THANK YOU Persons who assisted with the collation of the information for the Research Report 2017:
Mr P Bhikha
Prof C Mafini
Ms C Sonnekus
Department: Research Directorate
Faculty of Management Sciences
Department: Research Directorate
Prof L Masu
Prof EB Naidoo
Faculty of Engineering & Technology
Faculty of Applied & Computer Sciences
CONTENTS Message from the Vice-Chancellor & Principal .............. 02
Message from the Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Academic & Research .................................................... 04 Message from the Director: Research ............................ 08 Message from the Technology Transfer & Innovation ..... 10 Message from the: Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences ....................................................... 14 Message from the: Faculty of Engineering and Technology .............................................................. 32 Message from the: Faculty of Human Sciences .............. 44 Message from the: Faculty of Management Sciences .... 54 Non-faculty .................................................................... 66 Research Focus Areas .................................................... 67 Message from the Centre for Alternative Energy (CAE) ................................................................. 68 Research Office .............................................................. 72 Postgraduate Report ...................................................... 80 Contact Us ..................................................................... 100
“It is a known fact that research for any academic institution forms its heartbeat and VUT is no different.” Prof Gordon N. Zide
t is a great honour for me to write this foreword for the VUT Annual Research Report 2017/18. It is a known fact that research for any academic institution forms its heartbeat and VUT is no different. A research report seeks to address the following: • Promoting teaching and learning • Contributing towards the country’s knowledge economy • Promoting and enhancing community engagement and, thereby, profiling the concept of an engaged university • Aligning our research initiatives to the NDP 2030 and Africa Agenda 2063 and, more importantly, ensuring that our students are prepared for the world of work – what is generally and commonly referred to as responding to the Fourth Industrial Revolution as propounded by Klaus Schwab
this being said, VUT is delighted to recognise and boast about the research productivity of some NRF-rated researchers, with the following colleagues still continuing to make the institution proud: • Prof O. Aoyi • Dr R.I. Campbell • Prof A.E. Ofomaja • Prof P.O. Osifo • Prof W.H. Oldewage-Theron • Dr H.L. Rutto • Prof T.B. Tengen In addition to the above achievements, individual academics received widespread recognition for their research work. Prof
I am excited to mention that our research output is on the rise; however, we should take cognisance of the fact that we cannot be complacent as there is still work to be done. With
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Ochieng Aoyi received the National Science and Technology Forum (NSTF) Award for his contribution to Engineering Capacity Development. Dr Naser Feto was awarded the pres-
Message from the Vice-Chancellor & Principal
tigious research grant by the South African Biodesign Initiative (SABDI) and Technology Innovation Agency (TIA), while Prof Peter Osifo received research funding through the DTI Technology and Human Resources for Industry Programme (THRIP).
It is against this background that the foreword of this research report is so important for the future survival of VUT, as what lies at the core of this report tells us what the Institution professes to be and what a university of technology is, as compared to a conventional and/or a traditional university.
The key strategic focus areas of our research interest lie in the following disciplines:
I am, therefore, happy to present the Research Report in the interest of the public good and, more importantly, in the interest of the public scrutiny and engagement.
• Centre of Sustainable Livelihoods • Centre for Alternative Energy
I trust that you will enjoy reading the report.
• Centre for Renewable Energy and Water • Plant Molecular Genetics/Biotechnology • Materials and Minerals Technology • Innovative Product Development and Advanced Manufacturing Technology
Message from the Vice-Chancellor & Principal
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ACADEMIC & RESEARCH “Most importantly, there has been an increase in research that is transdisciplinary.” Prof. K.P. Dzvimbo
oth basic and applied research is pivotal to the academic agenda. To ensure that our teaching and curriculum transformation is current, academics, collectively and individually, have to be engaged in what others refer to as ‘blue skies’ (or basic) and applied research. This is a must for every academic and essential in their trajectory as scholars and organic intellectuals. In our context, where transformation of the higher education sector and the academy is topical, research praxis occupies a central role as we re-invent and re-imagine our DNA as a university of
technology (UOT) to prepare our graduates for what Charles Schwab has termed the ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution’. Because of our genesis as a technical college and technikon, the journey towards ensuring that a culture or research by all academics becomes the norm has not been an easy one. However, we have witnessed significant changes in the manner in which all our academics now value their role as knowledge producers in the academy.
Focus areas
“With the maturation of most of our emerging researchers in terms of the depth and breadth of their disciplined inquiry, we have seen more academics involved in conducting research across the university.”
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We will continue to focus on offering a number of research workshops that will assist our colleagues in understanding basic and advanced fundamentals of conducting both applied and basic research so that we increase the number of staff with intermediate and advanced skills in research methodologies and data analysis and interpretation. One area that has been problematic for most academics has been how to access international journals that are accredited
Message from the Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Academic & Research
by the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET), especially in the physical sciences. Our Herculean efforts to ensure that more black and female academics get involved in research is beginning to bear fruit and we have witnessed an increase in the numbers of emerging academics that are conducting sophisticated research and actually publishing in accredited journals nationally and internationally. With the maturation of most of our emerging researchers in terms of the depth and breadth of their disciplined inquiry, we have seen more academics involved in conducting research across the university. Most importantly, there has been an increase in research that is transdisciplinary. We now have more and more academics working closely with government departments, SETAs, municipalities and local and international universities in the Global North and the Global South. It is also pleasing to note the tremendous increase in collaborative research partnerships in most of our academic departments, especially the departments of Chemistry, Physics, Omics, Nano Technology, Food Sciences and Sustainable Livelihoods, Bio-Technology, Bio-Medical Technology, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Metallurgy, Water Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Educational Sciences, Entrepreneurship, Electrical Engineering, Marketing, Legal Studies and most of the departments in the faculties of Management Sciences and Human Sciences.
Research in the Centre of Academic Development With the current focus on student throughputs and efforts to increase our success rates, we have seen a plethora of
Message from the Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Academic & Research
disciplinary and multi-disciplinary research in our Centre of Academic Development (CAD) with a focus on developing knowledge germane to a UOT. This includes:How students learn in all our faculties especially with the affordances brought about by various forms of information and communication technologies (ICTs); • The nature of the curriculum in a UOT and the knowledgeconstitutive interests that are embedded in what we teach, how we teach, how students learn and where; and • Issues related to pedagogical content knowledge especially in science, technology, engineering and mathematics within a blended mode of teaching and learning. We are pleased to announce that CAD will soon publish a book on evidence-based research and reflexive discourse practices. In a true Foucauldian sense, the CAD is succeeding in ensuring that we focus on research on teaching as an ‘object of thought’ (Peters & Besley 2008:20) and how we problematise our reflective praxis to unearth why our students have been having difficulties in coping especially with science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM)-related disciplines. The CAD is also pioneering evidence based research in the use of learning management systems such as Blackboard. This form of disciplinary and transdisciplinary research will enhance our understanding of how students learn effectively using various forms of ICTs. Results from such research studies will also enhance the effectiveness of our academics as they experiment with different learning architectures in a blended mode of teaching and learning environment.
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VUT centres and institutes
Moving forward
We continue to be proud of our work in the following centres and institutes:
Moving forward we want to see more emerging academics conducting research that will find its way into the web of science journals. We also want to see more black and female academics being involved in both disciplinary, multi- and transdisciplinary research.
• Innovation Product Development and Advanced Manufacturing Technology; • Plant Molecular Genetics/Biotechnology; • Materials and Minerals Technology; • Centre for Alternative Energy; • Centre for Sustainable Livelihoods (CSL); and • Centre for Renewable Energy and Water The Science and Technology Centre has seen tremendous research in additive manufacturing, traditional medicine and indigenous knowledge systems, agriculture, and technology transfer. Such research has resulted in the registration of patents by scientists and researchers resident in our faculties and departments. It has also attracted major funding from both government and non-governmental sources. Most of these centres and institutes have also contributed tremendously to our research output in accredited journals. The CSL had a very successful conference this year which will result in a number of publications.
Postgraduate education and training Across the board, we have seen tremendous increases in the appointment of postdoctoral fellows (PDFs) in all our faculties. The majority of our PDFs are in STEM-related disciplines. We are now introducing mechanisms to attract more PDFs in the areas of management and human sciences. Our challenges are related to funding for equipment and infrastructure, which are essential for laboratory work. The institution has also seen an increase in the number of postgraduate (PG) students. This has been made possible by funding from the DHET in the form of a Research and Development Grant, which will be part of the University Capacity Development Fund in the future. Our system of managing PG students in the university has now been made more efficient by efforts spearheaded by the Research Directorate and our Faculty Research Management Committees.
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As a public institution, we also want to see more researchers being involved, collaboratively or individually, in policyoriented research so that we contribute not only to public discourse practices but also to the objectives or Vision 2030 as articulated in the National Development Plan of South Africa. Most importantly, we want to see not just an increase in our research productivity but also an increased impact of our research, especially in the key areas of STEM, which is the focus of the UOT in terms of knowledge production. While we do not believe in the utility and efficacy of global rankings, we want to work hard to be part of the research network among South African universities and sister African institutions in the region and the continent. As we envision the future of research at the VUT, the challenge would be for us to protect the ‘scientific domain’ from a utilitarian discourse germane to the role of the university as articulated in the neoliberal political and economic agenda.
Conclusion Finally, we want to see the VUT research agenda, praxis and trajectory being fundamental to the transformation of the institution’s pedagogical content knowledge base, issues related to epistemic cognition and access in STEM, and our society as a whole. That form of transformation is ‘a transformation in perspective, in a frame of reference, in our personal paradigms’ (Brookfield 2000:119) about how we envision and re-imagine the research agenda at VUT. To improve the quality, impact and quantity of our research endeavours at the VUT, transforming the research agenda and trajectory at the VUT has to have ‘connotations of an epiphanic, or apocalyptic, cognitive event-a shift in the tectonic plates of one’s assumptive clusters’ (Brookfield 2000:119).To achieve this goal, we as organic intellectuals and researchers
Message from the Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Academic & Research
have to appropriate Bourdieu’s notion of ‘epistemic reflexivity’ (Wacquant 1992:36-46) so that we are able to critically reflect on our work as individual academics and as an intellectual collective regarding issues central to power, knowledge, epistemic cognition and the role of the South African academy, especially a UOT and its role or roles in knowledge production, dissemination and storage (Sandoval, Green & Braten 2016). Our focus has to be, inter alia, on how we construct the research agenda so that we can understand the ontological, axiological and epistemological contestations regarding the nature, origins, issues, and future directions of the research agenda especially in light of the decolonisation and Africanisation debate in the country.
RESEARCH OUTPUTS Brookfield, S. (2000). Transformative learning as ideology critique. In Jack Mezirow & Associates, Learning as transformation: Critical perspectives on a theory of progress. San Francisco: Jossey Bass. Peters, M.A. & Besley, T.A. (eds. (2008). Why Foucault? New directions in educational research. New York: Peter Lang. Sandoval, W.A., Green, A.J. & Braten, I. (2016). Understanding and promoting thinking about knowledge: Origins, issues, and future directions of research on epistemic cognition. Review of Research in Education, 40(1):457-496. Wacquant, L.J.D. (1992). Epistemic reflexivity. In P. Bourdieu & L.J.D. Wacquant, An invitation to reflexive sociology. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Message from the Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Academic & Research
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DIRECTOR: RESEARCH “In order to increase our research productivity, in 2017 we mainly focused on research capacity development of our academic staff.” Dr.S.M.Nelana
he Directorate for Research and Higher Degrees at Vaal University of Technology is responsible for the following functions: research management and administration; research capacity development; research grants management; research ethics and integrity as well as postgraduate studies; The year 2017 saw some changes in the staff component of the Directorate especially at senior management level;
I was appointed as the Director to take research at VUT to new heights in the second half of the second decade in the 21st century. In order to increase our research productivity, in 2017 we mainly focused on research capacity development of our academic staff. With the generous funding from DHET through Research Development Grant we were able to support staff to improve their qualifications by supporting them to enroll for their Masters and Doctoral qualifications. In addition we supported their research capability through
“With the generous funding from DHET
workshops and training in postgraduate student supervision. For example; through our partnership with CHERTL at Rhodes
through Research Development Grant we
University a large number of academic staff and Postdoctoral
were able to support staff to improve their
pants in this course were awarded certificates upon comple-
Research Fellows enrolled for a supervision course. Partici-
qualifications by supporting them to enroll
tion and with this recognition we could appoint them as co-su-
for their Masters and Doctoral qualifications.”
also increased the number of our Postdoctoral Fellows; by end
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pervisors and supervisors for our postgraduate students. We
Message from the Director: Research
of 2017 we had appointed 20 Postdoctoral Fellows across our four Faculties. The interventions mentioned above have contributed to our research output; for example there was 50% increase in the number of outputs submitted to DHET for subsidy compared to the previous year. Academic staff were supported with their grant proposals to NRF and we are proud to announce that more than 90% our submission to NRF were successful. This has led to an increase in the number of NRF Thuthuka grant holders as well as an increase in the number of rated researchers. VUT strategic priority was to increase the number of postgraduate students to be 1% of the total student population at VUT, in 2017 we were able to achieve this objective. To increase the throughput rate of postgraduate students, short learning programmes were offered on research reading/writing, proposal writing, research design and methodology. There was a signif-
Message from the Director: Research
icant increase in the number of postgraduate students who received financial assistance through our internal bursaries and NRF scholarships. We also introduced academic research exchanges for our postgraduate students to access laboratories and state of the art equipment at other sister universities and science councils. Lastly; we would like to thank all the stakeholders both internal and external for their immense contribution to the VUT research endeavors. Our gratitude also extends to all the academics and students who contributed to our research productivity.
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TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER & INNOVATION “Our newly developed strategy is to gain momentum with potential funders.” Dr J Molete
017 was a tough economic year riddle filled with political uncertainty, which undoubtedly had an impact on the business. Despite the tough times, the Science Park team still managed to raise R25.1 million. Due to the fact that the Technology Innovation Agency (TIA) payment of R5.8 million was moved to 2018, we unfortunately missed our target of R30 million. Income from Additive Manufacturing (AM) activities for 2017 was R2,451 million, which is down from the R3,444 million earned in 2016. These figures
“VUT Science Park remains the hub of choice for the implementation of the E-waste pilot project. We continue working with our SATN counterparts as well as with the Department of Environmental Affairs to make this vision become a reality..”
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are indicative of the adverse economic conditions faced by our customers. However, our newly developed strategy is to gain momentum with potential funders and we remain hopeful that we will raise the funding required to develop a worldclass Science Park. The Office of Technology Transfer (OTT) continues to receive a steady stream of invention disclosures. During this reporting period, 30 inventions were disclosed to the OTT, which was on target. Most of these disclosures are packaged into proposals and submitted to various funders such as the TIA for seed funding. From 2015-2017, we have been awarded seed funds to the value of R6.7 million for 14 projects we submitted in partnership with our researchers at VUT. Some of the disclosures resulted in prototypes, with more than 10 prototypes printed for our clients in 2017. We contributed approximately four publications to the overall pool of publications at VUT. The Casting Simulation Network (CSN) that started operating in 2015, providing local foundries with casting simulation
Message from the Technology Transfer & Innovation
software and skills to enable the revitalisation of the South African foundry industry, was relaunched in 2017 with VUT selected as the hub. DST provided funding of R2.5 million for the purchase of the software. One of our turnkey solutions is to localise the manufacturing of the impeller for a client-reduced lead time of up to three months, offering a cost saving of 50%. The Centre of Footwear Entrepreneurship (COFE) was opened in 2017 after temporary suspension of the DTI-funded National Footwear and Leather Cluster (NFLC). The NQF Level 2 training in shoe manufacturing has been accredited by FP&M SETA, with 15 participants from Sebokeng community funded and enrolled for 12 months to be trained on shoe manufacturing. The Energy Optimisation Unit (EOU) was established in 2017 and a team of five members was empowered with skills to conduct energy audits and management. Three members of the EOU have successfully completed the internationally recognised Certified Energy Auditor training and examination and have been granted the title ‘Certified Energy Auditors in Training’. The team developed the combined heat and power demonstration unit currently being tested in the Western Cape as part of the Skills for Green Jobs project. The team furthermore conducted an energy audit of the VUT Science Park library building, leading to a potential cost saving of ± R330 000 with minimal investment. VUT Science Park remains the hub of choice for the implementation of the E-waste pilot project. We continue working with our SATN counterparts as well as with the Department of Environmental Affairs to make this vision become a reality. In the meantime, a project called ‘Tirela Bosha’ has been
Message from the Technology Transfer & Innovation
initiated in partnership with the community and a retrofitted e-waste container has been placed at the Science Park. Various benchmarking exercises are currently underway so that we can licence technologies, training curriculum and expertise from other countries such as India and Japan. The enterprise development team has graduated 50 students as part of the eighth Cohort VUT/Sasol Entrepreneurship Programme. To date, a total of 317 students have been trained since 2014, of which 41 started businesses, 45 found employment and 51 went back to school. The team also facilitated enterprise development projects for various clients such as merSETA, iKasi Lab with the Innovation Hub, as well as hosted more than 20 seminars – the flagship being the KasiPreneur seminars which are hosted monthly. We are currently finalising the governance of VUT Enterprise so as to consolidate all the commercial activities under this independent entity. The PR team promoted VUT in various events in 2017. VUT received a bronze certificate for the best stand at the Rand Show exhibition in April 2017. The team also participated at the 2017 Innovation Bridge hosted in Midrand, the RAPDASA conference hosted in Durban and the South African Metal Casting Conference. We furthermore hosted international delegates from China and Italy who are interested in working with VUT. In addition, the team successfully launched four Idea to Product Labs at different schools in Sharpeville and Sebokeng.
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RESEARCH OUTPUTS Postgraduate Staff Qualifications Completed in 2017
Title: Voxeljet: 3D printing solutions for the foundry industry Presented to: South African Metal Casting Conference Place: CSIR, Pretoria, South Africa Date: 13-17 March 2017
Name: Sarel Havenga Qualification: MTech Dissertation: Customised finishing techniques on entry level FDM 3D printed artefacts in visual arts: An explanatory sequential study. University: Central University of Technology
Title: Utilising Additive Manufacturing to reduce time to market for valve developments Presented to: RAPDASA 2017 Place: Durban, South Africa Date: 8-10 November 2017
Conferences (Papers and Posters Presented)
Title: Engineering Graphics and Design educators training Presented to: Gauteng Department of Education Place: Durban, South Africa Date: 3-7 July 2017
Presenter and Co-presenters: du Rand, F. van Tonder, P.J.M. Pienaar, H.C.vZ and de Beer, D.J. Title of Paper: Development of an additive manufacturing re-coater monitoring system for powder bed systems Conference: RAPDASA 2017 Place: Durban, South Africa Date: 8-10 November 2017 ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-620-77329-4 Presenter and Co-presenters: van der Merwe, H.L de Beer, D.J. and Shabanga, Y.P. Title of Paper: Transforming engineering application and methodology in additive manufacturing to accommodate enterprise resource planning Conference: RAPDASA 2017 Place: Durban, South Africa Date: 8-10 November 2017 ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-620-77329-4 Presenter and Co-presenters: Nyembwe, D. Gonya, E. Oyombo, D. de Beer, D.J. and van Tonder, P.J.M Title of Paper: Sand recycling in three-dimensional printing processes Conference: RAPDASA 2017 Place: Durban, South Africa Date: 8-10 November 2017 ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-620-77329-4 Presenter and Co-presenters: Dady, O. Nyembwe, K. van Tonder, P.J.M. and de Beer, D.J. Title of Paper: Rapid sand casting trials using a local ceramic sand Conference: RAPDASA 2017 Place: Durban, South Africa Date: 8-10 November 2017 ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-620-77329-4
Seminars/Workshops Presented Title: Additive Manufacturing: Increasing local foundry competitiveness Presented to: Aluminum R&D Colloquium Place: CSIR, Pretoria, South Africa Date: 11-12 July 2017
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Title: 3M Innovation Challenge Presented to: Hip2B2 Place: Vanderbijlpark, South Africa Date: 9-10 October 2017
Research in Progress Researcher: La Grange, J.J. Title: Development of a quality assurance framework for 3-dimensional printed moulds Field: Industrial Engineering Researcher: Nwanekah, G.O. Title: The use of entry level 3D printers for SMMEs Field: Industrial Engineering Researcher: Mokone, L. Title: Recycling of PMMA additive manufacturing waste power Field: Chemical Engineering Researcher: Mauchline, D.A. Title: Evaluation of EOS PA2221 as a possible replacement for PA2200 in a South African context Field: Engineering Management Researcher: Mac Pherson, R. Title: Development and verification of a TRNSYS energy simulation model for a CHP dual-fuel system Field: Engineering Management Researcher: van Tonder, P.J.M. Title: Development of a quality assurance framework for resin coated sand used in additive manufacturing technologies Field: Engineering Management Researcher: van der Merwe, H.L. Title: Development of a production control framework for additive manufacturing Field: Engineering Management Researcher: Mwai, P. Title: Novel technique of platinum catalyst deposition for polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells Field: Electrical Engineering
Message from the Technology Transfer & Innovation
Researcher: du Rand, F. Title: Development of an additive manufacturing re-coater monitoring system for powder bed fusion systems Field: Electrical Engineering Researcher: Jooste, J. Title: The investigation into electricity generation via electrostatic induction Field: Mechanical Engineering
Research Partnerships with International Universities/Collaboration
Researchers: Mac Pherson, R.; van der Merwe, H.L.; Zondi, S. and Mabuza, T.C. Title: E-waste Higher Education Institution: Hochschule Aalen, Germany
Researchers: Matidza, V. Mamadisa, K.M. Hanyani, H.H. Dima, M.G. Mac Pherson, R. and Mabuza, T.C. Title: Skills for green jobs Higher Education Institution: Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences and Koblenz University of Applied Sciences, Germany Researchers: Campbell, R.I.; Mauchline, D.A; van Tonder, P.J.M.; van der Merwe, H.L.; de Beer, D.J and Havenga, S. Title: Directional composites through additive manufacturing Higher Education Institution: Loughborough University, UK
Research Partnerships with Industry or Community Groups
Researchers: Mabunda, T.; van Tonder, P.J.M.; de Beer, D.J.; Malatsi, R.; Mauchline, D.A. and van der Merwe, H.L Title: Producing local platinum powder for AM technologies Industry: PlatForum
Artefacts Artefact Name: Black doll Description: The purpose of this product is to allow for ‘South African’ children to have a doll to play with that represents the ‘African’ women image. The VUT technology station was required to design a doll with African-looking features. The doll was required to have moveable joints to allow for kids to play with as they would with a ‘Barbie doll’. We were required to produce a 3D printed prototype which the client could use to present to prospective investors. Target Group: Children Peer reviewed: N/A Artefact Name: Dipapadi indigenous games Description: The product is a new innovation on the market as there are no indigenous modern game to preserve a South African culture in our society. There are no indigenous modern games in school that contribute to learning as there are different learning methods that need to be applied to kids who struggle with learning. Target Group: Children Peer reviewed: N/A Artefact Name: Black water project Description: A water processing system that converts blackwater (sewerage water) into greywater level. The greywater is then used to flush toilet systems.
Message from the Technology Transfer & Innovation
Target Group: RDP housing (government) Peer reviewed: N/A Artefact Name: Prosthetics Description: The VUT Science and Technology Station developed a prosthetic socket for a patient at Netcare rehabilitation hospital through 3D technology. The process entailed scanning the patient’s leg where after the prosthetic socket was designed and printed using the laser sintering technology. Target Group: Disabled Peer reviewed: N/A Artefact Name: Automated heater Description: The VUT Science and Technology station developed an automated heater and ventilation system that has a supportive app which controls the power and temperature output. The design department developed a fan heater that had a contemporary design to cater for both home and industrial use as compared to the client’s previous fan heater which was for industrial use only. An app controlling the power and temperature settings was developed for the prototype which included 3D printed parts as well as metal fabricated parts. Target Group: Home owners and business owners Peer reviewed: N/A Artefact Name: Wheelchair toilet seat Description: The VUT Science and Technology Station developed a wheelchair toilet seat for the physically impaired. The function of the wheelchair toilet seat is to help physically challenged individuals to be able to relieve themselves especially in emergency conditions without transferring from the wheelchair to the toilet seat. Five fully functional prototypes were developed for field testing purposes. Two heavy duty and three light duty wheelchair toilet seats were developed. Target Group: Disabled Peer reviewed: N/A Artefact Name: Hand held traffic light Description: The hand held traffic interface signalling unit is meant to augment and not to replace the existing road signals, i.e. traffic lights at major and busy intersections. Where traffic lights are not functioning, or where traffic lights are non-existent, the unit becomes a useful and alternative tool to alleviate and manage traffic flow with ease by law enforcement officers on scene there and then. The VUT Science and Technology Station provided the client with a full-scale working prototype comprising a fully functional electronic signaling system. Target Group: Traffic department (government) Peer reviewed: N/A Artefact Name: Ice box Description: The product enables the user to make and store ice conveniently in bulk. Five working prototypes were manufactured. Target Group: Bars, hotels, restaurants and anyone else who may need ice in bulk Peer reviewed: N/A
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FACULTY OF APPLIED AND COMPUTER SCIENCES “More research papers have been published in the prestigious proceedings and accredited journals.”
Prof B.R. Mabuza he Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences has done it again, as confirmed below.
More research papers have been published in the prestigious proceedings and accredited journals – a sure indication that our Faculty has become a global player in research and scholarship, consisting of a diverse group of dedicated research staff and students.
“I am proud of our Faculty since it has become home for a growing body of researchers who are broadly recognised, both nationally and internationally, for their outstanding contributions towards our country and the rest of the world.”
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This achievement is due to the multidisciplinary research conducted within the Faculty, as well as partnerships with other universities and industries. Our research is cutting across the following departments: Biomedical Technology, Biotechnology, Chemistry, Information and Communication Technology, Mathematics, as well as Non-destructive Testing. I am proud of our Faculty since it has become home for a growing body of researchers who are broadly recognised, both nationally and internationally, for their outstanding contributions towards our country and the rest of the world. This Faculty has indeed become a place of knowledge economy and technology that can be cross-transferred – a place to stimulate creativity, innovation and commercialisation, a place where our researchers have brought research to reality. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the research staff and students for their dedication and commitment towards research. Well done colleagues! Your legacy will surely remain with our undergraduate and postgraduate students for many years to come.
