GreenMatter Annual Report 2017/2018
SECTIONS Message from Board Chairperson
Message from CEO
About GreenMatter
1 Purpose, Vision & Mission
2 Mandate
3 Theory of Change
4 Registration Details
Corporate Governance
GreenMatter Core Team
GreenMatter and the Sustainable Development Goals
1 Postgraduate Fellowship
2 Imvelisi (Entrepreneurship Development)
GreenMatter: Partnerships in Action Main Clusters
3 Fundisa for Change (Teacher Education)
Marketing and Communications Funders & Partners
4 Bridging into Work
Financial Report
5 Organisational Strengthening
6 National Advocacy
GreenMatter Annual Report 2017/2018
MESSAGE FROM THE BOARD CHAIRPERSON GreenMatter’s sustainability also relies on the invaluable role and leadership of the many individuals and organisations who have driven the implementation of our programmes.”
GreenMatter Annual Report 2017/2018
he dominant global and national narrative, coloured by self-interest and a focus on economic growth, not only perpetuates South Africa’s status as the most unequal in the world but threatens the foundation for sustaining our natural wealth. To address this challenge, requires political will, formidable leadership, unprecedented unity and a sense of urgency. Building strong foundational organisations lie at the heart of such an approach. GreenMatter was established as one such a foundational organisation nine years ago. Initially, as a programme of the Lewis Foundation and the South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI) (and since 2017 an independent public benefit organisation) GreenMatter’s purpose is to strengthen the dynamic ecosystem of partners and organisations focussed on building the human capacity needed to sustain South Africa’s natural capital. The centrality of building and strengthening an ecosystem of partners is emphasised in our National Development Plan and the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, particularly Goal 17, which recognises that our strength lies in growing our collective capacity in our quest for an inclusive, sustainable future. In this 2017-2018 GreenMatter Annual Report, we highlight the partnerships that make our work possible. Since the adoption of the Biodiversity Human Capital Development Strategy in 2009, GreenMatter has worked with Groen Sebenza, Fundisa for Change, Imvelisi and similar high impact programmes to tackle the integration of sustainability issues in school curriculum, growing green entrepreneurs, building cadres of green professionals and a green research community to catalyse systemic change and innovation towards an equitable, inclusive and sustainable workforce and economy.
However, to grow high-impact, sustainable programmes, we need to become a financially sustainable organisation. As a public benefit, civil society organisation, we believe we have a crucial role to play in driving the sustainable human capacity agenda in South Africa. Our priority for the coming year is to grow our partnership network so that we can fulfil our mission over the next five years. In our quest for sustainability, we recognise and pay tribute to our founding partners whose investment over the past nine years have laid a strong foundation. We thank SANBI for its leadership and unwavering support that has allowed us to contribute towards an important government mandate. We dedicate this report to the instrumental, catalytic role played by the Lewis Foundation in investing technical and financial resources in GreenMatter over the past nine years and for helping us to become an independent organisation. I extend a special word of appreciation to the Lewis Foundation, on behalf of the GreenMatter Board, Management and Staff. GreenMatter’s sustainability also relies on the invaluable role and leadership of the many individuals and organisations who have driven the
implementation of our programmes. Together we will continue to strive towards growing leadership and implementation models that are relevant to our context. At the heart of our organisation lies the tireless work of our Core Team ably led by our CEO, Dr. Sibusiso Manzini. Thank you for your commitment and dedication in constantly seeking fresh opportunities; for conceptualising smart programmes; and for championing our advocacy for biodiversity and environmental skills development. 2017-2018 involved substantial work in growing our leadership and governance teams as an independent entity. We have successfully established an excellent Board of Directors who have played a sterling role in providing good governance oversight, strategic guidance and building relationships. I thank all Board members warmly for their commitment, dedicated support and leadership.
GreenMatter Annual Report 2017/2018
MESSAGE FROM THE CEO Having battled our way through this challenging period, we can all be proud of our contribution in laying the foundation for GreenMatter’s continued success in the future.
