodegradation of phenol using a composite catalyst of silica and TiO2 Conference: International Conference on Chemical Engineering and Advanced Computational Technologies Place: Pretoria Date: 24 to 25 November 2014 ISBN/ISSN: 978-93-84422-00-4
Presenter: Mecha, A.C. Onyango MS, Ochieng A., and Momba MNB. Title of paper: Enhanced activity of metal-doped titanium dioxide in photocatalytic ozonation Conference: International Conference on Chemical Engineering and Advanced Computational Technologies Place: Pretoria Date: 24 to 25 November 2014 ISBN/ISSN: 978-93-84422-00-4
Presenter and co-presenter: Agumba, J. and Ochieng, G.M, T. Title of paper: The impact/effects of road transportation network on productivity and growth in Kenya 50 years after independence: A review Conference: International Conference on Infrastructure Development and Investment Strategies for Africa – DII – 2014 Place: Livingstone, Zambia Date: 25 to 26 September 2014 ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-86970-782-1
Presenter and co-presenter: Chinyama, A., Snyman, J., Ochieng, G.M. and Nhapi, I. Title of paper: Bathymetry generation for the Vaal Dam, South Africa Conference: The 2014 5th International Conference on Environmental Science and Information Application Technology (ESIAT 2014) Place: Hong Kong Date: 7 to 8 November 2014 ISBN: 978-1-138-02814-2 Presenter and co-presenter: Mushila, M.C., Shitote, S.M., Sitters, C.W. and Ochieng, G.M. Title of paper: Hydraulic design to optimise treatment capacity of multi-stage filtration units Conference: 15th WaterNet/WAFSA/GWP-SA Symposium Place: Lilongwe, Malawi Date: 29 to 31 October 2014 Presenter and co-presenter: Mekiso, F.A. and Ochieng, G.M. Title of paper: Physical hydrology of the middle Mohlapitsi Wetland in Carpricon district of South Africa Conference: 15th WaterNet/WAFSA/GWP-SA Symposium Place: Lilongwe, Malawi Date: 29 to 31 October 2014 Presenter and co-presenter: Masereka, E., Otieno, F.A.O. and Ochieng, G.M. Title of paper: Identification of best-fit model for mean annual rainfall in water deficit catchments in South Africa Conference: 15th WaterNet/WAFSA/GWP-SA Symposium Place: Lilongwe, Malawi Date: 29 to 31 October 2014 Presenter and co-presenter: Masereka, E., Otieno, F.A.O. and Ochieng, G.M. Title of paper: Probability distribution function selection technique for the frequency analysis of mean annual run-off extreme events in water deficit catchments in South Africa Conference: 15th WaterNet/WAFSA/GWPSA Symposium Place: Lilongwe, Malawi Date: 29 to 31 October 2014
Publications (Journals) Author and co-authors: Modiba, E., Osifo, P. and Rutto, H.L. Title: The use of impregnated perlite as a heterogeneous catalyst for biodiesel production from marula oil Journal: Chemical Papers Volume: 68 Issue: 10 Page numbers of article: 1341-1349 ISSN: 1336-9075 Author and co-authors: Koech, L., Rutto, H.L., Everson, R. and Neomagus, H. Title: Semi-empirical model for limestone dissolution in adipic acid for wet flue gas desulfurisation Journal: Chemical Engineering & Technology Volume: 37 Issue: 11 Page numbers of article: 1919-1928 ISSN: 1521-4125 Author and co-authors: Koech, L., Everson, R., Neomagus, H. and Rutto, H.L. Title: Dissolution kinetics of sorbents and effect of additives in wet flue gas desulfurisation Journal: Chemical Engineering & Technology Volume: 30 Issue: 6 Page numbers of article: 553-565 ISSN: 0167-8299 Author and co-authors: Modiba, E., Osifo, P. and Rutto, H.L. Title: Biodiesel production from baobab (Adansonia digitata L.) seed kernel oil and its fuel properties Journal: Industrial Crops and Products Volume: 59 Page numbers of article: 50-54 ISSN: 0926-6690 Author and co-authors: Dube, G., Osifo, P. and Rutto, H.L. Title: Preparation of bagasse ash/CaO/ ammonium acetate sorbent and modelling their desulphurisation reaction Journal: Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy Volume: 16 Issue: 5
Page numbers of article: 891-900 ISSN: 1618-9558 Author and co-authors: Langa, N.T.N., Adeleke, A.A., Mendonidis, P. and Thubakgale, K.T. Title: Evaluation of sodium isobutyl xanthate as a collector in the froth flotation of a carbonatitic copper ore Journal: International Journal of Industrial Chemistry Volume: 5 Issue: 3 Page numbers of article: 107-110 ISSN: 2228-5547 Author: Apollo, S, Onyango MS an Ochieng A. Title: UV/H2O2/TiO2/zeolite hybrid system for treatment of molasses wastewater Journal: Iranian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Volume: 33 Issue: 2 Page numbers of article: 107-117 ISSN: 1735-5397 Author: Mukosha, L, Onyango SM, Ochieng A. and Taile YL Title: Sorption characteristics of mixed molecules of glutaraldehyde fromwater on mesoporous acid-amine modified low-cost activated carbon: Mechanism, isotherm and kinetics Journal: Journal of Chemistry Volume: 2015 Issue: 757256 Page numbers of article: 1-13 ISSN: 2090-9063 Author: Seth, A, Moyo S, Mabuoa G and Ochieng A. Title: Solar photodegradation of methyl orange phenol using silic- supported ZnO catalyst Journal: International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology Volume: 5 Issue: 3 Page numbers of article: 203-206 Author: Kwena, P.Y, Onyango MS, Sillanpaa M and Ochieng A.. Title: Kinetic modelling of the photocatalytic reduction of Cr (VI) in the presence of dye using composite photocatalyst Journal: J. Chem. Chem. Engineering Volume: 8
Issue: 5 Page numbers of article: 918-924 ISSN: 1934-7375 Author: Kitinya, J, Onyango M and Ochieng A. Title: Removal of multilan red and multi-active blue dyes from aqueous solution by adsorption and oxidation techniques: Equilibrium, kinetics and thermodynamic studies Journal: Environmental Engineering and Management Journal Page numbers of article: 1-1 ISSN: 1583-9596 Author: Apollo, S, Onyango MS and Ochieng A. Title: Integrated UV photodegradation and anaerobic digestion of textile dye for efficient biogas production using zeolite Journal: Chemical Engineering Journal Volume: 245 Page numbers of article: 241-247 ISSN: 13858947
Journal: Proceeding of the 44th International Conference on Computer & Industrial Engineering (CIE44) Volume: imss14-cie44-437 Issue: cie44-437 Page numbers of article:1-7 ISSN: 2164-8670 (USB media); 2164-8 (online) Author and co-author: Benga, E.B.B. and Tengen, T.B. Title: Optimising the cost of implementing continuous and periodic inventory review policies with stochastic lead time and demand Journal: Proceeding of the 44th International Conference on Computer & Industrial Engineering (CIE44) Volume: imss14-cie44-437 Issue: cie44-437 Page numbers of article: 1-7 ISSN: 2164-8670 (USB media); 2164-8689 (online)
Author: Mukosha, L, Onyango MS, Ochieng A. and Kasaini H. Title: Development of better quality low-cost activated carbon from South African pine tree (Pinus Patula) sawdust: Characterisation and comparative phenol adsorption Journal: International Journal of Chemical, Nuclear, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Volume: 7 Issue: 7 Page numbers of article: 228-238
Author and co-author: Mallane, T. and Tengen, T.B. Title: Addressing employee’s chronic pain resulting from repetitive body movements and forceful exertions at poultry industries Journal: Proceeding of the 44th International Conference on Computer & Industrial Engineering (CIE44) Volume: imss14-cie44-437 Issue: cie44-437 Page numbers of article: 1-7 ISSN: 2164-8670 (USB media); 2164-8689 (online)
Author: Tengen, T.B. Title: Improving on bottleneck management by integrating different strategies Journal: Proceeding of the 44th International Conference on Computer & Industrial Engineering (CIE44) Volume: Imss14-cie44-437 Issue: Cie44-437 Page numbers of article: 1-7 ISSN: 2164-8670 (USB media); 2164-8689 (online)
Author and co-authors: Sob, P.B., Alugongo, A. and Tengen, T.B. Title: Stochastic effect of grain elongation on nanocrystalline material yield stress produced by accumulative roll bonding Journal: Proceeding of the 9th South African Conference on Computational and Applied Mechanics Volume: SACAM14_074 Issue: SACAM14_074 Page numbers of article: 1-9 ISSN: 978-0-620-58994-6
Author and co-author: Matyatya, T. and Tengen, T.B. Title: Improving on bottleneck management by integrating different strategies
Author: Tengen, T.B. Title: Stochastic models of a stress-strain relationship of nanocrystalline materials produced by accumulative roll bonding
Journal: Proceeding of the 9th South African Conference on Computational and Applied Mechanics Volume: SACAM14_074 Issue: SACAM14_074 Page numbers of article: 1-9 ISSN: 978-0-620-58994-6 Author: Alugongo, A.A. Title: Parametric excitation and wavelet transform analysis of ground vehicle propeller shaft Journal: Journal of Vibration and Control Volume: 20 Issue: 2 Page numbers of article: 280-289 Author and co-authors: Osamede, A., Swart, A.J. and Pienaar, H.C.v.Z. Title: Evaluating the effect of orientation angles on the output power of a stationary photovoltaic panel Journal: Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy Volume: 6 Issue: 4 ISSN: 1941-7012 Author and co-authors: Nziu, P.K., Masu, L.M., Mendonidis, P. and Alugongo, A.A. Title: Characterisation of titanium powder flow: A review on current status on flowability Journal: Materials Science: An Indian Journal, Trade Science Inc. Volume: 11 Issue: 7 Page numbers of article: 239-255 ISSN: 0974-7486 Author and co-authors: Nziu, P.K., Masu, L.M. and Mendonidis, P. Title: Effects of particle size and agglomeration on flowability of spherically shaped titanium grade 5 alloy powders Journal: Metalurgia International Volume: XIX (2014) Issue: 5 Page numbers of article: 25-33 ISSN: 1582-2214
Author and co-authors: Nziu, P.K., Masu, L.M. and Mendonidis, P. Title: Effects of density and cohesion on flowability of spherically shaped titanium grade 5 alloy powders Journal: Metalurgia International Volume: XIX (2014) Issue: 5 Page numbers of article: 38-42 ISSN: 1582-2214 Author and co-authors: Nziu, P.K., Masu, L.M. and Mendonidis, P. Title: Flowability of spherically shaped titanium grade 5 alloy powders
Journal: Metalurgia International Volume: XIX (2014) Issue: 6 Page numbers of article: 20-29 ISSN: 1582-2214 Author and co-authors: Tchomeni, B.X., Alugongo, A.A. and Masu, L.M. Title: Insitu modelling of lateral-torsional vibration of a rotor-stator with multiple parametric excitations Journal: International Journal of Mechanical, Aerospace, Industrial and Mechatronics Engineering (WASET) Volume: 8
Issue: 11 Page numbers of article: 1749-1755 ISSN: 9999772 Author and co-authors: Tchomeni, B.X., Alugongo, A.A. and Masu, L.M. Title: Insitu modelling of lateral-torsional vibration of a rotor-stator with multiple parametric excitations Journal: International Journal of Mechanical, Aerospace, Industrial and Mechatronics Engineering (WASET) Volume: 8 Issue: 11 Page numbers of article: 1795-1801 ISSN/ISI: 9999772 Author and co-authors: Mekiso, F.A. and Ochieng, G.M. Title: Stable Isotopes as Traces at the Middle Mohlapitsi Catchment/Wetland, South Africa Journal: International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET) Volume: 6 Issue: 4 Page numbers of article: 1728 – 1736 ISSN: 0975-4024 Author and co-authors: Mekiso, F.A., Ochieng, G.M. and Snyman, J. Title: Long-term wetland hydrological monitoring in the Mohlapitsi catchment, South Africa Journal: International Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Volume: 36 Issue: 2 Page numbers of article: 1312 – 1320 ISSN: 170-8285 Author and co-authors: Mekiso, F.A., Snyman, J. and Ochieng, G.M. Title: Physical hydrology of the middle Mohlapitsi wetland, Carpricon district, South Africa Journal: Global Journal of Engineering Science and Researches Volume: 1 Issue: 10 Page numbers of article: 62 – 77 ISSN: 2348 – 8034
Research in progress (staff) Researcher: Mendonidis, P. Title: Geochronology of emplacement and charnockite formation of the Margate Granite Suite, Natal Metamorphic Province, South Africa: Implications for Natal-Maud Belt correlations Field: Geology Researcher: Mendonidis, P. Title: U-Pb Zircon (SHRIMP) ages of granite sheets and timing of deformational events: Implications for the tectonic evolution of the Natal Metamorphic Belt, South eastern Africa, and Rodinia reconstructions Field: Geology Researcher: Matizamhuka, W. Title: Powder metallurgy of platinum intermetallics by mechanical alloying Field: Metallurgical Engineering Researcher: Matizamhuka, W. Title: An assessment on the erosion-corrosion performance of protective coatings for industrial applications Field: Metallurgical Engineering Researcher: Matizamhuka, W. Title: Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS) as an advanced sintering technique for structural nanocomposite materials Field: Metallurgical Engineering Researcher: Van der Schyff, A. Title: Development of heat treatment procedures for the optimisation of Ti6Al4V implants fabricated by selective laser melting Field: Metallurgical Engineering
Researcher: Mabotja, M. Title: The metallurgical design and processing of batch annealed draw and wall ironing material to suppress rollback defects in beverage can making Field: Metallurgical Engineering Researcher: Molebiemang, G.M. Title: Development of a beneficiation route to upgrade low grade Kumba Iron Ore for iron making Field: Metallurgical Engineering Researcher: Moja, M.G. Title: Optimisation of froth flotation collectors for platinum concentration, UG2 ores Field: Metallurgical Engineering Researcher: Thubakgale, K. Title: Mineral processing and hydrometallurgical flow sheet development for a nickel ore Field: Metallurgical Engineering Researcher: Manono, M. Title: An investigation into the interaction of ions and polysaccharides on platinum group mineral surfaces: A surface chemical analysis in view of water chemistry conditions Field: Metallurgical Engineering Researcher: Schoeman, R.M. Title: Development of a service interruption prediction model for fuel cell power plants Field: Fuel Cells Researcher: Van Tonder, P.J.M. Title: Development of 3-D inkjet printing heads for high viscosity liquids Field: 3-D Printing/Electronic Engineering
Researcher: Chingowo, S. Title: Correlation of metallographic properties of direct metal laser sintered Ti6Al4V to process parameters Field: Metallurgical Engineering
Researcher: Viljoen, M. Title: Energy management optimisation of a sola-r/hydrogen-driven power plant for a rural community Field: Fuel Cells
Researcher: Baloyi, N. Title: Determination and interpretation of mechanical and metallographic properties of Ti6Al4V implants fabricated by selective laser melting Field: Metallurgical Engineering
Researcher: Smit, M.L Title: Stabilisation of black cotton soil using corn cob ash Field: Civil Engineering: Transportation
Researcher: Beer, M. Title: Towards direct wastewater reuse for potable and non-potable uses: An urban water balance, assessment of perceptions, financial analysis, and viability analysis at a South African community Field: Civil Engineering Researcher: Ochieng, G.M. Title: Decision support systems/models for water sensitive design in rural and peri-urban water supply in South Africa Field: Civil Engineering (Water Resources Engineering)
Research partnerships with international universities/collaboration Researcher project name: PEESA Project staff names: Pienaar, C., Schoeman, R.M. and Le Roux, J. Description: Development of a new Masters programme in ‘energy efficiency’. The development of the Masters degree is sponsored by the European Union Higher education institutions: Polytechnic of Namibia, Hochschule Wismar, Ernst-AbbeFachhochschule, Jena Fachhochschule, Flensburg, TUT, CPUT and VUT
Seminars/workshops presented Title: CREW Information Sharing Conference Presented to: CREW members Place: VUT Science Park, Sebokeng Date: 26 September 2014 Title: One simple moodle tool at a time. Let’s keep addressing challenges in education Presented to: Moodle Users and Developers Community Place: Cairns International Convention Centre, Australia Date: 30 June to 2 July 2014 Title: Teach and learn on the go. ‘Let’s flip the classroom’ Presented to: VUT Staff Development Conference Place: Riverside Hotel, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa Date: 12 August 2014
Prof. C.M. van der Bank
esearch is one of the pillars of our University, and our Faculty has a fundamental responsibility to contribute to the growth of knowledge as a means of improving the human condition.
t is a real honour and pleasure to report on the research activities and achievements in the Faculty of Human Sciences for the period January 2014 to December 2014. During this period, our academic staff have yet again achieved and improved their research outputs, activities and skills. We are driven by our mission to contribute to society through the pursuit of education, learning and research. We believe we can only achieve this if we admit students of the highest intellectual potential – irrespective of social, racial, religious and financial considerations – and then support them throughout their intellectual journey. Our researchers, students and staff continually create a unique, progressive and inspiring environment within the Human Sciences Faculty, where we interpret the seen and discover the unseen.
means of improving the human condition. As our Faculty matured, we continued our annual increase in research performance by producing conference papers and Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) accredited journal articles. And as the respective departments progressively continued to improve their research outputs, individual academics also continued to receive widespread recognition for their work. Ratings by the National Research Foundation (NRF) as well as a Research Fellowship by EUROMED, were awarded. The involvement of our academic staff in research projects has also increased, and the outcome of these research projects will certainly impact on a number of contemporary issues of concern in Africa.
In 2014, a Doctorate as well as Masters degree student graduated in the Faculty. Six members of staff also obtained their Masters degrees, and two staff members were awarded their Doctorate degrees.
The key priority in the Faculty’s long-term strategic plan for research is to help produce the next generation of researchers through prioritising graduate studies and through the commitment to develop research capacity amongst young and new members of staff and graduate students.
Research is one of the pillars of our University, and our Faculty has a fundamental responsibility to contribute to the growth of knowledge as a
Students also received the postgraduate induction programme with real enthusiasm. This programme is a very successful event which has already led
to an increase in the graduation numbers and the development of a sound research foundation within the Faculty. The Faculty of Human Sciences is poised to continue playing a significant role in attracting leading scholars and practitioners to engage in issues of concern on the African continent. As always, I wish to pay tribute to the unwavering support which the Faculty received from the Senior Leadership Team. It remains a pleasure and honour for me to be associated with such a dynamic and competent team.
