PakMag Australia – August 2016 Issue 13

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What Type of

Parent ARE YOU?










ISSUE NO.13 AUGUST 2016 04 Feature: What Type Of

Parent Are You?

Hello and welcome to the August edition of PakMag.

07 Education: 21 Reasons To

This month we show you all the fantastic things to do in Singapore - it is such a

fantastic family holiday destination so if you haven’t been there before you really should put it on your to-do list. We also talk about the importance of kindergarten, Caro & Kingy inspire us with some awesome bedding ideas and we show you how to host an out of this world space-themed party. Until next time, have a great month with the kiddies and make sure you tell

Consider Kindergarten

09 Health 10 Craft: Crafty Outdoor Art 13 Baby: Baby’s First Cold

everyone, you read it in PakMag.

14 Bump And Bub

Bree x

16 Celebrate: Party In Space 18 Fashion 20 Travel: Singapore Fling For Families 22 Home with Caro & Kingi:


Beautiful Bed Time

PAKMAG P 4053 3331 F 4053 3350 E PO BOX 7433 Cairns QLD 4870 FB T #pakmag PAKMAG'S CORE VALUES

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Deluxe Designer Sara

Sales Star Lisa

Events Extraordinaire Kelly

Darling Designer Clare

Talented Trent

Grand Poobah Bree

Office Aficionado Janelle

Rad Sales Rep Jacqui

Savvy Sales Sandra Witty Writer Jenna AUGUST 2016



Type of Parent AR E YO U? STORY Jenna Gallina

How you choose to raise your child is entirely up to you. There are a number of different parenting types, styles and modules identified by psychologists. Most parents are not even aware that they fall under one (or several) of these parenting philosophies. So which ones sound most like you? THE POSITIVE PARENT To the positive parent, the future is what’s important. The positive parent is all about growing and moving forward, rather than focusing on the past. Optimism is obviously a key component to positive parenting but it also focuses on fuelling children's self-esteem and promoting their sense of individualism. Positive parents tend to stay away from intense forms of discipline or rule enforcement, instead looking more at guiding or coaching a child through life.

THE ATTACHED PARENT Attachment parenting is a term you’re probably more familiar with and comes from the teachings of famous paediatrician, Dr Sears. It’s all about nurturing a child’s needs as much as possible (no crying it out for Dr. Sears!). Attachment parenting is rooted in the belief that if an infant's emotional and physical needs are quickly and consistently responded to and met, the child will be more likely to develop a positive attitude to life believing that he or she is unconditionally loved, that the world is a good place and people mean well and can be trusted. For attached parents, there is no such thing as too much love, too much dependence or too much spoiling.



THE CONSCIOUS PARENT The conscious parent provides a child with unconditional acceptance, no matter what. The aim of this type of parenting style is to help children feel valued for who they are regardless of whether or not their beliefs and actions are the same as their parents. Conscious parents realise that they are not raising a "mini me" but instead a child that will develop his or her own signature.

THE HOLISTIC PARENT Also known as spiritual parenting, or, as I like to call it, the Eckhart Tolle approach, this theory stems from eastern spiritual philosophy. It is known for its focus on raising inner awareness, appreciating that which IS and being deeply connected with everything in the now. There is also a large emphasis on modelling positive behaviour for your children to follow. Don't teach role models, be a role model yourself.

THE AUTHORITATIVE PARENT You’re the boss and your little ones need to know it. This is the underlying theory of authoritative parenting which suggests that children need structure, discipline, routine and control in order to ensure positive outcomes such as self-esteem, academic performance, social skills and emotional control.


THE SLOW PARENT It’s back to the basics for slow parenting, also known as nurturing parenting, which attempts to stay away from the technology-crazed fast paced society of today. It means doing everything at the right speed. That implies quality over quantity; real and meaningful human connections; being present and in the moment and allowing our kids to explore the world at their own pace. Things like organised activities and technology take a back seat to family time, outdoor play and reading. Life is a journey, not a destination, and this is what slow parenting aims to teach.

