Mother's Day Edition
Mother's Day
MAY 2016
CONTENTS ISSUE NO.10 MAY 2016 04 What's On Australia
Hello and welcome to our May edition of PakMag, celebrating Mother’s Day!
07 Feature: Celebrating Mums
May is always one of my favourite months as it means we get a special day to relax and reflect on just how great it is being ‘Mum’.
09 Parenting: Behavioural Busters
Make the most out of your day with our feature on celebrating Mum, Mother’s Day
12 Parenting: Ditch The Motherly Guilt
gift, craft and activity ideas and our tips on ditching the motherly guilt. We also
15 Mother's Day Made Easy
tackle behavioural busters for kids, ways to help a new mum and how to host the perfect princess-themed party.
16 WIN: Mother's Day Mega Prize Pack
To all the mums in my world, you mean so much to me - Happy Mother’s Day.
18 Health
Have a great month with your family and don’t forget to tell everyone, you read it
21 Bump And Bub: 10 SImple Ways To
in PakMag.
Bree x
Help A New Mum
22 Bump And Bub: WIN! 24 Healthy Recipes
26 Celebrate: Little Princess Party! 28 Craft: Mother's Day Craft 30 Home with Caro & Kingi: She Sheds
PAKMAG P 4053 3331 F 4053 3350 E PO BOX 7433 Cairns QLD 4870 FB T #pakmag DISCLAIMER No part of this magazine, including the advertisements within it may be reproduced, in part or in whole without the expressed permission of the editor. Whilst the greatest of care is taken to ensure that the information in the magazine is correct at the time of going to press, readers are advised to check details before visiting. The publishers cannot accept responsibility for errors, inaccuracies or omissions. The expressions expressed within PakMag are not necessarily the views of the publishers, but those of individual writers.
Deluxe Designer Sara
Events Extraordinaire Kelly
Darling Designer Clare
Sales Guru Angelina
Talented Trent
Grand Poobah Bree Office Aficionado Janelle
Sales Star Cherie MAY 2016
Witty Writer Jenna
South Australia
SCIWORLD SUNDAY • Where: Playford Civic Centre • When: Sunday 1 May
MISTER MAKER & THE SHAPES LIVE ON STAGE • Where: Derwent Entertainment Centre and Princess Theatre, Launceston • When: 25 June (Derwent) 26 June (Princess)
SCOOBY DOO LIVE • Where: Melbourne, Canberra, Sydney, Adelaide & Perth • When: July 2016)
GORGE WILDLIFE PARK • Where: Cudlee Creek • When: Everyday 9-5pm
NOOSA FOOD & WINE FESTIVAL • Where: Noosa • When: 20-22 May 2016
ALTONA MINIATURE RAILWAY • Where: Altona North • When: 15 May
THE 52 STOREY TREEHOUSE • Where: Logan Entertainment Centre • When: Friday 27 May 1:30 (show only with tickets still available) MORE INFO
HUMPTY DUMPTY BALMORAL BURN • Where: Mosman • When: Saturday 29 May 2016 MORE INFO
FIDDLER ON THE ROOF • Where: Capitol Theatre • When: Concludes 8 May 2016
ALICE’S WONDERLAND • Where: Scienceworks, Melbourne • When: Until 24 July MORE INFO
INSIDE THE BRICK • Where: Meat Market, North Melbourne • When: 25-26 June MORE INFO
WESTERN AUSTRALIA PERTH ZOO “MOTHER’S DAY” • Where: Perth • When: Sunday 8th May 2016 MORE INFO
AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY CELESTIAL EMPIRE FAMILY ROOM • Where: National Library of Australia • When: Finishes on the 22nd May MORE INFO
"Elise picks Alice's Wonderland"
MAY 2016
MAY 2016
Mums STORY Jenna Gallina
Mum. There is no greater title in the world. And May is one of the best months for mums as we get a day to celebrate the thing that matters the most to us – raising our children. So let’s take a break from folding the teeny onesies, cutting the crusts off the kids’ sandwiches and practicing sight words, and reflect on just how amazing it is to be a mum. We get to be a kid again
We become multitasking ninjas
But, this time around, we have kids of our own to enjoy the experience with. So climb trees, make sand castles and slide down waterslides. It was fun the first time around, but doing it all over again, with the sounds of your children’s laughter all around you, is so much better!