FACULTY OF HUMAN SCIENCES RESEARCH OUTPUTS Postgraduate staff qualifications completed in 2014 Name: Bojabotseha, T.P. Qualification: Master of Philosophy (MPhil) Cum Laude (Intercultural Communication) Dissertation: The use of language by the African National Congress in its 1999-2009 National Election Manifestos University: Stellenbosch University Name: Haywood, C. Qualification: M.Ed in Learner Support Dissertation: The opinions of lecturers at a university of technology regarding their role in supporting students experiencing barriers to learning University: North-West University Name: Karsten, A.S.J. Qualification: LLM Dissertation: Anti-avoidance in the South African context: For closure on tax planning University: Unisa Name: Labuschagne, V. Qualification: PhD Thesis title: A spending behaviour model for selected South African arts festivals University: North-West University Name: Prinsloo, R. Qualification: LLM Dissertation: Ouerlike regte en verantwoorderlikhede ooreenkomste kragtens die Children’s Act 38I van 2005 University: North-West University Name: Röthe, J.F. Qualification: DTech in Policing Thesis title: The development of an online road accident-reporting management system for the South African Police Service University: Tshwane University of Technology
Conferences (Papers and posters presented) Presenter: Van der Bank, C.M. Title of paper: Unfair dismissal: Derivative misconduct tarnishes employer-employee trust
Conference: Euro-American Conference for Academic Disciplines Place: Prague, Czech Republic Date: 10 to 13 June 2014 ISSN: 2165-6258 Presenter: Van der Bank, C.M. Title of paper: The fulfilment of South Africa’s environmental right: Sustainable development the fundamental building block Conference: International Academic Conference on Business and Social Sciences (ICBSS) Place: Durban, South Africa Date: 6 to 7 November 2014 ISSN: 2039-2117 (print); 2039-9340 (online) Presenter and co-presenter: Van der Bank, C.M. and Van der Bank, M. Title of paper: Greening of human rights: A reassessment Conference: International Conference on Sustainable Development Place: Richards Bay, South Africa Date: 2 to 3 December 2014 ISSN: 1923-6654 (print); 1923-6662 (online) Presenter and co-presenter: Robinson, J.A. and Prinsloo, R. Title of paper: Children and divorce: The effect of the convention on the rights of the child on the developing South African law Conference: Conference 25 years CRC Place: University of Leiden, Leiden Date: 17 to 19 November 2014 Presenter and co-presenter: Labuschagne, V. and Saayman, M. Title of paper: First-time versus repeat visitors at Innibos arts festival Conference: 8th International Business Conference Place: Swakopmund, Namibia Date: 19 to 20 August 2014 ISSN: 978-0-620-59801-9 Presenter: Lekaota, L. Title of paper: The importance of rural communities’ participation in the management of tourism developments: A case study from Lesotho Conference: 8th International Business Conference Place: Swakopmund, Namibia
Date: 19 to 20 August 2014 ISSN: 978-0-620-59801-9 Presenter and co-presenter: Du Plessis, N. and Labuschagne, V. Title of paper: The impact of social media when frequent travellers determine tourist destinations Conference: SACOMM Place: Potchefstroom, South Africa Date: 30 September to 3 October 2014 Presenter and co-presenter: Maleho, L.M. and Mwadiwa, A. Title of paper: Communication for development: Integration of higher education and endogenous development in staff, students and curricula development processes Conference: 6th Walter Sisulu University International Research Conference (6th WSU- IRC) Place: Walter Sisulu University, Mthata, Eastern Cape, South Africa Date: 5 to 7 March 2014 Presenter: Laurie, A. Title of paper: Being in a landscape with a camera Conference: 5th International Conference on ‘The Image’ Place: Freie Universität, Berlin Date: 29 to 30 October 2014 Presenter and co-presenters: Bojabotseha, T.P., Pitso, T. and Lebusa, M. Title of paper: Framing talk in formal and informal entrepreneurship programmes: Towards a radical visible pedagogy Conference: 8th Annual Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Conference Place: Edgewood Campus, Pinetown, Durban, South Africa Date: 25 to 27 September 2014 Presenter: Nkululeko, K. Title of paper: “A black artist must preserve because it is not easy to get a studio. Many successful black painters have worked against odds and made it.” (Newspaper Clipping) Conference: Conference 25 years CRC Place: Johannesburg, South Africa Date: 2014
Presenter and co-presenter: Mutekwe, E. and Modiba, M. Title of paper: Hegemonic masculinity as a pedagogical challenge in the curriculum: The Zimbabwean example Conference: ICET 2014 58th World Assembly Place: University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Oshawa, Ontario, Canada Date: 16 to 19 June 2014
Publications (Books/chapters in books) Author: De Witt, L. Chapter: Ecotourism marketing: A paradox? Title: Marketing dynamics in emerging markets Publisher: Kochi: Cochin University of Science and Technology Date: March 2014 Page numbers of chapter: 110-117 ISBN: 987-93-80095-49-3
Publications (Journals) Author and co-author: Van der Bank, C.M. and Van der Bank, M. Title: Quality assurance in higher education: A case study of the Vaal University of Technology Journal: Journal of Educational and Social Research Volume: 4 Issue: 1, January 2014 Page numbers of article: 395-406 ISSN: 2239-978X (print); 2240-0524 (online)
Page numbers of article: 353-358 ISSN: 2281-3993 (print); 2281-4612 (online) Author: Van der Bank, C.M. Title: Fairness of dismissal as a sanction for misconduct in South African Labour Law Journal: Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies Volume: 3(1) Issue: March 2014 Page numbers of article: 139-146 ISSN: 2281-3993 (print); 2281-4612 (online) Author: Van der Bank, C.M. Title: Passive employees and failure to assist in an investigation: The principles of derivative justification Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 5 Issue: 7, May 2014 Page numbers of article: 92-98 ISSN: 2039-9340 (print); 2039-2117 (online) Author and co-author: Van der Bank, C.M. and Van der Bank, M. Title: Learning-centred environments supporting the environment of e-learning in South Africa in law class Journal: Humanities and Social Sciences Letters
Volume: 2(2) Issue: 2014 Page numbers of article: 93-107 ISSN: 2312-5659 (print); 2312-4318 (online) Author and co-author: Van der Bank, C.M. and Van der Bank, M. Title: The regulation of renewable resources to promote energy efficiency in sustainable buildings in South Africa: A legal analysis Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 5 Issue: 23, November 2014 Page numbers of article: 2224-2228 ISSN: 2039-9340 (print); 2039-2117 (online) Author and co-author: Van der Bank, C.M. and Van der Bank, M. Title: Sustainable development: The human rights approach to environmental protection in South Africa Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 5 Issue: 23, November 2014 Page numbers of article: 2448-2454 ISSN: 2039-9340 (print); 2039-2117 (online)
Author and co-author: Van der Bank, C.M. and Basson, R.L. Title: Quality assurance in a university of technology in context of the three elements: Quality, standards and relevance Journal: Journal of Educational and Social Research Volume: 4 Issue: 1, January 2014 Page numbers of article: 107-118 ISSN: 2239-978X (print) 2240-0524 (online) Author and co-author: Van der Bank, C.M. and Nkadimeng, M.R. Title: Exploring funding in higher education to eliminate poverty in South Africa Journal: Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies Volume: 3 Issue: 1, March 2014
Author and co-author: Van der Bank, C.M. and Popoola, B.A. Title: Quality assurance: A case study at the Vaal University of Technology Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 5 Issue: 23, November 2014 Page numbers of article: 2129-2136 ISSN: 2039-9340 (print); 2039-2117 (online) Author and co-author: Van der Bank, C.M. and Van der Bank, M. Title: Learning styles and development: A legal analysis in South Africa Journal: Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies Volume: 3 Issue: 4, July 2014 Page numbers of article: 259-268 ISSN: 2281-3993 (print); 2281-4612 (online) Author and co-author: Van der Bank, C.M. and Popoola, B.A. Title: A theoretical framework of total quality assurance in a university of technology Journal: Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies Volume: 3 Issue: 4, July 2014 Page numbers of article: 401-408 ISSN: 2281-3993 (print); 2281-4612 (online) Author: Van der Bank, C.M. Title: The boundaries of freedom of the press in South African law Journal: Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies Volume: 3 Issue: 4, July 2014 Page numbers of article: 409-415 ISSN: 2281-3993 (print); 2281-4612 (online) Author: Van der Bank, C.M. Title: The fulfilment of South Africa’s environmental right: Sustainable development the fundamental building block Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 5 Issue: 5, November 2014 Page numbers of article: 28-35 ISSN: 2039-9340 (print); 2039-2117 (online)
Author: Van der Bank, C.M. Title: The unfairness of prescription periods in the South African law Journal: Humanities and Social Sciences review Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 2014 Page numbers of article: 23-32 ISSN: 2165-6258 Author: Van der Bank, C.M. Title: The constitutionality of prescription periods in the South African law Journal: Finance and Economics Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 2014 Page numbers of article: 28-38 ISSN: 2291-4951 (print); 2291-496X (online) Author and co-author: Bojabotseha, T.P. and Moloi, K.C. Title: A critical analysis of the African National Congress’s dominant hegemonic discourse Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 5 Issue: 1, January 2014 Page numbers of article: 313-323 ISSN: 2039-9340 (print); 2039-2117 (online) Author and co-author: Moloi, K.C. and Bojabotseha, T.P. Title: A critical discourse analysis of intertextuality and interdiscursivity in the African National Congress (ANC) Journal: Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies Volume: 3 Issue: 4, July 2014 Page numbers of article: 417-423 ISSN: 2281-3993 Author and co-authors: Moloi, K.C., Mkwanazi, T.S. and Bojabotseha, T.P. Title: Higher education in South Africa at the crossroad Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 5 Issue: 1, January 2014 Page numbers of article: 469-475 ISSN: 2039-9340 (print); 2039-2117 (online)
Author and co-author: Bojabotseha, T.P. and Moloi, K.C. Title: Discursive constructions of the African National Congress (ANC) and its discourse of freedom: A critical analysis Journal: Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies Volume: 3 Issue: 4, July 2014 Page numbers of article: 93-101 ISSN: 2281-3993 (print); 2281-4612 (online) Author and co-author: Hugo, S.H. and Van Aardt, A.M. Title: Importance of extrinsic quality assessment criteria when South African female consumers evaluate casual daywear Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 5 Issue: 20 Page numbers of article: 2133-2143 ISSN: 2039-2117 (online); 2039-9340 (print) Author and co-author: Moloi, K.C. and Bam, M. Title: Exploring cultural competence from a sociological point of view Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 5 Issue: 3, March 2014 Page numbers of article: 314-319 ISSN: 2039-2117 (online); 2039-9340 (print) Author and co-author: Moutlana, I.N. and Moloi, K.C. Title: Developing scholarship of teaching and learning at one university of technology in South Africa Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 5 Issue: 1, January 2014 Page numbers of article: 51-60 ISSN: 2039-2117 (online); 2039-9340 (print) Author and co-author: Moloi, K.C. and Motaung, R. Title: Challenges of total quality in education through quality assurance principles in one institution of higher education Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 5 Issue: 1, January 2014
Page numbers of article: 137-146 ISSN: 2039-2117 (online); 2039-9340 (print) Author and co-author: Moloi, K.C. and NkhahleRapita, M. Title: Perceived success of entrepreneurs in the Vaal region of South Africa with special reference to fashion entrepreneurs Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 5 Issue: 1, January 2014 Page numbers of article: 225-234 ISSN: 2039-2117 (online); 2039-9340 (print) Author and co-author: Chinomona, E. and Moloi, K.C. Title: The role played by institutional support on commitment, satisfaction and job performance of teachers in Gauteng province in South Africa: A social exchange perspective Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 5 Issue: 1, January 2014 Page numbers of article: 225-234 ISSN: 2039-2117 (online); 2039-9340 (print) Author and co-authors: Moloi, K.C., Okscuitz, A. and Ndong, G. Title: An investigation of CSI programmes’ contribution to the brand image of a financial institution in Alexandra, South Africa Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 5 Issue: 4, March 2014 Page numbers of article: 282-291 ISSN: 2039-2117 (online); 2039-9340 (print) Author and co-author: Moloi, K.C. and Dimema, M. Title: Teaching and learning strategies to accommodate all students at a university of technology Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 5 Issue: 3, March 2014 Page numbers of article: 475-483 ISSN: 2039-2117 (online); 2039-9340 (print)
Author and co-author: Moloi, K.C. and NkahleRapita, M. Title: The impact of fashion entrepreneurs’ traits on the success of the fashion business in the Gauteng province Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 5 Issue: 4, March 2014 Page numbers of article: 78-86 ISSN: 2039-2117 (online); 2039-9340 (print)
Author and co-authors: Grobler, B.R., Khahle, T. and Moloi, K.C. Title: Developing an integrated model for policy management in private higher educational institutions in South Africa Journal: International Journal of Education Sciences Volume: 6 Issue: 2, April 2014 Page numbers of article: 239-254 ISSN: 2039-2117 (online); 2039-9340 (print)
Author and co-author: Moloi, K.C. and Secwalo, G. Title: A personal narrative journey: Working in a top management office at one university of technology Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 5 Issue: 3, March 2014 Page numbers of article: 404-412 ISSN: 2039-2117 (online); 2039-9340 (print)
Author and co-author: Moloi, K.C. and Grobler, B.R. Title: Skilful conversation as a strategic tool for effective teaching and learning Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 5 Issue: 11, May 2014 Page numbers of article: ISSN: 2039-2117 (online); 2039-9340 (print)
Author and co-author: Moloi, K.C. and Motaung, R. Title: Admission and service provision for deaf students at a university of technology Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 5 Issue: 10, June 2014 Page numbers of article: 370-375 ISSN: 2039-2117 (online); 2039-9340 (print)
Author and co-authors: Chinomona, E., Maziriri, E. and Moloi, K.C. Title: Corporate entrepreneurship with innovation in mind in one university of technology in South Africa Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 5 Issue: 23, November 2014 Page numbers of article: 2039-2117 ISSN: 2039-2117 (online); 2039-9340 (print)
Author: Mutekwe, E. Title: Manifestations of differential cultural capital in a university classroom: Views from classroom observations and focus group discussions in a South African university Journal: Journal of Education and Learning (Edulearn) Volume: 8 Issue: 4, November 2014 Page numbers of article: 349-362 ISSN: 2089-9833 Author: Mutekwe, E. Title: Unpacking student feedback as a basis for metacognition and mediated learning experiences: A socio-cultural perspective Journal: Journal of Education and Learning (Edulearn) Volume: 8 Issue: 4, November 2014 Page numbers of article: 338-348 ISSN: 2089-9833 Author: Mutekwe, E. Title: Interrogating the discourse of educational policy analysis: Insights from the South African Outcomes Based Education (OBE) Journal: Journal of Education Policy and Entrepreneurial Research Volume: 1 Issue: 3, December 2014 Page numbers of article: 45-52 ISSN: 2408-6231 Author and co-author: Mutekwe, E. and Chinangure, F. Title: Exploring university students’ gender role attitudes and their effects on sexuality and behaviours towards HIV/AIDS prevention: A case study Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Education Sciences Volume: 5 Issue: 22, November 2014 Page numbers of article: 1501-1509 ISSN: 2039-9340 Author: Mutekwe, E. Title: Perceptions of school management teams on the continuous professional development of ICT educators: A human capital development analysis of a South African school Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Education Sciences Volume: 5
Issue: 23, December 2014 Page numbers of article: 931-941 ISSN: 2039-9340 Author: Mutekwe, E. Title: Improving learning equity through a social constructivist approach to teaching and learning: Insights from the Vygotskian sociocultural perspective Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Education Sciences Volume: 5 Issue: 23, December 2014 Page numbers of article: 1093-1099 ISSN: 2039-9340 Author: Mutekwe, E. Title: South Africa’s quest for democratic education: A language in education perspective Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Education Sciences Volume: 6 Issue: 1, December 2014 Page numbers of article: 1517-1526 ISSN: 2039-9340 Author and co-authors: De Witt, L., Van der Merwe, M. and Saayman, M. Title: Critical ecotourism factors applicable to national parks: A visitors’ perspective Journal: Tourism Review International Volume: 17 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 179-194 ISSN: E-ISSN 1943-4421 Author: De Witt, L. Title: The importance of an eco-efficient tourism industry surrounding the Vaal region: A tourist’s perspective Journal: African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure Volume: 3 Issue: 2 Page numbers of article: 1-10 ISSN: 2223-814X Author and co-author: Labuschagne, V. and Saayman, M. Title: Role of location in the attendance and spending of festinos Journal: African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure Volume: 3 Issue: 1
Page numbers of article: 1-11 ISSN: 2223-814X Author: Venter, D. Title: Implications of the goal theory on air show programmes planning Journal: African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure Volume: 3 Issue: 2 Page numbers of article: 1-10 ISSN: 2223-814X Author: Venter, D. Title: Participating in paintball: Adventure or extreme sport? Journal: African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure Volume: 3 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 1-8 ISSN: 2223-814X Author and co-authors: Mazibuko, M.E., and Tlale, L.D.N. Title: Adolescents’ positive future orientation as a remedy for substance abuse: An ecosystemic view Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 5 Issue: 2, January 2014 Page numbers of article: 69-78 ISSN: 2039-9340 (print); 2039-2117 (online) Authors and co-author: Mazibuko, M.E. and Tlale, D.N. Title: Factors that shape the adolescents’ future orientation: Analysing qualitative data Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 5 Issue: 2, January 2014 Page numbers of article: 237-246 ISSN: 2039-9340 (print); 2039-2117 (online) Author and co-author: Mazibuko, M.E. and Nkune, N. Title: Understanding HIV/AIDS and STIs as related to sexually risky behaviour by higher education institution students: A literature review Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 5 Issue: 14, July 2014
Page numbers of article: 380-385 ISSN: 2039-9340 (print); 2039-2117 (online) Author: Mazibuko, M.E. Title: Active learning as a strategy in embracing diversity in inclusion classroom Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 5 Issue: 14, July 2014 Page numbers of article: 180-187 ISSN: 2039-9340 (print); 2039-117(online) Author: Van der Bank, C.M. Title: Media freedom the cornerstone of human rights in South Africa Journal: Journal of Social Sciences: Interdisciplinary Reflection of Contemporary Society Volume: 41 Issue: 2, 2014 Page numbers of article: 265-277 ISSN: 0971-8923 Author: Van der Bank, C.M. Title: Unfair Dismissal: ‘Derivative misconduct’ tarnishes employer-employee trust relationship Journal: International Journal of Business and Management Studies Volume: 3 Issue: 3, 2014 Page numbers of article: 103-112 ISSN: 2158-1479 Author: Röthe, J.F., De Vries, I., and Pretorius, H. Title: Traffic crime: The feasibility of reporting fender-bender accidents online Journal: ACTA CRIMINOLOGICA Southern African Journal of Criminology/CRIMSA Criminological and Victomological Society of Southern Africa Volume: 27 Issue: 2, 2014 Page numbers of article: 130-145 ISSN: 1012-8093 Author: Du Preez, L. Title: ‘Hollow’: Reflections on practice, the artefact and the body Journal: South African Journal of Art History Volume: 29 Issue: 4, 2014 Page numbers of article: 25-38 ISSN: 0258-3542
Research in progress
Researcher: Chmela-Jones, K.A. Title: Re-conceptualising graphic design education in South Africa to meet the challenges of human-centred practice Field: Information Design, PhD Researcher: Venter, D. Title: A quality of life framework for an adventure-based sport Field: Tourism Management, PhD Researcher: Jacobs, M.M. Title: Policing drug-related criminality with specific reference to burglary in the Letlhabile policing area Field: Policing, MTech Researcher: Molefe, S.N. Title: Guidelines of testifying in court Field: Policing, MTech Researcher: Mulder-de Does, I. Title: Reckless credit: A comparative analysis Field: Private Law, LLM Researcher: Nair, B.M. Title: Advancement of socio-economic rights with reference to gender equality Field: Human Rights Law, LLD
Researcher: Van Gesselleen, J.D.J. Title: The reform of the rules of the law of evidence in South Africa with specific reference to documentary evidence Field: Law of Evidence, LLD Researcher: Marumo-Ngwekya, K. Title: Impact of a soy feeding programme on the nutritional status of an elderly community in Sharpeville Field: Food Service Management, DTech Researcher: Kekana, M. Title: Impact of nutrition education knowledge of primary school children in Hammanskraal Field: Food Service Management, MTech Researcher: Erasmus, V. Title: The development of nutritious soy-based snacks for children between the ages of 6 and 13 Field: Food Service Management, DTech Researcher: Lekaota, L. Title: Perceptions on local communities’ role and awareness in rural tourism development: A case study from Lesotho Field: Tourism Management, PhD Researcher: Burger, S. Title: A brand loyalty model for arts festivals Field: Tourism Management, PhD
Researcher: Ndimande, L.D. Title: The child’s right to have a legal practitioner assigned to him/her in civil proceedings affecting the child Field: Family Law, LLM
Researcher: Maleho, L. Title: The development of a strategy to enhance the corporate reputation of FDD municipality in the Northern Free State Field: Public Relations Management, DTech
Researcher: Raath, N. Title: The review of CCMA awards: A critical analysis Field: Labour Law, LLM
Researcher: Mokaeane, S.B. Title: Examining corporate reputation management of a local government branch in the Vaal region: A case study Field: Public Relations Management, MTech
Researcher: Sowerby, M. Title: Die hervorming van die SuidAfrikaanse saaklike sekerheidsregte rakende roerende eiendom Field: Property Law, LLM Researcher: Van der Bank, M. Title: Constitutional environmental rights and water service delivery in the public and private sectors in South Africa Field: Environmental and Local Government Law, PhD
Researcher: Sibongile, K. Title: Determining the contribution of online corporate communications to brand reputation among Generation Y consumers in the Vaal region Field: Public Relations Management, MTech Researcher: Mazibuko, M.E. Title: Ecosystemic framework to curb teenage pregnancy in Gauteng schools Field: Inclusive Education, PhD
Prof. M. Dhurup
s Faculty we are passionate about the intellectual energy and scholarly productivity generated by our Faculty members and its students.
