Thank you Persons who assisted with the collation of information for the Annual Research Report:
Prof. M. Pillay (Faculty of Applied & Computer Sciences)
Prof. Peter Mendonidis (Faculty of Engineering & Technology)
Dr. D. Joubert (Faculty of Human Sciences)
Ms. C. Sonnekus (Research Directorate)
Ms. N. Kenke (Research Directorate)
The Research Directorate Team
Prof. J. Surujlal (Faculty of Management Sciences)
From right: Dr. Bernadette Johnson (Executive Director: Research) Ms. Beatrice Toti (Postgraduate Administrator) Ms. Ronel Appelcryn (Research Administrator) Ms. Sonia du Toit (Higher Degrees Coordinator) Ms. Chantelle Sonnekus (Research Development Officer) Ms. Beatrice Lekota (Registrations: Higher Degrees) Ms. Lindie Laubscher (Acting Senior Administrator: Research)
Message of the Vice-Chancellor and Principal
Message from the Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Academic and Research
Message from the Executive Director: Research Management
Message from the Executive Director: Technology TransÂfer and Innovation
Message from the Executive Dean: Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences
Message from the Executive Dean: Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Message from the Executive Dean: Faculty of Human Sciences
Message from the Executive Dean: Faculty of Management Sciences
The Centre of Sustainable Livelihoods
Institute of Applied Electronics
Institute of Chemical and Biotechnology
NRF THRIP Programme
NRF-rated researchers
Approved Research Focus Areas
Research Outputs
Postgraduate Report 2009 Highlights
Graduations 2009
Research Capacity Development Programmes
Faculty Research Awards
Annual Researcher of the Year Award Ceremony
Donated Equipment
The role of new universities
Hence our new vision that: “We are a University that leads in innovative knowledge and quality technology education.”
The location of the Vaal University of Technology is both a blessing and a great challenge. Surrounded by a well-established heavy metal and the petro-chemical industries, the university has a wonderful opportunity to reposition and redefine itself for the 21st-century knowledge economy. The latter has become very complex, viz. new fields of research have emerged that were never imagined before. South Africa, as a developing country, can only compete with her global counterparts provided we invest in education, research and innovation. The Vaal University of Technology is no exception to these expectations. Added to this, the Vaal University of Technology is acutely aware that our country is faced with the challenge of exploding energy needs to feed its ever-growing economy and expanding populations. Thus, relevant knowledge-creating institutions will be those that focus on innovation and harness leading-edge technologies in the fields of renewable energy, biotechnology, sustainable livelihoods and manufacturing.
The past 3 years has seen the Vaal University of Technology making very positive inroads in terms of market-industry-led research, and the formation of various strategic partnerships. The Vaal University of Technology has ample evidence that demonstrates that we are indeed a true university of technology or a new generation university. We have gone beyond the stage of publication in our research, to the commercialisation and application thereof, towards a better life for all.
Prof. I. N. Moutlana Vice-Chancellor and Principal
MESSAGE FROM THE DEPUTY VICE-CHANCELLOR: ACADEMIC AND RESEARCH The knowledge era, following the industrial period, changed the value of knowledge in relation to concrete assets. Knowledge is considered the primary aspect that adds value to progress and development in this new era. Competitiveness and change are based on the capacity to innovate and lead change in the process of creating solutions in the context of enhancing the quality and standard of life of people in their environment. It is evident that the value of innovative research in the knowledge era is growing in importance. This is happening at a time when research activities continuously grow especially also outside the traditional university environme nt. The effect is that Higher Education institutions need to re-assess their position in the context of knowledge creators. This implies an assessment of the position and role of Higher Education research in relation to industry. The traditional claim that Higher Education institutions are the bastions of research and new knowledge creation is therefore finally some thing of the past. Vaal University of Technology is in the process of building its re search base through developing the capacity of its staff and growing its support base to researchers. In the process of devel oping its university character a primary focus of VUT remains the improvement of the qualifications of staff. This is necessary to prepare staff for their role as academics and knowledge creators. Due to the mandate and approach of the previous technikon model, which focussed primarily on teaching, the change towards the effective integration of research into the approach of universities of technology represents a fundamental shift. Developing the research capacity of the university therefore forms part of the total change process of the institution. The role of the university in terms of its academic focus, its relation to its context and its teaching and learning approach are all factors that impact on the positioning of the research function in the institution. The development of research is therefore approached from a systems perspective, focusing on the external and internal aspects, to ensure optimal beneficiation of value-adding factors, as well as relevance of research outputs. It is exciting to experience the commitment of new and young re searchers towards interventions that may assist to develop their capacity to grow their research output. Various initiatives focusing on developing the capacity of researchers from writing skills to proposal writing, publication skills and knowledge of research methodology were conducted during the year. Considering the aging active research population, specific attention is placed on the development of the next generation of researchers. Spe cial attention is also given to changing the racial profile of the research population by supporting black and specifically women researchers. Through special interventions like buying out journal space, oppor tunities were created to enable researchers to publish their work.
The university continues to promote academic networking and exposure of researchers to broader academic environments. It therefore has a rather liberal support policy enabling academics to present their research at conferences and through this prepare their work for publication. To strengthen the attraction of postgraduate opportunities to engage potential researchers and future academics, the “hub and spokes model” was introduced. Young researchers are registered and linked to experienced academics where they pursue group research and publications, while they continue with their personal research towards further qualifications. By paying them an ho norarium it is possible for students to sustain themselves during their study period. Based on the interventions that started in 2008 the impact is visible in a significant increase in research output in accredited journals for 2009 as indicated in the research report in the Senate report. The New Generation University conference as well as the conference hosted by the Applied Sciences Faculty is practical confirmation of the energy and commitment of the institution and its staff to deliver on its research mandate. As a result of the experience and progress made in the development of the institution’s research capacity it is now possible to revisit existing focus areas and research activities. A detailed audit led to a stage where the business plans of all units are revisited. The focus is to continue to refine the research focus of the university. This is done to optimise both the use of resources and the impact of the research output of the institution. The intended outcome remains community and general development benefit, as well as the potential further redevelopment towards commercialisation of research output. Strong focus is therefore placed on improving the capacity of the institution to harvest research with innovation potential. In this process the strengthening of relations with industry, research bodies and funding organisations is continuously focussed on. I want to express my appreciation to the Executive Director: Research, Dr. Bernadette Johnson and her staff for visible initiatives and support provided during 2009 to grow the research function at VUT. I also want to congratulate all academics who engaged in and delivered on the research mandate of VUT. Considering the fact that VUT is a research-informed institution, research forms the foundation of not only creating new knowledge, but also optimising the quality of its teaching and community engagement. The contri bution of academics to make this a reality is highly appreciated.
Prof. H. A. Louw
Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Academic and Research
facilitate greater staff interaction. The following were guest speakers:
Under the capable and inspiring leadership of Professor Irene Moutlana our Vice Chancellor Professor Alwyn Louw our DVC: Academic and Research wonderful support and significant opportunities have been provided at VUT for staff and students to engage in research. The institution has remained committed to providing appropriate support, offering numerous opportunities and creating spaces for staff and students to gain from their exposure into the research environment in South Africa and Internationally. The institutional climate at VUT is extremely supportive and open to research. Appropriate policies have been put in place such as the Research Funding policy which incentivises research through offering staff with the opportunity to gain financially, for example, from their postgraduate students’ completion and their participation in Department of Higher Education and Training’s accredited research outputs for example journal publications. Other policy developments have included our Extraordinary Professorships policy and our Ethics Policy which both support the ability of the institution to grow research appropriately within the institution. Extensive support is provided to researchers in the form of research capacity development programs which are customised to address the specific needs identified by researchers. As a consequence the nature of the program offerings have been broad and extremely diverse. Important programs included our Research Methodology program and the Women in Research Program. The challenge remains to grow the number of women and black academics particularly in the areas of Science and Engineering. To support the process of developing well-defined focus areas through which a critical mass in key strategic research areas can be developed, focus areas at VUT have been supported in their process of developing business plans which will inform their futures. Important research is being undertaken within VUT which focuses on Alternative Energy, Sustainable Livelihoods, Materials Science and Biotechnology. We have discovered that while significant research is being conducted, not too many people seem to know about it, whether from within the institution or external to the institution. During 2009 we regarded it as a priority to share information about research at VUT and to create opportunities for engagement and discussion both internally and with external partners through for example, the New Generation University’s conference. In the case of the latter, I sincerely appreciate the work of the Faculty of Management Sciences who worked in collaboration with the research directorate to ensure the success of the conference. Particularly under the leadership and support of Professor Surujlal the event was a tremendous success for the institution. Other opportunities such as round table discussions and a collo quium titled “Whose Heritage?” were held on 22 September 2009 to
Dr. Judy Backhouse: Council of Higher Education; Director: Monitoring and Evaluation
Prof. Andre Keet: Director: Transdisciplinary Programme: University of Fort Hare
We have also developed a database of research at VUT to which all researchers have access to support them in gaining a picture of their colleagues work and to consider ways in which they are able to collaborate. The visibility of research and the indication that research is regarded as crucial in the knowledge economy and within the graduateness of our students, the research directorate engaged in a number of key initiatives such as the Next Generation of Academics Project of HESA and the Intellectual Capital think tank of the DBSA. Participating in initiatives of this nature allows the institution to engage with its larger community and to familiarise it with developments within the institution. To support the development of researchers for the future at VUT, we have implemented a Hub and Spokes model through which significant financial support is offered to postgraduates with mentoring support for them to complete their studies within the minimum period. The initiative was only launched towards the end of 2009. The tradition started in 2008 to host postgraduate schools continued in 2009, as part of the effort to support the development of increased postgraduate students numbers as well as more sustained support of their development during their period of study. We continue to believe that innovative products can only be developed through excellent high quality and relevant research. We are therefore committed to growing the support, opportunities and exposure of Research at VUT. The interest of staff in the faculties and focus areas, and the commitment and drive from our most senior management means that the opportunity to undertake research at VUT is tremendous. Developing partnerships in this environment is absolutely crucial to us, since it is believed that no institution can develop meaningful research for social impact without social partners. Going forward therefore our orientation is likely to stretch into strengthening existing partners and building new partnerships. Lastly, I would like to acknowledge the excellent support available within the research directorate. The staff in the office includes Ms. Chantelle Sonnekus and Ms. Ronel Appelcryn and the support of the higher degrees unit includes: Ms. Sonia du Toit, Ms. Beatrice Lekota and Ms. Beatrice Toti. I also appreciate the unwavering support of Ms. Lindie Laubsher, my secretary. The research directorate is fortunate to have such an excellent team who is prepared to work odd hours including over weekends to provide support to the research and postgraduate community at VUT.
Dr. B. Johnson
Executive Director: Research Management
The VUT is engaged in partnership models in Southern Gauteng to develop shared strategies for the advancement of social, technological and economic development. This aligns with proven international models, where regional alliances involving HEIs are an effective means to achieve economic growth, and for moving economies into higher skills levels.
platforms, technological innovations and technical expertise. In creating awareness of selected technologies such as additive or direct digital manufacturing, design automation, or new scientific or business processes, a contribution is made towards raising companies’ competitiveness, within a portfolio of best practices on technological innovation.
Through the Technology Transfer and Innovation Directorate (TTI), the VUT impacts regionally, nationally and internationally. The TTI creates opportunities for the university to collaborate with Commerce, Industry and the Community, together with Government departments and agencies in a triple-helix mode.
During 2010, the TTI completed a strategic expansion programme, and now consists of the following structures:
This enables the VUT to create an Entrepreneurial University environment by:
Transfer and commercialize university research products to commerce, industry and the community;
Develop opportunities for students (internships, jobs, entre preneurship);
Commercialise know-how and innovation by students, graduates and staff and capitalise on business development realised by other potential entrepreneurs;
Set up campus companies where the university might retain a stake in the firm for a while;
The TTI strives to create a sustainable unit that generates 3rd stream income (also through assets in the form of new technology platforms or income through external grants, licensing agreements, patents or equity in start-up businesses). In parallel, availability of new technology platforms broadens the VUT’s research base, builds research and innovation capacity and facilitates the transfer of skills and technology to the wider community (which includes commerce and industry). This enables the university to address knowledge generation and development of human resources. Simultaneously, a foundation for the generation for sustainable income is created. As such, the VUT-community creates partnerships and markets that generate demands for new products and services. The TTI, through its different structures, support companies that seek a fresh approach to marketing strategies by availing technology
Enterprise Development Unit (EDU)
EMC (Engineering Manufacturing Centre)
ICBT (Institute for Chemical and Biotechnology)
IIC (Iscor Innovation Centre)
TTSMPT (TIA Technology Station for Materials Processing Technology)
EMC, IC and TTSMPT structures and recent initiatives By the nature of the existing position profile, the EMC assists researchers, community, staff and students to develop prototype products or processes for research or innovation purposes. It furthermore conducts projects within the Faculty of Engineering and Technology and assists Industry & Community with project/ contract work. The EMC plays a supportive role to the Innovation Centre as well as the current Technology Station, research foci area or institutes. Specific objectives set by the EMC include the growing of CNC machining capabilities and to develop the necessary capacity to create a sustainable unit, as well as to market the EMC capabilities particularly for support of VUT research.
Iscor Innovation Centre
Tshumisano Technology Station
The Iscor Innovation Centre plays an institutional Innovation support role, with activities in place to make innovation part of the curriculum. The intended FabLab development, together with Innovative Product Development research activities, supports these initiatives. More importantly, alignment with the National Innovation Competition (NIC) from the current Innovation Fund, together with new initiatives from TIA, AMTS and THRIP are all high priorities.
The VUT is participating in the Department of Science and Technology’s TIA-funded Technology Stations Programme, where a number of universities of technology receive funding from DST through TIA, to actively support technology transfer projects to industry. Some major advancement can be reported under the VUT’s Technology Station (TSMPT). TSMPT has excelled both in terms of expansion of technology platforms for technology development and demonstration, as well human resource devel opment.
Some specific activities:
Orient VUT postgraduate research towards better yield in terms of commercialisation and innovation potential, and simultaneously support local industry needs (feed industry needs back into research).
Support the formulation and introduction of the new research methodology subject at VUT, particularly towards creativity, innovation and involvement in community (including industry) engagement and technology transfer.
Launch and manage new projects in the Innovation Centre as technopreneurial platforms, linking back to research projects the EMC and technology station, and in support of industry.
TSMPT currently supports product development for a number of IDC (Industrial Development Corporation) funded projects, where the beneficiaries are funded under the Support Programme for Industrial innovation (SPII), with the aim to support regional innovation and local economic development. Over and above securing funds from TIA to support project and running costs, TSMPT succeeded in acquiring funds for major equipment upgrades in the technology centre. TSMPT is also making a substantial contribution by developing a Design Centre to support SMMEs with accelerated new product development. Above-mentioned supports the TTI’s technology transfer capacity, helps to expand research infrastructure, and supports the current strategic manufacturing and product development research focus.
Laser Sintering Machine (EOS Sinter Statiq P3-90)
6 Axis Milling Robot
6 Axis Water jet cutting machine
Rapid Proto typing machine – Solido 3D printer
Rapid Proto typing machine – dimension U print 3D printer
Rapid proto typing machine – Rapman 3
The ICBT is meant as a hub for M.Tech. and D.Tech. graduates, spanning across the following focus areas:
The TTI activities necessitated a supportive structure for contracting and legal support, IP support and management, licensing agreements, spin out company formation (and incubation) etc. Of crucial importance, is the development of a proposal for a VUT-owned legal entity (e.g. a holdings company) conducive to management VUT shares in companies, partnerships, patented products that emanated from research and that are available for licensing or commercialisation, etc. Short learning programmes will in future also be supported by the EDU.
Chemical and Process Engineering;
Chemical Technology;
Food and Biochemical technology; and
Environmental technology.
Furthermore it supports and co-ordinates research programmes and industry links in areas of:
Natural Products and Medicinal Chemical Technology;
Polymer and Rubber Technology;
Green Science Technology;
Biotechnology; and
Sustainable environments.
The set goal of the ICBT is to enhance existing capacities of the VUT to become dynamic, demand-driven, quality conscious, efficient, forward looking and responsive to rapid economic and technological developments. One of the ICBT’s major objectives is to foster technological development in the non-formal sector, supported by forging links to industry, community, science councils and partner academic institutions. The inclusion of initiatives such as the Ecotox spin-off activity under the ICBT supports these objectives.
Prof. D.J. de Beer
Executive Director: Technology Transfer and Innovation
The TTI’s vision is to enable the VUT to act with responsibility to society and focus on:
Transfer of research-based knowledge to industry and public organisations in an MIT- mode and through as many avenues as possible
To develop a Technology Transfer, Innovation and Commer cialisation system as an asset to the VUT that will add value in the future research and other grant application processes
Support of innovation for industry
Provide graduates with innovative and entrepreneurial skills
Development of an achievable career path for students to become innovative employees, business managers or employment creators.
Apart from is supportive structure in terms of research commercialisation, the TTI staff are actively involved in research and supervision, and makes a meaningful contribution to the VUT’s research outputs in terms of accredited publications, patents, artefacts, and obtaining of research funding – often through direct participation in focus areas and its funding applications to research agencies and the corporate environment, but also through supporting individual researchers, focus areas or institutes with the preparation of funding applications.
Prof. B. R. Mabuza
The Faculty has brought together the academic strengths of the Departments of Biosciences, Chemistry, Information and Communication Technology, Mathematics, Physics and NDT, as well as Software Studies. These Departments span a wide range of courses from Biomedical Technology to Software Studies. A distinctive feature of these Departments’ lives is the strong interdisciplinary ethos. The Microbiological Analytical Service merged with Renaissance Environmental Hub Company to form AMBIO. This is a unit that will serve industries and municipalities regarding the Microbiological and Eco-toxity analytical as well as consultancy services. AMBIO falls under the Institute of Chemical and Biotechnology (ICBT). ICBT has established a strong partnership with the University of Pretoria (regarding Indigenous Knowledge Systems), Sedichem Board, the Institute of Chemical Technology in Prague (Czech Republic) as well as the Black Engineers and Scientists Trust (BEST). Our research teams made outstanding contributions to the research base and knowledge exchange across our disciplines, namely Biotechnology, Chemistry, Information and Communication Technology, Mathematics, Physics, NDT, and Software Studies. Below are examples of the breadth and quality of research papers published by our Faculty researchers:
Thanks to groundbreaking research from experts in the Faculty Departments. Our D.Tech. Chemistry graduate, Dr A. E. Ofomaja, explored the “Removal of transition metals from industrial waste water using natural biosorbents” from which he was listed in the 2010 edition of the Marquis Who is Who in the world. The Faculty saw two M.Tech. and 1 D.Tech. graduates awarded their degrees. The titles of their dissertations and thesis are: (a) M.Tech. (Biotechnology)
“Self-life testing of power bars: Effect of processing and formulation changes on product safety and quality.” V. A. Shabangu.
(b) M.Tech. (Chemistry)
“Determination of volatile organic compounds in ambient air by using thermal desorber, sorbent tubes, canister and GCMS.” S. S. Mkwanazi.
(c) D.Tech. (Chemistry)
“Removal of transition metals from industrial wastewater using natural biosorbents.” A. E. Ofomaja.
(a) W. J. Bekker
“Band-gap engineering in CuIn(Se, S.) absorbers for solar cells”. Solar Energy Materials of Solar cells, Vol. 93 (2009) pp. 539-543.
(b) G. G. Nyambuya and M. D. Ngobeni
“The twin paradox revisited and reformulated on the possibility of detecting absolute motion.” Apeiron Journal, Vol. 16, Issue No. 2 (2009) pp. 1-23.
(c) M. D. Ngobeni and M. S. Potgieter
“The heliospheric modulation of cosmic rays: Effects of a latitude dependent solar wind termination shock.” Advances in Space Research Journal Vol. 20 (2009).
