VUT Research 2015 Research Report

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Produced by SUN MeDIA MeTRO |

Persons who assisted with the collation of the information for the Annual Research Report 2015:

Mr P Bhikha

Prof J Selesho

Ms C Sonnekus

Department: Research Directorate

Faculty of Management Sciences

Department: Research Directorate

Prof L Masu

Dr A Ofomaja

Faculty of Engineering & Technology

Faculty of Applied & Computer Sciences

CONTENTS Message from the Vice-Chancellor and Principal ........... 2 Message from the Deputy Vice-Chancellor: (Academic and Research) .................................................. 4 Message from the Research Directorate .......................... 8 Message from the Technology Transfer and Innovation .................................................... 10 Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences ..................... 16 Faculty of Engineering and Technology .......................... 24 Faculty of Human Sciences ................................................ 32 Faculty of Management Sciences ..................................... 42 Faculty: Non-Faculty .......................................................... 52 Approved Research Focus Areas ...................................... 53 Centre for Alternative Energy ........................................... 54 Centre for Renewable Energy and Water (CREW) ........... 58 The Research Office ............................................................ 62 Research Events .................................................................. 70 Postgraduate report 2015 highlights ...................................................................... 77

Message from the Vice-Chancellor and Principal



MESSAGE FROM THE VICE-CHANCELLOR AND PRINCIPAL Our research continues to grow from strength to strength Professor IN Moutlana


his year the university celebrates its 50th anniversary as a higher education institution and eleven years as a university of technology. We started off as a small institution with only fifteen students, focused on teaching. We have steadily pursued the trend towards growing research and are especially proud of our research during this time of celebration, as we have grown by leaps and bounds over a very short period of time. It is therefore my honour and privilege to present the latest publication on the new and innovative knowledge our students and academics have been creating during the past year.





















*Submitted to the DHET – not yet approved

Our research continues to grow from strength to strength, because the University remains committed to developing the capacity of both its staff and students in producing relevant and meaningful research. We are able to do so through development partnerships with a range of external partners, including the community, industry and government. We are also extending our partnerships to the post-schooling environment, with a special emphasis on Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Colleges. One of our key focus areas continues to be staff qualification completion. We are extremely committed to ensuring that we enhance the capacity of our staff to deliver on the human capacity development needs of the country. We also committed to ensuring that our students are able to make a meaningful contribution through the nature of their research projects. The University’s accredited research outputs have increased steadily since 2008. The top ten national priorities of government continue to form part of the inputs that determine our research agenda. This includes food security, nutrition, health, alternative energy sources, water rehabilitation, enzyme technology, non-destructive testing advanced manufacturing and nanotechnology. Our research focuses on deepening our understanding of underlying phenomena and social conditions so as to generate novel, viable, scalable and sustainable solutions to challenges experienced in industry, local communities and society at large. The University’s approach to research

is multi- and interdisciplinary, allowing our postgraduate students and academics to harness knowledge and technology platforms across the Faculties of Engineering and Technology, Applied and Computer Sciences, Human Sciences, and Management Sciences. The nexus between the Directorate for Technology Transfer and Innovation, Faculties, industry and community has resulted in the establishment of a Science and Technology Park (STP) in Sebokeng. The park houses the Southern Gauteng Innovation Forum, the Advanced Manufacturing Precinct, Centres of Excellence and Training Centres for skills development. The STP operates on economic and business models that support local, regional and international competitiveness. In the pages that follow we highlight the achievements of key research programmes and projects. I would like to congratulate and thank all those who have tirelessly contributed to the work reflected in this publication.


3 Message from the Vice-Chancellor and Principal


Message from the DEPUTY VICE-CHANCELLOR: (Academic and Research)




(ACADEMIC AND RESEARCH) Over the past two years we have seen an increase in both teaching and non-teaching staff who have taken advantage of programmes which have been set up to develop competencies among staff in proposal writing, research methods, data collection and data analysis. Professor KP Dzvimbo



ur strategy to develop a vibrant research culture, improve research productivity and enhance our contribution to knowledge production in the Vaal University of Technology (VUT) and nationally is premised on the view that research within the University is a collective process, which starts with the individual and is then amplified and supported at the departmental and faculty levels. At the institutional level we have continued to ensure that we put in place policies and strategies to develop a culture that reflects a continuous quest for research.

THE ROLE OF THE RESEARCH AND HIGHER DEGREES DIRECTORATE The role of the unit for research and higher degrees is to develop strategies and programmes to support efforts at the micro level – that of the individual academic, department and faculty – to enhance basic and applied research. Its key function is to ensure that researchers are supported financially through an equitable disbursement of funds, in particular from the Research and Development



Grant (RDG). The other role of the unit is to use institutional funds and funding from the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) and other sources to support both emerging and experienced researchers to develop knowledge, skills and competencies to engage in both blues skies and applied research.

There has definitely been a paradigmatic shift from a technikon culture, where colleagues felt that their role was mainly teaching and not engagement in either blue skies research or applied research, to one that has an immediate impact on society and enhances the facilitation of teaching in lecture rooms and laboratories.

Over the past two years we have seen an increase in both teaching and non-teaching staff who have taken advantage of programmes which have been set up to develop competencies among staff in proposal writing, research methods, data collection and data analysis. These institutional efforts have been augmented by short- to medium-term efforts at the departmental and faculty levels to support research activities in the University through funding from the RDG for workshops on research methodologies and the publication of research outputs. We even have a resident mentor – a former Dean of Medicine at one of our sister institutions – to ensure that we assist staff in developing their knowledge, skills and competencies in both quantitative and qualitative research methodologies, including mixed-methods research, on a continuous basis. In addition, the Research and Higher Degrees Directorate also engages the library to set up workshops and special facilities in the library for postdoctoral fellows, postgraduate students and undergraduate students.

Cutting-edge research continues to be conducted in most of our research centres, including:

Message from the DEPUTY VICE-CHANCELLOR: (Academic and Research)

DEVELOPING A RESEARCH CULTURE IN THE VUT We have seen a rise in the number of research projects led by individuals and groups in each of our four faculties. As such, we now have pockets of excellence where academics continue to push epistemological and technological boundaries in their quest for new answers and excellence in research and innovation. Obvious examples of increased research outputs and activities have been seen in the disciplines of marketing, logistics, accounting, human resources, legal studies, entrepreneurship, ecotourism, agriculture, carbon emissions, heat transfer, biotechnology, biomedical technology, computer science, non-destructive testing, traditional medicine, tissue regeneration, alternative energy, chemistry, chemical engineering, electrical engineering, power engineering, metallurgical engineering, and education.

Centre of Sustainable Livelihoods

Centre for Alternative Energy

Centre for Renewable Energy & Water

Plant Molecular genetics/Biotechnology

Materials & Minerals Technology

Technology Transfer & Innovation

In order to ensure that our institution is able to meet the practical needs of commerce, industry and civil society, the VUT Southern Gauteng Science and Technology Park is currently involved in a number of basic and applied research projects. It has established itself as a centre of excellence in a number of areas that have immediate practical use for commerce and industry. Some of these research projects are funded by agencies such as the Department of Science and Technology (DST); the National Research Foundation (NRF); the Technology Innovation Agency (TIA); the Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA); the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC), the Centre for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR); and the Department of Small Business Development (DSBD). As such, the University continues to remain committed to the development of relationships with and between the state, civil society and industry, which has gone beyond the Triple Helix to include four partners. Consequently, basic and applied research is being conducted at the VUT using a multidisciplinary approach which will change the way that we develop research to support teaching, learning and commercialisation, as well as our contributions to the socio-economic and technological development of our society. In the process, we are also using digital technologies to reinvent the way that we organise support and conduct research in the VUT. The number of staff engaged in research activities has increased yearly across all four faculties. Therefore, we should be able to increase our accredited research outputs



Message from the DEPUTY VICE-CHANCELLOR: (Academic and Research)

for 2016. Our chief aim is to focus on increasing the volume of research outputs by ensuring that more academics and support staff are involved in producing accredited research outputs. More training programmes will continue to be mounted locally, while we also support staff to attend national research workshops and international conferences. In doing so, we are striving to increase the number of staff engaged in research projects with greater impact. This is already happening, as we now have centres and pockets of research excellence within the University. We acknowledge that it takes time to produce intellectuals and researchers who are committed to advanced scholar­ ship. In addition to the above initiatives, we have therefore also introduced mentoring programmes for academics to expose them to ways in which they may become researchers and intellectuals of note by learning from established peers.

One way for the University to be known among our peers is to develop at least a journal for each faculty. Such journals would not only serve as vehicles for disseminating ideas, but would also offer an intellectual platform where VUT academics and researchers may engage with their peers nationally, on the continent, and globally.

CONCLUSION A strategic research review workshop will take place in June 2016 to assess our performance during the first half of 2016. We are particularly keen to explore ways in which

POSTGRADUATE EDUCATION AND TRAINING We have also improved our processes for attracting and retaining master’s and doctoral students. Increasing the complement of master’s and doctoral students in each faculty and department by at least 10% is a priority this year. To this end, we will adopt alternative ways of attracting postgraduate students to group and individual projects in our faculties and departments. Academic, departmental and faculty plans will be monitored regularly to ensure compliance. We intend to mount at least two workshops on student supervision before the end of the year to develop supervisors’ knowledge and skills with regard to student supervision, so that we may improve on graduation rates at the master’s and doctoral levels. A similar approach will be adopted for postdoctoral pro­ grammes. We plan to increase the number of postdoctoral students for 2017 by 5% of our 2016 cohort. Aggressive, segmented, and targeted marketing will be required to attract large numbers of postdoctoral fellows. The key will be to provide material and non-material incentives to postdoctoral fellows. Our market segmentation will include local institutions, universities in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) and the rest of the African continent.

“Our academic staff is also strongly encouraged to publish at least one book per faculty. “

we may promote multi-and interdisciplinary research as a means of generating new vistas for disciplined inquiry in each faculty and department. We also want to explore the possibility of enhancing our research collaborations with sister institutions in South Africa, the African continent and the Global South, in particular, before looking to institutions in the Global North. How we may apply, commercialise and disseminate our research activities will be a key topic for discussion as we review our performance and adopt a way forward for enhancing research and innovation in all our faculties, departments, institutes and centres. Our academic staff is also strongly encouraged to publish at least one book per faculty. The June review will be followed by a research and innovation week, planned for October 2016. The occasion will be an opportunity for our staff to showcase their research activities and engage with staff and researchers from other national, continental, and international institutions. Following this contact, they will be strongly encouraged to publish in high-impact journals. To this end, we intend to develop policies to reward individual academics, departments and faculties that publish books and accredited articles in highimpact journals. The strategy has already found expression in the develop­ ment of a policy to support emerging researchers, especially young Black academics, and females in general. This will be one way of ensuring that we increase the number of Black and female academics with doctorates, and that they are mentored to eventually become full professors over a fiveyear period. In the process, we intend to fundamentally transform the research culture within the University by striving for excellence and relevance. We take this view of transformation because, as noted by Brookfield (2000:139), transforming our research culture at the VUT is:


Viewed from this perspective, the transformation and development of a research culture at the VUT requires funding, equipment and material support; and commitment from individuals, departments, faculties, the institution and our public and private partners to develop and nurture a large cohort of Black and female researchers, in particular, over the next five years. And we have to make sure that once we develop these academics, we will retain them by creating an enabling environment where they may empower themselves as researchers and scholars as well as as organic and public intellectuals, both within the VUT and the developmental state in general.

REFERENCE: Brookfield SD. 2000. Transformative learning as ideology critique.” In: J Mezirow & Associates (eds). Learning as Transformation: Critical Perspectives on a Theory in Progress. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.


7 Message from the DEPUTY VICE-CHANCELLOR: (Academic and Research)


Message from the Research Directorate



MESSAGE FROM THE RESEARCH DIRECTORATE The past year saw the University engaging with industry to identify and address problems in that sector. Professor EB Naidoo


he VUT Research Report provides a holistic report of the University’s performance for 2015, with each faculty, centre of excellence and technology station presenting its own report. By measuring research performance, the University is able to identify and allocate financial resources to individuals and centres that will promote the institutional research strategy. The past year saw the University engaging with industry to identify and address problems in that sector. This allowed our researchers to perform meaningful research to help solve industrial or community-related problems. The contributions to the 2015 publication show that there was an increase in the number of active researchers contributing towards accredited DHET journals. We also witnessed an increase in the number of both master’s and doctoral student enrolment. The number of staff members, particularly young Black females (YBF), registering for doctoral studies has also increased. In this respect, the VUT is responding to the National Development Plan (NDP). There was also an increase in the number of staff receiving the NRF and Thuthuka grants, both for research and sabbatical leave. The number of postgraduate students who received free-standing NRF bursaries also swelled.

In this regard, the VUT is once again grateful to the National Research Foundation, the Department of Higher Education and Training, the Department of Science and Technology, the Water Research Commission, Sasol and Eskom, who have partnered and supported our research. The Research Development Grant (RDG) for capacity develop­ ment assisted a number of staff members to complete their studies at master’s and doctoral levels. The funding allowed the Research Directorate to appoint replacement staff and consultants to assist those staff members with funding applications, mentorship, super­ vision and proposal writing. In conclusion, I would further like to thank the faculties, researchers and postgraduate students across the University


for contributing to our research progress and advancement. I am also grateful to the Finance, Procurement and Human Resources Departments for their role in supporting our researchers and postgraduate students by ensuring that they are able to access financial resources and process research materials. My thanks also goes to the Human Resources Department for ensuring that the appointment contracts of our visiting professors, consulting professors and postdoctoral fellows are timeously processed.

Message from the Research Directorate

In addition, the NRF block grant also assisted most of our students.


Lastly, I want to thank the dedicated research staff who, under conditions of understaffing, ensured that our students and researchers received all necessary support to enhance and advance their research.


“The Research Development Grant (RDG) for capacity development assisted a number of staff members to complete their studies at master’s and doctoral levels.”

Message from the Technology Transfer and Innovation Directorate



MESSAGE FROM THE TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER AND INNOVATION DIRECTORATE My first year at the VUT during 2015 has yielded significant results and we have made great strides. Dr J Molete


he year 2015 was a very exciting time for the VUT Science and Technology Park (VUT STP), and also for me. I have a great passion to work with entrepreneurs and ordinary people alike who aim to commercialise their innovations and become better entrepreneurs. Therefore, being based within an academic environment whose mission resonates with this passion is a dream come true. My first year at the VUT during 2015 has yielded significant results and we have made great strides, considering the pace at which things normally happen within a highly bureaucratic institution such as a university. Although the VUT Science Park is a fairly young concept, only initiated in 2012, we are already in the process of making the transition from the Technology and Innovation Directorate (TTI), which was initially tasked with developing the concept (for this reason, most people still refer to the Science Park as the TTI). As the TTI reports to the DVC Academic and Research, we had four PDOs that we were directly responsible for on behalf of the VUT. Our PDO targets for 2015 included raising R44 million; registering twenty-two innovation disclosures; developing two com­ mercially ready products, and developing the strategy and operational model for the Science Park. I am extremely proud to report that we have successfully achieved all our

targets and are already adapting and implementing the strategy that was developed last year.

value of R4 million. We also secured two (PCT) patent applications.

There were many achievements during 2015, but I have specifically selected to report on the following highlights:


We assisted twenty clients to develop product prototypes through the Technology Innovation Agency (TIA)-funded Young Innovation Fund.



Another key achievement was the registration of VUT Enterprise (Pty) Ltd, a legal entity that will serve as the implementing agency of the Science Park. We are currently finalising the necessary governance structures.


In partnership with the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC), we made progress with regard to the establishment of the Traditional Medicine Institute and have registered an entity, Dihlare Pty Ltd, in this regard.


During the past year we hosted more than thirty events to promote the Science Park nationally and internationally. Highlights included hosting the Minister of Science and Technology, Ms Naledi Pandor, to launch the Casting Simulation Network, and the Minister of Small Business, Ms Lindiwe Zulu, who visited us along with the Mayor of Sedibeng, Mr Simon Mofokeng, and his delegation. The delegates were very impressed with the Science Park’s vision and indicated their willingness to support us through all our endeavours. The Science Park successfully hosted a globally con­ nected entrepreneurship workshop named the ‘Start-Up Weekend Sebokeng’ in partnership with the Innovation Hub. This three-day workshop was aimed at up-skilling young business owners and offering them advice and guidance on how to contribute towards the country’s economic growth through job creation.


We also hosted a world-class conference for the South African Technology Network (SATN). Over 400 local and international delegates were in attendance at the Science Park auditoriums. The theme of the conference was ‘Entrepreneurship for Economic Renewal’.


The various events that we hosted allowed the Science Park to strengthen its media relations. Articles in major national publications such as Engineering News and the Mail & Guardian proudly showcased our new developments and entrepreneurship initiatives. Power FM also did a feature on the Science Park during their Entrepreneurship segment.



With regards to infrastructure, we renovated our Conference Centre to transform it into a state-of-theart conference venue. The centre features four large, modern auditoriums and a designated parking area with access close to them, and is equipped with a generator to serve the auditorium in the event of load shedding. We managed to record twenty-two new innovation disclosures and supported researchers who disclosed their innovations in securing seed funding to the

10. We received support from the Department of Small Business Development to establish an Entrepreneurship Centre in Upington. We are currently engaged in discussions with the local government in Upington to roll out this project. 11. The Sasol–VUT entrepreneurship programme graduated twenty-five students who completed their six-month entrepreneurship training. We also launched a pilot programme with Arcelor Mittal to train established entrepreneurs so that they may take up positions within the Arcelor Mittal supply chain. Considering that this is the starting point for the VUT, a brief overview of the Science Park strategy is in order. The vision of the Science Park is to become a leading science and technology park that makes a significant contribution to the wealth and welfare of the people of the southern Gauteng region. The goals of the Science Park are:

to support enterprise and regional industrial development;

to foster research, innovation and technology development;

to drive community impact through partnerships; and

to develop an efficient and financially sustainable organisation.

Although only established in 2012, the Science Park already has a unique value offering, including the following:

11 Message from the Technology Transfer and Innovation Directorate



Message from the Technology Transfer and Innovation Directorate



The VUT owns 172 hectares of land and boasts infrastructure such a conference centre, business parks, office spaces, and training and incubation facilities.

We proudly operate a unique, world-class Advanced Manufacturing Platform with more than R80 million worth of advanced 3D printers to assist entrepreneurs with the development of product prototypes.

Located within the community of Sedibeng, we are surrounded by major industrial partners such as Arcelor Mittal and Sasol. The Science Park is also situated close to major railway lines and enjoys easy access to the main highways.

This is operated through a ring-fenced VUT Enterprise that offers back-office support for enterprises by fulfilling functions such as operational and project management, human resource management, and marketing and strategy development, and

13 Message from the Technology Transfer and Innovation Directorate


providing legal and financial support. The Enterprise is supported by VUT’s academic programmes in engineering, management sciences and applied and computer sciences. The Science Park drives technology platforms for product development and prototyping to complement the research capacity located at the Vanderbijlpark campus. The technology platforms include:

Advanced Manufacturing – The Advanced Manufacturing Programme offers cutting-edge technology in manufacturing, especially in the area of design and additive/digital manufacturing (3D printing). The Advanced Manufacturing Precinct is driven by innovation and engineering, and offers product design and optimisation, right through to the manufacturing of prototypes. The centre works closely with the Steinmuller Training Academy, which

Message from the Technology Transfer and Innovation Directorate



offers training for artisans on welding. The core programme is funded by the Department of Science and Technology (DST) through the TIA Technology Station programme.

The Footwear and Leather Cluster – This cluster aims to revitalise the South African footwear and leather sector by benchmarking the sector and providing training and skills transfer opportunities. It also provides access to raw material, technology and market opportunities. The cluster is funded by the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI).

Agriculture and Agro-processing – The Agricultural and Agro-Processing Programme is a new initiative that aims to establish a holistic and integrated programme that will revitalise agriculture, especially commercial farming in the Vaal, as well as enhance value addition in products. We plan to produce a variety of agriculturally based products, such as natural cosmetics, traditional medicines, indigenous foods and neutraceuticals. This will beneficiate waste to generate energy by linking various components of the integrated agriculture revitalization value chain. Funded projects include the Traditional Medicine Institute, funded by the IDC, to

assist traditional healers to test, validate and formulate their herbal remedies using scientific methods; and the Centre for Sustainable Livelihoods, which works on soya beneficiation projects. Our business model drives impact through the Enterprise Development Centre (EDC), which offers training and incubation, and nurtures entrepreneurs to develop sustainable enterprises. Working with complementary organisations such as the Small Enterprise Development Agency (SEDA), we offer entrepreneurs support with business registration, intellectual property management and fundraising. In 2016 we will focus on mobilising key stakeholders, especially government, to be part of the Science Park and assist us in developing our bulk infrastructure so that we may be ready to host the mega programmes we are working on. The VUT Science Park’s team is currently engaging with various stakeholders to support its R1 billion vision.


“In 2016 we will focus on mobilising key stakeholders, especially government, to be part of the Science Park.”




Presenter and co-presenters: Nwanekah G., Mauchline D., Fumba G. & Serapelo M.

Presenter and co-presenters: Van As B., De Beer D.J., Kombrink J. & Booysen G.

Title of paper: Direct metal laser sintering: Utilising conformal cooling for high-volume production tooling Conference: RAPDASA (Rapid Product Development Association of South Africa) 2015 Place: Pretoria, South Africa Date: 4-6 November 2015 ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-620-66820-0 (e-book)

Presenter and co-presenters: Van Tonder PJM., De Beer D.J. & Pienaar H.C.v.Z. Title of paper: A macro photography method to analyze 3D printing head droplets Conference: SATNAC (Southern Africa Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference) Place: Kogelpark, Western Cape, South Africa Date: September 2015 ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-620-50893-3

Presenter and co-presenters: Pande S., Mauchline D.A. & De Beer D.J. Title of paper: Effect of orientation on tensile strength of parts laser sintered with PA12 powder Conference: International Conference on Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printing Place: Chennai, India Date: February 2015

Presenter and co-presenters: Havenga S., De Beer D.J., Van Tonder P.J.M. & Campbell I. Title of paper: Effectiveness of acetone post-production finishing on entry-level FDM-printed ABS artefacts Conference: RAPDASA 2015 Place: Pretoria, South Africa Date: 4-6 November 2015 ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-620-66820-0 (e-book)

Presenter and co-presenter: Becker L., Van der Merwe H.L. & Molete J.

Title of paper: Impact of the VUT southern Gauteng and technology park on local community and industry Conference: RAPDASA 2015 Place: Pretoria, South Africa Date: 4-6 November 2015 ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-620-66820-0 (e-book)

Title: Additive Manufacturing Workshop Presented to: The Innovation Hub Conference: RAPDASA 2015 Place: Pretoria, South Africa Date: 4 November 2015

Presenter and co-presenter: Mauchline D.A. & De Beer D.J. Title: Additive Manufacturing: Earning its place as one of the most disruptive technologies Presented to: Mangosuthu University of Technology Place: Durban, South Africa Date: 28 September 2015


Researcher: Husiuha M.