Message from the: Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences
Message from the: Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences
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RESEARCH OUTPUTS Postgraduate Staff Qualifications Completed in 2017 Name: Da Rocha, R. Qualification: MTech (IT) Dissertation/Thesis Title: The use of social networking services to enhance the learning experience and academic performance of tertiary level learners University/Institution: Vaal University of Technology Name: Xaba, T. Qualification: DTech, PhD Dissertation/Thesis Title: Synthesis and characterisation of metal oxide thin films, metal sulfide and metal oxide polymer nanocomposites and studies of their application in water treatment University/Institution: Vaal University of Technology Name: Sehume, O.M.M. Qualification: DLitt et Phil (Health Studies) Dissertation/Thesis Title: Evidence-based guidelines to promote the health and safety of health careworkers in selected public hospitals in the Tshwane health care district in Gauteng, South Africa University/Institution: Unisa
Conferences (Papers and posters presented) Presenter and Co-presenter: Feto, N.A. Rabapane, K.J. Mukendi, G.M. Molefe, M. and Alsoltani, A. Title of Paper: Comparative and functional metagenomic analyses of goat rumen microbiota Conference: 15th Asia-Pacific Biotechnology Congress Place: Melbourne, Australia Date: 20-22 July 2017 Presenter: Mabuza, B.R. Title of Paper: Consideration of probability of detection in fracture-critical inspections of forged polished car rims Conference: 7th European-American Workshop on Reliability of NDE Place: Potsdam, Germany Date: 4-7 September 2017 Presenter: Nolting, V. Title of Paper: Ferromagnetism in magnetic 4f-systems Conference: 61st Annual Conference of the SAIP Place: University of Cape Town Date: 4-8 July 2016 ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-620-77094-1 The proceedings of SAIP2016 were published in December 2017. Presenter and Co-presenters: Klink, M.J. Kotlhao, K.M. Madiseng, D.T. Laloo, N. Mtunzi, F. Pakade, V. and Modise, J. Title of Paper: The synthesis and characterisation of silver, titanium dioxide and zinc oxide nanopArticles and their antimicrobial activity Conference: Asian Advanced Materials Congress
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Place: Singapore, Malasia, Date: 11-16 March 2017 Presenter: Moloto, M.J. – Invited keynote oral Title of Paper: Making quantum dots soluble and biologically useful Conference: Inorganic Chemistry 2017 Conference (South African Chemical Institute) Place: Hermanus, South Africa Date: 25-29 July 2017 Presenter and Co-presenters: Mtunzi, F. Muleya, E. Modise, J. Pakade, V. Dikio, E. Klink, M. Pinkoane, M. Khumalo, B. and and Qwebane, T. Title of Paper: Evaluation of biological activities, isolation and identification of active compounds from selected plants from KwaZuluNatal, South Africa Conference: 5th International Conference and Exhibition on Pharmacognosy, Phytochemistry & Natural Products Place: Melbourne, Australia Date: 24-25 July 2017 Presenter and Co-presenters: Mokubung, K.E. Moloto, M.J. and Moloto, M. Title of Paper: Direct synthesis and characterisation of cysteinecapped water-soluble copper selenide quantum dots Conference: Inorganic Chemistry 2017 Conference (South African Chemical Institute) Place: Hermanus, South Africa Date: 25-29 July 2017 Presenter and Co-presenters: Mbewana, N.G. Moloto, M.J. and Mubiayi, K.P. Title of Paper: The effect of temperature on the synthesis copper selenide nanopArticles Conference: Inorganic Chemistry 2017 Conference (South African Chemical Institute) Place: Hermanus, South Africa Date: 25-29 July 2017 Presenter and Co-presenter: Thangwane, C.S. Xaba, T. and Moloto, M.J. Title of Paper: Synthesis of HDA capped lead sulphide cubes using benzimidazole derived dithiocarbamate complexes Conference: Inorganic Chemistry 2017 Conference (South African Chemical Institute) Place: Hermanus, South Africa Date: 25-29 July 2017 Presenter and Co-presenters: Nate, Z. Moloto, M.J. Mubiayi, P.K. and Sibiya, P.N. Title of Paper: Green synthesis of silver nanopArticles and their antimicrobial activity Conference: Inorganic Chemistry 2017 Conference (South African Chemical Institute) Place: Hermanus, South Africa Date: 25-29 July 2017
Message from the: Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences
Presenter and Co-presenters: Kotlhao, K. Laloo, N. Mtunzi, F. Pakade, V. Moutloali, R. Modise, J. and Klink, M.J. Title of Paper: Synthesis, characterisation of Ag doped TiO2 nanocomposites for photodegradation of chlorophenols Conference: Europian Advanced Materials Congress Place: Stockholm, Sweden Date: 22-24 August 2017 Presenter and Co-presenters: Ayanda, O.S. Nelana, S.M. Petrik, L.F. and Naidoo, E.B. Title of Paper: Ultrasonic degradation of paracetamol from aqueous solution Conference: Fuoye Humboldt Kolleg 2017 Place: Federal University Oye-Ekity, Ekity State, Nigeria Date: 11-15 September 2017 Presenter and Co-presenters: Ayanda, O.S. Nelana, S.M. Petrik, L.F. and Naidoo, E.B. Title of Paper: Powdered termite hill as economic adsorbent for the removal of alizarin red from wastewater Conference: Fuoye Humboldt Kollege 2017 Place: Federal University Oye-Ekity, Ekity State, Nigeria Date: 11-15 September 2017
Presenter and Co-presenters: Mmelesi, O.K. Ofomaja, A.E. and Viljoen, E.L. Title of Paper: Heterogeneous Fenton’s degradation of methylene blue by activated carbon-iron oxide composite: Kinetics and mechanism Conference: CATSA Place: Pilanesberg, South Africa Date: 19-22 November 2017 Presenter and Co-presenters: Mgedle, N. Viljoen, E.L. Ofomaja, A.E. and Scurrell, M. Title of Paper: The use of bimetallic oxide heterogeneous catalyst for the Fenton reaction Conference: CATSA Place: Pilanesberg, South Africa Date: 19-22 November 2017 Presenter and Co-presenter: Moloto, W. and Viljoen, E.L. Title of Paper: The investigative study for the effect of metal-support interaction on leaching Conference: CATSA Place: Pilanesberg, South Africa Date: 19-22 November 2017
Presenter and Co-presenters: Xaba, T. Moloto, M.J. and Moloto, N. Title of Paper: Synthesis of silver sulfide nanopArticles through homogeneous precipitation route and the preparation of the Ag2Schitosan nanocomposites for the removal of iron(II) ion from wastewater Conference: 7th IUPAC International Conference on Green Chemistry Place: Russia, Moscow Date: 2-5 October 2017
Presenter and Co-presenters: Saheed, S.O. Ofomaja, A.E. and Viljoen, E.L. Title of Paper: Preparation of Ag/AgBr-AC by template assisted method for photocatalytic degradation of tetracycline as a pharmaceutical pollutant Conference: CATSA Place: Pilanesberg, South Africa Date: 19-22 November 2017
Presenter and Co-presenters: Chiririwa, H. Naidoo, E.B. and Ofomaja, A.E. Title of Paper: Synthesis and characterisation of poly(hydroxamic acid) grafted pine cone powder: Response surface methodology for optimisation Conference: International Conference on Chemistry Place: Rome, Italy Date: 18-20 October 2017
Presenter and Co-presenters: Kganyago, S.V. Viljoen, E.L. and Ofomaja, A.E. Title of Paper: Effect of the cobalt oxide nanoparticle size on the Fenton catalytic activity Conference: 7th Annual Gauteng Nanosciences Young Researcher’s Symposium (NYRS-2017) Place: Pretoria, South Africa Date: 20 October 2017
Presenter and Co-presenters: Chiririwa, H. Naidoo, E.B. and Hendriks, D. Title of Paper: Synthesis and characterisation of palladium, platinum and gold complexes and their biological activity against oesophageal cancer cell lines Conference: International Conference and Exhibition on Pharma ceutical Science and Pharmacognosy Place: Barcelona, Spain Date: 16-18 November 2017
Presenter and Co-presenters: Mgedle, N. Viljoen, E.L. and Ofomaja, A.E. Title of Paper: The use of bimetallic oxide heterogeneous catalyst for Fenton reaction Conference: SACI Young Chemistry Symposium 2017 Place: Johannesburg, South Africa Date: 30 November 2017
Presenter and Co-presenters: Makamu, A. Viljoen, E.L. and Ofomaja, A.E. Title of Paper: The effect of preparation parameters on the morphology and phase of copper oxide catalyst Conference: CATSA Place: Pilanesberg, South Africa Date: 19-22 November 2017
Message from the: Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences
Presenter and Co-presenters: Kganyago, S.V. Viljoen, E.L. and Ofomaja, A.E. Title of Paper: Effect of the cobalt oxide nanoparticle size on the Fenton catalytic activity Conference: 7th Annual Gauteng Nanosciences Young Researcher’s Symposium (NYRS-2017) Place: Hermanus, South Africa Date: 25-29 June 2017
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Presenter and Co-presenters: Ayanda, O.S. Nelana, S.M. and Naidoo, E.B. Title of Paper: Arsenic (III) removal from aqueous solutions by adsorption onto fly ash Conference: ICCBMMPT 2017: 19th International Conference on Carbon Based Materials and Processing Technology Place: Bangkok, Thailand Date: 29-30 November 2017 Presenter and Co-presenter: Xaba, T. and Moloto, M.J. Title of Paper: Bis(N-benzyl-salicydenaminato)copper(II) as a precursor for the synthesis of CuO nanoparticles and their thin films through thermal decomposition technique Conference: 5th Nano Today Conference Place: Hawaii, USA Date: 6-10 December 2017 Presenter and Co-presenters: Dikio, E.D. Osikoya, A.O. and Wankasi, D. Title of Paper: Synthesis, characterisation and adsorption studies of boron-doped carbon nanotubes Conference: 5th Nano Today Conference Place: Hawaii, USA Date: 6-10 December 2017 Presenter and Co-presenters: Shooto, N.D. Dikio, C.W. Sikhwivhilu, L.M. Mtunzi, F.M. and Dikio, E.D. Title of Paper: Novel PVA/MOF nanofibers: Fabrication, evaluation and adsorption of lead ions from aqueous solution Conference: 5th Nano Today Conference Place: Hawaii, USA Date: 6-10 December 2017 Presenter and Co-presenter: Dikio, E.D. and Diagboya, P.N. Title of Paper: Adsorptive removal of toxic organic and inorganic cations from solution using novel facile magneto- carbon black-clay composite adsorbent Conference: 9th International Conference of the African Materials Research Society Place: Gaborone, Botswana Date: 11-14 December 2017 Presenter and Co-presenters: Kotlhao, K. Pakade, V. Mtunzi, F. Moutloali, R. Modise, J. and Klink, M. Title of Paper: Enhancing the photocatalytic degradation of selected chlorophenols using Ag/ZnO nanocomposites. Conference: 9th International Conference of the African Research Materials Society Place: Gaborone, Botswana Date: 11-14 December 2017 Presenter and Co-presenters: AttahDaniel, E.B. Dikio, C.W. Wankasi, D. and Dikio, E.D. Title of Paper: Synthesis of lanthanum and zinc terephthalic acid metal-organic framework and study of their methylene blue adsorption properties Conference: 9th International Conference of the African Materials Research Society
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Place: Gaborone, Botswana Date: 11-14 December 2017 Presenter: Moloto, M.J. – Invited keynote oral Title of Paper: Metal and semiconductor nanoparticles and their polymer fibres Conference: African Materials Research Society (AMRS) 2017 Conference Place: Gaborone, Botswana Date: 11-14 December 2017 Presenter and Co-presenters: Otieno, B. Apollo, S. and Naidoo, E.B. Title of Paper: Application of natural South African zeolite as catalyst and biomass support in an integrated photodegradation and anaerobic digestion of textile wastewater Conference: 9th International Conference of the African Materials Research Society Place: Gaborone, Botswana Date: 9-14 December 2017 Presenter and Co-presenters: Ouma, I.L.A. Naidoo, E.B. and Ofomaja, A.E. Title of Paper: Optimisation of magnetite nanopArticle and pine cone based nanocomposite synthesis for water treatment Conference: 9th International Conference of the African Materials Research Society Place: Gaborone, Botswana Date: 9-14 December 2017 Presenter and Co-presenters: Mtshatsheni, K.N.G. Naidoo, E.B. and Ofomaja, A.E. Title of Paper: Synthesis and optimisation of pine-magnetite composite for removal of methylene blue dye Conference: 9th International Conference of the African Materials Research Society Place: Gaborone, Botswana Date: 9-14 December 2017 Presenter and Co-presenters: Otieno, B. Apollo, S. Naidoo, E.B. and Ochieng, A. Title of Paper: Response surface methodology modelling of diazinon photodegradation using TiO2-ZnO Conference: Proceedings of ISERD International Conference Place: Jerusalem, Israel Date: 29-30 December 2016 ISBN: 978-93-86083-34-0 Presenter and Co-presenters: Maremeni L.C. Modise, S.J. and Pakade, V.E. Title of Paper: Novel Macadamia nutshell powder grafted with 1.5’ diphenylcarbazide for enhanced removal of Cr(VI) from aqueous solution Conference: The 9th International Conference of the African Research Materials Society Place: Gaborone, Botswana Date: 11-14 December 2017
Message from the: Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences
Presenter and Co-presenters: Lesaoana, M. Chimuka, L. and Pakade, V.E. Title of Paper: Chemical oxidation of Macadamia activated carbon through impregnation by inorganic acids for enhanced Cr(VI) Conference: The 9th International Conference of the African Research Materials Society Place: Gaborone, Botswana Date: 11-14 December 2017 Presenter and Co-presenters: Lesaoana, M. Chimuka, L. and Pakade, V.E. Title of Paper: Modification of Macadamia derived activated carbon for the adsorption of Cr(vi) Conference: INORG2017 Place: Cape Town, South Africa Date: 25-29 June 2017 Presenter and Co-presenters: Maremeni, L.C. Modise, S.J. and Pakade, V.E. Title of Paper: Chemical oxidation of Macadamia nutshell powder by hydrogen peroxide for enhanced removal of hexavalent chromium from aqueous solution Conference: INORG2017 Place: Cape Town, South Africa Date: 25-29 June 2017 Presenter and Co-presenters: Nchoe, O. Klink, M. and Pakade, V.E. Title of Paper: Surface modification and grafting of Macadamia nutshell powder with diphenylcarbazide for Cr(VI) sequestration in aqueous solutions Conference: INORG2017 Place: Cape Town, South Africa Date: 25-29 June 2017 Presenter and Co-presenters: Oluwarotimi, R., Fezile, M. and Tranos, Z. Title of Paper: Storage solution: A virtual distributed storage and migration architecture for big data Conference: Proceedings of 2017, 2nd Joint International Mechanical Electronic and Information Technology Conference (JIMET 2017) Place: Chongqing, China Date: 24-26 March 2017 ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-78561-335-7 Presenter and Co-presenter: Feukeu, E.A. and Zuva, T. Title of Paper: DBSMA approach for congestion mitigation in VANETs Conference: 8th International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies (ANT 2017) Place: Madeira, Portugal Date: 16-19 May 2017 ISBN/ISSN: 1877-0509 Presenter and Co-presenters: Adedayo, M. Balogun, A.M. and Zuva, T. Title of Paper: Open issues in cybercriminal profiling Conference: 1st International Conference on Next Generation Computing Applications (NextComp) Place: Mauritius
Message from the: Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences
Date: 19-21 July 2017 ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-5386-3831-6 Presenter and Co-presenters: Randle, O. Zuva, T. and Matsebula, F. Title of Paper: A mobile cloud-based data migration and staging architecture Conference: 9th IEEE-GCC Conference and Exhibition (GCCCE) Place: Manama, Bahrain Date: 8-11 May 2017 ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-5386-2756-3 Presenter and Co-presenter: Feukeu, E.A. and Zuva, T. Title of Paper: broadcast storm mitigation in a vehicular network using DBSMA Conference: 9th IEEE-GCC Conference and Exhibition (GCCCE) Place: Manama, Bahrain Date: 8-11 May 2017 ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-5386-2756-3 Presenter and Co-presenter: Zuva, T. Mbaya Wa Mbaya, W.M. and Kwuimi, R. Title of Paper: Context-Aware Group Recommender System for Tourists Conference: 9th IEEE-GCC Conference and Exhibition (GCCCE) Place: Manama, Bahrain Date: 8-11 May 2017 ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-5386-2756-3 Presenter and Co-presenter: Zuva, K. and Zuva, T. Title of Paper: Diversity and serendipity in recommender systems Conference: International Conference on Big Data and Internet of Things (BDIOT 2017 – ACM) Place: London, UK Date: 20-22 December 2017 ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-4503-5430-1 Presenter and Co-presenter: Mokoena, T. and Zuva, T. Title of Paper: Malware analysis and detection in enterprise systems Conference: 16th IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing and Communications (IUCC 2017) Place: Guangzhou, China Date: 12-15 December 2017 ISBN/ISSN: DOI: 10.1109/ISPA/IUCC.2017.00199 Presenter and Co-presenter: Feukeu, E.A. and Zuva, T. Title of Paper: Mitigation of a broadcast storm problem in a vehicular ad hoc network (VANETS) Conference: 16th IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing and Communications (IUCC 2017) Place: Guangzhou, China Date: 12-15 December 2017 ISBN/ISSN: DOI: 10.1109/ISPA/IUCC.2017.00199 Presenter and Co-presenter: Martin, A. and Rita, C. Title of Paper: The impact of routing protocols on the performance of a mobility model in mobile ad hoc network (MANET) Conference: 16th IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing and Communications (IUCC 2017) Place: Guangzhou, China
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Date: 12-15 December 2017 ISBN/ISSN: 978-3-319-72395-2 Presenter: Martin, A. Title of Paper: Performance comparison of mobility models in mobile ad hoc network (MANET) Conference: 2017 1st International Conference on Next Generation Computing Applications (NextComp) Place: Mauritius Date: 19-21 July 2017 ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-5386-3831-6 Presenter: Fonou-Dombeu, J.V. Title of Paper: quantitative metadata on eGovernment ontologies in the eGov repository Conference: Information Society Technology of Africa 2017 (ISTAfrica 2017) Conference Place: Windhoek, Namibia, Date: 30 May-2 June 2017 ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-905824-56-4 Presenter and Co-presenter: Fonou-Dombeu, J.V. and Kazadi, Y.K. Title of Paper: Complexity based analysis of eGov ontologies Conference: 6th International Conference on Electronic Government and the Information Systems Perspective (EGOVIS) 2017 Place: Lyon, France Date: 28-31 August 2017 Presenter and Co-presenter: Appiah, M. and Cudjoe, R. Title of Paper: The impact of routing protocols on the performance of a mobility model in mobile ad hoc network (MANET) Conference: 16th IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing and Communications (IUCC) 2017 Place: Guangzhou, China Date: 12-15 December 2017 ISBN/ISSN: 978-3-319-72395-2 Presenter and Co-presenter: Baburam, C. and Feto, N.A. Title of Paper: Method for extraction of high molecular weight quality metagenomic DNA from oil contaminated soil Conference: 15th Asia-Pacific Biotechnology Congress Place: Melbourne, Australia Date: 20-22 July 2017 ISBN/ISSN: 2155-9821 Presenter and Co-presenters: Lebelo, R.S. Mahlobo, R.K. Adesanya, S.O. and Muthuvalu, M.S. Title of Paper: On heat transfer analysis for a sphere of combustible material of variable thermal conductivity Conference: IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering Place: China Date: 17-19 August 2017 ISBN/ISSN: 1757-899X Presenter and Co-presenters: Maleshoane, S. Adebola, P. and Pillay, M. Title of Paper: Assessing the genetic diversity of South African sweet potato germplasm using molecular markers Conference: International Symposium in Horticulture.
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Place: Bengaluru, India Date: 5-8 September 2017 Presenter: Pillay, M. Title of Paper: Developing a BSc degree in Agriculture at the Vaal University of Technology Conference: Conference on The Academic of 2017: Future Realities Place: Emerald Casino, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa Date: 14-16 November 2017 Presenter and Co-presenters: Takaidza, S. Kumar, M. Natesh, N Santosh, J. Karanam, G. and Pillay, M. Title of Paper: Embryotoxicity and teratogenic effects of Tulbaghia violacea acetone and aqueous leaf crude extracts on Danio rerio (zebrafish) Conference: International Conference on Environment, Genes, Health and Diseases 2017 Place: Coimbatore, India Date: 22-24 August 2017 Presenter: Sehume, O.M.M. Title of Paper: Psychosocial hazards faced by health care workers in selected public hospitals in Gauteng, South Africa Conference: Nursing-2017 Place: Barcelona, Spain Date: 1-3 November 2017 Presenter: Mkhumbeni, N. Title of Poster: Phytochemical analysis and the effect of Eucomis autumnalis on proliferation of C2C12 cells Conference: Medical Laboratory Technology Congress Place: Port Elizabeth, South Africa Date: 19-21 May 2017 Presenter: Mkhumbeni, N. Title of Paper: Eucomis autumnalis enhances proliferation of adipose derived stem cells, potential for tissue regeneration Conference: Women in Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Conference Place: Washington, DC, USA Date: 2-27 October 2017 Presenter and Co-presenters: Chihomvu, P. Ssemakalu, C.C. UbombaJaswa, E. and Pillay, M. Title of Paper: Investigating the morphological features and in-vitro cytopathic effects of solar irradiated and non- solar irradiated Campylobacter jejuni on RAW 264.7 cells Conference: 6th South African Immunology Conference Place: Krystal Beach, Gordon’s Bay, Cape Town, South Africa Date: 3-6 September 2017
Seminars/Workshops Presented Title: Proposal development ‘BootCamp’ workshop Presented to: The Alliance for Accelerating Excellence in Science in Africa (AESA), Ifakara Health Institute and Institut de Recherche en Sciences de la Santé
Message from the: Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences
Place: Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso Date: 12-14 October 2017
Publications (Books/Chapters in Books) Author and Co-authors: Mtunzi, F.M. Dikio, E.D. and Moja, S.J. Chapter: Evaluation and status of selected heavy metal pollution of soil in Vanderbijlpark Title: Environmental Engineering: Current Perspective Publisher: Research India Publications Date: 2017 Page Numbers of Chapter: 118-130 ISBN: 978-93-86138-95-8 Author and Co-authors: Bengyella, L. Yekwa, E.L. Waikhom, S.D. Feto, N.A. and Pranab, R. Chapter: First secretome analysis of Cochliobolus lunatus interacting with potato leaf in the liquid phase at different temperature regimes reveal a CL[XXXX]LHM – motif Title: Pathogenicity of Cochliobolus species in post genomic era Publisher: Studium Press LLC Date: 2017 Page Numbers of Chapter: 141-173 ISBN: 1-62699-075-1 Author and Co-authors: Louis, B. Yekwa, E.L. Alisotani, A. Tambo, E. Feto, N.A. and Pranab, R. Chapter: Insights into Cochliobolus lunatus diseases in post-genomics era Title: Pathogenicity of Cochliobolus species in post genomic era Publisher: Studium Press LLC Date: 2017 Page Numbers of Chapter: 47-65 ISBN: 1-62699-075-1
Publications (Journals) Author and Co-authors: Ayawei, N. Ekubo, A.T. Shooto, N.D. Wankasi, D. and Dikio, E.D. Title: Equilibrium, kinetic and thermodynamic studies of the uptake of copper by layered double hydroxide Journal: Hem. Ind. Volume: 71 Issue: 5 Date: 2017 Page Numbers of Article: 429-437 ISSN: 2217-7426 Author and Co-authors: Bennett, V. Ikechukwu, P. Nimibofa Ayawei, E. Wankasi, D. and Dikio, E.D Title: Synthesis, characterisation and conductivity study of 1-Methyl-3-Phenylimidazolium Iodide [MPhIm][I] at T (293.15 – 323.15) K Journal: Res. J. Pharm. Biol. Chem. Sci Volume: 8 Issue: 6 Date: 2017
Message from the: Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences
Page Numbers of Article: 365-374 ISSN: 0975-8585 Author and Co-authors: ,Dikio, C.W Ejidike, I.P. Mtunzi, F.M. Klink, M.J. and Dikio, E.D Title: Hydrazide Schiff bases of acetylacetonate metal complexes: synthesis, spectroscopic and biological studies Journal: Int. J. Pharmacogn. Phytochem. Res Volume: 9 Issue: 12 Date: 2017 Page Numbers of Article: 257-267 ISSN: 0975-4873 Author and Co-authors: Mtunzi, F.M. Ejidike, I.P. Matamela, T. Dikio, E.D and Klink, M.J. Title: Phytochemical profiling, antioxidant and antibacterial activities of leaf extracts from rhus leptodictya Journal: Int. J. Pharmacogn. Phytochem. Res Volume: 9 Issue: 8 Page Numbers of Article: 1090-1099 ISSN: 0975-4873 Author and Co-authors: Sebogodi, K.R. Kotlhao, K. and Klink, M.J. Title: Synthesis and characterisation of graphene/polyaniline nan ocomposite using green solvents Journal: Asian Journal of Chemistry Volume: Vol 29 (6) Issue: 2017 Page Numbers of Article: 1206-1214 ISSN: 9707077 Author and Co-authors: Dipheko, T.D. Matabola, K.P. Kotlhao, K. Moutloali, R.M. and Klink, M.J. Title: Fabrication and assessment of ZnO modified polyethersulfone (PES) membranes for fouling reduction of bovine serum albumin (BSA) Journal: International Journal of Polymer Science Volume: N/A Issue: 2017 Page Numbers of Article: 479-484 ISSN: 1687-9422 Author and Co-authors: Shooto, N.D. Dikio, E.D. Wankasi, D. and Sikhwivhilu, L. Title: Iron-based metal organic framework as an effective lead ions remover from aqueous solution: Thermodynamic and kinetics studies Journal: Hem. Ind Volume: 71 Issue: 3 Date: 2017 Page Numbers of Article: 221-229 ISSN: 2217-7426 Author and Co-authors: Raghubanshi, H. Ngobeni, S.M. Osikoya, A.O. Shooto, N.D. Dikio, C.W. Naidoo, E.B. Dikio, E.D. Pandey, R.K. and Prakash, R.
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Title: Synthesis of graphene oxide and its application for the adsorption of Pb2+ from aqueous solution Journal: J. Ind. Eng. Chem Volume: 47 Date: 2017 Issue: N/A Page Numbers of Article: 169-178 ISSN: 1226-086X Author and Co-authors: Osikoya, A.O. Parlak, O. Murugan, N.A. Dikio, E.D. Moloto, H. Uzun, L. Turner, A.P.F. and Tiwari, A. Title: Acetylene sourced CVD-synthesised catalytically active graphene for electrochemical biosensing Journal: Biosens Bioelectron Volume: 89 Date: 2017 Issue: N/A Page Numbers of Article: 496-504 ISSN: 0956-5663 Author and Co-authors: Sibokoza, S.B. Moloto, M.J. Sibiya, P.N. and Moloto, N. Title: The effect of temperature and precursor concentration on the synthesis of cobalt sulphide nanoparticles, nanopartic using cobalt diethyldithiocarbamate complex Journal: Chalcogenide Letters Volume: 14 Issue: 2 Page Numbers of Article: 69-78 ISSN: 1584-8663 Author and Co-author: Sibiya, P.N. and Moloto, M.J. Title: Shape control of silver selenide nanoparticles using green capping molecules Journal: Green Processing and Synthesis Volume: 6 Issue: 2 Page Numbers of Article: 183-188 ISSN: 2191-9542 Author and Co-authors: Xaba, T. Moloto, M.J. Al-Shakban, M. Malik, M.A. Moloto N. and O’Brien, P. Title: The influence of concentration of ‘green capping agents’ as stabilisers and ammonia as an activator in the synthesis of ZnS nanoparticles and their polymer nanocomposites Journal: Green Processing and Synthesis Volume: 6 Issue: 2 Page Numbers of Article: 173-182 ISSN: 2191-9542 Author and Co-authors: Xaba, T. Moloto, M.J. Nchoe, O. Nate, Z. and Moloto, N. Title: Synthesis of silver sulfide nanoparticles through homogeneous precipitation route and the preparation of the Ag2S-chitosan nanocomposites for the removal of iron(II) ion from wastewater Journal: Chalcogenides Letters Volume: 14 Issue: 8
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Page Numbers of Article: 337-346 ISSN: 1584-8663 Author and Co-author: Sibiya, P.N. and Moloto, M.J. Title: Shape control of silver selenide nanoparticles using green capping molecules, synthesis, characterisation and antimicrobial effect of starch capped silver sulfide (Ag2S) nanoparticles against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus Journal: International Journal of Nanotechnology Volume: 14 Issue: 1-7 Page Numbers of Article: 385-389 ISSN: 2191-9542 Author and Co-author: Shumbula, P.M. and Moloto, M.J. Title: Synthesis and characterisation of sucrose and glucuronic acid-capped CdS nanoparticles from HDA-capped via ligand exchange Journal: Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures Volume: 12 Issue: 1 Page Numbers of Article: 191-201 ISSN: 1842-3582 Author and Co-authors: Mnqiwu K. Xaba, T. Moloto, M.J. Mubiayi, K.P. Nyamukamba, P. Sibokoza, B.S. Title: Plasmonic electron deficient Cu2-xS semiconductor nano particles from cyclohexylamine-N-dithiocarbamate ligand Journal: Materials Letters Volume: 199 Issue: N/A Page Numbers of Article: 28-31 ISSN: 0167-577X Author and Co-authors: Xaba, T. Moloto, M.J. Malik, M.A. and Moloto, N. Title: The Influence of temperature on the synthesis of cubic structured CdO nanoparticles and their thin films from Bis(2-hydroxy-1naphthaldehydato)cadmium(II) complex via thermal decomposition technique Journal: Journal of Nanotechnology Volume: 2017 Issue: N/A Page Numbers of Article: 11 pages, Article ID 8317109,https://doi. org/10.1155/2017/8317109 ISSN: 1687-9511 Author and Co-authors: Xaba, T.T. Moloto, M.J. Al-Shakban, M. Malik, M.A. O’Brien, P. and Moloto, N. Title: The effect of temperature on the growth of Ag2O nanoparticles and thin films from Bis(2-hydroxy-1- naphthaldehydato) silver(I) complex by the thermal decomposition of spin-coated films Journal: Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing Volume: 71 Issue: N/A Page Numbers of Article: 109-115 ISSN: 1873-4081
Message from the: Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences
Author and Co-authors: Mubiayi, K.P. Revaprasadu, N. Garje, S.S. and Moloto, M.J. Title: Designing the morphology of PbS nanoparticles through a single source precursor method Journal: Journal of Saudi Chemical Society Volume: 21 Issue: 5 Page Numbers of Article: 593-598 ISSN: 2212-4640 Author and Co-authors: Viljoen, E.L. Moloto, M.J. and Thabede, P.M. Title: Impact of acetate ions on the shape of Co3O4 nanoparticles Journal: Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures Volume: 12 Issue: 2 Page Numbers of Article: 571-577 ISSN: 1842-3582 Author and Co-authors: Thangwane, C.S. Xaba, T. and Moloto, M.J. Title: The formation of the mixed morphology of nickel sulfide nanoparticles derived from substituted benzimidazole dithiocarbamate nickel(II) complexes Journal: Chalcogenide Letters Volume: 14 Issue: 9 Page Numbers of Article: 407-417 ISSN: 1584-8663 Author and Co-authors: Chepape, K.F. Mofokeng, T.P. Nyamukamba, P. Mubiayi, K.P and Moloto, M.J. Title: Enhancing photocatalytic degradation of methyl blue using PVP-capped and uncapped CdSe nanoparticles Journal: Journal of Nanotechnology Volume: 2017 Issue: N/A Page Numbers of Article: 11 pages Article ID: 5340784 ISSN: 1687-9511 Author and Co-authors: Mofokeng, T.P. Mabena, G. Moloto, M.J. Shumbula, P.M. Mubiayi, K.P. and Nyamukamba, P. Title: Temperature influence on the lactose capped metal sulphide nanoparticles Journal: Chalcogenide Letters Volume: 14 Issue: 8 Page Numbers of Article: 347-355 ISSN: 1584-8663 Author and Co-authors: Viljoen, E.L., Moloto, M.J., Thabede, P.M. Title: Impact of acetate ions on the shape of Co3O4 nanoparticles Journal: Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures Volume: 12 Issue: 2 Page Numbers of Article: 571-577 ISSN: 1842-3582
Message from the: Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences
Author and Co-authors: Umukoro, E.H. Madyibi, S.S. Peleyeju, M.G. Tshwenya, L. Viljoen, E. Ngila, J.C. and Arotiba, O.A. Title: Photocatalytic application of Pd-ZnO-exfoliated graphite nanocomposite for the enhanced removal of acid orange 7 dye in water Journal: Solid State Sciences Volume: 74 Issue: N/A Page Numbers of Article: 118-124 ISSN: 1293-2558 Author and Co-authors: Raghubanshi, H. Ngobeni, S.M. Osikoya, A.O. Shooto, N.D. Dikio, C.W. Naidoo, E.B. Dikio, E.D. Pandey, R.K. and Prakash, R. Title: Synthesis of grapheme oxide and its application for adsorption of Pb2+ from aqueous solution Journal: Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Volume: 47 Issue: 2017 Page Numbers of Article: 169-178 ISSN: 1226-086X Author and Co-authors: Otiene, B.O. Apollo, S.O. Naidoo, E.B. and Ochieng, A. Title: Photodecolourisation of melanoidins in vinasse with illuminated TiO2-ZnO/activated carbon composite Journal: Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A 2017 Volume: Vol 52 Issue: No. 7 Page Numbers of Article: 616-623 ISSN: 1093-4529 (Print) 1532-4117 (Online) Author and Co-authors: Ouma, I.L.A. Naidoo, E.B. and Ofomaja, A.E. Title: Iron oxide Nanoparticles stabilised by lignocellulosic waste AS green adsorbent for Cr(VI) removal from wastewater Journal: European Physical Journal of Applied Physics. Accepted (Published on the section 4-Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologies) Volume: 79(3) Issue: 2017 Page Numbers of Article: 15 Pages Article ID: 30401 ISSN: 00218979 Author and Co-authors: Rambwawasvika, H. Parekh, C.T. Naidoo, E.B. and Chiririwa, H. Title: Extraction and characterisation of mucilage from the herb Dicerocaryum seneciodes and its use as a potential hair permanent dye Journal: International Journal of Applied Chemistry Volume: Vol 13(3) Issue: 2017 Page Numbers of Article: 691-705 ISSN: 09731792 Author and Co-authors: Ayanda, O.S. Malomo, D. Oketayo, O.O. Nelana, S.M. and Naidoo, E.B. Title: Removal of arsenic (III) from aqueous solutions by adsorption onto fly ash Journal: Asian Journal of Chemistry
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Volume: Vol 29 (10) Issue: 2017 Page Numbers of Article: 2227-2231 ISSN: 9707077 Author and Co-authors: Ayanda, O.S. Odo, E.A. Malomo, D. Sodeinde, K.O. Lawal, O.S. Ebenezer, O.T. Nelana, S.M. and Naidoo, E.B. Title: Accelerated decolourisation of congo red by powdered termite mound Journal: Clean-Soil, Air, Water Volume: N/A Issue: 2017 Page Numbers of Article: 8 Pages Article ID: 1700537 ISSN: 18630650 Author and Co-authors: Chiririwa, H. and Naidoo, E.B. Title: Removal efficiency of Cu2+, Zn2+, Fe2+, Al3+ and Mn2+ from aqueous solution in the presence of bentonite using column adsorption Journal: Asian Journal of Chemistry Volume: 29 (11) Issue: 2017 Page Numbers of Article: 2536-2540 ISSN: 09707077 Author and Co-authors: Omorogie, M.O. Naidoo, E.B. and Ofomaja, A.E. Title: Response surface methodology, central composite design, process methodology and characterisation of pyrolyzed KOH pretreated environmental biomass: Mathematical modelling and optimisation approach Journal: Modelling Earth Systems and Environment Volume: 3 (3) Issue: 2017 Page Numbers of Article: 1171-1186 ISSN: 2363-6203 Author and Co-authors: Ayanda, S. Nelana, S.M. Petrik, L.F. and Naidoo, E.B. Title: Nano-TiO2, ultrasound and sequential nano-TiO2/ultrasonic degradation on N-acetyl-para-aminophenol from aqueous solution Journal: Journal of Water and Health Volume: 15 (6) Issue: 2017 Page Numbers of Article: 1015-1027 ISSN: 14778920 Author and Co-authors: Chiririwa, H. Mathews, T. Nyoni, B. Majoni, S. and Naidoo, E.B. Title: Adsorption of lead and copper by carbon black and sodium bentonite composite material: A study Isotherms and kinetics Journal: Asian Journal of Chemistry Volume: 29 (12) Issue: 2017 Page Numbers of Article: 2761-2766 ISSN: 09707077 Author and Co-authors: Sibanda, S. Nyoni, B. Mpofu, C. Naidoo, E.B. and Chiririwa, H.