No matter how uncoordinated you were pre-kids, all mums have super abilities to juggle three or more tasks at once. It’s just the way it is.
We appreciate the little things in life
We get confirmation that, even when things aren’t perfect, we have made something that is.
Like stopping 35 times on your walk to the park to touch every single piece of sensitive weed or listening to the heartbeat of your little one as you rock her back and forth all night long. These moments may seem insignificant in the long run, but they are so precious and so priceless.
Behind every good kid is a great mum and it’s incredible to think that you made this amazing little human. No matter what happens and how many things go wrong during the day, all the confirmation that you are doing something right is right in front of you.
We get constant affection (so much affection) Nothing beats the unexpected cuddles, kisses or even smiles from your little ones, no matter how old they are. One of my favourite moments in motherhood is when my daughter or son comes up to me when I least expect it and offers me a kiss. It has to be the greatest feeling in the world.
These are only a few of things all mums should be celebrating today (and every day). We also get the best car parks at the shops (love those pram parks), we constantly have someone to talk to (and who thinks we’re always right) and we normally have chocolate stashed away in the pantry (it’s for the kids I swear!).
Mums By Numbers
210 – Number of times per day that a pre-schooler
2 Billion – How many mums there are
2.2 – The number of hours a mum spends on
25 – Average age of a first time mum 7,300 – Average number of nappies a
330 – Loads of washing per year $9,100 – Amount spent on baby items before
2.1 minutes – Average time it takes a mum to
$314,000 – Amount spent to raise a child
in the world
mum changes by bub’s second birthday change a nappy
requires mum’s attention (that’s every four minutes) household chores each day
the first birthday
to 18 (not including university)
Statistics from Happy Worker ( MAY 2016
“There is no such thing as a bad child - only bad parents.” Many of us have heard this phrase and considering the guilt most mums already have on their plate, this can be a bitter pill to swallow. But if your child is acting out, it is your responsibility to step in and stop it. PakMag sat down with Clinical Director, Psychologist and Behaviour Analyst, Rachel Briffa at Caterpillar Clinic to discuss behaviour busters at all ages and stages. Challenging behaviour is a common concern for all parents and every child is going to go through phases in their childhood when they act out. Toddlerhood and the teenage years, for example, are often seen as difficult stages.
Oppositional defiant disorder – Approximately one in ten children under the age of 12 are thought to have oppositional defiant disorder (ODD). Typical behaviours of children with ODD include:
“All behaviour typically falls into three categories – wanting something (think: candy bars at the checkout), avoiding something (think: tidying up toys), and how something affects the senses (think: talcum powder being squirted all around a room!). This is what starts behaviour off,” Rachel explains.
• Easily angered, frustrated, annoyed or irritated
“The ‘misbehaviour’ side of it comes from a couple of other things – the inability to communicate and the history of success.” Children often are not able to effectively express their emotions which can lead to frustration, anger and bad behaviour. “Furthermore, if that behaviour has paid off in the past, even only once or twice (like occasionally getting candy at the checkout), then it’s more likely to become a useful strategy to use again,” Rachel explains.
Is it More Than Just Challenging Behaviour?
• Frequent temper tantrums • Argumentative and refuses to obey rules • Seems to deliberately try to annoy or aggravate others • Low self-esteem and often blames others Conduct disorder – Approximately five per cent of 10 year olds are thought to have CD, with boys outnumbering girls by four to one. Typical behaviours include: • Aggressiveness and physical violence • Lack of empathy for others • Repeated truancy • Frequent lying and criminal-like behaviour
What is causing children to be naughtier and naughtier? Is it the trend of parents taking a more ‘gentle’ or ‘freerange’ approach to parenting? Is it the increasing access to technology, social media and violence through video games, movies and apps? Is it because our discipline methods are too soft?
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder – Approximately two to five per cent of children are thought to have ADHD. Characteristics include:
There is no one answer to this question. It can come down to one main thing or it can be a combination of a number of things, including the child’s temperament and the individual situation. Sometimes a child will act out due to frustration or as a way to express himself when other methods have failed.
• Impulsivity
Other times it is because they are craving attention, they are feeling jealous or possibly due to a behavioural disorder such as oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), conduct disorder (CD) or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
• Difficulty concentrating, forgetting instructions and inattention • Overactivity, constantly restless and fidgeting There is really no way to know whether your child has a behavioural disorder unless you get an assessment from a qualified paediatrician, psychologist or child psychiatrist. Treatment options include parent management training, cognitive behaviour therapy, medication and treatment for associated problems. MAY 2016
Misbehaviour Management Techniques
Overcoming Behavioural Problems - Dos and Don'ts DO try and focus on positive behaviours and praise these often.