GreenMatter Annual Report 2017/2018
reenMatter was registered as a Non-Profit Company on 25 April 2017. Therefore this Annual Report, which covers the financial year ending 28 February 2018, is the first publication to chronicle the work that was conducted mostly under the organisation’s new institutional dispensation. Six carefully selected “clusters” of work delineate GreenMatter’s scope of operation. During the year under review, each of these main programme areas registered a highlight that is worth recollecting: • The appointment of a full-time National Coordinator for Fundisa for Change, a Teacher Education Programme that we support, anchored the programme during a sensitive transition period. Apart from ensuring that the work of organising and implementing training workshops across the country continued, Ms. Shanu Misser was instrumental in extending the programme’s nerve centre from Rhodes University to UNISA. During the year, much more ground was covered in bringing on board the provincial departments of education and the SETAs to join the Department of Environmental Affairs in supporting Fundisa for Change. • In our Postgraduate Fellowship Programme, the intake for the 2017 academic year was one of the largest as it included honours students, in addition to the normal cohort of masters and PhD Fellows. The generous support from the Nedbank Eyethu Community Trust gave the GreenMatter Fellowship a much needed “shot in the arm” that enabled an increase in the diversity of candidates and the universities taking part in the programme. • Through the support of the Department of Science and Technology, two boot camps of the Imvelisi Entrepreneurship Development Programme were held in 2017 for budding “enviropreneurs” in water and
biodiversity-related areas. Over 90 aspirant entrepreneurs enjoyed the benefit of cuttingedge business coaching, focussing on the make-or-break ideation phase of the venture creation value chain. Close to a third of the participants were fortunate enough to be selected for the 12-week post-boot camp mentorship programme in business and technical areas, to take forward their business ideas. We are grateful to all the partners, particularly the businesses that offered mentoring and coaching opportunities. • The Work Integrated Learning initiative of our Bridging into Work Programme provided further demonstration of the importance of partnerships under the auspices of the Universities Forum for Biodiversity. Of the 350 university students that required work integrated learning during the year, over 96% of them were placed with the 120 participating employers. GreenMatter’s mentoring toolkit was used to train supervisors from the employer organisations who hosted the students. • In 2017, we continued to see a growth in the NSTF GreenMatter Award that we run as part of our Organisational Strengthening Programme in partnership with the National Science and Technology Forum. Since we launched the award, there has been a significant growth in the number of scientists and organisations that receive recognition for various outstanding contributions in science, engineering, technology and innovation
towards the achievement of environmental sustainability and a greener economy. • Our National Advocacy Programme is all about using various opportunities to contribute towards generating a conducive environment for skills planning, research, development and transformation. Among other initiatives, the National Business Awards in 2017 gave us a unique opportunity to work with the business sector to promote biodiversity conservation and environmental sustainability. Much effort went towards managing the transition and setting in place the institutional base to support the organisation’s operations. I’m indebted to the Board of Directors, ably led by Mrs. Shafika Isaacs, for their guidance through the transition process. I thank Janavi, Neo and Shanu for persevering through the uncertain times during the transition while implementing the capacity development programmes contained in this report. Having battled our way through this challenging period, we can all be proud of our contribution in laying the foundation for GreenMatter’s continued success in the future.
GreenMatter Annual Report 2017/2018
Purpose, Vision & Mission
PURPOSE: To be a catalyst to achieve a sustainable and equitable quality of life for all in South Africa by growing biodiversity human capacity and promoting active involvement by its people. VISION: A capable citizenry working together towards biodiversity conservation to achieve a sustainable and equitable quality for life for all. MISSION: The mission of GreenMatter is to develop a human capacity for biodiversity conservation through strategic partnerships in the environmental sector in South Africa.
GreenMatter Annual Report 2017/2018
GreenMatter’s Mandate
outh Africa’s wildlife and natural resources are precious sources of wealth. In addition to its intrinsic value, the country’s biodiversity supports income generation and job creation for communities; and is fundamental to the ecological infrastructure needed to sustain and enhance human well-being and development. Issues such as climate change, ecosystem degradation and resource constraints have increased society’s awareness of the importance of natural capital to human livelihoods and wellbeing. In order to achieve these goals, we need a steady flow of the best minds to help sustainably manage our natural resources for the benefit of all South Africans, both present and future generations.
GreenMatter draws its mandate from the National Biodiversity Human Capacity Development Strategy (BHCDS) which aims to contribute to the growth of an equitable and skilled workforce of biodiversity professionals and technicians to meet the needs of the country. The focus of this strategy is to develop a greater pool of biodiversity professionals and technicians, and in particular (but not exclusively) black South Africans, with high-level skills to undertake biodiversity conservation, management and related natural and social science research, and play a leadership role in organisations with a biodiversity mandate. The BHCDS is complemented by other strategies, policies and action plans in education, conservation and science with a broader ambit. GreenMatter Annual Report 2017/2018
Theory of Change:
GREENMATTER IMPLEMENTS ITS MANDATE GUIDED BY THE FOLLOWING THEORY OF CHANGE: South Africa’s Biodiversity Environmental Sector/Green Economy becomes world role model in biodiversity conservation. Linked to the rich South African biodiversity and natural heritage being of high economic value.
South African environmental organisations work together to ensure coordinated activities and drive leadership support in environmental conservation sector.
Participants become environmental champions for conservation and custodians of African natural heritage.
Participants are equipped to support peers and sector stakeholders.
Participants retain quality of work in their field of study.
Participants find quality work in their field of study.
Increased access to career, management and leadership information.
Completed studies and training, increased access to networking and mentoring.
Increased leadership and life skills.
Increased knowledge and skills.
Increased Human Capacity Development and Skills Development Support for those entering the sector.
Pool of young, talented, previously disadvantaged professionals or students looking to access opportunities.
GreenMatter Annual Report 2017/2018
Professional Development Training and Networking.
Mentoring Support and Career Guidance
Teacher Education and Forums
Entrepreneurship Development
National Advocacy
Collaboration with Sector Organisations
Registration Details
reenMatter is a registered NPO and we operate as an independent entity, having moved away from our dependence on the Lewis Foundation as our institutional home.