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Title: Studying the effectiveness of treating wastewater using the electro coagulation process at sewage treatment plants. Journal: International Journal of Applied Chemistry Volume: 13 (4) Issue: 2017 Page Numbers of Article: 825-843 ISSN: 0793-1792 Author and Co-authors: Chiririwa, H. Chiwanga, K.Z.N. and Naidoo, E.B. Title: Development and validation of an analytical method for the determination of Fenaminophos residues in tobacco Journal: International Journal of ChemTech Research Volume: 10 (11) Issue: 2017 Page Numbers of Article: ISSN: 0974-4290 Author and Co-authors: Rambwawasvika, H. Parekh, C.T. Naidoo, E.B. and Chiririwa, H. Title: Extraction and characterisation of mucilage from the herb Dicerocaryum seneciodes and its use a potential; hair permanent Journal: International Journal of Applied Chemistry Volume: 13 (3) Issue: 2017 Page Numbers of Article: 691-705 ISSN: 0973-1792 Author and Co-authors: Ayanda, S. Nelana, S.M. Petrik, L.F. and Naidoo, E.B. Title: Kinetic study of ultrasound degradation of 2,2-Bis (4-hydroxyphenyl) propane assisted by nFe/TiO2 composite Journal: Journal of Advanced Oxidation Technologies (JAOT) Volume: 21 (1) Issue: 2017/2018 Page Numbers of Article: 8 Pages Article ID: DOI:10.26802/jaots.2017.0072 ISSN: 12038406 Author and Co-authors: Pakade, V.E. Nchoe, O.B. Hlungwane, L. and Tavengwa, N.T. Title: Sequestration of hexavalent chromium from aqueous solutions by activated carbon derived from Macadamia nutshells Journal: Water Science and Technology Volume: Vol 75.1 Issue: N/A Page Numbers of Article: 196-206 ISSN: 0273-1223 Author and Co-authors: Pakade, VE. Molefe, E.D. and Tavengwa, N.T. Title: Quantitative determination of trace concentrations of quercetin from prickly pear skin complex sample extracts by application of molecularly imprinted polymers Journal: Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering Volume: 5 Issue: N/A Page Numbers of Article: 1186-1196 ISSN: 2213-3437
Message from the: Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences
Author and Co-authors: Moyo, M. Pakade, V.E. and Modise, S.J. Title: Biosorption of lead(II) by chemically modified Mangifera indica seed shells: Adsorbent preparation, characterisation and performance assessment. Journal: Process Safety and Environmental Protection Volume: 111 Issue: 2017 Page Numbers of Article: 40-51 ISSN: 0957-5820 Author and Co-authors: Pakade, V.E. Ntuli, T.D. and Ofomaja, A.E. Title: Biosorption of hexavalent chromium from aqueous solutions by Macadamia nutshell powder Journal: Applied Water Science Volume: 7 Issue: 2017 Page Numbers of Article: 3015-3030 ISSN: 2190-5487 Author and Co-authors: Kotlhao, K. Madiseng, M.D.T. Mtunzi, F.M. Pakade, V.E. Modise, S.J. Laloo, N. and Klink, M.J. Title: The synthesis of silver, zinc oxide and titanium dioxide nanoparticles and their antimicrobial activity Journal: Advanced Materials Proceedings Volume: 2 Issue: 8 Page Numbers of Article: 479-484 ISSN: 2002-4428 Author and Co-authors: Kharar,a M.D. Ejidike, P.I., Pakade, V.E. Mtunzi, F. and Klink, M.J. Title: Determination of lead concentrations in wines of different origins in the Western Cape, South Africa, produced between 1986 and 2013 Journal: International Journal of Applied Chemistry Volume: 13 Issue: 4 Page Numbers of Article: 813-823 ISSN: 0973-1792 Author and Co-authors: Gwebu, S. Tavengwa, N.T. Mtunzi, F. Klink, M. Modise, S.J. and Pakade, V.E.
Message from the: Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences
Title: Quantification of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn from sewage sludge by ultrasonic assisted-modified BCR sequential extraction methods Journal: African Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry Volume: 11 Issue: 2 Page Numbers of Article: 9-18 ISSN: 1996-0840 Author and Co-authors: Mtunzi, F. Ledwaba, I. Aroke, S. Pakade, V.E. Klink, M. Modise, S.J. and Ejidike, P. Title: Solvent-solvent fractionations of Combretum erythrophyllum (Burch.) leaves extract: Studies of their antibacterial, antifungal, antioxidant and cytotoxicity potentials Journal: Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine Volume: 10 Issue: 7 Page Numbers of Article: 670-679 ISSN: 1995-7645 Author and Co-authors: Mtunzi, F. Ledwaba, I. Klink, M. Dikio, E. Ejidike, P. and Pakade, V.E Title: Antibacterial activity of a triterpene isolated from Combretum erythrophyllum ethyl acetate fraction Journal: Organic & Medicinal Chem IJ Volume: 4 Issue: 3 Page Numbers of Article: 6 Pages Article ID: 555640 DOI: 10.19080/OMCIJ.2017.04.555640 ISSN: 2474-7610 Author and Co-author: Balogun, A.M. and Zuva, T. Title: Overview of performance evaluation of keyword search utilities in forensic/e-discovery software Journal: Wang, G.; Atiquzzaman, M.; Yan, Z.; Choo, K.K. (eds); Security, Privacy, and Anonymity in Computation, Communication, and Storage. SpaCCS 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume: 10658 Issue: N/A Page Numbers of Article: 826-836 ISSN: 978-3-319-72394-5
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Author and Co-author: Zuva, T. and Kwuimi, R. Title: Comprehensive diversity in recommender systems Journal: Wang G., Atiquzzaman M., Yan Z., Choo KK. (eds) Security, Privacy, and Anonymity in Computation, Communication, and Storage. SpaCCS 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume: 10656 Issue: N/A Page Numbers of Article: 571-583 ISSN: 978-3-319-72388-4 Author and Co-author: Feukeu, E. and Tranos, Z. Title: Dynamic broadcast storm mitigation approach for VANETs Journal: Future Generation Computer Systems Volume In press Issue: N/A Page Numbers of Article: 1-8 ISSN: 0167-739X Author and Co-author: Zuva, J. and Zuva, T. Title: Corporate governance and organisational performance Journal: International Journal of Business and Management Studies Volume: Vol 10, No 1 Issue: N/A Page Numbers of Article: 16-29 ISSN: 1309-8047 Author and Co-author: Balogun, A.M. and Zuva, T. Title: Open ethical issues in digital forensic systems Journal: International Journal of e-Business and e-Government Studies Volume: Vol 9, No 1 Issue: N/A Page Numbers of Article: 55-69 ISSN: 2146-0744 Author and Co-authors: Oluwarotimi, R. Fezile, M. and Tranos, Z. Title: Storage solution: A virtual distributed storage and migration architecture for big data Journal: International Journal of e-Business and e-Government Studies Volume: Vol 9, No 1 Issue: N/A Page Numbers of Article: 55-69 ISSN: 2146-0744 Author and Co-author: Kazadi, Y.K. and Fonou-Dombeu, J.V. Title: Analysis of advanced complexity metrics of biomedical ontologies in the bioportal repository Journal: International Journal of Bioscience, Biochemistry and Bioinformatics (IJBBB) Volume: 7 Issue: 1 Page Numbers of Article: 20-32 ISSN: N/A
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Author and Co-authors: Thabane, L.J. Radebe, P.Q. and Dhurup, M. Title: The effect of job satisfaction on the organisational commitment of administrators Journal: Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies Volume: 9 Issue: 6 Page Numbers of Article: 188-198 ISSN: 2220-6140 Author and Co-author: Okosun, K.O. and Smith, R. Title: Optimal control analysis of malaria-schistosomiasis co-infection dynamics Journal: Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering Volume: 14 Issue: 2 Page Numbers of Article: 377-405 ISSN: 1547-1063 Author and Co-authors: Abiodun, G.J. Witbooi, P.J. and Okosun, K.O. Title: Modelling and analysing the impact of temperature and rainfall on mosquito population dynamics over KwaZulu-Natal province, South Africa Journal: International Journal of Biomathematics Volume: 10 Issue: 4 Page Numbers of Article: 23 Pages Article ID: 1750055, ISSN: 1793-5245 Author and Co-authors: Bonyah, E. Khan, M.A. Ali, K. Okosun, K.O. Islam, S. and Khan, A. Title: Mathematical modelling and stability analysis of Pine Wilt Disease with optimal control Journal: Scientific Reports Volume: 7 Issue: 20:7 Page Numbers of Article: 3115 ISSN: 2045-2322 Author and Co-authors: Abiodun, G.J. Witbooi, P.J. and Okosun, K.O. Title: Mathematical modelling and analysis of mosquito-human malaria model Journal: International Journal of Ecological Economics and Statistics Volume: 38 Issue: 3 Page Numbers of Article: 1-22 ISSN: 09731385 Author and Co-authors: Okosun, K.O. Bonyah, E. Khan, M.A. and Ogunlade, T. Title: On the dynamics of HIV/AIDS and cryptosporidiosis Journal: The European Physical Journal Plus Volume: 132 Issue: N/A Page Numbers of Article: 363 ISSN: 2190-5444
Message from the: Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences
Author and Co-authors: Bonyah, E. Khan, M.A. Okosun, K.O. and Islam, S. Title: A theoretical model for Zika virus transmission Journal: PLoS ONE Volume: 12 Issue: 10 Page Numbers of Article: e0185540 ISSN: 1932-6203 Author and Co-authors: Adekiya, T.A. Kappo, A.P. and Okosun, K.O. Title: Temperature and rainfall impact on schistosomiasis Journal: Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Volume: 13 Issue: 12 Page Numbers of Article: 8453-8469 ISSN: 0973-1768 Author and Co-authors: Lebelo, R.S. Okosun, K.O. Mtunzi, F. Muthuvalu, M.S. and Mahlobo, R.K. Title: Thermal stability and reactant consumption analysis in a reactive cylinder of variable thermal conductivity Journal: International Review of Mechanical Engineering
Message from the: Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences
Volume: 11 Issue: 11 Page Numbers of Article: 787-796 ISSN: 1970-8734 Author and Co-author: Lebelo, R.S. and Adesanya, S.O. Title: Oxygen depletion and thermal stability analysis in a reactive sphere of variable thermal conductivity Journal: Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Volume: 13 Issue: 1 Page Numbers of Article: 9-31 ISSN: 0973-1768 Author and Co-author: Lebelo, R.S. and Makinde, O.D. Title: Oxygen depletion and thermal stability analysis in a reactive sphere of variable thermal conductivity Journal: Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Volume: 13 Issue: 2 Page Numbers of Article: 537-563 ISSN: 0973-1768
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Author and Co-authors: Lebelo, R.S. Makinde, O.D. and Chinyoka, T. Title: Thermal decomposition analysis in a sphere of combustible materials Journal: Advances in Mechanical Engineering Volume: 9 Issue: 2 Page Numbers of Article: 1-14 ISSN: 1687-8132 Author and Co-authors: Adesanya, S.O. Fakoya, M.B. Falade, J.A. Lebelo, R.S. and Okewole, D.M. Title: Existence of secondary flows in a reactive viscous fluid through a channel filled with a porous medium Journal: International Journal of Heat and Technology Volume: 35 Issue: 2 Page Numbers of Article: 262-266 ISSN: 0392-8764 Author and Co-authors: Hassan, A.R. Adesanya, S.O. Lebelo, R.S. and Falade, J.A. Title: Irreversibility analysis for a mixed convective flow of a reactive couple stress fluid flow through channel saturated porous materials Journal: International Journal of Heat and Technology Volume: 35 Issue: 3 Page Numbers of Article: 633-638 ISSN: 0392-8764
Author and Co-authors: Lebelo, R.S. Okosun, K.O. Mtunzi, F. Muthuvalu, M.S. and Mahlobo, R.K. Title: Thermal stability and reactant consumption analysis in a reactive cylinder of variable thermal conductivity Journal: International Review of Mechanical Engineering Volume: 11 Issue: 11 Page Numbers of Article: 787-796 ISSN: 1970-8734 Author and Co-author: Lebelo, R.S. and Mabuza, B.R. Title: Numerical investigation of thermal stability in media of different physical geometries Journal: Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences Volume: 12 Issue: 24 Page Numbers of Article: 7555-7561 ISSN: 1816-949X Author and Co-authors: Adesanya, S.O. Ogunseye, H.A. Falade, J.A. and Lebelo, R.S. Title: Thermodynamic analysis for buoyancy-induced couple stress nanofluid with constant heat flux Journal: Entropy Volume: 19 Issue: 580 Page Numbers of Article: 1-19 ISSN: 1099-4300
Author and Co-authors: Adesanya, S.O. Falade, J.A. Ukaegbu, J.C. and Lebelo, R.S. Title: Thermodynamics analysis for a reacting couple stress fluid flow through a vertical channel Journal: International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Volume: 114 Issue: 3 Page Numbers of Article: 419-434 ISSN: 1311-8080
Author and Co-authors: Terblanche, U. Ssemakalu, C.C. Mtunzi, F. and Pillay, M. Title: Screening of variables influencing extraction yield of Cotyledon orbiculata: 23 full factorial design Journal: International Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phyto chemical Research Volume: 9 Issue: N/A Page Numbers of Article: 303-312 ISSN: 09754873
Author and Co-authors: Falade, J.A. Adesanya, S.O. Lebelo, R.S. and Kareem, S.O. Title: Second law analysis for a porous channel flow with asymmetric slip and convective boundary conditions Journal: International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Volume: 115 Issue: 2 Page Numbers of Article: 247-257 ISSN: 1311-8080
Author and Co-authors: Dzobo, K. Senthebane, D.A. Pillay, M. Ssemakalu C.C Mkhumbeni, N. and Motaung, K. Title: The future of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine in Africa. Journal: Tissue Engineering Part A Volume: 23 Issue: 19-20 Page Numbers of Article: N/A ISSN: 1557-8690
Author: Lebelo, R.S. Title: Thermal conductivity impact on thermal stability of reactive materials Journal: Diffusion Foundations Volume: 11 Issue: 1 Page Numbers of Article: 1-10 ISSN: 2296-3642
Author and Co-authors: Chalwe, J. Adebola, P. and Pillay, M. Title: Assessing the genetic diversity of Alternaria bataticola in South Africa using molecular markers Journal: Asian Journal of Applied Science Volume: 5 Issue: N/A Page Numbers of Article: 280-290 ISSN: 2321-0893
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Message from the: Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences
Author and Co-author: Lloyd, M. and Pillay, M. Title: SCAR marker for the A genome of bananas (Musa. L.) supports lack of differentiation between the A and B genomes Journal: Journal of Agricultural Science Volume: 9 Issue: N/A Page Numbers of Article: 64-73 ISSN: 1916-9752 Author and Co-authors: Matome, G.T. Hunja, M. Akebe, L.K.A. and Pillay, M. Title: Morphological characterisation and determination of aflatoxin-production potentials of Aspergillus flavus isolated from maize and soil in Kenya Journal: Agriculture Volume: 7 Issue: N/A Page Numbers of Article: Online ISSN: 2077-0472 Author and Co-authors: Madike, L.N. Takaidza, S. and Pillay, M. Title: Preliminary phytochemical screening of crude extracts from the leaves, stems and roots of Tulbaghia violacea Journal: International Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phyto chemical Research Volume: 9 Issue: N/A Page Numbers of Article: 1300-1308 ISSN: 09754873 Author and Co-authors: Unigwe, A.E. Enrico, D.E. Adebola, P. Abe, S. Gerrano, A.S. and Pillay, M. Title: Antinutrient analysis of 30 Bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea) accessions in South Africa. Journal: Journal of Crop Improvement Volume: 32 Issue: N/A Page Numbers of Article: 208-224 ISSN: 1542-7536 Author and Co-authors: Oldewage-Theron, W. Egal, A. and Grobler, C. Title: Lipid profile, hyperglycaemia, systemic inflammation and anthropometry as cardiovascular risk factors and their association with dietary intakes in children from rural Cofimvaba, Eastern Cape, South Africa Journal: Journal of Consumer Science Volume: 2 Issue: N/A Page Numbers of Article: a-o ISSN: N/A Author and Co-authors: Engelbrecht, L. Grobler, C.J. and Rheeders, M. Title: A simple and cost effective HPLC-UV method for the detection of levetiracetam in plasma/serum of patients with epilepsy Journal: Biomedical Chromatography Volume: 31 Issue: N/A Page Numbers of Article: e3969 ISSN: N/A
Message from the: Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences
Research Partnerships with International Universities/Collaboration Researchers: Ebelegi, A.N. Ayawei, N. Wankasi, D. and Dikio, E.D. Title: Synthesis, characterisation and adsorption study on dendrimers Higher Education Institution: Niger Delta University, Nigeria Researcher: O’Brien, P Title: Nanoparticles and thin films Higher Education Institution: University of Manchester, UK Researchers: Al-Shakban, M. Malik, M.A. and O’Brien, P. Title: Synthesis of nanomaterials and thin films Higher Education Institution: University of Manchester, UK Researcher: Popat, Prof K. Title of research: The effect of crude water extracts of Tulbaghia violacea on scaffolds with cardiovascular applications Higher Education Institution: Colorado State University, USA Researcher: Grobler, C.J. Title: N/A Higher Education Institution: Texas Tech University, USA Researcher: Chalwe, J. Title: National Health Research Authority in Zambia, University Teaching Hospital Higher Education Institution: Texas Tech University, USA Researcher: Zodwa, Dr M. Title: Epigenetic effects resulting from consumption of sugar Higher Education Institution: Cornell University, USA Researcher: Spencer, Dr A. Title: Immunological impact of SODIS water Higher Education Institution: University of Oxford, UK
Research Partnerships with National Universities/Collaboration Researchers: Baburam, C. Feto, N.A. and Nelson, K.E. Title: Bioinformatics training – HTP sequencing data by next generation sequencer Higher Education Institution or Company: J. Craig Venter Institute (JCVI) Researcher: Ubomba-Jaswa, Dr E. Title: Solar disinfection of water Industry: Water Research Council Researcher: Matabola, Dr K.P. Title of research: Polymer fibers using electrospinning technique Higher Education Institution or Company: Mintek Industry: Minerals International: National
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Researcher: Shumbula, Dr P.M. Title of research: Quantum dots and metal nanoparticles Higher Education Institution or Company: Mintek Industry: Minerals International: National Researcher: Moloto, Prof N. Title: Polymer fibers and nanoparticles Higher Education Institution: University of the Witwatersrand Industry: Academic International: National Researchers: Lesaoana, M. Pakade, V.E. and Chimuka, L. Title: Simultaneous sequestration of Cr(VI) and Cr(III) from aqueous solutions by activated carbon and ion imprinted polymers Higher Education Institution: University of the Witwatersrand Industry: Academia International: National Researchers: Baburam, C. Feto, N.A. and Tsekoa, T.L. Title: Engineering of an enzyme cocktail for biodegradation of petroleum hydrocarbons based on known enzymatic pathways and metagenomic techniques Higher Education Institution: CSIR (Biosciences) Industry: Research and Development International: National Researchers: Feto, N.A. and Wokadala, O.C. Title of research: Construction of a triple gene cassette that could potentially render a plant resistant to multiple insect and fungal pests’ Industry: Agricultural Research Council (ARC), Nelspruit, South Africa International: National
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Researcher: Dr. Aiyegoro, A.O. Title: Probiotic bio-prospecting and tissue regeneration Industry: Agriculture Research Council Researcher: Motaung, Prof S. Title: Bio-tissue regeneration related Industry: Tshwane University of Technology
Research in Progress Researcher: Viljoen, E.L. Title: The cleaning of polluted water by catalytic oxidation reactions Field: Chemistry, catalysis Researcher: Nate, Z. Title: Green synthesis of copper and silver nanoparticles and their antimicrobial activity Field: Nanotechnology: Chemistry Researcher: Mokubung, K.E. Title: Amino acid-capped metal selenide nanoparticles: Their synthesis, characterisation, optical and magnetic properties Field: Nanotechnology: Chemistry Researcher: Mbewana, N.G. Title: Antimicrobial activity of synthesised copper chalcogenide (CuS, CuSe, and CuO) nanoparticles and plant extracts Field: Nanotechnology: Chemistry Researcher: Nkabinde, S.C. Title: Antimicrobial activity of titanium dioxide nanoparticles immobilised on cellulose acetate-polyaniline polymer blended nanofibers Field: Nanotechnology: Chemistry
Message from the: Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences
Researcher: Pakade, V.E. Title: Development of smart adsorbents for pollutant sequestration from aqueous solution Field: Chemistry, adsorption Researcher: Xaba, T. Title: Synthesis of metal chalcogenide thin films and nanoparticles for the preparation of nanocomposites for water treatment Field: Nanotechnology, Nanomaterials, Adsorption Researcher: Matshego, Mr I. Title: Asset tracking, monitoring and recovery system based on hybrid radio frequency identification and global positioning system technologies Field: Information Technology Researcher: Van Eck, Mrs R. Title: The use of a creative pedagogy to improve the learner-content relation in tertiary ICT education in South Africa Field: Information Technology Researcher: Nduwamungu, Mr C. Title: Design of a vehicle traffic flow system for congestion prediction and realtime information sharing Field: Information Technology Researcher: Hlatshwayo, Mrs C. Title: Adoption of mobile learning at Universities of Technology in South Africa Field: Information Technology Researcher: Pholosi, Ms A. Title: Synthesis, characterisation and application of a novel biosorbent-magnetic nanomaterial cross-linked with epichlorohydrin and heaxamethylene diisocyanate Field: Chemistry
Researcher: Baburam, C. Title: Engineering of an enzyme cocktail for biodegradation of petroleum hydrocarbons based on known enzymatic pathways and metagenomic techniques – currently completing PhD (Biotechnology) at VUT Field: Biotechnology – Petroleum Bioremediation Researchers: Ssemakalu, Dr C.C. Pillay, Prof M. Chihomvu, Ms P. and Ubomba-Jaswa, Dr E. Title: Immunology of solar disinfected water Field: Immunology Researchers: Ssemakalu, Dr C.C. Pillay, Prof M. Terblanche, U. Maepa, Mr M.J. Motaung, Prof S.C.K.M. and Beke, Ms O.G. Title: Bio-tissue regeneration of skin and cartilage tissue Field: Bio-tissue Regeneration and Immunology Researchers: Ssemakalu, Dr C.C. Pillay, Prof M. Terblanche, U. Takaidza, Ms S. Madike, Ms L. Mtunzi, Dr F. Title: Cancer Drug Discovery from plants Field: Cancer drug discovery and Immunology Researcher: Laloo, N. Title: An investigation of the immunomodulatory effects of crude extracts from Carpobrotus edulis on macrophages and mast cells in vitro Field: Biotechnology/Cell Biology Researcher: Pillay, M. Title: Cell culture, medicinal plants, agricultural biotechnology, solar disinfection Field: Biotechnology/Cell Culture Researcher: Feto, N.A. Title: OMICS-related research activities Field: OMICS
Researcher: Mtshatsheni, Ms K.N.G. Title: Pinecone and Fe3O4 nanocomposite for effective removal of dye in single and binary solutions Field: Chemistry
Researcher: Valentine, J. Title: Correlating the prevalence of C174G polymorphism with IL-6, TNF-α and Hs-CRP in elderly black South African population Field: Biotechnology
Researcher: Mzinyane (Mabaso), Ms N.N. Title: Pinecone and Fe3O4 nanocomposite for effective removal of dye in single and binary solutions Field: Chemistry
Researcher: Chalwe, J.M. Title: Impact of soya bean on the 17 β-etradiol status and biochemical markers of cardiovascular disease in women from a rural Zambian community Field: Biotechnology
Researcher: Moletsane, I.R. Title: Creating awareness of electronic waste and green information technology practices at higher education institutions through digital storytelling (PhD) Field: Information and Communications Technology (NWU)
Researcher: Tagne-Wambo, J.R. Title: Establishing the correlation between R353Q polymorphism and homeostatic markers in a black elderly community Field: Biotechnology
Researcher: Moyo, S. Title: Investigating a semantic repository of green economic data in South Africa (DTech) Field: Information and Communications Technology (VUT)
Message from the: Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences
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FACULTY OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY “The year 2017 was a difficult one for the Faculty of Engineering and Technology.” Prof M. Ndege
he year 2017 was a difficult one for the Faculty of Engineering and Technology. In 2016, the Faculty’s research output went up by 61% whereas the research output increased by a mere 0.5% (23.88 units in 2016 to 23.99 units 2017) in 2017. The low increase in research output may be attributed to the fact that 33 papers were read in conferences (contributing 13.72 units) and 18 articles (contributing 10.27 units) were published in journals.
“A second contributor to the low research output is physical space and laboratory space for equipment to accommodate our postgraduate students, as articulated in the 2016 Executive Deans’ message.”
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From the figures shown in the preceding sentence, it is clear that a good number of papers were co-authored with other institutions. Otherwise, the research output for 2017 would have increased by approximately 44.5% in 2017. This scenario clearly calls for a change in strategy in the way research outputs are disseminated in the Faculty of Engineering and Technology. A second contributor to the low research output is physical space and laboratory space for equipment to accommodate our postgraduate students, as articulated in the 2016 Executive Deans’ message. Despite the space handicap, the Faculty managed to increase its postgraduate cohort by 11.2% (from 134 to 149). Through our collaboration with the National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli) 9NITT) in India and CSIRO, one of our Masters students, Miriam Nhlapo, was able to visit overseas to perform some experimental work related to Equal Chanel Angular pressing. The Faculty do, however, expect to increase its postgraduate graduating cohort by threefold (333.3%) in 2018, i.e. from three
Message from the: Faculty of Engineering and Technology
(one PhD and two Masters) in 2017 to 13 (four PhDs and nine Masters) in 2018. The Faculty also hosted three postdoctoral fellows in 2017 as opposed to the two in 2016 (an increase of 33.3%). There was no increase in visiting professors/scholars/ lecturers in 2017 and the number remained the same (one). Our NRF-rated researchers increased from four in 2016 to five in 2017.