THE HELICOPTER PARENT Everyday we’re hovering and helicopter parents (also known as over-parents or bubble-wrap parents) can’t help but want to be involved in every aspect of their children’s lives. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this protective nature, although some studies suggest that helicopter children are less able to make their own decisions or take risks for fear something may go wrong.

THE FREE-RANGE PARENT Free-rangers are the opposite of helicopter parents and want their children to roam free, to explore the world and to be left to make their own decisions and take their own risks.


THE INDULGENT PARENT It’s hard not to want to give your child everything and the indulgent parent (also known as the permissive parent) often does. Children raised in the permissive parenting style receive low behavioural control but high parental response. Similar to the free-range parent, the permissive parent encourages free development, unstructured activities and equality between everyone in the household. There is no boss – everyone simply works together. Punishment and discipline are not normally part of the general upbringing for children of permissive parents but communication is high on the list.

YOUR PARENTING STYLE Of course, these are only very basic guidelines into several incredibly complex parenting theories and most parents will have characteristics of several of them depending on the ages of their children or even the mood they are in. Sometimes I am the epitome of an indulgent parent while other times I turn authoritative. Some days, especially after a long one, I am the ultimate free-range parent, while other times (after a decent sleep), I tend to turn into a bit of a helicopter mum. As long as you and your partner (as well as the kids) are happy with the parenting plan(s) you have in place, then that’s all that matters.

It is through this risk taking that free-range parents believe their children learn self-confidence and individuality. AUGUST 2016







STORY Jenna Gallina

Every child’s journey through early education will vary depending on the circumstances of the parents. Some children attend a day care straight away while others are not introduced into a structured setting until they attend regular school. It’s entirely the choice of the family what early education path to take. However, one thing many parents will agree on is the importance of a kindergarten (pre-prep) program. Kindergarten programs are offered through many daycare facilities across Queensland. The main difference between daycarer and kindergarten is that daycare facilities are open from 6.30am to 6.30pm (but usually only have a kindergarten teacher on from 9am to 3pm) while community kindy programs a offered five days a fortnight, usually starting around 9am and ending around 2.45pm to coincide with real school.

So why should you consider enrolling your little one into a pre-prep program? Here are 21 excellent reasons: 1. Kindy programs help your child get

9. This can help develop empathy

2. They can foster confidence and

10. Children learn to communicate to

used to being around other children. independence.

3. They also help children develop a sense of pride in their work (even though they bring home bits of random paper and craft every single week).

4. Kindy allows your child to get

creative (and messy) without having to clean up paint, playdoh and glitter.

5. Kindy programs will introduce your

kids to basic literary and numeracy skills which will be required next year.

6. They teach them how to wash their

and build communication skills.

the teachers as well as other children, not just through regular conversations but through singing, nursery rhymes and roll-playing activities.

11. Being around other kids can also

16. They also allow children to learn

things from someone other than you. It’s always nice to have a different perspective when learning.

17. Kindy programs provide a

structured environment (even if it

appears to be chaotic at drop off).

teach your children that every child is different and that’s okay.

18. They can also help children

12. Social stimulation provides your

they want to do first, etc.

children with a chance to play with other toys than what’s at home (and you don’t even have to clean them up after!).

13. Kindy programs provide stay at

makes choices – which activity do

19. These programs teach children

about belongings and boundaries –

every child will have their own space for their bag, water bottle, etc.

hands, pack up after playing and clean up after meals.

home parents with a bit of a break (so you can actually go grocery shopping in peace for once).

20. Kindy programs provide plenty

7. And let’s not forget about all the

14. They get you both used to what’s

smooth bedtime).