Title: Evaluating the effect of junctions and changes encountered while casting thin-walled sections using sand casting process Field: Metallurgical Engineering

Researcher: Van Tonder P.J.M.

Title: Development of 3D inkjet printing heads for high viscosity fluids Field: Electrical Engineering

Researcher: Havenga S.

Title: Customized Finishing techniques on Entry level FDM 3D printed artefacts in visual arts: An explanatory sequential study Field: Fine Arts


Researchers: Havenga S. & Campbell I.

Title of research: Tensile strengths of entry-level printed parts Institution: Higher Education Institution: Loughborough University, Leicestershire, England

Researchers: Havenga S. & Fernandez-Vicente M.

Title of research: Tensile properties of entry-level FFF extrusion material Institution: IDF institute:Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain

15 Message from the Technology Transfer and Innovation Directorate


Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences



FACULTY OF APPLIED AND COMPUTER SCIENCES The research papers that have been published in prestigious proceedings and accredited journals, as well as the number of postgraduate students who graduated, reveal the breadth of the intellectual endeavor of our research staff and students Professor BR Mabuza


he Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences takes pride in the research achievement of its departments, research staff and students. We have done it again! Our strategic research priorities have positioned us to lead the way in the studies of:

Omics (proteomics, transcriptomics and metagenomics);

Biotissue regeneration;

Plant molecular genetics (genetic diversity, gene discovery, agriculture);

Application of mathematics to biological systems;

Determination of cardiovascular risk factors;

Environmental biotechnology;

Food technology;

Waste water remediation;




Traditional medicinal chemistry;

Environmental chemical research;

Computer-based education;

Non-destructive testing;

Heliospherical physics; and

Ontology engineering and semantic web.

The research papers that have been published in prestigious proceedings and accredited journals, as well as the number of postgraduate students who graduated, reveal the breadth of the intellectual endeavor of our research staff and students and demonstrate the fact that our Faculty is now able to contribute to the knowledge economy. The Faculty educates its postgraduate students to explore knowledge


in its entirety, and our research staff and students are brave, adaptive, creative, diverse and innovative.

Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences


A small sample of our research activities during 2015 is included in this Research Report to illustrate the range of scholarship, creativity and innovation within the Faculty. The Faculty looks forward to continued successes and the recognition that our research staff and students so richly deserve.




Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences


Name: Chalwe J.M.

Qualification: MTech (Biotechnology) Title of dissertation/thesis: Assessing the genetic diversity of Alternaria bataticola in South Africa using molecular markers University/Institution: Vaal University of Technology, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa

Name: Grobler C.J.

Qualification: DTech (Biomedical Technology) Title of dissertation/thesis: Impact of Vitamins B12, B6 and Folate Supplementation on Cardiovascular Risk Markers in an Elderly Community of Sharpeville University/Institution: Durban University of Technology, South Africa

Name: More D.S.

Qualification: MTech Title of dissertation/thesis: Synthesis and characterization of silver selenide nanoparticles and incorporation into polymer fibres using electrospinning technique University/Institution: Vaal University of Technology, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa

Name: Morifi E.L.

Qualification: MTech Title of dissertation/thesis: Cobalt and cadmium chalcogenide nanomaterials from complexes on thiourea, urea and their alkyl derivatives: Synthesis and characterization University/Institution: Vaal University of Technology, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa


Presenter and co-presenters: Chalwe J.M., Dukas A. & Grobler C. Title of paper: Association between PCSK9 and metabolic syndrome markers in an elderly community of Sharpeville, South Africa Conference: Medical Laboratory Professionals Congress Place: Port Elizabeth, South Africa Date: 14-17 May 2015

Presenter and co-presenter: Combrink J. & Grobler C.J. Title of paper: Inflammatory status of an elderly Black South African population Conference: Medical Laboratory Professionals Congress Place: Port Elizabeth, South Africa Date: 14-17 May 2015

Presenter and co-presenters: Kupetas A.J.K., Ofomaja A.E., Naidoo E.B. & Viljoen E.L.

Title of paper: Effect of hexamethylene diisocyanate crosslinking on the adsorptive capabilities of pine cone Conference: SACI 2015

Place: Durban, South Africa Date: 29 November – 4 December 2015

Presenter: Lebelo R.S.

Title of paper: Convective and radiative heat loss impact on CO2 emission, O2 depletion and thermal stability in a reactive slab of variable thermal conductivity Conference: WSMEAP2015 (World Symposium on Mechatronics Engineering & Applied Physics) Place: Hotel El Mouradi Club: Port El Kantaoui, Sousse, Tunisia. Date: 11-13 June 2015

Presenter and co-presenters: Mmelesi K.O., Ofomaja A.E. & Viljoen E.L. Title of paper: Adsorption of methylene blue from aqueous solution onto carbon produced from pine cone. Conference: SACI 2015 Place: Durban, South Africa Date: 29 November – 4 December 2015

Presenter: Moloto M.J.

Title of paper: Cadmium selenide nanoparticles: Their synthesis, properties and incorporation into polymer fibers Conference: 17th SACI Inorganic Conference Place: Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa Date: 28 June – 2 July 2015

Presenter: Moloto M.J.

Title of paper: Metal and semiconductor nanoparticles and their polymer fibres Conference: Nano Today Conference Place: Dubai, United Arab Emirates Date: 6-10 December 2015

Presenter: Moloto M.J.

Title of paper: Metal chalcogenide nanoparticles, thin film deposition and the polymer fibres Conference: 7th Advanced Materials and Nano (AMN-7) Place: Nelson, New Zealand Date: 8 -11 February 2015

Presenter: Moloto M.J.

Title of paper: Metal chalcogenide semiconductor nanoparticles, thin films and their polymer fibres Conference: SACI 2015 Place: Durban, South Africa Date: 29 November – 4 December 2015

Presenter: Okosun K.O.

Title of paper: On the co-infection of malaria and schistosomiasis Conference: AMMCS–CAIMS 2015 Place: Waterloo, Canada Date: 6-12 June 2015

Presenter and co-presenters: Pakade V.E., Nchoe O.B. & Hlungwane L. Title of paper: Sequestration of hexavalent chromium from aqueous solutions by activated carbon derived from Macadamia nutshells Conference: 42nd SACI convention

Presenter and co-presenters: Pholosi A., Ofomaja A.E. & Naidoo E.B.

Title of paper: Pine cone iron magnetic nanoparticle composite: An effective biomaterial composite for Cr(VI) removal from aqueous solution Conference: Fourth International Conference on Multifunctional, Hybrid and Nanomaterials Place: Sitges, Spain Date: 8-13 March 2015

Presenter and co-presenters: Pholosi A., Ofomaja A.E., Naidoo E.B.

Title of paper: Novel magnetite-biomass composite for Cr(VI) adsorption: Kinetics studies Conference: 42nd South African Chemical Institute (SACI) Convention 2015 Place: Durban, South Africa Date: 29 November – 4 December 2015

Presenter and co-presenters: Pholosi A., Ofomaja A.E., Naidoo E.B. Title of paper: Overcoming kinetic limitations of Cr(VI) adsorption onto biosorbents: Biomass-magnetite bionanocomposite Conference: 2015 AIChE Spring Meeting and 11th Global Congress on Process Safety (GCPS) Place: Austin, Texas, USA Date: 26-30 April 2015


Presenter and co-presenters: Pinkoane M.G., Mtunzi F.M. & Phondo M.M.

Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences

Place: Durban, South Africa Date: 29 November – 4 December 2015


Title of paper: The use of traditional medicine in the improvement of the health status of patients Conference: CARITAS Conference Place: UNISA, Pretoria, South Africa Date: August 2015

Presenter: Dukas, A. & Grobler C.J.

Title of paper: An evaluation of PCSK9 levels and an extended lipid profile in an elderly Black community in South Africa Conference: Medical Laboratory Professionals Congress Place: Port Elizabeth, South Africa Date: 14-17 May 2015

Presenter: Pule (Dube) P.B. & Grobler C.J.

Title of paper: Evaluating folate, holotranscobalamin and vitamin B12 status in an elderly Black community in Sharpeville Conference: Medical Laboratory Professionals Congress Place: Port Elizabeth, South Africa Date: 14-17 May 2015

Presenter and co-presenters: Sanni S.O., Ofomaja A.E. & Viljoen E.L. Title of paper: Methylene blue adsorption by KOH-treated activated carbon produced via microwave synthesis Conference: SACI 2015 Place: Durban, South Africa Date: 29 November – 4 December 2015



Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences

Presenter: Sehume O.M.M.

Title of paper: Attitudes and willingness of nursing students towards caring for patients infected with HIV in South Africa Conference: International Conference on Health Science Education, Leadership and Practice Place: Boksburg, South Africa Date: 15-17 April 2015

Presenter and co-presenter: Tagne Wambo J.R. & Grobler C.J.

Title of paper: Evaluating the homeostatic markers in an elderly Black community in South Africa Conference: Medical Laboratory Professional Congress Place: Port Elizabeth, South Africa Date: 14-17 May 2015

Presenter: Takaidza S.

Title of paper: Biological activities of species in the genus Tulbaghia: A review Conference: 17th International Conference on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (ICMAP) 2015 Place: Penang, Malaysia Date: 3-4 December 2015

Presenter and co-presenters: Takaidza S., Pillay M. & Mtunzi F. Title of Paper: Biological activities of species in the genus Tulbaghia: A review Conference: ICMAP 2015 Place: Penang, Malaysia Date: 3-4 December 2015

Presenter and co-presenters: Thabede M.P., Viljoen E.L. & Moloto M.J. Title of paper: Preparation of Co3O4 nano-cubes and nano-spheres. Conference: SACI 2015 Place: Durban, South Africa Date: 29 November – 4 December 2015

Presenter and co-presenters: Thabede M.P., Viljoen E.L. & Moloto M.J.

Title of paper: The effect of acetate ions during the preparation of Co3O4 nano-cubes and nano-spheres Conference: SACI 2015 Place: Grahamstown, South Africa Date: 28 June – 2 July 2015

Presenter: Masilo,J.

Title of paper: The evaluation of whole blood cytokine assay for diagnosis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection in South African children with household tuberculosis contact Conference: Medical Laboratory Professionals Congress Place: Port Elizabeth, South Africa Date: 14-17 May 2015


Title: Education and training of traditional healers in the use of biomedical equipment

Presented to: Traditional healers of the Vaal Sedibeng region Place: Science and Technology Park, Vaal University of Technology, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa Date: 11 -20 November 2015

Presenter: Nolting V.

Title: UNISA Department of Physics Seminar Presented to: Departmental staff Place: UNISA, Florida Campus, Pretoria, South Africa Date: 29 July 2015

Presenter: Pinkoane M.G.

Title: Education and training of traditional healers in the use of biomedical equipment Presented to: Traditional healers of the Vaal Sedibeng region Place: Science and Technology Park, Vaal University of Technology, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa Date: 11-20 November 2015


Author and co-authors: Chihomvu P., Stegmann P. & Pillay M.

Title: Characterization and structural prediction of partial-length protein sequences of pcoA, pcoR and chrB genes from heavy metal resistant bacteria from the Klip River, South Africa Journal: International Journal of Molecular Sciences Volume: 16 Issue: 4 Page numbers: 7352-7374 ISSN: 1661-6596

Author and co-author: Daramola M. & Okosun K.O.

Title: Mathematical modelling of modified atmosphere packaging (MAP): A case study of the transport of fresh broccoli to final consumers Journal: International Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Optimization Volume: 6 Issue: 3 Page numbers: 250-264 ISSN: 2040-3615

Author and co-authors: Kemeakegha A.J., Abia A.A., Dikio E.D., Bahadur I., Ebenso E.E.

Title: Volumetric studies of binary mixtures of ethylacetoacetate with some (C4 – C9) aliphatic ketones at 298.15K Journal: Journal of Molecular Liquids Volume: 216 Page numbers: 641-645 ISSN: 0167 – 7322

Author and co-author: Lebelo R.S. & Makinde O.D.

Title: Modelling the impact of radiative heat loss on CO2 emission, O2 depletion and thermal stability in a reactive slab Journal: IJST, Transactions of Mechanical Engineering

Volume: 39 Issue: M2 Page numbers: 351-365 ISSN: 2228-6187

Author and co-author: Lebelo R.S. & Makinde O.D.

Title: Numerical investigation of CO2 emission and thermal stability of a convective and radiative stockpile of reactive material in a cylindrical pipe Journal: Advances in Mechanical Engineering Volume: 7 Issue: 12 Page numbers: 1-11 ISSN: 1687-8132

Author and co-authors: Naser A., Dilbo C. & Pillay M.

Title: Understanding reaction of potato (Solanum tuberosum) to Ralstonia solanacearum and relationship of wilt incidence to latent infection Journal: Journal of Phytopathology Volume: 163 Page numbers: 444-455 ISSN: 1439-0434

Author and co-authors: Ofomaja A.E., Pholosi A. & Naidoo E.B.

Title: Application of raw and modified pine biomass material for cesium removal from aqueous solution Journal: Ecological Engineering Volume: 82 Issue: 2015 Page numbers: 258-266 ISSN: 0925-8574

Author and co-authors: Ssemakalu C., Ubomba-Jaswa E., Motaung K.S. & Pillay M.

Title: The effect of solar irradiated Vibrio cholera on the secretion of pro-inflamatory cytokines and chemokines by the JAWs II dendritic cell line in vitro Journal: Plos One Volume: 10 Issue: 6 Page numbers: n/a ISSN: 1932-6203

Author and co-authors: Shooto N.D., Ayawei N.,Wankasi D., Sikhwivhilu L., Dikio E.D.

Title: A study of cobalt metal organic framework material as adsorbent for lead ion removal in aqueous solution Journal: Asian Journal of Chemistry Volume: 28 Issue: 2 Page numbers: 277-281 ISSN: 0970-7077

Author and co-authors: Takaidza S., Pillay M. & Mtunzi F.M. Title: Biological activities of species in the genus Tulbaghia: A review Journal: African Journal of Biotechnology Volume: 14 Issue: 45

Page numbers: 3037-3043 ISSN: 1684-5315

Author and co-authors: Unuabonah E.I., Adedapo A.O., Nnamdi C.O., Adewuyi A., Omorogie M., Adebowale K.O., Olu-Owolabi B.I., Ofomaja A.E. & Taubert A.

Title: Successful scale-up performance of a novel papaya-clay combo adsorbent: Up-flow adsorption of a basic dye Journal: Desalination and Water Treatment Volume: 52 Issue: 2015 Page numbers: 536-551 ISSN: 1944-3994


Researcher(s): Chalwe J.M. & Grobler C.

Title: Impact of soya bean on the hormonal status and biochemical markers of cardiovascular disease in women from a rural Zambian community Field: Biotechnology

Researcher(s): Grobler C.J.

Title: Evaluation of the cardiovascular risk factors in Black South African elderlies Field: Biomedical Technology

Researcher(s): Masangane T.J. & Moloto M.J.

Title: Synthesis and characterization of metal (Cd and Ni) chalcogenide nanoparticles using dichalcogenide (S, O and Se) metal complexes Field: Chemistry & Nanotechnology

Researcher(s): Mofokeng T.P. & Moloto M.J.

Title: Lactose, alanine and aspartic acid-capped CuS, ZnS and FeS nanoparticles: Synthesis, characterization and properties Field: Chemistry & Nanotechnology

Researcher(s): Mokgope H. (PhD)

Title: Investigating the efficacy of a moving bed biofilm reactor for the biodegradation of antiretrovirals in South African water systems Field: Environmental & Molecular Biotechnology

Researcher(s): Mokubung K.E. & Moloto M.J.

Title: Amino acid-capped metal selenide nanoparticles: Their synthesis, characterisation, optical and magnetic properties Field: Chemistry & Nanotechnology

Researcher(s): Molete P.A. & Moloto M.J.

Title: Polymer intercalation of chemical bath-deposited iron sulphide and nickel sulphide thin films Field: Chemistry & Nanotechnology

Researcher(s): More D.S. & Moloto M.J.

Title: Fabrication of polymeric composite nanofiber material and their antibacterial activity for effective wound healing Field: Chemistry & Nanotechnology

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Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences

Researcher(s): Nolting V.

Researcher(s): Sibokoza S.B. & Moloto M.J.

Researcher(s): Pholosi A.

Researcher(s): Tagne Wambo J.R.

Title: (i) Ferromagnetism in magnetic 4f-systems; and (ii) The physics of eddy currents Field: Solid-State Physics Title: Synthesis, characterization and application of a novel biosorbent nanomaterial based on pine cone and magnetic nanoparticles cross-linked to cyclodextrin using epichlorohydrin and hexamethylene diisocyanate Field: Chemistry

Researcher(s): Pinkoane M.G. & Mtunzi F.M.

Title: Evaluation of the immune stimulating effects of Hlongohlongo, Sehlolamanye, Hlwenya, Phate ya ngaka and Mavumbuka Field: Health Sciences & Chemistry

Researcher(s): Dukas A.

Title: An evaluation of PCSK9 levels and an extended lipid profile in an elderly Black community in South Africa Field: Biosciences

Researcher(s): Sehume O.M.M.

Title: Enhancing the quality of work life among female health care workers in the Tshwane healthcare district public hospitals, Gauteng Province Field: Nursing (Occupational Health)

Researcher(s): Selepe D.H.

Title: Perceptions of HIV-positive 50 years and older patients regarding comprehensiveness of services rendered at Sebokeng Hospital, Gauteng Province, South Africa Field: Public Health

Title: Synthesis and properties of metal oxide and selenide nanocomposites from superabsorbent polymers Field: Chemistry & Nanotechnology Title: Evaluating the correlation between R353Q polymorphism and homeostatic markers in a Black elderly community Field: Biomedical Technology

Researcher(s): Takaidza S.

Title: Phytochemical analysis and biological activities of crude extracts from selected Tulbaghia species Field: Biotechnology

Researcher(s): Valentine J.

Title: Correlating the prevalence of C174G polymorphism with IL-6, TNF-α and HS-CRP in an elderly Black South African population Field: Health Sciences

Researcher(s): Viljoen E.L.

Title: Heterogeneous catalysis for cleaning polluted water, Fisher-Tropsch synthesis and biodiesel production Field: Chemistry

Researcher(s): Xaba T. & Moloto M.J.

Title: Synthesis and characterization of metal and metal-sulfide polymer anocomposites and studies of their application in water treatment Field: Chemistry & Nanotechnology

Researcher(s): Xelwa N. (MTech)

Title: Comparing the effect of coated vs non-coated urea fertilizers on total nitrogen loss and soil microbial profiles Field: Environmental & Molecular Biotechnology

Researcher(s): Yende T. (MTech)

Title: The effect of glyphosate on soil microbial communities and the consequent effect on topically applied nitrogen fertilizers Field: Environmental and molecular biotechnology

Researcher(s): Pule, P.B. (MTech)

Title: Prevalence of MTHFR C677T Polymorphism in Correlation With Homocysteine Metabolic Markers In A Black Elderly Community, In Sharpeville Field: Biotechnology

Researcher(s): Masilo, J. (MTech)

Title: The evaluation of whole blood cytokine assay for diagnosis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection in South African children with household tuberculosis contact Field: Biotechnology


Researcher: Beckerling A.B.

Title: The effect of glyphosate on soil microbial communities and the consequent effect on topically applied nitrogen fertilizers Field: Environmental & Molecular Biotechnology

Researcher: Beckerling A.B.

Title: Comparing the effect of coated vs non-coated urea fertilizers on total nitrogen loss and soil microbial profiles Field: Environmental & Molecular Biotechnology

Higher education institution or company: University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa Field: Chemistry


Researcher(s): Dikio E.D., Osikoya A.O. & Tiwari A.

Title: Electrobiocatalytic activity of acetylene sourced CVDsynthesized graphene bioelectrodes Higher education institution: University of Linköping, Sweden

Researcher(s): O’Brien P.

Title: Nanomaterials synthesis and applications Higher education institution: University of Manchester, United Kingdom

Researcher(s): Unuabonah E.

Title: Water and waste water treatment technology Higher education institution: Redeemer’s University, Ede, Nigeria

Researcher(s): Adebajo C.A.

Title: Anti-oxidant activity of the leaves of Eugenia Flora plant in the treatment of diabetis mellitus Higher education institution: Obafemi Awolowo University, Ife, Nigeria

Researcher(s): Okosun K.O. & Smith R.

Title: Optimal control analysis of malaria-schistosomiasis coinfection dynamics Higher education institution: Ottawa University, Canada


Researcher(s): Gcaleni N.

Title: Standardization of traditional medicines from Emfuleni/ Sedibeng traditional healers: Compliance for application Higher education institution or company: Durban University of Technology, South Africa Field: Education

Researcher(s): Bout W., Viljoen E.L., Van Steen E. & Ofomaja A.E.

Title: Preparation, development and application of ironsupported catalyst from pine cone waste Higher education institution or company: University of Cape Town, South Africa Field: Chemistry

Researcher(s): Maremeni L., Viljoen E.L., Van Steen E., Ofomaja A.E., Zeelie B.N.

Title: Iron supported on an algae-pine cone composite catalyst for the Fenton reaction Higher education institution or company: Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, Port Elizabeth, South Africa Field: Chemistry

Researcher(s): Moloto N.

Title: Quantum dots for solar applications


Researcher(s): Pinkoane M.G.

Title: Establishment of traditional medicine and traditional knowledge platform at VUT Industry: Industrial Development Cooperation (IDC), Johannesburg, South Africa

Researcher(s): Shooto N.D., Ayawei N., Wankasi D., Sikhwivhilu L., Dikio E.D.

Title: A study of cobalt metal organic framework material as adsorbent for lead ions removal in aqueous solution Industry: Mintek, South Africa

Researcher(s): Shumbula P.M.

Title: Non-spherical shaped metal chalcogenide particles and their biomedical applications Industry: Department of Science and Technology(DST)/Mintek Nanotechnology Innovation Centre, South Africa

23 Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences


Faculty of Engineering and Technology



FACULTY OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY The Faculty successfully applied for permission to offer both traditional master’s and doctoral degrees as well as MTech and DTech qualifications in most of our engineering disciplines. Prof M Ndege


t the request of the departments, the Faculty of Engineering and Technology instituted a number or Departmental Research and Innovation Committees (DRICs) during 2015 to strengthen research and innovation at the departmental level. As part of this initiative, the Faculty plans to equip departments to have more say in their research plans and the use of resources allocated to them. It is a difficult task that will initially pose some challenges, but which should boost departmental and faculty research outputs in the long run. The DRICs should put more resources at the disposal of the Faculty Research and Innovation Committee (FRIC) and enable it to plan and strategise the Faculty’s bigger research initiatives. The FRIC did a fantastic job this past year. However, there is always room for improvement, especially in terms of fast-tracking the approval of postgraduate research proposals – say within a month from when a student registers for a higher qualification. Our postgraduate output for 2015 were eleven master’s qualifications, which is more or less the same number as in 2014. The Department of Higher Education and Training’s (DHET) accredited research outputs dropped from 12.17 units in 2014 to 11.27 units in 2015. The main reason for this



downward trend was a lack of space and resources to boost our postgraduate numbers. Although resources have been made available for the building of a postgraduate commons, the project failed to come to completion over the past three years and could unfortunately not be completed during 2015 either, due to circumstances beyond our control. Upon completion, the commons will house sixty postgraduate students, a number that will greatly boost the research output of our young Faculty.

our postgraduate numbers. Each of these qualifications serves specific fields, and all are equally valuable to our develop­ment as a nation.

