with Wendean James
OF YOUR BLESSINGS? A few months ago, I was straightening up my work area at
One of the things that the ‘culture of the world” focuses a
home and a specific thought came to me about being better
lot on is the aspect of always moving to the next thing or
stewards of the blessings we have received from God.
alwaysmoving towards the next goal.
To clarify specifically the blessings that we have received in
And while there is nothing completely wrong with this.
the current seasons that we are in but we are unable to see because we are so focused on our next seasons or better yet
This point of view is not necessarily one to live by as the
the “blessings of next season”.
Christian journey should not only be about jumping from one achievement to the next thing, “the better thing”, but
The truth is we tend to spend so much time caught up on our
instead it should be focused on being intentional in how
future and the goals we are working towards that we end up
we live and stewarding the blessings that we’ve received
overlooking or missing out on the things that we already have,
from God in whatever season we may be in.
the things that we’ve already been blessed with.