In its 2018-2020 research strategic plan, numbers permitting, the Faculty commits itself that most of its departments will try to meet the following targets by 2020:
The Faculty hosted a South African Institution of Industrial Engineers (SAIIE) conference in 2017 and it will be hosting the SACAM conference in September 2018. We hope the Faculty will grab the opportunity to increase its research output through the 2018 conference.
• Throughput of 67% of postgraduate students
• Five credits per annum per niche area • Supervision of at least 30 Masters students • Supervision of 10 Doctoral students
• Two published conference proceedings per annum per niche area • External funding of 1 million rand per annum • Participation in international networks
The Faculty expects to increase its funding opportunities through its collaborations with both internal and external funders, including the NRF, IRDP, THRIP, CSIR, Eskom, Sasol, Research Stimulation Fund, TIA Seed Fund, WRC Funding, CPAM, TiCoC, DiCoMI, Merseta, Telkom, EWseta, Chieta, LGseta and CHIETA, PEESA II, HySA. The Faculty managed to attract R7 029 001 worth of external funding for 2018. Our centres of excellence have remained unchanged since our 2016 research report. The traditional outputs in the form of publications in accredited journals and conference participation will form part of a much wider spectrum of research and development outputs. This will be supplemented by the article format publication of dissertations and theses. Guidelines have already been proposed by the Faculty for adoption by the University at large. It is envisaged that no postgraduate student should be allowed to graduate without a published journal article or two SAPSE conference papers. Harvesting of papers from recently submitted dissertations and theses will also be explored. In 2017, approximately 60% of the Faculty’s research outputs come from conference attendance. This situation should be reversed so that 60% come from journal articles.
Message from the: Faculty of Engineering and Technology
In 2017, the Faculty had 20 staff members holding Doctoral degrees. There were also 30 Masters and 26 Doctoral staff members studying at various institutions at different levels in their studies. According to our 2018-2020 research strategic plan, it is expected that staff holding Doctoral degrees will increase by 50%. This increase will boost the ability of the Faculty to increase its research output by a corresponding 50% output in future. A stronger focus will be placed on applied and strategic areas – especially those in the engineering disciplines. The Faculty hereby expects to address the needs and priorities that are highlighted by the government, communities, commerce and industry. This, in turn, will call for a broader focus on research, technology and innovation. This will also require the promotion of multi- and trans-disciplinary approaches, which allow teamwork, varied perspectives and shared use of facilities. To meet these targets, strategies for lowering the staff teaching loads for will be incorporated in the workload models.
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RESEARCH OUTPUTS Postgraduate Staff Qualifications Completed in 2017 Name: Ouakam-Tayou, Guy Stephane Qualification: MTech Dissertation: Evaluation of the narrow gauge railway system against standard gauge for best performance railway system in South Africa University/Institution: Vaal University of Technology Name: Apollo, Seth Otieno Qualification: PhD Thesis Title: Integrated anaerobic digestion and UV photocatalytic treatment of industrial wastewater in fluidised bed reactors University/Institution: Vaal University of Technology Name: Ikotun, J.O. Qualification: PhD Thesis Title: Effects of concrete quality and cover depth on carbonation-induced reinforcement corrosion and initiation of concrete cover cracking in reinforced concrete structures University/Institution: University of the Witwatersrand
Conferences (Papers and Posters Presented) Presenter and Co-presenter: Ikome, M.E. and Ikome J.M. Title of Paper: The importance of intellectual property for universities of technology in South Africa: Challenges faced and proposed way forward Conference: WASET Conference Proceedings, 19(3) Part X Place: London, United Kingdom Date: 14-15 March 2017 ISBN/ISSN: N/A Presenter and Co-presenters: Ikome, M.E. Ikome, J.M. and Van Wyk, T. Title of Paper: A classical method of optimising manufacturing systems using a Number of industrial engineering techniques Conference: ICMECPD 2017: 19th International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering, Current Practices and Developments Place: N/A Date: 2017 ISBN/ISSN: 2010-376X Presenter and Co-presenter: Rwanga, S.S. and Ndambuki, J.M. Title of Paper: Approach to quantify groundwater recharge using GIS-based water balance model: A review Conference: 6th International Conference on Civil, Architectural and Environmental Sciences (CAES-17) Place: N/A Date: 2017 ISBN/ISSN: 978-93-84422-42-4 Presenter and Co-presenters: Asowata, O. Schoeman, R. and Pienaar, HCvZ Title of Paper: Simulation and analysis of maximum power point tracking in a standalone PV system: A case study using regression analysis and pulse width modulation
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Conference: 25th Conference on the Domestic use of Energy Place: Cape Peninsula University of Technology, and IEEE EXPLORE Date: 2017 ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-9946759-2-7 Presenter and co-presenter: Alo, O.A. Otunniyi, I.O. and Pienaar, HCvZ Title of Paper: Fuel cell targets, achievements and improvement drivers Conference: 25th Conference on the Domestic use of Energy Place: Cape Peninsula University of Technology and IEEE EXPLORE Date: 2017 ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-9946759-2-7 Presenter and co-presenter: Ogunniyi, E.O. and Pienaar, HCvZ Title of Paper: Overview of battery energy storage system advancement for renewable (photovoltaic) energy applications Conference: 25th Conference on the Domestic Use of Energy Place: Cape Peninsula University of Technology and IEEE EXPLORE Date: 2017 ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-9946759-2-7 Presenter and Co-presenter: Ogunniyi, E. and Pienaar, HCvZ Title of Paper: An investigation into the discharge transient response during coup de fouet phenomenon in lead acid batteries Conference: Southern Africa Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference (SATNAC) 2017 Proceedings Place: South Africa Date: 2017 ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-620-76756-9 Presenter and Co-presenters: Alo, O.A. Otunniyi, I.O. Pienaar, HCvZ and Ogunniyi, E.O. Title of Paper: Local content of the alternative energy industry in South Africa Conference: 28th Annual Southern African Institute for Industrial Engineering Conference Place: South Africa Date: 2017 ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-86822-684-9 Presenter and Co-presenter: Matyatya, T.A. and Tengen, T.B. Title of Paper: Strength enhancement of polymer composite materials for vehicle parts Conference: 28th Annual Southern African Institute for Industrial Engineering Conference Place: South Africa Date: 2017 ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-86822-684-9 Presenter and Co-presenters: Ebouele, B.B. Tengen, T.B. and Alugongo, A.A Title of Paper: Designing for optimal service level target based on cost when demand and lead time are stochastic Conference: 28th Annual Southern African Institute for Industrial Engineering Conference Place: South Africa Date: 2017 ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-86822-684-9
Message from the: Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Presenter and Co-presenter: Bele, T. and Tengen, T.B. Title of Paper: Deterioration of commuter rail system efficiency due to varying expectations from commuter and varying rewards for each expectation: A proposed remedy Conference: 28th Annual Southern African Institute for Industrial Engineering Conference Place: South Africa Date: 2017 ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-86822-684-9 Presenter and Co-presenter: Bele, T. and Tengen, T.B. Title of Paper: The application of direct cluster for improving train station layout Conference: 28th Annual Southern African Institute for Industrial Engineering Conference Place: South Africa Date: 2017 ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-86822-684-9 Presenter and Co-presenter: Oluokun, O.O. and Otunniyi, I.O. Title of Paper: Printed circuit boards as an urban mining commodity in South Africa Conference: 28th Annual Southern African Institute for Industrial Engineering Conference Place: South Africa Date: 2017 ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-86822-684-9 Presenter and Co-presenter: Mallane, T.M. and Tengen, T.B. Title of Paper: Applying flexible manufacturing as a way of reducing musculoskeletal disorders and maintain productivity in poultry processing industry
Message from the: Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Conference: 28th Annual Southern African Institute for Industrial Engineering Conference Place: South Africa Date: 2017 ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-86822-684-9 Presenter and Co-presenters: Muiruri, A.M. Maringa, M. Du Preez, W.B. and Masu, L.M. Title of Paper: Dynamic behaviour of direct metal laser sintered Ti6Al-4V (ELI) under high strain rates in compression loading Conference: RAPDASA 2017 Conference Proceedings Place: Durban, South Africa Date: November 2017 ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-620-77329-4 Presenter and Co-presenters: Raghubanshi, H. Ngobeni, S.M. Osikoya, A.O. Shooto, N.D. Dikio, C.W. Naidoo, E.B. Dikio, E.D. Pandey, R.K. and Prakash, R. Title of Paper: Overview of battery energy storage system advancement for renewable (photovoltaic) energy applications Conference: 25th Conference on the Domestic Use of Energy Place: Cape Peninsula University of Technology and IEEE EXPLORE Date: 2017 ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-9946759-2-7 Presenter and Co-presenter: Mwashita, W. and Odhiambo, M.O. Title of Paper: Performance evaluation of a base station sleeping scheme meant for next generation mobile networks Conference: The 2017 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering and Applied Computing WORLDCOMP’17, International Conference on Wireless Networks Place: Las Vegas, USA Date: 17-20 July 2017 ISBN/ISSN: 1-60132-462-6
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Presenter and Co-presenter: Kyere, I.K. and Walker, J. Title of Paper: Partial discharges in cavity in solid dielectric Conference: 25th Southern African Universities Power Engineering Conference Place: Stellenbosch, South Africa Date: 30 January-1 February 2017 ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-620-74503-1 Presenter and Co-presenters: Djeumen, J.S., Walker, J.J. and Joubert, T. Title of Paper: Evaluation and verification of an indoor corona cage for HVDC application Conference: 25th Southern African Universities Power Engineering Conference Place: Stellenbosch, South Africa Date: 30 January-1 February 2017 ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-620-74503-1 Presenter and Co-presenter: Oosthuysen, N.J. and Walker, J.J. Title of Paper: Improving the bandwidth of an optical current transformer Conference: 25th Southern African Universities Power Engineering Conference Place: Stellenbosch, South Africa Date: 30 January-1 February 2017 ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-620-74503-1 Presenter and Co-presenter: Van Rooyen, J.P. and Walker, J.J. Title of Paper: Modern motor bus bar transfer testing and verification: Part I in-phase transfer testing Conference: 25th Southern African Universities Power Engineering Conference Place: Stellenbosch, South Africa Date: 30 January-1 February 2017 ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-620-74503-1 Presenter and Co-presenter: Kyere, I.K. and Walker, J. Title of Paper: A study on partial discharge modelling in epoxy insulation Conference: 20th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering (ISH 2017) Place: Buenos Aires, Argentina Date: 27 August-1 September 2017 ISBN/ISSN: 978-987-45745-6-5 Presenter and Co-presenter: Djeumen, J.S. and Walker, J.J. Title of Paper: Environmental influence on corona inception with HVDC application Conference: 20th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering (ISH 2017) Place: Buenos Aires, Argentina Date: 27 August-1 September 2017 ISBN/ISSN: 978-987-45745-6-5 Presenter and Co-presenter: Joubert, T. and Walker, J. Title of Paper: Using finite element analysis to investigate tan delta in complex insulation systems Conference: 20th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering (ISH 2017) Place: Buenos Aires, Argentina
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Date: 27 August-1 September 2017 ISBN/ISSN: 978-987-45745-6-5 Presenter and Co-presenter: Walker, J.J. and Becker, T.R. Title of Paper: Application of finite element simulations for cable installations Conference: 20th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, (ISH 2017) Place: Buenos Aires, Argentina Date: 27 August- 1 September 2017 ISBN/ISSN: 978-987-45745-6-5 Presenter and Co-presenters: Ikotun, J.O., Otieno, M. and Ballim, Y. Title of Paper: Prediction of carbonation-induced corrosion initiation of steel in RC structures exposed to natural inland environment of South Africa Conference: International Conference in Advances in Construction Materials and Systems Place: Chennai, India Date: 3-8 September 2017 ISBN/ISSN: 978-2-35158-190-2 Presenter and Co-presenters: Thubakgale, C.K. Mbaya, R.K.K. Shongwe, M.B. and Mendonidis, P. Title of Paper: Leaching characteristics of a low-grade nickel-bearing ore upgraded on the falcon concentrator Conference: 56th Annual Conference of Metallurgists Hosting World Gold and Nickel-Cobalt Place: Canada Date: 2017 ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-926872-36-0 Presenter and Co-presenter: Otunniyi, I.O. and Mendonidis, P. Title of Paper: Characterisation and selective dissolution of copper values in a lean multiphasic ore Conference: Proceedings European Metallurgical Conference (EMC) 2017, Volume 4 Place: Europe Date: 2017 ISBN/ISSN: 978-3-940276-75-9 Presenter and Co-presenter: Tchomeni, B.X. and Alugongo, A.A. Title of Paper: Numerical and experimental diagnosis of complex rotor system by time-frequency techniques Conference: 6th International Multi-conference on Engineering and Technology Innovation 2017, MATEC Web of Conferences Place: N/A Date: 2017 ISBN/ISSN: 2261236X Presenter and Co-presenter: Langa, H.M. and Twala, B. Title of Paper: The implementation of the unity displacement factor frequency converter Conference: 2017 International Conference on Power and Embedded Drive Control (ICPEDC) Place: N/A Date: 2017 ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-5090-4679-9
Message from the: Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Presenter and Co-presenter: Rwanga, S. and Ndambuki, J.M. Tittle of Paper: Estimation of groundwater recharge, total runoff and evapotranspiration using water balance model, WetSpass: A case of Limpopo province Conference: International Conference on Environmental Science and Development (ICESD) Dubai, UAE Place: Dubai, UAE Date: 1-2 May 2017 Universal paper ID: AW-ICESDDBI-01057-3372 Presenter and Co-presenter: Rwanga, S. and Ndambuki, J.M. Title of Paper: Numerical simulation of groundwater flow model using visual MODFLOW: A case of central Limpopo Conference: SADC 18th WATERNET/WARFSA/GWP-SA SYMPOSIUM Place: Swakopmound, Namibia Date: 25-27 October 2017 Presenter and Co-presenter: Kabuba, J. and Ngoy, E. Title of Paper: Analytical modelling of ion-exchange process during removal of copper cations from aqueous solutions using clinoptilolite Conference: 9th International Conference on Advances Sciences, Engineering, Technology and Waste Management (ASETWM-17), Research in Chemical, Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Sciences (RCABES-17) & Education, Business, Humanities and Social Sciences Studies (EBHSSS-17) Place: Parys, South Africa Date: 27-28 November 2017 ISBN/ISSN: 978-81-934174-6-1 Presenter: Kabuba, J. Title of Paper: Deterministic and neural network study of cobalt and copper removal from contaminated water Conference: 9th International Conference on Advances Science, Engineering, Technology and Waste Management (ASETWM-17), Research in Chemical, Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Sciences (RCABES-17) & Education, Business, Humanities and Social Sciences Studies (EBHSSS-17) Place: Parys Date: 27-28 November 2017 ISBN/ISSN: 978-81-934174-6-1 Presenter: Kabuba, J. Title of Paper: Comparison between neural network technique and mathematical modelling of stem extraction of essential oil Conference: 9th International Conference on Advances Science, Engineering, Technology and Waste Management (ASETWM-17), Research in Chemical, Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Sciences (RCABES-17) & Education, Business, Humanities and Social Science Studies (EBHSSS-17) Place: Parys, South Africa Date: 27-28 November 2017 ISBN/ISSN: 978-81-934174-6-1 Presenter and Co-presenters: Banza, M. Kabuba, J. and Rutto, H. Title of Paper: Cobalt and nickel separation in hydrometallurgy using clinoptilolites as ion exchanger
Message from the: Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Conference: 9th International Conference on Advances Science, Engineering, Technology and Waste Management (ASETWM-17), Research in Chemical, Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Sciences (RCABES-17) & Education, Business, Humanities and Social Sciences Studies (EBHSSS-17) Place: Parys, South Africa Date: 27-28 November 2017 Presenter and Co-presenter: Ikome, M.E. and Ikome, J.M. Title of Paper: The importance of intellectual property for universities of technology in South Africa: Challenges faced and proceedings, 19 (3) Part X Place: London, United Kingdom Date: 15-15 March 2017 ISBN/ISSN: Presenter: Adeyemi, S.O. Title of Paper: Exploring competition and labour productivity in the South African manufacturing industry Conference: 9th International Conference on Advances Sciences, Engineering, Technology and Waste Management (ASETWM-17), Research in Chemical, Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Sciences (RCABES-17) & Education, Business, Humanities and Social Sciences Studies (EBHSSS-17) Place: Parys, South Africa Date: 27-28 November 2017 ISBN/ISSN: 978-81-934174-6-1 Presenter and co-presenter: Van Rooyen, J.P. and Walker, J.J. Tittle of Paper: Modern motor bus bar transfer testing and verification: Part I in-phase transfer testing Conference: 25th South African Universities Power Engineering Conference Place: Stellenbosch, South Africa Date: 2017 ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-620-74503-1
Seminars/Workshops Presented Title: 3rd International Symposium: Knowledge Exchange for Young Scientists (KEYS) Presented to: Young African scientist in the field of cement and concrete technology Place: University of the Witwatersrand Date: 26-30 June 2017
Publications (Books/Chapters in Books) Author: Kabuba, J. Chapter: Performance Comparison between Mathematical Model ling and Neural Network for Predicting Ion-exchange Process Title: Lecture notes in Electrical Engineering Publisher: IAENG Transactions on Engineering Sciences Date: November 2017 Page Numbers of Chapter: 13 ISBN: 978-981-3230-76-7 Author and Co-authors: Maringa, M. and Masu, L.M.
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Book Title: Transverse strain and stress magnification and reduction in fibre reinforced composites Publisher: Date: June 2017 Page Numbers of Chapter: 328 ISBN: 978-1534757677
Publications (Journals) Author and co-author: Mwashita, W. & Odhiambo, M.O. Title: Base Station Energy Efficiency Improvement for Next Generation Mobile Networks Journal: International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunica tions (IJET) Volume: 63 Issue: 2 Page Numbers of Article: 185-192 eISSN: 2300-1933 Author and Co-authors: Malaka, M. Naidoo, K. and Kabuba, J. Title: Extraction of Siphonochilus aethiopicus essential oil by steam distillation Journal: Chemical Engineering Communication Volume: 204 Issue: 7 Page Numbers of Article: 813-819 ISSN: 0098-64445
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Author and Co-authors: Maube, O. Alugongo, A. and Masu, L.M. Title: Characterisation and evaluation of distilled tire pyrolysis oil and its potential as a supplement to diesel fuel Journal: Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilisation and Environ mental Effects 2017 Volume: Vol. 39 Issue: No. 1 Page Numbers of Article: 51–57 ISSN: 1556-7036 (Print) 1556-7230 (Online) Author and Co-author: Maringa, M. and Masu, L.M. Title: Developing analytical solutions for transverse, matrix strain magnification and fibre strain reduction in uniaxially aligned continuous fibre reinforced composites, based on the principle of conservation of strain energy and the Reuss rule Journal: Materials Science and Engineering 2017 Volume: 213 Issue: N/A Page Numbers of Article: ISSN: 012004 DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/213/1/012004 Author and Co-authors: Muliwa, A.M. Onyango, M.S. Maity, A. and Ochieng, A. Title: Batch equilibrium and kinetics of mercury removal from aqueous solutions using polythiophene/graphene oxide nanocomposite Journal: Water Science & Technology Volume: 75.2 Issue: N/A Page Numbers of Article: ISSN: 0273-1223
Message from the: Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Author and Co-authors: Tewo, R.K. Maree, J.P. Rutto, S. Rutto, H.L. and Koech, L.K. Title: The gypsum reduction process and its validation using the Mintek Pyrosim model Journal: Chemical Engineering Communications Volume: 204 Issue: 12 Page Numbers of Article: ISSN: 0098-6445 Author and Co-authors: Mecha, A.C. Onyango, M.S. Ochieng, A. and Momba, M.N.B. Title: Ultraviolet and solar photocatalytic ozonation of municipal wastewater: Catalyst reuse, energy requirements and toxicity assessment Journal: Chemosphere Volume: 186 Issue: N/A Page Numbers of Article: ISSN: 0045-6535 Author and Co-authors: Igberase, E. Osifo, P. and Ofomaja, A. Title: Chromium (VI) ion adsorption by grafted cross-linked chitosan beads in aqueous solution – a mathematical and statistical modeling study Journal: Environmental Technology Volume: N/A Issue: N/A Page Numbers of Article: ISSN: 0959-3330 Author and Co-authors: Unuabonah, E.I. Adewuyi, A. Kolawole, M.O. Omorogie, M.O. Olatunde, O.C. Fayemi, S.O. Günter, C. Okoli, C.P. Agunbiade, F.O. and Taubert, A. Title: Disinfection of water with new chitosan-modified hybrid clay composite adsorbent Journal: Heliyon Volume: 3 Issue: N/A Page Numbers of Article: ISSN: 2405-8440 Author and Co-authors: Igberase, E. Osifo, P. and Ofomaja, A. Title: The adsorption of Pb, Zn, Cu, Ni and Cd by modified ligand in a single component aqueous solution: Equilibrium, Kinetic, Thermo dynamic and Desorption Studies Journal: International Journal of Analytical Chemistry Volume: 2017 Issue: N/A Page Numbers of Article: ISSN: 1687-8760 Author and Co-authors: Mubishi, C.A. Huberts, R. Seodigeng, R. Chiririwa, H. and Seodigeng, T. Title: Modelling of diffusion during neutralisation of acid mine drainage by limestone Journal: International Journal of Analytical Chemistry Volume: 13 Issue: 4
Message from the: Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Page Numbers of Article: ISSN: 0973-1792 Author and Co-authors: Mwashita, W. and Ohanga, M.O. Title: Base Station Energy Efficiency Improvement for Next Generation Mobile Networks Journal: International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunica tions Volume: 63 Issue: 4 Page Number of Article: ISSN: 0973-1792 Author and Co-author: Chiririwa, H. and Ochieng, A. Title: Synthesis and Characterisation of New Tetradentate Ligands Journal: Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions A: Science Volume: 41 Issue: 4 Page Numbers of Article: ISSN: 1028-6276 Author and Co-authors: Muza, L. Dube, D. Ochieng, A. and Chiririwa, H. Title: Investigation of the electromagnetic enhancement for the abatement of hexavalent chromium using magnetite as adsorbent Journal: Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions A: Science Volume: 41 Issue: 3 Page Numbers of Article: ISSN: 1028-6276 Author and Co-authors: Otieno, B.O. Apollo, S.O. Naidoo, E.B. and Ochieng, A. Title: Photodecolourisation of melanoidins in vinasse with illuminated TiO₂-ZnO/activated carbon composite Journal: Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A Volume: 52 Issue: 2 Page Numbers of Article: ISSN: 1093-4529 Author and Co-authors: Brooms, T.J. Onyango, M.S. and Ochieng, A. Title: Photodegradation of Phenol Using TiO₂, ZnO and TiO₂/ZnO Catalysts in an Annular Reactor Journal: Journal of Water Chemistry and Technology Volume: 39 Issue: 3 Page Numbers of Article: ISSN: 1063-455X Author and Co-authors: Osifo, P.O. Van der Merwe, H. Neomagus, H.W.J.P. Branken, D. Title: Transport properties of chitosan membranes for zinc (II) removal from aqueous systems Journal: Separation and Purification Technology Volume: 179 Issue: N/A
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Page Numbers of Article: 428-437 ISSN: 1383-5866 Author and Co-authors: Odiyo, J.O. Bassey, O.J. Ochieng, A Chimuka, L. Title: Coagulation efficiency of Dicerocaryum eriocarpum (DE) plant Journal: Water SA Volume: 43 Issue: 1 Page Numbers of Article: ISSN: 1816-7950 Author and Co-authors: Igberase, E., Osifo, P., Ofomaja, A. Title: Mathematical modelling of Pb2+, Cu2+, Ni2, Zn2+, Cr6+ and Cd2+ ions adsorption from a synthetic acid mine drainage onto chitosan derivative in a packaged bed column Journal: Environmental Technology Volume: Issue: Page Numbers of Article: 1-19 ISSN: 09593330 Author and Co-authors: Mecha, A.C. Onyango, M.S. Ochieng, A. and Momba, M.N.B. Title: Evaluation of synergy and bacterial regrowth in photocatalytic ozonation disinfection of municipal wastewater Journal: Science of the Total Environment Volume: 601-602 Issue: N/A Page Numbers of Article: ISSN: 0048-9697
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Author and Co-author: Rwanga, S. and Ndambuki, J.M. Title: Accuracy Assessment of Land Use/Land Cover Classification Using Remote Sensing and GIS Journal: International Journal of Geosciences Volume: 8 Issue: 4 Page Number of Article: 611-622 DOI: 10.4236/ijg.2017.84033 Author and Co-authors: Igberase, E. Osifo, P. and Ofomaja, A. Title: Adsorption of metal ions by microwave assisted grafting of cross-linked chitosan beads. Equilibrium, isotherm, thermodynamic and desorption studies Journal: Applied Organometallic Chemistry Volume: Issue: Page Numbers of Article: 1-14 ISSN: 0268-2605 Author and Co-authors: Osayi, J.I. Iyuke, S. Daramola, M.O. Osifo, P. Van der Walt, I.J. and Ogbeide, S. Title: Pyrolytic conversion of used tyres to liquid fuel: Characterisation and effect of operating conditions Journal: Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management Volume: Issue: Page Number of Article: 1-13 ISSN: 0268-2605
Message from the: Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Research in Progress Researcher: Okaka, A.E. and Odhiambo, M.O. Title: Priority based dynamic bandwidth allocation algorithm with reservation for wireless mesh networks Field: Wireless Communications Researcher: Mabadie, P. and Odhiambo, M.O. Title: Design and implementation of telecommunications and utility cable tampering monitoring system Field: Computer Systems Engineering Researcher: Joubert, T. Title: Evaluation and interpretation of diagnostic measurements on cable systems using very low frequencies Field: Power Engineering Researcher: Oosthuysen, N.J. Title: Improving the bandwidth of an optical current transformer (OCT) Field: Power Engineering Researcher: Djeumen, J.S Title: Space charge and atmospheric conditions as flashover mechanisms in a corona cage under DC conditions Field: Power Engineering Researcher: Kyere, I.K. Title: Diagnostic evaluation of insulation defects at different frequencies using partial discharge technology Field: Power Engineering
Message from the: Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Researcher: Adeniyi, A. Title: Diagnostic evaluation of water tree growth in accelerated aged cable samples using tan delta measurements Field: Power Engineering Researcher: Becker, T.R. Title: Displace neutral on wood pole structures with a 300kV basic insulation level rating (BIL) Field: Power Engineering Researcher: Van Rooyen, H. Title: A testing and verification protocol for a modern bus bar transfer scheme based on the transfer philosophy and theory of voltage decay Field: Power Engineering Researcher: Mabaso, C. Title: Application of inductive coupled sensors for partial discharge measurements in medium voltage (MV) cable Field: Power Engineering Researcher: Gamedze, T.S. Title: Development of graded surge protection system for electrical and electronics equipment Field: Power Engineering Researcher: Radebe, D. Title: Variability of renewable energy and how it impacts existing conventional generation fleet and compliance with the South African grid code Field: Power Engineering
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Researcher: Pretorius, A. Title: Analysis and emulate faults on a power system using a mathematical software model Field: Power Engineering Researcher: Shittu, M. Title: Controlling an output of a 90kV generator when used as source for short circuit test on cables Field: Power Engineering Researcher: Sebueng, S. Title: Evaluation and recommend improvement of transient behaviour of single wire earth return (SWER) lines under 22kW motor starting conditions Field: Power Engineering Researcher: Ikotun, J.O. Title: Service life prediction model for cover cracking due to carbonation-induced steel corrosion in RC structures in inland environment Field: Cement and Concrete Technology Researchers: Alugongo, A.A. Masu, L.M. and Maube, O. Title: Performance analysis and modeling of diesel engine operational characteristics using pyrolitic oil from scrap tyre and additives Field: Combustion Engines Researchers: Alugongo, A.A. Masu, L.M. and Tchomeni Kouejou, B.X. Title: Dynamic analysis of a multimodal coupled Cardan’s rotor system deforming with large amplitude under fluid flow regimes Field: Condition Monitoring Researchers: Masu, L.M. and Nziu, P.K. Title: Optimal geometric configuration of a cross bore in high pressure vessels Field: High Pressure Vessels Researchers: Masu, L.M. Tlhabadira, I. and Machio, C. (CSIR) Title: Inserts for machining titanium alloys made from inject moulding process Field: Titanium Product Manufacturing Researchers: Masu, L.M. Nturanabo, F. and Govender, S. (CSIR) Title: Modelling the properties of aluminium metal matrix composites for automotive applications Field: Aluminium Metal Matrix Composites Researchers: Masu, L.M. Salim, R.W. and Mukalay, J.N. Title: Structural bond behavior of fibre reinforced polymer rebar in concrete beams under dynamic loading Field: Composite Materials Researchers: Masu, L.M. Khatshwa, N.E. and Machio, C. (CSIR) Title: FE modelling of stress distribution in cold pressed Ti powder compacts Field: Titanium Powder Compacts Researchers: Masu, L.M. Mawela, T.V. and Maringa, M. (CUT) Title: Theoretical models for predicting the effect of size of particulate fillers on the quasi-static properties of particulate composites Field: Composites Materials
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Researchers: Masu, L.M. Nhlapo, M. and Machio, C. (CSIR) Title: Experimental characterisation of the rheological, physical and mechanical properties of titanium powder and its components produced through the green compression moulding process and the high temperature high pressure compression moulding process Field: Titanium Product Manufacturing Researchers: Masu, L.M. Mhlongo, O. and Machio, C. (CSIR) Title: Numerical modelling of titanium components: This is necessary in order to facilitate quick study of components made of titanium compressed and/or sintered powder ahead of large scale production Field: Titanium Product Manufacturing Researchers: Masu, L.M. Webo, W.W. and Maringa, M. (CUT) Title: Quasi-static mechanical properties of treated and untreated sisal fibre reinforced epoxy resin composites Field: Composites Materials Researchers: Masu, L.M. Andezai, A.M. and Maringa, M. (CUT) Title: Experimental investigation of the dynamic elastic properties of particulate composites using vibration testing Field: Composites
Contract Research Researcher: Djeumen, J.S. Title: Space charge and atmospheric conditions as flashover mechanisms in a corona cage under DC conditions Industry: UViRCO (CoroCAM) Field: Power Engineering Researcher: Mahatu, N. Title of research: HVDC Industry: Eskom Field: Power Engineering
Research Partnerships/Collaboration Researcher: Djeumen, J.S. Title: Space charge and atmospheric conditions as flashover mechanisms in a corona cage under DC conditions Higher Education Institution: University of the Witwatersrand Company: UViRCO, SAAB Grintek Defence Researcher: Kyere, I.K. Title: Diagnostic evaluation of insulation defects at different frequencies using partial discharge technology Higher Education Institution: University of the Witwatersrand Company: Eskom Researcher: Joubert, T. Title: Evaluation and interpretation of diagnostic measurements on cable systems using very low frequencies Higher Education Institution: University of the Witwatersrand Researcher: Oosthuysen, N.J. Title: Improving the bandwidth of an optical current transformer (OCT) Higher Education Institution: University of the Witwatersrand
Message from the: Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Researcher: Adeniyi, A. Title: Diagnostic evaluation of water tree growth in accelerated aged cable samples using tan delta measurements Higher Education Institution: University of the Witwatersrand Researchers: Muiruri, A.M. Maringa, M. and Masu, L.M. Title of research: Investigation of the high strain rate and impact toughness of Ti6Al4V (ELI) parts built by the EOS M280 DMLS system with standard process parameters; as built, heat relieved, and post processing treatments Higher Education Institution: CUT
Research Partnerships with Industry or Community Groups Researcher: Djeumen, J.S. Title: space charge and atmospheric conditions as flashover mechanisms in a corona cage under DC conditions Industry: UViRCO (CoroCAM) Researcher: Mahathu, N. Title: HVDC Industry: Eskom
Research Partnerships with International Universities/Collaboration
Researcher: Rossouw, R. Title: Company: UViRCO (CoroCAM)
Researcher: Prof C. Cuthbert Nyamupangedengu Title: EPPI programme/high voltage Higher Education Institution: University of the Witwatersrand
Researcher: Coetzer, C. Title: Company: Saab Grintek Defence
Message from the: Faculty of Engineering and Technology
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“The range of higher degrees obtained by our students grew both in numbers and in quality.” Prof C.M. van der Bank
eing a faculty in a public university and in a transforming society, the Faculty of Human Sciences’ institutional strategy is focused on achieving an optimal balance between enhancing intelligence in areas aligned to the National Skills Plan and expanding the knowledge capacity through research to effectively enhance the Faculty’s status in a leading Higher Education Institution. The Faculty proudly boasts with a relatively high number of young researches of whom the majority of researchers and general staff are women. Their high impact research made a
difference in society and changed the current understanding and perceptions about the world, influencing the research work of others. The information presented in these research reviews provides clear evidence of a growing research intensity and impact, for example, the overall increase in publications and, mostly notably, in high impact international journals. This very pleasing upward trend bears testimony to the passion, commitment and hard work of the Faculty’s staff. The academic students and staff who are committed to the pursuit of ideas, have the possibility of changing our world for the better. The range of higher degrees obtained by our students grew both in numbers and in quality.