(d) A. E. Ofomoja, E. B. Naidoo and S. J. Modise
“Removal of copper (II) from aqueous solution by pine and bare modified pine cone powder as biosorbent.” Journal of Hazardous Materials Vol. 168 (2009) pp. 907-917.
Prof. B.R. Mabuza
Executive Dean Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences
There has been a significant turnover of staff in the Faculty in the last three years. The new staff members are, in general, better qualified than the outgoing staff. This is reflected in the increased numbers of staff with doctorates and the number of professors within the Faculty. It seems that these new staff members are now settling in and producing research outputs as indicated by the 80% increase in the number of accredited articles that were published, compared to 2008. Moreover, there is a very significant increase in the number of research partnerships and collaboration both nationally and internationally. This is largely due to the contacts that the new staff members have brought with them. In addition to the published scholarly articles, the Faculty has produced yet another patent in 2009, which indicates that the research undertaken also includes aspects of innovation and development as befits a University of Technology. In terms of focus areas, the research profile of the Faculty has remained stable. The seven long standing focus areas are: Fluid Thermal Systems, Environmental Pollution and Health, Engineering Education, Vibration Condition Monitoring, Materials Technology, Applied Electronics and Electrical Power Cables. The latter two focus areas are incorporated in the Institutes of Applied Electronics and High Voltage Studies, respectively. The Research
Directorate audited the focus areas during 2009. The focus area of Environmental Pollution and Health, and Applied Electronics were found to be very active and that of the Materials Technology to be developing positively. The Institute of Applied Electronics is seen as a future hub of post-doctoral activity. Revival of activity in the areas of Fluid Thermal Systems, Vibration Condition Monitoring and High Voltage Studies has been coupled to the recruitment of staff. Research in Engineering Education is done mainly within the auspices of the Engineering Development and Support Unit. A new direction in research within the Faculty is in the field of Nanomaterials, and there is an initiative to expand the focus area in Materials Technology to include participation from other Faculties in which nanotechnology-related research is also being undertaken. In addition to the research within focus areas, there is much activity in the field of structural engineering.
Prof. L. Masu
Executive Dean: Faculty of Engineering and Technology
2009 has been a year of rapid growth for the Faculty of Human Sciences. Being an effective research-driven faculty we are continually improving the quality of our research activity and outputs, as a key part of our strategic plan. For postgraduate students the Faculty offers a stimulating, supportive and inspiring environment working alongside worldleading researchers and benefiting from extensive campus research development endeavours. The Faculty is a proven leader in the field of research, innovation and technology. The Faculty already has a number of flourishing research groups, including the internationally renowned Institute of Sustainable Livelihoods. Our aim is to carry forward the initiatives and thinking that have transformed the human sciences and the social sciences over opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration by encouraging interaction with research centres and institutes throughout the University and with other national and inter national institutions. Research work is continually presented to peers at national and international conferences and published in peer-reviewed Masters Degrees journals where possible. Eight staff members have obtained their Masters’ Degrees and two staff members their Doctoral Degrees, in Law and Hospitality, respectively. During 2009, six members of staff enrolled for Ph.D. or D.Tech. qualifications and ten members of staff for Masters’ Degrees. The Faculty proudly announces that it had the highest number of completed postgraduate qualifications in the Institution for 2009, viz. One doctorate and six masters’ degrees were conferred in 2009.
Faculty staff presented twenty-eight papers at national and international conferences. Sixteen articles were published in national and international subject journals. My sincere and warm thanks and congratulations to all our researchers, funders, collaborators and partners who contributed to the excellent research results of 2009. Your expertise, dedication, rigour and generosity make the Faculty of Human Sciences the rich and distinctive intellectual space that it is respected for.
Prof. C. M. van der Bank Executive Dean: Faculty of Human Sciences
As a Faculty within a University of Technology and a new generation university, our research focus is aimed at bringing wisdom and foresight into current decisions and practices. The Faculty of Management Sciences is strategically poised to take up this challenge through its research agenda with a combination of basic and user-inspired research in the creation of new knowledge. Our faculty has embraced the idea of a teaching and learning-led university with a research mandate and concomitant reflection on technology transfer and innovation. The year 2009 was marked with inspired enthusiasm with almost all staff members engaging in some form of research in order to contribute towards our research endeavours within the Faculty. In terms of staff qualifications, seventy percent are already in possession of a Masters’ degree. Eleven staff members were engaged with their Ph.D. qualification and twelve members were engaged with their Masters’ qualification. In terms of postgraduate students, the Faculty has witnessed a surge in numbers with 231 students on the database. This has placed an added constraint in terms of supervision with only nine staff members having a Ph.D. qualification. With the appointment of a Research Professor, Prof. J. Surujlal, the Faculty was able to take on various research-based activities. The Faculty introduced the Masters’ and Doctoral colloquium for students whereby students were required for the first time to present their proposals to the Faculty Research Committee for inputs and suggestions. Research workshops for staff and postgraduate students and the staff development workshops on qualitative and quantitative research were also held during the year in order to build confidence and academic rigor among novice researchers. The Faculty has played an instrumental role in co-hosting the New Generation University Conference held at the Emerald Hotel from 17-19 November 2009. The Conference provided an ideal opportunity to promote multi-, trans- and interdisciplinary scholarly and applied research. In excess of 120 delegates, both national and international, attended the conference where 89 papers were presented. On 23 October 2009, research achievers were honoured at the Annual Faculty Research Awards function. Dr. A. L. Bevan-Dye, Mr. G. Okubena and Mr. P. Joubert received research achievement awards. Dr. A Garnett, Prof. J. Surujlal, Prof. M. Dhurup and Prof. I. Shaw received research excellence awards. This has provided the much-needed impetus for other staff members to follow suit.
Prof. M. Dhurup
Executive Dean: Faculty of Management Sciences
A significant breakthrough in the Faculty was the purchase of the Special Edition of the African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance in which a record number of 22 articles were published. The special edition of the Journal was an ideal catalyst to boost research within the Faculty. On 7 October 2009, the launch of the Journal was held at the VIP Lounge of the Isak Steyl Stadium. The Editors of the Journal shared their appreciation at this historic event in which many novice and firsttime authors had the opportunity to publish in an accredited journal. In total 39 articles were published in accredited journals in 2009. The faculty contributed in excess of 50% of the total accredited research output of the University. In addition, Prof. I Shaw and Mr. G. Okubena have contributed a chapter each in books. Staff members presented a total of 42 papers at national and international conferences. In addition, Mr. G. Okubena received the best paper award for a paper entitled “South African Equity Market Reaction to the 2010 World Cup Announcement” at the Academic and Business Research Institute Conference held in Orlando, USA in September 2009. The Faculty was blessed with the presence of a visiting Professor, Prof. Pat Obi from Purdue University, USA in March 2009 who provided the much-needed support to staff and students in research. His mentorship of staff and postgraduate students has resulted in two co-authored accredited outputs in the Faculty. During November 17-24, Prof. N. Panchanatham from Annamalai University, India also graced our Faculty and conducted interactive sessions on Human Resources Management within the Faculty and opened avenues for collaborative research among Faculty members. On reflection, the Faculty has indeed made great strides and set the tone for research among staff members. Recognition and appreciation must be extended to every staff member for their renewed dedication and selfless contribution towards embracing a research culture within the Faculty. The Faculty will continue to play a meaningful role in sustaining research and provide a strong combination of research with deep engagement in order to create new knowledge in the respective disciplines. The Faculty is indebted to the Research Directorate and the visionary Management of VUT for their support and unstinting efforts to nurture research in our Faculty. Given the dynamic nature of our environment and as knowledge becomes dated, the innovative nature of knowledge requires new knowledge to be created in order to provide possible solutions to new problems. Global trends point towards the innovative creation of knowledge in strategic research areas that should be nurtured through collaborative research, which should shape our quality of teaching and inform our curriculum. Our endeavour as a Faculty is to move away from the silo mentality of research into inter-, multi- and transdisciplinary approaches to research as new knowledge areas emerge.
The Centre of Sustainable Livelihoods
The Centre of Sustainable Livelihoods is a postgraduate research centre with the following vision: to use research as a tool aiming to reduce poverty, household food insecurity and malnutrition in Africa. CSL Mission Statement: Deliver research of high quality that is relevant and challenging, as well as stimulating critical thinking in order to increase accredited research outputs and create breakthroughs and competitiveness in the field of study nationally and internationally. Projects that form part of staff and postgraduate student research conducted in CSL are:
Nutritional interventions in collaboration with Joint Aid Management (JAM) in Orange farms, Evaton and Hammanskraal.
The CSL has all the necessary resources and facilities available for postgraduate research, including its own food analysis laboratory, as well as a state of the biochemical analysis laboratory.
Interventions addressing household food insecurities and malnutrition in an urban area, a National Research Foun dation (NRF)-accredited niche area. The focus of this project is addressing household food insecurity and malnutrition through the development, implementation and evaluation of sustainable intervention strategies to promote health and wellbeing by increasing (a) the nutrition knowledge of the target populations in order to make informed food procurement decisions for household food consumption (nutrition education), (b) the availability of, and access to, an increased consumption and utilisation of food in the household, and (c) providing nutritious, affordable and culturally acceptable food products for consumption by the target populations (food product development).
Various partnerships with international researchers exist in the CSL, namely the University of Greenwich (UoG) in Chatham, United Kingdom (UK), University of Westminster (UoW) in London, UK, Institute of Home Economics (IHE) at the University of Delhi in India, Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands, University of Benin in Nigeria, University of Ibadan in Nigeria, University of Massey, New Zealand, The Cutting Edge, the World Initiatives for Soy in Human Health (WISHH) and the Potato Board of the United States of America. Local partnerships include, but are not limited to, various non-governmental organisations (i.e. Sharpeville Care), local government departments (Education, Health and Social Welfare), as well as community organisations.
Improving household food security and Qwa-Qwa, a South African Netherlands Research Programme for Alternatives in Development (SANPAD)-accredited niche area. The focus of this project is to address household food insecurity and the resultant malnutrition in children and their caregivers through the development, implementation and evalua tion of food and nutrition intervention strategies to pro mote health and wellbeing in the Bakwena, Batlokoa and Dinkweng communities in Qwa-Qwa. The food and nutrition interventions is a multi-disciplinary study involving four phases, namely 1) awareness and nutrition education; 2) addressing household food insecurity by implementing a sustainable household vegetable and soy gardening programme; and 3) developing affordable and energy-saving manual household soy food-processing equipment through the exchange of knowledge and technology, and 4) evaluating the impact of this programme on food and nutrition knowledge (shortterm) and dietary intake behaviour (long-term), as well as household food insecurity in this community.
Prof. Wilna Oldewage-Theron Ph.D. RD (SA) Director: Centre of Sustainable Livelihoods Tel: +27 16 950 9722 Fax: +27 86 612 8573 E-mail:
Department of Education and Food and Agriculture Organi zation (FAO) project to develop nutrition education manuals for parents, educators and national school nutrition pro gramme (NSNP) staff and volunteers. Sharpeville Integrated Nutrition Programme among the elderly. The focus of this project is to address identified nutritional deficiencies or nutrition-related diseases (diseases of lifestyle) through supple mentation, dietary diversity and physical activity projects.
Dr. Abdulkadir A. Egal Ph.D. (PHN) Tel: +27 16 950 9538 Fax: +27 15 950 9530 E-mail:
Jacqueline Dube
Research Administrator: CSL Tel: +27 16 950 9792 Fax: +27 16 950 9530 E-mail:
Centre of Sustainable Livelihoods
Vaal University of Technology Private Bag X021 | Vanderbijlpark | 1900 | South Africa
Institute of Applied Electronics The research at the Institute involves the design and development of fuel cells for the telecommunications industry as an alternative energy source. These fuel cells may be used in conjunction with traditional batteries at rural telecommunication sites. The research could further lead to the development of fuel cell power sources for small rural communities. The most significant research to date includes the development of a very special fuel cell membrane. WITS partnered with VUT in the development of this special membrane, which will significantly reduce the cost of the membrane electrode assembly (MEA). Further implications include cost reduction of the fuel cell stack, thereby making it very competitive with commercially available fuel cells. The generation and storage of fuel (hydrogen) for the fuel cells is also a critical part of this research. A sustainable source of energy must be developed. Research has already progressed to a level where a sustainable source has been identified which needs to be harnessed!
The institute is financially supported by:
Telkom (Pty.) Ltd.
TFMC (Pty.) Ltd.
Malesela Taihan Electric Cables (Pty.) Ltd.
Meds International
GMgraphix (Pty.) Ltd.
The academic partners are WITS and Makerere in Uganda.
Prof. C. Pienaar
Solar panel array
1.5 kW fuel cell
Institute of Chemical and Biotechnology A unit of TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER and INNOVATION
What is the Institute of Chemical and Biotechnology?
The Institute of Chemical and Biotechnology (ICBT) is a unit within the Technology Transfer and Innovation. The Institute initially received its mandate from the Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences and has since extended to be inclusive of all other Faculties and the community of the Vaal University of Technology and beyond, hence its residence within the Technology Transfer and Innovation (TTI). The ICBT, as it is normally referred to, strives towards enterprise and SMME development. The ICBT puts its resources, facilities and infrastructure towards the incubation and nurturing of Chemical and Biochemical-related business units, both from within the VUT and outside the University. It welcomes all individuals and developing and developed business alike.
The ICBT is in constant negotiations to re-establish this business within the VUT reach. The Department of Water Affairs will be participating through its Working for Water Programme. If successful, the business will be in a position, among others, to impact on the medicinal plant extracts research that is already ongoing. Up to 20 students will benefit in work-integrated learning that will be afforded by this business unit.
Involvement of VUT researchers The Re-Establishment
The ICBT was re-established in June 2008 after the VUT Rectorate committed itself to the full support of the ICBT as a strategic vehicle to the technology transfer of chemical and biotechnologyrelated research work within, but also of bringing closer to the richness of the chemical process industries in the Southern region. Subsequently Prof. S. J. Modise was seconded to be the Director of ICBT to take its mandate forward. Prof. A. M. Sipamla, former Director of the ICBT, was contracted to assist as the Advisor to the Director on academic matters within and outside the VUT. The ICBT has since made positive strides in its re-establishment. This was assisted by putting together an Advisory Board that gave fresh breath to the direction of the Institute. The members of the Board are drawn from the nearby business companies and include Eskom, Natref, Omnia, Sasol, Rand water, etc.
The ICBT is receiving support from the researchers, especially from the Departments of Bio-Sciences, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. In total, up to 7 researchers are involved in about 8 research projects that need the attention of the ICBT. The number of Masters’ and Doctoral students is also satisfactory, showing that there is an adequate awareness of the need to think positively towards entrepreneurship. The identification of relevant research work to the ICBT was done in consultation with the Heads of Departments and relevant researchers. The nature of research includes technologies and expertise in biodiesel, biofuel, extraction from plant material, polymer membranes, sorption, etc. A number of workshops targeting students and researchers on entrepreneurship, enterprise development, and IP management have been held in the past year. Turning research work to innovation and product development was stressed during these workshops. This was done to capacitate all stakeholders in research to think along the lines of technology transfer.
Establishment of Business Units
The negotiation to merge the Microbiological Analytical Service and with an independent company Renaissance Environmental Hub was successful. The two merged to form a new entity called AMBIO. This business unit will offer industries and municipalities in the Southern Region and beyond with Microbiological and eco-toxicity analytical and consultancy services. A sizeable capital and infrastructural investment was committed to this new establishment. The unit, which is in the process of being registered, will start operating from their new laboratories within the VUT from July this year. We expect that this unit will stimulate further research-relevant analytical methods. Students will also benefit by exposure as interns and/or postgraduate fellows. A further business unit is expected to be established: Syringa BioscienceTM, which is currently operating in Centurion (Pretoria).
Students and Research
Our partnership and involvement in research work in the relevant departments has improved. This has seen an increase in a number of students enrolling for postgraduate studies. A number of projects with a potential of further research have been identified and “marked as ICBT projects”. These research projects, and the students in them, are receiving special attention from the ICBT. This was done in consultation with the researchers themselves. Furthermore, the ICBT is participating in the Hub and Spokes programme. In this programme, high-calibre students will be recruited into various postgraduate programmes offered in the relevant departments. A number of applications have been received and selection is going ahead.
A number of partnerships have been initiated by the ICBT, including:
Indigenous Knowledge Systems-partnered research with the University of Pretoria. Our postgraduate students are allowed access to state-of-the-art instrumentation at this university. The co-supervision and continued guidance of students from both ends will form part of the agreement that will be signed in due course. Sedichem Board has recently agreed that the Business and Chemical Incubator located in Educity can be transferred to ICBT. The Board, together with VUT management, will be making a recommendation soon to the Department of Economic Development.
The ICBT is pleased to have renewed a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) with the Institute of Chemical Technology in Prague (Czech Republic). We are at the levelling of the ground to ensure that the MoA is workable. Among others, a postdoctoral fellow will be appointed to assist in the implementation of this MoA. ICBT is participating in the DST/ChemCity/CSIR partnership of establishing the Demonstration Centre on Plant Oil Extraction in Tzaneen, Limpopo. The ICBT will put resources together to support this initiative as a knowledge partner. Research will be focussed largely on oil characterisation, formulation and application.
Physical construction of a building in ChemCity Sasolburg;
More support to researchers and postgraduate students within the VUT, and
Formulation of the international template of the ICBT for research and student exchange.
Community Involvement
The Institute of Chemical and Biotechnology (ICBT) of the Vaal University of Technology in conjunction with the Black Engineers and Scientist Trust (BEST) has agreed on partnership to establish a Schools Intervention Programme (SIP). Volunteers from the University’s Department of NDT & Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry constitute SIP. The volunteers are lecturers, professors, and under- and postgraduate students. The intention of SIP is to identify and assist the needy schools in the region with the subjects of Mathematics and Physical Science. The approach is to empower both educators and learners to have self-esteem and confidence to tackle the subject matter heads on.
Other potential Projects and Clients
So far, we have consulted with three schools (Mohloli High, Iketsetseng High and Thuto-Lore High) with the purpose of identifying areas of weakness. This is done by means of a survey completed by students. The survey measures the students’ attitude towards education, self-esteem, self-confidence, and time management, and clarifies the influence in career choice.
Cosmetic and hair care products (Ms. N. Jones);
The educators are also involved in the programme during tutoring sessions.
Paint and polymer products (ChemCity/SAPMA/SAPITI);
Chemical Analytical Service (Natref);
Beneficiation of diamond by-products (Northern Cape Government); and
The ICBT was also involved in the Polokwane Science Expo. We had an opportunity to share with the young ones prospects of being an entrepreneur and had a lot of “Science is Fun” activities. These activities will be extended further to other Expo and Exhibitions like SASOL Techno-X.
De Beers’ Diamond Mine (Voorspoed, Kroonstad).