What constitutes challenging behaviour will depend on the parent. However, some of the common behavioural concerns we can probably all agree are less-thanadmirable include aggression and violence (biting, kicking, punching), swearing and yelling, being rude, disrespectful or purposely argumentative and not listening. Regardless of why your child is acting out, there are solutions to help you move forward into a more harmonious and positive space. Rachel explains how. Be consistent, predictable, and have a routine Have boundaries and clear consequences for when rules are broken. All consequences should occur close to when the misbehaviour occurred and needs to be reasonable. For example, for siblings arguing over what to watch on TV, turn the TV off for 10 minutes and then give them another chance to work it out. Be clear and direct in your requests Don’t ask, tell. Instead of saying, “Can you pick up your toys please?” (which gives the child the option to say “No”), state, “Put your toys away now, thanks.” Encourage different outlets for children to vent their anger and frustration As Rachel explains, “If a child doesn’t have the ability to get his or her message across to a big person, that can bring on some big emotions (frustration, disappointment, anger) which a child hasn't yet learned how to fully manage.” Teach them how to identify these emotions and how to overcome them through communicating, deep breathing exercises, colouring, exercise or some other outlet. Get rid of the guilt Yes, when your child is the naughty one at the park and other parents are shaking their heads in your direction, it can be stressful, embarrassing and awful. You will probably blame yourself. But the truth is you are doing your very best. So take pride in the little changes your child makes – a thank you after dinner, a moment when he puts his sister first, a deep breath he takes rather than hitting someone. These are small stepping stones, yes, but they are still worth celebrating.
MAY 2016
To learn more about managing behaviour, contact Rachel at Caterpillar Clinic on 0430 198 921.
DO ignore small, irritating behaviours. You really do need to pick your battles, otherwise it would be exhausting! DO set yourself up for success. If you have trouble with your child at the supermarket, tell them your expectations in advance (e.g., “You’ll stay with Mummy, and we’re only buying what’s on the list.”), involve them in the process (e.g., giving them their own shopping list, even if it’s in pictures!), and praise them along the way (“You’re doing a great job helping Mummy”). DON’T repeat requests frequently. Twice is enough, then action should be taken. DON’T take things personally (“I hate you, you’re the worst parent EVER!!!”). Kids feel emotions intensely, but are still learning how to control them. DON’T be too hard on yourself. Take care of yourself in some small way every day so you’re able to remain calm and in control more often than not. MAY 2016
IT’S TIME TO Ditch the Motherly Guilt STORY Jenna Gallina
We have all felt it at one stage or another – the pangs of guilt, deep in your stomach, that, as a mum, you are not doing enough. The moment something goes wrong with one of our kids, we start to feel like we are completely to blame. Guilt is an intense emotion. And, while it leaves us feeling bad about ourselves, there are some positives to guilt as well. The basis of guilt is actually the ability to feel others’ pain and the desire to maintain connection to the ones you love. So, feeling guilty simply means that you care. With that being said, feeling guilty on a regular basis not only hurts us as parents, but also the relationships around us. So how can you ditch the motherly guilt and focus on using this emotion in a more positive light? Here are some tips to try: Understand the emotion behind guilt Guilt is our conscience talking. It’s annoying, yes, but, often it is there for a reason and can help us strive to do better. Guilt can be an excellent motivator but only when it is not consuming you. Stop comparing yourself to other mums Some mums are awesome at baking, at sewing, at keeping their cool in every situation. Some mums are not. In everything you do, there are always going to be people who look like they are doing it better than you. But it’s not their journey you are on. It’s your journey you are on. So focus on that. Reflect at what you have achieved, not what you haven’t accomplished Rather than focusing on the things that you didn’t do (and that make you feel guilty), focus on the things that you have done. Are the kids happy? Are they fed? Did you make them smile today? Did they have a good day? Then you’re kicking goals. Always end the day on a positive note On those really bad days, when you’ve burned dinner, when you yelled at the kids, when you were too tired to read a bedtime story and when you feel like you didn’t do a single thing right, go into your children’s rooms. Watch them sleep. Stroke their heads. Kiss their cheeks. And just remember, to them, you are doing everything right. And that’s all that matters. MAY 2016
MAY 2016
Made Easy Are your kids (and your partner) stuck on what to give you for Mother’s Day? Here are a few out-of-the-box ideas. Pass them on. A nice family photo – one that is not a selfie, which includes everyone in the family and where you are wearing makeup and smiling. An hour of alone time – or, failing that, at least a voucher for a massage, hair appointment or trip to the nail parlour for an hour of ‘me’ time in the not-too-distant-future. Followed by time spent with the family – preferably outside of the house in a nice location. No fighting allowed!