“The Faculty proudly boasts with a relatively high number of young researches of whom the majority of researchers and general staff are women.”
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While 14 articles were published in DHET accredited journals, seven articles appeared in accredited conference proceedings. Staff members presented a total of 15 papers at national and international conferences and even contributed one chapter to a book.
Message from the: Faculty of Human Sciences
The Faculty is proud to be actively participating in a world of knowledge sustained and fueled by collaboration, partnerships and networks. I wish to extend my appreciation to all the staff and students who have ensured that 2017 was a year that we can look back on with a sense of joy and pride in our achievements.
Message from the: Faculty of Human Sciences
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RESEARCH OUTPUTS Postgraduate Staff Qualifications Completed in 2017 Name: Roos, P. Qualification: BA Honours in Communication Dissertation: Bepaal tot watter mate universiteitstudente aan die Noordwes-Universiteit se Vaaldriehoekkampus bereid is om te betaal vir die gebruik van nuwe media soos Netflix en Showmax University: North-West University Name: Kunene, S.I. Qualification: MTech in Public Relations Management Dissertation: Determining the contribution of online corporate communications to brand reputation among Generation Y consumers in the Vaal Region University: Vaal University of Technology Name: Maleho, L. Qualification: DTech in Strategic Communication Thesis: Stakeholder’s perceived reputation of the Fezile Dabi District Municipality: Guidelines for local government University: Tshwane University of Technology Name: Venter, D. Qualification: PhD in Tourism Management Thesis: A quality of life framework for an adventure based sport University: North-West University Name: Thibudi, M.P. Qualification: MTech in Fine Art Dissertation: Commemorative portraiture: The artistic representation of black women in key positions from the Vaal Region University: Vaal University of Technology Name: Van Staden, H. Qualification: MSc in Nutrition Dissertation: Consumers’ attitudes regarding the use of salt information of food labels University: North-West University Name: Masters in Applied language and Literacy Education Qualification: MA Dissertation/Thesis Title: Investigating Summary Writing and Stimulated Recall of College ESL Students using a socio-cultural approach in a South African contextUniversity/Institution: University of the Witwatersrand
Conferences (Papers and Posters Presented) Presenter: Lenz, R. Title of Paper: Finding identity and meaning in the face of despair: Athol Fugard’s statements after an arrest under the immorality act Conference: International Journal of Arts and Sciences Place: FHWien University of Applied Sciences, of WKW, Währinger Gürtel 97, Vienna
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Date: 25-29 June 2017 ISSN: 1944-6934 Presenter: Maleho, L.M. Title of Paper: Stakeholder’s perceived reputation of local government of South Africa Conference: 10th Annual Conference of the EuroMed Academy of Business Place: Sapienza University, Rome, Italy Date: 13-15 September 2017 ISSN: 2547-8516 ISBN: 978-9963-711-56-7 Presenters: Van der Bank, M. and Van der Bank, C.M. Title of Paper: Alternative dispute resolution in the settlement of environmental disputes in South Africa Conference: World Academy of Engineering and Technology Place: Cape Town Date: 2-3 November 2017 ISSN: 2522-3631 Presenter: Egal, A.A. Title of Paper: Health disparities among the Somali region Conference: First International Nutrition and Health 2017 Place: JigJiga University, JigJiga, Ethiopia Date: 12-13 January 2017 Presenter: Van der Bank, C.M. Title of Paper: Exploring alternative views on clutches of Ukuthwala in the patriarchal culture of South Africa: balancing of human rights Conference: 10th Annual Conference of the EuroMed Academy of Business Place: Sapienza University, Rome, Italy Date: 13-15 September 2017 ISSN: 2547-8516 ISBN: 978-9963-711-56-7 Presenter: Lenz, R. Title of Paper: The effects of subtly sexist language on the listener Conference: Decade of Discourse: 10th Human Sciences Faculty Research Seminar Place: VUT Southern Gauteng Science and Technology Park Date: 28 July 2017 Presenter: Maleho, L.M. Title of Paper: Application of the Harris-Fombrun reputation quotient to the Fezile Dabi District Municipality Conference: Decade of Discourse: 10th Human Sciences Faculty Research Seminar Place: VUT Southern Gauteng Science and Technology Park Date: 28 July 2017 Presenter: Doodnath, A. Title of Paper: Key drivers attributed in medico-legal matters Conference: Decade of Discourse: Annual Medico-Legal Seminar Place: Aviator Hotel OR Tambo, Johannesburg Date: 26-27 July 2017
Message from the: Faculty of Human Sciences
Presenter: Doodnath, A. Title of Paper: Cryopreservation methods in South Africa Conference: Decade of Discourse: 10th Human Sciences Faculty Research Seminar Place: VUT Southern Gauteng Science and Technology Park Date: 28 July 2017 Presenter: Sowerby, M. Title of Paper: The reformation of South African real security rights with regards to movable property Conference: Decade of Discourse: 10th Human Sciences Faculty Research Seminar Place: VUT Southern Gauteng Science and Technology Park Date: 28 July 2017 Presenter: Munro, A. Title of Paper: Doing research to decolonise research: To start at the very beginning Conference: Decade of Discourse: 10th Human Sciences Faculty Research Seminar Place: VUT Southern Gauteng Science and Technology Park Date: 28 July 2017 Presenter: Fouché, D. and Fouché, A. Title of Paper: Pre-trial therapy to child witnesses in cases of sexual abuse: A scoping literature review Conference: Decade of Discourse: 10th Human Sciences Faculty Research Seminar Place: VUT Southern Gauteng Science and Technology Park Date: 28 July 2017 Presenter: Japhta, L. Title of Paper: Special leave vs suspension. Clearing the confusion: An analysis of judgements in Heyneke vs Umhlatuse Municipality supra Conference: Decade of Discourse: 10th Human Sciences Faculty Research Seminar Place: VUT Southern Gauteng Science and Technology Park Date: 28 July 2017 Presenters: Serapins, M. and Nieman, M. Title of Paper: Cross-linguistic influences as precursors to the end state of second language acquisition Conference: Decade of Discourse: 10th Human Sciences Faculty Research Seminar Place: VUT Southern Gauteng Science and Technology Park Date: 28 July 2017 Presenters: Laubscher, M. Nkosi, M. and Van Stryp, J.E. Title of Paper: Language as empowering and disempowering vehicle for learning in higher education Conference: Decade of Discourse: 10th Human Sciences Faculty Research Seminar Place: VUT Southern Gauteng Science and Technology Park Date: 28 July 2017 Presenter: Van der Bank, C.M. Title of Paper: A Human Rights perspective: Family dispute resolution in the African social order and the relevance of culture
Message from the: Faculty of Human Sciences
Conference: The Global Business and Technology Association Place: Vienna Date: 11-15 July 2017 ISBN: 1-932917-11-X Presenters: De Klerk, A. and Shangase, M. Title of Paper: Use of digital imaging technology to decolonise education in a museum context Conference: Decade of Discourse: 10th Human Sciences Faculty Research Seminar Place: VUT Southern Gauteng Science and Technology Park Date: 28 July 2017 Presenter: Olalere, F.E. Title of Paper: Enhancing cultural practices through design Conference: 11th International Conference on Design Principles and Practices Place: Toronto, Canada Date: 2-4 March 2017 Presenter: Olalere, F.E. Title of Paper: Importance of product attributes on souvenir purchase preferences: A viewpoint of foreign tourists in South Africa Conference: Decade of Discourse: 10th Human Sciences Faculty Research Seminar Place: VUT Southern Gauteng Science and Technology Park Date: 28 July 2017 Presenters: Moloi, K.C. and Chitumwa, C. Title of Paper: A reflective critique of our teaching and learning Conference: Decade of Discourse: 10th Human Sciences Faculty Research Seminar Place: VUT Southern Gauteng Science and Technology Park Date: 28 July 2017 Presenters: Moloi, K.C. and Chitumwa, C. Title of Paper: Building communities of practice through partnerships for success Conference: TVET Colleges Lecturers’ Conference Sasol Place: Secunda, South Africa Date: 29 June-1 July 2017 Presenters: Chitumwa, C.C. Moloi, K.C. and Dzvimbo, K.P. Title of Paper: Teaching and learning in the PGDHE programme at the VUT: Why and how do we de-colonise and transform a postgraduate curriculum? Conference: SAERA Place: Boardwalk Hotel, Port Elizabeth, South Africa Date: 22-25 October 2017 Presenter: Karsten, A. Title of Paper: The rendering of security in terms of Section 145 of the Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995 amended and consequences thereof on financially constrained local authority Conference: Decade of Discourse: 10th Human Sciences Faculty Research Seminar Place: VUT Southern Gauteng Science and Technology Park Date: 28 July 2017
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Presenter: Munro, A. Title of Paper: Doing research to de-colonise research: To start at the very beginning Conference: Design Educators’ Forum of South Africa (DEFSA) Place: Freedom Park, Tshwane, South Africa Date: 27-28 September 2017 Presenters: Shangase, M. and De Klerk, A. Title of Paper: Use of digital imaging technology to decolonise education in a museum context Conference: Design Educators’ Forum of South Africa (DEFSA) Place: Freedom Park, Tshwane, South Africa Date: 27-28 September 2017 Presenters: Coetzee, N. Van Staden, H. and Oldewage-Theron, W. Title of Paper: A Decolonised approach to developing training materials for low-literate participants of rural sewing income generating projects Conference: Design Educators’ Forum of South Africa (DEFSA) Place: Freedom Park, Tshwane, South Africa Date: 27-28 September 2017 Presenter: Munro, A. Title of Paper: Keynote: Postgraduate interdisciplinary seminar: “What you always wanted to ask about research words (but were too afraid to ask)” Conference: CAD Conference, “The Academic of 2017: Future Realities” Place: Emerald, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa Date: 15 November 2017 Presenter: Rankou, L. Title of Paper: Moving from the known to the unknown: A Freirean interrogation of the introduction to visual arts and design Conference: CAD Conference, ‘The Academic of 2017: Future Realities’ Place: Emerald, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa Date: 15 November 2017 Presenter: Radebe, Z. Title of Paper: Examining black women’s diverse hairstyles through art Conference: CAD Conference, ‘The Academic of 2017: Future Realities’ Place: Emerald, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa Date: 15 November 2017 Presenters: Kotze, J.A. and Du Preez, L. Title of Paper: Practice-led research, research-led practice and the dilemmas of decolonisation in art Conference: South African Visual Arts Historians (SAVAH) Place: Pretoria, South Africa Date: 21-23 September 2017 Presenter: Chmela-Jones, K.A. Title of Paper: Flourishing is graphic design education: Incorporating Ubuntu as a curricular strategy Conference: Design for Next 12th European Academy of Design Conference
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Place: Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy Date: 12-14 April 2017 ISSN: 978-1-138-09023-1 Presenters: Labuschagne, V. and Menzies, L. Title of Paper: Community perceptions regarding township tourism in Sharpeville, South Africa Conference: Council for Australasian Tourism and Hospitality Education Conference Place: Dunedin, New Zealand Date: 7-10 February 2017 ISBN: 978-0-473-38819-5 Presenter: Kearney, J.E. Title of Paper: The impact of four school feeding food products on the nutritional status of children in southern Gauteng, South Africa Conference: 21st International Congress of Nutrition (IUNS) Place: Buenos Aires, Argentina Date: 15-20 October 2017 Presenter: Chihobo, A. Title of Paper: Translanguaging: A step towards promoting and developing African Languages in South African Higher Education Conference: The Academics of 2017 Future Realities Place: Emerald Resort, Vanderbijlpark South Africa Date: 14-16 November 2017
Seminars/Workshops Presented Presenter: Bojabotseha, T.P. Title: An introduction to critical theory Presented to: Master’s and Doctoral staff members and students in short learning course: Research methods in education Place: Vaal University of Technology Date: 25 February 2017 Presenter: Egal, A.A. Title: The nutritional of Halaal foods Presented to: Workshop on research grant writing Place: Day Star University, Nairobi, Kenya Date: 23 June 2017 Presenter: Munro, A. Title: The implications of the recognition of creative outputs as research outputs (Government Gazette: April 2017) Workshop: DEFSA Place: Freedom Park, Tshwane, South Africa Date: 29 September 2017 Presenter: Munro, A. Title: The nature of practice-led research Masters and Doctorates in design disciplines Workshop: DEFSA Place: Freedom Park, Tshwane, South Africa Date: 29 September 2017 Presenter: Moloi, K.C. Title: Proposal writing
Message from the: Faculty of Human Sciences
Workshop: Master’s and Doctoral staff members and students in short learning course: Research methods in education Place: Vaal University of Technology, M003 Date: 11 February 2017 Presenter: Moloi, K.C. Title: Research design Presented to: Master’s and Doctoral staff members and students in short learning course: Research methods in education Place: Vaal University of Technology, M003 Date: 25 February 2017 Presenter: Moloi, K.C. Title: Data collection Workshop: Master’s and Doctoral staff members and students in short learning course: Research methods in education Place: Vaal University of Technology, M003 Date: 11 March 2017 Presenter: Moloi, K.C. Title: Theoretical frameworks, literature review and academic writing Workshop: Faculty of Management Sciences, Master’s and Doctoral students Place: Vaal University of Technology, Library Training Room Date: 18 March 2017
Message from the: Faculty of Human Sciences
Presenter: Moloi, K.C. Title: Change management Workshop: Department of Basic Education, District Curriculum Development officials Place: University of Johannesburg, Soweto Campus Date: 24 June 2017 Presenter: Moloi, K.C. Title: Understanding the research process Workshop: Master’s and Doctoral staff members and students in short learning course: Research methods in education Place: Vaal University of Technology, M003 Date: 17 August 2017 Presenter: Moloi, K.C. Title: Qualitative and quantitative research methods Workshop: VUT Master’s and Doctoral students Place: Vaal University of Technology, Library Training Room Date: 16 August 2017 Presenter: Moloi, K.C. Title: Problem statement, research questions and research objectives Workshop: Master’s and Doctoral staff members and students in short learning course: Research methods in education Place: Vaal University of Technology, M003 Date: 26 August 2017
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Presenter: Moloi, K.C. Title: The research onion: Research philosophies Workshop: Master’s and Doctoral staff members and students in short learning course: Research methods in education Place: Vaal University of Technology, M003 Date: 9 September 2017 Presenter: Moloi, K.C. Title: Qualitative and quantitative research methods Workshop: Master’s and Doctoral staff members and students in short learning course: Research methods in education Place: Vaal University of Technology, M003 Date: 23 September 2017 Presenter: Moloi, K.C. Title: Wiring the proposal Workshop: Master’s and Doctoral staff members and students, in short learning course: Research methods in education Place: Vaal University of Technology, M003 Date: 7 October 2017 Presenter: Moloi, K.C. Title: Writing the proposal Workshop: Master’s and Doctoral staff members and students, in short learning course: Research methods in education Place: Vaal University of Technology, M003 Date: 21 October 2017
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Presenter: Moloi, K.C. Title: Proposal presentation: Students Workshop: Master’s and Doctoral staff members and students, in short learning course: Research methods in education Place: Vaal University of Technology, M003 Date: 4 November 2017
Publications (Books/Chapters in Books) Author: Bojabotseha, T.P. Title: The Language of the African National Congress Publisher: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing Date: 18 May 2017 Page Numbers: 1-168 ISBN-13: 978-3-659-62380-6 / ISBN-10: 3659623806 Author: Munro, A. Title of Chapter: Morris and Co. as a strategy for Contemporary South African Craft Enterprises Title of Book: Contemporary Perspectives on Art and International Development Publisher: Routledge: Taylor and Francis Date: 2017 Page Numbers: 172-188 ISBN: 978-138-02470-0
Message from the: Faculty of Human Sciences
Publications (Journals) Author: Lenz, R. Title: Michiel Heyns’s lost ground: The white man’s sense of identity and place in a decolonised Africa and a democratic South Africa Journal: Literator Volume: 38 Issue: 1 Page Numbers of Article: 1-10 ISSN: 2219-8237 Author and Co-authors: Grobler, B.R. Moloi, K.C. and Thakhordas, S. Title: Teachers’ perceptions of the utilisation of emotional intelligence (EI) by their principles to manage mandated curriculum change process Journal: Education Management Administration Leadership Journal Volume: 45 Issue: 2 Page Numbers of Article: 336-355 ISSN: 1741-1432 Author and Co-authors: Moloi, K.C. Miruka, C. and Makgoba, P.W. Title: (De)constructing #FeesMustFall campaign in South African higher education Journal: Contemporary Education Dialogue, Education Dialogue Trust Volume: 14 Issue: 2 Page Numbers of Article: 211-223 ISSN: 0973-1849 (Print) 2249-5320 (Web) Author and Co-authors: Grobler, B.R. Moloi, K.C. and Ayres, J.L. Title: Investigating the management of diversity in the staffroom of former model C school in Gauteng Journal: Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 53 Issue: 1 Page Numbers of Article: 45-56 ISSN: 1549-3652 (Print) 1558-6987 (Web) Author and Co-author: Van der Bank, M. and Van der Bank, C.M. Title: Settling environmental disputes using alternative dispute resolution strategies and the impact on tourism activity in South Africa Journal: African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure Volume: 6 Issue: 3 Page Numbers of Article: 1-12 ISSN: 2223-814X Author and Co-author: Fouché, D.F. and Fouché, A. Title: Delaying pre-trail therapy to child victims of sexual abuse: An unfounded prevailing culture in South Africa? Journal: International Journal of Children’s Rights Volume: 25 Issue: 4 Page Numbers of Article: 559-621 ISSN: 0927-5568
Message from the: Faculty of Human Sciences
Author and Co-author: Fouché, D.F. and Fouché, A. Title: Pre-trail therapy for child witnesses in cases of sexual abuse: A scoping literature review Journal: Journal of Psychology in Africa Volume: 27 Issue: 5 Page Numbers of Article: 462-471 ISSN: 1433-0237 Author and Co-author: Van der Bank, M. and Van der Bank, C.M. Title: South Africa: The need for a legal and sustainable tourism policy Journal: African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure Volume: 6 Issue: 2 Page Numbers of Article: 1-14 ISSN: 2223-814X Author: Venter, D. Title: Examining military heritage tourism as a niche tourism market in the South African context Journal: African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure Volume: 6 Issue: 1 Page Numbers of Article: 1-19 ISSN: 2223-814X Author and Co-author: Venter, D. and Kruger, S. Title: Do travel motives and life domains have an influence on visitors’ quality of life attending a heritage event? Journal: African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure Volume: 6 Issue: 3 Page Numbers of Article: 1-15 ISSN: 2223-814X Author and Co-authors: Oldewage-Theron, W.H. Egal, A.A. and Grobler, C. Title: Lipid profile, hyperglycaemia, systemic inflammation anthropometry as cardiovascular risk factors and their association with dietary intakes in children from rural Cofimvaba, Eastern Cape, South Africa Journal: Journal of Consumer Sciences Volume: 2 Issue: 1 Page Numbers of Article: 1-15 ISSN: 0378-5254 Author and Co-authors: Cantaluppi, E. Manzi, S. Egal, A.A. et al. Title: Nutritional and phenotypical characterisation of two South African maize (Zea mays L.) varieties sampled in the Qwa-Qwa region Journal: Maydica Volume: 62 Issue: 1 Page Numbers of Article: 1-10 ISSN: 0025-6153
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Author and Co-author: Deenanath, E.D. and Egal, A.A. Title: Food extrusion technology: Initiatives to address food and nutrition insecurity in South Africa Journal: Journal of Pharmacy and Nutrition Sciences Volume: 7 Issue: 1 Page Numbers of Article: 116-123 ISSN: 2223-3806 Author and Co-author: Okosun, O.O. and Adedire, C.O. Title: Inseticidal activities of African nutmeg solvent extracts against cowpea seed bruchid, Collosobruchus maculatus (Fabricius) Journal: Asian Journal of Agricultural Research Volume: 11 Issue: 3 Page Numbers of Article: 86-92 ISSN: 1819-1894 Author and Co-authors: Lebelo, R.S. Mahlobo, R.K. and Moloi, K.C. Title: Thermal stability analysis in a two-step reactive cylindrical stockpile Journal: American Journal of Applied Sciences Volume: Online Issue: Website: Page Numbers of Article: 1-8 ISSN: 1546-9239 Author and Co-author: Egal, A.A. and Oldewage-Theron, W.H. Title: Association of micronutrients and child growth in children aged 7-15 years from Qwa-Qwa, South Africa Journal: South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition Volume: 4 Issue: 1 Page Numbers of Article: 1-5 ISSN: 1607-0658 Author: Lekaota, L. Title: Awareness and education about sustainable tourism in Katse and Mohale tourism development areas in Lesotho Journal: African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure Volume: 6 Issue: 1 Page Numbers of Article: 1-12 ISSN: 2223-814X
Research in Progress Researcher: Van Stryp, J.E. Title: The effect of multilingual glossaries of meta-cognitive words on improving assessment performance: A case study at a South African university of technology Field: Second Language Studies Researcher: Doodnath, A. Title: Cryopreservation methods in South Africa and the need for medico-legal intervention Field: Medical Law
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Researcher: Van der Bank, M. Title: Constitutional environmental rights and water service delivery in the public and private sectors in South Africa Field: Environmental and Local Government Law Researcher: Sowerby, M. Title: The reformation of South African real security rights with regards to movable property Field: Property Law Researcher: Molefe, S.N. Title: Guidelines of testifying in court Field: Policing Researcher: Nieman, N. Title: Self-perceptions of English language proficiency and preparedness for studying through the medium of English: A case study of students who previously had French as medium of instruction (MOI) at a South African tertiary institution Field: Intercultural Communication Researcher: Chemela-Jones, K.A. Title: Re-conceptualising graphic design education to meet the challenges of human-centred practice Field: Information Design Researcher: Prinsloo, R. Title: The relevance of the best interest of the child within the parent and child relationship: A comparative analysis Field: Family Law Researcher: De Klerk, A. Title: Telling places: A photographic investigation Field: Visual Arts: Photography Researcher: Coetzee, N. Title: Employing developed sewing training materials in an intervention for low-literate participant of rural income generating projects Field: Consumer Sciences Researcher: Chihobo, A. Title: Exploring the multimodal nature of translanguaging in teaching and learning poetry in an ESL Class in high school Field: Language Literacy and Education
Contract Research Researcher: Egal, A.A. Title: Cofimvaba school nutrition pilot projects: DST sustainable livelihoods Company: Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) Field: Human Nutrition Researcher: Egal, A.A. Title: Addressing food insecurity by supporting economic growth for emerging farmers Company: Oil Seeds Advisory Committee (OPOT) Field: Human Nutrition
Message from the: Faculty of Human Sciences
Research Partnerships/Collaboration
Art Exhibitions
Researchers: Egal, A.A. and Oldewage-Theron, W.H. Title: Soya-based food product development Higher Education Institution: Texas Tech University Industry: Research Country: USA
Presenter: Du Preez, L. Title: Re-visit 92 legends in their own lifetime Four artworks on display, namely: • “Small Rhino” (bronze) • “Mongoose” (bronze) • “Cooling Towers” (ceramics) • “Plaasdam: Lindequedrift” (ceramics) Place: Stuart Trent Gallery, Pretoria, South Africa Date: 16-28 September 2017
Researchers: Egal, A.A. and Pilu, R.S. Title: Enhanced maize and beans for food and nutrition security Higher Education Institution: Universitȧ degi Studi di Milano Industry: Research on Food and Nutrition Security Country: Italy
Message from the: Faculty of Human Sciences
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FACULTY OF MANAGEMENT SCIENCES “A strong culture of collaboration existed at all levels throughout the Faculty.” Prof M. Dhurup
n 2017, the Faculty of Management Sciences has continued to foster the research ethos among the four departments. Despite heavy teaching loads, Faculty members should be applauded for their efforts in driving research. A strong culture of collaboration existed at all levels throughout the Faculty, allowing for vital links to be formed across the Faculty itself as well as between other faculties and tertiary research institutions.
“Over the transitional period, management has invested in strengthening and growing the university’s research base. Our high-road strategic approach has been the guiding light for the development of our research focus areas.”
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In the absence of a Faculty research professor, Heads of departments together with the office of the Dean assisted to provide strategic direction for the development, coordination and promotion of the Faculty’s research and research strategies. Our research trajectory shows a steady increase in the number of masters and doctoral students. Staff members were also provided with research support to complete their masters and doctoral qualifications. Our Faculty members’ excellence in research is demonstrated by the quality of their published articles and conference presentations. Faculty members engaged in exciting areas of research that cut across various disciplines and focus areas, such as supply chain management, e-procurement, e-marketing, organisational behaviour and management accounting. A total six students and staff obtained their masters qualification, while three staff members and students completed their doctoral qualifications. A total of 51 papers were presented at national and international conferences by staff members. The conference attendance by staff members provided an ideal
Message from the: Faculty of Management Sciences
platform to disseminate their research and leverage avenues for possible collaborations. In 2017, a total of 42 articles were published in the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) accredited list of journals with an article equivalence of 39 units. An attractive reward system is in place to encourage quality publications. The Faculty also hosted three visiting professors from abroad. Prof T. Dobblestein from the University of Baden-Wurttemberg Cooperative State University in Ravensburg, Germany, visited the Department of Marketing from 17 March to 31 March 2017. Prof J. Bhadury from the College at Brockport, State University of New York, visited the Faculty from 31 July to 3 August 2017. Prof Kwasi Amoako-Gympah from the Bryan School of Business and Economics, University of North Carolina, Greensboro, visited the Department of Logistics from 4 August to 14 August 2017. They provided research support to our masters and doctoral students. On 8 August, the Logistics Department held a public lecture in the foyer of the Desmond Tutu Great Hall under the theme ‘The emergence of supply chain management as an academic discipline: Economic implications for Africa’, with Prof Kwasi AmoakoGympah acting as guest speaker. Despite a challenging research environment, the Faculty has tried to focus on strengthening our research support to our postgraduate students. The research induction programme introduced by the Faculty exposed students to the following: • The basics of research • Proposal writing
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• Academic writing skills, literature search and library data base • Plagiarism • Questionnaire development • Research paradigms and methodologies in research • Statistical analysis The annual institutional research awards function was held on 28 November 2017. Prof M. Dhurup was placed first in the research excellence category, while Prof C. Mafini was placed first and Dr P.A. Joubert was placed second in the research advancement category. This was indeed a proud achievement for the Faculty as staff members scooped all the awards. Congratulations to all our award recipients. The Faculty of Management Sciences will continue to provide the research space and support to all our staff. We acknowledge the support given by the Research Directorate to all our staff and students in the form of research grants and other funding. As we charter a way forward in research, we should be mindful of the dire need for the appointment of more professors and associate professors within the Faculty to undertake supervision and co-supervision duties. In this way a rich ecosystem could be developed to further enhance research in the Faculty.