(Compiled by S. J. Modise, May 2010)
Other potential clients have been identified:
Future projects
The ICBT projects for the year ahead with more successful activities include:
Synergised relationship with ChemCity and its clients;
A strategy towards the establishment of a Science Park and participation in COFISA’s Regional Innovation System Programme;
Increase in client base;
Institute of Chemical and Biotechnology
Vaal University of Technology Tel: +27 16 995 09899 Fax: +27 86 612 8940 E-mail:
SANPAD Report South Africa (SA) is viewed as a developing country with limited resources and poverty. The resultant malnutrition and household food insecurity is a problem in a large proportion of its population. The SA Integrated Nutrition Programme, developed and managed by the Department of Health (DoH) aims to improve the nutritional status of all South Africans. One of the strategies to achieve this aim is nutrition promotion, education and advocacy. Many studies have been done to assess the nutritional status of various sample populations in SA, but very little has been done on nutrition education as a means to improve the nutritional status of South Africans. This was one of the first studies to focus on developing simple, cost-effective, appropriate and applicable nutrition education tools (NET) that can be implemented as part of a nutrition education programme (NEP) for pre- and primary school children to empower them with knowledge and skills to make healthy food choices for future health, resulting in productive workers and benefiting the economy of the country. The NEP, planned as part of this project, was undertaken in the â&#x20AC;&#x153;poorest of the poorâ&#x20AC;? black communities. In the pre-primary school where the impact of the NEP using the developed tools was tested, it was found that the nutrition knowledge of the respondents was poor, but knowledge improved significantly on 67% of the variables tested (pâ&#x2030;¤0.05) after the NEP implementation. Food-group knowledge improved from 13.4% before to 64.8% after the NEP (p<0.05). The functions of the various food groups had 60.2 (77.9%) correct answers after the NEP compared with 13.5 (27.4%) previously. Furthermore, the primary school
children (n=200) showed no significant improvement in nutrition knowledge of the control group (n=100) not receiving any nutrition education. The experimental group reflected a significant (p<0.05) improvement after the NEP, incorporating the developed NEP tools in 71% of the questions tested. The percentage of correct answers for post-test (61%) was higher than for the pre-test (48%). The skills and knowledge imparted to the study participants in the samples should assist these people to make healthy food choices for future health and thus have to spend less on medication and hospitalisation and also thus have a positive impact on the health system in the country. However, the household will have to be treated holistically and the parents will also have to be included in the NEP in future. Students trained in this project as fieldworkers (n=12) obtained healthy eating knowledge that could be communicated to their families and communities. The teachers that were involved in the implementation of the NEP indicated that their nutrition knowledge improved a great deal; however, this was not tested.
Prof. W. H. Oldewage-Theron
NRF THRIP Programme
Short Title: Fuel Cell Development and Manufacturing Duration of the project: 2010-2012
The project involves the design and development of fuel cells for the telecommunications industry as an alternative and sustainable source of energy. The fuel cells could replace the traditional batteries as well as solar panels at rural telecommunications sites. The research could also lead to further development of fuel cell power sources for small rural communities. Value: The manufacturing of fuel cells, their installation and maintenance will create a new South African industry with numerous job opportunities. A complete new industry could be the result of the research in the field of electronics, hydrogen storage, solar energy and other applications of fuel fuels.
Industrial Partners:
Telkom (Pty.) Ltd.
Malesela Taihan Electric Cables (Pty.) Ltd.
TFMC (Pty.) Ltd.
Meds Distribution t/a Cosmos Seat Covers
Prof. C. Pienaar Project leader
NRF-rated researchers
Prof. D. J. de Beer
Dr. Z. Huan
Prof. W. H. Oldewage-Theron
Prof. J. Surujlal
Coriana Fouche 1. Presentation – IDC Technologies – 3 & 4 June 2009 Why English and cognitive development intervention at a Tertiary Institution in South Africa South African children grow up in a very diverse multicultural, multilingual society. Research shows that South African students’ language proficiency is of concern among educators who maintain that students cannot reason and conceptualise in English. Although South African English second language speaking students appear proficient in varieties of English used outside academic contexts, they struggle to learn and achieve in English. The English language and cognitive development intervention programme is aimed at equipping students with English language and cognitive skills needed for success in their studies and professions.
2. International Conference on language policy, planning and support in higher education: challenges of multilingualism. 16 - 19 November 2009 ABSTRACT submitted under the theme ‘language support initiatives in higher education’. Why English and cognitive development intervention at a Tertiary Institution in South Africa South African children grow up in a very diverse multicultural, multilingual society. Research shows that South African students’ language proficiency is of concern among educators who maintain that students cannot reason and conceptualise in English. Although South African English second language speaking students appear proficient in varieties of English used outside academic contexts, they struggle to learn and achieve in English. From 2007, all first year students at the Vaal University of Technology are compelled to do a computer-based Education and English development 1 program as part of their curriculum. Through this 2programme, the Department aims to (i) redress the perceived language inequity problem, (ii) provide equal learning opportunities and (ii) progressively transform students’ proficiency and literacy in English so that students may reach their full potential in their studies and professions. Students registered for the programme are subjected to two different pre- and post-tests and preliminary results obtained thus far positively point towards an increase in students’
Some background to the presentations: Although tertiary students appear to be functionally literate in English, they struggle with effective communication in their studies and in the workplace. In an effort to address their English language proficiency, the Department introduced a computerbased Education and English development intervention 3program compulsory to all first year students as part of their academic curriculum. Through this 4programme, the Department aims to (i) redress the perceived language inequity problem, (ii) provide equal learning opportunities and (ii) progressively transform students’ proficiency and literacy in English so that students may reach their full potential in their studies. Despite students’ inflated perceptions of their own English proficiency levels and their subsequent negative attitudes towards the intervention programme, results thus far have shown an improvement in both students’ attitudes and their English proficiency levels.
Program here refers to computer program as opposed to
Program here refers to computer program as opposed to
Programme, referring to an academic programme.
1 2
functional and academic English proficiency. The introduction of this computer-based course has brought about a remarkable change in students’ attitude and class attendance that could be ascribed to the change from talk-and-chalk teaching to computer interactive learning supplemented by individual and small group teaching intervention. Despite students’ inflated perceptions of their own English proficiency levels and their subsequent negative attitudes towards the intervention programme, results thus far have shown an improvement in both students’ attitudes and their English proficiency levels. This presentation will focus on the various reasons why the Vaal University of Technology supports the English language intervention programme and the students’ response to this endeavour.
Programme, referring to an academic programme.
B. N. Gatsheni
Vaal University of Technology, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa;
F. Dippenaar
Sasol, Sasolburg, South Africa;
The design of a “Global View” web interface for Sasol’s global operations management Sasol is represented on six continents and more than a dozen regions with differing time zones. Current monitoring activities from these sites is tedious. Through the “Global View” web interface, a human element at Sasol can for the first time be able to efficiently monitor Sasol sites in these different geographical locations. As a consequence, from an operational perspective, relevant information is brought together from multiple systems. The Global View interface links the human element with other Sasol sites with a combination of geographical views and system information. It thus orients the user geographically and geospatially by displaying information about a specific site locally, regionally, nationally and internationally in a global fashion.
T. Naidoo The state’s role in improving access to higher education and graduate rates in South Africa South Africa has seen a reasonable economic growth of around 5% in 2007 and the South African Government has provided more funds for higher education. The Minister of Education hopes to increase the participation rate of school leavers in higher education to 20% by 2015 with substantial financial support to public higher education institutions. The findings by the Human Sciences Research Council in South Africa that on average only 15% of students finish their degrees in the allotted time is reflective of both the schooling system and the lack of sufficient resources for higher education. This is a serious matter receiving attention by the Ministry of Education. Most higher education institutions have introduced academic support programmes, but this is limited within the boundaries of affordability of institutions. Universities also are reluctant to force substantial tuition fee increases especially in an environment where over 70% of university dropouts are because of financial reasons.
Gauta Johannes Maseko
Vaal University of Technology, South Africa Faculty of Management Sciences
Mahlomola William Mosai Vaal University of Technology, South Africa Faculty of Management Sciences
The U.S. financial crisis and its Impact on the South African equity market This inquiry provides a comparative assessment of the 2008 global financial crisis in the United States and South Africa. It discusses the origins of the crisis in the mortgage industry in the US and traces the evolution of the housing bubble from the late 1990s to the mortgage debacle in 2008. A discussion of the general impact of the crisis on the South African banking sector is provided. The impact in South Africa is seen to be tempered by the passage, a year earlier, of the National Credit Act of 2007. Empirical evidence from an event study shows that the two-year period prior to the peak of the crisis in 2008 saw significant positive abnormal gains in the two equity markets, with South Africa yielding twice as much. Although cumulative abnormal returns over the course of the crisis were negative for both economies, the degree of this anomaly in South Africa was less than the size in the United States. Notwithstanding, the market anomaly in the US is shown to directly impact the degree to which the wealth of investors in the South African market was affected over the course of the market downswing.
R. I. D. Pooe J. Surujal
T . B .
An inventory of programmes, capacity and interventions available at Emfuleni municipal area in the fight against HIV/Aids South Africa experiences the highest HIV/Aids prevalence in the world and is home to approximately thirteen per cent of the people infected with this pandemic. Contrary to the South African government’s earlier negative stance towards HIV and Aids, which has been resoundingly criticised both nationally and internationally, the government’s recent commitment to providing management and introduce antiretroviral treatment programmes is welcomed by all, including civil society, employers and local government. This exploratory study was undertaken to establish an inventory of programmes, capacity and interventions available within the Emfuleni Local Municipality, which is one of three local municipalities that constitute the Sedibeng District Municipality, in the fight against HIV and Aids. It focused on the primary healthcare centres, civil society organisations, and the employers within the municipal area and their response to the disease. A comprehensive literature study on HIV/Aids was conducted. Based on this study, a separate questionnaire using a 5-point Likert type scale ranging from 1=strongly agree to 5=strongly disagree was developed for each of the selected sample groups. The questionnaires were content analysed independently by two researchers and a senior health professional. After pre-testing, the questionnaires were administered to the primary healthcare facilities, employers, and the non-governmental organisations (NGOs) within the Emfuleni municipal area. The data were captured on Excel and frequencies and descriptive statistics were used to report on the data. The study found weak links between the private sector and NGOs and in some cases between the clinics, and the NGOs. Staff shortage has been identified as a challenge in some clinics and the biggest challenge thus constraint facing municipal clinics in their fight against HIV and Aids are space limitation for general consultation and counselling. Recommendations on the findings were made.
Department of Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Faculty of Engineering, Vaal University of Technology, Vanderbijlpark 1900, Private Bag X021, South Africa;
The averaging techniques required to be applied to obtain global decisions from random local responses Most final decisions taken are traditionally based on judgment of “some form of” overall responses that are generated as a result of “averaging in some sense” local responses. To interpret with some degree of certainty global responses, the first approach is to understand the exact nature of local responses. The most important issue is “how to relate various local responses within a population to optimal final decisions. Secondly, theories of Geometric Measure and Stochastic are used to propose appropriate correspondences between local and global responses. The proposed model is tested on properties of nanomaterials. It is found that for a “single factor” local response, the conventional averaging technique is appropriate; and overall response statistics depends on local responses’ statistics. For a “multifactor response” local response, the compound point random field is appropriate; and global response statistics depends on population density, size and local responses statistics. The knowledge from Geometric Measure Theory, which states that any global decision can be decomposed into family local responses, has equally been expatiated.
T. B. Tengen
Department of Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Faculty of Engineering, Vaal University of Technology, Vanderbijlpark 1900, Private Bag X021, South Africa;
The evolution of internal energy released from nano materials during grain growth The driving force for limited thermal stability of Nano-PolyCrystals is high concentration of internal energy. This makes them to undergo significant changes when exposed to temperatures exceeding one-third their melting points. Two processes are expected to take place under such temperatures which reduce the internal energy: (a) grain growth i.e. reduction in total grain boundary (GB) surface area or GB volume fraction and (b) reduction of GB energy per surface area. This paper proposes a theoretical approach that couples know ledge from energy method with that from stochastic differential equations to study the energy released from nanometals during grain growth. The basic Physics of the mechanisms leading to grain growth in nanomaterials is applied. The proposed model is tested on polycrystalline nano-aluminium samples. The impacts of annealing time, mean grain size, grain size dispersion and annealing temperatures are tested. It is anomalously revealed that on comparing the various mechanisms of grain growth, the greatest amount of energy is released from nanomaterial if grain growth is due to Grain Rotation-Coalescence (GRC) mechanism only, followed by that due to simultaneous GRC and Grain Boundary Migration (GBM) processes and least by that due to GBM only. The energies involved in T1 events, T2 events and in rotating the grains before coalescence during GRC have also been dealt with. On comparing the different physical activities taking place during growth, it is revealed that the largest amount of energy is released from materials in which grains rotate, translate and grow at constant force. This is followed by the amount of energy involved with rotating or translating the grains at constant size and least by the energy released due to changing grain size at constant force. It is also found that the rate of release of energy initially decreases rapidly, and then very slowly approaching zero during grain growth. Thus, one may conclude from the principle of stationary potential energy that the nanomaterial attains energy equilibrium in the long run. Thus, the driving force for grain growth at larger grain sizes is not more the grains’ internal energy concentration.
T. B. Tengen
Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Vaal University of Technology, Vanderbijlpark 1900, Private Bag X021, South Africa;
R. Iwankiewicz
Institute of Mechanics and Ocean Engineering, Hamburg University of Technology, Eissendorfer Strasse 42, D-21073 Hamburg, Germany;
Stochastic modelling of nanomaterials micro structures and the impacts on the mechanical properties of the nanomaterials Nano-Polycrystalline metals can be produced through different processing routes and conditions. The results are nanomaterials having random nanostructures. The randomness is in, for example, grain sizes, grain shapes, grain elongations, grains spatial distribution in the materials, etc. The nanostructures due to fine sizes and high concentrations of internal energy in them are very unstable, and they tend to grow more pronouncedly. The temporal evolution of the random physical features may be discrete,
continuous or a combination of both discrete and continuous. Thus, statistical analyses have frequently been used to study and model the nanostructure characteristics. Statistical analysis is limited since it assumes that the statistics of a section of the material is equal to the statistics of the entire material. To better describe the heterogeneous and anisotropic arrangements of the nanostructures and their corresponding properties with great degree of detail and certainty, the present paper outlines the tools of stochastic theory and stochastic differential equations that utilise field variables which can be used. These field variables take values on the real line and, thus, possess the ability to handle the local response of the material and the spatial variations of the nanostructures in the nanomaterials. Random field variables for material nanostructures depend on spatial and/or temporal parameters.
H. van Rooyen
Department of Information and Communication Technology of Ekurhuleni Campus of the Vaal University of Technology, South Africa;
M. M. Maneschijn
Department of Information and Communication Technology of Ekurhuleni Campus of the Vaal University of Technology, South Africa;
In the present paper, it is outlined, for example, how the extended probability (density) functions can be used to describe random features in the materials that are both continuous and discrete. The generalised Kolmogorov Fokker-Plank Equations gives the temporal evolution of the probability distribution of the grain sizes. To study the (temporal) evolution of the nanostructures statistical properties, the Itoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s stochastic differential equation, Itoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s differential rules and equations for moment are employed. The proposed approach is tested on Nanocrystalline copper and aluminium samples. Results indicate that nanomaterials very high instability is also due to high rotational mobility at smaller grain sizes. The grains size distribution parameters are known to evolve as the grain grows, and as such, this fact is taken into consideration during modelling to reveal that the grain size probability distribution evolves lognormally throughout the entire grain growth process. Results also indicate that all the grain size distribution parameters are vital in modelling the materials mechanical properties. Reasons for normal, homologous and anomalous temperature dependences of the mechanical properties of the nanomaterials are revealed to be due to the different natures of evolution of the nanostructures in the nanomaterials.
Mobile learning at the Ekurhuleni Campus of the Vaal University of Technology: A pipe dream or a way forward? The objective of this research project was to establish whether m-learning could be successfully implemented at the Ekurhuleni Campus of the Vaal University of Technology (EC of VUT) as an effective teaching tool. A literature survey was conducted to establish what m-learning entails. M-learning was defined in relation to this study, and the reasoning behind selecting m-learning as a new teaching and learning tool was explained. The benefits that m-learning has over other forms of learning, such as traditional and e-learning, was discussed. A survey was conducted to determine the status of learnersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; technology and Internet access and to determine whether it will be feasible to implement an m-learning project. The survey clearly showed that the learners at the EC of VUT will have more access to mobile learning than, for example, e-learning, as there is a significant difference between the number of learners that have access to a computer and the Internet and those who have access to mobile phones. It also showed the learners willingness to work with new technology. Different features of mobile phones that can be used in an m-learning environment were discussed to see which features would be most advantageous for the EC of VUT. A system was finally proposed for the use of m-learning at the EC of VUT.