Something that has been cleaned - A window. A ceiling fan. A pile of clothing. A cupboard even. A meal you don’t have to cook – or clean up from, either because the family is eating out or because someone else in the house has taken the task over. A nap – you pick the time. Cuddles, kisses and loves – because this is what Mother's Day is all about.
PAKMAG’S PICKS FOR MOTHER’S DAY We asked our staff what they would love to open on Sunday 8 May. Here are our top picks for pressies:
Toucan Prints (RRP $15.00)
We have three of these adorable Wall Decals to give away. Enter at
Maddox Hanging Planter Set (RRP $49.99)
Family Heart Charm In Sterling Silver (RRP $29.00)
The Body Shop’s Bliss Box (RRP $28.95)
Sister Moon Magic Carpet Mat (RRP $98.00)
Forever and Always Wall Decal (RRP $35.00) MAY 2016
Mother's Day
VISIT for your chance to WIN
KONGA WORKOUT DVD RRP $29.95 AVAILABLE Target, Big W and most retailers as well as // Konga is a 50-minute aerobic workout that is a fusion of boxing, cardio, dance and sculpting. Presented by Shereice Soderberg, the programme is broken into 12 routines with 20 second rests in between. 2 SANTSO VASE, DARK BLUE 13CM RRP $39.95 WEB // The Santso vases are inspired by the Japanese landscape. The vases’ unique rough and matt texture is the result of a special sandblasting technique. 3 MURPHY & DAUGHTERS HAND CREAM RRP $22.95 WEB // This luxurious hand cream contains ingredients that have remarkable healing, soothing and moisturising properties. It has no parabens or PEGS. Deliciously infused with uplifting and lingering scents of bergamot, pink grapefruit and rose geranium. 4 VIDA GLOW MANGO PROSPERITY PACK RRP $119.90 WEB // This Mango Powder is derived from Australian Kensington Pride Mangoes which provide more beta-carotene than other fruits. Beta-carotene is a powerful antioxidant that can help protect the body against disease as well as preventing the signs of ageing. The marine collagen can be stirred into water, juice, shakes, smoothies, yoghurt, porridge and cereals. 5 CERAMIC BOWL 18CM RRP $69.95 WEB www. // This Scandinavian range is classic and elegant, while still reflecting the trends of today.
MAY 2016
6 FLIPBELT RRP $49.95 WEB // The FlipBelt is a wide, comfortable buckle free fabric belt that hosts a secure
zipper pocket. Easily slide in your essentials through any of the three access points, secure your keys on the sewn-in clip, and place valuables inside the zipper pocket. Perfect for a range of activities including running, travelling, carrying medical devices such as insulin pumps, dancing and more! 7 WHAT I LOVE ABOUT MUM BY ME RRP $18.99 WEB // This booklet allows you to fill in your own personal appreciations and notes for mum. Your mum will have fun reading through her booklet and it will be something she will treasure forever. 8 HEALING. MEALS FOR MUMS RRP $29.95 WEB // Sunjoo Kim's cookbook Healing Meals for Mums has over 70 family recipes that are also remedies to prevent and heal common illnesses such as cold, headache and fatigue. 9 COLORES MINERAL COSMETICS "TRIO TRIAL MINERAL FOUNDATION" RRP $19.95 WEB // Colores Mineral Cosmetics will blend the perfect mineral foundation for your skintone. 10 PERSONALISED PHONE CASES! RRP $40.00 WEB // Your images are printed INTO the surface of the case which means there's no stickers, no glue, no images rubbing off; these beautiful cases last a lifetime. The images that wrap around the sides of the case to give it the desired finish. iPersonalised is a family owned local business that offers true photographic quality when printing smartphone cases. MAY 2016
pakmag HEALTH
Fever in Children STORY Dr Agu Pepela, Apple Tree Medical Clinic Fever is an almost universal response to infection. In
Kid-Friendly Superfoods
children with still relatively young immune systems, it
is a guarantee to come and make the life of not just the child, but the parents miserable.