he year 2014 has witnessed a renewed interest amongst staff members who developed an appetite to continue their commitment in the various research activities within the Faculty of Management Sciences. Their relentless pursuit of excellence in research is acknowledged. As a Faculty we have continued to strengthen and broaden the intellectual footprint and have become audacious in attracting talented staff in the various departments in order to make a positive impact on teaching, learning and research. New and upcoming researchers have grown and have come a long way in terms of claiming their own space in research. In order to keep the momentum, we plan to create research groups and give meaning to engage scholarship. Engaged scholarship is premised on the idea that major advances in knowledge tend to occur when human beings consciously work together in groups to solve central problems confronting our society. Engaged scholarship creates the propensity for ¥¥
the scholarship of discovery – which contributes to new knowledge;
the scholarship of integration – which allows for connections across disciplines;
the scholarship of application – through which scholars ask how knowledge can be applied to address society’s problems and issues; and
the scholarship of teaching – which includes not only transmitting knowledge, but also transforming and extending it beyond university walls.
A notable illustration of our endeavours to expand our cohort of researchers, is the number of staff members who have completed their qualifications in 2014. Dr C. Mafini, Dr. H.B. Mahlangu, Dr J. van der Westhuizen, Dr C. Marais, and Dr F. Niyimbanira completed their Doctoral qualifications in 2014. This is indeed a proud accomplishment. Currently, there are 28 staff members busy with their studies – either towards their Masters or Doctoral qualifications. The Faculty Research Awards, which was held on 24 October 2014, and the Faculty Research Colloquium, held on 22 September 2014, were very successful, and created a further platform for staff members to become part of the Faculty research family. A total of 27 papers were presented in national and international conferences by staff members. In 2014, a total of 106 articles were published of which 53 were published in accredited journals, with an article equivalence of 49. This seems very favourable when compared against the University’s total research output. Grounded in our commitment to Management Studies through our induction programme, we offered our students a rich educational experience; an experience that captured intellectual rigour and a blend of cross-disciplinary breadth in research, research paradigms, and research methodologies. Students were exposed to teaching by experienced research professionals from various disciplines. The induction programme has now become the cornerstone from which students critique their own work and learn from their peers in order to develop a well-refined research proposal. Through this process, postgraduate students learn from their strengths as well as weaknesses, and see their own gaps in knowledge.
The Faculty executives and senior staff members also led by example, with Prof. M. Dhurup, Prof. J. Selesho, and Dr F. Niyimbanira scooping up both the Faculty Research Excellence Awards and the Institutional Excellence Awards. Dr P. Radebe, Ms R. Rundora, Ms G. Fouche, and Ms L. Radebe were proud recipients of the Faculty Achievement Awards. Dr P. Radebe also was a recipient of the Institutional Achievement Award. The Central Research Office, through the concerted efforts of the Research Directorate, supported Faculty members by providing funds to drive various aspects of research. We truly appreciate and acknowledge their support. The Faculty of Management Sciences, through its leadership, will continue to expand the intellectual engagement amongst staff, mentor future generations of scholars, and continue to pursue academic research in order for staff members to obtain their vertical qualifications and publish in high impact journals. As Faculty we are passionate about the intellectual energy and scholarly productivity generated by our Faculty members and its students. We plan to harmonise the various activities of the Faculty so that students as well as staff members may further benefit through focused research areas. I salute all those staff members who have contributed enormously in developing a research culture within the Faculty.
FACULTY OF MANAGEMENT SCIENCES RESEARCH OUTPUTS Postgraduate staff qualifications completed in 2014 Name: Mafini, C. Qualification: PhD Dissertation title: The relationship between organisational resources and organisational performance in a National Government Department Institution: VUT Name: Mahlangu, H.B. Qualification: PhD Marketing Management Dissertation title: Modelling the factors that influence Generation Y students’ attitudes towards advertising in the Facebook environment. Institution: North-West University Name: Van Der Westhuizen, J. Qualification: PhD Dissertation title: Leadership practices of first and second generation family business leaders and the correlation to business performance Institution: North-West University
Presenter: Dhurup, M. Title of paper: Job enjoyment, organisational citizenship beh aviour and intentions to stay among teachers in a developing country Conference: Annual Tokyo Business Research Conference Place: Tokyo, Japan Date: 15 to 16 December 2014 Presenter: Dlodlo, N. Title of paper: The significance of demographic and psychological attributes in M-additive behaviour among students at a South African university Conference: European Conference on Social Sciences Place: Brighton, UK Date: 17 to 20 July 2014 Presenter: Dlodlo, N. Title of paper: Examining the relationship between need for uniqueness and fashion innovativeness among university students Conference: 3rd International Conference on Economics and Social Sciences (ICESS) Place: Durban, South Africa Date: 21 to 22 June 2014
Name: Marais, C. Qualification: PhD Labour Relations Management Dissertation title: Lived realities of domestic workers within the South African labour legislative context: A qualitative study Institution: North-West University
Presenter: Dubihlela, D. Title of paper: The effectiveness of social grants as a safety net for the poor female headed households in South Africa: A case analysis Conference: World Business Institute Place: Taj Hotel, Cape Town, South Africa Date: 13 to 14 January 2014
Name: Niyimbanira, F. Qualification: PhD (Economics) Dissertation title: Who are the good Samaritans? An analysis of volunteers and volunteerism in South Africa Institution: North-West University
Presenter: Dubihlela, J. Title of paper: The impact of ABC implementation on the performance of manufacturing SMEs, and effect of employee training and managerial commitment Conference: International Academic Conference; hosted by The Clute Institute Place: The Disney Boardwalk Resort, Orlando Florida, USA Date: 2 to 6 January 2014
Conferences (Papers and posters presented) Presenter: Chinomona, E. Title of paper: An investigation of the influence of relationship benefit and shared valued on a relationship commitment, trust and retention in the banking sector: A student respective Conference: 3rd International Conference on Economics and Social Sciences Place: Durban University of Technology, Durban Date: 21 to 22 June 2014
Presenter: Dubihlela, J. Title of paper: E-retailing adoption, e-retail innovativeness, implementation capacity and business performance of SMEs in South Africa Conference: Academy of World Business, Marketing and Management Development Conference 2014
Place: Ramada Jumier Hotel, Dubai, United Arab Emirates Date: 11 to 14 August 2014 Presenter: Dubihlela, J. Title of paper: The relationship between shopping mall image attributes, customer satisfaction and customer patronage Conference: 3rd International Conference on Economics and Social Sciences Place: Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa Date: 20 to 22 June 2014 Presenter: Okubena, O. Title of paper: Performance management analysis: A case study at selected municipalities in South Africa Conference: 7th Annual International Business, Health and Engineering Conference Place: Las Vegas, USA Date: 27 to 28 December 2014 Presenter: Mahlangu, H.B. Title of paper: Perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use as predictors of intentions to purchase from the Facebook site Conference: Clute Institute International Academic Conference Place: Las Vegas, USA Date: 6 to 8 October 2014 Presenter: Mahlangu, H.B. Title of paper: The effect of information value and privacy on acceptance of Facebook advertising Conference: International Academic Conference on Business and Social Sciences (ICBSS) Place: Durban, South Africa Date: 6 to 8 November 2014 Presenter: Mafini, C. Title of paper: Predictors of employee satisfaction in tourism establishments: Considering the South African context Conference: The Economic, Finance, MIS and International Business Research Conference Place: London, UK Date: 10 to 13 July 2014 Presenter: Mathu, K. Title of paper: The socio-economic impacts of South African coal mining
Conference: Global Business and Technology Association 16th Annual International Conference Place: Baku, Azerbaijan Date: 8 to 12 July 2014 Presenter: Marais, C. Title of paper: Caring and connectedness: Affirmation of ubuntu within a flourishing work relationship as voiced by South African domestic workers Conference: International Conference of Social Science and Humanities, University of London Union Place: London, UK Date: 4 to 7 November 2014 Presenter: Niyimbanira, F. Title of paper: Analysis of the role of ICT in economic development Conference: 2014 International Business Conference Place: San Francisco, USA Date: 4 to 6 August 2014 Presenter: Niyimbanira, F. Title of paper: The determinants of interested rate spread in South Africa: A cointegration approach Conference: 5th International Conference on Economics and Social Sciences Place: Penang, Malaysia Date: 12 to 15 December 2014 Presenter: Omoruyi, O. and Selesho, J.M. Title of paper: The extent to which SMEs consider logistical operations to be a strategic factor for a business objective: The case of Emfuleni Municipality Conference: 25th International Business Research Conference Place: Taj Hotel, Cape Town, South Africa Date: 13 to 14 January 2014 Presenter: Pooe, R.I.D. Title of paper: Workers participation in the decision-making perceptions of security offices at a private security firm Conference: International Journal of Arts and Sciences’ (IJAS) International Conference for Academic Disciplines Place: Prague, Czech Republic Date: 10 to 13 June 2014
Presenter: Pooe, R.I.D. Title of paper: Greening the supply chains in the manganese and phosphate mining Industry Conference: Global Business and Technology Association (GBATA) Place: Baku, Azerbaijan Date: 8 to 12 July 2014 Presenter: Radebe, P. Title of paper: Sport and recreational officers’ role innovation and job enjoyment and their relationship with job satisfaction and intention to stay in a developing country Conference: Annual Tokyo Business Research Conference Place: Tokyo, Japan Date: 15 to 16 December 2014 Presenter: Rundora, R. and Selesho, J.M. Title of paper: Perception of small manufacturing firms on the practice if activitybased costing system: A diagnostic approach in southern Gauteng Conference: 25th International Business Research Conference Place: Taj Hotel, Cape Town, South Africa Date: 13 to 14 January 2014 Presenter: Rundora, R. Title of paper: Perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use as predictors of intentions to purchase from the Facebook site Conference: Clute Institute International Academic Conference Place: Las Vegas, USA Date: 6 to 8 October 2014
Seminars/workshops presented Title: Research orientation Presented to: 1st year MTech students Place: VUT, Library Training Room Date: 15 March 2014 Title: Information search and use of the library data base Presented to: 1st year MTech students Place: VUT, Library Training Room Date: 5 April 2014 Title: Literature usage, plagiarism and writing styles Presented to: 1st year MTech students Place: VUT, Library Training Room Date: 10 May 2014 Title: The design of the research proposal (Part 1 and 2) Presented to: 1st year MTech students Place: VUT, Library Training Room Date: 14 June 2014 Title: Quantitative/qualitative and mixed method Presented to: 1st year MTech students Place: VUT, Library Training Room Date: 2 August 2014 Title: Submission and feedback on first draft of research proposal and questionnaire development Presented to: 1st year MTech students Place: VUT, Library Training Room Date: 6 September 2014 Title: Basic data analysis, SPSS and hypotheses testing Presented to: 1st year MTech students Place: VUT, Library Training Room Date: 20 September 2014
Title: AMOS-CFA and hypotheses testing Presented to: 1st year MTech students Place: VUT, Library Training Room Date: 4 October 2014 Title: Final proposal presentation/feedback Presented to: 1st year MTech students Place: VUT, Library Training Room Date: 18 October 2014
Publications (Journals) Author and co-author: Bihi, J. and Selesho, J.M. Title: The impact of in-service training on computer application educations: Challenges experienced and skills acquired Journal: Mediterranean Journal Social Sciences Volume: 5 Issue: 7 Page numbers of article: 417-321 ISSN: 2039-9340 Author and co-author: Bihi, J. and Selesho, J.M. Title: Assessing computer self-efficacy of Computer Application Technology educators: The significant nature Journal: Jökull Journal Volume: 64 Issue: 10 Page numbers of article: 289-308 ISSN: 0119-0576 Author and co-author: Bihi, J. and Selesho, J.M. Title: Examining reflections of Computer Application Technology (CAT) educators on in-service training as continuous professional development aspect Journal: Pensee Journal Volume: 76 Issue: 8 Page numbers of article: 84-105 ISSN: 0031-4777 Author and co-authors: Chinomona, E., Popoola, B. and Selesho, J.M. Title: The Influence of school image, student expectation and campus environment on student satisfaction. The issue of South African universities Journal: Jökull Journal Volume: 64 Issue: 12 Page numbers of article: 218-226 ISSN: 0119-0576
Author and co-authors: Chinomona, E., Chinomona, R. and Sandada, M. Title: An investigation of shared value, benefit, commitment, trust and retention in the banking sector: A student perspective Journal: Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies Volume: 6 Issue: 8 Page numbers of article: 607-615 ISSN: 2220-6140 Author and co-author: Chiomona, E. and Moloi, K.C. Title: The role played by institutional support in the commitment, job satisfaction and employee performance of teachers in Gauteng Province of South Africa: A social exchange perspective Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 5 Issue: 2 Page numbers of article: 303-315 ISSN: 2039-9340 Author and co-author: Dubihlela, D. and Sekhampu, J.T. Title: The impact of price changes on demand among poor households Journal: International Business and Economic Research Journal Volume: 13 Issue: 3 Page numbers of article: 463-474 ISSN: 2157-9393 Author and co-authors: Dubihlela, D., Chikobvu, M., Mudhombo, I. and Chifurira, R. Title: The impact of inflation on the automobile sales in South Africa Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 5 Issue: 7 Page numbers of article: 200-207 ISSN: 2039-2117 Author and co-author: Dubihlela, D. and Dubihlela, J. Title: Social grants impact on poverty among female-headed households in South Africa: A case analysis Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 5
Issue: 8 Page numbers of article: 160-167 ISSN: 2039-2117 Author and co-author: Dubihlela, D. and Chinomona, R. Title: Does customer satisfaction lead to customer trust, loyalty and repurchase intention of local store brands? The case of Gauteng Province of South Africa Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 5 Issue: 9 Page numbers of article: 23-32 ISSN: 2039-2117 Author and co-author: Dubihlela, J. and Chinomona, R. Title: The prevalence of athlete hospitality, anger, verbal and physical aggression within South African sport Journal: African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) Volume: 20 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 89-105 ISSN: 1117-4315 Author and co-author: Dubihlela, J. and Sibanda, D. Title: Fair value accounting perspectives, adoption and implementation patterns for preparers and users in one Southern African economy Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 5 Issue: 9 Page numbers of article: 23-32 ISSN: 2039-2117 Author and co-author: Dubihlela, J. and MoliseKhosa, P. Title: Impact of e-CRM implementation on customer loyalty, customer retention and customer profitability for hoteliers along the Vaal Meander of South Africa Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 5 Issue: 16 Page numbers of article: 175-183 ISSN: 2039-2117
Author and co-authors: Dhurup, M., Redda, E. and Surujlal, J. Title: Customer perceptions of online banking service quality Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 5 Issue: 2 Page numbers of article: 587-594 ISSN: 2039-2117/2039-9340
Author and co-author: Dubihlela, J. and Omoruyi, O. Title: Barriers to effective supply chain management, implementation and impact on business performance of SMEs in South Africa Journal: The Journal of Applied Business Research (JABR) Volume: 30 Issue: 4 Page numbers of article: 1019-1030 ISSN: 2039-9340
Author and co-author: Dubihlela, J. and Rundora, R. Title: Employees training managerial commitment and the implementation of activitybased costing: Impact on performance of SMEs Journal: International Business and Economic Research Journal Volume: 13 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 201-211 ISSN: 2157-9393
Author and co-author: Dubihlela, J. and Dhurup, M. Title: Modelling the effects of market orientation enablers on business performance among SMEs in a developing country Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 5 Issue: 16 Page numbers of article: 27-33 ISSN: 2039-2117
Author and co-author: Dhurup, M. and Govender, D.W. Title: An exploratory factorial analysis of teachers’ perceptions of perceived pedagogical benefits of adoption of information and communication technology in teaching and learning Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 5 Issue: 20 Page numbers of article: 1214-1224 ISSN: 2039-9340
Author and co-author: Dubihlela, J. and Dubihlela, D. Title: Social grants impact on poverty among the female-headed households in South Africa: A case analysis Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 5 Issue: 8 Page numbers of article: 359-370 ISSN: 2039-2117
Author and co-authors: Dhurup, M., Redda, E. and Surujlal, J. Title: Customer perceptions of online banking service quality and its relationship with customer satisfaction and loyalty Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 5 Issue: 8 Page numbers of article: 72-80 ISSN: 2039-2117/2039-9340
Author and co-authors: Dhurup, M., Mafini, C. and Masitenyane, L.A. Title: Factors influencing customer-service quality in the pre-cast concrete industry: An exploratory factor analysis Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 5 Issue: 8 Page numbers of article: 115-123 ISSN: 2039-2117 Author and co-author: Dhurup, M. and Govender, D.W. Title: Perceptions of learners of a learning management system to support teaching and learning using the diffusion on innovation theory Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 5 Issue: 8 Page numbers of article: 377-385 ISSN: 2039-2117/2039-9340 Author: Dhurup, M. Title: Impulsive fashion apparel consumption: The role of hedonism, fashion involvement and emotional gratification in fashion apparel impulsive buying behaviour in a developing country Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 5 Issue: 8 Page numbers of article: 168-174 ISSN: 2039-2117/2039-9340 Author: Dhurup, M. Title: The effects of fashion interest, product novelty and product quality on brand consciousness and brand loyalty in fashion apparel purchase Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences
Volume: 5 Issue: 8 Page numbers of article: 32-38 ISSN: 2039-2117/2039-9340 Author and co-author: Dhurup, M. and Dubihlela, D. Title: Sport coaching officials and their stressors: Work overload, role ambiguity, role conflict and the influence on job satisfaction of sport coaching officials in Gauteng Province, South Africa Journal: African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) Volume: 20 Issue: 2:2 Page numbers of article: 732-744 ISSN: 1117-4315 Author and co-author: Dhurup, M. and Mahomed, F.E. Title: Happiness, job enjoyment and organisational commitment of school sport facilitators Journal: African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) Volume: Supplement Issue: 2:1 Page numbers of article: 30-43 ISSN: 1117-4315 Author and co-author: Dhurup, M. and Isabirye, A.K. Title: The influence of organisational justice (fairness) and work overload on turnover intentions of sport and recreation officials in Gauteng Province, South Africa Journal: African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) Volume: Supplement Issue: 2:1 Page numbers of article: 1-15 ISSN: 1117-4315 Author and co-author: Dhurup, M. and Niyimbanira, F. Title: Youth development through sport and its effects on life satisfaction: A strengthbased approach Journal: African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) Volume: Supplement Issue: 2:2 Page numbers of article: 266-281 ISSN: 1117-4315
Author: Dhurup, M. Title: Sport fans and athletic celebrity endorsers: Relationship between celebrity familiarity and endorser brand-fit with attitude and brand purchases intentions Journal: African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) Volume: 20 Issue: 4:2 Page numbers of article: 1537-1550 ISSN: 1117-4315 Author and co-author: Dhurup, M. and Dlodlo, N. Title: Salient uses and gratifications sought by twitter followers of South African athletes Journal: African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) Volume: Supplement Issue: 2:2 Page numbers of article: 360-380 ISSN: 1117-4315 Author: Dhurup, M. Title: Revisiting the salient dimensions of service quality in commercial health and fitness centres in South Africa Journal: African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) Volume: Supplement Issue: 2:2 Page numbers of article: 381-393 ISSN: 1117-4315 Author and co-author: Dhurup, M. and Mafini, C. Title: The influence of athlete endorsers’ familiarity, brand-fit, field performance on attitude towards the advertised brand and brand loyalty: A Generation Y perspective Journal: African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) Volume: Supplement Issue: 2:2 Page numbers of article: 344-359 ISSN: 1117-4315 Author and co-authors: Dhurup, M., Mafini, C. and Dumasi, T. Title: The impact of packing, price and brand awareness on brand loyalty: Evidence from the paint retailing industry Journal: Acta Commercii Volume: 14 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 1-9 ISSN: dx.doi.org/10.4102/ac.v14i1.194