Focus area
Focus area leader & contact details
Applied electronics
Prof. Christo vZ Pienaar
(Faculty of Engineering & Technology)
Institute of Applied Electronics Tel: 016 950 9381 Fax: 016 950 9410 E-mail:
Co-focus area leader & contact details Dr. Hannes Janse van Rensburg Tel: 016 950 9412/9560 Fax: 016 950 9410 E-mail:
Applied visual studies
Prof. Rolf Gaede
(Faculty of Human Sciences)
Department: Visual Arts & Design Tel: 016-950 9973 Fax: 016-950 9789 E-mail:
Economic growth and competitiveness of the Vaal Triangle tourism industry
Ms. Veronique Pissoort
(Faculty of Human Sciences)
Department: Hospitality & Tourism Tel: 016 950 9966 Fax: 016 950 9788 E-mail:
Engineering education
Prof. Dirk Dicks
(Faculty of Engineering & Technology)
Head: Centre for Research and Development of Engineering Education Tel: 016-950 9425 Fax: 016-950 9797 E-mail:
Environmental pollution and health
Ms. Christa van Wyk
(Faculty of Applied & Computer Sciences)
Department: Biotechnology Tel: 016-950 9614 Fax: 016-950 9794 E-mail:
Fluid-thermal systems
Prof. Z. Huan
(Faculty of Engineering & Technology)
Department of Mechanical Engineering Tel: 016-950 9158 Fax: 016-950 9797 E-mail:
Fostering sustainable economic development in the Vaal Region (Faculty of Management Sciences)
Co-focus area leader & contact details Dr. David Pooe Department: Logistics Tel: 016 930 5050 Fax: 016 930 5131 E-mail:
ICT technologies on transport systems
Prof. Barnabas Gatsheni
(Faculty of Applied & Computer Sciences)
Department: ICT Tel: 016 950 9840 Fax: 016 950 9497 E-mail:
Innovative product development
Mr. Jan Jooste
(Technology Station)
Head: Innovation Centre Tel: 016 950 9927 Fax: 016 950 9270 E-mail:
Materials technology
Prof. Peter Mendonidis
(Faculty of Engineering & Technology)
Department: Metallurgical Engineering Tel: 016 950 9165 Fax: 016 950 9797 E-mail:
Plant molecular genetics/biotechnology
Ms. Christa van Wyk
(Faculty of Applied & Computer Sciences)
Department: Biotechnology Tel: 016-950 9614 Fax: 016-950 9794 E-mail:
The application of instrumentation systems in industrial processes
Mr. At Roux
The integration and application of information and communication technology in resource-based education
Ms. Antoinette Lombard
(Faculty of Applied & Computer Sciences)
(Faculty of Applied & Computer Sciences)
Department: Process Control & Computer Systems Tel: 016 950 9438 Fax: 016 950 9793 E-mail: Department: ICT Tel: 016 950 9836 Fax: 016 950 9793 E-mail:
Theoretical, numerical and experimental NDT methods
Prof. B. R. Mabuza Faculty of Applied & Computer Sciences Tel: 016 950 9249 Fax: 016 950 9793 E-mail:
Mr. Jay Nkuna
Vibration condition monitoring
Department of Mechanical Engineering Tel: 016 950 9227 Fax: 016 950 9797 E-mail:
(Faculty of Engineering & Technology)
Co-focus area leader & contact details Mr. Allen Olivier Department of Mechanical Engineering Tel: 016 950 9442 Fax: 016 950 9797 E-mail:
2009 Annual Report Submitted
Institute of Applied Electronics (Faculty of Engineering & Technology)
Yes (Part of Focus Area Report)
Prof. Christo vZ Pienaar (HC) Tel: 016 950 9381 Fax: 016 950 9410 E-mail:
Institute of Sustainable Livelihoods (Faculty of Human Sciences)
Prof. Wilna Oldewage-Theron (WH) Tel: 016 950 9722 Fax: 0866128572 E-mail:
Institute of Chemical and Biotechnology (Faculty of Applied & Computer Sciences)
Prof. J. Modise Tel: 016 950 9641 E-mail:
Institute of High Voltage Studies (Faculty of Engineering & Technology)
Ms. Theresa Joubert Tel: 016 950 9295 E-mail:
Research Outputs Articles published in accredited journals per faculty for 2009
10% 21%
Faculty of Applied & Computer Sciences Faculty of Engineering & Technology Fuculty of Human Sciences Faculty of Management Sciences Non-Faculty
RECTORATE Conferences (Papers and posters presented) Prof. P. Naidoo Title of Paper: The State’s role in improving access to higher education and graduate rates in South Africa Conference: European Access Network Conference Place: York, UK Date: 22-24 June 2009
APPLIED AND COMPUTER SCIENCE Conferences (Papers and posters presented) Ms. M. C. Ramotsehoa, Dr. P. Stegmann, Mrs. C. S. van Wyk Title of Paper: The environmental impact of refinery storm water on the Taaibosch Spruit Conference: International Science and Technology Conference Place: VUT Date: 23-24 Nov 2009 Dr. E. B. Naidoo Title of Paper: Kinetic modelling of the interaction between copper (II) and calcium hydroxide treated pine cone powder Conference: The 10th International Symposium on “Kinetics in Analytical Chemistry” Place: University of Western Cape Date: 2- 4 December 2009. Dr. E. B. Naidoo Title of Paper: Kinetic modelling of the interaction between lead (II) and pine cone powder Conference: The 10th International Symposium on “Kinetics in Analytical Chemistry” Place: University of Western Cape Date: 2-4 December 2009 Dr. E. B. Naidoo Title of Paper: Removal of Copper (II) from aqueous solution by pine cone and base modified pine cone powder as biosorbent. Conference: Southern and Eastern Africa Network of Analytical Chemist Place: University of Swaziland Date: 5-9 July 2009. Dr. E. B. Naidoo Title of Paper: Biosorption of lead (II) from aqueous solution by base modified pine cone powder. Conference: Southern and Eastern Africa Network of Analytical Chemist Place: University of Swaziland Date: 5-9 July 2009 Dr. E. B. Naidoo Title of Paper: Cycle Chemistry in the Eskom Power Generation business Conference: International Science and Technology Conference Place: VUT, Vanderbijlpark Date: 22-24 November 2009
Dr. F. M. Mtunzi, Ms. M. Bucibo Title of Paper: Identification and quantification of organophosphorus pesticides in selected rivers and dams in Gauteng province Conference: International Science and Technology Conference Place: VUT, Vanderbijlpark Date: 22-24 November 2009
Dr. F. M. Mtunzi, Ms. M. Bucibo Title of Paper: Method development for the detection of selected pesticides in ground and surface water in the Southern Gauteng region of South Africa Conference: International Science and Technology Conference Place: VUT, Vanderbijlpark Date: 22-24 November 2009
Dr. E. D. Dikio Title of Paper: Kinetic studies of tris-(1,1,1,5,5,5,5hexafluoroacetylacetonato) ruthenium (III) in methanol, ethanol and propanol Conference: International Science and Technology Conference Place: VUT, Vanderbijlpark Date: 22-24 November 2009
Dr. S. J. Moja Title of Paper: Characterization of Airborne Particulates in the Vanderbijlpark Area Conference: International Science and Technology Conference Place: VUT, Vanderbijlpark Date: 22-24 November 2009
Dr. F. M. Mtunzi, Ms. M. Bucibo Title of Paper: Method development for the detection of selected pesticides in ground and surface water in the Southern Gauteng region of South Africa Conference: 2nd Drinking Water Quality Conference Place: Port Elizabeth Date: 11-13 May 2009. Dr. S. M. Nelana Title of Paper: Separation and recovery of selected transitionmetal catalyst systems using membrane processes Conference: 5th IWA Specialized Membrane Technology Conference for Water and Wastewater Treatment Place: Beijing, China Date: 1-3 September 2009 Dr. E. D. Dikio Title of Paper: Reduction of hematite induced by graphite during mechanical alloying Conference: CATSA 2009 Place: Rawsonville, Western Cape, SA Date: 8-11 November 2009 Dr. F. M. Mtunzi Title of Paper: Fe-ZrO2 based catalyst synthesis and characterization Conference: CATSA 2009 Place: Rawsonville, Western Cape, SA Date: 8-11 November 2009 Dr. E. D. Dikio, Dr. F. M. Mtunzi Title of Paper: Phytochemical screening of Melia azedarach Conference: International Science and Technology Conference Place: VUT, Vanderbijlpark Date: 22-24 November 2009
Dr. F. M. Mtunzi, Ms. M. Bucibo Title of Paper: Identification and quantification of organophosphorus pesticides in ground and surface water in Gauteng region of South Africa Conference: 3rd World Aqua Congress Place: New Dehli, India Date: 2-4 December 2009 Dr. S. J. Moja Title of Paper: Studies of Airborne Particulates in the Vanderbijlpark Area Conference: National Association for Clean Air (NACA) 2009 Conference Place: Date: 14-16 October 2009 Dr. M. G. Pinkoane & Prof. M. Greef Title of Paper: Biomedical personnel perceptions and attitudes regarding incorporation of traditional healers into the national health care system Conference: International Science and Technology Conference Place: VUT, Vanderbijlpark Date: 22-24 November 2009 Dr. K. Zimba Title of Paper: A re-course to unaided basic arithmetic Conference: International Science and Technology Conference Place: VUT, Vanderbijlpark Date: 22-24 November 2009 Prof. B. R. Mabuza, Dr. R. M. Adam & Dr. B. L. G. Bakker Title of Paper: Coupled channel analysis for Diquark-quark operator kernels Conference: International Science and Technology Conference Place: VUT, Vanderbijlpark Date: 22-24 November 2009
Dr. M. Mbandezi & Prof. A. Rice Title of Paper: Computational fluid dynamic modelling of magma evolution in cooling dykes and sills with the object of understanding and deposition of economic mineral within them Conference: International Science and Technology Conference Place: VUT, Vanderbijlpark Date: 22-24 November 2009 Prof. A. M. Sipamla Title of Paper: A science and technology agenda for the Vaal University of Technology Conference: International Science and Technology Conference Place: VUT, Vanderbijlpark Date: 22-24 November 2009 Mr. G. S. Nkosi & Prof. M. S. Potgieter Title of Paper: Modulation of low energy galactic electrons in the heliosphere Conference: International Science and Technology Conference Place: VUT, Vanderbijlpark Date: 22-24 November 2009 Mr. M. B. Xaba, Prof. S. J. Modise & Dr. S. Nelana Title of Paper: Separation and recovery of selected transitionmetal catalyst systems using membrane processes Conference: International Science and Technology Conference Place: VUT, Vanderbijlpark Date: 22-24 November 2009 Mrs. G. V. Manzane, Dr. S. M. Nelana & Dr. E. D. Dikio Title of Paper: Adsorption of hexavalent chromium from wastewater effluent using char-maize and sludge Conference: International Science and Technology Conference Place: VUT, Vanderbijlpark Date: 22-24 November 2009 Mr. T. J. Brooms, Prof. S. J. Modise & Dr. S. M. Nelana Title of Paper: Characterization of NF membranes for rejection of varying oxidation states of nickel (Ni), copper (Cu), palladium (Pd) and silver (Ag) Conference: International Science and Technology Conference Place: VUT, Vanderbijlpark Date: 22-24 November 2009 Mr. J. S. Mnisi & Dr. S. J. Moja Title of Paper: Experimental studies of airborne particulates in the Vanderbijlpark area Conference: International Science and Technology Conference Place: VUT, Vanderbijlpark Date: 22-24 November 2009
Mr. R. Fungo & Prof. M. Pillay. Title of Paper: Determining the β-carotene levels in East African Highland banana and banana varieties from Papua New Guinea Conference: Tropical Crop Biotechnology Conference Place: Hazyview, Mpumalanga Date: 22-25 July 2009 Mr. N. Moses & Prof. M. Pillay Title of Paper: Breeding increases genetic diversity of East African Highland Bananas (Musa spp.): An assessment using molecular tools Conference: International ISHS/ProMusa Banana Symposium Place: Guangzhou, China Date: 14-18 September 2009
Publications (Journals) Dr. A. E. Ofomaja, Dr. E. B. Naidoo & Prof. S. J. Modise Title: Removal of copper (II) from aqueous solution by pine and bare modified pine cone powder as biosorbent Journal: Journal of Hazardous Material 168: 907-917 Volume: 168 Page numbers of article: 907-917 ISSN: 0304-3894 Dr. R. Sebuliba, Dr. D. Makumbi & Prof. M. Pillay Title: Patterns of seed set in East African Highland Banana (Musa spp.) hybrids Journal: Journal of New Seeds Volume: 10 Page numbers of article: 160-170 ISSN: 1522-886X Mrs. U. Terblanche, Dr. D. E. Hawkins & Prof. H. Abrahamse Title: Effect of low level laser therapy on human skin keratinocytes Journal: Medical Technology SA Volume: 23 Issue: 2 Page numbers of article: 23-29 ISSN: 1011-5528 Dr. F. Dippenaar & Prof. B. N. Gatsheni Title: The design of a ‘Global View’ web surface for Sasol’s global operations management Journal: Proceedings of the 11th Annual Conference on World Wide Web Applications Page numbers of article: 4-17 ISSN: ISBN: 978-0-620-45215-1
Research in Progress M. C. Ramotsehoa Title: The environmental impact of refinery storm water on the Taaibosch Spruit Field: Water Pollution and Health Prof. M. Pillay Title: Assessing genetic diversity in South African sweet potato varieties Field: Molecular Genetics Prof. M. Pillay Title: Developing SCAR markers for the A and B genomes of Musa Field: Biotechnology Mrs. C. van Wyk Title: Antibiotic-resistant bacteria-isolation and identification / Environmental impacts / Medicinal uses of indigenous plants / (Multimix)-Shelf life analyses. Field: Environmental Pollution and Health Dr. P. Stegmann Title: Algal biotechnology / Algal bioreactors as a means of producing optimum algal biomass Field: Environmental Pollution and Health. Mr. N. Laloo Title: Mutations Field: Genetics Mrs. U. Terblanche Title: Environmental immunology Field: Environmental Pollution and Health Mrs. C. Grobler Title: Haematology and community health Field: Haematology Dr. M. Pinkoane Title: Community nursing Field: Nursing Prof. T. Padayachee Title: Enzymology Field: Biotechnology Dr. E. B. Naidoo Title: Method development and water quality Field: Chemistry Dr. E. D. Dikio Title: Nanotechnology Field: Chemistry
Dr. S. M. Nelana Title: Synthesis of compounds Field: Chemistry Dr. F. M. Ntunzi Title: Medicinal plants Field: Chemistry
Research Partnerships/Collaboration Dr. P. Adebola Title of research: Diallel crosses in sweet potato Higher Education Institution: ARC-VOPI Roodeplaat Dr. E. Barros Title of research: Effect of UV light on Vibrio cholera Higher Education Institution: CSIR -Pretoria Dr. E. B. Naidoo and Chemistry Dept. Title of research: Environmental health and pollution Higher Education Institution: Wits University, University of Pretoria, North-West University, University of Limpopo, UNISA Industry: Eskom, Sasol, Rand Water, Metalloys, Arcelor-Mittal Dr. P. Stegmann Title of research: Environmental health and pollution Higher Education Institution: North-West University/University of Pretoria/University of the Western Cape Industry: Sasol/Syringa Institute/Water Research Commission
Faculty of Engineering and Technology Conferences (Papers and posters presented) Abdulkareem, A. S., Afolabi, A. S., Iyuke, S. E. and Pienaar, H. C. vZ Title of Paper: Development of proton exchange membrane (PEM) from synthetic rubber and carbon nanoballs Conference: First International Conference on Multifunctional, Hybrid and Nano- Materials Place: Tours, France Date: 23-26 March 2009. Idibie, S. A., Abdulkareem, A. S, Van Dyk. L, Iyuke, S. E. and Pienaar, H. C. vZ Title of Paper: Modification of polystyrene butadiene rubber for proton exchange membrane fuel cell Conference: First International Conference on Multifunctional, Hybrid and Nano-Materials 2009 Place: Tours, France Date: 23-26 March 2009.
Viljoen, M., Pienaar, H. C. vZ Title of Paper: A methanol concentration controller for fuel cells. Conference: SATNAC 2009 Place: Royal Swazi Conference Centre, Swaziland. Date: 29 Aug-2 Sept 2009 ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-620-44106-3 Abdulkareem, A. S., Afolabi, A. S., Idibie, C. A., Iyuke, S. E. and Pienaar, H. C. vZ Title of Paper: Development of a proton exchange membrane (PEM) for telecom fuel cell applications Conference: SATNAC 2009 Place: Royal Swazi Conference Centre, Swaziland. Date: 29 Aug-2 Sept 2009 ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-620-44106-3 Pholo, T. & Pienaar, H. C. vZ Title of Paper: Performance evaluation of a 1.2 kW fuel cell Conference: SATNAC 2009 Place: Royal Swazi Conference Centre, Swaziland. Date: 29 Aug-2 Sept 2009 ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-620-44106-3 Amoo, A. O., Bekker, W. J. & Pienaar, H. C. vZ Title of Paper: Solar-driven hydrogen generation for a telecommunications fuel cell power plant Conference: SATNAC 2009 Place: Royal Swazi Conference Centre, Swaziland. Date: 29 Aug-2 Sept 2009 ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-620-44106-3 Aoyi Ochieng, Maurice S. Onyango Title of Paper: Application of low-cost adsorbent in advanced wastewater treatment Conference: New Generations University Conference, Place: Vanderbijlpark, South Africa Date: 17-19 November 2009 Cyprian Murutu, Maurice S. Onyango, Ayoi Ochieng & Fred O. Otieno Title of Paper: Adsorption of Fluoride on Limestone-Derived Apatite: Equilibrium and Kinetics Conference: Water, Innovation, Technology & Sustainability Conference Place: Manaus, State of Amazonas, Brazil Date: 23-24 November 2009 Krishnie Moodley, Ruella Singh, Evans T. Musapatika, Maurice S. Onyanga & Aoyi Ochieng Title of Paper: Removal of nickel using an agricultural adsorbent Conference: SACEC 2009 South African Institution of Chemical
Engineering (SAIChE) Conference Place: Cape Town, South Africa Date: 20-23 September 2009
Makhwedzha Denga, Maurice S. Onyango, Aoyi Ochieng & Fred Otieno Title of Paper: Defluoridation of drinking water using F-9 zeolite, maize tassel, schwertmannite and limestone Conference: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Urban Health, ICUH 2009 Place: Nairobi, Kenya Date: 18-23 October 2009, Poser presentation, page 25 Ojijo V. O., Onyango M. S., Aoyi Ochieng & F. A. O. Otieno Title of Paper: Adsorption of Melanoidin on Activated Carbon: Equilibrium, Kinetics, and Thermodynamics Studies Conference: International Conference on Chemical Engineering and Technology Place: Singapore, In Proceeding of World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 2009 Date: August 2009 Poser Presentation: 285-294. Volume 56 ISBN/ISSN: 2070-3724 Paul Wambau, James Njuguna, Kirimi Kiriamiti, Aoyi Ochieng, (2009) Charles Nzila Title of Paper: Industrialization and poverty eradication through composites manufacturing Conference: Institute of Engineering Conference 2009 Place: Nairobi. Date: 22-24 April 2009 Mike Masukume, Maurice S. Onyango, Aoyi Ochieng (2009), Fred Otieno Title of Paper: Functionalized Nanoporous Zeolite and its Potential for Treating Drinking Water Containing Excess Amount of Nitrate Conference: Moi University 5th Annual International Conference Place: Eldoret, Kenya. Date: 4-8 August 2009, (3-009) Pp: 167-168 Vincent O. Ojijo, Maurice S. Onyango & Aoyi Ochieng (2009) Title of Paper: Adsorption and Decolorization of Melaniodin Containing Wastewater Using Activated Carbon. Conference: Moi University 5th Annual International Conference Place: Eldoret, Kenya (3-053) Date: 4-8 August 2009 Pp: 188
Ruella Singh, Krishnie Moodley, Paul Wambua, Anil Kumar, Maurice S. Onyango & Aoyi Ochieng (2009) Title of Paper: Removal of cobalt using agricultural adsorbent Conference: : Moi University 5th Annual International Conference Place: Eldoret, Kenya (3-001) Date: 4-8 August 2009 Pp: 163