Faculty of Engineering and Technology


We have continued to strengthen and expand our industrial, regional and international collaborations and partnerships, and expect these ventures to bear fruit within the near future, not only giving the Faculty wider exposure and publicity, but also adding much needed third-stream income.


During 2015 the Faculty maintained the same research areas and centres of excellence as in 2014. The Centre for Alternative Energy (CAE) and Centre of Renewable Energy and Water (CREW) contributed significantly to our research output, with a large number of our postgraduate students working there. Our thanks go to the directors of these two centres, Prof C Pienaar and Prof Aoyi Ochieng, for their leadership and scholarship.

It is important to note that all our engineering programmes have been fully accredited by the Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA), which means that they are inter­ nationally recognised as well. Freed from further consider­ ation in this regard for the next four years, the Faculty will now have more time to focus on research.

Prof M Ndege The staffing complement was enhanced during 2015, with slightly more staff, particularly women, completing master’s degrees. However, we still lack a critical pool of experienced senior staff members with doctorates to supervise postgraduate students; and the few that we do have bear a heavy teaching burden, leaving them with limited time to drive research. If we want to grow in this area, we need to release our professors from teaching to allow them to do more research. Although the Faculty has co-supervision arrangements with staff from other higher education institutions and industry, we need more staff members with doctorates within our ranks to ensure stability and sustainability. The Faculty should therefore not only support more of our staff to complete doctorates, but also find ways to retain these individuals once they have done so. The Faculty successfully applied for permission to offer both traditional master’s and doctoral degrees as well as MTech and DTech qualifications in most of our engineering disciplines. This is a great breakthrough that should boost



Name: Baloyi, S.J.

Qualification: MTech (Chemical Engineering) Title of dissertation/thesis: Photocatalytic treatment of industrial waste water containing citric acids and toxic heavy metals University/Institution: Vaal University of Technology, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa

Name: Benga Ebouele B.B.

Qualification: MTech (Industrial Engineering) Title of dissertation/thesis: Optimizing inventory – Ordering policies in supply chain management: A case study on a selected company from the Vaal region University/Institution: Vaal University of Technology, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa



Faculty of Engineering and Technology

Name: Dube G.M.

Qualification: MTech (Chemical Engineering) Title of dissertation/thesis: Enhancement of sorbent properties in flue gas desulphurization using siliceous material and hydrating agents University/Institution: Vaal University of Technology, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa

Name: Koech L.K.

Qualification: MTech (Chemical Engineering) Title of dissertation/thesis: The dissolution of limestone, coal fly ash and bottom ash in wet gas desulphurization University/Institution: Vaal University of Technology, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa

Name: Olivier A.A.

Qualification: MTech (Mechanical Engineering) Title of dissertation/thesis: Mechanical shock values applied in condition monitoring of bearings operating under variable speed and load conditions University/Institution: Vaal University of Technology, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa

Name: Ondari J.M.

Qualification: MTech (Civil Engineering) Title of dissertation/thesis: Anaerobic co-digestion of abattoir and textile industry waste water University/Institution: Vaal University of Technology, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa

Name: Ozemoya A.O.

Qualification: MTech (Electrical Engineering) Title of dissertation/thesis: Controlling a photovoltaic module’s surface temperature to ensure high conversion efficiency University/Institution: Vaal University of Technology, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa

Name: Pete K.Y.

Qualification: MTech (Chemical Engineering) Title of dissertation/thesis: Photocatalytic degradation of dyes and pesticides in presence of ions University/Institution: Vaal University of Technology, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa

Name: Seadira T.W.P.

Qualification: MTech (Chemical Engineering) Title of dissertation/thesis: Treatment of acid mine drainage using constructed wetland and UV/TiO2 photo catalysis University/Institution: Vaal University of Technology, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa

Name: Selaule V.E.

Qualification: MTech (Electrical Engineering) Title of dissertation/thesis: Controlling a photovoltaic module’s surface temperature to ensure high conversion efficiency University/Institution: Vaal University of Technology, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa

Name: Ramuhaheli S.

Qualification: MTech (Mechanical Engineering)

Title of dissertation/thesis: Evaluation of the effects of purification methods on engine performance emissions characteristics University/Institution: Vaal University of Technology, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa


Presenter and co-presenters: Akach J., Onyango M.S. & Ochieng A.

Title of paper: Solar photo catalysis and adsorption of the antibiotic sulfamethoxazole in waste water Conference: 5th International Conference on Computer, Electrical, Electronics and Biomedical Engineering (ICCEEBE’2015) Place: Bali, Indonesia Date: 16-17 August 2015

Presenter and co-presenters: Akinwunmi A.F., Pienaar H.C.v.Z. & Bekker J.

Title of paper: Increasing the efficiency of small 200 W PEM fuel cells Conference: Southern Africa Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference (SATNAC) 2015: ‘Africa – The Future Communications Galaxy’ Place: Arabella Hotel & Spa, Western Cape, South Africa Date: 6-9 September 2015

Presenter and co-presenters: Benton O., Naidoo B. & Ochieng A.

Title of paper: Adsorption and photo degradation of molasses waste water using TiO2-ZnO nanocomposite supported on activated carbon Conference: 4th Regional South African Young Water Professionals Conference and 1st African Young Water Professionals Conference (4th YWP-ZA Biennial and 1st African YWP Conference) Place: Pretoria, South Africa Date: 16-18 November 2015

Presenter and co-presenters: Broom T.J., Onyago M.S. & Ochieng A. Title of paper: Photo catalytic activity of polyaniline/TiO2/ZnO composite for degradation of aromatic compounds in abattoir waste water Conference: 7th International Conference on Climate: Impacts and Response Place: Vancouver, Canada Date: 10-11 April 2015

Presenter and co-presenters: Chinyama A., Snyman J., Ochieng G.M. & Nhapi I.

Title of paper: Bathymetry generation for the Vaal Dam, South Africa Conference: 5th International Conference on Environmental Science and Information Application Technology (ESIAT) 2014 Place: Hong Kong, China Date: 7-8 November 2015

Presenter and co-presenters: Fuyana H., Ochieng G.M. & Snyman J.

Presenter and co-presenter: Le Roux B.J. & Walker J.J.

Presenter and co-presenter: Jansen Van Rensburg N. & Pienaar H.C.v.Z.

Presenter and co-presenter: Le Roux B.J. & Walker J.J.

Presenter and co-presenter: Joubert T. & Walker J.J.

Presenter and co-presenters: Malise L., Modiba E., Rutto H. & Seodigeng T.

Title of paper: Water infrastructure management in South Africa: The case of Harding Town Conference: 16th WaterNet/WAFSA/GWP-SA Symposium Place: Port Louis, Mauritius Date: 28-30 October 2015

Title of paper: Simulation of a solar/hydrogen system using Simulink Conference: SATNAC 2015: ‘Africa: The Future Communications Galaxy’ Place: Arabella Hotel & Spa, Western Cape, South Africa Date: 6-9 September 2015

Title of paper: Influence of heat-shrink joints and terminations on Tan delta values of a medium voltage cable installation at very low frequencies Conference: JiCable ’15 Conference Place: Versailles, France Date: 21-25 June 2015

Presenter and co-presenters: Kyere I.K., Walker J.J. & Nicolae D.V.

Title of paper: Partial discharge analysis in power cables using 3D phase-resolved patterns Conference: 23rd Southern African Universities Power Engineering Conference (SAUPEC) Place: University of Johannesburg, South Africa Date: 28-30 January 2015

Title of paper: Correlation between IEC 60853 and FE simulations for transient ratings of buried cables Conference: 23rd Southern African Universities Power Engineering Conference (SAUPEC) Place: University of Johannesburg, South Africa Date: 28-30 January 2015

Title of paper: Comparison of Quick field simulation of three single core XLPE cables in flat formation with complex loading between not taking drying out and taking drying out of soil into account Conference: JiCable ’15 Conference Place: Versailles, France Date: 21-25 June 2015

Title of paper: Adsorption of lead (Ii) and copper (Ii) ions onto marula nuts-activated carbon Conference: International Conference on Energy, Environmental and Chemical Engineering Place: Dubai, United Arab Emirates Date: 24-25 November 2015

Presenter and co-presenters: Manono M.S., Thubakgale C.K. & Ramakokovhu M.M. Title of paper: Investigating the froth flotation of a copper converter slag using xanthate collectors Conference: SAIMM Mineral Processing 2015 Conference Place: South Africa Date: 2015

All our engineering programmes have been fully accredited by the Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA), which means that they are internationally recognised as well.”

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Faculty of Engineering and Technology


Presenter and co-presenter: Maraka M. & Ochieng G.M.

Title of paper: Optimised on-site sanitation system selection for informal settlements: A case of the City of Johannesburg Conference: 16th WaterNet/WAFSA/GWP-SA Symposium Place: Port Louis, Mauritius Date: 28-30 October 2015

Presenter and co-presenters: Matheri A.N., Belaid M., Seodigeng T. & Ngila C.J.

Title of paper: The kinetics of biogas rate from cow dung and grass clippings Conference: 7th IIENG International Conference of Latest Trends in Engineering and Technology (ICLTET’2015) Place: Pretoria, South Africa Date: November 2015

Presenter and co-presenters: Matheri A.N., Belaid M., Seodigeng T. & Ngila C.J.

Title of paper: The kinetics of biogas production rate from cattle manure and grass in batch mode Conference: 2th CPSYG Conference for Planning Students and Young Graduate (CPSYG’2015) Place: University of Johannesburg, Auckland Park Kingsway Campus, South Africa Date: October 2015

Presenter and co-presenters: Moja M.G., Otunniyi I.O. & Ngobeni W.A. Title of paper: Evaluation of blended collectors for efficient recovery of PGMs from a Western Bushveld UG2 ore deposit by froth flotation Conference: Flotation 2015 Mineral Engineering International Conference Place: Cape Town, South Africa Date: 16-19 November 2015

Presenter and co-presenters: Molebiemang G.M., Adeleke A.A. & Otunniyi I.O.

Title of paper: Optimization of reagents for the flotation of Kumba Iron Ore’s Sishen mine slimes Conference: Flotation 2015 Mineral Engineering International Conference Place: Cape Town, South Africa Date: 16-19 November 2015

Presenter and co-presenters: Mushila C.N., Ochieng G.M., Otieno F.A.O., Shitote S.M. & Sitters C.W.

Title of paper: Performance of horizontal-flow roughing filter units (HRF) under varied raw water conditions in Kenya Conference: 16th WaterNet/WAFSA/GWP-SA Symposium Place: Port Louis, Mauritius Date: 28-30 October 2015

Presenter and co-presenter: Mwashita W. & Odhiambo M.O.

Title of paper: A survey of base station sleeping technology for green cellular networks Conference: The 2015 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing (WORLDCOMP) 2015 Place: Las Vegas, Nevada, USA Date: 27-30 July 2015

Presenter and co-presenters: Nturanabo F., Masu L.M. & Govender G. Title of paper: Aluminium metal matrix composites for application in the automotive industry Conference: 7th Light Metals Technology Conference 2015 Place: Port Elizabeth, South Africa Date: 27-29 July 2015

Presenter and co-presenters: Nturanabo F., Masu L.M., Govender G. & Byamugisha G.

Title of paper: Utilization of metal matrix composites in automotive light-weighting for fuel economy and CO2 emissions reduction Conference: International Conference on Energy, Environment and Climate Change (ICEECC) 2015 Place: Port Louis, Mauritius Date: 8-9 July 2015

Presenter and co-presenters: Onyango F., Salim R.W., Ndege M.M. & Masu L.M.

Title of paper: Effect of rubber tyre and plastic wastes use in asphalt concrete pavement Conference: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET) International Conference on Civil and Construction Engineering (ICCCE) 2015 Place: Cape Town, South Africa Date: 5-6 November 2015

Presenter and co-presenters: Otunniyi I.O., Oloruntoba D.T. & Seidu S.O.

Title of paper: Collapse of a telecommunication tower in a public institution: Nature’s appeal for quality infrastructure via professional involvement Conference: Sunshine 2015: National Engineering Conference and Annual General Meeting of the Nigerian Society of Engineers Place: Akure, Nigeria Date: 16-20 November 2015

Presenter and co-presenters: Schoeman R.M. & Pienaar H.C.v.Z.

Title of paper: Service interruption prediction model for fuel cell power plants Conference: SATNAC 2015 Place: Arabella Hotel & Spa, Western Cape, South Africa Date: 6-9 September 2015

Presenter and co-presenters: Selaule V.E., Schoeman R.M. & H.C.V.Z. Pienaar

Title of paper: An algorithm for alternative energy e-learning centres

Conference: SATNAC 2015 Place: Arabella Hotel & Spa, Western Cape, South Africa Date: 6-9 September 2015

Presenter and co-presenter: Seodigeng T. & Rutto H.

Title of paper: Kinetic modelling study and scale-up of biogas generation using garden grass and cattle dung as feedstock Conference: International Conference on Energy, Environmental and Chemical Engineering Place: Dubai, United Arab Emirates Date: 23-24 October 2015

Presenter and co-presenters: Sob P.B., Alugongo A. & Tengen T.B.

Title of paper: The effect of deformation activation volume, strain rate sensitivity and processing temperature on grain size variant Conference: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET) International Conference on Civil and Construction Engineering (ICCCE) 2015 Place: Cape Town, South Africa Date: 5-6 November 2015

Presenter and co-presenters: Sob P.B., Alugongo A. & Tengen T.B.

Title of paper: Service interruption prediction model for fuel cell power plants Conference: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET) International Conference on Civil and Construction Engineering (ICCCE) 2015 Place: Cape Town, South Africa Date: 5-6 November 2015

Presenter and co-presenter: Theko E.M. & Gatsheni B.

Title of paper: Intelligent highway vehicle traffic flow monitoring and control system Conference: World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing (WORLDCOMP) 2015 Place: Las Vegas, Nevada, USA Date: 27-30 July 2015

Presenter and co-presenters: Van Tonder P.J.M., Pienaar H.C.V.Z. & De Beer D.J.

Title of paper: A macro photography method to analyse 3D printing head droplets Conference: SATNAC 2015 Place: Arabella Hotel & Spa, Western Cape, South Africa Date: 6-9 September 2015

Presenter and co-presenters: Xavier T., Tengen T.B. & Alugongo A. Title of paper: Time-frequency modelling and analysis of faulty rotor Conference: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET) International Conference on Civil and Construction Engineering (ICCCE) 2015 Place: Cape Town, South Africa Date: 5-6 November 2015

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Faculty of Engineering and Technology

Presenter and co-presenters: Xavier T., Masu L.M. & Alugongo A.

Title of paper: A Fault Analysis Cracked-Rotor-to-Stator Rub and Unbalance by Vibration Analysis Technique Conference: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET) Place: Thailand Date: 17-18 December 2015

Presenter and co-presenter: Bolarinwa Gabriel Oladeji, Aniki Abimbola Olorunsogo, Aduloju Sunday, Christopher Title of paper: Investigation of compressive strength of concrete from cement and iron-ore tailings mixture Conference: Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology


Author and co-authors: Baloyi J., Seadira T., Raphulu M., Ochieng A. Title: Preparation, characterization and growth mechanism of dandelion-like TuiO2 nanostructures and their application in photo catalysis towards reduction of Cr(VI), materials Journal: Materials Today Volume: 37 Issue: 5 ISSN: 3973-3987

Author and co-authors: Dube G., Rutto H.L., Everson R. & Neomagus H. Title: Preparation of bagasse Ash/MgO/Ammonium acetate sorbent properties and modelling their desulphurization reaction Journal: Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy Volume: 34 Issue: 1 ISSN: 1944-7442

Author and co-author: Igberase E. & Osifo P.

Title: Equilibrium, kinetic, thermodynamic and desorption studies of cadmium and lead by polyaniline grafted, cross-linked chitosan beads from aqueous Journal: Journal of the Chemical Society of Pakistan Volume: 26 Page numbers: 340-347

Volume: 21 Issue: 2 ISSN: 2217-7434

Author and co-authors: Koech L., Rutto H.L., Neomagus H., Everson R. & Lerotholi L.

Title: Effect of fly ash as an additive on the limestone dissolution rate constant Journal: Energy & Fuels Volume: 29 Issue: 5 ISSN: 1520-5029

Author and co-authors: Mankge T.M.C., Adeleke A.A. & Mendonidis P. Title: Optimization of chromite recovery from cyclone-spiral circuit concentration of a UG2 ore Journal: Journal of Engineering Research Volume: 20 Issue: 1 Page numbers: 41-49

Author and co-author: Maringa M. & Masu L.M.

Title: Matrix and fibre stress and strain magnification using strain energy equivalence and the Halpin-Tsai equations Journal: Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites Volume: 34 Issue: 13 Page numbers: 1059-1074 DOI: 10.1177/0731684415587730

Author and co-authors: Masereka E.M., Otieno F.A.O., Ochieng G.M. & Snyman J.

Title: Best fit and selection of probability distribution models for frequency analysis of extreme mean annual rainfall events Volume: 11 Issue: 4 Page numbers: 34-53

Author and co-authors: Mekiso F.A., Ochieng G.M. & Snyman J.

Title: Isotope hydrology in the Middle Mohlapitsi Catchment, South Africa. Volume: 11 Issue: 1 Page numbers: 1-7

Author and co-authors: Koech L., Rutto H.L., Everson R. & Neomagus H.

Author and co-authors: Mendonidis P., Thomas R.J., Armstrong R.A. & Grantham G.H.

Title: Leaching kinetics of bottom ash waste as a source of calcium ions Journal: Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association Volume: 65 Issue: 2 ISSN: 0253-5106

Title: Geochronology of emplacement and charnockite formation of the Margate Granite Suite, Natal Metamorphic Province, South Africa Journal: Precambrian Research Issue: 265 Page numbers: 189-202

Author and co-authors: Koech L., Rutto H.L., Everson R. & Neomagus H.

Author and co-author: Mwashita W. & Odhiambo M.O.

Title: Dissolution kinetics of South African coal fly ash and the development of a semi-empirical model to predict dissolution Journal: Chemical Industry & Chemical Engineering Quarterly

Title: Designing and analysing a technique to switch ON/OFF base stations for green cellular networks Journal: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology (IJRET)

Volume: 4 Issue: 7 Page numbers: 322-328 ISSN: 2321-7308 (print); 2319-1163 (electronic)

Author: Ndege M.

Title: Factors that affect the growth and development of small, micro and medium-sized business enterprises in the Vaal Triangle region of Gauteng province in South Africa Journal: European Journal of Business, Economics and Accountancy (EJBEA) Volume: 3 Issue: 3 Page numbers: 73-100 ISSN: 2056-6018

Author and co-authors: Nomcebo H.M., Onyango M. & Ochieng A. Title: Absorption of hexavalent chromium onto magnetic natural zeolite-polymer composite Journal: Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers Volume: 50 Issue: 5 ISSN: 1876-1070

Author and co-authors: Nthapeleng M.M., Adeleke A.A. & Mendonidis P. Title: Effects of sodium iso-butyl xanthate dosage on the froth flotation of bead milled middle group 1-3 PGM ore blend Journal: Aceh International Journal of Science and Technology, Volume: 4 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 59-63

Author and co-authors: Oladeji B.G., Olorunsogo A.A., Sunday A. & Christopher

Title: Investigation of compressive strength of concrete from cement and iron ore tailings mixture Journal: Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology Volume: 4 Issue: 7 Page numbers: 322-328 ISSN: 2347-9523 (print); 2321-435X (electronic)

Author and co-authors: Oluwafemi O.M., Oke S.R., Otunniyi I.O. & Aramide F.O.

Title: Effect of carburizing temperature and time on mechanical properties of AISI/SAE 1020 steel using carbonized palm kernel shell Journal: Leonardo Electronic Journal of Practices and Technologies Volume: 27 Issue: 7 Page: 41 -56 Available online: A27/041_056.pdf

Author and co-author: Rutto H.L. & Enweremadu C. Title: Optimization and modelling of process variables of biodiesel production from Marula oil using response surface methodology Journal: Materials Today

Volume: 2 Issue: 5 ISSN: 3973-3987

Author and co-authors: Rutto H.L., Enweremadu C. & Modiba E.M.

Title: Production of biodiesel from waste vegetable oil using impregnated diatomite Journal: Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering Volume: 23 Issue: 2 ISSN: 1004-9541


Author and co-authors: Ochieng A. & Akach J.

Title: CFD simulation of the photo degradation of biorecalcitrant compounds in a fluidized bed reactor Conference: Emerging Frontiers for Sustainable Water Conference Place: Johannesburg, South Africa Date: 3-5 August 2015

Author: Ochieng A.

Title: Towards sustainable water and wastewater management: Bridging the skills gap. Conference: Local Government Sector Education and Training (LGSETA) Round Table Summit Place: Johannesburg, South Africa Date: 25 February 2015

31 Faculty of Engineering and Technology


Faculty of Human Sciences



FACULTY OF HUMAN SCIENCES The impressive range of research-related achievements in the Faculty of Human Sciences is a tribute to the heads of the various sections and departments Prof CM van der Bank


he year 2015 has been a remarkable one for research in the Faculty of Human Sciences. As our Faculty matures, we continue to increase our annual research performance and out­ puts, and we again celebrated a number of significant research achievements during this period. Through this research, we are enacting our mission of making a positive difference in the lives of the stakeholders we serve. One of the most gratifying aspects of research activities in the Faculty of Human Sciences is that they are spread out across the different categories and levels of academic staff: young and old, junior and senior, and women and men. During 2015 we again ensured that all academic staff and students, together with a number of academics from external higher education institutions, participated in com­ prehensive research training and capacity development programmes, and are pleased to report that these training activities are yielding positive broad-based research outputs. There has been a significant improvement in terms of staff qualifications, with four members of staff obtaining doctorates and two staff members being awarded master’s degrees. The wide range of higher degrees obtained by our research students also continue to grow, both in numbers

and quality, thanks to excellent supervision by highly qualified academics who expose our students to worldclass research training programmes. Collaborative research partnerships also proved highly productive during 2015. Our academics energetically partici­ pated in numerous associations and professional bodies and many were invited to address prestigious national and international conferences.


Name: Burger S.E.

Qualification: PhD (Tourism Management) Title of dissertation/thesis: A brand loyalty model for arts festivals University/Institution: North-West University, South Africa

Name: Bam M.

