Persons who assisted with the collation of information for the Annual Research Report:
Ms C. FouchĂŠ
Prof. J. Surujlal
Prof. M. Pillay
Faculty: Human Sciences
Faculty: Management Sciences
Faculty: Applied and Computer Sciences
Mr S. Khoosal
Ms C. Sonnekus
Mr M. Mtombeni
Research Directorate
Research Directorate
Corporate Communications
VUT Research Report 2010
Contents From the Vice-Chancellor and Principal........................................................... 5 From the Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Academic and Research.................................................................................................... 7 From the Executive Director: Research................................................................................................................................ 9 From the Executive Director: Technology Transfer and Innovation............................................................................11 From the Executive Dean: Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences................................................................21 From the Executive Dean: Faculty of Engineering and Technology.......................................................................27 From the Executive Dean: Faculty of Human Sciences.............................................................................................33
From the Executive Dean: Faculty of Management Sciences..................................................................................41 From the Director: Centre of Sustainable Livelihoods......................................................................... 47 From the Director: Institute of Applied Electronics.............................................................................. 53 From the Director: Institute of Chemical and Biotechnology.............................................................. 57 Non-Faculty Research Outputs........................................................................ 61 Research Office................................................................................................... 63 Higher Degrees Unit: Postgraduate Coordinator...................................................................................... 75
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VUT Research Report 2010
From the Vice-Chancellor and Prinicipal
Prof. I.N. Moutlana What we really want to get at is not how many reports have been done, but how many people’s lives are being bettered by what has been accomplished.
At the Vaal University of Technology, we go beyond publication in our research to meaningful and relevant application. The argument that the sole purpose of research is to generate evidence for a given field leaves much to be desired. We align most of our research with the national priorities of our country and the continent. We exploit the full knowledge value chain of our research, in order to make an impact in society and to contribute to new business or enterprise solutions for industry.
We therefore engage broadly with key stakeholders in industry, local and regional government, the tertiary education sector, government agencies, science councils and industry advisory committees and panels. It is these ties that help make our research relevant, innovative, transferable, applicable and able to be commercialised. An increasing number of our academics are starting to achieve NRF (National Research Foundation) ratings and we are beginning to witness exciting and breakthrough research in areas such as membrane filtration, alternative energy sources, fuel cell technology, pollution, water and environmental
management. Increasingly we are making our way towards realising our vision, namely, being a “university that leads in innovative knowledge and quality technology education�. We have built a critical research mass through establishing a strong ethos of local and international mentorships and partnerships for our young researchers as is the case with our Hub-and-Spokes Research Development Model. Our academics are encouraged to consider inter-faculty and crossfaculty collaboration in their research. It is indeed my honour and privilege to let you into the work of the academics and researchers at the Vaal University of Technology.
Prof. I.N. Moutlana
integrativ RESEARCH 6
VUT Research Report 2010
Prof. h.a. LOUW Research over the centuries got almost mythical status to the extent that it is often viewed as the forte of only a few. This led to a situation where academics sometimes tend to steer away from doing research and rather stay with reproducing existing knowledge. The challenge this trend presents to quality learning and effective problem solving is that the satisfaction with existing knowledge limits the opportunity for appropriate innovation, as well as addressing real industry and communityrelated problems effectively. The question remains about the approach to be followed to ensure dynamic and relevant knowledge creation. The question regarding relevance or usefulness presents a further important issue, which is especially appropriate for universities of technology. The Vaal University of Technology (VUT) is committed to its mandate of being a teaching institution with a specific research mandate. It accepts its responsibility to ensure that its teaching is research informed, as well as that research done matters and that it relates directly to specific issues or aspects that have direct relevance to real needs in society. The institution therefore realised the importance of focussing its attention and resources by formulating its research focus areas clearly. These are related to specific priority areas in relation to the national development agenda and further relates directly to the academic focus areas guiding the programme and qualifications mix of the institution. The critical issue in this respect is to ensure that the research focus areas are inclusive enough to accommodate the capacity, aspirations and real needs of the Institution’s context, which at the same time brings appropriate discipline to ensure sufficient depth in the research process to make a significant impact on real needs.
with staff to implement the research focus areas. At the same time, focus is given to establish the necessary institutional structure and awareness to serve as basis to support the research drive. Continuous development programmes for staff as well as sessions to assist staff to document their research for publication contributed to mobilise more staff members towards engaging in active research. The focus is to both enrich the teaching and learning process as well as contribute to specific knowledge creation and the publication thereof. Great strides were made in strengthening the postgraduate processes and participation. Through reforming the administrative support processes more effective monitoring and service delivery to postgraduate students contributed to support the access and success of students. Although the research output started from a law base the output in 2010 indicates significant growth in value and quality of research. It is positive to see the progressive development towards research into practice. The outcome of research into practical application inevitably supports the development of constructive relations with industry and society at large. I therefore want to express my appreciation and congratulations to Dr Bernadette Johnson and the Research Office team with their consistent successful efforts. A special word of thanks to all the academics that enthusiastically embraced the research challenge. Prof. H.A. Louw
To give effect to the ideas in the focus areas, attention is focussed on ensuring its relevance to the context and develop the necessary capacity 7
VUT Research Report 2010
From the Executive Director: Research
Dr b. johnson We find that the positive, inspiring, supportive and encouraging research environment allows us to attract researchers from across the higher education system.
Often when we enter new spaces, we enter these with untested expectations and assumptions. It is extremely exciting when our assumptions are disrupted and new possibilities emerge of what may be possible in university life. As a young, developmental university, the openness and innovative thinking continues to impress. This year’s annual report signifies a milestone in the development of a research culture, activities and commitment at the Vaal University of Technology (VUT). The research staff has tremendous potential, has increasingly demonstrated interest and commitment and is encouraging their colleagues to undertake relevant research with high impact. This is evident from our significant and steady increase in research outputs across the institution. The VUT in addition to being strategically well-positioned, its internal processes and systems have been significantly improved over the past year. Faculty research committees operate much more effectively. Systems are in place to screen applications and to engage in strategic thinking and initiatives. New policies are in place to support innovation and research with high societal impact and of a multi-inter and transdisciplinary nature. Consistently the research environment is changing, improving and being revitalised. Our focus remains: support, exposure and the creation of new and exciting opportunities for staff and students. A larger numbers of postgraduate students are being recruited on a full-time basis to undertake full-time studies and most importantly in critically scarce skill areas. Postgraduate students are provided with ongoing support towards the completion of their thesis and furthermore involves all critical stakeholders
within the institution including our library. A variety of programmes and initiatives are in place to support the students towards their completion. Increasingly faculties are arranging a diversity of activities within their re spective contexts to stimulate a research culture within the institution such as ongoing colloquia, seminars and conferences of national and international importance. Staff that previously have not been focused on their qualifications are increasingly showing interest in undertaking research and suggesting ways in which their specific research needs can be addressed and supported. The research equipment and infrastructure at the VUT has been improved significantly over the past year. A range of new laboratory equipment has been purchased through the utilisation of university funds and funding support from the National Research Foundation (NRF). Increasingly our academics are recognising the importance and gaining confidence in applying for external funding and are increasingly receiving positive feedback. This is evident in the significant increase in external funds, sponsorships, grants and equipment donations for research that is received by the institution. We are confident that through our continued partnership developments with industry that this will remain on an upward curve. We find that the positive, inspiring, supportive and encouraging research environment allows us to attract researchers from across the higher education system. The atmosphere, resource support and incentive funding which is greatly supported by the top leadership through the university’s rectorate and in particular the Vice-Chancellor: Professor Irene Moutlana and the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic and Research: Professor Alwyn Louw, is increasingly attracting excellent researchers.
VUT Research Report 2010
From the Executive Director: Technology Transfer and Innovation
Prof. D.J. de Beer The Vaal University of Technology (VUT) is engaged in partnership models in southern Gauteng to develop shared strategies for the advancement of social, technological and economic development. This aligns with proven international models, where regional alliances involving HEIs are an effective means to achieve economic growth, and for moving economies into higher skills levels. Through the Technology Transfer and Innovation Directorate (TTI), the VUT impacts regionally, nationally and internationally. The TTI creates opportunities for the university to collaborate with commerce, industry and the community, together with government departments and agencies in a triple-helix mode. This enables the VUT to create an entrepreneurial university environment by:
Transfer and commercialise university research products to commerce, industry and the community;
Develop opportunities for students (internships, jobs, entrepreneurship);
Commercialise know-how and innovation by students, graduates and staff and capitalises on business development realised by other potential entrepreneurs; and
Set up campus companies where the university might retain a stake in the firm for a while.
The TTI strives to create a sustainable unit that generates third stream income (also through assets in the form of new technology platforms or income through external grants, licensing agreements, patents or equity in start-up businesses). In parallel, availability of new technology platforms broaden the VUT’s research base, builds research and innovation capacity and facilitates the transfer of skills and technology to the wider community
(which includes commerce and industry). This enables the university to address knowledge generation and development of human resources. Simultaneously, a foundation for the generation of sustainable income is created. As such, the VUT community creates partnerships and markets that generate demands for new products and services. The TTI, through its different structures, supports companies that seek a fresh approach to marketing strategies by availing technology platforms, technological innovations and technical expertise. In creating awareness of selected technologies such as additive or direct digital manufacturing, design automation, or new scientific or business processes, a contribution is made towards raising companies’ competitiveness, within a portfolio of best practices on technological innovation.
The Technology Transfer and Innovation Directorate (TTI) consists of the following divisions:
Engineering Manufacturing Centre (EMC)
Enterprise Development Unit (EDU)
Institute for Chemical and Biotechnology (ICBT)
Iscor Innovation Centre (IIC)
TIA Technology Station for Materials Processing Technology (TTSMPT)
New staff members
Mr Mark Johnson was appointed as Head: Enterprise Development Unit. With this appointment, the EDU was officially launched, following its planning since 2008.
Staff conducted projects within the Faculty of Engineering and Technology and assisted industry and community with project and contract work.
The EMC played a major role in the VUT’s excellent performance in the annual Baja Bug competition, and the EMC once more supported many of the VUT’s marketing activities such as the Techno X and Polokwane Eding! International Science Festival.
Targets for the year TTI was committed to:
Establish the Enterprise Development Unit (EDU);
Restructure and optimise existing facilities;
Steer postgraduate research ‘innovation potential’ and activities towards commercialisation;
Through innovative product development research activities the IIC aimed at working towards including innovation in the VUT academic curriculum.
Develop a basis for Fablabs in the region;
Support research projects based on addressing the needs of industry; and
The IIC is leading the curriculum development of a proposed masters degree in Design and Product Development.
Expand the TTI foot-print through:
Significant progress was made in terms of the VUT’s aim to establish a FabLab, through the registration of an own trademark: Idea 2 Product Labs™.
1. Reviving the SediChem Incubator;
2. Finalise the ChemCity land donation, agreement and planning of the facilities;
3. Finalise the involvement in the Department of Water Affairs’ facilities in Centurion;
TIA pledged financial support towards operational costs, equipment and TTI project funding for the next three years.
In a drive to support regional innovation and local economic TSMPT development, TTSMPT supported product development for a number of IDC (Industrial Development Corporation) funded projects, where the beneficiaries were funded under the Support Programme for Industrial Innovation (SPII).
TTSMPT participated in the Skills Development Internship Programme funded by DST. Approximately 10 students are funded annually to conduct internship programmes under the auspices of TSMPT and selected industrial partners. A breakthrough is that some of these students undergo complete professional development in the TTI environment to manage IDC projects and produce final grade products, before registering for MTech degrees. As such, they actually complete a TTI-rim before becoming part of the Hub-and-Spokes programme.
TTSMPT annually completes approximately 200 projects.
4. Create a platform for involvement in the Northern Cape both through participation new DST initiatives and through a satellite operation on the Technology Station; 5. Participate in a joint submission between the VUT and ChemCity for development of an Essential Oil Technology Demonstration and Entrepreneurial Centre in Tzaneen; 6. Approve the TTI operational plan; and 7. Launch and manage new projects as technopreneurial platforms.
New developments EMC:
Restructuring within the TTI led to strengthening of the EMC, mainly as a result of duplication of facilities (between the EMC and TS) that was finally eliminated. EMC staff assisted researchers, community members, staff and students in developing prototype products or processes for research and innovation purposes.
VUT Research Report 2010
ICBT: The ICBT played a significant role in the SediChem, ChemCity, and Syringa BioSciences (Department of Water Affairs Centurion Facility) joint DST bid with ChemCity initiatives. In collaboration with the EMC, the ICBT again supported the VUT’s participation in the Techno X, Polokwane Eding! International Science Festival.
ICBT established itself as a Hub for MTech and DTech graduates conducting research in the following recognised focus areas:
TTI’s enhanced FabLab development, which we may now license out to other universities or entities. A number of international institutions have already expressed their interests to rather take up the Idea 2 Product Labs™ idea, than the conventional MIT FabLab approach.
1. Chemical & Process Engineering; 2. Chemical Technology; 3. Food & Biochemical Technology; and 4. Environmental Technology.
The ICBT strived to include research programmes in the following areas:
1. Natural Products & Medicinal Chemical Technology; 2. Polymer & Rubber Technology; 3. Green Science Technology; and 4. Biotechnology.
The EDU played a significant role in the registration of a PCT Patent Application for an Ion Exchange Membrane, used in a fuel cell as a renewable energy source.
The EDU also used the above-mentioned initiative to support the Institute for Applied Electronics to facilitate the recruitment of a number of new MTech and DTech researchers to participate in the fuel cell research.
The EDU played a leading role in the finalisation of EcoTox/AMBIO’s Company registration.
The EDU managed to submit four preliminary patent applications: 1. A Tubular Photo-Bioreactor (which enhances the growth of Algae and other plant varieties by regulating light exposure. Currently the reactor is producing high quality Spirulina);
The EDU managed to facilitate the development (in collaboration with the relevant academic departments) a Municipal Wastewater Management Programme, for onsite training of municipal wastewater manager in the Vaal and Fezile Dabe regions.
Significant breakthroughs
The VUT’s Enterprise Development Unit (EDU) has officially been launched, and now completes the planned TTI structure.
The VUT’s first ‘spin-off company’, AMBIO was finally registered.
TSMPT once more received significant funding from TIA.
More than R2 000 000 was secured through external projects.
The business plan for a DST-funded Essential Oil Technology Demonstration Centre in Tzaneen as prepared by the TTI, in collaboration with ChemCity, was funded by DST.
The Department of Water Affairs invited the VUT to become a partner in the value addition to alien vegetation facility in Centurion.
The TTI successfully hosted the 11th Annual International Conference of the Rapid Product Development Association of South Africa, and was also awarded the 12th Annual Conference for 2011.
The VUT has an active MoU for international research collaboration and staff and student exchange programme with the Institute of Chemical Technology (ICT), Prague, and Czech Republic. Prof. Tomáš Ruml, from ICT Prague, visited the VUT to participate in the Research, Innovation and Partnership Colloquium.
Excellent progress have been made with discussions between the VUT, SediChem Board, Gauteng Enterprise Propeller and the Gauteng Department of Economic Development for the VUT to revitalise the SediChem incubator to support economic development in southern Gauteng, as part of the Gauteng Government’s poverty alleviation actions.
A master plan for the Chemical and Biotechnology facilities on the donated land at ChemCity is under development.
A number of new technology platforms have been commissioned by the VUT’s TIA funded Technology Station, which are used to support SMMEs to improve competitiveness in product development and facilitate student training through government funded internships.
2. A Novel Prosthesis (directed to an articulating prosthesis and its method of tailored manufacturing using Additive Manufacturing); 3. Lifting and Transporting Apparatus (a lift and transporting appara tus that may be used to lift and transport the old aged and/or disabled individuals); and 4. Membrane for the extraction of pollutants (green insoluble matrix comprising cyclodextrin and pine cone leaves which may be used to extract both organic and inorganic pollutants in water).
The EDU managed to submit the VUT’s first trademark application for the Idea 2 Product Labs, and in this way, helped the VUT to protect the
The Technology Station was invited to exhibit at the annual EuroMold Trade Fair and Exhibition in Frankfurt, Germany during December 2010. DEMAT, the German concession holder of EuroMold, sponsored the floor space for the exhibition. This was after a sterling performance of the Technology Station at the AfriMold Exhibition – another international exhibit also owned by DEMAT. The exhibit created a significant marketing opportunity for the VUT, which can be seen by the early acceptance for participation by international experts in the 2012 RAPDASA Conference.
One of the VUT’s Technology and Human Resources for Industry Programme Projects (THRIP) was a finalist for the DTI Excellence Awards in the Innovation category, and exhibited at Gallagher Estate from 5-7 October. Funding was made available from the Department of Trade and Industry to supplement research funding received from industrial partners.
Four patents were submitted for preliminary registration in the fields of Chemistry, Biotechnology and Engineering.
The VUT reached agreements with: 1. Rand Water to develop short courses for Municipal Wastewater Management staff; 2. African Cables to developed computer short courses; and 3. Emerald Hotel to develop a range of short courses for the hospitality industry.
The Technology Station manufactured a number of large-scale prototypes for metal casting, a breakthrough in the casting and foundry industry. Amongst others, a four-meter tall horse was manufactured for casting, some of which were exported to the Arabic Emirates.
Without any doubt the TTI now operates as a coherent team, with units and managers that supplement and support each other to fully support the VUT’s mission and vision.
The TS managed to attract a multi-year, multi-million design project from THALES Defence Systems (for France).
Above-mentioned also led to a design and product development contract for Delta.