Publications (Journals) Swart, A. J., Mendonidis, P. & Pienaar, H. C. vZ. Title: The electrical properties of chlorite tremolite marble measured for a range of radio frequencies Journal: Mineral Processing & Extractive Metall Volume: Rev 30: 2009 Issue: Rev 30 Page numbers of article: 307-326 ISSN: 0882-7508 Idibie, C. A., Abdulkareem, A. S., Pienaar, H. C. vZ., Iyuke, S. E., Van Dyk, Online publication 1 November 2009 Title: Synthesis of low methanol permeation polymer electrolyte membrane from polystyrene-butadiene rubber Journal: Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering Volume: 44 Issue: 11 Page numbers of article: 1121-1129 ISSN: 0360-2559 Mendonidis, P. & Armstrong, R. A. Title: A new U-Pb zircon age for the Portobello granite from the southern part of the Natal Metamorphic Belt Journal: South African Journal of Geology Volume: 112 Issue: 4 Page numbers of article: 197-208 ISSN: 1012-1750 Mendonidis, P., Armstrong, R. A. & Grantham, G. H. Title: U-Pb SHRIMP ages and tectonic setting of the Munster Suite of the Margate Terrane of the Natal Metamorphic Belt Journal: Gondwana Research Volume: 15 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 28-39 ISSN: 1342-937X
Publications (Journals)/book Ochieng Aoyi Title: Hydrodynamics and mixing in stirred tanks Publishers: Lap Lambert Academic Publishing
Page numbers of article: 196 ISSN: ISBN: 978-3-8383-1290-3
Maurice Onyango, Aoyi Ochieng, Kuchar Dalibor, Otieno Fred, Matsuda Hitoki Publication 2009 Title: Breakthrough Analysis for Water Defluoridation in Surface-Tailored Zeolite Fixed Bed Column Journal: Journal of Industrial Engineering and Chemistry Research Volume: 48 Issue: 2 Page numbers of article: 931-937 Aoyi Ochieng, Maurice S. Onyango, Kirimi H. Kiriamiti Publication 2009 Title: Experimental measurement and CFD simulation of mixing in a stirred tank: A review Journal: South African Journal of Science and Technology Volume: 105 Issue: N/A Page numbers of article: 421-426 Leswifi, T. Y., Onyango, M. S., Aoyi, O. & Otieno, F. Publication: 2009. Title: The dynamic adsorption behaviour of fluoride onto surface-tailored zeolite Journal: Journal of Civil Engineering Research and Practice Volume: 6 Issue: 2 ISSN: 1729-5769 Page numbers of article: 421-426 T. Y. Leswifi, M. S. Onyango, O. Aoyi & F. Otieno (2009) Publication: 2009 Title: The Dynamic Adsorption Behaviour of Fluoride onto Surface-Tailored Zeolite Journal: Journal of Civil Engineering Research and Practice, Volume: 6 Issue: 2 ISSN: 1729-5769 Page numbers of article: 421-426
Research in Progress A. J. Swart Title: Design and development of a radio frequency amplifier for use in rock comminution. Field: Electronic Engineering
M. Rugaju Title: Design and development of a single-phase PWM inverter for fuel cell applications. Field: Electronic Engineering A. O. Amoo Title: Solar driven hydrogen generation for a fuel cell power plant Field: Electronic Engineering K. Mokhaloli Title: Development of a universal bi-directional galvanic isolated switch module for power converter applications Field: Electronic Engineering C. K. Kujula Title: Design and development of a 200 W converter for phosphoric acid fuel cells. Field: Electronic Engineering J. C. Cilliers Title: Design and development of a control system for PEM fuel cells Field: Electronic Engineering F. N. van Waveren Title: The development of a comprehensive test station for fuel cell components. Field: Electronic Engineering N. J. Oosthuisen Title: A critical analysis of an electronic monitoring system for fluid distribution networks Field: Electronic Engineering R. Schoeman Title: Design and development of an automated temperature controller for curing ovens Field: Electronic Engineering V. Freise Title: Design and implementation of a remote monitoring system for early warning signals Field: Electronic Engineering V. Freise Title: Design and implementation of a remote monitoring system for early warning signals Field: Electronic Engineering P. Mendonidis Title: Monazite chemochronology Field: Mineralogy
Research Partnerships/Collaboration Prof. S. E. Iyuke Title of research: Fuel cell membranes Higher Education Institution: WITS Prof. G. Carja Title of research: Fuel cell membranes: Application of nanotechnology in wastewater treatment Higher Education Institution: Department of Chemical Engineering, Iasi Technical University, Iasi-Romania Prof. H. Potgieter Title of research: Fuel cell membranes: Photocatalytic anaerobic biodegradation Higher Education Institution: Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom Prof. K. Kiriamiti Title of research: Fuel cell membranes: Biofuel production form lignocellulosic materials Higher Education Institution: Department of Chemical and Process Engineering, Moi University, Kenya
Patents S. E. Iyuke, H. C. vZ Pienaar, A. S. Abdulkareem, C. A. Idibie, A. S. Afolabi Patent Name: Ion exchange membrane Patent Number: 2009/04368 Registration Date: 24 June 2009 Country: South Africa
Faculty of Human Sciences Postgraduate Staff Qualifications Completed in 2009 Ms. V. C. Corthing Qualification: M.Phil. Dissertation / Thesis Title: Second language acquisition University / Institution: University of Stellenbosch Ms. R. M. du Plessis Qualifications: M.Tech. (Food Service Management) (Cum Laude) Dissertation / Thesis Title: Development of a nutritious, acceptable and affordable snack food to prevent obesity in children University / Institution: Vaal University of Technology
Ms. I. L. du Preez Qualifications: LL.M Dissertation / Thesis Title: (Structured Masters Degree) University / Institution: UNISA Ms. M. R. Erasmus Qualifications: M.Ed. Dissertation / Thesis Title: Medium of instruction as determinant of student throughput at the Vaal University of Technology University / Institution: Vaal University of Technology Ms. V. Erasmus Qualifications: M.Tech. (Food Service Management) Dissertation / Thesis Title: Development of a healthy snack for children with HIV/Aids or a compromised immunity University / Institution: North-West University Dr. D. J. Joubert Qualifications: LL.D. Dissertation / Thesis Title: “Die misdaad roof in die Suid Afrikaanse Reg” University / Institution: UNISA Dr. J. E. Kearney Qualifications: D.Tech. (Food Service Management) Dissertation / Thesis Title: A comparative analysis of five different school feeding strategies in the Vaal Region University / Institution: Vaal University of Technology Ms. A. Laurie Qualification: M.Tech. (Photography) (Cum Laude) Dissertation / Thesis Title: Visual literacy and digital image manipulation in a photographic setting University / Institution: Vaal University of Technology Mr. L. Maleho Qualifications: M.Tech. (Public Relations Management) Dissertation / Thesis Title: An evaluation of internal communication in Moqhaka Municipality University / Institution: Vaal University of Technology Ms. R. M. Naidoo Qualifications: M.Tech. (Fashion) (Cum Laude) Dissertation / Thesis Title: Job demands and resources associated with female entrepreneurs of small fashion business in the Vaal Region University / Institution: Vaal University of Technology
Conferences (Papers and posters presented) Mr. K. R. Baholo Title of Paper: Visuality in politics of representation Conference: SAVAH (South African Visual Art Historians) Place: University of Pretoria Date: 9 July 2009 Mr. K. R. Baholo Title of Paper: Constructive alignment as a tool towards improved teaching and learning at a University of Technology Conference: New Generation University Conference Place: Emerald Casino, Vanderbijlpark Date: 17-19 November 2009 Dr. E. G. Dicks Title of Paper: Constructive alignment: the “Magic bullet” in teaching for quality learning at new generation Universities Conference: New Generation University Conference Place: Emerald Casino, Vanderbijlpark Date: 17-19 November 2009 Dr. E. G. Dicks Title of Paper: Student survey on quality teaching/learning practices: a comparison between first and fourth year students Conference: New Generation University Conference Place: Emerald Casino, Vanderbijlpark Date: 17-19 November 2009 Mr. J. A. Doman, Ms. A. Laurie and Ms. C. Duvenage Title of Paper: Mirror/Mirror on the wall: a structured reflection framework to implement visual research as practicebased arts research design illustrated within an applied photographic educational context Conference: Twelfth National Design Education Conference 2009, Opening gates, between and beyond design disciplines Place: Graaff Reinet, Eastern Cape Date: 4-5 November 2009 ISBN: 978-1-920176-63-1 Ms. R. M. du Plessis Title of Paper: Development of a snack food item with soya to address obesity in children nine to thirteen years old in the Vaal Region Conference: Soy and Nutrition Workshop (SSA) Place: Protein Research Centre – Rivonia Date: 18 June 2009
Ms. R. M. du Plessis Title of Paper: Development of a snack food item with Soya to address obesity in children nine to thirteen years old in the Vaal Region Conference: SOLAE people from Brazilia Place: ISL Boardroom Date: 13 July 2009 Ms. R. M. du Plessis Title of Paper: Snack food consumption patterns of primary school children aged nine to thirteen years old in the Vaal Region Conference: Nutrition Education Symposium Place: Vanderbijlpark, Quest Conference Centre Date: 4 November 2009 Ms. N. du Plessis, Dr. E. G. Dicks, Dr. J. E. Kearney, Mr. D. Venter & Ms. V. Pissoort Title of Paper: Application of the solo taxonomy in curriculum development at a new generation university Conference: New Generation University Conference Place: Emerald Casino, Vanderbijlpark Date: 17-19 November 2009 Ms. S. S. Duvenage, Prof. H. C. Schönfeldt & Dr. R. Kruger Title of Paper: Needs perceived for food product attributes by (very) low-income consumers versus formulation of commercial starch-based staple foods Conference: New Generation University Conference Place: Emerald Casino, Vanderbijlpark Date: 17-19 November 2009 Ms S. S. Duvenage, Prof. H. C. Schönfeldt & Dr. R. Kruger Title of Paper: Priorities for food product attributes versus food security Conference: 19th International Congress of Nutrition: ‘Nutrition for all’ Place: Bangkok, Thailand Date: 4-9 October 2009 ISBN/ISSN: 0250-6807 Ann Nutr Metab 55(suppl 1) 1-758 (2009) p. 321 Online ISSN: 1421-9697. Abstract in Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism Dr. A. A. Egal & Prof. W. H. Oldewage-Theron Title of Paper: Assessment of nutritional status of prison inmates in South Africa: Comparison between in-house and outsources catering. Conference: 19TH International Congress of Nutrition Place: Bangkok, Thailand Date: 4-9 October 2009
Ms. C. E. Fouché Title of Paper: English language and cognitive intervention in a multicultural tertiary environment in South Africa Conference: Engineering Skills Forum 2009: IDC Technologies Engineering Skills Crisis & the financial crunch in Southern Africa Place: Midrand Date: 3-4 June 2009 Ms. C. E. Fouché Title of Paper: Why English and cognitive development intervention at a tertiary institution in South Africa? Conference: International Conference on Language Policy, Planning and Support in Higher Education: challenges of multilingualism Africa Place: Stellenbosch Date: 17-19 November 2009 Prof. R. J. Gaede Title of Paper: The (in)determinacy of the pictorial sign: evaluating health education illustrations from a semiotic perspective Conference: 10th World Congress of Semiotics of the International Association of Semiotic Studies (IASS) Place: A Coruña, Spain Date: 22-26 September 2009 Prof. R. J. Gaede Title of Paper: Evaluating the visual communication dimension of nutrition education tools Conference: Nutrition Education Symposium of the South Africa Netherlands Research Programme on Alternatives in Development (SANPAD) and the Institute of Sustainable Livelihoods (ISL) of the Vaal University of Technology Place: Quest Conference Centre, Vanderbijlpark Date: 4 November 2009 Prof. R. J. Gaede Title of Paper: Developing a nutrition education calendar for an elderly target group Conference: Nutrition Education Symposium of the South Africa Netherlands Research Programme on Alternatives in Development (SANPAD) and the Institute of Sustainable Livelihoods (ISL) of the Vaal University of Technology Place: Vanderbijlpark Date: 4 November 2009
Dr. J. E. Kearney, Prof. W. H. Oldewage-Theron & Prof. C. S. Venter Title of Paper: A comparative analysis of five different products used for school feeding in the Vaal Region (Oral) Conference: New Generation University Conference Place: Emerald Casino, Vanderbijlpark Date: 17-19 November 2009 Dr. J. E. Kearney, Ms V. Erasmus & Ms R. M. du Plessis Title of Paper: Product development Conference: South African Technology Network 2nd Annual Conference Place: Cape Town Date: 14-17 July 2009 Dr. J. E. Kearney, Prof. C. S. Venter & Prof. W. H. Oldewage-Theron Title of Paper: A comparative analysis of the five different products used for school feeding in the Vaal Region Conference: 19th International Congress of Nutrition (ICN 2009) Place: Bangkok, Thailand Date: 4-9 October 2009 ISSN: 0250-6807 Ann Nutr Metab 55(suppl 1) 1-758 (2009) p. 321 Online ISSN: 1421-9697. Abstract in Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism Mr. J. M. Mathee Title of Paper: PRE-TECHt-MAN Conference: Twelfth National Design Education Conference 2009, Opening gates, between and beyond design disciplines Place: Graaff Reinet, Eastern Cape Date: 4-5 November 2009 ISBN: 978-1-920176-63-1 Ms. R. M. Naidoo Title of Paper: The personal characteristics and aspects of business of female entrepreneurs of small fashion businesses in the Vaal Region Conference: 4th IFHE Conference on “Consumer Science beyond hundred years: empowering for the digital world” Place: Swaziland (Royal Swazi Sun Convention Centre, Ezulwini) Date: 22-25 September 2009 Prof. A. Nicolaides Title of Paper: Tourism entrepreneurs – lessons on support networks from Singapore Conference: 3rd International Colloquium on Tourism and Leisure Place: Bangkok, Thailand Date: 6-9 July 2009 ISBN: 978-0-9864591-7-7
Prof. A. Nicolaides Title of Paper: Entrepreneurship and knowledge innovation at Universities of Technology Conference: New Generation University Conference Place: Emerald Casino, Vanderbijlpark Date: 17-19 November 2009 Prof. W. H. Oldewage-Theron & Dr. A. A. Egal Title of Paper: Nutrition education in pre-primary school children: a case study from the Vaal Region, South Africa Conference: 19th International Congress of Nutrition Place: Bangkok, Thailand Date: 4-9 October 2009 Prof. W. H. Oldewage-Theron & Dr. C. E. Napier Title of Paper: Development of nutrition education tools for pre-primary school children in the Vaal Region, South Africa Conference: 19th International Congress of Nutrition Place: Bangkok, Thailand Date: 4-9 October 2009 Prof. W. H. Oldewage-Theron, Ms. C. Grobler, Prof. C. S. Venter & Dr. A. A. Egal Title of Paper: Plasma fibrinogen levels as an indicator of coronary heart disease risk in an elderly community in Sharpeville, South Africa Conference: 19th International Congress of Nutrition Place: Bangkok, Thailand Date: 4-9 October 2009 Prof. D. L. Schauffer Title of Paper: Intimations of a post-digital university Conference: New Generation University Conference Place: Emerald Casino, Vanderbijlpark Date: 17-19 November 2009 Prof. C. M. van der Bank Title of Paper: Ventures into the minefield: equity and fairness no defence for restraint of trade Conference: New Generation University Conference Place: Emerald Casino, Vanderbijlpark Date: 17-19 November 2009 Ms. J. van Staden & Prof. A. M. van Aardt Title of Paper: Information seeking by female apparel consumers Conference: Asian Regional Association of Home Economics Place: Pune, India Date: 11-15 December 2009 Ms. J. van Staden Title of Paper: Tshepiso Centre of Entrepreneurial excellence Conference: New Generation University Conference Place: Emerald Casino, Vanderbijlpark Date: 17-19 November 2009
Seminars / Workshops Presented Title: Product development for school feeding in South Africa. Oral presentation Presented to: Soy South Africa (SSH) Workshop Place: Johannesburg Date: 18 June 2009 Title: Soy Southern Africa product development workshop Presented to: Food Industry, Academia Place: Sandton Date: 7 June 2009 Title: Product development for school feeding in the Vaal Region. Oral presentation Presented to: SOLAE head office staff from Brazil (Workshop) Place: Vaal University of Technology Date: 13 July 2009 Title: Analysis of two commercial products used for School Feeding in the Vaal Presented to: D.Tech., M.Tech., B.Tech. students and staff members of Vaal University of Technology Place: Vaal University of Technology Human Sciences Research Seminar Date: 14 August 2009 Title: Development of a healthy energy bar for children with compromised immunity Presented to: D.Tech., M.Tech., B.Tech. students and staff members of Vaal University of Technology Place: Vaal University of Technology Human Sciences Research Seminar Date: 14 August 2009 Title: Ease allowance and fit of selected female military upper garments Presented to: D.Tech., M.Tech., B.Tech. students and staff members of Vaal University of Technology Place: Vaal University of Technology Human Sciences Research Seminar Date: 14 August 2009 Title: Fixed-Term Contracts and contractual Remedies: Dispute about fairness of a dismissal under section 186(1)(b) of the Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995 Presented to: D.Tech., M.Tech., B.Tech. students and staff members of Vaal University of Technology Place: Vaal University of Technology Human Sciences Research Seminar Date: 14 August 2009
Title: Hospitality management careers in South Africa â&#x20AC;&#x201C; the perceptions of generation Y graduates Presented to: D.Tech., M.Tech., B.Tech. students and staff members of Vaal University of Technology Place: Vaal University of Technology Human Sciences Research Seminar Date: 14 August 2009 Title: The influence of Culture on Second Language Learning and Teaching of First-Year Learners at Vaal University of Technology Presented to: D.Tech., M.Tech., B.Tech. students and staff members of Vaal University of Technology Place: Vaal University of Technology Human Sciences Research Seminar Date: 14 August 2009 Title: The influence of L2 (second language) instruction on Academic Performance of L1 (first language) students at the Vaal University of Technology Presented to: D.Tech., M.Tech., B.Tech. students and staff members of Vaal University of Technology Place: Vaal University of Technology Human Sciences Research Seminar Date: 14 August 2009 Title: The relationship between creative and technical skills in a new media setting Presented to: D.Tech., M.Tech., B.Tech. students and staff members of Vaal University of Technology Place: Vaal University of Technology Human Sciences Research Seminar Date: 14 August 2009 Title: Pre-TECHt-Man Presented to: D.Tech., M.Tech., B.Tech. students and staff members of Vaal University of Technology Place: Vaal University of Technology Human Sciences Research Seminar Date: 14 August 2009 Title: The right to privacy and data protection Presented to: D.Tech., M.Tech., B.Tech. students and staff members of Vaal University of Technology Place: Vaal University of Technology Human Sciences Research Seminar Date: 14 August 2009 Title: Imagine the possibilities with soy Presented to: Food Industry, Academia, Farmers Place: Lagos, Nigeria Date: 29 October 2009
Publications (Books/Chapters in Books) Ms. L. du Preez Title: Visual Arts Heritage of the Vaal Metropolitan Region Catalogue Chapter: “Who is R Thlapi” (together with R. Hopley), “Murals and Monuments” (together with A. Laurie) Publisher: Bodutu Art Gallery Date: September 2009 Page numbers of chapter: 6-8; 39-40 ISBN: 978-0-620-44766-9 Ms. A. Laurie & Ms. L. du Preez Title: Visual Arts Heritage of the Vaal Metropolitan Region Catalogue Chapter: Introduction; Murals and Monuments (together with L. du Preez) Publisher: Bodutu Art Gallery Date: September 2009 Page numbers of chapter: 1-2; 39-40 ISBN: 978-0-620-44766-9