You’ve probably heard of some of the regular super food contenders – quinoa, chia seeds, acai berries and kale, for example. But here are a few other ones to add to your shopping list (and ones that your kids may be more inclined to actually try).
• GREEK YOGHURT – switch the kids’ regular yoghurts for
body's own immune system when it detects the presence of
Greek yoghurt – it fills the belly, improves digestion and bolsters the immune system.
• OATMEAL – swap their morning cereal for oatmeal for their daily dose of antioxidants.
• CAULIFLOWER – many kids will
happily eat cauliflower raw. And many won’t. You can easily add cauliflower to their diet with things like cauliflower pizza or cauliflower rice.
A fever is a body temperature of 37.5 degrees or more, and contrary to what many think, fever is not actually caused by invading organisms, but is actually caused by the human an invader, such as a virus or a bacteria. Studies have shown, that a fever helps marshal the immune system to fight the infection.
WHAT TO DO WHEN YOUR CHILD HAS A FEVER? A high fever does not necessarily equate to a serious illness, and there is no benefit in treating a fever, unless your child is uncomfortable. A recent report by NPS MedicineWise suggests that parents should not be using painkillers to treat mild fevers. The fever may actually be helping fight the infection. As with any illness, keeping your child well hydrated is the most important factor.
• WATERMELON – this is a fruit staple for many parents
and the good news is that watermelon makes the superfoods list! It is low in sugar, high in vitamins A and C and contains lycopene which can help protect the body from UV rays and cancer.
• SPINACH – yes it’s green
and most kids won’t touch it, but you can sneak spinach into several dishes, including spaghetti bolognaise and sauces.
• LENTILS – another easy one to add to some of your popular dishes (such as spag bol and shepherd’s pie), lentils are high in protein, iron and other essential nutrients.
WHAT *NOT* TO DO WHEN YOUR CHILD HAS A FEVER • Do not assume fevers require medication. There is no advantage in treating a fever if your child is not uncomfortable. • Do not try to cool your little one down with sponging or cool showers, as this makes the body fight harder to try to keep the temperature high. • Do not force them to eat. If your child has lost his or her appetite, it’s okay. Fluids are more important at this stage.
WHEN TO SEE YOUR DOCTOR In some cases, a fever could be a sign of more than just a common infection. It is worth a visit to the doctor if: • Your child's illness keeps getting worse • Your child is not keeping his or her fluids up, particularly if there is vomiting or diarrhoea too • Your child complains of neck stiffness, or if light causes pain to the eyes or head • Your child has problems with breathing • Your child seems flat and is lethargic
Additional superfoods to add to the list include strawberries, blueberries, eggs, beans, almonds, broccoli, salmon, ginger and apples.
MAY 2016
• Your child has a rash • The fever persists for five days • Your child is under the age of three months
100% edible
Handmade decorations
for your cakes
Our icingbits turn your cakes into works of art! For info call 0410 107 722 or visit
MAY 2016
10 simple ways to
Has your friend or family member just had a baby? Then you probably want to know, “What can I do to help?” Here are ten things you can do to help out a new mum.
1. Offer your services The best way to help a new mum is to offer to help out with the chores rather than offer advice. Put a pile of washing on the line, do a load of dishes or vacuum the floor while you are there. Don’t even ask – just do it, even when she says to sit down and “relax.” Ignore her; she’s tired.
2. Hold the baby while she sleeps Come over. Take the little one off the new mum. Send her for a shower and set her up in her bed. Sit in a chair and rock the baby for an hour or two. Do not let her leave her bedroom.
3. Buy her a massage And make sure someone is home to watch the baby while the massage therapist comes over to get rid of those aches and pains.
4. Take the older kids away for an outdoor adventure To the park is fine. Kick the soccer ball. Hit golf balls. Play hide and seek. Go for a bike ride. Avoid junk food and sugar.
5. Stay calm if the baby cries Nothing is more distressing than when your newborn cries, unless someone is standing over your shoulder telling you how to fix it or asking 20 questions about what is wrong. Just let bub cry and let the new mum handle it unless she asks for help.
6. Take photos (and print them out) Most new mums will have thousands of photos of their newborn (on their phone). But many do not have nice
photos of those precious few days with bub. So take some happy snaps while you are there, print them out and frame them as a gift the next time you come over.