Qualification: Postgraduate Diploma in Higher Education University/Institution: Vaal University of Technology, South Africa


The impressive range of research-related achievements in the Faculty of Human Sciences is a tribute to the heads of the various sections and departments, who take great care in supporting and encouraging colleagues to engage in research. Moreover, our unwavering commitment to offering a world-class, differentiated experience for students and staff pursuing higher degrees staff is also evident in the wide-ranging support they receive from our highly professional administrative staff. The research achievements in the Faculty are not the product of individual effort, but rather of a collective effort born out of a shared vision and inspired leadership. It is again a huge privilege for me to thank all research leaders for their dedication and for enthusiastically embracing the research vision of the University. As usual, I encourage all staff and students to continue to work harder in the year ahead, so that we may enjoy recognition for our research on issues of concern in Africa. It remains a pleasure and an honour for me to be associated with such a dedicated, dynamic and competent team.


Name: Holeni F.

Qualification: Postgraduate Diploma in Higher Education University/Institution: Vaal University of Technology, South Africa

Name: Jacobs M.M.

Qualification: MTech (Policing) Title of dissertation/thesis: Policing drug-related criminality, with specific reference to burglary in the Letlhabile policing area University/Institution: Tshwane University of Technology, Pretoria, South Africa

Name: Lekaota L.

Qualification: PhD (Tourism Management) Title of dissertation/thesis: Perceptions on local communities’ role and awareness in rural tourism development: A case study from Lesotho University/Institution: University of Pretoria, South Africa

Name: Lenz R.

Qualification: PhD (English Literature) Title of dissertation/thesis: Foregrounding/resolving boundaries between ‘self and other’ in selected contemporary South African novels University/Institution: South Africa

Name: Marumo-Ngwenya K.

Qualification: DTech (Food Service Management) Title of dissertation/thesis: Impact of a soy feeding programme on the nutritional status of an elderly community in Sharpeville University/Institution: Vaal University of Technology, South Africa

Name: Nana A.R.

Qualification: Postgraduate Diploma in Higher Education University/Institution: Vaal University of Technology, South Africa

Name: Röthe J.F.

Qualification: Postgraduate Diploma in Higher Education University/Institution: Vaal University of Technology, South Africa

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Faculty of Human Sciences


Presenter: Chmela-Jones K.A.

Title of paper: The ethics of Ubuntu and community participation in design Conference: DEFSA 7th International Conference: Ethics and accountability in design: Do they matter? Place: Midrand, South Africa Date: 2-4 September 2015 ISSN: 978-1-77012-137-9

Presenter: Laurie A.

Title of paper: Research ethics in practice-based arts research methodologies Conference: DEFSA 7th International Conference: Ethics and accountability in design: Do they matter? Place: Midrand, South Africa Date: 2-4 September 2015 ISSN: 978-1-77012-137-9

Presenter: Maharajh R.

Title of paper: Beauty (lie)s in the eye of the beholder

Conference: DEFSA 7th International Conference: Ethics and accountability in design: Do they matter? Place: Midrand, South Africa Date: 2-4 September 2015 ISSN: 978-1-77012-137-9

Presenter: Matthee J.M.

Title of paper: Appropriate pedagogy for practice: The ‘ha-ha’ in the higher education landscape Conference: DEFSA 7th International Conference: Ethics and accountability in design: Do they matter? Place: Midrand, South Africa Date: 2-4 September 2015 ISSN: 978-1-77012-137-9

Presenter: Van der Bank C.M.

Title of paper: Energy efficiency in sustainable development in South Africa: A legal analysis Conference: 8th EuroMed Conference of the EuroMed Academy of Business Place: Verona, Italy Date: 16-18 September 2015 ISBN: 978-9963-711-37-6

Presenter and co-presenter: Van der Bank C.M. & Van der Bank M.

Title of paper: Sustainable development: The human rights approach to environmental protection in South Africa Conference: XIII International Conference WASET Place: Rio De Janeiro, Brazil Date: 11-12 February 2015 eISSN: 1307-6892


Presenter: Chmela-Jones K.A.

Title of paper: The ethics of Ubuntu and community participation in design Conference: DEFSA 7th International Conference: Ethics and accountability in design: Do they matter? Place: Midrand, South Africa Date: 2-4 September 2015 ISBN: 978-1-77012-137-9

Presenter: Doria E.

Title of paper: Detection by DPPH test, variability analysis and preliminary kinetic characterization of the in vitro antiradical activity in espresso coffee brewed from eight accessions of Coffea Arabic or Coffea Robusta (poster) Conference: 3rd International Congress on Cocoa Coffee and Tea 2015 Place: Aveiro, Portugal Date: 22-24 June 2015 ISSN: 0963-9969

Presenter: Dube K.

Title of paper: Tourism a catalyst for local economic growth, job creation and transformation Conference: Local Government Tourism Conference 2015 Place: Emperors Palace, Gauteng, South Africa Date: 30-31 March 2015

Presenter: Dube K.

Title of paper: Implications of rural irrigation schemes on household economy: A case of Lower Gweru irrigation project, Zimbabwe Conference: Conference on Economic Integration, Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development Place: Midlands State University, Zimbabwe Date: 14-16 October 2015

Presenter: Egal A.A.

Title of paper: Socio-economic factors as determinants of nutrition knowledge of adolescents in Cofimvaba, Eastern Cape Conference: The International Conference Action for Family and Consumer Wellbeing: Home Economics Literacy – Bringing Skills to Life Place: Valleta, Malta Date: 19-21 March 2015

Presenter: Laurie A.

Title of paper: Research ethics in practice-based arts research methodologies

Conference: DEFSA 7th International Conference: Ethics and accountability in design: Do they matter? Place: Midrand, South Africa Date: 2-4 September 2015 ISSN: 978-1-77012-137-9

Presenter: Lekaota L.

Title of paper: Perceptions of local communities’ participation in rural tourism development in promotion of sustainable tourism: A case study from Lesotho Conference: BEST EN, XV Think Tank: The environment-people Nexus in Sustainable Tourism Place: Kruger National Park, Mpumalanga, South Africa Date: 17-21 June 2015

Presenter: Maharajh R.

Title of paper: Beauty lie(s) in the eye of the beholder Conference: DEFSA 7th International Conference: Ethics and accountability in design: Do they matter? Place: Midrand, South Africa Date: 2-4 September 2015 ISSN: 978-1-77012-137-9

Presenter: Matthee J.M.

Title of paper: Appropriate pedagogy for practice: The ‘ha-ha’ in the higher education landscape Conference: DEFSA 7th International Conference: Ethics and accountability in design: Do they matter? Place: Midrand, South Africa Date: 2-4 September 2015 ISSN: 978-1-77012-137-9

Presenter: Mutekwe E.

Title of paper: Impediments embedding the realization of learning equity: Insights from classroom practitioners in South Africa Conference: 59th ICET World Assembly Place: Naruto University of Education, Japan Date: 18-22 June 2015 ISSN: 978-0-9827113-6-1

Presenter: Oldewage-Theron W.H.

Title of paper: Nutrition knowledge and dietary intake of adolescents in Cofimvaba, Eastern Cape, South Africa Conference: The International Conference Action for Family and Consumer Wellbeing: Home Economics Literacy Bringing Skills to Life Place: Valleta, Malta Date: 19-21 March 2015

Presenter: Van der Bank C.M.

Title of paper: Energy efficiency in sustainable development in South Africa: A legal analysis Conference: 8th EuroMed Conference of the EuroMed Academy of Business Place: Verona, Italy Date: 16-18 September 2015 ISBN: 978-9963-711-37-6

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Faculty of Human Sciences

Presenter and co-presenter: Van der Bank C.M. & Van der Bank M.

Title of paper: Sustainable development: The human rights approach to environmental protection in South Africa Conference: XIII International Conference WASET Place: Rio De Janeiro, Brazil Date: 11-12 February 2015 eISSN: 1307-6892


Presenter: Oldewage-Theron W.H.

Title of paper: Nutrition knowledge and dietary intake of adolescents in Cofimvaba, Eastern Cape, South Africa Presented to: 3rd CSL Soy Seminar and Workshop 2015 Place: CSL Laboratory and Quest Conference Centre, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa Date: 27-31 July 2015

Presenter: Oldewage-Theron W.H.

Title of paper: Food security in Africa Presented to: 3rd CSL Soy Seminar & Workshop 2015 Place: CSL Laboratory and Quest Conference Centre, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa Date: 27-31 July 2015

Presenter: Duvenage S.

Title of paper: Home cooking with natural soybeans and derivatives Presented to: 3rd CSL Soy Seminar & Workshop 2015 Place: CSL Laboratory and Quest Conference Centre, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa Date: 27-31 July 2015

Presenter: Egal A.A.

Title of paper: From household vegetable food garden to meal plate and beyond – The soy component Presented to: 3rd CSL Soy Seminar & Workshop 2015 Place: CSL Laboratory and Quest Conference Centre, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa Date: 27-31 July 2015

Presenter: Egal A.A.

Title of paper: Wisdom from Somalia (protein nutrition) Presented to: 3rd CSL Soy Seminar & Workshop 2015 Place: CSL Laboratory and Quest Conference Centre, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa Date: 27-31 July 2015

Presenter: Moloi K.C.

Title of paper: Transformation & Social Justice Unit Presented to: Executive management, staff and students from invited universities Place: Vaal University of Technology, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa Date: 25 February 2015

Presenter: Moloi K.C.

Title of paper: Summary of conference proceedings: VUTLGSETA Conference on Water and Waste Water Management Presented to: Lecturers, executive management, SETAs from different local and international universities Place: Emperors Palace, Gauteng, South Africa Date: 27 February 2015

Presenter: Moloi K.C.

Title of paper: South Africa-European Union workshop on Lecturer Development Presented to: Local and international universities Place: Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET), Pretoria, South Africa Date: 26-27 March 2015

Presenter: Moloi K.C.

Title of paper: Improving education, training and innovation Presented to: Muslim civil society, business and government officials on the National Development Plan Place: Illovo, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa Date: 15-16 May 2015

Presenter: Moloi K.C.

Title of paper: Leadership Presented to: Senior leaders of Islamic Relief Worldwide Place: Antalya, Turkey Date: 18-25 October 2015

Presenter: Mutekwe E.

Title of paper: Interrogating issues of human rights in a university of technology Presented to: Colloquium of the Education Deans’ Forum Place: Birchwood Hotel & OR Tambo Conference Centre, Boksburg, South Africa Date: 18-19 August 2015

Presenter: Mutekwe E.

Title of paper: Research capacity building and development for higher education practitioners Presented to: Vaal University of Technology staff Place: Vaal University of Technology, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa Date: 4-8 September 2015


Author: Dube K.

Chapter(s): 1-6 Title: Rural Irrigation Schemes – A socio-economic perspective, Zimbabwe Publisher: Lambert Academic Publishing Page numbers: 1-107 Date: 2015 ISBN-13: 978-3-659-71187-9; ISBN-10: 365971187X


Author and co-author: De Witt L. & Van der Merwe P.

Title: Key environmental management factors in protected areas: An eco-tourist perspective Journal: African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure Volume: 4 Issue: 2 Page numbers: 1-12 ISSN: 2223-9812X

Author and co-authors: Djoulde R., Bayoi J. & Bakari D.

Title: Microbiological quality and safety of street meat-food sold in Sudan-Sahelian zone of Cameroon Journal: International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences Volume: 4 Issue: 2 Page numbers: 68-76 ISSN: 2319-7706

Author and co-authors: Djoulde R., Bayoi J., Bakari D., Essai N. & Etoa F.

Title: ‘Lakh vzia’ – A popular fermented beef bone-base flavour enhancer from the Mafa people in Northern Cameroon Journal: Journal of Advances in Biology & Biotechnology Volume: 3 Issue: 2 Page numbers: 68-76 ISSN: 2394-1081

Author and co-authors: Doria E., Daoudou B., Egal A.A., Oldewage-Theron W.H. & Pilu R.

Title: Preliminary analysis and biochemical characterization related to health implications for African populations in some maize cultivars: A special look at the South African environment Journal: Journal of Food Science & Nutrition Volume: 1 Issue: 1 Page numbers: 2-7 ISSN: 2470-1076

Author and co-author: Dube K. & Sigauke E.

Title: Irrigation technology for smallholder farmers: A strategy for achieving household food security in Lower Gweru, Zimbabwe Journal: South African Journal of Agricultural Extension (Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Landbouvoorligting) Volume: 43 Issue: 1 Page numbers: 1-11 ISSN: 0301-603X (electronic)

Author and co-author: Fouché A. & Fouché D.F.

Title: Requirements for evidence by a forensic social worker as set by the Supreme Court of Appeal Journal: Child Abuse Research: A South African Journal Volume: 16 Issue: 2 Page numbers: 105-115 ISSN: 1562-1383

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Faculty of Human Sciences

Author and co-authors: Grobler B.R., Moloi K.C. & Vermeulen P.J.

Author and co-authors: Moloi K.C., Van der Walt J.L., Potgieter F.J. & Wolhuter C.C.

Author: Karsten A.S.J.

Author and co-authors: Moloi K.C., Fouche C. & Dzvimbo K.P.

Title: Educators’ perception of bullying behaviours by school leadership in the Johannesburg and Ekurhuleni South districts of Gauteng Journal: International Journal of Educational Studies Volume: 11 Issue: 2 Page numbers: 163-176 ISSN: 2312-4598 (print); 2312-4598 (electronic) Title: Criminal liability: Negligence and environmental health Journal: Occupational Health Southern Africa Volume: 27 Issue: 5 Page numbers: 19-23 ISSN: 1024-6274 (print); 2226-6097 (electronic)

Author: Lekaota L.

Title: The importance of rural communities’ participation in the management of tourism development: A case study from Lesotho Journal: Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes Volume: 7 Issue: 5 Page numbers: 453-462 ISSN: 1755-4217

Author and co-authors: Longoni P., Leelavati S., Doria E., Ready V.S. & Cella R. Title: Production by tobacco transplantomic plants of recombinant fungal and bacterial cell-wall degrading enzymes to be used for cellulosic biomass saccharification Journal: BioMed Research International Volume: 2015 Issue: Article ID 289759 Page numbers: 1-10 ISSN: 2314-6133; 2314-6141 (Online)

Author and co-author: Moletsane A. & Moloi C.K.

Title: Towards a new stage of cooperative and workintegrated education for innovative minds with global competency: Application of academic learning Journal: The African Journal for Work-Integrated-Based Learning Volume: 3 Issue: 1 Page numbers: 1-21 ISSN: 2412-7302

Author: Moloi C.K.

Title: The complexity of dealing with change in the South African schooling system: Twenty years into democracy Journal: African Identities Volume: 12 Issue: 3/4 Page numbers: 264-282 (print); 1-19 (electronic) ISSN: 1472-5843 (print); 1472-5851 (electronic)

Title: Overcoming the achievement gap: The perceptions of students in two historically disadvantaged South African schools Journal: KASMERA Volume: 43 Issue: 1 Page numbers: 260-293 ISSN: 0075-5222

Title: Students’ reflective journals: How can we improve student learning? Journal: Journal of Educational Studies: Breaking barriers to learner performance through learner centered design: Special Issue 1 Issue: Special Issue 1: Breaking Barriers Hindering Learner Performance Page numbers: 234-252 ISSN: 1680-7456

Author and co-authors: Munro M., Munro A., Lemmer A. & Pretorius M. Title: Theatre strategies to develop emotional intelligence skills in business communication: An exploratory study Journal: Southern African Business Review Volume: 19 Issue: 2 Page numbers: 1-26 ISSN: 1998-8125

Author: Mutekwe E.

Title: Higher education and the social media technology: A dilemma unfolding in institutions of higher learning Journal: Journal of Education and Human Development Volume: 4 Issue: 3 Page numbers: 1-9 ISSN: 2334- 296 X (print); 2334-2978 (electronic)

Author: Mutekwe E.

Title: The influence of patriarchy on pedagogical practices and life chances: Insights from classroom practitioners and pupils Journal: Journal of Education Studies Volume: 12 Issue: 1 Page numbers: 103-117 ISSN: 1680-7456

Author and co-authors: Mutekwe E., Modiba M. & Madzanire D.

Title: Perceptions of high school teachers and students on the extent to which the curriculum followed correlates with career aspirations and choices Journal: The Anthropologist: International Journal of Contemporary Studies of Man Volume: 17 Issue: 2 Page numbers: 557-589 ISSN: 0972-0073

Title: The effect of a combination of nutrition education, soy and vegetable gardening, and food preparation skills training interventions on dietary intake and diversity in women: A case study from Qwa-Qwa Journal: South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition Volume: 28 Issue: 3 Page numbers: 113-120 ISSN: 1607-0658

Author and co-authors: Oldewage-Theron W.H., Egal A.A. & Grobler C.J. Title: Is obesity associated with iron status in the elderly? A case study from Sharpeville, South Africa Journal: Public Health Nutrition Volume: 18 Issue: 3 Page numbers: 138-156 ISSN: 0367-0244 (print); 1543-5237 (electronic)


Author and co-authors: Oldewage-Theron W.H., Egal A.A. & Moroka T.

Faculty of Human Sciences

Author and co-author: Oldewage-Theron W.H. & Egal A.A.


Title: Nutrition knowledge and dietary intake of adolescents in Cofimvaba, Eastern Cape, South Africa Journal: Ecology of Food and Nutrition Volume: 54 Issue: 2 Page numbers: 138-156 ISSN: 0367-0244 (print); 1543-5237 (electronic)

Author and co-authors: Otitoola O.C., Oldewage-Theron W.H. & Egal A.A. Title: Trends in the development of obesity in elderly day care attendees in Sharpeville, South Africa, from 2007-2011 Journal: South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition Volume: 28 Issue: 1 Page numbers: 6-11 ISSN: 1607-0658



Faculty of Human Sciences

Author and co-author: Robinson J.A. & Prinsloo R.

Title: The right of the child to care and constitutional damage for the loss of parental care: Some thoughts on M v Minister of Police and Minister of Police v Mboweni Journal: Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal Volume: 18 Issue: 5 Page numbers: 521-529 ISSN: 1368-9800

Author and co-authors: Van der Bank C.M., Mphahlani J.S. & Moloi K.C. Title: Affirmative Action application or Black and White in South African higher education institutions: Is it the way forward or not? Journal: Journal of Education and Learning (EduLearn) Volume: 9 Issue: 4 ISSN: 208909823 (print); 2302-9277 (electronic)

Author and co-author: Van der Bank C.M. & Van der Bank M. Title: Greening of human rights: A Reassessment Journal: SSRN Electronic Journal Page numbers: 1-12 ISSN: 1556-5068

Author and co-author: Van der Bank C.M. & Van der Bank M. Title: The human rights approach to environmental protection in South Africa Journal: International Journal of Social, Education, Economics and Management Engineering Volume: 9 Issue: 2 Page numbers: 678-683 ISSN: 2321-1717 ISSN (PRINT) 2394-420X

Author and co-authors: Van der Bank C.M. & Van der Bank M.

Title: The impact of social media: Advantages or disadvantages Journal: African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure Volume: 4 Issue: 2 Page numbers: 1-9 ISSN: 2223-814X (Copyright: 2014AJHTL); Open access: http//

Author and co-authors: Venter D., Makwela M. & Johnson E.H.

Title: Enhancing visitor awareness and experience to the South African Armour Museum through eMarketing and new media Journal: African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure Volume: 4 Issue: July – December 2015 Page numbers of article: 1-15 ISSN: 2223-9814X

Author and co-authors: Wadesango N., Mutekwe E., Ndofirepi A., Maphosa C. & Machingambi S.

Title: Involvement of teachers in school-based decision-making processes of choice of subjects Journal: International Journal of Education Sciences Volume: 8

Issue: 3 Page numbers: 645-653 ISSN: 0972-0073


Researcher: Bam M.

Title: The position of English in the language repertoire of multilingual students at a tertiary institution: A case study at the Vaal University of Technology Field: Intercultural Communication, MA

Researcher: Bogle S.L.

Title: The wedding ritual: A photographer’s journey to capturing practice Field: Photography and Media Studies, MTech

Researcher: Chmela-Jones K.A.

Title: Re-conceptualising graphic design education to meet the challenges of human-centred practice Field: Information Design, PhD Researcher: Coetzee N Title: Sewing training material for use in rural income generating projects Field: Consumer Sciences, PhD

Researcher: De Klerk A. (neé Laurie)

Title: Telling landscapes: A photographic exploration Field: Visual Arts, PhD

Researcher: Erasmus V.

Title: Impact measurement of a nutrition education programme on knowledge retention and dietary intake behaviour of primary children in Gauteng Field: Food Service Management, DTech

Researcher: Heenop D.

Title: The re-evaluation and rebranding of a public library from a human-centred design (HCD) point of view: A case study Field: Graphic Design, MTech

Researcher: Kekana M.

Title: Impact of nutrition education knowledge of primary school children in Hammanskraal Field: Food Service Management, MTech

Researcher: Kunene S.I.

Title: Determining the contribution of online corporate communications to brand reputation among Generation Y consumers in the Vaal Region Field: Public Relations Management, MTech

Researcher: Laubscher M.

Field: Education, PGDHE (Postgraduate Diploma in Higher Education)

Researcher: Maharajh R.N.

Title: Rasa: ‘Being in the moment of making’ – An exploratory journey Field: Visual Arts, PhD

Researcher: Makaeane S.B.

Title: Examining corporate reputation management in a local municipality in the Vaal region: A case study Field: Public Relations Management, MTech

Researcher: Maleho L.M.

Title: The development of a strategy to enhance the corporate reputation of Fezile Dabi District municipalitn the Northern Free State Field: Public Relations Management, DTech

Researcher: Matanhike U.

Field: English and Communication, BAECS (Bachelor of Arts in English and Communication Studies)

Researcher: Matthee J.M.

Title: Towards a signature pedagogy for a photography media programme that promotes the values of craftsmanship from undergraduate to postgraduate Field: Creative and Media Education, Ed D

Researcher: Molefe S.N.

Title: Guidelines of testifying in court Field: Policing, MTech

Researcher: Monisi M.

Field: Education, PGDHE (Postgraduate Diploma in Higher Education)

Researcher: Mulder-de Does I.

Title: Reckless credit: A comparative analysis Field: Private Law, LLM

Researcher: Nair B.M.

Title: Advancement of socio-economic rights with reference to gender equality Field: Human Rights Law, LLD

Researcher: Ndimande L.D.

Title: The child’s right to have a legal practitioner assigned to him/her in civil proceedings affecting the child Field: Family Law, LLM

Researcher: Nieman C.M.

Field: Second Language Studies, Hons

Researcher: Prinsloo R.

Title: The relevance of the best interest of the child within the parent and child relationship: A comparative analysis Field: Family Law, LLD

Researcher: Raath N.

Title: The review of CCMA awards: A critical analysis Field: Labour Law, LLM

Researcher: Roos P.G.