Author and co-author: Dhurup, M. and Chinomona, R. Title: The influence of the quality of working life on employee job satisfaction, job commitment and tenure intention in the SME sector in Zimbabwe Journal: South African Journal of Economics and Management Sciences Volume: 17 Issue: 4 Page numbers of article: 363-378 ISSN: 2222-3436 Author and co-authors: Dhurup, M., Van Zyl, Y. and Makhitha, M.S. Title: Factors influencing job satisfaction and its relationship on career development among nursing staff within a public hospital in South Africa Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 5 Issue: 13 Page numbers of article: 79-86 ISSN: 2039-2117 Author and co-author: Dhurup, M. and Makhitha, M.S. Title: Reflections on the constraints in entrepreneurial development among emerging survivalist and micro craft enterprises in Gauteng Journal: Journal of Contemporary Management Volume: 11 Issue: Online journal Page numbers of article: 230-250 ISSN: 1815-7440 Author and co-author: Dhurup, M. and Nolan, V.T. Title: Body image coping strategies among university students and variations in terms of gender in a developing country Journal: Anthropologist Volume: 18 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 217-225 ISSN: 0972-0073 Author and co-author: Dlodlo, N. and Mafini, C. Title: The relationship between internet marketing paybacks and firm productivity: Perspectives from Zimbabwean SMEs Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 5
Issue: 8 Page numbers of article: 21-31 ISSN: 2039-2117
Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 679-688 ISSN: 1684-4998
Author: Dlodlo, N. Title: Uniqueness-seeking behaviour and innovativeness of young consumers: Perspectives on South African fashion designer labels Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 5 Issue: 15 Page numbers of article: 191-199 ISSN: 2039-2117
Author and co-author: Imuezerua, E. and Selesho, J.M. Title: The alignment of an integrated development plan and budget compilation on service delivery in a district municipality in South Africa Journal: Ciencia e Tecnica Vitivinicola Volume: 29 Issue: 10 Page numbers of article: 162-173 ISSN: 0254-0223
Author: Dlodlo, N. Title: Profiling marketplace change agents (influential) using the multiple flow communication theory Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 5 Issue: 20 Page numbers of article: 77-84 ISSN: 2039-2117
Author and co-author: Haribhai-Pitamber, H.U. and Dhurup, M. Title: Inventory control and valuation systems among retail SMEs in a developing country: An exploratory study Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 5 Issue: 8 Page numbers of article: 81-87 ISSN: 2039-2117/2039-9340
Author: Dlodlo, N. Title: The influence of selected mobile device recreation factors on quality of life: A genderbased perspective Journal: Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai. Series: Oeconomica Volume: 59 Issue: 2 Page numbers of article: 34-56 ISSN: 2039-2117 Author: Dlodlo, N. Title: Developing and online shopping value framework for consumers of non-store fashion brands Journal: International Business and Economics Research Journal Volume: 13 Issue: 6 Page numbers of article: 1-16 ISSN: 2157-9393 Author: Dlodlo, N. Title: Internet marketing benefits for South African SME owner-managers Journal: Journal for New Generation Sciences Volume: 12
Author and co-author: Isabirye, A.K. and Dlodlo, N. Title: Perceived inhibitors of innovative e-learning teaching practice at a South African university of technology Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 5 Issue: 4 Page numbers of article: 390-398 ISSN: 2039-2117 and 2039-9340 Author and co-author: Janse van Rensburg, C. and Surujlal, J. Title: Gender differences related to the health and lifestyle patterns of university students Journal: Health SA Gesondheid Volume: 18 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 1-8 ISSN: dx.doi.org/10.4102/hsag.v18i.735 Author and co-authors: Joubert, P.A., Lesuthu, K. and Grobler, B.R. Title: Job seekers’ perceptions about the PNet website as an e-recruitment tool within South Africa
Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 5 Issue: 7 Page numbers of article: 530-541 ISSN: 2039-2117 Author and co-authors: Kompi, B., Twala, C. and Selesho, J.M. Title: The Socio-political Consequence of the Commission on Traditional Leadership Disputes and Claims in South Africa: A Post- Apartheid or Modern Political Discourse within the ANC Led Government? Journal: Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 40 Issue: 2 Page numbers of article: 169-176 ISSN: 0971-8923 Author: Mafini, C. Title: Tracking the employee satisfactionlife satisfaction binary: The case of South African academics Journal: South African Journal of Industrial Psychology Volume: 40 Issue: 2 Page numbers of article: 1-11 ISSN: 2071-0768 Author and co-author: Mafini, C. and Dhurup, M. Title: Internet marketing benefits among sport organisations in South Africa Journal: African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) Volume: 20 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 118-132 ISSN: 1117-4315 Author and co-authors: Mafini, C., Pooe, R.I.D. and Nqcobo, H. Title: Factors contributing to the unsuccessful implementation of the BSC in a South African provincial treasury department Journal: International Business and Economics Research Journal Volume: 13 Issue: 6 Page numbers of article: 1539-1549 ISSN: 2157-9393
Author and co-author: Mafini, C. and Dhurup, M. Title: Exploring sports team website consumption motives: Baseline findings from Generation Y soccer fans Journal: African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) Volume: 2:2 Issue: 6 Page numbers of article: 316-328 ISSN: 1117-4315 Author and co-authors: Mafini, C., Dhurup, M. and Mandlazi, L. Title: Shopper typologies among a generation Y consumer cohort and variations in terms of age in the fashion apparel market Journal: Acta Commercii Volume: 14 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 1-11 ISSN: dx.doi.org/10.4102/ac.v4i1.209 Author and co-author: Mafini, C. and Pooe, R.I.D. Title: A framework for linking process factors to organisational performance in a Government Department
Journal: International Business and Economics Research Journal Volume: 40 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 1-16 ISSN: 2157-9393 Author and co-author: Mafini, C. and Mugwenhi, S. Title: Spotlighting the rights of children in Zimbabwe: Roles and challenges for NonGovernmental Organisations Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 5 Issue: 6 Page numbers of article: 409-415 ISSN: 2039-2117 Author and co-author: Mafini, C. and Mafini, M. Title: Profiling the perceptions of employees at designated tourism establishments: A surveybased review Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 5 Issue: 6 Page numbers of article: 11-23 ISSN: 2039-2117 Author and co-author: Mafini, C. and Dhurup, M. Title: Assessing consumer purchasing decision styles: An empirical investigation from South Africa Journal: International Business and Economics Research Journal Volume: 13 Issue: 4 Page numbers of article: 679-688 ISSN: 2157-9393 Author: Mafini, C. Title: An empirical reflection of organisational processes in a Government Department Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 5 Issue: 8 Page numbers of article: 218-228 ISSN: 2039-2117 Author and co-author: Mafini, C. and Dlodlo, N. Title: The relationship between extrinsic motivation, job satisfaction and life satisfaction among employees in a public organisation
Journal: South African Journal of Industrial Psychology Volume: 40 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 1-13 ISSN: 2071-0768 Author: Mafini, C. Title: The relationship between job satisfaction and life satisfaction: Empirical evidence from logistics practitioners in a South African steelmaking company Journal: International Business and Economics Research Journal Volume: 13 Issue: 3 Page numbers of article: 1-9 ISSN: 2157-9393 Author: Mafini, C. Title: Factors influencing job satisfaction among public sector employees: An empirical investigation Journal: South African Journal of Labour Relations Management Volume: 38 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 116-135 ISSN: 0379-8410 Author and co-author: Mafini, C. and Dlodlo, N. Title: The linkage between work-related factors, employees’ satisfaction and organisational commitment: Insights from public health professionals Journal: South African Journal of Human Resources Management Volume: 12 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 1-12 ISSN: 1683-7584 Author: Makhitha, K.M. Title: Supplier selection used by craft retailers in South Africa: Influence of years of buying experience Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 5 Issue: 23 Page numbers of article: 1660-1668 ISSN: 2039-2117
Author and co-author: Makhitha, K.M. and Dlodlo, N. Title: Examining salient dimensions of online shopping and the moderating influence of gender: The case of students at a South African university Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 5 Issue: 23 Page numbers of article: 1838-1848 ISSN: 2039-2117
Author and co-author: Marais, C. and Van Wyk, C. de W. Title: Methodological reflection on the coconstruction of meaning within the South African domestic worker sector: Challenging the notion of ‘voicelessness’ Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 5 Issue: 17 Page numbers of article: 726-738 ISSN: 10.5901/mjss.2014.v5n20p726
Author: Makhitha, K.M. Title: The impact of years of buying experience on information used by craft retailers in South Africa Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 5 Issue: 23 Page numbers of article: 1553-1562 ISSN: 2039-2117
Author and co-authors: Marais, C., Du Bryun, K., Downing, C., Mahomend, F., Matsheke, O., Dicks, E., Omoruyi, O., Maharajh, R. and Kearney, J. Title: Gender-based research capacity building as transitional process within the South African higher education context: Towards a community of practice Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 5 Issue: 23 Page numbers of article: 97-102 ISSN: 10.5901/mjss.2014.v5n23p97
Author: Makhitha, K.M. Title: The importance of supermarket attributes in supermarket choice among university students Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 5 Issue: 23 Page numbers of article: 1750-1762 ISSN: 2039-2117 Author: Makhitha, K.M. Title: Factors influencing Generation Y students’ attitudes towards online shopping Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 5 Issue: 21 Page numbers of article: 39-50 ISSN: 2039-2117 Author and co-author: Makhitha, K.M. and Voortman, C. Title: The alignment of product strategy to supply chain practices of craft business in Gauteng Province, South Africa Journal: Contemporary Management Volume: 8 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 1660-1668 ISSN: Doi10.4102/jtscm
Author and co-author: Masoka, J.C. and Selesho, J.M. Title: Employability skills required among unemployed youth: A case at Beverly Hill in the Sedibeng District, southern Gauteng Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 5 Issue: 3 Page numbers of article: 131-136 ISSN: 2039-9340 and 2039-2117 Author: Mathu, K. Title: Applying the theory of constraints in the South African coal supply chain Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 5 Issue: 9 Page numbers of article: 131-141 ISSN: 2039-9340 Author: Mathu, K. Title: The need for private-public partnership model in the South African mining industry Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 5
Issue: 4 Page numbers of article: 224-235 ISSN: 2039-9340 Author and co-author: Naile, I. and Selesho, J.M. Title: Enhancing the quality assurance in higher education: Institution accountability Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 5 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 405-413 ISSN: 0970-9274 Author and co-author: Naile, I. and Selesho, J.M. Title: Role of leadership in employee motivation Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 5 Issue: 2 Page numbers of article: 175-181 ISSN: 0970-9274 Author and co-author: Niyimbanira, F. and Manyathi, S. Title: A descriptive analysis of the possible causes of the inverse audit outcomes: Case of supply chain management of the KwaZulu-Natal Province, South Africa Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 5 Issue: 16 Page numbers of article: 82-91 ISSN: 2039-9340 Author and co-author: Nkomazana, L. and Niyimbanira, F. Title: An overview of the economic causes and effects of dollarisation: Case of Zimbabwe Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 5 Issue: 7 Page numbers of article: 69-73 ISSN: 2039-9340 Author and co-author: Ntisa, N. and Selesho, J.M. Title: Determining the impact of contract of employment: A case of low income earners Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 5 Issue: 2
Page numbers of article: 221-227 ISSN: 2039-2117/2039-9340 Author and co-author: Ntisa, A. and Selesho, J.M. Title: Contracts of employment of domestic workers: Compliance with the South African Labour Law Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 5 Issue: 3 Page numbers of article: 86-93 ISSN: 2039-2117 and 2039-9340 Author and co-author: Ntshingila, L. and Selesho, J.M. Title: The effect of small medium micro enterprise towards local economic development Journal: Wulfenia Journal Volume: 21 Issue: 11 Page numbers of article: 344-354 ISSN: 1561-882X Author and co-author: Ntshoe, I.M. and Selesho, J.M. Title: Investing in leadership, governance and management to improve quality of teaching and learning: A human capital perspective Journal: International Business and Economics Research Volume: 13 Issue: 3 Page numbers of article: 1-10 ISSN: 1535-0759 Author and co-author: Ntshoe, I.M. and Selesho, J.M. Title: Institutional ranking in a differentiated higher education in South Africa Journal: South African Journal of Higher Education Volume: 28 Issue: 4 Page numbers of article: 1553-1573 ISSN: 1011-3487 Author and co-authors: Odendaal, W., Van Zyl, Y. and Surujlal, J. Title: Staff retention in an information management environment Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 5
Issue: 13 Page numbers of article: 493-508 ISSN: 2039-2117 Author: Okubena, O. Title: An evaluation of business skills and training needs within selected small manufacturing businesses in the Vanderbijlpark area of Gauteng Province, South Africa Journal: African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure Volume: 3 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 1-16 ISSN: 2223-814X Author and co-author: Pooe, R.I.D. and Hove, P. Title: The impact of Islamic banking on entrepreneurial motivation, firm competitiveness and performance in South African small and medium enterprises Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 5 Issue: 15 Page numbers of article: 165-174 ISSN: 2039-9340 Author and co-author: Radebe, P.Q. and Dhurup, M. Title: The relationship between job satisfaction, intention to stay, and organisational citizenship behaviour among employees in a provincial sport and recreation government department Journal: African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) Volume: Supplement Issue: 2:2 Page numbers of article: 282-295 ISSN: 1117-4315 Author and co-author: Rundora, R. and Selesho, J.M. Title: Perception of small manufacturing firms on the practice of activity-based costing: a diagnosis process in southern Gauteng Journal: Ciencia e Tecnica Vitivinicola Volume: 29 Issue: 10 Page numbers of article: 174-186 ISSN: 0254-0223
Author and co-authors: Samosamo, M., Marais, C. and Joubert, P.A. Title: Employee perceptions of the effectiveness of health and safety induction at Arcelor Mittal, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 5 Issue: 23 Page numbers of article: 412-420 ISSN: 10.5901/mjss.2014.v5n23p412 Author and co-authors: Sandada, M., Pooe, R.I.D. and Dhurup, M. Title: A factor analysis of strategic planning dimensions among small and medium enterprises and variation in terms of gender in a development country Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 5 Issue: 6 Page numbers of article: 131-139 ISSN: 2039-2117 and 2039-9340 Author and co-authors: Sandada, M., Pooe, R.I.D. and Dhurup, M. Title: Strategic planning and its relationship Journal: International Business and Economics Research Volume: 13 Issue: 3 Page numbers of article: 131-139 ISSN: 1535-0759 Author and co-authors: Sandada, M., Chitambara, P. and Shamhuyenhanzva, R.M. Title: An assessment of the relationship between board of directors’ characteristics and the performance of Zimbabwe stock exchange listed banks Journal: International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management Volume: 11 Issue: 10 Page numbers of article: 1-16 ISSN: 2348-0386 Author: Selesho, J.M. Title: Curriculum reform as a social justice issue Journal: Pensee Journal Volume: 76 Issue: 8 Page numbers of article: 411-424 ISSN: 0031-4777
Author and co-author: Selesho, J.M. and Naile, I. Title: Academic staff retention as a human resource factor: University perspective Journal: International Business and Economics Research Journal Volume: 13 Issue: 2 Page numbers of article: 295-304 ISSN: 1535-0759
Author: Selesho, J.M. Title: The impact of quality correlation in the development of institutional policy Journal: Wulfenia Journal Volume: 21 Issue: 10 Page numbers of article: 152-162 ISSN: 1561-882X
Author and co-author: Selesho, J.M. and Naile, I. Title: Measuring the teacher turnover intention, job satisfaction and organisational commitment as initiators to improve schools reform Journal: Jökull Journal Volume: 64 Issue: 6 Page numbers of article: 2-16 ISSN: 0119-0576
Author: Selesho, J.M. Title: Equity challenge faced by female students with regard to access to FETC: Towards realisation of FETC as institutions of choice Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 5 Issue: 2 Page numbers of article: 135-140 ISSN: 2039-2117/2039-9340
Author: Selesho, J.M. Title: Providing quality early childhood development education: A poverty reduction agenda Journal: International Journal of Education Sciences Volume: 6 Issue: 2 Page numbers of article: 151-155 ISSN: 0975-1122
Author: Selesho, J.M. Title: Reflection on the quality of teacher education professional thinking as reflected by pre-service teachers Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 5 Issue: 2 Page numbers of article: 57-61 ISSN: 2039-2117/2039-9340
Author: Selesho, J.M. Title: Enhancing the quality assurance in higher education: Perspectives on managing institutional accountability Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 5 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 405-413 ISSN: 2039-9340
Author: Selesho, J.M. Title: (Im)possible executions of higher education quality Assurance practices: Imposing a quality model Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 5 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 507-514 ISSN: 2039-2117 and 2039-9340
Author: Selesho, J.M. Title: Assessing the educator’s commitment in delivering quality teaching and learning in the selected high schools in the Free State Province Journal: Ciencia e Tecnica Vitivinicola Volume: 29 Issue: 12 Page numbers of article: 86-308 ISSN: 0254-0223
Author and co-author: Sharp, K. and BevanDye, A. Title: African Generation Y students’ mobile advertising usage Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 5 Issue: 21 Page numbers of article: 390-397 ISSN: 2039-2117 and 2039-9340 Author: Van der Westhuizen, J.P. Title: The correlation of leadership practices of first and second generation family business owners to performances Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 5 Issue: 21 Page numbers of article: 27-38 ISSN: 2039-2117 Author and co-author: Van Zyl, Y. and Surujlal, J. Title: Understanding the dynamics of sportcareer transition of Olympic athletes Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 5 Issue: 20 Page numbers of article: 477-484 ISSN: 2039-2117
Author and co-author: Selesho, J.M. and Ntisa, A. Title: Impact of school principal leadership style on performance management: A school ing agenda Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 5 Issue: 3 Page numbers of article: 211-218 ISSN: 0970-9274
NON-FACULTY RESEARCH OUTPUTS Conferences (Papers and posters presented) Presenter and co-presenter: Lebusa, M.J. and Pitso, T.J. Title of paper: Triz-based model for developing enterprising individuals Conference: EASA Annual Conference Place: Golden Gate, Clarins, South Africa Date: 12 to 15 January 2014
Presenter and co-presenter: Pitso, T.J. and Lebusa, M.J. Title of paper: Critical reflections on the entrepreneurship programme designed to develop effectual entrepreneurs Conference: OLPTJ Annual Conference Place: Blue Waters Hotel, Durban, South Africa Date: 6 to 8 November 2014
Presenter and co-presenters: Kok, L., Lebusa, M.J. and Pitso, T.J. Title of paper: Understanding final-year labour relations perspectives on creativity Conference: 8th Teaching and Learning Conference Place: University of KwaZulu-Natal Date: 25 to 27 September 2014
Presenter: Lebusa, M.J. Title of Paper: Guided effectual entrepreneurship: A Triz-based approach Conference: 7th Annual Conference of the Euromed Academy of Business Place: Kristiandsand, Norway Date: 18 to 19 September 2014 ISBN/ISSN: 978-9963-711-27-7
Presenter and co-presenters: Kaeane, N., Lebusa, M.J. and Pitso, T.J. Title of paper: Developing an enabling pedagogy for fostering engineering undergraduates entrepreneurial orientation Conference: 8th Teaching and Learning Conference Place: University of KwaZulu-Natal Date: 25 to 27 September 2014
Publications (Journals)
Presenter and co-presenters: Bojabotsheha, T., Lebusa, M.J. and Pitso, T.J. Title of paper: Framing talk in formal and informal entrepreneurship programmes: Towards a radical, visible pedagogy Conference: 8th Teaching and Learning Conference Place: University of KwaZulu-Natal Date: 25 to 27 September 2014
Author: Lebusa, M.J. Title: Entrepreneurial intention in advanced under-graduate students Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 5 Issue: 27 Page numbers of article: 760-765 ISSN: 2039-2117 Author and co-author: Pitso, T.J. and Lebusa,M.J. Title: Accounting for undergraduates’ teaching perspective in a scholarly teaching encounter Journal: South African Journal of Higher Education (SAJHE) Volume: 28 Issue: 4 Page numbers of article: 1358-1375 ISSN: 1011-3487
Author and co-author: Pitso, T.J. and Lebusa, M.J. Title: Critical reflections on the entrepreneurship programme designed to develop effectual entrepreneurs Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 5 Issue: 22 Page numbers of article: 53-65 ISSN: 2039-2117 Author and co-authors: Kok, L., Lebusa, M.J. and Joubert, P. Title: Employee involvement in decision-making: A case at one university of technology in South Africa Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 5 Issue: 23 Page numbers of article: 423-431 ISSN: 2039-2117
Research Directorate Outputs Publications (Journals) Author and co-author: Johnson, B.J. & Louw, A.H. Title: Building a Research Culture from Scratch at a University of Technology Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 5 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 151 - 164 ISSN: 2039 - 2117
Author: Johnson, B.J. Title: The need to prepare future teachers to understand and combat homophabia in schools Journal: South African Journal of Higher Education Volume: 28 Issue: 4 Page numbers of article: 1249 - 1268 ISSN: 1011 – 3487
Author and co-author: Johnson, B.J. & Cooper, D. Title: Some theoretical considerations of ‘engaged scholarship’ and ‘use-oriented research’ at a new university in South Africa: The Vaal University of Technology Journal: South African Review of Education Volume: 20 Issue: 4 Page numbers of article: 97 - 120 ISSN: 1563 - 4418
Prof. A.A. Egal
e are also truly grateful to the communities in which we work, our postgraduate students, and all other stakeholders for their co-operation in helping us make a difference through scientific research.