Publications (Journals) Prof. M. Dhurup, Prof. J. Surujlal & Ms. A. Sooful Title: An exploratory study of elderly leisure engagements among residents in a contiguous milieu within a regional context Journal: African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) Date of Publication: December 2009 Volume: 15 Issue: 4 Page numbers of article: 552-574 ISSN: 11174315 Dr. D. R. Djoulde, V. Shabangu, Ms. V. Erasmus, Ms. C. van Wyk & Prof. W. H. Oldewage-Theron Title: Chemical composition and nutrition information of a newly developed immune enhancing power bar for immune deficient patients Journal: Pakistan Journal of Nutrition Date of Publication: 2009 Volume: 8 Issue: 4 Page numbers of article: 368-372
Dr. A. A. Egal Title: Suspected correlation between cancer Incidence and industrial and nuclear waste in Somalia Journal: Horn of Africa Date of publication: 2009 Volume: xxvii Page numbers of article: 202-218 Dr. A. A. Egal, Salim A. Sohani & Felix Agoi Title: The dilemma of over- and under-nutrition coexistence among western Kenya children Journal: African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development (ALFAND) Date of publication: 2009 Volume: 9 Issue: 4 Page numbers of article: 962-974 ISSN: 1684-5374, Available online at Issue25/PDFs/Egal5085.pdf Dr. E. Kiggundu & Prof. W. H. Oldewage-Theron Title: Coping: a challenge for guardians of children orphaned by HIV/AIDS in a South African township Journal: Development Southern Africa Date of publication: 2009 Volume: 26 Issue: 3 Page numbers of article: 383-397 ISSN: 0376-835X G. M. Medoua, Dr. A. A. Egal & Prof. W. H. Oldewage-Theron Title: Nutritional value and antioxidant capacity of lunch meals consumed by elderly people of Sharpeville, South Africa Journal: Food Chemistry Date of publication: 2009 Volume: 115 Page numbers of article: 260-264 ISSN: Available online at: foodchem.2008.12.007 Dr. C. E. Napier, Prof. W. H. Oldewage-Theron & Dr. J. E. Kearney Title: Comparison of three school feeding strategies for primary school children in an informal settlement in Gauteng, SA Journal: Health SA Gesondheid Date of publication: 14 September 2009 Volume: 14 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: DOH: 10.4102 ISSN: 1025-9848
Dr. C. E. Napier, Prof. W. H. Oldewage-Theron & Dr. J. E. Kearney Title: Comparison of three school feeding strategies for primary school children in an informal settlement in Gauteng, South Africa Journal: Health SA Gesondheid Date of publication: 2009 Volume: 14 Issue: 1 ISSN: DOI:10.4102/hsag.v14i1.458 Available online at: index Prof. A. Nicolaides Title: The significance of the Eucharist in Theology Journal: Australian E Journal of Theology (AEJT), Australian Catholic University Date of publication: March 2009 Issue: 13 Page numbers of article: Electronic ISSN: 1448-6326 Prof. A. Nicolaides Title: Business ethics in Africa Journal: Journal of Contemporary Management Date of publication: November 2009 Volume: June, 2009 Page numbers of article: 490-501 ISSN: 18157440 Prof. A. Nicolaides Title: Ethically winning hearts and minds: spirituality in the workplace Journal: World Journal of Management and Economics Date of publication: July 2009 Page numbers of article: Electronic ISSN: 1998-1392 Prof. A. Nicolaides Title: St. Augustine, St. Photios and the Filioque Journal: Ekklesiastikos Pharos Date of publication: 2009 Volume: 91 Issue: New Series 20 Page numbers of article: 108-121 ISSN: 1018-9556 Prof. W. H. Oldewage-Theron & Dr. A. A. Egal Title: The evaluation of a nutrition education programme on the nutrition knowledge of children six to seven years old Journal: Journal of Family Ecology and Consumer Sciences Date of publication: 2009 Volume: 37 Page numbers of article: 45-51
ISSN: Available online at: article/view/48945
Prof. W. H. Oldewage-Theron & Dr. R. Kruger Title: Impact of food aid on food variety and dietary diversity of an elderly population in Sharpeville, South Africa Journal: Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging Date of publication: 2009 Volume: 13 Issue: 4 Page numbers of article: 300-308 ISSN: 1297-7707 Prof. C. M. van der Bank Title: Global Business & Economics Anthology Journal: Business & Economics Society International Date of publication: March 2009 Volume: 1 Page numbers of article: 216-223 ISSN: 1553-1392 Prof. C. M. van der Bank Title: Implementation of the Sedimo judgment in determining fairness of dismissal as a sanction for misconduct Journal: International Journal of Arts & Sciences Date of publication: 2009 Volume: 3 Issue: 2 Page numbers of article: 54-65 ISSN: 1944-6934
Research in Progress Mr. K. R. Baholo Title: The use of African Indigenous Knowledge in the learning and teaching of Visual Arts in South Africa Field: D.Tech. in Fine Art Mr. T. P. Bojabotseha Title: The role of language in the maintenance of the ANCâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s political dominance in South Africa Field: M.Phil. in General Linguistics Dr. E. G. Dicks, Ms. B. M. Selepe, Ms. C. Grobler & Prof. W. H. Oldewage-Theron Title: A case study about a team of interdisciplinary multicultural women researchers at Vaal University of Technology Field: Women in Research in Higher Education
Ms. S. S. Duvenage Title: Development of a food product concept formulation framework for low-income consumers in informal settlements in Gauteng South Africa Field: Ph.D. in Consumer Science
Ms. A. Sooful Title: Black female resistance art in South Africa and its contribution to the rewriting of the South African art history from 1984 to 1989 Field: D.Tech. in Art History
Ms. S. Els Title: (Structured MA) Field: MA in Applied Linguistics
Mr. H. Sumbana Title: Investigating the Sustainable Tourism Development in Land Restitution Areas of the Vhembe District in Limpopo Field: Ph.D. in Tourism Development
Ms. C. E. FouchĂŠ Title: The evaluation of a programme for the development of English second language proficiency and literacy levels of academics Field: Ph.D. in Curriculum Studies
Ms. H. van Staden Title: A mixed method investigation into the use of clothing labels by low-literate female consumers Field: M.Tech. in Clothing Consumer Behaviour
Ms. J. Mofokeng Title: Nutritional status and dietary intake patterns of children aged 7-13 years old in Qwa-Qwa Field: M.Tech. in Community Nutrition
Mr. D. Venter Title: Market segmentation of visitors to two district regional tourism events in South Africa Field: M.Tech. in Tourism Management
Prof. W. H Oldewage-Theron Title: Nutrition education for mother and child health (SANPAD-accredited and funded research programme) Field: Community Nutrition
Ms. D. S. Vosloo Title: The Influence of Culture on Second Language Learning and Teaching of First Year Students at the Vaal University of Technology Field: M.Ed. Language, education
Prof. W. H. Oldewage-Theron Title: Sharpeville Integrated Nutrition Programme (NRFaccredited and funded research programme) Field: Community Nutrition Prof. W. H. Oldewage-Theron Title: Qwa-Qwa Integrated Nutrition Programme Field: Community Nutrition Ms. V. Pissoort Title: Spending behaviour model at arts festivals: the case of Cultivaria and other smaller festivals (waiting for approval of title and proposal) Field: Ph.D. in Tourism Management Prof. D. L. Schauffer Title: Recovering Indigenous Knowledge for training in the Visual arts (NRF funded) Field: Indigenous Knowledge Systems
Ms. E. M. Zwane Title: Nutrition education programme for pregnant women in the Vaal Region Field: M.Tech. in Nutrition Dr. A. A. Egal Title: Qwa-Qwa Intergrated Nutrition Programme Field: Community Nutrition Prof. W. H. Oldewage-Theron & Dr. A. A. Egal Title: US Potato Board Projects (Qwa-Qwa & Zimbabwe) Field: Community Nutrition
Contract Research G. Medoua, Prof. W. H. Oldewage-Theron & Dr. A. A. Egal Title: Food product development analyses Company: Ilanga Oils cc Field: Chemical food analyses
Ms. B. M. Selepe Title: The impact of home gardens on the access of food and nutrient intake of preschool children in an informal settlement in the Vaal area Field: Ph.D. in Community Nutrition
Prof. W. H. Oldewage-Theron & Dr. A. A. Egal Title: Nutrition Education for Department of Education Primary Schools in South Africa Company: United Nations Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) and RSA Department of Education Field: Nutrition education Prof. D. L. Schauffer Title: Report on the Asoka Theatre as a new site for a multipurpose conference venue and premises for the Leadership Centre Company: University of KwaZulu-Natal â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Leadership Centre Field: Theatre
Faculty of Management Sciences Postgraduate Staff Qualifications Completed in 2009 Dr. N. de Klerk Qualification: PHD: Business Management Dissertation / Thesis Title: Analysing Entrepreneurial and Marketing Developmental Skills for Small Tourism Enterprises. University / Institution: North-West University Dr. J. E. E. Ziemerink Qualification: PHD: Cost and Management Accounting Dissertation / Thesis Title: Die toepassing van Bedryfs- en Bestuursrekeningkunde vir die ontwikkeling van klein-, medium- en mikro-ondernemings in Suid-Afrika University / Institution: North West University
Conferences (Papers and posters presented) Dr. A. Bevan-Dye Title of Paper: Views of Marketing curricula in the Internet age Conference: Business & Economics Sciences International Place: Hawaii, USA Date: 15-19 July 2009 Dr. A. Bevan-Dye Title of Paper: Marketing curricula in the Internet H: A practitioner susceptive Conference: New Generation University Conference Place: Emerald Hotel, Vanderbijlpark Date: 17-19 November 2009 Mr. K. Boloang, Dr. J. Lebusa & Mr. T. Pitso Title of Paper: Exploring the competitiveness of small retail outlets in the face of mushrooming shopping complexes within Emfuleni Local Municipality
Conference: New Generation University Conference Place: Emerald Hotel, Vanderbijlpark Date: 17-19 November 2009
Prof. G.A. Brown, Ms. N. Dickmeyer, Ms. A. Glidden, Mr. C. Smith, Ms. M. Beckman, Mr. B. Malicky, Prof. B.S. Shaw & Prof. I. Shaw Title of Paper: Relationship of Regional adipose Tissue distribution to Fasting Plasma PYY Concentrations in College Aged Females. Conference: 56th American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) 5th Annual Meeting Place: Seattle, Washington, USA Date: 27-30 May 2009 Prof. G.A. Brown, Ms. N. Dickmeyer, Ms. A. Glidden, Mr. C. Smith, Ms. M. Beckman, Mr. B. Malicky, Prof. B. S. Shaw & Prof. I. Shaw Title of Paper: Relationship of Regional adipose Tissue distribution to Fasting Plasma PYY Concentrations in College Aged Females. Conference: 56th American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) 5th Annual Meeting Place: Seattle, Washington, USA Date: 27-30 May 2009 Dr. N. de Klerk Title of Paper: Analysing Entrepreneurial and Marketing Developmental Skills for Small Tourism Enterprises. Conference: Business & Economics Society International, Place: Hawaii, USA Date: 15-19 July 2009 Dr. N. de Klerk Title of Paper: Analysing Entrepreneurial and Marketing development Skills for Small Tourism Enterprises Conference: New Generation University Conference Place: Emerald Hotel, Vanderbijlpark Date: 17-19 November 2009 Prof. M. Dhurup Title of Paper: A Theoretical Review of Ambush Marketing: Stemming the Tide of Ambush Marketing in the 2010 FIFA World CupTM Conference: New Generation University Conference Place: Emerald Hotel, Vanderbijlpark Date: 17-19 November 2009 Mr. J. Dubihlela Title of Paper: Equity pricing determinants and effects on monetary policy formulation in inflationary markets Conference: Business & Economics Society International Place: Hawaii, USA Date: 15-19 July 2009
Mr. J. Dubihlela Title of Paper: Equity pricing determinants and effects on monetary policy formulation in inflationary markets Conference: New Generation University Conference Place: Emerald Hotel, Vanderbijlpark Date: 17-19 November 2009 Dr. A. Garnett Title of Paper: Is strategy the missing link? Lessons from South African higher education Conference: Business & Economics Society International Place: Hawaii, USA Date: 15-19 July 2009 Dr. A. Garnett Title of Paper: Strategic management practices employed by HEIs in South Africa Conference: New Generation University Conference Place: Emerald Hotel, Vanderbijlpark Date: 17-19 November 2009 Ms. S. Horst, Ms. J. McWha, Prof. G. A. Brown, Prof. B. S. Shaw & Prof. I. Shaw Title of Paper: Salivary Cortisol and Blood Lactate Responses to Physically Active Video gaming in Young Adults Conference: 56th American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) 5th Annual Place: Seattle, Washington, USA Date: 27-30 May 2009 Mr. P.A. Joubert & Prof. C. de W. van Wyk Title of Paper: Sexual harassment of academic staff at Higher Education Institutions in South Africa Conference: Wellness in the Workplace Conference Place: University of the Free State, Bloemfontein Date: 21-22 September 2009 Mr. P. A. Joubert Title of Paper: HR Survey 2009: Implications for Higher Education in South Africa Conference: New Generation University Conference Place: Emerald Hotel, Vanderbijlpark Date: 17-19 November 2009 Prof. P. Obi, Mr. G. J. Maseko & Mr. M. W. Mosai Title of Paper: The global financial crisis and its impact on South Africa Equity Market Conference: New Generation University Conference Place: Emerald Hotel, Vanderbijlpark Date: 17-19 November 2009
Ms. J. McWha, Ms. S. Horst, Prof. G. A. Brown, Prof. B. S. Shaw & Prof. I. Shaw Title of Paper: Energy Cost of Physically Active Video Gaming against a Human or Computer Opponent Conference: 56th American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) 5th Annual Meeting Place: Seattle, Washington, USA Date: 27-30 May 2009 Ms. J. McWha, Ms. S. Horst, Prof. G.A. Brown, Prof. B. S. Shaw & Prof. I. Shaw Title of Paper: Energy Cost of Physically Active Video Gaming against a Human or Computer Opponent Conference: 56th American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) 5th Annual Meeting Place: Seattle, Washington, USA Date: 27-30 May 2009 Ms. A. Moller Title of Paper: Computer Technology in a Financial Accounting Conference: New Generation University Conference Place: Emerald Hotel, Vanderbijlpark Date: 17-19 November 2009 Ms. K. Monaisa, Dr. J. Lebusa & Mr. T. Pitso Title of Paper: A Framework for pursuing ideality Technopreneurship in IT undergraduates Conference: New Generation University Conference Place: Emerald Hotel, Vanderbijlpark Date: 17-19 November 2009 Ms. V. T. Nolan & Prof. J. Surujlal Title of Paper: Working female participation in recreation Conference: New Generation University Conference Place: Emerald Hotel, Vanderbijlpark Date: 17-19 November 2009 Ms. V. T. Nolan & Prof. J. Surujlal Title of Paper: Exploring working femalesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; recreation pursuit and perceptions Conference: 15th Annual SMAANZ Conference, Gold Coast, Australia Place: Bond University, Australia Date: 26-28 November 2009 Mr. O. Okubena Title of Paper: Impact of capital budgeting techniques on the profitability of small manufacturing firms in the Vaal Triangle area of Gauteng Province of South Africa Conference: Global Strategic Management Incorporation, USA Place: Washington DC, USA Date: 14-16 September 2009
Mr. O. Okubena, Prof. P. Obi & Prof. J. Surujlal Title of Paper: South African equity market reaction to the 2010 World Cup announcement Conference: Academic and Business Research Institute Conference Place: Orlando, Florida, USA Date: 24-26 September 2009 Mr. O. Okubena Title of Paper: Governance in sustainable development: Financial fraud perspective Conference: New Generation University conference Place: Emerald Hotel, Vanderbijlpark Date: 17-19 November 2009 Dr. R. I. D. Pooe & Prof. J. Surujlal Title of Paper: The inventory of HIV/Aids programmes and capacity within the Emfuleni Local Municipality Conference: New Generation University Conference Place: Emerald Hotel, Vanderbijlpark Date: 17-19 November 2009 Prof. B. S. Shaw & Prof. I. Shaw Title of Paper: Science of Overfat Behavior: Too much Sitting and Too Little Exercise Conference: Faculty of Science Research Symposium Place: Tshwane University of Technology Date: 8 February 2009 Prof. B.S. Shaw & Prof. I. Shaw Title of Paper: Role of Aerobic and Concurrent Aerobic and Resistance Training at Altering Body Fat Distribution Conference: 4th Asia Pacific Conference on Exercise and Sports Sciences (APCESS) and 8th International Sports Science Conference (ISSC) Place: Kota-Bharu, Malaysia Date: 15-17 July 2009 Prof. B. S. Shaw, Prof. I. Shaw & Prof. G. A. Brown Title of Paper: Contrasting Effects of Exercise on Total and Intra-abdominal Visceral fat Conference: 56th American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) 5th Annual Meeting Place: Seattle, Washington, USA Date: 27-30 May 2009 Prof. I. Shaw, Prof. B. S. Shaw & Prof. G. A. Brown Title of Paper: Role of Endurance and Inspiratory Resistive Diaphragmatic Breathing Training in Improving Asthmatic Symptomology Conference: 56th American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) 5th Annual Meeting Place: Seattle, Washington, USA Date: 27-30 May 2009
Prof. I. Shaw & Prof. B. S. Shaw Title of Paper: Discrepancies in Maximum Heart Rate Measurement in Distance Runners Conference: 4th Asia Pacific Conference on Exercise and Sports Sciences (APCESS) and 8th International Sports Science Conference (ISSC) Place: Kota-Bharu, Malaysia Date: 15-17 July 2009 Prof. I. Shaw, Prof. B. S. Shaw, Prof. G. A. Brown & Mr. C. Carstensen Title of Paper: Is freely-paced walking performed at a sufficient intensity for health? Conference: New Generation University Conference Place: Emerald Hotel, Vanderbijlpark Date: 17-19 November 2009 Prof. J. Surujlal & Prof. M. Dhurup Title of Paper: Exploring public perceptions towards the legalization of sex workers during the 2010 FIFA Soccer World CupTM in South Africa Conference: 3rd International Colloquium on Tourism and Leisure Place: Bangkok, Malaysia Date: 6-9 July 2009 Prof. J. Surujlal & Ms. S. Nguyen Title of Paper: Coping under pressure: Strategies for maintaining confidence among South African soccer coaches Conference: 4th Asia Pacific Conference on Exercise and Sports Sciences (APCESS) and 8th International Sports Science Conference (ISSC) Place: Kota-Bharu, Malaysia Date: 15-17 July 2009 Prof. J. Surujlal & Prof. P. Singh Title of Paper: Risk management practice of High School Principals Conference: Honing Managerial Skills in Sport, International Conference Place: Tamilnadu, India Date: 20-22 August 2009 Prof. J. Surujlal & Prof. P. Singh Title of Paper: An analysis of Sport Management internships Conference: Honing Managerial Skills in Sport, International Conference Place: Tamilnadu, India Date: 20-22 August 2009
Seminars / Workshops Presented Mr. P. A. Joubert Title: Postgraduate Research Workshop Presented to: Postgraduate students Place: Vaal University of Technology Date: 16 October 2009