An example of a Technology Station project: Two four-metre tall metal cast horses
VUT Research Report 2010
Research outputs Conferences (Papers and Posters Presented) Presenter and co-presenters: Nyembwe, D.K., De Beer, D.J. & Bhero, S. Title of paper: A conceptual framework for the manufacturing of tooling by metal casting Conference: 24th Annual Southern African Institute of Industrial Engineering (SAIIE) Conference Place: Muldersdrift, Gauteng Date: 6-8 October 2010 Presenter and co-presenters: Truscott, M., Booysen, G.J., & De Beer, D.J. Title of paper: Rapid prototyping and manufacturing in medical product development Conference: The 3rd International Conference on Additive Technologies; DAAAM Specialized Conference Place: University of Maribor, Nova Gorica, Slovenia Date: September 2010 Presenter and co-presenters: Van der Walt, J.G., De Beer, D.J., Booysen, G.J., Truscott, M. & Du Plessis, F. Title of paper: Patient specific radiation field shaping masks through low temperature thermal-spray Conference: The 3rd International Conference on Additive Technologies; DAAAM Specialized Conference Place: University of Maribor, Nova Gorica, Slovenia Date: September 2010 Presenter and co-presenters: Booysen, G.J., De Beer, D.J., Truscott, M., Combrinck, J. & Mosimanyane, D. Title of paper: Combining additive fabrication and conventional machining technologies to develop a hybrid tooling approach Conference: The 3rd International Conference on Additive Technologies; DAAAM Specialized Conference Place: University of Maribor, Nova Gorica, Slovenia Date: September 2010 Presenter: De Beer, D.J. Title of paper: Additive manufacturing as tool to support sustainable development Conference: The 3rd International Conference on Additive Technologies; DAAAM Specialized Conference Place: University of Maribor, Nova Gorica, Slovenia Date: September 2010 Presenter and co-presenters: Huan, Z., De Beer, D.J. & Booysen, G.J. Title of paper: Application of laser sintering technology in heat exchanger design and manufacture Conference: ICCET 2010 – The 2nd International Conference on Computer Engineering and Technology Place: China Date: 16-18 April 2010 ISBN/ISSN: Proceedings, 5, art. No. 5486244, pp. V5624 – V5628
Presenter: De Beer, D.J. Title of paper: Industrial tutorial session: tools and methods of competitive Engineering Conference: Tools and Methods of Competitive Engineering Place: Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands and Universita Politecnica Delle Marche, Ancona, Italy Date: April 2010
Presenter: De Beer, D.J. Title: Additive manufacturing advancement from prototyping towards factories of the future Presented to: Keynote Address at 25th International Conference for CAD/CAM Robotics and Factories of the Future Place: CSIR Date: July 2010
Presenter: Jooste, J.H. Title of paper: Sustainable design and the law of diminishing marginal returns Conference: Tools and Methods of Competitive Engineering Place: Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands and Universita Politecnica Delle Marche, Ancona, Italy Date: April 2010
Presenter: Jooste, J.H. Title: High performance VAWT Presented to: South African National Energy Association Place: Johannesburg, SA Date: February 2010
Presenter: Jooste, J.H. Title of paper: Validation experimentation on high productivity vertical axis wind turbines Conference: Knowledge Collaboration & Learning for Sustainable Innovation Place: Delft University of Technology, The Hague University of Applied Sciences, TNO, Cape Peninsula University of Technology Date: October 2010 Presenter: Jooste, J.H. Title of paper: Recovering energy from mine ventilation outlet Conference: Knowledge Collaboration & Learning for Sustainable Innovation Place: Delft University of Technology, The Hague University of Applied Sciences, TNO, Cape Peninsula University of Technology Date: October 2010 Presenter: Modise, S.J. Title of paper: Reduction of fluoride and nitrate in rural groundwater using NF membranes Conference: WISA 2010: A time to reflect Place: WISA, Durban Date: April 2010 Presenter: Modise, S.J. Title of paper: Partnerships and universities of technologies Conference: 3rd SATN conference Place: Vaal University of Technology, Vanderbiljpark, Gauteng Date: 29 September – 1 October 2010
Seminars/Workshops Presented Presenter: De Beer, D.J. Title: Establishment of additive manufacturing in SA Presented to: Advanced Metals Initiative & The SA Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. Place: Invited Address: Light Metals Conference: Misty Hills, Muldersdrift, SA Date: October 2010
VUT Research Report 2010
Presenter: Jooste, J.H. Title: High performance VAWT Presented to: Verein Deutsche Ingeneure Place: Johannesburg, SA Date: March 2010
Conference Attendance Eleven (11) staff members attended 14 conferences.
Prof. Tomas Ruml, Institute of Chemical Technology (ICT), Prague, Checz Republic.
Dr R.I. Campbell, Faculty of Design technology, Loughborough University.
Department of Water Affairs.
Rand Water Foundation.
Dr E. Pei, a PhD graduate from Loughborough University, visited the VUT as Postdoctoral Fellow in the TTI.
Publications Author: De Beer, D.J. Title: Contribution to: Wohlers Report 2010, Rapid Prototyping & Tooling State of the Industry Annual Worldwide Progress Report. Editod by T. Wohlers. Author: De Beer, D.J. Title: Additive manufacturing as tool to support sustainable development. In: Additive layered manufacturing: education, application and business. Edited by I. Drstvenšek and S. Dolinšek. ICAT – supported by Slovenian Research Agency: 9 – 20. Author and co-authors: Booysen, G.J., De Beer, D.J., Truscott, M., Combrinck, J. & Mosimanyane, D. Title: Combining additive fabrication and conventional machining tech-
nologies to develop a hybrid tooling approach. Additive layered manufacturing: education, application and business. Edited by I. Drstvenšek and S. Dolinšek. ICAT – supported by Slovenian Research Agency: 101 – 111. Staff from the ICBT also co-authored papers as reported under the departments, and as such, it is not mentioned under the TTI.
Community Engagement
AfriSam Project.
Participation with CSL in SANPAD project.
Support of SMMEs through IDC involvement.
Mouldmaking courses and Rhino CAD training presented to community members.
Relations with Industry Sound, ongoing relations are established with:
H. Bischoff
Squirrel Kidz
EDM Shop
Kapema Manufacturing
La Grace
Tugo Builds Inc
J. Opperman
Gallery Momo
Adrew Odeh
De Se Industries
Marius Steenekamp
EOS (Germany)
Venue Africa
3D Solids
ADEPT Airmotive
Nikki Swanepoel
W. Joubert
Bits From Bytes (UK)
Rand Water Foundation
Department of Water Affairs
Lets Link
Abel Chetty Tugo
W. van Straaten
Syringa Biosciences
Designers Inc
Sharpville Granite Centre
KM Design
M&H Engineering
Pebblestairs & Electronics
Vaal Regional Municipality
Biecon Industrial Engineering
PP3DP (China)
Fizile Dabe Regional Municipality
Brookes Eng
THALES Defence Systems
HC Lange
Conferences Hosted Vaal University of Technology (VUT), in association with the Industrial Support Programme for Industrial Innovation (SPII) the CUT, CSIR, IDC, TIA and Aerosud was the proud host of the 11th Consecutive Annual Conference of the Rapid Product Development Association of South Africa (RAPDASA).
Currently all the technology platforms in use are being imported to South Africa, the RAPDASA organising committee has managed to get representatives from nine original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) to present at the event. The VUT has already managed to get two OEMs on board in THRIP projects.
RAPDASA was officially launched during the first annual international conference, held in 2000 at the CSIR, following a number of meetings held nationally, to establish a community of practice. RAPDASA embraces the complete product development value chain (starting from idea/concept, to design, prototype development into manufacturing and commercialisation).
The link to RAPDASA, and through RAPDASA the link to the Global Alliance of Rapid Prototyping Associations (GARPA), is very important to the VUT; especially at a time where internal debate regarding research, innovation and partnerships is taken to a new level. RAPDASA represents important academic and industrial organisations, and strives to bring the Additive Manufacturing Industry together in a collaborative network.
The event focused on the design impact on the accelerated product development process chain and was organised in an industrial zone. The programme included 35 papers that focused on design and commercialisation aspects of product development, as well as research and research applications/technology transfer aspects. The majority of speakers were from industry including eight international speakers: Dr Terry Wohlers (USA), Dr Ian Campbell (UK), Prof. Sanat Agrawal (India), Dr Igor DrstvenĹĄek (Slovenia), Mr Jacques Delanoue (France), Mr Ian Adkins (UK), Mr Paul Gately (UK), Mr Frederik de Klerk (Belgium), and Mr Peter Rosker (Germany).
VUT Research Report 2010
3D Scanning as input for bespoke product development.
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TTI Exhibition at the 2010 DTI Technology Awards.
An example of Digital Sculpting, sculpting on a computer using ‘virtual clay’. An unique attribute of the Technology Station’s Design Centre.
Please provide image title
SCIENTIFIC knowledge
VUT Research Report 2010
From the Executive Dean: Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences
Prof. B.R. Mabuza In 2010 the Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences has put in place the research initiative that strategically focuses its research capacity on a number of major problems. The above mentioned number of major problems are addressed through the research areas which include:
Dedicated researchers across the departments have made outstanding contributions to their fields of study that lead to path-breaking research discoveries, new knowledge and its innovative applications. These researchers have demonstrated exceptional research capabilities by publishing thirteen (13) papers in accredited journals and four (4) papers in prestigious proceedings. The achievements are listed below.
Synthesis and catalysis;
Adsorption technology, wastewater treatment and method develop ment;
Medicinal plants and protocol development;
Synthesis and nanotechnology;
Membrane technology – water research;
Staff Qualifications Completed in 2010
Plant molecular genetics/biotechnology; and
Theoretical, numerical and experimental nondestructive methods.
To ensure that these problems are addressed, the faculty continues to encourage curiosity driven and discipline-based research.
Name: Bucibo, M. Qualification: MTech Dissertation/Thesis Title: Identification and quantification of selected pesticides in surface water in Southern Gauteng region University/Institution: Vaal University of Technology
Conferences (Papers and Posters Presented) Presenter: Fonou-Dombeu, J.V. Title of paper: Towards ICT e-government model for development projects monitoring Conference: ICIA 2010 Proceedings Place: Yaounde, Cameroon Date: 25-28 March 2010 Presenter: Fonou-Dombeu, J.V. Title of paper: A conceptual ontology for e-government monitoring of development projects in sub-Saharan Africa Conference: Information Society Technology of Africa Place: Durban, South Africa Date: 19-23 May 2010 ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-905824-15-1
Please provide image title
Presenter: Mabuza, B.R. & Netshidavhini, N. Title of paper: On the study of longitudinal wave traveling through an elastic plate immersed in water. Conference: Proceedings of 20th International Congress on Acoustics, ICA 2010 Place: Sydney, Australia Date: 23-27 August 2010 ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-646-54052-8
Author and co-authors: Dikio, E.D., Thema, F.T., Dikio, C.W. & Mtunzi, F.M. Title: Synthesis of carbon nanotubes by catalytic decomposition of ethyne using Co-Zn-Al catalyst Journal: International Journal of Nanotechnology and Application Volume: 4 Issue: 2 Page numbers of article: 117-124 ISSN: 0973631X
Presenter and co-presenter: Fonou-Dombeu, J.V. & Huisman, M. Title of paper: Integrating e-government services: a stepwise ontologybased methodology framework Conference: International Conference on E-government Place: Cape Town, South Africa Date: 31 September – 01 October 2010 ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-906638-76-4
Author and co-authors: Ofomaja, A.E., Naidoo, E.B. & Modise, S.J. Title: Biosorption of copper(II) and lead(II) onto potassium hydroxide treated pine cone powder Journal: Journal of Environmental Management Volume: 91 Issue: 2010 Page numbers of article: 1674-1685 ISSN: 0301-4797
These papers are remarkable both in terms of quality and quantity. Numerous national and international conferences have been attended and papers were presented.
Author and co-authors: Ofomaja, A.E., Naidoo, E.B. & Modise, S.J. Title: Surface modification of pine cone powder and its application for removal of Cu(II) from wastewater Journal: Desalination and Water Treatment Volume: 19 Issue: July Page numbers of article: 275-285 ISSN: n/a
Publications Author and co-authors: Kassim, S., Nyine, M. & Pillay, M. Title: A screening method for banana weevil (Cosmopolites sordidus Germar) resistance using reference genotypes Journal: African Journal of Biotechnology Volume: 9 Issue: 30 Page numbers of article: 4725-4730 ISSN: 1684–5315 Author and co-authors: Dikio, E.D., Mthombeni, L.L., Dikio, C.W., & Mtunzi, F.M. Title: Analysis of fluoride in Vaal River, Sharpeville and Bedworth lakes in the Vaal Region of South Africa Journal: International Journal of Environmental Science Volume: 5 Issue: 5 Page numbers of article: 691-697 ISSN: 09736077 Author: Dikio, E.D. Title: Water quality evaluation of Vaal River, Sharpeville and Bedworth lakes in the Vaal region of South Africa Journal: Research Journal Applied Science Engineering Technology Volume: 2 Issue: 6 Page numbers of article: 574-579 ISSN: 20407459
VUT Research Report 2010
Author and co-authors: Ofomaja, A.E. & Naidoo, E.B. Title: Biosorption of lead(II) onto pine cone powder: Studies on biosorption performance and process design to minimise biosorbent mass Journal: Carbohydrate Polymerst Volume: 82 Issue: 2010 Page numbers of article: 1031-1042 ISSN: 0144-8617 Author and co-authors: Ofomaja, A.E. & Naidoo, E.B. Title: Kinetic modeling of the interaction between copper(II) and calcium hydroxide treated pine cone powder Journal: Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers Volume: 42 Issue: 2010 Page numbers of article: 480-485 ISSN: 1876-1070 Author and co-authors: Ofomaja, A.E., Naidoo, E.B. & Modise, S.J. Title: Dynamic studies and pseudo-second order modeling of copper(II) biosorption onto pine cone powder Journal: Desalination Volume: 25 Issue: 1-3 Page numbers of article: 112-122 ISSN: 0011-9164
Author and co-authors: Ofomaja, A.E., Naidoo, E.B. & Modise, S.J. Title: Kinetic and pseudo-second-order modeling of lead biosorption onto pine cone powder Journal: Industrial Engineering and Chemical Research Volume: 49 Issue: 6 Page numbers of article: 2562-2572 ISSN: 0888-5885 Author and co-authors: Fonou-Dombeu, J.V. & Huisman, M. Title: Investigating e-government knowledge-base ontology supporting development projects monitoring in sub-Saharan Africa Journal: International Journal of Computing and ICT Research Volume: 4 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 20-29 ISSN: 1818-1139 Author and co-authors: Miti, N., Guzei, I.A., Nelana, S.M. & Darkwa, J. Title: (3,5-dimethylpyrazol-1-yl)alkanones and their reactivity with palladium dichloride: Isolation of bis(3,5-dimethylpyrazol-1-yl)propan-1one palladium(II) chloride and C-H activation of the propanone linker Journal: Inorganic Chemistry Communications Volume: 13 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 123-126 ISSN: 0020-1669 Author and co-authors: Czaun, M., Nelana, S.M., Guzei, I.A., Hasselgren, C., HĂĽkansson, M., Jagner, S., Lisensky, G., Darkwa, J. & Nordlander, E. Title: An investigation of copper and nickel catalysed hydrolysis of (di)imines Journal: Inorganica Chimica Acta Volume: 363 Issue: 12 Page numbers of article: 3102-3112 ISSN: 0020-1693 The faculty has created an ideal climate for research and fostered young research talents. It has assured the researchers full protection of intellectual property rights. It has also encouraged patent applications and technology transfer.