he mission of the Centre of Sustainable Livelihoods (CSL) is to train and build capacity to address poverty and its resulting consequences in Africa – specifically in South Africa. One of the aims of the CSL is that all research undertaken should have an impact on the development of communities – specifically related to the nutritional and health status of the children and their caregivers – through the implementation of sustainable food and nutrition interventions in these communities, coupled with postgraduate projects. The year 2014 was a stabilisation year for the CSL in Science Park, to where its offices and laboratories relocated from the main campus. Regrettably, some accommodating facilities are not yet fully ready for operations, which is hampering the full potential of research programmes. Furthermore, 2014 was crucial in terms of containing the envisaged annual
Soy Seminar and Workshop – especially since it was the second year to be conducted. However, it was a complete success. The Soy Seminar and Workshop (held 22 to 26 September 2014) was attended by 67 participants from various academia, research institutions, Government departments, as well as members of the local community, members from the soy industry, and NGOs (countries included Botswana, Ghana, Kenya, New Zealand, Nigeria and the USA). This second year marked the end of the trial period for Soy Research Works, and it will thus become an annual event hosted by the CSL in the foreseeable future. The event was advertised through the Association for Dietetics in South Africa (ADSA) and the Nutrition Society of South Africa (NSSA), and 24 continuous professional development (CPD) points were accredited by the ADSA for the event participants.
We would hereby wish to thank our funding agen cies (NRF, CSIR, OPDT, DHET and the VUT) for their ongoing financial support. We are also truly grateful to the communities in which we work, our postgraduate students, and all other stakeholders for their co-operation in helping us make a difference through scientific research.
Place: Potchefstroom, South Africa Date: 7 to 8 August 2014
Conferences (Papers and posters presented)
Seminars/workshops presented
Presenter and co-presenter: Egal, A.A. and Oldewage-Theron, W.H. Title of paper: FBDG and soy gardening training in low-income households in Qwa-Qwa, South Africa (an oral presentation) Conference: Society for Nutrition Education and Behaviour (SNEB) conference Place: Milwaukee, WI, USA Date: 28 June to 1 July 2014
Title: Imagine the possibilities with soy Presented to: Soy industry, academics and students from universities in South Africa and Africa, as well as research organisations, non-governmental organisations and government officials Place: Science Park, VUT, Sebokeng and Quest Conference Centre, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa Date: 22 to 26 September 2014
Presenter and co-presenter: OldewageTheron, W.H. and Egal, A.A. Title of paper: Addressing household food security and malnutrition in low-income households: A case study from Qwa-Qwa, South Africa (Invited speaker in the Division of International Nutrition Education session entitled: Sustainable interventions to combat food insecurity and related malnutrition in developing countries) Conference: Society for Nutrition Education and Behaviour (SNEB) Conference Place: Milwaukee, WI, USA Date: 28 June to 1 July 2014
Title: M and DTech Research Seminar Presented to: Postgraduate students from VUT Departments of Hospitality, Tourism and PR Management, and Department of Health Sciences Place: Quest Conference Centre, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa Date: 2 December 2014
Presenter and co-presenters: OldewageTheron, W.H., Egal, A.A. and Grobler, C. Title of paper Is obesity associated with iron status in low-income black women? A case study from peri-urban Qwa-Qwa, South Africa (an oral presentation) Conference: 14th International Diagnostics and Nutrition Conference Place: Prague, Czech Republic Date: 2 to 5 September 2014 Presenter and co-presenter: Oldewage-Theron, W.H. and Egal, A.A. Title of paper: Community nutrition: Advocacy to action (invited keynote speaker) Conference: 6th Africa Nutritional Epidemiology Conference Place: Accra, Ghana Date: 21 to 25 July 2014 Presenter: Oldewage-Theron, W.H. Title of paper: Value of extruded soy products in addressing the nutritional challenges in South Africa (invited speaker) Conference: 4th Annual ExtruAfrica Conference
Publications (Journals) Author and co-author: Egal, A.A. and OldewageTheron, W.H. Title: Maternal waist circumference as a prediction of children’s stunted status Journal: South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition Volume: 27 Issue: 3 Page numbers of article: 108-109 ISSN: 1607-0658 (print); 2221-1268 (online) Author and co-author: Oldewage-Theron, W.H. and Egal, A.A. Title: Socio-economic factors as determinants of nutrition knowledge of adolescents in Cofimvaba, Eastern Cape Journal: African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) Volume: 20 Issue: 3.1 Page numbers of article: 858-869 ISSN: 1117-4315 Author and co-author: Egal, A.A. and OldewageTheron, W.H. Title: Food and beverage dietary guidelines and soy gardening training in low-income households in Qwa-Qwa, South Africa
Journal: Journal of Nutrition Education and Behaviour Volume: 46 Issue: 4S Page numbers of article: 103S ISSN: 1499-4046 Author and co-authors: Oldewage-Theron, W.H., Kruger, R. and Egal, A.A. Title: Socio-economic variables and nutrient adequacy of women in the Vaal region of South Africa Journal: Ecology of Food and Nutrition Volume: 53 Issue: 5 Page numbers of article: 514-527 ISSN: 0367-0244 (print); 1543-5237 (online) DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/03670244.201 3.873423. Author and co-authors: Oldewage-Theron, W.H., Egal, A.A. and Grobler, C.J. Title: Is obesity associated with iron status in the elderly? A case study from Sharpeville, South Africa Journal: Public Health Nutrition Volume: 18 Issue: 3 Page numbers of article: 521-529 ISSN: DOI: 10.1017/S1368980014000251 Author and co-authors: Oldewage-Theron, W.H., Egal, A.A. and Grobler, C.J. Title: Is overweight and obesity associated with iron status in low-income men and women? A case study from Qwa-Qwa, South Africa Journal: Integrative Food, Nutrition and Metabolism Volume: 1 Issue: 2 Page numbers of article: 1-6 ISSN: 2056-8339 (online) Author and co-author: Oldewage-Theron, W.H. and Egal, A.A. Title: A cross-sectional baseline survey investigating the relationship between dietary diversity and cardiovascular risk factors in women from the Vaal region, South Africa Journal: Journal of Nursing Education and Practice Volume: 4 Issue: 1
Page numbers of article: 50-61 ISSN: 1925-4040 (print); 1925-4059 (online)
Research in progress Researchers: Oldewage-Theron, W.H. and Egal, A.A. Title: Addressing malnutrition among the elderly in Sharpeville Field: Community nutrition Researchers: Duvenage, S.S. and Egal, A.A. Title: Soy recipe development Field: Food consumer science Researchers: Egal, A.A. and OldewageTheron, W.H. Title: Addressing food insecurity in Qwa-Qwa Field: Food insecurity and community nutrition Researchers: Doria, E. and Egal, A.A. Title: Introduction of nutritional enhanced cultivars of maize and beans in South Africa Field: Food insecurity and community nutrition Researchers: Daoudou, B., Doria, E. and Egal, A.A. Title: Comparison of antioxidant contents between Moringa and Rooibos tea Field: Food and health
Researchers: Daoudou, B., Doria, E. and Egal, A.A. Title: Isolation and characterisation of enzymes in food fermentation Field: Food microbiology Researcher: Duvenage, S. Tirle: Soy-based food recipe book research and production Field: Food and health
Research partnerships/collaboration Researcher: Napier, C.E. Title of research: Developing the SA food-based dietary guidelines for the elderly Higher education institution: Durban University of Technology Industry: Education Researcher: Kruger, R. Title of research: Diet quality of peri-urban women in South Africa Higher education institution: Massey University, Auckland Industry: Community nutrition International: New Zealand
Industry: Food security and nutrition International: USA Researcher: Mahungu, S.M. Title of research: Nutritious soy-based food product development for human health Higher education institution: Egerton University Industry: Community nutrition International: Kenya
New international linkages established during 2014 were with: Researcher: Gunderson, C. Title of researcher: Executive Director of the National Soybean Research Laboratory (NSRL) Higher education institution: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Industry: Community nutrition International: USA
Researcher: Murimi, M. Title of research: Addressing food security and malnutrition in Africa Higher education institution: Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas
Prof. C. Pienaar
his research will be beneficial to all off-grid rural communities within South Africa as well as Africa, since it will increase access to basic education via e-learning powered by the sun.
uring 2014, the Centre for Alternative Energy focused mainly on the following issues: The lack of electricity in off-grid rural communities in South Africa and Africa as well as budget constraints on these communities, restrict them to connect to any online resources (such as internet and e-books) for educational purposes, thus creating a major contributor to the global digital divide. Vusi Selaule designed an e-learning centre by using cost effective and efficient equipment for power utilisation. Off-grid electricity supply for the pilot e-learning centre was established by using an amply available renewable energy resource, the sun. Guidelines for the full scale implementation of the off-grid e-learning centre were also provided by the researcher. This research will be beneficial to all off-grid rural communities within South Africa as well as Africa, since it will increase access to basic education via e-learning powered by the sun. Niel Janse van Rensburg developed a solar-driven power supply for a regenerative fuel cell hydrogen
generator. The hydrogen generator forms part of a solar power plant for rural communities. Its operation is based on the switch mode and maximum power point tracking principles. The power supply is unique in the way that it generates multiple outputs for regenerative fuel cells. The practical results compared favourably with the simulated predictions. Ruaan Shoeman’s research is focussed on a solar/hydrogen power plant service interruption prediction model. The aim of the research is to predict the lifespan and service interruption of solar-driven power systems. Austin Ozemoya completed his research on controlling a photovoltaic (PV) module’s surface temperature to ensure high conversion efficiency. He investigated the conversion efficiencies that affect the performance of the PV panels, mathematical modelling, and electrical equations for efficiency, thermodynamics of PV modules, orientation angles of the panels, and cooling techniques. A pilot study was carried out over a 50-week period and the main study over a 15-week period.
A very special, ‘rugged’ printing head, capable of printing with materials normally not supplied by the manufacturers of 3-D printers, is the focus of Malan van Tonder’s Doctorate degree. Malan researched the properties of various possible printing materials to be used with the designed ‘rugged’ printing head. Test solutions like water/glycerol mixtures were investigated in terms of their fluid properties to optimise the operation of the new printing head.
CENTRE OF ALTERNATIVE ENERGY RESEARCH OUTPUTS Conferences papers Presenter and co-presenters: Van Tonder, P.J.M., Pienaar, H.C.v.Z. and De Beer, D.J. Title of paper: Practical glycerol water solution measurements to determine the effects which the fluid properties has on the drop formulation process for 3-D printers Conference: SATNAC 2014 Place: Port Elizabeth, South Africa Date: 31 August to 3 September 2014 ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-620-61966-0 Presenter and co-presenter: Ozemoya, A. and Pienaar, H.C.v.Z. Title of paper: Experimental assessment of PV module cooling strategies Conference: SATNAC 2014 Place: Port Elizabeth, South Africa Date: 31 August to 3 September 2014 ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-620-61966-0 Presenter and co-presenters: Selaule, V.E., Schoeman, R.M. and Pienaar, H.C.v.Z. Title of paper: STC parameters versus real time measured parameters to determine cost effectiveness of PV panels Conference: ICEE
Place: Cape Town, South Africa Date: 6 to 7 November 2014 ISBN/ISSN: 1307-6802 Presenter and co-presenters: Havenga, S.P., Van Tonder, .P.J.M. and Pienaar, H.C.v.Z. Title of paper: Part finishing on entry level FDM models Conference: RAPDASA Place: Stellenbosch, South Africa Date: 6 to 7 November 2014 ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-7972-1532-0 Presenter and co-presenter: Van Tonder, P.J.M. and Pienaar, H.C.v.Z. Title of paper: Development of a more rugged printing head system Conference: RAPDASA Place: Stellenbosch, South Africa Date: 6 to 7 November 2014 ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-7972-1532-0 Presenter and co-presenters: Selaule, V.E., Schoeman, R.M. and Pienaar, H.C.v.Z. Title of paper: STC parameters versus real time measured parameters to determine cost effectiveness of PV panels Conference: International Science Index Place: Cape Town, South Africa Date: 6 to 7 November 2014 ISBN/ISSN: 1307-6892
Publications (Journals) Author and co-author: Asowata, O. and Pienaar, H.C.v.Z. Title: Evaluating the effect of orientation angles on the output power of a stationary PV panel Journal: Renewable and Sustainable Energy Volume: 6 Issue: 4 Page numbers of article: 043114-1 to 043114- 10 ISSN: 1941-7012 Author: Kuyula, C.K. Title: Design and development of a 200 W converter for phosphoric acid fuel cells Journal: Lambert Academic Publishing – a trademark of OmniScriptum GmbH & Co. KG Volume: HRA 10356 Issue: 13955 Page numbers of article: 043114-1 to 043114- 10 ISSN: HRB 18918
Prof. O. Aoyi
he centre is headed by a director who is supported by a team that is fondly referred to as ‘the CREW’. The team comprises eight researchers from the Departments of Chemistry, Biotechnology, Civil Engineering and Building, and Chemical Engineering.
he Centre for Renewable Energy and Water (CREW) was officially launched in November 2013 as an interfaculty centre of excellence with the aim of consolidating research activities in the fields of water and renewable energy at the VUT. The centre is headed by a director who is supported by a team that is fondly referred to as ‘the CREW’. The team comprises eight researchers from the Departments of Chemistry, Biotechnology, Civil Engineering and Building, and Chemical Engineering. CREW believes that we must take, use and generate ideas grounded on the African imperatives. Africa must generate its own data relevant to its own circumstances. The central focus of the Centre is a water-energy-food nexus grounded on the concept of waste beneficiation. In this approach, waste materials and solar energy are employed in systems that treat water, and, at the same time, use different wastewater streams to produce bioenergy. The performance of such systems can be improved
by using advanced oxidation processes, in which nanomaterials are employed as photocatalysts to degrade high strength wastewater in multiphase systems. In such systems, phase mixing influences reaction rate and product quality. It is for this reason that one aspect of our research focuses on Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulation. Water treatment and distribution is key to efficient service delivery.
VISION To be a leading global centre for renewable energy and water research, creating innovative knowledge that adds value to life in Africa.
MISSION To develop a research culture, exploit the com petencies at the interface of disciplines, and engage in research driven by effective teaching and learning.