Field: Journalism, Hons

Researcher: Sowerby M.

Title: Die Hervorming van die Suid Afrikaanse Saaklike Sekerheidsregte rakende roerende Eiendom Field: Property Law, LLM

Researcher: Tshabalala E.

Title: An investigation into the effects of an English Development Learning programme on the performance of firstyear Applied Communication Skills students in 2015 Field: Higher Education, MPhil

Researcher: Van der Bank M.

Title: Constitutional environmental rights and water service delivery in the public and private sectors in South Africa Field: Environmental and Local Government Law, PhD

Researcher: Venter D.

Title: A quality of life framework for an adventure-based sport Field: Tourism Management, PhD

41 Faculty of Human Sciences


Faculty of management sciences



FACULTY OF MANAGEMENT SCIENCES As a faculty our research initiatives through the induction program for post graduate students has sustained excellence in research by providing them with strategic and operational support throughout their studies. Prof M Dhurup


n 2015 our faculty research activities were characterised by attempts to engage in collaborative research and scholarship culture by bringing on board novice researchers so that they develop an appetite for research. Staff members were encouraged to publish their masters and doctoral findings in accredited journals. Further, as a faculty we are delighted to see that masters and doctoral students from many programs have taken advantage to publish with their supervisors and promoters. As a faculty our research initiatives through the induction program for post graduate students has sustained excellence in research by providing them with strategic and operational support throughout their studies. Our growth in the postgraduate phase has also shown a steady increase in both masters and doctorate degree enrolments. Moreover, Heads of Departments made concerted efforts for staff to obtain their masters and doctoral qualifications in order to enhance the quality of teaching and increase the pool of active researchers. A number of staff members and students obtained their post-graduate qualifications in 2015. Dr. B. A. Mokoena, Dr. A. Ntisa, Dr.G. Mdluli, and Dr. A. Muposhi, obtained their doctoral qualifications. Mr. X.D. Chauke, Ms. I. Naile, Ms. N. Pita, Mr.G. Samosamo, Mr. L. Okoumba, Mr. M. Mofokeng, Mr. D. Mahlangu, D and Mr. T. Tlale, obtained their masters qualification.


Dhurup and Dr. Mafini, received the research excellence awards. Ms. N. Dlodlo, Dr Van Der Westhuizen and Dr. C. Marais received the research achievement awards. These staff members also received the University research awards at the annual research function.

Faculty of management sciences

A total of 27 articles were published in the in DoE accredited journals (article equivalent 20) and 3 articles appeared in accredited conference proceedings. Staff members presented 35 papers at national and international conferences. The Faculty has contributed approximately one-third of the University’s total research outputs in accredited journals. Further, the publications in the special edition of the African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance has not only created an added impetus to the Faculty’s research outputs but served as an ideal platform to bring on board novice researchers within the Faculty. However, it must be noted that the staff component at senior levels is slowly dwindling, as no new senior posts have been created. Our experienced staff are much sought by other established universities in the country which resulted in 5 experienced and established researchers leaving our faculty. This has hampered our research outputs and the pool of supervisors at the master’s and doctoral levels.


I would like to sincerely express my deep appreciation to the faculty research staff for embracing a research philosophy in the Faculty and the office of the Research Directorate in providing funds to stimulate research in the faculty. Together we will be able to marshal a strong response to the ongoing challenges in research by finding new management solutions for multi-based research in business environments.




Name: Mokoena B.A.

Qualification: D.Tech: Marketing Thesis Title: Marketing of Universities of Technology: Examining the Relationship between Market Orientation, Elements, Barriers and University Performance University/institution: Vaal University of Technology

Name: Muposhi A. Based on the request from staff, various research staff capacity development programs were initiated by the faculty. Prof I. Ntshoe from the Central University of Technology conducted a writing for publishing workshop from 19-22 May 2105. Prof G. Wisker from Brighton University (UK) conducted a mentoring and coaching workshop from 12-13 November 2015. Dr. P. Nel from the University of Free State conducted an SPSS workshop from 3-4 December 2015. Further, the faculty was fortunate to host a visiting Professor, Prof J. Badhury from 7-11 September 2015. Prof Badhury provided various workshop on logistics and mentored masters students from the Department of Logistics. Our faculty research awards were held on 1 November 2015 at the Emerald Hotel and Resort. Prof J. Selesho, Prof M.

Qualification: D.Tech: Marketing Thesis Title: Green Customers Buying Behaviour: Antecedents, Selection Attributes of Generation Y Consumers and the Relationship with future behavior intention University/institution: ​Vaal University of Technology

Name: Ntisa A.A.

Qualification: D.Tech: Business Thesis Title: Job Satisfaction, Organisational Commitment, Turnover intention, Absenteeism among Academics within South African Universities of Technology University/institution: Vaal University of Technology

Name: Mdluli G.S.

Qualification: D.Tech: Business Thesis Title: Developing Strategies to improve the Technical and Vocational Training system in Swaziland University/institution: Vaal University of Technology

Name: Loury Okumba W.V.

Qualification: M.Tech: Logistics

Faculty of management sciences



Dissertation Title: Antecedents of supplied performance in Small and Medium enterprises University/institution: Vaal University of Technology

Name: Mofokeng T.M.

Qualification: M.Tech: Logistics Dissertation Title: The influence knowledge sharing, Business Strategy alignment and long term relationship on supply chain performance in the small and medium enterprise sector University/institution: Vaal University of Technology

Place: Cape Town, South Africa Date: 30 October 2015

Presenter: Chinomona E.

Title of Paper: “Corporate Entrepreneurship the only way to go for Universities in the Gauteng Province: South Africa” Conference: 2015 International Business Conference in London, United Kingdom Place: London Date: 7-11 June 2015

Name: Mahlangu D.M.

Presenter: Chinomona E.

Name: Tlale M.T.

Presenter: Chinomona E.

Name: Naile I.M.

Presenter: Dhurup M. & Mafini C.

Qualification: M.Tech: Logistics Dissertation Title: The influence of Supply Chain integration, collaborative planning and supply chain capabilities on firm competitiveness: The case of Small Medium Enterprises University/institution: Vaal University of Technology Qualification: M.Tech: Logistics Dissertation Title: The influence of IT Adoption on Supply Chain Collaboration of SMSES in Gauteng and Free State provinces in South Africa University/institution: Vaal University of Technology Qualification: M.Tech: Human Resource Dissertation Title: The relationship between motivation and job satisfaction of Academic at a University of Technology in Southern Gauteng University/institution: Vaal University of Technology

Name: Pita N.A.

Qualification: M.Tech: Human Resource Dissertation Title: Succession planning: Current practices and barriers and the relationship with Turnover intentions within a Public Service in a Developing Country University/institution: Vaal University of Technology

Name: Samosamo M.G.

Qualification: M.Tech: Human Resource Dissertation Title: Impact of Induction on Employee perceptions of Health and Safety at Arcelor Mittal University/institution: Vaal University of Technology

Name: Chauke X.D.

Qualification: M.Tech: Marketing Dissertation Title: Online shopping satisfaction, Loyalty and Repurchase Intentions of Generation X Consumers in Southern Gauteng University/institution: Vaal University of Technology

CONFERENCES (PAPERS AND POSTERS PRESENTED) Presenter: Chauke X.D. Title of Paper: E-shopping Satisfaction, Loyalty and the Repurchase Intentions of Generation – Y consumers: A Structural Equation Model Conference: 27th SIMS Conference, Kramer Building, Middle Campus, UT

Title of Paper: Human Rights and Xenophobia: The effectiveness of the spirit of “Ubuntu” Conference: 2015 IEASA Conference Place: Port Elizabeth, South Africa Date: 19-21 August 2015 Title of Paper: Challenges faced by Entrepreneurs in the Gauteng province of South Africa: Survival is the Fittest Conference: 2015 Sanord Conference Place: Namibia Date: 30 November – 03 December 2015 Title of Paper: Finding Synergy in Fashion Apparel decisionMaking constructs: A generation Y Cohort Analysis in an Emerging Market Conference: Advanced in Business-Relation Scientific Research Conference, Milan, Italy Place: Milan, Italy Date: 10-11 December 2015

Presenter: Dhurup M.

Title of Paper: (1) Emotional labour and Job satisfaction relationships: lived experiences of amateur sport coaches in developing country (2) Finding synergic relationship in teamwork, organizational commitment and job satisfaction: a case study of a construction organization in a developing country Conference: (1) Interdisciplinary Business & Economics Research, SIBR 2015 conference (Hong Kong) (2) IEBMC 2015 Conference in Kuantan, Pahang Malaysia Place: Hong Kong / Malaysia Date: 01-06 October 2015

Presenter: Dlodlo N.

Title of Paper: Examining the relationship between perceived ease of use, usefulness, attitude and intention to use mobile banking (M-Banking) services in South Africa Conference: International Business Conference in London, United Kingdom Place: London Date: 7-11 June 2015

Presenter: Imuezerua E.O.

Title of Paper: Analysis the Concept of Municipal Budgeting and Services and Services Delivery Patterns in a South African District Municipality Conference: International Conference on Sciences, Innovation and Management (ICSIM)

Place: Cape Town, South Africa Date: 31 October 2015

Presenter: Imuezerua E.O.

Title of Paper: Analysing the Role of Financial Measurement in the Sustainability of SMEs in Gauteng Province Conference: Annual International Conference on Business Marketing and Management Oxford, United Kingdom Place: Oxford, United Kingdom Date: 16 -18 November 2015

Presenter: Janse van Rensburg C.

Title of Paper: Wellness practices and barriers of University Student-athletes Conference: International Conference for Social Sciences and Humanities at Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona Case Convalescence campus Place: Barcelona, Spain Date: 23-26 June 2015

Presenter: Kok L.

Title of Paper: Employee Involvement in Decision-Making: A Case At One University of Technology in South Africa Conference: 2015 International Business Conference in New York City Place: New York City, USA Date: 2-6 August 2015

Presenter: Mafini C.

Conference: 2015 International Business Conference Place: Las Vegas, USA Date: 11-14 October 2015

Presenter: Mahlangu H.B.

Title of Paper: South African Consumers’ Evaluation of ATM Banking Services Conference: 2015 International Business Conference in New York City Place: New York City, USA Date: 2-6 August 2015

Presenter: Marais C.

Title of Paper: The domestic workers’ work-life-cycle as social identity: The armour of an apron Conference: International Journal of Arts & Sciences’ (IJAS) International Conference for Social Sciences and Humanities Place: Ryerson University’s International Learning Centre at 240 Jarvis Street, Toronto Date: 18-21 May 2015

Presenter: Mokoena B.A.

Title of Paper: Incorporation Market Orientation within Universities of Technology in South Africa Conference: International Conference on Global Business, Economics and Social Sciences Place: Durban, South Africa Date: 4-6 June 2015

Title of Paper: The Contribution of Organisational Climate to Employee Well-Being

“The Faculty has contributed approximately one-third of the University’s total research outputs in accredited journals.”

45 Faculty of management sciences




Faculty of management sciences

Presenter: Mokoena B.A.

Title of Paper: Institutional performance of South African Higher Education Institutions: In Search of Performance indicators through the lens of Universities of Technology Conference: 2015 International Business Conference in New York Place: New York City Date: 2-6 August 2015

Presenter: Mokoena B.A.

Title of Paper: Effects of Market orientation and barriers to Market Orientation on University performance: A study of UOT’s in South Africa Conference: 3rd Global Conference on Business and Social Sciences Place: Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia Date: 16-17 December 2015

Presenter: Mokoena B.A.

Title of Paper: Market orientation determinants: reflections from academics in Universities of Technology in South Africa Conference: 2nd International Conference on Commerce, Financial Markets and Corporate Governance Place: Penang (Malaysia) Date: 19-20 December 2015

Presenter: Molise-Khosa P.V.

Title of Paper: An Analysis of Innovative Leadership for sustained Competitive advantage in South Africa Conference: 7th International Conference (ICBF2015) Place: Cape Town, South Africa Date: 31 October 2015

Presenter: Motale M.D.B.

Title of Paper: African Generation Y Male Students’ need for uniqueness Conference: 27th SIMS Conference, Kramer Building, Middle Campus, UT Place: Cape Town, South Africa Date: 30 October 2015

Presenter: Niyimbanira F.

Title of Paper: Denied Investment: A Case of Community Member’s Attitudes towards Volunteering in Corporate Social Investment Initiatives Conference: 2015 International Business Conference in New York City Place: New York City Date: 2-6 August 2015

Presenter: Niyimbanira F.

Presenter: Sharp K.L.

Presenter: Van Schalkwyk P.J.

Presenter: Rangaza M.K.

Title of Paper: The Contribution of Organisational Climate to Employee Well-Being Conference: 2015 International Academic Business Conference, Las Vegas Place: USA Date: 11-14 October 2015 Title of Paper: A Theoretical perspective on Small Business Incubation and the Entrepreneurial Business Environment in South Africa Conference: Global Institute for Business and Economic Research Innovation, Blue Waters Hotel Place: Durban Date: 4-6 June 2015

Presenter: Rundora R.

Title of Paper: Environmental Accounting Disclosures for Selected Large Manufacturing Firms in South Africa: An Integrated Reporting evaluation Conference: GBATA Place: Peniche and Lisbon, Portugal Date: 7-11 July 2015

Title of Paper: African Generation Y Students attitudes towards Short message services. Conference: 27th SIMS Conference, Kramer Building, Middle Campus, UT Place: Cape Town Date: 01 September 2015

Title of Paper: Comparative analysis of lecture attendance and Academic performance of new and repeating students in firstyear microeconomics Conference: LAMIPISA Place: Cape Town Date: 06 September 2015

Presenter: Radebe P.Q.

Title of Paper: Employees’ perceptions of the effectiveness of a performance management system in the Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality Conference: International Journal of Arts & Sciences’ (IJAS) International Conferences for Social Sciences and Humanities Place: Italy Date: 17-23 October 2015

47 Faculty of management sciences




Faculty of management sciences

Surname, initials: Dhurup M., all HoDs and Selesho J Title: Research Orientation Presented to: 1st year M Tech students Place: Library training room Date: 28 February 2015

Surname, initials: Selesho J.

Title: Qualitative / Qualitative and Mixed methods Presented to: 1st year M Tech students Place: Library training room Date: 06 June 2015

Surname, initials: Selesho J.

Title: The design of the research proposal Presented to: 1st year M Tech students Place: Library training room Date: 25 July 2015

Surname, initials: Dhurup M. and all Supervisors

Title: Submission and feedback and first draft of research proposal Questionnaire development Presented to: 1st year M Tech students Place: Library training room Date: 15 August 2015

Surname, initials: Selesho J.

Title: Basic data analysis, SPSS and Hypotheses testing Presented to: 1st year M Tech students Place: Library training room Date: 19 September 2015

Surname, initials: Dhurup M.

Title: AMOS-CFA and Hypotheses testing Presented to: 1st year M Tech students Place: Library training room Date: 17 October 2015

Surname, initials: All supervisors

Title: Final proposal presentation/Feedback Presented to: 1st year M Tech students Place: Library training room Date: 14 November 2015

Surname, initials: Dr P. Nel (University of the Free State) Title: SPSS Training Presented to: Faculty Researchers Place: Library training room Date: 03-04 December 2015

Surname, initials: Prof G. Wisker (Brighton University, London) Title: Writing workshop Presented to: Faculty Researchers Place: Quest Conference Centre Date: 12-13 November 2015

Surname, initials: Dr van Den Berg (University of the Free State) Title: Mentoring and Coaching Presented to: Faculty Researchers Place: Quest Conference Centre Date: June 2015

Surname, initials: Prof I. Ntshoe (Central University of Technology) Title: Writing for Publication Presented to: Faculty Researchers Place: Emerald Resort and Casino Date: 19-22 May 2015


Author and co-authors: Chinomona E. & Mofokeng T. Title: The influences of workplace condition and employees satisfaction on Employee commitment in South African Companies Journal: Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 4 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 469-663 ISSN: 2305-9494

Author and co-authors : Chinomona E. & Maziriri E.T. Title: Women in Action: Challenges facing Women Entrepreneurs in The Gauteng Province of South Africa Journal: International Business & Economic Journal Volume: 14 Issue: 6 Page numbers of article: 835-850 ISSN: 2305-9494

Author and co-authors: Chinomona E. & Maziriri E.T.

Title: Examining the phenomenon of Xenophobia as Experienced by African Immigrant in Johannesburg, South Africa immigrant Entrepreneurs in Johannesburg, South Africa” Intensifying the Spit of Ubuntu Journal: Journal of Economics and Behavior studies and Management Volume: 2 Issue: 6 Page numbers of article: 20-31 ISSN: 2394-5923

Author and co-authors : Chinomona E. & Dhurup M.

Title: The role of organization Commitment in the Organizational Citizenship Behaviour and employees Intention to stay relationship: The Case of Zimbabwe Journal: International Journal of Humanities and social sciences Volume: 5 Issue: 7 Page numbers of article: 47-58 ISSN: 2220-8488

Author and co-authors : Chinomona E. & Imuezerua E.O. Title: Analysing the Concept of Municipal Budgeting and Service Delivery Pattern in a South Africa’s District Municipality Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 6 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 359-367 ISSN: 2039-2117

Author and co-authors: Dhurup M. & Dubihlela J.

Title: Determinants of, and barriers to market orientation and the relationship with Business performance among SMEs Journal: The Journal of Applied Business Research DHET Volume: 31 Issue: 5 Page numbers of article: 1667-1676 ISSN: 2157-8834

Author and co-authors: Dhurup M. & Mafini C.

Title: Finding empirical synergy between athlete-endorser brand fit, brand association and brand purchase intentions Journal: African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) Volume: 21 Issue: 1(1) Page numbers of article: 186-196 ISSN: 1117-4315

Author and co-authors: Dhurup M.

Title: Modeling the effects of social integration and job autonomy on job satisfaction among school sport facilitators in Southern Gauteng Journal: Journal of Applied Business Research Volume: 31 Issue: 2 Page numbers of article: 275-283 ISSN: 2157-8834

Author and co-authors: Dhurup M., Muposhi A. & Shamhuyenhanzva R.

Title: Factors influencing South African consumers’ attitudes and purchase intention towards foreign sport apparel Journal: African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) Volume: 21 Issue: 4:1 Page numbers of article: 1272-1289 ISSN: 1117-4315

Author and co-authors: Dhurup M. & Mathaba R.

Title: Beyond winning: Validation of unethical behaviours of amateur sport coaches’ scale as perceived through the lenses of athletes Journal: African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) Volume: Nov (sup) Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 293-309 ISSN: 1117-4315

Author and co-authors : Dhurup M., Keyser E., & Surujlal J. Title: The psychological contract, violation of the psychological contact, work-related anxiety and intention to quit of sport coaches in South Africa Journal: African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) Volume: Nov (sup) Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 195-208 Page numbers of article: 1117-4315

Author and co-authors : Dlodlo N.

Title: Salient indicators of mobile instant messaging addiction with selected socio- demographic attributes among tertiary students in South Africa Journal: South African Journal of Psychology Volume: 45 Issue: 2 Page numbers of article: 207-220 ISSN: 0081-2463

Author and co-authors: Dlodlo N.

Title: The use of M-payment services in South Africa: A value based perception approach Journal: International Business & Economics Research Journal Volume: 14 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 159-159 ISSN: 1535-0754

Author and co-authors : Dubihlela J. & Rundora R.

Title: Role of social media, its adoption and usage patterns within accounting firms Journal: Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Oeconmica Volume: 60 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: ISSN: 1220-0506

Author and co-authors: Hove P. & Chinomona R.

Title: The influence of supplier involvement of communication, relationship longevity and Business performance in small, medium and micro enterprises in South Africa Journal: Journal of Economics and Behaviour Studies Volume: 7 Issue: 3 Page numbers of article: 63-75 ISSN: 2220-6140

Author and co-authors : Isabirye A., Swanepoel E. & Surujlal J. Title: A qualitative analysis of motives and challenges professional female soccer Journal: African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) Volume: Nov (sup) Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 108-126 Page numbers of article: 1117-4315

Author and co-authorS: Koloba H.A., Dhurup M. & Radebe P.Q.

Title: The effects of self-efficacy on entrepreneurial inclinations: Evidence from sport management students in selected universities in the Southern Gauteng region of South Africa Journal: African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) Volume: Nov (sup) Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 65-79 ISSN: 1117-4315

49 Faculty of management sciences




Faculty of management sciences

Author and co-authors : Mafini C.

Title: Predicting Organisational performance through Innovation, Quality and Inter-organisationl Systems: A Public Sector Perspective Journal: The Journal of Applied Business Research Volume: 31 Issue: 3 Page numbers of article: 939-952 ISSN: 2157-8834

Author and co-authors: Mafini C. & Dhurup M.

Title: Factors influencing future intention to consume team websites: Further evidence from South Africa soccer supporters Journal: African Journal for Physical Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) Volume: 21 Issue: 1(2) Page numbers of article: 388-401 ISSN: 1117-4315

Author and co-authors : Mafini C.

Title: Investigating antecedent factors to job performance: Contemporary evidence from government supply management professions Journal: Acta Commercii Volume: 15 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 1-11 ISSN: 1684-1999

Author and co-authors: Mafini C., Makhubele D.T., & Pooe R.I.D.

Title: Investigating municipal procurement challenges in South African: A qualitative study Journal: International Business and Economics Research Journal Volume: 14 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 67-77 ISSN: 2157-9393

Author and co-authors : Mafini C. & Dhurup M.

Title: Drivers of customer loyalty in South Africa Retail Stores Journal: The Journal of Applied Business Research Volume: 31 Issue: 4 Page numbers of article: 1295-8834 ISSN: 1995-5235

Author and co-authors : Marais C. & van Wyk C.

Title: Future directiveness within the South African domestic workers’ work-life cycle: Considering exit strategies Journal: Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology Volume: 15 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 1-14 ISSN: 2079-7222

Author and co-authors : Marais C. & van Wyk C.

Title: Domestic workers’ lived realities of empowerment and disempowerment within the South African labour legislative context: two sides of the same “coin” Journal: South African Journal of Labour Relations

Volume: 39 Issue: 2 Page numbers of article: 64-83 ISSN: 0379-8410

Author and co-authors: Mokoena B.A., Mafini C. & Dhurup M.

Title: Navigating the Influence of Marketing Orientation on University Performance Journal: Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Oeconomica Volume: 60 Issue: 3 Page numbers of article: 22-40 ISSN: 1220-0506

Author and co-authors: Muposhi A., Dhurup M. & Surujlal J. Title: The green dilemma: Reflections of a generation Y consumer cohort on green purchase behaviour Journal: Journal for Transdisciplinary Research in Southern Africa Volume: 11 Issue: 3 Page numbers of article: 293-308 Page numbers of article: 1817-4434

Author : Niyimbanira F.

Title: Fuel price and Exchange rate dynamics in South Africa: A time series analysis Journal: Corporate Ownership and Control Volume: 12 Issue: 4 Page numbers of article: 185-193 ISSN: 1727-9232

Author : Niyimbanira F.