Research in Progress Researchers: Dikio, E.D. & Ndwandwe, S.M. Title: Synthesis and characterisation of single and double walled carbon nanotubes using Co-Al, Co-Zn, VO(acac)2 and Mn(acac)3 as catalyst Field: Chemistry
Researchers: Dikio, E.D. & Molatudi, I.R.K. Title: Synthesis of mixed ligand (Acac, CO, PPh3) complexes of transition metals (Co, Cu, Fe, Mn and V) as hydroformylation reaction catalyst systems Field: Chemistry Researchers: Dikio, E.D. & Moloto, H. Title: Reduction of ferric and ferrous compounds in the presence of activated carbon using mechanical alloying Field: Chemistry Researchers: Matsie, S.S. & Naidoo, E.B. Title: Impact of Metallurgical Industry pollution in water Field: Environmental Chemistry Researchers: Kotoane, A.M. & Naidoo, E.B. Title: Development and optimisation of selective leaching processes for the extraction of calcium from steel slag in view of sequestering carbon dioxide Field: Environmental Chemistry Researchers: Pholosi, A., Ofomaja, A.E., & Naidoo, E.B. Title: Development of a method for selective removal of Cesium from wastewater in the presence of mixed alkali metals Field: Adsorption and Water Chemistry Researchers: Ngema, S.L., Ofomaja, A.E., & Naidoo, E.B. Title: Competitive biosorption of a mixture of cationic dyes from a multi-component solution using a modified cone powder Field: Adsorption and Water Chemistry Researchers: Fonou-Dombeu, J.V., & Huisman, M. Title: A semantic content-based methodology framework for e-government systems development Field: Computer Science Researcher: Pillay, M. Title: Molecular genetic diversity of sweet potato Field: Molecular biology Researcher: Pillay, M. Title: Molecular markers for the A and B genomes of banana Field: Molecular Genetics Researcher: Pillay, M. Title: Genetic diversity of Colocasiaesculenta Field: Molecular genetics Researcher: Nelana, S.M. Title: Nanofiltration membranes, extraction of metal ions Field: Chemical Synthesis and inorganic chemistry
Researchers: Dikio, E.D. & Tshibangu, P.N. Title: Synthesis and characterization of novel ionic liquids and application in catalytic reactions Field: Chemistry
Research Partnerships/Collaboration for Nelana, S.M. South Africa Researcher: Darkwa, J. Title of research: Materials from renewable plant resources Higher Education Institution: University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg International Researcher: Schrekker, H.S. Title of research: Materials from renewable plant resources Higher Education Institution: Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Av. Bento Gonรงalves, Brazil Researcher: Nordlander, E. Title of research: Materials from renewable plant resources Higher Education Institution: Lund University, Sweden Researcher: Ojwach, S.O. Title of research: Materials from renewable plant resources Higher Education Institution: Maseno University, Kenya
Total organic carbon
Research Partnerships/Collaboration for Pillay, M. Researcher: Adebola, P. Title of research: Sweet potato breeding and diseases Higher Education Institution: ARC-VOPI, Roodeplaat
Atomic absorption spectroscopy
VUT Research Report 2010
Total organic carbon
Ion chromatography
Ion chromatography
HPLC high performance liquid chromatography
Ion chromatography
analytical thinking
VUT Research Report 2010
From the Executive Dean: Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Prof. L.M. Masu The year 2010 was a difficult one for the Faculty of Engineering and Technology. In 2009, the faculty’s research output increased by 80% and in comparison in 2010, the research output increased by only 15% (3.52 units in 2010). The low increase in research output can be attributed to the loss of some of our key senior academic staff. One of whom was a NRF c-rated researcher and another prolific researcher from the department of Civil Engineering. Despite this loss, two other faculty academic staff members received NRF ratings in 2010. Prof. Ochieng Aoyi and Dr Thomas Tengen were NRF rated at C3 and Y2 respectively. Their rating takes effect from the 1st of January 2011. The total number of registered postgraduate students in the faculty stood at 62. Nine of them were at doctoral level while the other 53 students were at master’s level. There were 19 international students in this complement. The number of academic staff involved in postgraduate studies was 14, four at doctoral level and the rest at master’s level. However, there was another category of postgraduates registered in 2009, but did not register in 2010. Under this category were 33 students, five at doctoral level, and the rest at master’s level. Of concern is that 10 academic staff members fell into this unregistered category. During the 2010 academic year, the faculty retained all its previous research focus areas for 2009 and a few more were added to that list. Currently the focus areas are, Applied Electronics (An existing area incorporating the focus area of applied electronics and the Telkom Centre of Excellence in Fuel Cells. It is seen as an area where there can be a steady output of papers and postgraduates. It can accommodate 10-15 more postgraduates.); High Voltage Studies (There is not much research activity in this area, but there is a steady amount of industrial contract work.); Fluid Thermal Systems (This focus area has a small number of active researchers, but has great potential because it is headed by a prolific researcher.); Vibration Condition Monitoring (A small number of active researchers, but has great potential because the senior researchers are highly experienced.); Water
Resources Engineering and Management (This is a proposed new focus area. It promises to have the highest number of active staff researchers based on the existing capacity. It is a multidisciplinary focus area including researchers from Civil Engineering, Chemical Engineering and Geosciences.); Materials and Minerals Technology (This focus area is of strategic value in the university because materials are used in all industrial applications.); Optimisation/Numerical Modelling (Another new focus area that will tap into the strengths of numerical modelling within the faculty. Application of numerical modelling is relevant to all the focus areas above, but this focus area will provide a source of expertise.); Application of Instrumentation Systems in Industrial Processes (The focus area is on instrumentation and automation and includes Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) for research and problem solving in the industry and everyday life); and Manufacturing Engineering (A new but very important focus area in order to make inroads into industrial innovation). Each one of the above areas has potential for growth. It is envisaged that there will be a focus area on renewable energy in the future, which will involve all disciplines in the faculty. At present there are already some collaborative projects between them. Our research partnerships and collaboration continued to grow in 2010. The faculty had six international collaborations and two local ones. The collaborating countries included Romania, United Kingdom, Kenya, Uganda, Germany, Poland, Australia and South Africa. During the second part of 2010, the faculty initiated an induction programme for its postgraduate students, effective from January 2011, and with the finalisation of its Research and Development Strategic Plan, the faculty is poised to grow to great heights in future. 27
Research outputs Conferences (Papers and Posters Presented) Presenter and co-presenter: Rutto, H.L. & Enweremadu, C.C. Title of paper: Reactivity study on South African dolomite material using a pH-Stat and citric acid: A statistical approach Conference: World Academy of Science, Engineering & Technology (WASET) Issue 68 Place: Singapore Date: 25 August 2010 ISSN: 1307-6892 Presenter and co-presenter: Enweremadu, C.C. & Rutto, H.L Title of paper: Investigation of heat loss in ethanol-water distillation column with direct vapour recompression heat pump Conference: World Academy of Science, Engineering & Technology (WASET) Issue 69 Place: The Netherlands Date: 28-30 September 2010 ISSN: 1307-6892 Presenter: Swart, A.J. Title of paper: Deficiency needs of Engineering students: an investigation of their influence on academic success and subsequent government grants Conference: Global Business and Technology Association 12th Annual international Place: Protea Hotel Paul Kruger Gate, Mpumalanga Date: 5-9 July 2010 ISSN: 1-932917-06-3 Presenter: Tengen, T.B. Title of paper: Designing nanomaterials mechanical properties from the observable nanostructure features Conference: Technical Proceedings of the 2010 NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Road Show Volume: 2 Place: Anaheim, California, USA Date: 21-25 June 2010 ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-439-3405-28 Presenter: Campbell, H. Title of paper: The liberation of intellectual capital through the natural evolution of knowledge management systems Conference: In proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Information management and engineering (ieeeicime 2010) Volume: 1 (pp. 218-225) Place: Chengdu, China. Date: 16-18 April 2010 ISSN/ISBN: 978-1-4244-5263-7
VUT Research Report 2010
Presenter: Campbell, H. Title of paper: Linking knowledge management to business intelligence and organisational performance Conference: In proceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference South African Institute of Industrial Engineering (SAIIE) Volume: SAIEE 2009 (pp. 10-29) Place: Pretoria, South Africa Date: 28-30 October 2009 ISSN/ISBN: 978-0-86970-667-1 Presenter: Tengen, T.B. Title of paper: Impact of grain growth on the cumulative features of nanostructures, such as the cumulative number of faces of grains, in nanomaterials Conference: Proceedings of the South African Conference on Applied and Computational Mechanics Volume: SACAM 10 (pp. 283-291) Place: Pretoria Date: 10-13 January 2010 ISSN/ISBN: 978-0-620-49192-1 Presenter: Tengen, T.B. Title of paper: Designing nanomaterials me-chanical properties from the observable nanostructure features Conference: NSTI-NANOTECH 2010 Volume: 2 (pp. 661-664) Place: Anaheim, California, USA Date: 21-25 June 2010 ISSN/ISBN: 978-1-4398-3405-2 Presenter: Tengen, T.B. Title of paper: The averaging techniques required to be applied to obtain global decisions from random local responses Conference: Proceeding of the South African conference of Industrial Engineering Volume: SAIIE 2009 (pp.167-178) Place: Pretoria, South Africa Date: 28-30 October 2009 ISSN/ISBN: 978-0-86970-667-1 Presenter and co-presenter: Osifo, P.O. & Masala, A. Title: Characterisation of low temperature direct methanol fuel cell (DMFC) applications with H2SO4 modified Chitosan membranes. Conference: 3rd International Conference on Engineering Research and Development (ICERD2010) Place: Benin City, Nigeria Date: 7-9 September 2010 ISSN: n/a Presenter and co-presenters: Aoyi, O., Kumar, A. & Onyango, M.S. Title of paper: Optimization of the k-e model parameters for a stirred tank Conference: Moi University 6th Annual International Conference Place: Eldoret, Kenya Date: 6-9 September 2010 ISSN: n/a
Presenter and co-presenters: Aoyi, O., Ojijo, V., Otieno, F.O.A. & Onyango M.S. Title of paper: Comparative study of the performance of South African coal fly ash and carbonaceous adsorbents in the removal of melanoidin from wastewater Conference: The Water Institute of South Africa (WISA) Biannual Conference and Exhibition Place: Durban, South Africa Date: 18-20 April 2010 ISSN: n/a Presenter and co-presenters: Masukune, M.,Onyango, M.S., Aoyi, O. & Otieno F.O.A. Title of paper: Investigation on limestone-derived apatite as a potential low cost adsorbent for drinking water defluoridation Conference: The Water Institute of South Africa (WISA) Biannual Conference and Exhibition Place: Durban, South Africa Date: 18-20 April 2010 ISSN: n/a Presenter and co-presenters: Kumar, A.,Valoyi, R., Aoyi, O. & Onyango, M.S Title of paper: Acid-base transesterification of oil with high free fatty acid content Conference: 1st International conference on New Frontiers in Biofuels Place: New Delhi, India Date: 18-19 January 2010 ISSN: n/a Presenter and co-presenters: Murutu, C., Aoyi, O., Onyango, M.S. & Otieno, F.O.A. Title of paper: Investigation on limestone-derived apatite as a potential low cost adsorbent for drinking water defluoridation Conference: The Water Institute of South Africa (WISA) Biannual Conference and Exhibition Place: Durban, South Africa Date: 18-20 April 2010 ISSN: n/a Presenter: Alugongo, A.A. Title of paper: Use of parametric resonance, sub-harmonics and wavelet in diagnostics of a breathing crack on a two-disc balanced rotor in torsion, IMECE2010-40207 Conference: Proceedings of the ASME 2010 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition Place: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Date: 12-18 November 2010 ISSN: 987-0-7918-38914
Conference: Proceedings of the ASME 2010 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition Place: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Date: 12-18 November 2010 ISSN: 987-0-7918-38914
Seminars/Workshops Presented Presenter: Swart, A.J. Title: Teaching and learning conference (higher-order questions versus lower-order questions in the assessment of student learning – What, Why, When and How?) Presented to: 4th Annual Teaching and Learning conference Place: Pietermaritzburg, University of KwaZulu-Natal Date: 20-22 September 2010
Publications Author and co-author: Aoyi, O. & Onyango, S.M. Title: CFD simulation of the hydrodynamics and mixing time in a stirred tank Journal: Chemical Industry & Chemical Engineering Quarterly Volume: 16 Issue: 4 Page numbers of article: 379-386 ISSN: 00092509 Author and co-authors: Musapatika, E.T., Onyango, M.S. & Aoyi, O. Title: Cobalt(II) removal from synthetic wastewater by adsorption on South African coal fly ash Journal: South African Journal of Science Volume: 106 Issue: n/a Page numbers of article: 1-7 ISSN: 0038-2353 Author and co-authors: Onyango, M.S., Masukume, M., Aoyi, O. & Otieno, F.A.O. Title: Cobalt(II) removal from synthetic wastewater by adsorption on South African coal fly ash Journal: Water SA Volume: 36 Issue: 5 Page numbers of article: 655-662 ISSN (Print): 0378-4738
Presenter: Alugongo, A.A. Title of paper: Time-frequency characterization of a cracked rotor sliding bearing system with Rotor-StatOr-Rub, IMECE2010-40203
Author and co-authors: Murutu, C., Onyango, M.S., Aoyi, O. & Otieno, F.O.A. Title: Adsorption of fluoride on limestone-derived apatite: equilibrium and kinetics Journal: International Journal of Social Ecology and Sustainable Development Volume: 1 Issue: 3 Page numbers of article: 13-22 ISSN: n/a Author and co-author: Aoyi, O. & Onyango, M.S. Title: CFD simulation of solids suspension and concentration distribution in a stirred tank: review Journal: Hemijskaindustrija-Chemical Industry Volume: 64 Issue: 5 Page numbers of article: 13-22 ISSN: 0367-598 Author and co-authors: Ojijo, V.O., Onyango, M.S., Aoyi, O. & Otieno, F.O.A. Title: Decolourization of melanoidin containing wastewater using South African coal fly Journal: International Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Volume: 2 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 17-23 ISSN: n/a Author and co-authors: Aoyi, O., Onyango, M.S. & Kirimi, H.M. Title: CFD simulation and experimental measurement of nickel solids concentration distribution in a stirred tank Journal: The Journal of South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Volume: 110 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 213-218 ISSN: 0038–223X Author and co-authors: Kumar, A., Valoyi, R., Aoyi, O. & Onyango, M.S. Title: Acid-base transesterification of oil with high free fatty acid content Journal: Journal of Biofuels Volume: 1 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 976-4763 ISSN: 0976-3015 Author: Swart, A.J. Title: Evaluation of final examination papers in engineering: a case study using bloom’s taxonomy Journal: IEEE Transactions on education Volume: 53 Issue: 2 Page numbers of article: 257-264 ISSN: 0018-9359 (Impact factor: 0.82) 30
VUT Research Report 2010
Author: Rutto, H.L. Title: Effect of addition of ammonium compounds on the dissolution rate of a South African magnesium-based material Journal: Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan Volume: 44 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 44-47 ISSN: 0021-9592 Author and co-author: Tengen, T.B. & Iwankiewicz, R. Title: The evolution of the internal energy released from nanomaterials during grain growth Journal: Physics Status Solidi (C) Volume: 7 Issue: 5 Page numbers of article: 1367-1371 ISSN: 186-2-6351 Author and co-authors: Tengen, T.B., Wejrzanowski, T., Iwankiewicz, R. & Kurzydlowski, K.J. Title: Stochastic approach in design of mechanical properties of nanomaterials, materials science and engineering A. Journal: Material Science and Engineering Volume: 527 Issue: doi:10.1016/j.msea.2010.03.061 Page numbers of article: 3764-3768 ISSN: 0921-5093 Author: Swart, A.J. Title: Does it matter which comes first in a curriculum for engineering students – theory or practice? Journal: International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education Volume: 47 Issue: 2 Page numbers of article: 189-199 ISSN: 0020-7209 (Impact factor: 0.11) Author and co-authors: Swart, A.J., Pienaar, H.C. vZ. & Mendonidis, P. Title: RF bestraling van kalsiet/dolomiet monsters Journal: The South African Journal of Science and Technology Volume: 29 Issue: 3 Page numbers of article: 166-167 ISSN: 0254-3486 Author and co-author: Enweremadu, C.C. & Rutto, H.L. Title: Combustion, emission and engine performance characteristics of used cooking oil biodiesel – a review Journal: Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews Volume: 14 Issue: 9 Page numbers of article: 2863-2873 ISSN: 1364-0321
Author and co-authors: Swart, A.J., De Jager, H.J. & Lombard, B.J.J. Title: Exploring the relationship between time management skills and the academic achievement of African engineering students – a case study Journal: European Journal of Engineering Education Volume: 35 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 79-89 ISSN: 0304-3797 (Non-accredited peer reviewed article) Author and co-author: Osifo, P.O. & Masala, A. Title: Characterization of direct methanol fuel cell (DMFC) applications with H2SO4 modified chitosan membrane Journal: Journal of Power Sources Volume: 195 Issue: 15 Page numbers of article: 4915-4922 ISSN: 0378-7753
Research in Progress Researcher: Swart, A.J. Title: Optimising the output power form a single stationary PV panel with an MTech student. Developing a flight data recorder with an MTech student. Determining the perception of senior engineering students towards online assessments and outcomes-based education. Developing a questionnaire to determine the stress, deficiency needs and time management skills of engineering students. Researcher: Mendonidis, P. Title: The geochronology of some critical lithologies from the Natal Metamorphic Belt, in collaboration with Armstrong, R.A. (National University of Australia). The geochemistry of charnockitic rocks, in collaboration with Grantham, G.H. (Council of Geoscience). Rock comminution using RF radiation: DTech project of Swart, A.J. Stress modelling of Ti alloy pipes: MTech project of Inyang, E.E. Researcher: Masu, L.M. Title: Stress modelling of Ti alloy pipes: MTech project of Inyang, E.E. Identification and study of a crack in a rotating shaft: MTech project of Aniki, A.O. Investigation of the performance of Fibre Reinforced Polymers (FRP) in structural foundations: MTech project of Labana, B. Researcher: Aoyi, O. Title: Anaerobic wastewater treatment. Application of advance oxidation process for wastewater treatment.
Greenfields Research Geotectonics (Mendonidis, P.) Hydrology (Ndege, M.M.) Illumination Engineering (Joubert, T.) Optimisation (Campbell, H.) Photocatalytic biodegradation of industrial wastewater (Aoyi, O.)
Contract Research Sponsors: Water Research Commission Project number: K8/935/3 Project period: 2010-2011 Project Leader and Principal Researcher: Aoyi, O. & Onyango, S.M.
Research Partnerships/Collaboration National researcher: Iyuke, S.E. Title of research: Fuel cell membranes Higher Education Institution: University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg International researcher: Carja, G. Title of research: Fuel cell membranes: Application of nano-technology in wastewater treatment Higher Education Institution: Department of Chemical Engineering, Iasi Technical University, Iasi-Romania Researcher: Potgieter, H. Title of research: Fuel cell membranes: photo-catalyticaanaerobic biodegradation Higher Education Institution: Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom Researcher: Kiriamiti, K. Title of research: Fuel cell membranes: biofuel production form lignocellulosic materials Higher Education Institution: Department of Chemical and Process Engineering, Moi University, Kenya Researcher: Iwankiewicz, R. Title of research: Stochastic modelling of nanostructures and properties of nanomaterials Higher Education Institution: Hamburg University of Technology Researchers: Lewandoska, M., Kurzydlowski, K.J. & Wejrzanowski, T. Title of research: Materials design by characterisation and modelling Higher Education Institution: Warsaw University of Technology Researcher: Armstrong, R.A. Title of research: U-Pb Zircon geochrononlogy Higher Education Institution: Australian National University
VUT Research Report 2010
From the Executive Dean: Faculty of Human Sciences
Prof. C.M. van der Bank The Faculty of Human Sciences teaches students how to interpret people, societies, artefacts, and events, locally as well as globally, in past and present contexts.
