VUT Research Report 2016

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Persons who assisted with the collation of the information for the Annual Research Report 2016:

Mr P Bhikha

Prof J Selesho

Ms C Sonnekus

Department: Research Directorate

Faculty of Management Sciences

Department: Research Directorate

Prof L Masu

Dr A Ofomaja

Ms A van As

Faculty of Engineering & Technology

Faculty of Applied & Computer Sciences

Corporate Affairs

Contents Message from the Vice-Chancellor and Principal ........... 3 Message from the Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Academic and Research ..................................................... 5 Message from the Director: Research and Higher Degrees ........................................... 9 Message from the Technology Transfer and Innovation Directorate ...................................................... 11 Message from the Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences ............................................................. 15 Message from the Faculty of Engineering and Technology .................................................................. 27 Message from the Faculty of Human Sciences ................ 35 Message from the Faculty of Management Science ....... 43 Non-faculty ......................................................................... 54 Research Focus Areas ......................................................... 55 Message from the Centre for Alternative Energy ........... 57 Message from the Centre for Renewable Energy and Water ............................................................... 61 The Research Office ............................................................ 64 Postgraduate Report 2016 Highlights ..................................................................... 72



he year 2016 completes 50 years of the university’s existence since its establishment in 1966 as a technical college. Ten years later, the institution became a university of technology. The transition, though complex, afforded council and management an opportunity of repositioning and refocusing the university, not only as university of technology, but also as the only university in South Gauteng.

Over the transitional period, management has invested in strengthening and growing the university’s research base. Our high-road strategic approach has been the guiding light for the development of our research focus areas. – Professor I.N. Moutlana


Vaal University of Technology

Over the transitional period, management has invested in strengthening and growing the university’s research base. Our high-road strategic approach has been the guiding light for the development of our research focus areas. This involved mixed research approaches, setting new research strategic priorities and enhancing our international and national linkages, thus many of our staff and students benefited greatly in the exchange programmes during 2016. It is evident that our research growth is also a result of years of investing in various partnerships, both nationally and internationally. Our staff and students exchange activities continue to increase with the number of new memorandums of understanding (MOU’s) signed. During 2016 we started preparing the institutional strategy review with greater focus and emphasis on enhancing our science and technology drive as part of strengthening collaborative research between the Science and Technology Park, the university faculties and industry. This is driven by our commitment and focus as a university of technology.

Message from the Vice-Chancellor and Principal


We have aligned our research-focused projects as part of the 2016 pre-determined objectives. These areas have been directly funded to stimulate growth in research. Management continues to place greater emphasis in increasing support and monitoring staff development and training. This is aligned with the objective of increasing the number of master’s and doctoral qualifications with emphasis in growing the female academic cohort.

uted to achieving the research results as well as the work in the development of this research publication.

We continue to work hard to enhance our research focus and to stimulate new research initiatives and researchers. On behalf of the university council and management, I would like to congratulate and thank all those who have tirelessly contrib-

Message from the Vice-Chancellor and Principal





With the maturation of most of our emerging researchers in terms of the depth and breadth of their disciplined inquiry, we have seen more academics involved in conducting research across the university. Most importantly, there has been an increase in research that is transdisciplinary. – Professor K.P. Dzvimbo


Vaal University of Technology


oth basic and applied research is pivotal to the academic agenda. To ensure that our teaching and curriculum transformation is current, academics, collectively and individually, have to be engaged in what others refer to as ‘blue skies’(or basic) and applied research. This is a must for every academic and essential in their trajectory as scholars and organic intellectuals. In our context, where transformation of the higher education sector and the academy is topical, research praxis occupies a central role as we re-invent and re-imagine our DNA as a university of technology (UOT) to prepare our graduates for what Charles Schwab has termed the ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution’. Because of our genesis as a technical college and technikon, the journey towards ensuring that a culture or research by all academics becomes the norm has not been an easy one. However, we have witnessed significant changes in the manner in which all our academics now value their role as knowledge producers in the academy.

FOCUS AREAS We will continue to focus on offering a number of research workshops that will assist our colleagues in understanding basic and advanced fundamentals of conducting both applied and basic research so that we increase the number of staff with intermediate

Message from the Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Academic and Research



and advanced skills in research methodologies and data analysis and interpretation. One area that has been problematic for most academics has been how to access international journals that are accredited by the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET), especially in the physical sciences. Our Herculean efforts to ensure that more black and female academics get involved in research is beginning to bear fruit and we have witnessed an increase in the numbers of emerging academics that are conducting sophisticated research and actually publishing in accredited journals nationally and internationally. With the maturation of most of our emerging researchers in terms of the depth and breadth of their disciplined inquiry, we have seen more academics involved in conducting research across the university. Most importantly, there has been an increase in research that is transdisciplinary. We now have more and more academics working closely with government departments, SETAs, municipalities and local and international universities in the Global North and the Global South. It is also pleasing to note the tremendous increase in collaborative research partnerships in most of our academic departments, especially the departments of Chemistry, Physics, Omics, Nano Technology, Food Sciences and Sustainable Livelihoods, Bio-Technology, Bio-Medical Technology, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Metallurgy, Water Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Educational Sciences, Entrepreneurship, Electrical Engineering, Marketing, Legal Studies and most of the departments in the faculties of Management Sciences and Human Sciences.

Message from the Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Academic and Research

RESEARCH IN THE CENTRE OF ACADEMIC DEVELOPMENT With the current focus on student throughputs and efforts to increase our success rates, we have seen a plethora of disciplinary and multi-disciplinary research in our Centre of Academic Development (CAD) with a focus on developing knowledge germane to a UOT. This includes:

How students learn in all our faculties especially with the affordances brought about by various forms of information and communication technologies (ICTs);

The nature of the curriculum in a UOT and the knowledgeconstitutive interests that are embedded in what we teach, how we teach, how students learn and where; and

Issues related to pedagogical content knowledge especially in science, technology, engineering and mathematics within a blended mode of teaching and learning.

We are pleased to announce that CAD will soon publish a book on evidence-based research and reflexive discourse practices. In a true Foucauldian sense, the CAD is succeeding in ensuring that we focus on research on teaching as an ‘object of thought’ (Peters & Besley 2008:20) and how we problematise our reflective praxis to unearth why our students have been having difficulties in coping especially with science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM)-related disciplines. The CAD is also pioneering evidence



based research in the use of learning management systems such as Blackboard. This form of disciplinary and transdisciplinary research will enhance our understanding of how students learn effectively using various forms of ICTs. Results from such research studies will also enhance the effectiveness of our academics as they experiment with different learning architectures in a blended mode of teaching and learning environment.

VUT CENTRES AND INSTITUTES We continue to be proud of our work in the following centres and institutes:

Innovation Product Development and Advanced Manufacturing Technology;

Materials and Minerals Technology;

Centre for Alternative Energy;

Centre for Sustainable Livelihoods (CSL);

Centre for Renewable Energy and Water; and

Plant molecular genetics/biotechnology

Centre for Renewable Energy and Water The Science and Technology Centre has seen tremendous research in additive manufacturing, traditional medicine and indigenous knowledge systems, agriculture, and technology transfer. Such research has resulted in the registration of patents by scientists and researchers resident in our faculties and departments. It has also attracted major funding from both government and non-governmental sources. Most of these centres and institutes have also contributed tremendously to our research output in accredited journals. The CSL had a very successful conference this year which will result in a number of publications.

POSTGRADUATE EDUCATION AND TRAINING Across the board, we have seen tremendous increases in the appointment of postdoctoral fellows (PDFs) in all our faculties. The majority of our PDFs are in STEM-related disciplines. We are now introducing mechanisms to attract more PDFs in the areas


Vaal University of Technology

of management and human sciences. Our challenges are related to funding for equipment and infrastructure, which are essential for laboratory work. The institution has also seen an increase in the number of postgraduate (PG) students. This has been made possible by funding from the DHET in the form of a Research and Development Grant, which will be part of the University Capacity Development Fund in the future. Our system of managing PG students in the university has now been made more efficient by efforts spearheaded by the Research Directorate and our Faculty Research Management Committees.

MOVING FORWARD Moving forward we want to see more emerging academics conducting research that will find its way into the web of science journals. We also want to see more black and female academics being involved in both disciplinary, multi- and transdisciplinary research. As a public institution, we also want to see more researchers being involved, collaboratively or individually, in policy-oriented research so that we contribute not only to public discourse practices but also to the objectives or Vision 2030 as articulated in the National Development Plan of South Africa. Most importantly, we want to see not just an increase in our research productivity but also an increased impact of our research, especially in the key areas of STEM, which is the focus of the UOT in terms of knowledge production. While we do not believe in the utility and efficacy of global rankings, we want to work hard to be part of the research network among South African universities and sister African institutions in the region and the continent. As we envision the future of research at the VUT, the challenge would be for us to protect the ‘scientific domain’ from a utilitarian discourse germane to the role of the university as articulated in the neo-liberal political and economic agenda.

CONCLUSION Finally, we want to see the VUT research agenda, praxis and trajectory being fundamental to the transformation of the institution’s pedagogical content knowledge base, issues related to epistemic cognition and access in STEM, and our society as a whole. That form of transformation is ‘a transformation in perspective, in a frame of reference, in our personal paradigms’ (Brookfield 2000:119) about how we envision and re-imagine

Message from the Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Academic and Research

the research agenda at VUT. To improve the quality, impact and quantity of our research endeavours at the VUT, transforming the research agenda and trajectory at the VUT has to have ‘connotations of an epiphanic, or apocalyptic, cognitive event-a shift in the tectonic plates of one’s assumptive clusters’ (Brookfield 2000:119). To achieve this goal, we as organic intellectuals and researchers have to appropriate Bourdieu’s notion of ‘epistemic reflexivity’ (Wacquant 1992:36-46) so that we are able to critically reflect on our work as individual academics and as an intellectual collective regarding issues central to power, knowledge, epistemic cognition and the role of the South African academy, especially a UOT and its role or roles in knowledge production, dissemination and storage (Sandoval, Green & Braten 2016). Our focus has to be, inter alia, on how we construct the research agenda so that we can understand the ontological, axiological and epistemological contestations regarding the nature, origins, issues, and future directions of the research agenda especially in light of the decolonisation and Africanisation debate in the country.

REFERENCES Brookfield, S. (2000). Transformative learning as ideology critique. In Jack Mezirow & Associates, Learning as transformation: Critical perspectives on a theory of progress. San Francisco: Jossey Bass. Peters, M.A. & Besley, T.A. (eds. (2008). Why Foucault? New directions in educational research. New York: Peter Lang. Sandoval, W.A., Green, A.J. & Braten, I. (2016). Understanding and promoting thinking about knowledge: Origins, issues, and future directions of research on epistemic cognition. Review of Research in Education, 40(1):457-496. Wacquant, L.J.D. (1992). Epistemic reflexivity. In P. Bourdieu & L.J.D. Wacquant, An invitation to reflexive sociology. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.


Message from the Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Academic and Research



MES FROM THE T Generous funding from the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) through a research development grant enabled the Directorate to support certain academic staff in improving their academic qualifications by enrolling them for master’s and doctoral qualifications. – Dr S.M. Nelana


Vaal University of Technology

he Directorate for Research and Higher Degrees at Vaal University of Technology (VUT) is responsible for the following functions:

Research management and administration

Research capacity development

Research grants management

Research ethics and integrity.

Postgraduate Studies

To increase our research productivity during 2016, we mainly focused on research capacity development of our academic staff. Generous funding from the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) through a research development grant enabled the Directorate to support certain academic staff in improving their academic qualifications by enrolling them for master’s and doctoral qualifications. In addition, we supported their research capability through workshops and training in postgraduate student supervision. For example, through our partnership with the Centre for Higher Education Research, Teaching and Learning (CHERTL) at Rhodes University, most of our academic staff members and postdoctoral research fellows enrolled for a supervision course. Participants in this course were awarded certificates upon completion and with this recognition we could appoint them as supervisors and co-supervisors for our postgraduate students. We also increased the number of our

Message from the Director: Research and Higher Degrees


postdoctoral fellows, and by the end of 2016 we had appointed 25 postdoctoral fellows across our four faculties. The interventions mentioned here have contributed to our research output, and there was 50% increase in the number of outputs submitted to the DHET for subsidies compared to the previous year. Academic staff were assisted with their grant proposals to NRF and we are proud to announce that more than 90% our submissions to the National Research Foundation (NRF) were successful. This has led to an increase in the number of NRF Thuthuka grant holders as well as an increase in the number of rated researchers. VUT strategic priority is to increase the number of postgraduate students to 1% of the total student population at the university. In 2016 we achieved this goal. It is worth mentioning that new master’s and doctoral programmes were introduced in 2016. These new programmes should help to attract more postgraduate students to the university. To increase the throughput rate of postgraduate students, we offered short learning programmes

Message from the Director: Research and Higher Degrees

on research reading/writing, proposal writing, and research design and methodology. In November 2016 we held our first postgraduate conference and it is worth noting that 80% of the organising committee members were students. There was a significant increase in the number of postgraduate students who received financial aid through our internal bursaries and NRF scholarships. We also introduced academic research exchanges for our postgraduate students to enable them to access laboratories and state-of-the-art equipment at other sister universities and science councils. In conclusion, we would like to thank all the stakeholders, both internal and external, for their immense contribution to the VUT research endeavours. Our gratitude also extends to all the academics and students who contributed to our research productivity.






t is a sad indictment of human nature that the more abundantly endowed often exploit the lesser endowed – whether the endowment centres on knowledge, resources, networks or power.

Even when the solutions are not astounding or ‘game changers’, they still exercise the solution production system; such that it might in future change the game. Such research and development manifests itself when new medicines, such as the malaria vaccine, are developed. – Dr J. Molete

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Vaal University of Technology

This does not have to be so. Research and development is a human endeavour where the more abundantly endowed could act for the betterment of the lesser endowed. Universities could use their brain power and resources to create new knowledge that would solve critical problems for humanity. Even when the solutions are not astounding or ‘game changers’, they still exercise the solution production system; such that it might in future change the game. Such research and development manifests itself when new medicines, such as the malaria vaccine, are developed. A recent trend is for financially-endowed entrepreneurs to acquire the rights for certain medication, either by buying the original company outright or by buying the patents for the medication. The next step is when the entrepreneur increases the price of the medication (at times outrageously – even up to 1 000% and more!). While governments might investigate such exploitation and try to regulate against it, the best and most sustainable solution to this problem would be to support research and development towards competitive or alternative medication. Unfortunately, this route is time consuming and fraught with risk as the probability of success is not high. However, research and development does offer a more sustainable policy

Message from the Technology Transfer and Innovation Directorate



instrument. Such research and development should be engaged in continuously and timeously– in order to be able to offer alternatives prior to the entrepreneurial buyout.

ciety and are expanding our role to assist in the dissemination of knowledge products from our community.

It is a privilege for the Technology Transfer and Innovation Directorate to take part in research and development and to be a part of the innovation value chain for the Vaal University of Technology. We can help make VUT knowledge products available to so-

Dr J. Molete

Message from the Technology Transfer and Innovation Directorate



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Presenter and co-presenters: Campbell, R.I., de Beer, D.J., Pei, E. & Martorelli, M. Title of paper: Benchmarking of material extrusion entry Level 3D printers Conference: 17th Annual Conference of the Rapid Product Development Association of South Africa (RAPDASA) Place: Vaal University of Technology, Science and Technology Park, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa Date: 2-4 November 2016 ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-620-72061-8

Presenter and co-presenters: Havenga, S.P., de Beer, D.J., van Tonder, P.J.M. & Campbell, R.I.

Title of paper: Using acetone (propanone) as a post-production finishing technique: Crossing the divide between art and technology Conference: 6th International Conference on Additive Manufacturing (ICAT 2016) Place: Nürnberg, Germany Date: 29-30 November 2016 ISBN/ISSN: 978-961-285-537-6

Presenter and co-presenters: Mugeri, H., Mazamhuka, W.R., Adebiyi D.I. & Dippenaar, J.H.

Title of paper: Effect of casting temperature on the fillability of 1060 aluminum produced by sand Conference: 17th Annual Conference of the Rapid Product Development Association of South Africa (RAPDASA) Place: Vaal University of Technology, Science and Technology Park, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa Date: 2-4 November 2016 ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-620-72061-8

Presenter and co-presenters: Mugeri, H., Mazamhuka, W.R., Adebiyi D.I. & Dippenaar, J.H. Title of paper: Effect of wall thickness on the quality of 1060 aluminium produced by sand casting Conference: 17th Annual Conference of the Rapid Product Development Association of South Africa (RAPDASA) Place: Vaal University of Technology, Science and Technology Park, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa Date: 2-4 November 2016 ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-620-72061-8


Title: Idea 2 product

Presented to: Innovation hub entrepreneurs Place: Vaal University of Technology, Science and Technology Park, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa Date: 1 November 2016

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Vaal University of Technology


Author and co-authors: K., Nyembwe, K., Oyombo, D., van Tonder, P.J.M. & de Beer, D.J.

Title: Suitability of a South African silica sand for the three-dimensional printing of foundry moulds and cores Journal: South African Journal of Industrial Engineering Volume: 27 Issue: 3 Page numbers of article: 230-237 ISSN: 2224-7890 (online), 1012-277X (print)

Author and co-authors: de Beer, D.J., Gonya, E., Mashila, M., Nyembwe, K. & van Tonder, P.J.M. Title: Physical properties of sand parts produced using a Voxeljet VX1000 three-dimensional printer (3DP) Journal: South African Journal of Industrial Engineering Volume: 27 Issue: 3 Page numbers of article: 142 -314 ISSN: 2224-7890 (online), 1012-277X (print)


Researcher: Havenga, S.P.

Title: Post processing of printed artefacts Field: Fine arts

Researcher: la Grange, J.J.

Title: Comparison of different additive manufacturing technologies Field: Engineering

Researcher: Mac Pherson, R. Title: Energy optimization Field: Engineering

Researcher: Mauchline, D.A.

Title: Understanding customer preferences Comparing Additive Manufacturing powders PA2200 & PA2221 in a South African context Field: Engineering

Researcher: Mokone, L.

Title: Recycling of PMMA additive manufacturing waste power Field: Engineering

Researcher: Nwanekah, G.O.

Title: The use of entry level 3D printers for SMMEs Field: Engineering

Researcher: van der Merwe, H.L.

Title: Development of a production control framework for additive manufacturing Field: Engineering

Researcher: van Tonder, P.J.M.

Title: Localisation of Voxeljet VX1000 printing material. Field: Engineering

Message from the Technology Transfer and Innovation Directorate


Researcher: Löw, J.

Title: E-waste Higher education institution: Hochschule Aalen, Germany

Message from the Technology Transfer and Innovation Directorate

Researchers: Dima, M.G., Hanyani, H.H., Mabuza, T.C., MacPherson, R., Mamadisa, K.M.,& Matidza, V.,

Title: Skills for Green Jobs Higher education institution: Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences and Koblenz University of Applied Sciences


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016 has been marked with a success story of the pre-eminent research within the Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences. Our researchers have a unique view of what matters and what works with regards to research in the faculty.

Our research within the faculty enhances our value to other researchers. This is evidenced by the numerous citations of our

Our research within the faculty enhances our value to other researchers. This is evidenced by the numerous citations of our published research papers found in prominent journals. We regard our research as vibrant and cutting edge and the faculty research activities play an important role in enhancing the experiences of our students. Students are introduced by their supervisors and promoters to the rigors of new discovery. We collaborate with the world’s top researchers to bring innovation of the highest degree to our core focus research areas. Our fine research practice plays a major role in equipping our students with the important skills of inquiry and evaluation. Our research team was joined by the following postdoctoral fellows from different countries: Dr A. Alisotanidekhordi

published research papers found in prominent journals.


Dr L. Bengela Dr L.K. Abia-Akebe Dr J. Bashieer

– Professor B.R. Mabuza

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Vaal University of Technology

Message from the Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences



b) Chemistry –54 students enrolled for master’s degrees and 17 for doctoral degrees.

Dr I.P. Ejidike


Dr E.O. Oseghe Dr E.O. Oseghe Chemistry

Dr P.N. Diagboya Dr P. Nyamukamba

Information and Communication Technology

The growth and positive development of our research activities are noticed in the following research focus areas:

Adsorption and wastewater

Dr O.S. Ayanda

Agricultural environmental biotechnology

Bio-tissue, regeneration and immunology unit

Cardiovascular risk factors in southern Africa


Computational solid-state physics (magnetism effects)

Computer vision and recommender systems

Curriculum development in maths education

Extraction and adsorption

Heat transfer analysis in combustible materials and maths of biology

Indigenous knowledge systems

Dr B.J. Okoli

Dr E. Feukeu

Eight faculty staff members were granted sabbatical leave to study towards master’s and doctoral degrees. The number of postgraduate students in various departments is as follows: a)

d) Information and Communication Technology – 29 students enrolled for master’s degrees and six for doctoral degrees.

Dr P.K. Mubiayi

Dr P.C. Okoli Institute of Chemical and Biotechnology

Health Sciences – nine students enrolled for master’s degrees and one for a doctoral degree.

Biotechnology – 23 students enrolled for master’s degrees and eight for doctoral degrees.

Message from the Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences


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Mathematical biosciences and applied fluid dynamics;


Medical plants


Mentoring and teacher development in mathematics education

Presenter and co-presenters: Bout, W., Viljoen, E.L, Ofomaja, A.E. & van Steen, E.