8. There are plenty of other important

15. Sure, it can be hard to say

new songs and nursery rhymes they learn (and come home singing over and over again). lessons a kindy environment can teach children, including social skills like sharing, taking turns and listening to others.

to come next year and allows for a gradual change into this schooling environment.

goodbye, but kindy programs help your children get used to having someone else around and can improve separation anxiety issues.

of outdoor activity and exercise

(and hopefully wears them out for a

21. Most importantly,

kindy programs ensure children are ready for the next stage in their lifelong journey of learning. AUGUST 2016


+ HEALTH Seven Things You Probably Didn’t Know about… Organ Donation It’s not something most of us want to think about but it is an important discussion to have with your family. Organ donation, the act of donating your organs after death to someone whose organs are failing them, can help 10 or more people, and often young children. While Australia is a world leader for successful transplant outcomes, there is still a long way to go, Did you know? 1. Around 1,600 people are waiting for a transplant at any given time. 2. According to a recent survey by Transplant Australia, the majority of Australians (76 percent) are willing to become organ and tissue donors.



Dental Health Week According to a recent study by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, one in two 12 year olds have tooth decay in their permanent teeth while three in 10 adults aged 24-44 have untreated tooth decay. It’s time to start thinking about your teeth! Dental Health Week takes place in the first full week of August (1 to 7 August) and is the Australian Dental Association’s major annual oral health promotion. Its aim is to educate Australians about the importance of maintaining good oral health in every aspect of their lives. Make it a family mission to visit a dentist in August if you don’t already have a regular dental routine. Children should start to see a dentist at the age of two. Regular (every six months) check-ups are recommended for all children and adults and there are initiatives in place to help with the costs.

3. Less than 1 percent of people die in hospital in the specific circumstances where organ donation is possible. 4. In 2015, 435 organ donors gave 1,241 Australians a new chance at life. 5. The most popular organ transplant procedure in Australia in 2015 was kidneys with 703 donations, followed by livers (264), lungs (193) and heart transplants (95). 6. The majority of Australians are generally willing to become organ and tissue donors (69 per cent). 7. In Queensland, the donation rates per million population (dpmp) is 15.1 This is the lowest of all the states and territories in Australia. South Australia leads the way with 24.7 dpmp. Information collected by

Children between 4 years of age and completing Year 10 of secondary school are eligible for publicly funded dental services in Queensland. Adults who hold certain concession cards may also be eligible. Tooth decay and other dental concerns are often easy to prevent with regular cleaning, checks and care at home. Make brushing teeth fun for the kids with timers, special toothpaste and character-themed toothbrushes to help keep them motivated to brush well twice a day. And make sure you change everyone’s toothbrush every three months! AUGUST 2016


pakmag CRAFT

Crafty Outdoor ART BIRD WATCHERS Binoculars are great for getting up close to nature but they can be expensive and not always suitable for little hands prone to dropping expensive items. So why not make your own bird watching binoculars using toilet paper rolls and a few bits and pieces from the craft drawers? WHAT YOU NEED: • Toilet paper rolls • • Yarn or string • • Coloured washi tape and masking tape • • Scissors • • Glue • • Hole punch •

HOW TO MAKE: Tape down the end of the yarn and wrap it around the TP roll and tape the other end. Glue the two rolls of TP together and secure with a piece of masking tape. Punch two holes on either side of the TP rolls and tie a long piece of yarn through the holes. Images and inspiration thanks to:


PRESSED FLOWER BOOKMARKS The simple joy of making a personalised bookmark is often lost on today’s iDeviceloving generation. Bring books back with these clever bookmarks, which also make a great handmade gift from the kids. WHAT YOU NEED: • Decorative paper/card • • Dried pressed flowers and leaves • • Contact paper • • Tassel or ribbon • • Scissors, a hole punch and glue •

HOW TO MAKE: Cut your card into a bookmark shape. Arrange the dried flowers on the bookmark and glue. Add a piece of contact paper to the front and back of the bookmark to secure everything. Punch a hole in the top and add a tassel or ribbon. AUGUST 2016







First Cold Colds and flus are common in babies and small children. There are plenty of medications on the market to help your little one feel better but most are not suitable for newborns. Here’s what you need to know when it comes to handling baby’s first cold or flu.