Humanists’ interrogate the nature of truth and beauty contemplating justice, and exploring the ethical obligations humans bear towards each other and the world. We engage with and extend existing knowledge, making it palpable for students. In so doing we make the creation of new knowledge possible by framing what is known and revealing new truths. The mission is to enhance the environment for humanities research on the campus. As a faculty our purpose is to disseminate knowledge and to cultivate minds. Our goal is to ensure that our students can think imaginatively, effectively and critically, that they achieve depth in some fields of knowledge that they can critique and construct alternatives, and they can communicate cogently, orally and in writing. We want them to have a critical appreciation of the ways in which we gain knowledge and understanding of the universe, society and ourselves. For postgraduate students the faculty offers support for all manner of research initiatives, including assistance with grant proposal preparation, grants, hosting workshops and conferences and dissemination of information regarding research activities. We encourage interdisciplinary, cross-cultural and practice-led research. We aim to maximise the benefits of research by advancing fundamental knowledge and contributing to better public policy, improved health
outcomes, economic prosperity, social cohesion, international development, community identity, the arts, culture and the quality of life. Research work are continually presented to peers at national and international conferences and published in peer-reviewed journals where possible. Two staff members have obtained their master’s degrees. One staff member obtained her doctoral degree. During 2010 nine members of staff enrolled for PhD or DTech qualifications and 12 members of staff for their master’s degree. One doctorate and two master’s degrees were conferred in 2010. Faculty staff presented thirteen (13) papers at National and International conferences. Twelve (12) articles were published in National and Inter national subject journals and two chapters in books. Research carried out by the Faculty of Human Sciences staff and students have over the years made an enormous impact on the world of ideas. We will continue to develop multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary programmes and new ventures designed to address many of the major challenges that face our society. My sincere and warm thanks and congratulations to all of our researchers, funders, collaborators and partners who contributed to the excellent research results of 2010.
Research outputs Staff Qualifications Completed in 2010 Name: Duvenage, S.S. Qualification: PhD Consumer Science Dissertation/Thesis title: Development of a food product concept formulation framework for low-income consumers in urbanised informal settlements in Gauteng, South Africa University/Institution: University of Pretoria Name: Venter, D. Qualification: MTech Hospitality and Tourism Management Dissertation/Thesis title: Market segmentation of visitors to two distinct regional tourism events in South Africa University/Institution: Vaal University of Technology
Conferences (Papers and Posters Presented) Presenter: Van der Bank, C.M. Title of paper: A human rights approach to adult prostitution in South Africa Conference: International Association for Scientific Knowledge Place: Oviedo, Spain Date: 8-10 November 2010 ISBN/ISSN: 978-989-8295-01-9 Presenter: Van der Bank, C.M. Title of paper: Legal framework and appropriate policy for adult prostitution Conference: Global Business and Technology Association Place: Kruger National Park Vicinity, South Africa Date: 5-9 July 2010 ISBN/ISSN: 1-932917-06-3 Presenter and co-presenter: Moloi, K.C. & Johnson, L. Title of paper: Narrowing the achievement gap: case studies from South Africa and the United States of America Conference: International Successful School Principals Project & National College of School Leadership Place: Nottingham, England Date: 14-24 May, 2010 ISBN/ISSN: n/a Presenter: Nicolaides, A. Title of paper: Enhancing the work-integrated learning of VUT hospitality students in relevant industry operations Conference: SASCE International Conference Place: Willow Park, Kempton Park, South Africa Date: 28-31 March 2010 ISBN/ISSN: None
VUT Research Report 2010
Presenter: Nicolaides, A. Title of paper: Conflict management – the role of hotel managers Conference: International research symposium in Service Management Place: University of Mauritius – Le Meridien Hotel Date: 24-27 August 2010 ISBN/ISSN: 1694-0938 Presenter: Nicolaides, A. Title of paper: Cultural diversity training programmes development for hospitality and tourism industry enterprises Conference: International research symposium in Service Management Place: University of Mauritius – Le Meridien Hotel Date: 24-27 August 2010 ISBN/ISSN: 1694-0938 Presenter: Moloi, K.C. Title of paper: Emotional intelligence and successful leadership Conference: International AME Church Conference Place: Wilberforce, Evaton Date: 26 March 2010 ISBN/ISSN: n/a Presenter: Joubert, D.J. Title of paper: The crime of robbery in the South African law Conference: International Journal for Arts and Science Conference Place: Aix, Provence, France Date: 15 June 2010 ISBN/ISSN: n/a Presenter: Gaede, R. Title of paper: Visual illustration preferences in the Thibela community, QwaQwa Conference: Human Sciences Faculty Research Seminar Place: Quest Conference Centre, Vanderbijlpark Date: 4 November 2010 ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-620-43986-2 Presenter: Thathiah, K. Title of paper: The plight of the creative academic: is there light at the end of the tunnel? Conference: Human Sciences Faculty Research Seminar Place: Quest Conference Centre, Vanderbijlpark Date: 4 November 2010 ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-620-43986-2 Presenter and co-presenter: Nicolaides, A. & Venter, D. Title of paper: Hotel kitchen violence against the fairer sex Conference: Human Sciences Faculty Research Seminar Place: Quest Conference Centre, Vanderbijlpark Date: 4 November 2010 ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-620-43986-2
Presenter: Moloi, K.C. Title of paper: Narrowing the achievement gap: black learners’ perceptions Conference: Human Sciences Faculty Research Seminar Place: Quest Conference Centre, Vanderbijlpark Date: 4 November 2010 ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-620-43986-2 Presenter: Sumbana, F.H. Title of paper: Transformation on agricultural land: an opportunity for tourism development Conference: Human Sciences Faculty Research Seminar Place: Quest Conference Centre, Vanderbijlpark Date: 4 November 2010 ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-620-43986-2 Presenter: Van Staden, P.F.P. Title of paper: Engaging stakeholders through social networking: how non-profit organisations are using Facebook Conference: Human Sciences Faculty Research Seminar Place: Quest Conference Centre, Vanderbijlpark Date: 4 November 2010 ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-620-43986-2 Presenter and co-presenters: Du Plessis, N., Mngwandi, B. & Maleho, L. Title of paper: Facebook: the social media and higher education tool Conference: Human Sciences Faculty Research Seminar Place: Quest Conference Centre, Vanderbijlpark Date: 4 November 2010 ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-620-43986-2 Presenter: Baholo, R. Title of paper: Intellectual property rights and empowerment in the visual arts Conference: Human Sciences Faculty Research Seminar Place: Quest Conference Centre, Vanderbijlpark Date: 4 November 2010 ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-620-43986-2 Presenter: Santilhano, J. Title of paper: The role of visual literacy training in image analysis Conference: Human Sciences Faculty Research Seminar Place: Quest Conference Centre, Vanderbijlpark Date: 4 November 2010 ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-620-43986-2 Presenter: Fouché, C. Title of paper: Learning facilitation vs. learner autonomy Conference: Human Sciences Faculty Research Seminar Place: Quest Conference Centre, Vanderbijlpark Date: 4 November 2010 ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-620-43986-2
Presenter: Prinsloo, R. Title of paper: Best interest of the child Conference: Human Sciences Faculty Research Seminar Place: Quest Conference Centre, Vanderbijlpark Date: 4 November 2010 ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-620-43986-2 Presenter and co-presenter: Laurie, A. & Doman, J. Title of paper: Mirror|mirror|on the wall: a structured reflection framework to implement visual research as practise-based arts research design illustrated within an applied photographic educational context Conference: Human Sciences Faculty Research Seminar Place: Quest Conference Centre, Vanderbijlpark Date: 4 November 2010 ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-620-43986-2 Presenter: Scholtz, T. Title of paper: Strange but familiar: nature, volume and fashion Conference: Human Sciences Faculty Research Seminar Place: Quest Conference Centre, Vanderbijlpark Date: 4 November 2010 ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-620-43986-2 Presenter: Schauffer, D. Title of paper: Academic English…Why? Conference: Human Sciences Faculty Research Seminar Place: Quest Conference Centre, Vanderbijlpark Date: 4 November 2010 ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-620-43986-2
Seminars/Workshops Presented Presenter: Moloi, K.C. Title: Book writing workshop Presented to: VUT Lecturers Place: Research Hub Date: 16 April 2010 Presenter: Moloi, K.C. Title: Final research proposal Presented to: MTech students: Faculty of Management Sciences Place: Auditorium 100, VUT Date: 29 May 2010 Presenter: Moloi, K.C. Title: Literature review Presented to: MTech Students: Faculties of Management Sciences & Human Sciences Place: Auditorium 100, VUT Date: 27 November 2010
Presenter: Mulder de Does, I. Title: Debt management Presented to: Academic and Administrative staff Place: VUT Date: 13-16 September 2010
Publications Author: Van der Bank, C.M. Chapter: Globalisation and international relations: opportunities and threats Title: African entrepreneurship in global contexts: enterprise solutions to sustainable development Publisher: WASD Date: Vol 2, 2010 Page numbers of chapter: 185-195 ISBN: 978-1-907106-10-1 ISSN: 2042-602X Author and co-authors: Coetser, S., Drinkwater, M., Hutton, C., Kitching, A.E., Moloi, K.C., Mentz, P.J., Rossouw, J.P., Rens, J.A., Schoustra, A.W., Smit, M.H., T Smith, T. & Wolhuter, C.C. Chapter: n/a Title: A practical guide to discipline in schools Publisher: Van Schaik Publishers Date: January 2010 Page numbers: 1-114 ISBN: 978-0-627-02803-8 Author: Van der Bank, C.M. Title: A case study in determining fairness of dismissal as a sanction for misconduct in South Africa Journal: African Journal of Political Science and International Relations Volume: 4 Issue: 8 Page numbers of article: 284-289 ISSN: 1996-0832 Author: Gaede, R.J. Title: Strategies for stabilising pictorial meaning in a low-literate target group Journal: Communitas: Journal for Community Communication and Information Impact Volume: 15 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 167-182 ISSN: 1117-4315 Author and co-authors: Moloi, K.C., Wolhuter, C.C., Dzvimbo, K.P., Van der Walt, J.L. & Potgieter, F.J. Title: Learners’ perceptions as to what contributes to their school success Journal: South African Journal of Education
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Volume: 30 Issue: 3 Page numbers of article: 475-490 ISSN: 0256-0100 Author: Moloi, K.C. Title: Building a learning organisation in difficult education contexts Journal: South African Journal of Education Volume: 30 Issue: 4 Page numbers of article: 621-633 ISSN: 0256-0100 Author and co-author: Moloi, K.C. & Kamper, G. Title: Socio-economically challenged learners: two South African case studies Journal: Acta Academica Volume: 41 Issue: 4 Page numbers of article: 256-279 ISSN: 0587-2405 Author: Joubert, D.J. Title: The crime of robbery in the South African law Journal: International Journal for Arts and Science Volume: n/a Issue: October 2010 Page numbers of article: 128-254 ISSN: 1944-6934 Author and co-authors: Duvenage, S.S., Schönfeldt, H.C., & Kruger, R. Title: Food product attributes guiding purchasing choice of maize meal by low-income South African consumers Journal: Development Southern Africa Volume: 27 Issue: 3 Page numbers of article: 309-331 ISSN: DOI: 10.1080/0376835X.2010.498940 Author: Nicolaides, A. Title: The “Laos Tou Theou” – an Orthodox view of the “People of God” Journal: HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies Volume: 66 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: Electronic journal ISSN: 2072-8050 Author: Nicolaides, A. Title: Training culturally skilled hospitality employees Journal: Educational Research Volume: December
Issue: Special Review Page numbers of article: 687-690 ISSN: 1469-5847 Author and co-authors: Sooful, A., Surujlal, J. & Dhurup, M. Title: Dance and music as mediums for the social integration of children with intellectual disabilities into mainstream society Journal: African Journal for Physical Health, Recreation and Dance Volume: 16 Issue: 4 Page numbers of article: 618-697 ISSN: 1117-4315
Research in Progress Researcher: Moloi, K.C. Title: International successful school principals project Field: Educational Leadership Researcher: Dicks, E.G. Title: Leadership and team dynamics of women academics Field: Higher Education Researcher: Sumbana, F.H. Title: Sustainable tourism development in land restitution areas of the Vhembe District Municipality Field: PhD in Tourism University of Venda
Researcher: Vosloo, D.S. Title: The influence of culture on second language learning and teaching of first-year students at the Vaal University of Technology Field: MEd, North-West University Researcher: Pissoort, V. Title: Spending behaviour model of arts festivals: the case of Cultivaria and other smaller festivals (waiting for approval of title and proposal) Field: PhD in Tourism Management, North-West University Researcher: Selepe, B.M. Title: The Impact of home gardens on the access of food and nutrient intake of preschool children in an informal settlement in the Vaal area Field: PhD in Community Nutrition, University of KwaZulu-Natal Researcher: Sooful, A. Title: Black female resistance art in South Africa and its contribution to the rewriting of South African art history from 1984 to 1989 Field: DTech in Art History, Vaal University of Technology Researcher: Van Staden, H. Title: A mixed method investigation into the use of clothing labels by low-literate female consumers Field: PhD, North-West University Researcher: Daya, A.R. Title: Unfair and unreasonable contract terms Field: LLM Commercial Law, Wits
Researcher: Zwane, E.M.M. Title: Nutrition education programme for pregnant women in Southern Gauteng Field: MTech Community Nutrition, VUT
Researcher: Ndimande, L. Title: Legal implication of S28 (i) (h) of the Constitution Field: LLM Family Law, University of Johannesburg
Researcher: Mofokeng, J. Title: Nutritional status and dietary intake patterns of children aged 7-13 years old in QwaQwa Field: MTech Community Nutrition, VUT
Researcher: Prinsloo, R. Title: Aard en omvang van ouerlike regte en verpligtinge i.t.v. die nuwe Kinderwet Field: LLM Family Law, North-West University
Researcher: Baholo, K.R. Title: The use of African indigenous knowledge in the learning and teaching of Visual Arts in South Africa Field: DTech in Fine Art
Researcher: Raath, N. Title: The review of an award: critical analysis Field: LLM Labour Law, Unisa
Researcher: Bojabotseha, T.P. Title: The role of language in the maintenance of the ANC’s political dominance in South Africa Field: MPhil in General Linguistics, University of Stellenbosch Researcher: Els, S. Title: Course work Field: MA in Applied Linguistics, University of Stellenbosch
Researcher: Van Gesselleen, J.D.J Title: The admissibility and authenticity of digital documentary evidence Field: LLD Internet Law, UFS Researcher: Mulder de Does, I. Title: n/a Field: LLM Commercial Law, Unisa Research Partnerships/Collaboration for Moloi, K.C. South Africa
Researcher: FouchĂŠ, C.E. Title: The evaluation of a programme for the development of English second language proficiency and literacy levels of academics Field: PhD in Curriculum Studies, University of Stellenbosch 37
Researchers: Dzvimbo, K.P. & Kamper, G. Title of research: International Successful School Principals Project (ISSPP) Higher Education Institution: Unisa International: National in an International Project (Co-published an article, 2010)
International Researchers: Bisschoff, T. Title of research: Academies in England and under-performing schools in South Africa Higher Education Institution: Birmingham University, England Researchers: Day, C. Title of research: International Successful School Principals Project (ISSPP) Higher Education Institution: Nottingham University, England
VUT Research Report 2010
The Gallery provides a platform for staff and students to showcase the unique mode of knowledge creation found in Art and Design academia, and anticipates showcasing the products of practice-based arts research in the years to come.
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VUT Research Report 2010
From the Executive Dean: Faculty of Management Sciences
Prof. M. Dhurup The Faculty of Management Sciences has continued to build from its previous achievements in maintaining a research ethos amongst faculty members. The year 2010 was met with renewed enthusiasm with regard to research. As a faculty we have managed to harness support from most faculty members for research engagement through support, encouragement and mentorship. Concomitant to developing a research ethos, faculty members are conscious of embracing the vision of the university in creating new and innovative knowledge that is meaningful and applied. The faculty continues to expand in research as evidenced by the number of accredited publications, conference presentations, subsequent conversions of conference presentations into publications and a gradual increase in the number of master’s and doctoral graduates. While the postgraduate component grows, it has also presented a challenge to the faculty with regard to the supervision capacity that has experienced some strain. A total of 25 articles were published in the accredited journals of the Department of Education (DoE) and two articles in international non-accredited journals. In addition, staff members of the faculty attended and presented 16 papers at national and international conferences. Of significance is the growth of novice researchers within the faculty who have emerged and shown a keen interest in publications. In terms of staff qualifications, one (1) masters degree and one (1) doctoral qualification was conferred on staff members. Currently, most staff members are engaged in improving their vertical qualifications. The new position of the research professor within the faculty enhanced the coordination of research activities and support to researchers within the
faculty. The faculty embarked on several initiatives to improve and sustain research outputs. A supervisors’ forum was launched with the intention to improve research supervision capacity among staff members so that the throughput of postgraduate students improves. In order to improve scholarly writing in the faculty, a writers’ forum was launched. Emerging from this forum was a writers’ retreat, which culminated in five DoE accredited publications. In order to strengthen the research capacity of postgraduate students, the faculty introduced a Postgraduate Induction Programme in February 2010. The programme proved to be very successful with improved confidence and enthusiasm generated among postgraduate students. Staff members of the faculty received four of the six awards for their contribution to research at the University’s Research Awards function. Prof. Surujlal received top honours in the Research Excellence category while Prof. I. Shaw was placed third. In the Research Achievement category Dr J.E.E. Ziemerink and J. Dubhilela took second and third places respectively. The faculty is indeed indebted to the Research Directorate and the DVC (Academic & Research) for their support in all facets of research. Recognition and appreciation is also extended to all staff members within the faculty for embracing a research philosophy. Together we will be able to marshal a strong response to the ongoing challenges in research by finding new management solutions for multi-based research in business environments.