Modulation of galactic cosmic rays in the heliosphere

Nanomaterial, sensors and biosensors


Non-destructive testing of materials


Ontology engineering and semantic web

Plant molecular genetics

The physics of alternative energies

Traditional medicine

Water quality.


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Vaal University of Technology

Title of paper: Catalytic behaviour of one-step microwave prepared iron oxide supported on activated carbon from pine cone Conference: 27th Annual Conference of the Catalysis Society of South Africa (CATSA 2016) Place: Champagne Sports Resort, Drakensburg, South Africa Date: 6-9 November 2016 ISBN/ISSN: N/A

Presenter: Dikio, E.D.

Title of paper: Chapter 1. Advanced manufacturing, electronics and microsystems Conference: Techconnect World Innovation Conference and Expo Place: Washington DC, USA Date: 22-25 May 2016 ISBN/ISSN: N/A

Presenter and co-presenter: Kazadi, Y.K. & Fonou Dombeu, J.V. Title of paper: Complexity-based ranking of biomedical ontologies Conference: 3rd IEEE International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication & Engineering (ICACCE 2016) Place: Durban, South Africa Date: 28-29 November 2016 ISBN/ISSN: N/A

Message from the Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences

Presenter and co-presenters: Kganyago, S.V., Ofomaja, A.E. & Viljoen, E.L. Title of paper: Manipulating the size and shape of cobalt oxide nanoparticles Conference: 6thAnnual Gauteng Nanosciences Young Researcher’s Symposium (NYRS2016) Place: Randburg, South Africa Date: 18 November 2016 ISBN/ISSN: N/A

Presenter and co-presenters: Kganyago, S.V., Viljoen, E.L. & Ofomaja, A.E.

Title of paper: Effect of sizes of cobalt oxide nanoparticles on the Fenton catalytic activity Conference: 27th Annual Conference of the Catalysis Society of South Africa (CATSA 2016) Place: Champagne Sports Resort, Drakensburg, South Africa Date: 6-9 November 2016 ISBN/ISSN: N/A

Presenter and co-presenters: K’otieno, B., Naidoo, E.B. & Aoyi, O.

Title of paper: Conference: 27th Annual Conference of the Catalysis Society of South Africa (CATSA 2016) Place: Champagne Sports Resort, Drakensburg, South Africa Date: 5-9 November 2016 ISBN/ISSN: N/A

Presenter and co-presenters: Kupeta, A.J., Ofomaja, A.E. & Naidoo, E.B.

Title of paper: Hydrophobic biomaterial composite for adsorption of 2-Nirophenol from aqueous solution Conference: WISA 2016 Biennial Conference Place: Durban, South Africa Date: 15-19 May 2016 ISBN/ISSN: N/A

Presenter and co-presenters: Kwuimi, R., Fonou Dombeu, J.V. & Zuva, T.

Title of paper: An empirical analysis of semantic web mechanisms for storage and query of ontologies in relational databases Conference: 3rd IEEE International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication & Engineering (ICACCE 2016) Place: Durban, South Africa Date: 28-29 November 2016 ISBN/ISSN: N/A

Presenter and co-presenter: Lesaoana, M. & Pakade, V.E.

Title of paper: Forced degradation studies of quercetin in the presence of polymers using HPLC method: The effect of pH, time and temperature Conference: ChromSAAMS 2016 Place: Riverside Sun Hotel, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa Date: 11-14 September2016 ISBN/ISSN: N/A

Message from the Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences

Presenter and co-presenter: Matamela, T. & Mtunzi, F.

Title of paper: A novel biflavonoid from leaves of Rhus leptodictya Conference: The International Conference in Pure and Applied Science (ICPAS 2016) Place: Flic en Flac, Mauritius Date: 18-22 July 2016 ISBN/ISSN: N/A

Presenter: Mkhumbeni, N.

Title of paper: The effect of Eucomis autumnalis on osteogenic markers in vitro Conference: 4th African Pharma Congress Place: Cape Town, South Africa Date: 19–20 June 2016 ISBN/ISSN: N/A

Presenter and co-presenters: Mmelesi, K., Ofomaja, A.E. & Viljoen, E.L.

Title of paper: Effect of microwave power on the methylene blue number (MBN) and iodine number (IN) on the production of activated carbon via microwave pyrolysis Conference: International Conference on Pure and Applied Chemistry (ICPAC2016) Place: Flic en Flac, Mauritius Date: 18-22 July 2016 ISBN/ISSN: N/A

Presenter and co-presenters: Mmelesi, Ofomaja, A.E. & Viljoen, E.L.

Title of paper: Influence of microwave power (synthesis step) on the heterogeneous Fenton’s degradation of methylene blue Conference: 27th Annual Conference of the Catalysis Society of South Africa (CATSA 2016) Place: Champagne Sports Resort, Drakensburg, South Africa Date: 6-9 November 2016 ISBN/ISSN: N/A

Presenter and co-presenter: Mokubung, K.E. & Moloto, M.J.

Title of paper: Size tuning of cysteine capped CdSe nanoparticles using an alternative source of selenium Conference: 6th Annual Gauteng Nanosciences Young Researcher’s Symposium (NYRS2016) Place: Randburg, South Africa Date: 18 November 2016 ISBN/ISSN: N/A

Presenter and co-presenters: Moloto, M.J., More, D.S., Xaba, T., Morifi, E.L. & Sibokoza, S.B. Title of paper: Complexes, semiconductor nanoparticles and polymer fibres Conference: European Chemistry Conference (Euro Chemistry 2016) Place: Rome, Italy Date: 16-18 June 2016 ISBN/ISSN: N/A


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Presenter and co-presenters: Moloto, M.J., More, D.S., Xaba, T., Morifi, E.L. & Sibokoza, S.B.

Presenter and co-presenters: Nate, Z., Moloto, M.J., Sibiya, N.P. & Mubiayi, K.P.

Presenter and co-presenters: Moyo, M., Pakade, V.E. & Modise, S.J.

Presenter: Nolting, V.

Title of paper: Metal and semiconductor nanoparticles and their polymer fibres Conference: EMN Meeting on Quantum Matter Place: Mauritius Date: 30 November-4 December 2016 ISBN/ISSN: N/A

Title of paper: Adapting waste mango seed shells for adsorptive water treatment Conference: Bridging Africa, Latin America and Europe on Water and Renewable Energies Applications Conference (BALEWARE 2016) Place: Arusha, Tanzania Date: 11-13 December 2016 ISBN/ISSN: N/A

Presenter and co-presenters: Moyo, M., Pakade, V.E. & Modise, S.J.

Title of paper: Functionalised Mangifera indica seed shells for treatment of electroplating wastewater Conference: International Conference on Pure and Applied Chemistry (ICPAC 2016) Place: Flic en Flac, Mauritius Date: 18-22 July 2016 ISBN/ISSN: N/A

Presenter and co-presenters: Mtshatsheni, K.N.G., Naidoo, E.B., Ofomaja, A.E. Title of paper: Preparation and optimization of pine-magnetite composite for removal of ethylene blue dye Conference: Conference on Environment, Materials and Green Technology Place: Vaal University of Technology, Science and Technology Park, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa Date: 24-25 November 2016 ISBN/ISSN: N/A

Presenter and co-presenters: Mtshathseni, K.N.G., Ofomaja, A.E. & Naidoo, E.B.

Title of paper: Preparation and optimization of pine-magnetite composite for removal of methylene blue dye Conference: International Conference on Pure and Applied Chemistry (ICPAC 2016) Place: Flic en Flac, Mauritius Date: 18-22 July 2016 ISBN/ISSN: N/A

Presenter: Naidoo, E.B.

Title of paper: Green synthesis of high fluorescent CN-dots from curry leaves for bifunctional sensing application Conference: International Conference on Pure and Applied Chemistry (ICPAC 2016) Place: Flic en Flac, Mauritius Date: 18-22 July 2016 ISBN/ISSN: N/A

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Title of paper: Synthesis and characterization of alanine-capped water-soluble zinc sulfide nanoparticles. Conference: South African Chemical Institute Young Chemist Symposium (SACI 2016) Place: University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa Date: 1 December 2016 ISBN/ISSN: N/A Title of paper: Ferromagnetism in magnetic 4f-systems Conference: South African Institute of Physics Annual Conference Place: University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa Date: 4-8 July 2016 ISBN/ISSN: N/A

Presenter and co-presenters: Ntuli, T.D., Ofomaja, A.E. & Pakade, V.E.

Title of paper: Chromium (VI) adsorption unto modified Macadamia nutshells Conference: Conference on Environment, Materials and Green Technology Place: Vaal University of Technology, Science and Technology Park, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa Date: 24-25 November 2016 ISBN/ISSN: N/A

Presenter and co-presenter: Ofomaja, A.E. & Naidoo, E.B.

Title of paper: Methyl violet adsortption onto native and chemically pretreated acrylic acid grafted pine cone. Conference: International Conference on Pure and Applied Chemistry (ICPAC 2016) Place: Flic en Flac, Mauritius Date: 18-22 July 2016 ISBN/ISSN: N/A

Presenter and co-presenters: Onyango, B., Aoyi, O. & Naidoo, E.B.

Title of paper: Photodecolorization of melanoidins in vinasse with illuminated TiO2-ZnO/activated carbon composite Conference: International Conference on Environment, Materials and Green Technology Place: Vaal University of Technology, Science and Technology Park, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa Date: 24-25 November 2016 ISBN/ISSN: N/A

Presenter and co-presenters: Onyango, B. Naidoo, E.B. & Ochieng, A.

Title of paper: HPLC and UV-Vis analysis of photodegradation of phenol using C- and Ag-doped TiO2 Conference: International Conference on Pure and Applied Chemistry (ICPAC 2016) Place: Flic en Flac, Mauritius Date: 18-22 July 2016 ISBN/ISSN: N/A

Message from the Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences

Presenter and co-presenters: Osikoya, A.E., Parlak, O., Bhatia, R., Murugan, N.A., Dikio, E.D. Moloto, H., Uzun, L., Turner, A.P.F. & Tiwari, A.

Title of paper: Studies on electrobiocatalytic behaviour of acetylene sourced CVD-synthesised graphene bioelectrodes Conference: The World Congress on Biosensors (Biosensors 2016) Place: Gothenburg, Sweden Date: 25-27 May 2016 ISBN/ISSN: N/A

Presenter and co-presenters: Otieno, B., Apollo, S., Naidoo, B. & Ochieng, A.

Title of paper: Response surface methodology modelling of diazinon photodegradation using TiO2-ZnO Conference: ISERD International Conference Place: Jerusalem, Israel Date: 29-30 December 2016 ISBN/ISSN: 978-93-86083-34-0

Presenter and co-presenters: Ouma IL.A., Ofomaja, A.E. & Naidoo, E.B

Title of paper: Magnetic nanoparticles stabilized by lignocellulosic waste as green adsorbent for Cr (VI) removal from waste water Conference: NanoMatEn 2016 and Joint Conference Place: Paris, France Date: 1-3 June 2016 ISBN/ISSN: N/A

Presenter and co-presenters: Ouma, IL.A., Ofomaja, A.E. & Naidoo, E.B.

Title of paper: Manganese doping of iron oxide magnetite nanoparticles for arsenic adsorption: A response surface methodology optimization Conference: International Conference on Pure and Applied Chemistry (ICPAC 2016) Place: Flic en Flac, Mauritius Date: 18-22 July 2016 ISBN/ISSN: N/A

Presenter and co-presenters: Pakade, V.E., Lesaoana, M. & Tavengwa, N.T.

Title of paper: Forced degradation studies of quercetin in the presence of polymers: The effect of pH, time and temperature Conference: 9th International Conference on Molecular Imprinting (MIP2016) Place: Lund, Sweden Date: 26-30 June 2016 ISBN/ISSN: N/A

Presenter and co-presenters: Pholosi, A., Ofomaja, A.E. & Naidoo, E.B.

Title of paper: Insight into the mechanism of toxic chromium (VI) from waste water using magnetite coated pine powder Conference: AICHE 2016 Spring Meeting and 12th Global Process on Process Safety Place: Houston, Texas, USA Date: 8-16 April 2016 ISBN/ISSN: N/A

Message from the Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences

Presenter: Pillay, M.

Title of paper: Assessing the genetic diversity of Alternaria Bataticola in South Africa using molecular markers Conference: Annual Conference on Engineering and Applied Science (ACEAT 2016) Place: Kyoto, Japan Date: 22-24 November 2016 ISBN/ISSN: N/A

Presenter: Pinkoane, M.

Title of paper Curriculum design and development: A case for a nursing programme at a university of technology Conference: 2nd World Congress on Nursing & Healthcare Place: Las Vegas, USA Date: 1-3 December 2016 ISBN/ISSN: N/A

Presenter and co-presenters: Sanni, O.S., Ofomaja, A.E. & Viljoen, E.L.

Title of paper: Controllable synthesis of efficient Ag/AgBr nanocomposite supported on pine cone activated carbon for the degradation of tetracycline Conference: 27th Annual Conference of the Catalysis Society of South Africa (CATSA 2016) Place: Champagne Sports Resort, Drakensburg, South Africa Date: 6-9 November 2016 ISBN/ISSN: N/A

Presenter and co-presenters: Sanni, O.S., Ofomaja, A.E. & Viljoen, E.L.

Title of paper: Synthesis of ZnCl2-activated carbon produced from pine cone by microwave pyrolysis: Characterization and methylene blue adsorption Conference: International Conference on Pure and Applied Chemistry (ICPAC2016) Place: Flic en Flac, Mauritius Date: 18-22 July 2016 ISBN/ISSN: N/A

Presenter and co-presenters: Shooto, N.D., Dikio, E.D. Wankasi, D. & Sikhiwivhilu, L.M.

Title of paper: Iron based metal organic framework as an effective lead ion (Pb2+) remover from aqueous solution: Thermodynamic and kinetics studies Conference: International Symposium on Energy Challenges and Mechanics Place: Inverness, Scotland, UK Date: 14-18 August 2016 ISBN/ISSN: N/A

Presenter: Tagne Wambo, J.R.

Title of paper: Determining the association between Factor VII, fibrinogen and PAI-1 levels as cardiovascular risk markers in a black elderly community in South Africa Conference: 1st VUT Interdisciplinary Research and Postgraduate Conference Place: Vaal University of Technology, Science and Technology Park, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa


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Date: 9-10 November 2016 ISBN/ISSN: N/A

Presenter and co-presenters: Tucker, C., Van Steen, E., Bout, W., Ofomaja, A.E. & Viljoen, E.L. Title of paper: Carbon from pine cones as a support for high temperature Fischer-Tropsch synthesis Conference: International Pittsburgh Coal Conference (PCC 2016) Place: Cape Town, South Africa Date: 1 August 2016 ISBN/ISSN: N/A

Presenter and co-presenter: Xaba, T. & Moloto, J.M.

Title of paper: Bis (2-hydroxy-1-naphthalenehydrato) metal complexes as source of face-centered-cubic trioctylphosphine oxide-capped ZnO and CdO nanoparticles using oleylamine as dispersion medium Conference: The International Conference in Coordination Chemistry (ICCC 2016) Place: Brest, France Date: 2-8 July 2016 ISBN/ISSN: N/A

Presenter and co-presenter: Xaba, T. & Moloto, J.M.

Title of paper: Synthesis of CdO thin films from Bis (2-hydroxy-1naphthaldehydato) cadmium (II) complex as a single source precursor by spin coating technique Conference: The International Conference in Pure and Applied Science (ICPAS 2016) Place: Flic en Flac, Mauritius Date: 18-22 July 2016 ISBN/ISSN: N/A


Title: Application of electromagnetic NDE to the magnetization in ferromagnetic materials Presented to: Department of Physics Seminar Place: Vaal University of Technology Date: 19 October 2016


Author: Nolting, V.

Book title: A Microscopic Theory of Phase Transitions Publisher: Scholars’ Press Date: 10 August 2016 ISBN: 978-3-659-84157-7

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Vaal University of Technology


Author and co-authors: Airo, M.A., Gqoba, S., Otieno, F., Moloto, M.J. & Moloto, N.

Title: Structural modification and band-gap crossover in indium selenide nanosheets.. Journal: RSC Advances Volume: 6 Issue: 47 Page numbers of article: 40777-40784 ISSN: 2046-2069

Author and co-authors: Airo, M.A., Rodrigues, R., Gqoba, S., Ntlholeng, N., Otieno, F., Moloto, M.J., Greenshields, M.W.C.C., Hümmelgen, I.A. & Moloto, N. Title: Colloidal InSe nanostructures: Effect of morphology on their chemical sensitivity to methanol and formaldehyde fumes Journal: Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical Volume: 236 Page numbers of article: 116-125 DOI: 10.1016/j.snb.2016.05.150 ISSN: 0925-4005

Author and co-authors: Babalola, J.O., Koiki, B.A., Eniayewu, Y., Salimonu, A., Olowoyo, J.O., Oninla, V.O., Alabi, H.A., Ofomaja, A.E. & Omorogie, M.O. Title: Adsorption efficacy of Cedrela odorata seed waste for dyes: Nonlinear fractal kinetics and nonlinear equilibrium studies Journal: Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering Volume: 4 Issue: 3 Page numbers of article: 3527-3536 ISSN: N/A

Author and co-authors: Bello-Akinosho, M., Makofane, R., Adeleke, R., Thantsha, M., Pillay, M. & Chirima, J. Title: Potential of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon – degrading bacterial isolates to contribute to soil fertility Journal: BioMed Research International Volume: 2016 Article ID: 5798593, 10 pages DOI: 10.1155/2016/5798593 ISSN: 2314-6141

Author and co-authors: Bennett, V., Dikio, C.W, Angaye, S. S., Wankasi, D., Dikio, E. D. & Bahadur, E. E. E. Title: Interactions of 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate with N, N-dimethylformamide: Density and viscosity measurements Journal: Journal of Molecular Liquids Volume: 219 Page numbers of article: 661-666 DOI: 10.1016/j.molloq.2016.03.072 ISSN: 0167-7322

Message from the Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences

Author and co-authors: Dikio, E.D., Bahadur, I. & Ebenso, E.E.

Title: Intermolecular interactions between 2-methyl-2-butanol and petroleum ether at different temperatures: Density, viscosity and refractive index measurements Journal: Journal of Molecular Liquids Volume: 219 Page numbers of article: 795-800 DOI: 10.1016/j.molloq.2016.04.041 ISSN: 0167-7322

Author and co-authors: Govindraju, S., Ntholeng, N., Ranganathan, K., Moloto, M.J., Sikhwivhilu, L.M. & Moloto, N.

Title: The effect of structural properties of Cu2Se/polyvinylcarbazole nanocomposites on the performance of hybrid solar cells Journal: Journal of Nanomaterials Volume: 2016 (2016) Volume ID: 9592189, 8 pages DOI: 10.1155/2016/9592189 ISSN: 1687-4110

Author and co-authors: Karamura, D., Tumuhimbise, R., Muhangi, S., Nyine, M., Pillay, M., Tendo, R.S., Talengera, D., Namanya, P., Kubiriba, J. & Karamura, E.

Title: Ploidy level of the banana (Musa spp.) accesssions at the germplasm collection centre for the East and Central Africa Journal: African Journal of Biotechnology Volume: 15 Issue: 31 Page numbers of article: 1692-1698 ISSN: 1684-5315

Message from the Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences

Author and co-authors: Kemeakegha, A.J., Abia, A.A., Dikio, E.D. & Bahadur, E. E. E. Title: Interactions of ethylacetoacetate with some (C4–C9) aliphatic ketones at 298.15 K: Insight from volumetric studies Journal: Journal of Molecular Liquids Volume: 216 Page numbers of article: 641-645 DOI: 10.1016/j.molloq.2016.01.069 ISSN: 0167-7322

Author and co-authors: Maboya, W.K., Coville, N.J., & Mhlanga, S.D.

Title: The synthesis of carbon nanomaterials using chlorinated hydrocarbons over a Fe-Co/CaCO3 catalyst Journal: South African Journal of Chemistry Volume: 69 Page numbers of article: 15-26 DOI: 10.17159/0379-4350/2016/v69a3 ISSN: 0379-4350 (print). 1996-840X (online)

Author and co-author: Mogotlane, K.D. & Fonou Dombeu, J.V. Title: Automatic conversion of relational databases into ontologies: A comparative analysis of Protégé plug-ins performances Journal: International Journal of Web & Semantic Technology Volume: 7 Issue: 3/4 Page numbers of article: 21-39 ISSN: 0976-2280 (print), 0975-9026 (online)


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Author and co-author: Mogotlane, K.D. & Fonou Dombeu, J.V Title: Development and semantic exploitation of a relational data model for service delivery in South African municipalities Journal: The African Journal of Information Systems Volume: 8 Issue: 4 Page numbers of article: 1-18 ISSN: 1936-0282

Author and co-authors: More, D.S., Moloto, M.J. & Moloto, N. Title: Hexadecylamine-capped silver selenide nanoparticles: Temperature study Journal: Chalcogenide Letters Volume: 13 Issue: 5 Page numbers of article: 233-238 ISSN: 15848663

Author and co-authors: Mubiayi, K.P., Freitas, J., Moloto, M.J., Moloto, N., Sikhwivhilu, L.M. & Nogueria, A.F. Title: Colloidal synthesis of Culn0. 75Ga0. 25Se2 nanoparticles and their photovoltaic performance Journal: Open Physics Volume: 14 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 420-425 ISSN: 2391-5471

Author and co-authors: Nguluta, M., Adebola, P. & Pillay, M. Title: Genetic diversity analysis in South African taro (Colocasia esculenta) accessions using molecular tools Journal: International Journal of Genetics and Molecular Biology Volume: 8 Issue: 4 Page numbers of article: 18-24 ISSN: 2006-9863

Author: Nolting, V.