NPC Number: 2017/187298/08 PBO Number: 930058557 NPO Number: 202-737 NPO CSD Number: MAAA0594933 BEE Status: Level 1
GreenMatter Annual Report 2017/2018
BOARD CHAIR PERSON: SHAFIKA ISAACS Shafika Isaacs is an independent, digital learning for social equity consultant, who specialises in the enabling role of technologies in promoting equal education for all. She is also a qualified professional coach.
BRIAN GOODALL He has played a leadership role in a number of financial institutions as well as in parliament for the Progressive Federal Party and the DA. He is currently the Chairman of The Lewis Foundation and also runs his own investment company. Subsequent to the end of the financial year, Mr Brian Goodall resigned from the board.
(*Audit, Risk and Finance Committee Members). GreenMatter Annual Report 2017/2018
*VIVIAN MALEMA Vivian Malema is Director for Biodiversity Education Empowerment and Human Capital Development at South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI).
*DEREK ENGELBRECHT Derek was schooled in the then Rhodesia (now Harare) and obtained his CIS qualification whilst working as both a Government Auditor and then spent ten years as Chief Accountant at the CocaCola Bottlers of Salisbury. He also worked as Sales Director of Middelburg Steel and Alloys (now Columbus Stainless) for ten years before a move to Impala Platinum where he was Group Executive for Worldwide Marketing for 23 years. He retired in 2014 and is now a Trustee of the Lewis Foundation.
PROF. ALBERT MODI Professor Albert Thembinkosi Modi is a crop scientist, championing sustainable agriculture and the value of indigenous knowledge in informing scientific research. Subsequent to the end of the financial year, he was appointed as the Deputy VC at the University of KwaZulu Natal.
DR. LUCILLE MEYER Lucille Meyer is the Chief Executive Officer of the Chrysalis Academy. She is passionate about leadership development and in particular assisting in unleashing the potential within people. Subsequent to the end of the financial year, she was conferred a doctorate degree.
DR. JOHN HANKS Dr John Hanks is a zoologist by training with his first degree in Natural Sciences from Magdalene College, Cambridge, followed by a PhD on the reproductive physiology, growth, and population dynamics of the African elephant in the Luangwa Valley, Zambia.
*ALBERT MABUNDA Albert Mabunda was the first official to be appointed to work directly with the Dinokeng project until the branding stages were completed and worked as Chief Director responsible for Dinokeng. Albert is currently self-employed and owns a property development business.
he GreenMatter Core Team is responsible for coordinating all GreenMatter projects and for managing the organisation on a day-to-day basis, as well as its legal and financial interests. The Core Team is also responsible for raising funds from partners and sponsors to support GreenMatter projects and initiatives as well as to ensure the sustainability of the organisation.
PhD, MSc, MEd (cum laude) Chief Executive Officer
MSc (Pr.Sci.Nat) Programme Manager
BSc and BA (Hons) Officer Manager
MEd Env Ed National Coordinator Fundisa for Change GreenMatter Annual Report 2017/2018
CORPORATE GOVERNANCE GreenMatter is perfectly aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. This alignment is not only reflected in the content of our various programmes but also in our implementation process
n this report, we profile the important role of partnerships in the work of GreenMatter. We believe that all SDG’s are enabled first and foremost by supporting partnerships that work towards these goals. Environmental leadership has a focus on influencing people to jointly and creatively confront challenges with an emphasis on collective action. Leaders and change agents, from any organisation and age group, have an influence
on mobilising individuals towards positive action. Partnerships are one of the most effective ways of creating social change. Within the ambit of the Partnerships for the Goals, we contributed mostly to the Capacity Building Targets. We did this through implementing effective and targeted capacity-building to support national plans for sustainable development, guided by the following principles:
01 GreenMatter endeavours to work with organisations and individuals who strive towards a common objective with the aim of promoting and enabling environmental sustainability.
Different, yet complementary skills and goals. Collaborating organisations have a distinctive expertise, yet complementary goals. Each organisation is able to bring different skills to bear.
We believe that working at all levels of the company has been a very informative and effective experience especially when looking to promote the complex concept of environmental sustainability.
Ultimately, all organisations involved are focussed on ensuring that programme participants have better access to skills development, opportunities and a larger collective network.
Our collaboration can achieve the intangibles such as providing larger networks of communities and organisations, giving them a voice in broader decisions.