Research outputs Staff Qualifications Completed in 2010 Name: Joubert, P.A. Qualification: PhD (Industrial Sociology) Dissertation/Thesis title: Sexual harassment of academic staff at higher education institutions in South Africa University/Institution: North-West University Name: Ntisa, A.A. Qualification: Certificate Dissertation/Thesis title: Research Design University/Institution: University of Johannesburg Name: Fourie, A. Qualification: MPhil in Future Studies Dissertation/Thesis title: Creativity assessment and thinking tools and techniques to support the Futures Professional University/Institution: University of Stellenbosch Name: Niyimbanira, F. Qualification: Masters of Commerce Economics Dissertation/Thesis title: An Econometric Analysis of the Real Demand for Money in South Africa:1990 to 2007 University/Institution: University of KwaZulu-Natal
Conferences (Papers and Posters Presented) Author: Dubihlela, J. Title of paper: Youth attitudes towards advertisements depicting nudity and alcohol: ethical dilemmas in advertising Conference: World Conference on Global Business, Management, Finance, Marketing and Tourism Place: Johannesburg, South Africa Date: 25-27 November 2010 Author and co-author: Dubihlela, J. & Obi, P. Title of paper: Equity market valuation, systematic risk, and monetary policy Conference: The global economic crisis and South Africa: lessons in long-run economic growth and development, DPRU Conference Place: Johannesburg, South Africa Date: 22-27 October 2010 Author and co-author: Dubihlela, J. & Sibanda, D. Title of paper: The bond-market de-velopment and risk indicators that portend economic downswings in inflationary markets Conference: World Conference on Global Business, Management, Finance, Marketing and Tourism Place: Johannesburg, South Africa Date: 25-27 November 2010
VUT Research Report 2010
Author: Makhitha, M. Title of paper: Entrepreneurial based education at university level Conference: GBATA conference Place: Mpumalanga, SA Date: 5-10 July 2010 Author: Makhitha, M. Title of paper: Integrating product strategy and supply chain for competitive advantage Conference: GBATA conference Place: Mpumalanga, SA Date: 5-10 July 2010 Author: Monaisa, K. Title of paper: Entrepreneurship, technology and small business Conference: ICSB 2010 World Conference Place: Cincinnati, OHIO, USA Date: 24-27 June 2010 Author: Okubena, O. Title of paper: Paper 1: Value creation in outsourced service provision in public transportation: a South African approach Paper 2: Environmental sustainability in the delivery of affordable housing in the Mpumalaga area of South Africa Conference: Transportation and the new economy: strategy, synergy and solution 2010, Hamitton, Ontario Canada and International conference on sustainability development Place: Sudbury Ontario, Canada Date: 12 June 2010 Author: Pooe, R.I.D. Title of paper: Building Capacity for Knowledge Ecomomy in Municipalities Conference: Tenth International Con-ference on Knowledge, Culture & Change in Organisations; HEC School of Commercial Studies Place: Montreal, Canada Date: 26-29 July 2010 Author: Shaw, I. Title of paper: Differences in maximum heart rates in distance runners during training, competition and laboratory testing Conference: Commonwealth International Sports Science Congress 2010 Place: Delhi, India Date: 27-30 September 2010 Author: Shaw, I. Title of paper: Targeting basic strength: resistance training versus combine aerobic and resistance training? Conference: Commonwealth International Sports Science Congress 2010 Place: Delhi, India Date: 27-30 September 2010
Author: Surujlal, J. Title of paper: Social support for health-related leisure activity of the elderly and the relationship with health status and life satisfaction Conference: 11th World Leisure Congress in ChunCheon Place: South Korea Date: 28 August – 2 September 2010 Author: Surujlal, J. Title of paper: Risk management practice of principals, coaches and administrators Conference: International conference on Sport and Exercise Science Place: Chiang Mi, Thailand Date: 10-12 December 2010
Publications Author and co-authors: Brown, G.A., Swendener, A.M., Shaw, I. & Shaw, B.S. Title: Anthropometric and metabolic responses to low carbohydrate diet and walking Journal: African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance Volume: 16 Issue: 4 Page numbers of article: 535-544 ISBN/ISSN number: 1117-4315 Author: Dhurup, M. Title: Motivational variables that influence fan attendance in domestic rugby matches Journal: African Journal for Physical Health Education, Recreation and Dance Volume: 16 Issue: 2 Page numbers of article: 204-220 ISBN/ISSN number: 1117-4315 Author: Dhurup, M. Title: To ambush or not to ambush – stemming the tide of ambush marketers in the FIFA 2010 World Cup: a theoretical review Journal: African Journal for Physical Health Education, Recreation and Dance Volume: 16 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 1-17 ISBN/ISSN number: 1117-4315 Author and co-authors: Dhurup, M., Dubihlela, J. & Surujlal, J. Title: Dimensions of attachment among fans within the South African Premier Soccer League (PSL) and the relationship with attendance, sport participation Journal: African Journal for Physical, Health Educational, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD)
Volume: 16 Issue: 3 (September) Page numbers of article: 474-486 ISBN/ISSN number: 1117-4315 Author and co-authors: Dhurup, M., Mofoka, M.A. & Surujlal, J. Title: The relationship between stadium sports capes dimensions, desire to stay and future attendance Journal: African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) Volume: 6 Issue: 3 (December) Page numbers of article: 462-473 ISBN/ISSN number: 1117-4315 Author and co-author: Dhurup, M. & Oosthuysen, A. Title: Salient Store image attributes in consumer store selection decisions and the relationship with store satisfaction and loyalty Journal: Journal of Contemporary Management Volume: 7 Issue: 6 Page numbers of article: 380-401 ISBN/ISSN number: 1815-7440 Author and co-author: Dhurup, M. & Surujlal, J. Title: A descriptive and factor analytical study of salient retention strategies in commercial health and fitness centres Journal: African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) Volume: 16 Issue: 3 Page numbers of article: 184-203 ISBN/ISSN number: 1117-4315 Author and co-author: Dlodlo, N. & Dhurup, M. Title: Barriers to e-marketing adoption among small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the Vaal Triangle Journal: Acta Commercii Volume: 10 Issue: 5 Page numbers of article: 164-180 ISBN/ISSN number: 1684-1999 Author and co-author: Joubert, P.A. & Van Wyk, C. Title: Grievance procedures for dealing with complaints of sexual harassment at higher education institutions in South Africa Journal: South African Journal of Labour Relations Volume: 34 Issue: 2 Page numbers of article: 42-59 ISBN/ISSN number: 0379-8410
Author and co-authors: Nienhueser, J., Brown, G.A., Shaw, I. & Shaw, B.S. Title: Effects of energy drinks on resting and sub-maximal metabolism in college-age males Journal: Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise Volume: 42 Issue: 5 Page numbers of article: S1586 ISBN/ISSN number: 0195-9131 Author and co-author: Nolan, V.T. & Surujlal, J. Title: Participation in physical activity: an empirical study of working women’s perceptions Journal: African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) Volume: 16 Issue: 3 (September) Page numbers of article: 355-372 ISBN/ISSN number: 1117-4315 Author and co-authors: Olawale, F., Okubena, O. & George, H. Title: An investigation into the impact of investment appraisal techniques on the profitability of small manufacturing firms in the Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan Area, South Africa Journal: African Journal of Business Management Volume: 4 Issue: 7 Page numbers of article: 1274-1280 ISBN/ISSN number: 1993-8233 Author and co-authors: Ray, M.W., Abbey, B.M., Brown, G.A., Shaw, B.S. & Shaw, I. Title: Oxygen consumption, heart rate, and blood lactate response to an acute bout of plyometric depth jumps in college aged males and females Journal: Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research Volume: 24 Issue: 9 Page numbers of article: 2475-2482 ISBN/ISSN number: 1064-8011 Author and co-authors: Shaw, B.S., Shaw, I. & Brown, G.A. Title: Exercise effects on lipoprotein lipids in the prevention of cardiovascular disease in sedentary males smokers Journal: Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise Volume: 42 Issue: 5 Page numbers of article: S1586 ISBN/ISSN number: 0195-9131
VUT Research Report 2010
Author and co-authors: Shaw, B.S., Shaw, I. & Marmen, A. Title: Contrasting effects in anthropometric measures of total fatness and abdominal fat mass following endurance and concurrent endurance and resistance training Journal: Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness Volume: 50 Issue: 2 Page numbers of article: 207-213 ISBN/ISSN number: 0022-4707 Author and co-authors: Shaw, I., Shaw, B.S. & Brown, G.A/ Title: Abdominal and chest wall compliance in asthmatics: effects of different training modes Journal: Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise Volume: 42 Issue: 5 Page numbers of article: S1586 ISBN/ISSN number: 0195-9131 Author and co-authors: Shaw, I., Shaw, B.S. & Brown, G.A. Title: Role of diaphragmatic breathing and aerobic exercise in improving maximal oxygen consumption in asthmatics Journal: Science & Sports Volume: 23 Issue: 3 Page numbers of article: 139-145 ISBN/ISSN number: 0765-1597 Author and co-authors: Shaw, I., Shaw, B.S., Brown, G.A. & Cilliers, J.F. Title: Concurrent resistance and aerobic training as protection against heart disease Journal: Cardiovascular Journal of Africa Volume: 21 Issue: 4 Page numbers of article: 224-227 ISBN/ISSN number: 1995-1892 Author and co-authors: Shaw, I., Shaw, B.S. & Brown, G.A. Title: Relationship between resistance training and self-reported habitual nutrient intake Journal: South African Journal for Research in Sport, Physical Education and Recreation Volume: 32 Issue: 2 Page numbers of article: 109-116 ISBN/ISSN number: 0379-9069 Author and co-author: Singh, C. & Surujlal, J. Title: Risk management practice of high school sport coaches and administrators Journal: South African Journal for Research in Sport, Physical Education and Recreation
Volume: 32 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 107-119 ISBN/ISSN number: 0379-9069 Author and co-authors: Sooful, A., Surujlal, J. & Dhurup, M. Title: Dance and music as media for the social integration of children with intellectual disabilities into mainstream society Journal: African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) Volume: 16 Issue: 4 Page numbers of article: 681-697 ISBN/ISSN number: 1117-4315 Author and co-author: Surujlal, J. & Dhurup, M. Title: Managing customer relations in health and fitness centre in Gauteng province of South Africa Journal: International Journal of Emerging Business Issues Volume: 1 Issue: 2 Page numbers of article: 24-32 ISBN/ISSN number: 0975-8925
Research in Progress Researcher: Makhitha, K.M. Title: 2010 FIFA World Cup: impact on craft businesses in Gauteng Field: Sport event tourism, craft businesses, SMMEs Researcher: Makhitha, K.M. Title: Sports fan buyer behavior of sports products Field: Consumer behaviour, sports marketing, sport event Researcher: Van Zyl, Y. Title: Athletes and eating disorders Field: Psychology/sport
Research Partnerships/Collaboration Researcher: Bresler, N. Title: Sports fan buyer behaviour of sports products Higher Education Institution: University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg
Author: Surujlal, J. Title: Volunteer motivation in special events for people with disabilities Journal: African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) Volume: 16 Issue: 3 Page numbers of article: 447-461 ISBN/ISSN number: 1117-4315 Author and co-author: Surujlal, J. & Singh, C. Title: Internship as a mechanism for professional preparation of sport manage-ment personnel: an empirical study of students’ perceptions Journal: African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) Volume: 32 Issue: 2 Page numbers of article: 117-130 ISBN/ISSN number: 1117-4315 Author and co-authors: Van der Ryst, R., Cilliers, J.F., Shaw, B.S., Shaw, I., Toriola, A.L. & Pieterse Title: Can a conditioning pro-gramme improve handicap index in adolescent amateur golfers? Journal: African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance Volume: 16 Issue: 4 Page numbers of article: 605-615 ISBN/ISSN number: 1117-4315 45
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VUT Research Report 2010
From the director: Centre OF Sustainable Livelihoods
Prof. W. oldewage-theron Recent research and reports from international organisations show that almost one billion people in the world suffer from malnutrition and hunger. This unfortunate development has transpired despite the decision of many heads of states to set the so-called “Millennium Development Goals” more than 10 years ago. The first of these goals is “to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger”, a goal not reached yet by many countries; the bulk from sub-Saharan Africa. The reason for this failure is not necessarily a lack of food and food insecurity, but can also be the result of political and socio-economic issues, poverty and insufficient education, to name a few. The mandate of the Centre of Sustainable Livelihoods (CSL) is to:
Train and build capacity to address poverty and its resulting consequences in Africa; and
Match CSL community research projects with academic projects from various faculties for the benefit of both the communities involved and academia in a sustainable format.
Deliver research of high quality that is relevant, challenging and stimulating critical thinking in order to increase accredited research outputs and create breakthroughs and competitiveness in the field of study nationally and internationally.
This is a huge challenge and is achieved through the implementation of various research projects resulting in significant scientific impact through publications in scientific journals. However, all research undertaken in the CSL should have sustainable effects on the development of communities, specifically related to the food security and nutritional and health status of the children and their caregivers in these communities. A key contribution to the success of the CSL is capacity building of postgraduate students
and local community organisations, resulting in creating sustainable links between the CSL and various community organisations, non-government organisations, funding agencies and other academic institutions. We hereby wish to express our gratitude to our funding agencies (NRF, SANPAD, WISHH, USPB, UNFAO), the communities in which we work, our postgraduate students and all other stakeholders for making it possible for us to make a difference through scientific research.
Prof. Wilna Oldewage-Theron PhD RD (SA) Director: Centre of Sustainable Livelihoods Tel: +27 16 950 9722 Fax: +27 86 612 8573 E-mail: wilna@vut.ac.za/wilnaold@mtnloaded.co.za Dr Abdulkadir A. Egal PhD (PHN) Tel: +27 16 950 9538 Fax: +27 15 950 9530 E-mail: abdul@vut.ac.za Jacqueline Dube Research Administrator: CSL Tel: +27 16 950 9792 Fax: +27 16 950 9530 E-mail: dubej@vut.ac.za
Research outputs Conferences (Papers and Posters Presented) Presenter and co-presenters: Mangwane, Q., Rutengwe, R.M. & OldewageTheron, W.H. Title of paper: Practices of caregivers of children between 0 and 60 months, residing in an urban informal settlement Conference: National Nutrition Conference Place: Durban, South Africa Date: 19-22 September 2010 ISBN/ISSN: 003-8-2469 Presenter and co-presenter: Oldewage-Theron, W.H. & Kruger, R. Title of paper: Dietary diversity and adequacy of women caregivers in a peri-urban informal settlement in South Africa Conference: National Nutrition Conference Place: Durban, South Africa Date: 19-22 September 2010 ISBN/ISSN: 003-8-2469 Presenter and co-presenter: Tshivhase, M. & Oldewage-Theron, W.H. Title of paper: Sensory acceptability of alternative protein dishes for the aged in Sharpeville Conference: National Nutrition Conference Place: Durban, South Africa Date: 19-22 September 2010 ISBN/ISSN: 003-8-2469 Presenter and co-presenter: Egal, A.A. & Oldewage-Theron, W.H. Title of paper: Comparison of nutrition knowledge between rural and urban primary school children Conference: National Nutrition Conference Place: Durban, South Africa Date: 19-22 September 2010 ISBN/ISSN: 003-8-2469 Presenter and co-presenter: Nyathela, T. & Oldewage-Theron, W.H. Title of paper: Assessment of nutritional status of primary school children in Orange Farms Conference: National Nutrition Conference Place: Durban, South Africa Date: 19-22 September 2010 ISBN/ISSN: 003-8-2469 Presenter and co-presenter: Zwane, E. & Oldewage-Theron, W.H. Title of paper: Is there a need for nutrition education of pregnant women in the Vaal region? Conference: National Nutrition Conference Place: Durban, South Africa Date: 19-22 September 2010 ISBN/ISSN: 003-8-2469
VUT Research Report 2010
Presenter and co-presenters: Govender, G., Napier, C.E. & OldewageTheron, W.H. Title of paper Nutritional status and dietary intake patterns of the elderly in KwaZulu-Natal Conference: National Nutrition Conference Place: Durban, South Africa Date: 19-22 September 2010 ISBN/ISSN: 003-8-2469 Presenter and co-presenters: Kesa, H., Oldewage-Theron, W.H. & Venter, C.S. Title of paper The nutritional status of pregnant women in the Vaal region, South Africa: is there a need for intervention? Conference: National Nutrition Conference Place: Durban, South Africa Date: 19-22 September 2010 ISBN/ISSN: 003-8-2469 Presenter and co-presenters: Oosthuizen, D., Oldewage-Theron, W.H. & Napier, C.E. Title of paper: A nutrition education programme for primary school children: short- and long-term changes in nutrition knowledge Conference: National Nutrition Conference Place: Durban, South Africa Date: 19-22 September 2010 ISBN/ISSN: 003-8-2469 Presenter and co-presenters: Senoelo, J., Egal, A.A. & Napier, C.E. Title of paper: Food consumption patterns of orphaned children in the Vaal Conference: National Nutrition Conference Place: Durban, South Africa Date: 19-22 September 2010 ISBN/ISSN: 003-8-2469 Presenter: Oldewage-Theron, W.H. Title of paper: Soybeans & food security: the case for using soy in developing countries (Keynote address) Conference: Soy Innovation Africa Place: Cape Town, South Africa Date: 26-27 August 2010 ISBN/ISSN: n/a Presenter and co-presenter: Oldewage-Theron, W.H. & Egal, A.A. Title of paper: Why soy? (Keynote address) Conference: USDA “Achieving Sustainable Solutions� conference Place: Maputo, Mozambique Date: 28 January 2010 ISBN/ISSN: n/a Presenter and co-presenter: Oldewage-Theron, W.H. & Egal, A.A. Title of paper: Is there a need for nutrition education in primary school children in QwaQwa, South Africa?
