The MAN behindwith the Deets Dexter Johnson Jr A dinner knife in hand pressed firmly to my throat, I was determined that this would be the end of me. Humiliated and depressed, I nursed injuries from a cork fight in prep school. Wounded in body and mind, I crawled home searching for attention and comfort, but instead I was greeted by laughs from EVERYONE.
But at the exact moment when it mattered, God sent my aunt, "If you kill yourself, You will go to hell!" The loud scream from my Auntie Suzette, was the jolt I needed back to reality. Those words drove fear into me and then quickly reminded me that a huge price was already paid for my life.
Have you any idea what it feels like to try to fit in? Being teased about your color? Being ridiculed about you weight for years? Being next to the last class pick within your friends? Disgraced, my little ego couldn’t take being everybody's point of jest so I decided to end it all.
Rescued at just the right time, Jesus as Savior became the overarching theme of my life. Last time I told you about the Beats behind the Deets, in this issue I will give you a small peak at who I am and what I do within the kingdom. Meet the man behind the Deets.