It’s okay to be concerned.

What about medications?

In fact, it’s completely normal. One of the hardest things for parents is watching their baby suffer with a cold or flu especially when their wee one is still so small. Trust that you are doing the right thing and remember it’s not your fault that bub is a bit under the weather. The flu can also cause diarrhoea and vomiting.

There are medications, like Panadol and Nurofen, to help with pain and fever but only for children over the age of three months of age.

Cold or flu? How do you know? The difference between a cold and flu is that if your child has associated fevers of 38˚ or higher, is fatigued or has chills, followed by a runny nose and a dry cough he is more likely to be experiencing the flu. If the congestion or cough happens before the fever it is more likely to be a cold. Colds can also bring poor appetite, sore throat and swollen glands.

There are natural ways to help. When babies have a cold they still need to breath via their nose. When they have a cold their nose becomes blocked and therefore makes it difficult to breathe. Babies cannot clear (or blow) their noses by themselves yet so it may be necessary for you to help clear the nose. This can be done with saline drops/spray and a nasal decongestor. This will allow for easier breathing, sleeping and feeding. Rest and regular fluids also play a vital role in recovery. Other products that may assist with relieving the symptoms of colds or flus are steam vaporisers and plenty of extra feeds (breast or bottle) plus cuddles.

For newborns onwards there are also some great products like Euky Bear Rub that you can put on the outside of babies socks which is a lot like Vix Vapour but for children. There is also a product by Schuessler that is called Kids Cold & Cough which is a tissue salt that can be crushed and given on a teaspoon with water or breastmilk from birth or chewed on by older children. These are a great natural homeopathic and work extraordinary well. For children over one year there are more options. You should talk to your pharmacist or health care nurse before purchasing some of these products. A probiotic can also be taken from 3 months of age as well as a multivitamin, but it is important to note that babies need to be allowed to develop an immune system on their own without supplements. So whilst it is very difficult to watch your baby suffering with a cold or flu it is important that we allow the body to build up antibodies to be able to fight any future infections or viruses that they may come in contact with. If you have questions please don’t hesitate to ask advice at your local, friendly Calanna Pharmacy or GP. AUGUST 2016







your child stay comfy BabyLove nappies are designed to help ted technology*, paten first alian Austr ring and happy. Featu marks on baby’s red , BabyLove Cosifit™ helps prevent harsh protection. ge leaka nced adva delicate skin and provides t Cosifit, Crawler Infan t, Cosifi orn Newb e includ ies, Cosifit napp r Cosifit. Junio and t Cosifit, Toddler Cosifit, Walker Cosifi assorted size an of prize up r runne a win One lucky winner will nappy pack.

LIMITED EDITION CHILDREN'S ART PRINTS WEB RRP $100 Each artwork is delicately hand gold leafed, creating a unique and individual piece of art. Professionally printed on high grade paper stock with fade resistant inks, Schmooks' artworks are vibrant in colour and have a wonderful soft finish. Each is hand signed, titled, numbered and dated. Size 42 x 59.4cm Schmooks' range of timeless artwork stirs the imagination and reignites the wonder of childhood through magical lands, exciting adventures and the sweetest of creatures. The print above is of artwork 'Sleepy Moon'.




LITTLE EUROPE BOUTIQUE VOUCHER WEB RRP $75.00 voucher to be used online Teeny fashionistas are changing the world. Our European designers have been carefully selected for their ethos, quality & sustainability, bringing you the very best from Europe! Brands include Vinrose, Kidscase, Ducky Beau and Imps&Elfs. Their gorgeous clothes can not be found locally or in major deparment stores. Bringing you fashionable & stylish looks for your prince & princess.