Title: Collective electronic excitations in ferromagnetic metals Journal: Proceedings of SAIP2015 Page numbers of article: 102-107 ISSN: 978-0-620-70714-5

Author and co-authors: Ntaote, D., Shooto, N.D., Dikio, E.D., Wankasi., D. & Sikhwivhilu, L.

Title: Iron based metal organic framework as an effective lead ions remover from aqueous solution: Thermodynamic and kinetics studies Journal: Hemijska Industrija (HEM IND) DOI: 10.2298/HEMIND160120032S ISSN: 0367-598X

Author and co-authors: Onyango, B., Naidoo, E.B. & Aoyi, O.

Title: Photodegardation of molasses wastewater using TiO-ZnO nano photocatalyst supported on activated carbon Journal: Chemical Engineering Communications Volume: 203 Issue: 11 Page numbers of article: 1443-1454 ISSN: 0098-6445

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Vaal University of Technology

Author and co-authors: Pakade, V., Lesaoana, M. & Tavengwa, N.T.

Title: The effect of pH, time and temperature on forced degradation studies ofquercetin in thepresence of polymers Journal: Asian Journal of Chemistry Volume: 28 Issue: 10 Page numbers of article: 2181-2187 ISSN: 0970-7077

Author and co-authors: Pakade, V.E, Maremeni, L.C., Ntuli, T.D. & Tavengwa, N.T Title: Application of quaternized activated carbon derived from Macadamia nutshells for the removal of hexavalent chromium from aqueous solutions. Journal: South African Journal of Chemistry Volume: 69 Page numbers of article: 180-188 ISSN: 0379-4350 (print), 1996-840X (online)

Author and co-authors: Pakade, V.E., Monageng, S.M, & Tavengwa, N.T.

Title: Application of ion imprinted polymer for the determination of Ni (II) from aqueous solutions Journal: Asian Journal of Scientific Research Volume: 9 Issue: 4 Page numbers of article: 131-142 ISSN: 2077-2076

Author and co-authors: Pakade, V.E., Ntuli, T.D. & Ofomaja, A.E.

Title: Biosorption of hexavalent chromium from aqueous solutions by Macadamia nutshell powder Journal: Applied Water Science Page numbers of article: 1-16 DOI: 10.1007/s13201-016-0412-5 ISSN: 2190-5487 (print), 2190-5495 (online)

Author and co-author: Pillay, M. & Fungo, R.

Title: Diversity of iron and zinc content in bananas from East and Central Africa Journal: HortScience Volume: 51 Issue: 4 Page numbers of article: 320-324 ISSN: 0018-5345

Authors and co-authors: Pinkoane, M.G., Ngobo, M. & Gqaleni, N.

Title: Best practice programme in the standardization of traditional medicines: Evaluation of an immune booster formulated by traditional healers of the Vaal Triangle, South Africa Journal: African Journal of Traditional, Complementary Alternative Medicines Volume: 13 Number: 3 Page numbers of article: 101-112 ISSN: 0189-6016 (print), 2505-0044 (online)

Message from the Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences

Author and co-authors: Prasad, P.R., Kanchi, S. & Naidoo, E.B.

Author and co-author: Sibiya, P.N. & Moloto, M.J.

Author and co-authors: Prasad, P.R., Reddy, N. & Naidoo, E.B.

Author and co-authors: Sibiya, P.N., Xaba, T. & Moloto, M.J.

Author and co-authors: Raghubanshi, H., Dikio, E.D. & Naidoo, E.B.

Author and co-authors: Unigwe, A.E., Gerrano, A.S., Adebola, P. & Pillay, M.

Author and co-authors: Shooto, N.D., Ayawei, N., Wankasi, D., Sikhwivhilu, L. & Dikio, E.D.

Author and co-authors: Vala, R.M.K., Wankasi, D. & Dikio, E.D.

Title: In-vitro evaluation of copper nanoparticles cytotoxicity on prostate cancer cell lines and their antioxidant, sensing and catalytic activity: One-pot green approach Journal: Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology Volume: 161 Page numbers of article: 375-382 ISSN: 1011-1344 Title: Square wave voltammetric determination of dimethylvinphos and naftalofos and environmental samples using RGO/CS modified glassy carbon electrode Journal: International Journal of Electromechanical Science Volume: 11 Page numbers of article: 65-79 ISSN: 1452-3981

Title: The properties and applications of helical carbon fibers and related materials: A review Journal: Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Volume: 44 Page numbers of article: 23-42 ISSN: 1226-086X

Title: A Study of cobalt metal organic framework material as adsorbent for lead ions removal in aqueous solution Journal: Asian Journal of Chemistry Volume: 28 Issue: 2 Page numbers of article: 277-281 ISSN: 0970-7077

Author and co-authors: Shooto, N.D., Wankasi, D., Sikhwivhilu, L. & Dikio, E.D.

Title: Modified electro-spun polyvinyl alcohol nanofibers used as super adsorbing material for lead ions in aqueous solution Journal: Journal of Residuals Science & Technology Volume: 13 Issue: 3 Page numbers of article: 233-242 DOI: 10.12783/issn.1544-8053/13/3/7 ISSN: 1544-8053

Author and co-authors: Shooto, N.D., Wankasi, D., Sikhwivhilu, L., Dikio, E.D., Mtunzi, F. & Maubane, M.S.

Title: Novel super adsorbents (PVA and PVA/Cu-MOF nanofibres) as effective lead ions remover in aqueous solution Journal: Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures Volume: 11 Issue: 2 Page numbers of article: 425-434 ISSN: 1842-3582

Message from the Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences

Title: Starch-capped silver selenide nanoparticles: Effect of capping agent concentration and extraction time on size Journal: Asian Journal of Chemistry Volume: 28 Issue: 6 Page numbers of article: 1315-1320 ISSN: 0970-7077 Title: Green synthetic approach for starch capped silver nanoparticles and their antibacterial activity Journal: Pure and Applied Chemistry Volume: 88 Issue: 1-2 Page numbers of article: 61-69 ISSN: 0033-4545

Title: Morphological variation in selected accessions of Bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea L. Verdc) in South Africa Journal: Journal of Agricultural Science Volume: 8 Issue: 11 Page numbers of article: 69-80 ISSN: 1916-9752

Title: Morphology and adsorption of chromium ion on uranium 1,2,4,5-benzene tetracarboxylic acid metal organic framework (MOF) Journal: Chemical Industry / Hemijska Industrija Volume: 70 Issue: 5 Page numbers of article: 565-572 ISSN: 0367-598X

Presenter: Viljoen, E.L.

Title of paper: Design of an acid catalyst with the aid of molecular modelling Conference: 27th Annual Conference of the Catalysis Society of South Africa (CATSA 2016) Place: Champagne Sports Resort, Drakensburg, South Africa Date: 6-9 November 2016 ISBN/ISSN: N/A

Author and co-authors: Xaba, T., Masinga, B.W. & Moloto, M.J.

Title: Decomposition of metal thiosemicarbazone complexes from aminophenazone-thiourea ligand into HDA as a capping molecule for ZnS, CdS and HgS nanoparticles Journal: Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures Volume: 11 Issue: 4 Page numbers of article: 1231-1238 ISSN: 1842-3582


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Author and co-authors: Xaba, T., Moloto, M.J. & Moloto, N.

Title: Bis (2-hydroxy-1-naphthalenehydrato) metal complexes as source of face-centered-cubic trioctylphosphine oxide-capped Zno and Cdo nanoparticles using oleylamine as dispersion medium Journal: Asian Journal of Chemistry Volume: 28 Issue: 5 Page numbers of article: 1015-1020 ISSN: 0970-7077


Researchers: Chalwe, J.M. & Grobler, C.

Title: Impact of soya bean on the hormonal status and biochemical markers of cardiovascular disease in women from a rural Zambian community Field: Biotechnology Researcher: Grobler, C.J.

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Title: Evaluation of the cardiovascular risk factors in black South African elderlies Field: Biomedical technology

Researcher: Nolting, V.

Title: Using the Barkhausen effect to measure the microstructure of ferromagnetic materials Field: Solid state physics

Researcher: Ofomaja, A.E.

Title: Water and waste water treatment Field: Development of magnetic adsorbents

Researcher: Pillay, M.

Title: Agricultural biotechnology, tissue engineering, medicinal plants Field: Plant molecular genetics/biotechnology

Researchers: Pinkoane, M.G. & Mtunzi, F.M.

Title: Evaluation of the immune stimulating effects of Hlongohlongo, Sehlolamanye, Hlwenya, Phate ya ngaka and Mavumbuka Field: Health sciences and chemistry

Message from the Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences

Researcher: Pule, P.B.

Title: Prevalence of Mthfr C677T polymorphism in correlation with homocysteine metabolic markers in a black elderly community, in Sharpeville Field: Biotechnology Researcher: Ramalisa-Budeli, R.J. Title: Resilience in nurses providing mental health care: empirical research –qualitative Field: Nursing sciences

Researcher: Sehume, O.M.M.

Title: Enhancing the quality of work life among female health care workers in the Tshwane healthcare district public hospitals, Gauteng Province Field: Nursing (Occupational health)

Researcher: Selepe, D.H.

Title: Perceptions of HIV-positive 50 years and older patients regarding comprehensiveness of services rendered at Sebokeng Hospital, Gauteng Province, South Africa Field: Public health

Researcher: Tagne Wambo, J.R.

Title: Evaluating the correlation between R353Q polymorphism and homeostatic markers in a black elderly community Field: Biotechnology

Researcher: Valentine, J.

Title: Correlating the prevalence of C174G polymorphism with IL-6, TNF-α and HS-CRP in an elderly black South African population Field: Biotechnology


Researchers: Bout, W., Viljoen, E.L, Ofomaja, A.E. & van Steen, E.

Title of research: Preparation development and catalytic behaviour of iron oxide supported on activated carbon from pine cone waste Higher education institution: University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa Industry: Education

Higher education institution: University of Manchester, Manchester, UK Industry: Education

Researcher: Pikoane, M.

Title of research: Standardization of traditional medicines from Emfuleni/Sedibeng traditional healers: Compliance for application Higher education institution: Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa Industry: Education


Researchers: Chalwe, J.M. & Grobler, C.J.

Title of research: Impact of soya bean on the 17β-estradiol status and biochemical markers of cardiovascular disease in women from a rural Zambian community Higher education institution: Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX, USA

Researcher: Pinkoane, M.

Title of research: Anti-oxidant activity of the leaves of Eugeniaflora plant in the treatment of diabetes mellitus Higher education institution: Obafemi Awolowo University, lle-lfe, Osun, Nigeria


Researcher: Shumbula, P.M.

Title of research: Biocompatible and water soluble quantum dots Industry: Mintek – National Nanotechnology Innovation Centre

Researcher: Chimuka, L.

Title of research: Simultaneous sequestration Of Cr (VI) and Cr (III) from aqueous solutionsby activated carbon and imprinted polymers Higher education institution: University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa Industry: Education

Researcher: Moloto, N.

Title of research: Quantum dots and renewable energy Higher education institution: University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa Industry: Education

Researcher: O’Brien, P.

Title of research: Quantum dots and thin films

Message from the Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences


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he Faculty of Engineering and Technology improved in research outputs in 2016. This is, however, lower than what we had planned. Our biggest handicap has been physical space, laboratory space and research equipment to accommodate the number of postgraduate students we expected to recruit. We expect an increase in serious research once our postgraduate space (Postgrad Commons) is functional.

The faculty is justifiably proud of its NRF-rated scientists. The scientists work hard to put the faculty and the university in a positive research trajectory by encouraging

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Despite the space restrictions, the faculty managed to attract a few postgraduate students and a small number of postdocs. Our research outputs increased slightly to 14.86 units from 11.27 units of the previous year, but our postgraduate numbers remained mainly unchanged with higher inclination towards master’s graduates. We do, however, have numerous students and staff doing doctoral studies. We expect to award our first PhD qualification in engineering in 2017 and more DTech degrees than in previous years. The faculty is justifiably proud of its NRF-rated scientists. The scientists work hard to put the faculty and the university in a positive research trajectory by encouraging upcoming researchers.

upcoming researchers.

We have both national and international research collaborations and partnerships with other universities and industries as shown through the works in our centres of excellences.

– Professor M. Ndege

The staff complement of the faculty has increased in all eight departments, with the biggest growth being in those attaining

Vaal University of Technology

Message from the Faculty of Engineering and Technology



master’s and doctorate levels through the various university support structures. The number of staff with doctorates varies from department to department and this resonates well with departmental research output units. We pride ourselves in starting the first master’s degree of engineering in energy efficiency. This programme is done in collaboration with three German universities (Hochschule Wismar, Ernst-Abbe-Fachhochschule Jenaand Facchhochschule Flensburg), one university from Namibia (the Namibia University of Science and Technology) and three national universities (the Tswane University of Technology, the Vaal University of Technology and the University of the Witwatersrand). Students in this programme will attain double master’s degrees from Europe and Africa in energy efficiency. The degree is planned to commence in 2018. Our industrial partners pool has grown slightly. This is a result of the entry of the SETA sector and other partners into the group

Message from the Faculty of Engineering and Technology

and the collaborative research with our Science Park and different government ministries, chief among them being the ministries of Higher Education, Trade and Industry, Local Government, Basic Education, and Health, Water and Environment. We also work with Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) facilities to assist in preparing TVET students for vertical progression and workplace preparations, and we envisage a portion of our first entry into university students coming from TVETs. Our collaboration with TVETs also assists in further training of their staff. Two of our staff, Prof. M. Ndege and Prof. Ochieng Aoyi were invited as keynote speakers internationally.



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Name: Jansen van Rensburg, N.

Qualification: MTech Dissertation/thesis title: Technology development of a maximum power point tracker for regenerative fuel cells University/institution: Vaal University of Technology, South Africa

Name: Kyere, I.K.

Qualification: M Tech Dissertation/thesis title: partial discharge evaluation on high voltage transformers University/institution: Vaal University of Technology, South Africa

Name: Sob, P.B.

Qualification: MTech Dissertation/thesis title: Modelling strain sensitive nanomaterial mechanical properties: the effect of varying definitions University/institution: Vaal University of Technology, South Africa

Name: Tchomeni, B.X.

Qualification: MTech Dissertation/thesis title: Analyzing the vibration behavior of a stationary and non-stationary crack in rotating shaft by wavelet decomposition University/institution: Vaal University of Technology, South Africa

Name: van Tonder, P.J.M.

Qualification: DTech Dissertation/thesis title: Development of 3-D inkjet printing heads for high viscosity liquids University/institution: Vaal University of Technology, South Africa


Presenter and co-presenters: Alo, A., Otunniji, T., Mendonidis, P. & Pienaar, H.C.vZ.

Title of paper: Improved metallic bipolar plate for proton exchange membrane fuel cell Conference: Southern Africa Telecommunication Networks and Applications 2016 Place: George, South Africa Date: 4-7 September 2016 ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-620-72418-0

Presenter: Aniki, A.O.

Title of paper: Innovative de-watering device for effective separation of mud slurry and solids ore in a mining industry Conference: Procedia Manufacturing Place: Kruger National park, Mpumalanga, South Africa Date: 23-25 January 2016 ISBN/ISSN: 2351-9789

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Vaal University of Technology

Presenter and co-presenter: Bekker, J. & Viljoen, M.

Title of paper: Mobile solar-powered business unit for off-grid areas in South Africa Conference: Energy and the Environment 2016 Place: Opatija, Croatia Date: 26-26 October 2016 ISBN/ISSN: 978-953-6886-23-4

Presenter and co-presenter: du Rand, F. & Pienaar, H.C.vZ.

Title of paper: Development of an additive manufacturing re-coating monitoring system Conference: 2016 Southern Africa Telecommunication Networks and Applications (SATNAC) Place: Fancourt, George, South Africa Date: 4-7 September 2016 ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-620-72418-0

Presenter: Kabuba, J.

Title of paper: Comparison between neural network technique and mathematical modelling from ion-exchange process Conference: 24th World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science (WCECS 2016) Place: San Francisco, USA Date: 19-21 October 2016 ISBN/ISSN: 978-988-14048-2-4

Presenter and co-presenter: Kyere, I.K. & Walker, J.J.

Title of paper: An investigation into partial discharges of XLPE cable insulation defects Conference: Southern African Universities Power Engineering Conference (SAUPEC 2016) Place: Vaal University of Technology, South Africa Date: 26-28 January 2016 ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-77012-386

Presenter and co-presenter: Mallane, T.M. & Tengen, T.B.

Title of paper: The impact of obesity on musculoskeletal disorder in South African automotive industry Conference: 27th Annual Southern African Institute for Industrial Engineering Conference Place: North-West University, Stonehenge, South Africa Date: 27-29 October 2016 ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-86822-671-9

Presenter and co-presenter: Matizamhuka, W.R. & Maluleke, D. Title of paper: A failure investigation on the cavitation of bronze pump impellers at a steam generation plant Conference: African Corrosion Congress (AfriCORR 2016) Place: Midrand Conference Centre, South Africa Date: 27-29 July 2016

Presenter and co-presenters: Mugeri, H., Matizamhuka, W.R., Adebiyi, D.I. & Dippenaar, J.H.

Title of paper: Effect of feeder size on the quality and yield of austenitic stainless steel pump impellers produced by sand casting Conference: International Conference on Environment, Materials and Green Technology

Messagefrom the Faculty of Engineering and Technology

Place: Vaal University of Technology, Science and Technology Park, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa Date: 24-25 November 2016

Presenter and co-presenters: Mugeri, H., Matizamhuka, W.R., Adebiyi, D.I. & Dippenaar, J.H. Title of paper: Effect of pouring temperature on the quality of 1060 aluminium produced by sand casting Conference: RAPSADA 17th Annual International Conference Place: Vaal University of Technology, Science and Technology Park, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa Date: 2-4 November 2016

Presenter and co-presenters: Mugeri, H., Matizamhuka, W.R., Adebiyi, D.I. & Dippenaar, J.H. Title of paper: Effect of wall thickness on the quality of 1060 aluminium produced by sand casting Conference: RAPSADA 17th Annual International Conference Place: Vaal University of Technology, Science and Technology Park, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa Date: 2-4 November 2016

Presenter and co-presenter: Mwashita, W. & Odhiambo, M.O. Title of paper: Performance analysis of a base station sleeping technology for next generation mobile networks

Messagefrom the Faculty of Engineering and Technology

Conference: 2016 Southern Africa Telecommunication Networks and Applications (SATNAC) Place: Fancourt, George, South Africa Date: 4-7 September 2016 ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-620-72418-0

Presenter and co-presenter: Ogunniyi, E.O. & Pienaar, H.C.vZ.

Title of paper: Inverse charge variation: Float charging effect on unbalanced battery strings in photovoltaic applications Conference: 2016 Southern Africa Telecommunication Networks and Applications (SATNAC) Place: Fancourt, George, South Africa Date: 4-7 September 2016 ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-620-72418-0

Presenter and co-presenters: Sob, P.B., Alugongo, A.A. & Tengen, T.B.

Title of paper: Stochastic model of nanocrystalline materials energy produced by accumulative roll-bonding Conference: 10th South African Conference on Computational and Applied Mechanics (SACAM 2016) Place: Vaal University of Technology, South Africa Date: 3-5 October 2016


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Presenter and co-presenters: Sob, PB., Alugongo, A.A. & Tengen, T.B.

Title of paper: The effects of grain size variants on fracture toughness of nanocrystalline materials produced by accumulative roll-bonding Conference: 10th South African Conference on Computational and Applied Mechanics (SACAM 2016) Place: Vaal University of Technology, Vereeniging, South Africa Date: 3-5 October 2016 ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-86822-673-3

Presenter and co-presenters: Sob, PB., Alugongo, A.A. & Tengen, T.B.

Title of paper: The effects of the size variants of nanocrystalline materials produced by accumulative roll-bonding on their energy, thermodynamics and mechanical properties Conference: 10th South African Conference on Computational and Applied Mechanics (SACAM 2016) Place: Vaal University of Technology, Vereeniging, South Africa Date: 3-5 October 2016 ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-86822-673-3

Presenter and co-presenters: Tchomeni, B.X., Alugongo, A.A. & Tengen, T.B. Title of paper: Analysis of a cracked unbalanced rotor-stator system with fluid film bearing forces by wavelet transform Conference: 10th South African Conference on Computational and Applied Mechanics (SACAM 2016) Place: Vaal University of Technology, South Africa

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Date: 3-5 October 2016 ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-86822-673-3

Presenter and co-presenters: Tchomeni, B.X., Masu, L.M., Alugongo, A.A. & Tengen, T.B.

Title of paper: Modelling of coupled vibration response of a rotorstator system to multiple parametric excitations by wavelet transform Conference: 10th South African Conference on Computational and Applied Mechanics (SACAM 2016) Place: Vaal University of Technology, South Africa Date: 3-5 October 2016 ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-86822-673-3

Presenter: Tengen, T.B.