GreenMatter Annual Report 2017/2018
Many individuals support GreenMatter by contributing their time and expertise to provide important services such as coaching, mentorship and serving on our various selection and other panels. We take this opportunity to acknowledge them for their support during the financial year 2017-2018: Dr John Hanks Dr Henry Roman Amanda Dinan Dr Isaac Rampedi Dr Ali Halajian Garth Barnes Dr Glenda Raven Shanna Nienaber Phoebe Anderson Preshanthie Naicker Elize Hattingh Prof Peter Taylor
Wendy Collinson Claire Pengelly Sivuyile Pezulu Roland Vorwerk Nthabiseng Motsemme Prof Abe Addo-Bediako Vanessa Majiza Prof Joseph Kioko Mike Ward Neil Heinrichsen Steven Beukes Shelley Lizzio
Deidre Herbst Lizel Stephan Diane Banks Gloria Mbokota Nandha Govender Jimmy Khanyile Graca Muganga Rethabile Melamu Pandelani Dzhugudzha Thomas Mathiba Harriet Mostert-Davies Yolan Friedmann
GreenMatter Annual Report 2017/2018
Postgraduate Fellowship
he overall goal of the GreenMatter Postgraduate Fellowship is to improve the levels of availability, quality and relevance of biodiversity professional skills, enabling South Africa to effectively manage its natural resources to sustain human well-being and development. The primary focus is to increase the number of talented, particularly black, South Africans attracted to working in the biodiversity sector, providing them with opportunities to advance their skills, expand their networks and influence, thereby opening doors for employment and leadership possibilities. The GreenMatter Postgraduate Fellowship is unique in that it offers a range of development opportunities and welcomes graduates, young professionals and established leaders from all walks of life. It emphasises camaraderie, community and peer learning while encouraging individual excellence. Financial support is complemented by networking, mentoring and structured professional development opportunities. PARTNERSHIPS In 2017, the funding partners of the GreenMatter Postgraduate Fellowship were the Mapula Foundation, Crossley Foundation, Endangered Wildlife Trust, various universities, The Lewis
GreenMatter Annual Report 2017/2018
Foundation and the Nedbank Eyethu Community Trust. These Fellows benefitted from the programme through engagement with their peers, sector organisations and professional development opportunities, while being supported through an academic bursary. Among the various professional development programmes they undertake, the Fellows participate in Learning Group projects throughout their tenure with GreenMatter. These projects involve the conceptualisation, implementation and management of projects that are for the benefit of a local community of their choice, who are eligible to benefit from environmental interventions. These collaborations teach them the skills involved in partnership projects, which will be a large part of their work going forward, as future conservation leaders. The Papenkuils Wetland Conservation Project aims to investigate the current harvesting practices, the amounts of waterblommetjies available for harvest annually, and the possibility of providing the community with the means of cultivating it themselves. They have developed strong partnerships with funders and other organisations to be able to implement the project. The project lead, Roderick Juba, went on to win the Young Professional of the Year Award at the National Wetland Indaba 2017.
University of Johannesburg
Aphiwe Moshani (Honours)
Environmental Management
University of the Western Cape
Refilwe Kolokoto (Masters)
Botany – Plant Systematics
Jabulile Malindi (Masters)
Botany – Taxonomy
Tsele Nthane (PhD)
ICT Fisheries
Alexander Venter (PhD)
Conservation Ecology
Lavinia Perumal (PhD)
Road Ecology
Mbali Mashele (Masters)
Wildlife Human Conflict
Snethemba Ximba (PhD)
Plant Pathology
Siviwe Babane (Masters)
Marine Biology
North West University
Rethabile Molefi (Honours)
University of Limpopo
Abigail Ramudzuli (Honours)
Zoology (Conservation Genetics)
Thabang Teffo (Honours)
Thamsanqa Mawonga (PhD)
Soil Science
Khutso Lenyanyabedi (Masters)
Soil Science, Food Technology and Agritechnology
Zwannda Netavhani (Masters)
University of Fort Hare
Yonwaba Atyosi (PhD)
Soil Science – Remote Sensing
Wits University
Ndoni Mcunu (PhD)
Climate Change – Food Security
Stellenbosch University
Roderick Juba (PhD)
Wetland Science – Conservation Ecology
Simone Hansen (PhD)
Conservation Ecology
Julia van Schalkwyk (PhD)
Conservation Ecology
Marinus Geldenhuys (PhD)
Conservation Ecology
University of Free State
Nancy Job (PhD)
Wetland Science
Tshwane University of Technology
Tiisetso Mpai (PhD)
Plant Pathology
Mangosuthu University of Technology
Sicelo Ndlovu (Honours)
Conservation Ecology
University of Cape Town
University of KwaZulu Natal
University of Venda
A great example of a GreenMatter Partnership in Action is that of the Endangered Wildlife Trust, The Mapula Trust, the University of Venda and GreenMatter. Through the amazing work being done by Mrs Wendy Jonker (nee Collinson) of the Road Ecology programme, we managed to support the research of postgraduate students, registered at the University of Venda, who were working on road ecology research. This research supports the conservation work being done by the Road Ecology team at the Endangered Wildlife Trust. The Mapula Foundation supports these students with a bursary to study and GreenMatter offers professional development, networking and mentoring support.
GreenMatter Annual Report 2017/2018
Imvelisi (Entrepreneurship Development)
PURPOSE: The Imvelisi ‘Enviropreneurship’ Ideation Programme is primarily directed at aspiring young entrepreneurs especially those who are considering start-up businesses in the water and biodiversity sectors. Our key partners in this programme were YWPZA, DST, WRC, DEA, Fetola, Koi Strategy, Green
Cape and SAREBI. GreenMatter has developed strong partnerships with our Dragons Den participating organisations to build on what has been taught during the training boot camps. Partnerships with pivotal environmental and entrepreneurship organisations are key to the success of the programme.