Conference: 43rd SNE annual conference: Child nutrition – action today for a healthy tomorrow Place: Reno, Nevada, USA Date: 26-27 August 2010 ISBN/ISSN: 1499-4046 Presenter and co-presenters: Egal, A.A., Oldewage-Theron, W.H. & Nama Medoua, G. Title of paper: Nutritional values of lunch meals at a care centre in Sharpeville, South Africa Conference: 5th International Academy on Nutrition and Aging (IANA) Place: Santa Ana Pueblo, New Mexico, USA Date: 26-27 July 2010 ISBN/ISSN: n/a Presenter and co-presenter: Egal, A.A. & Oldewage-Theron, W.H. Title of paper: MannaPack™ Potato-D clinical trial Conference: International Food Aid and Development Conference (IFADC) Place: Kansas City, Kansas, USA Date: 2-5 August 2010 ISBN/ISSN: n/a Presenter and co-presenter: Egal, A.A. & Oldewage-Theron, W.H. Title of paper: Nutritional status of children in a rural, peri-urban and urban community in South Africa Conference: 4th Africa Nutritional Epidemiology Conference Place: Nairobi, Kenya Date: 4-8 October 2010 ISBN/ISSN: n/a Presenter and co-presenter: Nyathela, T & Oldewage-Theron, W.H. Title of paper: Impact of a school-feeding programme on the nutritional status of primary school children in Orange Farms Conference: 4th Africa Nutritional Epidemiology Conference Place: Nairobi, Kenya Date: 4-8 October 2010 ISBN/ISSN: n/a Presenter and co-presenter: Senoelo, J. & Egal, A.A. Title of paper: Nutritional status and knowledge of orphans in the Vaal region, South Africa Conference: 4th Africa Nutritional Epidemiology Conference Place: Nairobi, Kenya Date: 4-8 October 2010 ISBN/ISSN: n/a
Seminars/Workshops Presented Title: Data analyses and interpretation Presented to: Postgraduate students Place: Durban University of Technology, South Africa Date: 14-15 September 2010
Title: Introduction to research methods Presented to: Postgraduate students Place: Durban University of Technology, South Africa Date: 11-13 January 2010 Title: United States Potato Board dehydrated potato workshop Presented to: 30 Industry and non-government organization delegates Place: Idaho Falls, USA Date: 31 July 2010 Title: Soy recipe development workshop Presented to: Non-government organisation delegates and VUT postgraduate students and staff members Place: Sharpeville, South Africa Date: 5 November 2010 Title: Article writing workshop Presented to: Fifteen (15) postgraduate students and Hospitality staff members Place: Vanderbijlpark, South Africa Date: 27 May 2010, 13-15 August 2010
Publications Author and co-author: Oldewage-Theron, W.H. & Egal, A.A. Title: Nutrition knowledge and nutritional status of primary school children in QwaQwa Journal: South African journal of clinical nutrition Volume: 23 Issue: 3 Page numbers of article: 149-154 ISSN: 003-8-2469 Author and co-authors: Djoulde, R.D., Oldewage-Theron, W.H., Egal A.A. & Samuel, F. Title: Influence of room-temperature storage-reheating cycles on nutritional properties of maize meal porridge (pap) used in the Vaal region, South Africa Journal: Journal of food processing and preservation Volume: 34 Issue: n/a Page numbers of article: 181-191 ISSN: 1745-4549 Author and co-authors: Samuel, F.O., Egal, A.A., Oldewage-Theron, W.H., Napier, C.E. & Venter, C.S. Title: Prevalence of zinc deficiency among primary school children in a poor peri-urban informal settlement in South Africa Journal: Health SA Gesondheid Volume: 15 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 6 pages Art #433 ISSN: 1025-9848 (DOI: 10.4102/hsag.v15i1.433)
Author and co-author: Oldewage-Theron, W.H. & Slabbert, T.J.C. Title: Depth of poverty in an informal settlement in the Vaal region, South Africa Journal: Health SA Gesondheid Volume: 15 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 6 pages. Art #456 ISSN: 1025-9848 (DOI: 10.4102/hsag.v15i1.456) Author and co-authors: Oldewage-Theron, W.H., Samuel, F.O. & Djoulde, R.D. Title: Serum concentration and dietary intake of vitamin A and E in lowincome South African elderly Journal: Clinical Nutrition Volume: 29 Issue: n/a Page numbers of article: 119-123 ISSN: 0936-6555 (DOI: 10.1016/clnu.2009.08.001) Author and co-authors: Hanekom, S.M., Vermeulen, E.E. & OldewageTheron, W.H. Title: Food safety risk factors in a hospital food service unit serving low microbial diets to immune-compromised patients Journal: African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development Volume: 10 Issue: 9 Page numbers of article: 4000-4015 ISSN: 1684 5374
Soya Training: The CSL research team after conducting Nutrition Education, and data col lection on soya gardening.
VUT Research Report 2010
Research in Progress Researcher: Oldewage-Theron, W.H. Title: Sharpeville Integrated Nutrition Project Field: Community nutrition Researchers: Oldewage-Theron, W.H. & Egal, A.A. Title: SANPAD funded project entitled: Improving household food security in QwaQwa Field: Food security & nutrition Researchers: Oldewage-Theron, W.H. & Egal, A.A. Title: FAO funded project entitled: Developing of nutrition education manuals for the National Department of Basic Education Field: Nutrition education
Contract Research Researchers: Oldewage-Theron, W.H. & Egal, A.A. Title: MannaPackÂŽ clinical trial Company: United States Potato Board, Feed my Starving Children and The Cutting Edge in the USA Field: Community nutrition
Visitors from the foundation Feed My Starving Children (FMSC), from the USA.
The distribution of gardening equipment in QwaQwa.
The handing out of refreshments after blood collection for analysis, from Thibella community in QwaQwa.
The CSL team handing out gardening tools at Maanakoe Secondary School.
Sustainable farming in Alexandra.
The Sharpeville care for the aged.
Kenya: Collaboration with Aga Khan Health services in Mumbasa, (training of healthcare workers).
ternative nergy 52
VUT Research Report 2010
From the DIRECTOR: Institute of Applied Electronics
Prof. C. Pienaar Dielectric heating
The Telkom Centre of Excellence
The focus of this research project was to determine if RF power has an effect on weakening the mineral grain boundaries within rock materials to enhance the liberation of valuable minerals by preventing over grinding during comminution.
The purpose of this centre is to provide industry with M- and D-qualified technologists who can contribute significantly to industrial growth. It currently accommodates postgraduate students in the field of alternative energy.
Alternative energy Research into optimising the output power from a photovoltaic system in the Vaal Triangle is currently under way, due to the unacceptable levels of air pollution in the Vaal Triangle and the number of thunderstorms during the summer months. This will result in higher yields of energy and improved system efficiencies. A sustainable solar/driven hydrogen plant, using fuel cells, is currently being developed to supply power to rural communities and off-grid telecommunication sites. This involves hydrogen generation and storage through use of solar energy and regenerative fuel cells. A new course has been designed for undergraduate BTech students to assist them in comprehending principles relating to Fuel Cell Systems and to stimulate research awareness.
Industrial collaboration Academic-industrial collaboration exists with Malesela Taihan Electric Cables in Vereeniging where a member of staff will spend a few days working in the factory on an on-going basis, absorbing its processes and regulations.
Back left to right: Martin Lotz, Ruaan Schoeman, Dr James Swart, Willem Pienaar Front left to right: Malan van Tonder, Marius Viljoen, Asowata Osamede, Prof. Christo Pienaar, Kopano Mokhaloli
Director: Institute of Applied Electronics
The Institute is financially supported by:
Prof. Christo Pienaar Director: Institute of Applied Electronics Tel: 016 9509381 Fax: 016 9509410 E-mail: christop@vut.ac.za
Telkom (Pty) Ltd TFMC (Pty) Ltd Malesela Taihan Electric Cables (Pty) Ltd Meds International GMgraphix (Pty) Ltd
Dr James Swart Tel: 016 9509417 Fax: 0169509410 E-mail: jamess@vut.ac.za
Research outputs Conferences (Papers and Posters Presented) Presenter and co-presenters: Amoo, A.O., Bekker, W.J. & Pienaar, H.C. vZ. Title of paper: Solar driven hydrogen generation for a telecommunications fuel cell power plant Conference: South African Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference Place: Stellenbosch Date: 5-8 September 2010 Presenter and co-presenter: Akinwunmi, A.F. &Pienaar, H.C. vZ. Title of paper: Hydrogen usage in a PEM fuel cell Conference: South African Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference Place: Stellenbosch Date: 5-8 September 2010 Presenter and co-presenter: Burger, M. & Pienaar, H.C. vZ. Title of paper: Hydrogen pressure control in a regenerative fuel cell Conference: South African Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference Place: Stellenbosch Date: 5-8 September 2010 Presenter and co-presenter: Van Tonder, P.J.M. & Pienaar, H.C. vZ. Title of paper: Temperature, water and voltage management on a PEM regenerative fuel cell Conference: South African Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference Place: Stellenbosch Date: 5-8 September 2010 Presenter and co-presenters: Afolabi, A., Abdulkareen, S., Pienaar, H.C. vZ. & Iyuke, S.E. Title of paper: Kinetics of sulphonation of polystyrene butadiene rubber in sulphuric acid medium Conference: International review of Chemical Engineering Rapid Communications Special Issue Place: Virtual Forum Date: December 2010 ISBN/ISSN: 2035-1755
Publications Author and co-authors: Swart, A.J., Pienaar, H.C. vZ. & Mendonidis, P. Title: RF-bestraling van kalsiet/dolomiet monsters Journal: The South African Journal of Science and Technology Volume: 29 Issue: 3 Page numbers of article: 166-167 ISSN: 0254-3486 54
VUT Research Report 2010
Author and co-authors: Abdulkareem, A.S., Idibie, C.A., Pienaar, H.C. vZ., Van Dyk, L. & Iyuke, S.E. Title: Synthesis and characterisation of proton exchange membrane using polystyrene buta-diene rubber Journal: Energy Sources Part A-Recovery Utilisation and Environmental Effects Volume: 32 Issue: 7 Page numbers of article: 591-606 ISSN: 1556-7036 (DOI: 10.1080/15567030903058709) Author and co-authors: Abdulkareem, A.S., Idibie, C.A., Pienaar, H.C. vZ., Van Dyk, L. & Iyuke, S.E Title: Mechanism and kinetics of sulphonation of polystyrene butadiene rubber with chlorosulfonic acid Journal: Industrial Engineering Chemical Research Volume: 49 Issue: 4 Page numbers of article: 1600-1604 ISSN: 0888-5885 (DOI: 10.1021/ie9012858) Author and co-authors: Abdulkareem, A.S., Idibie, C.A., Pienaar, H.C. vZ., Van Dyk, L. & Iyuke, S.E Title: Thermodynamic study of the sulphonation of polystyrenebutadiene rubber with chloro-sulphonic acid for proton exchange membrane fuel cell Journal: Journal of Applied Polymer Science Volume: 117 Page numbers of article: 1766-1771 ISSN: 0021-8995 Author and co-authors: Abdulkareem, A.S., Idibie, C.A., Pienaar, H.C. vZ., Van Dyk, L. & Iyuke, S.E Title: Sulphonation of polystyrene-butadiene rubber with chlorosulphonic acid for PEM fuel cell Journal: Journal of Applied Polymer Science Volume: 116 Page numbers of article: 3473-3479 ISSN: 0021-8995
Research in Progress Researcher: Pienaar, W.J. vZ. Title: Radio frequency drying of materials Field: Electrical Engineering Researcher: Amoo, A.O. Title: Solar driven hydrogen generation for fuel cell power plant Field: Electrical Engineering Researcher: Mokhalodi, K. Title: Development of a universal bi-directional galvanic isolated switch module for power converter applications Field: Electrical Engineering
Researcher: Cilliers, J.C. Title: Design and development of a control system for PEM fuel cells Field: Electrical Engineering Researcher: Van Waveren, F.N. Title: The development of a comprehensive test station for fuel cell components Field: Electrical Engineering
Patents Co-workers: Iyuke, S.E., Pienaar, H.C. vZ., Idibie, C.A., Afolabi, A. Patent Name: Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Patent Number: 2010/04428 Registration Date: 28 December 2010 Country: South Africa
Researcher: Oosthuisen, N.J. Title: A critical analysis of an electronic monitoring system for fluid distribution networks Field: Electrical Engineering Researcher: Schoeman, R. Title: Design and development of an automated temperature controller for curing ovens Field: Electrical Engineering Researcher: Van Tonder, M. Title: Optimisation of water, temperature and voltage management on a regenerative fuel cell Field: Electrical Engineering Researcher: Burger, M. Title: Optimisation of the hydrogen pressure control in a regenerative PEM fuel cell Field: Electrical Engineering
1kW Fuel cell
Researcher: Kayula, C. Title: Design and development of a 200 W converter for phosphoric acid fuel cells Field: Electrical Engineering Researcher: Viljoen, M. Title: Energy management optimization of a solar/hydrogen driven power plant for a rural community Field: Electrical Engineering
Research Partnerships/Collaboration Researcher: Iyuke, S.E. Title of research: Proton Exchange Membranes for fuel cells Higher Education Institution: University of the Witwatersrand (WITS), Johannesburg Researchers: Abdulkareem, A.S. & Afolabi, A. Title of research: Proton Exchange Membranes for fuel cells Higher Education Institution: University of South Africa (UNISA)
H2 Fuel cell
environmenta 56
VUT Research Report 2010
from the director: Institute of Chemical and Biotechnology
Prof. S.J. Modise What is the Institute of Chemical and Biotechnology? The Institute of Chemical and Biotechnology (ICBT) is a unit within the Technology Transfer and Innovation. The institute was initially receiving its mandate from the Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences and has since stretched to be inclusive of all other faculties and the community of the Vaal University of Technology (VUT) and beyond, hence its residence within the Technology Transfer and Innovation (TTI). The ICBT, as it is normally referred to, strives towards enterprise and SMME development. The ICBT puts its resources, facilities and infrastructure towards the incubation and nurturing of Chemical and Biotechnology-related business units, both from within the VUT and outside the university. It welcomes all individuals in developing and developed business alike.
The re-establishment The ICBT was re-established in June 2008 after the VUT rectorate committed itself to the full support of the ICBT as a strategic vehicle to the technology transfer of chemical and biotechnology-related research work within, but also of bringing closer to the richness of the chemical process industries in the southern Gauteng region. Subsequently Prof. S.J. Modise was seconded from the Department of Chemistry to be the Director of ICBT to take its mandate forward. Prof. A.M. Sipamla, former Director of the ICBT was contracted to assist as the Advisor to the Director on academic matters within and outside the VUT. The ICBT has since made positive strides in its
re-establishment. This was assisted by putting together an Advisory Board that gave fresh breath to the direction of the Institute. The members of the Board are drawn from the nearby business companies and include Eskom, Natref, Omnia, Sasol Chemical Industries, and Rand Water, to name a few.
Establishment of Business Units The negotiation to source the Microbiological Analytical Service of SASOL and subsequent merging it with an independent company Renaissance Environmental Hub was successful. The two merged to form a new entity called AMBIO. This business unit is offering industries and municipalities in the southern region and beyond with microbiological and eco-toxicity analytical and consultancy services. A sizeable capital and infrastructural investment was committed by the VUT to this new establishment. The unit, which is now registered as a company with CIPRO, is in the process of being accredited, and is already operating from their new laboratories within the VUT since July last year. We expect that this unit will stimulate further research relevant analytical methods. Students will also benefit by exposure as interns and/or postgraduate fellows. A further business unit that is expected to be acquired from the Department of Water Affairs and Department of Environmental Affairs is Syrenga BioscienceTM, which is currently operating in Centurion (Pretoria). The ICBT is in constant negotiations to re-establish this business entity. The
Department of Water Affairs will be participating through its Working for Water Programme. If successful, the business will be in a position, among others, to impact on the medicinal plant extracts research that is already ongoing. This is part of the Department of Water Affairs programme on the beneficiation of alien and undesirable vegetation from various parts of the country. Up to 20 students will benefit in work integrated learning that will be afforded by this business unit. Collaborative negotiations with the Universities of Limpopo (Turfloop), Venda and North-West (Mafikeng) to participate in this exciting venture, are on track.
Involvement of VUT researchers Even though the ICBT is receiving support from the researchers especially from the Departments of Bio-Sciences, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, there is no single project from within that is earmarked to have a potential of a spin-off company. The ICBT is aware of some of the projects that have potential, but still do not have systems in place to deal with such. Meetings will be held with the relevant stakeholders to map a way of dealing with such research projects. The number of researchers, master’s and doctoral and postdoctoral fellows approaching the ICBT for information is hiking, indicative of an adequate awareness on the need to think positively towards entrepreneurship. The nature of research work earmarked includes technologies and expertise in biodiesel, bio-fuel, extraction of bioactive compounds from plant material, polymer membranes, sorption, etc. A number of workshops targeting students and researchers on entrepre neurship, enterprise development, and IP management will be held again this year. Turning research work to innovation and product development will be stressed during these workshops. This is done to capacitate all stakeholders in research to think along the lines of technology transfer. Furthermore, the ICBT is participating in the Hub-and-Spokes programme. In this programme, high-calibre students were recruited into various postgraduate programmes offered in the relevant departments.
Partnerships A number of partnerships have been initiated by the ICBT and they include: 1. Indigenous Knowledge Systems partnered research with the University of Pretoria. Our postgraduate students are allowed access to state of the art instrumentation at this university. There is co-supervision and continued guidance of students from both ends and will form part of the agreement that will be signed in due course. 2. Sedichem Board has recently agreed that the Sedibeng Business and Chemical Incubator (Sedichem), located in Sebokeng Campus of the VUT, be managed by the ICBT on behalf of the VUT and Gauteng Enterprise Propeller (GEP) from 2011. A number of projects that were incubated at this site will be resuscitated in addition to incubatees from GEP. GEP will fund the projects incubated at this whilst the VUT will ensure smooth running of Sedichem. 3. The renewed Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) with the Institute of Chemical Technology in Prague (Czech Republic) has gained ground. Prof. Tomas Ruml visited the VUT and had an opportunity to give a plenary lecture at the VUT 2010 Colloquium. Prof. Tomas had an opportunity to meet researchers and students from Chemistry, Biosciences and Chemical Engineering. This encounter clarified what the memorandum entailed and offered an opportunity for researchers to discuss their research work. A follow-up visit by Prof. J Modise to Prague will take place this year. Dr B. Naidoo (HoD: Chemistry) and Ms. C. Grobler (researcher in Biosciences) will accompany Prof. Modise with the purpose of further strengthening direct research collaborations. 4. ICBT is participating in the DST/ChemCity/CSIR partnership of establishing Demonstration Centre on Plant Oil Extraction in Tzaneen, Limpopo. The ICBT is putting resources together to support this initiative as a knowledge partner. Research will largely focus on oil characterisation, formulation and application.