Title of paper: Application of Bernoulli principle in addressing bottlenecks at a local production company in the Vaal region Conference: 27th Annual Southern African Institute for Industrial Engineering Conference Place: North-West University, Stonehenge, Parys, South Africa Date: 27-29 October 2016 ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-86822-671-9

Presenter and co-presenter: Viljoen, M. & Pienaar, H.C.vZ. Title of paper: Design of a 3KW PV power system for a residential home Conference: Energy and the Environment 2016 Place: Opatija, Croatia Date: 26 October 2016 ISBN/ISSN: 978-953-6886-23-4

Messagefrom the Faculty of Engineering and Technology


Author: Matizamhuka, W.R.

Chapter title: Structure-properties relationships Book title: Microstructure-Property Correlations for Hard, Superhard and Ultrahard Materials Publisher: Springer International Publishing, Switzerland Date: 2016 Page numbers of chapter: 75-103 ISBN: 978-3-319-29289-2


Author and co-authors: Adebiyi, D.I., Popoola, A.P. & Botef, I.

Title: Experimental verification of statistically optimized parameters for low-pressure cold spray coating of titanium Journal: Metals Volume: 6 Issue: 6 Page numbers of article: 1-14 ISSN: 2075-4701

Author and co-authors: Adegbindin, I.A., Owolawi, P.A. & Ohanga, M.O.

Title: Intelligent weather awareness technique for mitigating propagation impairment at SHF and EHF satellite network system in a tropical climate Journal: South African Institute of Electrical Engineers Volume: 107 Issue: 3 Page numbers of article: 136-145 ISSN: 1991-1696

Author and co-authors: Apollo, S., Onyango, M.S. & Aoyi, O.

Title: Modelling energy efficiency of an integrated anaerobic digestion and photodegradation of distillery effluent using response surface methodology Journal: Environmental Technology Volume: 37 Issue: 19 Page numbers of article: 2435-2446 ISSN: 0098-6445

Author and co-author: Apollo, S. & Aoyi, O.

Title: Combined anaerobic digestion and photocatalytic treatment of distillery effluent in fluidized bed reactors focusing on energy conservation Journal: Environmental Technology Volume: 37 Issue: 17 Page numbers of article: 2243-2251 ISSN: 0959-3330

Messagefrom the Faculty of Engineering and Technology

Author and co-authors: Benton, O., Apollo, S., Naidoo, E.B. & Aoyi, O. Title: Photodegradation of molasses wastewater using Tio₂ZnOnanohybridphotocatalyst supported on activated carbon Journal: Chemical Engineering Communications Volume: 203 Issue: 11 Page numbers of article: 1443-1454 ISSN: 0098-6445

Author and co-author: Enweremadu, C.C. & Rutto, H.L.

Title: Performance characteristics of green diesel from marula (Sclerocaryabirrea) oil in diesel engine Journal: Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy Volume: 10 Issue: 3 Page numbers of article: 159-167 ISSN: 1556-6560

Author and co-authors: Jones, B.O., John, O.O., Luke, C., Aoyi, O. & Bassey, B. Title: Application of mucilage from Dicerocaryumeriocarpum plant as biosorption medium in the removal of selected heavy metal ions Journal: Journal of Environmental Management Volume: 177 Page numbers of article: 365-372 ISSN: 0301-4797

Author and co-author: Maringa, M. & Masu, L.M.

Title: The effects of different fibre packing geometries on the transverse matrix strain magnification and fibre strain reduction in uniaxially aligned continuous fibre-reinforced composites Journal: Journal of Composite Materials Volume: 50 Issue: 29 Page numbers of article: 4159-4170 ISSN: 0021-9983

Author: Matizamhuka, W.R.

Title: Spark plasma sintering (SPS) – an advanced sintering technique for structural nanocomposite materials Journal: Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Volume: 116 Issue: 12 Page numbers of article: 1171-1180 ISSN: 2225-6253

Author and co-author: Matizamhuka, W.R. & Maluleke, D. Title: A failure investigation on the cavitation of bronze pump impellers at a steam generation plant Journal: African Corrosion Journal Volume: 2 Issue: 2 Page numbers of article: 12-17 ISSN: 5411-7293


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Author and co-authors: Mecha, A.C., Apollo, S., Aoyi, O., Fourie, C.J.S. & Momba, M.N.B.

Title: Synergistic effect of UV-vis and solar photocatalyticozonation on the degradation of phenol in municipal wastewater: A comparative study Journal: Journal of Catalysis Volume: 341 Page numbers of article: 116-125 ISSN: 0021-9517

Author and co-authors: Mecha, A.C., Onyango, M.S., Aoyi, O., Jamil, T.S., Fourie, C.J.S. & Momba, M.N.B. Title: UV and solar light photocatalytic removal of organic contaminants in municipal wastewater Journal: Separation Science and Technology Volume: 51 Issue: 10 Page numbers of article: 1765-1778 ISSN: 0149-6395

Author and co-authors: Mecha, A.C., Onyango, M.S., Aoyi, O. & Momba, M.N.B. Title: Impact of ozonation in removing organic mirco-pollutants in primary and secondary municipal wastewater: Effect of process parameters Journal: Water Science & Technology Volume: 69 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 756-765 ISSN: 0273-1223

Author and co-author: Mendonidis, P. & Armstrong, R.A.

Title: U-Pb Zircon (SHRIMP) ages of granite sheets and timing of deformational events in the Natal Metamorphic Belt, southeastern Africa: Evidence for deformation partitioning and implications for Rodinia reconstructions. Journal: Precambrian Research Volume: 278 Page numbers of article: 22-33 ISSN: 0301-9268

Author and co-authors: Meso, M.F., Adeleke, A.A., Mendonidis, P. & Adeoye, M.O. Title: An evaluation of sodium ethyl xanthate for the froth flotation upgrading of a carbonatitic copper ore Journal: Journal of Physical Science Volume: 27 Issue: 2 Page numbers of article: 13-12 ISSN: 1675-3402

Author and co-authors: Mthombeni, N.H., Mbakop, S., Aoyi, O. & Onyango, M.S.

Page numbers of article: 172-180 ISSN: 1876-1070

Author and co-authors: Mtisi, F., Parekh C.T., Aoyi, O. & Chiririwa, H.

Title: Determination of the most effective concentration of DEET and Permethrin in a mosquito repellent soap and assay of the active ingredients Journal: International Journal of Applied Chemistry Volume: 12 Issue: 2 Page numbers of article: 95-105 ISSN: 0973-1792

Author and co-authors: Mungondori, H.H., Tichagwa, L., Katwire, D.M. & Aoyi, O.

Title: Preparation of photo-catalytic copolymer grafted asymmetric membranes (N-TiO₂-PMMAA-g-PVDF/PAN) and their application on the degradation of bentazon in water) Journal: Iranian Polymer Journal Volume: 25 Issue: 2 Page numbers of article: 135-144 ISSN: 1026-1265

Author and co-authors: Otunniyi, I.O., Oabile, M., Adeleke, A.A. & Mendonidis, P. Title: Copper activation option for a pentlandite–pyrrhotite– chalcopyrite ore flotation with nickel interest Journal: International Journal of Industrial Chemistry Volume: 7 Issue: 3 Page numbers of article: 241-248 ISSN: 2228-5547

Author and co-authors: Ramuhaheli, S., Rutto, H.L. & Enweremadu, C.C.

Title: Comparison of engine performance characteristics of biodiesel purified by dry and waterwashing Journal: Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy Volume: 10 Issue: 5 Page numbers of article: 330-338 ISSN: N/A

Author and co-authors: Simate, G.S.; Maledi, N. Aoyi, O., Ndlovu, S., Zhang, J. & Walubita, L.F.

Title: Coal-based adsorbents for water and wastewater treatment Journal: Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering Volume: 4 Issue: 2 Page numbers of article: 2291-2312 ISSN: 2213-3437

Title: Vanadium (V) adsorption isotherms and kinetics using polypyrrole coated magnetized natural zeolite Journal: Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers Volume: 66

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Messagefrom the Faculty of Engineering and Technology


Researcher: Kyere, I.K.

Title: Diagnostic evaluation of insulation defects at different frequencies using partial discharge technology Field: High voltage engineering (power)

Researcher: Matizamhuka, W.R.

Title: The development and characterization of nano-TNZ (Ti-Nb-Zr) based alloys for orthopedicdevice applications Field: Metallurgical engineering, materials engineering

Researcher: Matizamhuka, W.R.

Title: The development of platinum-based intermetallics (PGMs) for high temperature applications through a powder metallurgy route Field: Metallurgical engineering, materials engineering

Researcher: Marius Viljoen:

“Energy management optimisation of a solar/hydrogen power plant for a rural community” (DTech)

Researcher: Willem Pienaar:

“Radio frequency drying of materials” (DTech)

Researcher: Michael Benson:

“Design and development of a multi-protocol supervisory control and data acquisition device for use in renewable energy systems” (MTech)


Researcher: Matizamhuka, W.R.

Researchers: Matizamhuka W.R, Shongwe B.M, Machaka R., Stack M. and Tsuchiya K.


Researcher: Prof N Grunewald,

Title: The effect of secondary phase additions on the erosion-corrosion behavior of nano-metal matrix composites (MMCs) produced by spark plasma sintering method Field: Metallurgical engineering, materials engineering

Researchers: Matizamhuka, W.R., Shongwe, B.M., Machaka, R., Stack, M. & Tsuchiya, K.

Title of research: The development and characterization of nano-TNZ (Ti-Nb-Zr) based alloys for orthopedic device applications Higher education institution: Tshwane University of Technology, South Africa Field: N/A Industry: CSIR International: University of Strathclyde Scotland, National Institute of Materials Science (NIMS), Japan

Title of research: The development and characterization of nano-TNZ (Ti-Nb-Zr) based alloys for orthopedic device applications. Higher Education Institution: Tshwane University of Technology Industry: CSIR International: University of Strathclyde Scotland, National Institute of Materials Science (NIMS), Japan. International: University of Hochscule Wismar Researchers: Prof M K Pfaffenberger, International: University of Fachhochschule Flensburg

Researcher: Emmanuel Ogunniyi:

“Design and optimisation of a universal battery management system in a photovoltaic application” (MTech)

Researcher: Ayo Alo:

“Improved polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell bipolar plates” (DTech)

Researcher: Francois Du rand:

“Development of an additive manufacturing re-coater monitoring system for powder bed fusion systems” (MTech)

Researcher: Peter Mwai:

“Optimisation of a fuel cell using a sulfonated polystyrene membrane” (DTech)

Researcher: Ruaan Schoeman:

“Development of a service interruption prediction model for fuel cell power plants” (DTech)

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The faculty is acknowledged for its engagement in multidisciplinary partnership to address scientific and societal agendas. – Professor C.M. van der Bank

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he Faculty of Human Sciences strives to be research intensive so that it remains locally and internationally competitive. This report confirms the significant progress in this regard and demonstrates the impact of human sciences research in multiple ways.

The scholarly work of our academics and researches deserves our support and respect and must be applauded. Human sciences research productivity for 2016 was marked by steady and sustained growth in the number of publications, the post-graduate research throughput, the funding awarded and the participation in research by staff across the entire spectrum of the faculty’s academic portfolio. The faculty is acknowledged for its engagement in multidisciplinary partnership to address scientific and societal agendas. The sustained research involving multi-disciplinary and cross-border collaborations undertaken within the faculty pushes research boundaries, impacts on international research trends, and helps to draw South Africa and Africa into a global network of knowledge production and academic excellence. The Centre of Sustainable Livelihoods is aware of the growing food security crisis in Africa and thus contributes to building and sustaining the critical mass to alleviate hunger on the continent. The faculty successfully applied for permission to offer both traditional master’s and doctoral degrees as well MTech and DTech qualifications in most of our faculty disciplines. This is a

Message from the Faculty of Human Sciences


great breakthrough and should boost our postgraduate numbers. The range of higher degrees obtained by our research students grew both in numbers and in quality. This is to a large extent due to the excellent supervision by highly qualified academics who expose our students to world class research training programmes. Ten articles were published in DHET-accredited journals and one article appeared in accredited conference proceedings. Staff members presented 12 papers at national and international conferences and contributed one chapter to a book.

Message from the Faculty of Human Sciences

These achievements shows that the results of research in the Faculty of Human Sciences is worth celebrating. I am grateful to all who contributed to the research effort, even if they are not named in this brief report.



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Name: Bam, A.

Qualification: MA Dissertation/thesis title: The position of English in the language repertoire of multilingual students at a tertiary Institution: A case study at the Vaal University of Technology University/institution: Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch, South Africa

Name: Chitumwa, C.C.

Qualification: MTech Dissertation/thesis title: Pre-service teachers’ concerns on teaching practicum: A mixed methods case study from Zimbabwe University/institution: Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, Port Elizabeth, South Africa


Presenter and co-presenters: Abu, B.A.Z., Saha, S. & Oldewage- Theron, W.H.

Title of paper: Micronutrient deficiencies among apparently healthy school-age children in rural Cofimvaba, Eastern Cape, South Africa: A community-based cross-sectional study (poster) Conference: Micronutrient Forum Global Conference 2016 Place: Cancun, Mexico Date: 24-28 October 2016

Presenter and co-presenter: Chitumwa, C.C. & Athiemoolam, L.

Title of paper: Pre-service teachers’ concerns during teaching practice: The Zimbabwean experience Conference: Education Association of South Africa Conference (EASA 2016) Place: Arabella Hotel, Hermanus, South Africa Date: 17-20 January 2016

Presenter: Egal, A.A.

Title of paper: The role of higher education in post-conflict reconstruction and rehabilitation Conference: 1st International Conference on Higher Education in Post conflict societies – Challenges and opportunities (oral) Place: Mogadishu, Somalia Date: 26-27 July 2016

Presenter and co-presenter: Egal, A.A. & Oldewage-Theron, W.H.

Title of paper: Maternal waist circumference as a prediction of children’s stunted status (poster) Conference: 3rd International Conference on Nutrition and Growth Place: Vienna, Austria Date: 17-19 March 2016

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Presenter and co-presenter: Erasmus, T. & de Crom, E.P.

Title of paper: The meaning of sense of place and green space in the community of the Vredefort Dome and Parys, Free State. Conference: WUP and IERM Congress (People and Green Space) Place: President Hotel, Cape Town, South Africa Date: 26-28 September 2016

Presenter: Lekaota, L.

Title of paper: Rural communities’ participation in the planning and management of tourism developments: A case study from Lesotho Conference: BEST EN Think Tank XVI: Corporate Responsibility in Tourism – Standards, Practices and Policies Place: Berlin-Eberswald, Germany Date: 12-15 July 2016 ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-994233-2-5

Presenter: Lenz, R.

Title of paper: The white man’s sense of identity and place in a decolonized Africa and a democratic South Africa Conference: LSSA-SAALA-SAALT Place: University of the Western Cape, Cape Town, South Africa Date: 4-6 July 2016

Presenter: Maleho, L.M.

Title of paper: Reputation framework for Fezile Dabi District Municipality Conference: South African Communication Association Conference (SACCOM 2016) Place: University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, South Africa Date: 3-5 October 2016

Presenter: Miruka, C.O.

Title of paper: The crisis in Africa’s public universities: Disjuncture and fracture in mission Conference: International Conference on Transformative Education Research and Sustainable Development (TERSD 2016) Place: Dhulikhel, Nepal Date: 21-23 October 2016

Presenter: Moloi, K.C.

Title of paper: Cultural leadership and change Conference: Waqf Business and Investment Models – International Conference Place: Islamia College, Cape Town, South Africa Date: 9-11 December 2016

Presenter: Moloi, K.C.

Title of paper: Leadership within the context of humanitarian relief work in South Africa Conference: Islamic Relief Worldwide Assembly Place: Barcelona, Spain Date: 24-28 May 2016

Presenter: Moloi, K.C.

Title of paper: Students’ reflective journals: How can we improve student learning? Conference: 8th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN16)

Message from the Faculty of Human Sciences

Place: Barcelona, Spain Date: 4-6 July 2016 ISBN/ISSN: 2340-1117, 978-84-608-8860-4

Presenter and co-presenter: Moloi, K.C. & Isabirye, A.

Title of paper: Professional development and teacher learning at an open distance learning university (ODL) in South Africa Conference: 7th International Conference of Social Sciences Place: Cape Town, South Africa Date: 21-23 September 2016

Presenter: Mosebi, L.J.

Title of paper: The teaching of English poetry in selected schools of Gauteng Conference: 2nd Annual Masters and Doctoral Student Research Conference 2016 Place: University of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa Date: 30 June-2 July 2016

Presenter: Olalere, F.E.

Title of paper: Cultural hybridity: An effective adoption of rapid product development to enhance indigenous craft designs Conference: 17th International Conference of the Rapid Product Development Association of South Africa (RAPDASA) Place: Vaal University of Technology, Science and Technology Park, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa Date: 2-4 November 2016 ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-620-72061-8

Message from the Faculty of Human Sciences

Presenter and co-presenter: Oldewage-Theron, W.H. & Egal, A.A.

Title of paper: Is overweight and obesity associated with multiple micronutrient deficiencies in low-income women? A case study from Qwa-Qwa, South Africa Conference: Micronutrient Forum Global Conference 2016 Place: Cancun, Mexico Date: 24-28 October 2016

Presenter and co-presenters: Oldewage-Theron, W.H., Egal, A.A. & Grobler, C.G.

Title of paper: Prevalence of dietary, biochemical and anthropometric cardiovascular risk factors in children from rural Cofimvaba, Eastern Cape, South Africa (poster) Conference: 3rd International Conference on Nutrition and Growth (poster) Place: Vienna, Austria Date: 17-19 March 2016

Presenter and co-presenters: Oldewage-Theron, W.H., Egal, A.A. & Lyford, C.

Title of paper: Using the Re-AIM framework to evaluate a nutrition education programme for children aged 9–13 years old: A comparison between rural and urban South Africa (poster) Conference: 7th Africa Nutritional Epidemiology Conference Place: Marrakesh, Morocco Date: 9-14 October 2016


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Presenter: van der Bank, C.M.

Title of paper: Human rights-based approach to environmental protection Conference: International Conference for Social Sciences and Humanities Place: University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany Date: 29 November-2 December 2016

Presenter: van der Bank, C.M.

Title of paper: Justification for expungement legislation in South Africa: Expungement and competing constitutional rights Conference: International Conference for Social Sciences and Humanities Place: FHWien University of Applied Sciences, Währinger Gűrtel 97, Vienna, Austria Date: 17-21 April 2016

Presenter: van der Bank, C.M.

Title of paper: Previous conviction (criminal record) and its effect in South African law Conference: 9th Annual Conference of the EuroMed Academy of Business Place: University of Warsaw, Poland Date: 14-16 September 2016 ISBN/ISSN: 978-9963-711-43-7


Presenter: Castelyn, G.F.

Title: 9th Annual Research Seminar/Faculty of Human Sciences Presented to: Faculty of Human Sciences, Vaal University of Technology Place: Vaal University of Technology, Science and Technology Park, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa Date: 22 July 2016

Presenter: Coetzee, N.

Title: 9th Annual Research Seminar/Faculty of Human Sciences Presented to: Faculty of Human Sciences, Vaal University of Technology Place: Vaal University of Technology, Science and Technology Park, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa Date: 22 July 2016

Presenter: Egal, A.A.

Title: Household soya and vegetable food garden to mitigate food insecurity and diseases of lifestyle – Qwa-Qwa report (oral) Presented to: 4th International Soya Seminar and Workshop Place: Vaal University of Technology, Centreof Sustainable Livelihoods, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa Date: 20-24 July 2016

Presenter: Egal, A.A.

Title: The dual potentials of soya for semi-arid and resource scare countries against food insecurity and the food industry (oral) Presented to: 4th International Soya Seminar and Workshop

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Place: Vaal University of Technology, Centre of Sustainable Livelihoods, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa Date: 20-24 July 2016

Presenter and co-presenters: Laubscher, M., Senekal, Q. & Serapins, M.D.

Title: The importance of non-verbal communication between lecturer and student Presented to: Faculty of Human Sciences, Vaal University of Technology Place: Vaal University of Technology, Science and Technology Park, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa Date: 22 July 2016

Presenter: Lenz, R.

Title: A stranger in the country of his birth: The white man’s predicament in the New South Africa as portrayed in John Conyngham’s The Lostness of Alice Presented to: SAVAL/SASGLS Colloquium at the University of South Africa Place: University of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa Date: 15 April 2016

Presenter: Lenz, R.

Title: Confronting ‘self’ and ‘other’ in Damon Galgut’s The Good Doctor Presented to: Faculty of Human Sciences, Vaal University of Technology Place: Vaal University of Technology, Science and Technology Park, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa Date: 22 July 2016

Presenter: Moloi, K.C.

Title: The National Development Plan, 2030 Presented to: NRF– Sasol Inzalo Science Fellowship Induction Workshop Place: Garden Court, Kempton Park, South Africa Date: 11 February 2016

Presenter: Moloi, K.C.

Title: Research methodology Presented to: BTech students, Faculty of Management Sciences, Vaal University of Technology Place: Vaal University of Technology, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa Date: 18 April 2016

Presenter: Moloi, K.C.

Title: Research methodology Presented to: MTech and DTech students, Faculty of Management Sciences, Vaal University of Technology Place: Vaal University of Technology, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa Date: 9 July 2016

Presenter: Nkosi, M.S. & van Stryp, J.

Title: Language and culture as empowering and disempowering vehicle learning in higher education: A dichotomous view Presented to: Faculty of Human Sciences, Vaal University of Technology

Message from the Faculty of Human Sciences

Place: Vaal University of Technology, Science and Technology Park, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa Date: 22 July 2016


Presenter and co-presenters: Oldewage-Theron, W.H., Egal, A.A. & Lyford, C.