Water Research Commission Department of Trade and Industry Ethekwini municipality Innovation Hub Koi Strategy Trade Industrial Policy Strategies South African Renewable Energy Business Incubator (SANBI) • Cirrus Blue Consulting The programme is made up of two components, the first of which is a five-day boot camp to get candidates from across South Africa GreenMatter Annual Report 2017/2018
• • • • • • • • •
Endangered Wildlife Trust Innovation Hub JRP Soccer Focussed People UNISA Department of Environmental Affairs Department of Science and Technology Innovation Hub Grounded Partners to explore their ideas and gain insight into starting a business. The second component is where selected candidates, who show unique
potential through the boot camp, have access to mentorship and one-on-one support for a period of 12 weeks. The candidates who make it through the boot camp and into the second component are allowed the opportunity to improve on their business knowledge and learn from experienced individuals in the running of businesses. This thus empowers those young individuals who
BOOTCAMP 1 5 to 9 June 2017 – 44 participants
28 August to 1 September – 45 participants
show great potential to build up their businesses and ensure the new businesses that are created within this industry ‘think green’ and further the sustainability of this industry for both the environment and people. The boot camps were held at the Water Research Commission Head Office where Fetola, GreenCape and Koi Strategy gave the training. On the last day, the Dragons Den simulation was hosted by the Innovation Hub in Pretoria. The top 15 performers from each boot camp were selected to be mentored by a business or technical mentor or both, depending on their needs. In addition to this, the GreenMatter hosted a panel session at the Green Youth Indaba with the Imvelisi Graduates. Here they were given an opportunity to share their experiences as young emerging environmental entrepreneurs. GreenMatter also hosted a stand for the Imvelisi Programme at the International Young Water Professionals Conference 2017 where we cohosted an enviropreneurship workshop with the YWP-ZA and the Spinach King. IMPACT: The lack of a fully-developed idea is the main reason for most entrepreneurs failing to start up a business, where they have a spark of an idea but no fleshed-out idea, which is needed for them to successfully start up their business. This may happen for a number of reasons, which include the lack of understanding of the basic feasibility of a business, not knowing the ideal target market or how to reach their target market, inadequate operational processes, and uncertainty surrounding building important business relationships. Imvelisi draws on a range of organisations to offer support for building green entrepreneurs.
“Attending the Imvelisi boot camp helped me move from just having an idea to having a project with defined goals and measurable targets. During the boot camp we learnt about a business model known as the Koi Strategy developed by Neil Hinrichsen, this is a thinking tool that was very useful to me since I only went to the boot camp with just an idea of developing a rainfall network using schools. The strategy helped me to understand the entire chain of establishing a functioning business or initiating a project and therefore I began conceptualising the idea much better and I was also able to better communicate the idea when having to present it.” – Nqobile Lushozi
GreenMatter Annual Report 2017/2018
Fundisa For Change (Teacher Education)
he Fundisa for Change programme is a multi-stakeholder collaborative initiative which seeks to support transformative environmental learning in the Curriculum Assessment Policy Statements (CAPS) through teacher professional development. The Fundisa for Change programme showcases the important relationships between teacher education institutions (universities), Government institutions, parastatals and major NGO partners working on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in the country and the teachers themselves. Like many national curricula around the world, South Africa's CAPS are rich in 'environment and sustainability' content. Indeed, all the subjects address aspects of sustainability. However, teaching about the environment can be challenging as the issues
are complex and much of the environmental information is new to teachers. The Fundisa for Change programme, therefore, introduces teacher educators and teachers to relevant knowledge, teaching methods and assessment practices that will enable them to teach the existing environmental content in the CAPS more confidently and successfully. Through teacher education, the Fundisa for Change programme aims to enhance transformative environmental learning, where the core objective is to strengthen the teaching of environmental concepts in schools. This is a collaborative programme, where Fundisa for Change was established as a partnership programme involving many of South Africa's major environmental organisations, including state, parastatal, NGO and private companies, which have an interest in teacher education.
GreenMatter Annual Report 2017/2018
Several organisations are involved in the contribution to conceptual guidance, development of materials, training of trainers, training of teachers, evaluation and research. Fundisa for Change also has state and parastatal partners, which contribute with policy sector engagement; funding of activities and support of training programmes; printing and distribution of materials (where possible); communication and networkbuilding support. During 2017, the Department of Environmental Affairs sponsored the training of 107 teachers and curriculum advisors. Through an NRF multi-university funded grant 3 PhD’s and 7 Masters’ degrees have been completed to date with another 2 PhD’s and 5 more master’s degrees underway, having started in 2017. Since inception, approximately 900 teachers, subject advisors and partners have been supported on environmental learning in CAPS. The new online Fundisa for Change facilitators course was developed in 2017. With the inclusion of Fundisa for Change materials into BEd and PGCE courses at some of the Higher Education Institutions around South Africa.