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RESEARCH OUTPUTS Postgraduate Staff and Students Qualifications Completed in 2017 Name: Agbavor, J.K.E. Qualification: Magister Technologiae: Logistics Thesis Title: An investigation of the reverse logistics systems for end of life vehicles in the automobile industry in Port Elizabeth University/Institution: Vaal University of Technology Name: Dlodlo, N. Qualification: PhD: Marketing Management Thesis Title: Determining the values that influence consumers’ behavioural intentions towards fashion e-stores University/Institution: North-West University Name: Janse van Rensburg, C. Qualification: PhD: Industrial Psychology Thesis Title: Flourishing of academics in universities of technology University/Institution: North-West University Name: Msibi, W.N. Qualification: Magister Technologiae: Human Resources Management Thesis Title: Job satisfaction and intention to quit of employees of non-Government Organisation in Swaziland University/Institution: Vaal University of Technology Name: Mahao, B.B. Qualification: Magister Technologiae: Marketing Thesis Title: The influence of selected antecedents on athlete endorser credibility, attitude towards an advertisement and purchase intentions University/Institution: Vaal University of Technology Name: Makokoe, I. Qualification: Magister Technologiae: Marketing Thesis Title: Selected antecedents towards the acceptance of m-payment services and the relationship with attitude and future intentions University/Institution: Vaal University of Technology Name: Nguegan Nguegan, C.A. Qualification: Magister Technologiae: Logistics Thesis Title: Perceptions of supply chain professionals on the relationship between supply chain challenges and business performance University/Institution: Vaal University of Technology Name: Pillay, P. Qualification: Doctorate Technologiae: Business (Logistics) Thesis Title: An empirical exploration of supply chain constraints the construction industry in South Africa University/Institution: Vaal University of Technology Name: Van Tonder, E.O. Qualification: Magister Technologiae: Business Administration
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Thesis Title: Perceived organisational support, job satisfaction and organisational citizenship behaviour of South African police service officials in the Bellville cluster University/Institution: Vaal University of Technology
Conferences (Papers and Posters Presented) Presenter: Chinomona, E. Title of Paper: Antecedents of employee intention to stay: A study of employees in Zimbabwe Conference: 2017 International Academic Conference on Business Place: USA Date: 29 July-3 August 2017 Presenter: Chinomona, E. Title of Paper: Organisational citizenship behaviour, employee perceptions of equity, organisational commitment and intention to stay of employees in Zimbabwe Conference: 8th International Conference on Social Sciences Place: Durban, South Africa Date: 24-25 August 2017 Presenter: Chinomona, E. Title of Paper: Corporate entrepreneurship the only way to go for universities in the Gauteng province, South Africa Conference: SANORD Conference Place: Zimbabwe Date: 28 November-1 December 2017 Presenters: Chinomona, E. and Omoruyi, O. Title of Paper: The impact of social media on knowledge sharing, information sharing and firm performance. A case of companies in Gauteng province, South Africa Conference: The 29th SAIMS Annual Conference Place: University of the Free State, South Africa Date: 10-12 September 2017 Presenters: Chinomona, E and Omoruyi, O Title of Paper: The influence of selection, supplier trust, supplier communication of firm preformation in the southern Gauteng province Conference: The SAIMS 29th Annual Conference Place: University of the Free State, South Africa Date: 10-12 September 2017 Presenters: Chinomona, E. and Omoruyi, O. Title of Paper: The influence of green procurement on customer relationship management, information quality and reverse supply chain among manufacturing SMEs in Gauteng province Conference: 8th International Conference on Social Sciences. Advancing Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Studies on Social Sciences Place: North-West University, South Africa Date: 10-12 September 2017 Presenters: Dlodlo, N. and Mahao, B. Title of Paper: Identifying the factors influencing consumers’ credibility evaluations of an athlete- celebrity endorsed product Conference: 8th International Conference on Social Sciences
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Place: Durban, South Africa Date: 23-25 August 2017 Presenter: Dlodlo, N. Title of Paper: Exploring online shopping irritation: Effects on complaining behaviour Conference: Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference (ANZMAC) Place: Melbourne, Australia Date: 2-6 December 2017 Presenter: Dlodlo, N. Title of Paper: Modelling the utilitarian-hedonic value dichotomy among female consumers at pure-play fashion stores Conference: Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference (ANZMAC) Place: Melbourne, Australia Date: 2-6 December 2017 Presenters: Dhurup, M. and Radebe, P. Title of Paper: The relationship between perceived injustice, work-related depression, anxiety and irritation and their effect on the intention to leave among employees in a fast paced manufacturing company in South Africa Conference: 8th International Conference on Social Sciences Place: Durban, South Africa Date: 23-25 August 2017 Presenter: Ngo Ndjama, J.D. Title of Paper: Effect of corporate social responsibility on organisational commitment and intention to stay in a telecommunication company Conference: Global Symposium on Human Capital Challenges for Knowledge-driven Organisations Place: Pierce and Riverwalk, off the 91 Freeway, Riverside, California, USA Date: 26-27 October 2017 Presenter: Isabirye, A.K. Title of Paper: Addressing trainees’ concern in a professional development programme for innovative teaching and learning Conference: Durban, South Africa Date: 23-25 August 2017 Presenter: Isabirye, A.K Title of Paper: Construction workers’ skills development: A strategy for improving capacity and production in Orlando, South Africa Conference: 8th International Conference on Social Sciences Place: Durban, South Africa Date: 23-25 August 2017 Presenters: Isabirye, A.K. Dlodlo, N. and Mbati, L. Title of Paper: Faculty-perceived constraints towards the implementation of transformative e-learning technologies at a South African tertiary institution Conference: 8th International Conference on Social Sciences Place: Durban, South Africa Date: 23-25 August 2017
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Presenter: Janse van Rensburg, C. Title of Paper: Flourishing and person-environment fit in Higher Education Institution in South Africa (as part of PhD research) Conference: The International Conference for Academic Discipline Place: FIAP Jean Monnet University, Paris, France Date: 7-12 April 2017 Presenter: Joubert, P.A. Title of Paper: Job satisfaction and intention to quit of employees in a steel manufacturing company in Gauteng, South Africa Conference: International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities Place: Mauritius Date: 14-16 December 2017 Presenters: Joubert, P.A. and Msibi, W. Title of Paper: Job satisfaction and intention to quit of employees in non-government organisation in Swaziland Conference: 8th International Conference on Social Sciences Place: Durban, South Africa Date: 23-25 August 2017 Presenter: Loury Okoumba, W.V. Title of Paper: 1. Green supply chain management, operational performance and supply chain performance in manufacturing firms in an emerging market 2. Information technology, lean supply chain management, firm performance and supply chain performance: Implications for the fast moving consumer goods retail industry Conference: 19th Annual International Conference, GBATA Place: Vienna, Austria Date: 9-15 July 2017 Presenters: Loury-Okoumba, W.V. and Mafini, C. Title of Paper: Connecting corporate social responsibility to supplier evaluation and competitive advantage in the steel industry Conference: The 29th SAIMS Annual Conference Place: University of the Free State, South Africa Date: 10-12 September 2017 Presenter: Mafini, C. Title of Paper: 1. Strategic sourcing in Africa: A literature review on risk management 2. A diagnostic review of the barriers to supply chain management in construction supply chain Conference: 6th Business and Management Conference, Geneva, Switzerland Place: Switzerland Date: 27-30 June 2017 Presenters: Mafini, C. and Nguegan Nguegan, C.A. Title of Paper: Attitudes towards challenges to supply chain management in the food processing industry Conference: Annual Cairo Business Conference Place: Cairo, Egypt Date: 2-5 July 2017 Presenters: Mafini, C. and Mashiloane, M. Title of Paper: The role of information change and collaboration in sharing the performance of manufacturing supply chains
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Conference: 29th SAIMS annual conference Place: Department of Business Management, University of the Free State, South Africa Date: 10-12 September 2017 Presenter: Mafini, C. Title of Paper: 1. Proactive attitude, life satisfaction and general happiness: A survey of university students 2. Drivers of entrepreneurial intentions amongst Generation Y students in Zimbabwe 3. The role of knowledge management systems on the export performance of manufacturing firms: Evidence from Zimbabwe Conference: 8th International Conference on Social Sciences Place: Durban, South Africa Date: 23-25 August 2017 Presenters: Mafini, C. and Pillay, P. Title of Paper: A diagnostic review of the barriers to supply chain management in construction supply chain Conference: 6th Business and Management Conference Place: Geneva, Switzerland Date: 27-30 June 2017 Presenters: Mafini, C. and Loury-Okoumba, V.W. Title of Paper: Connecting corporate social responsibility to supplied evaluation and competitive advantage in the steel industry Conference: 29th SAIMS Annual Conference Place: Department of Business Management, University of the Free State, South Africa Date: 10-12 September 2017 Presenter: Mahao, B.B. Title of Paper: Identifying the source attributes influencing consumers’ credibility evaluations of an athlete-celebrity endorsed product Conference: 8th International Conference on Social Sciences Place: Durban, South Africa Date: 23-25 August 2017 Presenter: Marais, C. Title of Paper: Research capacity building within the South African Higher Education context: An auto ethnographic ‘post-mortem’ Conference: International Conference for Education, Ca’ Foscari University Place: Venice, Italy Date: 20-23 June 2017 Presenter: Marais, C. Title of Paper: Transitional journey of learning and becoming during PhD tenure: ‘To see, to really see for the very first time’ Conference: International Conference for Social Sciences and Humanities, FHWien University of Applied Sciences of WKW, Wӓhringer Gurtel 97 Place: Venice, Austria Date: 25-29 June 2017 Presenter: Maseko, G.J. Title of Paper: 1. The impact of credit management on student accounts at selected South African universities
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2. An integrated model for student debt management at selected South African universities Conference: Clute International Academic Conference on Business, Las Vegas Place: USA Date: 7-12 October 2017 Presenters: Mashiloane, M.W. and Mafini, C. Title of Paper: The role of information exchange and collaboration in shaping the performance of manufacturing supply chain Conference: The 29th SAIMS Annual Conference Place: University of the Free State, South Africa Date: 10-12 September 2017 Presenter: Matsheke, O.T. Title of Paper: Entrepreneurship content of the curriculum and students’ attitude to venture into new business Conference: 1st International Conference on Entrepreneurship Development Place: Central University of Technology, Free State, South Africa Date: 5-7 April 2017 Presenter: Matsheke, O.T. Title of Paper: Improving students’ emotional intelligence through a workshop intervention enhance employability Conference: The 29th SAIMS Annual Conference Place: University of the Free State, South Africa Date: 10-12 September 2017 Presenter: Matsheke, M. Title of Paper: Examining the use of information sources by prospective entrepreneurs in screening business opportunities Conference: The 29th SAIMS Annual Conference Place: University of the Free State, South Africa Date: 10-12 September 2017 Presenter: Mokoena, B.A. Title of Paper: 1. A dimensional analysis of service quality provided in cricket league matches in a South African context 2. The influence of institutional factors on freshmen selection of a higher education institution of choice: A case of a selected university in South Africa Conference: 7th International Conference on Economics, Business and Management (ICEBM) Place: Brisbane, Australia Date: 4-5 July 2017 Presenter: Mokoena, B.A. Title of Paper: 1. The influence of service satisfaction and game satisfaction in predicting perceived value and behavioural intentions on cricket league matches in South Africa 2. First-year university student’s perceptions of promotional tools adopted by a selected university in South Africa Conference: International Conference on Social Science and Economics (ICSSE) Place: Wellington, New Zealand Date: 6-7 July 2017
Message from the: Faculty of Management Sciences
Presenter: Mokoena, M.C. Title of Paper: Determining safety culture at a colliery in South Africa: A tool for cost reduction and safety improvement Conference: Clute International Academic Conference on Business, Las Vergas Place: USA Date: 07-12 October 2017
Presenters: Omoruyi, O. and Chinomona, E. Title of Paper: The influence of supplier selection, supplier trust and supplier communication on firm performance in the southern Gauteng province Conference: The 29th SAIMS Annual Conference Place: University of the Free State, South Africa Date: 10-12 September 2017
Presenter: Mokoena, B.A. Title of Paper: Exploring the application of the MKTO scale as a social learning approach on predicting universities of technology in South Africa Conference: 8th International Conference on Social Sciences Place: Durban, South Africa Date: 23-25 August 2017
Presenters: Omoruyi, O. and Chinomona, E. Title of Paper: The influence of green procurement on customer relationship management, information quality and reverse supply chain among manufacturing SMEMS in Gauteng province Conference: 8th International Conference on Social Sciences Place: Durban, South Africa Date: 23-25 August 2017
Presenters: Mokoena, B.A. and Dhurup, M. Title of Paper: Service quality dimension in spectator sport: An analysis of the Twenty20 league matches in South Africa Conference: 8th International Conference on Social Sciences Place: Durban, South Africa Date: 23-25 August 2017
Presenters: Popoola, O. and Megbowon, E. Title of Paper: Government expenditure and agricultural productivity in South Africa: An ARDL investigation and approach Conference: 8th International Conference on Social Sciences Place: Durban, South Africa Date: 23-25 August 2017
Presenters: Mokoena, B.A. and Rachoene, T.P. Title of Paper: Exploring attendees’, perceptions on service quality provided at the Vaal River Carnival in South Africa: A factorial analysis perspective Conference: 8th International Conference on Social Sciences Place: Durban, South Africa Date: 23-25 August 2017
Presenter: Radebe, P. Title of Paper: Gender and position held in the company as predictors of job satisfaction, organisational commitment and organisation citizenship behaviour among employees in the water utility company in South Africa Conference: International Conference for Social Sciences and Humanities Place: Venice, Italy Date: 20-22 June 2017
Presenter: Muposhi, A. Title of Paper: Predictors of norm-violating behaviours in sustainable water consumption in South Africa: A grounded theory perceptive Conference: 8th International Conference on Social Sciences Place: Durban, South Africa Date: 23-25 August 2017 Presenter: Ngo Ndjama, J.D. Title of Paper: Effect of corporate social responsibility on organisational commitment and intention to stay in a telecommunication company Conference: Global Symposium on Human Capital Challenges for Knowledge-driven Organisation Place: Pierce and Riverwalk, off the 91 Freeway,Riverside, California Date: 26-27 October 2017 Presenter: Omoruyi, O. Title of Paper: 1. Determining the mediating role of supplier and customer integration towards enhancing SME’s return on investment 2. Determining the influence of information technology and logistics integration on SMS reliability in Gauteng province Conference: 8th International Conference on Social Sciences Place: Durban, South Africa Date: 23-25 August 2017
Message from the: Faculty of Management Sciences
Presenter: Radebe, P. Title of Paper: The relationship between perceived injustice, work-related depression, anxiety and irritation and their effect on the intention to leave among employees in a fast paced manufacturing company in South Africa Conference: 8th International Conference on Social Sciences Place: Durban, South Africa Date: 23-25 August 2017 Presenter: Radebe, P. Title of Paper: Interdependencies between supervisor commitment, supervisor satisfaction and career satisfaction among employees in a manufacturing company in South Africa Conference: 8th International Conference on Social Sciences Place: Durban, South Africa Date: 23-25 August 2017 Presenter: Radebe, P. Title of Paper: Leveraging the use of PMS through key performance indicators in the Sport and Recreation Department of the Emfuleni Local Municipality Conference: International Conference for Business and Economics Place: Venice, Italy Date: 25-29 June 2017
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Presenter: Rundoda, R. Title of Paper: Patterns of activity-based costing and the impending barriers to adoption by small and medium manufacturers in southern Gauteng, South Africa Conference: 19th Annual International Conference Place: Hilton Vienna Danube Waterfront, Vienna, Austria Date: 11-15 July 2017 Presenters: Chinomona, E. and Omoruyi, O. Title of Paper: The influence of green procurement on customer relationship management, information quality and reverse supply chain among manufacturing SMEs in Gauteng province Conference: 8th International Conference on Social Sciences Place: Durban, South Africa Date: 23-25 August 2017 Presenters: Van Schalkwyk, P. Maziriri, E.T. and Mokoena, B.B. Title of Paper: Refinement and validation of scales for measuring perceived social risk, buying behaviour and retail store choice Conference: 8th International Conference on Social Sciences Place: Durban, South Africa Date: 23-25 August 2017
Induction Sessions Presenter: Van Den Berg, H. Title: Making a successful transition to postgraduate studies Identification of the problem statement Research proposal outline – topic refinement Presented to: First-year M.Tech Students in the Faculty of Management Sciences Place: Library Training Room Date: 4 March 2017 Presenters: Fani, R. and Moloi, C. Title: Effective information search and the use of the library databases including plagiarism Literature usage, writing styles/theoretical framework, research paradigm Presented to: First-year MTech Students in the Faculty of Management Sciences Place: Library Training Room Date: 18 March 2017 Presenter: Muposhi, A. Title: Research design: Quantitative and mixed method The design of the research proposal (Part 1 and 2) Presented to: First-year MTech Students in the Faculty of Management Sciences Place: Library Training Room Date: 1 April 2017 Presenter: Van Den Berg, H. Title: Research design: Qualitative and mixed method - The design of the research proposal (Part 1 and 2) Presented to: First-year MTech Students in the Faculty of Management Sciences Place: Library Training Room Date: 22 April 2017
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Presenter: Oosthuyzen, A. Title: Questionnaire development: Qualitative data collection Presented to: First-year MTech Students in the Faculty of Management Sciences Place: Library Training Room Date: 6 May 2017 Presenter: Oosthuyzen, A. Title: Basic data collection: Quantitative data - Data collection instruments - Research ethics Presented to: First-year MTech Students in the Faculty of Management Sciences Place: Library Training Room Date: 20 May 2017 Presenter: Nel, P. Title: Basic data analysis, SPSS and hypotheses testing Presented to: First-year MTech Students in the Faculty of Management Sciences Place: Library Training Room Date: 3 June 2017 Presenters: Dhurup, M. and Chinomona, Prof R. Title: AMOS-CFA and hypotheses testing, Atlas TI Presented to: First-year MTech Students in the Faculty of Management Sciences Place: Library Training Room Date: 24 June 2017
Publications (Journals) Author and Co-author: Chauke, X.D. and Dhurup, M. Title: A Generation X cohort analysis of e-shoppers: Satisfaction, loyalty and repurchase intentions in a developing country Journal: Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 52 Issue: 1-3 Page Numbers of Article: 145-154 ISSN: 812-0687 Author and Co-author: Chauke, X.D. and Dubihlela, J. Title: South African Generation X online shopper satisfaction and their repurchase intentions Journal: Investment Management and Financial Innovations Volume: 13 Issue: 3 Page Numbers of Article: 121-129 ISSN: 1810-4967 Author: Chinomona, E. Title: Antecedents of employee intention to stay: A study of employees in Zimbabwean SMEs Journal: The Journal of Economics and Behavioural Studies Volume: 9 Issue: 5 Page Numbers of Article: 57-73 ISSN: 2220-6140
Message from the: Faculty of Management Sciences
Author and Co-author: Chinomona, E. and Imuezerua, E. Title: The influence of employee empowerment, ethical climate, organisation support and top management commitment on employee job satisfaction. A case of companies in the Gauteng province of South Africa Journal: The Journal of Applied Business Research Volume: 33 Issue: 1 Page Numbers of Article: 27-42 ISSN: 0892-7626 Author: Chinomona, E. Title: The influence of brand trust, brand familiarity and brand experience on brand attachment: A case of consumers in the Gauteng province of South Africa Journal: The Journal of Economics and Behavioural Studies Volume: 9 Issue: 1 Page Numbers of Article: 69-81 ISSN: 2220-6140
Message from the: Faculty of Management Sciences
Author: Chinomona, E. Title: Impact of leadership on organisational citizenship behaviour, organisational commitment and job performance: An application of leader-member exchange theory Journal: Corporate Ownership and Control Volume: 14 Issue: 3 Page Numbers of Article: 309-319 ISSN: 1810-3057 Author and Co-authors: Chinomona, E. Dhurup, M. and Joubert, P.A. Title: Organisational citizenship behaviour, employee perceptions of equity, organisational commitment and intention to stay of employees in Zimbabwean SMEs Journal: International Journal of Business Management Studies Volume: 9 Issue: 1 Page Numbers of Article: 131-146 ISSN: 1309-8047
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Author and Co-author: Dhliwayo, C. and Mafini, C. Title: Retention and motivation strategies for municipal health professionals: A quality study Journal: International Journal of Business and Management Studies Volume: 9 Issue: 1 Page Numbers of Article: 113-130 ISSN: 1309-8047 Author and Co-author: Dhurup, M. and Mokoena, B.A. Title: The influence of service quality variables in predicting satisfaction and behavioural intentions in a university campus recreation setting Journal: African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure (AJHTL) Volume: 6 Issue: 1 Page Numbers of Article: 1-19 ISSN: 2223-814X Author: Dhurup, M. Title: Emotional labour and job satisfaction relationship; lived experiences of amateur sport coaches in South Africa Journal: African Journal for Physical Activity and Health Sciences (AJPHES) Volume: 23 Issue: 1:1 Page Numbers of Article: 28-44 ISSN: 2411-6939 Author: Dhurup, M. Title: Employee interactive quality and perceived value effects on satisfaction and patronage intentions in commercial health and fitness centres in South Africa Journal: African Journal for Physical Activity and Health Sciences (AJPHES) Volume: 23 Issue: 2 Page Numbers of Article: 301-321 ISSN: 2411-6939 Author and Co-author: Dhurup, M. and Matsheke, O. Title: Entrepreneurial-related programmes and student’s intentions to venture into new business creation: Finding synergy of constructs Journal: African Journal for Physical Activity and Health Sciences (AJPHES) Volume: 22 Issue: 2 Page Numbers of Article: 1-25 ISSN: 0971-7218 Author and Co-author: Dhurup, M. and Surujlal, J. Title: Antecedents predicting coaches’ intentions to remain in sport organisations Journal: Polish Journal of Management Studies Volume: 16 Issue: 1
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Page Numbers of Article: 234-247 ISSN: 2081-7452 Author and Co-authors: Dhurup, M. Mathaba, R.L. and Mpinganjira, M. Title: Customer satisfaction levels, store loyalty and perceived important store attributes among sportswear apparel shoppers in Soweto Journal: The Retail and Marketing Review Volume: 13 Issue: 2 Page Numbers of Article: 15-27 ISSN: 2081-7452 Author: Dlodlo, N. Title: A second chance to serve South African private banking consumers: The role of post- transgression forgiveness Journal: Banks and Bank Systems Volume: 12 Issue: 3 Page Numbers of Article: 166-178 ISSN: 1816-7403 Author: Dlodlo, N. Title: Re-thinking a structural model for m-phone paying among South Africa consumers Journal: Journal of Economics and Behavioural Studies Volume: 9 Issue: 2 Page Numbers of Article: 114-130 ISSN: 2220-6140 Author and Co-author: Dlodlo, N. and Mahao, B.B. Title: Investigating the source attributes influencing consumers’ credibility evaluations of an athlete- celebrity endorsed product Journal: International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanity Studies Volume: 9 Issue: 2 Page Numbers of Article: 1309-8063 ISSN: 2220-6140 Author and Co-author: Isabirye, A.K. and Omoruyi, O. Title: Supply chain management problems in the food processing industry: Implications for business performance Journal: Journal of Transport and Supply Chain Management Volume: 17 Issue: 1 Page Numbers of Article: 1-11 ISSN: 2310-8789 Author and Co-author: Isabirye, A.K. and Omoruyi, O. Title: Exploring academics’ espoused and actual teaching orientations at the South African university Journal: International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanity Studies Volume: 9 Issue: 1 Page Numbers of Article: 24-40 ISSN: 1309-8063
Message from the: Faculty of Management Sciences
Author: Janse van Rensburg, C. Title: Person-environment fit, flourishing and intention to leave in universities of technology in South Africa Journal: South African Journal of Industrial Psychology Volume: 43 Issue: 1 Page Numbers of Article: 1-10 ISSN: 0258-5200 Author and Co-authors: Joubert, P. Grobler, B. and Madau, D. Title: Employee retention and talent management at a sugar mill in South Africa Journal: Problem and Perspectives in Management Volume: 15 Issue: 3 Page Numbers of Article: 306-315 ISSN: 1727-7051 Author and Co-author: Mafini, C. and Muposhi, A. Title: The impact of green supply chain management in small to medium enterprises: Cross-sectional evidence Journal: Journal of Transport and Supply Chain Management
Message from the: Faculty of Management Sciences
Volume: 11 Issue: 1 Page Numbers of Article: 1-11 ISSN: 2310-8789 Author and Co-author: Mafini, C. and Muposhi, A. Title: Predictive analytics for supply chain collaboration, risk management and financial performance in small to medium enterprises Journal: Southern African Business Review Volume: 21 Issue: 1 Page Numbers of Article: 311-338 ISSN: 1998-8125 Author: Mafini, C. Title: Economic factors and life satisfaction: Trends from South African Communities Journal: Acta Universitatis Danubius Economica Volume: 13 Issue: 3 Page Numbers of Article: 155-168 ISSN: 2065-0175
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Author and Co-author: Mafini, C. and Dhurup, M. Title: Drivers of entrepreneur intentions amongst Generation Y students in Zimbabwe Journal: International Journal of Business and Management Studies Volume: 9 Issue: 2 Page Numbers of Article: 11-24 ISSN: 1309-8047 Author and Co-author: Mafini, C. and Dhurup, M. Title: Shopper typologies of Generation Y consumers in India Journal: Scopus Volume: 15 Issue: 2 Page Numbers of Article: 351-361 ISSN: 0972-7302 Author and Co-author: Mafini, C. and Pillay, P. Title: Supply chain bottlenecks in the South African construction industry: Qualitative insights Journal: Journal of Transport and Supply Chain Management Volume: 11 Issue: 1 Page Numbers of Article: 1-12 ISSN: 2310-8789 Author and Co-author: Matsheke, O. and Dhurup, M. Title: Entrepreneurial-related programmes and students’ intentions to venture into new business creation: Finding synergy of constructs in a university of technology Journal: Science, Technology and Society Volume: 22 Issue: 2 Page Numbers of Article: 259-283 ISSN: 0971-7218 Author and Co-author: Mokoena, B.A. and Dhurup, M. Title: Effects of market orientation and barriers to market orientation on university performance: A study of universities of technology in South Africa Journal: International Business and Economics Research Journal Volume: 16 Issue: 1 Page Numbers of Article: 17-29 ISSN: 2157-9393 Author and Co-author: Mokoena, B.A. and Dhurup, M. Title: Service quality dimensions in spectator sport: An analysis of the Twenty20 cricket league matches in South Africa Journal: International Journal of Social Sciences and Human Sciences (IJSSH) Volume: 9 Issue: 2 Page Numbers of Article: 17-33 ISSN: 1309-8063 Author and Co-author: Mokoena, B.A. and Dhurup, M. Title: Evaluation of a campus service quality recreation scale
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Journal: Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Oeconomica Volume: 62 Issue: 3 Page Numbers of Article: 67-82 ISSN: 1220-0506 Author and Co-author: Mokoena, B.A. and Maziriri, E. Title: A regression analysis of Generation Y female students’ perceptions on social risk, buying behaviour and apparel store choice Journal: Journal of Economic and Behaviour Studies Volume: 9 Issue: 1 Page Numbers of Article: 153-165 ISSN: 2220-6140 Author and Co-author: Mokoena, B.A. and Rachoene, T.P. Title: Exploring attendees’ perceptions on service quality provided at Vaal River Carnival in South Africa Journal: International Journal of Business and Management Studies Volume: 9 Issue: 2 Page Numbers of Article: 167-183 ISSN: 1309-8047 Author and Co-authors: Mokoena, B.A. Maziriri, E.T. and Van Schalkwyk, P. Title: Refinement and validation of scales for measuring perceived social risk, buying behaviour and retail store choice Journal: International Journal of Business and Management Studies Volume: 9 Issue: 2 Page Numbers of Article: 184-198 ISSN: 1309-8047 Author and Co-author: Muposhi, A. and Dhurup, M. Title: To blend or not to blend? Consumer attitudes towards mandatory use of ethanol-blend fuel in Zimbabwe Journal: The Journal for Transdisciplinary Research in Southern Africa Volume: 13 Issue: 1 Page Numbers of Article: 1-7 ISSN: 1817-4434 Author and Co-author: Muposhi, A. and Dhurup, M. Title: The influence of green marketing tools and green eating efficacy and green behaviour Journal: Journal of Economics and Behaviour Studies Volume: 9 Issue: 2 Page Numbers of Article: 76-87 ISSN: 2220-6140 Author: Muposhi, A. Title: Antecedents of norm-violating behaviour in sustainable water consumption a grounded theory approach
Message from the: Faculty of Management Sciences
Journal: International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanity Studies Volume: 9 Issue: 1 Page Numbers of Article: 57-72 ISSN: 1309-8063
Journal: Internation Journal of Social Sciences and Humanity Studies Volume: 9 Issue: 1 Page Numbers of Article: 209-218 ISSN: 1309-8063
Author and Co-author: Nguegan Nguegan, C.A. and Mafini, C. Title: Supply chain management problems in the food processing industry: Implication for business performance Journal: ACTA Commercii Volume: 17 Issue: 1 Page Numbers of Article: 1-15 ISSN: 1684-1999
Author and co-authors: Janse van Rensburg, C. Rothmann, S. and Diedericks, E. Title: Supervisor support, flourishing and intention to leave in a higher education setting Journal: Journal of Psychology in Africa Volume: 27 Issue: 5 Page Numbers of Article: ISSN: 1815-5626
Author: Omoruyi, O. Title: Determining the mediating role of supplied and customer integration towards enhancing return on investment of small and medium enterprises Journal: International Journal of Business Management Studies Volume: 9 Issue: 2 Page Numbers of Article: 151-166 ISSN: 1309-8047 Author and Co-authors: Thabane, L. Radebe, P. and Dhurup, M. Title: The effect of job satisfaction on the organisational commitment of administrators Journal: Journal of Economics and Behavioural Studies Volume: 9 Issue: 6 Page Numbers of Article: 188-198 ISSN: 2220-6140 Author and Co-author: Tarambiwa, E. and Mafini, C. Title: The role of knowledge management systems on the export performance of manufacturing firms: Evidence from Zimbabwe Journal: International Journal of e-Business and e-Government Studies Volume: 9 Issue: 2 Page Numbers of Article: 88-103 ISSN: 2146-0744
Seminars/Workshops Presented Surname, Initials: Amoako-Gympah, K. Title: The emergence of supply chain management as an academic discipline: Economic implications for Africa Presented to: Faculty of Management Sciences Place: Vaal University of Technology, Desmond Tutu Hall Date: 8 August 2017 Surname, Initials: Kot, S. Title: Succeeding in postgraduate studies Presented to: Department of Logistics Place: Vaal University of Technology, Auditorium 100 Date: 23 October 2017 Surname, Initials: Dobbelstein, T. Title: Conducting qualitative and quantitative market research Presented to: Academic staff Place: Library Training Room Date: 21 and 28 March 2017
Author and Co-author: Radebe, P. and Dhurup, M. Title: Relationship between perceived injustices, work-related depression, anxiety and irritation and their effect on turnover intention among employees in a manufacturing company Journal: International Journal of Business and Management Studies Volume: 10 Issue: 1 Page Numbers of Article: 30-45 ISSN: 1309-8047 Author and Co-author: Van Schalkwyk, P. and Surujlal, J. Title: Social franchising and supplenetary tutoring: A quantitative analysis of facilitator perspection
Message from the: Faculty of Management Sciences
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NON-FACULTY RESEARCH OUTPUTS Conferences (Papers and Posters Presented)
Media Engagement/Opinion Piece
Presenter: Mvalo. G. Title of Paper: Institutional Forums: A weak cog in university cooperative governance? Conference: Decolonising Higher Education Research Colloquium Place: University of the Free State, Bloemfontein Date: 1-2 February 2017
Title: Freedom is always elaborately celebrated by nations Author: Mvalo, G. Media: SABC Digital Date: 27 April 2017
Conferences (Papers and Posters Presented)
Author: Mvalo, G. Title of Paper: VUT Celebrates Africa Month Media: Mail and Guardian Date: 19-25 May 2017
Presenter: Mvalo, G. Title of Paper: Quality Audits and Institutional Cultures: An examination of Institutional Responses by select public universities to the HEQC AuditsConference: The Dynamics of Changing Education in the Global South Place: Unisa, Pretoria Date: 16-18 August 2017
Media Engagement/Opinion Piece
Conferences (Papers and Posters Presented) Presenter: Mvalo, G. Title of Paper: Are the current governance structures appropriate for the 21st century PSET system? Conference: The Academic of 2017: Future realities Place: Emerald Resort and Casino, Vanderbijlpark, Vaal University of Technology Date: 15 November 2017
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RESEARCH FOCUS AREAS The following are approved Research Focus Areas/Institutes/Centres:
Centre of Sustainable Livelihoods
Centre for Alternative Energy
Centre for Renewable Energy and Water
Focus Areas
Plant Molecular Genetics/Biotechnology
Materials and Minerals Technology
Technology Transfer and Innovation
Innovative Product Development and Advanced Manufacturing Technology
Research Focus Areas
Prof Abdul Egal Tel: 016 930 5091 | Email: Prof Christo van Zyl Pienaar Tel: 016 950 9381 | Email: Prof George Ochieng Tel: 016 950 9420 | Email:
Research Leader
Prof Michael Pillay Tel: 016 950 9728 | Email: Prof Peter Mendonidis Tel: 016 950 9165 | Email:
Dr Joe Molete Tel: 016 930 5013 | Email:
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CENTRE FOR ALTERNATIVE ENERGY (CAE) “The workshop was a huge success, as evaluated by the students and presenters.” Prof C. Pienaar
he CAE hosted a Programme on Energy Efficiency in Southern Africa (PEESA) II workshop form 27 February to 1 March 2017 at VUT. Postgraduate students from VUT as well as the partner universities, i.e. Polytechnic of Namibia, Hochschule Wismar, Ernst-Abbe-Fachhochschule Jena, Fachhochschule Flensburg, Cape Peninsula University of Technology, Tshwane University of Technology, attended the workshop.