7. Feed her She’s a hungry milk-making machine right now. So bring food. Or make her a sandwich. And hold the baby while she eats it. Bonus if you also make her a cup of tea.
8. Demand that you bring her something Rather than using an open ended question like, “Can I bring you anything” (which will usually result in “no I’m fine” because Mum is too sleep-deprived to think about what day it is, let alone what she needs), rephrase it with, “I’m at Kmart – what do you need?” This gives the new mum no option – you are coming over. You are bringing something. Toilet paper. Lollies. Dog food. Maternity pads.
9. Carry on If you’re meeting a new mum out for a coffee or something, meet her in the parking lot. Help her take bub out of the carrier or grab the nappy bag. Do the same when you leave.
10. Stay for a short time only When visiting, don’t overstay your welcome. Mum probably needs a bit of alone time and an hour of coherent conversation is well and truly enough during the first couple of weeks. MAY 2016
WEB RRP $145.00
mother-to-be? The Joey Looking to treat a new baby or a for new parents! Box is an ideal gift or acquisition
ing, blankets, nappies, The Joey Box comes filled with cloth ssities, all arriving nece born new r othe bath products and ides a safe prov h in a custom-designed Bed Box whic ly serve as a simp can h whic or place for baby to sleep rest and relax. to baby for spot ble porta and convenient This gift is always a hit!
CUDDLETWIST WEB RRP $24.95 Thanks to the new Cuddletwist hair towel from Cuddledry, we can now keep wet hair at bay. Parents and kids can say goodbye to wet dripping hair, catching a cold and timely hair-dryers. The Cuddletwist is a highly-absorbent hair towel from the creators of the award-winning apron towel from Cuddledry. Just like the much loved Cuddledry, the Cuddletwist is made from silky soft natural bamboo fibre. Bamboo is 60% more absorbent than cotton and it naturally works to draws moisture out of the hair. The innovative Cuddletwist design holds hair comfortably in place, leaving little ones to run around and play or slip in to their PJ’s before dinner or story time, without wet hair dripping down their back and neck. Perfect for wet hair after bath time, swimming lessons or the beach. Simply twist and fasten.
MAY 2016
GLOBBER MY FREE 5-IN-1 WEB RRP $199.00 More than just a scooter, the all-new award winning Globber My FREE 5-IN-1 grows with your child as they develop, taking them from their first steps through pre-school and into their school years. It comes equipped with a comfortable seat for little ones to ride on, a footrest and handle for parents to push until your child grows and becomes more confident. These can be removed and the handlebar fitted, transforming the My FREE 5-IN-1 into a fully-fledged scooter. The Globber My FREE 5-in-1 suits those aged 12 months to 6 years. Available in three bright colours; blue, pink and green.
WHEN IT’S TIME TO MOVE ON FROM BREASTFEEDING STORY Dr. Amanda Blinco, Stratford Medical Centre Breastfeeding your child is a wonderful time of loving closeness, which may last for a few days or several years, but eventually comes to an end. Authorities recommend breastfeeding for the first two years and beyond. There is no upper age limit, but it is important to introduce other foods when your child is ready, generally around 6 months.
SO WHEN IS THE RIGHT TIME TO STOP BREASTFEEDING? There are a lot of myths about the ‘right’ time to stop breastfeeding. It is not necessary to stop feeding if you are going back to work, if you are unwell, if your child is unwell, if your child starts solids or has teeth or if someone else suggests that you should. Rarely, on medical advice, you may be advised to wean for serious health conditions in mum or bub, but, in most instances, the right time to wean is when you (and bub) decide it’s time.
GRADUAL WEANING • If you don’t have a deadline, weaning over a few months can make the transition easier for you and for baby. • Drop one daily feed at a time. Commonly the feed before bed or the first feed of the day is the last to go, but choose what seems easiest for you and bub. Sometimes it is bub who loses interest in one feed and then another over time.
RAPID WEANING • Drop every second feed for the first few days. • If your breasts become engorged, express, but only enough for comfort. Cold packs can help reduce discomfort and swelling. • Drop the remainder of the feeds in the next few days. • Do give your baby lots of love, cuddles and reassurance.