VALUE With the students at the Centre, CREW strives to advance humanity by adding value to life in a humane, fulfilling and caring way. We take our set of shared values as the fabric that joins our hearts together and a fountain of wisdom from which we draw the water that cleans our minds. The main sponsors for the research done by CREW include the VUT, Water Research Commission, National Research Foundation, Eskom, Talbot & Talbot, Mintek, and Local Government Sector Education and Training (LGSETA).
CENTRE FOR RENEWABLE ENERGY AND WATER RESEARCH OUTPUTS Conferences (Papers and posters presented) Presenter and co-presenters: Baloyi, J., Seadira, T., Moutloali, R., Raphulu, M. and Aoyi, O. Title of paper: Kinetic Investigation of Hg (ll) photoreduction using TiO2-immobilised on calcium alginate beads: Effect of ferric ion and organic compound Conference: International Conference on Chemical Engineering and Advanced Computational Technologies Place: Pretoria, South Africa Date: 24 to 25 November 2014 ISBN/ISSN: 978-93-84422-00-4 Presenter and co-presenters: Seadira T, Baloyi J, Raphulu M, Moutloali R and Aoyi O. Title of paper: Treatment of Cr (VI)-Laden Acid Mine Drainage Using Constructed Wetland and UV/TiO2 Photocatalysis Conference: International Conference on Chemical Engineering and Advanced Computational Technologies Place: Pretoria, South Africa Date: 24 to 25 November 2014 ISBN/ISSN: 978-93-84422-00-4 Presenter and co-presenters: Mecha AC, Onyango MS, Aoyi O and Momba NB. Title of paper: Enhanced activity of metal-doped titanium dioxide in photocatalytic ozonation Conference: International Conference on Chemical Engineering and Advanced Computational Technologies Place: Pretoria, South Africa Date: 24 to 25 November 2014 ISBN/ISSN: 978-93-84422-00-4 Presenter and co-presenters: Khune M, Akach, J. and Aoyi, O. Title of paper: Solar photodegradation of photodegradation of phenol using a composite catalyst of silica and TiO2 Conference: International Conference on Chemical Engineering and Advanced Computational Technologies Place: Pretoria, South Africa Date: 24 to 25 November 2014 ISBN/ISSN: 978-93-84422-00-4
Presenter and co-presenters: Baloyi, J., Seadira, T., Raphulu, M., and Aoyi, O. Title of paper: Synthesis and characterisation of dandelion-like TiO2 structure as photocatalyst for industrial wastewater treatment containing toxic Metal Hg (ll) Conference: International Conference on Chemical, Integrated Waste Management and Environmental Engineering Place: Johannesburg, South Africa Date: 15 to 16 April 2014 ISBN/ISSN: 978-93-82242-71-0 Presenter and co-presenters: Baloyi, J., Seadira, T., Raphulu, M. and Aoyi, O. Title of paper: Simultaneous photocatalytic reduction of Cr (VI) and oxidation of citric acid in aqueous solutions Conference: International Conference on Chemical, Integrated Waste Management and Environmental Engineering Place: Johannesburg, South Africa Date: 15 to 16 April 2014 ISBN/ISSN: 978-93-82242-71-0 Presenter and co-presenters: Mavuso, M.A., Onyango, M.S. and Aoyi, O. Title of paper: Photodegradation of reactive black-5 dye (Rb-5) in wastewater using annular photoreactor Conference: International Conference on Chemical, integrated Waste Management and Environmental Engineering Place: Johannesburg, South Africa Date: 15 to 16 April 2014 ISBN/ISSN: 978-93-82242-71-0 Presenter and co-presenters: Seadira, T., Baloyi, J., Raphulu, M., Moutloali, R. and Aoyi, O. Title of paper: Acid mine drainage treatment using constructed wetland Conference: International Conference on Chemical, Integrated Waste Management and Environmental Engineering Place: Johannesburg, South Africa Date: 15 to 16 April 2014 ISBN/ISSN: 978-93-82242-71-0 Presenter and co-presenter: Kwena, Y.P. and Aoyi, O. Title of paper: Analysis of kinetic models in heterogeneous catalysis of methyl orange using TiO2/silica composite
Conference: International Conference on Chemical, Integrated Waste Management and Environmental Engineering Place: Johannesburg, South Africa Date: 15 to 16 April 2014 ISBN/ISSN: 978-93-82242-71-0 Presenter and co-presenters: Brooms, T., Onyango, M.S. and Aoyi, O. Title of paper: Photocatalytic activity of polyaniline/TiO2/ZnO composite for degradation of aromatic compounds in abattoir wastewater Conference: International Conference on Chemical, Integrated Waste Management and Environmental Engineering Place: Johannesburg, South Africa Date: 15 to 16 April 2014 ISBN/ISSN: 978-93-82242-71-0 Presenter and co-presenters: Akach, J., Onyango, M.S. and Aoyi, O. Title of paper: Adsorption and solar photocatalytic degradation of diclofenac in wastewater Conference: International Conference on Chemical, Integrated Waste Management and Environmental Engineering Place: Johannesburg, South Africa Date: 15 to 16 April 2014 ISBN/ISSN: 978-93-82242-71-0 Presenter and co-presenters: Kittinya, J.O., Onyango, M.S. and Aoyi, O. Title of paper: Fixed-bed column breakthrough analysis for the removal of reactive Red 2 dye from aqueous solution using zeolitepolyaniline nanocomposite Conference: International Conference on Chemical Engineering and Advanced Computational Technologies Place: Pretoria, South Africa Date: 24 to 25 November 2014 ISBN/ISSN: 978-93-84422-00-4 Presenter and co-presenters: Otieno, D.O., Onyango, M.S., Aoy,i O. and Kumar, A. Title of paper: Treatment for tea industry wastewater using a combined adsorption and advanced oxidation process Conference: Research and Innovation Conference Place: Nairobi, Kenya Date: 7 to 9 May 2014 ISBN/ISSN: 2079-6226
Presenter: Aoyi, O. Title of paper: Integrated waste management and sustainable food production methods Conference: Fourth International Conference on Food Studies Place: Prato, Italy Date: 20 to 21 October 2014 Presenter and co-presenters: Kwena, P.Y., Onyango, M.S., Sillanpaa, M. and Aoyi, O. Title of paper: Analysis of kinetic studies and isotherm equilibrium modelling for the photocatalytic reduction of Cr (VI) in the presence of dye on composite photocatalyst Conference: Global Conference on Applied Engineering and Environment Research Place: Okinawa, Japan Date: 4 to 6 September 2014 ISBN/ISSN: 978-986-89844-2-4 Presenter and co-presenters: Akach, J., Onyango, M.S. and Aoyi, O. Title of paper: Adsorption and photodegradation of sulfamethoxazole in a three phase fluidised bed reactor Conference: International Conference on Environmental Technology and Sustainable Development Place: Lucknow, India Date: 21 to 23 February 2014
Publications (Journals) Author and co-authors: Apollo, S., Onyango, M.S. and Aoyi, O. Title: UV/H2O2/TiO2/zeolite hybrid system for treatment of molasses wastewater Journal: Iranian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Volume: 33 Issue: 2 Page numbers of article: 107-117 ISSN: 1735-5397 Author and co-authors: Mukosha, L., Onyango, M.S., Aoyi, O. and Leswifi, .TY. Title: Sorption characteristics of mixed molecules of glutaraldehyde form water on mesoporous acid-amine modified low-cost activated carbon: Mechanism, isotherm and kinetics Journal: Journal of Chemistry Volume: 2014 Issue: 757256 Page numbers of article: 1-13 ISSN: 2090-9063 Author and co-authors: Seth, A., Moyo, S., Mabuoa, G. and Aoy,i O. Title: Solar photodegradation of methyl orange phenol using silica-supported ZnO catalyst
Journal: International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology Volume: 5 Issue: 3 Page numbers of article: 203-206 ISSN: 2010-0248 Author and co-authors: Kwena, P.Y., Onyango, M.S., Sillanpaa, M. and Aoyi, O. Title: Kinetic modelling of the photocatalytic reduction of Cr (VI) in the presence of dye using composite photocatalyst Journal: J. Chem. Chem. Engineering Volume: 8 Issue: 5 Page numbers of article: 918-924 ISSN: 1934-7375 Author and co-authors: Apollo, S., Onyango, M.S. and Aoyi, O. Title: Integrated UV photodegradation and anaerobic digestion of textile dye for efficient biogas production using zeolite Journal: Chemical Engineering Journal Volume: 245 Issue: 06/2014 Page numbers of article: 241-247 ISSN: 13858947
Presenter and co-presenters: Malaka, M.S., Aoyi, O., Akach, J. and Moyo, S. Title of paper: Solar photodegration of phenol and dichlorophenol on zeolite-supported Tio2 catalyst Conference: Annual Conference on Engineering & Information Technology Place: Tokyo, Japan Date: 28 to 30 March 2014 ISBN/ISSN: 978-986-89298-6-9 Presenter and co-presenter: Aoyi, O. and Kwena, P.Y. Title of paper: Photodegradation of dye in the presence of metal ions using composite catalyst Conference: International Conference on Composite Materials and Renewable Energy Applications Place: Sousse, Tunisia Date: 22 to 24 January 2014 ISBN/ISSN: ISBN 0-7803-8633-7 / ISSN 1085-1992
The Research Team
ANNUAL RESEARCH REPORT 2014 Research outputs During November 2014 we were informed by the DHET that the Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences was removed from the accredited list and would be effective from 2013. This had a huge impact on the Vaal University of Technology (VUT): We submitted a total of 108.03 units; however, only 69.88 were then awarded for articles in accredited journals. Conference proceeding units for 2013 awarded came to a total of 25.08.
Accredited research outputs for VUT 2008-2014 Year
*Submitted to the DHET – not yet approved
Nominations/Special Research Awards The National Sciences and Technology Forum (NSTF) recognises and celebrates individuals and teams through the NSTF-BHP Billiton Awards for outstanding contributions in Science, Engineering, Technology and Innovation. The following two staff members from the VUT were nominated as finalists for the award: ¥¥
Prof. Oldewage-Theron (Director: Centre of Sustainable Livelihoods) and the CSL Research Team Category: For contributions to Science, Engineering and Technology for research leading to innovation by a team or individual through a corporate organisation.
Prof. Aoyi (Director: Centre for Renewable Energy and Water) Category: For an outstanding contribution to Science, Engineering, Technology and Innovation as a researcher; for research capacity development over the last 5-10 years.
The winners were announced at the gala dinner which was held on 3 July 2014 at Emperors Palace.
National Research Foundation The National Research Foundation (NRF) rating system is a benchmarking system through which individuals who exemplify the highest standards of research, as well as those demonstrating strong potential as researchers, are identified by an extensive network of South African and international peer reviewers.
NRF rated researchers in 2014: Title
Dr. R. I. Campbell
Dr. A. E. Ofomaja
Dr. H. L. Rutto
Prof. T. B. Tengen
Prof. W. H. Oldewage-Theron
Prof. O. Aoyi
Postdoctoral research fellows The following were postdoctoral research fellows in 2014: Post-doctoral Research Fellow
Principal investigator
Focus area
Dr N. Feto
Prof. M. Pillay
Applied and Computer Sciences
Dr S. Pande
Prof. D.J. De Beer
Additive Manufacturing
Technology Transfer and Innovation
Dr D. Dubihlela
Prof. J. Selesho
Management Sciences
Dr D. Wankasi
Prof. E.D. Dikio
Nano Technology
Applied and Computer Sciences
Dr R. Vala
Prof. E.D. Dikio
Nano Technology
Applied and Computer Sciences
Dr H. Raghubanshi
Prof. E.D. Dikio
Nano Technology
Applied and Computer Sciences
Dr B. Daoudou
Prof. W.H. Oldewage-Theron
Sustainable Livelihoods
Centre for Sustainable Livelihoods
Dr E. Doria
Prof. W.H. Oldewage-Theron
Sustainable Livelihoods
Centre for Sustainable Livelihoods
Dr P. Sibiya
Prof. M. Moloto
Nano Technology
Applied and Computer Sciences
Dr R. Prasad
Prof. E.B. Naidoo
Applied and Computer Sciences
Prof. M. Maringa
Prof. L.M. Masu
Engineering and Technology
Prof. T. Otunniyi
Prof. P. Mendonidis
Engineering and Technology
Research capacity development programmes Various research capacity development workshops and information sessions were hosted by the Research Directorate, including: ¥¥
Writing Retreats
NUFFIC SDSP – Netherlands Organisation for International Co-operation in Higher Education: Strengthening the Doctoral Supervision Programme
Community Engaged Research Programme
Sabbatical to Complete Doctorate Qualifications Funding Opportunity
Thuthuka – Funding Opportunity
Advocacy Campaign for Prospective Researchers (Department of Education)
NRF – Institutional Engagement and Partnership Development
Research Africa – Funding Opportunities
EU Funding and Horison 2020
VUT Community Engaged Scholars Round Table Discussion
Funds were transferred to the Faculties in order for them to arrange the necessary research capacity development workshops/programmes according to their various needs:
Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences ¥¥
Postgraduate induction programme
Postgraduate supervision workshop
Faculty of Engineering and Technology ¥¥
Postgraduate induction programme
Postgraduate supervision workshop
Faculty of Human Sciences ¥¥
Writing for publication
Postgraduate induction programme
Postgraduate supervision workshop
Faculty of Management Sciences ¥¥
Writing for publication
Statistical analysis and data processing workshop
Supervisory forum
Postgraduate induction programme
Postgraduate supervision workshop
Mentorship programme: The ‘Hub and Spokes’ model at the Vaal University of Technology Growing the next generation of South African academics at the Vaal University of Technology (VUT) The ‘Hub and Spokes’ model is a structured mentorship development programme which aims to bring mentors who are research leaders of strategic focus areas at the VUT into structured mentoring relations with postgraduate students to support the simultaneous growth of the next generation South African at VUT and leapfrog the development and innovation of the focus areas. The ‘Hub’ refers to the focus area and research leaders or mentors, while ‘Spokes’ refers to the postgraduate students who work under the guidance of the mentors.
The aims and objectives of the Hub and Spokes model 1. To provide focused support that will facilitate the growth of the next generation of academics at the VUT. 2. To strengthen the critical mass of a community of researchers at the VUT. 3. To leapfrog the development of strategic research areas. 4. To provide structured support that will ensure increased research outputs from strategic academic focus areas. 5. To ensure that postgraduate students are involved in publications of accredited peer reviewed research publications. 6. To support the academic socialisation of mentees through facilitating their involvement in teaching, tutoring and, where suitable, co-supervision.
Scholarship Scholarships are made available to strengthen teaching and research interests within the research focus areas. Doctoral candidate: R150 000 per annum Masters candidate: R96 000 per annum
The following students were on the Hub and Spokes programme in 2014: Starting date
Student number
Focus area
Busane, B.D.
Prof. M. Pillay
Ssemakalu, C.C.
Prof. M. Pillay
Bout, W.
Dr S.M. Nelana
Van Tonder, P.J.M.
Applied Electronics
Prof. C. Pienaar
Habile, S.I.
Mr P. Reddy
Jansen Van Rensburg, N.
Electrical Engineering
Prof. C. Pienaar
Thathana, M.G.
Prof. M. Pillay
Dube, P.B.
Prof. W.H. Oldewage-Theron
Manzi, S.
Prof. M. Pillay
Hove, P.
Dr R. Chinomona
Pete, K.Y.
Chemical Engineering
Prof. O. Aoyi
Nziu, P.K.
Mechanical Engineering
Prof. L.M. Masu
Van Tonder, L.
Mrs C.J. Grobler
More, D.S.
Prof. M.J. Moloto
Osikoya, A.
Prof. E.D. Dikio
SANTRUST The VUT, in partnership with SANTRUST, is offering a ‘VUT-SANTRUST PhD Development Programme’. Through this initiative, the VUT intends to produce reflective academics who have a broad insight into theories, ideas, methods and practices in research. The aim of the programme is to increase research capacity development and establish quality research. Breakaway sessions were arranged for the SANTRUST cohorts: Cohort
Workshop/programme title
Cohort 2
Module 5: Part 2, refresher course
Prof. S. Blignaut and Prof. R. Pellissier
Cohort 2
SANTRUST breakaway session
Dr C. Downing
Cohort 2
Research methodology workshop
Dr C. Downing
Cohort 3
Research methodology workshop
Dr C. Downing
Research Achievement and Research Excellence Awards Faculty Research Awards, the VUT Excellence Award, and the VUT Achievement Award are presented annually. Candidates with the highest number of points in the Faculty will automatically be nominated for the University Researcher of the Year Award. Faculty awards and awards for the top three researchers are made in each category annually.
Faculty Research Awards The Faculty Research Awards are held annually for researchers in the four various Faculties. The following staff members received Faculty Research Awards during 2014 for their research achievements in 2013:
Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences Place
Research Excellence
Prof. K.C. Moloi
Prof. C.M. van der Bank
Ms A. Sooful
Ms K. Chmela-Jones
Research Achievement Dr I. Takaidza
Dr L. Rundora
Research Excellence
Prof. E.D. Dikio
Prof. M. Pillay
Prof. M. Moloto
Faculty of Management Sciences
Faculty of Engineering and Technology Place
Research Excellence
Dr H.L. Rutto
Prof. T.B. Tengen
Prof. O. Aoyi
Research Achievement
Dr P. Radebe
Ms R. Rundora
Ms G. Fouche
Ms L. Radebe
Research Excellence
Prof. M. Dhurup
Prof. J. Selesho
Dr F. Niyimbanira
Faculty of Human Sciences Place
Research Achievement
Ms C. Kuhn
Dr L. de Witt
Ms C. Fouche
Ms J. Mofokeng
Ms R. Maharajh
Ms L. du Preez
Non-Faculty Place
Research Excellence
Prof. W.H. Oldewage-Theron
Dr A.A. Egal
Annual Researcher of the Year Award Ceremony The Annual Researcher of the Year Award Ceremony was held on 20 November 2014 at the Riviera on Vaal Hotel and Country Club. The following staff members received awards for their research achievements in 2013: Place
Research Achievement
Research Excellence
Dr I. Takaidza
Applied and Computer Sciences
Prof. M. Dhurup
Management Sciences
Dr P. Radebe
Management Sciences
Prof. J. Selesho
Management Sciences
Dr L. Rundora
Applied and Computer Sciences
Dr F. Niyimbanira
Management Sciences
Research Achievement Recipients
Research Excellence Recipients
First Place, Dr. I. Takaidza
First Place, Prof. M. Dhurup
Second Place, Dr. P. Radebe
Second Place, Prof. J. Selesho
Third Place, Dr. L. Rundora
Third Place, Dr. F. Niyimbanira
Innovation Awards Recipient
Prof. K. Moloi
Research funding External funding External research funding and donations for research equipment totalled R48 310 674 for 2014. Examples of funding sources include the National Research Foundation (NRF), Water Research Commission, TFMC (Pty) Ltd, Telkom (Pty) Ltd, GMgraphix (Pty) Ltd, Malesela Taihan Electric Cable (Pty) Ltd, Eskom, SES, Ametex, Zonke Engineering, EOS Gmbh, HTSA Power, Pretoria Wire Products, Technimark Advanced Prototyping Services, Oilseeds Advisory Committee, and Nestle.