The aim of the workshop was to expose the students to intercultural and interdisciplinary collaboration between German
“The aim of the workshop was to expose the students to intercultural and interdisciplinary collaboration between German and Southern Africa’s students..”
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and Southern Africa’s students. During the workshop, the participants formed four teams. Each team included members from the various universities and different study fields, namely engineering, law and social sciences. The teams had to perform an energy audit on the S-building at VUT, following which each team had to suggest actions to improve the energy efficiency of the building. The workshop was a huge success, as evaluated by the students and presenters. Students and staff from all the participating partners also attended a summer school and two workshops in Germany. The Hochschule Flensburg (University of Applied Sciences) presented the summer school and two workshops from July to August 2017. VUT staff members who attended the latter include Prof Johan Bekker, Mr Marius Viljoen, Dr Malan van Tonder and Mr Robbie Mac Pherson, and postgraduate students present were Emmanuel Ogunniyi, Michel Benson and Neil Jansen van Rensburg.
Message from the Centre for Alternative Energy (CAE)
The CAE as well as the Telkom Centre of Excellence (TCoE) currently receives financial support from:
The CAE collaborates with the following institutions:
• Telkom SOC Pty Ltd
• Ernst-Abbe-Fachhochschule Jena, Germany (PEESA)
• Eskom, supporting the CAE through their ‘Tertiary Education Support Programme’ (TESP)
• Fachhochschule Flensburg, Germany (PEESA)
• The European Union, financially supported the PEESA I programme
• Cape Peninsula University of Technology (PEESA)
• The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, supporting the PEESA II programme • The PEESA III programme is supported by the European Union through the Erasmus+ Higher Education International Capacity Building programme
The CAE focusses on:
• Hochscule Wismar, Germany (PEESA)
• Namibia University of Science and Technology (PEESA) • Tshwane University of Technology (PEESA) • USZ Szczecin, Poland • ULBS University of Sibiu, Romania • University of the Witwatersrand (fuel cell membrane development) • DST Hydrogen Infrastructure Centre of Competence (HySA Infrastructure), North-West University
• Electricity supply to rural communities (off the grid)
MEng in Energy Efficiency
• Energy efficiency in buildings and households
The CAE developed a new structured MEng in Energy Efficiency. The planned implementation date for the new degree is 2018.
• Alternative energy supply to households and buildings • Fuel cell and hydrogen research • 3D printing of fuel cell MEAs
Message from the Centre for Alternative Energy (CAE)
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RESEARCH OUTPUTS Conferences Papers (Papers and Posters Presented) Presenter and Co-presenters: Alo, O.A. Otunniyi, I.O. Pienaar, HCvZ and Iyuke, S.E. Title of Paper: Materials for bipolar plates in polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells: Performance criteria and current benchmarks Conference: International Conference on Sustainable Materials Processing and Manufacturing, SMPM 2017 Place: Kruger National Park, South Africa Date: 23-25 January 2017 DOI: 10.1016/j.promfg.2016.12.011 Presenter and Co-presenters: Alo, O.A. Otunniyi, I.O. Pienaar, HCvZ Title of Paper: Fuel cell targets, achievements and improvement drivers Conference: Domestic Use of Energy – International Conference towards Sustainable Energy Solutions for the Developing World Place: Cape Town, South Africa Date: 3-5 April 2017 ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-9946759-2-7 Presenter and Co-presenters: Alo, O.A. Otunniyi, I.O. Pienaar, HCvZ and Ogunniyi, E.O. Title of Paper: Local content of alternative energy industry in South Africa Conference: 28th Annual Southern African Institute for Industrial Engineers Conference Place: Riverside Sun, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa
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Date: 25-27 October 2017 ISBN: 978-1-86822-684-9 ECSA CPD No: SAIIE/CPD/I/ 02-17 Presenter and Co-presenters: Grünwald, N. Zascerinska, J. Staak, A. Munda, J. Nesamvuni, E. Chisale, P. Pfaffenberger, K. Pienaar, HCvZ Title of Paper: Intercultural and interdisciplinary exchange between Germany and Southern Africa’s students within PEESA 11 Conference: BRCEBE-ICEBE’17 Conference Place: Sibiu Romania Date: 19-22 October 2017 ISBN/ISSN: ISSN (Online) 2391-8160, DOI: N/A Presenter and Co-presenters: Ogunniyi, E.O. and Pienaar, HCvZ Title of Paper: Overview of battery energy storage system advancement for renewable (photovoltaic) energy applications Conference: Domestic Use of Energy (DUE) – International Conference towards Sustainable Energy Solutions for the Developing World Place: CPUT, Cape Town, South Africa Date: 3-5 April 2017 ISBN: 978-0-9946759-2-7 [DOI: 10.23919/DUE.2017.7931849] Presenter and Co-presenters: Ogunniyi, E.O. and Pienaar, HCvZ Title of Paper: An investigation into the discharge transient response during coup de fouet phenomenon in lead acid batteries Conference: Southern Africa Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference (SATNAC) Place: Barcelona, Spain Date: 3-9 September 2017 ISBN: 978-0-620-76756-9
Message from the Centre for Alternative Energy (CAE)
Presenter: Du Rand, F. Title of Paper: Investigation into the development of an additive manufacturing re-coater monitoring system for a powder bed system Conference: RAPDASA Place: Durban Date: 6-10 November 2017 ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-620-77329-4
Research in Progress Researcher: Alo, A. Title: Improved polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell bipolar plates Field: Metallurgical Engineering Researcher: Benson, M. Title: Design and development of a multiprotocol supervisory control and data acquisition device for use in renewable energy systems Field: Electrical Engineering Researcher: Du Rand, F. Title: Development of an additive manufacturing re-coater monitoring system for powder bed fusion systems Field: Electrical Engineering Researcher: Mwai, P. Title: Optimisation of a fuel cell using a sulfonated polystyrene membrane Field: Electrical Engineering
Message from the Centre for Alternative Energy (CAE)
Researcher: Ogunniyi, E. Title: Design and optimisation of a universal battery management system in a photovoltaic application Field: Electrical Engineering Researcher: Schoeman, R. Title: Development of a service interruption prediction model for fuel cell power plants Field: Electrical Engineering Researcher: Viljoen, M. Title: Energy management optimisation of a solar/hydrogen power plant for a rural community Field: Electrical Engineering
Research Partnerships/Collaboration with International Universities Researcher: Grunewald, Prof N. Title: PEESA I and II Higher Education Institution: Hochscule Wismar, Wismar, Germany Researcher: Pfaffenberger, Prof. M.K. Title: PEESA I and II Higher Education Institution: Fachhochschule Flensburg, Flensburg, Germany Researcher: Bessarabov, Dr D. Title: HySA Project Higher Education Institution: North-West University, Potchefstroom
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Dr Simphiwe Nelana
Ms Searabo Kgekoane
Director: Research & Higher Degrees
Research Information Officer
Ms Petro van der Walt
Mr Sehlabaka Motsie
Ms Chantelle Sonnekus
Ms Lerato Hlahla
Senior Administrator
Faculty Research Officer
Research Development Officer
Mr Vulani Mahlaule
Ms Beatrice Phume
Ms Shirene Klink
Ms Ronel Appelcryn
Research Administrator
Higher Degrees Administrator
Finance Officer
Research Administrator
Mr Prajesh Bhikha
Ms Nomathemba Kokoali
Thakasile Nkwanyana
Matshediso Kgosane
Marketing & Information Officer
Registration Officer
NRF Financial Officer
Admin Assistant
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Research Office
Accredited Research Outputs for VUT, 2010-2017 Year
*Submitted to DHET – not yet approved
National Research Foundation (NRF) The NRF rating system is a benchmarking system through which individuals who exemplifies the highest standards of research, as well as those demonstrating strong potential as researchers, are identified by an extensive network of South African and international peer reviewers.
NRF-rated researchers in 2017:
Prof O. Aoyi
Prof. P.O. Osifo
Research Office
Prof R.I. Campbell
Prof W.H. Oldewage-Theron
Prof A.E. Ofomaja
Prof H.L. Rutto
Prof T.B. Tengen
| 73
Postdoctoral Research Fellows and Visiting Professors, 2017 Surname
Postdoc/Visiting Professor
Focus Area
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Engineering and Technology
Chemical Engineering
Prof E.B. Naidoo
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Management Sciences
Dr C. Mafini
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Applied and Computer Sciences
Dr N. Feto
Ikechikwu Peter
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Applied and Computer Sciences
Dr F. Mtunzi
Etienne Alain
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Applied and Computer Science
Prof T. Zuva
Ekemena Oghenovoh
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Applied and Computer Science
Physical Chemistry
Dr A. Ofomaja
Folasayo Enoch
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Human Sciences
Visual Arts and Design
Prof A. Munro
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Applied and Computer Sciences
Dr N. Feto
Julius Ilawe
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Engineering and Technology
Chemical Engineering
Prof P. Osifo
Bamidele Joseph
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Applied and Computer Science
Prof J. Modise
Olabimpe Olayemi
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Human Sciences
Centre for Sustainable Livelihoods
Prof A.A. Egal
Evanie Devi
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Human Sciences
Centre for Sustainable Livelihoods
Prof A.A. Egal
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Applied and Computer Sciences
Prof M. Moloto
Sarah Matshwenyego
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Research Directorate
Research Directorate
Dr S.M. Nelana
Abia Akebe
Luther King
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Applied and Computer Sciences
Prof M. Pillay
Peter Chukwunonso
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Applied and Computer Science
Physical Chemistry
Dr A. Ofomaja
Samuel Olumide
Visiting Lecturer
Applied and Computer Science
Dr S. Lebelo
Cyprian Yameso
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Applied and Computer Science
Prof E.D. Dikio
74 |
Research Office
Research Capacity Development Programmes Various research capacity development workshops and information sessions were hosted by the Research Directorate, including: • NRF sabbatical to complete doctorate qualifications funding opportunity • NRF Thuthuka funding opportunity • NRF early career funding opportunities • Information session on becoming an NRF-rated researcher • Strengthening postgraduate supervision • Atlas.Ti • EndNote • SPSS and Amos • Achilles heel of research: Literature review • Article writing • Design expert • Love it live it – The road after PhD • Research methodology • Women in research • Writing for publication
Mentorship programme: The ‘Hub-and-Spokes’ model at VUT Growing the Next Generation of South African Academics at the Vaal University of Technology The ‘Hub-and-Spokes’ model is a structured mentorship development programme that aims to bring mentors who are research leaders in strategic focus areas at the VUT into structured mentoring relationships with postgraduate students to support the growth of the next generation of South African academics at the VUT and, at the same time, fast-track development and innovation in the focus areas. ‘Hub’ refers to the focus area and research leader(s)/mentor, and ‘Spokes’ refers to the mentee postgraduate students. The aims and objectives of the Hub-and-Spokes model are to: • Provide focused support to facilitate the growth of the next generation of academics at the VUT • Strengthen the critical mass of a community of researchers at the VUT • Fast-track development in strategic research areas • Provide structured support to ensure increased research outputs in strategic academic focus areas • Ensure that postgraduate students are involved in publications in accredited peer-reviewed research publications • Support the academic socialisation of mentees by facilitating their involvement in teaching, tutoring and, where suitable, co-supervision
Research Office
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Scholarships Scholarships are awarded to promote teaching and research interests in the research focus areas: • Doctoral candidate: R150 000 per annum • Master’s candidate: R96 000 per annum • R20 000 and R10 000 are ring-fenced for doctoral and master’s students, respectively, to be used to attend conferences and workshops for the duration of the scholarship period The following students were on the programme in 2017: Surname
Research focus Area
John W.J.P.
Engineering and Technology
Chemical Engineering
Prof O. Aoyi
Seth O.
D-Tech Associate Lecturer
Engineering and Technology
Chemical Engineering
Prof O. Aoyi
Applied and Computer Sciences
Prof M. Pillay
Jansen Van Rensburg
Engineering and Technology
Electrical Engineering
Prof C. Pienaar
Applied and Computer Sciences
Ms T. Xaba
Thapelo P., Mr
Applied and Computer Sciences
Prof M. Moloto
Morena I.
Applied and Computer Sciences
Dr N. Feto
Gracious C.
Engineering and Technology
Prof P. Mendonidis
Applied and Computer Sciences
Prof M. Moloto
Patrick K.
Engineering and Technology
Mechanical Engineering
Prof L.M. Masu
Adeniyi O.
Applied and Computer Sciences
Prof E.D. Dikio
Immaculate L.
Applied and Computer Sciences
Ntaote David
DTech Associate Lecturer
Applied and Computer Sciences
Prof E.B. Naidoo
Simon B.
DTech Associate Lecturer
Applied and Computer Sciences
Prof M. Moloto
Amara E.
Applied and Computer Sciences
Prof M. Pillay
Thokozile N.M.
Applied and Computer Sciences
Dr T.A. Walmsley
76 |
Prof A.E. Ofomaja Prof E.B. Naidoo
Research Office
Current number of students: 20 (16) in total: • Eight (7) DTech students
Acknowledgement Awards
• Three (3) DTech associate lecturers
Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences
• Nine (6) Master’s students
Dr N.A. Feto
• Mr S.O. Apollo graduated with his PhD in April 2017
Dr V.E. Pakade
• Mr N.D. Shooto graduated with his PhD in April 2017
Prof M. Pillay
• Mr T.P. Mofokeng completed his Master’s Degree in October 2017 and is expected to graduate in April 2018 • Mr K. Mnqiwu completed his Master’s Degree in October 2017 and is expected to graduate in April 2018
Dr T. Xaba
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
• Mr A.O. Osikoya completed his Doctorate Degree in November of 2017 and graduated in April 2018.
Prof P.O. Osifo
• Ms A.E .Unigwe completed her Master’s Degree in October 2016 and graduated in April 2017.
Faculty of Human Sciences
• Mr P.K. Nziu completed is Doctorate Degree in October of 2018 and graduated in April 2018
Research Awards Research awards are presented annually to recognise staff members for their research contributions. A new research awards criterion in the following categories was approved as a trial for 2017 by the Senate: • Research and Innovation Achievement Awards • Research and Innovation Advancement Recognition Awards • Research and Innovation Excellence Recognition Awards Nominations for the Research and Innovation Awards were submitted to the Research Directorate via the Faculty Research and Innovation Committees for an audit meeting. Nominations were screened and verified. The following staff received awards for their research achievements during 2016 at a Research Awards function held on 28 November 2017.
Dr S.E. Burger Mr K. Dube Prof A.A. Egal Dr V. Labuschagne Dr L. Lekaota Dr R. Lenz Dr L. Maleho Prof K.C. Moloi Ms M. van der Bank Prof C.M. van der Bank
Faculty of Management Sciences Ms E. Chinomona Dr B.A. Mokoena Dr O. Omoruyi Prof P. Radebe
Research Office
| 77
Annual Research Awards Place
Research Advancement
Research Excellence
Dr C. Mafini
Management Sciences
Prof M Dhurup
Management Sciences
Dr P.A. Joubert
Management Sciences
Research Advancement
Research Advancement
Research Excellence
Research Excellence
1st Acknowledgement for Obtaining NRF Rating in 2017 Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Prof O. Aoyi
Prof T.B. Tengen
Prof P.O. Osifo
78 |
Research Office
Acknowledgement for NSTF-South32 Award National Sciences and Technology (NSTF) South32 Awards are the largest SET and innovation awards in South Africa. These awards are known as the ‘Science Oscars’ and were the first science awards in the country. Prof Ochieng Aoyi received an award in the category ‘Engineering capacity development by individuals over the last 5-10 years’.
Research Funding External Funding External research funding and donations for research equipment totalled R26 224 200 for 2017. Sources of funding include the National Research Foundation (NRF), Water Research Commission (WRC), Local Government Sector Education and Training Authority (LGSETA), Chemical Industries Education and Training Authority (CHIETA), Department of Science and Technology (DST), Telkom (Pty)Ltd, Eskom, Sasol, CSIR and the Oil and Protein Seeds Development Trust (OPOT, European Union).
Internal Funding R16 835 095 were allocated to research. Applications for funding are approved by the Executive Senate Research and Innovation Committee.
Research Office
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POSTGRADUATE REPORT Registrations • During 2017, the Higher Degrees Unit registered 495 students. Old students submitted their progress reports to enable us to monitor and evaluate their progress.
Total Registrations
Applied and Computer Sciences
Engineering and Technology
Human Sciences
Management Sciences
2017 Postgraduate Statistics Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences Department
Registered Students MTech
Information Systems Information Technology Total
80 |
9 36
Postgraduate Report
Faculty of Engineering and Technology Department
Registered Students MTech
Chemical Engineering
Civil Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Industrial Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Metallurgical Engineering
Faculty of Human Sciences Department
Registered Students MTech
Fine Art
Food and Beverage Management
Food Service Management
Graphical Design
Public Relations Management
Tourism and Hospitality Management
Postgraduate Report
| 81
Faculty of Management Sciences
Registered Students
Business Administration
Cost and Management Accounting
Human Resources Management
Labour Relations Management
Graduates 2013-2017 Total Number of Graduates
Applied and Computer Sciences
Engineering and Technology
Human Sciences
Management Sciences
Graduates 2017 Faculty of Engineering and Technology Student Name
Title of Dissertation or Thesis
Apollo, S.O.
DPhil: Chemical Engineering
Integrated anaerobic digestion and UV photocatalytic treatment of industrial wastewater in fluidised bed reactors
Ouakam Tayou, G.S.
MTech: Civil Engineering
Evaluating of the narrow-gauge railway system against standard gauge for the best performance railway system in South Africa
82 |
Postgraduate Report
Faculty of Human Sciences Student Name
Title of Dissertation or Thesis
Kunene, S.I.
MTech: Public Relations Management
Determining the contribution of online corporate communications to brand reputation among Generation Y consumers in the Vaal Region
Mafini, M.
MTech: Tourism Management
Determining the factors affecting employees’ job satisfaction at selected tourism establishments in the Vaal Region
Mashapa, M.M.
MTech: Tourism Management
Determining perceptions on host communities regarding urban ecotourism: The case of an urban park in Gauteng
Mbambonuna, T.
MTech: Fashion
Footwear cues influencing perceived quality and consumer satisfaction amongst generation Y consumers at River Square Mall, Vereeniging
Moussongo Bitsaka, S.K.
MTech: Public Relations Management
Exploring social media as a tool for stakeholder relationship management: A case study of an embassy in Gauteng, South Africa
Thibudi, M.P.
MTech: Fine Art
Commemorative portraiture: The artistic representation of black women from the Vaal Region in key positions
Student Name
Title of Dissertation or Thesis
Agbavor, J.K.E.
MTech: Logistics
An investigation on the reverse logistics systems for end of life vehicles in the automobile industry in Port Elizabeth
Mahao, B.B.
MTech: Marketing
The influence of selected antecedents on athlete endorser credibility, attitude towards an advertisement and purchase intentions
Makokoe, I.
MTech: Marketing
Selected antecedents towards the acceptance of M-payment services and the relationship with attitude and future intentions
Msibi, W.N.
MTech: Human Resources Management
Job satisfaction and intention to quit of employees in a Nongovernmental Organisation in Swaziland
Nguegan Nguegan, C.A.
MTech: Logistics
Perceptions of supply chain professionals on the relationship between supply chain challenges and business performance
Pillay, P.
DTech: Business
An empirical exploration of supply chain constrains facing the construction industry in South Africa
Seteni, L.P.
MTech: Labour Relations Management
Employee’s perception of the effects of retrenchment on job stress and organisational commitment in a mining company
Van Tonder, E.O.
MTech: Business Administration
Perceived organisational support, job satisfaction and organisational citizenship behaviour of South African Police Services officials in the Bellville cluster
Faculty of Management Sciences
Postgraduate Report
| 83
Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences
Student Name
Title of Dissertation or Thesis
Da Rocha
MTech: Information Technology
The use of social networking services to enhance the learning experience and academic performance of tertiary level learners
Kazadi, K.Y.
MTech: Information Technology
A framework for analysing the complexity ontologies
Kwuimi, R.
MTech: Information Technology
Analysis and application of sematic web mechanism for storing and querying ontologies
Mapundu, M.T.
MTech: Information Technology
Electronic portfolios to enhance the learning experience of students at private tertiary institutions in South Africa
Moloto, P.G.
MTech: Biotechnology
Identification of the dominant bacteria associated with the spoilage of UHT full cream milk
Moyo, M.
MTech Chemistry
Absorption of selected heavy metals from aqueous solutions by Mangifera indica (mango) seed shell derived sorbents: Batch and column studies
Otieno, B.O.
MTech: Chemistry
Adsorption and photodegradation of molasses wastewater using TiO2-ZnO hybrid nanocatalysts supported on activated carbon and silicon
Unigwe, A.E.
MTech: Biotechnology
Assessing the morphological variation and characterising the proteins of Bambara ground nut
Shooto, N.D.
DTech: Chemistry
Synthesis, fabrication and characterisation of poly nanofibers and investigation of their adsorption properties
Xaba, T.
DTech: Chemistry
Synthesis and characterisation of metal oxide thin films, metal sulphide and metal oxide polymer nanocomposites and studies of their application in water treatment
National Research Foundation (NRF) Block Grants 2017 Bursaries to support BTech, MTech and DTech students • 107590 NRF Innovation honours R60 000 awarded to 45 students • 107772 NRF Freestanding honours R30 000 awarded to 65 students • 108831 NRF NSFAS R76 000 awarded to 23 students • 107795 NRF Freestanding Masters R50 000 awarded to 1 students • 108046 NRF Freestanding Master R50 000 awarded to 13 students • 108899 NRF masters renewals R90 000 awarded to 7 students
84 |
Postgraduate Report
• 108913 NRF Doctoral R120 000 awarded to 5 students • 109606 NRF Innovation Masters renewals additional R90 000 each student awarded to 2 students • 109771 NRF Innovation Masters block grant renewals R90 000 awarded to 3 students • 110536 NRF additional Freestanding honours R30 000 awarded to 2 students • 110562 additional innovation honours R60 000 awarded to 7 students • 110606 additional Masters block grant freestanding R50 000 awarded to 11 students • 105054 NRF Masters renewal block grant R80 000 awarded to 7 students • NRF Scarce skills Masters scholarship R90 000 awarded to 15 students • NRF Innovation Masters Scholarship R90 000 awarded to 16 students • NRF Innovation Doctoral renewals R120 000 awarded to 4 students • VUT Award: 70 students
Postgraduate Study Fees
Total Fees per Year
R4 630.00
R5 090.00
R5 090 00
R5 090.00
Postgraduate Support Programmes POSTGRADUATE OPEN DAY Postgraduate open day was held on 23 July 2017 at Sebokeng Science Park. During the event, students were able to attend presentations on topics such as: • How to write a research proposal • Research ethics and integrity • Funding opportunities • General support for postgraduate studies
2nd VUT INTERDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH AND POSTGRADUATE CONFERENCE 2017 9-10th November 2017, VUT Southern Gauteng Science and Technology Park, Sebokeng Campus. Theme: Advancing research that matters: Developing a vibrant research culture More than 60 abstracts were submitted.