A NEW STAGE Weaning can be a very emotional time. Some mums are relieved to “have their body back”, while many mums also feel emotional or grieve the end of breastfeeding. Be kind to yourself, and congratulate yourself on the wonderful, loving parenting you have given your child so far. As one door closes, another door opens to the next chapter in your parenting journey. MAY 2016
pakmag RECIPES
HEALTHY RECIPES anean C r r e t i d ou e M
s Balls Bils
a la d S s cs ou
a R w Ca & t u n c ao l a W
Bliss balls are super easy to make and can be made with any kind of nuts, seeds or dried fruit, all ingredients available at The Source Bulk Foods Cairns. Recipe from Jo Whitton - Check out
PREP TIME 15 mins (not including cooling time) SERVES 4
You can get creative with what you decide to add to this salad. Think left over roast veggies, marinated eggplant and any greens like rocket or spinach. INGREDIENTS
3/4 Cups Couscous 1 Tablespoon Olive Oil 3/4 Cups Boiling Water 1 Teaspoon Salt 1 Punnet Cherry Tomatoes, Quartered 1/2 Red Capsicum, Diced 1/2 Yellow Capsicum, Diced 1/2 Cup Mixed Pitted Olives 1/2 Cup Semi Sundried Tomatoes 1/4 Cup Chopped Flat Leaf Parsley
Grind up raw cacao nibs in a high speed blender for 15-20 seconds, or until fine.
This colourful salad is absolutely bursting with flavour and healthy ingredients. Make it to have as simple light lunch or take it along to a barbecue as a beautiful side salad.
HOW TO MAKE Pour couscous into a large heat proof bowl. Drizzle over olive oil and gently rub into couscous using your hands until well distributed. Dissolve the salt in the boiling water and pour over the couscous. Immediately cover the bowl with a dinner plate to seal the steam in the bowl. Wait for 10 minutes then lift off the plate and fluff the cooked couscous with a fork. Place into the fridge to cool. Once the couscous has completely cooled gently fold in the capsicum and cherry tomatoes. Add the olives, semi sundried tomatoes and parsley and stir to gently combine. Serve and enjoy.
INGREDIENTS 85g raw cacao nibs 250g medjool dates, deseeded 20g Rapadura 1/4 tsp fine sea salt 1 Tbspn vanilla extract 230g fresh walnuts Handful or two of walnuts Handful of raw cacao nibs
MAY 2016
Add dates, rapadura, sea salt, vanilla extract and blend on high for 5 seconds, until dates are chopped up. Add walnuts blend for about 1 minute, or until mixture comes together and is smooth. You could also use pecans if you'd rather. If you like these smooth, go ahead and roll them into balls. If you like them with a bit of 'crunch', add the extra walnuts and raw cacao nibs and mix in for a few seconds, until roughly chopped. Roll into balls and keep in the fridge. (You could leave out the rapadura and add maca powder or even mesquite for a healthier alternative) BROUGHT TO YOU BY MAY 2016
Little Princess
] Paleo Gourmet Trail Mix
Icingbits Cake Toppers
Ask a little girl what theme she wants for her birthday party and you are often going to be greeted with “Princesses!” While not every little girl wants to have a princess-themed party, it does seem to be a pretty popular choice. Whether going with Disney or sticking to a more generalised princess party, here are some ideas to ensure your little princess’ special day reigns supreme.
Crowning Colour Schemes and Decoration Delights Most princess parties will stick to the pink and purple theme but other good colours to incorporate include silver, gold and even a light blue. Make sure you choose napkins, tablecloths, plates, cups, balloons, crèche paper and paper lanterns in your colours of choice.
Princess Squeaker (RRP $16.95)
Crowning centrepieces – place a tiara and wand in the centre of the table for the perfect centrepiece Majestic Lolly Jars – fill baby food jars with pink and purple jelly beans topped with miniature tiaras Add a princess themed bunting to the walls or food table Give each guest their own tiara by gluing a paper crown to the front of a party hat and adding a small amount of clear fabric to the back
Cinderella Cups 8 Pack (RRP $4.00)
Royal Treats and Sovereign Sweets Princess popcorn – popcorn mixed with red food colouring (or red beet juice if you prefer not to use food colouring) Pink and purple fruit wands – strawberries, pink marshmallows and grapes placed on a kabob stick and topped with a star-shaped slice of watermelon Princess topper cupcakes Waffle cone castles – waffle cones, flipped upside down, topped with princess-themed cake toppers and sitting on a bed of whipped cream
Cinderella Large Plates 8 Pack (RRP $5.50)
Pink lemonade with hundreds and thousands sprinkled around the edges Fairy bread – add a dash of red food colouring (or red beet juice) mixed with the butter to create a pink base.