Title: Estimating the Individual-Specific Predictors of Volunteers in South Africa Journal: Corporate Board: Role, Duties and Composition Volume: 11 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 85-95 ISSN: 1810-8601

Author and co-authors : Niyimbanira F., Rangaza K., Nishimwe-Niyimbanira R. & Kuyeli S.S. Title: The determinant of Interest Rate spreads in South Africa: Cointegration Approach Journal: Journal of Economics and Behaviour Studies Volume: 7 Issue: 2 Page numbers of article: 101-108 ISSN: 2220-6140

Author and co-authors: Niyimbanira F. & Muzindutsi P.F. Title: Denied Investment: A Case of Community Member’s Attitudes towards Volunteering in Corporate Social Investment Initiative Journal: Journal of Economics and Behaviour Studies Volume: 7 Issue: 2

Page numbers of article: 176-182 ISSN: 2220-6140

Author and co-authors: Omoruyi O. & Chinomona R.

Title: The influence of perceived hypermarket size on perceived hypermarket reputation, trust and customer willingness to purchase in South Africa Journal: Journal of Economics and Behavioural Studies Volume: 7 Issue: 4 Page numbers of article: 60 – 70 ISSN: 2220-6140

Author and co-authors: Pooe R.I.D., Mafini C., & Loury-Okoumba V.W.

Title: The influence of information sharing supplier trust and supplier synergy of supplier performance: The case of small and medium enterprises Journal: Journal of Transport and Supply Chain Management Volume: 9 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 1-11 ISSN: 1995-5235

Author and co-authors : Puri H., Surujlal J. & Dhurup M. Title: Foreign soccer spectator motives: A two comparison of the English Premier League (EPL) Journal: African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) Volume: Nov (sup) Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 209-225 ISSN: 1117-4315

Author and co-authors: Radebe P.Q. & Dhurup M.

Title: Sport and recreation officials’ role innovation, job and enjoyment and their relationship with job satisfaction and intention to stay in a developing country Journal: African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) Volume: 21 Issue: 3:1 Page numbers of article: 711-723 ISSN: 1117-4315

Author and co-authors : Radebe P.Q., Vyas-Doorgapesaad S. & Grobler W.

Title: The impact of a performance management systems on service delivery in the City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality Journal: African Journal of Public Affairs Volume: 8 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 92-105 ISSN: 1997-7441

Author and co-authors: Radebe P.Q., Dhurup M. & Surujlal, J.

Title: Sport and Recreation officers’ perceptions of organization support and deviant workplace behaviours in Gauteng Province, South Africa Journal: African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) Volume: Nov (sup) Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 182-194 ISSN: 1117-4315

Author and co-authors : Swanepoel E., Surujlal J. & Dhurup M.

Title: Attitude towards sport and physical activity, self-esteem, life satisfaction relationships and variations and in terms of gender: Perspective from University students Journal: African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) Volume: Nov (sup) Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 14-28 Page numbers of article: 1117-4315

Author and co-authors: Swanepoel M.J., Surujlal J. & Isabirey A.K. Title: A qualitative analysis of motives and challenges in professional female soccer Journal: African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) Volume: Nov (sup) Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 96-108 ISSN: 1117-4315


Researcher: Dhurup M.

Title: Emotional labour and job satisfaction relationships: Lived experiences of amateur sport coaches in South Africa Field: Sport Management

51 Faculty of management sciences






Author: Brits H.J.

Title: Counteracting stakeholder scepticism towards the integration of quality assurance activities at a university: A Habermasian and action research approach Journal: 683 Systematic Practice and Action Research Volume: 28 Issue: 2 Page numbers: 163-177 ISSN: 1094-429X


Director & Contact Details Prof Abdul Egal

Centre for Sustainable Livelihoods

Tel: 016 930 5091 Email: Prof Christo van Zyl Pienaar

Centre for Alternative Energy

Tel: 016 950 9381 Email: Prof Ochieng Aoyi

Centre for Renewable Energy and Water

Tel: 016 950 9884 Email:

Focus Areas

Leader & Contact details Prof Michael Pillay

Plant Molecular Genetics/Biotechnology

Tel: 016 950 9614 Email: Prof Peter Mendonidis

Materials and Minerals Technology

Tel: 016 950 9165 Email:

Technology Transfer & Innovation

Leader & Contact details Dr Joe Molete

Innovative Product Development and Advanced Manufacturing Technology

Tel: 016 930 5013 Email:

53 Research Focus Areas


Centre for Alternative Energy



CENTRE FOR ALTERNATIVE ENERGY Research at the Centre for Alternative Energy continued unabated during 2015, with a focus on power systems for industry as well as for rural communities Prof C Pienaar


uring 2015 the Centre for Alternative Energy worked closely with national and international collaborators to develop a new master’s degree, the MEng in Energy Efficiency. The project, called PEESA, is sponsored by the European Union. The VUT steering committee includes Telkom, Eskom, MTEC and Bidvest (TFMC), and our collaborators are:

Namibia University of Science and Technology (Polytechnic of Namibia)

Hochscule Wismar, Germany

Ernst-Abbe-Fachhochschule Jena, Germany

Fachhochschule Flensburg, Germany

Tshwane University of Technology, South Africa

Cape Peninsula University of Technology, South Africa

The MEng degree will be structured according to South African as well as European standards, with a 50/50 researchto-coursework ratio. The planned implementation date of the degree programme is August 2017. Research at the Centre for Alternative Energy continued unabated during 2015, with a focus on power systems for industry as well as for rural communities who lack the luxury

of grid power. These systems are based on harvesting solar energy and converting energy to hydrogen using reversible fuel cells. The hydrogen is then stored in fuel cells to provide electricity for the community at night. During the day, solar energy is also converted directly to electricity for use at schools or e-learning centres.

QUALIFICATIONS OBTAINED Two of the researchers at the Centre were awarded master’s degrees at the September 2015 graduation ceremony:

Augustine Ozemoya, for a thesis entitled ‘Controlling a photovoltaic module’s surface temperature to ensure high conversion efficiency’; and

Vusimusi Selaule, for a thesis entitled ‘Design and development of an off-grid e-learning centre for rural communities.


Neil Janse van Rensburg: ‘Technology development of a maximum power point tracker for regenerative fuel cells’

Willem Pienaar: ‘Radio frequency drying of materials’

Ruaan Schoeman: ‘Development of a service interruption prediction model for fuel cell power plants’

Malan van Tonder: ‘Development of 3D inkjet printing heads for high-viscosity liquids’

Marius Viljoen: ‘Energy management optimisation of a solar/hydrogen-driven power plant for a rural community’

FUNDING The Centre is funded by industry; the National Research Foundation (NRF) Technology and Human Resources for Industry Programme (THRIP); and VUT. The industrial partners are Telkom, Eskom, MTEC and Bidvest (TFMC).

Centre for Alternative Energy Steering Committee. From left to right: Prof Johan Bekker (VUT); Prof Christo Pienaar (VUT); Mrs Elsabé van Zyl (VUT); Mr Nsovo Mathebula (NRF); Mr Sakkie Mafereka (MTEC); Mr Gerhard Gericke (ESKOM); Mr Gys Booysen (TELKOM); Mr Rudolf Grobler (Bidvest (TFMC)); Mr Ruaan Schoeman (VUT); Dr Hannes J van Rensburg (VUT)

A maximum power point tracker for regenerative fuel cells

55 Centre for Alternative Energy



Centre for Alternative Energy


0-188 us

190 us



192 us


194 us

196 us

198 us

0.179mm 204 us

0.182mm 206 us


Satellite droplets Main droplets 0.195mm

Macro photography method to analyse 3D printing head droplets



200 us

202 us




Presenter and co-presenters: Akinwunmi A.F., Pienaar H.C.v.Z. & Bekker W.J.

Title of paper: Increasing the efficiency of small 200 W PEM fuel cells Conference: SATNAC Place: Hermanus, South Africa Date: 6-9 September 2015 ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-620-67151-4

Presenter and co-presenters: Asowata O., Pienaar H.C.v.Z. & Schoeman R.M.

Title of paper: Experiential analysis of the effectiveness of buck and boost dc-dc converters in a basic off-grid PV system Conference: International Conference on Computing, Communication and Security (ICCCS) Place: Port Louis, Mauritius Date: 4-6 December 2015 ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-4673-9353-9

Presenter and co-presenters: Janse van Rensburg N. & Pienaar H.C.v.Z. Title of paper: Simulation of a solar/hydrogen system using Simulink Conference: SATNAC Place: Hermanus, South Africa Date: 6-9 September 2015 ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-620-67151-4

Presenter and co-presenters: Schoeman R.M. & Pienaar H.C.v.Z.

Title of paper: Service interruption prediction model for dual cell power plants: Work in progress paper Conference: SATNAC Place: Hermanus, South Africa Date: 6-9 September 2015 ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-620-67151-4

Presenter and co-presenters: Selaule V.E., Schoeman R.M. & Pienaar H.C.v.Z.

Title of paper: An algorithm for alternative energy e-learning centres Conference: SATNAC Place: Hermanus, South Africa Date: 6-9 September 2015 ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-620-67151-4

Presenter and co-presenters: Van Tonder P.J.M., De Beer D.J. & Pienaar H.C.v.Z.

Title of paper: A macro photography method to analyses 3D printing head droplets Conference: SATNAC Place: Hermanus, South Africa Date: 6-9 September 2015 ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-620-67151-4


Researcher: Janse van Rensburg N.

Title: Technology development of a maximum power point tracker for regenerative fuel cells Field: Electronic Engineering

Researcher: Pienaar W.J.v.Z.

Title: Radio frequency heating of materials Field: Electronic Engineering

Researcher: Schoeman R.M.

Title: Development of a service interruption prediction model for fuel cell power plants Field: Electronic Engineering

Researcher: Viljoen M.

Title: Energy management optimisation of a solar/hydrogendriven power plant for a rural community Field: Electronic Engineering

Researcher: Van Tonder M.

Title: Development of 3D inkjet printing heads for highviscosity liquids Field: Electronic Engineering


Researcher: Grunewald N. Prof

Title: PEESA Higher education institution: Hochschule Wismar, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany

Researcher: Kuhn M.

Title: PEESA Higher education institution: Fachhochschule Flensburg, Germany

Researcher: Pfaffenberger K. Prof

Title: PEESA Higher education institution: Fachhochschule Flensburg, Germany

Researcher: Staak A. Prof

Title: PEESA Higher education institution: Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT), South Africa

57 Centre for Alternative Energy


Centre for Renewable Energy and Water (CREW)



CENTRE FOR RENEWABLE ENERGY AND WATER (CREW) In recent years, CREW has embarked on a number of collaborations at the national and international level. Prof O Aoyi


he Centre for Renewable Energy and Water (CREW) is an interfaculty centre of excellence at the VUT that focuses on applied and fundamental research in the fields of water and renewable energy. The CREW researchers are from the Departments of Chemistry, Biotech­nology, Civil Engineering and Building, and Chemical Engineering. In recent years, CREW has embarked on a number of collaborations at the national and international level. At the national level, there are collaborations with academic institutions, including Tshwane University of Technology, the University of Cape Town, the University of the Witwatersrand, the University of Johannesburg and North West University; while industrial collaborators include Sasol, Talbot & Talbot, and Eskom. International collaborators include Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland; Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom; Moi University, Kenya; East China University of Science and Technology, China; University of Sousse, Tunisia; Namibia Polytechnic, Namibia; and the Centre of Biotechnology of Sfax (LBPE, CBS), Tunisia. The major research projects CREW is working on address practical problems in industry and local government. Such projects are sponsored by the Local Government Sector Education and Training Authority (LGSETA); the Water


caring way. We take our set of shared values as the fabric that joins our hearts together and as a fount of wisdom from which we draw the water that cleans our minds.

Centre for Renewable Energy and Water (CREW)

Research Commission (WRC); the Chemical Industries Sector Education and Training Authority (CHIETA); and the National Research Foundation (NRF). In 2015 CREW organized two international conferences and one local conference.





Presenter and co-presenters: Akach J., Onyango M.S. & Ochieng A. The central focus of the centre is the water-energy-food nexus, grounded on the concept of waste beneficiation. In this approach, waste materials and solar energy are employed in systems that treat water and at the same time use different waste water streams to produce bioenergy. The performance of such systems can be improved by using advanced oxidation processes, in which nanomaterials are employed as photo catalysts to degrade high-strength waste water in multiphase systems. In such systems, phase mixing influences reaction rate and product quality. It is for this reason that one aspect of our research focuses on computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation. Water treatment and distribution is key to efficient service delivery.

VISION CREW’s vision is to be a leading global centre for renewable energy and water research, creating innovative knowledge that adds value to life in Africa.

MISSION Our mission is to develop research culture; to exploit the competencies at the interface of disciplines; and to engage in research driven by effective teaching and learning.

VALUE With the students at the centre, CREW strives to advance humanity by adding value to life in a humane, fulfilling and

Title of paper: Solar photo catalysis and adsorption of the antibiotic sulfamethoxazole in waste water Conference: 5th International Conference on Computer, Electrical, Electronics and Biomedical Engineering (ICCEEBE’2015) Place: Bali, Indonesia Date: 16-17 August 2015

Presenter and co-presenters: Benton O., Naidoo B. & Ochieng A.

Title of paper: Adsorption and photo degradation of molasses waste water using TiO2/ZnO nanocomposite supported on activated carbon Conference: 4th Regional South African Young Water Professionals Conference and 1st African Young Water Professionals Conference (4th YWP-ZA Biennial and 1at African YWP Conference) Place: Pretoria, South Africa Date: 16-18 November 2015

Presenter and co-presenters: Benton O., Naidoo B. & Ochieng A.

Title of paper: Photo degradation of molasses waste water using a TiO2-ZnO hybrid nanocatalyst for colour removal Conference: 42nd National Convention of the South African Chemical Institute Place: Durban, South Africa Date: 29 November – 4 December 2015

Presenter and co-presenters: Broom T.J., Onyango M.S. & Ochieng A. Title of paper: Photo catalytic activity of polyaniline/TiO2/ZnO composite for degradation of aromatic compounds in abattoir waste water Conference: 7th International Conference on Climate: Impacts and Response Place: Vancouver, Canada Date: 10-11 April 2015

Presenter and co-presenters: Matheri A.N., Belaid M., Seodigeng T. & Ngila C.J.

Title of paper: The kinetics of biogas rate from cow dung and grass clippings

Centre for Renewable Energy and Water (CREW)



Conference: 7th IIENG International Conference of Latest Trends in Engineering and Technology (ICLTET’2015) Place: Pretoria, South Africa Date: 26-27 November 2015

Presenter and co-presenters: Matheri A.N., Belaid M., Seodigeng T. & Ngila C.J.

Title of paper: The kinetics of biogas production rate from cattle manure and grass in batch mode Conference: 2th Conference for Planning Students and Young Graduates (CPSYG’2015) Place: University of Johannesburg, Auckland Park Kingsway Campus, South Africa Date: October 2015


Author and co-author: Igberase E. & Osifo P.

Title: Equilibrium, kinetic, thermodynamic and desorption studies of cadmium and lead by polyaniline-grafted cross-linked chitosan beads from aqueous solution Journal: Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Volume: 26 Page numbers: 340-347 ISSN: 1226-086X

Author and co-authors: Koech L., Rutto H.L., Everson R. & Neomagus H. Title: Leaching kinetics of bottom ash waste as a source of calcium ions Journal: Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association Volume: 65 Issue: 2 Page numbers: 126-132 ISSN: 0253-5106

Author and co-author: Ochieng A. & Akach J.

Title: CFD simulation of the photo degradation of biorecalcitrant compounds in a fluidized bed reactor Presented to: Emerging Frontiers for Sustainable Water Conference Place: Johannesburg, South Africa Date: 3-5 August 2015

Author: Ochieng A.

Title: Towards sustainable water and waste water management: Bridging the skills gap Presented to: Local Government Sector Education and Training (LGSETA) Round Table Summit Place: Johannesburg, South Africa Date: 25 February 2015


Author and co-authors: Baloyi J., Seadira T., Raphulu M. & Ochieng A. Title: Preparation, characterization and growth mechanism of dandelion-like TuiO2 nanostructures and their application in photo catalysis towards reduction of Cr(VI) materials Journal: Materials Today Volume: 37 Issue: 2 Page numbers: 3973 – 3987 ISSN: 3973-3987

Author and co-authors: Dube G., Rutto H.L., Everson R. & Neomagus H. Title: Preparation of bagasse ash/MgO/ammonium acetate sorbent properties and modelling their desulphurization reaction Journal: Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy Volume: 34 Issue: 1 Page numbers: 23-31 ISSN: 1944-7442

Author and co-authors: Koech L., Rutto H.L., Everson R. & Neomagus H. Title: Dissolution kinetics of South African coal fly ash and the development of a semi-empirical model to predict dissolution Journal: Chemical Industry & Chemical Engineering Quarterly Volume: 21 Issue: 2 Page numbers: 319-310 ISSN: 2217-7434

Author and co-authors: Koech L., Rutto H.L., Neomagus H., Everson R. & Lerotholi L.

Title: Effect of fly ash as an additive on the limestone dissolution rate constant Journal: Energy & Fuels Volume: 29 Issue: 5 Page numbers: 3284-3291 ISSN: 1520-5029

Author and co-authors: Mthombenia N.H., Onyango M. & Ochieng A. Title: Absorption of hexavalent chromium onto magnetic natural zeolite-polymer composite Journal: Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers Volume: 50 Issue: 5 Page numbers: 242-251 ISSN: 1876-1070

Author and co-authors: Rutto H.L. & Enweremadu C. Title: Optimization and modelling of process variables of biodiesel production from Marula oil using response surface methodology Journal: Materials Today Volume: 2 Issue: 5 Page numbers: 256-265 ISSN: 3973-3987

Author and co-authors: Rutto H.L., Enweremadu C. & Modiba E.M.

Title: Production of biodiesel from waste vegetable oil using impregnated diatomite Journal: Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering Volume: 23 Issue: 2 Page numbers: 281-289 ISSN: 1004-9541

The central focus of the centre is the water-energy-food nexus, grounded on the concept of waste beneficiation.

61 Centre for Renewable Energy and Water (CREW)


The Research Office




The Research Team



















*Submitted to DHET - not yet approved

NATIONAL RESEARCH FOUNDATION (NRF) The NRF rating system is a benchmarking system through which individuals that exemplifies the highest standards of research, as well as those demonstrating strong potential as researchers, are identified by an extensive network of South African and international peer reviewers.


Prof O Aoyi

Dr AE Ofomaja

Dr RI Campbell

Prof TB Tengen

Prof WH Oldewage-Theron

Dr HL Rutto

63 The Research Office




The Research Office




Postdoc/ Visiting Professor


Focus area





Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Development Areas


Prof A Egal




Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Engineering & Technology

Chemical Engineering

Prof O Aoyi




Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Development Areas

Centre for Sustainable Livelihoods

Prof W OldewageTheron




Visiting Professor

Engineering & Technology

Metallurgical Engineering

Prof A Alugongo



Henry Heroe

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Engineering & Technology

Chemical Engineering

Prof O Aoyi



Martins Osaigbovo

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Applied & Computer Sciences


Prof A Ofomaja



Iyiola Olatunji Visiting Professor Thomson

Engineering & Technology

Metallurgical Engineering

Prof P Mendonidis




Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Applied & Computer Sciences

Water & Environmental Pollution

Prof B Naidoo




Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Applied & Computer Sciences


Prof E Dikio & Prof EB Naidoo




Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Applied & Computer Sciences


Prof M Moloto




Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Applied & Computer Sciences


Prof E Dikio

RESEARCH CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMMES Various research capacity development workshops and information sessions were hosted by the Research Directorate, including:

NRF Sabbatical to complete doctorate qualifications funding opportunity

NRF Thuthuka funding opportunity

NRF Early career funding opportunities

Information session on becoming an NRF-rated researcher

Strengthening postgraduate supervision



SPSS & Amos



In partnership with Global Legacy Trust (GLT), the VUT implemented the following programmes and presented various workshops:

The Research Office

Staff Qualification Completion Programme for Master’s Candidates

Staff Qualification Completion Programme for PhD Candidates

Staff Development Programme: Supervisory Capacity Building Programmes

Staff Development Programme: Research Capacity Building Programmes

On 12 November 2015, certificates were presented to staff and postgraduate students who had successfully completed the relevant programmes. Funds were allocated to faculties to arrange research capacity development workshops/programmes according to their various needs:

Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences

Faculty of Engineering and Technology

Postgraduate induction program

Postgraduate induction program Quantitative X-ray diffraction methods (Metallurgy) Departmental seminar of postgraduate students’ and staff research progress (Metallurgy) Departmental seminar of postgraduate students’ and staff research progress (PC &CS) Thermal fluids workshop and training (Mechanical) Applied mechanics workshop and training (Mechanical) Workshop on GIS applications in Civil Engineering Projects and Research (Civil) Departmental seminar of postgraduate students’ and staff research progress (Civil)

Faculty of Human Sciences

Postgraduate induction programme

Writing for publication

Writing for publication novice researchers

Writing for publication young researchers

Writing for publication intermediate

Research methodology for supervisors

Visual Arts & Design Colloquium

Hospitality, Tourism & PR Colloquium

Postgraduate supervision workshop

Faculty of Management Sciences

Postgraduate induction programme

Writers’ retreat

Amos training

SPSS training

Postgraduate supervision workshop

The Research Office




The ‘Hub-and-Spokes’ model is a structured mentorship development programme that aims to bring mentors who are research leaders in strategic focus areas at the VUT into structured mentoring relationships with postgraduate students to support the growth of the next generation of South African academics at the VUT and at the same time fast-track development and innovation in the focus areas. ‘Hub’ refers to the focus area and research leader(s)/mentor, and ‘Spokes’ refers to the mentee postgraduate students. The aims and objectives of the Hub-and-Spokes model:

To provide focused support to facilitate the growth of the next generation of academics at the VUT;

To strengthen the critical mass of a community of researchers at the VUT;

To fast-track development in strategic research areas;

To provide structured support to ensure increased research outputs in strategic academic focus areas;

To ensure that postgraduate students are involved in publications in accredited peer-reviewed research publications; and

To support the academic socialisation of mentees by facilitating their involvement in teaching, tutoring and, where suitable, co-supervision.

SCHOLARSHIPS Scholarships are awarded to promote teaching and research interests in the research focus areas:

Doctoral candidate: R150 000.00 per annum

Master’s candidate: R96 000.00 per annum

R20 000.00 and R10 000.00 are ring-fenced for doctoral and master’s students, respectively, to be used to attend conferences and workshops for the duration of the scholarship period.