Title of paper: Sustainability of community food and nutrition intervention programmes: Case studies from South Africa Conference: 7th Africa Nutritional Epidemiology Conference Place: Marrakesh, Morocco Date: 9-14 October 2016


Author and co-authors: Duvenage, S.S., Oldewage-Theron, W.H. & Egal, A.A. Book title: Cooking Joy with Soy Publisher: Vaal University of Technology, Centre of Sustainable Livelihoods Date: July 2016 ISBN: 978-0-620-660990-0

Author and co-author: Oldewage-Theron, W.H. & Egal, A.A.

Chapter title: Food quality and food safety Book title: Community Nutrition for Developing Countries Publisher: AU Press, Athabasca University Date: March 2016 Page numbers of chapter: 430-446 ISBN: 978192735611 (print), 978192756128 (PDF), 9781927356135 (ePub)

Author: van der Bank, C.M.

Chapter title: The international human right to freedom of expression: A South African constitutional perspective Book title: International Human Rights and Justice Publisher: Nova Science Publishers, New York Date: 18 March 2016 Page numbers of chapter: 125-136 ISBN: 978-1-63484709-4


Author and co-author: Burger, S.E. & Labuschagne, V.

Title: Festival visitors’ expenditure: A comparison of visitor expenditure at the Vryfees Arts Festival Journal: African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure Volume: 5 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 1-11 ISSN: 2223-814X

Message from the Faculty of Human Sciences

Author: Lekaota, L.

Title: Rural communities’ participation in planning and management of tourism developments: A case study from Lesotho Journal: African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure Volume: 5 Issue: 4 Page numbers of article: 1-12 ISSN: 2223-814X

Author: Lenz, R.

Title: A stranger in the country of his birth: The white man’s predicament in the New South Africa as portrayed in John Conyngham’s The Lostness of Alice Journal: Journal of Literacy Studies Volume: 32 Issue: 2 Page numbers of article: 75-92 ISSN: 0256-4718

Author and co-author: Lenz, R. & Wenzel, M.

Title: Confronting ‘self’’ and ‘other’ in Damon Galgut’s The Good Doctor Journal: English in Africa Volume: 43 Issue: 2 Page numbers of article: 131-155 ISSN: 0376-8902

Author: Miruka, C.O.

Title: The safari suit: Imperatives for recreational dress innovation in Kenya Journal: African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure Volume: 5 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 1-12 ISSN: 2223-814X

Author and co-author: Moloi, K.C. & Isabirye, A.K.

Title: Exploring teacher learning experiences in one open university in South Africa: A training framework Journal: Journal of Education and Vocational Research Volume: 7 Issue: 4 Page numbers of article: 12-20 ISSN: 2221-2590

Author and co-author: Moloi, K.C. & Isabirye, A.K.

Title: Professional development and teacher learning at an open distance learning university (ODL) South Africa Journal: International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanity Studies Volume: 8 Issue: 2 Page numbers of article: 46-62 ISSN: 1309-8063

Author and co-author: Moloi, K.C. & Mabaso, C.

Title: Talent attraction and its relationship to organizational productivity Journal: Canadian Social Science


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Volume: 12 Issue: 10 Page numbers of article: 21-33 ISSN: 1712-8056 (print), 1923-6697 (online)

Author and co-author: Moloi, K.C. & Mabaso, C.

Title: The influence of compensation on talent attraction at a TVET college Journal: Social Science Research Network (SSRN) Volume: Online Page numbers of article: 1-22 ISSN: 1556-5068

Author and co-authors: Oldewage-Theron, W.H., Abu, A.Z.B., Saha, S. & Egal, A.A.

Title: Magnitude, socio-economic and dietary intake predictors of micronutrient deficiencies among school-aged children in rural South Africa, a community-based cross-sectional study Journal: International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences Volume: 5 Issue: 3 Page numbers of article: 154-165 ISSN: e-ISSN 2320-7879 (online)

Author and co-author: Oldewage-Theron, W.H. & Kruger, R.

Title: The association between diet quality and subclinical inflammation among children aged 6-18 years in the Eastern Cape, South Africa Journal: Public Health Nutrition Volume: 18 Issue: 3 Page numbers of article: 1-10 ISSN: e-ISSN 2320-7876 (online)

Author and co-author: van der Bank, C.M. & van der Bank, M.

Title: A legal framework for sustainable tourism development in areas affected by natural and man-made disasters in South Africa Journal: African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure Volume: 5 Issue: 2 Page numbers of article: 1-12 ISSN: 2223-814X


Researcher: Castelyn, G.F.

Title: Environmental, health and safety (EHS) managerial systems design: An analysis of the current state of the oil and natural gas sector Field: Environmental health and safety

Researcher: Coetzee, N.

Title: Employing developing sewing training material in an intervention for low-literate participations of rural income generating projects Field: Consumer sciences

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Researcher: Erasmus, V.

Title: Impact measurement of a nutrition education programme on knowledge retention and dietary intake behaviour on primary school children in Gauteng Field: Nutrition education

Researcher: Kekana, M.M.

Title: Impact of a nutrition education programme on nutrition knowledge of primary school children in Gauteng. Field: Nutrition education

Researcher: Khangala, N.P.

Title: Evaluating the eating habits of tertiary institution staff members undergoing transition in diet and lifestyle Field: Food

Researcher: Maboya, M.K.

Title: Determining the environmentally responsible behaviour of tourists while visiting selected resorts in Limpopo Field: Tourism management

Researcher: Maleho, L.M.

Title: Stakeholders’ perceived reputation of the Fezile Dabi District Municipality: Guidelines for local government Field: Strategic communication

Researcher: Mokaeane, S.B.

Title: Examining corporate reputation management of a local municipality in the Vaal region: A case study Field: Public relations management

Researcher: Mosebi, L.J.

Title: The teaching of English poetry to Grade 12 learners in selected schools in Gauteng Field: Comparative education

Researcher: Nair, B.M.

Title: The enforceability of socio-economic rights in South Africa towards the advancement of gender equality Field: Gender law/ Human rights law

Researcher: Sowerby, M.

Title: The reformation of South African real security law with regards to movable property changed: A comparative legal study into reforming certain express real security rights over movable property Field: Private law

Researcher: van der Bank, M.

Title: Constitutional environmental rights and water service delivery in public and private sectors in South Africa Field: Environmental and local government law

Researcher: van der Walt, D.E.

Title: Personalising the elements and principles of graphic design: An exploratory autoethnographic case study Field: Graphic design

Researcher: Venter, D.

Title: A quality of life framework for an adventure-based sport Field: Tourism management

Message from the Faculty of Human Sciences


Researcher: Egal, A.A.

Title: Soy based food products Company/institution: Protein Research Fund Field: Human nutrition


Researchers: Egal, A.A. & Labadarios, D.

Title: Stunted child and obese mother (SCUM) Institution: Human Sciences Research Council

Researchers: Kearney, J.E., Marumo-Ngwenya, K., Erasmus, V., Kekana, M. & Lekota, R. Title: The impact measurement of the Healthy Kids Nutrition Education Programme in Hammanskraal Company/institution: Nestlè and the Department of Basic Education Nutrition


Researchers: Egal, A.A. & Amuna, P.

Title: Public Human nutrition Research Title Higher education institution: University of Greenwich, London, UK

Researchers: Egal, A.A. & Hersch, J.

Title: Soy-based food products Higher education institution: World Initiative for Soya in Human Health (WISHH)

Researchers: Egal, A.A. & Kruger, R.

Title: Obesity in human subjects Research Title Higher education institution: Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand

Researchers: Egal, A.A. & Oldewage-Theron, W.H.

Title: Food security and Soy based foods products Research Title Higher education institution: Texas Tech University and National Soybean Research Laboratory University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign, USA

Message from the Faculty of Human Sciences

Researchers: Egal, A.A. & Passi, J.

Title: Human nutrition Higher education institution: University of Delhi, New Delhi, India

Researchers: Egal, A.A., Pilu, et al.

Title: Enhanced maize and beans for nutrition and food security Higher education institution: Universita de Milano, Milan, Italy

Researchers: Egal, A.A. & Salami, L.

Title: Human nutrition Research Title Higher education institution: University of Benin, Benin City, Nigeria

Researchers: Egal, A.A. & Towfik E.

Title: Biochemistry of Human nutrition Higher education institution: University of Westminister, London, UK

Researcher: Moloi, K.C.

Title: International Successful Schools Principals Project (ISPPP) Higher education institution: University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK


Researcher: Egal, A.A.

Title of research: Extruder machine for SMME training Industry: National Research Foundation (NRF)

Researcher: Egal, A.A.

Title of research: Nutritionally enhanced maize and beans food security Industry: Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF)

Researcher: Egal, A.A.

Title of research: Nutrition education Industry: South African Netherlands Research Programme (SANPAD)

Researcher: Egal, A.A.

Title of research: Soy based food products Industry: OPOT (Oil and Protein Advisory Committee)

Researcher: Egal, A.A.

Title of research: Training of emerging farmers in nutrition Industry: SA Grains


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s a faculty, staff members have continued work vigorously in driving the research ethos of the faculty. The staff in the departments of Marketing and Sport, Logistics, and Human Resource Management Accountancy must be acknowledged for their relentless pursuit of excellence in research. This, despite their heavy teaching duties. We have continued the trajectory of improving research in the different departments.

Although the faculty needs more associate and full professors, there were notable contributions of research outputs from our master’s and doctoral graduates, lecturers and senior lecturers. – Professor M. Dhurup

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Although the faculty needs more associate and full professors, there were notable contributions of research outputs from our master’s and doctoral graduates, lecturers and senior lecturers. In 2016, Forty-six articles were published in DHET-accredited journals with an article equivalence of 39.64 units accruing to VUT. This compares favourably when matched against the total university output of 81.25 units (approximately 49%). Staff members presented 45 papers at national and international conferences, resulting in ten conference proceedings with an article equivalence of 4.60. To bolster and broaden our research footprint, our research induction programme offered to our master’s and doctoral students gave the much-needed support for students to hone their research skills. Students were exposed to the basics of research orientation, proposal writing, academic writing skills, literature usage, research paradigms and various methodologies in research. We were also blessed to have in our midst two visiting

Message from the Faculty of Management Science


professors, Prof. Joyendu ‘Joy’ Bhadury, Dean, School of Business Administration and Economics, The College at Brockport, State University of New York and Prof. J. Kamalanabhan, Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, India who assisted our post-graduate students in proposal writing.

We are zealous about the passion and enthusiasm generated by our staff and students in research, especially where novice and experienced researchers work together. In this way, we crafted a rich collaborative ecosystem by supporting each other by creating an intellectual space for research.

Our Faculty Research Awards function was held on 10 June and was well attended by staff members. This is a clear indication of their quest to engage in research and share in the achievements. Dr B.A. Mokoena, Dr E. Chinomona and Dr A. Muposhi received top honours in the ‘Research Achievement’ category. In the ‘Research Excellence’ category, Prof. M. Dhurup, Dr C. Mafini and Ms N. Dlodlo received top honours. At the annual Institutional Research awards function, Dr B.A Mokoena and Dr E. Chinomona were also placed 1st and 2nd respectively. In the ‘Research Excellence’ category, Prof. M. Dhurup and Dr C. Mafini were placed 1st and 2nd respectively. This is indeed a proud achievement for the faculty.

We acknowledge the support given by our many partners within the university including the Research Directorate in the Central Research Office that have had a tremendous impact on our progress. Thank you for your efforts and I look forward to working with you in the year ahead. As a faculty, we will endeavour to allow our staff their intellectual space to contribute meaningfully in research and to develop into a community of research scholars.

Through the concerted efforts of supervisors and co-supervisors a total of 17 students graduated with their master’s qualifications in 2016. A further three students graduated with doctoral qualifications. This is a marked improvement from earlier years. Congratulations to all the recipients of awards and our graduates. You have no doubt left an indelible mark in contributing not only to the faculty’s research successes, but also to the success of the Vaal University of Technology in terms of research outputs.

Message from the Faculty of Management Science


RESEARCH OUTPUTS POSTGRADUATE STAFF QUALIFICATIONS COMPLETED IN 2016 Name: Chinomona, E. Qualification: DTech Dissertation/thesis title: Effect of organizational citizenship behaviour, employee perception of equity and organizational commitment on intention to stay in Zimbabwean SME’s University/institution: Vaal University of Technology, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa


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Name: Hove, P.

Name: Mojapelo, T.J.

Name: Jansen van Vuuren, H.R.

Name: Mokoena, M.C.

Qualification: DTech Dissertation/thesis title: The influence of supply chain practice on supply chain performance in South Africa University/institution: Vaal University of Technology, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa Qualification: MTech Dissertation/thesis title: The influence of procedural, distributive and interactional justice on organizational citizenship behaviour among employees at the SAPS Academy, Paarl University/institution: Vaal University of Technology, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa

Name: Mabaso, M.C.

Qualification: MTech Dissertation/thesis title: The influence of rewards on talent attraction and retention at a further education and training (FET) college in Gauteng University/institution: Vaal University of Technology, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa

Name: Madinga, N.W.

Qualification: MTech Dissertation/thesis title: Selected antecedents to approach status consumption among township youth consumers in the Sedibeng district University/institution: Vaal University of Technology, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa

Name: Mashiloane, M.W.

Qualification: MTech Dissertation/thesis title: The effect of supply chain dynamism, organizational relationship on supply chain performance University/institution: Vaal University of Technology, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa

Name: Matsheke, O.T.

Qualification: MTech Dissertation/thesis title: The influence of entrepreneurial-related programmes on student intentions to venture new business creation University/institution: Vaal University of Technology, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa

Name: Maziriri, E.T.

Qualification: MTech Dissertation/thesis title: The influence of perceived social risk and buying behaviour on apparel store choice decision among generation Y female students within Sedibeng district University/institution: Vaal University of Technology, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa

Name: Mgiba, S.

Qualification: MTech Dissertation/thesis title: Job satisfaction and the intention to quit by employees in a steel manufacturing company in Gauteng University/institution: Vaal University of Technology, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa

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Qualification: MTech Dissertation/thesis title: Employees’ adherence to the Occupational Health and Safety Act in the steel manufacturing sector University/institution: Vaal University of Technology, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa Qualification: MTech Dissertation/thesis title: Evaluation the effect of safety mechanism on the production cost at the New Vaal Colliery University/institution: Vaal University of Technology, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa

Name: Motaung, T.L.

Qualification: MTech Dissertation/thesis title: Organizational commitment and job satisfaction as antecedents of organizational citizenship behaviour at a water company in Gauteng University/institution: Vaal University of Technology, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa

Name: Nematatani, P.

Qualification: MTech Dissertation/thesis title: Supply chain partnership, collaboration, integration and relationship, commitment as predictors of supply chain performance for small and medium enterprises University/institution: Vaal University of Technology, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa

Name: Nemudzivhadi, L.

Qualification: MTech Dissertation/thesis title: Empowerment and job satisfaction of employees within a public sector organization in Northern Gauteng University/institution: Vaal University of Technology, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa

Name: Omoruyi, O.

Qualification: DTech Dissertation/thesis title: The influence of supply chain networks, performance of small and medium enterprises in the South Gauteng region University/institution: Vaal University of Technology, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa

Name: Peete, M.B.

Qualification: MTech Dissertation/thesis title: Employee job satisfaction, organizational commitment and intention to stay at an international hotel in Lesotho University/institution: Vaal University of Technology, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa

Name: Popoola, B.A.

Qualification: MTech Dissertation/thesis title: An analysis of capital structures of listed industrial companies in South Africa University/institution: Vaal University of Technology, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa

Message from the Faculty of Management Science

Name: Siewe, C.L.

Presenter: Chinomona, E.

Name: Sikhwari, T.M.

Presenter: Chinomona, E.

Qualification: MTech Dissertation/thesis title: A comparative analysis of the effective use of transfer pricing policies in multinational corporations in Southern Gauteng University/institution: Vaal University of Technology, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa Qualification: MTech Dissertation/thesis title: The influence of supplier information sharing and information quality on strategic partnership and internal learn practices among small and medium enterprises in South Africa University/institution: Vaal University of Technology, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa

Name: Thabane, L.J.

Qualification: MTech Dissertation/thesis title: Job satisfaction on organizational commitment of administrators at a university in Gauteng University/institution: Vaal University of Technology, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa


Presenter: Ayodeji, O.O.

Title of paper: Entrepreneurship in programme curriculum: Case study of selected higher education institutions in South Africa Conference: 9th Annual SATN (South African Technology Network) International Conference Place: Lagoon Beach Hotel, Milnerton, Cape Town, South Africa Date: 12-14 October 2016

Presenter: Beneke, J.

Title of paper: Benchmarking value creation of listed companies on the Johannesburg Securities Exchange Conference: 6th Biennial Value Conference (Value 2016) Place: Zebula Golf Estate and Country Lodge, Waterberg, Limpopo Province, South Africa Date: 22-24 May 2016

Presenter: Beneke, J.

Title of paper: Benchmarking value creation of companies listed on the ALTX of the JSE Conference: 7th International Conference on Social Sciences Place: Cape Town, South Africa Date: 22-23 September 2016

Presenter: Chinomona, E.

Title of paper: The influence of workshop of workplace spiritually expectations towards work and quality of work life on commitment to long term career Conference: International Academic Business Conference Place: Venice, Italy Date: 4-10 June 2016

Message from the Faculty of Management Science

Title of paper: Xenophobia and human rights: Strengthening the spirit of ‘Ubuntu’ Conference: 18th Annual International Conference of the Global Business and Technology Association (GBATA) Place: Dubai, United Arab Emirates Date: 16-20 October 2016 Title of paper: Modelling the influence of workplace spirituality, quality of work life, expectations towards work on commitment to long-term career of employees in Gauteng Province, South Africa Conference: 18th Annual International Conference of the Global Business and Technology Association (GBATA) Place: Dubai, United Arab Emirates Date: 16-20 October 2016

Presenter: Chinomona, E.

Title of paper: The influence of employees’ development, motivation and communication towards job satisfaction within universities in the Gauteng Province of South Africa Conference: 12th International Conference on Economics and Social Sciences Place: Durban, South Africa Date: 19-20 November 2016

Presenter: Dhurup, M.

Title of paper: The influence of service quality variables in predicting satisfaction and behavioural intentions in a university campus recreation setting Conference: Bali 22nd International Conference on Business, Economics, Social Sciences and Humanities (BESSH 2016) Place: Bali, Indonesia Date: 7-8 December 2016

Presenter: Dhurup, M.

Title of paper: Employee perceptions of occupational health and safety standards in the steel industry Conference: 7th International Conference on Social Sciences Place: Cape Town, South Africa Date: 22-23 September 2016

Presenter and co-presenter: Dlodlo, N. & Dhurup, M.

Title of paper: An exploratory study of Twitter sports consumption motives and relationship with future intentions: A perspective from athletes’ followers Conference: 7th International Conference on Social Sciences Place: Cape Town, South Africa Date: 22-23 September 2016

Presenter: Dlodlo, N.

Title of paper: Changing faces: Testing a model of market mavenism, attitude and variety-seeking on cosmetic buying behaviour among South African female consumers Conference: 2016 ICBTS International Business and Tourism Research Conference Place: Boston, United State of America Date: 30 June to 2 July 2016


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Presenter: Dlodlo, N.

Title of paper: The influence of female celebrity endorser credibility (FCEC) on university students ‘attitude towards cosmetics brands Conference: 2016 ICBTS International Business and Tourism Research Conference Place: Boston, United State of America Date: 30 June to 2 July 2016

Presenter: Isabirye, A.K.

Title of paper: Barriers towards the implementation of transformative E-Learning technologies at a University of Technology (UoT) Conference: National Association of Distance Education and Open Distance Learning in South Africa (NADEOSA) Conference Place: Monash University, Rooderpoort, South Africa Date: 14-15 July 2016

Presenter: Isabirye, A.K.

Title of paper: Professional development and teacher learning at an open distance learning university (ODL) in South Africa Conference: 7th International Conference on Social Sciences Place: Cape Town, South Africa Date: 22-23 September 2016

Presenter: Isabirye, A.K.

Title of paper: Harnessing academics’ staff development experiences and concerns into a training framework Conference: 10th International Conference on Management, Finance and Entrepreneurship Place: Durban, South Africa Date: 19-20 November 2016

Presenter: Isabirye, A.K.

Title of paper: An empirical study on professional development for innovative teaching and learning at an open distance learning (ODL) university in South Africa Conference: 10th Annual International Conference on Global studies: Business, Economic, Political, Social and Cultural Aspects Place: Athens, Greece Date: 19-22 December 2016

Presenter: Janse van Rensburg, C.

Title of paper: Flourishing in higher education Conference: International Conference for Social Sciences and Humanities Place: Vienna, Austria Date: 17-21 April 2016

Presenter: Joubert, P.A.

Title of paper: Justice in the workplace: The influence of procedural, distributive and interactional justice on organisational citizenship behaviour among employees in the Police Service Conference: 7th International Conference on Social Sciences Place: Cape Town, South Africa Date: 22-23 September 2016

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Presenter: Joubert, P.A.

Title of paper: Corporate social responsibility, organisational commitment and intention to stay of employees at a telecommunications company in Cameroon Conference: 2nd International Conference on Marketing, Business and Economics Place: Bali, Indonesia Date: 12-14 November 2016

Presenter: Lose, T.