Other potential projects and clients 1. Chemical Analytical Service (Natref). 2. Separation Solutions (SEPSOL, Gauteng). 3. Beneficiation of diamond by-products (Northern Cape Government). 4. De Beers’ Diamond Mine (Voorspoed, Kroonstad).
VUT Research Report 2010
Future projects The ICBT expects projects for the year ahead with more successful activities. These include: 1. Synergised relationship with ChemCity and its clients; 2. A strategy towards the establishment of a Science Park and participation in COFISA’s Regional Innovation System Programme; 3. Increase in client base; 4. Physical construction of a building in ChemCity, Sasolburg; 5. More support to researchers and postgraduate students within the VUT; 6. Formulation of the international template of the ICBT for research and student exchange; and 7. Piloting the establishment of a centralised research instrument labo ratory, which will run a service for the local government and industry organisations.
Please provide image title.
Prof. Sekomeng J. Modise (Director: ICBT) Tel: +27 16 950 9899 Fax: + 27 86 612 8940 E-mail: joe@vut.ac.za
Prof. Allworth M. Sipamla (Advisor: ICBT) Tel: +27 16 950 9498 E-mail: allworth@vut.ac.za
Please provide image title.
relevant 60
VUT Research Report 2010
Non-faculty research outputs
Directorate: Academic support
Directorate: Student Support Services
Name: Tsuari, N.M. Qualification: MA, Development and Management Dissertation/Thesis title: The Implementation of employment equity for gender equality in the South African Police Service (SAPS): Vereeniging. University/Institution: North-West University
Conferences (Papers and Posters Presented) Presenter: Hendrich, U.G. Title of paper: The psychometric testing report: profiling of the 2010 first-year students at VUT Conference: Access & admissions/placement testing at South African universities Place: UWC Date: 20 September 2010 Presenter: Hendrich, U.G. Title of paper: An investigation of various factors influencing the first semester academic achievement of first-year students Conference: The Learning Conference Place: Hong Kong Date: 6-9 July 2010
Staff Qualifications Completed in 2010
Directorate: Finance Staff Qualifications Completed in 2010 Name: Bothma, M.M. Qualification: DTech, Business Dissertation/Thesis title: Conceptual model of paperless administrative processes in an information and communication technology interface business environment University/Institution: Vaal University of Technology
Research in Progress Researcher: Hendrich, U.G. Title: The power of intellectual ability, career interest & prior learning in the prediction of academic achievement of first-year students at VUT Field: Educational Psychology
Directorate: Institutional Development Staff Qualifications Completed in 2010 Name: Brits, H.J. Qualification: PhD, Education Management Dissertation/Thesis title: A model for the integration of quality management, planning and resource allocation at South African universities University/Institution: North-West University
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VUT Research Report 2010
research office
Ms Chantelle Sonnekus
Ms Ronel Appelcryn
Mr Sanjay Khoosal
Research Development Officer
Research Administrator
Research Information and Marketing Officer
The Research Office provides administrative support for the Vaal University of Technology’s (VUT) research activities, and advice to staff on research matters and policy. Research Outputs The publication count is the annual compilation of the VUT’s research outputs submitted to the National Department of Higher Education (DHET) for the allocation of government subsidy.
VUT Accredited Research Outputs 2004-2010 Year
2010 (submitted)
Articles published in accredited journals per faculty for 2010
Accredited Research Outputs 2004-2010 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 2004
2010 (Submitted)
APPROVED RESEARCH FOCUS AREAS Researchers keep one eye on the big picture while fostering excellence in highly focused projects aimed at improving the present and shaping the future of society. The VUT has diverse research interests. The VUT’s focus areas are:
Focus Area
Focus Area Leader
Centre of Sustainable Livelihoods
Prof. Wilna Oldewage-Theron Tel: 016 950 9722 Fax: 086 612 8572 E-mail: wilna@vut.ac.za
Co-Focus Area Leader & Contact Details Dr Abdulkadir A. Egal Tel: 016 950 9538 Fax: 016 950 9530 E-mail: abdul@vut.ac.za
Institute of Applied electronics (Faculty of Engineering and Technology)
Prof. Christo vZ Pienaar Institute of Applied Electronics: Dielectric Heating, Fuel cells and Solar Tel: 016 950 9381 Fax: 016 950 9410 E-mail: christop@vut.ac.za
Co-Focus Area Leader & Contact Details Dr James Swart Tel: 016 950 9417 Fax: 016 950 9410 E-mail: jamess@vut.ac.za
Environmental pollution and health (Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences)
Ms Christa van Wyk Department: Biotechnology Tel: 016 950 9614 Fax: 016 950 9794 E-mail: christav@vut.ac.za
Materials technology (Faculty of Engineering and Technology)
Prof. Peter Mendonidis Department: Metallurgical Engineering Tel: 016 950 9165 Fax: 016 950 9797 E-mail: peter@vut.ac.za
VUT Research Report 2010
Focus Area
Focus Area Leader
Engineering education (Faculty of Engineering and Technology)
Prof. Dirk Dicks Head: Centre for Research and Development of Engineering Education Tel: 016 950 9425 Fax: 016 950 9797 E-mail: dirkd@vut.ac.za
Applied visual studies (Faculty of Human Sciences)
Prof. Rolf Gaede Department: Visual Arts & Design
Economic growth and competitiveness of the Vaal Triangle tourism industry (Faculty of Human Sciences)
Ms Veronique Pissoort Department: Hospitality & Tourism
Fluid-thermal systems (Faculty of Engineering and Technology)
Prof. Zhongjie Huan Department: Mechanical Engineering
Fostering sustainable economic development in the Vaal Region (Faculty of Management Sciences)
Dr David Pooe Department: Logistics
ICT technologies on transport systems (Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences)
Prof. Barnabas Gatsheni Department: Information and Communication Technology
Innovative product development (Technology Station)
Mr Jan Jooste Head: Innovation Centre
Plant molecular genetics/biotechnology (Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences)
Ms Christa van Wyk Department: Biotechnology
The application of instrumentation systems in industrial processes (Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences)
Mr At Roux Department: Process Control and Computer Systems
The integration and application of Information and Communication Technology in resource based education (Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences)
Ms Antoinette Lombard Department: Information and Communication Technology
Theoretical, numerical and experimental NDT methods
Prof. B.R. Mabuza Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences
Vibration condition monitoring (Faculty of Engineering and Technology)
Messrs Jay Nkuna & Allen Olivier Department: Mechanical Engineering
NRF-rated researchers The NRF-rating system is a benchmarking system through which individuals that exemplify the highest standards of research, as well as those demonstrating strong potential as researchers, are identified by an extensive network of South African and international peer reviewers.
Prof. D.J. de Beer
Prof. W.H. Oldewage-Theron
Prof. J. Surujlal
Research Capacity Development Programmes The Research Capacity Development Programmes creates opportunities for staff to support each other forward. The Research Directorate arranged the following Research Capacity Development Programmes.
Introduction to Mixed Methods
To provide researchers with support in qualitative and quantitative research methodology and their underlying paradigmatic frameworks.
Women in Research
To provide women researchers with:
Article Writing and Publication
VUT Research Report 2010
Structured support in writing for publication;
Facilitating access to women’s networks and other powerful research networks;
An opportunity to contribute to designing appropriate research related policies that support the career development of women researchers, especially black women researchers at the VUT; and
An opportunity to co-publish their experience on the programme.
To support researchers in achieving accredited research outputs for instance publish articles in journals or research reports for qualification. Faculty customised workshops are presented to address specific contexts and needs.
Program Mentorship Programme: The Hub-and-Spokes Model at the VUT
Purpose Growing the next generation of South African academics at the Vaal University of Technology (VUT). The Hub-and-Spokes model is a structured mentorship development programme which aims to bring mentors who are research leaders of strategic focus areas at the VUT into structured mentoring relations with postgraduate students to support the simultaneous growth of the next generation South African and leapfrog the development and innovation of the focus areas. The “Hub” refers to the focus area and research leaders or mentor, while “Spokes” refers to the postgraduate students who work under the guidance of the mentor. The aims and objectives of the Hub-and-Spokes Model 1. To provide focused support to facilitate the growth of the next generation of academics at the VUT. 2. Strengthen the critical mass of a community of researchers at the VUT. 3. To leapfrog the development of strategic research areas. 4. To provide structured support to ensure increased research outputs from strategic academic focus areas. 5. To ensure that postgraduate students are involved in publications of accredited peer reviewed research publications. 6. To support the academic socialisation of mentees through facilitating their involvement in teaching, tutoring and where suitable co-supervision. Scholarship Scholarships are made to strengthen teaching and research interests in the research focus areas. Doctoral candidate R150 000-00 per annum; and Masters candidate R96 000-00 per annum.
Research Achievement and Research Excellence Awards Faculty Research Awards the VUT Excellence Award and the VUT Achievement Award, are presented annually. Candidates with the highest number of points in the faculty will automatically be nominated for the University Researcher of the Year Award. Faculty awards and awards for the top three researchers are made in each category annually.
Faculty Research Awards
Faculty of Human Sciences Place
Research Achievement
Dr J. Kearney
Dr D. Joubert
Ms V. Erasmus
Research awards are held annually for researchers in the four faculties. The following staff received Faculty Research Awards during 2010 for their research achievements in 2009:
Ms R. Erasmus
Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences:
Ms M. du Plessis
Ms C. FouchĂŠ
Research Achievement
Research Excellence
Dr E.D. Dikio
Prof. W.H. Oldewage-Theron
Ms C.J. Grobler
Prof. A. Nicolaides
Dr A. Egal
Research Excellence
Dr E.B. Naidoo
Faculty of Engineering and Technology Place
Research Achievement
Mr M. Viljoen
Research Excellence
Prof. O. Aoyi
Prof. H.C. vZ Pienaar
Prof. P. Mendonidis
Certificate: Mr A.J. Swart
VUT Research Report 2010
Faculty of Management Sciences Place
Research Achievement
Dr T. Ziemerink
Mr J. Dubihlela
Ms V. Nolan
Research Excellence
Prof. J. Surujlal
Prof. I. Shaw
Prof. M. Dhurup
Annual Researcher of the Year Award Ceremony The Annual Researcher of the Year Awards Ceremony was held on the 18th of November 2010 at the Riviera Hotel and Country Club. The following staff members received research awards for their research achievements in 2009: Annual Research Achievement:
Annual Research Excellence:
Dr J. Kearney
Faculty of Human Sciences
Prof. J. Surujlal
Faculty of Management Sciences
Dr J.E.E. Ziemerink
Faculty of Management Sciences
Prof. W.H. Oldewage-Theron Faculty of Human Sciences
Mr J. Dubihlela
Faculty of Management Sciences
Prof. I. Shaw
Faculty of Management Sciences
1st Place: Dr J. Kearney
2nd Place: Dr J.E.E. Ziemerink
3rd Place: Mr J. Dubihlela
1st Place: Prof. J. Surujlal
2nd Place: Prof. W.H. Oldewage-Theron
3rd Place: Prof. I. Shaw
Research Highlights SATN Exhibition VUT Departments/Research focus areas/VUT Centres of Excellence, as well as contributions from some of the VUT’s industrial partners held a joint exhibition for the SATN conference between the 30 September and 1 October at the VUT.
The exhibition gave some of the attendees from other institutions a wakeup call as to the potential lying within the University of Technology (UoT) sector, but especially within the VUT. To a certain extent, the exhibition served as a very convincing ‘dashboard’ of the VUT’s research development and technology transfer and innovation activities. Prime examples of these were the VUT’s Fuel Cell project; the Wind Energy project; VUT’s Additive Manufacturing and Product Development capabilities; Alternative energy 69
and medicinal approaches exhibited through the algae reactor project; the Soy Bean Project; and the exciting results of the Tshepiso project. The Minister of Higher Education and Training, Dr B.E. Nzimande, was almost in disbelief that a UoT is capable of developing alternative/green energy systems, develop nutritional and feeding projects (including appropriate/ rural technologies, improved nutritional products as well as nutritional educational schemes, and also is prepared to undertake outreach projects such as Tshepiso, where unemployed black women are being taught skills to create sustainable local economic development and empowerment. Â
Left to right: Dr B.J. Johnson, Prof. I.N. Moutlana, Dr B.E. Nzimande and Prof. D.J. de Beer
Participants at the colloquium were carefully selected on the basis of their experience, knowledge and interest of higher education in the specific focus areas of innovation and industry partnerships. Keynote speakers from the Loughborough University (UK) and the Institute of Chemical Technology (Prague) also shared their experiences at the colloquium. It was concluded that academia-industry partnerships have the ability to share resources and bring together diverse perspectives with the purpose of accomplishing a common goal.
Dr J. Nyalunga (Department of Trade and Industry), Dr N. Comins (Innovation Consultant), Prof. T. Palmer (NRF), and Prof. H.A. Louw (VUT Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Academic & Research).
Research Colloquium It is the intention of the VUT to establish partnership models in southern Gauteng to develop shared strategies for the advancement of social, technological and economic development. This aligns with proven inter national models, where it has been shown that regional alliances that involve HEIs are an effective means of achieving economic growth, and for moving economies into higher skills levels. The Research Directorate, Technology Transfer and Innovation and Faculty of Human Sciences hosted a Research Colloquium titled Innovation and Industry Partnerships on 26 October 2010 at the Riverside Sun Hotel in Vanderbijlpark. The objective of the colloquium was the following: 1. To create a forum through which partnerships can be developed and sustained; and 2. To continually expose our current, new and prospective partners to the VUT projects, interests and discussions.
VUT Research Report 2010
Prof. T. Palmer (NRF), Dr J. Mellor (Sasol Polymers), Prof. H.A. Louw (VUT Deputy ViceChancellor: Academic & Research) and Mr P. Bisogno (Innovation Hub).
Keynote speakers: Dr Ian Campbell (Loughborough University: Department of Design School – UK) and Prof. T. Ruml (Vice-Rector: Institute of Chemical Technology – Czech Republic).
The audience who attended was staff members from the VUT, individuals from diverse organisations (e.g. Sasol, Arcelormittal, Denel and Eskom) and government organisations (e.g. Council of Higher Education, CSIRa and DTI).
International Relations Department
Head of Department: Ms Engela Pienaar
International Relations Department staff members from left to right: Jenny vd Walt, Del’sile Mabuza, Lebohang Sebiloane, Lydia Mosese, Malejone Moqhoba. Absent from photo: Simon Mohlala.
International Collaboration 1. Dr Kuipa from Chinoyi University, Zimbabwe visited the VUT to discuss possible collaborations between the two universities. 2. D r Elsabe Conradie and Dr Ahmed Essop from the European Union visited the VUT to introduce Erasmus Mundus to researchers. This funding opportunity has massive opportunities available including
external partnerships, internal and external collaborations and research capacity development. 3. N EPAD and representatives from The People’s Republic of China, Geng Jianyong (Deputy Director, Foreign Economic Cooperation Centre, Ministry of Agriculture) and Liu Zhongwei (Director, Division of European Affairs, Department of International Cooperation) and 71
Ministry of Agriculture, Isaac Magidi (Magidi Agricultural Development) visited the VUT for an exploratory meeting to discuss issues such as: •
NEPAD Agricultural Focus;
Areas for Development: Skills Training and Capacity Building; and
Technology and Scientific Institutional Development Linkages.
4. P ostdoctoral Fellow, Dr Eujin Pei, visited and assisted with research on a suitable industrial design curriculum, as well as the planned Masters in Product Development designs for manufacturing projects and research on fuel cell technologies. 5. P rof. Tom Amolo, High Commissioner, Kenya visited the VUT to discuss possible collaborations between the VUT and Kenyan Universities.
of metal oxides – matrices of LDH anionic clays” to the Faculty of Engineering. 8. P rof. Thomas L. Lagö (Acticut International, Blekinge Institute of Technology (BTH) and University of Arkansas (UARK)) visited the VUT to discuss possible collaborations especially in the field of Engineering. 9. M r Amhoff, Dr Sommerhalder, Mr Berchsmann and Ms Jackie Friedenthal, Switzerland Embassy visited the VUT for possible collabo rations. Biotechnology and renewable energy technology is a strong focus in Switzerland and the delegation encouraged the VUT to link with Switzerland industry for research. 10. Tomáš Ruml, Professor of Microbiology, Institute of Chemical Engineering, Prague, The Czech Republic visited the VUT to discuss possible projects emanating from the signed Memorandum of Understanding. Prof. Ruml indicated the Institute of Chemical Engineering was interested in collaborating with the VUT on especially water and waste treatment, Biosciences and Chemical Engineering. 11. Dr Julianne Malveaux, President, Bennett College for Women, United States of America visited the VUT to discuss possible collaboration between the two universities.
His Excellency Mr T.B. Amolo, (High Commissioner Extraordinary & Plenipotentiary, High Commission of the Republic of Kenya) and Prof. I.N. Moutlana (Vice-Chancellor & Principal: VUT).
6. M r Vincent Baron, Attaché for Science and Technology, French Embassy met with VUT staff members to discuss a Vocational Training Partnership Project in conjunction with Schneider Electrical. A trilateral agreement was negotiated between Schneider Electrical, the French Embassy and the VUT. 7. P rof. Gabriela Carja from Romania Technical University Gh Asachi of Lasi visited the VUT to discuss possible collaborations between the VUT and the Romania Technical GH of Lasi. A MTech student will be selected for exchange to Romania. Prof. Carja presented a paper “Toward complex nanoarchitectures: assemblies of nanoparticles
VUT Research Report 2010
Dr Julianne Malveaux (Bennett College, USA) and Prof. I.N. Moutlana.
12. A delegation from the VUT visited the Embassy of Switzerland to attend a meeting pertaining to a water resources factfinding mission to South Africa.