Grandiose Games Decorate your own crown Musical thrones (musical chairs but with a royal twist) Pin the tail on the frog (or pin the gem on the crown) Icingbits Cake Toppers 26
MAY 2016
Jewellery hunt (a treasure hunt in the backyard but with plastic jewels or colourful ‘gems’ from the aquarium shop) Princess bucket or royal ring toss
Dream Dazzlers Princess Dress Up Set (RRP $29.99)
White Hearts Summer Dolls Dress Etsy store: DebsDollsClothes (RRP $14.00)
Princess Train - Bigjigs (RRP $35.95) MAY 2016
EASY DANDELION BOUQUET Forget real flowers – make your own with your kids instead. This is an adorable Mother’s Day craft (and the flowers last longer than real ones too!). You need: yellow and green yarn, green pipe cleaners, hot glue gun, scissors and a fork. To make: Simply follow the instructions below to perfect your pipe cleaner bouquet. The tassles may be tricky to make using the fork technique below, but after a few tries, you will be an expert. Thanks to
MAY 2016
TEA CUP CARD It’s just not Mother’s Day without a handmade card from your kids. And this tea cup card is a perfect addition to a warm cuppa and a home cooked brekkie in bed. *hint hint* You need: 1 blank card and piece of coloured paper, 1 cut-up egg box, 1 small piece of pipe cleaner, one tea bag, glue, flower shapes or stickers and glitter To make: Assemble your materials on the card. Start by placing the coloured piece of paper on top of your card, followed by the stickers or flower shapes. Bend the pipe cleaner to make a sprout, use the egg carton as your tea cup and top it off with the tea bag. Glue everything in place and add a bit of glitter to really brighten things up. Hints: You can change the design of the card depending on your materials. A garden themed card with flowers is always a pretty idea but you can also go for a celestial theme (with stars, moon and a dark blue card), or beach theme (with starfish, shells and an aqua card) depending on what colours and stickers you have in the craft drawer. Thanks to For more ideas for Mum, check out our feature on page 16 and our Mother’s Day giveaways on page 48 and 49. MAY 2016
She HOME WITH THE BLOCK’S CARO & KINGI Welcome to the future of awesome living spaces for busy mums, welcome to the female equivalent to the man cave.
WELCOME, MUMS, TO THE ALWAYS FANTASTIC SHE-SHED. So what is a She Shed exactly? Essentially, it’s a place where Mum can go to get away and be surrounded by pretty things that promote peace and tranquillity (no Lego pieces, dirty nappies and glitter allowed). Of course, not all homes come with a shed in the back yard that is just begging to be redesigned into a magical mum cave, but if you do happen to have the space (whether in the form of a shed, a spare room or even a section of the garage), then why not claim it as your own? Here’s how to do it:
Nino Bar Stool (RRP $29.00)
Think cool pastels, pretty wall decals, fluffy rugs, cosy cushions, scenty candles
Black Dots 45cm Cushion (RRP $29.95)
Jazz 3 Seater Chaise (RRP $799.00)
Akara Blue Bended Cotton Rug (RRP $99.00)
Kimbra Round Rug (RRP $99.00)
MAY 2016
Sublime Copper Maroq String Light - Battery (RRP $29.90)
Cream Cloud Felt Garland (RRP $29.95) Fulham Vintage 5 Light Fan Cieling Lamp (RRP $99.00)
and anything else that you see in the homewares section that you love, but know will be damaged the moment you put it in the vicinity of children.
USE YOUR DREAM HOME FOR INSPIRATION. We all want a holiday house, whether in the rainforest, on the beach or on a deserted island. Sure, most of us can’t afford this but you can theme your She Shed to complement this dream with the right décor, such as a hammock, wicker furniture or plenty of green plants.
Small Hex Concrete & Timber Holder (RRP $25.00)
FILL YOUR SHE SHED WITH ALL THE PRETTY THINGS. This is your special spot so you get to decide what goes in the shed. Think about the things you love, the activities you loved to do (pre kids) and go from there, whether it’s reading, painting, exercising, scrapbooking or drinking hot coffee with no one touching you….
Jazz 3 Seater Chaise (RRP $799.00) MAY 2016
MAY 2016