Title of paper: A qualitative inquiry on the challenges facing international students at institution of higher learning in Southern Gauteng, South Africa Conference: South African International Conference on Education (SAICEd 2016) Place: Pretoria, South Africa Date: 19-21 September 2016

Presenter and co-presenter: Loury-Okoumba, W.V. & Mafini, C.

Title of paper: SME owner manager perceptions towards supply chain management practices and performance in South Africa Conference: 28th Annual Conference of the Southern African Institute of Management Sciences (SAIMS) Place: University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa Date: 4-7 September 2016

Presenter and co-presenter: Mafini, C. & Dhliwayo, C.

Title of paper: Motivation through non-financial strategies: The case of university health workers Conference: 18th Annual International Conference of the Global Business and Technology Association (GBATA) Place: Dubai, United Arab Emirates Date: 16-20 October 2016

Presenter and co-presenter: Mafini, C. & Loury-Okoumba, W.V. Title of paper: Supply chain agility, lean supply chain management and supply chain performance in SMEs Conference: 18th Annual International Conference of the Global Business and Technology Association (GBATA) Place: Dubai, United Arab Emirates Date: 16-20 October 2016

Presenter: Mafini, C.

Title of paper: Dynamic capacities, service quality and relationship continuity as drivers of SME supply chain performance Conference: 24th International Academic Conference Place: Barcelona, Spain Date: 28 June 2016

Presenter: Mafini, C.

Title of paper: Buyer-Supplier Commitment, Trust and Cooperation as Influencing Fast moving consumer Goods Industry. Conference: 28th Annual Conference of the Southern African Institute of Management Sciences (SAIMS) Place: University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa Date: 4-7 September 2016

Message from the Faculty of Management Science

Presenter: Mafini, C.

Title of paper: Supply chain risk, elasticity and performance: A public sector perspective Conference: Bali 22nd International Conference on Business, Economics, Social Sciences and Humanities (BESSH 2016) Place: Bali, Indonesia Date: 7-8 December 2016

Presenter: Mafini, C.

Title of paper: Drivers of entrepreneurial intentions amongst generation Y students in Zimbabwe Conference: Bali 22nd International Conference on Business, Economics, Social Sciences and Humanities (BESSH 2016) Place: Bali, Indonesia Date: 7-8 December 2016

Presenter: Maziriri, E.T.

Title of paper: Perceived social risk, buying and apparel store choice among generation Y female students Conference: 7th International Conference on Social Sciences Place: Cape Town, South Africa Date: 22-23 September 2016

Presenter: Mokoena, B.A.

Title of paper: The influence of perceived social risk and buying behaviour on apparel retail store choice among generation Y female students in Southern Gauteng, South Africa Conference: 38th ISERD International Conference on Economics, Management and Social Study Place: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Date: 1-2 July 2016

Presenter: Mokoena, B.A.

Title of paper: Market orientation as a social learning approach to university performance: A focus on universities of technology in South Africa using MKTOR scale Conference: 38th ISERD International Conference on Economics, Management and Social Study Place: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Date: 1-2 July 2016

Presenter: Mokoena, B.A.

Title of paper: A dimensional analysis of destination image variables in a South Africa context: An exploratory study Conference: 7th International Conference on Social Sciences Place: Cape Town, South Africa Date: 22-23 September 2016

Presenter: Mokoena, B.A.

Title of paper: Validation of a campus service quality recreational scale within a cohort of university students: A case study Conference: 10th International Conference on Management, Finance and Entrepreneurship Place: Durban, South Africa Date: 19-20 November 2016

Message from the Faculty of Management Science

Presenter: Mokoena, B.A.

Title of paper: Examining the relationship between perceived social risk, buying behaviour and retail store choice among female generation Y students: A regression analysis perspective Conference: 10th Annual International Conference on Global Studies: Business, Economic, Political, Social and Cultural Aspects Place: Athens, Greece Date: 19-22 December 2016

Presenter: Motale, M.

Title of paper: Walking the talk in the footwear industry: A generation Y cohort analysis of consumer-based brand equity dimensions and purchase intentions Conference: 7th International Conference on Social Sciences Place: Cape Town, South Africa Date: 22-23 September 2016

Presenter: Motaung, T.L.

Title of paper: Organisational commitment and job satisfaction as antecedents of organisational citizen behaviour at a water utility company in Gauteng Conference: International Conference on Business, Social Science and Humanities (BESSH2016) Place: Cape Town, South Africa Date: 4-5 August 2016

Presenter: Mrwebi, V.

Title of paper: Developing a hypothetical model of organisation justice in the South African financial services industry Conference: 10th Annual International Business Conference (IBC 2016) Place: Club Mykonos, Langebaan, Cape Town, South Africa Date: 25-28 September 2016

Presenter: Muposhi, A.

Title of paper: Diffusion of electronic cigarettes as a smoking cessation aid: Reflections from university students. Conference: 7th International Conference on Social Sciences Place: Cape Town, South Africa Date: 22-23 September 2016

Presenter: Muposhi, A.

Title of paper: The influence of green atmospherics on corporate image and green purchase behaviour Conference: 28th Southern African Institute of Management Sciences Conference (SAIMS 2016) Place: University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa Date: 4-7 September 2016

Presenter: Ntisa, A.

Title of paper: The contract of employment status and its influence on the job satisfaction of academics within South African universities of technology Conference: 7th International Conference on Social Sciences Place: Cape Town, South Africa Date: 22-23 September 2016


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Presenter: Ntshingila, M.L.

Title of paper: The effectiveness of purchasing competence on supply chain performance within the medium sized business in Sedibeng region Conference: MBALI International Conference, 2016 Place: Richards Bay, South Africa Date: 6-8 July 2016

Presenter: Omuruyi, O.

Title of paper: The influences of supply chain networks, flexibility and integration on the performance for small and small and medium enterprises in Southern Gauteng, South Africa Conference: 7th International Conference on Social Sciences Place: Cape Town, South Africa Date: 22-23 September 2016

Presenter: Popoola, B.A.

Title of paper: The Influence of capital structures on the listed industrial companies in South Africa Conference: Cape Town 2nd International Conference on Business, Economics, Social Sciences and Humanities (BESSH 2016) Place: Cape Town, South Africa Date: 3-4 September 2016

Presenter: Radebe, P.Q.

Title of paper: The relationship between occupational stress and organisational commitment among police officers in the Sebokeng Cluster Conference: International Journal of Arts & Science (IJAS) Academic Conference Place: Munich, Germany Date: 21-24 June 2016

Presenter: Radebe, P.Q.

Title of paper: The relationship between budgetary factors and the effective application of the budgetary factors and the effective application of the budgeting process in public secondary schools in Gauteng South Conference: 24th International Academic Conference Place: Barcelona, Spain Date: 28 June-1 July 2016

Presenter and co-presenter: Radebe, P.Q. & Dhurup, M.

Title of paper: Finding synergy in employee perceptions of equity, job satisfaction, organisational commitment and organisational citizenship behaviour in a South African context Conference: 7th International Conference on Social Sciences Place: Cape Town, South Africa Date: 22-23 September 2016

Presenter: van der Westhuizen, J.

Title of paper: The perceived leadership practice of first generation family business leaders in Sedibeng Conference: International Journal of Arts & Science (IJAS) Academic Conference Place: Sokol, Prague, Czech Republic Date: 30 October-5 November 2016

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Presenter and co-presenter: van der Westhuizen, J. & Tieho, M. Title of paper: The influence of IT adoption on supply chain integration in small and medium enterprises in South Africa Conference: 7th International Conference on Social Sciences Place: Cape Town, South Africa Date: 22-23 September 2016

Presenter: van Zyl, Y.

Title of paper: When things get tough, the tough gets going: University students perceived stress and coping Conference: 7th International Conference on Social Sciences Place: Cape Town, South Africa Date: 22-23 September 2016


Presenter: Selesho, J.M.

Title: Southern Africa Research and Innovation Management Association (SARIMA) Presented to: Research integrity and ethics Place: Coastlands Hotel, Umhlanga, Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa Date: 17 May 2016


Author: Beneke, J

Title: Benchmarking value creation of companies listed on the JSE’s ALTX Journal: International Journal of Economic and Finance Studies Volume: 8 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 131-144 ISSN: 1309-8055

Author and co-author: Chauke, X. & Dubihlela, J.

Title: South African generation-X online shopper satisfaction and their repurchase intentions Journal: Investment Management and Financial Innovations Volume: 13 Issue: 3 Page numbers of article: 121-129 ISSN: 1810-4967

Author: Chinomona, E.

Title: Antecedents of job satisfaction. A case of universities in the Gauteng Province of South Africa Journal: International Journal of Research in Business Studies and Management Volume: 3 Issue: 12 Page numbers of article: 27-37 ISSN: 2394-5923

Message from the Faculty of Management Science

Author: Chinomona, E.

Author and co-author: Chinomona, E. & Dhurup, M.

Author: Chinomona, E.

Author and co-authors: Chinomona, E., Mafini, C. & Mangoukou Ngouapegne, C.N.

Title: Is commitment to long term career necessary for company’s survival or it is a waste of time? A case of companies in Vanderbijlpark, South Africa Journal: International Journal of Research in Business Studies and Management Volume: 4 Issue: 4 Page numbers of article: 1-10 ISSN: 2394-5923 (print), 2394-5931 (online) Title: Organisational citizenship behaviour and employee perception of equity on organizational commitment Journal: Corporate Ownership & Control Volume: 14 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 230-240 ISSN: 1727-9232

Author: Chinomona, E.

Title: Xenophobia and human rights: Strengthening the Spirit of ‘Ubuntu’ globally Journal: International Journal of Research in Business Studies and Management Volume: 3 Issue: 11 Page numbers of article: 22-32 ISSN: 2394-5923

Message from the Faculty of Management Science

Title: The effects of organization commitment and employee perceptions of equity on organizational citizen behaviour in Zimbabwean SMEs Journal: South African Journal of Labour Relations Volume: 40 Issue: 2 Page numbers of article: 77-98 ISSN: 1379-8410

Title: Corporate sustainability and customer loyalty: The case of the railway industry Journal: Corporate Ownership and Control Volume: 13 Issue: 3 Page numbers of article: 445-454 ISSN: 1810-3057

Author and co-author: Chinomona, E. & Maziriri, E.

Title: Modelling the influence of relationship Marketing, Green Marketing and Innovative Marketing on the Business Performance of Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises (SMMES) Journal: Journal of Economics and Behavioural Studies Volume: 8 Issue: 3 Page numbers of article: 127-139 ISSN: 220-6140


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Author and co-author: Chinomona, E. & Omoruyi, O.

Author: Mafini, C.

Author and co-author: Dlodlo, N. & Dhurup, M.

Author: Mafini, C.

Author and co-author: Isabirye, A.K. & Moloi, K.C.

Author: Mafini, C.

Title: The influence of CSR, innovation and supply chain partnership on firm competitiveness Journal: Risk Governance and Control: Financial Markets and Institutions Volume: 6 Issue: 4 Page numbers of article: 345-354 ISSN: 2077-4303 Title: An exploratory study of Twitter sports consumption motives and relationship with future intentions: A perspective from athletes’ followers Journal: International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanity Study Volume: 8 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 1-16 ISSN: 1379-8063 Title: Professional development and teacher learning at an open distance learning university (ODL) in South Africa Journal: International Journal of Social sciences and Humanity Studies Volume: 8 Issue: 2 Page numbers of article: 46-62 ISSN: 1309-8063

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Vaal University of Technology

Title: Barriers to public supply chain management strategy implementation: an exploratory diagnosis Journal: Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume: 14 Issue: 3 Page numbers of article: 117-127 ISSN: 1727-7051 Title: Decrypting the nexus between organizational culture, quality of work life, job satisfaction and employee productivity in the public sector Journal: South African Journal of Labour Relations Volume: 40 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 59-82 ISSN: 0379-8410 Title: The contribution of organizational climate to employee well being Journal: The Journal of Applied Business Research Volume: 32 Issue: 4 Page numbers of article: 1157-1168 ISSN: 0892-7626

Message from the Faculty of Management Science

Author and co-authors: Mafini, C., Dhurup, M. & Mojapelo, J.

Author and co-author: Maziriri, E. & Chinomona, E.

Author and co-authors: Mafini, C., Dhurup, M. & Mojapelo, J.

Author and co-author: Maziriri, E.T. & Mokoena, B.A.

Author and co-authors: Mafini, C., Loury-Okoumba, V.W. & Pooe, R.I.D.

Author and co-author: Mofokeng, T. & Chinomona, E.

Author and co-author: Mafini, C. & Meyer, D.F.

Author and co-author: Mokoena, B.A. & Dhurup, M.

Author and co-author: Mafini, C. & Meyer, D.F.

Author and co-author: Mokoena, B.A. & Dhurup, M.

Author and co-author: Mafini, C. & Meyer, D.

Author and co-authors: Mokoena, B.A., Dhurup, M. & Surujlal, J.

Title: Employee perceptions, adherence and behaviours towards work-related health and safety as correlates of overall health and safety awareness Journal: International Journal of Business and Management Studies Volume: 8 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 37-49 ISSN: 1309-8047

Title: Employee perceptions of occupation health and safety standards in the steel industry Journal: International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanity Studies Volume: 8 Issue: 2 Page numbers of article: 106-120 ISSN: 1309-8063

Title: Interrogating antecedents to SME supplier performance in a developing country Journal: Southern African Business Review Volume: 20 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 259-285 ISSN: 1998-8125 Title: Life satisfaction by demography in low income residential areas: Evidence from South Africa Journal: Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Oeconomica Volume: 61 Issue: 2 Page numbers of article: 31-48 ISSN: 1220-0506 Title: Satisfaction with life amongst the urban poor: Empirical results from South Africa Journal: Acta Universitatis Danubius Oeconomica Volume: 12 Issue: 5 Page numbers of article: 33-50 ISSN: 2065-0175 Title: Societal factors and life satisfaction: Evidence from low income urban societies in a developing country Journal: Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies Volume: 8 Issue: 3 Page numbers of article: 87-100 ISSN: 2220-6140

Title: Modelling the influence of relationship marketing, green marketing and innovative marketing on the business performance of small, medium, and micro enterprises (SMMEs) Journal: Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies Volume: 8 Issue: 3 Page numbers of article: 127-139 ISSN: 2220-6140 Title: Perceived social risk and buying behaviour on apparel retail store choice among generation Y female students Journal: International Journal of Business and Management Studies Volume: 8 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 86-99 ISSN: 1309-8047 Title: Impact of organizational politics on job dissatisfaction and turnover intention: An application of social exchange theory on employees working In Zimbabwean small and medium enterprises (SMEs) Journal: The Journal of Applied Business Research Volume: 32 Issue: 3 Page numbers of article: 857-869 Title: Market orientation determinants: Reflections from academics in universities of technology Journal: Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies Volume: 8 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 6-17 ISSN: 2220-6140 Title: Universities of technology in transition: In search of the inhibiting factors to market orientation in a developing country Journal: Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 49 Issue: 3 Page numbers of article: 311-319 ISSN: 0971-8923 Title: A dimensional analysis of destination image variables in a South African context: An exploratory study Journal: International Journal of Economic and Finance Studies Volume: 8 Issue: 2 Page numbers of article: 190-204 ISSN: 1309-8055

Author and co-author: Mokoena, B.A. & Mafini, C.

Title: Corporate performance indicators: The case of universities

Message from the Faculty of Management Science


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Journal: Corporate board: Role, duties & composition Volume: 12 Issue: 3 Page numbers of article: 43-50 ISSN: 1810-8601

Author and co-author: Motale, M. & Dhurup, M.

Title: Walking the talk in the sport footwear industry: A generation Y cohort analysis of consumer-based brand equity dimensions and purchase intention Journal: International Journal of Business & Management Studies Volume: 8 Issue: 2 Page numbers of article: 102-120 ISSN: 1309-8047

Author and co-author: Muposhi, A. & Dhurup, M.

Title: A factorial analysis of green purchase and the relationship with green purchase intentions and green purchase behaviour Journal: Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 13 Issue: 4 Page numbers of article: 32-43 ISSN: 1683-8831

Author and co-author: Muposhi, A. & Dhurup, M.

Title: A qualitative inquiry of generation Y consumers’ selection attributes in the case of organic products Journal: International Business & Economics Research Journal Volume: 15 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 1-14 ISSN: 1535-0754

Author and co-author: Muposhi, A. & Dhurup, M.

Title: Diffusion of electronic cigarettes as a smoking cessation aid among young consumers Journal: International Journal of Business and Management Studies Volume: 8 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 117-131 ISSN: 1309-8047

Author and co-author: Muposhi, A. & Dhurup, M.

Title: Is vaping a panacea of peril? Consumer’s attitudes towards electronic cigarettes and relationship with quitting intention Journal: African Journal of Physical Activity and Health Sciences Volume: 22 Issue: 3:1 Page numbers of article: 655-666 ISSN: 2411-6939

Author and co-authors: Muposhi, A., Sandada, M. & Kamunyaru, B.B.

Title: The influence of employee share ownership schemes on firm performance: The case of Zimbabwe firms Journal: Acta Universitatis Danubius Volume: 12

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Vaal University of Technology

Issue: 12 Page numbers of article: 37-50 ISSN: 2065-0175

Author and co-authors: Ntisa, A.A., Dhurup, M. & Joubert, P.A.

Title: The contract of employment status and its influence on the job satisfaction of academics within South Africa Journal: International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanity Studies Volume: 8 Issue: 2 Page numbers of article: 180-195 ISSN: 1309-8063

Author and co-author: Ntshoe, I.M., & Selesho, J.M.

Title: Shifting sands on differentiation and specialization in higher education in South Africa Journal: South African Journal of Higher Education Volume: 30 Issue: 2 Page numbers of article: 164-183 ISSN: 1753-5913

Author and co-author: Okusolubo, T. & Joubert, P.A.

Title: The effect of selection processes on employee turnover in small and medium enterprises in Sunnyside, South Africa Journal: Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 47 Issue: 2 Page numbers of article: 163-176 ISSN: 0971-8923

Author and co-author: Omoruyi, O. & Chinomona, E.

Title: Modeling the factors that influence employee attitude and service delivery behavior among higher education professionals Journal: Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies Volume: 8 Issue: 5 Page numbers of article: 146-158 ISSN: 2220-6140

Author and co-author: Omoruyi, O. & Chinomona, R.

Title: The influence of perceived hypermarket size on perceived Hypermarket reputation, trust and customer willingness to purchase in South Africa Journal: Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies Volume: 7 Issue: 4 Page numbers of article: 60-70 ISSN: 2220-6140

Author and co-author: Omoruyi, O. & Dhurup, M.

Title: The influence of supply chain networks, flexibility and integration on the performance of small and medium enterprises in the Southern Gauteng, South Africa Journal: International Journal of Business and Management Studies Volume: 8 Issue: 2 Page numbers of article: 121-137 ISSN: 1309-8047

Message from the Faculty of Management Science

Author and co-author: Omoruyi, O. & Mafini, C.

Title: Supply chain management and customer satisfaction in small to medium enterprises Journal: Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Oeconomica Volume: 61 Issue: 3 Page numbers of article: 43-58 ISSN: 1220-0506

Author and co-author: van Zyl, Y. & Dhurup, M.

Title: When things get tough get going: University students’ perceived stress and coping mechanisms Journal: International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanity Studies Volume: 8 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 218-232 ISSN: 1309-8063

Author and co-authors: Pita, N.A., Mafini, C. & Dhurup, M.

Title: Corporate succession practices: A public sector perspective Journal: Corporate Ownership and Control Volume: 13 Issue: 4 Page numbers of article: 301-306 ISSN: 1810-3057

Author and co-author: Radebe, P. & Dhurup, M.

Title: Finding synergy in employee perceptions of equity, job satisfaction, organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behaviour in a South African context Journal: International Journal of Business and Management Volume: 8 Issue: 2 Page numbers of article: 15-31 ISSN: 1309-8063


Researcher: Dhurup, M.

Title: Emotional labour and job satisfaction relationships: Lived experiences of amateur sport coaches in South Africa Field: Sport management


The faculty held numerous induction sessions throughout the year. These are covered in detail in the Postgraduate Report section of this report.

Author and co-author: Radebe, P. & Dhurup, M.

Title: Perception of organizational politics, frustration with work and occupational commitment in a sport and recreation department in Gauteng Journal: International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanity Studies Volume: 8 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 152-167 ISSN: 1309-8063

Author and co-author: van der Westhuizen, J. & West, M.

Title: Cross-functional maintenance and logistics business process integration: Lessons from a large oil and gas company Journal: Journal of Applied Business Research Volume: 32 Issue: 2 Page numbers of article: 401-416 ISSN: 0892-7626

Author and co-authors: van Vuuren, H., Dhurup, M. & Joubert, P.A.

Title: The justice in the workplace: The influence of procedural, distributive and international justice on organizational citizenship behaviour among employees in the Police Service Journal: International Journal of Economics and Finance Studies Volume: 8 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 177-191 ISSN: 1309-8055

Message from the Faculty of Management Science


| 53


Presenter and co- presenter: Machika, P. & Msiza, D.N.

Title of paper: The digital characteristics of students at the Vaal University of Technology Conference: 5th Annual Staff Development Conference Place: Vaal University of Technology, Vereeniging, South Africa Date: 24 August 2016


Author: Brits, H.J.