Relevant Research
Community Nutrition Social Development
Research Stimulation Integrative Research Research Development Scientific Knowledge
Environmental Health Research that Matters
Alternative Energy Industry Partnerships Prototyping
Market Analysis
Analytical Thinking
relevant 74
VUT Research Report 2010
higher degrees unit: postgraduate coordinator
S. du Toit
L. Beatrice
The Higher Degrees Unit is responsible for the operation, co-ordination and quality control of postgraduate studies at the Vaal University of Technology (VUT), and we also co-ordinate and harmonise all postgraduate courses, programmes and regulations in all the Faculties of the University to continuously improve and maintain standards. Postgraduate studies include all academic and professional programmes, which require student achievement beyond the undergraduate level in any field, generally leading to a master’s or doctorate (PhD) degree. We administrate all postgraduate admissions and registrations into the various programmes, and we continuously try to improve the registration process. All resolutions taken at the Higher Degrees Committee meeting is kept on record in our department and we share these resolutions with all supervisors and promoters. We consider all matters that may arise in the course of the postgraduate work of any registered postgraduate student, including special requests, financial queries and other study-related difficulties.
Our objectives
To grow postgraduate numbers to 700 students;
To grow the National Diploma and BTech students into further study;
To increase the number of awards outside focus areas and institutes;
To monitor and evaluate the Postgraduate Awards on a continued basis, which will assist the students to fund essential services, namely Language Editing and Statistical Services, and to assist in paying for printing and binding of dissertations/theses;
To benchmark against other institutions;
To monitor, evaluate and improve postgraduate registrations at the VUT;
To centralise postgraduate administration;
To ensure that postgraduate students have access to appropriate and relevant information; and
To support postgraduate development programmes at a central level.
Postgraduate Development for 2010 1.
The Higher Degrees Unit started the Postgraduate Induction Program me for the first-year postgraduate students in February 2010. The objective of the Postgraduate Induction Programme is to ensure that all students receive optimal support in their journey from the initiation until the completion of their postgraduate studies. If the VUT were to excel in its service to postgraduate students through support in ways that demonstrate the institution’s ability to increase its postgraduate student numbers, both at intake and output levels, such an intervention becomes a necessity. By the end of this programme every student should:
Understand the research process and the rules that guide it;
Be able to engage in ethical behaviour while conducting research;
Be able to communicate (orally and in writing); 75
Have an overview the research process and the various outputs such as: problem statement, literature review, research question, a sufficient understanding of the major paradigms of qualitative and quantitative research in order to develop a proposal;
Have identified a topic and prepared a research proposal;
Be able to communicate the innovative and entrepreneurial di mensions and potential of the project;
Be able to utilise appropriate technology in conducting research; and
Be able to apply methodological principles, concepts, and techniques to address ‘real life’ problems – to think/analyse critically.
For further postgraduate development the Unit purchased the following research software tools:
End Note for bibliographic citation and reference management tool;
SPSS for Statistics; and
Turnitin to detect plagiarism.
The Unit hosted “A writing for publication workshop” on the weekend of the 28th to 30th May 2010 at Stonehenge in Parys. The workshop was a breakaway weekend, in which students were taken to a very tranquil environment, this initiative created time away from work, in which postgraduate students only worked on their articles with the assistance of their supervisors. The following students and their supervisors attended:
And their supervisors: Prof. J. Modise, Prof. A. Sipamla, Prof. M. Dhurup, Dr P. Stegmann, Dr Van Rensburg and Prof. R. Gaede. Prof. Babs Surujlal facilitated the workshop. 4.
A Postgraduate Summer School was hosted on 12 March 2010. Specific aims of this workshop were:
To understand what research is;
To conceptualise the research project; and
To construct a problem, sample evidence and formulate conclusions.
150 postgraduate students and supervisors attended the school. Facilitating the programme was Prof. Laetus Lategan.
The students who participated were: Mr T.J. Brooms, Mr B.M. Xaba, Ms M.N.G. Bucibo, Mr L.A. Masitenyane, Ms M.H.L. Mtetwa, Ms E. Muleya, Ms T. Nyathela, Mr R.M. Rugaju and Ms J. Santihano.
VUT Research Report 2010
Prof. Laetus Lategan the Dean of Research and Development at the Central University of Technology, Free State, where he takes managerial responsibility for research development at this university. He holds doctorates in philosophy and systematic theology.
The objective of the National Research Foundation (NRF) is to support and promote research through funding, human capacity development and the provision of the necessary research facilities, in order to facilitate the creation of knowledge, innovation and development in all fields of the natural and social sciences, humanities and technology, including indigenous knowledge systems.
The items for discussion at the school were: The nuts and the bolts of a research project Getting into the mood and mode for doing research.
Why research? What is research?
The research design: The architecture of your project.
Conclusion: More than wrapping up.
Writing-up the research project: Structure, arguments and word economy.
Value adding issues: Research integrity and the quality of the project.
The ten most frequent questions asked when doing research.
Postgraduate supervision – more than just meeting with your supervisor.
Funding support was given in the form of the Postgraduate Research Award. In 2010, 18 MTech students received the award, which amounted to R540 900 and six DTech students received the award, which amounted to R240 300. A total of R781 200 was allocated from our department to support postgraduate students.
The National Research Foundation also assisted with funding towards postgraduate studies. An amount of R1 335, 000 was paid to the Vaal University of Technology in the form of the following grants:
Registration Totals for 2011 Our registration totals declined a bit mostly due to a national shortage of supervisors. Supervisors have an enormous influence towards the success rate towards postgraduate research. We are already working on a process to eliminate this problem and to successfully up our numbers towards our objectives. 400 350 Total Students
300 250
181 187
200 150 100 50
144 150 30
0 Doctorates 2005
Masters 2007
BTech Free Standing Grant
Six students, each received an amount of R30 000, and four others received R20 000.
BTech Innovation Grant
15 VUT students, each received an amount of R35 000.
BTech Scarce Skill Grant
15 VUT students received an amount of R30 000.
Master’s Innovation Renewal Grant
One master’s student received a renewal of previous grant to the amount of R60 000.
Master’s Innovation Grant
Three students, each received an amount of R40 000.
Mater’s Freestanding Grant
Five VUT students received an amount of R40 000.
Graduations for 2010 The following postgraduate students graduated in 2010: Candidate
Research Topic
Bothma, M.M.
Management Sciences
Conceptual model of paperless administrative processes in an information and communication technology interface business environment.
Brooms, T.J.
Applied & Computer Sciences
Effects of oxidation states of nickel (Ni), copper (Cu), Palladium (Pd) and silver (Ag) metals on rejection by nanofiltration membranes.
Bucibo (Qwelane), M.N.
Applied & Computer Sciences
Identification and quantification of pesticides in water in the Vaal region.
Kgang, I.E.
Applied & Computer Sciences
Characterisation of Amaranthus tricolor mutant plants with inÂcreased drought-tolerance.
Mtetwa, M.N.L.
Applied & Computer Sciences
Optimisation and verification of changes made to USEPA Method 1623 to analyse for though presence of Cryptosporidium and Giardia in water.
Phala, S.A.
Applied & Computer Sciences
Investigation of pitting corrosion with intent to minimise the causes thereof at Matimba.
Xaba, B.M.
Applied & Computer Sciences
Separation and recovery of selected transition-metal catalyst systems using membrane processes.
Nana Kesa, H.
Human Sciences
Food Service Management
The impact of dietary diversification on the nutritional status of pregnant women in the Vaal Triangle Region.
Pambault Enombo, J.M.
Human Sciences
Public Relations Management
Public relations practice in private companies in Libreville and Port Gentil in Gabon.
Santihano, J.
Human Sciences
The co-variation of visual literacy and content tolerance.
Sinthumule, L.
Human Sciences
Food Service Management
Impact of a training programme on food preparation knowledge and skills of food service workers at Sharpeville Care of the Aged.
Venter, D.
Human Sciences
Tourism and Hospitality Management
Market segmentation of visitors to two distinct regional tourism events in South Africa.
Dippenaar, F.
Applied & Computer Sciences
Information Technology
Design of an integrated monitoring and management interface system for Sasol sites for Global operations management.
VUT Research Report 2010
Research Proposals approved for 2010 Supervisor/ Promoter
Research Topic
Mabonga L.
Development of an ‘A’ genome specific SCAR (Sequence-characterised amplified region) marker Musa L (Bananas and Plantains).
Pillay, M.
Masilo, J.M.
The evaluation of whole blood cytokine assay for diagnosis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection in South African children with household tuberculosis contact.
Grobler, C.J.
Masilo, J.M.
The evaluation of whole blood cytokine assay for diagnosis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection in South African children with household tuberculosis contact.
Grobler, C.J.
Molefe, N.M.
Co-production of inulinase by Saccharomycases cerevisiae and Kluveromyces marxianus in solid state fermentation.
Padayachee, T.
Mphuthi, B.R.
Developing Sequence Characterized Amplified Region (SCAR) markers for the A genome in banana.
Pillay, M.
Nkonki, N.
Development of Sequence Characterized Amplified Region (SCAR) markers linked to the B genome in banana.
Pillay, M.
Rimayi, CC
Influence of matrix effect on selected organochlorine pesticideresiduesin water and sediment from Jukskei River: Gauteng, South Africa.
Van Wyk, C.S.
Wentzel, C.B.
Business Administration
Evaluation Job Satisfaction and Job Insecurity within an Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) firm in South Africa.
Raijmakers, L.
Dube, G.M.
Chemical Engineering
The Enhancement of Sorbent Properties Using hydrating agents and siliceous materials in fluid gas desulphurization.
Rutto, H.L.
Mahwiliri, P.S.
Chemical Engineering
Anaerobic biodegradation of wastewater with zeolite as a biomass support in a fluidised bed reactor.
Aoyi, O.
Farah, A.M.
Modification of edge plane pyrolytic graphite electrode (EPPGE) with Prussian blue as a mediator on carbon nanotube materials through sequential deposition method.
Dikio, E.D.
Kotoane, A.M.
Development and optimization of selective leaching processes for the extraction of calcium from steel slag in view of sequestering carbon dioxide.
Naidoo, E.B.
Mnisi, J.S.
A study of airborne particulate in the Vanderbijlpark area.
Moja, S.J.
Morifi, E.L.
Sunlight induced photocatalytic degradation of Endocrine disrupting chemicals by silver doped titania.
Modise, S.J.
Ndwandwe, S.N. Chemistry
Synthesis and characterization of single- and multi-walled carbon nanotubes using Co-Zn-Al, Co-Zn, Co-Al and Zn-Al as the catalyst.
Dikio, E.D.
Ngema, S.L.
Competitive biosorption of a mixture of cationic dyes from a multi-component solution using a modified cone powder.
Naidoo, E.B.
Shilowa, M.P.
Determination of characterization of the converter products in the selective catalytic cracker (SCC) process.
Sipamla, A.M.
Shooto, N.D.
Fabrication of nanofibers of Thalium, Lanthanium and silver with polymers polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), polyurethane (PU) and polysterene (PS) by electrospinning.
Dikio, E.D.
Imuezerua, E.O.
Cost & Management Accounting
An Evaluation of Budget Allocation and Expenditure Patterns of Sedibeng District Municipality on Service Delivery.
Okubena, O.
Supervisor/ Promoter
Research Topic
Mokoena, T.B.
Cost & Management Accounting
Application of Activity based costing systems and the relationship with effective management of costs in metal products manufacturing firms in Southern Gauteng.
Ziemerink, J.E.E.
Mathu, K.M.
DTech Logistics
Supply Chain Constraints in the South African Coal Mining Industry
Pooe, R.I.D.
Mangwane, Q.E.M.
DTech: Food Service Management
Nutrition education programme for caregivers of primary school children in QwaQwa.
OldewageTheron, W.
Nyathela, T.
DTech: Food Service Management
Impact of a feeding programme on the nutritional status of pre-school children in Evaton West and Soshanguve.
OldewageTheron, W.
Sandada, M.
DTech Business
Strategic Planning and its Relationship with the Performance of Small- and Medium-sized Businesses in Gauteng.
Pooe, R.I.D.
Adeniyi, A.O.
Electrical Engineering
Incandescent light power efficiency.
Sutherland, G. (Dr)
Akinwunmi, A.F.
Electrical Engineering
Optimisation of hydrogen usage in proton exchange membrane fuel cells.
Pienaar, H.C. vZ.
Burger, M.
Electrical Engineering
Optimisation of the hydrogen pressure control in a regenerative proton exchange membrane fuel cell.
Pienaar, H.C. vZ.
Van Tonder, P.J.M.
Electrical Engineering
Optimisation of the water, temperature and voltage management on a regenerative fuel cell.
Pienaar, H.C. vZ.
Moeng, K.
Food and Beverage Management
Nutritional value of foodstuff purchases at public primary schools in a low-income township.
Kearney, J.E.
Ndleve, N.F.
Food and Beverage Management
Determining the nutritional value of lunchbox content consumed at public primary schools in a lowincome township in the Vaal Region.
Kearney, J.E.
Marumo, K.
Food Service Management
Impact of a soy feeding programme on the nutritional status of an elderly community in Sharpeville.
OldewageTheron, W.
Chalmers, J.
Human Resource Management
Educator’s Perceptions of Operational Competencies Required in Public Schools.
Surujlal, J.
Mahlaya, C.
Human Resource Management
Assessment of the apprenticeship training programme in the fabrication and welding trade of Debswana diamond mines in Botswana.
Joubert, P.A.
Nyaka, I.C.
Human Resource Management
Perceptions of Security Officers on their Participation in the Decision Making Process: A Case of a Security Firm.
Pooe, R.I.D.
Samosamo, M.G.
Human Resource Management
Impact of induction on employee perceptions of health and safety at ArcelorMittal.
Marais, C.
Seame, B.M.
Human Resource Management
Employee perceptions of the strategies to attract and retain technical skills at DEBSWANA.
Joubert, P.A.
Letuka, L.
Industrial Engineering
Linking knowledge management to operational and organizational performance.
Campbell, H.M.
Mafa, M.C.
Industrial Engineering
Modelling and analysis of the postal distribution system in Lesotho.
Campbell, H.M.
VUT Research Report 2010
Supervisor/ Promoter
Research Topic
Mapokgole, J.
Industrial Engineering
Optimisation of dynamic aggregate production scheduling, with case study on South African companies.
Tengen, T.B.
Mangane, J.A.
Information Technology
The design of an integrated real-time information sharing model for incidence response and handling departments at Wits Metrorail.
Gatsheni, B.N.
Nduwamungu, C.M.
Information Technology
The design of a vehicle traffic flow system for congestion prediction and real-time vehicle traffic information sharing.
Gatsheni, B.N.
Van Rooyen, H.
Information Technology
The establishment of a mobile learning system for the Ekurhuleni Campus of the Vaal University of Technology.
Maneschijn, M.M.
Yeno, O.N.
Information Technology
An implementation of an intelligent system for facilitating an efficient scheduling of trains in Gauteng.
Gatsheni, B.N.
Jonathan, E.C.
Procurement and supply chain management approaches of a parastatal in Gauteng: A case study.
Pooe, R.I.D.
Mareka, T.T.
Black Generation Y students’ attitudes and purchase intentions towards store versus manufacturer brands.
Bevan-Dye, A.L.
Mathaba, R.L.
Store selection criteria among black consumers in the purchase of apparel in Soweto and the relationship with store satisfaction and loyalty.
Dhurup, M.
Mofokeng, T.E.
Team Identification, Sport Spectators’ Motives and Repurchasing Intentions Amongst Black Generation-Y Students.
Bevan-Dye, A.L.
Rabale, E.M.
Sponsorship effectiveness: Consumer recall, recognition and perceptions of official sponsorship and ambush marketing in the 2010 FIFA World Cup. TM
Dhurup, M.
Adeyemi, S.O.
Mechanical Engineering
Associating operations and supply chain management practices with performance in the food industry
Campbell, H.M.
Mngomezulu, B.A.
Public Relations Management
Effectiveness of stakeholder relations between the Sedibeng District Municipality, the Emfuleni Local Municipality and community forum representatives.
Bezuidenhout, R.
Makolana, M.
Tourism and Hospitality Management
Identifying the key effectiveness of the key success factors in managing eTourism in travel agencies.
Slabbert, E.
Maloi, R.
Tourism and Hospitality Management
Tourist behaviour of visitors at a resort in the Vaal Region.
Slabbert, E.
Mojakisane, M.M. Tourism and Hospitality Management
Determining the market profile of black visitors to resorts in the Vaal Region.
Slabbert, E.
Munyai, K.C.
The relationship between marketing effectiveness and the marketing mix for guesthouses in the Vaal Region.
Slabbert, E.
Tourism and Hospitality Management
VUT Research Report 2010
contact details
Research Directorate
Higher Degrees
Dr Bernadette Johnson Executive Director: Research bernadette@vut.ac.za
Ms Sonia du Toit Higher Degrees Co-ordinater sonia@vut.ac.za
Ms Zelda van Wyk Senior Administrator: Research T: (016) 950 9531
Ms Beatrice Lekota Registrations: Higher Degrees beatrice@vut.ac.za
Ms Chantelle Sonnekus Research Development Officer son@vut.ac.za
Ms Beatrice Toti Higher Degrees Administrator beatricet@vut.ac.za
Mr Sanjay Khoosal Research Information and Marketing Officer sanjay@vut.ac.za
Ms Olga Kenke Postgraduate Facilitator: Higher Degrees nomathembak@vut.ac.za
Ms Ronel Appelcryn Research Administrator ronela@vut.ac.za
Technology Transfer & Innovation Directorate (TTI) Prof. Deon de Beer Executive Director: TTI deond@vut.ac.za/ddebeer@iclix.co.za Mr Jan Jooste HEAD: Iscor Innovation Centre jhj@vut.ac.za/jan@enerqitech.com Mr Mark Johnson HEAD: Enterprise Development Unit markj@vut.ac.za Mr Jaco la Grange Manager: Technology Station jacol@vut.ac.za Ms Rynette Coetzer Administrator: TTI T: (016) 950 9325 rynettec@vut.ac.za