The following students were on the programme in 2015: Surname



Research focus area



John WJP

Engineering and Technology

Chemical Engineering

Prof O Aoyi


Seth O

Engineering and Technology

Chemical Engineering

Prof O Aoyi



Applied and Computer Sciences


Prof M Pillay



Applied and Computer Sciences


Dr CJ Grobler



Management Sciences


Dr R Chinomona



Engineering and Technology

Mechanical Engineering

Prof L Masu


Victor T

Engineering and Technology

Mechanical Engineering

Prof L Masu



Applied and Computer Sciences


Ms T Xaba


Thapelo P Mr

Applied and Computer Sciences


Prof M Moloto


Morena I

Applied and Computer Sciences


Dr N Feto




Research focus area



Gracious C

Engineering and Technology


Prof P Mendonidis



Applied and Computer Sciences


Prof M Moloto


Patrick K

Engineering and Technology

Mechanical Engineering

Prof LM Masu


Adeniyi O

Applied and Computer Sciences


Prof ED Dikio


Immaculate L

Applied and Computer Sciences


Prof AE Ofomaja Prof EB Naidoo


Ntaote David

Applied and Computer Sciences


Prof EB Naidoo


Simon B

Applied and Computer Sciences


Prof M Moloto


Amara E

Applied and Computer Sciences


Prof M Pillay



Applied and Computer Sciences


Dr T Walmsley


Thokozile NM

Applied and Computer Sciences


Dr TA Walmsley

Current number of students – Twenty (20) in total:

Seven (7) D-Tech students;

Three (3) D-Tech Associate Lecturers; and

Ten (10) Master’s students.

Dikeledi More and Kwena Pete graduated in April 2015.

Cano Ssemakalu and Wanda Bout graduated in September 2015.

RESEARCH ACHIEVEMENT AND RESEARCH EXCELLENCE AWARDS Faculty Research Awards, the VUT Excellence Award and VUT Achievement Award are presented annually. Candidates with the highest number of marks in a faculty are automatically nominated for the University Researcher of the Year award. Faculty awards and awards for the top three researchers are made in each category.


Nominations for the Faculty Research and Innovation Awards were submitted to the Research Directorate via the Faculty Research and Innovation Committees for an audit meeting. Nominations were screened and verified. The following staff received awards for their research achievements during 2014 at the various Faculty Research Awards functions: Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences Place

Research Excellence


Prof KO Okosun


Dr FM Mtunzi


Prof M Pillay

67 The Research Office



Faculty of Human Sciences Place

Faculty of Management Sciences

Research Achievement


Research Achievement


Dr FJ Rรถthe


Ms N Dlodlo


Dr E Mutekwe


Dr JP van der Westhuizen


Ms R Prinsloo


Dr C Marais




Research Excellence



Prof CM van der Bank


Prof J Selesho


Prof KC Moloi


Prof M Dhurup


Mr D Venter


Dr C Mafini



Research Excellence


The Annual Researcher of the Year Award ceremony was held on 12 November 2015, at the Emerald Resort and Casino, Vanderbijlpark. The following staff received awards for their research achievements in 2014: Research Achievement



Ms N Dlodlo

Management Sciences


Dr JP van der Westhuizen


Dr C Marais


Research Excellence



Prof J Selesho

Management Sciences

Management Sciences


Prof M Dhurup

Management Sciences

Management Sciences


Dr C Mafini

Management Sciences








The Research Office







External research funding and donations for research equipment totalled R35 410 568 for 2015. Sources of funding include the National Research Foundation (NRF); Water Research Commission (WRC); Local Government Sector Education and Training Authority (LGSETA); Department of Science and Technology (DST); Technology Innovation Agency (TIA); TFMC Pty Ltd; Telkom Pty Ltd; GMgraphix Pty Ltd; Malesela Taihan Electric Cable Pty Ltd; Eskom; Calcamite; Pennine Energy Innovation; Voxeljet GmbH; SES; Ametex; Zonke Engineering; EOS Gmbh; HTSA Power; Pretoria Wire Products; Technimark Advanced Prototyping Services (Pty); Oilseeds Advisory Committee; and Nestlé. INTERNAL FUNDING

R20 158 800 were allocated to research. Applications for funding are approved by the Executive Senate Research and Inno­ vation Committee.

RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT GRANT The Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) allocated Research Development Grant funds to the Vaal University of Technology as part of the 2015/16 allocation. The allocated funds represent significant government in­vest­ment in research development.




Postgraduate study support programmes for developmental staff

R 4 150 000

Mentorship/supervisor training programmes

R 418 000

Research capacity development programmes for recent recipients of a PhD qualification

R 250 000

Postdoctoral research fellowship programmes

R880 000

Employment of contract staff



R2 000 000

R7 698 000

69 The Research Office


Research Events






rofessor KC Moloi attended a leadership workshop in Antalya, Turkey, from 17 to 24 October. The workshop brought together leaders from various countries who serve humanity by combating poverty and offering disaster relief under the banner of Islamic Relief Worldwide.

Islamic Relief leadership workshop

Prof KC Moloi and other delegates at the workshop

Islamic Relief Worldwide marked three decades of alleviating poverty and suffering in 2014 – a year during which we broadened our shoulders to meet expectations of integrated sustainable development and the transformation of living standards in poor communities. Operating in over forty countries, Islamic Relief has created a new agenda that focuses on key issues such as inequality, climate change, child protection, inclusion and, and post-2015, sustainable development, to create a safer, healthier environment. Research has shown that education can play a vital role in personal wellbeing by contributing towards a life full of opportunity and improved health. It also promotes active citizenship and helps to contain violence in society to a bare minimum. In this regard, Islamic Relief Worldwide has worked extensively to provide educational opportunities that enable children in poor communities to access lifechanging education.

Two Ethiopian schools gained access to drinking water, teacher training, books, science labs and ICT equipment, benefitting 3 546 children. We reconstructed five Haitian schools following the 2010 earthquake and Haitians celebrated the official opening of earthquake-resistant schools. Five schools in Iraq were modernised and improved to make them fit-for-purpose learning environments. In Ethiopia, we trained teachers and equipped five primary schools and two public libraries, thereby enabling access to quality education for over 205 000 individuals. In addition, 175 Yemeni children with special educational needs received learning tools and equipment such as wheelchairs, and in Tunisia, we teamed up with the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) to enrol refugee children in local schools, supporting them with stationery and extra tuition. The Islamic Relief orphan sponsorship programme has thus far supported 38 000 children in twenty-four countries worldwide. We mainstream child protection and ensure that our programmes are child-focused. For example, 2 300 children are benefitting from child-friendly facilities and improved living and educational standards at an orphanage in Garissa, Kenya. In Indonesia, our technical and financial assistance enabled eleven orphanages and boarding schools to grow crops and use their new income to improve their educational offer.


Islamic Relief recently embarked on a major initiative to help empower vulnerable youth in Chechnya through vocational training and income generation projects.

Research Events

Since the late 1990s, Islamic Relief has contributed towards over two hundred educational projects worldwide. Approxi­ mately 2 million people have benefitted directly from these projects, and some 370 000 indirectly. In total, Islamic Relief has contributed a staggering £63 million towards educational schemes to ensure that well-structured, healthy and adequate learning environments are created everywhere that the organisation is active.


The project will empower 900 vulnerable Chechen youths to support themselves and their families by providing enter­ prise and business training and start-up capital. Universal primary education – the notion that every child has the right to school education – is one of the eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). However, the United Nations Education for All Global Monitoring Report 2015 indicates that one in four children are still unable to read a sentence, highlighting the need for good teachers and an improved universal teaching system that embodies greater care and quality. Islamic Relief believes that an educated population is the backbone of society, providing the structure and strength it requires to function. The emphasis that Islam places on education can be seen in the first word that was revealed to the Prophet Mohammed (SAW), iqra – ‘read’, and is repeatedly stressed in the Quran. There are ample verses that align the attainment of know­ ledge with spiritual fulfilment. In light of the MDGs, Islamic Relief will continue to strive towards ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all in the years to come. Our East Africa Regional office brings us closer to the communities we serve in Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, and South Sudan, with programmes in each of these countries now fully aligned to our global strategy. During 2015 we continued to develop this hub as a centre for leadership and regional knowledge, recruiting staff to key posts and delivering regional training.



ll my life, I have strived to make a mark in everything I participate in, so that my life and name may be celebrated by the generations that will come after me. My presence and principles should have a positive influence on people I meet or associate with, and how I conduct myself is a true reflection of how I was raised. I have always shown dedication in what I do, and my competitive nature makes me excel in all activities that I participate in.

Mr Katleho Ralehoko



Research Events

Having faced a lot of challenging experiences in the past, I have learned not to be a product of my environment and to rise above circumstances. When faced with challenges, all I tell myself is: God puts you through things in order to bring out the best in who you are; sometimes greatness is not what you accomplish, but what you overcome. I am excited and thrilled to be a recipient of this prestigious bursary. Most importantly, I am proud of the person I am and the hard work I put in, both academically and through my leadership competencies – and I am certain that my family and friends are as proud of my achievements as I am. This opportunity will open up new avenues in my life, and I honestly look forward to representing my institution and becoming an ambassador for the Vaal University of Technology. As the first inducted student from this institution, I am honoured and feel positively pressured to carry the name of my university to greater heights, so that I may pave the way for other students in the years to come. I also look forward to using this time to have fun while learning, and enjoy my first, life-changing experience in the United Kingdom! What makes me stand out is that I am not afraid to voice my opinions and engage with topical issues. This will help me in debates or when it comes to discussing the major issues that we currently face in the country, and hopefully I can contribute positively towards finding solutions for the future. I am faced with infinite possibilities, and I choose to spend my time constructively to contribute towards the future of the country by engaging in social projects aimed at empowering the community. This is not a superhero act, but the act of a dedicated student who likes to take charge when situations require it and does not falter under pressure. I believe that I was born with leadership qualities, but I also worked hard to hone these skills. As a president at the Basa Tutorial Institute in my matric year (2009), I realised that leadership is not about putting oneself at the forefront, but rather about being a pillar to others, so that they may find strength through their leader’s abilities and example. My first year (2011) at Vaal University of Technology allowed me to put my leadership qualities to wider use. I was the first student in my class (and only the second at the University) to finish EDL before the Easter holidays. Moreover, selling

t-shirts and hats on campus exposed me to the wider campus community. My lecturers and peers encouraged me to capitalise on the success of this venture and the measure of popularity and influence it brought me to pursue other entrepreneurial activities. So when the opportunity arose to partner with my classmates Thabo Babana, Maipato Maine, Motlalepula Radebe, Sindisiwe Maseko and Ellen Hlanyane to create a community outreach programme called Vision Fr3e, I grabbed it with both hands. The aim of Vision Fr3e was to educate people and change their perceptions in order to enable them to improve their lifestyle. We ran numerous successful projects around Sharpeville (Lehlasedi Primary School) with the aid of sponsorships from Rand Water, Water Wise, the Department of Hospitality, Tourism and Public Relations (VUT) and Signate Web, and were featured in various local community newspapers. During our third year, we ran a ‘Drop It In’ project. The project, spearheaded by Puleng Maphisa, Kholosa Malase, Koketso Gaothaelwe, saw Vision Fr3e collecting clothing from students, lecturers and staff members and donating it to a home in Sasolburg. One of the highlights for the team was a guest appearance by two of our colleagues, Maipato Maine and Sindisiwe Maseko, on the television show SHIFT (SABC 1 programme) to celebrate women’s month. My field of study is Public Relations Management. It entails a lot of event planning and exposed me to working with various non-governmental organisations, such as Lusa Community Chest (Sasolburg). In 2014 I was given the responsibility of acting as a group leader for the planning and running of Nelson Mandela Day celebrations at Kanana Mental Health Care Centre in Stillpark, Vereeniging. I am currently completing the first year of my master’s studies and am working hard to have my thesis proposal approved before I leave for the United Kingdom. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Ms Beatrice Phume for supporting me and encouraging me to apply for the bursary: You have always opened your office doors for me when I needed help, and I can only hope I have made you proud. Your department plays a huge role in supporting our academics; may you continue the great work and do the same for others as you have done for me. Last but not least, I thank my colleagues and friends for their role in ensuring that I successfully applied for the bursary.



aal University of Technology (VUT) and the University of Johannesburg (UJ) Centre for Education Rights and Transformation (CERT) co-hosted a community engagement workshop at the VUT Science Park campus on 18 and 19 June 2015. The workshop was aimed at creating a platform for shar­ ing research findings; promoting dialogue on how postschooling education (PSE) may promote community development in the Sedibeng area; and finding a way forward to translate this into practice in the context of poverty, youth unemployment and skills shortages by creating forms of employment that meet the direct needs and priorities of the youth in South Africa today. With this collaboration, VUT and UJ hope to build a shared vision and a common agenda for social change and impact by seeking to move beyond the provision of services in communities towards recognising and using indigenous knowledge to create sustainable solutions that are informed by the needs and priorities of communities themselves. The workshop also served as a platform for Emerging Voices2, a youth advocacy group, to report on their research findings. The research, which was conducted by members of the group, harnessed skills which have long been lying dormant within communities due to marginalisation and lack of resources. A one-of-its-kind initiative, the research broke new ground and highlighted the availability of a vast store of indigenous knowledge that should be harnessed to craft developmental strategies and policies aimed addressing challenges faced by the youth.

Emerging Voices 2 Co-ordinating Committee. The findings of the Emerging Voices2 research have been documented in a comprehensive and fascinating report (available from the VUT Research Directorate and CERT). With the support of Professor Dzvimbo, the publication will be translated into local languages, as well as international languages such as French. According to the report, Emerging Voices 2 (EV2) aims to:


Participants from the University of Johannesburg, VUT and the community

73 Research Events



development of a cadre of conscious leadership that will truly effect social change, to the benefit of the previously marginalised communities.

Research Events


Prof Dzvimbo addressing participants at the workshop The joint VUT-UJ workshop came at a strategic moment, as the VUT was intensifying its commitment towards community engagement (CE). The VUT Community Engagement Unit has played a vital role in laying the foundation for offering a helping hand on the university campuses and in the surrounding communities. This valuable contribution also served as catalyst for the Research Directorate and Social Transformation Unit to entrench a culture of communityengaged scholarship within the institution.

The VUT-UJ workshop not only raised issues; more im­ portantly, it generated a dialogue which led to solutions that came from the youth themselves. A highlight of the proceedings was a heated discussion between the youth and representatives of the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET), with the youth demanding answers about why the government has failed to develop appropriate education and other interventions to assist them to address the many challenges they face. Unable to offer a satisfactory response, the DHET representatives walked out of the discussion.


Community-engaged scholarship (CES) supports and deep­ ens CE by inculcating a culture of a commitment towards a new social order within the academy (i.e. the management and academic staff of the University). To this end, the Research Department and Social Transformation Unit are looking at innovative and creative ways of engaging academics at a scholarly level. This would entail mapping and taking into consideration the broad needs and challenges of communities, and embedding CES in the curriculum by developing approaches that are contextualised and modelled on academics’ disciplines. This should drive a commitment towards addressing pressing issues in society in different ways and from different perspectives.

By showcasing knowledgeable youth who are able and empowered to raise issues from a position of understanding their socio-political context, the dialogue offered a striking illustration of the power and impact of CES from institutions of higher learning. At the conclusion of the discussion the youth established task team to engage further with the DHET and other government agencies, bearing further witness to the competencies gained from the process of CES, such as organisational skills.

Through the curriculum developed by academics, CES will facilitate the engagement of students by equipping them with knowledge and the skills to use what they have learnt in theory and research to promote social change. As they share and apply knowledge and experience of their respective disciplines within communities, these scholars will in turn enhance their research outcomes by substantiating their theoretical knowledge with empirical interaction with the outside world, based on real and current problems that affect society. It is envisaged that CES will facilitate the

The VUT Research Directorate and Social Transformation Unit were important stakeholders in ensuring the success of the event, and delegates expressed particular gratitude to VUT Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic and Research), Prof Kuzvinetsa Dzvimbo, for his commitment to the daily struggle of youth and communities in the face of numerous challenges. Prof Dzvimbo’s engagement exemplifies some­ thing that has long been awaited: academics stepping down from their ‘ivory towers’ and assuming an active role in the struggles of the working class.


Research Events



s Jeané Bresler scooped an overall Best Designer Award in the clock design category at the 16th Annual International Conference of the Rapid Product Development Association of South Africa (RAPDASA), which took place from 4 to 6 November 2015 in Pretoria. Rapid product development serves industry by allowing 3D printing of objects directly from CAD designs. The annual RAPDASA conference is aimed at connecting researchers, designers, scientists and technical personnel from across the globe. Ms Bresler entered a competition that aims to promote awareness of additive manufacturing (AM) and attempts to estimate the country’s capability to design and engineer for AM. Participants could choose between a consumer product in the form of a clock, or a 2-A design of an assistive device for a disabled patient. Bresler said: “I have a graphic design background. So this just goes to show that you do not have to be an engineer to design for this technology. You just need to learn how to use a CAD program and create a printable design.” Students who are interested can learn this for free at the VUT Idea2Product Lab. They can also interact with the 3D printers and print their designs at a low cost.

Award winner, Ms Jeané Bresler Among those who attended and presented research papers at the conference were Bertus van As, Sarel Havenga and Leslie Brown, who presented a paper on Gillian Bare Syndrome that was linked to one of the categories of the design competition. VUT was thanked for its contribution to the conference and was also announced as host for 2016.



Dr Engela van Staden, Chief Director: Academic Planning and Management Support from the Department of Higher Education and Training


he VUT International Relations and Advancement Depart­ment hosted the first International Colloquium and Information Day on 23 October 2015, at the Desmond Tutu Great Hall.

In keeping with its theme – ‘Bridging the gap and creating horizontal linkages for African universities’ – the event brought various stakeholders together and created an opportunity for private companies, government depart­ments and funding agencies to showcase products, services and scholarly opportunities to advance scholarship in Africa.



Research Events

NEW PATH FOR SOUTH AFRICAN INSTITUTIONS Vaal University of Technology hosted the Eight Annual International South African Technology Network (SATN) Conference from 19 to 22 October 2015. Day two of the conference was graced by the presence of Dr Engela van Staden, Chief Director: Academic Planning and Management Support of the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET). In her keynote address, Dr van Staden reflected on important issues pertaining to entrepreneurship in education, including a strategic focus on entrepreneurship; establishing entrepreneurship centres; hosting entrepreneurship events; integrating entrepreneurship skills within curricula; and financial support. “This is the start of a new process [and] what universities in South Africa should look like,” said Dr van Staden.

Professor Pinkoane with traditional healers

TRADITION MEETS SCIENCE Prof Martha Pinkoane and colleagues met with traditional healers involved with the Traditional Medicine Research Institute (TMRI) project. Traditional healers have been part of the TMRI project for the past three years, formulating and making the medicines for clinical trials. The group also received training in the use of simple biomedical equipment needed for the study. The group is very enthusiastic about the project: “We are happy about the initiative between us and Prof Pinkoane. We humbly ask our ancestors to heal the people and our nation [and] bring peace in our land. We cannot express our gratitude enough to Prof Pinkoane for the beautiful work she’s doing for the community and the respect we all have for each other,” said Mrs Tholo Melato, one of the traditional healers.


postgraduate report


2015 HIGHLIGHTS Ms. B. Phume and Ms. N. Kenke


During 2015 the Higher Degrees Unit registered 360 students.

Old students submitted their progress reports to enable us to monitor and evaluate their progress. Total registrations






Applied and Computer Sciences






Engineering and Technology






Human Sciences






Management Sciences












2015 POSTGRADUATE STATISTICS (BY FACULTY AND DEPARTMENT) Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences Department

Registered students MTech








Information Systems


Information Technology





Faculty of Engineering and Technology Department

Registered students MTech


Chemical Engineering



Civil Engineering



Electrical Engineering



Industrial Engineering




Mechanical Engineering Metallurgical Engineering Total






2015 highlights



Faculty of Human Sciences

Registered students







Fine Art


Food and Beverage Management



Food Service Management



Graphical Design





Public Relations Management


Tourism and Hospitality Management





Faculty of Management Sciences

Registered students







Human Resources Management


Labour Relations Management









Business Administration Cost and Management Accounting


GRADUATES 2011-2015 Total number of graduates






Applied and Computer Sciences






Engineering and Technology






Human Sciences






Management Sciences













2015 highlights



Faculty of Engineering and Technology Student name


Title of dissertation or thesis

Benga Ebouele, OO

M Tech: Industrial Engineering

Optimizing inventory ordering policies in supply chain management: A case study on a selected company from the Vaal region

Dube, GM

M Tech: Chemical Engineering

The enhancement of sorbent properties using hydrating agents and siliceous materials in flue gas desulphurization

Koech, L

M Tech: Chemical Engineering

Dissolution study of limestone, fly ash and bottom ash for wet flue gas desulphurization

Olivier, AA

M Tech: Mechanical Engineering

Monitoring shock pulse values on bearings to determine the condition while operating under variable speed and load

Ondari, J

M Tech: Civil Engineering

Anaerobic co-digestion of textile and abattoir waste water

Pete, KY

M Tech: Chemical Engineering

Photo catalytic degradation of dyes and pesticides in the presence of ions

Ramuhaheli, S

M Tech: Mechanical Engineering

Evaluation of the effects of biodiesel purification methods on engine performance and emission characteristics

Ozemoya, AO

M Tech: Electrical Engineering

Controlling a photovoltaic module’s surface temperature to ensure high conversion efficiency

Baloyi, SJ

M Tech: Chemical Engineering

Photo catalytic treatment of industrial waste water containing citric acids and toxic heavy metals

Seadira, TWP

M Tech: Chemical Engineering

Treatment of acid mine drainage using constructed wetland and UV/TiO2 photo catalysis

Selaule, VE

M Tech: Electrical Engineering

Design and development of an off-grid e-learning centre for rural communities

Faculty of Human Sciences Student name


Title of dissertation or thesis

Marumo, K

D Tech: Food Service Management

Impact of a soy feeding programme on the nutritional status of an elderly community in Sharpeville

Faculty of Management Sciences Student name


Title of dissertation or thesis

Chauke, XD

M Tech: Marketing

On-line shopping satisfaction, loyalty and repurchase intentions of Generation X consumers in southern Gauteng

Loury-Okoumba, WV

M Tech: Logistics

Antecedents of supplier performance in small and medium enterprises

2015 highlights



Faculty of Management Sciences

Mahlangu, DM

M Tech: Logis

The influence of supply chain integration, collaborative planning and supply chain capabilities on firm competitiveness and performance: The case of small and medium enterprises

Mduli, G

D Tech: Business

Developing strategies to improve the technical and vocational education system in Swaziland

Mofokeng, TM

M Tech: Logistics

The influence of knowledge sharing, business strategy alignment and long term relationships on supply chain management in the small and medium enterprise sector

Mokoena, BA

D Tech: Marketing

Marketing of university of technology: Examining the relationship between market orientation elements, barriers and university performance

Muposh, A

D Tech: Marketing

Green customers’ buying behaviour: Antecedents, selection attributes of Generation Y consumers, and the relationship with future behaviour intention

Mutamba, KD

M Tech: Business Administration

The influence of teamwork and organizational commitment on work performance in a construction company

Naile, IM

M Tech: Human Resources Management

The relationship between motivation and job satisfaction of academics at a university of technology in Southern Gauteng

Ngo Ndjama, JD

M Tech: Human Resources Management

Employee perceptions of corporate social responsibility and the relationship with organisational commitment and intention to stay in a telecommunications company

Ntisa, AA

D Tech: Business

Job satisfaction, organizational commitment, turnover intentions, absenteeism and performance of academics within South Africa University of Technology

Pita, N

M Tech: Human Resources Management

Succession planning: Current practices and barriers and the relationship with turnover intensions within a public service in a developing country

Samosamo, MG

M Tech: Human Resources Management

Impact of induction on employee perception of health and safety at ArcelorMittal

Tlale, MT

M Tech: Logistics

The influence of IT adoption on supply chain collaboration of SMEs in the Gauteng and Free State provinces in South Africa

Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences Student name


Title of dissertation or thesis

Bout, W

M Tech: Chemistry

Screening of pyrazole as ligands with palladium precursors in the Heck reaction

Chalwe, JM

M Tech: Biotechnology

Assessing the genetic diversity of Alernaria baticola in South Africa using molecular markers

Chihomvu, P

M Tech: Biotechnology

Biochemical and molecular characterization of heavy metal resistant bacteria isolated from the Klip River system

Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences Dikio, CW

M Tech: Chemistry

Extraction, determination, and isolation of biologically active compounds from Pentanisia prunelloids

Kupeta, KP

M Tech: Chemistry

Synthesis of cross-linked pine cone biosorbent and its application in industrial waste water treatment

Leareng, SK

M Tech: Biotechnology

Molecular characterization and identification of microbial communities in pigeon droppings

Ledwaba, ER

M Tech: Biotechnology

Antimycobacterial activity of synthetic compounds isolated from South African medicinal plants against Mycobacterium tubecolosis

Mabonga, L

M Tech: Biotechnology

Development of a genome-specific SCAR (sequencecharacterized amplified region) marker in Musa lbanana and Musa plantains)

Marie, T

M Tech: Information Technology

An intelligent automatic vehicle traffic flow monitoring and control system

Mokgotlane, KD

M Tech: Chemistry

Semantic knowledge extraction from relation database

More, DS

M Tech: Chemistry

Synthesis and characterization of silver and silver selenide nanoparticles, and their incorporation into polymer fibres using an electro-spinning technique

Morifi, E

M Tech: Chemistry

Cobalt and cadmium chalsogenide nanomaterial from complexes based on thiaerea and urea: Synthesis and characterisation

Nguluta, M

M Tech: Biotechnology

Genetic diversity analysis and determination of calcium oxalate crystals accessions in Taro (Colocasia esculenta) in South Africa

Ramafalo, E

M Tech: Information Technology

A framework for the evaluation of the information systems

Rankapola, E

M Tech: Information Technology

The use of podcasting revision lectures in improving tertiary level learners’ academic performance


Bursaries to support B-Tech and M-Tech students

Innovation block grants: R50 000 awarded to 32 students

Free-standing block grant: R20 000 awarded to 11 students

Scarce skills block grant: R40 000 awarded to 30 students

Master’s scarce skills grant: R40 000 awarded to 7 students, plus 4 renewals from 2014

Extra NRF Innovation: R80 000 awarded to 7 students

VUT Award: 17 students

81 2015 highlights




2015 highlights

Postgraduate study fees have increased by 8% per year.