STORY Dr. Elizabeth Jackson

Running out of ideas on how to keep your little one happily entertained between sleeps, play dates and feeds? Here are some fun ways to introduce your little one to the world of play:

The safety of taking medications in pregnancy can be confusing. Luckily there is a way to help both mothers and doctors. In Australia, the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) has a system, as well as a database, for doctors prescribing medicines in pregnancy. Doctors in Australia base their advice on the TGA category system. Other countries have similar, but not identical classification systems. So what is the TGA system? It is actually very simple. Drugs in pregnancy are overall classified into A, B, C, D and X. Letters reflect the quality and amount of information on the drug, not just the safety on unborn babies. It is not a hierarchy system B is not necessarily safer than C for example.

Make Edible Paint Fill up a bowl with baby yoghurt. Add a bit of the yoghurt to a large piece of cardboard and let your little one swirl his fingers through. Then, add a splash of natural food colouring like beetroot juice for a visually stimulating effect.

Sensory Play with Playdough

A has been taken by many women and is well studied.

Playdough is a staple item in every toy cupboard and this is a great introduction to sensory play for your baby. Your little one probably won’t be pulling out any masterpieces (he will most likely attempt to eat it), but with supervision, this is a great way to have some fun together.

B has been taken by a limited number of women, but has

Spray Play

Drugs in this category have not been shown to cause harm or malformation. not been shown to cause harm in humans. This category is divided into B1, B2 and B3 and these describes what the effects are on animal studies, eg. B1 - no harm to animals, B2 suspected of harm to animals and B3 has been shown to cause harm in animals.

C may be suspected of causing harm, without causing malformations.

D may cause harm and malformations. X have high risk of causing harm or permanent damage

What’s better than water play? How about when it’s in a spray bottle. Let your little one practice his coordination skills by giving him a spray bottle filled with water. Spray the tiles, the windows, the driveway or each other. You will be surprised how something so simple can bring so much enjoyment.

Enjoy Physical Fun with an Indoor Obstacle Course Grab as many blankets, pillows, cardboard boxes or anything else laying around the house and create an obstacle course for your little one to climb into, go through and crawl around in. Make sure you are waiting for them at the end!

to the baby and should not be taken where there is even a possibility of pregnancy.

Get the Ball Rolling

There are many very good reasons why a woman may need to take medications in pregnancy, and the risks vary with each drug. If a medication is not on the database, the effects on an unborn baby are largely unknown and you should avoid this medication in pregnancy. If you would like more information, speak to your doctor, or visit the TGA database (

Is there anything more fun than watching a ball roll and bounce? To a baby, not really. Pick up different sized balls (nothing too small!) and bounce them down the hallway. Your little one may prefer to chase them or he may be happy to simply watch them go. Add an extra element to the fun by setting up a few plastic cups to try and make your own indoor bowling arena. AUGUST 2016



In a galaxy far far away, the PakMag team decided to pull together a planet-themed party so extraordinary that it will be out of this world! Stimulate their senses with spacey sweets and treats, intergalactic games and decorations that will make the guests feel like they really are in a different world. Think rocket ships, astronauts, planets, aliens, and constellations. If your little one is a fan of all things space, then we’ve got your celestial celebration all wrapped up.

INTERSTELLAR DELIGHTS • Astronaut bikkies • Moon-shaped cupcake toppers • Fruit rocket kabobs • Round and star-shaped cookie cutters to cut out sandwiches that look like planets and stars

ASTRONOMICAL DECORATIONS • Hang Chinese paper lanterns in different colours around the room. Add a ring around one for Saturn. • Balloons are a must for any party. Add eyes to make them alien balloons. • Save the rolls off your paper towel and get the kids to help you design rocket ships to place around the house or on the tables. You can also use this as a race your rocket ship game. • Design a moon-themed table. Use play dough or collect rocks (and spray paint them silver) for moon craters.