Internal funding R16 799 000 was allocated to research. Applications for funding are approved by the Executive Senate Research and Innovation Committee.
Research focus areas/institutes/centres The following were approved research focus areas/institutes/centres in 2014:
Director and contact details
Prof. Wilna Oldewage-Theron Centre of Sustainable Livelihoods
Tel: 016 930 5085 Email: wilna@vut.ac.za Prof. Christo v.Z. Pienaar
Centre for Alternative Energy
Tel: 016 950 9381 Email: christop@vut.ac.za Prof. Ochieng Aoyi
Centre for Renewable Energy and Water
Tel: 016 950 9884 Email: ochienga@vut.ac.za
Focus areas
Leader and contact details
Prof. Michael Pillay Plant Molecular Genetics/Biotechnology
Tel: 016 950 9728 Email: mpillay@vut.ac.za Prof. Peter Mendonidis
Materials and Minerals Technology
Tel: 016 950 9165 Email: peter@vut.ac.za
Technology Transfer and Innovation
Leader and contact details
Prof. Deon de Beer Innovative Product Development and Advanced Manufacturing Technology
Tel: 016 930 5013 Email: ddebeer@iclix.co.za
Research Development Grant The DHET approved and released research development grant funds to the VUT for the 2013-2014 period as per the table below. A report was submitted to the DHET on the expenditure of these funds in April 2014. The allocated funds represent significant government investments in research development. Project
Period 2013-2014
Staff support/development towards attainment of doctoral qualifications
R2 600 000
Developing next generation of staff at the VUT
R2 500 000
Staff study abroad
R600 000
Continued collaboration
R260 000
R5 960 000
Additional research development grant funding was approved and released to the VUT as per the table below for the 2013-2014 period. This further allocation was forwarded to the VUT from another university which could not utilise its funds. As these funds were only released at the end of the 2013-2014 financial year, the University is expected to report on the expenditure of these funds in April 2015 when the 2014-2015 progress report is to be submitted.
Replacement staff opportunities
R1 500 000
In-house structured research capacity for staff qualification
R1 000 000
Postgraduate peer support programme, including conference attendance
R1 000 000
Period 2013-2014 additional funding
Strengthening collaboration of niche areas Total:
R472 000 R3 972 000
The Research Directorate submitted the following proposal to the DHET for research development grant funding for the period 2014-2017:
Project 1
Postgraduate study support programmes for developmental staff
R2 693 600
R3 079 200
R4 150 000.00
Project 2
Mentorship/supervisor training programmes
R1 010 100
R1 154 700
R500 000.00
Project 3
Research capacity development programmes for recent recipients of a PhD qualification
R1 010 100
R1 154 700
R250 000.00
Project 4
Postdoctoral research fellowship programmes
R673 400
R769 800
R1 100 000.00
Project 5
Employment of contract staff
R1 346 800
R1 539 600
R1 000 000.00
Project 6
Academic exchange programmes
R700 000.00
R6 734 000
R7 698 000
R7 700 000
Research marketing/website The research website www.vut-research.ac.za is continuously maintained with the relevant information. New enhancements are also being added and upgraded to the website, including: ¥¥
Comments box;
Survey feature;
Online RSVP forms;
Migration of website in alignment with corporate identity;
Website is now responsive;
LinkedIn featured; and
A personalised YouTube channel created specifically for the uploading of research relevant videos.
D6 Communicator: The Research Directorate is pleased to announce the launch of the D6 Communicator – an innovative and exciting new way of communicating with researchers at the VUT. The communicator is a leading technology resource that will keep researchers up to date with what is happening at the Research Directorate. The D6 Communicator updates automatically and brings researchers all the latest news and calendar events. It also contains a photo gallery, contact list, and a range of useful links and contents.
InCites: The Next Generation of InCites constitutes a major product transformation – a single destination for research and bibliometric assessment and evaluation. The integration of InCites modules, Journal Citation Reports (JCR) and Essential Science Indicators (ESI) into the Next Generation of InCites platform, supports the users’ needs for providing context and customised workflow tools around reliable and trusted research assessment indicators. This all-new version features a unified data set, interactive visualisations, exploratory user interface, and increased harmonisation with the new Web of Science platform.
Research Africa: As you are well aware, international collaboration has always been an intrinsic part of the research endeavour – the forces of competitiveness and globalisation are accelerating the scope, pace and importance of cross-border research. Stakeholders around the world are working to internationalise their research efforts, driven by the need to establish a global reputation, to access global knowledge and expertise, and to exploit new sources of finance. In fulfilment of this function, we are pleased to announce that the VUT has subscribed to Research Professional Africa, a unique facility that provides instant news about funding opportunities from across the world. We are proud to be associated with a major project enabling African universities to participate in international research funding opportunities. A Consortium consisting of the Association of Commonwealth Universities
(ACU), ResearchResearch Ltd and SARIMA have been successful in obtaining a major grant from the Department for International Development (DFID) for the Research Africa Project, entitled ‘Enabling Access to Research Opportunities in Africa’.
EndNote: EndNote is an industry standard software package for managing and publishing bibliographies on both Microsoft Windows and Macintosh platforms. It can help you find citations and format them. It can import records from major databases, and compile them into a complete bibliography. It can also format in-text citations, footnotes, and full bibliographies using any one of over 2 800 bibliographic styles. In short, EndNote can help you with just about anything you would wish to accomplish in terms of citations and/or bibliographies.
LinkedIn: A LinkedIn member’s profile page has been created for the researchers and academics in order to network and collaborate articles amongst one another. We are currently trying to increase the connections across other universities and international academics. This project is newly based and we are focusing on growing the network.
Software available from the Research Directorate: SPSS & AMOS; Research Africa; Endnote; D6 Communicator; Atlas TI; Incites and Scopus.
Research – the key to new knowledge In this day and age, it has become imperative to ensure collaboration between policymakers, corporate entities, academics and NGOs for the generation of new knowledge – thus governments, businesses, industries and communities have become more and more reliant on university researchers to meet with the rapid changes in this technological era. To this end our academics have also engaged in extensive research projects, covering a variety of niche market-specific research of which their outputs will serve its target audience that caters for the projected and current changes within the higher education system worldwide.
There are several approved research focus areas that are currently underway at the Vaal University of Technology (VUT), and we are making significant strides and are aggressively pursuing researching avenues to improve our research culture. Research is an integral part of keeping the mind receptive, thus gaining new knowledge to convey to students. Therefore, research is no longer a choice but rather an imperative. Researchers become inductive thinkers and reinvent, reconceptualise and reposition themselves within the ever-changing landscape of higher education. During the construction and development of new knowledge, many new questions surface, generating a continuous process of development. Col-
laborative research assists in combating competiveness, allowing for better results while applying more minds, thoughts and ideas. Local and international participants, linked to the excellent technology platforms and service, add significant value in steering research further. The network of collaboration and the existing new developments in sectors such as shoe manufacturing, also present exciting new developments for the VUT. The challenge is to encourage our academics to become good researchers and better teachers, and to improve their personal capacity in becoming more profound in their profession. It is ultimately the research outputs that determine the reputation of a university in the higher education environment.
Building a community-engaged scholarship at the Vaal University of Technology “Universities…are increasingly expected to play a leadership role in addressing problems of the larger community by engaging with practitioners outside of the academy…Engagement educates students for democratic citizenship, mobilises multiple forms of knowledge, and leverages the capacities of all the participants to improve community well-being” (Action Agenda for Community Engaged Scholarship’s newsletter entitled Change, July/August 2013).
South African universities have a powerful role to play in becoming engaged in nation building. The VUT has a tremendous opportunity to ensure that research, scholarship and staff qualification development are addressing research problems that affect our immediate community and the development of South Africa and Africa. In doing so, the VUT could make a powerful contribution in the research education of its students and the mobilisation of its knowledge produced. Imagine if, through our individual research, we could show how we have worked with communities, developed partnerships, and prove how our knowledge has brought about community and university development.
discussion took place on Engaged Scholarship across the globe, including in Latin America, Asia and Africa. This annual conference attracts scholars of Engagement from across the globe to share their experiences and insights on how Faculties and universities are building institutional, staff and student capacity to participate much more effectively with their surrounding communities in building the engaged nature of academia, research and innovation, and scholarship. In collaboration with colleagues from Oregon State University, Dr Johnson shared the experience at the VUT in developing an Engaged Scholarship Faculty through the Preparing Community Engaged Scholars for Action Capacity Development Programme at the University.
From 6 to 10 October 2014, the Executive Director Research: Dr B. Johnson participated in the Engaged Scholars Annual Conference which was held in Alberta, Canada. The exciting conference theme was ‘Engaging for Change and Changing for Engagement’. During 2013, Dr Johnson had the opportunity of attending the same conference to participate in a panel discussion on community engagement in South Africa, during which a
VUT staff on the programme have shared their positive experiences and the importance of their work in tackling unemployment through skills development, strengthening entrepreneurship in the community, developing the capacity of labour unions, strengthening the relevance of engineering education, and developing communities’ awareness of the environment. The criteria used to develop the programme has been drawn from Oregon
State University which has extensive experience in developing Community Engaged Scholarship as a requirement of land grant universities in the United States. The VUT stands to benefit from the work being done in the following ways: 1. Developing strategic collaborations with universities with expertise in Engaged Scholarship. 2. Drawing lessons and expertise from these collaborations to strengthen the VUT’s existing capacity building programme in Engagement Scholarship for research with social impact. 3. Building powerful partnerships with experts in Engaged Scholarship globally in order to host a conference at the VUT on the programme that will showcase it at the University. 4 Positioning Engaged Scholarship at the VUT in the national higher education system. As the Chairperson of the Management and Governance Working Group of the South African Higher Education Community Engagement Forum (SAHECEF), Dr Johnson is responsible for strategy
and, therefore, also for building regional and global partner ships to strengthen South Africa’s Higher Education System’s Community Engagement Agenda. SAHECEF is the representative of all Com munity Engagement in South Africa at 23 South African universities. Partnerships are developed through this conference with the American Engaged Scholars Consortium, as well as with Associations in Latin America, Asia and Africa. From the Research Office’s side we would like to encourage all colleagues who travel to conferences and who are building networks to strengthen our University to share their experiences with us.
Vaal University of Technology successfully hosts first Omics workshop in South Africa On 10 and 11 December 2014, the Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences held an Omics training workshop at the Desmond Tutu Great Hall – a first of its kind in South Africa. The workshop was aimed at looking at innovation in science and technology, particularly the future
of Omics at the VUT. It was also an opportunity to inform staff and students about the new science technologies that the VUT is embarking on, as well as the opportunities surrounding these. “The science of Omics is highly interwoven. It is hardly possible to talk about Proteomics without touching on Transcriptomics and Metagenomics, and vice versa. The goal is to bring all of these areas under one umbrella – Omics,” said Dr Naser Feto, workshop initiator and coordinator and Senior Lecturer in the Department of Biotechnology. Over the two days, facilitators from the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Wits University and the University of Pretoria dismantled the concept, looking at the fundamentals, core principles and methodologies of Metagenomics, Transcriptomics, Proteomics and Metabolomics in detail. The workshop was officially opened by Prof. Kuzvinetsa Dzvimbo, Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Academic and Research, on behalf of the ViceChancellor and Principal, Prof. Irene Moutlana. Prof. Dzvimbo welcomed workshop facilitators and
Photo: Dr Lucky Sikhwivhilu introducing Prof. Coville to give a plenary talk.
participants, saying: “Science and technology is the way to go. This is the beginning of repositioning the VUT nationally and internationally. Thank you to the CSIR for their collaboration.” The event was also an opportunity for the Faculty to launch the collaborative projects between the VUT and the CSIR: The Department of Biotechnology is planning to start at least four new projects in the area of Metagenomics, Transcriptomics and Proteomics. The envisaged projects will involve at least four PhD, MTech and BTech students each. In closing, Prof. Boy Raymond Mabuza, Executive Dean: Faculty of Applied and Computer Science, thanked the facilitators and participants for their attendance. He also expressed his gratitude on the work done by Dr Feto and pledged his support for the initiative when he declared that “Omics has a home at the VUT.” There has been a number of Proteomics workshops conducted in South Africa over the years, facilitated by the African Centre for Gene Technologies (ACGT) and other partners. The VUT’s Omics workshop, however, was a first of its kind in terms of its comprehensiveness. Dr Feto mentioned plans to form a South African Society of Omics (SASO) and that the VUT, being the birthplace of the ‘Omics Workshop in SA’ concept, would be a good place to start. A series of workshops in related fields will be hosted annually. Preparation is currently underway to host a one-day workshop on ‘Next Generation Sequencing Principles and Technologies’ later this year.
VUT’s successful hosting of international NanoAfrica 2014 conference The VUT’s Department of Chemistry and South African Nanotechnology initiatives hosted one of the most exciting international conferences in nanoscience and nanotechnology in South Africa. This was the fifth NanoAfrica conference, following the previous conference which was hosted by theUniversity of the Free State’s Department of Physics. The conference was well attended, with countries such as Poland, Pakistan, Tanzania, Nigeria and Zimbabwe presenting various aspects of their research outcomes and trends alongside plenary speakers. The plenary speakers included well-established researchers such as Paul Obrien (United Kingdom), Juan Morante (Spain), Petra Bele (Germany) and Ivo Hummelgen (Brazil). IBSA delegates also attended the conference and gave some of the inspiring keynote lectures from modelling, sensor applications, and carbonrelated nanomaterials. Two of South African nanotechnology’s most outstanding researchers, Neil Coville and Tebello Nyokong, also gave plenary presentations that set trends in line with international standards. Students attended in large numbers from almost all institutions in Gauteng, the Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT), the University of Cape Town (UCT), the University of Zimbabwe (UZ) and the University of Limpopo (UL), as well as those based at the two nanotechnology centres, Mintek and the CSIR. Themes of the conference included health, energy, devices, synthetic techniques and applications. There was a total of 9 keynote talks, 17 main orals, 36 student oral presentations, and 38 posters presented during this conference which was attended by 157 delegates (registered and unregistered).
There was an overwhelming attendance by students. The quality of their presentations was hailed by international plenaries such as Prof. Morante from Spain who has published more than 500 accredited/peer reviewed journal articles and several chapters in books, as well as Prof. Ivo Hummelgen and Prof. Jerzy Janik (Poland) who also published in many high impact factor journals. Students from various institutions were awarded best poster presentations in the order of first to third, Mr Brett Kriedemann (CPUT), Ms Anza-Vhudziki Mboyi, and Mr. Sibongiseni Thabethe (CSIR/UJ). They received R1 500, R1 000 and R500 respectively, courtesy of the Local Organising Committee (LOC). Student oral presenters who were each awarded R2 000 for their excellent and all-round brilliance in their presentations, are Ms Thokozani Xaba (VUT), Ms Gugu Kubheka (Rhodes) and Ms Nosipho Gumbi (UJ-DFC), courtesy of a PerkinElmer sponsorship. The LOC comprised of staff members of the Department of Chemistry, namely Ms Winny Maboya, Ms Puleng Mzulwini and Ms Kgomotso Mtshatsheni; students, including Mr Bonginkosi Sibokoza and Ms Dikeledi More; research directorate staff, namely Mr Prajesh Bhikha; and PR staff as conference secretariat, Ms Zelda Kotze – all under the leadership of Prof. Makwena Moloto, Associate Professor in the Department of Chemistry. The conference received good support from the Research Directorate who paid registration fees for all the students and staff from the VUT, and also committed Mr Prajesh for serving on the Committee to ensure smooth ITrelated support for the conference website. The LOC, furthermore, utilised portions of the exhibition sponsorships from PerkinElmer, Anton Paar, Carl Zeiss and ALS to provide gifts for each presenter, making it even more possible for the conference to be of outstanding quality.
1. OPERATING HIGHLIGHTS During 2014, the research capacity activities were divided between conducting workshops on developing and writing of research proposals, and assisting researchers with the quality of their proposals prior to submission. 1.1 Proposal writing workshops Three workshops focusing on proposal writing were held at the beginning of 2014 and two workshops in December. 1.2 Applications submitted The following applications were submitted during the course of 2014: ¥¥
eight applications for the NRF Thuthuka (TTK) Programme;
five applications for Competitive Funding for Unrated Researchers (CSUR);
five applications for Knowledge Interchange and Collaboration (KIC);
four applications for Thuthuka (TTK) Annual Progress Reports;
five applications for International Science & Technology Collaborative Research Projects;
one application for the Community Engagement Programme; and
one application for the Incentive Funding for Young Researchers.
1.3 Reviewing applications All of the above applications were critically reviewed and screened. Four potential candidates submitted their CVs for rating applications. However, only one candidate’s (Prof. Connie Moloi) application was submitted – the other three applicants were considered premature at this stage due to a lack of publications.
1.4 National Equipment Programme A number of potential applicants were advised on the requirements for this programme for the potential submission of applications in the next round in 2015.
2. SUCCESSFUL GRANT APPLICATIONS SUBMITTED IN 2014 Dr B. Johnson – Community Engagement Project. Total grant value: R1 000 000 over three years (2015-2017). Prof. T.B. Tengen was successful in his applica tion for a Research Development Grant for Y-rated researchers. Total grant value: R300 000 for 2015. Ms C. van Rensburg – Thuthuka Grant. Total grant value: R49 800 for 2015. Dr O. Aoyi – SA-Tunisia S&T Bilateral Programme: Total grant value: R498 720 over two years (2015- 2016). Ms T. Xaba – Thuthuka Grant. Total grant value: R200 00 for 2015. Dr V.E. Pakade – Thuthuka Grant. Total grant value: R284 285 for 2015. Total value of NRF grants awarded in 2014: R2 532 805
3. STRATEGIC HIGHLIGHTS One of the most important activities in 2014 was to start engaging with the researchers at the VUT through workshops and consultative meetings. The successes in submitting funding applications have assisted in creating a culture of optimism in applying for funding. This has become apparent during the workshops held at the end of the year: The number of researchers attending the workshops held at the beginning of the year were not even half the amount of researchers
attending the last two workshops which were held in December and January. Furthermore, the interaction between and feedback from the researchers were positive compared to the initial responses. Researchers are starting to believe that they, too, can be successful in applying for funds, and have indicated that they will (especially) be applying for the Thuthuka Programme when the next call opens in March 2015.
4. LOOKING AHEAD AT 2015 Development of human capacity through staff development is the priority for 2015, and we plan to build and develop this capacity through a number of activities. This will involve the Chairs of the Faculty Research and Innovation Committees in identifying potential candidates for the three Thuthuka funding tracks for the Sabbatical Grant to complete a Doctoral degree, as well as identify potential candidates who qualify for NRF rating. Identifying opportunities for collaborative research will be a priority through the international bilateral programmes. The mobility grants as well as the Knowledge Interchange and Collaboration (KIC) are some of the NRF programmes that will be targeted. Future involvement of researchers in NRF activities, such as becoming panel members of funding committees, will assist in understanding the NRF system more clearly. These researchers/panel members are, in fact, the potential mentors of emerging researchers who will advise them on their project proposals. Furthermore, these researchers/ panel members can also form internal committees within the Faculties that will help strengthen the screening of applications prior to final submission.