Total fees per year





R3 890.00

R4 210.00

R4 630 00

R5 090.00


Dates for Induction




28 February 2015

08:30 – 16:00

Research orientation

Prof M Dhurup & all Heads of Department /Prof J Selesho

14 March 2015

08:30 – 16:00

Information search and the use of the library databases, including plagiarism

Ms R Fani

09 May 2015

08:30 – 16:00

Literature usage and writing styles/ Theoretical framework

Prof C Moloi

06 June 2015

08:30 – 16:00

Quantitative/qualitative and mixed method

Prof J Selesho & Dr Van den Berg

25 July 2015

08:30 – 16:00

The design of the research proposal (Parts 1 & 2)

Prof J Selesho & Dr Van den Berg

15 August 2015

08:30 – 16:00

Submission of and feedback on first draft of research proposal; questionnaire development

Prof M Dhurup & all supervisors

19 September 2015

08:30 – 16:00

Basic data analysis, SPSS and hypotheses testing

Prof J Selesho & Dr P Nel

17 October 2015

08:30 – 16:00

AMOS-CFA and hypotheses testing

Prof M Dhurup

14 November 2015

08:30 – 16:00

Final proposal presentation/Feedback

All supervisors


Topic and date

I – 14 February

II – 21 February


Conceptualisation The concept and philosophy of research

Choice of topic, objectives, problem statement Hypothesis statement and testing

Preparation Information gathering, data bases, referred journals, impact factor, Hirsch index

Execution Proposal writing (detailed analysis) Safety and security

III – 28 February

IV – 7 March

V – 14 March

VI – 28 March

VII – 4 April

VIII – 11 April

Assignment submission



Assignment 1: 28 February Introduction (20%)

Interpretation and analysis Data capture and validation Data interpretation Discussion and application Importance of findings and applications Characteristics of applied research Relevance of research to society

Duration (hours)



Assignment 2: 14 March MTech/DTech Proposal (40%)

Thesis writing and article publication Thesis structure Journal and conference papers



Research ethics and oral presentation Copyright and plagiarism, Proposal for funding Time management, team work, mentorship Effective technical communication

Assignment 3: 4 April Model thesis (20%)


Oral presentation and teamwork

Assignment 4: 11 April Oral presentation (20%)


83 2015 highlights




2015 highlights

PROPOSALS APPROVED IN 2015 Student name Discipline


Supervisor 1 / Examiner 1

Supervisor 2 / Examiner 2

Altaki, K

M Tech: Mechanical Engineering

Modelling and analysis of a multi-degree of freedom Alugongo, A Prof off-road vehicle suspension system

Baburam, C

D Tech: Biotechnology

Engineering of an enzymes cocktail for biodegradation of petroleum hydrocarbons based on known enzymatic pathways and metagenomic techniques

Feto, NA Dr

Tsekoa, T Dr

Basson, RL

M Tech: Hospitality and Tourism Management

Analysing the travel behaviour of the halaal tourist market in South Africa

Slabbert, E Prof

Labuschagne, V Dr

Bogle, S

M Tech: Photography

The Wedding Ritual: A photographer’s journey to capturing the practice

Munro, A Prof

Laurie, A Ms

Chihomvu, P

D Tech: Biotechnology

The effect of solar irradiated Salmonella typhimurium and Campylobacter jejuni on the proliferation and Pillay, M Prof activation of macrophages in vitro

Uomba-Jaswa, E Dr

Chilliza, MZM

M Tech: Chemical Engineering

Acid mine drainage remediation using pyrite coated Rutto, HL Dr with silane and phosphate

Aoyi, O Prof

Djokwe, L

M Tech: Business Administration

The influence of job complexity and job satisfaction Jourbert, PA Dr of employees at a TVET college in southern Gauteng

Ntisa AA Dr

Doman, J

A method to establish the sensitometric M Tech: Photography Characterisation of a Digital Still and Motion Camera Munro, A Prof (DSMC)

Heenop, D

M Tech: Graphic Design

The re-evaluation and rebranding of a public library from a human-centred design (HCD) point of view: A case study

Hlohlolo, PE

M Tech: Marketing

Factors influencing mobile banking services success among township Generation X consumers in the Mahlangu, HB Dr Moahaka district

Motale, MDB Dr

Hlungwane, L

M Tech: Chemistry

Comparative adsorption of chromium (VI) onto Macadamia-activated carbon and clay: Batch and column studies

Pakade, VE Dr

Viljoen, E Dr

Hlungwane, NP M Tech: Chemistry

Synthesis and characterization of metal (Ni, C and Cd) phosphide nanoparticles using single-source precursor method and microwave technique

Moloto, M Prof

Moloto, N Dr

Munro, A Prof

Laurie, A Ms

Chmela-Jones, K Ms

Student name Discipline


Supervisor 1 / Examiner 1

Supervisor 2 / Examiner 2

Igberase, E

D Tech: Chemical Engineering

The adsorption of heavy metal ions by chitosan derivative in both synthesized and real acid mine drainage

Osifo, P Prof

Ofomaja, AO Dr

Khatshwa, NE

M Tech: Mechanical Engineering

Modelling of stress distribution in cold-pressed titanium powder compacts.

Masu, LM Prof

Machio, C Dr

Koech, LK

D Tech: Chemical Engineering

Flue gas desulphurization by lime spray drying

Rutto, HL Dr

Everson, R Prof

Kupeta, AJK

D Tech: Chemistry

Maake, L

M Tech: Logistics

The influence of supply chain management practices on business performance of small and medium-sized enterprises in the Sedibeng district

Vd Westhuizen JP Dr Ntshingila, L Dr

Machedi, S

M Tech: Chemistry

Determination and removal of chlorinated phenol compounds form water using HPLC, Macademia nut Mtunzi, FM Dr shell charcoal and solid phase extraction (SPE)

Pakade, Dr

Madimabe, MR

M Tech: Biotechnology

Correlation between saliva and serum antibody trite response to pneumococcal capsular polysaccharides

Grobler, CJ Ms

Adrian, PV Dr

Madinga, NW

M Tech: Marketing

Selected antecedents to approach status consumption among township youth consumers in the Sedibeng district

Mahlangu, HB Dr

Motale, MBD Ms

Mahao, B

M Tech: Marketing

The influence of selected antecedents on athlete endorser credibility, attitude towards an advertisement and purchase intentions

Dlodlo, Ms

Tesnear, S Dr

Makgae, OB

M Tech: Marketing

Factors influencing Generation Y consumer engagement with brand pages on Facebook in the Tshwane district

Motale, MBD Dr

Mahlangu, HB Dr

Makhanya MF

M Tech: Hospitality and Tourism Management

Assessing relationship marketing practices of travel agencies of South Africa

Slabbert, E Prof

Labuschagne, V Dr

Makokoe, I

M Tech: Marketing

Selected antecedents towards the acceptance of m-payment, and the relationship with attitude and future intentions

Dlodlo, N Ms

Van Schalkwyk, P Dr

Malise, L

M Tech: Chemical Engineering

Activation of the carbonaceous material from pyrolysis of water tyres for water treatment

Rutto, HL Dr

Seodigeng, T Dr

85 2015 highlights


2015 highlights



Student name Discipline


Supervisor 1 / Examiner 1

Supervisor 2 / Examiner 2

Manuga M

M Tech: Hospitality and Tourism Management

Identifying predictors of tourists’ intentions to return Slabbert, E Prof to South Africa

Burger, E Mrs

Mapundu, MT

M Tech: Information Technology

Electronic portfolios to enhance the learning experience of students at private tertiary institutions Jordaan, A Prof in South Africa

Lombard, A Ms

Marais, LM

D Tech: Biotechnology

Antimicrobial activity and resistance-modifying properties of Zingiber officinale, Alpinia galangal and Curcuma longa.

Padayachee, T Prof

Mtunzi, F Dr

Mashapa T

M Tech: Marketing

Social media influence on brand awareness, perceived quality, brand loyalty and purchase intention of smart phones among university students

Mokoena, BA Dr

Dhurup, M Prof

Mashapa, MM

M Tech: Hospitality and Tourism Management

Determining the perceptions of host communities regarding urban ecotorism: The case of an urban park in Gauteng

De Witt, L Dr

Slabbert, E Prof

Mashile, TJ

M Tech: Logistics

Antecedents of supply chain performance among small and medium enterprises in the Sedibeng district

Chinomona E Ms

Ntshingila, L Dr

Matshidza NV

M Tech: Business Administration

Strategic planning and its alignment with the budgeting process in selected national government Pooe RID Prof departments in South Africa

Radebe P Dr

Mawela, TV

M Tech: Mechanical Engineering

Computer simulation modelling for predicting the effects of size of particulate fillers on the quasi-static Masu, LM Prof properties of particulate composites

Maringa, M Prof

Maziriri, ET

M Tech: Business Administration

The influence of perceived social risk and buying behaviour on apparel store choice decision among Generation Y female students within Sedibeng district.

Mokoena, BA Dr

Van Schalkwyk, PJ Dr

Mello, M

Chemical Engineering

Desulphurization of waste tyre pyrolytic oil using photo degradation and adsorption techniques

Rutto, HL Dr

Seodigeng, T Dr

Mmelesi, OK

M Tech: Chemistry

Preparation and characterization of pine cone carbon-supported iron oxide catalyst for phenol degradation

Ofomaja, AE Dr

Viljoen, EL Dr

Mnqiwu, K

M Tech: Chemistry

ZnS and CuS nanoparticles from substituted dithiocarbamate (benzamidazyl-N-butyl-2-methyl and 2-methylindole) ligands

Xaba, T Ms

Moloto, M Prof

Student name Discipline


Supervisor 1 / Examiner 1

Supervisor 2 / Examiner 2

Mofokeng TP

M Tech: Chemistry

Lactose, alanine and aspartic acid-capped CuS, ZnS and FeS nanoparticles: Synthesis, characterization and their properties

Moloto, M Prof

Shumbula, PM Dr

Moja, G

Evaluation of blended collectors for improved M Tech: Metallurgical recovery of PGMs from Western Bushveld Engineering UG2 deposit

Otunniyi, AO Prof

Mendonidis, P Prof

Mokgope, HD

D Tech: Biotechnology

Investigating the efficacy of moving-bed biofilm reactor for the biodegradation of antiretrovirals in South African water systems

Walmsley, TA Dr

Klink, M Dr

Mokoena MI

M Tech: Biotechnology

Mining and functional analysis of DNA manipulation enzymes from hot springs using metagenomics techniques

Feto, N Dr

Rashamuse, K Dr

Moloto, PG

M Tech: Biotechnology

Identification and analysis of dominant bacteria associated with the spoilage of UHT full-cream milk

Pillay, M Prof

Naser, A

Mosia, TJ

M Tech: Chemical Engineering

Analysis and treatment of perfluorocarbon contamination in the Vaal River

Van der Merwe, HC Dr

Ntwampe, SKO Dr

Mphuthi, BR

M Tech: Biotechnology

Assessing the removal efficiencies of a horizontal sub-surface-flow-constructed wetland during the treatment of municipal waste water

Van Wyk,CS Ms

Osifo, P Prof

Mtshatsheni, KNG

D Tech: Chemistry

Preparation and application of pine-magnetite composite grafted with functional vinyl monomers for removal of cationic dyes from singles and binary solutions

Ofomaja, AE Dr

Naidoo, EB Prof

Mudanganyi M

M Tech: Marketing

The influence of consumer-based equity on customer satisfaction and brand loyalty in mobile cellular services

Muposhi, A Dr

Shamhuyenhanza, RM Mr

Mudhara, ZJ

D Tech: Business

Strategy implementation, financial performance, and the survival of women-owned small and medium enterprises in Gauteng Province

Mafini, C Dr

Niyimbanira, F Dr

Analysing the perceptions of selected tourism stakeholders on rural tourism development in the Vhembe district

Slabbert, E Prof

Labuschagne, V Dr

Longitudinal study of socio-economic factors impacting on the dietary diversity of elderly people in Sharpeville

Kearney, JE Prof

Egal, AA Prof

M Tech: Hospitality Mukundamago, and Tourism V Management

Mwadiwa, RJ

D Tech: Food Services Management

87 2015 highlights


2015 highlights



Student name Discipline


Supervisor 1 / Examiner 1

Supervisor 2 / Examiner 2

Nguoapengne, CNM

M Tech: Logistics

Investigating the drivers of supply chain performance in the food retail industry in Gauteng Province

Chinomona, E Ms

Mafini, C Dr

Nyembe, N

M Tech: Chemical Engineering

Modelling of pretroleum waste water photodegradation in a fluidized bed reactor

Aoyi, O Prof

Lerotholi, L Ms

Onyango, OB

M Tech: Chemistry

Adsorption and photodegradation of molasses waste water using TiO2-ZnO hybrid nanocatalysts supported on activated carbon and silicon

Aoyi, O Prof

Naidoo, EB Prof

Osikoya, AO

D Tech: Chemistry

Synthesis and characterization of electro-catalytic graphene for electrochemical sensing and bioelectronics

Dikio, ED Prof

Tiwari, A Prof

Pete, KY

D Tech: Chemical Engineering

Treatment of emerging bio-recalcitrant contaminants by heterogeneous photocatalysis

Aoyi, O Prof

Sillanpaa, M Prof

Popoola, BA

M Tech: Cost and Management Accounting

An analysis of capital structures of listed industrial companies in South Africa

Ziemerink, JEE Dr

Beneke, JD Mr

Ralehoko, K

M Tech: Public Relations Management

Communicating a petroleum company’s identity through corporate social investment as image building among community stakeholders

OksiutyczMunyawiri, A Ms

Maleho, LM Mr

Ramaboea, SJ

M Tech: Business Administration

The influence of organisational strategy, recruitment strategy and organisational culture on succession Dhurup, M Prof planning in South Africa’s Department of International Relations and Cooperation

Joubert, PA Dr

Ramagaga, R

M Tech: Fashion

Changing ritual wedding apparel in an African community: A case study

Wilkin, I

Ramuthivheli L

M Tech: Marketing

The influence on Generation Y students’ perceptions of brand communication, service quality and Sharp, KL Dr satisfaction on brand loyalty in technical and vocational education training colleges in Gauteng

Mahlangu, HB Dr

Rankou, LM

M Tech: Fine Arts

Symbolism in sangoma cloth: A South African printmaking journey from the liminal to the liminoid

Munro, A Prof

Makwela, MJ Mr

Sanni, SO

D Tech: Chemistry

Plasmon catalyst dispersed on carbonised pine cone for enhanced degradation of an organic contaminant

Ofomaja, AE Dr

Viljoen, EL Dr

Munro, A Prof

Student name Discipline


Supervisor 1 / Examiner 1

Supervisor 2 / Examiner 2

Sigo NE

M Tech: Tourism and Hospitality Management

Residents’ perceptions of the social impacts of tourism development in Parys, Free State, South Africa

Slabbert, E Prof

De Witt, L Dr

Takaidza, S

D Tech: Biotechnology

Phytochemical analysis and biological activities of crude extracts from selected species of Tulbaghia

Pillay, M Prof

Mtunzi, F Dr

Tala, RJ

M Tech: Business Administration

The influence of presenteeism on job satisfaction and organisational commitment among government employees within the Cacadu district

Van Zyl, Y Dr

Joubert, PA Dr

Tarom, FA

M Tech: Information Technology

A model for information technology optimisation in supply chain and logistics of the Libyan oil and gas Jordaan, A Prof sector: The case of Zueitina Oil Company

Lombard, A Ms

Thabethe, PM

M Tech: Chemistry

The effect of carboxylic acids on the size and shape of CO3O4 nanoparticles used as capping molecules and ligands in the preparation methods

Viljoen, EL Dr

Moloto, M Prof

Tshabalala, LF

M Tech: Business Administration

Motives for volunteering in sport organisations and the relationship with volunteer commitment and volunteer satisfaction

Dhurup, M Prof

Mokoena, BA Dr

Tsolele, R

M Tech: Chemistry

Preparation and characterization of activated carbon derived from Macadamia nut shell and its absorption rate and capacity for Au (CN)2 compared to commercially prepared coconut shells

Pakade, VE Dr

Ofomaya, AE Dr

Van Tonder, EO

M Tech: Business Administration

Perceived organisational support, job satisfaction and organisational citizenship behaviour of South African police service officials in the Bellville cluster

Grobler, BR Prof

Joubert PA Dr

Yende, T

M Tech: Biotechnology

The effect of glyphosate on soil microbial communities and the consequent effect on topically Walmsley, TA Dr applied nitrogen fertilizers

Beckerling, AC Mr

Zwane, CP

M Tech: Fashion

Selected factors influencing satisfaction and purchase intentions among plus-sized female university students

Coetzee, N Ms

Dhurup, M Prof

89 2015 highlights






January to December 2015

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Alumni Relations guided by the 2011-2015 Alumni Strategic Plan initiated multiple student and alumni initiatives as per the operational 2015. The strategy served (for the past years) as a roadmap on enhanced Alumni service, organiza­ tional growth, student engagement, staff development and meaningful alumni engagement. This executive summary outlines the VUT Alumni Relation’s key priorities followed by a brief of executed activities and identified strategic measures. Looking to the future (2016 – 2020), considering the achievements and challenges over the past five years since

the strategy was adopted, it is necessary to take a reviewed strategic approach and identify ways in which to;

Broaden activity,

maintain momentum, sustain and achieve meaningful engagement

Increase meaningful engagement and participation,

It is therefore a timely directive to formalize the future of Alumni Relations and its aims and objectives in support of a successful fulfillment of the Corporate Plan;

TO ENHANCE THE CORPORATE IMAGE OF VAAL UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY. GOAL OF THE ALUMNI RELATIONS STRATEGIC PLAN: To support the achievement of the University’s primary goals and objectives through Alumni Relations Program that demonstrates the mutual value of engagement for Alumni.

THE MISSION OF THE ALUMNI RELATIONS AND THE ALUMNI CHAPTERS in support of the Vaal University of Technology’s Vision and mission;




Increased opportunities for meaningful community engagement in order to increase awareness, pride, participation, volunteer involvement, and philanthropic commitment to Vaal University of Technology;


Provision of a liaison between the alumni and its trustees, administration, staff, faculty, students, and friends.

Keeping Alumni Conversant with the programs and activities of the University

Cultivation of third stream income to support the University and its programs

Stimulating the culture of networking and interaction promoting alumni programs that foster fellowship among alumni and encourage the physical, moral, and spiritual growth of the University

CONTACT INFORMATION Peter Masombuka Alumni Relations Corporate Affairs Department T +27 (0)16 950 9973 F +27 (0)16 950 9767 Mobile +27 73 16 3913 Your world to a better future

Comfort Madalane Alumni Relations

Vanderbijlpark Campus Private Bag X021

Corporate Affairs Department

Vanderbijlpark, 1911

T +27 (0)16 950 9591

Andries Potgieter Blvd

F +27 (0)16 950 9767 Mobile +27 71 225 9779

South Africa Tel: +27(0)16 950 9000 Fax: +27(0)16 950 9999





Dr S Nelana Director: Research & Higher Degrees

Mr Prajesh Bhikha Marketing & Information Officer Email:

Ms Lerato Hlahla Administrator E:

Ms P van der Walt Senior Administrator: Research T: (016) 950 9531

Mr Musonda Kaniki Research Administrator Email:

Ms Searabo Kgekoane Information Officer E:

Ms Beatrice Phume Higher Degrees Administrator Email:

Mr Sehlabaka Motsie Faculty Research Officer E:

Ms Olga Kenke Postgraduate Administrator: Higher Degrees Email:

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Ms Chantelle Sonnekus Research Development Officer Email: Ms Ronel Appelcryn Research Administrator Email:


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