INTERGALACTIC GAMES • Set the mood with music from some of the best spacethemed movies and TV shows including Star Wars, ET and 2001: A Space Odyssey and play musical chairs • Play pass the planet-shaped parcel and include spacethemed toys for each child to find. • Set up a backyard Saturn ring toss.

Hues Studio Design Blast Off! Spaceman Light Chain (RRP $49.90) 16


Globe Puzzle 57pc - Goki (RRP $16.00)

100% Cotton Muslin Wrap (RRP $15.96)

Grimms Spiel & Holz Elements Handmade Puzzle (RRP $130.00)

Apollo Lunar Module 3D Model (RRP $24.95)

Kson 102mm (4") Telescope (RRP $240.00) Blue Summer Sparkle Doll's Dress Etsy store: DebsDollsClothes (RRP $16.00)

Icingbits Cake Toppers AUGUST 2016


pakmag FASHION

Pulling off this trend can be tricky. Here are some things to consider when playing around with patterns. Success with Stripes Whether vertical or horizontal; the closer together the stripes are, the more the eye will ladder up and down the garment. Fewer and thicker stripes create the illusion of width. If you want to create the appearance of a bigger bust, wear a navy and white top with a wide stripe. Dot Delights Whether it’s a tiny polka dot or big spots, this print is always seen as fun! When choosing your spot remember size matters. The simple rule to follow is the taller you are, the bigger the spot you can wear. Petite frames will look best in smaller sized spots.

REVIEW Arna Top (RRP $119.99)

REVIEW Shiloh Jumper (RRP $129.99)

REVIEW Wishbone Top (RRP $149.99) REVIEW Kelcy Skirt (RRP $169.99)

REVIEW Polka Pant (RRP $179.99)

REVIEW In The Spotlight Skirt (RRP $179.99)

Kate Spade Navy 'Metro' Watch (RRP $289.00)

Metalicus Barnes Tunic (RRP $149.95)

Metalicus Mae Circle Hi-Lo Tee (RRP $129.95)



Kate Spade Silver 'Metro' Watch (RRP $299.00) AUGUST 2016


pakmag TRAVEL

SINGAPORE ilies m a F or F FLING STORY Bree James It’s a city buzzing with culture in a gorgeous tropical environment. What more could you want from a family holiday? Two kids. Two adults. Six days. And 30 places to check out - our Singapore holiday was certainly jam packed with loads of fun for the entire family. Having never travelled there before we really didn’t know what to expect. We were in for a pleasant surprise with activities to entertain a family for months! Even after six full days in Singapore, we really only scratched the surface. Singapore is a beautiful island city with a population of 5.5 million people from all around the globe. The majority of people speak English and everything is written in English so you don’t have to worry about any language barriers. The food is amazing, the people are lovely, the architecture is eye popping and there is a wonderful mix of culture, shopping, fun and education making it a great place for families to visit for a holiday. SilkAir flies non-stop from Cairns to Singapore three times per week and is only a six-hour flight. Bring your own device to plug into their onboard WIFI to watch movies and listen to music. The kids enjoyed their games pack and special children’s meals and the flight was over before we knew it.

Top Things to Try:

If you and your family are venturing over, then make sure you check out some (or all) of these activities. Find out more about each activity at SENTOSA ISLAND Sentosa Island really is The State Of Fun. It is just a couple of minutes’ drive from the city with over 20 diverse attractions. Some of our favourites included Universal Studios, KidZania and S.E.A Aquarium. But there were plenty other great family attractions including Adventure Cove Waterpark, Madame Tussaudes and so much more! Get a Sentosa Fun Pass that gives you a great deal on attractions. UNIVERSAL STUDIOS SENTOSA ISLAND SINGAPORE Will not disappoint, get the Fast Pass and go on as many rides as you can. Renowned for the world’s tallest duelling rollercoaster (which is AMAZING!) as well as the world’s first Transformers Ride and lots more.