Title: ’n Ondersoek na ’n gemeente se aanbiddingsvoorkeure om lidmaatdeelname ten opsigte van sang en, musiek te bevorder binne die raamwerk van ses aanbiddings modelle Journal: Stellenbosch Theological Journal Volume: 2 Issue: 2 Page numbers of article: 153-179 ISSN: 2413-9467

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Vaal University of Technology

Author: Pillay, A.M.

Title: Brexit has no relevance to the African Union Journal: The Thinker, Quarter 1-2017 Volume: 71 Page numbers of article: 88

Author and co-author: Pillay, A.M. & Ntuli, J.K.

Title: South Africa and the global hydrogen economy: The strategic role of platinum group metals, Mapungubwe Institute for Strategic Reflection (MISTRA): Book review Journal: New Agenda: South African Journal of Social and Economic Policy Volume: 2016 Issue: 61 Page numbers of article: 43 ISSN: N/A


Researcher and co-researcher: P. Machika, P. & Msiza, D.N. Title: Understanding how and why lecturers and students at the University of Technology are using technology for teaching and learning (quantitative) Field: Education



Director and contact details Prof. Abdul Egal

Centre of Sustainable Livelihoods

Tel: 016 930 5091 Email: Prof. Christo van Zyl Pienaar

Centre for Alternative Energy

Tel: 016 950 9381 Email: Prof. Ochieng Aoyi

Centre for Renewable Energy and Water

Tel: 016 950 9884 Email:

Focus areas

Leader and contact details Prof. Michael Pillay

Plant molecular genetics/biotechnology

Tel: 016 950 9614 Email: Prof. Peter Mendonidis

Materials and minerals technology

Tel: 016 950 9165 Email:

Technology Transfer and Innovation

Leader and contact details Dr Joe Molete

Innovative product development and advanced manufacturing technology

Tel: 016 930 5013 Email:

Research Focus Areas


| 55


The following institutions/organisations give valuable support to the Centre for Alternate Energy (CAE):

Telkom (Pty) Ltd and Eskom sponsor the ‘Telkom Centre of Excellence’, which is an integral part of the CAE.

Eskom supports the CAE through their ‘Tertiary Education Support Programme’ (TESP).

The European Union supports the CAE through the ‘Programme on Energy Efficiency in Southern Africa’ (PEESA I and II)

The CAE is also involved with the manufacturing engineering related SETA (merSETA) project with the VUT Southern Gauteng

The CAE is also involved with the manufacturing engineering related SETA (merSETA) project with the VUT Southern Gauteng Science and Technology Park. The Sector Education Training Authority (SETA) financially supports the research. The focus of the CAE is on:

Science and Technology Park.

electricity supply to rural communities (off grid)

energy efficiency in buildings and households

The Sector Education Training

alternative energy supply to households and buildings

radio frequency heating and drying of materials.

Authority (SETA) financially supports the research.

The research concentrates on fuel cells, hydrogen generation and storage, photovoltaic installations and distribution of electricity. Research at the CAE includes:

– Professor C. Pienaar

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Vaal University of Technology

3-D printing

Message from the Centre for Alternative Energy


radio frequency heating and drying of materials

Cape Peninsula University of Technology (PEESA I and II)

fuel cell simulation, membrane electrode assembly (MEA) development and manufacturing for fuel cells.

Tshwane University of Technology (PEESA I and II)

University of the Witwatersrand (fuel cell membrane development)

The CAE works closely with the following institutions:

Hochscule Wismar in Germany (PEESA I and II)

Ernst-Abbe-Fachhochschule Jena in Germany (PEESA I and II)

Fachhochschule Flensburg in Germany (PEESA I and II)

Namibia University of Science and Technology (PEESA I and II)

Message from the Centre for Alternative Energy

The CAE also developed a new structured MEng in Energy Efficiency. The planned implementation date for the new degree is 2018.



| 57


Researcher: Alo, A.

Title: Improved polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell bipolar plates Field: Metallurgical Engineering

Researcher: Benson, M.

Title: Design and development of a multi-protocol supervisory control and data acquisition device for use in renewable energy systems Field: Electrical Engineering

Researcher: du rand, F.

Title: Development of an additive manufacturing re-coater monitoring system for powder bed fusion systems Field: Electrical Engineering

Researcher: Mwai, P.

Title: Optimisation of a fuel cell using a sulfonated polystyrene membrane Field: Electrical Engineering

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Vaal University of Technology

Researcher: Ogunniyi, E.

Title: Design and optimisation of a universal battery management system in a photovoltaic application Field: Electrical Engineering

Researcher: Pienaar, W.

Title: Radio frequency drying of materials Field: Electrical Engineering

Researcher: Schoeman, R.

Title: Development of a service interruption prediction model for fuel cell power plants Field: Electrical Engineering

Researcher: Viljoen, M.

Title: Energy management optimisation of a solar/hydrogen power plant for a rural community Field: Electrical Engineering

The following institutions/organisations givevaluable supporttothe Centre for Alternate Energy (CAE):


Researcher: Grunewald, N.

Title: PEESA I & II Higher education institution: Hochscule Wismar, Wismar, Germany

Researcher: Pfaffenberger, M.K.

Title: PEESA I & II Higher education institution: Fachhochschule Flensburg, Flensburg, Germany-



| 59



The continuing increase in the world’s population has caused stress in the natural resources such as water and energy. As a result, there is a

to do more with less.

University is where knowledge is not only disseminated, but also, and more importantly, created. In light of this, there is a reasonable expectation from the community in which we live that our research activities at the VUT address the community problems within the context of national imperatives such as renewable energy and water. With the contribution by VUT researchers across the disciplines, CREW plays a leading role in research pertaining to energy and water at the regional and national levels.

– Professor Ochieng Aoyi

The activities at the regional and national levels are grounded primarily on the fundamental research done at the institutional

compelling need for innovative technologies that will enable us

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he continuing increase in the world’s population has caused stress in the natural resources such as water and energy. As a result, there is a compelling need for innovative technologies that will enable us to do more with less. In this regard, science engineering and technology (SET) is expected to play a leading role in driving the process. From the VUT perspective, it is a realistic expectation that the SET departments conduct research that makes tangible contributions to achieve this goal. This is the space in which the Centre for Renewable Energy and Water (CREW) has positioned itself as it aspires to address the regional, national and global challenges related to energy and water. CREW’s mission is to develop research culture as an intangible institutional capital, exploit the competencies at the interface of disciplines and engage in research driven by effective teaching and learning.

Vaal University of Technology

Message from the Centre for Renewable Energy and Water



level, which has grown exponentially in recent years. It is worth mentioning, however, that the CREW’s exponential research growth is constrained by lack of infrastructure such as space, and this has now forced us to limit postgraduate students’ admissions. However, there is still some optimism that this problem will be addressed sooner than later. I wish to thank the CREW, comprising talented individuals that I will not name here, for the tireless

Message from the Centre for Renewable Energy and Water

efforts they have made to elevate the quality of research done at the centre.



| 61


Author and co-authors: Benton, O., Apollo, S. &, Ochieng, A. Title: Photodegradation of molasses wastewater using activated carbon supported TiO2-ZnO hybrid nanocatalyst Journal: Journal of Chemical Engineering Communications Volume: 203 Issue: 11 Page numbers of article: 1443-1454 ISSN: 0098-6445

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Vaal University of Technology

Author and co-authors: Mecha, A.C., Onyango, M.S., Ochieng, A. & and Momba, M.N.B. Title: Effect of process parameters on the ozonation of municipal wastewater Journal: Journal of Water Science and Technology Volume: 84 Issue: 3 Page numbers of article: 756-765 ISSN: 0273-1223

Message from the Centre for Renewable Energy and Water

Message from the Centre for Renewable Energy and Water


| 63

THE RESEARCH OFFICE Dr Simphiwe Nelana Director: Research & Higher Degrees

Ms Searabo Kgekoane

Ms Petro van der Walt

Mr Sehlabaka Motsie

Research Information Officer

Senior Administrator

Faculty Research Officer

Ms Chantelle Sonnekus

Ms Lerato Hlahla

Mr Musonda Kaniki

Ms Beatrice Phume

Research Development Officer


Research Administrator

Higher Degrees Administrator

Ms Shirene Klink

Ms Ronel Appelcryn

Mr Prajesh Bhikha

Ms Nomathemba Kokoali

Finance Officer

Research Administrator

Marketing & Information Officer

Registration Officer



















*Submitted to DHET– not yet approved

NATIONAL RESEARCH FOUNDATION The NRF rating system is a benchmarking system through which individuals who exemplify the highest standards of research, as well as those demonstrating strong potential as researchers, are identified by an extensive network of South African and international peer reviewers.


Prof O Aoyi

Dr RI Campbell

Dr AE Ofomaja

Prof WH Oldewage-Theron

Dr HL Rutto

Prof TB Tengen

The Research Office


| 65




Postdoc/Visiting professor


Focus area





Postdoctoral research fellow

Engineering and Technology

Chemical engineering

Prof. E.B Naidoo




Postdoctoral research fellow

Management Sciences


Dr C. Mafini




Postdoctoral research fellow

Applied and Computer Sciences


Dr N. Feto



Ikechukwu Peter

Postdoctoral research fellow

Applied and Computer Sciences


Dr F. Mtunzi



Etienne Alain

Postdoctoral research fellow

Applied and Computer Sciences


Prof T. Zuva



Ekemena Oghenovoh

Postdoctoral research fellow

Applied and Computer Sciences

Physical chemistry

Dr A. Ofomaja



Folasayo Enoch

Postdoctoral research fellow

Human Sciences

Visual arts and design

Prof. A Munro




Postdoctoral research fellow

Applied and Computer Sciences


Dr N. Feto



Julius Ilawe

Postdoctoral research fellow

Engineering and Technology

Chemical engineering

Prof P Osifo



Bamidele Joseph

Postdoctoral research fellow

Applied and Computer Sciences


Prof. J Modise



Olabimpe Olayemi

Postdoctoral research fellow

Human Sciences

Centre for Sustainable Livelihoods

Prof. AA Egal



Evanie Devi

Postdoctoral research fellow

Human Sciences

Centre for Sustainable Livelihoods

Prof. A.A. Egal




Postdoctoral research fellow

Applied and Computer Sciences


Prof. M. Moloto



Sarah Matshwenyego

Postdoctoral research fellow

Research Directorate

Research directorate

Dr S.M. Nelana



Luther King

Postdoctoral research fellow

Applied and Computer Sciences


Prof. M. Pillay



Peter Chukwunonso

Postdoctoral research fellow

Applied and Computer Sciences

Physical chemistry

Dr A. Ofomaja



Pierre Kalenga

Postdoctoral research fellow

Applied and Computer Sciences


Prof. M. Moloto

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Vaal University of Technology

The Research Office

RESEARCH CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMMES The Research Directorate hosted various research capacity development workshops and information sessions, including:

NRF Sabbatical to complete doctorate qualifications funding opportunity;

NRF Thuthuka funding opportunity;

NRF Early career funding opportunities;

Information session on becoming an NRF-rated researcher;

Strengthening postgraduate supervision;


EndNote; and

SPSS & Amos.

Funds were allocated to faculties to arrange the following research capacity development workshops/programmes according to their various needs:

Postgraduate induction programme

Writing for publication

Workshops to develop focus areas

Research seminars/colloquium

Postgraduate supervision

Research methodology




The ‘Hub-and-Spokes’ model is a structured mentorship development programme. The programme aims to bring mentors who are research leaders in strategic focus areas at the VUT into structured mentoring relationships with postgraduate students to support the growth of the next generation of South Africanacademics at the VUT and at the same timefast-track development and innovation in the focus areas. ‘Hub’ refers to the focus area and research leader(s)/mentor(s), and ‘Spokes’ refers to the mentee postgraduate students. The aims and objectives of the Hub-and-Spokes model are as follows:

To provide focused support to facilitate the growth of the next generation of academics at the VUT;

The Research Office


| 67

To strengthen the critical mass of a community of researchers at the VUT;

To fast-track development in strategic research areas;

To provide structured support to ensure increased research outputs in strategic academic focus areas;

To ensure that postgraduate students are involved in publications in accredited peer-reviewed research publications; and

To support the academic socialisation of mentees by facilitating their involvement in teaching, tutoring and, where suitable, co-supervision.

SCHOLARSHIPS The following scholarships are awarded to promote teaching and research interests in the research focus areas:

Doctoral candidate: R150 000.00 per annum

Master’s candidate: R96 000.00 per annum

In addition, R20 000.00 and R10 000.00 are ring-fenced for doctoral and master’s students respectively to be used to attend conferences and workshops for the duration of the scholarship period. The following students were on the programme in 2016: Surname




Research focus area





Engineering and Technology

Chemical engineering

Prof. O. Aoyi



DTech associate lecturer

Engineering and Technology

Chemical engineering

Prof. O. Aoyi




Applied and Computer Sciences


Prof. M. Pillay




Management Sciences


Dr R. Chinomona

Jansen van Rensburg



Engineering and Technology

Electrical engineering

Prof. C. Pienaar




Engineering and Technology

Mechanical engineering

Prof. L. Masu




Engineering and Technology

Mechanical engineering

Prof. L. Masu




Applied and Computer Sciences


Ms T. Xaba




Applied and Computer Sciences


Prof. M. Moloto




Applied and Computer Sciences


Dr N. Feto




Engineering and Technology


Prof. P. Mendonidis




Applied and Computer Sciences


Prof. M. Moloto




Engineering and Technology

Mechanical engineering

Prof. L.M. Masu

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Vaal University of Technology

The Research Office





Research focus area





Applied and Computer Sciences


Prof. E.D. Dikio




Applied and Computer Sciences



Ntaote David

DTech associate lecturer

Applied and Computer Sciences


Prof. E.B. Naidoo



DTech associate lecturer

Applied and Computer Sciences


Prof. M. Moloto




Applied and Computer Sciences


Prof. M. Pillay




Applied and Computer Sciences


Prof. T. Walmsley




Applied and Computer Sciences


Dr T.A. Walmsley

Prof. A.E. Ofomaja Prof. E.B. Naidoo

There are currently 20 students (eight DTech students, three DTech associate lecturers, and nine master’s students). Ms Progress Hove graduated with her PhD in April 2016.

RESEARCH ACHIEVEMENT AND RESEARCH EXCELLENCE AWARDS Faculty research awards, the VUT Excellence Award and the VUT Achievement Award are presented annually. Candidates with the highest number of marks in a faculty are automatically nominated for the University Researcher of the Year award. Faculty awards and awards for the top three researchers are made in each category.


Nominations for the Faculty Research and Innovation awards were submitted to the Research Directorate via the Faculty Research and Innovation committees for an audit meeting. Nominations were screened and verified. The following staff received awards for their research achievements and excellence during 2015 at the various Faculty Research Awards functions: Faculty of Engineering and Technology

Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences Award


Research Achievement

Dr C.C. Ssemakalu


Dr N.A. Feto


Prof. M. Pillay


Prof. E.D. Dikio


Prof. M.J. Moloto


Research Excellence

The Research Office





Research Excellence

Dr H.L. Rutto



| 69

Faculty of Human Sciences Award

Faculty of Management Sciences



Dr L. Lekaota Research Achievement

Research Excellence



1st Research Achievement


Dr B.A. Mokoena


Dr E. Chinomona


Dr S. Burger


Dr R. Lenz


Dr A. Muposhi


Dr K. Marumo-Ngwenya


Prof. M. Dhurup


Prof. K.C. Moloi


Dr C. Mafini


Prof. C.M. van der Bank


Ms N. Dlodlo


Prof. A.A. Egal


Research Excellence


The annual Researcher of the Year Award ceremony was held on 10 November 2016 at the Emerald Resort and Casino, Vanderbijlpark. The following staff received awards for their research achievements in 2015: Place

Research Achievement Dr B.A. Mokoena


Dr E. Chinomona


Dr C.C. Ssemakalu


Management Sciences Management Sciences Applied and Computer Sciences

Research Excellence


Prof. M. Dhurup


Dr C. Mafini


Prof. M. Pillay










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Vaal University of Technology

Faculty Management Sciences Management Sciences Applied and Computer Sciences




The Research Office


External research funding and donations for research equipment totalled R46 253 032 for 2016. Sources of external funding include the National Research Foundation (NRF), the Water Research Commission (WRC), the Local Government Sector Education and Training Authority (LGSETA), the Chemical Industries Education & Training Authority (CHIETA), the Department of Science and Technology (DST), the Technology Innovation Agency (TIA), Telkom SA Ltd, Eskom, Sasol, the CSIR, the Oil and Protein Seeds Development Trust (OPOT) and the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC). INTERNAL FUNDING

R20 243 800 was allocated to research. Applications for funding are approved by the Executive Senate Research and Innovation Committee.

RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT GRANT The Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) allocated Research Development Grant funds to the Vaal University of Technology as part of the 2016/17 allocation. The allocated funds represent significant government investment in research development.





Postgraduate study support programmes for developmental staff


The Research Office

R3 256 320

Mentorship/supervisor training programmes

R177 617

Research capacity development programmes for recent recipients of PhD qualifications

R414 441

Postdoctoral research fellowship programmes

R769 676

Employment of contract staff

R769 676

Administrative system support

R532 852

R5 920 582


| 71

POSTGRADUATE REPORT 2016 HIGHLIGHTS REGISTRATIONS During 2016 the Higher Degrees Unit registered 415 students. Existing students submitted their progress reports to enable us to monitor and evaluate their progress. Total registrations






Applied and Computer Sciences






Engineering and Technology






Human Sciences






Management Sciences












2016 POSTGRADUATE STATISTICS (BY FACULTY AND DEPARTMENT) Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences Department

Registered students MTech








Information Systems


Information Technology






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Vaal University of Technology

Postgraduate Report

Faculty of Engineering and Technology Department

Registered students MTech


Chemical Engineering



Civil Engineering


Electrical Engineering



Industrial Engineering


Mechanical Engineering



Metallurgical Engineering





Total Faculty of Human Sciences Department

Registered students MTech




Fine Art



Food and Beverage Management


Food Service Management



Graphical Design




Public Relations Management


Tourism and Hospitality Management





Faculty of Management Sciences Department

Registered students MTech


Business Administration



Cost and Management Accounting


Human Resources Management


Labour Relations Management









Postgraduate Report


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GRADUATES 2012-2016 2012





Applied and Computer Sciences






Engineering and Technology






Human Sciences






Management Sciences











Total number of graduates


GRADUATES 2016 Faculty of Engineering and Technology Student name


Title of dissertation or thesis

Jansen van Rensburg

MTech: Electrical Engineering

Technology development of a maximum power point tracker for regenerative fuel cells

Kyere, I.K.

MTech: Electrical Engineering

Partial discharge evaluation on high voltage transformers

van Tonder, P.J.M.

DTech: Electrical Engineering

Development of 3D inkjet printing heads for high viscosity liquids

Student name


Title of dissertation or thesis

Marumo, K.

DTech: Fine Art

Xhosa twins as a theme in conceptually motivated sculptural artworks

Ngcai, S.

MTech: Fine Art

Xhosa twins as a theme in conceptually motivated sculptural artworks.

Ochse, C.E.

DTech: Food Services Management

The implementation and evaluation of a nutrition education programme developed for caregivers

Faculty of Human Sciences

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Postgraduate Report

Faculty of Management Sciences Student name


Title of dissertation or thesis

Chinomona, C.E.

DTech: Human Resource Management

Effects of organisational citizenship behaviour, employee perception of equity and organisational commitment on intention to stay in Zimbabwean SMEs

Hove, P.

DTech: Business

The influence of supply chain practice on supply chain performance in South Africa

Jansen van Vuuren, H.R.

MTech: Business Administration

The influence of procedural, disruptive and interactional justice on organisational citizenship behaviour among employees at the SAPS Academy, Paarl

Mashiloane, M.W.

MTech: Logistics

The effect of supply chain dynamism, information sharing and inter organisational relationships on supply chain performance

Matsheke, O.T.

MTech: Business Administration

The influence of entrepreneurial related programs on student intentions to venture new business creation

Maziriri, E.T.

MTech: Business Administration

The influence of perceived social risk and buying behaviour on apparel store choice decision among Generation Y female students within Sedibeng District

Mojapelo, T.J..

MTech: Labour Relations

Employees adherence to the Occupational Health and Safety Act in the steel manufacturing sector

Mokoena, M.C.

MTech: Cost and Management Accounting

Evaluation the effect of safety mechanism on the production cost at the New Vaal Colliery

Motaung, T.L.

MTech: Business Administration

Organisational commitment and job satisfaction of organisational citizenship behaviour at a water company in Gauteng

Mgiba, S.

MTech: Human Resources Management

Job satisfaction and the intention to quit by employees in a steel manufacturing company in Gauteng

Nematatani, P.

MTech: Logistics

Supply chain partnership, collaboration, integration and relationship, commitment as predictors of supply chain performance for small and medium enterprises

Nemudzivhadi, L.

MTech: Human Resource Management

Empowerment and job satisfaction of employees within public sector organisation in northern Gauteng

Omoruyi, O.

DTech: Business

The influence of supply chain networks, flexibility and integration on the performance of small medium enterprises in the Southern Gauteng Region

Peete, M.B.

MTech: Business Administration

Employee job satisfaction, organizational commitment and intention to stay at an international hotel in Lesotho

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Faculty of Management Sciences MTech: Cost and Management Accounting

A comparative analysis of the effective use of transfer pricing policies in multinational corporations in Southern Gauteng

Sikhwari, T.M.