Publications (Books/Chapters in Books) Mr. O. Okubena Chapter: An Investigation into the Impact of Investment Appraisal Techniques on the Profitability of Small Manufacturing Firms in the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Bay Area of the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa Title: Managing small and medium firms in a changing environment Publisher: Atiner Date: December 2009 Page numbers of chapter: 165 ISBN: 978 960 6672 62 0 Prof. I. Shaw, Prof. B. S. Shaw & O. Krasilshchikov Chapter: Science in the Olympic Sports Title: Olympic Literature, Kiev: Ukraine Publisher: Date: 2009 Page numbers of chapter: ISBN: 1992-7886
Publications (Journals) Dr. A. L. Bevan-Dye, Prof. M. Dhurup & Prof. J. Surujlal Title: Black generation Y studentsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; perceptions of national sport celebrity endorsers as role models. Journal: African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) Volume: September 2009 Issue: Special edition Page numbers of article: 172-188 ISSN: 1117 4315 D. Briedenham, J. F. Cilliers, Prof. I. Shaw, Prof. B. S. Shaw & A. L. Toriola Title: Effects of off-season strength and plyometric training programmes on isokinetic strength and javelin throwing performance Journal: African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) Volume: September 2009 Issue: Special edition Page numbers of article: 228-236 ISSN: 1117 4315
Prof. G. A. Brown, Ms. N. Dickmeyer, Ms. A. Glidden, Mr. C. Smith, Ms. M. Beckman, Mr. B. Malicky, Prof. B. S. Shaw & Prof. I. Shaw Title: Relationship of Regional Adipose Tissue Distribution to Fasting Plasma PYY Concentrations in College Aged Females Journal: Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise Volume: 41 Issue: 5 Page numbers of article: S181 ISSN: 0195-9131 Prof. M. Dhurup & Prof. J. Surujlal Title: Social support for health-related leisure activity of the elderly and the relationship with health status and life satisfaction. Journal: African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) Volume: September 2009 Issue: Special edition Page numbers of article: 16-32 ISSN: 1117 4315 Prof. M. Dhurup, Prof. J. Surujlal & Ms. A. Sooful Title: An exploratory study of elderly leisure engagement among residents in a contiguous milieu within a regional context Journal: African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) Volume: 15 Issue: 4 Page numbers of article: 552-574 ISSN: 1117 4315 Mr. J. Dubihlela Title: Equity pricing determinants and effects on monetary policy formulation in inflationary markets Journal: Business & Economics Society International Volume: 2 Issue: 2 Page numbers of article: 184-198 ISSN: 1553-1932 Mr. J. Dubihlela, Prof. M. Dhurup & Prof. J. Surujlal Title: Motivational factors affecting fan decisions to attend premier soccer league (PSL) games in South Africa. Journal: African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) Volume: September 2009 Issue: Special edition Page numbers of article: 155-171 ISSN: 1117 4315
Dr. A. Garnett & Prof. J. Surujlal Title: Perceptions of environmental barriers to creativity: A study of university students-athletes Journal: African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) Volume: September 2009 Issue: Special edition Page numbers of article: 141-154 ISSN: 1117 4315 Dr. A. Garnett & Dr. D. R. Garnett Title: To queue or not to queue: an industrial retailer’s perspective Journal: Journal of Contemporary Management Volume: 6 Page numbers of article: 138-150 ISSN: 1815 7440. D. T. Goon, A. L. Toriola, Prof. B. S. Shaw, Prof. I. Shaw, Prof. L. O. Amusa, H. J. de Ridder & S. Wuam Title: Centripetal Fat Patterning in Nigerian Children Journal: African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) Volume: 15 Issue: 4 Page numbers of article: 668-677 ISSN: 1117 4315 D. T. Goon, A. L. Toriola, Prof. B. S. Shaw, Prof. I. Shaw, D. I. Musa & S. Wuam Title: Waist Circumference Values in Nigerian Primary School Children-Gender Related Differences Journal: African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) Volume: 15 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 91-101 ISSN: 1117 4315 Dr. E. Lodewyckx & Prof. J. Surujlal Title: An analysis of sport gambling behavior among university students Journal: African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) Volume: September 2009 Issue: Special edition Page numbers of article: 98-112 ISSN: 1117 4315 Ms. C. Marais Title: Labour legislation in Emfuleni’s domestic worker sector: awareness and compliance Journal: South African Journal of Labour Relations
Volume: 33 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 65-85 ISSN: 0379-8410
J. McWha, S. Horst, Prof. G. A. Brown, Prof. B. S. Shaw & Prof. I. Shaw Title: Energy Cost of Physically Active Video Gaming against a Human or Computer Opponent Journal: Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise Volume: 41 Issue: 5 Page numbers of article: 219-227 ISSN: 0195-9131 J. McWha, Ms. S. Horst, Prof. G. A. Brown, Prof. B. S. Shaw & Prof. I. Shaw Title: Metabolic Changes Associated with Playing an Active Video Game against a Human and Computer Opponent Journal: African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) Volume: September 2009 Issue: Special edition Page numbers of article: 219-227 ISSN: 1117 4315 V. T. Nolan & Prof. J. Surujlal Title: Assessment of working women’s perception and pursuit of recreation Journal: African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) Volume: September 2009 Issue: Special Edition Page numbers of article: 1-15 ISSN: 1117 4315 P. Nongogo, Prof. B. S. Shaw & Prof. I. Shaw Title: Delivering the International Olympic Committee’s Mandate on Youth Olympic Games in South Africa Journal: African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) Volume: 15 Issue: 2 Page numbers of article: 223-234 ISSN: 1117 4315 Prof. P. Obi, Prof. J. Surujlal & Mr. O. Okubena Title: South African equity market reaction to the 2010 World Cup announcement Journal: African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) Volume: September 2009 Issue: Special Edition
Page numbers of article: 284-296 ISSN: 1117 4315
Dr. R. I. D. Pooe & Prof. J. Surujlal Title: An inventory of programmes, capacity and interventions available at Emfuleni Municipality area in the fight against HIV/ Aids Journal: African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) Volume: September 2009 Issue: Special Edition Page numbers of article: 265-283 ISSN: 1117 4315 Prof. B. S. Shaw, Prof. I. Shaw & G. A. Brown Title: Resistance Training and Predicted Risk of Coronary Heart Disease in Sedentary Males Journal: African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) Volume: September 2009 Issue: Special edition Page numbers of article: 247-256 ISSN: 1117 4315 Dr. B. S. Shaw, Prof. I. Shaw & Prof. G. A. Brown Title: Contrasting Effects of Exercise on Total and Intraabdominal Visceral fat Journal: Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise Volume: 41 Issue: 5 Page numbers of article: S275 ISSN: 0195-9131 Prof. B. S. Shaw, Prof. I. Shaw & O. Krasilshcikov Title: Comparison of Aerobic and Combined Aerobic and Weight Training on Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Concentrations in Men Journal: Cardiovascular Journal of Africa (CVJA) Volume: 20 Issue: 4 Page numbers of article: 227-232 ISSN: 1117 4315 Prof. I. Shaw, Prof. B. S. Shaw & Prof. G. A. Brown Title: Role of Endurance and Inspiratory Resistive Diaphragmatic Breathing Training in Improving Asthmatic Symptomology Journal: Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise Volume: 41 Issue: 5 Page numbers of article: S522 ISSN: 0195-9131
Prof. I. Shaw, Prof. B. S. Shaw, J. F. Cilliers & D. T. Goon Title: Influence of Visual Feedback on Knee Extensor Isokinetic Concentric and Eccentric Peak Torque Journal: African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) Volume: September 2009 Issue: Special edition Page numbers of article: 257-264 ISSN: 1117 4315 Prof. I. Shaw, Prof. B. S. Shaw & Prof. G. A. Brown Title: Influence of Strength Training on Cardiac Risk Prevention in Individuals without Cardiovascular Journal: African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) Volume: 15 Issue: 3 Page numbers of article: 424 432 ISSN: 1117 4315 Prof. I. Shaw, J. M. Loots, L. Lategan & Prof. B. S. Shaw Title: Effectiveness of Aerobic Exercise Training as an Adjunct Treatment of Asthma Journal: African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) Volume: 15 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 150-169 ISSN: 1117 4315 A. C. Stahlnecker, Prof. G. A. Brown, Prof. I. Shaw & Prof. B. S. Shaw Title: Acute effects of a weight loss-season supplement on resting metabolic rate and anaerobic exercise performance Journal: African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) Volume: September 2009 Issue: Special edition Page numbers of article: 237-246 ISSN: 1117 4315 Prof. C. Singh & Prof. J. Surujlal Title: An analysis of sport management internship: The case of two universitiesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; sport management programmes Journal: African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) Volume: September 2009 Issue: Special edition Page numbers of article: 204-218 ISSN: 1117 4315
Prof. C. Singh & Prof. J. Surujlal Title: Risk management practice of high school principals regarding physical activities Journal: African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) Volume: September 2009 Issue: Special edition Page numbers of article: 189-203 ISSN: 1117 4315 P. Struthers, Prof. J. Surujlal, G. Harrington, N. Shibane, C. K. Bevan, L. Wakefield, L. Cupido, T. Thomas & A. Sampson Title: Learners’, parents’ and educators’ perceptions of the benefits of and barriers to participation in sport among children with disabilities Journal: African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) Volume: September 2009 Issue: Special edition Page numbers of article: 48-61 ISSN: 1117 4315 Prof. J. Surujlal & Prof. M. Dhurup Title: Parental involvement in recreational activities of children with intellectual disabilities: A case study of the Thabo Vuyo School for Learners with Special Educational Needs (LSEN) Journal: African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) Volume: September 2009 Issue: Special Edition Page numbers of article: 33-47 ISSN: 1117 4315 Prof. J. Surujlal & Prof. M. Dhurup Title: Legalising sex workers during the 2010 FIFA Soccer World CupTM in South Africa Journal: African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) Volume: September 2009 Issue: Special Edition Page numbers of article: 79-97 ISSN: 1117 4315 Prof. J. Surujlal & Prof. M. Dhurup Title: Public opinion towards ‘unhealthy’ sponsorship of sporting events in South Africa: An exploratory study Journal: African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) Volume: September 2009 Issue: Special Edition Page numbers of article: 297-315 ISSN: 1117 4315
Prof. J. Surujlal, Prof. C. Singh & J. C. Maclean Title: Performance appraisal of coaches – a comparative study Journal: African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) Volume: 12 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 74-90 ISSN: 1117 4315 Prof. J. Surujlal & S. Nguyen Title: Sources of stress in South African soccer coaches Journal: African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) Volume: September 2009 Issue: Special edition Page numbers of article: 113-124 ISSN: 1117 4315 Prof. J. Surujlal & Z. Zhang Title: Trust in leadership in sport Journal: African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) Volume: September 2009 Issue: Special edition Page numbers of article: 125-140 ISSN: 1117 4315 Dr. Y. van Zyl, Prof. J. Surujlal & Prof. C. Singh Title: An empirical study of university student-athletes’ strategies for coping with stress Journal: African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) Volume: September 2009 Issue: Special edition Page numbers of article: 62-78 ISSN: 1117 4315
Research in Progress Mr. J. Dubihlela, Prof. J. Surujlal & Prof. M. Dhurup Paper Titles: 1.1) Symbolic dimensions of attachment and team identification within the South African Premier Soccer League (PSL) 1.2) Examining the Relationship between Bond-Market Development and Risk Indicators that Portend Economic Downswings in Inflationary Markets 1.3) Understanding aggressive behaviour in sport: do athletes engage in more than a game but less than war? Field: Financial and Sport Management
Prof. M. Dhurup & Dr. A. Garnett Title: Self-reported physical activity and barriers to participation among university students. Field: Sport Marketing Prof. M. Dhurup Title: Customer-supplier Relationships: Customer service quality in a concrete manufacturing company Field: Service Marketing Prof. M. Dhurup Title: Impulse buying among University students Field: Consumer marketing
Title: Volunteer motivation in Disability Sport Field: Sport Management
Prof. J. Surujlal & S. Boyce Title: Equine Therapy for children with intellectual disabilities Field: Sport Prof. J. Surujlal & Dr. J. Lebusa Title: Entrepreneurial orientation of sport coaches Field: Sport Management Prof. J. Surujlal Title: Sport Management Internships Field: Sport Management
Dr. A. Garnett Title: Strategy in Higher Education: the missing link Field: Organisational behavior, Education, Strategic Management
Prof. J. Surujlal & Prof. M. Dhurup Title: Athlete preference of coach behaviour Field: Sport Management
Dr. A. Garnett Title: Eliminating paper from corporate environments: fact or myth Field: Sustainability, resources, corporate environments, ICT
C. J. van Rensburg, Prof. J. Surujlal & Prof. M. Dhurup Title: Wellness and physical activity patterns of studentathletes Field: Sport and Wellness
Mr. P. A. Joubert Title: Social support of Comrades athletes Field: Sport Psychology
Dr. Y. van Zyl & Prof. J. Surujlal Title: Athletes and eating disorders Field: Psychology & Sport
Ms. C. Marais Title: Domestic Worker Sector Field: Labour Relations Management
Dr. Y. van Zyl & Prof. J. Surujlal Title: Coping with stress: A Case study of Olympic athletes Field: Psychology & Sport
Ms. A. Möller Title: Project Management as tool for Financial Accounting Field: Financial Accounting
Student Support Services
Ms. V. T. Nolan & Prof. J. Surujlal Title: Participation in physical activities: An empirical study of working women’s perceptions Field: Sport and Physical Recreation Prof. I. Shaw Title: Effect of concurrent training versus concurrent pilates and yoga training Field: Rehabilitation/Sport Medicine
Conferences (Papers and posters presented) Dr. U. G. Hendrich Title of Paper: Factors to consider in the selection of applicants to universities of technology Conference: 16th International Conference on Learning Place: Barcelona, Spain Date: 1-4 July 2009.
Prof. I. Shaw Title: Sport specific conditioning in adolescent amateur golfers Field: Rehabilitation/Sport Medicine Prof. J. Surujlal & Dr. S. Khoo
Faculty of Technology Transfer and Innovation Conferences (Papers and posters presented) Prof D.J. de Beer, Mr G.J. Booysen, Prof M. van den Heever, Mr G. Gerber, Mr. J.H. Jooste and Dr R.I. Campbell Title of Paper: AM for Reconfigurable and Flexible Manufacturing and Production. Conference: Invited paper presented at the Annual Wohlers EuroMold conference on Rapid Prototyping and Tooling Place: Frankfurt, Germany Date: 4 December 2009
Ms C. Kuhn, Dr R.W. de Lange and Prof D.J. De Beer. Title: Digital sculpture: Technical and aesthetic considerations applicable to current input and output modes of additive fabricated sculpture Journal: Journal for New Generation Sciences (JNGS) Volume: Vol 7 Issue: 7 (2) Page numbers of article: p. 136 – p. 149
Prof D.J. de Beer Title of Paper: Rapid Prototyping in SA – Past, Present and Future Conference: RAPDASA Annual International Conference Place: East London, SA Date: 5-6 November 2009
Prof D.J. de Beer, Dr. R.I. Campbell, Prof M Truscott, Mr LJ Barnard and Mr G.J. Booysen Title: Client Centred Design evolution via Functional Prototyping Journal: International Journal for Product Development Volume: Vol 8 Issue: 8 (1)
Prof M Truscott, Mr G.J. Booysen and Prof D.J. de Beer Title of Paper: RP and RM in Medical Product Development Conference: RAPDASA Annual International Conference Place: East London, SA Date: 5-6 November 2009 Mr M Lotz and Prof D.J. de Beer Title of Paper: RP for Everyone Conference: RAPDASA Annual International Conference Place: East London, SA Date: 5-6 November 2009
Publications (Chapters in Book) Lategan, L.o.k. and Holsbaur, U.D. (eds) Chapter: The CRPM Story: A case study in commercialization and technology transfer Title: Managing applied research: theories, cases and perspectives Eds Lategan, L.O.K. and Holzbaur, U.D. ISBN Publisher: Aalener Schriften zur Betriebswirtschaft, Shaker Verlag Date: 2009 Page numbers of chapter: p.126 - 131. ISBN978-3-8322-8191-5
Dr R.I. Campbell, Mr. J Combrinck, Prof D.J. de Beer and Mr L.J. Barnard Title: Stereolithography Build Time Estimation based on Volumetric Calculations Journal: Rapid Prototyping Journal Volume: Vol 14 Issue: 14 (5) Page numbers of article: p. 271 – p. 279 ISSN: 1355-2546 Mr L.J. Barnard, Prof D.J. de Beer and Dr R.I. Campbell. Title: Parameters affecting Spin Casting of Decorative and Mechanical Parts Journal: Journal for New Generation Sciences (JNGS) Volume: Vol 7 Issue: 7 (2) Page numbers of article: p. 23 – p. 35 Ms C. Kuhn, Dr R.W. de Lange and Prof D.J. De Beer. Title: Digital sculpture: Technical and aesthetic considerations applicable to current input and output modes of additive fabricated sculpture Journal: Journal for New Generation Sciences (JNGS) Volume: Vol 7 Issue: 7 (2)
Ms C. Kuhn, Dr R.W. de Lange and Prof D.J. De Beer. Title: Digital sculpture: Technical and aesthetic considerations applicable to current input and output modes of additive fabricated sculpture Journal: Journal for New Generation Sciences (JNGS) Volume: Vol 7 Issue: 7 (2) Ms C. Kuhn, Dr R.W. de Lange and Prof D.J. De Beer. Title: Digital sculpture: Technical and aesthetic considerations applicable to current input and output modes of additive fabricated sculpture Journal: Journal for New Generation Sciences (JNGS) Volume: Vol 7 Issue: 7 (2) Ms C. Kuhn, Dr R.W. de Lange and Prof D.J. De Beer. Title: Digital sculpture: Technical and aesthetic considerations applicable to current input and output modes of additive fabricated sculpture Journal: Journal for New Generation Sciences (JNGS) Volume: Vol 7 Issue: 7 (2)
The VUT is focused on building its postgraduate student numbers. We are planning to reach the maximum of 10% of postgraduates of our total student numbers within the next five years.
Referencing workshops
Postgraduate Summer School
Electronic Database Searching Workshop
The opening of the Postgraduate Summer School was held on the 15 August 2009. A total of 135 students and supervisors from VUT attended the Postgraduate School at Quest Conference Centre on the 15-16 August 2009. The facilitator for our Postgraduate School was Prof. L. Lategan from CUT in Bloemfontein.
The Higher Degree Unit also hosted the following workshops during the last quarter of 2009:
Internet Searching Workshop Scholarly Communication & Intellectual property Workshop Referencing Workshop Workshops were attended far beyond capacity. Students were so eager to attend that they even shared computers.