S.E.A Aquarium, Sentosa Islan

S.E.A. AQUARIUM Home to 100,000 marine animals with over 800 species in 49 different habitats, the kids will be an awe of the marine life, and will also spot Dory and Nemo. KIDZANIA

Forest Adventure

KidZania is an indoor city that’s been made just for kids. Children work, learn and role play as adults in a huge range of careers from Pilots, to Dr’s, Policemen and Scientists. iFLY iFLY is incredible – experience the thrill of flying and skydiving without the accompanying fear of heights in a massive wind tunnel. We had smiles on our faces for hours after trying this! GARDENS BY THE BAY With over 101 hectares to explore in this stunning park, there are several areas that will especially delight the smaller generation including the Children’s Garden, Cloud Forest, Flower Dome. Plus, solar “Supertrees” put on a free spectacular light show at the end of the day.

Universal Studios, Sentosa


a Island

iFLY, Sentos

ARTSCIENCE MUSEUM ArtScienceMuseum An area especially designed to showcase both art and science, this museum blends the two together in a spectacular way that is not only visually inspiring, but also interactive. Some exhibits change according to your creative input.

FOREST ADVENTURE With 60 obstacles, three tree top courses and five zip lines, this is an adventurer’s playground! The “kids’ course” has 16 different crossings to get from tree to tree, and then finishes with a zip line to the ground.

NIGHT SAFARI This is the world's first safari park for nocturnal animals where you can explore the rainforest at dusk, enjoy tribal performances.

FABER PEAK & SINGAPORE CABLE CAR For the best views of Singapore head up to the top of Faber Peak, ring the Bell Of Happiness, have a bite to eat and then jump on the cable car to Sentosa Station.

Free / Inexpensive Ways to Enjoy Singapore

Top 10 Foods and Drinks to Try

Family holiday costs can add up quickly which is why we are always on the lookout for cheap or free things to do in each place we visit. And Singapore offers plenty of affordable options for families on a budget. • Let the kids run wild at the Port of Lost Wonders water playground on Sentosa Island (cost) or at the Childrens Garden at Gardens by the Bay (free) • Enjoy the scenery and take a Bum Boat Ride along the Singapore River (cost) • Enjoy the spectacular lightshow from the city as the Marina Bay Sands comes to life (free) • Get creative at Playeum Tinkering Sundays (cost) • Go star gazing at Gardens By the Bay Rhapsody Light Show at 7.45 and 8.45pm nightly (free) • Take a walk around Little India or Kampong Glam which is Singapore’s Arab quarter and busting with beautiful temples (free) • Go on the waterslides and swim in the tsunami pool at Wild, Wild, Wet (cost) • Head to Vivo City shopping centre and try not to buy anything! There are lots of great shops and an amazing Hawker Centre to try delicious yet inexpensive foods. • Pose with a Merlion. Singapore’s most iconic sculpture, the Merlion (a half-lion, half-fish creature) is a water-spouting critter. Snap a family picture before taking a walk around Marina Bay (free).

One of my favourite things about venturing to a new country is testing out the new cuisine. And these certainly didn’t disappoint. 1. KAYA - coconut, pandan and egg jam. Head to a bakery to find it and try!

KidZania, nd Sentosa Isla


Chilli Mud Crab

Peak &


pore C

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2. CHILLI CRAB - fried crab with a sweet, sour, chilli and tomato based sauce. 3. CHICKEN RICE - a traditional dish where the chicken is either steamed or roasted served with rice that has been cooked in chicken broth and chicken fat. 4. CHENG TUNG - a traditional dessert served hot or cold and apparently borders on the healthy side.