PhD’s Completed
Masters Completed
PhD’s Underway
Masters Underway
POLICY AND ADVOCACY Community of Practice for Science Education: • Pre-Service Teacher Education Strengthening National System of Engagement • Participation at the Dean’s forum • Engagement with Provincial Department of Education • MOU with UNISA for coordination • Regional nodes comprising of HEI’s, Govt, parastatals and NGO partners established to support implementation. In addition to this, all Fundisa for Change courses has been SACE endorsed. GreenMatter Annual Report 2017/2018
Bridging into Work
here exists a major gap between the worlds of education and work. After learning for years in a tertiary institute, many graduates find it increasingly difficult to get into the workplace. The Bridging into Work programme is designed to bridge that gap and help learners move into work within the field of biodiversity. The focus of the programme in 2017-2018 was on Work Integrated Learning (WIL). Our previous research indicated that many students in biodiversity-related fields are not able to finish their studies because they lack work integrated learning opportunities that are mandatory for qualification. Where these opportunities are available, there are disparate standards of quality and supervision.
GreenMatter Annual Report 2017/2018
The aim of our initiative was to address these weaknesses by fostering closer cooperation between tertiary education institutions and employers. WIL PARTNERS AND STAKEHOLDERS During 2017, GreenMatter partnered with the Universities Forum for Biodiversity in order to address the challenges related to Work Integrated Learning (WIL). The partnership with the Universities Forum for Biodiversity was very appropriate because it brought together the institutions that are most affected by the challenges related to WIL. The participating institutions and the relevant academic programmes are listed on the following page.
Cape Peninsula National Diploma in University of Technology Nature Conservation; #Diploma in Marine Science National Diploma in Agriculture National Diploma in Agricultural Management Centurion Academy
#Diploma in Nature Management
Durban University of Technology (DUT):
National Diploma in Horticulture
Mangosuthu University of Technology (MUT):
National Diploma in Nature Conservation
Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (NMMU)
National Diploma in Nature Conservation
Tshwane University of Technology (TUT):
National Diploma in Game Ranch Management
The Universities Forum for Biodiversity provided a platform for various stakeholders to have discussions regarding mentoring and employment support for WIL students across South Africa. These included important employers such as CTEET, Eskom, City of Cape Town, South African Wildlife College, WESSA, the various Biosphere Reserves and Eco-Schools. Despite the #feesmustfall related challenges, the Universities Forum has achieved signiďŹ cant results in the number of students (430) gaining access to WIL opportunities:
WIL students were placed during 2017
Students completed their placements in 2016
WIL students were passed in 2017
National Diploma in Nature Conservation; National Diploma in Game Ranch Management
University of Mpumalanga (UMP)
#Diploma in Nature Conservation
University of South Africa (UNISA)
National Diploma in Nature Conservation
University of Venda (UNIVEN)
Bachelor of Environmental Management
The GreenMatter mentoring toolkit was used to train representatives of employer organisations who took part in the training workshops. The training was intended to provide supervisors with the necessary skills to support the students during the WIL period.
GreenMatter Annual Report 2017/2018
Organisational Strengthening
hrough this cluster of activities, GreenMatter aims to strengthen the capacity of governmental and non-governmental organisations with a biodiversity mandate to attract, retain and up-skill their staff through strategically aligned Human Resources planning and work-based skills development. The focus of our activities in the year under review were: recognition of excellence through the awards; the emerging leaders Fellowship programme; and general leadership development through partnership programmes. NSTF AWARDS The highly-acclaimed NSTF Awards are presented annually. The Awards recognise outstanding contributions to Science, Engineering and Technology (SET) and innovation for researchers and other SETrelated professionals, it recognises outstanding contribution to SET and innovation by an individual or organisation. The GreenMatter category, GreenMatter Award: Biodiversity conservation, Environmental sustainability and greener economy. The NSTF-GreenMatter Award in 2017 was presented to Prof. George Ekama for his contribution to Water Treatment Engineering in the Civil Engineering Department at the University of Cape Town. WWF NEDBANK GREEN TRUST EMERGING LEADERS FELLOWSHIP Our 2016 cohort of mid-career professionals completed their tenure as part of the WWF Nedbank Green Trust Emerging Leaders Fellowship, where they were given an opportunity to access a small study
GreenMatter Annual Report 2017/2018
grant, professional development, networking in the sector with strong emphasis on accessing mentorship. They were also asked to participate in a Group Learning project where they are given the task of solving an enviro-social problem in a local community. This group of ten fellows formed part of a bigger group of 20 fellows over the two years the programme ran. The participants represented many sector organisations. The programme then entered the Monitoring and Evaluation and closeout phase. LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT In July 2017, GreenMatter and Eskom Leadership Academy, along with National Treasury and the National School of Government conceptualised, developed and hosted an Environmental Leadership Workshop. Here, we discussed the importance of collaboration and collective action in achieving conservation targets and environmental sustainability. Various organisations presented at this event, showcasing example of leadership in their environmental work. These included; Shelley Lizzio from the Endangered Wildlife Trust (EWT), Deirdre Herbst and Nandha Govender from Eskom, Glenda Raven from WWF, Pete Zacharias from the Lewis Foundation, Dr Sibusiso Manzini from GreenMatter, Mike Ward from Creating Sustainable Value and Wadzi Mandivenyi from the Department of Environmental Affairs and Jimmy Khanyile from DEA Oceans and Coasts. The overall aim of the workshop was to raise awareness of leadership challenges in environmental related decisions and practices, and as a result, raise capacity for mentoring and coaching, especially within government organisations.