MTech: Logistics

The influence of supplier information sharing and information quality on strategic partnership and internal lean practices among small and medium enterprises in South Africa

Thabane, L.J.

MTech: Business Administration

Job satisfaction on organisational commitment of administrators at a university in Gauteng

Siewe, C.L.

Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences Student name


Title of dissertation or thesis

Chauke, T.M.D.

MTech: Chemistry

Isolation and elucidation of the main chemical constituents from Cymbopogonexcavatus and the investigation of their antimicrobial activities

Engelbrecht, L.

MTech: Biotechnology

Development of an HPLC method for the detection of levetiracetam in blood on patients with epilepsy

Kafilongo Kindu WA ME

MTech: Information Technology

The use of pair-programming to enhance the academic performance of tertiary level software development students

Manzi, S.

MTech: Biotechnology

Development of a bacteria assay for the detection of endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCS)

Mosia, M.E.

MTech: Chemistry

Treatment of process water at dense media separation (DMS) powders industry using selected membrane processes

Pule, K.M.

MTech: Chemistry

Development of specific targets for organics in the cycle water power plan and its impact on acid cation conductivity (KHI)

Thathana, M.G.

MTech: Biotechnology

Identification and molecular characterization of Aspergillus flavus strain from maize and soil in Kenya


Bursaries to support BTech, MTech and DTech students

Innovation block grants: R50 000 – awarded to 50 students

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Postgraduate Report

Additional Innovation scholarship: R50 000 – awarded to 35 students

Additional NRF Innovation for master’s: R80 000 – awarded to 7 students

Free-standing block grant: R30 000 – awarded to 15 students

Masters freestanding scholarship: R50 000 – awarded to 8 students

Scarce Skills block grant: R50 000 – awarded to 30 students

Master’s Scarce Skills grant: R50 000 – awarded to 16 students

Doctoral Scarce Skills scholarship: R110 000 – awarded to 5 students

Additional Scarce Skills scholarship: R50 000 – awarded to 35 students

Additional Master Scarce Skills grant: R50 000 – awarded 6 students

VUT Award: 70 students


Total fees per year





R4 210.00

R4 630.00

R5 090.00

R5 090.00


A Postgraduate Open Day was held on the 23rd of July 2016 at Sebokeng Science Park. During the event, students were able to attend presentations on topics such as:

How to write a research proposal;

Research ethics and integrity;

Funding opportunities; and

General support for postgraduate studies.


The 1st VUT Interdisciplinary Research and Postgraduate Conference was held on 9-10 November 2016 at the VUT Southern Gauteng Science and Technology Park, Sebokeng Campus. The theme of the conference was ‘Advancing Research that Matters: Developing a Vibrant Research Culture’. More than 60 abstracts were submitted.

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Dates for Induction




5 March 2016


Research Orientation

Prof. M. Dhurup and all heads of department /Prof. J. Selesho

Academic Writing 2 April 2016


Visit to the library; information search and computer skills; the use of the library databases; academic writing; ethics; turn it in and plagiarism; referencing guide; literature usage; writing styles/ theoretical framework

Ms R. Fani, Ms E. Grimsley (UP) and Prof. C. Moloi

Paradigm Research Methods and Design 21 May 2016


11 June 2016


Paradigms underpin research method; quantitative method and questionnaire construction;qualitative and mixed method The design of the research proposal (parts 1 and 2)

Prof. J, Selesho and Dr Van den Berg

Prof. J. Selesho and Dr Van den Berg

Submission of draft Research Proposal, 13 June 2016

20 August 2016


Submission of and feedback on first draft of research proposal; questionnaire development

Prof. M. Dhurup and all supervisors

Submission of final Research Proposal for circulation, 16 September 2016

17 September 2016


Basic data analysis, SPSS and hypotheses testing

Prof. J Selesho & Dr P. Nel

22 October 2016


AMOS-CFA and hypotheses testing

Prof. M. Dhurup and Prof. Chinomona

Final Research Proposal presentation and feedback: Faculty Colloquium and Symposium 14 October 2016

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Postgraduate Report




Submission of assignment

Duration (hours)

Conceptualisation 6 August 2016

The concept and philosophy of research

Choice of topic, objectives, problem statement

Hypothesis statement and testing


Preparation (library) 13 August 2016

Execution 20 August 2016


Information gathering, data bases, referred journals, impact factor, Hirsch index

Proposal writing (detailed analysis)

Safety and security

Assignment 1 20 August 2016


Introduction (20%)

Data interpretation and analysis 27 August 2016

Data capture and validation

Data interpretation

Discussion and application 3 September 2016

Importance of findings and applications

Characteristics of applied research

Relevance of research to society


Assignment 2 3 September 2016

MTech/DTech Proposal (40%)


Thesis writing and article publication 10 September 2016

Thesis structure

Journal and conference papers


Research ethics and oral presentation 17 September 2016

29 September 2016 Total

Postgraduate Report

Copyright and plagiarism, Proposal for funding

Time management, team work, mentorship

Effective technical communication

Assignment 3 17 September 2016


Model thesis (20%)

Assignment 4 11 April 2016

Oral presentation (20%)

Oral presentation and teamwork

8 43


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Supervisor 1 / Examiner 1

Supervisor 2 / Examiner 2

Alo, A.O.

DTech: Power Engineering

Improved bipolar plates for polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells

Prof. I.O. Otunniyi

Prof. C. Pienaar

Ayodeji, O.O.

DTech: Business

The influence of intellectual property commercialisation on the financial sustainability of South Africa

Dr T. Pitso

Dr C. Mafini

Banda, W.

M: Tech Industrial Engineering

Production line optimisation by integration of regression analysis and balancing

Prof. T.B. Tengen

Mr B.B. Benga

Becker, T.R.

MTech: Power Engineering

Displaced neutral on woodpole structures with a 300kv basic insulation level rating (BIL)

Prof. L.M. Masu

Prof. M. Maringa

Bele, T.

MTech: Industrial Engineering

Redesigning a commuter rail system to accommodate passengers with special needs

Prof. T.B. Tengen

Mr B.B. Tenga

Benga, E.B.B.

DTech: Industrial Engineering

Hybrid inventory model for energy efficiency: A case study in a manufacturing plant

Prof. T.B. Tengen

Prof. A.A. Alugongo

Bout, W.

DTech: Chemistry

Preparation development and catalytic behaviour of iron oxide supported on activated carbon from pine cone waste

Dr E. Viljoen

Dr A.E. Ofomajaand Prof. E.V. Steen

Chalwe, J.

MTech: Biotechnology

Impact of soya bean on the 17B-Estradioil status and biochemical markers of cardiovascular disease in women from rural Zambian community

Dr C. Grobler

Prof. W. OldewageTheron

Dlamini, S.P.

MTech: Mechanical Engineering

Removal of sulphate and flourides using chlor-alkali industrial waste for water

Dr H.L. Rutto

Dr T. Seodigeng

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Postgraduate Report

Student name



Supervisor 1 / Examiner 1

Supervisor 2 / Examiner 2

du Randt, F.

MTech: Electrical Engineering

Development of an additive manufacturing re-coater monitoring system of powder bed fusion systems

Dr P.J.M. van Tonder

Prof.H.C.vZ. Pienaar

Erasmus, V.

DTech: Food Service Management

Impact measurement of a nutrition education programme on knowledge retention and dietary intake behaviour on primary school children in Gauteng

Prof. J.E. Kearney

Dr E.G. Dicks

Gounden, M.

MTech: Human Resources Management

The influence of procedural, distributive and International justice on job satisfaction among members of the South African Police Academy: Thabong

Prof. M. Dhurup

Dr P.A. Joubert

Govuzela, S.

DTech: Business

The contributions of strategy agility towards business performance in small and medium scale enterprises

Dr C. Mafini

Dr L. Ntshingila

Jonathan, E.C.

DTech: Logistics

Supply chain risk mitigation strategies in the electrical energy sector in South Africa

Dr C. Mafini

Prof. J. Bhadury and Prof. M. Dhurup

Kale, R.C.

MTech: Information and Communication Technology

Framework of aligning information systems with the business strategy in organisations

Prof. T. Zuva

Mr M. Appiah

Kekana, M.M.

MTech: Hospitality and Tourism Management

Impact of a nutrition education programme on nutrition knowledge of primary school children in Gauteng

Prof. A.A.Egal

Kganyago, S.V.

MTech: Chemistry

The effect of size and shape of cobalt oxide nanoparticles on the Fenton catalytic activity

Dr E. Viljoen

Dr A.E. Ofomaja

DTech: Chemistry

The photo-catalytic degradation of selected phenolic compounds and biological contaminants in the Vaal River of fouling of specific polymer membranes

Dr M.J. Klink

Dr R. Moutladi, Dr V. Pakade and Dr F. Mtunzi

Kotlhao, K.

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Student name



Supervisor 1 / Examiner 1

Supervisor 2 / Examiner 2

Kotze, J.A.

MTech: Visual Arts and Design

Practice-led research, research-led practice and the dilemmas of ideation: An artistic enquiry

Prof. A. Munro

Ms L. du Preeze

Lavhelani, P.D.

MTech: Logistics

Dynamic capabilities as determinants of supply chain.

Ms O. Omuruyi

Lesaoana, M.

MTech: Chemistry

Simultaneous sequestration of Cr (VI) and Cr (III) from aqueous solutions by activated carbonation imprinted polymer

Dr V.E. Pakade

Prof. L. Chimuka


DTech: Logistics

Supply chain management best practices, supply chain agility, supply chain risk management and supply chain performance in small medium enterprises

Dr C. Mafini

Prof. J. Bhadury and Prof. M. Dhurup

Mabuya, F.I.

MTech: Biotechnology

Development of novel promoter that efficiently drive the expression of multiple genes in maize

Dr N.A. Feto

Dr M.S. Rafudeen and Ms C. Baburam

Mabuza, J.

MTech: Mechanical Engineering

Performance evaluation and energy analysis of an integrated anaerobic digestion and advanced oxidation for wastewater treatment

Prof. O. Aoyi

Mr S. Apollo

Madike, L.N.

MTech: Biotechnology

Cytoxiity and genotoxicity studies three species of Tulbaghia (T.vioancea, T.simmleri and T.alliaccea)

Ms S. Takaidza

Madonsela, J.

MTech: Mechanical Engineering

The effect nanosized sintering on the mechanical properties of Ti-Nb-Zr and Ti-Nb-Zr-Ta alloys

Dr W.R. Matizamhuka

Dr R.M. Machaka and Dr B. Shongwe

DTech: Logistics

E-procurement, supplier integration and supply chain performance in small and medium retail enterprises in Gauteng province

Prof. M. Dhurup

Dr C. Mafini

Madzimure, L.

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Postgraduate Report

Student name



Supervisor 1 / Examiner 1

Supervisor 2 / Examiner 2

Mafojane, F.

MTech: Biotechnology

Assessing the effects of glyphosate and nitrogen fertilizer on fungul activity in soil.

Dr T.A Walmsley

A Beckerling

Mahundla, M.R.

MTech: Metallurgical Engineering

Optimisation and evaluation of methods for the synthesis of Ti-Nb-Zr alloys with low elastic moduli

Dr W.R. Matizamhuka

Dr R.M. Machaka and Dr B. Shongwe

Mallane, T.M.

MTech: Industrial Engineering

Integrated approach of addressing musculoskeletal disorders affecting in poultry processing industry: Case study

Prof. T.B. Tengen

Mantshiu, A.M.

MTech: Metallurgical Engineering

The evaluation of tribo-corrosion behaviour of nano Ti-Nb-Zr-Ta based alloys for orthopaedic device applications

Dr W.R. Matizamhuka

Dr R.M. Machaka and Dr B. Shongwe

Masoka, J.C.

DTech: Human Resource Management

The influence of employee fit dimension on job satisfaction, organisational behaviour and intention to stay in selected South African municipalities

Prof. M Dhurup

Dr P.A. Joubert

Matlholwa, R.O.

MTech: Logistics

An investigation of logistics sub-contractor relationships in civil maintenance projects in Gauteng Province

Dr J.P. van der Westhuizen

Dr M.L. Ntjingila

Matshego, I.O.

MTech Information and Communication Technology

A framework for student research optimisation using mobile technology, search engine ranking page (SERP) and search engine optimisation (SED)

Prof. A. Jordaan

Ms A. Lombard

Matthews, M.

MTech: Human Resources Management

The influence of service quality dimensions on customer satisfaction within Visa facilitation services centre in Gauteng

Dr B.A. Mokoena

Mrs P. Molise-Khosa

Mbewana, N.G.

MTech: Chemistry

Antimicrobial activity of synthesised copper chalcogenide (CuS, CuSe and CuO) nanoparticles and plant extracts

Prof. M.J. Moloto

Dr F.M. Mtunzi and Dr P.K. Mubiayi

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Student name



Supervisor 1 / Examiner 1

Supervisor 2 / Examiner 2

Modiba, E.

DTech: Chemical Engineering

Adsorption kinetics and analysis of activated bio carbon from nutshells for application in water treatment and gold recovery

Dr H.L. Rutto

Dr T. Seodigeng

Mokubung, K.E.

MTech: Chemistry

Amino acid-capped metal selenide nanoparticles: their synthesis, characterisation, optional and magnetic properties

Prof. M.J. Moloto

Molefe, D.M.L.

MTech: Biotechnology

Function and sequence-based screening of the goat rumen melacenome for novel phytases

Dr N.A.Feto

Prof. A. Arpanae

Monala, P.K.

MTech: Hospitality, Tourism and PR Management

Determining the contribution of the national school nutrition programme to the total nutrient intake of Mogale City learners

Prof. A.A. Egal

Prof. E.G. Dicks

More, D.S.

DTech: Chemistry

Fabrication of polymer composite nanofiber material and their antibacterial activity for effective wound healing

Prof. M.J. Moloto

Dr T.P. Mthethwa

Mosala, K.L.A.

MTech: Logistics

Perceptions of motorists towards e-tolls and their intention to use e-tolls in Gauteng Province

Dr E. Chinomona

Dr F. Niyimbanira

Moussonga Bitsaka, S.K.

MTech: Tourism and Public Relations Management

Exploring social media as a tool for stakeholder relationship building: A case study of an embassy in Gauteng, Republic of South Africa

Ms A. OkssiutyczMunyawiri

Mr L. Maleho

Mphahlele, K.

MTech: Chemical Engineering

Co-pyrolysis of sewage sludge and lignite using activated alumina for biooil production

Prof. P.O. Osifo

Dr H.L. Rutto

Muthelo, T.

MTech: Industrial Engineering

Managing water demand fluctuation: A case study in Ekurhuleni area

Prof. T.B. Tengen

Mr B.B. Tenga

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Postgraduate Report

Student name



Supervisor 1 / Examiner 1

Supervisor 2 / Examiner 2

Mwadiwa, K.F.

MTech: Tourism and Public Relations Management

Use of social media as a dialogue: The case study of non-government organisation in Gauteng

Ms A. OkssiutyczMunyawiri

Mr M. Maleho

Nate, Z.

MTech: Chemistry

Green synthesis of copper and silver nanoparticles and their antimicrobial activity

Prof. M.J. Moloto

Dr P.N. Sibiya and Dr P.K. Mubiayi

Nchoe, O.B.

MTech: Chemistry

Synthesis of optical mesocaptors for the sequenstration of Cr (VI) in aqueous solutions

Dr V.E. Pakade

Dr M. Klink

Nemavhola, M.K.

MTech: Metallurgical Engineering

Development of a potentially ultra-low Young’s modulus (Ti-Nb-Zr-Fe) base alloy for orthopaedic devise application

Dr W.R. Matizamhuka

Ndlovu, L.

MTech: Biotechnology

The effect of sugar sweetened beverage diet on DNA methylation in a CACO-2 cell in vitro

Dr C.C Ssemakalu

Ms K. Chmela-Jones

Nhlapo, N.

MTech: Mechanical Engineering

Impact of equal channel angular pressing operational parameters on the mechanical properties of characterised titanium based powder

Prof. L.M. Masu

Mr C. Machio

Nkomazana, L.

MTech: Human Resources Management

Leadership styles and their relationships with organisational commitment and occupational commitment among employees in the Emfuleni Local Municipality

Dr P.Q. Radebe

Prof. M. Dhurup

Nkumane, M.R.

MTech: Human Resource Management

The influence of organisational commitment and job satisfaction on employee corporate social responsibility participation in a mining supply company in Gauteng

Dr P.A. Joubert

Prof. M Dhurup

Okaka, E.A.

MTech: Process Control

Priority based dynamic bandwidth allocation with reservation for wireless mesh networks

Prof. M. Ohanga

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Student name



Supervisor 1 / Examiner 1

Supervisor 2 / Examiner 2

Oke, O.O.

MTech: Cost and Management Accounting

An analysis: Wealth creation by the industrial companies listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange,2005-2014

Dr J.D. Beneke

Mr I. Mudhombo

Olomo, J.

DTech: Food Services Management

Impact of nutrition guidelines on the dietary behaviour of the elderly in Ondo West City, Nigeria

Prof. E.G. Dicks

Prof. J.E. Kearney and Dr O.C. Otitoola

Oluwafemi, O.E.

MTech: Electronic Engineering

Design and optimization of a universal battery management system in a photovoltaic application

Prof. H.C.vZ. Pienaar

Phillip, A.

MTech: Chemical Engineering

Corrosion behaviour of carbon steel exposed to sulphade-reducing bacteria in industrial heat exchangers

Prof. I.O. Otunniyi

Radebe, D.J.

MTech: Power Engineering

The impact of renewal energy source on the compliance with the South African Code

Prof. J.J. Walker

Radebe, P.P.

MTech: Biotechnology

Investing the effect of heavy metal contaminants on the diversity of soil bacterial communities and their role in the nitrogen cycle

Dr T.A. Walmsley

Ms S. Takaidza

Sebueng, S.

MTech Power Engineering

Evaluation and recommended improvement of transient behaviour of single wire earth return (SWER) lines under 22kw motor staring conditions

Prof. J.J. Walker

Prof. B.J. le Roux

Sehulula, K.

MTech: Visual Arts and Design

Cartoons as visual commentary on social development in Botswana

Prof. A. Munro

Prof. E. Slabbert

Semenya, P.A.

MTech: Cost and Management Accounting

The role of financial management in the implementation of infrastructure development programmes in the Limpopo Provincial Government

Dr J.E.E. Ziemerink

Dr J.D. Beneke

Serobatse, M.C.

MTech: Industrial Engineering

Managing water demand fluctuations: AÂ case study in Ekurhuleni area

Prof. T.B. Tengen

Mr B.B. Tenga

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Mr R.M. Prenaven

Postgraduate Report

Student name



Supervisor 1 / Examiner 1

Supervisor 2 / Examiner 2

Serobatse, M.C.

MTech: Industrial Engineering

Optimisation of empty wagon redistribution at Transnet Freight Rail

Prof. T.B. Tengen

Mr B.B. Tenga

Setlhare, K.C.

MTech: Biotechnology

Determining the effectiveness of water treatment process barriers for the removal of viruses in drinking water

Dr C.C. Ssemakalu

Prof. M. Pillay and Dr B. Leat

Shangase, M.

MTech: Visual Arts and Design

Using digital imaging technology in the Port Natal Maritime Museum: A case study

Prof. A. Munro

Mr A. de Klerk

Shittu, A.M.

MTech: Power Engineering

Controlling the output of a 90 KVA generator when used as a source for short circuit test on cables

Prof. J.J. Walker

Prof. B.J. le Roux

Shongwe, T.W.

MTech: Information and Communication Technology

A conceptual framework for crowd sourcing in education

Prof. T. Zuva

Ms R. van Eck

Terblanche, U.

DTech: Biotechnology

The effect of Carpobrotus edulis, Cotyledon orbiculata and Surtherlandiafrutescens on the migration proliferation and differentiation of keratinocytes in vitro

Prof. M. Pillay

Dr F. Mtunzi

Tlale, M.T.

DTech: Business

Supply chain technologies, agility and firm performance in a developing economy (South Africa)

Dr J.P. van der Westhuizen

Dr E. Chinomona

van der Merwe, E.

MTech: Hospitality, Tourism and PR Management

Exploring water usage management practices in restaurants in the Vaal region

Prof. E.G. Dicks

Dr D. Oosthuizen

Webo, W.W.

MTech: Mechanical Engineering

Investigating the mechanical properties of crystallimic cellulose – Epoxy resin composites

Prof. T.B. Tengen

Mr B.B. Tenga

Xulu, N.V.

MTech: Metallurgical Engineering

Selective leaching of multiphasic copper ore with hematite and barite content

Prof. I.O. Otunniyi

Ms K. Thubakgale

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Dr Simphiwe Nelana Director: Research & Higher Degrees

Mr Prajesh Bhikha Marketing & Information Officer E:

Ms Lerato Hlahla Administrator E:

Ms Petro van der Walt Senior Administrator: Research T: (016) 950 9531 E:

Mr Musonda Kaniki Research Administrator E:

Ms Searabo Kgekoane Information Officer E:

Ms Beatrice Phume Higher Degrees Administrator E:

Mr Sehlabaka Motsie Faculty Research Officer E:

Ms Olga Kenke Postgraduate Administrator: Higher Degrees E:

Dr Sarah Mohlala Researcher E:

Ms Chantelle Sonnekus Research Development Officer E: Ms Ronel Appelcryn Research Administrator E:

Ms Shirene Klink Finance Officer E:

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Vaal University of Technology


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