Night Safari

5. SELFIE COFFEE - get your face printed on whipped cream on top of an iced coffee. 6. ICE KACANG - a concoction of shaved ice, red beans, sweet corn, grass jelly and cubes of agar-agar, coloured with syrup and topped with evaporated milk. And, is surprisingly tasty! 7. SLAPPY CAKES - head to Slappy Cakes for a DIY pancake experience like no other.The kids absolutely loved this pancake palace! 8. FISH HEAD CURRY - a South Indian dish, which is considered a delicacy. 9. SATAYS - every Asian country does them differently and the Singaporean ones are delicious. 10. SINGAPOREAN LAKSA - a yummy coconut-based curry soup and is a wonderful mix of flavour with noodles, seafood or chicken, tofu, and other Asian delights.

ns By The Bay

Flower Dome, Garde

Keep an eye on the Cairns Airport Facebook page for SilkAir flight specials! For more information about Singapore search “Singapore” on to read our blogs and watch our movies. Check out for more information. PROUDLY BROUGHT TO YOU BY CAIRNS AIRPORT AND PAKMAG. AUGUST 2016


pakmag HOME

Beautiful Bed Time


Considering we spend one third of our life asleep, it makes sense that we want our bedrooms to be serene and stylish. Regardless of how you decorate, what colour scheme you choose or what type of organisational system you prefer, what matters the most is your bed. A comfortable bed is key to a good night’s sleep for the entire family. Here are some things to look for when it comes to bed selection.

Latex foam moulds to your body shape and tends to be durable and breathable. It’s also a popular choice for those with allergies.

Who is sleeping in the bed? Most couples will go for either a queen or king-sized bed. If you have children, then always go for king, because early morning snuggles in a queen-sized bed can be a little bit squishy.

A pocket sprung mattress is another popular choice and has 3000 customisable springs sewn into individual fabric pockets.

How do you sleep? When choosing a mattress, how you sleep matters. If you are a tummy sleeper, a firm mattress helps to keep your spine aligned. If you sleep on your back, then a semi-firm mattress provides more support for your spine, back and neck. And, for those who prefer to sleep on their side, then a soft mattress may be best as it contours to your body’s curves. Of course, some people will switch from front to back, side to side, (or up and down if you have a child that won’t sleep) all night long. What type of mattress will be best? Mattresses come in four different spring-types. An open-coil mattress tends to be quite affordable and light but the coils can wear out quicker and any tossing and turning may disrupt your bed partner. A memory foam mattress is topped with a layer of temperature-sensitive material and allows your body to literally sink into bed, taking pressure off your joints.

Sonata Bed (RRP $149.95)



What about the little ones? When making the switch from a cot to a big bed, it’s a good idea to look for one that comes with a trundle bed (that way if they fall out, they land on something soft). Plus, if your kids are anything like our daughter, then you may need to stay with her while she falls asleep some nights. And the trundle offers a comfortable place to lie (just ask Kingi). If a trundle is out of reach, then look for a low lying bed frame in case your little one does take a tumble in his sleep (hey, it does happen!). Now, the most important thing when it comes to buying a bed for your children is that they will actually sleep in it. All. Night. Long. Let them select their bedding – there are plenty of adorable colours, styles and Disney-themed doonas, pillow cases and sheet sets to choose from. Choose a cute night light in case your child does wake in the night and gets scared. Finally, add a bit of monster spray (water with a bit of lavendar oil) to the bedside table. Be sure to spray for monsters every night before bed to aid a successful night’s sleep. With a comfortable bed, cute bedding, the right lighting and monster spray, you just might be able to ensure a great night’s sleep for the whole family!

Cubby Twin Bunk (RRP $529.00)

Deluxe Bamboo Mobile - Yellow Bird (RRP $89.00)

Gecko Single Bed (RRP $99.00)

Aztec Cabin Bunk (RRP $1599.00)

Miki Single Bed (RRP $429.00)

Theo Teddy Bear - Steiff (RRP $69.95)

Light's Up! Green Apple Toy Light (RRP $19.90) AUGUST 2016


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