National Advocacy
n collaboration with stakeholders, GreenMatter uses various opportunities to advocate for biodiversity human capacity development. This is an ongoing quest to create enabling conditions for skills research, planning, development and transformation. GreenMatter aims for a more coordinated and focused effort to produce graduate level skills for biodiversity. Some of the key institutions and opportunities engaged for this purpose during the year include: THE NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL SKILLS PLANNING FORUM (NESPF) The Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) leads the NESPF which is a key platform for driving various initiatives in biodiversity human capacity development. Our support of the NESPF initiatives continued during the year. We believe that the NESPF is important for fostering coordinated responses by the environmental sector and bringing about synergy in the interventions. SCIENCE FORUM SOUTH AFRICA (SFSA) The Department of Science and Technology (DST) hosts the Science Forum South Africa, which is an event open to the public for all interested stakeholders and members of the public. The event provides a platform for discussion and debate on the role of science in South Africa. The two-day programme brings together more than 1500 people from across the globe. GreenMatter hosted an exhibition stand at the event to showcase the work that we do in environmental HCD.
GAUTENG ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION FORUM (GEEF) The Gauteng Environmental Education Forum is an independent platform for various Gauteng stakeholders who have an interest in the environment and environmental education. The Forum aims to facilitate behavioural change towards sustainability, through partnerships and networking. GreenMatter attends regular forum meetings and discusses Environment Education projects with partners, we seek to partner with other member organisations through our ongoing participation. SACNASP ENGAGEMENT During 2017, GreenMatter volunteered to speak to high school pupils at a Muldersdrift Rural School on behalf of the South African Council for Natural Scientific Professions (SACNASP). This was the start of a strong relationship that is going from strength to strength. GreenMatter fellows enrolled with SACNASP for professional registration in future. The GreenMatter mentoring toolkit was also shared with SACNASP for their members to utilise. NATIONAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FORUM (NSTF) The NSTF brings together over a hundred organisations that have a stake in science, technology and innovation. Apart from partnering in the awards, GreenMatter has contributed to championing biodiversity conservation, environmental sustainability and GreenMatter Annual Report 2017/2018
invited to contribute to how the programme’s capacity building can be strengthened in relation to green skills. This was an important opportunity for various partners to explore the country’s roadmap in relation to the green economy.
the green economy in the agenda of the NSTF. To this end, a number of seminars held by the NSTF during the year had a strong environmental theme. SOUTH AFRICAN NATIONAL BIODIVERSITY INSTITUTE (SANBI) During the year, SANBI underwent an institutional review. GreenMatter was invited to make a contribution in a stakeholder reference group for human capital development. GreenMatter duly made several inputs that were meant to optimise SANBI’s response to human capacity challenges both within and outside the organisation in keeping with the organisation’s mandate. This was a significant opportunity to advocate for human capacity development given the significance of SANBI in the country’s environmental landscape. LAPALALA WILDERNESS SCHOOL The Lapalala Wilderness School provides opportunities for school children and the youth to experience the natural environment through educational immersion programmes in the Waterberg area in Limpopo. GreenMatter supports this work because it is in line with the goal of attracting young people towards environmental careers. The relationship has benefited both institutions and enhanced their respective programmes. For example, the Lapalala Wilderness School was successfully used to host Fundisa for Change training workshops; there have also been joint fundraising efforts to benefit both institutions. EXPANDED PUBLIC WORKS PROGRAMME (EPWP) The EPWP is a national programme that provides job opportunities and training to unemployed young people in various sectors, including the environment. The EPWP, coordinated by the Department of Public Works, has created employment opportunities across the country in all spheres of government. GreenMatter was
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NATIONAL RESEARCH FOUNDATION (NRF) GreenMatter has had a number of discussions with the NRF to promote various aspects of biodiversity human capacity development, including bioinformatics and teacher education. The NRF is the biggest funder of post-graduate students in South Africa and plays an important role in supporting Masters and PhD students in disciplines that are important for the environment. GreenMatter is keen to support the NRF by providing the much-needed professional and career development to the students. NATIONAL BUSINESS AWARDS Over the last 15 years, The National Business Awards and the Top Performing Publication have together become the definitive destination for South Africa’s fast-growth companies in all sectors. Through rigorous benchmarking and tracking of industry behaviour, Topco Media researches, identifies and accredits the breakthroughs, the disruptors, the innovators and the new economic champions, so that they can showcase their achievements and share best practices, policies and strategies with other ambitious companies. During 2017, GreenMatter sponsored the National Business Awards: GreenMatter Sustainability Award. The winning organisation was Belgotex Floor Coverings, for their green manufacturing processes. The runnerup was Old Mutual Investment Group. In addition to this, GreenMatter also published an opinion piece in the Business Essentials Magazine about Human Capacity Development for environmental innovation. OTHER ENGAGEMENTS GreenMatter explored various other partnerships to promote human capacity development for the environment with organisations such as SANParks, WRC, the Botanical Society of South Africa, Department of Fisheries and Forestry, Water Research Commission, African Leadership Academy and the Southern African Wildlife College. Further organisations and networking events that were pursued for the purposes of advocacy include the National Biodiversity and Business Network, Zoological Society of SA, Ecological Society of SA, Innovation Summit, ILO Green Economy Debate, South African Association of Botanists Conference, International Young Water Professionals Conference.