Student growth
The following graphs indicate the total number of registered students at VUT as per the ITS system on the 1 December 2009:
Applied and Computer Sciences 58
40 34
30 20
Total Students
Total Doctorates
Total Masters
Total Students
180 160 140 120 80 60 40 20 0
72 33 0
Total Doctorates
Total Students
Total Doctorates
6 Total Masters
80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0
47 44
Total Doctorates
49 52
7 Total Masters
Total Masters
Total 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0
Human Sciences
Management Sciences
Total Students
Total Students
50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0
Total number of newly registered 1st year higher degree students were: 343
144 150
27 31
Total Doctorates
181 187
31 Total Masters
Applied & Comp
Engineering & Tech
Human Sciences
Management Sciences
Graduates 2009 Mkhwanazi, S. S. Mr. M.Tech.: Chemistry Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences
Du Plessis, R. M. Ms. M.Tech.: Food Service Management Faculty of Human Sciences
Naidoo, R. M. Ms. M.Tech.: Fashion Faculty of Human Sciences
Ofomaja, A. E. Mr. D.Tech.: Chemistry Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences
Erasmus, V. Ms. M.Tech.: Food Service Management Faculty of Human Sciences
Nyathela, T. Ms. M.Tech.: Food Service Management Faculty of Human Sciences
Shabangu, V. A. Mr. M.Tech.: Biotechnology Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences
Laurie, A. Ms. M.Tech.: Photography Faculty of Human Sciences
Basson, L. M. Mrs. M.Tech.: Business Administration Faculty of Management Sciences
Joubert, A. Mr. D.Tech.: Electrical Engineering Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Maleho, L. M. Mr. M.Tech.: Public Relations Management Faculty of Human Sciences
Dlodlo, N. Ms. M.Tech.: Marketing Faculty of Management Sciences
Ralengole, F. G. Mr. M.Tech.: Chemical Engineering Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Mangwane, Q. E. M. Ms. M.Tech.: Food Service Management Faculty of Human Sciences
Janse van Rensburg, C. Mrs. M.Tech.: Human Resources Management Faculty of Management Sciences
Viljoen, M. Mr. M.Tech.: Electrical Engineering Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Marumo, K. Ms. M.Tech.: Food and Beverage Management Faculty of Human Sciences
Tusiime, R. Ms. M.Tech.: Marketing Faculty of Management Sciences
NRF Block Grants The following NRF Block Grants were allocated: Name of Grant
Amount awarded
Free standing scholarship
5 B.Tech. students
Innovation Scholarship
13 B.Tech. innovation students
Scarce Skills
11 B.Tech. students
Masters Innovation
2 Masters students
Masters free standing
6 Masters students
Equity Scholarship
3 Masters students
Graduations 2009 Basson, L. M. M.Tech.: Human Resource Management Organisational Wellness within a Graphite Manufacturing Organisation Ms. F. E. Mahomed Prof. J. J. L. Coetzee
Joubert, A. D.Tech.: Electrical Engineering Plant systems integration using the SAMI model to achieve Asset effectiveness in modern plants Prof. A. Jordaan Prof. M. Felser
Basson, L. M. M.Tech.: Human Resource Management Organisational Wellness within a Graphite Manufacturing Organisation Ms. F. E. Mahomed Prof. J. J. L. Coetzee
Kearney, J. E. D.Tech.: Food Service Management A comparative analysis to address the limitations of five different school feeding projects in the Vaal Region Prof. C. S. Venter Dr. I. Tewfik
Bothma, M. M. D.Tech.: Business Conceptual model of paperless administrative processes in an information and communication technology interface business environment Dr. A. Garnett & Prof. B. Gatsheni Dr. H. C. de Jager
Kgang, I. E. M.Tech.: Biotechnology Characterisation of Amaranthus tricolor mutant plants with increased drought-tolerance N. Laloo Dr. L. van Emmenes
Dlodlo, N. M.Tech.: Marketing Adoption patterns and barriers to the implementation of E-marketing in SMEs in Southern Gauteng Prof. M. Dhurup Dr. A. L. Bevan-Dye Du Plessis, R. M. M.Tech.: Food Service Management Development of a nutritious, acceptable and affordable food snack to prevent obesity in children Prof. W. Oldewage-Theron Dr. J. Kearney Erasmus, V. M.Tech.: Food Service Management Development of a healthy snack for children with HIV/AIDS or compromised immunity Prof. W. Oldewage-Theron Dr. J. Kearney Janse van Rensburg, C. M.Tech.: Human Resource Management Organisational perceptions of learnerships within manufacturing, engineering and related services organisations in the Sedibeng Municipal District area Ms. N. MacPherson Dr. Y. van Zyl
Laurie, A. M.Tech.: Photography Visual literacy and digital image manipulation in a photographic setting Dr. H. M. Saayman Hattingh Mr. F. du Toit Maleho, L. M. M.Tech.: Public Relations Management An evaluation of internal communication in the local council of Moqhaka Municipality A. Oksiutycz-Munyawiri Dr. C. Chasi Mangwane, Q. E. M. M.Tech.: Food Service Management Knowledge, attitude and practice of caregivers on childcare in an urban informal settlement Prof. W. H. Oldewage-Theron Dr. E. G. Dicks Marumo, K. M.Tech.: Food & Beverage Management Food product attributes guiding purchase choice by low-income households Mrs. S. S. Duvenage Dr. E. G. Dicks
Masitenyane, L. A. M.Tech.: Marketing Examining Customer-Supplier Relationships: Customer Service Quality in a Precast Concrete Manufacturing Company Prof. M. Dhurup Dr. A. L. Bevan-Dye
Shabangu, V. A. M.Tech.: Biotechnology Shelf-life testing of Power Bars: Effects of processing and formulation changes on product safety and quality Ms. C. S. van Wyk Dr. Djoulde D. Roger
Mkhwanazi, S. S. M.Tech.: Chemistry Determination of Volatile organic compounds in ambient air by using thermal desorber, sorbent tubes, canister and GC-MS Dr. E. B. Naidoo Dr. E. B. Naidoo
Tusiime, R. M.Tech.: Marketing Impulsive buying behaviour of apparel merchandise among university students in Southern Gauteng Prof. M. Dhurup Dr. A. L. Bevan-Dye
Naidoo, R. M. M.Tech.: Fashion Job demands and resources associated with female entrepreneurs of small fashion business in the Vaal Region Prof. A. M. van Aardt Prof. A. M. Trollip
Viljoen, M. M.Tech.: Electrical Engineering Design and development of a methanol concentration controller for fuel cells Dr. J. F. J. van Rensburg Prof. G. M. Parsley
Nyathela, T. M.Tech.: Food Service Management Impact of a school feeding programme on nutritional status of primary school children in Orange Farms Prof. W. H. Oldewage-Theron Dr. C. E. Napier Ofomaja, A. E. D.Tech.: Chemistry Removal of transitional metals from industrial wastewater using natural biosorbents Dr. E. B. Naidoo Prof. S. J. Modise Pambault Enombo, J. M. M.Tech.: Public Relations Management Public relations practice in private companies in Libreville and Port Gentil in Gabon A. Oksiutycz-Munyawiri C. Swart Ralengole, F. G. M.Tech.: Chemical Engineering An application of reverse osmosis process on effluent treatment for the rubber industry Dr. H. van der Merwe Prof. J. Modise
Research proposals approved in 2009 Kutama, M. Biotechnology The construction and evaluation of a novel tubular photobioreactor at a small pilot plant scale Dr. P. Stegmann Ms. C. S. van Wyk Ledwaba, I. P. Chemistry Phytochemical screening of Senecio aureus species Prof. A. M. Sipamla Dr. F. M. Mtunzi Liee, L. Y. Biotechnology Microbiological and chemical investigation into the shelf-life of bottled water Ms. C. S. van Wyk Mr. C. Lubout Madlanga, X. Chemistry Determination of selected polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s) in water sources from Sasolburg municipal area Dr. F. M. Mtunzi Dr. L. Sibali
Manzane, G. V. Chemistry Adsorption of chromium from effluent on charmaize and sludge Dr. S. M. Nelana Dr. E. D. Dikio
Takaidza, S. Biotechnology The effect of biofouling on a reverse osmosis membrane purification system at Sasol, Sasolburg Dr. P. Stegmann Ms. C. S. van Wyk
Matamela, T. Chemistry Testing biological activity and Chemical composition of Bolusantus specioius stems bark Dr. F. M. Mtunzi Prof. A. M. Sipamla
Twala, J. Chemistry Investigation of causes of foaming in industrial waste water Dr. F. M. Mtunzi Prof. A. M. Sipamla
Matsie, S. S. Chemistry Impact of the Metallurgical industry pollution in water Dr. E. B. Naidoo Mr. F. Le Roux
Amoo, A. O. Electrical Engineering Solar driven hydrogen generation for a fuel cell power plant Dr. W. J. Bekker Prof. H. C. vZ Pienaar
Mnisi, J. S. Chemistry A study of airborne particulates’ in the Vanderbijlpark area Dr. S. J. Moja Prof. M. M. Nindi
Atim, J. Civil Engineering Development of an Integrated Water Resources Management Model for a River Basin – Case study of River Rwizi Prof. G. Ngirane-Katashaya Prof. J. M. Ndambuki
Moloto, L. H. Chemistry Reduction of ferric and ferrous compounds in the presence of activated carbon using mechanical alloying Dr. E. D. Dikio Dr. S. S. Manzini
Du Plooy, A. F. Electrical Engineering A flight data recorder for radio controlled model aircraft Mr. A. J. Swart Prof. H. C. vZ Pienaar
Muleya, E. Chemistry Characterisation, quantification and assessment of free radical scavenging activity of selected traditional medicinal plant extracts Dr. F. M. Mtunzi Prof. A. M. Sipamla
Nyende-Byakika, S. Civil Engineering Modelling of Pressurised Water Supply Networks with Transient Low-Pressure-Open-Channel Flow Conditions Prof. G. Ngirane-Katashaya Prof. J. M. Ndambuki
Ngoy Tshibangu, P. Chemistry Synthesis and characterisation of novel ionic liquids and application in catalytic reaction Dr. E. D. Dikio Rathabe, M. C. Chemistry Identification and Quantification of steroid sex hormones from selected rivers and dams Dr. F. M. Mtunzi Dr. L. Sibali
Odeh, A. O. Chemical Engineering Development, characterisation and investigation of the H2/CO selectivity of chitosan polymer electrolyte membranes Dr. P. O. Osifo Dr. H. Neomagus Viljoen, M. Electrical Engineering Energy management optimisation of a solar/hydrogen driven power plant for a rural community Prof. H. C. vZ Pienaar
Baholo, K. R. Fine Art The use of African Indigenous Knowledge in the learning and teaching of Visual Arts in South Africa Prof. D. Schauffer Dr. M. A. Masoga Manzini, P. I. Public Relations Management An investigation of stakeholder communication in the Co-operative Education Department of the Vaal University of Technology Dr. R. Bezuidenhout Mngomezulu, B. A. Public Relations Management Effectiveness of stakeholder relations between the Sedibeng District Municipality, the Emfuleni Local Municipality and community forum representatives Dr. R. Bezuidenhout Mofokeng, M. J. Food Service Management Nutritional status and dietary intake patterns of children ages 7-13 years in Qwa-Qwa Prof. W. H. Oldewage-Theron Dr. A. A. Egal Mwadiwa, R. J. Food and Beverage Management Improving nutritional status through integrating indiginous and modern processed foods to pre-school menus in Empangeni. Dr. J. E. Kearney Dr. C. E. Napier Ngcai, S. Fine Art Xhosa twins as a theme in conceptually motivated sculptural artworks. L. du Preez Prof. D. Schauffer Nkhahle, M. A. Fashion Perceived success of fashion designers in the Vaal region Prof. R. J. Gaede Mrs. I. Wilken
Raluswinga, N. K. Tourism and Hospitality Management The social impact of tourism on Soweto and Sharpeville as tourism destinations Prof. E. Slabbert Tshivhase, M. L. Food Service Management Nutrituional adequacy of menus in an elderly care centre in Sharpeville Prof. W. H. Oldewage-Theron Dr. A. A Egal Fouché, R. M. Cost and Management Accounting The Title was changed from ‘The application of Cost accounting methods by the general engineering companies in Southern Gauteng’ to ‘An analysis of cost accounting methods applied by small-to-medium engineering enterprises in Southern Gauteng’. Dr. J. E. E. Ziemerink Dr. R. I. D. Pooe Mahlangu, J. F. Human Resource Management Causes of labour turnover at Amandelbult Concentrator Dr. P. A. Joubert Mahlangu, J. F. Human Resource Management Causes of labour turnover at Amandelbult Concentrator Dr. P. A. Joubert Mahlaya, C. Human Resource Management The assessment of the apprenticeship training programme in the fabrication and welding trade of Debswana diamond mines in Botswana Dr. H. J. Brits Mr. V. Kundasami Mathu, K. M. Logistics Supply Chain Constraints in the South African Coal Mining Industry Dr. R. I. D. Pooe Dr. A. Garnett Mokhathi, M. S. Human Resource Management Job Satisfaction Among Nursing Staff within a Public Hospital in Southern Gauteng Dr. Y. van Zyl
Odendaal, W. Human Resource Management Staff Retention in an Information Management Environment Dr. Y. van Zyl Omoruyi, O. Logistics The impact of locgistics activities in smaal and medium enterproses in the Emfuleni municipal district: a strategic approach. Mr. J. vd Westhuizen Dr. A. Garnett Samosamo, M. G. Human Resource Management Impact of induction on employee perceptions of health and safety at ArcelorMittal Mrs. C. Marais Seame, B. M. Human Resource Management Employee perceptions of the strategies to attract and retain technical skills at DEBSWANA Dr. P. A. Joubert Tsupa, P. A. Marketing Internet-based marketing: perceived benefits and barriers amongst small tourism enterprises in Southern Gauteng Dr. A. L. Bevan-Dye Dr. N. de Klerk Ubane, T. C. Cost and Management Accounting Capital budgeting techniques and practices among selected municipalities in the Gauteng Province of South Africa Mr. O. Okubena Prof. P. Naidoo Zwane, J. V. Human Resource Management The relevance of the South African FET College engineering learning programmes within the South African apprenticeship context Prof. J. Surujlal Prof. M. Dhurup
Dippenaar, F. Information Technology Design of a novel integrated monitoring and management interface system for Sasol sites – for Global operations management Prof. B. N. Gatsheni Dippenaar, F. Information Technology Design of a integrated monitoring and management interface system for Sasol sites for Global operations management Prof. B. N. Gatsheni Lethatsa, M. G. Information Technology Language editing not yet been done. Prof. B. N. Gatsheni Dr. I. Sikakana Manganye, S. Information Technology The design of a novel instruction system based on e-learning to assist vehicle driver learner’s licence candidates grasp the rules of the road in South Africa Prof. B. N. Gatsheni Marie, T. E. Information Technology An intelligent automatic vehicle traffic flow monitoring and control system Prof. B. N. Gatsheni Molupe, C. B. Information Technology The development of a user-friendly remote diagnostic system that assists community based health workers in the early detection of Tuberculosis (TB) Van der Merwe, P. J. Information Technology The development of a less bandwidth intensive online delivery platform for high quality video on demand for complementing instruction at the Vaal University of Technology Prof. B. N. Gatsheni Prof. D. A. Dicks
Research Capacity Development Programmes
The Research Directorate arranged the following Research Capacity Development Programmes:
Introduction to Mixed Methods
To provide researchers with support in qualitative and quantitative research methodology and their underlying paradigmatic frameworks.
Women in Research
To provide women researchers with:
structured support in writing for publication;
facilitating access to women’s networks and other powerful research networks;
an opportunity to contribute to designing appropriate research-related policies that support the career development of women researchers, especially black women researchers, at VUT;
an opportunity to co-publish their experience on the programme.
Creative Writing Workshop
To provide researchers with the opportunity to critically engage with quality writing and to challenge themselves to present findings in accessible and interesting ways.
Writing for Publication
To support researchers in achieving accredited research outputs, e.g., publishing articles in journals or research reports for qualification. Facultycustomised workshops are presented to address specific contexts and needs.
Referencing Workshop
To assist researchers in rigorously applying the appropriate referencing rules.
Advanced Techniques in Academic Supervision
To support quality in supervision and advancing supervisors by developing and refining their supervising processes and practices, thus reflecting discussions.
Mentorship Programme: Growing the “Hub and Spokes” Model at VUT
To provide focused support to participants on the Mentorship programme. The following research focus areas were identified:
ICT Technologies on Transport Systems (Prof. B. Gatsheni)
Fluid-Thermal Systems (Prof. Z. Huan)
Material s Development (Prof. A. Mendonidis)
Institute for Sustainable Livelihoods and Product Development (Prof. W. H. Oldewage-Theron and Prof. D. J. de Beer)
Institute of Applied Electronics (Prof. H. C. vZ Pienaar)
Scholarships are made to strengthen teaching and research interests in these Research Focus Areas
Doctoral Candidate R150 000-00 per annum
Masters Candidate R96 000-00 per annum
Faculty Research Awards The following staff received Faculty Research Awards during 2009 for their research achievements in 2008:
Faculty of Applied & Computer Sciences Place 1st 2nd
Research Achievement Ms. C. S. van Wyk Dr. M. Pinkoane
Faculty of Engineering & Technology Place 1st 2nd 3rd
Research Achievement Dr. T. Tengen Mr. J. Swart Dr. P. Osifo
Place 1st
Research Excellence Prof. C. Pienaar
Faculty of Human Sciences Place 1st 2nd 3rd
Research Achievement Dr. E. G. Dicks Ms. S. S. Duvenage Ms. Q. L. Lekotoko Ms. J. van Staden Ms. I. Wilken Ms. S. Hugo Mr. A. W. van Wyk
Place 1st 2nd 3rd
Research Excellence Prof. W. H. Oldewage-Theron Prof. A. Nicolaides Prof. C. M. van der Bank
Faculty of Management Sciences Place 1st 1st 3rd
Research Achievement Mr. P. Joubert Mr. O. Okubena Dr. A. Bevan-Dye
Place 1st 2nd 3rd
Research Excellence Prof. I. Shaw Prof. M. Dhurup Prof. J. Surujlal
Annual Researcher of the Year Award Ceremony
The Annual Researcher of the Year Awards Ceremony was held on 19 November 2009 at the Emerald Casino Resort. The following staff members received research awards for their research achievements in 2008:
Annual Research Achievement Place 3rd 2nd 1st
Recipient Mr. J. Swart Dr. T. Tengen Dr. E. G. Dicks
Faculty Engineering & Technology Engineering & Technology Human Sciences
Annual Research Excellence Place 3rd 2nd
Recipient Prof. W. H. Oldewage-Theron Prof. C. Pienaar
Prof. I. Shaw
Faculty Human Sciences Engineering & Technology Management Sciences
Mr. J. Swart
Dr. T. Tengen
Dr. E. G. Dicks
Prof. W. H. Oldewage-Theron
Prof. C. Pienaar
Prof. I. Shaw
Donated Equipment
Sasol 1 Research and Development donated a Distributed Control System to the value of ÂąR800 000 to the Process Instrumentation and Computer Systems research focus area.
The role of new universities Alwyn Louw, Bernadette Johnson and Jan Smit From the Mail & Guardian December 2009 There is a need for practical, cross-genre education centred on immediate commercial requirements.
Strategic research at new generation universities includes:
A curriculum which is dynamic and permits product study at undergraduate level and interdisciplinary study at post graduate level. This is to allow the research agenda to address the questions, problems and crises confronting society, and to facilitate the immediate application of research.
The dissatisfaction stems from a growing awareness that these traditional roles cannot meet the needs of a new kind of undergraduate and graduate education.
A research agenda that could be shaped by government, NGOs, industry and civil society, constituting strategic collaborative research.
Instead, what is required is a higher education arrangement that combines the scholarly environment of a traditional university with that of an institution that offers instruction, community and industry response, open access, the use of advisory groups and work experience. Institutions that do so are defined as “new generation universities”. They maintain the balance between teaching and research as well as application, and cover the main areas of teaching and learning, research and community service, but with a broader focus on serving society and, more particularly, their immediate communities.
An opportunity to generate demand-oriented knowledge. The recent financial crisis offers the new generation universities an opportunity to highlight the long-term sustainability of higher education through producing demand-oriented knowledge as a driver for economic growth.
Over time discontent has developed with the binary character of the traditional university, which on one hand has a research and teaching mandate and on the other a technical, career or vocationally focused teaching role.
New generation universities thus offer more programmes covering a wider spectrum of qualifications, such as certificates, diplomas and degrees and, in some areas, do so from the initial entry level up to the Ph.D. level. Consequently, one of the challenges is to develop learning pathways between career-oriented certificates and diplomas and professional and other degree programmes. These universities are also characterised by engagement as a hallmark of their internal and external relations. In developing curricula they engage with business, government and civil society. They include academics from disciplines other than the major ones in which a particular learning programme might be situated. Handson experience forms an important component of the education. In the field of research, new generation universities are centred on problem-solving or user-inspired research, which relates to challenges faced by their constituent communities. The research is usually characterised by technology transfer, whereby the knowledge generated by researchers is infused into industry, business, government authorities or civil society. Universities of technology in South Africa (previously referred to as technikons) are typical new generation institutions. They have an applied research legacy and, as such, are well positioned to take up a strategic research agenda. Their strength is that they already have links with industry, which inspired their establishment in the first place. But new generation universities should guard against separating research activity from teaching and learning. It is only through a combination of these that they will ensure their graduates are work-ready and community prepared. This notion cannot be limited to these institutions – demands for relevance and reimagining “the university” are applicable to all universities. The central concern remains how higher education can become more meaningful to society. In addressing this question, we have to steer away from straight jacketing ourselves into typologies, networks and associations that may limit possibilities and potentials in specific contexts. As they pursue strategic research, these universities have the opportunity of focusing specifically on technology production and innovation. All scientific work within a university of technology should be geared towards the study of technology, the creation of relevant technology, and ensuring the optimal application of such technology.
Demand-oriented knowledge should be shaped by the needs of companies or organisations in their immediate vicinity. For example, Vaal University of Technology is in the company of Sasol, Mittal Steel and Rand Water, surrounded by impoverished communities with high unemployment. Demand-oriented knowledge requires research to be entrepre neurial, since research that addresses immediate concerns unleashes the potential to create new opportunities. If optimum benefit is to be derived from strategic research, a university that incorporates all disciplines may not be desirable. The focus should therefore be the immediate relevance of any research. This would create an opportunity for industry and related agencies to invest in appropriate infrastructure, for example, equipment. New generation universities could include specialised centres as incubators of innovation. Upon maturation, these would become holding companies or would create opportunities to provide particular services. Innovation centres should retain their focus, for example, sustainable energy, food security, biotechnology, the environment, health or nanotechnology. These centres would have to be sufficiently flexible to accommodate the changing demands of a project. New generation universities can also engage in predictive research. This kind of work requires complex scientific modelling, forecasting and scenario generation to capture potential future problems and seek solutions to them. Predictive research, driven by immediate concerns such as resource viability and sustainability, must also take into consideration how resources are produced, organised, accessed and distributed. Undertaking scientific research purely for profit generation without consideration of its broader implications would not constitute responsible research. The new generation universities have an exciting role to play in society. Whether they are able to embrace their potential depends on whether they can imagine universities that are free and fresh to experiment, engage creatively with, and respond to, the needs and concerns of society, without getting lost in an undefined new space. The authors are from the Vaal University of Technology. Professor Alwyn Louw is the deputy vice-chancellor of academic and research, Dr Bernadette Johnson is the executive director of research and Dr Jan Smit is director of curriculum development and program qualification mix. This is an edited version of a paper titled ‘The New Generation University: Views on knowledge and knowledge generation’, delivered at the conference.
Contact Details
Dr. Bernadette Johnson Executive Director: Research 016 950 9482
Ms. Ronel Appelcryn Research Administrator 016 950 9445
Ms. Chantelle Sonnekus Research Development Officer 016 950 9354
Technology, Transfer & Innovation Ms. Rynette Coetzer Administrator: TTI 016 950 9325
Technology, Transfer & Innovation Prof. Deon de Beer Executive Director: TTI 016 950 9153 Higher Degrees Unit Ms. Sonia du Toit Postgraduate Coordinator 016 950 9297
Higher Degrees Unit Ms. Beatrice Toti Postgraduate Administrator 016 950 9536
Thank you Persons who assisted with the collation of information for the Annual Research Report:
Prof. M. Pillay (Faculty of Applied & Computer Sciences)
Prof. Peter Mendonidis (Faculty of Engineering & Technology)
Dr. D. Joubert (Faculty of Human Sciences)
Ms. C. Sonnekus (Research Directorate)
Ms. N. Kenke (Research Directorate)
The Research Directorate Team
Prof. J. Surujlal (Faculty of Management Sciences)
From right: Dr. Bernadette Johnson (Executive Director: Research) Ms. Beatrice Toti (Postgraduate Administrator) Ms. Ronel Appelcryn (Research Administrator) Ms. Sonia du Toit (Higher Degrees Coordinator) Ms. Chantelle Sonnekus (Research Development Officer) Ms. Beatrice Lekota (Registrations: Higher Degrees) Ms. Lindie Laubscher (Acting Senior Administrator: Research)