Ms. B. Toti and Ms. N. Kenke
During 2014, the Higher Degrees Unit registered 280 students.
Current students submitted their progress reports to enable us to monitor and evaluate their progress.
Sum of total registrations
Applied and Computer Sciences
Engineering and Technology
Human Sciences
Management Sciences
Grand total
Overall student intake for 2014 Student nationality and qualification
MTech RSA students
MTech international students
DTech RSA students
DTech international students
Graduates Sum of total graduates
Applied and Computer Sciences
Engineering and Technology
Human Sciences
Management Sciences
Grand Total
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Student name
Title of dissertation or thesis
Dube, G.M.
MTech: Chemical Engineering
The enhancement of sorbent properties using hydrating agents and siliceous materials in flue-gas desulphurisation
Igberase, E.
MTech: Chemical Engineering
Adsorption of Cu (II) ions by polyaniline grafted chitosan beads
Modiba, E.M.
MTech: Chemical Engineering
Biodiesel production and evaluation of heterogeneous catalyst using South African oilproducing trees
Nziu, P.K.
MTech: Mechanical Engineering
Characterisation and flowability of titanium Grade 5 alloy powders
Adeniyi, A.O.
MTech: Electrical Engineering
Incandescent light power efficiency
Akach, J.W.J.P.
MTech: Chemical Engineering
Solar photocatalytic degradation and adsorption of emerging pharmaceutical contaminants
Cilliers, J.C.
MTech: Electrical Engineering
Design and development of a control system for PEM fuels cells
Djeumen, J.S.
MTech: Power Engineering
Development and implementation of a virtual laboratory for fundamental power systems
Masiagwala, K.M.
MTech: Civil Engineering
Modelling and optimising the effect of using traditional management techniques in combination with modern sustainable strategies for stormwater management
Mustapha, O.
MTech: Mechanical Engineering
Comparative studies of fresh and used cooking oil biodiesel on engine combustion, performance and emission
Hadebe, M.
MTech: Biotechnology
‘Preliminary investigations of certain aspects which make the encroacher plant Seriphium plumosum so successful in certain parts of South Africa’ to ‘Germination, pollination and genetic diversity studies of Seriphium plumosum – a grassland encroacher’
Kotoane, A.M.
MTech: Chemistry
Development and optimisation of selective leaching processes for the extraction of calcium from steel slag in view of sequestering carbon dioxide
Muleya, E.
MTech: Chemistry
Characterisation, quantification and assessment of free radical scavenging activity of selected traditional medicinal plant extracts
Brown, A.
MTech: Information and Communication Technology
Development of a stereolithography slicing algorithm of an entry level 3-D printer
Mokgope, H.D.
MTech: Biosciences
The present growth medium used commercially for growing Spirulina, such as Zarrouk’s medium and Schlösser medium, was found to be expensive, which, in turn, resulted in the high price of Spirulina products
Student name
Title of dissertation or thesis
Molefe, N.M.
MTech: Biotechnology
Co-production of inulinase by Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Kluyveromyces marxianus in solid state fermentation
Sanni, S.O.
MTech: Chemistry
TiO2-supported dealuminated clinoptile: Synthesis, characterisation and kinetic studies for enhanced photocatalytic degradation of volatile organic compounds
Shabangu, T.Q.
MTech: Biosciences
Characterisation and identification of major proteins in marula (Sclerocarya birrea) kernels
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Mwadiwa, R.J.
Food and Beverage Management
Improving nutritional status through integrating indigenous and modern processed foods to pre-school menus in Empangeni
Zulu, E.
DTech: Hospitality, Tourism and PR Management
Impact of a nutrition education programme on nutrition knowledge and dietary intake behaviour on the approach of caregivers to the care for HIV/AIDS orphans in Alexandra
Mvana, M.
MTech: Tourism and Hospitality Management
Measuring service quality in guesthouses in Kimberley through the use of the SERVQUAL instrument
Ndong Ntoutoume, A.G.
MTech: Hospitality, Tourism and PR Management
An investigation of corporate social investments’ contribution to the brand image of a financial institution in Alexandra
Ramoliki, M.J.
MTech: Hospitality, Tourism and PR Management
Determining Sasolburg residents’ perceptions of tourist safety and security in South Africa
Bvuma, K.
MTech: Logistics
The implementation of green supply chain management: Minimising environmental risk in the South African manganese and phosphate mining industry
Lesuthu, K.
MTech: Human Resources Management
Job seekers’ perceptions of the PNet website as an e-recruitment tool in South Africa
Madau, D.N.
MTech: Human Resources Management
The relationship between employee retention and talent management at Illovo Sugar Mill, Eston
Mafini, C.
DTech: Business
The impact of organisational resources on the performance of National Government Departments
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Student name
Title of dissertation or thesis
Makhubele, D.
MTech: Logistics
Improving the effectiveness of procurement practices within municipalities in Gauteng, South Africa
Mashego, R.K.
MTech: Human Resource Management
The relationship between occupational stress and organisational commitment among police officers in the Sebokeng cluster
Mazadzi, O.
MTech: Human Resources Management
Cost and benefits of ABC in SA Steel manufacturing companies
Ngcobo, M.H.
MTech: Human Resources Management
An evaluation of the implementation of the balanced scorecard in the KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Treasury
Nyaka, I.C.
MTech: Human Resources Management
Perceptions of security officers on their participation in decision making: A case of a security firm
Oellerman, S.
MTech: Human Resources Management
The effectiveness of a blended learning approach in teaching management subjects at a university of technology in South Africa
Okusolobu, T.O.
MTech: Human Resources Management
The effect of human resources practices on employee turnover in small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Sunnyside, Pretoria
Zwane, J.V.
MTech: Human Resource Management
The relevance of the South African FET College engineering learning programmes within the South African apprenticeship context
National Research Foundation block grants 2014 The National Research Foundation (NRF) offered its support to BTech and MTech students with a bursary. Innovation block grants: R40 000 awarded to 31 students. Free-standing block grants: R20 000 awarded to 17 students. Scarce skills block grants: R35 000 awarded to 20 students. Masters free standing grants: R40 000 awarded to 8 students.
Postgraduate study fees Postgraduate study fees increase by 8% each year:
Total fees per year
R3 610.00
R3 890.00
R4 210.00
R4 630.00
The following programme is still continuing for Management Sciences and Human Sciences:
FACULTY OF MANAGEMENT SCIENCES Postgraduate induction programme dates 2014 Time: 08:00-16:00 Date for induction
15 March 2014
Research orientation
Prof. M. Dhurup/Prof. J. Selesho/ Dr P.A. Joubert
5 April 2014
Information search and the use of the library data bases
Ms R. Fani
10 May 2014
Literature usage, plagiarism and writing styles/theoretical framework
Prof. C. Moloi
14 June 2014
The design of the research proposal (Part 1 and 2)
Prof. M. Dhurup/Prof. J. Selesho
2 August 2014
Quantitative/qualitative and mixed method
Ms C. Downing
6 September 2014
Submission and feedback on first draft of research proposal and questionnaire development
Prof. M. Dhurup/Dr P.A. Joubert/Prof. J. Selesho
20 September 2014
Basic data analysis, SPSS and hypotheses testing
Prof. M. Dhurup
4 October 2014
AMOS-CFA and hypotheses testing
Prof. M. Dhrurup/ Prof. C Chinomona
18 October 2014
Final proposal presentation/feedback
Prof. M. Dhurup/Dr P.A. Joubert/ Prof. J. Selesho
FACULTY OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY Short course title: Research methodology; Room E 122 Course convener: Prof. O. Aoyi (ochienga@vut.ac.za); (016) 950 9884; Room RE 111 Semester I 2014 Topic number
Topic date
Topic brief contents
Assignment submission
Duration (hours)
- The concept and philosophy of research 8th February
- Choice of topic - Objectives
- Problem statement - Hypothesis
Topic number
Topic date
Topic brief contents
Assignment submission
Duration (hours)
- Information gathering 15 February
- Data bases
- Referred journals - Impact factor - Hirsch Index
iii iv v vi vii viii
Execution: 1 March
- Proposal writing and method formulation
Assignment 1: 1 March 2014
- Safety and security
Introduction: 20%
Interpretation and analysis: 8 March
- Data interpretation
- Instrument 15 March
22 March
Discussion and application:
Assignment 2: 15 March 2014
-Conclusion and recommendation
MTech/DTech proposal: 40%
Thesis writing and article publication:
- Copyright and plagiarism - Use of turn-it-in Oral presentation and teamwork:
3 April
Thesis structure Research ethics:
29 March
- Proposal for funding - Time management
Assignment 3: 29 March 2014
Model thesis: 20%
Assignment 4: 3 April 2014
Oral presentation: 20%
Total (hours):
Proposals approved in 2014 Student name
Agbavor, J.K.E.
MTech: Logistics
Akach, J.W.J.P.
DTech: Chemical Engineering
Supervisor 1/Examiner 1
Supervisor 2/Examiner 2
An investigation of the reverse logistics systems for endof-life vehicle in the automobile industry in Port Elizabeth
Prof. R.I.D. Pooe
Dr K.M. Mathu
Hybrid light photocatalysis of aromatic wastes in a fluidised bed reactor
Prof. A. Ochieng
Student name
Supervisor 1/Examiner 1
Supervisor 2/Examiner 2
Bodiba, A.L.
MTech: Chemistry
X-ray spectroscopic method development for quantitative analysis of manganese ore in the Kalahari Basin
Prof. E.D. Dikio
Bvumbi, R.C.
MTech: Chemical Engineering
Combrink, J.
MTech: Biotechnology
Correlating the prevalence of C174G polymorphism with IL-6, TNF- and Hs-CRP in an elderly black South African population
Grobler, C.J.
Dr J. Lebea
Dlamini, S.B.
MTech: Mechanical Engineering
Enhancing performance of outside pressure mechanical face seal through analysis of the balance ratio
Prof. A.A. Alugongo
Prof. T.B. Tengen
Engelbrecht, L.
MTech: Biotechnology
Janse van Vuuren, H.R.
MTech: Business Administration
The influence of procedural, distributive and interactional justice on organisational citizenship behaviour among employees at the SAPS Academy, Paarl
Prof. M. Dhurup
Dr P. Joubert
Khotha, D.
MTech: Chemistry
Determination and removal of steroids using GC-MS, molecular imprinted polymers (MIPs), and macadamia nutshell charcoal
Dr F.M. Mtunzi
Dr V.E. Pakade
Kgopa, P.M.
MTech: Biotechnology
Evaluating the prevalence of polymorphism MTR A 2756G relative to homocysteine metabolism in an elderly black urban South African population
Grobler, C.J.
Dr J. Lebea
Khumalo, Z.N.
MTech: Fine Art
A biological and curation of black artists from the Vaal region, 1980-1994
Prof. A.T. Goniwe
Kunene, S.
MTech: Public Relations Management
Determining the contribution of online corporate communications to brand reputation among Generation Y consumers in the Vaal region
Munyawiri, A.
Maleho, L.M.
Legodi, M.Z.
MTech: Logistics
The influence of strategic purchasing on information sharing, supply chain collaboration, and performance
Mafini, C.
Prof. R.I.D. Pooe
Lofafa, K.B.
MTech: Logistics
Loury Okoumba, W.V.
MTech: Logistics
Antecedents of supplier performance in small and medium enterprises
Prof. R.I.D. Pooe
Mafini, C.
Mabaso, C.
MTech: Business Administration
The influence of rewards on talent attraction and retention at a further Education and Training (FET) College in Gauteng
Prof. K.C. Moloi
Dr P.A Joubert
Maboya, K.M.
MTech: Tourism and Hospitality Management
Assessing the environmentally responsible behaviour of tourists visiting selected resorts in South Africa
Dr L. de Witt
Prof. E. Slabbert
Mabunda, N.T.
MTech: Business Administration
Exploring antecedent factors of e-procurement adoption in the small and medium enterprise sector
Prof. R.I.D. Pooe
Van der Westhuizen, J.
Student name
Supervisor 1/Examiner 1
Supervisor 2/Examiner 2
Mafini, M.
MTech: Tourism and Hospitality Management
Determining the factors influencing employees’ job satisfaction at selected tourism establishments in the Vaal region
Prof. E. Slabbert
Lekaota, L.
Mahlangu, D.M.
MTech: Logistics
The influence of supply chain integration, collaborative planning, supply chain capabilities on the competitiveness and performance among small and medium enterprises
Prof. R.I.D. Pooe
Dr K.M. Mathu
Masangane, T.J.
MTech: Chemistry
Synthesis and characterisation of metal of (Cd and Ni) chalcogenide nanoparticles using mixed dichalcogenide (S, Se and O) metal complexes
Prof. M.J. Moloto
Xaba, T.
Mashiloane, M.W.
MTech: Logistics
The effect of supply chain dynamism, information sharing and inter-organisational relationship on supply chain performance
Prof. R.I.D. Pooe
Mafini, C.
Masinge, G.
MTech: Logistics
The influence of supply chain collaboration and flexibility and relation quality long-term orientation and performance
Matyatya, T.A.
MTech: Industrial Engineering
Using composite structure techniques to design 3-D printed plastic mould for longer mould life
Prof. T.B. Tengen
Prof. D.J. de Beer
Mbambonduna, T.
MTech: Fashion
The effects of cues on perceived quality and consumer satisfaction among Generation Y at River Square Mall, Vereeniging
Dr R. Chinomona
Sooful, A.
Mofokeng, T.M.
MTech: Logistics
The influence of knowledge sharing, business strategy alignment and long-term relationship on supply chain performance in the small and medium enterprise sector
Prof. R.I.D. Pooe
Hove, P.
Molebiemang, G.M.
MTech: Metallurgical Engineering
Developing of a beneficiation route to upgrade Sishen Iron Ore jig slimes for iron making
Prof. A.A. Adeleke
Thubakgale, K.
Moyake, M.S.
DTech: Business
A framework for the enhancement of commuter road safety within the taxi industry in the Sedibeng region: A total quality management approach
Dr H.J. Brits
Dr P.A. Joubert
Moyo, M.
MTech: Chemistry
Absorption of selected heavy metals from aqueous solutions by Mangifera indica (mango) seed shell derived sorbents: Batch and column studies
Prof. S.J. Modise
Dr V.E. Pakade
Mzinyane, N.
DTech: Chemistry
Preparation and characterisation of a novel hydroxamic acid modified pine cone composite and its application for remediation of acid mine drainage
Prof. E.B. Naidoo
Dr A.E. Ofomaja
Mzulwini, P.A.
MTech: Chemistry
Polymer intercalation of chemically bath deposited iron sulphide and nickel sulphide thin films
Prof. M.J. Moloto
Ndlovu, N.P.
MTech: Tourism and Hospitality Management
Analysis of residents’ perceptions of the social impact of tourism in Soweto
Prof. E. Slabbert
Dr L. de Witt
Nematatani, P.
MTech: Logistics
Student name
Supervisor 1/Examiner 1
Supervisor 2/Examiner 2
Nguegan, C.A.
MTech: Logistics
An investigation of supply chain management challenges and benefits in the food industry in Gauteng Province
Dr C. Mafini
Dr F. Niyimbanira
Ntuli, T.
MTech: Chemistry
Preparation of chemically modified macadamia nutshells for adsorptive removal of selected heavy metals
Dr V.E. Pakade
Dr A.E. Ofomaja
Nziu, P.K.
DTech: Mechanical Engineering
Ogundare, O.S.
MTech: Electrical Engineering
Evaluation of partial discharge on medium voltage cable terminations having known defects
Prof. J.J. Walker
Le roux, B.J.
Ouma, I.L.A.
DTech: Chemistry
Phele, M.
MTech: Chemistry
Determination and removal of organochlorine pesticides in water and sediments using GC-MS and macademia nutshell charcoal
Dr F.M. Mtunzi
Prof. S.J. Moja
Pholosi, A.
DTech: Chemistry
Pillay, P.
DTech: Business
An empirical exploration of supply chain constrains facing the construction industry
Prof. R.I.D. Pooe
Dr C. Mafini
Rawale, L.M.W.
MTech: Biotechnology
The prevalence of C679X and Y142X polymorphism in an urban black elderly community in South Africa
Grobler, C.J.
Dr J. Lebea
Schoeman, R.M.
DTech: Electrical Engineering
Development of a service interruption prediction model for fuel cell power plants
Prof. H.C.v.Z. Pienaar, HCvZ
Shittu, A.M.
MTech: Electrical Engineering
Design and development of a matrix power converter for implementing transformer core losses separation method
Prof. D.V. Nicolae
Dr J.F. Janse van Rensburg
Shooto, N.D.
DTech: Chemistry
Synthesis, fabrication and characterisation of poly nanofibers and investigation of their adsorption properties
Prof. E.D. Dikio
Dr L. Sikhiwivhilu
Sibokoza, S.B.
DTech: Chemistry
Sikhwari, T.M.
MTech: Logistics
The influence of supplier information sharing and information quality on strategic partnership and internal lean practice among small and medium enterprises
Dr K. Mathu
Prof. R.I.D. Pooe
Smit, M.L.
MTech: Civil Engineering
Stabilisation of black cotton soil by addition of corn cob ash
Dr R.W. Salim
Rwanga, S.
Thangwane, S.
MTech: Chemistry
Synthesis and characterisation of substituted thiosemicarbazone ligands and complexes as sources for metal (Co, Ni and Pb) sulfide nanoparticles
Xaba, T.
Prof. M. Moloto
Tlale, M.T.
MTech: Logistics
Adopting information technology in supply chain integration and collaboration in small and medium enterprises
Dr K. Mathu
Prof. R.I.D. Pooe
Unigwe, A.E.
MTech: Biotechnology
Assessing the morphological variation and characterising the proteins of the Bambara groundnut
Prof. M. Pillay
Dr P. Adebola
Xelwa, N.H.M.
MTech: Biotechnology
Comparing the effect of coated vs. non-coated urea fertilisers on total nitrogen loss and soil microbial profiles
Dr T.A. Walmsley
Beckerling, A.C.
Research Directorate
Higher Degrees
Dr Bernadette Johnson Executive Director: Research
Ms Beatrice Phume Higher Degrees Administrator Email: beatricet@vut.ac.za
Senior Administrator: Research T: (016) 950 9531 Ms Chantelle Sonnekus Research Development Officer Email: son@vut.ac.za
Ms Olga Kenke Postgraduate Facilitator: Higher Degrees Email: nomathembak@vut.ac.za
Ms Ronel Appelcryn Research Administrator Email: ronela@vut.ac.za
Dr. Joe Molete Executive Director: TTI Email: josephm2@vut.ac.za./ drjoe@ joemolete.com Ms Rynette Coetzer Administrator: TTI T: (016) 930 5015 Email: rynettec@vut.ac.za Mr Jan Jooste HEAD: Iscor Innovation Centre Email: jhj@vut.ac.za/ jan@enerqitech.com
Mr Prajesh Bhikha Marketing & Information Officer Email: prajeshb@vut.ac.za
Mr Mark Johnson HEAD: Enterprise Development Unit Email: markj@vut.ac.za
Mr Musonda Kaniki Research Administrator Email: musondak@vut.ac.za
Mr Jaco le Grange Manager: Technology Station Email: jacol@vut.ac.za
Technology Transfer & Innovation (TTI)