Postgraduate Report
| 85
Faculty of Management Sciences Postgraduate Induction Programme for First-year MTech Students in the Faculty of Management Sciences 2017 08:30-12:00 Facilitation 12:00-12:45 Lunch 13:00-15:00 Facilitation Dates for Induction
Research orientation 4 March 2017
Making a success transition to postgraduate studies
Prof M. Dhurup
Identification of the problem statement
Dr Christelle Marais
Research proposal outline – topic refinement Consultation with the Supervisor (s) 18 March 2017 1 April 2017 22 April 2017
Effective information search and the use of the library databases, including plagiarism
Ms Rebecca Fani
Literature usage, writing styles/theoretical framework, research paradigm
Prof Connie Moloi
Research design: Quantitative and mixed method The design of the research proposal (Part 1 and 2) Research Design: Qualitative and mixed method The design of the research proposal (Part 1 and 2)
Dr Asphat Muposhi Dr Henriette van den Berg
Consultation with the Supervisor (s) 6 May 2017
Questionnaires development – Qualitative data collection
Dr C. Downing
Basic data collection: Quantitative data 27 May 2017
Data collection instruments
Mrs Aldine Oosthuyzen
Research ethics 3 June 2017 24 June 2017 28 July 2017
Basic Data analysis, SPSS and Hypotheses testing AMOS-CFA and hypotheses testing Atlas TI Submission of first draft research proposal to supervisor and HOD
Dr Petrus Nel Prof Dhurup/Prof Chinomona Submission to all supervisors
Computer Lab GYM Hall: • Monday, 09:00-14:00 • Tuesday, 09:00-14:00 • Friday, 09:00-12:00 Research Assistant: Ms Joelle Ngo-Ndjama Email:
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Postgraduate Report
Faculty of Engineering and Technology Short Course Title: Research Methodology, Semester I, 2017; Course Convener: Prof P.O. Osifo Tel: 016 950 9436; Email: Venue RE122 (Engineering Board Room) at 09:00 Course objectives: At the end of this course the learners should be able to: • Write and orally present a research proposal • Conceptualise and conduct research to produce data that is publishable in a peer reviewed journal • Write a thesis (MTech or DTech) • Mentor junior students in doing research (e.g. at BTech level) NB: All assignments must be submitted both in hard and soft copies; 10 hours’ deduction for late submission. Topic and Date
Assignment Submission
Duration (hours)
Conceptualisation 13 May 2017
• The concept and philosophy of research
• Choice of topic, objectives, problem statement • Hypothesis statement and testing Preparation (Library)
20 May 2017
Execution 27 May 2017
• Information gathering, data bases, referred journals, impact factor, Hirsch index • Proposal writing (detailed analysis) • Safety and security
• Assignment 1: 27 May 2017 • Introduction (20%)
Data Interpretation and Analysis 3 June 2017
• Data capturing and validation
• Data interpretation Discussion and Application 10 June 2017
• Importance of findings and applications
• Assignment 2: 10 June 2017
• Characteristics of applied research
• MTech/DTech Proposal (40%)
• Relevance of research to society Thesis Writing and Article Publication 17 June 2017
• Thesis structure
• Journal and conference papers Research ethics and oral presentation 24 June 2017
• Copyright and plagiarism, proposal for funding
• Assignment 3: 24 June 2017
• Time management, team work, mentorship
• Model thesis (20%)
• Effective technical communication 30 June 2017
• Oral presentation and teamwork
• Assignment 4: 30 June 2017 • Oral presentation (20%)
Postgraduate Report
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Faculty of Engineering and Technology Short Course Title: Research Methodology, Semester 2, 2017; Course Convener: Prof P.O. Osifo Tel: 016 950 9436; Email: Venue RE122 (Engineering Board Room) at 09:00 Course objectives: At the end of this course the learners should be able to: • Write and orally present a research proposal • Conceptualise and conduct research to produce data that is publishable in a peer reviewed journal • Write a thesis (MTech or DTech) • Mentor junior students in doing research (e.g at BTech level) NB: All assignments must be submitted both in hard and soft copies; 10 hours’ deduction for late submission Topic and Date
Duration (hours)
Assignment Submission
Conceptualisation 2 September 2017
• The concept and philosophy of research
• Choice of topic, objectives, problem statement • Hypothesis statement and testing Preparation (Library)
9 September 2017
Execution 16 September 2017
• Information gathering, data bases, referred journals, impact factor, Hirsch index • Proposal writing (detailed analysis) • Safety and security
• Assignment 1: 16 September 2017 • Introduction (20%)
Data Interpretation and analysis 23 September 2017
• Data capturing and validation
• Data interpretation Discussion and application 30 September 2016
• Importance of findings and applications
• Assignment 2: 30 September 2017
• Characteristics of applied research
• MTech/DTech Proposal (40%)
• Relevance of research to society Thesis writing and article publication 7 October 2017
• Thesis structure
• Journal and conference papers Research ethics and oral presentation 14 October 2017
• Copyright and plagiarism, proposal for funding
• Assignment 3: 14 October 2017
• Time management, team work, mentorship
• Model thesis (20%)
• Effective technical communication 20 October 2017
• Oral presentation
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• Assignment 4: 20 October 2017 • Oral presentation (20%)
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Postgraduate Report
Proposals Approved in 2017 Student Name
Supervisor 1 / Examiner 1
Supervisor 2 / Examiner 2
Okoli, U.O.
Metallurgical Engineering
Development of functional titanium alloy surface by laser processing
Dr I.D. Adebiyi
I.O. Otunniyi
Mahlangu, D.M.
Assessing the influence of internal environmental management systems on green packaging management, green information systems and organisational performance
Dr P. Hove-Sibanda
Dr E. Chinomona
Matlala, R.S.
Black tax effects on perceived social norms, attitude towards entrepreneurship and planned behavioural control and their influence on university students’ entrepreneurial intentions
Prof M. Dhurup
Prof C. Mafini
Mothibi, G.
A framework for the implementation of e-procurement practices in the South African public sector
Prof M. Dhurup
Prof C. Mafini
Mugwenhi, S.
Supply chain management practices and supply chain resilience in the South African public sector
Prof C. Mafini
Prof J. Bhadury
Khune, M.S.
Chemical Engineering
Biogas production from solid food waste and its use for electricity production
Prof O. Aoyi
Prof P. Osifo
Ogazi, A.C.
Chemical Engineering
Development of three-dimensional printing (3DP) membranes from chitosan modified with nanosilver-graphene oxide for biofouling control
Prof P. Osifo
Dr M. van Tonder
Malaudzi, M.R.
Chemical Engineering
Coupling of electro-fenton, biological and recycled carbon black for the treatment of food industry wastewater
Prof P. Osifo
Dr T. Seodigeng
Tewo, R.K.
Chemical Engineering
Thermomechanical and rheological properties of investment casting patterns
Dr H.L. Rutto
Mkhabele, C.
An exploration of procurement practices in the state-owned passenger rail agencies in Gauteng
Dr J.P. van der Westhuizen
Dr E. Chinomona
Nwele, U.K.
Factors influencing buyer-supplier commitment and competitive performance among small to medium enterprises in southern Gauteng
Dr O. Omoruyi
Dr E. Chinomona
Postgraduate Report
Dr T. Seodigeng Prof W. Focke
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Student Name
Lepere, N.A.
Human Resource Management
Supervisor 1 / Examiner 1
Supervisor 2 / Examiner 2
The effect of employee performance on productivity in small to medium enterprises: A case study of two organisational entities in southern Gauteng
Prof E. Mutetwe
Dr P.A. Joubert
Eberson, A.
Visual rhetoric strategies for alienation devices to counter the empathetic impact of anthropomorphism in PSAs: A SPCA case study
Prof A. Munro
Anneke de Klerk
Strydom, C.
Interfacing changing technologies, skill and aesthetic demands for professional new media production
Prof A. Munro
Anneke de Klerk
Hlatshwayo, M.C.
Information and Communication Technology
Adoption of mobile learning at universities of technology in South Africa
Prof T. Zuva
Mr R. Baxter
Simelane, L.
Information and Communication Technology
Decision support framework for the adoption of software development methodologies
Prof T. Zuva
Dr E.A. Feukeu
Ramaphosa, K.I.M.
Information and Communication Technology
Educational data mining to improve learner performance in Gauteng primary schools
Prof T. Zuva
R. Kwuini
Makanyane, M.D.
Isolation of rose geranium active compounds and their effect on bacterial growth and keratinocytes in vitro
Dr F.M. Mtunzi
Dr C. Ssemakalu
Nxumalo, G.P.S.
The effect of crude acetone and water extracts from helichrysum italicum on the expression of oncogenes and proliferation of a human squamous cancer cell line in vitro
Dr C.C. Ssemakalu
Mrs L. Marais
Mothibe, T.P.
Validating the probiotic properties of lactic acid bacteria from fresh faecal contents of a South African indigenous Zulu sheep breed
Dr C.C. Ssemakalu
Dr O.A. Aiyegoro
Adeniran, D.O.T.
Metallurgical Engineering
Comparative study of the immunomodulatory effect of solar and photonically inactivated salmonella enteritidis on dendritic cell in vitro
Dr C.C. Ssemakalu
Mogale, N.F.
Metallurgical Engineering
An insight into the high temperature mechanical properties of platinum-based intermetallics produced by powder metallurgy
Dr W. Matizambuka
Dr A. Mwamba
Cobbiah, P.V.
Metallurgical Engineering
The effect of alloying element composition on the high temperature performance of bulk iridium binary alloys produced using powder metallurgy
Dr W. Matizambuka
Dr A. Kabemba
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Prof M. Pillay Dr A.L.K. Abia
Postgraduate Report
Supervisor 1 / Examiner 1
Supervisor 2 / Examiner 2
Phillips, M.
The influence of human resources management practices on corporate entrepreneurship and the correlation with the business performance of medium and large business in Gauteng
Dr J. van der Westhuizen
Dr C. Janse van Rensburg
Moyo, S.
Information and Communication Technology
Investigating a semantic repository of green economy data in South Africa
Dr J.V. FonouDombeu
Dr J.S. Mtsweni
Moyo, M.
Catalytic reduction of hexavalent chromium on bio-nanocomposites based on macadamia (macadami sp.) and wattle (Acacia sp.) biomass
Dr V.E. Pakade
Prof S.J. Modise
Synthesis, characterisation of 1,3,5-benzene tricarboxylic acid metal organic frameworks, fabrication of polyvinyl alcohol-metal organic frameworks (PVA/MOFs) composite and investigation of their Pb (II) ions adsorption properties
Dr F.M. Mtunzi
Prof D. Wankasi
Awofiranye, O.O.S. Chemistry
Synthesis and characterisation of modified membrane embedded photocatalysts for treatment of selected polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)
Prof S.J. Modise
Prof E.B. Naidoo
AttahDaniel, E.B.
Synthesis, chatacterisation of terephthalic acid metal-organic framework, fabrication of polyethylene oxide-metal organic framework composite and investigation of their dye adsorption properties
Prof E.D. Dikio
Prof D. Wankasi
Baloyi, N.M.
Metallurgical Engineering
Investigation the consistency of T16AL4V ELI properties additive manufacturing produced biomedical parts for qualification
Prof P. Mendonidis
Prof W. du Preez
Chidhuza, O.
Marketing and Sport
Factors influencing consumer attitude and purchase intention of global sport apparel brands
Prof M. Dhurup
Dr A. Muposhi
Maphalla, B.K.
Marketing and Sport
Factors influencing ethical consumption: A case of organic fair trade certified products
Dr A.M. Muposhi
Prof M. Dhurup
Mba, E.A.
The influence of supply chain responsiveness, collaboration and information sharing on the performance of small to medium enterprises in a district municipality
Dr O. Omoruyi
Dr E. Chinomona
Student Name
Dikio, C.W.
Postgraduate Report
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Student Name
Supervisor 1 / Examiner 1
Supervisor 2 / Examiner 2
Khasane, R.S.
Hospitality, Tourism and PR Management
Local communities’ perception on the role and benefits of tourism in protected areas: The case of the Kruger National Park
Dr L. Lekaota
Prof E. Slabber
Cilliers, C.D.
Hospitality, Tourism and PR Management
Determining customer satisfaction: A case study of a tourism establishment in the Vaal region
Dr V. Labuschagne
Dr S.E. Burger
Nqosa, N.
Hospitality, Tourism and PR Management
Determining the key success factors for marketing a tourism establishment in Lesotho
Dr S. Burger
Dr L. Lekaota
Sibanda, E.
Proactive recommender system for mobile service provisioning
Prof T. Zuva
Mr V. Thomas
Maremeni, L.C.
Novel macadamia nutshell powder grafted with 1,5-dephenylcarbazide for enhanced Cr (VI) removal from aqueous solutions
Dr V.E. Pakade
Prof S.J. Modise
Magaga, M.C.
Metallurgical Engineering
Hydrophobicity of milled ferrosilicon dense medium powders produced from submergedarc furnace
Prof I.O. Otunniyi
Prof P. Mendonidis
Banza, M.J.C.
Chemical Engineering
Cobalt and nickel separation in hydrometallurgy using clinoptililites
Dr J.T. Kabunda
Dr H.L. Rutto
Matibidi, K.
Metallurgical Engineering
Plant water ionic strength and pH on thiol collector adsorption on base metal sulphides in PGM Ores
Prof I.O. Otunniyi
Mr M.S. Manono
Jeli, N.E.
Metallurgical Engineering
Process mineralogy for the physical beneficiation of a South African low-grade nickel bearing ore
Prof P. Mendonidis
Ms C.K. Thubakgale
Mokoena, T.
Information and Communication Technology
Malware analysis and detection in enterprise systems
Prof T. Zuva
H. Anneke
Moukangoe, G.P.
Synthesis, characterisation and antimicrobial activity of cobalt sulphide nanoparticles against selected microbes that are found in wastewater
M.N. Laloo
Dr V.E. Pakade
Mabungela, N.
Biodiesel production by transesterification of waste cooking oils using modified attapulgite
Dr F.M. Mtunzi
Dr E. Viljoen
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Postgraduate Report
Student Name
Supervisor 1 / Examiner 1
Kohitlhetse, I.C.
Metallurgical Engineering
An investigation of physico-chemical factors affecting the extraction of calcium from iron and steel slag
Prof P. Mendonidis
Mhlongo, O.E.
Mechanical Engineering
Modelling of equal channel angular pressing of titanium-based powders
Prof L.M. Masu
Dr C. Machio
Issac, N.M.
Mechanical Engineering
Modelling and analysis of structural damage using finite element method (FEM) and laser doppler vibrometry (LVD)
Prof A.A. Alugongo
Prof I. Otunniyi
Lose, T.
Framework for the establishment of business incubators in South Africa
Prof M. Dhurup
Dr C. Mafini
Lesuthu, K.D.
Human Resource Management
Job autonomy job performance, job enlargement, growth-need strength and work-life balance of academics in South Africa
Prof B.R. Grobler
Dr P.A. Joubetr
Ngo-Ndjama, J.D.
Human Resource Management
Employee participation in decision making, organisational identification, organizational citizenship behaviour and career success of employees in an information technology organisation in South Africa
Dr P.A. Joubert
Prof M. Dhurup
Emeji, I.C.
Chemical Engineering
Treatment of industrial wastewater by combined electro-Fenton, anaerobic and aerobic membrane bioreactor processes
Prof P.O. Osifo
Prof O. Aoyi
Charlie, D.
Chemical Engineering
Co-thermal depolymerisation of primary sewage sludge and coal as agglomerates for bio oil production
Prof P.O. Osifo
Dr F.M. Mtunzi
Van der Walt, D.
Graphic Design
Personalising the elements and principles of graphic design: An exploratory autoethnographic case study
Prof A. Munro
Makhuvele, E.M.
The influence of financial literacy on the financial behaviour and financial decision making of employees at the Vaal University of Technology
Dr J.E.E. Ziemerink
Mr G.J. Maseko
Makhubela, V.P.
Marketing and Sports
The influence of selected consumer-based brand equity elements on brand preference and purchase intentions on store brands
Dr B.A. Mokoena
Mr T. Bojabotseha
Postgraduate Report
Supervisor 2 / Examiner 2
Ms C.K. Thubagale Ms M.S. Manono
R. Maharaj Prof C. Miruka
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Student Name
Loko, L.B.
Supervisor 1 / Examiner 1
Supervisor 2 / Examiner 2
Human Resource
Quality of work life, job satisfaction and happiness among academics at a university of technology in southern Gauteng
Dr Y. van Zyl
Prof M. Dhurup
Visitors’ perception on service quality on the Vaal River Carnival and its relationship with satisfaction and future behavioural intentions
Dr B.A. Mokoena
Prof M. Dhurup
Rachoene, T.P.
Human Resource Management
Mapande, F.V.
Information and Communication Technology
Users perception on the security of mobile computing systems in South Africa
Prof R. Dagada
Mr C. Brown
Onkani, S.P.
Synthes and characterisation of silver doped TiO2 , ZnO, ZnS nanoparticles for photocatalytic degradation of endocrine disruptors
Dr F. Mtunzi
Dr M. Klink
Masuku, S.N.
Organic acid-coated magnetic nanoparticles as an adsorbent for organic pollutants from aqueous solutions
Dr E.A. Ofomaja
Ms A. Pholosi
Popela, I.
Information and Communication Technology
Factors that influence the adoption of electronic patients’ record management systems in South Africa
Prof R. Dagada
Mr M. Appiah
Balogun, A.M.
Information and Communication Technology
A generic deductive cybercriminal profiling framework for digital forensic investigation
Prof T. Zuva
E.A. Feukeu
Nkgabane, B.P.
Chemical Engineering
To invest the synergistic effect of sewage sludge and bituminous coal co-pyrolysis on the properties of bio-oil for its application as a heating fuel
Prof P.O. Osifo
Dr H.L. Rutto
Mabadie, P.
Computer Systems and Process Control
Design and implementation of telecommunication and utility cable tampering monitoring system
Prof M.O. Ohanga
Tarambiwa, E.
People-centred knowledge management systems and supply chain performance: The case of small to medium enterprises in Zimbabwe
Dr C. Mafini
Prof A. Garnett
In silico and functional screening of goat rumen and marine metagenome for novel L-asparaginase and evaluation of L-asparaginase for Antimelaoma activity in vito
Dr N. Feto
Dr L. Bengyella
The influence of service quality dimensions on customer satisfaction within visa facilitation services centres in Gauteng
Dr B.A. Mokoena
Ms P. Molise-Khosa
Hetsa, B.A.
Matthews, M.
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Human Resource Management
Postgraduate Report
Student Name
Gouden, M.
Human Resource Management
Supervisor 1 / Examiner 1
Supervisor 2 / Examiner 2
The influence of procedural, distributive and interactional justice on job satisfaction among members of the South African Police Academy: Thabong
Prof M. Dhurup
Dr P.A. Joubert
Semenya, P.A.
The role of financial management in the implementation of infrastructure development programmes in the Limpopo Provincial Government
Dr J.E.E. Ziemerink
Dr J.D. Beneke
Oke, O.O.
An analysis: Wealth creation by the industrial companies listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange, 2005-2014
Dr J.P. Beneke
Mr I. Mubhombo
Kotze, J.A.
Visual Arts and Design
Practice-led research, research-led practice and the dilemmas of ideation: An artistic enquiry
Prof A. Munro
Ms L. du Preez
Sehaula, K.
Visual Arts and Design
Cartoons as visual commentary on social development in Botswana
Prof A. Munro
Mr V. Mazhinye
Mkhabela, S.S.
Hospitality, Tourism and PR Management
Visitors’ perception regarding negative impacts of tourism on protected areas in Swaziland
Dr Lekaota
Prof Slabber
Strydom, L.
Visual Arts and Design
Fashion drawing skills training for unqualified fashion entrepreneurs in the Emfuleni Local Municipality: A needs assessment
Dr H. van Staden
Mrs N. Coetzee
Makgabo, K.M.F.
Hospitality, Tourism and PR Management
Exploring the communication practitioner roles in the Limpopo Provincial Government
Ms A. OksiutyczMunyawiri
Mr L Mal.eho
Nana, K.
Visual Arts and Design
Uses, challenges and training needs regarding business skills for fashion entrepreneurs in the Emfuleni Local Municipality
Dr H. van Staden
Mrs N. Coetzee
Mabuya, F.I.
Development of novel promoters that efficiently drive the expression of multiple genes in maize
Dr N.A. Feto
Matshego, I.O.
Information and Communication Technology
A framework for student research optimisation using mobile technology, search engine ranking page (SERP) and search engine optimisation
Prof A. Jordaan
Ms A. Lombard
Banda, W.
Industrial Engineering
Production line optimisation by integration of regression analysis and line balancing
Prof T.B. Tenge
Mr B.B. Benga Eboule
Postgraduate Report
Dr M.S. Rafudeen Ms C. Baburam
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Student Name
Supervisor 1 / Examiner 1
Radebe, D.J.
Power Engineering
The impact of renewable energy sources on the compliance with the South African grid code
Prof J.J. Walker
Radebe, P.P.
Investigating the effect of heavy metal contaminants on the diversity of social bacteria communities and their role on the nitrogen cycle
Dr T.A. Walmsey
Shittu, A.M.
Power Engineering
Controlling the output of A 90 KVA generator when used as a source for short circuit test on cables
Prof J.J. Walker
Sebueng, S.
Power Engineering
Evaluation and recommended improvement of transient behaviour of single wire earth (SWER) lines under 22kW
Prof JJ Walker
Mallane, T.M.
Industrial Engineering
Integrated approach of addressing musculoskeletal disorder affecting employees in poultry processing industry: A case study
Prof T.B. Tengen
Serobatse, M.C.
Industrial Engineering
Optimisation of empty wagon re-distribution at Transnet freight rail
Prof T.B. Tengen
B.B. Benga Eboule
Bele, T.
Industrial Engineering
Redesigning a commuter rail system to accommodate passengers with special needs
Prof T.B. Tengen
B.B. Benga Eboule
Muthelo, T.
Industrial Engineering
Managing water demand fluctuations: A case study in Ekurhuleni area
Prof T.B. Tengen
Webo, W.W.
Mechanical Engineering
Quasi-static mechanical properties of sisal crystallinic cellulose fibre-epoxy resin composite
Prof L.M. Masu
Prof M. Maringa
Becker, T.R.
Power Engineering
Displaced neutral on wood pole structures with a 300kV basic insulation level rating (BIL)
Prof J.J. Walker
Prof A.C. Britten
The influence of employee-fit dimensions on job satisfaction, organisational citizenship behaviour and intention to stay in selected South African municipalities
Prof M. Dhurup
Dr P. Joubert
Improved polymer electrolyte membrane fuel bipolar plates
Prof I.O. Otunniyi
Prof S. Iyuke
Masoka, J.C.
Aplo, A.O.
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Human Resource Management
Power Engineering
Supervisor 2 / Examiner 2
Ms S. Takaidza
Mr BJ Le Roux
Postgraduate Report
Student Name
Supervisor 1 / Examiner 1
Supervisor 2 / Examiner 2
Benga Eboule, E.B.B.
Industrial Engineering
Hybrid inventory model for energy efficiency: A case study in manufacturing plant
Prof T.B. Tengen
Prof A.A. Alugongo
Phakate, L.L.
Human Resource Management
Criteria for effective talent management in a national energy supplier
Dr K.W. Kasonkola
Dr P. Joubert
Human Resource
The influence of organisational politics on job stress among SMEs employees in Matlosana local district
Dr E. Chinomona
Letshaba, R.K.
Prof M. Dhurup Dr P. Joubert
Mazibuko, N.
Determinants of microblog music review credibility and its influence on electronic word of mouth (eWOM) adoption
Dr N. Dlodlo
Dr P. van Schalk Wyk
Mokgapane, L.L.
Civil Engineering
Development of trip generation rates for office land use in Tshwane
Dr J. AnochieBoateng
Prog G.M. Ochieng
Benson, M.G.M.
Applied Electronics
Development of a multiprotocol device interface for use in renewable energy systems
Prof D.A. Dicks
Dr J.F.J. van Rensburg
Emotional intelligence, resilience and happiness among police officers in the Sedibeng West District
Dr Y. van Zyl
Dr C. Mafini
Dr J.N. Agumba
Prof G.M. Ochieng
Makateng, R.A.
Human Resource Management
Tseladikae, T.
Civil Engineering
An investigation into project management practices that influence the delivery of Reconstruction Development Programme (RDP) ad subsidy housing projects
Oluokum, O.O.
Metallurgical Engineering
Selective leaching of base and precious metals from printed circuit board physical processing dust
Prof I.O. Otunniyi
Prof S. Ndlovu
Eyenga, N.E.R.
Development of efficient ternary graphitic carbon nitride/carbon dots/silver-silver bromide for bromide for degradation of tetracycline
Dr A.E. Ofomaja
Dr E.L. Viljoen
Mohlala, G.
A phytochemical and pharmacological investigation of the leaves of Cotyledon orbiculata
Dr T.A. Walmsley
Mrs U. Terblanche
Vilakazi, L.N.
Mechanical Engineering
Identification and analysis of the steam temperature maldistribution in superheater tubes via measured and derived parameters
Prof A.A. Alugongo
Prof P. Rousseau
Postgraduate Report
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Supervisor 1 / Examiner 1
Mofokeng, M.A.
Synthesis, thermophysical characterisation of pyrrolidinium ionic liquid and investigation of the thermo-dynamic properties of binary mixtures of the ionic fluid in C4-C8 ketones
Prof E.D. Dikio
Mtonjeni, A.
Metallurgical Engineering
Investigation of premature failure of a tungsten carbide tool grade (PC20) for the cast steel turning application
Dr W. Matizambuka
Makhubela, J.K.
Information and Communication Technology
Visual simultaneous localisation and mapping in a noisy static environment
Prof T. Zuva
Ditshego, K.
Civil Engineering
Development of real time traveller information systems to enhance the use of public transport in urban and rural municipalities: A case study of Ekhurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality
Dr J. AnochieBoateng
Prof G. Ochieng
Lekaota, R.B.E.
Food and Beverage and Management
Impact of the healthy kids nutrition education programme on the dietary intake behaviour of primary school children in Gauteng
Prof E.G. Dicks
Prof J.E. Kearney
Savane, S.V.
Isolation and screening of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria associated with the grassed Chloris gayana and Brachiaria decumbens
Dr T.A. Walmsley
Dr J. Basheer
Otieno, B.O.
Wastewater treatment using integrated advanced oxidation and biodegradation process
Prof O. Aoyi
Prof B. Naidoo
Willemse, R.
The prevalence of HBV, HTL, HIV and concurrent infections in blood recipients of the South African Blood Service
Dr C.J. Grobler
Mrs M. Vermullen
Laloo, N.
An investigation of the immune-modular effects of crude extracts from Carpobrotus edulis on macrophages and mast cells in vitro
Prof M. Pillay
Dr C.C. Ssemakalu
Twala, P.P.
In silico and functional screening of metatranscriptome and metagenome of marine sediment for potent peroxidase
Dr N.A. Feto
Dr A. Alisoltanidehkordi
Mosheu, E.D.
Photodegradation of selected pharmaceuticals using magnetic carbon dot loaded on different shapes of TiO2
Dr A.E. Ofomaja
Dr E.O. Oseghe
Frans, N.
Nitrate and sulphate adsorption from aqueous solution using doped magnetite-pinecone nanocomposite
Dr A.E. Ofomaja
Ms A. Pholosi
Student Name
98 |
Supervisor 2 / Examiner 2
Dr F.M. Mtunzi Dr M. Klink
Dr C. Freemantle
Postgraduate Report
Supervisor 1 / Examiner 1
Volofu, N.E.
Synthesis, characterisation and assessment of antimicrobial activity of doped zinc oxide nanoparticles against selected waterborne pathogens
Dr M. Klink
Mgedle, N.
The cause of bimetallic heterogenous catalyst for the Fenton reaction
Dr E.L. Viljoen
Nkabinde, S.C.
Antimicrobial activity of titanium dioxide nanoparticles immobilised on cellulose acetatepolyaniline polymer blended nanofibers
Prof M.J. Mololto
Dr K.P. Matabola
Adentunji, T.O.
Information and Communication Technology
Facial and keystones biometric recognition for computer based assessment
Prof T. Zuva
Pr M. Appiah
Kolo, D.I.
Information and Communication Technology
The assessment of e-learning readiness in South African schools
Prof T. Zuva
Ms R. van Eck
Mekonnen, T.Z.
Information and Communication Technology
A proactive university library book recommender system
Prof T. Zuva
Mr R. Kwuimi
Mokwetli, M.A.
Information and Communication Technology
Framework for adoption of information and communication technology security culture in small, medium and micro enterprises in Gauteng province, South Africa
Prof T. Zuva
Ms T. Nkoana
Mpela, M.D.
Information and Communication Technology
A mobile proximity job employment recommender system
Prof T. Zuva
Mr M. Appiah
Nzweke, I.
Information and Communication Technology
A group recommender system for tourist’s activities
Prof T. Zuva
Ms R. van Eck
Thovheyi, K.N.
Information and Communication Technology
Virtualisation performance in private cloud computing
Prof T. Zuva
Prof K.O. Okuson
Xaba, S.A.
Chemical Engineering
Bio-oil production from blended sewage sludge and low rank coal using microwave assisted pyrolysis
Prof P.O. Osifo
Dr J.I. Osayi
Mlangeni, R.V.
Civil Engineering
Optimal modelling of non-revenue water: A case study of Lebohang Extension 9 and 10 in Govan Mbeki Municipality, Mpumalanga, South Africa
Prof G.M. Ochieng
Student Name
Postgraduate Report
Supervisor 2 / Examiner 2
Mr N. Laloo Dr F. Mtunzi
Dr A.E. Ofomaja Prof M. Scurrell
| 99
Dr Simphiwe Nelana Director: Research & Higher Degrees
Ms Beatrice Phume Higher Degrees Administrator E:
Ms Shirene Klink Finance Officer E:
Ms Petro van der Walt Senior Administrator: Research T: (016) 950 9531 E:
Ms Olga Kenke Postgraduate Administrator: Higher Degrees E:
Mr Vulani Mahlaule Research Administrator E:
Ms Chantelle Sonnekus Research Development Officer E:
Ms Lerato Hlahla Administrator E:
Ms Ronel Appelcryn Research Administrator E:
Ms Searabo Kgekoane Information Officer E:
Mr Prajesh Bhikha Marketing & Information Officer E:
Mr Sehlabaka Motsie Faculty Research Officer E:
Ms Thakasile Nkwanyana Financial Officer E: Ms Matshediso Kgosane Research Administrator E:
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