MARKETING AND COMMUNICATIONS SOCIAL MEDIA During 2017, GreenMatter experienced good growth in our social media following. We use our social media for creating brand awareness, thought leadership and to increase reach and engagement on all things environmental, skills, leadership, entrepreneurship, and careers. These platforms include: Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Youtube. Content is promoted regularly on Facebook and our website. These reach the South Africa Youth in real time and promotes engagement. All other platforms are used to drive users to the website. This is mostly used to advocate for HCD in the sector. Our reach and following grew in 2017, here’s what we achieved:
STAKEHOLDER GALA DINNER During April 2017, a Gala dinner was held to celebrate the achievements of the GreenMatter Postgraduate Fellowship Programme as well as to network with partners and funders. Our programme beneficiaries were given an opportunity to share their stories and to talk about their studies, as well as to share how the GreenMatter Fellowship has benefited them. 702 WALK THE TALK During 2017 GreenMatter, along with our women in science, GreenMatter alumni, took part in the 702 Walk the Talk. We joined thousands of South Africans in celebrating unique causes in South Africa. Our cause was for women in science and promoting environmental sciences. The group of ladies that took part enjoyed comradery and a challenging walk to the finish! FINANCIAL MAIL BUSINESS ESSENTIALS GreenMatter took part in a marketing campaign with the Financial Mail business essentials guide. We contributed articles on GreenMatter and HCD for the environmental sector. This had a reach of approximately 47 000 businesses and potential funders throughout South Africa.
GreenMatter Annual Report 2017/2018
e extend profound gratitude to our funding partners. The work of GreenMatter would not be possible
GreenMatter Annual Report 2017/2018
without their generous support. We are encouraged by the fact that most of our funding partners have stayed with us for many years.
To the members of Greenmatter Partnership (RF) NPC
We have audited the financial statements of Greenmatter Partnership (RF) NPC. The document comprises the statement of financial position, as at 28 February 2018, and the statement of comprehensive income, the statement of of changes in equity and the statement of cash flows for the year then ended, and notes to the financial statements, including a summary of significant accounting policies. In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the organisation as at 28 February 2018, and its financial performance and cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standard for Small and Medium-sized Entities.
Property, Plant and Equipment CURRENT ASSETS Trade and Other Receivables Cash and Cash Equivalents
REPORT ON OTHER LEGAL AND REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS: In terms of the IRBA Rule published in Government Gazette Number 39475 dated 4 December 2015, we report that Ransome Russouw Inc. have been the auditors of Greenmatter Partnership (RF) NPC for the last year.
CURRENT LIABILITIES Trade and Other Payables
370,434 4,563,939
DETAILED INCOME STATEMENT for the year ended 28 February 2018 GROSS REVENUE Donations - other
Donations - TLLF
Funding received
R94,884 R11,130,792
COST OF SALES Grants to Partners
Bursaries awarded
EXPENDITURE Accounting Fees
Auditors’ remuneration Bank Charges
RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE DIRECTORS FOR THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS The directors are responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standard for Small and Mediumsized Entities, and for such internal control as the directors determine is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. In preparing the financial statements, the directors are responsible for assessing the organisation’s ability to continue as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going concern and using the going concern basis of accounting unless the directors either intend to liquidate the organisation or to cease operations, or have no realistic alternative to do so.
2,594,184 4,4988,434
BASIS FOR OPINION We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (ISAs). Our responsibilities under those standards are further described in the Auditors’ Responsibilities for the Audit of the financial statements section of our report. We are independent of the organisation in accordance witht the Indepent Regulatory Board for Auditors Code of Professional Conduct for Registered Auditors (IRBA Code) and other independence requirements applicable to performing audits of financial statements in South Africa. We have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in accordance with the IRBA Code and in accordance with other ethical requiremnets applicable to performing audits in South Africa. The IRBA Code is consistent with the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants (Parts A and B). We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion.
R30,000 1,167
Computer Expenses
Conference Expenses
Consulting Fees
Depreciation - Tangible Assets Electricity and Water Employee and related costs Entertainment
12,937 9,851 1,300,839 4,295
Hire - Equipment
Management Fees
Printing and Stationery
Refreshments & Meals
Repairs and Maintenance Security
15,810 8,257
Staff Welfare
Telephone and Fax
Travel - Local
Venue Hire
Workshop Expenses
406,763 5,155,377
GreenMatter Annual Report 2017/2018
31 68A Protea Rd, Blue Hills, Midrand, JHB, SA T - 011 447 5112 ​F - 011 447 5937